The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 31, 1851, Image 3

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Another look at Winter's Dioramas atrength
erld our impression of their greet merit as
works of art. Were there any thing else, the
Cathedral of Milan, with the surprising varia
tions of natimil and artificial light, whilld rich
ly repay . ' sisit;. The effect upon the 'poem
tor Is one of pleasing astonishment. There were
• large number out to see them last evening,
aid everybody.seemed to be delighted.
LlBEluktivrr.=ZEL P. Moeller, Esq.,
the able editort the.. Studs Zeitung, having
called the attention of die German community to
the faot that a'aulnber of the citirens of the Fa
therlend--emigrants to the west—were in a Suf
fering condition., Gm river having frozen over,
dna preventing Them from reaching their eev
eial.piacee' of deotination, his readers, with a
praiseworthy prompiltide, stepped forward, and
subscribed liberally to the relief of the destitute.
Etelect. cam sea collected to relieve ell those
donning of assistance, tusd. we think that. Mr.
Mueller, who Is ever among the foremost in pro
moting works of charity and Utility deserves the
thinks of his German fellOw citizens for the part
,;'.• helms taken in the matter.
• i.
Pbtasairr Evan:cu.—We passed :an hour or
yep pleasantly on Christmas Eve, at &little
. ljaitival, given in the City LeCtura Room to o
number of Sabbath School scholars, by the
Rev. Mr. Delarige's congregation. The chit:
dren sang several hymns, and recited some well
selected pieces of poetry, in a style which would
have reflected,oiedit Oct Tersons of more mature
yeare, '. The gas was then turned off, and sheen
- tilkl . ..Christmas' tree," decol•ated elaborately,
bat withgreat good !este, became visible by the
:light of, hundreds of wax tapers, placed amidst
Its branches. . A benevolent little fairy, in the
feratei of the child.of a friend, next distributed
the good things of the season, which the Young
'.,folke know eo.irsU howto enjoy The company
iseperated after healing. a brief address to the
children, which was delivered by Mr. Delange.
Futit:-- , A. fire took pince -in New Brighton, on
hfotiday 'evening, by which Sonrbeck's old tar
ern, ',spoilt* his present hotel, together With
iidjeining *tore, were destroyed. Tee goads
is the latter were all destroyed, and a portion
'Only 4 Of the furniture in the tavern, saved. The
`.flre vaginal - ea in the.itore. The loss is between
fournuct five thousand dollar, half of 'Mob,
wibelleve,was insured.
MASSES Hooey • Mernsa.—A large and re
speeMble meeting of the citizens of Pittsburgbf
who hare subscribed for the erection of new
market houses. i s the Diamond, was held in the
'Bootee of the Board of Trade, yesterday even
James McAuley, Esq., "was called to the
'Chair, and George R. White, Esq., appointed
Secretary. .
It was announced, by Dr. Gazzam, that twen
ty-font thOnaterd dollars had been promised,
nineteen thousand eight hundred of which had
been actually enbscribed. We understand that
thirty- s three thousand dollars will be required
.;or the. erection of two splendid new market
hot:maim:id there is no doubt that this stun
will be subscribed.
Dr. Gazzam read the following - ordinance on
the, subject:
as imp:saxes ran _ rite reecnen er
Manses, It is desirable that the present
";Market Houses be reconstructed, as well as
- other additional Market Houses, be erected fur
•ftAhe greater convenience and accommodation of
'.. - .the citizens :.therefere,
Sze. I. Be it ordained and enacted by tht
IC Wilkens of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common
Council assembled, That.whenerer the citizens
i s of any Ward or Wards the City ehalleubscribe
the amount necessary for rebuilding any of the
present - Market Houses, or shall procure a Cite
or Sites for additional Market Houses, and the
means far the erection of the same, they, shill
'submit to Councils for their approval or antend
remit, the plan or plans on which they propose
'to erect the same; and ,when the said plan or
plans hare been so approved of by the Councils,
• the same shall appoint erwlaiml ttee to set in con
'-junatien with a committee of the slams number,
to beirppointed by the cabseribers to any of the
Markets, who shall constitute a building
_committee, and whose special duty it shall bo to
carry out the provisions. of this Ordinance, and
to are that the said "dlarket or Markets are
erected in conformity_tith the_ plans approved
...See. 2., .Be it orlainel, t 0. ," eke., That when
any Market or Market Houses shall have teen
ereetedin conformity with the foregoing section,
it shall be the duty of Councils, by ordipance,.to
enact rules and regulations for the govern
.,.'-atait„of the same, and to appoint such officers
as may be necessary for raid Markets.
SW. S. Be it ordained, Esc., Sc., That the
-- ,'-City Treasurer and the! Clerk or Clerks of said
-Markets, shall receive and collect the rents ind
revenue arising therefrom, and after ant de
ductirig the cost of repairs end other oat:nary
A:epee:mew the Treasnrer shall pay over the pro
emeds'of the mild Markets annually, -
in the month
December, to the respective subscribers to
"add Markets, in proportion to their respeotive
anteariptions, until they shall be fully reimburs
ed the principal and interest of the amounts re
;: **lively sebscribed dad paid by them : Pio
tided, That before a dividend is declared in fa
of the anbeeribers to the Market House or
.„ . Markit. Houses in the "Diamond, the Treseurer
- shall rietain for the use of the City, from the
proceeds from said Diamond Markets, the sum of
„, $4,600, 'annually.,
Be it ordained, Ac., Ac., That when
. ever the provisions of the third section of this
gh,',..elinsice shall have ieen folly compiled with,
.the Market or _Market Houses, with the
attached to the same, shall becom e the
pro~r~y ate the City, together with the revenue
andrenfolumizitS arising therefrom,
oig,t oo g and ~-reacted into a law, in Councils,
this Toth dayof April, A. D. 1851. •
;Prat. of C. e. pro rem.
. Attest—M . P. Lewis, Clerk' of - C. C.
•'. JAMES 3 1 ' MURRAY.
Attest--R. Morrow, Clerk of S. . •
On.rootion . It was -
.Ifdsolvett, That the . subscribers to . the fund
for erecting new Market houses in the Diamond,
r do Ow rirganize by electing a building ctemnit
:- tee,.consisting of three subscribers to the said
Limd, not members of either city council, to act
in conjunction with, an equal number of Counall
men to be appointed by said Councils:an said
building-_committee, 113,purguance of an ordi
wartee respecting new market homes, passed the
• 4 29th of. April, 1851. •
shell be the duty of the' President to pre
' Side at 01l meetings of the subscribers to the
Market House Fund, end preserve order there-
It shad teethe duty of the Secretary to keep
i fair and regular journal of the proceedings of
• the eithscritiers, - and also of all the official acts
- ..andresolutione of the joint building committee,
• shall perform all other duties:usually iip
'-'147f41144 to the office of Secretary.
It shall be the duty_ of the Treasurer to col-
feet Instalments; and at'euch times as the joint
building committee may direct, the several's-Ith
riciriptione heretofore made or which may here
', ',.after be mode to the said Market HOllBll fund,
` - ::talliitalse to pity outall. monies so collected on
....=warrants to be drawn on- him by the building
• 'inontelittee, and to perform all other ditties
' ally pertalaing to the office of Treasurer.
The ant duty of the members of the Buildiog
, Cconmittee,elected by the subscribers to the Mar,
kid Bonze Fond:shall be to obtain cue or more
dtwfts and elevations of the proposed market
honeu, and submit the same to - a meeting of
Subscribers for their consideration and appro-
T at indite transmit the same, when so approved,
:to the City Councils for their consideration.
'Resolved, That a subscription committee of
weeten persoos be appointed, by this meeting, to
obtut additional subscriptions to the Market
JJ a, Fund. E. D. Clams,
-• On'teetion Samuel /lines, Esq., - was elected
H. D. fang was unaniolondy appointed Tree-
Secretary—Wm A. Hill. .
Baildies Committee—E. U. GOMM, Jim Wil
and George Albrim.
Critztralttee ma Subscription—Messrs. E. D.
Gwink, , Joe. 'Hillock, Wet. Larimer;Jr., Judge
loner, lames McAuley, C. Yeager,
.Dr. H.
!Scum; John Alexander and Henry Hays.
; On woe oath elneeting adjourn ed,to meet again
at the cell of the Chairman,
Tiled - liVanuCenSClL TICKLI.—At meeting
or the itbiss o f the Third Ward, Pittsburgh,
ea lied for the purpose of choosing cindidates for
Oo mo il In place of some who had declined .a
previous nomination made,- John Beck was call
, e i to! the . e heir, v
"Lewis appointed
See rotary '
Air i er thesubstibadon of perione in the place
those declining," the following nominations
elmanitoously agreed to, tir ''
pi c ket Council—Wm. Mackey.
C ommop _CounclisTbomas AL Marshall, 11, J.
.112:Thamis:&•ott,' Edward Day, IL. P.
' i
. J. W. White will lecture in Philo Hull, this
evening. Subject, Iteminiscences of Pittsburgb.
December lip.
Before the Hon. Win. B. McClure Prtelident
Judge, and T. L. McMillan and Win. Boggs, As
sociate Judges. •
The jury in the MSC of the Commonwealth va.
James Kirby, indicted for, as wee alleged, se
creting goods, reared a verdict of •'not guilty,"
defendant to pay the costa.
Commonwealth ye. Daniel Youngson, indict
ment failing to fulfil a covenant of indentures,
on information of James Flinn. Upon hearing
the case, the Court ordered and directed that
James Flinn be, discharged from his Indentures,
Yonngson to pay the costs. •
Commonwealth vs. Sampson Warfield, indict
ment larceny committed in etealing some goods,
the property of J. D. F. Keating, Verdict guilty.
Timothy McDonald was arraigned for the lar
ceny of o certificate of deposit for ninety-eight
dollars And ninety-three cents, stolen from the
trunk of Robert Fenton in Bingham'i boarding
house, about the 6th of November last. Messrs.
K. T. Friend and W. 11. Whitney Identified the
defendant as the person who presented the cer
tificate at the office of Patricks & Friend: ). Se,
craHritnesses were called for the defence, who
testified to defendant's previous good character.
Case not concluded. -
Bass was yesterday brought
before Judge McClure on a chsige of keeping
a tippling house in McCandless township, and
pleading guilty, he was fined twenty dollars and
quested by an esteemed correspondent to state
thin three practical mechanics are to be added
this year to the Board of Managers of the Alle
gheny County Agricultural Society, and it in to
be hoped that the manufacturers will attend the
gamma meeting; to be held on the first Wednes
day of January.
Msucioas - Miscnter.—John Madden was
yesterday committed to prison by Mayor Guth
rie. charged on oath of James Wilson with ma
licious mischief.
Fount .BOAT —The steam ferry boat, Alle
gheny, No. 2, was sunk by the ice, below Saw
Mill Run. the boat will be, however, rained
without moth unable.
A horse, attached to a cart, Blipped on Feder.
street, on Monday evening, and broke one of its
legs. The poor ar.itneibtras shot
SUOILT Wethur.—The clerk of our market,
last week, seised thirty pounds of butter, made
up in rolls, purporting to be from two to, three
pounds in weight each. but which in. reality
weighed much less.
IN A QUANDARY —Half R dozen young lads,
who were skating on the Allegheny, on Monday
evening, found the cake on which they had taken
up their quarters, was floating down stream.
They were rescued from their perilous position
by some men in a skiff.
COAL BOATS Sung.—Three boats have been
sank near the month of Sow Mill Ran, by the
ice, since the recent rile in the river.
• San ACCIDENT.—We were informed at a late
hour last night, that a little child, four and a
half years old, had been burned to death in
Manchester. by its clothes taking Ore. We
could not ascertain its name.
ABAKSTED.—PoIice officers Saes, and
Homely, on Monday arrested a colored man
named Henry Clayket, whb stabbed Richard
, ffaundens at a ball, held a few days ago, in Al
legheny city.
After an examination before Mayor Fleming,
he was committed for further hearing.
SZSTESCIL —A colored man named Sampson
Warfield, convictxd •of larceny, was yesterday
sentenced to nix months imprisonment in the
County prison.
