.~ ➢+.4``~ r ~,. ~' ~` 'cam umiE !taw Erß,s , risAA, fe97 41 .: - 71 1 1 uYS. Je)ol. , , rid of thelj'ittelittrgli beignsittadltheietyethok place on,tdowitymemning,, et the pt. Cl* Ho tel; which Mitt tinerthid; Owe beinettientMtilli 'dritt end Shy ladies and gentleto thecloth "had beek removediWedthg„ . mme,megeni ce d, iy the non Waltecibtli,if4t'Pii!,',t'relidettikthe B°6' !• ty, talthtgthe:Ctthle,•: , , Meters. T. J; FOr.Alden, A 4:::B110,533, B. M. 'Williams end flthier* yrpreappointed Tine Presidesiti. - The ifon.. - Charit Shalet, _. called on Doetor Baahop'; * tmtend the teltherinKhythe, in which the stole company joined . Let chtldrau , hear the mighty deeds, _ ...Whith +god performed of old, hleh our younger years we saw; - ' - .:And'eritith"our fathers toid; - - PI=E . tutus te - g or es new's— , • 4liiiirorks ofpower,on.ll grace;• '.,, Enakeu elnivey his wohtlenrdown: - 'Through eretry.riikittata,.....,%. • Otte lips shall tell tbenito our feu!, . 7I tt tlitt.tiO/Sein. to - .• Visit giteeratieus yet unborn • - - ,,,rjt.ta_tteneh iheln.to 'their : T. Eeq , ueit'itnicioneed the followhin uiatty of 'lrkte" b Were tocerfred . r • v trith gt:est appleuer.. • ' • • 1. rry.hth .4(k—A Isuilm ark in the history.. of idrikifberty... - 2.. Thi Pieireini.4NotoOterpleteast ' tll fredotartieo extunsire .with a. wed JdoterfeneW-'fbe• erntro" Or.frentlOM.harltig for Its periphery-the .eirole. of the habitable. globe. 4 , Pir.aAins.Ul3. , 69lleif noblest' ligadl 6f:ol.:fithe643..he trne.fisier at. Arehlaiedesifoihy . "We "Aovate ` thekid! , , 5. Tki7A74 .31.1 r -es. Dade taiiketiA.o men, 6. //wayoryafferoia bett. prostrate. P. 3.. lend 0P 9 .9.1344e.4 1 , .1.1P , , the. iron buLot • Northern blast, (Applause%) • 7.. Non' - rtintrneittoe-m a rtilit, ty" . we - ropedists, - Ishilphit - AssWlT.uelrireie t , &trots shrleViiii (Treilendolur sjoi, please. whlate'did'a 4#llldie:Ni .119ta ir lake) • 8 . Ealfa.d 4 74 sVititn , l•7;Witlt'llbetttett leasta log ore.oesstitutional,low.. they molt throw the-gauntlet of defotems . ,lbihe dispotistag of thesrorld.: ~.(Gisiat 'applause ), 9 ffer.Snisiiifakt.*-4,-I.et tis'eUpPerthialszt . whiliGial aCalmar the. ear:mien of .freedonilitte fe!cithuslistia- • 10.: TbsKeystOor&ate—Let her btitree tolier Wormier, 'lO4 'evert support..agriOllll4e, mere. analasautiotures..'(Applause).- neriti PP.Oi Of P46.2,-,rt tad ittaerclikm,. ta the best interestt of Inman{-.. 0 7. Pitnen ( Aiiibtregki. - - tiny ereeboltna. to iteeedlikeroission......fLotidapplatme), . • rhom-abiy. - ecatimta inter. este anct 'common iiper over . 'perpetuate tte 13. The vent. we- , C.ele , ..44 . is:Llre Own .111144 . ry out9s7.; i (Ch'icia) : 14.^711e Rcereads-ryttf !' s,tirly.frola Pit . taburdA.—. They.arizeiroieii up aria half of' ihelear dne.ttie,piber."...(Tremendons Upplause:) ‘• Noders IP.OO a netSneel.hiotr—Aziioofblcai- : fags, Sing - UMW by Imq . ..other-gift from Geid_to: rm. applause). _ T J, Fox 14znslr' .-. G. F... 0 moons; Coto. ou to'asti. The Holdrable Witter Forward,. having been loudly, coiled trpott, rose mat said that • hp would feel eziretnely happy if he yore --ahle to address few wordi to bid friends aronnol him; but the. state 11 - his health ,irss - snob na tern4 l .l unfit , hid far performing , this duty, and 'he must theta tons iiielode by offering as a toast, .' . :CAI' " of _our issideoes,7 .ILattd . Mr:ll:llnuirth said, Ibtt was about to esil their attention to name ancient relics of the Ptigritne. They were 'in "de Pos. ecsaitiziot Mr:Ger:4'Y GibiLire.:one of Vice Presidente, and te,nlos'ea • that that, gentleman' shoat ilddrese Aktiketil4 9;110 sgbject: , , Mr. Gilatota, rising sell that ho felt Rho one of Biliceieare's most celebrateil liernee, Seek Faising,• win,' when, he wee" , in . . dithenlti - ancl &Ogee, f — oriently wished ititiCalt . were well; sad siastin, mexisi,lor 0,, too:, ailEthilty, =tanager; Be was not pieparci, and if he- tried to lashes epeeektettlionqt,egetatiott be-feared break ttp)rn;iio he conle trot help `trishingoritti. titlutkepoiegiihetic:Ahatittliceteliti..bcd:T I'll) II Ittlittlotlitetheeei tBoodetonf If the Nett ErICSIi toctetirVil ieri6nis port; ii;lithelx,pivepedltiga atul,Mr.,H6lo . l . arV t lhi).it:cinunt :qhf , l4 ll l l .i eerktin. which he lad de!lt!Fp.d tiep`retionn hid toettninly said enottO, to . leei them torone gl4.Voi ibis, s it. wctulraikili 11014)ihiPbte0if., &ultra ~ariy{bing -OenNl au4. l Snst he •Fin'Ailkklislipit# . riAiff boz (Titadutitg, s vtry . . /UV 0716, et OSAre pattern) I lie. Irma eon" to lay that the' Pilgrim fathers took snuff, and, ,indging miss Of the box, More perhaps thatiMainimidateat with !hal 'degree of temper Poratido;:ithltk theY shcold hate mainfeteed;—.. i Platen:Mir hal was two boddre'd and thirty ; one l e n"! I d ! , ..k a l i nE nn T''' Te in the Ylkin.to'Prt and had been the raoperty of John -..alrien, a worittdierealint now containets considerable 4narottty orinnif; tat lie/blither Tleticitch rei accustomedliolf mlglit.thkl ; s &E s ti irikei pleased, and try. Hoskin order was4. 3 blllik of the dateol,l6!..t m primes Vrihg . tilinAtedTroio.tliasngliah.bytheseresenkVc. itho,'lts'it'wen ttelVitnewlt; toolloltorpied "- tie eitir• tInS And 8 7 . 1 4 tPfningto,chiVfo.P4 • Christiania* the Sndlai,trihoe anlOpywhomintr anal. , Atiir fo'itYyeais'of latior-, sneoh;e4d 1 inaganiige airdt the BitdalathlL; Wady. cotita`died-tirVildirdahns: Ttut ttatt relic.andtbmi tir, Odra Voldila fahkaVefiliA ha Vahlti al?ahlhl 04 thriaalq. a lw Pi'Y ra* ‘' I T°4 IB PKWI. *P l l°" * V., the earliest and moat authentzo account of the ottlie PnileAtirf4.wse;tobe lona thts.bonititiatlen,, and it waaftem it_ that the 14100 toll on of Many *four States weirdrrirod: oontatnittg trait did the =storm! of freedom. lolgned 1 %Tail titi. Piigricofaihere;"MiMuirit 'haw namei he otkitiriliosit'of GoTtiur,"-sures`qt.how:' 4,ldiline;olftfiat Exodus, ,dohn aldca,,lPail"Wvdrent: bout,* thP Mine af tr* l V 4 e!tart fPPe 2 T - I ed theritoo. 11,1; beint! tlie.:1041,11,1 theism& oillol„ amen , ; and went . on.fadc arithatthairjoerney haltein undertatn fat the glory of pod,. and the 'fOrtherince"of tha Chlist;ts !faith Two hundred and thirty one years ago, it enntld thus be seeii, the Pigrims won; engaged iiVilts glorious work of itilin/lilldinflo °as pros of fronleM, which irsiti - then restricted tot yols of the'rocle:at sad PI • tow'rodtr'd land at Jul - est:rem Prhor these t'net4T ri4 4 10, ittL i ezn . of William Penn,. had sprung the_frte dons. whiCh had since reultedierer.the.whole land, taight nor. tit Wet py lust - ton thst g thee se:nimble relics s gase• sge,•the iseor "tacit eras eo , esered to all dolmen dui. of ail; Pariume, belonged to ideal. B. Fadaen,ottbis city. .Lbua sinTruiset TWPssildidt.sistle4 MI of the ilesetpnlante of John, it,ldea, for.lta addtltti . . Mi. iddreti Chid `that 6d tiF6ahlbhly kieel • ' memory et leb;'l4l4 Migipxoiie'Utoid.liii *irk ,• its 'tilletottieltatiese , lo.6 • listing that's , helpmate- ii 43 totraleiyi her . pith, promptitude which ebarsiaitifiej; itier.man;.leir hie fiiend John Alden;6'.4eatand Miss Prifetlla 'Maras 1 ,- hi itutlage';_tilopply the Itad bereseetotest'fo hla tsmilg .; Aldeneralted o tli father ottirt";:lair and was eiterred io her. ~., 1 1tieitee .deiieert4 . r • • okftage, toe.yettng lady,l..with that fianleneioi . , which obatsetiiited the .40, naked html!'t In could t!,9t irpsalijfor ititelt. 4A Mcsited, Dated, ba stsstmered. ;hod;_aiting on the Witt, • hboielf became the accepted eettor,of flkeYyoueA • WIN and they. *et,. viola after -'l] oltpl I o holy biada-oti4ll4A; that lir, Pregdot;„'Oxigini4a `cal if Atdigl.lallia3laiicd S.fa PY to 14,titkesAL tkktkattoerous dezeihdatii i , . 41.1tlie.bad the otodost fault, Le he who an A I addressee 70• um, TremetOP t TeSAVON I 4, I M I .IO4# ; I rulTh e CallnE " caned for, niciateer . 2 4 whialvtlevifort.:Cbast3haler, would kb* • toot Aielk.watild rennin lint:a:few words of explanation, illustrative of a aingular l iikr ; ' *hit' tie fist' tianneokite city; he found amongst the` Moat endnenerietabiri of the ••Pithidiurgriiir, "the ' fate' Judge - 11416 , 14 who had-dome here from New Haven Contact!. out." High u Ate then stood, he was, as all pros •ut Autry: *Taiwan& elevated to a eqill higher . Therd'Wanabso 'Oda "017 . 