The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 27, 1851, Image 3

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The Lecture on the American mind, by Mr.
Wwirrva, at the Washington nail, last evening,
Wee attended by a largo and intelligent audience,
whose lived aturnien manifested their interest
in . bin masterly Xinerican Mind
and Character.. 410 y. thougfits were
new and strikiwkiv#,W.tat , ink every one who
heard him their truthful
ness. 'This Mr hitusitbject is "The English
FATAL Aeons-Tr.—A. GGle.girl named Annie
Lehr, about ten yeara - of.age, ;the daughter of a
widow lady residiag•in.Birmingliani, was, killed
on. Christmas, by.heiug run over by an omnibus
belonging to .Nasedi's Lawrenceville line.
From tite 7 evidelice adduced before the Coron
er.* Inciiihat; it appealed that John Griffin, the
drivers was racing with another omnibus,: and
that Lis . buries were it a full gallop, when the
deceased was hnoched down, and the wheels
gassed over her body. She was at once taken
toldocter lteiChedm's . ollico nu Penn street, but
only ticir;ived a few'moments:
The jury returned thgrolloniog verdict :
"Annie Lehr came 10 her death in conse
quence of injuries received by being run over
by the horeesi,attached to an omnibus, and by
the. passing over her body of the wheel of said
oninibrun and that the cause of void passing
over was' tho inordinate driving of the driver,
John Gritlna"
was st.once nrreted and committed to
jitizon iti'onewer the °Bence..
BFIDSN DiATlL—Coroner Arthurs held an
inquest, on Christmas, on the body of John
.Donghterty, who was foetid dead in hia bed.—
The deceseed resided on Gront street, between
Steam! and Thin], and the jury returned a wen
d4to the effect that bodied f. o u a &Settee of
WI Lk.1159 Ham..-lni9lhßll is nightly crowded
With the admirers at "Horns Wells and Briggi
band of Sable They are andonbt.
edly the best hand that bare ever rio.ited Pitts
.burgh. Go early it you n•ish to
,secure a seat.
THE LATE FAIII!—Wc. - nre plewd..i to learn
Chat between tan and tl.ree . thotdand dollars
ware made at like late fair 11;r the benefit of the
Mercy fleapit:li.
• •
ItsaCtinsven.—The citizens, witho t distinc
tion of party, met in the old brick scl mil house,
OD Tuesday evening,. and nelected the _following
candidates for thu various Borough ollicen, at
the election to i.e en the tiscouil Tuesday
ofJetuuary lIPSV ttlirgerS, Dr. CLarleo L Arm.
strong. Town Council, -Cohn D. Kennedy, Hen
ry Al'Cune, Junes E . Speer, jotm Moonler, noel
David Luther School-tirrotorn, De. John Bois
laK t in Mud Jame, ttnril i op Anneenor, B
Huse; Ansietnnts, Moses :Bistro« and John Muel
ler. Inspector of Eleetiou: livery McCann and
Nathaniel McClinton: Judge, :llnjor John Down•
ing; Oreeseets of the poor: Moser, :Martin and
Thomas Teckatierry. Conntatiie 6 Snmuol Folk.
, - Piearrnanco.--A man named ,Indrew Hush,
Neiman family reanlea on 2,1 ntrh•r, Allegheny,
oiLlant iCndnn..iny evening left the hitube of a
friend, on Pike etreet, and nita notilieen heard
froM' alone. Arty peraon. knowing, anything of
tie Whertatbaute will tin a knolneya too depen
dent:family by giving them the information.
ToAtieenstynni the weather was m,re in
teaseliiald thunin any - other section of the
nttistri., An ezchnnge gay.-- •
. .
Wednesday was the coldest December day in
Weir Engiand, SinCe 1:33 7 , The thermometer
Vas below zero at Boston; iu Shirley and Con
cord itwas.F. degrees Whir; at Manchester,
5 below; at Lowtence, 14 below; at Wel
them, l2bEloW; at Hutton. Newton, and North
It...plover, ft below: and at Somerville, 9 below..
lersavnarto3.—The National Intelligencer
• Washington contains a very long article upon
Kmtruth , in which non-Intervention in the pat
-tip, of &traps In included, and in which the pen.
Vie are warned to beware of the tempter. We
'ow how to understand the political specula
tions of the politkai newspapers in Washington,
and;estimate there accordingly. Than at pees
"out, the Union is silent; which, being:interpreted,
means that, theiuture r4lations of Keasuth and
Koastrthient with the Pe:nocralie party are not yet
determined, and' therefore support or opposition
would be premature.. The Republic denounces
Kossatli's idea of future harmony between the
limited States or Britian which, translated into
:English means that each harmony:wr.old i nterfer •
with a modification of the Levitt. The Diming
, emir, 110 longer the especial organ of either the
Whig or Denitn-ratie ponies, hut the organ, so
• far as newspaper in Washington can be such, of
the scent !Markers and Joan-contractors of Eur
ope, and consequently the advocate of the bor
rowing goreinnients, opposes Kossuth and Kee
suthism , and every other democratic inn of
Europe, beerinse- all ouch this are antagonist
to' -those gnat borrowing governments. Then
thaintelligencer has long been a mini-favorite
of the Diplomatic corps at Washington, because
Wiles long spoken their views, so far as could be
.e,:riected from an American newspaper. Those
iini zainted• with life at Washington well know
th e power of social • influences over the prose,
a n d ii i - o.otsat control of the Diplomatic corps
social influences. Among the Diplomatic
eer p e, - t h e Romino minister is always pre emi
nent. • who, at ail Washington; occupies. the
J erg e et,
_h o n e , g ices the best dinners and the
.x n eet.ep i w tid h e ll, entertain{ moat frequently
and agreeably? The en liiveras I answer in the
-*onion Ma .
- And Applica especially to
the prolent Russian minister; who has been long
thenottutry, is married to a. American, is
well qualified for his responsible trust, and has
popular and conciliating manners. The saga
cious statesmen of Ituasia always Itltow how to
- choose their foreign agents; and throagh thei s t*
present representative at Washington, they ea
erciseptdontiont social, and therefore some poli
tical influence outside of the American cabinet.
.Idence_we have foand, and shall probably COO
thane to find, defences of the Russian and Aus
:firkin policy against free institutions in Europe,
as quarters where some readers would be amen
; lobed to find them. We ore not surprised.—
PAIL Ledger.
Sit any man doubts that 11.0. Farrell's
sbis p Lluhrient la the creatot benefactor of the aro,
Set' hba look wand and be will 6nd abundant eridence
tO matter hie ekeptlelent to the whole he will 60.1 [hat
fut eat eadernelktulicetion In ihe 'diseases of both man and
laud, al medicine IFTUI diarn.esnl his effected .e many
and ae remarkable cures. 1E... adrertinemenLl
Mir DR. hidLINT'S PILLS.—This
Rent remade •gay,Pbtl2. - WP of the 'arty, be of m • eli older
date than itaintil•WlT'ajo . 16 the - public. Ile dleorwter.,
wawa the brat phyticiaoa in dila coontry, need 'll. for;
'leafs in his othatiee, Won, he ever annownred It to the
. world. The noPlenea of many quack rencedlea herald.
Id as poursiugg the 1.116.4 mart-elow quell lies for health.
all dltterama diewnstial an wwomplithal old Well educated
phyaleian, Who notidally Wit Rothe dread of behth eon•
founded with the crowd of ft-en..lath to toes madleal art,
whew. ma - trail. were paraled in eFaXr newspaper a. ace.
areiga remedies for .11 the 111 e thit tool. to heir to. The
represantatinne of three to shorn Lk 11110 tit Been re
-,llethPareeer, and the urgent .11citatione by phypielthe
IMb-whom he bad twentlatel in Ida bino - tlee, and .hew had
arltottemel the womb-riot oaths elitetal 00 his remedy. at
fan=dneed him to make it plthhe.
• -. 1 oniale at to their efficacy ean•be oara In our store
*nab ell part. of lb.. Yule,
• Tole hal of all the principal dannobte;
• 1 Yew Wale or J. MOD Oa.
-da3:1•41/Wwlldi Ith. PO Weed Ct.
Pittsburgh lase luourance Company.
• °ANTAL, $lOOOO. tt
0P17C.E,.--VO. 75 FOUR VI STRIT.T.
• .ovinocrai:
• .
•• Irealthow—Jotern la. Lawn.
ancalur part hi, other- .
• a3T2.1 •
Citistiresinsurauce Unman; cf Pittsburgh
to. 41 14 . 1kInt.,tl.rewt., In tlo. M whea. PIC. IL
O.U. QO.rsr r Pt/Jiang- A. W. Natty, 1 , •
This Company tarnow oreltarad iosaraall toercatostllas
In Wore. and to tnutaltn, SC.
An amble guaranty for the Ability and latatirlty of In.
Intglinttoo. la olloolof lo Um chars< o, of tbn lltractor4
who are all allitant of Pitisbalgh. 1411 and favorably
known to Um noutnuttity Gtr their 4106041..
And Integrity.
Inatotoso—C.' IL Ifoanny. Wut. ilaraley. W. railway.
Jr.; Waller Itryug.. llngh h. filluA Edwarl ilnaylvtntb
Jahn Itavambh. r. llartaingh. 7. 11. Kier. ahlittf
intr vial. SIN, for
dr/241.t.10r1ta W}l. A _ BILL lt CO.
• Allegheny City Bonds. .
COUPONS payable let proximo in Philp
•doly.bla, for lule by W. 41 A. JIM it 00..
441 Wood rt.
CHRISTMAS IVEEK. commencing, Mon
d,,,,aatag. tkc. :ME owl continuing evAry
-- • ETII /Ok,IAN
Dada thn ItatutAttalo , cutATAitloti or
of a. Fltgloi• EctonActer, lathl MA Lrrt appc A t A A A ..
IA thlt city for 'come Tr,
13. u- EuLz , f A ymArty of ClAruty stiuAttrlA,
tore. earnatat-ro. and the tlrigloAl 'AAble IlArmAt.icta
.El 4 BILIOUS. Into of k sal Clit.A.3 . •
and DAmbleton , Ethlo,ian Ertrow.lerr..
ahs EEttooe thIA Ttrottpc In ra. tun Mun. T. enrasts AN.
Tyrolan IlArbit thA nr..lnbratc.l
DAZIAest LEUPOLLIII. AITt IntrAlArd VA:Quist, rill
:rotor artists at • VIII writ. ;
*L T ay spit Prcalrtg, tin perfOrettattc
Aar the .fi, rn oon, And AL tEn usual !Altar la um
:licher& 28 t'ettla—sto hilt prim. Ikkai +noel at 7. (k...
@Who casueram at IS
•Auccets .•,_ r tl. A. Wtt.T.S• .
itorrverk. RT TUR o'seuir Tscras.nry Luca,
The Cunard steamer Canada, from Liverpool,
with dates to the 18th inst arrived at half past
10 o'clock last night, She left Liverpool at 3
o'clock on the afternoon of the 18th, mil experi
enCed a succession of violent gales on her pis.
sage. She bringe 12 passesgeri.
The news from Franco confined to engroes . pub
lie attention. No new or striking incidents have
occurred, excepting that several additionlil De
partments have been placed in o state of siege,
and a large number of the Mountain pally had
tied to the country.
Several legions of the National Guard have
been dismissed for disaffection.
The vote of the army, as far as heard from,
is 65,000 in favor of Napoleon, and :35 against
A few disturbances had taken place, though to
a limited extent. The arrests made amount to
about 1800.
M. niers has been again arrested, and sent
to the Prussian frontiers. thrardin has resign
ed the editorship of the La Presse, and is about
to depart for America.
The SOCI . CiIiRIA, during their short ascendency
at Nivero, burnt the registers and archives, and
destroyed much property.
The Compt de Chambrod, Henry V., had
sought an interview with Prince Schwnrtzenburg
at 'tenna, and was told that Napoleon must re
ceive the countenance of all monarchical cabi
Seventy-three newspapera have been supprei
ed in France.
