The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 30, 1851, Image 2

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` The whole altilhed world is in a state of pain.-
far the`' state 'Of things in
kilt it stand 4 ; - 2 ail Louis Napoleon
resintaiii hither:36, After, having taken one of the
taost,tmdouloto &tops that can be found in the.
Aitials Of histOry? He seems to have had every
thihg Se well arranged that all forcible oppoal
iiiiiiwae qUickly sup Pressed. The suddenness
of ; t4q blow stunned the nation, and it may be
`that when the people recover a little from the
shoal, 41ey =byplay the part of men. The vo
ting'ittteng the troops was progressing; and by
• the *ado we biro returns of 65,000 votes for
the usurper, and 3.,,000 against him. This is
.'•grFatlyi, than we could have expected from
- the sold ere; and. shows. an opposition whichmay
! • . well encourage the'friends of freedom. Should
he hae..oventbrown : --es we think be will be, if it
be true' thatim large a:portion of the army no.
!align* hisa- 7 o ho recoil will be tremendous,
slid ill pYobably roll the tide of revolution all
over the teitirtenti‘ ' The destiny of not only
£rnnce, but ; home, Austria,. : Prussia, and, in
fact, almost all the great continental powers,
therefore, is imspanaded upon the ability of Lon
iaNapeleonetb maintain himself in hie present
potions. positieni. Our impression is that he
cannot da angle was equal to such an.
emergimeN bat this is a very different man-.
••• • = , 'sossusa. IN PII:LADXLP
Nri We lfi omdhy last Kossuth was welcomed 'to
i possible demonstration
of iespeet. Every thing piiissed off finely.
The processionarrived at the State House at
• half-past two o'clock: where Kossuth latt his ear
likened was conducted into Independence Nall.
• ere ; he was int r oduced to Mayor Citrus 'by
T: 'EDwean rasetrnSw.„ Chairman of the Compr
i . •
alien COmmitteo. I• .
1. ,
~,Ile- O tteor briefly addressed -him, - welcoming
; the nation's and city's goest, and remind
.," 4pitig him th a t in the vVriji Hall in which he stood,
• .
..our then declared the intlepen
t.T...,-- mice of tho Colonies, the first great step tawards
theattainment of the liberties and the prosper
toist-rn..ieplied.Sbli this is perhaps the
Prendest Welton° WhiCh yen coil& give me. The
very theknoiring Oit'l an standing here
initnigthe happy.iriberitori of that freedom and
' . independence fop ihiCh your forefathers fought
and blest-,the welcome; byllic happy inheritors
greit dmds, here very cradle 'of
your ,glOrious libertics.pie cirenenstmnce is
enough to ImPress' opon,ai mind a religious
awe, which inclineS my heat! silently to raise
• itself to GOd, wondering at thasoys of Ills Pro.-
ritheithanto And'expressions in wards.
you,,Sir, that in "Independence
Voris spoken here,' and the act de
-eared here, represent en raymind, whoa in ,
..;.MY.tiativo:land,—tiot in the airibitiOn' to copy
your glory: but from a' entiment of daty, and
fibre a toedicemen that my'creiltry was also
~...,!"•:"!; 'entitled3o: freed_ore,—did even that year
forefathers 'did: here.. 'Tour 'histlity inspired
-•;• -'.-(olyfe . oPte . 'and . myself with rusolutlon, with in.
eppirafian with ml4.tirith' hope.
Yonsucceeded, and - we:failed; not because we
4, were tibt ii , rosoinnereurßecidedl4 eacritice
• - life aid sal that to men.en earth is deer, for ear
fatbmland;'but because we weronetin to
a situanonati you. ‘Poreign armed interfor
; enne came and Treated Out of our hands the
.I'4llo efaiready achieved' riatories. ean -tell
You thattrittedief. the spirit of your freedom and
independenee,.'and - of your republican einstitu
'T -- •; 1 10( 11 , oaOokoverthearaves of the ocean log Hun
~ ;Let ristehorid thatiny,very standing here, wel
; Couisiq Your motion may be a - pledge/Mr the
Iciters. , thattho,irpisit which - came oven "to us
Ibis - Place - may yet be attended by that ul
- atmete suoceis which wee your happinesi, Your
glary,Mirlyorti merit - also; because, Mort‘that
- • briels,„Yenhere founded a building• of human
•'• rresdoen;:and - ei the' developmentof the. , hulan
',intellect,' and of civilization, prouder, 'loftier,
_ thou that irhiCh hinzumity before you Lae beheld
through fienthousand years.; To your waleortie
• I return my mast hearty thanks. -To your eel
.' comeof the poor exile, put in the proud position
of.your nation's guest, be thanked for your hoi,
Pitality--be thanked for yam , welcome. Be,
thanked, becausnl know that ,the welcome of;
a free, mighty, and powerful people like you, is,
assurance that mighty, free and , ;powerful(
'people feels ' inclined - to become the 'execritivei .
• power , of the laws of nature, and of Natures.
'God, width wen proclaimed - one of the very ark
tifyoer hopes to bef.,not Your. right alone, but
the right of all humanity." • '
,•7'.,..,'Neesntit was theg introduced to the corpora
- ton authoritiee, and; other public -men; after
which he was conducted through the building to,
it 'covered .platform, erected in Independence.
.Square, pad which was hung with Hungarian
and'American 'flags - and teetotally decorated
van evergreens.• An ;immense concourse of
PeellAnwas wisombled. in the Square, forming a
compact mass, extending from the platform
nearly to the enter gate. The appearance of
the`great th e Platform Vas hailed with great
enthasieent. .Tbe crowd was eo densely wedged
together, that the movement of a single individ
nut swayed the entire mass. Of course perfect
• . Order was immovable. Atter soma minutes or
cler.was partially restored, and Kossuth addrei
, • .
• sed.thef Concourse as.follawe
• .._ I wonld liketo address you, gentlemen,' [cries
, of
~ o rder,'l N irder,l.but-when we will have or
'der, we matt. call order very often. :The despots
of the 'world cry' Order, and you see by such
wards. the liberty of the old world Is murdered.
•• Permit me; gentlemen; to. cover ray - head (put
ting his bit). ;•Your hearts are warm, like
Christian - but the air is a little chilly .
ItSs indeed with deep emotion that I thank. you
. for the limier of this-reception, and for diet:oast
' ifestatines of your sympathy. ,It has
been: my let ,' during tanipeat-tossed life, very
often to experience • that- the people are every
where -.highly honorable, generous, noble and
. good; thit theyare Imbued with instinctive sell
*intents ef true:Finciples, with= sympathy for
'every jest nause,...azitt filled with that manly res.
elation tneupport right and truth, whioh manly
resolution intho'richest source. of the most no
'l here serY ' rdints; in my ilfe,Where the wiseat
• men arere , at-a Ices as what was the beet course
• to parmeinoticed that the .poeplo's uncorrupt.
ad tientimentpeinted out at. once the true way.
hamseftemfeemi the strongest man falter under
the' weight ef•an eveat,•whilis the people stood
Strut' never wavering in their confidence tn, the
justice of God ; never : wavering •in their sympa
thies in ajaat cause, andnever wavering in they
insolution to carry Ilion happy issue and peri
" hips'. this experience heti norm brought mow(
kepis andemsolation than in this very plate. II
.-feel now that lam upon saered'ground. In this
veryiplacti vastest( to your forefathers, seventy
five years ago, the -Declaration of -yocir Inde
pendence:. Isis here Jour forefathers achieved
:Mat Deelaistion. - lAppliinee.l Althoigh that
Iteolarationithen proclaimed, was no more than
a'ailito the people to be ready to sierifcellife
Mrd'alt theyheld dear, for their fatherland. It
was' a pith fall of danger which was pointed 0
to your forefathers. ' But' still they, upon thi
appea4Mwed•to be readyto" sacrifice life an •
every _thing to maintain their independence,—
. - Now;., yoe„gentlemen; the 'frappylitheritors pf
• that independence forythicts your forefathers
fought and bled i lsrteint* - Ketllecedition that
, you hare ziothingitioti to run
yttle.;ette ettbutity;yall4kaplver to trot the
'Whole itelikkilf.letw ruNIFtl.:••*!)t11 into that
biAance 'brat; thedesumas Of. mankind are
21 ,pra t eighed..•1 - , -
•: , ..clentienteS, 2, j'hoAtrat , •this demonstration
!'tifyatietsyMratlty token of this your resolu:
ticat,Whichinpul,glOrlattefii you td beneft
eiatte2himenity...fthatit-Yen with the wa!m
eitsentimesttel an honest heart, for yell. kind
neenaid sympathy ,and- t9Cipu to be assured.
• 'that the remembrance of your sYmPathY
will- ► aye be cherished in. the heart ;Piny.
, as an 'object Of our -- :everlasting . thanks
and grrititudCt Ittettte?'"ktt!O h g') ""`
KOMtitk'then - spimaiidAtt .encleide of the
plattoim,.bbscedhis .ttcklfoirleti eats io the
1113kmuiti tuae.' 404 4,4 1,04 tabtshatel,
P. H.
bat not of a e.yulgn F ts nature. 1.116 YoioaLng
bulletinisluted on hid~oar
• I li,
.. ,...r tetrWralrfy that; his Emne cy
ce of aroold- he;
c i ,k• so ' rilli ts os e A l at nounditi •
self professionally called upon strictly to pre.
• • • rasa-and quietnesa.Gda.evening..-_,
"LEWIS B. Z. relzEs,
r; S , 16 , ophy.i.inn to the Governor."
Kosnith will not, probably, from the shore
~aase;~epeaT~ more than sre-attet - miaate6`thie -
Presentation of a Ifaltere Crou of Gold Be
„ „
•foee Kossuth ortteidAlle,Wioner-roomhe receiv
ed Col. PagVelrotaitint of Btat'e Micibles in
'the gentlemen's. parlor.. Col; Page, in• a brief
and very nintkipiesit: treilinited , Kosiuth with a
magnificent IGalteee Cross of Gold. in which area
likineae of Geb. - Washington, sat in peels,
and a locket containing I:portion of the hair of
WhahlbitOn.” ; This beautiful affair was got' up
Member of the company, on
itlicitiel4lKuleit wait presented.
