The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1851, Image 4

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    Ma o Washisigtonletter in the New York
, ,
Journal of Commerce says
-The Vital/Sou of Mexico, and oar relations
. -to that country and government, now afford a
enhject of much concern and interest. It
lettere have been , received from Mario," by this
Government. exhibiting a melancholy picture of
the condition of things in.that country. The
government-is abandoned to faction and comp
, tiers, and:must fall into utter ruin. President
&Clercs unreservedly' that the country
_ , Ll'V.Y.,ust fall: into a cendtiion of hopeless anarchy,
4. '1:11liellS the United States should interpose to prop
q l.PAirit - tip—titat is send people into it who will re
" .
~ , ,, ,, v4 p ,ueem and re-organise its institut ions.
Tui Caocrs.—How ro I'IILTENT IT. -A corres
pondent' of the 'New York Mirror, a medical
proctltiOter, in en article on this subject; eve:
Tito premonitory symptoms of a croup hi a
shrill eonoroua cough: The patient is not sick
—taus ino fewer, as often in a common cold —la
lively, perhaps evengayerithaunanal, his hands
are cool, his face not flush,possibly a shade pa
ler than usual. Thiel , solitary sympotm may last
far al few daysSwith no material increase or ab
atement, withentattraoting any notice; suddenly
_however, the disease hitherto latent, burets forth
in all its fatal fury, and too often continues Its
ravages unchecked, to the dreadful oonsumma
lion. The:remedies:for this system of croup:are
simple, mod in most instances perfectly efficient
They-are: "a mustard poltice, or a strip of flan
nel dipPed in oil of turpentine or spirits of harts
ora, applied to the throat, and nauseating
doses of. Hive's syrup to be continued as long as
the cough remains: By this timely employment
of these mild agents, I unhesitatingly assert
that a multitude of lives might be eased every
week, that are tkow lost through negligence and
delay. "
littetturv.—The whole Roman hinging@ 'aye
Wesley, even with all the improvements of the
ituguetin age does not afford act much as a name
for humility. The word from which we borrow
is well known, having in Latin a quite
•tiliffaient moaning: no, nor was it found in all
, "thefivipions language of the Greeke, till it was
:: : :intoda by the Greet Apostle.
Stack of Chickering's Piano Fortes.
c TOXIN 11. MELLOR., 81 Wood
Lknxtlilrorlart ,
In Med xamutaelosT of Cfilekri, th iro.... f
Vlrnlz V. 1,7•01:. Rosiwood.- SZ:b
11445: 7y7 earved /itasewood
11977: " 7 " "
.7175 G
1144. «7
11799: 7 7
" Pull Grand....
Tbe rellorlog Pluto rooter fry:oodles marotheturers.ric
No. 051: Oris t, mates NoNteroal Hoodoo[. N. Y...-. 5276
- _ 11 "'". Ng." an
Si: 6 liosermi.
00 6 00 0 . da - .
' 1817: 6 Wood...ll'l3room 300
lArt .o .“ .o 2:6
44t: 6.!„( Boudoir. Gilbert. Breton 276
A mabotproy 0 octave Areorol hand. 126
- •
, • • 'Christmas Gifts.
Mlbubscriter ban jrusereceiTed from Eu
,2 a.lot of beiutlf 1 IVORY ALLOVL elabo.
5a.0.17. ertzval al too .1 - [lon of
C ror, "7
V r i 4 o'7' llr d 8 E NZ R O LI C 4I I'I II
Th lio.7o.Ztlelfeletb i ftnr to ape oat Mg..
.;*2 qt
l'4'"L'l47 111111W10171 . 71 .
• - • Goo& for Cold Weather.
Maunn' &BURCHFIELD invite the et
leetete et eep.s. tiw,t Tel, fell sasentozent 01
e tiensatinle of Dry Boob along toe 001.1 weather,
littne !lode Flannels, walte, brosm, blne and plaid;
Genuine aVeleh Cistern Male do e all eolern - -
tan nea7 Canton do e Seeking flee dant, area. Jte.,
I ale:mar laae lanes - oelern Winter Glares, linflerr. Un
d4r Fkarts, reatolorsia An En Wanness! supply of Dana:-
r I.LTO lustaroneiled. dslo
T4 I RESH BlBS—Ree'd and fur rale by
de 1 b WM. A. 31eCI.IIRO W.
ig TRAINED HONEY—For enle by
13 dal...' . • WM. A. 11eCLI.1/16 • Co.
. .
RS.V...IIOFMAN ie going to leave thi
. city next Mardi. and il3Viles amee 4'41114 .aawiob
bate lemons no Ten] or I estrumentai Must, co Call at
LEr reeidenew,l9G Szeinabeld atm,. between bixin strtet.
~TRDIE LEAF LARD—Pot up expressly
far Luallr neet, u lege and erwlea of 3. 5 , sad lu lb;
every aupeelor. Just ree'd and for oale . by
Wll. d. sia;Luna a ca.
IkIC . LASSES--;20 bblo. N. 0., for ogle by
PASIF-4 x. lIUTCII,ISI,ti a W.
. . . .
, just tre%l • las.thss nopply nf tb• above article.very
iupsrjnev Also. WOK. SLlelalNUtt of thy vssy Usti
majrn. .filloss
V. bilt•lln, te.
. . . .
- lIUR Y II\
' deb' Northeast comer of Four Ll. sod Mark....
Tooys.! WEML— ri
Illuarr .ct
11.11,..havejnet reed. suotinual of oh. *Do.. g00.L..0f
ia,toOcrokr.s. 4110 - .21 great Tari.ty of Nerve Go.c.b.
dun so: Mr.-lest frw day% math. ao ....gorcenemat no oaually
1011. Burr*, wIJ . ;env call orllt.
___, •
i''' - LINSI;ED OIL--. 20 bble. for sale by
110 BISON. LITTLE a co.
- 1 -ILIAL'KEREL--100 tibia. Large No. 3, for
..:.• ' rit. /air. hr ' ..Ideal R.
..RiAST PUMPS-2 daz. Indiaßubber
• 76 bbl. 6. No. 3 blarkrzsb
14 bb1a..11411.7760re Marring
- 16,600 Cod 11411;
Ilfaler r. 104 by •
RY:14A12111176 k CD.
tiIILESE:=-100 boxes Cream, for sale by
f. da C. t Sr. HAREM:DM
I AIM 01L-25 bbls. No I, for sale by
JLA dal JAMES DALZELL, a 4 Wats,. sc.
(I . IIOOOLATFIOO bxe No.l reed and for
ki Nue by WICK a tiIeCANDLESS.
IG METAL-100 tone for.aale by
yLOOM S-30 tone Tenn.,. for sale low to
dojo) coasizacorat, 01 JAS. DALIELL.
1111011EA'biT32S-53 bags landing, for Bale by
dot I.I)ICREY • CO- Water and Frontats.
UCKWHEAT I UR-25 Backe for oak
q n , OAP r -100 big. Cin., for ante by
p , %-aal• WICK k MaCAYDLEI3&
REL-200 bbLs. N
r Ms..*
_ IfteArintibl
Q.ALAD 01L-10 bukot for sale by
uo= J. scuooNiteKra v CO.
I box Imperial:
2 croce - Awrima Inr PiLie br
2011U02.2LA/1112 I 00.
• ~ 'PEEf:;-A leacitifal and rich color, for role 1)f
vicvn PAPER CURTAINBL-A handsome
ussortmentjtabrebelyed alb} far sale by
• A. itleCturg Co, bare lust reeelved a few
hint enrato order relebratel .tisoest Chou , Young Wein
T.*, ',Writ unirereany acknowledged In tbe east to be
• HOU eland of oar thing to Into Mentur.—
vane 100 gar lb. Choke Oolong Tea at 80 etaNo..o4l
liberty Meet. nere2s
T ALLOW-5 -bbLe: Beet; .
.18 . alad 11 Mutton: far sal•by
11;48 : ,&t W. 114110AU011.
hbds. N. 0., for sale b 7
. 3:132.1 . 8. it W. 11A.11.881,011.
A RUST'S CANVAS-250 yds. prepared, 7. KIDKIDDt 00
00 Woodit.
S NUFF -800 lbs. Garret's Scotch, for sale
1000 lbs. for sale by '
,J. JUDD k CO, fp W. 4
cAL A.317 . 4.0N1A1250 lba. for sale by
-nom a CO.. co Wood rt.
fires — lrf3 , ale of long Shawls at low prices
'.A:. CO.c will tycoon Tuesday,
morming. December Zl, at thelr;lartre Shawl Ea,
Irre== " trffl a gal t n r hll,l= k drea ' Sttl th aa
mar bold la tale car- , del
j fOPAL VARISII—in bbla • and half •bble;
• Flowing, Beerapheg4 troltsblog and Qutek Dular, fee
IOFFEE--314 bags Rio, for ea/o by
- WALL •PAPilltA full' and 'vaned ar=,
1r sortenent.just, reed from ntrtera If suorann ,
rtss, gaull tar .algt by_ n 027 ~ TIROL PALM fat 1
• FLOUR -204 bbla. Extra Family:
• • too !taverner, for aklebr
tlet" -' • ' 0. t' lIAMBALGII.
, lianregwe'd away fall annulment' of the' abut* mil,
, f all geralltleo from' mambo U. fusee, and of Wald
ogbelabg-rolorn,.n.l of mania atglat, and offer all at
v /fle . E. ge quality and stfle. .-. .. , ,
Emelt& Long thawla,nt neweet ay las and chola!
. ..
~.... . .
gf..a U. an, evening nen , good, atpeawnt emery few day,.
Jun wan'AL gas asakm g Flannel,: of elnotalla colon and
itiTEVE-4 calks Madeira, direct fromthe
laszd..l.PerWi.ttla.cttrat'l .a
POKE WINE:' and 5 cpke., WILD
, u i t tfurr2 " ll P Y rttitarzwisuN 4t oak
'( - t Z fLIP AT' I I .- gafi,
10" 1-: 4 r rife by
1 tiC—U&3iO . i , g :.-It i ' a
cqu i edeoN A CO-
s_looloo .
--ti oxiikasP tgar., 771,,0
---TlCklifera;;=—,_lo.s tons Younq for sale
ftkat MATZ IIE e a co.
TO4A-A-z§:44:-1115'bo. for sale by ..
rdar , , It HEY, .114ITTLIZ% k CO.
BU.TTyti,f-,5 bbls. Primo Roll, for sale by
nurrumvp *Co.
• 00,.
I:laments of koeio.aad eatopleta ta•
aolloctim o r limo torte. to 'Weals added a c bolo:
guL 4 k, ..IVgrag
' del>. t, - - Ads. Yoraalbir-
14, % 111, 08 , dri WOOl -',
,nLACKWOOD, for Nosemben
KJ , Art Jouretakkbr floirwombewi
lesee Cheek, the Elan of West • new work by DOoglas
Jerrold—plice 12)d cent.
tia.iv.d at 11ULIIK8. Literary be*, id Thai Matt.
•oppwite the Poet 0131e4 0070
rwr of Fourth and Market streets, haeing recently
addition. in their ainortunint of NOW PALL
AND W I rillitt DRY 00011 d, are prepared to oiler to
regular eustreners and buyers generally, an extertere ea
'Thar to /Wan ham. wig
RIO COFFEE—RV bass prime Green;
70 Coma for rale by
noIB 30110 WATT A CO.
FRkSIIfEAS-35 hf. chests Y. H.;
0J jots,. 0. F. and Imperial:
Alhf. rho. Black: for oale lir
twig__ JOHN WATT A 101.
BROOMS -_io doz. for Bale by
-. JIJF onl.3__. J.D. CANFIELB.
.. _
.111111ANO COVERS-1 ' doz. Vulcanized In
dia uhlesr Pima., just reed from Boston. saul for
0 . :,..,1;11to It
'W him, Dina. 110 Martet '
ol 011. PIIILLIN.
NOT ASII-10' casks prime, for sale by
oom J. KIDD J 1 eti.
.DOLL BUTTER-15 hbls. Plain Grove,
1,11, for We by J. A IL PLOYD.•
poll, Round Church Building
. , . .
-10 boxes Ruaorill a llobitiooo i . liii Lump;
10 `i W. 11.11 rant . 50
8 .• Joni. A Soren lb - •
For rah, by triolsl J. • II FLOYD.
ROOMS—IOU doz. Poland, for sale by
015 J. A R. FLOVIo.
n p o ne o 02 Fourth et, has reicid Mi. morning hy . Adamo'
• largs lei of Cloato and Sotto, oriltabl for Lio
Weis and mauve. Au varirezii ail! scours • &oleo bar
m a n—., (midi and largo' stock of Trim:n . ll:4,
mad dadrabie otr Ica,
ARD OIL-12 bbla. No. 1,
no-I JAM
nal. by 0,01.21 PAW'
‘„A plate areortirtent of oath Perdu
in part of the follow's,: Dolt Heeds. tht
large usd mall, Paces. Cone Fri
Ow, Spit:am, Pennele end Bottle. t
PatentOallaretableolleansfar ataeblnerp,
Daanterreotype Frames, aloe Solee, Water
Peraba for hulas drawee, &tread Tr
artd Inch mud Cont. with I variety
meow to mention. For sale at No. 111
sell) • • J. •
• MAHOGANY 6 octave,
/1_ Plan, baying lewd need about tht
at one hundred and twenty- tlee adders
Atm, a
o you elegant ktneegood Piano, ale octave. to hlrs
I:J7A le th muthtoet or gea
arge eon Phlllat
F RESII TEAS-50 hf. chesta Y. Llysen;
26 Si
ht. ch•ato sap. Black Tea;
For tale Li Frelai J
EATIIER-150 sides N. Y., for sale by
2_4 nolb J. aD. FLOYD.