The customs reform movement ie progressiug
The most violent agitation in all the Capitals
of Europe has been consequent upon the critical
affairs in France.
The negotiations respecting the dispute be.
-tween the Duchies had been suddenly resumed
with' no disposition to bring matters to a settle
We have advice° from the Cope o'ooo4 Hope
to the 4th of November. The Kaftan had been
severely chootised by Gen. Somerset's forces, in
an engagement which lasted severed hours The
Koffirs lost 500 men, killed and wounded.
LtvcarooL, pre. IS
Cotton—There had been no irunrovensent in
the cotton market since the 0'0 . .14; of the Itakie
The sales of.the week were ;;'2,000 hales.
Flour weal quite, and vice; had receded 0d
Coro—le in good dothand nt u idighi ad
The following are the quotations of Coiten—
Fair Orleans sddi Middling do 1Z: Uplands lie:
middling do 40; fair Mobile tb.
Ilieadstuff,-Flour is quint. and buyers are
cautious. Prices have receded GI 11 bid. Wheat
is inactive, and prices in favor of buyers. Sales
bays been !united at one penny decline. Corn
is in go o d 11er:oat,/ at a slight advance.
Provisions weremichanged.
Money Market—The London Stock Market has
been rather active, and prices have rallied.
Consols, no the 12. th, closed at but
after business hones advanced Foreign
securities sympathize iu the rise. American
stocks have undergone i no particular change dur
ing the week.
• .•
SENAM.—Mr. Fitch rose and said, that as
there was no quorum present, he would more
au adjourome4t.
Mr. Bradbury said he hoped the Senate
would wait a few minutes, and perhaps a quo
rum would appear. He thought something
ought to be done towards an inyeStigation as to
the cause of the fire in the Library.
Mr. Fitch then witbdreW his motion. -
Mr. Mangum . moved shot when the Senate
adjourn, it shall be until Monday nest.
The Chair decided the motion out of order,
an, when there Was less than a quornmpresenf,
the Senate could only adjourn from day to day ;
Mr. Mangan then moved that the Senate ad
journ, which was hist—ayes 10, nays 10.
After a short interval. Mr. .Mangum renewed
his motion. and being then agreed to, the Sen
ate adjourned until to-morrow.
Horse.---The Speaker announced the follow
ing, as a select committee on the Bounty Land
6iu—Merars. Dunham, Stephens of Georgia,
Barris of Tennessee, Tuck and DiseelL
The Speaker laid before the House a comma
nicutiou from the Librarian of Coungreso, stat
ing the loss of the Library by fire oh:lrednee
day-morning last, in a manner unaer.ocintable to
him, as no fire had been had iu the apartment
for a long period; and neither fire nor lights
burning at any time sioce it has been under hie
-charge. The loss of the books was about 25,-
000 volumes; and 20,000 volumes were saved,
being in an adjoining room. He ewressed the
hope that a searching investigation would be
made as to the cause of the conflagration, so
that a like calamity should not occur in future.
Mr. Stanton, of Kentucky, by unanimous con
sent, introduced a resolution instructing the
joint committee on public buildup and grounds,
to enquire into the origin of the fire;• and also
as to the extent of the injury to the buildings,
and the best mode of reconstructing the library
room, so as to guard against a similar destruc
tion in future.
Mr. Stanton of Ry., also introduced a bill.
which wan passed, making an appropriatin of
$5,000, to be expended for the discharge of the
expenses incurred for the late fire; removing the
rubbish, the preservation of the books saved,
and the construction of a temporary building
for this purpose.
The House then adjourned until Tuesday
M Koesuth, today, received adelegation from
Harrisburg; and in rely to an address from Ina:
C. Kunkel, accompanied by a series of resolu
tions!, made a brief speech, in which be stated
that. be wee to leave to-morrow (or Be'tither°,
and must be in Waehington on Monday.
The Clergy was also presented and (lot. Koe
with was addressed in their behalf by Rev. John .
chambers, to whice be repled in a speech of con
siderable length.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon there was a vast
concourse at the Chinese Museum, when Kos•
such was welcomed by the youths of the city, and
addressed, them at considerable length.
The grand banquet at the Musical Fend Hall
takes place this evening, and will be attended
by about 800 perigees. Kossuth is exp'ected to
develop° Ms views at length.
Ile leaves in the early train to-morrow morn
ing for Baltimore.
Nrw Faux, Dec. 26 . ..
The United Stales mail eteamer Georgia rail
ed today for Chagrra sad Havana, with 500
Quilce, Dec. 26
A very &stet:ono fire °enured this morning,
in the eastern end of the Artillery barracks and
ordinance stores. The troops barely escaped
with thier lives. Military stores, to the value of
$lO,OOO were destroyed. The building, which
wav valued at 50 or $O,OOO, was almost totally
destoy ed.. -
The weather to oold and freezing, and
. rinrigu-
Lion still closed, with nu present prospect of ils
o pent° g.
Four—Good ordinary brands aro quoted at.
$3,10 13 hbl.
Whishey%—firdes at 19i gallon.
Hogs—Sales 2,200 head at 1:14,86@51,90 19
Provisions—Sales green hams at 6i. Bales
dry nailed meat at 61 far shoulders, "51 for
Bides. Barrelled lard is selling at 7e. but gen
erally hold higher.
The weather is clear and cold.
Br. Louis, Deo. 21th.
Provisions-840a yesterday of . (0,000 lb.
ribbed sides, in bulk, at $O, 40 per 100.
Hogs—A few are coming in, and salmi ore
effected at $4,76€654;80 per 100, for prim.—
The number received up to the preterit time, it
about 28,000 head.
The weather ie moderating, and thawing, but
the river ie still closed up by the heavy floating
Ice. We have no arrivals or departures.
• New Onteaws, Dec. 25
Floor—Has declined, with sales 2,000 bble
Ohio at $0 70(ala 80 701
Provinions—l'ork in declining, with Bales at
$lB 50 to 551. dales bacon sides at 8/o 'el Is,
and of lard at 7f.
Cotton—The market. ie easier with sales
4,000 bales, since the Balder noire, at 7®l for
HOYKIIN SToCKC—The British funds were
very sensibly affected by the • late sudden
and astounding crisis in French affairs. Con
sols and Railway shares immediately experienc
ed a heavy fall. Consols receded 21 per cent.:
Railway shores in some instances much more.
Sardinian stock fell no less than Gee per cent .
On the 2tl instant, howe•er, the news from the
Paris Bourse of the preceding evening restored
firmness to the London market, a. , 1 consols re
turned to within one per cent. of previous quo
latious. Foreign and Railway stocks rallied in
proportion with the closing values of the lead
ing stocks. On the fah in.dant prices were as
follows Consols, in mousy and account, 94t0•
91i: three per cents, reduced !itli(o.ll6i: new
three and a quarter seats ' Bank stack,
FIRE is MILW ‘ll,l/: •A lire broke out at
Milwaukie ou the led. 111 the block corner of
Spring and Water streets, which soon commu
nicated with the tenrennese in the rear. The
lose is entitnnted an known : Mr. More about
s.Vono, Carter's cabinet wore roasts $! 2 • 1100 .
Noy's grocery store $l.Oll, all partly t•urr.l.
Warelnane owned in New York. litiiidongs of
no front value.
FIL.Y.N a 1) TII . —The Hamlett!, nap
that it singe driver wit, noteti to death on the
box of his coach, on the roadnear Erie, Pa.,
during the intense cold on last 'Tuesday night.
Ile was sitting uprit,frt when found, but was
atone dead'
(!t the great Arabtan Renck for hlan and Bran,
H. O. Farrell's
QAISI Xl; 1'o)1 STEIZFmTsIn .prin a
t.,k .1i ..t.r e• •eeette Ik l / 4 1 111., Ittm•tl
u.I exttie,.. lilt, .•
....u, 1,41 111 •••111.1.0 ete.l
twe•trenoun tr At, 1, .t.•• C 1•11.1.11.• ‘, Arad. *0
I.ltlletertel. i.llwer e•etet, 14. 1.. 1.11, Am. tmt •
out! !..11,1 , • HA/
el It leee- ee.t. et it •,o, 'llae•
1eet...1 arouse.] le ult., .11 Lee, I.tnute• etc r.•••e- I hte.•
11 ittrt,•ll. zelt•tl tetwo,e.,. lAteetee.
tatto•leet•• •••reltree eektPll 011,•, meel
Lrc 14,..., .11 b, .eite.• - 11,11 IFlrr.ll'. Artel.. tee L.
11114 tr., tctent .4111 gt...t. t . 0.....nt1..•t1nd
tta.... matt ....el.:. ots..ltt • p.. .t ~.t.ttri-c.t. twilit: . c ~, •
tn..: It? tt.oxertullr 11.1111. ; 1111
nod ata. , t, rt....11ft111,. tt rv.lttr.t. Mt. 1c..., 11111....111.11
)111•TY tP..4 ti •rt.l 1.1 tt. •tne. Oar r0w...,
u.t•tc., 1.11.1 it stet It cm,.
It 'lke . 1 .1111 WI. • 1,,,r1 , 1r, rt..g.t.iit. /or
ttf •t
11. • ttt..l .1 :It.
Lunt,. Lit,/ Alto • nt...1 1,
VflUi ...rt :ttf ti...
11.11.1 11 \ a, 1.11.1 ..1.1t...1
anyilnv elz. rnAl 01-
•C• 11.1.
From ihr 11,bar.1, 14.
11 QL.•• • on. plt••••••le, t••
. 11•••1 t ••••• • 1,1 an. r al,
• •
fir li. ti I , Arrn•l'• .%raNntsi • 4/ ..4
.hard r•••••• 1•. a.• 1,I• ••••• ••• nse•i• I•n.1
'.•nn • ••• Non •••••11in.: no•I ennt•ni.•l r.l-
n 1 • l•.• tunlrn • nar,•••l I. • g
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•Inclor 1.•• I t ••••I liner 1..11 It,••no, ••••
lan/ -inlona n• vr•r•• I.en o•r •••
.I,AI In ix., II /t/ntn•n lAnnn-..t
I..ltin urn* •••••••1 tip, o A/f N nior•
•••••e• •fti•l - •-• n••• Int Sl, 11.0... F lin nnc .11 mat
L•rn I 1.••• ••••, .1•••• •In• Art•• arra Int.. (re- u•••
fun, am.,..4 :hatlV.. Aral 4.4. Lan.
maw On. m-tlictur .n the I rl.,rlnil, ra.
it. •
I t0n11........0...n.nn, Ann
set,- Otto, at nit ltrottt •no • .
Mtn bard!, .I•• a•rl ail and .nan
hare to 44t Lt.. • at agnna natl. it 11-tut
tour Ittointottl t IL. tll.l it ouroti tut tl.l o. I Ow nine .4 won., t• tit 1tt5t0u,41.1.11..., L. e t..tot
rnoch. I .-nr in tttl 41 tortti ill ot I
rntown it tn owns- it
rnin.nt nr invt bate st loot •tt.trOtttvoillotot. tr- tnroAt.
• In.
Brtrarr of CountrrPita.
- • •
17.%:11.1 , 1,L1.1
Th. •ra Parlrra , aylr raurr• arralu, • f•to
anovre,,lt 0,1 , 1, mai.. emaanrafr.
rallasl by !balmy..., • lit. male. It ••14 I , • Ar•ta
au Laurarra . i•• • rlatrKerau• frau /
tlataiwn tram Ira. lararln, 11.. to .f Farr. 11 11... m-
64v tra partyailar ray r• t•J to t.JtJt
larrunput." any...rap/ad Y-ra.• .:11 14.01ar..
ar tb•• r.a• aurae f) ',l.', l'lrY.ll',
1114 ,a.u•iura I! al,. OD rta• aux,..1.1• rass aral ita.r•
word. blows/ in the 4,c• bmllitt—' 11. U. la.- r4r • Anzlna•
Lultat.ear, Panay .
aralf routed in rtrrry Tars,. VIII., and llcnll.t 1t
ear unit , d sno,•, in •L.ll lon., A tior Apcll
hF le!, C. 11.11 I'arryll. Pays.. lii.. rub r.vaaaa
.terlruarara, a.-
0.11 nn Ore *lra • .11 furoloh Far. a( ll.marr, •
~ rl rlial•J.
ralltdralta: nyariaallari r.l rya .iw
rwino. w,l mst !Alt,
ax., II .s
111. .5. I r.... at
1, V 11. Cal
Christmas Goods
AMES A. N 6•2 f'.:111),
• L.. • 4 , 1•• •if , fi of ... f I t.r..t
tiENI, I , ltE ~M 1;
1,111 , 4.15,
L'ItENCII I: r rt ttl,
etoffoxf lt.. nlrrvs. llonakroloolf. a .
