. _ _ t - _ Ei=il =PIM . I;'A:I'Ad3LISLIED IN 1786 MMMMtc= AMU .41D, MMUS BY, • ' WRITE • & CO: . • , MU= DOGS tO TIP POST OnICT. . . t.•;!crc,pc,..c.d. payable belt jowl!. air i; pc. .Arno.. C. 6 • .•... ils•• per onum, In lubrance. Uscas cuppi•-.1 c •bl V•lltlertlL canatinnt:— : •• - Li _O ,, n urcito•r. • ZarTE3 or ADTERII.3IIiO. • (10 . 0 , , , • 1 of Nurarci3 or leso $ 0 60 eus. 6.1.114a:tat In.wrtiozr. k Fi ilft, .„ rat,: raurate _ 111 r, .14 yleotnia I qv* paper ..... tilitton firer Otle Month. and 11.11 .der the soar!). rxt.a, ••• ,I..lrettOvotrl areNt and 13 , .1 ere* fitLcen Itt*,, to 110 tt a**l.l a httlf. Vonli*l.*l4,•: for 2*.t.tl alvertlaelnanta to , the *Mount On+t,l tro ttotr. rutdirotion. ' • An...At:in , . z.nvist. for ...M., to lo chart,' tha.t.la 'an *0.4. adortteatopottt. • attictlr Waited to .own bottnolt: and *0 attvorttsertnent... for . . . .. . _ . . the hensfitaf nth, p.m., p aa well to.plt plvertisnmetto not o .soentoliztoly ozone:Ml .aillt their own bustnee, sod all :....em.m. nf .IVIL 41 {400,111.. in Tooth or otlonnwie, beyond . the litol.l%pmusl. *lll 1, eltorp.sl Sr the wont ram, For .Fall AO, tiansient tpleortl.im]. bill. or III 0.. separately . anderml. and oromptico..m.nt ix 11cOre4. • . Ali alretti.../.5...1• Ca xlmlit.1:11 institutions, Ore eon. ronv . , wLtst W.: , On. %ss.l other public ometinys. nod mmlt tit. p$ im rbarp,m.tho.tlptrise. payable etrietly lu ad ., Alm., . 1 1..0re. P. be 0rz...1 .50 cep.. - ,11....t1t to ,de.tnacttml with.mt.rhanra. on.. accomPee On.d I.Yfo - .I ins% alnon or s.l.l.lsry ontmes. and when sonamropszle.: to .. Pa , : for. Re rulor adrirrassrp szol all-athere mending co.:tont. I tlonit. nr torpoltitot 0401,, Sealy...m.l to ...11 attention to Nltl. Solrnes,Cornlmt, 40 aorlohllo entertainmet.. sieb.re rtrarr, are sole fdr olmittattre-111 notion, of yr]- . TIP. nonalartons—r.rery Pla/CP .1040nd to all attention to Prior. etrltryciarp , Almolntelor lIPIPIPICII too:ton:0U Ind]. i -01nal intern/4050 talc Nein. mod with. the undarstatul ,,, that the rutoele mto paid for. If Polemic:l tri be fir mrtmt in the lasa.l column. the snren will !orphan.] PI the tate of nnt....a th,et 13 rout. per Pne, - . .... .. 111.11cp or. OP:1 - ..]soprom to 1 , ... : Libextr 'au.tarrah. ti It • .1 s • , '.O esa I room', (1 ilaler Proiiitil. Pittebureit 'ReetifYlnlid e- o f y reign rind lAAAAse 14* . 115,L1b.4 - stred. • glgV.ohs Wh•ke r• iebtl be sobi:Au• -•!• - • I.IIOBERT . VAL CO., Wizolemlo Grtusni,Cocustissiou blerehuMs, del.!" flu Produza bur Ph üburgli blagustarturia. tita rurui. Pittsburgh. 1110 BERT A. CUNNINGIIAM, Wllolescsle t GISRIOT, Pribitice, and c0mEr.1.1 , .. vrr Ikuler iv Pittiburgb ILuDDDeturyy, N. XV LtrAntr Wert, Pligsbutztt. :tr. 0. truguiratin uthrti lug tar. BAGALEY. & CO., .Wholekile Oro n, Nee ID brut:* Road moot, nuabOrgh. YWICK & -- ItIcCANDLESS, euccoimoro to L. t. J. D. Wrack Wbobeala Omar. flcmardie: ryl Centrobeton Marclanta. denim" In Iran: liutin edam. Cann* Ism& and rulaburgh Manufacture* eencraUt. corner of Wend and Water meet*, Pitiann*uta CULBERTSON hs CLOUSE, Wholesale it. Grocers and C.1119,1111d011 Wombat& Desks% in Pro ice& ad Pittoburgh Mono &idiom] Article.. 114 Liberty otreet. Pittsburgh. It I .... - 1 !L- D. WILLIAMS fAt CO., Wholesale and • Retell Tinnily anioni. 1' orionnting and Cdominicalon oam and balers in (Ninntry Padua. and Patel:ors& llonoloctones, mom of Wool and Flab as.. Pittance& )OBINSON, LITTLE & CO., No. 255 Liberty sieved, ritleburgb. Wholasale roesze. Pro tee end Cematattebm Merehable, and deeaers In Itlttebursh ROI" ItIMILIT rum,' !& R. FLOYD, Wholeaalp Grocers, Com ,. mleatnn Merchant, 1111 d Dealer. Inrrolui — Round arch Man./nine. fronting on llberty. Wood. end ktleth treete. rittehurala /OEM raitsts . ... ............ lex c.a. I 011 N PARKER & CO.,l9lolesaleciiocerF: al Dealers In Ilerluee t Forelmen Wines. Liquors.l4,6l %lons sod IteellBml Whiskay—No. 6. Conunssentl Ilya. rittsburah. ifAS. DALZELIL, Wholesale, Grocor, Com roletinn arsd Formarlitir )lerettant.aal dealhr Iron. U Is, tkrtton Urns, and_ Pitteetttah 11stirirseturve cenerulle—No. tty Wster et, wed Te First et, ilttelettroth. mrsicAl, nsrantrmEsus 401 IN li. 3IELLOR, Dealer in Pinn4Fortee, . mgt. .11• Muskat loatiumenta. Saw! sEdr RNRY KLEI3ER, Dealer in Muipic, Mu .a.a Instroarekra,_ and Imgark , r of R.l/.. SLTie , Re" iuscant far. Irukrar k Mart's grand krul mr,oaF arm ' , k Colaikan . o Arr.cluorrnt. Alva for orndure' MAPVFACTITRERS. 1011 N WETIIERELL, ManufactUrer of 9.7 PATENT, SOLID BOX unl BILA7.ED DOS vcr.s. aw lIVIAZITetgditTeTAT.'"°' ° Xing, Pennock & Co., I EAGLE COTTON WORKG, WAREIIOUSE—NO. :9 WOOD STREET. PITISWItUII. MANUFACTURERS of CwwniYww. altmxtzt,W.T.Garerlat Yam, Warfr.Crarlir rents for salt a :Aiwa .11ND KEYSTONi MEET ma& ocl4 4.ONES QtidG, Manufaotarere o Spring oa inkier Nical. Eonith Stool. 'Steil P/6Otit Spring h and Eliptic tlxinho. -Ramo:mod Iron olar. cloak. hlahaable Coathhoa E ,r. Engin hat and 9hathEladatnal renenailT. cornet of Ilor and ?rout sta.. 1111ILLINGS, WILSON & CO., Manufac turers of all tiles toots, loco sod VIIp tucks, dust , stair,. dud Litugg paler.forbdttiog, eloUt.lttbi tut eh. nails; guar barrel god istblug do.: al. 4t, 341 dad 5.1 bloodunits. to., do. Moo sr LIPPE/WOW 4 CO.. lit. Iristd, •L, Ptttr burgh. . woe .,CRIZI3= '. ...A.CIAneI. In. 1 RON CITY TACK FACTOII,Y.—The elect scribra• cospolhatiris and kerb eorroutatiroll baud all fat* of Tuts, erne, and brambly,: Pluisblug, ..lout, aN Bob halls floe lihoid bloat Darrel suti-Latislng !twos: (tippet Naas sod Tisetig Barrel bigUu Odposs sod Zio. h os Sails; Patient bilkers' Pain* filrets ,assOrted sluts, do., do, do. IidtIPDELI4 CHESS di oplity %Paramus, Mr WUbst rt., Pittsburgh._ I.O)NNELY, 011ILDS &I 00., I'd ,nufactu ..';':ia Ltriutsv,t42.ltrid.ilit.V,lll. ITTSISURGH ALKALI WOE: p N o. 03 11 Me: la. baCTIC VIENITIAII BLINDS, A. BROWN would most respeotfulinform u thdpattlettuit belowp,ott band atbll ttatal. thin treat wlv of the lavaontl,lllls , abetty di,. a corstplcal amortme.nt Vealtlao Lauda two% ettitlan abater; try , atAdt to order la O. twat gala, watruaud equal to ino , in. the Uto auk, 111. Mimi. eta be eat/ward wlthottAe ant of a Mame &Ire, Magma parehawat tha dock. !OA wood 'et theeakdartattabameat Itazaaar 1100,1 aral.l I.lrl W their old mamma. tga sw put tip oats",tr.tbavery thing to Qua, Una. ? 4,2a1.5.1. 5 Wand an.. ilttoburab. =lva / J. A.J31101.71‘. TEA DEALERS. I.IOBERT DIORDIS, Tea Lit, claant. I ann. at Um Manama. Ptttabat A, .. ..... . 1. ewe. •W M.' A. it'dLURZI On cent and V Tr. bealna No. 2:4 I.lNarty atraes,:atana Wocal base AINATa OH bawl a 1n... amortaaaat of Cal ma Ureter. a INA laud Twaa Ala - a—Voratigal Vaults sad N WL‘N. roan lb. pApEI3, IIABODSMS. Noir ALTER. p. 1444SLIALL, Suce9e9r to y y B.,groLt c..lfdi—it.purt , .4 IV•ltz la I , froth , Lu d a=uvrOntsper Ilsazingro• and 2ordels. Wind. YrimS,lte. Attu—Writhag q tenth.. -sau Yirter Afo.lsfr s. Woal And. b.tr. Youth •autgr, rtnab,..npr.ta. • • ' DAILY • PITTSBURGH. • .GAZ HATTERS AND CLOTHIERS. olesale and 'Retail M ' Fa j ulaete t . !.?.? nd Itea W la b ra to lista Ca .11 F.. of!, Vir.oci ilfth atrial+, 1 1. . . i Tarhyta thrT of!, a full wtiar.oiplata 111.. k of Lap, Om ar.. of erary quaint aa.l etyla, Wholatala and &dad, and the atuditlon of their ea.:timer, and part-haw" aeory. ally. aasutind thaw that they trill pall on thy lava. tam, Po CHESTER, Merchant 'radar and Clo ct• thier.lleo7l,llol,llllol4t roma. Rarticalar 112141:1. Bora' Toudn' elnthlng eoltr_ AVM. Sleichant Tailor, - Drapor, •n.. 114.4,114 (.1r.thi.,117 Lib.* 4. J. Wilson & Son. ' . PII QUES AL E and 4 retail manufactu mr"l.rot-tlettere. Sp Rau anti Cat Na. 01 Rood arid. thlid4rar Wu* Plasma Al hl. Pitts burgh—lrhure they oiler • lull •I Ni LIPM{"W".k O f ft°. nod Capa nt their nvn mud Ea..tero toanut.turn. rtl ausiltyby 1.-halo-die xnil tqd to the tteattln of their ruetnmer, and th , , th". that Mot 0111 aril m, th• rneAtNe..nnahl• form.. ENGILIVING AND LITHOGRAPHING ANtES H. PARKS Designer and Wood • Engraver. Philo Hall. Third •trt.t. , rose l'n,t Otter, third story, moot reYrertfolly Informs the public that he prenared to nyrruin all EIVIR Vr trnnestning and Wood aueh Virlro of MOM ings, awl Ilanhlonry. rieintirn'lznals Al ere" . ann'tdr.nr, oeaamen tat Nevrnputer Head, Drupe... Label., Cotton nt.nntos and Sivnir ROO, er. Tom* tnnarrarr. xtriLLIA.Ni SCRUCIIMAN'S Lithog.raph , Ertal li*loornt, Th ird sto,t. oppoalte the 'on Off, Pittnl•orgh. ) , Inpr Inonlaratn, Portraits, .Lem Vratth rnhit.nlarnl and Maghior Drarrin,r, lindnoty and Ainlutur. thud, ern on¢rurnd or drawn no n prlntrd to (4.101, Ilronar, nr Mark. lu tho Eno. , aprron.niatrln. arnt thn moot rrssnrr. ,an col r • Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's NEW LITHO(UtAPHIC ESTAIILISIIVENT. THE ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce to thAr frirr.JA end the ruhlie ~.