The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 29, 1851, Image 4

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At i cori - ventleir of 'tato members and friends
of the Penneylinnliariti-Sliveri " held
at Phillitiol.Plt bottm,letvand tad to hams been
- 'largely tate dsd,",,and It,eritich address were
delivered by Hon: , fliticlings and thence
:Won. H. g_nrusso; the following resolutions Ken
pealed, which sneer-to us to be too significant
to beeritheid from our renders: • .. ..„.
. "Resolrii•lbat we heartily congratulate one
another,. and the friends of libeitity throughout
the Itind, upon the anspiccros result of the recent
of:Castnerilanawa • and that the efforts to
tame in this eviinitry the obsolete and infamous
doctrine it onteinoctire treason, and to PorM.Y.e,
by the tensors. of the aluisgeasi and the scaffold, ,
:not merely . the. fugitive's cherished hope of
maintaining his freedom, but even the liberty,
orttio press'and the ireedam of speech on the
itnbjeurt of slavery, lave no signally failed; and
that In the general rejoicing of the people, in
neer of thii rendt, we can see an evidence of the
- progress of cause, ands sign of its ; future,
"itesolowlillisi the Convention recommend to
' the ,2xectitire 'Committee of the Pennsylvania
fo prepare,an address, for
presentation to Louis Kossuth', expressive of
trympally-withitim in his heroic devotion to the
Immo of Ittertatt, freedom, and of earnest hope
that his harcilsan labore in this behalf will eon
dues to thooloithrow of oppression, not itillsta.
aloes_,; bat in the. United &tau and
The frith Exo ' det.—Ttio Dublin correeponden
• at the London Timeo . writes as follows—
'l"he thinning of the .population proceeds, in
- spite of wind and weather, is triskly, as it did
in,the mouths of Slap met. The quays of Dublin
. ICA ACM crowded with emigrants, chiefly
'from the western counties, and the bulk of them
- a the tnoat wretched'els of the peasantry.—
them tire, no doubt, exceptithis, but whole
hordes, of the poor cteitureswho.are talking of
whipping here mse not sufficient covering for the
jeurney. to Livepool, - not to speak of an ocean
'voyage '.of some 0,000 miles. Dundalk parer
Contains the following statement in reference to
the light; of formers from the northern coon
p. DISH Ulster county, poroing
though this town last week, stated that the
Goren:meat were becoming alarmed at the
etiorthrof emigrants leaving Ireland. He in.
(amid tha person with whom ho was conver.sing
that ihe Ministry will devise some measures,
early;in the next session to check entigrantion.
It is probable, he said, that they will pass au
-. act limiting the ports from which congrauto mhal I
' Liam or two, and compel owner or each
emigrant remit to pay a tax of 4 to .C 5 for each
-If....moeogeitakeri on board."'
paint Gs,
of gam.
rut inl
eat, perm.
- "faaml amt
thus go
Tna /LIM IN La:thou.—Thr
Trench .: at at.raiding in Loudon,
esto, condemning . in the
• • ' strongest :brine pursued
Monapartn; MI the people of Franeetn
• .'-inflantAle;Ontriii. Lords Bonaparte:they say,
••has jest civiwiled.intora few bourn more crimes"
. • than it ernithir hive been possible to include in
. • 'the= Tite ofic*ian..,•' Like it thief be has .E.61.1",i.
upon - the Illtaittea of hie country by a nocternal
• surprise, tioritirdni. artifice, which certain people
have tieen rash el:Meet:to call courage. .Mane
. blow he his •itinpressOd all the journals, 'and
has cast furgir L tito• the etreets of Paris • withrut
. • bread thoikuf. Mac brethern - whom the press
• • oupportek d , •
..,again they. .aay boasts of
_ j restoring to yo universal suffrage, but on con
, ailtion that
,ha.. or.ked.fiir his private advantage
• I • and not yours, ince he in going for tea yrboo to
I _ be, your . master •••
. .
. . ....
.- . ::„ , LY.O4_ AST ' COAL -IN . NitICKENOTA.—A gentle
..l loin Nell acqhainted . witb ruining and geol.g r
Itom-Pubtupte, lola, went, nom., rime ngo.i:l:
~. . 7 „ , . ; , a - praspectrag tar from that glace to Clue
'•:,tartiiiriver, tee I' the tributaries of the Min.
;.-.*-...: ..,' •- n efobireivet3 II went on behalf of a mining
- .•.:'.exPile for copper. fie lately re
:. trailed, and a taw aye since went below. He
.•,, '..soya that he tined on copper, brit strong. indi
'' • .''altielie of,leal at, ..,
- . any points on the inute.--
i...•...:,,10tt waters atera of t e Blue Earth be found irate
f:-'and coal - of excellf i quality, in great abum
We bare long been coiti d
!;,, (or rud '" coal
large quantities on the
• t
n l hntaries of the M a
?Minnesota rirer. There • a
longer a doubt of. the faeL For tnnate r l e y it
cad be boated to this place at
Nevt.:fititk . - Chtekering's Piano Fortes.
JOEY:IL - OE4O/1; 81 Wood o gn i
isreeV his ideciv•dl out .tireir ite•
mock at, FIA.NO.PIAT the eel,-
bratildlaW10•001701 . C .C.tect.
:No.12061:, '6 octave .teatrOoJ-..--
_ -
MOO: 6K " Carted ftrivri . , l7.ll.—.
,11977.: • ' '
11Q2, " 7 ‘"
• 1111451 - "• " • "Pall Grand
Tm AllidolOg Piano Tortes from othor tostolortmdri , :riF,
111101.561: Thu
• tXpoctsroXceevood ItatoxL. N. 1".....17 ;- : = : d ' ll `“•ir'' , , f
• do.
' • ant& Brown, 1 , 0
• A .I , Ohoiooy . odor, around bond. 17',
Christmas Gifts.
atibicriber hoz, just received from Eu
..-7.47-,:ivropes tat of Immtlful IVOILY SILML
..., , rately ; tdrred sad esnbelli.hrd. A fin, of
: ' . l%ll.Efulty desigra
invl ryt inro+ i
"ILxL ti
f ' ti/ , ;0 ansaitZbere.
to iesl:tieL!r:sl
. - 11.11iLLBIA, I',l Thit4,
41.06 Xign thr U AO.
Goads for Cold Weather.
.•• . . .
• •.-• MURPHY L'BURCIIITI ELI) invite the at
- , lentioner Nitre to the', Very . eeeortawat ri
- vahlatla tindo ot rt . theode aelaphel tar mkt weather,
• Roam kid., hang la, white, brown, Title and Oath
. Gaud** ,Welah Jo.. Vattern Made del., at! eoltate
Rale IheatrCantehatna' Vaektas Jo.. fluk,
• . lahecy htneverilar4 Winter Matra.
Aar EttlehhCoalferiNar. Ah ad4itional 111-AN.
e••• that remelted.
' Ree'd and f. or rale' by
delft , • • • • , w6l. A: Itc•CLUltta t Cu.
lIONEY—For sale by
wm. a1re1411314 la).
MR& 110FMAN is going to leave this
lit nut ff arch. Kral Invite. anima
to eleauttot ha (caul nr I nxtrutuentat aturar, osti at
bor rialdeure. lan funtlatietel 14/144., rLI/prnlipitlA .rort
sad:VittinaLltol . ..., • 4e1 , 3..
LARD-Rut up expressly
• • fot fatally aur.: kegs and meta of 3.3. and lo On.
t re ed sad for VllO Ur
,r17. , ! 4 "." 1 ‘."'• was e. i.kcLutr.o t co.
M-OI•ASSES:-20bbbs, N.. 0., for rile by
.4T.C . "del • A. II liftlll6ol , l A CO.
at »ad a farther ersso4 or thothot...ti , L , , , rT
~ A Lut IVIDK-3111aff13106, of too vrrf [pat
. : - :.•iforthsart corner of fourth and Marto.. atra
1110YS!LWEAIL- 7 - - Itfintrtn. .13trecurusul
Wire j au amatm•nt come al.ov• goal, eV
AlrgrA great valeny of N. (hod,
trittegglrtteg4 italllgtrotr n r ' ""
"triEEEPTOIL--20 bbla. for sale by
• ' • AMASON, U 771.6 CO.
'ACKNREL---100.bbio. largo No. 3. for
- "moray,' ; fd. J B. k W. HAI:BAUGH.
s.BAST,-PUMPS-2 ,doz. Indirt Rubber;
Abp. 6 116 e.. Nipple thields,Mnale sad trimmed.
• del •• • , 2. • V. aH. 1 , 1111.1.111,110 mket
. 2 ' l ' • N°l'• • •
: • • 12 ht.!.
-14 bbts. 0414222ns 114211.
' 46,00,e1 . 11..C./A,2 l4WiltliflEWS & 00.
CaRESE--100 boxes Cream, for. sale by
-del - JAMEd DAUM.
...L. by
1119.143,31ETAL-100 tOnq for rale by
alet - 'WICK McCANDLE.S.
t 00313•••-30 on Tenn., for sale low to
PEANUTS -53 - .bags landing, for rale by
dal - 1. DICKEY t. CO. Into. sod front It,
bY • '
50.4.1Q0.bx0. Can. or sale by
AVICI.7 .IteCAtiDl,pa,,
ACEF.Rri ,- -.V.TOI)bis. 140,
'GtlArai IkCAtiaifj";
CALAD 431";"4° basket
- scuoosmAELic
for 7 7 z co- -
• 41.1eirkINMA
:-PE6-:-A besatalli sIIII rkb color - nle br
t •APER 0011.TAINS--A. handsome
- ate 7 • ; pALItEr.... •
". • ••''' 4 B l .!eu'iy.iill'eWaii, b. 7
GLA SS; 60 boxes Kr.lo; -
60 r '12. = tor le I 4... CU.
[WA hauruir ;mut
COIlt•Iniog . tha Blameota of !lark. and ealaideta In-
Flan:leak. fortbe Pianaßorte; to whlth la added a etudee
tallaction of fifty niaeas of popular Maga. maga/WE of
'Bona , . Bartle, Waltaah Pelt" Dana.% te. BT .E.darar4
L. lb tate. Prier. Net. Borah, •
Q • •J. 11 MELLOR. Rant.
1. - A.OKW001) for November;
, Art Joarnal.lO;Nomlber:
raw tleck. the Man of ISear a new work by Donglaa
Jrrrokl—cram 12ki mato_
Itecvire4 at DOLMEN' Literary Depot. :4 Third street,
orPoWte the Poet Otaos. . oda
M U rw it r P oPF Y ourt
r..ot mak I or a raltlonn to
arwatonot NkIT PALL,
AIN %VINT PR Pity GOODS, are orepewtl to rarer to their
mrote.r rostrarwrs and bitten atonally, extetwire ym
riot,. to nto.ett-t Rom. 0018
p lO GUIFEV-100 bags prime Green;
io' JO C IN WATT& b'
enl.s .
F RESH TEAS-35 chests 1. II.;
pkg.s. O. P. and libberbd..
. bL thefts Black: for rale bY
BROOMS- 50 doz. for sale by
dos. Vulcanized In-
Ldi. Rublaor Katun, just rned from 'lotto], and for
'".O 2 .t ?""I7I'ti.,IIILLIPF.
DIOT ASII-10 casks
IL prime, for sale by
0 , 115 J. Ann,
MOLL BUrrEll—ls bbls. Plain litrove,
11_11, for ,a!k• by'
1.015 ' Round eburrh
For tale by I ttnl6l J. 2 K. FLOYD.
WO doz. Poland, for solo bar
aD onla J. 6 R.OLO
I N. G 2 Fourth nt., this morning by Adams'
ar.—. lant , lot of Ch and full.. tabula° for La
dire tua Children. An early call will nears a Choke !ou
AW rred—a (nub and largo 'ion of Trimmings, of
aloft dt,rah , .• sty too. 001.5
.11W 01L--12 bbls. No. 1, for sale In
14 nal 7A510 DALZELI:
czirrs. TU NE-70 bbls. prime, for
.1.. bv r... 121 0. A. rAnsEsroug a vo.
ree'd, n corn
aw.ortuwu,,f flut.cousietion
Doll 11,stIN tOn, FIT.*
and nnalL Faro, Card Nate, Fruit
eu:t, Funn<ln and Buttlt.,. of difTtrent
L ate 1/1t ' Vi..,..1. w0u 1..4)111Nin. for tnarhlt.ry. tletury
1 , ...:11..rrt0t,t. Fr:seam:lto...Solt, Water Pall, .`Ant
tiv,k.t. 11,10 Tray., ,141.
And tut-1k mond 1:,t1. als elrefit - it'll of asualro too nu
umrou. 1.1...u0u. For malc mt. Nlarket lanot.
J. a 11. 1 . 1111.1.11%.
' . _
:NLMUCIAN S ; iwt4ve, Il ode!n nuidt,
..`x haritzw lwen ulted st.ut thin Seam for .1..
t tw.uty
a Y.., el...twat It.....etmkt hytts., ole OTn. to b
I, tit.. two., wr
Di D., Maur, on LanaapA 1,/
JON 11. .1.1111.1.4.111.
bl Wtlntrer.l...
TEAS—:.II lir. ellestm
Fy* , ..t.. by • Pa J " : It. ItuY
~ides N. Y. for solo by
”1-.15 VWlb.
po , r A.Sll-2,5 cads pure, for .safo bv
J It. ElaC u.
11.00:11:i-5U Llaz.lor .lo by.
I ik • T. boobs d b N. 615W•10r n.
UPLES---3ii bbls. ree'd' so col:alignment
bud 1.. rale L r . 7. W. 01.54 SON.
To limenies."—The
regards the emigration
noir taking piece, no
3 number that emigrate
ionsitliring that, at prev
iteapital are (eminently
fluke that several millions
try every year..
01,1 A X—l ease for sale 1.1 .
