The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1851, Image 2

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of A eg eny ounty,
me,:m 7 to thlVtl.llll of C"/ Oral Lett,d2 1, 2'""
t)0.../,titMare halted fo attehd meeting at the 00012/1101:122.
Otzeitoor. at 2 o'clock, P. AL, to make
gi*Ttrofentente for the reception of tho istuibt I.o o iirK oB-
If* * ittiTll,4lonetattet of illistosel. • " d 024
TO ova - CLlTir:dcanct nnEs.--Withitt a few
vree4,lilargti untidier of ear Clubs expire by,
"'~ limitation , and acoording to our term, every
one will be instantly. stopped, unlese they are
rineWed by the etteh gent in. We cannot afford
a paper: allargeadd'eipeosively got up u the .
Weekly °Utile in
- on;
sa i t is,
Intidearelgriollte OIMOITGO. We give. this early,
notice that : alfeirthe acmy prepare themselves in
time if they with to renew their subscription.'
• Thelmisht:Oit?:P . OP3; ti°! "out": /emu u'isP
in thereadeen,kturededge, very difficult to fdL—
' TheWorlgtonves too fast at preunt for alugguds.
What leftist iswith ifitficuly regained. We need
• not tell oar Intelligent readers that the coming
'yesi - lirotitiSea to be the imPe'rtant'Po the,
• werld'algateli...Thisigusef the coming struggl e
in Europe bate already bad their nail:atm in
the new Wench revolution, and we may to for
event tu i foljnyt event with startling rapiditi.—
cam own cenntri 'a President and
-a new Congress to ,elect, and . it is evident that
there will .gentimsnts and questions , enter into
thneiintrati which give to it a new and in.
' teak into . tiesl. - These , and many other causes
give, idie 'newspapers unwonted importance,
we aball. attire, . on indeed .we. always have
tci tante our paper a history or the times.
'We teed 'Say nothing about oar tiontiments.—.
the to. oen impressed upon columns of
. , . .
Of one thing, we can assure pur
r, read - prep tljust it: shall be our effort, that II ot bne
inimienl In BOUM' morshi and the prin
. ',4,,Aoileili t for4intitari freedom 'and human'brother
,' eheet.
arrangement whichAasscngere are to be
` ..; ?.2,'.,:.;ialx.c.n,finm:Pittsburgh to Cleveland in 12 boom
`'koci.intsaeffect•lhientorning.: Aeweantkipa
,Ar..ti,:/In.Pmuties, the President of the Clevelmd
`and Wellsville read, has entered into the arrange-
From . liis well known
"•;•-• desire to accommodate the politic,
Wavalsected. nal ess „from him. •
The express train now leaves the Federal St.
.e'cloek,,,C. M., and stopping only
at liachistor, Brighton, Darlington. and Loon.
arrives it Palestine at 'P. At this point etagee
will tie in walling:to' convey' the passengers to
Salem herelhepwill6erice nt 1 o'c!,x.k, P.M.,
and will take the care again, and arrive at Al
liattatat 'IL and Lt 'Cleveland at quarter. Xo air.
fleturning;lbe - traiii will leave Cleveland at
• , 8. A....k!.. ! and ,theyiensengers will arrive at Pel,
ectine at and at Pittebargh by 8, .stop-•
ping:aktlui please mentioned above.'
They'night train on the Cleveland and Coltim
bust-clad has been - discontinued, and passengers
will eini in Cleveland all night, and leave in the
morning; trans,. making in all 86 hours from
Tittabuigh to-Cincinnati, with one night's meet
In about two
. : line, will be Aniehnl
to Allyince, when this arrangement will be and.
Thihnititickete, Cleieland and Cincinnati,
6qt bledital et, the - tichet office at the Federal St.
• ,
projected - Railroad, - nearly o half of
tender Contract, is intended to /lop an
Vtnoritnatlink,'.. between Loudonville, on the
;GLio pad, Pennnylranie -. gailroad, and Spring
. ,tipld,trem which place to Cincinnati, are
"":"..tiU*llroads in operation. Its length will be
ithqualOiniliti, andit will' make a very direct .
and most eicellent route between Pittsburgh and
. ,
GUtt.CillemoUt; President of this CUmpany,
aid S. I:iimess, • Esq.,' of Springfield, are now
tfda :c iiiSon.iatileition in behalf of this enter
, , prise - r and we bespeak for them :the courteous
attention and ,'material aid" of our eitizerns.
The work they hive In hand is of the very first'
importance to thin city, as these gentlemen can
make appear to zany one who will take She iron
' ble to investigate it. It will probably do more
to:turn travel -from the Lake route this' way,
and over the PortnirylvtuM' t route, than any other
work - noirnrojeeted., Let oar citizens, then,
gift; ii,thelrearnest attention.
pmnisrlvatrtt RAlLcomax-Somerptrsons have
friend fault with , the Pennsylvania Railroad, be
cAasiitielncere could' not perform iropossibil-
In. outer, to supply mane- of convey
, sump between this city and Philadelpeia, the
zeal ban been opened before all desirable wr
.; rangentents could" be made for the comfort of
faisesagein during each exieseive cold weather
',. es wittiest, had for two weeks back. Indeed, such
westhenwarnot••anticipated, for it is almost '
; unprecedented; and an exception to the general
Everything the COmfnny co uld
". the ciretunstatices, has . ; been done, for .the cow
', fort and, speedyinransit of poem:igen, end Lei
:" prOvements. ere= - daily making: Other road,
Itire been prevented from making' their regular
r.titilibl ?iecilaiie cold weather,
and it could not be „expected that this new line
should not meet with some obstacles. tele.
graphic - , deepatch- from Alculkirk, of the 18th,
etateetheynn ears arrived there tint' l'ay, and
detail nlier:dsys Witnessed similar bout .
This •.following telegraphic . despatch, to the
agents( of the Pennsylvania . Railroad in this
eity,lnitti the geptlemattly and excellent ettperi.
hitetidint;lf, Itatifr, Es 4„ ghetto that th e Com
pany.tsynylni.every attention poasible to the
contort of the emigrants passing over their liner
Alisssi:".Cotour CoasL-4.lenitlemet=litty
• some 'Oemnon, - "Oheoii 'bed comforts; and shad
. them "61resittra station, for of all the innigronts
-- travelling,- when 'they, have not 'sufficient
elothlag,' dad collier-them of Pittsburgh, and
send theinbaelc:" Pend 'also sotne corned beef,
rand obit. blocuit, . for the use of the emigrants.
rill see paid.' HooPr,
,1: ' ':',ginerirtirrufrur Lae Road.
. Teal Xenon,•Renaea.—The advertisement
of Leo/mud floott 14 Co., who republish the kid
' tisk Bertswe in 'abeam:dry, will be found in
our coitIMXl2l terday. These Reviews are all
ableo-ande4h one 451recatea some Particular
Prirmirde, /main the organ of some party. They ,
damns polities, religion, literature and science,
with , eitd freedom, and reflect , the thoughts
and sentimitds of the ablest nod leading minds
of Grata. Britain. No , edpcsted man. Who can.
afford the exPense and the time, eheuld be with
out theke Hirriews. Indeedlbe cannot afford to
do without theta, as they s pavellm time, money
and 144, in h ip pysisit after knowledge. , The
American Pubiletent have Placed there so low,
that the reader bare •lute great advantage over
the Englistrreadev where they test a heavy
• -
In the tiotniti onitridaY night, on the.Amr , -
. icon 4ill4.or.tvaitonat. Parra., Mr. Whipple will
take up the three different ruletiod of charac
ter gni dlephitylid by Clay, Webaiiii. raid Calhoun,
and etihr anal Ste their different p'owere, and
tbetefroPkabowo 6 eleig*P!.our
*;;trajprii portriuture of
*ErinT:it,t,tlLcr•Yst Wl:Abington Hall.
Bat g eltilabe sullen! points lu
" s peasant boy; se it
Pfriaitifekint intunatt, swish Intenselycanna but
re artmferds-5...d.t.
rlaUiin nad:bar - Won:0, •at war, 8103.08,
is 4l e 4 Mtiial
ruled, nti . ,t n
_ally,ass conqueror.
trinmtibtagorerall. eii3Ottloti; ea graphic , was
44denertrton;t.w . the eliiquebt lecturer seemed
, i
boor na in his 1104 rename.
Oa leciturcs Ugh in le
same place—subject, one *pertain blind,
_ Ittat_onslPower.",
• Ticr. procuittlings'ortitittiperimisi lieoting in
. ,
Snowdon township aro crowded out to-day; but
shun uPPelr in oar next
KO5ll W. 111 1 .13041 PITIIHI7III3/eakr.
fOlll, Alltitpika the Aiisene of idlegleilitConi
ty, to welcome Kossuth to our city, and to
~. . .
Kan in our paper to-day. It is wholly none
-4E6,64. Vtfrie our citizens to attend. It only
.. circa that the time and place ahotald be men-
domed to, call our muzera • •e . mee ng, or
all feet shAnui a give itxpiteatoiitol&tf deei
fetteympatby in the canoe. of European Lib••
- erty, and their nitalitirtipp of „ifs regresentatire
lo the ?ems - of Lotus kosevra.
The Pit/aqui , / falhblie'cfoniriliattatittetli, and
'in not very choke terms, that we made a distinc
tion between the ' presses, clergy and dignita
ries " of its &milt iehot haveakoir&Y 64413er:ea
to be enemies of liberal political principles, and
°there wile field to that persuasion, and are yet
good republicans. We said, and we yet say, that
with the latter we have no nontroverey. At the
elosemf its long reply, it says t
Ils,knows;,lndan the sdpposition that he does
not,t we telPhlin, and those who Write like
'him, that - this separation of church and mem
bers., - however Convenient 'to them is not possi
ble; dire is runes Protestanj sect; with written
professiolis of faith to'aave appearances,. while
each member bolas and Maintains his tndieidnal
opinion; ,out a divinely instituted church, • in
, fallible, unchangeable. The principles the teaches
are :gene her enemheri hold, and if derpotiem he pre
dicated of her, it trot he predicated oiliness.
"Prom.which it follows, that when the Qqie et-
I tributed liberal principles to some Cathol ics, it
contradicted what it previously assertedlf the
Church, crrhlch its edifor . rati not ignorant.
Why this is worse like was had ever imagined,
and snore than -justifies all that we have ever
said. It seems from this that the "infallible,
unciingable" church does not allow of tike ex
ercise of " individual opinion," even ,on ques
tions of panda ; and that "if despotithe he
predicated of her, it must bit predicated of
them." This jean annihilation .of the ri g ht of
private judgment with s vengeance. Bear in
mind thataeither we nor the Catholte are spe k
• rag of religious faith, but of political principles;
yet It teems that even on them the church is a
unit. Can anything be imagined more despotic,
More degrading, more at war with American
ideas of liberty i Put is it praettcatly; true'
.Are Catholics Were automatons,, or are they in
telligent agents, forming their own opinions upon
the great iiumlions of the day like others? Is
it possible thin. intelligent Catholics can be held
io the bondage of. tbotpaperspeaka We
do not believe it. Protestant clergymen never
attempt to inlerfere with the political aenfitnents
of the members of their churches, rum, would
they be eulfcred to do so if they were no inclined.
They may he whigs or dermerate, for lioseuth
or against him, just as they 'please. We think,
therefore, that the C'jihahr hos slandecid the
members of its ow; ahurch•in thus identifyitig
them with the vilest despots that ever cursed the
earth and what is mill worse, to deny them the
right of private judgment, or, what is the tame
thing, to assert that they have no individual
opinion. le it any needy that under 'each a
moral deepotiam Catholic Europe Is filled with
infidelity and rebellion!
