The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 25, 1851, Image 3

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.D/410CRA:r1C. COSyrSTION....--4110. Depoomtic
Convention to eamimite !camlidate foifthis
Maybralv, met . ittt.4l Coati 1(0, 236 -y es t e 44,
ti o nt ipp,
.4. W. hvin"..! , :sqj wilt called to . the:
. .
• , • :Chair 'and ke.,. - s'rs4 ; - ,..! 03 n 31: Kirkpatriek and
........... friends or(luth
•'' ri - - 4ti'#ai, as ever, irtas
ten delegates
• Instructed fet In the room,
10, 4 thirty.-rir'!": - Jitus insuring his .
oft'tkitt ,
nettle was not witit'draWiiitt:, supporters
;,;nroted tor him.- •
•••• • was then moved that ]I f, receive the
gaagimoao 110MinA:04 of thinlist:ration, but
it tray not hnritti.j, non of Mi. friends
voting spina! Tha,..ClMir4tiit-IreweVer,
decided that
tleaign Cabed 1 114413V1i . 'ili. th e .
fact, that : it '...‘traiiant, he - ilhiltbralter hi . ole
• rigida. 'The; dirl:tt&ri the binlweiatie ranks
will render .the eteatien,of our eariablitte, C.'
Sawyer tort.; a eeriaiuty, many premineniDnni
ousts; opoply trar4z their int e ntion to op
pose - Guthrie& re-election.
AutUiferix.WatoConectrnon—The delegates
to the CefiFeotiaa for nominating a Mayor in
Allegheny city, wat on Tnemiay mewing
Mr. 'heoti Painter A 39 aallid to the chair, and
R. H Divrip•APpoitana k3R,me%fjr! •
The was then 11121131010113.
no the Whig and Anthtansonic
.dldit .for Mayor.
Meg. Cameron.was'ourutimonelylnomi
:,i,.ntiteclii 'a candidate for tha office of Director of
r , :thir',D4iy. • ,
EXCURS lONS. -- - -We refer our readers
i',ittlhandwertisernainof the Penosy4vitnia railroad
tionllialty in nnather colum; by which it will be
seeti-th+tt they will run cheap excursion traius
oar; Waits, Ann 11Mcos—We
attended tho concert given hY.this band of min-
Itreli at Wilkins 11411, yesterday evening, and
Stein delignted with their performances. They
are unloulatedly•the best vocalists who have
es visited this city, and will give an afternoon
and eTtlaitigexhibition today.
LOCAL ,N —.OU! -Court proceedings, and
other 'Odd • news, nee unavoidably crowded out.
FROK NEW youz.;puizaenne,Of tharlituliargh Dilly Gakttc.]
• Nrw Vona, Dec. 20, 1851.
The ezperhuent with thir fire annihilator was
et failure not complete enough to satisfy the in-
Ae--,vetitor, but to convince the public e'hat fora real
,ioidlagration It ix n5pit,.....% no nutter whorits
far household purpoies when 'fire'com
eLk,'i:•tmees. The cottage built for experimeat was
9P.unstlo.oned„lumber, and • under Ordinary air.
stetanstanees would only huve'..inanidered away.
13004er was the tontch applied and a slight
:'tollardoof . smoket created than the annihilators'
werittiplled witti'SUINCS.S. .The spectstors,how
ii ever, ?tithed in 'and demolished the metalline
tsiitt'ititillauise. too, which they etnamitted to the
flames. The emcee of the' Gra depart
tasted were iii;ittendeaare, and premised not to
L satiate condemn the apparatus until further led
! 1 obi linib linen made,- , •
A.'xindict has been gireu in the gaited States
Conft"altn - last Tappan elm( Douglass, the preen
' eters of a , Slercantilo Agency,' n sort of secret
association. In watch country' traders, in order
to protect city merchants from 'fraudulent meta
mere. .:Thst . terdict reudired was ten thousand
I dallars,'the jury very . properly thiaking it un-
utensil , for any such syetem of
1 cepionige.tti be tolerntcl in- New York. This
agency:has Ito agents all over the country, goo
orallyliiiyors, Who turnieh their priiminals with
all the gossip about lawn relatiVe to haerebants,
.their style of habits, anti.tbase of their
1. wives. This is all recorded here, and city mer
. chants for te , fec have access to the boOks.': The
Lawyer who thus c . onsenis to act as pimp gets, in
. .
return:the business of merchants who sues (or
-issarr:(asfala thaerattom. ' the rota
-. - mermarairm,5,......—...;... - e - a.s• et distant lawyer:
and th'e . pimps ire recommended of retiree.
The tone of the .California news is good, So
far aa.the Fodact coneerwei.L. The
' rainy season has set in, and it the. inantity of
rein itrAmfßrient to werk the ruseninery far
washing in. the ilrY•fliggingsore shell get in
'amount of gold never before known. The re- •
mittanea is three milliene by the • mail of No.
.'somber 15th, equal to full six millinns•for the
month Ito need it all for the steamer or today,
•lme taken the round coot of $.111,0 6 0. rtr
1500,000 for the week. Under the influence of
the newe,stooks ere generally better.
grip 'rail ro:rd Leant fait declared a four
percent. dividends actually earned duritig the
ntirreatitix., months, an °Octant:ice that sorely
Art:it:thief:the peeple•who haves° long decried it.
..illuicetithany intend next year to put down one
'''.hnudreduxiles of deubletmck„'enri being : footle- .
quace to do the Work. The earnings of 15:52,
will be'fonr net earnings are two'
The Forrest earn dims its slew length along,
'Ake 'court : being now engaged in, hearing 01i
' - deime for tti& defence, a Met. Underwood, who
acted as housekeeper • for Mr. Forrest, and as a
sort of Ilitaidepoliectinti: She is the only wit
acts for-tbe defence of any nide, and. will ho•
pretty well examined- before she gets through.
There seems-to be a great want of • direct • evi
- deice en the nartrif the defence. An abundance
of surmises had acts open which one disposed .1
trifled fault can fan complaint,'are given, but
`not enough to drive Mrs.. Forrest (rem the pale
of iticloty, by. giring•her,bnaband a divorce. In
Setne"quartere it is hinted that the whole affair
will be'tithen out of Court null tuljaited private
,: ••••In hi:winces there is very little 'sanitation and
little inclination' to extend operations:" Holders
•:'otbreitilituffs are pot Willing to meet the mar.
hot at preeeut rates und 'calculate - upon a con
siderable Earepeen demand at'Still larger rates.
'Cotton is' quitelaactive and
at theTadronced
prices et .theipaiit',' ton days • fiuds l leas ,buyers.
• 'As the end of- th 6 yeiir•vippxonchis • the banks
- curtail. their loans'agail prepare to make the best
pelts - ibis' exhibit - to tho • comptroller; who will
.. aeon require the quarterly returns. •••. Money is .
for the Moment a little dearer trateis the stud ten
days will pass irithont a " stunner from hence;
• to drain* of gold, no farther preesoreis enter-
tained until gold mares again. - downs of the
bank ptevidents are sanktdoe that Febittary will
see as out - of debt, and . accumulating gold so
fast that In loss than six.mienthe .it will be en
abundant:Mkt banks . toill not duceye their Gas for
it, sa ble.bentithe case Time will
tbo:trath this `prediction; just now it
dooks 41M :edible almost. • • • • : C.'
. .
' " • uttsaatrn AND . 3C.0611 tilt .
The - following extracts from "Ilangaryand
''l.Ettitint.b:!. by 11; F. 'Tear:. 1). D., Will be read
kith peculiar interest at the preeent noment
sqlasing made. all his arrangement, with the
Russiana . and with a su ffi cient number of hie
own min ions; , -; Arthur Gorge y , as Dictator of
the Hungarian nation; on the 18th of August,
• -1849, at. the.village of Beres Jena, near Vilogos,
surrendered his person, his army, and We liberty
and Independence of hie' Country into the hands
of thotm; who for three hundred years, bad been
bent on• accomplishieg its destruction.
The seen of the surreal.. beggars all dt—
sr.siption. An eye yitneut, in giving 'some ac
count of it to the Allgemriae Zeitung, the great
German paper. Fri:musts the exhubertint coca
- bnhary, if his language in the fruitloitafrortt--
"Afterl wooed my way along,'- says the wri
ter,',with a great deal of trouble, I reached a
smll straw-reofed building. the only len in th e
place. .As soon as I entered I eaw the Russian
coratnindertruchief,• anal Gorgey,' who for for
ty-eight houraltailbeenthe Dictator of If iingary:
wrielltessedin his simple but romantic cost
, • 'tune; - which difrered very much from that of , his
gruterabstaff,„ who stood around him. In a light
brown blouse, with a goldeocollar, riling boots,
• •
reaching far _ ahore the, knees, a round black het;
sornounted watingrebite feather, he was
- joking with a beautiful young girl, into whose
, ear he was whispering flattering nonsense The
general idea - floated around him, their spendour
andimagnifieence recalling the:limes of Gimp
adri119244 Every one wan dressed in the
meet elegant uniform, as if for a festival. The
son-boroc youthful thin rocirett,in short•Aftilar;
with heavy gold trimmings, hots with waving
feathers on their heads utohnted , npon fiery
horses, galloping to nod fro, farmer! a ge,„„,
: 'warlike as the Caney Gra painter could deteribe
In the Midst oft this, a general commotion
soon Itoole Oahe. Gorgey bail thrown', himself
on his horse.. Ile an followeil by his glittering
Joao. IL WAS the last act in the drama:of the
Magyar air. Only a Soldier's heart can cent
' prebend the feelingeritb which'a warrior invert,
tad from his arras. • Many :seerned torn in help
lees agony Otlicni•Wept as they printed a pert
. lug laS MI then:AlL steel . great - numberA -
•alulekesl out with'rtige tube lid against tlitteue
- my rather War be•subjecto4 to the ding"sce.'
saw how officers and inch threw thereselvesinto
each atj tk ee, arms; and sobbing, bid each other a
I tOtifireWell[''Olherarniestiiirlinat iiganaftbeir
oßicets, and accused them of Aelfiehneirs. No
pea,can deeeribe the we, the despair, Which pre
mailed,amhtiglthe hussars.. Many shottheir
liorselL arid they, who 'would have boat' a 'limb'
Without a groan, nabbed like children. Gorgay
rode round; proud,- and immoveable as a marble
statue of Mars; and it wane* now and then
that bin ringing, metallic voienwais beard, ex
horting the soldiers to make haste." .
"Alanl alas! that anagram of Frederic, and
the long festered purpose of the despotic, house
of the Hapsburgs, should be et loot fulfilled
through the treachery of a Hungarian Soldier!
Bat, from the instant of the treason,
the curses
of the world are upon the traitor. The curses
of his own conscience are upon him. All these
maledictions, with the displeasure of a righteous
Got, aro now on.thenien, who, to revenge himself
upon. his rival, sold his country to its oppressors;
when, by one splendid action, by one patriotic
effort, by one crowning victory, such as the ono
hundred thousand sonde. at Szegedin were
Denting for, be could have annhileted the envies
of the invasive, bid' defiance to the Austrian
despot, nod given liberty and tranquility to fif
teen millions of ain countrymen. Or, if instead
.of echievlugnuch a triumph, he woe destined to
fall on the field of bailie, and to close his eyes
on a subjugated country, he could at least have
'done his duty, and died the death of a Leonidas
or a Regoesy.
