The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 22, 1851, Image 3

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    • 4"4.-17.* ---,1"""-'0,:l*.'"----
Tax, ALLZOLLXT MATOLALTTe—Orti riliderfi
11l observe that H. S. Fleming; Esq., the pre
. a tit efficient blaYor of Allegheny, bu received
e unanimous nomlution ef. the Whip and
Anti-Masons of. Allegheny City for Mayor. He
sell deserves thlimul(of their confidence and
regard, since be has faithfully performed his du
ties hitherto. - . ,
1 ; ii;i
1 urrnarto.—We hear . with much pain that
1 hundred emigrants, tumble to reach
the 'places of destination are now without any
me ne Ot MiTort, in tie Fifth Ward. The
; Ohl river being frozen over, they are compelled
•, to rettiain here until the opening of navigation.
Wooddlt not be well to call a public meeting for
the impose of appointing a cemmittee to in
i qaire into and alleviate their sufferings?
• • .
• ,
inexcdurrr.—The Democrats had, we
undititand, rather a stormy time at their pri
marrlTetings on last Saturday, the contest
betweeniduthrie and Cempbell,' exciting a good
deal of / angry feeling. We did not visit any hut
the meeting in the Third Ward, and that only'
for a feveminntes towards the close. When we
entered Union Ilau„ (not a very.suitable name
fat" a room containing so contentious a crowd)
the wildest confusion prevailed, and a very spir
ited fight wan going on, in which, owing to the
combatants being en close together, brit little
damage rasa sustained, though tho black eyes,
and broken benches so visible after the battle
was over,. proved the earnestness with which
the "harmonious" Democrats bad dealt their
blows to each other.
After the contest which originated, we under
stand, from some improper conduct on the part
et a watchiain, had been waged with much spirit
on both .tides for several minutes, a member of
•the meeting made off with the papers, before the
meriting bad beertenceluded, and though he was
immediatellpureued, mode his escape, upon
which, both parties claiming the victory, some
person snored that Mr. Campbell be declared
unanimously nominated. This was received
amidst deafening chlers, which did sot subside
.for a considerable time, and was deolared to be
curled. A motion was then put, mid carried,
resolving that if John B. Guthrie received the
nomination,:thet meeting 'would vote against
him; when the crowd rushed down stairs, and,
after yelling for some time in the street, dis
The dissaisfeetion in the nuke of the Dem
ocracy, will, We,bare no-doubt, render the elec
lion of our candidate, Mr. B. C. Sawyer, doubly
sure. The following persons were elected del
Friter WA.E.D—Delegates--George Wilson, rd.
McSteitt, Jae. Newhouse, J. Verheller, A. Niel
alsor-;--for John B.:Guthrie.
Seem, Wean—Delegates. '
—li. S. Magraw,
Samuel Dilworth, M. Keenan, George Wilson,
John 111. Irwin—for Guthrie.
Tim Third Ward`i.claimed by both parties
FOVILTII WARD -Delegates—Jas. McShane,
Joseph-Watt, J. M. Kirkiatrick„C. A. MeAnal
ty, Alex. Cupples--Inatructed for Guthrie.
'Firm Wartn—Messrs. Parkinson, 13e11,,Acker
taan,.110.tdman and !liughan were elected and
instructed for Campbell.
81.111/ Wane—Delegatos—.3. D. Kelly; C Den-
J. - Gagbus, T. T. Morrie., S. B. Cluely
—tar Guthrie.
Kaiak - au ifacri—Delegates.—Charles Kent,
John R. Day, John N. Mcelovry, Patrick Mc-
Gill, Stephen Barrett—for Guthrie. • '
ElOlllll WAnD—llelegates.--Wm. Alexander,
John Coyle, Sarnuel: Dunn, Jae, Porkier, John
Cronse fur Guthrie.
Nurra Wean—Delegotes—Richard Einghes,
Thos. 'Ed w anti, J. Wnils, *.4.4‘
P.' robs., Prior.
—for Campbell
Freer . % AIM Wino NOPICSATIONS.—President
of the' meeting, Wm.
„AlexorSecretary, S. A.
Long.' The following persons were nominated:
Select uncil—A I lea Cordell:
COMIIIOII . CGOIICiI--Csiz, Blotch, R. M. Biddle,
Mims Getty, S. A. Lone
School Directors—One year, Alex. Nimick; 2
years; S. R. Johnston; 3 yearn, Wm Shaw and
Joseph Long.
Judge of Electious—Mm. Wilkinson.
Inspector of Election--Gco, Aibree.
Catistable—James. Sharp. •
Aisessor—Caleb Russel.
Aseistaist Assessors—J. L. Brindle, and Geo.
13:(101PD Wasp—The Whigs and Anti-Masons'
or the 2nd Ward, 'were organised at the Burnt
District Hotel, on the 20th lost., by nailing Juts.
ll'Hee to the Chair, and appointing Jno. F. Qnigg
.Besey.' •
The following nominations were.mada.
&loot Council—George %Filson.
' Common Cooneil—d.. P. Ansbtatz, Robert
Maeltery, and W. J. Howard, Jr. .
Judge' of Election—Col. Jno. Ross.
Inspector of EleultiOn—George H. Hildebrand.
School Directors—Renben Miller, Jr., and
Alai. Jaynes. •
Asstssor—ltaac Jones.
daaiatant Asseseors--Robert Meritsll, and D.
Constable—Robert Hague.
TPLIW Warw.—An adjourned meeting of
the Whigs' of tho 3d ward was held at epistle's
a Buildings. to nominate Ward Officers, when the
follaWing persons were nominated and elected:
1.; Judo of Elections—Ferdinand E. Vole .
- . g Inspector—Wm. McKee.
.1 School Directors—joseph W. Lewis, 'Robert
Assessor—Joseph McCulloch.
Select Councils—Johu Shipeon.
Common - Councils—lL J. Smith, Thos. M.
Marsludl, Wm.. Mackey, Ed. Day, Thos. Scott,
Henry ChignelL
Constable—W. A. Fitrmorris.
31CCULLOCH, ,Ctem.
H, Chlgnell, Secretary.
Fonwret Waal;
. 7dErTuto —4t an Adjourned
meetine.of the . Whigs_ of the Fourth 'Ward,
held on Saturday the flOth Mat:, for the purpose
-; of nominating Ward officers for the ensuing year,
James U. Moorhead, Esq., was called to the
Chair, , and Id• Ward appointed Secretary.
' • . After the meeting came to order, the follow
„- T . lug gentlemen were nominated for the ,Tarioua
” f oamt attached to their names, as foliows !--
$ ForSelectCouneilman—Robert hi. Cuteheoo.
• E • For Common Councilmen—Jdhu Bissell,, Wit
' 1 IllanYorusg and Tames Ifo'Atiley.
.11 For Assessor—lL Rope.
q . For Assistant . Assessor—T. Wigginsand Alex
under Speer. -
'. For School DirezdiriLli. 'diet:Sower! and W.
. i W. Wallace.
= l, For Judge of Elections—R. J.. Thomas.
' I For -Impactor of Elections— J a mes Ele'Hen.
For Constable—„Tolut Wegely:
..., m. meeting W62111f01l and *harmenicros one,
'1 and when the nominations had been made end
-:,,. retitled, with one or two exceptionsunanimons
-1 lye It adjou rned.. r : . '
. ". Jams M. }lonians!). Chairman.
I IL )9 . 4taD, thentary. . L.
• Fran. Atzsonsur.—The Whigs' and
Anti-Idasonlof the let ward met at tbololllsl, of
Woodhotnip, and organized by appointing
• ! Hugh Morrison. Chairman, and A. Woodhouse,'
StarOta l 7.:
Simon Small and Fleury Wiiliame , were nom.
lusted by 'testae:lBllot' fn fsvor of 11.8. Fleming,
for Mayot:' ,, linen Alonatlmx, Ch'm.
A. Woodhouse, Secretary..
I Saamtollrann. - --The Whigs and AntiAtosons
of the 2,1 ward met at the boost, of Mrs. Thotop
/ ion,' and organized hy appoiating Alex- Moore
'S" Chittviao ,i tad 11, 11. Dols, Secretary. '
; John " - Plain and Davti were nominated
1 by sacatiMation favorable to 11. S. Fleming; for
t Mayar, and instructed to vote, fnrllenry Hance,
- i for Direatot of the Poor.
' ° Arai: Wools, Ch'ln..
B. B. Staretary.
The Whirler the 3d ward organized , by 'p
iPPjl?Oxid.Wza• -a-Mowry; Cbsurman, and James
t miter, Secretary-, „.
Wm.. IS:ltinitry and Engle were mint
,' sated by iteolaunition favorable to 11. 8, Pletu--
big, for, Meyer, and inaireeted Pin Thos. Pettey,
for Director of-the Poor. -
Wzi. Ti. Alnwer,
Jas; Miller, neeretary.
VOMITS Waan.--The Whigs of the sth ward
E the hinse of Thin'. Gardner, and organ
;; road . by appointing Jam. Morahan, Chairman.
sad Jas,..Ticay and Jan. flrshata; Secretaries.
Jacob Palmer and Josiah King were nom--
Wed by acclimation favorable to 11. 8. Flom-
Ing, for Mayor. - . Sas. Mtasnatc,
lia..Taasoy - and JAB 'cirplb&M, SOCretaly:
as.—We regret that the press of other mat
tor only allows us briefly to notice the fire by
which- the Rev.- Mr. Trarelli's Seminary for
boys,. gat. Aleirickly, wan burned to the ground at
,::11.1 fire o'clock, on Saturday morning. Fortunately
V ell the pupils and. Inmates escaped unharmed,
bat the library, philosophical :apparatus: nod
ii—ininitnre were destroyed,.-together with all th e
-brdldings except .the;' . stable. Ite- learn with
planenre; that Mr. Trarelli woo tally insured.