KOSPVTII to Tut WCar.---A gentleman Aram the
Weat informs we that the eleitement in that
neon in favour of Kosentla and his glorious
`cease, IC moot intense. Thalro is bgt our senti
ment, that of warmhearted sympathy for the it
Instrious'ilaiger, extending aeon to all Ile "ma
terial old which may be required, meg wholly
regardleas'of the anger or wiehee of the'.Cter of
Russia on the bubject We all know boa! nobly
Columbus and Cincinnati have spoken their sen
timents, and, we are glad to on the Lottanalls
laurn:rit arrayed warmly on the side of he elo
quent Koseuth.:,Where else should be find an
imputelve, warmhearted Kentuckian, whti is the
impersonation of Giairalcy optl liberty, aid who
would a little iether fight it a gang Capf, than
not. It is o sort of instinct which he iirCs4o
to gratify. The Louisville paper speaking of
the alanderen of ki - tiessith, writes In the Ilfollow
ing eloquent strain:
• - If Kassab had dared in his speeches to pro.
claim falsehoods, he would have been cc con
temptible for Ida silliness as for his mendacity.
Had be wrongly stated the history of thei Hun
garian straggie,iaa falsehoods would have been
disproved and he would hula been exposed to the
world as e falsifier of history. lint be stated
the trunk, and his stater:Mate have apt hard and
cannot be disproved. Heins a thorough 4ridf,
standing of the noble straggle to which he elsvot.
ed himself with h wholeness of soul, compre
hensiveness of resources, *ad an uttering kagaci
ty which will make him one of the noblest
of historical chamfers and sewers for; him
a fame al lasting and as stable as the , pyr.
timid'. He has given the world his version of
the Hungarian struggle with a pathos and; elo
gamma that areas irresistable SO the raoubtain
torrent swollen by the raineaf springtidei Mhile
his opponenta have undertaken to 'stain their
side with fancies imtead of truths, with fact,
that are remarkable for their paucity either
than for multiplicity, presented sad urged with
a logic in the last stages of dialectical *titian
tion. •
•••* . • •
Kossuth is &great and noble character. U. is
worthey of the profoundest admiration of all re
'publicans, and will certainly be received wlber
ever he may go -in the United States with the
most raptunxis demonstrations of regard. We
are sorry to learn that his tireltb Is feeble I'and
that his prospect of long life is not good. ;For
the honor of our country, we hope that, during
his visit,ell the advocates of Austrian despotism
will cease from striving to prtjadlee him ',and
la • canes. Decency, ne welkas good sense; re
quires that much from them.
One or the moat thrilllng accounts of disantere
at lies, our readers will lied la the article !rpm
the Cleveland Herald in raternoe tc the
toss of the steamer Idayfloirer.
The - Fmpire . State, which vas °Gyp the time
!tore, got ista into Black Apck.
A few days ago, a man attempted and actiom
yllehed the raah feat of crossing the Ohio river
at Cincinnati by jumping from cake to cake of
floating ice. Ho fell through eeveral tjmee,', but
recovered himself, and went on.
The ferry hosts couldnot cross, and the only
means communication between that nity'laud
Covington was by means l of skiffs, which at; lm
;taunt danger navigate around the floes of tost
ice. this interruption of communication hat
caused great distress to the : poor of Covington,
whose only employment and means of lining are
in the city. •
The Washington Intelligetteer complains :that
the Preaident was not toasted at the Preen tan
gust to Kossuth. We cannot suppose that: the
Intelligencer designs to charge the managers of
'that demonstration with any Intentional diar'e
speot to the Executive; and yet, if thin wee not
lie intention,' we tee little force to the complaint.
If the - Inteillgeneer will look at the regular
toasts of that festival, it will see that no toast
le given which has not a bearing upon KoOsuth
or his, cause;—that ne merely- ootoptimentary
*toasts Were given;--that neither the Mayor:: who
was present., nor the Governor,. who wrote a
eery cordial letter to the Committee, were toast
ed. This fact ought to have some weight in re
lieving the Committee from any imputation of
designed neglect, .But the omission-mu pertly
the result of accident. The first toast was drigi.
flatly 'The'" President Congrese,"--cotopli
"meeting them on the part they had taken In se
curing Stealth's release. This seemed, hotierrer
entirely to overlook the agency of Turkey and
Great 'Britten in the catutc—and the toast was
therefore so changed as to include both —se
Well as the United States. It wee trupposedthat
the reference to the President In the toast las it
stood---"Torkey, Great Britian, and the United
States," was ettflicient for complimentary' por.
The Intelligenoer next, complains that Mr.
Webster's letter was hissed,—end proceeds to
say that the country is deeply indebted tto him
for Bounties release and presence here, Thie
C. quite true ; Anders doubt not its justice Would
have been freely conceded by every gentlemen
present at the banquet Not more than hitlf-a
, dozen Mimed at all,—though we feel bon d to
say that more felt disappointed In Mr. Webster's
-letter. It wastbought not quite unreasonable
to expect, that upon ouch an occasion, -4 din
net' given by the Preen, to the champion of pan
garian Independence,—the author of the ffulse
man letter would say something expreste of
Interest in the cause,—something upon the tin
ciples which It Involves, and the character of
the republican movements In Hungary. I His
opinions upon the general subject could net be
othasion was believed to be '•
quite important enough to warrant some expres.-
eon of them. 'Aid 'yet, no considerible Um
ber of those pretest were dWposed to censure
the letter be had seen fit to write: And the In
telligeMier. Certainly ought not hold the Whole
company responsible for the hisses of a far In
hpaajO ir atirf to 'condemn the whole pro.
tee sonthat it:obit - • . _
pie It/public intirdgetin etilleeverer censure,
—though it does not think it necessary to Imo
siyatibetantiak s baits of fact It d* , ,,
rea atpseernor Xneoydf bas fallen into .
bit han Is under injurious and In
competent Influences , —that hie bead has been
rorsenutotrtt - , Rc. flottld'irant •
well for the Republic to bee little more sped- .
fie? Into whose, hands does it suppose Goeerit
or Kossuth to hive fallen'. What are the influ•
.ishatgrooxvi does jt 'nipper* him so weak
than la to have been . changed in purpose or
opinion by the agencies to which the Republic
refers We know of but one or , two attempts
that have been made to itilluence his conduct,
sad those were made by gentlemen who, thought
it best that he should abandon all stteiripti to
procure aid for his country in the Roiled States;
—who informed. him (of course very respect
fully) that he had entirely misunderstood the
character of our people;—that he could expect
nothing from them ; —and, in short, that he
would do well to receive their attentions and
hospitality with doe gratitude, and then take his
leave as soon as possible. Governor Kossuth, it
seems, did not fall into the hands of these gen
tlemen. He took the liberty to act without spe,
dal reference to their advice,—or, at all event",
without following it. And very probably it is
this of which the Republic complains. BEd is
such complaint just or fide
The truth is the Joie/Jig/neer and Reputlir are
oppesed to the object of Governor Kossuth's
visit to the United States. lie has not come
hither upon a holiday excursion. He Eyes only
for the deliverance of his country; and he has
come among us only to obtain assistance in the
accomplishment of that object. This is his
business. That he has a right to coin, for such
a purpose, even tho RepuMir will not question.
Whether that purpose will be attained or not,
is another thing. If that paper or any other, is
opposed to the object,—is opposed to granting
aid to Hungary, let it any so. Let it resist his
endeavors by fair and proper argument. If Gov
ernor Kossuth h. asked anything, either of the
Government, or the people, which ought not to
be granted, let it be refused. It is a very sim
ple matter to tell him that his request cannot
be grant.. But it is not either fair or just to
organic. a crusade against him on such paltry
grounds as those upon which the lntelligencer
and ierpubln• hale their censure. A petty jeal
ousy of other papers, or of other persons—die
like of special measures, of special dinners, of
particular touts or of particular men—ilf sot
good ground for resisting so great a purpose as
that which bas brought the Governor of lfun•
gary to the United States. Ile aims to secure
the liberty and independence of a nation of
fourteen millions of people. Ile seeksto estab
lish in the heart of Europe, and among a people
better fitted for self-government than any other
on the tlontinent. a Republic like that of the
United Stater. Ile desires muck aid in this high
endeavor, from this country.. its lave and the
disposition of its people will allow it to give.—
Asof he hui osird no wit, He is certainly en•
titled to a fair hearing and a candid judgment.
His object is use which commands the profound
est respect sod the deepest sympathy of the
American people. And those persons or presses
who expect to extinguish him by petty °evils.
or to snuff him out by sneers, have not more
widely mistaken him than they have the people
of the United States..--Yetc Vert. TOlrr.
sW'- Du. .hIeLANZ . S Llv ta
arMot rPlOadr Rx dlmmayw a tbs Wry, lo of m •rh older
date Mao St lotroductom to the potato. Its diapowsrer,
one of. the and phtetrisos to (tots country, °awl It for
fang to tits poulleo, belant to. ...r etym....tilt to the
world. The existence of so many owsek Lerahl
ed no poeselesinia the most marralcusoutmlltiest for Nall.
all digeamw, disgusted •n accomplish.] not well educated
pLyoklao,' who naturally Flt 04103.. dread of beioy coo
fourate.l w 1.1;: erowd at preo.odere p, tit., sualtra/ .ere
1/ hoe, ly.PstrucaP w•r0p.5.1..) to every opetspepey ae mw.
erelslo rnowdles' tor all the ale that neah h ""elt to. The
repnpeentations of Moae to whom h. pills had atmlo re
lief. hawaver, am] the urepot PolVettatatos bf
mitt, whom he bad mworistwil In We pranks, sod ob. timl
.ltoesel lb. wynderfol pawn. efloeteel lr bts malady. al
lenarb to-limed Lusk m male II pull,
Toot? coopolo(lielc, *M.., :au nur otcre
trur.s oil puts o f
d. 044.4
to b.. 100.1 of all doe urlurlP•l4ruitu.l4,-
r Jtalr by
J. 11.11)D •
lin 63 IFI.I at.
scr Farmer. ! p.uder well over the LilpEt
and anefatuts that borne .4 Wt/, .bleb
often molder them week. to life. when. If you . wohld
make It • point V; keep e.leraye m 4ad 11. 1i Farrell'a
Arabi. Liniment, you e.3uld Mee the animal and to
feu dam. and oboe isr,t of nee tim, but you ..k1
rota the it of loaluu the enat are aluNg•thae. ISee.l
- ment_ I ha2l
Petroleum i
OV•A MOST Rails.[Sala Caz or Tortu,
rigatonis slyn PiessLecs.—a. invite th. alteottos
of the satiated .o 4 die t 011.11.0 yrssrady, to I/astral:2.las
of Wm. that. of MM oilY. Ths reb . .ey be seen by Sot
Pabeil who ousy Y elseptbail to ssiatiott to tte , ierts bars
set Smits W. KIER
afekteil mortal mum with s multessof bath
mos, which continual to karma wan lapistaber. lsq
Lao Ingsmaastion .t that am. hating 1 , 1 , 411.4 ON Cog.
noing memtintra of both *you sad achod bathe dep...
al • that film, whieh wholly de/dr:n . o4 Cl 7 sight. l had
otanstloo pegicrual.And U. Unclean= mourraL ohkl
won setusual sad left m. in as beg . onolltlow .. Leto,
At - this of the complaint 1 mai. sPPlkat:os N wmo
ral of the mat acistent assalcsi men, who infotmed m.