Petroleum I
Liththanse 00.10 co Prrsoks - ce,—We instte the atteritian
of the .micl.l .o the rublie nano - any. to the nertthtattc
of Wm. /WI, of this lity. The came 1., be sera by. 0.00
person ♦ho map be skeptical in relation to ttie Was hone
set toll. S. X. Kllitt.
.1 had been alrlictedwerenil seen with • wirethai of bah
eyeehlch continued to Increase until Septanatmer. WA,
the inflammation at that time having involved the ve bolo
!thing membrane of both 01.. and evaded in the depeeite
of • :bleb Alm, width wholly deetromd my eight I hid the thickening mthoved.whieli
mem returned and left me In am had • condition aa bets,
At this .late of the maintain: I made application to mete
rat of the most eminent sontleal men, who informed to.
that • roy gym would nrrer get well: At tlintlyne I nand
smtdbrUngtdab any ohjeet. Bytthadrioe of athnuttlunds
curontenthel the use of the relthiento.deth
and locilly.nidor which we,n h*,e leathered daily n.-
111 CM preen: limn, and I have recovered my eight entire
ly. My general balth was very moth Improved by the
Petrolthos, and I attribute the resthratino of ray Maht to
ate We, Inn:idea No. UM Second etreet. It this. city, and
will be happy to give thy informer.. In relation to my
/or sale IT BFI s McDowell. 140 Wood street; 8. I.
Balla, 17 Wood stroell B. A. Paiesterk. it Co. corner
Wood .4 Peorst savor. D. M. Carry. D. o. ►lllott.Jow.Ptt'
Dooalsea.and IC P 13chwarta, Allerbeny; also by the Pro.
praetor, 8. M. EMIL.
aelkaltner Canal BananSeventh Plttabarn
To Holders of the Coupon Bolas of Mr Jffononga
hela Navigation Company.
A LL BONDS of a less number than 334
a a tillosZ 2 4 (If2Lbo2dlrs ocA , desire) on or OW the
0 TVO3firetiTTM "'
_ 1342-1 m TreliSliter Mon. NW, Cmstranr.
°MC} P 217110.011 LIR) Sravanervnts Ramadan CO.
Erst Annual Meeting of the Stock
. holdern of the PltiAborab end Steubenville Railroad
Compeers will be held on Moodier, the 12111 dar of Jane.
*Ty, A. D lnl at the Ettaineeea Olge of amid gamines.
eo.ser of Fourth and Wood IrtZt.t, le the City Of Pitt.
Ikea), .0;10 o'clock in the fortswen, et whieti time and
taistp ae ehetion will be held torn President and gave
Dinkier, of /mid Company. The eleetkat will he opened
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
PlUaborgh, Dee. =.1A51.—(da7.1341
P:311t31 , 1 7, M
MLLE outstanding subscriptibns to the Al
a. leeway Bible Eccioty u..reepoctfolly moaned to
bo paid to J. MITCHELL. DrottEbt. oe Federal 0n...1, be-
Roe the Int or JutarT. A. F. ETltlf 14E80E,
do!Mtif bible Aorta.
r tf
. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
of the htdo end Peenirenta Maimed Company.
the Election of Directors for the ernrolow It.t. Idil k'
hold et theCompany'e Ofnce, in Pittatnirgh. on Thoredee.
the , 13th of danoary, IlEch The meeting will take piece
.01 10 A. Y. and the Election between the hour. , et 10 !..
if. and 3P. M. • d. J. BitOefEn. S.n . T.
Plttetotegh. Deeeniher 16th1851.--Ideliktd
XN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Petor
_ Based. the Interest *bleb ho bold lo the Star Cete
wanes.. and* Well wax 'conducted melt* the style of
-raw beam &Co., will be tby sale. For term,. en
oil*. of Wel. 131.11letAlli,
.I.lktJl of the Zero or Wilson t Goroyeo, ith
Monongahela Navigation Company
A N ANNUAL MEETING of the st.ockhuld*l.7zryri.,,tiDll
/ocorpiratloto oft heir oleo on tlreut earlt. In the Lary
of rittebargle. on blowsy. the Pith day of Janata,. A.
)t i nl). Owing the first Alooday In the month,/ for tia
electon of Oliver. for the awning 7Ver.
doSid VIAL BAILYSIfIILI* k4er• •
House of Refuge
T HE l ubecriberg for the erection of an
Boner of Refuge for Western Porni.rinw. an.
hereby notified these. averment of ter. per lieut on
the *mount outacr orb. I. twinirW cm paid to
the Trebturer tin obey the ism day of November,
next ily . ordet of the Board of Dinietore.
n .
ifeo:l2 JtkillitiA HANNA, Them
AETTERS Testimentory to the estate of
i James Roes, late
beenms thaship,C.unty of Al
ssibiny,deed, has. n . rinsLnl to a
t6 • e sub...Doerr, WI
persons tesving dams &Kunst Add estate .01 present
tront duly antbentlente. Par setttnintAt ons
' noll4la.)Lt. ' . Ramona.,
A Card—Life Inaoresce.
4NC. C. A. COLTON, Seo'y.—Doar Sir—
,u. or.mmon justke, d..m my duty
owlechr• the very prompt arse obligloa manner to
whirh tb• claim - of policy y et:trawl by to,
trhouhtfulf ht about (16,0003 L out h.] donut. bee
helm pale.
The Uterul
_ptincipber upon which tb• clalrs of the
"Memel kits luturantwereapuny" an otoductal,,
Utile It to the constd•rollour t
prull a c tice r. •= l.
your or on, •
Interact tecihrenah wb ch buttuallty Chtistisunl
bath BittraltrOLL'ag4.4k...
_. r nde. of Flrst BaptLet Chureh. Iltotburgb,
Notice—Lost Certificate.
• •
OTICE is hereby given that appliention
1' ht. been rn to Mr Harlan.. BMA , for
(Intlikate No. OM, for fourteen Alms In /nil. Bonk
.11eged to bare iserll de.troyed b M EN . JANEOIII April,
1•15. roy,Mithmrlin
Bearunont's Patent Starch Polish.
TOATENTED, July,26th, 1850.—Fnr giving
a heantlful alau to - Llnens, Climb:Toe,
An, bblet BOOM., tn., andalma prevents the Inn from
solturrlna tO Linen, tn. mu prevent. dun from dickies. to
Lamm., Le, and contains notblnif.lniurious.
ibreeth/Mr—Put • place the elm of • pos to pout of
itarett whet, Wham Iron brl.kly.
Erica, 1104 emita ter Cake. Hold whnhoutle and vet., by
R. E. 001.1.0118, 07 Wood
Edo Anent for Allegheny Count/
O IL -2 casks Winter Whale, for rale in
btu or drought, by 'J. KIDD CO.
4o Wood et.
CHEESE -300 boxes EngHatt Dairy;
100 -&Ans..: for role br
dr ISAIAH I1ICAE1( 4 14 ,
INDOW GLASS--200 bx Sxloaria io
xxx, tor sale sr s. P. 8114IVEIL
COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for
O LDER VINEGAR---50 "obis. for sale by
ND 11 170111 D 7017111 TITTIBTAGH OAZSITI
The Senate is not in session.
Hoose—Mr. Carter moved the House to re
solve itself into Committee of the whole for the
purpose of considering the resolutions for the
appointment of a Zommittee of five to wait upon
Louis Kosuth upon his arrival at the Capitol,
and introduce him to the House.
Objection being made, Mr. Carter called for
be yeas and nays, which were ordered.
The distinguished Hungarian,. Louis Kossuth,
arrived at Washington about 11 o'clock this
morning, and was met at the Railway Station
by Messrs. Shiel Is and Seward, of the Senate
Committtee, and conducted to Brown's Hotel,
from which aro displayed the Hungarian, Swiss,
Italian, German, and Turkish flags, with'the
American flag floating from the parapet.
Upon his arrival, the cheers of the crowd
caild out Kossuth, upon the balcony, where he
bowed to the people, and retired.
Mr. Webster will call on him during the day,
and set apart a day for his introduction to the
President. 1
The enbscription lists are in circulation for a
grand banquet to Kossuth, at $6 ft
Nrw Toss. Dec. 30.
Capt. Waterman, of the ship Challenge, had
surrendered hinoneif to the United States au
thorities; and an .investigation of the charge
against him were to be had.
The Boundary Commissioners were at Lueson on
the 20th of October, and would move the next
day towards the Gila.
There is a great rush of the miners from the
rivers and cities to the dry diggings.
There lea strong probability of a general war
between the southern Indians and the Whites.
Several murders had been committed by the In
diana on the Coloreds.
New .IConx Deo. 30.
Mdlle. Jenny Lind received Information yes
erday of the sudden lkath of her mother. Her
°nuns have, in consequence bean abandoned,
nd she will probably leave for Europe in the
ext steamer.
Pums.usLunia, Dec :CO.
Barnum's museum, at the corner of Chesnut
and Seventh streets, took fire from the gas lights
and scenery, this morning about 0 o'clock. The
building, with the whole colliction of C 116016-
ties were entirely destroyed.
Several book mud music stores the base
"eat, were learned, but the stocks were meetly
Bat Quoit, Deo. 90
Kossuth left for Washington City at 9 o'clock
A. M. There was a great crowd et the depot
to witness his departure.
The Intelligences and Republic of this morn
ing both denounce his Baltimore speech, and
promise him utter disappointment in his expec
tations at Washington.
1400 N REPORT.
New Yoeg., Dec. U.
Fleur—The market is drooping, with •den
1.500 bble 6tate and Indian. at $1,43( .. ne,G0 "p 1
Grain—Sales 4.500 lin tailed wheat at o:ic.
Rye is dull at 77. Barley is quiet at 00a.—
Corn is inactive at 67(ii:08o per be.
Provisions—Pork is cheaper, with sales of
60 bbls MP. et 1;14,750,15,122 per bbl. Ba
con is languid, with bal. &WO pieces middles
et tiie.t9c per to.
Groceries are neglected
Stocks—The market i, steady, with sale.
Penn. fives at 93 Erie shares hare declined
I per cent Reading ,t. Canton has advanced
and Morris Canal per ceht.
New Tote, Dec. 30.
Cotton—The market is steady. with sales
3000 bales at yesterdsfe quotations.
Flour--Sales 7000 bble floor at $ 4 . 37 @4, 50
for State awl Obis.
Grain—Wheat is firm, with sales 3000 bushels
at full prices. Salsa cOO be. core at ii cant
per bu.
Provigions—Sales races pork at $14,87
per bbl.
Rice—Sales 100 mi. at $1,120113,3: per 100
Tobacco—Saks 400 htids Ky. at Na per lb.
Cofixe—ls firmer, with salmi at Si(Di9tper lb
llemp--Sales :100 bales dew rotted at $117.-
0 per ton.
Citizen's Insurance Uompazy cf Pittsburgh
I [Lei Wale In:Melee/ Lhe sli.r.clanue. of U. 11.
Ilmarr. A. W. Sir.!,
his 03, nPnnT -.Ann! Ovrpareet to Insure all rartritandlaw
in neae. ana In [marina. maa.lo. to.
An ample kaarkutt fothe ability and tate...try of an
Inektotnatata *lion:hal a the chars...tor of [Ea Invert.,
who am all citimna of rlttaborkb. an 4 favorably
known to the onconnalty for their prod..., Intallkr•noth
Drataroaa—C. 11. nom,. Kea. Bazaar, W[o. Layirner.
Walter lltTataL Huth D. Kiva, &brut Ilesalet,
J.Nno Ilarwattl. Banat:loLS. M. atakall
New Boots;
IT J. L. READS, Apollo Buildings, No.
Fourth street—
by Dick , or the Whale. by Malvin*.
Vaiolliat jo i nMoesaernt4llc Yxplanstloo of Coo,
moo Thloan for or
ztotertor of Thiors Vavalliar. by Dr. Rte . ..., for Yu:allies
or Seboola.
Spiritual Reirevarattou vttb referrstra to premmt tumer.
Omare. d,b,.1.4 th. Clerny of the Inoceee, of OW.
ctober 11. laGl. del?
th. 1,4 on.—
,ounbere Palm.» rnr th• People. Vol. 3.
Komstb end the lloognilan War - -• compift , .. hlAtn.
