The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 08, 1852, Image 2

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To make room for the Interesting proceedings
'at the Court }louse, yesterday, in' relation to
a 5)4 canal at the Sault Ste. Marie. we are
obliged to relinquish the space usually occupied
1.117 , 04.11.3 T Surr.—A case of the most impor.
tiWit and interesting chanteter, is pending before
the highest court in Ohio. The case is that of
'en lapmedian restraining the Commisstoners of
— 67oom:dyer Crawford from issuing the Bonds
of the bounty to the , ,Ohio and Indiana Railroad
Company. The case halt already been argued
before the Court in Bank. For the Company—
Birtheid, Stansbury, and Bartley. Against—
Watscr and Brown. ..
Corporate slcick enbacriptione to the amount of
.I.6.fier,ool:i in Ohio, depend upon the decision,'
which 'we may look for daily. To decide in fs.,
vor of the injimetion would be a virtual repudi
atiok find produce very dieastrous effects. It
would prevent the completion of many roads
Wand, undertaken, and greatly embarrass.
these altogether, and those nearly finished.
Avelegraphic despatch, dated Jan. 6, Bay a that
the 'ease was not then concluded.
Arrommenir or dIARSUALL.—Letters from
Winbintion confirm the telegraphic announce
ment that Col. Joan DICKEY, of 'leaver, has
Men'appointeidlilvrshall of the Western District
of Pennsylvania, in place of Wm. A. urine, Fsq.
recipe*. This is on escellent appointment.
ColiDickei is'every way qualified for the place,
and In addition to his personal merits, and the
.j lot 'nisi= of Bearer county, the appointment
worthily bestowed upon an unfortunate,
'want man, on whoot the office will confer sub
stantial benefits. The; people of this region are
tinder obligations to Mr. WEIIITEE for bin reddi- [
n'ess in acceding to the claims' of Col. Dickey,
and especially for the liminess of bear" which
- prompted the bestowal of the appointment.
'ENGLAND.—The firing npon the Prometheus
nt Dreytown by the British man-of-war has or.
'cailotwoi considerable comment in England..
The London News of December 19, in an ar
ticle. on the subject, has the. following para
• .4•l'herti is, we believe, no. rational Englishman
who has paid attention to the proceedings of one
diPloinstic agents and naval officers la Central
Auterlea,—whetbcr on the Pacific or Atlantic
.kide,.—but feels . diepesed to bluab and change
the subject whenever-Gist country to named. A.
Skti,l deeper sense of regret will he awakened;
aboiddenything occurring in that scene of our
follies be allowed to inrerrupt
. the feelings of
malty which prevail, and ought to prevail, be
tween Great Britain und the United States. We
.eretts tkerefore, with considerable anxiety for
Mire fall and authentic information reepecting
the apparent unwarrantable and inexplicable
conduotpf.thecommander of a. British 1:11119.0f
war in Bring u pon an American steamer off the
harbor of fireytown.
* •
As to the firing upon the American steamer,
for which Mr. Viebsterhas instructed the Amer
loan Ati2bassador in this ,country to demand
explanation or redress, it would be unfair to au
English officer to condemn him before he boo
had an opportinity to tell his own story io hie
own way.. • But the transaction, is 'far as Kit pre
vent known, has, it must be confrosed, an ugly
• • .
We *inapt believe that he really intended to
bit the ateatner—bnt even the chow of violence
was en insult'to the American flag. We have
'no doubt the story may he found suseeptible -of
satisfactorrezplanation. At, all events', we
— fume that the communications between our Gov
ezzonent azid.that of Washington on - this sub
ject will be Conducted in such a manner as
to prevent' even any coolness between Eng•
~land and Its most natural and most desirable
lite excellency the American Minister, Mrs.
Lawrence, and Miss Lawrence, are on a visit
' to Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Drummond, where a
large party has assembled for the Christmas
• holidays.
Daniel Dice woo on. Sunday night last arrest
ed for stapling letters from the Columbus Post
Office. --Dice.was the driver of the toad wagon
from the Post Office to the Depot. A large poin
ter of letters broken open were found in the
Stage Compony'e hay left. It is supposed the
depredations hareheen going' on for some weeks .
The prisoner was examined before Commission
er Wilcox, and in default of $2,500 bail, was
The Report of the Michigan Central Railroad
for the six months ending Nov. 411th, 1651, shows
that the gross receipts for six months; were
$703,080.45,'end the running expense, $189.;
'267 . 59, leniing a . balance of $516,812 86, from
which deduct the interest and miscellaneous ex
penses, and the net income of the company is
ve6,051 97, against $288,069 65 in the cor
responding months 01850, being an Increase
this.year of $96,482. 32. This gain is entirely
in the passenger anil miscellaneous receipts—
there being a diminution of $9,208 21 in the
freight receipts, attributable to the low priac of
A 'dividend of 14 per cent., 4 ineash and 10
in -etock, has been made
. from the income bal.
sane. A reserve of $.57,226 80 has been deem
ed expedient' on account of the disaster is the
Mayflower. The road Ls rapidly approaching
,Chicago, and will be completed to that city in
the present season. Cars are now running thir
ty milesalest of Michigan city.
Defeat of Caraoafal:=4 t will be men by, the
following, which we copy from the New Or
leans Picayune of the 271 b ult., that the ar'er
no the Rio Grande has in all probability been
ended by the enure,ruut:of the Insurgent forces:
By the arrival Mit evening of the =helmet.
Conies; Capt. kortbr, from Drams Santiago,
we bare receivedlbit last number of the Abler
lean Flog, ti papee published at Brownsiille,
Texas. It is dated' Pecember_.lo. It speck's
condemnatory of the revolution in Northern
Menke, denounces those engaged in it, and ad
vises all the AmeriCans to abide by Gm lairs of
' their country and take no part in the inovenients
of Carvajal, for whom it predicts a speedy
overthrow. We extract the following from the
" The steamer Comanche arrived here late on
Monday night - bringing accounts of the recent
• battle, atCeralvo' between the forces of car.
vajel and those ofClen. Jauregui.' It appears
that Oen. Jauregui had 220 men and two peace
' of artillery, while the force under Carvajal
• amounted to 850 aura, without cannon. Cara ,
raja! charged the guns of Jeuregul, and}aue•
ceeded In driving him from' his position, Cap
turing much of the ammtinition and many boMes,
'saddles, 111450115, and small 'et - MsThelonging to
Jauregure camp: but, from some oraecotinta
bbs canoe, failed, in seeming the large gene.—
Gen. dauregni took shelter in a large atone
house near the edge of the town with his can
non. There he held them at bay for two days,
' using- small atones instead of shot, with hid
large guns. At this juncture Cornejol received
information of the near approach of a large de•
tachmemt of Gan. Uraga's force, and be at once
. -broke up and commenced a precipitate retreat.
'We are informed that his forces became much
eiattertd in their stampede, but the most of
them, with their leader, reached Guerrero, and
immediately cranial over the Rio Grande, this
putting Wet river between theta and horn,-
- They ate thus drivezt out of klexicod territory,
..'and have found a, refuge on Americonaml.'
All - accounts agree that the late battle at
berndro was a very severe one ; that Gen; Ll ra
reglaPs men fought with as much deterreina.ion
and valor as could be expected from any cvople,
fighting. for their homes and their evanuy'a
-honor. The little band under Caravajo'. Aarged
the abetted guns of their opponents with the
brseery end perseverance ebaracterist,c o r ve t:
ems, and in a good tense would here deserv
ed„ as it weird most likely have arson* suc
But their tictory will s as disastrous as
a defeat could possibly ht. believe: this
shorties audall.advised viitempt at a revolution
• well nigh ended. Unless largi. reinforcereents
ire speedily revisited from Ti:_aas, nothing can
help them. The accounts fona Capt. Bir d d wee
not eneoungin to the hopes of e
forces.' flews about leaving San Antonio- ford
Austin, to try what might be effected in that
-quarter. - .We are happy in twitting the sum ,
ancu that Capt.. Lewis will- have nothing to do
with the affair. As we can see nothing desire
his To, be effected in so hopeless n'itifigglei, we
.aineeteli trust it will proceed no farther.
The Flog announces the return of Oen. liar-
Rey to Ringgold Barracks, and says that he is
determined to enforce the neutrality Wes to
far as Lies in his power.
The Hew Orleans Picayune of the 20th, re
a w e d w i z night, contains intelligence from
Vera Cruz to the 10th, and the city of Mexico
to the 11th ult., received by the brig Union.
The statement of the defeat cf Caravajal and
the dispersement of ho forces is billy con
firmed. Cararajars loes Is reported to have
been five officers and forty privates killed, and
seventy wounded.
[Correspond.. of the Pittsburgh G.r.•tt• I
NEW Tote, Jan. 22, 1852.
The new year . findo people in the moot buoy
sil Writs, with a general feeling that the dark dare are
over. PO far as financial depreaelon lemaxcertod. The are
rival of the Catifortda remittance. with the •till tarter
wromiaes for the future from the came eouree--touether
with the European adriexe—attta tomato capital'rte orate
thient and ready to meet the ohm. of borrower' , Ir io
,aid—aod•with truth. tote—that the laet day of heremf;er
Witneereel an mullet money market than arty similar day
'for Team Today's Fndue:min W4I) etre, rename the
imprewslort; and next week , work; ill chow that the
theering dare hare really evolved. ..heap money im an
Th.. late thaw hae Awl; , iu• oPuo re.
kterite at the heat of nsvirattoo nn iivr.
At Albany the,. in • complete overflow of the limleon
River Itallto.d. The train, through are dOwouilutted ,
maul pae,eugers ohlteed to take the interior mate Co the
New Haven not the Hoorah.. railer. The rout Lae
iutu earning over • hundreu I h4u,aublollarn permooth.
making the mterruptiou a seri. , Ilitag to the Mork
Au otbrisl statement of the earning , of the Erie road.
plan.. the' amount at 12.7.11,10/o—or ten thousand dollars
over the extimates, in spite of the f1an...0...M of the
Erie line to Kyle, and ration. ether harms padatlut
wen. exp.... 1 to yield !Panel,. Neat year they ea Pact to
earn four millions. The road will earn four and a qua ,
ter minketu eaeily4 but the din , otl re, being etrefol rare
e banta, do ndt procuiwe end bit to k-cry
them. Whyte - the Plltsburch ounnection rio the proleamed
rout IA eumpleted, the earnings min he set down at • ma
lion te • annum more: for trade Ix at certain to come to
New fort, at the eapellee of eonthern citlee--hy emit •n
dnOt sod rapid route as that will bc-ea New York is to
cats, Trade In Leo iKtive uove.serdaye to be do
ten at
vnall's pace Into end from Philadelphia and Baltinsore, or
tented across rivers, whendt ran he whirled from Pittia
burgh I n Na. yorp, pigiout rim., of ran, at the rate of
'thirty toil., an hour.
In the Forrest eat—that great source of standel—then
it nothing new. The foul details of evidenee Oven by
fouler women anti men serrants, hare all been eltraeled
Imm tier r,ady lip. of the witnea.M. and nothing le left
epertators now but the dry maninenteof enutt.ehtla n. the
aduaimibillty ol documentary evidence, ultach ha. been
accumulating during an the quarrel. The respectable
put of the peers ha. abandoned the niibbeation of the
eviderirt, and there would bare ben much injury 'to re
roalp purity prevented. hat familia. teen lMrwl the
tendurtioa of le evidence to theirmide.