.tbut • my .1.. would StAre*/ got At this hum 110014
001 aithigaish ue otwc. Ily the Africa of auto Men&
I sotomeocal (hi no; a too timalsom. both 1i...111111Y
gad imotly, nabs whlott my •yei hot. Imiluwal tmc
UI tits puma: tin., and I Luse scans.] toji fight entire
ly. fly genentl hailth wog awl touch tathrosol by the
Nitwit., and I Mtributa the nr4¢atloo of 1117 Ciall 10
ito 4.11 e 1 nohicat no. 163 gem.] mist, to this city, mod
will be baggy to Mrs ahy inkirtootloo nriation 04 M 1
for gale Dl 11arnrr A IleDarell. In) Weed rcro.V. R. I.
11.//en. Wood meet IL A. I•lna•Atrek, I Co. corner
Wood .^+ hoot streets: D. 11. flurry. U. A. ElLiott. JorxeDh
DOngl.lsnA II P Athwart, All.lgbenr, Alan by du pro-
•41 , 94/1 - vel . °anal nftc.... Per enlll et. PitrAlmr h
Fajllmportation of Hardware, Cud ery, de.
No. 127 If* Street,
their tailor nem of
Awl which lbw, aro now prop•riwi In niter at such Vas
nl fwil to pliguar.
14-# full wort remit um ILILMNiii e•ls Gratta C AXES
Pituburgh Lice insWAPPO Company.
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
revillent—JANlA N. Hoot.
vw Pre.lont--,losurt. IIeCutAAS.
I'voutsr,--Joann N
Neerrtary-4 . . A Mr.,
ladir.rturawnt lo soothe , ' Dui Ms rap.,
ciriUM's Insurance Company a Pittsburgh.
lake fr. /I WIWI' street. lo the watlohonee oft!. IL
Ilneakv..rrelkleA.t..-.—..1. W. Maus, Peer.
Tb.&ann., Own/ Prenanal In.rureall Li/arch...llm
in pion, and In tranAto. rasa/4a,
An ample pp naratsl, .0 lbw Wlllny 14.110 H, of
Inotilnnon, la a/lorded In Ina rharw-n.r lb. frannt,
wLo an all noun. of Pillnburan. all awl favorably
known 46 lbw anliMUtlit, bur thalr prodanao, intalllnvora,
and Ilanqtrll7.
• Dtasowro—l. H. Homer, Wm. llaraHr.Hak o,
Jr., Walla, Bryant, Haab yawl llaryloto.
.Taaw Hayworth. A. Ilarlawab. A. 11. K kw. owiarm
On Monday, ttot-dOd loot, at 6 o'clock. r. x.. as the nod
door. of tda Mottur. lo Allogh•or Calf. P a" of rottracap•
Ono. Jo. lln.ros Jorrolos. tor tko armor ft/baron
Orators alb.) tba r‘th y•af of kr rig,
Th. (amoral rill bar. the Ida mother,
corner of PAlrocc• and Palcooat ototota, on Waft/edit'.
Mr UO4 at 10 o'clock, •. r , to orchard to nu Miser./
CouoaNlot at Lew, No. rai Fourth axon. Plttatnargh.
Christmas Goode. • ,
"ANDS hIcKNIGIIT, No. 62 Fourth et.,
ha.. large Tap! rpocr Gorda oulthblo for 00.1.0.
RHIN rltir BO E ES,
GENT% liglitthltd/ CASES.
- ! "I" t i ftagIMIIIAT) BAOri
AHD ruses ;
Enrich Embedded., condoling ed Wrought Odle"
Chad Wm, rilorde. /I.4lterchlefa, 2c.
Pelmet 4:4l•lo4lLoh•Ctlnthei, 00.1111 Do Lob.., Ph, -41
of which .101 be eawet rioloce4 dad
Christmas and Deto"irear's Day,
TICE Banking House of WM. A. MILL A.
uo. wut b. closed ea the 2EI thole,hriel hit proxlmo.
sad bills libilhog dem oh thowi 48. must Mr e ore
tendon the do. procietioeb dolteht
• • Select SchooL
Ur WILLIAMS will open a Select School
~ to
p{l{be bucovat awry o/ 10. Ipp clan room of Ih.
6th of dmiugtd i treibeiZett stmt.
41mig Set por actilr,PricUlteler of II week
Junior 8
Arrival of Brirkinkle,
rH. HUNKER has made ostensive ar
ranimmente for the present 110LIDAYIN and If he
0001.90 .7 or bla numerous customers. it will not
be fur natant exertion an his gam His store Is fitted ay
In • style Tar surpusing any former attemp O uts bisteful
droorstlom Ile b. Itakad a Mennuoth lifflf4ls
uglily, weighing newly throe htnalned Pound. or
1, 00 oysternd• and ornamented Inn manner Wu cannot
be wet. The thrums surionzuntlug the Cake le fire fed
hg. of pure sugar work. latuspereed by some artificial
yu xe s gloom., eonsl to the hem gw& unlir. Hs mould
rempectfully oak the yobbo to re
call and see tits establish•
atoek of la unustiallY
larfigand good. mg-yell-at no. UM saborty et
de2411 Daher and Confictloury
Coal! Coal!
,rIJIB Administrators of Hugh Boyd, doo'd,•
late of Wilkins township, offer tor ale the one on.
ed half pallor the stone soot contained withal and
ander the angered! o
f 2 rend All n
and perches of land el
tip,said torrell
s idlikins„
a ta . Vohddi I. od . of
and ttn p etri . rfti r. C rFatg B . L kertagetr:4llrihr
rasher for I:J.1 Rug. on add half tart of
d ent perch. Ine above ptopetty . often
advantages rarely to he road *llk, Persona arlerthaff
hs=UM erlll of course exam tha premises erhkla rhl
abortso application to W. Mold la 'Milli:WA
• r zbyn •
JOS. STONES, Adders. 4
Administrator's ..otioe.'
nna+tratore.b . 9 given that Letters of
t AA .40
t 6. W. 4 Ju.e}rl7alWt,
•a!,2 4. .4 MI si2 hi m. zits:ki r tstal..g. d oor
wi t tter 'd OOLIART, dr.
. .r
'' >I
-CHPFA." h ietr.HYTtg.:
ey CO "DPlllavlMin*. AnANNErbai PM
nsi l 4
Brad PI amktOrthte la
1 . 17 . 1/Z‘Lg.lxv al. Alm. LOW mein/3 ,1 .1S co.
n . y • Istas dCWIMato .n.4.eti, 6VO
City of Pittaut,h.Courl of A m Ilegbeny, have be. grant
ous req . Mat2 . 27=mlstZfate
log clams Agana Um, i • pysi:m ' dw, no .
thamleatal for ft...lmam:lV • • • •
tOrDel of Market ad Ms .to.
Valuable 'arm for Bale.
$E SOLD, at p t tLbl d i; .h o d u n tag i. on the
next. thrg,lN'ibnixerry occiipled bp do/rsir norlar7i.
deed. situated In Cecil ...ship, Washington concag,p,
Johnsto n • glom containing about one Man
de e d and sin arr.—eighty cleaxd, and ths Indult.* wad
timbered—on `tabli n ge erected frainsil welling house,
grantny. and s There IS a young Orchard of
gnat"' fruit. Any perm to ben recd Yam Os
lore the day of tole, can be accouttooda4d br seplying to
the subwrlber who Ito. wijolnion. Title good: Posses.
non Oran on the drat of rituit.l93 , l. Tetio, crud. known
on the day of sale. Salo to comma:me o'clock, P. 11.
en add day. where due vtorAilavirobt
:he Great British Quarterlies
- -
VhONARO SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold at.,
NEW YORK, south.. to publish the rollowlua
e Perindleale. vie
TIIK NORTH nrtinsu RIOTER* (Viva Church).
. .
Timm Reprints hare now been In suercestial operation In
this eouutry foe twenty wears,d their circulation Is con
stantly on the Inerease notalths an ttosdinw the entripetlllon
they encounter Mum American periodicals of a eltollar
eine. and from numerous }:denies and Mn lot. made
or of selestions from forrlon perhalleale. This fact obows
clearly the blab extleuti lan In whirl they ere held by the
intelligent reading Poldies and affords •Ftuontitoe that
tber are established on • tom beree, and grill be continued
without interruption.
Ailboutflt theta/. trintittr filatio althea Ditto.
elutthatttlat , ittf trllaatt4. Yet t • fattu porMog of heir
ett.'"UrlVt'll'anglittrnstrgo?g=l:i Ztt< .% 4 3
Hirt ntnoti coon/sadl far above all oil., fawns!. of troll
Hat.. Ifttotonott, anti tuftlrr the intutterly guttlanor of
ithrtntophor l.nth, inaintoin, socinot al.
In,nt thin tilt, nougnally attrarttra.. front the 'WWI Id
1101'4 t11:::::;141,1;,p6.1"'1"Zirii"Att
Britain and it,
i.e united blatna. &tett work...
••The Cattofte atnt ,11, New fioral." (both_ Ity nolorrrk
'll4 140 0 o Modal," Omen Iland,! . and othrr
ordain. of 01000 ,n1110111)1111 rival ...MM. vn lorttn4 -151
lb. puhlialntra Una ot•untrf , hare to be rt.
Printed by thorn onblittherattont dm poem - of nitteanOotl.
h..(torrt [mord toy Std..' C... No that
..rthentto the fteprint of that /lanolin* tufty alna,ll rely
on h... the , rttrlttm rratllng of tarn. faarinoting tale,
For au, one 01 the !mar
Vor y ICC of the tit. Reoriewe..
F4,r an) Clint of tow 110r4•••—..._.
For an ho, tr the
Fur Innrkwinarn 1114.0.anae .... .
tf• i lit3 ll ?-? ! .t R;4•*"'-
Mimeit wood on the AZ; itijoyea lo
A di...0n0l of, t• f>ar vent
o . frou‘lboakroap
affil alloanf lo CIO* orEArrlnsf four or Moro colon of
r r l = r .„ o ,r.s;°b*
r in; four ovfnas of U.S noai flovlaws and anaelivaLal
IA and on on.
The pnetaanll43 awe l'orlodimle st. 1...
t.... .1...1. o...ay.'s:R., about. rose. ea* t e a, TL
(blimesua aro the pre..t ra.. el. 7 '
1111471,100 . • YAW& SAIL
Au, .11Numm eat ay..ling b. mil, 1. cm. pm rut
1.... NV and Imm•-climt IWO -
OR., 3.0 ,m 1 muj szogn i tMit 11
Any dlatanon nd nver4lg 4110 mile, 4 rfA. per our.
keywr Nu awl onl .1..1110g " a "
1,1 naj :VAAL " LA -
At 1,••• rat. Doobrellna
..1.4 Mu* .....rorlus theta'
er.mmuniNillock...hould he'idwar•,../, tath.t,publotmn..
1.14/NA Kb WWl' CO
Moo etthti....:4411.1.11
tb: re . l " rTeb i re,l ' 4A-' l' '', lkg 'l 4lrllll/ .L e '' y ry .l4 e., b ;JZ
14111..on b rch. nod l'ng. e0rt..3,, ~ f
tv ' lladt... 6 no;
bompl4to lu 11014._104•1 Orley, bablailllbb 111111
bbb.., 14 4..1 exd 611,1 abgtl4•lll.l 1 . 11.44, la Babb
lin bbailbb, 4,4 lb papr bar 111/ 114411.
torlic• PITRFLItc.II AND b1iku1.,143 R•11110.fb
Tll6lirot Anouni denting of th• Staek•
1,61.1• t• tb• I,ll.•bur A h •ol tito•l,Pittl• gsalrAJ
•HI Idooday. Th. It tlay . ot .1410.
5 1 , Al, 1,4,1, .1 th• Kozoto , ve. Wei, of mid e•Mka•T,
ot toorth sot Wot.l •treots, ID the Car la nrta
bo,h. itA the Morro., •t •bro tiuman4
Norm au oko•ssno •ta be held An • hetideut and Matra
t tu
to so.orE. The ettellon butt Ea otiDN2
14$$L,La $4/.1411, are,
Plet.bargh. lb. In, Iso 4 l —N. 1.
