The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 29, 1851, Image 2

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    least a doom of the departments are in a state of
siege. The carriage of the Courier of the Sri
tish cutlass", was stopped on Thur:eday evening
30 form et,barriade; the courier was allowed to
picesed on foot. There was one slight attempt
a erect a barricade in the morning, near the
. Pantheon but it was a ponY affair. and unde
fended. The Polytechrdo school sad the ?dill
taf school of St. Cyr are closed, and the pupils
not -allowed to. stir out. In the afternoon a nar
rated Ilst Of the Consultative Council was pub
liahed. Some of the former names are omitted,
and the number is increased to upwards of , one
Saturday, Parlsbegan to assume its areal ap
s.peruance of tranquility, and the streets were
filled with anxious and netted crowds, who had
' beenlept In forced seclusion for the two pre
-vivre days, 'The city was perfectly tranquil
during the night, and all appearance of resist-
once is at SD end. The Government has ei,gaiu
'reiterated its assurance of being able to main
- tato tranquility, and states that the news from
the departnients Is excellent A proclamation
of thanke to the army has been prepared and
published, and It to stated that the ministers of
ibrtign courts have been authorized to state
that their Ocremments look favorably upon the
- ent'a conduct. • •
On' Sunday, the Boulevards and streets re
ed their ordinary appearance. Crowds of
people and numerous cquipagea failed the etreeta.
Geverament accounts 4 received from all the
cMef towns of the departments, state that tran
alit}, has been maintained. In many towns
no galrisoned by troops'the population remain
ed quiet, and it is elated by government that
the'worting and other classes, would hove unit
. ed, if necessary, in supporting the cause or or
der.' The prefect of the department of the Allier
which was declared in a elate of siege, has pub
lished an addrese to the inhabitants- declaring
that The greatest rigor would be displayed in
', represslog brigands who disturbed order; he
exhorts all the friends of order to unite in resist
. ,Ing any attack.
'During the attempts et disorder which were
made yesterday in Tarim!' parts of Paris, the
Constitutionnel states that workmeri werelseen to
tear dawn some of the barricades before the
the troops Arrived, and thin was in particular
-seen in the Faubourg St. Antoine, where the
iitorkuien,ln destroyingthe barricades, decltred
- , :lottdly that . they were raised by men who were
strangers vo the Iccality,.
The led representatives who were imprisoned
*int Valerien were tat at liberty last eight.
'The - greater numher of .theni of legitimists.--
' They nil refused to - pledge themselves to remain
oats leave. the 'prison it' any were retained. UI
. timately they were-all set at liberty. A cora
, '.truseary o police conducted them in prison vans
Lathe garden, of the Luxumbourg, whore he told
them to ilight,..and having politely taken off his
bat, mild they were at liberty. Since then set
aritt have again beep arrested.
government denies all the sinisterreports
- .lsoiroulation. The Atinieter of the Interior de
:..CLares- that the news from the departments,.
....Which has reached the government, is In gene-
Ceal satisfactory.
-' Wales= tliat telegraphic despatches from
'London 'watered at - Liverpool just previous to
esiling:of the Baltic, elate that the Prince
de iOiriViile and Duktid'Aumale have gone to
- Belgium to raise "the standard of revolt against
the - military usurpation of the President.
Commodore .Thomas -Ap Catesby Jones was
-*Mang those witunded In the skirmishing on the
Boulevarda.. He lost a Siger, had his leg bro.
ken. and his foot disabled.
Thiers had been liberated by the President
in conseguenie of ill health, on condition of his
leaving the country. '
The artillery vote for President stood 2441 for
1/01Z113 lisp:decry and 43 against
The exact loss of the army of Paris in the
late engagement was one huperlor officer and 15
soldiers killed, and three officers and 104 sol
diers wounded.
The Bourse fluctuated greatly from the 2d to
the 6th. Taesday 039,70 to MO on Saturday.
.Fresh masts were being made among the Re
publican leaders. .
Changernier and other Generale were confined
Ilt RaID, to be tried bye Court Martial, charged
with attempting to seduce the soldiers of the
army from their duty.
Theiraleares immediately for Italy.
'Java Nep?leon would•pndonbtedty hare on
immaase majority.
Magahsl Soule died an the 26th, aged 82
, The ,Paris Monitenr of Monday contains
proclamation fromv the. Viesident, in which he
says:—"Prenehmeni the disturbances are op.
„peaked.• Whatever may be the decision of the
peeple,W The app al to the ociety is saved. The l i nt part of my
task Is accomplished. •nation
for the purposenf terminating p struggles of
Partici, Iliac* would not cause serious risk to
the public, tranquility. Why should the people
have risen against me? If Ido not any longer
possess -your Confidence, if your ideas are
changed, there is so occasion to make precious
blood flow. It 'will be.sufficient to place an ad
verse vote in the anti I than always respect
the dealoion of the people. I always respect the
decision of the nation; but, until the nation has
spoktn, I shallot hesitate, at any sacrifice, to
baffle the attempts of faction.".
Tlte Viennaministerial organs declare for Na•
poleax), and praise his policy.
The neirs front Paris has Caused great sensa
tion at liertht, but after considering the oTentu
slides, the' ministers decided not to place a
single corps of the Prussian army on the war
Aciduitts from Genera state that the French
refugee! had' met *to deliberate. After o long
and stormy diseasaion, it was decided to abstain
Tram:entering France.
The - oorreepondent of the - Horning Chronicle
• thus - describes the dissolution Of-the Assem
The question most asked this morning, after
Login Napoleon's proclamation became known,
was, ...but what will the Assembly dot" That
'lndy has not allowed Its answer to belong wait
ed fed...l-As early as 8 o'clock some ftepresenta
` ~ldees assembled at the house of M. (Milton Bar
rot,but it wet Immediately after decided to go to
Darn's, one of de Vice Presidents of the As
. lembly.'Towards 11 o'clock nearly two hun
dred Representatives were assembled. They
decided,. that.. `the3t. ought to , proceed to the
• Legislative Palace. :and formally claim their
right to bold, their sitting. They then proceed
- ed to ..the Palace, and salmeced in a body to
wards the meal Pdes of entrance. They were
there refaced admission, the officer of the troops
on pullet the gate informing • them that, th
Legislative Amembly no longer existed, having
been dissolved - by a decree of the President of
the Republic. dome of the Representatives
expressed themselves warmly, it is paid, at
such. language, and even attempted to force
their way, in, doing which one of them, 3L De
Leroy; was, I understand, wounded with a bey
- The" . 'representatives, after , formally summon
- lig the officers in paid of the entrance, to afford
them-admission, left the place, and on the incl.
tion of ht. Dara,goceeded to his apartment to
'deliberate. Th ere on the point of commen
cing,ichen a Ante age arrived from General
i Laurieton, Colonel of the 10th Legion, dealer-
Jug that he placed the Marie of the 1136 arta
' dissment at their disposal, mod that the 10th Le,
'don was prepared to, defend them from
Thither the of the Legislative As
sembly repaired, end takingpossession of one of
the great 1.001215 of the Metric, proareded to de
aerate; Mr. Den being in the chair After a
deliberation, 'Conducted in dna form, and at
- which - the short-beta writers of the Momleur,
were Present, the conduct of Louie 'Napoleon
Bensparte war declared to be illegaL-. and con
' t:emy in every respect to the Constitution. In
consequease they affirmed him to have forfeited
ail china to the high digeitY of Prelldieft of the
' republic, and - pseud a decree pronotmeing his
dogma, in conformity: with Art. 68 of the Con
- etimtlom
- . Another - decree frees the officers of the Army
and nest' - and • the. public fonctionaries from
their osthef °benne° to Louis Napoleon.
The High Court of Justice convoked to judge
the President and hie illinisters. The degree
was signed by MI the members present, with M.
Duu's name at the head. Amonprthe other
aameenre theselof 0. Barret, de Broglie, Mole,
, Datum, Pebsy Do Tooqueville, - Gustave de Be;
ta med, Quentin Buchan,. Dufour, De Tracy,
coymend„ Montitner Temente; Da Kerdrel, and
Some Mountaineers were present at the sitting
and amongst others, army, Ferdinand - de Les
&eyrie, Didier, Colfurn, :
So Matter , . appeared - almootbly
enough with the Assembly.' 'But after they had
passed their" Miliol3l3.slecrees Matters 'changed
their aspect et body of the Choiseul' , or Via
-001111- 111201tria 6 a The/ bad
a egocisly . tuilp . their peoition,
.when M. Ise,
gppeared at_onts..of The 'windows of the
wearing bit rePtlea a seas(, and ds
AO the Crowd Which Mood outside looking
• st the.;.s6l.diers:.-tailig:og.. their places, and de
:, ...yelaixtd. *toed the4„ths LelFf o ia d t g i °.Ami te em L i i , be r .:
at the' President of the
Rip,wirw"74..--he dcilteenre ;,i.appeinted fienerntthidboot Bon
of all the . troops
. In
/mit atitiOsaid this, M. Than:dater, another rep
- resentatlie; ingtared behind M. 'Berrrr, sa . d
`raised the mini oVlni is B.epublinne. ' This
eras most coldly received by the crowd.
“Whatie_Berrier," • said one, ' , but the screen
of Renzi te , .l. „ ,, And what is Oudinot," said
another ot the - persons Mahan; neer, phut - the
min who went to or Almost immeditititly
after; aZi:offieer of the emus of Vincennes
knookid.itt the door wheri`ther Assembly was
• gilding with Clotted doors, and th4sted on gain-
admlttaime.., This' refeimartrt4Matr,' but
' the officer insisted; and in a few mottuesteafter
Tun Fassen Revoeurros.—Fall and intently
interesting details of the scenes in Parts, attend
ant upon the usurpation of Louis Napoelon, are
given in this paper.
Erns or Bra/wise Anistra.—That there
never has been any trite freedom in the presence
of a large standing army—an army large enough
to overawe the people—is a truth which all his
tory and experience attest. Every ruler who
rests upon bayonets is entre to dispise and tram
ple upon the people. When Washington had
brought the war of Independence to a success
ful termination, his first act was to disband the
army, and in doing in he as much displayed his
goodness as his witsloni ; for by so doing he se
cured the preservation of the liberty of his coun
try which had beenwon at so great a cost. This
truth is most strikingly exemplified in the
late events in France: Alike. regardless of po
'pular opinion, both the Assembly and the Presi
dent bent all their energies to secure the support
of the army, or rather the control of the army.
Bo far as the cause of liberty way concerned it
did not matter the value of aetraw whichof these
enemies, of freedom triumphed, because a mill
tary despotism could be the only result in ei
ther event The President triumphed as it hap
pened, and in doing so he struck down every
thing like a constitutional government and
perhaps it is better that be, rather than the As
sembly, gained the day, as it is more tolerable
to be ruled by one tyrant than by many, and
perhaps it will be easier to get rid of one than
many. But be that as it may, we feel assured
that the French people must get rid of their
standing army before they can hope to enjoy
true freedom. Rulers must be compelled to
lean for support upon the confidence and affec
tion of the people, and not upon military force, •
if we expect them to regard the rights and pri
vileges of their people.