-nerally. that the, tarrpreinarl to exnent, In tbe lirdt rule of thelr onlnrs for Show Card, MIK I.l,lemen, Chvek, Vkiting and ProreA , innal Cnnl.. Man., 71wIr f...t.n ... hlinhmnt I. at No. GO )Ix t , b r ,ron Thlr.l I• . nnrtll rtAirx mehh.r( Henry Richardson, Jerieler, AVING rn-fated hin Fiore U, TIL=VI7ITi of ATCH.", JEIV and ANCY tiooo, would rail the ,c mu of hip •nd ountoturra t fact that emoun \ ant In found th• mold dvo. tank. p•t•ornl ant nab. , docrtry. the al Btor Brea. Fob and Vf.: etvons, Inrts. I: 1r ti l t , . Minoan, Locket, • • Vane; //o/n4n. •nr,h a. rnnirr 4lnchn. Wnrk Tnt/Ico. pearl: 1344x/n/..1/4... Fan, V./4. 1.//rfnetc 1/nolno. Tntsio Mat, 4/01e. l'intaln, Porte Mon.le/ in ./.4t sArinty. CLlnnitn.l and t/t4hon. Re.. wito //odn,rovarinty of usnful nt4l nrnatnnnt/I artaclnt. Inhi. nn In In/ no. 44 L. prcnialni. I 4 / 4 /1 N./ n 1 44144/1,1. V W. WILSpN, Watches, Jewelry, Silvcr W., .4 MI/Itnry nn/1/, ni n-loet atut Pow. 44.4,44. htznlon run. n. /..—‘4......nnu4 HARDWARE IdERCELLNTS. _ A CKIA.N. WILSON , t CO.: Importvr; and ichamale /n ilwrt w Awl eval etzwl. PAPER RANGING AND PLASTERING. JOSEPH JOHNSTON, PAPER ILiscra ~,,,,,, nr Thinfstmet Alitabb,94 , N. H —Lim, lo.(N. . pair, tart) TRANSPORTATION AG S. ii OIIN A. CAU43IIFIY, Agent for the Lake IPJF Erin lanl 311rhiznn Liu, to I , narnr ani Lak., t.n rnruvr .kt atur ,tllllliineld et. LEECH 6. 1%., 'frant:portere 11 Canal atri ), , r wing Poletnthatav, comer of Pena anr th.. Cslal. 4 +• MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. &c New Marige and FreenOrt Stone Works. DIUND WILKINS, in addition to Lie exaannlye estatli , hro.ut o latcrty h.ad of out oja..nd a branr4pl,l4. 14.itly Mart,. IA c.tto, adjacent to that:en:l , 4,r aloe. whore ha Cannon. • r WOIZI,VOIIIIM':,..'"V/P7.1T."%. Hfrbrltt,".! and Fencing for 1:+no-trr, 1..00. ,.. te t . tort ,. tvneja C n 0 qtr !tad, do. cn t toon• —ool 1.4., fo a ,ontiuto glace tto.t.atzotia,o retoscro no 111.01 0111 • tten4ol. ocil Win. M. McKnight • W lkL n Ciro r.l c , c r i i t c. ant .o th the Colt c eta l'uno.s) Iran's .1 lantern .11qo tlffles In itlghat.n u.u. o t . t weite the Nos Court lit.tos. Firtsburub, 1.C.11..n../0.. I. S. Whne. I . L2LAI . SalitE LT -ei:y . - - h • 101 • • • • M CHOLAS •VI V lAN, Civil Engineer, . Prra. Draughts.. end mral 1,-ont. oles N ' l., o f fla the Patent Olhay..h...igu• Flurhl non' for Mtn, Haler Work., MUM, )tor le found4l.l.. 10 0.1 t. n 'M_ at x..e..t.rat, a. 21 I.M.bur, 112.1.urgh. I to 1.1111,• ONEGGEIt CU., Importers 01 Wines, tituers, end Fat.. 3.lthflel4l don't, L. . _ 111 111„,t1tE.124Ai Age•nt for liTe aware alu noel Fa:Ml Itniurauce.l?rapanT. /2 At:an:Al:ea__ - CifiIWINER COE FLN, ltgentfor rndkfi .10 Inraratt.,, tinnanr, anat. tar: 00.'1.0'11 , x...1 und TLl.rd • lutrm. GLENN, Bonn lltni,eu, Wand street, YY w teuni the curio, a I hirl. whom. tlel. prepared to do every descmption vi Binding with sad dorabilltr. Blank. liwk , mint to any pattern, and bound ontodantlally i/I.IIIP in numbore. .1. old books taltud catofnily. nr repaired. Name , put on In gilt tatters 'Now: who hal. I.:r.dmp are km rail Prke, Icr. n.dly Steamboat Agency, and General Commis lion, Receiving and Forwarding.. A.LDWIN, PLUMF.Ii (F., CO., have; this dap amoelated with them Ile Join I.a.t.on.aodorr. , oeminto to the pohlir itearato Anon.. General and ''''. 171.171/I, " lViiiiLl '. ; (7 . l . ii Liming... April 15.1RLL 141: William? now. aprißaly CUNTY LANDS—CArr. Coos. NAYLOR, Attornoy et how. No. -1101 Thlnt at.. corner of Qterry ry, having ma& arranaemeote tor the portal., fit Proeuro lloupt7 Laza.. for idheera and soldlera. their widonn. and ~bildreo, mo gov ernor lll atzend to' any 9ther osi. nest, conuectral with the nt ne any of Its Derain. 'neat, the . Penaion or thr Co.rts at the ritl of Waahlnittoo. tandt, Dirvring, Perspective, and Painting in Oil. I . R. D. 1. SMITH is now prepared to give IVL Lt* ofs ln r son'a orw bondin, Firat Liar: Wt. 000 W and Mattel ittreets. Mum of Inotroctinth from to 4.!{. and fradllirto Char., *loth, partarnim eau by a l=r Itr. .mdtf Rockingliun and Domestic lancenswatre. nLrtnr.ra of Inctin¢ham amt Y-'.tus Cs.. tics. fri-Samrlecoma. Sixth and Lib.er (R4Jund Charon holldlna.l ..otranea r of door to J. Floyd. Wholesale 01 . 0MT1. (Mr rateneise It eras enable us to fill orders promp ala. tly. A ,ompetent desianor beim: e,o4antly employ.. Imv , 14,1;• , 1 ,, a . ;t0 keep taw with all tne mew and Water ¬, lapltron a, Pi.ehers. Fa nr.. ion ney Toys. Resaert Sets. Plower Pp., OnWta. Mantel Ornament, Medikine nr.4 5aa,r4n4Z.f1'11v";74:41,.,117 01"0 Alexander Bradley, No. 19 Wood street, between Fret nnd &condi*. (BIGN (IF TILE GOLDEN ,TOVEL lANUFACTUREIi of every description et CUOK.),Vei STOVES, of the tuna aYptvnA e t.ror, an/ etiela M. • 111 mulct the Leal antlafwmon. KV/VEB. atoanir-stdeh sill he found Jewell • Hoot , relebratert (Odin,/ ant Parlor Stoves, Egg Klemm, Itenlittone. Frank:winnow/4 plait/ and l'eutcy Gruto, to which we trill. the attention of holldette Tea 'loathe, Llollew War. Wazon be to ell of which rein,. the attention 4..1 e. be fu n- purer...log olt/ where. m 06.7 . Pittaburgh.Cias Pipe and Tube Work %IRE undersigned have just completedii4ir sUrolve . IRON TUBE WORKS, and atJ'atar cas..l.sturil. all six.. of U.S: I IPIG. ounactare awl allot Flue, and all Maw" at WROUGHT IRON TIMES, irb.kh Mry oar: for u.ln r the low. Dn.. Ifyt , r• ow pr•ir..t.rd tc,tymatr or.f.rs , to any rsu ',a nt, unt dr. IST. :WANG a to.. Yo: PI and , kb.' Ira' Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y. • GLOVER, KIER & CO., PROPRIETORS!. : 91 1 11E SUBSCRIBERS, lenEing haell np- I, pointed Agertta for the above usinea CoIIPC.L. keep oonetautly ou band • Supply of the oelatiratod Pare Liable Firm CI ay,h unlace Ilearthsend I needle. They are aleo prepidsd w racaiva orders for !laid Brick, to he made invite and }Law trona him-hamar. which , hall L' IV" " !! do not deem n ry to en orate the towir ad antages the Bolivar bier Brick por.a.p. ever all ot Gera:hat hoer here uttered for onto in the United States, their supe y being well known to aimost ail person. who 0.5 Fire t ßrick. The proprietor. bete determined that We Brick shill e a rs, ons of their present envie:de repubition, sad that nor.row Audi iv , spared to make them even bettor than they have heretofore lieen. st-k Vit. hi the en!, establiehment now nuinufartoring nicht Canal }twit!, icavelith .1 * Pittaborah. W. Dixon's London-Patent Lover Watehas, .9irooefor to any lihrOeis eror ojirerd'ia Podeintrpa. RIC IIIg A RDSON e a, bove [W a o 81 M ad rkeLever t strWateet,elee. is th ii ifgrfi e tee is attached, wisdi By appointment to the Admiralty, \VII. Bt.-Yr/Nat:tam Li . teter art alb Alannactuter. 5 Kiwi Pap ua , For This certince that the eicootopatifing Watoh• wioranted by me to to of toy manufactura and POI% ateh with my. Wane npop it is scout. tinier. 4,010D./.1 hr • mrtia.:. beaten -it MY I guarantee Ilia No.—. to krilaMitiae me igmetko of the purchaser. elicit k I ICIIA RD J. U. BOECKINO, Manufact u La, a banking 11.1 Pfrtlant Y.... n.l ne4l. guntitig No. lb Tblra 11.io Patt.burett. P.. orchily - - - PINE AND CEDAR. WARE. " -1 /barn KRONSEN keeps constantly A on Aland • rod aonortrie,nt 01 Wsoth nod Oath TO L'L`ak. LgLlo Oak %Vol , . tiltehoo or Draw !locket , . Woodon LioLrlo, Chum.. Ur)) Moroorrek, Zinc nod litany Wooh &WI all oOld, Mod.. of wan• la hie lino. WaronorLo StoontOo iloll, PlllO wont. I'lltAburlth. apV : roo_ • Penn Glnss Works.. • • r. Wan. ....... .. Matrtamt. OREN4:hiI.VIGIITICER. (formerly of the R firm of Wm; McCully ‘110.,) Nltinizklttritrit of limit, of. VIAL, norruts.awl W atter and Eft Froutittreet. ttentioni Mil tit o•tilfiror or 1 1 1m . ItAtt' attl ottmlibi forltolvt..4 arid vlllO am.- C. • ACkeine Profesior of Music, BEGS frov, tit Inform tlittelft;.Cliel f r tt.