- ,--;,-- ' ,472t - 4 0•14' - ' 5 : • :. >4 . - E !MATTERS OPE'NINO}OF TE OMO AND •PENN: TO Iif.ABI3ILON. ' • A train of 'tars eit.4iiining the offieers snip 'itocklinlier's of the gills lud ytnesileatti's 1 • hiluirnteil the lietituil_gneets; coinpriZna .the !: 13peot ninl,Couttocni Councils of Ahe cities of and Allegheny, the representatives - of t,he press, nail ky,ntipii.er of citizens, left the depot ,itt eight s'elocit,i t nn Thursdiy ;morning, • for ." The“Lre4titived at A iancle at the 'usual Arne. and a numher'of gentlevaco,,amoug whom wOob - : served Mr. Ptint.4e, Presideut; Mr. d. Batter of L.lleideorroned Zalmon F4h.of clieavelurtaollrectore - of the ;Cleveland and Mellevillo P,adroml, Mr. Marcia of the Clevelaud _Herald, and Mr. Brown. .; of the TVAI , DciumMiat, of the Plain . dealer, Mr. MAUI of the Foiest City mapother „diotinguished gentlemen, enteree theca. In passing slang the mad. between' Alliance and Canton, we were leery touch pleweed with the L uol id it.) ; ap . .l excellelme of the trucic since,„ adthoogh laid: so reciotly, the ears eon, over il.ni oat ass•icceetblylaad sceadilfas on soy ofi o.a older portions.. • ' Theinhabliants of dtraebrego, a pleasonPvilZ loge. on tire!. road, tegmh'er,with • periune - from the surrounding country:l'9d asectoblei 'Oa sec the navel epecaselein their region, of ti Motive and long train of care, and received them with laud burros. . The eare were neat' stopped at Louisville, a Boariebing rtiie town metiled principally by E'renchrmigranks, where a very large concourse was assembled: A. tine braes band . plojed seve ral appropriate airs at this point, and the Cart; - „ , moved off Anidet jhe,eheers of the multitude..- • :No stop Page was,orrade betweirirbis . ptuce . and 'Canton, whore:Um rain arrived about a quarter past two o'cloek, or divas received nib alsalnte of artillery. aus , te A AT T,ANTON. ' Vast numbers of t S . . gentlemen and ladies , from e the lawn mid' nmgalsoring counties viere ist Attendance and the irrival . of the cars was wel.• twined with Much c ihnSTasro. A'stoptisge of '• aliot eon hour 'heat a half erns mode set this . point in order t:i.gi c, - all. the p ; vishiengere An oil s:''peitntsity, if - gettio r , their dinners and ofternm itsing, the thriving livid delightful town of Can. tow,, the county seat lot Stork county, 611114 of the • richest in tlit State, 4 Owing to the immense in -flux nf_strangers, \it we?' no.essy matter tepee s:are any iefreshmei te for tie inner man, but t , Ike . were fortunate ea ugh to obtain an c#ellent dinner at the Et&load; an -- admirable house kept by Mr': gmerges I cynolds, who is a Tbry al.- '' I\ . tentive and- entitle us ~ and . ,'hoand wham we commend toOwl foyu able c.4tsideratioulof our , `feeders. • f ;: - 7 s' — . - 866TPTiONAT .N.IMILiA/S. I ' j Leaving Canton at four o'clock, we' Started ,on Mix way to 14 tssill Or and did not jexperience Xliealightent diflicilty 'hi Fussing orer any por. - flait - or that; road. .Ileoro reaching I.l4sillon, the approach of the tra 0 . 11,14 signsUiedihy the. \ repeated diecherges of fine piece of- onuarice, served in soldier like,st -1 - c by• au nrtillerk asp pony who fired one hotled and eight fou n d s , i , •- ono for each toil,, ofthe rand. On the brow cit a. : bill; overlooking . Moss lion, n Bag steel was , `efectelfrom*LiCh the tarn and 'stripes till ' tered to the beetle. T•h banks on each Ide. 6f the road weris'lined by hottasnd a 'of ladles and gSsittemen, who wave:i tscir hausikerchi fs and cheered, •expressing th .ir .gratification sat .the advent ot'a day which ill Mork it new epoch .;,' in the history of the bus anti .prosperous town of Mosqllou. iVe has rarely seen a greater mi n/Ott:is/a assembled, a r one in which Any and ,} satisfaction were more isibly depicted on the conntenances - of all prsent We were Pleased' to .sec' fist' hundred . hi/siren from Use Union s School on than g,ronnd.l -The guests the, cons, proceeded to the i 'Tremont Ilense, T..,11. ,'',-.. A. Nutting Tproprie i torn, where they ; we e mast h.aspit:shly re:. I reined. ' .' •- ', ....; itserer.tions i ton . lI7NNTTL I . ' . At about eight 'ohifock dinner was announced, -- and the guests P.i,rEolok. of on excelient. enter. taitsun,ent providedfor tt era. i - ' 4fter,the. cloth itatl• le n removetho meet.' Dog. warorsnivett by C Dwight orris. tak ,. ing - thsfillutir, ; who said hat he was sorry the Conamafee of Arranges:etcts had been unable to I . procurf sin rger, room fo the. accommodation . tvi:"the 'meeting,. but tbs. se fire heel , lately De. cnr ' , hinsailon. , in wh c , • red la , is one of their tar. test 'ripst best',• hotels cent' cing n fine' room,. initaide fir vin occasion o this kind has/ been. , consemcd,land they lad n t had time to retasild: t, They had however, presided the lest neer:sm., irandolions in the town for i l the reception of their" geoids feheiroi. They' , bled hasl4 - oomewhat. 'ratifying jourliey that dai, but hnoosted that thoroceedingst would be of a character so in- teresting ns to compensalthem for any trifling kiinconvenience which t cy might experience. fro was atiiisesi 941, cnmmittee on Wants was prepared to repoik, nude celled on-theChair roan for the fleet spt lain • tint - Bent Jaivis, Esq.lr9sl the fell:Siring toast s 1. Thu ' ; projictoM and early friends o; the Ohio and Pa. Ibtittload.—Tho tricot ph" of this proves- their nagicity in "engastsngl end urging tuffs most impoticsnt,improsement fir the Anyelor , c;ment of the rbsourcca of our :common -cOnntrys -The dcelarllinos of a noted,ipponsnl s4 s. the -Usproctiesbility" of the :work tb the con ears eatwitlistanding.. • , :*!Gencrol '1). Janis • said that. the ~.rneef.ng ~-'would permit him to: remark that 0. gentleman who might lie termed the curliest projector of a railroad ,from the Ohio jiver to the Ohio canal, was riot present on- that occasion. . .11)1rnied toiSsmeaDrincen, whose nb sepce he !deeply regretted, In 1512, when lir. ll:first broached tbis itlea,-it was never iwagin ed that stean‘on lend eoul,l compete Wlt h Mean, 'en water; but it had'fifteen years'ago bOen no. 'iortained that it'railroad built aloga naviga ble, stream couhl Successfully 'oeMpote with ii • •forhqineica- When the Ohio and Pelinsylvania • Iliflrpot wee first broached, no . moved • mutt energetically in the' mallet than' JaMes fnuicars: (Cheers.), ILe hed; it W'ea'ttue, the able andvaluable assistance of n gentleman who, originally, trent the Empire State, had more their:thirty 'mire ago settled amongst Omni, &e il. tied subeequ'Scitly removed to I%l:Marsh. linhoped.flat they would have the pleasure of 'heurnlA th o "'witted!' gentleman - to whom he al ." • :laded, the Goo. IV. Loomis, respond to the toast. (Crier of :T . -intuis„. Lonmis.) 'oat Idsing praint, the next regu min rtlitris follovrs: • •2 l'he Ohiebtad •I'a. Iteal.—lts com menace:mut Jtifjil; 1010, and the completion of Inte /unfired nod ei e ./ht, mitts Irool Pittsburgh to the brief period of ilsidy two virint6P; furnish 'substantial ',Soar of the ever ; ." gy tied 'efficiency of the President end Directors -Ilea I cheers; anti cried of General I.olauson. 