The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 30, 1851, Image 3

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. .,.
LOCAL, Hawn. - There woo DO ' Irl.l Dell yes
day to be gaited up, at the polite ofSees, of the
slightest i 1
mportance. -
.. - . • . ,
Ittanizi Moral Ikirtrixo.— r
be ezdascribels
to the 'Few Marketflooee niet blet evening, and
adjourned to meet. again at the ROOMS of the
Board Of trede, ihis evening it 7 . ..0'c10ck. .
corat OF Qtrarrsa sEssz9Ns.
w Before; the; iron. Wm. B. MaClrcre President
Judge, and T. 1.. - I.lclLillFier4 IVes. :Beim Ag•
soeiate Judges. -
The ease of the '.CcriuneneiValth wa James
Kirby, ,iudiated for secreting goods, with the In
tent, to „defrattd. a creditor, Mrs: Isabella, H.
sinssii,vas taten up.
John Hartwell testified, that he was segnaint
ed with Mr...Klrby, that Kirby bad bought some
goods in the spring, to the amount of about
$1,300; that Mrs. Smith purchased him a great
quantity of goods;: in September last los went to
Philadelphia, anti per chimed $3,100 worth:- the
amount of goods bonght by Kirby dating the
- year 'mahout $,4,474k-Klrby obtained the hors
evand maisojibelonging to Mrs. Smith, and went
peddling the goOds: Witmess was absent about
twelve•&lye in October, and when he returned,
toad Hie goods had dwindled down; asked him
1: l ow business was! he replied, 'she was not do
, ing any thing; business was dull,” examined the
goods carefally, and marked some of them; re
turned shortly afterwards and found some of
them gone; naked him to pay Mrs. Smith what
he owed her; paid he eras not able, that' there
was not.s7oo worth of stook tin the store; he
paltillrs Smith in. July laic $lOO, on account;
he Plumbed in September last to pay $5OO of
the debt oiedillos. Smith, to her. , creditors in
Fldladelphis, which be did not do; -urged him
topay Mrs. Smith; (who is My sister-in-law.) in
November. and he said it was time enough to
settle it when it became doe; when the bill be
reamisdno, Mrs. Smith and witness went to him
.. to hare i settletnefit;,,he 1 . 68 out of humor; she
said site would take goo'ds for the amount, he
Bald there was not mbeugh there to pay, the bill;
asked him to pay allitrwhe said he could do Mi.
thing to tho matter; that he would assign the
goods over to his brother. lie sold the balance
of his Mr. Croydon.
On crOsse la
xamination—r. Kirby got his first
itock,of gooda in May; Mrs. Smith purchased
. the goodc.. for Kirby_ is: ; Philadelphia; to the
maned of $075; the hill is made oat in the name
011111. Smiths' the goods were placed in 6 store
in the FiftliWard. Mr. Kirby and Witness man
the atom the amount 'of geode with which
the store was opened was' $1,060;.5300 of the
stock belonged to .Iruby. Between May and Oc
tober the AM.:IMA of goods that went Into the
store wee about $1,000; it was in October wit
ness returned and found the goods
The ease went to the jury in the afternoon,
but no verdict was reittrued. •
In ti Bet et Cotxpen, 31r. Aunur, in the
The principal ,
part of the procedings will be
found amcmgat there of the Common Council re
ported below. , -
On motion of D. D, Bruce, Esq.,, it was unan
imously resolved, that, the thanks of the mem
ben' of the delect Council he, end they are here
by sincerely tendered 'to our.worthy President,
James B. Murray,-.Eci., for the efficient; kind
and gentlemanly manner in which he has dia•
charged the duties of his office doting the past
Resolved, That the Clerk enrol these resole.
tinut with the procecdings of Connoibr.
Mr. Itnrray returned his sincere thanks for
the kinithuss conferred upon him.
In the Common Cinhail„Robt ISPEnight, Esq.'
took the chair. ,
The resignation ' Malvin' Savory, as one of
the Trustees of the Pittsburgh, Gas Works was
accepted. -
lar..llobt. flattop was unaninionsly„elooted to
amply. the vacantly.'
A neither of bills against the City ',were read
and most ofthenireferred to the Committee on
Claims 'and Accounts. The remainder were
The unerpended intone. of the funds,imieed
tar the sufferers by the great fire of April, 1845,
amounting to '-‘529i 41,-- ern transferred to the
Councils by That Eakewoll, Esq.
:On motion it was'
• Resolved That the amount shams ttamed, be
transferred to the funds of the proposed house of
-The police committee reported against paying ,
tie administrators of James D. Alexander, for
meals furnished to prisoners, confined tempo
rarily In the watch house, in their opinion the
. county being liable. • ~
Mellon offered an , ordinance prohibiting
the Purchase or sale of flour, - grain er prodnce
'on the Monongahela wnarf, or any flat or steam—
teat, under a:penalty of twenty dollars for each
offence, the merchants complaining that 'such
coma of Oondect injured their ;business, as well
'as the, bes h tess of the . city, Referred to the
committee on ordinaneen . .
..On motion it ; was "" ' •
:Resolved, - That. Robert`-McKnight, Eeq., - be
appointed to vote the stock of the Ohio & Penn
. sylverdtirallroad; with instrootions to vote for
• three cidzens of Pittiburgh, , as Directors.
Chs motion It was . • "
Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars be
appropriated for the grading of Denny Alley in
the Sixth Ward. Read twice. .
resolution passed in the Select Council,
providing that no market wagon or other vehicle
shall remain in Market street 'eager than is ob
. adutely neeeinty, end that the omnibusses
henafterbe drawn close order, , above; the
hay scales, under a penalty of five dollars, was
concurred in
; Anordinance pawed in the Select Council,
lowing the Bedver paakets a wharf boat, was
.-The Common Committal:marred in an ordi
nance, prohibiting the planing of any thing, that
will not float, on the Monongahela wharf..
After noting One number of bills, and trans
tinting some business of general importance
:the Councils.adjoumel.
„We are glad to learn, by an advertisement in
oar cidumne, that H. }lobbed; Esq.,, the dia.
tingulahed pianist; -Sod teacher in Multi,
about to,rentrii te this 'city, and.make it the
plass tit. hls permanent .residence. Be aid
doubtsus flouts a bozge ;laps immediately.
WirtaiNowiewricnts.,Atiaattuday, the Whigs
of the Fifth Ward nominated R. Hazlet for Se
lect, and Joeeph Kay, Sohn G. Martin, It. W.
M'Clellan and W: B. Hunter for Common Cann
eic—wEd the foll Owing ward ticket:
t3thool Direwtortr—B: C.:BeeTee, D. Corman,
7aremtati Frew:
: D. Laughlin.
Assesfor,4ohn Y. C.
Ovastable7,-ChAtincy Bostwick.'
Coif. .Moat Suar.,—.A coal boot belonging. to
Mr. Itliebael: Dlll7O Of l‘leKeesport, was conk
joatertlay afternoon, (there dam. by a'eake
of floating toe; whirl came in contact with It.
. . • _- Huruisse.—..The -.masons hare
* ceased their labors on the Episoopalean Ohurch
' asad Catbolle Cathedral, near the Coon House,
we presume, tbe aßprosekof spring.:
Binows--Quite number et Weans, dropped
intathe canal daring the summer; here been re.
ettetrial since the water was let off. - .
O.III7LISCi fiElleit.—Tboram Higgins, a.
man; convicted of keeping a gambling house,
,Van On Saturday.' eintented' - to pep s fine.of
-llLqAollarsoind the:costs, and to stand nom
added' until tha 'entente should be complied
fleiectsv;—TELO Middep was on Betur l iej
tnitted . to prison by Mayer Guthrie, charged on,
6 - 141 ' °ri n Walan with larceny. , , .
• . ASIATAT AND BATMAN—Wm. &vine was sour
• 'pitted to prison on Saturday, charged with as
CILMOir or Arroarrinn Itoenzzr--Waabing,
'iota:nes Was on Sstunisy committed to prison,
obliged, -- on oath =of Samuel JOhtlsoo, with an
'lUstdt sad battery .with Wait to rob.- .
. • AtilaLT • ' DA.STEAT-JOhn Lai 115 on
Batozda7 ...loirattittel to priian„ charged, on glib
Jaer Richardson, with assault and bitter":
•.- Ssanscsp—Ekizaiath Jackson, connoted of
larceny,. committed in 'stealing some articles be
hanging tct Aleiander Crookehanks, was on Sat
nxday eeptenevi by'Stulge McClure to an imprir
noment of one year and three months in the
Western Penitentiary.
13tranuatts LIDCENT:—Thooate Bogue, quite
rang cum, was on Saturday eenteneod by his
honer, Judge McClure; to en imprisounieut of
tem yeas and C iX
In the Western Peni
avidity, On two charges of burglary, and two
of grand larceny.
Dtscumume..—John Grirrini the omnibus dri
ller Comooltted by Mayor Guthrie on a charge of
murder, was on Saturday. discharged on bail by
indge McClave. Collind.Leopold,aahl sop ja.
/1150 r higSUreltel..: District Attorney
ilotootglit admitted ttiat the caws was One b,
lrble6 boil sttoula be taken. The •• decision of
t he mayor; erhogefnsed to secepttsil, ie Ain
,:~ ,-,: .
Bassrs--A message vras received from the
House, announcing the paasage of the bill mak
ing apropriations to meet the erpenses inane
red in extinguishing the late fire in the Capitol;
also a Joint resolution directing inquiry into the
came of the fire.
Mr. Shields moved the chair to fill the vacan
cy in the committee appointed to receive Kos-,
oath, occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Foote,
which was agreed to.
The chair presented a communication from
the Navy Department, enclosing the annual es
timates. Also s communication from the same
In reply to thy reaointion calling for the pro
'ecedings or the Court Martial in the ease of
Air. Jones Offered a resolution calling upon
the War Department, for information and esti
mates concerning %military road in lowa, which
was adopted.
' The resolution from the Souse directing inqui
ry into the cause of the late fire in the capitol
was taken up, and referred to the Committee on
Public Buildings.
-A bill from the Come, making appropriations
to meat the expenses of the late fire was taken
Mr. Cass moved an amendment making an ap
propriation of dollars for the purchase of
books. The subject was then referred to the
Committee on Finance.
Mr. Atchison moved, and it was ordered, that
when the the Senate adjourned, it be to Friday
The joint resolution authorising a contract
with Donaldson & Armstrong for printing the
census returns came up in order.
Mr. Smith opposed it, and said that it would
involve the -appropriation appropriation of several hundred
thousand dollars. Ile would move a postpone•
ment of the subject until Monday next.
• After some farther debate, the resolution was
postponed until Tuesday next.
Mr. Shield., from-the Committeeappointed to
introduce Kossuth to the Senate made a report,
recommending the - same proceedings that were
observed la the case of Lafayette.
The report was adopted, and the Senate then
Nur Tone, Dec. 29
The steamer Prometheus arrived at her wharf
at 2 o'clock this afternoon, bringing 295 pas
sepgers, and $5153,030 in gold dust.
The Prometheus bring. California dates to'
the let of December.
Breadstuffs--The market is only moderately
- Provialons—Are without any material change.
Hams are rather lower.
Domestics and other dry goods are selling at
low prices, and supplies are not largo.
Building Matenal—Lumber
Bricks hare advanced in consequence of the
small arrivals.
The mining and agricultural accounts are
highly favorable.
• The ythited States sloop of war Vandalic ar-'
rived itt lionolidu on the 25th of October.
The papers from the southern mining regions
contain favorable accounts of the mining oper.
aliens, and refer to immense yields of gold in
pluses lately opened up in Bear Volley, Mari
posa county, which are cresting great exitement
in the gold region; and is expected to prove a
key to still greater discoveries.
Real estate in Sonora has advaned 100 per
cent within a few months, and rents there are
higher than in San Francisco.
Letters front Los Angeles to Nov. 23, state
that Indians from the Colorado, Antonio, Ac.,
were about to make a simultaneous attack upon
San Diego, Lou Angelos, and Santa Barbara ;
and great apprehensions are felt by the citizens
—guards being stationed, and active prepara
tions made to give them a warm reception.
