PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. TORR. . Hwy Met Cturtres.sPEGOll.—Mr. I gag*, to witness the demonstration of tali once between Freedom's !host illostzloue, cham pion and Fieedota's mightiest organ. The preen of this country triaged on the tilde of Liberty is errongeraban ranks of steel, and, directly or iu direottyi it will . create ranks of steel. And it will do thitiby yirtue of its double office as the Masher and the representative of public send - tnettt,:nbiscansinit will both prolong the pulea tlons andawell the arteries of the popular heart. --For, fillt,;erhatiree may be said about nen-inter - Mattionoied policy, and the danger. of war, the Amerman people will utter the sentiments and • erillreepond to the appeal of democratic liberty. We - cannot help it. It is a habit we have got. We learned it of our forefathers. And why Should. Ire not express this sympathy ! 1, • for 4mM - believe that our country has a mission, and hie net - been endowed with this fair legacy fieedom to hbld it as a sinecure. I believe In the. great - truth - of God in ilistoly, and that asthma as well as individuals have their appoint- Sed- work. And what is the mission 'of this °Om en,. 1.--F-or,whathes it been mimed out thus on .the map of, the, World? For what hero these States been' linked together, beaming North and beaming Sandi, in one broad constellatiou? To develepe'the true idea of liberty in our own ins titutions; no doubt; and to Open our gates os-sn asylum for the exile and the oppressed. But also; I believe, Sir, to extend the influence of freedom through the earth—to be s power that shall be felt on the world. And a power which is felt too. Sir, as him been well Bald here this • erehing, we cannot help interfering with- absol- 1 nthem. Wherever our ships traverse the, ocean, in:Whatever bay our starry tiagje reflecteit, there ! is felt the.ilgor of this ypmg life that treads a continent, and that circulates from ilea "b 'nes. Why, Sir, here are the two great polar (omen of the world. There ie Auscia the negative pole of despotism, and here In America the positive pole of republicaniem, and one will not upon the other, - and the right le the stronger. And not only hut' out country a Providential mission. but ken comese.Providential man; preaching the ' orneade Of . freedom, redeeming our time from the filterge of !sordid materialism, end filling it with the' romance and enthusiaem of earlier ages, --,Laisoirinigus how quickly yet the world's .heart great principles, and suggesting the - • prohecy that these root material nob lemmata are the prepared and magnificent veh lees of ides, . A ram who wakes op to us the .pulses 'of the old Revolution, and maitre the Arlie dt thetio of liberty fresh and new. A Wan of wonderfnl speech, where oriental imagery in • , lays, his keen ,'compaotlogia, like the gulden -timely en a-Damescua blade. But a mon of dectle as well se words; who hos illuetrated his •-• etrieeiness by hie suffering. A Providential man, I affirm, careledalong by Providential intro .- *IOU. ..The enemy of a powerful and viligarit ,despofism , iyet escaping from its hands, and . Shelterel,by a government which we have been accustomed to consider ethlmere arbitary; while through the weary night:of his exile, thecree. o mit Moon of Turkey, the Cross of St. George,— . like the vitiate Cattetantine saw,—and the Stake of Arteries, hutment to cheer and to guide Lim. In the dim light of* priiion ha snatches the end imenta pf tbs. great langusge.of constitutional freedom, and • lands one the shores where that freedom Lei:trials with that language ready as a plaatieeneigetic agent ready for his nee. And; 41111 farther., , this a Providental not dwell upon this point, for we all can discern the, gigue of the times, the eh). mentithat Ore staining and-heaving on the Con tinent aTEttrope. Thin being no, is not our true course - rilutrked out before eat- Shall the Star of Hungaryeetsgainfa the struggle! If it d out if the , ftirm of him who appeared before tx here tit Might shall be pale and cold on the die= aettiona battle, field , shall It be eaiii—" Oh, AmerleMwe- appealed to you in vain—we had ,men,;brdno arms!" Or shall a better result fol .-low this new conflict, mid -shall .it be said by Hungary to America, "lion, brother! by your • help we are free!" Mr. President, there are come who talk of ;Liberty ea if were aphosphrorescent novelty-an imp Lish spirit leaping up from a simmering Seperficiality in the present age and dancing "about ins red cockade. Your predecessor in the Chair this evening has told us of "the cia:sysity Freedom." lie has described it as. • "a bearied man, Armed tg the teeth; one mailed hand - - Grasps its broad shield, and one its sword. lie (Bilious in beauty though it bo, is scarred - , • . With tokens - of wars :its massive limbs .Are strong with straggling." And !remember what Algernoon Syndey said when lie went forth to die— , - .0 Godl I think thee - that thou hint singled ,Ineront to. bear witness to that Old Cease for which thou so often and so wonderfully manifiee ',. Mud thyself." • • Tiger, therefore, Sir, as a sentiment. ~,The oocid Came of the past, the Good Old Camelia ibe present, the Good Old Cause when ever and &amen it may need our sympathy and • . our aid. - • Raw Stock of Ohickering's Piand Fortes. TORN IL MELLOR, 81 Woodffm sine, Lst hecolved onttrely new stock of Y1A240 TOUT= from the col , betted manutooton• of Chiehethoit nooo , o , V0. F 7M64: tte i 6 ;4;e Roarrood.—... ............ 11663: " 7 " "• ...... ....... 4O "11 7 44 4 91.' " ' c.rved Roee.ood '7 1116 Ct " 63 Sw " 7 " Fall 0 d '''' Ono ''''' 47° IM!MMI T. Ibilowl66 Plow Vett. from other trowordacturwrn,qa: " • SQ. 561 !Burnt oct . awa do. 25 , 7 do. 2,5 " 6 " " Woodward Blown, t 6 o. " A ni.l6 Boudoir. Gilbert d kowtow n ,4 matt {par 6 octave necood hood. rib==riettitil ~/rll4 subscriber 6najß", aiit 'received from }M. Tep. • • lot of brsullfal IVO troorved tod loto i rl..o.Lt. iJ The au... WV altogether uew In sty. oat out.. and be sold at.nikmtrkably low priorve to choo 000tl gusto!. U. li.L.atEtt. 101.Ttad .defy • Sig.. or tire tiold , ot non.. Goods for Cold Vesper. . .. . ..... .. . . MURPHY 6BURCHFIELD invite the nt- Mutton:lf buyerio to their very Add allourtioret of zkoas While of Dry (ioode sdoplad hot cold weeither, Mich ce ' liorght Medi Tlannelc, whit, brown, Mu. hod phArt tiezolhe Weill lia. • tartan, Dada do.. all color, NV- bean , amters cid-. Racking do_ dark. gre, tr., Mayon) da. fairy mho% Ichther Gloves. Iforlery, On. dcr Shirts, Ochtforts. Ay .' An Additional edpplr of BIAS- Katt lOlft H. iTed. Ilelo ,--- 'PUSH PlGS+Roe'd and for sale by ...- - drib f ' ,Wit A. AIcCLIIIIII & it). TRAINED. HONEY—For sale by deli. WM. A. MeCLUMI RS. C. 110FDIAN le going to leave Oil der toort Mutt, stol Inviolo Ow. ledits.who with We Imam In Vocal at Instrumental Must, to f:~%~7~ IClf:![~7R~Lfl~' VrEAVICANTON FLANNELS--We have Sort iwa rr INOS, of mg reri best Stmts. Mos Cass Muslim, . 11U1IPUT • BURCIitTE4D, corner of fourth stal Ilertet sta. Boys , WEAlL—blußPar Mt* Just reed an swarth:mint or dm abuts tioale,of - aurin= eitiora aFira great variety of New Goody, rued • :•dosin g the last her damn:Latina aworiurent unusually Mayen will plers. nil with . we. 4.0 -LINSEED OIL-20 bbls. for sale by 111 ROI4ON. LITTLE tw. IMP.OKEKEL-100 bbls. Large No. 3, for . 1.V.1 M. by cds9J l5. sW. nwasLuag. BREAST PUMPS-2 doz. India Rubber; also. ed.:m.l94,pH Sidelda, eine., .oa trimmed. • J. k H. PHILLIPS. tad Market et. • •• ,• FIBII -16 MsNo. 3 Nockerd: ' • lid. 3 311; 449, • - • 141atds. Hallman oNioic: Ml WOO lbs. 43oifishA4oLos . 1111, zugws a co. INLIZESE-100 boxes Cream, for sale by V - MX B.IW. TURBO:UM ARD 01L-2h bble. No. 1, for oslo — i) , dal JAMS DALZEILL., C 9 Wear fiIIOCOLATE-100 bra No.l reed and for Li tide bf WICK-& MoCANDLCS6. 10 METAL-160 was tot' sale by WICK—LbIeVLSECIMP LOOKS-30 tone Tenn., for ralo low to c k..comunc..nt,br JAA. DAUM& PNUTS- , 53 bags landing, fofsale by ff del ... 7: DICEY t CO. Water and Trontata: 11)111:1C.PYREAT IDOUR-25 racks for sale . . . WICK q IInCKNI,LESS. 041.1-100 bza. Cin., far sale by -- - . WICK I 31eCIL.NDLS38 IIkArACENNEL7-M tbls. No. 3; Mffl QALAD .OIL-10 - basket for solo by SCuooNmemeit Too. • .