• Iturgai turf All•Mintr. Mot kir tityntilitrirri itiro 100300 tinny Im thr PIANO VOP.IT. aml VlOllll, " lalrlNAliline Nfr:VOnrCir=l:=Anorf PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1851 Exehnnge Livery Stable, and Furniabing 'Office, No. 178 Penn street, near th. &. Clair Hotel. F„kt., The subscriber, ttiank ful to the pubile. foe theMbersi ger nf ash. In ht. line hansto(ore, would luta= them thst L. connust..d the UNDkIiTAKISU business too 001,1126Cti012 with his LIVERX busine.. attood to (unreels cm gs reasonable terms es .or tn the city, Any hustng any thing to do In hie hoe. rho nuty Iltse him a ergl, .n doornd ,iport their hastosse being encoded to rntu ontly, sea In MO beet .tee usellest.msnost : JAM 31ATTIMRS. LARCH KETTLES AND CURBS. Patent Kettles for Scap. Pot A.L. Soda Gab. SUGAR IiETTLFS, For the manufacture of Came Sonar. The Seale. ua east on thr {ant-emit...4l et J. C. Parry. and are mps. rinr /or durability any other. and aohrialrer than rbo. made on the ofd pl • Sar Stn..e of everf de-anUtion. Stove Pine and TOO Ware for move, d Cantinas of every dePeoption. IRON and A Ilk, an aD of which or otter at Uwe r..rt invre4t J C. PARRY a CO. Tillinghurst's Premium Churn. "PATENTED, Juno 19, 1849. great Econ. (111217112 Lab o r.—The underslanarl •ra Man. untettettut au, above Morn. of nocrtushant t r ot nod they ara non tor sale at ;heir aratebousa, cumer of Stall; and Liberty 02,011. Thilt Chum has rssetve.l tbaDt'es.t . oto .t every tatota and County Fast errors tt Lu ta-ort •ud it recently took Co presulute at the Fats of the Ann:swan 112PlittES' Xs.• Walt 000 letstliblast ItLAKELY 1 cu. JEWELERS. I'V E have }het received this beautiful ty I• of RATS. to which /nett., th 4 uuku nl our trirtadt and thp public generally. auger! 71eCOli1) A CO.. ccr. Tall and Wood F., New Coach Factory—Allegheny, M. A. WHITE & CO. would re prectfull • Inform the public that th, itself rrvctod a op on Lancet, b.eteren Federal and nandnekr -tree. Titer are nnw maklnn and an , pr,.pa,d to rrevive, norders fn. •very description of vihielee, C.a.:has CtuXu , te., arnuchea. Buz:firs, Phstunx.an.. On.. which, from Ile:r lona expert..., In the manufacture .1 the above work. and Lb,. t..lhw a they hare, tits!, tool onnfllent they ore ha 1.1,1 to an wurk un the mat reaxonable terme with thta• v n,tazt.., ankh.. In their line. • . - . Farinarartieular attention to the issiection of M. 0., and bevlnir none hut competent nommen, they tant ,itIIIOTA in warranting their err, thereloreaell tn. e ' tert ' enannel. and ma the mast Wesamoable honea 'FALL ct FASlllaNS—Just received at the ...re au.. A. LEECIL No Falb et. en will heerwn (or inaynAlon on Thursday cad • • Felay..f this week. where you w!il nna • leounti , fel lisentment of an clinre new et, In of Mraw. llt •Winn - o.at Velvet BOUM.. and 'Trimming& of various html,. itable for theiwaaon. „ su P. S. Childratra 110.1.142 t. L. , 31.110 C.D. and Bead Pre* , es. of rich .d lilies. Patent Shingles. THIS SIII N ULES made et Walnut, Pine, and Ct. gnat. 'with %Gars Imprceal tougle Mae reteleed the trat premium a ofhe het Four at &Ho f =L'ivitYor Atn . p . e ' n * n, b 4on " n 6 g g.,9ll ° n% L alier. Ou hand an, kinl a ran ma te Umbel 1001, ethat htnalea le3r day, /mm the bioeita. an7 of ov aT roun .7. If further Infrm.. le leanteel. (laen eall Ca the subscri ber. It H Writ Tee• noel, roraerof Frntrth and Orantee". Pittsburgh lon13) V D.lllThitYLL,' ~,,,,t,. ESTABLISIILD 1832., by ED3IIIND _ . * 15:11 . :K . 1 , 7 ,: :: ,: :: . Li a be: r i l, Lead ntWood ',treat, Idnabnritb. MallUlPtilt, Burial taulta,Tombatours, always on hand and nude tonrint.tt the ettottent Marble.. and at tory reduced it .v u,n1 8,.., . : : .... hake aeleGlon dr-ltralotnta en .____lmportedlported . . :.,',"=:.-------1 .... " ...r .1 . - .. , • 1 --' ' 1.• .12.,_____ juji - . • ... RFWERLNCIIS Ilea Harm. DC1367 110/a.J.lgn Wllktos. Clark W Tiernan, kcsi.. ku'lLarper, tril I ry 34=4 - Al PUbur.ll Harm. arativer • Ilakm. J. 11. Shoenbrrger. Curti, do, McCandlgra, !lap. &R. iiarreat. 4/o. Itabrrt 3,ldiulkhC Eq. Wtr , Balr.!.T & Co. .3.2.11eki mg ht. 22.., hc..122. I. T. Mort , 05 . hr-n. JoaDos I aim 2Co Pm Ohl A. totbropi Alleghe./• E. ~ G Is grotchal. the my P.M...* To mired rig ToriLi2oCyvare le this City . , tocring. of .2 Urger.. aod-bectjoimcitruoted to I.le can nh to e. Prom.. varoyoul will endeavor to rontlar 61/11411CL,1,1 bith•itel, WOOD ABINET kUIt,YITUREIIAN fauna., Wart-roams in t ov Third erase J. V. W. ropsrtrolly lolnctos his frienda eo mummers that he hat sm. mutple.l the Liu til time 4.-X Of bowel - gold fnmetnot ever sumn In his eity,out La It daterstilool to uphold the quaky adth wellgeasonod material. boot worksaakshll. and nearest &- Alen. and from th• extent of Na order and laallitT to triannfactnerm. ha Is enabled to pmts. warranted furni ture, at the lowed once. Ile tma adopted ike ortadol• of latertifilast thueustom era' interest rids Ns own. In naallty and Ark. and keep• alga s on hare the =metre Tarter of emery destriotitat of 100 . 4 um frtde the eheapeat and olalnsat. thenual ele gant and coeds, that • hon... say P.. Al Atm. mar h e famished from, Mr noe , h, or mationtruseel exp ready order. de therrfora "dicks an inspectlon, that the Mean- Mars of his ertabnahruent may he lumen. The fallowing, artieles sensed. In part. of Wit stork, which fir riebours of otyle and Arden emsmot. be aumwssint In any of Om bittern Plater. drawtint, dinner, and brderem ober. of erary made., mortelug of roaedood. malmearty KM walnut. Elisabeth-el, C6ll Sr r 110,11,1 Viri Ester Chem, of e'er, de. miptlon, Conches. Sofa. tat.a.tete and Itirans of the latest French awl American paderok l'ashae. What-N.M. and 14110 a. otseor Writintellauks of saw.. kind. Work Tables mid fang IWNd stands, wale stamte. and holdees.martlt to, mahogany. reatuvrocal and walnut mitre and sots, to blea. anima:on 4101nr 4111.0 all &Ismer the 0000 Improved. sad dmadedly the best kind mad. card. Pembroke ball and oter.tedes wardrobe. bodsterla and wmhstarals of each a larm• aseirtmeon audio hall and parlor remotion asuman. and stool. seirmam end bank eye. side Ward. fire screens. tonal rack. he eaten. and music stool. Mi and cots for ehtldrent payer nmehe.ittide otul tra ;op. mahogany. rooms me. and Inlaid react Tahlea.ke. ♦ Isle twiortment of o.mmun gornicure and Windsor Mena Cabinet makers mooned with all articles in cher 11.,,. Steamboata and Hotel. Atrtneted at Me ehortesi not.. All onion. oresnotte Mtesded Us. EIAGLE .MARBLE WORKS, (establiabed 111Z1 byIIaMIUND WILKINS. IN Liberty of Wood strert. l'itObur ft o h. Monument, liornd YaulM. Tom!. Ileadrlonet. ao. Mantel l'wert, Crota aur ro, Tum.;aware on band. and natal, to order. A rh0:n...4,11 , 4. Trlalmm,• 1,..n.1 140 The only real Hew York Plumbing Estab lishment W lg w ßE:irork lo done on Scientific Prin noe...4 Stuart,boat P:umblau. in all IN Granath.. dou.• with mum.. up! kliAputill. nails Pawl up ir/d. .Moen. from $0 to $ 16 16 teNt r if . tru n a;;WL;Piei; '' 7 ''''' ''''''' """ t'L°, • ........ • Water elo•eta, ouppittr Fto 24 to 2 ' Deer Pump& oompfeto....._ 5 Kitrhae Manors. ILStat Poilera, WIWI Trays. Hot Air Pom p ace.. Poaev, Rod Lead Pipe. forearhed and put up at tha too- Foice. at,l Tani Ponape Hydraulic itetru.conrtant lyt oo hand. sod pat ttp aortlistauca4r. the aun ts • Itet.Mlok P.....girljeAVatl, First . 171.4 Wool and: Market eta. VI AY AND HANIIRE•FORKS-125 doz. JUIL Harper k Co. celebrated Hay mod Manure Forte, rk..17.1 from the mannfacturer, Phtladolphm, co momom remit tad N.W. by w - FulNUNITtit. Wawr atreet Far hemmer. of Sash aid hart.* 0111 , 20,,ti." lOrk. be sorpreset arel . t lam prize at ettolch Mug ma eohl, MUM. Insure their lc action. ehMolf Paper. DRINTINQ, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPEIL-32U nm. 24 to RB ['yr:Aka, V.v. , . 230 " 24 Ly 30 300 12 brat . " 000 " 18 by 23, 24 LY 101. 2i us 4 4 . 42 br 41. n 07_13; 400 Moe. F.tori 1200 GIL. 2130 et. Croy. Stylow 700 .• 3idollazu 320 " 31edlura tad tltotcl. CRAM oc. TOo vo.lenagnol keep 1.1:1314.011 . OD 112.08 and Icy Lll o rroboy, o tur 11.• • large .04 general .1021Mdtit of ittalot Cop, Lottor, iloffdff3ro. 4ln Vapors, 0000.0 boards, .Le-, Also—folthuf of oil 411.61, 737.7303301 . 3a0.0.. Pritat.l. Paper ¢1•410 0111.7 osk short norfoe. 311112, fob2a . oarruy of Ponn a n d Irwin sit REAL ESTATE . AGEEL"i t For Beaver County, 'and ac(forent Counties, LOCATBD 171 TM! BOILOUUIf OF WJAY 1181011 TON. MBE SUBSCRIBER, having been located J. tor /amt.. Jeanfriths her/dishing Borough of hes Brighton. and realdrd fur nave than twelve Fear. hest teat h as of the num; end during that how Ida t. ant has be. given almnet atelastrelF t o Law/ Aft.. Ors. For the a...n hat. of the yrutllo ff...t./17, he enaraVAril . Z e l t h i rr dt= t i rIMOVIII " =tre CIL giroitVrarertaleVelZ°A" T°.