The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 31, 1852, Image 4

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    .~> - ~ ~:
• tretsurtt. Althea aw.d Pr.oFts.— A: tetter lithe
Tbrict Titers, dat ed:.Harrisburgh, Jan.
ghee thafollowing interesting account: •
.2the fAaarnor made. his appearance it the pub
pager of the hotel this morning, and spent
''-,A.W.d.h.fitlftl in familiar conversetien with the Mt
liens; kindly answering their many Inquiries re
to'the. condition of Hungary, and nt:rra
.: tinwtoanydneldents of-the Revolution-so of
'Ahem of.intensit letterset. Hiv r appoint me
ment of
Onnowr as a generel'itt the lionprian army is
'F. frequeatlY cited as.eridence of his want of
'giteltyrand fora-sight. To.ay he related the
.circumstanies under which the rippnintmera
made, In the ftin of '4B tee Hungarian army
• Oen Moos came up . ith the Austrian
Tunes, in the-vicinity:of the town of Shweckst,
na the frontier. The forces of the envoy were
fareatierior in point of numbers. The Man-
Tien army:was drown up 'noon:ha position as to
bring'its centre before the town, which was then
hold by the centre of the ehenty'a line. . Roe-
COTS was present, and soon'prceired that the.
position held by the enemy's :centre 'was no ion
. variant as to require its possAhlon at any price.
Accordingly, he. gave orders to Gen. hlcata to
threir setroog force upon that point at once he
`'fore the enemy Should . ..list:over- its weakness,
reinforce it no at to be impregnable. ,
Mega objected,. and acid 'as he wan satisfied
the ovitueSt. would riot be a goon 'cute. and
• _'innet be fatal to his 'men, if Kossuth wanted It:
tu .
• carried_alit, he' must find 504112 other person to
noximandi. Here was opeh mutiny, per.
'teivorlty:the only general officer on
the f t eld.—
:ICesinth turned to Stoic., offered hoot the lase of
'tits own carriage, anti directed him to r'eturti
- ' .home atones;- - ,tor he was a6:lortger 'commander
7The,tiext queattea presented was,:"who shall
he made General to supply the ialr.eo tide Vacs
, It wee deemed essential to give the ay.
.;...polittatent to one of the ' , Sous of the Revolt'-
: -tutlon.,.! Of these the
highest In rank were two
.C . olont sinks, and Oargey. 'fitie former was
" -tt,brave soldier, an experienced Oiliest . , afid
;.',"ptilltleaSeti the entire confidence of the C,pmniso
.• Ilet-inAChief,. while Gorgey,. 'whose bravery and
".. . military skill could not renderNthe- G.o.vernor_
'sensible of the absence of thoeCfpialitieS Which
otaniandutg the entire conadeooo Sad respec t
Of, the elarewd judge of humeri nature, --11-1.
coneuttereu Ai one necessary at least to he look
- -ed after oceseionally., But franks was absent,
- having been Sent toe au ambassador to Windid
- , Iratsh, to arrango.,terree for the treatment 'of
.‘". the prisoners of WOO, ant being himself trench
crawly etraested sod placed in 'close confine -'
CMG. There woo oh - time foe hesitation, and
r.oorgey_was appointed to the xastant General-
Inicauee Or confidence. iu hie patriot.
hat: of necessity.
meantirde the chesty had t-'fiinferoed its
tettto sii3a several additional litittorics of artil
..474c.<‘"A;2-liiry; arofitome thousand men, and by the time
near General presented himself for orders,
-• _Few atitincingnion the linngarian centre, which
gave - tray under the pressure Of , overpowering
annthens; lad thus was lost one of the moat ire
. . Portant battles of the Revolutigin.
1 A few days previous to this transaction,
• ." diagratzeh issued a proclamation declaring that
, rill officers of the rorolutionary army who might
be taken prisoners should be hung as traitors.—
Hosuth wrotuto the blood thirsty wretch deeir
hag to know,upon what footing the war wee to
hie condi - acted, and reminding him that the for
tune of war had placed some twelve thousand
cAnstritin priscaers in the power of the Range
rhino,. of Whom air. should bs executed for every
"flragartets who . ehould be es cificed under the
inhuman -proclamation referred. ro, Col. 'ranks
haviisebeen forynerly an officer is the Austrian
• unnyi.:alad Windiegnmsch'it Adjutant; .crated
Ortniffil ol3 to bathe bearer Of tinsmith's letter,
expressingthe hope that _he would hi able to
pled* the :matter before the diet tool of tyran-.
ay in aid, a light as to induce him to recall his
7, tubnorms proclamatieni ft was vrhilelvanks
absent on thie duty, that hloga. lost and
HOrgeyobtalnett. the General's ;Commission. —
Ilia date, I 'believe, is unknown. At least the
...Gofat:me-hes never ttecu him since he left the
itattlibeforo Shwacket. .•
• ti
Waco atul rent enr e eu
UNDRIES=2O,OOO . llail Yotk, prim e.
SmISI WMt. 1k.M.4
CO. .
BLACK-40 bbl.4.for'ale by
J. E1DD2192,.GC, Wool gL
auraug and Exchange 4. ce.
I.4ghest marketprke paid in par:cm:as
• ,f• lltuettean'eltror. _
• .re on the I.l.ettero hhtles la sale. ' • •
C. • t ttmlibotie thenwl toll.
tbllectkotehotalle In Vieth.
:pips...4u Kat told on lanam isdoLli
log LI!:
• • %Ai 78 Apollro:ljujiffings, Fowl% etree!.
• THE Vide Wide World; by : Eltzabetb
Teyage Muni the R' ]d: a f•tected trat•la
tk,cetrous the acce,lot, 14. Ticitter, by dc.. Fero - Ito.
-•- , P.T.:¢411 M,..lltba at trio UCht 81r:salute . , by D. wcedt.
• iltoutila the Ortrio, Character I.<l titate,ectatino
• rEcristural rroptitur, Su Es,. Mummer. by .1. U.
VA'Ag2llo,Vpligtr,-.. •
I".be Drubal.Brandelet unit outer icautti ty le;
- l'cl(sg,tocrenty atm atering.. ,
titter.Sacescell Creeping.. feta: P.tcr'et pate
Ferr.l. Danforth; • ' EAD.
befAavd frazo Phi1...100h.. a fob md ectripletas ,
...Mone all bareartted tbs. crop :I 1S al,mbleb I atilt far
btatf to toy ottetooetda eithrt ho I.•lcsar at Itze
S.Vdtcie,igrA 161 .11E6 Wood et.
boner of Wool and
• <4
••S•f ..
11 . ••100 mstts c
-M , ;• - =
. - :
inehati, Yo loc k
t y ..4
1 , • . pri
4 me-ftatires,
L. DTurt ;en! iatt for eslo ftwo , T , &W.
aa . cke tientikky : a vrintc
i ~RJcIe : Le ale s
tta sIATIIIEWc s a ca.
UTTER-44-bblz Poci.v.3;
it tete V.r. ot. c lt":::Zca
I', Ell Itli /;11. t CO.
, argg . ? az Elnpketn.
..i*SE2 Benro Flzunolr
2n a — .com.Foß 4 ,
• . : e n
• 0 . '4.1 1i5bir;',111,1.1.1.M.4
INS:TED OIL-30 bbls. sale by
fijDD &DU a.Co Wood
( - 1 - 00 A. - HLT , NE 0 00— 1100 . urns, for sale
Vim'J KIDD iirCO.
b i tn BRicKs—por?r
- ' le ' rual'ipb:
pIIALIS. , -4 000 tb S •g ° . J. - Nivo ACO.
Fgood ro o lL, rde co r,
LAX.SEE -01L-10.bbli.pure, for sale
4rts.lST,..ree'ea iberty street, o a
h MIL,j Cif NJ/41'5N f.
- This mare* stlltank.-110s. soperfor oWIrY,
arils the mreteottrtbitpl
f S t ."e'tquiP'9? o ..obliNV°ll2lo'id co,
Jo - -
l'er cont.
-: n
.4nsrs cow
far mi.
iTABCII-20/mB. wb
cinot 65"fbrteBs.ale
I fa dd.;
- ,
LO. eeptrim Mr. isip . En.
. • isu
• -CASTOR' 011.--36 bbts. for Bale by
ijDER VINEOMS‘-50 'Ws. for sale by
HA —49 'oaliA for eale4onschtirl)l7y
M E --18:b1)10 . .
t br" l ".a. ANPIDNIA — F D *l.O.
r ranizurrno.n.7. recili7/1 t lot .r..t tit
l'4l""dtpl';hy-arl.''""h"itirEZ LOrOgltVWl2.7cost
, a
003 , 87,b,eg hsgs.ltio, for sale by
Tat. 8/MALEY 92
41149 * .
for .8711*
1148-45° b"-eStYII.BIMALEY * CC*
j57------0011,11,707,W1NES BRANDIES---25(
aerSt,frorr_c¢ !Igo. Yor
fi,LYSS.ATIJS--150boies McFarland 0, for
!11N084QC 431 kegs 'Sik
tranci. gets int far l at
s-100 Dpk Larg,(lleraback
• itgit •
Goods for Co ---r-------- ld Weather. ----
1 1.4'---islisYrouzs, of the beet Eng-
Of the peat Arabian Remedy for Han and Bwit, -,,IIIIIIPHY L BURCLIFIF.LD invite the at- I & Il k b mn
-"..r ut'Z'-it:7':l.`‘":,=' tg:IN
and. In este en . . 1
H. G. Farrell's a tendon of buyer. Lo tholr.v u ery
. fnll sasortment of j ariseig ~ ,,u, 1 ,,, , u . uo . ~..m .„ ,,,, t .,,,,..
CRIXBRIITE'D ARABIAN MrniErr t '''`i7,..."'")::::71:::::,7hi:.7.:":.,,, 7:. 1 :17::: . 1 `'' 2 l' ; ' cr;;I: . : ".P. ;''
- IT. It i r. e )
i5 up cji..r .W 5 ., 115 i . ...a ,0 c .. 0 .. U .. N .. T v ER.F ... E . IthT!,),LitiT tan'ili•a:eLdt,,,,deos._.
.1 ,, , :f1e i r . 0 . 1 d 1z.... , iL1 i:
i tl o t r e; : iir r o s 1
. .` ,A Vc atchea warranted .... r, r, ute : l,or the tanne r y
, re-
S'7,,,%;"srung'',"4•l;*.ggil,PooPTlP.,,e,,,t .gi:;,: ' ,...1 der.Lj..l7rryta'.loC"rMt'rislAna cra 111 r t10rt.J ' :..,..,r; r h.1 .,? .. 1 ~.....T.F.1.i...1.v.ti„„-.;:„- . 1, . , r h ..,, gr.
tt.:.7.Tk.,-z,:,',7.4:;:.-Azitv,,....-tr hcicis '..-'''.l . , , .. _ .'". ,..,, liT Meant .L. earntrof
anti Per that the label of the bottle has the letter...ll.ll.s OM}, MADE I LA, N ELs. M beryl A !. ._ . . ,_., - -
teepee eVen.rlr,.. Mr If A ha• net,. It Is tAnarmogary The • • linieffinnini titre received an. 0.11.11•Ions.1 supply of ' '
label around eseh bottlepf slimy Liniment ream thn Iln , m•deFl.unel , also rin hutd. White do-Olrown dn. I Paper. . •
. ‘.. Famell's li on /Malian Linimente• •nd my 'Maurine tilne do . and made Barrel Flannel.. ai •INO, . _ ,
.1..10..1 1 1, 0 Olion ooh the label lA., and t),....enr1/ prtms much 11 . than usual. W.nuine W VLSI! V LAN. ' F APEIL-.60 nuns:A hr SS FritVu• rtf . . l,
am Moan tu the Ala. 1.qt.1., -11.0 Eat redi's ar•hinn lie I , ELS, of a twel anke.... l whirl. burr 0... no tuna cot. ,
'merit. I'oorice latartion to the who hate iloq thYtn. m areount ,4 their ,
M. truly Istcat medieine et dl gmr• on. rongo•ring die ...brink... VOA a 1. .... ml II." AI ., . t.. b m i r r I 6uu .. ID IiT,A 21 hiL , I. 13 bY M. 23
...e , .., T hin. ...,, • Pof , irmweri,.. riellm from CANToN FLAN!. VI S 4OO .. TI I Al . if1r1t..1414,-.
the g '''' ~ i..,1•01.1111ry OittitiLitin, f.•ii•triiiirol. A •uorle of dome made end liniori., N. Eneinini i
and aut.,n goal., it res 'menthe s f.. f.l ion, • hid. ELAN li rt.. el n est , to-lar or to-morrow. ,1.12 j - 1:5e,/ Ells. Hook. Gillen Fri- . 4. Par . ll` ,
have leen 0.1.1 rd kil• Mars: aml by it singuito flow, of it , / • Double • . , ,
wrpnaluciug the fi, no•tal aluld or Joint Barer. It rum- Chester ' s Clothing Emporium, ,
all trp...Nal 11. Mum with yorprinitill riidlly For -.. . '9in le Ms Ro •
d. h P ad Irk' PO 4
Ill.„ufatAu. ant .11,M.. of the •mo. ~q pl„,„, u i t ELEBRATED for IC eatneei• i,t Fit, FinP - j rh,_...,..,,.,,,,,, ke,, , ,, onmam rois 11
Lio riprii Ine-if • anon, and for adertion. of' do. V, , fly.- of Ilii. l l l i, and I. l Mhilltr m • morkww.. l m .- ' ~, ~ -b ....• - w.• 1 .. ,, ,,• ~.,..• ... I vt . r . ,` _.`1,,,,,,,,,„,
tiniyo. liner and litany), ii to. to y i n...l...btu a nd 00 . , ~ q t .& .. ; o w and , ,oiplete, embricing ail lartir ler ot i liutait, Co.. Lon., u•rdware, and Tire ....Pm..
ertui auxin, .I.n. ty...11 dmeawm . 6 1 t 1.. iflands S, ot i Nl•n . and ho 2.. CIG:III. , • nraPllllllnhinn ' , ..1. 1. • I‘II . 1 . 1, 1 ' 4..4 . ! . ... 0
ill.n. Om.* or `O•ll.ll:iindi. s , - And 1.1, w.l for .m., I w.f. tonal 0n.t.., .oi ...0 towcamn. IL inch wen .OIL I 11w 41 " 4.-I=lt I nc of all sins. for paper umntlftetnterlik
it.. diw••• Olon , • 0 ...0.. , +inn. ii...... i i.i. G iiiii.i.ln..i ' • ti-11.. eaq L.Ol iinairiiii.., ii- it. on fletermic, 4 l to roll . ',lu t
ting Plper mail.. IG orin, on a:it'll:IGO ,
nitollinioyitando onnOratiol I 01r f , ... war!. . . X' , crysg....for .1. , awn, • cr,..h. .I.`L.,BIIER to ,
Iro aw
n the Ilen. Peter Hawed, orr or" fA, ai ,,,,, , , ".'"A`..',\LVdTV•Fig'tp,r,...-,.D,..,,,,d.u., „--c,-...,„,,„...___:'"'"'P"'"----In---
. ~ta,, in 1111neote
1 0, i, -,,,. of .11 ..,,, ..1...... atted nut on td... , ..1vt-
It • trea tau pliasure to add toy' to the ilsww• j .'"' "'•l' English .Fe Bennett \ \ •
, ,
"' ,-"'' c"'' "• ''''' "' mr %." ,••••,'", 1 .-. , . oNi sil ANV 1......:-lil t . Krill' &Br acn FIELD Vl7 lIOLESA LE GROCERS. Cominispio'n
~orillor over In, ma 1.1 th, km, alwut 0., wt., a h. Ws
egg roam wild It .., ii ac nod alto. that It • .... IL• 4 h.. r ‘ e 1 • A, 'iill emortment of die abote MA V V 511erchent. end &air, in Verdure and Pittaburgh,
el riniment , mi
'.!i't'L'e.‘l..l".•'.'.'.:l:,l"'tX.nit":" ' '..,
''''• "'.".' ':;.,"r.ft, 7. ' ,Vt, " ' LT of NV:, '2,,f::::".-.1":".:'..1 Ir.", ~1,..;24.,,1T,-",...4,-,-,-c,T,t,i,;--;,,,,JV,:,=:xi,1.Firgr.;\7,,,-,,,r
1.1,-y d e n d , mote ....I ih, .ler l ' ihei. h. Nrw,,...e.i. 5., never t..r uu.l.. atf.l s 1 I. au aill ~,,..4... il, follewing wool., whkh t.l:ey e t' ffer for
~, of , t.,l It. if, F.ereir.a,,,,„,, t,,,,,,,,...f....., Al,- hi •6. 1. a.: .dm• I, -1 nom-rt ',le. and rhoire intuat.the,tonw at rate,- ,
I. , hoof . nod it te n. .Let itite, • 1,... da, ‘nd it I imrl"... Iki re., , , , ,tuntrjr 1 Tola.c, 4. beg. 0:0 Code, ' ‘,
toad, chA dm noble •nlinsl entitelt I dont, t he w .J.-- 1 di Ali .., . ~,,,mg r... • ...4.. pre-eal j.• pry feed.. Iter ~ ...,1,',.;„1...„ Alb lutuo, 14. pkg. Yanug 11, ant Tn..