10:leveret - ' ;General William ItobinsonY:Jr.. - las ataidsi • J. teed, appinuse, and said lyat he coull give hie 'audience two • very satisfadory reasons 'for not: speaking on that ;Mcaidah. -i•ln the tiro! place,. . •be was not 'ln the !Int . bit or ;peaking much in pilbll4 and Secondly belia4cen verynOnslant. l I .1Y occupied . ; In attending todbe •necessary 'nerve of the Ohlo nod prionryleanin unit r- - 'for the past seven daya,vinring which time he bad 'travelled 1209 mitE3;' For four- d n . an d' • LlXlglittt bad Wee incessantly occupied, and le. t!rydrineb fatigued,',both • bedily and men tarts.tadly.i. Ile -trusted What these reasons yenta :•• • ;; R iesil . rid 'apology; for'lilm.:but • if they did not, be ':;•-• mak Say'tli had thought so ranch, tailed • aOntich, n9'. even dreamed -BD much on the . • enbjeet that be. bad exhaostedit (cheers.) . •••• Jarvis Mimed . v • 3:13. W. Roberts, Esq.. Chief Enginerk'of the the skill, energy, promptitude, ad ' fid e lity; csaihiced in its COMIMUCticAI; 111.5y-WOll challenge the wield, both, for expedition and en " perio' of otruturo. se,lonoon IP. Roberts, Roq., rogineer, end Su ifsit dentof the OtiM•end PenneylvenTa Bead, having been voeiforouely - • summoned by thaMeeting,rese and acid—That he night well '; * tray With General Robinson that lib was not pre paredtto Make xi speech. lio.hatt beort travel- . upoW the locomotive, exposed to • Omer; cold wind, alid felt eery thuetr jeded: - Ife, thought that he Might say, with propriety SiSI ihntacers of th Ohio and penneyirania 11,014hed eipendod the money placed, in. their 111113d10 3 'inatCIPUSLY- 1141 fandaat titeir•dlosal been greater, they, word 4, , ~ ~~1 • . '6',4.4 . §.1 , ..- 1:2!.j.•.7,,-7. . - iteunniplished greater results, but the ,en glneernig corps Were at least entitled:to the are alit of 'cut their coat according to their cloth, (applanse and laughter.) Their menus Were email, and had been earefullyeconotidied,. I.utbe . thought that no stockholder hadirorireid, have, any reason to regret investinOtnegrbin that road. it wooldhc lomat, he was confident, snare and _profitable, invesnalcut and would by produti - ve of very mat advantage3toStorlecoun ty, whieltdiad subscribed more Stock to the road than any other is'Ohio, (bind applause.) -The citizens of that County' had siiVin faith in the FUCceSs of the Itail Road by Opt suliserirtien,' a nd had afterwards enlarged if, thus givie:gfor thee evidencee of their estititute as to the valu - c or the.stsck. -Ile most sincerely trusted that they w7uld never have any to change their orielon int this read, and ho did not think that they would. The Ohio and.Penusylrakia ltailehad.wah the greattork Lone /jar from Philadelphia I'n St. Louis. The various lines of railroad which in tersected that road at various points, while they might parttyly divert trade and travel troth it, 'wield on the other hand, add greatlrTO it-he Watt satisfied, that with proper management, it would always,bc'. priifitable, and that it would ietdrease more. and more in imilortance, in the'l4se of ,time. Sanguine rretjectorn al ways c nearer than it actu ally was, but iu j i asmnce,the wisdom of the materplise weld be-demonstrated, when a Satanical , One haft elq.sed lin deplore its re- sources. The portion of the road river which. they hi that j day passed, was undoubtedly n very its portant holt in the chain. It was twenty-sic .mileti long ; and well adapted fogypeed, ice iota curvature not amount i ng to more than a cigelo and a4uarter. When it wifs•gravelled they could.ron upon it at at high a velocity as might be necessary. • Mr., Roberts then gave 'a very brief his tory. of the Doe of policy\ which had ; been pursued by the President , arid Board of Pirect ors, with which The erm.famillaras their proton. siourl adviser: They tund,hifißtal assiduously to complete ItIC read, and ilnrsusnee of that Plan, had individually vicilrred heavy resliensi• hilitieS, at the same tide receiving nolcom. . permation for their services. - (Loud ch'eers. I The twit on the railroad itself was pot of 'a very. , ditlicult character, the chief difficulties having been of a floancial, not 'on eagine y ring nature.' tau the whole hundred andgighty t4iS miles to which this taiad would by extqnlvd, uo expensive blUge wsi required, except it the Big Bearer, ca).d.ghe only other expensive !work was the deep cut at the Summit. After ailud lug to the very tisttering rmeiptsmf the road, Mr. R. observed that thu trade nod travel upon it were now ao large that there was not 341111i dent number of locomotivro upon the line to 4ipply its witnts;.nad a number had beeti ay. (.li.h.ed, which would arrive in a short lima. gen eral nobiuson and the Directors : had "alwitytnen denvored to fulfil (twit promiseS to the very4et ti;r, rather Dian tuidekihe too much. As a largo( proportion oof the audience had ;:not state, Mr. Roberts ta ll; not detain, them louge , but would mer y soy that'they could judge . of theibirits rS [Le construction'bf tli d e road thernsit4es, Ile would hope, in eon infusion, tiost to-Morrow might pass MI AS agrt,e ably as t':v.daY. 4. Jesse 11,. the cleat discharge of his anti, a, and gentlemanly deportment 44 Local Rl:mincer, is einihently titled to ilin'thauks of the. Cowpony . am* the confidence of the public. Gentraill.i.larri, bad beenyequested by air-1 Straughan,itial , much as he had some husiness to attend toat.the Depot, to return his thinks or him in case.kin name should tm mentioned. Ile was to IlloAtiti,CiplO, excellent and gentlemanly oilmen and always prompt in the discharge of his duties, Solumo'n W. Roberts, .Esd.„ irished t.o all his testimony - to the truth of what tiro. Janis had said with regard to Mr. Stroughan. his strict attention to bus'-less, sound judgroolu, and meet knowledge of she people of Ohio, ii.d lieen of much importsnce to the Company. Mr. Sbranglion nod Mr. E. Walser, the resident en. - gio'eers,had performed the duties devolving open tlsius in the most sotisfactory moaner. Messrs. blaytlca and Bailey; the tract' layers, also dq, •servill great credit %.:t their energy rutliefivi".• ;ti., no\l-itylOwlug-to theni in a went peas`• . are, that the Ist of their having got to Massib lon that day. ;was Joe. (Cheers.) • . ~ ir, Arnoll Lynch,Esq.,The untiring energy,in. telligenes, and okill,wit's which he hos di.,ghsrg. ild.bis duties , as local Director, etuitis Into to (he warmest thasifs of Ine - f fends 'of the im- Provemetit 1 - .. . . • i Mi. Lynch briefly returned thanks, awl etoted I.ltat Lai hod fOR3yB endeavored to do MB duty tee far aspossible. f , General Robinson bare testimony to the 6114 4 . ity of Mr. Lynch. Ile hod been to-bim. a most f.iithfol and notiring co"engue. lle was nile to do and Ilways had done what was necessary for the welfare of the Compony. ; G. The Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegrieny.,-- We cordially greet thorn in the ftilinem of their joy—in this the, advent of their prooperity.4. Thu public spirit and energy of their aothorli ties, nod the, liberality Pad enterprise of their cifisens, wilt meet a fat' reamed from this great work. .1 His Honor. O."S. Fleming,' Esq. Mayor of !Allegheny, Was:o - alled upon to respond, find con, laded a few apProurlate remarks by 'giving the 'following toast: "The President of the Ohio and Newsgirl , nia loilroad Companyt—to whose industry and ; energy we are no much indebted for This lin provement, was the first male white child born in the City of Allegheny. They might judge for tbernselves bow mush they were indebted to that fool; fur the pleas {lTC of their ride. (laughter and Cheers.) 