The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 27, 1851, Image 2

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This Citizens of Allegheny County,
iiitionjyn the muse of CY& and /ithcieus LibeeN
rtPt. inflect to attend • mcettn. at the COURT 11006 E,
'Ott ItiIItt3STCSOLT ilertactoos. st 2 o'clock. P. M. to nuke
irralillentenhi for the reception of the pstnot 1.001 1 KOS.
:6151114.00arn0r Bo cast/. .1.21
TRYI ;KOISSUSII hfeen so TO.DAT . —At two
o'eleolr,• this afternoon, the friends of the cause
7• Of clvii and religious liberty in Europe, are to
Meet - ii the Court Home, to make arrangements
for the reception of the illustrious Governor of
Hangar 7; Lome Kossirru, and to give 'expres
-;• akin to their views for the information of their
• ; . fellow citizens throughout the country; and for
;the instruction of their representatives in Con
--;-; We expect a largo and enthusiastic meeting.
•• if tithe .of the warm friends of the cause at
i tend, and all will feel it a duty and a privilege
1- to be there, the place will be too strait for the
; statembiage7 advise all, therefore, to go ear
'. ° ly, if they Irish to participate in the interesting
• • "•; exercise& The cause is a noble one. It appeold
- - to ; eat our better - eentiments --to our humanity,
7 7
.; otir religion, our benevolence, and our Item o
- The Buffalo Commereial Advertiser, issues the,
l" following dictatorial manifesto
. "The has teamed a lesson of iris
_L.., demi end they will profit by it hereafter.. It
' • will recognise no man as a Whig who refaces to
maintain a national 'Whig/administration, and
continnally a:tastiest:mit men as Clay, Webster,
Crittenden. The time is approaching when
:P . ,'-,...•ttfe Whig party will be called upon to appoint
delegates to a National Whig Convention, and no
ono wilt be known as a Whig who declines to ae.
induce in the measures of the administration. We
might better eend a Barnburner to a Whig con
•i Tendon than to send one who, professing to be a
Whig, does so only to betray the trust reposed
in him. The administration and its medeures
• mulattos sustained, and its friends in all sections
' • of .the Union will have no fellowship with Ito
I " enemies, 'whatever they may profess to be. The
•! Pairty„thas parged of its discordant elements,
will again arise In its strength, and reanimate
the hearts of devoted leaders."
There Ie a fine prospect of harmony a heed,
-,;;;;:;,.:•;:i."'•-irismih counsels are to prevail, and the Whig
•.pg:ty will be of hut little consequence after the
Sedfaliveditor's purging process- We beg leave
to tell him, that be is not quite the Whig party,
'and may himself be shown the door if he et
tempts to carry his aims beyond the bounds of
- • his own bailiwick. The Whig party will support
the measures of the Whig administration jeer. Co
far, as they harmonize with Whig principles, nod
• • no further. . The Whig administration owes lb
pewee and position to the Whig party—it is the
breath is the nostrils . of that party—and is no
thb dictator, hot the servant, of the party.
was not placed in office to lay down new
ides, and to eruct, a now-platform for the .9, 1
„Tort and government of the party, bat to Gerry
• .. out the princiidee on which it rode into veto,.
'As far as the administration bak carried out
~.;;;;:: Whig measures it deserves, and it receives, the
' cordial support of the Whig party. But to vet
up fealty to the administration as the test of faith,
and the measures of the administration as the
V . ;?ertid of the Whig church, and to excommani
aide all who do not bow the knee and confers the
aspeoies of impudence and tyraniiy
— whollyforei to Whig principles, and will he
scorned and defied by the Whig masses. The
Whig National Convention must be held on the
issues, and no others; and if that convention,
tiled ;hall ado t new
N om , p . platform, or
modify the present one, it will be for each
Whig' e decide for himself whether he
will adhere to It or not.
The Whig.sieiminietration. we are glad to say,
bas ably and honestly carried out Whig priori
' platcand has the cheerful and harmonious sop
' port of' ... theYhig party, except in one particular;
. • audit is to that one pariicular that the Buffide
• paper-refers, when it talks of reading out of thi
Party all who will not acquiesce in that measure
• ..of the administration. . The attempt' to compel
Whig party to endorse the measure referred
• .".-• to. - his 'already caused dangerous heart-burn
. Jugs and alienations In its ranks, and if persist
..• : ed in - will most"certainly ruin all its future pros
pects of success and usefulness:.
; VALLEY RAILROAD.—Our friends
r Itzthe. Allegheny are doing finely in the way of
; • taking . , stock. The Kittanning Free Press of
Thursday informs us that four hundred shares
•have been taken in Armstrong copnty, and five
A hundred in Clarion and Jefferson. This fills up
the amount necessary to secure the charier; but
• it beginning. We hope oar friends
will go on, no that the work - may be con 1 ,
. sad. vigorously prosecuted in the epriiag
-",,?..:•.A,•(..-....,?-14itlairoperexurtion. The road may be competed
lattining 1852, when it will pay a goad
• •
dividend. That done, the means to build the re
:'=hider can be easily obtained. It will plead
itanim cause after that
..The New Yak mad. Erie Company. intend to
.• • laidowit a second track on 100 miles of their
rimdricat epring, and no doubt will push it on
4- Z 'T - Westward with rigor, se that we may calculate
that the. double track' will he extended as far
westward-es Olean by the time our road can be
•• finished; .This is an important consideration,
'> not Malin showing the great prosperity of the
road with whin one will form a union, hut
VIIVLVIIg any fears of that great thorough
.arsheintovertculened with business.
• - and,refiection, and farther investige
tion only - nonfa i
rm es in the belief that this is
. ` 'J 'among the most important enterprises that have
• . nen proleoted for the interests and prosperity
- • of Pitnablirgh;_and that the etoek will be among
the :best in the country. New interests will
spring up, new resources be developed, and what
is more than all, new and important commercial
pounced= willbe formed. Now we have no nisi
.), nese relation with western New Fork or Cana
. but little with New England; but when
thisroad shall becompleted we shall be:brought
into close Proximity to them, and the inter
,. • nue of our respective commodities which will
"ensue will be greatly tu the advantage of both.
• - - .< We rincerely hope that this great enterprise
sat be allowed to drag for want of a little
'•.llberality on the part of the peopie of this cam
, who are certainly more interested in it
titan may others, and to whose prosperity it will
iathrfar more (to say nothing of dividends) than
_anyone expects, them to contribute tOit.
•, , The Tornal makes atoning complaint against
the Graeae for witholding from that paper "the
iegrder toasts and proceedings of the New Eng
. land sapper," . The only portion of the' ro
' .ovidings'whiCh come under the name of 'rep
mere the toasta - read by Mr.-
copy 1:4 .- which he handed to no, and the poem
Tread by ps. Wade, with a copy of ,which she
furnished its. All the rest of the pro
esedinga were taken down by our reporter, ex:
rept three toasts headed in by the authors ; and
-• w er e our property. If Mr. Illdllahadrequist
„ e4l a copy of the repdar toasts; cad andof the pa
' eso, we should bare furnished it with pleasure.
few days since the .Journal complained that
t h e Oeurito bad monopolized the preceedings of
wi ftviiiest, which were reported exclusively for
onelisiper, ankwere of course
. onr property. We',
are not cenecions of haring engaged In any
pursued any improper course in
supply our readers with the latest news;'
ti grid
yienever have occasion to excuse our del
tnOnr Midas by complaints of the 611-
itliiianerty and tact of our neighbor&
recceAO to furnish proofs of pub
doenmentis to the Journal, we
-lint Our own reports are our own proper
t/ 1 - ;,, , . :,..: , .
Tlter £ &ea ctotlee that it will not here
efter- the. Garotte for copy, and will not
COO witngs from the Garotte at all. This
ii a Inater of no consequence to no. We 111111
take, earn that. our rights are not Infringed by
the4RO:ett° opposition of the Journal. ,
. .
was Gosh se mis on.,pr).
i batro h' il iune of gaunt was •
• - • - Winer . •• - •
"t& to death on
• An immense meeting to invite Kossuth to Al
bany, was held in the Capitol of the State, on
Friday evening last. The }lon. W st. L. Moo
Rai called to the chair by acclamation. Ile I
- made, on taking the chair, a strong and eloquent i
' speech upon the duty of government to maintain
and uphold the doctrine of non-intervention
i among the nations of the earth. He hoped the
whole aountrywould rise as one man and con
tribute to that doctrine. When tyrants interfere
to crush the people in their efforts to be free,
the friends of liberty should arouse and estaL
lish the doctrine of non-intervention.
A large number of Vice Presidents were ap
pointed, when Judge Poison was called out.—
Ile was in favor of saying to Russia, "that while
we have no wish or rightto interfere with your
domestic concerns, we have a right to say that
you shall not interfere in the domestic affairs of
other nations; and if you step one foot beyond
your own boundaries to crush the spirit of lib
erty, you will bear a voice from this new world
which will make you tremble, and, if disregard
ed, you will feel the power of a free people.—
This we can say—this the people of this free
Republic owe It to the cause oefreedocathrough-
out the World to say."
Jcinas PanesLo then road the resolutions,
which were adopted by acclamation
RenArni. That among the prirllegre nowt mem) tod
erienn Omen,p that peseoably annembling an
daring their wont:menu. [Kith upon the 100111110 wit I e,
tin policy of the rountr.: that hsving met for ths d t ompur
for,;r:,tt"fh`,;q..ttlif.".l,l...",:r '=' :',°."'nrd,:7:',",
orrery ginner , Itepublimna to opt... the eatennion of Al.
noluttem Run, , and to aid the MS.. of FreoLlom
all lawful 611.11119 In hi. power.
lOndrra That the'Prople rf the United Satre arn dere
iMeronted In the Impending ituroreen otruggle tor th.
r i g ht, or the People.sdodunt the protensionn or Itenonticto
thou It is the duty 14 our Government to welt ur . ottonet ito
fhtenee to promote the •thetilag intoreeln of o count,
mad to open new channel , . of trotdc Inters-our. Ths
It in also the dot, oi our Government to or. IU °totted Ir
0011121 1 1 l 001.11.10• all other o.liger to r o eogoin. sod mm.
t s in
ae onth ered principle. of notninterventlon; sod to IT
gist' on the nglit of ..teh to regulate own ennreth
foroign Interference. ir hot thin great prinesp ,
o f : hap slue.
ro ' n ' :l. '' . et i r t u ' r , l o f; =el' em
t To
of lie randof internati.lnal
" trofo l ll, That we reit,. a. an illuntrthlnn of the It
p u .,-ins, import., of this princile. to the cruel wtoor
Infltotrd:u.pon tho brave sn I horde pope of things"
;171; * rt'k: eqporretnn'',t:i'frndoc!pr".bt 'nr"onnt.o."tty
prersed and downdrodden people, 000 Indignant repo.n
noon( Ituneisn intervention, hereby oh. slotooin tru
sitter 11ungstisn imierodulento was bron,tit 1.11•%11 0 .
- .