13' that BM* • gentleman older then liiinself but.younger than Judge Raillwin, 'rho bed since filled variona em ben( poaltidne isith the grittiest aria: and who was abo a member of the, liar. The person. to ' ladle Ithelleded, wee a Waive, be' believed of Windsor Is Connecticut, and had recently been elevated by hie felltw citizens, to a Beat on the Bench., Bituie r the early day' in the history of earthy taithich he alltitled, slawyer.had come heti from New London; Coptlectiont, and by acme strange piers aigood fortune, he too' had been elevated to the Bptch„ Well, was ft not alhtlar that another person, ',those ahilitiee to 'dee would mitt - moat thr.lan of the pntlemen to Rhein he had allnded, a nitive &Middletown Connecticut, had_more,then once Veen called on to occupy a "litetN:oit. „ the Bench in this aunty ? Vine it would he seen th a t the Btiftwof Mame tient, bad glean, .11 ',mould not eny,to the Stab neP!snosylverda, but to-the" boxinly &Allegheny fiiiir",perscia "eradltd - Or hltd filled, , impo"rligt Julipial offices,....l.le 'mentioded"' these" aroma ittinces not for theitUrpoeirsenudting any hoist; bet is emipne Baby and . !theater they were ow ing:to the good fortune of the natives of oonneo liiiiii. or to their tiaatti,iiii would lairs it tot' the yuLlit .tlajlettitesielnu At.t.M.l.V...l34o.lbeys_Wnahl, allfreee..thetillnYtttheele hareiteettrelllarkeltly, tßrfunate here, and, tilthOugh few in nhattetr, whether in , banioeee orbs professlons, they h .- int:been enee'esifiarlieatadeibirsti .obiarviCk•ing which be wmald,effer, in order, that tt might be tkirt;et4t thtd.. . heettleWel . verily th born of o- Jousartiallii been einfted to Walburg." , Tremendous Applitujw,;7ll:H Ai, irro nettdtlfeTeßtY , ea7e that the ,gfeeirehth: ?la Judge Bbaler mentions aft* Judge Bold s-us:fie :baleTbrifiiir, the uert,rogeWilliathe; tfintLtheitiscindtviduil to w . hom-be im Modestly Othiee, tho4lll7lU.ctiialkatids higher.m . s ter andwierealititin' ht:ia.laiterin-this comma uteY• to the lisquialarbes &Wee— .3 -.The Reverend Mr. Itratiford, was earl np by thestoest of 7, 1, 1113 - Ciiftriof`l.ithaborgh 'OA its vicinify."l Ale ssid,tkatlc,wsk hureblis descendant of ;ape of ite . Orion, feidiece: v : as • hatiie pf . -Pity Eglacd, berunear the racke ofPlymoutli. 'Although te . weit yokng- when . he left it, many - Scar reccileations.,elneteteduround his early hlime. - Especially did he dwell - on the mommy or .11,U - i461? ,th'e 6Ltte: PrPaisd4t44 6. 4kiat iniat and bone- Acisi inflnsbec crercised lirtthe .elergympn of how Engtittit'over'thelf Sochi. This was more especiellphuenvent..eneikier clay,'. when , most 'of, the young men who received a oollegiate ed- Utatlon".were, instructed' in the rudimental !branches by them., .411 ptUent huew the char-' aster of 'ilielfeei Englanders. 'They were in austrioro, end temperate.—inhabiting- • portion of the reentry where the land was nhim tally poor, they yet by their industry livedcom fortably, and intelligence and education were gleefully diffused. The biasing& were the ruit of, their moral principles, and heid radia ted from thepee to other - States where the Bozo of: Seer England lied gone. In every State of the UatA•hrothoffutg of [bath:mewl:moo of the.! Pilgrims cool he found, and os be listened to the dap/tisk remarks of the gentleman who had preceded blue; and gazed on the ladies and gen- Mama around him, he could soot but think that .be soil of Pcnnsylvenis was proPitione to PS- Mira planes. Ile' Weald tberstore give en a ' "Weetium Peuasyleauia, a propitious soil for Flatus tiet . the rifirrizreStnek.7 4pplurse. 'oiled'bot Odd, ;kat he kud'afrends spoken Ma mach tiak and Would . troidde them With but stele remarks. dftee I brief allusiuM which sscittd much mer- MMent, relative to an expression made use of I: gout! atarata-M the'• erommemeerneht of the itig, Me. :W.•ilaclareikiliat he found a groat . 'Malty New Eaglendeni in this section of the country: indisiLliereArere more here than hi' the East. This,focr rondiaded him of the Story pf . .Nitmeed, Wildfire, Who . adid ,rhet MIS feller esuld , whip env , man to all Kentireir, and he father. tin would era as. a insist., Eisi,—tfle' greet Weal, and New. 'John ; Beg, was called upon, and. F' w hic h h e F cm . eln l e d b 7. RF oposiog • the* •peactioal school of gedallig tletnoiraci.b' _ :Juagd Shsler,, gbactag at tb 6 !al" itaund /G. gate Az 1 . 1 . 1 dfr to Ur: Virg tout. . '..: r .' i Nlllir Ettglaud the true laud of pra ctical gee- VPo e . ii - e41 ''4 4.”- - " " • • • • • taillidett wiekied to aMend the loud. 'by. to , - aollitiftillit 111 i -wi t -Au In Nati, EdigLuudshould diereaftl'ibkalT under dwatat) plus of age. •.' Judge "Otalertlriuglit dhugeolloblau meet be bo buittohrt.o2 , lurrez blioulf thua - ' • oT '- - • rderAlturwatd.thstluitowtstotriarldr. - Willo :tad alludeddb dot poiradoi.Pipopfkr - ot Raw lEogland,be thought that a genuine Panuaylviad wat Demoorit whom Eirlitildusbot; Di' E I) Oa:- u l . • Uira, photld- aznilako) to !ha yrs tee thou oak d, , :thign - ,PakiajlivaelWl`. , , 4 - 07 . 4 f4:-.1 r, ;,, ram rose . aloquatd* :diem, otAl*thii ,, ' g VA* w. ,“:' 1 wow occupy the pulittp,okienrld„ulludlng to the late, nowsitrßipPromeoßdi P °°o44eil I lt qff ' g ' Tiii thafolltrwing tout— • .. • - • l.bgrilated Sitiac ni • aiid iiasetlie tin gicit X4UserrO6d:aied . eiviil 41•oiiere: 'The , odto . .aus: ' If•hliPtl It'Oe alut 'ib 0 44.4.0coqiia,itotitptipapt we byleraction andou-Interventloo, bat.ity la eaessittugit44l4:,.°P.lt4Fed ettella.lPL% ,7 1 dle r - tti - 1 , - , e B : P' l !" , .ills. LiberYmttlit out •;Doatid.Bpiev • oilfitierthe following.tout, which 1 leas recoludamldotuidlialiatleotiplause." .I"ltiiiiithiatill4 adOptlng.ita tdto brat polo of hisPilbOlOresiAaP *pa ?yogic*, the . k llO, . Y . P I . - . blewhicA:Pt.t AAtil.i i ii iilts . rzit" B linateT 'we trautHlruted and extelleacn their character— ,Ul tio; imps iiiii-resulti iiitisilfgloeioiti sild'ex yriniveln iholaii iidra, :rill folldi froick ile.Do - and Onlie4ing.efforts,i4 t!lio awes pc, Ile zmaik dem; •,a.slupte alreadifollowed from Oetro lii itternew: - . ' . - . - . - Some meet s* * whose name w e did net catch, H offered . of .'the 19th century." Load spplanie. I D. N. White, Esq-rwas called upon, as a des 'conduit from bee of the Pilgrke Where, whose • sine rras'iliked Milts Constitution, drawn..ap in the Mefftelaar-Ater.ft.Pretl7r. Mr.. l White said„thaLhe won Id act say-,that lit name mentioned there, was that. of -one ot hit piegenitore,'itit of this be was Mire that his'an cestimilor some tiro bandied years' had'llved riese.Plyautittlt.rnalr:.. Ire thit'ttit It might, how 't r.; ha 414.ssktcokig 44 0 Jain tcmecca speech ,thit. errata% ,'l7he fact vess i: that he had been so iinag accustomed to kbhis tiOnghtefellOw tea, thaViir antreelifelt at 44: in addressink (him. He would t therefore,ofrare..toset for the Output, of. calling up their , I , Ati opealtibleFthetasis of ell true Repub. 44riat. applause. • ' ' ' Mr. ,Odettehorred that 'the Whites of . New: HoglemPlid 'prang fiom ...Oceanus White," the ;4 af:M4± , ltetelitVee *keel; and'irift4 tiori in!the Mayflower. Mr.. Whiny ahottld, &A r tie iusd a perfect right to-do so, ttlways claim a descent from them, since, in the -mitts:maims of every l i geeelltenonnf , NwertEnglitna; it Wee tantamount pia patent of nobility from the Supreme iMicit'• The BerAdellowardharin been loudly mil. for 1:1113:and amid, that be was tunable, and bight not tto"occupj their . stacchlon. Ha had taxed dine Padliatiei'6o6'lllo' prgrfoo f•renielt.greatlyhigt.vald7not 4igid,onr,evipti his gratification at the sentiment offered byMr. White gw i ‘4.;iciiii . ii;esimi • and . careful. ex:a*biitton.s:r AA Itch , Heriptiiree; Must go farther.back. to. find itaibuis *dell that .4 goad. icitaserilierit {hail chi ithoderci , fo am. that wase : ealleneia astigiock • • dell liberty 141,4 bJ 4,4 al &Odd 1 0 NSelle,. of the sllf . eal It* fel?ofe, Pr*, that theyhaduo PlYme4th. 'to*" Whin was open to ttisinspeetion of.all. This stale of affstre,lieWerer; he trailed, would noon be ended,. se, fraiiivery Indication, the. mum indeiwas preparing to rise and free theiselres from the shaeklesof rellifiout bigotry (cher). Re would offer, , • " The yorptund John. Robinson, , the ellpd, talented, Plaits, ielffdenyingpasior:of the Pil grim congregation, in Holland! I M. Alden could prove' that they Reverend Mr. It . ofdlason was,pore than,emmututyline.ndetutse of Ms age. °until- hie maxima yen- . should keef tietifor' isoeitlon of truth, juntas the patuiata of An prank day kept their ears open to hear the truths ,nttarod by Kossuth; LondUppleuse. At the !evillest of the company,tdre. Wade then sang the following original ode, • Soy the eiloniatibi at the Lending of die Pil grims, by the New England floolety; Nita burgh, Dec.' 2.2;1E51, . Attain we've met to oelelmate, This joyous fietal day,— The Landing of our forefathers, lu..Capati'wuoble.Bay Pciritaor ! t .