1 General Robinson made s .oll3C'6salfligltt:depre. i tettory yernarks, relative to the iniustqe they , !were doing him, by misrepresenting . bis lAllegbeny only having been incerporathil come .Ififteeti years, which woo received with !reuse of lianghter. D. Deuce:Cs.; , member of the Pittsburgh Select Council, said that the members of that bodyrin conjunctitm with those of the Allegheny Councils, had been kindly despot to the ecle brothels. The Mayor.of Ilitslorgh being 60 ill 05 to tee rumble to attend, and he President of the irleet Council nabeirig present, he would take.he liberty of expressing bin thanith to the officers of the , railroad, on behalf or,the Pitts burgh Councils. lie trusted, that the railroad at the'Apening of which they hood that day ab teriderf„.woubl result in great,good, not alone to the Citing/5 of Pittsburgh and Allegheny . , "id to the -whole country through widish ity4Fled. (Cheers. ) Ornerat 'William Lorimer, duni/wan called ;upon .for ri speech, and after returning his 'thanks, fdr the c ompliment thoy , hod conferred 'open him, said; that he wits no speaker, and conld not imAgthe why his name ehonld be .men tinned, in connection with n speech, unless it were because he woe no good looking. (laugh ter.) Ile hail but a few ICOII9 to my. As Treasurer of the Oki runt Pennsylvania Rail road, ho had hitherto paid op demands against •it, and harletilt f‘little Thorp left," (laughter, with which togetb,er with what' would COMO hi oftgrwordS, he eipected that they would be en 4 ablest to finish the -road. . Ile had taken a .walk round the streets. . • Massillon „that afternoon, rind contruted present pi . espects and condition with that of the olden time. Then be rode hero through the mud, coming from Pittsburgh 'ln three days!— ', After the arrival of . the .cars there that dayy from Pittsburgh, one hundred and eight mild, distint, be had strolled around tosa, and when standing upon the coast bridge, bail drawn a comparison between the'Alansillon with which VIVA formerly acquainted, and the, lastiillon ofthe present day. It Iran not necessary for htm to draw a comparison between the :Punish ' bug 'condition . of the town now: and, tat in vdtich it erns when Its fret knew it., But ho e dirl ' not think itg inhabitants' displayed . It it enough "of enthusiasm. Why, think of it, Pitisbeigh .and Masuillon almost touched, and I , then the 'road was completed about twenty-eight " miles ..farther, they would ho connected with Benton, Vert York, and. HAT* knows where. This was / certainly. a proud'day toe littiesillott 'as well as Allegheny county, and he 14pitt that they trotittf be . eloiely connected berrafter by Inthils of nnion'and good ft loWildp. It was neeileei for, him to say' tthithihe in • . . „ praise' of Clerieral Ittibineen. Beery body knew that he woo o full team pad a big dog under the wagon. (Laughter.) • Ito tins very much pleased with the pleasant trip they-had enjoyed, and trusted that in a few weeks hu would be enabled to repeat it, by en. tending his journey to Wooster. The General concluded by calling on Colohel . 13briver, of Cumberland, tdarylattil, "an old . stager and plauk.rond contractor • and -iitardiger," for a s ;tech. . . . • general Jarids trusted that Cobinel Shrive! . I would give them a desicription of his famous plank road, near. Cumberland, which he seemed to tbiuk`was destined to form a very importantfcc•fer to the Ohio and Pennsylvania RaiVroad. Cot. &diver . had not beard as much as he would like, respecting the yailroad. At a later hour, after his curiosity had been satisfied, ho might give them a few particulars respecting plank roads in' general. and his iu par ticulnr. • 7. Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Mosinee. —ln whatever can elamito the character and promote the Pah'ic am primate interests of their citizens henceforth-0 e alai inVparalle. licher!. McKnight Esq., was requested to rem pond, and said i .. That since ha had been called upon by the kindness and, partiality of his friends to make a few remarks, he was gratified that they would be based upon a toast which so thorougly cor rrapotpled with his ono sentiments. He trotted that that happy byuteueal union which they had that day assembled to celebrate, would. forever remain unbroken, and prove a roarer of • prns peritY and happiness to the families concerned. Ile with glad to see that the railroad had pro gressed toqbat point, one of the most impor tant in Ohio. It was emplintically the wheat roa„ not of Ohio alohe, but of the United States, ney.of the whole world. Nineteen years ago. -when a young tad, he had passed through that City, and had been ratonished at the evidences of prosperity which it even then displayed, but how lad thinge changed since that time ! The population of the city had more than doubled, and its progress had been onward and Upward. At the time the ohlo and Pennityleanie rail rend had been located, doubts had arisen as to Wi.lell was the bes't route, the Northern or South ,eru, but he thought, that events had proved that the present was by far the best. ! Mr. McKnight then proceeded to point out the rearens for his preference, in the couree or, which he complimented Salomon IV. Roberts, Esq., the indefatigable chief engineer of the road, upon the industry and ability hebad die- played in its construction. The citizen., of Pittsburgh and Allegheny had been received in a manner es Vied and hospitable by their Marathon friends, as to cause the former to en tertain a desire to reciprocate the compliment, and he trusted that, paw that-they Were tinted together by hands Of iron, they Would pay Pitts ! "nutgh a'iaitldoeing the ensuing summer, when he wont' assent them of 31 cordial welcome. For the warmth of heart which they had :Ns played, ho thanked them again and igain. He was glad to leara from Oen. Lajmer that he was always ready to fay the way of the road, and trnsiol soon to he stile to take an azorasion to their friend Lrawell'a tone, Wooster. lie hoped that the road would soon be extruded to Alrestline, snot by the cenneciing roads, to St. Louie', when it would most certainly he the cheapest and beat route between the Emit and the West. Holaninow &citizen of Allegheny and last year he had,heenn't Pittsburgh, hut in the utime.of the cifirana of both plaraa!then present lie. Itegged leave to return to the muthor hits of 'the Ohio:and Perlnnylenniek Railroad their sincere thanks for the pleasant trip, they hail given them, Lie an oppeaturity of raring two of the richest cent:ties in Obi, and foe an intro doer,a to their gloiloue Oka& at Ilmsilleb (boat eiteers.) . It. ll..Hurltnet, Esq.,`Waa milled Cu for an ad , &en?, but declared that be 'was no fatigued as I re render it jtithoesible for hies bi comply with ' the request ra theratierng We may add, that 'Alt, if,rrtham had fora rev,.n to reel nee d , Lhaving been all day occupied in prepariog for I the comforts of the Pitishurghras, a number of whom enjoyed' the hospitalities of hie pleasant ' abode. . General O. Jat rie • could not allow the remerks of the gentleman, now of A lleghepy, but of late of Pittsburgh, to tiara unnoticed. Ile thanked him from the bottom of, his heart for Me kind ness; and, for his part, ho admitted that hodid not know the one-humlreth part of what he , ought and wished to know concerning the citi zens ntid city of Pitteburgb. If ...email draught intoxicate the brain," his was in a whiz ez ! cited state us regarded hie knowledge of! the I' Smoky City, tot he fell confident that now that the' two places were hrenght within a few hours ride of each other, the communication bettecen the tiro placer, would lie much more frequent After alluding to the prottability of a- railroad being soon extended to flan Francisco, General Jarvis pointed out the great mural influeece ex ercised by railroads, which bound communities together, causing kind feelings between them. (Cheraw.) ' - • Mr. McKnight might be allowed ono remark. If drinking small dratighteintozic ate the brain, ! the gentleman could 'entity find a remedy, for larger draughts would rather him again.