- Itomeditately upon the perpetration of this
deed, the army of the new capitol was disband
del' Many of the men, and several of the offi
cers, ended their present agony by putting pis
tols to their foreheads. Others fell upon their
swords, or pierced their :hearts with the Hag
yet- etilette. Hundiede, whole companies, ra
ther than fan into the hands of their merciless
oppressors, burst through the encatapement, fly
ing to the high hills, and deep gorges of the
mountains, to terminate their sorrows by star
vation. Kessuth,..the spotless patriot, but now
a - private citizen—Kossuth, the great orator and
statesumn—Kussuth, the friend and benefactor
of his people, seeing that all was Jut., and load
ed with the grief of the whole nation,. fled in
tears toward the southern borders of the kingdom
to beg a tempoirtry hiding-Place in a barbarous,
but not an unfeeling country! Iluagery• was
now fallen. flaynau, the butcher, al once erect
ed his scatiolde foethe rotation of the friends
'tif Magyar freedom. Scores of the noblest of
the laud were ignominiously hung for having
defended the liberies of their country. Other
scores had the favor shown them of baring
their foreheads to the rifle. - Week after week
the blood of the patriots ran in rivulets. Month
after month nothing was heard but the voice of
weeping and latneatation- On a single day,
noon after the surrendor, , thin; eta of the ablest
Generals of the war were murdered in 51c1 Idood,
because they had fought to save their homes
from - the assaults and abominations of foreign
soldiers. !
s!• s •
...No sooner was it known that 'Kossuth an d
his companies had thrown themselves upon the
compassion of the Turkish goeernment, than
every exertion was mule by Austria and Russia,
to get the fugitives sent back again,land delivered
into- the hands of their victorious enemies.—
Threats and promises were both brought to bear
upon the Turk. The world looked on with the
di spent interest to bee how he would decide
a question, which involved the life of his noble
guests. It was generally believed that be would
not dare to deny what Aussie, backed by Aus
tria, demanded. While the matter was in sego-
tiation, however, a benevolent, but dishonorable.
scheme was started by certain Turkish officers,
,to save the, fugitives. There was an old law,
that au alien, fleeing from justice, and entering
the territories of the Sublime Porte, could, chal
lenge, and secure the protection of-the State, by
abjuring his national:faith, and 'professing the
religion of Mahotnet. Theaubteringewas now
offered to the fluogarians. A time was fixed
upon for them to give' their answer to the pro
.position. In the meanwhile, but just prior to
S t e h u e e inp o orta m nt d p,, al . , , K n o t s o s n utla i : w e b n i tt h il . e d el . Lb , r i a bo te , d
his critical condition; and, as a stying man, en
treats the. English minieter to show compassion
to his family. 'Time presses. Our doom may,
in a few days, be sealed. Allow me to make an 1
bumble personal renut,d . lam a man, my
lord, prepared Co face the worst; and I -can die
with a free look-'at heaven, as I nave lived. Bat I
an also, my lord, a husband and father. My
poor, true-hearted wife, my children, and niy
noble old mother, are wandering about in II un
gary. They will probably noon fall into the
'hands of those Austrian., who delight in tortur.
ing even feeble women, and with whom, the in
nonce of childhood is no protection against pen
ecutione.. I conjure your Excellency in the name
of the Most High, to pet a etop to there cruel
ties, by your powerful mediation; and especially
to accord my wife and children an asylum on the
soil of the generous English people.'
"The day at length arrival. The Ilungarins
were brought out by a 'Turkish officer, where
mend in each other's presence, sod
its influence upon the company.--
poor fugitives, it must be confessed, loved life.
too well to stand against the powerful tempta
tion. The great Dim himself, who masa nattier
simply, renowned the creed of his fathers, and
became a follower of the Prophet. • Kossuth was
called on lust. Ilis reply may well go do down
to posterity as the sublime response: 'My ans
wer,' said the Chrietain patriot, 'does not admit
of hesitation. Between death and shame, the
choice can neither be dubious nor clifficelt --
Governor of Hungary, and elected to, that high
place by the confidence of fif teen millions of my
countrymen, I know well what I owe to ray
country, mein exile. Even as a private in
dividual, Ilene an honorable path to pursue.
Through once the Governor of a generous pea'•
ple,l leave no inheritance to my ehildreu They
shall at least, bear an unsullied name. God's
will be done. lam prepared to die_"
Situation Wanted.
APRACTICAL and expetlonced BOOK
kanYELL arlahea a ritaation Who:4asla Llama
wafActuring LoabliAaarot. estizifseary ref rrure
Circa. Adds.,* - .Q. W. a, uoa a7G. P.}oaburail P. 0."
Stage Coaches for Sale.
fine Troy built Couches,
bawl. lam. run hut a /hart time
with ban... and team, ttr mai il
nnlr4l,l7.4al,inw. await In 11. , LEt:11 iT4C $
41 17:1_ Canal Baal. .
LmUei .- 13ecriianiies.
IPBYO beautiful new style Lamm SECIETA
end, finished and fereffiehl
esi Penn st.
New Dyeing Establishment.
SABELLA ROW, near Federal atreet, op
ta tha "Esciawl Hotel." •Ilenheny CA, with to
tam vai the cid:rasa Ptutrl.urati that thay dy.
to, of retry shade sat enter: Hilt Velvet.
dyed and Ithh-looil *goal to taw: Csithinetr. Canton, thalinsi
Dr Lsitiralhairla,and eyery rarietyoldir.adonde dittoed.
and the colors mayn't to their former fin
(shod siutul toner. Urothitern'si Mead .toparretelrair
al or dyed without Irtnit latest to porno. and warrantrd
not to rah off on moll lanesßlatt ity al without or,
vitriol, or any other iiith.taner liable to Injure the
tonne. Me then took, It our moody to Orr the utmost
satiefactlen to those who may ataplar a.. aa.taat Aare.
not to.tang their wither. we will reedy.. wi th out orth,
theme. 11si flaw carrel.. that—haelng the la at im
provemente In Mir and the country—our wink OUIJA
ratml to that of so. other fijiit's in the Sutra
iliarbants' Goode runal to their now Ronde. All
Goods sextants-di Oie. cm a roll, raandor our wort, and
judo. for younrilrer.
W. IL whales Info= hie Mende. k. lot hoe altiled
Ia the adjacent eltire. that his location is now In •Iliothr
ay. City. • fishily
iItisWATOITES, direct frtsm
nirria--3; dos. Lailiao Gott Iltsullog Ca.
%Mehra. of ouperior euatii7 aial
a you superior ankh. for a gilt.)ust opened this Qi{Q {{11221177
der. do there Wald. ups wadi , to tar 1.1,1 order, ran
thrreforn reroinitieoil them Willa a gerd i litiomil , lort .
butear I
Book-Keeper Wanted.
s WnotEs A LE 110 USE, on Wood street,
will watt., nu the Int of..lousoary. wt es coriettrad
. 'hearer. To on. well dualinal to till Oa situation,
lilientl void 7 will to allowed. Addy., with teal 0.113,
"Books," at this olaca. All otituantintestious will b. acid
eoullilentitd.. dtiatt
Steam Saw Mill for Rent
riNIIE STEAM SAW MILL, at the mouth of
-Muscly Creek, wins miles almre 'Pittsburgh... th.
egbeny river, south old, Is offertil for ,'rut The 31111
tel. gond naming Order, soil a *et nf Clomping Mo.,
sod Cob ta
ire rongmeil with the ruins. The b . ,
et.a sod lush, hods a eery reedy Mk. A
la . rge Dwelling lloom attartied In the premises Per
further partieultim sooty co the premises t.
PA 113:N.
Willtiosburgh P. 0.. Des 13. 031.—ideladawlura
Good News for the Laffics !
PILL., so Innoemat3sfe sod 3:ll , elital Itemedr for
Mortals Fluor All., Suppress., :germ. Debility.
cieuertil lruakoess, blasses P.m to the lir. sod Lutilis.
Liam of Appet Tremors. PalPitstinn, Dimmed 30.1ue.
Costisenees, Irrbility. limpets. /C om p/ I roligestiou. Is.
boor 07. What. .0 1 all liter./ Comp/Mots thou 03 me,
sot;Om Immo tor $l. Mid sod retail h ry
VV. 0
AK P0N.01.40 lAbertyttrest, hest of Wood. Pittsburgh
sot by ALL TILP. Ilalr Full part... 1 .
chiral with boo. dotallitol.l,
Adams '&.Co.'s Express Office
They srs gun. tn. Philadelphia lo 50
hours. amt forward.. to In lb hours.
DAHER & Pi iltril(Til. Agents
7 7_ W --- esieTcN Plank Bond Bone
STEAMERS Irate twice', day, mond lig
f esit‘pb.riondsyT
f'kforplor lilt will Mere the What! coat: shore the lino-
hougehela lindge,st 413.'elrgh.
direolog Pi. Jeerer tinny lexenpt.Fotkloy Sl .t 6 o'clock.
Faro Ts Baltimore. CO.
Fur tickets rail at the Plsnk blood (Onto., Motiougsbels
Ito Water streeL
.1. a. EVANP, Agent
Removal—Wood Engraving.
111.11: subscriber respectfully informs. hiS
flamer friend! , sod the 1 , 741 , 11 e. gemerally, that 11.,
Southareft .retire of M. lot,l
der - Mantontl,(eptratink In the Itisatand) wh en. he INV..-
r 7 a,r,,,f to enreu 44 611 Mons a./ Woul /Etat,.
Mg. soak , an r;ofs of Yulidioat , fiframboats sad 111,P111.
trm, toretle. 'teals of eters 444E41pr/on, (sratawntal'
-14 , wspayer Ileads.Uribtells, Labels, L,,,two btww
Bills. Ate. 'Terms very moderate.' - : • - •
Cheater's Clothin g porium, •
CFILEI3,IItATED for Nenthom of - Fit,. Fin e :.
pen of Quality. fod CluiOilily of Workossaship.
insr sterna at fait sod rnelpivt ,, , , Int , rarlax' artirlos of ,
Lens '
Bore Clothina 004 Porta...Wog Iloods, all mat,'
utastAtt7 ' ,E4 in, own lossraeLlum:' l'oechaaero , ate lts•
anted to eAlt and examine, V we sr* dol.:n.11,1 to .11
fun rums. 7 , ;V* oaderi if pips' Awing , • -
Fo.l 4 5.111'1717112D10,1ntrar Dimond alley. •
S.—Dorsoi at . 4 insF . ll susc . outts, thaltbort-
WASLIPIOTON, Dee. 24, 101 A. M.
The National Library in the Capitol ie• on
fire, and nearly destroyed. It is thought that
the fire will be confined to the Library.
No water can be obtained.
It is reported that the dames Lore caught to
the dome of the Capitol, and that it is burning
The library is entirely destroyed. From the
great scarcity,.of water it is feared that the
whole edifice will ho destroyed. The tire is still
The fire is extending towards the Rotunda.
All effort to extinguish it Is unavailing. The
painting, in the rotunda have beta saved. ,
faker's Hotel, near the National Intelligence
office is entirely destroyed by fire.
Kossuth arrived here this morning.
The city 18 all astir, and he will have a'mag
aificent reception.
The military, fire companies, &c., are now
Despatches from Washington state that tho
Capitol Building will be mostly destroyed.
Tho fire is supposed to hove caught from the
ga.alights in the Library.
Both Houses of Congres 4 s adjourned yesterday
until Friday. Nothing was done in the llouse.
In the Senate, Mr. Foote's Compromise Reso
lution was postponed until the first Monday in
Wasitiaorox, Den. 21, 1, P. M.
The fire broke out in the Congress library, at
about half-past seven o'clock this morning. It
was first discoveaed by the Watchman, and the .
flames were then at the centre table, sweeping
round to the north west shelving.
When the door was burst open a few buckets
of water would have suppressed the fire; buttery
shortly, and by the time the alarm had been
sounded, the entire library was in flames.
The library contained about 55,1300 volumes;
of these about 20600, in an adjoining room,
were saved. All the busts, paintings, and ele
gant fixtures were destroyed.
'the loss is estimated at $1711,000.
The roof of the building is ell burnt, and the
interior of the building, on the West, very much
blackened by the emoke and the flames. •
The President and members of his Cabinet
were on the ground. An engine . was placed in
the rotunda, and every passage in the building
was flooded with water, as most of it had to be
conveyed in buckets. There were many thousands
of people present.
The dome of the Capitol was at Oct time in
danger, but this and the two chambers of Con
gress are uninjured.
The flames were got nadir about 12 o'clock,
hit the volumes of smoke from the burning
fragments are still looming up. It is not ascer
tained whether the fire caught from the floes,
or the gas lights; or whether it was the work
- of no incendiary.
The loss on the library is estimated at over
$200.000. Many of the works destroyed were
valuable, and cannot be replaced.
The fire Is now entirely extinguished. A
guard of the marines has been detailed, to
watch the building during the night.
Bonos. Dec 2-1
The third trial to elect a mayor of this city,
recoiled to day in the choice of Benj. Seaver
whig, by 14 majority.
RECEPTION or Aosn • rnL
The reception of KosFilth to day watt enthurd
antic and imputing lie was welcomed by the
Mayor in Independence Mall; and he replied
briefly and appropriately. Ile afterwards ad
drenord a crowd of nearly 10.000 persons, for
a few minutes, in Independence Square: but the
uproar and earitement wan in, great that he
We niiy c tiptil d ip# ,ty_n L few. tie dine* with
lintel. lie remains in quiet to morrow 41.'"
There is to be s grand tomb light profession
tolnbrenn night, of the German Societies. Ile
partakes of grand banquet, at the Stu.iicil Fund
Hail on Friday night.