Private' dukes from e r apce speak confidently of
permanency of Ito dictsfriribip or Niqw.b , on.: llrrebaute
there esperss dhrmnelv.w a* glad ofany government that
add Ingotr quiet, will.ul which all u arta of Mare are
• or,. grall. hf Itualtatiou le above, by oacrnoule letter
ursteri, in eying {bat the d.wprdm pub.cre or Borgne hat e
united with Napoleon 43 tent, the foods nrceddery
him the fidelity of the array. and eoti‘equentlY
forcel quiet in Marcy.", while the army remains true.
The interest on a large variety of burble nt:notiat4tl for
the purpme of buildingnitrate's centering In Pittsburgh,
e q . paid yesterday by Winslow. Lanier eo Among
then; vent the City or IlttlAhurgh Bond, and the City sod
County Banda of lliewbeny. These hoods are looked moo
herr with • '-koOd deal of city bonds
' have erre been nousidenal hen as hardly inferior to the
government loin In plo, of . enmity and punctuality of
interred. The Internet nu the CalitornlaAtate debt vac
al. paid ...Leedsy. It only rolls at CI par cent„ which
maitre it • largo Investment end a cam ciao, 4, she ran
not repadiate snob • trifling debt at the idres.
The Democratic National Committee held a
Ralston in this city last week, and feed upon
Baltimore its the place, and the first Tuesday in
June next as the time for holding a pemocrat
ic National Convention for the nomination of
candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presi
dency of the United States. We copy below the
brief Address of the eomthittee to the Party
throughout the Union:
WistinitrroN, January 1, 1852
Aconcentration of opinion from all the States,
as far as practicable, upon some time and place
for holding the pest Democratic National Con
vention, is iedispensaNe rothe union and or
ganisation of the-party far the Presidential can
vase of 1852.
With • this view, .the . °Democratic National
Committee," consisting of one from each State,
appointed by the Democratic National Conven
tion of 1848, "to promote the Democratic cause,"
and with power to fill regencies, assembled in
this city, in pursuance of a well considered call
for that purpose, at which meeting, on the 29th
and 30th of December, 1851, and the let of Jan
uary, 1852, the thirty-one Slates of the Union
were represented. And, upon conference with
Democratic members of Congress, and consulting
the action of State Conventions, as far as they
have expressed any wishes on the subject, the
Committee, with entire nuanimity, hare arrived
at a coucinsion, which they respectfully outwit
for your ratification.
The Democratic National Committee accor
dingly recommend that a Convention of the Dem
ocratic party throughout the Union, by dele
gates duly appointed by the Democrats of the
several States, be held in the city of Balti
more on Tuesday, the first day of June, 1852,
(at 12 M.,) to nominate candidetes for Presi
dent and Vice President of the United States, to
lie supported by the Democratic party at the
election on Tuesday, the second day of Sovem
her, 1852.
The National Conventioo of 1848 adnpted th
tollhwing recommendation as to the number o
delegates to be chosen in eecb Stole:
°Resolved, That it be recommended that
hereafter each State be entitled to as many del
egates in future Democratic National Conven
tions as it has in the Electoral College, and no
wore. " '
By order of the Democratic National Comm
tee. • - T. F. HAL:LETT, Chairman.
CALITOUNIA . Irowe.—An idea of the extent to
which enaigrauto ore pouring into California
may be formed from the following table of the.
arrivals at, and departures from San Francisco:
Nov. 15 to 30. Nov. 30 to Dec. a -
Arrived. Departed. Arrived. Departed.
1,493 762 600 235
166 ' 26 67 8
72 2 47
Males. Females. Children.
2,183 243 119
Tofal nrrivale
Total departures 687 Jl ,
The developement of the mechanic arts in San
Freacisco has been very rapid. There are at
at.this Moment no less thattaeren foundries in
the city, and there is no doubt that the country
will become independent of, the East in air man.
ufsotures of machinery d the coarser descrip
tions as well as of materials for buildings, steam
boats, furnitarr;eot.. . .
. .
The extension of this city into the bay is an
exampled. There aro now seven wharves at
which vessels of the largest class may unload,
vii: Law's, Cunningham's Pacifio street, Broad
way, Central, California street and Hussey,
Bond and lllle's at Itincon Point. These are
of as substantial a character se any that can be
ccustructed of piles. Central wharf is 2,800
feet in length. "Steam Paddy" end railroads
are trapsforming the water into terra firma
with wonderful rapidity. Two streets parallel
with. the waterline—Battery and Sansour—have
been filled, while the ■treete extending to the
. _
bay are feet being ailed. Sacramento; street
will 1.0411 he filled MOO feet from the original
h gh water mark.
A company have secured from KM; Kama
h ins, the exclusive right of steam navigation
■nd from the Sandwich Islands, under the
n me and style of the °•North Pacifio Steam
N 'Widow Company." This opens a new and
It , portant era to onr history, and is looked to
wth much Interest. The company advertise
th Jr first steamer, the eel. Preemont, to sail on
S turday, the Gth.
This body organized on Monday.
tie vole for the officer, of the.ilonse stood:
' ,L
FOR BlTAroll,
Jo son, dem. ,; 64
D. . Cole,thlg ~.. 25
211. 11. Medary, dem. 65
E. E. IlatAfineon, whir • 26
J. J. Rothman, dem. 1 60
E. Ellie, Twhig 25
The Senate organized by electing Joel W. Will
son, dem., from Senenanoutity. Speaker pro tem.
The_mote stood es follows:
roe ahIAICIII. -
Willson, dem.
0. Cole, whig
Wilson, dem., of Knox J al
No oppoeition.
The ?damage of Gov. Wood wee delivered at
4 P. M, the Ram, evening.
We learn that the ger. Dr. Creikhton has writ.
'Van to the standina..committee of the Protestant
EpisCopal .Cborcb, declining the office of Pro
visional. Bishop of _New York, to which he was
sleeted at the last diocesan convention. The
eonvention wdl not reassemble until the finth
Of September next. In the meantime, the ID.
Bev. bishop Chase of New Hatopshirs will per 2
form episcopal deities. io the diocese until the
ANCeOlliqD.. Subsequent to that period the Rt.
no,. Distop Delatick, of Western. New York,
will oftiste.---x. Y. Com. Ado.
Got. Kossuth to day vieits all the members
of the Cabinet and various other distinguished
men. He does not, therefore, receive the visits
of citirens to-day.
He has decided to visit Anapolit, but the time
is not yet determined upon. Ito will also go to
Cincinnati, via Pittsburg, the time for the visit
depending upon circumstances. Ile will then,
proceed to St. Louis and New Orleans. if cir
cumstances will permit.
Brown of the National Hotel, is to sernre op
the Congressional banquet, the time for which
has not yet been ford upon. Upwards of one
hundred members of Congress, besides numer
ous citizens, have already subscribed to it, at
five dollars a ticket.
Yesterday he received the calls of a east crowd
of 'Fishers of both sexes. In the early port of
the day few were admitted but members of Con
gress, who presented their cards at the door;
and the company being thus limited, gave those
present no opportunity to express to the Gov
ernor their sympathies and views, and ninny of
thou gave to him not only assurance of their
own sympathy for his cause, but also that of
their constituents. Among the first and most
prominent to express their views and feelings,
was Judge Beal, of Va., who in addressing Gov-
Koesuth, said
-1 am a member of Congreal, and I welcome
you in the name of ithl,ooo agricultoral people.
1 hope you will tied our hearts as wide as our
country for thoso'who love liberty.
• Rossuth—Whht State do you represent."
Judge Beale—Virginia..
Komeuth —"The mother of States and of Stales
Mr. Gorman, of Itidiana, being presented,
said—,.“Last evening I received the proceedings
of a meeting in my State, congratulating you
on yotir arrival in the United States, and offer
ing you the hospitalities of a million of people
in the State of Indiana."
Kossuth replied on follows—
"I am highly gratified—the more because you
all must be aware, gentlemen, from the state of
things here, that I must have already come to
the conviction that I shall not leave Washington
as cheerful as I came. It is gratifying to me,
however, to find that sympathy in the name of
the people, for very dier the instincts of the
people fool, earlier and aooner. what is the no-
cessity of time, than the wisdom of the wisest
statesmen. Indeed, this is often so every
Then turning to Judge Beale, Kossuth said he
wished very touch to have the honor of going to
Virginia, because, being himself en agricultu
rist, he took n great interest in that pursuit.—
lie had found that a continual intereonrse with
the everlasting, ever young, ever beautitul, and
ever pure nature, was a lasting source of gene
roue sentiments in man's heart.. He way, there
fore, highly attracted to agriculture.
lie then turned again to Mr. (ionsaa and oth-
er members Irani tho iVeet, ntnt said he hoped
to havo time to see the great "Father of Wit•
UP." There wan it new world in the Wei‘tern
and ho hoped a new world or pmen
sentiments, of present feelings. He had re
ceived an incitedou to go to the went, and he
expected to gh:
Mr. Maloney hoped when he, (Gov. K.,) got
to. Cincinnati, he would find it possible to go to
Chicago, where he assured him a .most eurdial
Mr. Sweeteer, of Ohlo, said there was a dep
utation from Columbus waiting to present (to
Kossuth) a series of resolutions adopted by the
people of Ohio.
Kossuth replied that he had received two gen-
Semen from that district yesterday.
Mr Sweetser said he represented the central
district of Ohio. hot would not then take occa
sion to say whet the sentiments of the committee
were in relation to his (Kossuth.) mission, but
they would give him a most cordial welcome,
and explain their sentiments when they PIM him,
and they would speak in the name of the whole
people of that district.
Mr. Carter said there was a great field open
far Kossuth at the West, and there wee no
vies of eentiruent there.
Mr. Senator Smith being introduced, said to
Koasuth—••flow do you dot"
Kossuth replied—ln Washington I always an
ewer to the inquiry , •liow do you do"' by say
leg •'flow shall Idol` (Laughter.)
Mr. Giddings said liel represented the north
ern portion of the Wasters Beserve of Ohio, and
could assure Kainuth dna there were warto
hearts thero, tosi but one an-lament In regard to
his cause. Their hopes and their expectations
were with Kossuth.
Mere Judge Beale took leave, saying to Kos
tads ••Be of good cheer, the govrrnment)of the
United States will not long resist the sentiment
of the people, which is to abide by the great
principle of justice and of right,• nod. of the raw
of nations. So it must
Mr. 'Skelton, o( New Jersey, tendered the
warmest enagralnlatiotus New Jersey bad
waye-felt, and alway•woold feel, the warmest
sympathy for the prosperity of Kossuth nod his
Mr. Stratton, of New Jersey, also assured hi
of the devotion of that State to his cause.