— (Cheers.) ' Or. 11. Smyser properad Ple health of ••Pred- I I eelek Lorenz, Esq., the stile and indefatigable I Prreetor of the t)hto and Pennsylvanistlailroad :rola the city et Pittsburgh" (Londapplaose.) ' Vraderieh Lorenz, Eeq., said that' they all knew be was no xpeaker, but he felt gisteol to ! them for the timbres! of feeling they hail ex hibited in calling epee him to addressa them. Ile bed tried, as a director of the railroad, to`' do his duty so far. se his knowledge exteededs _had 'could still ehdenver , to do so. He prombeed to remain a firm Irked of the read, unjil; J 1 „! war; compigted, and laid been In favor of iffienz the first Ile had attended a convention,: held , inn church in that city, (Massillon,) which was called for the purpose of adopting menet:lira to ensure the constructionlef;the.road, which toad alarm :tea:been eztendtkl to It, and on latch he mid his Pittsburgh frienile hurl trayelleal to en jOY the gretificatieti (ir meetin/their hrapita tde beet-.of Stark Coenty,-He trusted, it two Months more, to have the:pleasure of taking a ' ride to Wooster. not cheers.) ! ' .!• h. Obio--Elf datighter of Virginia—against the wishes a d Interests of the Molder. li•erell i x married" -fo Penuitylvenla. '.. Je Harris, Esq.,af Canton, Who was •• iilleil ' a tinier sospeeoh, was not like his friendelene. real ftebineen, one or the first white children trent weseef the Allegheniee, hut he was Pne e ! ! the first settlers in Strak county, having settled there in ISO& ' The ompletien of the Had to litheeillon marked a now eta in the histery of ! that ()minty, which might well be proneof thb part it had taken in it. When the canal was broufht there, they thought they had tigeorn pliehed a great Seat, and so they had, one mart they neglect their old friend in their enthusiasm !towards the new. The gentlemen proceeded to give a narrative. Mille mode of life of the rattlers in the early day's, when be first came titre.— 1 Stoll they had always been rooming. From , traelnin lice, they advanced to the bridle path, then' to to kind kr rigon road, then to improved roads—next to ii . mina!, had no Stark county was connected with Allegheny county by a rail road. They bed been told that their county had done more for the ! railroad than any other in Ohio. The gentleman then proceeded to point .out the position which Massillon was entitled to assume amongst the towns and cities to the United States, *here wheat was the staple, in- ! signing it the first place. Mr. Hauls pooch-! 'sled his speech by adding in eject:der Manner I to the generous rivalry. ezietlig between the towns of Canton end Massillon, which made' them each anxious to carat in a good cause. ! , The Honorable A. AV. Loomis, rote amidst loud chora l e - , and delivered a long end eloquent 'speech, giving a description of his own and his late partheirsettlement in Stark . Courtly, Na preigreie and improvement, together With other I:setter:ll great intermit . to the inhabitants of 1 that seotl a of the County. , , . . 8. One,fletestsTbough we meet them on a bwil, may they, in passing the eid-ro • ye end cur wit:rex of their course down the rail Tay of lift, never-mina:l ttio track. • XentlOiis; Esq., offered the following toast: ~ "The Prraideut or the Omani:land Pillaburgh , - Railroad, "cad theird.r l o6 l l! !.. o ..l , 4 o ,C'efitdidly l:si carried to completties.--htay he hue a tall: 1 . L'. - . ' ' - ' . •; ' - share in the glOry, and the profit of the enter prise." Cyrus Prentiss, Esq., of Ravenna, President of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, TOMO amid loud applause, nod sold that he found Mai sel( in no entirely unexpected position. Ile went there as a gonet, desiring is, enjoy with them the pleasure, so naturally felt on an tie cation of that kind. lie felt a deep interest '•t the completion of a work such tUi that, the open ing of winch they had assembled to comment"- , rare that day—a work which funned the con nection between Pittsburgh and Massillon. Though there might be some apparent enthusi asm on the part of its friends, he believed that oven they underrated its impotrance, since ho thought that its results would double :t heir expectations. Mr. Prentiss proceeded to point out the ad vantages whictithe road over which he presided, and-the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, offer ed to this inhabitants of .the Counties through which they ran. They crossed nearly at right angles at. Alliance, offering each other every fa cility for the exchange of business, and provid ing direct routes North, South, East or West, as might be desired. [Loud and continued ap• plause.]i After some farther remarks, going to show the iendly feeling existing betwein the two roads. Mr. l'rentiss thanked tlio . audience foe their attention, and took his seatambtst loud applause. p.t.q„ of Pittsburgh, propos ed, "The citizens of Massillon—equally distiu• guished for the fertility of their neighborhood, and the watnith of their hospitality." Loud applause. Mr. D. Jar cis offered the following toast . 'E.t.lward itisruer, the able ' , Superintendent of eighty two miles of the road over 'flitch we have this day passed. Mr. lVatuer was Tory much obliged",to the gentleman for his kindness, limb wouib feel under te still greater obligation if Mr. tr i rvir would make's .perch for him as he had .lone for Mr. Straughau. Mr. Jarvis would he happy to do tin 11 gentleman were not so well able to speak for In lien of n apeooh Mr. Wnywer offered Vol. following Pittsburgh nod Moosition, etuhroc'ng With an iron ge nvp , If I'itivil.o, by coming hero to• day u ppettry to lo slark triad, Moutilion by her Warm reception has proved herself in pov session of Vier aeons Fihrtver, at the repeated request of the mect , ng, addressed them inn epeech of cono.id crable length, in which, aftkr complimenting the President and 'Aerators upon the excellence of their road, he enlarged up m the subject of his own favorite plank road from Cnrol.crland to the Youghiogheny. His remarks exhibited an admirable mingling of sound common toque with humor, and prods,'" sock an effect that Its we afterwar'ds learned, quite a number of shares of stock In too plant 1.610 company, those Cll3lllO he advocated. were suhxrihnl SUCCP.9 Slt:11.1 ley, ffrodhead and l'o ,•the reallemanly track layers of ihe wait Prno,ylvania railroad.- Mr. Bailey; in reepondmg, alluded to the dith culty with which railinada were eonstruele) to N. Englant , compared with this part of the coontry. bast year he had closed a contract for laying the track of eleven hundred colic, of raqrAit from the Atlantic to the St Lawrence. A part of that road ran through a portion of Maine and New llatnp . atore, where it won currently repelled, when the inhaintants iu the spring wisia.d. to feed their sheeP, they weir. compelled to let therh dot n try the aid of roper, to craze in the chants or the rocks. TO'sprnk fertou,ly, the cart Dtron,tructiar railrondi there •im rune ".'