Bible Notes.
'IIIIE, outstanding eahaeriptiona In the Al.
ht li ett ' atTlai t itri.ant.47l",42....t t =
for. tt, 1 4 10 Jaaaarf A. Y . fb$EN.l:
• lablo AaaaL
I l
ith.rno4 lawn-miff ralf rba'Atteabus, of all alba.
flip d tt:::; "" TTI ' I P , E
abi.b b. tar es flaw, $a avalAT of watt./
rr boa pamalt. for sale 1.544.r.b , foto , l by •
Mi VTlCKtikallllll.
1,4 ...Aim C!.5.4 at— manor of
Holiday Hats.
CO. hate jutt reed a tete4
a lab. tHUI.MII lint Ibr la. 11-11at$
tb.. tom. sl4e altwation of Otatletaro
gift Book, for the EfOlidays . ,
T titerary
so I Thit.l Woe. nimbi., th'prt
The aver moilste of all G. Annse
teineinl de Inf.:. at prime redo. froth
11 to 410. •
The W =eh
lady Chirteritalty Pirtratte.'
with aypenprute buerlyisans by .•fterklll3
with I. ienaidsl ...traria" in In. Twist.% au-
The Gallery: a gin butt dr all teaarne, with
13 hestatifully tedthedstagyatinms by the beet artida.
TMLand of Mewed, bend the Juarnal ar.Tuay
Inelt,4y J. Waiserviett. D. D.. with fete met eq.
The sebatil, a gtil book. .unit illuntraldna.
The Ida. an Ilinialhatint heniastir. nithlbritiorael plates_
Leber. of . • beautiful annual, tub lb hlatea.
TM. addl.,, a gift tack. with IS IlleiUsitheii.
Cabinet of dude. Ard•lth Itl dtagalbeal plata
Gem. f 11..iyty, I•terate gill.. ban illutdralnaue.
Getz o f the bmtion. • soadisitr. 10du.
The Tat:Muth • gift of fnitalatib. IS do.
Yu red ditnnad. • lin load ref -endu e Illustrating.
I:betimes.. ducat, by Itchy, Steinbach. illuateeigutied
RGY Honer.. gin the hnthleys
Me 'lnhere of Lnyeelenlia.•db to Illuaradand
The da•clif Gaeta ala 4 tiailny A
1, bney!
t 4,61 bean., or the Meer. et do bible.
The harent Telles/3d lheiniattuttla notary b tb•
The Maenad. the gnu. tia..11 . 6;64 Ober:
In e ---thres boratithl brudre dr the Mania
dire illeutrabhl nf kbakeinser• and Pyre., •
one Tatum.
fie Iltuaratetelltine. p. Tuo '
reef • teopts 6. ilbrdse.tb . If- - 11°."6"1
.. • " Wh".
ctit:Elt u, of tfolider
- 'dolt As
. Melodeon',
AiADE by eAItIIIIII , T, the orizilltli invent
vr .1 fr.ah fur 01 14.rel0i:00 1 .1 !. 04 10. 0 1 1 .
4 ao4 rol ••••• -ot l ino l 4000 Near I Lrk Thema ID.
otrum.ol. ar.lo-.1 91 Mr 1..4
mannherarrd au> •bar., baring ••••rOl linrrov..r.olo
0 , P..... 00 ,1 by •of L.01.10* 00.11, oe.
yon-10..110‘ • ••.1./•• 11 . , 0....41.
rail and sad °neg.. atm
tolros of trust p•riorgy . KI.KOIOa.
.1..1 101 Tbtr..l at IW 41013 e. !Irsp_
YEA NUTS-290 bu. far saln by
I )ity LLIDES—L6 Dry (lidofor mode
FuLN,L • ci f , . t. f
1 0 " - i t " Nq ) . I) f :t r .Z7ii i tl b 4l.
S d e llAl-.1 : 10N—§ MAO. ro. e
at by
NI ACK EBEL-160 bb ln. No. 3;
Jd bf. bbl.. N 0.1;
10 1"for 001. by.
4.03 It Dif.71 , 1 1 W .
Fresh Frttits. Hermetically Sealed:
FRESII Peaches; Fresh Strawberries;
.. Pear loTim ' Tosatow
11l VVIIIN— ,
Fre•A ttonlOK Fre.h Plum
P*,..11 atorroberti.
Th. aro jeut t up la their oleo Jake, Sad berl2ll-
ror e , ...tecl,notaltda• therlihrhile•lll•ver Ned *MUM
For I/11i, by Wlt. • floChtlele• . •
ILO 'Ablate , .t.
iiltfriiiiiit - g= -- - --- - -
Ili ,, SA•dte., Layer ' sod 110eth &Wu,
Currsau; Ore Ago cal Lo l aux r• 01;
Prone.; - COMA
Plum,: ChetriPc
Pam! PAY`hk.r. For odd; by
WM. A. MoCI.URO I Ou_ ~
, frO Owe. •AA,TpA I.MJAnt.
IRAPES-10 kegs hislegksh4Thie; for
WIC Ald UROI A 00.
ut rale OT
ICAmikl. copy,'
United States Patent Office, Dec, 15, 1851,
UN the petition of Ire Wing, of Belfast,
rtg. y h rh, ',flying tor the exterkelen of rant
Wennkl ro btrh !or an Improvemeel In the machine for
inning gayer, troughs for rnoduettart nat., from bull&
loge, no., lot mean pure from the 7071n,n0n ot .
ent, rehleh takes Oil.. tb. netentnenth Joy of Mush,
♦. e. Inbn
. • .
It la ordered that tha meld mrlltloo be beard at the pet.
est (111 w, as Monde?. Mel lei .of Mora. fads, at 1 . / ot.
cloth, Me and all peratm”ro moulted sod show
OAT they bare, .pr amid pottilosa smsbt net to ss
na oppsatos the ettemalon are redslrad Uhl* In th. pemot °Moe their oktemloate, eprlltheatr set rads In
writsom at bassi Pommy 001, (b • der or hwist;
all besmony Mei by elthm party to be seed et the PM
bathos most b. t.liss awl trasamltted lA smoydwpoe with
the ram of the °Mee, labial will be throbhest oh Applies.
. Cirilsord. aim. that thla botieloh• published 111 the Pao
timid I utelligatirer, Robot/lie, sad Milan, Wubiligton.l).
Or Rochester Daily Dontocriat s Itortiaatar i N.•Y.; pyriat.
daces Jeurtial. Providence:ft 'ld Prinusylvabla lisquires,
Pll4 arid Pittsburgh (Watts. Pittabutgh i
Pa.., boon • weak far ihr. aucessaire weeks avast:ma to lb.
drat day of Marsh. 18Pi gWBANK,
6123,14•3• flusiatisalosaar of Pithitibl,
"Elk Horn" flak Mill for Bala
eatabliehment, lately &tidied and
now In complete running order, U remade:l on MO
onougaluds..2l) miles afore Pittsburgh. Poing In
hicinity of ei oasis* sot/ km, It tarimandt tray
ome market for lumber tu rd In boat building. Are, and
for all that U not laid on M. yonnitas. the blackwates at
lords stall seam= An outlet to mare distant marksts e try
and dawn the valley of the klonottrabals. Curulthed
with raaahlowry and natures of th e beat end most Pear.
nient klndo, thin Mill stands unrivaled in WA, weinproll
of fuel, and ...titratiory performanre of Its work. Ike
establlehment, Including ids screel./ad. Liwr//ind
Ilona., Libby, Stably, Ag e warbe add of and cm ter na
to unit yardmen Enquire of
J. S. IdOURIBON, A tthrney st
011the—Yourthst. our. Metal..
Quadrille Party.,---;
A BONNAFFON'S First Party will take
m tv, hwcel
particularly Invited. Ito children
acholars, and. person whouteOttslet will be gemm e d eIV
out, their tickets, oxcart parenu: Children litho are a
palatal" Can become subsarlbarts • Tickatm LIT gentleman .
y„, n that essaing to On hal of A.B. himself. NO.
u M 44 Market street •
&YOUNG MAN, of good character and ad.
Ore.. who ha• had wrinwl.yeant• experience Ws
keener and Holtman In Moan, I. y eelro oi of oh
tedniog sltustlnn merrsonle or bolutulgenaliteWae
tabll•b meat In tilts My. by the lot of Jimmy next Ile
would be willing -to Let In am capacity whereby he tint,'
escort a ~nepirtent Wary and • pert...sot Otballon,
Unobjectionable refenene. •• thltrget•rasp•blllty, le,
furnished. AddreseJ.ll.l.., at this Mee. • de=.43t
20 Holders of the Coupon Bondi of the ironcrnya-
Nela Hooigollin Company. • ' ,
A LL- BONDS of a lees number- th an 01(1. tit O sLaden daffy) ink Or eta tll9
d.y of ALOSIOrt.!? , t.." 1 47 1 0 0 74 a 1Ol it thaVr.}.
d.zim • Trialuvi Mob Ouevast.t.
Co. en now offonnwja Unto memtignoual nlr. lon
stwas. Proutaddlar, ranms=uh2Dt?uir, Clubmen"
• 4-`i• '4s ;
••• • . • ~ ; ;dm , ' , le
it; '•• • ,R. 1.4•9 , , , _71tha1r
'''' MAI 3 E F • • --••
hI ' ' •
s .. . ....1... .400... i m p os.
lmu• & • nouns .Lo we Ind, Wb11•41•Bomix.
If =seem Blue do . und Xastern m•d• Bangui Mane_ ,Is •
ramueb louse 1100 metal. Bantam V/111.811
711 gl 1.-
.I.= r= se•
unehrinkableq . nolity, alway• on Band.
Pfityp24lll‘.l . 4.o
BLAB il, expected today or io--
OR RENT. trul Toesef
the let of January oext. •
aoth ihizr=airyfz
del 25.5 Liberty at.
a re .
pa 'A n itt ccm llol,lll.9 . . Libman' Depot. Thlbt clvpk.
de 61.11 T AUI LL 9 CO.
BUCKWHEAT OAKES.—Uee liabbiteg
you snot th orsi buck:
'rural oat other ms. Trylt mus, and you Will not ore
• deT2
TQleachifdata and Ponadry - Men.
• riertl4l2i6COMP/alr trill positively .t pub
c auctiot. wlttolst reserve, all Machlceir, Tools,
loutdry Fixtures, fn t tbslr Factor', EJllsolt'S
OM. Dustman, 012 ZSDA Y, 14th of Justly",
llfr ealbewne• grist minty of-new sod n‘nneen
built tool, In goal ender and bet little need, among which
TWO FAI PrTiOr lion Mulct . Ilarlalue, Par boing Of vel7
laria cap.lll:
Ono pupertor 01:411CLITTINU ENUINR:
On. BLABBING O /11:1.11N11.:
With o largwand connulata assortment of nth.. Tag..
large and mall. beattlas.Patteraa In goat variety for tot-
Vt and alum machinery, hopoto, Crane. flat.. Youndry
Tool, hand, sr. Taw sate inn antomancw at 10 Valuta,
and mutt...until Oh. runts Monk In dlstmeed or
Torun of sale—All aut. motor glialt audit over {IOU
and wow $:4140. four month.; star SUM, Ma months, for
aoprorod PAW. - • ••
tiodatoeu. tutridill rimy itant 0111 Ve birohiged, on'
Fpltratiou. by THOM S wiLso 00., 1ig..., Md.,
the tituferslanad. • ran from ItalUntoribun lbw BM.
iance sod tittlo Italltorl , leaving at tr u'rlock.
vos •u hour helot* the Mum If va141,4 and If. trip tick.
ale can be had In IfAltitomre lob rty mot,.
