The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 23, 1851, Image 2

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'' ,..-7; ' - ' 7 iI I E I3 DAY MORNING; DEC:2B; 1851
. . _
'I , " shall have a place in ear next
Tus -Nsw FRINCLI Biroatrrios.—The eons.
-reenesment of a fearfal and bloody drama in 'Els
- rope has taken place. The long looked for tor
elution in France bee occurred. Louis Napole
on has seised the reined . Gorernment, dispersed
.:Nand imprisoned the members of the Assembly,
, and ie for the time.being an absolute Autocrat.
'", - TEM erent.has not been unexpected. It has
long :been seen, that either the President or the
the Assembly must go to the well. Both were
- false to the constitution, and traitors to the
prineiples of :true liberty. In the early part
of their power,- they , conspired together to tie
. . . . .
lite the ocaistiention, bilk so restricting the right
' , of suffrage, that three militate of voters were die.
iiiitisochised; and they sent a French Army to
.ptit'down the Republic of Rome. After those
"Alit) . .. tritest of liberty could trust either of
them. - other acts of oppression and disregard
'of c'onetltntional rights followed, data the gdv
m,utant vas little better than a despotism—the
o[-thewill government beingthe Supreme Law.
'The' press slid the right of speech were shackled,
the - Freaoh people - found that they had
thrown off a comparatively mild monarchy for a
tyranny.more powerful and more offensive.
Things might have gone on in this way for
Bomb time longer,but happily for popular rights,
the traitors disagreed among themselves. Louis
Napoleon tipernetitate his power; the
;Assembly determined it should come to a close
at tho end of his terai,;:nert May. The constitu
tion made the President hieligiblo after one term,
nud the Assembly wers‘tierefore on the side of
the supreme few. Louis Napbleon, finding his
~- w ay blocked up, iletermined for popular rights,
an 3 demanded the restoration of the constitn
;--/- 'Wound tight of suffrage. gore he had the con
".; ntittition on hiS side. The dasembly refased,and
While that body was preparing to impeach him,
Aewstruck the first blow and usurped the whole
'-` power.
party . deserreo the support or gym
of the friends of liberty, but as the Presi
.7:;l7'l,'odentlfas thrown himself into the popular tanks,
o,":::nitd declared for 'universal suffrage, we are not
that he has got the mastery. , No have no
faith in hissloecrity or honesty, but his present
k.) . ;:fit.'; ass is apparently that of the party of popular
~ k.:f. i ights and we hope he has rased a power he;will
bauble to control-.a power which will demand
i and sustain true freedeacl and constitutional law
If the French pee,le are true to themselves this
be the . case.
In thUmenntime wo shall await further intel-
T ligenee with the most intense interest. The Eta
:Ot,the old ,rotten despotisms of Europe Is now
trembling in the helium° of French polities.—
. I . May. God .pressrie the right. .
'6.l) . .elegation from the meeting held in Chichi-
Waited: upon HosauthlasiThursday in New
,. irdrk. and wee introduced by Mayor Hlngsland.
In replrto the address of the Delegation Melt
. ;leg him to iielt Cincinnati. Koseuth'eaid:
Will go to Cincinnati very soon. The day
.....cannothz:,- But the first day after my arrival at
' Waahltigton I will know what time I will have
'to May there, which will not be many days at
:ilrirthest; - ,: - .To go to Washington, you_kaow of
duty of honor for me. Igo on Mon
i•-.!'ilay,,viltifeit Philadelphia, and Baltimore, end
1 ,1. - ',,?..,thumgoto Washington. I shall want some days
.;:..there, - se the public opinion of the United. States
piroUtmeed to suoh an open and deoided manner
to certain, principles highly beneficial
~f iirttrei Cause of .froedom 'on the European con
eipecially Hungary, as far as peso
`;.;*tioable to be carried out, want the acknowledge
, orient of your government. It is also my duty
..... - %"...01 honor to thank your Congress for the protec
,,;" tien received in my liberation from captivity,
as well as for that welcome given me In the name
or your mighty nation... It is also a -matter of
:high:importune to know upon what ground in
'. practical matter the cause of my country stands
• -with your , government. — I mention these things
.that you may know my reasons for not going to
without further delay. I hope that
our . own kindness as well u that of your fellow
mitiiens will appreeiala we ll
reasons. Ho if I
:UM only alive, I wilt in a fortnight be in Cincin-
Limit ...The first day after my arrival in Wadi ,
. ington, I will write and let you know when 1
d Ball Iniso happy as to be in your . Metropolis,
the cradle of humanity. I cannot say more.
You give rue high gratification • by your princl
_..-flee. They were so eloquently Impressed that
they have taught me much; and opened a wide
field of ideas, of which I will avail myself. May
Cod, bless you and your citizens for your kind
.• • • It-will be seen from this, that Kossuth how in
- . ,tends tommanwest very soon. Ile may be Ms
pointed in this, and may be detained longer
'ap .
• Washington than he now contemplates ; but
,rlt in evident he will embrace the earliest
trinity. In view of this, we think it would be
' to host n'th d m stration which is canters
' • Plated in this city; that arrangements may be .
.-:made to give him a fitting reception here.
Paorrasou Wmrrrnz's Lecture, ►t Washington
.1141 hat evening, upon Character, or individ
'rud poirr, vas listened to by a large and de
lighted audience. He is a clear and rigorous
thinker, his style lively and intorestink, and his
-.language remarkable for precision, compact
ness, and freedom from meretricious ornament.
'ln this be is an admirable modeL This even.
ing his subject is MARTiN I cruse. We may
safely promise all who v.. a rich treat.
riATAL EXPLASIO3.-3 keg• of rook powder
dwelling of M. George Ralston. near King's
Creek, Virginia from come unaccountable canoe
criloded, demolishing the house, in which there
ten persons at the time. Two of Mr. Ral
, , Istnn's children, of the ages of five and seven,
*Pie killed-.
. ' steamer Mop:lower, &fuse vessel, worth
T . 1;5,000, left Duffel° about nine o'clock on
Monday evening of last week, for Detroit. The
night was Teri 'Stonily and intensely cold. On
Tuesday, 'morning, having lost her rudder and
aulekeropipes, she ran ashore 'theme Erie.. The
iwill.probably be eared. Anxiety is felt
' - for the Woof the - Empire, which left Cleveland
'for Buffalo it,e same evening.
Correspondent. who calls himself Oki
,Antweriher." heeates Us, in insulting, tome, for
our adroisel of Louis Sconmth, and the .etrag
gling eattsa'of European liberty. If he does not
like ourpaper, he need not rend it. This would
mteh'more deeont than- to Bend us instating
anonymous letters.
Tan`CUßANTatsosens.—The Washington
correspendett tii•the North American says
Connection . I em able to state that
recent intelligence* from Madrid furnishes the
. gratifyiug assurance that, in,the event of a Sat
' isfactory arpiageiaeat of the difficultyat New
mum, rega to the Sp h Consul,. all the
Cuban prisoners will be released.--. And it is be-
Eared here that the action of the adminietration
• ; „1-12 this respect Will be regarded ae entirely eat
isfictory. At least, each are known to be the
• — opinions of 'Mi. Calderon, who, throughout this
' Controversey, MO *won the regards of all sides.
This gentlemen !seemed information by the last
`steamer that the eon of a widowed mother, who
lad appealed most touchingly for his relesta,
had been promptly pardoned by the Queen, and
out of her awn puree; with- means to
;stern tethe Malted Staten - - .Bach acts aa these
are via more.tipon.tbe strong eym
'pieties of the tatiotelban All the dipion ,o
rt Olt c ould
;• P'•
Ft ,:,:ibtattAit,—The'un4breiVied. l e the midst of
4 ,bso..,gatressieg - circumstances .11t. which he is
fire ef: this Morning, which has
X.P.,..%,444.,,picist4ati,tna—Antideroy Ms In a.moment, Is
l'r7:t::;.ttianleful td be able to 'Asi r ...for 'the•information
1,4..01 . tte. and friends: it distance, that his
resetting, and entire family, escaped
itjary.. *Be feels it due to his
• • his pupils '
and . teachers, to say
thatthey did
Or that could be dons to ease the
''.'t•--htedding; furniture; &e:;.and in' the most jadi-
PCiOtls Titlt 121 thliAtaellCO o,f water, tbeir
fforta were tumndling. 'leis lookingnoned
noises; see- what arrangements can bemoo,
InteliMill mationsuf these:tool hopes
" Ohl • •
• 'that in a .taw syp , o to announce
t will be ready for his
the Precise day wh o e ' n da te sth'ef..lailitert
• PIT!W..Pr°4°bIY
Paq Bsturall, eretntng Dec 0,
0314 T small TO THE KELITARY IN Cll.
Kossuth denied himself to most application ko
nee him ou Tuesday, boingeick sad fatigued and
having to prepare fora reception tendered him
by the Militia of New York city in Castle
den in the evening.
At 7/ P. 61, the entire let Division of 12 re
giments, numbering some 6000 men, martini!
into thaDastle i ell splendidly uniformed. Koa-
.nth and his multi, General &soloed and his stiff
and the Mayor and a few others occupied the
stage. licasuth was deemed In military coe-
tame, with s splendid awed by his side. cin
his being introduced by Gov. Sanford ho wino
tremendonaly. cheered. Then each regiment rose
in succession and uncovered before lam MO.
Gen Banford then, on behalf of the citizen bid
diem of New York, addressed Kossuth in a haUd.-
some speech, to whicih he replied in a speech,
reported in the Herald.
We•have room only for an extract as follows:
Taking the basis of your orgauivation as 'an
example for Hungary, . Hungary would have at
least one million of men. reedy to defend it
against the oppression of any power whatever;
That the militia of Hungary thus developed,
would be the moot solid guardian of my country's
freedom and inpependence, we hare shown! in
our past struggles. (Applause) The glorious
deeds which the unnamed demigods of the peck-
. .
ple achieved, proves what with previous prepa
rations, they could do in defences of their na
tive land. Often they have gone into battle with
out knowing how to hre or cock a musket; but
they took batteries by their bayonets, end they
achieved glorious deeds like those that are chisel
ed among the deeds of immortality. We have
not either wish or inclination for conquest. We
are content with our native land, if it be inde
pendent and free. To the maintenance of that in
dependence and freedom we have eatablibed by
law, the institution of the National Guard. It
is like your militia; and I like to say often
to my people,' that I consider the organiza
tion to be like a porcupine, which goes on quiet
ly, but when elected or when danger approach
es, stretches forth its thorns. May God !Al
mighty grant that I may soon see developed in
my native land, the great institution of &nation
al guard to thit extent: that the:power of.lltin
gary may become the Indispensable bailie of. the
freedom of Europe. I will prove this is a 'few
The enemy of European freedom is Russia .