Lorisritts, -Dee. lit
. .
The nestherti;rery moderate. nod it is thair
iug rapidly. The prospect Is very fair for an
opening of navigation. 'The now ho all die
Ncw YORK, Dec. 24
Flour—Salel, 1000 bbls at $4.500, 4,62 i .for
'State and western
Grain—Sales of a cargo of prime white Mich•
igan wheat at 100®103c - 14 bu. Corn is steady
at 7:,0 for mixed; sales tioo bo rye at T7e 14 bu
Provisions—Sales.libo bbls pork at sl6@,
15.75 for mess, and $13,50(a_t14 for prime—
Sales 100 bbls beef him, at 1 , 13f113.61) pl bbl,
Bales :100 bbl, lard at Oc
Linseed Oil—Sales 2,000 gallons at G 30. 1 65.
14 gallon
dace—Belay 100 tea at 543,124€1,43 1, 100.
Cotton—The market is mater. with sales 3,-
400 bales at au admin. of WO over previous
Ciscitmon, Deo. 24,
The weather is cloudy, 'with appearance of
rain. The market Is without change.
flogs--Sates 4000 head at $1,h0Ri4,05 per
- -
Jcitsry FM .1.1)111,40 AND kII4INII COISPANY,
at howark. N.J.
TM. Camataar 4 pro.pare4 m turaleh a atiPPI7 of thm
Which here been [mind after arveral ]earn' Wahl:nth lo
Zuropi: anil the United elan, to retain their original
beauty and prnteethre pmpertiea nuperior o a any other
paint whatever. Their
Is purely an Oxide of 7e. and 6 trammel fr. Priem all
Natter... and impurity, it COM.
.1116, and I. entirely hoe from the 1 , 0i14011./1
E = 7 . o Lk. lrte n t.. 7 t i b u tr Ar p 42 ,,p. r.. .., d...terous to the
Rhin ea6.61t0 sulpha.. roomphi exhahltioto or
even when chut up in • close As an min.. ent,
It wlthetando a southern climate and the weather better
that toy nth*, n. bole, liable to turn chat]y or to
mumble and rub oil. it may be worked will noy mine,
with water and rite or with rarnistuvrtach adv a the ted•
betted wean. hutch.
Tcew an furnished et • In,. prite.and are Ondoubleill
turt l e.b.. and heat paints In tie market tor Stir.atie
turt fenmod, uuttuda.etwentleets. or au tromsel
fedu of wood, brisk. tin, or Iron.. they; aro both
/or iten.rfacet particularly valuable. act thee
fonts a galvanlc anattution. and .tirely prevent oxide
1.6. they dry Quickly . , and Miring a pure metallic twee,
do not change color like many of the tarthy palate new
in we.
Imalsre muddled CU t 61701 b, the agents of lb*
on etVwf."l2o 7 heath P.
W.. 15. chiti .. 0
VISLI-130 bblx. Large No. 3 Mackerel;
In No. 1 ••
1 gm
2 assks in atom and for sale by
din rte. hLAUNNUIth t thr
fiIIOBACCO—tiO kUgd 6 ferltit, for bald by
I del:. .1. K DllctrollTll
11MM KORAN, by sale; Burton's
mr Slehstiebuly; llooLtlpoLia Work% fur rah> by
.142 J. 1.. HEAD. WAluri.t& eL
OlL—f; , nooks Winter Stro!ned Elephant
by btoel 0. BLAVKIIIIIIN A Kbl rb3.
N EW CURB ANTS—Ree'd and for salt, by
1S Y. A. 81e1.11.1/11 CI , .
.1,15 l/riarv.r, A Tea U
PRUNES—Pat up in Jars and fon
----'"h•Vrt7l.l..lll.4ltrflO :41.
ROSIN—IOU bbls. No. I, for sale by
B U by TTEII L - 411 MIs.
IiILOUR-50bbls. extra family, for sale by
del; S. • W. 11AILBAUll
FRATHERS-30 bags for sale by
delf. S. k K. HALLAM/Gil •
'Of L-20 bble..far sale by
'ASTOR OIL-36 bbls. for sale by
uYsorra Yellow Dock and Sarnaparil
or for Sala by J.ICIDD • 04.
PLASTER--2fignasaforealo by
' J. KIDD lk CO.
ARTIST'S COLORS—A full assortmenkin
Tut..., for yule by 7. KlDD'it CO.
OPANISII SAFFRON-10 lbs. for sale by I -J. alooa co,
A PPLES-6 blds. Green, ass'd, foTr sale by
apn a. DAUM:Uri CO, Liberty et._
ijKARL ASII-5 cults for silo by
403'. • -11:DAL7.ELL k CO- Elb<rly
bxe. Bnwhriglies ex., for sale
1,1 dela WICHAt 11XLNDLE-.44.
4LASS--50 bo!es Sz7o
l ~ S a l
, • ACl4ferwi,snr
stawocia.b7 tapli
Steam Communication between New York
andTEE Glaenwd New York
411 X81104,1,971.47n7i .41 ;
hones power. N. Btewert, 411 t. of the
eoenenden, faeppnint.4 to pep ea ,
I ork direr t for °wo, ott Setarfty. the Ith'W.b..statfp
oust. et 12 &elm*,
0 1882,01f - lIIONZT. '
First Cabin (steward's Ire
No steers. new...kers taken.
Theme pars lorlud. roclaim.% bontwinee or lignons.
suPplied p
on beard, ist ak uwdersta prlras.
fig. a 80n0...
For freight or OwenlY..o,lto,
J. 1.1e.S 1 LIUN„ 33 ern away street. •
NEW 01tK.
Th. NEW YORK, 2100 tons, anal 450 horse l pow.. ye
rou.ort n. the U will on the saation early oral
p0100. thii6...111101:11
Rata sod 1...10rr in imago Eschenge..=g2
ix MP.. About for thr. following Nein% Liner
Pioneer Lin. or titeennailpe. between Nrw York sod LW.
lewallow nu 11., tallhip room new York and Liver.
P Ve Ou L ie nn . N et 1074% in ° :•1411...d Liverpool
on theiltb of rvery month.
Red Ftar Iloe, leaven New York on the 11th. and 14v.-
yonl Cit ' e h :L th lteVe ' a h rriiiTtb b iroto Liverpool and Near
The leindon Li. of Pukeer aalle from New York ones
let. and ood from hoodoo.. th e Oth, 1. I.h,
and every mouth.
' Thr Clyde Line a Packet. WI from New York
11 les... the let atid IBM °reach month.
P an.
A Weellt LI. of Pa .- Leta from Liverpool to liar OP
Gaily Line for emigrants, from Nyw York, by Stemo.
boat Gallmed. or by Quasi and Halloo', to Pittsburgh
1...e-engem will receive ..... atteutlfut, and alma, gpr
a cheerfully at tha ofilors of W. TIVIMOi. 00., Ecleu
Ua e kuabllo, au - Br.lleorge's big e ecc.i, W.
aJ. . Tape-nut aOt RI South etruet. New York,ar at
the Mitre of the advert-leer, corner of Sixth and Ulan?
-W.., Pittsburgh.
• .
Person* residing In the United States or Canada, who
trh to send fur their friende In any part of England,
Scotland, .r Wales, tan make the necessary ar
rangements on a
ht pplication to the yobeeciber,
t end hare
" t 57 o f
puke , le rano. rota
llemhaat e, favorable tem., by
ar " br y offir,;m24,'oo' ow. Their frequeneY
ofl.ditug . odes the poesibilitc ,. .4
flt r Y:n. jharlse i troe . adliarannah . . 'illesfOt r "
remittances to 510011 or large enros ) a t wor i 1 j 0 . „ ...,
McHenry's Philadelphia or. Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philadelphia on the
1 1 ,1 11:781 1 21 n 4 th 1131. i ile .**.h anap,
Polo. oIiNN WALL Wm. r. tholintr at M aste
EllitllPlL Nathaniel U. litter., Maiter.
Alfred . Smith, Master.
011401C2 MAXON, (now.) Wert, Master.
The Wore thins are built of the hart and must coal/
anotriala and we noted for the rap idity of their tiwwitlit
they are dtted up with all latest Improvetneuts, a» twat
thormighli reouleted, and are uusurpeueoil for their as
orromodatlone for &vend fhb. ond &serous ltutovrt.:
they are oommarolui by men of set ocnetre4 talent, who
are n.-walled for thew capon.. trt the packet service
Persons doeiroue of hritinug thew friesede from
Mown. eau obtain oertMolue of pews, which will be
otwil for eight months. wed our aurae in Ireland and Lar
gfr::;ll o . o •Vlle a gh . e4 h tlete . ggr """4 "
1./. 00. 001:11.100100 pv..0000 0141101 d It, peal 00
He il
ft oupply drafts an LI sterling •rtd upward, payable
at sight without distwunt, rebid. will b. =shut by aty ot
We or Poet Meer in the United Strurdottl.
iiritorlaious supplied musette. coining
Every week the Mining supplies mill pnlabad
almb { eke, of 12 In. of a. and ner RN, I . broad.
eke, gea tee, 6 lb. oatmeal, K, lb. raga, 1b...
}i lb. mann.. mai 1 IL. pork. thaler 12 years of wed
lha. botitetufts. I lb. pork, fultalloatutie of water were
*gar, wid balf aliewwoe of enter apil raolawee.
Oath 31.116NRY
No. 37 Walnut street, below Bettud. Phllaelelpbm
WM, 01.011.0,
Never Sixth and Wood el, Pittsburgh.
4,1 the Dm of Blakely & Co., ‘lll ...harm.. to Ana.
otaht drafts oo Orval Britain at..l Ireland, also,. Yrofte.
and GonstaSi._ voltb Irecalward_, 1111knir
04U.V.F•al• Ware Room.) turner of Mem and Birth
scrods, httoburgh.
Wove...foto &al from the old °ono to, no LW
mot tevotable tvrto& also. Rum Na fort 10 Cattoburoh.
anduty hut of the Pet oolv
Oil Cloths!
A LIIRO & 110 YT, Not. 72 and 74 John at.,
21,_ NOW VoILK. LP•
11,11.cturer. and daalera In OIL
~,..,(118,•aai....1y At lbw Factrn.. .n tamed on
,ud. a nate. ad,caas) riutae
for tal•011 of J.-alga • ei44,:aara of tuna, aurp.a .al'
dung ai •Ind gra+.lunal In f W. awou y .
Lampe. and for rWO lb., Lblann.d lb. prl. anal.r aL
tha h. 14, hi,.
At Um. ••.-111.1. In NSW Vora can to Ennui • I.E.
Fide corapk. aws.ent
boat,. bled.... and Thud
.100 IN I. 10111i1:0 1 . 0.41t0 le".1 ntdr.
Alm , ltft. laradure. um! 1.
na,c I , IL (01,1 h..
It/LASSES-50 bbla. and 5 hi'. bhp,. So
cp, nut.., toms. tat gala by
bb6, for min by
4,..1 A LEILATUS—IO bee. and 50 bble. purr,
B UTTER -10 bx, Froth 10111, fur node by
J B. C.11.%Y11:L1,..
4 . 'lRE:sell CURRANT - S-5 cskr. for rule by
0,13 JAMK.411AL7.13.1..f, Wat,
New Hooke!
T J. L. RF.AD'S, Apollo Buildings, No:
14; I .. l. ` : h 'grlq 4
fi6CIIiiI7I,4SOCW• Ot rr•eut,. ofLoco
tsts lur )atelll.4l,:r •
Thiry,. Ly Dr. Car }unlike
.• .
8.PW0R417.• slh rof.-rtwe pnreen2
• Cl .arry .1.1, , tr/1 to (No Ciergy lb.. a lA*,
0, LO., 11. Itsl. 442
N tit. liktocirn .11 their wartet,. awl oh..
Ing tLcca ri
is* rrer be,
u/ li.nrj A.ViXin. V ILK olloa
lb. VIIIVIA.." ie. AAAI bt J O.
am,e, bJttcn A.
A. Pratarl ar*sal.fia coL.allura In
- .1 •a-lano.
- L.. al
i 101) Imam' W. it.. for ,ale DJ
J A cut-e1:L . 1 . 5w: a cao
1/i 1.41.4-rt/ owe.,
d•IN: REC. AV 11l S KY"---14 bb Ls. for sale by
. .