I P n , 14 s 1,6,E.11 s 11..Itt91'EL 1., 140 Wraal at
. 1 118.0111 E ORE & YELLOW-7,1 eases,
N..ll , ,lperfor .fur rub. tar
n.. 14 KEVSI:II • 31‘ , 1.10WELL. 110 %Vocal .0
I , lllll'l'-:-:1 casks %Ante Currants,
lataaa 11. n /le.t.nts
• 1, l,ava 11. lialaanc
eaf.," Leila Ifftfifint,
few. abtr.,p;
..sla J. O. WILLIAi• • C.•
111.14 116 16,...1 alarm.
dta. Holmes ' l'at
,l' ASII IsU.lltJ.tS 5u
rat l~oe, tar tale LT
unl 1 J Lusme et,
n LA ill: 1N1; -110 doz. 111ason's Challenge,
1.1/ Afif .011, J It. lk, A Co
Iptrf ASH-10 cask* for ssle.l,s
.1. i%I t. 1L1.1.1 SIM .4 . 1:0
las. lor : ss I s a. to; ,
x..0,0cK a
. .
11.-10 ~!1,15.. IV inter landing
ft EE.:3E—.500 prlroe. Shipping:
Counm.o - r•-er'd atil man. br
J 11. csi.itia.ti
IPI'LES-71 , 1.615. tor Yalt
3 I. I k‘l [YU.
A e
.1 aorta , MY, amt
It. mooduratio theu /oath, and to teen ths loot
dr, a
t toonabl. feral. trfltb dloarltonafor.youttlny.
a 110 Marl. 11..5191 . I. A 11. KLIL.LIP.
ItiSU.S; TAR-59 , bt!IS.
lull I 10110. ArArr &co.
lEATHER-2.1.10 sides New York;
dos. Calf Etta. Lt sale by
bolt. 101 IN WATT 't W.
D UCKW sacksßune& fur sale
toot',; WICK k MrCANDLE.,4
'IX TWIST TOBACCO--111 kegs No: 1,
10(1 tve'd on contlgyarvent and nth , by
nord HARDY. JONE, A 0
RUTTER—Id bbl, solid packed;
kers do do
Or Neo pall DALZELL C.I.
INDIA RUBBER StIOES--Just reed, 211
,AL ea. Ladle'. flontlonzes'o. and Males. India ilabb.r
oho, of the newoot rtyl. tnuonfaettiml. The poibllo
ere in•M.,i to call and aaandno use retail each... Um.,
lboupertor to . r ever MT....din this rely. Vol ate al
. 104ml:ebbe. spot. No 110 Yiartrt es.t. •
noto I. • IL I.I.IILLIPYI._
6 REEN bbls. for sale by
nol2 roiner Penn and loaln
if tUN COVERS-2 do.. India Rubb,r Gun
si>< Goa., alI thr di/fount lengths, 111.1 rve'd and
for s.ale No. 110 Harket ato,,et.
, 0
. 40 ,
4 ,
a 4 Lib 1,, , ./...rTer.. and J.-I , ,et , tot all tho 4i,tlrTe•At
manufrtur.,l, fpr nal..l.b,ltaLber bepat., 116 flarlift t.
. 01 • H. 1411LLIPA.
. .
lan., Ow :at Vrtritlaa ItP/
. loriwtiu, 10 01.1
1,, n
kr•al I , lalv ,
. ..Ik , 55 .1 . _
1 4 1 1,AX-3 to for sale by
n , trio H a Ikea
f'!l.l WHILE 01 , LIME—Of the hestquxl
an band and 1 , 1 ~le fir
bkrlbl BERIllf•A CO..
0013 Front rt.. Ora? Mark/rt.
itt lITTEIt-20 boxes prime Roll, duet reed
Jur ass Mr ea-1.• br J. B
pEAItL ASH-10 tone No. 1, for sale by
Ql - 11):1 ASll.—We are prepared to contract
kJ grit!. r , l'annfarturers and th. traJr (•••rally.
1 , 4 th•lrty tJ 1...1% Anh. Jurin• lM vrint... al tho
pr.s•nt mutt prie... W. imrrant Garr loin. )1,1. «pat
tbe 1.0. , t IMMO' • 0*
11.ttleKIVIlEAT FLOUII,--100 bagel hulled,
1J in and 1.4••.1. br
C EEIEES-7 boxes Cream;
. 41 - Dairy;
Landil. Ana for .1, by ; I..DILIKEV • Co.,
UOS WO, sod Yrovt.str.ts
LAILD 01L-415 bb 's. No. 1, (Winter,) for
J. 14(3101./NRAKICit l W.
aol . J.l Wool •trokk
ARodr-500 Ibe. Am., for sale by
nol , J. 1(1150 a(0. _
1 . 1-tEASI TARTAR-2000Th'. for sale by
J. KIDD 2 lb.. 40 Wool rt.
t . OD LIVER OLL--Raehton, dark Co.'s
L,./ ',man, in bulk an by the Gaya or grkm. for wle by
nni J. KIDD It lkk
UGAIt LEA.D-900 lbs. White, for sale by
to coil J. KIDD • C0..41 Wad
riloßAcco—loo boles Sherwood'u s'e and
.W Dr Warr a W.
It UT rk, 1000 lbs. prime Dairy Packed,
for Wei by JOHN WATT • Lu.•
OLASSFS—W S. -11. Syrup, f,r
oi low by JOHN WATT t CO.
ceroone beet S. k'. hhdahlad.
der. ict *O. by
h11;,17,-10 tcs froth Carolina Rice for sale
.br ne2-^ J. AR. CLOT/.
lOSIERY—A. A. MASON it, CO. have rec'd
I,ou aria Gobi:ogre, Losiba %Mit •Ipaccs.Eilk, sal
orbs Hoilloiry.odaprislor Ow nowt extiinglyti Aback 10.7
here ItTET whirl/ they will .11 boob Inn
then ocltl
1 I OFFEE--78 bilge prime Rio, arriving and
%_.) for /al. by JOHN WATT et CO.
ranted tn mak* Hen, awret. nal rautg °anti, - maul.
en Paul, alarm gond flour la mead. A full illactlan
gamy oath mew,. Pnr
CO. ,
or 2:, . J. if WU CO. [AVDP..' at.
100 bxe No.-1 reo'd and
• 157 CZ i Meeill'iDLE:ls
IOFFEE--4300 bags for sale by
ANK. 011.--27 bbls. for sale by
Jur ooh WICK A 31.30ANDLKAA.
SUGAR . ter MOLASSES— . ..
2 )12b,1 , N. O. S.r.l :8 bbi..N.0.5t0....5
For rale by JAPICA DA 1.7.C1.1... •
BRISTISII LUSTRE-2 eases for sale by
toe/ 0. R. /MUCK:I.67 Wood .t.
FIST reo'd at No.2sTi Liberty street--
0Y 26 boxes Fresh Moan
le ... - Outten Preferred CU:
1 case Jellies sod Jaitaa.put up Infa Dry ncy W M es, by
Undereorel A Co., &etym.
0 1. 1” k' '.' h C a,":' 4 ontags Peel. eatidledi
1 - • eitioeet •
3 ii • Memel% Flume ,Ao.:
I " Polael ,an;
100 Fresh Coen
All ebijca geode, and far rale at leo rates by
Wll. A. 31cCLA1ftli A CO..
:lifteara at:OT. Des Jess.
DOCKETS ,t 'TUBS- - • .
be dor- backer, 6 dos. Tobe. far rale by
. (JP
not _ . JADES DALZELL. Ye Water el.
TINSEED OW .15 bbla.Griew.o.ld'abran—if,
JU forma* 67 • ' •
__,... . J. B. 0101111X141.
likill:7so ht. ehenti Y. 11., tor sale by
500 . • i 113 Ally_DIOILEY k 00.
enc for sale
G.l OAR-43 hbds. for safe Ey
L IQUORICN 4iCK)T—rbale for - sale by
Vtil;tlo,r. Fm; ilatrheS
fort nal?".
io VS
Cold• Weather has Come.
, of If WI. load Hoe? Heady Node CLOTHING. We
study to please. No. 71 Smithfield street,
Dolt haw Dlaihosid MGT.
. _
o P^o Ni. rooming 10 cartotts of black Silk
of *lt qualitbv 11.1 oe-1 ,
Braclayuto hare Ulla day reed a larva lot of
r =Be . Northman eor
oar of Fourth ao4 Market sta. onl
New Goods—Third Supply for the Season.
I.VI openin t roorcuog their THIRD SUPPLY o f
tiotlete fur the Fallond Wiater:
- Naar atyie t'aehiaere. Telrpt. and 411 k
&art, and bonds will b• open to-day
enru4r of Fourth and .1/I.krt ntrePts.
IV LS! SIIATV LS !—Now opening at
A. A. MAAIN A °Q.'S,
brilliant and wrutanent crane,
111 LANKETS 1 -Now on hand over MO pre.
Aundirsti. 0w1... and French, of 4-1.10-4. 124, •ral
plain and tw il led. yingle .111 double mulct. Al, a
mmplet, inuoruzuut nt Crib and Orally Blanket.
von e 2 and to 3l araxt rt.
N V IbTEF,R ., O ,. LO ‘, I" ES--11 ,
~ampn, ow in tat.or(:, , a e;)111-
per Pair. A. l A. 31/ILS
nol.t • 02 and CAI Ahrtut
hare ou enonipomPht rt. lot of Counter:no,
ch .13 mill nen Under lb. foul of coanufArtsls..
of.M A. A. II1A:4.1N A CO.
• large,
ISlthlitm Capes, allb sleeve<
24 p.m I
.14 " I.oug Legtioica,
:sil • Vhost: •
24 Ileetlng Jacket.:
With • complete amortmeut of ,l , fleeent styles r.f flatmate/
Caps te Putt .1..4 PIIIL
No. /1 ,, 310,4,1 rt.
FLAID SILKS—We tntve on band 30 pa's.
1%14 Enke, Mill/mat ~,lots.
Onl2 A. A. lIASON A t i,.
More New Goods.
I AMES A. MoKNIGIIT, N 0.62 Fourth st..
Lb. lam. auction mWmtt
•idr. to them...lm cuir, during lb.
17:,.; - ..;.17, 0 ;;;!!"
Lir •
• Brochs [Aug lthas - In. rh.apt Plain l'aphm.-..
:guar. Stmarled
Stn., ansonfr•surves
. - .
Yr..nch Merino. and Castanet... Va
rr 1.1.1,1 lin... en,. r•-ry .I.oiral/1.
Cloak.. Cloaking.. kr, . Le 44,
,AM AG F.. 1)
of o ~ 7 , 1 i )0
1/ry Gond., .I.anazed 1,, nate, ownprnlo,nn
rue, fannel...lluntins. ..1, . all of
rblrb •ill i mnl.l .1 neerl, nne h.lf Vrl,e
URPHY BURCH FIELD iurotlik their
IT etaithertertt awl tot," tcttnertill• thitt thrr I.evrt
ch ,,, N trtrttr st, tap
Ind, awl IRA ratonttott to their untirttnity 101 l tut... ,
prrat rta ittlyt rich itrintittl
Ito Urine, Pm-I.ton, 1.:44.g5. Vritortt Ntrrtuo, tttlin ale
ttiIAIVLS, Lint,
nttr w it il
c-rtt li Bro.'', yr" hsilhtui l'sbliYtl h clam but cttr sit Iti
tlark mut rtorPhet,
Itiett ithiltl Mitten, 1.1.04 soil boll mnunitn,tltt . urw
'l l l 6!; '. l k ltit aimreiNitvril • furtber ituttltli .urr
stuffing Aladin anti Irtib
eraly:and tit 11(11 bw wilt! at low prinitt for nosh.,.
Coati, kletrltettl, arr invited it• tit ttur
utt saasn. tiotili sr. tittlti Itt.
I LK 11AR l'
Ic7 at A.A. MAX... ICO tb. !aura. it it.,lt
1 LO VES AND 11081E1{1' —A.A. M
II a n. have now ttn Inn.! 7, l.a tat 1...u..'
.re, Elt...h.d.tfit.l. autl otbrr ~,,
tiotterottittn or Mimi,. ettutprlitint, mit. than
I ) ,
Itrz` ,. ; ~ l.i
~r 0 00 , ~ ~
ritititt•ttnit mCitibutorrs,
Itaitaiuttitio..tliwiviii. Or.
ILKS '. SILKS:—Now opensug A. A
173 11.1 so: 1,1
te 11,4 ',Me, mon,. I •
Do. rthlgrax 04:
1.1. r • It.,
• K
I Eurri.11.4.1f01.,.
sumo av low u I•Ur for Tanl-1011 s.,prza• e opt
caper yar4
AARE 111”;;ED MESE INS-- :Ilorrhy r.
liorchfinl/11., •• •••....ten•ut .4
lour) , n 4.44. • I.lelt,
Meet•“J• I/4 wan/
kii ! GCN.IIB (.106DS !—A. A.
SIAMtt.: It CO will or. alltav tom
upwards El tin boadnal • •al ta•Aa4.. 4
anA , r bry Uom th• attra ft, at .b•.L
• .11 ' , art/tears Inanod
A. A. AI 41N A CO. rill ar. a t*.. day raw.
at..rre ataxt.a t•t"
—Nam vatting •t A. A. AtAa'.o74 CO . a.—lno t.iacaa
tact .-rd Fre:tett 31entv+a .at Tiatom d ab.ta-t
lJ A: A. Id A-505 A CO. ham jamt rev,tval
beet itylat CaJhutarea an I Ite. Luna. rwt
Now rzkurtantir nevirick at sn-cmy ii
t "Wareham., N 0.65 Pouts,.m., to *Welt ••
vitt tkaattkotion (kw. al-htok torn.di r
Heartbeat, a• wt wilt all losekAtbao err, tu
market. u-1
L vow reardsall, roeclrins ha fsll ot , k 4
PCTA. SG. etcholl sod s.seot otyloo. t. 4 s!”.-111,1
Isiltestboattantios of pun-Cs-or, so LA to d.wrtuto...llJ
wll /0 , 111 1 1 1 tbs. e‘sr ?More oft. rnt to Lb. mars.,
oIJ sotablioLod Carpet 11arollos.. tin N.S Fourth 01.
v.) R. mcCLINTOCR tart,' lb. •141:111 ,, M or
to hia largo trod Dino and Irrab
Oil Clutha. and Trimming!, whwh se .111+01 111 mdur•vl
Dr..* at Carprt Warehou.o. vS Fourth rt. 0-I
L. vow conotantir rx.trirag Ev Lallateek of ou,rtli,..
boo. and rommno INGRAIN CAIIPEIn, and rvh
*iv at rry in km., to whwti th•
tention of Cho. *Jotting to furtindi litaarobrw in•
ts or lieu...