Austria is determined to crash liberty in Italy,
Hesse Cassel and Schleswig-Holstein. The leer
tainty of Russian aid to this encroachingepirit,
gives boldness to the tyrants and checks the re
solutions of nations to mist' their despots.—
Now, can Hungary be a barrier to securel
rope against this power of Russia 1 I answer
yes. You are a nation of twenty four milliOns:
and you have an organised militia, of eome
three millions. Hungary is a nation of fifteen
millions, and at least can have one milli* of
brave citizen soldiers. I hope this may he re.
gnrded, then, as a positive proof of what I say
about the ability of Hungary to resist the Power
of despotism, and defend Europe against Russian
encroachments. Another thing is, the weakness
of Russia itself, for she is not so strong es peo
ple generally believe. It has taken her whole
power to put down Hungary, and all she, can
raise COISSidtS of 750,000 men.
Then you most consider that the Russian ter
ritory is of immense extent, and that its popula
tion is oppressed; tranquility and the order of
the grave, and not the order of contentment,
cad only be kept in Russia itself by the armed
soldiery of the Cur. Now it is not Much 'when
I say that '200,000 men are indispensable t keep
tranquility in th e interior of the empire ; glOO,-
000 med are necessary to -guard its frontier ex
tending from Siberia to Turkey ; 100,000 to
keep down the heroic spirit of oppressed Poland.
(Cheers.) Now, take all this together,- and you
will tee that Russia scr-relly cart, at the utmost
employ 300,000 men in a foroigs war, and real
ly it had not more engaged, as history will
prove, in the greatest struggle it mode for exist
ence-4z could not bring more into the ilea—
Noir, the million of oitisen soldiers would not
require to beim brave as they are, to be a Otatoh
for those 300,000 men; and, therefore, the first
result of restored independenoe in Hungary
would be—should the ever noes more have the
arrogant Intention to put his foot epos man
kind'e neck. as be blasphemously boasted he lad
the authority from God to do—the destruction of
. hie power by Hungary. Not only would his pow
er be destroyed, but Hungary would ! take
Russia by assault, where she would And ower
' fal allies to support her.
Its financial embarrasments are -vary
for you know that even In the brief war ini.tiuo
guy she was necessitated to raise • tone in
England. We would find for our allies the op
pressed people, cod our steps would bemarked
by theliberatioo of all who are enslaved. We
would find among our allies the Polish Salon.
which is Oot restricted to Poland, bat extends
through the wide provinces of Galled; lethal
nis, .t.e. These are proofs that the might of
Russia is not so immense that it should lethal
date a nation fighting in a just coulee. -With
Hungary once free, Russia would crest once
dare to threaten European liberty ageim Bat
if Russia is so weak es I hareehown herito be,
why, you may say, do I ask your support, and
aid against her Interference? The motird of my
humble request is to preyent Russian iSterfer
, once, as Russia is only thirty boars distance
from Hungary, and one of its large armiesetande
prepared to more at any time upon my country,'
to crush the liberties of the people, before we
could have time to develops our reannrces.
This is the motives why I ask, in the name of
my country, the 'great practical and hcaeficial
support of the United States to check sAd pre
vent Russian interference in Hungary, so that
we may have time to erect it into an menicoonnt
able barrier and impregnable fortress against
the despotism of the Czar. This, I say, is the
reason why I claim aid from th e Unitedifitates,
and ask it to become the executive powez of the
right of every nation to dispose of its osn con
cerns. That is the only glory which is venting
to the lustre of your glorious stars.
• • • • • • 11
If once war 'weeks out, my nation will find
moans enough. in its own patriotism, to ram It
on. We have already carried on a war without
any foreign financial help; but we must be pre
pared to meet the opportunity. We want the
aid of generocis men and of free nations,hecause
Hungary is oppressed. It has no puhlic life,
and if the slightest manifestation of patriotic,
feeling is exhibited, it is regarded ass crime, to '
be punished by the hangman. I delete, that
whatever financial aid I should • be so happy to
obtain from the generoeity of the people of the
United States, I will never employ it In la man
ner which shell ,be contrary to your laws, be.
*ULM I highly respect, and am determined not
to evade your laws. It is from this motive that
I do not solicit the formation of an armed expe
dition, but perhaps the, generous sympthy of
your people would a ff ord some opportunity even
' for this, too, when the time comes for us to
`tight the battle for freedom once more. i Dconfi
dently hope that of their own free will,;without
my interference, they will be glad to share the
glory of that battle of freedom for huminity.—
I desire this, of course, only so far as the laws
' of your country will permit, and trust that you
may so help to forward, the humble wish which
I had the honor to date more at largejat the
New York city banquet. I have a guarantee in
' the principles which your letter gave Ime the
high plesenreto express.
I thank you for the expression of these prin
ciples—l thank you for the generous eyeapatby,
and for the reception and-welcome of zny °Rat%
minions, the devoted sawed Hungary, Who ~
ready to sacrifice lifeand fortune to the indepei.:
deuce of their native land. There are several
among them who , were already soldiets before
our struggle, and they employed their military
skill in the i;erviceot their country. hat there
were others who were not soldiers, and whose
pattiotiem only led them to embrace the cause
of their native land, and they proved to be
bravo and efficient supporters of the :1 freedom
for which they fought. Thanking yo for the
f e
sympathy you have expressed for then , I pro
mise you, gentlemen, that they will p them
selves worthy of it; ,I will point ont to them
the most dangerous place; and I know Ilury will
acquit themselves honorably and bra ly. As
totosyself,l have sword here on my olds given to
me by an American citizen. This (d wing the
sword), being a gift from a citizen of the United
States, I take it as a token of encoueogement
to go on in that way by which, with the blessing
of Almighty God, I shall be enabled 'Vet to see
' again my fatherland free and independme (Ap
plause.) I swear here before you, (ritising the
sword to heaven,)}that this American , sword in
my hand chill be always faithfcil in the astute
of freedom—that it shall beerier foremoet in
the battle, and that It shall never bel polluted,
by ambition or cowardice.
The scene that followed this solemn oath baf
fles all description. It was truly enhllme. The
whole body of military roes as one inn, and
with one wild shout made Castle Gat r den ring,
while, for several minutes they waved Ittielrhate
with the utmost excitement and enthuelsem, and
repeated their cheers again and again When
the tumult applause subsided, he then pro
ceeded:— •
First Division of New York Militia, I engage
you to become the controlling power of this my
solemn oath, and I shall now 'tow:ludo by thank
log y o u ones naortsfor your generonsAyingathy.
The applause was again rel!sited, sntoonyln—
.itetfor eetreeellzkinutelt: . . 1
A safer pl. resolutions then ntrued lad
. . ,
sheeted tOdering the empathy of the division
forEosizoll a n d his Pr" flFd g om
' Mittafsi ' .-6t lf"* lntt ' a 4i. ° cl . i ent ...t°
raise subscriptions for the Thingarian forst
Capt French, of the Lafayette Fusiliers pledged
himself for $lOOO train his company. •
Koasuth then retired amid loud abeam, and
the serious regiments returned to their quartz's.
The organization ofd central committee for
getting up a Hungarian fund, was c'r'mtpleted
yesterday, Mayor Kingsland being chairman.—
The subscriptions are pouring in rapidly.
Cogoespoodeneo of am Pittsburgh Owl.,
D. N. W sure, Eau.--Sir: As a member of the
Allegheny County Agricultural Society, I feel
highly gratified In seeing the Pittsburgh preseso
ready and willing to publish all matters relating
to said Society, an well as other matters relative
to the science of Agriculture, and as our annual
election takes place on the seventh of January,
'62, in the Court-House, at ten o'clock A. M.,
ior the election of a President, Vice President,
Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding
Secretary, and a Board of Managers of thirteen
members. As our citizens, manufacturers, and
farmers seem to hare taken an interest in the
welfare of said society, it in but right that pub•
lie notice should be given of said election, so
that all members and those wishing to become
members should attend, as it is of the utmost
importance that suitable persons be elected for
all said offices. I will venture to predict that,
If we elect energetic officers for the ensuing year,
that our next annual fair will be second to
none in these United States.
I am not (officially) authorized to lay this be
fore you It is a desire to forward the interests
of the society that makes me do so, and if you
will giro this one insertion in your weekly, and
ns in your daily paper, you will greatly oblige
81r Yours &weededly,
Dec 2U, 1851
[MormonScow of tbo Plttsburull Doily Oatottr.)
RAenteatom, Dec. 16, 1851
The passage of Mr. Seward's resolution having
extended to Kossuth the national welcome which
he had a right to expect, the Senate to-day com
pleted its part of the work by providing for him
a proper reception. The resolution for this pur
pose was offered by Gen.' Shields, and adopted
by the rote of 35 to 15. The same or s elmllar
Troposition will doubtless be passed by the
Rouse, and the reception of the greatest Grin
embodiment of European liberty will be a joint
affair, in which the Executive nod both branches
of the Legislature will participate, and there
can be no doubt that it will be a pageaut worthy
such an occasion.
As anticipated, the re-agitation, commenced by
the pestilent little demagogue from Mississippi,
has given the, secessionists and nullifiers a glori
ous opportunity to propogate their heresies.
Rbett to day concluded the monifestoe common
cod by him yesterday against the Union and in
favor of the independent existence of the empire
of South Carolina It was an ingenious, im
pressive and powerful effort. It was character
ized by aisublime and magnificent impudence, as
well as by considerable eloquence. I think I
never saw such a volume of bold, reckless, inven
tions poured forth in any respectable assembly
by a man speaking under a IMOen of official re
sponsibility, to say nothing of moral obligations.
His facts were all fabrications of the gravest di
mensions, but his arguments wore sophistries of
the most diminutive proportions. Beattie whole
was evolved with a eelf confident assumption,
en unhesitating andecity_which arrested atten
tion and would have bespoken sincerity and son•
nietion on the part of the speaker, but thigt to
imagine him a believer In one truth of what be
he said, would have been to enppote him ►n
idiot. ,
lu the course of an impassioned inventory of
the wrongs of South Carolina. her 'lily erealtb,
he declared that the North bad cheated her out
of the penvione due to her revolutionary euldiery
while with characteristic cupidity that came
sordid North had quartered her own upon the
the national treasury. Novae to this enter it is
dertinent to say, that certainly for the lust three
months, the honorable secessionist delegates
of South Carolina, In Congress, have been more
active than any others In getting through claims,
before the pension office, of all kinds for their
constituents. Nothing in too email for their
vigilance; nothing too great for their untiring
importunities. Perham, they are only providing
-the 'incurs of war, and era proceeding upon the
Napoleonic maxim 9f quartering upon the ene
my. Au experience of ten years among the chi
valry km given me a low opinion of that open
handed generosity and contempt of money on
which they pride themselvoe. No davoription of
men under this Govertunent have fattened upon
the drippings of the treasury more than they
have—the sous of South Carolina and Virginia,
have been particularly favored in this way.