10 0 1 . 1 , (1 , 13E§= A A c,, L ,, fi n ,:r
ezl o t... , , ct 4k o t n v ; for
nl. U
4a M ETY FUSE--) bbl.. for sale by
I. 4,1 ' J. A. DILWONTII W.
110 W DER-3000 op-Blasting;
•• Md./. far iale nr
4.11 .1. A- 'ALUM:iII J CO.
PORK -1` Hogs just rao'd and for sale 11
aualSON. Ltrrat & CO,
.1.6 Nn. C. Llbert,L
‘IALERATUS-32 cakdou for sale by
1,3 del.l • WICK a ihiIiNIUSS.
bay. boa nveiseat. almi anfor see br J. I. M UD.
I ' nh'..A,'"^il.,nl=:
. ~
lcumullsous . • dn. do. p u l Pr ' iluda.2 ;
(N,per'• Sumlest au.-
linur.r Iludiral do.
Pulor'm I ucltutot of ,
rculral 11.11..i.u.;
MacPudic'. Plus...dour
Cerpeal•es do. -
Stux art a m
Dlrrarem of Childr.a.
Churchill Co lolunlo sad CC-11.1reu
. or f.0.b..:
Itaou tad btuttor'o Ourmerv:
lloildanro llama. Anotatol :
GooclVo floluifory:
Mein' 'frosty* E.ok tthotoloiro;
kilrteasud Pormr•
tiomtrlattue Dosuostio Phydrom,ron Wein, thn treat.
moat ofdlwue.. with Mlulu orplanatloun of AustOuor.
Pb" rut i olg.l:llr&t 4 lllO2. P flo hl .i. Ittulto.11: D.—
'.RootrA4 tool .1.41 uYdl
WIRY' BUTTER—Frtsh, and handsome
ly put op for Enmity con.
16 bozos of 10 and 11 Its.
boorojuot reed and fro Foto Or
1.6 Orocors sal Too Nalco.
C°1218"-6 drums
it a & r l7ll f
D o l r Cig a & b 7o.
begs Green IGO, Tor sale by
L,/ uu DL KOY &
LIIIEF.9O boxes Cream, for sale by
INSKED 011,-5 bbls rec . & and for itife
br S. L. W. II&V.1111:1111
DOTASII-10 casks prime, for side by
des 8. & W. 11A118.1111111.
LASS—SOO bores assorted, for sale by
NI)100-1 ceroon Camila; 2 kegs
coneignment. far tainz ti tiiigm...
DOLL HEADS & BODIES—Juat reed, an
arienrcemmt of India Rubber Doll Mods nod MAW*.
Clll,nna &Rea 60 tele wholegale and ndall by
del J. it 11. 1.1111.01'H, 116 Sled.. rt.
TEETIII . NU ELNOB--21groaa,
of an .nerdy new article. jO4 reed end Air wile by
J. a 11. PR [L1,1E11,116 Darla at. •
Mtn," ,a... MITE, 1146.
bereby oertlfy th at I se . Michel lot ettrnontbawith
• dry moot. which reduced o n ow that 1 weg obliged to
noir my 'ma, and thnt by the of otto and shelf rinsed
/ahem' Lim PAMy nod two bottle ' of the Imperial
Cough !Drop, I m pesfortly ' W. Rim&
Wsumorso, V., licy 27.1848.
Ib bare owri Beller? Cough ilfroo WIRY nt."1 for t.O
:s rcr'44,l:l,,,!,;g!on
rtaler.l. amt.,4 by
dot R. E. BELLEIM 67 Rood et.
n-r J uld lbr sal. byKIDD CO,
GO Wood At.
y/ ratamt, for tale by J:KIDII a CO.
QTARCII-44G9 lbs. Foxe's Ohio, in 501 b.
kJ mama 4 aor sal. by J. KIDD 01.).
de( fa Weal 14..
lIEESE-400 boxes Cream, superior;
DalaaiLL (X1.,1410 , 11
UTTER-5 bble. Fresh Roll;
" •°"inAgailLlVa: ('"
EW LARD—In bids. and kegs, for sale by
ii a.° ' IL LZgLL 00., Libertret.
I ROUND NUTS-6 2 Backs now crop, on
vidra".'" -"Y I AIAU
!real tk.:1?"
BUCKETS -75 doz. Patent, for sale by
PTASII-8 casks for sale by
deo Ha . AI ell DICKEY CO.
TOLL BRIMSTONE- , -I2 bbls. for Salo by
LARD OIL-20 bbln. Winter, for sale by
def. J. KIDD a tED., 60 W?o.1 O.
Cooking Re10105....8 e caw Carrants...—....- 3 o.
Nap 'llona 11e4105.....12.1i0.11ieer. Mello. rigs --12Ao•
New Prune5,......--.lOhe ISe* A1c0ne01e...—....1. 2 1i0.
Ceodied Moot. Orange and Leoloo Peel. VreshOrmatel
Spices of all Idol* Farallon Too, 60, sod Pekoe Ills
flulfoo.loe. il b. .. ded
PTS: TURPENTINE-15 bble. in prime
17.JeG 's ' l. KIDD a co. co w.. 4
vaENcit lfilLSuperior, for seTfetii
de6 1. Erlito it CO., CO Wand
rp E-25 !ielteS t krrgileg t
.11, de/I
- Rnwll t Itobtneon'• 1;4
:ta 4
PHIS well known establishinent is still
ucted in The same manner It hie slaters been. Th•
Meth and blaasaet aituattob of the home, Its GMlmod,-
.1111 arraltzemeota. mad them mforts abd luturite to to
Stend theft, eoteldne to render it agreeable and adeabta•
goo. to the Ileveler.
110.10ec Levu Ott Of the Amu of John L. Teeter d Co..
so lone et the load Nth. retehlithmeot, the oultserltor
rhodete his toot exertions to malulaitt it. tePutohoh. . 05
01.0.11ohtetiou hla rootomero.
e....tood)dtte , WM. 11. Platt:in.
Moore Rooney et Co.,
MPC/lITERS nail Wholesale Jobberfr in
ANI/ CUTLERY, No. Marl. 'tow:,
I bilaJalplna. •
Atnek Wan and prime low.
3". A .Alvnovß' u. J eta.
S their afore and leetnry to the new
cal stowlone tin ANITE BUILDING. 101 North Peeler-.
where they continuo to offer • 1•114:1111111 OF (INN
TUOUSAND toy any ouporior ,hoe Insetting.
lt le mold hl all reepaetable Merchants and In the
rESE uperior aitiolos of Yerfumery,
amnr,t ableh are enumerated his jeatir celebrated
LiiThite. Oriental Alaharler, Pen/ 1. Llg.. Twth and
TM I I^owilera ChinreaVeltet.Chalk.eud other ar•Drovni
11 —Walad
Extra El. Sand Arnwri and Whip,
IVlndiam. Floating. Palm, Almond,, Yancy and Tollut
Foam Shavitta Craam. flair by a. eal,n• E.•
tract. am tha ttandkn,blefA, fla )larrnr.l4-ar'.. enar
halrotoad, , t nen artiel.-.1 Eau Lautral flair R.atorativr.
ail (hl & Yhilmomrs, Or.. to., aro maciutazt.”4 and for
laic Iry ' JOIlTrl T. Cl.Ethl,
Pirfuna, and Chmlat,
43 Market .tract, below 2a, Philadelphia.
Sirgerebant• don't Grtart that elrgea la the ebrapaat
and moat tataqtalar Manufactory to the city. Ulan tnto •
_ - _
Shriver& McLean,
Flow, Produce and Commission Merchants,
No. 34 Nana Warn
1 , 11114 DELP 111 A.
Knmrikily, .111 motto ph , topt uemlon. WOO
our boat eodeoron_to g Iry rattrfactlou Advaop.,aa.le nn
111114 of _to
rhea duared.
Maar to—tdem.. Ili 00., • Dither, Pittahurah:
Btr Vranc6 11.
Mr. A 1,,. Empathy.
Mr. Sant. I'. [haler, °eh,
/AMOUR, No. 41 Nutt, Becohl Ot.rett, ,atoo•
tot, earl skis.) eht/adololoa. faLl6-.1,
U*Wh. 144.1111 2..11011AV1.
' WOODWARD af, " 6:1 ' .,.
Ls sale Grams. Nu. •'«I Marl. pt. Philsielpbta. spa)
REA.LI), BUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco
thromialtioa Merchanta, No. 41 North Water /Ono).
o. 26 North Wharves. Ithila.iclohla. aual
_ -
Flour and General Produce
RA11.80.11 , TILACh TO THE POOR.
LIBMAL A4cavrty 11111.. 01 COMIIONIIENTS.
Having at 1;41. Nu•l •Avanrasa. to TranarArnatinn
ratth any utb, wart. ”o the PIA hart, • aot4.rata , al.
1.1 thararn. pith govt F Mr* an.l Quirk returea. 8,64 Lrat
to r mac ',AAA ront.rtlull; run...ty•tron••...
Ro m
Prtnu.Y4at and CA•111, c , f 11, tut.' Rant:
• •• li•uk 0 n•ltuuo,
eutatAarclal • Yarciers' Bata_
NEW Y()Rii:
. _
Profeasar Ale:. C. Harry's Tricopherons,
v.fur re
us. geed au. J.Larva. aid coney Nuoit"... of tee. ittln,
r n v
ittamd. utul ctieynlei. •tte... • stL, wt...., rut II
hua Wu ....ryttitted by • sto.rttroL
araus ho. produmt.l the auto caml to cone. 41•••••• not th•
at utote-..1 tem atul sit lite sterna. kingdom. Thy.
U.t.fart usattourd•J!, •Lle.-Y•4l from bututyrd• of .11:illta
kept., alit Arno 14 anew tee within ed the ptrearatioa.
'st6l lee •Ittos.ttLe to *hire It it :oh* Ly he tern
prna it • (nil
NIT 1 - Lar, feet 1;2, MAL
NASZY—Dr have `x...• •IttiYted .Ith • co.
Lb. " - Mt, of • in. ~trkvstril char
an,. tar ten last ettlevre yaw, sal dome list
Lay. hut tb• dyke 14 wear or the ottY.l coti,nl physi.
t. a. and Lim tylol all Itt• orwpayulla, ft. thr hair Led
ot.r bAtolnij • lan.. lb. hsort h•peet. vas adyisrd
hr se...A ete.
to try )auy IJO nn, an n Wt
tZt7.11r..1..7. r.T„ .. afjX. 72.
taunt., that et 41can. I an. W :411, 141..1
lia C.4.lunghla r.vt , Limotly tht TI. ILLO
a..—sl, Slr—AtAng ,ear• bar
way eat • OW toy loqvi •Nor , tnueh
wlt.h J •••14.!., I • a 'heal ta, 1 ry ,t,ta
Cow. uttl !awl .1, awl I. la,. ati.htuvu . s tot La. au ,
n...i all the dantlYell titrayquayrkt. tt..•
0..• shot , . for
arS 111,8.11. Y.
th e y Notylk.mue &eh. lb. tee
stztve. thry kb,. ea/I II ryvhats. C tarry
YlOn•tsvay, tiew shy,. trule.:• tb• tow,
41 , ..
Z="7:l tu, owl Natal Strait, Nor . ...IntLf
Ur p. -
rr..y be te• portiliaerot clay •F taLi
i a.eve
...,..,,I%.,,sAntsgeynterielf. hah
usts.,ry it, the Itit..l fu la, fenny. h
me., ....cies ta the tin& It ...1. , . i•
Um Us, 1"141 am. •
It tee dnutlrell uutt iLI runt. Ms
kuty . ftun and ;,..•sy. It w il l . 1411 a the truly,
sorb its re•LI bovil t
d l ,ll of the skit, to a. 5r•11....19...,,, it stunAn
ouriralletl. It lose. iu large Mayes. phis. tAt...ets..{
and et tit• Unttals.
1.b•Ug13.1 tea tanada. •DPZIttF
ioalvAitnitio 4 com.aossioN xtEnrnANT.
CRICAI./(. 1LL16,01,.
VONTINUF:S him %mud !'acidities to rereire
‘j raa 6ukrage. ,ale. wad Trazehlrm.ut..llMexhamdine
rewaine.l 00.11 leaes Lis Lot daily far all ;nests
on the g iAlf4 sud the llltut. Canal and I:o'er.
Ileterwlere—Nh.exe. L ' ireux, aterlttaS a Co ,
Sle,ora.. Jose. • Q.
Ht. Jahn A.o nshn.
• _ _ _
Wm. IL Raskin
fENERAL (.91411'111S810; MERCHANT
t AND AUCTILENI:IC6.-Na.:.lrat.or rliil Ll A.