. The California papers are congratulating their
readers upon the establishment of a weekly com
munication with the Atlantis Slates, and are agi
tating the question of weekly mails.
Oregon dates to the 27th of Nov. have been
received. Large quantities of coal had been
discovered etTurt Oxford.
The Indiana continue!: to give much trouble.
-• The regular mails from San Francisco for the
Atlantic States, would lure on the 4th of De
deinber. The Republic, with the way mall
and 250 passempire left for Panama on the let
Thu .11..9. revenue cutter Lawrence, on bar
passage trout Monterey to San Francisco, was
driven ashore in a gale near Point Labos: tier
bull Will be a total wreck.
Another slight shake of :an earthquake had
been felt in San Francisco. •
DALTntoni, Dec. 29-
Kossuth arrived here on Saturday evening,
and was warmly received by the people, sad
nude an eloquent !patch. He will leave for
'Washington in the early train.
.P.enckpramatA, Dec. 29.
Workmen are yet employed In removing the
rubbish at the scene of the late fire on the-cor
ner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. Parts of
of three bodies were taken out this afternoon,
shockingly burned and mutilated; one of which
was recognised as the remains of W. W. Bally,
Esq., and another that of police officer Baker.
It is feared that still other lives were lost. Five
Indies have, thus far, been recovered.
Maj. Wm. Oliver, post Master of tie city, died
yesterday afternoon, after a abort illness.
Navigation has opened, and hosts have com
menced rtitmiug. The cars from Frankfort this
evening report that. the Kentucky river was ri
sing to-day at Frankfort. The weather is warm
NE II; YORK, Dec. 29.
Cotton—Sales $BOO bales at a decline of
since the receipt of the Canada's news. The
quotations are—middling Upland! 8 @Sic ; Or
leans &la ?lb.
Floor—Sales 9000 bbls at $4,4804,60 for
common State, and Ohio.
Grain--Sales 8000 be. Ohio new wheat at 97c,
and sock be. 'mixed western corn at 90®67c Ea
• Providana.--Bales 200 bbls mess pock at $15,-
12i,V bbl. Sales 100 bbl, lard at Do lb.
kticegalea 550 tea at $3®3,60
Molasses-rl3ales 300 bbla Orleans at 2740
gallon. :
Ciseuptan, Dec. 29.
The river has titan 4 feet. The ice is broken
up and ruining out.
The steamer Skipper, and a new boat building
by Capt. Moffatt, have been wrecked. The
boats at the wharf escaped without _injury.—
Boats willleave this city on Wednesday.
The weather continues warm.
Business its generally dull, and the market an•.
ahlaged. .
Hogs are inactive, owing to the warm weather.
Sales 1900 head at $4 82®4 90 7 6 100 lbs.
Provisions—Bales 500 kegs prime lard at 7}.
Bales 87 .h.hde baton sides, ribbed, at To, and
5 do clear do at 7} %1 lb.
Whiskey—Sales gl4.
p~lf any, man doubts that IL G. Farrell'a
Arabian Lniment la the greeted benefactor of the site.
let hind keg around and be will and abundant erldenee
to ender hL akepticiam to the wind+j be will dot that
lug an mternarapplkation to the diseases of both mart and
beast, no medicine erre dlscorired km et/acted as moor
and as remarkable cure. , [liew advertisement-1
Petroleum I
tar A miler a 11541161111.1 CAIN 01 TOTAL
Indkonas Cream or PrdmanalL—W. Insito the ithention
of the alined sad the public goicendly. to the certificate
of Wm. 11.11. of this cite. no mow moo be seen by any
pentin who my he skeptical to nebnion m the fact.
oat torth. 8. L. KIER.
"I had Limn attend .came years vilb a waren of both
of.. which *otioned to lacrosse until dentmlther.
the inlimaination at that time tallow involved the whole
lining tothohnom of both Oyez, and ended to the deposit.
of o thick Alm. which wholly deatdaded my sight. I hod
r”rwrnilon toddonned.otel the thkkaningreoloOoloshich
moon to and loft to, too, Ind • condliion bade.
At this doge of the coninlatot I mode On
tool of the most =theta toadied mew who informed me
the , od7 olos would nsisr get welt.' AMU thno I could
not distinguish any object. .87 the advice of mom* friends
' I commonsal the w. of the PCtroicarm both InMind/ 17
and locally, undid which my epos hos. Inthrored doily um
tit dm prawn: Um., a.. I ha. recovered my oight online
17. 117 oonefol health cop sorry much den ;dosed by th.
„ht.:doom. mod,lma
I &Wi. the restAtanan mf grid 10
1 roaldeat 11. 102 Smind strata. In the any. and
Vit 7» h•D9I to giro any information to relation La loy
am. Vil Lida' 114L1....
- .
Poi 4014 by Hap, It bleromell. 140 Wpod sPipst;
Ballorbi6t - Wood Amt. A A. 14.102440e1d1r Co: P..
Wood and 100 tKreeti P. M. Corry. P. A. Y.111044 , .. P 0
M001404;404 11. P Allegtwayr arm Dr a , . Pr.
Prir.rorr •-• 0. M. Kura.
041.41/hrer 1 04.1 Dagin..o•Y.tb ttsburb_
Citizen insurance Mammy cf • ttsburgli
(Mos No. 41 Wet.r streea is the warehouse ore. U.
0.0. INnetrf, Praddent..........A. W. Usu.. Freef.
This CaMpSZT Um. MIAMI to bun= sit merchandise,
etorts. ens to trensitu. ToeselsOte.
guesenty for the shady arug Nasality of Mr
lustituttacuil affordul in the einireeter of the Inseatom
.ho ere ail dawns or Pittsburgh. well 0110Mbir
th.,o=jr.ity fur their muierge, intelligenee.
end tutegrit7.
IngEggrue—C. 'Closeert Itataleg,
Ers.t, (lush Ring Hessler..
bout Iterverth. S. flerheueti. A, ut. Kiss sOftif
VLUEESE-3 00 boxes Eaglisl,i Dairy;
• 100 - °ma
: . WALSH DlCa.r.l co.
_ .
man APPLR CHEESE—Sicans prim,
d rutttrp
. riflosiiit co:
eab t
plendld as steamer SUSQUEIFANNA4a2
J.rnel. !Wier, .111 lean fee theists:me
end ell Intermediate Varga on tift=o4tt
gar freight or Ze . •a¢. • PVITAc K Ace, 4: Water et.
WELLSVILLE PACKET.-. 6lio spier*.
Murdoch, master. leaves stearner
Pittsburgh for , Wallerllle *WI'S
thlTietwlrtlnit So./ay.) at 10 o'cLock, A. 10 and return.
Wellarille emery day it V o'clock, Y. M. The
rond L c i r e nentlon with the Cleraland and
Ticket Agent, 0. M.CARTON, Monongahela Bowe.
Freet. ight Agent, C. BARNES, ho. 62 Water and %Shit
newtoseketsteszoer DIURNAL.ConweII.
tor. Is now peon her tranlar trt.vokly trlywyetW7w
thi. el and wh•Ghts. IttLYInA Ihushutaln 0 . .u= ,
rally. Wednesday • Priday....l r.
17.- V. •4. 1 ,..4.7 Tu..4.Y. Thursday and drawls,:
In each week. or Cr
. I= . lo
The Diurnal Is • tide - wheel boat. and Is of tha ducat
and Want boats ever construttrd for the Hods. Pawn.
pas wad shippers ran depend on her rontlnulnt In the
.—The PH,OT N 0.2, A.S.Urane,m
trill leave Pittsbnegh for Wheeling, altaptina r and Notig .
WI rtg r ot T ftVel i p tf., ` 3 ' AZI,Ti o jTAT:eib
ery Thnnalar at 13 o'clock. A. M. Passen• and Orem_
ran depend Into this boat running regularly during me
;or (mien oo r" Deseaste. tool, on haunt. deNt
enleudid beat 1.4.. bnilt 41
the owners of the y demur lease Newton, and °them Rd
the Cincinnati and Pittabursh Parket trade, and will leers
every Wednerday for Cincinnati.
For freight or gum, a• .1 on board, nr to
Wheeling and Pittsburgh . : Packet.
rotve pger VIICket W
. breve, for tuffabove and-all loternerdl
ate parte every Taredsr, Thar.ley not hatordan at 10
o'clock PM- 1 1ri ,
For Whee g
If the: Doe :brat.. ire ant low enough, .. .10 me a
further tvdortion.
. .
Ma WINCHESTER, Thunder . Moo., will Hare
Pittsburgh evert - Tuesday, and ft.:twist . ..lo
A. 334 retur nin g, loarre Wheeling eeary Monday. Wod
oesdar. and Friday, at a A. M.
For freight rr Panage, harbtgrupetior accommodat/ozna
SPOT on P.M , or to
AIIitI9TEONII. 011.01010 A CO., AZ..
31,uket etreet.
The Machette , . le one of the fastest boata ever construe
tad for the Wale. Festaugere and Milos. eau depend on
her ruoultur In the trade regularly. &SO
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
mri . ft
p ngr packet CLIPPER hie
(in ' plate othe JKIIINI helem,) leases for
the bo e ra and all intermediate porta this morning. et 10
o'cloc e k precisely.
- For Wheeling the.
Intermediate parte the.
Peek Pease,.
The Cl PP No. 2. Capt. Moons, leaee
burgh every Tneelay, Thonslay. and Petunia', at 10 A.
retnrning, ifILTPI Wheeling every Monday. Wed..
" R:Pr. a i r g ?keine eperiorarrommodations,
arpir on board , or to glaill ' FF JE BINNING, Act...!
nol9 Market street.
The Clipper No. 2 I. one of the fasteet Lamle peer cote
tAmend for tha trade. revenge. and ahlppers ran die
end on bar running In the trade.
s a t MOVEMENTS a l
TII6 '
rit.OX T. CAUL, SUM.
ARIA, Lana. from Liverpool
ATLANTIC. W.., IV. Liverf.ol ......
LIM OF GLASGOW, LeiteL. fur Olmpow .
AIsRRICA. Shannon, br Liverpool,
HUMBOLDT. , Haven . .
NIAGARA, Latch. for Liverpol...
PACIFIC, Nye, for Liverpool
AFRICA, , for Liverpool
11111111OLDT. .for N lurk Nov 19
N [AU AltA, I,llth. for N York Nov !...2
s'AelYlo, Ny., for N York Nov 01
EUROPA. Lott, for BC.OII Nov 29
All Lvtlet's and
area on d toy England, Ir.
land and ecothind are ernt by the Urn eleasior, DO matter
of what line.
Lettere to the enntlnent of Europe. be the Collln's Line.
mutt be prepaid t.rnty one [fn. II *lngle roto r leery! for
thces places required to be pretald In full.
Inner, to the I.l3otinent of Europe by the Can.! Una.
trtuxt be prepaid bee rent+ a elogle rate. except to three
mlulte..l to be peeped,' lo full.
Leto-., by Um there Llor, mum be prepaid twenty four
Gite per half ounce lola./ INA., to be imbleel. except to
reat Ilettabt.
NemFpwrt , by eltbrr U. to the Contluent, must In
prmtald four cents each.
Inland Puna., must by v4t.:4 on !Lt.ttery mut Meting,.
per L. , the COutio—tztLi Europe, by the llarre end Brame]
Steam Communication between Hem York
and Liverpool
HE Liverpool and New York Pion-R4
F.era Compaor'e powerfu l
. new steamship PI
2.500 tom berthen, ASIA L. FLORIN/L. than.
[mode, Will mil from New York .1 imot Cr LiverpmL on
tile Slot day or December, and .1111411,11 Liverpool on the
4th day of February.
4%t Cobb.n ..... ........ -
Cldldnn t 5 m 50
" AMlts . On to SO
25 to 55
Brennan. Adults - ...... 15
FROM LIVERPopt. TO 111 W 00212
lut Cabin, Adult, _ Allf)
• Children eo
The ammumndations in the Mire eteamers are not ey
eelled by my of the Iltrllll4l}l4 now Moat. In the Arstarld
der 0d rubles, the best the ma/ efords w.II be forniate,
ed. The meemirmilatlons also M
i n ims eg yemengere are
en an entirely orpir pimp the pros err .ed by
the vessels, rooked by competent penone, and emit Meal
vetoed remitarly. Placenta pas.onsere will only Dave to
furnish. their own beds mad bedding. An experienewl
rtimreon Is attached to each ship In the line.