Clio* tho Cwnwt RanGaa. N. <V goon.ti
ocl VV. Ara:LtNit.l'h.
itUSSILS CARPLIti--W. 11Iet7uvro,
otSjup has in Mae ad kr ls rich ivn.l sew
tuurrrb, to which to aw e
Molts. tha O
-rtmernt, a• b. In d.trtnnowl rn vwll loser than
In thin market.' Call at tha old estaLtialo.l Cwrgwt V 4 sr.
Lon.. , No. to Fourth oh v.. 1
L tto ?spumy Bres. 'LA ese•
tea ll:and:illus. No. IS - Psurth st th
1 . turib Mess sbblog es petrels. to give Ile • ell
tc 311'1-INTucK
SEW 0001)8.
P LIE SUBSCRIBER having now rere;red
X LA entire stack of MALI. AND WINTRIS
would respectfully. inf,rto hi. stuotstnent mod the euol,
tha o t he I. prepared tarns)... of ht. fiords. eather wt,s
sat. or rets.ll,t 'soy low psis..
Ile has la Dry Goals all the Staple, as well as • liar,
stack of Paps, Drs. tiaals..sotstPris , OS
64 Chan. Silks Srb steals. sari strort dm*, nor .r
Plate Inset All.. all pole.. sad width.
Urncade tiluk
I , ly,Urycl Hilt, al) jthodlm
French Yopllos,
Blutlkt Weer.
Imt6th kterincry and
logethyr with Vrentlt and h.b end:east - a.
11.4, 1:4 MI 134 Ilartri Mhortiorr.
4 . 4144 Pillow 1..13.1,,,r.
74.34 404144 Teal,. Datavls.r.
LM ml 3-4 bap.. Atp.i U.W 11c
IluekalAselt DM,' and Cruhlowelimi%
Rlrb Priotol I,sao mOll T.LI. u re , p42 , polr,
,11..ri.411,+ Irnerot,.. Wuruitur , . , Duna,. Curt.. A 14.1
Cutts. 31Mri•ls. IC." .
L "t i**.
BI ack COWAN C4ot
. .
Ultra atobair Undoes-,
El/ a W. aTh eicrthr.
illaelt eh%lirn
tnalltb. rroorh and Italian Crap, Hale and th‘O.
Valli; (Amenlsettoo and Mlervor, Callan and . .UK
and Duafory: all or .blab lloolawalt to ..w att gra•l
041111, and etimp lot quallty.
D ECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening
lc at WU. DIGBYT, ISI Libsrty . In.. inn pieces fancy saJ blsrn Cs.almerm, ut lbw newest mai
anast fashianable pattern..
ISA places black saJ raked Clans, at lb. mast mjentor
manufacture. •
•• • •
'rho laswt osol moot ndeulld amortment of Vtodings
broupht tbls oily.
GO do.. Uo4.r.tdrts a.] Ikrower..
4U dot. tic . .., sodeo pm;ann
t t b r ltT . 7s= " te ‘ :fh U ra ' s 4. ;r7 " Vitt . fgeraf l lfl,4l.l
ALUM Cu NINO, of the most fashionable. otylo, always
on band, prerenta ono in' tho large.t and moot &gbh:nab - 10
engine of Wade. adapted tnr geottenietie not!, In the
woe.. eountr): all Of which the proprietor I. &termite.
ed to off , r a tbo very town! pticos tat euh.
Orders hr t
the Tailoring has executed la the hart man
ner. sod at nos ahurto.t none., poor;
New Fall Dry Goods.
A. MASON & CO., SANT reneired and
epaning—Ml caws One French Merino, 04
&dui shades, adapted exprepalf for this marks% 10
Mg. /dram. and Mohair Loetren, einbrae,na
erilk warp, 110
fancy rard, etwanelenii and 1. all Nadel 12 wanes Vat aniattaa,'l ibet Cloth, and Or,burgh rein pri—
lna all ehadee an.
qualltlaw 11. prm. Worsted
gpd Inlar, TOP ahoy* waels we Oder for male at
prim which we are confident Sr. unonwedentewly law.
CCORDEONS-A splendid and varied
nark of the beet brandt, Juin reeelvni.
eves—A very &nimbly eelerlion. with 1.4, th and 8
ker.. roe. wool, and of lb* bolt tattere, very °heap, Joel
4 71Ni' exteneirt and chalet Welt arriving.
VIOLLNB-.4Some very lino cid 01.4 004 now of every
. VAIPAVIUDIErfIna ealeetiOnt the t a. Guitar and
lremets, Tuba; Bottler, Illboeonmv, Trumpet', and or.
b or 11x f aa .. %1ntra t i4.411.1 . .avr,..4 b, lb.
the Rowed aud moat populer u.t received.
N. IL—The above Inatrom, of re aramtnted to be tom
nett snel parreet In every rorpeet—lf found Uni, the M.
mop atIII be rammed. IL LEBER, MITh
• ,A.e.p9 SION OF lliht tIuLDRN HARP.
/I ) IARPETS I CARPETS I—Rec'd this day
by W. 11cCLINTOCK, new and rich idyl. Puteertne,
y a ., and Cannons INGRAIN CA RPETS, which we are
prapartel to Pall 199 , 9. thws any Can:whoever Fetes.. ale,'
19 Ulla market We atullally 91•119 ea ttention . (end.
Mend. and theme *Whin, to purchase to gtte sa l. cal, a
the Old Eatabllnhal Great Was - chows , ' N. eh fourth at.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
- - No. 105 MARKET STICZT,
11. PALMER offers for Nato, at very
. Ism rims, ihll annrtment at Ntrae and al Misr
solfliA4Stroreldn and Annalean plainand 'lney
Ctdp,iiimp,Millon, Lane, Hair, fan
• iiT9 2 -taan'a.'irtsdine, and /94 Lethorn, dozy mi
= 1"1"'il lf 8771 :t P lege l"n OtierStiPt ' 4 14"I t l iZ "
ft a . - •
d iigotTst-Iraloaot and Scarf, tatin !Latta d TAP
LNS—Plata an NIW and r, '"4 nm" , 14 . 4 . an ann rerntral ' ir:and .
finnan tient
~L7.41 . .W92/M.YEVO3-, C arda„Sniss/s,Battons,Braids,
--- RVlltligknnseaand amencinßarlds Mandan and
aspirate, nett an Jam! stnes. .
'nlw: Ora Os Ulnae, Owen* and otbar 'Olt assorted
• ,84171,111— amormtautOtig mid txttii:' • •
and lor rdesmnanola sad treftgilig,
lIE SUBSCRIBER has just received a
m m oba v ad.l , trii rr lt• ext..cvd•re lot P' ofd
N. v t c.lebrstrd facto
6 do d • aotbit tablet '
" "'t • do.,
.. •
do do , a•t.
Maga Jo
or DUNIIANI'tt farnaue 7 mt. VONCEIIT
PIANO -f,. moat to a grand Nano in power and I,•lurno
tette. Thos. ri•LVe taro a Dor And Imptv•aatacala, allow.
In¢ if ry lufro felt efernal haturnor. and thus affonlin.
atl the aJoanta.s. of a ar•vl The NO
Idfraln moo rta,a-tfaily levier! It II and In.
this elegant It:strum...o The tante of It awl,tho
Marian, tnuttlf a Menu. of Cho:len:Al. at the ale , hanios
Vale, a,.1 protanntnaal the en., Piano eivr brought t..
that city—unourpeased for ',mot and w00...aa of lupe.
saalotaane,t,if I° nob. II ht./Alt:lt.
101Tloril et_ Oyu et the Cohen
N. 1 1 .—N „ ....mernf into waft fly Dttu
hem, tuables-tne subacanher sell:him Plan,t to tar o•nt-•
lower than fortnerty thus onot.ltnr It,
otteata'a here. than et the out. 1.111 •nd eau:rune here
I..abasing ola.whero,
. . . . _
Now Ready!!
VERY LAITY having a Pianu
4r.-eha••• and rend Teuadetrnie u.. kw)..
71.12, this is a twautitui tg,ok lo.r • P/I
Without exeeptiou tleax priutsai, and bilAlug
...ever sr ese,ltted.
T'Wnnonopo...l, ronnilty that oon Lionven to o
for which it not isntnt on con, 1,11., giving
lltent.lou. hew in Ito, thc Inctrntucnt A I.W.Atn
TUNE. on], Sl.ltorth t.n tun, thni. witch It
mo t , 4. plAy port of the Unltrd Vniten I Ir o
tcw cont..
loulPubllt hod too. t IVllte, uo tr i
n 1.1011% II NlELlt o ylt r \Sort Air.ct. tn.! l
KLEIIEII. Third Mrrot. end ot the principal,
Chickering's rianos.
.1011 N 11. MELLOR, Agent formo
Chlekerlne. Plan, for Pill%bo i rgh
hlu 1'
ANO FORTES. (rum Oonoutifn , q , ..rr Ch
' eon/lA.ln, . 1 %,11,1 netare, .•arv..l and
1 11 1 011 SALE—A se.nct
111 So. 4, un 06"
ro.•, lo Lon I A Broth,. l'ner.on..l I
undr, Rll , l tll,, IntAdlo
ot•lo. or Ow too,' do..ount fr o ex.: 7,r .41.• n.
. 1 0117 , It. 7 IELLOII. •I WoO o
New Music.
1 ONGS SUllgs by MINN CATO RINE 114 r E,
Come tto
T1.010.r1, thnt ~nn. thn.ucl, Traa's
11. 111 JEN, LIED. AT
eolnIn•1'11,-Ont ImE4
Auld Itz,blo ILIttE• ILE l:.11.
Home. x•••et hon, kw. Inn, tto
Tbr l'hwator. ITh. Lorrd'w I' with vow
••• ,, ,,a , •l Owl o , to S olorer.
0.411, I
,itrikn the Imrr kently, I r,
hy qh- ft..l•-•
lnue „
dod 1,..n5,
C.lll one ,-- tillrato nil a. 111..,41r,
and for ral.
Double Reed Melodeon.
'llll util , , It. just ,•ry
imth Cunt 1..
mud- urtou ./ nrme.ll .t !*
Istu• In.mmumul n/pml .all..
1.1 lu Idu T.•r II
10.. I I, in el. mum
1... nm. 1.• tut • t‘uot 'limn.
I.ll,..rituwea ul Imutl
ull; mt., .•l nn.l • t.tu tin. L 1.... :mu.. pr. I mu-Wit..
bning, mt.." an Imm Mon ma/nerd., Immna
, II
mum, uu.trm meutult A St , mllcun
Now Booed.
UST IZEITAVED and f,r 4a14., Lv J. L.
!Irv:. 4th
Putmt tml nm,./.ltm Wes,ru
tt, r
ttl t
trullt mutt
1%, I , t•
• • a..• 1
„ .-"
Nunn& Grand Pi.(ll/011
nrchstlb•ua ha 1 ,, ••••/,. th- kvr • r•
h wo.l
16 ca.., ••4•Le. 1,1 r. • 1.•••••11•1.:
rat •••I grh•rh. .13 • rif•
•1•-•1. •US
11•1 •,• 11•-1 1 rurr
••l 11,
•01 •.I.n.n Ar •th
lit• (Ito•••• uti•Iva,l..111:1•1•1
Platw• 01,,waliwk LOU,
A History of Ptttsburgo.
n y NEVII.LE: U. CR.il6'. —A Hit.-
lip tar( of ihttal tte,l a ft,a. :he ram., fata.l slant It
aas trr Ont. toot, Joan to •Lattoart On. 1...1
hI is
.11.1:11,1•11.... prerant tint, to a loah ...hi
e." .1.., upon alKatacro of oar hothMln
attrAufflrie 141.11Mernal yuroulz, Ith a rum..., et
L. aaarattat. •111osIilt bostoloalrano•oh, tor. •U61.1N ,
T ' Lll *' r.,
al:11 “VOVlVart.r. Itufit, , ,,es: Into n.. 1 /*l'.
nlry;tr.r,ll • Lnof • tart..i ot nt.. a. th tho
otohlt, emu. th. teal ra dar tho To tan,/ tocetta.r
anti ollt/tat I.t.toral orlar rartch•
slot to tatal•lca the snlntota•-../ of out hottihota. 'ohne.
tarot* tor rapital..t. h., ants. Itrr.. 1.14. o/ In. hro
Now Manic
TilE GI :•‘..),N0, or G.l.Aant srk: g err,. reeler,. ,u h; ) nn, I o.
The eir-xne.,l.4.trirla Ca - , • ger, tef.r.r .
Lu,, e• Cellrer.ll6.• re tins,.
Ile r. r - r , rerui 1.7 krattretter- lier •
Te , I reeree•tel
;:t ". "-
A..- a emmi MrcOc6 of lb. me 3 ul.l
•ral, an.l
II ALkilll.ll. im Irtl
Vigu 11.10
Sacred Sluelc Books.
..tvrirA .
I.y .