° • • • 11.;rea;olooars number of valuabla io aril boa afar domes la the Borough and oelgtiborhood. for eels at low raterotrul toms advantageous. Title. always strictly axam.loed tato. ita.2 touPU'v will boo °Mond 11111.1! tb Utle Is ' Permute deer°. p . urchastna will do *stall Anil exabolur tor bitetuadvent Dahl. /LUSH Illtal.lrublh ftord, 11.0 Weft.. 4000 t. • Law Notice. 111 HAVE resumed the Practice of thi;Larr, ...I will devote ony whole U. and attendee W. It. rertovratero which *meetly existed betwelli A. IL Mailer. bete sad etyvelf. was dlosolved. gum. Mao sit, by mutual comeeett. • beep - taken Jtfille 11.11,10'111b. lute gotylilerstdp. Unitiroe Fourth. above tiorilthllvld otryet. H. HAMM . IN. oet. 31. 11151.-Inolblaw . Y.ortl awn. (.INIITLEY & COLViN, _goal More to 1..3 end beaten:lo Dry Ala, (Ireeevies. Item stet Nall metier et fan.l el. gashing." Tunybike Boa .111. To Pruners. • APRINTING .OFFICE, amply iMpplied .1111 alltumour malty ale for doing a brat rate , and Job llutlnrar, In Ude eq.. regethld We, ornlrul leam of prernbes. cool ed., Jrn. nrnlnT kred for sale. The. anaemia Ara all In good order, and Ind...CT - nan o a ratan the ...ma wen manned ta .othrr; btu, a.. will he rold vary.roach tadob tbrlr tad.. co max, umbhding . Lenox TI.. atnl« procnt, an opoolog 01101 1 rnon , pd . ! nnbly ad "Mena. piazze' is. Sun:muss; CUIN. BASS. X 0721, AC. ; ifiCrAutik xi, ouctla /mak AdetnaTA: Sim ism Drafts iota &WM- itaaU laViht ind au r 11113CUL,IIMHI6 lOWA FOUNDRY, NO. 103 WOOD STREET, PITTBEUROR. 5 • Ip u l l A r i I.:S , ,:LZEL , R t Y COOKING ,4 aril, at the Apricaltoral rain Allaatt7reaVt l ; o , arid racommetaled by 1106 porr-w, kaaa 4 bit. ENTkill.lll.BE COOKING BTO4et PARLOR ORATES AND ►ENDERS. Of and•rn stlk. a great variety of patterns. beatitital. ly eria.turoelml. . . . in. A larire.stoe2 of all the kinds use. Hall's Patent fos. vvra.. True Amerman, Kean's. Crates. Kincaid's, ITond'S, roamers. hull. Imp. BOIL • DOUBLE PLOUOIL • Thn 'lleh!gar, Double Plaugh Is • St a te atent-Pl flat has u.ken the preadult, at the falre al Obi. Pentrqlvanla, New York, and at the Agri , ultarnt Pelt of Allegheny Cannty. for ISSI. It has been highly approved wherever trial. and I. ouperrior In mule of cultivation to shy other kind. tuning the furrow Into two slices. and leaving a loam'. drop. and perfect teed had, IRON FENCING. Right bmautlfal 41••• , ,F1ut of Ornamental Fenelnil. PATENT CHILLED ROLLS. J i'lltent Rolle. Alw, Rolling RIO Caxtir,e. FALL FASHION GEORGE R. ARNOLD & CO, 43ANKEIts. MISCELLAMEOUS lIE subscriber bas inetore awl efCers ut low prkis,Wood a...ern:new of Alper., Col.ure-. D 1.1 figured Moues de [Ann, Poplin.. Pe inn. F in et Lintroy, Cotton Flann.le, Thibet. eon long Shkeri, Irish Limn. Pongoe l i n o ' g r e.ot=7 . 'ed brie. Pl Censwe, Crebrpliee, Mack and white Ne Mut. (1 000 00 Linen. an/ tilt Le.en,llll.l,en, Linn Table Cloth, Woolion Comfort, Wove.. Hoek, Thre, IlinSiuga. Dutton,' *leo • lergo esrlete ..1 good., to ertne I men reapvirtfolly We go the ant.nlion of nwettmect* nod VAL. , . o,lh C. AItiIIITIINOT. W.e.l ladies!! }lead This!!! Xl , l THE PRESS, and will shortly be ready; n'tl.ll lIANDAIAIWTO THE ItIAO: outoprtoistg a al description of the coeclordato of du. Instrument. tn. dafects to which It I, liable tatoa t UA In out:lsbell. the method of remedying etch dem% andtortnn'tOnntb.... torso the bertruttn.ut always lo Leon" fly P. B. Tann... *,.,, Ito aa Vo a rO a ; a k a ol a go 4 a d ia rtas .t =talt:nr a la ya Locally% of A. The lufnrolatlott It I passs is wenn too moos Its prita—ona dollar: an other advantage , . It sill effectually guard yoU i baring your l'lazgo spelled Or unskill(otuntun. • • Ladles and gentlemen in tbe ditto of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Oeolrlng early coplea of the work, eari be fur nieliad at Melt . nesidmva 4/ fearing their whines at the 001... of toy of the Phtoblegli morning payer, or at the Huoie. stucco of Mysore Juba Li lfelloz, Wood street. and enry filcher. Third greet. Or bending one dollar Pith* author, at eh . Gantt., hi tter.. MOM , ith A a et,py w_til be faralarded, Ina of Pd.., i.. ° ' united Rates. Mt allot fot drawn. ' . brown to hook rollers and Hoak There is no mono appropriate' prr.ent that a it..ntlttuau et u ut . a i to a trona copy of this book. your ordera , toe2llro Charter's Emporium OF WEN'S AHD BOYS' CLOTHES . ° lIEN'S WEAR, embracing every article IN climbs tor • genre outer- Workmenstilp war. ran ; prims commensunitewith the times. Bon' Wzart,— tors fr om 44 tsurs old sod furnished with • somplMe outfit at the shortest &Mir, IWO suits Bop' Cl othing en hand. Also, Dols' Hill, t a c p .,... l s, l: ncl i o i r . s, nett etthosfs, Belts. fruiters, tucks rn7. - 16 Sso . irliislil ' o!t i nm., near Diamond Anse. IVA'reliES, of tho ben Erig-n Rik Puts, and Genera new on hand. In attention Varlet,. and at earn low pricer: Go • PUT. d . toner Watches, (rem 013.00 to FR, 0 MI Cy 111,1 ”. •• 00 to liw.ia• AU Watahow wart tied as npressnted, or the money n•• torn,l• WATCH REPAIRING warned...l in the brat ati•nner. W ing awartral LT sone:Jur Lueolsh awl French worldren W W. WII.WON, oaso CT Al artort a, nnrnar ar l•ourth. Fall and Winter Stook of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS A A. MASON Co. would most respect rt.., fou r %elicit the atoiotion of th e putilte geoersiii toil MO wholesale trade in particular o Weir are. :aid carefully ...lacteal .tort of for 1 . 1 1 and winter cal., ;cloth moll be fouial larger thus coo they b•vo seer hi llier offered. We here reeeiveil ea lollow. 400 hale. Broom It 01 , 130. idSO O l.O4l cod aquae. 0.0..1 , Ilk) POWs St Uroaberitois.° pre. uperitir 100 w Hausa.!., coed. ac . 000 owes ileor..l I riot. lad ," Tlckloir Ito' p. 10. roil. Net I Slu• 115 CV,. 11 hit* Mushoic fitio p,. I.i.r.metta C 01.,.. Sheet., 1 . 4 p , Alpwres..li mkr n Li) pieces I.loeti ea.. 101.1. Salluettr. 14. net 103 !eft mal e ! lothaii eartane caosisnarail, let 1 000 Valley bi lk . . =4 l r t 21 cant pro pi LluserillOOG arid Jrllllr. 2000 Wore. winced. I'm -other irlth every article u.ally !hood to . ry t0.11.4.141/111h112111111. 02 nod el ‘larket • •• NEW 000 D S. .. - • )11;h1..DIGBY toe to inform bin friood6 ao.i.clistociarr, that he I. rottlitnt, hi. not curd'', o LL ANii WINTEIt GOOD,. cototoultt ....t t...t0l etnt tidn,i that la farlaionahl, gr i p , and new lor Il.ddi , pal{ Woo, It li.diteutterly ltrlpOtllbl, to don.to, 11,t• varlet,' end .hugger. of the style and mitten, of la , t'ot. liatiltt• end Veining.. or the rupe t. rlor quain of 11 , iiiot ha. t hellatoptiotor tea.. it.t.ll who nigh n; porzhai, ~ artier it his lin, will 1., or sun with oh ...dr,' rail. .Ise. Cu band. the 4it-t. I c -i ruar.otaidorrd, and moot f.,lt. ,rumble at ilA ble rtixt of Itllit 3101/1: CLorllliuti it, di.. ea), all of which 111 tr. ollired at the very purest price. t..r , Dosittachift Clonntry Altdclianta. and all rho tattrharw basal', will nd it =tact to their adrar.tade to rawoon, • the doe). bnitt a pureilaszeg. ma 1.111. f Win Intel with d.i.r. , W 1 Waft.. I fEYE k . tittle aln the Tailoring lint mode to cal* t it, Malt lon Id atyle at the shortwat tiozire A first a n,. ialratnan IFlttottyl itonwdiadali. ort.i:o Copley's Fire Brick_ •Ir ,COPL'F,Y .s.. 00., near Kittanning, have iv , rt on b.: , • Go tho ,, uitnd Yi t f , t , E j liiilet of k errilet r:ftet ' Irs'Of t lret,;:h . :tVatidril:. ' inZ he Zen . ''' L 0 the . wounue ocuttua.Cturo rot Coo, tor ill,- cointraseturort. eaf othort. J. :4;1100511A iitat A Co. Woad street. are tele vont* Pm tilts hoc clamed artiolc yotilf NEW STORE. rajSUBSCRIBE having taknn the star° . GI POUNITI BTRVIT, I,F-LL EATON, and having ardirelr refitted tins war, vlll , orar6 on the Ist dar or earteaabar. alln a pLrd• dnPdiar nook of VARCX., !MAUR, ASOURNINO a HOUSE FURNISHING DAY GOODS, , • tevaitlwr 'Atha gtect. of EXILAti.,Nas AND Dnsmix and h i(/' QUODS, rorite extablial.rlat. ao bet. lolutp sro GI that k • Ile avoid rorper.ttally b i t e thu‘o y.eloors. dMirfna Mourning mad Moo. Wornoblto, or Imam to-0,14. th. in las stto• dogma obtain • more ootophito .tack then eine irlan• In the city, . ha hotonsiz nevelt,. lovirel. , ott. , tion to 110rn knock. of b.luiso. ital.olLoO moan portion of Si. Goods hlootelf,nnd tyglnc cif tf..m .t gairtlint Mess .1A MKS A. MOKNIOIIT. azteMzla Smith's Patent Self-Acting Binge it Spring. A NEW INVENTION • • 1, 1 T UE attention . of Carpenters and Builders ts woad to tba thcrie ietticle.whkt oronvont.mi ciaatl6a moo of New fork and otErr moons nanst.Talttabla 100a041ou of the atm, at.d. :I.W.wWW...harbeco amen:dun,' intrechtetd.an4 b now tog 'P irraTirtro ' l l it= 4 r=l224 A dr '-' .r with a Forint; .11 th. plana tho. asol.lll.W ol I ...Mooed to Levy 11,. 