Went - 1382.05, Die 18th 1851
The flatus' adjourned to-day in . a frolic to
Monday nexL The chairman of the committee
on commerce made an effort to get business dis
tributed in the usual manner among the com
mittees, but was laughed out of countenance.
So ends the third week of the session. Nothing
beyond organisieg the House, and a few matter
of course proceedings, has been done, sad of
course nothing will be now attempted until' after
new year.
Ist,the Senate Footl, the second great comedian
of that name, gave the usual afternoon perform
ance. The audience was respectable, and this
versatile actor never furnished a more striking
exhibition of hie powers. It is a pity that he
came upon the stage Iso late in life, for it is
manifest that had he made an earlier appear
ance upon metropolitan boards his name as a
firm, itould have ranked with the !greatest in
theatrical annals. Mr. Badger offered an amend
ment tishis resolution for so pprsesing agitation
by reopening and continuing it, to:the effect that
the compromise measuies should be considered
a "finality in their totality" until further legis
lation on the measures comprised in that sys
tem should become expedient. Foote thought
this a fine addition to the fun he was making,
and was evidently tiakeled with the suggestion—
He accepted the modificanion, or it was voted
in without opposition. This limitation of final
ity is certainly a capital idea, because it shows
that change is a principal ingredient in immu
tability. For a strolling company in a barn this
might be thought the legitimate drama; for the
Senate of the United States, it was decidedly
"low comedy."
And then Foote went on with hie manifestos
number seven,. far this 'melon Rhett had very
foolishly std or insinuated that Foote had killed
Calhoun, because he had assailed him on the °a
mnion of the delivery of hie lest speech against
the Union in the Senate. I mast do Foote the
Justice to say that he abased Rhett in the most
exemplary . manner. As s pet terrier when sot
upon a vagr4tt, seine him by the toe of his rag
ged boot, kis.' exposed calf, or the seat of his tat
tered Molesters, so Foote fastened_himself upon
Rhett at every salient poln,t and gave him a hul-
ly ragging without example einoe the days of
Thireites. Kike Six Andrew. Agueoheek, poor
nett mutt hare thought, though he said noth-
Had I known he was eo conning of fence
had seen him damned ont I had fought 'dila:dm.
But all human, joys must have an end—
.4ll that's bright must fade,
The brighten 'Blithe fleetest
ALL that's sweet was made
But to be lost wh em sweetest;"
and u if to Illustrate the poet's words, Foote
broke off In the midst of "his melodious twang,"
and bowing toithe spectators, announced that the
remainder of the piece would begin t o moriew.
Alas, that such things can be and not oveiloome
as like a summer's cloud. When I first kneW
the Senate a mountebank could not command its
ear, Belt vacs of angler men.has entered tIM
arena of public, lotion. God grant their reign
may be short.
Wasamoroe, Elea 19, 1851.
The statement that Mr. Clay has resigned hie
seat in the Senate is probably unfounded, though
the contingency Is not unlikely to occur which
would induce him to take that step. It will be
remembered that Mr.'Clay continues thro •
the present and the next Congas. His g
nation would probably glee risp to an excited
contest 'in the Kentucky legishitare for a ru
mor. It is stated hare that the opposition of
Mr.. Clay's friends In the legislature 'defeated
Mr. Crittenden In the dentest "which has lately
resulted la the choice of Hon. J. B. Thompson,
as sneeeesor, to Mr., Underwood. In ease of
Mt. Clays retlrement the , probnbilltles nealif
be in. favor'of the choice . of Eton. Humphrey
Marshall, bow of the Mouse.
Footeisna is still the order of - the day in . the
Senate. At the exit of the principal performer
to-day, which by the way was witnessed by a
very slim andience,'Mr. Met again got posses-
Edon of the floor, and Gen. Houston also an
nounced his intention of speaking. As this is
the commencement of a long session, it is well
enough that the entertainment should go on for
month or two, es it has become the fashion to
surrender about so much of it to bobbling. At
the present time agitation is going on finely, and
if the condition of the country depended upon
the course of the Senate, It would be conritlited
from centre ioboundariesi But as, fortunately,
it cares very little what Congress is doing, so
that it does goharm, it is commendably quiet.
The democratic Hunkers are indescribably
alarmed at the Butler movement, which certain
ly heeded by the most straight out New York
beret:lumen; and free Boilers, who have again
secured such a control in the councils of the
party as to carry things after the desires of
their own hearts. Gsa. Pearce, of N. H., Is to
be the candidate for Vice President on this tick
et. It Is possible that the friends of the older
candidates will attempt to check the progress
of the Butler men by aiding to pass Foote's res
olution, one design of which is to kill off all
the outside candidates. .
The Secretary of State has dispatched a spe
cial messenger with near instructions to our
minister at the Spanish Court, in reference to
Mr. Thrasher and the other American prisoners.
appears, however, that nothing is to be asked
as a matter of right, but the release of the pris
oners is to be solicited as an net of clemency and
expediency. After all, when we look at the max
ims erste= and unbending justice which apply to
the case of these men, It may be doubted wheth
er the interference of our government in their
favor can be placed on any higher ground. We
have no means of judging of bin Thrasher's
guilt, for as pot we do not know what were the
proofs against him, nor even the specific charges,
but if the evidence against him was of the same
character as compelled the conviction of the
others, the Spaniards certain:) , did no more than
we should hate done under like cirownstanoes.
What, however, we have a right to complain of
iv, that oar Consul was denied all dm eighty and
privileges Which justly appertain to his position,
as the protector of the lives, property, and
rights of our citizens within Spanish junsdic
tion. It is presumed that the intercessions of
the government will lead to the pardon of
the prisoners after a short time.
The New tiork correspondent or the National
hoelltgenrer says:
Ity the way, therein in New York at thla time
a distinguishes' operator upon the ear, (not
Jenny Lind, hot en Edlnbarger) who le curing
the deaf and making the dumb to speak. Ism
informed by relibable authority that he rarely
fails. Agreeably to hlr theory, seventy per
cent. of the deaf mutes may be made to hear
and talk. They ara dumb, he says, only be•
cause they cannot hear, and therefore have not
learned to imitate vounds. Ile does not alter
enthusiastic meeting of the friends of this Road
was held at Youngstown on tho sth Met. War.
sea, Poland, Girard and Lowell were well repro•
soled, and everything - indicated that the people
of that settler are folly awake to the necessity
of a railway connection with ttde 'city . The
Hun. Jetob Perkins etude • veryetfective speech,
in which he dentonetrated conclusively, that
the road from Enon Valley to Cleveland would
prove a good investment for capitalists, lode.
pendent of all incidental Mil/ AliLAget.
A meeting was also held at Leavittabutgb, on
the evening of the Nth ; Wm. Stebbins,
Chairmen, Harmon Austin; Hocretary.—Sptritad
el:leeches were made by Messrs. Perkins, Smith,
and Iddinga, iu which it toe urged that property
in the neighborhood or the Road would be im•
mediately benefitted, that the farming intereem
would be particularly improved; that the Road
is practicable and can he brill at Our war, if the
people are willing to take leold.Clerrlorof Pl.u+•
The N. Y. Times says: The gold and silver
movement of Wednesday wes $1.121,000 out.
ward, by the Coutuder "teenier America. The
proportion of silver was about $175,000. The
total exceeds all the estimate' of yeetarday.—
!deny email shipper. came in at the close. The
Arctic goes no; on Saturday, and will probably
swell the week'. exports to 'pulsating like two
millions. Both the California steamers, by thd
Nicaragua and - Chem* routes, are duc2i,"Tbey
will bring the Bea Franecieco shipments of tho
15th November , and this will replace 11. -- thn
Books part of the large sums dhbursed.
ter Da. McLaires Ltvta Peu.e. This
/That remedy for armee, of the Liver, Is of scri.Oi airs
date than Iu Intro:loci , wa to the malls Its aimmint!.
ono of the first phthiciacis In this muntrt, ward It for
rears in Ids prank, before ha et. sionomeed It to the
The exist enft of so homy closet annedios.barail
ed eh minimiser the moot martinsu aaalltle• for tailat
.11 dimwits, dlomiebai so annambilibid and wall dais/set
phynclon, who naturally . kit tome dread of beim: cut
founded with the crowd at prdendon to the moans! art.
whoop nancruma area paraded in amity newspaper at m
er•lan orniodift for all Yu Ills that heap in heir to. no
rftresentatlons of hose to whom hie pill. had hilt. ft
lief. Lowy., and the urgent hohntations by ShYnciaft
rift whom he hod associatiel is T. bream, sad who had
winnowed iha wondhrful our. dreamt by hi. remedy. at
length lirdooed him to make it Mita ,
Testimonials a. to their senor can te, seta m our (ton
from all tarts or the State. .
To Le hal of all the mincing drussists.
yip - Ferment! ponder well use the thou
sand seeldenta that daily befall lion. end eadthk which
°nen render them neelem for Ufa: when, If you wOukl
make It a petal to keep ninny, an hand U. U. Farrel'.
Arahl. Liniment, yoo could han the anlenal cared in
fee days; wad =we not only ean tinte, but yon could
leo= the risk of Icelne the creature altogether. f flea ad. no=
Petroleum I
Ouse.. cca.. l'etluiterit.—We invite the attention
of the enlisted awl the public wenerally, to the event..
of Wm. tall. of thie elty. The cow may he nen by WI
person .ho may be ekeptinal in relation to the huts ton
wet earth. S. SI. KIER. .
^ I had been athlvied several yearewith a sorenesse( toth
ern'. which eontitated to graces•. until September. IMO.
the hullarnmenon at that time having insolved the triune
Union membrane of both eyes. and ended ill the apostle
of a thick Elm. .Lich •holly destroyed My eight. I had
an operation tweformed.and the thleltenlng removed. •bleb
won returned and kit me In we bed a mndition u before.
At this stage of the eousplalnt I made application to seer
cal of the most eminent =diml lath. •ho Wormed tv's
that `my eye/would never get •ell.' At thlstlme I conli
pot dlglogulah any objweg Br the advice of looms. Mende
wromeneed the wee of the Petroleum. both internally
aped locally, make which my era have improred dell) vow
GI the present time, and 1 have recovered my Nightmare.
ly. ' Mr general health wall very much lespriveol hy the
7.1101th0. and I attribute the restoration of MI Melt
Its use. 1 reddest ho. 102 &road great. In this ettr, and
.111 be happy to give any informatlea In talationte mr
Pot w. by Keyser a McDowell. 140 Wood nreet; IL I.
