'PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLIBIIED. BY 'WHITE CO PITTIBIJUGH SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 27,1851 - - v a.READING MATTER WILD BE FOUND ON BACH PAGE OF THIS PATER. ---IiOSSUTII MEETING. This Citizens of Allegheny County, :-Mar. iiitionjyn the muse of CY& and /ithcieus LibeeN rtPt. inflect to attend • mcettn. at the COURT 11006 E, 'Ott ItiIItt3STCSOLT ilertactoos. st 2 o'clock. P. M. to nuke irralillentenhi for the reception of the pstnot 1.001 1 KOS. :6151114.00arn0r Bo cast/. .1.21 TRYI ;KOISSUSII hfeen so TO.DAT . —At two o'eleolr,• this afternoon, the friends of the cause 7• Of clvii and religious liberty in Europe, are to Meet - ii the Court Home, to make arrangements for the reception of the illustrious Governor of Hangar 7; Lome Kossirru, and to give 'expres -;• akin to their views for the information of their • ; . fellow citizens throughout the country; and for ;the instruction of their representatives in Con --;-; We expect a largo and enthusiastic meeting. •• if tithe .of the warm friends of the cause at i tend, and all will feel it a duty and a privilege 1- to be there, the place will be too strait for the ; statembiage7 advise all, therefore, to go ear '. ° ly, if they Irish to participate in the interesting • • "•; exercise& The cause is a noble one. It appeold - - to ; eat our better - eentiments --to our humanity, 7 7 .; otir religion, our benevolence, and our Item o - The Buffalo Commereial Advertiser, issues the, l" following dictatorial manifesto . "The whig.party has teamed a lesson of iris _L.., demi end they will profit by it hereafter.. It ' • will recognise no man as a Whig who refaces to maintain a national 'Whig/administration, and continnally a:tastiest:mit men as Clay, Webster, Crittenden. The time is approaching when :P . ,'-,...•ttfe Whig party will be called upon to appoint delegates to a National Whig Convention, and no ono wilt be known as a Whig who declines to ae. induce in the measures of the administration. We -" might better eend a Barnburner to a Whig con •i Tendon than to send one who, professing to be a Whig, does so only to betray the trust reposed in him. The administration and its medeures • mulattos sustained, and its friends in all sections ' • of .the Union will have no fellowship with Ito I " enemies, 'whatever they may profess to be. The •! Pairty„thas parged of its discordant elements, will again arise In its strength, and reanimate the hearts of devoted leaders." • There Ie a fine prospect of harmony a heed, -,;;;;:;,.:•;:i."'•-irismih counsels are to prevail, and the Whig •.pg:ty will be of hut little consequence after the Sedfaliveditor's purging process- We beg leave to tell him, that be is not quite the Whig party, 'and may himself be shown the door if he et tempts to carry his aims beyond the bounds of - • his own bailiwick. The Whig party will support the measures of the Whig administration jeer. Co far, as they harmonize with Whig principles, nod • • no further. . The Whig administration owes lb pewee and position to the Whig party—it is the breath is the nostrils . of that party—and is no thb dictator, hot the servant, of the party. was not placed in office to lay down new priori ides, and to eruct, a now-platform for the .9, 1 „Tort and government of the party, bat to Gerry • .. out the princiidee on which it rode into veto,. 'As far as the administration bak carried out ~.;;;;:: Whig measures it deserves, and it receives, the ' cordial support of the Whig party. But to vet up fealty to the administration as the test of faith, and the measures of the administration as the V . ;?ertid of the Whig church, and to excommani aide all who do not bow the knee and confers the aspeoies of impudence and tyraniiy — whollyforei to Whig principles, and will he scorned and defied by the Whig masses. The Whig National Convention must be held on the issues, and no others; and if that convention, tiled ;hall ado t new N om , p . platform, or modify the present one, it will be for each iadi- Whig' e decide for himself whether he will adhere to It or not. The Whig.sieiminietration. we are glad to say, bas ably and honestly carried out Whig priori ' platcand has the cheerful and harmonious sop - ' port of' ... theYhig party, except in one particular; . • audit is to that one pariicular that the Buffide • paper-refers, when it talks of reading out of thi Party all who will not acquiesce in that measure • ..of the administration. . The attempt' to compel Whig party to endorse the measure referred • .".