- The latest advices inform us that not only Par
is but many of the departments are under mar
tial law, which proves a state of discontent, at
least, that promises anything rather than con
tinued tranquillity. But Louis Napoleon will of
of course be elected President, as martial law,
a monied press, and interdiction of political
discussion, will prevent Key combination among
those who would oppose him if they could.
France has now reached the lowest depths of
political degradation; and in that degradation
we see the legitimate consequence of having
large stmoding army. And why had the French
government this standing army ° Because the
rulers could not trust the people. Why not!
Because the people could not dr would sot trust
them. This mutual distrust is traceable to al
most universal debaaemet of individual, social
and public virtue ; and this debasement is the
natural fruit of those infidel principles which
• were so liberally sown inFrrince during the last
cowry, and which the corrupt and decript form
of Christianity known is that country was one
-tile to eradicate.
The prospect before France ia gloomy indeed.
Too proud, too intelligent to be slam; too
jealous, distrustful, selfish, and corrupt to be
freemen; and too full of a false and ealnglori
ous.philosophy to be Christians" we Isar that
they are destined to endure a long series of
revolutions and factious contests, until they
shall be thoroughly broken down.
THE FRENCH Duro-usm —The latest accounts
from Europe indicate that Louis Napoleon le a
finished and consummate traitor to liberty, and
that he receives. support and advice from the
Despots of the continent. The election was no
doubt a fraud and a farce, and it will lease him
the irresponsible Dictator of France. This be
ing the case, it will rally all the Itepublicauef
France of all factioni, for his overthrow, and
bring about the revolution in favor 'of liberty
which has been suspended by the usurpation.—.
In view of these circumstances, the Nem York
Tribune makes the following suggestion:
And now, why cannot our Government refuse
to recognize this new rule to Prange, founded
so palpably on the grossest wrong, the most
flagitious crime? Why should it not do so?—
such a refusal would electrify the Republicans
of France, and cause our country to be hailed
with gratitude by them through all egos to come.
Wiwould commit no act, of hostility mud pro
voke none, but simply withdraw our Minister,
and stand aloof until this rickety structure of
brass and bayonets tumbles about the ears of
its villain contriver. We certainly need not
wait long for that. It would closets the char
, acter of oar country, not only with Republicans
but wits the whole civilised world, If we should
refuse to recognize a rule which has no more
rightful basis than that of a pirate. The des
potism of Louis Napoleon will not have a single
sincere ally in the world, unless Emperor Son
toque of Hayti shotild undertake to impart to
it a little respectability by recognising it. We
do erish oar Government, which was first to re
cognize the late French Republic, would in like
manner take the lead in silently rebuking the
crime by which It has been temporarily subvert
ed. Wbat honest heart 'can dissent (roes this
hem the Clarelend Herald.
Rev. Dr. Nevin preached but evening to a
very crowded audience, a discourse on the sub
ject of Kossuth, his religion, and the effect of
his miasioa to this country. We ore able to give
but athriel sketch of his eloqzent discourselHe
chose tor - the foundation of his remarks the 8d
verse of the : 17th chapter of Ezekiel:
“A greit eagle, with great wings, long wind
ed, full of feathers, which had divers colors, came
unto Lebanon and took the highest branch of
the cedar:'
Every American heart leaped with joy when
they heard of the arrival of. the great patriot,
Kossuth. The Humboldt brought to our thane
a national friend, a tyrant's enemy. He was a
champion of liberty, both with the tongue and
the pen, and a great advocate of Democracy.—
WAsiled him to our shores with enthusiastic
joy, and we honor him for his fidelity in his peo
ple's cause. As a Man, a Citizen, a Governor,
Exile, we honored him. The !rinds and
waves had been propitione, and a truly great
and good man had been wafted to our shores.
Kosauth was not made altogether by the times,
but he helped make the times. Three kinds of
greatness characterised the men—lntellect, Ac
tion and Moral. The moral In this case takes
the preference; this distinction in marked in
Koran ill in the whole history of his public life
from his youth up. We are struck by his sin
cerity. lie believes that God and nature mean
what they say. He lied many influenced to per
vert hilt life in his youthful &Lye, more to con
tend with than commonly falls to the lot of man.
The loudest and most importunate voice was in
his own *soul. Kossuth had a deep, respect for
his soul—nothing could make him violate It.—
Kostroth is a courageous man; he is hated for his
moral courage. It requires courage of a rare
quality to think before your ege. Kossuth saw
the tyranny of the , oppressive goierrrintent
against him, and he dared to reveal the peat up
sympathies of his soul; he dared to speak when
in chains, and wee his eloquence now to be si
lenced! No with his pen he spoke to the mil
lions and his indomitable courage dared him to
harangue the multitude.
Hossuth's cause is the cause of God, and he
will not abandon It. When he spoke in Its be
half in France, tyranny frowned; and he would
brave the sea, and arouse with his eloquence
the world to assist in redeeming his down 4:red
den and crushed country.
Religion is the enthronement of God upon the
bout ; regarding every man as our brother; to
benefit all; living for the good of others. In
this high, true and proper sense, Kossuth to a
religious man ; he would not be false to the con
victions of his own soul ; oppression to others is
like a dagger to his 'coal ; he can leave wife,
mother, children and all far his bleeding coun
try's sake. Hear him when he declares to the
Turkish Sultan that he would rather die than
renounce his religion and profess Mahomme-
Kossuth, too, Is a statesman, not an enthusi
ast. Ile loves civil governtaant, yet his great
aim is to secure - liberty. This is the Ides of
Kossuth, / and is the only true Idea—lt makes
tyrants turn pale and tremble. -
Whet will be the effeot of Frostatiea mission
to this country! It will be to revive and
strengthen an attachment to our
own country.
What is therein the cause of Hungary that on
dears it the people of America! Is It not that
sympathy 'bleb we all feel for the oppressed
struggling for freedoin and liberty This Meg.
yar fought and suffered fir this purpose.
The eloquent appeal of - Kossuth will have an
' etrait in the Church! They cannot help to
arate... 'Liberty and Christlenity toast go hand
inland over the world. It will also make us
feel out , duty end rerpoinibility to the world ;
we arebotind• to the whole world. We 'have
lookai on and seen liberty swallowed up by
potism„freedom crushed by tyranny, and lent
no aid . when we have power to emancipate the
world- Were we faithfoi, the aspirations of the
oppressed would be realised.
Do we not rememberwhen cur own eagle lay
bound and chained? Do we not remember our
declaration of liberty and freedom when we
heard the first cry of that free eaglet Biota
that 'time we" have forgotten those coma:ries
where 'freedom of speech' is withheld; where
the priests and bishops lend their influence for
tyranny and oppression ; where the Pope of
Rome will not permit a railroad to be built with
In his dominions; will not allow her streets to
be lit with gas; Poet Office watched, everything
watched in order to put out the light of free
dom. We might as well stay the planets as to
extinguish freedom.
hay Kossuth bosuccesstal in his heavenly
mission, and God speed him in the advocacy of
his noble came.
Prom the Now Redford Mercury.
In Saturday's paper we stated what we sop be the views of Kossuth with respect
to intervention. We present to-day entire
his great and gloriona speeeh at the New York
Municipal Banqu. et — every word of which will
repay perusal and repentant. It is one of the
meet masterly performances in the English lan
guage, and as a solid logical argument it is .peer
less. This paragon and marvel of mankind comes
from his Asiatic prison and discusses ques
tions of American policy with an accumen and
power ,which not oar ablest atatsman, nay, not
even Webster himself, can equal. It of course
loses something in passing through the reporters
hands, put just as it is in print it stands out the
most remarkable production of the age. The
circumstances under which it was produced adds
to the wonder which it must eiclte. It was de
livered by a foreigner in a foreign tongue which
.he had not been accustomed to speak. It was
delivered by en Invalid scarcely able to leave
Ms bed. It treated of the diplomatic hlstorj of
a people whom the speaker would be expected
to know only by report. yei was there never
a more masterly handling of a subject—never
an argument so close, so logical, so severe.
The question presented by Koasuth to the
Americas' people is briefly whether they will
permit Russia to crush the liberties of Europe,
or whether they wilt demand that Russian war
fare shall be confined to warfare with nations,
and not employed as • police force to repress
liberty in other States. With the wars of Rus
sia we have nothing to do—with its interference
to pot down the popular voice in other State.
at the request of the despots who rule these
Stales, we have much to do. If human broth
erhood be not a fiendish fiction, it is our right
and duty to Insist that the existence of the gov
ernment of every State shall depend upon its
ability to sustain itself old not upon foreign
bayonettc—not by taking part in the struggles
of the down-trodden and oppreusd, but by giv
ing them a chance to struggle without Russian
lsrsa•osnos I What is intervention Not
necessarily war; but peradventure an interces
sion or a protest with a meaning to it. •
just cause" it is the moat honorable and holy
attitude a free nation can sesame. If human
brotherhood means anything, if cbristanity
memo anything, surely there are cases where
we are called upon to intervene, to speak out,
to use our. influence, perchance our power.—
The duties of nations are not essentially differ
ent from those of individuals. A man passing
In the street who um two big boys beating •
email one, ie very apt to intervene If he has the
heart Why then should not free nations inter
vene, when despots abroad league with despots
claiming allegiance to prevent a straggling peo ,
pie from conquering liberty? War may come
of it Yes, war may come of It, for an Inter
vention to be effectual must look at every haz
ard. But war will not necesearily come of 11
and tilt does come It will be the fault of the
party which CI - not heed • solemn remon
strance—it will come "in • just' cause." Our
right to intervene for liberty is certainly as good
as Russia's to Intervene for despatisru, while
Our duty in the matter is far more imperative
than hers. She enterrenes from motives of pol
icy—we Intervene, if at all, from principle and
for principle. She Intervenes to prevent justice
and right—we for the very sake of justice and:
right. We propose no crusade for Llberty—we
seek not to prevent Austria from conquering
Hungary—but we desire to wernittumis. against
Intervention in behalf of despotlim, against a
crusade for the extention of despotism. "If En
gland will join us In this, we shall rejoioe, as
that will render Russian Intervention out of the
question. If webers to do it •loge, ilmaia may
or she may not. If she do not sad provokes •
war she will have her hands fall with her revolt
ed embjects, who with American aid would throw
off the yoke. It teems to us clear that we can
not be indifferent to the intervention of Kumla
in the affairs of other nations—and it remains
with the people to say In what form we shall
present oar views to Runle. Liberty and Fra
ternity mast no more be idle wards.
Lcamos, Dec. 6, 11361.