1.30 T ASH-25 casks pure, for sale br
nols J. • 11. MAD
BROOMS -5O doz. for sale by
Doll T. WOODS a adai. 61 761.
APPLES-30 bble . roc'd on consignment
6 Mr sale by T. WOODS it 60N,
4 61 Rats mt.
BORA.S-1 case for Sale by
0014 KETSED. a IIcDOWELL. 146 NT.x.l .1_
otir 6 " q iii's a"Pzi< it
boxyrt.t.. Ito „sod st.
FRESH FRUIT-3 casks Zama Currants,
3". Motu 0. IC.
60 3( boo. 6l It RA..
cag. Leola
J. D7WIITI/M9 1 11t1.,
116 Woo 4 16n.
%ASH BOARD u 0 doz. Holmes' Pat
• eOl Zlne. fur sale by
6614 1. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
, For oat. er
1 nolo
LACKING— ll° doz. 3Ltroll'S Challenge,
131 , for sale by J. D. WILLIAM: , A CO.
- DOT ASII-10 casks for role by
.11. ml l J. D. TVIA..Llims aCO
ALUM -6U bbla. for sale by
poll IL A. YARN f:STUVK a M.
IL—IU Ws. Winter Lard Oil, landing
~../ 1.3.1 for W. by U. GLACEBIJRN /CO
. .
C EE - SE--5121 „0 3gr , i . nz Shipping
Qmovan; reed and leer sa:r by
tztol3 It CANFIELD
APPLES -7U bbls. for rale by
111 EA EC . ONOMY:utts . and FORT.
/Ind owe dorably thau loathey....l to ...opt:. I'LLI
dr .V:MrA3=P,Z •
rord.(.tlbJlrclup•tirp nine
1 1 . 0S1 N ; C.
it Tor;
toolNj . u fl CI I
I FIATIAR-200 t0d...1 New York;
ant. ,
B&It kFt Bulled, for ealr
by Isola) • WICK a IIIeCANE.I.V-iN
kJ Just rev op osoal.79asot toO Gr aal. by
twit lIARDV. !USA-, A CO.
RUTT E 1 0 bblo. solid packed;
keel. do 410 •
7:ot• ...B . by poll It. DA LIEU. a 01.
MA. I.B.l.lem•st . A. and MI. , 1.44% Babdr
of U. pram* style. to.atitrtxtre.l. Ti,. ,uldie
aro 10111.4 to rail and aaamita. our rrtail au. -k.••
W. ar..aporior to any •T,Ar elftrvil city. .41. at
Isl.ha Butt., Dopot. No. 111 lisrlt•A
n.. 13
I REEN APPLES-138 bbls. for sale by
rlOl2 .
earner P. end Irwin .11 , .
t ' 1 COVERS—_t! doz. I nAii !Lubber I/ un
It I C.., 0! all the different lanellaa. l.n reed end
isr mi. at 1o:118 Marin street. .
. . .
•.1.4 J • 11. PHILLIPS.
mA Lit. Preserms ard Jacket, of all th e dl flare. lan&
n tifartured. fur male at the Robb, J. PHt, 110 Ma
P rkel IL
1.014 • 11. ILLIS.
P. , §3
d or A : . ta 6 P2. - .19,17 0 ".
- BeJlits Torpentior, 10 " mt..
10 " dAczbaL (16. lookill Whit. L 4•4.
2 aut. Sal So*
20" Spanish If 1.11:47 100 irrass Meth., km do by
toll J • •.11 LS AUG UNF.P.S.J.WitIer...I.,
jI lILORLDE OF LIME-01 the beet qual
J Ity.conrtantly, an band Ilnd far lial• by
BUTTER -20 boxes prime Roll, jug reed
and far We by J. B. CAN /111. D.
PEARL ASH-10 tons No. 1, for rale by
1.13 - J. IL CANYIELL,
SOI.)A ASII.—We are prepared to contract
with alms Monoforturtra .04 at
trate groorstly.
for their raptly of Soda dot. durirtor du waster. ot
'prroortt otorbot We warrant our tato Lab rigid to
Idle best Imported. Itallltlf a W.
SUCKWICEAT FLOUR-100 bags hulled,
In store Rad far by
non E. & W. 1.1.1112•UOLI.
.. .
Cliagt-7 bores Cream; .
19 " Ooment.
41 " 119.114 h /941r/1
LAHD OIL-15 bbln. No. 1, (Winter,) for
gals by J. 13C1100NMAKEII * I ,
00l 24 Wood C O.
ARRAN ROOT-500 lba Am., for sale by
n'ol J. KIDD t M.
CREAM TARTAR=2OOO lbs. for sale by
ml 1. KIDD & a). CO Wood R.
('!OD LIVER OlL—Rushtoin, Clark Cola
vi ar taz.. boa or by the douorrolorjoary
ATOM, to hterent Beldneee Oral Hair, to restore
the heir when It hae fellers oft or become thin. and Weal+
Affsertrelly &null or DandnatE
0 from Just reed and for sale by the o=m mleolo boh
tie, at the drag KM of B.
stmtICK6AO AM, '
tuotl Wax! corner of MAUI.
SUGAR LEAD-900 lbs. White, for gale by
m 1 J. KIDD I CO.. re Wood
TOBACCO -100 bozos Sherwood's s's and
re. on consigns:ma and for rule by .
• ocRA ' JOON WATT t CO.
If " fro be. prime airy ac e•
for ols,ror JOAN WATT A CO.
MOLASSES-20 bble. S. U. Syrup, fo
Iva Nue by JOHN WATT* CO.
INDIOO-3 ceroone beet S.F., 2 Ithda Mad
der, for ado by co-= J. tK. YLOYD.
- [W ICE-10tee fresh Carolina I: , cLr a vale
11, by on= •
tr ) l B, l E ..Jo K A Y Can — titere A :L MA bnoct ( l? . ha 7ll7,:ai d l
ter Holder), romprleing th e moat retentive Malt they
ever eatilidted. •hich they will al =orb Imo
than zonal.
--78 bags prime Rio;.arriving and
ma to make light, sweet, and cormequently nutre
. B ted
reed. nbeu goof hour I. wed. • full direction..
entopanies each tentage. Vor eitiehT
- oMtii J. iIIbDALS).. CO Wocefit
d IOFFEE--500 bags Rio,,for sale by
ANK OIL-07 bbls. for sale by ,•
no 4 WOOS 100ANDLZ813.
SO 03 tact.. N. 0. Simac • M Wt. N. 0. Molusea
For sal. by
BITISII LUSTRE-2 cases for RAID by
not 11. S. SELLERS, LT Wood..
JUST rec'd at NV:1256 Liberty street—
re bor. greets Honer; _
10 " Canton Preserved Dry
ca olll_Pr; y
. .I.lose and Jame,im pp In tsars
. bo la
Co., Boston:
• boses Fred, CUM:
2 - Lemon and Orange Peet candled;
I " Cloo. .rrier
3 - Cherries, Plums, de.;
Beo Lebelenr; .
100 Fresh Mena Nunn
All dad goods, and for tole at ter rope
T pr
ons W Os a. . n esoU_ea U
De o a o e . r
80 do. BucketAmrs
LINSEED OIL-10 bbla. Griswold's brand,
ItYr wl. br J. B. CAMILLO.
TEA -5o bf. chests Y. H:, for sale by
LIGE bhds. for sale by
... nos . Nod 123 lod. and 161 Pim b.
O. • ' WAY' BRED-1 sack for solo by
cal '• • , WICILIBSam
bate far dale by
Cold Weather has Come
tity of Tdon's and Bore Heady' Made ELOTinr"'• W.
atody In pleat.. no. ;1 Smitbileld street,
nols near laamond alley.
o. will open 11,1. maiming 10 certane of black 211 k
of .11 nnAlilaa an* widths. cc'/1
Arican ba
t y, Ilia day Red a layas lot of sup.
nowlaSlanete. verf heap.
Also. 44 •Fhlte home made FLANNELS. Norlhaaat cor
ner of Fourth and !Israel ete. .al
New Goods—Third Supply for the Season.
th.odgl,egr. their THIRD SUPPLY o
• •• .
New style Paris Ribbon., I.l6ahmeta., Velvet. and Silk
Scarf, and Farb.. ~tber 000110 will di Op. tod
Sir-Noribesat earner of Fourth and Market mtrettn.
`IIA~YLS! SIIAWLS!—Now opening at
a Militant anti nornalment colors. nan
11$ - LANKETS!—Now on hand over $5O pre.
American. NWL.A. and Trench, of W 4, 104. 124. nal
4. plain and twilled. eittgla and doublet WNW Air, •
oomplete aseortment of Crib • A ttd A Cr 3 Tl A l4l , a i rn..
nob 62 .0,1 64 Instant at.
WINTER GLOVES—Now in athre, a corn
idete asoortment, remprieing maryvariety. from
ht SU per pair. A. A. MATON CO..
nola 62 and 64 Slarkst stmet.
bar. on consignment a luxe lot of oounternan.a
• lett we 0111 pen under the rest of mantitantum.
nol2 A. A. DIASON A CO.
I_ Cme.
24 Pea .
00 Ridinfr Canso. with •leerew
24 pair 1 ants;
48 Long Legginsra
36 Short
24 Reefing Jacket.,
With a remains meortment of diffentnt etrhoiof flatsand
Caps to snit. J. • 41.PIIILLIPS,
onl3 N 0.116 Narita st.'
PLAID SILKS—We have on hand 30 pea.
Plaid Silks, brilliant mine&
nol2 A. A. MASON A CO. Market
More New floods.
I AMES A. MoKNIGIIT, N 0.62 Fourth ot.,
RP bee ..'i`ed hie ...PI entroir or Yell aml Winter'
Goods, the m3Ority of which heetog hem, eumMeeed et
the Loge auction nto In the mem cities. during the
paet two weok.s„ he o enabled to dlepoee of them at Meet
ly mimed price.. Ile .mold parlumlar ettentlon to
lamella Long Shaerle. eery dmp: Melo Cashmere
Spume Shaerlr. Bey ELM., et menufsM omen
minem Pooch tholtmerm. Fen
, m I•leht Preen 2tllts. vem doslrablm
7 Cloak.. Cloaking. lc- M.
& u.
fry noodoollgtipLlatosl i d I.•r. mtaprieing an
.6;4'l'i:A ,ld a at D
e ' ll ' rly
. .
JOHN 11.11YLL011.
81 WoI Street.
th in . f t or: th b e , i r .
no. on their CEL'AIND large oupply or of orth,.
trade. snJ ant • attention to 1b...1r untumally ull assort.
LADIES' DBES-5600M In great variety,' tint.printrA
De Lain., Pariaiene. Ober., French Lennon. Muslin de
yIIAR,J lane and Sdnv..— style Broehe. yard
bander., I.lelinier• dod no] do.. plain and gay .ok , .
!dark and adore d Tidiest, de_
Ittrh plaid Ribbon, black and half mourning do., new
idyls do.
They hare also saddend a further supply of super
Shirting Muslin and Irish Linen, and Maple linols gra.
stall,. and all will be sold at low prices for duality.
CCoundry . Mwrebants an iteited to o.llln our wholesale
rooms. no stair. when Goals an sold low on=
‘tILK 11' AI P PARAMATTAS--Juttrec'd
lo at A. A. MASON gCO 'O. 42 and fd Market el tall
l ir a Co. hare now on baud 7.7 A) dna. of Lally. Cud,
mem, Folk, ripened." Kkl. and other. Alan, every
deerription of Hoelery, trtoprisind mono than 14., Joann
J'KESS GOODS--Opening daily a; A. A.
kIASON A 01:S. style or fastaonahle Dee.
0011Mi.L.0.: of hilts. Cuba:wren. De Lein.. Mann,.
Parametta, Alpaerite. it
ILKS SILKS!—Now opening at A. A
k 7 IIAtON
54 pi...-. of 'ger, lashtouall. Plaid 111 k, ouzo* • 1 , . •
pt ' l.C..enli
10 4t. et.
0....111...1at./I mnrolog rartr. rf net /Pa
• 11,belna. re 7
Pt? • Ilan-Afield 1:••• ferelved a ITak •upfclf al th e
• ,bair•la• ,pal•
• Ilapherld hp/. 1•••1 • mu / upftapok et Gn
cc•ale—afur P pee S, pee
super M.Lbair Ipseva, al SO. pf tart Led
I)AIiK , 31 Et) DOESK I NS—Morphy.i.
ltwtn.res, gray •21 . e1 7 ;7•U1f 7.7 •bl- ' l! ' t;../ on walla:
liw—adu•utr Mart Cpalnpref •Lal rlatta mad • ••,,
et, .urea
lar 1,, waar a , a
lf 01. 1 DS N GOODS !--A. A.
• , f. • CO. will opts 1•01. t. Lae oaf t few d•f
w•wanle of bssialrai aral sa. , ••••••
aud taaanot.. 1.1,3da wtll.l , atPuldro a • h..,
aale and rate/1 purchaser.... inar.l u.
)11:AMA'rl'AS. I.IIIN !t t70131' , PAIS
—A A VIA,. • 14. •L:1,..1 0.0.
1 4 , 114:Nen MEICI IS;()S Till BET CLOTHS
u —Ana- ••.,euing •1 A. A- N At.% a 4 , 1 , -- 4ai
rw - A, eon.' Preuell Menu.. ate, Tl.llet
g , ASHI3IKiiESs 1%1(111S. LAINES
11. A .4 1111AwoN a cau.
l 'S rare
beet at,lee Caebwbereem *set
ho. Itleel.lliTuCk, I
Carpq Weryterae.. ba Evart', eireet. ta...wlarb we .ft•
N• attoutLock uf thee. wi•tstog te Isenateh Heuer ee
Steaselewte. we w• wtL .41 beer Mali ever lurf.••• tv thl•
tWutet tact
rx. We
roe.ltts. bl• 611.tnei .‘f
C. of We rsoll, u••••[t and e.
attrrst.l,4 .f pm - wk....0m N tex. 4,g.rmna,11.,
..1 lower than ..••1!./.1,14. offorwl in togkrk, .1 lb.