—a+'' - le dear, to:everyitetra t • . • And aver ghat' to, this rov'd day.. A magic power 'impart. . , „ Thter /maws see on our battle delde. • • ' Cared deeply by,the They've left upon Columbia's shores Tree/era or- rirtue. - afered. Then lat the joyous man swell, Its numbers never cease. - The .filirleo-Fathere planted here, Tha °lire-branch of Peseta iioh weal tolls the beauteous Rhine, 132. v 69kr.lkikis ,' 3271 c ee. Growers of Orient elimeir7 s Ti'.i Oar hills are free, our raffle, fel; • • One tdwiing mountable gfand-- Arid brave and Godlike aro the eons ' Of .our ewrrtfatlve land. • We nearly Jove the Werateau State, Wherein - here lonia a 'homey— • •• A nobler, fairer, tletsh at 'Werth Inn blue ethereal dome,.. tmast. Bat yet we t . iotttGla i • Thpkour eta eomegtitee ioar ' e To ouertirly chltitioorre hetet, Oa gar England'. loved seed:ion. . u . A year, , last we met,. haspaed, And God nas blest .our And we, though is it stranger's kazoo, Are a happy household - hated ; • And waving n'er oar nation, - Floats. the Flagof Liberty; And UmbPds our watch word— ,L The erArticr.rd of the fret. a'he lion. Charley Shales. moved that it alma be printed, Which was carried unanimously, Messrs. Alden, Livingston said Wilmarth then sang a number of etacirss to the tune of Yankee Doodle, to" the great amusement of the PM- kr. Alden offered the health of the Hob. T. 711, Howe, whose career, well showed the Ito-. cats attend.* the •i Ymkee Boys " Loud ap •plooee. The hour.w.ts.now to late that kin BAIL iTib limes, although the meeting unanimously called on him to addrese theca, could only, after a few obierrationa offer ere toast, "Miles Standish and Elder William Brewster, both heroes, the oae of the Church, and the oth er of the Sutte." • Mrs. Wade offered, "Oar New. England Society, it, best foot Forward: Great applause. The Hon. Walter Forward twos:dud in an ap propriate manna,. showing In most eloquent terms the advantages which Western Paltry!. yhai enjoys over the most of the habitable globe, 64 concluding by thanking God for the blessings we enjoyed. Messrs. Decedent! Dickey werecalled up, but excused themselves, upon which Mr. T 031- erne, of Cincirmath formerly of Pittsburgh, of fered the following tout, received by telegraph, from the Cincinnati New England Society, The memory of oaf Pilgrim Fathers, when we forget them are stmll tau ;parted • witberur sjthlebirtbright' for lees than • men of . pet ,, it. GASP., N. E. Bre'y of C.a. The company separated at half igen 12 deleeir, highly delighted with the manner , in which they had spent the evening, after having sung the following hymn. Annntasawir wars. 1 ., " at tr. a C . 10., r-CV.P. ,4 .11 I- ANT.. DD. • • o God.. bryoratb thy iraidtair band, Our What Lathan crowed tlaa . .And whoa ahoy trod I.lu wintry stralal. • Ith pram, oral azalea Lb., yforsb.PPol W... Thou heardlt, wall plea .% the Noas:tha Thy blobtlas aria sad .till ltd WWl{ a . Shall onward throagh all are , boar Tha atoratofy of that holy . ihauf. , • , f What Thalia:, throaab pathless orttly so =ore 4- Th. oar.•. wad sahrl nom', nat.: . awe.t prairt. along the rotturod sthore. baaka froze ten ttencoatot baobr hem& Lam. 111nd/rm. troth. nnd falth In Gni C... rite Law irrilrs 131ri d* •14 atria' thetr Mt bLe The had they trusted saints Lair earn APPOIIIiIdEXT •ei Till GOVRIXOI---lcuilkil McConkey, of Prdood, Eiohonine noway, 'Ohio; has been appointed Comcoloaionerfor the ptonnt of Ohio, to taiga the acknootledgemeat and proof , of deeds, Instruments of . wrtung under sera,; did deponicloon, to be toped or recorded in this ten' . +:1“ ?firm Wain.—The 'following ate , the geolinge.oetliniVhig,tind liatChlosoidc primed meeting hold io the Nit vuo. 4stp ri uy _tight t ; Mr. John Herron was called to the Chair, WI& F. MeCatiro appointed . (Secretary. • • Janie. McCaw sad Georgo'Datita were Weirin ', L ied as candidates for Jilderawra.• • • Judge of Eleetione.—John .Garrard. Inspector of Electicuoeepb sqoz. „ . , g Assessor-04h htiMlllo6l. A Awdetant eieselsora l —John Pwinlez reap: T ie. topher Repoldh`' "' "' : • Bcheoi" Dtreotorn—iainee hteCene: Iferrelti and Jamey 8. Mardocla. .. I Constabid-j-"Chaties Roberta! ' Bnleet Cdeneii Robert lIiIL.. Common , Counll—Johneton Little, Thome. • June Hesalfiriwnies, llim—Thiagebtletaan, late Eitate/freaeurer, has settled in Pittaburgh permanently, and, irri Will be seen by hie card hi another cola m five opened !an • office 'Air di practice of his profedsten, in Fourth street. He brings with trim is high retaliation. Mid take pleasure in welcoming him to our city. Inaummusat.—Somednoandiary, en Ifanden, night; attempted to set fire to the Teeidenee of .John P. Ghia; Esq., lullse Fifth ward. A bed; together with a clamber. of artiqlea of clothing, and furniture, were destroyed' furore * the fire wee discovered. This je not the first time that an attempt hasheen rude to hifiti &hill hauls b Hoititmv Coiracriorma r.—it will tie 'seen by an advertisement. In another column. that Mr. P. iftmimr, Liberty street, oPposite tha, Athentouni„ has made most extensive prepara tions for the bollidoye. ' A coke • imigidzi4 three hundred pounds ornamented in an un equalled atyle of lon gn ' ittottioa, ia 'to be' dean' Ig is windows, in addition to trhicb, hie store,.th all Its parte, will show evidences of good ;Mate lb the confeotionary llne. .01 . who With ti Flame their children, iboold call out Mr. hon ker, OUP We, kuow. of no person who.,onlieg the quality of pleasing the young folks, with the certainty of gratifying the old, iu , so great a dogreo as Mr.• dl.-11 minor. ElPtortmto sod gaardiona artrrefOrrett' to the adt wertiaiimeht or Mr. H. Williams, who to about to eatablialtasobuoltizttlataolt74.3ir.Minkmi Sae bad, mush eiporlenoi iutoachin.g. , , • , ISoas. Witte ffi 13arocie, flasensrmas.—To night these unrivalled rentable and Negro de limiters give their third entertainment at Wil ; kiwi' Ball. Their. singing, le 'harmony itself; their jekee and.Wiltielems. original and devoid bf vnlgatiti tlieirtiorlestlnee nuptial bite. and everything they undertake t! capitally perform ed. It is no prattle; to soy of them ,that they hive no equals •in ' the 'country . Th ey are, an %Aiding to oar, ideas, inimitable and unetaeUed,' :which really ezeits no. wonder, when we cent 'alder the clireetore of .the firest-”Oasn Lek liorn," and T. F. Brigge.". die best, dell* eaters; of Negitiernentricities now aslant: The ,membere of this band, "what we have seen of , theld," are. in Oriente NM,' lierfeet , gimuenten, tied its performere, are perfect In their rufous To-night they -offer 11.00 W and varied lIATRY BUTTElresbouittbandiamie,- , Ted==.l,tborsll° iuN}l ILA wm.a..IIIAIRG a 0 1 14:•• . " dM Omen s.d - Ta Draws. sr. ears — iseza . i:Lnerr 7. z BY TEE •Pf • f • ARRIVAL or THE SUM 11131 P: BALTIC. • FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE . • Tisiv• Tors, Peo. 00. 'The Collins steamer Bahia from Liverpool with data to the 10th instarifarrivell to-day a 4, P. 01. The Cambria reached Liverpool at 9 o'clock on the morning of the dth "" 47; . POLITICAL urrELLICLENCE. • FRANCE. „ Vie progress oreventa iu Prance cotbined to absorb poblio attention throughout Europe. ,The .President bas proved' etimpletely'enthielehil in Idscoortfreerri— The parild attempts at rids tenni mideby the ummultraßepubUcans, hare -been promptly and entirely extinguished to the ,Departments The excitement in Paris, had alea - been ea trigarouely.represeed, that it may be said, is ,the ~ P reildearti langstalhae France has accepted the situation," although it has not been with the enthisinion whieh' Lade Napoleon reqkacuptapord It hoc. been - a , tacit acquiemenoe,•and4dinost unirwreaL" .ne opponents of the preferred his • •• to :the alternatives of anarchy and legiti macj. Few have been found t. sympathise with the Assembly; or deny that the President ,wan ibrt by the intiignes - of that body to choose het s ea surrender and power--cdfice and liberty, or t e more resolute course he has adopted. Tranquillity had • been , pretty 'generally • re stored to Parts on the event ef ;Eqpsday ,the sth; and by 'the nillowidi dal- the tiptorn penis, and the shattered wallasind houses were aU that remained of the instirreetin. flfhe Departments of Saone. et:Eleire arid Al lier," bad been placed in a state et siege, bat the iEsturbances:which ladticed.the act were Ludg ate:int With scarcely an exception the troops Imo triumphant. Toe Tangier - matter had amicably-arranged,- sedate town thus-es pod bombardment by the French. The Liverpool' ;mania Billie pretty' positively at a esrionr rapture in the - British cabinet, bi -consequence of Lord Palmenston's condmit, And hiiieswer to the addrigans presented to him In regard tp Kossuth:. • •..