The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 25, 1851, Image 4

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    'On • "
The /4011 - • , eacon says tbepnoe
-pork in thee pleoots pi - actually .setting down
$0.50, tbaugb occisional lots of smell else
:,oOritiotte to be sold It, sp., Beef is worth 4 and
b teem per pound;
„torkeye, 40, and 60 cents a,
'Ogee, tooirditg die: fresh butter, 25 cents
_par potiattodid potted 20 cents, and scarce; eggs,
HOOD :41,nres, - -.:—One of ,the most eeneible
:.speeches Jot` made by Kossuth in New York,
Wee dellytrovi. in reply to an address from a de.
legation e Ari I trio us . We have' not room for
.Iteattrit,.bnt cannot avoid giving - the pith of it.'
Be said that -Awarin was, - perhape, the most
Important - point in Europe, at which a revolution
could - be undertaken. Hut, in case of a rising,
it war nsoiesary to avoid the fault of the ineur..
reution _0f.,1848, when nobody seemed to know
exactly what they wanted, and when a hundred
diffesentmen attempted to lead. He raid that
revolitien could oucceed, coolies those under
_ iudibii It had a distinet end lit idea; in o word,
It wee not enough to pull down, it mu necessary
to be reedy to rebuild at once. • He also spoke
of the necessity of unity.. The idea of a corn
*gee. 'atone_ hundred:and fifty leading a revol
utiati, ha described as fatal to all prospect of
sutceetuAhat wits wanted Was. one:leader, whom
follow. Certainly no man
alive umierstands,..bettor 'than Kossuth, what
Europe , witatiiti this her hour of travail. He
sppeati to be not lasi sagacious as a political)
than Monad no a speaker.. If the liberals of the
Old. World, each in his own country, would drive
- ,right home to hie mark; like the great Magyar,
Europe mightrise to-morrow, for it
- aura of achieving freedom, oven without a dollar
contributes - 'hero or elsewhere,' or 'a word
said by the govern manta either of Eogland or the
~ 4*teret States.--Evening Bulletin.
tinvvot. altar of love is tho heart of mo-
Stook of . Chiokering's Piano Fortes.
.2,',..'...: - ..1[0111 4, St Wood
ihroat, her rotmisra ui calmly nor 6 ,
ittorir. of .V 1.1.140 Vi. 61701, from Um ml r I Iti
bratailummirulorf of Chieftains. liortno.
' 72=
6 "
11162, - ,'" 6?‘"
Ufa: " " Wood Itorownal.-.
• " Itotte•ood
~S 61601 111
; br a th ' ilrt i lt 6X ortf;irWirttlf ~.Stottort. N. V.., fin:,
ts Dori. c . i.f.. :Mb
" do.,
t-, 6951: :
610 ••• wn.uoir . 011hal. 110,1.0,
- mabogsorttiorta;r6roarui
w z I. x [h..........
Woo4grard s Drogrn..U.
- - • ' ,elvistmas - -( lifts.
~,,, • -.
rrIVE subscriber Las just reame r
N. lops • lot Inc be•unsu i• OUT OtUWL Pl:o4h _
tet, Al.—. fit. eeleetten et
- , Arllt r tarte "r" felly "' deei " ithed nd :.,..... i rtttleed SlLTltit2 . o4) m phe i. Le .. llo.l
— le C id. m'b... :cuti ------ r he strict and he feb * .hott wlll
n ted..ereew, `" ion al'b bbt t e em pelage twelopeeeueighmetm.
..; '',. , : i ~ U. ELMIF-8:101 Thlttl str±et, •
- .." . 4.15, _• t 4,•, ',re,
...: , ~ 81gn of the Ooldhu lure-
• Moats - for Cold V eather.
teettairot tdryonr idedr 'err alSeitiarla
e reous kidded! pry ClodUeddardal for *old weather
, ILiortir.iledi4lerintle e ibite, brown, Moe Led iled:
fleuelno Wearr do„:' ' Taste= Made do, all rolord
heeer•Ceottneldo.. Esellart dark,srrer.
drretrar r 4o,faney odors. Wiater Mores. U
der SlUVArerGertry Au. Aneddirtartaledfrply of DLO,
4 11ESIESIGS 7 Reed and far sale by
dal& • WM. J. IIsCLUISO & W.
4.7 dab - WU. A. McCLUILO *CO.
EIGENTAN is gning W leavethi
selfi next...M•rth, aid !writes Mom talks wboiriab
to • know. le Vne•l or Instratorloal Mamie, to nil at
realdobs• Staithlkld Ertet, petween Eixtb •trret
TDIME 'LEAF . LARD-‘-Put up expressly
• IY &SIDI ill* in keg, and mete <l3. 5..1..410110
,t co.
MOLASSES-20 bbls. N. 0., for sale by
1 , 14 we'd if Wares suply of th e stay
s aco wry
uPoor Niue Bild7/N62, crane wry Una
mats.-l'Ulow LUse.Alaios: it.
itartbeist tors. of Fourth sod Us: t its.
WEAR.-ISltternir 4 Btracuructs,
Au" firm just vett an alsortianit of the atm. cothi.of
'culotte colors. lard vest vartety• of No Omit, tat'il
sittrihrilialuttwir days i mskilwrwit sacasually
- full,' Mayan will VA. WI with tia. ra:mat mdeti
I I b.: or sale...y
tr 6 • tumisok. LITTLE CO.
,AeKEREL-190 bbla. Large N 023, for
wibr - de9l S. at W. 11.EILLUOLL
1121LE88T PUMPS-2 doz. India Rubber
31 7 1 % 114 91 . 4 5 h ert gtt:. eVeZt.t.
thth aat• ll
enLoc: • .
-R.5.6--100 boxes Crew, for sale by
bblo. solo by
' S .. JAMES 1111.2. ELL, 68 Water rt.
/10001,11TE--100 bxs No.l rec'd and for
• .: liF/C8 t McCANDLEB.3.
10110 "Itii:TAl,--100 tons for sale 'by
dtl , • .WICK HeCAItipLESS.
Looms—ao tens Tenn., for sale low to
ci.eveldinumg. Si JAS. DALZELL.
EA:WATS-53 bags landing, for stdo by
.. dot 1. DICICEI • CO.. Water nod /7roo ota.
PUJIWILEAT FLOUR-25 sacks for sale
OAP-100 bu, Cin.'; for sale b
A la N1.T.4 0. ;
100 Mts. 1i a 2 . . ,
10 basket for rale. by
4.47 - J ..CIIOO.NMAKI•rq.
- • •
•i41)CI;1411;3 . :
MM. AW4liar.l3: lm sale L
• J. t.CfIuOttAIAK LI: t ca.
T Mili."4l.l...atlica aid deb. mig i pt . sfl A t trim
10.10!D WER VIIIITAINS—A handisomit
.1 juaart.puu.iuit.rwidmi ..Tut
luz• --•- Tilf)... PALMER.
, ....
11•Cleug &Co.. ktste Nut rweelval • few
hal asst• of In• pastrAtoi Chop'. Young Upon
ilritZra•rtnrrhgg L arperVatt i fll l' e=. t.
.=II,OO par Ib. r ennie• Oolong T. at 00 cis. No. nnn
u 0.2.6
irrI A LLOW-5 WAN. Beef; .
• and II 1.1.1110.&n: far nie
sue " -: . H. &W. LIJAHAtIOII.
btols. N. 0., for sale by
A,BI7,IIiT'S CANVAS-250/de. prepared
11. UMW. for o , l* br • • JUDD CO ,
Wtod rt.
ADM-4800 lbs. fine Umbro, for Bale
er - 7. KIDD LCD, ee weefie.
QNITIP.FBOO.II22. GarTeea-Scoteb, for Bale
.bT :. . J. KIDD CO. 60 Wood et.
. .
. =Ed .. - 2.'...T.E1DD*C0., Wad K.
'',..RAIiAIdidONIAC-12.50.1b5. for sato by
Ores . Sale of:Loat Shawls at low prices
A. soy will on Tuesday
toss it Ohs ' 1117 - 41c21,4etberrItInatir
randoturimielr. mak. the moo. eztensite Elnorl ml.
sower !width thls din', • •1' - • del
VARISIT—in bbLi and _buff bbli
..u t ;
. nelrpp Sengokc.yoptir,ivairdNe.
C ° 2 - 41 ' i 4 13cig'grA'Arbit
- 1 - 7 ALL PAPER44I full ntid varied 'ne-'
it....ntlr-teg"F2 tB • Eu~aro PP.A
FLOy/P 7 200 bble. Extra Family; 1
kONCIL MSI-1.1): rinrrißuzcanza)
Ittay.teiNtiTsTr tali too* lomat of the - above an*
4 beghrec l " !l4 17.7 .r.zrA %rt. ••=rairg all aL
48. it* opftftniitfood: iq p nwesit *very Orgasm
!'• "d!"""1,72"
- °nab 1410 e . ,• . tf „
APWritd'utWe4rttrea' nd
• LBnILTIAIN' f ai Or:,b7
iJ, CMIEUnr !BANDY; 4nrt reed .nd for wl. b '
ATTIfiG.;;-150 bales-No- -1; for sato by
SUGAR -;.-50 bble;;Loaf "Sugar, for rale by
It "i - moLiosEs4,
ooida, arm% •
- f 7 anal 19 Water et.
g 21 64,tons , Ontl.ry; for ea a
RlLEY,ltArzuswe a CO.' •
IPLAX - SEBUI.-: , r4251a: fonsale by"
IdAiTILIIVrfi ao
>,.'4l3l2l;.*;4l3bls:prithe Roll,. fa - J..4[41011
409/79.N1311. , KT*NCP-' 4 40 - Iyal Faro'lr f or
• -, .isittabicil a co; .-
Water awl front oz.
I 4 BN - 120 tolis . Plonk, Faro* . fo
sura ,• • • . I. a S FLOM/Um:sd Chureh.
bble. eat., foi Bale by
A 1 0 11.10.61CP.EPPES-451akeefornaloby
ja. =Cr 4:Sonocemmalsoct.
Yo PasoloTorte. to .bleb to added !tholes
11.1nra. Ar n
eSTIr "
anica. rrtoa, Wei. For Gala by_ _
, .7. ILMYLLOII. El Woad fit.
'II,ACKWOOD, for Novomber
ere Journal, for llorlonban
Jarrol4—gprioa 1 Cheek. rho Dintrof Wax; a near work br Doaglas
21i .nta.
'braised at.1.14.431E5' Literary' Depot. 74 Third street.
opposite tbe Pod (Mee. noiLS
ner or Fourth aud Market gtreetx harlot&
PAL nekton addition& tri their ascortmant of NPAV
AND wirvrEit DRY GOODS, arc-prepared to offer to tbele
bractfrom. no customers and butts generally, an extras's . . TO.
tO ltl
1410 COFFEE-100
70 bags prime Green
or ;
SO be
Dols - 70 Rh W.erT CO.
• ..
'RESIT TEAS-35 hf. chesis Y. II.;
50 pkgb. O. ItapbObb
33 bf. cheloy Mack: for salt by
BROOMS -50 doz. for sale by
131A.N0 COVERS-1 doz. Vulcanized In
di* Rubber Piano, latl rte. , from kad for
aa • at tbe Robber NW., 116 Maratt et.
0022 J. t H. PHILLIPS.
POT ASH-10 casks prime, for sale by
.16 J. ICIDD a Co.
RAOLL BUTTER-15 bb Is. Plain Grove
!or We byJ. t It WL.YD,
bolt, Round Church Building.
--- - -
." bozos Rumen & Itoblmson's S'o L 0 op
10 " W. IL limn s
• Joe. II gpge. ID "
Far sale by 100161 J. 11. FLOYD.
BBROOM. --100 doz. Poland, for sale by
Na un Fourth Et-, ham mild this morning by Adams'
end"... •
Children.ot of Cloaks and auks, mailable for La
dlr. mid An call will *enure • tkolre bar
g recd —a frenb and large stock of Trimming', of
m A len
rot dentist,'" styl... noIG
LA 1) 011.,-12 bble. No. 1, for sale by
sato by Itel2i B. A. FAIINESTOCH t Co.
CIUTTA PERCIIA !—Jugt reo'd, y. coin-
LA pith. wane tathat of Gotta [Webs Uokel& conetaNOZ
eeet of the follotelog:
the you geed& Name stseze Algure&
la ard small; ram, td /Nate& Mntit Mabee. Weal.
theotth' Pontoon& Yuan. eretilotthe of different nth%
Patent Collapaelth. ad Cane tor meehlnery.'riethee Man.,
preeoty re Femur& Shoe Sole& Water Plat, 'Sheet On,
ta Penile tbr elzeoeas, Bre&A Traye, VlO
roil hi' lob rouosl Coed, eitle • variety of exudes ttin ou
wenn. to tointem. One sate at N. ]td Market .theef
molD 0. fI.I4I.ILLIPS.
A PIANO P0N,8125.
MAHOGANY Co °Mare, modern mode
j - 1. Nam. hilra been aped about Int. year, tor
at 01, hundred and Um:ay-Oro dollar,.
bi at:;ll l , ;:ift ,.. rtrwcal Piano, nis mt.., In hlr..
trOtst ' 1 1 . 1% . Altokt. of
Wc..l aton.t.