• . .
Yr•orta •nd fl , ll Cho,. X 1 ,4.14:, t•
of •11 eh vriil f0.1.1k1n,t,,,1
Situation ,Wanteil.
PRACTICAL and °xi - 01,1,1. yd 110, rK -
rs, w,lit-. a •./uatiora In a V. bolp.air lloosa
or alnuotactorl.
9 lt -rto ostroactorr rroor.
Oren. A.3411,...11 11 It . l'itt•tolreh V go'
Stage Coaches for Sale.
1.4 1 1 VE fin , Tn.% built Goa: Ic,y.
llama t.. n rtio tlll • .t.ort t
i.k. 2*,
vroth bartoeto mood to a: le ...It • It'
tlt t tr" . '• " od
"t' t "tit t't• 1.1.11 oto
del: la llstoso.
Ladies - Secretaries
\VII bortiltiful new at sIP 1., DIE, SF( BETA
falifhed itrEl
d,l' 111,1P11 MEI Wt. 121
• New Dyeing Eetablisl)ment.
SABELLA ROW, near Froderitl mtreet, 313-
pr.qt• the "Emma alleah•ref .L
ret, ot that tterg the 1.3•13. 3 '
Drool , 110u31... 4,., evrt •y •toula •tut Aolot -elk 4c13
3lyrd and L. um., ro. Cantu?. Cts,.
De Lain, 01. a• 1...•t0l arc, ragtag, .4 drmmmg..Ri..r.....l.
and the culeern rootnr•l L.. 11,111.33, . 3 .1131 143 -
tett, equal he to• 1 1, 4111 a lhhern . l clean.
co . drel ce.tlenut bceng tat.o to end • .Ir lrd
not taint, red ..r peol the Ilnen .11i ro,
hem, •itrl: , l. /4 nay tobor •ulaion, teahle to erqurc L.
abric. %a 3,11 wax.. It eor NI 33 111. une,
Falb/6,Mn to th.ow %leo lu a 3 .41,0 4 3 13 , . 3.1
not tor/4th,, their terl•te“. u• rt.., .Itholit
charge. c Patter ..Ira. 71. - . 11..
porcuert. lu tha and 01..1,1 c‘. ..... wore, vrtillor
equal In 11. a any nth, 1 - 3 3 We' 'le l ' 'P. ' s '
)lerrltssiti t00,L3 d tel cola] to thcir new re• 3 lea
(1.11 warrant.ll elite LIS ,11.••10411 , our work, 1.1
padge Per ,013ract•••
Wlt wifhr. 031orne VI. Mold. •hent bc has .1.14.1
In Om adlacglut that hl. 1,0a1i04 In 41..441.
Lr CP, Ir
W . ISS V ATCH ES, dint Iron] tie
'''' — ab
Soak-Reaper Wanted
hwin .•”1. •,o qv. I•t Jtlaust, rx,o.sloth•ed
..{. aualdl,l t . fia •
galar, 11,11 to. allaaed, wait rand Imo,
.Iloako." at thl. affir, All vnt.on. will hr hold
enntldentlal. drAtt ,
Steam Saw Mill for Rent
r:111: STU SA NV MILL. nt the treluth
exridr Creek. mint 0,11... 41.-re Vits.rhurell,
earn,,ire, numb for reel.. 1
I. t,rl rUnt.ll, tsp.., Ind • r,t t' .3.
at •C. tinteeber. ere cr.oneetrtt .10. the mutt,
mum, cnod. end luvalwr Dna• reed, - e•lr
lerwn Dour. nii•r6o to the pteruires. Per
further parti , ularr apply nn the t.tyroker to
1 . .11,E.1.
• Wilk Inxburch 1'.(I, 11, 12.
Good News for the Ladms!
I'ILL“. Inni.-tut, kiwi...nal AO-M1..1 1., uumly I.;
Ler ,, . app•-ttte, Tr-cn“r
t g,
and hp A 1.14 TII Mt 11,11/ . 1,4 4 4. - FOll g.r'h.lae' rxll
e 104.1 with curb - S
• .
_ .
Eemoval-Wnod Engraving.
TIIE respi.ollllly inhirniii his
tprater fri.d. .4 the poi.- ,hui Le
h+rre.+l - 4,1 L. the rbutime.t .r.r of Market et,. and
the. lhareor.ietarg.• OLr.
pared to m we.. cll tintimr4 and 11'r.
am V:. um of Botha., Staawborit. and NIAI.I
orry.ecrieth , ..,ry n, .11.0• font
Newmpoor Head,. Ortig:l4 , C.a.n rtatt.p o .. l. YLOW
11,114."". ""nn.l. JAMES H. Igaltli
F ISH -100 , 14113.. Lugo No.
...3 hint*etd:'
. lu
1 ;
t r ' -1 ..
elLet,J. 1.,10t h. In two. and rain by
4.45 o !MACH LOOM a
riIIUIIACCU-5 0 keg.; twist, for 8010 by
I del:. J. 6.14114 , 1:T11 tII
'rut: KoRAN, by7Ntiq: Burton's Anat. , -
. my of AloIsorholy; Wort, coo AAlv I.y
.1 L. HEAD. Fourth wt.
Winter Strained
11 Bw'h4i
0..111.ACK/ 11 1 101
EW CURRANTS-14 . 01 and for sale by
,105 0m..., AT. loAloro
'l\l PIiJINF.S . -- Put tip in Jar+ mut fan.-
111 .3,7 f ,
11 0 4,, 5i 1 .1 . 4-101) bid.. No. , I ,:
, i , or n o , a i !? ,A l t i wi.
UTrEkb—.4 bbls. prime. reed and for solo
lay blplbj N..E W. Al
frierhUß , -- 50 bib. extra family, Inc solo lry
dalb A... W.11)11:11 4111111
1 4 -1 1.:ATIIElt0 bap far sole by
del6 Ir . 11.11,4tAV0 11.
• •
bbls. for sole by
11 den. 4`. JP IIMiI,AU G -11,__
( 3 ; LAS'N-50 boxes ix 10;
1,0 lcmtr.
• Li 1x11; farnat ta dr. MO.
ALLLELL,by : tdelal UIIIIPUT L 11/2. -
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
91HE Glasgow and New York
ok.:ZnitttUris7a P tro r n. 1 .1 ° 477, •
!,1 MtPwsrl, (Ist.. of the 171, • •
nard ateam.r..) miusaudr, I, appapted torsi (torn No•
Non atrof t la,tow. on NatunLy. the 7th of IfebnlarY
uelt, at 12
I . .lBtidOr 1110Ntr
rirvt I.trtoretn.r• by torlutlod.)..
ro taken.
. rate. net ttle ps M ons, but not wlne• or 11 Ownt ,
etnet, an' 1.• •annlnal on board, at [tacklers. urines. var.
rte. ne,oa.o.
w1"17,717,11tN, Ileantlwthr.".•
Th• NEW YOKE, 2100 ton, and VA h NEW orse %ORE.
power. Is
4 ante
th' .l,l a , towi will he 131 013 11 ) 3 )3 11 11 1 133 . 1, 1/011
AMES BLAB ELY, Eurapean Agent,A6 .
tr ant, to Pon Y VW/ f A.VUK,
t. MK. Andt./Ha for the .llotrtna Parket Lima.-
I. "'."'t ", ...manta, between New York and 1,11-
rwallow hoe, yalllnn trout Near York and Liver.
pad on the ht nod N ew ,tf cam, month.
New htue leaver lork on It...a:a, and Liverpod
on the 11th of evert . nmuth.
1".1 :gar line,l New York (1)) the 11th. and Liver
1xx , 1 1 31 01 3 ?Mi 11,3/ month.
1011/4 twice I month from Liverpool and New
The ~ , on Line of .'where aisle fa,. New York on the
let, alb ,,t . It ILt .ml nth, au &Lan Loudon on the nth, 1.41 t,
aml ,th.ol every month.
The Code Lino .44:btecolir Parket, end tom, Near tort
3114) 111n,...1the let and Ital. ,•l emit mouth.
AII ..LIT Line of rnakete fanu Liter-awl to New Oa
I, 3113
Itmly Line f, etnierante, from
,Nrw York by Steam.
Mat. tallaeel• ht Canal sod ttallorl, I'lttahurah
Paaaeuxer• ant ream e everyattention. and wlrLee
en eht,rltallt at Ma 0h0... of W. Tanen. .11 01.. Eden
qua, !whit, amt iltaatreh Ituddlnga,
at...At a Co.. s.• South steet, New Yotk orat
the oat,
the adtertie•r, corner of aixth and Lthertt
etreete, Ihttattortth.
• .
rnnuttog In thr Unit. Staten or Carman. ffiff'
sub to notbt for floor Piro.ln any part of linslotl.
1,1.3.1. Prot... or a 1.., ran tn., Ow noronsary ar
t ixstoboonts on agylicanou then ottpcntsu, and hasp
thr of brought nu to, any of lho larorits Ilnes ot
yneketn. rouge In. Inoo VW, to. bort...)
or I, nrst llrrehant Alan, on thror a l r fn ton., h,
.ay o f Isnrryonl, Ispoluu, or Illangosb 'Mar fre.,u.mi
ono yr bdon lb. 1f....1141a, of delay, Nowt, oau
ino. novo, tn.ot line,. to Now liallnuor,
enoton • eharl.tott, tianaohott.
tatittanson to •fusll k.r larto rum, ...LI, to
hleßearre Philadelphia a Liverpool Line
of Packets.
tinilinK iron, Philadelphia on the ,47.44.
ell t.:4.1 . K. 1;, 'I. %I m, l. liarrar;;:'!lleater
;11111:1.1N; Altr.l omlth, /lister
SIIACh Vl' W. Wrut. Mart,.
Ti. &Imo , . ship , arr bent of the larrt cod
unto-mai awl are now.) tw rapiAly of their Pasowitiow.
are titt.rl up with all lato.t idaprorrnirnto, ar. nowi
th.roti...lll) rauttlaird, and an unsuri , ..•.d fur Ihrlr rw ,
,00noalanni, tor .r.owal InOrn and Atreru, jitrarnOrrn
thry 0.nk.01t..1 moo. of arkonialrdmal ta.iit, who
orr unrqualltal anr.rienre I, packet 4,11,
Prr,tion drrirons of bringing thrir trim& iron%
.. ouontrr ran untalu'ra.rtillranw of pura,r, which will V.
ina.l for right months. and ..ur agrpta In Inland and LIT
rrpuol win turnish them with the proper inforanatrun oral
..t.: trinalrr o.tir d..partun,
F.. Ow tool-einem. fit pinowngrrn .lahing to rvirl mo
to, or.. supply Jrialta tnr LI awning and upward, payable
•1011 wiihuut discount. whlrti .111 Ir. rarhed ll> any ut
hanks ar t Peri titan-11in Uninal Kingdom.
4,1,1 ..... our supplird proowngerg coming from Llrrr
I:.crt Ire,k M. following guppllng will In furnlAA
p r •$ of V/ raw. of and Aron , 2g, lls
11•ru, Inrs, t ID. ontrurul, 4 In. dour,
111.. Pontllia,gur PI year. 01 g 6
hr.,,,l<lntf, I It. pork, full Clowaner of wt., atuf
h-11 "::111.1"0:1V/IV'IntZ7,*
Ng .11 it *lc ut 'try. be
. low &rand, Pltlnglnlplng,
• Igaf &Inner t+l<lb and Wnal Plttsburglb.