Parr. 47 Wood street; D. A. Fshoostock, A Co. 40. 1 .
Wood and Front rtnerbu D. M. Curry, D. A. Elliott, iordpb
P bubwartu,AlleghOttllltllo by the Pte.
00140er. B. is. Eculn,
..10dkooP Canal Hasin.Noyautb et.. Pittaburh
Faamputation of Harawar e, Cutlery, &o.
licr. 129 Wood Street,
Desire to rail the attention of Plarrharitii twit others to
their Latin rrocz of
And whirl therafe . l7,
o. to offer at inch prices
fullaesortineat of MANN'S celebrated 0. Pa ADM
slew. oil bead. attaliicr
Pittebnrgh Life Insurance Company.
. OPY108118:
Premident-4..Ase 0.
Vim Premidao-8.88.81c4.818km.
TreasArar—Jown 0. Luca.
BaBretary-0. A. I.louoox.
Jars. sdrartlwrunt la anoth. mrt 6L awu.
Citizen's Insurance Company d Pittsburgh
Oface Ha. el Water wireetan the warehouse of 0. LI.
licraww, PreeldeinL._."..A. W. Kum Seel.
mi. Company Waxer prepared to haws all werottandloe
lrl Atom and In trcwitn, vowels, te.
An ample guaranty for the ablllty and Integrityof the
Instltuticut, le afforded In the character of th e 'A rdo r..
who are all cilium of Pittebiargh. wall and favorabll
Munn, to the cncenstinlty for the" Pruden.% Lan:dile....
and Dawn/.
Dnwroaa-O.IL L1T1.41, W¢l. Unloy,
Jr.. Walter Bryant_ Ungh D. King, Edward Itenaleton.
John Liar worth. lisrbwigh. 6. H. Klee. enlllatf
On Monday, the va lan, a d o'clock, t. a., at Chits&
news of his - Mother, la Allea • say Qty. P.., of eonnuat , -
tioll. Joan Ramon Joavortca (of the llrm,of .Tohnetan.
Brathera aCo.) la the neth y o 1 hie aite•
,The funeral .111 leave • reLdetiee of his moth.",
wine , of . a •••• , moot .tracts, on Wedneenan
the v. at 10 o'clock, 0. a, to proceed to tin illeghatti
v meter.. •
Y OM. Parserte. AND fItaCIO3TCUJ Bann. Co.
ryafirst Annual Meeting of. the Stock
ds" of the Pittsburgh and Drenbetaille
ear. rill be held on Money, the nab der of
.17. A. U. 16 02. et the Engineer'. Mrs of meld Olon
eornr of Fourth and Wood manage, tr. the Antr es; tle.
burgh. et 10 ...brat tO lb. forenoou. at whicla Wee and
place an election will be held tor Paddent at
Dlrretan of ..M C.311X.Y , The ',OW.; elm
at 10 cfelotli lath. tonne. • . • •.
• manias NAYLOR, Deter. •
pittanagh. Dee. 1651.7124:2.1d. ,•
Bible Hotel?
THE outstandinf subscriptions to the 'Al
bent Bible See etr are ssoPestlll/11' rsouerbol to
be torklio J. 31 IICLIELL. proprzlet. oe Federal be
fore theist of Jannerl- A. Y. ELEVItSSI)N.
dealt Bible Agent_
cIiBISTMAS 4t. NEW 1 L.sw.. —.4 IL
I would conwetfolly a 11 the ottettlao or sll who
LI [A :CV: [VI d XIII: 4
1sOlo ' 70 ," [ :17: 1 :[ 4 4:[7:err,
which CSIMOL tPel ellber 10 quality of motordo
or elle pormow For wolo crt i ortlzrodpe u,
don 164 14.4'160 Wood at., corner or Sixth.
ter/' C I:!..D f
t t i. o
u Lave n jAuTs fur the l.l
they Inell• the attention of Gentlemen.
Gift Books for the Holidays,
T 110LMES' Literary Depot,
No 78 Thad WWI, opposite the Post Jai, Pi'
. be stock conaleta of all the Annw
sl.Wood for 1851.. t price. ranging Dom
SI to 110.
The Women of Early C.bristirmity. • aeries of Portraint.
with YfwiTelrenTr ' avlrta t' s. " to b u t niltir T C u i r o m m°'. .
room. silt
The tinueetilr Gallery, a gilt book for all seasons, with
13 beautifully Stashed engraving. by the first artists.
The Land of Ilona., being the Journal of • Tour in
Egypt,g.. by J. M. WM111,11,04 D. It. with 25 Goa steel en
Th e Keepsake, gift book, with 35 Illustrations.
The Iris. an mainated souvenir, with 12 colored plates.
Leatieta of Memory. • beautiful annual. with 10 Plate.
The a gift book, with IS Illustrations.
Cabinet of Modern Art, with 20 magnificent plates.
Dents el Manly. literary ioo, 8 One illustrations.
item of th e Seaton. • • soevenir. 10 do.
The Tallman, a gift of friendeblp, 15 do.
Sacred Annuals il a MR book Nr ail wasps, Illustrated
Fbrisume titled by Marla J. Mclntosh. 12 illustrations.
Wild Flower. • g ft for the holidays.
The Plower. of Loveltheas. wi th U Illustrations.
The Family Circle and Parlor Annual.
Sacred Scenes. Or the Elvers of the bible.
The Sacred Tableaux, • Remarkable ilistory ill MY al.
Tbe Magnolia. the Show
h Priendthip'• Ulfer
ing.—thrat beautiful gilt toots for the olidays.
Pine illustrated editiots of Shakspeare and Byron. ID
One volume.
Floe illustrated editions of Tipper's Proverbisi Philos
cititi,Z24.)rerV. ti l r i tsworals,llemons , and Kirk What'.
0 Alen. a Fug' assortment of 1101141 y OM Emits. for
HILDREN. .le2l
MADE by C•RILARDT, the original invent
or — A 0,01 atYPDIY Of these celebrated,
and 5 octaves, just reed Imo New York.: Tbase to
tart:moot. are utioneatlonably tha very twat .if the Mod
.msnutectand any where. having mevetal fulorove.nant•
not yonserysad by say others. each an tbuble befell, 41k.
rersube dealrous of purobastua • o..oulne °tabard , Mal ,
dem will please call sod examine, and roost:Joe therm
selvsosj Ile greaLT . nr i l r oti . ty :.„ II KI.150F11:.
Third 1 00 of thb Gulden tiara
YEA NUTS-200 bu. fur Bale by
darn 3.11 CANOIOI..D
DRY AIDES-6BDry Hides for Bale by
de2ll I: DALZELL • Cll., Liberty td.
lIERRINU-5 bble. No. 1. for sub by
Ix de= Fl DeL2I:II.I. • i.:O.
QALIIION-5 bble. for Bale by
1.. J de2l ft. DA L7.6L - L:lt CO.
MACKEREL -160 bble. No. 3:
00••„._ No 0
20 hI balk No. 3:
lu - No. t; I'. sale by
I "2, ; It 12.117X1.1.0 CO.
Fresh Fruits, Hermetical
URESII Peaeheß; Fresh
1 1:Icyltutr!4" '"'"'
Vech Chereiik Fresh FILMES
ersh Gon•rberelar.
The above arr. pat up Iti their oath Jul, and harmed
rall Y saran!, .taleltra t h e aslalnal ttsror sari trerharirr
Yrs rata by Wll. A. Alrel.lllltl • lat ,
toe,l , r, afal Litrs,lr rt
Rinp r
I...) R .. l ..all F ar;a:tilarr Law and Butt. %Lisle,
Carrara.; ~... . Orange and LIMICIII Vaal:
Franca ' Ca '
Plum.: Chernaa.
Parra Noah. , Fur rale by
WM. A. IIceLULLII a 5.. Yr...
Ortr.ers anJ T. Dealers.
IItIPES-10 kego Malaga, very fine, fo:
sale I. c WM.a McOLVIIII CO•
llnited States Patens Office, Dec. 15, 1851.
kN tho of Ire Wing, of tlelfaet,
'Ur Nes Von:, preying tbr the eafannten of • , nt
granteJ to bin. for an Improvement in the macho.. fra
marine . trough.. to eat , ht.. .. 0,
ins:, au . his weep year* trout the 4 , We...a 01 nt.t Da ,
sot shich taken olen on On Sonntectolil day of Watch. I
a. PO,
It M unlent thet the mist yetaton be hoar.' at the Pol
on. Deloson Molar. the lot of flareh. 1,02. at 12 e.
clock, at. a y yervias•ra onatle4 to appeartea
:eau., if any tiny hen, sky nil petltton oa.ellt out be
ronixit opt.thie the calenaino en requlreml In WO ID
the 'retool Whoa Duns uhqw.t.tous. opeettmelly ret forth In
'urine,. at Lew , ....Er dor. hoOs. th. J., of heating“
all Denman, nii.a by either pert , to he nae , at the nt
lasting must be tete it sod trine the! mr.snenn lont:
the rules of the ofSce, siatet •111 too furntote4 oa lanolin
Ord./rut, atm, that thle notl. he publlobed la the Na
tional Ist...lagoon, Ilepablm,sn4 Colo, lA:orbit...M.D.
04 Nvetueohoy Duly Dem.... Macbeth., N. V. Prosy
.td t'ctt.horttllo
Yu, M.. • w..k for thne carom.. week. presto. to the
ladder of Star., Mal 1110.1.
no?..1.1••.• ( of
"Elk Horn" Saw Mill Lir Sale.
rpm establishment, lately finished and
40./ it. rosont•to vonolun older. la 'Hunted lb.
0114.1•t144. e.t.a atm,
ttlandv In
WSJ the
t ',
hi all that 1. nut 4.1.1 on the pnnowee.thenht,ltarater
down seam. au t he to tow. dnotant ualle , ea4
mad the valley tinonnsnlnan. l'srs.see
ant. morn' imodlagll%t.Lrt t roo m y;
4 4 gInt. " = satletaatoi I Perk... - . of uane.4.l to
it* nett Tn.
pniltdolicssot, looluditts As sores at (1.61. Pinning
UM., Eton, Stahl., &a, •Ul be sold tow. and on farina
tw, putt Por°". .. "* .j. h £ . s l2tTß " ltill ' lN, Attorney' at Law,' inlus—Fnunt .t. teat Wood.
(Inadrilla Party.