1 . 13 7 .•
iiiix,rdlZtra't..lia'lltiliVlritr. rran".atti4,!e :4"171'n
walo hooettTemple Itradlosl /one
V. Rat/Oman. Pohert ',urn. C. I` i 111.4% !teary II
Hatt., User. Prater, John Tracer. Thom. Ilun Duo
Sims Wright. blichael Clark, John Corti ran. awl Jamb
Ilerklntitsou. be . executive entimaJttee to make that •rm.
operalite—in milt- with the corporal. authonilee
of the city and with tho bemSature to oak, the "ow. ru
or el Itunikarr to the Capital. aphl lie bon a hearty
4mlrerl. That the.. prooeeditie. he Flamed I, the om
etot the totem.. .1 that cepleot there. bransmit
t to the Preelient of the Usilted Sur., the `r hour.
Conger , . ani,to th. ii<ITLMOr of lintikary
Various sp‘elhes followed Bkkliront/ it. Wool.
said we could not remain neutral in the great
struggle between freedom and despotism in Eu
rope. He wanted it to he understood that a na
tion of twenti-five millions of freemen stood
ready, with England, to enforce *on sem en l ron.
Mr. Drch, wits not one who regarded war
as an ulnlittgatml evil. There were conditions
-in which, great an were its usual'emacomitant
exile, it was made the instrument under Provi
dence, of working out permanent blessings to
the human race. Our Ent duty v. to do right.
and to leave COnfielnenCes to that super
intending care which Mlles alike the destinies
of individuaLs nod flattops Ile believed, we were
on the etc of that time when a more glom°us
morn was to dawn upon mankind, and that vs a
prelude thereto the nations of the earth were to
he shaken as "when. fig tree casteth her unnme
ly fruit .+• In these great events we cannot he
uninterested:spectators or unwilling participants.
Ile believed that American freemen would cheer
fully meet the responsibility of suc action as
might become necessary, reprint. h
of Its cost
The cry of mere pecuniary interest would be
drowned by the gushings of a living, energetic,
sense painotinm What care we for the corn
mercial relations of Mosta' . Sheutight keep her
sheik Iron and leather—the time was coming he
hoped, (and a "good time" be supposed it would
when we could make oar own stove pipes
oat of California gold; ands,' for leather to bind
onr3books with, we :would take i: out of tLe
elms of the tyrants of Europe so soon as we
shall have: their "hides upon the fence ''
Mr. lists-new heartly Sustained the doe
trine of nod-intervention. Itl would prove ef
fective. If the united States shall speak, other
nations wilt regard her utterances. If we say
to Russia, you must stand back while Hungary
is fighting for her rights, she will regard that
voice. He wished the steps taken to secure the
enforcement of this doctrtne Whether thm
non will Jr will not result in war, or whether
the doctrine should be enforced at all hoards,
was a question for future consideration. It was
the duty of the country to take her position, let
the consequences he what they might.
Onto AND PENNSYLVANIA itatomao.—Every
evening, since the new arrangementcommenced ,
the passengers who left Cleveland in the morn
ing, have reached Pittsburgh before eight In the
evening. On Monday next the express train will
rim to BilUman's, on bull meet, tour miles beyond
Palestine, which will reduce the staging to fifteen
miles between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. In a
few days the railroad line will be contintions.
- - -
FLOM SOIL Pncsiossrast. Moveurars.—Tha
Washington correspondent of the Philadelpnia
Ledger states that an informal meeting of the
Flee Soil General Committee has been held in
that city, which was attended by a portion of the
Free Soil delegatibu in Congress, at which the
artangementa of the party for the approaching
campaign were considered. It was agreed to
hold a National Convention at Pittsburgh, but
not anti; the other political parties bad held
theirs. The writer esyshe has information from
• member of the Free Soil General Committee,
and adds:
"Among those armed no candidates for the
Presidency, the most prominent are the Hon.
John A. Dix, :of New York: Joshua R. ;Gid
dings and John P. Hale. For the Flee Presiden
cy, Cassiusß. Clay, lion. Charles Durkee, of
Wisconsin; and Hon. Charles Allen, of Massa
chusetts, are talked of.
ton, by a joint reolution of both branchee of the
'ouncils, have extended an invitation to home
gossorn to visit that city . tin lts'gurst, and have
appointed committees to carry out their resolves.
The Councils say, that they have been led to this
official act to gratify the public mind, and that
it is also in accordance with their own sense
of right
The following:: from the Richmond IP h.y, is s
specimen of the argument and fairness of the
“lower law," anti-liossup, anti-Liberal and pro
slavery press of the country.
Tnr. Nan FORZION POLiCY.—The people with
addled brains generally: Seward andlnis "High
er law" folks; Tappan and his crew of Abolition
ists; the New York and Philadelphia Socialinta
and Bed Republidans; the Filibisteis, of counts
sod, we presume, the Anti-Petticoat party, head
ed by Mrs- Bloomer, appear to take leading
ponitions,in the great Konsuth movement for born
leg oak fingers with everybody else's quarrels.
They glow with the moot ardent desire to have
the United States fet ?dealer Kotinth make thin
wintry and Its government a mat's-paw for roast
ing hie cheanuts and making him (no we have no
doubt he meant to be) King of Hungary. Horace
Oreely seems to have conntituted himself and
Ws Tribune the Organ of this Grand and Univer
sal Liberty party, that are going to war for eve
ry body who will iikick np robery" and call
it Freedom, pull down things and say 'tie to build
Ahem,* again,_ break things and swere that's
the way to mend them.
Foote Bourn Aststock.--,By wk.) , of Panama
we bane later news from the South Pacific,
which is thus reported:
The Revolution in the North of,Chill hue been
quelled by Goveroment, while in the South, Gen.
Babies, iris thought, will scion restore order.,-
Re is opposed by Gen. Cruz, who has an army
of 2,000 militia.
tit Peru and Bolivia all is quiet.
From Equator we learn that Gen. Flores had
been driven.frout the place.
The port .of Cogollubo was under blockade,
except for ',kips of war, in consequence of the
seizure of the British steamer Firefly by the re
volutionists. The blockade wad however, of-.
terwarde raised.
The frigate Raritan, Falmouth, and Supply
I were at Valparaido on the 10th. The St. Ma
i rfe had sailed for Talcahuan.
A Homestead Exemption bill has pasted one
:branch of the 8. Carolina Legislators, but true
to the instinct of the nullifiers, it only protects
the plratere and ether chatty people, 'sad spe
cially inarcifottt theinhobitants of the town and
cities .L, • •
icorre.pows... a the Pjttebeir{th Daily Puette.l
There was another scene in the Senate to-day
in which Foote mode himself noisily conspie
nuns. Old Sam, the hero of San Jacinto, had
the door for to-day, by appointment, and Foote
could not bring himself to leave with such a fire
n the rear, and to the astonishment and alarm of
the Senate and the spectators, appeared is hio
seat at the opening of the
_proceedings , Den.
Houston proceeded in a quiet and good notnred
way to oppose the resolution for re-opening the
slavery agitation:—calling it a torch introdoced
to born down the democratic edifice. He Made
some pretty severe and personal though dry
attacks upon Foote. anti hoped that his icsolu
'ion would be voted down. Foote replied with
the fury of the Sirocco, belching forth
tirade of abuse open Old Sam, of the most of
fensive kind. Re called him a political hum
bug, charged him with sly and covered op
position to every part of the compromise' ex
-ept what wile of epeeist advantage to Tura,
od with intriguing with the Free boilers for
.he Presidency. These were his three points,
though there wan an infinite deal of nothing be
tide. No language can describe the insane
phrenny of his manner while he was vomiting
forth these personalities, and he concluded by as;
curing the Senate that be intended them as per
sonal, not political, imputations, and as a Roland
for it General's Oliver. With the extremest self
possession, Houston rose and said that he should
dispose of Foote with an anecdote. He then
told a store of one parson Mons, renowned
through life for his incorrigibility in,the com
mission of little piecaililloes. Rut the par
son died, and a friend who left this life soon af
ter him, took occasion to inquire fur hito in hea
ven. Ile was not there. He descended to pur
gatory, and while enquiring for him of the
keeper, that sable personage interrupted his in
terrogations with the frightened exclamation
that a terrible fellow by the named Means had
broken his chain, and if tint immediately se
cured, would raise such a h—ll in pandemonium
as to turn the rightful owners out of their do
main. Foote, he said„ was the Parson Means
of this country, and had broken his claim, and
was likely to raise a commotion in the Senate
if allowed to bare full range. The bitter re
joined that if he had broken his chain, Houston
and all his friends would be unable to hold him,
and thereupon the little creature performed a
yi , ourtie which would have made the fortune of
is circus poney, or have immortalized a show
man's monkey.
Judge Butler then took op the old General on
socountof a remark of his upon the aristocrati•
cal features of the Constitution of South Caroli
na- Ile was hitter and supercilliouq, but ,he
pith of his invective watt that it was a piece ~f
of presumption in any ...Weider to criticise South
Carotin. and its to the Taxan Senator. it was
particularly ungrAtefol inhini, because South Ca
rolina had been a nursing mother to Texas, and
untied to her lasting gratitude. Gen 11.01 -
said in a reply to this, that •heit Tense was
ct her struggle fur independence.
- of booth l'io-oliLot, Mc DOH, heti de•
nouneed her clime. ►a VPgralltgeflllti ragabon.
.and he had been preroutly nsaailed, and rspeat
edly since, by South Carolinians, for all whir
Ferrier, he could not profess to feel any ;rat'
Bale made a moot amusing application of all
these disputes, by pointing out that they had
produced by that very proposition which 1 ,
een introduced so a bond of fraternity lie'
d the famous Latin line signifying that it
of for the humble to compose such emighty
, but he hoped that eamehody woulmove
o lay the whole euliject on the table If be
hould make the motion, he was too ourorulai
o carry it, and too good natured toppr,st jr
t, because half e dozen still tO spent - .
The fact is, Foote may go home and etrut and
swell fora year as Governor, and then return to
the Bent* •if he can got elected, and still find
ing hie firebrand burning, If his frimolo shall
be no long able to keep it alive.
la the Howie the principal etibject of discus
same wan a supplemental bill regarding the
eignability of land warrnta, in which are provi
sions to legalize contracts for the purchase of
them since the act of September, 1650, and far
giving some further. compensation to registe.
of the land offices' for toes:dog them: The bill
will doubtles,s pools
I hare omitted to take notice of the story re.
merkably severe weather prevailing here for a
week past. Ido not think we have hail any
thing like it in this month for ten years past
Our severest weather is generally in February,
and does not amount to much then. It is seldom
that we cen gather ice of more than threeinch
en in thickws. During two nights of last
jeek, the/f r otninac, a mile and a quarter wide,
froze completely over, so that a team was said to
have gone from Washington to 41exandria on
the ice, a distance of eix miles, andice was made
six inches in thickness, so that people in this lat
itude will he entirely independent of Boston, to
which the news. will be heavy indeed. We have
now six or eight inches Of snow uponthe ground.
id the article still falling. di sox.
