The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 05, 1852, Image 1

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I WB,M3 it -CO. •
war Far teumniumeri.
*Tea m reuulAnxitosur Poop to , fia Rope - anus.
dollusja annum: plobb b•if Dazir•
ware If In fame.
• WILSELY—T P •et dllen, Der. ".***
*Mb* eoppheet on the fellowlekeesettloese—,
! eerie' SKS •
r4Vt6l U C3 • 31 .. 00
11 ; 0 410% ' 41 . 441nY:Ilsb eb e l l t alwre. rld m tio CIVA Po=
b• seat ailim the year espirte "jues thsatoney farad tee
QUM (10 biota of Sono t 1 or In
f Do. 44414,141a0nal 1 , 44441104. 025
, Do. Mt Renk........ .......1.... -1 t
o to
Dr. ' threw we4t4=.:........... 40l
g o. fr ounutt...---- . : •-;
- Do._ tweitz• mouths .........—. IR 00
i 4404144 Carla, t !o Iliu, or lece. geu ananuct.-$l, 00
One boiler for eat edalLtowel hne. .1
(hoe Suture. etstoguable ot Pleogooo4oo en.
un* exclusive of ate prper.....„. y 5 og ..r.
For tech Additional snow,insertal owe am toonth.sad
km ialgtorml name !waked vadat . its Taxi? rate.
,a4rerriesteatiesmdlng ii spur, cod not mu wt..
• ItiVell b t;troo ' reg::t2TrthelZi ea r 6. -- t . .t, - ;:,
rilailt Use arnlynot dallied for Lhaz naPticition. -
A OO4 nsonaring ctudidatee for [once, to he thorned•then.*
Afivortlvnaent OOr l
aormarked 10 Mr Opp] 101 11, mecllled
mentor et trow.rdons, Wilt be [out Mud till Wall:Land toy-
The 141.0.4 of rormist Mlle.'s...tit stztolly lloolted to
WO Cr. tunnotato Weise". and ail odeettimutonto for
1 15 . "bottent tg otb7 perrortz , l i t r as ellskr ern= amt
1 - 'bar of odrectLeeuent, in length or othorwise, heita
fool. r:rf r't-tl=V:"LlV l :i:i'w. —...- b . ?'
.nl,rod. wadVr nt-.d rer
Vrattpt parl3kent 21 , d.vard. b "P . r
s: blt odwortionntento
c. Vol Fit.ritabre inn thtlemt Oro Dom.
• I rtrriltZ,V6e etastrat 10 trir, ' 1. 0,5
17:11. ?Wan Id ,
o i Aleutian* Soothes to be [horned :Ames.
Death noticue intettui without charge. =le. azeompa
-1 Mod he fon•uol snelestionn of 00140.1 . 7 noncea. and "ben
i t areietWel d ._. , rierm r. slttices " = ' T a gf eTgrizer,
, Soh.. .s.n.o. Cueorta. or ..15) yobbo entertainotenta.
"befoul:woo ev enode for "Inn tumor—all telatkata of pot
tote swocistione—ereee nodle del:limed toad/ att./alp, Ut
1. 1 .{.. cikrolika or Inteuelst to peomote 1.11.
- "Adana Masa. MA calf . boliorn.l with i 1,.. mulcted.
Coo !cull w fem. tvu. 1,1.11,., 4 flrb. a:4rd • t tit
rue of nut Meth en 10 [45/4 pet line.
0811.0 at /0:17. Dhltimell /a bo darg..l t[lPbt ewhr.
- Tavern filetwise PettOoto I= each.
- /teal Want Aerate' 0.1 -.loetioneere earerbeentento not
tr.Wm clawed coder euer tem but to be. allumed .
_watt of thjrty Qum , me • 1101 we fume, the
mount of Wu. S L. ! •
MUT oat eV- rUf war emus. '
. Oas Son"( 10 Ilan. fow 1a5e1t5011........-66 mat.-
Do. exch tultlitlartsl 1 asertlon.--Z5 cents.
All transhmt infreeti.esswu to bo mid in ales".
AL ,
1 --
1 •
• 'TAMES ROSS .S OWDEN; Attorney and
0612 041Ln sklair N. LI)
'dea r • "'""""li"urXh.
M . RUIZ% arney at Ots - .-- Collec,
• tions a.] • ... alai). attended to. or
..k.for.Soudow, limn stmt. ostr the COUrt
' AMEZ r: • 13111 5 Attorney it Law--thEee
et a! raett e betnres '4111144d anAciranQ , Pine
,0 1115 S . WEAVER, Attorney et Law, Fourth
I, ILstetot lattlgo9ll. V I:_rtit t r " /51214q0•
& TAYLOR, Attorney's at
= e a l la naTonap 4tßZCbantam Wont
V oCammWOII7LX t ilrs:4
N:•$: tiiira of Law Of
:, ..6riniViranlstrait.„ tau fonitly brArtbous.
;: 1...-KiveknazgA, ea..• • ..• - iactalr -
- 11 tt taw and pre mama /sou,' Zio.itrAch
Ali ii tfailiN,AttarzLey at' Lacw,offt*
M ena 7:xur ofarmtebnet gird . Itltmood
ASPES'E.L BRADY, Attorney. at Ir,
n_rat.tria, Pi ttabaigh. :
- HARRISON SEWELL; Attoiliap it La*,
ORk§l3thte emsalfzeAmer for ft/4mi iboorltkes. Azk
,..Arl.44,mcd. gf Vegeta. stivetadmit
IVO,* :41011Y410719:M
g/EORILE- , S.:ARIVOLD 'O.; .14aliirc
`I,T L A tireersilter.bartrri' *dn. v...*
.Tourth riret4's..l. door to 100 Gut pflitirtnargh.
- `ice. erk.rolytbsdad Aro ma tho.trorpois rim:attar to
• .Wm.: IviumAtas-a. , 0Q.; B an ki r ,
•,v yr ld.E.w.barm Itrokets,Nceh.Esst tamer
and Mira
• ' truuseelow =Mesa. ,141Eral terco",• sad collectlcia
4 . 94...ttar attantleti La,. • •' • " • .
• .Qs D. KlNG;Thinker - and Exchange Bret,
1 • MattricirtraF i lU ivVals?'2l lll ..• nr
rm.dit=valb...for pin . =
I * P "A
. • - abstnit,
7 l
' CO Exchange iitrokerti,
. Smith Ern Coriter or liana =a Slasiacapeur..'Ail
et namt aDeniW..", • •
a ' I ' 4 l De. ers. ' °mita
n t*i.M'gftWg/kiftlgerttssuu.sor.y..
kert. t,t.t.rat Pats.
lic . :9V b. olinetimsoned.o th• •parectpla dtkr
United Elates.
s RAMER- Bankers .and
digt„.Erokare: •Tavirre I=4 Darrteddia
ofga, Oortfeiato, , of. ihraffis. •fiazes.—
: $ Orllt
:tOrarratrr of if hydourl Waad tot.rearsolincrir
. waaaa.
HAIR Comnussion.Morchanta
-mtompronni,No.n ..d4s...tet4t. au/.
: 1 .. • Male ac aides ham slm 110.000 altraTa art hr.!.
. • " ItattlltS
.RALAINELHA NA , t..oo4:Sticcessors tor
. • I.lernivltsima 11A..nyns, lexcluitai ftcrxr-s
g. ottr,Ba ° V6l:4 I
Thisd straoth Citrrnt. Bioixex received co. Dio•
•(.1; . nuiek t r.,k. ... ea u,- mule .
,tr , 4 44.t. /4 , Tri:4 and 46,k,
L;1 , .
yloß, Umuiissione; atuA. Ei
•V 1 Beot.r. 71.12 Secoad-fin: it let attettaki will Da
4 to Imaloras elan:wad ta•inns. Pitt. 4171..
annaulootared articl,retwrp Plaid or =coml.* ft,
• • -Nan, te.ol.lgattr.o
p Et farqr-
0:T411i:4:i:4 ICA:I:WN;itiI: A Z1.1:4:01
4i . ‘ ' I ..., 0;,•,• S oKTON;. lute 3oluiston • •Sioekr
/•' , . •••• ttoalantsellef. Inattaseerdottater and Marlcm ,
' . tarot .111aximt are Third Wort% ritenfaratr.. , .. . .
ilia. B. rtotatee.aiiip - Literitri Dept.;
~ - • Tbirillaragt; opoatto Lbw Part 'OMne:- . New Bald IV
,_ ..3oll l 4lgar=tibletil= Ir t Zi p r i t o Vg
.';-:', . =.o.
Booksel er and. !tatiorter,
gal* emt. maim ranzairc -
43031111850Z1 Alb 4onwenD
KENDRICK; Raviartling-and , Jaori.
aceig2tor . Mannfae,tar
• raumw.u.u9.7AZl =Alt ,
. mad 1104.11CZEMIU 11121. FAG Nottountlan, or pretattio
:* ', =llr4 Vii:balve •
• You Vanua fa rovs.ndirielleltett._ la % '
• ielt to rear Naar- • '
• fIOVODE & GRAII43I. ipmarling..ana
LAEt. TlTAN.,Totwarding Mera
atsamiurrui • is,,ctionsoit,:u •
ABUT Y- itclCO3- , -Trir*lt!"'
lOZ rr cga, 'DEALERS
NO.; WitM ,tm%*
11....5011N5T0N, Forwarding. and
p u bb urtt Ussraat 14. /12 ernol'illa:110,
ICuira-k JONES, Forwarding and
isr i tT sursttr i tzeal l a•-rwaw. sadt Att.
itme.g• arse-- La na,von' aa.auta
• JONES & Sacceasopy to At-
cons * 00.. oaramitison soll'onnOhtir Mitt
. 1111T.tablanti ,Hatreeettild
;Y boDB
I'iIoKNIG T, , Denier in 'arm
la Dry iikolmale and Roan. 63Z:or&
ON IVtiolesnle and _Retail
.5 . roe, Etipts De 7 GoooA. 0 . 2 31.41. t
JIV•04 1.
is•l * I Ai, 'noutuyi
I.llGada Tlaclants,cdraert_.of
SCO' ~ D ll(7loT,Yontt6 iltree!,
d• • West Or Also•keL': : /4.7. 0 x,
All work gr. nted. - .le73 _ ****
(i~:y Nd 4'7'f~'Xi!SZ'l,TJ Y'~ 1
- 1 , ;( 7 1 ,- kq
T:1 11 r $ Vob ere 3. phi,
nagreasvr.itroton caarldir,
_tred For•
• balm Mareboathl.a. - 11$ 'run exettp
S W...
1. IF4YeteriairVaig&n;lll6
i eneaDi haswmm.l"'.4:;=nri4
mreW attenuon
' as.
• rmeral itl•riedOrk,;s)4!7 . .
rr ltto .
AfAm =
Ives E
tra al b
V e ptqlt i s t o n ic.
Do,ctor G. Bceichhelm
INIFORBIB friends and the public in gen
eral; that bo his Tytooird'hts dans to Ann Ursa, No.
hen to StAloir MOO. • 2 •
P. S.—Pen°ar todsbted to tatafor a length of tirshus
Po:attested to setilo Moir amounts.. , • jyls,lm
F. R. Noore,Z-.11.,
.petal attend= to the treatment of dleevies of or MI childrru. shtl Aegis di.... pasrallr... Val as
chronic and eurrleat Memos; Mite oo Andereon etrwey
oeer the Lana btroetlttilte in tuxt oat %lox to the Pla.
10¢Allegb mr My. 0 es boors tram to V A.L:ht,
tram /to Z. A/u1 from 1 telP. If. • MY:4:I
rEeRS-Scrrgeo h n
e a
rintaitPhysician.Riteaohe l do h a e v a e tmihll.gme: . Wre.. V.
• Dtalren has pritothently looatxt ilttit burgh,
trlll attend Dribs dethe of hi. Proleiskon. , Lewitt giro
y.rtievlsrjtteation Ur; Staals.#l. ital.. and th e dlowee or
roux ao9ehlh.thon. , • I • ople.ho'
TAXES McCIUFFEY (atccesso+to John D.
wrt stroot. one doo ti r
ptab of //tomcod oiler. I' licsoursh,
1, A. FAIIN — EATOOK - Ic CO.' Wholesale
4 pianists. .41 oang_factartiv a 11141 e pesal., it4l
le4l, wllLltbute. coruer,Wcal and,,Front - -11.,. Pim
1mr,r,b,1•.. , 1 ' meta
- ,
rcc. a. n..csrinct.]