00.31, Ii :, greatest Liniment for bow , . •eil as man. 10•1 re• Lt, nee ',kin, 1 tatio.l., ~I antral, oylor• .4.1 Ih. Sr.,. nI toOnilrro l i.inn , - ill k, Imp.< 0.1., .1
fle,,L. 1 ay. Kim.. I , ; hru• - , 4-2 to , go .... Ida. ;i 0 enc.. . .
l ' '''9. B'rk" ; " S ' ' L'I ' I ' I.II4 I'' • ''',..' . Cold ' Weather hoe Come , be. - eo, eon-ve.aoe, ~,, '.fit. N.O IMM...res, • \
•ir II ii Farr: .'. rwobow. Loom,. Iwo ,Low ,i ...,,, . I. .1 daft :pant. ttaarv, '.. 8.11.
••., • Pylons. . .. ami Ile, Nell.. ilysOnYl vises,.
boil .....1 bete. • niol. ''''' other it tatelf hat tailed to ; I ktj'..:' V FOIL ( : rt Cif EsT EIV S Eni 'Donato I/ - Ilan.. \ - nii none 8:10a 10112 01...
"................bmsct-1 m , L 1. .. dm 1. - ll of Sten , . ... Uot • Iteoln M.A. lnAtrolntl. W. 1101 - Cocirla•in ,\, . 1 10. 1 .0 he kbp.E.tratteS.
iil 0 ...n 1••I.I .
,'ware GIG. 1.0 li n liul a warred ewe, . j ~„,i, i.., plea., NO.:1 Seulthf...l.l r.trket. sif hl, Almonds' - Oonbro Madder.
•,,I e a
.CO control...A tIIOI Ili. li, ni. µso GI it. 1 hr... 1- - • • • „iy i . 110•7 Diamond alley. I E. Walnuts enesu nut. 1M Mt. Alum.
. had tried their .kill anon it in •ain. and be •.• I - - ~.,„ . , ~. and Ground ours. \ 4 rercone 1.1/go.
MA W.A.. I° the , fk's..... dm leqm } a mbe r
re. im V I 1... 1 it11: SILK LAC r., A. . DIASON & i :10 Loses lark iMnity. 200 hoses Erwin M.P.
dared to try II Ai. I .rtell . . Amid.° Liniment liefore the
no. bottle • , ti..,1 np, be eam.. intr, Sir Ll'. wore. and C.... 111 on n this morning 10 ninon. of Mark Fitt 50 car. TomadoCat.tipk. ....SO
~ V.nor.
the li n t. ord , . he aahl warm - Mr, Barite, 1 went ad that 7 . - 0 e 1, ' ,..b" " ..'''' ''''',••"- eel :e. , • Pere , eeo=e , \J. at.wma • koPC.Miles
6 w Liquor - h., \ 100 hbls t.rarktra.
~,,U 1 ,,,,7' , „,' „ . :,,.. I" f %,°,,,,,d.„*.„;',""th.,,f"i7,,,,•,ru0rft;',,1.,.14%1.1.,,1d_ 11 1, 0.11 E. SIA DE BLA N KETS.- -Me tt MY R. 160 drums Piga \5l tieroes Him.
Matrungto Mtn thW dwy ro...'d a large Inc of sun l'Zi . , b 11' ... .; ' ! • R. R.111 ..J ... '', ‘ 11.Z .... .P .. ....t., ° ..1- e r ' . a. q,ptiff„% "'
ore.' That boy I. now •1•11 end he•rty. and free tier
of Ms leg, It is g0,..1 In: Form., Mahe, cuts, burn., wor, rune r0w1.1 11 . 1 . 1,0 . nry rhear. .. _-_. _...Z.:,.
...1 swelling*. A.. 4-1 whit. home main FLANNELS. Northeast •or. -.1. ~tail
- wean/ Your.. and Market Ws. not i fat leraes '
Bohm fully •Aledud that II lo iwrrell'e annian lit.l i GO hag. •
5) 1.1.
~.„, r. the hew urwlicitio in th. e.1,.1. I e1...A.11i . New Goods-Third Supply for the Season. 1 ~.,
,‘,......1. , i .-1 leen •tilieted 6., 16 yest• •illa • nowt
mrere Oslo lil Jot breast end Moulder.. whid. et. w. tad Iti URPIIY ;S. BURCHFIELD commenee 71;
thet t in.ld bxelly rio any wor n .t all. cod would o n e V 1 opening this morning their TRIED SUPPLY o 1 ...,....,,..-. -, , • ,
have to he m 1.1 Pm too weeks of • time with it. I used i l lomis Mr the Fell and WMu TILL, ttrtsgle. al MUetkello7oT Unix n0...._
r I.l.lment on it, .an it rum, rue sound And well I New .tow Part. hil.hna r C,..hrnere. Tehret. and Silk . err e d to eleS all Wads
had, at the thneof ...tog your 1dah0...0r...0f the wend p,../., ~,,,, ...,,,, u . o th er Wod • will la. On. w ed * l of app " :•••• " ;Y: ,?. ..N . ; s l i t. ' etOrator. .po otash, Saha Ash.
.1400 I ever had in my lite. and It cured that to. 1 ad - Northeast eorner of Fourth and Market atteets,
ruld.-1 it in ..11 over my 1in0... load Itls eo I Spirit , . of Turpentine, Ammonia At:l4l%r , any •rtlelo that
' .111 in iiiin limn. , mum the goon) abrlciip Calicoes art
joel u l.:6 , t u f r o , r , fr , fr u t . ltt:eu 'Met. Pores, 7 , ttr o n r i v.,...
. - jail A. w Ls , . sII A V, - LS I-IN:Ac opening at 'II:: tlyP y '',,',,j'y' VA' 1„:": b ',,`, 1 ; ' .41, 1 ; ' ,Vg1i.,,,, ,,, , ,,,,,
kiklMywo. kori . • en , 111. t - 7 A. A. SI AS O' A r re nt . Gni...Bar Stat. tong Thant,- Sue
nt e .,-- - nom th ' ey ..
1., the wear vid Mar In their bee.
• -- - 1 . nf hrilliant and perum n,lon 0 ...' TM. Mild entirely does Avsy with thkt robotic. to
intrarr of Cotlnter . feeq. LILA NE ETg.'.-Noa-, on hand firer 1.J50 prow i ' ll. ' ,l " A.r.,...":',7T2"-si Z-7,,rlaia".t.brati.'l.4°,,4l‘l,l•Tr7. °•?1.-
, 'CJ illlAllll Ad tINsT 101.06.1T10N. BEAD TILE FOL.
LOW INA CAUKFULLY. , Amerman. Jr.., end Irench , of at IDS, 12 4. and ham ,
b „ f ..,,,,,, I , ~,,,,,,,,,f, ~.,,,,., ..,,,,,.., a n..,,,, It; . plain •nt t•illol. s i n g le end inohl. milled , a
.. fic... ,. . ,, -The f0115510a Wins have I ran me cern.
- 1 ~ , E,,, ~,,,,,b ~.. f „,,,,. ~,,,,,, I," ~,,,,,,,,L . , „,,, ~ w‘mploto e...wrtment 01 Crib and C'eadie IlInnlet• Al;' g
,1itri,,5,t;;;„.,itz.itu1u,.....,. la u t.l :o ls u e i r d te .. lua uu s
. f u , 1 . L ., (;
i lz . " , c n..., t ,
The Great British Goszterlies reoeo 1 , , th. hdruoler ohornake• it .. 14' it karrell , And, , A..A. 0 ASON ACo .
Od .tol 14 Market st. etrpmes when.' art,tel.rie for ofearalng la req red. 1..-
AND BL A C WOO D' 5 51A(I AZI NE. i r,,t-,.cm;;;Tr„--., ni",„,'",,7,„dri-ii.-;;,,,%7::ii i.,%....,,,7i7r.',.,,`,,,T,.." -'' --------- -------- -- hey ~e it nu n Ght...f rend mt.. , MMa than tIY Other
i W INTER GLOVES-Non-in store, a cum- article. gm EliMel'h Fahneswek, 05 Tunnel .V. film.
InniGninnin Yinnlnli.oo l IN OM .T. OP
th ey fore , pardeular ;r u e re oc u utile: , ...t t u g, filssur.rwelanz, Va ,
EON AIID SCOTT ,k - CO- No, 54 Gold et.,
• J. 14 IN F.W Y ORA. continue to pald 1 a h the follow , . a re'.l.Tdr.f.'Prtir'77-rt:‘,:ifl:',4,6',/?;,Libalear,ur:.',:.P",.. ,117‘...":fa,',',.,12,11. 1 ''''''tfoT3''''"7:„.'"7'. '''''Prit'ol'.'n.ll.lill-iirßi.4:t'.7::•.'!•7.7 ! CY' t r or . 11 -4 :71 : 1‘ • '. . iar rlL Y .''...' :. L. j E l'' •: "" lm ih ll s','' ' 6l 4 . 7 ra 'lll .. r r r d dl rft ,'' . LMll r t'...
hurgh. Mr. (Inter llowend , near lint. Cotton 111:
clinti Peritelleal., ell' as the guanine always haa the leder. ILA bow:tinned.. , 4, - .
, TE AM BO 1T COUNTER PAN FS--W e m‘... n•an.t, ',A , . south Fwieral sr, I.
111 K LONDON QUARTS:IIIA :Whig dt•orwervatirch his .ign•tor. hi o r ., . 0 th e ~,5,,,,,, a r ra ,,,.., ~,, the,. , L. •. ' legheny Cit,. Mr.. etta Ilowanl,l,9ltrenreTint.
THE NOlNPUtitill REVIEW' (Whig), ~ I word. blown in the glans bottle- .. /I. G. ittrrfL 1 Arft.nn I.
, haTt.
u rn. rone u riLo u rtg u a „.o l:2 , 7. , r Ld u oLCoatit.,P..... 11.nutactr.ul hi MariC llML4,,,tizfuViau
7 1 . n rEKSVISINCIVIINgkr.(I=I'I'.'rr" • . ' b l . P l ,Z•irt l ti=si " In nem Town, Vale.. and Elmo Int ib • 0%17 I"
m A. A 51AnT co ~,..t.: Wood street. earner of Slain. L
1 the Coined States, in which one is not ....tabhahe.l. APril
BLACKWOOD' $ F111;4E01.. 11 NI AOAIZIN E awry). hy letMr to IL 0.
Laia. 11l- with smd toter...or r.ii. DIA Rt.ilißEß CLOTH
•I '
- -in"' o". " 1. r I:Tit b FfILLOWINU MEDICAL WORKS '
Those heprints Lase now Men lo sum-4Lreful operatton in .6, oluractor. rionollnny, Alf 24 tilliceri Coot, Ikrarq
Uri. COnirdll fo! rue.* Vedert ...I their rirrolation A eon Cell nu the 'gent who will furnleti Free of Chitral, a 24 Pm - I have been reeeind. and art. for sale by J. L. READ.
.t hey on Um Mona-. notwithaModin ¢ 1 11 . ocMiretition hook muirstantng much vadualle Informs:motor eves" clam Di !tiding l'apes. withri.,or. 1 'ourth st , Atmllo Middle.,
they ...counter Rom American Trenien. of in Onallior of atlas.... 21 talr Panm: 1 11,00nIF ryniCtlyv of Medicine ;
moan.. Eclectic.. artd.Magaslars COW. l'aica-U.Scents, 60 ceots.amt *no dollar Mr WWI!. II w Lon. 1.4..eitu., rovtu.: •dm . do
oulyn'L'aulneeirtrloomnalrosis foreign perluditala. Thia.1.1..b.....
e r n meta grwwwir , t. menulaeturral by I I
,i 0; 1F.n....i1.....,., LII - Short,
clearly the high estimation in a hods thee are t l , zi , hy Jae ,. Inventor and pr.-prier!. and who i lesala ruagil, A , ,u: , ..1. ,
.. ?, it„,,,,, i r k,, :e I .
~,, '
~il...r.,ll....o;',..l:Zutluul'efali .D,ctis o nary :
i'''''"" r.'th'"ol.lll.-.7.:‘ ''''',*l.l.lrherun''lln:e...l Mnth
P a7- ' : ' i Ill ''
" o ti.i. f' . l n , trat".: ' i ` 4 l , l . ' t . ... " Xft! '"' .`'`
lair. Aft.t..lY. dirwler. 51.. 11, a 1 do.
t u li:rjtg , :.fatieNitir u l .u arn a arm am., an 0 pmpsl u .r . 4.l . . .1
No. 67 Hood strrat. .„, No lin Market A. Paine's nstant...of 11rdlorne:
Although the. , worts Fr. GiAilt4uOlied by the poittl Sold by D. M
. 1.....!,11.11.1. 41.11.0011" , Cite
~.._ _ . th.nt's Study of Medicine:
cal abates above 10.11•strl, oit hut a wattli mut.. of the.' ~- --- - • VILA IDsl LK - S--- We have on h.fia au pcs. et... ter roresaortr
A; s.l.4rtote,•orosn'el•si;rs'• i‘•tb .ir hf.r..ri The Raman Body billet PerlSPlle. Plaid Milks. Gm:D.O mann, Carpenter's do.
rarrtrter which
. ices them their chief sal...Nand in that , _ I On Dike. of Child wen :
~,,,, ~,,,,, w .f....11y 1, stove all ather nomad. , of iron I i i .: , 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy ap- "" l' . " A m ' '"' I '. 1- ' ) ' o'o.l' Churchill ou lutants and it
_ _ ,
el.. litca. mill nod, tbe triasterly author. oi I aj yearatanq and persona who do not perspire, ars IMbis Churchill on letreaers of Females,
More New Goods.