SPAnumores, Dec '23, 1851
It may be safely pronounced that the alarming
story of the meeting of foreign ministers, end,
their agreement to leave Washington in a holy
when Neenah should come here and be official.
ly received, was i piece of very epecial mune
newn, got up to add to the notoriety of an al
ready sufficiently notorious eheet. Some per
none doubt whether Kenneth will repair to the
capital to respond . to those courtesies and civil
itiee which have been extended to him in the
name of the countryfi There appears to he no
other reseals for each a supposition than that
the recommencement of revolution and civil
commotion in Europe will require him to return
thither to take the part in the mighty struggle
which has been sasigned him by God, and the
hopes of freedom everywhere.
The audacious and perfidious usurpation of
Louie Napoleon already buds defenders even in
republics. The . gallant Frenchmen who DILSNII.
bled at the barricades in defence of the consti
tution, and many of whom were slain there, or
basely murdered afherwards 'under martial law,
are already stigmatized as ineuryenez,and .by the
next mail we shall no doubt Led them branded by
the " law and order" press serevolutionista,con
apiratore, incendiaries, Tee., he. Well, conten
tion, war and carnage teem necessities of our
poor human nature, and whether we nurvey the
page of history. or look out upon the present
state of the world, we shall find reason to de.
spelr that peace and good will to man will ever
he the rule of conduct among men.
Upon looking over the supplementary Ilouso
hill concerning lend warrants, I find that it is
contemplated to bring in a large additioaal num
ber of claimants, to warrants in the ehipe of
vast 12Inmbere of Southern and South-western
volunteers, who were merely socepME into the
service of the United States, and. perhaps mus
tered out the next week,withoutemeltingpowder
or passing an hour in Camp. And thinproject pro.
bably will carry, though frequent attempts have
been made to bring within the benefit of these
bounty laws men who actually fought and were
under fire in defence of Plattsburgh on Lake Chem
plain, in 1819, andhava been always defeated.
If Plattsburgh had been south of a certain line,
its defenders would have bad no reason to com
of the gratitude of their government.
Gen. Cass defined himself 'upon Foote', rem- I
lution. The old gentleman avowed himself in
trouble. Undid not nee the necessity of bring
gin this nubjeet into Congress again at this par
e, tioularly insipid and unexciting juncture in our
' polities, but Inasmuch as it was hire, he suppo
I i ed he ehpuld.have to vote for It to show !Mun
i bated and undying attachment to the conipro-
Me mea s ures. Be denounced Ithett; he de
, enticed Bale; be spoke ki ndly of- Foote; ho eu-
I gised a good many other 'people; he rustled, he
tted, and plainly allowed that he wished his
' coy and troublesome little figleman had been
nywhere else than in the Semite, when the
' plrit moved him to throw this grenade into the
pof his friends. The fiery, impetnons, and
of over scrnpuloM, Clemens--p r 7 Clemens
of AlabarnaLrfoileired the pertly old General,
nd I have no , doubt made fiver, telling and spir
ited speech in favor of something or other, but
I did not ated . to' hear It. Al a boon compani
on, Jerry is dneemperkble, bete too stlitaman
Me merits aro not so conspicuous. i: .
From the abstracts of statistical returns al
ready prepared at the Census Office, It appears
that Pennsylvania In 1860 was.the largest wheat
producing state of the Union. I have had the
curiosity to compare the six most prominent
states in respect to this crop, and give them be
low with the crop of each, Da shown by the re
16,482,191 lon.
Ohio 14,967,056
Virginia 14,616,900 "
New York 13,073,000 "
Michigan .4,918,000
Maryland 4,494,680 "
In the yield of Indian corn Ohio bears off the
the palm, or rather she stands prima: inter pares
mayrnos, for five stated stand almost in a line in
regard to this important staple.
These States and their respective crops are X 8
. .
Ohio bushels of Indian corn 09,708,750
Kentucky " 58:000,000
Illinois " 57,000,000
Indiana " 53,000,000
Tennessee •' 52,000,000
The corn crop of 1050 for the whole United
States, is returned as over 500,000,000 of bu
shels, a gain of about forty per cent. on that of
10402 Junius.
On Saturday afternoon, Gov. Kossuth receiv
ed the ladies of New York at Tripler Hall. The
bUliktlg woo filled in every part, and as Kos
outh and hie suite entered the room, the audi
ence arose and received him with loud cheers.
On being introduced to the meeting, he made a
spirited address, of which the following ie the
concluding portion .
But I have a stronger motive than all the
to claim your protecting sympathy for my 0000
try's cause. It is her nameless woe, her nann
ies,' sufferings In the name of that ocean of
bloody tears which the eacriligious hand of the
tyrant wrong from the eyes of the childless mo
thers, of the brides who beheld the hangman's
sworrdbetween them and their waddeing
the name of all those mothers, wives, brides,
daughters and sinter, who, by thousands of
thousands, weep over the graves of Magyars 00
dear to their heart, and weep the bloody tears
of a patriot tits they all aro) overtbeface of their
beloved native land—in the named all those tor
turing stripes with which the flogging hand of
tyrants dared to outrage humanity in the wo
mankind of my tiative land ; in the name of that
daily curse against Austria with which even the
prayers of our men nro mixed—in the name of
the namelesa !iffering, of my own dear wife
(here the whole audience rose and cheered ve
hemently)—the faithful companion of my life—
of her, who for months and for monthewas hunt
ed by my country's tyrants, like a noble deer,
not having for months,s moment's rest to repose
her wearied brad in safety, and no-hope, no
support, no protection hut at the humble thresh
hold of the hard working people, as noble and
georrous as they are poor—(applauee)—in the
name of my poor little children. wh,42/young
are scarcely conscious of their life, hadia - lready
la learn what ant Austrian prison tie—in the
name of all this, and what Is still worse, In the
tho name of down trodden liberty, I claim, la
dlt• 1.1 New York. your protecting eympaly fur
toy country's 05055 . NO body can do moo for
it than you. The benne man is assort. wax
in your tender hands
Mould, it mould it into the form of
generous compaodion for my country's wrong:
1,14 e it with the noble feeling. of your' ovin
heart, inspire it with the 1.....111.0101.1.1e11.1 of your
c ountry's power, dignity sadinitthi. You are
the Bowel, of 1111•11 . .1 character. Whatever be
the fate of (Mal, one stamp he always hears on
his brow—that which the mother** hand im
pressed upon the soul of the child.. The smile
of y o ur bps can make a hero ont of the coward,
,applau4e) and a generous roan out of the ego
tist one word from you inspires the youth to
noble resolution, the lustre of your eyes is the
faere.t reward for the toils of your life. You
oast M . O blow up the feeble spark of energy
the breast of broken age, that once more it may
blare up in a noble. a generous deed, before it
dies ill this power you hare Use it, Indies,
its° it ip behalf of yam country!' glory, and
for the benefit of oppressed humanity, and when
you meet scold calculator, who thins, hyarith
inelie when hr is called to feel the wrongs of op
pro.sed nations, convert Poi ladies lens smiles
are entuntawb., and the truth which yruis forth
invtinetirely from punt hearts, is wielder than
the lope artkeubsted by any scholar. The Peri,
excluded from Paradise. hroaght many gener
ous gifts Heaven In order to ergaln It.
brought the dying sigh of &patriot; the IthsCalt
faithful girl, imprinted upon the lips of bar
bridegroom, distorted by the venom of the
plague. She beiught many other fair gift,
but the doors of Paradise opened before her
only when she brought with bar the lest proper
of a man converted to charity and brotherly
lure for his oppressed brethren and humanity.
lam told that one of the newspapers,
with •
kind and gencious intention. has declared that
t he cause which leave the honor to plevias
pointed out that then tea conitnlttee who are
about to raise money for the purpose of tern,.
tioniring Europe I perfectly understand . the
kind intention of the generous friend who wrote
these words; but I hog leave to remark, that ft
i• not my intention VW pt shy peoPle whatever
to aid in the Merton. of Europe My axiom
is that of the Irish poet: " Who would berme
themselves must strike tti• blow." t Applies°. )
All that 1 ask le fair play and that is the elm
for which I claim the' United States to
the executive power of the laws of nature arid
of Nature's God. The revolutions in Europe
will be made by the nations of Eirope; but that
they shall have fair play, is what the nations of
Europe expect from the protection of the United
State, of America. Remember the power
which you hose and which 1 tare endeavored to
point snt in a few brief words. Remember this
and form associations; establish ladies' commit
tees to raise substantial aid for Hungary. Who
conk', who would refuse, when -Abe melody of
your voice in pleading the cause of my beloved,
of my oppressed native land! Now I have
done. One:word only remains to be said—a word
of deep sorrow, the word—" Farewell, New
York !" New York! that word will forever make
thrill every string of my heart. I am like a
wandering bir 1. lam worse than a wandering
bird Ile may return to his eummer home. 1
have no home on earth. liege I felt almost
home. But 'Forward' is my call, and I must
part, I part with the hope that the sympathy
which I met here Is the trumpet solenoid resur
rection to my native land; —1 part with thesbope
that, haying found here a short transitory home,
will bring me yet hack to my own beloved_ home,
that my ashes may yet mix with the dust of my
,tire soil. Ladies, remember Hungary and—
swell ! _
After the applause had subsided, Rey. Dr.
Bellows : orate and offered WWI yeeoletiooe to
the effect that the ladies should form a committee
for the purpose, and a collection be ridged for the
cause of Hungary.
In support of these the Doctor spoke at con
siderable length, and at Me conclusion the
President moved the adoption of the resolutions,
and requested all in favor to stand. The audi
ence arose with one accord, when he said—liere
is a cloud of witnesses in behalf of Hungary—the
resolutions are carried unanimously, And begged
all the ladles to consider themselves added to
the committee for carrying them out
Mr. (leo. Douglas, from the body of the meet
ing, then addresed Dr. Tying and requested him
to plane, ou his account, a thousand dollars, at
Governor Kossuth's command, in aid of the
onus. of Hungary. This handsome donation
was acknowledged by the Governor, with a bow,
and by the audience, with three cheers fat the
A telegraphic despatch to the Philadelphia
Bulletin, dated New•tiork,Dec. 23,!gines further
particulars of tho'news brought by the Europa
and the Hermann, in relation to the French Re
The Usurpation of Lewis Napoleon
Tho important bends of the Europa's Dews
have already been received from Halifax by Tel
egraph, and pabliehed. The European journals
received by her are filled with the details of the
French Usurpation.
- •
The Liverpool Chronicle, of Deo. 6, says
"The newe, when carefully sifted, seems to
exhibit the completenese rather than the quali
fied character of Louis Napoleon's sweets. Oar
ricades have been erected, but the want of heart
manifested in defending them may he toiten as
the measure of the inclination to resist among
the population of the Faubourg& Had there
been no armed opposition at all, one might have
imagined that inaction was the resource of men
who had waited their opportunity; whereas,
there can now be little doubt that it is the result
of indifference. The republican leaders, though
appealing to the people both in the name of the
laws and Socialism, have been unable to create
a tumult of the smallest moment."
The Paris Journals of Thursday evening, Dco.