01.1 telatApfe, tarp, nafeheare. PA aeurit.
W. 413,1,-. the Wan.. of tYarrtan.
Innutartarere bl• large ;newt el Maw anal Wt. Ifrate , lette,
Oil Clethe. and Tratelna, winch •• .1114..11 at fweltle•el
pin, at the Carpet Warthever. Fourth eel
~,w.:7...17::1 A
Vcril7.ll , :Rflititgi,%"7l 07:7=
et, le, at yee-y r.elueeel vti.ett a* invite tie.
of th.ate ateLlna larnt•la e ...
f i n or Iluns••
twee um • call at the Carnet IA velem., fin Kb fourth in .
eel N. et7LINToCO.
UP bat in stern end lot lel. nob anl DAV .11*
CAltPrfli, le ••b.f. P. 111•11•• the talent...of ru,
chafers, a* he Is determined In van km., than ever been..
in [ht. inatket. at the oaf tittahlitheet Carnet Water
lona.. fie. 40 Fount, 1 eel
atylo b Tapnnt7
M". a
Or;aaarla Carp. ,art nen' at the Car.
t W :gll
al w.V
THE SUBSCRIBER having nose received
hi, entire st.wk of PALL LCU W,INTIKA thelLq+,
tould reerewettelly lotoroa hie moor.. Lad the potthe
hat he 1. prryered .dlepoee of hie Houle, either eh,.
eel@ or retell. at envy low priro
ue h.. It Dry Goole all the Maple. •• oii •• • large
Welt of Fanny Drees teals. complying In 1..
44 Chen, Silt,ln evenlng strert dreeseo. earl . rich:
HI Brocade Edge.
Plata Black this, all prime sad widths.
limeade Meet Bilk"
Heavy Watered Silk. all a;
` 7= o t a rt
French Merinos end C•Ahmerer,
Together with French snd Kea& Pnon.lo.adle. ye.
114. 124 sad 114 DsrTdsr eltsstlaKx..
sad 1111 or Lira
H. 8-4 and 6-4
'4, S 4 .4 104 Table DILMSFILL
LS sad 34 Dimask Naptin. •p.l 1 4113.5
Ilveksbarlt Now wd erssh
a , . T0541.1.3,
11 m nedlk .1.11, 1 Tn.. SglarCeDom 7Cp
s:1 , 1
Clouds klsteri., Ate.
1112 ` k 1.4 .4 14 4745;
. .
Black Canton Cloth
Elect Mohair Lust
• Silk Warp Thibe 1. othie
black Chaney;
English. French and Milan Crew; Mode and Crape
Velig_Chemleettee and Sl,ree - Collars and Cuffm Moves
and Heeler): all of wine Goode rill be werrenned of good
colors and dump fur atoll 7.
mnif• JAMES A. MelilelOLlT.
VLEOEIVED TIII DAY and 114 W opening
af.WM.DIOIIIY•S 1:1 Liberty street.
nu Mime/fancy and b Cud/nee...of the newest ang
,most feahkrnabla patterns
• • 60 pieces blank and co • Cloths, of the matt euxeiier
The laenest and most fen Lid aseortmstit of Testing.
ever brentibt to Mile a 11.60 doz.tidderehirta and Irma •
60 dos. fine and superno Shirte.
A tarp'. easertment of C ram. Handkerehlefilf
Which, fel:tether with very Mock of 110.X101
MALE CIA/TII/Nti • of the ad Luthkelable style. always
Moband, pretent• one of Ulu :guest and most Listlenable
cks of (Mode, adapted for eiretlemen'm weer In the
7irti torn. 7 fl;;;.`1., ' 7 10:11,01!:. =°. ' d'W"'"
Order. in the of
line executed to the beet man
ner. end at tbe °Meet make. _ply _
w Fall Dry Goods.
AA. MA ON .t CO., have received and .
• are now nina—F u Punch fine much Diann., of
ntiful ehadre adaptedexpressly fur ILI. marten 10
cute. AlpacasMohair.Murree,
or embrming plain Ml*
MI6 warp, falter d, Chameleon and 00'4. of all grader.
12 gem Paratuat ,TLibet Clothe. and Oriburgs.eumprie.
tog allabadm qualifier. 100 nes. Woreled Serge. bra
and Meer -Adore The above
we offer for sale
Mime which •e • confident are netineadentedif ion.
4CCORDEONS—A splendid and varied
Mork of the Men brands, lust received.
lITE.V—A Tory &Arable ee1...410, with 1.1. 0. mid
keys. cocoa wunl, and of the best maker,, eery cluen.,lll4
tWITAR.V—An ertenelve end choice ctock striving.
{7ULINS---tionoc vary C. ad ones, end nee ui evin7
variet f *Vie cod price.
-WARP STRINU3—A dna eclectic.: oleo, Ibt Gaiter end
umonets, Tuba, Bugles. Iflbocorooe Trump:l;lom,
:Ote=r 7 b°L B ..T. l :Sl ' ol.llrtge ." l. ' ad
Afro, th o.oaut and mat poputarlrualr e Art twelve].
N. o.—The above thstrume Wu are warranted to be oars
red and perfect IT eveg7 respect-1f found 6ullo the rote
hey .01 he 'Auroral.• KLICII/11t, tot Third Ft
repslllos OP Olin I.OILURN 110111. -
by W. 11KILlPrIt/Cli, clew and rich elylee Superfine,
hoe, and Common LIVURAIN CARPETN, which on are
prepared to .11 lower than sal m ,
ecer term. Ore'
lo thismarket. cordially invite the attention id
Meade mid linos ' , Wilzig to pordm• to alve um a esII.
taw Old Eatablieloal :larpet Warebottei, Nu. ob Fourth et.
twill W. aIoCUNTOCH.
Btraw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
IL PALMER offora for sal°, at vary
'en Arlen, hal seeortment of Straw and HU..
" 330:YAT.S—Youlern and America Than and • net
Straw Brats. Chip. GI.D. M 4 11 . lee.:Halran. ,
ou. an 4 Bnis' Leghorn. 412L7 and
Wane grad, t awSPumas. and Palm LeaL
bats' Leghorn. Brant. Strew. Clap, Winne Leen. and 1101 r.
Mane Gime. and other fbrnes. In great Mi.
'l/1192Vrakb /10.. t
t ag Bart plain &tin and Tat
toter. ail erlethe and coke% tam Clanza.d . Orape Cana
CL.C.G.l—ilein and Ilgared walls' and mimed BUt and
ron teeth , . •
ProV23—Pmell sod Anterlcan Eraisa.burzebel rial 4
MET 6 71 .K771itifid 2 / 1 9.01acr. Oro. dr; Nor
.lr.o. d . Rhino, .lOorence, sod otrur styles, suattiod
riATlNS—Arnallrkiantl dolars.
Arno—aleh aerl ON,Wait,
aRE SUI3SCFZIBER has just received a
ll7moot mlcalrahle and extenalro lot of Moms ail, 65f,
la fro, the eelehrohel factory a e. B. Doer
•hoom N. V., amoott others—
•. -• • •
rogaeopd Pianos,'. net. gothic tablet.
n do do ,
do do 6 oet do.,
Also. 8. ot DUNIIASI . B hunou• oil CiINCERT
PIANOS., equal to s grand Piano in pa il volume of
lane. There HIM. ha,. new and Improved
roved so node, allow
ing very large felt everted hamtncr, and thus affording
all the advantages of a grand Neon The public and
a ll
reepentfully Melted to call and examine
thin elegant insttument The mate of It waieshibited by
Moser.. Nnilth k Ninon. of Cincinnati, at thti Ilochanies'
Fair, aed pronounced the finest Plano ere, brought to
that Mot —own:roe...l fur power and sweetneine of tone,
end elasticity od muot, It. KLEBER,
Ng. 161 Third st. sign of the Gulden Harr ,
N. IL—New arratigemenre..ntered into will, Hr. Duri•
ham. enables th,
subscriber to nellthis Planm per cent
lower former!, lbw. enabling
cheaper here, than at the met. Call and esanimebefore
porch...Mg elmneltem. man
Now Ready !!
FVERY LADY having a Piano should
Purcliaao and read Templeton's new T.
this t• a beautiful book.for •
otre•ption u neat I& phenol printing .111, Lindley
an axe,. wag. ..rated.
Then. I. no V0..1h IP rantalty that can banyan to • piano
for which It not point aneuy remedy. healthu widow
ditrctloo• how to I,w, lb. inntrutnant ALWAYS IN
TUNE. Mew only SL—Womb tan Umes that teach. It
ran ..11 any part of the United Statiwt for •
taw rent,
Publip boll by L. A Walker, •Philadalpbt, end may be
bul. of JOHN MEL W
LOR, oal effect, end HENRY
ILLAUIiIt, Third etre., Pittabureth, and a t the pci th dpcl
book attn..
Chickering's nano'.
JOIIN R. MELLOR - , Agent formi ll
ebirkering's Plan., for Pittaburab
'nd Wegern l'„ 81 {Sued at, heal un received a not and very large Kock
of PIANO POURS, from the manufactory of Chickerf no,
thetoo, conflating of 0. OX, and 7 .tay., carved and
VOR SALE—A second hand
ItoPIANO, n octaves, elegant toadogan7
rue. mule by Loud & Ilmtbers. Prite, nue
hundred alai arty dollar, no eh months
erellt, or the tugs/ dlecount for evb: (Sr axle by
oral JOAN 11..)11ILLUIL al Weal at.
New Knew.
3 0NOS Rungs by Miss CATTUtRINE
k . 6
.t. ;t r ftOli P M :oTlraraal IC
lans to me.
binU'rab:l" tigilrgiraTl.L
Home. I.ltlY I home; . ken hunt lb. story:
The Lord's Prayer, with mu-
The Karma, arectielba the ale by N. Glom: ;
Cavalier, • parting linan—" Slane
Strik• the harp gently. by ere ere all are p.teela „
Wandbun; Why do Yammer Rowe et
The Lost Heart; ersth adored I.
Flyeet Ave... the Team Foyegt,llddee, mgrer.l-
The mother's mud; Mb and Illm Poi sa.
Call me pet name, Wrath, Waltz, bloomer, A.
Rmelved nod bYr tale by JOHN Q. AfELLOK
II Wood .1 L
Double seed Melodeon.
Fri] E subscriber has just opened a very
retayez, elth donble mt. of wed..
made t i lb: original inventors, lhWhainit A Neon..., N.
Y. Thie Inetrutorot la .ounl In power' tomy small °man. '
and morn elver-tor to toil In mist of mreetnera of WO, ea.
paelly In tone. and frailty foy tranenortlns It
le ea Imaely lolanda for nme ebornen, and
lon tame much areferable ta any othrt !Yunnan:mt. Tama
mablnd h. purchase an !rostrum...l of the kind am re. not.
fully Invited to o it and mandm the es., prgeloosar. lY
beim taken sear from the Fulveribre. mamma., hallng
teen onleml by a cmcgredatkny h. Warily.
11. iILEUER, Solo A.nh
era) tbr arisiogl makers, Carhardt
New Boon.
I:UST RECEIVED and for sale by J. L.
u Reed, :I, 4th &yr...
Forest Lite and Yoreet Trees. ermerkinit Western 04m
oh' amon the lodgersring ,
operatmas,ne and wild wood
by J E. edvenure. e,llb
t SprlnSey
of lam be a r,d Wierule of the Endlteb an Arteries. by. HO
TLa Idly Ind the hrs. an Anologn• of Lt. Crystal rai
ae. hl S Warne, I It. S_ DI New and ?body Ile
• howl, eltrtebet, hy Sven,'
Th. Vint TlanK, • •orn.• 01 I,cturwa tha tireat
Foe. ..•• Mora, 01.1 rv..a0.4 to nuantlad. LI
hy.nn.r. L. 0
11,n. A 1,.,. an Appal In e.Mnnf Fundly Woo.
wO.O ora,er• mud Lynam. sw.l chhnba. of lowans
radn,notur., r C y tr•nht.
IWath IL.I fahnnw., ird• Ith and *than irwthrn,
dr•yr...l rinaptrat•th.. truth and now•t C. arn.nttY.
by 0 %I ctarl. 0 0
Ow, nth., nonn.rnn.
and 0,••••11.1, of Mort*chi slat..., anertaa
frnsn the Eut. ,
C.lltl).—The' nift,i_mitievnt N,N.,
. '2: rvtoulr.J
11.• •rotoluaialb I. • fo.; fir0f.a....1 It to ware :Apr AL of:1
lowy•f. u
t. •A. goo—. of tilisann• Att. tok.•
rot s..e of .A.fu•Aloso l'f•fh•f..
too., •tot •anoafq• for.r.
11 RI.L I
No* •A, Nuatto• A 1.1•11. No 1 Vtro•
0r.3 C
Banns' Grand Pllllll3l
UST lIKCEIV al. splentlidow l
...a tun yearTl TM:II , IT
• I AN , , fa.V.44 41,4 ••
1,411 cusehifeent Instrureen:
pelee.e. eil The leteet auhrt.e•ineht, eilrh ea petrel le
tahe ee.l heir , hl;etelehr iphre
pier h• The p.IIT , Tt .W TIT erteet 146 e, ell boot (Le
ahl I)e., ente/ Tte Inrettuto Het , and
czatheehet r 4
••• TT .5 ,1.. id • ea: elm•el
Itege.TTIATT keep •14ae t ales of
Tihtet ,Ttle laahe
me, evehTsurn ere Teo...ThTerileTt Tr ~ ,. a , exam.
tee .1. ueoetTiT-TI terent heeser It Iyab....w
tr.. •tot 141.4.11/41t. letihted at .