For terms apply to .4051E8 BLAKELY,
cm. Algth and Libertysts, story,) Pittsburgh.
P. B.—Rem:omen as aural in large and small mons
pald at any busk in the United Kingdom.
Pumice MCI,MI In any of the hailing Nekets at the
lowmt possible rates, from New York erl Lon
don and Glasgow. and from thaw to N at York.
JAMES BLAKELY, European Agent,*
ad Dealer Us FOR LIG br EICIIANOI4.
la OM d.rit for trbo following Packet New Wm of bteamehipt. bemoan New York and Lie
Swallow Tall late Mainz num New York and Liver.
Dot on tbe and . 2lst tit e re month.
Neer Line imme New York cm the With. and Limpcol.
flhe 11th of every month.
ed Star Line. team New York on the 11.11, and Liver
pool an the 10th of each month.
Z Lien salle twice munth from Liverpool
The Tandem Late of Packete mils from New York the
14, 8.0.1111. and 2110, and from London on the ate ,lith,
%Ist, and atth,of eveey month.
The Civic , Line of Gime.. Becket , ma from Neu Took
and aleegoir cm theist and 16th of verb month.
A Weekly Line of gimlets from Liverpool to New Or-
Daily Line far emigrant, iron Now York, be Steem
tont. Reamed. or by Canal and gailnad. to Pi=burzh
Pessengere 1111 IPOOIIO *eery attention, and deice 'pe
en cheerfully at the oficespf W. Teteeett A Os, Dl. ,
Quay, 000110, and Pt. tieorge's Buildings. Liverpool, W.
J. T- Tapeoll Cm. Se SOuth
Nw York. or at
the oft= of the advettieer. corner of 6 1,6 0 and Liberty
arena. Flttabargb.
Demme residing in Um United States or Canal. who
etali 'end for their fries:lda In
male Pert of Eullietedt
Indent, Scotland, or Milo, can the nerneary
enzyme= application to the subscriber, and bane
brough on t
out be the of the above amerit. of
packets. Toll= rungs Dom 1.600 to 2.5d0 tone Mirth.)
or by not el= Ilerchnnt ship, on favorable terms, by
o.of of Liverpool lando, . or Memo. Their (mem=
01.11106 pr. co= tbe toethility of debt,. Pm.= rig
also Women, • tom Liverpool to New Orion)., Baltimore,
Phlimielphia, Boston, Charleston, and S avannah. Direct
remlttanos =all or large rani, ammo., to
McHenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
•of. Packets.
£ 0 14 Sailing from Philadelphia on tho d ais %
-I "gt If::%.ll72:ti ° " [
EIIIENANDO,III. Wm. P. liardin ' er, master..
" EUII.O YE, Nathaniel C. llorris. Matter.
DUMAN, Alfred V. prone. Master.
811AUKAILLXON„ (mar.) W. W. Wad, kladei.
The - ober. o. are begin of the bast and 010.0 0001)7
materials, and are mead fur the rattialt, of their
they nee fitted unailb oil latest haprovaments, ar=
they are commanded by men of acknowled:ed talent, Ili,
aro unequalled toot mit experience In the packet .11.41
Pawn. &Amos of bringing their friends from the Old
Com:au can obtain cortltes of passage, which .111 bo
caul tbr eight mouths. amkmar agents in Induct and U.
grgr o ggrol== b deparllr
v ."4 I f I 7IZIIIO=ZZIP".A Zr.'Wrprr.t ° l
at wont annant discount. which wall be =that by
the honks ar rast Oftlamln OCR:baited alumna,.
IClTYrorinens supplied pamengereaunlng from Liver
bleary week the following subblim .111 be fornishat
cacti passenger of 1070.00 0 f oge and over 2)4 tend,
lba. rice, ca. tea, 6 lb.. oatmeal, 34 lb.sagar, 1 11,. llour,
hl lb. moluaes, and 1 Ib. pork. Under 10 years of sge,
lbs. breadstugs. 1 lb. sock, full &Holmium of water and rim
and toil( ollomance of Sok, b su i g n alNoiallea.
tin 37 Walnut street below 13.eand Phlladelpan
11. vizi%
.10113( cams ninth and Waal sta. l'ltteburgh.
Steam Communication between New York : '
° and Glasgow. •
VIE Glasgow and New York
iCinlaar SasionnT9l2, powerful crEP
hone power, N. Mariett a (late of the t. i d rui
:V. the 7th
of Yor I
next. al 12 ircbirk. two.
PASSAGE riormr.
Fiat Cabin (eteirartlie Jo. i
&smut Cabi ''''' "
No ereeraus saaseuxers risks.
Time reles include provisions,
but not win. Or Liquor..
wide& will be eupplied on board, at modest. Priree.
rime a &waren.
Par freight or pateitifeArA7 l , l 3, 33
Th. NEW YORK. 2100 tone, and 450 horse Doer., 1.
rt to the impair.) trill be on ths station early next
nrinx. delliatavrain
nod Uertuawy. • Mite, with Wooden/IJ, 10.0.11 a 0 ,
(geleeneware lases Roos%) rumor of Liberty and •Ellath
Powengereto owl from the old 0000 try eetweged on the
avwt favorable tensile alit% from flew Xork to Pittebuzgla.
widen} tatt alto West yet,
Olive and Green Satinetts.
B . 11 . 1 0 1 . C11 . 12!f i .1! have 'rely
bole www , Maw fancy toload . cloratNisiltat :
most/nest of black, dark at.
' Also,Strande on& Jamul gn a t. variety: piloted ml
plain Vehorts, too amp. snots. All. Olds, COSI:MM.
Ifoch lloyino, and all wool rialto, of cash., kinds.
Gyan aro Invited to all with too when tasking' Polfbb•
was, out aitaortnosnt losing keytryory toll by tho alsood
constant receipt of New &hods. del!.
rig BLOOD IS TIIE LlFE.—Keep the
blood Dom and tbe halal will be coot MAIMS
ear TiTgeitlVarnPoi t k Y nt..7.
Tar and bre/orate ahe with. All say so who hare ase4 It.
A ter bottles
he afoot performed wouderfal cure,. in
"fbe ardetrVent4 has been 48.4 with that llngetina
thwase—Coneowsption. We. 7ears, sod twee. (i , Oll
up as hopeless by eta hhysleunts.
was Induced to WT
the Syrup of Yellow Dab hoot. and attar takhnif n. bot•
Ma mu orator. to perfect loadth." •
11.. C. WAWA. Berenth Ward. Plttaborah.
The above medicine I. lot vale whole sot rata.' bY
4410 164 awl 106.1 it... of 818th.
Q A LERATES-10 bee. stud 50 bble. pure,
A. 7 for de by • J. 11. CA NIIFJ.D.
in UTTER-10 bxs.Freob 11011, for sale by
1,11 &IV J. 11:CANFIELD.
114 1 1tXN Ca CURRANTS-5 'cob. for sibs by
&la o Jain D.LIZELMS.Wata'
~. ~ ,~,
T HIS well known eetablishment is still con
s_ dueled In the same emitter It has steam been. The
central and plosant situation of the house Its commoli
:"lnd the n, gm.ut tlr to re it attla end tll. toefue aM iltrill=
gem, to the traveler. . 1'"
Having been one of the fain of John 1.. Tucker 2 Col.
so long at the heed of the establishment. the subeeribet
pledgee hie hest exertions to maintain
reputation. all
to sire e , ...eon to his customers.
eepT.X(lval)lm ' WM. 11. PARKER.
Adams ,k Co.'s Express Moe
nagare receiving imoda.greim Philadelphia to
noun, 004 forwarding
i ltilitaarkl , phigthi,
Moore Henszey & Co.,
rRaiPORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers
RA RDWAR E AND CUTLERY. No. 13411.1.1 etroe
stz,k l.rge and prim low. delk,
JAs. 8. U.W. Wu. J. C..:4
Si!lr INRO 1•0 ALL.
CP thole Wore and fantory In Philadelphia. to the new
and !mania. ORANITY. BUILDING, IPS North rent mh z
where they COMIZIU• to offer a FERMIUM OP ONL
THOUSAND DOLLARS,. tor 0.0! eupertor Shoe Blacking.
It le sold by all raepetable Merchant* and Dealere In the
United Strtes.
Liao. Ma. 1. 3 .11 Sue black WRITING INK, at the loweet
IHESE superior articles of Perfumery,
amougst. whieh are enumerated hie hull, celebrated
White, Oriental Alabaster, Pearl, Rouge, Tooth and
Toilet Powders, Chines* Velvet, Clehlk, Lod other approeed
. . .
and Extra Flue Eland Brown and Wtklas
%clod., /loat., Palm, Atmoud, Fancy and Toilet
lloapa. Marl. Cram. DPI, Cukor.. Watrn,.
tr.. fur the handkerehlata, Ox alarron, Bear'. Cm
lal Pomade, la nen artlelk) Eau Luirtral flair Itenorallroh
Etalconors, an, an, ars m.ulacturrd and for
Perfumer and Chetahs%
63 Market atmet, below 2d, Phil•del phis.
Sir Merchant, don't forget that Clegg'. le the ebc•Pu.
and most extenetre manufictory iu the 60 . . (lira him •
ealL oaMally.
Shriver & McLean,
Flour, Produce and Conimarion MereAmite,
No. 34 Douro Worn noon.
generally. will rendre prompt attentio, with
our twot endnvore tool,. satisfaction. Adv... made on
Neerof lulls of Ladmg when deatrod. •
Rater toltleafire. Hampton Miller, Pltttburght
Mr. ran.. IL Heller,
Mr. Akx. Lang hit,
Mr. Stool. P. Shrtver,
FACTURER, No. 41 South Second Street, (ebove
ut. mat eidea Philadelphia. PAM,
WM. . 1.4.0473.
') de Grocer.. No. =I NLarkerfit., Pblldelpht. ISI
K. EALD, BUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco
Oasaniraina Metutualts, 0.41 Noah Water nre , t.
an 16 North Wha.rreet. sual
.........Urc U
.........Mc U
._...... D'c IU
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
u‘f zrzly. °TV,. th°
of r lhe~kio.
Lyard.4",tfiln t';',, , ;',7tt n uir.utn , - ‘' , T•T'rret q l.!
aro. proelthed th. ton.
.snot In ruling dLamporm. of .bd
animal kb ,lam. Tiw
it i thl Uo.
ng=nn o Tt ' ;, " :CLVed h ; '
.7.=a,". to •,,n,r. o. ) r.V.r, ei th avr.T:`,!::.;
eve:mita trod
Dye 13
Dec 1 , 0
Dee 31
Ilca Yoga. Sept. 22, IBM.
r..2.—Doe ftle-1 have beeth anklet:l with a ext
tarteutte,eruptiou of the wrap. of a mo d u r i n g malhar
tay, Mr the last alatean yeas", and that period
nate hal the advice of wane of the too-a emit:mut ohre.
danY, an known` ried all the praparathmtt for
luauaft gad
Ain now without the leaat beneet- Meisel
by a Monti to try Yntir Seteopheyitus. I Old ito, se as
T hat.
oomph and. to my surmise gratificatkm. found myeell
ennui la about two mouths. Buell watt the elolenc• of the
Iltorder that at times 1 was partially blind.
ltreimettutly, yew, 11 V el uspELYPt.
ita Oeltirthis Omit. Brooklya
Nor Yalu, Ott. 79, 1%,0.
?nor. Dassa—My Dear Blr—Abouttero yea. atm my hair
came out • great dral, altd my head wee muelt tddletett
with dandruff. wee told by friend to try yourXrieopber
tug, awl I did as, sad to my uttoolahment. my air was
firmly rooted. and all the tteattrtttf dtreDttaarrdt u tha
head sow alums thr 'tsar.
.• • •• • • •
With mod.t.l BID your obed't
J 8 TILEALWELL. 00 Crooloney.
If any lady or gentleman, doubts the autbentleitT of the
ahoy. they tall plenic eall at Professor A C Barry • ono,
LW Brow:lmy, Now York, whom he will yrodoco the oriel
oat lower.