..16esstrtar on receiving this memorial, said:
'-"It is with deep emotion that I thank you for
the manifestation of your active operative aym
, pathy in the substantial aid you are pleased to
bestow for the benefit of the cause of my down
trodden laud, and the cause of so many nations
connected with it (here Kossuth shook hands
with the donor). But, sir, it is more than
thanks, it is more than gratitude, it is a sort of
religious piety, which I feel when I press to my
heart this your precious gift, the likeness and
lock of hair of your great Washington—that glo
rious star on mankind's moral shy. Overpow
end as I am with sentiments, and somewhat
worn down with a fever as I am, I scarcely can
be able better to show the value I attach to this
precious gift, than when I promise you Sir, and
you gentlemen, that in the approaching new
struggleln Europe for freedom and independ
ence, I will attaoh - it to this very 'standard,.
which will incessantly be carried at myimedi
ate side when 1 in person lead on the bra Vest of
the brave of Hungary to decide the victory of
freedom against despotism. (Applause.) -
So tray God bless me, as I give you the assu
rance that as long as one minis left to stand by
that standard, as long al one drop of blood is
in this heart, that standard which you have hal
lowed by the likeness and the lock of hair of
.the venerable head of your Washington, will be
proudiyand loftily floating—a terror to despots
a hope to oppressed humanity, and an eVerlast
ing vicuna of resolution and heroism to all who
love liberty and are ready to fight for it, [Ap
platten] And short as the life may be which I
have to live, I confidently hope I shall see the
-day I will plant this etandard, so adored and
hallowed by you, on the very shrine of Braga.
ry's achieved freedom and independence. '[Ap
plume] I thank you once more—let me hope,
—and let me say that this hope is net a vain
one, because it is supported by your gallant
hinds, and by the sympathy of the people of
the United Staten—that the American people
wisely consider that the time draws near, when
it must decide what conree it is resolved to take
in respect to the great event—the first blow of
which has ahead] once been struck, although
by an impious' hand—yet nevertheless, etruck to
become by the providential aid of God, even by
its very crime, subservient to virtue and liberty.
Let me, therefore, hope, that the time is not far
distant when Isbell have trawrite you that this
likeness and this venerable 'lock of hair from
thebead of your great leader, has not only led
on the inroei of limagareui the renewed stens
glq.for freedom and independence, but it has al
so inspired them with the spirit of its genius
and its character, of its success as an army.—
One thing I swear to you, gentlemen, it will ev
er inspire this heazi. (Grant applause.)
The Corporation Banquet came off in the eve
ning, but the sicknois of Kcssuth, robbed-it of
its principal attraction. The dinner was a fine
affair, reflecting much credit upon mine host of
the United Staten The tables were ernamented
, .
very tastefully, and "loaded with every delicacy
that theses:son afforliti.; After the cloth had
been removed, and the toasts to the President of
the United States, and the Governor of Penn
aylvania—Eossuth entered the room and took
his seat at the head of the table,amid the cheers
Of the asaemblage. His health .was drank im
mediately,and he responded in a short epeeekin
which he stated that his health vas toe feeble to
make a speech at that time. Ile then withdrew
and the toasts were drank, and speeches made
by a great number of persons.
On Thursday Kossuth remained in 'bed all
day, and on. Friday morning hi - was much bet
ter., At 10 o'clock, he received the delegation
from Harris: burgh., and made a beautiful reply
Co their address, promising to visit Harrisbugh,
if he was not called to Edrope before he had
time. At.l2 o'clock the same day, he received
the delegatien of the Protestant Clergy of Phil
adelphia, and made a reply to their spirited ad
dress, which we shall try and copy into entrant.
It is very interesting. On Friday "evening he
spoke for two hour" at .the citizen's banquet as
the Musical Fund Hall. What a wonderful
wan! One day confined to bed with a low fever
and the next receiving delegations, and speaking
for hours in succession.
Wniamt's CUEM!CAL DIDELMAB, now exhibit.•
ing at Lafayette Hall, are the mostremarkable
pictures we have evsr Been. First we have a
series of fourteen Successive dissolving views,
giving beautiful representations of some of the
most interesting scenery in Europe and Asia
The dissolution of one scene, and the rapid de
velopment of another upon Its ruins, ie most sar
i prising, and even startling, to those to whom it
yv new. Next we have Fix chromOrope views,
.jery. beautiful. They cannot . described.
the neat is the Milan Cathedral, appearing in
i‘siery gradation of light, from that of noonday
midnight, when it and the adjoining buildings
arerillinntiy illuminated from Within, present
ink' a magnificent appearance. The final scene
is Belabazaar's .Feash a night scene of gorgeous
beatity, splendidly illuminated. This last is the
best:"xuttrinst be noes to be understood. We
unheSltatingiy recommend every one who has
tastelhr the beautiful and the sublime to go and
see th*B. They will be shownevery'night this
week. -
3 7
NittavaPoudaues of th. Pittsburgh Daily Oa. ' etta.l
Wmunsrarroic - Deo. 24, 1851.
A moat disastrous fire occurred at the Capitol
teday, by which the entire Library of Congress
was destroyed, with the fortunate exception of
that department filled with works on American
history and law, and which contained perhaps
Eft= thousand volumes. The number of books
destroyed was probably little under thirty-fire
thousand volumes.
The fire wee discovered at a quarter before
eight o'clock, this morning, and there are sev
eral contradictory accounts of-the eirtmmetanoes,
and time of its commencement. No alarm was
given to begenerally audible until a quarter to
eight, ?.3 I have mentioned. In a quarter of an
hour afterward!, there appeared to be eo possi
ble chance of saving the Capitol. The Speaker
of the House, inventl officer* of the watch and
the guard, Gen. Cass and Gen. Shields, and a
number of ..other Senators and members reached
tee- calamitous scene at eight o'clock, and ex
erted themselves bythe utmost to MO the ven
erable and 'megnificent edifice. - At this time it
cols evident that no part bf the noble collection
of books in the. principal hall of the • Library
could be saied. In fact, with the excepSon of
a pair of globes, e ; few
:maps, and twenty or
thirty volumes of tali , books which had been
temporarily placed neii?:the door at. thel chief
entranca the entire miscellaneous libraty of
the United States lay - heap of blatiryg rains,
on the floor of this fine apartment. Besid. the
fine collection of wcrrks'on,,Oneral A literatnre,
there was also lost an eitinebfettnaulatir of
medals, illustrative of Mitering; French, And
ancient history, which had recently been largely
,augmented and newly arranged. Thesal of
course, cannot be easily replaced Beside ihess
Vary and precteue articles of vertu, there was a
valuable series of original - portraits of the Pres
idents of the United States; a bast of Jefferson,
with allegorical embellishments upon the shaft
and pedestal, an'admired and faithful bust of'
Lafayette,. one' of President J. Q. Adams, a
•bronre copy of Hendon's head of Washington,
by Mills,' original and approved portraits of
yob:imbue, Hanson and Peyton Randolph, presi
dents of the Continental Congress. All these
are gone Irrevocably and irreparably.
, *The prompt,'laborious and efficient exertions
'of the Speaker, the Marshal of the Alstrict, the
~.mOnr,,, year Correspondent, Gee. Gass, Di.
Olds, Hem Shields and others, alone eared the
, pilot frtm .tott/' destrttation. For half an
-hotti after the_reqf,ot the Library follinNhere
iiPiliired i °' b f ili ' d/7 P nibilit r - a °Flag
th~buildin& The Oli-9 16 kid been from told.'
n i ghE until larirolagetienple
fie in - tie - 011,.*e7•1T ore 11 ". ,4 7 eztattsteA sad'
, .
Eh* hose Ati3lll frozep foe ha morning rtilol3 ,
ci2tiesf of did selothi. I belive
the ' Bliltaelmo'srn here for many years. hey
could of course do but little at the critical tee-,
ineittrWlietfAefe would hive been of
most avail. Previous to their getting into op
eration, parties of men were organized, with
• ketsk — whose-exertions Irmo -- of service in
preventing thy nommtmleitlon of the fire by
certain connecting woodwork. with the dome.
Ne human effort, however, could have presere'd
the Capitol, had the Library been a part of the
main building as originally constructed, but it
consists of an addition to the western side,
forming with its beautiful portico a western
front. Of course the wall on the side nearest
the rotnodo is the thick exterior wall of the
Capitol building, as first constructed, and is fire
proof. There was no wind, which wan a fortu
nate circumstance. In half an hour after the
Library roof fell in, the domes covering the
rotunda and the ranges of roof over the other
devisions were pronounced secure, and thus all
danger of a general conflagration was arrested.
The department of nmerican history was
raved from the fact that it occupied a 'operate
though adjoining room, to which there was ac
cess. by an independent entrance. The books
wore partly removed, but most of them were
=flared to remain on their shelves, and escaped
injury from both fire and water. This is by far
the most important division to us, because it
contains mazy important works and documents
of which no specimens are to tie found elsewhere.
As to the costly collection of miscellaneous lit
erature destroyed, time and money can repair
that loss. There was, however, ono incident in
this scene occalamity, which was eepeeially to
be deplored. It is the loss of the newspapers
from_ the era of the Revolution to the present
day, hich for convenience of reference, were
deposited in this room. Bound volumes of ell
the Washington papers, and of old Gazettes
published in Philadelphia, New York, and Vir
ginia, Whig organs, some of them, in the Revolu
tion, to the number of two hundred, were con
sumed. It is not at all probable that such a
picture of the "age and body of the tim4"
can be again procured,-and the annalist and his
torian will hare to lament the loss of these re
cords, which nothing can supply.
It is said that thirty-five thousand volumes
have been burnt, which I suppose to be almost
the number. The. law library, being in the
basement, adjoining the Supreme Court Room,
was not injured. I am glad to say that no
damage.was done to the fine national paintings
in the rotunda. While the fate of the building
was in doubt, preparations were made for tale-
ing them away, which no doubt have resulted
in their rescue with little or no injury.
.1 presume it will cost seventy-five or a hun
dred thousand dollars to rebuild the part of the
building destroyed. Whether the walls sr if
need to be taken down or not is net decided.
The value of the books destroyed is probably
not far from $lOO,OOO.
This fire proves the necessity of three things.
First, the whole city, must be' Supplied with
water from the Potomac, in order that the prop
erty of Government may be more effectually
protected from like disasters. Secondly, a more
efficient fire department must be organized, and
in part, at least; supported by Government.
Thirdly, no wood mast enter into the construc
tion of public buildings. JUNII7B.
The news from France by the 4altle, which
shows the complete temporary triumph of the
usurper Louis Napoleon, excites no .surprise.
When a gambler is is a situation to compel hie
adversary to play with a pack be had just pack
ed before his eyes, the former must win. Of
coulee the traitor President would not have
suppressed the constitution, imprisoned or mu.-
dered its defenders, and arrogated to himself
absolute power unless ho bad taken measures to
carry through the ontrsge-bfirresistable force.