E.. c cramp.
EYSER & MoDOIVELL, ( Aral Sucessots•
as. to RAlN'lCArcnce,) 4ttoLscsle 14441 DMA awl'
CAL riptiox coricecoYL greetscdViukcA
CSICENAme yr,seriptl64ollAlly . empowatini4l Luta Aucl.
i - KLICOG COG, Wholesale Druggosts:
,4tWlrfl- I'Lluoorehtentt4 Wortt sp.ails Lsi—
I . Ifrut ha OWctenar W 0 0 ,41
Yawl grans, Pt...burgh. i..r.latti will litieariataly pacl.
.4. and Clwatilftt with-at...SUL .
SIILIEtVB' -IVtioleui.le.-Dealer
aPr. Stun, Oils. 1r artastm, •e,
a. l 4 Wo.I gr.e94. tic.l.ll woFrautz,l.
krituOirif. .
Q N. WICK - M{Bll4M, AV holedalo DrUggiaL
ta 'at . 1 , 641,q_ jA P 74- .1.1 4141 , ttlktingl
4 166 wool t, corner pr :44th. - .
. ,
raxtunra. 6.1:11,....... (Man am.. i
qii 1160.1 N tt REITER, Whoresale and Retail
',. Dsugglsts,cotnet . uP Liberty /441 $l. ClairAta.. Pla-
tip .6.. Na 24 4"4441. 42. Vitielaurcb-
ituicKuirtig m CO. , '''''''''''' dio
1 , 3341/I"Eurs. •231 .3tlas Pro.ltle• ant
ktfulturat 031 a, 1 1 31c0 and mkt. •Poral
m 3133.141 th eir 11 ottauat, 14 1 Wet.....1.1.114..11;1.
Ira: M.., '
W.• & F. WILSON, Wholesale Orooess and
• t ' Agents kr sal, of Da
Dont'el Vowdes . , '' • Ds. 101
nu sad ircrm It
'tracers awl Comalmluia Merchuds, No. 116 W.:.
moat. and 160 Wl,d Arse, llttcbargla.
.111.A.1111EWS , t CO. Wholesal):
'OowOinvitinsion raresallsW IdeiehnitS.ard ,
Itett far Bri re, gbton ()ALA Yarns, 47 WWI id,17t.ut.,10,
Irrooel4 .
OcarcErazdaa Mesthillts, slut eal., in Prolu..l .
Ittebtagh litaanfuturea. lib. MG Liberty stt.t. MU
burgb. .
aNPIELD, late, of -Warrm Ohio,
Cam ir mi tV " 4 r ite..., -4° Bai4r, Pot and 'lit
Pearl A da.. na Western PM are en... 111, .W•ur
totymmand W.I. Pittaburgb.- , .• I
ciao aroecre.• Fannoling •sal Ws on Math
sat; Deal , . is • rittsban. L•nufactum Itod Wast4r
tim coma of mot gytaq •1111 Chummy L.
`°~e'~Y t lSTdit~'it~ L~ .; lV6~`al "., ~d~a
NGLISII - k.ItENNETT ', late English,
iricV4=L n i= in Prods.. sod Egst
beret stateetsms, tin. - 122 Sseonti st. sat 111 IlsslU,
Sews. Vont sal -
.nau Irani: • ixu b. arans.....L...wuna t. lat.
80114 Wholesalo °rotors and
Cu:animal= Marebanu. xo =l. Lamar , Wu,.
ROBalLl=9 :.. Wholesale ir,.
n Orocer t:
mi., , ,r-stoolc or irrlyeilar .ntrals NrOta4,
h.. 14 Icy forcatb.
it OREM' LA LZELL CO., IV holeatb
..n." . l.l 43 lAu;Tia Mum/. it
kin:3 -1.7=211..twt:.
SOIM b.IIICI-' seinermus
• VPILTICK - a - Ara — CANDIESS, suavanora to
• .1. a:. J. D._W&C. Ahnlealr Groot., raradlog
Unnoaissiact Alachua; dash. to Imz
, li st GI./1N
4itt4Wiii"Memalteture• F. 0014.47.
&Mil 11 IV 11.61 Water al/real.PttsbilAct,7
ocnasaleaa Ilerchant. to Wear. and Pitt*
-bo• irgb Nhautforlaral Articles. 195 4ter7, Axed,
, a. a. anatos—.:::.-....4.,--..--:— .21,.
TD; WILLIAMS . & CO., Wholesale and
• r.etatrian_ Ily Groeria.gorw.l 1..41 0,....44
retb...4 De.. In C..t.T14.4. sal kittstairsb
11,F.I.uses. rszarr of 14.4 .4 fifth 11.,, 11.514111.-
son. 44.444...:..... lIITM-..-1.1.,.. C. 11[06CMAY. M
. ..
IItOEINSOZi,-LITTLF. & C 0.,: No. 25J
'ink...17.4.4. rillt.4l ,4b. ole. Or.ere, Pro.
..4 uocanimion 11ert14443, .44e r sien 1 a 1'420.44
a9cof .
it;XW P. ' Wholesale Grocers,. Com
. fats** llarbacit... and Dealt:rat:CP:at um—Rourd
fAndivx ou IlbertrOV..l. •m 1 81,
TWIN H. MlLLOR,DealreiriTiano Fortes,
rr Movie, and lb:Weal Iratroorionts. Echroa Wok., owl
callo• :role armor for Cokkerraevriono ;Po rt a, to
Vertorra rinsolo—No.ll4.W6ol i
ENltYKLßßEß,• Musk, Ma
. Meal Itarommtg h t , 9 Import. et /WWI PrrIMP ,
.loaMb Joljra' l ll s .Ll k Attatmml. , teo:rr Daubs:Ml
j W. WOODWELL, Wholeiale and. RQtail
.•111 - tauGLetartr Ceder Ine.6olnet 11 , 1qe, Cat 71.1
ot factures of Coger, Tier, ac! Abed 101 Woe, Verstt
street. lostsreqn Wood Ital Market:.
. •
on s• WETHERELL; Manufa c turer of
op. vATERT. Pout WI tad (MASUD BOX VICY.S.cor•
Bane Motown asCI•
Roblosooitreets, one row. tram tha
Wort Bridoo. • , 00tboor.cIff, orOfkl.
abo;nall44l3oarlaraland I.llllng doZodsv fitur r a 'sad
%I alert tukita. &a y Ar L
e. '
0111.1.1/4rrzboun: kt0.N.115.-Tister
selihav mixaneartur• sod Iwo j
uot Mock.. / 1 / 1 4S...,11tparabler. rirdan.hme . tiout•
Lob Nall.:
tlao Mod /Lour klareel sod /among ISMJK
CVPPer hallrood tack; Itarrol Mlle; Copper sod 74Pa
Shoo nits; return 511dvere troaug Wert ausoaUd
..W•rchockan. tm 117 oat st, PliasooroP--
ki- ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., Manufacta-
, t. &Tr . & Manutoetares• of PodaA4.l3leseh
g.Gric= st..MVerg iP" . '" " `" "'"1"'"'
TiAl.t.ROWNvro - uldmootrespeceulbrinform.
wr the wofe , e4hr km head still...OM ca the weer
*Of the idle elrfos oeleollete maraca
Verdtlea lisebr , nba V Ifhtdretwere made to order
the hest etyle. warren.' snout to eorin tit • Croluld
aria:: lilt nitride removed withodt the U.rof
totem delver: • nano[( rtorbseed the sleek. [role, end wool
of the oateloteetobllet it yt eittllellend,l em
frallared to famish thelr old ctotomers, at Well ar she pub.
0=1421! 1,42 . . t tag gladr m 4e. • . -•
r"rdigES ',11..-pAßKB,.Deicigner and.Wcind
tOgii,ll2; Philp Hall. Th ud Area. mar Nat 0Z.,.
atary. - aaoat , torpeetrolly inlonas the pubno that be:
liptapam'io aratop. alb WWI of Daslgaiolg aW WOXI•
litarrarfoire-rach. a. %laws or •Bolldifira. Mom Witt: itod
"Saablaa.7. Fociatlmedoala of anal . doscdotloo. ORMUZ,
tioads,i Drogatete Wets. Ootton btaaMa
sal Blans'l4ll4, So.. Tams eery inodrrata. • , colt
• • :le rJubwhmeot, Third. Men. OPlXnA h tb.
nartioral l s ' „ gig I=iabelo, Ant t i ; , •enirsltaTign b t
ntrinav, Dana,. and. Vlnting.Otati, Om, 'ailarann ar
drawn nor Puna; and pined In Intern, Una.
Ltaet,lathe awn almond ann. larl-at tlnaget mune.
• •,
Wegner,lheiliner & *Tidier's
VABOVE P 1 ittti r °spectrally announce ond te. y. 9 jarej l aic.X.r i ths
s for Chenkr, Virlart
r7 i rMt i hri""k C ifkr'' t'iPrZ . r
Forrth 4rtolr,' 4 4. 1 .t4 rr.rbitir
*inc. Mir
:Thant. 9.Aurt me of Um blacraric Plttabarsch.
y "Tea Alan; lin. otrokt, Mars lkod
alaar, °a baW lams s
ign of Choke Grm%
ao and lam Taxa Nst,=-Yonign trulta - liad
•loand th,
tNRY:BICTIARDSOK; Dealer in rine
Waking. ass La ann. Lamm. te.,111. tlarket
,- ) rw Vi'LLSON,Vatohes, Joivelry;Silver.
' i v , Ware,rll7llllterr Gtals,lovrn.Wat ?hold set
Ilbarettrea Oloett
- PAPlia-iiesanroa,
WALTER P.' arARSEIW ID Lecessor to'
Aslat t h
#"'"'t i peTit 111N I C7g
00...,, teas:" a: Aw—vith4.lhittles.
We*Waif •D ? NoAPIt °adman, bosom .i , ..
-:' ..' r:',......,
JAMES TURBETT,. Agent for Pittsburgh
_ orate !Nana River Fire lomat. 1 Wood
AMUEL L. MARSIIELL, Secretary Citi
OO .tt"L •
AMES & AKELY, -Emigration Agent,
tied &pot for Taceorti. & Q..•. iverpool Psekete:
comer of but& SW Librrti
P. JONES, Agent of tbo Itketirance Co
_ . of North Ararrior.l4l hoist rt _
ID 31. GORDON, Seeretiry Western Iry
IL' a e . , . Co, 92 9192,9 of
ADEIRAI Agettt for DeLswateittu•
Paid asfrty Inman*. Compairr, 42 Slater amt.
e l OARDINER COFFIN, Agent for
Phapahr. north .ud order of Wool
add Third awed,.
CO., hoporteralnd
A Wholath. Declcne to tiudware aad eritlery. No
cal Meet. Pittcbutal.
TORN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake
Ttttlg? l l e: gaAT l't l k M.o , lt. It Ot7
Tra u t grzte ., z, by . Canal t
suftbn Cunt
Tom) & CO., 'Wholcsalo awl .Rotail
jtt Alstiutattouvoll god pottlirs ittliatsCepttutut Pt%
atrorr of Wool and Pifth street. Pittsburgh. Whet . .. al
Wises fan nod soloplets stock of Uuu. bire, Pun. tr..
strry quality - gust girl*. by_ Whole is twit Retail, and
rite the stlentiro of their guitotrisol utol tuttshgestg)Wttvf .
silts .seu rlog them *bather will 'sell oo the most .1 •
fogeous tem.:
ICHISTEU; Merchant Tailar arniCrol
Le• Mot. No. 71 hinlitheLl citott. Pattlrnlar mitten.
lion ps,llto Bore and VOtithh . Clothing.
II Merchant. Tailor, llniper.
• and fliehlar In Bendy hindo Clothing; Irr'Lie.i+r cL
: 7 7--- .T. .WHIOA& - SOA. . ' 1
WHOLESALE and visit trinau kola:A
• U., sat diultri la' Oats .M Cam No. al
Wout Weds thirst
oastm Diamond AUsy, Ita
burgh—aborts Out § a full out samples s .k of Hot
. alal Cala of lbslo own sal Lenora azumfordl , aro all
gustily dettaile, by sr botioale der rytall, iorllts 'la
istisutian of nutemsts sal No publlsouradog tam
'bat Uwe will all on Ms must rassarsablo terms.
1 3 ,41%11 11/001W AND PLOTERWG.