• • ; ; .i - • It is attired that Baron Bryson. the Rusilan - Minister, bad Midi rtpiniantetiona whink called for intarte.reuem and that Earl Grey had post-, tlrely declined.loContitmeassociated in colleagoe itb Lprd Pslmenton. The disruption •esems 'altioteinhvitable unless Lcod Paitoßerstom retina; .14 teach an event the Joerstil 'locks upon Lord Clarendon, as most Illtisple snegessor. The sittid nfradsg"-fa thet AAP Ei 'Louis fispoleno. more than% nitwits - • foreign egenayin she Pentair revelertion—, , shsolutimn ing the nusties for ft. - . The question of eaturme ream wan begip ning to be yeti trargag dimmed, the disgrace ,fal conduct of the board, of' customs Sa tbe, late dispute With lb* dock companies being the il3l - ineeeirte. . Air Robert PeeL squabbling has been sqbbling with the Lirmerritt Taurirorth. They have forbidden him to plum overthair.landa. • .• • The press is beginning g Crusade against the 'Shale of its contemporariu, • COMMEECIA L INTELLIGENCE Li - Tura:4., Dec. 10. . . e Plum:l—Si/3c° the soiling of the Europa, the degnand for 'cotton has materially declined, the 11003 wpm Int evening being only 10,000trafte„ of whin, I,{oo balm were taken' on speculation 'Ai export. The prices of Tuesday lurrerere pretty Nicks yesterlay, when the market took a turn in favor of btiyerk, whfcli run bb-quoted at •ilecline of j. . nlresdatuff•—Flour is doll at last quotati One. The market suffered a material depression Dom thit:adversa reports retried brtetegtatli from ,Leindon Ilidian corn met a. brut inquiry at aa adenine of foil one sittillin;, gnomes The qtrOtallOike stn :aria ilia". and LI& bil.for yel— low. Operstion In wheat were light, and chief: ly of a retail chanter,-with no change from . ridarsprices, .Providona—The market is quiet. Bien meets a good Inquiry. Beef and Pork an un-. changed. Shoulders are coned at 24e, but the Mfge acrumnititions hf last i 114601 1 .11 Laporte re itesue almost without dimanirion. Lard ibu suddenly gone up, and 140 mu were sold at 41s ter ISO, bet holders demand higher figures. °rosaries—Sugar 'continues in good demand, and Inge iinistitiee or ACM Porto Rico were sold at piu prime. Pales 40 tierces Ja. coign Coffee et 40e.44e 6.1 per 101.1, Tea Udall ler the London market. Iron- 1 -Tka market. is alaggisis, and • Avis • lower than hut week. Money Market—the London Money Market i has experienced a very ought aid ovementery! contraction, on the lint reception or thaneercoi', thy revolution-in Paris.' bat the enly effect was!' hit in the tan& ittarkei, when • scram depres• .iOl2 occurred, and considerable ductuelion fol lowed; bet at the Imam -dates • reaction had been completely miabliebtal Consols viereasi, high as Dili on. As filth, but subsequently tell! bll; atcl- on the 9th receded to 914 Q 97i tor! money, and higher rates for ailienutt: Public, ! 116euritles generally kept pace with Foreign stocks received a large portion of the ate decline. On the Paris illoorse the reaction was immense- nai news from Cranes on Mom tray Imparted a •firmer tone..to the, zeitiet, though, on the whole, operations in yarns and rode trent extremely limited. . 114k T e h li 4 seat;:tyrca Z b e rn a ll ..72 . ll.2 " AVD l :- . cemben )oeneral Nantes had been teethed - by the Queen. ° CA The 0 ere rectltpd to J,oadonfrom tbq C a pp . of Good Itope"ipp'esie,Tto aneae• 4. The peeitietror the' orideb Nreee, even of qte Ippl (if eyeericaberiteelt. seitai td become dal= more eritiesi. —Treaeherr ov all teade—dep• rpdationt'under tbe hayobete or the tienps, gad itrotaier quite beyond therabilil . .of • the troops to pcoteet did not present e. very eiseering pie ARRIVAL-0P RfIE HERNANN, . tizlr• Yana, Deo. 23. • Thn Ituatniir lartinxia. frina Sinithrimpton. with dates to tlie4kl instant,-arrived thinroom fog. 'She bringn C:3 pisinkters.. - . • The Hermann orrimed ureter gales fo elktidays suctiesuinri, arta tornadoei about four hour. duration each, in irtiletrthe • net f opppt..q* -44.4. fa*, panitdr-pa Vag 210 t. Inst.. a fast= 'apposed to. be the Aratin. WAsuniatax, Deo: 2a. Sixers--After• the presentation of sundry gotitiack..lLe,ddchiami moved, mad idwaa or, demi. that when the Senate adjourns, it shall ' The Chair laid before the Senate a 061311:01:111i ration from the Navy Department in 'reply • to the Fisi3lution cilling for Information.. as to the tiolation of the law abolishing flogging to . 0 Mr. Clemen t front the Committee on Milita ry Affairs reported firioribly upon the joint res olution ereatteg ctn.& rank `t tio..k oral. Mr. Bbicbta pert ortipe of • bill to lactase.? the Offletibbf itrtPi p Ur e a list of diesblid officers. Mr. Mallory olirred s a. copplutian,wkleb was itdofired, alleatfig an Inquiry an to the erpipl lacY of e " abl i' h c p ga! tie.XA Weer Tho Cootpromisahlointion of Mr. soots woa itgoin taken up. pir. Clemens having endow., yielded it to (len. Cam, who ninon addressing ' ' ' Noose.—The Rouse met. and resolving Intel, foto a committee of the whole on the auste, of 'Bhe IJulon, took bp tho'bill explensiory'ot Wp ounty Laud law, of September, 1860 • • - - Tfig k MIT ttd. BAL.lllldag, Itto 28. The Jaokstaiillie Neva of the 12th eitia the( it busiest learned that -the U.S. District - Omni , at St. Anguillan had Conodentned the attemer Pamper*, under the Neutrality dot of 181 p; end o gles for the violation of the revenue Imre. She will be sold an the 26th of Februaryp ' Tyre ohlidren of Dr. Wini- were killed on the .14th ham, on the blecon Railroad, by the car• . . l'''riagn, in which they wore, behig run Over by the oars. Two others were mortally . - Injured; '-aad Mien Winn bodly hurt. The driver of the carriage was also killed.• • Mw. CLAY'S RESIGNATION; Lot:llamas, Dee. No% Henry Cley'i letter .resifyling IL. seat In the United States Senate was read in -the State Senate to-day. They pined reeolations to elect . " Sentitgr ~to fill Al Yeyeney en Tart' dey neat: ~XTfiNBI E B&UD, • Donna, Dee; 23. lirsifordLhook 'hoopoe of Miller owl Plitt:4n; oil dealtra cif this Olty, who failed re cently, hu stroonded, being a defaulter to the Erin, to tho,inierttit of $28,000.' , 'The boon .of Mr. Tlblietto in Wolfborough,- N. was deetrojed by Are last ' Mr. Tibbottlyerisboll in Ike gauro„ "ad tiroAndraii.iretiMeuod insulin:4p oon ditioit ..auffocation. A daughter ;twelve' years of age,:eildttin'.itifant, who eueoieded„.ba creeping, were after etch bafly frozen. .... . • I • •-" Ttiett I Shaw tea st - Chleaitan (mid Plitisblisti;4ll. 18th; Toil the lintel:De for 20 yaws. • Br. Loma' Dee. 23. There is tut kaiiighin'thehohitelf ;41logishad 'roofed at $1,76€154,80 11 100. vethpg,le cold an clear ., Tvo thoe. beat( arq layer find to flare for No. Orlearka EXPLOSION—LOSS OF LIFE. , . ' Bbstott, Deci, A steam Miller in the City alma home, at Deer lolaret eiploder ehle morning, while .the capacity •te being - tooted, inetantly kflmg Thelma Qalm, the. Engineer. NEW YORK MARKET. Naw Toon, Dec. Cotton—Bales 800 bales, at aa advacoo of lb. Flour—Sales 6,000 bbls at $4 43@4 62 for etata.and Weitero, and $4.06E4 jlO ll hbl for southern. Oralo=Sares 6,006 bushels southern wbesint 1030. Balm 8,900 bo mixed western ooru at 660 14 be. - .Provisions--salsa-100 bbl lard at. 810,4 14 pound. Linseed Oil—Bales . 2;500 gallons at 68®640 . IPIII. Other tseticieware steady at former ratos. CINCINNATI MARKET. . ... ~C cso.ustrtv,Deet r 23. Flour„—Zimt.twrket is firm, .with sabot 2400 bbla M friAlblig44.s bbl. frogs am firm at $4 85®4 05 "ig 100; some holden me Baking $5. TIM whole number lir -rived thus fir' is _43,000. Provisions-2h° market is quiet, bales. 500 kegs priiiinlinTitliefio "Eglb. Sales 2000 greeu lame itcfcif . grooenes—Tbeis Is au tocreaaed demand for corm. Other articles ere' Without change. The treatber ie clear suilmloil. PHILADELPHIA • _ ____ • lioare-Irenszey & Co., XMPORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers in ItARDWAHE AND CUTLERY. No, 1:o Mark.., arm, Limaslphis. , /Ur tiLrr and TrsN, low. • • • •1.01. -----.- /AO S. 110000 MASON ' S 'CZALLFIRGB BLACEII3IO, MS:=MM • AS. S. MASON & CO., bare REMOVED - ;:tbalt rtoya_aa . l_lasfraiyAn Philadelphia. tn (to caw r.....l "'' T ' V-Nerl;2lllltff4 4 .iliTtVg Jt th tO e w k . 1114>U!!4a1m0nd....113. , f0r aay anyelior Ni Marione. t.n. Y.T aU tylyeztabla Merchant. and La.alry• tisited max. Blau blutre. : fine black WRITING INX. at the imr.ot nr.29-iGtne I .CLEGG'S PERFUMERY . FANCY - SOAPS. jr . • r.SE saperior articles of Perfiunery, lammed Width ate tfitilatrid.4l 1.14 Jona, celt4rat,l Whim Orimtal .6141114.4,P40L . P..0ftre. Teuth Anal OA At Powd.ra. C 14.44 V41” . 1,4,14.4441 . 4 941,r aryr..4...1 Cona4l3, 11444r4,4KAInatitilarm POP Nand R0 r m 7 1....641rbi1. - .lYuyttl44l6l. 14,.1164, DOM, Almon, i /Wl;lht=e: ,fkv r 't lis44 far1tht1444,) 4 9 a;rOr • 4 ' )?l! . 'lVt! " it... l t 'l4 ;Vl= . 1:i11t.114 .. 44.4 il, 'r S C l lli • iPIA JO La. • .51 . 1.14 . 4k41 41 - 1441=1: " Alititts• 4111P.51cretant4 smit nn:.l 111. 4 .1 I .ir. 0 I LA 511F. 141 apt 32'. r-11 , 1”...p4S111b1 , 011 . in it, 4117 We. suss aal . r.c=3 . 11, *lt. •,,Nyttv4 . !1..„...,.........-.... 4. - .44,1 16 cl_taA • Stair& & McLean, Poo,, Prodopi .nd Contrtimion Mordant., No 111 ( , ;rill Wan. man s • . 