4th, are filled with official documents and pro
clamations, but the accounts they give are mea
gre. Private advice& however, state that the
recent fighting was of a character more fearful
than that of June 1848, and that no quarter was
given. it is also stated that BOW of the troops
have joined the people, and that General Mag
net'. commander-In-chief of the garrison of
was induced to declare against the Presi
vies Is the Decree issued by the
' Y.
,_, .4
b yy , ynyyr , b yyy rood by fawn... furtber
. iniply . 1./
Preaidantou the memorable Tuesday morning;IIILANKETS! BLANKETS! —lloacuir I: 1 1 1 RIED PE.ACIIES-:200 bu. for
Dec. 11. noeisou. tivrta a co.
~ hi raii NAM. or TOO FRESCII PiOrt.n, TII.II , ° Te ‘ l'ar'"e.atal'Arleti'frin'...". n''''''lin4
' fi.•
'''''' I, 11 UCKW LI EAT FLOUR-0 2 Backs !lulled,
1 SACKINI.I FLANNELS. of dr.trztdr rotors.-A fall 00, . 50 ilOO. each. for gals by . ..
PI23IDILIf I r Damian) Id, on liatal. trwludinst a fine artn-le or bl.ea mixed. for ' de= 1:011IPON.LITTLII A CO.
Ist—The National Assembly dissolved. tenet. to mburump. Alro, lila, na-tony Flannel", for
1 B UTTER -5 bbh4. Fresh ,i Roth •
:id—Universal Suffrage ro- established; the B' il khit" ,)
art , Flannel.. c-f It fine duality , rt tbe unuruel low ad for rale le .
law of 31st hlay repealed. pyre of 31 mute .1,21 ' k 0"
"' ttlllll:V.N.idrrtx , * do.
3d—The French people convoked in the elec., i-P. LAN KETS .1. CO3IFORTS. -1 ha, e re- ; fIONIE-NIADE FLAN N ELS.-- 2- Mc grits &
tive colleges from the 14th to the '2lst of Decetn- I p ,i,..d ..,•th., 1,, et 11.. .arts Blankets and 1,.. , by y, „ nr yy her. y a yyty..l an addilmnal supply a
her. rr Comfort.-
• 41,27 '!I. MAIL. I 1 ..m...mady Fllnnelf; also on hand.Whilrdo, Brown do..
Th.' rares t. I ‘l.larine Wye do . wad Eanteru made Itarrod lilatit.lay .t
4th.,•The State of Siege decreed in the whole - - - --r .- - • .r,erei much lower that/ umu.l theme.. uncut' ILA-S
-of the First Military DitisiOn. , Steam Communication between New York • 1 , . n. of a tried malt s and which bare Gil. .murn sat
tith—The Council of State dissolved. and Liverpool. • , iAlan%l,ro to Vim., 1000 00.0 used them. ou amount of their
I unstnlnk.ble alit!, 0.0
on Laud. •1,.. extra IletYy
The Minister of the Interior is charged with VrIlE Liverpeol and New York Pion-.A4 ea , xe.,,, .siF. .
)oori l. C l . A ) . N em i . ' -notde and rupwrior New England
the execution of this decree.
(Signed) ‘,.KE " I . J. ll....'::•A'rtonn'l: tru ' rt. '" h r r f o " , ' ANA ' lr I•l ' L ' lo b lt i f h ' i?f l.- ......u., I BL ' A N : " .. /....... 1 . 0 Pe 2 eh" , to - a_ •42 4 ‘ 0- ;: a00. _ . • _ ._ . 1.,..'4
mind, .01 rad from N r .r,lor . l: .14..1 for i.,..., r .,,.....,
LOUIS NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. 1 ee. Alf ds,,,f I..ernibe . and we ll Irava LlTerjr. , on Itle vv.
all, ay of • (ii r t. ,... A11 . A. t 11 ,. 1 , . , 5 0i
,11,1ALG,,,;An..Zi11ti0,E,,,,,,, f r o b r i ; i l ati ,.. u r ti p r , y,
PA..01 , MONEY' rOlt LIN Elle•ool. l'lrde the 1 . ...0111,
-- - . - • .--• - --,
~t Cobol, Adultr ..... . ....err, to 41.7 CC KW II EA f CAKE S.—Use Babbitt ' s'
•• - elem... . .. .5 to ./ , Kff oov ~ cum Compound. If you went the utsr buck
'l .. Adult, .. . ) .... o af " .0 tat uul other eat.. Try a ouc% ))o •Li on .1 " " I O " *
- - Childreo
rfterr . .xe. i 11, 1 , 10 110 . •
' '
. ..
' '. . r'''t' ' ' ' '''. " '''''
``',.'lLtEru , .'k , . 1,P<.. , 1,
/0000 I.II.111•001. T 0 1s! 1 ullti : n I t
iit —22 bble. S. IL, (St. James))
0r 1. , !. .111,1,\ ,-N. 04 far tab , hr
i ig CII/0.1. Ail ug. 0 111.ACKIIIMAN t ( ' o._
:: 5.,'4 1 4;;;,,!...; ' ."".. - . ..: 5,,, —To iiacitiniata and Foundry Dien. Adult... . 1 Fir ILE . ARYL AND MACIIINE 111ANU
- chat... ... ... ... m
I. VACITUTNII Cteill'ANN will poribvely,yoll at pub
~.,.;..j. i . „. oo' y ' n ' p " ,ll, ' . ' y u' ' n , o T..-....noy";,lfit7„nb'"'lty..„,, i I , .._anf 1-.A .. ..._w . th, ,, , ut .
„ ref, allry . e ,,,
.. tri , r , ),/ae .. h .. i,ner! . ., T .. 0n1 , ....
...owl ...ton, the Lent It., inwrletadords well tr. Inroirn - 1
. r...-ak.! .. _ , a„.... , ,,, , ,! ..,': ~,
.. : . , ..;1tg, , 11- , 417; ,
of She also for 0,0 mi. , 1'.. 1. , 1...., on " ..' '1.... , I• . In.
nto entirely new pllto. the pr.."... are pro.l-md by I 1.1 . ... ~, .., ..
' Lh. , '' .....1 ~ ......'" I .... I. " It "" "..' Ludt tooly In ... I
.. Me garly. offr... p.arernteri will on Ly 1i..• to
... •
t o
their own train and Lehi. An °liner...aced t i .r... , tull.s ,,
ory.y. if attached to earl 'hit , In the h. , -
For terulY uppr/ to JASIR. BLAKELY. Two 00, 00 " r "'" '
y ba u, any hib.rly stn., (2.lstorY.ll l lttfllurn.• ""I''' 051.0004. r, 01111 111TISII F'illlNlt.
I' h -It...lancer ar urual in lab :fund nmall num , o r , :: ',',1 , T uu , : ,,, j . i, , , y , ti ,, , ,,... •• • •
.." 111 "' 0." ""- r " .ld K I II.I." ' With a large . ltd rot pieta aa.rtment .0 other Tools.
P....." .. ..... 4 I. .." ll ' " ...I" ' t.I. "I. a t " I ' I . . I *II..IA.Yd. atterue In great arietr for rot-
low. .t treariblr rote.. fr-an Ar. York to
. I.
t oo l. Lon ......_ ; II ,t. l _, _ ...,,,,_ ..,, _,,, ..,..„_ . ,T.,,, ~..,.._
dun ^" w-o'o. " 0 1, -0 ""-- 1- '—' I ''','.:;:.";l:r't‘l7't ./. '" flie . . le Xl ' r:mitor7net .;. M ect. ll .
.....'7.ff '
' • '4.c . :„'",:rcor" l ;;U - . , :;' , :." 0:;r0`i;,',!!.5P;_.7,'100;,..r 0100
ab d i . yr 1,... I,A, y month., over 01IXI. 1.10 mow... for
..../.1 111,.- \ will be 1 Ih. o
''"'""'"!'TVl4;l',UZ;TE.,k's;,,o 4. '4= il."
'.'s°,l::.A.' . 4 . "..r.''' 5 „.1'... T hr . ear. tr.iin Italli - mr , :•,ou rt ' le Hai:
ho 0000 Itailror, 1e.... at . oclarlt A. 51.,..r
-rive an hour berm Mr woe of ...N, and round trip bet.
...rig. be t.i. in 1t.1110007 11- , t1p.1% . 7 :' 1'. yt, , , .... .
The Prefect of Police addressed a Proclamation
to the citizens of Paris, exhorting them to calm
[MS and order.
On the President's appearance in the streets
on Tuesday, he was received with respect but
without enthusiasm. Vain lu RepoL/opir'lllUll.llo
only, cry uttered by the people. No attempt was
made to repress its expression, and the attitude
of the troops was calm and firm.
In one of the proclamations issued by the Pres
dull it is stated that the Assembly, instead of
emp eying itself In taking care of the interests
of the people, had only become the theatre of
conspiracy and plots against him.
The following is Louis Napoleon's appeal to
the people
"Frenchmen: The present situation cannot I
hot much longer Each day the situation the I
country becomes worse. The Assembly which
ought to be the firmest supporter of order, has
become a theatre of plots. The patriotiem of
three hundred of its members could not arrest
its fatal tendencies. lu place of making lows
for the general interest of the people, it was
forging arms ,for:civil war. It attacked the
power I hold directly from the people. , It
encouraged every evil passion. It disturbed
the repose of Preece. I have dissolved it, and
I make the whale people judge between me
and it.
"The Constitution, as yon know. bed been
made with the objoctiof weakening beforehand
the power you entrusted to me. Six million of
votes were a striking protest against it, and yet,
have faithfully observed it. Provocations, cal
umnies, outrages, found me passive But cliff
that the fundamental part it no longer respected
by those who incessantly invoke it, and the men
who have already destroyed two Monarchies.
wish to tie up my hands in order to overthrow
the Repnblic, my duty is to baffle their perfidi
nue project, and to save the country by appeal
tog to the solemn judgment of the only sovereign
I recognise in France—the people.
then, make a loyal appeal to the entire
nation, and I say to you, if you wish to confiner
this state of disquieted° and mumw, that de
mutes you and endangers the future, choose
another person in my place, for l'no longer wish
for a place which is powerless for good but which
makes me responsible for acts that I cannot hin
der, and chains me to the helm when I see the
vessel sinking is the abyss.
"If, on the contrary, you have still coofideuee
In me; give me the means of accomplishing the
grand mission I hold from you. That mission
°rsists it. cloning the era of Revolution: in pat
eying the legitimate wants of the people nol
a protecting. them against subversive pp.
Morin. It entleists espeeislly, to twat , ' Inu
.utlons which iiisrvive men Ileol welsh on
',he foundation on which something .1 ti rnhie i
••Persuaded that the instability of power, that
the preponderance iif a single ossettitil) are 11..
permanent canoe of trouble so I ilisi-ur.l. I sob.
out tel your suffrages the fundamental bast. of
a Constitution which the Assetobliee will deurd.
ope hereafter .