JOTINSTON, Pirsz.lletior.l 4
. 11.1k—keeldruee.eorner of Thttd etyeetnnif ege
N. Ile—Lnne. fiend; Mortar, Lath, le, for •
ifrENol34l:Upholaterer and Daaler in
bultolrtary, Who teals and newt.-Third rllart.
ottiwaibt Lb. Paul Mow .
L tikTlLMAlrrii & L
,NOBLilt-4.)ity Flouring
v labetrty rarbrA.Curtir rt. Pitted!oft . t .
NICHOLAS iv [lig, oi,Tl 7 in g itteer;
Drattubtautau.and Pranks! &Halos aa.T f =
Is ;A .11.4.6 Ulr lbw ribtutilttl.,..lfttuAr
Yrm. Altura. H Work Mika All/11,4e.. , AEI IM
twat betwixt 10 A. M. arta M. at hit reiblonco. riett.UA
Alirburr aunt. l'lttenuttla. . • • 1.14..111.
mail mon
ON GER • (X).,' I,•
1 1,V31. GLENN, Enos. BINDLI4 Wood firect,
v. ...00d dorm from the comes of Thin where ho id
wtdostwit to do awry dawriptiou Blndlow • gib owttwods
sad duretdUty. Ittsiolk hooka rWol *of Patter,. sod
aw. hoot.
=CI fa t rfry thl i wttpairr lettdowt
node who h., toadied or* toenail. Jolt Flues tow. •
41111331717 LANDS—Cirr. CiaiiSertot;
meaner tNa ICS ?SUSI rt, co rn .. of ant]
lo re having mad* orrawoosait tor Slot watt, orWl
Skwantr• Sada. kr alert* ad 1.411.1 . ., their
Ltoswatid whlldren, ad will ducal to soy abet law-
Wen, alinheerd rich the govern:oat or any of Ito WWI-
Nato; the facia
a re. or tbs. Glatt) wt tlit City of
It J. C. 1101CrilikTlitanutheta
res looking Glow , ad Kn., Pros.. owl Deal
•t Looliing blares, tio. is Stwtd Plulo Malt
ritsiticirb. Pr. otsi-dIT
Rocknham and Domeata Queensw ars.
lkf ~
lan-W 1
wrei. eixtia 4.1 Mott/ . .t.t.
elturth taidituJentran. pout 'door to J. *
irmrd.WbolordoOrgorr., , •
. Our vr.tensit • Works amble tot. lo ordert v rotntlY.
A <vapor'. &gland tmiturtoostaxillt =WY 1att0.....
Wier at to too pad villa all Ow 'telt glad ttozdsmistylot
ef day. ' •
Walar OntA.Etit‘ t tlerM. T. T"a d . ""a
nem. Vsoes. Gob/rt.s.' Otcl soteota.u
Boa/ Jars, and artielot for Jateratie, ova, to vest mrietr.
Order. a.... .a:/ ta,ll:=l
Steamboat Agenc y, and •Benerel• Gauge
don, Bemiring imilltonitartiing.
darsaw.t.l..l'illitanna Itr.Joha
*slams to tt. Staasnbola AyeaL, Ilemor4l
Vortnalsgloa:sial tanilltra., snider the 4, Lo or
Gomm., A 2411111451. • 142 IVpiasoli.
avnta' 17 •
Alexander Bvdder.
. .
.1(4.19 .19"c0„ aired; bahmi:? fird axcl Ikcosuists.,
(stu9 by . Tr:tribal:lts inov's;) , :
ANUFACTWiEIt or every description
Abo—VARWL LlVVRA;mairrox Abbll übt woul
Jurell Loot.'• uluustul 01/11AR Awe bulbretoteL /AK
loug RblistorA rruatllbblaug valp and louillralu,
to which berltittuatuuticut bull.l,e, Tu. 11,111.4'
IlAmu lefcm waiakato. te..; to all Of .4tet re lin ite
UM annuli. 02 age.
boutunnikelub tau.
Bolin; Fire Erick Manufacturing Comfy
JAIL GL0R1L.....f. V. swum"
GLOVER. - KIER lc CO., Peonirroze. ,
SIJI3BCRIBEIL% havink been
j_ voluted dared* Par tb* above pawed ecaert
keep ...natal, ea bud la supply W . 1b...tette...1 it* teas
Piro Brtta.erbribbil troClay, YurDean IleartbeetaH Ivrea,
Ilea are alto prepared Limed. °Were ter sail Ittlea, to
be made Wets. and Slap , to hebtlatrabands. alticb Ada
tux tlreta It bectoyary to eountheat*.tbe many od
e...dee the Wince Pixy Deihl pow*. *ler all opera:bat
bare *Cared Ls tale to theUultet' ewe, , ihri PP. -
rhrsity bales it IMUOP to •: , 13.: all perausteerbe taw
. ties:B ,- Ttre prgyrivar,Ankv. e.tgragomi that the
Bract nal/Om 401•11 at Owe praneut ea table roputat..,
od Mo so
pew rball be epappl by pate them sm.
better them tLethbartetaddefune been ja the .Dell
establishmesd Deep basoutatt°ra; . : . , Pearea Le'dier•
tilP At PONE*.
Ladd ' 4.1.4 Ltatin.rierenth et, Pltthburyb.
W. Dixcm's London Patent,LeverVatzhes,
lbpolorte any Web:tre :hr efemd infittromro.
.ItICIiARDSON, 81 Market street,, i
VAttw 7/pd L',.4bl;
By laNciolmnit tbe rtirltr,W W. 01.0 N. 0 1 . W.
otearth. Wetrh Nroutmtortre, 'tkiod odor.. Up.
bell Komi: Loodoo.
Tbh rortlfirs that tba aerompeortet Webato w
murs br me to Le or toy metrolLhow. • ,60 . •
with orum ape. U youthm Wherererroldreumm
sttdesta Grarioimy rouse.
I mirreotee the sub M the 7 Uwe to tbe 1112.
laroadottof Use routhader. 04 •
0 N. •
' ,Wohtt •
. ,
• .
. —•
.. • • Wm.. 11. rcKiight • •-
- Ft Collo*
ern eanewlranlwet Etitero OLlo. - . '
~,011, , iw,:rilltb=ww MIL .41:write Lb. New LourtAtode,
W. _ . , . .
" .14=C-Inbaltoswifweir.v.rtia. 1121 ..0' . .
Howe Um:44m eawl Wew. lile'ww.ll*.w,?..
QAIDIEL KROESEN keeri toriatiady 6
1/ ti' F rk..1, ! 7
11.1., Chan., 'Ai blmuntms * Lc I..e:rx •
15 oval Ituardc and all other Indoor nr hit lips,
staml• 11•11, Fifth street Pluatrgh.
Pots Glass Works.
i. flavneut
hOliENZ & IdliTHAN,TfOrlntily OLtbe.
tlrat_of W. 0./.4A apufLet•ove I sit
6, lof VIALII. ItIVOW MAI!, (J.
It3,2MiitT, ,;Tat4.. Irlednei
OlWand Prftet. menidesowenietdonl k,14
W. Wine, Trafesior of Mule,
BEGS kaie ' to irifurixi thei cit t enqbr 'Pills
burgh xbd Alleabeer that be Inn eone - mt..eii.r.
Imrtr.ll4=o 50 the NANO FOLVIK Ind VIOLIN.:
u reessmable tense- 'Vet foriler pertleallets eNgui/V se
1:11.1INKWA Made biLlv,tio-101.1111n1AILett. AV of
NO:. 103 lOW STNEET., ,, I4TTBItUNGIV, '
11BTOVER. isteh rerelreJ of NUS** for IBA oh,t
31 it the Agrtehltural Fairs of Allegheny Count,. Pa., ;
and enotomended 0 7 is s t e.a,or *b.. hat. them so we.
4 slur ENT.t4VBI 6g. Ousatt BIOV as.
PARLOR 011aTEBAIV BgßßEltit;.' • .
Of modem style • great varlet of Patti%
Lugs stock of all (
rani, d4 to tlta.
147. True E Crave% frald'ia Brond.sa_
lh r.
acoerra_boll, Bora Ball.
bOOLILIS kcovon) .
'She Stichlnn Double Plough Ss s ens natant Pictish.
that has taken the runless at theSitsta'Faite el 0114., New .d lathy Agri.nasal fair Of
Ahrabeny tlonnly, Dm 1551. Ulm haenblittly approved.'
whersmar triM, Ind Is .porlor Sn Mode Or seltisstl'l. to
107 other klod,snstlne the sorrow Into tea sllces. and
loathe n lows. drop. and parted seed bad: . • •
• • •
•I '
U • d
• f - al • Jo rsoso Yrr i a bb N o O a rl TO
rod o
, Pe r . :
Patrat'llblll6l.lrolly. 4.lrt, ,llolling WN
Cyrtiog: Milo to =lel,: •• . • • •• -1•1
Parent Kortl4.l for bump. Yet rub. &do Ayr, ke. •
Tor lba minufitatorr or Gino liapr. Tlyo Nottles
brat on tbr bravo, warbled by J. Porrr...ol
orrsibrollity foamy Oh., b.! Uhl lr mer luau thaw
' m ArT " 7o l v hd rfol P o i r . :4 ' :4l(tor' '' i itOri ' Pire sad Tin!
iroro Mr Prom. and (Arlin , lion,ol fryer procrlsiors.• Abbb
'1110:1 boa NAILS, all ca. bleb In. Worm. obo vertlnirebt
ptioer. . • • J. IL Milt( Y, lk CU.
TIIS edDsetitier has iii store and offers
la o- t
Cattio Fltnnalc Tbibet. sad Wool
<4l M.ll 14zurni Pntitio astalkerehkU,Ort4'• . ;
1 - ArtaciA Satlnetto, .Ctsslatace, ClocbA AlroaclA • Je•
:Brostrata Bl•srbed TiSt.i.V Co 'd ( . 4 . 2, •
trIA Padding. Canna.. etebtellsA Nam' sad O ils 191. •
tirmA (Maw; LOW , . sad 51.10 Let, IlltbucA Liwri nblo
Cloth.; Wool
ain ..Buta lr. C•sobroo.lp•rtA-
tsAA Red.% nn galyt Rood whlth
I e•s • pettfallr IL.vaArotlon orrehomt
'Re Coach Factory—lallegheav
wiir'll. A. winTH 4. Co . wimla re
. , thietla the r file a Nit they hire
eree aybehou Leme.l4 betetteyederat Yanittely
4' 74 . " r 1 TlV:e bl to
li.oo _ /t e yedkb " ,iteett
to o edalttry
uW t nJ egemran. the r e tentreetttee erhYthela t t Inah.
enslM4 ta do volt on k !thPlgelrf;: t ee t r t o Vy t a y e a t u
Lhasa emoting settees in The!, lino.
Pnyinjirthsler atuntibo tot he oaleetion of rosterfaii,
and Ink noes, hot anal:Wont - workmen, they bone no
hoSillts Wittnnttne . tbalt lbbo yolk. Ws theratcrossk, the
49. irlihrnitinty don. th, the_ ntnahni, rod nit tad
a , ... - F,tpc, • '
.84mne). drays
:7 St. Clair Hetet Ben7dirtOs, St. Char Sire .
11,VIIERE ho isirepared to show hid mai
anz =elms of Mor luo
o o i tty fa.
IV °OD's
Patent Imitation Blida Sheet Iran.
rrloi , :is beautiful nrticlo, now being mum
finturon by tool wader the late Improved potent of
LK rind ter lora superior to the importrol Toiletry ot the
eK/11181 1 1,11T IRON WOI:H6 r Is tactto avast Itself la
beauty or tomato. la roanutirstund artlilroor, In anti:wort,
(sad nOTI rarer tTlnerobsirlootail nrantitscittren.) or an
&Weill Tornio to nay heretofore tarns. It way 14 seep
at trle•arr. Semidry; 111•411 Co.'.. JtatorTt'orkorJbaia,..
John Dunlap • llo2a, Pittsburgh; or at the .lotto at Me
gereport, AllenhonY _county, Yo.
tahAmo Dewm woof
Drug. Stare For Salerl
A N ... OLD ow ~u3S ZaLltlTE. l . E .'g r h o ji r li: od n O iz
Et=l:•ar J. tatt.;%,"r-' O ll4, 1 4,t / At'.
bur„t,. •
• - • New Dyeing Erlablinhment.
SABELLA ROW, near Federal rtroet.op
po.ll. - Etna. nettle' Allegheny CI, wish to
ate, the eltlsen• of Pattetnurth (Lod they dy•
Pro•• awls. de,of orrry and oulory SDC lletroda
dyad and fobbed Yolunl to rune: Cathusauttlaritals, Coals;
D• Latne, ba Yr IttlYii wariony or clnowstwodsrl..ord.