ABONNAFFON'S Firs; Party Will take
A I:Tr i ll/A r i z ksetr=ig, lnrt. .t ULLA-
OwrtkuLerly halted.. No
l ebildnin bw admitted wxeept
or.belan. and en pen= within/cover wth tow hatolthwl
hbwir tiwkw,w. eamt parents. Childrwn who s 5. 051
I Imo tannic nalanntnr.. o f
for g-ntich
Mit wwwolbs tro had ol A. R. himftlf.wl hro.
46 ark,. street dc=3t
AYOUNG MAN, of good character and ad•
drew who ha. had yea. espealen. Jr
noes-keeper and Par.= In the wow. Ss dec.. of at. tamest a situ.. Is • surcantii• or nutuchtiturlng er
tablisb malt tials city. by toe LW of January next mold would be with. to sot 15 .1 capacity whereby he mold
recut. • ocour teal Wary asul . parmutent •Ituation.
-gtr ' i j s ' hed ik ndd . re. "'" ca . arthdrd'oftsst''''Ptitebgod"..3l.o
To lloldere of the Coupon Donde of the Mononga-
Ada Navigation Company.
noLLof a less. number than 334
rill be (It th• hotters so desire) on or at.r the
day of J turf text. at tr i alloi;A mi thfi c lgtuter.
Temomee Mort NAT. Company
THE subscribers would call the attention
of Drs.. delaroa4 doallnd ILARDWAILE, to a
I“ of ftaad Olaf la •12 tDeastad (WILD. t.f COM
Taluabla arm' sAleable fa , l4clu. 1/"..41I1 at ?an'
object far
prn. moo. or; er . U . fo u r , •=l 4 . 1; and adamla. Invoke. •
da= BAIIW A IIiWLN, 114 Second US • .
No. W Wool ft.
n. NE
gracurrna bare received LS.—Muarl
p . iv
Mo { w l o
. n B
W w
talon loner than usual. toitoit ' r i t h
0: mw I t te i rd which bare ' slyt:Wm — ; co llr
" aat N"
77::14-0t1t.01..T0,:r 'of a";
Unatirriuni and superior N.
today or to-morrow.
OR RENT, and possession given on
ith tuck bon
Ma Ist of January oas
ding.. t, .
Malt:ad ai • two story i
w wa
acili Mud, occuplal by Mr. McLaughlin. Ennui. al
00111000. LIIILK Ili,
2.511 Liberty et.
co. en any lArViog at their semi.nnua Lhhh
L ela. PreALM: o rtn . Paremsaa.Chourgs.(hut T,eres.
fi r RAMAN'S MAGAZINE, for January.
need at HOLMES' Meru,' Depot, S clot.-
ri the Don Olbos. deJ
share. pat 7g. OM for We by --
dclidetorlUT - Wll. A. TULL A CO.
KffernseJig Oncturiand tr-you want th e acyr buck.
& and other oaks.. Try It we and roll will not on
yeast ...In. For sal. wbolesale and retail by
'de= it. N. SISLLFAtt, INT Wood st.
TO Machinists and Foundry Men.
/AUTUMN° 0031PANY all' positively poll at pab
u/110. wlthont rewire, all their Ilartioery,Shols,
foundry tistere.. ac., at their Factory, Klllehtti. 111111,
ear Uattlgnore. en WEDNZSDa V, the lith of .7.4arY,
bollt tools, trl !=nrer g ral ...rotrza
ice,Gity TURNING ENGINI2B. of variousslam
Tea superior Iran Planing &Whims, ono Wing of vo
'rctiuc.ftPtnit% NUN/NC
WW2 a Jaw acid complete siteortment of other Too ,
i tt o nlictiltto m v nilc b ctitV, TpTi,tritc "" e, e l4l " ol .l , l ko h P r orrs
Toohg heed, le. Tho sale 'till commence 01 . 10 o'clock ,
sod oonUnne until ths entire stock to disposed ot
• Tante of sale—All owns under 1110 ti, ash; over 11(11:
end - goner $5OO, four montlits ores $000..1. month., for
CatAlogueo specifyiok every Ram will be furnished, on
opplicallosi,VGNAß WILMN & CO.. Baltimore. Md. ,
nods ed. The care trom Belttmore, on Cho BlG
timore end Gki Railroad. Waving et uti•clock A sr
Gra SD 60131 . Wore the limo of gala, end round trip tick.
sts can too had 111 Ranh.» for fat, cents.
ded.'llnets URGRGE
icol.oo, Agent,
Elltt's Rills.
Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.
~1119 article is much cheaper and cagier to
use than d. aotr, ant,
tonwn. 00 y:rae . a b nui & e.l 4 l bras
;plVarZrgrperlllo.l4 A 1116101114, Acida, or an; arti:latikt
al m an
at inion the toast fabria. Calla. aro
warrantd oat to lads tf washed ha thia fluid.
Usa no W.!, Hoard , for doines aro womoutmoro by the
tie o f H. (h t . they .66 by the wear and tear in thsir ores.
Tbla Mild ant
awe sway tub that laborious task.
fall Mown.. sewn:taw/ woh bottle.
nal mica of 12M cents, aufbslent for two or wash
nfrjeresar.,—The fallwrlng ladise have we drif
t? g"golo7tranWelt higher
prtone f Hiring i ' irt::t.tritrsanVa l t ' hrdttr ' y
aztlela. Mr.. Alltabew Pahnestock, 51 , Tunnel std o mes r
Worths Booth owner of Powth and limithneld sta.; Mrs
Mary %Moon, 175 Lawny ; Idra. Mary Jones, BC
Clair KW Mn. Mary 0. Kimbalh 6. 1..‘6166.66 at.. eittw
Ma re .
Alm Mortar Lloward, near Uwe Cotton MICR;
Itira. Hannah Parker, South Wawa, and Federal rt., Al
aaberly City. Mrs. Marietta Howard, Laterencerrille
Ilanoboturad by C. W. 11111 b alb, and mid br
dall2 , wood atm/. wog/ of 816th.
60 7lii.r.
btutle 4+.1
100 It. Ckne. Cltroca •
rsuo " Own Illankg
0.; Babbitt's 8.41 , Yowl'
••• Feed:
lOU Mt.
sga. F
100 tW
4.22 coral
TABLED PEACILEB-000 ht. for Bale by
AO 16. 7 at.b. iv cat biz
BIITTER-5 Ibis. Fresh Roll;
sees suOr 01 K fin.l Itala tto
MOLASSE.B 8. 4., (St..jamcs;)
"p. HWC6BWIH aca
VIIRISTMAS WEEK, aimmoncing Non
day ...mina. Nac.....2a1, camtarthing ever/ ere:A
lma dunes the week.
IHnler the immediate supervision of E. HUHN, formerly
of the Vlrs.nia Serenaders. uld his first appearance
In this city for some Tears
E. A. WELLS, formerly of Chnsty Minstrels, Durable
tout Serenaders. and the Original Stable Harmon..
J. F, 0111011.9. late of Fellon's and Chnotr , e Hipaar s ,,,
and Dlanableton's Ethtoplan neretteeler.
Arnow.' dile Troupe may_alm be found. T.CIIIIISTIAN,
the Tyrolean Warbler. H. MITCHELL, the celebrated
Dance , : LEOPOLD D. MEYER. the linletteal Violinist, with
other astir.. at squat merit
4,,..e,brietanes Day anst E••olue. two performancee—tat
halt.puat an the afternoon, and at the usual hour in the
eret. cke lll.
Tits 25 cents—Do half price. Doors open at T. Con
cert tocommence at IS.o'clock.
do 203 f ea. A. WELLS. BOA tle. Inlets°,
To PAINTERS and others requiring good
Bute lIES--A Cue sad sell selected hark.
for the trade. eouthrleins—Palut. Vsrulth. tut, Elcuzll,
este., nailed Wall uld C4uuter Bruthes; Ilnek Utters,
tram Brushes, Ellsoders, DoJlir and Gomel'. Liam, Pal.-
ers, Fetches. At. Au oz.:anat.. of
sr,ll nbligs us. Fee Ws by J. KIDS C
de:! CO We
UMBER LEVICIATED, a transpa.el
rod. eolor-300 Ito lo store sod fore by
de . a/ D a CO
QiENNA, burnt and leviguted, a transparent
and rich color, for ull/ by J. gum
/ J. KIDD t 00.
AMMONIA-80U lbs. for sale by
1..) '4J. KIDD 00.
TRAVELING BAGS, doz. India Rub
is, three sizes, u first rate article, lur Ask Id
de . 2o J. • 11. 14111111'S, 115 Market sit.
. .
VISIIING BOOTS-6 pairs for sale by
,1/11 J. • U.
Oottori. fur thiltiera, for rsir at No. Its Market it
deal 0 PUILLIPS.
LI AR 'rRC3IPETS-1-2 doz. for sale by
15 INE
- 6' • • •
put fu
buui.p Li T O u n i - 5 ! .. 13 e ,
nur duty to !mow w hr. to our 1110110, je141 , 10.1r•
l'urchawnrc arc inwitwl to call at CLIESSEIt'd Eflrmto
UNI lieu'', arid Clothing, and ...Wantonly 140CIIS.
which. for varlaty Int material, durability 01 workman,
ship. sad mulcratiori of situ.,uto.not
Boy.' elottiluu of all itu and quallti, 8 ,..
Shirt.. nY low ea, noekt, On.p.u . der, kc
Stolthincld Pt., oar Diamond allay.
Bituatien Wanted. •
PRACTICAL and eiverioneed BOOK
KEKetit WA...
nripbe• • •ituali ,, n Wholesale .
Al.ufarturio.; .I%l , ll.hmout. S•lh.f.ecory Wiesen: ,
elven. Al.lreillf ....0. W. M.. 415, l'ittaloslitt
C ITIZENS' lnsurance Co.-30 Shares of
r"'1"""*" P A r' 7I'ILKINS Aco
4, It.
DepOPIIC Bank.—Tho mock of
tw.Cnsopissy foe sals by A. WILKINS ACO
decal. •
sODFISII-20 too. Grand. Bank, (large,)
by W3l. EAll ALEY t C.o.
IN ...I 1.1.1 Wool • t
I IJITEK.-4119 bogs lib., for i.ale by
illy seated.
,sh Strawberries; atm.,
RAISINS --50 hozeti M. ft., lint., for Nal
1,, WM. t CO.
A L 1.01.1,1 .11e F 1111‘1' s,
by 1111 !LW ALAI S CO.,
rfalv 15 and 3. Wood .t.
..7. ,1La.0 E.,. Literary Deput, Thin) ***** orlorAlt
thatsy, Januarr
Tlrn .11r;t:orlstrarrah!!..;',.1."'"'
WIT 11;;.$1(1 , —lh- tuck lusualot. of ell th. itatu.l
1nnu,...1 1, 15,. • hog, grill to. nold et 1he1,.‘,1 .Stet
u d T: i r ., Eit —l4 pkge u 9 oLflr N s u it L l k e .., t , iy
r kegN for bale by
dsiv rc ICK a Mc-CAM/IA:28.