'''. I. 0.11.,,,•11.‘ .151/ ALL:I—Jan. Mut or.
It.. twin of Dinkel, • I'o.. amain. Is•on.
nw .I,,nn t,runl ISrlts,u .41,1 I.ruland; on Frunra
ne, situ llodwaN. litakely • C. 0.,
o.lnunun•nr: , `.l na+ gootan, c,.ru, of IJhrrty enJ $l,lll
earl fr. 11,. gld rouulry ungagral the
inr,rugln I nun. au., row Nen lurk Iq I , lll•Lurgb.
turf for II nut
Oil Cloths:
LOH° S 110' T, Nos. 72 and 74 John et.,
cr..souinrtunr• and In OIL
t At thot Mt [ISM. nut
• pfloso In•eea FLIJOI: 1 , 11, CLMIII,i, trhith.
:..• L•to, .1. o.:t. •t, •...anrr nr Snob. marr.••• •
tino. sonl lott.,tt So.thu•-•1 In 1t,.. colustry nT
h. ...O a
aL.I tot • tot I. t 0 , 5 ...Lt•uvol ILe rite tnnl•litt
• /tt.
At th.r war.-rt nna• In Nam Vert can be raged • larva
an.l of ilt,4luca. and Thln
I. L . 1.01 ttnin sort.,•• fret vri.le
. ---- -
Xi OLASSES---,50 bhls. and S bids. till
iv a- gar 11,1...pntnr. •.A.4,
IDEA HI. A :•,11-5(.. [ibis. for stile by
ALERA T has: and 50 bids. pure,
1,3 for vl. Ur J
BUTTER—Iu Lx, Fresh Rull,. for auto .
;1; ;
F.O.}:N en CU ItH T 5---5 elks. fur male by
JAMES DAI./A:L.4 M Al., M.
New Booku!
T.I. L. HE I'S, Apollo Buildin;,7••, N.,.
holarhy 11.1,110.
to 11,1-roolot.t, F.lorratatior. l'.oto•
root. tor Inar nr
two. ll.ernomtlun with rwlernare to pr,j.ot tun,
• %%% . .11•13...rr.1 it the. Olurg, 1 , 11.r.k...f Mao.
'VILE 1131EIt'S tit; 11.4; Ti F-
Li, 11,re the I , krur AL
, rll o,l; rteletr. and rlari
sheu, I- the rl the ye,. they
•••• Helier ....Ili, ll.*
[he I •rist,' -ham ! , ,, , rtem. 11.
1,1,1 erten... AKtertallurr I. 1.,.. Caner, Neer
et,i• letth t,,swer.,Lk• sll,aerreliut.e
r..urth etrrrt. 51..t1 BIiII.IIDZO.
%11}.}.5i..., %V. It_ lor
4 CI.IaI:TrOS • 41,,
J. I Libtrt!
I 'IN REC. WHISKEY-14 bbis. for Babe by
A CI . 1.111:11T8ON A CO
11 U r!1 . .. F1-U t A il l ( •ZI
AIET Ft SE s_a / bb1,. ,,. ; Ibr only, by
)()W kl•ri
bob! •• -
IttA, •04.
1.11 1 , 1L1.111 a jta.t ren'a and formic by
No tbrolatorrly
A LERATES-- 1 32 eaaka fur gale by
1.7 don . WILE a bIrCANIA.F.SA.
•• Fo Inn
, ..I N
,1/oclen yv-velyn. tot art I, mit by J L.
tr :urth .A e.
AthAir 01 Nloolonte
. . .
U , y.
ti.tanor's Sleatertl bwllnnart
tmryr•yur¢lral Jo
of SI. lem
I .
ITO DiK04.1.11 of 171.11 c
.`burnlall Infant. and Chains° .
Churchill nn Ilineonn.nt
I.nnon a. Mutter's nornor•
ilonn 1/.llArd'• !Inman knalonnT,: —,
Arnoth'r Alnlwitrry
M.nn: Trwsn.• in ”.t.trie,,.
hirky , sty:ll,s'y hul
llocuortmth:c 11-m P a.Yny Yhystruo.cradalcing the Ws:
yr.g.ll:,yr exy.l.6may.:ns of
A u. 111..10. 011,1 it y tllOOOllll,
Auiyirrbl,4 Jl•ty Ily J. 11. Pult, It.—
awl rolarv.l In 4
)AIRY iturrEit—Fresli, and latrn.kome•
a Ir put up tor tycully In base. 01 11.1 WO] 11 It •
JI loyavol Inut rty . A stud by
. 100 linker" MA 0;• 1.001;r0.
I 1 111iFISII—s drum., large, for hale by
1.,' ‘.4.,) /,01.1 11 1.11 0 0.7 4 C..
I.loyF LE -__1(1 bogs Ilreen Itio, for sale by
:I 41,.9 11-414111 Dicabt.a ( I ,
1 11l:ESE-50 Loses bream, for 0418 14r
4 ,
4. S. • 1V 11 0084 14/ L:,
INSEEI) 011.--5 bbls . rood nod Mr n'iliif
f 4 1,, 8 4 18 114111141011
1101'ASII— 111 casks prime, for sale by
L .I.v I
0 • W. 11A1ai.11,711.
(1 LASS- 01.91 lose, 11080010 d, for sale by
I a, s a iv. 1101111411011.
I NDIGO -1 eeroon Caracun; 2 kegs Mend
ato"4 ''''''"'"' 1,9 Vattiiltiiitrir a cl
11()LL HEADS & BODIES—Just rood, an
rff'for;!;:r . rt`rj.? . i ' .r i, !:L t ':.. ° ol . ::.VV,Pg d .;, • 4 4 5- '''.
.... , J a 11. rll 11 me,. 140 Mart. Ft.
_ _ .
ruulrelr arm , acllrin, lust rcr ould rat sale br
1,••• • .1 el I PIIII.faVS, Ilia klaclutt
w...... v... May 1010.
o•rtlff tit.* I Ira...aided for au poontjtaallL
a dr, .1,001. ariort. r•durod on that waa ut.11.1 to
oolt sty •ork.And that by don unarm. and a bat( tox.
f ant two bottle.. of t 1.4 lutprrtal
Coo.. O, rut., I 4ru ovrfoctly rand. .1. W. HOSJ.
Wa.avaa, Va... Slay 27.1 , 45.
I taro Couol. ttLrop in
family fur too
f..ara t00r... and hare Dry.? known St to fail lo rot..
Nu.. • much Ow. CAM.
11 . . tared and cold t.f
" IL 11. MILLERS, 07 Wind at
I UIII.LIM'S SPECIFIC—A fresh supply
•aud fur .ale by J KIDD CO,
1 " ILI Wood
A ourtrunt, for rah.. J K ETA! 0 00.
6;TA 'ICH —2469 lbs. Fuse's Ohio, in 50th.
tiarkaufe, for rata 11, J KIDD t I'll,
WilUI Pt.
'tab: ES F. 2-4110 101111 (11,11.1, NUlieriVr;
Ikagaur.ti fur .10
L.AI.7.E.LL 1N), Liberty M.
B UTTER-5 ibis. Fresh lion; •
. aud tog r,,11.1 Parked, tor
eale 50 1,1;0 1 IL Dik1.21:1.1.0 CV.
lkj LAltlf-- In ',bid. and kegs, fur tale by
441 .u.O It. 1/.11.7.1LL1. t CV, 1A5141, rt.
IROUND NU TS--s'„! --- emeks now Crop, rim
,><pariut. for main 117 10.11A11 DICKE:S 10U.
Watar and Front AU.
Ift.IIE'I'S-75 doz. Patent, fur sale by
II foil INAIAII 111110 KV 1 110.
jO'FASII casks for sale by
1001 A ll 1)1C1101( 1
IJIOLL URI N E—l 2 bbls. for sale by
it .100 PICgE &CO .
- - Y •
D OIL-20 bids. - Winter, her sale by
dot J. KIDD A CO., CU Noma
-141.1.. 1 e lllOO.l .... 0.
No liuorli iNur 111n1• 0 a Ffile
Prlitwel .....12hc N,.' Alsenudr
Cautll4o.l Citron. ()tangelol Lemur. Puel, Vrertallrouod
Voirer of all Cloth, Excollent Teu, ttoc , sod etittlau .
0"n. ilk. .jek
TURPENTIN - E—ls bbls. in prime
rhipplug order. fig ulO hr
de l ' I KIDD 1 CO. 00 Wood rt_
,JVIENC II OCllRE—Suporipr, fur sale by
it doll I. K11,,l a CI)., .30 Wocd al.
p tiefees i krime, fee, 841 1 0 b.; '
4e) 111111113 fit 1111.111 All.
5 11 L '. l ` . W . .7.' 1 011111 1.2
I. oelk Ilabefe 6';
saws Harrorra's
0,14 • k ISGILII2I3L
HOUTON, w,tes.
MIIIS well known establi..liment is still con
duct.,l in thenano manner o hoe •I• min Inv..). Thu
tn.ntral And plearant Battalion of r hon., it. MIIIIDIat
o. arrannement, nod then tntior 'A mud Ittancon 1-•
found there, machine to render st •,,enttle and MtiV.DIA.
',tun to the trnrrier.
Ituttnw. Im,n one rf the firm n 1 .hk I. Turk, k
rk long, ut h , .4 ui thr ut. Ilir rulwrawr
3.ledurk lk.ol ekrniuu- umiutkul o •
rrpuirkutu. ktul
kuvo tatirruelinn Ink rurk,u,rrN.
Adams & Co.'s Express Olt ee
Is ItEMOVED to N. so FouRT St r y vt .
Thy r,eltin g In.tu I I,il.l..`vhin In :4,
Lou, k .l turwar4.n g to P1i0a.1..1 e t.i..” 11. t...ur,
Moore Heirszey & Co.,
11 PoitTER6. and Jobinirii i in
11.41L1 ,,, tRE No. 12t,
n„.l rr),..
, .......... „, .1 11.sru
tlbenr .r.. 1
anJ n1•,..14../IIA SITE 1:1111.111S1,. 4'rr , r3t
n I'loolll NI 14
Dol.LAll,n t o •Itp.•1•1,
151..1t1 h, 3.11 r..,wet..131.• aut11,1.1,, It,
A 1... flut.ll'. WEITINO INli,nl lli. 16...0
TIIESE sdiwrior articles , Perfunii•ry,
2.mot,t ir hid; urr elitiniernii..l hi,...) irliihronl
Li Eli hite. 0.441011 Alit l iiiiii.t, Pi..., P.m.... Turitl,unl
Tolirt Powder, Cluitere , viiipt.taixll.. A.l 26."1,4.1
l\ ettcr.
Sutps - {PRI..II.nd I. xiiii Vinr. Pituil 1121.i/in and {PUP,
%1 inilwir. l' I, 14, hum. A inii ~ ,•.1. I Kn., rind Tvilrl
in, i•ltio'in Cream. Hull 19e. Ci.logrie 1, titers. P.,
int... fur 11ie b titilker..l.l•l., 11. Marto. lirur . ..i i i. pr,...
nl I,muile. i,ti i r• art Pl.,' Kitt., I.u.iralilutr 1t...10ran.,
Ilaur i /11, I . lkllottallo.. 0.... 0.• ..... rugi01t..,..,1 and I.rt
..1.., , t .1, FUN 1. I'LLIIii,
Perfumer no.] ehruurt.
tu; Murk. ntrireLl.olutit 1:1 . , Pluirtdelpliia.
Sr.flefi limits ilrin t lorget tliut i 1,,, . I. 'Li. ..Lru,...,
•11.1 rue..t .1 teurive ritaiiislarti , it. Itii. i iti Oil e low it
rull ~141111.
. .