FRESH TEAS--50 - hf. coca, Y. liyaon;
•.M ptp..l.3unpowth.. - .11,...rtAt
a , .1 ht. eteota.ene,i . nne,TP.J.
For rub, hy [rob! J II FlOll/.
I EATrlgil--1.50 fides N. Y. for male by .
5../ J. .a
PDT ASII-25.caskfi liar°, for soh,
ax lea it 4.1,0ra,
BboilS . —..So don. for mile by
.01.1 T. WOO/Al a N. el Water et.
A.PPLES-,30 !Ale. ree'd all coneignryont
IV and for Pale be T. WOODa
BOItAX-1 ease for sale by
JIJI 1.14 KEYS.F.R f MeI.HA ELL, 140 Wood at
ifillitOME GREEN 1 YELLOW—I cases
11_1 4143,r10r Avolity, tar rah , b
rot. SLII a MoDOWELL, 140 WpJ n 4
F RESH casks Zama Currants
20 Igmag. LI. /L.
CO hi A fi jl. LALilnic ItaisulA
2 - 0,11,4
.For 441.1 bY J. lO WILLIAMS A Cl..
0014 110 W 0.4
J Asti BOARDS—Su dotflulmete Fat
T., ..ut Zino. Ex sale by
LACKING-110 do:. St &Ikon's Chfalenge,
I_, for sale by J.D. WILLIAM.. A CO.
roT As.-10 cake for sale
IL by
nol4 J. WILLIAM& k CO
A 1.11111-60 bbls. for sale ?IV
IL-1.0 bblg. Winter Laid Oil, landing
sed for tea by O. ULACKBURS a Co.
I .lIEESE-500 prime gapping;
pi? m, •
;WO Co6l2llni, medal:ld for
J. 14 Fl ELI/.
PPLES-70 bble. for eale by
t►. 0013 J. FL CANFIFILD.
la tba vsa of Gotta Poroba Photo Poles. 'Fhb& ors
to I. more datable that. Icatbor and to loop the foot
dry and osoafortable. Portal* (alth distonona forrutting
on) at lid Market at I boli) b H. PHILLIPS.
!ROSIN & TAR-50 bble. N. C. Tar;
'SW. m* br Inolll7 JOID: WAIT CO.
L crA EATIIER-200 sides New .York;
6 d CAW . 861. tn. sale Sr
BU CKW KEA T-100 each Hulled. far eale
by [r.3181 MICK* lIcCANbl.r.:4l.
-- or sale by . ..
nol/ lit. DALZELL a Cal
curs Ladies% CilstiLlesoon% mut .111Ltors' lialla Rather
ors, of tin nanest and
nsantifacturriL The public
aro iranad to call and "amino our retail stook. as ttssy
aro Superior to oar soar onersd in this thy. For d• at
tin IMts nutter Depot, lin 110 Barb[ Mast
_nets I. A 11. PHILLIP&
REEN APPLES-43 bbis. fur sale by
DOU comer NI:. 1.1.4 Irvin its.
CCaUN COVERS-2 dos. India Rubber Gan
P Harem all the dWareat 1e..; just reed .n 1
tar saki W1e.116 Market street.
.14 J.t n.
Lila Prarertm and Jackets, sf all the d Mere. kin.
stactured, tat salsa! the Rubber Divot. 110 slsrast at.
0014 0 11. PHILLIPS.
16 bole.Lleuo,l Oil: 10 Wu. Sulphur.
61s. Saunm' 611; 20 —10 Kt
10 110irltalTurpretlete; filuK
10 A o,hol. CM • 100•kers Wlllto Leath
o.c, euk• 2+l soda;
:11 Spool/11lS Lltlop IWI on. MuirJutr. Web/
JA.111:13 Mail:lll7Y ,Druintsl,
nOl2 No. 03 Wood ot.
11. 4 1 LAX-3 tons for sale by
&GT., WICK & If <CANDLk&Et
(111LORIDE OF LIME—Of the best (Mali
ity, constantly txt bard tfoe a& by
non trent it, Lou Marta.
BUTTER - 20 boxes prime Roll, just rsc'd
at% for We by , J. B. CAN FIELD.
PEARL ASH-10 tone No. 1, for sale by
0013 a. B. CAN VIEW.
lig ODA ,ABLI.—We are prepared to contrac
I,7with 01aeo Monofacturrro sod 11. troth! grograltr
tor their .apply of Bois Art. during UM winter. al lb
prepant sovkat prior. W. Irorroot our PIQUA/11 mow
the bort
no 6 Imported. BE (NETT, 1/01000 a IX. r.
BqCKWHEAT FLOUR-100 hags hulled
I 1 1l and fur nab. by
if g lIEESE-7 bozee Cream;
19 " Common:
• 41 .• EngLtab /34991
14 .91 "4
91' .. 4te i r . aopilL'ErtietC...l4ots)
LARD OIL-15 bblß. No. 1, (Winter') for
nol 04 Wood amt.
BMW ROOT-500 lbs. Am., for sale by
J. KlDet W.
VREAM TARTAH--2000 lbe. for sale by
ml J. KIDD it 00.. CO WooS
VOL , LATER OIL--Ruslaton, Clark & CO.'S
spinning in bulk or by Um dozen onsting.lnegglebr
lj nol J. KIDD it DI
OGAR LEAD—COO lbs. White, for sale by
nos J. KIDD A 00, CO Wood R.
I i'OBACCO-400 boxes Sherwood'a s'a and
S'A, on adadinualat sad Ear ?AV
I i 13 lli I I lbs. prime airy alike.,
_lm far AO. by , JOHN'WAIT A (X/. •
OLASSES-20 bbb3. S. IL Syrup, far IVA W. NA/ by JOHN WAIT it co.
NDI4O-4 ceroons boat S.F., 2 hhds bind
dor, for sale liy 0c22 J. t Q. FLOYD.
ICE-10 toe fresh Carolina Rico for gala
Dr- a= J. aR. FLOYD.
p[OSIERY-A. A. MAsorr & Co. have reed
liOo dos. Cashmere, Lamb., ool,Ahroacjak, and
. llotArr anovridhacr moat artatudra gook thar
hard wrer a:ill:disci, which Orr wilt at ranch A.
thaw cum/. ordl
COFFEE-78 bags prime Rio, arriving and
XJ for W. by
-4.101' to iiisaksebt, sweet. and cormnently not&
fl sad. when dove L. uncL A direction no- .
eninpanica dna lac e. For sale
cei4 J. KIDD A CO. GD Wad et.
phravossiiiivcrimerri „
& co.
DANK 011--27 bbls, for solo ty
- rot WICK 11e0ANDLE88.
1 0 2, tauu. N. Bus, VJ bbla. N. O. Miss=
, :For lola by /ABM DALZNI,L.
irteRITISII LUSTRE-2 ernes' for sale by
5i4 it. E. SELLER& 67 Wood ■L
_TUST reo'd at N 0.256 Liberty street—
= bd.!. Fxsh Donor;
' lo " Canton Pruned Dry Olnion:
• 1 cam .I.llle. and Jow.s,iont op In Doer r 066 by
Ondmorood Co.&&Mord
6 bozo Yr*All Citron:
L6mon sad rangy Pool. c. 5641.1:
1 " " Udomberriem
. 3 " "CAorrtmo, Dizuno,Aa.:
•1 " .
100 Yrs& Cows Sluts;
AII choice goodo, and kyr rale At Doe rolorAy
• OnArro mod Tea Donlon.
UC " • •
60 do. ander. 6 do. Tobc for _ b 7
• - • JANES DALZIILL, CO Watts ad
- .......
I gt ,
it w
. crits i for ea
UGAR-43 hbds. far salo by
enb s
04 =1 bond. ansl 161 Knit Ex.
VARAWAY 8 ED-1 Book for sale;by
LlQuosigEllool=-1 bait fur sato by
- ;:0
Cold Weather ha Come.
of Men's and Mope Manly Mode CLOTWING. We
ands to pleas. No. 71 limltbteld street;
nols near DLsooond alley.
(I,‘ .111 open this morning 10 undone of blank Bilk
of en onslitles and slats , .21
11:1[:::ME MADE iLANKiTS7--Multrar &
Loagartaa have I.ld, day rac'd • large lot of sup..
aloe me made Blanket& very cheap.
Alpo. 44 whim home made FLANNELd Norlhaaet oot ,
ilea of Fourth and Ilarkat Ma. .1
New floods—Third Supply for the Season.
opening , Mir nonning (Emir TillnD SUPPLY o
fnr ttin 'all and Win.,
. .
•• . •
• New otylo I•arlo 'Uhl.... Cubroolo, Ireloot. mud 811 k
Rrorto. tut rorinu.othur unods will b or.on I.u+.lay.
ai. o -.North...t corns Dr Fourth •ud Ilarkul otrxe..
la W LS! SII A W I.S !—Now opening at
a Mil
l:tot 'A A. M nd prrin aneASON A CO nt , Beluam ßy BtAtelLnag Pbawi•
LANK ETS !—Now on hand over 850 pro.
, :toir r lrcl h a " b 1:, mll Xy 1
I 12.4 1. •
complete s.morttoarut al C rib :1%1 et:glo•
A A. 014500
ono 00 nod 61 01.06.0 .0
AV INTER d LON' ES--N ow in aura, a cora
l:73;1.1;1:7r 2. "*. mmp
CO. t"
a 613 62 and f 4 Marital atreeL
hate on reineigninent a lance lot of Counterpane,
w ie n hze will Fell under the rortl . fina=ule. co.
24.0t1cervi Coats:large.
24 Bra
It Riding Caps, with .inane
24 pair Pante.
4e Long Leggin.:
44 Reefing Jacket,
With a eompl , ir 41.01..11 of differ.nt or ma'am
Cape be salt. J. 1 11. PH I LLI PS,
nol3 No. 110 Merkel Cu.
PLAID SILKS—We have on hand 30 pea
PIAVI 808, I.lllllaet enlors.
poll 2 A. A. MASON A CO. Market rL
More New Goods.
I AhIES A. MoKNIGHT, Na. 6 2 Fourth 6L,
IPJF bas rrerlved .CoPtd .apply of F.ka sod iVinter
IThAs. the msJnrity or which harlot ben purrhaa.l at
the lane suntan Pales In the eastern rifler. during the
PIA Oro ...Lk, ha I. ertablhl to Mopw of them at fr,,at•
ly prh , a. Ile Would cal l nartkularattenttou to
Brnk-ha Long Shawl*, eery cheap; Plant Caahmere
SO PAY , Shawl< 'Bay Stut.. - e at manuf. , lmr,
" ;Ikea; French Merino. and Casb
ilk., try
d merea: an.
Pt,! Prea+ Se/drab!,
Cloak, Cloaking., It.. tr.
tilAt./.AGEI) 11000S!—A. A. Menus &
y open. no !doralay. II en,. ol
, TT llm*Ta. by water. et.topriplug Cali•
cor, Ulm:hams, Flaitt,ela; Chrets. ar. dr ,
whlrh rill Ile 401.1 at nearly our. half tbe. lt
no 2.1
URPILY & BURCHFIELD inform their
1~l ~mm., and I.,x,rm generally that rho, L.
now 11{ , d11 111.1 r eF.CONID bog, pannl, t h- 1 .11
trad, nod it.k alu.nti..t. n. LLeit :nil
LADIES' GOODS. toFn.!, waript7 rich
I , War, Nrimen., Cobun, lluAla J.
Lonoli sal I , qu,ra..—New nrr 1. ltmeho, v•r,
ha-viN , tut::i......rhin en. op,: Wool dn., yhtlo ant W.,' .1 1 r.
Mir). aa.fonlonwl Th 11.4. tr.
filch p 1 is Itil,S.rnr., Mark mad half mourvizg an., nr.r
.41k he ' ; ' l l' t dr :: alto rrerlynl truth.. empply of impor
bhutlut urlin tad Ifirti Ltue, furl bull. tour
Sad tll rilltltf tot priror for quality.
ppontry. 51erchar ur. luvitnl In call in our wholemle
rm.... up Abtro. V en. tlnois are MN In.. 0e1 4 .1
. _
4.1 ILK WAIL!' PARAIiIA'II'AS—JuNt ree ' d
{...J at A A II AStIN /I ("4, 'S. 62 sn.l t 4 Ilnri,4 0 n.. 1 1
i I L.ol' ES AND
!-lio-s.llptl-,A.. A. S'l AtWIN
1 1 tr ; Azz,:.3. h.4.6lo: rt "k. r :° j
...10_.„, of uh., r . _unprilng
plop , than 1.1.1....5r.
PHESS GOODS—Opening tinily at A. A.
laaawi a () , S. eeeee NI,In of Whig - 1,0.1v Pre , *
I, eansbalnr of 1110, Cullmorru, D. Lair., Marino..
Panariell.s., Ai 0 ,,,,, A, ,„.