• • -:: 1 am , AZIVTIESIS: tor mi. by DE-GREEN WINDOW BLIND -PA: 'EICA LnnHtul -44rid"Vgrittlfea. a: handsome amofttnakjad. land for rsir br • • • • • "°2? • TUGS. 54.43XELL,-; T• 14.7-5 om. 1e i ! UMPAIR,... MISCELLANEOUS THE PIANO WITHOUT A MASTEH— coa.iplog the Eiementa of Moak-. and compleM in. .t. notion. for the 11.0, torte. to wlVelt Is added a eboiro coil..ctn. of fifty pea. 01 populai n sln . slo.rotmlapng of • P F Tsale ' Ac nr AAA "' i II MELLOR. SI Wro.l f_fiaCKWOOD, for - November: Lir Art Journal. for Novembnr Ch. , k. too Man of IV., • new work by Douglas Jen - did—nem I7li onto. Ilereivott at lIIAMEIn Literary Depot, 74 TWA street. opt:wife the Port Once. n 025 00, r Mr".,Fittel r ; rustomers and bu3ers anorrally. an extensive TA riotr to .curt from. nol RIO COFFEE--10 . 0 u bags prime Gracn:- ri liESll TEAS-35 hf. cheats Y. 11.; pkgr. G. P. and 4.mrial; SI PL ch.t• Black, for wkle Lf J91.I?1 WATT A UV RROOMS-LW doz. for sale by nola .1 II CAST M.D. r111;10 COVERS - ERSLi do:. i,.,..i',.c,i In_ dh Itubh.ar Plano.. ion from 'lngot, sod ff.r atP.' ""b" '', I''' lid . , I'r .rk% PHILLIT , . ' • ..._... - DOT ASH—III molt. prime, for role by . non J. 01111) OCo R O co L e L , B b U y T — TER—L S bbis... ol P l. lt;Ln oy tirove, ..nolf, Round Churrh Building. 7NIANIIr, CTUROT TOBACCO— boxlee 1t0...11 j * Robloson'a S'. Lona, 10 . W. 11. Brant. L . , .. s -. Jones t ton'. • ID •• by I n olbi .Jr 0 FLOOD. --, BRooms_wodoz. Poland, for sale by : moll J. 2 It. PLOT II d r i LOAKS! CLOAKS!—J. A. MeKNII3IIT, I , No 0.0. Fourth IL, b. reed thl% mornlog by Mame expre. a largo lot of Cloaks and Sacks, soluble for La dle. nod Chadren. An rarly call will Perm's e thole« for Ala read-5 !nob oud largo stock of Trim,:plow, et mot•tdemarsb,e nols Alill.olL-12 bbls. No. 1, for solo by 1n.4 PTS. prime, fur Y.iu , by 0/01: 2 1 1.1. A. FAIIIEKSIOCII k (01. IQ.UTTA PERCIIA !—Juet reo'd, u 'cam nine aelortraE•ntnf Gut. Pemba (Ewan. conodeting in part of rho followirw Doll Howl, three dem. Elwvn.. largo and .math F.... Card Mateo, Yrnia l. Wae Ned,. apittnona. Vanuels turd Bottle. el different inn, Patatzt.Collapaablooll Cana for millinery. Picture Frogs... I)agdterrnEt7pa Pram., Wan. doll, Water Palle, 01w14et. aa I`.reha for lining dream., Dread Tray., gods llpe. nd hub round Cord, with a variety of a rt:lel...A too nu. mto In...nCov For sale at N 0.116 Elarket Holt .1. Et 11. l'lllLl.ll'6. - A PIANO FOR 8125. A .)I.I.IIOGANY t; netave, modern nook I,kno.barinz boos nnnl about tbrce Tom", her gab. at ,5t buo4rofl .51 teent,tve kbolitra. Alfo. • ,ttry wed Viso, Mx octave. lo hit by ;be month sr smr f 4. " b 0.2.5 41 %lONS .treet. FB.ESII TEAS-do bi. dwelt?, Y. ilyson: Fnr aftla by ;roloi J r o Lol -EATIIEIi—ISO sides N 1., for side by bon J. I FLOYD. _ . . 1)0T IA.SII-2S 1 A.S11-2S casks pure, .1 FLUSI. for sub, by no. BROOMS -51 1 doz. for halo by n. 1.4 1 'WOODS S SON. Cl ,nr POI.:P. -eon•igutnebt and fur ute Lr r hN. culla ol at.r • I! 014AX-1 cane for sale by Y coil tabvseu a 5161.10 M CLI ROME GREEN & YELLOW-4 c 1666, "4'dnr W ilFc'el7l r ll ` l. l 7.nows • 1 Si nt IRESII. ER Ul'E-3 cniskfl Lune. Currauts . 3 1 1...., it tts.lb, • no hom.# 14 It. 100.36. 1 6..66 ' 1,6616 tieuc.6 ror by .1 I; %I 1L1.1.01, tII.. 116 V. ood 6trevt. li‘,/ ASII. 110Aiiiiti—'U ilia. lkluiee' I'm n[V Zlnn, in ral. Al nol4 J 0 WILLIAMS It l'o ... 1.4, LAC HANti —llO doz. tiluson'ii Chailengti, i., for pale I, J D. WILLIAMS a co •, liTt l '--- AST.I-16 c.u?Lkk, for Buie by nali J D WILLI Aws t (v. A Ll7ll-60 bile. fur bale by A. non D. A. FAIISIieVIOCK I 01. OIL -10 bble. Willur Lord Oil, landing and for aal.l by O. BLACK MAO a 0, nal3 -._ . 4 .IIEESE-5 . V prime Chipping; 1.. 'l.7 l (Wrai , noI3 1-11PPLES-70 bbll. fur eule by 6.13 J. 671:A•IFIELD. PEALTII, ECONOMY, and COMFORT. Irk tbn use Out. rery..ba Sbno Yo wlrdch bra. oi to moor dorablatl..6. leather,bzyl Lary the byt dry nal comfortable. YOrval. (with doyetbstrofpr puttirot ob) al 116 Mark.... looluJ J, & il. PIIILLIP3 ttOSIN '& TAR-50 Ghia. N.C. Tar, 66 " We by JOON I . 4'AYVY a a). LEATHER - 20 0 aides New,York; :LOS 6 day. Cal2hl,llyrr,...l.cta BUCKIVIIEAT-1.00 sacks Hulled, for sale br 7108 WICK* McCANDLE:id. QIN TWIST TOBACCO-111 kegE No. 1, 17 juat ?lied . couslgoto•ot and fur male by tort LiAmpv. JONEi RUTTER-10 bbLs. solld pscice4; 2.) ten do NSr sale by ,00 1 l dr, IL DALY-ELL ACd. INDIA RUBBER SIIOES--Just re:it'd, 20 cr.. Grotlentatex, acid lodla Robb.. tytt, of lb. vast anartufacturad The publt , Sr. loaltod toeall and rtatoloe our mutat &took. as tt.er ara so,rior to arty.evrt offend In tbla dlr. For tee at rho lo,tla Eobber Der.. Ea. 116 Katt , ttta ,, - hold' I b (1. PIIII.I.IPS. 6 REEN APPLES- 1 68.bbLs. for sale by .1. L PIMP.. holt! _ carrier Pena ILIA 1r.., ete. i 1 UN COVERS-2 doz. India Rubber Gun 11 . COVel, O f An the dittereot IsocHte. feet: read eh , t for sale at No. 110 Market street. i t J. C 11. PHILLIPS , . .. . l • .. . •- IFE PRESERVERS &JACK iiiT,S-ti rloz -I We preserver, &ad./att., of all 1 h.. dlll..renl lin. man nfaetaxed, fix aala at Ma 11 OA., Dela, 116 Marta,. 81- nol4 J- a 11 I•HILLIPS. (?ILS. TURPENTINE. ALCOLIOL, &C.— 15 ia d, 1A...al (hi; 10 abla Roll Sulphca. lo ,bl.. Tama,: ant; ai .. V6niaian Red; 1 , 0 - 0 11 Onla Tnri.enaln.6 10 ". Ulu, la " ,r‘.661. 11 , 1 ) Ilk kegs % hl. load: " - " 101,) 2 oaks Sal end. 2-1 - Onania: Whitlow 160 gar , Slatzlwle to .ale hi 1019 .1 A3l. 9 alcll , ?al' i g .02 .1 rt. C r ILAX--.1 tons for nate by s efm I n" * bLAEMSDLess. ._. ._.. tjiiILORIDE OF LIMF---01 the best .0. 4 1- 147. ranatantly on hand and for sale 111 , - . 614 VAT. 11Eltn t M., ..1....13 ~ ,F rout rt.. nes!' Martel BUTTER -9A Loxes prima Roil, just reed - cm for pal. ht J. B. CAA FIRLD. • PEARL ASH-10 tons No. 1, for gale by nol3 J. It CANTISIAL 01./A A SII.—We are prepared to contract Mate Manufacturers and the awl. genera'''. for their eupplyof Soda Ash, during wwnter, at tn.. ra paeua market pries. WO warrant our nods alb gnat to the 6... imported. 1.10.1t80 0 0/ nog UCKWITEAT FLOUR-100 bags bulled, LI/ in Mum and forma. by noll IL& W. CIARUAUOII. CHEESE-7 boxes Cream: lJ 19 " Woman: it EualL6 Intim c0hn...0 I. DICHECf Lauding and i !m sal. by Co..nun Water and grout nave., 011.-1.5 bbln. No. 1, (Wiriter,) for JA ...la by ECLICIONYIAK CO., Doi 24 Wood abysm:. W RIX - TT-500 lb& Am.. f IDuDr * kt by J. m 00. Al n )" (*REAM TARTAR-2000 lbs. for sale by ). HIDD lb Mad rt. 'VOL . LIFER OlL—Rushkro, Clark NJ gad., by tiose. gm.: for We by J. KIDD CO. ' l l.loAll LEAD-900 lbs. Whit”, for sale by 'es eO3 ' J. EUDD a Cu. ea Wood K. rrOBACCO-100 bor.e. Shervecud's S's an re. ay coosbinoraot sari for W e b 01IN WATT a 00. BUTTER -1000 lbs. Olme Dairy Packed, for vale 1.1 JOHN RAT( * CO. MOLASSES -20 bbls. S. IL Syrup, for onus lo• br .- JOHN Wart a 00. IDIOO-4 ceroone fie r st S.F., 2 hints Mad ry, for vale vr wit: J. A. It. FLOYD. I.IIIIOE-10 . tes'fresh Carolinn Rico for sale Au, by oo J. kR. YLOYD. OSIERY—A. A. MAsoN it Co. Kaye rcc'd tsco dot. Llahnzere, Lamb. %col. Albumm. SILO, And' Aen 11'4" b1b= 1,11; b a, =ll2 4.(11%. ey flea V OFFEE-78 ham grime Rio, arriving, an for gale by JOITO WATT CO. ANFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER—War ranted to maksebt, area. eun.iunutly a uutrb =a Broad, Taboo dour ly u• 4. • full dlr. comp.lea aaeh bee atle by ced.s J. KIDD At CO.. CO Wood rt. VOFFRE-500 bags Rio, for sale by I.J no y ISAIAH DICKEY & 00. •27 bbls: for sale by • MICK DIeCANDLIOIB. BAIL(' OIL--! SUGAR A, MOLASSES-. !amts. N. O. kbbgsr CO bhls. N. O. Molassm JAMES - DA LULL RITISII LUSTRE-2 cases for sale by voi A E. 8 F.LLEKS. 57 Wool nt. JUST recd at N 0.256 Liberty street- - 20 bola" Falb Omar . 1.1 ^ " Carlton .s' ni't Dry Mager. Mlle" god Jama,put up In 611.7 Pot, by thadavood Co., A.m.: 6 bogy' gash Clam; 3 " " Lemon and Orange rafl, 1 " tiorgeberdeig 3 " Cheryl', bluga.6..; I " goloot Lobate= 100 Fresh Caws Not • All choice goats, and for eals at Imo rata Ity WIL A. 106101,011 G CO., . 0 morn and Ts" DeOer, BUCKETS LE TUBS .O, 60 dos. buckelx 6 dos. tubs; byr Me by JAM= DALZZLL, Water at. INSEED OIL-10 bbls.Oriawold'j brand, Ibr sal. br J. B.XANIRML.D. f r T EA-50 hf. cleats Y. IL, for ealby ISAIAS DICES' i M. lIGAR-43 Ithda, for sale by uos N.F. g ° s= l 4l. A ulir wags. ettfaWAY SEED-4' sack for sale by B.N. RICICZRAILW. LiQ"4'9l.lBooT—i. we fut. Nate by sudi , - 13.11.571C1imuk 76c DRY GOODS, &c: Cold Weather has Come. DON'T FORGET CHESTER'S Emporium of Mon 'e and Boys' Ready Mule CLOTIIINO. We stody to plea.. N 0.71 Emitbfleltl garret. nIS nosr Diamond alley. BLACK SILK LACES—A. A. 3loacm & co. will open tine morning lu cartons of hlick Silk ee, of all qualities and wi•ltas. oc2l qo3lEnor MADE BLANKETS.