"ORESLI-FIGS--*ee'd r93d &or eala by
dab 5,. r , , 'n?(.4. I IeCLORG it ill,
ED BONBY-loiesig4m
Paris in a State of Siege!
New Yam, Dec. 20.
The steamship Europa arrived at Halifax
this morning, 'having experienced a oonsteint
succession of gales. She left Liverpool on fhe
6th of December
The Canada arrived at Liserpool on the Bd
Inst., after a rough passage. The Baltic tirri
Ted outhe 4th.
The' affairs of France had reached the crisis
so long dreaded. The coup de stet bed ben
made on the let lost, The President seised the
reins of Government; dissolved the
declared Pane in a state of siege—arrested he
leading opponents, and appealed to the peop, e.
The preparations for the movement had been ief
fected with consumate skill and secrecy. Eve
ry think was constunated before the assembly
had the least idea of the Presidents, intSn
Au entire new ministry bed beett formed.
At daylight on Tuesday morning the President's
proclamation was found posted throughout the
oily, in which he ordered the dispersion of the
Assembly, and the restoration of universal ant'.
frage ; also proposing a now system of govern
ment—the instant election by the people rcd
army of a President to hold °thee ten years, p
-ported by a Council of State, .d by the two
houses of Legislature. Pending the election jbe
executive power to remain in the hands of the
President. The election to take place during
the present month.
The President promises to Low to the will I of
the people, ttnil says that he has been forced into
the present attitude. It was certain that Thiers,
Changurnier, and others of the opponents had
decided to demand his arrest and impeachment
on the 2d instant, and were almost in the vary
not of moving in the matter when they and their
principal friends were arrested, and conveyeLt to
Wheaever tbo members of the Assembly have
attempted to meet officially, they-.hare been Or
dered to disperse, and arrested if they refuSed
to do so. Two hundred members had been 4,
rested, but many of them were subsequeutly or
dered to be released. All the leaders of the tip
position are in• prison. Two hundred mem
bers of the Assembly are said to _have given !in
their adhesion to the President.
Telegraphic despatches from the Departmeats
state that the President's demoostrations had
been. _hailed with enthusiasm. Subsequently
these reports were contradicted.
Several barricades had been erected is differ
ent parts of Paris, bat were speedily broken by
the troops. At one of these, two member, :of
the Assembly who occupied ,prominent places,
were killed in the conflict
On Tuesday, a portion of the Assembly ova,
tinned to meet, mad decided on the deposition ~f
the President, and his impeachment for high
treason. The meeting. on dispersed by the
troops, and their decree ridiculed on all sides,
The fall rigor of martial law has prevailed
against all persons concerned in barricading the
streets. and a largelnumher bad been shot, up
to Thursday night. The success of the Triei
dent seemed certain.
The London &deices of Friday . do not nonteti
.lly vary the prospect, but new events ore ospu
.tautly transpiring.
WAsuisorox, bec. 20th
SENATE.—Mr. Seward presented a petitiom of
tbo Industrial Congress of New York, prayiiig
that the Government will adopt ouch policy
with regard to foreign nations AS will mecum to
people struggling for liberty, joatice from other
The joint resolutions from the Ilcuse relative
to binding certain documents was taken up, and
after 'some debate postponed until Monday
M. Walker said much misapprehension es;is
ted in the public mind as to the object of his res
olution, or ito effect on the foreign policy of the
United Suttee; be therefore moved that they lbe
printed, which was agreed to.
The joint resolution concerning the Irish pht
riots, and also In reference to Able] finder,
Were taken up and postponed.
The joint resolutien%making land 'streets
assignable was taken op and several amend
ments proposed. The whole subject was re
fend to the committee on public Lands.
klr."Footes resolution was then taken upj—
Mr. Foote resumed Me remarks, which he had
not concluded at the adjourment yesiterday-
LivaarooL, Dec.
Cotton—The startling. news received from •
Paris on the 2d inettuaf, checked the upward
tendency of cotton, and holder, evinced an lin
created anxiety
,to realize, which gene to par.
chasers an advantage of about j fil lb The
sales of the week were atectut 88,000 bales, of
which 8,700 were on speculation, and I,ooolfor
Bradstuffs—The market for flour .has been
rather active al an advance of Gd rtl bbl. There
is a good export demand 'for - corn, and prices
hare advanced 6d 11 quarter. Wheat has ad•
vaned Id - 0
Provisions—The 'market bas undergone no
change, not withstanding the alarming new. from
A fair business was going on at blauebes
The Britiehdunde had been very seriouely , af
fected by the sudden and astounding crisis in
Frenchwffatre, under tha accounts which reach
ed London on the 2.1 inst. Coneols receded
cent, and Sardinian stock fell 6 per cent. On
the following day the market recovered Itself
In some degree, and Consols returned to wiihin
1 per cent of former quotations. On the 6th Con
soli closed at 96iG9q..
lisle Yong, Deo. 21.
Coizos—The markei, was quiet .and ery
Flour—Saks at51,43®54,50 for state nd
Giain—Sales 6000 bushels mixed western
corn at Gstc.
'Maimed Oil—Sales 200 gallons, at G4c.
Rice , —Sales 150 tierces rice at $36',0)43
per 100.
Whiskey—Sales 200 We. at 21l per gal.
stocks—Are ettady, Erie has advance(' 3;
Canton declined ; sales Ohio taxes 1 50,
at 110.
Cmcmarart, Dec. 20i
Flour-811es at $3 oliaa lo fjl bbl.
Whiskey—lies declined to 14f1
Hoge—Are firm, with sale of 3000 head at
$4 76®4 95 14100.
Provisions--Sales of 2700 Able mese perk
at $l2 00 1 bbl. Shoulders in dry salt 15601
The river is frozen over, and root passengers
cross on the ice.
----- i. oa ._ -- -
Horn" Saw Mill for Sale.
...rus establishment., laMly finished lied ,
now in thathlute thinalog order, Ix altuatwd on Ith o tulle. Mora Pittsburgh. • Being Ina the
homeof a athosive coal warke, it command. a reily
home market for lumber u•-. 1 in boat building. kr.. 4 121
for ail that is not sold on 0141 o.l44nll443B.tl24lalawkwatai,af
tor& 1... kn. an outOt to moth dlniant markt:talon
and d own the valley of the Monongahela Yothist.l
with Muhl nor, andthatures of the Gilt and mmt rm. am
Went kinds, thla 11111 Mond a unrivaled let notch, itetood it
f fu-I, and aditiofsatory fotrformence or lot o
f 'trt U . 14•
.111101.611111. 4 311. ••loeludiarg sig torn.
of (load, smdling
Ijonwt, Chop. koala, kw, will ho t sold low, awl no team.
tu omit yurehnotro I:mit/Iry of
.1. D. MilltitlGUN. Aft.Ornor at lkw,
deCcif t . Othol—liturtb et. near Woo
Tlid tasted, appall.. tha Pat 0111 a.
. mart' Papal Su Oat Paoldlnt VOL 3.. , 1
Kanath and the If staguitian Was—ln caopinto aintaffl.
Vnanon . l
.”Inetutt, or rateltultits of to tOlifitteriul of
tat Court of Unitas." so i
Kossuth', Spartan In Entilonals Isla Atithst , t o . —.41 .
11. of tbo Union! Malan, nod II eatar t • Latter ton et.
an—in oomph!, lona.
m .•
, Aizs.a and I/
,talwicles: •• gotanor.. br a. P.m/IMM
.' Horticulturist aof ttaltlvalsar. for Doormat.
tuba? National !daunting. for Spousal ,
The Old tiara a n a p ol e on, of Sluolly. ,
' Plata:lad Brother Jonathon, far Catania. '.:
A tours nuapts of ANNUALS, from SI to M. ' %
Haar . * tow Math]) hfurania, Sat Deuustuf.
Itiotazu.kmalldaratine, tor Decoastod. s i
litukuturs It iota I u0,..f0r Norton her. ,
11 I.rora st. Ellripil, 1,1 'lloram Weal r.
bluatil Architect, ton. b.,
,li totratat a ul the What, n ay work by Berman Stott
Diitttuenry of a nd Quotatfoon. 't
Lawton Labor and London Poos, No. It.. I
Honyeen Natation, rot. 3, bound in malt.
:kaolin. fa lantana, by U. H. Thseksonf . 1
London Art Jeuroal tar Slanotaser.
Ida nod Adsonturne 0111 Arkansans Artnr.
Vie Illls,l3lszyi s sßopr natt Of gnaw,
onnutusi a new ante. ey B.
The Lily awl the Bee. by Inman o We lan rrea.
Mu tonne and lily :Inuit. aeon° Patna.
The Tatltur of the Ihntlletly Dunn.
a, k
Monocle• of bleator , Doot.•
Ilarry-2 annul", a talent• Atonic. Revolution.,
Lawn Arundel. or the Itellond of lily. . I
prank Flack - fah. or keen la the Eike( a Private Puri!.
Moulds fdnantornrrle. tntenall to Wacoana. 1
PIMA. Deontioa r or a lintory of no Ottawa /Inn. 3:14 .1 12
Ilabei.Or the CM of the Battle Tlebt. • Taledf Watia , „
leo. dolll L . _
. .
—Tim oabiarlbor has jun received a fall Nandi of
f I Dears I Popular anima Boon, la the Numeral
Method. entOielog— • • ; • . • 11
anon humeral Llattoopy, Nov. I and a.