Letretial attenOnt ii Cemsairelan hoodnewl. ausl44
kJ-Ullmann awl Ft4nrurlind 11.zrbst... No,a Lry,.
ard Cozotutrocl Orryt, PT Attt
ga-put...a..ttentLat r.ti.l to ale purchar.“/
4441 hulk flebl art 4 baron
itecr to Jain S. iltomnott: Iluev.ll i li.tauett Lokvr.
11v:tick t
Produce. Cnrunnakon, an Vorvicntnni Merchants on the
Leven. rt. Jnandt Mo
tet, Meinnder Uorion non Lorena B.riinn A kn,
Pittoburan apt ly
IAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
1 C for ommbloter t• leu4, Ho.
Isuannaticallnn promptly alarrr•rrd•
AOHN It RANKIN, Attorney - ana Oman
ike at La, and l'nunnstaluner Wr U. d. 3. o
inA)lvatua. 81. Low", Sin., (hilt , Ihtuhurah )
Ilefrm.—lltakbargb: Ilea. W. Forward. Ilampton
lilllcr, 111 . C.ndks • MAIInn, John IL Flan,
Ennhp kleC•nnl •C.
- - -
EARED PEAINIRS-5 bbls. now, for
rale br W. • F. WILVON.
UST REe'D-50 yds. thin Sheet Rubber,
fbr Nandatiod. For oat. at No. 110 tlLrbt u.•
dot . J.• IL PUILIJItI.
BORAX-150(blbs. far sale by
poll J. Kits CO, 60 Wood ••
I, 4 ILOUR-90 bblm. S. P.;
11 du Wm tm .l. 1.
null JOllll , l WATT A ( 11.
PONOE BAU9 doa. India Rubber, a
. .
RIJSHEU Si/GAIL-30 bble. Lovuring's,
for Bald 47 BU/WHIM): a Ihllllll All.
IEATIIER-2.e0 Side. N. Y , for sale by
Iflea 1101.111111.1.10 a 100t111411.
lgatican Mustang Liniment.
1 ,.
',IRO num ANL) I'OOR, bond and frne,
1: all tuln.. onion. and conditions. the NSW meal of
reortagrt nr;gi l l ' erl4Vl.l ' au hi j ' utl 'l' dV4 . , ° 77.:: ',7 : , :
ottlevreal pinion I. uttered II all *Lo ureicT.l Mauls,
Mat to re ell
node la•fure dlanarared oueermea otwit taq.
fret lowan curative prointlee. It arm like.mastle
in pat.. of NOY kittd, on matter hr what.iatmed
rrr07r.....4Te„ 1 tt71 - eltttr!r7:: ' at i r:r?. 'U rl;l r it ' lt . ..glm. ".
min3.l ',Mut; or any I;altt. aore r ne...4 . llloem. or emakoma
al inhale, muscled or Imatooom. Thu Liniment Is equally
applicable awl eqoally ellertual la OW. lonomilate mr ,
bTorrar 111
y IiCT • • • ' t
...,,. . _ e, , SLR* IlallOtl, ELL. MO \lost attar .
.........!, aul
. _
0021, 4—.19 Ithde. N. 0., recd on consign
awn., nd fur wain
.1.141 13-1-Froots4
QUGA (-20 hints. prime N. 0.. for rale by
1,7 02_ J. r‘.I44WOILTII • 011.
rFNE-150 bags for sato by
absi%ribers ree
f Drain; Rote.
nd .elect stuck of
HOICK iiltueltltir.S. AND THAN.
der nn the 'mat faeornble Intme, rumprtsion
• A cal Toolu, baores sdeorted 'lrkle.:
mile and vaziet,; KetcbOlC
• e Rio Qat.. •• Prefery...i VtultA
Jaen to ltandus
spectre'', call the at
e Kno.terittut Varolle., to
.s ." nti N i O ni La d " ' rst- L• ua t".3x lcaC h a;rran b''.. ta ß'''''''
"r r* Li and '
•• boa, rams Prunes;
• .
drams V 144
. " • 'kll4ptCandle4 2.". Waco. eboadate:
• a sliin " 0 " 114ecaraat.
1i " " 7 ..
.. . Coo., Ifroam v 441,41.4411. 4r.
..i.b.4. 14434 ma Yk4144 and Bat., awl ••40. Fordo.
i14g.441•4 *ad Rum.; pcnion•lly.l4 , o bY 1 ,, A• A.
444 u,
by Woo 4111.• 01 how 1ic4.4. rkll.4.ltltatia %al ball/.
I'M'il= 4 '''' - ' 4 "4l,nva=l - o.' d . by
a 1.4 , • . I.±a Liar . lv sl..
-4. •
SUNDRIES - mot bbl. . prime Roll Abner;
a - . amain....
Ilitut4 LielllM . •
A keaa Packed liathir.
444 4•axwoCbt4.44:
_ .
I. • iiZl7ll irETN L A I rr, d et., •
between Wood anil
iii , i 7 bAys—e,ooomoo for tale
HD) O. A. FAUN USTuCIi *co.
_IRE & OASSINET-160 pos. for
u i tt3RENK SEED-000 lbs for sale by
F• I. 11.1DDa 00.
Dwelling To Let.
EOR RENT, and possession given onTV
the Int of iwnuary next. lira story FRANI4:
SE, with back InilLdlOw, an Elettronl etrivt. Sev..weew
Entb Ward, wroplisl by Mr. MtLailatilin Eugivirs of
BO t erty rc
Valuable Property for / Sale.
1111 AT new and elegant Bra Direll-2
11., Allan, its the iturlietter..
Braver r..unty inee betn 11. it Oisio men and the
Obi., and ht. IN lined. The hint 4 i It, rent front by
f et./aen—.ottorlet....l buwntent Mort alto. an Mile
An*, alib i lour uittl bed 'onto, The Lit en which It
Theit feet fnakt rho 11hio river. Ly 125 lek. deep.
The yard in Inmi and around the bourn it Ivesuilfully laid
R. and plantiel with au abundatir, thrubl.ery, flour,
In.. with • goitl and tnixtatitiel site.. wall around IL
Alto. • eanlen lot ad letnlng Ile. tarn, lint let teptare. in
ei.el ON, .1../ eultte alien I,r further particular In.
Jel::t111 11. cLA
F i WA RF.rIOUSE, nititated on Rater,
tv.,/Slo, kat .1.1 V. ..t...... u 1143.1.,
t ~. Whnh-g.,lt- Urn..., ..1. Pr..lue.- Lurinex.. r0 , ...-+
Am given itatur.lia,ly In., two ..I
- _ J n )1 E." , DA L.J.E1.1., . WiLler 4.
. ,
- -
. _
' Allegheny Foundry for Sale.
rintE unti,Nigued offer for • .10 their or
teem,. sod valualolo ..11 L.ra. t
An... mud .xl.l. Iht Ann r. b..
Lhohilr, Illartuvalth
•u.I ish•l th-1..t ~h h j h h wh.h
h. error...W. 1... hrt Tr. le, Th.
ouojry &EYI two with in,
oxen, The ion r..t.-i1h.1.11.1. al, of ht
.1•14 hlrli M 1.411.0: W.
For Sale
i WELL finished t‘,., st,lry BRICK
IL iiocsE ..,t bir, in • meet heelEh, o u n t4 .. ty!-
I ,, u'i. Part'' i ... Ve t I"
itle ' u ' laret ' plNy Ie
newt loy Ile on rherry .I re e m
tl. fl A ltiliN Ell A ' I:T. Iran .beet.
The vale will be eleeed k it .Ell
bee:re the lat ' day of Jan
uary 1.11. dele,2*-(l..ka)
AN OFFICE over Philo Hall, and next ma
door 1.. I , . )l,auern-nrrne 111.rnna
so, • muall Darelling Mum, on Prno.ylTanta=
Menu) near) allnd ngi
• del)
)2 1,. And)). Lawny nuarStalrd
For Bale.
IHE three story brick Dwelling llonse,2
Na.. Id. flay nitre, en, &qr. lion—hrtn.
nreas, fail cub. Sinai up. tear. end SWGO to
Sr. itr•—le b.. ;crowed to- Loud and mortnage on the
prentirkee. Clear of all locurnbranott acid title indicptit.
ble. Annly to It t 1 a. A. 0.
docktf Attorneys at Las. 143 Fourth. at.
St. LOMB Hotel—New Orleans.
• 111)or. & WILSON, formerly of the
i• st Cher : 1 11 to InErtu the traveling:2
Public that the 0? loollls I t , , la now oven.
During the pact glimmer the Lin.. La. been remodeled.
ex lenitive widinnes 0:11.41n. eirly refurnielkol,•htch
will entikle ;la to accommodate oath cannon and elegance
nor friend.. deg./
lk o lLi r e p E bth :ll k j i ,
, and 0000 door to trl.nn'. ti T n' T
rpO LET—From the first of April nert, i 7 L
. large dwelling hole, with twentr , acrad of 1 '
ut.L; , -- . 4 HAI/11y. JONES E. (01.
For Bale,
I L , COAL /located In Third Pant, Monongahelaover
Too color ckf foal are unaurnatkeed in qualm, and aultank
Lagar , for rotatur. and equal to tn. het ,u, the river.
Aleo—one third uselornlof too of cue [tundra.' and
ninety erre, damn((, ~,,, kr.ralkele eat; Idr a
lull d.wripkii,o vf the tkrkdkertr. term. end ; ewe. attply to
mkelo 111.0 • 11101 k.
D A Hilo & ARVIN have also for solo solve
al.n anore drawable unwept...A Loy euttanle for private
reckdencee, to Allegheny tit y. Alen. to:twopence," Lot,
muttable nrt Loom,* o.ode nr twokrular. tkprly• sk.
Desirable Property for dale.
A .N LltZ. MltE . l , : „: . l i b..
nws.ll,ll. 1ta1.t..1. it A iso.tow, L. the
(stir.. n 1,1• vll, an I Junlwla
1141 L. All,nent •••t.,a.
ntlu.iliir ot.u/rn , ....1 Lot. on the a.rner of Lib
rty 6,1 /1111 . . 116ftl, lb. 0,6
tau 8,16..11t 81..8.16 an 6., 1,6 t Lit.rtt 1,1
..p at. 1. I. 68, rountro. 6,8 On, •11.. i
tt, tta., .6,, lit,, I l.rrluar Mu, 1.168,ty
rt• ...18 , 16,88, 11.. .8,8, It, 6, to ita, tr, 1661. hr
6,11... cult In
Alx~4tam. ov 1...6 - 6,6. mune,. 6 mil.*
. . . • ..
.'" of
AI toror, al la.. and 14..1 v....
N. 107 1..Y11L .h.
A lot of frroutol 101, fort on i'mg
•1..1 rum.lng /OP • I
el%I lbi• gob,.rny tr but •
bort dubaour to tbo L.• 114111ot tbr tquo 1.1,1 our) ryas.
Ilwerorol Vol ' , r0b,1.14.1, to
rF 1b. , 4 lobS, 11..1,44.1 , Ss. , mod u• Frool•st,
t+ll lutboloinctio l'sb
THE well known EACII.F. 110 TEL,
~ ,, ,T,l TI111:1 , YT,! VEI.
G.1.11/1/ . . , 1t /lg . , t.rtarri,
MINI:al, ...A cooanoolf. ft. IfoLl --coutionitzg toposkr,l•
I . .}f •• tal{rlarth • a/ 1.4 70 4+1., In.bro .
port, etuf 1 Dr..' 1 . fof oaf. of
naoloo• oi tfo. Irr,•• • o•rlf
•f .1 • ....•••1.6. rola 00..4.1 •It..e. 11,n
111,1 1.1 aft .%1•1:11. t. \l. ot.f.a. of lA. Iv
'the 11..1 .1. retteotly eehel.t.l hp...t the late. an tato,
11. an thethe
A I.,l'hrKl.lll,
11.1ht.t .1.1
/ 1 1 0 LET---A Itro it
. and i.rrnient2
At. Letur,o
. _
Private Retidenee for Baie.
PROPEILTY offi,rl.4l soording
le le•. aunt rert,nernstmeetatinn tell. 1,2
/: rn.lll imprat lax City
nti-cl. end Omar .5.14 x
nte s nl I/. n•aileve-1.1.4•1 !illYeetV ,
etainent denne tte savaulenta.