To tho Editors of tAt North Axial= 4 United
States C;araus
I cannot omit to mention well-founded reports
of trouble in the English Cabinet. it is gene
rally known that certain Important changes
would have taken place this week in the Rowell
Ministry, if the events Is France had not poul
poaded them. During the Kounth demonstra
tions in London, the citizens of one of the me
tropolitan boroughs presented an address to
Lord Palmerston, congratulating the Foreign
Secretaryjor baring aided in the Liberation of
Boss - nth and tile companions. It appears that
Lord Palmerston, In his reply, introduced a few
Imprudent words, which gave great offence in
the cabinet In the course of his remarks, he
said, in effect, [far I quote from memory] that
he heartily participated in the universal senti
ment of sympathy that had been-expressed for
the constitutional and liberal can= of Hungary.
It was attempted to be proved that the reporters
for the press had not gives Lord Palmerston . '
words correctly; but on an examination of their
original notes, and on tampering one with anoth
er , they were round to agree together. A
Cabinet Council . was called, and It Is said warm
language passed between the different members.
It is also reported that Baron Brnnnow, the
Russian Ambassador, addressed a formal note to
Her Majesty, complaining of the Foreign Sure
tary'a speech. The Carlton Club, too, it was
stated, - had made the sentiments of that speech
the foundation of an impeachment! Earl Grey
exhibited great indignationat the Council just
referred to, and positively refused to remain any
longer in the Cabinet with Lord Palmerston. It
was agreed, at • subsequent Cabinet Council,
that two or three members should retire, hut
just it that moment—it was feet Tuesday—the
submarine telegraph startled the Ministers and
ail London by announcing • Revolution In Fiance
The British Cabinet was, in cousquene, saved!
Horan Rives Remmen.—Tbe Railroad
Journal states that the names of this road,
since Its opening, hu not realised expectation,
and the stook in couequenoe has depreciated
rapidly. The Journal decline that the man
agement has been • bad, accidents of frequent
OCCrill7=9ll, and the dangerous location of the
track most of the way along the bank of the
river, cause a good deal of Mistrust as to the
safety of the route.
The Harlem, • rind, will soon be opened,
sad as the diffetentain distance between the
two is but alight,uld both will make the same
connections North and West, the Journal pre
dicts that the Harlem will have more that' half
the travel and business between Albany and New
• Deposits of Gold Bullion.
In October. 86,082,881
'ln November 6,679,788
In October
In Narember
Dwelling house in the State ,
5l 681
Families in the State ed,ica
White cutlet 166,260 ,
White females 189,408
Free colored =lee :478
Free colored fault" 426
Total free 'population
Total poputhtion 606,566
Deaths during the year ,8,711
Farms in cultivation 88,960
Manufacturing establishments producing
• annually WO and. upwards 860
Federal representative population 482,696
Falllmparpition of Hardware, Cutlery, &o.
No. 129 Wood Street,
twit* to ea tho attooklan of Iforobtab snit vibes to
TORSION LED ..tavana
And which thsr aro ner "mend to Ow at nett Woo
ai atm et %MI to to
, •
isikatemt of.MAIMIS adobratid C. B. ASO
abrairs Wad. ,
ID itszoirzt. roz drizi errrentrian oasrrne.
19.tanntorow, Dec 27
SZNATZ—Met at gainer before 1 o'clock, and
Immediately adjourned, there being only eleven
members present.
The House was not in session.
BUITALO, Dec. 27.
About 1 o'clock this morning, we were Arialted
by one of the most deetructive tree that has
ocooarred for many years. It broke out in a
building on Maine street, opposite the Mansion
House, known at Spaulding's Exchange Block.
Bpaulding's Exchange, Erie Hall, Bank of Attica,
and several opaciouttsteres were entirely 0011-
The fire then extended down Commercial and
Lloyd streets, burning several valuable buildings
on each street. The coldness of the-night, and
scarcity of water, rendered it entirely impossi
ble to subdue the fearful progress of the flames.
Daring the time this fire wao raging, mother
alarm was given up town, which proceeded from
Swan street, where a private dwelling was dis
covered to be on fire. The firemen could not di
vide their forces, and three handsome dwellings
were consumed.
It is impossible at present to give an exact
estimate of the logs. The offices of moat of our
leading lawyers werein the Exchange at the first
fire. The extensive shoe store of• Williams Sr.
Co., and 0. H. P. Williams; the tailor shop of L.
D. Hibbard, the confectionary of P. Beth & Cu.,
and 10 or 12 other buildings were entirely con
Ponanntornoi Dec. 27:
A destructive fire occurred here this morning
in the property on the corner of Sixth and Chest
nut streets, known as 11 art's building. Several
lives were lost. Old Independoce Rath opposith, ,
very narrowly escaped, owing to the 'move
told weather, the firemen were nearly froskin,^
and were scarcely able to work their engines.
Pull...em-ruuk, Dee. 27, r.
The flames spread rapidly, destroying Hart's
entire building on the corner of Ctb and Chestnut
Street; with several book end music stores, and
J. Parker's restaurant. It then communicated
to the Shakspeare building ou the opposite side,
adjoining the Chestnut street Theatre, which was
entirely destroyed, as was also Brown's Hotel
adjoining it, and the adjacent buildingsoo Chest
nut street. About 3 o'clock the walls of Par
ker's building fell into the street, instantly kill
ing two colored men, and injuring several fire,
men, and police men. It is feared that several
other pergola were killed, ae, at the time of the
falling of the van the street was crowded.
The entire block west of Sixth street from
Chestnut to Carpenter , is in a keep of ruins; also
Brown's hotel, Johnson's law book more, and
several other valuable stores on the east side of
Sixth street, and North of Chestnut.
The fire was got under about 9 o'clock.
It is reported that police officer Johnson was
killed. W. W. Haley, Esq., is missing, and It is
feared be is also killed.
The loss will probably not fall abort of $2OO,
The heaviest Insensate Dr Schenck,wbose eat&
lishment was entirely destroyed; U. T. W. Jobs,.
son, law book store; 11. Blacketoor; Gets Sr Burt,
bookstore; and J W. Moore, book mire. Beve•
rid tansic; periodical, and other stores on Sixth
street, were completely destroyed with their
entire coutents.
Workmen are now engaged in removing the
rublah. There are reports or two or three other
persons having been
New Yoga, Dee. 21
A bre broke out this merniogon the corner of
Division and anthem street, destroying seven
houses. Lou estimated at $600,000.
Naw You, Dec. 27.
The harbor Ii filled with floating Ice, and
steamboats cross with great difficulty.
Acntsr, Den 11"4".
The thermoneter, thin morning st 8 o'clock
irtoodnt 12 degrees below tern
. Reqf any man doubts that 11.0. Farr' ell'a
Arabian Linlmant b tb. arailest basntaticar.t Ih• aka.
let also took abantd and b. will ;but abondant evidiusea
to batter kin skaptietaln b lb. be will Dad that
ao an aalcrnal application la tlta &awns of both mu and
bout. no oablansot oyez dbetrvarad boo rd..; aa mud
and aa ntoatkabla curb. ids advartbrabokt
Petroleum I
Mir A MOST RlMall.filita CoB Of TOTAL
DLL - Tome Crum to Prrootirici.—We loth* Lba ottoncioo
of Lho ofillectiol acid the public the critninetil
of Wm. Lion, of this dlr. no coo my Co ...o byl A./
Wont erbo mar be/at/slice tn relation to the feeu tare
mit math. 1. M. Matti
1 bad bean alSkted several years with • socruconflmb
erne. which continued to Menage Mcptember.
the banammatlon at that time baring iceolyed the whole
halm membrane a both eye., and maid In the MM...
at • thick elm, which wholly destroood my eight. I hAI
an ape ration perihnned.aal Ih. thickening ramotal. whieh
11.3.1 returned and left me Da s bed a condition m Denim
At thie Maim of t a. complaint I mad. appilmoim h , elan
ral pf the moot minion medical men. who lammed me
that my eye. would newer get well: Aftlin time I mold
not 41,th:hp:Mb any obiect. Cy We a4viee of mime hien&
I commenced the tin of the Pitroleum. both Internally
and kindly. under which =y.,. hare I/non:reed daily un
til the premonition, and I time mammal toy eight end..
11. Ily general bnith an. yam much Improved by the
Petroleum. nod I attribute the netoratlon of my data to
Its um. I reside at No. 102 teemid street. In this city, and
wW be happy to give any hikrisnation In relation te my
Nor ads by Itsyssr A bleDavall, 140 Wood Most EL R.
eallers. 57 Wood street: B. A. PandastaelL A Co. Lamer
Wood uld grant stradsa D. M. Carry. D. A. Joseph
Dooglass, sad IL P Athwart., A/lee/eat also by Cm pro
Arista". IL H. KIER.
.W4kiT Osval Buln.hrrontli R. rittabor b
Pittsburgh Lite Lumen Company.
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
Vies = " enl—lairat E' hI n
Thosarrr—Joarra la Lawn.
arcTetarr —U. A. MOM
ifirbw admtasKensit ID another had tile par..
Citizen's Itumreace Compaty Pittsburgh
N fa... No. /I Water Moot. In the. Irani:mu. Gal. 11.
. .
U. O. linen President A. W. Meet., inoY.
la i r S hie t:tii=fate7 orrned to Lonna' merchmuttn
to, earls, An.
Ao maple neurang for the stallty and Ihteuritr of the
Institution, le allordwl lo the thereon, of the Din..,
who in ell Minn of.Pittnimgh. well sod torandig
known to the cumomolg et . .. their prodeare,
sod intesiltr.
Duscioan-0. IL Homey, Wm. &wag. Wm. Leittont
A, Wow Bryant
D. Mott Edward Ileametiwn
Juin therworth. liertwasth. Dior •ielintf
Bout the following testisooniti no to the value of this
great media. for tortes:
"Tide to to contra that I purobaaod ofie vial of Mclaue's
Worm apterlao muff two mouths noon 1 chnitastarsd
two spoonful. to • son of nolo, •twat 7 years - old, and I
Iwo no doubt but flat ear* were upwards of 1000 worm.
word from him. ussasanns trim ons feasts of ea ig.h
to two loam In Unpin O. W. tIOLLOtaIt..
Alt ehlktren sufbir more or in. 800 Worms, •od fro
baba pleasure in rsontonandbair Vortnifogw,
knowing it aeon
To be had of all the principal drogglaba
for de by J. KIDD St CO..
dalibladvlDT •
No. ID Wood
Oo Cu Ebt.ti tut. by Jam klieg, Ald.rinao, Eighth
Ward, Mr. JAIII3 MOEN, to 11111 MIRoAIIt Ideolll.l
- all of Cazobalaad; Md. -
Baru Doevabar 2 , ltb,Wle. B. IL, and ED„
and apughter W. 11..0 Marta Wright...ll lb.tanner
1 1{
.4 144 14
M. faunal .111 Ilia place at tb. naldanoe of limb . P.
ants, Na no Wills drat, at 3 o'elook thla.aftatkom.