CARS] INA I.Aeltb. tla
NEW CAttlll:•A
rut 1.1.1, MVP', • 'lngo ••:.1 Port
an•l•er•b•rd jr.
y.yti,bo d Ciarobol r f lb. fino , •l tif by Mx.. .•• J. 5.1 , ,
Z 7: -°n"" "f
Ailliculty oiotaming rt etlrr,t and
c•-•lhte...ll.truhrt tn 1411 en..., hattutt t•mn meet e•r•mly Mit by the intmlmtt nun I M , the a•lrer4
her ha• Lel rn.h. rsertmely. a ',tee m Mete n.
•Ltrh 1r.,. J•tt orrs . ...d. They see tfenth Otto htettey
th• beet maker tu hum,. anti am estrateml nem.. ln
l]artnnet• T (L. rvi r.K eal•—ean ..r weer
11.• enutrrimut.—
In c.l the
m. et0.,0, 11 Is 1.).11/.0.
Si(ncl n a. oioll.n 11,rp. Nn 101 . 1 . 1,1 n)
New Mane.'
011 N 11. '.11!.....1.L01t, No. r4l Woo.l oltroe.,
tb• tollevisost ay. •ot lostmiu asl
bole, Jesses—O LT rm., Ohm.. tn.. Lsboo de Luo.
este Los • .eur, ra.Souo—do-s seross..,
Puss., ssi sas.—elbur. Yost Morels.
numbest b 4ttW..44u0 S.l-4,
N'.‘..1.1. ?told',Yur buss, Sts,
TA, eatals.r. I Lou. nets., thou but
watch ..
11 ktiAl DL., ~; I li;
Tryruo:/...-1:4.....1/on . 'sex
JL, II•nly. il• um,
puma, 11P•rtolg
AUNT. sal Far, Linn Walt.,
Naory . , Itto.ta,.,harnu, Ely. Jrn,
On,. Cc.juetir. wad 0,14
Il In .ItS ,, NOW ; Ly IL Ryan;
ore hl holey
I b... Irh..
ern I toyed you, Jo ktrt.aut• pose, 1.31111/ui
the Wow, •Ith vignette: Heart, U'tattal lb, Lat•
5.11, Thy, ',mutt; The ',remote, by
l'oitulw.rt The lloppy Chalbre. 11 1 Jolt Nlet,ary,
cottlie Whrn Ittieht Naves oro
liuMe I L.olr• 1 tiottt, Ite Jlll4 01.1
Nell, owl • lady: KTrolog I , ott—ttrllotht Iter• aro
Werpinir, UNDO 14110 I,lrawitsg du..., Mar,
the /Hind flrotherr, 1101 •.11, of
WaFtalt,olost: La (telt.. the ',111., Brilliant;
ay Walt, Nonnowk VI RI,: Favor.. Halls Albooll
11 811, 14.1 y Wsht: I 01-a., tqaonk. RU.II
•esobty I , ollls, i • s.i IA• u.
Trutt., ith rolorel puts,tt,.. by er, , Altro
llatiols Mohr., 1114 L. TmolOur—ltoojor. NOT,
Star quick rtalo,
, tht, Mt4leytOn.
No. I, Rot... hf•tntt No...t.Mottororlt of Ireltault No.
J41 . 1% 4 1 . 1 1 W11 0 1.11{, , :l y Wood it.
Nett ,
Niv - [SOUK S!—The 541nr
'lwo of tt•lot l'Olot, • VIII•tot.T•Io,
y . Lom•rtatte Taltrlstnl (rpm the
hleotoly of It.r. ravtattl Illekrintetl,lo,ltert,4,,t
too, Heol t rtz, h by
Introit/allo T Iltrlt..M. A., 14 n
,tor ns
t, by :Orphall. Tyttg, JJ p
volt., I.2utna
Anlinn;'; Loman Antinulties. • Manual of 112. m. An.
num., our Illu , lratiuns; by Merles Aptlavn
L 1.. I,
1.12 ht In tho Dark Plan, nr klyrnorlala of ebrlvll;b Llfb
In.ln lb.. Alter:now Lb, (Orman of Ebb late Augu.
V;lt t 4oit ," sll . .o: aI mm.n tar) , qn th• !Wood
Chartgy ut Slaltbaw; bl l`h..oev,‘ brarg.h,
lb. b.stualulnl b ehaplato tho Lonl.lll.llnpbf •
Oxford. Ac.
lievinwd from .Lou•lou vgillloo. Pl ow, u,um.
Al,bra —The Clgolenta of Algmbra. daelgord
for lieglonera: be Ell. Lootalv, 11. A.. Profenaor of Watt
.mbro".l6 tgtorhal Field Book of the .lievolullorg Leaving.
3net t* %l 4 :gu o l f g=l: ', / .. 7 N."'1l
Abg.llo E J.
• • .
N EIV BOOKS I—TrnvelB in the Unittql
*, during 1410 anl laf.(t, by the 1.a.1y blrk.
byJ. S Cabboit
with ans./ninon I val. lam, 60.1.
for Aug... PPlalon'a Alec/mule"' Alwarine and
Enclmare Journal.
Book of Lhe Rovnlittion.
Nm. at 34 Inettovarj of llovhanfra. Znene Wort
J. ?.. " IfirAV. itiAptrloVutlTlrura.
- sera Fourth aural.
New Books, Just Received.
)(EAST: a Problem; reprinted with corree-
Unto and N Iltlno br oho author of Altmi, torte.
1:mo, mu.
Queen of Earn be Abbott
111 mo, mun.
61;i0/kitid, 1.1 Tale of tho Puiltane, 12.in0., mon.
I•At bury; a Tale; by,Anna 11. /n , wry.titilhor of - Friends
anJ Forlunza.. l'ap. and mu.
Appleton'a alorimidue Magazine and' Jot,
nab N..
Brum'. Dintkrimay of aleelmnica, Engine {York and En,
gimanom No. al and 22.
Loaelna's l'ictorml /debt Munk of the Revolution; N 0.14.
palaetimu Ito (froaraphd Lliblollimorr, with 31 LitIn
owraphin MaPK bY V. /I. Ili yan Zzat Unneave Lauder
aag edited by Daniel I'. Kidder. 12an., mu ..
s lob Wm by • J. LIIIIAII.
, /1 23 714 Apollo lieldinas. Fourth at.
apen and I'ublie lammedenta of the Untbra elates.
ibe Amami,. Of finobtlWaabington the braulden.
ey. ashlbiting•uomplata view of minim - NZ byte/one Mono
that time: Including Ountdeldlal Donau Is.
tome aczatM , l4o.lllM; enatafolng PoLd nal, IlleMeimi :
OfMatedeall.nalatlimUrtleneal, Y4,fiquu u d, an d
li tt,
yr.i.... ;I , L'lllt.Liu..,.m.rerc•ltan.t..t--,forth.
'Tiltg.4l , ltrtiN4,,ll: l 4.oi•b,• •• •
Ina 12 ,001'001222N.4l Rabbits!.
_ -
The True Digs sties Fluid, or Gastric Juice.
g GOD FLESH AND-B 1.001) are the pro
( dun;. Or , / boot Sad of It. well dlttonliol
sat a ...rt. into Ihooleoiruk.f nutrilinn.
out o tor:tab, good pow, of illgrimaitu it Ir
rlr,ln hat coo, tr. Mood ,iinnot 1r prisfue.d. evrin
with Isirt 11l natl.,. II tamales nover son rsiroser µLa i , on rout:nor, o ont cif
Ildo u.n, holig•Ili 1.1,1..1 hr 1, !lout:Malin ...I.lirsi
P1i.1,11 , 1. or :rue 10g... Eland. trout. front Lbs..,
are or tho Iloi irnol nortorini stout.,
1, oslaro forth in
porboto. Thi.ln something ration
01. nod or I oluatils and ntoniurrtul its it to ratiouol. IL ir
d 0... rood., ar " Inlor " isllll tad mooch,
tr • tho dlgnotlno of na In Ow poor 'amok
1(}11Skt11 1. /k Mellott ELI..
orol uloilirsolo and trtoll A aro. for Pittsburgh
Man- rah. 1,, It. %Toni otriail
A Medicine for
lloarpenes., Btonclutis
' It net etrzett the ethmarle it oho, ont nano,
tb. banal+ . It ...a en , t robtx❑Mein. and rrntlortbo
~,,, rata. trte... It Intl. to Ireah ta.1.1 raw, pull ni
• Ind Oast {1a...., It i• boreal...a 11/ . inanalt
eata. . 't ad antl ...rano] in bra.lurtne. ear.. Ti,..
vaarnt rev,. r....ant COINIIPALII , I llooroors..e hare
rn., b, re tn a bar Inn..
It 'row ar.m. —The
all .mean ttta atutnartiu..l brbalan• nourrn, nbtrn 1. mono
.liaaar.a.abir lb on Ite-lf. ta tatao
tbt• tutelar, 1.. r It a alro.ant rnalbata. reach. nal a
retre—ta. I.Ie• ar, lasi, fr. refiattbel: ,Thervabintenr
Inebt t nnallrttn. In nut city, Iran. our t.vra ribrAno,
houbironrn. ttnr nua /.1 Ito ertlrorr It la prr-rnt.
t , p,. a t reaular
alaion, tend town nerd him 111
hie eon t reeth , , 1.1. a trots. teals the moat
Lame 0ur...,
o Iwo:Axe/ otto to It AA ty two w twrivi Iho err, tow Lott her
•Isittu to tow li two.. twirl, with A tooth, ottol woo , to orw.
z oo•c. tow., two... Iry Ar. to. Ali tlow. tAtio .....
sti A unmet, .111 TM awl elan, ir ro.,
A 111 ~.111. 1. 11/1. Iv., • .0,1 . Atoll the .log It
...I. I, t t o A Arlo, I A dotes of !mottle. , of thor•
...rt. I ,
ton, th 'now littiw. 'lite., writ...
thA ll.loto it wort i lh tot nra I Stria,. U, two ot
toot ithA oa owtl it In Int ow to A.A.. wuoi In the rwr• t
mom, g• Al lot taunt,. •it t more iwrfeet ootwoetotto
o AA. .1 4hr wan II o• ioa, I/
.... tt Ahortobo wt •tt w .41 to it.,
11,1 4 .111.•11:,, Ott twttod A 1 •
lOw rim.. RA to htwo oif lb. not Ai
Irktu. Kt. —Mtn. ,rut, 1111111 r, tu artgot t.l.tsa
II um w‘ltt att•
melt out Ur. ..
• t,tral ut rut'.
, nut, w. aittLt tol two Iti. ~1.1••••4:1. . d.
.011.,1111•1,1 ttonurt tluitut tut, Itt.wlinv art
I ,ru ut 1...1.e....Una tot Ilur ult.lirnt• It tt pr•ittt
• r e•la TIM b, tuttutr,t u r
ttt. ntut t..•outtt rrtu tong rt,tl,ttuta tta
us!! It. alu , ant 1.`•,..",
ge gm ma, gig
to An t to,,r to,lLelnn g, largre pg,
.t t 4, .. I kg..., , -tllll•lstigg
r i ll ,
pixrigge on 1./.4 tna•
•nr '1n...». th. •4.1-to
• ''L•" ofl ,,,,, h A !gl• ~g 1 •
_ -
Pr. Klyser's Pectoral Syrup,
1, 4 10 r TIII: nr. or Curio
r tli. gn.,t ..artain and efln , :ual ren..lir
n.l 1100•
• l'•h•
no. 1,r,u0,.
I L., la , . 11—.1 -tr.- r. r1(1.1.11101.
KEvsmys,WAin H 1.:111
~•,•••• J 1••••••
Itmrt„•l.l.•,..l.r•ut•• ml.. n.. •-•(1
• •r ~••••• •• l•-• 1 4., •xrant
1.13 Ier,LIC (b. ha, ...It • ot.nut •411.4
1„f 1...[L
••, - -
hr.., bh-ritt..t..• ?then,. htb.n. t hf
Si h.. 1..
brlnnt tr. •
•,1 C wiL y,
L 1 Ame. 11 b .
IV IT* IN. if J-Tor II 11. .0. Err. ¶I
r. 1.. /1, at-. 11, ref
art. ht fn. Inn, •Int.h.bri pub..
an.l , In ....lot t••fall•f, trn. dhuht•
t.I h Il• F . :: .1 I itr it r• , ..rsort.
RS' I 1 7
iI. • h.• n. In ...”
n , ,•••••• li•ntrath., rhugt...
1.1, ...en ht. .4 !tn. n• %hula b•chtht./ e•,e fara
I, I. h nf ta hquinn tuf
rr ~v.• •• • analn, 54! WU.,
1,..•••1 ne..t• . • 'ELLEN,
LILC.RiNCE 1%111114—A heatitifol
eancalat,saaalaa au au, iatu , a..
It Is 1aa1.5t..1..1 starl a asa.aassznlaaat aa I OA, 0-.4 • ur
11-t , /,?;;5F ,. 1. , :E . T01 LET SOAIS---Mlll
- i•—•••• Joeny
M•r•, tt
{Av..., 4/.-os se I rurnl
t.,./Ax,. at, is, ; I
Far tor It I. .1..1.1./.KA. AI II st
The Human Body Must Persput,
SASS NATI' HE, 4, 4:1. , n heftlthy
sal j,/ , .C.41. Witt. 1.4
erat ~Li 1.1..<a. awl tat, W`t
auLa r 6,3 a.. 1... et 7 unratriatt. In lora Re
ftaarr Out. ltLir pultal 14f tt
Imo trial will rt , .r. I <nal ...timer - at, at ILL.L.I
lart a tu a ruz.,l purl. nay intra‘atni nen .
lint it—azalthr . hi m t L. aaain ANtlf4+l I 11.1J1.1 • L.allit it,.. unlaa. I Ito.. It ..1.. all I !IMO,
nnr..4, - • as. L. enraml.r. rl..i , I
arlittlatt ILn unt ....Iv • earn nut pa./..Lottr, ant/ I rut
alas La", ast, that et., all, tr./ Ana .4 Oa. •toLrt,
.11 . 14.1.17111 , 01", will 131.41 thl• CI L •tul rare mar. I initial
rat/te in Ita nra,rtartLi than I mat,
.11Nfruo. or. Tt.tonl with It. Ann,
ar ul tut..
t,ur Wit 01,11 A (ru u ht 1.1,44,11.
hewl 4.1 144.4.