11.11.1...1111L I.li lA. .. -f 4 ONSIONMENT3 of PLOER . anti Pro- L ' l::l7.l . .4 . %i r. . " i'n's o i4 " .Zit7li.'ii r i''rcfL" . ";:iis7. l % : 4.4,4 , 1 41.b1114 of I.4lAin, 4•114n114.,,,1 Iteirt 1,- 1 14.41, mum prEm A Mill,. r•11141.nr:11; . C . : LeTl:ti,,V2r," - in. ?sta. I'. ent,,r. - . - : 4 'r , .111ii0 - sLtb WHITE, BONNEiT MANP- ! - rmarartL,' No 41 114.4111 .4.'..4.4./1 61.4441 r. ,r 4444 1 naut....‘ ludo.) Vhfla.l.4.Lia Ldp -.... ....;,I'4l . = "' 'lt Aultixia4., IV 4.K. 1 1 1 W.A..R1) i (1..., Whole iur attcm.E. CZ Yu ac t I. tala.t.ipton Al4l 4. LtIALII; Illielilguiii ii. CO., TolinCeo 4.1416.144.1.4. 61errhatts. No 41 1 4, 4111 WAte4•4114.41.. 4416 !CAM Wharoes. Pt 4 11 4 -1• 1 / 7 414 ... Anal BALTIMORE WALTER. Flour and General Produce COMMISSION IIOOSE. NU. A Snill L1Q • 1F41 , 44 NUE SA • ' RAILROAD TRACE IP rife DOOR EZl3=l • ; *nor i• Tram...n*4w !IN *by other Issrleneet the so* 5.5.1. • gaud era•• qua el rtuare... with eulet sne musk.o.lN.o4l4*. HAN . a— eit•ll.lsmatt MMMI NEIV ,Professor Alec C. Burrs Tricopheraus, driß 'MEDICATED CO'MPOUND, leer 're v statitet lataarrybie teautifyirty th. ball% ecettleb• I.r. 1 mart am/ assruif al. a./ nuns. beta.. tlw ad mewl.. Ala., rule. brute.., sonaba,,th. hai b........na1t551 its •therlnabl. th at Ilarry'a Ttutopts arab. pnaluoal that mini easect. fine dued... of the . glroar i to ' a 'tot to b'''"„ .. .Vt"Jt 241 ~ it talus and tb. gallotsth la ohJob It te loaf Li Mut, prvpustwa. Pun bay. rPtea IL • Wale , „ Nib Tor. , Wept. 22 ISLe. l'i; bazar-41w baewle.ro 0114 . t.lalth a na tabt.,...naption of lb. •G• 114 4 1 • n'ut Nlra..ta man salre. W lb. last not... aiwuth 11,61 p.n.0l b. , * had tts ...I•l....fttoop•af attutatitt hl .l. dans sad bass tn.! all th e prepant Wtr th e hair mad Otto tub lbw.. wi th out tea Maul temett. 1 .an Oa th. . by. travail to try yvar Vetoopher...... I dal to. as • beat rerun, sod to may sou .lbrallfinaloo. Mood nyertlf aortal la &boot tatrssotta.Aril mu LI. violator. of ltho ttlacoler anima / Irs• partially blibil ; Ww•lmnaill. Mora, ll • tao Coltaa lea Ms, firm • Naar tut, Oct. VI. 1504. rze:, BaLST-317 tsar Wm— A 1-suttbn pntr. aim mt hat, 4 " . " .1.tt1 r ; 01•11 tao. vd•J'to Ply art , 11.. , ,,,m. nr i tmar ' lrso 'll.nolt 14.1.. d. hod all lb. da.b.Antll Illaaprwurd. thr had net thaw, s inn here. With llf ALL M 4 Ito Owur. it nay-lady or astaltstaar ttelia.. the antbratinty of tbe thry will rrolatterr • C Parry • aka. 1/1 7".•••• lora, after. tw billpA lur. tho nn3 pal lector. flrota the 1111Ithry thd basal Aram. Nor. a, thtst - rbt.r. Is Do for the preararetat cur. nf tb. moth.. a...orally. that Lae r.arbrd the at,014 . 1W saltw.f• alas arthintsarest ta. alayeet. Theepbdoota or 11.11..at.4 („s a ,naa,i, y wed ay the upper rearm or the rothenalty. aithret....rc norms," lu tbe 1..a4 it Is wed In on-I.nm. to ',artier artief... al' Ito that 'lt itaparlialow v- to. ...Wm.( the h.4r. mod to ot prtatauts• Its abort. • r table ,l, py.a. Italeetroyalb. daottroll and. - mak. lbw Italos sal tbacs.r. of ameba.. , 'Mar go reald brad. • deb worm. and atlas" dna ; Ins of , rite skhr. cheap...es. w.llass4kacy. ittarkr• It is sad It lanai bottloa. price Pra.tha, mod at L ota th . at: V o. thalaltettaeethadththaebdbaw on./ I hooool aZ• CHICA(i() AND 'PEORIA. THOMAS HALE, FORWARDEIio & CONIbIINNHA MERCHANT; • • • anmoo., .4 -1 0N±LICDES 143 usual factlities to receive on Stoma. eel, TrecAlpeapot....ll St;,:hathive oeu•lfirved Mut. Home leave W. duel, detl, I, all s ome the lat.. and the mokilio e si CA.. ++ • • ' • . • Ur. Joho Lee:usher. OgNtRALCOMMISSIaN BIERCIIANT; .Anu •1101111NEVit. KO i Water wont. L;pecia ettefitim to LOnnohmlop Waimea. anglMl7 :4a,: LOUIS & ST-JOSEPH. ==E cIOA4IIIEL & 00 , Corn Manton old lorwaidrod MArchiutr, NM . '2B loAreir. AL amtmerr ka strand. AT. TOLIMA. MO o d d do Los pmebiog or 11.34. prod PAM MeM orld boro. d r • • • e , Thmaomm• Muoooll •• UOAAMV . I.4r, INN • -7 Vif SEPR, .MISSOURI. :r 7111DDLETON; Ritzy •,r,•ApciEE, Vrortorr:Crlblirullotoo, ml Pbroerdlvo blorebantor so tbs. Lot, dL Jt.roti, bro. •• hiht Itrlthlthlturdort sod Lomax, bbOttbll aohlY nSVID - C.: TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, Ileowl Cerbroto•loorr hr brroortlrabbo. 9t. t 4 t ,, t agmarrogrottotro Photblir•moro.O.4. • froMbil 1101 IN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Court . 41" I. •ad OummlAsinner W. Ont. he) Leal.% )In.. Oste-uf • kyyrone.—Pltabwrgb, Mo. W. Vorwardo 1/..Pt•• • 11111er, hrl4ndleas • Ilcaut, Julm Y. Park, illoo•11. • Me1:0111Ro : • - • • • sugtkly McHoniiee Thiladelpiun a:• Liverpool Line of Packets. Sailing from .PhilaJollika „ rho 10 ]tlAitr tro.ns t. '"n tt , .7 W PON uvAls. r. arlaSuirZ ' • •". khKOl . ll. Nathaniel U. Ilarriv, Malden lIKULIN, • Alfred wr. , tl'. ll VVievi t. ;nag...Mins aro-belie of ma beet and moat uaur tted and are - noted for the tyrant, of their MastaiWro he, afro larduo with all latest Improvement, are most tborouditiv ventilated, and are unsurpassed tor doily ae cernmodatienv fur Snood Chau. and Oterrage Ituarnperr; they are comblinivul trt Wets olledtsliint, who ILIV.EINOX . .dll4 ,l forjtr.r onipertenre In the twtro Venom de ro • or finites their tri o 4. Trolls the Sod wourry'rali obtain vulti&-ates of pawed% .I.lch Will be cent ler eight months. and our agent. In Ireland and LIT a dpmt IN limn* thenamltb the drop... war - Amnon and itowattlonr relative to their departure. Far the ludivinthenee el paaavvaimra ulathy town! ow , in to. " g r dRfU " e riln . 1 rie L EP ., ;1.7," of te gyrn,MAtoro irupplted pearensiers coming Irmo 1.007 .')ir the following Funded, *III to furnished Sureb nad rM l 9 loam of sire end oven 114.104. bread. ibu tier, L ca. to. h lb.. enmesh K lb.suuin, 1 lb. dour, lb.. tonna... and 1 Vb. perk: Moder 12 rears of and d breadatuffe, Its por fulliallowasinotarater and via sash arldhan allturance of In. mum arid . • ;¢p• Mr4.4.0'.10t, blow sand DLIWrIcW jetrgt • corner faith and Wood ids.. Pitieburah. IIopIITTANCES , frO ENGLAND, a l ts l liTe....w.kaPol v .&,l 9-- tr i l e= 111044N:0i VlVeat Arltea d. 11‘11.k al.rosa /MUM. ." Mae 11{W (tlckeedioVarii - 114:5F.,) faberty and EIJI , wdsyO te=fei tLe Wi t t rt Mgr t . _ ' HOUSEAIP . M -- 1-A l - - - ' • .-Val for Salo. . 9 AT nest aiid elegran Brick Dwell-rte ins 1.1.:4 Situate In thr wiling. of 11. , Ireeter.Wi , t ' t Yone. " rea l i hnw+:M in Mot, rello orlre;iel taco.. ..7; b tnr with "fr.. eved bed ramp: The Lot on which lc ran& 1.104 Ref. front on the a/hio li•f•TAWILI feet deep. .Tlt• yard In trout and aroguel the hour. j.heauticullr 144, nod "Wed With en abundant* , of shrubherf.dne•wa ha, with a good end.pubdntial stone wall around it Alms a tank. let adjoining the um.. 100 feet taunt, in gond order and malt ad... Fee further pertlmalart la quire of the del: tMI "P"'"" 11. CL.1111141. • WAREHOUSE, N;tiiited 'OM WRiirlit oaf!. for " n 0"4" , , tr. , ,,,C7 or l`roduev Int.lttesa. ma given ImEwstraleir. I mulro - nr Urin J. 3 of r( w .ter Allegheny Foundry for Sale. r . ! infer for 1. eitle their i , r 7 taw.lrm maid valumhlm Fill:ND111. &twat. uw larnl Iwtdt il . .ortZe n ?::s r Z.m ' lm A tum ".. .tl:4.2l; Shop, *IL ehLnre the hhe.y; awl t, ot wt.:ivo which thw hutlatwgm emmmtmJ, Iwo Act b) 44,ga:trek ' The r ouu dmm ham • &whim Nark two fornamma. with two • • Per Bale. • %WELL Onielted tarn Ntury nitieK Il 110USIt and urr. lb • mei 1..e1tl and no-CTll$ ototino tem un nf the city. • The La t. 2. " 4 7. 1111iNP4 . 4 ‘ , k 1rtir:t i OtT. A.', The pale to okreol cn or berate the 03 day ad JIM. delt,r• 'Mit) nary nest. To Let. 4 OFFICE over Kik gall, and nest ... door to KrimnlCA Derurrrrotrl* Roo.. to. o.'l D•relikKg-llostre. on PerseKrirradmi Avenue, pear Oakland 1,..,1..kuu Kivrtt surrordOdr,r K 4/17.7.AN1. Wetly at-, to.? mi.,. For Sale TIIE thrOhetary hetet Dwelling II anAO,2. No. 16 HAT street. 14adr.r, 1•.000 ao, VAG lu mph. I'oo lu uoa ypar, nn 1J • N11 0. Ste aratrant sal mortirtg.a-rm *ha elmr of all inr• uti, brand title it..li.ptita.. ble Apply to . , A so A. `t BELL. Althinera at Law, 143 Fourth rt. St Lotus Hotel=--Hotel=--etv -7 bA eats. MUDO£ 'WILSON, formerly or elk Ee 4 !, hatare 0 . to inr_rro th;traerilog TrOlir . a" I.ol'h I[OTYL It DO. Palm, the Iv 4 sumo. r the brur. MI tv.4. ertermaa *Mit ,U .d•otirdy rvlttrg.Jrl,l,wEirh tltablr us an-rmwm ah. with P , Thlhri and or•cartep lint friend?. OFFICE TO LET.- .An Office To Lei: reet Pb 101. and a t drag to Nelsoh, It " ,I,7 ."'T' 41.1,11 u Librtrmt,star 110.1. qv) LET- From the fr..l of April neat, • la, II 'eta. 1... e.. ilh 1.011 arm OA r.tuatal tOaklaad. n 101.0. JONES a Ott For Sa e, ()NE nu clittEt. ACHES CIF COAL; es awl I) a, Mcaptait.elaxirer. Two Vet. If LI .4 mi., ur,s tap.. 4.a..1 . 