Soli thy colors rrwtorwl to thole Rower brilliancy. and MY
Idled tune, (lout Irosetem rariacAllwrrd
ad or dyed without being taisn pier., and warrant,/
not to rah oil or nest Haan. /lark dyed without cop
..* • aor nher ...Mance liable to Injure t
lahrie. ....All mate It our studr b giro the utonost
satlsfartion to shosa who %nay noidurvo. *Mt any gwala
not useetiwg thetr whaled, we, wall rwilr.•aboutrurther
char.. Wu Matta. ourwdryn that—having the latest kW
pmeententa to Ulla and the old counter--our Mott will to
equal to that or any other hyrrs to the States.
Myrrh... Mogi§ dyed .meal to thole nom goods. All
aloud. warranted, Cire Ilia cult, exand.4l4 Warr. and
Judge Cur'vars./rm.
11. It. wishn to hatona hie him. whsm ho tud virile/
int. arboreal e 1.% that LW lunation la now in
by City. atuir
P 1471. 7
THE SHINGLES made of Walwit, Piet;
wod Chrstuat, with Wool . . prri 8151110 w /fa
er, reerirtil thr triTyronlory t it h etwit fair of
' he ar trendy. Tho to oparation the Ohio
&Unt. Mill of Itimpwou, VOIMN it . C. ithuiiihrwter. Vow
total nu mikte rtilartre tor Jut. town ths block&
of auy kid of lit that wrowo al nor rouutry. 1784
further foil-illation io 1.0. W. Oro. , mit 00 O. othwirrt
log, at U. 'lt 4.BeT's llotrl.cornor of /out tO and thong...
Y. 'ti...IIVEDELL. :
T •
E eutoleribers vroutl 001 the attention
lot of a paterate decim a te th.unar italtowytk.te.
Irua fbur Aux thautatal Julian re 41,arat:Ir%
many velaabla and ealeable article, 11e will made ,.. vil
ottllet tar U.& realr motley.. bar:, It ram a•catit
reel fitata. e•rna• ,beteaatl ta, trod. fill call at oat
faßhnav and eyyloe the
Removal-44nd Engraving.
TILE subscriber respectfully informs his
Lentsr ineotts and the paltllegessrell.f. bat L.
resurrl Nesubsest orrass NM ullet st.ptssatel
in. Masten& tantrums In tbs LS ssoosnLt slt-ro 4: raml to eters. all kid!. el &masking I WrA , l Lot*.
stns. smarm. in... of Built/lag, EsSta Issas sad At .M
nor, Noelettrs' Nests of <eery dessiptim, ltrouttental
tirstsputter Itratelste Lacs. LbStost" :Ulnas, !jam
tits Ae. Truss ssry asalsrsta. ,
del ti JA )J[9 It. PARKA. .
Vet BINET FURNITURE MAN u- ilientern_lusuratteCompanyofPittirni—gb.
IL ( . ..tree, Warrenton. v: aao Tbial Want. Mill AL s s oo,ooo. X. BILLER, Js.,
J. .?. w. Attair Ina.. Lk frund• .... ' i krona...L. F. U.
....a.. a. dwor Day minpl.l.l the larnem Wit/ laser. val.' all kbalr of liras, Fire and /Wiwi.
and anew/woe ot'Swerwtbald formats* ever boron. wrel All lanies will/ e I.beratb Wt./et/ pod prompt, pa/6.
thiA eity. ILA La Il debroatto• .6 lta upbnltt U. qualay A WI. Inarakuott-warmsed by tbreetors whop+ awn
vrellwearrtned wale/lab, best w'attriptp, wad Oiww howl In not boatotwany t ant who ant dekstrmatal
. 11 .
alma and Wm .~ tbe eateat of Lk cm • •• =l, Fournro• awl Inwrattly to moateln tb• Chatuelmi• slush,
toastafwerarlan.tro t• enabled to twa • o - t ;F 'A A , taritmt, 0.4 Oitering . G. CON proweboa to th an
.1111.6, at Ow lowest two.. # le tolrd•ltitit.
li„ h......4,,,,,4 t 1..... p,b.,44. a Iduutinan the ICMIC2 t--Rabe, 11•1. Jr., 4. 1ei5u0t...,,14., FP
one lateron tub bin Ow% in Gnaltty and priew ..... ow C...7tonaeo. 1 boa erott.ll./.. tilm - ;Om &Ism. efts
Calques bead th• =moot variety of ewery 6 . 4`,. W. Jirlutoto Jaw. Al'Auley. Worse Duple. eitittoualal
fartaturaeltrOmlbtr rbsapert and plattnerrt.te , ..,.. Wimp, aune• Idorkotar t awl W. 11. Ikon..
sot awd
Ot • Ito *or pat, et ..V„,,Y ',..; 0t5,:.0. te4dYaber au.; twarebowar at &Paoli &F.
nsmlsa.d. boa Li. Woek, Agora nafticlated ettr.,;, etp alatot./ Pttlebtogb. • /atolly
re.. Ile tedweanveollab as ttoWnwentit9nilewlit•
Iwo. of boo cldbliebnuat may be 0111, ' ~w a 4
an elenati , to part. of blo wrel 4 4.b&nk „, nuke&
15010 and trant afoot }+ wimbreel in any , .
• Parke. drawl/tr. &leant. atsl EM-.Dorn c,r, ..VI
.... , 17,..nutultifla trf ......4. Tury dr.
Eltspetbra Coarerratotre to. nary At ,1. 44 , 4
eriptimt: Oman% ea.....T.4.44.• aad 1ar m ,...• ee ts 4 ~,4 i
frenelt and Antenna; panarato Ttedwear ,ay,,,....
i...taa parlor It riling Data Of Mt.= Ithild". ..,,t,
tot burly klald eaada, tawt/e Watebbag 4 ,1 ..,... r y .
wit ItrabOttay. Sawa's/ jowl walnut ete....„....„ 4 ,
bsot. eiteckon Mauve fa5 , ...4 all ...01'bt,,,,,k. brin ~
and dn . 14.0,4 4. , bon bind ID /c a : bbr& wa l . of oltelt
pier labtes Irkspole.••6• cod •,,,,,,,,.,,, 4 ,.. ,
terve bwentlibtodt JOLI So ,& Fir rJr, Gown^
atoms , . sod ei. srerctlaf *A. pC . ~• NI., a L).
DR antweall. th.r.l . r d bat ludas .1 ...,i 6. . 4 ,,,
and eats tow ebllthsa parq ....a.,„a,.... a-0. a:
Snabootry.lorewnoltandtal•al Preh d ., .. s .l w
O w ls
A kraw .. , ansua.nd a ~......... ,15 au anal. In Owls
Chain. Conhaot snaternsunda4l
h t,,,,, &A.. 0 ". 4 ,n1 tAceleetab POilow
All mien prankpUr astandad lc. -- -- ' l ' d
' The Only real Now TWI" h --ulg . Elt st "
iVII ERE work is d r 6 -Wit Scinin ,
ifi Prin
nv dr.rp V up s , in alt its assn , l.laas.
k it,l,.itetess and di" - 4
ett...) up *ll.O t' ... . ... ---- . " 6 L . i g
.... 0 tl• 7.1,
N matt Mauls, comill
toe; Ow/nu. or
-' ..... - -
llyttratts_,-4 - ;:^ - 7-- - . ,
kr411111 . . 7roas Inolktra blob Trays Wot Ale
sv,,,,,,yt i Z .pastlntml and pad apadtb• kW,
ir.... '-" ' ' . '-'-'
...' ." . OritZwe
i u. .....i 01PF1r1ia9:1;;.&, ,, -..„ , ,
.., . I. at. 4 pole at r Ask • t.. Rti .
t""in" a..° 114=ti1..1.), ,
/1-21 . trekeern birw. and /recta eta
F, and adfilerxt Couxtira,
Lou*/tbletlF C4l4.!till' OP NEW BAP:lath/N.
TUE ailiCßlßEß,.having Leer, lasted
eb,",,,gra yea. rot lotheboatething Ltohnhib et
hei g hth-and resl4.4 f non than twalto year, (a.
thth,of the ante. an 4 4.lag that Ur. tat, at.
s,. thbbbb b" fen alien ,Onaest reettul.ty
olpromacklatUn .1 the hatdte rearalty,
haeethali teitre In thetsiat.44 bOCUalelt.4ls6tni au
Civadliug, Us, 4.• Of Ole Irsvouldu/113. the
7 "t b I.:pe • l'atte Iteblew luf enter.: fteett
L e " bbeer en/ eseateihn . POW.
01. 11 . or raluabte loti, Ito to. , re*
&b e" thee llohntatt .4 nelakbeetneol. ter 4,5
}o r ,. the.rais atle.tatteetth
Tthle, mate 14.117 reainleael inteh
I nt atel
am b e 0.4 ankle the titt• imiejaktahle.
oster3eM t ar "h rat
• Real Ket•t• Anue.
• Ladies l ! Acad. This!!!
PRESS, and will lihortly be rcrly,
-41 g 114.tintlAIUTti monoriaing
ec ef the merhsounn of tba met rineui.
arblt it la liable (about 520 In nbert,
e we' of e,tanitlci, eq.lllder-Vt, MI I wtru..ll..u. bete.
lutrunieut Ova,. be Maim' L r IL TOtirbm
'griper.= baring • ritnnir aliould hate mot data
pur Tie malt of Ma kiwi Mu cm Wt.. I , noa
.1 Via lutersuanen It ftuputoll womb too muse lie
40Ifar;.aml, awing other mirrutages, ts4=i guaril you from baying Coat Piano entitled by
t a l e:;XlTzttlentan to the einem of I'll:Await aril
Ilegbany. d•Crlog early cop.. of the wort. 63.1. ho lup
flied at Melt nierleticre by Mating their mblree• at the
etre. of any of lb. Pillabeirgli morning papers... at the
unto ambit of blame. Jaen HOW street. aml
- :l.lrory Weber. Third ninon. •
illy muting Se &lbw In liat sulkier, ot the llitretta
Orb killlcLang a misty LH be forward...l. font pernmit ,
Utt" r tfLor t ahifaVlP=4l,..l.7.4lL, : " . knd:Lt.
.Tbr a) mere bretirnl that it genlieman
can Make tea May Wen &copy of tnla
ttrel In year .4.41 041,2:1;,
Smith'sTateat Solf-Acting .1 ea:Spring.
THE attention of Carpentdra and Builders
- r le slid to the abort, erlirinwhielr pronanuttat by
oseattllo ram of Nov Taxi and other eaststo tale.
abf Mr the wort valuable introtton at th• age / sod
here d has been entotaidoltyhtttudutsthstadis.e ua ., g t
it latitethroldlng tint it ersottnt.
. cousin* of Itlnee that sill wort. naltelovaly tuber
war, with a swing In lba tug of the door to kern it In Its
Istate. lbw avoid/he as old Widener idling to kettalbs
dad.chetah sod litouttedol or agarwliat,ydlestiregtde
cheap. It nut haltitito
art Ott of ToPlair. it wary vastly upland. end la gotatbarly
adapter/ to stranu fubllng,elnce. bar
A lutt g reordred noon not York: atr,.
eagerly Much with Ins ttopmrsconatbloottd. artklt can
he wen on englitot.ots to ra
All, teeny Planing atillb
r A.loraut bar the eats of /tight.% lot the Wualrotth
Tat= Platting Alethine, bar the ylestenn end nouthsrn
• letug .21.3113
VM. bogs to info rm binftiorido
ad,eti pl at G rico nl r:. the le telet his I
of PALL ANL) WAlTXle . <lo(ilih. s. weal
arm thins Minato fashionable, iincel.and time, for Umitlie.
rorm'a wear. •It , balog•eittarir Impossible to decortho the.
earlaty anti eleminewof the mule ithdratterne of hie Cur
sh:Berm and Yeetifichor theaupeenwqmelita of hie Oaths.
the proorietor hopes that all who wish to yardman licy
article tb his line will fame him with an carp call. A Len,
on hand. the larpeat. beat manufactured. and most Ash
tenable stock of 110.AllY MADE In the Min
uhf which will he offered at 10. eery . !Jewett hrfcift for
coninctors, Como tri alarchittitt, and who porchs.
iltrigal NM And It ninth to tbeit &dean taws to examine
Um elect before mm 14111414 .1 they will runt with dm+
dad Walton ,
Maryy. .641 La ee naming line made fa cilia ti
moet fashionable IWO. at the .hosted node.. • •
A.flest Wiegman wowed hactmllalaly- fecnl•s
Dissolution of Partnership.