Shriver & McLean,
Flotr, Produce aia
No N 4 So. Lin %C*7l:o
Yiil LthELMIIN ra
"I l.oulian r n
tn—M...rra. Ilassli4..r3 A M.11..r.
Mr Mr, lAnxt,nn.
Mr ism, P. ' , hr.",
-'boat., wiirrE. ET h.I.AN U
FACTUREIL. N. 11 ,uth S..,roptl Marg. (01.ove
stuut...n.,l nda.)Ptillaarlphau Irt.lh I y
WIC LOLL. .. JOIN n OorIP.A , N.
0./ . 1.1 .I.noLLY
4.7 1et11.1.0. IA MINER •
taklEA LI), BUCK c)R vi)., ToltitiNtl
Onintino.inn 11..rrimotr N,, M t., 11 N.h 11 a
in It Nt.rth 14 pan, a. PtalaJelplaga augl
• Flour and General - Produce
C031N11: . ::` , ION 11013 SE,
/16)*). I; D. NFAIt 11A I.Tl,jultE
B. I 1. Tilt OR E.
R.l I pn,4,c
-411,.ne4 flnl4: uN CuI.IIIGNIILNTS.
llarlnit 1. - .1 • qua. ~ I ;nnt.l,* In I,4n,nrt,juni
nsj. any nttwr litnl Enna. rat.. —.I-.
.I ..r ~ . r.tur,n. and 1,.
m 1.., In
-I,ndral and Caoller of hnnt..
• 1,4 ...I 1..111‘...n..
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Triooptierous,
-1,5 attain.. otu.l mg ,
tiny wan .11 su.,l rum. til the Alton,
gland..l.l multi., stint, tlll, tau"... ate It
L. by •11.elintrut. Ili. [tarry,. Inroph.
aruno b.. t43.11,..1 it.- A• 111 1,, .4.1 on t urinrr d 0.0.—. (Le
sun, etc °I tbo .ml aU uno3at king.baa lb.
t•llutrtn,. ...led." "mut ainall•l
laitstr; IL• vain. a (h..tati...",
and lb. P.toutaluoitto uttieh It is :.el.l th.c. who hays
,it .• it • Irlai
Ncet Yc.xx, ?rid '2 . '2, 1.4.0
It, t- o.v —I ha... 1... n •111.,••1 witt,
Et.. • a.r ,
th.. ..... dor,: thal l•• 11. d
• - l•ro. I,•s- ttgl,t U... I.tegm..l:. L.r I/Y4t uJ
41p •e,Ol. • • 1,1•..ui •••
by • r , .ut I .1,1 • t o
rr , ort, aru. my •,arrri•e
MI 11.
&L. , . two mouth, Ku. b wan ll,*
." i ".‘' ‘.‘"
1•••pelldll . your,
I.s4l.6.lumtaa .tr.,
:w iv “. :M.
Pt.. Bout-11y ftwar kb.u, ,www. Loh,
rot... out orTVot sh.l 1.4 k who too, whl , t.
wroth rlzzwiziall 1 h r. , 14 1., trlr4.l, Li. 1... t
oral, n r..l. l oharl dauaruol .I..hhow arrr./, ✓ 10.
tAlt AtAAAAtt i I silt t•ttAl'i
4r Le OA ELL, ttAti rtriAtAlw
II As; ItAl; AA tirnilrutAn tAt.ultAA lbw ultAtli ILA
Alutt. Mr, Atli Alt.,. tAiI A A t IlArri A tAit,
tlitt•AAA at . Nt.• ittrlt lto, 1.• Aro., A llt• ..rt A A
I Yr... N1..1,, .1.1!, th. ..114•11111,,
Al.. 11,140::"
thr 1.1.“1.11.1111”.
nt rlo
hrt 1i.n.1 It taumart. . ma.. I , tt....,A0t
.1 4 1 1 ,
1.1 . a. It at. of the real,
J• w ...rm. and
5. aan. 111.1.r.A.mr1.
FORWARDINII & V01131124810N MEI-1(11,114T
i3ONTIN( 7 ES 14414 .411141 lucllltic,, to mee,ive
'k r raca., 44.11,4444hinn444.41411114=1,..n.14441
4:4k44e..441 ' hun. 114. a. ion. his dock 44441; an
on dn. arol 11, 1111444.44 1.4.441 and 1444 rt.
1:4•14.4.14444 , --fle4owro. I.4 , rrnz. 4.14 4.,
A. m...
llr .1.1. A Cau.b., •
Wm. H. Raskin,
1 11 ALCII,PN EVA:, S. 11
atteetinn tr, Coninklulno bunlu•r, •Esu I ttl
QASIIIJEL J. WETIIERII.I. , 1 / 4 I'll 1`1.,m
41.1..11 .114 1 . 1,..6,14144 N“,
Ana Lb iLI •tarrl, Lill
otllo..lnr •11•1111111 1.01 1 -1 1011.. 1 11 0 0,1,0 .•1 11101 0
1.11111 >10•1.,t01
Itr frr .I,lho S Thoen.on 111.1,..11 • L•1/6"1.
lien. Al Co.. Banter..
Pr.olore, Cow:m.l,ou. 41,11.,ottrain f Mo , rrhautn.oool..
1.4. on.
I )..%
,ornznororoso.oo oming.m. onsorr..
P WIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney , and
orllor at nrul Coturto,,konrr !or tr.- Mao. t)
oonn tr Ira., Mr., Om, id I,tritor,ll )
itr•krro... Mou I , ..r•Ar.i. M 00... •
hl.ll, M'enoMeoi • Mvoluro. Jute. e I.—l, •
Srm o ro. Si.oml • Co aksoocir
DEAREI) PEACIIES--5 1.1.110. now, for
L a V.
.11. N,.•1d..
JUST III:1"0--(0*. o ls. thin Sheet !tubber.
for M•otlaaii.o' F,., 1 at io‘• II • Mos,. AI
• 11. 1.1111.1.11,
A . \V *t
1 4 . 4.011i-911 . 1.,1,1,. S. r
Pit l "".
VAT!' (
11.AUS-2 .10z. India It hher. .1
1101111111,11. • 0.0111,31
lE. It --.2.40 Side.. N. 1 . , for mull. by
A arc 111.1:111:11.. I, •
_ .
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
A NI) POOR, bond and Frye,
•I 4 Artln, [...1w0 awl Ounitiloo., tlm nun.nnt of
.."."i-pi6k. 6 to nll oho u. it, tool /ot j.,
shot flu rniontlr Dn. .conunt tn.:noon no.ll tor
brolino wit] von... on.tortle. It t. 111, town.'
If rolinnttar Onto , oi sot inn.l,ll. matter to - oho , tAtnnt
or Low nArrtt, lating• oproinr. lotnn, von,
tool., bon, on en. noon. rttntounto to. olio.,
Inti t.towt: of wit pinion.. urn n.Aon..
ut Muni, or boomer." , Mo. I,lnintoot nnottlr
woor:11 ollnntoal .• rw
e llr"f IiEVPKI: A N 1,1.011 Cu.. tu rant otrnot.
6.11111A11-49 blob, N. 0., roe'il on
.3 for eel. lo ALEX.. 1 1.1/1/ole,
de3• 13 1 front et
.---- . ,
611/11.111-211 hbils. Finis N. 0., lbr lAll' by
1.„) 2." J. /. 1/1 it
t.tvor 0 I elr.
H ii., iiOFFEL-150 bags for slab. by
.1. r 1/11.11'011,T1 1 i CO.
THE aubserillors reep,tlully call the at of b n
eele. *hint 1:..., ere end Vanol,l, to
t 011/ 14111• trel vie, I etre k *1
WilliCE liBlll3 RIES AND Tr.,,,,,
which tto.y offer on the /mot lavoral.l.l tone,. . omprleli.
lOU pegs. tiroeu 4 !irk .r.... 15 boa.. eroortot 1 / I =kle,
Mole eml ternety. I. - - holohogo:
30 1,44./1 prime Km Col Tee, Al . Prorerto,l I /mt.
35 • old Jere •• lo . 11.1.10.
I'' " L' l,l / I Yre . O. le erul 1„, bye. Itel/in,
12 WU, prom/ N 0.111 g., , /..4.5 I.ltrou.
33 1,1,14. cod end pard . / A melt/ Current,
'Jo twee. urn &MP;
12 [.... 1,11.. x.
ro .. ani IldptGancilvs. Y: trltnlaler
l' ..
"" Cl ' oe:ee, "" Bro . tne, !' ectl.l . cell_ ~/" 'f .' '' ' '''
4/.1. 1 ./ 0 1/d , o :Melee sou Sauce& amid..
various 0//401eo
peitmeelee elel Hann., Is rsomal, .eletiod to 1140. .‘
ii11(3., le the elti-e of Nee Vote, Hilleslolphie met Dalt,
more, teeop/1•Ing •Itroother en •evrtmetit tweguelled to
tfehtlre6.. 51 51. A. Bt'CI•11 Ito a Lo.
mel 'too 1.,h0m e't
_ „.. .... _. _.
SUNDRIES --3 bbls. prime RollTutter;
' IS . , heetnotx
, 4 . Whom lk.zus:
2 lee= Packed nurser.
400 boxes Cheeeel •
• • , •
100 Ib. I.lormirm , far b
EN111.1611 rd &LA ot.
between Wood and Solatbilebidm.
for ealo
br (t. 13.1 B. A. lAEA AVOCA A CO.
Dwelling To Let.
VOR REST. and possession riven on Tr.
i l ."iiehLTMidni . ";'l:l l l:7l::is"-ir vi i A s!!'ZlL
crab IVArd. occtiowl by Mr . 11 , 1•110.11 n. E,AIrA oI
ri0111,0N: 1.111 LE .t 1 , 11..
Valuable Property for Sale.
PHA T new and elegant Brick Dwell-
In the vllst,e
runt .w. 1..
Itenaer ma, .Pa Itetween the . ! .... rtanr mat the...a+
Ohl. and I, hyn trend The boon. to V/ Ir. trent by ,
tats de-P—t. ot .tortt.a.•bd htantnent .htry t atm , . Xttlf
atery with deur utad hanno Th. , Lot ett whwlt
truant. la Inn feet nen eta I. tittin h., by 3, hter
hod The yard hy front and around the bonne la latauttltlty hod
cdt, and planted with an abundstlan er ohmltlatry t dotter,
ar e o
a t ih a gond and ,tottatntlsl welt arttund •t.
AL, harden let t1f , 11.111. the -ann.. 1.0 fret etc., tta
$4 , ••1 cc', itty torther patitt . tylara ID
/ 1 11- , riher, the ptinnitrtto
I;d111 11. CLARKE
~itttated un
Mae IVater.2
1., nod • uiteadr tor
11 ',J....1J r, ..r
../..11 .4/ aume.1.4.1, u,Liere.•l
J A Al V., C, ,
Allegheny Foundry for Sale.
rilii E underbig,ned offer for snle their ex-
II rot NI.It V, II eou I
•.., ,ttpuJol ' .m
LueIJEEIJ• 11., • I 1.. 1 Tl,
4'u I.IIrJ 11•1. double •0,1 furi,m,.. • id.
• The lukkr.l.•en.ntA • ren. I r•• rtt
%lei( tt, AN & "J.
WELL 1111inhedn
n otor) BRICK TX;
Ili./LSK I 1..1 ;:! .. .4
rill. tt,
"r.." 1.1
..1,, IL,
To Let.
kN (WHIT or, 111 d 141 ,nd!
door Nn,,, ifon
14n D• 4111.: Iny I n,nn, ll'l.
Iwo, °akin:o P'...._-,.,n dit-u1mu,,1..,,
I , Ir li.V/ZA)I. Lawrln . nom; Chin,
For Sale.
otE three qotTln-iek 1 1 mening
N.. 11 .ttrnl. Mop, ia
tr, to s m t
orw l• tar — to 4I•T brattl turd runres, ttn
promi-, of .11 incurult rartn. anti talrttittputs
Aptly W It IV A 4., sitd
11E1 L.