So far the nephew of his uncle has played his
part welt A tyrant-by instinct and descent, he
has done precisely what Bonaparte did on the
28th Brumaire, half a century ago—whether Na
poleon would have done it ander like circum
stances is not so clear. Of course no body will
be deluded by the pretended zeal of this usurp
er for popular rights, by his ordering an elec•
tion by the people, and the restoration or uni
versal suffrage. His order of an election for
yen years on the 20th of.this month, fifteen days
after ,the date of his proclamation, is exactly
the same thing as if he had proclaithed himself
elected for the same time without trial. If any
man should so much as nominate a candidate
against Louis Napoleon he would be promptly
thrown into prison. If any one men in the na
tion ;besides himself, were likely to receive a
hundred thousand votes he would - be thrown in
to prison and probably shot. If a political arti
cle were published unfavorable to him, the pa
per would be stopped, the editor impris
ond, and all concerned in it ruined. There
will, therefore, have been no votes against
Louie Napoleon on . the 20th, at all. The
treason is already complete, and the traitor
has seated himself on the throne of the
Emperor. Now if the people of France -consent
to this, and submit to the arbitrary rule of this
man the controversy ;is settled. They are un
worthy of liberty. They are not intelligent and
virtuous enough to govern themselves through
the medium of a representative legislature and
a constitutional executive, and are the proper
victims of despotism. The Republican and
Democratic minority may as well yield to their
own fate and that of their country. The desti
ny of such a nation is to suffer oppression un
til it becomes intolerable, or then to throw it
off by revolution and insurrection, and to allow
it to be restored again as soon as they relapse
Into imbecile Indifference. I hope better things,
however, I hope that the coming year will not
pass away without the degradation and execu
tion of Napoleon and all his chief abettors, and
the restoration of the constitution of 1848,
with some slight modifications' for the better
scenting the observance of its own provisions.
Judge Douglass, on Tuesday, gave a very
satisfactory account of his failure to vote on the
. fugitive slave bill. He was necessarily absent
in New York where he was required to remain
until alter the question was decided. He endea
vored to get back in time but could aotdo so. He
was anxious to retain fixer of the bPJ,and should
have done so had he been preseut. lie advoca
ted it decidedly during one of the earlier popu
lar emuetes to which this unconstitutional and
infamous statute gave rise. Of cornea then the
judge is as completely identified with this law
as if he bad voted limit. This fact will have ito
effect in the Baltimore convention, and in the
canvass before the people which will jfojlow It.
In thoi:llrst named tribunal it will certainly help
theltidge, in the last I am confident it will injure'
him. It is a• remarkable feet that though the
ultra pro-slavary men love this law because they
perceive it insults and wounds northern feel
ing, they generally pronounce it unconstitution
al, on the ground that it violates the rights of
the States. Privately they admit that it lis a
dangerous infrectioa of the most important
i i i guarantees of popular and personal liberty, by
Its practical denial of the -sights and trial by
' jury and habeas 'corpus, and its secret and sum
mary made of proceeding; infractions of the cam
mon law and of magus rharta which they say
may at a future day be turned against the South
With fatal effect I here take my leave of this
abject because I perceive there is, a general
disposition to. eel:Weems in it, and continued
protest can do no good. its constitutionality,
howereri I predict will never be confirmed by
the only tribunal competent to decide it. ,
The Republic of this morning contains a letter
from Bayly, of Accomac, to somebody in Virgin
ia, explaining his refusal to vote for pytto Boyd
as speaker, after said Lynn:was nominated by
the party cauctut Bayly says the reason he could
not -do it was that *bananas rejected Polk's
resolution rehaflirmlog the compromise, and ba
nana it was ruled and Indoctrlnated . by Pres
ton King and Rantoul, whom he could : - not re
cognize as Democrats. • Beyly ehowa, tut I said,
some weeks ago, that his tranofor'to the for
eimerelations was s,-promotion instead of a deg
radation; and gives int that ho ,Latends to give
the whole-subject• an; overhanling, The` feet
to that Bayly aile - thodern.eiibodyment, of.
Virginia arrogenceandtillsunin' cm; „Ilerhonght
kb:lust:lf:entitled : to the: Speitieriliipi Wentiinto
tht'cauaWe to'stet a itow Union onianialition,'lMS
Eo:43bed - by Pleat= King; Ytiuttoreand their
• -
%.7„4 ,
10lloren; inilleg*, and bolted the Demi
istillkraftOtrdi Besides; he Is . .one of the
• rot fainilj," men of the old doinittion, tolerates
nobody not in "good society," and looks upon the
* - H•nthetrt Democrats generally with the scorn of
a Mantallinl for youtord todgah There
are others like him in both homes.
Foote has departed, not erupit nerd like Cat
' Hine, whom he emulates, but be has left us like
a bumble bee, whose angry venomous . bun we
hear no more. It is said to be Foote's Intention
to stand for the recant term itt the Senate of
Col. Davies, commencing with the present Conl
gross. Be may succeed or he may fail, for end
branch of the legislature is said to be a Stated
Bights or ultra Democratic majority who will
never consent to F oote's return if they can help
I do not think it very likely that the compro,
mine resolutions will ever come to 4 vote.
they:sbould do eo, it is probable that they would
receive a mejority. But I anticipate it motion
to lay on the table will intervene, ants that it
will prevail. J cams.
The times are exceedingly quiet. An almost
perfect lull in political controversy, an absti
nence from contention, and general inactivity
are the characteristics of life at the Capital just
at the present time. Men'a minds appear to
have settled down at the exact point which the
mercury in the thermometer has reached, name
ly rem Gen. Casa tees that poor Rhett te z in
bad odour, and thinks it judicious as well -as
quite safe to give him a kick. lie therefore
calls him a traitor. Yes, says Jerry Clemene,
Rhett is a traitor, but no are Seward, Hale,
Chase, and Sumner, who listen to him with in
terest and delight. They are all traitors togeth
er. lint nobody cares for Jerry, and as to the
old general, every one laughs at the idea of his
galvanizing himself into a candidate by denounc
ing a set of unpopular and defenceless men.—
The executive is going along smoothly and 4aiet
ly; and the laws are properly maintained.—
There is nothing to disturb the even course of
public affairs.
This is fortunate in tale respect, because if
any thing requiting the services of a chronicler
were going forward, I could not attend to
In lebouring to save the property of Uncle Bout,
On Wednesday last, I contracted a cold, from
the effects of Which I am laid tipin ordinary.—
I have certainly ruined anew pair of pantaloons,
and as the House voted to pay all damages and
expenses, I shall certainly be entitled to remu
neration under one head or the other. I have
thought it proper to mention these things to ac
count for any lack of vigor and variety which
my correspondence may develops during my in
The 'louse had a abort emulsion to-day, and
instructed the committee on public, buildings
and grounds to enquire into the causes 'of the
late disastrous fire. They also voted five than
sand dollars to provide a temporary roof over
the burnt part of the building, and for removing
the ruins.
It is discovered that the fire caught from a
piece of wooden scantling or joist inserted in
the northern wall of the principal hall of the
library, the end of which became exposed to
the hest and flame of a chimney; by the falling
ont of one or two bricks of a One. Thivaccounts
for the rumors of flame amt smoke having been
seen in the library during the preceding night.
It is probable that the number of books des
troyed is about thirty five thousand. I learn
that the room appropritthed to the American
department was not nearly filled by that class
of books, and contained large numbers. of oth
ers upon general literature. These were saved
alone with the other contents of the room.-- *
There were also many works on American his
tory in the large apartment, unarranged or oth
erwise disposed, which were lost It is thought
that most of the medals will bo recovered with
out irremedial injury. Many perstma kaya been
ongaged under proper direCtion in digginithem
out from the piles of rubbish, Borne per
sone have been arrested for haying them illegal
ly in their possession.
Mr. Clay will appear no more in the Senate, •
and it may probably be imoolitiled that the
loetrioue statesman has taken a last farewell of
the scenes of hls greatness and glory.
1 - Corrysponden. of {hp littatrargh Daily as,tte.J
NEW Tam; Dm 25, jai
The letters by the mails of the ate= ship
have been most eagerly scanned, and public
opinion is already formed as to the future in
Europe, at least forn few months. French let
ters speak with r;atiefaiition of the change in
the government, and welcome nay administra
tion that promises repose. It is fully settled,
by the mails, that Louis Napoleon acts in con
cert with the other despots of Europe, and that
the projected republican movements in Italy and
Hungary will not - take place. The despotic
powers, ever ready, and most-keenly sansitive
as to the frail tenure of their footing, have cho
sen the initiative, and by precipitating affairs in
France, prevented an insurrection therein May,
from being hailed es the signal for an ontbrask
that would deluge Europe in blood.
The Board of Aldermen have granted perms•
eion to Mr. Riddle, to erect a building els hun
dred feet long by two hundred wide, surmount
ed by a eemi•cylinderieel dome seventy feet in
height, in Madison Square, upon condition that
the proprietors build an iron fence around the
Square, at a cost of six thousand dollars. The
building in to be opened in May, 1852, and con
tinue open via months. The movement Is kept
very still, mud the affair will not be very ilarro
ing. It has no hold upon either the people or
the exhibitors.
Yesterday being settlement daY with the
banks, mosey wee more in demand, but no' in
crease of price was paid. Outside capital woe
abundant, and lenders glad to place it so well.
Stocks were all better, and an Impression prey
alent'that the New Year will witness an easy
money market, and perhaps attire emanation.
The arrival of the New Orleans malls he gives
quite a supply of sterling bills, and elatld we
get over next week with an export of a mill=
and a half, confidence will be quite rest
The equerations in cotton are large, a weq
good tlehipping demand prevails. Pa Alma
thonsintl . bales changed hands yesterday. Ie
flour and produce, generally, there's 01:41 firm
ness, and no inclination on the put of holders
to realise, at the current rates. Money le sully
had upon legal interest. This keep goods
from market until the result of the foreign mar
kets shall be determined.
An !appeal has been taken by the "Mercantile
Agency" to the U. B. Court at Washington,
against the ton thousand dollar verdict in favor of
Mears Beerdaley, of Ohlo. l'he verdict luis taught
the Agency a lesson,, and their Information will
not in future be quita so personaL The Forrest
case drags its slow 'Amen along, and developes
a mane of infamy sickening to !read. The wit.
nessei are on trial, as well as the principals,
and will be consigned to the ehamo they merit,
though they hold even higher stations. C.
New YOWL TARIII O Coavaermit —A contention
of Ira Masters and other. friendly to the re
vison of the Tariff, was held in Keeleville, Es
sen county, New York, on the lith Lust The
assemblage was quite large, and comprised the
prominent CU ma of all parties In that section of the
State.) A committee submitted a report and re
solutions, which ware adopted; le which a fall
revisw of the iron interest In given, and men•
cures recommended to procure an alteration, In
the present tariff. The ad valorem system of
imposing duties wanaegarded by the contention
as deficient in every particular, and especially
so in giving the leant protection, when It was
most required, and that it has an unequal ope•
ratisitand tends to great frauds on the remade
laws themselves.
• A GMAT BOOK.—The Tribune is authorised
to state that' a "gentleman in whom Kossuth has
full confidence is making tinnagements for the
publication of his speeches, from the period of
his arrival an board the Mississippi, as the Dar
danelleS, to the present time. It is his inten,
tion, we understand, to issue English and tier -
man editions, at various prices, according tethe
style they may be got up. Of these several hun
dred thousand copies will be printed, and sold in
all parts of the Milted States."
Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, dre.
No. 129 Wood Street,
Desire to tall Ms t b ltztion og c or i rli o tatt and others to
M6 7 2agh ,
SrAttal 1115C413/100 . OCKAIMIC. / abn 6 4 0 . 6. axse
. - . 105r3.10112 . ABOUT MOLAN VCIIIIIFM66.—
Reed...the !piloting testimonial aa to the value Of tins
gnat medicine for worms.