- I.IE.I)UtIYt: Mi. Anent.
damilawta- . ktlitoutl . • MAIO. ..
Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.
article le touch cheaper and envier to
Aut h yrrt=fy . . " ll IL'Ota7rf:Tio au kind.
M i: that
M. of l'Utrentme, ALIIIMMIL, Acids, or any article that
• 61.1100/ i tutu. the . lath.. Cahn,. are
warrautod oat to tada d wattlutdin tbitl 4:
Use on o Waantlfaard. PorMsmigewarearanaou wmiisttyMbe
tt. of It. taut Way are bp lb. solar awl to In tour masa
This QUM . autirely duos away With tbat laborious Cut:'
dtheltlooli samaras., eatth bottle. gold at atm wad.
owl prim of ribi audlrlout tor two ornlnsry was.
00 x'tfmr.a.—The following, Ladles barn given ton notl.
Acme., oepeskjtit ht higher terms or my I.thaattral Igua.4
lea Fluid then Nreo 1 iambi esbeet. They Me tt. for all
lory:mem • hero an art4cle for olestumng Meponymy, Ara
ring It to 4 ba rhesper and tatear to tole than to`' Mbar
~ertlrla: tic.. kllsabelb fabnagloct. 60 ?Unto! ~;'Mee.
qlhaTy'lt.'rk l'atZ"Vtit!rei.7'llllVVP;l4loter,M.4l
Mr. glary tl. 00 rlrawaild
I le. I.l.ter Howard, near :Rope WIWI, Stills{
glre.,lPsbnah Parket...South Candoun itycl fedoras et. Al
legheny Ott,. Agra. klasartlik Ilereartb.Lavrauctorllle
knufaeturtel by C. W. ILI MULL, aud mold hy
. f b Z i' :t . ' R.
id outsBbslC, lgor.
Itki Urn, littrott: I A i f=
-1001 p Pond' I rue 14144 r'. : 4 =l:
I mar " ToaAt. I - Ittroolcolll.
lint Mi. rap. Wee noir, lOU aanka On Nary lii/Lit;
141 IsloglmetlagWoods. bowl, aesidt
lutt ltordeana . ligunsx r 1.11,04. try
J. D. WILLIAMS it 00.
442, roroar of was and gtlth abt
1it11:/ 1 rEACILES--ellU bp. for rale by
15 de= 1:001044/0:LITTLS /1
U FLOUit,--1.1.1, sew Ica
11211t4 esclk. Gtr .64P i c ; imox. uratx a co
11l fIEII bid& Frfuth Run;
If 6 6,6 anon*. tila4 , s .1.•
OLASSES_22 b la. 5.11.. (St-lumen;)
-0; fur lulus
I u. , u(ocuciLs • co
. Hardware.
1 1 1 11 E oubscribers would call the Attention
uu•roua Aurinurs deliz 4 lA , IIAnnWARY.. to •
e c rley 'a lral ' usirl• . ..Veirblrr 15 .. ..1r111 torl. U.G
.ohrut, rbA n.ady ruCTltg • w
barter4l. = ill ,0J
I *OW. POVIOO. dlO.llll 10 toga grill .04 irt, no,
4.00 4% ""'4 "" il7l ' n 1V76.114 P ,, atut
rgro pAIictEKS,OO4 vtlaen reqktiriag good
urtts:•IIERA Ar4‘rifl'Abibet.4 daft. otnble
' u. 4 -tra,omplitios—r4(4o, larstr.b. Pub, ruerrra.
uraru nal Way *cut (kuurtrr Sturturir an• - 0
Nu. Ombra Brltrodrreb. b.l ,0 Awl Cazras Iwr, rrAru
era Du.... beta.. au An •ta.nrrA of our rtryb
Ob. us. tor 4416 by • .K.1130 A OA.
ArA ,, to Worrr .0
1 TUBER. LECIOATED, a trutepa•ene and
non boleo.-.73) 11.41 a ou. ter3 err ebl.
J.41-33 L l Q 3..
`EN NA, burnt and Irrigated, a transparent
ti tide odor. to J XIDD t 01
- '
r bt J 13.114.'1113.1.
ARB. ASIMONIA--ntla lbs. for pale by
1..! 4.31 J. 311.133 03.
"TRAVELING ItA08::'2. doz. India, RIZ
-2 3..34. else.. • tr. n. aredo. kg a.b
J-11.31.3/311.11r3.116 A 3. 4 ,414.
LIisLTING ROOTS-r-6 pairs fur le
Jr 343 • • ' .1. /31..P/ALLIM
eoltaa, Re Gdlten, tor toto at No 110 11.41
_ —
.11.4NAR TRUMPETS-1-'2 dor- far 3410 by
_toe. PnILLIVS.
eookiiil3 WINES 43. BRANDIES—:rot
A S A - ciATIONAL POLICY. Non-1ntar
f1'43311344.7. b. 41 parelmiss CW71313411 be
n ntr to teoe•bore odicioarlr.
fere/won an ' in all t G16V17 tE x 3.11/11Re
MI blots'a sad Bora C 3.1111.4. est onbalao., amts.
3.11 1.43.1433 et 411 es. tot 4415/: et 'All. Lee
314.13Alatip o ot=rsdor41.31.33re.Belts.Ce.
' 4.114 TI leaftellold ego. 1.3.44
Situation Wanted.
I-APRACTICAL awl expeilanced BOOK=
ENlErtrt dixt•• &Afoot ira ira • Wh.•••••1• /Imo
lasstlaeterlit• 11•40dlairspoul listb•o•tory relerftEr•
ovea. AJ•r•••11. W. kiax.•lB. l'W.l.l•A•sh V.
( I ) l...Tl . Z2lS ' l l . r . ii , riiii , z , Co.--30 Shares of,
515015. A. wtLatige a ca.
illTlZlENS'bepo; r iie Bank--T4O s t uoil. LA
i tt l y ,. . v .. t L. 4 val.- tor • 11.11VILIMS SOU.
it s l - 56ii - I . TII-25 CC,. — o7anditank, - ittrge,i
for 55510 by 1511. BAIIILZI a IV,
J. 51 5, 15 4.1 a Ir.! mt.
IIOII'EE--400 bap Rio. for sale by
1 / .15.111 1441. IIIUALLY 4 Cll.
R' !SINSO baleal. l : o r r..
4 i z i r, i N *k.
A le-ittiS—lP:Ma'i_rhara;fiii•
.9., I, If id IIAtiALICv ...CAL
C de '
.. i„... , IN 535 , 12 . 5/JITSI 51.,_L
kr...11 GAMES AND ANNUAL reed
I tIOL.SLCS, thaw, Dew, 1104 stood, opiodt,
A7l • 114;51,1b. Jaz
Mamie . 86a . 1...4 .I.ouvr. '•
7,171' ilifri-VlO 1t11 4 :6,,i.a
Isotomi r 1111.2. which will he ihkl•ll.4. lownt eastern
P''"tl --------- ...---...........___,_,_
_,, , Aw11 , y 4
BUTER -14 Op reed and foraale by
no • WICK 41 115CIANDLIIM.
'VI Aj i l , --.5 - kep far
lade by
W 106 .4 IIrOANDI=I7,
i 1 1.011Rit ,t TIMOTHY SEED, fur ealOTzy
ooli WICK * weendsee.
l i lLOUlt-44 bble. for gala bt
41,.. 19 • WWI. • Kla/DLIIILIi
4,1 UGAR-15 We. prime new, for sale by'
A deli /WIN WAIT !al. •
' , ILL litirrEß— , , l•- • '-
LILL BUTTER-4 bbla. for male by .
OHO JOHN wArr 00.
VIKENCII UURRANT3--5 tart for stale 11
JOHN WATT •(.13.
'I'UE Bi
_taperep t it i vAarx i b b i t rZUVE
tra:, tine rtettAtto 7 . l l :st:lday) morales. 00. lit bt
clack. ' 0.1 1 ) IT. 0. LVAlLlik ‘ flet,y.
14 1 RESil ORANGES - 1 4n prime order, at
llti"er b" • Tzartarravra tram!,
n UTTER-10bblw. fresh Roll, for Rale by
daFf 8 P. 81111.188.8.
EANS-15 . bu. Smiill White, .11 eats by
do • n -er
,ON 2 I , 18—o bbte. 4a1,!, 2 17 p.
. _
~iiREY.PELTS--I dolt. rotsiilo trF --
A. 7 15. 81111. IVER.
'HICKORY NUTS--..% Ills. for oak biT
ddlg ' S. P". SURIVSR. '
11,11061 - 200 dos. Dry Dom, for !islet?
INAratAgS- 7 461)1;ze giltraid 10
V V IN lll;ffir br P. ,P.'oußtrsa:
f I OFFER-100 bags Rio. for. mle by.
I-, ado . o. P. NUMMI.
VIDZR VINE49R--50 bbla. for oalo by
kJ d.l t; O. P. 81.18.111:11..,
QALERATUS-10bbh. for rale by_
d• 111 • & P. WRITER:
too" cktg.
SI:!NDRIE 1000 82 b .. 2.
10D tads. Plsnar;
SO dr. :11:02A
° I. "'"" m is I'V.Valbe r s EON, 01 Water .1.
1110 METAL-42 h3tuplecla hot blast;
„ itu'irpattiazdotin
dela OS Wood dreg-
FEATHERS - 18 nag prime tko'd
ror rbromor.Versooohtn.lod for
On • 44.. a AaIUTC 11808 oi
Iv,oFFEE SEW-R-101 bble. for sido by
UGAR , --21 thda. prime riew crop, on c
cuff . ER & Tato•Tly:,‘.Freetifd,D.
1 Art es ' OM)
E o ltitAN 9LA. R. Y7 Di I u 0 0 m bo t x a es e 4 u r lai n ;
i b t r
boxes sod 2 bbler. rreati
B - D 1.7. 11 1L1.4.00.
!or male* - • •
sANT mAumNE—I .etond band' Stant
f - 'd n a ..a 7 a4..ionsuttor.utOnretragaois.
OWNER WANT- Atbatrol marked
nw.r.wbil." 11,14,11 , Othip thlry .
t P WU" ' ""IttrAWATA
I lola Catodlistlelts.inot guar hrtl- .M iroctil
Vi cej o d e= to ell:0 o_a Vs_ At i tthwea t
win iff4 111fillMa itit'L LAC.
--. •
41 Mectioi..of the S
a Patter varda Railroad C omp ahy,
of i Director, for the eostaiug year. will he
Oince. Pitteborgh. ea Thursdar,
ins:. The meeting 1,111.1.
d the YJection between the to of 10 A. '
le.—Atti l e - 4...4
NOtiee. I
:VENCE of. the death of Peter which be tight la lb. thaldts
YAUP/11,,1111h1311 was conducted smiler the style of
Peter beerd Will Ise fur sa,s. For terms. to. ets ;
Gain. of ill. 001151.a.1i
dslbtll ,
rif the em of Wilson Gores.. ttb st.
Monongahela Navigation Company.
4kN XNNUAL MEETING of ate Stockhold ;
ere or the Monongahela Navigation Gorapany. will
...4 In pursuance
of the provielene of Mr Chartsr of
Incorporadoo at their office on Unlit street. in the City
of Pittsburgh. on Mooda the fifth day of Jamie:, A.
D. 1852, (with
the Gat Monday in the month.) for We
election or °Picea for theenthing yea.
&Sid WM. BAKEWE,L L fiec'y.
r irrxmarnae.oci. 11,
Tif,W.D/RECTORS of the (lolling Mining
00.0 f o f 111chizath have Mb day made an mom.