041 . I, ah• Maw for mitt!. ...A Prial to 11 t..t thp nv, th utai".l•J 1.1 of wa. hundred atooty art... .rtly. • pry - 01. It. fa:att.:a 01ty For a full rtnailut,t, OVlSti nr, 4' 11,T11. R.1II"(lb itviN 1001 oleo to; role room art d....fa 6 whiz., Tr.. 11 a* r it; A., eai•torro , r , -. ta , Arr nut tom • .klll JO. ulara apOr •tr.r.•- _ • • De6ir: tail Prop Orly for th.l¢.. ANUMBEr of very valuable littibiing Ipit aJAnn , the r lat,c ns lb. t Pan npi : row, lunr.p. run-, nn.y. ungnx en .1, nnti ”u nllun ant:l.n A ilra .rtporol ant I.lth luau Unthniu nn LI. Aavit ota {nun nutL ,ug r n.• ".? Punt . rn 1,410- • p, 1,••• • Al..— P. Ins -ruptr. i m 11:;. fr,. n, entinir 3 - 76,1e9a 41,4 .1•11 tql. • tn., rP. . u „ 4!. rt.; • 4. 14.4. 1.I• Pt I,Pnor.b 111!)11t it? t """1 11:7, `,"•,- • • „, , L r NI E. Well 1.11..wn 1 .. . Al i 1.. r. linTri..., az .11 - rll tIff1:0 Fflllllr. 1.1iii..t.0u.w.._ . .. 'WW ...e,pu.l la 1 0 1 1 11u5..1 11.1.11. 1-un.ll, of ... Tlo. um'. .t... 1 rutnn.1a"....11.1.1—••./.l.nn.ha, unnanin of 1,.. ',An, ....nt1,.../. - '...ri... ~ i , , 70 1..1. • '..1/..".' p.111..r a4.,f1.1..u5i. • w1n.1./ Jpatnue n.....- Ilarl.Nl. • ,i 11 1 ,414 1 ,, .111 ..., i., ... f.-..,- „,6,., „, ~. h. ..Mee ,Irlo,, r.f In. 1.,r , .1 ..t.1..n../. haw., no•rh. ~..,..,,.. IL. ..1, 1. non. in.,......nf 1.111C1.. k 1,1., . - .1, 1.. 1*? %I . ,ft...W. ht n..4n flea .11.ef Ihe I , IW, 111 tat Inn! i •1. .1 . n1..-n l'• :4...1 ...tu n.. 11,1.1 • Mlnaoo.t.l .rsla . r.. ~11110./ ..r.. 1 r .1'..r...n tf..1.0.....t 1•.n..11.r......:..1 n 10 .1..1. onnnllonftl ." - 1. lAN A 1,1 %ESL,. - To LEI A iII.I 441; 1. 111..142 - Evattatell_ ,alf, - • • vo Pnvutt Itesidence for Gale. 'rill.: pi-wpm:LTV Is ddt l• tritP Ix Lon,ellgAkt, 1-.3,1 , 414 ta•••11 LL A1ke....”. ..."1.•••• •••••••••••..i trs ...lerax•lle• v........ 1•••••••• ot threw nr•r• at • • Lau., CVI3 I / 1 - ..!it to lb. t./. el 1.... t•••••• •• 1. 1. 1.1.• 4 ••••• lows. aki Th. tar•s, rwrin, •• on• •kl &C wt. 11,11 C.° l.'s , o.ld stenl U . L., t•. kilrp. .ms••••• 11.1,1,, 4.- 1..•••• 1....11' -1.1 I. lin sh• 1..1 ••• 2 .1.1• I • A kr al •.••• I&J sz• vat, se .I.c.rs, 1. gper,l.4 , ' , 4410."tn. Vlal*llteM... ritrytlr 1,1 sa. 1.••• • to wulta• '0. 4 , %L. • •ill.ba• /A.s.sak 4 , 1 - Um. It 4. • Va. r Ws, •• .4-14;1.11ut rols der......• 1...11/.1. • 141 IS. II 1 It . acal Estate: • :MEL SALE---'fwa 110,,,,,t and late in the r ten wa ftnl tl.. tab, In Ala. • ' A piere Al rrucatA.l.t.otittrt. •by 3t+J nn ntstrr• -lAttlrr •{ At: 1A..., •I • 4...a.,,11 • i A./n*l t•nr. .1 fl A O TRNzi Apoicruits, co:ttstvistoN I t erm . tit !SIC 115,4:1311,Iii; Ow, term. 1.11. LL-lot •••1••••4, ••rb tror•tu, tfj tmt 11.3, All. :1,. tql lb. 1 , 11, neat 4.,,w—h•tor•••l; '0..41,21 • rquitt.. rt Ili. l'opt, and ••tolatir,c InirtX g•gv 1.7 •Ltrrhug , ' - I..rrrus ..tC1,31 or n t • t • 14. t .1 I. N. I r,;,' qh; ',% 111 . 6, ; 1; ', 5 11 1.4: 71111 4' rn i t•tT ' .1.. •r am . ! th , , 1L . 11 11' Ih• .""• )"•us". t "."' • k". lel tio,ir r, Att•efird. •AZ eat,. w r " a" - ' auFJatf rhurch ro4l . WhYl. For Sale or Perpetual Lease, 1 OI:TS-TIII EE 111311. DING LOTS,, lnid al to cat . l,No c). the , aaral Pl ,, n aat a Al. zlaat, frnantv ,n 1.01 aJanf taatP,..sisd M.o. kw 3,111 i•ng eor more vran. lb. rr.:1510: pf (tl.e mrtrO.. 11..1. • •it..n .- 4 ' ; ‘ ; ' .. .7,e' 54. f .rf1ig . .•. , •1". %ft ,Ari4v. nollf•ANlX.b.at . • ..entre, at 1a1b..“A.,• • I• 11 44111.1,-ft. 4...1•111.4111. situ it niuur syti.hiNs. • • A Good . Bargain ie now Offered... AFBLICATION' BE MAUI: SOON.-•-• Fr tr. L. I.kur ilnrungb. ". U..-,t3o,3?J•til , ktn ti 4.1.1 tan az./. •P•th LnEI , IILg• t., 'star at Kett. Yon..M.N.* tt,urrh..... arplr ter. • ill [EP a I/111N, 111 %. • • - • • • rf. l . l:N a te ” ll ,, ll : tf a (~hr f ‘ th'..• un• Tart and LI, V ,, rt •nd A'. The T.mitTAILIn• of hetet. ri,twfre-m Y•elt on th, I.t. tth. It.th And on' form Lon.h.a.n Ih. 1 , 414, 1 , 4 h. The 1:”.1.. 1 , oln.e. • IMm Sew Nen, end 111*..,..1•1 .1.1 fifth nt, art, month. . . , •• • A 11rri/k ,,... Ti 11,,...t. 11 ,. .bn Etvort. , lln N... th. . . . , .. . leans. h • lhal ti. , ;11 , * Mittßada, Imp Niv book ,by Stem boob. Illionit. or by 1 . .001 and 11.11,41. to l'holturßit , 1 . ..,,,,,g1 , 111/111 rnrebre on.rruttrbtu.n, ntbi ann., trtr• ro otterYl4ll)t or it. crib,. of W. T 14.0011 ot 01. 1:41 , 11 4.1. Mltiltb nano I+l tionige'a Nu 1141.1. 14....tr00n1. K. a J. T. 15i....; n-tt.. ad South strly.t, NO.. V. 11.. nr at the affleY by 11V1OwiTtirrt moo, Tll rill I. nun I.ll*.rt, /11..1.1, 1 . 111/91 , V . t. , 11 I , , , , ~.1 nbo 4•1! . 1 . 1 r T0 ' ;:g . ..; i., llMYl t lttlitilik. Ti,,rf,,Wril' 1.... L .;inu.t. i r :nrigt.V ,"'.:T:g . .;`,`,..A t .;A•;:.1,,f."'.';',;•.57,!.!:7,1:1'6.°.r; 14,10 nmulh out 1 , 1 an, of 011e - utea.. tuvr.nt+ling..., paff Itntn, (.41 In rnb...trom 1.1.0....:,:0d0 ute.l.nrbtion.) . 0 1,,. 111...bn0t whip.. no Isrurnble tern.. le, nor of Livurro., tondo. or WI,. Va., tr , bivat.) of naltioe'pr.. ,nlen limp...lnlay . otelar.' I...nonvAin nbn, t0.,....r0, . rf.....t.t,..r00, vl. New ..rlean, 11.1111.11., iquhutelphm. Iktntoo , bharluston. and 1.41,4111.1111 birwtt triad Inbe. I, ...01111101. larve 0011.0. I/0 11.Lnil, 1.3 4%411, 111.11.11,V Xentucksttltttn lifainturaucoCompaty. (11TA Mt TT FUND, Y 4100,0 01 1. rrIIIS C(IMP; NY citron+ to the insured I • theeoeurity nn, ,uleauturee of the tdittatfaal • Ithel: 1 . 1.0. Ito 11. n. ••te nods, I .1.1r111.1 . name I) le tate, of pretalutut autotoutl aeturti ite tub, of She pa, mutana requinti by the rohtinaent ritiiM tint nan an a.t .iptua. but ad et teive proei.tion in' Itu. luturu neu rite at atentherefor 1 ...holm tent el 1.4,.1,11.11m0rt1e. rit e intertet In the eutuulat.pic foul to no& member*. mesh'. at . bl nraitita tivaal. 4 trioK • raaranty hantd d0.11ia..1 far the ermanent wurit of Abort term mehe, ia and ale. Co.for the peer.. ovrtl y y et Mo. fre.tler , wbol• tom at life I . the Ntif Mutant Life Immense. Campo°, Des rate. of UretottsUl are fluid •: • fair roamed, 4.4- mA. with ft provt.ionfor kit faunally lorromonit oecorun. latlon rat haul. Ito, Ituuteponliefr. I In...et umporttou 'the &mount of sod the memo.. rt.. In.m e1....n0g ....nog Sc. uptoutg Abe the tber*. - FitturVelet tree% Klrlug doltell the Pith at rater at the lbartiatir.ttirhirharjc - ratit. attil • forititutaara erreireil J.TU laurgT, Aztrit. I . :' , lrortnil tett. learn thurnarti.llo.lleal thatriluer, f 161)IFISII.--8,1rum, large, b,r &.,b, by NJ dc`,1 ,4 ,,,,,„..,“• ,13,941.1L14gh. , 4 ! , !. , . 44,1, COCTEK-74;Al.bnip, „tAteen _RH, ha ,tle lay de. .„ 0 1 5 "A P.T2 . 1T, ' .W i C'ii.E.FISE L-1 5 &AV:di:ream, for.Bitb, by, e d... $. a W. lIAILII/Mlia. f IN SEED 011.---5 alit. rec 4.l.,und.forsde 1,4!, _ 13 s.,l.llAltliAliliil. . ... .- --.. DOT - Billik(li l C4 ilrinle, for „af, by . . .11_ , . 11n9 . . . P. aiv liA l! Bmi.1 ! . (f.X:qz-6,11..,:e, ..irtd.Tioid'hy . .. 71- 41 1 . ‘1.1." .••''• 0. a W, RAlt!?AVOII. tiibidii:::cier,,T3. ( --- .,tractlb; 4 keg,*#ll : k,tgene° 4o,74 " 4 ?'''lsllllitiZi' 4 'o,''' Lai iiElvns* 1101)1Es-416c 're '4l ' lin vsormels,wzr ti l t poz i ngma r sivai." '' der " " 73. a ZelltLlsl . , 3.llo.ifutie: . fr: T.41111.N1V.M1C042. ' r- dS A° "'" ll ` 4 .P.7l . l.l`4lr2i d 0 ket • 2 N • \ EMMA TRANIO I,, i fri..yren An •\AYi,Viainikii: ••' YY \' • PtANSTLYZend \B4iLROAD. Fn(/11 I.:I T.T34 6 ,800 ' I:; PHILAUELPIII4. A.1000ALT{1101t11:' 030.: Ilotr•• FirvlE Ezptese.MailThLhl"lsi:tXs t the Re= Ax.: ‘ el .lure the Orilati, meaty hoteengeolrUl tacar...2: td teldita's. where they will to ,the,t,at Cowei..k. inreadineas ear.".euthetn wiles flret rate nit.° Ike road to' Itaitlty Station. (...onJuetore •ith each ep het we Winton). saLl.llealty.'e Station.) tadre up* azt PL7lltlll:l7inv 'l7 MOUE. atul \ A . Paneengere for Itallitnore'take the Cana or Lt.\ etunber/an4 Rallnw4 et. ll arrtehurif. arilettyt naraw brvalt.faat,atl, to Walhingtoutntylhe.nfrn)rn -121, 2771 f t A, •XorrY. a['bat it b ,l ' a[... " filVtt=ilVlre . FV7t i tP;ta.r..,7,,. Oaf fage rhec . kaltrrugh to Var. 1 6e Armunnolatle4 Train win 1.. t coq aneronona' Utl n'eldna, for baet`i.ibertr, 111191o:bur1t an:l4ll:lntan'it. neturni•K•frala• •lii•lnave.. u Irlnlene O l 'elock e ' lata r t I.ne. Wihtfcialttnig.. • eep " te. 'FL'. Turf 1. • - . — .Pro.dengere willproeuro tiritatiott,{l. rare In the Monongahela llowee. 'torn:arty the moat_ place.) until WI an Lour fnnturo the gepaat ure of each Train, when O. Woe will he ope - a the vale liegete at tha, the an Ltterty 'trot. .! J I I ' dErket . igeni .1,1••tf Penn he Co. _ V N ON` 1.Y,(1 4 4 E" TO CLEVELAND 11.1 ivEr.prILLE" • ". And the Pottehtergh and ,Ctere/pd itat/roa,d, rfillls well kiiptth arpi i.ld'eshtlikishad Liao hating • Ihrtned.a eonnev!i•ut with 'lir. "eittehurseh CleTehmt. Mast. ConnwOrte Ptir3ltt - Ihe ...tint...tat DEAVInt rikelVott a n __ t, e rtie the-ahore Line daily. Jeat - itrkillatuargh atom wrrainef .1 eq nrlnck., anti-at ellerll4 at 3 P-11. \ ~ boot:nit,. rattled thmuab to Illm..land sad alLother rtt J.; .e. ttn72.11: " '"nd ,*4'"• 4il e; c.v...., • •• H. hil•A S tCo.,4mta. • - Welters/la.