(01. KS I SILKS !--Now opening at A.. 1
- ,
VO ol very Lablitmable rlalrl .b+.. a
73 ,rotr;
10 do el t lir,acioe..l.• o'7
11101 C -NE T. RIBBO - fiEL-A. A. 1,4.160 N
JIP CV. will extilhit thirtuurn4rui 9 ralLtnn• ct deb 1,4,
..._ .
rhr a laartddield hart. natur e d a taut aural! aOa
.. dewirandt gpda. at'll
l a narrated' Cave parolee:l a tall atteartrent al at. v
adde—ean,a, Ira at lalin per y at 4—se,l air. otneou,ter
rarer *intuit . Aii... , ... at $l.Ol , ,r, yard. . , , td
Iturebtlelti halo renetred an attoartcastat of Davektn
and fan:, evt,ra., wkdrh tbar aro relliuy
lavt--altet Impel. back Caadatterve anti tidal.. and a .tar,
et? al otvlat ...cordial y adapted Inr boy.' wear I rd,
massr: a co. will rdwa withtn the next low day..
iNlrulr. of dx hundred ca.* alai ;tankage, t.f Fcretan
and idateoue I,y II attle. to waled.
a •11 , .
sale and retail puretauare le Invited zt,.:
—A. A. 1.1.V..0N A C.l. wilfk,o thi• 4%1 - ...4 .... 01
.bone OA+l.- ' 46
Ykt7 7 :2lP:d.‘"o.,,`lt,',':.l " 4lL a cz o a .-- !.7 -
eiAnAkftiS i 1110136. DE LIIKESL—
,,./.1ki.41. mar A , F1 . 1. l a zpist recorlo.4 a] c..A 1 ..
NoweroAtAritly reerivtoc at W.. IIrCLINTOCEI4
t Wurboar. No.lo. Fourth owl.. to •hlob V. In
N l l=l:7=o o tirse'llt:w h o';'&l•Aa to .V.VO.A. t Prrilil
_ .
clap l ' l4 n( thr tkbwa adrien..ootvi.
Sys, 2111
1.101. the attnaloa porska...a•V.
441 lartor than me tovfor• offered 31., ' 4, ""'"l
old Vt. 14144 Dup.( Waryboa, bo to " urtb rt. " Lb.
- _ _
YIJ TfusrmiNos—
v, ...,MeCLINTOCS Irrot tea .tho aticalaca cf CliTtise
mactufartgront tett!. largo !Kurt of Ulm. and Itrab tlotto,
Osto. Clotho ' .04 TNatottaga; .Llott oto . 41 .4 1 . 4 1 °4' 1, 4
pr tboCarget Warebototto 3 Itourtb
to ottotr ectourtantly port 140 fall gat of dour[...,
Orta lad common ISOLA 1N oftRPNIX, of lult soul
atritot•tat ;Lou .1 . 41116.4 Ntaal WS illll4 , 01. la'
.11lICM. of Moor witt.itor to furaith attarll,St/ nr It -uoclt.
flip, &Li, tall or. the Carp. Wvot.nuoit., No. all V, rat et
- co l
. _ .
RUSSIA'S CARPETS—W. 111oCt.wrocc
in gory .Meth t rich agd...* at, le IllgUS.
A CAlittitle, lovltco tho atteatoto of put
hoar, as be is tletorcotoott to fell lovor Mao ems t.toto
tlatt mat tot Call at Ito 01,1 cottattlistoot Carrot 14 are-
Nona, No. a. 5 Vourth rt. tot
style. Tswstr, Brawls fax pet.)¢4. midst the Car
g..t=lbouse, No. r 5 stmt.
w. St redunsl rrke.
11110ilitir to parthar. alto. w • no.ll.
fi SEW GOODS. - •
TILE SUBSCRIBER towing now reoeivo4
?Jolt Bo V pn/parlal kb WAY. bola
U. We Drya 4. pd.,
b. la uonda Lb. Butyl.. as well a hlr..
Wet of hoop Don Gond, emendate. pv-c
-4-4 ebony 0114. , for earning and 40.1., dre... Torr . flab:
4-4 Hwes..l.
Plain Illark. Bilks, all recto and Irldltnn
Brneada 111.1 Bilk.
Ilaavy Watanal 7.15. all raw...
• Yr.&
Mull. de Natter.
Freak Alain.. and Cwt....
Tonal/an with and knallah Printa.ln
114, 134 awl 134 Barash, Y I .4‘IWKS
44, 44 an/ 04 and Isiah P111u• Lt.... •
74, 44 and4o4 UM* bam•rk.•
44 wad I.4maxt N41 ,4 1.•ry1
Llottaback Disp4r and Crtall T0r.111.,1
PrlnVa Ilsuu lablo Coven, rupdt. svoU
11,uselltre Fuencli, watt., Dimity, Ou main and
ettrtnito 114terrial., 4.
"Eu ` '. "" k tatint r i.s.,,
[Rank Canton Mad;
War% blubalr Lamar.
Silk Warp nand Cloth;
black Chaner
rranch Iln Crown Node and Craps
Vrib, ( bandratta• a nd Hlorrer, Collar; and Cufbr, Ober.
and .11a width 00-al. win b• narrant..l an.l
eoloraand dump A , T atbanl•
pepla JA)11:8 A. IdoK2IIOIIT,
1/15V 000D8.
4ECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening
• 60 0 y o a 4
Lawny of
moat&=y4.l.l black Inman:Lew. ot the newest and
10 phone Una end cohered Clothe, of the moot superior
The lareirst and toast rplen/Id sourtment of Veotingi
ever brov&ht to Ole oar.
60 des. Undershirte and Drawers.
60 dos. fiDO sod DapiniSse Plat.
hope seeortnient of Creel.. Handkirublofe. &a.
Which._ likelier with the very largo stock of R.EAUT
&UDC ULUTIIIht/. of that:lost teittioneble styli. niways
on bend, presents one of the hugest end 03.4Ifaktdonable
stook. of tickile, adapted In eteneetneuk
la the
unseat. ltoouteri kit of which the proprietor le &tannin.
ed to offer at the Teri wrest orbn for rush.
Orders d u
the e h Tailor
eeting Une executed lo the beet maw
nor. rt notice. . soot'
New Pall Dry Goods.
A. MASON CO., have received and
• .• 0•••10•—• Mies Os. Prepeb Merino., of
lined.. adapted espresely this in•ra.a:
.csiteel Alpatese and Mohair Murree: erobniring plata bit,
1 1 4 esn ""%`::7 ca , d it i b beTtl= go oi rk 'n et.T i vine '''
hag ell ./ Wu and Qualif /00 pa. Wonted ;Zit*. bit
and MU/ viola. 'rho above smelt eerier oder for rale at
pep. which vs no. confidant are nor... Jewell, low.
JICCORDEONS—A. splendid and varied
rtack of the bowl brands, just nierbted.
UTE:3--A very
and of
Weedier with I, 4,6, wad
key., cocoa wood. and of tbs beet make., very ebelp,juat
GUITARS—An artanelve and choice nick arriving.
VIOLINS—Some very dna cid onw.e, and now of every
variety of idyls and prier
HARP ATRINGS—A no. eidectioto alb. fir Guitar and
47 nor
Coronets, Tubas, .
otn IllbowornTrtunpefe, and re
:I= 7 gig:re i t f rpwrt.d and tnN
Alm the sewed and moot popular murk, Jost received.
N. IL—The above lustre:rants are warrantee! to bore
reet and perfect In cocci roper—if lobed fealty lb. mi
ner ewill be returned. 11. 14LEIMir
AliPßi'Sl CARPETS I—Rec'd this day
by W. IIIeCIANTIVA., mw CA R Pob elle. Named..
k as, awl Gammon INGRAIN ET.% vhleh we am
r."`rbf: d .r.VA. k "W. u = c l'll:'7a ;17471
Mau& and thaw. withlow to_parea to Kira us • call,.
to. UW Eatablistnad '.larpod Wareham., No. to Fotarth .t.
med. 4 W. McCLINTutIK.
Straw &tame and Hat Warehouse,
lAIL PALMER offers for sa le , at -tory
• low plias, a fall amortmant of Straw and 11111ko
"fiMPLI In an nig
_plan and , ory
Ltrxrafa i it CnIP. UMAP, Mind, =LIM% Pa in ...La.
HITS—AIm% - YoutllV. and Bo l in' Loanom. 4=7 and
plain PPM& Wm., Panama. Mud o, and Palm Lea In
gants,l"torn. Wm , ChIP, Imp. Lot,, sad Hair,
=4.v. frra,l.r , and other ibruts,ln mat mi.
d e nnatekb sad Bait plain Sulu mond
clow./.1918-..l.l.4%auFtliknt alug4tl=3.atri
STRAW 111.11111N03-barb,
, Pete
OI a
T•—• 13 0./uttoos,Bridda,
py. =fi•ala rriga
-435. do Maw ' 4" " 71 " -41 a
41,111.nad mom', t. .. 4 (Atm Irtn muted
z . , .. , ZlEV ß tilasortstl 414 • • - 7*
Bum Absobx."l"
lIE SUBSCRIBER has just receivisi' a
tadterthle and extensh. lot of Plano. oft ,ax.
:17. oloa
attuned, from the celebrated factory of 8. B. bun
ham, N. ti ...amon °them—
e rosewood Plana, 0 on— gothic tablet,
do du .1% oct , do-.
74111., on. of DGNII.OII3 famoua 7at. CONCEIIT
81ANd.8. edual to • grand Plano In power and volume of
tome. Thene Hanna hare a new and improved scale, allow.
log a very large felt eararal hammer , and thowaffordlng
aLL the adrenta g e e of a •gmtwt Piano. The coddle tad
Prof...don are roepretfidlt {totted to call. and exam'.
this elegant ittstrument. The Mate 0111 was exhibited by
Micdus Fmith A Nixon. of flindonath at the hieehanire
Dad, rod provoundd tha Piarm era, brought to
that city—comment...a for power and Slreetnem atop,
and ohotlrity of burl. U. IiLEBEL
N. 101 Third ed_ elan ot the Golden Harp.
N. 13.—New arrangements enterad lure with Mr. Dan.
ham. onables too gubeeriber to selliLis Pito. 10 per cent
lower than brooch thue enabling, t o h oc
ehraper here, than at thwead. Call and ex • no o . h e r o .
re.h.wing el•ewhere._ rap
Now Ready !!
VERY LADY having Piano ohould
Purcbai. and rrad Templeton's near linaa.
tiavi-rattti! this is a bfantiful bitsik. for n PRESENT.—
lt Ithout eannpllon as orate piamul printing and binding
as ever Wt i t eascutni.
There la no podsible casualty that can happen to a N a no
for which it dory not point an eta) turned,. br,idn. at t ir,
directlona how ho kmp the instrument ALWAYS I.
TUNE. Price only .n time, that It
tan b e see ,. b y roan to ony part of the Unit..,l State tor a
ew renta.
.. .
Publb bed by Iced Walker s _Philadalphla,Wnd maw be
LW of JoIIN it. MELLOR. Wood street, acid HENRY
KLF-lallt. Third street, Pittelourgb, and .t the principal
bock worm. • decl
ChddiCe J ring . ll ' Manna.. ___ __ .
01IN 11. MELLOR, Agent formi til
Chkkerlnces Plano.. for Agent
RIO Western PonnsylrardW So- 6 Mood et..
Lan}UK lined. rece new and Ter r luaro stock
d PI ASO YORT/ts, from the manufactory of Cblckerinw
Boon, eousiodog or e, eX, &X awl 7 mid , oa, c.v. , 1. ,
plain. nod
1 1 01tALE—A ..,,,,,,..' ' -
..,ALE—A second hand
‘.: 2 er P 4 1 7 4 ; N tL 63 7. " t a s .0 76 ! t o f n c:; :ot : : ::17h y
IL MICE:MK .1 Wood fl
""" •ua aonm,`". e' n " . f
0r. 3 1 IUWN
r.tame where thr meet
The harp that mien fly
rims 1,. me.
Oman', the kyr; Piluelen laud forever,
Auld 11 , 11,10 LIM.. hod Riding Foal, la.
Dome , weef home: San (nn the Ozer,
The ...alien. The Lord'. Prseer,ulth mu-
Th.. K....makr, ar.muel to the de he S. 1/Irecer.
caealler: A Pontine, II ymn--.' Fitter*
Str,ka he barp gently, by air we all are P•Tled;"
IC.N.dbure, Why do eumfder Rows fade?
The 4.0.4 11.,ar1; wlth eoloted phtte.
ert Ann• of the yal,K Voreat,ltrldee, Flower. Robot ,
The mother . .. snug; fish and Dimmer Polka.,
Call um mat ogres,; Mrs& Widta,
and for sale be - !OLIN II !di:LIAR,•freeL
Double, Reed Melodeon
butmeriher ban juot opened a very
fine onard, with double eel. or need,
tatt-lf. Ihe ttutin4l carhardt Needham, N.
Tine Inatrularsit .11 pnerer In•ny small organ.
•...I rup,.rlor to It In 01 vn.etnea• nf Inne. ea.
peed I to rtat..l In tune. end twilit, fur truneportluu. It
Intentle tor nee In ehurrhe, and toll.
nt.nh {referable tu In 0h...n0t:1.3.0t. respect.
DurrLaa. au In , trunsent of the kind are respect.
fully ill•it.i tO ra II and examine the preel,ise to Ite
l•-lug taken arse Irma the aulveramee uneven., harlot
oplerod by a nonge,pdlon in 11,0 , rite.
11. lII.RDER, Sole It,fotlt
tC) r .r the erlulual a beedlnun.