Merit of fifty ante on eaeb sham of the capital net. of
alPil Comparin one half payable on or before the 20th No
vember. and the other half on or before the 93th Do ember
next, at their peke In thi. eite.
• - Homeit itcfuge.
Pr eoliscribers for the erection of all
I Mom* of Hahne for W.W . 11 Pennsylvania • are
hereby norllivel that az ornament of twenty per rent on
Ilesamettio abaerthrti by nachos required tote DLitt to
the Treernora, on coo before the 15th cloy of.tiovetutert
nal Pt order of the board of Pinsky..
tor2toll JOBllO.O HANNA, Tome
VrTE - p.'S Tegtiment.ary to tin estate of
' daces liens, NW tolenship.County of Al.
leg guy deo'd. have train gronted fa We auteallas. all
'bertha chums .0104 mid estate will present
rrdan duly authenticated fur .ettlement hi
1y 51. 01,1018041
11. ItR.AbY
nolt(lawint _ • , Etheutors.
.• ICartlLLife luinrance.
k r il . .ft. C. A. COLTON,'Sec'v.--illear
A. a Matter a/common Native, f a ref
t he
the eery prompt woo o f
manner. ly
whirls the delta or • polio, recently effected by ine.
arnomaloir to ohout at...v.) five thousand dollar., has
tan paid.
•Tha priorthlea Upon wh,rtr the .faire of the
°Pittsburgh Liu I.ureince Company' . ide condom...l, en.
WI.. it to the nonaideration anti p.m:lase of Ow nubile.
Tba principle of prudential the mutual
of your urganiustiOn. hi the truu autinlitt
,441 IcatZtlph.z 4 818 ch Loma.) acal ChradtaZll,
th, must appro.' lOU l i e
roar, ale.,
8.011081. t 0 11.L18518. Pastor.
11:10= 'OA of First Baptist Cburrh. Pittsburgh, Pi .'
Notice—Loot Certificate,
°TICE is hereby given that application
ho. Mammas no tbe Exchange Doak for Woman,.
alWeed .N Certificate No 4:41. fur Omm
share* In stud Pant.
45. r..terLr'7.7.
f lIIRISTMAS WEEK, emnmAncing Mon
( delevening. 1..1 . 11, and continuing eeeee 011.12.
Ina during ILe
101111IPLAN ellfltrZa
the lenoteallale eopery.elon f It. 1101I.N. fortoellY
nt the Viratol• Serrovl,e. and LI.. Oro appearance
to U. etty Oar some anon",
H. A. WELLlbtlbauterlygl (Ilarlotra bumbh
tmis , !.etenaJOS. kVA rho/Mittel ffortnonlata•
J late of Pollen'. Chtistfo
and's LUtlnfden Serenuten
Atenua ltd. Troupe ma, a.k.a./noted. T.Clllt WTI AN,
the tyrvlean 'Huller, II 113tilIALL.tha eel...teed
Darren LICIVOLU tiltlat,ttn. Otratted .nth
other aelyWta m souttsurril. • . . .
hall.naat J the and al U.. usual Low Is the
1•61. pant roo'd per
iincrrs iud Tea liwalr
, SIJ bb , ls.i.C,r t yrdied L;
b.. JASINS A !ICU:11'01g or 00.,
&In A zesty Lossi-ASsies Sanst Been ,y.
11_)LANTATiON MOLASSES-20 barrels
tssiniun-n,nr e. teristosil. 10 role by
44 IS JA4Es A. 11142.611150 N CO.
UGAR-25 bbia. urn, to lirrive, VII SOS by
1/11CKWIlEAT FLOUR—A very superior
4 P ertirle trim ths Nor Brights. VIII., in Su, AS, and
ISS ruts. slttosncly nu hs.ll 00 in , q 4 by.
4.16 KM. A. MrCLl.lttei f CO. 4 Liberty. 0-
it • htunic4 eery I
HAY-49bales for sale (on wharf) by
400 W. a F. WILSON, 147 First 0
91 1 A R-40 bble. N. C., for sale by
10SIN-20 bbl s . fox 4,41° by
4.11_ J 0 torAronfri a co.
(a E./LED PROPOSALS for re-bnilding the
Strartan of Pride. over Mohr. Ceek.
Oear L.r.exio t .Il b nee.nN .t the Camtuimit.n.
fro a Alley Lent awl %V rtatarrlated cantullee. rho. kiBPI.
0/11 WI IR soca. uf lb.
JAhlKh . )llThIl
IiStr.NLZEh 1411t1.4,
0...0.0nere Alleghroy , pttutr.
.ootasamalohet• tOtlice. r.ttabtingh, Dec 111
Removal—Woad Engraving.
TILE sabssriber respectfully informs hi,
jr. b... Mewl* an! th. ,ScarntllT.
boo resswed to the tbatkvreet owner of Mut. Irtnrg
the Lumnvd, ,etatrapte la lb. Dissoen.l,l where he t• pre
to execute all Mott rf b.lynfvd .51 Wool
Tag. sash as Vleers BudJutenk • iltealate..l, sod
tmay. reGetlee' b.. 4 c.fow, derehiphins, ttne.orpte.l
tie wnetPet Reels, Drilr..ithle' Labe U. Oat). Et ... tho.
111 e. At. TsTas• very larder...
A Groat Speculation!
11 1 1 0 CAPITALISTS.-1 now ofir fur sule
Til EIRE 11072D1M0 AND THIRTY iCP.La a mar
Ileth LAND. priortpelly and. env callsranati. wfWDee•
talked . the City ol 1. 1 .4.1124. 244.2222 t Acorn le the Ohio
the, tad 4.4444 424.14. with toatheustihle roppliee
ert/tel.ret , Preh •her• boats can ba leaseel direct
frn42 les barite. 44 ahlytt mei win irwsn beam. the
upareet gepply ler city rung .llptll,ll-Ibl. book, no. Mar
.( Mr/4W bseanlin, sneerer tree pthanefiely Mesa fist.
leann2se , eying eltee pat.,. theyale ante, eepenur
Uela. the 11244'2=41.p den Ye their: end Within one
Peale of the Cay cl %Plashes. hyap pis, e s 22 , eh
temp palm a three renew& In a-Rea proersea'tovotre
1/ 4 44‘.. The .141 al. is we II layered to peraeniegg pep
Tow, lettleli heaths. will tooth* on hum. nob the
want. 0% the ally. 1 will Ater:met the propos-442 whale
ore h241.442' .Wpletaltal arraogemeat at that
IMP eallsiwtenly male: - Any tatfer444.
this eutpect een be hal by alarrasing the
buLansiter, at It 0 41 , 012
delelPt• riEn. T. TI:qIPLZ.
Alamo & Co!. Express Oboe
S mcmuy ED toll.. .84) FOURTH Street,
Th., Rea nr,frtv,R tra.tir trona l'hilal.lohts in au
hour, owl forwanlioa to rbiladrlnbla lu w hoisno
del: tf RAKER A lOHAVTII. Arent.
West Newton Plank Reoul,Ronte ~
;ITEAIIII3I,S 'env' twice tk. day, morning
ornioß Ra4willll4l. M. Wharf Dna. &Wee lb. W.
al deltalt
Y...010w root le* Jail, lottneptellud•TO alb W.W.11.
Vat. on Pollaiel phi, 11l to lialthwore. Rah
tot olasta'cati at
to. rlank Read "Mc, Illanonwahala
Ilea. 11 edtr
- NAIL New eh. Olbbal Herring':
No. I .w 1 L.R. Repoolor &Nunn..
dart mole:lda and kw It. H. Itloowilooah'e Brand..
_O.lO JOIIN VI •TT a GO., hibertrat.
p thi }LS
-8 hale Prwth Roll Roller:
I N.. Clover Read
Yl boteensw 11 R. 8/hlnn
' Wht Ala
TO bide. anprelof Tanners' Ott
3 ruts Wlntor What., 011;
bble. 8 IL elyoun
Joel red win. and Le Wile • . • .
" JOUR WATT 100.
A Thtil mad, opposite tho Poitt Mew—
mob... Par fir the Peoria, Vol.].
NIA/nth and Pb. Iludiaglan W. —a rdotiplite history . .
'Veneta tretanney, ar e.ttosion of tbit . difsterliel'of
the Court of Luton!'
Koonalli'ilytimelee In radiant ids Addrituto than.
pie of th•
• United ?tate., and tf•tiPtare Letter to Iluteoi
171;lal ol hot Ver. a Romance by U. P. D. James. •
• llortleoUtirlatand Onttly•loc. for *mbor.",
N Mats! Num Who. • • '• '
Uld tiniuti of N•polieno, •,
Pictorial !troths" Jenalbms, ihr Uhriettnys. "i• '• •
• A !mare:apply ar AN NU A,L.N., from el to 811 \
tlitinislnejer November.
Utmarun at litteol
Itltlim • tun ' eroSit by Herman .111•tc.
lacticau of r od Quota : Unite.
London Labor and Loudon Poor.
to 11.
Marpar'• Ilamm toe, tol. a, bound In couelin.
ketehl In Imbmil by U. Id. Thaokeiray.
hattkt , trAtv - g,Tret.bvi.....
The Ozonlene, a fie. noon I by lhalares.
The Litpind Pb. hee,'hy Samuel illrren.', -
lion Quixote and his Minim !Macho Para.
The Tatting ot Lha Unatile, tr y UntrieA. ' • • •
or Ph 0th...1 11
'Harty Bambara, • tale t • Arearkah 901710 a.
Leiria Arundel, or {N 11 .111.4 elk!.
nl i t a lir i Vr4ll. +wain ilyi k vof• , va Pop .
Pelf Woo tirollitslol g y of Min unma n rkpart
Stahel. or lb( UMW of Mt Dallis field, • Tale tett
D RIED APPLES-20 bbls. for solo h \
•WO & P. SHRUM s
—Tbr . : k uldelibar Ilm. Just meted Mall rupply
?di j l l . ll,Z o mu_lay Blay.lns }bolo, irk, the Rum
wows* Yluriertlilartaany, rim I avpi 2, ,
The One Ws P.lalmlbt. aontalulair 4 'rut ,",d r ~,,
4 .lbridirsOgNi.a. er4 Otuelaeu 14inot. tad
'9"' M'g"4l BM,,, 0 , dilli Of thi l till i rizt. ,
ply of Mr sbni pop w 41111
tr P litin . Tllb. b litinr sale: • . ,
.1%/110LASSES . 74? , bby.
( 1. 3 11w . 1ir0p: 4 - . ‘,. .
"`" l "'"' d lb ' " 1. - b r J. e. Ditavoifn a co. ''
.." LEAD -100 pigs for sI " b7 J.13.111W0 11TH A
Q . ALT METRE—J9 tmle Crude, vanaitig
b., mre ti DILIIHY 00., \
• 4„.4 , , • , Mar scut rrontoiss.,
EATHEIIB-75 bags for sale by
deb I. DICK Tat O. Watef amillout
CREE 9 4 7300 bar?EDENI
TO SUGAR-L5O bbla. noted ' for kale by
o tontontooe 11NQIIRItr.
AMES A; MoKNIGHT, No. 62 Fogritk
ho• rewind from auction • tot of bELOCUA LUNG
b AWLS, In\ \
mu, am.. oriage. 10114 sad,BlarACkaKes.