A1t.... is trt lat 4,11:: Fourth rl
St. Louts Batel—New Orleans.
,• • uDGE IWILSON, forinerh of the Tri3
t :ra t.• Int. Tr. I ^ ,!,
its. rho f•T Lot 11.•TY.1. W.% •••••
I.ur,la ra•t 1.3. ,•-•••,L
x..4r•fir• mtatt , on. returt.,/,•1.. I" I.
• t•ctx..• on 1 mm.,,•• Irlrh n.stat.rt e.J •-• • ...I. •••
.ur from. , •
0 I'
cuo•rr,..pi• c , r••11 sotrnodlal••1,
I I. 1•4 . /1 411. I lhort I' had
11 1 0 LET—From tlo' hret Aprll I.' It. V .
I a lare•• Lu,. Clth ut, ov•r•-• •
1.u.1. .J144.4,,1 1.1•11.1. d.
II 4111 , V. JON b., Y 0,,
1, 1 . 11'N1 , 41
To. I I, V• qt.ko,t, w! rotl
nll ti-4 , — 11,4 .11 1 lLedr-.1 And
1:111.I. ♦ 11:11 ,
pA I hi. ,le. 11{1 . I\
IP yr, dextrut, us.,turrov.4 1,
kLtleneva, tr. k 1 u
,141,1• lor .1411.•
Deniable Property for Sam
1 N dd.• 1111/
91,1, ou ~.rr.rr rtj
•rt t ,tt..l I rtFlott tt:tvtt. , tat Karl. ttt r•
3 . 1.
11,— thHrtrk n t.itr el ‘ r
It...t..tts 0.• • lot t Itt nt
I' 9
, .
cr . :a tt Attz tut, •
I )Fc:Al{AirlLir
•tri ru .•. etrt . •.1. tr.rit r• cut •
•Ccrt .1.-g nu rzrzur:
tr tzr 04. U. , 1 tlrt "hit mr.ll . cpwrt
rfr. ; . .VrrYzZ ' l" rtt rct nrcl tt. irc„,
zrtft Plc •1.411,11. I a. r
well known EAGLE Ili VCF:I.II
1111•10, 1 . 1/11 414:1.1'111A.
now Or CO 111,111 t, I.rm.rl) 4.1
Ito. 1.r,, Neal 111,.r1.
4.1 • tarn , par,/ I
•‘..1 . 4 tt111...1r.
.l ta LI.. 1.
',III, tt.. .
1. 1 .f. 1 . - ala arat ll
• 11. .•Il t. Lem.. al 1A . Mt ALA,
i 1 1.. 1... i .1 a 1.....11•1.1.. rrnl •tal .11. r ihr
111,1 1,1 • , t .‘l,ll Y. \l. I. el a
1...1 • 1r.. , ...rat...
11... 1,4.- re. rut,' lA., L5ind...11...1
aapro , ..l •11, rer..llllll,ldalll.. btoo-t-t.
t. 1,-,
tor futtlwr part,tkiat...,:lll. 01 “tru•-r,
1.31141,11 AN A LEI J. v l uu
'Sew. L.,1 ,
riNI I. large anti vollvenienta
I It 1:111 , 1,1...
ami ta,
Private Residence for Salo
'rill R I'IttoPERTY 1.. otfer.l excee,ling-
Ir 4IN r..1.n 1,1, .. - .1.4•1.41v tern,
hunt to Its. Inoue rrt ..1 ittel Luli.. use en au
P ilo lot t 7, lan, ...nterne. tootr art tory or gm.. rg
one Inman, etni It In IT , •141. rnuctithr bark rsee hun
.In-el suet hitt not h. gn itoperreunente are
nes. the eisise tenet, twit en nhelerti of the tweet
instorol. an.l huishot Ilk Use ha unmet,. Ivor. ever.
entorineeree that so hole and rkall eeti \el wol,
duet e.otnl tu serious, There te • sell aler erne Heil eau
Brut the dour. mud tuts. twill fur I, &suit **ter Curtis,
tb *tot thelettit. • .4 ro', "lilt and .Anil.
serf . ite .1,, rt ite •teel solvatitiertot con ..err,.
Ilii,l an oe.srentotion of One prelnise, nouns
uon •rLitire tettr.lea4 are Iyrii4,l to eart qte tattler
ehousl e •ho tar, ' , felonry. in gottex eroli , ttelort4
tutu It he h re - ere lours hr *entente.: Jelerrotrell tees,
1,11 :1.1 IItYV.. 114 reentt , i`e
Real, Estate.
SALE - . N., 1.16 u,,,, Lots in the
I Fifth 4.5 1.11..rti mod the otiwr in
aa ,i n of ,i,i nn .l. P. feat on tVellehir etrreit.4,liii i
4tio iniit en ea., •t li.oilstii et JO Liberty. et ;
mtai,lt iiliieitiel iAiliYit L'i, ; RAIL ROAD AND WAGON.
._._ •
rro TIiAN:..IPOIITEI.IS, COMNIISSII , N tt.l j k l'illis:01 'lt II E SL I SPENSION '‘,l Vanal
itittroat NIKIICIIAN't, —L. , rain on 11,11611. 1, , y Net teem. we will a rwmAi !fright. tiA .4 trim
tii. 4 airaen, iiii it very i alma, LOT:, vanli taunts. , I'l 1- Oaten t iler., rig me 1.111. iit huhu.; in n i ai,Atind :n a g
linit el, ite Coe . liiiiia I.ei i, All. giirTii i itn. anil ha at . *nil lain, 'p a l, 1,.., or slam..
11.4 . ilie litiana 1.4.1 1 1 ia. Aa1 1 ,41. i within a -i o ta:, a " IIAY:i a CLACK.
th. le t iiit 1 iiiiit nit.elin a ha, to the i'iti.oil Ilene, thin. , canal al, l'i nit . Intl lin ...r a h
I,i ail. aline Ow ininsti A reielltine hir aha li r eat., . • 11.1,7t1t la a trawl,
the heilriael •ir Canal Nos, 13 lota 1., ;oath Thin, einiiiii. Phi, a taw,
Far him- naves. ill I. C STOCKTON. Alliichn i - CM: i 5 111T11 a I II ANClatille.
t.t et Ito. 11..A.iii.r. n 1 I< C ,rottn roN, ; ilia No 7a North etriiiii, Kalil mar\
angle riArner
of Market area Thitil et.. ' i • i • ' •
1 4 , 1.) it itr.Nl — . I lie I...oiling, No. 165 =I? 1
tatt- ' \
1 Thinl nun"- neris 5t...1a...1d—t0 m.x.p s• thr Zi
tw lana liuilinti g ... the reititeu g mat liaaartn a of
he eniiri li..u, ii reesi t iletiet. The teal rlinanteer o w tan i wi', , , - TP I: ARR„[NGEEPA - 7.
t 'l—, htteleal vies atteiit..l with hot and' ild i
'in'ti j . e eat i lie. I. en . 7 ri•iiE atelitat , vitierß, IsgentA for tho Penrl,lo
- IF, - 11 , Ll , l4ne aiUt.lninit. at a minivan. anat. I..ulAti I
Valli, Ritile• , ..lCii..eirti now tenran 4 to riirol t it frcla 01
al II ItAILLINiIItiN. A thinue.l. ilarl., lien . lot. iLi Philietnllitite. at lliii tollt w t
~,,,,,, ti tio art a e”ieei, newt 11.. J \ Inc rare..
' \ Pa ell hr.; virt u e peel. •. on 4 3/.4:) - t , iia ch
Fur hale ar Perpetual Lease, to: Dentin. liittin, l a sil lath... a. rai n,.
VI qi - rN ..rtiliEL KILN NG LOTS, laid I ~ h """ ''''''''. ii:ji;::- t ,ig'it.,% tt ,
ji nil in nut Int N.. oi, t o ill. er.inal plan 11l the town 1 N, AiiiVidia a C.I.F. Airiinti,
la A lie, 4,111 , hauling. l at h 111.1• P .1: Iteleiora rtrawl. luta j A earn e r Penn end I% ay. etri.4l.
014 haat. Lear I /iretteiiitti, li •r ht lA.
rur rt.nt c.a.. or mon• p.a... tL. , nosititte Dr the
1411 W. 11111. ,t , thltite Laza 111.1.0 r rtrmt.
I.t tialrd a• a la, [YR
1., lean, A.. TM.I Mr. 11,1,..1:0 IDA:LAND,
UL °o-~tnr too of •ulkraper. ann., No. WI
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
rb. !our ACIII,, In I.u.'nen...
11.,;,1.1.41.J-0n lA. pr0u.10... 0 0 ' ,Nut 001 'an',
5.• TL.. ma, 1...11r1
^lOl .01.1 4 • µ+.l,n r
1 . 00411
4. pnr.nn.... 111 il111:1. 111 1 .10.
s....entin mt.
Fentucky Mutual Lilo Insurance Company
GUARANTY FUND, $101,,000.
COMPANYr 1115 offers to tho moored all
th. mud adrantaf,, r f the M..tunl and J•dst
tmt. or. h. t.-1. appli..d I , nobtu.A. namely: low
. rrtuto In .a.ll of the per
rrnut., trnutted 144 Ow vuttllgnu rut I‘ , l, of the year: au
,1 not rlice..3l, pn , rimeu tut the foton• noon
tar ..1 to, mt.. r. r , r the .1.01, telol a Itle. with t:n equltar
tulrl,o IL., nrcutuulatlug fond wrored mei,
turnaber•.l3• Jrath, hr um.° thmi Voi l et. , c
o guaranty loot deal-a... 1 for the ut warily ut
short tom Mr 1116,1.. and 01.0 for the yrvrourroeuritr of
tiole• tor lbg shola term 01 111.
0-11. u. I. the
_only Mutowl Life In.turstren Comrany
shy... rear.. 1,1 - .4kiula .re Ise.] redeare,l
grette prvvlFlonf or au alieatmll7 aervullete ,
lath. r.f tou•le , (fin foto, e.curay in vlarc vr.,,ortit te co
Ow Mal. fAi ”11.u•Ineo. Knit fievreacelg reset 1n.e..1-
vagerteee, %v.—among 11,..
. •
Pamt.hlt.t., tract, Ir.. otlttitt Itt detail the plan stud
W. al the (`...mpan, furttottie4 ettk.l•uo.
tor itutursure br J
129c , et. 11..0,11.
1141“.1. Ittot,talt. Meth,' Egrattiurr
ig A LEIZA tuns l'uly'd in cuxkn
And lot ..1.• by It (IA t.7,1- ' 1.1.*
ALE OIL-2 casks W int. Strained, for
16161, L 1 1,1011 I: o'l
_ .
A V 1.1 1 d HLk DISCOVERY. that arhieh
loug L.r. Ast A VIC.i L
N 11-..111 10...1 t r y ' ,117; , 1:1.i„
.111 boel ,ertm.tly rt.') .Ae
1.0.0 0,.. Mitlly...A...LtiM Alter
Anellona b•rlrm
to the 100 k... smrt., ...en ori itzimm ow., Al
renbet 1... t *AO., or ...atom 1.11.1.,f
...Al About tber..r, rot., in.
hello.. Ho,
The V4Ll.r will .t ..nee ww the 11311.rtsio, al 1A . 11 , ¢0 , 11(
16,04,.11..1 will. the lAmt 161,1 .4.1 y Article tor ...TALI) ro
toorlug. wh.o tLr r0..1 1....
For .mle, nr by It. K., :1
gt.... 1
JO EAli I. ASII-211 casks fer sale by
I .05 IT RF. W I L.t IN. 11, t.,-4.“ , 1 .1.
amed by
11. N. YARN E.•,W , , , Ch a CO,
dry , nrner !in.( and Wra..l rt.
fl: MOLASSES—:a. , bble theelale's li.‘-
IJ•enrrr.furr.lrbr 1,11“DR1T1K , L1Z , 11 , 1 . p , 11,,11.