IT eine... lLtt.
Nt,.,1, . ~hfee geeet ueorthieet
.4.TeT. 7tl etTle
A History of Pittiburgn.
mr 1 , 41,1xt5, Iran E. WOO{ 8••••14 • b.a II
• by •hll.. cuee 1.1 tILL. el•.• 11.
....tort. • WI .4•••••:11..114 , 1•....Lat.....
...sraet...• sad
gut ”p , ...ALM 484
It Kxt neve, eamiv, ohni olrk•••••
Tiorro L...1.a0 ILL U.I. L , • vb... •LL WS, Ling.-
ea. ••••5t...."! nano, is.
mots • w prrlid c, flau..•lltl.
) " .11:e711 . ; '
. tt.• yea.,
L... as or pr.
ni I: m.. 1 - 1.0.0*1..4 alai 1.4 ..6k, by J.liN II 14.1,Lain.
el 11.44 etrast
. .
New ktutc.
rrIlE (.11 PSY'S SON(1, or hly Gallant Buk;
ottng r.rtaron. applan.. by , Joan, nit.
b., .+43,1.r Plo...barek.
Tb• rarnSis at vwf7 galta•Ut. an./
*an, 1, Cosh...nee Its,. an •arten
11. 1. mum. br Cathnitnn
Unoaroalmi K.?n.,
2 b....4m0/. flute; w paaf Er U RHba
Alm , — A erzretnl ...Lacuna .1 lir. errs lar old dr
01.n.L.* most, k.redrin ant Ann,/^.l
U. KLICUEIL. 1411114 arme.
l'lnnr Unrl).
Sacred Nuke Books.
VANTICA LAUD'S, by Maioa h Webb;
Vie WAY. HIV II E. • now eulltKtlott a oleos inert Part
Pos., wMcW txn.l arramoost kr U.. Is* bliaAral Co.
emtb., Y•arber, lakt/tuls, and Cl••••• of tho.llorbm
• ft.:op, of Magic by Loy PAM A 4.e J %I •bb.
A far, qulff, tr of the ftkl, watt onred savi Impale b 7
r 1.3 JuIIN II lIKILOIL. Waal et.
TILE difficulty of Obtaining a correct and
Co o 4-.1.4 Clertmet this m. 117, banal be.
kale 6.1 se•erely Ly the road./ 'guilt, the maws*
Ger het had Inmate br eayelewly. •boiee eelleAioo,
'rech bey. Out arrtml. They we hum the riezteey of
the beet maks, 10 iurope, sod an gestresul sotra333
SOICI veer uttered fat ..M—osat or >•>•u4 A
he :tack onaopritee—
Clationete-13 end 13 NOl*
to. La waral of nail, owei Ciarbaatroelp tille •
rare duo.- ILLYI.II4
awl !lva al duo OoLhn Llatp, No.loll ihLN .4.
New — Nut - 6
tiOIIN H. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street,
u,, li . as Ms followltu f new .v.lporniu 1$•.•• of
['racy Jouwo—f. C. TaNn; Karel, from Lucia dm Lazo.
VV2l 7 7=4'—"4 . tv g :-:"' fir,
41 .. 115 r
a ttllg 4 fl . t•lS
Cantior, tirt• hcbpa, k itt"\ kagt
TO. tn. bo N o to diet
I watch for t h at beauty --rtztallow q
C.a• top we that Moot W lle bled t lordotiag, 004 a g •ill— vatialloar,
Vs.threo Pray., Trmaqlo-.-414.11•13. var.;
Jr• I.ltrzif.
• 0.11.f T e. If .11 thoo•
Wirdra;;lMmer Iv. WOtiellitinXl4rliiiso,
1/Irillar.l}3.9ulrk litevi
eitem.l4•l . ll c, *won, sod Paver Bell Witlaw,
Lily. NAmer. 1..1. llloonarr. nharoe, Pits fly, Jeopy
0 r .,, 14 7 ,......., I.)ott,re, I Vicia. Copintle. mad Italy
Irolkua. . pd
IL, Erin's elklld la Arnerfr•; llounteln Delo,. by 1./nley;
ere lowed yno; In drnsms of pea, Chlldol
the Wen, with elanotte; Loot Ileart; (X Iftarl to thy Let.
1 1 ,T,„Tg h .ta_r17.'p N y'Z'Vea n fr rittl. T e "4,"°`" l °'
oom ea= When P the )(right' Wares ore I.l . l P Arna. M' Ottzttr;
Home ' Dom, a l ee Tbea, dinette; The Wll.l Old W.A.1.4
Nolly , •u • Droning Fonx—Trnllght la.
grivn nt
lirAhlnittoin ba 1411. of .1.1.• Alpena, pr,l,,r Urlih.ah L 4•
p l rr
artt i %e x ,ir..... k .runtAt i .:7o ., .. * . t , o" , " , Pratt trAT
errata, Polka', Mr/. Politer—A:lnnen., Alpenhorn. aml
Tooth!, Ith moral rlawAtz, by Beyer. }loner Plehotrleln
lfatlnla w aahnin and Le Prtlf. Ternbour—Nondoc o.llear
thar 1.1.10 p; It (1.1011 Imp; three Medley MOM. :vs
—No. I, froze a fluglaml; 2,Sharoruck of Ireland; No.
Third. 01 11rotland. heed .and forgale by
000 0 JOON II 111XLIAM. II Wood et-
EW BOOK S I—The Stoke g
111• Ann of tla/nt Point IL Vlllmte Tale, N
Lamertlna. Tr./elated from thz
/depot. of Item. D. 10•1.1 Illrkeriteth r lata !lector of Wal
-100. Ile by Ray. T. R. Dlrka,ll.A.,riartor of He,
1 1.111;
Herta. with an Introduction by . litephrn Tyrw, D. D;
2 Atlgie 1700100
Ant/401110c a Masual of poisna
tiquities,grlth'q Lunar ou•lllustr.lloug by Charles Antben,
Light In tn. Dark Planes or Plamorfala of Chrtatl.
fu lb. nue. Agee; loom the llerman of the late •oguA.
fur Nearadrn
The hl of l
b. Wire Mem a Comm,otary on tre
nch, nd
la of XL Alettherr. I, Illrbard Cherterir Fre D.
D., Damn's:Min Chaplain .1 lb. Lord /11shopnt Orfurd,//0.
Iterlard from the Landau lama; mos.
land+ . Algebre.—Tba Elemrnte 01 Algebra, derlgoed
for Ilsolunarr. by , D 11•• Lowde r 11. A., I'r . ..D.INY of Rahn.
an., to.
No. Id Pictorial Plrld Donk *Mite Revolution; Loovinii;
6 Yre,t:4 N LlV,lngi: e bl" - 24 " 1
.1 1 .1.1=7 .
ewe IN Apollo Dollainx, fourth st.
- li - k jEW BOOKSJ — Travels in tho United
Atlg•vtaid.rra.lll2V..ll4 Lady
Th. 'Liston, of Ow Empress Josephine; by Cabbott
with atigrgliZlSlC. 1 vol. Can
No. h. by Aorta, Appleton's a
o k o a v u o le l r ut
his/mins and
En elf ileld Book of ths
Nos. 30 awl nd .Ifiettonary of ileettsisits, Rosins Work
Just hiD, ed
78 sa
Apollod for sots Ur
sera Fourth 'troth
New Books, Jtud Received.
YEAST: a Problem; reprinted with carrot!,
enneod addltionx by the author of Alton Locke.
lnmo., mos.
iria' of Ohamatmitoson of Zap% br Jacob Abbot(
18mo., mos.
Web Meld; UM of tha . Puritans: Mon, mon,
Mastbury; a Tang by Anna /1. Doan, onijnir ••ryisnds
and Fortune." Pap. and
Appleton's Mechanics' MairssMca an# Inhume Jos,
ISLi; N...
llyra'4 Dictionarr of Mechanki;Engina Work and Ma.
lanearinm.Noe. 81 and AL
Loseina's Pletcnial /1414130°k o f the Ilerolotion; N 0.14.
Wail:Mei its bleographrlSiblellistory; with lAtlr
opra . prV o ep=y , brd,; n i f i tetenana. Wafer.
For solo br
78- Apollo . lloll44l, l4 P A onrib D k
rs .ad Public Datum:di of th e Lialiod Eta..
, Ea Aeoosoion of thonos w t Um Prosido.
~21. / /agi s ztple,o t =ot l to=relstlop
B b.t are W... 1.• tsmonol; coatalothe PollUca,lllstorlog
Geoolgr. Saw h e aLyli
_ ... za:momuut ui
r:Zs Of MU aa Xaantratalos7a Mont Of Lb.
Xmas of Me Tdizta . •
W relfr i 11 7 "4 11.1100q, [7.11u6t
D. Killer's Pectoral Syrup,
CONEUSIPCION in Its early stsces.Whonpina Cough.
roup, Bronehitin, and the various Meru, of the pollute
''ili7rn: - .. of them ost certain and effectual renuelfea
for alime of the cheat and nohow:ivy organs erer &s
-ml. It Is • combination Of carloon readable medi
ines in the form of • Venn. In ord., to make It palata
ble. It has au action namely from .7 of the
Cough Medieltios now In use, as It duce not conetipata the
bowels, nor produce alckneas of the stomach. • fault tro
norepen In tough llealkirues.
This remedy dianolves the superabundant secretion of
muentis and phlegm whkh attend Catarrhal and Bronchi
al affectiumg and IP soothing effect In allarlng t•lt/Ing.
Tb hotraeness, and coughing, Lally b relied a
on as certain.
s proprietor has ...fed this medic e ine l,
al years. and with unbounded Xlllly9lp practice of Fe
. . . .
sto. ungler. ssuo d well to keeps supply of
this curdle!. cos:vino:4 on hand. a. It .111 0 0 .1111 . fall to
Pls. relief. Lusl .Qotll larns•
lions of tho most distrenung Coughs base been brought
ba/oro lb. none. of the pmprit.tor. and have loon corn!
In . very short time. It it on. of tbo Cheapest toodlcinee
known. It le put up In huff plot bottles at PU rept..,l4
or o bottles or $2.10.
. . .... • .
ins Mit, Abele/Ale and retell. by KEEliEtt IIe.DOW
ELL. 140 Wood street. PittoburAh,
For Dahlman , . Scurf, Da ed ndru, and the TarIOUR dineateee
m and by ff
the littabur
o in h e l iVal7o ir d - r - rtal. Ea m aninerribun e. Charobaßrah Coto.
totiaz Senti
nel, and other noun..., an the twat article extant for the
abort. purposam. as aaan elegantly perfumed prepar a
tion for rendorintt the hair Sot and tinny without e4Linit
the elothen with cntene.
Warranted to cute the wont oases of Tooth Anna to ar ,
try tear, and Instantaneously.
_ c
In Quart .d Pint Bottle., Area.. by Langton Brother.
A Stott. 225 end zus U pe_r /loonies, London:
So much rvadomended y Physician, of the highest au.
thorlty a. • valuable r• erly In Omasumption , Scrofula
Ch.., Pneumonia. Rho motion. Rickets. Caries of the
Bones. Whits 01.411.0 eueral Debility go. Col Liver
Oil P. Wah l ,. r.teurne rel I, y C.ll. WILLIAMS, t M.
Y. IL it M. a. L. J. DE DEOII, M. D.. of the Hague
Thie artlcle of Cod Liver ll ma he dpended on sa pure.
sad will be chemically to lled in o rda in eatiofy the d oubt.
Yoe .1. by KEYBEII A MoDOWELL. 110 Waal Street,
ij —We have used thlo medicine to oar fatally, and in
our opinion, lt is otte of L. beet preparations for cough..
cold., /lc.. which ha.. over been am. to the public. At
this sea on of the year . would netonitnend to every fait,
ily to keep a bottle or t In thelr ho.v. reedy km we, as
mt.. nuoy mouLte We give thts ••• matter of advice.
from our actual eaperience of the good gnalttle. of ths
mielicine, .4 do not wl. oar reader. to croakier what we
aay pimply In the light of recommendation mats without
—Ms., particular knowledge t f the articio of which we....
Prepared .
and told by It. H. BYLLEIIB. 07 Wood M..
LOItENCE IVIIITE--A beautiful glees
white Petra, that Ls unchangeable In any clunate•
Intended for parlors, steamboat and ship cabins. fur-
Idture, tr. tt lth {We article mu be produced the highest
state of finish In purr wide of .op ert/ste buoy., beicti
lulteduable of a polish. IV rue 01101. altar the wind mode. sale by J. Ellai k CO, GU at.
flew. Rogan .. a.
. eke., Ry r Verbena, Rfnbrn-.
t A eanndint. l'atchoulY. lln., nynny
Lind. Coma, tdarantakn., flpmnamtl.
Theoe bon* yrnoxyd hum the ben gad Dorset ma.
tarlid, and are uneq_ualkd by a ) In tbrUnißal
For Rd. by oct/fl R. R SELLF:IIIS,I7 Wood at..
rne maw Attraordinaiy Direovery to vie World .8
au great Arabian Remedy for Man and Bead!
H. O. Parrell's
TA 0. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini
article. and Ito toa:1 curwi being daily perfornied . lio
grilreVit yid:Tann In Zkot h n ' rici m t n i ' ircu a peed
onails.., itotriwin sad •ton peculiar In Arabia , P 00...