--MlRllllY it 111`11.CUMLI , have this Jay reed • Ergo lot or sore Also.mule Bien ten, very rheap. -, I. 1, Iu• home mule FLANNELS. Noilleket co, nor of Fourth and Market eta nol •. . New Goods—Third Supply for the Season. i Got+Nl & BURCHFIELD commence'. npeninv, Iltto morning their THIRD SUPPLY' or the Full setl Nee' Ftyle Purte [LPL, extthmertt, Yel,l„ erhl lk Scurf, athl arott, th, Gruhl. twill be open tr.ley Ater.:tortheattt ehro, t,t rhurth anti Mark, eLt.reis. haat, . _ `IIAWLS! SIIAW LSI—Now opetarng ut 1.7 A. A. MASON OP'S, firnne+ 614141.0 w , h.yrk _ _ LA N K ETs:—Now nn hand over 850 prs. nowiww.. F.O.PR and Yreneh, nt 04. 104, 124. atnl Pi, Own and 1.10,1. Call, and double rot Ind Alna, • Accurtmcnt of erll, and Cradle Blanker, A. A. MASON 4 CO., —e 02 and 0.1 Market id Wr INTERLOV ES—Now in store, atom , I lett. ac•ortment, cnna,rlclue every r tr. tram to fn I , nr ealr. c A. A. M A ,41. & ( ,t, nor: d 1 and 64 Markot ctn., TEAM BOAT COUNTERPANES—We 0.1 ha‘c cnnucnrncot !arc, lot of Cnunternanc,.. •hi../, lc. add 1..11 under the odd c.l nol3 A. A. Al ASON • CO. IiCDIA C LOT 11:1 N d, 'l4 001,r,' C U. lar•r, 1.:4i,, • psis Pawn. 1,34 1,41., , n1,. • Short. • Itrofttja Janke.: WWI cnmpletr i.r;orlmeut ttl .I , flerent al, It. of 80, owl rutt. . • J. t;I. P1111.L114, n..ln Market O. 11)11...ID SILKS—We Itavo 011 hand 3i) pe. bniltant A. A MASON aLu. MN , kci. et. More New flood - N. I.OIES A. MeKNIGIIT, N 0.62 Fourth L. the 1.160 'n "uhe lea"lr l e bln; the 101. nt ensterla lormse the intlu7l 4 o I.n!TA call P•yleul.r •11001002 t , . . ti ~ Drachm I.Cittg Shawla. very ritnapt Ilettn Cut, re Square Shawl, {tor :Mato' at runuttlart ,. ..e. Vrt , t 4 t. French Metln. au:l evattu.w.r..... Van. or 1.141.1 t ,, tat , l, Cloak, . le. AMA AG l E th D tl G a o n o ne D tta s t !, .y aAwa. A. .M4ot,, , 1 0, & G Mou". N. vault, teth. r.ea t Utahlo e a h mFlau d ntlehtue l lln. C t hark . . . ng l a l ll tc a ohel . at haat!, one half the ann., vil BURCIIFIEL p inform , tlrir no,. open that( SECtINIt large muit,thr for the 1.11 tratla, and et. 4. a1,b11.11 to theft unuAtintl, lull ...al. wot. 11(4 , 05. In ( te n ch ar deb printed Partatena. CAturtra, Alt.riona. Mualtu Ittsca. Ar SHAWLS. Lana Kai Srrnare.—Netr aryl. ltruchtt. 'Pr( hautlannt, l'aahnten. Wtatt .1, plain And gay at, It.ti black Ana Thitatt, at. 4 11101 MALI Rttoboun, Mark And bat( mourning., nag, stlia \.-rt. do Iltr, hut, moat Mrolt.li a further outtrlT nf Sup., Ithirttn: tlutllti end irt.lx Linen,. *alt.:grit. tlnAr aro. atAtt,. And a. I Will Ira ragd at low 'newt tot quart!, Country Merchant, aro. we1t...1 to to any arholet.ala tta tairt.. .her , C art ...Alt,. veal I h, W ARP PA RAMAT:CAS -fiott I ore%) A - 1 at A A SI Arrt , ‘ a 151:0. ft, and ea ilartat•L , alt VII LOVES ..kIN. D HOSIERY —A . A. M.ss. , N VI • har. now, an hand 72,0 4.4 n/ Loa. , C.,- mare, Stlk: I , lr,vd. hut. autt ott.ar tilt , vt.a tln., , 1 , ..11,0 ,- 41 11. x.,. mum..., aura than 1.. at.a.n. tat, • I IRESS 1.;001)S--Opening daily at A. A. y %Row: s et),, e‘nr, aria nr .44,1-11.1.1 n Got•le, tusi.•tit.l,l W.... M. mon, Pa v 4,OLKS'. SILKS! - SrrK ‘Tenlng .t A. A 7;IIANoN a Vo , nr - r tenl4lonwl.. *brut. • I. w • rcutn Irtir,• rich 4il,w pro n,10...1•0 n IV)NNET itl A M .ISON co .111 nxbilat tht• etutmMg :Amon. of rub N. rnt bror, • EW PLAID BONN ET RIB ISON S -51 u, / bh• s 1,..xb6. Id bate re-a..., retail rt../ 01 Ow .1.1ra1... e.e.• Li PER. BLACK ALPACCA S-311, rph v barrbbel•l bare se• - ••leeel • fall a•aleaa..,.. a. b,a e• 1., bar ,a,l • ami — Z.R.anve•ar , euryer M.:bale A tparc v, . sl. o, ,tar 1.1 ""•• ARK AIIXEI) DOESKINS--Murphy & laurchErkl bate revelvniam.mnment of 1. , ...0kin na.l fao, vbll. tb.r ar....111.: bark mull . utri rty of ctrl.. for . - . _ EW GOODS NEW GOODS 1-A. A. MASON t CO. .111 open wilkin the next few as,. upitastlx • xix blatylnekl ea.. sal pxotax....a rxex-ian and lkotnertin •Met, th•attenlin of wto.le- Axle xxti rt• 11 1.11,1.4 . . rARAINIATTAS, LION.E:iE N. CODE ROS —A A. II lON A CO. upri, chit Jar 31 rases LI above grorda rr.r. RENCLI SIERLPAOS TIII'RET CLOTHS —Now rowntr S. ot at A. MASON CO Y-2.50 or. er.1 . 4 Froorh Marlow, mot Thlbet Clotho Lwe. irLASIIHERES lE. MOUS. DE LAINES— NJ A- A LIASON CO. bare jolt revalowi 11 rue, of Mn otrlea CaPhr..ll,. .1 Ise Wool. ' ,ortl rIREE PLY DIPERIAL CARPETS— Now erotataollr reveieltot at W. 11eel.:INTOC111. t Wanotootoe. No. OS P.ortb Oft.. to arbleh •.. ‘n site. the getentl.os tlaae ie 0544 forolsb r Ctaambsors, we .111 gall barer than ovru beton tto• market. ocl TELYET PILE CARPETS--Vir 51cem N. Tr. Is row ernetantly re,lelng Ma fall etrk. cIRPEPS. Gf rleheat Agri new.", to L.eh Or 10,110. the attrutlon iadateato o to-/ gi l l lowerthiai ever before oflerrel oi this mortal.. at the null r orV:Li , aol Carrot araloooe... No booth at. CARRIAGE CLOTH TRIAfMINGS— IL, W. NIeCLINTOCR lotto. t r itteatloo 11 Cam., Oil to Lir largo at.e.. and Mob 11puna, Cloth., aOLI Trltttoslpoo which we will Pell at rv.turvol trim. at the Carpet WareLoo.e. It Fourth at ca, - - NGKA — IN CARPETS—W. NIcCLINTOCK typo. ronatantiv re , lettso Ma 101 l noel. of Aurae:of. awJ wow., OIN CARI . KTi. of 0.. and nth at re, rr.lia,-,1 piLva, to which we lovio. th•at. ,rlOOll Of. ferh-vb 0' 1in0... , toy. ug • rail at tbe Carlat arylvtae, LT...rfr i LNoTh I. ft. LIN .7 r'‘l CARPETS --- W. has In afore DAL for ...le rob sod new Mt'. Mill: , D.S ILAIIPETY. W shirt, Le ,oevar the •tte noon chawrrs, ao be Is 4k:err:mini W tell 10.1• than ever In thiotuarket- Call at tho oil eataLlirheal Carte , IA arw Tonga. No. 0.5 Fourth at riIAPESTRY CARP ETS—N ear and twit. I elyte Tapestry Brawl,. e‘r t .c. Dot m e :iat th•Csr , prt Faralmago. Na tb Yourtle rre,. St radar, prirro wisblubilo PUYtL..e bb .Ise i a 11. e q it lleCt n. ca NEW GNPS rput.: SUBSCRIBER having now re..o.ved ht. stairs encl. of FALL AND WINTER I.llllDs. ...Ad respectfully Inn , rtn his customer. ...d the pul , he that he 1. Iv.'. , r.l tudlspos, of Ids lha.le. either •b•le sale or retail, at rani , ne. has In Dry lices.l• ell ths rrilu stal.k . of f wary Pr... thsolo.cunst gto wrt d .4=l2l.drittifur. evanlng arxt enrr T au, n , orno hs - ' Halo Wards I tga, on • ! parse and seldtb, Dryads Wart £llk 'l' Hoary Watered 8118. all shade% much Poplins. /dualist de di n... Yrcuch Merinos and Caalicarron Together with rwmt ant Mnallola Printe.ln ...fleeter rtstY. HOUBE FURNISIIING GOODS: 114.1z4 ud 134 IlarneleY - 44, 44 and 04 - and Irish Pittner Lluent 74,84 nod 10.4 Table bounsek. • t-9 anti ,4 Deraaak Napkin. sal 1 , 4411.0 [lna atack Mauer and Cnullt To.ching. 111 ch Prlnt.4 piano sod Table ()neer,urb goultr, If stealth. Myths. meow:.. purple... Malty. (n 01.11.4,4 Curtain Materials, ac MOURNINO DRI . GOODE: Lo'w's BlauVananalues; blouelln do Lath, 14 and 54 eridin Black Canton CAoth% Bloc[ lflubnlr Lustre% 8111 . 1Valtabct Cloths; Eogllils, French nod Italian Crapes: !dodo and Crape Wells; Clostalsattre and Blsear Oollars and e M oen* an loalay: . do r ii i (r.bwilba•arrn.lofo o l jangg Jk. momunp. aavlb NEW MODS. .IECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening 1. WM. UMW& thl Liberty el en keebfveuzfettornedblack Caashoonrs, of the veoratt and to pleoef Work and colored Cloths, of the moot superior tononfartarth laratort and mod rplenlld asetalloont of Veattuos r brought to thto city. ove h 0 dos. lindarohlrta .pd Detrers. GO doh doe and superfine Shirt. AMaFortinont of Crania . Ilandkerchlola ha. IA le Koltun. vrlth the very trade murk of HAADIr HADA 1111:10. of the mo.l laohlonable mt., always on lomat, prunes. one of Ufa largeot and moat hublonaLle atorko a Owl., Wapitil for freotlellena **oh fo the wastorn .untry, all of ableh th e proprietor to &torah, ell to offer at tho very towest prlotk for.sult. todos to the Tatlortva Iln. elounted In the heat moa ner. kud it Lb. ehurtost notlne. eaulf Hew Fall Dry Goods. AA. MASON & CO., have received and era opening-1f cams noel French Alerinot. of ntral shad now e, adapted capnmali for this maraddi 10 mete Alpaccaaand Mohair Lush... enflame-Ina plain ld'k, en warp, fancy eni'd,l3bacorloco mid field 14 all grade, 12 co. Ilaramattar.ThfbeL Clothe. mid Ootorro, cam psis in all ahadaa and waddler. 