,Chriatcpber North. maitnast Its ancient nalthritr, and
, , I to tbr mon domistins Stan Dianues. Now. Joins . lialhe tillO'n't/'.l.Var'llt'i'm"Sl.atottlY
' .'oris. ' . 'DI/1nt1:P...1 a•abibtib•letll,7•Z•ll" St 0n • 0d r .r...?. r •b riii. eV, 'Cli I
‘,111.`,..9Lt•y1itr,..1'1,91,t,,,,,,,,• 1t7,1:111",,,9',7,,,::/,-,•,,,",,t1 .1 AMES A. MeKNIGHT, No. G 2 Fourth rt., ,;,..,„,..,,,,wh,„,,„; , ; 1
• -emu.. ant fast •armg co al mango. noth in •, i ,„ ..,... • h, er .,...‘,...d his ...mod eopeiy ot Fall • •nd WM., - 1• 1 name .di OMMtrin:
t i - , L 1r... 1 ar B . ritain Am/ in ,hen .6. 1 ewe. s f iri t • oyas as . •
~,,‘ „ , , ,..0f Rh„,,,,td sena, are not only healed. I amuls, lb. insiollty Of .I,IOS
r b r iir . l , ni e lwin e
. 0
, inijr e h n n e e , t ,
l ni r i Istrae's and Paget . . Pat...lmq I
Itonimpathte D•tneads Pity sician.contalning the treat- ,
'lt;"r '".'; " :1 "My ; " ''' t.. " n.. '' 'n ' t''
.'"a b i• ol t d ,O . i • 1 . .. A ,t1 . ,,;', " .,. ~",..„,.." 4' . . .," , r, 1 ,,\':, '" ',..../th,, " ' '''' '' i o p h...t It...TV:et:lt,`,7.4,AT,,,... of them et treat i mem „I tiork•ek. with popular eapl.nat... or soebeae,
-oma•loP:PoInC'll tditn:pro'u-5frb.....1 edit,,,, i nr ed ani ...4,4 M r ~,-.. r„ ., .„ . ...., - ,... --...„,,,,,,, -,,,....-,,,,,..,,,,,',-,-:.., a re ''' . ih n . ,ly reduc..l price. 11. would call pardrular •ttentmn . i Phytwologf. Dingier...add llydropathy: atm,
tb ... b m ' ll.: P ' ‘A liA.... I. " .1. '' . . lrl . k .l. 11. fir r ,.• I ;:,11,...L...nur:•-1 that I - . 0.. fun.,, r sect ....Goo , er ; ho. an ahrtdged lateria Medina. By J. IL Pula.. M. D.-
pilumd by Ann. publoiners also, th........,.1 Bitteliwe... , 0 .. ~,,..i eill prmre. I could I ....emte . 1 Imet eighty ,,se.ry. !any: .
_ lllain , _Cas . li u mv . re lieut.-4 .nd cal..nowt J.
D i
alter it Ira. Inn , {swirl by 0 Scott ato . voildal ~..,- , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,s , ,d ~,,,,, hood, eoto 1.,. ood ouni L•erd. I r`1,,t,,,,,..;,.,.7,,',9i, Sc:. r.,,,g.,„7„,-...7,7z,,,! , ---
...tors to the Itearlut of add SI inert
May w.* A. , Huy It-- and the mal. Is aka:. nolirel 1 `mull 9. - 9 rt.,. Ohio Laboratory.
. bariug.the..ll.,a nading if tben to . "'L P "' j ally s.ll il riir tho story., unlen 1 itloor it I. to slit *Gto. ! or MAO 1n... Silks. net' le:ltabl , . I •
Tltsth 1 Thum alto an Usti., to chafed. eregle.Lor eh•ptml t1e.• 1 4 I 1 Chan, elnotiode. le.. le
____ oe- .5 I -, ' ~.,,00 -
for aut, rue rf Me lour num.,. . " ..
' '''''
'''''' ;ll ll .T . 1
'' l ' Li . . " o '.. t . :f 'll:ali..'. ' kAM AO El/ GOODS:-A. A. MASoN & Co. 1 41 ,-. 10 1 - 6 411 /. 9. 1 2 , ---Di
or.__- __.-:" ,
For wt tn. or MP Kat I ' .t. • - -..-.-- '.. I mi. •all . 0 . 11 ." Il i t 9 t,' ~,, 9', •, ' ~,.,. ~y i ,y ' ' ? ; y „,, ~ i.,,,,.. N ,.ender 24th, 11 0w...4 Igek,l • . ,- 2gi ,I, •kee IP j/1 24
For any then fir tb. Misr gustron. . .1 Mf ,or ai..unardlrwaron, •i a t ak . an. •••n •
i qy Gods. slightly dama...4 by a... rmaprbing Ca i• •
W ' "" '" ''
""'.' - . - . ‘.."
".' ''
'''''''''' '''''
1 ''''' hood 1 with hank. ' e til„elown. Flannels iln.lra. Cheek. a- kr 1114 1 Sill 80 Ilin ligui it
'-' "'-''""""'' .. -- - • - r • -•
- 1 . ~. ..1.1 , .-, . , bl.f ,1,. ...J ~,,- 1 1 .: 11
it ...r . 85 ~.-:. ,
,q 9. ~,,„
~., Innil Sara ytio .5 for Jomut . ItaliAriCt.omioalt.•,sil ,ahrh • . .0: •or y n .
t'•,...1. b11t1747,...1••a•0-l'Te'tibtir•‘to'••,.... a a ..
k 0 . ' bey it only of WA JACKSON. otill arr.. catrtercit. ' onlls
Fn.-ants mte ~.1.1.- r i. 411 war, .0 ...h...., m , .... cur j head el 14....1. • - . _-_ , .•1
, Card. • ''.
• -
"" ''" ..:;•.°.''',`" r "::::::::,,,,,, I Pearly White Teeth, end Pure Breath. to ; Per cent. Strength.
A damunt of tin., yDm per ...b.f.. .• «) son be bad tra L'.l, wpb. -Fetwor, .0. Lan either. an Moors. N i i urtpuy & BURCHFIELD inform thr .i ir . ; 1
1 OWELL FLETCHER - .it CO., Manufactu
''''' *""'d
'fl i . i';',1'!;i1;;:e "nhri:..l.a.'r,,,,`", ',';',.?! , .b 4 ,,...,. ^. 1 •• ,', l ! ''''l',,,,,,,,,, b '' " a h .r ' ; ' , '" ~n,17 '''n ,, ' . nisel,pfrt'ffr,:h*C'W4stly.7`;". f,17 1 :1 cn:l. V ', ;it ,`, . ,l 1 / r.-^" •„ Le Zi L T I. ' l'lYl V l '',.; n ,"" Cul. ' ' o e l . t i ,,r 4'
' Bi " ' '"
n t
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I . fit
be ..t in chesttr... , ..•• kr .. . 1. w ...- -1' - • ' 1 , - . - j . ..
.f. C a *r wiit ' n,The Iran, and ..5 attenvon to their unusu.l l y full • Ise rt. 1n,c1..,,,,wr,.....L.1rgu0...-Lz g.,,,g,1b,,i
1• 1 a- em
°l' oi‘ . . i • f n; a , r ,„., g , that a . .5 tent bret of nem •
A. ion o
" n ri tir 00'1:17.'"L•puh.:',71,,,',":::' "_. ' I . t ....,.." 4 ",_ " " "At ' " ''''''• "" t tb " t".'"tb 41"..t.r44''... l •
' I t :LI . • .. lln at eerie, ;VI , printml I /131.71.1''0n/etrfrom Pittabt"'rgh will be . promptly tilled
!New ' .
Q.ONGS aung . ,a by 'Miss CATnAttlae iievad. - Lewis's Patent Reversible Water .1 , 11.,er
, ~,,,,,,,,,;,„ ,;,.,,,...;•,„ b 5 .„;,.„. A. us,. f „ . .. , . farad only at JACKT. I9-8 Store. 010 LibertT st, head or Dei„..Lajunn.:71.01.1M"..7in".'zr.,),1,:;.,..rr.....,,,,,„,L0...-M.llO de at lo!2 . , mark.l priksm , l----' III" !
been reduced, ow th• avenge. about roam rt. Lear... The . W.1"4 -.' SWAWLS, Larne ELI 5q....F.-New style Mohr • ry ,
Al Coom when the sweet xrphyra p•sb • . Olifmmit are dm ernent rah, rya:
PI! Da that edam through Tara , had,. not . aLman'oon s a 0104.11111. ii
5,....,A,...5ciyien.i11ah',..T0.,?;;.;',.!:Te.7.,:rc1r,..a;LL,n,,;...8.,:e.„„,u ',
b.t , : ... ,;. , ,, , ,,.77. , ,, ,,,. , ,.. ,.17 : ii i , .. ,, , , ,, ,; , , ,, ,,, , ,,, , ,, : ,: , ::: ,. , i.... . 1 „„.4 .,„, ,,,, ... b
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t X !ins t one. - A , • ,', 1 1 ."1r. o ,.. '''.'" j ' a It:. 'l2."' 1. 1 00.-T.'"'' r 7 - t rial
(fur b' t • 5 la „ m • a... is r- ' :;„ ~ , ',. -^ „ l ,l r .;i. ' ! '" -.. '''''' ,, i r' c ' zi ' l - T d . ' lli k :l ' L 'l ‘ ?t t e ‘ -.l.. " •g . rti lr ve. l
SONGS t.. 13, 1.0 111 JP.NNY 1.15i11. AT llra LIONC101 .1 ;
T a m Lboordli the Err: Tiniarro tendranTiir.• ' n ' tin - r ISt ' ll rtt 4, l ' not e1=1:1.,,,,2Mif 2 t 1 .. j MM. w C ri- ran non. •• ' Wu. In'to Vino... ILy lialiuniria 1 'M., Liini. .lan votiod a further supply of rm.., = \•• h,
,1.,1+1 (Trim d.. " „ ` .,.,,1f.. ~„..L.,, „.. N.. too,
Auld Rabin Gram .- . Lien lied Soling Hood. ta. law , oust:ma-1i rill Ave the harr I, grow fa muy tarn •Imn I Dkirapio Sind, cod Irish Limo,. and Mar. e ti.. 4. o , ,
~,:, ; o r
Da y ,„,,, 5 , , „,,,,,,„
IlOrua,aweet bound ' 1. •
L - rf u tuuue,Leutourt-Joihru,
_____________l-----------7.vN„,,,,,,, „
1.__20 1 ,
,7 ----- aln h - u - -
~1 11 andca : en, guar ; ~,. f „,,,,,,,, h a l, ~,, ~ ,n,f, it wan; 4. oonyl , ~...ii, ~,,, all in n o i 4., ir ,„, y„,„.y„,.
nua. for Da gaperlnnt. lt. drawing nrovertime nd el.
Tammy...Dm . ...,....... --t- - b as• ~.. -...,,...-,.„- ..,,.„.,..„ o ..,•14ae oi.r.t elwAe4l.4 ZOO .• /a 11 : 1 r.,,,."44.4,;°A..' r L,....,,"....,,,k1-.,,Tl.,V.muLkl.,,atuur a uuu t,w uu d uru rk. j
u,. t ,,u 'ort . e..t . s u r ter.'k.. ,,.. , ,u nn u. t. ,„ ,.... 1 „" . " .. „,",..V,.„. ,,,, ' 7,e " 1 it'eultiufluefuhates th frurnott.ose,uulau,rin.4..- the u tWa a...eta F611.1.11..4 1,
Ma Alenmake, arpauel to the no bf E. tili:nn.
ellll3/.0 ~,• ~ • rattier tirrto - ' • Pi... 4.6 001/1905. LI • • s.o • `"' • ' At ths rater lin , cdp , tion atmotit Irormdcasrontorn. I tt, , ,,,._it ~,,h,,, truly t w esuifut, .nd . Itnae a ai , li it.: i n- , s ---..--
' ILK W it,114.41:,PAA,1.,t,..k.,,3,1,A.T.T...,A5-,...1T:i.,;:t7,::,;ei'.:1 i , it , ~,t,
wirt,,;,,,,,,m'taaett...,-,-ert.t.tieo,..l= tot-.3,tatt;._1,%1,-.,,,
, n., '" ist 4 4 . th. be i m i ' ..m t"'"' c''' -7 ,
' b'''
..F.:bylioeta,itire:,,.,"'"-.... t ereee. • I eitili - F SUG Alt.-50 hble-.--aes--'4.Fo'r--sale- h e y 0
„.d 5r 1 E , .... 44 ,1 11 :
.n.;;;,..?,4•,°5.,...'„,,,,,,,r; 1 .......r s4 bk . 'r art the rt... 1 nonoutie.: -ta t ouPorlie.-.1. • hr is t
A 0.5 uonattein a t‘ollb-01 , D a iiiieeemaeee eeet Posninnuiratrna Moold hi elraTe I Aid ...t; at ti hi- JACAMIN'S Dun. an LINTII 01,1 i I i t Ai i - ' .1 .. -7 -- s
...t.ic.i,--ii(--is•-,i------Eity-Ar A-0.0- - . meeo - e • I
~ .%10. ,16 , '0 .,, , ,nr,....,:i1 1S ir J l t ri l' . ..„ ••*.i . g: 5 ; , ; ',. : 7 ; :,1 4 1,",., ~,,,•';',:
m __...:____.--, _ • __
Sent Anne filth* Tale . Fcrerdurtide... Flow... Rebe- -=-----------.;-. -7 -, ~ .. , whitened, p.m... lo .....41.111,,a, - teeeta v,,e4. f.o.b.:at, I i eeeetbe, i ,oe, enabled Wyatt., ot their venli
g-be northrea - lionat • t " 'P'..,-„1-;•,i.....- FLouR-5u bbi.. Extra , tor ear o'S Lkit, At , yry a ca l
. .,4 y„,.,..",,,,, ~.......,,,,,,,,,,, , t , • . til • ~•,' h... m'.... band . .. , . 1 , ) ,- ;e; of wk .- 0 .. 0 ; 1 trt:irlairr C - I.l*. Is: paldut screehe
Mrs& Kelm ......nmer. La , la y •I a r VON ItONNII O •FT's cO. 12 Valor. sc. Nen Yna. entedierrahtn g st., , ' mere. Fob. 11,-..... • KM. eon rape ilh•vea, Al!,o, ore/ y .
.portsotrinserrel , t,,Pti) , ........
ClisgfredttfriTro-r'eals by . JOILLN 11. IPILLDE. 41,---z-:--------------'-----e----- 9 D.- 4•• Co linv rePPrtle mitidiked, itni-kan 1 JON IlS' Saint:up of J•t, r. Liquid v..... ' en•-renim Pt ...or , . " - min s.. Into. inn , /..Pe de..
... ,... 1...-X1itepi.....,zr,„4,W44, 1 7..a ,.,,, rh .
1...1.. hr Mean dmpa,
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"I ' a '''''''' ia 1.312.A.P...0 hhda N. 0., 2 11.1 , 1 on ennalgl , ,: w•-• cw !air, thy
•r pre ;;; 4 ,, t_ ,
~,,Liirl:x, I
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~,. L L
- T ' - As cr ir ell Mat mar Per.C. could wish. 1
d 1 A • v""'" '" '
I 1,7 carat and for eat. by .0}4F10.4. en, of lAMPurso. an ? fu. .