, The tam U. : Pselakot. ontalolas • great ~ or
th e best Ohturth Horn. - I
The tatatt futonld.nele tot C..a.. ethoo. Rind
Bina Rtatnannlentaut ;• ;•. , - IL VILEUXIL :,..
• 101 1 bled +le. natt Of the Golden Inn , , '
P. P.—A tots soooly ot the above, popular tank. trill
constantly b. kept bit min daa i
New Stock of Chickering'e Piano Fortes.
JOIIN" 11. 3IELLOR, 81 Wood
netted entirely
vo!rAy. -------
4 00
----- ....... 400
1144, •••car,e.l il,apwlmod 40u
roll Omni FOll
The following Mann Portv• from nth, manufacturer, al t.
No. ant. , t.t.ottAre nrndArt. N I ... 1 , 1,5
tt . At. finlktf, 1.011 Vi• & CO. :1•25
12411: .• .6.lttn. I , tt
al:. ifonlwanl Drown. 400
•• a‘, •• Boston.
A mahogany n.-ntre twennd hand. 11:4
Oil Clothe!
4 LBRO k HOST, Nos. 72 and 74 John et.,
AV Y ..J.l;it!'""tf art ir r '",t.,.,' " , : e . d ' e ;: i . : 77,
n { , aIPLIt proem./ FLOOR '
for tionuti of dvni Imo nierintine or nooh,-eure. , A An t '
thing et the nioillotliorto orfnitirort in thin count , y Or Ot
. 1 4 or r whirl) rho folio tionint nt
thr r
At thplp ear-motn• iv Nt.l Vp.k. eau be found • lertrt•
nuol plete s , ollmeut ot ILtat L Thm
FLOOROILCLOTHS. from 4:7 tot - Itet hit
Abu, 71,14., Cp rwp. 11.13rnx
-- •
O IL -5 casks IVver Strained I.ll7h:int;
For title by III,ACKPUIO: 6 CO
N C`l lilt :\ NTS—Ree'd nod for sale by
la 31. Art.:WHO A co_
,•13 a Vet. Ittlaler.. i
VEW ES—l'ut up in Jars and ban
-1 er llp‘et 1/ , ....tr1t • 1,4 -ale I,
AM A. llt.•CLUllli A 01
OSI‘,II :-101) No. I, for ruin by
IL d
UTTER-4bbls. prune. reed; and
u forsale
LILOUR—,SO bbls. extra family, i - or sole by
1,15 x. • W. I, .
14 1E, Y 111 ERS ----30 bags for sale by
• tb,ls P. a A 1111K11.10.111.
riNANNERS' CIIL-- . jo bids. for sale by
L Jr IS 0. a A. IIA•11.11lti'll.
g lASTOR OIL-36 bids. for sale by
role J. KIDD'd
. .
UYSOTI"S Yellow Dock and Sarsap
,1 aril-
X IP-1 •rat•Pt ttr Nair I, J KIDD , 4 0
, 012 PLASTEK—'2O gross for snit. by
• " COLORS—A full o , sortment,
A 11.0 co
PAN FFIWIN lbs for nob. by
1 . 7 dell J KIDD i•Co.
A LES -6 tireen, as ,. d. for Aalo L by'
A• 1::
DEA L cooks for sale by
1 4 ! LlNefly H.
6‘,TARI7II-20 boo. ll , .wbriglit's ex., for rale
ww., a wi',I , IIItOS
G L ASS-511 ty/t
rale. h. tn n.
Ylcbmoza. by [A.131 YlllO . ll t A LEE
X.. 1101: ASSES-50hhl. and 5 - hf. bile. 4u
-I.TI Far lieu,. prim.. LA.. 1. by
,1.13 J n CANFIELD
lIIEA RI. —5O tnl,l ,her nalelhy
1_ d..r. I ELI..
s A
11,!, ft I 1 ) - 1,‘• , .. Fre,ll
Y r I,y
I 4,1: .Ibl.ll, by,r
New Books
4 T J. L. lir..lD'S, polio Itnildinvt, No,
79 F,t9rlll
Fatartli., , 1t.., I•9o.anal,n Oa,
mou Thine, 'or
r.P.r.r.elp lan,:
. .
• • .
FINIII: VARNIER'S Ca 11. ti I `,l`l ENTIF-
I it' Asio 1.1: , 44 - Tlv IL mit., Lla i. t.r N-I.talline
11.1,. ... 1
(I, ,
.. ,m • . , iu i 1...1 I
, mr ~ v
1,1, 0 ,
, n I, ll•nry in,l,t, I' It SI. t h t, ol U•
• , , 6
t.I it, tang, - .... a.,..., I , Jr.. l' h.q. - Inn , 11.
A ,1, , 1' n 1 ~ntlfle AViirolity, 11 ..{.....ij..r... Ni...
111,1,11; Iff..._ vrtth n0.0.,t, 1i,,,A1..t, ,
d,12 Four , h cm,. 1.11.81 v.,
g Rut.; imp z-u 0 , ,, at ,ill hula, Lovenng s,
fry, .1.1.,_ Ilt7101:11 , :lF 8 IMAM/ill.
I EAT fl EEL 2i.0 Sides N. 1 , tor Ale by
4 _.lrs PUllraill184: 4 INC•111/AU
Mexican Mustang Liniment-
FROM RIO!! ANI) POOR; U n,l and free,
at) aradza. enlors ..1 nanallina, t a maw rar.a4 a(
Vtnll .. .;.l r a ' n . ; ' F,s " :t. i . f ...t... ' al ' a E C ' :l7l%V .. a I t ` 4,l:LP ` l " °,°.
tutilmrsal oaanion I. nits,..J by all sty , *a la. an.l , 1,a.1..
eat na ramaAr arc, b ITe iltar, Tr,/ p , ` , ...." 6 ....L1 , h 1 . ." ,
feet bmi.oar nwl royartve ya,artaeil. It arta 111,maaa
In yaw. 2122 ~4ilol 41 ell, 11,1. fir m•). by grbai c..... 1
.I.....aaruclatlng—syakina. JAnlaraza. a af Jaw, •-v:.•.
briam.y. burn., ...ALIN. ulw•ra. wsw.r. clay mtf..ra vita,
nak..l [argot; ar au, Fain. 1.01,E.,... MD Pea. or weak ara,
L jos?. ino.q. a or„naameras. Tb. , l tla.w,aol,
bylatc.aa/ a,aaly rl,atual a ,alna am.luta w; a. iic r,t
any mi. by KEIITr. k IIyPOWELI.. 14h a , 0r..1 atra.t.
Pistaburab l.')
lIIAIR CUSITIONS--!: Inala 'lubber
11,) arid Stchlroh Air C”.hinn, 01 otd , rfltt ohton.l , .
rmd load far Jut.. N 4. 114 11..., are.%
07a riinur: , .
UGAR-49 Ithdg. N. 0. ,
ree'd on r on , ngn .
cro.nt sf4.l for f.le A Lel
trtra ft
51.J13,1.1t —2O hiis.prian. , :c. w l ar L t f i .r . Tl e by
Jrl . j
14 10 COFFEE-150 bng,4 for role by
A LERA'IIIS-1.1 tons Puled, vasks
luorr.. fur sale hr It Dr1.7e1.11;1;,a nnrw
IV HALE C.IL-2 casks %Vint. StrulneLlor
V 5.491 It 1iA1.711.1. a Yn
Bealunont's Patent Starch Polish
LIATENTED,JuIy 26th, 11 , 50. —For giving
• hrauuntl Olone It, I.Lnent., tra , har, Cattrartut,
:lan, Cvt
bhln Itvuune. Le.. sod 11. l,••• nra the Iron frt.=
odltgring to Linen. ac., and prrerotg duet Dora stinting to
Limn, tr_, and nothdra inyurtntra
Inragrarar—Put • ytrra the uf • prig to • 4050 nf
Ithr o radtranndun brutl,.
Pr., IV, gentry...l.l,k.. grad tennirrara end 'grail br
H. F.. YELLY.Iin. 11trtd et.
4,12 So:* Agent rar Atlegbrur u.unit_
d k I L-2 'asks Winter Whale, l'or rale in
IL/ Uhl. or draught, br J KIDD • ,
402 trt tt rad rt
N/ OLASSES-:230 bbls.
i w . . Crop;
To arrive and fur gale Al
,Igll J. P. LI I.VVOIIIII t Co.
I EAU—IOU pigs for sal,. liy
I doll 1 5. DILHURTLI t Cot
SALT PETRE-99 hags Crude, lauding
aml I r •41. Fl it , A1.411 DICKEY A CM,.
1%.,1zr and Front
EATHERS-75 bap for Sale by
10.5 I. DICKEY . Water E.. 1 From rl..
1 1 REESE-300 boxes English Dairy:
" 15010111)iNie£11.)
IOAF SUOAR-50 bids. awed. for sale by
AM F:S -A. Mai NIGHT. No: 62 Tumult Ed.,
h. fret.. nurtina Int Pi 11K0C11.4 1.010
11AWV, In
DI., Ore.,. prat., 151.1. and Black Con.,
mett—llentlemrn. Dr.sin.rliowns. INV,.
De.• and Vac., in ar....t 4.4
FLOUR -5O 1.1,15. Extra, fof sale by,-
1I LASS—toolsboxes weed, c. b., for sale by
31 ' S.r'S ON lIONNIIOI.IT t 170.
EARTH 81100 iS & WIIISKS--20 doz.
II foil.. by 5. Y. TON 110111101 M t CU.