Mr. Senator Smith here took leave of Kossuth
Beijing that though he was not Governor of Hun
gary de facto he was de fore.
aossirrn AND coaGuass—spaeca OF• ma
Oar readers, an well as the people of the
whole corm try, have been pained with the fac
tions conduct of a minority in the Renee of
Representative., in. - relation to the reception of
Kossuth. We have not published the debit.,
because we can find better matter for oar paper
than,the disgraceful wrangles over a question
which oughr to have been settled unanimously
in five Minutes. The following remarks of Mr:
WALSII, of guryland, made during the debate,
are, howeVer, ao moth to the point, and breathe
each •itohle spirit, that we are pure our renders
will tale pleasure in rending them:
Mr. Chairman:—The gentleman from New
York, (Mr, Brooks) remarked, in discussing the
resolution now before the commitee, that we
were aboutfputting a mark noll — the age. We
are, air— and as I very much fear it will be a
very bad mark, in regard to which we cannot
sincerely sow 'God save the mark,' I beg leave
to :disconnect my humble self from all agency
in making the impression. ' We have fallen up
on strange things and strange times. A gallant
leader and his associates; arenas'e by the
storms of adverse fortune, were driven from
their own homes:and found sympathy and atto•
cor within the limits of the Turkish empire.—
Christendom seemed to tom her back upon her
old champion. The crescent appeared to adapt
itself to a rule 'analogous toithat which prevails
in the natural world and to. derive its light from
the blessed sun Of righteouthess.
'Our attention was then attracted to the ex
ile., Under:the direction of the National Coon
cils, they were conveyed under the protection
:of our flag to oar shores. We have since fol
lowed up this action by the plumage of a reso
lution giving Louis Koseuth a c'ordial welcome to
the Capitol . and the country. No conventional
form of phrase is here used. None of the hol
lowness of fashionable life is here exhibited.—
The terms are all, sir, of heaelvoinage exprrAs
ing by household words an assimilation to the
presence of household gods.
A short time has elapsed since be reached the
.relablio. Ito was received with a grecting, at
once affectionate and confiding—snob as the
American heartrarely sends forth, prone as
',that heart in to the exhibition of lofty and gen
erous impulse. Maid and Matron joined in the
loud acclaim. The ministering angels around
your domestic altareleft the ordinary scenes of
their devoted life, to hallow and to bless the
Festival of Freedom. The sone of toil, with the
sweat of their noble brows turned into gold, came
up with offerings to the canoe. Men who are
cacustomed to sway multitudes and to adorn
Senates, stand confounded by' the profundity of
his wisdom—and fascinated by the necromancy
of his phrase. There is no mistaking, sir, the
warmth of that terttorne or the fervor of that feel.
Now, sir, where, in nommen language, is the
first cold shoulder presented?' Presented by the
American Congress. That Congress. wbiah a
few short weeks !Ince gave h m a cordial web!
come to the Capitol and the c entry. The first
chill that he receives is from the icy hands of
the National Councils. No, ir. Let me recall
the words. The Senate, the 'stooratio Senate,
(eo called) has been prompt t respond to the
popular instincts, and — to — re and the popular
will. The double rebuke, bet to the exile and
the constituency, comes fro the Representa
tives of the people—from the offspring of the
masses. So that the hlstoria when be comes
to reeved the history of this onse, in connec
tion with this issue, may son. t all np in one
significant, signal, and singular entence. A men
tenon that is not applicable to Any other nation,
iand shall not In all-probability be found appli
cable to any other, when the bookie(' time shall
be clime(' and the records of eternity shall be
opened. That sentence is this. Of all the peo
ple who saw him, none refused him tie rites of
hospitality save those who bade him come and
receive them. • Sir, you may suppres the gener
ous emotions of theyeomanry of the land—you
may possibly roll book the mighty tide of hu
man sympathy which is flowing in upon him:
and If this House, Mr. Chairman, should achieve
these results, it may well call to mind "That the
youth , who fired the Ephitsisn fans, outlives in
story him who built it;" and be prepared to
take a place in the great volume of human re
cords alongside of him. , -
And, sir, it may be further prepared to be
linked together; in undying fame, with a diet
tinnuisbed character of the-times. The Presi
dent or the despot of France, (whatever may be
his proper title,) drove him from- that country,
and you seek to imitate his miserable example
by driving him from your capital. Gentlemen
have spoken of translating their vote. How is a
tote !ike this to bet nterpreted to the lorers of
constitutional freed am on the European Conti
neat, now undersu &depression? A rote which
at ohce recants y , ,r own solemn pledge of hos
pitality, and unit/ ns you in almost identitycf ac
tion with the cr.i.neter of the age. Sir, you ern
not tread dow a the American heart—you can
not send out from this •• Ice House " any influ
ence which trill congeal the warm current of Its affections. And this brrngs me to say,
that consie,eratione of policy, as well at of Jae
lice, unite, in sustaining the resoiution upon
year tabbt. . .
Sir, the- honorable gentleman from Virginia,
(Mr, B.loyly,) said that 'he did not believe that
there were twenty men in Congress' who would
endarfle the doctrine of interveritiou. Ilc had
hardly uttered this opinion before the gentle
man felon Ohio, (Mr. Disney,) avowed his con
currence iu the views of Kossuth. • This avowal,
air, coulee from a man of high position end de
cided talent. It comes from one who had pro
minent and honorable influence in his behalf
for the Speakership of this House and who, it is
evident from the attention given to his remarks,
is a man from whom the Representatives here
are accustomed to derive of wisdom.
Sir, this avowal is full of warning and imittriii
tion. Palley anti justice both concur m thenn
forcemeat of a just demand. When this is done
you can always, with a clear conscience, a oiler,
fill spirit and a firm front, resist the wrong
exaction, when it presents itself. Refuse what
le right, and the very consciousness of wrong
palsies the heart when the undue requisition is
made upon it.
Mr. Chairman—There are many men, indif
ferent to liberty, who are keenly alive to the
rites and duties of hospitality.
There is not a man within the limits of the
Republic, who has a hearth atone at which to
Flit, that will not feel the rejection of this res
olution as an insult personal to himself. Thou.
sands of human hearts, whose cords have not been
struck even by the eloquent appeals of the il
lustrious Champion, will, when your notion is
known, under the influence of a glorious sympa
thy, rally to the re , cue. lu vain, sir, will your
enlarge upon considerations of policy and urge
upon the attentionof the country the wise coun
sels of Washington. The heart will not stop
long enough its martial beatings to let the head
think. Thousands upon thousands of generous
and brave spirits will follow in the foot steps of
the gentleman froadlibio.
A tologrophio deepoteh from Worhington to
he Philrulelphia ImtuiTer tookes the following
The President's reply to tinestith's address
was made on the spur of the moment, it having
been understood that the interview was an in
formal one, mei that no address was to be de
A deputation of Southern member. called
upon Kossuth and declared to him that he could
not expect to he countenanced l.y the South no
long us Seward and his clique were identified
with him. Kossuth replied that Mr. Seward
had treated him in the most friendly masher,
and asked how it was possible. under ranch cir
cumstances, to rut him-
54T,Cr.,.530. T. P 4. eItAV ELCOTC.-1100
kti;oa was elected on Tut,lay last, a
Seuntor in Congress from Kentucky, to fill the
vacancy occasioned by Mr. Clay's resignation,
which takes effect upon the first Monday in Sep
tember next. He is a gallant and gifted Whig—
and will bake n worthy representative of Ken
tucky in the highest council of the nation. The
principal Whig candidates were Messes. Hann,
Morehead, and Robertson; toe Lemocrato voted
first for.ludge than for Mr Guthrie. Tb
fifth ballot, stood—Dixun in 31; Morehead 2;',,
liobertson 24; Guthrie 4ti, Judge Robertson wa•
then withdrawn. The sixth bellott stood—Dix-
69; Morehead 33; Guthrie 4.1; Mr. Morehead
was Inca withdrawn, The seventh halloo stood
—Dixon 71; Guthrie riti; and Mr. Dicatt wail do-
dared elected.
ItEripERTIAL 1111111Ert To K 09.1,11 —We on- ,
dentildil that a dinner was given to Giivensor
Kossuth. on Saturday evening, by the President
of the United State. at which were present the
family of the President. Governor Kossuth and
lady, with Mr. nod Mr. Pulskr, Captain Mao
oingherd and Mrs. hiaseingberd, of the suite of
Kossuth; the Secretary of State and Mrs. Web
ster, the Secretary of War, General Scott, Com.
moaero Morris and lady; lion. W. It. King,.
President of the Senate; lion. Lynn Boyd. Speak-,
er of the iiioune of Representatives; Mrs. iloyd;
Rev. Ur. Pyne; Rev. lir. Butler, Chaplain of
the Senate; Mrs. Butler; Major Lenox; General
Cass, Gov. Seward, and General Shields, of the
Semite Committee; Dr. Ampere, a distinguished
savant on a visit to the French Minlan; Profes
sor Roney of the Smithsonian institution; Mrs.
henry, and Dr. Kane, of the Exploring Expedi•
lion. —Rtpuidir..
Ihstiar,je of some of the Chriltiooo Poitoner?
Arreft and Ensile.—Yeatetay , nine of the col-
Christiana riot, were discharged from the cus.
°red prisoners charged with tresson!agninst the
United States, alleged to have grown out of the
tody of the keeper of the Lane otter county pri
son. They had previonaly been delivered by
the United States District Attorney to the auth
orities of the above calmly, and, there being no
evidence against them, they were liberated front
cohfinement. They had been in nelson since the
middle of last neptemher, a period of nearly four
months, and came out of jail penniless and in 4
miserable condition. They were compelled to
find their way back to their families, several
miles distant from the place of discharge, on
foot_ Millie the prisoners were in the custody
of. Marshal Roberts, of this - city, they were
treated with the greatest humanly. Die conduct
has elicited the highest commendation front the
counsel and others interested in the fate of the
occupied. One of the discharged prisoners wee
inameditately taken into custody by officer fleecy
11. Kline, of this city, under the allegation - Ant
he was the slave of an elderly:inan from Virgin..
The claimant and the officer procured acorriage
during the same night, and rapidly drove to
Penningtonville. There.they rested at a tavern.
All the parties sought repose except the - alleged
fugitive. who kept wide awake for a o orivenlen
ion,opportunity:for escape; whichte successfully
effected; taking with him, no doubt reluctantly,
the pair of haulicaffs which confined his arm.,
nag of which he could not divest .himeolf .
Upl to last evening no trace had been discovered
of the wherenboute of the alleged fugitive
Ledger of Saturday.
ON Ton R 1 1 ,1111) Or 1. FOIE Hansa -Ne wspapers,
says the Tribune, are destined to furnish in
formation to the public 'end livelihood to those
employed in producing them. Their income is
from two sourcee-firet, from sale or eubecriptiOs;
secondly, from the charges paid by those who
see fit'to use them as means of communicating
with the public for:their awn advantege or profit.
There is probably not a doily parlor intho world
certainly none in America—that could live a year
without that large portion of Its revenue derived
from advertising, nor, indeed, could the publicity
'now secured by advertisers be obtained for twenty
times the present .st lin any other form than
that of the paid-for newspaper.
If a man applies to:a lawyer, a doctor, a tavern
keeper, a merchant, for any of the commodities
whereby the latter makes his living, he expects
topay therefor. Ile never says, "If you want
pay for this, you can have it;" paying, is a mat
ter of course. But if he goes to an Editor to get
hie no ground, he generally pays when he can't
help it, but he seems to think it rather mean
that payment is expected.