'Thu is to certify that I purchased one vial of McLane's
Worm Npecilie tome two mouths Mom. I administered
two month!, tea Sin of Wow .hint 7 years old, end 7
bare no doubt but that there were 'towards of ISO) worms
lianied front him, Me:taming Irma coo quarter ciao Inch
to two inches In length. O. W. lIOLLODA
.41 children antler more or Inn from Worms. and we
tabs pleasure In reootomendlog MaLane's re/v.IIIIW,
knowing It sleitrys to cum.
To he bad of all the principal droggiats.
, For sale by J. KIDD k CO,
de . M:deawitiT ho. 60 Wood et.
IlJustrated Gift Books for 1852.
etALL AND SEE TEENl—Price low, and
a few 'err rich and beautiful Conk. Rom.. haf dank ,
mad br rtaam or water In the Ex areas Car that was burn.
els few dap...
Hart'. Female Prom. Writers of America. Tkr. A moo, nt.
Read'. .. Poet..
Tupper, ouarto and 12mo . .
Ra,pl,ll . Porma. quarto: •
Campbell'. P.ema, Guar. and 12m0..
Edith Mar.
Csblnet of Modern Art. let and 2.1 sari, —'
Proverbbill.t And Poet.
leaflet. of Memory, .•
Friendship'. Offering. 1152.' N ile Boat. a beantifel book:
Snow Flake: . i. Amertran Female Poet,
Christmas Blossoms: British - *'
Tribute: Star of Bethlehem:
Woodbine: ' Beams in Lives of Pstriarrhs.
Broken lharelch The Women of the timiptures.
Romanle Life of the Parlor, American Painter,
of ths O. A N. Test.: LIMA and Illo.moina:
Treasured Thought.: 41.11,, OM. 1.352..
Ilethune's Poem.[ Garland:
flowerusirr Ladles' Illustrated bespeak,
Select Quot.Bmos: Path way A sal Abldind Pi.ces
WRIDOO . II .. 4 our Lord.
Weld'e '. ' itrawlrut Scrap Book.
Scenes In Lire. of •puslimlOur Savior anti the Prophets
Floral Keepsake''
li , ;urenirllallerr and illiVtA P air•l'llt "'..
. The Plate, :13 Fourth street. Apollo Building,
J. L. It
Henry Rohbock
lIAS the pleasure of announcing to the
public, that, at the repented solicitati on,. of hit ,
ruler pupils, he has determined to rook. Pittehorgh Inn
uo a
eidenee,and wilt therefor. re-onintuonce to
1 /; 1 A 0 P 7; .°11 7 .111 . .-.'"
111 NEA T.
Thole who Claire to become student.. will pp ieele Ir a o.
their wide.. at the Nude Btore of Mr. JOHN IL JI lel,
I.olt,where a book f, that purpore will. kept-_, r through the Pest tiftlen. All applications will be po.ltive
ly attended to, and instruction momenta, r,n the oboe,
maned day. (YebruarY 0.1 1 6re ,, the Perrnieeion ref',
thee. who are not sognedutAl with me, to the following
John Enyder,P.sq., Cashier of Dr. Robert 'e3or, der,
Um Bank of Pittsburgh; th.orge Ogden. P , 01.
111 . 1,1 tIngwalt,Een dame. A. McKnight,
N it. Murphy, Samuel donate.
El: I. Fahnootoek, , Met', !looter, E.,
E XTRA FLOL'It— Lt. It Ilion,:
• Oho hhla. Rorer!, 31111 s, - Fan,
300 • Belmont 51111 e, -. Poetry.'
LOLL k Lillti Err.
I:anal lia , lo. LiNtrlt
ijIR. ANDREW ' ROVERS' Compound Sy
rup of LIVERWORT. TAIL, and
rOtml of and recommended tr, ph yet...iron t.f the hlgh
tanding_ For the rolSiply. cure of Vontrhe.
lolluenza, Acute and Chronic Rronehltir, drthme.
Inst Orman. Croup. Pre • rimy. Llrer Complaint Paint In 0.,
Side or Irreaet, bight breani, tipittlng or and all
other Lung Complain. It.whog to
haying a cold. a Lad ,ugh, or any ..tiler .liNroltr
about the throat or lunge. should to t hit toTaltrahlr Sy
rup. It *RI sort* miler. you. It has cur..d thou•ande
In {h. city. A bad cold urgh.oted and nunend run
always end. In fatal Voneumpllon. Price, In tar, la .
$l / 1 7 t il:Ir ' er ; [ . :11.1:1• 4-. :1 1 :1 . 1 1 :1 1 0.1 1 1 L. by li. II SELLERS. f.:
Wood arrest. drill
!L. otlesn Exposition of the late Hungarian Itt,rduti..n,
by •
F. TrOt, hi-rd.
• eompinta history of the 'frugal.. of the Hongsrlane for
Llberty with notletli of (helped'. Chlefr and rtu.trt , o.
who dlihrtneuieberl themeclrte to council and In the
gEORCIE ROWLEY, Sr.. will find a let
•ter arldmeard him from the ~ h t Counlrt. -
ca na on the rule.cribrrA.
44i) r of Market and Third at.
at sight for liala by
'tiGE- , F:1.(100
WM. A. 1111.1.5 CO.
H MERINOS—A. A.M.t.ins & Co.
ma 121.1 r atv-k nr Mario, of movnthan 011,
wing. a.aal .nual sales. at une-ilard lenn Man Om
umal prima
VELVET CLOAKS—Wo win 'inark dwwn•
V the balance of our Velvei Cloaks to b•setban •Letern
met- A. A SI A:+o.N a Co.
Dissolution of Partnership
TIIE partnership heretofore existing under
she t ,l .NI 00. of JOIiJ POILTEU A 0). h , I h
ahr dlnsolved hi the withdrawal of J. 1.4 A. sirK hlll /HT
The buntae or the late finn Intl wtth.l hy John 10. r.
ter.tehoultrenottoue tha et 111. , math, No.
Cl Math. Waal. JAS. A. lielthltlllT.
ite2Y Jtollh lyJill Ell.
dQtraF DEPOSITES and Itolances of Dept,
Item latth. Back of ratal are, of the amattot • t‘rt
sad exeataltna that w. • btatt ant, in Ina tittw
te enraaaao`the data ttf thla t?tatanannt. Intr.. not,
et lnatatated or diratabad, with th• nmrter dr
traitors. the data atmn ouch day.taltato •rtr mad. or tw
at:total ravened.. and th e ...punt (MTN, ate nut
any tolaarrentr the tutt•ka thr Hank that ',await., the
Suomi. Ermi.uru. 2 2 2(.21 Anuuun,
April 7U. 11.300-ou
Pratte. Ilallr, 10.4,...1une 21. P.: to
Andrc. -,
r 4,,, 12. 2 , 4100
dluu uf euxatt, J.
• PM. 145:..,13eVr 21! , 01,
stirrAttrr — OF v'inpxna - • " •
or tho Dank of litteborab. •Ithos the Imt r,
years bare b.. uodreren, val, the 11.101 t th upeit•
hoiden. to ahrto the, aro d n
ue o, Wry Or
on thn bOoka thst ~hest In the ...laser...h.
Neat”. Ilesidoope,. A. rz tkr ~tes
'Virginia ---, N.. VIS, SI., 2.
N. 07, I t.
en, of PlYttstmon, Shaw of renn.ylrania,
Yhrron.llY appetrwl belcry aadaroigurd, Md..-
man aod (.1 %ail Ht.,. JOHN hryara, t.44bs, or.
the flank of Yittabursrh, who, belay dal, ....Y. s - ehrdihdf
NJ law,nix that the forratnnz otateswent Yorreet,
cording th the best of hi. know le Igo. and 4444
s,royn and xabecritad %t,
de...h , hltrtrr ot. 11A YSON, 11 , b,aton
Q,CIIIEDAM'S Aromatic 801nappi—`2.
fiw sate by " J. Klitt , .t
nad +t.
AQUA AMMONIA-10 earbovB for R
sale by
det , CO.
QEALING . WAX—Mti lbs. for {Q do by
1.7 y= J. KIDD a do.
UVA unsi-2 bbln. tor ttale . by
AYf x'S Cherry Peetorol—lS doe. for mole
br KIDD ea
ALC9LIOL-20 Ras. :6 and 92 deg., for
by J. KIDD
NEW BACON—Hams, Sides anYbirii,i
asen, In mete an., f or w. ry
LARD --111 tierceo No. 2;
67 bbLe. Orem, for Fula br
1361061111. Nara raed exote , a a farther auPP I I .
'maned. tusk, of Blankets, ,laclivllaut few pia.u•
very' lasguarot suraulor.
CKIM FLNNELS, of diulrable rolor..—A full amp-
Ply on baud, lorluding • boa .111ele Of blart uslar , l. for
Lemma lu moan:Ong. elm, Black llamay Flaunala,
Ilarord Flanoela. of a line Quality. at the onunual w.
pr.oe of 31 c00t5.d..27
coined dmolber lot of thaw oat. DI soketo .od boa ,
Tr Comforts. W 1. NouLit.
da27 261r1 stfoot.
tieliettiGE 'BANK' STOOK-40 Nbarea
14 for sals b, RN. IL WILLI-41Ni Ik Co •
de:EU N. N. miner of 'Third au., WOdi .00
11PRESII BUTTER-5 bblx: Roll, for sale
Y. LACKWOOD, for December.
Levant Cr lac a tale or the FreYong. by r. K. Mar
of - Iteveries or a Daebstor"
For sale at 11()L1ICIT Llteras7 Itopot. opposite the Pa.{
Christmas and New Year's Day,
THE Banking House of AVM. A. BILL
00.1011 be dor.] doe Zak pnotitnn.
Notes and billo &Ulna ou thom date Mun i hm,
teetiou the days ;reading.
select SchooL
ict WILLIAMS will open n Select School
s'ift t :.4l ° ,;:r(llllr.P7ft:L:g°,,7 , 2Z.
ath of January, 1662. Entrant* nu Firth ttrect.
TERMS. ti. 6 J , t , 's•r)
J Ow, SI f.O wholv, pw• quart, of it sacks.
unior " • "
‘," rnt a noaannaw bans oseolved • lot of elm
Lured rlanunlo.'whlsh they aro enilfn..tfto unusually
torysto•ol 31c. per yabl. Alas, Wit) SHAWLS. ascot,.
ala.ably nnblasd prices. • kte.l
I wadi! reapectfully eall allmition of mil web
• hto male h , od•ooto a nd mirret rmillind to
thole Moods , to ctill-and elmnitie my Mork of Perfumer,
which estomot be wrpamed either lu qimlitt f utat,riti
Yoe gala wholeitale or feball by
dada . mot Woods .. bort, of Nisi h.
- Holiday Hata.
AeCCRD CO. hare d ] ust reed a felel4
Mitre Or this beanGfal AT for the MI idle,
ern h they Invite the attention of Gentlemen.