[Prom the MtMazy end /inn ar= 3660.)
Then LS co rany tnr the penna o nt cure of Leldle.
and eleene• of th e ersnigni generally. that bus reached
the popularity enjoyed by the end< known.. Prof...or
Barry), Triomphe... or Medicated Connothd. It I. ex
the apt. , eine.a of the ooseronalty; In
: to
11%7L'ar="tg m w. lona P2.l.l= n treTwa
1110 hair, and thin promotes in growth - ...shareable de.
me . e, It denroys the I ...t i r and and nen ttla
naafi .d told t i erd. Y. deri:,:og. n and ." therri , 2 Taloa% 4110.
den of the Al. to Mugu., we we ' ll . . ...el. It Awn.
ftyalicd. It " e l i l itt tro=l"aiiefrll'it'"U' at
thelhathethlietel and Caned. ‘HeyLtagg-''
Flour and General Produce
"laving at Iran equal ebratoases fn TransPwlalion
with any other market on the sea Mord, a moderate orals
el charges, with quint tales end quick returns. and Lest
market priors, we would respectfully solldt ratrous.
'War to—
President and Cashier of Ilerchauta . Ihmk:
. • .
asalk of BsII:hooter.
Commercial a avaLerv . Bank
VONTINUES his usual facilities to receire.
es Romeo. Pals and Transhipment, all Merchandise
consigned hi= leave his dock daily for all points
on rise Latta and the Illinois Cmul and Meer.
listersnever—Messrs. Lorenz, Mains; A Co.:
Messrs. Jones alnigm
, Mr. John A. Ganglier. spAdm
Wm. K Haakill •
AND AUCTIONEER, N 0.3 Water 631 - .1., PEORIA.
- 13recial attention to Commbssion business. antinl
mlurlav sod Forwartlin. Slrrchant.., Nos. V.S Ler.
and 66 Ca:arrant street, er. WM'. MO.
. • • Y
. to • . •
*or arucalor odd the pur•hawe of ilosop
Lend. Bulk lied 00.1 Bacon.
.• .
Itnfor to John &Thotturan; Malian & Bennett Loh..
Renick *Co, Bannon. doth&
Corarcussion, and Vornading Merchants, .1 the
born, St. Joseph Mo.
ROW' to glessndsr Gordon, and locrons. Starling 4 Co..
Pittshorxh. aptly
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Oosnadadonsr 6r Psnasyhanda, R. Lou., d Mo.
osztmunicatirna vrconPUY ansassaL nodall
101114 IL RANKIN, Attorney end Conn-
oellor at Lew, and Conaulattotar Su the Stale o, ht. taut, Mo., flaw of Plttoburgb.)
Pettramm—Paaborgh: Ilan. W. Forward, Hampton,
Miller. MlNuallem C McClure, John C. Parka,
Sample. McCord C Cr. attattly
The Great British Quarterlies
IYPOILUIVr ILUTCTI. um ram or tor/most
L-EONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold
NEW YORE, folltiolle to poblOb the rolloroor
r oh Parlodlealr. TH.
These Reprints have new been in euccoatful openition In
this cenutry for twenty and their circulation Ls con
etant/y on the Nieuwe, notwithstanding the eempetition
they encounter from American paiodicals of • eimiler
' 4 . 1 n sge f t=e n i ' ruti er f:re n ig E rfrgic l 7l4lll. M 4refrt ' .l ' 4 ° .
clearly the high estimation in whirl] they are held by the
intelligent evading public, and effendi; • natant.° th at
they ars establiabed on a firm basis, and will be contiemed
without in terruption.
Although these worts are ilistliegnished by the pellet
cal Wade. above indicated, yet huts mall portion of their
contanta isdeeoted naivete. lies their erary
chariot. hie gives thee. %bar ehlef velem, and to thee
they Mend waive:idly fu above all other joureala of iheir
civet Ittaciwoon, still under the masterly gut lan. of
Christopher North. mental. Its acetic:it celebrity. and
be, at Oils time, unusually alto. tire from the Net
71=4! E it " ZeNTr ' sl ber gri!Z:II: b eerisZeirel ' h 6 g
Geoid Britain mid Toth. 'P otilted Matsu ouch works as
—the Castose and y bew Novel," Oath by Bulwer).
"AV Penitualar Medal," "The : Green eland." end e th er
aerial., of which numerous Reif editimui are issued be
the leading publishers Inns
this etennery, have to be re.
herb.hse publicheralramThe Now of tilarkwenii,
after it en hailed by tdeasra , Seott it CO . Walla Rae
scribers to the Reprint of Diet 01 awetine may sinus rely
on having the milled reading of demo fascineting telex
For ItlTle of Lb. four Reflewn.
For any two of the four
any thret of the lour
For all four of th.. Reviews ......
For 19.1mood'• Msg.ln.- ....... ........ _3 99
For 11lo.ctvrorri rod tbreo .....9 00
For Blocknonl and the font ..
..... —.. .00
Fttparnir to S t ated. in a oral in adoonor. .10orrY oor
rent in Un where i5:n.19 , 0 Or rroriral For.
A dtecount of twentrilve Der cent.fruen the above prim
nowill w a of
showed to Clubs orderlut fold or rood copies o
=re of the at works. Thus , Your cool.
or of one Reline will be scot to oue address
for $0; four copies of the fend Reviews and Blackwood Po
113 A and to o.
REtaicsn POSTAOi.
The Potttnie tro Perkellealn uy, by 0u lam 4,,
bona redoeed, on thenntro, Ma, Pta CIRT.I Thi
f.,IIOIVIDg WV the present room )la:
Itok 1:11.1[21,00V11 111A(1.011..
Any distance not examptilni 600 .ILN, 9 aver ;It
Ur et WO and nn! eleonllnt IWO lA
02.221290 2291 not 22.22111ng 2.921 " 21 " "
Ay distance out etsnaileg 600 Miles. 4 nay.' 40.
(hay 600 oaf not exceeding 1600 " " "
Orer 1600 and not exceeding 6160 " 16 "
At these rano no oklectlonsboukt moll.. as lavetnfore.
to recenhat tbe works by mail, and thus ensuring thaa
peedy. We i aml by
swami tonore and ennonnolcatlone should be always
addresol, sonvald, to am arailaketo,
79 Poitou ft. New York, warm. 6dooht at.
Ir. & t 00. have recently takilabed, and bars
now fur sale, the "YAILIIEIrd GUIDE," by Unity bap.
ea, of &diakonal, sod Pruf. &non, of Yale ikdiesa, ha.
Iforso. complete in 2 vela, bond mum, connhani 101/
Mos, la ding, steel
600 Irani sog in .4 1-
110 lallf4 Dakar moon, for the malt, 115.
. -
tiIIEAP PIANOS!—Just rec'd '— •
,i tom tlso marcortor, of Ilsllet. Dr 7
3.IIEUMNOS, ;LIMO to k. M. ' !
~.., Y '
. Al" • lot Itom Wooltnul Ajtirgie=4,..°"7.
in, Itir• Tort.
nolo _ 11 Wood otlytt4 .
. . . .
WAREHOUSE, on Water street, be.,,terl,
10. , Form- If p lll be meev.' A . lferrol. • leas: for • term of ,1:34
&NAM , t 7 Weer etmet.
To Let,
ra...1..7.1; gt.°ll4.7.di w .Zr. "'4'.i:.b°,,`-' .
Gnat ia
I,j , 0 R RE N —The large four atorvi
• Bram WARRIIOIISE, No. it Stllb .s-.1.1e
wco pb. t t by Ti. C.olb.r A Co. Posx.tdon ¢l , e. lm '
me,libtely. Apply to J. AR. FLOYD
de2s Round b.
To Machinists and Foundry Men.
FACTURINO COMPANY will pu.itirrlp sell at pub
he auction. without rese their !Lachine'''. Tools.
Fortodry 11-atoms, 00, at thrve,
eir Factory, Ellicott'. 11111 s,
riesr Baltimore: on WEDNESDAY, the 14t.L of January.
Thu list embraces •s test variety of new and modern
built tools, in gaol order and hat Inds used, .moon width
Twenty TURNIND ENOINES. of various Met,
'Pau superior Lon Planing Machines, one being of very
Isr tft76 " eXpe "-I L Y 3 UICAR corrp:a ENQINE.
With it large sod complete assortment of other Toole,
large and Pinall. bo6ldes Patters. In great •srlet Foundry ton sod O th er mAjtioerY, Cripslo, Crane, ElAsks,
Twits. hand, tr. The sale willrommenos at 10 o'eloeit,
s nattliane until the <nth.. stork la disputed ot.
Terme 01 sale--All Emus order 1101, malt; Deer 11101
end $lOO, four months. over IE,UO. sin mouths, for
appn.ved PSPer ,
cvislouuee sp , ellying every item will be furnished, on
&beneath., by TIII/51 AS WILSON CO., italtAmore. Md.
or underetunei. The mr. trout Baltimore, on We
Omura, rind ohlu Railroad. hoeing at b o'clock A. IL. ar
rive an hour before the time of rale, and round trip Wt.
ate ran ha had In Dahlman for naycents.
O vor. Anent,
ilethlswts Em,xrtre 10111..
~onWtu. sa«
"Elk Horn" Saw mill for Sale.
lolltIS establishment, lately finished and
now In complete mouton onto, In ottoman! on time
nougabeLA VAtitlinm above Pittsburgh. Wain in the
strictly at *KRUPP. coal works, it commands ready
borne market fur lumber used In boat building, AA" and
for all that is not .old on lb. primilsecttio lihuctwater of f
co r d
down th e
in more distant mmkato, up
mod the valley of the diouongabelA Fornloheil
with machinery and Orton., of thy brat and moot:wore.
talent kinds, (too otands unrivalod BMA. maxima,
of furl, and matisfactorY Perri...lmo of lie work. The
estabiblauent. including Pinaenv of Coal. Dwelling
noose. ebrp. Stable, dte..'wlll. be wild low, and on term.
'to molt porattema. Enquire of
J. N. 1101lItILION. Attorney at Law.
defctf -01lIce—Fourtb sto near Word.
Dwelling To Let.
FOR RENT, andpoeseesion given on
the let of January next, a two Mors FRAME .
USE, with back bandit., n,, lisdfoni etre., Sr,-
anti, Ward, °templed br Mr. McLaughltn. Enquire of
de2.l 215 Liberty st.
Valuable - Property for Sale.
rip LIAT now and elegant Brick Dwell- ttle",
V., n r'a h nntra:ll
Ohio and Pa. Qi Isoad. The b., le 46 met (mot by Zs
fret deep— , two stories. am] basement story; also, an attic
nosy with four coed bed rooms. The Lot on which It
IA i n
(soot front on the the house
I. 121 Get deep,
The rani in and around the is beautifully bald
oH, and plantod with . abundance of sbrubberr, doe° ,
It.. with • good and subomotial stone wall around H
AW, a sardeolot adjoining the moo, 100 fret mule, in
gor4 nier end cultivation. For further particulars ls-
Quire of the subscriber, on the premises.
WAREHOUSE, situated on Water, imi's
bon kwt Vvrry •trot., •ultatklx torld
tit. Whnt..nalc or Prudvmobiplue.
Man given ImemAllatol, Inquire t , f
ti.4o JAMES DA LZVLI., OS Water ert.
Allegheny Foundry for Bale.
Tlfg undersigned offer for sale their ex
lenitive and vainahle FOUNDRY. at men on Larrek
street. awl extruatnantrael, Allegheny The
butidllma embrace the hwtalry, %V arela.ww. Rlocknnith
shot, and Nesse , e , ets eat the Int of around on w high
tI. , L ilAing• are erywte,hl, het by about It; ftwt The
F...ettry has s
double .tack and two furnaces. with two
tiTel,. 'he teat r , vena.nte 111 , WI rerwot ronetruttl
NIeR Rh A II AN dr CO.
WELL finished two story BRICK'
1101JSP: and la l% in a roc.t bnaltby and 1m- ri ll '
pnto Ina part 111 tbo en,. The not 2J IL. on nun
atsret by 110 on Cherry allar. Yor particular* app.