[Lot 01 the Lowell ',Strew' wt.: s2lfisol pie mile--of the Coanecticut sis•jt,lnal—of the Nerd,. ern I.7al.tgle and of the litionelins-etta cud Ver. moot 1-67,011. If the roads here only esfst frees fiilff to lei,tell4er mile, woo generet`y the Case, and carried no many passengers as the New England rondo, as would be the ea, , e, it wan evident that they could de-ttere pertly gond divide-ode es was., and world 'atway abo 1.:o' cast with. the Ohio and Ecensylveuis Railroad (Eileen). • . Solomon Roberts, Erg., [hen proposed. Tut Pens—Eddie opinion tasks, palate works, odd the - newspaper press malice public opinion. The meeting called upon I) N. A bite, Es.; , to respond, who said that he thbught the prt,A was to he Mrlook.cd, and that it eon's] nut be expected that ho coals] entertain them, who was wholly UnacCustonao to publio speaking, ester the eloquent adder's's., from well ]stolen or, tors. The' sentimeiiit just offered attested the power of the press in formlng . puldle opinion. As far no ono preen was concerted he could esp. tbit in llifft, n year before the prclirains. ry step had been taken to organizers company i for the coast action oT the greakW"ork the open ing of which,te this beautiful citi 3 Osny were now celebrating, had labored continulili to turn the eyes of Eitisttnegh westward. lYb , le the till ! k - ens of that city ware holding eneetinge, nod negotiating in relation to the Connersville pro ject, to which km friend Oen. Latimer sell clung to tab no much pertinacity, his cditninf. (row , day to day, teemed with articles` - in fever of building a westetn roll Ile might also with propriety, ao lie coots] j with justice, any, that be Ind tillrotateti the identical route which had been adopted, a route which he way stilt convinced, and more than ev er after palming over it so delightfully to-day, was the bestwhich could have beau chase. to accomplish the great object deOgned by the 1 construction of the work. This celebration was, however, one of much Internet' fo -him, apart from the interest which bad breaghtthem togeth er. Ilis friend, Me. Loomis, had most ele• gamily given them some reminiscences of :the laettictnent of this region. . - Thirty-focfr years ago, the opeaker hail left Ids police home in Plymouth county, Mass:tele'. • setidt, when hot a lad, and bed welted all the way to the region where they now celebrated the advent of a Railroad. Ile had crossed the Alleghnuies before atty turnpike hail been con structed over their magnificent heights, had teen Pittsburgh when but a village, had owed the Allegheny. before any bridge had tpatined its fair boom; bad sailed on the Tuseerawes, le the primitive : canoe, and seen the native deer upon its bunko, when the site of the faireity of Massillon wan an 'nightly plegalite. Mr. White gave some facts in regard to Osculate of eerie- . ty, habita bud mode of living, in the 'early Omni of this section, in which he showed by contrast the tout changes which had taken place. Ile spoke of the venerable John Battens whom he was glad was present, the father of the ' Ohio press, in whose office he had taken iiis first lessons in hie profession. Ile could recol lect the time when that little printing office performed all the work for the Northwest, and when his venerable friend's paper woo Om only vehicle of intelligence for a' vast section of &sentry% Ile espreseed the gratitleotion with which he had. walked over the streets of this really fine town. end witnensed the many evi dences of in, prosperity, Its besulfful mi. deuces, its churches, "ire soplendld Reboot, and its infant n'tanufactures.'Now that it was brought within a few hours ride . of Pittaburgh, , he had no doublthat many of the °Worts of the Smo ky City would visit it, and during tho hot months, would resort to it for health andplons ore. Ile knew that it had a reputation for be ing unhealthy, but be was glad to learn that, In this respect, its character was greatly emir," for the better.. , . Rs elm had originally been unbeelthy, but the quagmire bad almost entirely disappeared, and lean truly astonishing to see the fine dry strode, where formerly existed a bog, and it mutt become, and ens indeed already as be had understood, niece his mrival, n place of as much salubrity, aft any town i a :Ohio. Ile hop ed to see the Warcilheartcil people of Massillon frequently in, Pittsburgh, and : trusted that the intercourse Would be verdantly pleasant and ad , wintageons. ~ Before timing his desultory . J . :Aparks,. ho wield take the liberty of- beerier his humble testimony to the fidelity, ability, and energy of 1 the officers of the.Obio and Penntylvaoin Bail . pad Company. Ito head, ;Clan. - Robinson, had , given to It the eiperionce, ingeocca, and vigor ,otis :energies of amattirs4 intalloct, and. had icanagediteaffoireWith a distiterhettlie : O,Ciad IWlth a deiOleu widep merited :ibeAverWirivg MAI gratitude of the people who were so greatly ben flitted by hi's labors. The Chief Engineer of the Coinpouy, B. W Roberts, Esq., also had given to the work - more than mere engineering ability. Ile had aided the Company by hi. largo experience; by his fut.trioial ability, hi•+ in fluence acquired by year. of 1. ,bor,aud by . pl e nd inf the cause and the cla•nte rf , 11 , r Company, bgth In the Lot and West lie had had the tolled opportunity of beteg acquainted with all the oats .1 the company, and the causes which decided any particular maim of action, aryl he was glad to hare this public opportunity of bearing him tesfmony to the unselfish devotion of the officers to the in cereals of the stockholders. By his honor, i.Myor Flemmg, of Allegheny-- The citizens of Canton and 'Massillon. nese, gatorosity, and lisspitaqty, are their dm th,,rubthing charaoteristme. (Cheers.) By Gator,' Lorimer—Mineral Larweu, of Wooster: (Muhl cheers.) (lateral Lit we" rust to acknowledge the toast amidst intod applause. flu . was not a speaker, yet had spoken all through tho COllll - by appesting to Me ponies of his ftiends for aid to be Id the road ou which they had 'been riding that day, and must corfais that he felt very much gratified by it.l the proceedings. (len. I, bore eloquent testimony to the efficien cy of the President, Chef Engineer, and all the officers of the road, who had discharged their duties In n manner it , ghly gratifying to the steel:holders. lio trusted that it would be but;', a few weeks ant,l the eiCa.elle. or 1g.,,w candy, would have an opportanily of welcoming thaC meeting to Wooster via the Ohio and l'amyl.. vania Boileau! After alluding to the early history of the coun- It y, nod the eltenge which had clone token place, in the way of public imprortmento, he pledged himself not to relax hle rootlet. toad the rood woo retried 03 10 Cll,lll l lr. The gentleman concluded, no llebalf of Wooster, by extendleg 3 co llial lava tt;o0 ut dl present, to ntiend the oreiting .of the r:,Prowi to shut place, awl sat down ln the tiodAt of tool opplann S. Al. letttt. Doi , of o p by Il emoet i..g and made an efreredingly, el opt, nt, energetic nod forcible tuldre.ol, which. we regal to find we PM 111131.10 to 113,1111 °clog •to the crowded state of our Cllllll3llll Tbr health of Znileek Street, EPil ,ot Salem, the inderatignble ,hector of tlolumbiana C o .]. ty, non den ok omt l %lord applaure; nod titer the Chairman 1,1,1 retat nod bin thanko for the attention 01 the nudiente, the clotting diaper- nei The toernbergtlf the Pittsitegh - and Alleg!c ny delee,ntions ; were then to n' by the 11641 it nble citizen! , or libtletilnet to inoir hotpeii whey,. •j•killtlnr,:R/9 ehnUll them t F V 1,41/ ,Jlq, F 101,41 At a Meeting of the Pitteliurgh and Allegheny reitore to Mr , ,a.lton on the or:Arlon of the ap onng of the It.ao it.innt het•sern threw eirtmt. C. 11•10.01,1 to esprere their gmtification at the I,intlnese and hirpitit'sy of the people in Ma, oi`ton, it it,. on motion Resolved, That T. I:nineteen, tisi e I.' aelminted Chairman, elil4l. Stnyeer, tieerens. j. Oss 01..11011 of 11. Herring. Req., it sae lir tmlcrl, Thai a Con asi.tae of A be appointed to drat ressolos'ena expert:lire of the sets, of tie tor hop. The Clta r appointed lion 11. g rim , •ag..„11 Md.:night, V.. 4 , Mrs. Laritner, lir. sp e a r , t e m, tram, F e es! , and T M. Marrlni . l, l'in‘ir, on slid Committee The cormnitter reported no fothitio, roil the; r report In?, on 030 On, 10,011001/Ar adopted Itrentred That no, the eirren, of Pittahurgh Pl.. Alloglirny, , rrturn nue earnest thank% to she . I citsr.ena of Ma=nillno, and Stork eosins'', Ohio, 1 ss Inc the eterima limpitrity extended to at do?. sog or- ',it in e rtrg. sa the'- thand pre-perms , city, on the npenier, of the Ohio nod Prise ayls. rig Itailrasel. Itrmlartl; Ttnt we congratulate them upon the .ipt r 'ag of a new avenue for the I elereire of their ersimitriae anti - is:Moat/ y. It rion 4 rt, That or 1 , ' ais it pleatts r • the 'ran nett.ii.l mitt (.0 af mantne, se' trol 'road ess.l-119. eurn tarrotted i p the crimple. an of the Onto and Pent oil., as II . tread In l' . city.! Warner! Triat in I ...tig 'our leave, we ten der Oa- . 