The IA te Mit larAir YrIV 41 xnanal, In
nn• tutnlr.xl 1.111 net tn... rptuning bock Ivo hun
.l..ltilly fret I. •ltev. 1h
II(i. hou. I Wit In r,...kru i•• 4 . 1 the be.
ottater.l. nttlxbetl in the lext niattner. 1n..: every
eanteuXuac no.l (Cl,- and cettla x‘ix,,nxt. nab
due xvg.l la ...wt. inert. I. • veil of ....client wa
ters, lb/. thex.,•nal nn. lx.r It, drutt 'rater Carriage
ban. xn.l xt•l,lssty. • varlet, .o ha. liull untl shrub-
In,. In xnart. tlx xilantaan antax.r. be
•pyrrelated 11T cpnttanstnen al the prcutlvc fiantlex
oxen •1411 n, le, porch... sea Invited tb nil on the tsn.let
ris.el. •111, nlll tube plea.... In n , Wnn eXetT
1n.u.11 iE n Tan ch., tar cecontni,l debt:AU - 0 rests
ITlT " i l fl i t r i n iN, 111 St , / , .1 .1.
Beal Estate.
L•OR SALE—Tice Lots in the
Hillb anl—ot,... 141-rl4 ntrrel. and We nth, In
pitwe ^f crvund. it 3 fr. on tp, Lgtat street, by
3001.,t at Luyuuv az talartt
Paurtml copy.)
tattlelth li:ltt.llAhrst —Etc We on torouett , ..
tiug term.. ISIUSIL to, esslos, Lane, emelt rectuttug
k-.t Cls, sults... hauls Ls., httr. soot In.,
it. ea the Itson• el.l Moo Itastetaol. Celli.. • tquaro
(6e 14,..4.1 Ind es tonslate hark to the Casa. Pas., thorn
.0..1,11.1 the greets se I•ellttirs hat ahn ra•Pl by anis.?
the hails...l.r
rot nh• ebitin n( lc C. taTOCKTON, .11.1Jvhhetsr 61 1 11
at 111 , Ilse.Y•tore of 11. C. tqllClitttes,
austlL rf Markel and Third eta.
14 1 0 R itENT—iho Ihrelling, No. 1552
'think *treat. terse tiostasheld—ua 8.1-1/ as the
nost,lawls t0..1 the and Itelterina of
the thus.. house. Is soutplatod. The leo) rltuuber u.O nos
sooseol hoot ha* • bath reams atte.the.l. wills ht, and mad
11,10, /W.( rists...l, a,
—the now. a..l., , aninix., It a vacJerate mi.. Erwalt•
of 11 I.AHLINtiTON,
.• Fourth gtrept. uetox Wockt.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
14 4 01t1A-lIIREE I;UILLONO LOTS, laid'
loil ou I t so the original plsW of the town
t Allo4h.n>. Un.
po..a LoUs os.oro Itvlo.oca 213.0..444
Ott eaut ton,
•AI.. fur r..nt forono or moor rear, the rerldue of the
out Moon tir 1101, eatrautilut back to Ilidge .that, Intel!
uccupted •• • plque.. 1.. t.
Yo trrtaa. Ar., euyture 11,. BLIALAND, near
the pre., or of Me au at hi. °lnc, ho.
1111. 411. l'ittaburkh.
1(1.11 II BRAIN W 11.41148%
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
IF Al'l'l.lCA'rioN SOON.—•
Wron 11. r..• 1.. 1... , at ACI:EB. to iiuquenos itnrmgh,
[war tivre. le1•11.1—on 0,.• U. /01.
With 111,11M1r, httildintrn. S. 11.• pn.perly atia
4.4 luto Inln, an.l poltl at • troul prota. I'vront. &trios.'
purrlogx• will al•Pir in 11.1 101 1 11 Iltt'lS,
114 &rated at.
Kentucky Man al Life Insurance Company.
Fr lII'S COMPANY offers to the insured all
the security and advantage* of the alutual mid:Joint
ft Wet I.lann I re heretnnwe applied, combined. namely: Low
rates ot prenuus.n au annual return in nekl, ot the ter
tentage mooiretl nr the et.ptlngent ri•lt of the Tear, an
adequate, but not eareedre pruenion for the future Pet,-
pity al inetnhern tor the whole term of life, wit ednlbe
bla lutegeat in tn. accumulating fund ea red to such
member, payable al cicath, by ereetts upon their polirleo,
a guaranty fund designed for the permanent security of
abort term member* nod also for the ' , repent werurity of
Ogee Mr the whole term of life.
/141 - ThIN I. the only Mutual LIP !antral:we Company
shaw. rate* of r,ernitsin 670 tintA e: • lair mine.l naafi.
&rd. with itCox an wnnowli, orrrapleg
la of turehr (for rotor. wearily prnoorriutr In
the•mouot o.f I.usit,..n.. and the Wm...jog rift from ed.
vararhaw 110 V 0110110 11... moo l~erw
• . • . .
Vpuipt.l.4. tr.', Pr, cirlpg 44sil Ow pt. ara
rale , a thr %
(%P.orouty. forn:xl.l prstk. owl pppliesPoos
for I.4srann. rvreinr.rt J. TUUIPTT ApPot,
129 Wand ,term.Pituborgh.
Polon. Unworn, ..1.81 I:xurghter.
ha ALEItATOS--In tons Pulr'd, in casks
10nd 1..5.e., for oat.. by R. DALZEI.I, At CO.,
,deb Lib..y ettrat.
11111 ALE 01 L—^_ e: u.lis \Vint. Strained', Ii
role by [de/ 1 It 1/AL7.11 , 11.1.t 01.=
. . - ... ,
lil V AI.LIABLb: DISCOV KILY. that whiiii
Iwo long nought tor. viz. .. (711,111C-IL Ll\
I. 1 , L ,1LD1,14 fur wiling Clint. Ulu., Earth,. alai al., IN art.. ITory, ornament., .1....
N. B.—all artlc )oine..l hi ill. valualde comporltina;
will be ren4en,l perhrity .41. an.l !wadi Cot a. - M W.. I
than 11. e aulutane after It h.* been lunnA• A. It ha• to 1
rotor. it Icarre on tuarkx.ot anithing haying been applied
to the broken yar4 viva on the Aiwa ale... It will afro
reylet nor setiole ol II I water. ..r ant nth , kind 0111,1014
used about a bog,. thereby rondo Ina the. 00 11.101 .
Whim thoywore br..l.en.
The voblle will Id ow. pee the IMPorlat. ,, •r
aniustuied with the tee/ anal atilt article. for durably re
pstrinit. •en die ie .., itanic.
For mile. wholeal• or retail. br It. F. BELLEW+, La I
Weal ate, , ,
. .. .
I •
3EAILL ASII-20 easks for oak,. by
d 0.% W.A V. WI Lull:!. 118 Sournal et.
lEEF BLAllia*:RS—Wanted by
u. A. FA lINKSTOCK A Cl)..
• des owner Lira! and Wrwrul sta..
IT. MOLAssEs=3uthit,.tioodavCite-
k_ 7l ,.nnery. foe swie by HU Rl3lll
5 V . a . i . lf , t , 1 , - , f , 1 . 1!1 it t 11.
K e 1)07.. rAtENT Sl'Altell L'OL'ISII
- / Ear inetuu . beautiful ulnae In I.tunnit, Stualin, ie., Collar.. uldrt lit.una. and all ktuda of
1.. r . realm,. the Itun from adherina to the Lawn, and
0 1 11:1 tram ettekintu It coundr .
, nottiatu. rJurtutta, e r
ttu ' t 4 4:4471 e n U e e r r:it •', T r:;l2.l . d . tu t .:rioMisr cl eart at
lino a ill bet ully cc/dated. a• nu v.unpetiti. I. feared al ,
ter an moat.' trial. tlue Cake • ill du thirty en
clothe, 004 DO 1.3117 .hou Wbe altbout It. Mice. 10 , 1,
,centa per t'ate--vrilb toll dsreutione. for gab wholesale
and mull by a. N. WIONF.11411•11.
01.4 earner of Ifued and firth att.'
URIIAM CIIEESK-' —I4U - bot. llezlep's
101 celebrated Dur M
ham Awl liatutra Cheese, this , dsrrlF
re rad an.l tor saln by
drl • C% l McCANDLESS.
4c , if EESE—Son - horcs prime Cream Cheese;
mo boed ,W .
nutlirnuari,i a CO., Liberty R
pllll3o-2 casks Madras and Manilla, for
. -eigNigM
fit pre.m 'Train will leave the
I ne Liberty above the Canal hiller. ever/
ui :woven.,
will No fly the Car, 12 mile. to ItriatorCi.
'other. they will 10.2 the in nailitaw to
ter thino nail,. over trot sate turialke road to
Beatty . ..l.Mo. ii , wdortnre u 2 with vayh twin of math
,. beta Ten Ihisitati'a anal Matti ',tali..., n.. 1 there hake
1 ho.piru.ll.l otia ear. nf Pena!, It• Ilia Rail
11wil Como., clue. I.IIII, AIiELI.IIIA, awl BALI"-
1141 i. .
iamaeocrea tor Itallianwe take the Cara of the bark aoil
Cuintwrlaritt Ilaitroad at IlarriAburah, V MO. at halt.more to break tail, mud to ca y th e aa,a e
whn wiyh to avoidbielit travel, ran halve
r flollida/i.Mriz. to.rte,un ie th e ir , ear.
thn teal .oyoing ho'olorl. tram, and arm, la Milicieh
p" the um, "'n''n'li43lll"4"o'lll="':ire4cr a. azt,orzurv:...i, to libllarl ' ittyhte. Var y thelotilt
The Areosatoodating.TMia will leave even' atterancaat
Sti ti.r haat /Ahem'', tml hriolun'e.
krtuentna Tialaw, will least/ Ilratoo . a at e ...clock A.
It.. 'topping at 'Wliklnaltreh and Mat Liber
ty.••oil striving at Pittaburall at W.. n'Onea A. IL, sod at
I'. al. -
. • .. .
Face-to E•mot Gberty. IC cents. Fan to WilkluAt•argly
21 cos to. Vas r.• to Toth.. eirek. 40
Paatonaere • di moron their ticket. at the neace In lb Iforlntrly. the canal nalre.) unti
half an hour before. the depart urn of narb Tralll. when lb
Once Mi.:. o lo` tie 1,1. In al lb. Dep..;
Bea on penlymt..
J. MEI-ILISIEN., Ticket An :I
delklf ,
• , Penn. Ralltuad Cu.
And the Pittrhargh and (Neerland Railroad.
, 1 1 1118 well knOwn and old established Line,tr.t.TT2,4-t,02::°.,7Ph.rit,",1":•441Z
Oa•II 4 . 1 4 tSurt.hon ...caotarll to awl man vll.aborgli ,
aao lew,.Jowl, awl .1 lokrmivilato ;wad, al tha 'Gavot
mteonaost.llEAVllH ' iceirvii and carries (nicht (I
the at .y« I Ina daily. leavuo, l'it:iburicti every moirbin
^I C!, o'clock, tool chenille at 3 P. M. c.
Pc...n0,. nulled through \to Cleveland end all olio
pototo ou the *obi. by steamboat It lo•Wellotihe
Moo ;Moo. Company CO Um:toner, soot Itiolioul thence
Cl. rel. a. /L. PilittiS o (II Agcy.
JOIIN A ',.ittliltric,Agt. 6
dell) rt.r Water a atnittttiaLtUslottratt
Riga Z'-5
Weare now prepared to carry Freight. between
Juriug thr *inter, .ad vlll giro throngbtwat
erote rotor. 01,13 , 11 • 12,..
o 1 Market otzt l.
elltllEK, lI—LOOM, 71, tiortli nrret. AYIII
4,71 ~. —C,"1.',..,:,;..:171`.. u
.:A,":*L.:f"—"°' ,
"' '
Bllii t! lullnal\ grill Un given for anlfterlng thr.neti, at
moderate rate. \ CLARK a THAW,
, Lltu.tly strent. Intt,Kur
1.131 In A. liC I LKI:, '
\ :111 Ilarket ottreL PLiladriada.
• L I , leUltl/1/S,
notn) . \ 71 Nurth rtn,...1. Laltim.r.
.__ ,
Freights to and \ from the Eastern Cities.
ii' i.a* r.k It AXI R A.l' 0E if EA'T ..
Qm-tEI.F.4-t7...PPAL3 '..
..% I.atlun, ter IFIlf I..iwax,l traiKh.