Diamond Market Houses
TILE trabeeribere to the stock railed for the
grummet OrdMing ow Marlin Ilona. to the Di•
mond, aro rodanoted to snood . cliiiiting to t• held at 1
•rooloc, Zit• N o , b ff ft lb.
Board of TWA iiooll.l. Third stmt. dove Wood.
AWAREHOUSE, on Water street, be
-1,„, rem. If pretend. • Man fora term of
frit jr/ M traVe. ' P""ll3lls"ihriti on
IST Water street.
Die=lotion of Portnatsbip
IHE partnership heretofore existing under
the atria WI titts_of_JOllli PORTER: 00.,_te thin
ti=d c big.,:itila r l.r i bot . ,a6MellNlOßT.
tat Wit,' trl.llolotinua the Mutates at the 017:023_,' No.
01 /Wart stmt.' ' JAB. A. 11e1LNIticiT.
• .
DEPOSITES and Balances of Depots.
the Bank of Pittetrursb, of the emodut uf ten
do and esoratinft that me, uhteh
pr.edins the sate of this ate/mutat, bare cud eltb.
es Dew, ncreesed or dlmtabed, trlth the ruses df the de •
point Ors, the date when such doodles hero toad. or bat!
some edcrued, and the soothe 0101.80 f. flare are red
any heJanoes on the boots of the Book that wheat to the
Nekce. Rtnikrtm. .unalefe.
hielehoir hretatht• 16 0,4 W! 10 Icl6o 00
- mnd , -, VHS, June hi. 96 60
Andrew IW, e ! 041
hd,ths Ilehtanton, ---, • PM, Deer 11 .250 00
/I! Zehntler, Guar
dia. of )farah J.
/5111„ Bur 111 X 00
Of the Dank of PUtetrurth. ninth tdtbna the lest three
peas bare been ituirenn. with the buses of the 11404
holdm to whom they are don Shen ire no dlrldeods
tbs boots that ei.eneat to the Ootontooseelth.
Nan. itsidennes. No. of Av. Awl,. Data.
Virginia -. No. VI, $36, Di, 0,4,5.
*brawn Ur 11 -, No. CI, 0, Nov. f, 44.
J'h Zolunsee. Ones-
dim. • No. 61, l4, N0t.7,18.
bat or Panama, etas a Pahsylwitt,
pawn/lily atoparaili bean the usdarsigooo. an Abbr.
man for said city, Joni ggioria, Kos ;thtsbisr of
Ilia Raab et Pittsburgh, who,
to lair. Mu that tba ( ma eat 1.• ( . 017•04
h bta hs a_w spadigoa JOLN
a a
1 4
„ta •b lr.
iroissadaubal 26thpuj
- dagght3toritT hg0..W41.11011, Allaraita
To Let,
TN% situate on Watar straw, slam Grant.
Bon chin! Imorodiatoly. Enquire of
SCIIIEDAWS Aromatic Scimapp3-2 bxe
for sato br J. KIDD Ca.
doN OO Wood st.
AQUA AMMONIA-10 carboys for rude by
.1.20 J. A MD * CO.
QEALINCTWAX-150 lbs. for sale by
!TVA URSl=$ bbls. for solo by
dig .1 KIDD ! CO.
AYER'S Cherry Pectoral-1S doz. for solo
by J Rloo 100.
A LCOIfOL-20 Ibis. 79 and 92 dog., for
by J. KIDD At et).
ides and Should
T E d M *JONES. In make Soup, Nr I . b
1 L ARD -111 tierces No. 2;
L4G. bbls. lineue, for sale by
linecurfamo have reed by express a Blythe:. supply
euperlar wake uf Blankets. ineluging a few poxes
v ery . large and
SACKING of desirable colon.-A Rill sup
ply on hand, Including a One &Meets of black nuked. for
terrland• 1.13 mourning. Ali., Black tlegony flannels., for
Barml flannels, of a Pdae quality, at the unusual low
price of 31 rent. deen
,lvvd another lot of those warm Blankets .ad hea.
or Comforts WM. NOBLE.
de27 flint street.
Steam Communication between Hew York and LiverpooL •
THE Liverpool and New York Piano
g. ABA Ltratfg,"kito
=soder. ar 11 from N. ?ork dire. for Liverpool. on
the 31st day of December: and twill leave Liverpool on the
4th day of FebruarY
lst Coble. Adults 1195 to 5500
45 to 00
11 . C ebA h d le L ve r" : 20 hu
to 00
Ster•rogo, Mulls . to
-•- aimi.. 8
lit Cobbn, Adult, CIO
.. -• Chlldmo. - to
21 .. Adult, ............ .. .. ... - ...... _.....- al
The aoroincoodittione in the above e.amers ant not ex
eelled by MU of the enamel, now afloat. In the tensed
1..03111 cabin.. the host the market affords will
ad. The vetnumodaticial oleo for *termite Pee...gen et.
on an eatiryl, sort lb. provisions aro promised by
the weasel., cooled by competent perwins,•end welt Lama
their'reitulelY. lt.entge paheetigerf Val only have to
Cornish own I,la and beldlng An experienced
turgeon le attached to each ship In the I
LA terms atiniv JAMES BLAKELY,
a t
.loth and Liberty Its., (24 story Pittsburgh.
P. B.—llein.ttances se usul In isms .. and small Fume
pia at any Donk In the
o fdUnit Kingdom
Patuames engegol In ant fte Betting Pecketa at the
towed prerible nett, f rom New York to Liverpool. Len
don and Glean°, sal from thence New York.
Dissolving Views, Chromatrope Views, &c.
1 0BIMENCING ion Monday evening, De-
NJ coral. VAlb.enotineeng every r•Olthili durion th e
lad oa New Year'i - afternona at 3 erlock.
At,. Hinter reepoetfully infotwoo th e rill.. of Nth,
borph anit He vicinity. that Pe b.. made arranaemonts to
Introlone Ie 10104 the his entertainment, which
rents u one of the finest othlhltlona of the present dads
For artlatical etlll. grandeur vf doUo.atlop , brill.nel .4
roioring. and al the eon* time so tr. to nature , that it
Kande ou C.noinent.
The exhibition will commence with . eenee of DISSO L.
%Ist) 10111W0 , reonwetitlog Kn., Moonlight. Cities,
ties Ar too numerous to nettoon the localitteOln
sa alrertteemene—Atter erhleh a grand of
with a verliity of pkanlnie Illotaniaryboww. Theovoning's
entertainment to ooneludo Ith the tar-toad CHEMICAL
DIORAMAS. illostratt” Of the (olltwing eubtette. onw
oeptiblo (a allthe eharLfee r
peculiar to the rieturel MO.
peewit:Oh. tuition in ell lo brilliane
" MILAN CATHEDRAL. mato view, calebrating
0 1 t g1ltirbou imp OF HALO( lON, night flew.'lhari...o
of ilviehuato.
11Eorrickets a. rents only: ChiLiern Under 111.1 f prim
Doors opsn at 7; kitties:ton rortunsomr at 7$ prorlsely
(W 1 dmeziptico in mall Wits I
F .
OR RENT—The large four etorA
BRICK IVARtIIOIJSR. No I: Six th I. lately .
menpled by IL Contest A (1. Poesemint. given I
Peeclutely. Apply to J AR. FWVD,
del) FlowrtSionb.
x:4 for Ws hr WIL 11. WILLIAMS • b.) .
.14,2.5.3 t N. R. covv.ry of Third and Woof au
FRESH BUTTER-5 bble. Roll, for !sale
by. 4.25 WICK t bIeCANDLIM.
11LACKWOOD, for December.
DYNyazo of e; a tale of thy SY.stotu. by IH. Mar
Ca Vors.V.:rll - 4.7V Ill:rry VyT4 ay yoi. die Not
WE.. deli
Christmas and New Year Day,
TILE Banking Haase of WM. A. HILL b.
co. will be cloned doehe .:hth luiß.,szid me et hey.
Notes slnd bills falling ou tbow days met he. at
tewllop the dare preeedl.. de24.41
Select SchooL
WILLIAMS will open a Select School
fn th. tw,ertfent story of the lecture rub= tX lb.
Vast erwsbyt.riatf Church. Plttobarxh, co llwxtor. the
kb of J. 121117.1.62. Iflntrahre en Binh strecc
TIM ..,
o f mac,
Pflatnry Clam 66 ner mr-bots.r. per tuarter of orrelu.
Junto. " o
2!..6'r - lu _ "
- -
L./ PHI' • BUROIIFIRLD bare received a lot of Sae
Isemat Vrauteela. erbleh they en eelllog • t
the ouusuelly
Jew vice ut .31c per yard. ALeo. LONG SHAWLS. atm..
aderably redo eet Vlree- .1.24
• orricr. Ihrrnrnon Awn EnclintrlLL Ra,1.10” CO.
TIIE lira Annual Meeting of the Stock
beLhirs of the l'ittsbuty.h nod Floutecnv Ole Railroad
Cotopway. will be held on Monfisy, the 12 , h of J.u.
wry, A. If at the Kocinree• Olney of ski Cement,.
en. ver of Voollb end Weext otreyts. lb the Cat, el nits
tu &abet In the fornohntk, id which ilateadi
ehictaoci will ho held for a Pretblent and twelve
Ihmtnrs of. .all Cvnipnny. The elcellon will U. opened
et 10 o'clock In the forenoon.
. .
liasburirh.t. 18.51.—[da.Z.Ltd
'VILE outstanding subscriptions to the Al
lesthest, Bible &witty aro neopeetfull, roa.ootod to
do Dahl to J. MITCHELL - Um...A. on Folotal
Ilboo 1110 14 of January. A. C. CTEV KNOWN,
would Id ettantxto of .11 rho
Ir at to male • b cid.oze uld rw•lling Pro ,, tt
their (hood., to call nook of P.rfoo..rT,
oblch naltoot be sorpaorood ritbrr In Quality of [lmmortal
or firm persaate. For we trboloule or triad
NI: CORD & ha ve !hts '
bo.rthr :re just rec'd a tow ni
antics of Onntleater . ilt
they Int. the htt IiAT
Gift Books for the Holidays,
T HOLMES Literary Dep.% fp,
'lto Ts 111111 .heat. emelt,. the Pt. ylf
The °owl. of all the Jame.,
ele leaved lah7.. at prices ranging hole
111 to $lO. . .
The Women of 'tarty Christianity, • mrim Portnita,
with nywontiatto Description, by American Cltrwyrosn,
with 1. original etntraviam bound in tine Tortial• mo
rocco, silt-
Tb e saueeole Gallery, w gilt t, far floe!wam., with
13 boa. ..gully eugraring b j the erßota
The Land of Botelago, bldriglb. loan.. of • Tour In
1/gyrty J. L. WahorrighL D. b., with BS fitlll noel en.