J to
'rat. o t ssi.
'The tale will be ciraed on or letup, lat day ot
nary neat. 2„.
To Let.
N OFFICE over Philo Hall, and nezta ,
door to elwee'llacfrrecturi Boom,
• m N all Dwellin,r tu Home. Prnorylvarda
ATl•nue, orsr Oakland. l'onnoiort ;riven tromedt.toir.
(14 E. U. (I AZZAM, Liberty gt, owor Thlra.
rillE three story brick Dwelling Reuse,
No. 10 llsy .freer. innydeen llow—peloo. V.OOO. 6
emu,. Sant ha no-b. son) no one year. and SWKIo
pX arse—to be ...turn! or nand ses enortneno rd. tha
recut.. Clear of all ineolobtance, and title itoll.puto.
tdo: Anoly to U. W. AA. 8.. BELL.
&SAY Attorneys at La.r. WS Fourth .1.
St. Louis Hotel—NeWAhietilis.
A l Li s p (e1bEjp,..7.,,,i
to i f:rmerly of the n
public. thee the ST. LOUIS 11117 Car rt t ol e tT7 U'a tta ,
Perth. rsAt .hrettor the bee. hes bete rethodeltel,
eeteneire .Iditems welt, etd entlrelensthroltheil, bleb
enabk cc to t.tremtattlato with caution .00 e•reetker
one irlentle.. dee Gt
OFFICE TO LET.—An Mee To Let, eteo,
UV oyez Pero Hall. aLcl neat don, to Nelmn , nr
goerrentyy•3nO P. GAZZA IO . 0
1 0 ery
sc near Thml.
rro LET—From the first of April next, ext ,
I. • large dwelling hone, with twenty .ace or
landwituated at Oakland.
(TARDY, JONES et. 00.
COAL. W.W.11 In Third Dam. Monongahela ther.
Two vein. of Coal a utieurpasseil In quality and isle.-
taxes for minis.. and re
equal to the best on the rite.
Also—One MI. undivided Part of ono hundred and
ninety sort, the °fruit. Monongahela Cloy. Fry •
lull desiription of the property, terms mad prim, ripply to
__sump BAIRD s
Desirable Property for Sate. •
NEMBBR of very rainfall° Building
tote, adjoining the Outer Depot of tb. Oblo and
rantadtal mod s In Alley hen y <fly. frontlog nu rho
Railroad. snit on Franklin, Bidwell, ani Juniata street.,
and on Allegheny avenue.
Also—A valuable uoltogrored lot. on the copier of Lib
erty and Factory streets, Fifth Ward, opiteute the Derr
to. Catholic Chord:4lh feetfrout on Liberty, by MO fret
th Also the
rutinimr beck to Pori. idler. •
the three Story Brick Dwelling H. 1.4 on Liberty
street s winslnlue the above, the lot being 00 feet front by
100 feet deep. The hotne hi large and rOoretilent. bull 110
torklern et yle, an d me...tiler. Men,
Ati.—A Farm of 034 4 scree In Lawrence county. 0 LW.
fern New Castle.
Also —Farina in Beaver county, of Yarrow slues and
grieve. from 600 acres down.
For sole low and on afrommolatiog ter. Enquire of
N. P. a U. L. It. IitCYTERMAYS.
0.107 Attorotys Maur
oe=ll N Fourth street. PittsburCh.
A tot of groxr t u hooting no Gtot on Innni
kuusiog P.. 1) 1,1 to estoti. This propertY.4. but a
short dist..., frt m the dups.l of the Ohio nod Pot ally
Italtroaut. For to.nus j apply to
. S.F. VON WINN 111 PIIST & CO, Maud Ofront
oca Pittsburgh. Is.
THE well known EAGLE HOTEL,
now owoupled by Col. S. WELD. formerly of
Murillo, Ohio.
Thielerpt end Toolllllodll,l/1 BMA —rontaloinn upwerda
of 10.1 nom. • ,0L00....0.a , parlor i)i by To lent. lull.'
yyae aftel ) n o .77 . 'f .l ‘ s ' ll : 7 4714:t " 112,tain r" L " it:
med..te vicinity ol the Lergrait wboleenle hon.*, tienrir
rowel., the well known honer of ECKEL. RAIGUEL •
C 0... cupbe bawl - at a monomial: rent tram and attar the
FIRST DAY Of APRIL hINT. when Ite ' , resent rem,.
pant, lenee ezpi rre.
The Holed wee recently erected upon the talon eml most
improved otyle. T han tr rreonitnrodstion. koncert . .
Avoid be •nreded, th e unperelleted Ulf f! ot the
',Triomf occupant during the term of hie
For farther perticalam enquire of the owner,
itepiMiftm New. nor Thiel et. Phil. dolphin.
LET—A largo and convenient m e i
rt 0
WART.IIHUSE. F....coad exert, t, to
xert, etwern wadies
an Smithfield. Enquire of
Private Residence for Bale.
TILE PROPERTY is offered exceeding
ly n,1,011 very orammmrobattrig tenni it
IA Allegheny. located In the rapidly CI , T
or The oolloatlon ho uneurnanowd In the route
tr. conanandlng • mold pleasing view of the ear el hitt.
burgh sod three rivers at glamor. benidos hofng corm-
Ment to the bunterea part of Pittaborgth combining on an
eminent degree the advantages ef both town of
CO. lot IA embracing cent an nom of ground. in
one hundred mod tilt; food wont, running hank two hun
dred and arty fest to an alley. The imPrrorencwit. to
'Mr. Goo house Wirt, built in modern odyin. of thn best
material. and Crashed In the beat mariner. lumina every
convenhown Met good Mato and ntill could nutmeat. with
V:. IT: 1 ;A=o ITlTA;d . r2tlat;7 l e=v7
boum N o
onnolinsh vartotT of attar. Molt tail
bevy. in Ohre, lIA sitnallon and advantage , ran only
.PM.Utrtl by an examination Cl the premien. 'Gentle
men srliblug to para.. , ire Invited cult en undo,
idgried. who will take pleasure In gloving even . informa
tion. It Is I rare rheum. tor wearing • delightful real
deem, or to tmrchase rm ipeeelatlerk.- '
.P 2 . 11Ailti/ A 111.0114. 111 Peniod tt
l ap. Aim) & IRVIN have also for sale some
rery dairable unlimpricred Lola, suitable for private
rassiclicsii. in AIlei:holly City. Also. insimprourd tuts.
suitable for Insallitur aianits. For particulars apply ail
abov uolU
OR SALE—Two lionve and Leta in the
It 11 , 110 wad—ene on Llhertr rte t. and the other in
• . .
Also--A place of einund, 135 feet on Webster street. by
300 net nn tMoser• et. knoulre at 317 Liberty rt.
anal.o:tf (Journal aTT.)_
(11100/ SIERCIIANTEI.—For Anis on seenutmoos
-4tLetizArliitiizsiyaell,.bilell.l.o., e
c efh (nair St l .
ing no tr. Penne- and Ohio Itadirad: (1,1{117; irgna ' r7o ' t
`the Depoh) and extending hack to the Cenal 11.#10, there.
greatest fatilitice for ehlegesnt by eitiwr
for 1.000 enquiro of D. C. STOCKTON,Alleghems Citrr
or ikoltstors of D. C. TCdTirtl,
,nuglb corner of Market nod Third .10.
'OR RENT—ThDwelling, No.. 1552
ju Third ntivet. onz Bmil 1,411 ail Um
oor bo6k behling ona thte pals:atop awl papehni of
= ger hour.
le romplef.d. Tor bed oh.o 2l
w•ter. 'wear olopot. So.
Abu—the Um+.e aalictaln...t . mcdente rent. Encloin
Fourth street. new Wood.
• For Bale or Perpetual Lease,
e that
on Han Laue.
Also. for tent for cuie or more tears _tbe petition of th e
out lot on the 11111, extending Lack to Rhino Meet. lately
orrupiodpasture lox
For treeita,./to.. enquire of Mr. 110503 nora,A ND, woe
tbe prinisra. or of tor puboolber , at his oftiee, No. 11l
etti eirret. Pittsburgh.
A Good Bargain is now Offered, ,
1 From TOY* Lo Four ACIM. in Ihraurstry Itnronsrb.
wear !Urfa Island—un the remises le ROM tan yard.
wean ommary bolding. a. Thy propyrty may b• divi•
Jed lout Wt. and noma a good pentiL gyram• distgard
in Furth./ wW apply ta HURD t Ilttlri,
.• 114 &Trani sty
rINOBAC6.I-50 kegs 6 twist, for sad by
_Sale; Burton's Anat i o ;
4 2T, of mo.schoir: llosellArace
176t.1..2 .
O IL -5 easke Winter . Strained Elephant;
bot ule br ldb l ,l 0. BLACKIIVILS is CO.
Sw CURRANTS--Rec'd and for sale by
delS .orarera Tea Dealer..
B4'"vf UV° ' a" and ran
,, wok. br
/14L011/3 a co.
o§lll7-100 v bble; No. 1, for eale-g m .
-•— -
TIIE Erpreno Train on the Ohio and Penn.
aylvania Railroad. leaves Pittsburgh at 6 50 A. )1.,
stopping only at Rochester. New Brighton. Darlington.
and Room. and reaches Palestine, 49 mulct, at 9.00 A. 51.
From Palestine to Salem. 19 nol.w, ths pasaangen RZO la
Ern in the stapes of the Ohio Stage Company. whOb .I.'
ging will Won be dispensed with They leave Salem be
railroad at 1 P. M., and lone. Alliance on the Uleveland
Railroad at 2P. Id.. marl:ling Cleveland at 5.45 P.M. Rio,
turning the paaeengere leave Clevelaml at s A. 51, Alio
Wm. at 12 M., and reach Pittsburgh at I P. M.
Stager non daily from Allianee to Canton Muoillion,
Wow., and Marofield; and from Enon toNew CaMle,
Poland and Warren.
la - The New Brighton Areenuandation Train leaves
PittsLumh .110 A. 51. and 4 I'. 51, and New Brighton at
A. M. ;Led ILO P. M.,topying okt trit.medis, sta.
Pareengers for Cleveland and ClecinnaU no lake the 4
P. M. Aemaxontordation Train, anl ritnaitt over plaht at
New Bright , . If ther oretet It, taking the Exprfas Train
at a tarter to eight seat roornjug.
Earorrion Tiek•tr. gwal fnr two dam are sold 'between
PilLsborah. Hochaliter and New Brialaula.
The Ti aims do not ration Sunda,.
Omnibuseee run In moon-Len with the {Mr. to .4
from the station on realereJ etz,et
- .. •
xrct Matt., of Lb.
Ohio and P. Railroad, to
- .
Tict.ct Agent
.14-Tbrouitti ticket/1 from l'itlaborah toChivelanit. pro,
$4.1.10--anil loom Pittaboroh to Cincinnati. mica 111,00—
are mold at the Railroad Station. anti hr . . .
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
P:RDM December 24th to January Ed, Es
cordon Tickets 0111 le. 'add to East Liberty and bark
, lb erotor %Tian...burg and bark for 2.5 rennr. Turtle
Creek and hark for 40 rents. greurslon tiekets le
Foal un any Train to or trout Pittsburgh. until January
7,1.1052- An extra Train will leave Pittsburgh on Chnst.
coax and tie. Tele; Dar. for Turtle Cr.L.k and bark,
Inc Pittsburgh at II o'clock A. St. and raturning leave
Turtle Vr.olc at o'clork P be re Fuhar Train •111
leave Pittsburgh a+ usual every day et L'elock A. IL,
and P. Id. Returning lea,: Turtle at OA. N..
and at IN P. N.
Tickets for tale at the Itailnad fitllee an the Siouan..
bola House, Water mfr.,. until one hour before the dens,
sal. of
nut train. nhen the Lltliee ts. open for the
sal. of tlekota on Liberty .treet. abor.. the Canal.
J. 311145 R 111 Tirket Ar;ot
41,2.5 if P. :In+) Ivania Haar .1 Ca .