Coll•ro.d •n all f,f
Ita un , lb. Imp Duo, sAlmrso. L.. 11,. 1,,,5w0, rod
au-I floe, .1.14 in. It mutklna nothin ../uriou• tu
rtuthe any Thr ladle, hare g
bog enc.. 1.11
1{b041,"2' I° 7gto2'`;:ri:Zr.:,"':',.
"5 '5124'
r . r . d .i ta r. gr u r b a r t.--•lth full • •
dry eurorn of Hood and elstbst...
CIIEHSE-7 14 + 1 bor. Ilezlep's
eelrbrat. Durham and Nutmeg
re end and I, tole LT
d , •l WICK a lIIKSANDLE..4.4. •
—Yrtg IHEESE--Mal boxes prime Cream Cheese;
t do good W
store arid for We by
INDI6O-2 casks Madras and Manilla, for
aide by B IL BELLAIIb.
TIIA, '111 . 1.71. \
ri E Train nit the Ohio and l'nn
I 1 .
l• 1•,.••) • •
m I' II " ,
••.I r. M.
`4,1 tun 1.1 r n.ev A Illtmer
....1 tin.. 4 V. N.. thutir.
l'ulm I .... W.rr-co.
N Im Amin
....1 4 I. msl
I. A I. V .1. 1 . 4 .11, I.ll.riverbay. rt.-
V.r tr. nt. Irm. 4.1.,11..
I' I (.M,4 01 nt
Nqtr. /
i Irt
u. I'rniu
lot Irv.. ...
AIM N.. 1.141.1.
'll...Train...lp run I
fro. AISLIO• .5 ,Ir
1 , -,lrral :4,11k.ta i.f
at ~I I•a. llallmn.l,
..., Al.. tit
11. Iltrotiet to ket. I r..tzt Pt11t10trt:111..1 . 4.r...1.41. t.rtr..
St.. —rto3.l Irt.iti Pit t. , .tit t . h L.l .t.. tr..", ttir• SHAM,
•r. +old tti the 1tath..4.1 ttutio.t.. pt., t..
For Sale.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
1. 4 , 1(0)1 Ith t., ?111, Ex
\ 1... L. ~..nto rt.
I, P... pt. 1..5.
~r ilir
LI l'ttt
1./.rur .urgi.. . r-tornitlit,
r~lll . \ I r ti.. A NI
and , I. 11
10. Po I I lo,ono. II Moor •ir t.” lop •Ippuro.
Ir toot. I. 100 oo who to .411\1..11 lilr the
i . • MI • iVAillo 311 r onl Poo
The Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rail ad Co.,
Avi;.:(; uo-niswit the
„. II I. Loos. oo t too t JO
.'or rt. , tt• +tut, ttt I to Ai.
(; op,. P
i nooloolor,lo
II / E i it
.1' 1'
i PI 111 M in i!
1 • Di.-
' "t : 4
l. ILA'
- -,- -
Tll rum \ DEr.vii% AN I) I:ALTINI
.-rs--1.1 ',,„olot:.:. . iiii..ii \
T IIF Ex vri-, 7q \ \ llTri i 11l leave In
\.!:.., ' 3i-'o".' ," L!il" . ' ' r " l . . r L 1
tt.a..l 1 •.as, •11r , : t. I • 1• 11 0%1 1.111, • 1 .,.t. 1 1. i I 11
,1..1. /
. " : .. ... ". ,:1...1 ' C... ' . N .: .:1i:.1. * 11 . 7.
A l
' ~. , , •, . .. \
For Sale
.. • . •
"v...;..:::,11...;: ~..:',.,:,...,;'.'!;........:,...,..::...L.-...;\
. _
N 10,N 1.1:\ E
.0 * :11 I S 5 1
111 cI.I.vELAND 1%rf.1.8111.L.E
T it IS wall knoun nt i "hi Line
Ir,r tlNl,
.Is, I Sale • 1
.A.Az.nt,At At LI: rarr,,A
lon A 01 , 1151
,41 4(.1' rti.t.t.,lr. h.
Ni:E:11 EXT.
gel • -;T:
\ v pripare..l tori,rry Freight Letu - eon
AND 1'1 ,11L1M:Ll'ill AND BALT! \ !nit%
h. AI 11.1., rtal rn+A
11A,1,1 le ViA
rt.. AttAt.o I,Ain. lrA h.
1.1111.11 111 AIAAI 1,1.1 r. Pm,
A.: A 1.., I AC,. t. ..tovhis
tinv tA, A
gt,OZ W -L
E . I 1 A N , E f.., 5 . , ,, 0 1 1 . .. , ( E ` 0)1 , 1'LETF. D u A
amru l.l.tlitar 11te
lII.A I/M.l'lllA •AND A LTIfillIE E.
r..w ulll c , S\ 1,1
I , •llr.rina
I.t 111 K Tll,ll,
o.rty Alert. l'alxlmrAh.
Ell IC A. lir 'LEH.
'21,0 Ual A
Freight! to and from the, Eastern Cities.
11 - I.vrE /7 A /: /,' A_V f:
t g i 44 a
'Re • t`.: WI :41 1,1 7 P,5 4 ' .7 4 1 N.
w 1 :44: tc A KILANG(iNtENT I:ETA% EEN
P 111 LAVEL PE IA •Al , l'.i\ FITTSZURO 11.
Retita, .1 I. 9t \ 11,1",!
g i h N ano :sat, the Ist . ?of ltret.hiher 1, eXt,
I/ 1 .., , ,,,. ... i n IA • - arn-.1 1., rIrA 1 1 .A.t.-,1...niA Rail
rA.-I l ~11,. wlia.v.. 11.11,1..11.1.,,A 1../ Virt.Lair el, 10
All loArr•- mitt, ..,Ir .., Iml. • Ai rAuJA.,.`., • r An .....-, Ilrul
— ria
h •I su
e I.s,lArrA,n,l,ln•
Il rnt
ll".•, AA • lb. l
ti..k l
~ ml.l th.LN, , ,,,..,,,g,,,,,..
llall •14,1i a \ 1..., 0.• , , i t r ..
~ r ,1t . ,1‘ 0A.1.
„„ 1 ..:. ~,1.... •1..J.Al tsrf
1851. gib - : ',N - , : 1851.
[....w. 1.1.1 11.. ErAll.siltAut,...An,. ily, \AM,
tr.l rt....lei/4,M 4. 1./... I tw. It.. IlAloAsu, 0 071 . • lAAJ.
i L islittnloes atAl l • Ilit 51311311. VI. ItiNtb.i ..1 l'ilt.Eurp, 1,1
llAntlu.t A
I. uJAlis, innsli 17..,11,,1., Jn.t orAtu.l. , ,A, rlte
Ohio anJ III.A.J A A1•1• , rllrl , RAI Ihr llhr., 11..ltaui , , m/J
l'''' V . . ' lal.llV I lIIINI7 I 14AS Ygrl.l.oll e: '.
Irti. ~
II Nl...Alta, r..t.r i•JA,
..A. ' t l's alolp Al.l
..I - MAII '•,{ IA
Hie 3lail I rAlo .1..4.. , .•1 1 .i..L., A L IV - ...Jure, s - In
-ler,. 7 boon, A/AI 1.,.. 111.• /Apr... , Era/Ilegt. In NAN'
1 Ark lA, InArlima •1 A 0e1 , .. 1 ..n,5105•A I, ..1.. 1•-•linlAtI.A.
to .IJ..IA,Izt. IP,
l'he Et jilona / rAltAl AAA Cull!. Trent 1.4,-. OtrAktrt Al
I A. Al doll.. n V.v....h....1 , 1,1 , Att.. 1..4 .4, ght. t ,- . '
AAAAarra.l... 11.. i • AA.--,...r. nn. 14.4., .
/W . V... Ir.. 1.Y11151, 10 NrA 11,16. AA PJ•rotl CIA..
lr giV l •l i :rw , .. ‘ ;eT/r . :,•.tranre - ot Ilv:Voo - k am!
Irr”:111.1 A: AllaitAlr IA Awl IL.II N. I* or, . A
1 . ..Mr - ALIT w11..1i,A. will I.' tAted 1. , "7,• A TPI, rallo.o
I, I) I r e. irs•.. MI- rout.. ,r.A.I A.lranrap...... - er
nArroA gAliJr II s•lr.-1,1. In If.- tran,rtanon '.l 7*, I.
4/J. - CIA.. nal 14 Aiu• .111 lA. put In ~.A.A.II•AA-A 111
r„, „,,,,, 1„,.,.
• 1.1.
41,11.4 I . ..rin. ..II I,e-.1,-IrlhAte-1. lil Mg full ~art. tv
lA, ,i. roAar.l t.. Ow ,A eel - a ivlckl, A- -L.A. A. thrilAn
~ ~.,,,,,, 1'11.1,,L1N, , e.,,,je, +.:
'J A tirTlNilll A Al. Aii4N1.1 , 11F,11,. ' 111 1,4104.
I JOATENTEP, July 2titls, 0450..__F„r s i, i n ,
1 , 11vet,..0r--1 1, 31 • ia•••••• 1110 foss of • •••• •• • quart of
al i ir , •ll
Are.e.l for •:••1•E
eit,As r inilo, for in
dr.,1.,:1nt. 1,, J KIDD
delJ . 1104 IL
• - -
CUSHIONS-2 doz India Rubber
au.l wler.Mn An- nf alftarentahapa,
rao'd au, u r w„ ci Na Maar, rtar.t.
.1 e it PHILLIP,.
USW • SelloOl 'IN • . 7-
IllaanaLi Cholla ILaak.
a II aid.. M ttaaL,ll
Nesl. arena.% Clani 1 1 ,1:
PI Hook: 1 , 131,..rane.. )l Is4cssn:
Lime. by I. Mu.:
Mala Immt of the M-ht Ileautitm 4.1 Calnlubla.
lruntrr 1 , .. - Itok+l lbs.l: toui. gout
Boman, Chore, Ito.;
AltAtro a 1411.
bib. pc*ltY rm•
.11 it. 1,..01ng. ano.i7br
.. , 1; •
Wltlin my 'tray.. nmo wag by S. C. Yoster,
The IS of Axe% oartrttr.
Tn. h.lut Ilbrookes rot.;
The, lltrumeen Compliang
Mug. h. ,am kill.. For tale by
lel Third stli+l.
null eign 0f..0. liable, harp.
bUti 21.115 - -2118 Ibis. Crubl;
Poadeted,Clarilool s asl4 Small loaf Suer.. eel or. cm‘ml v.l for We by
do:- JAIIEg A. 1113TCLIWON .1 CO.
ilu.Scel plisse, for
x. 67 f. P. YON•SiNtsilOT,t Ca,
Ii sad US Mei, street
Pennsylvania Railroad
Beam' ont's Patent Starch Polish
A" : '4l • : 1 : v . .%
COU(1118, COLDS, HOA EBtt, i 3 :i ; . : 1 .
TIS, I iOOPINCI-00 11, CROI7P, \ .
• ._._
rrll lIS R}L II I• is oirered the Dom. , •-, .
1 with the n - 4111.2; , nr0 ae feel I to article Icll . • \
/......41,114 rAJIII 15 , mall e the heoll,t .fee that ami lx. • - \
slre.l. 1... L. riles , 10.1 0.11 or it. ‘...ig.w. ...I..inni.
1,11 , Clo .0.. Dr Its e n,.. that finest derry portlan of
I\ 4
, the couotry .I.sutt4A , per/lens. publiell\ kooarh. wile.._
hay,. ' , ern r...tured tromerturoa and even&Jperate Min •
..ri oi the long.. by Its se. Whoa eve, hied. its se. •
p..era, ..rer . ,c 1.5 05105 15511viDe ,1 Its land. Is too en.: •,,it... ob.etratnnti ,s, eod atter,. lii 'Ham ate .
t e.,c n. the oghlie ccn loner ,esitete whet antidote to mi.
ploy I, tic. . Jer.‘eit: arta ugereue affe *loam af ail \
rolmounry t , raata..t. irhrela art t etje f ot to oar climate,—
.k.t not ...,11, In ihe fDrmlJahle flacks urea the WAYS.