PribliCity is a vital element of success in almost
• every business. If a man were to-merrow' to in
vent a machine which would do the work of a
forty- horse ateam engine for one eighth the cost,
whether in building or running of such a steam
engine, he would be long in making a fortune
out of it ft there were no Press. By the aid of
the journals,'he might acquire wealth from his
invention in the course. of two years, while in
the absence he world very certainly go down to
hii grave in poverty, though soma future genre-
Oen would not fail to profit by his labors. The
Press la to business what the Electric Telegraph
is to Intelligence—it condenses years Into min
Editors are generally helping thin or that fel
low-citizens make his fortune every day. Very
often they are oomptlal to throw gold into the
lap of this or that inventor, manufacturer, pro
perty holder, Re., in the naked fulfillment of their
duty to their readers. ,Theis we have all - been
helping Mr. McCormick make Ms fortune with-
Ma Beeper this year; but we did not do it at hie
request nor his Bake, and he need not thank us.
But if be has arktd mayor as to make his Reap
er known to every body, he ought to (and wo
will trust mould) have innisted on paying for the
terrace no matter how much we benefitted our
madam at the same Limo
Fiera is one great cause of generalabfaecatiou
on this subject. 'Von did so and so, which
helped Jones in his business; why not dons much.
for me!" Why, sir, if a former choose to giva
his right hand neighbor half his farm, would tbai
give his left hand neighbor a claim to the other,
half? If I did him a good turn without asking
any odds of him that is my baldness; if you want
me to help you to make money, pay.ine for the
service you require! The fact that I choose to
help A. IL for nothing gives 11. D. no lien on my
parse, and no right to command my labor for no
There is many a journalist now languishing in
poverty, while donne to whose success in bus
iness he gave the impulse, roll by him in their oar-
rioges, and harp forgotten hls very emitence.—:-
Thereis no country save nun in the world where
Journalists are expected to do so much for the
special benefit of ethers without reowipeuse.--
Generally, out of this country, Editors are inac
cessible if not anonymous; they let you know
•what they may think, but not who thinks' it.—
Yon cannot walk into an Editar'e room in London
or Paris and ask him to devote his time and his
columns to your own advancement or profit.
Here this done every day, even by utter stranger
Half is an Editor's time-sometimes his whole day
throwing over his - proper work into night—is
given up to receive the calls, Ihitening to the stor
its and obeying therequests of one good natured
friend after another, who drops in to try his
chances of getting leu times as valuable an ad
vertiament out of him for nothing as be would be
likely to get out of the publisher by regular pay
ing. if be fails he loses nothing—for he has
plenty of brass left—if he succeeds, ho has used
his time to decided advantage. And thus is civi
lity abused—thus is good feeling imfbsed upon
sta`lf you have a tightness in the chest,
from I,lttotat Cello or Cough.. bathe and rub It well tw-•
btre Ile. uie with II. r II. Yttrrell , Arab,. lanlmeutt !Jul It
011 orwitly retJewo you In • fo• minutes. The ARM. Out
rb e wmattAm, T.llllll.oram ilewrription. werrt,us
beadvehe. paralrals. roil! .10tut.s. rout take.
rrrllinq.. 10. (Atte ettrerteemeht.l
Pittathirgh Lite immrance Company.
Preii.lonr—...llollZ , K. ll.n.
Vico Pre.tiliint — SASlLlM llA'unt tn
evilrer—J•Kiti`ii I.Kroo.
Seeriitary—t. A. 11111.}C.N.
ILlitrrdrlPMellt Iv Knottier part for riKorr
Citiien'S Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
✓(h. rETNE.I and !XL P TWA'
ra rat A .VSI,II (.1
Wm. Lorna... Jr
S. M. h.,
C. 0.111,,,
11.1011 , ,,King,
IteJ•ert Duolsp, Jr,
n. Ilarhaugh,
11,11er 11,,,,nt,
Irene AI
. .
Wm. Itnulmm.
J. Selnnonmsß.r.
I Samuel Itea.
• 1,..ra.k•
Capt. Gr.o. W. Lull 11/i
Dear Sir.-IVe. the inhh.r.ignell,
•.0 t.,,l.thr 11,14 .11111 P r. 13.E1 . , I. Al.l'll . “ta 11. r
.... a trip t ma Pc bpecco , -r•
1.013 p.,. you ccuy your ittrul/r• enrct
P•uk, tar y our kicpi nttputiou v..
i c r o u,iipcut trcp.•oci Pair whit... - .'in-4 hi tb.
we. Picky -uc - r - c, Mtc - 11.1 ) Icor prrcent enmsicancl
cuy ollpy.r. W.. 'ln ith pleseurr. cuccmrn-I thir -team.;
tc. thc. icati,n•cp. ot •• , public-. mid trpt
flo u t • iiher•l ..laccrP vc-cti cpcnl. c-rop tcytplyirci uliptp it
• .
T J. Am in An , l 11 J. Patton and liar A.
lanun bdY. i. XV VAr/A.lberArr An 1 lAA,. Xlavl
fir.i• 11r. )1 AI,
N 11.• 51,1 n NI,. eAlltu, Mr , . :41 , Am:tn. Si...
Flurt a IT AA,AIt. A. 5r;.,.... lino
.Laub..'Nftaller, IV. IL-A.lh, I' Si
T J 11.1ocrwm, 1..A011... 11. 11-14.. r.., .1.
U. F. J NIAKlror T I . .rry .Jr .1:. T so..
e 1.,.
. 1.Anc1.A.,), 1.. lirattzAl, 11. 11. I.A.vabllA. J. NIA
11.,.1%ru• IIIA•1 J.o. It.
t EF , z of . 1.
I ,l4int, El-
Oavoll," Fonrth Ward :4114.1 Ho u... on
.. • •
1111-..etnr., rsltireno ge4orally. ssss,
kal, w lates2l. .11 re.$ 41
$ Js.urnal. 1.0.1,44 anl $
9111 E Annual Election 11,r President,
Bosnl •lii
plare tho at 7 titlwk, (It. Mike GI
corn, or Wc...1.11.1..1111inl otrrez.... Nl.Kullor.of
V. often.).
... •
YERSONS desTrau+ of learning the Banj”,
rill th^romzi , lF I.1:111Iti TWN SASS LBEsna F,
on la.v and ottnpl , 11 STAN 1,,N. South
.11rAA S 11. Flan.. elsar liotel.cprner 441,1'1+1r
and 1....t1 110 ~•
Worthy of Attention.
CleiTlll,il/.—itur prim, ham. Mtn reilured
tii miry atavee neat. Itretian., denriim
tre In rail, a. 1 am iletertnim.l to dn.,
um- %Vick of Men and Winn, %Annan, N.
,Larimt Mt slimming gond. We •tmi y Mesa,
1 timitlifield .1.. net, limnionil
EN I SON !l EN ISON ; Hams prime,
received and fur PAW Ar
lac J. D. WILLIAM? Ai I'll
. . . .
4 .4,10 caul Pentothania
Waatern Itimintnee C.C1P11.1.1.
alines.* Mining Comttimatt
Niltki Amerman Minton Como.“
For tale liy A-
Sii.ek and NNelianite Wrote,
l a c corner n 1 Mara. and Thad rt.
For Rent.
911'1'0 three Ktery brick DWELLING 53
I stall
nu Fourth •trvut. I which U.* IT, U Or , t . 7
tlota. W. W. 'rum. trrtvr•wo etperrr alLy awl Fourth rt.
For k.rars apply to N ft. YoUNti 1 CO, No. 111 Laorrtr
Valuable F'arm for Sale
11TUAVE on the south honk of the Ohh
iitt Ilon.Toraaa.n. Ernnalny• , an tot •
NI:VETT ACH.EIi. with a Irata pp • Ilan. and lanze 1. nn.
Barn n.n...1 Memos+. Anaul third' ur loriy arr.... a/
groat partlon of lb.. land la Ire rate c.ver
v annnently adaptwl to the nreach venetable• an
wurh. nt strain. The ....anon It awn's), want Pa
arm wultlae In re4.l, lhe mann,. no.
for .T.r.l.nir.•
an.l will be .1.1 maw...hilt and a anwl Cala invva. 101 l apply to the uniar.iwata.l,
or no It. L BA KEIL,. Lnallalwri
_ .. IPM. Ilc lain ALI..
Attention !
N ACT of the Legislature, Tio,,sett the
A 1211; Jay +.l April, 1 , 1.; . ...... +••Tha. •f any invooo
or •Jo ;hall IL., auy 10. /lour+. lo*li/ii] flown.
R.olateral., Collar. without Orat harm. I.•IJ
1.1e , n.. +hall bo. oo vocaetioutllortol.ronionl gain r .
of korol Livnliaz how, nod roul.beJ amanallool;
hotan Arra. olaars to all tura... koaolng aoob
Lou., (and who al j. ha, orglentoal fako out Moir
lloona,) (hal Wilton ;hay call In; toooliatelo oo lb. Count;
Tronsturs nut ;aka out Itert,e, holirtonant• aril; In prn
Oar.% Wlllll/10 ni. arithou , Oath, ;Inlay.
110)10. al:all, Omani...lnn,.
C`Juniodoony , J.. 711,1102 —I 11, I,
11 . 00 and Otaata rot.
For Root,
i POSIFORTABLE two story Pirellin,o e.te.. •
How, umtoina atallt Ivan., obli Stallowt. ...... a, l
carratze ill., Saw nnd two .r. a. of 1•od In btaal•www•
onto, planbal •014 fruit trara mud abroLbar,. Tha alaw.
within • Ina otioutaa' walk nf ban rttr. Doi. Laa,
thine to thy 1,... , 1. ord., and ARIL*. reot..l lola It. a e.. 4
Aliw—Two book lbwaws. on Cooler A.looa. na . aea.
roll. Ward. con“lfllna lour riann•earls. Andbira ol
0.7 JOHN WAIT A OIL, Libarl, at.
1 Al , ll/IiETIFS GARDEN Sklill/S---Just
a / raaatrad from l'hllsdalobin. a fall ao.I onmtd•t• a.
~,,,,,,,a n , a ll ‘,.ranotaal Lb, crop of MI, • IlleD I will fur
ulna to Ina eirwmorra nab, •oislemile ra. ralati, at lb.
tlalat Sore, No• 14 and PA WO.l at.
0. N. WICK 1711011 AM.
_ .. 1.1•7 . r•rear of Wool .4 Sistb FL+.
Q. F. FLOUIL-500 ttAls. Anshutz, Pollock
1...7 .1
A D 0... Lral.3tl sale at laodinw and for le by
! J. . 7
J.:, 1,1111'1.11(TH A CO ..31 14 taw] at
I )ILIKD Pk:ACHE:S i: 4SO Au. prime halves,
I 10. aed tow for an • y
I.; J ti DILWORTH A eo.
B uTTER.--1 0 , 3 4 blils.Plic i kotl;
lir ton: ri m .,.., ge`d r iLd for sale br
_ Di: . SAAR II EL I, 011111 V lill a 1.41
ARP-2 Ablet. No. 1, for stile by
I IDFIS--200 Dry, for sale by
y.: 0.0 W. 11AltlIAIJOIL
IKUT . TtiIt-10 kegs pn i k . er , l i. f i ,l A r iT l , ell.