'sierra n. 'hen far the inerear.,l roe . parity of tote e,:y r 's.l We rtelfare otol liappi. --..-4 On stioaoli of Pr Smiler, it teat . , Iter,lert That the II A!, 4 ene - 10 !....1 A t I.e milder , I la tap Pre . dent, :kir:atom and Engl.. neera of the t). find T. It. 11...Qc5.. for the rad ticna of (hair ars _tm and the raj!' and jutlx mant vitieh sans embed id Ibringing na ever a now relld.re 'I Slot 01 . ; . • rely free from the 'meta 'et n very inclement a int r. On ream( it fir. . ree‘;‘,l.. at T li moreedMg. 111 Wm meeting he puldsahrl to t e paper. of 8 .rlt Cu.., and the Titsea,of Pit ehargls and .1' rjhessy - - lin ton tmo .he mees'ag adjourroid else die. At tan o'clock on I' Jay, tlie delegations 114,f`C nc.nnioned to the 'tont cat... end left nun 'to cheer; el ths citieens by whorl, they had been .0 1.-nd'ymatert•ined. At Canton, and at the vetiocc points nlong the es nn the prero r day, ' • -ye numbers of persona hut no:mudded to see toe sin, pll - the wen.ber we. very rnplinassnt:— The men rearked l'iteshergh,tit i o'dotl, last delec, disperseithi,o l , pleas ed with the , - t. p,•tel.'cletraii of v..r most de• lilthttol ici•cript lon, not Vie slightest incident having newt red to tone its harmony. "Tor Ittioin..ll,ii: i irons."—This is the name of troinjokuy . of Niogi l oiao, who propene to rive ones 1 th'l City : tibiae!) , The Ws h- logical Reporter snyn of eietn— The perforin ,- ier of in newel, ur- Jc.h. They appear in the coitutoo• Of the Ancient l'rieqn, anti !lards of (114 Britain, who exercised its hurls.., times the Moatcons . Otte elegy arse the renpttr, by their eoure:-Ino - . , Oral •novitatierm, and nlygteriovg then. They, play upon (IX 11011X8! 'seventy of which are combined in four ;..isti.irtiroll, nod from which ii produced rouge Mot wild but picanin , melody. Hoe of the •gpalotnettle ugeLkkihr Ancient ttriti,ls in rich e.eremor ; es. is preserved in the British' Museum, tied from that thoseln the ponnession of th'nemopany were patterned. The tone! of tho into amtzt to goateed the time of the h a yrs is excellent. • PnlidreL AetION'ST. —We hove i 0 record a . arty FrW accident, wb'hb occurred on the Ohio and 'l'eubsylvnr . "l Ilaiit'osd, toot. evening. An the passenger trl'ii was (al3Aing Freedom, about S o'clne the cow oahrher th rew a horse partial ly(l, off t o track, hut as the nuimal was not thrown tirely clear of the track, it canoed one of the cars to he thrown off. The huin wan stop ped inn abort n t mo an possible, and.the pas sengers, areal), alarmed with the occident, in q, Creased with a knowledge of the fact that the freight nin was following clown behind, had all 1 1 got out but one mt.', when the freight train came ii , homstring the hindmost passenger car i make Ms ein time. We loan that thehreni team,. umscape is a Mr. Potts of Al• leghenyOity.--(American. i % Fire Proof Roofing. U.A1V,,,,, C ING 0., suertessors to James It a en.. of Wheeling. toeunfacturers of Wor m... in, nse4 tiro at IS ter rotuporitton noes, wiehee to intern, their fr,emle in, nod the pubhe of Vittnburuh, the, 'bet Intend opening In thin city • brznela ol the I w ork L` illf'-'. miree rhelee titers...lrmo that their work eri gine rmlttfact.ton to nit who rosy en gem, the service". Tloeenf our ellierns. therefore. wr 1 "I,,Pre lo tpAnotint Ellin: Alit , IVATKIL Pitin,iP ro '' out y. r attention In this Important announcement. Thin en 'position unint is rontrowd of eerie'', tunterinin ,i i,, e d oted fee flu or e1...A Iron re" 1; it Leer thou T , n re ' lk " I ' . ‘ "the folio. Inkwell known want., in Lenin 111.., by 'oho ItAkis ehrerfolly rerneoruendrol tlo. oPolul nett' A hair , Pre el of leuieellin hank; . . Near„ ItulTinno. ninny A 810114,• Virgil lelinight, Prpotel Iletik of Ky. .. Thee 'Fitrher, fen.. Jetkron Orley A en. Robin. Is i Caret, .loneph li Davie. All tin I , le A lieu. William lintel. A en. i.e.', withrin. Jo n , iliTi. , Tanner John iv Tyler, In 0 0 'Line a Or. • lane A Willinmenn. AA - I'. B. Orders left ft,, thy rtYroYtt it 10h ,Silli o. nben , I, Into. will toe protul.tir tates , l.l tlnto.ot Steckel rt Pill.A. flat, Veh. "3, Infel- fell:alien Morgan'e Cough Syrup. . IVootYtnatt, 011ie. fob., 25, 154.2. 1. Stritorray—Dear 810 1 here thismonming mold Milan( Stern - an), Cough Flt'utt.. It to ...J to be lroedieloo that blot over been entd In tide 'dare. leery rervllly. r errsh you to irnAnie nii dozen mytheine, an Mull an you get tht'eenen , l to Itl J. Elelery,ltuttflYtt. Ohio. i Your, go. grepeett alit . . ' 110 ItA(.9; - 110LIsAND. I..tt reagent eupply of the Ithove Ineninkble med. [kman'', Cough riyruye—for the cur. of Cough,. lintrienstlionn, the throat, linareenren. Inds , 'loping Cough , e foil h. to. JAMES tklytltietVZl,F.Oto Proreot. bra. tt3. Waitamt. Ns. J the It' L vt. Ind •: II of lb's!! the corn' For Bole. > , undorai g 9 P.(l .afferli 2 6 {lrivdto sale, mi'grs,' on ' Pt! .....010.•101.1 =moot [bolting. two ourldrod .fiotly nowt. earl rinsing R.lllO to the elloollW l 01 (mod. Thn lolek building bettor tour and • no hick, otel fren Ofty.thro. and bolt reot on tine, rouging *bulb ninety...rem and hail feed, Mine tom run. w akr ono, one t•rgeot 14 . 111 - i I, two bun. dry • , sumnbu r e ""b -.1, unn rneebine, two WI probed bide•o l l•Pree. - L plated either tor cantor Or Motel 011.1000 Nair were clue, out many eltlno ...hallo. dormer., .1.F. , 1.111111110 In 1.11.:b elr.ablielann. tar .1 1 barnil0ioo, oron ' 160 nround, ant Olin SD/T7 esetln~l 700101 y thirty-7.w hell .4.111.a.....5 • ion tniu.see,winntren 07 iwee1t1 6 . 1 .• 1144 . isnot unbris mob/ toutlocted4:ll 16. te t ilj:l ::ri - .11 1 I1%. 1 7 11 74 7 4• 1 & ",o ,^ • ',too ,:.,rtiza=l..cs9sernk . .ole,retb. ta. /11:12...-Inagg.... • bt • , .:u• - - - (ftltollontirablo Ito,/ Udges t h.. Court 1,..,, ~nlQl.ln. r ler 4.turp Po in sod Teoungy of The petition of LI.:01 . 01.1 , Pen L.. 4 I bet m.• hard. litttsbursill. In the Cittint/ AneJthet... b "told; eher —that your petit:one, It hole he hon..• or tavern. Lou,. nittlen. in to.. Ward sbote--lltat be hot prortled iton.lf tosolpories tor thn conseuleurestsloreotnitowlstop a travois, sod ',so. „.„ it,. our hOll 4 , to .tran bitoo , t o s hou.t. or,rtikiiimvnt. and he ill ever prey. e• 15.., the subscribers, of the Wised oda...snub ds tbot. the shove petitioner le ! abipsel rvouts. for hot. ..47 and tetup.rnnee. and o wel hrovid.el with bon tr. O DD end coos ettleners for the vs-rondstion and bele..., of ...angers amt Ora ult.,. and that esid tavern M.rgrkn.ort,l.l.ol.• IV vt,in4n 41 . Covunr, Jolla 511,.m. I...iterts ChriAtall nn.,J.,11n AI.U.LLA .t.4thildeekrr, tqt.t.ben Batt., Au., tamrl2,ll, rilotlnr Honor:Wl., tb, 1/itigx, or die Court of Alene,nl a/wart, ,a•a,sion.. al 11i an until, Iv Count, of The awaition etl AKt Cu 1,1.11 A lOa WAr.I I, ...hurt atort.ai.l.l.Airlida auto I+4Mo/ea hal& ; I itli fur the acnonaniosdatka, ai A n alt.., Ida ban.e in the w wallak.nuatila praa • ilgat lour hon. mill plunuud ta grant hint 11,11. inir hotiu• uniertaitinient And inur in duly Iragn.l. will prat 11,. aulueril ... , a.l lla eel-ling that thu ra.tllloner ia 1,1 r•-i.g.• far 1am ...1v and ...autumn,. land a., I with roma and ronauniutau.. 1.. r th.• ace..ligauilrata AI and lod,ing all Anger• nava truv.•ll.la. Ana that .41,1 Jacob liar, Ileurge liar. II ul.bullrr. Frank. Fri-lurirk'llouni.