Vro•ht Trrlimner, or c,,nelnelno of the *Mleterl. of
the Court of Loudon."
Kmeuth • Ypeecheo In England. his adare.. to the Peo
ple of the Coiled Flatus, nod Latter to Balite
saan—ln juthiplidet Mr.
Alum and Obstacle. a Boman., by 0 P. R. Ilattes.
LlorticolturiM and Cultivator. for Deestribil.
Ladles' Natioluth3lagasine. for
The Old Onard of Napoleon. by Januar y .
.e. 44. •
Pktortal Btnther Jonathan, for Cthietense. •
Alarze inaptly of AN NUALV, from 11l to
oulloonl on's Noir )I .Ximin r e fork.oouthi emb
llna. Inr . December.
Illackwood's liaassine, tor November.
Olean. at totem by fLorsee
Model Architect, N 0...
club) Dick. m the Whale: . new work by Barman Mel
ville. W.
BletluivarT of Phaktrucan Quotations.
London Libor and London 'mu. No. It.
i i t it . l= . 7l . ll.
London Art Journal for November.
Life and Adventures of at Arkanmer Doutor. •
The Oxonians, a new moral by Dols.,
The Lily end the Bee, by Smn °el Wariest.,
Don Qniz°. and bls anoint rancho Puma-
ThsTaking of the Ba rt /kr, by Ilium..
NemorM.of ri Phreithm. bL Onnith ,
Ilan, flumbAm, a
of e AWN*. Revolution.
Levi. AZIAMA. or the Dail road of Life. •
Frank Imielelgh. or &ems to the LIN of • Privets , PutilL
Nwlda Hontimotrist.•swouir to Wacoums. •
dale Deception, or • Hist., of the Boman jinyL part
Ida d bel. or the Child of the Oaths Field. a Tariof Water.
40. delo
t labors of She Yammer In all their vallety, mul adapt
hot them lathe Seam. ol 'the yeat ss they eacreesmely
ott By turf Stephens. . author of Ch.
Book er.
of the Fervor to, assisted by Joint P. hortaa, SI.
A. Prot of Sclosultic Auricaltura-in Palo Co/tsp N
. ew
Wren: 2 vole, with autatrousßlattrthout
J. L. RltAh,
del2 puma. grott o Apollo Baltltus/4
French Broadcloth&
AURPIIY &,111JRCIIFIRLD, at the north
rs.t. corset of Fourth acid Mairtot anat.. idway•
O hood • oupply of tha Abu. artieli i 'soil us mow
fol lo oak,. thou of lbw moot approved saatilactuts.
liaises of Cloth will Sod it to their_adouhapilo et,e,t,ecip
Igrb&W gr=e.
to, wd at law r"
A flak. =kg of SWAT NU MOLINA.
baud at r2dia- Mal. Alui flow= hlookui food* •
puss Ilas. 0813
have bans received, and ara.for sale by J. L. aka/.
7 north el, aradlo Baldlnae•
Wateoo'n PracUr. of fdedlcase ; -
Ihsoallowsis do. do. . •
Il l an ' lL ' r s_ Ard ' lLl Dictionary , ' 1 ,
Iloopor'e ourgleal do.
lloopers Siblical do.
Pelne's Ina /m.lot fiedicia :
Uood's Mud, of Medians:
Mammals , . Phys io logy:
Carpenter's d
ea ars oo Mamas of Children; .
Chtslebill on Daman.and Children •
4' Mora/111 on of Yebtala
Liam, and !dotter'. laalbav:
Ullman Itoddard's Ham. Auatotor ;
, floortes Illdbiary;
Wangs' Treatibroo Obastrice;
If lat's and Peart'a Pb yeloloSal _ .
liormeratake Lamesla l'hyaleao,enocalaloff the treaL
men/ of disease., with boboiar earl... Um. of Lnalnmy ,
kby4ology llyalena, odd Ilydropathr; also,
....ALI abridged Naafis Iledins. Hy J. U. Pula, U. V—
aud sularsad. _ L.. isolla
' 7 .7.. •''.-
GliST2it - 01L— 36 bbbi. for sale bya
W. '
d 1
. ___ L 42 Qop
(111YSOTT'S Yellow Dock and
N, Is—l'gras tbr Ws bl J. Mino/
i lOURT PLASTER —t2o gross for Rao by
1:' da,l3 .1, IIDI) it CO.
A wrisrs COLORS—A full assortment, in
Tu or orle by .1: KIDD k CO.
SI 3 ANISLI SAFFRON-10 lbo. for solo by
del3J. KIDD * CO
A --
PYLES—Ii bblo. Green, noe'd, for isle by
d. 13 IL DALZY.LL At W., Llewrty t.
I)EAILL ASII-5 casks for onto by ,
dela R. DALIRLL &CO., Llb.res A.
ox. t for'!alo
STLf ARClizr
W," we... 10!,
t .
au J. b blm. for Ua e by
1 4.1511- 20 bble. New No.l Gibbed•
1 3W" No.l end Lake flowerier YabnOn.7
11. McCullough'. Dn./. -`-
' l , 7, rt 7)""'""' and rantli*lAl?A a CO., 111.011 r et
AppLEs—.2o bbl.. for sale by
MOLASSES -30 bbls. New Orop;
" Golden Syrup;
'foaming anA for .010 by
'go for 'aIe L EAD-1° "B. ogsvoavi• 03. ..dal
eteenier VERMONT. Cord. 1b.1tt, .111
E. for the aboro And all In tormodiato point.
on Tbarador,lln. Lt January. at 1e Wanda A. 11.
For botgbt *Poly on board. de:11
atuve Interrnectist. ports on Lida
Jar.. t o'eluck.
Vnr fr.lebt or Parsee. annlT no board.
acid all ly.rm.ltroo. valuta e.aturdalnrnu
, Jay. NI.
" " "'"'"
"AY.;IIZIU.Zd [Val,
1.1 EfLULAIt and
Ih u i , •= r ;t• L a l I nt i :•L ' W: L IVI7E7T Ti aT7, I • I
Murdoch. tuawler. leaves l'lttaburgb lor ellaville eve,
day. coaneptlng tlund•y.) .110 Celnek, A. 31.: awl return.
Ing, leave. Mallard le every day at w n'eoc. I'. 31. be
10r.,M ally •
rum! In ranneetion altb lb. Cleveland st.4l
Piltaburgh.Railraul Lln
Ticket Agent. 31. BARTON, Monongahela Holm,
Fralabt Ageta, C BARNES, No. G.:: Maier Sod 1;1 litat
aireet. de:10
.1.4, WHEELING PACKET. The aplandal
new packet stwanaw DIURNAL, Comae% in
ter. le now yirifortglng her regular 4i-weekly trir. , ...."" 2
this, city, and Wheallng, PittabnrEn
every day. Wodnealay an *W.I. and latnru‘n.
lea,. Whe Mon eling every Tueaday. Tburalay ma) gatunlay,
In cub week. For Hal t 1
Alt h 3a Er.l. l N o i 1114/2:ll. bc rar ' e l
The Dlurnal I. ride 3'1..1 Loa'. and la 00,01 Hie 1,0 " 5
and Itateal boats, ever runatructed for the trade. E.t.a,
arra and Hilmar. caw depend au Ina continuing in the
trade. deg.
E T ' K l ' tj F. ' II } T t TE PACKET
BIA l iCI3-I OR —The PILOT Nu 2, A.S.Craw. Lowdr.
will leave l'lttaTurah for Wheeling. Captina •n , l k
nom every Tticanty at 11 o'clock a. 'alumina Law,.
Horaingnart rd. Cantina. Wheeling and Pitteburah. el •
err Thureday o'eloek, a. a. Passenger, and stopper,
cau dependd upon
aeon. OW% boat running regularly Joring the
. . , ...
For (might or ......b, anpir on bnant: .b. 5,,,
tutthaln. TU. aniemild hoat built by
the owners of the ntearner Inane N.orton, and other.. for
the etneinnall and INttoburgl, Martel [nob.. and Ellit,
evarr Wednent., .r Cinrintotti.
tar (might or f.
naavage, apply on Leant. or h.
de. U. U. 3111.TENBERUElt. Agent
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
running peueloter packet WINCLIES.jgaI
R, leave. for the above end all intertnedl•
parte every Tuenday. Thursday aul ,turdar, et lu
~Mort)o tP l i7 h t. r l rt4r (Or.
Urea paenage no.
If the above rates are not low enough, aro otil me •
further nduetton.
-. • .. •
The WINCII It:4E11, Ca rt. D
htlAurgb Thuroklny.Lnti Esiturdar,
A. II.; Trimming. Incr.. WI, ruing uTrry W*4i
urivlar. find Mritlay. at ti A. 31.
For frright isr aort.nunndnrenn..
•pply on Munl. or to
fIROTIttt a (.11.. Act,.
Market etre.,
The Winebeetet le one of the fseteat Lena.. ever rooetrtto.
tett for the tea& l'aeetqwere ehl con .14.4,1
het. ruttylott on the trade re... Wart,. do,
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
- LIARE REDUCED!—The swift
U runninc pxcicot CLIPPER No.
In gdare of the, J•o3on No , lron.) irllTl.t for
the at.. •a.l •II Internn.:lll. Purr• MIA .arutng, •t 10
' 1 1, 1 V;t:IL
..• • .
Th. CLIPPKII N ('.pt 5.1. - ante, Ireve
lurch ..m•ry Thumb, awl Sandlay RI U
Sic rrlnrotrit. WhcAlog errry
rlP4l'..g""' eII
aryl). ••0 hArAt.l4l9rArlirrNT,l:`,':in.`
. Market okrrer
The Chin.,No 21.2,1 thr futrat cr.,
.truct..l for lb.. tra.). P.arroccr. land •Irlpper.. e.n
u.nJ .nt..r ruortio: in ate 11,21. 4,101
OP Till,
DAYS OF ~ f iLINO TO 551 1 F 14.01 1:111: W.ITI
1 , 1.1.1 ,17L.L.
ASIA, LAna, from Lic.-rpool •
ATLANTIC. T.., horn L0r,....1
CITY OF lII.AMitrIV, Loup, for tillmoor....
A !Manton, tur Ltvorpm.l. .
-------. Ilmem . roe 1.
Nl.kri ANA, 1x1t..13. tor Limm.m.l .. (Go - 17
PACIFIC. Ni.. for IGN ,
FUN , IPA. G.r rorronl
HERMANN. 11I1Gon. for oroomo
AFRICA. tar L,.rpvo Pre
II UM ---. fur lork .
C IVIC.• IA, Leltob. tor N Sorb ...Nov 111
CAC r..r York • S .”'
1...11. for lloGron
All Lottrm .01 NARIr•PM,TO Im trarol 4n Ermlarol,
land .nJ Ilmorlaml armr.l loy W. Grel slmmor.ou autltrr
of whirl hu..
Lett., w tbr lined 1.,: Euru,. tor the l'a.ltser
mod b.. orroaul tarot, one rear. • orrl. ratu, ~ eept
ttumur p 1.,. required tu le prepaul t o
Loturs to tbe Cuottotrot at the Caner,' LI,
=art be to
Gr. reu. • .1011 e ra...areot to
plecor I.ouirod ter b. preyarl IL full.
LOUR!, b the lister L 1 a . 4
e Delo e
ejtxter....pertain. trelset n t teuet e whoef toir
Bri tete . ittleel.•.ett to
NY.R.P.r. by Other Lin.. to the Couttnent. magi L.
pret...l WY( owl:gut each •
Inl vud 1.0.a.u. mu. to .1.1.1 nn L4•ttor. 'KM \...r.•
t o m r! .. , ch. Coast.t...nt of It.un'.' LI thm .n 1
Steam Communication between New York
and. Liverpool.
E „ k.irerrml oroLl. , ;or York
oNicEo., tons urn. n. .S.\ 1.1.14:1 PI
mare., will .01 from Near lurk dret Livarp....l.
the list Jar of befasober. and w,ll lease tarerbrad on the
10 day of F•brunr,
10 Cab.. Adult - :tro
trolLtrea. .. oto to
- to
€r".:*". 1 A :ITI;en •
• • •
rant I. If naoool.. TO %VW roes ,
lot C'sfin.
