fITTSOURCiII ,GAZEFTEI PUBLIKILD L - 00. ;,11! prxxsption THFIIBDAY I.loipillio, 'FEB. 19, 1852 Convention. Whig St.te ,'..4 i ..101/4-Whi g .Staite,Convention will be held oh the Ugh of Starch. 1552. fet the our. ,7tiatorl tertailuattiu Canal Cotroniceteacr, forming Sher ,Utral c.h elotoneina rletriretee to the NeCooti -OeStianton. The Whiz. of the puloue counties of the • Colussaurroalth itelnreby rattled to elrot delete.. equal Intuttetbdr Sethi:lc crynesentativee to the Fc I:lantern% /loam • neutteoutatlree. to attend mad antrantion. I 7,..zsoig ficurctary. „Whig Wets In the country e