-• to. - his 'already caused dangerous heart-burn . Jugs and alienations In its ranks, and if persist ..• : ed in - will most"certainly ruin all its future pros pects of success and usefulness:. • ; VALLEY RAILROAD.—Our friends r Itzthe. Allegheny are doing finely in the way of ; • taking . , stock. The Kittanning Free Press of Thursday informs us that four hundred shares •have been taken in Armstrong copnty, and five A hundred in Clarion and Jefferson. This fills up the amount necessary to secure the charier; but • it beginning. We hope oar friends will go on, no that the work - may be con 1 , . sad. vigorously prosecuted in the epriiag -",,?..:•.A,•(..-....,?-14itlairoperexurtion. The road may be competed lattining 1852, when it will pay a goad • • dividend. That done, the means to build the re :'=hider can be easily obtained. It will plead itanim cause after that ..The New Yak mad. Erie Company. intend to .• • laidowit a second track on 100 miles of their rimdricat epring, and no doubt will push it on 4- Z 'T - Westward with rigor, se that we may calculate that the. double track' will he extended as far westward-es Olean by the time our road can be •• finished; .This is an important consideration, '> not Malin showing the great prosperity of the road with whin one will form a union, hut VIIVLVIIg any fears of that great thorough .arsheintovertculened with business. • - and,refiection, and farther investige tion only - nonfa i rm es in the belief that this is . ` 'J 'among the most important enterprises that have • . nen proleoted for the interests and prosperity - • of Pitnablirgh;_and that the etoek will be among the :best in the country. New interests will spring up, new resources be developed, and what is more than all, new and important commercial pounced= willbe formed. Now we have no nisi .), nese relation with western New Fork or Cana . but little with New England; but when thisroad shall becompleted we shall be:brought into close Proximity to them, and the inter ,. • nue of our respective commodities which will "ensue will be greatly tu the advantage of both. • - - .< We rincerely hope that this great enterprise sat be allowed to drag for want of a little '•.llberality on the part of the peopie of this cam , who are certainly more interested in it titan may others, and to whose prosperity it will iathrfar more (to say nothing of dividends) than _anyone expects, them to contribute tOit. •, , The Tornal makes atoning complaint against . the Graeae for witholding from that paper "the iegrder toasts and proceedings of the New Eng . land sapper," . The only portion of the' ro ' .ovidings'whiCh come under the name of 'rep mere the toasta - read by Mr.- the copy 1:4 .- which he handed to no, and the poem Tread by ps. Wade, with a copy of ,which she furnished its. All the rest of the pro esedinga were taken down by our reporter, ex: rept three toasts headed in by the authors ; and -• w er e our property. If Mr. Illdllahadrequist „ e4l a copy of the repdar toasts; cad andof the pa ' eso, we should bare furnished it with pleasure. few days since the .Journal complained that t h e Oeurito bad monopolized the preceedings of wi ftviiiest, which were reported exclusively for onelisiper, ankwere of course . onr property. We', are not cenecions of haring engaged In any pursued any improper course in supply our readers with the latest news;' ti grid yienever have occasion to excuse our del tnOnr Midas by complaints of the 611- itliiianerty and tact of our neighbor& recceAO to furnish proofs of pub doenmentis to the Journal, we -lint Our own reports are our own proper t/ 1 - ;,, , . :,..: , . 