Gift Books for the Holidays,
AA T LIOLMES' Literary Depot,
.14 Thini mel ds met. the Post p r aj
. The dace of all the Abler
ale betted for 1832, at prima ranging froost
SI he CO. • •
Tha Women of Rarly r phr , l , atholty ik . aeries at' Pori , .lto,
with 17.71,1111=1,""b0bj. 4 T ' u l grpf
Th Vrtvonlr Caller • IR book for II
13 baintlfully tialatted =gra - ° wings b the
t 41240
She Lando( Ronda., being tha Journal of • Tour In
Rant by J. 11. Walawri•ht,D. Lb, with 23 dm Mee/ me
FN i e r reepaake,•sift book, with 30 Illuaratlona.
Tb. Itia, Illolulnateat souvenir. with 12ooloral
Loablede of Memory,• beautiful annual. with 10 plat
en. Th e brilliant, • gill,book. with 11 illustration•
Cabinet of Modern Pirt,_witti insentramat plots. of &WY. • literary gilt a Eta
Gam of the Beason. • souveulr..lo do.
•The Tallstnan. • gift of friendship, 15 do.
&send *0.001.• gift book for all .1.0.5. ipluppaeto
Christmas Gun.., by Marial. Melotoah,l2lllustratlons
Mild blown. ft for the holidays.
The Flowers of Lorellawa, with ply Illuatratluos.
The Fatally (kraie and Parlor Annual.
blamed Baena., at the Meer. of tho
The floored Tableaus, • Remarkable i
lllletory in the Bi
th.m•Thalls, the SUOW Flake, 1111141 Priendaldp'i Offer.
nk—threw beautlf•l OR books for the .
Vita Illustrated abbe,* of Ebakabasre adlly ran, In
mmllolool. ;
hewn elf Tn ' bl I PI 11
e !apartment of Holiday Can Po ke for
DE by CARIIANDT, tile , original invent
fresh wooply of three oelebretod
And A otter., juma reed from Now York. Thono to.
. uum eor, omowa r tznably the Hoe r
_twat of the Ighwl
mannlututrJrr7 :LT oth,AMtrgrtklllt74;lTe!
I`e rues deshous of p.chui.g omlnc Curb Melo
dy., will pique cal sod eactolOth and tworrinew theta
wive. of Ito grWet eNterlorltr. • . 11 YLftflY.µ,
dat 10t.10.1 .Igo Of the Golden Nero._
PEA NUTS-200 bu. fur eraleb7
-- -.. •
_de= • J. D. OA MELD.
rimy BLIES-60 Dry Hides for solo by
_Up dem IL DA ZIL L & CO, Llbert r
No.l%f{'lrant? by
.Q.E,L7iION-5 bble. fur ado bi -- - 7: -
A_, *23 ' • • ILDAUCLL tCO
G .R . 1.P438---10 kegs ? i ii , ea c 'it t e u ri o fille ce ; for
\ \ \
• \,., . \
• \
_ .......1 *
\\ . \ ' •
•—... , •:•t5... ,
-11 k. \ •
\.\ . \,.• '\\•• '
I. -\
rs \ \
1 X II ACKEREL--160 bbls. No. 3;
111 .50 - :10.1-.
.:,0 6C tibia No z,
de=. " lt DA'i. FELT. ''''. b 1
A 00.
- ..
- - •
Fresh Fruits, Ifermeticall7 Sealed.
4 RESii Peadles; Fresh Strawberries;
vit. Apples:
-.. ~
Fmiih Cherrie;. m.G G Lresh , puote,
ri. put up la theit: own }afro, ed.l berzo4
fiV''' ''''' ,.7l ' n whihg their srigeinal flaviir sad frasbriess.
,:i7L, • '' 1T317i. aftcurna a CO,
tin= 24e Libeirq et. •
R awi.W.Layer and Buneh
Currultni Oranze and Lemurs
C lnd Pearle b er rfr'
timers and Ten Deal,.
A YOUNG MAN, of good character and
cre... who Ice. Yearei aitperionoii am
Ron-Itiitivor esleeman in the ran. is daemons of oh.
taininie a situation In a tnereantile or taanufacturinie pie
ablislimen in this
S r i ciy. by the /nor January [MIL Ili.
woold willing to ln uly capacity whereby he coubt
secure mpetent salary anti e permanent altntics.
UPLl,Jlll t. lo2l.litt referennia asi to abstractor, capability. At
Aad remiJ. M. A, at thl.. care. de2_-.....13t
Cot an. now offering at thei sem-annual wa s le: ona
Shawls. French Sf.riloon. r i
Cahm L eres.
Dr Lain, Silts, it •
H 1 ] ---d 9 ImloB tar l‘itle ( .. on wharf) by
d.. 1, TV.* P. 1111.51,N, 117 First at
. bra... !i. , 4 "6, and ....i`n M R Rkipinr,
10 mattSeedlell:Reamns: 1000 lbs. Panto CArr‘n,K
110 lb, Ilpooa C;trotr. .0 •• Mao.,
00, - Starch: 0I . 11 , k4r's Parinc
on,, .• Ilabt•ltrol , aprowir 1 clue Italian Mau-nronl:
1 ~... .. reek I 1 - Vermicelli;
100 Ilu Fop. Rime Flour il'Al neck, On, Miry Nat;
It/ :: ' l:4 ' •;Tel . l . ; Prone 100 Woolen Bowls. awed;
For sale by
d....`' corner of Wood and Fifth sts.
200 bu. for .le by -
rz UCK I 9 11 EAT FLOUR-20 flacks Rullea,
t,olto. pooh, for solo by
B UTTER-5 bbls. Fresh RoR;
6 krga auperior Glad, for Pale e•J:_l b r
ilyniwrittn have received an &tidal...l aunnll af
11.11 , 1112tde Flannel., aln on hand. Witi.dc.- [lnen Jo..
Slantrin, Blue tin . and ii.tern made Barn. Flannel,. at
Vrabt htt:;‘-"Z.;r.",,F,1:t.1:
Irtntttoo t.. Vrtill n.ul thew. ott account cor their
niwitrin tilde quality. Mamie im Land. A4n, extra Leary
Niv eat FLAN:Si:Lit
111 . P it r:f i tt 'n j Yr,; 6 ";
g yO
RAIIAM'S StAGAZINE, ( or January,.
‘7ll NW./ at 110LSIK.S . Litarary Dep., Third rt., opt..
tho de./
WI! EAT CAR ES.—Use Babbitt';
ll Efitqwwwing Foninnund, If you not the try" butt
and Other yak's. Try it once, and you will not on. pant attain. For rale whuniteln and retail by
de_ 11. It. FELLEItn, %Vt.d rt.
il.l 1.11. A SSES-22 bbls. S. H., (St, Jame;;)
I N. tit for rale be
0. BLACK BtiliN CO.
oulnieribere would call the attention
of percona ,lealrowe dealing 11,111 DIV AR to •
from lour LI , tzowaand dollerr ar. rth, comprising
mai, valuable and salvable •rtirie, We will mat.. Ilan
ol,cct Far Was rawlymoroy. or bar.. It tar securities or
rawl salads. l'crwina dirro,4l to trade will cell at our
warchonsw and sin:nine the tannin..
tat 11011111.1 t 111%1'124,114 Second iar.
rrO•PAiN TEItS nod others requiring good
Intl dila:la—A tine and wall dock, suitable
for the triad, nomprtainr—l'elnr. Varnish, Posh. !stencil,
cr Era nailed Well and C. 0.. Ilrushce; Brick Liner,
crodultrualare. Shovlers, !ledger and Camel's 'Lel, Yelut.
cr. Due.ra, Erichra. le. Ana ..mutton of our stock
will 0t.11,, or For axle hy J. ELDD
tls'dl (.0 W 0 ,14 at.
rIBER LEVI° ATEA a transparent and
rb color--Nsr Lha. store anil for sale br
J. 111011 • on.
4„g ENNA, burnt and levitated, a transparent
1.1 1..1 nth 1,1,r. Err rale by .1. KIM
1 1441:01110E CALABRIA-1000 Ibs. for
rat. hf J. Kuo? a CO.
( A
I A RP, M MONIA-800 lbs. for sale by
.1. KIDD t co.
rt . % AVELINO (BAGS-2 do's. India Rub
t.r, thr,e sixes. i Errl rate article, for sale hr
.f.. 111.1 Market et
FlSlliYid 80'07,5-6 pairs for sale by
area J.
for liaitria, for We at No. 7111 Market PS. •
V AR TRUMPETS-1-2 doz. for sale by
11^r quart. or 75 , Orr gall6n. Pak. \
31(.111.1Ile' TEA MART. Dkatoi
• Non-Intervention.
.:1 iontson nu t lil4 but la parthultu cLOTIIINO I / 4
I. Invest our
ro claraatlit t al ....aut.!
MT, :2:11,2"i. twpq
r, 1,41 t , 3:mml:attn., litlterp t .11011a.C....., Lt.
111: SVUDY 1.1./eAtIF.
naal 71 tttaithfleld L. Lana Distanod
ITIZENS' Insurnneo Share 3
F:ack for sale at • vet, law art.....
docl9 A. WILKINS & CO.'
I +III7,ENS' Deposite Bank.—'l'ho . t.tock of,
..n'y Zro br A. WILKINS CO.
jItILIPISII-1.a.) +es. Grand Bonk, (large . ,)
+... ssie by CAGALET a CO.
la nod Wor4 ot.
sOFFEE--100 bap,. Rio, forealo by •
It) ds+++ Ara. DAIMLER a CO.
1 A ISI N S-250 lioses M. R., tine, for sato
lL h 1 11.19! 11',1 RAO ALEY k CO.
A LERATUS-150 boxes McFarland's, for
NO. by W3l. lIMSALET2 CO.,
dollo 1. , and 9D Wood it-
Litrntry Depot, Third stroq,opposite
OW,' • Lade,
for Jumary.
Mag.toe. Jam:arr.
Tl 2:. jr!!or , •fazg, a Nova. •
. •
WET•tek ectuirta of 101 the Anattal•
for le.:. artltch ta.,•old at the loralt eanern
del9 :
I t UTTER-14 pkp me and for sale by
1 . Kite bi.,
Tihii* .1,)
el , LOVER & IIY S . , for sale by
v, .1 deli+ . WICK * MeCANDLEP.S.
FLOUR -44 bbl or sale by \',
. ,
4,; L I GAR-15. hhde prßae new, for v atilo by
I -C ULL IIUTTEtt- 2 5bble. for sale
, del', JOHN WA'
I_ del, JOHN WA
del ... oligititilVlC6l7l:
RUTTER-1U bbls. freak Roll, for sale by
del, S. 4'. 81.11-111148.
BEANS -15 bu. Small {Vita, for
del, S. P. PIIItiVER.
t y , ;l( , ) , NS—ti bbls. for sale! i y p.
~,liutvEn, ,
, t
'ii EEP PELTS-1 dor. for sale ter
d.IS 8. P.siraltrart.