.i • nontentratnt, tom. •11 tbair notoulanna. aow
dyne. penetrating, usioutnun rroubdrn propertina.•nd
lb. lam. which, agar aglt• Ina* turd to lbw et l in .
hotort,.. with inirmoulnua *noon, in curing tit. dio
ft Loth run and boiwt
iend ltue following rowiaraohl. run, which otowilJ Cl
road guy "nowt> •
plair• II tarn•ll's at•to•n 1.14.00 l hir In•
Annot • "no nod • hall ago, • ...Idit appear...llo ma
aryoloally turn:wing in woo 00111 /1 b.-
Louawn., a& lame ea nay eat. and en wow that rho muld not
the swat prneoure 4... without girlog het •Ittormo
go, Ihn tate Ire, MIT 1.••141•14,"1,
Icynts.Al•boul Doh.. ..e l un. no Atpio lat.. or
nnitirgoment • the moor. Mal It 'veal Eulareo
Wient rte Osarno. an! 0i1.... • louior
lb. Otnitien. oauld not tw ourol • •••0 t•i rutung II
may arPost, upw tine lb. 1,0ton:on nie beg.. to ou
ono', unt low onsoutont gittlito twin, dolly ouni w.
I . " •••06-ot Lonith
1' IIoettNNLLI..
it:abort Mat, luattasstra,orgraj
Carostraoa r 1 1 ta
raw trawl p,ur lolutraont wan ,rat tdexPnal
Ft. Asa tr. aro aro"( hot log. 4, dlr.. roar, U. ,-,44
Laing r...1.1”.,1 Mai Ina per. Ip.{l. vltlia
otargllng. ko. raatiral U. g.astan ttor rom• trar
attibr. awl rba orrall 0.1 tact tr. 1..4 but by
uarai It.o barrel, graldan laulmont. to gr.
4. ..It oat, •••••,,r/
arlut It ta. al raarati bor hrt., “..t,
arirry E ; tla:: , hrr . tr , nrultra ortorgal roaatr.
4 L; , IZZI: Lr i - c! , ;7,1: - It ' ,V. 4 l ' .rjr "'T
fn= lb. operly earl permanent ortne. an ago
lull( 110 Llaukour I..CLrtplll.4l, I 4•
oat brats, la torauuerg tt tla ,roat
Arm / agooporratater aaarmlag llama/ gg ra.tar roar,
tar./ Gay. Lt -.1 aa •arg,trai,grorouta
....Drab I up In r:.• tap.. bat I 0.111 1 rh. If
11 lam,. A nhiqui 1....1p•Ert elinowd• oar tint I :tar•
canto ram of by ;to gar, goro aural ~rat and !Tang
tang artartloory toad barn rogarratral travoalrla•ral rbat•
run./ nary War gar L... Um. ...rm. attla your 1" -
p.m , , tralzatrat orro - ro slualo rfr
..t r: 4.1* Or
oa lbw 1:;1000. ore.
0 1 .11 w4r.r...r LI
1111.,0001 03..../..,0,1 401 b , y, ma up
Iti 1 r. .w W. Le. ,00...t0e/a eat a.O,
4,0.4 al. 5111 /1 011/ MLA.
Yale of in 'ware stati.that fured by 11 U r.resir•
tbs ir
P• .
16 . U m-. tw
p•Wa r• • au •e r l 3*t
I s. a( II tparro. o., l .
Ilwr Wu. • It nu evuri•o••l. athl I Isst• 1•11
bow!. of it ...a I *oat in. Elm st•ht,••• eight, to
•••••I, to • 11••••'• men l cod ...von bert•••
4 .. 4 . 4 + ,7 . 0 ‘ .7 .1, •rm•has, .51 terat•lttg,tl.•••
t. 11•1 floe., tura./ •• Want •• sty
them putraslem. I 41141.1 pan 11..11 InPg
...tog', Le • •.• itsi• to •Tratoot •••11. usual at.
an0t...•1 a y Ea••• Is • atom/Lift assaver. 1•11111. •
all 110. it. y•ttt I,lvint•mt•oce ta•l44 It up
RAIN /3 11 , 111:C_
L Ulm Proxiszet. Purl. er...11.1L.7.1•• 4.11649.
Bet-a.. of Counterfeit,
TO dq•ltil ad/LOTT 11111 . 00/TION, KCAL. IRS 001.
JoITILNta caitercan
n. 'Pattie v. partleadarly vostaoad against • bon
0../.4rica arida.l3 ht• Wail mad. to and I.
mg.] ay the lota.. •Em madam 0 -14T7:.srrn% Jambi
am Lusamm.• T las be da.gerutaa tom] tad wary 0.00
to invaor tosto 00 tontine tn. nano af V.rreiL Than'
Root party, Ist am" 4. ail ho S Cy Ks oksou
Lthiagyet." nartinatplad dealers sill lama* Lb. SIT.,
kied 4 ...oda upon ow St tna gamin. ant Allman mad
Am ramar. AGG.oto Liamott,' and et. aalar.
Lao. a U. baba Tamara,
bin Kanatars I. ad... tba ontalle grandam, and Woo
eland. bk.. la the a 1... u S. /anal.", Arad.*
la teat, rams, illy gad flaatlot in
Vatted at..., walcb woo to eat I
ndaotab A 4711
by *Moo to 8. Par.ll, Pools. 111., •att
b •• ~ 1 • • •••••1 who •Aa lanai% FT. of Ch.., •
..• E t a ar , :tata, lomat vsluablotalareaslaaaka 1111147 10 m 4 .al 111. %PUP prr berth,
rhr *rat, Moro. la awl irtarnprd br 11. 1
Nrostur arrdrrirtar. Pr! bc1.4.1. clrurrost. M. 1?
M. Stmt, rrPrlll: era for .v. whoisrpto rat rr411•1
pup...ars pier br F 41.1.110,
U~bws UV.
The Hellish Body Moat Perspire,
S 0 SAYS NATURE, to hare p healthy ap-'
pram*, and proms •1115 a. pot pony!" PT iyata•
Pr Up mei dinurens Ma Masan Nov, /wire
ft., mum • fn. uut
tic. mond. sal sta.. giving II U. to.
Man n Mann Walt Illeaso i zallSonsa an not on/t
wand by lta ass, as al 1 physicians in *..ark ka
wham*, to mob rum. awl had It analkillasaa also. is
thritiss, illotrikee leickleram ...other skin Alsram.
miler Le mound that this is no male. mead nocrom, tl
owls trial will pro. I mokt emunsran leantslahtt
it ' ili ' Voilliafr 3 rlder Imo mato t Inuit not •
iirbti.l.4ti an r tha n :r a new I stall.
will ink this boa only • nun bat • preen.. tad) 7.1
wow cm/ add, that awe. atilictsd with say of the Own s
or llama. will Sod We all, awl mos man UAW
Iri propertire) th. I Ma.
maim UM alma sirs Said. with mita...
mre leo mil Ow tom . Italian Chemical twat—a.
MT; 17only of WIC JACKSON. walk Am. In Pittabwrati.
Mad of lk
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be bha br L iventa.—Peorenhs who have either. are honora
bly ••• , 2114 that t their breath le ever a Mal. or Melt
teeth 4.eetTedoletk or rallow , sad wernetoel •Ith tart.,
that • n rent ho; of Jon? Archer Teeth l'aete mete
s, WeLli he ei hit. • aa name. asel the broeth olunferutull
doll 4t 'NO Liberty .t, had cf
A Sciontiflo flair Tonic, Restorer and Bean.
ther,--Ttial bottles, STY panto Thor who tee* - owl
Jon. Corot Lai, liwoorer. know-lie ...Bout dueling.—
Lid. who have not, we. untie It to Doom. the following
goziltleat —I will foto. the heir to grow on .1 , pa •her•
tmture tutendol hair to atop It lalllop th o re use scurf
or di...fruit rad mete Malt. 144,0 t o Crow Jut.
rendering the heir AA and ellitr, nothl. can .00.1
u.—Jt metro it truly bee uttnit, yd keep it It Is. ite
dont. ill. moot eoononilel—ret entortor —Article .for the
&LI calf at WM. JACIMIONIS atom, 140 Llbaftf most
brut of Wool, Fittaborab.
Prtmo-074j m 4. 6u atata. mut 11.
JONES' &lotion of Jot, a Liquid Human
U. Dm for Ow ebroging of whits. ..0 or anof hair. Us
tubfifol brown, or blurb rot rotor. to • fre bubo*.
rrbur--60 ruts. and IL
Sold hy WN. JACIKOOO.SIO Ll6artl abut. bud of Wood.
Ilual arab.
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Lodies are eau
w,s'" iltUetiulrittgorii l eg i tf.:l l l73
how warm, bow rough, huw ysnow, sod unhnalthe
the skin appears. iat. L4llll 6relaked (MOM Besides, di.
Vo l trea ' nrp Pat:lV'EtVtigirv'etftgluirttle. whisk, ws
eall Jens' Bpeolth Lilly White.
It Le yorrostlf Inuouset, [ohm podded of all deleterious
...nth, and It Initorts to the skin • natured. health/. al.
busts; clear, 11,1. Whit.; at the suns thus mina ge coo
lou the Sk In, snaking it eon and soteoth.
ull by the Agent, WU. JAUliltnN, tLlALlherty strewL
ttseul .f Wood. Plltehnegla Prioa 13.1311.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASHINQ without labor! Warranted
to tale Ma Malta out of table /lonan and nal.
Nsitreicort eon U.ll —Put your clo,
hes in • suftirrtat
quality of cold water to cover thrtn. this add two table.
spoonfuls of MN Soap Powder. to each elm quarts of water
w it• the aluttleg If the water le hard. odd more of
the Powder. and boll them ten Wittman In the mean time
pre. Malodour with • Wok. then put them In • tub and
add manacle:lt cold water. so that they will mat be too4ot
to Landis. Then rub Nu dirty itrraka, or is puss
wits than •thorough riortng. and that It aufbeleut to
N. ern e
beng.m rosin In this boaD. It leare
d o th. • white. and no had Oily mull. as sue
mug do. The quirts sort of the material need does not
sicked two cents. to template • washing of rtn persona.—
Warranted not to lots Uinta the clothes.
This le • Powder that unstrap. ultimata twales quarts
hest family Soft duP.
mtare'Vo7dreortarYilli—t.TatPthli alt uint .? water and
no, then add all qurt• watvr. ottt,rothem inautely
~..ther, and set It away where it will not (mews. and
whenutglt will be eery thick' and niat White gOO% and
will wash welkand will not eat the hande like other son
bud; not rot the elothea. tlatt tel nut with hut or salt
he netkrta , tn. quirtity luta sit rts instead of
twelve. Th• hort bogy la Out klaptu N i,
and 'motion wda.
Sold who/..._da not Mall by a. E. BELLSRB,
.07 No. 67, Wood at.
ittoIs r iUe. ir re=lPfar s tutor
ibetho °Alt."! P.n.. of the tollet and bath summer
1 :441,r 1"" 7
titre p P fe ' e t t " tottani l et h er2 "".
uso and th.
hr highly raortutnetelsd Wlq ladleo lc the ordinary and
'donut* Damon of the toilet. and for srtauelqa
[restates of the aomplesten. Its wriolleutprturtles tow
per the hut ud d er - or e i f . thualt and Intrut to It an
V,1111.:.r0u'.;,....4. briar% teat:An h ui i ta2 "
sebb gold by W. &ULAN/4a Wood st.
_ . .
CARTNERSHIP—The eubserfhere have
cataract Into o.ParlaardittAr f r . le tram at Salk
j AlleleOtA lt.
ErsENNETT, BEASY & CO. have re.novai
6161111 W Warettowo, emus cdatemai r e mai
. . .
Few - Lake Superior Line.-1851. Equitable
THnew eteamer NORTHENER, '
iwtn. baring every modern Improramtut no. THIS COM31):11
co .
eaßety and
comfort. will leave on Friday. the , .41 building,
„B, ay nest, on b ee errs trip—and weekly thereafter on paid, ar venal Friday. at IMa o'clock, P.M.„ roc they nt C.. Merle. e '
The einem, MANHATTAN, .apt. doom Cha.owny will
leave Sant btu. Marie, for lie dal . ..rt landing. on Lak e
Nuperior. Mean/v.l of tbf en
a regularnd and the weekly
Copper and throug [roq thou the At 1,i.41.
A. TL Proprietor, ,
Lleveland. 0.. April :Z. —tf
TERHST IN 111.WHAN'S LINE. to my broth,
01.: 111 Nti MA M. the truetot, al Pittsburgh • di hen.
after be tranearnd under the etyleof - Wm. llingham
imotli WM. IMNtillA LI.
igrili Bingham' Tranportation Liue,
7 1 . HE CANAL being now open, We ore ree
dy to receive and tbrward promptly, Produre and ,
eael and weet.
Freights elwara at /owe. rate* charged by reeponsible
Freda., and Merchandise .111 hr received and forwarded
can and wt. without any them*. for forwarding aad-
vancing freight, C0M191.1/011. orator., .
Lading, forwarded, and 1.11 &realm!, roanninT
attended to. Addreee apply to
WM. DINQUASI CO., Can. Bruin,
C".lll.Nitta ialr°;o•3 l ll . su l Vetr A olu
between Fourth and Filth FL, Phlladel t- phia
No. 101 North Iloward!greet, lialtimora
hilWoia 1851 Zi_a_
Merchants' Transportation Line,
. A. irIeANULTY 4 CO., Canal Wein. 408 Penn ortsvet,
deICHARLES RAYNOR, Central Block. Broad street, Phil.