Ornmm, Whit;l3.4
I:I.'2IAM Paso Gloodielo gnat mairtrt :.. - ak
FLOUR ---50 bble. Extra, for oto by
de.l L Y. VON 'BONN ROUT g CO. t
fILASS--1.000 boxes asa'd, 8. b., far sale V 3
Li BART : BOONIS & • BS-20 dos,
11.11. At br F. VON 1303111BOILYS A CO.
irl — OßN .— gF. --- ALZO BIAS fbroale — by,
dei 9-3 W BONNUONT Ou.i
ri.HIDDIOOTHE SOAP-150 bOltlt.uflellte
artislo, lb( fscollly ximoni bud xnd ter /WIT
'O4 WU. A.MaCLUE4)I s (X), 230LIbertyrt.
B•mvosa • Jont—Ad • ta and subserlp
Ihr t bla paper nrothed • • Ibrwardei • of [tom
• ,ntr..-"'""'.
ligir.l4lENTB '
\ Or VIZ
114Y8 or SAILING 1% , A. l TROY' 11. Ur k ' sr=
11114 Lana, :ram I.lrerPoni•
ATLANTIC. , II'I' Ram lavirpool ii . i .
C AURV G . Nhan W :a tat ~ .i.........,_.... --.Geo rt
g°21, 5 1 ° 141:.... for 1.iX,.. - .7 -- ...\:::::77.11:f1k
",EUTM. NIN for 11.4. d . NO
•AFILICA, fur Llvernollor.... ...._:.\......-Demll 11
affiRllAN N, " I
\ /111.01".*0 Pl.
• 11011NOLDY. —4--- for 11 York ....... .-.- .....14 19
NIAGARA. Leitch \ 1br1Y0rt...... ......... .... ........141,11
r ACIVIC. Nye, far N York . .... .... Nor UJ
EUROPA. 1011, fon,Roabon ' 'jr '"•''
,All Llttere and Neharpepers on bud for king . Ina
land earl hotiland aresatot by the krot etestrtsr......
or whet hne. .
Letters to the Contlnekt of Etizape, Dr'" "
net be ,ornabt twenty ow tante a illnett.
theft bloom, repolrbd to ba.prepahl In WI.
- Letterato the ConUnant of.SoroPe by U
Court be Arnold Ore cents a stogie rata.
pI.. rrouired to be prepaid 12_6111
Lat.,. by the Ileyre Line, to tott borget
ellente P.O ball' oum. Imam rwitirottbo
0r... Brit.,
agidT.7„hi.•,,Tx"- , t°
Inked l'oetage mod. added o 'tethers •
Et. Coatleeotof dtomses. Hans and and
Vor ".
r , t. Et.
ertSbq 1681.
Occeseh Potuchiee—Tbe. Week jolt closed
haa been of uppreeedirri ted Whig, ewers biiiich
of triad.. The wither hio \bae loteopity otild: the Meer
moil',',.. Mooted up with be, tuti we. hire, hod iiiioref
tote or departures of eteam boot.. Tli. 0100110*.ot the
therriore hose •atreamly and
.lug 4.400 '1•01,.1211-• or i 'eridi deists fbrette Pitt
earn pain.
The weither yesterday weicogeLlerably cold.:
to,. the two peavatioi ttia, othi at vialiet Were hi
but • faint proopeet of a nsuirip s tbstroc harlot/ea atm
Ming:Y-41th tha earepUtio dim!. Ash, We loosed
10,4 sale. to report during the with. W. t are sahib it
au NUS domestic Stela Ash .5.44 nee, emel ,
a wl time do at de, cosh. Other deactipticitti ion am
'pied to vaall bite at—Pitarisati Oa: d'u:o 1 and 8.5-
Visiti-viVe ho., had no run luta al men appww. had
lbw soviet la overlr Nara of auPPUes 11.484 Stun Ikta , m to e
euxuall et 111 76403 it Ohl. \
ALCOIj4I.-bliiite show a *We Door, 0010 to a I ,
ado. in quanta. W. titior 4001. at. hem el to td
IN gal, occirding.t9 Mid Is.. of Sole.
tido:lN—Supplies 0s very light. Bela: Dais
fiord o. rPlall tiatimstione, ofisHieleimariciltogetti oowds
laid. Cori little ti• tic. rams Merton! holtwe th a oaw
of the riser. .
ater f ierr 11001 , itel prima ire es
ohs • Oa 11 70hai 75 ‘1
cUrrek— We ',aloe. coritinuad Arcaneacin the m
ket at tall prices 541 E% bare lieu coulloml to limited lo
St 14.10.1, ;holm milt, owl Mr lower itisolitiae.—
did. tit hart as Jtvipibllq said pockatto ntd, 500.14 4 luc,
omionling to quotas.
W.:Usti—Th. vv....tote of Vue here ban s !retail y Huth,
'Mid they will command 16 ce ”d‘c doutt
at etatsTall lb, occoolTuir to qpzoltti arte did.
• •NREILIITES- , Ttui . oracle 1. my scum. cadoom
• $0149 14 E6l, room ooze. May 2,411111 .
.IJlugl2 V , WWI. • •
. .
udliN 1111 . .d1..—R.oipts of corn meal, and the mute .
todtmd o 4 'limpid Bales to em dl ioto IM F ant lida d d
at AO. from Noon at bOiddgc to. _ _
CddIILSILO—Oor oodocdoei L anwo coollonO to do joldroll
to.odoroo. W Itb ado. of all thexpa...o4 at tia
Water Oran Yam
Nagar &
FLOUL—ltaceinta dating titswilt/aro been entrant
la light. Went ratinlly nonearl to Malted lots b$ wagon,
high bees brand buyers at. r 175 4 -267 P bbl. -pt me
ad raw from non, In dray load lob, ere fll L ef 3 13 89 533
Eft s. f and Lain. &Manua cane eboirn fatally ants bar*
all! some lt,a¢ Wittier. 'Baka bare been erdiradY anllffant
to the re kalerlrumption,
RYE :LOU II males bats traarplred froia stare
et I: SOP abl• -
BUCKWIIEAT fLOUlt—Tbe market la folly s'appiket.
with We* ham atom at 871 h CMI We II sack- In. ant
tunas SI 37 it Ls
ERSTIIIIIIS—Wo hove hoar! of no sales to any large
ant. ifs 'may conducts our•quotatlons, In small /Ms
sof fai sineli auk 10e 3 Z.
if tall—Then Is arcs - alas demand C Use folk/slog rat-
I Als<koflaSlT 2 ,1 4 I /l/mad No air,. wawa In
La s '[rout 035 Lk Reruns 50 Fr 6 5.14
tater thafital:
s Raldm. tan .91, - ' ....
ds sit . lttZ
- 4-7_ II"
t t, ....
tattultwalstats ...................... 10 05
Groatal oats la baatsi ....... ........... 1 175
lstauss jt too ' 4 . L0
p EloCißlUs.-11se meta of llama babe tartly Mt
and paw lave sanaad. with sales otatielta• at 33
eaa. Ea. al4 bble tansies bstar bewse al 40er prism
. Jo .011 sota mast
10. saliva. &lea of Sttgat ban
bias etaonsl to mall lots at G tia tihtt, tiacoling
90 quality. Smaloalea a lan Collaad. Ph 911445
' bias come lama," tall tiwit/0 1 7.
' , tat we MIA repot nt. largo .1114. 11.0. prta.t- ruling rata
t -- Wnat l S4 WI UT, Aa.C9arl:ll/: Corn 4Vad.abaq
.3 a c.a.! 11.110 *0(.5427e •
MALT-Limited oslastssaspls• it 955 51 •
'IOUS-F.4as 11a, had , to paters at $6 5044 75 ix,
The anal rats to taabars 2.3 11.
Ildl-s.ose at tb. sten at 16 loads at Imola P ton'
ilosilkY--Bales 10 bble &11l 50%1 bbb • •
••• 14 , 1182.11—The tate rise la the Alleghcoy hes gives our
.221/se. 'The elbalva or. the pekes at the
Ism bhahleill ‘ elld claw don 11
t 100C2 ahhe
=2 co- lade 2310100 v.
1..121)--he.e' • fa staid 1.6/2 00 1.2 :In kegs, aije)
Shle le bbl.. .rase he 2 toeuatiti• ; •
te • rogulhr demsedlis the hearth; at I
in• oith•lohl ByPW b. , ' • ' i • 1
1.4 to am.
burn I.2lh—Regular Wes et MO 11 tta she.; CM I.
111 4.two eat-- •
mnita44l.44-11 4 anelama la aalllaa at 121 and 411:441 .0
111,03 It Mg- \ + 4 + • • 4
OILD-Pater Ii bbly .1 Ott 11,80 c Orr No 2, wad ad
70e Cr ho I ITe hare no 1a oilJoionl. •
+421224111t-11aant, Da 4 wmf tanto 0 Iladth's DM
?radar mar tra quoted ha hog. miazdatlo MN:tat math)
Sail. k.gOt 111\it KochPinftlar al PAX
to 11,50. for lark. and small nentatitlaa. \
• 1008 , 4-41144. an womb 210,21/0 kt IT;e1 Mean talky
aa,.. ,
• 82201-2 .= 0.1 hatll,4 tie \ {laotlt atOMMM 81 . 5
Timothy at 12 4, and Plat @wad m a la toasisL
4110 T-44.1. at140.41:4 4 bag, d 11l hag.
ggh 1.3-Tha tollowtog ars th• a at mg.'s:Mutate
4g,,,___ .f
~.. _ /14r mart-... t II
....\ '
247,,..77.::.--ala : 4:4 Mr
" 4Laur. LW
au gmund ID u e " Nutt:maga -1.-44.. 4311 1
Planate Wee droatl Mum\-- 4
RA 4T-Batae tarlatly *anaphor at lb. aaoaratal t
Till PLATE-Thamdlag kmag 01 am Marta \ grail
4 1, .5 0 SI Da. 4 4.44 , 111 e ii 6: , a of t.....h. '...% tit. ti
..nhts . 2440ookligdmia , I :.l lAI 1 . t ...1 I 1 :,\ • 4
TOIIALVD-Tban to . rood hound ear all dinatiptlaos
of oasauoetutet.tobaCco;,..4 PAP. lontlatit Milan...,
Tha follawing anal 0. divas m tbo primal, ratale Wilma
nrgiala otannfaelaaredl2l42l; Dalt•Ptag, 204.1210 Lyng&
burghytua Ire, Virginia twkd 12413 4 Lan twin lift
loaf tains° lamiatad at 44.111!4, DdtaoMteri.llloblamit•\
1111181121-14144 .21)*411 2kedahl to - m.. 1 zt th II
eta, ooh and time,
0 ,1 414 . 1144 A
B Etym.-The ottenelte et. lIIPKIA. to d.l
IWen ihiilod..6lollllting alikig tO abeig WI lkeil, all of
'able!, wtr• [Mau hi Me butchers./ 02 1144841144 welett.
n" . . - A I "
b. " 4 .. 3 0° E , 9 1 ;:•!54 • P', g q . ??" ''' - d
at 132451 d 2110 a. a. \ \
Puma-Very hi :m ni. otrono : et Z4lll 11 i r . ketto'
The demand for cattle oculists: eariewhat
ilmlbod, but prlmateateehNerreol 4 4 00141.74 \
• Boat Cat/la-There wawa MO bead offered. which, add
Ili prima Tanta* tram SO 50 to 8 00 4 100 144-41 m tatter
*lt talntrign laahkr.., 4, , • 4, 4 , '4l
COY. Lad QM ww-Th ' it Mark,4 matkanat ontot;e4th Do
oh.. to ammo ta the number add-d haw were zoo ollar
al and mold--Wrask oner4lllB to 12, .90ftagirs11.1 to 4.4.,
and drll. rto 14 cart, , i •
u/Ireta-In the hog market there la ma tow kateasho
t-there ware t4O tamed , which raid • hona WO 2.3
!bap sad :Lam td-Thyre were V2lo ' heal, amid, at
Vi for Me terms at Si 28 ®d 00 and thahatta4ll/ 25
43, se to atIMIST
Duman, Da: lY
Th. offerings \ reached 1460 bold, nairamor 600
ears soidktr,botetters, /OD kdr. one -.sold, sad 100
td a. to Pt 1541431. '
IIUsS kskisd k. 73 K.! te
'11160117 23 Ael..sadaVenkkikk 13 11 MU.