4..0t aimed, 00.1 Itkawi.o doing a 5 ,..) ...Mitt, Jo u. rmide 91anuo:ng e4au., reit ch. 0.0. I. not 1,0.0 to IADI A lam. aura ty• 10.1 romitt.l'requ Sew ork • eacapla doer. with Ch. c.” a..:0 on aopllcax..on to • Jolt:. A. lip A ilecbroy Planing Mato A 1.,. not for the .ale of Itlehts to lb. tt'oai..,..b P.m{ l . lalatt Machin, (or ma W.utarn and S , rulto.ln Elate, 0. la 34,1 Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices ! NO"' being received, and on .1 ar, ..1.1.41 ntrect. r plgp, N ti:a AND 13IA1K boarbt num tbr rwcwnt redurt..n In lb. which we ran .11 wt tall, a, p, mat. toslow out ft.m.e. pricer: Ihtnd 111. k Mt ..... 3714,' eaJ 81m.1 T. ... ; . Extra .1 Toe. tnll.l.slSupre to Very fine knwilah Urvattaot Tea gt 44 to u:4l.:c. We have Up. aborr hew in the original to.epto and half dlr... god slag neatly put up lu Tin 14 , 11 parlluc.... which go pgrucularly Insltg the attenuen of hello Or, eero. Quarter Ch... in t IT 211 , . clnutotr7 put up fur emit, to,c • 11111 A. 11cCLI,ht, s nolb Toga tRON Avill . be received i¢ exchanga (trith rmrll .emunt of manor) .1- LS¢ BUILDIMI LOTS. he Sixth Wan.i. rn7t3fr. FCAIPE. ATETNSCIN ORE'S. New Dress 'Silks. IVE havejust reed a variety of styles now • v fancy Dnepr n few pattern. renT rich Hrmnde. Alao. Own and fraur,..d /lava tha latter of aea Pty k.. Alw , , Plaid FrPocli [law, a seta article, and sury dt,”ireble gouda for this araAnri. To,ther alth an a.tortnwar Ci.ffea rolog , t, rich and Mbar gluulcs of plain )llnus” de Lomat., Errneb Merino, of chatsdrab arid other color, /Hack %manta non k lirmba Long tihawl, Foarrlin. ?car). Van. Itil+l,ns, ae. _ . MULIPII a 11171ICIIFIELD, unIZo Northeast tor. Feat th Mart, tau A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF 310ItGAN'S tf t haZ.P..v. m x°.7,l° . :jart., ITILI2 1 7411 T .:, usulral assortment of Droes, Meelictinea, P• 1131, oth. DJ e Stuffs, Varnisher , . Perfumeries, ie.. Sc, whokralto .h,l rt. M 0..) the Drug bt...te ut JAMES 31r17livria. ttolit No. 93 Wool .trest. Plt.tsbunat. Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid. HIS FLUID ie far euperier to any other flail .kb p rowdarreer offered to fhb. C`ll3munit uccd trial 10 Ilathrr any she may ban. a doubt ot Its powers, in prmortu ,Airt. or Small sirm cloth ing. It alit not Laany way loom tha aced febno. if mud acrordlog to th.. dlrretlona. It cap to bad by tha gallon or In ball,* to suit pumba.aera Parrot" ol,hing to try Ma mmi hare • bottle In• t •harce at Its brig Stet, of N. IV iCk;I:ItSlI.:11, notl toner ll( • —• ( - 10 . 4 ALL IVEIV 0001.)S!-A. A. MASON s Co. No. 62 and 61 Market One.. are no• opening and retWITIGIR •00113 AKI CAMP of antlttly Nen t)ood, cornpr,c• 26 gases of Long and B,panre Waol.n 'Ai ovowil Coburn and l'aramana Cloth. IS nagaa eashawn... t,r21.,n Clutha. nod Da La al In rants /11.4evas. French Sialtr., B.nabatlno, to.. sc ; ill., and Fan - ) ler, :of of Collaro flapp,:,loorra.dlandkerrnwf., nltten. and Amer ntabr.ddernA. Flannel, Calle., Oman... lc. I)OISSSEL'S AMCANDINE, fur the Care 11, wad Yresaat ion oflChapiv.l ifauJe —h.. ••er, ex. ,USIVC Mk./ 05 the Ahashdias. uunng the ltloo att it Tie ' hy " t r lTC/:a t =r2.l ' !! ' f w e, h a sirtucs that tt many. wltitgat eiaggetallon, be rewarded • ncTer rrtxmly for the comity wad th e' cuca,.f i .e he ski., with which to maw➢are afflict. during Intl. tut ...saw, el the year. ' laza* atfhplif Unroll) jtiut Xwegli and foe .ale ii;dEL.I.I:IS.S, 67 IV.I at. MYER Nppiiiar Flings, Port Alonnfoes, 0 I 3 Alarm Clark/to...er Fruit Cloua Alaotal Ortumeut.. Toilet 631.84., Drvioqu.. French OP) (.11asvo. Patina 11 . 1.% alatebm. Parlan 31orblo tal Faaulloitio, Match Stards. Card C.ka. ,deer euVe:4 , ' • 11. R/C/lAIIDSON, Mart., et u 02.4 Sundries. 60 Alf. sheets Y. IL, loop, 0 boa !Jacket's Palo a sal O. P. nos; 3 Las Ma, Flour. taiassn. Oolobss and Cbu. IV hoe asieratua bal Tea: :2 bag sluslam: SO tam Osseo and Black dm al hos Oast Car-diva; to Itbds 3. Iv dasset• IC has Aparso dm 70 Obis lost and stuebed IV Ors 100 1 Cl/oral:dm 6 Ins Cans sal Drama; CO a en: 7. 0 . 5. f5a1d Tots, 6 bo Anima oalua 1 - : sv SU Harass. and Cubs 0 loos Lo. / stead alust'd. CAssre: 160 solo Sae dale? ISOLIt; 76 too Rio °odes: 60 No Clotho. Vas 26 . bras lessusyss: 1 oak Mahler: 603 too Uld (Jos Java, 1 am.. indigo; IS boa Railly Soap; 11l asks Posse& to tau Castile dm IS bale No 1 a 3 Slackers!: 6 b oa Palm t Almond do: TO olds bl oao 11 ~.;s iat 6 tam Babbitt's Sass Pads: au kira dauoua dei 0 bo do Yeast dm 12 dos Bed lards" 6 bag Cars March; IS das ems Brooms Ala, Nails. ..11.45. White lAA, 1.201001$ 1.111. wbolisals dmtall. by J. U. IV ILLIANN A M. 0,2 Northeast earner Wesel and Filth eta. ' /all. I 44..... T. • English & Bennett likTIIOLESIt LE GROCERS, Comminßion ,11.1Aerehaats auo &Wall la Produra and Pktrborab alabufactures—No.l22PournufiLho•l LSI Vino nt., In•treen ne4aud Onottbfinkl Ila t •Pll4burgb. Pa- Imre nu bond and will manor fulleolux plods, .140 Llier uller go aln ltio.logrot 01,1.1 ra4r:- 150 bog. naan't'd Tubaern, 060 burial, Pollee, L . Mi. Wog alb lump, 110 pyn Lnang 11,Non Ti.. tegn 6 tetra Tobacrol. 01 . 5. hub. a O.P Warner ann out obeying dn blula it. Anon, . 1 W 11 gt bola• TO Ilitrelper 404 knar galls...LW isen. '46 L . Ilanua looles 8.10*10z12 .100 ILLaguna LL 10,000 Ibr Na4ralnn. s', V.; AN. 004 0. illbrrlna 000 unlluu Mulder. 41004 (Irnato Mad 'Ai cuts Alum. oral Ilsolgul Out. 4 ne1,01.1 20 boots 10.00. Gawp, 0011 boxy lagin boats 60 carte Tvolato Cat-up, 50 Vane, "• .Por 2LO " Bonk, . 0010 *Pip Catulbo P 100 bbla erankern. )(0 ll•rner /CV brain R. Raising. 6.4)0 lbs No.l Grarbrd Bogor qO .O • Oround 1 , 0 pay and ' 11 001911LgANIa. 1/4 4bls Loh( elogrg. - 15161ta ILlpas, • clopperao. %biting. Cbalk, ,aG GO Elf hlta dogarVolunt Lagos. Pallluhes4 27• " Lianas ainnekssid ouvetuosla. STOCKS, CITBREACY; AND MAILS (CuRILLV - LEN ItEOULAILL , L ; ANL , CAREFULLY PRICES OF STOCKS A. IVILKINS & Co. STOCK AND EXCISA_NGE BROKERS conNtit or HARR LT ANL THIRD STS IJoit..l o't .. - too 117 - rib 111..J,.niJoir im 6'r 1., ii.r.36 1.1 lta. log All, 01 eo C. • - 30 , 1v.0.01. P'..prrp 101. •}.% PA do . do rg.borph cl:y 0 . IA wtli lcd.Jap &July Pllll ...11.0.1. On i•.l do p . ,711 M•• it* Nov Bank mf Dia-MaY 4 pr ct Marti:man.** 51anmf Bank ;Ai s do k..m.hxrnrm Bank- .....an al s ant; do Alhaghmur naalugt hank tam. armor... Monongahela Itralg. t. Clan ..at Bridget.. hand Mt . Northman Libman.. IVllllantanart Undo,. 2. 1:.117;!;!:1 oU .16 43 6.1 :66 . 16 .. scUse Western vi Innure.n. t. ... Co en , Dammam,. '... 123.1. Th . t , t... 3 Am...elated C.. I '2 n • 1.47 Dee • TEI,TITAT riTeith TO 1 . 1111 . • oil I, 44 111 V Qr. Or et. k N. La a ;I r a a a ma A. 411. Putsburgi, ••• /r 1 fib 0. , . 1 O:1 rr r Uuu.Kak...l.l 5u to Youglito ?la.rt.s.At Peon. gut “111,, ganl Rona 1..1( 1 1... el....viand 6 44 - .11.1•11.• i • IL.; N. 04 Div. the 4pr ot TAT... NI %nut - tn. Usual; du. mewl . Do .1. Ttivde CrZtk 1 . 1.nC , y„ •-•• c.A.tra. Inc•••t• . 144 r , ..1;..,tat• I . 144 1+••• 310 • - tb North 11.'••.rn t I .....u4•l • ••• • old: Is. 11 , r?I . (Y.T;II ' JII.; .. • " r - •••,, 11/.. 1:11, • .•I; 4 • . 1 1 RATES OF DlScollti. rzrmtucu: nkxra. p 4. SONS, Itxukerv. g.^24.-en Ike-.a Ira I. l .,,Sta.l,lefuryl. +1 ' 11'•1'.11. Mh. NlhNolloo ,hrt.l.to -.par:Brou..h it Ilrr 1 o, St ho .n.I Men .riltranch 1141:4 . hwoh. ,i101441.1‘1 . . ./. fi tin t .4.h.r/ N1,14..1/4.. ..t 1.‘14,..t0 1,1111 . tO.h. 1 00 0..040...{ , 4101.1i0 1,, I oc 'Pron.( o hwok of :11,.U1h,-.1 ',to , . h.o..rrh ha.oh Ahoo.“krn.... haro.r• A moo - - Co.. par %olt.. de :REV, 0 ,1 i1..1ND flora. .v.r! S PA, l'itH.K 1 4 .4. 1...1 ;e. 1 arK -. par parll,l2nt, ...... 31 tltli.Al , ll, S.nothwnrl 11.ank.. . ...... -pa, fra-I,4aan A bulk .... ... . ... .. 1 p•rl S J ELL19.1..111 A . ilap, I,l“.a.:l.r.burr.h- 11AII Aolvent . 1 of t.hr. Coont, V/11..11.N1A. , dant of ..... th.v.V•llay 1 Ilaou Chratcr..par 14..4 Vt...nin. Illctunonal Dank. .4 .ivrsnntann.....-par o.nt, V... liant Or., ... al I 11,4/11)-0. nal: o 11..erlomt , a Mich Lank Bank .1 ... 1 Nurtl. " Lrknitt, 11.1. 1 1 or N.,1.4.11 , 111.iti.ar. NORTH J.