...14• are prepared to receive • large amount merchandise
.... , P ...dace Mabin on the .p.lng of the canals to Phil. ,
delplala., and all intermediate planes at lower rates, and in
lan time than In an/ Prwelarie ...on.
air- N . 11. The inorrased number of Trucks provided by
tbe Canal Commissioners for carrying otir boat. on the
State Railroads, will prereut soy Po.dbilitl of delay at
Johnstown. Llolidaymborg or Columbia, this season.
fable C. A. IIeANULTY A CO
Canal Basin.
i4l2gm !85i Utitiiia
To Shippers of IderchaLdise, Produce, &c.,
- - -
ATIUNS • p)., Proprietor.. No. =I • Market, and ,64
Clantacr ,. . et,ret.
BELL A Li(RiETT, Aa.ute, Canal Ruin. Pillaburgh.
JOS. TAYLOR A EON. Aent., tuatuuors.
Ws us pri•uarmi, on the opening L.f the Peunarivaula
Oanal.t o ""ntrart too Yrahicht. at u low rue, and ale.
&lupus.. myth dreuatch aud rate ae any other Una
_ •
Agricultural Implement&
lIA VE JUST received from the East the
rtltotrMw trtmlettumm, .11 of thel,stampufmtur.
sal W., snit I woold ml
futon, anJ exam,. my
soMr morn. toimto. •c.
nap Imtl I,Unlbnx
yrttelt. rt e, mV, son L o, ' ,
Corti C.ettodarm
. . . .
Dora rbellrr. for bore Cal li ngnd Frnrr
S.ra and Cora Stalk Sorrel,
11•11.. r•
t te..l.l.l•Arther, and Howl
rad four prnng I..rhr
All ,ula. ~ l J non. Ito. tont., oar. an I ror god
at tar l.rog S
MY= Vora.. 11 n.l 1 . :44113 atiyol333
L'Jkltli.--1 hat, removed to ifl v now ,t,re.
/y. alyl reer,•• • rtaara attrir 3-fs-a - au 1 *lll I
ke33 13 • rY3 3 laf 4...33.3.1m.a1.31 , a331..4,4
die. 3 Curfosl f•priat. Maya. 4•lleta 3.13,1 1113. k Matra"
k 11.1 a. 1131.1.4.- •433.1 1 . 311.33.33,
l'33uniaraame. •fal 14,143Vata. triad.. P 13.33/... af 3 ,3 - . rr ••-
f xot
1..., fakt •••rr 1•11•••, 11• 1 1,1, 4Ulld $l.l
01,0 • 1 "....Lit51a,,1...1 la. In-1 to 1ar.ra+433,13
f. 431. 130-tyytl,
al ot
l'"""rlV c u ut!l? . %
iIIAVE roceired from New York. n
kot.brt tafga , ii? ., af
i z7 . 33 . 1z1r , 1%141 1,11 1234144.11-Gs 3
- .
at l'lA I L E • --We tome :a complete
, I -,1•334 •
•a 4 Ytyyi {33-3 - laei , and Ll 3. ty,
3, 4.13 t 3 33f 33.33 a.... 33 ..a.a..1••••• • S . , L Is
I'4 A N lilt 11.11' Fl
• L.
- )7 , 1
Anthracite Coal
PC3g) "
1,3 el Yea, Autwrinr article'
lily '11.11:1•iii
- 3.3
.INTEI , .• ttve partrrrr in
v. mann ; anl • bu•
annra• a-an.. , en t 0”.... I,zl.l.nrat. .1 1
. .una .••r
a , ....1...arn-tar. •an • atnnii rattnin 1.1.3 ma RI,
•Iro La• • anaabalgn tts• Itsane,sa t•a•iar... •Jai hal
lavr warn er..l mnabmary, %n one!: aataannt . nyal.. nad
n•nas r.ll , ••••1 to • veva mean sta. a man
• y•el unfit .1,-• ntosnme VW try sir..
I V I N .J., ' L;2l 4 :( n. ll , ll,..lfi h u r z i r y irt . r
- I .• -
I • - .atra Si
10 Jamaica Ilk., -
- 7 - :Lantana
tionnnaahal• Pbte.E.C.' -
Fre n• 1• at 11.-1111:LV TnA WART. In tlx• lharnoal.
net) •
SUIV DRIES —5 Saleratus,
trtare IN Tntv-f •
euaut..n fok•etr: •
10 /WI. R.., 11•ir. ft, sak, b.r
kir k = HARDY, Ja.kk.k CO
4,1 ENNA —IOW lb!. prime Alexandria, for
kJ ails by 11 • 1 Allk.lkt , n/C2 * co.
IT IN btils. fur mile-by
If N I LLA BEAN 8-20 16n. fresh, fur sale
I by 8 kr. eiusesruca • on.
• L •Yr.: PTs's'friraTil an .4":l:!'"`‘Lii“
.44 PALM ..r
Fk.tart.• and ilarket•tlveto.
kirnrnr t Bllarltrlgtn.
11411, in bow, roe'd daily
CIIIKESE-500 boxes recd and fur Bale by
! • 1_) B O J. B. CAN FIELD.:
bbls. Lake Trout;
o'er bt." " J. u ViVrilD. •
QILVER SAND--I 5 bbLq. for gale by
B. A FA 10TOCK 00.
VTEN. RED-40 bble. bright Eng., far male
by B. A. P• MT, CH I Cu.
GIIEESE- bows extra Crean) D. 11. F..
rwed au-d be sal. by
V for
PALE SALT—In hazes, for side by
1.11 of mi s ter 4 400 Near.. sir sot vat to t 04.1 of
w. rx it.tY
eiro etatloner 1.4 Paper Neass,
toll ss Market awl Sooml str.da.
. -
RINTING PAPER-40 rooms Double
11,‘Itum Prn.log Paper, 24,17, reamastpv.irl4l
04100 Pal*, 32,34 11,t .al. pt ‘1..4 11Allth,
bon! Pippo Paler. cor Mail oaf ::f eta
hhdn. for male by
I) fir.l K LA LZELL a CO.. I.o).Lty 4.1).
Sight Exchange on Cinointuiti.
I - 4 1 0R SALE at the most favorable rates by
iIOUHISLINU S'IIAWLS- 7 Wo 'will open
thl• vo.rnof 0x....• of 1.1•11) ark Kohl white onj
rvoi t,
Mooro4 Long Shawls. ~ •
uoIA ..
A. A LIA.SoN Ilaqet at.
in UM CAMPHOR—S) lA4s. for ,ale by
inao Is II)I) A ISI.
AIRD h IRVIN have a few Shares "Ohio
atul hrostrylvaroa )(Aaron,' luktl• Haut
!lurk." laid - Out etnrk," nal, A .^lO
, OFFEE-150 bags Rio, for sale
5...)d.0 J. A. DILWORTH a co.
lEll FLANNELS-4 eases. manufabturvii
li la the ,N.yr "lop. isr.tnry.
A'. V Hunamrenr A Co: Juoannolv.., au
Doi' -JOHN WAIT • Vtl.
O ,
WNER WANTED--for 1900 Fire Brick.
brawled - T. Prneman..' and 101 l Arilli,ll.Or the Sict.
oonnabela Wham Ala., Irl)(40 A S. oN,
00 ea Water rt.
POT ASH-8 bbln. for !sale by
A. A'sr. IinaUSUOII.
1.? - 01N-1110 bbls. No. leaM by
noel 8. W. \ llAntlitloll.
• .
ir'!IIERSE-12.2 boxes Cream, or sale by ,
I.J 0n . 21 J A 51E8 DA LZEI.t.s,4
(1 LASS-100 bxtt. aged sine Wittdow,for
111 to. JAM KS DAVAZI.L.
1110 E-10 tierces Fretat, for male bp
it .21 J,!‘)IES UAW:U.
wr.ppio g
v .l.,tr'''" il 'We% 74 Va id.. M tr.ood rt
{,ALL PAPER—Frcoch and Amoriu
DIG IRON-60 tone Jenny Lind Furnace
... for tale from the Allegheny Wharf. by
nolh) J. A R. FLOYD.
RI OLL BUTTER-12 bble. prime forse
II by BUTTER -12
J. 11. 'FLOYD.
f,PUCKWILEAT FLOUR--50eacks in more
sea for We by A it. ELOll),_
Vulcanized India Rubber Ruling.
JUST REC'il, a large quantity of various
Illskoesses at VokantriA Pollow. hare MOM"-
cal utweriaseed workman to sole mad halfvole Wks?
and patio:den'. boots, pluses, and elipp.m. We now im
.It. theattautten of the eitizens of Pittsburgh sod vicin
ity to (ht. BMus. idth hae growing In favor with
the 'adorn pubc forth. last to. 'lmre aud recommend.
hut itselt. as It doe., for Its Economy, Dorobslifir and Cbar
f o rt, wod as. vest pt.... Prof IiGA LAIL dseurves gene
ral lotrodwatoo thv pimple. J. &Airlift:Lill,
0r.22 lndia /tubber itsPotklld Market et.
i (REAM TARTAR-11. 3 bbli: wi.r-
kj ntraad yam Ibr We by pose d,
S - ACADon ,== solunkets for Bala by
ORSE FO SALE—A very desita ii k a ,
ca. family Hans. warysatml miyfiatt k i l;
WW pied. ...4121r. of J. aellaullatil. Kg Vu.
LOVER dc TIMOTHY SEED, for sale. hp
sNal .1. & R. TI MM.'
UOAR-20 bbls. Loyering's Crushed fos
ACKING . FLANNELS.— Murpbj.Ec FOR SALE—A first rata FAMILY -
Borchdeld Dave lettered the tocenlect7
.ftprets HORSE. eklat an be ask IA
01Th 1 . 4 o,l2 e , labalmo . 14,11,2 11 .4.mA/he wavy btaLle. Ira epee
sad err ma• . •
-= ea 'bud. ;the isantdae .traibriaka* *ln
asze. .4' 15 eio.l GO
Applicatlon i
I.t.rocitt , tl at lII*
L February. It
llotual plan.
tu, the Joint Stock p
thoee chalquel by Motu-. --
lirjjhlnr'elgen"Py(m et
"k as by \ other•
al ;mod pie hese the combined sweurities fur
by Druat
eystern of insurance, and theDapital and Furk,ine Jorolf
the Joint Pork departm e nt
Th. Charter permits the granting of Immo." 1114 ,
I n every form, inch:Winn the right of wife. chixr.T,
rents, relation. friends or ereditors—to Name au, of
o r for thetrown exclusive benefit, Pwjeddoir.o d . " 14
or mum the pants. vrirtna at the age of so. FO, sr , iiWY
at Lb, option of the Insur.
James P. Boon, o h ega. rosklont
Funnel Sleelorkes, View President
Jomepb tl. Leech, Treasurer,
Charles A. collo, Saaretary.
James F, Lion. P,F Joseph P. Leach.
John 8. Dilworth. _Cheri. A.tkoltno.
unnel !DC/ark-an. Wm. Phillips.
.1. A. Wilson
-130111. OF 'MOM.
lion. Wirdam Wilkins, late floor.? of War:
lion. Walter Forward, lata be of Treasury:
John Snyder. Kaq, Outlier of Pitt. urgh ElanM •
Malcolm Leech. Lon, Wholosalefirover.
Lion. A. W. Loomis, A. B. McOMmont.
nnarang nrecins
Joseph Oassam. a
M. D, %Dila=ie a,
Addison, M. D.,
Jeremiah Brook! : M. D.,
.li. U. WU:wires,, M. D.
Manuel Dilworth . M. 10, 47 Bmlttlarcit street,
Dote. Snyder, M. 103 fourth street,
.4ohn Crawford, M. DI, 79 birth street,
Wm. Melt. Moreau, M. 11, 107 Llterti street
Dr, Dilworth will be in attends..., theslLlee, 00007
4' 1 , 01 . 4 1 o1 0 11 10 (tuipeor, No. 75 Fourthreet,
„7344.:80. A. DOLTON. Sseer ,
• •
Virmitern Insurance Company ofPittaburg. h.
APITAL no 0,000. • R. MILLER; JR..
) Prynnlect. M.ordon. neweetary•
Will 'Recce Neslust all [lnds of risks. Sim and Marl..
All Isamu will be libendly etlinsted and nramply paid.
A home Justitutlon—manued by Directors who are well
known In the community, mut who are determined by
prom Sul liberality to Mllutaln the ammeter which
they bare soCumed, se adapting beet P.A.*. to Www
who den, b6bbbeeee Iroured.
Dism - rose—Drubet Miller, Jr.. J. W. fictive,' W.
Shoe. Scott, Alex. N intlek,• Una. Meek, Cleo.
W latiute!W•cief, Ueorne Derale, ttelhaniel
Holm, June. , Liimlttectt, end W. II Biala.
Once. No tri Mater MN... twerchouee of nIi.IMJ A Ch
op llttaboret. juCtily
riESIUNEU uIS , „ for the safer classes of
ha. an ainp;.. capital, and affords etr,vrt.
..s wimantag. in point of etikapowat, twiny and accommo
dation, Lt. city and country \ torrchanta, and owners of
.I.4 , llmica. and Wotan...lot countal property.
A. Al CrAttklkk.,Actoary,
ril Branch . ..fano, No 64 Porflidield at, Pataborgb.
Orleans Insurance \ Company.
cAPrrei, 8150,600.
Su-I,rd to atuotticinco with the 01Teral Asuranre,
Late of the State.
fibore prosperous and ' , responsible, having compiled wiEb Eby T ullahoma of
law at alnl Cll.. it uor honing, poll . as by their
Avert On mo.t favorable term, connoted with pro.
awl I , l.frOT, Prastilant.
Il Soerlitari.
°ince. No. 04 nrodbeeld at., PittrbOrgh.
A. A. CARKIkR, Aaeit.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
I )Ti ' EuL:TatlL.S.;•hCliivritnts.Vi2VeLl.l'er.;
• ..