A bblo. No. I. for sale by
P. i W. 11Altllekl , li 11 .
MORRIS, in the Diamond, it selling
Fe t ch g C
lis • '. te at bc
l/runa Vlee se 17.}:e per lb:
hew Iluneb Rabat. 12!:e per lb:
Almetide 00 11.!in per lb
el 11tie Per 4".
For Rent,
ft, un the tuuthemt corner of Market and Front
A Wore (loom food Cellstr,on the corner of Fennerivania
Avenue and Watbinnton etutete.Slath Ward:
A More Knout owl Cellar, tut Write OtiT•te few doors
pest of IV•ehlneton street. PC5.1.1.1011 from April Irt,'Ott.
11.011Eltr WATrAIN, Pennevivani• Avenue.
upping to the end of Wmfbincton et.
calved at the northratt turner of Fourth and Market
strotd , --on. rata 'Ether eittrting Muffling. at 124 0 per )d.
000 1 0 0 LIXENS. of an armored Mohr , and tver - reoted
u l r V e A ti g ; 1 1 1 1 so
s hoo d s - who in.! k
"'Pir MURPHY% ntlitf.ll.VlTLDrr.o.l
Wanted to
- 4 i MODERATE sized Dwelling House,2
.1 In the virinirr a Ferry and First stri Any
'l=7 -.J...
le[ Arrii.
THE subscriber offers for ant
re Roo the
Store now occupied Le Me0.,0. Wlllock A ."
Yhteie. No s 7 !!octet 'treat I,geselon given the
Itt of Aprll. Enquire of C. 11. PAUL on
N. 111 lyood et..
To Printers andPublishera
cl EALED PROPOSALS will be received at
0 the °Glee of t)... County Oommhujoene Up to noon of
setunfey. the loth inst.. for the County Aileeftleina for
the prelent T., JANIES !MCI ELL
. .
It)U} KIN°.
Cornminniourr's Otace, l'ittnburgh, Jan. :1, I.lan.
For Sale.
TALUARLE Reel Estate; it.
Allnghany. vitunten on than/Kant
inn on the tOnth Common. went at Vaal
Two very duelrabla stary Mak DIV'
will honer, Ice ban, enable. i
counntata tepalr. Tenn. Ilbersl. Co
Pumpkin Pies,
UST ree'd at No. 2.56
et tot of KNI , 1111"ii FLOUR Or PIM YKto. _
?I j r.S ° . rn This article will ms.Ploo ol mope.. f000l! , r
mrm ,
. thr, P o i n " olov . t .
tbr 10,1npaTmul
J o vicnlTea Dealer..
SAP SAOO CIIEESi:--50V Ittn. superior
1.7 on band and for role
Jaf , WM. A. 116CLURO t CO.
G. will 1
at elms ale their Mock neh Plai.l ktrow
*M. offer their immure urortment of Drees and
Goode. at.lesa than &artier. prier. J an
OBIE J -- OURN I. AL , : o N o
ew volume and now
titalr.e l • Trim ML lae
j •o tktr. ,=otiotte reduced to 53 a yea, .t
ItS . Ul,r.7t, Thad ..
2 r•ek•Benwrax;
h bbir. Una,
G bans 111 - 1•1 Apple.;
tt , Peach.;
24 bales Cotton; to are•• per Ilene.,
awl far AO. sr 12AIA0 DICKE% • Co..
td; Water and 4 runtetrerte
1101%11NY-5 btrls• in store and for sale by
io • 0. BLACKBURN& CO.
Dissolving . Views, Chromatrope Views, &e
TIE EXHIBITION will commence with
• ...nen of eso Ll' IN" V I E. tt.reprratentlng Ruin,
ntlabt.a. •••• Vtavra. te.. to, oilmen . to sato.
tton taw tt
In an ntl•erft met..
• • .
A ftgr which a p•tud dinplo . of
el X Olin.. PM ATIN tON I'l Ell'd
with a varlet,. pleaotot Mot•coLenhol•e.
entertainment to conclude With the lartamed CaKMICAL
lIILtitA , I Att. illustratleo of the follcaring euiwt.n.
oeptit,le to all the chat. 6.. peculiar to Un- natUral day,
eceL:uong nature In all to Lolltaner,
' MIL\ • 12 rincmu., night Tie.. eelebratlng NII4.
night Mac.,
Art the COUNT OF RAIII LON, night •lew,..The Freot
of Itelaharzar "
Far the Lro .0.tu.1 In Itelahataar , Fragt,
CITY .ir no /I !AIN, malty rte.; I••ttuction oh the OM
For lb. hret tuue. the to orits nal! OF
AtirTicketa itfi ern,. nnlr: CLlt.irrn major lg half prin..
Door. open at 7. Kalotationno.tannone4 as. 7
I /oil dewnnttoo ot .mall Nth , I J.
I ARD hbis. Winter Strained, just
from nleamer Tiber nrol
CB (nr
BUN,g ie by
IP )11. ENT--A Iwll Nary BYllrk ',wet
iloti.....stuat...l on,1w* Pron.A .
Ersimr'' "' JAMB", 1. 6 4LZL1..
1. 1 UTTER —4 1.L1,. Fre:4l Roll, f, role by
C piipp Crraut, for sale
.1!011,1!. ULU. E Co
- 2 bl,ls. Fresh Leaf.\fi ,all by
J A 111,1 1 IA LZEL L.
New Books, \
it 7B ,iyono for rth imt
rI I IIE Wide. Wide World; by \ mabeth
A 1, h r Round the World, yelm\e trawls-
MAI ham IL. herninn of Bin NAB, hy Mr, y Bin
rltetcloo'n WWI, at Mr, Bold I , lc,cialts: by 11. B nab,
Thous:hi. on thn Ctn
hor.ry ml latrrnY lion
nr ,rintoral Prophet, In Ses.'n n
br .1 11.
Torher• a B•
Nici'lin , ne • Work, .nl,
Turf of
itrt.l,ll LLrnr. lwt mud other, BY
kalny foronorl I. 1 on. Waterman.
and Ornuploo. from • PantneksPorl Folio; b
itov I Bnoforth. J.\
Patent Imitation Russia Sin
li.iits article. now to
pi.l sn I ureter Its r uurre
0. , . • endtr•t urr eupener to the tutootes.
ft. REel ,, Kr IRON WORKS. o
"...taut, or texture. iv manstreetursl urtotre •
lan.t I ugor offer to merehnut• en" mull:lee
ouelr to MIT Iterrt..fore mule. It
K....pure Ali e-00.0r nnsury,
Fre. Roll, for sale by'
I 11
'lwo PERSONS who eon famish satigfac
x tore referents... to. fn etiarat,WF7,nd totem*, tomtit,-
plat enc.. in • profttabloasteney Adtheo tiny lb.
at onnte. dt
s g .. o e i t l n lt u o r :
w.erst 1111/...0 1 . eloonhrattle. molt", I Itoefwnt.
and , rwoot. stole
311 wob, ;.n
I 00..
In • vas trans! w platte we au ststenott
r • oliont. Aij Ittude of atfenew• altos,
dot h. for tortleritte ehar.,e. Atle
• Itimnor Attach..., ...1•
‘,VA RIETI OF IV ANTS—A good otetndy
well testy...lends] letok•brefte.r wnut• • plac e to let
Morel. .ern i ~ Ire ten. letektkee per, war:lotus. turn.
wet .1, and ot .01 szts, ward eullth.7.,'"
teowortst awl lent. ISAAC 11.111141.
ut , i, Dian:-end etd‘'
HAVING tiai4 day wad I.; 3. S. DILWORTH
• th, at. Inters! is- .1 %V holreate tins,
the Oft , . .'t t the torn .111 he SM
AU " EL It
.111:1 I flit • 0.. s MI- I'. bIIKIVEItt
1111,1turelt Jawuery to. la, o.n tt
A NI lIE 1. P. S I 1111 V EIS. ,1; WholeHrilo
• n.! tt ieeirin U erehoutte, Defiers in
re near, l'neltire and l'ielitireh Illefintartnees, nn.. 130
and 13:1 rtreeil...haeren rend and Smithfield. lltta
burgh. fail
. 1011 N S. 1)11,WORTII CO., Wholesale
ilrnrerv. a.l .ka.n. for Ilaianrr Powdrr sad Palmy
11 Wt..l 0t..1 1 1.1.ur.11 ja3
Tit E firm of Covotlo k. Cole. AgentA of the
I'.un.yFaoia ILllmat IT., i. ,lirnln+l Lt mutual
l„1 John JOON I'O ' VOI , E.
Iltt.urxh.J an. I. JUAN E. COLE.
Partnership Notice.
IHAVE this day aqsocinceit with me Tno,
1.... .4 the Aersier Pelthothte AIMS
reth4r reteluthel it teler the et. 1.• of —Mende
a .thelthm..' JOHN OUVODE.
I,theburvb. J 1•134.1, t. 1.2
/0111" corr.. ..... . ...........
g VOI)h; ItALIAM, Agents of l'enoo.
Ilallrn.l of Pron canal
I,ll4l.tirrh. 1... 1,4
rirtiP: President and Directors of the Hand
Itri..l,re Company, aro Utle.ln, di
r nd two .Irl3l , 111111 tat y of the
ion.tar t.I On la.t payelele for•Jtwilre.
WM. WO 4.1.51142 L. Jr.
l'alrbureh, Jan. 2, )14,2t
_ .
,?.. 7 ,l d . i t n u t tin; ' ,e m . M a.M a iNu m t e rri : .
I'TS. TO It EN TIN bills. p w rime, for
...a.17 by K. K. 14 KLL.K.K_4. eed 0.
CILAXSEE I) OIL-10 1,1,15. pure, fur Kale by
IL K 5; wont ot.
.:11, LCOIIOL-2U !Ads. 76 :Ind 92 per cent.
for - - ale. low I.v R. F. SELLERS.
.1 R I) OIL—It) hbls. No. Wlntrr, for
It .
rIE CONNECTION between the gubseri -
twr. c.a.:. on LAS. day. A. CULBERTSON will 111.1
nay, ni the trot in th...ttletnent .1 Itnzho,ne.m.
' •
A. cui.littioux.
cuoinucoi. Per. I. 11. CLOILIE.
'St:MISER will continue ill
j_ uhla..nir Grocery .n.l 4211111111iN4. Lupine , ne m
Prosident and Board of Ilanagers of
tho N.,thorrni.lbertica lirlawo Company . , ham,:
olarod a airl.lon.l Inn tomtit, of .ahl Company for IL a
10-1 'oar. ht Ono earh aharo of the rapt./ atoo
out of tho nmato of eh , la.t for, and Dow Duller out.
MP MOO, , Apitalt In thr hatuta of Ills Trra.uror—th
aatno riff 1o• void to the atf.khohlora an or af.rtfulitat..
f1.1 , ..5.L...• • Jam." fat. 1k51.—1
IkitiED PEACIIES--3 seeks for sale by
i.l N.v SIIRIVIRII a 00.
Dlt lED APPLES-3 seeks for sale by
tal.„ l:bl , s in f t o , 4s i a , l i e by
, OFFEE- -100 Lags prime Rio, for sale b
IL/ td J S. DILWORTH le CO. .