Poarly TePth, utad Pure Itrootti, to
b. 6.1 1...•ren1• •ho la•T•4011.T.
Lir ••••,.1 16.1 sl 16.1 r • I .6.1 r
‘6••1.1. ,I•r 11 p mud •••-r6/1.1 tart•s.
LI., • r•of 6.1 t J.•••••• Amt., T.. 16 rzak•
W. 6.16 as ..o•. .161 the bi.16.40n.n.0.17
ttal.l only at JACK2III),II Atm,. ,10 I.lltart, at AN al
A Seientitin Hair Tom,, 114,storer and Beall
Inn.— Trial itoottloo, r-....rt0e. Those vrluo lo.rro u•••• 41
osekl . l'oorod Il.lelrooturroor Irrono Itor • ornoll.rrt•
lo,rsor toot •.• a•raroo or r.o toollo•rng
•rr0Ar014 , ..--11 sir! 10•te.... It.rr to , ,rrogr or e , , ti.
mow, surt,solml low Lo P 1417 .11w, 0.11. rue. ro Lag
or •Istoll nit lord tome. olubt. n 0.... tor go., Fodor eroorrt .Nrs.
1 , 4 I , l3.lnritir. the keer rooot . l .11 , rty, noollorror ran oranookl
:,.1 4 .:=L•ter ' 1:1 1 t1
on6l clay at Wll JACK ,hIN . , 1.1.T1T 'tn.(
6,1 a .Ir. talmr.b
JONES' Solution of Jet, w Liquid [lnman
Ilfur Pro. fur (bu of thin.. 1.1, or airy
br•uliful blow. it • tom nymn•r..
ebor, •nd $l.
JONES' L 11.1.1" WlllTE.—Ladien are eau.
timua .sand M., theririmoun at - apart tI Chant They
t•est pot auras, bow frit/11;1W], Insurlotatt It as to the alttal
7re n' s '. :;2l " :!t7:l ‘ Lit;Val ..' llll
Itstaytotts.csottatnotts • Isost. gust.", ttt
114 hay* itrettallal Itaantlfot regetableattiele.•lshth sr.
Ha Jaye.' stomtatt I.llly foie
It Itt pertootir ...nom., (00 porthatl of all dolaterlotts
qualities', mai It ho th en
Irlor. cis, bristos 0.441 at the N
o.O the slot, utatten tt assl 01.1111.
r 44,/ pr the Aorta, 11• st
1. JA1 , 1,41 6 , ..311,1.1bartr ithrsol.
NM .1 Wtes.l. 1 1 .italtaratt tlthe. utt tato.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
VITASHI Nt) without labor! Warranted
y y tako th. PIC. nut of table lloneu arid nit.
. WHOM , . rm. Pm —Put rour sloths+ In suMelent
'quantity el sold for to rover then, then add two table
spoonful. of thia Oval, to sash CI. ,u.rtn of •ater
°red with the niotb,tr the water la 'taw!. add Moro et
the Pas dor. and lull ilium ten the trie., tuna
Idea. them down with a stick, then put thsw In a tub and
add anitnient sold water, so that the, will not IN 100 but
to handle.. Then rob the dirty streaks. or In other word',
Wive k thet h a thorowth rtneinu, and that Ls sitfittient to
tem steam
N. 11.—lharo loduir no oam In thin It will 1..,.
the author roll' white. . 011 no had idly .tnell, 11I•
wage dn. The curl. awt lor dig material un...4 do es not
stre..l two coot, to complete • rruhin,.ll..o Darrow.—
% Varronted not to rot or injutt li. clothe..
'This I. • Powder that 000papet will soaks tweiroquarta
beat family Pon Soap.
Itntamown rou 1/"t —Take, say nit quarts of water and
p o ,,dee with It, .ad then Its It boll, so fly*
•'4tdi nrm )
wil e tory 0114 and wire Whlt• hl •••neZ.,, sat
wash wotl ll
and will not oat tho like other Soft
Soap. nor nit ton anther. Coo nnod with hard or salt
water, hy mwklnc the quntltr Into Six quart. Inatoad
t 113(1 wooll
Th,•art..t.• Is lwat adapted for wanhlng ration
end retell by ft. IL SICLI.EtiIb L Wood et
1, The hlebly 'amatory, tetleemie and tmle Ide Virteeltr, ranter It far eunerier Colognn.Water
nr the n ed, t iry buremen or the toilet and bath, nuepa,
lot te a bitter In lIA perfume/ and bearnelet and In He
It dm, for the vromotlen cleanlineen and health.
le Liable recommended tn latilem for the ordinary and
peeeeeee of the toilet. and for prerervio4 the
fnabneee or thenmp4alnu. 14k lent proneribe tem.
per ;be beat and dryneaa of the akin,and Impart to it an
..e e eebl e •IsetleitY. it, and rabbi. , It en
the tmayle, It will remove laeadaehe In • few minute,
ttohl br it E. Skl.Ltillti. la Waal et.
c(511 , 111.
i1 i ent7:41t , r4 . .13.. rartnerehlM i nt t
.7Abi..4 K IG L NON,
. 14MOVed.
o N t 14E , RT . C , O O
c h
r7 r to v . tl i
W4l tf
ATOkt. rOsorotentlialloors sod Gnu 14/r. kororloor
the Lair wiz. ir bas Wien Mr or . become Hurt, so 4 to core
rh er
rdallx...criel or LW:4mM • t •
C A irr o 4s . =7:: t d . rd c for . ro . !oktr a Tviittrzu r
"!1'.63 . WOOdOtrOl; =woof ALA&
, • .•
. _ - I
•- -.-- -
'New Lake Superior Line.-1851 I Equitable Fire insurance - Company, of
liE new steamer NORTRENER, Capt. B. I -Lamina.
0 • D..= harini eterent•Dult i oormr . emest f . ar ! Fr lIIS Company insures against loss by fire
'L'..i , iir-,..- 7. -1 1; :1' "Jr; Cirr i:..2,74= 4 . T. " b" 4 '" , r V"'" ''''' '" f lr' n "' h ""
a:, .7% :', P ...crk 'IT., f,°l. 5... ~#. -1 , r''''''""'"'"` ' 4 ' ' a artar Ptw '‘..
The rreanter MANHATTAN, Capt. Jot. , Catnnatt o villi , leave Pant Ore. Maine. far Om different landingn On Lake , NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE INSURANCE
sorsuoi, oo the arrival of thanteenter Northerner. making COSIRANT, OF LONDON.
Caniar veetilt line, throughout the preen, begin I
leveland and the Copper and Iron Mine,.
' THIS Nmpony insures Lives between the
d. d A. TURNER, Ftrourietura.
Cleveland, U., April 2.5, IROL—tf I sere. of lo nods fru year,
APPheation me insurance 'neither of the abovaCompan.
II 41 „. r 1 i. .N . : .,. 0
it ri11p;1M1. ) ,, 11 1 , 1 F A! . .! „. 31 , 1: 1N ..; 1 les ...abed at the lignlon: Hoot of
h. e....
ine.tlthlt. DINil II (M. the hurinenv at httetuargh • lil ben: 1 n°2rd'in.drs Pittatutrab. F.
" "'"".'"'"
'"" ter
" "vi'.
' I Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
i ...Lai Wll DINtiIIAIL
Sin hams' Transportation Line, ,•1 1 111S COMPANY was ineorporated in
I February. MA. with a Perpetual Ch.t... 4 h-l. li
tgall4ga 3 lBsl. glsia ( - ;t7 , ', v,,l'rTm;;:.-..i%,,.zt,.:tt-hr,t1nt,.,......,
1 Mutual pl..
BEI LODEN On the Joint Stink plait the Adel. are oticethlra ire. VI.
PITTSBURGH .k. THE EASTERN CITIES, i th.Z! r q'lr u glii, b ,!...!:''ltC.:ll,"gpg4 Vi i ‘,t''''P""'ht .
iiE CANAL Wing now open, we aro rea- 1 shoos! ral.;-• aye Hie ' mayn ' t. tam torre ' ld ' pid hp oilier
~.. ,„ ,„,„ . p d 0,,,,,, a , pr,,,i p. p r 0,,,,,.. ~:,,, vlitrif e , mlortr.leumeaniea Timm. itourred on the mute.
erehandiye. ea.< srel •emt. , al principle have the oomhined •VV1:1 ri two Yurntahed by that
alw s., A at lo weal rates rharged by rerponvlbla i ',./, eD . '4%: . r t t=r.: ‘ , r =i ,,. he CaPitel and sand.. Poo , of
i.,„ 4 „, .., m,,,,,,,d,,. n i l] b e , e ,,,,,, ab ,, , 0r „,,,,,,, 1 , SG...Charter venni. Cp. granting of insurronee on life.
wet and a. '"" - a. ‘ th nn 1 ..% 'd el ' ' ' . t ." t "” rard ' mr °r aa. ;:na . 7laTaT; l':-11.1.'no'r the
' notr r eVe ' l ' i ' le ' 7:f
"glil'OgoflrVeltlt7f=i4;,‘l,:,;-.ltr,firr.c,,... huth.lll another t""he'.r'rrneretrr ‘ drr ‘ r.nett •p7. b l”.ft' r death.
4 4',771°;Ilitii'l ~,.....,.... • 1 :f Tn , ',.` , ° ,7 . ul :'1:1,7::r1 4 ` th " 44- n AA A " A
Corner Liberty and Wayne me n , Pittalourgl, i orricnaP;
Dlt. HAN' A DOCK. IJ Shirltet . vt. Jam, S , F l Cr.. Mean
tv.tween Fourth and Ellthele , Philadelphia. 1 Pam nal 3lrchirkan. Vice Preiddent
JAIII, WI IPUN. aen n 1.1..-h, Trea.urv,
No. le, North Howard street, hatthnore. I Char. A. Cnlton.Searetar, •
J SOLO BINGHAM. Na.lo Meet at. at7
r„,,„i „....lark. Jamey P. Hann. .liewah S. Leerh.
John S. Lnlmorth. Charley A.Cotton.
iiiNiw4l 185 i oimas Panvoel lleClurtan i.,4. ?. Chlllipi
BOARD ur naart
Merchants' Transportation Line, Ilr,. L " i ' t ' .!r ' Yo ". ..n. ' ll ' 474o . f .' 7:f i Tt.. ' t ar
(VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND RAILROADS,) tld,%,..Eygee..i.}.....,C.l;tltr,afh.l.ll%.,,''nir.hdr7Dk'
OCT RE - 01111 . 1 . 11Ati lion. A W Leo .. , A. ii. M ' egalUvolit.ti.g.
C. A MrANULTY a CO. C. 1.1 Beano. 405 Penn sliver, IVITICAL VIVRA. \
Nu/omm, (In:attn. Phync.s.
CII a I.LLY RAYNOR. Central Illneli- Broad .beet. Phil.. ' Jneeph flux., M. IA 11illiain All ,t lann. kl‘I.L.
Jeremiah lineoltel.
, / ,, .. , , ,..0 .
i, /; ; .. y tl.
,' , 14 , .. to, M.ll,
'l.l 4 h tre prepared to Ive a largo arnkint merehandi e
a n]
pp7i“,.. to atop on the opening of the canal. to Phil ' . nanDhd Dlia'orthi 51 . D• it ..nolf-l.Do ' id a L..
d'Npl,in. and all inCemethate place. Cl lower rat, and in ' ,P ie. ..Vier, ki. D., KM I , arth .treat.
love time in. in a, previorinaesann. John Craartunt, IL 1i..,,..15iith greet.
Fria - !, II The inereawl number of rivet, provided by Wm. fish. NlnriAan, NI. D., 147 Liberty ntr
the CAD, Guomb.uuera for earl - ring our te , a4 i4l the Dr. D!iv , ortb . 0, he in attendance .the of \a. ertt7
5.. , Itailn.,i., • ill prevent a, p....ihilitt of delay Ni dal , . e ,h , i o l f 0 . r. - "*.•• .
joba.te en, 11. bday..hurp CI eniurriblA till. arsAnn. An the Company, No. ,G Fourth atreet. ,
C A. PleANI:101 a L., 1.11:aa•., C A. CoLTON. Pe.,
Canal liamin. , , - t - --,
- - \ Western InsDrallee Company OffittADlLTpl.
185 I 0.1.--,..<.e.r=i I , AU R
• PAL $300,000. . MILLER, ‘Ok,
, s , Cre,dent, / M. Itonlon.nemetary.
To Shippers of Merchandise, Proauce, &c., A ir r t,, " lr. r n a r,„a r n t an lr ral lf, d tt, F p, '" ,,l ' V l l''''''''\
To • vli ruda Tuna:... Fun, . atm - tamale AND‘T. TORX [ A [Awn. In fi etiut l, !J ' au r a "jed lit
.i.hrel'uro arho P ar a .., wen
R A NCE P/ TTSBURG II TR t viipup_ t..n . the community and. who are Jeteranned t.,
TATION LINE. prompt...Pe •ini liberality to maintain the character whuh
tbei nare ...esued, tu, offering am beat ptvhartiou to those
lTh INS A ('l, I • rnuneture. ho . .,..,1 Market, 1,,,- PA won demi, In be 'noticed
CMuld.r..• nye., Plo.adeinhitt inat• - to•e•-ltauhen Miller. Ira. J. W. Butler. M.. 1.3
14.1.1. 0 1.1011•TT, Anent... ('anal huh, riitel r. nita en. V Ihruvo, Th.. 5.11. It,, ' , mirk, Oen. Ping. Oro
di is 1 11Lift 0 NAN, Agent, liolomure. 11. Jaetaon..6..nee Al'AUle, ~.orav Dandy. Nathaniel
We are pr. pan., ..0 the opening. f the Cyanotic. a Hahne, J•ote. Lttimuoott, nod Fowl!.
anal. Canal . le .v.ntreet for reigt“ ran loot nate, and go inn., hu. tr.: 11 ater etrvet. (.111V1101:106 or Soma A Co.
ao,nuu I. deAtuarb atm ma. itur other a n d tin eleot , CiD , urvh pildly.
fear,. - ___.,
11,1nRisitrna, FA.