The Cleveland & Pittsburgh FAlroad Co.-,
AVINO made arrangemencs with the
tft.l,o ° 4:tt't i orertig".ireZ ‘.'"0.7
I:t c r:ll`., d ,re:f
aanarre to Cleveland In II hours, and to e alorintiati in 40
• • • • •
THE Expreee Mail Train will leave the De
m on Liberty "le•et, aim.« th. renal Bridge. ever
cv.nal.r al 61i o'clock.
eaten will to th• Cart 1 . 2 ad' to Itriaton'a,
when the, null rod tin to ol Constr.+ o in rradnons
aw,' them ni rollen .nre 'lnt tan itiroplln road to
t n tfx Sntion. frond anon .•Ith nea ORO" ed erne',
tt Intween Ihisaa'a and lb-atty . ,. rhttiond •ntl 1h... take
he nrittatid an" •I•erna ron ,li'dl
rood Comhany dlnet w 11111.APEL111 and HAIM
l'anregera tor Haltlinorn tak• 11, Car. of ilir York and .
Cumberland liatl nt Ilarrishurgh, arriving at
oanre to bre..., snd to Wohingidn ear the annir tura'.
the nest merulog tiLeloet tralu. urn.. in glaialei•
phut the n ...wrist. nit i lin linninnd Coniraing are run
ning tiro 11.110 tridue.fniin lintlidarndurg in l'hiladelidna.
Mag., ehorkeil thiniugh I . Ldrol.donia Fort ihrot.b.
Thin Arcomminiatiiin Train will leave every nrieronon at
13.4 o'clock. tor Ea. Liberty, Wilkineliurd vind
t lirintorea.
Returning Tool.. vein linive Brillion , xi useinick A. 11..
and 534 I'. U., an - dining /11 and
17. and arriring . .8% n'clock A. 01....1
&Mock P .11 • ..
Este to Efu.t r•ntr. For.. to WilYtwitur.h
2.5 rrntr. Tura:. 40 rent..
PM...nett, will prooure their tleket nt e CC
Mononoahrl• (h.rtn.fl,
half Rn hour belbro tl,tietrture l :.l eneh Trai th e ' vrhon Ito
office will he f.,11 tar the .nte nf nt 11,6 ' 13.1,4
bre Ltberty etroet.
_ .
For Sale
.4nd the l'amturgh and Clareland Railroad.
HIS well known and old established Lino
baying formed a .coon with the "Pittatarah
Cleveland Itallroad Company, are now carrying
freight daily knondara eireplcd) to and inn Pitt-A.l4:n
and Cleveland, apd all inininned rate point, at the lovrent
The ateatnlaat UFA VEIT reerinee and earrire freight ft
the abase U.. ICarsloll Pitt.bargn ever) tnottem
al PS litioelt, and Wellesille at L' o'elnea. P. 31.
• .•
. , .
Pu<narrr earned tbroot t h n, Cleat-Lana and all other
point, on the rout, by tteavearatt Beaver
VLIn Stare ennthany to Ilanaver. eni haat...v.l than, to
Cicadae.. K. 0. PAitha < CO. Ag.vnt,
Ilattlle, 0.
JOHN A. CALItIICA • .0 !tent,
delft CO. Water
ate_. Mariam/h.
For Sale,
neat Estate.
''. . ...-...,,.., ..,._ '' - .
• • • • - -• • J. SIIC,..KIMEN,
Sloriongabpla 110u.4 Pittaburgh.
. .
3 , 1,0‘).
elnrinttall ..... ........ ....11.00.
Far Tlrker. •PPIT I. M. 11A ItTuN, o,,rtut.
fle2L3l Moonnc+h•ls How.. 14ttrhatrah.
.. _i
FROM rirrstirnmit
hetn 11.ilmb1
We are now prepared to carry Frei gnt between
during the winter..o4 will glee through receipte ot truet
erste Ms.. IIt:NRY GRAFF,. W.,
Canal llaaln.Ylltat,urall..
IC Market ' , tree.. Pd11.1,401a.
CilaRI.K.9 11. Ktaosl. A. rut,
.1 Nttrlll tttret t 'mom.
WE 11A1 E
duTe m a
slut, n
notaven .Nit.tmr
DIM a 12.1 bas will b.. glreD far' cl..llr,lng Lbruugh. At
moderate rate, CLARK. ¢ THAW.
I.ltierti street. Pirt
Lint IS t BU
INS Market stroeL Philadelphia
S. 110HIPM,
75 North etre.. Baltimore.
Freights to and from the Eastern Cities
Navigation. a, Prsrard trright• to and fent=
,ILbova pinto giving hilla nt ladingin I , PeCiatid 1.11311,
and nt.,. Apply tn. nr bade..
Canal and ; treet.
HARRIS Lr.feo.
hot. la and 15 Pnuth Third atacat Philadelphia
011T11 A g/tANCISCUV.
del NA 75 North arroot,
FirIIE subscribers. agent., for the yennsyl
', velnl.flallral Cn., are now orterred to reeler tfrel:rht
through daring the winter to Philadelphia. atAhe
Ina tate.:
For all first elaaa'anotle and wool. ...... . . 100 lbw
tor llama. Butter. lattl. Tallow, sod all
hese, lrelehte
• .
. . .
COVOI,II • CA 'Lg. Anent.,
• corner Penn and War. 0n....
Plustntrich. D-e. Isl, IVO. .
Pennsylvania Railroad.
rime Reduced to 21
N and idler the let of December next,
be tarried by IlePennnyirania Rail
road Company, betauen l'hiladelphla and Cittaburch, In
24 hoar., aid, only e , miloe or eutulng or, an excellent
Thin Ir the ehorloot end been rout! betueen the Crest
We*, and the Altana.. Cale, nod the .mmxturlations
14.11 tosporta of the higLert charartar.
Agent Penu'a hatlenvoi Compuer•
1S:91. . EIBLE '' 48M.
11 Dunkirk tel the Erie Relleuel.connecting with
nut clue stesencre on Lake Erie, the "Belle - an,. Clueland,
Colunilme lend Cincinnati. Cleveland end Vittsburgb, and
nendueky and Cincinnati buttoned and steamer,. vue the
Ohio and Idleelealppl elvers, end the Ohio. Indiana and
Pennsylvania Wine..
(Sunday. excep
Int Morning Expre ne Tra
"in at
10 o'clock. \ .
4 " Mail " 0
3d Evening Express " '" 7) " \
The Mall Train earn at Elmira. when. peueengers ean
sleep 7 bourn, and take the ErpreceTrelo, *m1111131,10 Njw
York nut morning la 9 o'clock, making the whole illets.n4
by dayell*ht. \
h Exm
ua F reight and Cattle Train 'uses Dunkirk at
3 T h el. dell, * Neocene, Car andtached to tine Tram to
KMny Fauungcre Drover".
1.-Fare from Dunkirk. to New York, 95. Seceod nusa
pr will he a too U 11,.. ' \
Thle Company too
prepued tor port Ile* einek and
reelable of ell Undo to and Bun ea' York
Particular attention will be 0 to Slce , The genre
being 0 reel wide, Wes Mk remit. wrest 1.1 entaave onee
num. gunge ildlenule In
the tracepertatinehor Stock-
AreAddltional Tutu will Le put In 0,19M1ARP , 0,11:1 •
eery Our( tie. \ \
Freight Tart& will be disteituted, a s Jul/ partinc
lees In regard to the mime
grught. 0, 11. ...Othr cue
ell An. MIN Sdp't.
1 he l.7 , Wi t iillll.ol. Aour. Dunkirk. ID'S.
- West Newtonank Road Ito ta .
TEAMtILS leave twice a day, mo i
k 5
and evening. (except Sunday.) . \
Boning Dont will hue.. the %rhea 130 et. aloe, II \ I
*megalith, Bridge. at ber o'wock.
Evening lenat lures oeily ieleept Sundae . ..l RIB o'el
Fun to Pilladelphla. $ll. Te Baltimore, SW.
foe ticante call u the Hank hood Verne, Ilcroniczbe
Enna, Water Wert.
deli .I.J El'Ajill,llunt.
m • • States Patent Offlee, bee. 1 . 1851.
N the petition of Jira Wing, of Belfagt,
Now York, •raring for Apt extension o • patent
granted to him cw so impreivernent in the m bine Inr
: sawing ems trough. for moduMing water frAps bulle
ts:um ae.. for erten years from the expiration ,d gold pus -
e A til b w i rjttakes plane on the seventeenth day of *web.
Ills ordered that the Said ' , Millen he heard at th \ s Pat.
ent Mlles, on Monday, the let of Slarth.l.s2. at 11.1 f
Monk. M.: and all Demos are Donned neappear and Ir
num, if any they have, •hT mid P•tltl~n oo cht net be
Perenne oproeing the eaten:Won are moulted to Idle In
the Patent tare their oineellon , eleediml.r furth , 2 \
•long- at least twenty days bent. the day of heaths
to " t"Us747Ltle'ealt'enVertrraf,VM:it u' onla rgi t vtwitt .
nue " glee in ' vue onto*, which will be famished on eggilt , lo
Ordered, also, that this netts se poldlohmiln the N.
nomad Intelligences. Itepublie, and Union. Vi.hitigtnn
Got Rochester DM , ' Democrat, 'hemmer, N. 14 Prort.
derma Journal, Providence, IL i t_ Proneyirenla ]ogoirer.
rbilitthlifebt, P. 4 and Pittsburgh (Judie, Pittsburgh,
Pa., onoe west fur three nareeseare weeks preenns to tee:
fret day of March. len. ' TILOS.
deGhlawaw OweMlasjener of Patents. I
57D1G0-2.canks Madras and Manilla, for
Irah hi ZELLEIII4.
IifOLASSES-750..bb15. and 5 hf bide. su.
b 1.1.11. CiNITELI/
P EARL A9FI - 5V hliln . for talt.A3
Al734l3czeti l PIiOTORAL.
FOR nni\p EE 0)
00110118, COEDS, HO pIESS, BRONCHI- -
Tlfi, IST9OPLNG-C.:0176H, CROUP,
THIS REM_EtkY is off. to the comma-.
In site the ~,s nilerice weft. fie .a article which
~,e 1 d,,,,, fial. t o ',Ch o w happiest • Oslo that eau be die
SIMI. eo wide It the field of Its 1..01 \ess , and eennute
roots the cages of It. met. that almost ever, MM. of
the country abounds In .Tenon., pub , ly guotru , who
have been restored from alas.. and eye deep/Tate.*
eases of the lungs, LI it, wt. . When once tried, Its eta.
I \
neriority or. evert otlisr tordwl. ol BS ti. Is too ay,
parent to escape otie•rvatßarg mill where' It. t un Are
known, the public no longer heat ...anti storm.
ploy for th e distr es sing ant ~ dank . afle tio of the
pulmonary organs. which taw incident to our c to.
not only In the formidable att.. upon the saw,
but for the mildrr retinae of Coble, (üb, 110. sae,
kr.. and fur Children it If the pleaasht.rkt and safest msdl-
Hoc that am be obtaineil. „No Dimity shrink! be Without
It, and those who ha. used It 7.111 A. \
Bead the opinion of the following gentian.. who wit
tie recognised In the rimgcus *redo. of cantitry where
they are lorated--eaeh and'. as!! the Ors.
else. and of the highest chanettir—al ikeohle and Most
extern... wholesale dealer. In medicine, c
.. a exper
eon. unlimltrd on the subject `?if which ey . II
there la any tai tie In the judgment of e perk , are
IV'e the ondetsam., • holeule druggittAaring
long acquainted with Ayer's Cherry , Pectoral. lawny Vol
ta., si. bollff that it Is the beet and most affeetnal Ram.
edy for Pulmonary Co.umptlon weer offered to \the Age
e... People. And we would. Rom out knowledge of MI
and eaten/41e useful.... conllally collation&
It to, Me oftkud oo worthy their best natilldeuce..ll with
the Or.. contagion that It .GI do for their relief .1/\. t
medicine eau Jo.
ileums,. 1,1131..1. .1 00., Boehm, Ma.
/Imo , • Coulson. Baltimore, Maryland.
Lab, •In mom. ilaugor,3lalue.
1 1.1 land. Ilar.:1 A Co- Charleston. S. CI
Jacob N. Portend, Detroit. 3liehlgen.
0. 11. 0104) Inter, Louisville, Ky.