130 T ASII-40 casks pure, f.3r
sale y -
uTTER--to bbls. fresh Roll, for Sale by •
- J. D. DILWORTH . 2 CO.
kegs Len . f , .. o lll: n s a : . l o,
I , elAy i,
P-10 bbIA. Goodale's, fur sale by
Is - 7 lel J.:, DILWORTH tCO
No. 3 MACKEREL-1 1 1 11 bbls. for sale by
tat s. DILWORTH a. CO
Siffi i , l R-10 blobs new , b y
11. DiLWOIITIi 0010.
FINOBACCO - 60 kegs Six 'Twist, Swoop's
heal, in tlory and fur nl. Ins be
1.1. It Wain arse.d_
g ' , WIN MEAL.— NOI. A. MeCLUII.I; Co.
IL esili hereafter be en hotly oussplied It's flesh
gle:m.l3lo.d Care Meal. white and yellow, frees the New
Drialsonn el 111% which will be veld at the loweets ,beieeale
Atel retail rases. deal
F9OS—ILO doz. fresh: fin. sale by
'41.1e3t WM. A.
r M , CLI:II2O•
thure AM • melon,.
ROUND NUTS-17 bags (to to:rico) for
Alt mu. hy Aealt ISM ti mCEJ tr. m co.
F EATHERS-43 Racks fot male by.
tI4I ISAIAII t,lChef* CO.
DIO IRON •9 tons Winne lit Furnace,
j for *lle by . I dt.:11) J. •It FLOYD.
0. MOLASSES-80 blils. to arrive, for
• .cor by . JAMES DAL7.EI,L,
.4111 GS Water sl
-1J550 bbl.. Poverty KIN, 'Taney Oldie'
•13elmont II 1111...sliaatry:”
For soli. by . BELL a LIGOEIT.
Canal Basin. Liberty rt.
-1) rup of LIVERWORT. TAIL, and CAN lIALAO A.
A,I4TOVIVi of and rroommendril by phyntrlans of the hlch
est standing. For thr consols. cora of Concha. liolde,
kith:wow. Anne limit:brook lirouchina, Astlsto,Whoops
log (Nuns!, Croon, . nay, Liver Onto plaint. Pains to the
MO or Itrtast, Night Nerves, SPlninit of Mod anil all
other Lung Complaint. tending to OGURltOplbro. Thom,
haring • severe mid. a bad rough, or no the dlffirulty
about the throat or Icons. should try . (hi. invaluable :h
-int.. It will morel, milers. tom It bar eon,' thournsuls
in this city. A bad nralretwl and suffered to mum,
lway• undo lu fatalllorisumptinn. Prins. in lug, ball,.
iI prr bottle, re titt les for R.
lop Mk wholesale anil retail by It. E. SELLEES. G.
Wood strait. • disiXt
■ i dkc i n , R ., k r:l i lloo of the at, lloo ß wrinc, R.,- 0 k ft i,,,,,.
of the lAN WAR: CompliPlwA
gneTa : o n o .
who drillootol.hed hemealree to council sal ID the hold.
J. L
11.30 Apollo Saila/WM Fowl],
. _
AQUA AiVil NIA-10 carboys for sale by
VEOIIGE ROW LEY, Sr., will find a let
ter shlrtwowd Idod from the "Old dlouotry
Ong ow.tha Fulnedilwds. A. WILKINS ell:
oorort of Illarketaod Third sta.
.• Minn thrlr stork of kl•rinok of mm. pism.
during ibrlr roan union! intim .t km than lb
unsui iyires
iTELVET CLOAKS—Wo will 'markdown'
the balanre of Our Velvet Cloaka f to fere than raatern
not,A. A MASON CO. —
Dissolution of Partnerzhip.
IIIIE partner s hip heretofore existing under
the etyle and title of JOlll FOOTED A CO.. fa thla
41..edeed by the withdrawal J A. eENIIIIII.
The ho.lne , a of the late firm will he settled I John Per.
ter. who will <cloth:ton the Govan...a at the nld atend. No.
01 Merkel strret. JAS A. Moff.N Dint
Q — CIIIEDAM'S Aromatic Schnapps-2 his
10 for isate bi J. KIM, CO.
dr..50 WoM
THE subeeribere would call the attention
of p.m. defiinu, of deallost lIARDWAIIIt, to •
lof of ftoto four to six thousand duller, worth, comprisi ng
moor valuable and salvable ankles, We make it so
MO,l for the mut r 500001, or &eller It fo • formitlet or
rw o o ,tyte, PO rOOll4 dtSPOPtli *0 (114150 win mall at,our
fru-Acme end exatulan the levote...
de.' 110111110 1111 Sreond
uLACKWOOU, for December.
.. a tr'rer`Trle Lit 'ii:e l el , sll47.7::. ?-• by
ia eel. at lIULTES' *.**cram 10101. °Mogi. the-Post
NARAPES -1U kegs Alslags, very fine; for
sale br WM. e. bIeCLUBA • nn.
BLIIIIIOI{3 AlLlLlCastiont — Ad Itrtas=ea 1.. and su twti
bir this pspsr reopired and Ibmarded free a exp., than
m , . oel
Orr". rrtrtnitrias G. 0.6
Murals, auvrouroo. J..
The market yesterday was without any' ma
ml change in quotations from our hurt report.
FLOUR—The vaku on Tuevday and Wevlnoulay amount
ed to about 000 bbls from river and wagon at r 2 75 for v
t. out $ 2 5 7 .4. 3 for thole,' and estra brando. Tbo
from store are coneued to small lots at 13 (di 3 12 44 0 IS
It Ltd,
BAlN—Solos soo bu lhU, to . lots. at 27 tri
rth 404145, are 13045. and Bowler lab.
or 18 louts at 11441 S ton:.
likt(SCF.ll.ll , lB—Considerabll iota ...1" Nazar awl !lulu..
continue to arrive. but prioys for some days have maul
teqol on further dorlies. Nalco 2 hhds Sugar. in Int, at
Ar. rash. and 10 do at Or. on aims. Sales IS bbl. 51n
hmtn.%. in Ina, at a., Sales :0 sit kilo Caden at t'S•
BULK Pt l 6K—Con4darable loto are vrivirm by river.
but no sale& so Car at we can learn. have transpired. 610
bon round. mar be trivan as a rale quotation.
HAWN—Pales 0000 b. ttbouldera. le various lot, at 7‘i
6171 e. llama mar be 0004.1 at 90.3 , 4. and Sisk* at 8401
ASHES—SaIes lu tons Pala Aoh at 341.. time. and 3 do
I'earla,ll at 6, ,aleratua may he:quoted at f , 64/ and
l'otioh at V.O It B.
WHlSKEY—Further .les or rectitleJ .t sr.l.
- Grmmerniel 1.4 t of the NI last. Rive* the
loin retina etatistics of the movements of Brmailaltiffs
endProVkir., In Philadelphia Manna the Tem InS,. in
comparison of the oast two yea.—
1,19. 1,50 IKSI.
2t1,750 .1.1,21 209.400
91.5 . 343 25,064 10,505
91,319 0,1..:34 06,31.5
172.31 1113.670 .215.1h , 1
900.0= 6.54,545
whet flour. bbl..
Whr.M., bushel,.
1440. ' 1.410. 1 , 51.
Wheat. bushel, 144.5.446 . 1.193,M 1.630,051
C,.ru. 1.1..N1,692 1363.066 1.37 a 491
64.444 6 1 1.2114
Bade). 27,642. 20.1 , 41.450
Oat, 424.316 401.211 350.066
\the following is an official statement is( the amount and
ne ‘,l the export. of firradatitls aed`Protliziorts, from
'l3lladelphls to toreign ports, dukna the 06 61 enditm 3016
Stti\m „.. l , ... o t. IS.I
304.012 '..3..660
\lkUnfiZra.l. 13.:41
71.6,1 $1
44 . 292
Ilisc , . 10.179
begs. 11.033
51 . 1 a 1.1. 0 ., 342..21 3eY'f,
ra.r)J76 . 2?46g,
4 .h r .. ernhap.
Tal , w. P.. 067 ter., ..- 17.6.0 , 11
Pork.\ 6,0
\ 1 , 1 , : r. nr. \ \ „ ~ 1 . 7 . : ., ~ , ; : - . 4 /
\ \ \4 4 --
, ie4...,4 . •
MO 't", STOCKS, &C.
Prinsnurma, Jaw 2.
Att. \ tlPPY Desna—, We are informed that the
r, theholde Alleghent Coupon Rood., on prisenang
the Coupime to ,hey Pirrone.. al the Rank of Penni. l•
genie. werclfied al instruction. had been received
to deduct f inn the Ike,' Me coupons the amount •il the
holtax, li rent. This sketerneut lites taken the bond•
den. quite by eisrprint, and will certainly have the ef
fect of Imeatrlng the credit, tort only of the.. Pmtleolm
hood.. but ore tv i r other, rime kr Peoylvani• weeuritiet
It iii ce rt ain the the Operation 4 ns
the State tea law, when
thu. applied. Is wy unrest and unequal: for. however
av ii,
effective such an nitration of the law may tw in prevent
ins the OTID./111,1 of e provisions on , he part or Pentisyles-
Ma repitallste, wha we atm to th. State on their capital
intrated. It cartel& cannot be xi bt that the foreign
hoiden of 10nde of t e Mate, end he tyre In other Sta.
.hoold this , he Novo! \to Pay a tag, r which this State
u \
has no claim upon the , and in deduc c
oq the amount of
the iodebtrtlnese t , wi t an y dim ato favor of
the non-m.14..4AL*, act repudiation. far as It goes,
I. committed. which le in leen violetlon rust only of the
obligation.; of common Ito etty 004 good p ith, trot of the
dictate, ormund police. 4 result of um a more. will
ultimately, as we have mid mum • torn the State at
large. in the depreciated aline of furore ice mot bands
Ouch will more than \ countArlance the unt thus • a
withheld under the aboke pml s b t a ,
The Stork Board Ilas h en quite dul\ti day, 1
there baring teen cOMPM• II,I few WM Mbe hoer&
only one pale between Loomis. an o vales at all alter sec,
rind boanie. \ '
At the opining Ole morning. 11 Mg Mortgage .onelio
gold at 81: Allegheny Co Ns it 10 . .. P na NU at 4 U. buy•
er c:City Cs of 's7 MlOl, buyer 2 Ms 0.
Between boanie 01rani Bank sold eipllr. , \ .
At. wood Wan/. city Ft Ft lik al 'l Mleat 101, 1.11,1.1\ 5.:
Allegheny Cob '. M 92., Schuylkill!ev. VII at I% Mechan
ic.' flank at 231,1, Morris canal at 12:',,' and afterward/I at
in 4.; li Won canal 121(:. and Penni,ft ft 40 ,, : ., buyer b days
which I. • decline af ". \
The whole market elven! dull hem and I New York.
In money there is a eight, chadse far the
better. and we think the Indicatimm saw 01 . inforther ha
,rov•ment. Although thy rates remain abolit the Mine
r het quotations, then I. MC, demand, for paper.
nod Iser or It priashog on the market—North Amer.
_ .
IN ACCORDANCE with an Act of Acoem
bly. parsed tho . 2141 of Xpril, 16th. rvinirino ,the
Out! Ofenotherionere of every county to ptitillsti brOe
tall the accounts of Registers for Collateral Inheritance
Tor, we the undereigned do publieh the account of tar
on collateral inheritance, received by John nvott.lN, Itu
okter of , Alloubray Cuuntr, front the let dor of glee...
ber.1 , 51, to the aothday of Norma., 18LO.Inelusive,
per Mailmen& annexed, Tit: 'JAMES Id 1TC17.,
• 4
Cumming:aloes Cake, Pittsburgh, Jan. 5,1%32.