ESIGN ED only for the- safer olasses of
• r ado 72 . ;!:;„ L r,,: ' , ' , ' ',Lf4Y::„`,,.'4..",;.-",V,1 4 .°1 4 P 'gr.:
:I:r'.ll:i;!.ir i;",xl,,c.P.',': 4 ,7,„t;"` — '• —4 ‘ - P ' 4
„, .0,, lAtiv• A. '.. . ~ . .:11:111.1`,14 si._, l'iltvt•ii,A),
r ' . —_ --
A Wain , . Artnayy,
Or cans Insurance Company..
. ,
ALR/o.V, ..V. 1".
Agricultural Implemtnts.
IHAVE JUST received from the Enet the
fAlt.onno t0.1.r. L., Of of th. mimufortilt•
L. at.J r and I 01,1 iterits .
t.• .. x
1., tug xut 1e... teretem am:
I.vettPl.l.r, tor Loft. and Land ptowth
nn.l torn l'uttit,
41..1 Cott Ctotta 11Llter.
t tttt-L-1 1., land tirattmlt, on.l 1104.
t• and f.suf ront, kat.L
.tll ootuulttetur....l !mot IL. lA , : utsle.rtals. VI fr . sale
•I sto, ..1
S. 1CKE:411%%1,
5.4 suLl fl , ltt?
CA -- I have .
ronloved uyr nrsv,
•hdro of thelr cutLutt 1 ittll
Lot,. ittr,......0.0rtu1.nt oi Iltaltited
.11a tt . t "fled 11.11 I .l l.ALtr. 11co, ColLtu •nd Illast Memo
I , ..totot t t 11..imera, aud 1,150rr, 111.1p1K, quaff,'
c't out.'outto :IhiLlot of . vtr, t.
14.,1 1 1.4... ^el wt., article ItruLlly (Loud lb
tto. , Itn.l
IL/1 1 -..1.11...1.11L1 tofto. Lnataptly ttllrtL
11 itor.l ttr.e
11te+11 lima Inc Vo.l by
tot ' mvitrilY a LEY.
• •
\ Cornices.
HAVE joßt re:oired frcirn New York, on
a, La ut rwre m“ ININ/11 COB:, WEI nr.rl
Ihr N r
tu.lttn - the
•t tit
Ttp.n it.tvrtltt, 1., th. prtuctyl.,.
p.PIPLIp P I I,lls.
' A
I • 0 t•tu•st•-1 el
tmr. baud at row..
It se ! ifikry,
TO . Nti ,arl just , ri:eetred, a aupe , rior artida
*';• CO.,
1 11 ' .ANIE1)SU ro t ,, IN T An t .. ..k:t\ye partnor , in
V .,. V ... t... , ,......... wt... gr. ru..r.„ 4. ' 4, `.:''::„...',.:,,
ril air/4 yaw - inter. with • opa, cepdea at 1. bi sake, ant
whit tun • kotrlalo• of th. toandlna I • tr•-• end hid
' low a era end Enarnatrra. to ouch ;tangent ett It and aggyi
Haire," will /- al•ru, %nil lo a young me tt tit e 'rod
~./141 a intry point ably. einauldon 1411 IatATI • llrwar
''. VS '"r Ait '""i ; " j..roZilt;:nt\CMAt' I tt ' ;k1111;ra. • 1
IVINF:S&I.IIIIIORS, oilvnexj . or qt 2\ll \ iti , e. j
V i.. ' , ' 1 .' , ' ; . .. =ti‘., - ,7"'•fi' , " AZ ". ;
./, . 7 .3•lntairs ra•.., \ i i tl -\ \ 1
• • - ,: -. X.:711."1
11 it • t>i . t4.s . .,..w - \ \ l •
I , - - ..n.inostirLe 11h ,SI, ••• I . \ i
ri r one tet blutitllln'.TEA MALT. lat t Plentonl. \‘l
SUNLI 11 I ES - -5
IJ , hits. , , Sal cra f t n ‘ r; b i ,. ,
tio marl. liiyry Ilete. tor nel•\7
ail:, it 41111 1 4' ,
, ..1i.,,, a • t tt
ENNA —lOOO Ilia. prime A lexundnt, for
1 7 ne. by • II 0 VAIINEATOSK &It
• ,
1 . INF:GA R-50 I.lor, for sal° hr • \
• ••111.111.1. I. Utf I EII \
% ' A NILLA BEANS--24. , 1138, (refill, for eitA j
V by • 11 A FAUN nilYTOeji a CO. ,',
11.ti'li I Nki FLANNELS.-3IUIIPII \ l. A
1 - 7 111 IirIIFIFI-1/ ben. Tort opatialan to-trartg c.l
/ink, Ditto, torwrior end gnats, eie-Irtna Maya..
I liLl 1.18 Jura. 1r . 4 . 441 , Le [Walt,. 1 4 .(Der Id
4 4
tintb •nd Ilankat 5ty...4
31 URN 11 \ t/ lIERCIIIi I F-LD.
6 1 , r t rTE11-1 , : ,, r1:411 , Roll, in . ljo i r ; ez7 i r ,s e p e r ; . .l4ttily
i I II EESE - -504) boxer reed and for xale,by
N, i gong J D. yII I / I ELD.'
F ISII — I ,. bhb, Lake l'roilt; \
Al tit •• • •• t o At to bp 11
....." J 0 CANFIELD. y
SI I.l' Elt SAND-15 bbl.. for I , altr . , by
1 , A. YAM: LItTLIAIK Ap,._
. • .
1 ' EN. RED—iti bhlB. bright Eng., to sale
T hr D •. 1 A its r,, 1.4:11 ot 1.7 f.
1 II EF.SE-40 boxer extra Crearn I.). 11... f.. ;
V ,' r• 'J ......r Fele Ity
nt.l I WICK • 11, 1 11 / a NOII- 1, 7 '\ \ I
‘llki lIITE FIFA -- Inb i blz...ari m d o id , „ t te . .lB. for,
• rel. by SI
VIVA BLK SALT — In boxes. for sale hv
ii n4O WICK • M ,. C.A . C . 1/l.fs:N.
LI NOUSE{ LAID l'A PERS—A nholOt l lot
u„i ..1 l'no..b 1010 P.e.r. tap a0110anb.7,1,TpLP,,..4 1
Ft...toner sod Pap, ;tooter.
In I;4roma; .•111 az..l. end 000004AlmAt...
LIVRINTI NI; 1'..-1 YE ii-50 reams Double .
Nlnnuot iblottny Venar, 1117.:, 3,, , rera,
l tutrer,,,l
I rintlor raper. =ltd. lot eel. tis . 11.0. I/AA I- 1,.
j.,,-, 11,,, no. NI or art end i ,l- 1 .
SU C .AI2--24 WA, for sale by
It DA 1.2E1.1. • tIJ, Illagly 11;
Sight °Exchange on Cincinuttti,
1:14 Oltin t SA LE at the 1000110001 favorable rate, by
I = A WI LKIR.I a Om
. . _ ..
I-1 012,ItNINU SHAWLS—We Trill open
iv 5 Una batinninn 2 Hun/tor plain Glick and •Inte out!
boned It.umno,l..ung t.'havit,
ottll A. A. 11A5ON it CO, aLarkat st.
. ,
a I UM CAM I'HOR-5 bbls, for sale by •
• 11 +.0,. J. KIDD ALL
• . •
haven few shares 'Ohio
,ol Don 'lvy 000n-Rallms4 Stork ^. Richalos , Dank
.nd Apslzborm. nol4l
10oFFEk-150 bags Rio, for pole by
‘../ th• J S. DILWORTH a Co.
hum h.r•rrl) FLANNELS-4 cum!, manufactured
thp 11•
Jum p• Futnry
teonv. Nlerr4 and n, Cunt,
n o or y
io r"w
1W N ER I'UNTED--For 19110 Fire Brick,
lJ brkrulKl Freorwal." sith er thr
nonc+hola %hart M.., W04.b1 4 Su N.
O I S tI Wm., 0
jarr ABll-11 6613. for sale by
rmll4 H. A W. tisabauntr.
n oon „ oss N-100 bblo. No. 1, for ale by
• W.
if boxes Crerun, for male Ly
ou2l JAMES DAIZELL, GS Water et.
{ LASS -100 boo. ase'd mixes fiindo — rr, for
11 ICE - 10tkrceo Fresh, for yak by
11UltAPPIN6 PAPER-6traw Wrapping
01,20.- NrAirlsiVAld., NS Wr.d .t r,rt.
IXTALL PAPER—Freneli and American
Wall Papal. sad Boni., fin. nab. by
1310 IRON-60 tuna Jenny Lind Furnnef
I . Or from the Allegheny Wharf, by
no2n J. • It. FLOYD.
tIOLL 13UTPE1t-12 bbio. prime for male
by J. 1 It. gLO'Vlb
IICKWIIEAT FLOCIR-56 'nicks in more
■ JP end Or nab. ntYJI J. t IL FLOYD
Vulcanized India Rubber Soling.
JUST REC'D, a large quanaty: of various
thiekee,.....e. 01 Vulcanized Bonn. tii'w hare aurk , r•
C e ez.wrieured wvrionan to role and half-wile hoke
and gentlemen . .. boot., shoe., and .aiee.e,„ new in
vite the attenticin of the citizen.. of PittaborghGli clout
kr to Oil. tleline. which lima boon growing In favor with
the raider. public for the last few yearn and reionactiond-
Jog 11..11. .. it d 0.., for Its Alinnoray, Duns... Way and Chew
' Curt, and as. great preserver of IinALTII, o,..rva grin ,
rot introductiwa to the people,. J. • 11. PHILLIPS.
India Robber repot, lld Atarkelet.
91EAril 'TARTAR-12 bbl.. pow'd,
H war
pore, for lir
0030 . A. I'AIINiSSOCK ♦ CO.
7 LiALADlsll. — .so . ,basieia ETrTiale by
hie iyally Horse. Imirantrd pe‘gkiiikl
inulad. Knquin. of .1. BCII6O. Klttlia:
"LOVER h TIMOTHY SEED, for side by
. J. a - IL VLOYD.
(.1 lIGAII=2O bMs. Lovering'. Crushed for
7 Mk br 114:1) P. P. sunwct
m &
arrbilaki bare I:caw!' tau morning by griy.
k..1.1r0y, sof *than mixtures of Eackingilanneb, Ana
and lon =
. in on tisliCtbe gritubm Unsbeinbiblii ' •
CAPITAL, 8150,000.
t 'Secured in eretkrdernen with the General Thruteince
~ p r ttr of doe Snare.
mbove rosperous end responsible
ff I,eruhr con.ptlrri erit4b t4r 1.1 U. 1.1 mas..\ uovr 6.1,1112,, roiteleo alun t hee
A,. on OA. wort Istor•tde trrtun, roc!irlp al •Ith I,ru•
dew,. and ...fell • \ 1. NICIIONJN, Prrrt.leut.
/I ‘l,ol.l.Usl...irrreiarr•
No. ~I.,rtultbfl.l.l •I,•ttb.burzb.
A. A. CARIt11•1:. Artertr.
riiiikhn Fire .I.IIIUITICe Co. of Philad'a.
IRECTORS: Charles W. Bancker,
Ar.r•lrral P. Low,..lubius
. Aarld , Ael: Peri, Sen.tio•tql rata. David
CIIAILIAr7F.I3.(4rCEER, President.
tr., NrcretAry.
nurer., er,..tinurp to make ToggraArr, permanent
•'• 1, 4..3 In Intl *rut
t er err r.astroArnelrith rerun,
r. pro, ti•re nrrerwerl • larAb korttim.4% tuna.
t Prema,urarjrafel,
krrAs...l)ol.l ID It.
[kw COIL pau,..l.l.usr pooh.
r ar Art of AroPerular. lertr tnlic“.•,
' "7 in
• hA c... i 4 .14)1t
r 4 t I
\ 11.21 . /..1.rt i I
i their In"9"'''"T!,* ""'' A!' 2 1 'll - th.l ,,
` - 2=7,",`4.." ~ i!,'° 7 .1"."., — ,17, -- !„„7"b"
-7,":fL,... , ,,, i,L,.„.•„.. ',4.,,,,,`p%',Z*;,.,, ..,1,i,;
Ca1t0,..,, 1.. eirret witrrrzrratt Itabklitr.... Ax,...,
ael6 '' OM el: t! 'i tV: ' r . n k e ! . .1 . 1 3 (1 VT sod, al ata.
Penn Mutual Life InArance Co.. Fhilad'a.