....... ,,,, ,, , ar t•,,,. ~,, 1. , ei4,... , ..5. n .,, 1.% W.
a-Ttr. 1 A" . ,
st----- , ...•0r . t0,...... - ....."'' ‘.: 'X. ..4, I I.r:rarer- , nem. •ud Lt pep.g ~ !I"A. A. I ti...,..r., wwm. , it • nw,..m,..m,,,t51i p . in .t rar,l7 to
_New Boors. • "-.!-'2- - .!!- - ~....ii surd sad inn e•no end.e•• dm - -"'• In 't ' M. 1.1 h, WI.I /ACE MA: :.A.. latererr atr..t. r....i a ii•-..., f ir i I j i t APON AOf . d. wee , arr. • 0f,, , fr,!=a. , :b4.., 1 „ ,. ..7 . , reeommemi d . the PIAAM . 1 , , i 0. ,,,,„,,,, r ~,,...
:11ErST RECEIVED and for sale by Y. L. itu•f•-riF.l-11:=c-, WK. Fresh Roll; . '' . '''`,.'' ' ' ' -ilLr' m' '''''''' ` l""' ' -'-;`'l.;''''''' ';---;;--.--; ; 'lmo ;Art. 1(;;;;',;;;Z:Mr,,,f,!.:1,..,*C5.00.'' ' reS . I i g...., i,...., „,,,,,.t.i• i. i.k...i .isr ...a pt
its a..a..1,1„ 401 street- e.. and 1 In; fM I II 'Pasted. tor ' 410nointertentlall. --- - I wk..* whirls may arim from derotposed animal or ee,nda
Fewest Use end Forest Tor m. come:nerd WVO,III Camp , !,/, _
.'.i.•91 ` K "LZ.!:P.'__C'?, -- .
0,,,,, ,f-151/ of . ssg ,, thi , ..lotr i rf ps • r 4 ,,,,,Zu l , td he ' . l ' e 4 . L et v ./ " ;_ ' .17,4 • 47:. ! e h 1 ffsii•iffyL - A - - -- t ,i}__7l - V.i n , AT . : -- n d - ii; 1 ,..0, for ohl abi A S ,IA ,
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ROL? and Mikrule of twe F . .pg1,3 to imam>, by Malt• ~
Ownton. 4_ tiALZKI.L a Ea., Linn. ei.
r. ,
~ , , ,r ~, y.y ,, y , ~..., ~..-, iyp e „, ...iir moner . tuilVon.ll how ~..,....1.--•• trukt. tin ilii.e. na..,..pluni,, ....r _,,
~.„. ,
. •r• 1n•0.4 to mill at ...I.l6aTta o n..ny111.1 ~,,,,,,,,,......n..fno nod., ,enfl.{... ; 11 .4 y., ~, Z. 1
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~r. .
The LIT auk tria Bre. an ApnUati ,, f Mks Crystal P-. 1.. 1 .-ipk-E-3A- 2u ,b,, , ,n, ~,,i,,, 1, y
.... I,T S. trarreo.lF. It. r- author of Now ong 1lan• ko• : . e" ';' ""iIII di s' '"s"'''Tirtrlto'llUT; ' "4:""h11 ''."'"=';1,1.1::,i'u1t.!`.1.Z,...,1,,,...„...,.. ] no_ 4 " ......t.t..'"....1'' _. - .
..--- i p E4r) pi pg_-.eurpOpi, improved patent
g raves bk. - al'' , „.. , a......; 01, CAD/lE6a _ yk, , , „ ~.„ mar fl
..., ..,,,.,.,,
~,,.... ~ ,
... i
~, ..„,
on. n. 51 grtme .mnarg le mi•AM I . _ . esti en
Preni•li Lilly .a.; 10,1 . 1 N Et BI B BON S.-A. A. MASON &11 4 , pw,,, f ,„.„,,,,„,,, ,
ForrT''..ormorealldllStL ra " rrer . rr - rc ' s ' l u ert.c - " ." ' s ' s b . 7l ;••• ° • " ' 7,' . 1
Dlt'llff---"." 1) 7 1-64eLiiir "lc ben
' "11.>•••714ti1it•71....01 ,‘,. .0J goalie Alm, s-kt - t It is ter:wort, inu.e.nt being rortesd r , ' .. 1 .••' - ‘;''' . 1 l i p 111 will .1111,1 t this morning e..-tres of rieb Mee . Fue , . • ~
ne4 1
L a Vue,VlLlligtt 1 . 5 ' {torsi to 1...LC( 0 f FakullY W•n• . ''
---• A lr i d '' ra . tte Rau..
.I,ls. with prayers and artaret tea eeleedee of ...cue i UMW, a 1 ,, ..._ , -e-r-I- ,. ..... k c, 0 -.._ , -.,F.. ,*,,, . i I I P. , . , 1r . t• •• -0!riti..,7,..,,,,en0r0k5,,,..,n5-ro.ort iiiiiort. lido.C l ir . • 4 " ...,„,,....,5idd.,,Da...a.ribr,0,,, t.h,•,,..,./...r./..g..Ltik.:1,....... ,
2 _ , , i.,, , ,, , 22,..,..
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. - -t
'' • “." V"*"."' ''' - I ..'..- . ''" 1 " . i, " •I ' “ 1I I. " '' . 1 N ~,, PLAID BONNET RIBBONS--51nr- ,
from Feripturr /Pr gamily one. to - .v. ere., . ~,,,t, ,Fe,--, - ,e Ila. In mire .kdr i ,../ . 11i;J: -- I ---idoo.deoul - --,
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DHith 36:155enn• MIASMA' nriink ani waPn.t r,, maneti , I ......, W. _ . Aro* .1::103 , 401 len...
„ 0 ,...- i yin •
'tl'll-"t7.1.V1141&1'1."'""" P". "
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' BUCKETS --.7' a - Patent, for rale by t , -
The al/O.mM usuir'other• cm unworn,. allmint.O. , , IL. , • '.• 4-4 ,'Be ll o '14,,,,,- Pkt s mt. i t -.• 1 - 1E a t in t fti ••..,2oUrl';'.'iTth,ep°''et-'l-4t.T•'‘‘.."1'11.,4..1t':d...: -
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A •Historybf Pittsburg,. ~ , oea _ ..... • " ILL - '‘
.. Ili.{ ~,,,......1 1,1 ant ~them, ru...1. sa boot is:•siL c . , .. , , 4 ,,,., f j, ~,,.„. wt ~,,, ~.,,,,,, t,,...., the on,m, : 1 u A iti; ,. mi 2.5. Et,
DoEsK ilcs_lik,rni,y
~,L;rik....e.4leltsn. blan:ltelemtlaglius„ . .
coY NEV.H.a.F. 134. CRAIG, Em4.-A
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tt - 10 ie Se • ' 'II ^t: fur sate ty ; tar - Pm rpm,. off orot.aslng a Cert. nit •. „, ~,,.„, 1., nt of inetkin I 2 - " • nod , \ r
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ecomay. arida ur.ires att., Eeet
of sf warn 4 ; iii _ mi. _ _ ___..o .._
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the loaninant mnaufartenen nil • - arions ...rim." 1 . 1 " , ' ; RN axle Li ' l. - / ' T " -. ""'`' `"°"'r t r • - ` l 4' ' V DIERA I. METIICI. •;INUIN‘ i Bt.( n• . i...; il h.! er; .., i; L..; . .r. s .. , , ~,.r .„ ,,,,i., 0., ; N m 6.1,,, NEW GOOD:, 1--A. A.
hallialfrenraMent, vin In W. pfshient Wu, to Which l• 241/- I - - .• • •
ed • eb•ptar upon the ...Irm.tnata oi our ix/astir. Ins man- 1 d IoRN mI.,AL--2,4. egi - ka Siftrd. illegale li, , .. 1 1 .-'11.1.:1:,....i.Tn.?:: ~, • ,a4i,,•- l t „ . •/" . .,;;;9 * ,,7 f ,"'y',' ','',„..'''''.',.'., '',..„,•""„.":!'.:1`T;.'"'.7„`....“;,,11r.„..; .7 i 1 i,... ' •,, , M , , ,- L. • • oil, ii , ..
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_,,,,.,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, dy,s. ■ g1 d. ' .. ::. '.--' , 3U .39 :
cifecturlng nnd ennunerruo rortunt..erita e romoiart er let , , ;s. r VOSI IioNNIIOUTT lEn . 1./G. . ~,,..{.,.
_, ornim.•ta in `e l 41-dewo. -
am aggregate amount of InsiahmapanSaeted IS.. ann.. ,
„„..2____ .„-.-.--,-_„--„,-,.--a _-.. , n „,,,„,.
~ :.,..., ‘ ~.,,,, „,.,,,,,,,,, urrar l . ci on hundred c..... 1.01 golfs... a , gn
gra, remelf • it...-it.. n th. farsiat _ , .in I D.r.....0 lief ....M. to wh..h the attentarm of w . h . : „ i . .. A ..., R oy ia,..D - Kurik,
-on. sr., slatemn istnch ...1-1 nuralni .1.1 1i0 , ,1ii.. ...,•• ..., ~,, ~,,,,,.•.„.„ ~ , n , , , 1.
Ir apcs ear nrtre.rt.s lr ; V . 1 • 4 0"••e' 11 . 101 ' .' "e m's " .- ; r ! PON - 1 1 '1 i ' BAOS--2. do:. hobo Lubh r. ; .‘";,54",,-:` Lm" i..:14:;,,. ~, s Art. . eu • e ' l ' '''''''. *-1'1" 1 ' s ..A.or; .;,, or ..-:.itii., • re.el ,r, olle,o.: t.,aling. . ?, , .„,- -------. , i jir nit h - i jdolll'
- ' l'. •""t.'''''''''''ril;P----..".,` `'''''r4",P:Llt'lirliygt,,,al,-1-;`::- 1 o.j.V '''''
"th..1''...t.11.141'1Lt ri''Fat.lttlltarTe't' a. I thi, l.. . 1,,,CA11,41,11,V1.,f„,,,..„,. (~ f en ,,,„.k.A.,.., ..., I i . :-o.: - .... • sot mmen.. :A , le. 'AMA ''. ..,6T, -.I.- ),111A.11ATT AS, LYON ESE & COBL MS ' --,
.dirtu. In • • rraetilw of Iv- '
• I'.
•i''''''" .lf ' . I Ti nnT L I smarms -A, A. MASON A 1 '...T.1. .111 open AA. day 30 nave of
:b"7''tr".".° " ' '''
' ''''
n ''''
'if titUSULD SGA i . . , a, , ,„ 4 .
e:b. l ib ' n . IV littrhobUtl•Ldallo'rder•bibealia'' lor l L ' lllil t ri b m - . 'I , :-..--
1-1 . ' it".2°
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1 ,"‘;'-';i!,-IP., , 1. -, , ....,, , „.,;.„;;,.. 1 ,......,„:„^:„ . „,.‘,...„ , . , ,„ , 0 a.....npril of 1 . Ari 1.L .- . 4 .-
~,, s. g r o daufs the, advant,,, a ,,„,,,,,, r ,.,,...1,, ,,, .- , ~) ..%.1., _
Sides N.
LN91! 1 ‘.. , 9_ , .._ !
~,,i!,,..e.,--,,A:1,1.1:„0„...),.1.1 the A''' . 1 m1• ' .... ' . ,, t ," -I .js,,, ...,, t „.j.„,,,,...,„..wy on hand.. In. trill n n. Mk . iItEINCII 51EltINOS & TIIIBET CLOTHS
Pl" 1" ::. "4°'
b.”."th• bklnt
I F kTIIER-1',.. N. Y_, for nab: by ,_ _ lope ...• . • -- ~ . ~,, , .ng .2ord• • WC. Feet, I
.posol work. - - I ' Z , ;: :•;:. ' r ''',.."" ' 1 "'" ..I"" C'''' '' ''' ,Pb ".• •''"•••l f...d " I . rieTtri ir..l"'sg.t.Zatit't.tcl:?Lbr. ' ' ,...4 "
gl a tl i fn
. 12 too Dolma. P ri nt 0,25. I 11, 4 des Illfttlatthohs,4olll-ttlt ! ChrilitMaS goods.
• ai kr Ws br J 01.11; II SI bLLOP.. l ln • a •-ry • nat timr It von. al tb• ctnirti. %pil ✓ tar , c
I ,AsfixiEgEs & mous. DE LAIN ES
- ll 1 "- - ". 1 nm•t - 1 UpARED PEACHES -lb bu. for sale hy ; 3 AIIES A. NfeKNIGIIT,`No. G. Fourth st: , '...'"" ".
' f ' I."""'
i .--
- ' . - - . -
1_ deg /111. W. IIeCLUF.a ACO , „...,,,,,, ~,,,,,, , Tyopy mras 'nimbi. tor ChM. c-r'elontties" tn t 7 . lll.f.l '' . "'
' ''''''..
' . A. A II AMIN aCO Inn pat twelve.] 35 Wes. of
iii. - -....1i/Eit.ALYI3S--IC, tons Pole'd, at casks ; ? 4 ,,,,, wo, w„,„4. .I:LA. ta.1....w.:1ii.e......,,,mii..1...e1tVibt:r,KCYn1t 1 McIDAT., bpst KIM. Cashmeres aril Lm bun ,
1_7••al Min. for aala by E. D.. 1 . 7 1, .. ) ;, 1.1- 4 ,C,',„..„ -I. • ~
deg Ditag.MNO Ce'll. NS, u
ILI/EARED PEACEES--•:0 bills. neer, for - c B°c lrn A t
' eutl ' of ,A i . tt ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~r,,,L,,,fig„,,igtz1,„i,,,.,,i,,,,,.„,,,,,,,,n, . T IIE SUBSCRIBER having now reeeited
At. entire stook in .FALL AM: - WINTER (1001 Ls.
h Embrold.M.P. cooltiolltos cf Wrought Collar, ,
,I'' "•••11"-I.ri.?••• I I Triton Chausberneng Erma - roult respectfully inf,,,in. hi. en ,,,, , n d ~,,
E rant.; W.
r '4 OIT , ' wenc h
leAte. err. llandarrehleta,to
- ---- -. .1- "'.
l',. C h ' . 4 h,liet, et15te,,Me5.115 dlo woe.. a,. on "nr e r. oris ' j" ,u, `' .: .i..,' 0'f...-:;,,,°.?,,,,,rez;;1A.,Lti0re,„„1,1,71t.0.ft,t,r5r„1tz.