.eto 3.1 ttow
... ea, plac.., ;,..Itur tail. 41 lauir, su •,...kpad ltua.
nad satea. Apylx to. or ..dtaaa
11.5 \W II BLACK,
raVl . l:t. '. l.V . Inr gb.
Nn. Id CFO 1; :,;// it, Thinl at..e. Philalalphia.
:-.111111 0 FUT 'CISOII,
d. I . _ . N,.
_.:. North r. ilallounr.._
, •-:•.,..u.
? g , „,__...„..,,.‘
ll' 1.5 1g 1: '..1 I? 11.4 „V 47 g .1,1 1...\.V r.
rrlit: allitaclibera. agents for the, i'finfli
animlt•ite.A.l Ca. are ... orepara.: to raiwiptt.cillt
th.... 21. Aunt, tha triutat to l'htladalt.hin. at t h e llow
il ! o ''' r :1117 .r . t elan. l a awl worl-...... ..... .i 1.23 II 105 Bs.
For I:arou. Maur. Laid, Tallow; not
. \
l'llll,-1 , 1 VI:
00100/2 t t.NIL.F..
COPIA, 40LI 11ayee.
, 'ltt.cural..l..e. 41.
Pennsylvania Railroad
15:0, Reduad to 21
ON and after the Irt of December neat,
1.4....444,4-. It rurr44,lEl 114.1'4 ,44.0.2 nm Vail
rw(C4.,4o4, 1.4.444,4:n 11114,w:h. 141
:14 1,44.41-4...54L ellly 2, 44441,4 ,41 nt.r uv 4,4, 1,411
hi tLe eL,L, ate! hatteLetri•eu lirtal
Wets tahl the Allahhel:111, .uJ the tu - rothuh.latramarr
re.,,ht the Ito,hel char...Leh
A urnt r.ruesl:oltExii Omnany.
--- - - -
Otuairs. at,.
nr.l oh " k,
sul it mug ,to
rahaudt, audt!trimhoet. Itsultaute, sot itelgepvt ,, 00 lb d
nun, sod the Oh.. indlans wd
4Nun.14,; . ; e.:;errte.l.)
In Morning /:T.Pvrn ....Lnk
4.1 Itinslac Parrora -
Ile Lail Train AtOpi. frAintra, whore paiewnrara.
7 twurn, ant !Ake th sz e
Ns arrir Inc in New
lurk ruing at 0 . •1....t, inakinc the •Luir .1.4 ce
Lcpir,w freitht and ittle Train tearet Dunkirk.*
4 A. 11. Jallr.. a I,..e.mter 1.14 r la atUrtzed In thin Train hr
Wa, l'...onerrnanJ I , mveri.
At, Vale ,nai Dunkir la New hurt , Sa. 'B.p.r.od Clam
prio. •ill wiven to • f k'
ew 831,
l p
. .
lib. 4 . 44 ale repared to Itaaaport. live .toctelad
hr iaaa of ail kinds io an.l ha= hew Vert.
• • • • .
l'articulat Ana uLon wall be peal to Mock. The gauge
bong f, fort wile, woe route great slv.tageeoere
narrow gauge Lailroncl, In the tganeportstion of
A.l , lltonal Teams .111 be put in comouiselon pa •
glsors lune.
ar.tla diattlbu.l, giving full partiote
Wt. u,,t,..e..n1 to the of Fr , off , l4. v L e ,. .zar s 'ILI; can
bep J. r afTlticlllall, 01100.. /Nankai. ,m1;:so
Beamnont's Patent Starch Polish.
FATENTED, July2.6th, 1850.—For giving
b•••blui ni••• ilonliox. eatotkri, Co.
.yde, , urt Ikc.. anal a/At...meats the Imo from
When. Ll•eu. At- sod at...ticking to
not eoutollo• witch. 41tIortuox
Dir•ntoo•—l'ut • plod the elm of • pm to • quart or
step+ uhuu 1 , 01004 Into brirkly.
Nice, 121 i cents per hold wholesale BM retail by
it, K. SELLERS, tot 11.4 rt..
.1.12 Sole it eent lur Mich:hoot i'oullty.
asks Witter Whale, for sale in
ht.t,tw thsught. br \ J. HOD
tf,l3 IVINA
HAIR duz. India Itubber
aL.II/clntoah Att. Cu..loous, of 11Hrereutrt4apes,
mid atm] lot 20L10 at No. 110 llazletvtre.t
'J 0 11. PHILLIPS.
l'autira Lana% by I. ilason ChM!. Morils Boot;
' '.
1 Wail: 1.11.0 r 11,.%
Noirl;iirmins.2arra: ',mina, elms litooki •
Nornua vielmol Song &nit; rmiin.raumrdid.i.m,
Anglia,' ttraorii. ; Olen Ilise. b L.
Kan Allak Of tbel.ic Arid tn,ris. &anti, of le.tonic '
lir iroarY Yelmol hong him,. Ulna. Telut.ora ace
Ithstou (limas Douai . fi , ib.
All.o-lb• albatrmim • very pretty nevi aim,. molds br,
• It ,\I. Tiirlullm. tow:. by Itrabrua..t
Willie my Cr.,.. nes min hi li 1. , - hu.b.r,
.Ilin hark OS \ Arno. .4 , 1,4
Thy Stier hibritrr'n :.ti:
Th2illinotortio i tbanblabb
U V "' Ue4k t •
n •WarZlVila Thrg:tt rt .r ,
• bid _\ , • Tian of tbe holden ItarT• '
11, 1: { .1 al ‘N-3 .-d i !Cllr G A L S IZ aSboablillint. Crashed; .
h .. tr.
.1 .,
' .2 ." "'''' 7 l . ' : ht‘ lu , s A.Licrrausott ~.m.l,
tiGEA:NI ILEF.STSG !saes prime, for
1J iih. by Y. 'ON BON billiliti.4 a (Xi,
do., \ _ In: sad t 6 Vint tizert.r .
" 11,)1Nii, APP ' CIItESEE-1 eases prima
L itnaliriat. la dal ar.4 4, t r gala by
dot I . Y. V ,BONNIIOILIS a EXi.
.- —, -
‘ll 1 li EAPTI ANOs! k etc. ree'd i qr
1 / from tha Manor. rof /4%11 tia'
HZ.Atik l ittmil: & -,.--a.,..--
tx \
Abai. a lot Mak Wpoilva a Urtiath uriabini and NW
art, N•w lurk. \ \
.• , \ JOU,. 11,. 111K1.1Ailt. •
11.4 1 151i-2tl bidi : qndlt hi. 14. troop
1 : 4 " bit. Cd.kb reed'and fair by
,\ • J. IL I..:!%;:biLti.
- -- ,
A'l.3`ollor-'25 rd.I.L TC.Aud ik:.'.E r et., fur
' mi. er
6. \ \ No. LY ,s 3 .L
I ARD IiTL-9 bbls. % , (inte Strain, for
a i mix by , • it, .. bELL ' IAN
NI 01.IEL A lICLIITECt, No.f.?, for yos'
I, Llortieulturiet. for Nasal"' ' ---
Cuidrator. tor November. \ ,
ladies' Nalaonal Slamunio.. for Litirembar, .
Itomormi and tar aide •t 1101.A1M.' r itrat . y .
;.I Third atrevt. °MAIM tha Post OTT.
*. f'l'ltAW PAP.Elt—Largo am very\
yoliablo Lir bablwar• or vrewhir pi,wltaamb i
br ~
J. re Illarhaltasa:a a L;‘,...
~ orn, o ~
- 11 0iis_o_ 0 C f r estl64 . \
WICK ' t bIeCANUb .sx.
I ii(KSS 81LIss !—Aluarm & Bow fFIEI2.
I_l krr received a abed, mod botalcoune mauctiortit •
Incas rhatut4so...4.l an.
.1•In Blicic,lltilmer extra 1.14
d. of rail gamma styles. Alla • 'fa• pakten% krcletk
I•WIUFiI SCIf klllltlMak • a.m. attack, t.autt4Pl.
Turk F•Un*, camas scat drank. Black Ilaoll11.• aka
ClolakloF Valvika. Naar filbdlP.. of Istatet Paris ...kick,
ll•rlcaa aa a rlb• placs—raortbenat Form, of 1.0.4
sal et o.t. _ \
ruriaa, a IMlcailkt. Lave r eed and ktlar low tbo...birae`
• . .
Vll suks prime Ke atm; k.,y,
1 4:1 1 , ~„ irene. sod Ivy No by
-1 106 "c""'infiAlAlt 1 1/l e nt:lrd
" 4 11 " 4 1 " "1. b r ‘‘ \ w.urcna r=out y..:
FLOUR—,.3O b6ls Su
t prfae:
' to nde.4Junt we'd and toe sea by,
• Atalle wArr a. CO.
IkATS—J6O6 lin. on c naigament awl for
Ur ale b e V 'T,V of .1M !SON,
' 4:4 otrat
iiriCalNl) FLINNaB* or 0 - I" .. er- r
5.7 ent alettumn
('.LOVER SEED-75 Lg.. for iciel4 -
I- 1 ' doll_ A • Kula , z' /pt.;
ILOL • BUTTLII.S Ws. FraeW for aitt
x .. •
AYER'S ,CICKELICY MicTiliUlti,'-. • A s
. ' \ iron. Tux cars or " . •••• : • . : '...
COllOllB, coos,
, t.
t TI E , WTOOP1 11
440,1.CB0EE10N1Z;E IB0;
I B O R O - O) ; 1 _ 0 '
—•_ 1
. '
rill, /IS REAIEDY - L
ie ott. r ea 6, the eii miiii. '.
'OAT with the condOenee we feal le an •t tat .bbth.
aeldok faiLs to reallys thellapplest \,ffeote that can ha dr, ...
sired. eso, wido I/ lb.. 14.1 of Its tie/NI/woe, mil aelattOtte _ .'•
yowl litAisses of ft. our., that Motet \ • P.M. Op.? '..' '•
lb. setiotri Osumi* In Ternn.
a. pa liely know.. .bA '
Arta leen' Irmo alarmasor anl e ea deePeTata di/ . ~..-
eass of th e unc.l, LT its u.o. Cthen onl Wire. WO lb-
perholly oar ev. re othe r meltrine ol ... tn.!. 19 Ito aro .'
parent t a es-a .4 , erent/ors ..0,l where rite WitMea are • :
known. tho on •e no lons:s twaitato •na aartlitota 10 atto •,
piny for the els acne so4olanst YAWS 11111. Mae a .tha -
Mammary organ. winch are, inch:est 10 otte‘ Itatatse-e .
And to.te•oly w Ili forced& allasta.spos a CMOs
1 but tor e the miLLT'skriotlon a - Ale, ClanSha. W . 1 1 Mase.
I As. awl (or ChillesiNt I. the pl Mstatel /het
rim that rap Le - obtalacl. No 117 ilelltP. he . 1 1/ .,
11, atal Mee who hare 1 \asi It hint w it l\
.', „ , -
Red lb. 01/nion of th Galltorlas tlaWiet4'
be .excel Me 10 the rat 9111 ..... oof Utl.
Q.'S are Icusled...naell md. 5 011 0. lavabos Si
I clasa and of thiblehert rhar)aoterat the o ld. t
exterstro w holostledomiessikolllolui, \with I.
lenos unlimited 0" the nab/W.41 Whitt 1 ey 1
then is aaT sal us Iti tho Tafistiast of retla o
011 lA, 131:11TIVAIATI. -
W. lha under/ .reed, wholesale aintAltilta, That •
110.• arsine Wee. 1114 Ayer. CherytAsetteV 11.1.. Ott- ..
itar, ot. r trier! that It la Abe lost atnt,tmat meet./ .- .
[:OT to/ rnlnosary tlosatntelott aschollated tepee Alp- ,
onesti I .I , ple. AM ae wenhl. trow/ enT alto•leller•Of NA •
ennsituo. awl nitentlre Usefulness, ti2rdLILIAYNNAMANC_II \ ''
It lit th. 'Metes as worthy thei st .1 117. 0 1, s• ' •.'
{the trot ceurhetou that it sill d e l at th said al that ,"
Ilezhaw. henatela Co.; Ilastoo.
'Lase a et,ulaidt,ltalta,a,3lalylatal.