JUST RECW-60 yds. thin Sheet Rubber,
f,or llandwirt;. For Pale et Nr..lln
J. a fl. KULL! Is
ORAX—ISOO lb s. for 14 nto by
2, nom J. KIDD t co.. no wom
h~Loult_9o bbls. S. F.:
13 do Ilya, for 8.4 k by
SPONGE dna. India Rubber, a
flrxt nttlrb., for nal.. et tb.
A. a 11. 1.1111.1.11 . 8. 11 , ,14.1..t pd.
01 VALUABLE DISCOVERY, that which'
ball brorn long Ponett for. nlt A rILE,I/P . A.I, LI.
~ I , JOLDEII, for Weldlno (Ain, Max, Eart.t. and
arblN al., Pcarle. Ivory, Ornament, kr..
Y. II —All nri1e.1.... JIM. by OAu valuably oomporition,
wlll br norlr re.l perfectly N... and truly fm a.. In Inca
than flv. minutes MI., it bla low. rolnwl. A. It Isla no
roan, it / o rbolia .4 anyebln,; having lyren applied
1,11, I.rr.k.n part, nvon no tit. no.rt al., It 1.311111m0
...oat tr,•ambo, r.l Lot war,r, or any other kind of linni4
u.. 1 abs.ut a bow., tb.rnby r.n.le , Ina t 1040 OP 11,1 W W.
1,1• R. 111, wort hrohon.
'IL. nohlte }lll at once ar., the Imp:Maw:v.l 166-6 ml.
6.1.16161 with the Lon and only article for durably ro
paio, xli. , n rho. le ...
Von rr rah, ato.lnaal. tr.
or retail, .rola., by 11. E. 131.3.1.ER5. of
.911-20 na'pkg fnr. enlo by
;v.* F. Ni114411.1.'114 Somali Al.
114 F9Tn Vented tittedly ll) Aes 11 .
a,rtocr Find Rod W0.,1
rt. bid - LASSES-3U Goodttle'e Re-
Qt .6 llnery, for sale by LIU iliffpl;l;olE,l.6lo.l,lT.Al.
1) ,, 0 r z .1 . 0. P . A . T w E . N . 3 , 2 1 1 1 Alte
tes t o t POLIISLI—
u..Y;jes. Collarenthlrt Saxons. and krrs'of ;VIZ '
lte are is,ser.o. Lae Iron from talbertne t4r. Loan, and
don - from rtletarc at catardos itatbl. *tour.... to
clothe,. al any xect. The .Wire bars lone . ts felt
the necessity of gush an arnrll., and In Oar then nen...l.a.
fulls resllred, ...onsetarion la Inesedl
ter an impartial trial. line Cate roll 1. thirty .I...ten of
cloths, and tn. family •1...a1.1 I.e witf,..ul It
cents par Cake—with fall danett... dor aals wholesale
and Mall by O. N. WICKItItYMAM,
dry renter of Word and Yierli
`CORN MEAL—SO sacks Sifted, for sale by
if SOAP-150 boxes, prime
j article, for family on hand and for sato L T
del WM. A. McCLUDAI Libertra
Olatathing tho EICIIICTIb. of Muria, and carafrlele
atruetlous rot tho Nato Forte, to whirl, is added a choirso
collection of tinr places of papalar Mardi, e,nsirtlnd of
Bonne. IdArsban. Waltz., Pella., Dancer, .I.c. lit Wetted
L. Milt.. Wets. For ..of•br
dad J. 11. M ELLOII, RI Wood st.
QIIGAR--10 hhdr.prbne N. q., for'sale by
1..) def. JAMES A. If crarisoN C CO.
CIiEESE--70 boxes extra Cream Cheese;
20d do ' W. R. dn
dq Ibtahp'slebreed barbtm
.—lby ad* by dol3 WICK 4 WC 4tll)l.Ek,
`'LOVER SEED-75 bu. Vi‘le4Yuz.
DOLL BUTTER-5 bbls. Fresh. for sale
lA, by J. 11. MINOR= CO.
rt'lliE Annual Meeting of the Stockholdera
thtaa 00,1 Peuomylvitala nalhowl Cotatern
au the L'.lretlort of Directors har the eruaiz, year,
hehl thy Company'. OM.. La Yittabargb. ou Thum.).
thr 0 111 of Jauuarn 1 0 42. The: ateellog. , e , ll take
;1. 1 . 0 1 . 31.7 M"00
l'itle•borgh. ra,•mber 10th. laLl.—weiecul
Notice. •
ANCONSEQUENCE of the death of Peter
heard, th e Intereet arttleh he held In th e Star Candle
MI .L.
tr me ez.n.luetaal und.a. the eta le a
- Peter !tear y a 1.. a, ill be Cu..... Fur term, lc Z. en•
Qum of
WI.. 00101 AN,
.1.4.141 of the hr ns or Wilma a lioman , etla et.
Monongahela Navigation Company.
Y. °TICE TO hTl)Clilf 1.1/ERS.
A N ANNU AL MEETING' -if the Stockholii
aa'aiatikath,:22:,°:riV' 17,714,"ViTgi,i'inr."„fif
In...ft...rat, at their o a ny.e 9 o r n ° Grant mum, In the City
of l'atahoraty un Alonday the fifth Jar of J.... , f • A•
It. I 5:14 throng the brat e
ntwine mine the month,l for the
of nificere for the entwine ) ...I.f •
.1.6.14 WNI 11.t111.:SO:LL, Sou',
Ilarsttratt it, 0.. t. Pa. 1 , 61.
Irli E DIRECTORS of the Coiling Mining
i Camp., of !illehlaan, hare thlr day made an amont...
flaunt of lair Sante . each .hare of the capital melt of
mkt Comp.', oue half payable . or talon. the 'llth N.
aerobe, and theother half on or Imfore the Wth Deem ter
neat. at their ..elee In WA. city.
ne22 K F.Y. N EBY T. FRIEND. Trash*
House of Refiige.
THE culawrilier,, fur the erection of an
'Laic ,•1 Refuge for AI t.anrn Penn.ylrapia, so,
hetetr notor,l that en as,aeruent of Inenty per tent. on
the MOOD{ euLacribe.l by rack, to notuntal to he paid to
the lralootrer. nu ~r beton. the 15th day of bloternhet
nett. By Loner of the Board of Lawlor,
or2o tf JOSHUA 11A:: NA, Treas.
ETTERS Testamentary to the estate of
A Jmnier hur ul Sadists totraftlity.Qountr of Al-
Ism, !fern grantotl to the sul,frfriLrfrrt all
hafriutt f•I•fro• nualuNt .e tfronelit
thrift dub authentlffttrl for ff,•ttl fowl ..airtAtti.v tat
is 11 AIfDINO,
A Card—Life Insuralice.
IL C. A. COLTON, Se&r. --Deur Sir
LT 2AD •, ol JLast.., I dr.m3 tuy
urtalowlp,l,, thr prwalpt Z 114.1 .4,1.1. m ,um in
wLieh th.• c. 1.1.1 a I,•lie, I, In,
amtainting to about 114...0..) t/vo• thousawl b.•
The h Writ!prinetples use. •tnet. the clf the
• "I"lllehurtrh Life Insuranev Cu.nt.L.l"
MI.. It to the ,1111.1,ilitill awl seLtrunage or the'whins
The prlsseiple prthlnnilel LenerulenLs In the tuutual
er-resigemeol et lour orstaultetinti, leOw true
beulPerhce. whichhutuartti add Chiletthuits
Lath "."'"'.
SA ta 771 1 1 1 ' ..!Mit. ' . ` ...,„
net,: Jew of First lisytiet Churrh. l. litshnnth. r t . e.
Notice—Lost Certificate.
N OTICE is hervby gi‘tin that applivation
I SV , , h i , .rioris ° .7A l i7s ° r k ssVs.:7l7o:;; . o.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
TIIE Olaa4 , avr and hew Yerk
t-tr•tolltito P . 0u1tanr . ..4.41.71'01 nt•tt
tat , .144.1, 41.Attt414 1,44. ulna awl 440
h-rtt- tr. N et. 144.1. (la. of thy u
nanl t4a44,-.ltruituttevlet, attptOntett t. • -
Vort fm• 0144:41r. , 1•44 , 1.1 .
nett- al
Ftrwl Cabin (550...,1%, M ivelu•lA,l•
. •
Thoot mr1124. nroololono. tout not winos or liqu,r,
wtoMl nso on bo‘ri. al motor", nr,o• Ar
no. •".•
lor rroictit or pv..l, !PTO' to
J. ••,,,,'‘.l‘,
.Cook JoISI:a•
I I;LAK F.l. l"onos, Europ,to
Auout anl Pos,or E•ol.ott4n..t
:ko-o 4g•t.t for et, Inlloott, l'uoYot I.ln.
O•nso., IJno n,toarnotono. totooon York sod I.•••
•••• allow 7.11 lin.. +.llanc fr , ro Low }Ant $lll Tr{
(V,l RIA :11.1 111MItil
I he Iren, ...11. hewn New Tort Anne
, tls th •ret atel rtem Lewd., en
111, we,l leollou ...err . mon*.
1 Isle of I,lwase. Parke. frer. N... York
Arsl tila.rew on 13th .10.11 uveutl.
A Line.( To.... Arte 'rem to New Or
Isoe for etzu.ennto. usAe Nrw
Raitexel. er Its 0.111
..tut..., witl receive even Anew... seal Ade,. eir.
etwertull, the ntnew r , f T.p.r.r," F.len
1•••;1,., I.ll.recewl. IV
a .1 T. Tayeeett W Cu- 1 , . Muth street, S.. cwt.., at
the Advert..., e•.n.t. .10 end Wen,
streets!. Iltlabut-an.