_ • . _
New Boots.
JUST RECEIVED and foraalb by J.
It r y b y, Ith Ingd.
rcrbyt l.a. awl Pr,* I Trees, ~ .Priring Wl.*ra
u. r. and •Ild tg , g4 u 1, with
da.criptign. lutnlgging operating., at , . J. Springer.
tgutpn lint. arsJ Nllrrela t.f the kngligh .11 Ansyma, b H
y alt
. and Ow 11. r. U. Crystal NI.
1+ 11 am, V. It. Ir.. author ‘,l Nov .o ar.
1 1 :, It . t w rot 4't a
'trio ' sr, ' 1,1,11 . 16 .17 '1',' :
lit , t.g, 1..1 ,
Th. altar, an ArDsal la t.h.lf nuallr War.
shjp, sod hymns. guff rah...Ur a 1111.12
, str.ll , Y ,
fr it:rgrg, l ,.l,, ail wit owl without rullulov,
1., to umers. lb. truths. p.a., .113tristlaulty,
101 d'l•sl4,
inany nthara ano ona,arou...., aaa
•14 • tra•t2 anpaly of Ulan% Wort and Stationary aririni
tuu3 fast uc .10
f:Altl). magnificent Nt;r4:o4
Cuaag Crand Piano Laing about' tr. la 'amend from
(no oillenrrtim.r . • arrmea. he haa earaival loorMI•34•14 of
Oa. ao , ntfautart urabaant it to retain it for oue day
P.rare, to urdar lot .Punt Um.. of tur AUrtu nba bay , *
uwa utuivalird 'wk., of
orportuulty to oat mut eauntue ate taro,
Banns' Orand Pianos !
vsT RECEIVED, rt splendidom
nwolrond fuU slum( 01t.% NI/
11• I, Lvmt t. LeNry •( , uatu Clark.
1501 a... all Lb. Wart nt
,IMPOtz, butt an palata to-
tots Pow, felt Law Lt
{atm.{ w.t.ltso Labe.. /to
and Lime bo rn. o
.r. truly ..t..i.Ltrw, swl ouch
hh in of It. torclurl.hoi , 0 to ...Ur the prev-r.
war inhalupe mottAvt sad a'Venfte Wes. 'mahout the
di...ft mds.l. Th. furniture Is wttren•ly rkh
lb w.,4 tut, trithGat that iadl.74pp law overios.lll2¢.l
rar..4 work. .hire, to sag /Lk. Ptthtt , ttlth. tllwr.
Imwderhls to reap el.-an .4 fnl oNer. The /mita
ashl fi
grlallemon are rappArtlttlly birthed to call and ea.,
Int 11./. urtrivall.;,l rm:o liano kat.. tb.prea
,. of 11. K. LEttl:I1,110
or lb
Lair A.ot br hoops and
N. —Aixr. Ey. grueral
Lotata W•
A }Unary of Pittsburgh.
. CRAW, Lai.
'<Tr Patabotta. Pun lb* earliest gerirel taws it
at. roltel h 7 • bite pea. down to or lw tail
rie..”, with male. IR PP tint eetabeitapopol of KIP+ oX
thettoport.t atastotsclotnee awl eselona toll. datee
oat sopeolepteut. op :a the tolletot Pop: to which le tell.
.1 theater uyeto the eivante.g. of our rept!. as coos
^,Jettodsp.• Pottunepial ontscolts. Patna PoPonser
P.. 4.0+:414 /....fAtt of booty.. trowel:led he, .4441.
ly neeo our Pieta 5.0.1 ety,...soies,too L oropostrate.
Tbee t* co pont to LP. Vpi..4 here +o many nc.
tent eves. soot etentreertoett of hiparopi Pam.
betestpPo t toterte . elliPebilkitektilinirA - i - tal en t s .
mlto recrlatai atteaniewee eur . itopPon. Pesucte
fia capt.e.ll4to to settle her.. otieet of PA Pro.
weed •tt
312 rect., mu L•cusl4' Mt:.
Lad eslr H JOHN H. 144.011.
el It nc4 atre.l
New Music.
ot GIPSI"S SONG, or My Gallant Bark;
as alta rartnrear tralaao , br Joy Lind. •I
1 - ...,,onevrt la rlttaberch.
The mar,...rat eavala'at • Ter? Vab.t . trtar
the I>rne~ oaa hr Cathartn• It e) • h Arsariea.
He s• rnairoattaqua nat.
The ljamtaiaerted kefumi.
The Algoai by II Elam.
The kaaagetaeat ller
al,— a general ...leetica wt the most Male dy
rlrahL.w"‘..KLtlrlfit. 161 Thhl
nm• _ !he On,lerk
Sacred itinsio Books.
VANTICA 1 .T UDIS, by Ma.on & Webb;
.J CARR INA AA LA, do J do
NM CARIII. A AACRA, d-,. do.
Mt LILLE MI V., • to.. vollectloa of Oloo• •al Part
Eon.. no/ortal •nd•rnef/ed.foe Um Awe of Marina Om,
Teolforo., res. , bere Ingmar*. %aft inns... of Um lkiWas
Academy of bluelo., 1, 1 . Low.]: Shone *Goo.). Webb.
A Lore quwelly of tb• aboirg work • reoid awl for Ago by
eel!, YUIIN 11. NlYl.l.flit. At Wuol rt.
rrilE. difficulty Of , obtaining a correct and
I. ,roteTtope.l C1.1.4;1 In thle esmtarr. having heath
Celt the mateitel pue.ia. the .01•11.
her hem MA Inetle him eximmelr, •.I,Tee• weeTk.
',Pith have jest ertire.l. They are freme the tertery ei
the tree gnaker In
r. IKTlrrypo, stml are vatratihd n ner.s.•
1 -
.413.t.e1s y 010r4.1 lof
The etu.k enso,rlot4--
• ChnoceTe-11 end It a.r.,
Thou In sant of (call( peal Clartenoun cwt . his a
rare shanty 11. ET. It Ell
net eleu of the Goldua Rare. Ka lot :Rand at,
NOW Nano.
if)o[lN 11.'DIELL011, Nu. 811Vuod street,
has re:trivet - thy fall,,trtn• new and poem.* Plena et
fader Jouge-1, C I r
•wier Ilateh (rota Luria as Lane
tin: toy. etury Ari• '1.1: tsertneon
Pssestul Sle We—Mover: bet !larch;
Moonlight: I. tllseplug. JIMA. botch Styr. '
W• ntos uto•l. put. Word's lUr Qulsk Step,
The CaT•11.11 ,
TA.. me bolus to dla; I have Melt.. thou hut
I Watch tor Ines, ' Came clog toe that strut alr
/twitted to lb. Icy ad one, attaln—eartstkuu
l'atbre• Stut •r. In Truutole--11mulleto
J. Hardy: Ve/Isse me If all thew en-
Why do summer rose. late/ dearlus young shams,
1111Iput llotest's,Qatel Melt
/mutton. Itrerly's. Aurora. and Oliver Dell Waltust
Llly, Natters Fancy. Illeenter t Shame. Flm /fly, isnyty
Gray, et nettatt.CotteeSt• Srlea. Copt:eft, and eally
Eli. THE WATERS:NOW, by H..ityan;
Erin'oChild In *weak 1140antaill Daisy. bi Llnley;
I saa happy era I lured ton; In drearna or pease; Child of
• theliVaya, rianaUcf. 1.401 /lean mai *a ra,l. altb •ig;:attfo: Nolly tuts, Th. baranuff., by
;:mia t. ao " l:a 7 ' W1T:1%1 7 4 (. 4%7A . Watr " .* * lftrpt,t .
sonfe, Nom*, Low. Sher, duetta: Via %ILI PM =dr.
Nally nu Lady; N l r l e 4l :una Nang—T.llloa thy. ara
In Tut =ix Att,T.:lfi'a
' ffitZreall
IVaahltation; La (1.1 of the , Village; Val,* brilliant.
ta.rrti i .Nrira'titrf °lh ' m
Nimbly raw* PetlMP.,l•ol•lia, Aipohlwr, " .Z
Tanfal* miaral aliyealle, by Myer; FinarrY Mebotliah
-11•11.da thi. arid la Petit TamboUr—ltondog tidy.;
Car . (Jlnyr. basalt'. Quick bteN Nino Medlar lharturoa
—No I.Nosa of
land. ..:E No. Shamyork of Inland; Nu.
a. Thlatio of timt .u.ed And
('oar net
stabil JIIUN AIKLLUIL, 81 Wool at
Mono of Falai Point . VIM. Tale, / X
.D• ',martin.. Tratulauld from lb.
Drench. •
M.p.h. of Roy. Edward Dlcker•stitsruv of Wet.
Ilertx; by Rae. T. U. Blr AL .I, or of Ka11•411.
Dertt; •Ith ...r.D.Do• by EDW.. .Trns. D. L.
' Alare• Ma. Andviltion • Manual of fttons• An•
t bi• ID es, with 17113151 Mr OIL iiillitZll4o.l34 by Charm. Anthoti.
L. 4U.
. .
leant to the Due Placer. or 14emorialsof Chriatlan LI&
in the glitidia Amen from the Warman of the late Antra.
tooampler; I Mow, mom
The Mac of tie W Pe Mom • Commentary on thb Second
(.11apter of AL Matthew; by grehiwil Clemens Manch, IL
Iv, Examining Chaplain Of the Lon' Bishop of Ovrowl, Pc.
Barisal from thil Lawton edition. i•MO, put.
1"4111, Meth/IL—The Illainenta of Mash.% dwilgued
ftgikirtler, Allas Loomis, M. d., ern/moor of Math
tra 111 Pictorial Fleldillook of the Itavolotioa; league.
"iiiVZON:nt erz:r4N."-Ti.,1111%-.
78 Apollo Iluilding7 , ouriti st.
DlEViri BOOKS I—trav'ele in the United
stabil, Pe., during Pleg and 1880 t by the bay itio.
Stuart Wortion I 001-1.2m0.,.7te.
The illstory of ilia kmprem Jawighlnec hl{. B. Cabbott
with ther.112125 / vol. Ihmo., Sew
No. N, for August. Aulstoo • 1 1ralmalrar Marais and
E'r,C."ll'll; : j tul ?r ir Mi'l l i atlylf th ateeb ß'"W ralaa. 6 Erarain• Work
braloorrang. Just *rad and.for We by
J. L. MEAD. 78 Apollo liollAlthra,
•spl fourth street.
New Books, Jot Received.
TEAST: a Problem; reprinted with apnea.
Limo. rablittonm by Lra smith. of Alton brake.
IliMv of Cleopram, Quinn of Eiura, by Jacob Abbott.
18mo., sous.
Mira Mehl; • tal• of tba Poratrara 12mo, min.
Marabou; • Tatra by Annan. Dowry,•otboy oyagrarara•
and Portrait." rap. And to so.
pploww. Mechanise tilsissuss and Nostsssfe Jost.
BfrneSbletlasstr of Mwhadet, Samara Watt and
rimming; os. 31 and
Irassrag's Pratotial Me el
ld Book of th. RosolutlotS' / 11 ..
Ns/Intim: Its Osogssphy sad Bibb, Intb LW/.
offssisble Mama by 11. IJlbbstal, of Nast °summit:malls.
.I . li TIM X rsTiZAL.
r • .1"
it= ADO* bonlings. Yount, st.
sold Palk Documents of duo 'Mated Melia,
ta . Ftocomi oft or Gleorr•Wublon to th• Prettano
;At rr i zaLtyl= u g i o=ot t von. mow
Nan' IVEsur lizetorte; coataheing l'ollOtel.aadarloti,
ISCUMURIIMI, etcmucal, Xamotoloil, and IJO
aca r= l lm 1.12= toltrITLI4
cal the ThOe• horn /al. • 7" *. "'
• ralotakliroOtts thr sade ho. • • .
&I/ BTO( . 1ITOR. Q Marlut
The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice.
iiiiir,O,OD.,Po,LE,SI gad f 1 AND BLOOD- are the pro
n well coot-sited into th ood, :oelet=4Totr
11. troll dißear rl
out a healthy stomach, and good power of diabation.
rlala that good flesh awl blood ran o. he pro-load,
with the beet of feeding. Dyspeptics never can recover as
long s.. Indigestion continues. This great •ant of Ines
this la moat baDnily aopplied by Dr. llonehlcies wisher
tot pgitsfy, or tree Digestive Fluid. made front thestom
ach of the Ox. the real digebtile material IttrlL creetal
Cy nattiv. for this very purpose. Thiess eon:letting ration
al, end as valuable and successful It is rational. It Is
doing wonders for the" Lem Hine" with bad stomachs,
giving, le reality. the digestion of tons to he poor weak
IY:r.ti:rtl.:;2gl'... 4 ,i . gniret: of b ell" j tot
'" the
ts ws] wholesale arid retai Ag
l en for oREL Pittsbu L.
Almz—For Mid by FL SELLlfiti3, 4: Wr street.