4r Tlter £ &ea ctotlee that it will not here efter- the. Garotte for copy, and will not COO witngs from the Garotte at all. This ii a Inater of no consequence to no. We 111111 take, earn that. our rights are not Infringed by the4RO:ett° opposition of the Journal. , . . was Gosh se mis on.,pr). i batro h' il iune of gaunt was • • - • - Winer . •• - • "t& to death on • =Ml===i =EN THE VOICE OF HEW . YOBS. TREDIENDOUS,KOSSUTII ISEETING IN AL BANY. • An immense meeting to invite Kossuth to Al bany, was held in the Capitol of the State, on Friday evening last. The }lon. W st. L. Moo cv Rai called to the chair by acclamation. Ile I - made, on taking the chair, a strong and eloquent i ' speech upon the duty of government to maintain and uphold the doctrine of non-intervention i among the nations of the earth. He hoped the whole aountrywould rise as one man and con tribute to that doctrine. When tyrants interfere to crush the people in their efforts to be free, the friends of liberty should arouse and estaL lish the doctrine of non-intervention. A large number of Vice Presidents were ap pointed, when Judge Poison was called out.— Ile was in favor of saying to Russia, "that while we have no wish or rightto interfere with your domestic concerns, we have a right to say that you shall not interfere in the domestic affairs of other nations; and if you step one foot beyond your own boundaries to crush the spirit of lib erty, you will bear a voice from this new world which will make you tremble, and, if disregard ed, you will feel the power of a free people.— This we can say—this the people of this free Republic owe It to the cause oefreedocathrough- out the World to say." Jcinas PanesLo then road the resolutions, which were adopted by acclamation RenArni. That among the prirllegre nowt mem) tod de. Am• erienn Omen,p that peseoably annembling an daring their wont:menu. [Kith upon the 100111110 wit I e, tin policy of the rountr.: that hsving met for ths d t ompur rti.nn'adoeed.;'Xr,t'lrgiOrn for,;r:,tt"fh`,;q..ttlif.".l,l...",:r '=' :',°."'nrd,:7:',", orrery ginner , Itepublimna to opt... the eatennion of Al. noluttem Run, , and to aid the MS.. of FreoLlom hr all lawful 611.11119 In hi. power. lOndrra That the'Prople rf the United Satre arn dere iMeronted In the Impending ituroreen otruggle tor th. r i g ht, or the People.sdodunt the protensionn or Itenonticto thou It is the duty 14 our Government to welt ur . ottonet ito fhtenee to promote the •thetilag intoreeln of o count, mad to open new channel , . of trotdc Inters-our. Ths It in also the dot, oi our Government to or. IU °totted Ir 0011121 1 1 l 001.11.10• all other o.liger to r o eogoin. sod mm. t s in ae onth ered principle. of notninterventlon; sod to IT gist' on the nglit of ..teh to regulate own ennreth I foroign Interference. ir hot thin great prinesp , o f : hap slue. ro ' n ' :l. '' . et i r t u ' r , l o f; =el' em t To of lie randof internati.lnal " trofo l ll, That we reit,. a. an illuntrthlnn of the It p u .,-ins, import., of this princile. to the cruel wtoor Infltotrd:u.pon tho brave sn I horde pope of things" ;171; * rt'k: eqporretnn'',t:i'frndoc!pr".bt 'nr"onnt.o."tty prersed and downdrodden people, 000 Indignant repo.n noon( Ituneisn intervention, hereby oh. slotooin tru sitter 11ungstisn imierodulento was bron,tit 1.11•%11 0 . - . 1 . 13 7 .• iiiix,rdlZtra't..lia'lltiliVlritr. rran".atti4,!e :4"171'n walo hooettTemple Itradlosl /one V. Rat/Oman. Pohert ',urn. C. I` i 111.4% !teary II Hatt., User. Prater, John Tracer. Thom. Ilun Duo Sims Wright. blichael Clark, John Corti ran. awl Jamb Ilerklntitsou. be . executive entimaJttee to make that •rm. polity operalite—in milt- with the corporal. authonilee of the city and with tho bemSature to oak, the "ow. ru or el Itunikarr to the Capital. aphl lie bon a hearty seleomt 4mlrerl. That the.. prooeeditie. he Flamed I, the om etot the totem.. .1 that cepleot there. bransmit t to the Preelient of the Usilted Sur., the `r hour. Conger , . ani,to th. ii10 elartion of officers fortiNa ensuing year. de.51.4 W 11. 11A.Kitti - Eni, hoe, Hons'eToi'lerwe • TIIE suLscribers% for the erection nou..of 'refuge b Wrote= Permayrrarrliai hereby 00t111.3 that .oar eat of throq pee cant tlu amount robacribed by etch.ta rrotoroh hrlohl thr;Treasiarre. o or Alt hofor o 1511 day of Not oral. by polar of tha LAN of throctora. . JONIIJA HANNA. Inas. • Notice; • . I t ETTERS TestamentoxY, to the edit. hae a India. toirom_, bilh.C.S.t7 Irsc mar, dee'd, base been Ranted to the ettbSntibtan persons haring claims sgsinet aid \ Wale •011. p— tbeat duly •ulttrAllesled for settlement to 14.1 D M ' 11. BlLigenl.saNB. . A Card-Life 'usual' .