't LUG' ER Al TISIOIIII'SEED, for sale by
.1.10 WICK ...111.CANDLY-Se
LOU bbls. for salo by
• yr It'll A IicCANDLLai
Sl.ll.iAlt-15 Olds. (rimefur solo bY\
4.1 b JOAN WATT • CU
11011. bblc. for Axle 1)) ,
1,4 1 11,ENC.11 rust for saki by
Lberrence•O.e and lihariabur•o N.A./I , lld (b.,.
pant, .111 curet at lb. I,llle.tho See r e rrr y, No. bl Fifth.
Fare., thumb., ...mi., 111. 150,10.1.0 II
11.11111 )y 0. LESLIF., Mai t.
Z , RESII ORANGES—In prime order; of
0!.19p.` or .iC !?`
U UTTER-10 Ltda. fresh Roll, for sale by
I) .6i4 0. P. 01111100. K
n EANS-15 hu. Small Wbitr, for sale by
11) 4elF -r , . P 0111tIliER ,
4 jod i g; Ns--
' bbl'
f°' sale by
Q lIREP PELTS=I dux for sale by
1.3 WS N. P 011M0NR.
HICKORY NUTS-20 bbls. for sale by ~
del! S P. 01111.10C.R.
BROOII.IS-200 dos. Dry Corn, for Foist);
delS P. P. SllOlOOll.. .•
WINIS6IV GLASS'2OO bxs WO and 11,
1 V
012. for sal. Or 5. C. sinurrat.
COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for sale by ...\
arts , P. P. SHRIVE
ir 1 WEI{ YIN EGAR-50 - obis. for sale b -
1 J 8.18 S. I. SllBll'Bll.
5 A1..r. 3 11,ATU...-10 IA!. fof,ra;ile4,l7o,ElL
Dwelling To Let.
M'a M. It. MaWog
1000 Mt. Zone Carranta
10 . Mann
MO "
llockarkarina; I
ono Madan mood:and;
100 acts 001. Derr Bain
10.1 Warden Boa Is, &
4 M -
For sale Dr
or of Wood and Vela aid
1:1MB ZER=B=2I
SUNDRIES -1000 bn. Bran;
300 " Shorts
00 " )11061.1nym
1000 " 0615
100 bbl.. noun
00 40. brooms.
."" d '''' 's' y
Only rw a SON. 61 want. .t.
plO METAL-42 tons Reda hot blast;
Is - 11.01500mb ool4_l3easi.
Its bate by bIOIIPIIY, IbILSON CO.,
drib 19 Robd .try.
FEATHERS -18 sacks prime Ky., roc'd
W'r jtirN o liril . CiirboN a CO
I OFFEE SU , J4II-100 bbla. for sale by
(.1110A11-21 Mids. prime new crop, on con utr Vermont. for imle by
017 J. It 1 1 010, Round Church.
g LOVER. & TIMOTHY—For mile by
‘_)derJ. • IL 'DAD.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-100 bilge bulled,
for side by LdelTi ' J. 2 IL rIAYD.
cI ERBIAN CLAY-100 boxes for sale by
deli 11.,DA LZELL 2 CO.. Liberty el.
BUTTER -2 boxes and 2 bblr . Fresh Roll
Or rale by [drill R DALZELL 2 Mi.
MUT DIA.CIHNE--1 second hand Smut
11xtbIne, for stale lot to clot. conalcranent by
d e ll B. DALT.NLL t CO.
IWNER WANTED—Far ibarrel marked
ur -Waver Wh ta-i" If Dot celled for tritbin thirti
dot be mold to p. 7 ,hrin.e.
1.11 IL. DALZ6LL t CO.. Liberty r
lAND LESTICKSI—Another lot of now
I strls Candlestlcts,yust cap° to bead—and we would
advise pure!..." le call early... thle article Is sVprescal
greet &mend. blsltli IL ILIGLIARDSON._
I'ARANBERILIES--11 btils. just roc'd Der
.teener Dled.m, end fqr web. by
deli; Grocers and Tel Dealcrs.
I[ll E FINED SUGARS-1000 bble. Crushed,
Lii Pa1T...W.1,6.01 Loaf and Clariged Augars, km 'Ale
Bela Agents St. Loots Ream Sajur 1 101 .01.
4:1 . 6 . . 'nu" ' " r rASI C ar Illti , Efl r l re:rtiq CO.
~,G i A , l l.-25 bb . Is. ne7; :, l , a . , , l , l i rjg o e il fr i r . st x l , o . by
~,..9 !
. 1 , 7 fr0 l 1141. T
0e F ,
, L . l LU
I I! 7 -.
, Q;:3 7 2 . fir! o n
.i r
" l ' lb l '''''' itiV b i. ° Alcittm a r& ' , " :ftti t a ,, , BC \
lettroAlet• copy.] .
HAY -49 bales for sale (on srlsf) by
deld W. & IE. WASON, 47 Mot ot.
T AR -40 bbls. N. C., for sale iii \
ROSIN-20bbls. for ., s;Ll , o n l i s oar,
To - Bridge Builders
SEALED PROPOSALS for re-buildi.
u . ..ue Structure of • Bridge °rel . Potato's
near Loganis fery. will be careless! at the Coromlk •
era of Alleabany and Westmoreland rtutullos.whentp
u2d specifications oan Ise wets till 12 &Heel noon, of e
2.2 d
tool. JAMES 111TC11NLL
dell Commlssloners of Allegheny County.
Commicaloner's Waco, l'lttsburgh.p.. 12, 1101. _
Removal—Wood Engraving.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
bfi 0.%7Z [ ' gr. Boar th est ern b ohf%/1; 0 11 1 1 1 . 7 01:1 1 4 1 /:
the Didlond,
to .1l
in the Ditannotol,l where be Is pre
Pared to !caeca. all kinds of Designing and Wood
1100, suet!. Views of Buildings, Steamboats aod 323TA1.
Dory, Seal of every doKriptlon, Ornamental
Newsrater Id.. Druggists' babel*. Cotton gtamio, Show
Bills. Ae. Terms vary mralerate.
A Great SpectilatiOn!
TOOAPITALISTS.—I now offer for sae
& I
LAND, ptincipelly under fine alittration, within one
mile of the City of Wheeling, tututirth dart to the Ohio
river, sod bordering thereon, with inextuthstible supplies
of o ror rat e ell; nleo when bosta ea.. be lowed direct
ham the banks, std which cad will soon become the
'yenned supply tor city consumption—the b10t..., girth.
em the city bepaming more or less eshaulnotL Also. for
roon , or , or t or e itos or purpose. then is note supenor to
this. the ithd running .lown to which ir, and teKkin our
mile of the City of Inman.. w city is nowkbe cen
tering point of throe railroad. ththe provers to com
pletion. The laud also is etell &depth! to gardening par
pope, which 'business will thquire an Increase with the
ono ., the city. I will dispose of the empathy in whole
m b u ra tt o' .cre lOts. prnithnl nn arrangement:of tout
pledould be sktisfactorily made. Any inforsthtion
weupon this thhieet con De 011 by addressing the
1-subscriber, at Wheallur. Vs.
Adams & Co.'s Express Office
ttmy Ate reoTit s k or .d in V i tilladoalptoa in 30
h..ur Ant im 7 "th" BA az a • troitsPirrsgL.
West Newton Plank Road Ronte
to T ,. . ra EATtIERS leave twice a day, 'Learning
•,,i ~,,nacs..(!.mt Sandal,/ ; V
of Boat an , Irma the Shad Boat. abor.l thy 110-
nougahela DATA, at 151ollock.
1141,'%1= 0 :1 1 1 7 . (" PWlt._ B ll? " a X l'l.
Tar dear:. WI al the 01ant maaa t lallei, 11.1Artiplirl.
Ilcaue Wear stmt.
4,A7 I. J. STANT, Aaint.
V ll— bo bbL. sm Zio.l Gibbed llatrlgG
sa4 2 Lake 132perfor4olork— .
• • 11. U. M 1021102.22.1
Jaa for rat
"mi'lllsna 4olo ZIT tco.. Tain t , it.
r 9 MIVIERCIAL - 2 , : -
FlurA-Az , ,
. 1m
rsulcasione—Adifirtlamento =I uttiiKriP
f. ,ms D ., . , slid ...1 Itrivarled per of expens, f.?..
' ----...—...._,....
.4 abil
,41.•••11., "\, or Tat 1 .
flog \llik . t. OTATIW \
ATLANI 1., Weer., trocuALlPprToul ..
CITY \OR LARIOW, LaYteN, for G1e•1P...—•.: 4 -. ~..
_D S S ..!!
AMERICA E1m0... for hteePPRII.. ........ -.--,- -4 ,..' .r
numeopw. Pen- Dec . 1.1
NIAGARA. Itch. fur Lire \ Dec 17
l'Allllo. Ne. for Liar l:,t\ ._ ar 7.1
EUROPA:Lc. for LlrerPoui. .....t Det 24
HERMANN. vi leo, for urtsr. 0..:,
AFRICA. ' for Liven 1.`... ...... . ...... --Dee 31
\ ;tor •0e. , 511,A. • r ''. s
HUMBOLDT. . for N Yitytt,:e.... ...... ......Ne HP
N lAGARA, Leitch.. N York ....... -,. ...... .......-Nhe 22
EUROPA. Lott: for r .5
' all Lettere arrd N e p e on hind Dr England. rt.
1.1 and eyettleod are at by the brslorteloyer. so matter
of that hoe. ,
LOWeell to We tkilltiltett of Europe, h‘thee..Wll . l'll....'
mast Lc impala treaty.e cents a single rate, except tar
‘horie ph.. required to toe • zwpald In DWI ' '
ip \ Le l ttex p lo mp tle i Co .T n e tha , en . t diE d ujo . ?:
m by . th .
e q ..ip fhltr w ell th Ll ,.. ne, '
• required to Le prepaid NIP
p( k rt
ra by the Havre Use, I Le prepaid twenty ther
I Ne t :-;
h o ' cr i : ' o7l7lthe l" : "l l./. 1 : to \o". w co b 'outo .4 ::t. 4.. Z. P t t 7
prep lour cents each. e
lin e magi be eddeG oW , llere .51 , fitt.o••••
per t • e\:luntinent of Europe. by Havre and Bremen
WI:MC • . tt
ITTOBOBEIH 11.41.1147,
A •
Ormg DfrrgaranikOaterra. 1
Trisector mortunAller. 23. t
The marks u
V ..
esterdal n 7 ~. d
cm o Lltely at a
,Fl,ol.lll—We car: port no nice of eoussqlVe. We
ro utirtue to Quote as reefing the rung rates of th e mar t. 5,.. .5
142 87 from fret handiNtod 53g1.3 1233 25 From Yore. for
s. f. and extra. saloon's tome small lots of call bars
been add at higher retry.