ThMepealle a gift book, with 36 iliciotratiowe.
Th. Ilium... wow., with 12colored plat.
Le.aflete of /dowry. a beautiful ennnal, with 10 Dittos.
Te Brilliant, a gift book, with lb 111...10na
n. of llodern Att. with 2 6 magnoloent plat..
Owns of Beauty, • literary gift, 01.111netrattona
liem of the &m.o , a 50..., 10 do.
• ••
.•-•• • • , •
Madialliosow, a gift of friendship, '6 do.
Marred Annuas, a rift book Mr all seasons. Illustrated
by Marta J. Nleintosh,l2lilustrwilooss
Wild Planer. •fo
rth. holidays.
This Moon of Loveliness, sitli in Illustzstlons.
The Pamlly CTei. sod Parlor Annual.
liedrol Peens, or this Risers of the ilible.
. .
Tb• Cacred Tabfrmat. • Rem.kable Ltlstory In 11.21.
Tlue 1.160.14, the bnny 71.te, ,13,1 yll,pdship), Offer
thf;;;:4l7l7l7rTgr B,ma, In
one volume.
41=ith. . • .• •• .
Vito illustrated edition. of Tuppsf's Proeorbial
Ztl . lll 7k . :':
th . s. II startle' and Mot White's
Alto • litre.•ut of Itolitlay Olft Bonito lbr
Cllll.l/Kgti. - 443
- Melodeo - ns,
APIADS by CARCIARDT, the original invent
or—A trash supple , of ths.oelobratal Idslodeons,
R 0 octaves, (net nu-'4 Innt, Nan liorL The. In.
strum.o a. unnueollo.bly S. sere tast albs kind
manolactorod nor at., haring several hatirmaionts
not pommel he any Whom such bi. Dot.. 8.11, lc.
Parsons 4.lrous of purchasing • genuine thichardt Melo.
deon, will pl.. call and examine, and convince 114-
NIT. of its great MI
its.pertorl. IL //LIONEL.
don Wi Third dim of ths tiolflen Carp.
PEA NUTS-200 bu. for sale by
lARY lIIDEs-66 Dry hides for rale ity
lir deD It DALZELL 0 CO., Libertr it.
HERRINO-5 bbl.. No. 1, for sale b
. deM R. DaLZILL a 00.
1 ALMON-5 bble. for sale by
1.3 0021 11. DA LZELL /I CO.
MAOKEREL-10.13b15. No. 3;
hL pls. No. a;
&MI lO
It DTA fl 001 .
Freah Fruits, Hermetically Sealed.
p Peaches; Fresh Strawberries;
VISUITh—w. -Itenstoeg
Fresh Cherrlec Fresh Plumg
Freeh Clonee ben ise.
To Let ,
. .
.re out et to tie& own Joke, end hermell
'4UT " 44 , 1 1 .1VATIfur/ O rr it . : "'" "
Tor ale Or
n 023 :WI Liberty eL
gfi Sanaa. Bea:llea, Lain and Bunch Rabin.,
con.Ws; pzinue! and Lem. P.I:
iRAPES--10 kegi ?bingo, very tine, for
we by RBI. A 1114L11801 CO.
"Elk EOM" Baw Mill for Bala.
rjrHIS eatabliehment, lately fobbed and
now in complete runolng 01Ciar: i. Of t[11.04 on OA
. g zhels.:ro milts above Pittsburgh. Doing In the
vicinity ol extensive coal - wmks, It command. . reedy
home market for lumber newt In boat building, le. and
for all that Is not rota onehe premlees, the alackwatsr of
tords M ell Numb an outlet to mom distant markets, op
and down the valley of the Illonongnkela. Furnished
with .uninery and Ili:turn of the best and moat ounce-
Mont kinds, thle DUI Mande unrivaled an linbh.memomy
of fuel. and salLfamory performance of Its work. The
establbhment, Includingsla ono. of Oral, Dwelling
!lour, aa.q. 8 t.b , . ,
suit purealYol. Cm le
of •
J. B. OItRIBON, Attorney at Law,
dePtf Oelloe—Yourth et, near Wood.
AYOUNG MAN, of good character and ad
it dew. who hae hod sound pone experience as •
Ammer and Baleen:me In the eat, Is &dram of
tainin • situation ••merrantile or mannfenturtns
tablldweent in this city. by the let of Junary next U.
youla W willing to art In any capacity erheroby he could a orapitent eldorS sud • Dertutment Miamian.
Unobjectlnnalds refernwoe u to chamcbmcapabillty
furnished. Addrom at tlds Once. dcznecht
t.b . . .. "IA :A I 1 .—A.. . , 1 asox •
Co. u. Do „, ar t 4 g at dud+ insal.manal Wog Lo..
.. Fren•. • P, .. hma
,Oobozo.Can d ros,
- , en
n AY-49 bales for sale (on wharf) by
jl del6 W.* P. N,147 PIM st
Bible Notice
. •
9. N. WlCRElttillAil
161 era 166 Wood ll fsorn.r of dixth.
... , . ..,
Plums; Chertim
Pend Peaches. toy We by
WM Gr obe ntin (XL.
sea AAA Toe Dodgy.
To Holders of the Coupon. Boat of lA. M. 4o n.Pa"
Ada Navigation Company.
ALL BONDS of a lose number than 33.
yN o e paid (If the holders no &Wry) on attar the .
day of Jannary east atth. otettr the
Inseam. aton...!iay. OantsasS.
-to v.. %Noc., and
100 I rts tioallrss
b. Glmoa ettrom
200 •.• Com 111.amb:
d' BabbitrsSoso Po.d.
FL Bak=
1000 0
ltd. Lung Currant;
1 Mark
WlO nen.:
I eal. • 11.tlikrAtacoktonl:
1 \ col
100 wk. . D4O re
17 0.10 loollt
100Foo k rso4 el, WracDokli r‘ nes . d;
,s• of Wood and FULD 14
i • Veast. :
100 lbs. mp.
r Mee Plenr.
" its — desux Prlsterl .
da23 sorb;
111RIED PEACHES-200 bu. for sale, by
X./ 1.12 ROBISON. LITTLE 0 . 0).
de '2 ' ''' "d“
BUTTER -5 bbls. Fresh Itll;
de 22 6 '''' " Zt= " t"TT ' Ltil.
ifiLltiNintet: - Vr s .!. valrigt ',n‘rolrt 7 do r
alaxerlne Blue do . nod ßenter% mo d. YI 1.0
nal a. i w 'WA.
o : ll,T,r,b t -g7 4 '.LtW°,l l ° .idd, ifs; . .li, en gu,b all.'
Istartion to those .rho NIT , oiled then, on .oeonkt of their
u ,, e l,,t p a,bi e unallty, always on hand. Also, ex heavy.
Bl ' ,Act 9 RA T S,l:x l ::tt.l m nt+ d let n oV4.-I P =. 6nr 4g e i r
Lirreed at HOLMES` Literati NINt. Third at. onKe•
FRO the Post Onto, dew'
Efercemeluc Compound. If you wipt the km buck.
y w ==. th rortr: . lrkT2 "
lo " LlVe: d tarl ' l,7 „ ."l
IL E. SELLERS, 5" VW 0011
MOLASSES-22 bble. 8. li, (Si. James;)
N. 04 for oil. by
-" taM 0. BLACKBURN,! W.
To Machinists and Foundry Men.
FACIURINU COMPANY .10 positively sell it pub
11, auction, without rearm, all their 1 / a chhcary, Tpols,
y o o o dry Fixtures, Ac., at their Factory, Elllcott's MOD,
near Baltmore. oo WEDNESDAY, the 14th of January!,
Tha Ilet
a g
and bat l i tt le
e, of new and roodeen
age pools, In good order e need, mono. ghlgte..
Twenty TURNING ENGINF& of j e az .
ion: bt slAM i.gor
Two guperior fro. Planing ARA'Rt rerf
pm raacity:
• . • • • • •
With large and oomploM
eertnient of other Tool.,
lam m
s and ail, &wider Bananas in Amid e.00t7 for cot
ton and other milichinary, Crane. Fluke, Pomade)
Toole, Band. A, The sale wUlcommontro tlo &circa.
and continuo until the entire Mack le die
Tomos of rale—All ono. under 11100. cult; over $lOO
and uncer VW, four month. over 11400, ale months. fur
approved P.P. ,
uoteloaum eirec,fring *very itom vlll he
aplicaion by
T S I L9ONOiI Bfutrtnmia bred
up the underlauHd.MAe Wm
atmo a onothe
e d l . -
tumor, and Ohio Uallniad. leaving at A. M., or
tiro an boar before the time of rale, mid mood trip tick.
dtil eon be bail la liaitiniuro for Oft, orate.
GEUHAB 1 1 01". nee.,
do2tllowtr Btlicoter
Kimball's Chemical Waahing Plaid
1118 article is much cheaper and easier to
nssr , ,than soy, m i l Is vatL:3:W to closesLig a l k A IV
orl i VrtalL6 =tts, AC ' lll, or mt; artlclo ttut
.01 In Ito, manner lb. finest fabrics. Ostiooss
•nrrtnted not to tads if wsatted In thts tall.
Use no Wash Board. for clothes aro worn outtnore brit's.
of It. than th ey ars by the wear and tear le their
Ilia ors. Bold sunnily doss sway with that laborious Wk.
YOU titnirtirdoe etwompany oath balls. dour at them:mt.
sal prim of 1218 mom. suMelent for twu ordthary wash- I
lulllst Ladino bare given me rest)
nosh, Apostlos lither terms of m ar
Chemical %MK
log Fluid th an even I mold amnia. They like it fin NM
L:: ffrig * l.t . : CTN..; tir 95= 1" ' LIT Vlr d . 7 Atl .
amid, Mrs. Klimbem ' Paha stout, 156 Tunnel rad Mtn
.llsrths Scott, corner of Fou rth end Benthfield Ps.; 1t,,.
Mary Cl. Wilson. COO Liberty et , Mrs. Mary Jones& rd..
Clair st., Mrs. Mary li. Kimball, fa Crawford et., Yids
burgh Mrs Rester Howard, new flops Cotter. )1116; ,
Mrs Hansa, P routb COW.. and Federal et, Al.
t' S t at t ierit y i . 1.7 C. iir r iN u al d - 111::N . yr 'in*.
1 .
_ dr= _ Wood erre.. corm: of tilxth.
MILE subscribers would call the attention
pereonedvalrour of dealing tr. lIADDWARE, to
lot or from four to lx thommud dolh. worth, comprising
many valuable and nimble artlct. W. sill mate it an
object lor tba ;Tr money. or bolter It lb, 111K1111111111 or
W eats.- Pe dlinateed to trod* roll at our
warebou. and • all. the km...
del, BAIRD t LaWIH, 114 Second no.