A Medicine for
Cavils, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronclitia
fateA"l doci no sicken the etomac: a k in, not coneti.
the hownha I t untvelax tenand render the
Persou who totes it liable to a fresh raid by every puff of
wind, that panne. It I. perfectly harmless It IP lomindl.
seta, and Is man and effectual inproducing • tare. The
moat violent ease. of natant Cougha and lloarmena. have
been cared by It In a lbw hours.
ft has so vetoes, Otto at - hon.—The old rough medicines
all sicken Pm stomach and prodnoe mho., which I. more
44w...hie than the Pitigh Itself. ,Thls is obviated In
tfllhis mixture. kw it is a pleammt nothing article, arid it
eure-nov tile mane" &WI he refunded/ The ovideore in
favor of this medicine In our cite, from oar own chianti,
*old atmelnre anyone of hardiest y. Ilia the annocrlp
tion of a ....der PhYstelati, and has hem used by him in
LL. ownove moth. for • number Of yea., with the'routt
i Orturtitygient.—A lady from Stattionville wriliwthat her
daughter had been &Piloted with &cough and eipocetift.
lion. [debt steal.. beetle fever, and ail the distrensing,
ti.i he was 14 . 1 , 7 d. and that u :lter . t i tiktut two too
iounty. who had colored with Ll:Ema'ald cha t rot ' 0% 4 4; 3 1
foe eliht yearn. has hen. • relieved. nod the tough
remnywl, by the u. °matt' too. r. el bottles of thin Pm
total Pylon. A gentleman Peoria, Muni, •rile.
that 'lto know, the Peetoral Syrup- to be a gout amide.
for he has sett It In bit owncase. and In the ea.. II
members of hie huully, with this tu.ot perfnot Nueco...
ts nee J 10. cheapest medicinre [new.. It le put hnin
hilt }dill bottle. at LAI oen• each, ur tip bottle. lor 12.Y.P.
Canary titbrokentorn would do sell to beep a Nonni, of
this Use Wine on baud all the time, an it in one of the moat
perfect cud *Piratic.ur remedies ever diseuver. fin all
Lionel. sod 01 14,e1ti1kit44.110015.1w.C0.1M.1.-
(Won Mcfr.l —NIanT pertotut try to not un tub°,
PrIIMP ono of the rano. jt.truma, but do not Loud thorn
If) rant to got wet! bur Dr: Portural Syron,
ad talc... no other—lt CH cu. you. It bat to it runt+ of
thu mint ralulthle plant,. and herte of the ,aaforot mamba,.
and he compounded by berm. planed In lito boating po art.
Thome.] La do doroption in Ibis mnlleine. iti
. 1 in 7not on. rt.., and tit. proprietor bet ontnorono our
tiflratat frttm nuosone rooldlng here, att.ting lta valoott.lo
PtOktrtlea, which wilt Ix shown to for norm, Jaen.. of
twang term.
Juno. wuoted thronghout the Under] Slalom lowa thin
tonticino. dlnclunin•lll be mode to ance•h• will
l•ke an hatennl In mu =Nikita. it .lii pay n larva pn.-
At to all tuyoupc !unlace, they 111 Ye , cluing enderlng but
inanity • o.rtlect by placing In than huni• the gnmiern
toedtclua lor hang dire.. the ars.rld h. over prolun.,l
'gin cal, wholo.le and rel.', by 6t'.l PER • Moto nA'•
ELL, int1.:141,140 Wind n 4. Pltlaburgh. dot
Dr. rtyser's Pectoril Syrup. -
CIINNII3I.r It 0: to Its...sly Vrtinoplos Cough.
I.lroothitio sod tin. various dims.. or the pubs,
"RV. nun of lb. megieortaln god offrettiol morel',
Fir ‘l*.i.s. t the chart sod pultnonsry ors.. sr, di.
scrarsd Lt. ts smobistotlos of various sweetahts
eines to the.= ofa Mut, in sett, to maks It palata
ble 11 bag dlffssout loon an, of ths
Can't, Nielson., nun It ow. an it doss WO c.v./Aosta 111.
bowels. Pot prods , : Pirkorsts of tbe alt.marh. a &tilt 100
fllnillut , ust.
iLlstrotscly diosolsts tbs ntmrahoodaot lion of
phlsgto which sztessi Vsearslisl and ltrnchl
gladectiones sod Its washing eth,
bossoross.C. alai constitute. map be. 7.11.1 MI to
Tto. mortalnr h. ustod ILIA o.lftbei. to a praclin Cl PIP
(' al
tram g.. odgl Ib unt0...J.1 surrssa
outitty M would p
ihts maiming runstanll oo ha dond. well to kees supplr .
at will .sor fal
Sire pellet. awl allrunl• y a
large plant per to
eitawa of the moat doors.. kw (nosh. bass U... Osonsht
tb. noOrs props.. r. and hart Iswo
la it sort ghost time. It I. o. or. tlosehrapost ni.stielnsa
knowsn. Ills put ge 10 half plot bulbs at 50 mots .sch.
es C. &AM. for 84.5.1
Foe 'Elm: male and ryntll. byThER 51.1,01 T
ILL, 140 Rai .Nret, l'lttaburneb. 1..
For Pekin..,. 6,11. the rern" diressee
fbe restp—rereuftruvoileel by the Pittsburgh P... Or..
....I. Jaunts'. E' Tribut, Lamm heretmrs Settn
bot, wed Or, wure... art the arud. ett.t trr tbe
awn p•rpotee, µ welt us•elegnettly pert urned prepare. Wu 'or recta , vitt: ltke hair mat wad 0f..) •Ith `U , e , thrr
tiro donee with ma..
Wart;ll4.l to <un LP. vorat C.a.!, of Tenth Arno fn <7-
el 7 onf.F. and loftaetaueouall
Quart atnl hot flertys.... gtey•fed by Lan•fon Brother.
• Nat. tal Uppre Thaluee .treat,
,a.,h hy phyykian of th koret au.
thorny ae • va4ateble Cneewasaptioe ah
n. Symrala
1..11.na01e Pneumonia. Itbeateath.te, Car. of the
114., 1r tote dirrillag. th.tweal Drhint)y It. Col
thl Mighty narenoetaied by C It. WILLIAMS, M.
THOMAS %AMIN. a.tlind 11 . ium s r m
11. R. el IC. as./ h. J. 1.1: JNOII. C., of th• Hazels
Thle article of Ilree ((I t may k•
sal 1,01 by chetah-any lootsyl la ceder tnsatuty the d...ubt.
tor nklo by KETS.Rn t atoDOWILL; lee Weal Peva.
rittatnazh may
.' 41L=1 y t t4, 124 4:
1.141me.50 of the ;au ore ' , num Ne ." v p l ry faM
hy to km, • butter t their Imam* NW, for "
ecreetou may repeat R. .le the, m e ash, , f wt." ,
frees our actual tiverwma of the twat eoam—. F.( IM
Newham, pad dos-! %rob our readrr, cemaJac ohm e. pay amply le Ma liebt rermemenclatme m..7r •11.114. l
p•rticolar Iteoar
rl halm f Ihe alley of obieh arm -look
and NJ by It it HELLEN% 57 Run] au
pLORENCE WIIITE-1. beautiful gloss
otok Punt. tha t unchananatk• la way clanata.
I ink...F.lPo parrs. anat... &al thip robins. Aar •
taltern. An. With Wm ankle can to plutonoti ths Lichen
wok .1 ersioh lb pa, wags fly wild* known,,rolon
adoslarabia of • Wilt. 1t...1nk.. KO., tn. ta•ual mMo
Y,ula 11/11 • tn). 00 W•a.t
&U., fkryu.s. firrionan. Nymph. I•otona.. Anahro-
Manall.a. Patchouli. nom, ?wing kinerns, !ran,
biol. (toot, lionahmakow • , normar.F.
Ttww airs D.l.arol WWI Um best and Coro. an.
Twist*. sal asoon.ortta/Lxl by uly an lb. V..] Stat..
hor hl orni. , R. 11 REILEII.9 5: W.... 1 an
The Haman Body Meet Perspire.
Q,O SAYS NATORE, to hove a healthy Lap
puranno on 4 ;emus who 0 not pa m 00 . ,.. liable
to dm moat
ltd can to lolanoca Nor. Jona( Italian
time Chonaloal Ocap oatou.• flea ta . raptration. nod at Oa a
osolThlo. onano goo altln. Orin. It U. tra
I an Infant'a
Foorm Kul Itbecon, and !tom. an not onlr healed,
=rod h 1 It. al lout T phrsid,ma In N. York In -
who omit In such maw. and hod It unlallloo--•• Mao In
• Perm*. Illvt-bao. Vractios. other aalndlanoo ,
nada. la austral that into to no na•lna, petrol nran-tn as
oft e.t.a arose. I could at Nowt eighty
perocam curoll of Fero heal. lora lore. and ama broad.
Bur li—ond the
vas la a0..10 war.' would Dot tru•
oIIEV U. al. nohow I know It to to all atay.
*An an tosAsted. rracknd.or thaptAal neat..
n Anti do. not °air • Into, but • Dnro•ntlac and I ran
daor ant; mat that agyone ardleted wills./ of the lam . ,
or riofflar its
will Owl this la and 0.0 MN. Wool
natal° /ta rlopribral than / Mato
114 antes an tootol with It:Mallon.
and Ja aurayou oak (r donor Italtanetomakal Soar—and
Our It oat, e
oolr JACIS6./S. only serer In Pottoursh.
bowl or w.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
tie 4 lin or, cenu.—kevore at. n either, are bailors
mentreal Mal If thOtt . breathy•Ml.l . ao lout, or tbeit
twat drama& dark or villas, sad miaruned vita tart.,
that s 21.• mat Ea* of Jou' Amber Truth l'arts sill mak*
Me teeth as rano as we. mad the brmal, islontpriamly
Wrobald only JACISMON'II Nun. 1140 LlLerty et, he at
A Sciontide Hair Tanrt,- and Beau
fier.—Triat C0bb.,.1 lilymats. Thome els. have used
I.y . land tier Ihemmr time He amelleat *unitie,—
Mame who tees Sok. we snare It to mess. the sollowtok
t *nee the hair to gron any test stn.
LAZIO. 111.13661 hilt tannin; atop It t.loos od. nor..curl
er dandrulll, mid make lisht. red, or ono hair grow dark
It, rendartna IMF hair min sad silky, *mama cart vassal
Mall. It tittly bow:WM. kvepa it.•
de.4l, the moat monoraltal—yel ouperlor—nrUcle lot the
. .
Sad emir al WU. J.40X001111 atom 240 1..11 ,
11.4 a Wood. Iltuburgh.
mots.6o outs, sad 11.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
nano tor,tta sbauglug of nod, or gra : bah, too
nut brown, or boa s t
ergot, to a raw min...
rea-60 taut. and It.
b r WM. JACKlloll.l4oLlbartyrtreebtustlorWout.
Pittit ar a b.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE,—Ladica aro can
an nand " Lt. " bl U ir riatittal we
ly I titioiut eio . l
tln MitfPutt74ll7•VatTelltria*r4
UV: t el*, which
ag I gpaulsh Lttly White. "
— l. ''.'g r agto lationnit, t. burbled or .11 dsletartour
and It Imparts to I to a natural. bratty', at.
abwar, clear. &lag ati l t,. at lb. same U.. actin. tio ma.
agile mi Wu, malt.. It on tual smooth.
grad Mr agent, Wit. rIALIKNoh. attotta•rir street
hod 'I ad. Pittsburgh!Th.. 20
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASHING without tabor? Warranted
to take the Maim oat or table [lnncn and nall;
kink •
Mumma roe Usa.—Put yimr e.t.a In sullielent
quentlty Of told water to corer them , then add two table.
spoonfllls of this Ikap Powder. to cash Mr onerta of woe,
nead with theelothek If the water le L.N. add more of
the Powder. and buil them an minntsk In the mean time
Prom themdown with stick, then put them In a tub and
too aulitielent mkt miter. so that Way will not be too hot
to mile. Then rub the dirty ur in other word.,
titre Went thorough riming, and Wet a madielent to
make them clean.
e.—Thera Mini no rosin In this Soap. It will team
the o wn, eery white, and no bail oily emell , m some
map* do. The entire eat of Ws material Wed do*e not
wespied two P.M. to =whit. ...lour, au
arranted not to rot or injure the clothes.
TWA Powder that one paper will make twelve quarts
best family Solk
eay six quarts of water and
mix the Ponder with it, and then at Ir .. no r 1....
and to e rfrr ' 4,art, alof
wh.coAt will be very thlek .d niee White Poem, and
will wadi ei r andwill not eat tha hands like other Bon
limp, nor rot the cloth. flan be wed with bard or salt
water, by making the neuttitylr tistrftdg,
twrin. The Bat Soap la bad
all woollen griola
hold whaler.* sad retail by IL EFT7.L,V10,11,11,..
hishly sanatory. halmuMs mut tonic prom-Msr
611solikr, render It far superior to Colombo Walor
for the ordinary purposes of MI toilet sad bath. aurya.
Inp it . w t .. in me perfume and the , and In its
.ember etßesoyfor the promotion of clamminess and health.
or o.mondeshmt. Itsemollsot prosefti o t4
Imr alial !b l eh ' nt rn'... and "°=n dry " "ssr:tralratal t"rth' im n. part "" 7o 4 lt th an
umable elasticity. by inbalins aml rubbing la m t moose hmdarha Mt a fey minutes.