TILE iiartiiaratiiil boretoforo existing under
stYle end title o( JO/1T /1114.TH11. thito
(Isantred by the etilhdrawol of J6S.
The butinetsot the ten Arm lull to tottba by Jahn be
toroth++ Intl motion@ the booklets et the old 'noel, Ne.
6111311 w stmt.. ' • Job. k. 31e11111‘.111T•
den JU111111,111611.,
()heaths's Emponttpi • 1 •
lik/EN'S WEAR, ernbraing every =licit)
weedett'. Mr irent'm oottlL Worktiteriabiti wat
ran • tirtree autumn .. at., with the times. • ,
Dora' tratia•—tioyii. twat 2,14 yams old. acitL
firratettett•wlth • complete tiittfle at the shown ttotiers
1200 mulls Dope Clothilig on it anal. Alw, Vont ital.,
mem, surpenithint, Itandkeithieb UMW, PUrkii,
tiapa te. Ws trtuitr le
. .71/mit/Maid rirtirtouertiletwand
la MITLNY BOOLVIN, Cent Merchants
.►,7.ene thaws la Orr Clabdkatonxtet. Iran .4.1.11
coma of WAirt w.b4gt9n Tzr,„ 7 .4 1 ,t1.
TV/PA/WO. V 110
Dusszettr iicarelfas, COIN D'AICE f
NO11: 3 , "
rala .iburchn.,u 4.thanyrtu r ,
Lealt f.''ff i_bana °l°.3. _bt ..I_ ° , l.3l . l . _nstaxlttirna. °l° urt,j;il.llV4...
- •
• -To Printers: •
At,PRINTING- OFFICE, - . amply HOPPbed
elth recesseto _auger AU doegg's Lees rehe
nue Job . Hueneme, lee thissKr, together mouth/I um
e edxpir law eel [be oretulemeixoad emu, te, 1. Laid!. of
.lemel for We its eatable erg ode 113 good orgeromd
meetly suet, arid se the mere eus eneggeel La Other bog
ems, NM very much below theft velum, 09
r "' "thg Tta. M. *W. 14,1.36•. opening lettele
**Um miners: /or porleutele armlr et this orloe.„
1 , V H.r. 41 .,114. ,
:Scully— one V ennltnne le' deoiSellr the
'ANC 'ow born. In tientufw. Alone new Worm Med wine*
• trrtntn tA r zt i thee.main tail Gus
• rim% aa, e " .7 7 cirAclotnnes. : •
' roma.. V.; waxen aro Worn deetrowialisi
-Nag 1904.fik
eil to Scrip •Yor Ik. rear 1161. PIMA.
or the
. P Latatietcd lelcronsn's na.lLambort
Brown Shlllpe a 1J 11 tinkrtan, stosietl.o Co.
llorinct J. ........ Loren Andrew, Jr...
Batchelor6 McCormick 1. .....
llollmoo. &Morrison-- 0, 6/cooichonn W. a 11.. 4
lictinet Kliche-.- .. sleVitriand J. U
13akenoll. Pos. 10 51ch.11 A Pcck-.
lbeyeril John Mclntyre
Boanl Peter 10 McKim S. Co 6
Bradley C............. 10 McKee Hamad --. 7 6
llisckbarp.o. llchlesy 60
IleKer Jr . Ms • WAYS Mock 'A ... 6
C lerk W.... ..... 0 Morph,. Mllson .....
Then 10 Murphy W. It.— lo
Christy It?lskt., 10 slestin Y A. 40
Chorrb s harothirre A Co.. 6 Raclin W. W—..
Cox M. 11...,___, .......... Shuscylloorge 1 40
Crotch. Wm ' 10 Muirany 6
Cehlecli 'dm .. ... _ ..... 10 Meson A. ... 21
Ca rter ILA. 00 1. 1/illlnger Jek '- 10
Carter J. ...... 51imre 6
Cerskltcrs. I , llllsr 07.. 6 Miller. Cha..
I.soleimul. 1101 m. Co.. 10 61 61011 cc J.
(bank Sump 4 3&1f1, Masora
Caddy, Jim., 0.
01111111011bA113 ..... 0 Morgan J / ,,,,,, .........106
Crime A. X 10 Musick 6
ilal!tatbr ll'
berm J H 21 Noble 0 16
co Aral AI, , 10
Moen ...... . Islialrk, _ 15
t/sy/ti Jews. 11
_ . r!!!/.. '?"
13.u15.2 !Al t IlathavraY
i!, m
Floating aloha_ .
970:a a ca
Pura 45 ? 10
14_ ............................
Frohlich k 11
T. M...
irt t Idamasviat...
Um W J. A
dodo t Itorimrt...... 6
bliebuLroll a O.— JO
'..yoapiatri J......
11 1 , .
nlmn wi r l.:Cs. :
0 .1- o k re b :7l rif i.
I 4 /
Ilutelnw, J. 11. C 0 .._.....
inun r k '''''''
ltm psontl. 14. 11. .
1000Plon. /30:1111If'
w. err '" 14,
- /nit 0,4 11
kls btte aea
'' TO
tl.oo4l44oK,"Uniliit a t =l.-#. , II 10
WlCi u.a sbt, Junks
ging. Prancre .-- t 44
Mininr. l.l w•gaivib '7 ' 117 -1 g
1d N'
• mil
LApono ., ..... _lO koory 14 ...... ..... .l 0
Y. A. MADEIRA. •rynt.
. n Fire awl Life lasnranei.
TA , 7 ?../li T e Tr iit: L. nrirr z re t Compang of ,Loncto7,
IWS ' ZGAnitir Fjgr, , -1311ildinns
' rt. w vesimi Itkrethie. ' " - & '
- ,
The itionat Lois .Pu,d Life dentretstre Society
i of London;
Carl rat, $2,500,060,
- s
tree the Lives of person; between the
14 ;ma
a - ma airy le be' usual Uwe
.n . ctb
1 , P1.1. retvisa4 at tb. Stoking #01.1•41
daar Va ll a!WooJ eGl and %tb.
_ _
STATE X crrtraL
Iip.SIPNEP Oply for tbo e4fer chimes of
;Jr ir:Pet) nosiki.....l mil•r•
•a••••••‘• print u{ wtarouts. Wet, sermomo
datioa, cica muster =frau.. sill •Irne. at
"4"2" g all'
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Plaikid'a.
, •
pi - RECTORS: Charles W. Baocker, Geo.
LW. Rif/milk Tbn4ll•rt, 11 . Lein & Tula
" 'vitt Wasidiat.
C. 11.1.• BraNcoa. Se•netur.
.161 a 1.1•23p•at ,coottoor• to ask. Intormaw.,lO•Mili
et limited. very Jawriptkaa.i4 Ilvierty to W oooos
Istan .10. /0 Ala 001104141 A With ateurity.
' 74• Ul •t•eay, bit. ryok•voi • lar, mo••••• 0 taw% I
wlt•thois C•••al Prlmmitos,,••:els tuttat•J,
aml •t• ;Ira...lam 14 thaa•auml.
Ion.•s• th•Cuoaraby,•• J .N.
as pub.
1100•11.e.•*•13- Mot Art of /1.•••21,1y, wore as
1, r =l
4tia •
t6tit 11/Jl4l.ontise, • wax' or 'II )=
batirtftla upw•t42011.104 I.llllsos V./ 11.0rd71
11ollata Lawn 14 Pa*. lbstrif•idence of lb.
wlmtelawea alwunon. as wan es lk ev
ont elalty aad
43111.....14 11100.1 sad as La,
Pau MOW jeifq /acurituca
J. lime•
Jr N 11`13 o. Won/ Intw r l.
lbw bathes. otoaron/roor ot twewool tosidla.• la Mt
IJsor kart .1110 , t,lt • lbw +wool ..t also L. nosed dYI f,
111,0 11 k.l•ft.l :I to. 3 o'o.-11, la lbw tmg too.
J Jatosoltostor 1./a, No 7.4 14 , ..1 .t evo t. ••
rova bon all toyer
at, labrrulaiLat wll.l be et eta and tow mu lawn.. pr,tot4.
IT attraJiel to: Panso•k. oxf/.11101•1 tG P 11 1 1•11,6.
totolJ, ft Litt I•Jursan, UnL tom/ foruumoo oa
.1 8 1 1:ittlioct am
0 1 00 2:1.00 as.l mastao Inerna/
Prot tor aoouoll7 1,5 t Mon inn i t/w1 1.4 WV! .
11t1-I , Orrh..lon. liil.--.214
•Ifarine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
Inattrtuier, •
rll l lllllasuranceViaapny a of Xizeries.
1 4 1,A1a.1,13./ala-4.l3arl.trrdl7l,L capa.s.ls4 , lo.l)V. £..a
4.1307 1531.11XL1.6 W. wake Insurance ess
1ni109,7r4 em.lrnr..l.lyl,rul and tionstr, olio
on Vrti.../r-r irtnta boats
.I 1 .
5a.1.4.1...1thr0 br 10 4.11.nuppartallosior co th•
/Whir U. CaCIA. Pron. itwroba P. Clow :
PatilYai IV. Jorko4 : Jt-ho C. Nor,
141•nrol Smith, Ilichanl 11. 4 11.4 4
Jorov A. firorrn, tiollticoo ttiolah,
Parnarl Y. rztillb.— fristwid C. 444.1.4
tromuol C.A..
Clarroro Ter ha. /4. Aucheillrororo
Ambrorro II Caro;',:sl „ l4 .
Jsroill M. 'l!rotrosro
IL Morris A stsl, • h. ir. lipoorm - 411erep.
Thlalr tba alert /rosa rancor Coro pacytto IM Milted drat*.
At proro Cr high 444thlicc. loror erotism* : ample moans,
oP4rorclicoProll date ol . rows Pckzarlcour cLarreter, It
-• sr L./ ft.t1.14.1.1 II .2.7 , 171 . 11101117 . 7fiti to ttne public.
AAI JONIX., Acorn.
Irozi • No. 141 - Prcrot anon.
Delaware Mutual Safoly.insurarice Comp'y
CIIANUE. Thlol 9 Motet. Chllotelptto. r - t
mr. Ilmshowlso .a other
rrivrtrju menuy. mot i on lora or
,h t ms, Ly anal the' tormrhaeot prerulum.
/Atm. lossMoses—Tber aho hvore Vmsels, Carton,
o f Lrrights. Ltmlon ssr coartolor. ankh" oven or special
tulle., or Cot sosurol rtl
litanu loossremsmen.— j also Insure )Itooltmollm
teaoapaldl hr IN,motte. itit i ;ml . tlll. thtlit W.f., and
Steam Lott% utsfrirem mot on themest bend terms.
Illerrouo—Joorph Li. IXmli L' mood A. Moder. Joint C.
NMI, Hobert Hump. Jobo U. l'ottroso. Samoa ilibrerils,
boorits C. ltom, Ltlemot tmillutttoo l Ctrirtwll
liom .! 4 elrlit, Us, It. Jatom ti.
I t o
It l'sohlum. LI. JC.1...1 uro,u, /Nary
Moon, Ilug b emit, tWorge &Trill, Misuser AleilrolOt
e ll IC
Il.Joiorom, Wm. War, Ur. S. Thelma;
Jebel Sellers. Wou YI.N, Jr.
kWreaultotri—D. T. 'tut, u n g s ,
do T. locon. , •
WILIMm ktotrts, Norr r is. Taos. 0. Ours Viso PreW.
&Vt. 01. COW., reClTtlrr.
ittOrna of lb. MPollt, No. 04 Wart rtrmt, Pito
bmh. Ilo " Ttf I r. S. 114111.1' . drool
Katlic atual,WaliuniranceCompany.
4 11
'FLITS COMPANY odors to tholniiiro' d all
inroadimmitr an/ earning. of the Mutual and Joint
Fuck (imberetolbreupplhel)notobtmel.mtMelm
rate. of atl return to cash of the per
*ohm , minimal the the entrthlr ant risk of Om yeat; an
adequate, but not rarest/iv°'provision too the tutors Wh
et, mttaloPrt tut tee Who termal WI. • ith as adenine
Me Interne In the accumulatina fund secured to ruth
popto bore, payable At death, by medico upon their polte
hauentuty fund ttesigtotal for Um leermaneot encurlty at
int term members, and aleo for the prerod oe.rity of
a.m. loathe whole teem of life.
w,y-Tl* le the only littittial IJfe Inentonee Oorrpsay
whose mho of pentium aye And at PM sedated mord
ant, with a provition tor .onnually Innermliag atrtiaill-
Int lot of Mods Mar future Noun:7) In coact proportion to
the amount of tholhatif and the ineemolog.riok from ad-
Touring Atm among the metntann.
remuttlets, trams, le,. Melon In desalt the plan nod
rata, of the Calumny. fundebtal grail& and artilicoMimr
foe lontratice zonated by • .I.I•CILBETT. Opal.
lint Wood inning eittshtitgb.