- .
Penton. tvaltlitt4 lo the 1.:014.4 SIM. Cas.als. who
.1.11 to mud fur Urea, It any part of Ro.lan t
Troluad t ktoilazoi.or . 14 a ler., .tart male thro 1 ,1 ,..e"tr ar.
r0t...1.0Y no sprdwattr.o to the auttocnber. and ha.•
arm brttught out by soy of th. altoTe
parkets. (which rater (tom I mt. , I, 'l.:tar tt.rts borthwo.)
nrta .. tart el. Ilerrhata Att., lo rtstatt'te lt.ttrtr, Lt
troy of laatrotttl.
n mat. , lortr 17,,UnDe,
ni ,tlung , prts.tri;tt • f tko
Ittu Lir. rt.., to ttret ama. Ithittn,n.
CLarltt.t.t.n. and tt.twannab Lttrel
to tutall nr tar
McHenry's Philadelplua s Liverpool, Line
of Packets.
Sailing r°rn l be cf ••{l=
"1. A
jWt. Philadelphia
c. t
1, sh
... . . -
•• jtLIILIS:AIII—.I I Scatlla flarted
W Vi Li•ater.
The 61... d• r. s Lath la.. best mad L a
rd r.dtty
4.e.J ad,. poled tor the r•t•datt ltded
tr., rtter lay toatadronetut.....l.. Ladd
thrrcatehly r•rdll•teal. aater axe utourtd.-•....1 cer
lit I'Mtn a - ad
In , , me.. Lereadarledre.ltaleut. lets addaLtied • r tradr 4 in the
nt Idl.ttda tiaelr Erlel/.1. tram. tbe uiJ
31n./10 evrll Lf Lau., •1.1. td
tar , trht c... Let 4. In !Minna 1.4.1 Lar
ttetta Watt tt. pr5.,...r italdiaatarta
ardtruetica. reisrty. tar gird der-at - tyre
V,r the td.r.7.aurra.• cl pa.d . r.rad• aaradallap tr. ono! ma
ace ouppt, Aral. tor LI etedlsLd oral uldrarl. raj - Wald
sl aunt irabout dtmviypt, •Itl A. mulled dr •tar
Vedat tdattni listard.r.
Ent , " .tvva' ft. wilt 1* forolabed
var.!. patt-t-t,t,r,.: CI IL, &LA tryct
1. '413. trll. 16/. nattal. tug., Ilb flour.
VI 10 tootarat-, pcalt. tinier I_)..ry agv,
tavtalttutta. I it. port. 1,11.111.0a0rt , ,,f water cod win
"' 4
' 3; u r ' ll;.l, ' ; ,- I • rs
No It ;6.El:a otrvot. tat,. tten , rol, Phllutelptatr.
WM. 11.44%
l.geyft•t+rutr (lift awl Woo.' sta., Pittahurgh.
. LAND, SOU' LAND, ANDIV ALE,. —JatartalLaa
t.t 11,. faro ut 111.11).11e
nottt.ltatt.too lireat !Isamu at.l ' lrelao4. .4,30 into , .
att,4 o.lmalat. elat Wotatatani, 111.1 .11 Co..
ltlto.rtsarary 13. r. hoorott,t t , rste, 11 Latmrt, ao4 4.1331
SLVi frl ma the .14 counrry eninwell no tb.
mn.t favossbla uarit N.. t.rk
p. it or to.
Cantie. bawlle, by b 11.1trocqCbolr Chorus 1 , 01.,
!I„lbei Hume.:
....-. ...-.......
NewCarinl;• U•cra- "tvadok.ry C. Book.
Normal Pcbool Song Wok:Teloperane.3l.loOon.
Juvenile OraOrter; Ole. HO, by L. kluton:
Pny, Ilemk ot the ,bcolynnm tOstatlea of Calolonia
Primary :choral Pony book. ,Unko Tempereuv• Bong
Poston Chorus Book:I
800 ,:
Also-The Alhatrcer, a very prr ,, ,r no. .. , or word. hr
11. N. Tointna. mark by Stm.hrbeat
W.lll. m y Brae, sea sung by 0. C. Fort.r.
The Rock of Ave.. earonl .purtety,
The Sol.. Illtolve. 'one',
Tb. Plor.mar . 01.tablaim:
Catharine It/tyro bongo, vomplate. For P'ele by
U K1.F.171.11, 1 hsrd ......
moll Y 1.3 i lbSunit.. 11 . P.
- - '
lIJTTON 13A'rTING—,50 bates Fetruly, for
Ili EY IM A I Ali DICKEY A tvl..
Ulster aul Prow eta
IttON-12u ices }'locale Furnace, to
Ynte from the •Ilestenv Wharf. by
n 022 J • 11 VIJ/011. hnubd Chursh
IVAN hf.:ltS' OIL-26 &Ws. sup., for NOW by
. 1 150,., J. •It 11,011
, 4 YWC
...AS PEPPF;Ii-15 boxes for Kale by
no 2: J. N..IIOONIIAKB.II a Co.
PRIDE subscribers respectfully cull the at
-1 tentssi of Dealers. [laid and 0.1,111,., to
their lame and .sleet stork of
I.IIOICF. 1 11tveCHIES AND rp:A4. . •
•111.-h they Oar on the naat favorable mnne.orlslna
100 Pkgs. oft.en a 111'1 Tea, 15 War. worldworldl'ie rom kl,
• , .. , 7 grade and variety; 10 '. " Ketchups,
30 legs ptiMa limo Coloa, ado - roo•rved Irulte,
:la ''' old Java . 10 " 'kaki. '
10 . Lam., ra - 50 !a and kg hos. Itabrlbs:
10 hhJe. prime 0.0. Place. R heves L'ltrom
35 lath, red end purd - 3 tasks Currant;
DJ boxes Bro. Botp; .. 2 CM. Bruno,
14 ... NAG, .. 24 drums flgs
IL ''' m'ld a g.lptCandles. I' , boo. Chorolato
1.5 " .tar C oma, . 10 - krao•uottl.
Brom, fru/M.114 Co. ,
Al., londun PlOl4ll. and Paw., and various Forellln
Deloaror anri Itarito., p.rsonally fole-tud 10 Wu, A.
11 , C.. In the 011.1.• /,1 Ivor y oyir„ I'llll%J/dot/la and Ilahl.
moos. romp/t.inn eltmrether •0 talmrttortit unowalled I.
PAlailurah. W Alt A. M'CLI. I / 1 U a Co_
tLe Loettr
6.1 UNDRIRS-3 bble. priruo Roll Butter;
L 6010014%
4 ° White Bram:
1.50,0 Poteke4 Nutter.
40 boxo+l.oloo,
100 Co. 1100,0 w.; f 4.10 br
BEN NM. &vend it.
0018 betirmen Wood and Smithll4l,l4ol.
rbItCUSSION UAPS--2,0(H),000 emit
y 11,13 j B. A YAIINKSTOCK CO. 4
d A SSI 111 ERE tIASSINET-150 pox. rot
it I /10. hr C AIthATIINOT.
TiIUNOGREEK SEED--4300 lb, far mile by
I 01111 V..
PToURIIAM,CIII4ISE,--1411 ileztor't
relehntre,l 1/teriatak Nuttnt x Chmrx, lisle day r
d and fm• tale hr
A i 11 , 1 2, .111T0T,C0. 5, for Nov'r;
ICI Ilor, fur aremh•r.
Coln's/or, for Novena's/1
Ladles' tistiossi Ilassotus, Dessssk, s ,
Ileestsed sod ler sale 51 HOLMES' LOetsry D.Pnt.
Third sts'est.'44.ooit• POilt (ones. out:
STRAW l'Al'Eli—Largo and very heavy.
suitshis fur lorassts car ...sorb', sselisses, fur ssl•
J ^EIIifoNMAKEK is 00 ,
ROOMS-200 dos. Corn, for gale by
ity hare ranelvell o chalet nod bandanna, um - all:oral of
lama tlllk., atlarialoon etripedand hell datmuka. Mao--
Plain /nark extra walth and qualm', asaltaturial
do. rich deamah atria.. Al., a few patter., at reel.
PLA It; VIL 1 : 24 0111H/Slille0P, a ecarreartlele. Vhan,able
Tare Pulnr, far cloak, and drestra. Black Dlaatitta mad
Claskins Velvet, Nerr Albboar. of Welt Part.stylca,
art recd. IPirrbo pLaae — aartheaxt ranter al Fourth
nd Markel alr,ta. •
JLP rm - t Dnr.curfisn have reed and offer low the atom
VEATIIERS-21 snake prime Kentucky,
I: reed per steamer Irene. andaam br
meet JAltad .1. M UMS InOSd CA.
ll 109 wk. Featber• 4 Tierra, lawns Lulling and km We by /SAI AU DICKEY • 1.4).
nt444 Water and /Mut Sta.
F LOUR -30 bble. SuperEne;
Elam] ust teed igivl fOrMileb7
no2I , uIIN WADI' el/.
OATS-1600 Lu. on consignment awl for
nia by T. 14 UODY *KIN,
- nobl GI WI WI . etybot.
AEICING FLANNELS—Grey, of (hirer
ent sOsturer, Saurojaz i anto l lo = . 4 by
THIS well known establishment is still eon
dertsl lo the sante mans., it hto always two. The
central sod pleasant situation of the boor, its oristicorilli
one arrangenteott, arul the rootforts and lusuries to he
found there, cutuhlue to render it agreeable .04 advert,
geOtle to the traveler.
fleeing boon ooe of the Brno Cl John 1.. Tucker .
no long tat the head of the establishment. Ili. •oleireilwr
Plmle.. his hest exertion. to inalutalo its regulation. and
to give nallefartlou to la. ruiloniers.
ser-itlesillinut 14111100.