1M) pat Worsted Sorge, bl'a and fancy - .lore. Theabort/ pods we offer fur WO at prima which we are coot:dent are unprecedented!, low. acPlO NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I 4 tCORDEONS—A splendid and varied met of the bent Mends. lust remived. . ,Z,G7EB-Tary dedrabin /selection, with 1,4, I. and keys. soma Mod. and of U. best mass, mry ohm.. ittet °patted. fiN/T4/15—de extensive end tholes steel arrivhip. VIOLINa—Same very rim ad once. and now of every mealy . ef ety etel Prim MAUI' NTRINUS—A In. selection: .w, for Guitar and Vloa. C•ron.ts. Tubes, Bogies, Ilitecornee, Trumpets', and es. yeredy of Ulm I ostrimerds, selerhel and triiel br the m ter himself, and sold at very ley rate. Altet.lbe 1361.. t and most Mettler Nuele , J. , e N. B.—The abase Inetrume nu are warranted to be our. mot and istritet. eisry 10,11 m, IMF will be returner. 11. KLEMM, 11l Thiel. , eepli eum OP TUB GULDEN UMW. GARPETS I CARPETS I—Ree'd this day by W. 3teOLIITIOCK, new and rlrb etrleedoperfine, hoe. atal Oreetwort INGRAIN CARPET& which we.are prepared to eell lower lbwn an ewlattr o, 'lwr.re alerwa lo tine market We cordially toalw the attetoloo of Oleo& and thaw Yet Phlox to pawnor. to Rift 11111 • CO. S.. the Old netablOtted arpet Harebettro, N . ha Fourth et. new W. DfaCIINTOOK. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, No. 105 MARIST S4REST, H. PALMER offers for sale, at very . anr•rt....• full sawn:ma of Straw and MIR], 9kins, rim 70lRTS—Forelgn and American_plgin and •,, o7 Straw. Braid, Chip, Gimp, Idlllon. Lac% llalr. do Ni kn° no. no HITS-11e.% Touttue. and Roil' Ugh.., farm and gretTl i gnii. r irsigertt . l ll=l.:V•t c rta ldlrare 0 parr, f l erjL&l, and Arms, In great vari itllfignteh Lomat and Bind. plain lintlimad rat Ater all widths and color% timer Ciance sod Crop. CaPo Liar t i—Plato and danced ORR* mid rninind ond Cloilen !Netts. !CRAW flatton,t, Braids. Poleriner, ie. • PLO WEBS—drench and American Sprigs. butiebe• and MtrAPPßriKTrly`i t iktrufS-43114" em do dr . Dley, do Rhino. //lorencr. and oar! ellen. sported guautlea and colon: • • AATl.N.S—Ansertod oualtrice road outwit Aloitleh and kw Flornhoola and 1761d2Widg Danis M e As: - - BOOKS. 511')SIC, &e GREAT ARZIVA ..1, OF PIANOS. REDUCED. pjg4cEs . ------- rrIIE SITBSCRIBE'd has just received a or. admirable . antalea lot of Plan. of b. 61i. eta•new. from-the o 'late-sold factory of S. Eh Don. ham. N. T.. two!. tl rosewood Pianoe. 6 not oothlc tablet, 4 do do Os rot. do. do do 6.e A. do.. Also. one ot DUNI . .ANPB famous wt. CONCERT PIANO; , . equal to a CT sod Plano'n polrer and voltune of These Planos he ea • now and improved weals, allow. Ins o eta large Git nd fr ,',fr ete ' n ' t. L' i " last 7 Sm ' u tf t li T o o o". la - t o . ; tf.olarla and s exhgarY Niemen. mitt. lion, of Cincinnati. at the Met... lice pronnwered the hoed Plano ever bronaht to that evt,—uneuredateed for power lad sweeteaces of Woo. and eiroheity of f ouch. II K LEBER. • he. 50 I Third et.. sign nf the tloidee, Harp. dew a. rangeznent. entered Into with Mr.', Duo hem. • nahlee tb n eubeeriher to rellittls Plana 10 psi cent. lower than 6 ' , merol tho. roahhot, porch...ere bo o rhoap, hem. I bon at the east. Call and examine brMr worth:owe el,,rhore. • nose_ Now Ready !! • • T 4 'i VERY LADY having n Piano aliould u/fit i'ttVi r .Tii. T aWe l ;Pb . oo' .. k"; o 7 ' rgiSENT 1101 nept• pier•olmotiog mid updi.. Then. l♦ no L... 11,4; ea.uolty that elm happen to • Plano for whir', It du...not point au ea.ao matt. lorroldea Fume oltte•glo.noo how to 11... p the Ittettooment ALW/ato IN Prone only SI —Worth ten llmes tbat noutitoo yt ean to nem. by moil to any part of the United State. tor a leta renu. m. robtlihed 1.0 Ler mod tn., b 1...1 of -It'll', 51F.I.Lott, Wood str.ot, .xo.l IIENIt) Thud etr.ot.. owl of th.prinoil.l , (1.1 •• _ - • Chickering's Itaarios., goIIN 11. MELLOR, Agent for el Chkerina.. 1'nk,..., for Pitnibart M ir I 1 ~r nof. IM.n.flemila,No.Sl Wood. ..,. fun ',elm.' et nits end ra.r, lan, doe), 61 NA N. YOUTES, from then...two!, 66 Chicken., Ii,MM v0n , ..-0.m.,,, of 0,6 S. 6n. and 7 star M, rarrnl awl ,I.n. ID-6 SAL! —A negond hand xl,aut mating•lty — ' 47 5 67 . 4a - t, e' no. 3n..• landlt.ber.. ove 1, undre4 11111 r ilollxrm. on Mt mond. "*""(ht usual ""7fl77lA'' bT Jr J4g.l I' New Music. 'OS* S sung. by 1111s8 CATHARINE HAVEN: I'stne shrew Ills sweet ropbyro The hares that unae through Tars's halls slog et, me. xoNne I•UNIS RN A yes LIM,. AT lIER (NINCRIITS thrott,b Ay': ' 1 4 1 .1111 land fmess, e Anna Rohm ILlitle Red Riding lirssl, sweet hew, km, from Ms stern Th. ensal!, The lurtEs PEST, will , RIR' Ersessk, Ihr, sib by A. Glover: Ca‘ 'A partins AtrUe O.» harp svntly. by ere wn allure parted... Why do hummer Roo,. fad& I". Th ., Loy] Hemel: wail eel Elate. Abs. ref lb, Vale; Fortst UM, Sehoe. Th..l....thres Poly, limit and illormuse Cull a, pet Mesa, Walla. Blopmer, Sr. Ilseeir.sl ...I far sale he JOHN 11. MELLOR. • .1 Wood .treed. • Double Heed subseriber Imo just opened a vero Jt fine Melodeon. b Vet., • Ith Moe le pea of (r.pei, 1:11.. I.) ormixal inlentats. Cartier& Nceelbant. N. t el le equal in power to tiny of organ. xed mu, ounrricr to it lit of evattneer of tone, ca. 1..1..4 In tone, end k.r trerraportine. I pre.rly intandet tor nee in ahucenrs. and owing to its Iry orloe tun. h treferaale to an enthorinstrument Timor rtrhing purcater. au inxtrnment th• kind aro respeet. fully lav l.. a.] to l roil aml examine tha t rem e , preelnue In its lying taken aver tnom the enbeerlherls arenertn. booing teen ordered bra mugrxgenon In title city. IJLEllklit, Sole Agent Re the original maker,. Carhenll X Noexlham. _ New Bowie. 1 UST RECEIVED and for sale by J. L. ity 4th .owl. I r r.spi s.n4 Forebt Ten.. rocopTlidall W. 4112 (lamp auu.si harp ~a nd Wild •vol stdvsmlurs.,lb 4, ..rip ltsus ben tiv I,ritt Inn, Ito!- nod ‘ll.rts , 1.,11 I. Is ALE,rlra. by Halt. Tbrand lb.. Inn. An Ayolo.o.al lb* Criatal rat; %tn.. V. n S.. aulbnr !inn anti non. J.• A 1,60... e. nag t., The lain,. • .oa r ten theal Farts.n,J Moral brat reantlnd In inantlno. SPAN, I' Ana.. Au Appeal Is 4 Jobalf ,•1 runup WJJ a yrarrt, val 1,1 mon natl•calaanla, .1 Inim , ll.LJ.l , ,Nwolu,b,.l . llrerna • I sled .111. and w.ttanst rall.oon. ln Iln:strata tna ttut4 anJ 1 Isra. 91. , a1...1,1,1th many c. 110.• tot, numnroulto otinoutunn, mud •t r... •urrl, of Illanir Work au. distiolvrr ',ln tu.l6 —.The Inttglillfleillt NV'S Na the. unotinul•rt mho It to retain it tof nu. d•, li, .4.ler to .11..,1 thorn of I ur cilitnto oho l,••• in. •••••,,11.• uort•oll,n1 SPO , lllleO of Americus Flout., Ann rortoutt) otol •aatum. the ... . . , 11. It LELINI/ ,t Nunn. t Clark, No. 101 ;el Arm, Ntutits' °rand Pianos! 1 UST RECgIVED, flZltt a rldid r fir r "TA je. r7ta . 1 " / tory r' tlN . ll hut (A N li New I s erk. Tlas nastattnen* Instzuctend tteenett the late. tnen Int Paten , slng rens, Itlt boatmen, ani patent nt•4lllc ( at. ln power and et.lnsne of .11a an trnly nett elehhar. andel:elf the tternertlnn of It, Intechanient teanAL U Pttnm wet te natet. the The ti onreetted tone, ' , abr.. the aid et the _a pt pedal The funtitunteencrentaty `tire and In neeet taste , altrut that tenllnerinmstratetinadlon et ratted nick. whoch, In • city lite l'atsLurgb, alnareet Ina...aside In kern Onto and to acid ordrr The Wlee atel gentletnen are feethectlally tnelte4 tettell atal for thl. ntattalled (Intel Piano 1..n.m. It lean. ef the ron , ,riber II KLEIIE.It, ha 'flatlet-. !tote Anent Fe Nunn.. and (last. N 111 --Ali rereivtel. a eery Ent (corral went-talent nf Manna. tn. tud atg Leas XI V. tat, A Ifistory of Pittstnirgb. Y NEVILLE IL CRAIG. ty tr." at l'lttsbnegh. ftmaa tLa earlitit pritY It aaa vt.in.l by wham mon, down to th• elca• oftba L•st reotury, with notiet• tba fir•t nitabliahpuent of *otos of do. Itoport•ot ganglia...leo and vattoo• worts of into, wal inaproventent, up to tb• prftest unit ta whiz/A.0 , 0.1- • chaplet upon Ito. aoltantato• of our twoltion lot Man nfattnrins gnetnnuotarcial pursuits. with • rtintntary 114fIg 11.410 ti 4 to( buslewita Lain annual. I> up.*••Kir r ***** rattail. out itinetwatet inoprorannauts. There I. p , 401 in thu I.!nn.n whet., so aany tatlo , t , taut erent• and ra,urrenew. of buttor;al Interest bart, tatan.c.supentoad witbinwt briars pertod of Inn. as In the .onntry savored tha bad of the Ohio. To colloct tonattior and In histories/ antot theft r•rton• intid•nto, and In plea= the stivuttacee of our pooltlon, *a talon. t, n.,.ntxr capttalt.t• to rant. herr. tb• object of to, pro- Overt. ' 212 cao bound 11.1, 111,lshod ao.l I, valet, - JoIIN 11. 