.t i , s^ , rim, \ In. Z 1.,........), No. ata Liberty trt.a.c.
r t 1... 0.., rnocairt.... 'A rarsa.or residing at the
lower o.rt el the eltr.\ thr %rent way alt.., be found ESC),
. i l n . ' r n ,b l sn ito' a ' t ,.. .l . l ` , , ', , '‘ : '- Z i J t 11 ''',4' . ' l t oWn . .t c , ' lt ' t ' la ' rt g all ' tt ' .c4 . -
ear, Inform:m.o.o tas/ I Le at real and corotl,,urdastiol• pomp
ly aro talr4 II Paruithl4A explainles the' rriociplee awl
twordlo of Lyn /naurtur4 A auil Llault Lanza furtualud an
Proltt r it k an " Zu r aLll &tiro' and
..d. L ' r dY urest th r r r ' --'•
lituborg b. Jan. al. Ik:a .. , • ‘ 4;al ' ." \ ' W • •
i ' Marine, Fire, • and Inland Transportation
•TIIE Insurance Corapanrpf North Aitterica,
Chiladelphla--(amrt,r,ilru4. Copilot B.SOU.LraL Altaett
j January la 1,1, 51A,01..f. L.O. WIR make Inurino• oti ,
! \ p b .. " Vr " .... '4 V , P . . - . 7. 4 Y it ' 44:5 1 i ‘ r . .1! b ,,1g.,,....p.. d r " ,=, i /vr,
ikw, renal, rubor lot tulaud tratan rtasku or on \ Ll,*
OhLs. •
• 411.4,1514.
, \821,..,i C:e3n. Pr lloran• r. 1.,
\, 'it.'-' 4.l i . '"'".' . t h ' * ""'N.l.
, ....I . Anti, chard IL 0
' \JAI,O A. Itvvn. . Wiluarp Wr1.14,
! kals, r ,otta, ' Fr.oria Ilsaltuar,
I • te " ;1:1 tit, ' li i1 u t " 114,4t7
A n t k.
G..onro Aeriuwall, , '
Jane. .N. Inclaou,
1 e Mkt- k. IValu. 11. D. BLrrr.r.l,
,4 nee'
Ttc Is to.r.:l4at loran., Craopanyto Cu, Cah n.!Later
lI .tit4arT'ltct4iiliistVirani=="'cti="!;r
\Mar Le 0.,a,,, And ao adrrlo,, ``le re., , unty to . rouLi.
\ \ 'WILLIAM P. JON.M.Ageat,
\ 1i.3 .. • N 0.141 Front dtrt.or.
Dlawaxelant.llalSafety nraneeComp'y
9.IFICE, k . ..0111.TL1 110031 OF TILE. EX.-
nAsus, Third
att.... thopiriphi.. .
.otp. ~....pct-LAOLDnex. Mereluraller awl, other
ra ' tl:TX:y o fl= g . . 4 .„‘z,11',.',..'r,r,..-4,u.;, 0 . -1 ".. or
;Match In raalcr.—,:y alto l o roura Vrwls, Car
ILIA irrlalli. farelsm Crr rolmtsri..undrt <lwo or crwelal
ra , lloon, .. r wAse ,- .4 t0•5414r..
WAND Ttas.rnrarton \ —.bey alwo laser. MettitVoll , e
tranar,,,rted Oa Waauna, MO ,ad cars, Canal boat., and
f Vftr4t ,--21 4 .17 1r. I L Z, ',‘ .I m on ua e .ttu b tl:7 ° J 417C1 ..
Dart., Hewn Bistro.. Joh, a , I nrnoo.. Parouo r,
\ Cron, CA,L.lrwrillilvalL Dar! • . on. /raze IL. Darla 1111-
!‘llant rolvall, Jo 1:1 Nryrlto. D . .M. Harlem, Jame. C.
Cana. ThOophllis , , Pa.iding, 11... otp. loopoo.. Itruri
ttl,.•ort, Crum Irrorae Ile ltraer, Nicllrtio.
Chace. Failr i
\ J. 0. elobnava,, 0 . Jay, air N. [Penn.
dorm r , r0....ty. Jr. \
Wet mar, AT 1 - mrgttlitoo—D. D. t an, Curb Craig,
I Johk, \ r, 1......
WILLI. NI •Iti ri. IT.TI. ' Tilaa. V. soll i Lre Praaf.
' dna
01 Vac% recrytarr.
; .0r.,.. , ,....e. .1 ti .\ co., pr. No. 42 I r Um , . ,''''
bur:b \ Inn.l.trtl \ 5-. 11._!1 '• • . -•'
\ ' Ohio Labor. tory. ..
L.- - ...- - ---A. 4 w ---.,.._—_,......• 92 ,-....=
limn.: 's 1 411$ "
ilr 80 . WI 95 ige
%.„-,---_ . 99
_-,-, ..
\ Per emit. Siren th. \ _
ir OWELL,FLETOfIER & 00., Atanufsetn-
P M.', i" , *4 1 11 , ,`'-`,l',',':g!,fi:;l4 l - I °.g:Jr.e.`"' -
(74,114,t or \ ma and 2 rout ilroare. cru, ,, •n.vom.
461- VI criers fm rateldlllib will be - promPLIO 'Mkt
at boY./4 market plisse \ •pIEIT
Lewis's Patent \Reversible Witerlilter
i S NOW 'to be teen in operationVatNN'S.l.
Il TATE Jr (\Va. Plurat•er. No.lo FourtlAtrett. lus•
to see Ferry and isinerty sts.. and at PRYOR A - IFILEVS.
No. 10 Market rtes.., Piltalsargh. Thui F il ter h.yervlrtell
• Uold Modal from' /Ps American Institute of New Toy
and • Cann:sato Insto the Franklin Institute of &Made!.
gun. !Ur it. !LI prrionly in us`ciranolnaptopertietu and also
reriltlrates from tit...haring them In mein Philssletedi
of whiehulefollowlaa- ore esemplec .
"Trilisontutits.biarett '..1ith.1551...e.
It slew. pie crest pleasure to rectromeni to the lareneOf
rim., rho, Motor. the Talent Iterirrilble Water Filtererolk•
trtod by M . Lewis. Ilislita need costal them for seven.
I t. months. is 7 enabled tnludire of 11dt - salon t
UllOilfill t'.ITT. Ina Walnut streeLn
The Potent It \rer;P\roter We 'n' AN s eTt'ocri ' y L llft
Samuel IL Lewln, sad - used by... Pe smog nionttn ' or. mE
pneat• nrsid ,, entekis all "at any per Sun could wish. I
:ti ' alTlfsr7ll; d rtl ' i t tiVaVe ge rt&II Y. IFALIIII74'
, ii. I hum et kill.
There Hitt. WIT Isarninted Prinks nut any`mell or
al...lnitial may orteelenm dessintressed Ortilll.l esmta.
ble 211r114, IU ILP a - stet, They ars worranted to hut two
years. and with oolinse4 care will lost ten; and remota
onl y i..''''..y to b"'"7I'IATEiI,FIARDEN..
mylraf . ..."Virch etreetsndladelehls.
ISAD PIPE—Corr implored patent
Lead Pipe for Ilidrohts, . . '
rn - PP , I, . -..
AVI ‘ Oc Rains, ‘l '• ••
Clsbei,. , :. ,
All sires on hand and ki n /mire, e sale by/ ‘s.. \
-, ALEXA - 11 KR liollililN.
MehlTlf . \ INL Float street
, --.5
Heating and en etion. '...
Raul. be . Sea In Ilotsj,Cou I:now, Urban.
Room., Dank Moen More, Tiseto,lo-1, ll 1ULL4.12114 iIU/14.
Inv of tsreei description, publle wall Mrs e. Alecuiralitp Diyinf um., rar an rarrtso... kiln...FPI..
temperature, either larir i er los%lA . , ,, ilytted. and me Inapt.
" it= " frIVIIZII72I, bytilural ortibienl \ lntone, win
hurt deenrst. \
b. rsillnes w of the carious Jesetiptiona men\ lotted ens
'meet pireserfully booted upon this plan ril . NneWini U.... 1
as the method Immo a wholesome. no is hoed, at any
Mildred temprrotore, whit entire treed m toin soot,
smoke, ostissolustordamonres. and oudety Fr= file,
"-- Copley's Pot Clay. \
rpErE subscribers are,now Solo gents
i. f 5 Copley Rep, for the nale,of their rot . ay..
nettle of wall eionbliblini renntanlan for the men fortnrst
if Ole. Pot, steel Pots, A. It is mods of ono oft -tell
nfusible substation knoseur and 11l very eurefolly
and .1 peseta. to wrindi s ne.
•, s Oltrlfillif SEER *On
ii rtar t
i t . i f T:n o c ced by the owners to el .o
hearth's time, for sr;sir ii:rtu, eoods ll." 4. "l' rtlle n , etni tile. •
5 asses tank blanket, C.tinel
i .... MI, <: . .. la.rer.,
Crib Distil..., (white.) -
' a .. Jeans, blue and From,
WM M1311111r4 LET.
-- -
ITSEBRELLA3--2 eases for sale} )17
JAVA COFFEE-2U bap! for itSii`l4
AGS--5 sacks for nle b
I lb neitN Y
s.s w. lIAFBABIiII
RY REACIIES==:27O bushels rec , eiveg on
ennAnunrit anal. .te -
Wit •
, • ' ALICIA-4MM 0011D051.134 prop{
FOR ISALF,--A first , rate FAMILY:4
EOM& *Ma elm .. it 4ACK31.1 .
V. TONE VIRE§ , - 200 boxes fcrrtale
;:, VICK 144014410188. -
ConTotuid Syrup of 'Yellow Dock Root. -- -
/ it.CUPIES the front rank among thi,pro- • . ' r : - ' ...
..... arwaa no. an o.pan, a.nt ,L4' be
bloat. ..
Liver (k.olaintietarrh.yysy.tla,/leadarbe. ma...
o,ogtot, Soreness .d %bluets t the Cheah RM.
ehltos, or hoar... &Tn.. aval•ahun sensation .• ' • -
about the throat; nod ts used with arthrage.k. a t a g aa.e r in all mon of
Muria Wiskaras and GraerafPrbolitr.: .
s,,th.elng th e wakened body , giving tone to the
'aria... fa - a... 4 InViguratind the entßa skoo,
If the toctlmony of thousands of :Pflug wuneu,e . froat •
all yartsof She wontry. can be nlied upon, it te matt... •7'
lyedlosoloos Iv curing ail /Nos. and
hat and twoken down constitution.. !Of"
.ble In its von... ion. and so atoundely eonald. s t . ita
Vr , TOrtiOr. that the rhetnleal. bWasdod. Indasedloal pro.
p er vi, o , eaoh Ingredienbhannontonsly unite to
Purify the Blood. \ Ls - '
n hoe renamed otanyehronitdisvasea which havetolled • .
lhe a 101 l of the boat Alpha.. and b. al. tarot Canker . .
h o ot Itheuro. Itrysircies MIJNi &Whit, which t l arnapartlitt ' •
Etwr ,,, to snake the .ist_leopfv.on , o p ag ,
towed in many eases of caNCIROUS in.F, . -
11000.. The nowt obstinate Cancere bane ed it y by%
thin medico.. We nay that It h. • valuable hall In all %
BILIOUS COMPLAINT:S.. It remover all obstrottless to
the elm /alio. rendering the Liver fr.. active, and boal-
thy. If ...wore. Illnitallmr of the Ileart..d .11oraw In •
an ten. or Asthma. and posy he ...I in all d1 u11k.....1. \ '
at all eem
ons of the year.
• • . -
Thin tlyrop Is phsred only by C. MORSE A CO.. atIOI L .
F0Y164.40 street, Providence. R. 1., and .Id. • %
retail by 8. N. wicliansurat., ~ $
Only Agent for Welter', hennsylr.J. ; \ • • %
cop 6. Warehouse,manse Wont 2i x . . \
eedles' Celebnd
(103IPOUNN ed D
ti Thaw highly Medicated plaatera have tarn meldnum, th. [wanly years. driving whlett time they dlx
gained u permanentreputation, as the toted. ettlowriag•
ithenmatle and etarnathening nun , rvl.r alfreed.
lem. st• the highest eminent, to wham' their eampn
tkru has tees subnallted, hare glees the tows
testimnolel. as to their auperipr virtue over all other pr.,
tars sold.
The Ingredient.: of their rompoolhor, very wenn, and
correctly roml.itted, render them Peculiarly applicable
persos guttering s Ire pulmonary din-met. • - `.
ho r n rain, In the hreavt. reeulttiag from protracted tr/141...
wPlun anugh. and local puns In the ratios. mar/ -
Alaaa,s. IL« body. their beneflelal character la,laeyee,
summon t.r .Ivrute As a remedy in Lumbago, OW :an";
Pevlerity over all outwanl posit
a< , han'teen (tally camboraud by the trumyrureandeciesL
Fur weaknee. sad palna In the back and nne,reomiting
front seve , 'tram., of the kidneys, ike., their en
Pet eilty ~er all other planer, has turn amply tested bo
illialirCtis atm have experienced cure and rebel' hem then
th"* ,
at their binen..ial IN Ne courant arsurattee
egrets will be found very decided. •
'or v I...leaul e and WAIL bir
61[11, •
.I rtm. for nisloc • Ireautiful glont. to I.lnona, flmlinty
..Anobri • Collan., t luw um , , and all Firnisollnintt: its
tor prev . Iron n-rdo ulbertna W lbw Linen, and dant
.Tr.. t . The iadien Lao long nnu felt the „ '‘ alLljo t bin tt.ddi expectailon baba.
I f i ranand. Ino conwniition few,' after au hopartbd
nth do thirty dozen of ebIL.o a. WO
f lci d t . V . ,lT ,u .%n t' t... w ...lCa .?" lit.. i'. Vetch Cake ni tb full direct •
Fur • R. X. NELl.Nitti, 67 Won.
MX . .OR ROCS. OIL. ..
•'Thn atm mon\ tbigualn newton arel earthy
- Tha aro drrattept of In phitran,phy..