..I. A Responsible Chief, named for ten
"2 The Ministers dependent on the Etecii•
tire slant
••1 A Council of State formed of :be ;mud
distinguished men, -prepfiring the lows and
maintaining the dlscussion before the legteln
tire corps
•ol A Legislative Corp* ,Itatosalo g and yet -
DO( the laws named by outrer.ll ...Gage. with
out the sins, el. b,s, which falatfteo the ele,-
6 A second Assembly f armed of all the Mos
irking persons of the nation— a preporolerating
power, guardian of the fundamental pert and of
public liberty
a c f re i it h : . ei l l by t .ni ti c e e f n i t r u s r t y. C: an. sti .l l .
really given to France repose and proeper.ty
It guarantees them still. Such is my profound
conviction. If you partake in it, declare nu
by your enefftiges If, on 'the - contrary you
prefer a government without farce, ulowarclat
cal or relight.% borrowed from some chimer
teal future, reply in the negetive.
"Thus, then, fur the first time since ItiLL'you
.161,1, vote with complete knowledge of the fact.
and knowing for whet:e l and for what you rote.
If I do • not obtain a majority of the rotes, I will
summon a new A/irritably amt lay down before
it the mission I hare received from you But
i if you believe that the 5.05 . 0 of which my name
I s
, is the symbol—that to France regenerated b the
• Revolution of 'B 9 and organised by the Ern er
- / or—is still your., proclaim it be eo by' ail
tying the powers I demand of you.
"Then Fratate and Europe will be preserv
ed from anarchy ; obstaclos will he rgmored;
rivalries will bare disappeared; for all will re
spect, in the will of the people, the decree of
"Palace of the Elysee, the 2.1 day of Re.
Signed) "Louts NUMB. liiiiNAPAISTIS. -
In so address to the Army, Bonaparte en
treaty there to be proud of their mission, as to
them he talks to ease the country. flee says,
••vote freely as oititeus, but, as soldiers, do not
forget that passive obedience to the onion of
the chief of the government is the vigorous
duty of the army, from the general dawn to the
soldiers. Be ready IC repress all attempts against
tha free excretes of the sovereignty of the pee-
a concluded: ..Soldiers, I do not speak to
you of the recollectione attached to my name.
They are engraved in your hearts. We are
united by indissoluable ties. Tour. history ie
mine. There is between us in the past a CM
munity of glory and misfortunes. There shall
be, in the future, a community of sentiment's
and resolutions for the repose and grandeur of
Among those arrested ore Generals Chancel - -
num Cavaignac, Betlean, Lamoriclere, and
Ledo; Col, Charms, L. Bors,.M. Tillers, Brun,
and others. It is said that Lamoriciere after
wards escaped.
Fight journals had been suspended ; among
them the /mimeo!. -
The Minieter of w.p bad addressed a circu
lar to the generals of the army. The soldiers
are to vote for the election of a President with
in fortpeight hours after its receipt. ••Yes" or
"No" is simply to be replied to the folloWing
"The French people wishes the maintenance
of the authority of Louie Napoleon Bonaparte,
and intrust" him with the powers necessary to
frame a conatitution on the basis mentioned in
his Proclamation of the 2d inst."
The latest aoconnts are to Friday, when all
wan quiet et Paris and in the Departments.
Petroleum I
Ur A MOST 4gglAgitAlll.l CASII or TOTAL
BUN. MI Ccarro ur riCrintzule.—Re invite roe atbentkm
of the afflicted and the public general, to the certiOnte
of Wm. hall, of UM lily. The cue may le Peen by. any
person who may be skeptical in relation le the tarts h.q.
eet forth. 0 . li .Pll l l.
I had been el/llcted Neverel years will, a meneseefboth
eye., which continued to incr... until Yenlember. 1050,
the lullattmallon at thet tin. having luvolassi the whole
lining membrane of both sy., and ended lis the ilmonite
of a thick film, which wholly destroyed me Mg.. 1 bad
an operalionperfortted.aud the thlikening ',moved. whirl,
.on returned and Inn me in as MI a coudition as before.
At bbb, ere ,t of the complaint I mats applicaon ...-
eel of the most esulteut medical men. who 1 00...4 me
that •my eyes would never get well: At the . I Could
tot dletlngui..7 ohleci Womliloe eim ramie.
J countineed the ule of the Petroleum. both In ..rtmlir
and l o cally, owlet willbh my eyse have unproved Sill un.
the preAmi time, and I hate rayrOmred my might entire.
ly. My general health wu very much Improve, by the
Petroleum, sod I attribute the restoration of my Biala to
It+ ung. Iresideat N 0.102 Broom% etre., In this city, end
will be berry to give any information in retatlAtt le my
Poe sale by Keyser a McDowell, 140 Wood street; R. 1.
Sellers, 47 Wood Meet; 11. A. Yatitestock,* Co, tortes
Wood and front gtreet.r. D. M. Ourt7, D. 4. CDlptt, Joseph
Douglass, end R. P Bohemia, Allegheny; oleo by the pro-
prietor, B. M. Kll4ll.
.1015WST Canal liaalt.fievetth et. Plttabarb
On dmZIA Out, at Cristlrr's a
Chur c g. Cea
"Nrw it r iunra,. county.
by iLor.Joepla P. Taylor. Chri h.
tn. ILet.J9lall:ll D. titiODW IN, of, and MI
on pia, s igning, 241 E tenant, Mr. Robin? P. t"
us. to the :9th fear of his age.
Ills funeral •111 ma, from bin reeldeneo nn Llt.r , r
beet. ooposlte Perri 00 Border afternoons la 2 o'clock.
to proceed to the Cemeterl
adjourned locetlos of no Whicot ord. Filth Ward
U. h ad au, dal of 12 o'clock, IL, In the Me !Arcot dakool
110,ote, to ooorlcolo (br ballot) otbceo to to ratty GO at
tt• malted election. ClIAd. 11. IlklYANll'ros . t.
Hate Chance for Burmese
e Bust Ra-- e
for . 0. 1„, hi s property
ILE II UbSC VIZT ticale.too. Iti o l tut LI
01'°r17Rr lb re a am• Maga ' ,
rnbart ° al Wan": ttl i rg:tr Et b r . , l :
Tea 00 05 6 6 111 b, Whir=
voll . inn
CMl‘ worth:* °ra w pre.k... o, n. nAsYI..
wad i ,r
F *
o i
g Notice.
a s,sye,rebyou,enidhadu
d.s.d, late ot Itslians town
Therrfst , rs.rsons bssinsc saraluSs
ta pr..eur tberu fetth.sueut. sud
ludelar4 Will Vie... 4.1, itar4.l l s l .
pa, went ru soy ul the 4531.,...nbrr5.
lIUSI 11 111.1 , ELI Adair
R W I 'l' I.: It • S
Dissolving Views. Chromatrope &e.
NIF:NCING M..e.lev ev..eim.r. De
% ennt.n.onif n !,tine the
tenng. and en New leant •fternrw.t...t 3 Oct.,.
On 11 mt., ..lerno the ell lo n. nt
hurtflt so I. twAln at-rang...woos In
Introlont. to • I
heir kont h.....ntertmktanent, • 41.-1.
the fin... 4 ew hthinelte 11( nfe•lntro 4 IXT•
ynr allotted mktll. 5,1111 , 1 , 1, nf deliwentt., bolliwner
erllortnw. Iwi the ...amt. Ff. tn. nst ure. Oat tt
Jr 41t1,/nll.ll .4/ thl• 1' .ntlnent.
ev eni.nettre with • OlFbrit.
ENO VI teprnientlnw hut, Mr...nitwit, Cho,
n• er t,...nuthcr ,, u , to 114011,111111 he I w•litterNlU
no wlnern.nttlent Aft., • 1....11 • gra0..1.1.,1•F of
-ItitOMATII.O . F. I
with • "rano . .4 pletnlnti Th.. t , t , f”nw, A
s ok
enterintnment renehni.. soh Um harnannt
DIORAMA , . tilnOottive the wing Futltietn
I o all the rh•nzn• l`.
renn—utani. ll to
XMAS C MIX:DUAL. nicht wh• , . te
night Mao.
Ana the OF B 111 LON, night "The FeKet
Stirtirke.l rent.. noir. Fhildr., 11 . brio
I Full an 0n011.,11-. tf
17 E subscrtlxtrs would call the attenti
' nt , tome Jerar.naa of drollne in HAKIM Alt Y.,, t
ho td fr.v. •too to •io't NO nanddiolare •,rtli.routpriei
111. I,h. (lOU:JP , 10111 malloOde article, It e mot nialte it
ol.oot ~..r of, re., h i nt,,ii, or lath , 1, 11 . 1 i rt.-runt:ell
rod tate P•roate d00,..1 to trod , wOl tad at o,
"..r.l";rT.'." r'..""frt.l'''!'l'l'rtl.lN. 114 5,,1 ~t
" -
1, - 't the!, teftilliring gOti.
rir.::....'1,":'.'::ri'11,,5.,::.",, 411 eolvetell otnet. nottat.
e'Tteeb"...7';i:frr..T'C.ttfei.‘ll7t'l,3::!;:'iphi 114."...7,,
,•eon. ion-I ee, ittes•tere,iladuonsiful Camel • Ilair. Point.
era Iftioor.„ loolfee, Se. An eaannination Lot' ~,o : •.....
~o. ~,,........ ~......., iv ‘. \J. 1 " ~':,' t,', -„L,"•,,,
t 1 mBE tt LE VIC. AT Eli, t,traitsttteut and
1 ou, r..1,.,-t•dr' 41. in 116•11.• /1..14 ' I, ti IU 'tor Palo hY
• CO.
la a l
, burn 6L 41 l i e righ Er d . ', , , , a 4 t i r t ? , n ,
o sit c aj . ent
' '
1 j It , Iit , ,IRICE. C. Ts.A.BillA--;..i.,1.4,:tti,11, inee;,:.i.:r
, \ 111 1 . AM SloNl`..-5 1111 11... Wir -solo by
,'...,_ J. KIWI. C./.
'''\ 2 -
FICItAvELINii (SAO doz. Indtm \ u
I .`"h''"''''..7'r'll';l IVFAlcln i ,
• - - .8 .
1 4 , 1 sin NG BOOTS—to • for sale by \ I
J.! 11, PIIILLII . A. , I
I MILL 111/lliiEit WElddli , i , lG -- ... - Silk ,„,. d:i : Jt ‘ l .
'.;:!,::'"' ''"'''''' fnt
'""*" . " ii i :,Piti l dirs. '..
• V Alt TRU NI I'ET--1-2 doz. 'Coe sale by s
I a 11,1114.L11'n.
‘OVUK !Nil WINES .k. Bit A;s11. ES—;se.
I.l`rr quart.. 7 ,e per gallon, for oale at
,I,AI tiolittizi` Tell SIAKT, Ifi ronnd.