111i1.1.014. .11 14 .3.1 New Mine GIPSY'S SONG. or SIT Gallant. liszk; '""' "" " Mr r.lll.rtrn horgh The 111.e:elev.'. Compla sat: ry pathetic eeell Tb. lemeiy On,. ...kg 0) esthanue itt Aneriea. lin I. eemies, Loge: sung by Cetherset The Uuei •W rLLYI. The eiguarMareh e The E„ecadreme. " "'."4" Alt.of . do "`Zltfoniran fy,t, fif•L' mu..:. ""'na.‘litxtrft• I° ' Thi limo of LE. Sacred Music Books. , ANTICA LA UDIS, - M. on & Webb, lJ CAJIAIIN A &Wad, do do NEW C. I VIIA ...+ACKA, do. do THE OLI 4 I, 11l LK, • new rsdle , ttoe of Gil,. an l'art Poo.r, meleelea and arrws.,rd for tb. Modeal Cow irwetion, Twarters . Instant.. azd Cl.••• of Il• Aiwa., of Music. Lowell Mame if.. J Webb. t 2 tit, of the above wort! •od bl 4 JvIIN MX1.14114.0 W.. 1.0. Clarionets F ri! E difficulty of obtaining s correct and usu., Chninnet In thin country. hewn, Inert:. Ihun LIS4 ...v.', Gat by the tangle,' trubtle„ the subnczh tea has had wont* at hM ,hulce soloed*, ehnt. Jun arriv...l. They aro (Toni the (=Wry of the Wet water In Gunn., and am •arranthd euratsuk In say CLl.rioneto•ter nrrenel ..L —east or most 'l' he otnet Cletionent-1% end 13 Key.. T .. ID u 6 'DIU/ Oood Clarioottc •111 OD4 Ms • rat e150.u..4 11. 'ILEU:H. "rl ,irn of lan ODA.° 11/.,,, Yo lul Thin! et New Noce. fitollN 11. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood etroet, ?... leer, ed the lolleelug nor sat poputer pewee of J•rue*--e 4 Feller. Maw% from Lucia de Luo. Ft?t= tdueeellicht tgeePlitc Villas. quirk OUT; W. MOW moot put. World'. Year Quiek ElteT. The Coraller. have riche*, tbru boot TO. tad horn. to die, I beauty—variations I wateh tar thew (kayo flog me that e...lair ha kind th• lowwl cue., to: again—variations tether', Praf ow; Trarnalo—honaahow Ju. Wordy, bell.. me If all (how an. Why do rummer roaex fatal dud. toot a nhatn. Diligent 11...C0 littlck Ntrp-, Inadem, s, •tira. and !Silver 801 l Wahaas Lily, honey's lance. /Loom*, Vita 111, J!...pl Ora, brractin. Cottage, Ogden. etnnatta. If NSW MUSIC d VER TIIE WATERS NOW, by 11. R t zan; r rolls'. Child In Amerks brontaln Daley, he la/. I Jo h m a . h a ppy I lowal ton; In diwaans of prom, hill ot th• Ws., with elerocUe; Loot Heart; CM Waal to rote Lat. ,I•netha Natty Ine, fester. The hentnaha hY 2•hobert 'The IltpBl . l/14mI t .1.4. , 1 , 1uwall, u ter Dlara t. 4 .: Loro Trot duotta7Tha Wild al Wrcala ?telly. was a Lady; gronina liong—Taillght Dawn aro W•ephnr, llama teal le thawing roan, duet* Iterawe ol Wa.allud brothels Nall Colombia, with liketwrof U•o. .! 1 : 1 1%‘L w.lta; hollkon, fewest froloala andita en le Polkas thew PolaueC•trodis, .Alrouhoen, and rout', with adored alb elle, toy hetes Flowarbehottbln /labels Said. and 10 ' Tatohottr—Rondwr, eltr o b l altitn o. b ytlg i ar d if• N r , 411 . a . yzaw. , lje=ar c ! 0 , Thal. al Boollrod. Heed CiFkll7ll7Di rota/ RAM U MEL al Wwel et. STEW BOOK si—The Stone ''- Mao. of Point Polntia Vllly.T De Lament.. Tranalated from the Preach. Memoir of Rm. Ednard Dlelterstethqmonong WM. t o o, Hens: by nee. T. D. Dirlubbl.A., (bell o ahall, Ilerts, Nth mat roduction by On4ben .Tyng, lit ole, Mt,. Authonn Homan Antionlnein • lidantial of komem An. tiqultlee, with mammon. illtortnittonr, Mahon. L. L. D. Light lo the Dort Placor,in Itemorlate of Mold!. MD in the Middle Ages; front U. tier.. of the late Aug. toe Dosage:: lemo„ man The inm of the Wise ;tea • Commentary Tn.. , Chaplet of St. hy 111charil Otemirrin Vienoti, /I. 11.:,%"71t1hCo h d i sztreollirontf 1 ' 1121, 1th :1g Loomis' tlements ' ol algohnie geltiod far itogionmen by Dna Low., X. A. Prote2Bol . of ath e matic", Ao. No.lo Pie:oriel Field Doak of the Revolution: Coning. eap3 lb Apollo Dulldlng, T BOOtn-Traveln in the Unitod Mates, es, durtmeteettl and ISA by the Led} Y. KSi Stuart \Bustler, 1 vol. }Una. Mt. The Ilistory of the llmpress JoSephlum by.}. B. Clabbott No sacrar< I 01. No. it. tor A iu m m idst.' APPlstou's Meehardoe MsClualls Engineers . Journal. s.u. 10 }lames] kielt}Book of Ms lisrsolutlnsh . Nod. Is .4 so Incil , ;Oliry - of Work tad. Evsin.wrlng. Jon h.e4 lakl ferule trf J. 1 0 HEAD. 77 Apdlto Vu prpl fourth street. - Now Books, hat Received. EAST: a Problem; reprinted with oorree iii Oar. and additions, by the author of Alton Locke. i ttoTy ' ll Cleopatra. Queen of Conk bY iamb Abbott. Mo., mop (Web Field; a Tale of the Plana.. 12coo,,pons. Pest bury; a Tale; by 1.1.11. Don ry, autism of niTtod. aria Fortunes." Pap. an 4 num Appleton's Fleohnolal Mum. anA Engineers' Jour sash 0.6, kyr... , Melons+) Mechanics. logic, Work and Err °MI% o• e N Pittorlal Held Boot of the IterobsttoodiP./ 4 . Pal= It: Coorints4.lhblaittor , al with tr i t *I"." 4 7 Daniel P. 4.1= 7 . 4 than. ontA t13.21:.kri r' //% 3 r J.l. URA% TB Apollo Buildings, Fourth sh AMERICAN STATE PAPERS.--Eltate zrAtti l l b )l c o Dontn lr ta tb: t itr.= . : aatablatta•com . Dat=of ouravratnratattaaa salmi that tltaeLlacttlina Ltalf.a.ittal 110.,..114. 141 , ..' Itmtanatioatabaloa poilu.l.lllisteri,b! o..taigra,tletantkeal,Platlstical, bancrtaktll,l4l: rttge. thl=% a tu rtearttof the terrate of the Thaw lama " • • W ove relaible Lottltala. MEDICAL DR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice. 00.1) FLESH AND BLOOD are the d ue t. ~f gaud fond. and plenty of It. w, I: .herented and well travel ted into the elem. ute of flutelike, St ini plat a h e althy an.mault. and peal p.a.. of dageellon. plata that word Ileal. and I.lnod carnet be produced. even with the drat or feria., li)opentlee ne s ee ra n y.,.var lone at ittei:Patilll et.tinue.. rein yreat want or int a. is nand honkilr oupplied br hr. Ileuttlaon'a releirw ted PRPS IN .ore Ingeative Flu.d. made front tbeatom .h of the Oz. the [rat duteatlve ulatetial keel!. created by nature for thi. varytrate., Tide It eta:lath ott ration l. and as valuable and auoceaetul as It la rational. It le Join: wonders for the "1... n with lad etornaebe. gy 'v a i pe " p . ll; ."' anVn;•Tro ' ff '' R " or "i r n'itTfu'rec !mug ended ad lieu . melee of earth!' Y. 8 II A WU 1%% EL 1.. and V.lall Auoul, 18willpurOL Wv—Fiat rale br U. g MILLI:AN, Id Wood strrad. A Medicine for Cough', Cold?, IloarB, mere On hand. 1.4 1 0 it SA LE ut the moat fitatan le rnlB6 by i4- ". .efi r clibi v c ' : " & r eitii ' i ' liit7it:i c ii r Wit r i;;e7iViiiiso a uo . .Ni, Aa• WILIMA • 00 - t w to rtst prima , \ ...ILO , 6-I".' N I °URN iNG SIiAWLS--11 , ,e Hp open `cvlas's Patent Revertible. Water Filter .1 7, .1 ;,,,,, ~,^ ~.,,„. ~' r . , ,tf .:,,,,, re.... L .., 0 ". 1 . 4 " 4 ,,j1 . ,N . "". 1 IVZOW to 110 tfteti in operation' nt W.M. ' «IN \A. A. .11,1tolb A thl., \ stse4at i.i. -a, '444 A llal.'n, Plumber& No. 10 north )ttrect.,_4e. 1,-• • Le« fl o and Lauri ate., idul at PRYOR A WILLA'S. 111 UM CAM PIICPE--isi lib's. for Sae bZ \ No iik.,M i.et era.. Piktotrik. Thu Filter bastace,lred II I nolo \ \ j Kinn, t • 001411 tram Ow American Instituta of he& ioria, .- - ~,• • , , , - and a I.ll4cate Mtn the Craut4n luatltatat of Ptrllatied it AlltD ikdliVlN ardu few 4111.1 TS ,''Okita: 12 , ,ihtf Llirgn ,. l , Dt. , ! , , ,, , ,, cr . .. l ,.:PNlLlV=VA ta t.. j_p end Peon,tretra Ittoirs..4 ... wk." ••Paelcatoas nays or ,: ktch e ~ c0 ,,,,,,„Z c r .,..„,,, ." I \ 4 1 1,4 T k ...- soil 'lite Stork; fos_oo,.. ooly mem. uolti, X\\ ..P . lntanallucta, Vara!, nth. 1651. . ii-4oFFEE-1,5u bap' 'tio, r sale by '. A\ rt `l.7. s •?...M. Pl it="i t i.rtrVintl;ll— ' I ) 4... ii . IDI WOILTII ACV • lanttL;Al.3ll.t e Ilar ' lna ' uZon:of ta!ent for se, tED FLAN NELS---4 hseenufacture# \ 4 b 7 4 . 1- " t " .l ,o r an ira cyß u hii.'" . .4. , ,C h Al,",i,,,,, e ,i, at the Nee. Rape Facaoryilitasea,tounta. Pa_l,, , , X \lm.ant.muna,`,MarotiMith, 1831. n: P. itamberger A Co: justreeld and kr_ealc ICto bl , • Pitint Ilaverill/I.llater Viltepar, Wsented Is, Ur. noll tVi . ,W, \ ATT A CO, _ Sathril IL owie, bil,o4 , ltonl , bl M. 10,... , 1%1.1; i : i t .1- 0 IV NER IV ANTED—Fo r fire Brick, riV„i " „,7=7; .. „1,: - ,„ - tra - 77..;,,, ' powet.to branded 'T. ataamee." i e ral lef th tie by the kit- recommend It toll« Miblio. Julio P. FAIILLABII3, nontrebela What's Neon«. T. IS 6 diatatN, ‘t, 1., \ \ No. B Nummet atreet..^ lI‘A X 61 NVater ri .Theatb,llltere are unyreasted to take Out automat/ or ---,-.