\ O. .JUlin A . CA Vnllk . V. Aanutt, del r. Co, W•tr: • inzrabfrit otm..:Piurt•uxf, Ohio and PlRbylly:arqa., . &8..11 NEW A ERA NGEMENT. tosuaaeuring on, Aroiday, Dec BA 1..80AD .ExTrfpEp Elio* ,PTITSBMIGH INTO .01110, Al confiertrd with Rultr.da koilinitu Cleveland, . . C./um/ale, meld .Clearinneai. . 62 mtitei.keii/realdi nd an/./ nrillin Stag mg bettcrea PitMlairgh, , • L . • lie • e rue calor M CI Maid Railroad at A !trance. 'llxprm; Train leaven Pittsburgh lit, Ll „?I';;.:`,t`-";11.0.1,, 4e. . t at. :1. I. ut-s rrtimrl the.ore tt , Alban, .41 dMir I.K.tro to Conlon, Maraslnn, f4....t.h. 11 t5.r.f....1. trnsn I...N.rir CAW.. P,Awo I Or %pr.. TrAin I • 4lrottn. At ...I, P. M um? 6(11 n hrlll,l nt bune h P 31' Sa N. • I•NM• al 1.14 A '4 P.)l, r Ittlatnnl'at " "• •t fntmoo.4l r Fla. 19.41 P •ram, I. m 01•••••. m M 0.4. F. m ••• ' ' • • nal • LlllG . a d car,i..tt...nt ah 6111.2.• ;444 from tL'•~FI4II.m 4.. i...11.r.11.,m,•t t•, I ‘.: AJIRAXCIESIENT. g 4/ -,'f' . l;t—•',?!.'=';:-.lb ' • ' • ,•••• UNION LINE, Ci ; RAI I, • W A'OONl3%. We areerr, hrerl t.l i•Arry Freight between PITT.WOIiI,III • • • ,M.ll i) 11.11.11 MORE. t 1. , • natt.h.tothiEßlA at Ejand, , •nt , • ilh Er, • CEE. he• VEIE.-hurtat 141111.11 j1E,11.311411.e,e1h,; IA: llx •el alledeEDLin • nr,gre, 11 h.e.M. , Aevelt,' • : EC Nteth PtE...t beltasetre. WINTER Elrlt'A N'CI RICE Et T. E II ,1 NoW• 4. I O6IPLETED he the retruish I rau•sitteittou et height. JaJlEtv the • Ent. r, teerre h ettE. koEl ILA 1 1 111.:F1 lIA A.Vl) , it - A , E-TISIORE. • AL U., Witte rhea lop th-flYeeite ihrounb, at htherteettert. rite - buret. ' - hitt% Is a lilt rt.% it etteN hethLlah e tee, i'eltithEEr. ' • Freights to and from the Easterrkettips. , , INTER AIIitA ,1 fi ENE 7'. 11. Intl; AC...00 . 8. LINE. ig44i , • • 'ItAIL ROAD AND WAGON. likuttiNit StISPENSION (2,,,a1 p Nan, i vihnt trg,l:l4tv 6 sill 4 kat " "''''.."l : "' L llArS 11140 E; ea.l tad tzt,..t. Kt otaut.h. • N., I l jo.t , .1 ( 14411.1) • . . ".. _ PENNSYLVANIA Fp.. 5P"., 1 4 artat l 7.47. ..g.4 -111. T A it , R. A N E ' E.Pntwerilmrs, nlietitn tor thoPorin..ll-. i...nuilaulmioki C..,ar• now urnrparo.ll . 4) roceiyttted;l4t om. I, .1 urin! tn: • ‘ , !.1.:r 1.011...101.1,1114.14.1bc it . :111; tam. 21.4 rh. ii 10•1,1 ..•{ • : '""'" ................... Sl ' S° " 1 cov P.- i /UK A I bal Ageqt, 1 116..414.t.7`7.! 4 1 -.E5 4. 05 PENNSYLVIORA •RAIL.I3.OAD ~ • ' '-'And Paden kiru , fir. i'HILADE.LI'IMTA AID 'BALTIMORE. , :Morning Linn Kill6F ennAtißpz.iz lutilrat SIS IC I tttP 11 =!1. "1 " L Fa.. 11 . • .1..1 r -- ,ALL - Al\ll WINTER' IRE.tIR7RIIENT Etielo777 , SS I. • • ptili THAVUL 11 7 .1 1 BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH -1 RAVING Pittsburgh daily (Sunds.:muro, g A " r t.i) . 1.,,,1nek. A. )11... hrth. • FitIRESt ., . CITY. \, • , 4 1 P.irfcsc• ; 1, ra - weLL,si-ILLE, . , rh".m thoih , brht.k.ll. ll trni") t 11.4,N0V Irtlghttet , r nutt,t, nu.l arnt Irkc in Cbl.:V.l-IL.A.NII/ atternens, 4 ~.. tinny th Inctnnktihnifll4 ,• t htt tho Atrath hn th• no.th.• ~,,n t:nuAnee 'tune tot:WM:lna bout. .. tea , ors 1ann....y.14."4: Lbv int? : 1 , 1 Iv. Mullin. to ttrue ht..% tr)l,l ‘ trnOt , Ithltat,th thVihtelan,llll . . t, • synty.t. ll.VitTuN..chht. • nr.t.:ll` h,ttthht,th... Pennsylvania • WINTEBN ARIist:4OEIMENT BETWEEN • • PHi LAIIEYP.HIA,AHD P,EllT;Bldlit34/1( . . iN arid af(et the lot of December nett, ' lWf a=ey lb t i f.) . p"o r l . foltil i r l i z7 , 1;011,4'44i, ,17 4 . 'Matt eyie sti • tlirelkti .. r1 ' 1 •a hed T. are • • • , • TO DINC/NNATIi r.;l. it MOODS.' • • • • /lAN iinS er hiOiNIMA OVTIOBER 1:0 * . %Vitt. Octo.b6p 1 ,10 ,,, µ".t q.:r c 4. 4 .g.4r; V. Av. ims•lank) zo, or ,mtthilrlil otsr: 0,44, • lelloikinirylirls , ll4lmal NEW YORK AND EII.TD 1851: pi.EW ItOUTP. ter liiV.W liittfi CITI tie( I,,idkvk illeFtle Pd. , nroct mmip,:tu,k-..1i .•, - elars ntruszoPrl. on 1.419 Eel Itte. NI i9blkun. Cti9.1i1,,1, .enl9, , An'.l V 1 ,19.9111. OA, 't.1 . 11,0 IV.Eter,,te, 999.1' ~...it..1., nud 1 , 99 110tZli Itue 9 . •t,,1 re•'Am.., on U.,d " ,,9 1 9 +, 9 . • , ,1 , e 9 •0C.9,1 9 rLr.re,)!Ati . t t,. Vhig . . 1.4.4,14 pi.l '"T i ' il e n'l i':: ' . - 117. ' i%' r! I , IIN I: llt K 119 VOL LON te : • ' ,1qq191.9x ,9 91,40 , ~, , , 1. , liatqlltivr /16r... Tirdn ea, n'en.O , 94 KwAnenat Expr..... , ". N....r , " - •- , 9 • 09 Mall Tnon 619,9 t Kt MIMI, .tnP.....1t , 1P eau 11. hour. nutl I•YPth.liator9-4.:Y . ra100. ‘ rreve. In. ti 9, York nevi rnornl4,: . 9 0'61,91:. oenkt. dz., 491-9414.90. TL : ,l4 ! pinqual , Tight. wail . 9attle T.1.99.1.!1.:,•,..1.4.11,1L1T1.,1 1.•••, , g 4 Aitamt, 1 . 0,A u,,r Car le 4444,41 , 4114%We Train tx4 1.N. , 11114*. IV4,- 11,44.44414r,•.1.1 , 4 , tera , \ -. so- 44.-14.,414444.6)4 14e. 1 4 .-4o.11;'1•40 . lino Th, pre ~,,,44,41 4414-.4p40. 414, iii6A '4 VI4 ti 011 k.lthir I.ti l'artl,otti+ altkallo* VIII 1.• 4-3411.10 eps44 I.i 4e , 10rt.104. stern 41414 zvut, grr.a.a.lviallespartr Amt. tlut , • • '• • ' • Tarlll. :11 givlng full poutlnl, larr• rgirdtt.lll4 priro, elf Yrrighl. 6,llcolitMaL Gtll4 444 4 4 4 - 4 444-4 .31/...../.llllYX.Smi't. 1 J ~4,47114ti1LAM. Azia.”4 Dao l. kirk. , )T LCm R EFfNED . 81 10, Ait:+--V.111' 1 1•144.•011.15he l l au,l9trlllif COM fais‘ll , ,)u.nt is ,iv lAtn? - • •• tl, JA Val! k in , relll.o , l a CO -- -•• • • --- • - . • .••• . , I:F.AM CH EES E.-- , rt; I.o.xew prigl„ fur a., . . •-• • • 9,1 anJ 16 Vast .treeL --kla NE APPLE CHEESE-24 rises pith° ou.lar,loo 1an.1,41,•14. ,TiltiknialT -- -- , —.-------- 1 -` . iVAP P , 11 1 pot , ! ~ . b ' ' IVEAH PIANO - Sl—Jan- rea.d i olii J ttnlo"Arn`24;ll'n`4l;i' i 1 •:El47l4 n eili 6. .tom; ~t,0 19 tprt w, ' 7l, ""v" , *fiftiVint - tix ``.l'v d t ed Itgeetstreet. d • _ a_ —___—_________- 14 i 1Sii — '21) btits.-anthle hf..bbls. TfOCktr . ..„, • .. , •'d '••• • •Whttelbh; reed end for lode bf• dt.o -••• \ - - • • . • • • •• J. is.uAsrlq.D.-• ALIaX)IIO2S 76"und 'Apes otyfor , - • Winter f.„%sE,f_. tltrainut, .s4s by I bfleACjt . . • ./ Tritikircariut — — iiiiicro —•- • ...''''''' • . VIA 1•11* COAL OF "7 7. ' I • L ' Ot r Giit ' COLt i &c A liOAtaratE63; BE id:tit - - Tk Who P 11 ( 0 -COtr0ir - c,tioui , ti i .. et:siTilr,AtAzt 0 .38131PTi0N..,. ,:, MEI IS. IitIkINDY its:offered to Vie onectuv,- ~ '; ' i iiltv,sith to earrAAraat imam' la ariartielAlrldett. "•••• isALkiai WI. If. P...a..a. llMl"Pir4i.C.Kalltat Maix.dar " _•. • ~ ..Irsd, Fp ay* j-r.lba Cold at.,lllLavefulaa.a, amt,ii,..„. • m11Ka....r.. 0( h. qtr../ a.tidalQiit Kiri paatidpa - , - - 1 thi , ~,ir,-. . ,„...1,1...p.r.i......i.ibm,k...i.,,eb , Ert boerrreffimed frriltealanihaa rad ens I*.nekaan' • .4 ,- 4. , .44 of lb. Wats:4w ft. nao; , *slam -aama ~ -. lti ~..- . - ;"•:,.? pamatim arareKrralbez izi.edleiiT. 04 It. ILK: l. a..i. ' •• • , " ': ii i,,,,v0,10.,,,p. olverr4ll4q4 Anil. Stip., tti: Arlan Ina:, ~;.A iiir. ..Ith. public uo lott art be.ltate w ... bataaaldota team, , .., *. ?or th .l4trorm mi az and dsrmat. el 11.. or a., ..... . ta., trimmrrari.and.•hleb - o• lot u:Lota, clioistio.4-! 1 . .. • _ ajp . ;4 o Doi ..air,lp jbeformhislolo .habit 11490.' theltu.P. p -..-. ~.4 taa r Ihr to ILlar rarjat:rs :31 - Coldr,Capihs a lloarrro.a. ~ ...,.,' I.ca aaJ Mt Chikli-in It 6, ti. ians•atatt daitilditualail• ' eta' tlattmaa toablaiont. No.tistalllr ahaukt be attibmit. ,• -: , iZ ro,lt.:llL-tolliet :IT „,;;;._s,': - • =,.).., I. a.- Via.a AAjtJoiii of Mratilli lair. alKatrlLlA' fart Add or Ai sairialtia Arl.oibirg • ''•'• ' 04• I I r'- 1 e A. hfietimirolfiesr-kittoioldistapd wed ' -' ~ ' '' .2t ~ ....shyinails daalar. la madiein...alth an issoa.:•:'''' ''' I ckikli.A.llAs tot stilaftMool.l4.:a.c : 417 \ r , ' t a. .43',...,1... Ir. a. ladmattil tir_tarthama.K. 7V: . , • ' , FP•M C N•O"I4I . P. 7 • . '-` • ...... :, . ' • ‘l• .• ;• W. 16 Vera &m at, •holesale tl ralialKA LarlaCl,Ma ' ... r.. Imkt 'crib kprea (Marry rseloral..trereptcar , , , • _ulix that ti, is the [:berry mad rilorlica, \ •=., ' • M r i ! .T4Atßzgr , =ll':zt4 7 ll,:taliir. , , r i r. , : r!. ....4, .I setnrozordliar panned : - -..., ' t t mitt as . worthy [Mg teat maaldeaciL amlvDlOn. .. '., . tar rai t all LAMA that It alli do Mr tbeir - reatall Mar - •'. \." ' lardlefor "AO. liensaaar, laltaartia 1 - VA, tiraii:A, ir.l4, We.. • mamma, galtletora, Maraud. - • • ! ! hn i t.ttorZyttgoo''tt•4,. - ,--- ,- Aar°. ra TanvaalL LAI:4Am., : - -•• 1 ...,, ...• ofiI!AMgAI22IIAV.a. ,, ''' - . i .Tooratt Terhaf: 11 , ;t4tV.A1114,1131, • . I , ::: .; : :;: . 4i.titv-itlrripmv--- b t o . ~ ~,. „ i MAC 1.. Jame, TrraLM A ,Nalijorikry. . , . io LI. Toararrul. PitlalAtte• ' 3 Cart a to.. CLlmaro, BM I: A . (tar. illartiacton,in 0. A. lia mon a eou. tine • ' Yd agßtritn g d tr e a a hi . t r iil i' I U. • W.:LW:man. I. - J. Wright ir L'lti.; Nora Wataaa. WWI A Cal I'M. • ' C. C. Rictiam,na 4 . Ca.,, Ea Lewis it Atargiegr , e:ay.