• i i•: \ NATIONAL POLICY, Nortrlnterr
R %HAI , ' tIO EIk:C.7ION, , ,l • lio Ina mat dr, but in purJhoettwELOTlJl‘O , l , it•in ,
, ',.,' l''''''' ' "'
'',- ';''''...'"'"e"'Ls''"',. ' 'P":.,t'L‘'.....ll'....l"tn'etrlTTUllE:27lrALTl 'l7l'j,
...our F /eV, I
F►ill F o r , ...t_
,; -‘ll , O , O i ti .1 , e , t . . , .5 . , , .; ..,, , , ii
n t , t H r: 5i , .., , , j i ‘ . n i , ,,.....; 1 . 11 ‘,. .. , , , ,. '77 5 7 , 141, , 1'a= 1 ,. .zg . .Ane .. .A, t ,
~,,,, ;
'''''':' ;r".''''''''''''' ; I :. ' ::' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' s'. ' ''i ° e. ' . l. C:tri " f•ru ' l 1 'h4"l.7lCn''rlo ' :II V.X . L77.1Z:2'. 1 ;2; Bor . ' •
e-...).4 Ptiol, ofiei W•• .1 &LTV, Oh tho City el No: , •liiTtt. illopqa , 4ol., atoptalern. Utah . .. Belle, COP.. ~
1 ,,.. '', h '„, ' , l , " : ~ ',:r t fft :: P1:,...,f'7:::%"...7;!,,T.'„°';',,,;"1';;:tV " I:ig u "'„ Nl i it.'.. A rtf; .......14.....3 eler. \
11 '' ; . ....4•0 ' t :aid D.... The triertanolwlll be i
' ' '' ..k .'-' ---hIrIZENq. naumuce Co.-30 Shares of
•11 AL 1.F., SAVIAIR. Sen . ,. \ rttork kir .i • • *or, lc. Dries :
1..-,,,,,h, IT, ',.. i.1.-000t.,•,,t
.. . A. tf ILKINS t CO.
Bible Notice. if lITIZENS ' De osite Ba ` nk:The otock of -
,riE nut.a. , ,ndlogl emlowriptioto to the Al- \i tho ComP•hY, If ale by
i nf henf node ....newt, are rex, ffilif rennoeted 10 e wt, \
t. tohl to J IliTclihtl., broggiet. no tweral ore., tw• i I 10Dt• E• 11-20 ye . Grand Dank, (large,)
Pf. re the ift wit Janhory. A. Y !TES" EN , t"' , . ( ~' . h. \ ' Wit. TAO ALET A (Al.
1111,1 e Arent 1 -e .." ..... I IS and MI Wood st.
d Siiiii..S . Dl AS & N EW N' EAICS u 1 rr s.—
t_i(t' PRE-101 1 bao 10, for sale by - "
s! 1 moult ....effnliv esti the attlfu of all • 1 1. , . ,
‘‘ , 4 ,,, TM. IiAOLLET A CO
"" ". ''' '''' '" "..'"'' '' ..1 ' I ' ' ' rfu. "'• 1 itAIINS - 2 50 boan, 11 flue for sal e
era , •antod he ...rt.., eith., in doe Of ot inforrod
r Ifile t.eritime ioi ea 6 e - u 1• r!. ..5, L ,i ~. _hr \ Idelet , M . BAOALLI A CO.
.I."ft 1w a ,,,,, f, 0 f ' f0,,,,„,r,„: - ' f:t s- ..,t ‘ e , ' ,7, " ,,g;„1, , 4 a :. ALE R,AT US-1.41) boxes .Nlck arland et, for.
, 0 - sal. hr \ WNI \RNOALEV AIM.,
Holiday Hata. [ de l . ' IT and Lii It oral et
1 AO A'il. :NES etk'NiT - AN UALS, reed
Nll-.....T...T1',1.,`,1'...,b,',761_";,`..fiT::),'LL",": ~ 11l at lIIII.Mtki s Literary Dapo4i
, etreet..OPPOetitt
f., which the, invite ftir attention of thomieecoro ...In It a 'ost titti..
de.. lhaleys Lauty'a Elpok. far Jan InITT. •
oitt . Boolis for the Holidays, ; , Mogul... Po J.U.S.
' The Tutor's Naha, Kai
OICT 11110KA.-Tha Mock eolui•ta - d 11 \ 1\the Annual,.
T IIttLINIES ' Literary 1) lot
,i (a. 1 nied for EIS , . whie\ will be Egad at tb l&nreat confetti
IL fe -:1 Third oneet. nprowitte ibe - Poet ow I prim.._ \ deli ,
a l e ‘.,,,,,,, Cr ., fe,/, at uric.. ranging inc. lt UTTER-14 pk . : ree'd and fors eby
i P del4 WICK A IIdrCAKRq.S.S.
The if omen of Peril Chrietianity, a eerie. ol Portrait*.
with . *lll. o- Nocrtrooto 4 A in rkrlt'L.... t ARD-5 kegs foc\ale BY \ N
• ith I, ono.. /11,1.111,, hound in h. 'furl. a.; A
,ki ... i ivics's ii,c),Nocscs,..
-- - ,
. "'"n" """", `..kt‘ '''' k s" ( •"'"'"'"' ' l ' g t LON' ELL .1 . ...T1M0'. 11 Y SEED, for sco.lty
Lon fini.fied enerwringe Ay the Inoft artote I
The Lond of D 011.1.0, being the Joarnal of a Tour ha II I delft WICK A McCANDLE .
K"P' " j.
W'"''"4 D D....."' s''' floe
' 14 1 LOUE- 14 bbls. for Ale by
tn. b0.p.0.1t• • gill book. with :IA ilhotrationr. 1 ' holt , WICK* 51re.ANT/LLSJI..\;\
Tn• fro. an iltunilitated eouvreir,nrithll..fornlplott o l•
Loa.. ot Mr.,. a beautiful .uncial. with lo platen. QUGAit-15 - hhds. prime d new, for sato by
The nrillioni, a gift hhoig. •Ith I , ill.trations. •,. - 3 deli, \AMIN WATT it CO. A
Calonet ot Ilt•torri Art. •ith 1M inagatfleent plate+.
it lhautf , • Curare gtrt , f' hoe ,linm.ttone- i - Jr• f '---
11 OLL BUTTER-5 b a..or sale by \
4.. the Seseon ,t. ane r, t:, o , i do. la, delg JOIII.I WATT /tea.
shaman, ',.... be ;-...t•it..."‘;1 71 tLI. gr • ', I 0 t, ..... ,: rin..r . t4 TRENCH el) Itfilki.'ts4, COO for sale by
curiu: uttooll, hy AliviaJ tlelotorn,l 2 Must ratiot. ~,,, , . 400 , 1 „ 11,,ArrS CO.
isai ii...,, • gift for the huh.) ii• `O's'-'
The Flowere of Lrtto... with . 'Castrations. PRESII OItANOES. I In prim order, at
The Vomit, l'irele
Porlor Annul.
t‘ser. il :tet - or the ille_era of the Uttale. L.
i 'l -.14
P"- ''''''
' llll - 1 7 SVIVI k All.,_‘ D tittir
The Saereft T ' ableaut. • Remarkable, MM., in tho ft, • de •
ble• • ' 11 UTTER—Ib bbiZTresh Roll, for tale , by
The Ilactiolio the au. flake, and Ertendohin e OR..
g- wee to.ssOf MI Kitt lafolii frO the' Liolilara. I P dais R. P. PURI 'ER.
hug- ~hl Ih•OF of hhakittwore find Orton, In B
EANS—IS bu. Small White, f - l ' t7s e by
one ot.tinme
Floe illnatrated rotitiono of Tur , tor • • y s roverblal Phll.l,- ' del, P. P, ARRIVE .
Vor'll.2LV.7-trt7.:. Ts.lVo.ll-...T.ltht:'"'''". od Kirk Whiff • -
AI • large i eat of ih , ii4oy Ilift Ron. for O N I, 4 :a N . r , bbls. for sale by maly IL
CII I LOU EN. ue2.3 • -- -• 1 --.•• -- -
- -- 7 SHEEP PELTS-1 dos. for sale by
Melodeons. 14J dela - S. P. stotlvxn-
NIADE by CARMAROT, the ravine
h - • -
or -A tr•oh oupply of the..lebrate Sleindo me, Illt`hTTßY NUTS-- ' -'0 bbls. for sale by
li, atol 5 oetaree, lust rro'd froto New lot, T.. In. del* B. P. SIIRITER.
et Milne,. aro unoneetionahly the ‘lory Lent wit th't ',MI
t aunts...tared •ny where, tot•tog .e I ' im0d0......0t, it ROOM 200 doz. Dry C o rn s for sale b
....teed lof any :11110m turn to 1.103 . ,10 . ir , :z1.11 1 :.5.
• JP -, - delg _
._ P. lIRIVEIt.
1 4 1 0 It it I.: N T •
um, K lltlll
I. ; I 1 . .41:ei G• ••••11 0
Apply 1... .1 £ 11 .i'1,%
1. 44 ' X ,. (:11 ; k: , ;(1}:
nt , TTER td, it.ll, tor p. 1.•
Clymitmas and New Year a Day
TII ~t NI. A. 11 \ 11- 1,
Select BchooL
t ll.l A NIS ',cal
i rt Slhretr strlllllll
Pt)! ZrZlai:itr
Vritir • r I I ar, &.• g. r gegarter •,f
g ;111:11' liA1:11E1 , 1 . 1. A
1111 • . .1.1 I r.•-ortv.l • hq
rl,•, •r• ‘l,• unga•uall,
y•rg 41.0. L ....on I
Perof purobuting • ge•uto, ,•t.•
deon, alit Or*. rail mad ....1..
"" to '"'igrt"ft`l 11
0 1 . 1 ..7.4 cLi,.:.1,. 6.
VEA NUTS-200 bu. for Bale by
I dela 0.11 CANFIELD
nitY 11l DE,`..i.: 2 66 bry Iltdes for sale by
J 5 PALZELL At CO , Liberty 0.
Ell.lllNo-5 bbls. No. ll l, f a o_r_r E n2 L op
k _.., D
ALMON-5 Ltda. for sale by
y detit It, DALZELL A CO.
NriCKIIKEL--160 bbls. No. 3;
tal '4
10 ht. bbir. No.
- J'AIZEN rule ht.
'FroilllFrallo, Hermetically Sealed.
y' ll.F.Sl Peaehes: Fresh Strawberries,
- Pine Apple, . . Tomatoes;
Fresh Cherries: i TPA Plumr.
Fresh lloms.berrie ,
The ah.m. am put up In their one .1111,.. and hermet
tally B.eled. retatninit their m.hrinal flavor and freshume
1 , .0 sale by . WM. A. 1116.71.111itl a etl.,
no)Z, ~.. Liberty et.
. . .
I)llOYu'ltie'nitailf....ll..ll'ess, Layer awl Punch Raisins.
eurrants, orange and I,omon roof,
l'ruo'.. MITE.
1.11.1., Cherries)
Paved Peaches. . For sate hr
WM. A. MrCLUIIf) A Lk,
8 7. i Worn.. and Tea Dealers.
i CRAPES-10 kepi Malaga very fine, f
II ..4.• 1,, w m A Sik),111{11 a (hl.