- .
Steerage. Adult...-
" ciao.. .
. The ',noon:mast:lnns in the nto•vo stentneMl on. not •z•
,11,1 by bill
, of tbontnainnon non 'dont. in th•llror and
...eond cabins the best tna cartel atiortle veal fornlatr
ed. The newonnntnlzt.l • also for ateerage pa/
ntly nn• I.o,provions now pronri .
ts. Molted ron,O•lont pan., and,. Mtn ,
reedwnl an y leerags par...anus. rill only hate to
furnish their. own lads and boldnar alpertot,e4
onattreon Is attached to mob atop le the lips. .
For tern. tool/ in BLAKELY,
P. rot.. :112tra and Liberty sta., l'4.l•lo2l.)Pittabtargh.
A.—flan,ttanes, •1 totial in large and entail
bald at any Bank lath Untted Kingdatn.
Pa...esaged In SOT of [lin Aaillnu P•oltnts nt
lovaat { eng taloa. 1t , ,, Nem Ift,rl, to Liserrool, Lati•
don and Blaaa , , sill from thence to how 1.10.
.2•171 f
JAMES BLAKELY. European Agent,...Q 4
V Alan Agent for thp following Part. 1-inow
Vtontwr Lane of ...wolf hips. Ifetvem York and lA,.
If wallow Tail llon, *rolling fr,rn New York, and I,l>f,
pool no the 6th nod 24t r.f ITI,I month.
Now Lino lent.* New lark 011 the filth, and Linrmfl
on the 11th of ....yr month. .
. • .
• -•
Brd DI, lenT. Non York on thy Ilth, aml.LiTr..-
prnl on the 2.oth of •ach month.
Z Linn nib twice a month from Llanryrol.aod New
The London IJ. ar Packeto wale from New York oath.
k2l.lrth. end Ililb. •110 from Load.. Ow um, lath.
an, end sm,al
Gl 7.ll=w th liacte. frt. N.• lorr
and 01.6011 r Oa the lel Ana LAO °teach moult, •
A Weekly 1.1. of Own,. trot. I.lreepool Of New 00
Doily Llne Lir etrilirrnots. from Nrn York, litelenni..
brat. Raltroatt..or bi Canal and Littebutnn
raasengars ern' rceeire every attention. and attire gre
en cheerfully at the vele. of w. Tann-0a Ina, I, no
quay. -Dubin, and lit. George BulLittitys, U load. N.
• J. T. Tapernit I Co.. Id ilouLh street. Intar.loriti or et
the onto. of the ithirrtieer, comer of Liixth tmd Lltwrit
enact.. Pittsburgh.
, •
Pomona teethe* In the United State. or eitnela. wto
wish to item! for their truckle In any lon Intnand•
It*land. kotle.l. or Wale, ran make the nnotaeary ar
rename:oe on arnellotion to the entomb*, tad have
them brannbt-out by aor of lb. abtere termite lite, et
packets. ttehleh range from I,utat 2.500
or by Ent rico Merchant aloe, On ferorable term , bY
tray of Llverenol, Loudon. or I.llaano*. Their frequeo,
of sailing yr • ode* the mantilla, of deity. Vann., au
*lento necure Iron. Livertaol to Sew Orleame, Bahl:nom
Phlladelphis, Boston. Charhntan, and natant:a:h. In..
remlttanree !mall or tart. cam., a. tecoce
McHenry's Philadelptaa a Liverpool.Lme
of Packets.
4 Sailing from Philadelphia on the,.
nth. and Itb
iworpr.l op olPf.ot moatlA
ID HALLO PLEASANT:I. H.: H. D. .1.1. yr.
811ENANDUAH. Wen. P. lilaifillef
. . . ,
P.I.IItOPY.. Nathaniel C. Harris, tauter..
Alfred Y. dmith, Master.
tiIIACKAMAION, (new,) W. W. West, Hadar.
LIMY .Lone ablp.l Sr. bath of the best and meet costly
materisla and are noted for the ntpttlity of their taseagew;
they are deed up withal' latest lutprotementte; tend
thoroughly 'nutlet...l, sod are unourratesd tbr their et
etnagowlattone Pa &mond Cabin sad .Verrage ltzetrovert;
they are oolontauded by men of aelnowledgid veleta, who
are unequalled for their onwrieure in the part. t
Par.. desirous of bring - Eng their Morel. (nun the Old
Ightntyy esn obtaltt certitudes of pass... witieh will let
1,44 for eight Montt...and our solute lu Ireland and las
en.. telt! flumleh them 11111 the proper Inforeustion
Inetruettons relattre to thou departure.
For the monyroletme ol passengers wishing to rata mo
ney, supply drafts tor LI olerliag MO upward, payable
st eight without discount, *bleb will he garbed by guy ot
the hank. or Poet Utlkes In the boiled Kingdom.' "
onipll•4 p r Ldedigitil coining froorLivor
wink ttl knowing .uppli.s
.t forn4h ,
on;, boll t;7o.oa:fiLtWlN°M!'
No. 07 Walnut gave% below banondt e tniratil . n::
Jalent roman 8410 and Wt.! It.. l'Oldbangb,
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
LIE Glaep-and New York
Stestnahlp °mops., powerful .w
• ertarardp (ILASlute, 3,9E2 tObil awl WU
berm power. N. Stewart, (late of the ltr
and ..entint , 4) commander. Is appointed 4).114{0131,Nere
York dln ct•tor tit..., on •
Saturday, the of FebrUarY
neat. Itro'eluek, soott. • -
VAS SAUL MoNCY. • '''' '
l'ltzt ta ca&t h !sulrd'. fri intiVed,)
. Novt•etatitkwasonvere taken. i.-1.
The. navy loolotie protiedone, but not wine.. V! ih/nlket
which will 1,. et:invited on I.watd.. [...lento titre.. ultt`
ties • Surgeon.
Tonfkright .r ewt sil e ttr iu W n 33 v, .3.'').etred.
Tha NEW YORK. ioO c- ton•, °' ••• • .7 C 4ll. : n W elyo 'ntk- wet . te
cannot to the 4Weekowa will lw onjhe statio•Alkty kt
of Um firm ot;Blakoly t 4 Co., will coalition to .levee
si ta drelt• on titwat liritains•d trobest tt elsoPm ,
ig ia
end-tlermso gu., with Woodwani, 1110101 r l Co..
(Queens . W Ronne.) <runner of Elbert/Ind , Otit .
streste. Pittebn •
nua•Euten. to nd fry= the old country...Vl em the
=we kaw.table Imo o, luso. from New Turk to ttentwßot
unison nun nllth•Wext' WI,
Olkire.and Green Satinetta .
n.ußplit. BOECHFIELD bare rer.r4o
d . w floor/ &Man oolorml hatlorthiMoll itilati•
rrag,irtlt l'd 404 anilq f
vortmn dnV, i. .
Alle,Twoads and, Jingle in mast varietyalikaf and
f. Id. 'Wort+. for hope wmr. Mow tlitinf . hop.:
pranshinefino, sod all wool YlnLia. of rarloonhlintn. ~
Domini aro lowitot to eall with IA when tnikitift PPM.'
...., nu, anworionont [lcing krpt very Itithbrigio ...I ,
maroon rrrelpt of Now hoods.. Li. •4 wile .
..--Pitaabortiber boo just meolvail a f th itinOrpf
w y t tb. lhrarnArnif Honing Baia, to ': airal
Bosom hnitieral Llarmonf, boa I ontaja.,l 4,
The One Um tub:att. cOtantuloll "VW_ . Mif of
lb. bent Church Mann
Moo right Binning Muntal, for Com ' hole rind
eight Magma Llama. IL
_. 101 Tblrd ot , sign of the
P. e.—A toll szpoly of th. atom pop 4% rao ..,
ensatattly be knot bof gala
q.ins well known establishment is still con
nutai in the sante hammer It hes sin been. The
mutest sett plemasht Atm.., of the how, Its ormtmott.
. • ••• . •
nrrouvelocutc, mei do forts oat I•morim to be
u• to 11••• trovele
foteml thcre combine M no : tier It agreeable mad adventa•
• •
II,I13•.; eq..of the of of .1•• ho Turl,r Co,
mo long herd.e4l•llottrw-na, aul•mcriber
pl•••,1•,o+ hi* 1..14 c•x., - 11.•n. to utblo.ln 14 ryputailort„ .01
to ,srp ,Ilsfs , tlota Lie etastornarn.
Adams & Co.'s Express Office
CF..)lol'}',l) to No. 80 FOUIVI'II Street.
a rm , iviog run I . llil.lelphs. l 0 30
Loos, qui lor...thog W l'4ll6,lrbia , n tV bours.
‘1.1:.11 BAKER a I,IISVIII. Ageu
Moore Heaney & Co
M PORTERS and Wholesale J iibliern in
114111.1 . A RE AND CC - 114:11V, 139 Mae
lisr, and d.O
.I*, 1.1..1 Coal
II NH lA , ' ES Fl,!! ALL
lerg: S. MASONSCO., have REMOVED
el tIt , •11 - .tore 3t,1 1141 . 1.,, 1,, 1,11.1..10a5. tt, new
.tlou-I.IIANITI. 111,11.131N0. 5,15 Ft"„
*her l'ltr.,lll M o r o Nk.
bL,AN II tur 111.rItiog•
It k.l It.l 1...6r. to tbe ,
11,tph n fihe I.l•^k /It A, 41 the Intent
eetnt /Gm,
~IIESE superior urtielen of Perfumery,
Chin.... nis.l tab.. •PProve•4
tkri4Y. Walnut a...11 . .arra dinr rand lirnarrnand It Into
W d tam., Patin. Fanr, and 11131.4
A,. Stint tn., err..., II ur prt, Water, I:.
r.. If fur the It...Art.llnd, if% Nat n... Brae. till. Cr,
f• Kra, *fwd., Flu durtrat liair flraturanrr.
flair 11101. Nun, •r aro mnufarturral and fur
of, I.r • Ar u lin T CLh,ili,
Natant, and Clurtnirt,
grkrf ..f lan.ur l'hiladrirada.
Merrhant• t,t Ihut t. iLa ehrapert
an I wool area, Ire ntanufactur, thr. aliar Ann a
Shriver & McLean,
Flow, Peach', and Comp,Nion Merrhants,
CONSIGNMENTS of 1 L 0 {" 1 { rind Pro
-, ~,,,„ ~....r.i, y. *lll r..ive 0r...3 P...e.i 14 4 ."
our 1.. to ~,s.. mti..,“ A.•utesipaire cnt
li.r tu—Mr.... !balloon • .1..1:410:1M141;
. rrftt...a. , J r.• 11.1. : :, + •
. AI,. 1...1.11,
' .
Fl):1.1ti ,m V
'' E if ,
i... 8 u zi —.,, y .,. T
rVAI rilV.l, 41 erect btre,
C ...out.r4-1 xt.14.)Ch1k1414.4 etIS(4
fiXt , . ...... 4...111 a .LIT
AUA , Oul/W &1
C 0.,.. Whole-
ll e4l..,nr.rvpg, N.. .2,1 Marl:iv.. api
11• A..
EA LI/. BUCK NOR & T”i•acco
11r,bata, Nu 4 I.:rwth
.p)Nn.,l6 tJ, tb t 1 Ip3ll•Attivi.. au,: I
ProferS4 Ala's., C. Barry . ' Tricoptieroas,
thr, ct)sl COLIN D,
et...... 4 4...4er•t00 .14.1 EL. I..rach.a.
to., . ...I .1..44,4 .04 curio.
gl.s. I rut, op/1an...t0 II
h.. 1., • toormtvol., that Bury, Ineoph
Ito .44.• .41.11 1,.
11..• .1.4 .11 1b...4m.!
4.11....t04 fooa Itundrralm of .10,1140
ao.. of th. I.r..par.tota.
Pao. I. 01111- 11... . I L.t " ..