UttAlN—Notblug Ina dMg I . Oral.. We mal\on -
Untie our puotallnos from , et heads at—Wheat MO Sr
fie. 40: Barley 001 Corn 40; a Oats at 231851127e* Du. \
tiIDICEIIIES-3.lolasses beg rear Imprared. ruduar,
now be punted at 40c for Drift sad 45 44146 r for fuller
bow.. Small wire of Sugar tnd7dre at De3OSCM of Ooffea.
st V). 4914 c. and ale. at 414 e * D . ,
SODA APll—Sale of 90 tons dososiktlo at 3csarh. Sales of
other aebes are roof nett to mall ate. erltb no ch...
lo prin.,
Wlll4tlE2 —Ss •11 bate t.sen roof o to all 101 l at 2 20
P gal. Mr reedited.
111.111DIt --Choice oil le 0.111 In fair request at 160 V D
Sales 5 bbl. of I Mere\ quality at 11t1* D..,
Pintsaatrau, Den. 19.
The demand for ea tie continues \ eamiwhat
limit. 4, but veleta bare no 4vard teadener.\
D., Cattle—Then..rre I' 10 bead offertd, whleb and
et once.. rare toe from SO 50 b .7.0 *lO , O lb.— \ ilte Miler
tor surer, qualltr.
Cows and Calree—The mark. continues malet.\ with on
ebeo..e to nr.tree'lo the number so I—then were 351/ offrr- \
al •r7d sold —lrro,ll cows Slb to 32, Elpriugare its 4o 24.
sal dry Cows S" to 14 each.
llow.—ln the how market there \no ma feature to
v z. 0 1 „ ,- ;: tbrre ware 1140 odrred , able. add from Ilokst\.ls
Sheet eod Laroba—Thase were 26.10\ head offered. et
vier., tor the former at:11 25 64, 4 . 10 tad the Lotter:Sl 22,
ev.S. as to pualnr. „
Tin, Main a nwoha\l4so head, c ß tar '" bll z n . na l Zber - " 45 . 00
.4 \
were 4toen 0 bußbari 001 bat ov lambi. Ood 100
driven Ph eloblo. ,
Prtcm angldomlll 2A, to 11.3 75 o Um hoof. alual to
N ou:V: . .4 6/ •1•11141/1* VI 12
flowo — T ...PP r hm bamonmall, t ough adanuatef N ioe
beim... to O. dem od. a hiap.han la a priaMPoill f
ihe coacher,. Par l;1 bone no Mop Moo too posta
present prim We oto so tberange [rum Pd ha a T 5. •,,
CoTee—The Markat hm been \ anklet. Thr private am-%
Bart aalea are Galt obout lob bag, Itin. at Vgo Ow At •
euettbn no Tar
et OZ,O boat hi°, of old crop nod mamma,
ouahm, owe /old t 7 %OP, nod tai We:Weider IiOT new
tr.p filo, ware put par auction, ond eoldwt V 90(08 tn/ il
al to. \
Vionr—liolders •14c:Otteralir bast[ Arm at 11l The
ado,. of the meet, up to day, lukitt de, an about saltal
Ghia, • pwthot of .whie%was on time: and sterol burnt dreg
at 13 9,104, mfab.
S p 10.1.0 b re been mootly COrlitlhl to new
crop Now Ortemul of artilish about P 36 bbla were Gold at
Tr. At ourtioa on Thursday, loti bb la N 0 Went The
m5.1.32 , an. and 110 do, noel eta. prime, or;Ilf,"(4 T2e
lama... of tie wmk are LTA BM. from N. tarleano.,
Proolatinu—Wo have no ei r Material stun to noflen
, Pe pt that holder. ore mo ti .., :„
rk—llia not. mt. 100 h bilik •ho 4 hler 4 nod thh* ,
at 01aa073, 30 I,hdo bolt a tt ern at 7c. 0t00,,11.n01l
InsjOies m 3c, and ,ILAI bas u • notaapork at o.=llo
liml—Omall ailel of new No lat .„ 111@l1 50, dof or.'
storn Mart &gala: . \ \
Berea—The demolid fo r bacon the pmt week as been
• manmely light. tat Quotation. tall, abooldcra, Weatern
and Baltimore eared, at ak, 494. spina at 041.,8ie., sort
beam 100,11.80 a. ' 1
lard , rit'e not. robes during ttle week act bout 030 bbla
et i‘mar, principally at totermethata figure 'bide. Lhvbt
tab+ of~ r,
itags'at Mae, 1 M..
Butter—.WWboar of mkt of western, in bbl[ d kegs at
U1ia . 104.. „ \
\ Cheese -:slt , Aolnge In the j,itfee of eaatoro. Bolos of
tarn are made Goal,. at MP the" ,
Inteutting. 'hipping
Is oil M WM. ' „
5 trers— We evallntla hot weak', natation% m-eCoba
84 ' '4ok Porto Rim \V I 5040.70; and Plow Orlentne /OWN
ats 75, fur Infattor tr operate, The trorto of tha week V.
v.a3 bilato from . hew Otlasum and lik bhd• Prom Nortolt47 \\
, }Amen .
11/Z ik , n k izuket No 2—We \ jeirn by private„
\ , , . , ,
despot& hoe tbla fine steamer whichluad had
e.p at,Park; i sbrirg, Vs, in consegeenceof the
ice, vas co iicrably injured by the , fleeting
\ masses f ice\ Her freight had beeii re — mar \ ed, ,
e slig tly damaged condition. We Premium
t Injury s not\ very serious, and can be foil-
ly paired as Bain to shs can reach the Marini do
IRA ay. It carinet, at all events, have anyNet
feck the p acket Ntie, as • large' 'and splendid
pack the Allegheny, now biiildlog, to takothe,
\place the Hibernia' No 2, and,vrill beready
'for the de in the spring. ' \ ,
, C' • and Green Satinet*.
kitiZtrt 4S: B:irROGFIKI.? hitveleciv
&Tar bne ..kt, Aba Amer mixed do: ah 414.111 4:
-•toaetitof blac, t mLavi. La • , \ ,
* kly , q 7 ' :41 . . 11" ts:igg, P ' arm...
:hide 'a i tA3;t , 7 . 1.0 . m . e. t of , jrm o r kirgll.,•
'EI:, kap: very lull by the ilmoyi
ant r__l,..cillt of Ne ads. dela,
r13 .0 E EL Th ---- 11 4 HE 'LIFE.—Keep ibel
t .
e\ loW pure
o f th i hMit will pe g } d. Plolltird
"Pam and Mir
of n o D o or Poo it the best lynt#
tar Xho Wood . known, \zesequebUr the best re
rer and'oriegrerr o health lair so' who him need U.
Akw teV hap o n al wondsrful cures, as in
th qhe mi t ireltil tom egad lett& that llnderirtit
di it:notion. r man ars, an d her ogee give
up as hope hy six phdaimanal, he was lialtmed to tip
Me Patio o Oeilow Poet Mot. in after taking dr.:Pa
tio. was rettoro to health"
1411 al Eernith ard, Pittsburgh.
The above peidPrine ix I rale who ale ands tall ley
" i S. V.AV . ARERAII,
- dell la& and Wool' t air. of Sixth.
AEMMY pi:FRI:kin:IEL the nor,th
1. tail corner of Fourth itnittret • ta. always
n," hand • aupply of the Stio staid 4 tan carp
Cul to wflort thow• or the nova a rowed pufacturt,
Boyani Cloth will end tato than . adv. 4 szantln-`
tog our goo& benn puredWas•\ad47 al w ItftWitett•
British mid dadertcan Cattettnrrws.
lo tV and ht ef Oh.
Low prpaid Awe. n. .04 cairn Ctti, and avinat
for hope wear. Tweeds and A431/4 of ratio na Nat.*.
le., sod sll at low , prices for aol{llly \ \
A eholott mate of nIIIItTINC4 MUSLIffS, elwarla
hand at 113, per rank. Alata fkatonsLiiipeall• • 'a '
hristems \ Gift \ \‘'
T IM subset-tber has just received(Sum Ed,
8" 4 11P../r...4"b‘4•
0 007 d.l:ted SILVIat 000114,111.1
oold remailubl, love r ew e
ta 6o:ream:At
11e15 LiatEll. 101 Tbl stmt.\
, Sign of the Way.,
Goods for Cold Weather.
A. !gonna of burn to th4r very full wad o •• ant a.l
varto k Mudd of Dry Bawls ad a pted for cold Ira \that,
tucts .
llama de Flannele• white. brown, bine and pl'd;
,Nenotne Veldt do, Kamm Made do „ all tolorm \
Su. holy C•12t1 , 11 do.. &atlas do, dark, fret, it.
t it,
Klaconr do., toner oolong Winter Ulm% Lloneryd • '
aro Billets, Co forts, /le. An addltloaa4 adfiaty of B N•
II left,it
_r -_ N
_. dela
‘11:1 RIES,—
io \ a bin, Freel Bali Boiler;
. , ej ,,t . N. Clover Bead:
' Wan nen M. B. Habil*
hew . s
\ '• 20 his. toper!. Tanners' OIL; -
\ 3 meta Winner WILMA Oth
• 33 bUt t t. B. 11. STrust Malmo*
• dui readrl4 and for •Dr
da 0 . JOHN 'WATT It ix..
Third t i oppadts the art Mos- „ ' N
km the Peon • T. a•
Kuteuth eta the IiPPIIIIZL. VW—a complete bletort.
Veneta Trelwory. or conelyst.e o f the "klystekles of'
• Court of Lohdous"
Koneuth'e Pan i baein Inklahi. h'lt. Addy.. to the
b• of the Utd nhdet4 and WelutsV hater to Lla
• • —ln rateable form.
Anu end Mutat/km a Retoanee by_OV.R.James. •
rt\ ,
culturtli . Oultivater.lbe D.Apbar.
5 National M wine. thr Jan
T e Id Ouerd of N leak by IteadlY•
IT 'al lirother Jon Oulu, for Chrtenn •
I I eunply of ANNAIh, from It to
I Nide klenthly lecesitth Iv Door ~ r , . •
To • onel idadaatue. or lanetoben
-k • • 'e blegatine,l4 Norember.
r \
um 't 'wove, blito Greek,. \
\ . • 4111 ... ha1ea a e'er work by Um='' Mel.
' • akeperean Qu tailors.
.ho• •• Landau Pon iika. LA • -
I • I.e vet n. botindln muslin.
re • • by U. Th44...7.
feu • Neeembe
et ofan ArketuaNCor.