Francis • Walton, St. Loot, Mileclutt
Joingib Torten Sltgair, Alabama,
0. A. Peck, Burlington. Verroont.
I lavllatd, Ripley • Co. August, Georgia.
lease 10. James. Trenton, Nen Jorne.r.
4M. Tow nerd. Pittebstrah, Pa. •
Clark 0 Co. Uhlman, )Ikons,
; II E. Gay. Burlington. t 0...
M. A. lliintoe t eon. Norfolk, Va.
Eilesni Bringhurst, Wilmington, Del.
John Gillett • Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.
0. 11.0 W. 11. Mau., Washington, D. C.
J. Wright 0 Co.. New Orleans. La.
Watson, Wall A Co., Fort Warn . Indiana.
C. C. Itiolitootta • Co.. San Fran;isco, C.
Levitt a Ames. :InabaPlorlde.
B. It. iignitig, II ae,
noa• a, Tonnes... •
Chilton • liner, Lat. Bort, Ark. .
Naller„lguir At Co., gloom, 111...
N. I/ Labatt. , rest. Tea.
merle. Dyer, .. Brottlence. R. I.
J. M. Turner. savannah. Oa
Wade. Lek.. t Co.. Canine., O.
IN YOBEIIIN comorcs :
J. O. Catlin a Co . Valparai.n,
F.M. Ihannd a Co., ti..ra Cruz. Ilcr< lra
Fred. WI as a Cn.. itoxota, Naar Grenada.
N. Provo , tR Cn . Lima. P.m
Morpan a Co.. liallfax, tan.. /3,ntia,„
T. IC cu ter et Fon. Ft. Johns. bronsarlak.
C. H. Salina,. Jart.n . ,,Finlall.
With anch 3LIMLITRLICP. and frogrew-h mt , tt,an atronge;
prnnf can Le excl,t,thath-ond In Hari:recta upon
al. \ \
Prr.par.d and a01,91,y-PA3IES C. Alrl. ll .l . rs\atlcalChem.
V Lowed', Alata.,-
801,1Pu.,...hCran, whnloyal. land r. 4.11, by R. A. /AIL
NKSTOC,,CI - CO., sat J 'IOW NSK,IIa, \
In-,V-1-ghroy City. h. 11. P. SCHWARTZ. Iltt',.l.
CAS. ,•rk•ra'ir. Cm Ft
DR. CIINSOTT'S Improved Extract ol
The original atpi only get:mine preparation for the per
manent rareof foam:option and Memo. of the
Lung a Leo they are sappoaed to be affected by
the On inn nee of Memory. IrmtPlintee. to.
or King's hell,
Cancers, Taman,
Eruption.; vf the Stir.
Errriretar.Chrotth. Son. Eye,
Ringworm or Tetter,Seeld
Rhruniellittn, Palo. In the hole. or
Join., Old Sumo end Ulrere.....welltrig of
Lb. lienria, n rrhuh DyrrerAe. °.lt Rheum
[Aftaft of the Kidney.. L... of Arpetite,
rrom the nee of titer.
rury, Pelt; In the Fide* and
Phoulder, Oeuvre'
Dion,, Luraburn.ienn.
titre an.l Coetlrr
The eltaker . prerar,l Iktrk." and Otte .Ro
ore the invaluable remedial
agent. Rom whirl Dr.'t [lapel:m.4 Extraej at
V.llrot Dort and Sar.aperilla I. formed: and. the labciro.
tory r Dr. Cluroott he. given to th•vtrturoof thertarcota
tl . o , ololnv all the re-
W,ve pr.tperttot of the nett, cm:lt/nada:ad op:notate
thew utmost arrnattt and allotcy.
Experiment* were made In the manufacture of this tn.
dlchae. until It taw runnel that it could not to Inrther
proved. Aocordiugt, no fled It resorted to. alanait twF
tonally, In sown zot Hepatic. Scorbutje, sml thataneen•
complalrstt—tor wineral prt.etntiun ntii 11 the *ltal
ors, aml all thn.a tormenting kliseaseaof 'lnertia pining
pati.., and •U i( /Iran. "
;;; ; ;
..t. .1 Complaints, 'Cancer, (I
elbeuwannut. awl a Inc vasist7 uth. , EL
Kr.vaLle aud daua.t.m. Kr...roc...My tad jp.
uvtu.ull, cum' LT Tl.c rc uf ILL. modiclue.
-Sous. Mich.. Detah , r ath.16.51.
Mr... John D. Park—Dear Pit: It is with unitt.rable
feelinga , of gratitud• that I am able. through tin; Myths '
Provileuce of Oral, and by the wender-wOrking agency of
'that parental methane. Guymtt's Yellow D..e..k and liar
mparrlia. hi give you a few symptoms of my almoit hope.
t l4.
ca. I s the winter of IS`.O IWM attacked with am.
'were pain. wl\,k ch wm gradually extending through'.the
whole right i 4
and leg. At the game rltne,there was tor
tai prontentim my plr6ir.l , Yst , rm: .1.0. my leg. had
shrankto about wo-thirds of Its common Ate. I pentad',
ed the late/Wan, i • .kilfoi pril[ollo , ll, who pronoun
ced my ...Imam me . the worst Lyon of liver complaint.
Ile mid Illf Cal. WWI. ne 000 randy handled. but preagrib.
ed for me. I remain, under hie treatmenVontil I was
e.t.d.:l , d he mold not Lie me. I th o u procured of your
ut et Duo raw,. W. &or, two [anti..., of Guyeott'e
Yellow Port and.Sorsee rills. (ma which I re rived •
moo amount of heath! Ame 'baring taken four Wiles
mom I to m ably to porno. basin.. without any lam.
butand bare been ciao that time • well Meth while
hut a short peri..l to.fdre I II I Leon doomed to toy bed
them fourtbe of the tome: who 1 Ca1111;tt aeonba there.
torn of my health to any otlite roof.. thl, by Alm a.teney
of that truly valuable andicinel \ uyeottle Yellow Dark
sad emparllla. 11. hPEL VAUItIPYAL
Mr. J. D. Park—Dear Alr : I send yort the k , \wirolng on ,
filtrate, and to far as I am munainted \with the \cam. It li
all true. I procured it, thinking It air. h lea , earflt la
you and to tie. efilirtol. Inn bare the PA - .lege V using
it as-you think brat. poor, W. A. BMUS.
` n
The following let for is t.m a his hly rarprotab r p1.yr1 , 17.
who t IljVI 11 , nu ri ten. to t•rartlre: '
Nr,116. btark ',tont', It.. Nor. I, 114.1.: S.
Dr. John 11 , ..Perk —Dear air: Pr. IlnyebWr I:.l.ract oP
Sankaparllla has boon pa...cry...115, me for the loot three','
Lean, with gaol stint, in llsuvrel Debility. Live'r Com.
Ploint. Jeundlee, Sy.o.toia. and Chrooks and Nerrous
DIAL... In all Wrote. Completnt• it certainly la‘unr
stualhal. in the etre of Ws medirheedhobstbml constant
II gal. strength and rigor. a 1.4 worthy of great mite
epleration. It is plvorant to the horn and.pmell, and min
Le oral by were. slat tin most delicate stemachp, vial.
ealots. under any rirrarnetanot. I art !looking Wane.
oedema. and to the elllimfd 1 @strire Ito P.S.
\ \ ' Dlt.. S. =PER.
• Sold by J. D. PAFth. Inurionoti. , Ohm, north.t wen.
of Fourth and•te, rnt room on Wahent etreet,
L.l erllottl all &leo , must Iv addrraSe .\ 0 \
J. Kidd A LT.. It A. Falineetoek .1 ,J. )I, Jong* 1.
Wilms, jr, Pittsburgh; Ice A.• ' , Mat.. AllagktenT CRY:
L. T. Ituamit. Washington; L. 11. - Ilow, • Unlantown:l3.
Welty, Groensburst; El. Kottnta,HOsurreet; Scott A 911morw,
• Prdford;lteed A bOll, Iluntingdou;)l.-Orr,llollidiyabUrg
Hildebrand t tlc. Isollons,' J. H. Wright,tton
Hi sdng:
Evans A Co. Brookrillr; A. Wilma. A Stillt.'Wssynest
diegeraind & Co,- N. Collendrr. dletelrill. Dutton & Co
grips Graham A Parker. I.lrrnr, Jomrs Ilelly\& Co, II 4
Ism S. Smith. Bearer, J. Cl.Sommertost, Warren 4. L. &
S. Joure, Coudersport P.Crosker, Jr.. Crownerille. •
. say
Price- 81 per Bottle:. Six Boyles fpr $6.
\ d4:0•••14yr s
\ Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.,
rpitis article is mach cheaper and easier \ to
I. 'lase non 'oar, ts warranted to: elmm - se all Itinat
ill In .y manner Injure the Docit ['Arks. Calicoes an
werrentest not to Isle of weabed In this floe!.
Use no Wash he y a t tar dotter are main nut more by the
cm. of It. than they ate by dm twit sou tees in their test.
lull "MU muraly olors •way with tlest Laborious test.
lull dirertifts new= ,O rs ,
f tett , 1. 0 .. SOW at lb...Mb
nut prlee..6f ,521 i rrtd, s au
yr lfbie s ut fort o amlinery wash.
Ref e rrrom.4.The following Laillos hays giren certb
trate, tmaklett In higher terns of in ChMe emical 1,5m1
Ist Mluldthebt ‘ ven mold eater, They It for
11= 1 ,71tb e r:1:4il e m1 1 : : := 4L:tratr4.t1'
• s. Elisahemu Trahnestock. 65 Stua rt
s-zrg... Seat. ensile,' of "aura, and hmithlltbl sta.; M
isry li. 16115., 116 Llhesty at: Mrs. Mary Jones, T.t.
lets et.: Slit. Start 'U. Kimbell. GM Crawford at.. Pit.-
t MitlC
;i r . g . aq; 4 1 •Oulti n ktfin e t t n I t!,TV, U s ' ltt ' tr et. Ah
kls ' t=tiZ r y '
mesa 515th.
\ ;e i k /Tl \ 1 11ANTY FUND. $100 " ,& 1 :, Pail.
rri ig\COMPANY oilers to the inSrired all
Ak rt ~.137•rtg,,%d,,rg,tff-,2 ' efrg ' t . 4!.l ' d ' TLlT . 4.4 l'l"
retoc of r bisoi . ottoual niturn in nob of cur pct .
route, , intrril for tbe enotrobent rot of the re..
...omits. \ ut`hot rortssive provision for the future web.
nu. an e bet., for the whole tenn of lila with ...Alin .
blo interest In he acrounulating fund Peratsl pr nadz
numb.", pa 1 q at death, hi credits upon Welt Deb
iro ,rorentr to il Seolubed.fot the tartoment eceurlty cif
, thort term Sae Inks. .1.1 On thr the invirorut securitrot tor Mr whbletlront of lif i \
1111 , 51-11ila Is tit& Crily. Mutt. Litt Insannae Ccmpati
ar. nitro cf promit vire fixed et a hared.. stet.
, an% with wrottorieou pr . ammailytheresifiniritMaMlF
iletiiip of roods( In re escorityl in ekset proportion to
the Vroount of if. nod the irsirention risk Iron ed.
~.%A . ,
. 93113. arena= it %Throe. ~-,
~ \
tr - OkorVro ' peen ; n itiriT.T..l! ' etf ....
da Tslid irothestione
for Worm reorient y . \ i
. .TUK/IliTT,'Aintil.
- - Ai. ' - ,,, ,,,LT I f •,' Mit citl Mein. kitiebursh,
....VW:it/SW.ON -t 10
I,JEVASSION -01PS-2,000.000 Lir esle
\ \Num • t.leusysrocs uo.
1 far 4 16
\% \
ie. 0,,,,vg or.
4 1J1 2\ '71. 1 11.1 'b
i.ur 7 : \--
.'.... \\ • i ' • • ••'' '-'‹: ! ..
\ s, •'' \`\ • ' ll° ... "!:,'.."•
New Books! •.••-•
AT T. \ READ'S, Apollo •Buildh4p, No.
koPy Lin k tFhalr. by Matrilla
Familiar Edestor. or Ma PoSeatto togailatalil Or
. X 13.12 Thing hasillsa o&boo!. .