Bold by IL Y. lIIILLYKI6. 67 Waal st.
cO-PA.RTNEBSIIIP—The—e. subsoribere hug
- Jetts:Mince 00-Partnerohltrlntla m • of ikon..
Union & Okay.
ENNETT, BERRY & CO. have mnovad
to their oar Wonbou.h . comorotObonoory la. and
mit mom
IQ, AMR, to portant &Oasis sal Gray 11,0 r, to stator*
Um hair hat, it has Man DR vs become thin, lama
6 1 = 5.4 11 .64 3 , alatelpTtauVes, hot,
no 3 • • Wand and, man of
INSOBACE. \'\' i
=—.:--_-:.: :=.7 - 77 7 --____,_=„
. - • •
Weir Lake , Sirpenor Line lBsl. 1 Equita le Fire nt:trance 6ropany l' ,,pf
s now otaf s ner NORTHEN , Capt. B.
..,,,,„,,,,, „ja„,-,4., i ct ~, t ,
it , .... rims . man insures iri P s il n d red °llL against lima by eire.,
•••,1, gam+ and merchandlni. Yell.'
of May next. oft her first trip--and weekly ` ...rein: un ' on hull tig. • .
~,, , ,ria r Fro .f of loam.
Friday. at 0M o'clock. P. M.. for the Sant Ste, gyia .",` Iwid , ar el.at7 a/
'she steam, MANHATTAN. Cayt. , Jonn C WI.. will .
Ira'" S. ' M " ^e .i .t. 1 /. 41. ..'t , t 'Auction tom Lake i NATIONAL tpAN FUND , . LIFE INSURANCE
, A.r,
5, r i„,,,,,, the arrival of tbarteamer Narthernerring I CONf%ANY, OF. LONWN. \
regular weekly line, through°. the seaeon, ~. i
Cleveland nod the Cooper and Iron Mines.
Cleveland. 0.. April 25 ' ..11.5 k 1.— T t ' f 'aNKa. P'P6e le , ' Tills Comp iv y insured Lives between the
. 1 ages .of 15 and 60 year, , '''
AAVECG DISPOSED OF MY ,14. •or itun .nee In either of the above Cannon.
leaAjtii7etat f or
n..• • r g .L niLL .
co. \
TEREST IN BINGHAM'S LLVE., to goy broth 0 ~,,,,ii •wc
li / UP. HINGIIA3I, the busineas at Pittsburgh willher - . ----"'"'" Pittaburgh. Pa
lifts be trannwtod under th e style of `Wu, II gl
4. - 'nicht I W3I. BINGTDdr . ~,, Pittsburgh Life re Company.
1 IIiTS COMPANY wad incorporated 'in
Ringiousur Transportation Line, ! February, INZ.I. with L epaitisfyhatter. and hat
Fiiingvpi,J 185 11.
,'"rj. _ 'llcron; l patt i frotruZo n' ese hosth on throJaneS s tOrk and
51.101 I plan.
BETWEEN , Joint Pt...A p Lumen are .0-thlrd than
PITTSBURGH & TILE EASTERN CITIES. :u. ' s". ‘). 'l v ,
',... 1 1 , br aut..' c 0 .,, a ; , and Fifteen Pe \t.....
HE CANAL being now open, we /re rea- 1 k lfu r t h ilille h 'il.' h :l h ...“•• h t t h rie h ried by other
i. 1 1 . y . t . 7 . 2 . 10 and . 47ard,pioigintly. pe0da c ,,,,,,, I aafell tad Colorant,. M. 0.. iliflißki on the toa_M
. al : nnel lo.bare the ....bitted eeenrittlf \ iinalsh . odk r lf i t
Frehthts shears at lowest rates charred by respolle 1 t `17 . ,111 . 1..,...n .r "...t 10. "8 .. ' 2 ''''' \
, 0 , ...... werarnnent.
Product, and 11,0-handle. will be . rowired mid Soma of I Tr , CO at 4 o,Yerouts the granting of humus. on life:
east and wwo. without any charge for 0u,...,,,,,, r „,,,„ In every forruNlorhollug the fight of wiVildron. Pa - ,
ranging freight. commission. or storage. -'-' rente , relationtArtenle or ereditore--to itu. the life ot
Bill. of Lecith,g forwarded and aH directions (sultan, :rtiotte,nr... [ I,o4l,o4wo,nirac.inajvw.bstie_dt..._PWlLl`.....r.d.7,th.
attended tn. Addrose or ape , :ly to
111. RING! .M A CO, Canal Basin. at lbs option of tl
Corner Liberty_ and WlO - 00 005. IWO] li '
DINOI.IA3/ A DOCJl.4,lo.lilajket a ' t. r . ' . Jiro+.
between Fourth and PI on, Philadelphia. ranun
JAMES lIINtiIIAM. No.lo W u'' '
ruchl NVork. 1 " 4. " "cc'.
No. lw.l N or th Conn ,.
.....,.. h.i,._,,,,,.... I \
1 ----- --- Jcinn S. hiller
iitialat 1851 LifiZON'` ' 9u " frc "
Merchants' Transpoitation Lin
VIA rzusisrLy•Nis CANALS AND sinsoios,)
A. MeANULTY • CO., Canal Benin. 100 Penn street,
111All1./..9 RA FNOR. Orntral Block. Broad atteet, Phila
We are prepared to nvelve a large amount merchandise
gl i ptVirl r,,tit.—°°17,z,711.:1 t,:::tl.l°.trit
loos nine than in any previous meas. .
Age N. B. The Increaseal nuoutcr of.7`rnokaprovld by
St :anal
wi l l for carrying our boa. the
State Railroads, will prevent any tesenbility \I dela at
/Annum.. Holklaysburg or 1 201titula tins co.* .
febla Canal Cln i.._
- ---
.Q._46 1851
To7Shippen of ItferchaLdise,
7 1 '
. —..,.. ......
Al It Ifin I'mprietorn. fin Slarkeli r : and 81
Ontnntstte Phitatleipl...
BEL). A l.1(1.1i:TT, Agenla. Canal Ila An. llttaburnlat
MP+ TAI LOK A ettN. flaltonuse.
N'e ata p oltart f or Frtuntta at the owni as ng of
lu• Lb rat.. . Pennsylvania
rn and
an wash .I...ten an/ enr. an any c/her Linn yttn
Agricultural Implements.
lI4VE JUST received from the East the
tain.... K uf the tenet memularture
nil eauet rennut lemmllores. and I would narlte all
iartutrn call and examton my ' , took,
I , rlHum - Mar/m, to nor, beano, bent, turrds , ...6.:
Onelu brill, for weinat, rye, anti, eeml bark,
CoruCtsb Crunlusre.
. .
, Onra rbellrr for holvor aml hand rower
tqnou and Corn tatalk Cultlna lloaps
V....table knot Co.
on 1..0., and ow Chain Reiter..
el'ast.o..) Ovalle and Ilrtue Yythes, and Hoes
I.,asteteell tan. three and four prong fork..
All Inanufaerun.d from thy L..,t materials. awl Weal.
at Ma Drug and rue.d Store of
tovz • Curtwr of Waal and Siatb.trrets.
• -
&CARL. -1 have removud co my nett
(three d' , 4. Woe., oppodite the Bank of
lure, whom will Flad to see my frleuds and tal
low auJ nretre • of their custom. Iwill
1117 :. 1• Zi:ral l ial=r r ittrnlVa. U & ' , ' ,Vo ' al iruarg "'4.
ea, Yeatoar Beds, Hahne, and Palm. IlleateM.talta,
o , unlerpanew, and Comforts; Woulow nbadm,,,f avrry
Boor Aiwa. and er., artlrle usually frond In the
moat ea:axed,. eotaLtlatunent. of klud. ()niers ranee,
a,11e144 and pn.toptly 611.4.
apl 41.1. NOBLE. Third ernewt
IaTOOL—C.h paid for 15 , 001 h?'
v Y LEE.
HAVE jOst received from New York,
merLr 44 of no nyle WINLON (..13IINICI:8. and
tITAIY 8 For .1. low
- hiaP Et) TA C L E Sl—We have a complete
rtr.ek ot acad. Pilverr and 61.1 Statacitli, AIM the boa
4.414 of MISIT.I and wan.. We tit to r.
7' "I`,'•.t -r!" 11 " ZrkbPlM f
ItIANt!RE AND HAY FOilit'g—A goal
I& V .hur , WV..% e n N iazi " S= C .:Y:ai l ' ' l!rt d r l rll.l.'y i
It V. POINDEXTER. Witter .
J* 7 - Jtvan ft, Harper
- .
Anthracite CoaL
30 LOP;ul2l, 7 w. t re,e g e . d, oure t ri , or ari
C. A. IA Mie r * co,
3•3 Canal 11,m_
WANTED SOON—An actiro partne
W • large ales=
and machine shop. s
down. town. antela mita. Pittsburgh. A 3011Pir
of good dzaracter, with& small nopital Saw
who h.•• icrutwle.tig• thn moulding aF ian't
kw ware and marlitnery. auch constant work La
will ho ata to • rt..* m. with •\*
capital a FOrl prank slaw !I:M.10100 a Pd
applt turttisd particulars la ISAAC IIAMI.16:
ta:ta Annecy and lonidligrme Otdiod. Inanuxul, Alle
WbES LIQUORS, t:surelicryinalitl, :!Tnor:'
u par . POVIue
ID Iladelr• WI.,
tbiab lijab
~.„--eiast %AUL in the Diamond,
SUNDRIES -5 bble. SaleratuN •
1 box. o-evra Lea T.*&,,,,, ‘
t' : Prime fr . ..ToLwcy;
mannont.'s Till
;,'. rack/. Dcr II &Ir. fu: E 7 ',
+•,.:.2 MARIA% JUNE, & CO,
gE.N.:C ; A-1 Wu lbs. prime 'Alexand ‘a, b
n s_ F UUN EnTUCIA • ' .
VINEGAR -50 bble. furs by
0t.1.1 SAMUEL . SME./vEli
`VANILLA II EA YS—:blbs. „nsh, for salo
to, B. A FAIINESNCE a co.
I BURCHFIELD be, pad arum] au uairrtimeat of
lint. Diur. 0r.... ata.ll.4*. Bs^klnv. 1 , lanntrle. c, , x3.3
4-.4 rA .L I i ... II:„ , _ . LEA I' CIIIIIVZ .S;
at th FION cot RF
I"..urth and Mark. suerts. ,
ivUTTER—Fresh Roll, in hoses , reed dl,Ty
sr (.I.MI J. IL CAN,EIV.I.J2 L A
g.IIEESE-.500 boxei reed and for, safe b
‘.../ cu 43 . J. IL CANYtELD.
FISU-111 bbls. Lake Trout;
, •
_ c• - =
( i „:,ILVFER SAND—IS bbl.L for sale by \
D. A. FAIINKSTI./01,1 \ I
EN. RED-40 bbls. bright Eng., for sale\
, 11EESF.--10 i40.1e14 011411 Cl-4411111 11. 1 F.,
rre'd and Pm tab. by -
tol4 ta - 7CE A,lc-CANDLESS.
at hi. A0 1L1L1 . ,....1
riIABLE SALT—In boxes, fu le by
nnl4 WICK & 14 - 141.14,44.
VP44-ILIBII LALU PAPRILS--A. ettoioo lot.
1.74 " 14 Pawn. `)44:d or
- 1.12 %mist ' N'lr4= P ;4'ort.' y o.l t
PAPER--50 reams le
klealton 14,11111ns Pap,. ma
. 2ST: 1100 ma Ira al
22.2). ,., l.
16_aalet. 4 \1.5 11.4 E S
,1144 4 114 t mud -Al4l
hhdo. for sale by
1.7 nol2 a . DALZELL A Liberty at
. • . _ ..._
bight Exchange on Cnicinnati.
TOR hlt LE et the most favorable rates by
I on= A. WILILIN/i A 00.
1 Ms marvin, 2. awe of pl sin blaAk and wlllta and
neapMournlng La. ahawlo.
Ital 2 A. A. MASON A (N). Market It.
a sUIII CAMPHOR-9 bble. for sale by ',
\Tnolo J. KIDD A W.
JRAULD & IRVIN have a few shares "Ohio
and ['annoy !raw Haden.' Stnek." . gactantoll.Ak
well."aud ,lao Skalli,. furl.. Apply awn. polo
i , OFFEELISO bags Rio, for sale by
51..) doll J. S. DI LWONSII A 01).
11 ED FLANNELS--4 cniee, manufactured
tu. Y t New Rope Faettar. Ilemer ()mutt, hr
. Rumberor & Ived and for mak la•by
• 0.11 JOHN WAIT • CO.
OWNER WANTED—For 1900 Fire Brick
brscard ..r. Proems." end left vith me by (Yield,
nobeabola Wharf Master. T. WOODt ill 111111,
- - ----
- on 6 61 Water et:
DOT A9ll-8 buts. for sale by
[lop S. • w, RARBAUOLL
I) ISSIN-100 bbls. No. 1, for enlo by
JAL an2.l 5. a W. 111125•11011.
/1 ILEESIE,-122 boxes Cream, for sale by
lJ no2l 3•IIES DALZELL, m Wnter
1 LASS-100 bre. asn'd ii*s Window, for
IA sale by JlidIFS DALZELL.