.....,.r.o,e4ewercooreeti,.„...Tioeiroce,7l,„.thor.a,,lA. I. , :od n ii . ....lch ir .r : i ll::
fUST 11.1.C1D- 50 sde. tnin Sheet Rubber, i ,fr Jet, ,floc
be or.:l_at redund priers. . 0,14
, tr u veatfas • V i s,,, „ hni ,..„.. 11 L ., 0,.,,,,h00t ng • Tny i j! , ,i ,
,„„uv, :tz ,,. .. ,
th„.r, 21,.
d (fir ''''' 4 "`'" - f ""' " ';'-.111111M.1`,.• 1i I ITIZ EN S' Insurance Co.--40 .Share` of Idea cloth. with grra.... l4 et... ' , an, tit ererlng .114 ...-, drteres. ror , Pahl
- - trameniel in pun tha wont ea.. of Tooth Artn M er-
„Cj.111F,,,.1.',....8---dr;rITNONI,-eisor,VriEh.Tuft;lit; 1 1 1- , 6',114,V' . 0 .,..t • •••.', ).' P„ri.-, 0 ,,,„ 1 , „ , Cu. AN INFALLIBLE. TOOTH ACHE REMEDY, I, ",.1itrrvii,:bi1r.,,,Nik.,,,,tki.ii,..t,..,,,,,,,
CITIZI.:NS' Ilepo3ite ]lank. -The !...tack of c„.,, ,u,,„„,,,„„.„,„,„, ,
1 Ret ry Watend 5.11... 1 1 kalas: .-
del 93 •• ' I 1.1.11711-Irff-t:. , ~j, ~,,,t u y fm. eel . by A. WIL IL INS a cu. - fr ro c t11 "11 ~
if ,IIILLICOLTIit SOAP - 150 boxes, prime 44.419
1-1 "tkle•L'".'" 'VTllill'ait'd'ilE6lP.egy •at 1 UODF/Sii-e 01 . i '. a erott..tee att re VP , j r..
ar50n„,,,,,,,„. ri .„
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i.u.. ",., ,-...,Aisly.;,,svrasE.-,,C,i),..DvLb1V,,,E„,...R.,,,,Z.1.h.„,,rnr. 1
dea tall. A. II L__-i _ 1 --,---,.:..,.b: '9 t •
._ _ Grand Bank (large )
14 M. Itigt u LLT4,s l ,?; , 4
u.. IT nxich . retT .
umuniunioriu„uh,y4y;ll.l, r „,, i , sz uu,uuuou. u.,:rothi, I
- - Ch7mlo'rurumotilm"Ltheumallin.a, Bloke. , Carle...!,tb. ~,. y i y .. ,y y _. ~,...k , ~,,...,,,,....
-4-1-ENNit.„Larnt and levigated,'Otransparent 'kn.., White grellion. U•Plcerenilttiy,,V,Nerz 1 . Ino. LiIVIK
kJ ADA ricb colcr, for Mile by J. KIDD A CO. oil I- 1.11;b17 rocottohednl ,
-- - _ -o--- --- `illollAS 15 A1../t l , l`l. D, PAIN 11 . U b.. . I,T . ai• ,;_b ..,., ay Bani.:Nwpkita s and Doillea
W. 1i... S. B. and L. J DE JONOU. SE I.L. of the Magna-
i M u n u rita u,i ba L c u lt.
uu. Utapar uu, and Tuu tires u
c h o Lo_wel , fl o n_En uu
g00.,, _
TatihNta'll'holl'Ctire"tidmid;7..thladitl"mA'".ll.P..Vl'dslll re ' lU ' lr''. blamed'. Quilts, French. Firralture, DLitt . . Ennio anl
Irul eor use ur WEThEII a OcDOWF.LI, 140 Wow] Areal. e o tMla 11nonel.. ap,
Pius o_usl
- ----- top ; 11::. Inert Ilembrltor.
CASSEL'S AROMATIC VINEGAR.- t„.k -. meoene de Lt.. 3-4 end 14 otte - .
hairdos, Gahm
lA, The hlf hid ...nor/. he1mn1...X1:4,7,1.t1', Man Eidson . Loll
o t Is ranger, render It n . PUP. YIY
••,,,,,, ell . rgrailbettio`hr.
for the ordloary porpooes at the tollid sod tan, 1a...
lag the 1. 010 in ~1 0. ntrn l _,./ 9 9 . 91 r,b_„,t1,,"*"....,,Th„nt, English. Yrenett ...Tltalt. Crayon Mole and Crake
Cif offleo , Y ro`•P`` ,4 ° ° ° °°° ` °````` -- - •i• 4 Veils: Chemiretto. and Sleeve, Coimrs arid Culla Gloves
lf . l. highly renomonaled Inflates for Om ord rm. , / .1 amt osir all of which flord.wdlbe warranted of g.iii
&Mite MAW.* . 1 OM b:. - . 1 .t. ... I ! .1. P . '" "t.. ,,,.... colors and cheap for qUalitl.' -
Lthlib:Mthu::::ll:7l:','"l'hl'4:.:tllErreT.Pfito'bilv,le7:ll.thbstarlifi';:unlibun'ullnil-L'w7:::Trlngtes.:',l:: - r . ' J A
N 1
U U r
-retican Mustang Liniment.
I, ROM RICH AND POOR, bond and free,
1 ' r
I li b i . 0: 1, 11 . ::: . : 1 it . it . 'I v o: , c l , b%;:cl ' 1: :::::: 4 :5: ii Il e : :7 d t 1 ,
,y end b' :: . : ::: .
~... t u b ; :: . d . .
. br ff . .
. 7 1 07 . .
„ P :: ... : f u t it2 . l,b : d t t I .
t ., ,,„
.. ' ti ° : •, : . .
lect healing and curative properdes. It tote like tic
In Motif/sing pidna of sin kind • no mater by what muse.
ur 11.......A.E.1Pm•Dte1ne, dislocation. Of Intritaenta ,
"V"t; bu'''''''".''''''''' "o""l'llibrft';/tlrT;
' 'lpinta74selrui rigt;•Zu7s."Si: Lia[ment la equally
4 ' il - tile ' o ' oo equally effectual 113 stab, t immediate re
' 4ll itl
"' For saie by IiEYSER 1 110:11/W KLL. ISO Wood stir.e . st,
Pittsl_23_ l A.
has I.M. lona sought (dr. vie` A CHEMICAL 1.1.
..I..OLDER, Kr Welding China. 01ms, Earthen and
aintao ‘lOO, 4,51 . 11. Iron l
Aornartj.,.tici n
wi11.,`,.',-A11e1.11`g:f;',1f7.,T1A..,11,.".171:0'1= 1..;
wean tiro Cult
otter It has been joined. A. it ha. no
whir. It learea no marks of ything hiving beet , mooned
to the brute. rod., ore* n th`
glen, it 'MI sgss,
mist& ,mtion of hnt water. or oar olliiit kind or liquid
sni id • bone, thereby nude - log them es untul as
fore nary min broken. '
b• T
• übU will at once see Me Importance of becoming
inU n agileil ;nth the hint and anly article for eurottr Co
rlrma *bon Me coot la SO eneioa.
-.L W .Ais. wholesale or retail. by 1 1 . E. arr.trzi. fa
* Trod st.-,
KS, MUSIC, &c.
Illustrated 'Gift Books for I: .
CALL AND SEE THEM—Price low, and
a foes very rich and brautiful banks atunowhat dam
nell,t;,,,Lol,:tall;,rater In the Enron Carthatwas barn
Ilart'firentaleSltrau Welters of Amettra. TO". t mar,, gi
Revd', " Voela.
Tapper. guar. and 12m0.,
Engem ! Value. quarto.
Edith M
Compboll ar ' , I t tem, quarto an
Cabinet neSlndern Art, lit a
Itrorerblelist and l'oet.
Inallet, of Illem.Y•
Friendship' , ()feria., ISSZ Nlle %at, a beautiful booki
Snow Flake: I American Etthale Poet.
tairistut. Illossrmata Itritish "
••• Tribatt: St. of Itothlettenu
tiondbint; ttmetes In Lir. of Pstriarchw
Proton Sraealet Tbo Women of the Setlatittt , •
Wen. lu Lift, ,d the Sa•ton Afoot - wan Painters:
rIIANNF.R.S.' OIL - -.20 bble. for sate DP I.l . nmr. of the U. A N Testa Hods and Blutoms:
1 Tr....need Thouthtr, 11.adime GIS, 1 , 5,1.
1 .1e1.5 S. At ti (lAEA tilt •
liethuut o 1..... m. lilarlatol.
. . • Itootmtry! lowilea' Illcutrattd Kra k.:
OMNI. .-'2.5 Itl.le. Vas and Water Pre I. Selo. Uututtout. V ath‘t at rant Alndlua 'Sect.
.11 for .14 1., 1.01011_1401:11V it CO., 1f auoo's - of our Ltod.
Water euri.Vrtal el, ' Vr01.1:4 • ' , nosing lintrai Soup F 1.1“
• i Poen , . in 1.1...! 4 ku.,11.1 ihir !Utior with,. Iterplrot•
I . )LAIILS . 14 sash'' ~
„ . „. 'l' • I "‘nd
t r :tt: ' .....!t 7 . 1 . .1.11..— , J1 , 1.V.. ^, r;;;it . :; r : .
i .1.1.1 %ti
• —-- -- o 1 , , Pion '.' ' o rourth ttuoto Apollo AultlMPa
G LASS- :; 1 / 4 1 lame@ F,sltr; I , de;o1
t' , i ., 1,',.5.2,i!,. ~ , .mt . „. ~,,,,,,..„.. I it 1 A:114.1 . 7A! . : . , ..r.ii ,, ti ,. . r N 1. „,, ,
~A 1 N ;Nt „1 1, A , 1 ,571 5 , .,w al:e
__t 15 1
~ pIIII.VIII 1 LEL. I A , ... ~,,,, ~... t t
,ASSINIERE It CASSINET — I SO lac.. for . thti.y.t.Ledra liana 1 . . January
11 / eel* 00 ~.. ~,,,,,,,,NOT. • Part.. ,IsKfalno. t. I. J./mm[l
I ho T01..r . P. Wart. a Soul.
• ,
Christmas Gifts. . ./11.7 10010 , -Th. A.... 1. ....AA. .-.4 ..l. Uri Annual.
' t-., .1-I I. le:S. erlll.l. .1.1 I.- ...AI al 11, 1..... fit e .5t,..,“
TIE, ettbecriber has jut roesic. -6 irttly Ile I ett---- , ~,,
_ _ __
su., „ 1 , ,, ft 1.....tir.1 I'Vt•i• I. 1.1(tIVI. 1•1!..3, 7 1.0..- , - _
lately carved and embolith.‘l,.‘,llLliittEravr,b•t!,•;:4,.(l, , NEW BOOKSi NEW BOOKS:
';.'..i, ',,,',V,?,,il,':flVffll'l'g,ol4.. !V \ if. ilfarnia , l, if i ,) L T 110L5I ES' LIT ERA RV' DEPOT, N 0,74
la ' s t...,... •.o eltrooiner .... In tl, le end au.-1., AO will . ...1,,„, ~,,, fl .. A , ,L f i , { ,11,..,-, .t.- ;,
g'"'"l`''''' L ir f.7.°E . :::lr.i.t,l7l7:fr—°.' : hi',""IT„ I ,TII.7 tit.ll:2:' ~..`•. 01 ;!,..,;.,... L.....
dell 0,.... nf th.. ih.tleu liar,- ! V et.eta T . t.10• ut, .ot 1tt.1".. .4 Ib. ti
stmt. , f
polvt)Elt - 31Shl itNe ltla.,tine, - , ~, Ito..utlit Sta.robee la }Stolen I. hi, ....1.1re... t.• 1....1 , ••• -
f... , 3
, I , llile. i. for e i t . l i ql
i...,, ..',.l: n r.f Lb.. l'iui:.. „ l i-tni... at AV. eb-uo's fa. 0.., . Hut,
- - 't
' .Ahoy enttnl2l k an. a It OMILLIt. 1., il I' It James
1,?1t.F.411 FlGS—lbwed end for sale by • rzu,:t11a,,...:::,14t(2,:t2::,,,,,,,t7..,r5g.01:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Ur.. l,l SI A tirt!Ll.lll.l aMt . !
-- - -
sTI2AINEI) 11- Fur —Vor aisle by ! Pictorial &troth. Joilattlytn, for Clittelmes
AI.O. ' 1% tI S.C.I-1.1/itt AOl
-, . I.r.s...upply of AhhUAL, from 111.111-
Ileettor s New Monthly Maaaslut. for laeretator
'." .ttiedl t- "' ~ 1 /1.-OFFErI, -1.50 liittnt Gmten Rio, for male tts ittleinalk....l.6...nuo, t0.,.11,..,..trer „.
No. . 1 .5 ' . 1 7- W'' u S ll.9"Ar.,,TiVal:V=l' tn.'l:rt, N l ' ...,14b i 1 t , .., ..
teataniqeh.e, a i J , e,, t,,,..5t't,!,...,,i' Ti.-1...,,,,,,,,,;;;:r,
--. ...„ - --,----•---- --- - . • - .1;:;./..:1.„,r,..c ., L. , .. • urw wort by Ilium. Nis.
ii. - AZ,. .. th, .. ,tEltan.
ZIA ." E.. ihat.wood, -6d'O . ,.r ! trl d 111.4FF.S'.E-50,b,VISS t.,r , ea . %,
.f.t,),,ri.e,a,1;:,,,,,i2, , 0 , 1,, , ,•,,,,m,
,L.k.,.,... ..•
' " ~, da.
111 ' '. " t! " " ti. 4 . .
~, 4 0 # • .'`'., ..; C 2 • I bbls ,re d . and for stile • , 1 ',..•.,r,te.: it.4.1: 1 ..;•;:c i . ~,. , T , T r i tl , .. , r foo
naof • 110 Ila ti:tfll . Las sad AtlV.lll.llfea aan Data! ,
441 , " ttt( " Boudoir- tiltherf. 11.1.4 fie, 1 . I , T _ _________ - .
1....1.t0ut.0 , a an. ...el.,' Dulw•t
&614. A tab6 ' AA' 6 661'''''' .666" b'!". ! lElloTakSil—it, Canto prilne, for bolo lov I. Lo,roi 10. x..... by hauitot Item , •
---------------------.--.._. - d.. ,, S.A. W. HA/alai:till, Don titillate LfAl tit, Squire rancho Pena.
f., 1 , ACREI) MUSIC k..SiIIIOGL SINil . Th. , Tatuta of rho lia.i, tu Dnuas
I .CLASS --SIX) latZt`l4 aesorted, for s ol o by m,esert,... st Phtsl6l•ll. bl Dumas. I ,
17 Itt.X3KO-•- . LI,. S Ali II 41411AVil 11. 11.07 Ilurubtan. a tale of the amoriela Ilavoluttou
Naa r 'udio by 1.. alutm . Cbair Ctiornt la.t.Lewu Arundel.. the Salim. et L . .fe.
• ft Webb:
Naar Carmine l eer.: I le.r .1', 0 ,1‘.% 1,..,,... . I N - 1,1,1 - 0- i .4,1,011 Chr.elto, '2 1 . .g0 . .%I.Einii ; L.1:?,,.0:11=,,,e,,,,:rtitr5:,....11‘tt,....„titt5..4.4,,,Pri. vsts earn
Normal Foltutl Song floor \i'emperance.liolubtan, '.
g i j a :,, nu rua.utaintot, for t ..All7lltsi,?l,la., .
L.° 1
toll It.o•ettico, car ... ;hot., ti tan ir um. lloset. Put
Jll.6Ctile Oritofl. , . , ilr. Site. by 4 0 1 1 ..0; ,
5t re .13,, , 1400k 6, 0 b fLhi , f .,. Jr n, ,, , ,,'"` L . E i n e n l',.. t. ' " •r ° ,. " -41. ' t.1 "1 :3flif . 11'‘Iik•IC Cit TEE'IIIINO B.INGS-2. gross, tdataal.ol the Uhl. or the flattbs Field. • Tale or th latte•
Sae. Char. , lua.t, 1 laad•-. aon en/aut c oter!... tu.l ud and for sal, by
Abat-The Albaltnos. • tory p r a tt y los ...A. w.dt Li I Ita ' J all VIII f. Starke! st
11. t.I Twining. matte t.r lars. ,,, Y 4 '
-maths's, Mato, now socia hr s. c.. Ft.ittr.
ii4EI.LERS' 151PERIAL9013G11•SYltvy—
The 110 A of Aaot-taeud Quartette. . ICtUdecan. Va.. May 12,1110.