• Bagun Canaan. Medical Yountner.
I NIAC/0.--2 casks Madras end Manilla, for
14, hi H. P. S.EI4.ERN,
VOETEE- —IOC Lags prime Rio, for solo by
XJ.IAI . . •J. H. mLwonyjt H 00-
_ ..
OT ASII-31) casks nuro, for sale by
jal J. 8. DILWORTH I W.
UTTER-10 Ulm. fresh Roll, for ask by
ARD-10 kegs Leaf, for onto by -
SYRUP -1U bbla. Goodale'e, for sale by
Da J.O. DILWORTH a co.
. .. .. ...
N o. :i MA CaEttEL—J,5O bbis, for tulle by
Jai J. IL DILWO/qll4ll CO._
SEILI A 8-10 hhda new, to arrive, for ludo by
isi •• J. O. DILWORTH* CO.
CI 0111 EDA DI'S Aromatic Schnapps-2 bra.
0 fossslo by J. K IVO! CO ,-
:I sZI ! 4. ' 60 Wood st.
-9.ll'alah:.::a illilitt.V.,..
~,,, lb.. thorn Ci LIVO; I 11l .. U. , .
WO . 0.0 01mb; 900 - Ilecter'srartus:
, 0 0 .. 11.00.11140mpPord . I ease ltolian 11...r0ut:
1.. • • rosr. 1 0 • - tional..lll,
100 DC stop. Elleirloor: 100 sacks nos Dairy .04
40 DC
Islngtorr. • • 10011rteu Bouts. ssitly
1.0 ° Itorowux ' , Tuner. ar salw by
4. D. WI LIAM a CO.,
de: romer of Wttod and Wirth et.
Holiday Hato •
'CORD & CO. havo j ust 'Ned a k
ema. of Il beoutifol HAT l "be/
Wont they 10111eUile allentfou Dl 100101014.
uuLK IttiANKETS 2—Blulrny
AI,- Duncan= haia tied bo *mem a ituther impair
...A a aupetior makaof 111aatela, saaladlog a as- i;rim
' 7l l Aglrritt v awl aglykieslest;fineolea—Afall
ply au bao lacluAtm a Pas .yt , cla dark lalsad.lbr
mourning. Also, Claes &sally
iard ''' etornse Of *Eng Oozing. It thi anstrittl
LANKETS,4I'COMFORTS.,:i hole re:
mei mi mamba tut ef tow ram Stutete rft bee•
, PRICES Or 8T0088. )
41 A. WILKINS &: Co.
vmsanon. Jan. 31, 1844
- [WM i ••• ! 4 '72_5_7 I
Oultod &atm •
. ffs.-......--.17.7 - 0 --- .. - . 7• - '
D 707. 17 . 7
PonositraolaWs..----- , toD7 .... ...
Allo'br M. 04.-......::--17...1 -..
Do. coup. wooer!, f 7.77., • 9771 7 •..
D.. foooarm,--...100: WI 1 - oftY 617 rbi,-r U ...
D ''' -11'-`. -1:
•Ite it. . 7 l. 0d , ..4 phi ,.. 3 , ,. .. :i x ‘ 7, 7 ,
r.sasi reocu.
Bent of elttdbureff.—.. OW UN; 434
Lout,Nl Ismail/Lot b(l7 14 1 / 2 . I .7;ff.'
DocLaffiro f... 117. ise Olfi BUS.
4,11...D0nt Ofvflogo Mull ~..1 ... 1 _. 1
frerafr 4.1 , 1 7 1/....1t . ....1 t. 2 2 h
Prd4l; ftlfw. -- 777, 1 2: 1: l i i
ovulf.oosport 0rk10...--1 4 16
6.6666,61. •
Westernlneuranos j „
CCteem' liccoranc• 4 .
Associated Fireman'. Co 7,"
PI" V " A fte 11
rk ..... we • .-
.11. toast. fitscatratnti
n taVli • ks
PitteburAh 60 66%1 63
' Ptar:77 ,tnl
.$ "'
.LFllCleveland Alt ellen., It. RI 146 40 47
M.lOO IL Way. Way LwaW,lwarlua: Wow ai
.6 11 . 1 1'6,i 4 :32 . 411. 6 8 . 1. 4.1 8 1 1 8 1 . 4 ' 1 . 1
6. 66 6 4
far•lt.6 ..... 00, ,
lOW Canal Broads. ialaa.•-•3001 80
Na do. (aaay• LW. . I
enmk lista Road, lP iti
td i err7e , iii•P 6 Rilj 26' dt W
tireorisbA. Turnpike /Li-. 60! _
tir,crilers Coal Co A. . -
11166.66661.:_' 180 1150
• pa:Maw/a a 6061.0...-.-
North W
rtb Weetern.
Ina City '6
rnev , 66 ....... ...............
tionalnes floaghtol6---.1 -.r 1 I
Ptre I _2 I IK.
: Il Moil.
1 ik
0.41M1D MU INA
reerrirrase warm, sr
SONS, Bankers.
gg s . 17 Arrht st,tehocen third rtnd kbor7Ans.rigstwor s .l.
?visa/A - di:IL •, at /
2 of l'tekory/t...--...W . Oren
r d*.
PrLank of
Lank of I/all/we/ Mates 11 newel Awre. llank--Ao
Comnis4l.l Ws/ or PA-par Bank of Masan/At --.-Ao
Ware. kleclianicell2 nu Scull Notes . NEW Ntiliiil7
Newington Cank.-....p0r All wheat Ilanka----.-
shwa..AIWA Hant.-par NM VORA.
Noegatler Dank- ----pee New York
Va u itaikti3=tra tioguss
kH gst&glia%
pa W =lCtirtata - re - 371;;1i... 1 74/IIZTEPOW,
musk or Chaster County- 3118.118 lA.
&aka DanaN/5.,---par Busk Gab, 1
Wlllt 84.00,L8 , Atae1iAL8k aftlegials. Ilictonon3
Bank a UermanWen.—parl Its. Rusts V.
kV: -.7lV r eetan rV lL IL . f 1 1•11 10
B.A or Nidalstown "
NwlioNatittikar.l, .i 1 ii 7771 eikoriiir •
Carltga Nana- . , IlEaso °Mina
Oolistabia 130 2/8 of AL of N. l'aeoltet.„.
posiaatairo Nosk..-....-.-parrainsonniil Bt. 11 Itatillen 2
/111wIon llembants Wok, V 171.L 2
Nolo twit I 308211
Parosas'llk of
OnAnael 88 of the EL of Canoilan 2
Fasans' lik of Lancastegyar Dank of &ANA 2
of Charleston.-.....--
Yam- eito/Nennzleptypar Plaottlf ♦ 118
gar.Alnov. •• IQ
iftanalwl33.lll pal Attgats /nA Co
Iftlfstnaltet_ y _.... - /Qara 1
Lanesater Bank_ _......_._par 18-Ing.tars.
tewoartarOmnly - SwilLs.paz All wishes* twat....._._„_ 3
Lobanon A/STUCKY.
Monne Bank Wises. no I 88 of Kentnets4lastlls
Nnowiranala Auk., --we/1.11 of Lontsvilla.Th wi asanns •
.114 st Newish Book l'Northero Ilk of K.tudir •
Wyoming Ilk.Wiltellwregarlgouthern 81 or Ii entooas
Rork Itasit It • two Wit
8. Now. 1:4
sitifs. • • I.l4littlit. •
Otdo lAlata Lla ws3lBrWsellia..-14 1
=at Lank or
at -. 131b0JANIK. •
a nryy
Intent at Clawland.--,dAltarnisra. Mechanics. /WAS
Ilrawb at /301 • 10 ...,-......4,liWorsonfat_3lAel WALL-
Briateb Kink- -- I
pnwith at Wales.' -llngostes.oewn t p,4„.„._ a ,
Braise% a 1 OZE ' 0 •41/..-
Hratieh at As %NADA. '
Snuck TA M f t ''
!Faabell 4,?,
(M 4'WaadW~
fYdNWL..:Y....... i
u~u~,.~~ ° u ° e ~
~'oola Yn._
"~~ ~ r~.
ar n:i,~.:n~:.i
rd et P.
Brgkwit . 1,71
Itrzoth at man
prszte? at Tyoy
Ilrusr-h al Kan
araatb ar Nam,
Peach at NU ,
Llrantte al Por
,+VJwi...........:~ I,W
1i,74 i , 4(,
ARRIVAL Judi urearuaza or /mu.
Tao lb&Lasing Mt of arrival. =a doll:tam of lb mills
oar stoat cornet to the leUet.
tarmacUr lirreostave i Q6k!ai4latabarg. Phlladelakla„
Nes Vat*. ragem. titian sal Northern parte of 11. Yolk,
New Jefeer. ita4 toe esa New Lagtaui
tiritab Proylnees of lower Odulds, Nara and -
Hey IltailealeLdaily. Arrives at 3114 Thlastla at Ir..
yloata kurrurs—By itaitraellye arid
lacitallog [be morales of Bralf.nb . aiyak Cll.
J utuara., LrmmloP.M i ra, to na u r, ronl.
XTLIVC.br4M O kaa... *km= =rat
ana coutqf. Anirea Maly, at roc; douse daily at
th a. K.
Jtits...-}ir Hann. Ps.,, Merger. i.41ribid..9491 !Ohm*
aruntles, estem put of New ti ark and uperlVads. dens.
Artlrer 91;9 &arty at 9 4.
Sovntrita Aso Warrttut.—By Wu/garb", Pa.,, um%
Warrlb% eaatatria,4 WI Wtalamalata ~ t n+ tlrclala.
llarilan4.l4luon'araspinataa Cltataatbana and Oatt•
I :Z=l4 ltwouti..ll=ialttr2at ' : U....N0v.1 (Sta.
I,3l. k .ll;:tt i laiLintraa.f i kit l ila i ......., Texas. daily. #rrlros
ri Lt:ruaaantl2. l oairy Vaults. v ltaer.. Ha:tram
taNl.la4tlmt.aZlAialalta•Vis coup ' ll g 4M.Atrg
Animal I/ r. Ltimpaeto et a &at: . , •
AMA Wattrit—ht Ileavu.l.a.,sail Clan*. °Dior.
I.l9 . 'tela..=. li pataallat u trata PartaAtt, G.
Mlaa.horsia, 11ani! ` lOttangV , artuakNotat
sad Lyntatoontloat.'l.l.l*; tem extreme aart/tera carnal.
at thaa( Juliana azal ;.A ntra, atl
itaa. /oaa, aad Wiacoarle. /any. Antra, at. 11 L.
parts at • a. st.
tgtionso.—tly Sharpab
r . l / 4 ".tutolnit. unto. Anastroos,
' tivont,{ViTZ. °""A" "'
QMI - 122=itnr Wr " . Z6'." " b PWt.t.
- •
and, Lqdat . i;;PKgar
tital7;, at IP. damns aloodaya,
Ways sad YridaV i a.&.
Saawsnat.—By Stu and Um"
onirsheia deWea eadala, Pridayk al 6r. so.l
W4nand Mayday r. as 0 a...
co.r=rfitt.i==.,trP., g;gva
Bast tineety. Upper.bikldie.
On. Sapdaya and Wnsa nab a. lay do:
yens Dloalays sad Thursdays, a A.
Bynum 1 a.—.14 Walker's millaAnblestnrit u rd..;.
Buyestssynarn. Qom Creek - TillaserPaitasson's
ilansay. V. Arrives Sundays and Tburattil...l.l. as
departs kionday a and Tbuesdaytk at 31. X.
Fantetra, Ourdlekrrip,.itas. War
rridir r , igny ß rp i =
n i' n • iarukftra ' st. A"""
Sustoora, Antrim. North. aan. i s
fa. Wires as Weduesdaya. at P. Loispartr koodaY
Luceine..—By LOOM'S Derry, Artirree on S!sls7. at 5,
P. d""4 ott 4 = " l y 1 1 West' Unarm'4 Cie
W AXTITCO Alflitkly4ll 4 l Jan. WZreelar. •33.1
at 7 - a. 7a., ex.s . detrarte Thursdar; nact
Setcrdsiott I, • ' •
Uttar. for the kteo7 EH* be hithe 011ee embinsr
.otki bailee their - .l.arture.,' iettere thr the irtleve, sepl.
whetly mile. mat be 1.1 the Wee Wise how
before Muir &vertu..