Moore Henszey & Co., •
3IPORTF:RS and IV lialpetile Jobbers in
HAMM ARE AND l'Ul LE/I Na I:.llarkat atraal.
St.,k larga and rrle, Intr. Ja. r
S 31,.1 Wm .1 Cc
it szito pe, L
theft at, and lamnrr in Prakdalnosia. to the n..e
and •nyinsio , (IRAN IT):!Mil N.. h. , SOilla
It lllllSA\I ,
lasild all rt. , •protatd. )Irn.l" , u,i- and 1...41. , r. sn
. .
.11e.o. Isne I.llkrk INK. .1 thr
rctiEsE .perior vh.s of Perfumery.
arnrataxt ttrixtrit or, r.nuat rtttr.l Lt. tortit crixt.ratral
ILLlstm I ANL.... P.a.. Itt.atte..l. , ll, and
.n.uet Y.extdrrx. Chturre tOterapprrx tat
,Itra —Walnut nal Extra Ettat Saud lirtaro BIM 11.
num, end Extra Er...
1.1,1r0r. Ent,u. A
0/11p , . `Lan Cram. have tr. ',tr.,. Et
tram. f, , r tilarrt.t..l,,, • ...I. Cr, -
1•1 I.,, , tnsi liner
/lair •r ort.
pal.. Er T C1.1....1,
1.1 314 I...rturr
111 - Nlrrrtrnt. fun,. that Cl,, t r
n 1 lut•L extruat••••lnut•riur,r lama
Shrivor & McLean
Pour, l'odure and
No. 31 N.,. 11 . 41.. n nom.
k Jur. grnatratl r , 11l r,,., r < 1.4.0 ...WI., • .•
our lat rararurri to r nrr ainurfaelt.,l, A.lrroer .41
10 , 44 14 11111,4 .hrn .1
I'ott r l•karo.
3lr Al!r I..uuhltu, •
rauxa. lk
r iiOMAS Li iTE, • FIoNN ET ALI N U•
lAITUntal, II mrrot Vrt..rr.
I'Lertuut. orol 1 . h4•414141.1
11,11 111.401.4.}
i t MIA 1.1:1, 11001)11.1RD 1 C.., IV
.no.. Am,.,.. Y.. ,/ Mr.rtra rt tsars. .441
HEALD, BUCK Null 0.,
• NV A I.l'
Flour and General Produce
Nu t.,11. Tu Ilva i ID. .EA is DAM DORF: tiff:ELL
8.41, TIMOR E
Darn,: hvot tn
n . lleaot h. r:uknrf 1 nt,
f h•r,•..a1l quiet “6, Dturn, ahl
re 4..1,0, Atrltne.,
n.. r
I..nt .4 ', I fh.r•h.nt• /*.ht
• r Pox&
rt; - 7
• -
i Professor Ales. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
i lin :kii:l)lt.!ATEto CONSI'OUNI), far n, To Let.
si y 0001 th. ortarrefoe and bautifrthn 11, .. 1 ".. 1 r.ered , .. ~,
tt.n. r or( atoi dantlrntr, Rod eurina ..I,edarr ~f ta, akin, j 1 lIF. w, , 1l kro.wn E.IGLE HOTEL. r
~, ....;..., ~,.... ~.., tru,r, ,raint. te. It 1 , Nolnyll Tllli,l , f 111/..1.:T. 1401 .10F.L.1.111.4...2
h••n•—, tortrldineti or • 4,1111. , n4.. 0:4, 114r,.•Tr441,41.• r ~.....• n•-•.; k • 1-1, ,-I 111 i., • 414.1411. 444,14. 4 .0. 4 1 .
• kl, ..14 ~ .1 O. 44, - •••• eat 01 the araonal k/nciona Th., •rhl• rtrg , an tr-mn,nllrut Ilottl-•rctaitithe Up...aria
/ followtra 144.4tirr5r , 013/4. 44.{.4 , -(444 0.4 , 4, 1..1r•; 4 •41. 1 ., 4 . ,, 44 I , •I 1,1 4-411•0 a ~, C.. 4, • t•rl•• 4 ..". l•Y ~.. , t . • ar 44 r ,
L m -AI o.rra tr , ar.ner the T. 11.••• or 11.- orroaratton. i rarlor 'and • 1011... r,. 4 4•744 . .,...),1•14 , 414 wan 1,1 rim y . at
.l tn...tont a .,o nu mho!, 1 a :,e,I by Ihra• alto Lave , ia. Lot a laslnd 'ban . .f.', 1r 1 .0 Ind-a:0000 in the Ina.
Ineen A • tnni t ~,,,,,,,, ~,,„0 , 0 . 0... 0 74 ,0 ',boreal* 11 tug', nearly
I `r . V... , er. WO. orb , . Ti,. ...11 4 nt , ra 1.10.1, 01 I.l'h /..L. 101111110. a
Picr Gains-D.O Ple-1 have ben altiel.-4 ,1h strut CA,... -an 1,- lat 1,, • rbac.c.aldr rrnt 11•4.04 and after 110
bend,. cry` „on .i the acalo. of • Litat ,:gravatrd char. , 11/IOT 0.411 01 .41'1:41. \4.1.T. oh, • 111 nbb'nt 44,4.-
144444 10 o,e latl ostrenand thrtna that char.
pan, 1ea.....,,,.
ht.. Lad 11. e. •414•4•4: t. 4. nthe of tf.« ebat eco phyo. : 1 - 1 r Llrtri aas brontly er-001 upon the !abet-and matt
eastud. 0,4 har• Tr:. ail 0, preoarati.... tte th a tt and : 01, . .. 11., reot.v.thrn band., to•ever.
1411 t pow tar a. .10,1011 lb. haat lonrtt I a1....,1 ,0, 01.4 Ia b r .drd, (LSO the Llol4Faii.lea .1...--, of the
Er a to try rata Intatyht.rava I ,1 , 4 0 - , •• • hurt : y t•-'n, •.r 6,10 Arr., 4 4•14 Ira,.
r••• rd and. 1 , at tory.rar mad /fnL.fotata n. t..ond c 7, ,,,, . ~." ..,lor t rt.- agar. ~.,.r .. she orb r,
111 I-0.1: A 1,1 514101.
11, - -,:er o'4l at n...-ant 1 wea p., ,a.,,, dd.l 11.. 1,111. • • 11 . 1 .1, i . /.11.41.14bi11.
• it444444•40.,4. ,C 7.1.... It 1.1 i.APELII, ' •
.1. , 12=1.1.1444,•-•l. 1144.0k,11. T ,, Lk. r—A bar, and ~ ,, nv,ei,ot. n a
- 04.4 ... , 1 .4.4...+41 , 44.1 etn.4.4.44•1544•41 M1L17041 . "
I . tor 64311-311 Inca r--.\ ' o 7, ta:or " ! g i . ....r " ... ' , ' Kc i r ' f..tir s '' 1 „."',.‘"'''''' ''''''''' ' ' WM II %MASSON.
111:41• •%I • Knral ,100. 1,-1 311 farad •••.• caurn a1.,1..ed - ' . . .
trzth 4444001 I nag lAd r kis - K..lw ta you% It to.your. . Private Residence for Sale'
..1.4. 417.144 I .3 T. ...,1 Z.v attoairnso. c. ray Lair. nu
Cd.lnir mo and edt tha ..u.=.1,,,a d.boraan.d. a+ th, T
ht... 1 non Ithoe• ttd SA/Orit lIE t•ROPERTIi 14 of exceeding
'! iv ..,..40k1 roa ten .. , orcatholat,,,a ten:no . 112
1, r.. ~ ,,T , . .. I Ibl, year ottraltatrant
- 1.r..4 in the mud.
J n TltaAl4l hi., ;Ai Drr,•.inay ! .... c. ''''''.' l t f'! ... ' .. . 5 ' .1 d ' . .. 11 ..t 4 c 'r l '' . yl r . ' L i'r
11 any WY' or •001,01 z, dt Urn. Inre anttanatata, of the ''' ''' th '''' .. " 1 ".. '''."'''' '......• •
1:,. ,
~„,..,, ~,,...„...„.„ , ,„.,,,, „ „,........ .. I, I. w. .. u., • pi......,,,, v..... 0 ILt :01 01 i'ultt
~.; y;;„.,.. ' ,:ray, fit. ler, • bere he trot . tar aro... '''''. ''" ''''.. r" ''' " '''' '''''''''' ' '''''' `''''--
110 letttr•
T , ,.. 1, ~. 1.1,,.. eutitra.ol, Ida: au ute 01 I. r..ubJ. •
I i.. ‘ .. ".".. 7 ...1 ' 1.4. 0 ' .... '.". 0. ' .4. . ( .c• Lcu.”,a . au.i ;Iv 1...: Ir•• 414, 4,14.01(, 1.*: . • 14... nun-
Tt.... ..' r ''''' .....l ''' "L. '''..."''' `." ' ''''''.'“.'"' I tlerd and pity i I to ad, alb,. Ihe tardn... evb are
04 tth''`' ...e. ' I .... ` .... '` r... ' r. ' “ .4 • ..'‘ L.L. '....'-.. ' ner to. hou... Iddlt, 1.5111 Ih n 1 abet, tr 11,.. :I ' u,, 1..0
the / . '1• 101.1 ‘1 , -. ,-, ••,-- .- - -.1 . ---- , ~...,,.... ~.., r.L,••i,.... ~ ,„, 1.0 amnia, hi vine entrr
11a ,. rr , )t” : - ,n.,.,.., °• , , ,;," ^ . : 1 ' . _ , ....' . `,.....„ 1 , "7 . i . ..... ,,,, ! „. ' ,, `, ~`,'. :
.n, ...d. 0.0 a ..., r.,i ,, „ua :„,. ,[., . ~,.,,,.,%, ~
-,-., •• • •,-, - .... •• • - ••••• •••••..,• ---‘.•- • - - --• " , ~ , ;• - ,...'1.,...; ',;,,:, 1...,,... ~.;1:1(. 1 .;,1•111i,••i' l \ .ITIS2I.