•an.hamivartaa , Wia Lennold Sold. Illillaa. Wer•ct An, A me, Irv, 1a...a. • Modern Languages. d F. SANDEIVI, Prof. of Modern 1.31 1; ,L, replluove tr.vive 1.00. n• In Ito. rIZENCIT. MAN. H . 11,4:111 nrol 11.11.1 A 1. 1nric00,....01n0 ni rine.. prf,a...1,, end n! t•-r, term.. 010,-I. may he wen et the Mu.le Stun. le 51r. 11. Klele,..rlor I .1.. Nn. 101. Itrrreirret--il Al II.; Mr II III0ber: MOO- Itioor Frellol,l , Nrruerly 100i.0..0r u 1 •he I 0 l+ 1•10010,.. Meet Paper Banging& It r ILL hu teed by first Canal Boat arri V val., ,ara , 01 all Pao,. L1.r.1/.r., T.. , ery ondow l.urtalav and E.r.. Misr I enl 1./ 1 . . al I I LI., v, Chartiers Coal. TILE (:(INIPANY Urea rrlrralal 0., 'arr., srrl,..ro I: , k., iv,. arr.! a rulle• Irrirrrr 1,1-I.lrrirjr.trrrur tt• r 111 gar Iltor rrw horn.. Th.. ['rot' rr cri ".'" • li The WU , is nt ~,, kILP{Ir 10, aricht—lrrr , kr rtt Irrorra, Ikr rt. rlrlmurnt, kr 00011 , n.trro 1,, Tt, ',col; lArirrlrr Irrook.tr r-ara I 5 14 4 r Ar . Ore ra ...Ira. Thlirsl A, W1;1314111. • '"'=”•• • •••'•-• ioltl,, di, • , AVI NI; my • ...stir, Of I lara -01 , .6411 temmn•••• %1.4 ~ t e•-t. ..tt. 1.. 2 It? NAIR'S MVONlllS,l,twoi.A.i.r to .11111 N lc A I.h Kr, ty..• 1,A1., Ili 1.0 tasn.l. )1 VlNfi ptirell; th.• stook 1 -ions t•I 1/: :It , 111/f. Vtl/.4/ . a / Ilrvilant , end St.,•l•nntrie ro.,••••••••tfu'o, - .611 Lnd tr. ..11 ,• , 1•-• 1 NOIIIO, )I'ooll, HOUSES, FARMS, 6,c For Sate. r FTFEN act, 6ntl, in 1 , 4+ to Fnic pnr c, e( t ,tart. rt.. I I.lv. NES Fri E STi WI: II( )1 and I.llliiing avmd ac .t 1.11,1 nI mu 3 r•wt.; • l•rt, •fll v..111,1.'4 rtitraz. , , t. tr,m• •• ti•at It•hin•-tu , Itrir•nttru••• tt• rt , 4. tttm• I • J . • . J 111 Y, 111 J, IN It•atkesit y ' - - comMolittitlSA,‘" iek tlyol it Nu. Low, INIS Nr.rth ..l• m, Ito frr• r.,ul-24.., :tox /kW!, AiI h.i. .w4..rt.. For Beta On OW cortlerof Roberts J 1•I To Let. 1 1:( .11.01 Mut , . 11 - Ir. J ,t . 11,,,,,1•.:Cv. A 1... n , Inr_tiNnt 10 LET. THE OFTWE'on t i 11,e, 11111,C..11:1I1 ...Vml., •o..1.:1 1... s .zap., vd: vell:6. ,wkr.tr• DIU iv oz.. of the Iv., a tv..li:VM Luv•tl: Mahn 1:v.1um.1 , •./ 1 .rucxu.— L./ nut tt ,IL m sThal4.: I. hrsr Ihr Ahao-I,‘ rtl .".1. • • kLIL,III., ' Valuable Real Estate for Sala. 4 THESE ,wry SI!, • 11, ar,•ls half Le•rr .11•4111.... .1a ~, • tp• 1t 1,1 1.•• I It too Itt , rtt ptt..1.111:t.1.1 .41 t, • te•l (ram. 1..-..utt et, tn. t.tl , t 1,, Iry > 1., ttllo,r3/ 1, to • Mu.,.1. V13.1:1:56C. Fur Rent. • . 11:1[031 'LIM lit ot ru•xl, Itt , vf..! ! uu,,- . • - . , ~, ~, „.. „,,. h.., ~„ ~,, „„.„,„, u., - ... 1 i ~..... i.eretii elionkb In art it nixtit Meryl, egn lids ~,..&;: ;;, l e. „.‘i fl ,„ rj• ....,,..., 4 ~,, ,„,..,,, ~, „74,4•,;., . titer eiMl RI II -.1i..tAx , 1..m. an.l re,ute their rAta next _ rii it lien: • eel, one Amax,- lnen M.. .x.r. 1 ..,t' l l''' .0 1'`" I N "e".•tf l stni , , . , Id vl•lplea • iiM " ;in ' ll ' i:i I.:" 1 - • •;••ii 11 0 „^lr, „.„A,P1'1V;,.., 1 A ' 4 ‘, .:i . .: . !•o ' .,7,tAllirit ' f ‘ ::... 1.;;;,, tb,. ilewoA.lteekt- • , ix , . el. 1 "••' - •• • • eittled te il,ireAr u0,....n,...u.a0d trim the ItatIMAI lieei 1e . ..0 .lif SA Vir: 1.11.-ti) st 1. , Pt An) Arim.ltile . part Air IltitAi.negh ex AliegSeng • Desirable Dwelling House. eiti.A. St h1.,-hl. 11, r-irli v.-A.:Anger Awl 10 mellitus teen wink- . rI.ST --Aka Very t•ott, . flout tilts, 7 : ::..,1 •:I,,te....taoklst inn loon will lex, ireMnitPx oooo ,,, xt ~,,,,,, , ..,, , ,,,, ,, ,..v ,„,n , .„. „ 17 r. . , ,.... , ‘ • V . 44 , , 6... 1..,t I.,i.ertr. letiliier Meg. Antl +eft , . 'le' °•le' ~. °L . '' , •.'"•• '" ''.' ""' ' . ....i''' . 1 i i• i elexeeei,re will iiis-arA l/Airtiel..l•At that:lll. - +AM). .I." 'lt '''"l•''''' . lll'` ll ''' . ." . '''''' I '''''' '``'''''''''''''''''' '''', Ira.. the Willie... Met. Ileiew, nil hoer m hour beGre .' 0 ”... .. , I' "I''''' ''" I•" , " ''''' l ' t " rs ' I.s ''''2.:', ' ,'"j,', Ow detnarmo, VI cnell 41,111, 1;1041 11,. 0111co.will lw op. na ., aim. 1., ..u.I .1.1 *at. , nl--ill,, ••••••—!- - Inn iliw .id. ato l.• AL the lle art 013 Idlierty iiitreet.'' Ple'ellxt , /. 111 - xuli 1 , 1 ",.." ,A. r• r " "",, t l o :',''?„,..'";,' rt,„..• u.., u..u. u....... 4 In t., 1 , ~ . ..,uw.... se.r.• ti lit;. ~ . - . .‘1 ,t , - ,1 . , 0 .' .0 '"' o.oo ' I' r ''' Tl ' '' ' •••-• 1 " . wata I ~.,..t .-10r..1 lei tiekel. lia Ilse terming. . I .Y.i. 1.11•.tt no Me IA ..I April Amp, to .... 3 ,,,1i..... ii. Plis PIS. J. 10 i•S SIMIAN, 'Packet .lltent, - -,, 14.0itt al leiyin, Willll.l ACS'. .. , r ' .. -.Pion. ttailrowl Cl.l Cottage to Rent. NIIW .RAI,LIIOAII A DVERTLSMNIENT4. ... „ 4 NSW RRICK Coll'AG il, IMY Ihe AI- .-7 , !! :::'" WESTERN RAILR OAD • ' i, lisilieny ride p /1.0/1 ill-tan, Ifem the Tell .„..1 . ...„......., i.ate, lei the float lliAd, at tlie heria et teileral AL..... , . moat prrrsßuram. ~ , L, . 11 " ""'"" 6 "" "'""tt..t "- '''''"fr" ''''' "'"trti . i..n" ' , TO ELEA' ELA ND,O. I lAEA lithi ,S. CINCINNATI,' ruu......u0r al , ne 11 n fig fiwici, i 1 . nstle. Anil Mier es., ihmileer, Semi,: two in the ap [..,, 40, -- it., , !•;',. A tn.. Sprite: nine, ped at the kitchen &et AM , -, , g th y lts 4 .:,..,.., „, Stable andxletti.., lieu*, teerellnie 00, M . ,. •ii 1 . , Kteueil. Flepilre of A. ~1 i- O INs 1 "l- h eilreliretiOn it eh Ilie Prll4l elliNia,Rilgiiifir. - : - . lettilf - - itte.ount } e.im' rirrsetleott . Iq, t'Llititilatlitt.lNi IC EN NEILI 110E:4; . 10 EEN T, tail h •.•:'a ' 1... , 'A ITN ItlitillS, ' , 'l. jI ~,,lond atel eu...l,ri, AA.I mixt 10 t., •ii/11 . 1 . ri T A ('Cl X TIN PO II 14 `.r. A I 1.. n PAD LI gE. - Am, nr xtuticil Pteidi:x el, Frill F. Eicpr.,.: 'l' rain on tlfr,Ohio and V 4.. enn .l it A .. .11. MIN t. .. , • ryteanla it.tra,.l, 1... a... 1•11tehot ph tat 4A- IL, ' • Coal Land 'for .Sale. Aiiilintiet iiii ,ewießiiir. litaihreler.New Steght.M.lxitilll, ton, latA. 1,1,111, C.111,01.116,1Au/1 Il.lleol, Anil resien ‘.1X . 1 . 11' 'ACRES o,iltl Privilgge, It.t a1.0..r. ~ A11....te. a . ..!mr., tried P.a.-sutra, At I il NI. i•wett• ' Aer• le, e A111.”101. III• 11,11,1,15t...1 ilailmail Al 2 P. SI.. IJ i!.,, h i . ,,7,"'"' A'' ''.... ' : ' 1,11 ",. 1 "'",,i‘ . % ?Ci,"• , !:1,..... a c.,,. ~... T. u tll . ex Al AirJ at a. 5.4 Il i Ni. liretueding ., tpf4Ammi ger. ...mei to At Sh. 1., Ai mete At - .. , .0 PIILLO 1111,1, FOR RENT. reach t•kt,butgl..: r. A. , • Paaw1,..4,1, am route eeme Ilinte:Cittetertalltn Pitts , INDIVIDUALS, Sofietie,tnil iti,.3iationy 1..0. ill ilitele. wttl,siel elAbt mire,. and aaro Se m aaa ta , e ,, a , ~,,,,,.. nn nail ‘,.,.a . a ,.. aiaa , a , i.tyn , i ay .• in entinerlitiA •li, the 1,11111, IX -viral well Mew n 1 uns • Mal tr4.o, 111.• . hi ~..rd, mi,:x.it Al., Sir nint---w-terel trioni•Ati the PiAt..m., ituumuu, 1 ~,,7,'. „ ,,!„. ; , 'l': 1 ',11','",.., r , r t m , ~V,Mr n , „• , ,,,"" , 7 „,( V r0 14, 1 ,: . d,, i ! ° ,1:,:. whirti ar.• well Filatteil And ide relit. Lir‘riier... CL --I Piilnisl an.l 11•rei.o. 1,1 I'.. I ' .l"" "'' ' '' 10 ' 11 ' ' - - - I Ca - i - l't... New 'ltruhtnn 4.vanamo.lation Tr.ith• - lear , • HonseaTo Let.[ r.,........0.,d to A. IL awl X P. Itt,•awl. New Brighten at • 7:la \.}l, ale) /1.,U.r. XL Atti , Pluit al. tnternisliale Ma rilWO eornfore , l , l" Itri el, DW EI.Li N (3 CM, ti.,,,-.• t nuee.. , To Let in thn Nixth WArd. , 11111, r.f j,:ki , _EAMP•innyleicelelniVA - pn d a m. are na' segwai o n lark NI Loc. ofreele Sniely• il( tlie Mteer i ...mi• te,,,,r•harch,,r..lfer.e, ninon Zz i Im,ht,aa , r. ett IN. Methratiat 1t...k Stott, . a eturth . o%reet, ,at ,IlleTratl, o o 1 LI V ay. the Mine .. 4...1110u, Ix (1%14 atty., .1 1 . 