• t.o •41.4. t mar., scot donna th•l I I 111
1...1 • Is., . oto .1 do- D..-1 an lot 44,101
et.o. IE. 111..1 1.11 144 ,n•par.11.4.0. for tLe L44'1.0
111. to.. nosu. .4hrost the 1.•44.1 tornont I
LI- • Iroorl t.ur T.,:q.h.rout. I 414 •
.14. oar out 11 - 4.1 .04 4111114•amn. T•ell
•or.l lo.1.•ot t•to 111 , 11 the
Ins ...a... a.. pat/I:all. 1.1..4
II •AILL tk.
1.0 ( . . - .l•l•Lustrewl. x.
4.. t. IHI 3 , 1:4.4
nlr—Aboofia. rn/ITAIY/I. Lal hur
amt. • great 0n.4 uoa•L
•1114 4.0.11,41 I L..1.1:t ; • 110.4
ous, 140 wt.] tor .slotoshoooat. •o.
I..nleta, .1.11 .11 lb. .I.a.trult 4...pr0ar... cy
.1. u Ms
he, ....L.... Lo ;••.11
Will re. port. 1 mot your obsli't
J T1111N141% Groad•ra,.
If .n 4 or gotnt1;111•41 doubt.. the mu-0.11.41 .f [b.
..11 1.444.....4 AI: harr oltra,
147 14...1 N.• V.ll, tato... 11. •111 pr..1u... the anal.
lEr lII.' 1111:1.4 and Naval Ar:ue. Nov P, 111:.0.1
Th•.. I• to. ...owl th, 4•1••••..1.4 our. 01 halal..
Ihn It, vl.wt .eNir!.
of th • o Noonloott, . S
•11.1. to•e, t0t..., to lb. h.... 1 tt •
I.•tr. 05.1 ihu• MCA le, 1, ,row IL .oar L.M. 4.-
Le m lµ
rorlt 0.41 croN. .4.1 mho. 4. ;
Jor• 111...t0... II rt....q.v... at 1-o•Ie.14. 11 at.mts
It t0....1 I.rott too , . No
4 ch. 1.4•14,01.41 10111.4 chrt4.4ll.oug
t.1•4144.. •04440,tf
WALTER & co..
Flour and General Produce
CoJI Al II 0I; E ,
I 11 11S s
Davit.. r. 1.3.1 Tran..41..1
•fly OLC, lwaml. • ...v.....
.al.. and lone. r.(Larna. usl ben
matt. 11,41,1
"f ', h il l. 1 1 :17! '
VONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
IL!i`L.r.e. :W.. sod T.ldu
oIcLL so Altdcbsodom
wc.l BLAO oo
ILr all
ida ad. Ix,* Alod IL. 11114 do. 12,5.1
J • Idiziad.
Vail& L.).
• -
Wm. H. Hada%
VI .1 At, ALLIIOSI,II. Nu N Oater pr,t, IEORIA.
I,perisl aftsot lc. lu INdacrllg,di ; strk,'
F. J. 1•11111M11.1. •
• AMUEL J. WETIIERILL t rolsolitza.
CO , Corn
ard Vars'enl.. 31.tehay., :Sup..., Love..
:.4C.5marr••141.01...1. nT 1.001,110
...-l'artle..l4r pat I .
parel.a.r of Ilia*.
ilvat mud II•con
I,ler TO JOLrA ThocaAort. lituti•tt Lntrr.
Itrui , t • 11". Ilatilt•r•
Prnduee. CUM=vnou, a.l Forwardtng Merchant., en the
Lev., St, kin.
Refer .ion. end Brno.. Sterline • Co.,
flt.huraN. molly
I , 11 .., ... , A 0 ttrn . t r,
I L .
A . Mo.
lremanuntraMms proulpfl, annevred. 0c..3:17
'OLIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coon
s, knt. nl..u, and C..tinitodr.n., for tho State o
Peonq Lona, .(lage of I'Mtnhuratt.l
r....f..rvnr,---husburen. it.l Mi. Forward, Ilesupton •
11111., Irteo.llese McClure. John E. 111...11.2 •
eLuelf. MeConl • Co
The Great British Quarterlies
1111. TTT T curcrior I.rne P 01..:
EON ARD SCOTT' & CO., No. 54 01,1d.L.
NEW VOILE. tx.o.r.wk In publish ill. follow..
1,1,0i1/11N yEIItTEILLY REVIEW (Conserntivr).
1:01N111f1.11 REVIEW (Wbldr.
Till NORTH 1111111:511 REVIEW Orrwehoirbl.
The. It...print. , have tr... hewn In Aaree.tul operation In
Ibis country fur 'annoy rats ud their rtrealatiou I. eon'
ftentlr ou notwithelandlna %h. eGuipotillon
they encounter from American periodrests GI a Ahnilar
rte rasa mailgram. a:clactire and Magazine. wade
up of reinflilllllllmul tanden reritelirals. Thi. tact 'ht...
loch ...Unction in Whirl, Lie arn bold hy.the
Intelligent rladltin public, anti leffur.lo • wuatantre that
LOA,. ere im ll , hl.l firm tam, and will let continued
without ,
. .
Although he*. • urks are .11alingul..hod by the pnlItl•
cal *bade.. atm.. indleared, yet but denten rttlon of their
poldiral Kutceta. It their ry
character 14-111r.h pine. thou their u <M.( value. and bferu in that.
they ' , Laud c0nh......d1y tar aka,. allotheriouruala of their
rl Ilutgagoen, .1111 nigh, the voleterly guidance of
Chri.topher North. maiutaltut It. ancient relebrlt)• and
1,, uno.ually attrarrtlve from rho aerial
era,ti of galore, iini.dhar, Ungar, nnialdae..grillen for
1 /.1.' 0 "u...tun , a. , brat atde-arlug ia colutunA hoth'ln
great Drank. Z11:1 In vhe llultod Male.. Poch work. a.
..'f be Valtoom" awl' - Illy New NOvel." Thoth by Ilularoth
..My getort.ular he threen (land." and ether
aorials. Of labia . aboverousrival radio. are Wood by
It o . loading nobllnhera to ad. M.D..). Lave to be Imo
prinlrd toy thool gul.h.bernln.m 11,. rag.. of ulackerood,
alter it ha, boon teaue.l by 110/VlFlCnnnt t Co.. no thstrub
ecnbera ho IL, geprlnt of that alagatiou may 10.4 Y• ralT
on baring boo ...trlloet muting of three fa:cleating tab..
For toy our, of the four 'term*. 13 00
For any 11., of Ile. I,or Ilerlevn . L UI
Fortio, three of the lour ' , delis-7 00
For all ton. of the florleue 00
For HlLelerio.Fr
............ ..... 3 00
For Mark woril 000 threi , ltorLms ..... 9 CO
For Llaeliviorml am/ 10. toir ........... 10 00
Piniatodi enette To 011 curie in udainea. Mon, cur.
rent in the SW; iehrio Ltruirt wail tic recLiteit at ri.o.
• C 1.1.11111.1.1.
A dleroont of twenty-Own prronot. from the ohoto prime
lOU he ullowod h, Cloee onlenue four •o. more coli. of
our Imo nr mare of Elie even, worke. Thtts • Your copi.
or 111. k w.. 1 .4 or emo Rorie.. will he pout to nor addno
for $9: four 4.0,...,1 tho four liwfiewA andllierkwcod for
510, no.l .1 one
The peeler. eo thew Prer.llrah. bdtr k n .
been reduce*. nu tin . ..ere/to. About rem rm CUIT. I The
following or. win
Any dAtarm• net ...evedleft Al. , mile, 9ru. p•rt,tur.
lntr , +O O and ne! exerrdlet HAM It -
titer 1500 And pot excn.dles 2.X1
rna•• ILLCR.
Any dlxt•nre and rsrnrdintr SA TI O
mile, 4 /la r"r du..
lltsr fAX) ant tad tarsi/41nd 16/at " ••
Con . lam, and not exc/Alms 2.ltat " 16 " "
At these rano nn nturctlona lo lmuld am hat...totem
to rwairtua onram hy mat, and thus edsurind the,
itpudi• rat, and Mantas drltrory.
ifellemittantra and Imuntuolratbnas should be stn./.
n/ Alta uuldlahsra.
LW/NAND nCOCT /t Cet.,
Colton . No, York, antennas, Onld at.
If. & Co. h , avo rornntly publisbod, and hare
1irat:V,1 zb " ! ,, t 1.1.5' . 1c .T2. 1 !;, " 41,,M " .eVZ
Llssru. ea/nal/do In 2 vol.. royal cram% roulalolna 10011
rngsa, Merl and, 600 on&dromaTiona. Prim. In mu&
Ito bind/tut, $ 6 ; to rat, corm. km Slot Mall. fd. _ _
t ATI IitIAP PlANOSl—Just . retfd
t, k
/ IMlna
Da., DoM a man
S u lX fa of tlactr ctory of Htowbrine d allrt. Da
man, a Int from ifocalward Crown Dreuatc and attal•
art, Nem York./ DIELLUd..
aola Wood newt. '
To Let,
WAREHOUSE, ant Water street,
Is. Fem. prefrn.l. for .rur
1 1" r g.en.-1 1er4 -
.29,11.:. ,3.Fla 1;14.
L: .150. t.
IVO.. Watvt Lbose Oran,
hoy. kno tan, ot
VOR HEN T—Tho large four otory
11' MUCK No Sixth .4.. • Ix •"
oecupird by It. Cool.. • Co.
Apply to J.l It. FLUID.
11:4 Round Chumb.
To Machinists and Foundry Men.
F ACTT Nti l:QN1 VAN Y 2l, lit pnellireif put.
F lYnehi, thou. Machinery.
Foundry ac at r Factory, eilhentro Itaitirctur., on kus CSDAI, [he I ith January,
T. ll.t eiunrar.a • ariml variet4 Onw and inn.lern,
ntiilt turd, .icur Lot y 1
aniinnir whub
Two,.lf TUN N I sf.ll ENtil N nf v.riouo
Two ..uprior in 13 Malt. !Ivhiur•, our belug of •rrr
With a maze and coruplvir rarortrurnt of other Toolr.
lat., find rat•ll, hrrhia. Patrn.. in rase %oriel, WV cot.
0.1. anti tiher tis•.hlnrry, C u. , utah Czar, foutr:ry
Th.. Nat. fide,mintorore at 10 o'elort.
and ru until the mock I. .11.00. ed 01
TTerm.of e rut., uuder or., $lOO
find u... rt VA., tour mouth... over Va., eta mouth., fur
en.lngue. npnc:lyinFt ..vnr• itnm min be fun:0.11,4. r.n
appikatinn, by TllO.llAb 11 I 1.,0N .
the ml 6n I. Thn ra, tn. ...... tb.
mann. And Ohio Ira•ing at n o. NI_ •‘•
a tal
u bout torf , ue na'n. mod roaul trip uck•
rte ran ita 11.11./murre lur .-Bu.n.
de22:lamrts 311..•
"Elk Horn" Saw Mill fur Sale.
1111 IS eatablitihruent, lately tini.lied and
in completer utom opt., wtuoted on
3 n0...041,14.1.6 mile. mo no re Pitt-A.1,00 lhoun ste the
lolycoal work., It count...Lim • rout,
Lome market tor lumber 0.1 lu boat twill., no., mad
Inr sll that I. Put sold on the preintsem.lbonlwollmt•ter par
lord. St *.l outlet to more dmmut martcm,
and down the mane,' of the hloummanels Form/M.l
ugh am...blurry mud nsture. nf the 1...1 mot mu-t coo,.
ultoe. I.lotis thlo3llll.t•nde unrmsted du 631.1,
lwel• .D J cctlmroctor, p Mormon.. of it. wort.
emtahltehment, including PM mt.. of Coal, Ilwollitir
Hun., ?Mop, Amble. Ac. will L. said mud
"r"S"" .1. 1iefra:333,..16.0,3 .3 Law.
&GA( UM.--Fourth et. near Wood.
Dwelling To Let.
EOR RENT, and possession given on 1
Ilsu In of ham., twat, a Iwo mnry FRAIil
k., .nn twit laildini. null: rid -11 , 1, ..•
v.:lth Wa211...,rfu10.d h, llr . SicLauahlizt ktuplino ~I
.2. - ..5 Law., 0..