910 PAINTERS and others requiring good
nos and 1.11.1..1 Mock. aultabla
for Um trade. reatopeut.-- - Palat. Vended.. Footle e.m.u.
extra .llod Wall and Count. Brusbea Brtck
SLID brushes, Wonder, Badaar and Camel's Hair, Pal.-
ere Duster, char
of our etc.
.11 0bt1... P. oda by J. KIDD t CO-.
0.00 00 Waal at
UMBER LEVIGATED, n trannwent and
ilAhrolor—ace lbs. In ftei• astel
. Ik , :tr i rdzbi
Q ENNA, burnt and lerigated, a transparent
113 sad I' kb , olar. for male by J. ISIDD a CO.
iIQUORICE C.ALABRIA-1000 lbs. for
I mi. b , , J. HMO a CO.
GARB. AMMONIA—tIOO Ihe. for sale by
d.'2o J. KIDD 100.
TRAVELING BAGS-2 doz. India Rub
bn, thew atm • tint me ankle, for Ws by
dta. J. • U. PUIL6II I 4, 11.6 !Harlot a.
FISHING BOOTS—Ci pairs for ;ilk by
deal' J. • U. PUILLIPS.
1 Como. tar Oat., by was at Na 110 341..ket t.
.1. • H. PE111.1.4111L
EAlt TRUMPETS—I-2 doz. for sale by
ileal J. tn. PIIILLIPS.
...Sl:W.l 01, dtr, bet In pun:basins CIAYTHINti It ia
I St col 31 " en's sal floral:Lollar:4, and examine our Stocts,
ablrb. for society of material, durablltty GI workman.
.1,1n.~ and mFateration of raises, cannot be alma/el.
Clothlort of al/ elms and qaalicira. AlrA, Soya'
llbirte, Gloss
TO P m,
S cup .
AcopSK. andsrs, Oaten, MM. Cars. As
klea, II Smithfield at. mar Diamond
(CITIZENS' Insurance Co.-30 Shares of
Coo" 6"
°r .
ITIZENS' Deposita Bank.—The Mock of
th,s Company for sale by A. WLLKINS A CO.
VOLIT'ISH-20 tee. Grand Bank, (large,)
L.) to, Solo by Wit. ISAISALET A CO..
dolD 10 and-'L Ws6.lst.
lOFFEE-400 bags Rio, for sale by -'"--
L) 0019 WM. FUGAL!! CO.
RAISINS -250 boxes N. R, fine. for gala
Dr (dellii WM. B AO • CO.
ALERATUS-150 boxes 31cIarland's; for
kJ rale by WM. BAOALISY • CO.,
1.19 IS and 93 Wood et
A . G u A o NlSl E p i l , AN , D .r. .Ali t..r fi i !L t .,ll. ,
op roacd .
&dee. Lades ok. .
for for Jarman.
Natalie. Maculaeahhary..
The Sate, Ward • Novel.
OUT BOOllB.—Tbo nookeauelats of all the Lastuale
lamed for Mitt .bleb will be mid al tbe lowest eutera
prier*. 909
D UTTER-14 pkgs reed and for sale by
LARD—S kegs for sale by
i i LOVER lt. TIMOTHY SEED, for sale by
kJ 4.19 WICK a 111cCANDLILSK.
FLOUR -44 bbls. for sale by
ULIAR-15 hbde. prime new, for sale by
I 0.10 10110 WATT OCI
OLL BUTTER -5 bble. for sale by
URENCII CURRANTS-5 cast for sale by
J. 1 9 JOKY WATT a co.
FRESH ORANGES--In prime order, at
H. 24 par boa, or 37X, rents F4O dom.. for sale al
_dell MORRIS' TLA MART. Diamond.
UTTER—IO bble. fresh Roll, for sale by
IJP da.l9 0. P. 3112.1VP.11.
BEANS - 15 Da. Small White, far Bala by
delB a. v, *MUER.
bble. for solo by
i„;1141EP PELTS 1 dor: for ea! oTy
dela P. P. SHRIVTR.
HICKORY NUTS-20 bble. for ealo by
d. 1 5 a. P. PHEIVIiit.
BROOMS --200 dos. Dry Corn, for sale by
'WINDOW GLASS-200 bxe Bxlo and 10
ill. lm Ws by B. P. littilLlVlß.
11OFFEE-100 bags Rio, for Sale by
‘_./ 4010 B. P. PIIRIVEIL
11 . IDER VINEGAR-50 sbls. for sale by
dals S. P. 811111VS11.
SALERATUS--10 bble. for sale I_3y
loi) 6
bbl • iiaZ
s. lour;
60 dos. Ilsoor..
O' d:r l"'eue '''
T,Mtjt.ri SON. 61 Water st
tou. Bran;
ve Bub prime Ky., pc'd
oar amain. rmon! s and ibr saki by
VOITEE SUGAR-100 bble. for Bale by
UOAR-21 bhde. prime new prop, on con
‘j MAT J. an.%
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-100 bags haired,
air lath by 1d.17J J. t a /LOYD.
GERMAN CLAY-100 bozos for sale by
del? It. DALZELL &CC. Liberty at.
11UTTF,R2 boxes arid 2 bbls. Fresh Roll,
for tole by ldol7l R. DALZILL t 00.
.91UT MACHINE-1 second hand Smut
1.3 tillable, for role low to claw wool e l
doll It. DALZKLL & CO.
graWNER WANTED—For a barrel marked
.llarvoy Whits.. If not WWI for .thin thirty
""arifi" li co.. ilbottr st.
IPANDLESTIOKSIAnother lot . of now
style Caudleecks,jn come to baud—and is would
a ries purchase. D .M eat y c. aa Ude article le at present
lu great deroard. /1.
CRANBE t RIES--11 Ras. Alt raced per
rum.. Dla4bro, and Itrr sale by
bleO 00,
4.16 Orooars . 4Dods:.
jaEnta. s suGARs-1000 bbls,Ortuthed,
peeeeelseddlmall leaf sad Claeldeil 9. A .r for sale
' r eale Ascent/Bt. ' VA122112°
t lanilos ar. Cincitalsek_for 4 , a61 bT
de 16 JAlits A. ItUniEUEON a CO. Y\
QQ tIO fW-25 bbLs. new, to arrive, for sale b
la dill Y. IL DILWORTH k CO: \
TAR -40 bbh. N. 0., for oale b!
Hamm la Amsefuer.loak—idnirtlemeate and iataerlP
kr Mb paper rewired anA larearded Moe eapeAse.frops
Oda dale.
Rag MI ram. arias. ,
ASIA, Lana, from Liverpool \ ‘` ‘ ..Dea 3
ATLANTIC. West, trout Liverpord-,.- ~.-. 6
CITY OY GLASGOW, Leitch. fbr*lnegne..—..i.-Den 6
AURRICA, Ithantion, tor Liverpool. 10
HUMBOLDT, , Haverl. 'Dee 13
NIAGARA, Leitch, for Liverpool ........ 17
PACIFIC , lira for Urrrrast.._. .... ...... 2/
EUROPA. Lott, for Liverpool.
- Der 7.4
HERMANN, Wilson, for et .13,31
leer angora.
NIAGARA., Leh - lurNNov El
PACIFIC, Nyr. for N Sark
EUROPA, Lott. for Bogor.- • 1..-.. Nov
All Lill' 6 " and NeertiaPere on hand on .EnNland. Ifs
'land and noolland are Dent hr the Pre nearer, o matter
',letter. toth. Continent of Emote, by the Oollike Linn.
prepsld teentyoue cents a mingle rata
thou, places required to be prepaid in NIL
Letters to the Continent of Europe by the Omani ' Urn:
mtigt prepaid Ito eel.. duple rate, except to Won
place,. required to be prepaid in full.
Lettere hy De Havre Line, amid be peeped twenty font
Great Bri
cents pen tain.balf ounce Inland ,'m om
to 1. added, except JO,
Newel:niter. by either Line, to the Continent mein be
prepaid [worm.. eeeh.
Inland Portage roue be edded on :Letters and Newels
n ee the Continent of Enron, by the Have and Bremen
reeding], mild and raiment. more resembling spring
titan winner. Considerable mite fell daring the preceding
de\ end night. but during yesterday the weather wail
elmasil bright, causing a .general and thorottih thaw.
lee ace glad to announeis„,that there le now ataxy prospect
of an l‘paning or navigatlG93 within the space of • 4w day.
acid stikald the 'weather . *ilium te mild.s at precept
wo may ovind.tly predict', that result. nether had
ItOMMloeni ewelling Leer evening.
- On,..Pirrezreaa em',,.
n .donde, tuereFur. 060. M.
The weethei\:l2 Bsturdsj ISO), sleety ,
and unpleasant for tit dear Mldness. , Nothbg of lnter
i.transpiled la th4parkiit, and In tlo .prune of Sal
salsa to any large sateut, wit tan gIeW tn•Prows3t
nominal quotation. fot*ziame of thy leading sisikeleC
FLOUB—V.ry llttle eras brought baby wagimiand We
were limited at $3 Hi 3 I,F O 9 bbl, Balea fruit \ Stara. In
dray load lota, at 63 254317 for supsrllne and extra.
RYE PLOUR—Tbe noml4l quotations ar• n 6613237
ham Ord hands. and 12 504$ 62 from store.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-6411 Mi. Cm:antra .111 '
I 1,0 9 100, tram first hand., .o ' er
, 117 00c 11 met of O • lio
from .tors.
CONK MEAL.—W• continua t4r quotation. from grit.
hands at 434330. and c0a.62 9 has, trout stem •
suciele—eaupliss of Sugarameollip-_rallyely Bak - mad
satm wet. manned 10 Sl5l/11 iota .114 . 133a6XC 9 L.
310LA0EES—The Ellatkift la nearly bon. and micas isil•
high, W. gaols at 36 $3 40e. In smalriota, and by . tringlo
bbl. Suirarlunts• Is quotad Ow 9 gaL\
COVFEE—EmaiI ashes transplr• at Pis:ll6(slll2c $11%;
In qualsty.
BUTTER—Ws notice . continued goo &mead st 1311$
100 for choice roll, and 10416 for lona , qualii/sw Ko I.
.10,4,103‘e from .core.
CP.KESF.—BaIe of 100 lax. at 6Xe \ •
ASHES—We hate no large mks to report. likotations
are--Sida Ash 34.336: Feartast In; Potash 11.6016; and
. 401riat0. 546.1ar 9 I,
.161116 KEY —Sales of ...eII:WA In mull lots 0.1 $OO 9
eracarnart, MOO M. s
The following erniement *how. the bushman of the peak
week. and of the mown:
flaweived by river eanale and NI roads-- .... 5,474
• do from Heat Nay
Elanghtered to Covina.. 000
51a4ghteniii to Plainville and 3,0 W
Total 36,0111
Pre,'lonely reparted
Grind total .244".714
To Fhb date leee year
The olonoti of tbe riven awl canals will mit off theno
ans of a number of bog% and ottould navigation roman
closed. some wlll be puked at river too to, that would
otherwise bags coma bean.
are non being driven
hoot Kentucky on th e lot, and Um number Una nay
coma att thbway, we will tom no mama of amartatalog.