United , States Patent Office, bee. 15; 1051.
ON the petition of Jima Wing, of Belfast,
No. Yolk, paying l o r 016'41106m1= of a . plaint
wanted to Wm Mr an improvatooot lho A:manna for
wring taw, trough6Tor modurting water from build
ings, to., for t 0.., Team from the 4Yq:ration 001.1 pat
mt. 'Won takes plan on Um rowentoonth dny of Math,
6. 1).1t6Z
It Is ;Wend that the Sala taint= bileard at the Pat.
ant War% an Monday, the lot of Muth, t 552.5111 0,
dock, 114 and all persona aro notlned to appear and oh.
muse. If .7' they hare, why maid !path= ought not to he
Penman appalling Um a:tension aro . ..paired to 11l ID
Um Patent trMw Way olneettona, aperineal art forth to
writing. at. lean twenty days bets . tha day of Mahar.
teatime:ly sled by althir . Rto be need at lb* saU
hawing must 'Ara nod ttedin aroxrdlttee with
the rules of th e arbia, 'nada
d h tkla
M Od t er ugh:on t , at ßepubl a mtUal u n. ih Woi h a w
U.: Itorhester Lally Damorrst, lterbeater. N. vi Prot+
draw, Joanna, Proridenotb It i•
eax Penn aaaaa via Inquirer.
Philadelphia. Plttabtt . it thrU% lltbrperp,
git a d ' a7:l7=lll.s7. *
dethlaw3 LotanUationer of Petra,
LIARPER'S and International Magazines,
ILL far Juiuszr, reed at 110121/111% opPosita tas WO(
11l hemAn be - Mutual, 'enewlied with :ftwki.
iwand lOW Corn Neel white and
briebl. nine. which will be sold ae die lowest erboleamil•
Wel retail ram 's
en a. now offering at their inntnnental oar.
al - A)mm7a
P.r"- "'""' :
I PAINTERS an ...other* rogiurang _Odd
.ett wawa gok;
Ibr tbik truly,toomatlralt„
Astrowaallect Wa4l (lonntorarnajoor.._ •
Itnahn. i1100d01.13440r lu:dungen
.us LlRAus..botetwr vuo.iiittkomm IP•SX
.!.034 • . CO.
g1 . L13 '-
V dali
77: foe maei :I:
13 . 41114:k11
qftH artm - pio w 4
Da. wawa LEcrunsoit Evaom
The second of the coon, of Nine Leonine to
be given In Brooklyn, by Rev. Dr. Baird, mane
off last evening at the Female Academy. its
subject IF'S Russia and Poland, their history,
biography hum= nature and political padriorc
and with truth it may by sald,. that wo per
son who his travelled through tbom OctinitHes better qualified to do jestictitettie sub
-He began, b\calling the attention of - the au
dience to the Talultent of the Russian Empire,
embracing, uit • , about asinuel maths half.
of Europe. its retrace was !rosentainona and
somewhat rocky, with some exceptions.. • It
possesses territory tr\ a great extent en 01:11. own
continent and Nova Zambia. It population
now is *bout 67,000,000, 65,000,000 of whom
are in Europe. The Northern part of Russia
in Europe is 'eery. barn, and marshy, and
rocky, being lakey and low. The Southern
Part is 'lndy. and through which eon the Volga,
Don, Nlep, and kinetic' Four of the rivers of
Resale flow in one direction, and four in au op-'
posite. No part of the world ht as level as Rol-
Ida—being the lowest country\ in Eorepe. If
you were to level it off, it wcorldire only thirty
five feet above the am. According to
bolt, it would take materials from, Central lin
rope, and flonthrru Europe 4e particular to make
at ot; hundred -feet above the level of. the
sea. ,
As to theeirly history of Ennio, it trio to,°y
red in great obscurity. Rome' never conquered
soy part Of her. 'She was itcpenetrableby the
Romani. The Greeks, however, planted colonies
in the Southern part of Russia before the Chris
tian firm and bencecivilleation in the southern
part of Russia advanced In the ages which tOlc
lowed the advent, of rotr fiationr. But, by the
trruptions of l'actirs and barbarians. Greek
Civilisation disappeared; and when again it set
its foot upon Ronne soil, instead of 'South, it ,
allowed itself in the North--especially at Bt.
Petersbnrgh. Scythia, was according 'to the
idea of the Romans, filled with mime) tribe.*
who lived in tmts and,witere ocuispanon was
sporting and (thing. These tribes were eon-
Mainly 'at war - with each other. The only
way in which the Greeks and Romano got any ,
loniligenee from the Scythian was' from tray._
Waco* JOIT
j rnt-J ar .lolr
l int. Ung It !t i e,
DIT Nor. 6 V ct
Dit.Dec LS C•h
Dir.Pr.b pr cl.
I do
Mr 4pr c.a..
Div entr Opret
IDlylBllo ,111.)
New Stock
la the firth century, according to Itusatatkhl4-
torians, .6
Setaronie triha obta t iturA lirepondfle
-1410 Mt' fly Seek - The Government wad tete&
fished it Kee
The Realises obtsboed their Christiaaity from
Constantinople. In the process of. time, the
Realism' cremated the Greek faith. Already
bad the schlaM tekea place between the greet
Church and the Latin Church. Tkate Ikea no
essential' differevi bityeen the quids of the
Greek Church, however,
. t hlre nq l tstli n tle . , b b e e ad. I t had monks until Pe
ter the
.Great put en end to that beakless .' - They
administered the sacrament to the laity, end to
Infanta when sick to get the m well; and to well,
that they might not gat sick: The eacranient of
the Priest wee given juke., yea vent, bine
reel to children. The doorl i tia of purgatory
ill not adhered c l otse smuttily as by the Raman
1,4 k
ealhitiatc'flio!u the Gres . Church has the
Seven Ceremonies the saute s the. Latin Church.
There le a Uttar found . 'on fir the work of
Reform/idealiser' there 1 in 'se Latin Church,
because they we opposed to giving lb!! ffh.',,lie
the Scriptures. . .
The Greek Cluir;, jerstaikd ia.Ennit. At
the Titc'o time, inetlier branch of he g Sclavanio
. rabe'eatiltlishedtherneelree further north, where
now stands the city of Warsaw. Poland stet
=tined independent, for a time; and the Poles
made more progress in civiWzation tho u did
the Rumiens, sending ,misalosailtAnduetted.
The canoe of
~the origin:l4mM between the
netions liedi,g4he faCt that the Po:lestrue
as thilhieos, while the Remises belonged
to the Oresk Church. Religion Wait at the
bottom of It. The Poles advamited testes
in civilization, hems* they were nearer to
Germany,, and bad many were with the Ger,
meas. eepeolally with Atte Teutonic Knights.:
To come don farther in the history of \Clean
countrits Kett' owed to bo part of Rums in
the tatter part of the twelfth century. Kota
by the name , of George founded the City of lie: ,
eon and transferred the teat of iforertimenetti
that city from Kea.
Tht l / 4, Ci!,y of Moscow nonteu?' 409;040 tnhab
. ...lir \
tants, N e" liege part being built of wood, 'a few \ ,
buildings, og brick. It ie very levelozzol.tliough
lying in a basin, yod Would eternal) , perceive it.
11 ts surrounded by a ridge of Ml* over which
the depth tithe. Mosoow was brunett in Iftill,i
after.the Freed Ind taken prthesslori of it. It
was tot fire after that mu done. Bonaparte might not to' hare let theist do that' It was litchi
etaturelo burn whim/tier they left Nada them;
and Brundens . bath wondered , that hhey body
should have thought there was any great merit
iu that affair, Nine-trothe of the ally were
burned. lionaporte had enough to put four -or
five men in everylonie, and thus hue prevent
ed each a catastrophe. There are no ruins of
the conflagration to be seen, the oily ban been
eplete' rebuilt. - • '
The chid charm of the place Is the Kremlin:
me Prime found a bill on the North side of
eiit k river that he thought ha !mold convert.
lot - a Bretolln: - It Is sevettpdve or' eighty
feet:above the river, and le the thief promoted-.
ing pk t e o th in the city, commanding a tae view of
a rity'of Moscow Was a long time growing
up, &di the may eity in Russia of soy impor.
tame, withobe or two except:lona
Ra -, , troubled by the irrapticm of In Ih , One of Tamerlane:. The Tartare
, i)
roncioere iii . ;reat part 'of Russia, and, at the
same tire Poles gave the Russians a great
I deal of tr.. b *, for, being . More civilized, they
were more ' ',the. Between the Tartars and
the Poles, th Sessian Empire wag almost mud:
Misted in the •• Month century. . Evan, a man
of ndontitable .thsge, Miran to make war up.
on e Tartan ntkpoles, and .traueferred the
' Gov mint to ce w. :
Peter the Ore be ato reign In 1689, Jest
about 'the time • tie revolution in England;
when the Primo of , e ge took posthssion of
the Ouch' of Eng •., \ F rom that time dates,
the esietarco of Boni a European country.
- Beforwthatit was emp . ' fealty *steal Peter,
went to 'troth to - make - - Europe:sea The
first thing loyld was-to ieidk down of the Jill.
Iseriet Pete, with his til kw*. cut off th e
heads of a Teat many of Cio; He put down
the Monks, entisthroke up t ti hfottestaries; or. ,
dittoed that 4,,, lan should tlia‘;votrok without
reaching th e age 'of Sky; wintto 'work to tryto
rethe people dremOdn French fishtail; imported
a number of Prene.V4German, aid Satoh tailtes
Intollimelai • Hi wanted people to attire off their
beards, while It was tit euatom ththe to let the
-- .e—orialted re at nobody should go to
I ,icr
'e ,r.,,,lre b ta is io bearst lemar int. ll.!"l, , ..B l,4 l
for commerce and main
is coitld not be anything
I got t.ialellaital of the
t occasioned-war with
to ecroomr s place near
founded 84. Psterebuth;
to wrods, Ind now tele \
/ by swanky. fortes,
idated, and shills dealt,'
built In the irodei, con
sist; thousand ' , inbabl,
tixty, and to soenewitsi:
..., disease beteg. eillicnte
-me - miles in olecumfatenee,
„, ~.....,‘ demo space Is taken up bY \ the,
rev •\
and the str aro too wide—this topic
being rlthricteristio ofi e Russians: The net
ten if this In, their ho lt s are meetly built ot
wood, and to prevent ft‘ • . ' ' .• ~- ''
' Peter \ the Great began\ t have commerce and;
a navy! ITIt wu folly, bardt was a folly flit
A ti,
, id bm s. been'etuted by oil theSTmpero , le . oftlins-:
\ Though lit IS acme ressonXbr-a navy now,.
there was note\ then. There try no wean in'
t ifsis whin kin\ anything -about nautical .af
fed ;so he weneek it himself. Hithmet to Rol-. ,
1 \ and Euglarsi b learn ' the ablimarpenter'e.
trade entered . * they Indent' iocatehrely.
promo ed, end thenanteredem a corrathin soldier'
in the , my and wait Made superior. He found;
that troops - were - \really a match 'for; the'
swedb . a. . ‘., - AI \,:
• Prom t tomeßussia‘hatt advance!, peer ;
elated that 11 his 'ejecta, might litad;hut he,
did not \ranch toward, bringing it abouh---..
All the chillthlion he %remedial/lot a general;
nature, and did not tooth the Muses at .11 \ dld
the blither !lathes. AfterMs dal ...creep
ed =eV eoneelgter not to be,,,emnpered to.blin.;
Peter's son reigned them ream.. \Tim =Man
Ann reigned ten Years,during whk.hthc, pest
bell, weigh t ing 480,0 irse
0 pounds, thed4 - _ , lble
bell n few years ellepeards fell, whintithe-bildl;.•
-ding wee bthned, add 'vu benten.illde bell
was largifelliael to 41411 Mellitgatlall 'lf mar
bondredrpoepla. , , It mei alxtistes kola cle...
eneofetence, and thirt y feet high. -114 , tiilte
have beneertedlt Into , coliepel;* n;
Maia n aliabOall 41t It."-The eerpeeee Ann epeln
eiteifollew 'top theiplelt of,Peter;' The danglk.:
let -of 'Pete? . 7Ellthbelh, Allgiteil 'twinty•tee \
yeidtl \,: Peter . the-thled \ tentr:id of thidli
ethst; ~S he'qrn dents: datbraned:dieir ha • •
litho *idea lila to dent
tifotelnietteol ot.A,Etheredgeedithlftrfour
t .o.
laiii`mtd4lol sz*IIA : She kid is tows metal
F ir , the delt methathrlds father,
lia' vie hail euksidariirditenok
1 - ;-..4 • .1.::::: , -: , / •.\, .:, l , -• •,, -•• , -,-", --.- ' '
• . . , _ ,
1•IZZI:77 - tY0
. .