1,1/4/11,, retteltnei.... it in roonArtion with Ltte Mine Mimi Pilear . , frein.the FIRIIOII 11 ....rott RIV*I- . , . For 111 . k11...1 apply at the rethwal tltmet stntion of tha Ohio no.i'Ma. Ratirotot. to ' 111."Alitliti.' l'AltklN. , Tiettet Mont. ' Ma-Throtigh th•keta Tta-to Plttelmrebteeleeplard s tlelee 13,0 e—mil from Yttlehurch to Clartnnati. price *MOO.- an... 14 at tlw lltaileer Station, ani. , l L T6 sio,aBN• teiltt SIKI 1 ,71.1•1 113110111, rittlburnh. PENNSYLVANtik. RAILROAD. To Let, A THREE HTOItY ltriek Dwelling • Mono. vituatod on Penn F orth .I.y.oka Irma the mraer of Pitt. Laquim or JOHN IL Kale SPUN. or I For Sale or Refit. rKII AT large Lot ailjoining Gas IVorlre; It o.lm toot tii•noini.to. Int.,. and runv tar 340 to (Iroononalt .troot 0! 11 run .own to nor w ettor Mork. It would mak.. a de..lintdo .ttna ..t ttott Wr otthor Iron Work,. Foundry or Itoant Nord. lot further nattkolara . ..gone of It. IL STOCKTON. tell: Inatl4ot al. To( Let. FOR TIIF. TERM or"rwo, YEARS, from the lot of Mont noat.,,he Coco non orentne I 1.7 . the subwribor, nature, conaPtoto. Store iiiiolll ill the name nnkarr, No. tr. .I,lv- Ino. an, rmploto. ] um oodiatolt. quite of It. Intro lnnitnnoht holuten lgamotot onel Three desirable Dwelling 114 uses and Office • FOR SA LE. • , pail three 3 story Itrick on infrop.Vidivet. to.twoott Inazl:en and FrotY ." • _Arlen, are Itow.offorrl tor rale. rt..). an. to geo.l onto,. Snot are nillto'dentratdo rechten:.. the Lot an.lAia •Mry noun, Oer ann.] n. Polot lon 001ra, tor Thiid . stroet. Lon. eon ht Act an.l Ferry And Know the adjoining twddiwo arni 'want 404001. Tho aho it... Mi ilhin lm y., al frommoat ko thin don.hl., Pot ll *ill...aqui, ot 1 et S. It.j.lllNvoloN, or It. C:STOCKTON, For Sale. I, • , VALUABLE FARM, captaining it ri llh Acre, 001054.1 in Baldwin townoldo. All. 4 4hat c a ount}, 0;101010o Irvin tho oat'. on 111 , manic roll from here lo Finn, Thin prop' env , la part 01 the IluthartuNln.O, ti n ed now oorunookl n 1 TrodnaaJamoton. Ponowalott given u the lw.rl Tltta Indinnotabir. For forth., vw.ottoolato nmll to la 1:15_ , • J_ 0 To Freighters. TO LET—One or these iioluinoilinus Canal Watabowt, altual,l Lha winot ofia Lttaqty and ion O pf l'attat F.M. lsavaalon Oar. oat tho tat March naat. AP IA,. to U. IMAM' WILKINS, 101 I.onrtlt at. Dwelling. To Lret • , •A - THREE storied brick lloOso, N0.312' l'ant( (tiotn lot Atnil ettogiliol tm Kan and lathfratuta4(atabto lion, Kuanirr.of 011)11ILK.S 111)11' AN. at tto , Ltolaq , lard ”f , , nn+ of Kow. i Ona s ion, Plattatroet. enroll of Cherry. For.. Rent, 1- TILE three story brick W ma. sov~r ..ee,..r.ehotti*eel.,bNlit:..2... 213 Libertr greel, ..3 i41 1 4 1.13 -Fdr-Sent, COMFORTAULE two stikryl'hvelling f;7l - tbub.u.veobtuitpg vied uuuu , t;:u_ith Sabllou, tull;?:rigt7,rirlfrb'iNgerru'"u ...ft:l'.ollV ••4: 1t is ~,iuukut watt to tbu tiro•l thing la tbu bolt ordor„atut be . rebtuj.bui to Alru—raut Erick 11(nuttt 'Su Ceti ir babe gilt,. Ward. nuthaubm tnot tuonkutmrb., boroliuu cr• -•• • JULUtIrAp bl . .l.4butt, Ft. „,.. --v.kNiLa itkurt--;WN. By the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railway 11..n0v.r NVAL... , 111.. by St.ge..- tretr nod 4 Pk.. ..tratiler tOttISC.CITY. Trn.. c.....tit,u,tut•il Ow Ism .1... tht• wilt rt.t2 frt,a. Clerctlivi 1. Wrlb-ville. rpti };apneas Train of Cars leav R Cln rl,nl ttwly Ournlay, nxenptod) .t 0,10 ma arrhal Lnght This (n 0.411,..,0 srrf itannr, 11015 r..ml t Wrllayl) al tnnl nP nu -0111,0 lln—atun ,nrnnin4. K. torn in,. wlll Vant.ur , .::, lath e cm., aril. mg At to , vnlni .1 .in novo,. rnnumt with th I:lettiu,z Tram In ent , :nosti. and with atmacaboaca and uni; 1111;Italola' fr , m 10 tt-hurennt., kinvnlaral, haunt. to Co einnntt nun,. rarn 0 , etntelan I. 51, 0. Cincinnati Ell c_clmrsrc, (1111....111,t, Va at 1., IL.tll:ttrnu., Tiny. VIM .1 NI. Act. rn r.1:11 1 , ... Hlerctant ' s Portable Boat Lite. IILATES VlLLltillTilll 11 1111.111/F.I.I I IILA AND NNW Irill EMEZI= . 14.1 And Okl Sone: Cati.ll., Stnr.b. 11 , hi.krf =MN amt I . ..srbr• ~,, liArhenwam. lila s ma rp. .04 Pr.r Anil rparl . ............. 1,n1.11 , r. saitl 1:1.11106.- Fktri , . 1..m0t0.r• and Munu N1...0,1nr.. A Cara 100 e Almaqn: :tr " 11. I.l'rk h ena I. htl C A MrANIII.TI CO, 1:•:n lin Canal 11.01, Pillblh. RELIANCE LINE Portable Boats. — JAMUL ,gelt:i7 - 47;L:,- 1852 -- AV r u Ramie our arrungements lor the Prf . ..11 1 are , in promise Shigq.Ts ril: h f.nhlie. ni point.. of Um.. and rules, so cannot NI ,•r. u.sr. an Inryro.. the patronage. Late 11.1.1nArr I.n•rar, !Tatra., C.c. -and rerun , Wight, tr. It. nanwar.l..l , ch. Canal. the day Oar I. 1... to, ta l 111.T.e Lab. A.. 11 a taexelt Ina , lag -termina . • •...1nut..,..n%/.4.1 ra rnt . will I,hl. a ATK u NSa t'llt ll. d N d . n I I,m La. , . sli. 't.l.a rr. ..I.t.' ATKINS ..1 all., • Mattrt atrrlL I'h.lul l'. TAY Ltolt l 1.1. N. 'Simard .1. Itallimare. . .. . 185 . ,2 agEw Morebauta' Portable Boat Line. • FOR TIIN TILANSPORTATION OF iSLER. cl 1.1. N DIRE AND , PRODUCE. ' r 1 , PEN N , O.V . A NIA CA'N'AL'A AND RAILIIOADS,) c i D Kilt' PEN PITTSBURGH AND PHIL- , ) ~ , ...1,1, I A..10r.1 a a 11,ut r.l.trOna. Tllo. T.-" , 1 I'AIToN A IiI:IN.I.DF. .1 , ,1 V.l M. 11.1 .11 . ./., r.at I e.th. ~ 11111.-414:01 - 11... , A ,' , IN :. LT 'i .. el .I'An a La,n. Au , . 41 0 Pro. . .1,117,1iCR,11. li.”.ng 11. , t,..1 nun , 6.,13 i..11D+ . 4 ,1,110, .. kuPi , ..i , nr n...t.01un. , are 0..0 unutotl 1 , . rc ,. ....... u Int, an,..unt ...1' erlulureanl Aletchund,, ~. ,H. t•qk Q,..,• - tun . ,.. 1 it.. n nalll , lth prt I . l,ltteaa and • 1 1 . 1... :. •onn 1 . ..1r. , 1..1.4n Ii 1 taur,.ttatlon orar our au, 1.,,,.n r. 1.. tp. aiu u. about len yriaNund . ./... ~..t .u , r , r az...1 far ,r 01 hai nwt with. im . out ..ntlSlS 10nc...,n , 41,.1 a doubt ,,, , t ~u. wau....,..5m,nt hut 1- ar1una . 1.13...1 ay sll, a. ~ /,,, ,2 1..r tut.. 1.1.4....1 tratur.rDalou 2....1 nu . arm, ul.a in:. ry .1.1 ay r}llruatla, t"..1. 10. a.“ lulu ..11.abk at I . ll , ,burch remain uo. i.4..r1.. A wan ucia4u,...l a, ••nr a antlour.iu Mark. atta..l. Ploi ..1. lo.lo,ltunbi rat nl , avr.ling lA< iirtur burnt 1 ~ lt, dr:derv, frark., rt......n I vrryi.a. Mu deb..' of t...,.. iu rnitn, 1. , '. tf .. ,deV,A;i, avau and IS Oa gnod r.l. a , a I.u.rlt , vr 1 1'..1u., , -1,1-Its -.I lo r.ur Roo., al .Pittaburatt. weerir.l and 4, we'll.] ON a, t. et Ow II.••!! cur ..1 2,1...ri , 1, ...Nip,: tn funtruriLons, vitt, .11 , ..11tx 1,•t.... 1., . nuous• - •icn. Vi,r,,,, aL1,412- C. A. MLA N LTI . 4 'CO, (Natal • TO TRAVELLERS FUR VAL7OIOI:V. AND WASIIINGIION - EX PRESS MAIL LINE:, Between Baltimore and Pittsburgh: nrowyh En Tirrnry•ttrn and a Ralf )lours 1 11 IS. LINE to l'ittslntrglt. ai . . - fe the It Eon, 3E1 , 1 :0r.0.1.1m0i11, nod I...nutruiliCentr3.l• ib ^intot,rst,-.0. By , r M ikal , so hoot sit, the • I ..rr.vnl tor ev..t.t.t. 10.10' from Wlotitoctoo.) All,l sto•te cas t Tra.:n. arid t. ,,, ^sa d Ls II .1 , 13. n...ustAlut .tar 111 . :thil.urgh si C. P. it 0, dsralln , url3oa. The entire tliptunce is performed . by Railway, Inn rl Cr tolls% whirl, is dancistl/Tt dam I'ActSP.NOI-74.1 FlOl5l T6P. WEST kr] Ow Or, of ticel. , ,,tr&l tt A 'I.. •r,-1 amt. lrltac,cltta..--,al I A N. tlict oral tarn .: ,„I_ , ct,c. ct, 4 ,, cl, ICalcsvont ad Ctaa• Crutrcc.l rcittlirw. an itrucwd imme ttslitt,k, etrcritcct.i.to ru ut• .t. AL is tctn it.• craic. 1 ,, tir . ...t , tos.b.lcclttric It . t't, Al 4 A. M. It.. ~.cactr a-. ay c-cl,-rell v, ILe potttio. c• at°, two,. . A.ettt l the gatchnortt. ital:,-.1.1.4•1nt..1.. Others btati ,, n, atm. c 1... Tarts. - c . . 7 i t aluritttit , ritt-147,aL ' a ailtEl, ti NITII ER, ...c..ctau-itdmitt of Troluctpctrtatino. 1852. utSV is 91: 11.4 -V t: EA F -IT^ • Ft - • PENESIIVAIRIA EALIALOAD. 1,11 ct!: TO I'IIILADEL . PULA AND RAI.TIM(IRE. iltri , ml TIMM:I7IIk Few:. $ll. • Frit i; Expre, Mail Tr.tin will Piirt. Ihe Clitial It'll,. I V