WWI, tb3USII d ` gnite, [re
• UM, (<0 lbs ds amid. 1161.4 hae, kesk ktinolkslly. boas
Prksep turs ko .dtspokkop opreatkat
•nt prkes. • gal= ail Um nap from 1110 to VA. •
\. 'Stage. Coaches far Sale :, , : • •
E fine Troy built .Conebes, •
• . L
e. 4
Naili'a and Green satinet* \
muirvux 4 P1141.011.P.41005 T c
sr leper \Utorredf. tree , WM*ltaffilerrek lee le ..u.„
or bottom, AM Mar Mud • -
?cermet of tatedl,,d.k.reille/..a. •
\ Mph Tereeru" jeer. leer. •
IYo reir.ti,•4sl,ll. Irftr
x . eferored, ell ergot IVO, or is j tWar"'"
Jr. cim =West Purrle•
, marteterer ?apt
'matrtrulet or limUSerr. ?""7 I ' 7 th°
, --- ~ ,
irriit BLCKgrakTIIII . 1, 1113.-4 Keep the
A.. hi1 , 7,741q21,1. 6
.1. 1 112m..°1'A taRM
tj.,,,,v , uo 0- d4l, k4 c..TerirArrg°-=
. , bo i T: ea roaWalirai. Li Ii"
th q=ik " rrisiar w tsi w,. 1 :
up as bdipal ' %.llt Or TIM,' : V Izra-az 1
ti. trnatl,of •I k. , Met t t. after taking an !w 1
ties was rtlt
w. Ifterbrct b tit w
rti. emni , ,p,a(e.n.t"ltt 41co.V'a u tnEb•\
.; , i..i
t Ade \ \l4 aicjlgi4VetU.:Prill&th.
Mtria r iff uat t ErR I TI2W k at the la
tap as bud • tbalrorroto.sad an. an,
twal to plea thaw v.r.te. mat mnkr.l Vasuzunpes.
won at Cloth Sill' tad lei the, atratitao La ouasist ,
imt goo& gip, U. - 1130,41m lreprnerla
UM sal Ai -MeV MO %aim *alam.
fr pv ir jr,,,T:. trlina . te r ekt 10p10a .,.. _
e,' - i.1.1 WI at low picot f0rnt..........:..!
*lad.* as
Of Ini4T 0 USUNII wiky. on
...t. Iv,. pet pad. \ .i , t Ilaom LlutziN w ikad. er
.. _
\ .
\ ' '
ladies' Secretaries.
ripwo best?ltifta now .11 1 .• Lame X cal. 11.1abod and lb, ado y
do 9. . I th II I I IIIIIIITYI.. Na LSI Pout it
.....-1- , -r- r ---.
S • BELLA j_igmaa l wareeks,..
..... ,
I • ,P"4,41.,..jr,riu... rrzd l t fe y~si 7 _ ror . jadke' ld '
Draw Boothe d«. 071.4 Wadi al. eilr :"7 . glillf r Inta
dyed sad fiddled equal to ant: Csiboorro. (Loth.* th,...
Do Was. snoods. solordir radety of dnieggsretsaligard. .•
and the ..aunt restored' to their forager trillium sad el.
Imbed equal lonely lientletotteti %VirgAggerrod elertn
og ordyel lealtout being Wan to Weft, &ad wuraatet
not to rub tiff tirr moll the Ram.' Elsa dyed without
Mraid. or any orb. saluttriadi liable to hunts the
.i ' 'l lris shall tasks St our study to giro the arming •
satisTartion to dd. who my siaplay in, .4.7 Load.
\n., ... uq p g o lf .iaigers, we wilt roily. will.' further
rbszge VI • Utter mambos that-dsolos tbs haat tea
iproreinsote In this..ii ter eiroddrye- qqo om . t .i l i,
odized to did of say other wore la the. thetas.
31erdiallis• (kola dyed equal to theili new nada. Ali
Goods warran. Ginus • sell. armadas air atitt. mit • •
turigo tor rauredres
11. Fr •Isbee to Worm his blends wham he has stated
In the Wore= rities. that Ids kution b now la Attestor ,
I ay City' WIMP
0... W/.9.5 WATCUES, direct from Oa .
E . dos. Ladled Goid liantiag Ote•
stele. of superior quality and elegant d
rdayroperzor articla for • Lilt lost °renal
Ae time %archer an roWe to my own cedar, can
thordors recommend them trttlit &Under dams.
Ma \ Idel&if I IL RltilLt
Book-Keeper Wanted. .
wITOLE t SALE 1100S6, on {Void otreet,
of e.P.Kiimad
‘.lCewper. To tio• well qualified I All the ittleuitioa,
~tlbets~aal ill be allownd. Adams, withnal nelmw,
aMew., Lit wmnork atitea will be beidl
• 'Steam Saw Xill far.itent., -•.- ',..
2r ,
EIE STEAM SAW MILL, at the - motitti s or
:.: 'aMaJyl.4•Mli. arm [cam ahem, PlUabsoity caCla k a
' h: S AIV3I746raTIt :. ad al . ar i ff. ral e gi: l a inil ~..-..
V.,1. Cu limmbm, am mon/vier wlll the mama Tim ma \••';
m la Vaal. am! luta. Ilads .a very •44:41. ••, ~,',
Im o 151.111 M M
v g use samba! to lb. Wata la=' \ '`
qatbar p,. -
. ' ' b . pratalaqi l i r_.
___. _
• I
Issas or Wlnd. snil sll sitsri
v-.llvs Loses for SI. dokSt
aOSORSION, 2.10 I.4bstrt.r . t
erd SS 41.1..5L1S DI/Ntki
loud satis sash box-
Diu J. S. HO'
..._, ~_. _.____.o.. \ •
:._..„....„....„..._.__,._ ....,_
The Tree Digestive El
, • 1 00D: PLESU Am
or goal food. din
and widionnowntertintatiets ,
onas nesting ettganeh, and
INV i bettrgf il =le i g•VY,
L i g f r7f i9l
1 1)Mr 3=l
doing. ors torah* — Loan Him
gtvinad, the
?ren!..ptie a
lieneral wheedle no - d
Aldet2en—For tl wel by B E. BBL''
' • O
Choate Clothit Apotint,
OELEBRAT D foi‘,Nea,aess of Fit, \ rum
vela of Qualify. and fftrabllffY of viwk...uta e
Oof monk la fal) mat mploaq, trtscitt all argot'
lames of Dom' Clothl g ktd if ma
tentltet Goods, all
aklictmoi ander my on Inapt:tot. Mathmon I
vfltd to call and orcln wq art datotm th ed
k 7,I4 c STUID . If ;LEA Uff'd‘
F of
41. a
..71 SJIIMPLAD 32% \
Mart, N. J,
Ilan been (maul aft...
Thuand, Um UN.1.1
m and groteetin Neap
;slat •6•Nem.;l;p4.3r
7-- - 7— iii,ititf . zi
IN pareli - an Oiide of Zloc. 1
wbulteralica atel, Imputitr
bcautmally std.. met lo eal
IV 1:113 ,
IT ,
,Inleu m
Doted to ml atone
itin alma nt up la 4 Mom
wit/a:am/a a 11013 all=
than urcotber not beir.l.L
crumble Mid alt MI. / ma/
with water and. tn. ca . al ram
laztekmeorlalo Ilainh.
now an turoldwd at i . : , : c:
Os cbeapeat sad twat palate a U.
tape, genalaa, outboasat.
lwect of wood. brick. tie, or Usu. le-
ftOBACCO- 7 50 kegs.° twist; or
&lb ' .J. ft DION ORM ik
MOE' KORAN, by link; Markan's _
- • .0..) fit.
ca T ks Winter Strnined. Ete
eOr,, F ate . tii•l6) wO. BLielillaN
N E W CON.RANTS 7 -Ren'd andlot4,_
IITEN .YRUNES---Put uci Tars ea
.41,0 * , ,, s' ...a linnii r cetuia a co:
iIOSIN-100 bble. rika: 1; tor sale 11:7
41 OTTER - -t bble. Fifa! , rea'd andfor.sero . 4
d 11:bb13. \
EATHERS-30 Dago for dale
A Zir R
CASO 3 kt 91 - 6
bb)2 7 for
j ell i kl e ty a
1 1190171,11 , 1:7 Doc k
'OURT N I AST.IOI=2O groan for sate \
bi - , • - EIDD I CO. !;
RUST'S .COLORSA full assortment, ire • •
SAFFRON7Q i j b . e;i; i f 3 kif t %l: Nr,
pnt3-6 thiten, skied, foe stile b
dal& • St. DALZILL CO, Libtar
,NAR..L.,A23g-5, batiks fur 'sale by ,
4.17' - • " - Edberki t's '
S TA VI/I—W bra. Bawbrikheet cm; for sal)
IREsEi. BUTTER-9 bbla. RoU. for
41 \ ' 4413 WIOIL a 111o0ANDII9S
A 1 Less=-so boxes szio; .
do 10:1i; lor male low to ch
LAoX- rea, s
by fdel3l 1
OLASSESSO Mae. and .5, bf. bbla: Sa-.
*l3 Drlmw f ar W . Dr` .D. CANTII
ARL ASP- 7 50 bble. for sale
ALERATES-40 bx.e:and 50 bbl
far ash Dr T. B. CIASEI
trrnuct-!../D tta. Fresh .Roll, far 411
:BAmmai . . : gam ! a
Hew Boob t..
A 14. BRAD'S, Appllo . Building!,
tbs Whali k tri Marine. \
paullar Odes.. th e wand. Yrplumftwa
li 'e Act l alt ' VriliLV;t:RlVlriti o \ 4l
4 5gtoal Ra ‘ i=nstlon.wlitt rdereacw taprmit.
841b1711, 1 1X11 tha 'l'7"
nig \FARMER'S ourpr, TO SCIEN
r 4 Z.T.
vo•c• of
4v. Haan
for *ale by ,
19 " WNW , : larmt.
IN. IMO. WILISKEZ-44 blcaor
- 111IIFFAI.0 'ol3ES—Aifinc; fo — T,ion for
.1.11 ask try. \ • Id• 111 ' ' a COIBEIt7SO3 *VICE '-,
‘ I ,AEZTYFSE-2:1 bbliz 1.. r =lei . I
41. del \ J./3.1)1E1 , 011= • , " -
IpOWDER-.:r00 Ye p Bh — liargt
• .:d . 1.31 . \ "3. ...7. tr:VIALTII b / CO\ k ‘
....-.- ...- - - --. 3
113ORK — 6 j
—ll 116wrt. ea saied aul spreal
2 . \ 6 \RDOIBONI.IIILICA CO.. ~.,.
AURATUS-32. °mks fur nale
did \ WICK • .S:11/011.4
_ _
to bwra recelned an kr sa,,- by' L.
caztb, Arcata ilaiktir. A
% tt ' artV g \ ' 1414"
B¢r.itaml do
I.Kirirks llea
of kirts;
=l .l s i gi b ut pu tttr.
c 1,=.9*.m..' 01 Miami • .
M a tradd all:wort Tr d
wa ihne Q ‘ n = ' ' -(
\ =aim *-- \\."
tlielogs di nr" la ,=, w . t h, ; 41U1 P r ".. '
_ Ack waged JtabriaMedler \ft./. IL Dal* .11L D.. \
ammo and inilarvd.