-fliuer, Ltltlc : \ Miller, :lade t Co.. L., •‘.‘, A1 4 :1 . ..t . k:1:9.1:1:;VM -' 4 V4: 7 :17X.: 17, - f.h.,\,-17,916...7-i...,:v. r. trulvat aCo Lima. I ' r V.i r y N aTil s a . r ( A ' go l a h‘ . !In': 12. IL ariii•-. A Co.. Ilio . . Watt nett 17raoraalr.1 •7i/root ran h'. , A orrd. rlrt,-m Mt • I ai • S :_Fuse ~I lonnorupsnh ......-..,.....;a El . ;;E ' . '''.- i Luang when they are Supimeal to tw afceetil Er ,r• .. 11, E , r, hie Ish of tierces/. it.m,, , n -An ..4 C ", • it IT 41 - 11 I, thrllt A ITSIOL , T Y 1..., 9 , Liege. tilt . t 't -I 1- C.a., Prop[s , . of thw tiltsz; „ • t khantattwo. Ilium lo tho Itumea or 4 Ilea", Int ti/wean] Clerre, hwell.ng Of 4'. , • • - the .;1.1. , , .tvphlli, 1 , 1 n..i.etta, Flat !Moo:du It .ea of the lallueye, tom orgy:petits, O i - liheaeee ar.ene trom the tame /les, a o eat,: 14,1, he the vale.. Uhl rntald.., Uen.tal li , l4lltr. .1 . ' Ahw ant tutted-. _ 6 . ' g Trf,• EITIr rrtrAt i , It raII.I.VFKIVOitYI '- . , She shaker ere.. red - 0 .1100 lee-h." and lb. "Do ' II odors" raral *rills.° are the los ahlahlw resseiba I 1 a \ Lint. Isom set lett her ilayrotee totprusaal Calmat of 1.. 3, \ ,a) 4.1 and hataalarilla I' 1.4.1;4, 0 4 1 taqUbilt 4 \ I, e, ..t , • 4101..1,A I,e• asrett us the , rtumolliwiteroote , 4 r -., ....,., • ..,,,,,. 1... , , 1 , 1 , 1.1 , 1.1. , =dada all tba 0.- . .„ . . .her .IteS 1 reperelea of the anon",runEhndrEmilEoncEntrao - ~' ` ‘, 0,1 , 0 th ar nto yet arm:elts hat eftlettry. , - - he. A: manufacture of Ildatowe lijur nP ::7,l ' l7,774L ' . o .r, l' hat tb lt . could oat be fare/et - Ws- 'e i Ai • proved Anshntioale, a e hod It ferarte6•to e almmt uni- a aatly, its ra.a , of llehatic. Set•rtAlr. ant Cots/aeons p1.....--for tonsil pnotilaLion .1 OlO Use Thal Dow- ors, and all lbw.e tortnenthwalamsosof the sate .o trying ' to D.Airuce an.l eg lapatkonn to hatlth. • • 1 ; 4 ‘1 .4 -s ,, 4 , 6010104., _aryl;lll4. Mersa-ost d: es inplinnt4. Caorer, 60... 4 oraoe hhismatlem, No I •. . t larhif of pthredlia. gmeat le nt.d ihkne4roue haemeat SIII ereetllly nod . gas- ,s! r alseutly tuned Ly the ma of abloom...lLL. • 4 a , VW...Sheba thtolmlnthAtat, ; ; ; lirehills 1.1.`Y0.t-Ilear riset It Is with isuottorahlw feelings bf vatitude that I„nr. .Lie: thrOodi the. MOWS 1'..+++...,,,c GLit, nod 4 y u,,14 . 0.1,1, , ,,,, kiln 6 . cericT II e i that exmllent uleshrate, Cloys.mt•e letter Wok and bar .`. . saparlda, is w,ti sau a kw ersoputosol stayabsetailltnpfra 1f,7, lie rase la the winter of ISSO I was .tracked with on- 6 . ea map. sloth sew, gradually extoridlt.g; through 0..., , • oleo's-ht. rale and lint at ihe same drar.thrtostallathe 4 g „ Mt prn.ttan , h 0f,., ritT.I.LI .144:12. alma my leg bud drools tre :Awls. Mosthltele ef attelohmon gm. ilprocob.. • g - ~ rd tt, attet date, of a rkstfol pest-Chesser, who pronoun. 4. M mr d1...a.. ,me ot the drat 1 tost,ol „ hreT emohltdest, , se . 1, said mg ettat au ona not sully bandied. bat Mwarrite r i - "1 4 for ose I nro-lhil‘ under his tresanent until I ins mUslstel be 00044 on he t , me- \t' then Dtt'ootitra r... 1 -'' 1 , ;,.' 0. 4ent at thw pia,. ti 41.- Shen, \two battle. of Guyrott'sf,' - - ,-• tette., s ii/os_tual. Samaparilla. Imes which I rammed • , ~....s_ - irOM amount of banAL afire karma taken font battle. more mo 1 Tro.olle top un , . tat hoeto `et ontnont onfttoolot , mohair, and haer boon moo, that is 41 we'll inan,,Abllla se- , hot a nnorererir.:l Liam I . hal been r ained to my 17.1 ' ' .. day fount. .1 the '::me. awl I ...E. wraith t3mfaa - p ..13trn of m s Isesitli Maps other mom by the azesn'T 01 , that truly raioshle medielne. theyee, .. Yellow Doak mo,;.•.;;;;;; , ;.11... , •LE EEEOEL 'AVIZIPIA. , , h4l, J: D. titb--tba5..3 1 11 , , I .rod you the reaping ere tltnata, m:;•E re Mr t as 1 aq wisualuted WithSkyr , rwar,. it, 10,..F. all loan 1 procured 4{, tinn,lnt It ottolkt_le benefit tettl II you mal,to Um szt..cted leo hare the ptlrtlens r ‘.,.lna, . ,1 .. 1. 9 1 1!`' 0 ''?!" o: '''r ','. ; 10•- •,i 1 kP • ''' i' - f, 1 .e.. ',r , r ts- v' _ .i. , • . The h Cowin: litter tothm• Wahl)" i'• - 0;;;•1•••Ele tar , ' . • 4 lath ealil4 he...to ~ ril.tal. v i . + • ;N: \ " 1 • • thsette t, Stark county, 0., Wm 1, 11451:•11 2 .4 •a, .I.,"Ei. D. r,,,t.=-J),..“ vie. Dr. C.lF,Taott'llUtroet . ' \ 1 *.r...oporlib. bar barn prercribed by me 11,0 the. ILL Lime st.e. s hnth reed affair, in Gonna Dabilitr. Len't On.' blalut. • 'hotel re. Di they... and Chrome\ !sat Ifs:roue „ ..... ttestae, In all Innaln C‘6ll9llthita IL CerIInIIII Uttar , " i ) el.+. ' 3ta Mr itnald Oda mallehlothe patient essollant n Er ran. yr, oml. E and vistr. • r;•;E;;;nar EX gmatEmr ention. at is bleaannt la the la•tr WoO•o•Us . r 4 L 4 I be um I lete i temont Vllth the o.oot della. stems. with ‘'''', ghats. and. 0 EDI C.V.uttalanc... Ism tt-T.Lt...ttkomoz• p,d,•,1 , ..; and roltE,4'eti4tzEl.4lo4.o 01; nu! '. ',' 0 i tht. 3- 4, IJIVIIIt.. a 0 \ told Er J. I. baba. Ciacinnati. Ohio, northeatt motor relint. mEt N'.11,0, A...EA ..orrtne• ob Niatrato otrooq i , th.bom MI er fro , tutpt Oemiddruse.l \ J. 6,144 o toetlt , A- , tohn"l 4 - 4 , A Cqt + I I , A 3 4 . e q l l - .. , tlteos.sr , I Ate borgh, for, 4.1,E.0.E.E.A11.e.enr Om; r-, \ 'L T Costell. A ashinstm; L' 11. Bowl*. Inis.olowo. h. \ ' petty. ureetmlorel e ' ho.bet.......,airi.st 1+ uotteri, . 1 ag.4..4,iblid. et... 11 unfitrattnn. iire. urr. 11, loldarebram f I .3111a,twand a I.la . Irhanla 4 la, II Isaati.Hattancanir, ~, Aimeeain, a Co. /taut - Mtn a. ii Or.; • can. W,, .hart:'. i b1a , .0.104 A Co, 0, Callender., MeadistphAtrt l oak Oo ~, \ ; 14'tilkitinhir'a - ;;LE;?*44,-,' . .ixmoti•%..l* kiln: lEktE, ,;. \ "1,;;;I a Senor. tforcr , 1 0-Somohnfon. Ailment it 1. , - a u ,/ \ N 3 Joni*, Canbeentar.l r erEcter,Er,rmiranfor. • ' . i . \ \ I se -- /c1;1-44 F.4.lhittli; g..13.tt1a fir sits ' \ \ del dau4l•ll' f \ V_ ot' • Odds; ,Houreyntal, AND INCIPIENT 1.10,511./I,IION. ,'i "I'',;. t a • iri R. KEISER'S' PEVA) ItAL SIRUP.-Rup.._L 7 1 4e. 1?.! l':=l, , ,r.tvutr.;= , :i3. , =ortai p..rann rrhn totietlf ilatartoat front, colebt: wow putt wc w Ito" WO. paN.a. It lo_wrfactl f - banal.. In Ito Ingradlo , •• NY , - Gatti aoO io •Ndu and r - V•ettutsp plwaeitw. wt., 0 moot tilt ra.b.i . a f ea,tit (.13‘1,tb1 Mail now town Litt Dena if •by It lo • tem INosta. •. , It has lift ettfforY.Pno dram.--Tbe old tough median*, *•, VI sicken U....w00d& and onabloo twasts. a Web blare • pagligablo'Thad tto, Phan/ Welt' Thin 0 Obviator In I \ th. Patin., for {Lag • Nougat ocolbing art Solo, sad 111 ~ arlll.ruso—or Noe *ono loofa-U.1 . 441dd / Illearlflawito (o'er at ULU ta•dn.ttu,Jat oar alt h on our Lion oiLboosa,•_ abould coNvions tar ono of its, ..11,1albourcout,a_ Pon of .roonalar.pbaotaLanoarul bat need baidna La bin oon taunt., fors a number of year.. arab Ittenrat „ tbonosuoiosa-4110.413 tWatt &alai. ' afigiwiltOkbat bpi. . JsuaLter bad Wm:Meted with. a moot , ond ogaorlAto• Pon:night amosto.'hoollo,lovor, and all tbo dharesalg i. ~. oittiptiosep or etaatrthatkm. sod ;bad Attar i s to,gtoo , nos abo au •ntital, ottrod. A.inalcrato in il uld/Nt Ntilly."l.luo b. of t .N61410=4.44 chronic oz, ~. • far ol.bt pan. bat beer. &Wiley itbiletl.zud the roust ~. • onahood.ll Walla, allbaltaolforPof owoAjoobitldolNee., , , -14 Nina aica A prying. thaux• tentlA,l l l l odrorblVC,..,,,,:.7, .CO - eAtrows the t‘cutil .ai fdP.l4lk9e•ArA atur0,...,.....P-',.. .00,be a. wird" lc ib..bikoNn OWN/ nod . 1 0 Ilt•tAti,ct' . ,`,,,c"F, 11.gi1t.."171=3 4 ;7111.VV1ttV . _44t ,. : . :! ' ;f:;!: btal ;Ant LutZtrd kr LOW. hoiotto:l.l'V baU.aa tia'.44.l',-,te,:i,'ti: tiiiNuefr=lTerllVrtataWt l ME..7 ' ,,,' tot 081,01.01 'a oillearlzrof TOsandiNt , mr dtetavolrolor 6i1, , , , , , ,-1 - 1, ' tr . •b• • \ doi ' - '., 'f' , 01.01 be Irif•o'' '' ktidi • ' '' ' ,c?plp , tfl 9, ~ t.,, , ,,,•:.....,:-.. - %.,..,,,`.?..,;!,—'- cbutimo Zetr....4lo4.p•itoos sill in in t•ilttlfotee. , : ,, :i•:' , ram true ..4.10.4 ••noiaLa.otrutos, but do ilu!. 0 , 44 th0u,,,,,..,.,-- ' i t , 1 If ,ok, want la mot oorllool ItrAteper'sterk4uo r y, ~....,--,,,, thud Woo woothor--a. adllsonroaaa..•ll.boaln ..0 . iii,%:: . .< , ..,.. , .., Lb. Wort sal nt Pia Wont-road Maloof cbo toolorsa .A.i.,.4.4. &novena= 41114 in ttmehatil ‘,./.4•: - .,. , ... lhota eau toktd.dAntpoa• In'tPlo Inalinthr.....tala arat .,,fr,;,,,, , ,,. tal Io root ottat.Crttatod OP sarcoma. two =ow a.. wf.:" t ,- . ;_, ,1, - , afi.,,,,. monlono r looatino booo.attralinlClar „„,,, 3 ,.L., ; ., • pz.rtt_l* tab . bo altotwott . u,r paraaa a • w • • aiado NoNtod I boat Pe WWI Butts 0.11 4 %).„ 4 ' ., . ... b ar , dallookato IFNI bo tombrlti .b. now , lake att lottrev! , .A. Itaileiqi..l,l.tqLpr .4." Wit. a 4 ..tb_s% *l.l ` , oo.l.ll . * • ' • • 11M