- , ,'. -, - R„, i,,. . C. A. COLTON, Seo'c i. . I :az,Str—. .. IN As a matter if common Justin. It ' ,new, ~ to ~t toontno. tee ram prompt nona ~e l.d V.....a. I. ',pi t h ma cmim or a poli r y. tretneall : acted 07%1Pilb ' assorl , ackne to about (5b.4011.1 bra bPutmand do lkanb bap L ?:?La \ . l:iiicnil principlmalma vbieti the aft44.or tda - ' "Pa mip Life t.buLuau:Asc. Mammal - aro conduclad, tee, tilP• It to t m coaculeration sod pat - ace of lb. Olude., -.., The 9 M Prudential benevolence m tba nuattud , ; arrangemata of yoUr organization. L. the true rocialbi, '‘, ...., 'remora be Seem% • bteb bumardly atal Cbria 7., ~, ~.. b°`"'"9,°7 - ii.dgm , k , :iizie,!,N.A. , 0. ..o._ \ rm2lelerer \ o Firm Baptatt. Morel, rlttabnrib a ".. HOtice-Lost Certitlcata, • \ ” NOTICE iR 6preby given Inn% nitpticatic t at Pr P:r.r,71,, , ra". 1 ' ,i10.i%, o ' l ' X. eel, =lt, .92, - Brut . '. .1. \llese..l to ria7 been lrored bd_areua the _l.o .. t . b . ..lqtrila • - I P_ nodr-avti• aim, ,ary r. ~,L .t.-_ •., , 3iireat Newton 'Plank Road Route • : 0 BALTIMORE, 24,ND PIIILADELPHIA t LAMERS leave twice-et-clay, morning _-, \ ll . ` T ''''' 4 "'`" " hitTilf Dolt, shove the mte tio . l 4 4:e a rt. Rtt owo.ult.'lriro.'itt:e • - - ...Tell. Foal leer. al Lily (rarent pnraarii eet 0 c ki,,,A_ ; lam\ to uwa.toni, OlLl.72r i tim i r. 10......,,„, ... , \ _. .:- ~, . _ ,_ ur dan Mal at the r li ca, Sloane. Wa otroall. a,ll , , .., . •,, 'INC PAINTS. NI AN lq FAO T U It E I) BY, TILE NEW . . \ LJERSDN 71.01t1N0 AND Idirrl COMPANY. .. , at . eirart. 1i.4. - .. • •,. _ Tbio liiiloPeuir Muriel to rurulth a idly of these .: valuable , ♦ - . ... 4 ISC PAINTS, \v • • Inlet boor bees Aetna atter . oeveral yes.' el, batik is . Einem 1.4 lb. Dui States, to retain. tli ir orirlsiall . teievai .out protective rppertfol. superbir P... 17 stbr. , Mild ',hater.. Their , . r • WHITE .INC PAINT , ... I irt rr_Zo o n o ° t 4.. I ' 9 '44_1%1 -e,t,:tr, _.,l",.'::Arli.ja • • • orautliollAr olio, ales ieieetirelr Itee ' isise, this ' -:,,,, p peril. or Penn Other, patutA. to PLUSPPOUII U. , belth 01 painters and tnetir \ Widnes. ' • ‘. IT WILL NOTZt YELLOW When muses/ to oslriburo or Plair erhelatkit e hez, shut op Ina rine* . Ae as outoidie is It villieleikaill. O totttbern claw*. Me vestiges, Us i. i trail any other, not Pokrip liable bvi Dieuaunty or ts, 11. ,I \ ;,‘ ble and rub ot may be verivit will our rotor. , i, nth water slur rise- or with veruleh,TLich One. ths tele \ .., tinted Pun.," Wilber \ •. -, i , BLACK AND COLORED zils•r . Thew are turvilshod eta lay prieri.'ar dm cheapest sad best Pahlu to lliv ri.te, (resins, eitthoores, PPPOSPoiItI. tot, of r ood, brick,. tlo or iron, so It WEATIIEII . AND Fli `- V.I boo 0011.000 Ll:Plan pattieult form a ppiiitil.o COPttctiCil, maul no Pop. they drrldtitet Ir end' having to t ug. ebasseiailor 11 1.0 isaur ui t In nee. Deakin euppllNl PP MAUI UM., u~2til 'i7 South larbe jlBW"7ooKB, NEI AfiT lt v LITERA ara atraeLoppcalta rad u Yaws Int the W.Va ., . 1 Koetath and the ifongaglate W.. W` V.t.t.l.rtalalfutrt.or ontzlosint Cowl of London: Iroaauth'• flpoechea in Enalan , I Dla of We Rotted end.. and 11 ' .l man—in pamphlet form. Aiwa and tdbantelea • Re mute Ilarticultutiet and cettn.r. for Indira' National Resume. to. Jot A loeue supply of APPIIALP. fon Ilarpaer U. "Lottlals U. n•. International Mager., t o r W., e , Illartaroare Magasitto, tor IN /SU ithwnes at Europe, by lioraseih Model Arehiteet. No. o. tho Whallt a hew rl Ile. Lig. p, e ,mo t ary Eketeirew Wye London Labor an ba d Leandtat 01.. iiarpree Idafasine, bout, eket‘brA In Waal, .U. 'II Lnodon Art Jotteßal Lir Hoperot Llfe sod AMOllPleoll of nu Arkat The OitallslU , . • Il i tz re e l by Us ' o. PIZ te he f713.19 ' 5 1 t. - C 110 She thing of the Bawls, ler Dunana, llantoriee of a 1 lartitanab l LlMX.l 4. .. Lolls alls 4pb4:1 tnh 4 4 . l.ge ' Railreed of We. rmoY, tairlotioto or hennas la 131. Life of Prints Papll Mantgomeria, "ull to Wanodala. , kW: ilvtatilion. Cr • Wenn ol We wand.. Alabeleot Wt. Mama the Battle, Pi 01 3 .. • pol• typr" dA.M.E.4 A. MoKNIII.I.T, No. 62Fouitl at., hao xecelVid :ma •/././2 lot of BIOCHI LOO 11111•Unefrwase.if ts Cikt Mei at. dodded hataa. • Alto DrOdattleondli Gila I/ma Days and Fauty Om% la groat vanoq. dad • 'T. 4 I . I t . .Ma• 30 barrels sa al elo 397