. ICKORY NUTS-20 bbls. for salehy
d,lB • 8. k 811IIViiR.
11 ii6o - MS-200 dor. Dry Corn, for aale\by
j p 8..1S 8. P. PIIIIIVEK.
tiirINDOW GLASS-200 boa Bxlo and 10
V V Au art !lie br B. P. 81111ITEH
COFFER-100 bags Rio, for sale by
8. P. 811111881 L.
I DER VINEGAR-5O 'able. for nale b a p
1, -1 Jen
Vg A LERATUS--10 bble. for tale by
1. - 7 .4.15 8. P. 81181VER.
1000 .." 03110 NW"`
00 11110310000.
100 tbio. Moat:
60 dn. bronlng
On ennolanTnenl sad for NOT bT
i• 100083 BON. 01 w‘t.rst.-,•'
14 1 EATIIERS-18 eacize prima Ky., rec'd
WY getaway Vyymnet. Ind Ibr bale by •
I lOFFEE SU9AR-100 We. for sale by.•
dell JAMES A. HUTCHISON roe. .
4„ZI.GAR-21 hhde. prime new crop, encore
al.ment, lastlfina rye r Vermont. fix oak Dr
drly J. a IL FLOYD, Round eburea.,
4<17 • J. at,. FLOYD
UCRIV HEAT FLOUR-100 bags hulled
'JP far Ado by itlel7l A. / R. kLOYD:
( ERMAN ULAY-100 boxes for sale by
Or del . ; - IL DALZ ELL k CO, Libmy d.
111UTTER—'fbares and .2 'Ale:Fresh Roll,
1 JP .1. ate Ar id,171 R. DALZYLL k OD.
(.111WT 111ACHINE-1 secondhand Smut
hlstlaloe, for sale !or to doge consignizeot by
kW NEIiWANTED—For a barrOltitarked
, ILJV "Ulan,. White.. II not called for within thittr
I lANDLESTIICKS I—Aootlier lot of \ now
.t, ht Candlestietx.ion tom. to land—and wit *lad
d rim pwrolluers to call early.. lisle szllcie tr plubilt
i n (.1•1tli u. }III.3IAIthEON:
iIItANBEItRIES-11 bbls. just ree' \
LI erasure Diadem, wa4 for
dell , aroma and Tel Dealers.
,11, rerark, N.J.
Tble (brown. b prepared to furnish • topply of them
WM. ham teen found after emend lean'
Europe and Um 01.0104 F000...t0 hip their al
0.01, awl prawn./ properties superior to any Willter
pond what're. Their
Is purely M
boas of Moe. amid Is varrartfol he* from'all
adulteratkut and impurity whatsoever, it coven vall,AN, is *nth - 4T fret from' the witanoott
C=l o , l' l o orni r utelaliatn h airt d"g''o'@,
When to sulquvong or mephitic' eshalations
It wltlutode . rlo.. T., =e t ;
0000 nor 01.41, 001 !Mug Wad* 10 1 en :talky or to
crumble ail rub off. It may be worn ' ed with .y win;
witty water and Az... with varnish, which gives llte ado
These anfarn Med ate los primitail nYtdolegsdry
ths chmpeet and io.t Wats lot lbw market fix orOttnil
roofs. inneing. outhouses, ottwoilmata, aniaOrad
M. of wood, brick. Um or as th*y. aro
for iron MOW. a./ particularly valnabla. as Mix
form galvanic colmeeu., and entlnslr jorrezt
0007 gokkir, and e.t.a a pin aset.llle UM,
do not clomp cder Ildre mow of th e Mrthr Pardlt USW
' rutitilati cle(ansl tem, brAi wlocbi L or Sbi
Company. 3 Ilfl.l.Je • tip., - •
abglal-Vp &lite 1i1am5.1111b4.134%.
1%01 RCIA L .
NAmmone Al".....cions—Wb4iliizieato and saboertp
Lsr this paw nciVekl and orirde4 treeptespenr. Ittusi.,
0141 omx. •
Firreakuaoa li4B6er
ttentlit Pima/emir.
laceoptur. nen 'M.
, The weather jesteraest was eletsr ar! pleas
`t but the mattot was szAdinhy dark -and n odes of
consequence came to our knowleika \
7 1 . 4 -ri ,, T last ...ening'o wit 4 aton 9 find
water at channel. Tbe los brat. \VeiterdilT M
and Nye presume that ID few dn oa
navigation will so
camp( re ly open that the 'licit :WV sr) Again einator
and ariactiv. smarm epilog
FLOCll—geenipta •ereesonedinglT hg and i.t.t
fon fined to , a few wagon loads only. at tad. L ' B n , on
rom store la small lots at ti it ga 3 24.3 3,1, for a. _
extra. \ •
(lif..llY--A grain of .120•411.6,11 has nom\ rivard Wr
senme time..asupplles ens ve
'ato r.le. to remit '"Lrir
\ oBo c 4 : B, EB — .PPlies of see. assil Molamesiii.siod
seilse, and re barn no large salei to 'awlavit- 8 ...-
mains pretty firm. it GOirAic: 'Molasses hi. .old In td
kits iikat 4, 4 4o s fi csliost (offs. is le small iiks,st
Il)(e - sloe to city act counter
I ROPTONZa--Owing to (hover, limited auppUea
log of Jo rest ban transpired and prices fin, althiPthA L
HUTU;\Supplier are limited. and p.c. 1.11 main
tained. quality or roll Is aelllun at 15410e1...1 tog
10011 n from .tote.
CILEFISELACe non. • continued arcane.m tba„..-
keL withral.:lll limited lota at Ciic la lb.
OILS—We n0tit...11.1. Lard at. ioe for No 1.4 CO
for No 2. Linrerd s i,t qyoted . nn (4711 e. and Whale at :Lc
‘I.IItACKERS--(rar ianufactort.,continue to do • tireli.
i*ne.„l.lth .1. drat they can make..[ the follOvlng
" V
The 6. t .V Iftlo hood. a n" ve r b ' lenauns °• nor l9 9 . Xt
oere so to ear hhtchere, Ilki left over • StllOld. 4041 910
drive. Philsdelphl4.
Pete* mairod frO65S2 50 44.*: 05 on th. Mot 190314
15 1 / 8 07 25et.apd toTraxlvst. CI 1234 gross.
110,—TooA market 110. been birely supplied during the
vre,.k. sod prices haweltooo quite 6730 He 900440490 25.
—I oenerletm. , ,
, ..
' — ',i' ---- s
AIII.:111CAS I.INIXIIIEKOI.II—Ta - Nair fork Courier 000
Etutuirer poldlein thesli*tied as men[ showing the
400049 t lit 2000290 corned "9:o\ each 814 . 16 of the Uuloo.
.604404 01 foreign od dottleA,e solunleTeo for thermal
bare 1850 •od''ll. \ \ I
101,42,4 't,,,, ': 633,114 44
. ..Z096 34 \ 23,427 54
4.930 76 \3l
05,442 70 , 694.402 101
40,4,0 41 , 39.050 42
194.040 76 114,179 83
994.30 :01 1,041,013 02
.0.300 40 .4,373 90
402.4,373 64
18.719 87 11.800 83
193.057 40 . .314.344 54
74.206 10,, . 69.709 42
75.21% 4v 43.722,17
05.0472 LI • 45.1 , 7 40
21.) . 000 , 14 24.1 , 55 24
1 1 .01705
• 1 4 . 1 1 •” . 4 ' i: '21.027 01 ,
- 1 , . ,: :: 02 21.444 01
25..0 , 40 5) , 211.244 93
20007 17 ' 34.063 46
21.242 17 X 1.103 43
14..01 19 12037 60
3.774 01 ~..,,,, a.
27,146 44 118,352%24'
04,144 49 41.7'74 Na
3.97 42 4.913 VI,
17,841 77 \ 19.478 02,
2048 19
. 44146' 0 4
. `1.033 43
Mapartio t:
I n I. lo and
t nnne-lleut ,
New 1 rt.
Yew Jerre,.
Pen ally Ivan a..
1 , laver..
\lerr land,
North Intenlina.
'both Canline.
Gent n.a
lon le
Inctriecof Columbia 17.010 01
arecnn: 1,113 41
Teat. .3. - 34 -
3731. 4 3
The tadarewate %team ' tonnage for 1841 4 64,60 T \ 0 tat.
lest an incr.. of 57.760'10 tone over the sr 13.93, ,
' inerraae of redistered tnenaze was 140.534 0 °rented
and ileensed teenage, Ittl,3tittdd; and rd the wb e tonnes.
^-141,33.5 01. 10,portatiotas of TAM; entl.o4ol Wad, far 1 ' -'311:
S 4,719.::a s 4,799,
ttoff . 11434,4.33 \
Wool 1, 1.t4t1
_\ 3 44 3 3' ~
\ ,
• .
Oo Morale 10.0 t. the City 4 nitclle \Laniiillle eas e
the Cdinwlna p amble and re. talons, and directed Ow
]later in tranani copies of the ea in tbtik, two Errantly
United States fen , and to th .Rept7tatire trent
bat dnatiet.
WIIIILZO.4, Efforts re now brine, ads hider° the
I: Had Staid lierern mat En perch, \ antletalvde the
Le larille and Portia meal. and lEe ItTriteter the
pat • .of ell leen, de., r otheraino to naced be 000=
1.0 •ef the Olin neer t the Fella op ate lenaisalliN
101 l mrh us the city .411,114 In 14 nor tereteette
Imo lea ohl4rest dope edin edam ouch lect veMents in
which the citise townie, proper o.oe ‘ll7ly
inmreat . \
Therein .be it Resolved 1", the General need of
the et' e 01 •Tiii 0 , Thar 'lliii intermits of Ude nd
and its hill. . and the whobSenetry wintimpt 0,00
imitation Ei n the Ohio and „A aLsolipol rierriernaita
that the nevi tint of the Ohio r -r at the Pell 0ppt414144
\ ''.. :0 '.. 4 1 . ". 1tV(1 ° 0 dttliZ'eV;7:2.l Tj 1
Vy'. l T.Nf,,,k,T.;;'
r \
I. of all elan. reretelcnottiaatle the Western ets ea .
that ha slew the miseertae enre of the ldeed
I 4. inn enter nr 000 OM lethl hill11:th islihntatent Otani
t ril.
1 i eig .,. 4.l.therele, d the Payee mop et MOO. Pll
do aind becalm] es, It in, the dirt 4:11/to Oen.*
tiose leant to make uneven,. impeachment In the ,
nevi Ulna of threittills :the Obte.
1 ' .lll E l ly '4" ort ' b r7 : ls .l l : l" by:Tiieneral "h* n 7 elll ' the
City of tile, That ' t e. tenehaw, eillaarnent. anti
10.010¢ 41 the Loittlev le and Portland 1416 would
he the elt I A mem 'peed and adrenal 110 , Tame=
of th e 0101 'NUM of the Ohio at the tall. wide nil be
adopted, ma eh, rwspeettfoll y mend to the k 3 tors
nod Rep*. rare from entorky, in the Coo ea of
t ,.
fbe United 1 Mtn use their Mien. and rotes
eon, t tin 40001 0 at ihe preartit ion. of • bill to
the needful Kepi Attlee to effect cb porebette andilri
tarßenteet of the camel, and Mate 4 tree of tell.