Manor of 'Mate Familiar: by Dr. Etralron Ihrhoattlas
r t"i ditifre4 jo i tieVa h rgy of Ms w on=of fl
001 Ca
October IL 1151. dell.
&Thinl street. op the Post OStatc—•
ambers' Papas or the
Kossuth and the lionosian War-, orsaaplrt
Veneta Trelawnty, or &orluslon Of thst .i !
the Wart of Lomb."' \
liotuth's Speeches In Kns'And, hit Ilroa t
pie of the United State.. WebtOW• Una'
man—in rounpillet form s
Alms and °bowl. • by .4
Horticulturist snit Cult/ r Domubtsr.
Witt' Nathan! Shusialtit. ITT Sutural'. .
The ti turd of Napoleon, by }leanly.
Pletorig Broiler Jonalhan, Christostot
A larguatipply of ANNUALS, flot t =
Hatpn's New Sicalltly hittuurirai
Sitintittt,lbr Deem . •
atSvutsiVAlturitte l grblo rw ri i ottr,
Matti ahltes,,n b .i.
fisb.PDirSi or the Whole; •SA work Ltamiti. of Stnikrporeart (Probations: •
on . L•bor eta Lotelo
I, st Pair s No. lf.
ortrot ttlYe r f -- I=, ' 4 . reg. Art
Lorutote Art Journal far Norsoulter n
a me noel
The LH, toil the Bee t by S am lu el Warne.
Una Huila. tun hit Squiresraticho Pans..
The Taking of the Bantle, by Dams.
fiThTlf , "l . ll l : , =-I°l.D=.; Sal
Lewis AruTr4. or o the Ibtlinual of GM.
Think Pair IL or fronts to Hu Libor IS /hit
01. I f 0111 ilue.tatomcrit, • sepal Woman. Dastinloo. or • History of the float.
111• \ bel. or Um 4441 of W. • Malt Mid, • Teo
A., k 0f%.111.170g,b.="ti 7 6iot; ta
4oL °DR:le:ale Adtiehitidwi
thi.L, with ensoliitoos tUnstrtilons..
J. L. REAr
de \ ?milli greet, Apollo B'
krench Broadcloths. ' ,
!TRW. & BURCHFIELD, st,,thenonla \
east. er of Fparth and Marta StrlmUL always
Ma hand
of the above latish', and sow tzar ,
(al to Wert thous of the trail arum:nod saassbetara.
Buyers of lan will dad lila their afttantsga Ls sundae
=lt fol d ; rt=r&s=4, ar% Vl * k lkisc=.
Low laird grerra i ‘sr i own, sad oily. Cloths nod OulltowltS '
for boys wear. reds gad Jeans, of varioas calstaron
£O l
n AII2; 17 `lrlagritniUSLlNE, shard OD •
baud at 12)ts. per '4 \ard. 4.1n0. Boehm Limns. mods rif
pun flax. i &IS
hays been received and as Orr sgs by . J. fr. ELL%
7 porta st , Apollo B low
Unarm's Pruner, of Idsdlclas :
lanagllawas's do. Nilo
U. 8 IThopeasatoryL ,
Cordon's Medina Dictionary:
(lobster's BUirrlcsi do.
lioupre• Medical dn. \
Pain Institut. of bledlein
, tlood'a Study of Plellciast
blansadie's Physlolawr / \ -
Carpenters do..
Stewart on Waves of ChEdrcat
Churchill on Intuits
Churchill on Utscaws or Yetuales \
Litton an .0 Mutror s , atrors . \ "
B Ilion 4/Anldard 0 Bum. Atter. ;,..
litA el.'s NI ill warri ;
SI, Ins' Tawas.... rit.
lion.; road Nur L'• l'b w r
4•l..arr _-
Crow pail. .e lucooatis rbysiolun.ron alas tar Uwe
sal, • lin uct alsr sal I t tltUr d llAd A...w.r.
'4 7:, ' . k .lTrll l i.iltirAlaiilt: l ity 1 J: ii:%tte, N. D.-- ..v.i .- at.m....1 \''' \ n 619
ISTOR - 011,—.)G bbil. tor Pala bY --- -
. del3
ti (I YSOTT'S Salle\ Poet mid Snrsiparil
lgi l•—lurccr O min br J KIDD a liek.
1 00)1T PLA STI.R-2t.) groirs for sale 13'
' dol7. J KIDD k CO.
T[S'f'S C6lO
. 16 7 Mi1l a.ortmen
Talms.l, \ J. KIDD a 00. \
L SAFFRON-11.1 ibP. far ante by
. J. KID!) a 00.
A ES-4 , bbisliflrArtractstgi..fff salobml
EAI Sll---4 oesks for sale by -
etra R. LAIZZI.T.. t 00. Llbatr R.
G\ . itqwbri klieg ei:;forealo
wies. x<caablartt.
I ° l l l l l l-2bls" 2 " B. 'i tiViroilm ''*co.
_ • •
1113. 391ibbed llnvival
3 , 40 1 awl 3 lake Eloperrin
I. U. 33L - Oulloagh's Brand.
Jut rtetiVinli avd fnr • ebi
del° . '
_JO Liberty st.
RIED AP • 40 bb i foisalalT
deo : P. IME1T11:11.
The subectiber has lust'
HT t Ware popular Saluting 1
Sbtbod, compng,
Power. NIMIt(111
'the One Line halmilt, cattalo)
the test Churoh Masi.
The fight
Sight &Paula Clans,.
101111.1 at aigs ,
mtl ' ite o stll•Mt L etTgtl.a l . th•
MOLASSES -30 bbls.
To arrive and Lie as le er
E.AD-400 pigs for sale by, • ~
I A dell •• , DUWORM*
Beanmont's Patent 8 •
PATENTED, July 26th; , 1
a beautiful Oloaa to Llama,
rs. btart Doe.. an, and, also •
"'"''" e. I.lT:isfitir2ort7ol:.
bineteette—Put . • biome Lbw.
c b gis fe ' P ' eglai
\ it. BBb
a.oPoie .freut Off
bbls. or draught.
DAINT-25 b
for Yale by
PEARLS -14 casks roc
d,13 WIC
VIOT ASH-15 casks p
L den nl
LINSEED 01L-19 bb
RESU TEAS -25 hf
il b j*
UPS-16,bales Ohfo
.1. T casks
_pur, f_orialo_b k y c.o. r
den. S. Inlay must
/ teak of Mosl=l IVAation. br 1. 4,Alklar, lust sve.
uld for b, sir by JUILN 1.4 DINLwIt, A
U ts--53 ~ -
kegs suis'd 'NOR., just recd 1
Kls 4 er Milton, sod for male bi_ _
de2 JAM.IIUTCLIMIt CO.- .. - •, , '
11)1EATO'STARCII.1-50 boi%3 just tec'd - 4lii •
L ronrisratiratt and for nu br - - -• • \
dr2 •: \ itAADT, nanes a co. .. ,
PARED MACLIES--10,bu: ibr sale by -
.- ' \
do •'' ' WM, A. - .: McOLORO li- Co. -
CaA.LE.ATUS:.-, 10 tons Puly'dAitt casks
the./ and boxes, f .44e by IL LAW.=
HALE ethiks WintiStnattect
V 14' - [4.11t) DALZffil, &VW;
it been lour eaught'ait. tir w CIXEMICA4I.4.I
D MILDER, far. %teeth* Mos. Glass, gartiturgad
SSSSSSIIIIIIeybIie, ale, Peat, hurt ornament, La. • ' •
&Melee joined br thu valuable rue/U.4U^
*III W summered perfectly aolU , aug ready ter woe to
(ha live minutes after it hay b en joined. At It haeak
coley, It learn uo mats ut earthing bating bun. apnlf
to to e blot hart, 'yen on thagneet tiro
ruin the aelica of bet water M. an4bet titan! Ilcosig,
nug ebony& bun,
ke ttaractry 'rude &ben, afi inelant al •
Ilie put Sr will lit tau teethe Inualitenre
,areushited 'UM the beLlUal only utiola fel" guiablrYa .
pawing. when the wet le ow tritium. • • • "
lotwboluale or retail, by 11.1,
Wend street. .
EARL ASII-20 ctasks for sttle. by • ' •
405 W. k WILSON.
Ae6. conate Flrot and A'aoa eta:.
..MOLASSES--30 bbla.lioodeldfs • •
kJ • baarr, far We by 111/11.11111DGE 11.1111101;
`ar6 lla Watu
18/(; -
5(11 1i . r i a . . i . ,1 .1" .. A .1 !!:71 1 1 :7 1 AR .
t T.L. POL_ lttuat., \ i
;i 5
taaNsies. Caner.. shirt Datums. axed an kisses of NUM % 1
its as. venni. the Irma from earring to the Lusestitsal
dust Rent onside, it' cnotabss nothing Wane. -to
clothes le ser mayeet. The belles have beg sires telt
We necessity et suers au erns!. arse In thle them sesnestas
nsion rill he fairs manual. as am terepotttlents on WS f
loci r ::ep ti 7 r an '" ...k e tes:_ n' tma: i l i li nv eh B" :eu e„ l.l C' lLie ' lrhoril W3l .t.. i .rrm 4 7 h . s . u .' l2 . l6
• retail by .n. N. NTICKYIUSILI .
esti earner of Wood and hlsCh sta..
i •
Ilitft:SE-500 boxes prime Cream Cheese; - t.
• st
YI ore for kale Isy .
\ noll \ k4 It. DAL CCO.. Lrbir4 Et'
riRVUSIItONS-2 doz: Indiri Rubber ,
and Mell.loall All Cestneus. of different amok Just '
d San 4..4.. at Nialle Market dress, • ~. -,, \
ea, , - J. ~ J. a 11. PnILLTPS. k ,
4. l .siett.ED sitUtiltist 8ei1. 0 0 1 4. 2 1N 0 1-Nu\
0 BOCntg— \ ii \,,. \., c 1 t..., r „ ,:, ~ \ ' . • - s
Cannes Landis, by v. asou'on• k • ' \
- a Webta • • Liter InusSeash. ' : '...
.w book:
NOrmat *Waal rang tt Temnemzieelleledeout , \ :
Juvenile slrateriess '.., Glee Wes. by L. Mount •
Suess licek of nil Behrelffiam Beset* et Laledcadas . ,
klimart Schoolbag tiostr, CirstTh,sWarltsam SOW \ '•:'
Emma Cher. Dona. ... ' aisaan _..., bi \ ?
Abe—The Albetrossamitry=r. ir. , ,r. - r --.!
DIM my Warr. nes sett he 8. V:
Th. Bloome•a Cemplsion ...
.... -•,_ ,_ ~, \ ,
Catbarise llayes' leemrs,m_Vtein riu triir=, . ,
~, \ __, :i \
~6,•i i e ntab -. \ . -:: , ' \
' .2.i : D' 3 VD s, • . ,
ll L F;i2t!l i ) .c lH
jud J.'"' — , ..., E /1 f seg,ittl , 47 ,, ' ' ;:t '.
°"rr' Alar ''''' k 7. JA)ilii 1. - TitTC/i/iini 4 ali \, \ 1 \
1► HILA.3I„ CILEESE-140 bxs•
ll lebrated Durham ad Nutmez Cbeal% L.. aar r.
eetvedod sor tale lq
del . WicK IieCANDLIZA.
CEAU CUEESE--86 billcaoll3,:for
%de try v. 7. VOS i 30 3051111.0 rum t 4. /44,
boa ...rpr 1.4•_ ,qrs-
X "' krwri.r * za upatur,..
Q.ALT PETEET -69 - , IIOI E B Crude, %Wit ' 2 ,
0...1 all. n 7 \ 'Ulan TICS
` ATIEEK6 -75
2.` LDICKBraI,
.• .
~ .
tk,, , t/ o N
trt ..\
~ •
~ . ._.... .; \
, \
. 1
/.. \ •
. :.0 i\
A \
\ , /
' i \
' . • s ‘‘,l L\. . \
' '', \ \ \ \
',..\ \ \
\ .
\ .
S-4111(11 tett=
- -a2Etauhrosicasw,