- CAIIcILIN/1. C 011111.1... Ilk 11,2.1..C.1.pa, 1, enrno, 2 ..._ It ' 2 " ,[.7. t.' l ' ; ' ‘, ‘ :l.. "' • Sri,. %lay! , ..... .. 1 P.rlanti Ilk of gt...l . 7 l 7&rniTss s rmors' varl Bova eauth 0.1;1:ma-- a faro, n•llank of1,,..11112”. Hoak of Chartoooo. - Van, i•lar.:.a . 21„01 0 .aic.., 2 F0r.t12...... Way,' LOOIL nr(oi:cii A. Pranallob.. .a,Liugum {at Aogro-a. I laulataa - Ilantalpnra Itana 1 Hoof of A 2 11.0. alolo .......—. Oa al Praamoira. AnigazZa EN:: o.ia • " 1.c.2 Pravo td. 1 Itt of !. , ... , ru,.., - .4.1 , 14)v1.10 1 . laatordlo, illitXllll3' • ‘lltAt ..... of iSeolark2 at p.m. lamb.... 111. :1 koala:1-4 York Ilona ..... . 11 111,Ft1L.RI. 1,..rt •, , A.... i!H: nt I,t. ~.i - ... ;rt i totip, I . 11.i,1ti . 31 - 8 ' -**— Ohk, Ate. halt: ... _ ....... 1 Stott. Mott ntut bratuthaa.....l.ll- , Itrantit at Akron Se.'ll..ht, , n:MLA. , ....... . .. - 6. IlratAclt at Att... n..- ..... -Alt.• . Ilk ItlA. , :,Ell'i. bt0t...1. at 14.,1.., AArt ... dt.hutzta A / tr. 1,1cl:A ehka bra..l. at t...ahmattn_. ..... An • 611C111,1Ah. brourit at Ch.,-..1....4 .. • 4 4 1 '. , .. ,, , 1... - f.s.i.,' 1..2,1% S ltrat.t•h . TA... .1. I,4....rnmeta ~t act i1a0k.,..-S I,anch at I.a, Lto ..... ...... ti..,l...tunt,nlar 1...tk- ... ..... a Ilearst h at 1 , ...a a E... . cio , lll}%l num., C..II , aUT--...-.. I Brawl, a , . C , .lututt u,........ At ..Stab, bask - ... ..- ..... .-- 4 Brattach at•l ahtahttla...... A. , e.A . :i.tii.t_ ltrAnch at hatent...... -........1J1.14 cat- . AlAtrri:a.Tomtn....6 brat, I. tat Mar.l , ll - .... I,,:ltAnk rttfta VAApte, T. n.At. 6 Bram•At t 1 ItAut., ...• . 1. j., 1 . ot M•Ltit,..4......- ...•-.5 11t .ty4,,,At.tC. , .k.4.1..,...-,......-1. A.a,11..1,:. a:X[IA," 1. ttlAw.t. at AI arAt5tvt..0. , ....1. t , ..A - ,.. , .... 1,,,, t1A - Aa. , .... •A'S Brandt Ar LoAtat ... .. At , vu.b01um...... A, ...-_. Itrahch ..o.tAahenvtl... Ni . 1,1,-, , TklUsi CA CLANII.6, Brawl al ,It , ....IL- --.lulcte ,- ,ttnan Itrarton .IN evorit ... - d•A1....01..11.. ... . --%. brotala at lil,rio An zt. Latta- .... . _..., Itraucti at Sprittz , l4... Jolter Ali A,i 1. 9 . .. F....11'.. C Ai.ttfi I,tattel. at , lart.tta ... 11 Aotla .1.1,...t...,...5t,At ....1et..0 1tr0n..1...:1••1 . . I., r...tr I , t. .. 16,5 Rt.,. brawn at %..n...rs 1 I.- ...,....lAtag, ..... - _ . - .. • • . . run..ll at Piqua dai a as laairr . N sa ;tram+ at ha Omura et Jai Nsialm . 4,0 Wallah •t • ABRIVALS AND DUARTITILEa PF "MALLS, Tut 41 art...of the zasSiz , over lit•—notiorg. etia.totiononr, N., York. Enotorn. Couto and N rirr....l ork. liesityy.yre, Noy, J. and the r.o. knuoir.l I . r. t Cian,ta; No, itoo:Lio, and Nov !irony,. let. 1, • Arrooo. :it r.. lo.tylota at I :oat to trioilohnir 111. ...untie.. or louolord. i'yotahrio. Coon., Oar, ton. initioila, lo linfoo. and not or %100t:n0n...1.L0 •.• I.ll.rtroin, Mari, Nalym Net Aloyr.ndroi, /1114 10111. ona ooryity. ...Tor.. daily. et ll York:. daily Eat& rat Latter, I. U. mar. Crawford. attl .Irtf..raw anwat‘ta. Waa. to part tJf New Pori and uppawthwatlittiatlt • Arnera at P P. ..1,1.14; taut al. . Oren, F L y,tl. 4 Wv.sianoawlaald c.oncty, Vargiul, Pall/111,r. WWI. ip ea. 61 , • kllmalad Lawlana..llcutn.ky. ‘lsas.uri. Arlatun.F.. N,ll,l:aro. Attires .C , l P. M.: mai dup...t tl a. at. grretanlta.. Cmo.—Cy Vert,-,a, 1:044, i.,,ialt..rpon, lit hi- a,n. 11..11:1" aL.I T./A:Awn. ra ti... Oh ' A rnre .111 1. drynrla al VIT CAN.—AS) Ihn, sn.l , Trlnnhull. I'r-ter, Grauga. 1ta1d.,,a1...e.t.vii.14 Le..11,,,n.a. Cu Ittchlan.l, 1... mu. Huron. Ottava, I,lr. Sam.l.l.y. Wuml, and Gurus couatar, OF'.'; earn::..ni•rtittra ania(ma ne St., of Ir.di..rg. atul o:winding all Ili tua, 1.0.1 14 ;Amami, led,. Arm.. al /.1 At: Ll;' , Pkrt , al n a A S Iclre.Lnu.—by tare.. him. 1 re , q.i.rt, I:atsauiet.¢. Chir- C1e.arf1...4 roma., dsii, ,utalara rite. n at' r a • arryardlo. 1.11.110, rortera auto, llailnA nig and Sr. La., den 1 , ,t1.1a. Thanlana, teri 2nturda,. at e ttlundala., ns.d l rnial , .. l a- an Its —By •+turgron, anti ildee Onamhol. Arrivra Itmaaro, Fnda,, at u e. pari. Wrdn.,larn snd Oaterday.. at 6 , 1td...., Strt...t, lion, Alchuipot4t. Coal 1.11,, Elltaidnldown, I.etrao.r, Del rte. non.,Cdua.doarn. Perryt,pull, Lilatc. IJr.per ?dt,1411, tVednwntrdn. at 4 *. {Arta .51un,1at....1 Thattals, 0. at 0 4. Y. ti Cand,e, Burcattrmwv. 111,..11 l'atter,n'a rad— , Va. Arm, 6tigulad Int , olakA..l ‘. departo Mond, • and Ifitiralaya. It I I . .11 ,Ac ,•%. I.3intuu. 31,mineltasiliv. Aiwa, Mon-Y fit. tnalrni,a, V a ArrIT,No . r n.at -departs...a at 44. 0. t t .Intran. North Wa,blact., and Arri.es-dnll.d.unednya, ate e. a......inpattr ,Iluntlai at I.4l.9lAoltil—By L.:Acm's .unto GM •1 P. Ai...4,4as Gil Situr.l3, d tit WAsfutO, I~r.atpuck, Intl., kruep.,A,wpttuntau u, mcluiin.llVistrla Mud %AliAta.ge Ftul Mt eciAntic.s• trAttly—SmAxy. AtInAALIA,. rand ; Licpart. Tbert.l...4 *Aturlsr.AA A a . Lone, i s .16.11, AMA woo bc (hi Oitlec emohour .A.A,..11 ;Att... for tio trA - trcAsk:), tic °Mc, hAat Drug Store For Sale. N OLD ESTABLISHED. STORE, Aninq ix • 1,4 ren, bnnuma. Ina Inarnual, aboiohne 1.4 u nntiunr• 1.. r tarn. and oarticalnni of .1. Kidd • Co., Woad 4.tnet, and l'onnuend, 3.larkat elnrt Pitts. burgh. nor 2,:” United Stntea Patent Office,' D2C.iltit 4. 1444. (I)the t;i,o Pitting rim talac aront4J hit fur au itavracaukoot rut la too orrolliu.ent 1.. r coacloger4 - , fir noun tears (row Stir eapiratk44 41 .4.111,118 W. *bleb take• uf I , okruart A. I/ 14444.. It lo ouleml tbat tin aallVotitlon lK heant at Stun Palk cat Mike uti Ihursday, tho atb uf fabtuarc. 18.13. at kV, o'clock. M., Rod all ver.kia aranotig..l, avp..nr . an•hove: caw, 4.ny toe, have. why said volition ought n ot robe' granted. en...U.601,611w Um. materiel= are required the, Patent whim their obwettoos, pp...rurally set tc.h - tinP. at lewd twentythrys before the d. 7 i 1 bowing; all testimony Med by rlllwr mats to be ner..l at the biasing. m elt be taken and tranimitwitt aw-ordarnee with the, rale. of the Mike. which will to furnished INpnlivanuu. (Irdered. alto. that this Ceti,• he rublisb in the Now tional inkillaeneer, Itebtibite. and bee. tieelimatru, Y Kapnw.. Now ork: PrTl , lrOto ilbode lat.& IhJlr itlittertiw..istriton. .11 human: Pennsylvania 1 nr: ulrer, I . lrwarlel ohia. nri 1.0 twarai lissette. Wittabiowli. Pennon 'veal. awl thiNJour. rel. la Ilimonn.n. at. Cl Pvralirare.i.noe a vo.eß for tin, T . aloe her. preview. to the fifth flay of Mobrotrr, nes Tliorr. li atnnio_vion.r f.f Patent . _ _ • Copper Stock. 100 Alan.% Jilon.,4l.ll.nin, Comp., Irtan. •• IZZIMMISt gßuktsit. and far szln at Icra , tato, U" A. gto , l/ xclunsllmke emr., %loot. • tpl Thint ..trropo. Exchange Eank. A FE -1Y suAitk:s by [NUS !—A. large assart.: 9. "' t at AlLLEEsie—wo for sale by , .1 8,4 lir..im.R.tucinL.. - VOLUME LXV--NUMBER 1111 Pl'l li I'SBUR( N IC A 7 E'r I, I , world, is only oppression, struggle, wan an 4. I 1 ' ' con tinual boiling of volcanic firec [Applause.] 11 \ . 1111. CAN DID 31 4TI: FOR AtiO ( , F pirrsßeßoli. , The amount received for the tickets,- arms B. C. SAW ';' R. , suth 4,_ txrdre tho'6r.rnd dollars, 'which iill went into the ; i s IT HIO CA N 1.11 , AT I, Voll 31.‘ TOR O A I.LEIIIIIN V : Treasury of ilanwary.. At the class or sl:is speech the following interesting incident tech H. S. FLEIIIIIN4 ‘. _ 1 place: KOSSUTH IN BROOKLYN THE MEETING IN DR. DEECTIKR'S CHURCH. How Kossuth made his first visit to Drop yet on Thursday evening, and in accordance o\th previous errangement,addressed the citizens had assembled at Plymouth Church. The Church was entirely free from decoration, with the exception that the front of the choir gallery in rear of the pulpit, was hong with the United States and Hungarian flags, gracefully disposed, while suspended from the upper galle ry, directly opposite, was a banner, on which . was depicted a spread Eagle, holding the. In- WELCOME-WELCOME KOSSUTH : 'Cho Merino band was stationed in the front gallery, and played several pieces in the course of the evening. Several excellent pieces upon the organ were also performed, before the com mencement of the ceremonies. The choir gallery was set apart for the 1190 of the ladies of Kosauth'e suite, al number of the Hungarians, and the " Alleghantana." In the pulpit, which was entirely open, seats Were arranged far the use of the guest and two kf: his gust'ds, Ileneral Bethuel, and the clergy- men in Atrndaner. By the . hour appointed,Nie Church well filled• in every part, with the eaceptien e:( 0191 r e -rats in the farthest recesses, and the rear of the gal leries. The centre