"Itlt Horn" Saw Kill for Sale.
f!.IIIIS omablislunent, lately finished and
vomplete running order, to smutted on the
I onongencla. A, tulles above Pittsburah. Ile.. ). thy
vlrretty cd extenove neel work, It command• a ,eadr
how mertet for lumber
In lost build... Ar.. and
tors. lb.!!! not eold on the premises. the nlttelturder •t
tont. al ad seasons au outlet to tlior aleitaut market., UP
and down' the valley of the Mna. o o llll . lo . Vuro.a.d
with ...rhislerf Illti 01.10fef of tbe ill'il Wad 190“ .001.1 1 , -
Oeul kinds. this Milj :)ands unrivaled in SWIM, mammy
of fool. and satufactory ys•rfir r‘ nen of ha work. The
tbsh,trp,.°AtTlae , u l l e71•1 1 1 1.8 Zdto te C .attlrrt ' v i tt
' cull r'" ' "" n. B. 11 Att r y las,..
&Ca! tilltec—rourth ' at ' . ' ne . sc r Wood.
• Wantea.
A YOUNG MAN, nf gond character and ad
"l, &mac who ha& had ......Cl yea& earlier), as 18
tueut.e.,..per and palesto:n in the roar. ). d,.,,,,u, n , o b.
't:A!ni.,:l'fn.V.:(lotn"lVt'en'ity. rr",vVrt oz iTrutr.":l'l‘.' 11:
n,.01d In „,,,, „, V, set in any eapacity wberroy bn could
~um c.rnp... , . 1 .7 and a permanent oltualleo.
unobyectionable mfrrenees as tq rharerter.eatuthilltl.Aas
turolebt.Bl. AM!rrsAd. M. t... at I.IIL. Alen. dr:l .
To Holders of the Coupon Bonds of the Affononget
Mu Naeigvnon Comptisy.
A LL BONDS of a less number than 334'
* at t,,, pod tit to. holder& so desire) on or after the
d a y of .I.,,iiiirr uelt. at dm onto , el he Treasurer.
deZtlin as Mon. Nay.. Company.
10 Co. ar e now offering at their Feltd,rinUal ealr) Long.
Mum). Frew)) Merinos. Varamatta., (Marta, Cauluarros,
Do Wort, ails., to deT.I
—.— :
AO boa. W., .... and S". M. It 11•1/113F.
11l coat. 5.41.. Ilanlnta MO 110. Zautc eurtatas;
11U 11. Gant. Ct..: to
'AO - Corn rterrls: 20U .) llerl.r . o Tartar.
WO . Babrattaroar Poard * 1 ewe trail. 4 llama:a=
1 ~,,,,, . YesAt, . 1 . . t Vermicelli:
Ir. it. sort Mt. Ytoor; Mu mitts Our Dahl 1. 1 4
40 . fdagtstot , dos Wool., / . 14
lou . Bordeara Fraateg FOr Nair br
.I,D. WILLtauS a 00..
of Woad 000 011th dm.
MARRIED, ul .. •vdtvd.ry
order .vd bot Ilttl. veal. ~mnur ~bicb
KNI/Itili:+. of W.. 0100
'hurn. 511ebtra, one 1..1µ of WM'
Kimball's Chemical
IlInS article it much 4
than .nap, and le warns.
hi apparel mrfeetly. It nontalne
Shimle urnentsur. Mumma, A
tu any manuer huure twee
warm...A not le tade it umhul
Isl. W.ll Muni, tor elothea an irli
1,1,1 tnau they are by tbs •ear • 1.1.5/r,
ILhk entmely •aar utlb —+— ---
.110 . 1. n rho:. • wenumnany each letttle. tkoht thy \ tuarn ,
DOI pee
mute, ruth..leut lar tern undsnar lamb:
he.t Nate , —The lolonaring LeJim , have kill. amtfertl
li. nme, t.pealtum ID loaner terms nt my Chen:neat Wart
. Winel th•n even I mutld . am, Iht, tt to 11
au art ele Ihr eleanatng :e
bra,r he that than. any othvr
artiele Ehmtheth tahne•lmk, Lt Tunnel
thattlia r iverner of Vourth huntlsneld* , Slre.d
Mar, 1,6 ah 17h Ltheri Niro Mary Janes. et
chmr Sll..,Mary Kuutedh bs t:tuo.' h. rate
eoruh Not, Ureter Iluarard, near llntm Ilatou llutet, tooth hutumun and Frdera , t..
ahony 4 . 114. a(re. tlertetut I tummd. Law rencerille
blanuf.teture 4 h L. tt. RIM It cid.. W . and rad./ h)
\ SA . t.M tweet. corner of
GLAiS-200 bro 8110 and 10
V .12, for rale by S. P. SI:MYER
COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for sale
dolr S. r. 511 H ER
j i D . E 1, 11 VI N EGAII,-,50 A s - fri. p.fsT—HrusiavlvoiLby
Q AI.F: R A 111 S-- 1 0 bbl a . for sale by
1.3. drlr. H. P. suairm.
. , .
0. 1 nip.,
61 LINDRIES-101X) ,: :U : . B i T , : cd :
17 MO " Short.; •
WI bbis. VIP.:
• 6U llos Rm...
On rt`,3Slqula.nt sal bt.r mal, by
Jo., • T IVUODS t BON. 61 Warr st.
IFIIIG METAL-42 tans Ilecla bet blast;
lb " Wilt/W. onld Hut;
for ral, by '• bIUIIPIIT, WlLL•rini L.CO..
clnlh 48 WOW PlAr.b.
' 1 - 4 1 EATIIERS-18 sacks prime Ity., ree'd
1 I. prr 'tram, (or lain hi
' b.. " \ 4ABtla A. iturcutstc4 k co.
bbls. foe sale by
6114; A hilcbt,prime.nea Crop. 00 co
1,7 kazneetit I4'
ditm ptr elr. Vermont. for salt. by
d+lT J. h VLOV v. mound ctoz..A.
*LOVER & sale by
1.1 UCK WIIEA.T FLOUR-luo bag hulled,
1J F.,a1.. Ly WE i: t J. IL ■ LOYD.
IORMAN CLAY- 7 -100 boxes for safe 115 —
. tlrl7 IL. DALZELL t CO. Llberty. PC
I t Urrilit-2. boxes and 2 418. Fresh lion,
II Ibr, 1., 0471 11.,DALiiIML & (V. .
4„ahluT tmMud hand Smut
I_3 kl,km, i•ln low ID LiOne 731.01.171.111,1
IVN - gli. WANTED—For a barrel marked
,F MIR." If 1:10t for Within thiefy
"a4:111t lr gold to pT VrlftLl. t 9. ff
tANDI,ES CKSl—Anottier lot of new
oty le Ox..noptizlc..l.t Wine tobood —ILNI lee mould
se purebsvill. to call early, as this snide is at prtoept
sMtn , tAttastid. idsltii 11. RICHARDSON.
driItANBERRIES- 1 bbls. just recd per
1,) LHA•t,nt, and for Yyd. by
Val. A. bteCLURCI t W.• ,
:A.lq Unm. bod Tat Delany.
iIikaNtbSUGARS-1000 61)1kt:rushed,
Airrsits St LOMA 94.4¢1 BURK! R41,,,,7•
EA2iO w N ,
UGA It-25 Gbh,. new;to arrive, fur sale by
A J 'las 8:1)1LROLTII W.
DO K LIEAT FLOUII. 7 A very superior
&allele item the Neer Erightop Mills," lop), 2h pa
• ; maw, enrittartl, on hand sad 41 , ,ta1e
W. d. Mee 61,/ t Lei fiber', er e
101 r-hurtl e enpyl
AV-4 , ./ baits tor gale (on wharf) by
ilel6 W. Y. W11.430:4017 First FL
bbbi. N. C., for sale by
3 bile. Freeb rwl Batten
, 6 •• Slow Slater eaesl:
fss braes stew /1 n. balsam
WAf t Oss. •• ••••
liLln superior Tanners' Olt
outs Watt.' Wllll*
!anal. 11. Ssrep Nehmen
Jun mnirtsts aati ft+ mi. br
].loan—ddrrrtterolds and lisktadiP
rd and forwaNed tr. , of edl.ane,
nor TITS
ASIA, lapc.llolo
ATLANTIC.. Wes; Irum
CITY OF tl Leitsll.ll6l . Wagoir....Dec
Ali EIIICA. Shallow, tor Ix, 10
NLA1LARA.1.e1teh;f , ~....~:....... 1 1T
PACIFIC. Ns!. tor
F.llllOl . a. Late. for ...... 24
1.11:1 1 11 A N Ilan, for Dec TT
MIL ICA , fur Livarpool...... 1,..0
ttOr LOILOti.
,uu It
01.A,.....,.......r0t l
in.. toe it. •tior
Alt totter, and Neverupern on 1.. a konten.l.lrW
laud end &Oland ere rent by the Ant anther
of wink: line.
tettwre tothe Continent of Kuropey the Collies Une.
meet Al propel! tweuty one math eleote tad...trent War
thowe reguare4 to to prepaid in fun.
Lettefith Itte tathttnent of Europe by the Cthaent Lisa
munt Wrepet d fire [Kass *lngle rate, incept to thtee,
Oen , . reouthrt prepsl.lln lull. •
1.-ttere brtbe Line, Lunn be prrpthl twenty tour
route p ee r Imthoutuar luteal otwur to Le sthlut ! extunt ta
Newypepere by eltber Liao. tothe Continent,must
ptwtwif4 four mute earn.
Inand Powttnue roust , lat added en 'Letters end Newsy"
per t :the Conner tof tw•opo, by the Hem and Hamm
A\' • .
. -7 1417E —‘-- HBUItWKAJLICET ,
The weather yesteiday
there... nothing of lotere4 .ti
annual settlement day I. DOWat h c
bustner• torso la principally peen a
affairs of the last unartar the‘old, a
stothlng'nf colusatuenee In the market
only sales we heiad
from 5.3 . 12. and 00 ham 4,un' •
A bbl.
GaLtIN-5,a heard of nothlng nt ,Une,fica arils.
',700 first band ratos rule abo t apt fu ll—\\ heat 6h,qluStke:
lira hale! .141, Corn 41.74 , 14, and 4....k..vezq from brat
hands, and 3'313 from “nre --A
fißOCY.ltla...—s:alea hare been confined fn Wes
an the f,lloarlug r.t.—?.user C.firnl.'iiadtli; kin—
la.a.e'a, Orleans, 34entue. Sugar 00use NeWmlM gs
Pftot,lSlONS—Nothlng I. is
On An lhaccin 4 hltmqat
fur leant of supplies. Lard is selling In 1.111•11 lois at ..,14
ta2, to thls and ta.w
BUITNIL—Chosce freah roll ia in nand denalind
flora at ILtatlfic. Small Nalco of keg at 100
ellhheiy—Sale:s of a tea small lots nt W IL .0 0.N.0
r11,...4. 011011. I
. zoottans. D. li•
will very cold, ead
ng In tho market.—
ad, awl the att ention.
ni in rioaing op ii.
ar, li'n anticipate
that nailliaiton ia
Nair Osi-tots. Doc. 1. \
, St:Galt—We roared In our last review. that priCes
lamed. ' and a• new quote Inferins at 33guirAe... coin •ti 3 \
fa.3la. tau at pro n.