Otte, ..rtp.i... u.. c.a.s I, 1.. q .f. Ci,{l i• lir. ... , •••.,I . ~,,,. ~ ~1,.„, . „„„,.., ~ ~, ... ~..,",b,,,,,.
,l ' ln b' s . tE r , ' . ' . ' l7l:.; '1,7 I" I , .•;:;:,",..r k .:::': ;IT. [ I •••., la •,•• -•- ..--•-• .-1. , .. , .--- -•-•?•••, .,•
E„1",•,.. 1 :1,;:. •;` ~ ..,,,,-.'...,, - ,r,...........11i1. —, ...t , -..‘-.1-"” - :',..-^-'.:"' ', '°;• P - ,',";„..'-''
at4Cll \ • 1 4 4•4•1 t62:41. Jr, • , ..14. •C 6.1 411..4 4.1.1...04....4 lin a- '. .1 1.,.."' .. . I ;',-'.! :Illl''',' ~ .' -..1 , . - - . 7 . . .." , ' ', 1. 1 ;.7,..5:' . 1nV' ' ,11.; 7. -
.h.rt dl lb!. '4,u. In •Lak{ twat ae nail ad.., ...A . it abb. , .•` - '''•l. ' „
_",, 4 L. ' , ''. _
.... q....
uur.i. It i ll• lat . 4 ladataa. t.ror 'ffterada at An 1'; .. :‘. ',.' •;•„•,...j.„:•7,. 7.:::, , ;w , . e ,•. ".. , u
rr- , w. , •..d.“ , I”. 4, 4-- -..,•-,-,•• --u. ; ; , --. • ' - :.,J
__ ',a,- ~, 11,111 :..rotind en
ti•Linntedntate••nd Canada. .. an.- 11
- - - - - .
,), : ,
~ .',
! i li:}1; SA 1.1:-- 1.t r e :, l . 1 E L 5 . 14 11- te rsi .. and Luts , iti the
lt() A D I I.()It1.1. ~,,,,.--,.„,, ~ ~„,,,,, for In
~ n 1 ,111
e bar
,J. , ,,thal oupy.l
. 1:0".1 1 0, MLR( tkNT, . rue,' .tit t \ •I . .)it'tFlts; t . (ovtil:sioN 4...
I I. tn 3, 11 It •.. I r.r .0, 4.14 it.crlCllll...-
11 1
111.1 1.12.., lof t. ...r lethal., L. ,, tr. .01, tr. 1111.1 1.11
, • 14. t 4 4. lb hre .. l• 41.1. I 44.. a druhenr , A,. 8444 14,111.
Gig 0,4 1.14:4 •1..1 ~1 14,1444.4. i• LI r•ltt • 44.40 , .
1.... 4 , 4•44.1., a 14.1 44 1a....1• 4 1.. •••• Cayal 110 an, thorr
arl.ltuo the irvaiti liellill,. la 4111.1.14 W 44 •/ lhcr
lite 11.14,4 i.: 1.001
1 ..,1-01.• •tr , ,,,r. 1 to 1: r 1, , ..k),... Allentwar ot r
II 42 045. io. '..
- 1,1•1. I t ,inrk., x[..l 11..,1 .t«. _ .. . ..
1, -, 4_,1i RENI T -Ti.r I.w-Iline, No. 15!"...a.
l' 1t..r.1 .r...1..7 - ,...r ~,. 1.....1—.......n z.. u.• '.'. .
cr or bars. baddlu t au./ the 'addle,. •01 Valdonti oz
......-dt bre net a 1 , 1. f'nk. •112.14•41. •••04 :10,1,11411.1
•41 . • 41-r I, v 4141
1 - 4414•1.
1•44,- tria /1..41, ..14.4111,11+ at
• ettfid..4.4 4.04 bunt..
11 05t.1.11,01,6.
at „ , „ Itruratt elrea.t. nett/ VlO.l. \
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
Foi-'...:1:'• :I'll li Et ,. to , I I.IiISTU o LOTs, ,, tied 1
, A 11,1,ens /nneitlngn.,,th .1.1..0 110+,0, annt.and
ni. Itadk Lade
1..1 001 frr one or morn yeara, the residue at lb.
out id •.t, 11., 11111. rrten.llo.; L.a. - 1. to 11,,,bie 0t.r...1, 141.11
Int 1 , ro.• S , . ...0.10, of Mr. SIOnES 13 , 111 LAND, near
tta pratno...• ~ 4 tit 11, ..00erther, 1.1 till 1111. re,
alti •trdrt. l'Atrldtr,th
II I I, 11. 411141.11 W11.K.114:,.
I !heal.,., LL1,.1,
a lONT/N UES tll5 111111 J hollitico t, reerive
1 .....I, 1,1-. au, 111 •15.ipup , i1.,1131 , ,,,..,1,-•
r11401,,11-4 tin . e.... wort ta. ..1., Li, I , all ~...
ca. IL. L.t......1 Itor Illitit. 1,14.1 au I 1, , , ,
11.b,,...•//-11 La, , ,,a±1,112.: A i i
)1,14,...1..a. 1 Cow:,
11, lc,,a A CALlclko, •rollin
Wm. 11.
',IIIAM. Al AIIOM 1. K. N., 3 A ... .t. I frArMA.
34141:1M41 It
A.3IUEL .1. W
In rni.l In kbe intrrt.... , . of Il•
1.r.n0-, L , ..nnonnou. and Forwardlou I.lercbauls. wrs lla
L.Prro, •t. in0.: ‘ ,1,, 110
11..,60 t.. 11,saspli3Ot.,Inn, and lone., raerllni ,,, f ,
Vi a.i.urgh.
AA V 11) C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
f i loglot=o m o t 77ro . na r pVa . "17.71.."07' .. l ' . t' u al..-I"' 4. l M y ".
1 OH N 11. ILAN KIN, Attorney anal Coun
wy Alor at Lair, and Cf.aono.rloner for In. State o
1,c0, 0 la anis. /11. Loolo. M,,. (late of Pittrhorvh )
11.1.001*-10t,..burgb; Hun W kL.r.,,N. Ilamptral I
aria., WCandl.o,.. a ,IrLiorm. JAI, L. I ara.. 111.a.1L, a
51,04,10. M.-(.1.0,1 a Co. aosILI
_ .. . _ . . _ • - -- -
l)A RED PEACHES-16 lau. lot solo be
2. dro W 11: A. MrCLURI, • c o ;
UAIRY BUTTER—Fresh, and handaane
-fr put op for f.nally ore, In bmu,s of 10 arvl II Ms
10/ box,•jorl reed .nd In , Pkill by
WII. A. afeCLIHIO & Cal,
0,05 ilroccrr and Ira 14 , 0,4..
lINT-25 lark Firsand Water Proof,
llnr ,alr bi I,A I All DICII 410 a CO .
alto Wut, and / rl n‘ $ c.
DEA - BLS-14 casks ree'd and for sale l'y
C 4-10 WICK a 11,CANDL11:1/1..
ii - OT ASII-15 casks pure, for sale by
i dol3 111Cli • hIrCANDI.I....,
iILIACKEREL--100 kith No. 2, for rule by •
111 data WICK A 111,4.1ANIILUSK. ~
4 I NSEED OIL—I 9 labia. for sale by
'I 4 &LI 4 II.CANC11:1.11.
ii ucioa7l-75 doz. Patent, tbr role by
POTASH -8 , make for 100 lay
ouo InAlall RICKEY a CU
It :ILI ; ,. 13 RlMSTONF i l , T , l A 2 u ta n h i l c u i lizr a an ii l , e . by
ARE) 01L-20 hide. Winter, for male by
_I A deo . .1.011,0 • 1.01, 60 IA at.
N,io x itl , l D lS' . i'EA STORE, IN THE DlA
tia,!,‘ C,,,,t,1n g Ilablio.. M N W.] tharranto a e.
Ni., Dumb Raul.. 12h, 0 H`l,•.. Malec. Wag. --1 . /4 o.
Candled Ilyrno, 6 .11/P .61141 i.., 1......1, y r ,,,..b o r o oo d
Fob,. 01 all Igiols, Eacodont r.a. Lb, sod Yrif f l .4 ltlo
ea.. 1 . ,. V . _
i; PIS. TURPEN'FINE—IS fable. in prime
ij 111pyIn• ord.-, 10; RAI. by
4,0, J KIDD a CO., 60 !yowl .1.
iii , :ien 6Cii fLE:-5,,,,,,i„, f. - 1 i
ran e ay
ye.e. 4.1111,11 a eta., an lann ..a.
iiilCE -25 tierces prime, for sale lay
4.3 11 1 / 1 11,1010.1 V a INOIIR aII _
DEAlti:ll PEAORES—.S bbl,. new, Mr
! . 710 bY____ , W. A F
... 04 110,,N.
•fr.,. il. ......„ ‘ i „,.
1u boar. Iturs.ll A Roblnrnent N'r.