Valuable Proixerty for Bale.
rrn AT new and elegant }Dick Dwell
1n,2 d
.uate 10 the yell., of lir.chreter..r.r e
11.4ver must). bd.r...0 the 4.181.5 neer in,
I.e. and 1 . • 1re6.1. Th. ~,, teed treld by Idt
1.-et deen•—t.,. -bane., mad I.....duent •tord, aLle, •tt.
oor, wob f..ur good Led room. The lAA s•hirh 5t
mmle ~ 1..1 GO Id:v . 01/1Q river, feet der,..
e,arJ Iredd arkl urvuni the h;qvee I•bezutdatill.
edr. Nod pladded ito st.undoo.r ol mbrubb.d>.
•111. 11 1004 .0.1 •Le.d.ntlal plow. mull couud
dioo. ~.nlen 110441nd Ehr eame. 100 feet rOldlte. In
eider mud eultlemlen For further pAstleul.r.
quire of the edlt.eented, nu the gd-cdadese
.1.171111 CI Alitait,
• -
To Let,
'c'Al - ZI.:IIOUSE t Kitun!e. , llV , lter,
-- InquLrr of
4.14 I .14 Si UALZELI..a. ..ter tt
Allegheny Foundry for Sale.
rIIHE undersigned offer for sale their ex
emu...An • int La ft
till. the rrw .t,
so,sl o . u r r k en l. tth
and I'W... ss o let ol ftu.l •tnet ,
lo I, •
yn ft ,...r. Item .
" *AO I Whit, With IW,
For Sale.
W ELL tini.E.,l two etory BRICK 7.1.1
llod +Y. aral 1,1. IU 4 moat lwalthy Ita
part it, 1,1 .11 ou
Thn rate %Ili , yo ar lea., 11, IYI day nt Jam
a..., aryl .11.1.. d• .I.lga)
N pr Philo Ilia sul next t7t4
-1..• u •
Aim, 1.••••111..., W. 1., cm l'enn•ylranisiiiti
arar th.1.1.c1.1
11 Lit.rly .1.. now, 11.1
For Sale.
ryIIIE three story IStrick hrolling House, M..
Nu lit .6. any Oar, Rua, VUW-it inyl nF aa, in one t am/ MoU
"arto te r
.l 0r...1 t ant silo,:
to7mittprit'tt "`..'"int•-.7";,!"C'.`i3;1!?...""
d.ll . Alt.rnoto at L.., 141 lwrtn et
St. Louts Hotel—Hew Orleans.
UWE & WILSON, formerly of the rt./
i• • , t Moot., 'ear to_onr. ran tit; rat-It:al:a
putilo at th• 4.0 r Louie ,11 now
th• ta“ auaittior the ll•air. ha bto.n rutnutul , -1.
at Lanai,. iultic..n. intuto..nt .411111 , 4 retnrust/ afoot
tt. 1.. 4.1 - otutnnlale r.lli toustort and r 4 oczuve
our trio,.
I ' fo LET.— AU Offtru •ro . Let, Fr!
nart 1,t1.• 6g to, t i., to
d`.7"'"" 1 "7,7. , ;17;.Z:r111=Tt'l:„'
riNo LET—From the lint of' Aprtl next, t7l,
it • lar,.L.l:. kl Luna, • ith ttr•uty aorg.
eittuatot uuak4vd. .Ir.
zit 'Z.) lIA Flay, btVll. 101
For Sale,
CAJAL. it.
in Thal tam. AloaongwArAw rpw A r
Two wwAsu Arm uoJurpwow.l In pusiii, awl wfirftw A
' Tll r yfil ' utn ' triXAJ ' l d AnTrt . ,2'
olnety arm, AlAwotly motwanwabwib Ciry. For •
hut •Ao-J - APJA.AJA AtAf rroverty. timnoATPIT to
Desirable Property tor riitie.
_4.l' . 7ry 11u .i i!dine
t ;'!
an,l rn Franklin. 1u1u...11. Junasta Arno.,
snJ on Allor ben, ...tne
A 1..-. . In bid unktinkkrd Lot. on tho rorner i of
ot, Flrth 1.-kttl. op, i.i{n
t t k 100. k“
mLn etattoke ettumb..lofoet tko t .
o.'.nnn i..o•rt. tunnink bark to Sprint, tilt,
th,ee.• ott•ry Brick
krt., e
t U e elkne n ll.tue f no
i..lllog Th h b A n.. ot. ltOa e , l a b ,.,:!. e ., r,
tt y
A kt of ,rouni.l Irma Wag 34 fro C..tiPett"..t•
~.1I I Luning feet to C.v.,. This ytoperty Is but
•le•rt IL* depot 41 the °tau awl 1...m.y1v5.0.1
"""'"",. I ). rot:. TM arg 4, CO ay./ b.iits.ut.t,
PlitTE roll knovrn EAGLE 110TEL,,....--2
1 Nom! THUMP :+rtext:T.
occupa"l C,1.1110, I,roaerly WA... , •
illnowlllott. i".
. .
lerge and c-nromo..lions llntel—eontelnint uPwwn.i*
.4 Ilk, room:. • gentlemen, perl..r I. by To
y ertor emi ordinary. 4 private park.* with -bed roma, at
dming 3by l....i—oltuatea the rut
•leinity the hone, newel,
py...ite the •ell known LL.nee of gekKl., t
to, eon be loNeet reawinehle rent trona •1.1 atter the
FlittT I.AI or '-‘1 . 1:11.. NEXT. when ice bre.ment ucen
Pent , !ewe expires.
'the Hotel erne recently ereetnl upon the Ltest m.
improa el et l le . No other recuminendation. however.
et.. , ..1.1 feenewiledl than the onparellohyl tureen., ot the
prteent nemrepent luring the term of hie leant.
For further pent...dam enquire of . thruownew
y e rarytm N... neer Third et..
tNO LET—A largo 'awl convenient:2
WAhIiIIOUVE. en Second arr.. between Wuxi
an 6calthtiekt. Lunn. of
eenY Wit. 11. JOHNSTON.
Private Residence for Sale
rrliE PROI 'ERTY is offered exceeding
' lyand on very accommodatinc terms
le most eligibly loreted in the rapidly Improving City
of 'Allegheny. The altuation is nueurnaen,l In the route
toT of litter
tro ' r W:;:: it" "rlTV. l :l7 g t llnn,!.!.l..",`,l b ,.:tinny
ment to the buelnees . ii art of Pittsburgh; combining in nu
eminent degree the vantages of both town and muntry.
The lot if lathe, embracing near an net. or gcontel. l .
one hundred and fifty feet front, running hack two hun
dred sad on, feet to an alley. The impoavententa are
tbe house brick, built In nnelern style, of the best
hery t .
materJal. *did flubbed In the best manner. having every
a well
couvenieoce that good tame and still c.ruld soaped. with
' t l e u r e aiTT L lo t o o r,l7l7,4!;. al l d e Zr b h o ef l e=O
bons+ and stablng, variety of choice fruit *tut shrub
/n short, its eltuation and ecirantages can only be
by nu examination of the premises. lient/c
-1/1(0 ebbing to bare are itlilt•d ealloo the under
signed. •bo will take pleasun. in giving every Intrma:
in It le a 1 . 140 chants tor sce•uring a delightful roil.
den:, or to purchase on apeculation.
evo2 liAllth d 1110 1 0, 114 Second et.
D . MILD Sc IRVIN have also for sale some
LIP fiery dealrehle unimproved I. sultahle.for private
residiMinv. in Allegheny City. M.. unimproved Lou,
gulf - able For buslaree bloods. Tor partieulare apply ne
above. non.
Real Estate.
FOR SALE—Two Houses and Lote in the
link Want--oue on Liberty street. wed the other ID
t e n ar.
Aleo—A pieo of grown!. laf, feet on Weimar, carret, by
Ulm foe. on Bomar" a. Ituouire at 317 Liberty M., •
atia-Metf Pournal e0p? . .1
(1110CElt lIERCIIANTS.—For +ale on *roman la.
t k i , ut s tm . ll)oll . _ rery_wahuado 1,13121. math frotalt . .31
on i. f.aoc, Allegheny Mt, and L 1.-
thf. i ' l ' it i a, hu t * L) l bT,lla' VilloTtar K elrat: = 1 1 1 11.14°..°. '
tif . .l= o 7 l faeilitie. for abip...ut by eat
For Irma enquire of 13 15. STOCKTON,
_Allefhway City
or at the llootstore of ' R.. c.arocaroti,
augl) °caer ot Market anaThlrd ..ta
VOR RENT-The n Dwelling, No. 4152
j' Third xtreal, near Mnitliflaid—as won Of ' lllO
11t,• look building mot the pimititoC mad P 3 1 3 a 1 M3 \ of
the entire how. le remptetwd. 31,e bed chamber fat the
...wood Door ban a halt man attached, with bet atat rota
cc...L., rater ohm, ac.
of AhLo — tha W.. •• •• • malenaw mot. ' l,3 t/.Law
&Deaf Fourth .travel. near Wool
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,.
.faire a fe:a o ",`r=i;fl'alal, s or.itt,l7l:=, :gt e.. 1
on llana halm.
Also. fur reel for one or mom year*, the reclaur of MA
nut lot on the 11111, emending Duck to Kolas street Lately
oneupird aa •p Woo, lot.
For term.. 30, en quire of Mr. )10363 M 031.1.1, near
the premix., or of the robarrlber. at lax ofltte o. , No. MI
Cob cancel, Pittsburgh.
Mlaf 11 MIAMI' W71,111?..ifi.
A Good Bargain is now Offered..
From Throw to Your ACIIIVA.Iu D 12,11.1.0 Drwou&h.
hray Llrrfa lal.d—on premiww I+ a peel lab yard.
with herr...arr. buildlous. Am The prle . ..) tr. , h"
deal data lota. awl sold at a panel profit Yeroona
h. purchase will apply to DAMP a IItVIN.
lrtT illlleohod ct.
rINOBACC - 13 - 50 kegs Ii twist, for rack by
1. dela J. N. DILWORTH &
rrtie KORAN, by Sale; Barton's Anat.
dnl" "''—b",,l-1,1°.1.5gk.5.%,?,
OLL-5 ...aka Winter Strained Elephant;
kw sale OF kleM O.
CUNEW sILAN TS—Rec'd and for Mae by
ww. A. 1/eOLUR.O•4 CO.,
J. 15 On:went T.. Ode.'
ER' PRUNES—Put up in Jara and fan
`'` l 'vnt."l. e ttc LIMO &
OSIN-100.bb1a.1.10. 1, lot Bale by
Ix an • & a VI% /LULEIMMIL
. almaa....aswa3
TIIE Expreus Train on the Ohio and Penn.
e/ leanly sdlmaJ , irllTO,PittAburgh al 6 SCI A. 31..
4• ping only at Rochester. !ay Brighton. Darlingt e
anJ Iron. end rvachen Palmitin, 99 mile. at 9. 0 0 , C N .
ii " o ' f . th ."0 ,1) 1 111; ' , e ' tad h"P 'r th e
Cim "'"'luntir'.,'•"'hidl'littils:
ging till woo tie tivocumal with They !mire Salon by
ro t tat I P. . ant loam. Allianee on tbd Cleveland
roal at 0 P. It, nwichiug at 1.41 p.m.
toe pemengern leave Cleveland at S A. 11 , AUF
since at 12 NI auJ reach Pittsburgh at. P. 11.
tttagro run Jelly trout Alliance to No w .
Bowler, ant 11.nellchl: and tn. Eldon tu 11,411e,
Polent ant Warycti.
Sw—The New llnghtnn areortatiottation Train leaves
Pitmtdirch at Id A t P ant New Brighton at
741 A ant 1../i1 Pan
Pasmagera for Cleveland and Cincinnati can take the 4
I'. It. Accounnaudatiou nun.ant 'mown over night et
New Brighten the/
Prom New the Penni. Train
at a quartar w night next morning
BtPUrsion Tickets, inv.! for two day, are sold between
Pithtburah. lloehaeter ant New Bnghton:.
TlieTrainado not runt. rumor.
run itt eon:ter
fn. the elation on Federal streettian with the traina Wand
Par tlekete DPW,. SI the retimal Ntroct of the
Tietrd Agent.
..4,,..Through ticked, from Pittsburgh toehlan s .l. 4._ prie.