- .
1 mac.
1 , .
i i
\PITT'; ,6 ~
Fe. Worm".
Comeell. gill
{mint. to 1.0170
Fat ern V! ,
Cwt./ant B
To Ifolderi of the Coupon. Bonds of 1 e • •nongo
Ada Navigation Comixmg, \ \
LL BONDS Of a less number s than.:334
al be r.m (If Lb* balders &Wm) oa or aftet
unt 4./ J!.'"rr \
Treameet Nw. Nov. GolitP3.7.
--• „ •
Orrice PITTDICIIOII AND aratnanu.s Illnat. Oot,
\ plIE first Annual Meeting cif, the Stoeli
holders of the Pirtsburtrit and Stettheitellla Ulna.
Compeer, will he held on Leader, the Mkt der of Jain.
ear, A. , D. IStilt at th e Etinionerb Orace of said Ccotranr.
eir\ we of kourtli and Wool a.treetA, au City 01 Pau.
Garth, at 10 o'clock in Mit forenoon, at abaft Unmet:al
pliteean elactkio will be beat coca Preeident and twelve
%mitre of ntd ltimpatir. The, eIeDIAD. NII 0. 010211.1
at lU o'clock In thy torenocro.
CHARLES NAYLOR, Seer. lTuburgh. 18x1. —.—
Bible Notice-, ,
T" aetetandh2g- subscriptions to the Ll \
Irchen, \ Inhlo noricty are nopootfettlr mounted to
bo paid to J. MITCHELL:. Druggi.a. on Fon , nd grove, be- ' I
(on Q.. 1.) t Jannarr. : ' A. F. FIBS ANSON,
BOA. Anent. 1
, -- .
'., Notice. •• s, ,
tTilt, Anriontlteetink of the Stockholders
of the Ohio .4 Peertryleania Railroad Company,
ritig ha t Lt l =Lr f PWlte r gtarl '''' t7fl:4=7,
the Stir of J.oary. 1882. tbe meting mill take place
la f alt9l7 4° ° th"
°l°` :, " b l.Tarth ' l ' poor.
a:4r °-
Pittsburgh. Dem...loth. 1651.—Idellltd •
• Notice. ' •
N CONSEQUENCE of the dtath of Peter
.1388. 4 1. the Interotttrhkh he held In lb./ft. Mod
4.1 lierdt'Lt7b:Z"?.V
Ont. or
dAtil -of lb. firm of ICILito Oorsoza. 4121 at;
lionangshels NavigationCcimpaq:
NOTICE TO srocanotinas. • . •
N r 4
NNUAL MEETING of the Stockh a O J ld-
atg=- ::=
n l l :l2—u
iuco,v..k..t th ei oo eeaO street' thth,
KiVlle.a%aMeadetar Vt6e7rfete4l37lt4
a. ... 1 ,
for the
.6A,1 Oa*. •
`Home of Refuge. . \
THE ffubsCtibers s for the erection of- itie
' noun a fit o go far Western'•Penzurflennly
hereby notified that worseinent of tweet ter otio iink
ttro oroouot ini - 4by exch.'. Ivsemee to bo to .
the Treasurnr. on or • fans the 15 th .day of reorunber
next. ny Order of he Duet of Dirrocorn._ • S
te.2o,tf JOhflUA HANNA. Treas. •.
, ,
OTTERS Teatnntltry\ to the estate of
c ed ,r aaleVt d cor. ,, ...lata .
b : ... g . .1n tra t iradp, ,, Coanag Al.
Pomo. 'lumina rialtos
tor e .td ...tato wlll yreUest
them duly au th enticated tor oeleranid to ~ • '
1.111.1411 MM,
Id. , AI4)ISON,
i l
' • A Card—Life Insurance. \
Atticß. C. A. COLTON, Sec Drear SirH—
t• • matter of common Juin/ie.! Ilsent It my dote
nowledgn the mery prompt en a obliging manner to
Shirk the metre of a policy mealy effected by ra.,
amounting to about MAO./ f , * thonitatel dollarinYtas
been bald.
' *tbit liberal principle. upon +Welt tbe +Sate or th e
"Yittcbuyeti Ll* I newel. o=4*er aro • conducted,.
,titles It to the planderation and patroaw <alba publle,
The tnindPla or vrea.stio In sit ., : w izial
s arrange.nrour °roan/Won. l a. the .p true Juld•lig•
Antonini bentficencii, ...Web batmanl ty and Ph ty
both madam.. El Tnt i llit 7. .1 a ' .4
~‘ , . WOW li It /WM . Pastor. ~
neystille or Meet IlaPtiat e l liklunbutgbi \
\ Notice—Lost ~ Cdecata
OTICE is hereby gi ren that applicaticki
1.......aa to the Eastman Dank foramen/ten\
Pie... N... per ropn..o stem in rsht Bank.
alleged SO, ha. tern doetroyeit by fire on the 10th April,
144. n04.c.,G• „ gat. JANU 13111Ittl.
115 LICKWiIEAT ('LOUR -= A very superior
artlf apm the Net Brlghton to, ts , tea
lb. urk o, ett.t.rtl• cre hand and tor rale py
4146 WO. A. !lee LUIGI t Itterty
VL01:1/1.-50.1.9. extra family, for sale by
0.15\ \ •B.k W. lIARBAUU
AikATHERS—.3O bap for sale by • '
J \ dos \ • I ,, :kiij,L't3
rrt4NNERS' 011.`,=-21.1 bble. for sale be.
J_ Velo \
AttINED SUGARS=.-I.OOU bbla.Crushotl,
.eThsuira.assiel /.road elarleed Bops; tre: m il•
JAM M.A. MITC1118(m 00„
r dela \ • Mg/ Et. /Atli! EU= At= ktat.t.
.I.Tor' l "T °4 .7,l2. i pz.,. 4. "W A r A b i e r a :
bbls.uer, to arrive, far sale by
I. doll & DILWOJITIi k CO.
'Vbb N.11, - for _
4,1. a ALL *CA,
cEmin A R T . 4): N EXEIBIT:L cuz R. s lON\ 01
• ..„
Di/waving Views, ChFolnatioe Views;
VOMMENCING OD ittotularovenim De
1:47g% Ms:="47:e r gc• I th°
s 3lr Hiek , tesPleMellr MD sth. titimos of Mb
burgh an I he eleirtity. that ha hmtaudi erninoneentete
introdoes he their kind tam his lititert•lntesat. ebkh
~.,ke e a ane - ht the firma ealdbiUou of Oa peewit deD
Per artistica) Will mode. of delinlation, brillioncr of
Irtru . neanlslVd th t; tWale!eti e t t. "' \ . i. 7 . ' 4 \ ""l
The exiallatiniCre. osinnienne with • R e Down ,
1 INO VI. It FL eXpremattng Raise, bicentlakte.
tut 1 hese he. too hunaeleus to...enc.. iMa localltheMn
V C4
\ with • reelety of Pl.7l , t h ts=l . 4nees.
" Itrie n tra nt lirustratils Of the folierieg n
ce tibia to atl the cheeses peculiar to the. 1:
re anon eater, In it. intilianer
1. 4,4..
, Sth 01THEDRAL. might Tem, selebrate...
nigh Hass. I,
A ,the COURT OP BAB art.. night vier/49%4
of lielebassar."
airllckett R 3 cent. mar: Children under 12 belt int
Doors7t M Exhibition commence. al 73( peßh....
(Full d siphon lo mail bat.] de2lti
el PI
lIRISAS WEEK, Cojnmencing Moo
,l. .1
''e II daring tt der m
evening, Dre.., 112)41 coateming area •Tne
MURK. ee
U \ fl' CO. I 918 1 PO P LI " B rOD EN :reatei. (131924217
oyhe 3 =la Serenaders, and hi. &ebonite...nes s
8 \lt WELLll!'delPegreret m. V.e.u. Do.thi.
totes tetresadene .note. Ortega big itareitosiste.
J.V \101100.9. late of
an ChtistyM ElleetrahL
and DoxibletonM Ethiopian Perenadera. ,
Amoco this Troupe mar aim to found. T.LITRISTIAN.
lb. Trrolexo 11. wheal H. MITCHELL. the oelebrated
Duncan LEurotu D. METER, th e Meshed bialinhilortth
nal merit.
\ th ar,PVirttt; ' ilay .130 EvetthLa. too torihrtoel at
hll.p..ta 3 iti the at/moon, and at the naval hour to Um
r lVlt t fte 15 cele—ito hell mice. Doors open at T. COM.
\--rclrnt."-- , . \ -.4Pr WELLS, Rixolness Meador.
Z Aare , per rains 11111. for sal. by ,
\ a.:2441.ar1LT \ {VILA 471. L & CO.
Allegliany City Bonds.
dfIOtI p PONS. pay Ist p roximo Philo
hilt, for d. br . WM. A. LULL & CO.. .
do1,119:1OuT \ eL
A ' Bate . .oe for Bosinees.• ' , .L.
itHE s hscriber offe . ' for sale his 'property:7, '''. • •
F'T c.....
k locattid In the village o Remington. et es 5..4 of. t
the Chard... Railroad. ( (twine of a Lot.R2R•ouast . .. ,• , .
CZ by flO feet. kllall MO. Liouse.filore Lfintsaht.ll.le. .
together vi th 'judiciously gel • usortzteng of Ikeda: '
The "bore to ouaudthe best la. • thelocmiktru la the
county. RI" subActiber haring , ed .ulthlta th. last
year 012.100 north, of Goods. Yor • • ar fiatletilats.i. , • :
grant or the rubs" l bar "nib" pre. us. '
s •. _ • ' . t
Lt ridartitB . 11 B. VARIES.
' . Good H for the L. . =I
NILS. an Innoes . 181.1" sad lrfit..• Remedy tbk . i
Profit , Slum. Albua upuresslon. Nem, •Itabilltr.
General We•kners, Xs !taloa in tau I.lsual And Limb%
Loss af \ Appetit, Trautorit, fialpitatiorb DLitatted„gr,
em 0,0,..,... Irritabilitt a brrap.peda or indigtola 'KW.
levier; ilt Ind. and all Merin' Complaints. lc 26 eta. • '
or five UM. tor El. &Id nbulesale and reta l W. CL . ,
JACKBON.;3O Ltherty_ittniet,ltead of Woad., *pep '' - '
arid by Al s fialtlllt filthtitiltlibk Jar roll "WI da
rioetel wltlYeacb boa \ degiaLtin)Aor t,
. .
— gleam Saw Nill'for Heat \ \:\ r .