Lot), tLe • 11.1er \ v..rlettee of Co 11., C0E411114 /1040.150151.,. \
Ae .
...I tort C.:55.5L 15 5.5 (lin 5.4. teat a nd serest inettl• • \
el.. th.t tau • .. 1 ...i0..1. No tem ly shouki be irlthout
It. oh , ' t.t.,4. ir • o l..rr 0r , ..1 it nevi 'will.
14,..1 11.- op., nof the Whorl,. acleteel4.lthri ISM :, :t
1... re‘ocom 4 In Co. valcou• ....etsoa• of country where . ' -
ttn, .... 1........1 it aid all on mere teer the first \
ele... end of [het., .et eharacter —es t oldmt Ludo= -
exentnnv, 4 L.,.1,,..1 .-.lets 10 meal:the, ath ea expert-
els, uoluoit.,l ou th. nobjeet of whicliqh y speak. It
th. , ' I. '4 r.' to. to the judgeivnt of ex riven.. see • \
11. .
11e Ms, u .tern one.l. Meade draught , . ha l ba.
1 1 . 1. 1 t, a' , lek. ,te. l ..h Aye 's Cherry Pectoral. Ite;eoy Mr l ' o - r 0 tti;;;„ Tr ' : iloiLn% tint nod
n Zlr ' .7. t .,:tgl.z:
Arnl 5... A,... I. Irvin 0510A110111194*31 it. ...'
~,.1T.1,45;;,, 1 1 :4:15, U. , Item eor.ltelly ohma
and rtrii
the hem‘t...r.. .. , thrll ' ollt 4. t • * l . 4l.7llllelier all tit?"
'1::::.:-.4 it .„ en, ' .:t .n i l s.111Ltn., " ‘I ' l.
11.111.11.V):Wst. Att72%:'rf.'....n.
: I'l7 ' '1..1i....'1',..&. lr::lil•!. 1. 0t ' . ' •
I. r 5,1 ., A Alla. \ V 1n0t.. 1 1,,,0u
.11" T. 1.. .. T r1... ' git ' t i t:,; 't it ," :1 I'..',';',t, -,.
~„0,„..0,.,\ . 0,, *..z; 0
~ .., ,,„. , . ...0, . ,.\..:..- . ,..; -•
J NI Tr.. t0...0 I. ,il.ll. , . Ps. '''''
.ork • co , uld „. ~ . , 1 1, s
l',,i '' .; 2' : 1'. .u. , . - .1017‘. •,,
r le and I:r.uglnurs, V kludue b. Lei.
' j ;
41‘*'11 .tit . •51 1 . l' i l s ' b r ;l ' ,sl l : n D.o ‘:.
14!N ' t! 1‘511.51..!,, 1 . 5 9 ;!\pai,,,,,
0 ,: 5 . : ron•cA, CAL
\ • J.45... i.,7 , x5,1t - 5, T . . 4' ...V..,!,...
lion* no, .611.t1e Rork.
s k.. ' •
‘.'l t "A‘'.7i7 l W V;e '".
, h ,,, , I . '• .." \ • ''''''''..,"• i ll
13 . ..1\ .! er, ' :Ai '' ;r: ' hn. In.
s \pi rt 7,f etratiTtlir
. .
J. ii.. CoN 'st Co • I alt.strai.a. Chili. s • .
31 100,. 4 a C.• le, i ruz, Alexlco,
p r ,„, 1:•,,.;,, C. .1. ~.i .. N,... rlr....J• \
\1 ,. ..ry
51..5,5, A t...1., N..,.• Sut,. ', . \
:T 14x;1 ; r. 5 : 5 ,, .5 .le 1,,. 5 44 115111555555 k.
0 Noeua• .C. 5 .., Ilio JR.. ,liaxil - .
114 i .u. h ... , otahet. nod m ,tich mon. no .fang,
n..,,,,,, n 1... ni , n,,-...t s ..‘,...nt t n - t f , ana tryntttftctx an.
141 ty,
1 . 0.1. 0,1 ant An id 1.0 .13J1gn t \ J. A or.ll. 0...1.10,181,
i , 1 1 4 .
- 1 , 12 , :fr rah, l /I tiet . .1. 1. 4.;: ,,, r , etr , 1 . 1. Li B. A.13/1.
In 3 1.. 4.r. ,c, w e
4,'li\p,(, , eins4itrz. ati J. DUN
,Intnlserintail wed, h. tuanuLtcture of MUNI,
Nntil •r. e.n found amt it eculd not M futthex
%,%,..-or.ltegly. • r find It n-gorto,l to, alnio , t
err.llr, tp re-... 11.patle, Rnnthut4e, ind entetinnta
reolplelo44- greeral pro.tretlou nl all lb. vital pow
and all thew. toraleutlogdornl, the kiln m Wing
palloter. iOll. I. hralt.h.
4- •a a 4 4,
Serc(ula. Cnivolaipta, C•neer,
I.l.routal,m. 3m.1 rut NeTi.l7 of Mbar dies•
arr opawlify and pat.-
..bowl, .ut...1 u.r fLie 1111,1iCiDe.
. miunr. )Itch..iLctobcr di6,1661.
lir. John o. nnrk—licar V.'. it In with unuttlisbler
fe.lhtc. Jr I.lhin l .. that I am elle. through the Me 10.
Notation, of . el. awl h s r Ho. wor.,hir.votking nltenrTnE
that exc./lent lotus, , Yellow .I) EU
inuaritia, to FIVn yo.o n lee 1. - mid...l of ooy shiteatlioDot -:
lee. ea,. to the leknter t.I IsIA I woe attne,kad oath tiete. ,:
rerr Nan, 01,:1, 14,1 gradually ustondluit'thirankir lb . . ''' r
%bole right ~.le 0w11t.., at the came DM*. tiTawas Wier. ..
lel proatiarkm of oar "
'air , ' clo,tcM:nloi. myi kg itnal-
E .- -
shrunk to a1».41 tenth, Jr of s nano/on earn. i i ,
..I prticrti . ' -
I \
. the attcodanc.. of a it. tut rractitioncro who noel:, ••••
.....1 my ,D.0...ry one of thc oral (tans id liver Anita... ,
Ili. anal my ea., an. Ml+ la+ v•.,/r dandled. butlieractih
..,l tor mi. I rcinait...l owl r his trentment mitt wan
.etb.d b.• eoubi lc., bolo me 1 then prOCIIII(.1/ Of ••
I +
a..111•I I lit* flArr. W. A. 14., , two bottles of Cu 4
Yellow noes: and :iar.. , anaritla, rom Which I neelitehD
foot •pbuul at benctll. Atter L. ring taken fatty hellish
Late I oet al.le in pure. nit burc arewitliontatiritte.nrn \
lienienec, and tunic becLn tint,' that cora wellman.ildlo ‘
ihd • abort taLs,,..l ts for, I toed L ee confined tomy bad \
IMO. fount, t I II• tow, and /Mt not accritt the re. '
o f Imy hialth to at, other ex.etliput by the mianey
t trot:, ,i,imikto medicine, Unyfott's Yellow Look •
anti II•I•aliarIlla.• lIAOSE V.I.UItIi.E.D. '
Mr. Att. I'd - b.—roar Mr: 1 rend you th 'foregalng cer
tlfa ate, JuLl si4far to 1 LSI antneintod with cam, 'it le
all Ir., '1 prkrylit+l a, Dimling it 'might 's bauellt De
you and to‘f be atiliott.l Yonharo the hilillege of using .
It.. ,nu ittNn brat. boors. . W. A.VE. E .11.4. •
. •
N N t" r —,•• \ r
The folborine letter le tenni, highly ttepeetabh;phlwhian.
. '' ° ...P., ult.,l,rotwe practice:
has aver. :kart county, H.. Nor.l. ‘ /Iilil.:::
f.r. Joon to Park—Dear Sir: Dr. Guymta'i I:strap:l of
:lan...peril. Lac torn prt,crit.o.Ll by me for If.. lest there ,
tear.. • ith• 0. , ,-1 rtlect, no Ganer..l Debility. Lime Limo
Ybohl• Jao:ottoT. Di•Detom, nod Chronic and Nairoua
td.ewea. •r. nil ir',..t.• Comnbiloprit grrininir lino." .
,mailed. In the tan. of this medicine the pationi. constant •
If .:ales ;ft , ogll. and ticor. Afoot an.rtlir ut nrinit eon
kir-ration ' It to plc...ant in the taste and enroll, and tan'
Ib.. ' ,, .4 h/ 1-nkin. with the moat delicate atom/ilia, Intl+
Jul.,. 1.1.04 , 4 at(••••••111•elityrre. I Ili •neAtolog Irani ca.
rtiettec. no/ iLL It, aillocted laLlehoe its use.
----: \ liti.,J.:k L/LEPEIt.
mo.l he ti. it. vdDil.Pirannonti. Ohio. wAttoenat corner
of Pourth own 0 Ono( altreta, entrant* en Walnut stmt.
lo liakma •/1 onl• 1... awe, Iv aiffee•rd.
j, h tdi m co. 00 A. Pilinectoilt: A Co.. J. A. jams. 1.. •
Wtto....D . , PLitchurtitu two. 'X.. Ikekhnin; AllevileUiPtl:
J. I itu.....i. WellonototO lo• ll•W•fbh Utti•lnliwth W.
by„hy, o teeo ebeym to. tiontota.SorornirtiPsott t Oilmen,
111..011,1,..1 a fon. Huntingdon: late. Orr, lILIIILIarab urn
'.111k1.4.1•4•4 1 1. , .. Inallatak: Wriitht, Kittanning:
a 1,..11i...kvi11e: A. Wilson ilt:Scil. Wltercreltirsi
.4 , 1'.11.1 A C... N. Cattend../. Mrectfllt,..lhartnn ilt Co
b wei.., ili.d.ato A I'kt ler. Alen i er. J...v .gill' aCa Do.
arr? \..., 'unit., J. O.Notenterton,Y. P.. 1.... • W
Fi, JIA.,{I. it, r,port: P. emolter.,[..l3zararklt.
lilli'f - i'rer--41 per Cot:le; 'Sin Rottlafor $5.
' - • i
I)AINT—'2S lab, Fire And Water Proof,
I,A1•11 DICKEV't Ca..‘
W•4l . bad Frunt
_ . . • ...
11.10...tna,5-1-1 casket and for sale by
h l )I , CANDLy..9.
Aiol— pure, for sale.l,T7
oulf a skcAmobbso.
kite N 0.2, f 1 b
A „. 1 . ' , 1 , Irsof ""EL—W\
' ISSEED 01L-01.1315. for Ante by • \
.b.ri • , J.D. CANYIELD.
VRESII TEAS-25 h chests
n't g.lm. I..F.Uan
Black; tar .1. by
1a , R13 !NM 1'
bslem Obin. for\ mlO by
H - . •
J. s. Dil.Wolllll I PO.
IfoT pin-e,l',r salt by
■1,2 " .1. 0. 1/11. "OICTII L CO.
rrr.T.r: r
QlllO kegs. tl,sll'd
.teawer 3111 .• 111.110 c asle
41 , •2 .t. MA,
E A liL ST 1101-50
"*"'` ba, ze . B jris. 9n
1. 1/I_IPY. Jrimrs 1. 6:
FS--10 Aa.4or enlo B=,
wu. ?trC xni apx
I 10011.10 E Pit' c . a prime. amai
LA Fork. br sale by • S. N:18/C5.8iI211A11,
• , ml str‘tf,,nnart of Plith.
0 AXON Y 31A0AN.KSEz - --1 teak; for sale'''
by not: St_-.1100:431Ala.11.% C 0....--"
8 - 11 INTER - LARD 01 15 I;lAntea
or vale by
1... , ...7 J.
ors Ut
/MAN[ rut -10
1111811 MO ' MAK Fre'
00= .2.ISIDto
and , W hi •