..1,00.--tuttd Crum Pittatd - ,h Cuudnnsti, priml
are nom nt lA^ tindrod..l
Monongandla How, I'lt4burgh.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
PROM December 24th to January Pd,
• uret.," Tlekete will. he roll to liant Liberty and back
for 1,, route- Willuaahurtt and back for 25cent, Turtle
Cruet and buck tor td tante. Nacor'lloa riekrta alit to
oral on an Train le or Irmo Pittsburgh, until Janua ry ls... An extra Train ant Late Pittaborah on Chet.,
man and Nett Year, Dar. tor Turtle Creek nod back,
•1 II u'eloeit II l and returning Jason
Turtle Creek at 2 o'elo..k Al.' The regular Train will
leave Ilateburgo aa usual «v., day at 0% o'clock A, a„
nod x4l'. al. iteturnlng !earl, Turtle Creek at 9A. /11-,
and al I'. Id.
to mile at lbw Hrflre.d ilUlys In the ilcuutilirai
Lei, !Inv,. Wider .... et. until one Lour !.fore this dep.Y.
tur. cif Lrein, clue th e odic, will LiPtipiin for LLe
011 LAvrir ..... shore the
J 1111:bli1111.:N.
P il,ket Agent
P. 11•11.1.1C.o•
The Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad Co.,
IAVINGmode urruogemente with the
Leo 11A.oaD Ca • during
nao,nrlon 0fa...R.1..1,1N tin* prep.,' to orrul pas
L our
&page s r% lo elrveland lo kn.l to tanclaimll In 40
Fere to Cleveland 30,00.
Cincinnati 11.00.
For Tlekeral apply to U. U. BARTON, Agent...
.1e2," hlononirthel• lloun, Pittaburab.
IV I TERN A 4' It .1.17,(1 E if E N T.
ONLY '2l 111011113 TIIR011(311.
rrHE Etprese Truinrwill leaTe the De
mit.,rnmt stool, the Canal Balm, en`ort .
rweeeogeto era] the Cal, 12 mole. to Brintary.
where tLe, win tLe Oest. of Voeeloe t'esdines to
e/iterr . mho. over a tir,t rnte Itsrupike rued to Sloth, tronJoetor. KO 14 WI elf I. t.•do or a...h.
Brlntou'• heatere 04a000..1 cod lb...tote
the np , let.,llJ u.v -lett .
or the re 011,1.1211 11.11
Nli th Y. otooeu, tlireet to I . IIII.ALIELYIIIA cud BALT!.
t., for Italtictorr tbko the Cr. of the York and
ettutt.orinn.l I,llrod wt 113,111,11 re, artillhx at 11011.
tooro to tooolthtt, &tot to fit, the 11•11101 mon,
. .
ieti to ert.l.l !Mat trer.l. tan 10l
!!../ r rani!! nt I.l..lll , lnyel.trrg. limit I. by
thr t!.-et ran, n resin.tand errive la Unlade!.
Ome thn! nr,zir.w. ti! !lento.' C.:m*4aq' are rut
meg two tleitt trnll.•lr.o. llollidayenuntioPtzlhulelphie.
elll.l,,lthrone,h in I Intedelga. Vero litmata!,
111.• Armsomodetwn Tram will allernoonst
h•rt:l6..t I•lNerty.4ore tot, linuteu . A.
It.ourume Tr. 115. v.. It lirtniun'• •t o'cluk A 11.•
0 • 4. ~ • ••1•* J.l liliklo-t.orcts awl LA..t Lt ..r.
litpd •Irr•v•xu: l'ittaror,h A...11.•••••lat
Yuut 1,4 I. . e.ras. Vora. In Wsllthotttrab
. 5 I,MA "Cud, 1-„+k, 4,) fen.
nn0t0n.....0. • proroln tl.. tr t1 , 1,1.•1 the MA. In the
Mont.:4i,, lb 4, tottut ft, r 0,441 abut.) until
AO( au low to-taro 11,de/sr - toren, oat-h Trans...heath.
veil a t the.... LI at 11.. Don, Mf.
J 5.11:561)1EN, Tirket
N.llmad Cu.
k 1 . 7.185 vzlE
A,,! /A• Poo,dcrsin and Cleveland, Railroad.
TITS well known and old entutthshed Lino
hariz. th...PattAburgb
- les.l.oa Itanrpta iumpariy,'
Ir.)cht aailT ISumla, exr.p..ll to atd from Pitt.burgts
Y C1...1.4. arta .11 ioleoneanoe tom., at the lounN
11.{..Inroboat BEAVER reeeirrs Ind freight for
nt.•• Liu.. daily. evrry morning
1ka..111,11,111. at 3 o'cl,x.
r.uriV \ ele.clawt 3.14 o th rr
the .141. br
t`...reur !Lam., •nr) gatiront thun,
it . h., .1. CO.. Agents,
\lull:. A CA1.1.111Y.V,,Av.134
,Inl4 Car. W•tea tqrall.t.l.l at... ill.t.bstruh.
W a are now prepared to carry Freight between
duriur the want., and will give through retelpts et mod
v:at, I.t.g. lig:MY tilt•Ft , • CO.
Canal PAO.. Pith.burgh.
DUTII.II 111311 . 111thrti k CO,
117 Market street,
11.11t1.}:, II 1100%/.1 , ...ut,
Su.rth Atrmt..ll4ltiuo,.
. .
• , \
.11A‘E ,.. ls , ' , OW . F0 ,t ii m i n PLETE12 ,rr ti t t .;
dunce tn. winter. Oetsreeo ml. city. end
f I.,iiut till be given for delivering through.
mWente rate.. CLARK g TUAW,
Liberty trtreet. Bitteburgh.
':l9 Market *lnset. Philadelphia.
, North street, Balimore.
Freights to and from the Eastern Cities.
wINTE /2 .4 R NGEME S T.
Nevientu.n. will frte/ad freights to and Mug
\ es pia , . mein.; bills of lading In specified Wag
and A. 4 to,
or " "r". IIAY6 'A BLACK.
gad IS
'''" 4ll ' i l r4 arlT/tN P ea t tr ,
No. 70 North street, Italtnnare.
subreribers, agents for tlie Pennsyl
r sails Ilsilersa Co...gre now nrrprrrd to okeipt frusta
Toot dimnd the Corer to Vtilladrlvida, laths follow
ing m.o .
For all tort clue goods and wad 'Sl a t 100 V.
For flacon. Hutto, lard. 'Tallow, and all
heavy trelgtitsol.oo
TIM F,'--FIVE Dag V.
COVOUX • (VAS. &Pa..
comm Poen and Wayne Watt ,
Ptltsdorrah, Dre. leza. .
\ •
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Time Reduced 10. 24 limers!
grkN and after the let of December next,
%Jr baommiter between earrledbe the/Venn/thuds Rail
road Company, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, in
114 hour; with only 2. mioa of. hisuilug over in excellent
TIM. I. the aboloot and Not mule between M. Went
Wen and the Atlantic l'itira. and the areonimodationsane
iu all vette-eta .1 the tastiest ehArac.r.
noltbAso Agent Perm'aftallroad Company.
1851 .1851.
Dunkirk ;ad the MI. Railroad. coon...tintwith
vet riona steetoore on Late Erie, the Michigan; Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati. Clevelarul and Pittsburgh, and
dandnekk and Cinvinuati Railroads, and eteatnars nu th,e
Ohio ati Alleabuippi rivers. md the Ohio, ludlans and
Penney Ivanle Canals.
Mondays exrepteda
tat ktorulng tern Tr!la 034 o'cktek.
at Peening Mere. .. - 3.4 ..`
The to. Train Wow at Elmira. when. wan:igen nu
deep 7 hours, and take thellaiocas Train, Armin. in New
I oil twist moruimi at b o'clock. mail.: thowladedistancw
by dal-114ht-
The Montero Freight and tNettle Train leaseaDankiikal-
I A. M. M. 0.: a Pawetoter Carle attached to thia Trab to
K Way Pamentrers Ad Drove.. • '
4.-Pare trom Dunkirk to New,York, se. &mond Clam
prirwa wtli le• entail in a ma tiaya.‘
Tate .I.Nwupitny arc prepared to tn/neport lit. stock sod
Inilshts of ill lin& to sad from Nese York.
Partleular attention will be paid tit Emelt. Th. glue*
Ling a hilt whle i nis t a
i tlrtrout.. great r i dzo „ ..l f =o k ver
\7l4)% l• ATlrttc " ,nt a TT.Tos . :111 . te=rrlt ". P;tritulasion ins
a r t t ort tow,
\Freight Tariffs will I. diatebuted, glelng foil iwallem
to i n regard m the pewee of Forbig v i leza as thry can
. Nr/VrINOILASI. Anson. Dil ' ;1111... ' '7;t3.
\ _ ...
- ---- --
eat Newton Plank Road Rtakte
STkA5llt.4 ( laiiiT s llze ) a d ay , mi ru ing
ustaiir,:iii= in. wi,,;,r nost. Lt... ti, to,
• -ig at SM o'clock.
' 7:4 "Lb enrn i g t;t o leves . testily (ewern_ Itn o d re ays) alb o'cok.
Pars to Pall etpha. 111. re. nal t_
. am. . \
For tirtatecall at ttia Plana !toad tilam alonangshe
mniVater stnnt.
ileate , Butt • s Patent Of ofiTac7l/5. Mr.
. the petition of Jiru Wing, of Belfast,
0 ;.1
t „.4` . "' WI! ItlN:f4;o4 h .° .1,VI:70, gehtt:
~ wn ao.wins‘L o vee. Wits 11.
eonductiaw water hewn build.
' , X' Vg7.,77.7.1Y' .T,r...";:=l; f or=
ai. °epal *boob, . 'Utica Da braid at the Pat
.,“ IlDee, Wel *tonna,. e lot ..f Want:1,1452, at.l2 te.
saj ‘7\
elork.s/i1.4 andlll persona a root to appear moi ahe.
eane,it any t iey have. art, a id petition °ash*. nod to he
Perrone , Opt. on the exteto ars rehired to fde In
the l'atont office Lair all , WlleeiMll wet hwth in
at least tWent7 1.7. lie tlik tip, day of hearlant
All teetimeny tiled ' - Dy elOl, paity {a he what at Ilia .41
lb .
no led be‘n nod Dannantlad fa accrallate,atitt
lb. mole, o ftlle othetl\ l ohich will bk th \ mashed on Itppllnsw
Oracle& also,. that tie notls, be en In lila 11.
I.loll.llntelli.en,ar. Dnyblic, and U a, WaAnolitna.D.
a, Rabe... Dilly Denkocrat Itoch et, N. V • rrovi
..l!°F..Ji.P.,,P.ri'Da"A . I. " - ' - '.,ma levlairer .
tor. : . 4 bC4D—.
EARL ASII--50' bb
AYER'S (181IRRY • : I I : -
ros. TILE CORE cr{
TIB, witiciorgio.cotrou, WE,
rriIIS'ItEXLED,Y is offered to ttioctimma,
I nits with the eoulkdetane we Del in to WSW Whit*
gki..... bib to ..../ thp . herlitest effeeti that iala. be de.
viral. So arid. I. the sod. \ st its tiewfaltisM, and OR nutime '
roue the 44.611 of Its ettrea4hat almost era*? PosOmk ca
the country aboun.le in pewees, pnbilely kmainX , libb
hare been teetered Rom adarom ears and M IIkWU deap• ,
i•wwes of the lanes. hr De am \lt boo once trial. Ito
neriorltr over every othee ' ma d• a te a lied.. a
Permit to escape obserrathnu 4134 who, its •irlar
known. the publie no longer Anita what Wide'
1 7,
Noy for the Mitraseing mkt dam:mons offs Me
pulmonary organs, which are ineideuk to oar e
' And not only in the formilabla atiackkupon th e
but for the milder varieties of Colds, Coashs, Wart
te.. era for Children it le the pleasantest QM selhol i
eine UAL can be obtained. No Willy should be w'
it. and those who have mod It war wilL
Read the opinion of the Following gent/amen.'
be recogvired In the review sections of ounnat
Our are leretad—ench sad all me mere:wt. or
etaas and of the highest cEvacter—as the Wig,
extensive wholembs dealers in medicine. With WI
Imes nolimind ow tba sokmet of attach they 01
the. 10 any rei ue in the judgment of UAW.