Cif Y. EIrteCICYB., P4oeeint
eatta.o. Bolero.. reeratarr.
rho ls.moirat) cootiouer ma ( insuratiewa, yenaeanett
or limit., oo weary eloeiriptiwa of Proparty In twww food
.lorry, at rage" am km as are I,oolinent with Recur aty
The. Cotrepari, hawe reeYerved largo ooptiohrut load.
with their Capital oar Fraroionsethehrkely throutall,
e!,4.41up1e. prohartewo ,to the ueoroLt•
Ithh..i •
The. sae.. tlaaCemoyeur. DO Jarman` I Yee/S 6l • oarobe
..mewl 1l EL, Art of Amenably. were aa foliates..
G ~.Tl'e.rl L*n..
6.:liii m/
(1.21t.70. 0/
flont\ harrtporati,r, a periodof 21 years, they
hats ns u pear, - of 4..., Mahon Your Iltualre4 Tbooonad
lsihr- ss 1,, 1 ire, ttirilis •Oisilnla a''' , ..." ....
....”4 , 4.6 , , Insurance. so wail ai thor alilltir and to.
P^ h -•st won poanoliwar all lialolltaia-
J tiAlibiltil CiiirlN, Amt.
sPlr. Orios , 6- L. some; ii, hied and eit Wa.
Penn Mn Life lasi:mono° Co.. Plailad'a.
L(. ~ J i ai0.4,,,,r .4. , ....w.)- No. lit 3 Lawrir stn . * ,
n the letter rs , as.ider.e. of per.. rivaling In the
lo•er iiirt (.1 41.1 ("Alla a i vro olay also la : found daill ,
tr io 11 n. 14 ani 2 < O'riss,. it tta. .tibt*,-, mem of
3 ocb , sainaner a Co.. ..11 W rood street. wbera all oars.
ow J lotioniatow will h. reel sad romiuumicatifirkf prompt.
ly attewlei no. Pomp xeaplalolow the yrMleri and
toi l
banana of Lilo hassuar. and blank forma f bed on
acrliration /.....
Capital met olio. F.W.cookand coneantly Intraaalnins..
Prints dinned utouallyt Lb...osmium' fix iil, a
lattanorati. Jan. al. lailamongs •
hfirine,fire, and d Transportation
,- Irumran .
TifE humane*, Con=7 fllorth Ain erica,.
JfriOsly th e.3=l44 SO. WilWytk i ,.. bow al o t o !
buildlnc• and their contentalo thlt eta and vicinity; oho
os propert7 of ovary dcwription, shlpps4, par steam boas
sad other v•eads. either br Inland Me
Artbar O. Collin, Peet, Thou. P. Oks.,
W. J 00,., John B. Nee
i a
Wward, :shin globoid D. Wooj
John A. Brown, William Welob i l,
twain:el P. 'mitt, Pramis Liosklus. , s_
fainwel Winne, IS Austlo Alllnowik
Cbarlw Taylor, Wm. &Bowan,
Aininwe il I Owego A.SplOWall,
Jacob M. Thomas, Joined ii. Diciolown
ll , llorrlaWaln, U. D. blierrard, ma y. 4 ,
Mist, th e oldest Inourance Company in dm United SW .l
and fru. ita Llati &Waling. 100$ sz - ola . oe. Oilkplo 01W, I
ea &roiling all ciao of an axles r..ardnus charactar a ly
cyaT 4. mosiderad an olhonos aninla Oeconty tO the public:.
WICLLIAII 1'..101i. Agent. .1
ja24 . ,_ No. 141 Pinot atrawt-
_ .
iielaware Idntnal SafetylnianumeCompy
-xy CHANCE. Thed evert P 11114.1
P*ul.rtl. In Pug linrca.iscie—Pulidhure. j ujurrA
t or
t s t.V I TT. eVe
dltanre learaatc.--They alma Wenn Team..
rod beelgu or nianwise, wider open Pi=
aeourel nuveiluelet.
110-014 Teetieroarente.—They mho lame blarebandlae
teat:decried by Wagons. Rail mad este Canal beats, and
Store beau, on rivers and bikvb an the mud liberal term.
Doexceeis—Jcieepb Beet Mmu ,
nd A. bonder, Jobs C Da cl .
e—liedert !lumen, Jobs It. P.m. Petniel itharde
Ile Yd erl. 4 7At i ' NV D" :
W t.
Hand. Theuukillue Paulding. IL 'Jona. lintoge d , 11=37
Oben. Hugh Craig.
thrtill, epode. blellnlni
Chaise Kelly, J. Jobuen, Wm. thy. Dr. h. Thorns..
Juba &dine. Wm. Eyre. Jr.
luieecroas AT Pirteatanu—D. T. Morgan, Thigh Craig,
Juba L.
Wituaidatni,Pvaident. Tam O. MAD. Tice Peed
dent Juarrn W. Caw., Secretary.
riOrrICI. Of the. Company e .tio. 42 Water street. Ilhe
baulk. i mite. if I e. t. MADZIPIA. Arent,'
Ohio Laboratory
76 iv
5 8 9 ,
Per cent. Strength:,
I OWELL FEETOFIER A CO., Itlantifaata-
IA nk re 1/0011ilLi Purvisplrltatortblegne
Jies Copper Instilled Topor. Whiskey deeds ea hand.
Ustier or Tine end Orontstreata, thwitieratßUnini •
orders from pitmborgh will be prompty ailed
al Minim market prima _\
feivia's Patent Itererrible Water Filter
I S NOW to be 'Deo \tn operation at WM.
1 TARR A C0..11, Plumbers\ No. 10 north street, bee
teem Terryd Liberty mu.. aid at PRYOR RILL
No. 10 Rorke' Pitteborgh.\ T4l. rut. hasnrodr4„,
• gold Redd Rom the America, !noting* of N.. Toes.
sod a Oratnicate from the Franklin, Rialto,* of Philadel
phia, (dim super Mntry In In clean/bur properties:mid deo
usrtificatere *pm those haring them 1 to Pfdladelptdes
of which the (unwiring are examples:
\ ' “Pmuraideim. =ll,lllll.
It Oftl 00 rest Piemonte to remstrimorol to the loom of
/pore, clear Sates the Patent
Water Pilterestm
muted by Mr. Issue. 11‘11,11. used one of \theMforkevets
U menthe. Ido enabled to lodgeof their value. .. •
idiMllll.ll PLITT. 101 Welnutetreet..
Tintsodrs Ilareh 29th. ltlbl. t.
ILO Patent Reverr:ree Vestei Intersr, invented try Yr. I
Sminiel IL Lewis a OW by roe for s nit month. at my
private residence, teal/ that end len.oo um IW. 1
‘tberelero conelder It a privilege to time it in in leer to
vircomend 11 to the pnb, t e. 10 . 41/1 t ., Rao,
.Thee. Alton an warranted to tar ant any UMW or
'bete which 13:1•7 arts. (ma decomposed animal Or re etar
Me matter the water. Thor are aims to hist
mare lend with ordinary carwerill lost tom sod re
ogle sren to be Lpymistr .4 d ijau
inyN ' tf • 224 Arch strew. PhiledelphM.
. - kA PlPE—Cornell's \improved patent
for Elydr wo onts,
rdrisb, \
A lldrati ll oßaine,
/II does on 'Mind and to aftive, volalgi
hiehlTif • 131 front .
lien • , s and Ventilation,
1 1 VrE na. .a th liN t : Ai a KING
i.t. .kp o rAmus ,for
I riL
Room, Bank 1./Sat a. Fortner, lloopltals.ead hnild•
ler:f every deerriotlon. Maio and:wirer. Alrer,Larin.
dr es and Drying Roorne, - ,r all purpner where replier.
le to n,
either hilth o ie. is dellreat and ttir. them.
‘ qtr..l4 " ,?eiii:ttku, e gretLL a LL tr farm) =SW.. .1/1
he_propro wherever d 4.
. Dothlinge of the 'Wort. d Winne montlironed el*
tooet succeestedly heated urietn Ws Dinn in E.t.a lann:aa;,
ea the inatlual illtUrld a laramosos, apllbm haat,
requirad temparatana. with Vain , Madam tem
=ate, 1.11.4 tlaat. or dut , paers, Pad mata Gram pp..
.116 SOAIWC.AT/1.1 BON A MOLLY. , .
-_ ._
Copley's ?tit\ OW% • .•
übeeri bers are now \Sole -, Agents
of J. ttu sato Of tligr Pot Clay • azi.
Tote of soli establuiad repast/cm Pi• mann
of (llsai Pots. enrol Pots. &e. to InVof on* ottbontost
Infusible roh•• knowor. sad is •
mad ob.sturd onerloos to orindlop. Jr ital 7 "I.*Ud . •
. • sculmlf
'E are instructed by the, owners `t o close .
oat - tb• ttilltoriow goods at Mooed Tidos, So2Poo
Montag Alma for_ff.od tea,
mt. tii=k aue&,s ozelaun
2 "•
f r os it o ' s li tt itirg b eq.•
• eauMß • •• littEPlrt LEA' \
ITRE.LLAS-2. cane far Pale by
J ears • autumn:lcm \
JAVA COFFEFc—aI bate for sale by \ I
era ' . WICK 41.1COANDLYE7.
RAQS Backe or sale ter
non & kW. 1LA1i3A174311.
..• - • •
1 jRY PEACHES-2iO baihels recei;ed on
oor ram lcra f erinna i gnnion, Picat
STONE • 1.1 ) E,5-200 boxas for_saletly
„, • ,
N niEpicAL.
Comr , ql Syrup of Yellow Dock Rifot
O"UP4Eb theSnt rank umong the pro
, re,
o.4==bat...* ot lids roman for am
. 1, Rb kaTeinelas.. - and all othelTir
ease* asietne AT us tlinsa rate of this Wool. Also
I.,veltrea plea. .atult.lo ,}1 0 11r1.1,.., Meth.,
thooelth, norettessksrad Tie thank I lb. Cheek /Imo
dines, or boarsenks, dune" n ,rdthth, i „,„.µ5,,, n
bora tb•tbmm .r b ...4%;l,it ar ,
..,,,, t,,,,, ...a
71747... Wee....{ s and nteittrAWaly•
~byaine the grad hor, ether tone to the
van us ••••••• s o-sEd ili"Arkkt____ ,e 4 Clesitthe system. •
If ~, ,I,At!.01:13 . et Stovv.m• Of Ylnir IrltaloC.4 from
all ••f, th , yomoter. <An ho ee l .r.,b, , b unkollAr•
ly ere ono in yorinF ea tnon. 6 \c,tortog &Nitta
44 O.{ KIWI MOM mutt tions. I Is DUrdy TrAetlo
Ho Iv Itk COVltion. 101 l Ike eceUtatt cesethinol in Its
ja. " 4 ' es 'i' or;Vct "HlrfiTal."4?-ev. -to--
' l;tirify the t. ' %` ,
It lis.. [Mord thank chronic 4 a whi !thee berEaS
the skill of tbe bez 6 %shysleiane. an has shoe red Canker,
&di Rheum!, lesei invded MT ., a
t. 4 . 7l.gbA i athanarilla
" RiVra...,, t r a a lla, tht '' S ' ruse ' CAN P CI4.I=:
ORA Thy nu•st olullnate t ;eyea are teem karid br
tab b.abbb.. Rear that tls a val le so oricina he all
ErhIOUS kkikIPLAINTEk I over ethernethase in
the ~ 1 , ,.. ei11at,0n, reiedininOne Ater free, ea, endth.a.
thy. It remora Indpitano the lleartAtin4 Mania Lei
.It ea. of Asthma, 184 woe in silkelthatee, kaul
•11. all onsons of the yeas.
\ This Elmo is kineared onl b . MORE/eV°. AS /4
Fountai•ostreet, Proeldeone, . ~ d add load. and
Wall. bY \ \ E• • ‘ I , I EKEEENr-Vs
Out Agent for ' mten Ethrinsthatilta
iny,67 \Werth° • oca - ner R'• • • • E th . Att.&
Needl - ' Celeb ted • \ ' , ' ,
hise isighlyibedlcalgil plasters en ruilliar
booty Year.. a.ring ' i vitl. th•T ki"
d rsrmtinent reputstkin s as tmast
issintstic and Strengthening Plaster ♦ sr ottsi ,
WWI" or the\ hlgltast , eminence, 00 •h' their consiong
W port
it has been submitted. bare \ given the cetTattatlag ••
testimonials as lo their nwerlor tree over
tars said \
The igredlenrselrromposltion s very'cia%ndl . \
correctly ociashlo , remlicr them ybcyllarly •
P."'" "Ul'i lf " th Pol ' ooo ff d' ''''''' \. \ ' ' ' A .
For Tin is brevet, rant ng front proliminted ' '
rotrp cogb i"=l„.. . \
....n or dispute. As a ternsig In Lambent : \
perlorityover eQoataarid applic* , v.. . "
- ii:r:„bri=zor dr ibglr.°.7=== 0, \ \ \
IVP , tmvar;s r tr:l a tA b wa i ves of We kidneys , . lte., :Mrs% ~ • \
tlorgi.Ve. c.. istr= h grv b iTd r ' eti ' 4l . 4isdit,
k ' fltg i' riar' To
ou' irjefl. regl ''''' tii i l '.
cost Welr beneficial egrets Trill t 4 band very decided- . . • .
For isde, wholesale and retail s tir
mad R. g. 81WLE113. 47 Rood at. • '' \ '
'''Pli PATENT' &TAILOR Mb,' • \
-....., eiwlt u...,11.,11,... -. • -
'-- . ...fpriat. lea" • .