ICE-10 tierces Fresh, forvile by
m2l JAIlp DA ELL.
It/RAPPING PAPER—Stravc - Wrapping
w inTem r "' ra . tire t atqlAtd,gs npea amt.
WALL PAPER—French ;and Arnerican
DM IRON-40 tone Jenny Lind Furnace
fbr oil. from rho dilekbony Wharf, by
moo J. a R. ➢LOYp.
v w .Rmv_aiwimmtraTt l
re 00K WHEAT FLOUIt-50 sacks in store
• JP
god far We by eziN J. ir It. FLOYD.
: . ...Vulcanized Dulls Rubber Soling,
JUST REC'D, a largo tinalitity Tf rione
Hackman! of Valconitrd Stain.. p bovelombin7-
347v:triclren:X/rg to .010.04 ht!firliior4llg.
Vita tb. sitebitcn of the oitivent littnbutsit stol
to thin Iltotinc, which bv. bren ' , totting tale", chit_
the victoro ptbl for th. last yekuc
in, twit ov it h. it. Gunnar, Rom/Wily mot amp
Art and on groat preeerver of LibbLffi.d...evac en.
cc / I.t e cd.w.. the cattle. .1. COIL PHILLIPS.
to= lndia Rubber Depot, Harlot oh
g IREAM TARTAR-12 .111 s. ppved, - war
t.) ranted pure, for by
ALAD OEI-50 baskets for silo
ce3o - B. A. MIMI:MOCK 00.
ORSE FOR SALE—A very . esira-
Bta v. m ily Ilona warm M rltral Icl
• • of J... 111.. !, :
L*miaiii i i i ammm,,e: ..,
Falun:~;~cmana►.snzrFr~ean~ rc'Sy
"Q A CKINO FLLNN t E 31urphy &
iutbEeltta relgk u t 2% pttn
t : nm l 2. Z ,n L
haii46 :the sesSilne llmliilakabL
11 "- Vr rn i , oT
John 2.‘nra..... Fa
Malcolm Lth,
non it Yr .4:41.
Jeroph °Warn. Y m, M.1 , -,
Jertsulah Brook, e, 11. D.
Funuel Dihrortb,..l.l. 4.... 4. tali 0 I, ,
IRobert Snyder. AI \1J., , ,R0 Fourth .gee.,
\ John Cranford, N. V. ...:9 14 i.1 , J4,r0.d, D
nr W , Mi."al Parma, Ti , 1 k . .T.1.. 07 ":114: ,, aict ~,,- 7
day, at 12 o'clock_ •
ti . ,,.\F r\ rtb atrele.
UMW a th. e'r'mpany. N. ~ ra- court•X•s.,'•'
Western Insurance Company ofPittsburgh.
\ci APi 'EA L 8300,0002. 11, JIILLEX, 4.,
1 Pre.i.Mg. F. IL 0.11.0. ik ,:- .lt. X%
win in , un , Witalnat •II kkols of Kelt; Fire and s\l Tin . e. '
Alkiraue.•llEbe liberally adjustwd and tomply naul\,,
AW,oun. InAltution—managud by Direr re who arelteW
Itnuelv. t , ta ,,, ccina=ty iv and
. 72: i 0 . tz: .,.. zt n r . vaz
lc, m t, - .1 . 7 - .:..«.1 a...lrma I'Le fr... 1. prott Wm to . thowl,
T'al[.. .. oi,„ Inlyred.
.r r a...— Reuben Miller, Ir.. J. W. Vial,. Nu, I.y.
0121 C. lb ,n. Thu, how, A 1... Nirtrk, thio. lull.. Cu.,.
Si' ecteoP. .11141 i, 1111.1.1 e,. ti..... 110rtna : :rub...
" i l . 47 4 ' 7 .ii"17".' ""
'L 4-1 4ik7... w —t00.,0,:;,..-. - ft . i . ;, , co
.... , r„—„rdo .u\lly
k ' 11..11tR15111116, I'A.
llESIG; Eli only',for thy bufer clapseli of\
prop... Vas an cutil: , . capital. end e3orda nut.,
or adientag..... i yang. 01 c 11 , ..s.„rnnaty and ....3.113.1 , .
d.a... ..t .1 60 uowl tnercLani.s. and ow t...n. r.:
A. ""'.' and L44,t'a , .‘ "t r:t r 1i r .1 1 1r1 . 172.11 y : - Actuary.
ne . 27 _ Branch i)170.0. \,' ' ' ' , 14 nt..,131.1..011
bileans ,
Secured in accords
t THEubwc
Is. of Ale &a.,
~ 4 , 1 11 on the wont tsiov
Oiuce sad .alety.
U. S. Bet,
tar, No. L! bruithficlat
A. A. CA,
Franklin Fire Insurance
PInECTORS: Charles 11
W. We:bards, Tbo.:llart. Idcre.
Adolphe E. Lne, exaniel
Jacob IL lall.ll. l'atturson
Cann, 0. Baran, ewentar .
110$ Oropany ouncloor• to •
or 11=1.00 • on ran, dncrloo o GI . I
outararr, .i. 40 as lo me az • 4._ ,
Th. CaLTAny ' lkre . rnen ' • int
arhmla. rah trial Capital mall Prrcon
.lo oro0.1•10 to Lbea...tred.
..... . ...... ...
l T; d
a;w•...Wh 1;a TZ t
• a W l Sin••• —••-- (—.l •.
"t"Z. :, - 1iF! ... .. - ii": , ,i'..O'i(ll - k - E - 7 ;11 1 7,..7,74 , jit.,74fft
1)4"a, Rohm linn 31;11.11. Pm ' 4, frenuAVarcf.,
liaC. Leiper,l4Znat Dittlnghat7f.LeJ. Dta - a, iVr\
0],.11. Joen Nenha , ‘4.a. N. at, lhaton. `Jnael 4 , ..
11.Ali b- w h-I 'V' 6 l , ',..itr.,..t, — ,k!cdrlrk
Chyle 117,_VI:Johl r frtn, ‘l7. Fliy, Cr.E.Tbrau..
John Se tn, Vim. Eyre, Jr., \ . %
~, , •
Law, •f l'irfanchna , ..D. p,,MorEna• linth ~ .I•4f.
'John T. mu,
• Min.., T., Pre4.lleol, Taf.C. limy Vice Pre\
dent J.. IV. ConEn, Pnefrrlary.'
lurtame the Camplaty, Np. 42 Water stitch PittP l \
bur Eb . ( "Jaf I . r,*. BlJtplaltA. Junta,
\ 0. • Laboratory. \
A ,
. 4 E— 76 .92 vr----f,-)
\ .4 - ,7 - , s kai *- 7rl
1 11111 j 8 9 !lir... I 95 \ lire .
'NC — . 1 8 , \ ..
..1--. 99 7
Per 'cent. SAingth. v \
OWELL LETWIER ggo. Main& .-
A Mra ot Al 11101.. Piareepitha*Lblome end En.
. •,, Copper Dirt! 'Vapor Whiskeyalways on Land:,
Myr of Vll2O d / ot:agreed. Wq.1.110.71. 01110..‘ N.
All orders Poobitrah will .rst promPtir elle&
at ,Weett market p , ~ •1117.17
Le ~ 'a Patent vanible W A
szter Filter
I S 'Q V/ to be e en in operatio at Wid.
ATA - 3,* (MIL Plum a nd 10 /mod/street, Me,
Mown Fe and Liberty at . t PRVOR MWILI,NP,
Z ‘ t . icid VI t `g:"41 .1 2r. 4." 121:11'orrhN's Took,
and a Odril • Gm the Fralklln institute of 1 lade].
S on% ' ilf:V.l . l}o r 't"' iregfiri l li "lit'"TrPriade alto
of which them o 'il i a= 20th. 11461
'IL '''
It pima me lemmata noommend to the lovers‘f
P.m, Gem wate . Patent Itmerefkle Willat 1. Merv, Ink
rented by IG, Lew . tiering wad 0011 0( them for sever-%
ad months. Tam em ihi to judm of khGr vain. \ .
\ GEO - 1t Karr. REA°. Arm,'" ,
\ .. anAnzuqua,ll 111th. /NG._
Tha Patric I I , 7 4 vsi• Water Palmer, mated hy km.
Samuel U. Mr and by me 03r er.mnmontb. id my
ge r r:rom=d7r b ri al pti li'' 1 T jrr.7l7 IN u 1 d 17t! ''''. b l a
teownmend 11 to thkpublle V, JOMAS P. CA iek.ll7l r
These Filters are )04 , 11.11•. ito N aire 4 4ll tiXt rmelli or
\ f,...
taw which may &Mee d 01 1.. 1 . 1 .. , . y 'imt ., .\
Ohs matter in the Irma, They waramed to , two
norm and with ordirsar care I tut tem and kyimin
0017 to In seen to be gyp ated. .
.v, i t ) , r e B hL . 71 a a Philwi jin el i plia\ '
i EA PIPE—Corn Pe • proved pate
i`4 4
LA Lead Pipe (be lizalranta. - i
A lrtl i ratOGlama.
Cisterso, ,
AU alms on hand and to arrive, for , mie try.„,
IGS VronlitttreeL
Heating and Vanilla on. \ '
T , Heating by Steam In llotele,Court ikoontlaVure
nOIII9. bank oMore,Stores.Sactorles. llmpitab• 4 ulld• ,
Mon 01 orm7deseript/ou r public and mina . \ Also..l4rus , t
teVet t rim U f i t irtfrerlt ofrkg In=r " M ', =
room nu Leiter me rel I. equal to It .
" Ylanefor Vegi r l . a r ra natural or Armed nu via,
b' in o .l.Mr " of tbe earkZ i deeeriptlonn mend° are 1
goner eueonsfully baled nom tble plrm Inaslern thew.
so the tnetbol Jammu • nboleemma uniform Mut, at\ any
required trmpsystura. nlth entire freed= from AVE,
o'l', 'be'.
d '4.
c'SjrySZ/TolVNTlVlnfirati. ',4
Copley's Pot Clay. \• .
anbacribera aro now Solo Agents
ttte sale
to of their Pot Clay. an
N t (lese Steel Pax. te7rt to Inad rb e r ofte nf Mast
Infeelfole subelaanes torn.: and to very canfully heletaama
Fed I n ravvinne Ls aria:limn
In ern, , a s-LIrIonNtt,IIIRD
E are instructed by the owners to close
r iol tkoonii lovlnt ww r. - dotrrd aced antra, And upon
a 44444 alskelr Diana. C4attna;
2 Crib Blankets. (abith) "
4 " J 4 424. 4Am and ¢24.44
\ . \ moßprrt l LEE., •
ITIna t, RELLAS,-2 casee for sale by
‘C. ARK:tin:OT.
AVA QOFFEE-,-5) bars for sale by
IP AG S- 7 5 sacks foraale \
IRY PEACHES--270 bushels reoeired on
emosseasrst and &r aids J
stall ALIMANDIitt 6011DONodantnn
. • \ ""),-.. -.. NORSE'S -'\
------7-- 1 .
Compwand'Syrup of Yellow Dock Roots_ .
ifit,CUPIEs tho front rank among the pro7' ,, .. \ '
lur pristoti• lnwileinet or tio. mural.) for mairleteir •
',mina Carkler, raltitheuat Let siralmsttrai , ether dig. %
laver Aeislng• from an Most.* slaita , ..Alieo ,
do ha t &men , . met Tic Items rff ..tfri , "" . " , •'iton- ' : • \
‘chile, er
, i k . , ..renees . denim , \ amt, ~. ~-,f. . .? .
.1,1 v,, ~I, Weakness 5ta.44444 ,r,``'.... - A ( . . \
2.;rta ak tn,ans she wes.kaanst:&.re; , • • --!:, the '
s lf tile : nnont et tteutiZilef-sim •. l' . rm. .
1 . 1 1 .r.;,`1"A1 1 i:=..7.0[:!..,1e.... 4 , ' , Pc 4 ' , t4,A,, a 1-911, !--,.
tei Artl tuvAin 4onin euustibitkutf.,-Itkirepreti/Ver4M
i.hA i. me et - net anti I,o 4 ll9 . lll 44tirtsittlinftt in its \ - •
tYr* , rlituls 11.01 the chemlutte hataidtal, - .guei A A .6,4 .
each ionrellent hanetOstrobilFurtlM tO
. \ Turify 'the Riad. \ \
rt ha l removiet o *or ehrouledlAmoteehleritAm e baleoll - \- '
`the stillel the best ohyrietarm, and hue aleoctireg,auter.
o,n nb,o,m, P.,,,0-o•ow amt &mortal, which ty, y.,y.fih,, \
or rm. •otirely Out Ato mate the leen intreeittz a ,„ Ay \
It. h•A teen tt eases of C. LB lii 11U: _ -
M 04.3. Them oot *Wins. Canorre have been )r , br
thle Wei min. We my that It is a mil uable rnedieinA ,n .. • \
lllLlitt;t. C03. 1 / 1 :4-1:\fli \lt rent Ores All °tetra . to
N. Mr \kiaticut; rendeltur the Lteor free. artive. and .
thy. • I mower APAlrltsUme Of.L4e liemt, and relieve \ .
fall; ee, f Asthma. anctenarhatiMed in all clinintaty .. , \
in Amiens of the yeat,.._. , ,,...