HE sTgAxm SAW MILL;nt thbruotiVl ‘, ' •
I dandy Cregk a nine miles abortC, the \
AlAt eithinty livor.\routh side. la oilseed Ittr a r . efbe Mill - \
ulna d runulog s ordor, and a vet of Atoms"
ao4 a Crib itnnober a g. t. re connec t e d with 011. The kr
cation Is rood , au luniutr finds o very ready silo. ~
bag" D• ethos; _Holt tls attarlud to the pro Fret, ' \
bbitr Parthul". . P I; olit the Profitirges to ' - \ •
-A. C .
\ Z .P A D
. PURIM. , \ \''
10.12, 1651.--fdeLlalthilltail L -• , \ 1 t
Willithsburgb P. 0,
\'y SHE 'I2I,VEIT SUCCESS 1.. \ .
Of e great Arabian Rork for Alan a:W.BBA'
[ A .
—H. G. Pajrell'a ,
LIS . tvisoW 'COUNTERTEITS to !piing .
o n o al ores. theicontary.. •6i en itel• their harmful irk *.
:a:44M the Ir a, a i tZl.l4 the IV= Zzra r urtzt . .
Mrta r T:i . ... lelVl..." ' tte a. I ' bra Ww ‘ toe fr4 l'r y to two y, abmn ' '
amt.< at the Iglu! of the bottle hes letters "IL 0."
1= "F4VlZatt• 1` ho.a V•2l - P.A o, =,a". ~
.11de' - ing:VP : t l iht7.V.L.',". .),='':g., • .
are blown lathe .4?e, .114). YarroU's Iblau Lib- •
• att4kYcorka." z'
i,This y great uoull Cll gua to. teed *kW di.' ' • 4
lrig mac p oor roast loas
.m. from
tt lEi= * 4. Do w er
i r *r rel b eherse * gf MI 1 Vre tit
am tmoU r ral e a for ieark o 4 is Its she_ balm porn or ~.•
yep kelniedb St ornlal Vivid or r Jolnt Water, It Mira, . ,
all is ms
s wlttkourorking rapidity. Vn .
Mks, ism, bt, what . orkhe hpirm mat Ehtralkoki.
has pro ItAsl a srbrin sad for &Teeth of Wks'
Lungs, . acul Idoryro i leap‘rst calualol• andar/, - l
alba aost y; al for all dtssawb, of Wm UlaroLs. •
01... GMT. dwill Neck. Au Abd Sadaal f[4.
arty aware Imre i 1,,,, It.enal word rim- oniolr.Ll, - , 's,
From the ith. pet Atiward, o of th ortir4,\ '
_ \ \ Luida 4 y k . Mimi. - ' . ''.\
ht \ t ,
It glees me blanker in 4me hallasouy to Um virtual \ i \
' ‘ l, r os T lM74;filk l 67l* tVi
tri i . t .' Wh i ttratfar 4 =l: 4 4.. ,
i kti 4. ."' Sk 4b' sad a r alTo ra*. t l" atw 4 ""4 it = .- . . '''
4/1.6151 an alma dog kap want. I Wats arrittalort,7k ; ',,
frraVlrriallltl It . laYk. effect after • It r w da Batman ~ : _
• . • k ** \
.nslly s :orsd thsnobla aamal .stinky. I thing It Is db.
o'l4° lirk" 6 7 6l,6l .tedk 66. bd.,. Ywall It LnntatT •'. \
• , E4,\llarkeii,of lresc\Conton, nr , segy• —,• • s,
lki „U. fl. Ihirelra Arablaratukomai baccarat' tom •
lII' ~, whkh every - caff remedy had Wird up
I l i; awh swelling alto ruutrarts4 mulcts bt tbs leff
of a awes years old. The leg had limbered gwal.
sad 'Do macro : a...l that be list! norts.of It. Tats rm \
\doctors bye trlest4 r,r belr skill upon It la TAIL. and. bat wal .
4 . 4 . 11 ,4„,.. t .
Y . gran. When the pp fattest wail Ins . .
ft. tt . nerve Arabian Llatstemt llamas,. .
.frst bottlsrsetyky, Mama Into Yar.ll:a whore, mi.
Um tarsi w • sam, ware "ltz. Bakeril gnat at that '.
• Liniment yin km, 1%. ths tang ths am bolds I rot 414 • .
T r' T r hirtr ' gr n ' oer ' Z:lllll: i r r ara d grgral
a big ler \lt wag 4 esal thy wens, brolo, eat., b0rn0,•.:...-. ,- - • folly \ eaU d that 11. G. larr.ll's Arabi.alhal.. • .
gan .:l l ic. ben for lo thortorld. I ebonfolly re
. 4 ft 1 he 4 bossasktuard.foglo7".. WillaltaZ.. - -
some oin my Inkastand aboalams, which mu so '
that I oruld 'hardly dohrry work sr all. and wocht . Dad
- • '
your to 16,, in bect tor two 'swags at a Wm, with IL
your Libigent on mad nut kmad and weir. k
ha& at thklms of aka, your Liblateura out of tint.=
coughs 1 .hrr had kh rhYs hie. ard Is - cured tbit; too. I. .
rubbed ft Isi <sell or.. my !mast sad shoulders. it lsklso
fartr T: ' . ' 'r. l'A n titaStr!„ - .
' ukkapoo, 'La ea, 11/ • ' •: .
Bevan of '
_feel. - ' ..
* TO 006k11) ACIAMT DINATItaIit&D 1141 101 e •
\ 7 z...4„,
Tbe • Pobrin are early I 4 NO OAR Vuthmed sgallatt • Boat '' - N
cb T4 ,ed, Which bak Cats/7 maelka,./....661 l ''' ti '
..,,, ,. . 7 (..R.t0n.1.....k.1N "Pk Yurairs Arai* - \
ht. i=itsory4::ll
1 •114 . 4 . a0rii.
b. Mar racer !ALI Ar k urbos '‘Y . :
L 7 1 . e I , Pleiee/Pled•etee/ers rat /.or Um anx " ~
P.P4 Anraillvaum" 4 " g. ' "*.a b Ut i re.
r.-- -r,.,-tre,r., 7 (z.zr...., - , \
words lownin tbs th es brithr-dkt.Gl. .1 sAnstoks .. • \
. v. ‘ ''"
i t
1 4." 41.'"'"
‘ll.l l"".”‘l'abk"°.".‘"lliM. 4.4. lll4aig ArPt . • ' •
gaol htstint I/tblet Ina LI not word • . .
bylett=3l6l,z,larris ; /Ilkwitt, gaal e zti v. owhea . • ',,
Clall oh WM ;NW who 41 firt4,,ltre of 'a ' •.
. • •lt. corgalhiag much rlsbakanroTofor t atlabl * '
°=., \ • \,... \ \
Jen* 00 and mu &ILO:pa ' - *
Ilk only gam:gab gmunfackgrad by Will. Y ibis
Mrlc r ritr4M4Mt . Ml 4 rnßahe t rr w itil l" rt
6 , 9lZgarikW•6l , , \ ea
Sold by.,l). M. CtiltBY. - 4 - , f.- \- - - ----
\ . •
Sitaation , " •
PRACTIOAt \ and e4e praced BbOK- •
4ElP.P.kFl'lrtstia, a . lrlenstioa *• olneals.tattai
Stag e\ Coaches for Sala. ••
EWE fiAe. Troy built. oaches, s
\ havinx bcra runAutstlical Uma,
• Laqes' Secretari*
Two beautifdl now it to Limn Secisti
dW.; 1 JO* imam. No. OE Peax.o
, : Re* . Dye ..... itatavishmot :\ \
tr. unturrox-.............._.N.............\ _.....r. vstraingu,
EBELLA ROW, near Federal all Met, 0 P - . •
wait! th e - SI ooset Rota... , Amara Cite 1,114 to ‘ s , \
th• efilzew nr,Pitty , t& that Om .14 I.adtee •; \
Goods, to, ot emery. "ad calor 151 Vtl n eine • , .•
trend foliate room to 11% . ,Coalk oz or i prato% . \ .
Kral the joter -4 .ortilt4r am CM= mutts.
Ished equal to oar- 'aWeelitatAsparral dna- , \`..
'not. I:i without /wing ea to poem. egg amsaami • '..`,
Co Cub
or soil the linen. Black Crtd olthool sm. . s, .
re n g.r. t viin - LI:11 Itr',4ll l raerit'llt=
1 , auteiSelknt to th ose oho may employ or, and utm , de , ,
`pot mooting dolt lathe,. try nu may...without
ot‘ort. wo wiser ooradres_that-harlog the Weed too ' •
Porestante Is this gatt the old otonter-..0r 'work gate.
1 wood to that of say other Gr.% la the 'Magee. ,
ItLerebante anode dyed Wival to their tors no In - '
Good, ' , arrested. 611••• • can. outsize our imt, and
w. a. whim to terms Weirton& whom he hes Obited
In the &twat tiller, that Me leentlett Is nor In Alleygg.
. or City: deltely --
\ Q. wisq WATCHES, direct from Ge: — ..
iWkra.."7 - Apigirtter .3 4l 11NV,,..1.. ° '''~ \ ~
1 : 7 , , ia 1 .,, ,, ......treg0r a tyt,4lilt: t pA L Z 114 a,, \
~,,,,—..,,t,,,,,,,,,r,,•rti'cz;a1,50,-.4""', , -
&* .wood &pow
r.l9l.E , fubsoriber reapedfidly informs`
t , tr=g i a l :earet,4rn b a'A= l ll .4l4
pared b auncta all
:ern IScetettelVZ l OP " ey7 Orp. " oCd 4
DrrP2P22 02242 . 1. , 22.2x1222%.5. Cott, et istaammaolr
2. Le. Terms tuaterate.
613 JANIS 11.
oc Oaths!
LBRO & t
101,T, N
,05.72 a
anid 744tabi
Nrr YORK, sad *pas 1a
In.p.utroL. z.
th"lil aV r =fll D it z ii hUogk !b e4 i tiint,tresar4
tittolgatztect tb? ppm
At thetr iirui.enstss to Nevlrork cull to fea
t. r
' , ANN Ibbk, Pgragwre, cued ge czoqx." "",
. . . . ..
JAMES 4. McjiNtarri, , , , t .(2 Fourth it. \:v •
hos a largo .toek or hoof Goals Pablo 6rf Mid. \
MOTV1711 "4 110 xgfr - e ,
. .
tl\ "I. 4 lllK ll7fiff i NlOWS, 9 ' 1 - -' 2
\ : PIAFIX 4k itgat", 11/oii
l'finob EfrOiroideries, .costioptio l l f of li" tv ronshi
• r.. 51 1...--... '''. '.
C h
Shwres. Ilendlnxble , 4 . •
P".,',, 4 , ,,Eg i i , a IT i rgio , .. t05iebit , .1414441.41 \
fto psi,. , deli .
_ .. .
FISH-10111,L!.'La!ge Macttect
• 10 bbla. " Sa. t
10 ,.d i j0,
d. 16. . 2 ' . . "3"Cd . - U.CCS.friEN W.
Jo= wog 00: .