The Suits Ilaufee's t.nntr. ..- 'l . hereby eort.fy that 1 wan afdletrd‘t. Ka t i
monthaVlb ,
The Eloamtee Complalot;• -
Cschartus 11,01.` 5,000. temple.. For tabby 6 9 'ir itEr ' tZ ' t: h ilt 7.l'dt'll7s.? ry"ithemiL;•'%l=Titt',lll: ...`".
fl. ISLSBI.P. 101 'Mini ,vein, '.l.llteittrtioutre PAU. and two bottlre ot . tly Imutrial
Sian of dm tlolden liner cone Syrup. I s .. Per fettlT ettud., J. • 1....
..t....,0..7:,,,,07r.i.5vri.5rt.c.;-.1..71,i'rk".°;0:10":1.3:1,11710.,:itt1f1z1r,:.:: two
.04 ~oi'Suhgo.
Gift BoOke for the Holi4ays,
T lIOLUES' Literary ;Deot, !
us. , d Itsr 1.4. at prices ranging ROM •
SI to $lO.
The 11:ann of Early Chiidlsalty, • orrleve Yortmlts.
•12b..kireropriats lberrlrtiuno by Aniartratieleruttuui.
with 11 Original snout bay. bound In fine Tartish ura•
The antrerur flattery. a gilt took for all eanuions.aritb
13 besutilully tubbed itunranlana by the 61, artiata.
Tito Land of Bonlage, loi:: the Journal of a Tour in
Egypt. by .1. M. {Taboo right, D. D., with line steel en;
Th. Eacl'utli , • aliVl,nank. altla illantratlcno.
Thc Ist, M e te or, te tour enir, ottb 12.1-nlorwl plat. ..
Theof a beautitril annual. arltb 10 piers.
Tbe gift book, with it Illu,trotinn.
Vain It of Malern Art. altb-26 tua,tothrent plate,
(intno;Of Beauty. literary nal. it bur illrotvitiona
a n i l titn=l4, t;
b T orroll Annual, a alts lob s for illurtrob
li .d.
flArbilnaa linnet. by Marla 3 . ,111 Illustra
10 ild Itlonovi, a rift forth , . liolidayn.
TI.. Fa. , rt. of Lavabo..., ith id ilitctratlot.
Th.: Val:oily 'Orel.. and Parlor Annual
Lin. t reed
Itiftn.tnolia, thr Snow Float.. au l ntielataioVe tide.
be...infant curt fcr eta lulllann
FtroElitattiund ...thin. alcaknreara and 11, 01.0. in
ono rolta.
pbT l'onti'rollt% art,. Itcoth
Uncnt ct lich fat °tit
C41 . 1 ' . 1 64_,1.,! , 7
New tti:Tck of Chickering's Piano Fortes:
to .0,1, bee ft.-Alfa now I•flo' I rV 1 1
uat of Pt I.NO VOKTEN fro© W
nu I cc l, • I-
litatod unmulaetary ut Chic,k,inft. 11.-otnu.
1L 1... GT:17 flaVlllia7ra fluo ood
• 11/311l a .4:
11701. " I
111 , 1
1176. .1 O.
11C.r2. o
.110.06- •' ll7vo ).•
Fr = -----------
t e Inhofe of 110 Farlllti In all their raolety. end dor
ying th orn IX) the 5.}.01 01 the year es they etiv.oefiTOlT
ono, B neon . Btepheni. F. IL S. F..mothor of the
Book of the Venn," Ic..,ostoltoi by Jobo'D. Nome, M.
A., Prof, of Poleathe Arroxfotthre is Pale' Collego, Now
Darin); 2 volt, with ottuarrone Illuttretiotbs.
J. 1.. READ.
Fourth frret, Apolin En D,Pnye.
New Rod...
T J. L.READ'S, Apollo Pgildinge, No.
78 Fourth Dint—
bt,Dick.:or the 11 - bidtV l ii7llp ^. • • or cor , r .
Fast Du Selene, or i lbe6 i s , L n u r it , t
-AT.ZtrTtjf; latliar. by Dr: Brewer. fbr Fatuities
or Mtoos.
spiritual D....n7wasratiou with reftretica to presauttioses7
a Char st dellven4 to the Lbergy of the Diocese of
t 4..1 5 11 ifai. • dell!
Now Ready t
VERY LADY having . a Piano slioold
. l ell-Itrg,7: 4 ,Tagi'vv:zoat - ‘t , • „„ _
Withitut except:ton as beat a pow. prtiing•ta biadtbe
&sower Ina executed.
There possible casualty Ulla ran happento • Piano
tor ribish it doss not Vintaneary rwitetll. beAtiye s t• - ia•
dtrortiaba bow to troy tb• instruusent Ala
111. be
Prior only I.l.—Worth Linos that . ctob.
cala be surd Ly mad to any part Of ao• U 1.1.4 Kates for a
few sent ,
Publiitird by Ls, Walker., bbiladtlybla, awl otar
Chickering's runos.
TOIIN 11. MELLOR, Agent for
et) Chlekering's Piann:•for Pittaburcb
.4 Wes leoullania. No. bl Woof 1
h.tOrt nwiTe.l • • De• au4 1,1, Nate etc..'
PIANU FIAT ILA, from the ronnoN.clory of Chktenoz.
conntAtiac &, 7 orurre , e.”. 4
Hew. Music. ,
rM E GIPSY'SSONG, or My Gallant Bark; 1 1
P as pang with paktum= ApPL•nto hl j^ntrf 1 . 1 . 4, .‘
bee concert 01 lituborgh. ---
The tdoontor's Cotatd.pot , • ...n , MA
thotte inna• d"
. Th. I•tnelt One: a• sun. I.y Catettion UsTa to Amato+
Vef7ex'4ltrUsitaln.fkreith'''''• U'r' ' I
TOO tiltat oliret.4.ootopopat,r 11. 0.1.0 tr. 1
The Hoguresatot goodrilloc - ,
• ALeo—A merwrg selKtlo• of am tocobooMist cod dr
suable tautly forxlslirnilL•Etirg.o, ri, i , ..: , t. •
or 9 Ron of the do r fdon lien ,
4 Sacred Music Books. ____
jiI'ANTICA !AUDIS, by Mooon k W:bb,,,
Ij o.
VEVUltolt.4l'wAcLA ro. do
Til C.G . LEE 111VE, • new eudeetko. of 01Ppe
Soap, pebeted and amazed for the use of Slotiml Coo.
Peation•Toseite.' Institutes. Sod Clamp of Bosun,
• _oadPoty of Itorie, 07 Loteell >laton 0 tito. J lie hly.
A Imre qtduatity:of
.I.lrtabolorproek 0 mi. , ' La .3. 01
oolb , UN IL MILLOR. I ITtdd pt.
l'lltVer, Lrr
. '. Clasionets.
TIM difficulty of obtaining a correct and
gorsf-toned Clarions% Is this coustry, haying
_Veen .
I t T r ast i, td:lanigeM e e r r a, Dt ggitr:=.
~....Jurt syrtYed. They aro lroott the EVIDI7 nt
'n'rs"' Solon, ..1,7;?:If w",2trt:W.'" '
'. - o'lla• stact eom'in
_" Wt. t _
A 8
Clatimaet•-1.. sodAlm
. .. U
C ". • • .
• E fist
Thar to want of rosily gond Cittrionet7r7Litidt. •
rue .10suca,
. oel din Of the Golden Lissy, So. 101 Third it.
New Nam. , 1
OEM 11. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood ettBet;
has received the follolllllg .....a PVUIL. Pier of
icyJoyee—S. O. F n m , .. , Mv .... .. 1 , ,,„ Maz.h Rom Lucia 0. !LAI:,
it1Ti1f0= , ...... - ' V. 4 nisrd:: •
licoullicht is Sleping: r 'Village Quick Stem '
We nos comt park ; • ritp 0240 Itufrk SuTi
The Cavalie v. nchea thou hut
Take me home to ilici leuuty—tariatione
.1 watch tor thou Como olu¢ ids that ewes% air
LW klnd WM. leltaormite4 agalpvavraUone,
1 YatheesTrayeri : Ist Tremolo—Rosaelleu: Toed
Joe Lisedri Believe me it sit thaw en-
Why do rummer :4. tide! dotting 1 bung 'cbsectoc
Irlilmot HMO Maltilick etc .
• '
I D ll + Ni m es'..
lSla su druDroM
Smo.lvMesue Goiter:
grieg chuS Amorkst Idoun tab Del9l, b y 14.11
ou hsopy ere I loefal Tow. /n of peofan Clilldot
the Wore, with allnette: Least Hearn 01 Orel to Lat.
w yo boyo, in anew, F v ZI4 . 1 y •I, 211.17,
tha. 'rub Fre; i e. br
condo amain When the 1111010. avenue h on ; duet. , "
Home, nefota,l Lowe bee, duet* The W i hd Woodn.
NO," 0L a. rf4111104.471-gThr Oiettio:D°.4'oono
" BINA IlrOthed= nail Upham ith like.. of urea
4 . ?lrt,r, lLM' l4l3 l :lf B t .l 4:l 4lb .rtilin allt",'ltiar,"!"Atibth.
.wang . II yerly's Waltn halal... Voted, - &zoom andt- '
son:lW Polka/gra PolositTl'auarliaakdltwohomt
T at ' ar ' t i dt=
Etat Galo Itngltleni Quick
. 01ve threw Oledivy thertares
I,ltoss of lingland, No.l.obunroehot Irelsod; No.
3, Valealtrof Ere'd Awl for Foie by
- ;wen . - - .11/110 II LILI.LtAL Wood on
bb or onto by:.
it.liEß t. uurcurEox titt -
G - --
RASIAM'S MAGAZINE, for ,Jenuary,
'., st HOWES' Litarser Depot, Mint
de22 rt., OPPO-
sits the Post O DD. .-
MOLASSES -9 bbls.
ItitEORGE ROWLEY, Sr., will find a let
n, • larroood to bkio from 1.110 couo. , Ty. Lr
ca of the loaborribero. A. NILKINS
tomer of !dark and ThadAto.
N -
1:ENC11 A. MON ik CO;
offer their itt.elt Of Merino. of more than WO rhino,
during thu . scull annnal•ealee. at ono-think lore than the
ustoil rricet. • - • de3O
VELVET CLOAKS—We Will 'mark down'
the balanci our Velvet Cloaks to let. thee eastern
Idb:1111 A. A MASON • CO.
eald 411Ter t , ll SCalue4 o
tisTrt h r:;!t i te!
NEW BOOK S 1-Tlie ,Stonefiga
Mason of haiatihdoti ii; Viii/NP , TO.,
br • ire LaMantia, Translated nom the
V lfer t rof air. Saleari lllcksitieLb.lateßr7.# ,,,- .
it,..•=bl.Rtziga,ttfalty't , A.ilMeni7l'4 2 / 1 ".V4
''''a,lo2422Z"- t yii . . .eeal af Roman Aro
ila A oltl6%. l l soil v er Av onifilostritioo l c by ebatiesAnthon.
thtab . f. In the Dark Ms. or Memorials of Christian Llfe,
in the Stabile 10tm Mtn the• tlermanof the late .lithrus. •
t'll'.t ptrr ".E S ' E f arl . attil '?.' ::: ). . l tt . lt i k• V6' bord ' eb "' rrios 'u oa t i b Yo ' fi V'C' eb• p a i
ITSvalltholoslibar lain of the Lord Nth , * of OirOnl.all•
Witted Dom haulm* edition. Moo.. nom
lkonne Athettrn.-The Liapento of Meats. delisted
o f h e atnotra; by li th e Lootale, M. - .t.. PlOlOlOl of Matto
.9lo:letetofial Yield B.S. tzt the-Zintiutioo: 1...101.
.4.r9l,Var:ftfrZ":''',h" 01,0001 y it
Apollo Itolldths. Fourth it.
4 1 1 C .- m - Aontv4 ,- ,Fbgse,%mtzrz:
tog r at rzt
I,lll3e*Liarat lisfaraNruatalclaa
- 4140.0, C " t ~ n m i l
rcrt.talp OT tha kliamtictuiv, ao4 a 11.v...x4 of 1.1.
• ' At_B.QH RIaLV lT Mind s.
S. 11., (St. Jainen;)
N. O.: for 11.1. Or
0. fiLACHIRMN a 00.
1 UDIA/M'S SPECIFIC—A fresh supply t
II 4 5.e.1. 1 for nib, by J. iIIIID c.
4,5 ic. wool .t._ 1
Co--A full as-
Xli . AortmecL Ne. exl, , by .l D • .
StAECIT-12469 lbs. Fuxe's Ohio, in :Alb.
rsclagrA, for tale by J. I.llilb A LA).
40 GO Wad it.
f I irtri:sE-04) boies - l!reaen, silperior;
I.)loo - 4A.Eamon. Cur RAI+ by
dr9 ' It 1./.11.2ELL IIX ! Liberty se
il ',Iit:ESE-10d bozes.W. K., for sale by
1.j ..0.12 A CULBERMI bettyo.
195 Li tame.
d :IN:Rix:IV lIISKEY —44 Gbh. for sale by
lt.) dell!
la li FFALO lI.OBES.—A fine 6election for
I - , ssi, by 14.121 A CULUERTrON • 1. ,
(a AFETY FUSE—'2U bbls. for sale by
KY_ del
__ J .PILAVyfil II aCo
13011.1 Z---8 Hog., Joel sel'
01i. L an
IT d
TLR X d for s
C ole by ,
No. %AS La.., .
WA t,
II JIRIME,.LEAF LAlto—Put up expr
I. Cr WART ears. tu kre0 , .. 1 sort:.eof !Lb. x.A wily
1 1 .1 : " .".'''' ' " "'
'titiAllcla 10 a ro
% 1 01.ASSES-;--.2tr bbls. , ti. 0., leer sale by
A.l AA .3AMES A. drecurNas aco
rvt - d a tatlher_anhli !Iti• 0-ov. anwl..vrry
egg:hori,ithLoi:...l..t.r.h,ll.lth-flist.t. of the eTry boat
d.,; Northeast r'ortnlerrotPFUlßCaclr.lgrkpri sta
I hat , . put toed an amorto,nt the‘a.rf
wrist, of hew no,ls. rt. '3
MINSTRELI—A now sy!-
T, ) arm bf /awful Natal"... 13 fi l i , FLA,ldlrillyita4. d
dad For We by 11l Wool ot.
)EARL STARCH-50 bozos just reed on
Nnalgpsoentand fat rabbi lbiliDV. JO.:. F.O C_C_l
oTASII-8 ctiska for sale by
TOLL bbln. fur Bide by
PTB. OT NTINE-15 Ws. in pion
S •birplog oolrr, for rojo ky DRt
co woo, w.
king Raimitu._.B r.iGord Cortaata....-.......8 c
or Itch Itateloa--110a1dNew Mai.* FM* ..... Vi J t.
lentron, Orsolite'.•42l7lllllPcl,Y;;;lVOtild
I •of all Muds, Idsrelloot Tau, tue.; and Yahoo aka
Co ..101.1 1 W. ' de.
• . EWTIC---"Cli beintE L Sup - erior, for sale by
Ott', J. WIDO • taa, Go . Wood al.
ICE-45 tierces prime, for ale by
in_Aaa_2ll2Tl.l%! _
-'' 12 , '''!" 14P.7."uargi?.:'"'" tr;.
Is - rata Ilatorya Ji•
dell eases
11011.13011)00 • 1001111411.