- 110 T ASII—S bbls., for sale b . Irgt h tMiVills " Vi ' 7lltrif.grri 4 si= ciLle4 ,_ non ... \P.I W. fUGTI. gfai , :rna . To,:th , tivary will last ter and «ma , • \-• L. for m I - ' r ' . r e aPk'r %.41.,ATAR A JAADIN, ' \ R°.s.Ti — lOO bbiK NV \ . s. ' e t. A Y ea„, ' ___ 10,1031 1 .2,29 00.,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.. \ , VEIN:ESE-122 boxes dream, l ' ie ‘ b; - I, EAD PITE--CornelP \improved patent ''su no2l J A 11E8 DALZELL, C 8 1 etas at A-A L.. , Pi, , i,* 1 17dr..u. \ , \ ' —-, ,-- Vurnp, \ , • \ • LASS—IOO LI& asiii,ilkixes Wind I for A Ti;lnii 'rr i ' il . \ LA tale be 1 'ASIAN DAUS: I - Cloterno.uto, lit"—, times friii , for sale by: Allots« on hand 4to terriar,foaeale byl a t ALEA- Nn} taULLIVN, t. mull \Au Es ItALZEL inehl,Nf i - '• '' ' 111 RAPPING PAPER.- , iiifiraw \frame' , Heating `q,nd Ventil.atien. T y Paper ot all eleee for male hy \ 1, tt 1 NO APPA iTUS for .. nortal ". r "A""" \L"'"d ''''''• l‘ rE ll.:Ve L g E b 3 L AIC t llotele.(Int„ oomo.Lasi re 1 ,1V.t . 1, ,,, L , p l: ,,, A , P . F2 d ,i , i7j:z . en , eli . ltild American 1 ,, ,,.., , , , ii:0u5i . 4.4%,,. i i . ,: t iv r ii..v. v 1 ri fct . t . a i r , clllll ... 7lr ALTER P H iIARSIIALL. Vs utd Drying Room& for 'O,ll Parra« aI . IF w heel ''' • • te tare, either high or Was to deelred; for theidt DIG IRON —6O funs Jenny Li ' \ntl Furnace nu on other metbol ix entiV to It. L for sale fillan lb. Alio belay Wharf. 14 \ ha VT Tentilatlom ! , it flatUrall or forted mee. rut, will . noal "• TA F . 1 ?2" . . I" ll=Virrv d a . riomi • llteee N ‘tiona Oletatlot . are [ - DOLL 1 1. , D , T.. JER-1 b big. iirini a u . tr o‘ i . iee . wri;1:= 1 41:.=• , 247..., , ,t . .. • : ,. ii i r ° 2% , 17: .4. —%. \ s. I oseilwiewsswitueo, with cw_ i5j,...6 - c, f ro . 7 , ill UCKW HEAT FLOE -:,5u sacks tn tore. mots, kisoicstusasseuiwi. sun ~s,rsti from c,. toylia , , 4C/11,111. ATKINIKI. A (WELL I) anti for vale b, DON) J. ,t IL 40 - 11 , 1. Vulcanized India Rubber Soling.% \ UST REC'D, a largo 'qua thy of eariliiiu lly thlckocereo of Volnuicad &ding. We flare «IP (,),, . eipeFlelleed wortolcin to role a d half-cote latlllo' and gentlemen's Mot, elm«, and Mir • We no. In. vile the ettenthot of the eititeno of Pitt 11th and ririn \ r \ quo tine Soinc, 10101 h&chaen orate) In tar« elthb n pas for tio. lestllea , earn a d nrommend. Ina IteelL as it dove, for Iry .17 0 ,„,, , ,„, so , ~. furl, and «a great. oreterrer ofI,IILA LI II rurreo turoe. rat intraluctlon to the «opie. I. J. A 11.1 1111. LIPS, ooTI Indle Dubber Depot. llNtarket et. CItEAM TARTAR-12141)1s. pow , " v«Med purr. MO sale by 1, o n D. A. FAIINTTSTI>CK A. ~ IAJLAD OIL-50 baskets for sale by \ 1,3 esoe ' R. A. PAIINPATOCK it C.s:, _. ~I \ 7 r. ~ ._ • .. — 'l _ ...... Tocb. II 01 . 01E:FOR SA Lil—Z. :very tlesini- PeoT.d F J Utgre7f . '' . l r lll7l4l.l,ll l' ntit, oat VLOVER & TaIOTEIY SUR; fo Bain by' I) ~022 —, J.* FC..P Tn. Q uGAR-20 bbis. I.....v7lng'der:h v roe. 1.11 .104 ncal 0. I.:tluci F.A. Sin ...,_ ~:• • F a for salo by , \ RAGS—.S '''''k il \,, - S. k v W.IIARBAL*OII 101118: PEACHES-7.70 bit4bela Ac.eive4.l on rign.ent RINI, tn.; rate )11. • \ • ... ,iatil F.A. ---------" iir --- — IL iACK/NU .FLANNELS. . typo? , F oR SALE-A. traF row . . : \ ---" FAXI - L.V . * I. Iltirelaleld ham reerfma thLtthornirttr bp hip -Immix. .hleh Ewa Ziliocu at JACktteN S Is k.Untk:l34 utter ecdp.......t 5.uki.., flalTll, , ..., , ,,,,,..1,1,...b..u. i \ it "j "" had sea panuine Outten/telt.; ell S IT/NE .7 P/ PES-200, k..ces for et ' le b 1 4= ea .. \TT , not ior. a !WAND A \ \ ~ , s \ \ , \ 1 NkJRANCE: Equitable Fire 'lnsurance Compiuiy, of London. 'lllll5 Coinpafiy iriaures against loss by fire nont.n *Ft, an.] nterrhatolize. Pon. rat, a. u-ltal. 0,11/Y NAT lON A L LOAN E LIFE INURANCE CONII2ANY, OF \ LONDON. \ T 111:"; Company inauresliives between dip a. 0., a 15 an,lth pg.:tooth:a for to&urthee l W,i. 4. HILL ostheorf the abovagompan. tee rncelyrel et the Hanka.: H ni,o" n0 . 27.11m0r."1th. thrtsburith. Jh Pittsburgh Life Ins7ce \ Company, rIIIIIS COMPANY was incorporated I , bmary, Intl. with a Porno al Chirter. and 114 ..eel bunne,.. on a oaPhal The I,ao,un, humnem both on the Joint Stool ard Mutual plan. on lb. Jot. Snot plan the rateri.re most I. than char,ol by Mutual Compasiety an Fifteen Lem twee,. than the ~airs of moot :trot Comp i••- 31utual rata. aro the same to• t%oee opted AY o th er ronduotod Companie4 T L men .ma the ntuttt. prn eel plr bare the foto hinti arcurltlee fu lehmll•rtbn , ta.tairitsi and nn Iva Fund of • Jo. Att..a donartfnent. The Charter nernOte tlo. planting. of Inentines ott lot ever, trn, ntrltnthor the r3-ht of wife, or rento, rwlathots. troonl, or eroditers--th th•ttr. M• anothrr for thrir•or n eoreln.vo bonen4 pity able ~death. .4 upon It.. ,p4u...-trtiog a: the a, of 50, 55. st the ontton tbe auttroJ. Jet - nee o. lrahlont I , atutsel )Ithartan.ll, rrethient Joeopb Levrtt. Troaforen • llaarle. Collor, Aocretary. td.Crop., hooch., Can 4.1.01t0n. ‘I Phillifa. nor.an !lon. 1y 11 . .:417 L 11 . !111itr., Iran . F.0r.:11.7 0.1 S. Mtn. 141.0 rt ,11:11.1, !Z.* It.n -R niter PorCsard.oflrellu k r!" o•I Cantacr I Itsuur. •n hritr•hiebrOccr. Cl= I=! . . . 1m.1411 - tr. I' A yrtgan, Jrerph 0.1.}...n. t 51. 0., 0 A. 1,11... D, Jerend.o I.ltpok. 51 D. 1., 1.12-autray. D , F-Raining uel , %!T i Tt '- ; . U ;1 3 1... D l;11 : 0.. ford. SI. P...., Slath t llml MoK. 31.. r 1. lot Lth..t., ll, t Dilworth- RIP be Kan. In att«colaneß tb” oticv,R•rri .• ul the l's. tt u.pauy. No 7.: Fourth 1,1 C. A. Col.ltiN. ene'r Western Ituntranee Company of Pittsburgh. , A1'11".IL $300,000. R! MILLER, Js., V. ,( lit.nß.,,acnda*/• It In LL.,urn agan..t wlt k,u,la flak., Fira sod Manor. All ...mt... wlll tan 1,1.1.111 ad.lua..l Rt.R.l.ly yell) A Lou.. Iwtßut.b.a.t—uaaaal,R by Ihre,to• vb., an- wll I,a , vt , u, t 1... eomittnnit,, and Rho ant ,leteru.lued 'by ....I Ili 14. malnßon the cbaran...r ahRI. RRne.g ,Rolett.ll.4, L. tl.OO. tot.. .• Innu-ruk , --Itfulro MOLT, Ir., J. W. I•utior, Stn 14 C 11/.. trult.+•lrs. N•iniok. 0.. Meet, tiro Nrri, tt II • Ei3=l I ES I N E) lin ly for Om 'infer elmemes of p lota an niaj.la ravital, apd Altar& rupert. al,alll oar- tn nt,lnt of Aoaana.a. AAA, AA uo utunou .1 ht. o• , ut t 01... vont,' torrobaufa. and nu tsar, t.f • I uu aulute,l or tooutry 1...1an). - A. A. CA lOU letuar). Villea. No. 14 ton , l'otaborgb _ . Orleans Insurance Company. ALMON, N I CAPITAL, 8150,000. INEM=III er of the nye. 11 1 111: nl,l, e prunperolle and rentiunnible I 01wt t.. 104 l.aßi.4 with Ms ruttuiuttluns of (tic tau ur llit• mat, IA 1.11 , thstao, phltries awn' A vilit tiu tarurattle ter sue. we. %tat pru• r. tit c and tract, 0. ttlellol,oN. u Prschleut It s She thLOSI, Secretary. I=MIE=I A A CA11111).31. A.A.At. FronkSu Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. I )1 RECTORS .;.b C.hfirleemlmV.,,l!una c. Lker, avul n Brawl. • • .• . • CHARLES BANCKER, Pre.ldenL CU G. HANK.. Eleenrta.ri. I' his I.lragwar owttsue• to make i13.011f1.12“, parthasest Dr hunted. on erer, deecrlption Property Iv tuwn and wentr,, at rahw a+ sm. toveistest with wurity. TL• tomPehr hale ...few.' • l•rgoe rorllltwest fund. which. ith Mete l'rehltures.eaf•lr efferd t.w.teetion to the worwl. The ...rt. of the C...tnparty.os !.mart I.t, ISLI. srputt tb. Act a /...cably, were Inlic.ws • • Lan 11.212,10 i 44 • "Finn klbrlr 1.3.-07.4•th,n, a Pre , d • Y e .' the ' ,t 4 uporan, 4 , 1 v.,. 11,ta Ihurlgal Tlavalu.lad La.kwo 1./r, tbrrxby .Uordirlit c51,1..0t,p( Lb. 3.11,nta.,.vf I tuuren p •T11 their stilit) wad du pnpcnew all lial.thtle. 4, MIN COVI N. Ag,d4.S". . . . aplC ' (MI.'S A. corner of - Wotan ;ad 3.1 :.i.,..„ ,.. Penn Mutual, Life Insurance Co.. Philad'EL DENT IN 'i,'ITTSUURGII, W.II. DAT I SFennel , J Fennel .Jr.. dec 3'o Liberty Oased,) No. 3 Libey street. 4,, tn. batter ctssirstilosics al pernurs reanlins ill the veer part ...1 the ns i',. the .4.49 may ale. be tonal daily. trona II to IL/ mci n t.,,,t n'she - t. 41 th e reuniting room duly. J Ochnonteaker It Co, No n 4 Wesel instal. where all owe ear, Inlortuanitn will hereto. anakencunsnalutionapromi,t ty attended to. Pamphlets espial/ale. U. prtnclples and benente or tile Insuranna, and blank forma fat/nub./ on applicasion. eatAtal stock or i20.1*. and yoturtantly Increasing.— Pronts dorlded annually atnonsvt Chows Insalvtel eta Life. Inttabu r././ Jan. 41 lail.