1049-Dee. 6„, Reed of Ifortioun Underwood, on
"4, ICetV . 4l.l j oftli n alit r n y " 0; '''''
e 41. h . 1.,..t a , ,f l t . i 'it t,k°900.06. 4.4 Ila 76
lemloo, on the et
1530-Jan 7. Rril * o f f Vaot rege7l '. d"'d
.._ e :. 0
mad. on the
estate of James Quigley, deed 91 09
•• 9, Reed of John Mont.. out...
tate of John Dart" dee'd .- .* 250 40
•• 9, Ree•d of 11 m. lionsiane on the ew
tata.ot John Rankin, deed-...... 277972
R t7;:gl‘. ‘ ?:a g l ' ara ‘ f. ' ren ''' o
rob. 4, Reed of Robert W 5..., on th...;. , n '5
ate of 15 Watson, deed . 303 04
. 1, Reed of 111,.../ ti....,.......
Mite of kllen Chit:Owes, 4.51-- W. 5 00
- 1. Reed of John Kiley. n¢ Mg...
of Win. Groteman. deed-, -._ 4039
Ilarrh 15, Reel of Samuel 1 , 08.1 on the ee
. .O, Redd ' o f f Vl.lllll M s. ' l"9 "4 , " '„ d tt d e "0
tate of 0, Johnston,. ow. a _. 3310
• , Reed of lin.. MeK.. on the.
tate of Jarnell Make.. deed 63 74
April 18. Reed of Wm\ Ptmeoo. no the we
Lale of M. Little, dote 4 "
•• 27. Reed of 11 lerei.nood, bud J. 1
Myers. the,eetato pf William
Attlyth deed ••
.• Re. n.ed o, ' .1 arnes . )l ' ellrkleon Ole es
tate of Mary Ann Ulan 16..._......7 42
May 3, hoed of Robert Carothers, on the
eta of John 11.0'90.7.'1 , 61 7 0 00
. 33. Reed of Maury thl.l and J. A.
4.b.00n, OD the estal k ,l Nlolse
0004. &ed. _ . _ ___ ._._ 347 12
ao, Reed of 11 Urtleroo - and V.
)1.., oath. estate of W.Elnyth,
\ - ../.. .41 93
June 13. Reed of Jamb ISli rin• .on sii •
15, R . . o" d th o; f l' 2 l, t rllo ' w h lt:ll 117; ' - " "
on the eshite of Job, ma r :,
July 3, Rsed 01 flush 1....„ on •n/
tate of John R Matthew', doe .- 1:2 60
•• 6, Reel of D Meßlrath.on thee. te . \
of Robert Malrallt, deed,* - /CO
- I, Reed of Jam..514.61.0.0n the
bb of Matth ew 11.1 nth, deed. 173` .50
9 16, Reed of James "Urrithers, on th 5 •
9 16. It ' e n e t ni: T ar . M O Y litro 4tate 133'4 5
I st\s,
of W. W Euro. deed-- ---.. .23 60
. 30, Reed of Coltart A Kerr. on"the we
tab of John ODA, deed - -... 110,0 CO
Oct. 4. Reed of B. BfeKelry on th ee... 1
of . l.orge Ballendeed-.-- ..... 17000
4. Reader 11nSh 1....09 the..."
of John .4 6000th.. Mathew- 11BD
• 31, 11.61 of Rotert f homy' et, 0
0 she
estate of Thum. Klitlay.ol.-4-. 21
Nor. Reed of Thom. Rood, on tle eetale
i of 6earpe McClelland.deed . - 17 60
Dee_ 31, 1949. Reed of ti 1,9,44 tax on the estate
$4970 61
. I minify the above to be true ntat.ment alba tas ori
collateral inberiCamma bemired by John SootcTAl,ltegia
ter or Alloirbeoy Doctoty, In the yearmalloa h 00.40,1 S6O.
appeard by the boob. ha Ma oldoe. Wilde.. my baud
odd ...D. 0. =la ass of Do comber. A. It. IbM.
Job N. PAXTERBON. Audible, Da.)
The Great Livenson of the Age!—Steam
Supplanted!—Gas Triwnp4iit!
9111 E first halt of the nineteenth century
will be piae age of asam. It hastened,
an with it sill Pram engin with the the
that were.
The second half of the century will be known as f. 13-
Mellang the age of On—str agent destined not on:y to
boa bot to nmonare tin world. This sge bas no nor
menced, said with it is now introbtord the Oss
erofeswir Jobs U. Ytraharacet attar twenty-ail /ft...lf
clon observation opon the experiments of Lis men and of
others lo attempt. to roan the principled the sandman.
don of carboule end gam naiad. as to merchants motor,
has perfected the same: sad. having Put received lettere
Pant for hi. "Immoral Cabman Acid anise." now ot.
tat eGov o me nt g . h a t n e
drt tb u di v n duaa fo h mp U a n n i i t e e s d ,
the rights of bans, contain or cities.
The immems earring or money and later, std of human
lien and suffering, secured by the nee of Ma new motor,
will Innitably insure it. ap.xtr adordiat
where steam pawn is now mad , ion to th ousands of other
plan when the great expense. bulk and weight of the
steam inglne have peach:idol its neu •
The new motor may be applied to all piaPtinni an • pro-
Pathan roma. Roma. shone bon. toy. foe the cotton- -
alo to the two thromand Ocoee prowir tar . oven etreament
with the expenhe less than that required the steam en
glee. of
weight -d furnace. furl and firemen. M i ne
bulk and 100,ton weight marking for th
power of 1,90 u row of the *ham engloe.
These fats ere enablithed by the experimental engine
ot tweutydlre (a) bone power, IDOW .werldim welt . at
Cincinnati: so naim.l to the fallowing from the Ciminn.-
Noonan of Oa lath Doremben
th; W Arbi, " V.b.rd 11:.%uftEiPt.I . ;'07°. 1 t.r,g
avid a.; in In ePPilation to an angina The surcrerrho
gpertments of th is breentica were not long rinse given In
the Anton-if. The Nate gentlemaohal rewind notbee
Potent far the 'tearing and Prionding Pow. , "
Alen. rights fur the uff of ma fllmpt over/ Priniellinit,
Pb•erjpg Appe.tue,^ caw prealt adv•otage o f wino.
ant r ae r riot nett complete control of tin vend, lade
.Prealent of the engine r, that be no "right-sheutisee .
mon Of war in less lima th an is nenleed to load be , gurs.
Ain, artiste for hie . imprond Herten Eaddie,” for millw
fay and common pontoon, designed for the greatest pow
able comfort of both born pool rider
Aor loroomalon in regard to thiation Invaluable in
vention..K.l of obtaining sights, tion.b.lultnialf
obtallaraby addressing r D. - LTULladt.
Atlzrner sod Agent for the Patentee,
Oeventb a. oppo•tte Odd Yellows - 1101, Plimihinanert
thve. par val. 5179. *# WM. d mu. A CO.
Allegheny City Bonds.
OUPONS payablo let proximo in Phila
vi ;a l e, by W,ll. A. lIILL & CO..
• at Wool K.
A First Rate Chance for Business. 1
LRE subscriber offers fur sale his property
located Iv the all Mac of Rendustent. at
arders (Mal haltml. It corodsts of a lard mould
hr feat. • or. fram e loam. Store llottathStable.hta,
tasether alth .lath -haul selected aslettltinnt of Goads,
The stove lc on. al the c tj t marmattlet Medians In the.
county. th e schema:ter h Ina Totalled 511510 the hut ,
'tar 312,000 north of a for farthest . particulars eat
quire ot the sabacriter M. mantises. t •
der:Malta , S. a. MARKS:
Good News for the Ladial
PILLS. an Innocent, Safe and Infernal kadenly
euppreattion, Nervous Lability.
tionand Westmont, Nansra.Painsln nu and Limb..
lon of Appetite. Tremors. Palpitation. Wanedon. Spies.
COollrentati. I nitabilit& ltrapepida or I untinotion. S
OS lats
lama or Wind. and all Uterlns (ion pinion. Print do,
JACKSON. boon au SI. doll intolasala Wood i by W. C.
210 Libertyaneet,boad o Pittsburgh
and by ALL
mini box
Senn asetielars in
closed with mini box. MA:Jinni styli t.
Steam•• Saw Mill for Bent.
STEAM.SAW MILL, at the mouth of
A 7 gaudy Creak, ulna ogles above PtUtbmitb on the
.nUeur siva, ague!, alda, ts offered for TCIII. Ti.. 31.11
/i 0 good running older. mid a att of Chopping Row.%
and • Cob ammeter. are aostumed ankh the - tam. She lo
taUott It good, nod
aher Suds very ready tale. •
wDmilitta Howe 'll attached to the Sratatata. Tar
turtber particulars apply ou the Y".g."
•. tuctm - x,
iillhitutbursh P. 0., Dee. 1531.—Idel3a1trImS3
ftmm—There are
rk. k.t eremv: at
J. McKee, U .
Bale Shrive, /7111J.,e.iNcytwas.
Balti. I.t.enrwtt. Oro. e ar! `,
Wurre c r.U..m.tun. Beaver. \
Shebb..-.. .1.,i,... Ilravrr. \
J 1,
11,rd. 1..
..bleo. t9ilatme t h ‘
bora.. CP,. Munleb. I 11:.11,.. \, Dailey, 11., Newto w
W.nche , ster. ?hon.. II h....lLnq.- ',
Wm Courrin. Woodburn. ,t 1..r7u,
,akirco. Lougsvigle.
Atlantic. Parkinnoo. Prnwrtnilt...
\ Ealgi, Brandt. V.lvwc.rtniw..
\ J. Ilekie, Ilew.grtAwn. Ili 1 , .....i. n
\'rhos ,hrlrer. 1gg.,41,. We,l ',ire t.... hiunts.n. beat.,
Mirhnogn 14 , 1.1. Beaver
\ i';'..,, "* ". 4 i3,!;;4. 6. 17.!;;. b ..; .
\t=',. ty
nt 1i"... ‘ L o l( .l ..l L Vlli h' l ' l 1,59.
WEL 'MLLE—E.,. eigl. S D. ng.
14 BEE INg.i—Wgn.lte.t..r .
1,11.1,r\ LLE—Nweiggstor .
Olt KA SS—Amrnra.
NAS:IVIL E—T,wrorw.
S AIVII.I. —llw3l , T , r.
v \ -isin:: heal 9 k kg
11, ninz boat 3 r
aena .
I , IIIIWYNnVII.I7‘,:t., FT. wg " . C .n . ; LL o
11. ..
I.IIIIIB6LLE, PEP . AL.V.II-3 crates raga, D
T Morgan; 75 lulls pigutol, Nimiek So Co; 50 •
bbls whiskey, Miller P RIC Omni; 104 tibia whis
key. Monte... Si Nlitehe 1: .100 bbls do, inn.