• tweet by Doh , e . -
. \ by Samuel W .
B bl atm Nemeth Pak..
• B by Dumas. \ '
• Li y Dunes.
tale Ye the Aaterleen itkreolution.
• hued of lac.
-ea loth* Wed a PIO. Pupa.
tall to Weeeneth ‘
Ter of the Unman gat. tuft
, ' Ileld. a Tali o grater
Model Al
villa. FA.
Dictionary •
London LM\
likrlArk Il
.. Anchor In re
L•ndon Art Jun
LIN mei Adventt
The OsoWana, • •
The LllT•rul (Bo Bs
Don Quixote and hi
The Taking of the B
alennorke. of ABB..
Mtn Burnham, • tale
Leaks Arundel. or the
Frank I , alrldah. or Been
Matllda !Bantam:aerie, •
Pelf Dem:oo. or • Allatar/
ii;bel. or tb. OhIX at dr
New., Stock of Chi' s Piano Patty.
101:IN IL 111ELLOlt 81, ' oodAlpt
ey sweet. Laa mired an anti:rely • en .
met a KANO YuIITS3. elan tb.
brand taanatactory of Cbickezi7 .
. t
No. 131 M: we 6 eetara
1949: " "
11512 " tlx _
11v71: " " • " "
114111: " 7 -•
11766: "
1/692 7 ••
" 7
116555 ". 7
run .
kiimthig Peao fort.. troXiabejpiudit
No. WI: (tea 6X teem Iteenrocd. E N. Y..... 6276
7V13.1 tif " en, t
3216: " .66less.. 3,30
2361: " " limeiruod, '
2 6 " Yee
1811: " 6 " • • " WoNlverdtNe6.6,lo9
16.12. ". 6 " " _ , ge,
441: " eX DouNoit. Uelhert, Mae%
teseteNl4l , oo6l•••steeeel kNte.N YL
Ladies' 13 :taxies
TWO beautiful hew sty\LADIF.I IFigya
auch finished mid for sale bY
JoSEPIL ALDUS No. 42.1 Ps itt.
New Dyeing listabllebnient:
VADELLA ROW, near Fedeiel street. OP
posit. the . Emmet Allaglaiti Car. wiit4tu
I in - the citizens of Pittsburgh that they ity• he "
Dross Cools. ne.. of nary shads and' color:N.9llA
dyed and nolsbol equal toms; eilihmets. Caps.
De Lulu. , bawls. and aver) misty of dislogoodit
and nishirn , _l thric_forath Uranium/. i
Wool maJto new. tlinaluneol P 'ration Apmarel
n ot
or wi
vd thoot being talon to pisees. aud 'lmam
pa iv. " t
nays, ' W. shall make It our 111117 to flys the'
satisfactio to those who may employ us. and Loy
oot oisetUA heir IIP Via 1 . ..0..i , b.11t
&Sr,: %A natter ourselves that—Fusion the t
pro renisota to this and the old comic-, —our gar,
rK usl to that Of any other Dyer's to the State.
• Merchants' Cools dyad esual to Melt new goods.
InTods warnintsd. (live us a cidlif-2.1111410.70..
to. Wands 01.001 he bi
In ths adjacent cities. that his location la now In
QWISS WiTeXES, direct from be
dos. Ladies Gobi Denning Case
'harlot. of mupetior Quality and Met of dengo.l
ui very superior article for • gift, just craned thlsUi
day. As tbs. Watch. an made to ms owe order,
curefore recommend them with asySetyy . dsgreo
c ity, I
itook-Neeper Wanted. A
\ VillOl.4 :S.ALE ROUSE, on Weed Street,
will want, an the of Jimunir. ww
Tit one well auallhed to MI the altuattas t •
Ilharal •niary he allowed. Address, with tit•l mans,
•t> of this alt.. All 00113201.1iLkSti011t Will be haat
troutiditutiwi. delktt
Steam Saw Mill for Rant,
THE STEAM SAW MILL, at the Month of
Feud,. Creek. Wu. hake sheet Pittatursh,cut the
heae He,. south aide, Is edema for Teat. The NW
Is in good rnenicEorder. awl s wet Chopping Pros"
sod • Cob Pawl:ger, • conemeted .00 tb. same. The la
Ur th' e e , EVe egn d i Mt:: P:;t:clltt ' 1. -" thl := "\ i't
further petticularsApply on the peel:Mal
tilltlasburAb P. 0... Dec 12.1%51.—ide134Aerlhatl
Good News .for the. Ladia
PILLS, au L Inuovolli Safe and Ntlertl Remedy toy )oroslaA Fluor pprrartoth Nervous Insbffity,
thll2l.llrootkuess, Nauss...Palm lu the llaul and thubs..
Lose of arbvtit, Tremor*, Palpitatiou. Ihsouvut Sulu,
.CoetWv.v, Dyypesvie or ludisestion. bleu
lemberor WhuL and 01 Lororu Complaints. PO. NI. etc.
or Ore hooey for St. Sold wholesale auk! rotall .by W. 0
\JACKSON, 230`1.4b.rt trvet, head or Wood, Pittavagh .
sad by ALL TUE DILUGOISTS. Air oorUolaro 1 -0
IrSth each bon. detuNiU)#./Y
e.;,, sale GIVE. E 131:14X11.9, - WoO41" - it - s;;[..7
... 1
% b
del :.I.lf \ --,-- , \
Cheiter's Clothing Emboxinni,
Nentnefis - of Fit i, Fi4 \
. _. TT. `.lS.'itK• '.' 4 2.:!!`nr.:,;„7 4 ,Vrled: a
it . .;:iiiiary •.00t, Iwo ts tosir,l In, .i3O 11i al ;
Ezrit7,°l,..,-;;„vnietriz - 4;' , .- - t
When exposed to .a hams. 4 .itu*
...wt. &hut op Itow eloae rows. At . ad. WS
It withatanda a ...On slid.. and the s
oh '....
than T . L117 ; M1VE ,.. U;b4 , 2 to47 ,l l . lr i lrC
=/Iltn . ti n SlX: b .r . with vcratib,whlebtpara t.;ip
\ Ti.. ara forothed'at a low prim a 4 art indonlitedld
•, ob.peat unt bent \ pal.* In the Ind.. far coating
=l',:,.' s,' Vgitttnr•rtt.b"t4"trVn., oars?'
.\ ,, t 'EATttER AND FIRE .r.tr00D ., ..'
fcli ' ‘a\walvanis raltiltrV, i en ' Y ly p ' = " ed
tion, shay dry quickly, oda hall. a pant matallla I
t ,4
d oo,
not tun. tel. U. rust of tit* earthy paint.
In cow. A
Dante aopplldd on nasal min. . the aaSda s
company. ' \
and 74 4 . \ Y. U. JON. & .;
'7 &nth Th... Philaditabla.
ISLI-100 bhls. Large No. 3 Mackerel
Waiis Cr 41141; In Wand be ash
s \ O. BLACKBURN k ik9.
VOBACCIX--6,0 kegs 6 twist, for sale
d:.3 5 \ J S. DILWORTH CO:
A' e; urton
tor it
'casks \ Strained Elsttusn
[dn'tq \O. BLACKBURN . ,n
ARRANT 'Reed Rod for sal
4. A. 11cCLURG t L.
L Oro-nets Tea Deal
NEW R LINES—Put hin Jars and
, AK Bose-t\
11.°1T — Ic , „
g. priaiL
OUR—Obtls\etra s. fr
. F
'FEfTrIERS-301: for
RS' OIL-2.1 bbi
CAS I T OIL -- 36 bbls\ for sale by
0.13 \ \ J. KIDD
BON-10 lbs. for orals'
A P.I4:S-6 bbls.reen, ass'd, for sale b; \
del3 8.. DLLZ►LL a CU. Liberty et;
m E ma E i
S TA•T lil tk4
br •
11E91 BUTTER-4 bb . Roll, for . sale
. by% dell Mee 1 cCANDLISS. -
LAS 0 boxen 13x10; •
Wc' . 10:14; tor val. •Ir to rip...Lg',
••• tut, by • \ ( 4.131 BURP V A LEg.
CLASSES--. 0 bbla and 5 h bbls. Su
d 3 11'''" '
Prth' c ' k*.
br .L n. C/N LD
40 bxs. Fre I
s %:i \Rod. for sale bP ,
\ • .1, B CANFIELD. ' s,
aka - for elle by ‘ '
I - den ', N *MES DALZI*I\6I/ IVer St, \\ .
TJ. L. Arr \f Apollo B4bliugs; •No. \\,
TB Fourth • et—
\trrtgo=bl.% l lt Ex . Jail liorf cl Om. . '
Y OOO Ebloro for Imp*, oi. &hoofs. 1 ',
\ . '::::-".:\ '
\ Mono, of 11.100 i1c1 , 17 If Dr. Brooon Dr Famlllos ".r.-,-
° ,2l. h f .N. \ \
t=r i derTrrd r *oli .ah" 71r. , 1,7 -.-" r..-•
s teloboklß lad. 'to r \.- \ ' 1 '''''''gfaV 4.l
'ill lia
~ ~-~
IdANTFPRACTICAL Afl IL I C 11hT R h.—Detain g
esielennet the Penner to hit their, v%t Isty,i3el whine
leg them to tae &Anne pL theme er es the./ eteeierf r
bl 11 73Ceitr
A, P:4 of Soiliknno Airrinalture t -le theke• • eoi
lasserit Tots, Ith toriotentis Ulna n
\ .Vomtb etreet, ,llo R B 8 •Lete.
CUBE ' 4--100 boxes W. IL, for Bole by
_ bile. for sale to.)
defl7 - % . A. CULBEI: COON 00.
UFFALO 'ROBES—A fine selectioTtfor
uls e r (4•12,1 A. COMM , TEOIIICO.. '
-33 bbls.i , r - ilife by
\ N. DILU qliTlia
pov. lER-31t10 kegs
dell 'S
J.. N. DILA: ARAca
a S--32 oska for
I _
tr. THE( Ft
hare beer
kovrlti re. A
Warm ape
Ze . g o = ll
\ Illo P glll.
. \ 6 1 , 1 V.14 a: 1 e Al '
' Cr . mee - O ...>
Ll'AM . '
Cluembill .
Cheacb'e Md. is
. We' anel Par
I aserePattue I
emeattrrlie .e.p.e4j
.. 576
Y. 6
a Sana~sajl-
GtDDSI aa_
for Bale by - \
. KIDD & CO.
s for lia/0 by '
:rm. a CO.. Liberty
and 50 bbla.gara,
~c Toed for sale 63
C. 0218014. LIT:IX 2 CO..