circles. h. wgv er,were crowd ed with double rowi of seats, all filled. The au dience woo certainly one of the mostintelligent and discriminating we ever saw asiembled. The silence and atria artenzion maintained during the speeches. added e'ery moth to the, interest of the occasion. At 7; o'clock. Mesdames Koseuth and Pu'shy entered the gerry and were greeted with much ekthosiasm. Madame E.: toured her handker- chief in acknonlulgement of the compliment (lot. Erlsiah entered the building soon after wards, lo company with Dr..Deecher. His ap pearance was hailed with moat enthusiastic) de monstrations by the audience. At thename mo ment the band etittek up 'Hall Columhia.' The exerckeA commenced with the singing,by the Allegonouns, of : au appropriate soui;,pre pared for the, occasion, in which were the airs •Azurri,a,' •Ood ear thaKin,' .Yankee and ibe .M4rgeiliol . s Hymn.' The *inginir traa interrupted several rides by the SOUIVIIJ of applause which burst from, the Assembly‘as striluni sentimeniewere presented The Alletrh. • certainly deserve credit for their clear Ilion, which rendered the sen perfectly distinct to all in t wnt of t @IEEE An address to ti ed by the lie,. I) Dr. Beeeber race', assembly inaver] coolie for about an eloquent m a nner. or tWo extract. was an the sohjee ho shnwed that th struggled far active _ _ r v, trV \ edom against the Government o' Austria.. ID the part of the spervh he used the following remarkable lut a-011V I, N0w,..1 believe that the temporal pewee of limn.: is about falling down forever. Thaiis my conviction. [Great apPlanse] : The ;temporal power of the eopo will probably fall clqwn\ at the next Revell:Moe; the warning voice of‘whieh already fide the air; and which in pointed eat by the fingerer God. I say this prophetically) I\ have read it in the book cf Providence—a heck which bi - Mae to be a revelation to Mankind, iu history, and in the exact knowledge of the pub= lks spirit of Mimanity. [Applanse:] - . • The inters-ration be oxpects from.th e United Stott . o. ho followel• • • lid now what Heim I from the great peotd.• or th i ,, United States! My claim is that there it It upon principles, antilwatut.of those principles moat ho that evcry country lirlitheeight to dispose of il*nettinit a itself, and that no foreign power can haVe - thir right to interfere with its ibmieetic coneCrna That priuciplo is rleognized to be an interna tional law, far I hate at hand the Blue Book,' where Lord. Pelmereton has placed before' the Parliament of England all the foreign cornea pendenoe of the nation, and there the Czar at Russia has recognized the principle. When ho Ertl gave to Austria assistaucejin TransYlvauia, •and we had beaten his armies, then the English Minister put to them the question, was it his in tention ±till more to interfere in the Hungarian war! The reply from the Czar was—\o, that is not the. intention. He considered the things rian war to be a domebtic question, and therefore be had no intention to interfere. The principle then has been recognized, and by Russia. But the principle or law must be t - tlirried. put! Who shalrearry it oat? . The eiecutive power of the international lair should Le recognized oily by a free nation, for no other nation eau have the power. , Tberettite I claim this aid from the United States. The great principle of Interna tional law is the tight of every.nation to dis• pose of itself, and tile. United Stated should de elate their willingness 'go resp . po that law, and make it reaps red by ether.; [Applause.]— And should I be so happywa to see thlinecum plished here in your great end powerful cauntry, the hope of humanity, what w. old yen s . have nehiived by it! Yen would hour prevented Russia from interferitig in a new war betwera liungary and Austria: hod by tibia what would you achieve! Poo ironld have taken 'away the last prop upon which the future of An.trin re ones. Tim ken Is no prop, the army is no prop ; nye, and \ establish-the principle of the "non-interference of Russia, and the last prop iil.taktm etWay.— Ufhen this lest prop in token 1,/fair, Inben nyery prop is gone, then what will be the consequepcer The buildingitself fells without ournid—there fore ft is a serlotni recollection ifi my heart, that should this principle be carried' out and protected, toy a nation like the United , States.', besides haXing some material aid:— . .ticit te',wage a long and bloody war, but to-be ready kr all emergenciesn,-my ,work would be achieved. 'The money mised \ would of course be too - smalba sum to \ carry - eh \ rt war. but we must be prepared i i i \and the'snutlon nu in 'condition to meet !Yen that exigency. That is the difference. By pin- - meting: by establishing these principles, aid-. log .I.lungitry . to meet :cows the smell force or Austria, which can. remain to him, sten if these props are taken away, Yon will 'not have caused war,. gentlemen:, \ will have articled war, Ton will beye paired humaMty from ranch blood shed;hare 4.ecticl - from inmmuity _many eta , ferings, [Applause] Brit. I atetall there, are Men of peace .who say after alitkis is very true or rosy' fine, if you please; .bet '.we will have `peace at , any juice." Now I 'say many things in the world depend upcn a tro,estlefinitien. `lt is not true; they are not, men ofpeace who epialc`r. They are Men who wouldemiserve s. ,„ the _present condition. lk the , I lion peace Is the ocaffold \Peace. which in Lombardy, the\ likofai -cis wan nixed - during threethoi . pence 1;ls [be prison of. AtMt,ris Biota. , peace t the blunt mertuf tented nations peace! I belie not created the world to -be \ utdition. (Great appianse i ji 4. AS e el it to-be a prisomfor Unman} 'y ‘ pr cent condition is not peace. I it tion\of oppreesion on the European t and Catlit it, is the condition of .oppr ame l \ > be peace, because nalong as men twos. . oppessed, so long men and rail. discontented. And so long as men and m are dincotted, there cannot be pence, t. cannot he t ,anquility. It can Ice but a TRIM,. boiling eierhkstingly, and at the Slightest of portunity hrearg out and demolishing all ar. ' ,m e m propsto trannerility, and those_ interests which rely norm ;qntt u ility. . Eurnkinis cputin: fl atly a great .tt . tle•Eekl--a gtem barrack... %t ech is the coOdi 'on of Eirore; and there re, let me not eec ose who, profesnitig to be m of peace, will no help oppressed liberty, bec)t i uso they will hi se eace. Let 1110. tall them on the contrary, thitegetion in not the peace in wit - ch they are interes d..- The , oppression' of nati is whit they\ n' not in, hes canto th present conditiMs • not peice; but is pp t 4 My . principles in pr..,„ peace,_ use I Swill - faitlifulV . cnitserre the prlitaipte of tbir r fy ; and ItEli uply tip= - that priaeiple 0341100 es can.be\ ittented'i. and Aealrerith tha eanteriteieut of - nattovi;an there be peace upon * die. .[GristapPls e.] yid' ?Fl , And: ,, D7 Files In peaces tits • g Pifce , cogniiit pact.. WAIL the prow \ of the Mr. Beecher stepped forward, holding 111,114 hand a , caie containing several. Revolutionary relics, and said.: \ 1 am regewsted to present to yen this casket. icoutaining—nol jewels, unless you call these (holding op &cannon ball in one hand and grape shot to the other,) the jewels of war. [Great laughter and applause.] . M. liloasuth—/ am somewhat inclined to call 'Grata: s ‘Mr. Beecher—l hold in my hand a ballet and a apeahot, which were employed , I believe, by e Ameriean Patriots at the Battle of Bun ker /ill. [ Applause.] 1 hold. with some dif fietrq (ra ising the cannon bail), snather argu meat w ich was employed tinder the direction of the gr ey Pacificator, General JACKSON, at New Orleans, s ilatighta ‘ ) Theee were put in this very atrongansse—notx witirout beanty—by the citizens of EXerlestower, hate'. I erre they lutes' added a littlo enclosura a leek of the halrof Ta 011.4.5 Jam cm, arid 7 ofsaw Jacrses; and a statement at thesewar- le relics were (lateral Tee Bon's 'brit to upon the occasion of A... lik, Bunker Hill, in 19 ' preserttil tok itn through the hands of the th (inertia of SM. oar ' own Edward Everitt, m the citizens Charles town. They remainedthe posectsio of Gen. Jackson atter he retire 'ram the P,roal ney to his hermitage, end at his death he pies Mad 'ram them ea a token of his re rd, to N.\P. t, Esq., They have been kept his family fr ut - that day to this; sad it w expeeted the would remain as an helr-loam fo getteraticrs.