De the orders tined, shooed. druggiSta D,W ,
long ecquatoted with Asses Chem' Pectwi s
t .
tier our
Putmie an
belf that It Is the best d nuot effeet
04, tor
enary Consumption goer offered td
en call Pe..ute. Awl we would - , from our Immix'
and extensive whainemeordielir e
It to the ailltend ae•orthr theirDest ronibdcaew,
the nom courielloa that it will do for their relief
mdeloe can du. ,
Renshaw, Isimanla & Co., IMatoo, Mara '
Rec. a Cattle., Baltiomme,klarylaud.
Lead a lograhato, lisagor, Main... Reviler,. to
lianall 0 Co, Charhw. S.C.
. ...i r ari i ekr ic tira t ant.e r ronit, Michigan.
Irani. a Ulla. lit'irolt.tfLooUri
Joseph Tucker, Mobilo, Alabama .
T. A. Peel. Purlington, Vereueut.
issuedeal. Ruder * Co.. Auguste. ideorgii.
D. hones. 'Strohm. hew Jerser.
.1 11. Towumind. Pittztatah. 7..
Clark a to., Chicago, Illiools.
E R. On,, Burling., lowa
M. A. Rental it Son, Nomblie. To.
Ldward Vringhttret, Wilmington, Del.
John thltert a Ca. Ptilladslidtle,4%.
Z. D. a W. 11. Elliman. Wublugton, I), C.
J. Wright * Co, New Orteana, Lo.
Wan... Welt a Co.. Dort Warn, i.n....
.R & ic hWmomod T * st C la o b S s n En riddwas. Calk
D. It. Strong, Knoxville, Twomey.
Chilton 8 Doer, Little Rock, Ark.
Stiller, :lade a Co.. loatturton, Slim
N. D. Lsbadia 0•111124111. Terse- 1
Chute , Dyer, Jr., Proridettne.lL I.
J. al. Turner, Savannah, Ca
Wade. Eckstein a Co.. Cmclonatl,O,
J. O. Corns 2 Co . Vetoer/lbw Chili.
D. 11. Dimond at Co.. I era eras. Myst= -
VW. Nita. A Co., Bogota, New armada.
S. Provost 0 Co, Lima. Perm
Morgan I C. 0.: 11111 las, Nora Scold.
T welter JI So, 01. Johns, New UraturtrOk.
C. G. Eslinas 1 Ok. Rio Janeiro, Brasil.
With euch WWIIIILLIAT, and few slob 1.12. tin streffffer
rand can be adduced. ateept that Wind to gaol:WM apan
brimmed end Phi by JAMES a AIMS, Prilatimllltuti
wt Lowell, 31sea. \ "
Lid in Pnlebursb. vbaraP• l 4 anti nlbla, b 7 8- eIL PALE .
' l-Illk by IL M. none. - --
Lunge when they are supy.ed to be afboted by
the too !rev use of Mercury, tron,Quinine„ Se.
. Ktog•. Mil
Cancers. Tumor.,
Kriintions of Its 7311t0
Erni... Chronic Sore dry... •
Mogi... or Tett.ll, Bald need,
Rhea...dem, Pains to the Ilona or ,; • :
Joint., Oil Sore. and Ulcers, Snelling of
the Ulan., Bfphill,, byrpozia;Salt Itberun,
Visesee of the Kidney., Loa. of Aopekiti..
Me... arising from the 121.11 of Ater+
Palo to the (kW end
bhouldere„ Ilene./ Debility. •
/dm... Lumbago, Jour.
di. and CaUya•
Tax agsr rnitaTternezirkicrimr..,:--,- "' , 7i . " . -.. 11
In• Shaker prepared ••Yellow Dock.. and V
ilondura• Sarsaparilla." are the Invaluable
agents from which Dr. Dotson's haprolred I"
Yellow Dock and Yareatwillle. I. 70=104 and la
1001 a Dr. ouy pat Ilse given In tha Armes of • •
I. the., perneolon. file poparatlon cOntalusc
etorettec properties of the roots. combined and u.,
tel in their utmost tammith and elnuty. • '
Fs penile-tits were made in the manufectore of It. '
nolo, until it new foam] that it coati not he fortbes
proted. Accoybonly. as OW It lnottad tO, 1412:104 lilt', :-,`"'
dereally. on twee+ of Hepatic, Scorbutita and Dinneen*
mthriu.Ltt•—lor general pnostratlon of all the ntel pow. -
en, annall Ina* tormenting inlay. of theakineolaylng
to patience awl en icuariour to health.
&rt.: ii.:t 1 ,1".6,4.`':j.1: :%7:tgli 'cr.' it:
LI ableml..l,laoserole &sesta, are nwedlit and per- '
one rods curial Le the ttec of thin medicine. '
''\\ Sauk. Snob, (*toter eth.lB3l. 3
Hs hn D. Park—Den Pit: It le with unutterable
feelings irretitudazhat lam able, through the 1.1103*
Pros id of Dol. and by the wondereworklag agency of
th e t eseeltect mobs**, tioyeatt's Yellow bock and gar
eaparilla. to e4ro you • loot symptom. of my altoonS lunte• •
lee. ease. ho 3 aes inter bf 1850 lons attaaked with .w
-ere poi* talk was Aradually astetodlng thionigh the
whole right lode .1 leg; at 3he 11111.010 WEIL Ulaillru•to
tat proetratlau of T physical system; ./no. say leg hail
&rook to oho= tie thirds of In common nen IprOcill ,
al the att.-alai:ice of skilful D Inner. who groan.
Ind my Cie.. one of te u :forst Li onol firer conspleint.
lie nul my rase was on n3d east) .handled • hot preacrito
Oa fur Mc. I renaahael der h treatment uota I*as
mutinied he mild 000 helPPle- I _ DiDY.I.d m 0000 '''' ' fl.
anent al Lbw flue. W.A. Deers, t o bottle. of Inman*
31 ..
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. fr which 1 twelve:l I': -
von emonot of benef.t. elft33 her nu taken ftior.histilie ..-
more I was able to pursue lath si wlthOottenfilaton- '" .
\ \
L i o,
venleocc. and 6110 been AD. th t •wellmati o arblie
but a enortperlad before 1 had 33 confined In tiff bed
three fourths of the titan and 1 t ascribe the war; ,
tom of tot health to oat other ceuistbats by lb. A ( stiole
truly of that vitinable Medici., teroott'• Yellser Doc
...t Sarszwil la. II SS L PAUKIDIV. \
lir. J. D. Park—Deer Sir: I nod 'on e foregonig ewer= -.
tinste, and so ter as lam =qualmwi that:mu:lt la
all true. I procured it. thinkinif It migh i a beset to.
ton asul to the unlined. You hare he gating* of nein*
it me you ()nolo beet. Yours, W...l /ZEAL ",‘
''' F : ; ' ; . ; ; , '
• fallowing letter la Dion • highlyportable • i
ho anion, an extrusive prank.
N avant; Stark coon 7.11, Ilan), 3 'l.M.'
Drkdohn D. Park— Dpi IllY , ,D'r. 0 33 7.330:erdnaiI3ui
Sanaparilla has been prtecribed by me nettle loot Orr
yews,''.h good, effect, in Dotterel Detillill Lim, -
plaint. oun ad ce, Dyspepsia. a ton% and fiat
Pb.., In all Yemen Colophon It atrtakilY Win*"
quailed. to the 000 of [h4 inollol.4loopottioliooMmit
IT walls stivairtb lout vizor. a fectlerortbt of Mot OW ,
salcration• rki• pleasant to the Duty ...a atoril, and tun \
be mod by Pcreone with the mon delicate 040010100. with • \
mloty, limier gall GretiltittalMee. 0., cx.khui 60 , .01-
D.'lertee. and to fb• anlietedldattlae Its use •
\ . . DIL J. .9. LIX/11.11.:
Bola by J. IL PAR Cladatiail. Ablo. soutballia comb
of fourth aod Watou4styotta. *atm= my Wattrat Stboot.
to about all order. ranut b. ooldreuked. . . . •
J. KIM a Co.. IL a.. aroma & Co., J . A. Janis. L.
Wlkyty.,t, Plttsboibit: A. Beekbia, Altoghboy C 114:
L. T. Kuwait. %tabu L. IL Bow* Coloaltirtm, U.
mar, tit.i.oobotz B. SottibLitoautomit.liktolti 011atoto,
!baud, }teal a Soo. ababibtedotb 31.0rfellonbbtystatbs.
1111.1eb, and a W., Indiana; . 4. K. WflahL 5 4 4 athb 1 1
Hymns a Co. Brookville...lL. Wk,. a Boa. Waywabonc:
ILeYoroltbl A Lb.-14. Colloodar, Ilaultillo; Bo:1.4 co
yotr, Graham a Tobitar, Moron: /a.. /Calk ai1...4 1 .1a.
lan 8. Mid.. lloayort .1. o.Batastottkos, Warfare Ifl. 11.9,
S. Jaws, Coaderspott; P. Crookar,ll.4frottaann '• :
Leff - Price-Al per Bottle; Sixßottla far 44;
daPdo•MT • \ ..- ;
Kimball's Chemical Washic4 7 / a bl.
I snide is much cheaper anti easier to
r. ` j... l" ;ary. ' IsTsfurs Ititreka t i 'l .h!
Vale. of . mayentlne, AMMOWS, Acid, or thy sicitithep
, e itt la eny manner Minn the Sawa fabric. IWipes ore
fair•DUJ fad. if vaulted Irk this Seal.
the ati Wash Maid. torchat. are wontautmore . by '
aoe of It, teen they are by that... Stand tear isthen...".
SM. !had entirely doe. 111..1 with that flannel's Mak.
all dirtetanio oweotoranY inch imttls. &ad ....pd.
nal price Of MIN math seamen for two maims valjk
t,frefermere.—"the fall/writ. Ladlao hare alma tad eettf.
Saba, opeekins la higher mean of my Cheadtial_Weal . ,
les Plead tint area I awalwaPeet. ina It far all
wtore an article Tor elmmloa ia required. be k
arms It to be cheaper and ranee to me than nay' saws
artiele: Mirabelli liebneaket. b 5 Tannel . ath Mrs
Martha &nth Same, of bottrth wJ Smithfield Mom Lea.o -
Mary 11. Wllma, Ith Liberty bleny Jones. SC %
Moir ate Din. Marrili CS tireaelcril Pau
burgh. Mn .linter Iloward. new Mope Moth" Slaw \
Mr, Ilannah Parker,Mautti Common end federal et, k
otb.r Mtn Slaratta Unsaid. lawrenanllle
/donated ured sr u. w. a.LL, an 4 "id ~
S. N. WICASII/5/011.,
den Waal street. enther of Math.
;Ey/Kuai Life
N D, Compaly;
COMPANY .offers to the insured till
theseentity awl *draw.. of the Mutual wod/Mt
took Plans (as herthdo. applied/ ...MO., namely,
rates of pre dues; . annual latent In eV of tie per •
eon.. reedosal for the contutgent risks/I tholes,: an•
Wes nate. raetelrepeorWoe far the retuenee‘e
rat y et members for the where tentrof Ide.olth an Ppd.
Me ...zed In /lb. aroansulatlog hod setuild to huh
Inendel, payable at death, by credits op. their
e doarantr Fond des/m.l for the pennardot eeen , llM
short tom members, and alto lor the pod • --- • • --
those tot the ohnldLtr/b^t tlfa
9 the onlr Shansi Life In.
whose of pletetont ate fixed ad a DJ
no. with dprosidaufor an annually tot
LIU. of medal (foe future 5eet.17,10..
Uto atoo.l of busload and the lothos.l
11.0010 the amber.
ra /0, tracts, Ad,/ grist. In detail
tes o Crh Clnsor,fortesthftljyratle, sr
for Maar.. meets br `,‘ J. MILD'
h 9 Woo ' .
.balttit •-• blunther.
.r •
.;;;;[ . b
!Judge, for
hf. Nu
, a
''lrq •