.lalorss and doge, 704
Claraloo rrotnnosuil• ars - frith.. to 0 0411 1. lie
roonproo. tanl 1111.1 4 1. IVeduesdor. 40 oi. Thu
and :aai e•t•rd•r. when operation. were tr. - mewled by t
ram. utalking an aggregate (or she three date .. '
mud tor !Ito week. 4sou.
e e, reee'roo 50.4 and 150 1.1.11 and Wt.
t.. 2 r, 413 has an, an lAA..
NhiLatair.ll*. Ikaanll,/tirl notine an gullet. P.
hut •I • Insther doellue 0! full, Sio. Iho nabs cum mac
b1.1.0n W.dtteolor. at . 2.114=`, , . prime ruling 214
1.04 on T 111.41.3 at 311.•=Sf. au.l 13f.t0 ye.terday. p e
',la tuba at tualtina 1:1, ....meanie (or (Sit three .It
. tans au, for took 01 Tha salsa on lin tattoo lusludo %low gal. Moray. at 22.4. rooripta 10.020 Olds sod 410 , hl do. Exports.
former and 1:t atter.
t,fiFFEE—The sales of Rio Jonas the
three I a
ohow area... it tally Se SI-0M 11.• rnlia rates the
tho la-1. wools. an 1 noes quote old amp at Se. mime
new ata'• sod rinoor at Sia aSg. lognidales weekly
statenseut .1.4 i. the atork 11.1 hands at T5.:107 luta.
og 5141 duriagod and uou.ty. a loe croP. and
ue•. This down not Include the a. in gr.-
immix. which at tha date or our leo, weekly review. `,
ao loon" •Inets has chin twee instorially panned.
rhe Lb I. n• r data !ILA year ••• 34.111. \
Thojusporto aiaenJuiy Is) ( ~d ate. rernprifew 14.1.= baga ,
din., again. :1.71g. 100.11. and 21.010 coastwise. against ~
17,t00...1.0. Ina NI ra ewer gol .149.5 bags. Ik. week's
.ale• stun up (pan Log, luelndlng kW at Me, 3520 at 0(4.
at a 1... un prlvate'trsna The direr, imparts
weel......uipriv. 33. 00 w. In our last re
.. 1'
, li.
m...h....c, Dee. 19.
The offering. ranched 1299 head. 4 which number 610
ere .old to ray botcher., 104 left OTV '.. o ' l 6.-... d 900
:la..° to Philadelphia.
I' no., ruwed from V. 50 to 92 74 rittthe toil. natal tn.
' Mir: - ..!:. not, amt sr •Ing V 1 . 2% wings. ,
lloge—Vie quote at 1 :LI —am,rimn.
4104"INENTS OF F 4 ECIE—The iihipment• of rime.*
Inm. New Fort from 1 chhoi . l2o. to tlltis.nstionrited to
51.717.4449. amount n twirled 1140,90f..11...V..
Ina • grant total for 11ro. of 5t.1.7ka..,700. A jarc, • mouat.
ot trade innooled.for inent by the Arctic. visa with
drawn at the I•.t ...wart, Ti,.. aggregate lot Xha yaw,
.111.1. Tory much Om E.4f..009.0 . 09:
Tor .I.e• vilved it New Vork,asitar
days pin,: to
beforo .ught VI 70.. in gold. This Is this thirst
amount over in tight .o by pepOAP. '
\ - Notice.
PUT Annual ieeting of the
. Stoei
1q:,.'..%°.7,,,=: ,-,-, . - rv: , .;:: , ;12:1.t
!,,. • . fralraq . o htlehoeirh. n. *
• 4 341: ::, j s r ' " 4 ' I l h
d er. ;
I t , t: to
11F . i F 1
5 0.., ,
PlVsbur . to ra . I.—Weill:ld
tNO\ UENCE of the death of Pee.
Nont, tu o ho treet *bleb he held In CO. Braz Ca di
i11.4,,11/14.1 , • Irb eak conducted Oder the Arlo
reter beiyni t.,en., will be for ne'e. Yor tame Co
'' ,1.91'111 \., 4,1h0 ello or winolvlifololloomi,N'tak
Monongahela Navigation Comptuil
N ANNaLVE . ETING of the Stockho)
or the Notongiliela Navigation Commity.'
4 - ,ke1.1 In poem.** ,the yr:mildew of the Mot
" Ult" o~hrn on
ONTIId""C3'./1. th;
ru. rititlev:gole 1;.44t*L*0.411i.tb?...01":>10
elartion of officers fortiNa ensuing year.
de.51.4 W 11. 11A.Kitti - Eni, hoe,
TIIE suLscribers% for the erection
nou..of 'refuge b Wrote= Permayrrarrliai
hereby 00t111.3 that .oar eat of throq pee cant
tlu amount robacribed by etch.ta rrotoroh hrlohl
thr;Treasiarre. o or Alt
hofor o 1511 day of Not
oral. by polar of tha LAN of throctora.
• Notice; • .
I t ETTERS TestamentoxY, to the edit.
hae a India. toirom_, bilh.C.S.t7
Irsc mar, dee'd, base been Ranted to the ettbSntibtan
persons haring claims sgsinet aid \ Wale •011. p—
tbeat duly •ulttrAllesled for settlement to
14.1 D M '
11. BlLigenl.saNB.
A Card-Life 'usual' .- , ,'. -, -
R„, i,,. . C. A. COLTON, Seo'c i. . I :az,Str—. ..
IN As a matter if common Justin. It ' ,new, ~
to ~t toontno. tee ram prompt nona ~e l.d V.....a. I.
',pi t h ma cmim or a poli r y. tretneall : acted 07%1Pilb '
assorl , ackne to about (5b.4011.1 bra bPutmand do lkanb bap
L ?:?La \ . l:iiicnil principlmalma vbieti the aft44.or tda - '
"Pa mip Life t.buLuau:Asc. Mammal - aro conduclad, tee,
tilP• It to t m coaculeration sod pat -
ace of lb. Olude., -..,
The 9 M Prudential benevolence m tba nuattud , ;
arrangemata of yoUr organization. L. the true rocialbi, '‘, ....,
Seem% • bteb bumardly atal Cbria 7., ~, ~..
b°`"'"9,°7 - ii.dgm , k , :iizie,!,N.A. , 0.
..o._ \
rm2lelerer \ o Firm Baptatt. Morel, rlttabnrib a "..
HOtice-Lost Certitlcata, • \ ”
NOTICE iR 6preby given Inn% nitpticatic t at
Pr P:r.r,71,, , ra". 1 ' ,i10.i%, o ' l ' X. eel, =lt, .92, - Brut . '. .1.
\llese..l to ria7 been lrored bd_areua the
_l.o .. t . b . ..lqtrila • -
I P_ nodr-avti• aim, ,ary r. ~,L .t.-_ •.,
, 3iireat Newton 'Plank Road Route • :
LAMERS leave twice-et-clay, morning _-,
\ ll .
` T ''''' 4 "'`" " hitTilf Dolt, shove the mte
tio . l 4 4:e a rt. Rtt owo.ult.'lriro.'itt:e • - -
...Tell. Foal leer. al Lily (rarent pnraarii eet 0 c ki,,,A_
; lam\ to uwa.toni, OlLl.72r i tim i r. 10......,,„,
... , \ _.
. _
,_ ur dan Mal at the r li ca,
Sloane. Wa otroall.
a,ll ,
. •,, 'INC PAINTS.
. . \
.. ,
at . eirart. 1i.4. - ..
Tbio liiiloPeuir Muriel to rurulth a idly of these .:
valuable , ♦ -
4 ISC PAINTS, \v •
Inlet boor bees Aetna atter . oeveral yes.' el, batik is .
Einem 1.4 lb. Dui States, to retain. tli ir orirlsiall .
teievai .out protective rppertfol. superbir P... 17 stbr. ,
Mild ',hater.. Their , . r
, ... I irt rr_Zo o n o ° t 4.. I ' 9 '44_1%1 -e,t,:tr,
_.,l",.'::Arli.ja • • •
orautliollAr olio, ales ieieetirelr Itee ' isise, this ' -:,,,,
p peril. or Penn Other, patutA. to PLUSPPOUII U. ,
belth 01 painters and tnetir \ Widnes. ' • ‘.
When muses/ to oslriburo or Plair erhelatkit
e hez, shut op Ina rine* . Ae as outoidie is
It villieleikaill. O totttbern claw*. Me vestiges, Us i. i
trail any other, not Pokrip liable bvi Dieuaunty or ts,
11. ,I \ ;,‘
ble and rub ot may be verivit will our rotor. , i,
nth water slur rise- or with veruleh,TLich One. ths tele
\ ..,
tinted Pun.," Wilber \ •. -, i ,
Thew are turvilshod eta lay prieri.'ar
dm cheapest sad best Pahlu to lliv
ri.te, (resins, eitthoores, PPPOSPoiItI.
tot, of r ood, brick,. tlo or iron, so It
V.I boo 0011.000 Ll:Plan pattieult
form a ppiiitil.o COPttctiCil, maul
no Pop. they drrldtitet Ir end' having
to t ug. ebasseiailor 11 1.0 isaur ui t
In nee.
Deakin euppllNl PP MAUI UM.,
'i7 South larbe
jlBW"7ooKB, NEI
AfiT lt
v LITERA ara atraeLoppcalta rad
u Yaws Int the W.Va ., . 1
Koetath and the ifongaglate W..
W` V.t.t.l.rtalalfutrt.or ontzlosint
Cowl of London:
Iroaauth'• flpoechea in Enalan , I
Dla of We Rotted end.. and 11 '
man—in pamphlet form.
Aiwa and tdbantelea • Re mute
Ilarticultutiet and cettn.r. for
Indira' National Resume. to. Jot
A loeue supply of APPIIALP. fon
Ilarpaer U. "Lottlals U. n•.
International Mager., t o r W., e ,
Illartaroare Magasitto, tor IN /SU
ithwnes at Europe, by lioraseih
Model Arehiteet. No. o.
tho Whallt a hew
rl Ile. Lig.
p, e
,mo t ary Eketeirew Wye
London Labor an ba d
Leandtat 01..
iiarpree Idafasine, bout,
eket‘brA In Waal, .U. 'II
Lnodon Art Jotteßal Lir Hoperot
Llfe sod AMOllPleoll of nu Arkat
The OitallslU , . • Il i tz re e l by
Us ' o. PIZ te
f713.19 ' 5 1 t. - C 110
She thing of the Bawls, ler Dunana,
llantoriee of a 1 lartitanab l LlMX.l 4. ..
Lolls alls 4pb4:1 tnh 4 4 . ' Railreed of We.
rmoY, tairlotioto or hennas la 131. Life of Prints Papll
Mantgomeria, "ull to Wanodala.
, kW: ilvtatilion. Cr • Wenn ol We
Alabeleot Wt. Mama the Battle, Pi 01 3 .. • pol• typr"
dA.M.E.4 A. MoKNIII.I.T, No. 62Fouitl at.,
hao xecelVid :ma •/././2 lot of BIOCHI LOO
11111•Unefrwase.if ts Cikt Mei
at. dodded hataa. •
Alto DrOdattleondli Gila I/ma
Days and Fauty Om% la groat vanoq. dad •
4 I .
I t .
.Ma• 30 barrels
sa al elo 397