— But it seems, among other thing this Illungsri- • • au cause has brought out, urethan old Inetuirriz • .: ale of • war. They couldn't! eleepalouger.4. ... :I.! [Laughter curd !applause./ ,He desi il t o, pro . . • sent this casket to the Governor of ungary..,,,,, •••• - 'Bat thou if he presented this casket, th 'ultra t halls might all and maim a few of the ..e mite`., •L •of liberty, and that would be the end ' of - ain•-• ' ' . :I ..' - • If not employed in that way, it would be i ii- l i, \ 'lying to him to know whether they can be maitl s . c w,. - - t . .. in any way to enurimaterially to the betivsVo z's - _ . ... ; Hungary = .....n•:•a • .. I ~• If there could g 0 some way of convertittethli.?i ,. n - e t j , ''..i .- t ' iron into gold, then it could be. It AseVerib, -, ; l \-;Vor„.'-`,"'. dens. [Laughter.] They have besiteparchiset'•:,l:: . ...,•,,,,:ti, • by a member of this cundregatium andlitegal,rl,l;;V:t V. =- . 1 1, 1 Haman has contributed the MOILS of chasigliaraT, , ,:;,-:;if the iron tote got,i, I.wl Curl jointly presentlfil/ts l ; , li.lrti-"!' in behalf or the rouse of lib t • ty in Hangar7,AS ~. r.,. Goa. licastalt. I nava hers [holding up a lefiF:f;:i: - ..il \ , tee] tee-chemical prueess by earth this tedeficurr,-;1• •:;.• . j has been made; nor I have only to eliyarti• l ';':l/•:;7' ' 5 Lees sof, 4Utr.lity af boa: in site metal 'flirt.'" .i.a.e, can he chanzel ty cl,e-sini proceie. [He tat= ileuezzer, Doe. 18, 1811. Cashier of the Attics-tern Eialtaaga bank of . 7 --- ', ^ \ New fork, pay to the order of Luis aossalh, -^".." doverunr of H 1 , Hungary, One Thonsan i/tillers. .. 12,wint s llloNestas. \ My dear sir; (meting to. Qv, Xossuth,) tarn from the cougregotion sad this tighten- thin, to you I prtunt. tbio to yen, Tbeeo (tab ing `op the ballets) coca had - their meaning.— These \ once were employed is the canoe of Lib erty; but now how tinrmloc,r are they! They are memorials or the post; and they are endeared to as not hytheir murderous work, but. by those things they \ hare ahliteved in Illla !nod oars. It woe because : we hod men who dared the battle- field, and trusted to the and cannon, when they were wonted; that now we hose our plenty, and our peoce'ord UM instittitlona, and tlatt . Liberty which y oh hue auwell explained to tut. Sir, the day is coming 'when }oa, In 'your awn land, on poor own plains, canto Leeds...use such 'arguments as these. ' , ,80t, hOteivity alert:F*ln a time come w h et! you, too, ehelf.digytp from. year Selds—then given to etrlaulture—enotie- -,- , tens; of past straggles: when. year isinnaiiiillf be as silent as onre;'l7iletl your siords etHlhave; done their work; when your befleta shell be looked upon as having done their Went; eel come rather the memorills of tti. post ..(rtp-,.; irate waa ofTar which — P. ev. .ortnith to the ,ch.. Kos;loth On his nodal :o tor only one Of his speech erty,in wh i ch mry, hat long - Governor Kossuth limn is cciittpany*. , with Mr. Beecher, and the as terribly selisrated - -..:',. witteedne cheers far the diatidgaished; guest:47.- and several rounds for Bowen & Skelainee. . _ nom Nsv Yolk fCorrt•vmvicace - ci ths TiGsbLe-zb. G , . Nerr , Foluc, , Deo: 18, I 51, ...-. • The continued absence o f the California 8 - ''. '.'' . • . .. ~ . ...... ee, with the gold reesitionCe, an d the, large we . -! ! , ~.. ; Jets of coin by European pitekets,:bealtack. ce, \ its edict Upon the molter market, and the pri of Nods has advanced sethlibly. • Loans en vial bore been litthdrawn; mid' the Steckel ;ItryPetthea cited odd in many cases, thus creating,,' , 4edta a . - stampedeleille , matirrth s end a fall kl,thelactlit . -- \ The panic is 4 little checked to-day, awd -- eiseuld. „. the California remittance be tarp businees in the street cony rally. This continued ilnchaaticrt ' of the money market, cohabit brthe lass 'of our . ~ . precionc metals, too elearly'shows the tusOurid • . , . condition of commercial. alfairs t atid, temporary and short periods of. ease !thould not•divert pub .. lie attention from the cause that produces such dtsisterous effects. Ittis idle to say in4, , foreign . '. debt has been paid, the centirthel exPortef gold in the hoe of large exports of cotton - an . ‘„pre• - duce preies the reverse, and no one Witt Watclues" the course of eichange con resist the condos' that were California to su s pe nd her prodein of gold, a ntlivereal failure w o uldl be the ri . It is a small faandation f ora Steady m oney 1 „ ' ket, but Califorida is per only basis of hop! Kossuth continues eel \be the leading, topi conversation end of interest beret The sub! ;lions for his aid are already large, and the dress which is to be delivered at lirooklya (c bar and to the ladies, seif be doubetWell• sum to fifty thousand &attire,. apart from . coin to be realized by the Cominittee orgsuil to prectre contribution, and inAtre a . •• Hun rianNational Loon. ". Tots cortrilttee is of \,,, highest respectability, nod if Conge SE does. thing the industrious and chivalric lunga will carry away the materiel aid, he a Its 7 upon n million of dollars. A goad erg m et used, and successfully too, to shoe'. the i• tl &veep of intervention, but this will not p i individuals from contrikuting largely, end s pressing their convictions in to bold atone , have no small effect abroad in alirsoliag t 4 .1 lore of nations upon the score, of revolution, well to encourage republicans every where' The Forest trial progressesunite rapidly:l the end no one can foretelL •Nra. forest • concluded her evldenco to prove the 'dittos's of her husband, but thus far nothing bas be elicited that'would justify' a jury In award' `her a divorce, though quito auti.--iUtit• to me the"publlothiok ebe 'deserves it' 'As the' t• Will embrace sfr. Furrost's charges agelnat wife, the resell will settle the whole of the 1 'happy atleir, and let,the parties reties to private Cold weatherls Upon U 3 in all the Tiger of a Ne*Englianl winter, end fur the *parcef two days it lea not thawed at ail, the mercury nick ing seven deg„ \ below zero, and kept dein in the small figures throughout the . day, •Placte of amusement are,thinned by the cold, and half , the indience at the ileler Place here absointelyfro• zen out last night,a the end of the - ; second act of the new opera. , 'ii hare e new musical ce lebrity; in embryo here, in theirhape oft daugh ter of Downing, a fentotts. colored 'oyster man, • who hos acennotilateds a \ large Wilily of 'good looking daughters, upori \ vebom:he his lavished large sums fur their edacnii7, and has in re serve a handsome fortune`fo each when be de parts or they gSt married, ;bt hew prima dota -Ita is said to be superior In op!rii and there she • The' sehetnelor the “Iferill's s Fair." 'its Nen- York his hot met hinch . stiecesa nud•will prolaa WY ge by the board fork doze's reiaetts, each -„of theregoad ones.. The 'mein One' is \ want of Confidence In the Wuthagers' and the early day 551 pie th!i affair to come off. ' When 'it' is earthed 'oett•lt will be by new mee;riutel will be a ekvdit and het a shame to as. i • • • - - •.. . . '' Phillip's' Fire Anaibilator has been tried upon a pit filled with tar and sharinZe and after nrei riol we., deemed sueeentfal. .To-day a cottage \ :-. is, to be fired; and the result Will:. determine - rim , . ' i \ ',al e of ..thopecblitelso far Its to Shale - whether t h e meric att owners eine rill it..' . llsit-tnisiassion. -..., ~ of I aterite by tlie'.V.testlf.l l ia•Prbtl)!'• - getterolif . ". , - -,-;',-•:.'-', -, - i hown l iiplatesse . as a mulaTeliance lanese , ..nr,...-, - ..? . ?t,L.Z..1 \ eit n failure... Still - fools ' are.le;b o % l- Outdr --.---'• -.--6 :7 4 "'.... 1 . \t, ifis herd if the sharp part = who 3e. -, • t % am p ' y e.oioe de them out otciel. --- ,; , -., t:;; . :, -,:',., - rit :,.„ ‘, h clerleaf a Gertoari glue ;Isere-haat-oho at .7T:•.,..; ' liii to on are i fiw.diya ago. for the -im , rf05e,".. , .:21,.„- . 7.-P- ~ , I . k ergo tg\ setae thirty thousand dollars. ussnr - 4. - ... '-.:- ',:', ' ~.. - ante a 0 a cloth of fire rhodsand.dulterst - hie":S - -.. I been stfil after a emart ceareb. end' he and • , \ I hie master in h,ire an apportualty of, esiriting ...'".‘ 1 "Sing Sing. The Ere was act In the - ricialty ; 'Of the fire Of 847. and might have cast namli- - ...,.. . •`' i. thinly by thine ghborheod of storehouses Llied with the moot ' o co gods. ' ' c : - 4- ... . . . .• • State ;ach4s, for .Sale::2 Xi finekr 6 3l2 ,, ilt Cinches, • • • thtt inwe j a=„!ll , : k v l tr a , .rsigur itkv ": 4 / 7 4: °