-to:el • Ittarine, Fire, and InlTind Transportation Insurance. \ r , 'RE insurance Company of Noi•th America, illawl,dplaili--Charterrd INS. canna/ $290.000. Assott anuarr 13.1 , 51, 41"1.252 UT Will make insurance on buildings and their contents In this city and Slcmlty: elan ... Proton, - of es ery dexription. ahlpp4l per /loam boats .n.l other resuels. elthOr Ur Inland transportati.4or on the taniCTOlti. Arthur o",,CoMst, Pro's., Thcsmas P. Cl/Pa. nainuel /A / s Junes.. John st 11- Sea, . Eliari Sninth. Itirhatd It. hood, , lend A. brown, , , Wllllam 1V0 9 5 9 0 :tunnel V. emi r.` ‘ Fretless Ituakina, , fLamucl Renck. , d..kuntin Ana.a.. . ch.q. "nrinr.s, , 1v... 6-Bowe, \ Aso bront Whin, ‘ Wsonts Aspinwall. , Jacob 31. Thomai. \ /am.. N. Dirtsou. F. Morris Walla, \ '' 1./. Shern.rd, Sees. This is the .44. d Insurance Co gamy Its the Unit.sl.statas and (rms. its lii sten:Ups. long an,flenre. ample mean., and atr4Filtle all not. nrnau estra hosardoua character It U. bile. ma! is '''''+'" j .."'" YA. ' jltn V rs .i. r iVPr. Ane nt. la= Delaware Mutual Sat'etyllisinceComp'y i IFFICE, NOItTII ricom F THE EX x y ClIANia P.. Third street. Phllalelph . - Slot :T/auassen.-41.11.1m..T. `Mercha Ise. and other roerty. in town and crointry., Issatinsi dust lose or latuagt. bf fira. at the loaaat :tie O pretuin mt it. nt .a.ar. Ptanitac —Th.r aloe tante V ' Is. Cargoes anst noon/its. toressn or coacTalse. tinder 0, ot spacial policies. iti thew .at,. li al., JP:O, IlunsmatArtux.--Th,t eta Insure A rrhandln• truuptlrtett I,y Wattana. Bail ron.l ears.. Ctonal ate. and Melon b.ata, on Tinero.l lake,. an thoinoal 11 be I term/ Inas. 0nte—.1.....ph I t 4.1, F.l.aund .lASontlar, tehn C I.4rin. Itotart itUrtun. John It-Penns.. V./4one] cay.r.la 11....1, t• Lelper, !A.m.] barthunon, trsac.lt barts MI lIILLY ' Pt.IorII. Jahn Nen ha, Dr 11..11. linetpo, 4e.nniC lintel. I'l/.4111. Paulaints. D. Sours ttrltokatt Itt, *I ..,1 , 5-114. llnnb Craig, liens, FeTrlll, cpentelr Melte 11. CLarlimo belly, J il. Jatonton. Wen. UK, 1/,‘,..1b/s.,t .1.111 seller.. Wm. T., re. Jr. , loisserena or i'MNIMILati—D. T. Morgan. 1114 h \ Gral.A. I John Loom • M a T. u se M saris, Preaklent T.1..1. C. Ilalsn. VL, Prest , dent. .I , .[F, iv. COW., e.e.-,...r, \ 1 \ b.M '''''' l.. !!' rfr i'pany, 0.4.4...\1'A'..1./tlitlra'..,ll:tall'aV."- MISCELLANEOUS Ohio Laboratory \ Copley's 'of Clad , MI EE eribers are now, Sale Agana, E.,:f.T,cAtAtba , ,r;.lzt . get,74,tl',l.chag oo of also.. oto.Steo ke. It to Made of on %of the moot oftviblo gokofotookkne,lon; awl II Ten. ea.iftillr Wat.] g o ',M.lffinomuAßl o , E are instruhtect by the owner ta.cio.c ", mduont rat arm \upoo for thaw, tot rflooo 114:11 4 ., Jan. 0e.4 IPITIr A L. TISIBRIA, sale by I earli. tnutrtnNar EU JAVA CO,YFEE - 20,bagefdr sale by 1v33 WT.f e-- NIIANDUEII. V , t\ \ • .MEDICAL enl e P° CO.Plt.. 3, q Yru tbe llP f: 23l : t n ' t Y.E mn ell'S k °l l 0 prietorw medkines of this count nog Cataken, nett Rlar.o, krymtpnl• eons arising Prom . los • Liver CompL.lnPCatorrlr4 . h Coughs. borenust .4 Tic riew P fts.. chi.e, ur Imn , eheen rrh....4.1 &Cia, about tb. threat; And Is meal .. stryprpooden. Female Irelkners glut: Genrirk4 - Agn7 i , ar O eg . sh.clog the\wiaknut tirl7 4 .e ..- ..1 itrigoaatta the ent ,H W y, r ..umouy oftbotimands. of 11x1 'all par. of the etuntryk oftlAbo Yelled I,,,,kraelon. in curing all if.... ale uednand 'brokers down conalitutlona. Me In its "eocuPenition. and Marvel Mal that the client botar. per * each maredhoat h rmeni.si \ Purify t , r Bluor. \ &ul t .i n , ` , , ,i ' el l .,l l ,, , : ' ,T7 a,'°' ' 6. ... y mci.o .d hoe , bait Ithe ‘ km. Eryoyelat and Mtn Alg a cyro;.• entirety failed to make the ka it Los ...led lq many can. of ilium,he mud. ob.ticate Centers 1y*.m,...1.,...0*, Ive OA, Chia It is •na/ tilLltillt , cuuriiAlisrs. 1„, th y rlreolatio \rendering the ldver th. It rettoom a Palpitation of the , all ram. of Am ma, and may be uut at all ...a of the year. Vile by run Is epored only by- C. -Jognbajo firm*. / ridenam. R 1, ah..., ~.... „..., retail, by • d. X. WIC li' L lillrillASZ ~,,, A lou t fru. W.f... l'enallivankti .. mrt,r Wank.... ne.rocr tt ood cod IS4_tis lee.Pltt g. \ Nee ' Celebiated \ . , 0511'01.7ND 31LOCK PLASTER.— t The. highly coed' led pleetere bare 1.... male Ihr Ilk . murk [luau twenty years during oh:eh Own 11,7 h•e •\ gainni a • permanent r=tr , •atitoi. a. the mwt tifiCicleas Rheom and Ittre.thr on Platter...car offered. rir. clan,./the hlchntmu. ca, to on .. U... comp.; um lea been *unmated. h ve *teen the. envaltattorhat AtuMen ah a, to them .upe, .r .14i•.t ..vet all other paw .sold. 'be in .1..nt.. ot their tom 14Irilirl, reryearetally mad cor nly r. tined, render the, peculiarly applkabl• , .., per.. rut so .rirlar with uulmonar &tan.. ~ Fn. p,in. g,the bread. resulting rude protrOcted eold. ' whne:.• nie co b. end local pat,tu [l.• Tafite,t3'ne(Lealgis \ dl.a. ha th . lody, their beoeßclal i•harzetorla by. • \ 4,(7 , ti0 or ,thipute . As . rerir 6., hutiViao h lts... , re r ; I. " . ". o n es V;t7gV%l,[7.,', 2 il. 0:.%),'"....,:a.:<",:ft: • For Ire kne od pains 1,, the L. ~1 side, rerultina from ....er end', , ell.ran. of the kidney, ar., their no , • 17:;n7;.. ' s .', . r o * l ' l ' : I. :W•r b ri=l L n * .ll.. 7 ,..:, ** l: l l ' ;, ' .l fnm 'li l i n,2.l . l . \ . • " t?, ' ,..;: *. a u i.. I .?4,Trft, *. el * .j ' . '.. !.•l[l, *b tlf, ' .% '.•' o ' n ‘l a.; . . th'''‘. * ;Anti their le n, ....I .. en. will le. found i.- deckled. „ . l"r **'..... *. I" ' "" * d ' it . .. V'XI.L Plot. a , ' ix...a rt. = \melt fIEALOIi). 'I Iti ( J \ TENT ;;TAit II POL- ' \ Cl!a. i V. l :e!',,lV. N..°. '',t^'.',.ntr.:,lz;',.:r:z , 7 4Lgr. . ego pr.. 1,. in. Ii n i 11-. li.i .11...ri11i: in [lin 1.:,..n0.1 dr* il ~.ti 1.• n.hhtne rive, In r Whee , lel • ~ g a li .) ,•h r tV;ilV•il VC . , l et t 4:l ' ; ' ;Zi..Xk l [ . :,l:X7 - : . : . : l ({2;gt .'" h i lt ly rralis..l. e. Li, ...to ...tion ‘ im feared ' after Wt. go tot. N li.-Dor. ''aka wl/1. thlrly‘dozen ol clothe*, an an . family rhon .Id no without t. , , Itn, 1111,. eon. intr Cake kerb Coke with full direct Tor cola's m• 1 . . t. In tt .1.1.:IIS.n; W.., - --- • - , ' PETROLEUM, OR OCR OIL. • . - There a, more tint.. lone u and earth. . • t•Than non dreamy* .flu. Ain., hr." . , FIN/1E VIIITLIE. ...I' thks n\ rot Urkable rem* . 2 dy, maxi the ..tontant aiTlll*the, t It. to the propel ... 1.... 1n.1...d him . Its... 0 pet `t. , . i bottles, with la ' be. and diteert..•. f.,r the 1,....em ,4 he h Alit. The PI. I Ilitl.EUM to oroeur , .1 frnt I% W 1 1 in this ennui tr. at a zleot b ..1 tour bun fort, n.s. no , uniniultara: , 2 117. 1 •Vf=.741 ' 47 ' :' ."'‘ '." l ' . ''' 'li....'" 'kh 'i li " et ' n " " . • Wrist ...ate, . prepreths :each: eg • outran, of doe,. , . o longer • . matter of uncert.hity. Th...., many t lugs In the ar- • -- cans Of piptere,•eghicl, at et...tn. cuialit of •st asehal• E. u.. in alleviating euffering, end re.torioa the deom Of , 1 • alit ~1 rigor to MM., a puller., Lo. fore he pro. ?pr..r thought of petting it on in butth... It 1 a put. hen 1..• the rim...0ra1... The non.u.t and 'IF 1 ereA fcog calls for it, and ...... remarkable cute Il e p• , , \ n ,d I. .au re "el ekhee 114 Raub poru mita , al pplirati..s. hi the eurn of dteesee. \ \ \ , te * ront ‘ wleb uninoku • lung parade of eenlll6e4t, we are 0m0w1... thapth.tuedinme eau ...I *Mk Ila sr . ' Mtn the lavor. uf lb.* wt.. , noßor, and of. to 1...14g1 c Whilrt we do ind rhuoi.fur it a onlvernal ormllnation • ery thee..., lee Utibrestetingly ray, that In. \a. 'hurt. • : . ... Climate Di.,-.. it I. unrivellel. Among tbr. Ott •`. eiturneraled-all ,dlArives of ale itilis.9o4 tireltel. ori . • CIIILONIC IiIIoNLIIITII... (~ N SUIIPTION, (In Ite 1 .. • etage,) ASTILNI A. and all J - awn of the ale pasengea 14 • . KR COMPLAINT. L/Inti•EP. lA. Dim., bit.", of .11 \ \,. . . Bladder and Rohn, n, Pull.. in the hank or Sala, '(4enroutt . ' Diert.l,.. Neural... Itai.y. Rhemontle Paine, lloitt.sAryalp elan, Tvllcr. Ringworms, hurt. .. I n n, Bruise., Old \ bones. *... le. In re..e of debility. ra,nnuarut from export*, op . , loos and protnetud ..... of thw..e. this medicine \ will , I bring relief. 11.1.111 act as a gener•l TUNIC and ALT1(11.• \ \ S AT/ VP. ID each rase.. Imparting Roe. , amt emu? to Pt." • , whole frame, remarlog oletructiona`ppening the - sins.... functi.s, which *au. d 1.... and a \ broken can...irinek anal giving focreased and renewed energy to ..1.1.1 . 