• \ \
fcr girl. a beautiful skeelo IJo.ta , Iluallus s
been Cardarn Elm [ liceasin abd all Made Of psi/114 RI
use pt... the bOO mom &filching. the Lliely and dant
Dom nicking, It odltel. reining hshurlous to cloths. On
sbY respect The ladles hare hag nu. 61111. rweralear
of such au article, sod iv this their expentatiou will bah.
ly realm., as ..mpstillan Is feared after au impartbei
Csk• .UI do lhlrt7 dozen of clothe% th
furatlyi thould br without r Euhu i .with
e. Pri r "%. I° , , rdn' K. K. EthLLENS. ta woo
°There are more things In heaven and earth.
°Thno are drearnytt of In philoaoPh Y.'
1 1 11 E VIRTUES of this remarkable rem - ,•
1. dr and the mutant appl trial. font, tot/Ml=ol • •
''''' b"
' h'''"
P' '''a t - lu•••'"`" \ ' •
beta sod direstlon,for the booths of the put, ie. • • \ '
Th.. PkTROLEUM la pnounAl from a wall to this mall,
i! ., • i af a depth of four hundred trot , in a pure: onadult• . •
artcle, without any ehtialtra elnuitny but =dans I •
• owe from N•ture'e treat Labratory!l TM= b =Mains • - .\ -
reuebtos • number bPdtseures, le no balm • , -
mutter ot.unr.rteloty. T here ere man) thin= in the
nina of Datum. which, If koown , blight be of mat weld. • . .
EZltig rt o Vt ' iolf. " g " , lo . o, :.V. r .Vl ° ,l`t.L . t. b lllaltte t • j' I' • - A
trottgr't'f.°l,,,,T.." 7 " 15 "P Z:W.T..:ih•dlla t v . ."' , ' ' •
•Ing radiator lt.Wnd term= rernmkable 'ram it Pig j. • ,
formed. Is • sure„ltoliration of It* luting\ popularity ~ : • e
I lab spread applimtion In the cure of dim.,
W• do not wish to tuak• a long romd• orepowb a b e e, rt' . :
we int conscious th at the towlielm can mon Sork Ito wiy-
into the favor of that .ho racer, and with to b• heabli
Whilst we do bet elaitu for it a unirerfal applidoon In erb - ' • •
ery dbeam.yro oblimltadogly ear,.. that In a number of
amide 1/114.e. It hi `pun vailml. Among W.f.,/ h• _
mummatod—oll diseatu-, of We mum.= Wangs, `such •
CHRONIC 1111.0bellITIS CONSUMPTION, (lo It• *arty • • 1
ensm,) ASTHMA, and all inseams of We airbasaageta,LlVe ' I i ..
ER COMPLAINT. DASPEPAIA. Itiarlm. Distwort ot,tha• _
Bloldsr nod kidneys, Pain. ip We Bask or Side, berm.= ~- •- •• .
pima!, Neuralaia.rao , Rheumatic Palo, flout, htr=flo ',„ • , .i.
e l a a, Ten., Ringworm, purnthEralb. Brotsm. Old KM. \ -•,' • 't • •
dr. ape In cams of debility, restating from orposum,„ Or, \ •': s t
ions lad priurart.l wee s id' diorama obis medinion will \'- ,
trios relith It will act =a senerni TONIC and ALTIIn, \ . .
. ATI Pb. In snob eaves. Imparting Owe =el =ferny to Me •
`whole framo, minoring ohstrurnotin. Ofwnlng th e Wog wide • '
5.,, ,
fuoctiou, abash muse disease tool • - Groben omistimriraa ..- \ - '
01 obing inemased and reamed energy to all ite. Omen. . • „--:„
orbit.. Th. gelopn.l brim, of - 1t...nil rum. os Pribili \ , •
mat rmintral ere= ot r get . r treat. gt • get well tease then*. ,
..,. \
of the PkTROLECII fru • Wort dote. Tb• morel •=1 •
given to wy perwu •tut desree IL
None suntan e without the =ensnare of We
8.: 1 1 ,, b 7 th ,j, ri. r ,' l tirlf . , !!anal Raain, near for==
/ . , .
Abs, by It. b. YELLERS, ...1 W too ti
• '
ard lI:EISLER2 11•DOWELL, '• , ....:.
earner Wood street and airman All.l.
rim: dly . bin resularly appointorl Agents .
...• . . :
------ -
PROCLAgiTIO.N. - • ..: . • .. •
KNOW all men who are sick and afflicted --.-,
. .
• .. duel.. of the Madder and Kidneys, moth thump
=we pain 1:0 .
in Mot or limb , . tat yin., od ompt,runoind
niters, it.. that they ran be rural by =taus the PE .
TWb • -
UM . ,
LL. lAi oar tulk olwoit Its I.ang a rostrum.= mucb
~.„ ,
as you obese. but Wit does not rouge It ro, Mr we proelaim e '• :`,.
In the fore of 0 Lent commumts. that it ha. virtues ',
•hloh are not motolood In nor otter renud.r. The man " • - •
who t• racked with
_pall, and tudierino from - dims, t=
tor Do moth set reilof from any of the Ws Wuroisatod • . •
Int o ! t. n . ...
Ruder: it oar= eery hub to make • trial. This Petro. . •
\ ,
Intoouirton—wioenoyound, pi= up for the trurpreo ..
of impottog to the communstr, but it is a moody =Won.
„ . ..7-
tralty the muster bind of notont. and bobbies up from the , , :
• -
bosom of our mother earth. in its original purity, and of "
fun to rufferims lutowlty • rowdy remedy. • area end ' • •••• .
chap cum.
It itait enrol Piles. after other medldnee hare failed hi •
render any rell.l It bm =trod' ithenmatinn.of =ad • , '
rtandins. am! of the worst and most painful character. It • .
bat raved Cho/ma llortgot, by one ere two donee.. It hot .., • • ,
• cured old eve. of Digtitegg. In whiel every other .amedT'
Itu been of no 0.0. As a kval compound /t ornumma
Kolb. it la better than aby niedieal ointment
tear.. know oL It wilt cum chilblains tad Inman! beg, • ' , ,
In stew applications Undoubted testimony out be furnish.
t al nt the truth motained In the slime statement, by nil ,
iiellza . e,ANUXL AL 01E-R, Canal 000. beventb street; co ~
N th e airttht...
Errs a meows.? earner of Wood stoma and Tlnia .
- '
,pornll. lE. MlersoS Woodatreet D. A:Elliot:and D. -- AL . . ,
. ,
Corry. Alleitheny tht . art the went,
—Da. Janos Row the discover. and rob, proprietor
so most temular and beriedelal nuallolniat, and abo •
the Divtator of the othbrated lonirlinittit for Maftd the
t . ti%llejt gilt i zAe p tar , ; . l,l4lroardla aetor taza c .za . aj
to t
rfrooluate of the Ili:drat:lly of Ptrotaylvardantid for Mkt: \
TOM lOU% ham been nadi la the illifiliall, of diet ,
OW% a nd the. anon:palm ofnrondiea thereto.
hit T i= "b.'" yr. ""' Ve g r t u f t rid ''''' eillts% %an vl' \
valued as noixtrlnci ininotain It 1001i4r thole aiming -
and fatal nialaillea Tubercular Consumption. Cram* .-
Derti .„ lla, /11 c =tffirit, Airtrantrz
itaz t =s 4 4l. -
Van decal. to fetualr ". lodeed. treir *" forto of Maims
nniabar ender the PM of his rernalleit z. lableb lonnanlii -
tr i da todr—not by the nee of one non only Ike ad --
Ir idlunufalltble nip. Dbytiolotical La ii n Out by a. or el ,
hie itptiediet, adapted to, 4.1 prarcriatiol for, each wader
Ilimanf &atm.
Dr tate. Ton & AlteratlCe Ma attuo mod, aro lavertat
Il l ia ` fir p " iTerpti! r b.
uTtiti t :ylta °th. g . Ml=
Dell' fifanii maim/arc ae alto bole 0.74 ' rit ' Dills ane ad.
ndttrat 4e funit‘orenr• InorillardlP
tied tO h &raven 1 being gonadial idiot a hare trial
la nofflolent establlrh has De. add, in the adrelsal
tbri wort akandeal. \
The albotaiNire UMW itad non the amt. nal peip-_
al " att=f= et i = fritgir= " t """a
For tale by the callos Dig abuts, id well Wry nand dingat
g l 4 . doi th frogi=Vel.,ir If ~,. .6 , 3 tub...b. -, ,
i lkin i rAtUt , tt n %
EY altY """.....
loorh, flartl
Rluotl. z,Liarlistzt. liatinr . ito;ky, La. \
T.../,ulziriacer. ‘..., '' \" \" ,
Tr Ulf - "
Baader of trlcrittibinw.c. All ..
P UBLIC ATTF.NTI is 'rSSpecty i
cited to the foflowiag WrthAn Watt" to..
• •
EOCKmottle ri atahrla tha th el ,
s"ru P _ s,"tOr O ttt . dirl g:1 " " " O .t. t 1' 141. ' i rat 7re g!. b. 4 u-
to IWO, have. since theelf .u tielaie fully aporecottad t h
alize a. tha . t the Eonfr u lt le
ally of a daunt op E . ; tin: mileTtrpolt ' llW making money;
De ueod whoa :
tro r arri rn ' it. 1 , 4 ! tr•int. i• •
• N•tu.l Ibuvoi in Ma depth, of lb* earth . •:
by a fewer end wine, that laughs to worn , .
ontopetition. It la oar duty. when wr write atouta = •
Pail ." I:47os t e b :t r o u 0000 th"i i "o ' 0,1 ` 21% ‘"c".
rims.\ ,
diatom In or dolga:Gents. Tha dek an wry itattei botch as,
say thing tilts promisee relief (wen diceowe: A sitT it m ".
hardly be too Iddhly wrought to answer
we oloset • r .
itotor horobainuog onno of them. Now, we do not ogre 'A •
to do thir, .bold xe ioue only that the truth In Mallon
oar remedy o told; in order to occur, kw WA re. • •
talon for exowding any alnalc ankle in MO nintarla
lea. Plain mtvarnlebrd facta—ferta that may be
In our city and neighborhood, bow aultde L- \
vor of Um Petroleum.
Within the out two =ogle, two of our CMS d
who were lota_l
_Whet have beat netored to Wyatt. •
oral awe of totindrient, ths . tat . of Oh* Dan bean •
rand. And../a. Wm cane of a gemUctrma la Dearer
Ther. are whore. but then.. eases ocat hems, may
be referred to by
win who have doubts an maw -.•
Net. Thews aace mod alter they had bent roe •
by.tditalidarA s. hoPelow. Petrol: am
Pused woman to direetkina—biarrban, tort:
Pike. I
tmtd. the r tuitattrin, trout, ticuishrin. Amphoras°. theSkiq• '
duce Coruratorz...
dleemeto of the Bladder and Ine • •
ChaLwal it tlandl. krorlated %Vt. Corn* and b lu'l • •
fri . : o .l=rulv.,,nua:l• tha
most pc:l ' ect tutees. Certificated that nth artroneh /a . • \
the:handl of the Propftertor,whowhl Mk. pireemel la •
!Vv . ,* thteiglict 20 otlyouptzoiti, •
..„ . •
Petroleum la Le g naws Remedy of ue. : -
O fhi g h atondia it to the profwelon 1. 1 :11Intill in 0
obm [DKr m eat. MD. who ardrn bolted ma with • =1 ;
uncertainty, 5111, Waling 1.0 nnigrd. it do.
wasiderstlon. before another year - roll+ round. WI E . L.
; compelled to acknowledge that the Prerideum la Um • :
MK medicine ever ellaorrion whtlizale • nee.
0. Prelle tsL, by ' ra, Y 2fWood street • '.l.L ir aW • '
ijott..:lnh pooilat,,,,..,l.lMwimu,eili. Ale. by vo
tgAt t. Z and A. gabotattock A (3.. 11 ordtod . IV;
-Pge ;
• I
—lip ohms, emu . , take. ind tin:Ml.2l
— 4
slum (In. Muth 1ni,184 .
ldr. it. gteellerm— .y chUdron . . lit it others. ha been
eulnect to troublesome cough& end .beelna resat crest
reandlee to very Ilt/sjiumporn 1 .sr Induced by
...v . :
czii—rte— You boad'at•ztzlh:r;r4t.• -
~ z zlivit bitterer tailed to cure them. ' - -..
t hay. rem:lob:tended It to my u. n Lbw", and do toot .' .
coneefinmkrusly., be ll e', th at it le th e wet &mat mailslesS- ..
that hes ever nemoffsred to the Dig11;i„;.7.,...i.
Paravaihmatt noipennit ch l l ' ldnro to ender Ilmei . ,
onmhe when thirr mar to surd by a :bet teals of OW
Syrup. , • . • .
Penal's:lead sold hi.. R. R. 931:11=11, - - -- •
\ sada) r• 4.7 wood at. and , Deueutlst reternal. ,: . ,
mom end foe W. on
Lemon Acid
tdis Ointment
• "'" Emential Net of
Nerve and .Bone Liniment
=awtaw. Meer'.
Ptle Anttaltiona
so Anderma's
Natt • Antl•Dmetttle
• " Event'
rittrt.e.,. •
" Mem= '•
Al w
lintneLdnimaitt rat Totter •
Irma See .
, Aube Drag attar ot
9,8 c: —A large stock
the inoxt tersoe,4lVL,
lArotuatv -
hilartal tjhttlet
Deputeti ., o hyroto.
• Klees lett, Ihtref
1 47, 1 41 , t t bAlig
" Mees
Gedd...l'• Liniment
Q lf.erkai r th
B. lifrtaltril!a:l,4w
o; Wend end Maid merle;
c&titiVEREESi &0—
2(30 teas Me 031104 ,
•YS Dab
• pbis. Cot
• 2au 11. r lag=
ilegtl4,ll: ill&