1.1.1 t Ingraham, Mosta, balsa.. . • ... . '••• -,' ll' A Co- ch.h..4442. S. C , i•- 1 \ ,
• Jacob e. lartsua, Ain' IL 31khleat. 1 .. ' . . . • '
T. 11. McAllister. Lownsills Ky., r V , .'-',•,. .••• '
Frausse a Walter. St. Louis, Mews:. I,'•
Jo.opli Duel,. atololo, Alabama. ' \ . : -• L
.' ',
' "
T. A. Peet, Iturtiogtoo, Lamont. \ .' • •.• • • ~ . .r . .. .1 ..'. ,'.-.: .•
laallate. itt.l., 41 w. Anl Cresgl a . .1, , -
• leas, IL James. Tr...v.. New Jeraer 't
' .
.1 11. Trarseetel. httsLutch. P. .', .• : , . .
Clark t C,. thirsao. 1 111wois. • • - .
X IL U.T. Ilurltrnon, lowa.
211 A. ea.. A rw. Norfolk. Ta..
if,,,,,,,i hyon,,,huist, 11 1101itistoo, Cal.
. ' 3.'..`g.'1":77.t.g-.. 11 , ;I•al' i tt't. 4 . . D. C .
J. Wria lit a C.'.
tirreana. AN.
w a w a , IVall ti tat,
C: e. Illelituone 0 Co., San Fratiniseo,Oal.
1 1171 . 1 1 ..14 t Al " .Y . , ' k;;: i 4gl7l , 11 0 ` 11 '': • i .
•,, ch.,,on aMe .foal e Leek, Art. ; , ; .• . _
L k !": I .T. ' ills ' ste,fl i t ' ae L' a Z. l .' s t ' Ciar''' , . . • • •
• • L/herlos 1 , ) fr. Jr.. f•Toridente, IL L •• •
Jill. Turner. sacmoah, (is - ' r , ,
IVO, 141./teio A1.... emonuttl.O. ..'' •.-- -. '
, IN roacinm CPVNTItIi3I
.1. 11'..Ceello A Co . Viamraiee, Chi/i.
V. 111.Illimoul A C.,, 1 era Ct.. SlattlN2. . ''.
Ared.'I L LIMS A Co, nagola.W.• Urettsla. - • '
V. Vionst A en, 1..... KT.. • • • •
m......T. Co.. liallias, Nora 8ea1.. - •• ;
• T. N sates A r on. tw. Solo.. Net, Brllttalakk. .. _
C. 11. /allesa a Ce. 140 Janeiro. llntall -
With su."6 aeourance,...o4 Irma sash oast. Ito atTottireS. : :
prise 'cm Le o.lls :01 e.... 1.1 that hwhe ta ttseMpta upon
Ina -
Pn•pared ao.l sW.I LT./A/MSC. Alllill, PracticalChsa
'Wil'q M r .. 11., hal Is MI MI b ' B
NILS - 4 • k Ba Irte ' ; ' 101.11. 3114NeR11. 11 yR.
.0 d
Le flay. tit Y. BOUWAIITZ, 21.1 4..11011.•
ALA& and Le lemeleleasharall. ,drl:1111.1111.11
The original .eI onif neuttino propientlim far Um nu m. of Commtption an,l bloom. of lb. • ,••••
Lungs tetrat they nee supposed to be .a etas by .
the tno :Monte of -Mercury. Iron.Qiittanitat.
Of if ingh Erne. , -
Canner, Tumors. ‘'
Eruptions of Skin, ,
Frysipelsefltrixtiebnro Rpm ":
\ • Wog - norm or Tetten.heoli Ilesd.,
\ in Ito Loam or, • :.
Joint, Olt Poem and Ukvn. So.llio cf. • •
rho Mavis, lifnhilit, Solt Rheum:
• bierme of the Slln.7M Lone pf Apportilit o ,'
bleaumesintring from the nu of •
thin in the Maar sad'
• \ titionlarro, fleneril - .7'
\ Itte , per, Lumbono.7oub- ---•
Woo Coll liontlei-. • '
TIIE. LIDO 7.17.VAL1: .4 spiel YE KNOIS*I,
The Btriti r iirepared 101 l Dm-IL. ana the
Mirmiparliiu,' nee the innatuatite - frmitthal - f .. i - .7
smile from *Wit De. liimmith Impeuita 'Egtrait'itif -
Yellen bort nna is fortiat: need thetalbuse -
Wry of 1 , 7. 41 i{ 112. Oran us *lO4 yirtasaoftbmmOMl
iIA thr.oj errertirai. It ...preparation amiable
of the mots. oombinod
. . . . ,
eronll, in caiai aflleaUlc:Sdoibutic. and Clairmse ui ;.- s . '"'—..." ' "-
,eireplaitatr-for urtutrid,turatesUou of all the 'rite) tootr- . 11 ... " : % \
err. mar all trials tormeaticiaditormics Of rho eLln co trying ..-
t '" P a ' . "'" od " . ' . . l•L ' f° !" l°l ", ii 4'l • , - / • • ' i_... ''•
...,_••....L.- \ ••
,o t i t . Ligtitils, ittreici i al . Cratiplalota ir tb ., . ~,,,',-.. 4 . . \
ree•olle• mid d‘10,20134 di9lll39sl. i nie 4111;‘, lou V . p. l l: .
...," . .f ',..
S9lllldally Ctirrd by the am of this tueuta• . • • ••• ~1.4 , r , : i \ ,
• • tints& Ina.. Ueda. ''
611.1651. -
!tr. /oho It. ,
: Perk I.ecar lir: Jars with anutUrcibla - ; " . .i .. 4
hielturs of , rratUnile that I am able. thrOugh the Lista
P.otAliors o 7 O.; and by the wooder votilligatimmy of .','.-;,•...„
that crcelliri atedieloe, Gurrott's Yellot 4 , ..41 , .ad gar 'ti
to riye yen ntes artoptime of my almattlarye,,i. ---.
le* ti. 4. In tilp winter et 16.5,11 eruatlauted VW:ellen.: • .'! .i .
etre rill', e hick\ \ma Xru s ilually eximalloa• throarh 1110 , .;" , - ..- ,
whale richt mile 141 Ica-, oaths fl./:31, 14919.Lnc:film 4 t t r. , ~' -', •
lel prom, 1.•• or toy 1•1 , ilia? nitemi !L.; WW lilt b.4, ,:- ' ' ; 2` ' ;;' .
ihnt or, to ohout twielllrdaof.ite MOIMOU eke. Irma.. ....` --,..... ,
eil the ett,tolaum of t \ ob:lIli pliattUrchar, - mtmirotolkwi...'r; . .1.
rod nu ,11,0.0 one of the woltl Lama ot lifer complaint. 4 i',i• s ' •:.
Ue .aid toy r..,•
we, cue\ act e sity,liiitidled. tint preatrila.'
ed for me I comaltord end er is \treatment tiara I Watt - -•\
mtlarud 1.. oil idu help ma. 1 , diem arecareir OrrftW '...", 7! - - \
siccitt At 11110 place, W. A. beer., krebottlee646,4.slri .. . , ~‘.....y.,.. •.0
dello. tact tool hu - earmilLa froFA'orAtoh T 14.Szlyt.liii.., ..,", ' '..
• I..eacsouot ot bench% After\ itacUia lialuttateirshidtiatik . „.•T• . •••ii ; "‘
a ,,,,,, 1 ea ., aide 1,, pond e my bMitstadwlLboutsulitreari , :i':-.74 1 % , : '
veolente, auJ boo.. levet rio.-e that 1 awellinam*ltlde.rl.o",f,r ':',..„
tot a 0:,..0. larval bane 11a1 boo rolcitrAN4 - = '!-=';'l:::';',4,:,'• " t •-: - :
st.. rouni. of the time; sod 1 'Mu= iiacribe thole , ..;. • ' .
torn r 4 toy beitlita to ..r ~J =.= ...t 4 bribiA2"..7,..
of Mot fru', Valuably med'aitte, ll cot rotlchi Ihk.k• - ..' 4 . '
end eareapatilla. . 1141' 'I. V L'ItIPIUL' 1 `I ~
lir. J. P. fart -Dosr 81r; I mod VA: fkof g ccr- - .1.
titler.te, &hit ai far as I.m alloolut.d'AitA tip Gee. itla L . '-'..,'?
all true. I arc , nced it, tbutainr It 9 ntlt.3 . - ...'
yull tad to lbn atilielid. to hare the pleats* atlatirlf,-.' , -, ..
it as you *look ',rec. Tours, i • t'' • 1).V1,11E8.23," i .". t,,.
,' " l '' ', ' ,4, l ;; L %
Th.laoriughilterisfroma IdahlyreepectithloA tl,'-'
oho ielof. le erica:lee strutter . r ' . . '-'
\ . ":. '7 :
Pr. d..lin 11. Pare-Pear el,. lit. Usk, rotee Lsfno7 of, , .;,...I. ,
• aaraaporilla hes ben, rdmonted by Me Or Um. 111.4 three :'..;
ye., ,will. me.l elleft, In Ilectorallieldlity, Lifer Cairn ' :.. . : , .
Pi.liiii J 04101 40. DS•Perwita .ml Chronteand a:railcar,.
lki•easee. In all female Coroplsfoto 17 - 4irfolorf If 'Opp , \
...'' • •
.041,4. 10, tie 14319 of thi• Inallolnolhorationteopor44t. ',v;
If 4111.1116 at - coati. and tatui worthy wrote; curie 0 , ,,.1.
lialeratSon. It i.l p 103.331.1.0 the toll.. and ralell. 44.1 cat -, .A; ...,. , -i,'
be awl by aereous • att *O, must delkate stormorllo, 414.: --;, 1
suety:mid. any . 1.93M91.1[1:9.‘ 1 A10.0pe.A.4.474144441, '. I, l \
aelieuce, mot to the allticamt imbibe the nee. . ' - .a II - 1 i'
DV. J. FL LELYSIit,-;, - ;- .."..' •
tal•lLy \ J. U. 1'A11)1, Cinclanaii. 0L10.'110 , 174 , Aff.00tt5ir,..t....'; \ ~
of /irth duel IVlduiatalteotel ...Ca.... Walnut Itltiort,,, - • - ‘,
td3 vrtma. all ',Mem moat IwuddroareiL . , ' - 0 i i'.l .1- .L. .j.. . '.,
;44 hlidi a (a. 0. A. rahomitock 4 Co:. .7. A. Jouf.l. A.,. 47.... - \.
ir,1, 0 . ) ,.., auul,orata Lew A, llookhoto; A nistaiaff (Atli -,,,'1 ' 1
L. I% ,110,,n, it .401...itig.; .Ic,. /1.1:006. linimiown3l:.' - e - ,
vf.Afrj um-v.44m 1. gounta.Soirecteel; edott.,o-114yron, ,', - '...
'Whirl': geed A' ton: iiintrinia.afkl.n..ihr.l.iollidnygsts , :' .l v
it. 14.144.1 A 4:4... indi.m. J. K. Wertgla.,V.Atiss.duk ,k ,
0.....1 k ea, arcalriller.a. Waren MUM. Warnimberte: • I•:.., • -
ater,,,,elmi a C.., N. Callen/lei., Ileadelltai litrtiath•Viri 1:.1
Kaki (1,011.. k iVaLtr.llercar ' *00)00 : ' Kelly:t Co. to.i..' „,'!„' : ~.
I.r; A. i'lroi IL. td , ore et J. o,Sualaartort, Winn:KT. L. A ..
Ef, -7.i..' -- ,
fi, Joni o, lienderrporn P.,ernektrSr.,Catiwyrillte ` 4 -• ' fir -
ig* - r,i , v-41 per Soak; Sii , 'Atitetei:fii — Z6..:,.:.,
d014..11.11 . . . \ ',...,:.:-.!,..."-
1,11.1:1147 - J . bbl a. - Fire, and -Water Pro fit
rr Ihr rale lq • • 1 . 21.1.011 laeldElt •if 4 -
4 . 6 • vractstc..f V
31ZA IC casks recq'and for Fate
1103 Melt VeCANDLICSR.r
IjitYfASIL--I.s'esAs pure, fur rale by ;
Jen It% 11 ,4 3aN?Llaa,
MkCKlliltEl.p--1.1. 1 0 kits Nn.4.4r Baliby CI;
- • KICK
^! aIeCA?(TtLitES,
— STIED OIL - 7 19 bblo. for alo by.
.4 deLl " ' ''•J. D. CAN PIAUI.
TEAS-45 lif.;kbests Itysbn,; .
ie. & t it,
Aga, .stianiraw
IVP 6-10 btilea Ohio: for' •
4 okt Ll l Js.Dll,woarf
UT easili pure, for
Ne 2 \ - - r abyn.waltTll CO,'
frittui4K_lsuNsritel!—.A. 3 .- TUW
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