7 ,. .....0 i to( life The women, Inewsef sees rid cur. PI La* , 4, [bet re:UE..I every other treattnent. get telt •••1•• the iow \ n of th e. PhTllol.Partil for a ebort'tline. Tb• wen( rye. e. \k , • '''" li t o ' u t e r* g .' eu r uirie r* lrta7, b u ' t r. d eeZtrua " \t' mOf ih• \ . . , , . ' Sold by the propnetor, , , , . R. KIER, Canal 114. a. 01. Seven. ~ Alm, hi It- E. SEI.LEItti, VI \ Por* ea. \ ' end KEY,FER a 411)(IVEI./.. PROCLAMATION - \ \ \\:\,,,. . , N is t i ) th " 4i \ . . 1 l ' /(T/ ' ie W lftild n er r° . ' d e ltdM, i‘ ktitilt eg icr ' \ \ mon< Nano in I ..k or Iltute. stilt 'clots, old ...d.rancinaig , leent Au. Watt , eau he eurc4.by Wane iiiirl-1'.... \ LE.um. , You u. t.,:k ebnot ha Loing a quetruket.o. much , S.@ yeti }I • •e. Ant Is dn. not make It tag for watuclallo. In the fare of an or•t community, that. It ball,*(rton : 1 which' are not motained - in Roy other restudy. Thom. s \ who in r0...1.4 with pain, and ligat.rinq frvaillsemp , p \ ' rt. for 60 ...mu. 4.1. tellef \ htlen eh) of the lila' mon „ \ \ A '-' , bove. ' Rea in! It mete very I We towaok• a trial. Tflie \ leo= le no mlature-uo peen d, put up WS the rlePellet, \ \ et imp:atog en lb. rammktuty; but it lw a remodyelobone \\ , '. _led by W. master head of *attar., and bubbbea up from tha \ , ‘k , \ . f b el:.; :o f er r inTelr " Z " a l t7ylly "'gi t d lY. Pr e 'r4r* Mat \ \ hems... 1 \ 'lt Las cured Piles. after oilier medlines Nara U.' \ ear , . .nderiany relief, It h. mind Ithenmetlem. of \ \ , . *muting, and of the. worst.d Won Painful *bare, 0 1 ..., \ ' ‘ . \ has cured Cboteris florbua h[.t. ~,, two owal. ft • , cum! old,caer* of Diarrlvra, In w ch Meer, 4lhee .e.•tr s Cu ben o( DO avail, As a local mwly 1nn 131210. 1414 ' ', \ • Shatlt Le better then any modicolengnotionds o' - that on know of. It will cure elalbtair* aml . , In a few applications: undoubted tegtinumy c od of the truth Metall:l,l le the abovratote, \ \ Mg on hA311.4:1. N. lILEII, Canal Lulu; • re \ either of the agento. Keyser a .11o1)..11. corner of trout m I . alley, It. P. Selicre. 60 Wood .tr. , e, t: I).A. lit , , \ 1 Curry, Allegheny :try , an the agUrita ' ' ' iMPORTAITT , TO THE AITS7' , • . ', ii It. ROSE'S CELEBRATED RI y , -De. Juoa hen, the 41..rrer and • h , . ''" r ' s * lk " euioT t ifil ' . "l, Ti.V,l l . ° l - F,; ' ,l6 `b' m v :VM. Inn., in eheating a more of Chronic diaesows. - dent nf that esultwot phydolan, Doctor Physl graduate of the University of Peonsylronla.lar • year. Pine« Tim barn engaged listha invent ea.e. iliiii tho opplkatlon of remedies thereto. 'Through the ow of hie inflating tube, in nos kin PropLylsctie Ityrop,tand other of his ter gamed an unparallelod volineoce In curing I and fatal maladieet Tulerenlar Counumpt Scrofula Rheumatirm, A.thom. Fes. and Ai all kinds. cum.:Lk Errrirot , ‘ .. ,1 .tlitiu.... rase. peculiar to female. Indeed, ,„ :..a f, vanlehee ocular the ct. et lan ressudi a ty to beirn-ttot by the 0. of one te.myo d Is lorearipatinle with Ithyriologind Law, t 6t. reined:es.. adapted to, ant preacnbed • form of dineats- Dr. Itonen. To etteT•tite PHU, when n I. hl onknowledgml to be OIIP. rior 4. ell att. , tire y or liter pill, InaHmoch an tio y lea. It, 1-.. fenny tree (rem rartivene, an al. 1,6 Golden Is, emitted, by l e faculty'. to pease. • perullar p led to female db..* but being ...MA [hate tr, la trufilrient to entablisb what ham let. aold.la . a the mot* skepUcat The alllicted aes, Invited to call oPcst the agent, \ core (crafts) oon of the Doctor', pamPhleMfliimlngaii= ~,, ...-ituut_a each remedy, and d• applicant*. For .le by the LBO-Ina afonte, as well. by eti tit • 217 gin. tbreugliout the noun; r .. \ , ~.. . . , J. Schwan:taker A Co., nta 1T..1 rt. PittsbUrfd . ' J. M. Townn , nd. Druastitt .14 Market at,.• ._ .... '. Lau A. Bankhim, Druit.l“. snear the Pool OfinakAlleatilla o J city. .eb Barkley, D.linclt n, Iliaverunt. Pa John Elliott, .no Valley, . - X t Adam, Resior. augl2-ulle `. . • , _ • I the Renders of the' Pitieb —r— tughlittettet. lULLIC ‘ VENTION is ' resfottetfullY in ytta to 40,, loving truths, set Mal to relation to ' one . vthe 1144. i important remedies of madam timed Sglitul..}.:7sl ILK IIUCK OIL, it to not mere than pew rear oio bloom ley teat amid, .as brought belay the 'blic, eta the relict nd eine of du es ... ,its go o n mem Itheal, live. since si l, toreome fully, sepredatar• onnadinitt, and we' e .i. that the , louses it Is t The more evotain veal its ',fa forlo serval It to not rage ' edr,of • days got op sor, b, to surrole of sualasig /T, I j.,i hug one. w bah es coneoli f , will amain. tu-to wiol Item all other madams have avlaritotteri. The Perregenak la • Natural litmody, elaboro \I :1 Jo to demos of to o ygokin by • tower tont...Loney the laugh. to worn all II es.p. titiAL Itls • ;our duty, heu we write about. f1r,a‘,!,',",f.:1,:rg,1;g:t.',."2. — t.,'1,‘":.,!1:0`r=" 4 only Swope in or steam... Lao. Ihjerelt ore very &FEU...stab ag v soy thing !het promboes relief SIVA di.... • A AAB7 MO hardly be too hishly to to Wolter to olueot of Vale aid or hnnshuratma vvrme to dam. v Now , w• do red dwell , todo thic as are as lobe ouly that aye truth in relation to l cub should be Ovid, le order fe MOO* Soo IL • wow tatiOo far es needing ono frusta artielede tbe ma/ea. kid. liattin IllivarolAb'of folt,—footo thakkoar be wiartalaed in our\ city and neigleborhA t l. Lou sms Ovation" In be eta of Lb• Petroleum. , . -, Within Abe Imo, Ova modem.. Sao of ano ewe dawn; who went Wan, blind. L./onshore .n an o . SOT. coal ewe., of blindwee. I. lb. &MO of * Isl. base cured gad, al" Ow ewe of • sonar.= I n ver country rhea, e g o oth o og hula., an a ge , up eo Lop, and mat - be referral so by any wawa whajarr• doubte.ou thews. lea. Those plays ewe cured atter th hod Nay Islatder. benptireirisaa aghntaiesie Tbn, c:taar used aawading he diattlone.‘- ' ' $0:02.17, nliteureal.=,Liont. Neuralgia, lireetions rat f Wa g Van re on the Drs. Chronic gore gram, talyeertorm. Tana. Dew, mingle the broom awl Lointb old eared, Lam. W. , * Art* Clingibd Coughs, asthma. Diu hula„ Wei Pubs:weary &ascii*, of a chnuale nature, wading tor. 0 ---= 4......., iz. midi:, ' Berms and Ck‘. l l: l o t t ruar.a . L=avettaZslal ' t l y b. , Lt an. T :Khr .. . bpp l .rjgth y.i ..; m perfect sums. Certillailos LINt will astonish are hi the Lauds sir proprktVhdrrikahke pi la shame. F l INV:4i ot e soro‘toor .r •Imut Ine l lr sts. the p.''''' late t f r.:t "''' Pb" trarl E \ of high Lu their Marie. now who at Ere: 10rg741, i lisszl ; \ and ...treaty. err willing to awed It nal csauddevada, Bela. ennthsr Yew • ad/a alnali •11l wing* ' .1 ~,,,,p po y.,4 Logoltgow ledge tat dm ilecroleura la the rasa., , 1 4 , '' ' ild b e ''. 7 4 :vir d i - 41;41.%_b‘11; —l _ — ' '.; ,11,6__z. z. Pallor, to: Wood sliest; ti. li. Cira. At ~,Er cui, E rakiln:calz k r.9l;mA t rittri. . .= Lb.. h, and ILA. Walai.atrok LI, , LioA and , t ring la \ _ . .. ;----1 / 1 0P ' `t ELLS S' IMPERIAX , COUGH S . 0-4 Jo cheap, emir to Wm .& I Moldy etterselorsil . \ ALLamter eV, Mareh 94,1771. , nr../1- r, Bellerw—bly, children. Lilo others, base .00hed? to Voublasoute eOushs. and taring sisal dillannif . rernedige. tikeery little pers.:, I rag indwad by adratv. , 13.1.1f,119i about your Lomas ...yrup In,gles It • Vial. .1 \ rir,r.rtgel:„ , ,,l4a:Aivail="leOt"M"."' \ I, IpLiir , ended it to air neigh '..ad do see. aanwielicionall !lore that it a tho best sordlatea that lager. bw paired to the radio , \ fiILIMII A 0.0.0. \ Partaitediould n'pt emelt their ealtdrws feta eonagb. witon char at .r be cured II all 6 at. tat *SUM rms. \ ~..\ B rnseared and sold It. Z. &ULLA rad= \ 6714.15 t, and Drearlst scsrlati• ... 1., LATENT MELeIcINES, dec.—A lergioik t., att., kn. foe ..In cti the most Missal fermi, kin's Ointment' \ .A.rotentla Snlten7 I Lemon Acid \ liMmm !trope\ \ kesential Pall cf thanita de Naltna `A . Metre int.. Bone klumnot ine..l4reorslslisir ed-/Ilm OrmteldmlOt..e. P 110610211117 il.. ' Hrill.h.all • \ x ceepeeuesixteteeseneledee s \ eve, neq-e: . n n .c b ler.e l =',..„l , \., "\ \ e.d . ', 'i: ' l ' ---- ei .ft tba s limpet'. —rt g' de•7llln.Trlllt e...r. \ .. Dpa a Ant Dy.l.pile ola. y.blits,ka Elo ' - Lamm. of l'eyperstanC l'lmlv'To ^ ermnbeckef . Lama • - . . Blue '''\ Ptordam kceln \ ‘ , Yoliktg" . rprges.ga Ref 'Bat intent... Thtter EY. Wahr ._._ • Strengthening Out.. II ner`s Lkommot titlt=l4l4, 3all i g=ri L Venal isarl.m OW : • . orm , ...... . et elle Drag Store AU . N. 11.11AIRSHAlr, ay& bract et ong and SW/2 gtroda. • VCERIES , G2a bar. 610 Co& ht\theses Tete: Xs cab boxes " 35 bssiiren a• .114= 2 on gong& Y. India.; 19 U.= Rpm