Great. Sale of Long Shawls at low prices
A. MASON t CO. will open on Tuesday
. mointog. December 2.1, at, Wier largo Bo otor 0.
nou-12 ma. of 1•14 Nhawld, ablrlt. togett.. th
Matron atoot w ill toa. Ili mast extatais• Shawl tale ,
nor bald la this city, _
gITC)111, VARISII—in be and ball bbls
'I d Plowittat; Playing, raii.binglOoic
adk DITIOO O Y ,
sale by ----1'
.11:10.1agt Rio, for sale I,
h pr).e cy
N. b" ' Dumourn
TEAS-2. 2 5 b
r. I t Y.
ramaor os i 7 ! d y . P r. o ;
dab BU rbr val. br
pIJOII, HEADS /a BODIES—J , of !pho tlobberiloll H nit+lt 4r eads sod rx.p...
P"'" "`".
CtirEtSll.7o.boxee extra Cream Chdo
tee do
, 1Z) lfoxlipoettotrodwflforbion
- :
h 2ru a l d :l 7"`Cy L d i r n d,r w irr a „. l . . h b °,
pSKS. cats• WILD
de rddJer
5 . N a
' 0,-150 bales No. 1, for sale by
Loaf .Sugar, for rale by
{GLASSES -400 t0bJ2.0.;
• - K il P • 'lt- " I "fi trT•c.
J.JII celebrated Mat= mad
" WICK t !deed:MOO-
`AL AMMONIAC---tn. s. • •• • •
_ nen: Etia . • "'IA
WALE 01L-2 casks Wint. Strained, for
!le by 7) MeV It.• Dian=t CO.
eat. ff i, isti c 9 o lbjs.Ofby
irilygtiP P1A24061--Just roe
u ) , Ow catooKKtrion of liallit. Do r ,
'KU:CW.4r 17/gc27,I=Z2STo 01''''
M.. slot Iract Woctotanl 0 Bro.t.
art, D. Trot. JOAN I
Dol9 _
DV T ASII —l5 esake re
pu, brae.__
edle -
L dell - • St ICK 0 ICANIKAS.
g i lIAIR CUSIIIONS—:2 doe. India Rubber
r ‘ U/d ril itl;t1,t0:1 14`,.cifeb=t'eii'L'7""h'"""
'O4 J.l it rulitdra.
It p Utd•E-4 pkin WICK
nde CAN D l K by
I ILOVkat tr, 1 IIIIOIIIY SEED, for tutu by
VLOl.l9l{-41 bbls. fobile by
,_ , ICK 0 AIANIet.t.S.I.
toUOAII-15 bhde. prime new, for
dr!! JOlittillArLa CO.
1.20 LL BUTTE ft-5
bbls. tocsin by
del9 JON WATT:f CO. ,
rfiNt'IICURRANTS-5 east for sale by
Ii S-=-In prime dder, at
1: 1.21 1.1 traS, ki e.t.a per doso , n, Ws al
EAIS-15 be. Small White, for sale by
UNIONS -4 bbls. for Bale by
dalg II- MI.
-Clll-11iP PELTS-1 dos for sale by
10 WS . B. P. SIMPER.
---::,031S-200 dos. Dry Corn,
SHR for sale W by
11411 - b. P. IV
.—._ . .
INDOW'MASS-200 bra Bxlo and 10
slZ„fut .1.1.1 a B. P. SIMPER.
WicEli, WANTED—For sham' marked
O .11sner Mblte... If not, called for .obi. thirty
4". g. t 1i ,'1" b°
T. ttini.t. dl U.. Litrts it_
if sANDLESTICKSI—Anotber lot, ' of new
1 ) tty If Caodlestl:ks. 101 l La. to tilau . wool.'
n df Ist porch*" to .11 early.. thlf artiele jt•tpt
In cent demand. (0.161 . 11. RICHARDRIN.
gAN E 3 11 bbls.. just mc'd per
Cf am... Midas, and la Pie br
I ' Id. A. IteCLURGI A 01.
Uroesrs and Tea Dusters.
A.LERATUS-40 bie2and 50 bbbi. pure,
L for br 4. D. CAW/MVO.
UTTEP.-40 bxe.FYcah Roll, fur !Edo by
WRENCH CURRANTS-5 seta. for sale by
_Jr liel3 JAMES DALZELL. 016 Wave
UOKWHEAT FLOUR—‘A vary auparioj
articla ft""" tzli: ir ot b i grifrl i gr b iZr
TV. ge.C1.1711(1 a CO.. Marty a.
extra family, fur male by
b. a W. I.lAlllgarUti.
6 - a -------- NUFF-- 800 lbs. Gtirretla Scotch. for sale
L - 3 br i.ADD it, MI., GO Wood gt.
glllO--1000 11,T. fur sale
noiV- •
ALCOIIOL-2 0 bbls. 76 and 92 deg., 'for
01*-1,7' J. KIDD i Mt
dead I
‘ lo.lirnae . .. l OW.
Pitit; BLOOD IS Tut:
blood pUre. and lba i haellb wilt An %Dd.. DlT i t .,o.
9 tl
..t i Yittalla r arU Pefaf
ZUJes t l ' a:L o oTsr i grfor - t.loialorfulrurea,ao 1p
° M in. t=tie,l boa teen al:ideal amp abet
o flau a rFlua,
laree at 7117122iTL.,,1tni`
r b v." 6 ,„°°„ .01k .1100 W. , Pal '
'"'V;'...Arural,brafsbncla Ward, rltuo.„b. t,
Tim eV. 11:mm1U 11110, te s ertt i . Mu i toll.l
KLORENCE WAIT!—A beautiful gloss
whit. tsar. that anshanasabla uty Chaste.
It lateothal for parlor, steamboat and ablp tablas. rat
arerslatitils•lTlV4 tav bwttem""gt
ol a➢ollsb. II require4:ttor tb•Uoual
For sale by - J. KIDD a CO, 00 Woad ea
• sad Premtion of Chgrpst Ilanda—Tho ac
rt,""hjet r.hltt-anzi.d„,..vge:ilfurriza
geld dy Lbi?tlolo.nitinitr, and m o ' tdoacieW an Ito honing
virtues Mat it may, ann..% emanation, in [mani
ral a! as
the Lem.
Din m amply WM)jur7L LEdN o ,
r 6 rWobo4y
1• 4.
bOiesl4 Am mtlllb
- •
tiff GOODS, &o
litEet EVD n t. ow °P"i" '
ni piano doer and bungee...Liner...l the newest .nn
10111001,10 patterns.
to piece. black and colossi Clothe. 0 the most euperier
The larldttoa moat tplenlLl seortment of I 00040
ever brought Is this att.
PO dos. Undershirts and Deaden.
60 dos. fase and superfine 041.00-
A large assietment of Cravats, iltarik7chieLS. ta.
M Alll
fg%/I=l7, o olTtrftlo c sf r ilslYtf litl i Vlrfds
on hand, presenterine tio. largest anit meet o bionghie
mete or Ooodi, adapted dr gentlemens •ear, in the
•••tkro ....ton an of vbich We proprietor is detorinin
el to offer at the of
et prices for h
Oder in the Tailoring line executed t • t man
ner. and at the 'Porton vain sepl't
New Fall Dry (hada
A A. MASON & CO., bane reeeined and
cameo ••pßpi7 for lbl. mote; 1d
Alpfecas and Mohair Luftrea. embracing plain
warp. fancy onlid,Cbstneicion and florid. of .11 grub.%
12 canes taramattaa.Tbllmitl2fiths. and CObllfg, compria.
lag all. 141..144 sod 'qualifier. ttal is
eme, bra
ad fari, no above goals aro m a or for POO at
prior •bleb arialibonidont are unpanyordcatedir
CCORDEONS--A splendid and varied
atoek of We best braoda. loot rewlTad.
vyNs_A T er, desirable 11.We:dm, Islas 1.4„ andl
Volkola, toot. voal . of tba boat makers, Wriiebear,Just
°P"6I7/kAR.7—Aet extessalion and Wok* meekarrisiod•
ci .V
L.I.VSome ver i y m fme aid assn. and now of ...wry
Mew.: alao, fa (Ishtar Rod
Intectrcs, said i•s••
- Is o fetilindrds.ael ' rctsd and art. by the
Lib=ber 11.5011 nod sold at my loss rateis.
ialsa. udseed and wool rotalat
I•,!',t" re tr
PI 2ii"f *. no..l fault, the m to
• 101 11110 , 100.
osf re ' Dl ""'"3.
illay Of 711 E, tiOLDEN 11411 W.
traw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
PAL3IEIt offers for sale, at very
IR r . low vino., a full Rano:Moat or Sem. and WEI Mr
.r itO:i.VOTS—Vcrehoi and American rdsio and n
PtraiikiLniei O:W.11E1m, dam lair. .at , s.
born'm's, Youths., and Bore Lognorp. lypq: rod .
Flt' l gtoPa r Tal i r trja ‘ %. a ." °a:2=
SSW fu,,,lWgreat varl.
. 4 1 7° 1 - 111i7N — ' l
hr }it a h iknul;it and ?nut pl
r ain Pain and Tat
STIZA W TlilltifLOGS—eporda. Taroks, Onitrin. Braga
relerinr,ti as..
FM) ialid—lfteneb and American digit.. banoboa rod
"Zr,Ver•S'ir and
Th - . 4-0 1 am. Ori. do Or
dai=a, Donne, and otbox.Orlea. awned
911 ties and
TOVS—Aammted finaliddi and aolana
te—lard. and km sriatnasollandffistes=usi
Dm* ida,ita
z. frezh,
rtm mcczyzoi
bags (to arrive) for
-------------------311'11tIED ITA.CHE'S-200bu.fors e y
d,,21 ‘f(0111' , ON. trtTLE a co
WkWIII:A — T FTOR-2. 0 Kicks Hulled,
" "'"
"...1e by \
Li EliKltio~ bb - .l_ 11.' for enlo be
- 4a ALA-V.—s bbls. for sofeby
ft .s.D A CO.
TlM:tiff bbisT , Rail, for Bale
br de2, WICK S. b.VANDLE2. 3 .
IaTOS--30 bales for ;ale LT
IV 1.141
LACKWOOD, for December.
11 Dre.mbh We; a tale oO the 1. K. Alai
I RAPES-10 kegs Malagx, very fine, for
13 , I( br Ku.w hteCLUKti•CO.
We will ?pen
OU tni 11" ?, rar.oa plalla black arid arEl.• and
In sE-3 [rime J,6ipping:
FPLgS — i O lAA& for kale . b . y
1-Innl3 J CANV z . IRD.
-15------11SRELLA-S----` caws for sale b
.oes C. ARPUT Nor
jAV CUFFSt—tJ babiTdr sale' by
l AGS-5 "el" fee "3 s e lIMLBALGISI
bushels received on
''Z . i7 . l b T
.71' 1g N. 11417. o
'OR SALE—A first rate i'AMILYttI,
11011 , 41, which raw t.. 2 ono al JACKNIAN'd,III -
ter; Vtuble. Irwin otrett
`TONE` l'lKS—. ' lk boxes fornafe—bv
I not _ WICK g bIeCANDLet_
OILOIL -2. caste WinieiWhale, for into in
or drought, br J. 1itt:4{..1,,
Iv _________ ----,---2-- ' -' ` '
() IF.ESE—I r Oxei Creaiim,
11.11111.1 tor int? by
Atli) OIL-25 bbls. \o. 1, for sale by
th.l JAME: 4 DA LZE LL. IS3 Wt.t
L 1 lOJ II3A for sale by
del L . 1, 11cCANDI.F_ES.
LOO'''.:vl--3-OT------;—"one Tenn., to!
NuTs--53.b.ags laning, fa_r . sale b
ont p
T. sea
(011 ' 1; PL7kNO WITIICTriff7CS
Arii.2:l=sq,72;:ro= Liteefitraides
tt>ULLuc of
' 'Vsrs:.7sgt!Z nP.l74.ll,l=
I.N.WELOR. Road .t.
baga iIiI..DTL:egYA Co.
Vulcanized Ludia. Rubber Sollng.. ,
JUST REC'D, a large qutntitV of vari
s t hi4ka , .. o Vtilear.itAttl Eoitutt. , \tot Litvlt captor
, . e.”Htrt..crett ltakman to o *ale
ttalf4Oto bal.'
Vifilr.2i.t.n.n,!:"cr. 11;1 toter nr.:a'r;-`lcit:
it? to thin Snltott.. torhitit e lhasi t bren tcriAtttl l it
gtt 7..7ZUt°thilotlf:ftg.: I towl..=;,nr„„vi,= -,,, T , 4:
;?..11:,-4.i . ,:,..2: - .1f, rasz;t.of "-P. Vii.Varrif r,,
\ ~,4,. Ilutirr Derek lit MarVas re.
Al ACKEILEL7-100 bbis. Large No: 3, - for
11. a.tle br ide9l S. aw. ansAIIL:a.
LI L6s ittIST
6 d".
78 DIU N 0.3 Slteker.l.:
14 ,m
N No.l • ~..
0 o. • .:,
11 bt. " tia 2 —,,_
14 RA, 1441.11attme . 11* , 41. C 1 : ,
° It.."'‘.l"Y'llillilEW3 a CO:
111 ,
. L_...-----------
"de by
FLUOR-- 00
ba7,5 hulled;
lI BUL■ N CLAY-100 US OF a
Ta 017 DAZZELA , CO, Lagrcr ft•
The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice.
fi GOD FLESIF ASTI BLOT) aro the pro
duct, cf reel feed. and T.leote,
ere wet, ,11T114 , 1 ITV/ the ..lelarnto t•T 'putritior. ,
is ere.: gnal rower ef digestive. t
plait, the gr.: :het, and blO.l cap,, ere...
e:lth the het of ptlioi Dr:Tent:a Doer raoleeterer
Inns Inch:metro continuer. Thfe y;ree.itet Same
rroet harrily Fehr:ie.] br LT. ll.V6tna's
het 1:1:1'01N....r true
el rre2r
arh of the 0 , x . . the reel diaretire rue:ed.:it:N.:tam ch
er :
I ‘ g.:lftl ' s74. l = l'.' e
doing wernere tor the -Loma laitet.:* with bed etometba, '
giyjn, !r reality, divelett of et; ex the pretr great
igr2rd tft'r tb•
'EKTE.YR ,Icll . l , VELta •
Georre who:emir zed retail Aret
A:en—far rale by It. F..„ EXLLMIS. f.,7 14 rod rtree.\
• \
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Itook . . .
d keCUPLES t.1.‘.. front rank among the pro `..,
‘,.." \ priatory trellehrea of thi. COW: tr y fo ....por no w-.....n. \
curiniganket. Balt Menai. Errairola. and all '\'' .
max. ti. lag from an Impure .re Word. Abe \.' •
ft , re 01.1nt.CaturrIL Byrreptris. 11,..1.chr0r. Dint.... • :
Crutch, \ Ferenc,. god Tightsmm bent re Cleat Brim-.
chime. dr hoaraenea.. Anne,. ette • ,gp l iz,„„ e z.
zm ,...tb 4 lb o r r om *odds noel el: unr .
' • ..
. . •
t Fsmate Weal - nes, and arne - ar Debility. -. •.' • ,
Briloorthening the r.airened tedf , airing ton. to th e
rano.. crgan,....l ur
tormoratg tiro ...or. symrdn.
If Om teuMmony of thou...undo or 1171111: .itlWaa444 from . ,
Eli Path of th. 0.1.17• can be relied upon. it Maingolar-. .
ly e th carton. In' caring all ll.wre, aul motoring &balite- .