Scott & Co; 48 bbls do, IV baler , C0;•92 tibia
do, R Moore; 21 hhils tallot\.ll C Sawyer, 41,
cks meat; Kier it Jones; OD do, no consignee; 24
bbls oil 2855 pea balk meat; Se ere & Nicoll; I
box tools, Wolff" & Lane; 3 do, W F Jaynes &
Co; 2 do, Fahnsteck
,& Co,
LOOISVILLE,, PEI Ore Conant. —.3 eke gin
I .
7 she feather. 1 box mdse. Co de it Cole; i
4 tthda tobacco 1 box do, W 1/ Ithirsh am; I box
mdse, B Graff it Co; 39 bbls whiskeii...l Tend-
dam; 26 Ws tallow, Wilson & Goimito)i,26 bin
owidles, Roll & Liggette, 19 racks briepstone.
Bennette, Berry it Co; 4 hhda tobacco, Buibridge
& Groves; 15 bhl.4 sugar, homes M'Cully; \ bgs
ginseng 'ti do feathers, — lfutchinion & Sun; 1
coil rope, J. Gorman; 30 Ithits should•rs \6O. '
bbls molasses, IS likids sugar, Corson & Mg.
Knight; 9 abs ginseng 1 box mdse 28 eke faatht,
era, D Leech to Co; 190 bblit lord 2998 pcs bulle , ,
meat 81 casks bacon, Wm Bingham & Co; 3{l; ',,
kegs tobacco, Brown it Kirkpatrick; 12 casks t
ginseng, -Rhey, Matthews K. Co; 2 Idle deer
skins 2 deer. 8 W Butler & Brother.
..., .
. \ REA V F.E—Prw BrArc - —no 1n... mmit 4 emOtf sie bldg.
Trace, / .10. dm g.r.wung W Lolirra;r: Iti btAgg wl -
.. pl• LugunEltg , A. ,Indt.. . -__ _ _
IV 11E1:LING—PPP 11tc”..1.-7 Rag. CPl.,lautlii
q W' 11•.1,1,11;
CaroApe,l4 dollpurT llliparLh
• ti•dlt, I I,Po. Duff &Co: 7 J 7
pre claPlnco Itollman It
New Factory for Sale.
C HE Auilaing is forty-six by sixty-five feet;
fmht tyro fh , r6ps. high, omlnsuing en ea-
Oh, wind 12 tante.. inner, one tilt hasnon, one 01104 olune.
w 40, ni.J v.ri.iy rmr,h,hiu,htnaehtlaerr.b l .l ,-
.4llh , The .born Pont It ail ter. veil Wep•
.d to . .zunli 33nufseturing busiurr, xnri of cur access
or laTkV`WV.trdes,Degi.t.
\ Borough !firm Mei.
Select School.
j'WILLIAMS will open a Select
in II , Lnnuutl nitre ape I•eturx nor
of 1 . 111:1.uly ‘" L t on . 31tir
h PrllDsir Clus. in., tusrler O.
erelor to
IVA J yr.!: EY Ex Pima Nci AND 11M1N1.1 ct
at Newark. N. J.
valua is.
Th Company le prepared to furnlfh • a.uPPll
Which hay, Len tonal, after aeveral t es& tri
Nureye awl the Unite.) Nat., L to retain 11,1
loututy adel protective propertle r s autodlur
paint vrtsatavvr. Their
I a purely au linde Y.ita, and ut warrant...l (re
adulteration.ll ltuporila hata... ,,, war.
beautaplly !hit, and!. entirrlytree th e. I
Carat ' lTAZut= 7 l4
... •
- - -
Whom napnee.l rrtilptsurnua br mephitic extraattoos, or
urea wheu shut pp in s be e/scu. seboutsble putt..
It withstands . sou-lberu elltnato Ara thr wrath, better 11111,, 10.3 beim; lichle tu tutu ch.ltr' or to
crumble ami rub Off. It may be sturkeat with ally radar,
with water end st no la, Oa. thwecle
brated tavevi.un 1.131.
.---- - - • ,
Then are fotoli.hea atm low pr0,•,..1 err halOuhtedil
the eheit..ett paluts the
root., (011.13, 0111.11411 A, .or esTek.lpLe
twee or went. Erirk, tin, or Iron, ao. they are te,th •
For frori purfaraa rho,. FM , particularly raluablP, he they
tom a gallarile vor.rarttun, arid vataraly prtarut
\tiou, they dry du oy, and fussing • l
ar, soalallie band.
oot 11).t. alma, or tba rarthr
41.airra adrploal io libars.l
O. br rho,' Arent. of the
Y. O. JO:1E1i • W.
"Ta1:(2,1 7 Moth WharTaa.
SALI.2CO WAN-15 0 16, - for klle by • \
• J. KlDtp
V bbta. tar salety
- KIDD ' CO.
S Cherry POtorrd-1:: doz. t r sale
1 of I KIDD
LCOII L-29 Ras. 76 and 92 deg. for
by J. KIDD ♦ (..
NEW BAON—liams, Sides and Shod . d
te, itt (4 \ e heu, for •atle
de2i • Klan k JONEEt.
calved another\ lot of tßoaewarns Blankets and I
61:7 e. NOBLE. •
Ho iday Hata
'CORD 8 Co. 4are jut reed a Iowa !
enror otllll. t•cturrful lIAT for rho Ifolldrys,
C. rook!. Gory Gm,. rho e \Unto. or Gentlemen.
1 Altit--.111, tierces,
\ n;\nm.. Urea
e; for .Le
h LEE it JONE. 3
r o LAN K F.l BLA.3: LETS !--Iduerrn
Mehra. r re 'd DT exerere forthre mei
n raprride teak , ne 111.111 , 1,N\ inehultne • rev in
•erT terve see merlin,
SACKeNti XI:ANNUL* nf deeierblerulnrefral
DIT nerladtee a, one stela." of blare tadaret,
= . llne ternsc:.3.„ hlrin niece ShawTY/wheel;
Barer 4 Playa ail a Mr, (10k1Ufp the isnuclaal I
price of 11 mate. .143
\ 4 FARM of ty acres pituatect in
14.7,17:inig'',T: "kortl7, l 74tr . s Tine l' lT'
'r oil
1.11°I;0°,„'" In !,, 1r .Li°°,l..f.° l ll" tIzT
snow :theta City. The. Is 'I. or the ' best ' :nottt
I t ' alt ' Vets VI R.
' 6 " :t r a A " t ' zi le: In ' l.lVD ;11 I 7 1. g r :r0 4 r. 1 .
,‘ h,.
ntnati i in it.. &Ay 'of Ping, mil oho srOies s stuattan t.
•ohl IL pd. sow la their riot cc. *sotto, deforrtahns il,
b•"'"Vrt;."l"' pureoe
111 *"' tne'hth tt '. Th '
nl;: ° t .d..lfi t ',,',`"gino:', ,7„. th r "roi,o . ,Ty. trlt
,17,.11V17,,.. ! "''''''" —. .itil ‘ PlBV3Vgl a g , .! °° 7
\ Ins7tirZt
E\TE • Testamentazp s to the Eittite of
■ A the Rev. pia Osborn. dee'd,lere of Pettop to.-
eblyy AI then
poemet tlq-m d ' Or.nothelitiatwi tlemoet. and ••11
perm.. tofibled O odd orate are !ego .10-fosterer
ent. T. Tflp.llAS fertirtie..
la Ar3t.7
Allegttentfonn , ss - r\ .
In e Orplawe Coutt.of Laid \
zec4ntr. irt_lbe metier
Raper hoe - . ieteatur
tiAad \ j io raelor
mntian of J.X
rx" rolotnOvir .
tribute !be behoce Woneel4 oot ,81 1
J. N. AMA'
I will attend at Or (So.
buirch.f to the porpneeli or mr•arrolutcoO
the 1%4 der of rebetto7 toot- \
Exectitor's title.
, a
kr Li be ekresedlto Pyblie Sat
' Court Flood. to the Cita of ' , ebidrlel
day. the muh day of r , b , rtarT te . ttii ety r i,o o c f !
Voutil l y. do &s t iolZ i en4 detention Or radio
tissultt Cooper , deed, ailusbatjuditrintne ham,
scrota, r.., bounded add downed astotlore
on Carr. etreed, on the Hoe of O. Properti
trick dolespli Cooper dee'd, to tdelllie tura.
Odra* limners., Liel estendiarback ix. the
petty 011,1;td by Christian I hudon. orce Land r
- 44 re trei , or thereatiOutn Moira .100, 000
O pens
t h e
fret. or tbiloaboub., to 0
only own p Peon William. aturdacub t
dons the . litie one turulred nod, t7itt
Murat...lts, Carron Anse throes i,b t
~,,...1 dart a rat, or thereabouts, to li
ti l i rt l ift:. h ell ' D ' ea t lrb ' a C :Vg! u st i n ' t i
beg. Sc.. reit ileptrd or• dwelling.
and ritualrel on the principal Irei tia ra a ,
boroosh. bear C. Ineenli.Flintilie Hopi,
Tote r at e property rill to .di. 1
Courtier oue year eardlt—tbepeirrldoe 134
...rd br 1..4.4 orig.. on the fiddle e.
...•', WILLIAM 'lv
S r.viatt Ser ado. Cei
h i
. I.
Ifokie7 .-
11E Pit6burgh\Fromein' and .
• rnplko &owl El , igh
' lack iee rail ottZ m 'i ' " 0.
claEl4ll,. ma`,
\ ninnitAr
In the Orphans' Court ox Ailey - 4'4y
—, June Terrn,',4. D. \
tIS Ia ihe mater of the
of tlnt }lna ntnto Jlaivi
c ) - ,v• of '"'d &41e.
, - 70.11, e 0 of . 'nur..,nak
• -..,•••*". amines. for Inn pentionoo,
groat • Ink , altlino . o..
)7ra nn , Conn on eatnsciatho 244 •4.1
.b. bB2, mt 10 o•olock - A. ta• of nnol'inq
fob the verers.loortionantionrlAutoO . •;_o
h , Alj D 11. !Han
. Vabible Property for,
lr the PittabuntiL and \ Greix;sbuch
kW Liberty and WillchoOluxiK 0,01
Lion Wm . Jot!? W 11.1.1;
an er.ctaJ two Dwelling Ifortwer. •iW vu'rr
variety of whet shrubbery in \ trod ter._
away; home. gnaw. mote house, emu haufter
buthharra two nrrharthrot et.alyt act&
• variety of hutldrd peach end chord; rter (MU
carnatina. ant rter arerellretjyear \ and ylem
of the great quality; all to tarei Mete , . ewle,f;
yrrop, the noon sitoatiutte fish I , litrOtwr
petite mule. An tatiloyetable fah; wilt IN Vt..
Yoe furthnr Daetkulere Inquire of the rubseriber.
yrenalette.: - .SET • IV 11,_ x. I.OP
OF DEPCHSVf . S and Balance;4 Oft
in the inroarinN Depoit Dank
or l'Aitiniiit•
far Omni ) wino prior tn this dais Lave Leo) malign
unZliunnil, nil)) the tIVICS Initnaltou
h. linlistatt, 64in‘ilcinnindM i r 14 : •-•
c.),"."%s 11 Sell .
4 .otrili;!.
Atlnnett onto nod mtKer }
fj d o.o,lonan.
de3l . 44nCirt. J. Lcll, 01.055.
. ~•