4 . • .•
. .
VOL 7 U --- 51E V - -- - -Nl3 - 31RiR 14-67
He had's , idea. , of (lonroment, i"ii account of
_- ... ;„,'
his moth • keeping him close. Icaul reigns." a - F. , .... ,
from '96 to \ISO" 'and then " was 011cdered on . :, \
f ‘
account of p ging \ the country in a war 'with i ' 4' ',
England. , ,
After the m Tiler \of, his father', Alexander , _
tame to the throne, and ..reigned 'from rgol to . s .
1825, and then dit. i.„ The Empress died °Ft- i,
ly afterwards. W ths s news arrived o \ the \
dentko Alexander, Nicholas sent for his b th- \
)1 \
et Constantine, to co t z mediately and .tedte 'I ,
the goternment Into is h nib; 1311 f, it' bet ~ r
found that Nicholas w the rightful , heir, h \ .4 ,
proceeded to adminiet%the ath. Three or \ • ';'
four regiments refused to take L "Abont two \ ''
o'clock in the afternoon. a 'thfci regnnent was
brought up from the ben ts, nd the\,Sght '
commence', which lasted tb If nohow'. 1 - -' -„' •
At basethey submitted androw ono I sir ,
guns, and went to the barrca 'eke' Ott • \ i
Wereaent„to Siberia. Thatiras thew iqieh - • • .. .
Las camp to the throne Instead' is Con tine.
The trouble s had been brewing for hree four '
years, bat Alexander , h
wuo was theeonstions\p: \
fact, had not \ courage to put it dliw '' Th cry ••i \ \
was "Constantine and the ennitifeitlOn, 4 d
when asked who they meant by n CiinsiittitiO " \ , '
they answered t t they wanted 'Coat vet
' • \
and his wife'"
Nicholas has now been on the throne 'twenty-' -
lee= yea"- He ie ow rl 6 Seers of eri,e: a • • \ ,
MAO of floe health, a d it is not likely thist-no ' \
Munk' of giving op th throne. \He huli: , eol\ •
35 years of age; to who the Russiens lock fee- ... '
nerd with great confide e, its he is the friend'
of improvement. lle projected the rams i
from St. Piteniburgli to \ Moscow, 169 mile!\ • ' \
long, which was made by . taerican engineers, , "
-; - \
and others will shortly ho ilt. Resells is a \
ginal country for 'railroads, \ it has
1 5..,
The preeeat emperor has three eons and two\ , \ -, \
daughters. The eldest soy LI called Adoxander, \ ' ,
after the name of hie une.e. Il s is a men of • . , - .
great promise, and is bettereducated than his '
Twenty millions of serfs belong to\ tbo Elfh.,
, peter and .twenty - six millions belong tn. the , ' ,
nobles--forty-eight millions hourbt an'
sfith, the lands. Nineteen million
It is the wilik f the Emperor Nielind ,
trate the serfl, bat , the power lies in sti \
of the nobles, and it is dangerous gri
him tread upon."' - \
e Voles from 1572 to 1722 elect _ \
Their government was "Os
fective. Tho first motarch they , els
a,Fratichmsn, who ran away from Fob ...._
few days. The next wad
a Hungarian , anithe
I did not doimuch. The third waslllSsectier The
Protestants were not Burry. at the - dismember,
went of theirlepublie. tl'ero it notfor...the , \ •
ritin 0 , ( the Russians they would glee up Po- ,
The lechner then referred to the stiengthOT `\
Russia, sad said ho was entirely of opiniondirat \ \
Russia is not a strong country : It hes:o,oooi -
soldiers, and they sneer:tiered over the emPlte. \ .
Three hundred thousand Men coald tiot, be .
brought intri the central parts ot\EOrope: The, , \
'Weldon that trans sent to Er in ye, seat there \
[by British gobi This could not tlie obtained '
again. Ruedia's treasury has onlAl2.0,000,180b"
of our dollars. ' Tier debt is '86,180,008,0M
Germany, singlehlmnded, would be s upough-for -
her, and as for Prance, there 19 no ground for
comparison Irak linsria.• If the waterer ni-'
'Wahl Of Europe will allbw Russia 'to 4412111100 T
user thera,,they deserve to bl eseuquertsti,''
lernasn.=•The Militia tanning Sail *tains , • -
ti. following I -"Au OM: similar Jettini.WhiCir -
has created solt - „och daticesticiind ceriininuirripi-
neon In tlelgiurri, *wsicproululpatcd ycsterriat.. =
(Stmlnyo in many if not all; the:lcon:lmi Cabo .• ,
Ilc places of worship; sgaihrt iiiirm.i'mari:irtnns, '
interdicting henceforward the in ( eituofeingo of
Ronianlsts with heretics It is icconitionttanY .%
i strict injunciien to ihoso;litzon":C#ltolic.x. -‘..
who are nos so united,. to ririplei.eOiri.„.piessi- ~
hie means to gain ever ,their .,:the - ... '''.%
same faith--ticrer to intermit tiariuosci-stienn
ens exertions for That purpos ,i- otei uii'tlo /W . . '
CV:6d to agree, or Chile by, any .. preiioni eon - - '
scat to the bringing up of arty
_anent tteir chit- •
dim% not or the File of the florian Cnixerit2r- 1 '
This commend belli&eccompoulra rwitlideraitiai-
miens of heavy penalties apeti• th e' dioobedienr,
will lay - the foundation ofmach domestic:leis
try, end lead io tinitital disrrptioner.:Cenn
deuce and pimee between many wheel, tho, Lin
ofthid rindnf this land heal joitied,xig!iiher 'for.,
mutual support and reliance. -
It is nearly a noire-month tine Itle.:. Glad- -\. ' - 1 •: ...
.s tra expose of Neophlitan cruelty end dent"- \.. ' 4 ~
tk , was bade publia„ 1 Sufficient Owe has p.m.,. .
sod judge of the ellects...lf the.government •
of =fortunate kingdonx•could.piassittly h.- -
iide - her/Melt,: It vrotOd 'herr been se , •"' • - .... 7 ,..- ",
Since_ . eloquent pamphlet . fries eitiffiated -,,'
through t Barone, exciting , the horror eft the
henevolen and the contempt of ell publiemen, :--
Auttee l / 4
who cameo fail . to realise the gratuitous /ant ,
batty at a proceodings. Naples is traded
as ilia felon overnment, It StatniO. before the •
world in the nary mint:ant of, all the, into
capita terrible wickednais deeorves.. ... 1 ..t. ~- -, • 1
. Our files ofe Risregiaranito kept 'us posted
as to the course f events ,in the Two NieilieS,
and we regret to bserve no atdelioration - of do ... . .. ..
symptoms. .. The her of \political prointise tn ..\.......' 7 _
Nona eantintuts wilent' absteent:;' Itrfitiq •- -, ..
, ,
netoccurrence to b ee three `o [\ four nan3e .!.?,-... . ..., *.
prisoners anigued,. it one Cotirt. tent; forhigter'
treason, in having len thetoseltee to. iho' . .tire- . le. 7:
jact of ../talian Unity.! - Twenty:Tin - thousand . .7.- t." •
\ \
prisoners are supposed o euffer the yenge=ie; ,
of government, the torturn s of bonen:, de Intel- -;
.. '
liable weight of chains, or \ the weloonte agonies . `. \
of death, in the various prisAus of thetlngdom,. . ~ .
Those noble men, Poirie, Noteloia, Nettembrino„ 2.
distant, still rot in confinetint.. It Mooned- ,. '
dal the Aires intelligence the VtiscrablatierPitt
could lay his hands on, wore thek , prst:n fidi tie; ' ,
sleuth his wrsd.. Nearly elide talent, enlight- • -
=mint, wisdom end koodnen.of \the kingdene ' •.-
were shutout from life; light and hope fern ,
at the first beiturest of-the moostiekciuelti. '.. ' ...!..-'.•
Now the men of a less notable staiiipkthe dui- ..:.•
hearted but subordinate errepatizers enthlibiz• \', . • '
al sentiments,,are baring rb6.'ir Jay. Thp . ,lll--' \- - -
Ide are purely elhateti, tin Object of ereflOri - -. , `;" . ,< . , ,r...
ter of the'Court being the COIIIIO4IOII of th 040441, -. \ . ' .
on= and the prisoner having nu - earthly teeitia .• --.' '.:.
of defense \ Thereto no gottin,g-bock to - lindens - \ i,.. .
'from a Neapolitan coon room. - ,The .. - • ~,'
Into soma filthy dolmen, populade wlthyminti, - • -
,-.. \\... 7 1
or abet is *use abazidonedaretahcs , \ .' to suffer suffer the Penalty ot•rnoltlig 'erlitin;' ITEa \ .: • 1. , \
\ .
City, of aples LA laurciowded with Prisiefen , of
State ,than other, Portions of the hingdole. - ; It : ..,.
le an object of .the 'goventmeut to.prevetti\tbe
world Oftravel that floods every.essamt.. 016 • ... •; •
lovely capital, front' encountering the caries ,
of demotkike barbarity. -IThe tattles , fortes • , .... . ..,,
Oa and dungeons ofeambria,lewerver, Mahe=
for any deficiencies inluhrunipiityittlhecipital ~ --,
The Island of Capri lutalilf.W)4t - tiPoll th i'- , A • -
~writer thence describes'. itte4nattne'bretnrila of \ •.,
the prliontrrs and lestes:Usrpi.rniiiMilifdoida.. \ , i.
that It is it thlr ensimpt Oftheirliaje'; , .l - - ',..;,- \ ,
"quo of those tinformuitiqinen intatddUledtir;_:..--" , , - .%-.
ad to be lashednidthellaiii:of=r litho rlThlArat'--.2',;;;',:;k
foe emns.triftlif Once. , :;.Etitilfithit.tdglie,bet
Sailed up hiaprison'iloet::: =2 Tbeardliticy , llrhati; :..' *....q . 1 :
Surd thehextttiorniligSthre•fenisabrusilic,. !... \
\to the Bo gg in g - P 9 4 4.h litAhlinr ll 4ill4tdAt'' ''''-‘ . \,,
et at p risone fi lh e : e l t dlloit h .eTl A4t e h l Y9. -'- - • N
•St piquet or aoldieti \". Thi - vkilliamcer
Ffis• ...., :
al prayed roe trisd; saying be: wantbldstly\ .
con ensued to be fogged - .'At tort the o "'
brat open the dour htliii \ \ --- : ,
vtl, and ho =staid - DO 11.1k12 . 41. • ' \-.1.?. ' . •
to bet ect. 1 , The oitiniipypioi triattocer4o. -: • :..
i it
The Sof.Netyr then struck him telth ibetnti , ends .\•- , •
of their \ guns - Certhe hips; head' and .belly Tao. , \ ;
companled, by sabre wounds-. Thtis'Acedieg • :
and exhardted, =venni* pleeedonlhe hench . •
to be lotted, but' being supposed to be dying; - •
'ho trancarried off, to Mean, wiluta7.fto United . _...
ltit • feW been," - \ -..-
'Mad thee' are;Min of . the hlgheifiefineMel", ' ' • -
:ink seeistOmed \ thriikliti - e Orly life.toeverl. In - - - '
.dekree a iNel r,, o di ' ib kllectail:6l , .Tlffi-
demand - .. to ' e tiff er,to oll .lltedionslynms . y . of • ..:, '. , \
PtertC . , - a delta'. - more hietriftiCtlion matt' deep
not tote Toss to relpkea - theicic-A * ..)7,-notei.... - ..,:. - - • . '
. .
B f .ll. itilies6. \ r
fhiataxer n....ts - •--- - --- - ' 7 - -' 7 . -'-, -
Ifei trat.iici,iiii,
VW 1 .) . ARATAN hah.toir.k. oo A:th e -• , , .
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m to.. tor e,,P , ' , ' •
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