1 •
't .Fliae errup is ;a-trend eilly ty
C. MORSE k CO, ail, \ _
Fountin'Attrorkleure,ll. I- slot sol 4. Is holoooe‘ e r 1
recall,. by .., - .• -S. ft. WICK/Lk:MAL.
Only /tont for It ...tent Pennsylvania,
.in7f7 rr •houee. earner Wood an 4 Math sta./1104. \
. \
\ ..
\ j
\ •
. .
Needles' Celebrated
Thee, tsichir plaattre have been medals.
tha, feral, ) wing. ',Lich Uwe/ they have
Awned a r‘erctenciat putatinn. at them mt'ettleariaas
'them:auto etreexliseniar klaater mot. ottereaL
LL of the Igheet kulnetatt, t bon their actual* ,
Vestisauctrhal as t tin bee L..n nt
tars sod.
The mgrotilents• f s the
emtartly rem
I h a=a n' fa r' at ' cu•Ty .i .l ' i
tittrilt!.a er A•
(men atratt.s.
r;;."2.1."n0 hereeee,
aridiratbn Tunch as
th b Uniela
r f- 4 t
o at. 1 1.
11 EAumom..,
,8.--(lue Cake will,
fan& nbould I.r wlrbaul
Thao tri• dnono yt n
dy, and ti•non**
t*. I, ioduevol han to '
belY s od diryetiono toe tho
.. Ta ll I'II'ItULEULI iit on
V, a ityyth , r i tyLr . l , , , , , to)
i llrl ' fro 7. id o re'. de>
proper... mulling tn.
maityy et ouensinty.
iIizIA L I tintiirr, whleb._i
tenet allevtating Yog.
health tol tic* to iiiiii,
pektor ought of mud
Dun fore core of *seas
Inc mills rif and teve
formeth In n, Inds at
old. sidled Nod iced,* I
We do not Irph to mat
we are conk-Mut that the
into the tarot of,, k t a l‘aee WI
It hilth we do no claim LI
ery di,ase, we u timth
Chronic likeloke to
..,,, C ' 11:1•17);II Y I b s ( l .ri 'd .--. 11 ,
m ltt l . lL d e
:7 . 1117:12 •
\ glid er IN T, DI DT.
Bladder and !Woe}, ILI
Diteimes, Neuralgia, Yale,
el., Imo, Illogworm,
to , de. In caww of *gbh
Idly and protnieted eases
hetn,relieft s It will act a
ATI th in mach eases, n)
whole lame,
(*.men*, sloth
• Vflit g e/ th 'lVT ,' Dnetor Loewe of kvol tunt oar
that resisted every other mannent.fat welhavol.l
efts, cericoi.susi rel. a cpart..u. \r n. \''.`",
given to •ar r aces w ee ,feiai• w.
Note 4,iitill. withaut the sidaturot the :
° D n . Te.'llria ff
Canal n.m.,,,, , 5\
\\ Ali, by IL E_ FELLER:, AY Irene r.
mad Uldlirdt A •4 , 01)/ELL
\ ••
corner Wood street an d
ItrOn Silky, who,
_it'iLn! bit re•gthlarly appointed Agent. \
• •
KNOW nil men who dil sick unit afilictWa
A 4 with f the Bladder and Kiddy', with ettwr
Mane madly, twe Ir or limh, *ID told, all leo a, mothang
elects, t r_, that they tan be /*red by taking the Pent,
LEW!. Von inty tall &hoot ity being • nostrunhiniuniat
. you pies,. not
till. does not la u cillt , e itm t tar t t h •epnguc t ,
:41L h t7 1;:".,;:,l gffy Other Y
ieweir. ha. titi an
. who is racked ith pain. ands*ing from diseatt.thany
\for GO neut., , t•ylief dm of the ills esiomyraW
. above. nett: ,
\ iv " i l e ' rio i lV;l l. : ' 4 , 1 V11,'":,',.,111 k .; A u;; : tbe P ". - •
oc, iii.ipii
intrilthityl Illi
in a remedy dab**
teth the matter It d'of mann, and both'. op Dom Um
botOdof ourniathd , to Its original polity, and de
\' i ,.
fees Lrytderlng La. t • ready remedy, • muffin dui •
• _ .
c.ter ono. e .
It hticclool I•Iles, an thee ornelldnors hart Tallnd La
rendee Or niieh Ii h . ono Ithstomatittoy of Lao •\ .
st.thduar, ,, af,l ~ , t thy worst ii try•t painful character. ‘lt
" b on eh lao doovo.. It de , \
.t r eet, , , hi=7 ,, o i tkr ,l lmtal L A \ _
iiiiijoubtni err t
' '''''. •. rt :- wan Ee .
*I In the • e gfeenenr. by todly h e
lEll. Quad i I , l ,,, ±Yeevoth street; oth \ .
net of IF. re* tool Thwfa . \
heed street D. . MIMS-and D.ll. \
ILeamni ElPOltTAlit\TO TICE CTED. \
1 .I: l l ,.. lo .l S , E'S coe ~C Ela t,i t E l3, ll l .l Al'n E r . D. ., kIEDIES. , .•
it moot yorrolir.thci • teneghil ninlici roc,, and abe • / i
tb• ' &WO, of the celebrated instrument for falai; tb .. Lungs, lei effertiog a ewe etChroniedliseasca, at a. Woo. •
dent that tminent three*. Doctor. Phyla, del it a • • ,
oh th• IJoirertity of Itadkrittalt.and lb thiL•T . • .
years sin has been engaged ha, the Inerstlgati ay
ease. and t eviiiition of remedies , thereto. e - •
LIPP=II dr; 4l .r. " . l l , ll%tVeLtrrr ' ..., i t°‘- \ -• -'s
gamed an no itleu daimon. ill 411214.7 .1 ,,,, ...Aid i C ..
and fatal mod Inc Tobortuld CodunadirLy, Utdad e
ZVlV•ta, l atZli 7iLy I . De k Vs7do Y l or ig:lta ' gs ' ijLt7 " d .\
.0..-• r0.A11.:
'' ,....alef Indeed. retry form id ttiledit ••, \ . i
valtiFii. ander the •of Ids remees. to •hkh humanie •' \
tY ill htir--not bY I we of one comp. u only. Ar U. , ' •- "o • '‘•
to lueprithatible with Fologlcal Law, but by th• Ate d • la `,
Ids remedies, iiiiiirikil , a nd prescribe) for tesch pieta -• A ...
174.14 T, nod Alm ire 111!.....b......di an.1...0 0 . . N \
b ackolth ledged •to be •yrior to all ethers. ts apd • ,
ti liver pill. inward] iat they leave the boleti. pi '_'•:' •
feet(rte frt. eostieenextu aito Lao Loden Fills lin t d a k , •,.
thdli .LT tho Dimity. to ett peculiar pmpotid. A ` •
Led to mat) diso....t but be g attiatioth that • ham ,•• '.
Detrulfic nt to tett/dash what bean said. in thltulnad )
true keptical. •
Tho Whirled an invited to Tall writhe agent, and prpt \ , •
dre (gratdt) od of th• theme. c phlets. polling •dol.ll , e . • ' `
ed *mount If each roned ',and to pplkation. - •
For tale hi thy Lanus log grade, 1.41.670dt dna. .",... -. \\
t..T h r e t,t.tra . u . m. ore..t..
t,,,,,b . . , ,
.. ,
N ot e r. Towasytd. Druggist.
ul ' ltb
„•• f. • , \ \
A. literhaM, Ueuritista'near thy I Want, /WIMP% '`‘
.Idaeph Ildlthey.Darlington, helm eon ty. Pao ' .. .. ' •o
dotin Elliott, hinacto Talky, . , . ' • . - ').•
.t.t. I . ~.. • •.' - • ••\
r T , 01 fl',2 (ii, the PittaburgiTzette.
I,3liii\L k y ATTEXTION is nape ully in-
is va., the Pallewial, truths, sot forth in ladott to • '', • \
one the , Important remedies of modorn thateth .
. l'h lIULIoU DU litillY Olt; it is Oct morn that , U. •
10. i. D a 7 ,l la drat manly Wili , brought b. pin i lii. \ - •
~ ef t anel ett b. tl , l aka.. /Ls Steal powers '' • . ' :
liid bake that\VA:tfrY7l/=: \ '
tonna and ell at fame prival.
g ilt le not thu•r•ree - \ *Faith . got Up For the sole porwie aking rune .
h0t...0ut., tob we, teithein h wUt method tu be Ivied ar . \ , .
111 tither sthe t Ztho, halt; forgottch \ TI. DeWitt= Ls \ , .
• hthund. adroit* rated in the depths of the earth \
by • Power, am.),\ tumuli, ladhen: anima all human \'' \ . '
ntur.ti n tino, ErLa turd. T. sheet we writestbout a Matti. \
=., tilt avrjateatUrt,A,t/ana,t.l7.4.a4to:eitihrigtetlaLe: , '• ,
4 \
, ,
~ , .
Amen in or sittv — An7nta 11th sock are very apt to catch at •s' • ,
' 'qv thing' that \prod.& teller Ira'disease- Astor,. cm \ _ •
hardly be too highly. Uruova. Di .nrer th e Object of null. • \
Mg \or hid Our o Muu seine pubs m. hew, vet do not *mitt . • '
totho,thd4 we're tatlitht only Lb* tho Moth In relation to. - . • -
oar Mimed, thoodd be told. In order to tewant kr It • repel- . - -
,tatioular ern-edam any mule artily in the nation mad.
, ,
lea. Fbalti unrunishedl);- tell th at may beasuertalnid ' . . ,
ha our city , and neighborb bear maple tnattuady In itl. • \
, Tear of theoPetawitum.
aleiet% tik:. , 17117.1=-,°,.tra°l7tii:ibr /Tet . ' ' \ ' s
• \
:17 tri, s it t yt,ihr. . i tflUtt•U h th e 4... W . • l •- • i
V ert , i r,r ie
o r• work, but theme am poet feu hotoc,and nay . • \ 1
re to by,dy, world', who hate doubts n the auto ,-- -, i . \ '
• .
LT% TbW =art . :::;o7t Y lar r ilil b lZg l arn * l 7' 4l* ' '4..
' ''
' ' ‘,l '‘`
Filet,lth ultimo. Uout, hunalulahEnap is
thid d E i ' • '•• ' i
tElton•Loathtt fm.
,1, E . th 1 t . ) . 1 Fun
~e l E y*, lUdworm, Zeiler. _,,„. ) \
'Vos, Akin, . ' hronla Odell, otstegVn i th= l / 2 .andThi , 'l
, .
of • chrinde nature. tending to pro
d., ContunthDon. . \ ,
Ithlunat anthßkildt, dom. of Os Corer and /WWI& • , , '
\ \ ,
CLAPPIai /'ahlacollated Algol*. Corns sod Bunions. -
Ink o t, it Is Wpm, Untrdvat ahmtwei, and taw tem tried •- - r. • . \ , s
In tof the ithent diseases within the rattyear with the •• - • t •
We. Vat Amer . : \ ty‘rtidates that • U *totith do h
Ong a , •
el oh. diemrwbowill tett phatury In awn,
t 1 h„tßrer
Fatroieu 14 . 11 th• euttait citmedy of I.l ' Inn, .Ph Ir =
\ atilt', 1". a"=,':Atif car .
did zinc* ty, are willlthyto twda It duo prate app • ' '
. •
etthelderationti,..Doler• 14*h...rigid rod round. ail will to •• . • • '
cautpelfed to atlanottoldothar Ida Pettfkuin hi the =Tab - --‘•
~, '
tett addict. Wilk dficreenot. Atm Rah, wholesale dal taw-i. •' . -•• '
talL lir
1,,,,, ,4' ,t.'IPICs-4,4 4) rx ° :1 4. 01Ni . 17 1 ,, tPAI -' . . ;
hoW '.
nt . .. - -- •. - ,'' \''
'eneral I.eir.ce
,d responsible
Lb. requisilllvris
:O4==tg r .,
Ina In 69
- ;a
5..1...41 7
61 V vkl
am* awl MAW tAo ;at
Ay:lo, 7 s=
. Auden.'
.• naive IT&
E\liermus\ \ \
11,17„i te A \ •
PardM \ •
Rap Ointment. for Tett.? et;TS\•"
Itr=titi " r . ' rlgj:all l 4 4l \
Pe= tatrallirn'
At tb• Atwitter* N. IF faINVAANt,'
not opttar of Wcal ', c ad Alstb
EZROCEELES7 - 17;-..\ - 7
h id.* bap Rio Clem 1.20 Ulla. N. 0.1)K
mn epsta Ter • bc."4".134
' /Zritr: 1 box
14,2,0%.DU itiwzr, mo windo.sdass,', '
tinmcs za; •
r eArda ctx \
• w•
; j `
de) Ear
, 1 - 4 s
latfrA. -a ar tbbi \.
S. .}.. ,, ,,P , ELLYBS,
"4 I t' u g i.t • '".
M v ertL2
„ Li , llberil ,v tersts.PLC
~ . m, allr 71.114 I -•
kar• ot. ' , rat
ccur PI r
~D*l4 Canal
P ,, Pur. .0 \ P
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Esralmer r ,