Prks Current.
Ike molter pocket at Lonimallo and around' the Falls,
op to Friday night. aecording to Um Coarkr. ems 152.404
and the number in pens 7000.
hoo81Z:Iftli UT/ STEAM BOATS—Jth St Loula,ow the 83th
t corwidayable excitement bras causal by the
by I P Marshal Menthol!, of to me or .811 steamboats.
thlow at the •thaf of th at city. Tole Proweiloth the ae
thalooei by the failure of the growth of thee. We. b tw
:new their Lthrthes. The Revehoe Law make. It obligatory
Znial l e: =el= Tr . th relralle " girw:ls " teT4
feet her toethge, aria aiathe • Penalty of $3OO tor th 7 LD
ore to comply, ma half of which goes to the informant.—
• beat informed math* itheised, and only Mowed by this
blarths.l ander both. Theree is tried before the Dlitriet
Wart Lot the II 8, and the feet aththrlith that they plied
to renew their thew., • fine of-lb Is theme& One halt
gore to
ot the loformant, who,
In this last instants, reap
olt. rreat.-lUth. Bow t
[Ultra, D.o. 16.
lingar—tinotailons range 0 followir—thoconactroa• 55
Derr, orlinarr teflon" 41‘ , 74, middling do 61{!3 iii. One
do Oitleani4. fend. do 6.1(€36 ,ordinary whiter i. middling
do 7 , 3073 e. line floret* do Sc. The erporta from the
Irt January to the Ist Deramter 1531, marmot to 1..:1,600
note, strewn I,o36,93o—inereur In mu, 151.9nt term
n...5p.-1. to tire wilted Seam from la Jmonary to the
let Dernotber, 1801., amounted to 071.902 Come, amines
3'70234 during tha Immo Period last rear—bacrugain 1801
1,115 boom .
lilotamer—Of the mer mop ho been contracted Pox 01
Ist, lot la) 11 gallon:or 11 cent) tbr the Cm 6.6r
hut Y.l appeared, and tt rail oat be
abondatil until nett month.
Oaths-1W continued ery sums. the Sun the
nso erns not Es q.. more then sufficient tor the bums Can..
sen .e. m .b t.thl isi r 4 ; 211 .4 oteTrisess et $7 Se uhffinsu7 and good
Notice, • \
THE Annual Meeting of, the Stoekholderit
of Election .e Pemmylvalslo Railroad CourpanY.
the of Directors for thesnisuing year. will be
held at the Company's O. in Pittsburgh. ow Thursday.
the sth of Jacum7,. 1242. The meeting will tat, pun,
el 10 A. and Qs Riection between the haste or.lo A
II. end 3 P. 11. J. J. BROOKS, Seer.
Pittsburgh. December 15th, 18.51.—ideleidd
- - -
TN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Peter
Beard. the Inured whleh he held la lila Star Candle
=ess i z i ol . ohlets. trap malueled loader the carte of
quire of .111 be fur eale. w r o rm o to, es,
dead./1 of the Oral of Wilson borfnan; ‘ 4ll rt.
vigation Company.
N ANIMAL MEETING of the Stockhold
latorperatton, at. their peke ott Oraet street, In the CET
D. 1862. 0 r? Monday, the Mb day of January. L.
k—„,:mg,jetti.4.l% to th e INssIEJ (or ttr
.eles:td WM. EirkEELL, Beer.
Rouse of Refuge.
THE enhaoribere for .the .erection of an.
thous. of Barons for Western Penrellirenth. .r.
lamb,. nothled that en assemmeot of breath Per cent. an
the amount mbeerlbed br each, Is reonMed to b. Pal to.
the Tressursr, 'on or before the 15th dny of harember
next. By mho. of the ttlthaf a D u lletwirt. h....
\ u ,
ETTERS Teetamentary to the hatate of
hums Ross. LW Of loath/. totenshlp,Ootroth of Al
-0 ted to the mabertibern all
btry cl t- arj g— mid mist. mill \ tenlnnt
=Yrlr suthentlosted eettlemsent to \
11.1.18P817144 4 .‘
A Card—Life \luurance.
R. C. A. COLTONX&Hey.—Dear
As matter of <Ol9 d
.006 Justice," am it Mr duce
noel edp the ear bm , MOV abfi nhllging manner In
ehleh theetelm eV a toil er namely affected by ma.
amounting to about (U, I,) the thmeasied dollars, hes
Wen mad.
"ATL I' Llg r r lPl" ert " the col= a t:
title. it to • conndenition and patronage of triipTits
The pin pie of prudentisd hanansience in the mutual
at:anisettes t of your organisation. la the trod socialist
hater.' nee, which humanity and Christianity
both most a .
PAVITIN2I,3=stor. •
of First Daptiatiffstirch s 'Pittsburgh, P.
Notice—Lost Certificate.
NOTICE is hereby given that application
but been multi to the Varhange Bank for dimmer
a to
No. Inek lb. foortoen sham mid flank.
alleged to bun been destroyed by are cm the lOth , AgerU,
1840. non/aura* bias. JANE OEM"
West Newton Plank Road Route
xITEAMERS leave twice a day, morning
and e'rwalng, (except Banda./
ornina Zinn will leave the Wharf likreVabove the MO.
nonaahela o'elock. •
Evening Poet leave. oellp 0...54 Sunday.) MP o'clock.
Fara to Philadelphia, ill. To Indthnora, IRO. •
Co. tickets call et the Platdt Road ORan, hienottpbela
Room Water street
ThiT . fAnalLA impyly of thew
valnAbg '""7 '"V""
..... .
Mach bare been fond after siveral i. sn? trial, Loth to
Narep and the United Matra to re their orient!
Dun and iliOtaetia• prOpattiet 1111 to aZY other.
INdla Whatever. Their
I purely en Oxide of Vinob st is warranted free tram WI
edniteratioa wad lawality , I/batman; ft coma andi, to
beentimilrernite. end is entirely Ilee from the yahoo=
properties of, man Mb. Wet.. m dertirero. wi - whe
amnia ot paint e r. and theft fandllea ~
..-: . foam / t o sulphur. er`inephlUe estigatime . or
Od: p=toils au ==r I=l t.
.ro t oth er ._ not being liable to tOOO chalky or to
hie sold nib oil. It May to warted with any all..
and Ada or with runtish, which f irm the tale
Theseare tarnished eta low prim, and ire ondotibledl7
the amber, and test, paints Lin the mutat Orr manna
Mob, ferrt . otitbousea, steamboats,. any
fees of le brick. tie,. Irels.. tWer are biir" "
Pot iron so u tbee ate particularly ratable. an th er
5 e ,,,. a pie etra nation i and adirelt prevent oxide •
t w o , they elm. • 4 . , and Wino apm meta l. bush'
fnnot ensture ml. 111 ...... X a \ th•ALYth7 Waal WM
um. \ '
DaalartriOned ••• liberal terma by the wars of the
Mr.I2AO , . T 8.14=3,48.L,11,„,;„
8 b L. hub eattsr;
• . \ 6 Nor Clow bed:
\t , Zit piTir 84.11.. Rapt . n.r.
ebbristor Tamers' (k
cuts 3 later Innis Oh
Ak 664. 8.41.117rup llolsasec
J ost meshing 664 gut b •
del° JOLMIVATT 00+
I 6 weft, mu~ucu. 4-A vary superior
article Atm the New atlia An* 50 . end
; Vtjailty
extra f for sale by
d.l IL W:' Al7Oll.
-I EATHER9-30 bop or sale \by
delS 11.4 W. 11A11.11111014
for iiale4
f E2l
RS' OIL--20 bbli.
a e.• ar , .
' \
. .
• RA
K, eommen U.
tugvj Nnni/of. No. 211. and contimAng *n4 P.*
d not.
Iwo, lam Immediate enprsoldna of L 11010, Parnmeig
of ahe voginia gernalon. and AM erm appearance
In fhb eitr for tome
B. A. MOW. fartaimir or Christ a linginga,Diamidir
ton's Serenaden. alai the Orlicinal Ilarotenists.
J. A. 1111104rto of Ulm's and Christre 1111natreM.
amtDambletan li th amdan gerenadoca - .
Arn a m, ude upe maLaina to fond, 2. Cl2l2lBllad
the To Warbler m 3 0.12011114.1... tlq ak hrfred
maamem L COPOLD D. I . l2l i l a.Moinatmemolinim. olth
other artiste al % dal emit.
.10-11tiradmaa Dar and glianing, toe
half-pu t Aln tbe afternocm. and at Me anal bow In Me
Vett eirite—no POI prim. 'Wars open
"4 .=
de..lrtt 1 111.L8, thadnen Molitor.
par7slue $179, Ike We ler
daTtlelt• ILT M. A lIILL a co.
lipeny Cityßorulik.
, (10UPONS ptqable let_proximh in phij.
delphlo, for rale bIW - 11. A. 1111.1 I CO4,
\ WA/Mt:yr= \ 64 Word rt •
. \ A First Rata chance for Businalo, ---- ..
LILE subscriber °gars fox' sale his sty
*sled in :he tile of Remington. u the heed sf
enders Coal hallo It amilas of • lot ot sem*
fahr Anfest. 0 nen frame ileusaliton lioossaitstimes.,
toestber •Ith • iudinfously *elected assortment of
The aborO u ls ooe of the best therantile lombloos In the
comity. the subecriber her nulled within the lac( - •
&nu lIMMI north of Good, 1. foram &articulate ase.
5,:a. or the subscriber on the prune* T
dernswille \ S. 11.111EREIL kl
\----\ GOodliws for theladtas!
PILLS,. Innocent, ash tad gdminel Ilmeedy Ihr
an* Floor Alb* lloppressi* Neerone Detell* ..‘
times! Wesknem, Nem* in the heed sad Lim* l.\ \
Lees Of Appetite. Tomo* Cs/pitetlon, Ihsessed gp..... ••
Coalman. Initsbillfb theDeasie or In EEMEIda irEl= - \
lence or‘lirlod. sod all famine uomplaints. \ Price ed Ms: ,
7AtUtr 2071Ikertr , SIAR . b tat ni t orja r ebrii
sad bi ALL TILE DlindOlolo. all-Full maticism
Mosel with *eh tom dibelihalleardi
Stearn. Saw NEI far Bent.