9111 E v . TUES \of thee remarkable rema
J. dy, and ecomeant applicainn (aril, tn the propel
m.o, has lotto him to bkes It put up In bottletb With Ia '
Lg. and dtrectio . for the ggOrgi of the public', • • • • •
The Yetlt(tLEnll in prbrolad from a well In thin cowl:
ty, arn depth of f.d.r hund,,l s feet, hs a pure. unulultsral
tett arttele, with..stt \toy cheunnwl chnona but Just tut lt
tlown from Nature, Great , Lubratoutt That it mutat.
propertien resulting a v rtot..2. of ttbasaeN in no boaster •
m a ys, of usa..rtaltstr. Thew star
p 0 thing. In the ar.
calm bf nature, which. f knoau, noght be of e.g. useful.
new. alleeitainesituffetV. and rentorine.the N.= 01
health and rigsm to many owlet - et:, Long before diti R. ,- ~.
lanor thought of puttioß it op ns betthr. It had • repute= '
ootor ohs coat of diwana, \The constant and dally leer
s alon call. for it. and neveral 'aProarkahln, curet it ham we ,.
funned,. • rum indiratlon Ill ,c t ‘ ta future popularity e. 4.,
vile rprrad application in the .irr Of thwege... •
We do not •tall to Mato a ion parade ok certintatain
we are ann.:loon that theme... Nan seam \ work ite aysy
Into the fart, of three who miler, and whh \to be hatted.
Whilni are do not claim f.. - it • on ntfal apphcatiOnia nal
ery di4111., we unheatatingly vas, r. to a\ number at -
Chrome/ s ta....nee it in tantalite... - tmma thaw may to
antuneral.4--ati .di,S.F.rll of IL. mln 11. twatea, anvil a.
CHAO:IIe nitttliLlitTlS. COSSUMPTI9N, (In Ala early
aster.) AYTIIMA..and all diaw/w of thAalypattaagw, LIV:
Eh ot)ll . h.tlNT. ititYPEl'eLt. VI/atm* brialmetw`of the
inad.ter and Kidoeyn, i'ssint. irt the bark hr S_ ,kle Nora.. Neel-alai., Paler, Rheumatic rainy Gout, Email,
tAu , 7 auet, Elva - warm. Baran, .01,Lt, Bruises, Old roil.
ee dr . . In ra.w.W of debility, rennitlng from\ expoeuna,`„at
Iron and .prbtraend 0,...11 of al raw., this tLsina will
hang .114 It will act so a general TOOlO a d ALTXIL,
AMY in earl, C. 1,1, imparting Lon. and a to ea. -•
wool. trente:Lremoring ntetructinne, opinion I atoneti ‘ :
Marti., which eau. dievant, and • broken ton tins \ .
and nlykng .meant and p.onwed energy to all t roan. ,
of Id 'lite piltysietot 1,..,w, of aattral ea,. a , Mir
that booled .111, treatment. get well mat. t en
of the I . 1.011001.1-.1011 Pa, • abort timn. The worse non
nom to any p,.e..00 who strairee it
Notot senufne without the Float.* of the
fold by tb,prmaletar,
8. M. ill En, 'Anal Ban., ton. Errant ...
Alas, by,lt. Y.. PRII.E.V.S, 57 Wona Pr,
.4, KESSE.It a iI t DOWIILL. .
corner Wood Meet and Virgin Alley, labs '..
tumidly Sia rtrularly arminted Agen.
Ir NOW nil men Min/ ran rick and afflicted'', .
IA with dlwast of the Bladder end Kidneys, with...-'
lasnattc puns to bath or 1imbe ........ ,bk i i ..."h01Pil L r i.... ,
ti ;?l'l7 ,‘ :b h : , ,f ° ;l4tlc t :l!=. ' .:.= . ~
0, you p1ee..... but thin don not bathe a win foevrepterlainn '' . ';
iii the fan of on honest eommulthy, that'lt haasignes ~... • . .".
oh . ich. • no L. In other rotas l Ths -,
IA rooked with pa i n. and suffering from dome..., • i
for Weems, get relief (rem any orthe ills enumerstad .. •
above, .
Iteallet It tont. very little tomato Atrial. Th. Petro-
Isom Le co mix to ne-no compound, put up for 1. Pun... = *' o f
img.uing In th. rounonsultyt but it In a remedy els... . .
ted by; the master Land of Mom and hobbles up Dom the
bosom,. our toot.. sou th . lugs original parity. And of.
that ....„.
.fets Wee:linnet: haninnitya-mly remedy. s certain WI '
It ma cured NI.. site, other inedtiner hare anod to -
amok , ' any riglef. It has red. ilbstuasta. of I.og ="''t =
Funding, and Lf the worot and odo. painful it racie r. It -
hoe rend Chticra Afore.. by one. or two O . It ha . =.",
cured leld me of 'Pri., in Mee seer,- t sr .emody . •
Pas teen of no .yeti:' As aTM ...Indy 1 ma .4 ..•=' =
amide; it. boner than any medical maws r ointment
that we Irtene of It . ..Wenn chilblain, ilet e
Irdirbe ' fr r t i l ' roTn.i= b 7: b id. l .2 ' . lol` :,' `VbTl2:', ...!.
lug ye tAAICK(... //ILL.' Canal ItXt. oath ott.aoo, •.: . '
ewes of the agent.
Keyag t McDowell, rimier of Wood tired and
all it. R..t lerr, El Wood stn.; D. A. killoLand r iLV. •- -
(..6. afloat, ny ....Ito. ass the ann..
- - . - - - --
i-nn Jana Kona the discoverer and sole pnitnisbnif
nee moat popular and bested. sneittelm, and also =- -- I: • '
the inventor of the niebrrstral Warm:and V... 5. Indantan the
Lunn. In effecting a eon of Chronic Cams. m • stn • - - 1 = -
dent MAW. eminent P.a.., Doctor Persia, sal Ls 0..., '
graduate of th e Ithivervity of Pentoeflrardeastut for thirty
P.malnee hatbeen eumed In lb.levestigslitte of Or ::
es, .ntl lb. spoil...non of nemedko thereto.
Through the tow of lila lolls.. tubaintondisetheowitil \
Ids itophylectie liyrop. stel ahem of Itiwretnealle=„ .
mood an onparalal,...tmunmen In ming Thom
and fatal toalatheat Tubercular Conntoption, tltem
Buroftila Rheumatism, Asthma, Firer and Ainia,Feverse I ' '
ell hind.. Ch... Krigipalas. and all those. oboUnds dia , •
ems peculiar to females. Indewi.every form' of dim.'
tfrde.a under the use ot hi. remedies. Us whieilbuseasth .- . -' en
le lodr-r.ot by the use 01 000 OrttopoOnd only, foe that"' - =
inolooplitible with rhytdologieal Law, but by then. of ;.. l'• ~'
fn bin rumwamlagnol to, and prenorthed he, cart pmlisr
t..11. ed . Tonle Alterative Ma when wed, an lerartae . .
blr. ...Mot to be nand. to all others. a. • MT.
tive•M- liver pill, inumoch as the, Inn thabowels per. ..
nerdy fr. flow otadirenewu as al. his (leaden 1111, are ad.' ~'•
on.. \by the faculty. to popes one.. PoPertieit ad. , ..
ted to female dbesseu but being Wilted teats bars trial; = ==.
in putildent to establish what has Lawn ILI, le the mimit.of,, ~..
the wont Skeptic.. . .
The allltlited an. Invited Weal' an. Ma ninslts =4. MI , I
run Lorstiol ono of the Dortor . n pamphlets, istring • anatsu- '•
ad amount Wyf earl mated) .and in applh - n , ss. : • • ----' " ' '
Foe nth. b
_the. tattooing ogee., es well I.4lhYniliet dth il •
giro Vining tut tea moon. . \ " •-',i '. , : 0 Co.. :4/., itiniabny g h. ...
J. tt Tometil. Dragging 4.s.alarket eL, u= \ ' ..- -'
',ea .& Ilcothem. Inumght, blear the Pad Ailefiter...e. i.
ur l cty A
iV I gi l tV .• f*:7- - , .t7. tTrlt. er' ;'. .
, , ~
T. Adan Lie ...
. e
••= ; :
: .
To the iteaaers Of the Pittsbtq - gh 6
FUBLI6 ATTENTION" isrespectrulli
tit., ,to la. anotrata tenth& art ambitMadan
oof th e nowt importiort midi. of ...fere limit
LIKULECti Lin NOCK ' OIL, it in not mornthan r ant/ •
roar ago since thu gnat remedy wog brn.gkt bekire Les V.
public Ibr the rebut thd mire of die.... As= twang . \
towel, bare, sit. \ then. become full y the t V
munity. and raw allege that the longer It is tics tea
.synths illt ita great fthocessum•L It L. not th e me =
y, gut nt. bor the ac.laboriwis of snaking tosneye,
but.mon slotee es connive, OW gointlens - to be and when.. ,*
ther nostrums havt. forsidult The Petraima la. ..
bNan. Itmadr, elaborated In the de:Our of the milt. •- -
y e . row. and agen e y. that la to scorn all lama. ..
petition It le. cm 'fury. when We write about • Medi: . '''' . .t t tia j solzri , lefh: tr . iti . ...- th ut w• r Par mild. oaks.
dumb in or Momenta I.lJ;te r r t sre 4 ar rd fjo '' cgtetk tn ; .:.-.
ar thing thst promises relict fredo glove - A sem- can .
.atis - to too highly...robe Ids ammer
oldam of tuna, -:: • s
Inn on hhtnhundthas rote 01 dm Nor, we do not deers
to'2 ..ts'm " V:tiTtl.rtl k iold7l b liAlr o t h treeT t re " ;:rrlV * t')
in erceading any ninths ankle lo!. testoris Tv. -:.=''''.
lea \P lain unvarnlebed fm-facs tbat maybe ...bud _t .
in oot., rev and neighborhood, boar 'Mph. inthineterer 6. -* ''
E we toe pad two mom., ton Of our own gi11... •-'
Coal wen totally.hlind, ban been natured WO/AL. fier...' , 4, -
Cral .m of tathdrisq., In thi,letat• of ally Inve = beer. .
eared.. Atel.slact. the rano! agesitlegethiallesrgroneil, - ;
Whe. nee I l lsin•rx hot thorn en me near lime, and may
to raters. to by any period. Who have doubt. on the Sets - ,
%trot These Wee were oared lifter - they had been Madera
el Iv physkis. Of Impalen. The NMI. 11.61 frill Mt. . \ .0.,
when mod ....ding to dlntiilone-bithrton, Dysentery,
Kiln, ithautimetta teoun - rteuralgia bruit...on Math ' , ' ..
PlMplen on the Mee, Chronic boos Eyes, Ringgold.. _Tett.. . .-
Beall Ilead, paths to th e ...sad .1.1.....4 ma WM. '''
Wok. Anne . Chronic Concha Asthma. thouddils. sad all. -,..
l'ulmbnary anomie. w(0 chronic nands,"tensling to nrs, ' ' --'
41tsms Chum:tunas, ,
' '' lid • •
1311=a i ttalts, dtessenz of rs . l . 3l , ld r r;
.1 %
i... 1 . •7., ,
~ . ,
Mach, Ala • Hands .
...tat, ommt , r, and Las Lam Stiad - . '
Wein( of the &bore dines. within the nitre. with the •.' ~,..
themes. CertlGeatof that .111 satoniah an In
the oft. rm....who will take pleineraln sheen ,
Int mto tea afflicted or their frkala . •
W env. Callers' Mar mil about thedr '1nvi11.....
pedilegm is the greatest Bernd: of the aus. Arltysklaes,..,
of hist Standing In the profesaion are beginning
.th . aoo art ,
at their Make: , rhooo who .ItraLloOke4 iiia Eta down . ~,,
~,,,, ..,,,,,,,
_rt., wlthrtg to eta. It dim grain md - =-=
tionsiderathsa gator. thoth. yew tout r.lllB. Wilda he
eegny w il A t boarknowledge that the Delroleton if tb4g . rnta .
sat mann. I,or timitre i -A. A r A .,le g whoJewals M ne..,...,
" lit IL& Lt. liera.tfltood Ores. ,',..i.1.1.w.....,,w-dit.:-.,
..... a . ina t . mo=topc i vajt.., aLoo, by tat r tro
ffell 'sant 11. d.'Fahtienons A Co..Wia ' aril7yrt . et Z ..
da/0 . \ \ .
r stm fittr
—IS la elleaseeaeT tetahet. and Lietily ellioaeloeun '.., .
Suranner lirrr.ilarrt 214,1647.
31. R. I. Sellere—Mff etdidre. Wrentham dum bele ~
iviteeet to troubleeeene amide, avid haying nod different ,_ .
morale. to very Ilttle Janne..., I nes lettered bl , liVeff ."
lleodueute about your 11onah Syrup to M.. jt. Wel. e
Ray eit 10 7vin of .T 1.7 lIIIti afro ion:IT - dab btersever '
Jilterencticues, And It ha: Arm Wed to enzA g t.bent. , .
I tune nraornaunard It lc. my nrichbors, and di Ewa:
'. "
eonsainaclonaly believe that it Is the Nat conch nullidnit, '
that hex ever been offered to the pnbtle,
,''..Serrate ehould not pert th "rehildivn to aura Sao
40 nalL'ithein lb., inAy b. by a 25 et. W. of UAW
Prepared lad gold by
ttoeta4 67 Wood rt.., andDrugAlAt , impend/Y.
yIATEN MEDICINES, &r,--.8, ).
In . e a d for tale on the ea— '
u thee Chu Unl i t . , •
I Lemon Avid
Ersent.l.l alto(
Nerve and Done L *doe
tryardeldoe.liteeffe 1
\ : ,A.
tot! vloceD)
• \ 11.1peTratat
Itaa. Olia=r
Atrviist.bentAg rwt
TurllWArCe ALIA*
rang Vl s \
At tAAlit Mots
WI \
.6 EL ebeittir..A
2.5 e 617.7 bomb
26 bap Per*,
. 1 ClL'a ~:y1
' 2 =roots U.N.
\ term Slag'
S, &rat large stock
lAxtw MOW lilenl terasi.ric
11:2eam 5\42.7: •
1:t . .11:1krot t .c.
~:`: , "
„~1 ,