. ,
ted and broken darns. nßotiono. It I. tamely Verde. .-.
, .
tie bt Ira \ gompaction and pn securrooly combined In Ito ~
Pop...tient that the ellen:lie:Rl. tetanieti, tot In.dirml Ire
terue. °leach lll.Tadialit bir32l2llPittlsly unite to ,
• \ Purify tha Elon , l.
It has retooled carom cfronicdiera....abkit hare baffled
the atilt of thaben rhyricirtn., melba. ale,.ted Cant ar.
Bah lib
Bryvirlal 041 Emend, `hie
SyruP entualy ft. el to mato the It v.t fordirodon ram.
It ❑a. been tat rd In rn.y nom ot CANCEROUS •
MORS. The Most. C.c.s lama bre. cstradrby ‘ ' .....
thi. median, WA Pay that It la a valuable medrAna In all
BILIOUS CONICLAINTe , It rm..... all otedructions in •
the eirrolation. ralaigtiOF tti . b. ,. 10 , a‘li ia, at. ' heal
-lEYff./I.l7agVhl4,%6";fh:bt'Ll-IVZlrCd=t7t4".ll I.
at ail M.A. vf the year. - • ....
_.Tht. Byrn' , L. y
r o t
null ley C. NORSE k et•XtitTIOS - '
Vetrllt.il2 atmer, Provid.%, li. 0.. ao i rehl 'atolo.ala and •
retail, by n. N. tt kauksiAnt.
Only Arc , t for Creaurn ,
mylry trarrhoure. corner Wood .0.1 math sta. Bileg.
- There me.more things Le. hearth sal .art e
ll'llten are dresroTt of in.p . hltneelthr." •
TIIE V IRTUEh of thks reoutrkuble tome . •.,
dy, and the ennttent arphraterm for it. to the remelt - •
ewe' bee 171,11.1r0,1 himl to h•reo 11 1,0 OV lo 1.4 , 19‘. 1 nth LS
bellaret direction.. for the .reelit et !b. rutin , .
The PETROLEUM It procured. in a e.t.a In this coun;
fro \
ty, at n Berth of four bundled tbet. • . pure. unededietral
n yd e r, without soy
e atig k e •01. VIA SS l•
theme from. Neture l n hoot Labreten •• l That it rentethig
a • number di--.•
It no Meurer • • '
\grhe'rtia =ay, There eve meny thing,. In the ate
a of nen., a hich.„• If known, nutht„be of tut anent •
t atifftritig. end reetnrktor th e bloom al
Inuallf U. d rot a4 gler ' th nth. Y • linderer. Lodz WV. th,,,,,,
pr itng thought of putting it lip In battley e eth had e repute..
he f,,r the cure of disease. The content ethldthr ro.
.in ~..4116 for It, and several remarkable morn ItX i •
fornaltl. it a maw Indication of I to fotare *inn
wide ree d et:TH.II4mM the cure of deal*,
Wel not with to umke • long Wed. of reerthenthee.
leaky. not
that the needlrme ost. teete ware its el
into the aver of Uwe e who suffer, and with tolhe heal
Whilst do not aliwin for it • unite:tat erplice: L 4n la et
em di ,we butmitatingi.Y eel - , th.t en a, loom . ; •
Chle Fent.. It le unthrelled. Among tnesellatay tee
enu end II tirtearees of the muee.oa MUMS. Apt ••
CIII;SIC RONCILITIS, th.ElretlelPTlON. On Ita.taill •
stage,' AFT' NIA. and all CAMAY of the oirpeteelee, /-13 ,- , ,• i
LK CUMPLA NT. lth EPtilA. Martin, lekesane, 0 :tn.
Elsdler sod Elli,. 00 1 01 in the Pack or Me. nerthlth
Oteemeet. Paley. Rheumatic lal=loug ...., yrip • .
thas Tether, Itingviemni., Burns, maid, 1.1
dr. 'ae. Iti eater of debility. leslllllt. trumg.s.weri,.c l if
Wog an.l protret atm , of .111tMee, this .thnne Itilt,.
boa.g relief. Its I
i m ps e general lONIC , and ALlnli. . ,
AlilVE in curb meet, rtinF tone end dad to tae \ .
whole frame, remotengolatracnona opening the ...V. , '"
fULCLILI:s. which cent, ate. and a broken !areeelthle .. e
id 1m r e
arid renewed em. -''Sr to al l e"...; v , . ,
of LIM The rrormietotk know , of reeend ent... 1f...e . i e
that 1104.4 erery_ 011•1( LlVOthlept, art well wim o 4 4
of the PETROLEUM for., 'hart tame. 'll. ... .
gilem . tort jp tenon who dreiree It • . _ .
Non entitle without e sigroetnr. of tn .
" ho
th r7. Srli'll'it: O. Illatin. neer &mut.
t.t \
- Alen, by IL E bELLEiteI : 51 Wooe ee ,
and 6141'0103 a NI DOW L7l
corner Word teen lend %trnin Alley, vat.
nc.thedly 'Lie toga It al/pointed Atoliala.
KK"" an men who atv via and afflicted
e-1111 the redder drel 81.1neys, with rhea. •c;
rot, la Inset: nr both, stify , ;stits. old eorir t t,lNZl
t i l:723l. 4 \'o th o *tr..l/'•Valr.:=l7k totht k ti l'' gatraratte mob .•
to you pl. ma,bot thir , dree ant thole ti ear er Idarlathi,
Tro7ViterL i ttr. ' SlTara
wh wl o
tm reeked yeah ygon. and sallericg (Tvm leSa,
fur 50 croo. get rrlisf fm say ot tdskills
• Ithsderl aran very little to mats • trikl. This Peat.
It L. rh Isilittirc=po ol.d.
It ati lae the Ithrselet
of Ito yesiag eo thr thrattontm to
It Ls s manly Others.
led by els toaster head of ast ls ore lt , sod bubble' ps s , ' Mao o Use
r,ot PaDty -srW ~
tt fC:•'ArratlsZr , 1n its
1" • • Y
cheap ewe. its
It hiat cured 2th s. after other moileined km,ne
render soy rellef. Its Dal carol latyder daa:201..1
/dandies. sad of trn . ,y_neliffri . o two "
Wolaierrniarrhoasia beery tr.
Ih" A' f.lbf,furtti, Asi:4l.l..74; d okret
that so Itherie at It will dattimu and f.
Ins fes syrrlinstionsi nadoattat,thethsony rao
ed of the troth eoettalsied la the el., staterle•
lag en. AMU 21. It. hlEll.2l2..llseth. Word
salter err
the spate.
ae, err Mrltesoli. earner of Word threat
41.1, IL 1 . - I,tirer, le Who.] street WA:
Carry. Allsolseay Ity. puts the wroth:.
—D. Jar. P.oth. the disereerif and role
o elf .0•2 aed henelithal delidro
the hamster cf the erribratot inctrynored for In
LaneeLle effecting scum ef Chromic
dent a' that eminent phyidefan. Meter
...testa of the University of Pci b iaylvarla.a
reale 1112teet bet , teen 'enztscni inseati
ewe, and the application of noir. evi thereto,
Throe glithe ow. of his lodating- thlw. in dom.
hie' Propnylsetio 'rob. and other of hie ream --
gamed an unparalleled eminence In turiog tb
d fatal malevikei Tabacal.r ,CozurtwarV
.rofula.libtormatlem. Asthma. Finer god A
12 kind.Chroule grfripelas. mid all thole
easel peculiar to female. indeed. emu FL
averilehee rimier the use of hie temedite. to
ty i. btir—not by t6ou. of tae thmpourvi -
La I nrompallble with Ithseielogioal Law. but
hie remedies, wiapt•-d to and preeffribed for...
form of dimes.
k. - '
Bose. Untie Alteratiee kTI3. 'Chen axed. are
bly ackliowloised to be aupeathr to al l ots sea a
tkvo or Beer pill. insomuch *a they the howell-.
fear) free from cothirenesg 111/60 hi, (laden. Pills cm a
. noel) free
the fiwukr. w rovnillarcTartieli. adal.
ted to female diem... bat toing arse that a ban =a
is =indent to eatabliaii .bat less been said. illthe tothiliof
the mod. skeptical.
The 1111010 , 1 an Invited to call upon tha selia,t.Msd roe
mire teeth) one et the Deem: a pairdthlets, giving a detail
ed c. tut of each Deno! 3, and ita al - Plictrim•
100 side by the Nth. Mg agent., se well Mond/rage
gists throughout the thriniry. -
J. St-boor...ter C.. 24 Wood et.. Pitistrulgh. -•
3. Y. Toesurind. Drug date S&L! a th at eto•
La A. Beckham, Draggle. the the Peat Office.Alletweii
rig 6 , r.
Joeeph BarkleT, Darling:ea, Beans remity,P. -
John Elliott, Lamm Talley; 0 • •••
T. Adaffia. Brave.
• Gatette.
To the Readers of the Pitlebtugh
P UBLlC Gazette,-
ATTENTION it Topa:tinily in.
wat to did folioed', Mahe. net forth - SA tetra= to
s";Eli=letriv.-&,,inixtb—,:. 60,11;
Yet. tho Ante greet - rersedy Pim !nought before . trit
treraill :try ' a
community, and we Mier° that the mum tt cr...1
acirorenrthe ICI Eves% hale eprosl. ts not the rear
Vet. jne.% IX tr u e p eo=d ' l ' jill p gig.V:Zl A` anrg
ge l =
by power nod theney ada, IshUght .orti b 1.1112121
competitio. It Is our thar. kilt. we mite thotalt iK s meth
oilne that se siltye..~the
Dal uLtP:,..". I O°I. pa, .on 41,! :
denee 0002 lod
etemeute. Ih. .fr o rap Mit to catch as
ear thin, that promises* relief from dime. , A story east •
hardly Lembo hi,tay wrought to limner the ottnict guile
Intor litimbagmns rpm. of them. Are. vy do not deetra
t, utr.B . A.Tirat'. ur
5.0.0 N..m.4 cagu arida , the meteria mole
Ira. Plain nterarnlithea hots—facts titer Mel be entertained
ild oar city mei amg.littorteXel. beat WPM Lea...l to ?r
tor of the PetrOleuta,
—Within the past two motor.. Tao of oar ton CthiteMs
Rho were Utah blind, have then emtoord tong.. Se,
veal cam. of blindness, - to the rude of Ohio.
er r { .ha been
owed. nod. also, the ode of • tentlemth in them stte
Them me °therm but those sot nom neer bond, atil Ms.
roferrol to by PT O x pc rims *lto_ have , doubts on .. the tate
I.l.%ll;b4=7:;plift."""Aroi;=,`g Witt
ynini o.4lo.l.oiitoig to dirtationti—lArtiomaDyeender ,,
'Pam Ithettmenem, Gott, hearaht
1000le cop ..Lot le' t r o m
a m int nk
I nii
esu,,..le and
lifetus, Arm, Chromic Coughs. Asthma.. Protehltts. end all
Pramonery erections of • throttle valor, 1.-W11:18 tole,
duce Carouroptlon. -
Burnean. Boards. dlsemee of the -thhtder and Kidneys,
Clopped limed. Arconatad hippies. eitams and intlidorte.
Ie Itee• It GMT t-SEVUaaI.LE3I.I., 4.1 tml been trod
ID mod of an above dower. within the
Cooß pfffeet the pre Certillentes Poet - mil otosl4l am in
the hmids of the prepVcr.4,lzukill.,t,s,tf.
toltge,tl.Vh.p, d melay about. th en 1104iti.11. en•
p. tr o s ,.. the grwatwat Remedy of the l'hystrithe
Mandln, in the protersont eth levant:la to ore It
tie their innate.. Thom oho tit ant inctol .1! Will deult
and tosoothhety. milling to event it nue mint m
orroddivelo• Before another pear:dr mends t•
compelled to adatowledge that the Pt troloom lithe greet.
mt reedichee ever disk-0w:1,4. For mie, Loheate mat me
g r
mit Of tiIIYSER DIMAPO ELL. Ito 14 wait -
Also—ft rehent. Al 'Wont et:vett D. 31. th •
Elliott. iree katitmelaraCr. Alsie?lne vpri
11 Vthorestrith • td;ol ; i f eexl . er. ' d u r " ='
-_ • ._
• t r . A Medicine for •
. ,
Cou,2As, Colds, Iloarscnen, Anta, J3l:ol64it'
it dMt tot earn the atom.. It de.
pa the towele it do-re not relax and rendartba,
' rho ...It liable to • tread. etul by even riff Or
Wind SELL pa., It tkperftetlr bat.tell St.
.Is. atel le ea. and *Deena in prtaltdloa a cure. • Theo
moat an. of recent Coughs ant tioatamese hare
be. cuwal bJ It is • few hore.
a,,,e ans usti.—The sit cough itAeirt. '
all dram the stomach and sr.,. na....othicti
disairsawable than the cough Davit. 11:la is obviated In
Ude nelature. for It is a Pl. Stat tdu artiek,• sad it
cnre—or the woe. striae
at Tat... Doe in
fatar of tbiatorilelne in our rt., tend war own cit....
abould vonvinee any coi or lb It le the prearelf.
lion If a relStlar litY.Witu , and t. Is en wed Its D. in
own.lraGin hr a nuntleer tt talth
to " 1 - s.—)..lsdY firm ftcr.fdri ‘ stila antnettat her
daughter had town with and ...tone.
non. night ..sta. beetle Dye, at, „II the OtzuwainG
uctn uunne trratusynen. sri act •t•r tettna %Ito hole
Du 'he feat enttrely curcd. A a.rd:. t.. in
county: who had tattler. with usti.n.d and chronic most.
for et 1 L b. Mn . n4} . i t tent .4 and the mash
mao.d, by the nee ol half d, - r_ st tottwe of this Pee.
tn.' AP.. A. UrriDniart irons,
that 'De Latwa the P.Stosal Strop 4• be • seed articl,
for De bee used It In btu van co,. end In the me. ct
members of hie 5.11/,•alth sedd r.rttot
•ir, ie.. If tM eftectest eusbanee ta., n. ' It tarattlioln
half plat bottle.. at ID ten s ur bold. In $2,6U.
Coonial Ittareasepers would dd ve.l to lowP•Mall.f
this atedidate Mt hand all Da• thus, as it is oneef these:art
perket and elftracton• r.metlivs rm. dnieuraryl to. all
Oootbs and dimn of the Inure, old I Onneltior
p.ronsarlll it" to PelloubilroT,
row one of the troa r t D stints tut •lo not bent the.. • •
tit ' t t AltgLl l, :i r'n In tit'
the tnoet vutt.u.. tv and Leila at tletneferialeteffen e
u , u t k ens: q. t .'. bra person sailedo tbe bealtngart.'..
ce d e us to deception in this trialtdria. / itpresett•
ed Ia lour own odD. toot the Proprietor Idastuntanwne set •
tiD• ads ltutn_presone weld , as Alott Intrattotal.
pripacti.hich till La ...tan to an, I nut. destrens of '
e.ton Ow=
trUriata ...I throughout:l. Utrit.t.l Stat.t..n Odle
c,"l,,ta u , 1.,17* } bend sat 1.11./0 tO tW.te o
totetti lat. - est in the tied M.: It will Per • lelsterpts
Pt Wall agentts awl will b. deist tofferiruten.
.mall}! weehi. P , aeler In trade band. Ott Preidat
.. a usige . :¢s lung duals. Ills i totid has tor. prod...
i l l, .
i t ' , it .
1.60 4.4.l ba sb. uf