TeME STEAM SAW MlLL,althe mouth of
Pardy Crag. ulna ottlee =eve Pittsburgh. on the
A gbeay river. mouth side, le offered for nut. To. Mil
I. in mood running order. and • net of MEV= Btu=
eaend • Cob Bussabwr, ars econeoted with the uses The
t= Ls good. and lumber Mob • very si=ols. A
elling Mom la atterhed to ittes _for
furtherutlessly= apply ou the Pttttttes
Wilkinaburgb P.O, Deo. 12.11351.—{deldatthriaa
Of 14. poet! Ararat{ Beady for Man and And,
IL G. Farrell's
up all over the countrY. eartiog their town. , It ,
andover the lad robbing th e matte of the kenses
and unsuspecting. by impute/ utee taro ir arta.. ea
;rano= oath, for the mullet; 0. Parallk Malan
Llama Yellow Mimes! look well tare me bar
and w that the tact of the bottle Ism thelettera . ll.o.••
bare •Terrelle,•• tor If It bee ent,it Is corertmare. The
label mound eaa bottle of all my Learat rate the
••li (I Pusan/ Celebrated Arabian Lintmen4•• me mg
signature le welt. tees the label al., and Mess weds
are blown in the gime botti• • •hl.O.Parrelre Aradan Ida.
toient, Peoria ••
\..tle trulY geed mead. tell goes on, asonsting Co
ea, and anatobing may a pOor rowirflel4 ALUMS IR=
the grave
Swat Its powerfully stimulritnatc. •
Llig=ot ge
, a , It neon. th e m e al usthe Thee
and b 7 1n a., wan of •
topmdming the Bytaint flee or Joint I% atm lt tam
W aware of the Joints with surpridng tapWi p y ;. Lr •
Memeetient, and agections of the Spina and B It
hae preyed itself a gram and Mt etteelom of
I.t .. t h ut, ,,, lAr t er anta 4 Skine r tlil t =tel 0greh 1 141 1. 1. ,, „ .. ...
... r
du Goitre or galledlteck. 4,. And Nett for %Wait .-
m uli e a due ends unware
a external applestion le equinel \ the I
m s
/Vora the . Hon. Peter Menem; one of LM "olde st
settlers in Moon. \ .
It gem me pleasure to add my testimony to the
of your Rent medicine One ot my blooded bagmeilr \st
sailing ores the cap of the knee, about the deaf abate
egg. Some odd it me a Man, and some that It no the
)* oi l
nt water fan th e knee. and wain. bared 1 Ilia
order ca it, and al the liarmits ea ointments, end
they did no more goal tan water I then by wmai
'of my fringls, tried ILO. Farrell's Arabian Liat,end
Valiy= Vit! 'd gelttereitt= YthVl lan \
04041 t the gneheZ Llareet re hose.. as well manes \ ';
met knew.
i k , Erg. Barker, of Nero Canton, IZI , sages •
' & 11 \:,ia'b r A g bi sti ottiggeno' e dit 'irg 12 . 7 4 '
one v. a white swelling ad contneted the
of • boy trees years old The kg ad withered sag.
ad oat ea contracted that he bed a na z i
of It. Three
doctors Pad triad thee skill upon it aria. end be no
fut elating to the tome. when the bora hdher .theawed to irk IL O. Taman's Arabian Unleeenk Ba
Mat bottle Vas midup, be tame tn. kir, We iten, end
the loot word. arc - le Barker, I oat all that
Lament me haw • In the are the one bottle fat did
my boy atom.. then an that bad mate= done be-
Pare' . mat b 6.7 le now ail stel hearty, aret has tree nee
of Ms le It is mud Lir \
sprains, braes. tute, bora
ad nreaame. \
m=at Vitilybas"e'etiliZaZill.t2e Punk'srr dAa4ll"a°l.y
commend it. 1 Del ben al.. Ge o id men with amtret
Vare pan !ea
r y beast ad shoo/dem visa sus lel bad
Itlt I conk! hadly do any welt et all. ea meld often
ban to lie In bed tor and
weeks al • time gab It. Ima
met Liniment a it. and le oared toe wad ad wall. L
hod. et the time of auk tar Linintentame of the Inns
'gal 1 ilWaliraiinigteslitt .red ITV th' israll i a
sealant for fret bitten Pet, ere, swale.• ". wo Qua;
ifg n u'clA
ar.:t t„ 111.. r..
Beware of Ciaminfe , in. \
TO am= AGAINST noostrioN ROAD Till 101.
The Palle are puelentarly eatloneel wart Aka
Ontrarefeal what bee lady meddle
osikal tor the Impostm oho nuke IV•WIF=s
00Lear.. Ms is a ammo= Wad and Omni , -
4ecal. trom his bursas the of Penal ?bier .
Am be partrui ar neer be oat fir at Ma ternee•Parraira
Linimme,•• Mr unprinciplad deale imam the an ,
/10c-3 wyseure tsa mna Ibr e lan hut came
el t
Pr ••11. U. Briers Masa fameary tau=
es th e mane edema has the letters T 7 !t fr o .
Ms ente le elms. the outside on per and thee
words Wein in the gime tottle—.R. (X a s Arabia*
Untora Itena."
Meat wanted In eery TM., notes. ..4 EN.l i.a k
the theta Bteter=kl cU , :
.. te Is not established
:Iletter to N. O. t at Ilk. Mtn
to chant:dm, nekonsi y kr
Call on the amentarbo will fumble Pee o7 l\ l7tharge, a \
boat contenthr much valuable Inkrentarkeht —••••-•--
of nacos
tints—a eats, 60 cents, and me dollar;
The owe mane is wanufectureali o 11 t
Macao old proptisers. and w dee
Bain street. Poste. 1114 ad fur ea .tided. .
Prect Ma istore price
by SAL a
/U.B N
Bold lir 11. Id CORBY. Allegheny Qtr.
Situation Wanted.
PRACTICAL and experia_ _L_
orAIMPISH, vitamin situation m a Wloulasala
muracturins Eatabliatimont nailstactot7
dsiAdooTtr. . 11
k " B ox 4i4
\;, ' Stage Coaches for Salt
WE fine Troy built Coaches,
haring been - MI but• short Ulna.
ir name.. and teams for net If »AO.
anized, far sale ky. Apply to - D. 111.14,:a
Ladies' Secretaries.
IfITIVO beautiful new ettLADE
uss. !lodated and fOr
da9 JUS9.9IINNY No.
New 'Dyeing 33AgEillmt
LABELLA ROW, near Federal
mt. the .Bcositt Rote Alislien7 E
the citizens of Pittaborgh that they
dyed .d
te,, equaly shade end co/or,
dyed and finishedMager; thehtone.o
De Lathe, IthawLe.and every variety of
add the colors restored to their kin= boO'
lehed equal tomer. Gentlimten'e Weerlin,
ad or dyed without. Wog taken to phew, au.
not to =hot or sell Use Bom. Bleak dyed without sop
Darer. ritriol„ or any other substance liable to Ini=
fabric:. We shall make it oar study to ere tha
satlefletion to times who may eingloy us , and ara rode
not meeting their-Ida/1w we will re•dye without thrther
therms. We fLattre curatives that—baring the lancet Inc
oromments In this and the old emmtry,our work wili be
egmt3 m tlmt.of airy other Glee. lath. BUM.
Merchant/1' odoi dyed meta/ to their new coeds. AG
Goode marrented
fad g , Gin me call, examine our wort, arel
friends eh... he bum vtelted
tha at that his location I. arc In gbr
ay city. debitlY
' I WISS WATOIRS, direct from Go.
dos_tbo Ladino Gold Mudlnd Cud
lobos, of moymrtor quality Lod oloyout dosi t t
lar7r.V-Watehr tc 6 li to my Oin d otdo4 on
tamed. mcammeod Gam vldk a mem, atm. a sew
Eactiind--Wood . Engraving.
rriHE aubstriber respectfully informs his -
Z. gamey Mends and the public imottellyobst k., •
hoe reourvegl to the hoed corner of •Itet !Met awl
the Monad. leutrenee the Diesootel.) eeteene ha te pee-
wed to execute ill Mode of Deitignins aad Wood
no& mob as Views of /I Steoneboate end
eery. bortelleof &eds of ererr
lemeiftte. Heads . Deottlehe Labels. Cottoo 114, ahoy
Hine, to. Tema my malast.
• .
. . OH Cloths!
ig.a OJo HOYT, N 05.72 and 74 John at,
?I TORS, aranolketarrro and &abr. bt 011,
if crelnalvaly, -At their r00t. , , Mood or*
(004 or parogio) FLOUR OIL =OM, ritdok,
for Dom of 1.1 WA:sum Of
maroon nor
thing of kiwi orto proolourl in thls eousarer km
Lamm sad for trhielt Itror Waned Mt Niro moral si
time Worls Satz • ' _ '
At their warlrecoass Ist Kinr York apt br farad a Ivo
.rood ma bb .....tment or Mem il.llost. sad Man
Irl.ooy oil. CLOT UO,, hoot 27 Wart to Zr foot vtdo.
\ AWIrAk . ,110, goed atrproor Oa CLVILI,
Chriatmao Goods. , • \ •
JAMES A.McKNIOUT, No. 62 Foozekat,
12u. • lasi Watt of Salm Goals snitobio Itellftdsf
Erma Embroil/grim. eiganinin,ir of Wrought Nis",
input; owl Loeialk tses; IdoZairDa WD
of wtOch wuf atreltiol
F ISH-10 . 0 % 1: dt . Large No. 3 Naotarel;
10 UN. . ' N.l
10 u pu rs. 11.
b 007.6.114 in stern and be sae hi
doll U. 111.00111011 N it 006
OBACCO-60 kegs 8 twist, for sale by
'4•10 , • J. S. DILWORTII • 00.
T HE KORAN,. by Sale; Barton's Mato.
mafathap kt . airm i w i re Ibr W.
1L= 7 .5 caaks Winter Strained Stekans;
S 3
.Wall) O. BLACK Buirrw.
CURRANTS—Rec'd and fc . 4 y
tirmen At Tea
NEW4'RtINES—Put up in Jam and fad
flor or 2 &
JeII k \ lama a
00 bbls. No. 1, for sale b
01,ASSF4-50 II
bbla. and 5 !. bbla. Su- \
ivtr ,"" 17 j. B. Watil.D.
ASEI.. e r , b I G.. for
StLE .a. fitTlil.--4Q balk a341 11. 5g114140, ,,,
OTTER-10 brs:Freib, Roll, fir sale by \
del3 \\ V. B. CANIIILD.
WRENCH CURRANTS-5 asks. for ma by
11 de.l3 JAIII9 DAL 7.141. • Water it.
..2_ , lggsatr s Larr . rds t 4ll 211 . Antl last
By .earl Wier 01 . Le•
Rook ct.o3. Puck WAAA bY Jam PI,RostOLAL
Prot of Westin Assieviture In Yak 02kitp,
nts2 2 221,.., 2122 Mumma , •
\ l•msth street, A 2.21841412,0.