Io W. 11. Grant'', On
6 " moil, Ilahrey'a b'o,
• c.c. Rairowleo
tIRESii TEAS-25 hf. efies6 Y. ilynon:
2611. rile. OUP l'ourfirr.
14 .. lmborial;
IV . . Ulan ; for fob, by
*I OPS,--I0 baler Ohio, for sale by
ni . de:. J. N.. DI-LIVIHITII a CO.
. - . .
- DOT ASH-21i cask , pure, for role by
,11_ . dal: .1. n. DILWORTH a Cu,
t, 40.0 of Humid Notatlan. by J.R. Atkin: 10.1 tool
end for salt el, JUllli 11. DELL 14
dal: 01 Wool st.
1101----53 kegs ailed Nos., just ree'd per
111EAHL STARCH-50 boxes just rec'd on
consignment end ro , reslab7__ T -.. ,,..vms _ a
Valuable Property for Sale.
riIIIAT new and elegant Brick Dwell -•-e.,
111 Ivy an.. sitomtkin therillauelsl Roohester, t."[?4,
I)mat T. 1 . ... between the Ohio river and the ...WL
Ohio and i'a Ita lirsol. The house is 01 leet•lrout b, Sv
fernsp—t stories...l baswment story; att.,
o with stood loel m.o. The Lot an Wel, It
shuol. is WO feet trim, Du the Ohio nye, LY 11,5 foot deep,
The ard front owl Krousol
the house is lainutifoll) 1.14
eft •10l I.l.tohsi .1112 abnwhore of shrubbery, news..
no.. with • u.ssl .04 substantial stoup. wail around 1
n • w•len 10....2200ieuw the same. lin) het suourn.
....ler awl sill, a 11... forth, partwulsra
y Vulos.rllwr. lb. premise.
A \v
‘ A . A.F. , tiouE. s situntr.l Water,2
rr, otrevt, • mlehlv Ir.r
ereeluva, .urreove. ,
.re 1. ell. tie Watvr
Allegheny Foundry for Bale.
9IIIE under-rued oiler for .ah, their ex
lvtoery en I ',well. FOI. •.tue, Levvre
trv, •h I v etotenn: t",‘ .714, bony rho
I.vol.v•smt•re•v the FI-nlairy. Illertrmitra
,t 1.1.. No I Pal.vrn ,r , v;; •nd ler vrnurel 1.11 erhivh
nun., • 41.,i It,. 'urn...vloh 'el
he tm, ery a I ..1 rvrren mete:3-I,le Art
elvki r ..llAer It Or
For Sale.
"ELL tw.. 131:1CI r;;;
,Ehasl sat
s,lsta pa, al she slts. 11.. lAA s• ass Ina...
•trasss I y I /- isa Chars, I.ll,pararalare apply 14
WII IM O:111.1/61. Irssai sslls..l.
extv .111 la risassal in ar lsi dal as laza
us., 'a' , Xl.l.+z. 111111
To Let.
N OFFICE over Philo Hall, and next i l
A 1..guerr..1,,
1a... • nto l'.uunrirania
.1, 1 V IJAZ, Lawn," nem r 11.0.1
For Sale .
' , tors liriA Dwelling
IN.. I . .
A• , l
N,. •:.r• , tar 11,
Atzr.tnets I.t
.s. I.,brti.
St. Lotus Hotel—New Orleans.
t; DO r: ir ILSON. formerly of thef t .
,• • et to ttu the Ir. w.iluY
pol•lir It, Sr -1,1 la z• (+on
Morin. 11. e 1... x 1., b....
r • ,”..v.• con, returti•ht.l.•l.)
wt. pti.lle toe With .14111. rt and ....wt.,
4 . ) FF I (;p : e s e
yis• r, • kr•t..1, " ;ut,•••11+1.1)
.10 ZASI, LiMnlnl.upar TUN
1 , 1) LIET—From lite tiret of April next, 7,7 ,
• .Itil l ilt j&r.rftl 1..,t&
For Nolo,
I , , OiTy . ACRES ,.. OI.
lave. hlsd ••• • •/%110 ri•er
~ g.- 113,4 L. 11.11,,./ p.a. 0/ 4 ... 1111114. e./ 41..1
Fur •
lull , n l:7ir , :plunb ..1
I; AIR IP iit N Ilxlt•nI firr smle some
Desirable Property for Sate.
A ~ 1 ry. v..1.1 , 1).1t. Building
r.. 4111,. 1114.•
—.s It.. .t.rnee
•tvl t, rlrt .1.1.
3 .
I. rii• L.k4 5.14 itu.ny
1.. t ft,nl
I rr •r r //r 411.1 or. wer..ramotnrtin• ternir tn.turre or
r A 0 IS A
tnrm t tor rtrtr tort,. A•eram
rtrtir rn Inntanurch
) ESIR,tI3LE , 1:ItOPER11
rh•, FUR ti:ILE-
...1 rt.trnm, 1 1 tr r.rt Irmy ma •
.11•mr. m drptl Mt /rim ritri I'. nr.,l:unn
I ''' /, ‘ \ r l ' at:\ ZlllYr.n . • rtn,,
•I utr.rts. r Po- "
A Good Bargain is now Offertd,
Frrn, ltirw• ACIf 1., w bui r irwche liormsgb,
thiar rip th. i• • 'whorl trt
• it, hricwwwari il.lllla, aa. Th• pnihirrty n,.,twi
into lot, oinq irt • .201•1 prunt. hsr•ohe diripoorwil
hurvili•-• will bhp!, la HAIRD NV 1:1,
I If S.cuml at.
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company
rIIIIIS COMPANY offers to the unsure,' all .
tbr . rrrunt, 115.1 Ka lnota . ..r. r Mutual aria Juin I.
k Mane herulururu I.lllmtulunul. outlet. Lovr
ratrr uf prvolu, an 1.1.1011 rt•turu In curb uf the per
mon ruunl,l Or the. runtinFrnt•rik or air rpm an
adequat, but nut r ll, 4l l ,i.rortNito fur Ow futur. arms.
It, of meralwrs fur nut wholr taro of lifr. with an equip..
Ain Inturr.t in MY .crtittllll.4ll4 fund gueurra t rub
a m 7a b' rrEr . rrf ' utP.l,=::;:n 6 4?: ' tren i
ri.trt term an.l law or ' Ube rtnewnt %ream,. of
tLtu , ter lb. rrhule turrn ut life.
a• - i/11. t. tho nilll . 51131411 i if.. In.mmore Company
mom, ...Immo are axed o: a lair rtelueml
Idolsrob a /wort...lpol or an annually lucreoastm amount.
tlw of fond. I for IMure emunty )In exam pmmmtion to
amouul I.u.onem and the lorreaalna ma frum ad.
v.otitot Stir ammor tbo member..
Yentoh!olx, tram, amino In detail, thy plan and
rain. of the iimmarm, curniabml arable, and aPtMeMmno
J. TU111037, /went.
1 . , Wood ntreol, Itittoburtfb.
titt4l 1 / 1 1m.arn. amoutnor.
•ODEI.bil —8 drums large, for sale by
deo INA 1011 lilt% n 1 < CO.
, urFEE —l5O bags Orson Rio, for Sale by
1,,,) den 11101011 1.14.Kt1 • 0 11. I
C ifoxen Cream, for role by !
11 1 IC II t RllOllllll.
I I NSEEIrOIL 7 -5 ree'd. aud for sale
h, S 1101111 I 11111
pOT.kSII--1U casks prime, for bale boy .
j „,
s • If. 11•11PAUt111.
t LASS—SoIi boxes escorted, for sale by
ILI deli a 11.41A1111AUU11.
I NI11(10—i seeroon Citroens; 2 keg,
In: nu ennoignmeot. for rule Ine to claw.
deO IEOIO 11 I.IICI h 1 • CO
lIIOLL /LEAD ' S A: BODlES—dust reed, an
n..tortruent of loam 11,11 lies& end Rodtes.
4 1'1%" . .?' 1 1'.7:17t, ;v4.'17111:3., 22.
1 1th' TEE'IIIINII ItIMIS-2 gross,
of •n cancel, now •rrlele. loaf TV,..1 nod br vole by
Ari .1 a II 111111.1.1110.11.1 01.0001 or
a., Slay 01,
'Y hereby nertife that 1 env atthettd for nit month...with
0017 blrh minced me nn that I n.ohli d .4 tn
q uit my work. nod that by tho ...or°. and • half Nrm ,
. 11•Isero. I.lvor P. 11.., nod taro bottle. of tn.. hotel-1.1
Cough Syrup, 1 won le , rfer tl, run.l. J. 0. ii.kLM
I May 14.
1t0rn0...1 Senora. Conch 1-yrup Id murinal 1.. e ten
yours or more. nod hot.. never R.nOw I% It to rdhov
01g and donna • mnah. • Oro. N. cam. l'reparaol and 0.1.1 by •
thdi R. Wdo.l 0. ~
I FIC—A fresh supply
• • reed and far Role by J. lit RD A C 1).
.101 Word at.
1. 4 1 C LECT I C PIIEI'A RATIONS -- A full as
.. A •ortrovnt, for l ale hr J. FYDD a CJ.
QT A:Atli-246i , lbs. Foxe's Ohio, in'solb.
1.0 Paeknoe, fur sale 0) J. KIRK I CO.
dell • • dp Wood at.
CHEESE—UV boxes Cream, Siierior;
boo Commu. Its dv,lo I.Y
de9R. DALZELL a CO. httyrty star _
_ .
ItUTTER-5 bbla. Fresh Full;
•• .0(1 1 1.9, 1011(1 Pzelt./1. far
b 2 2 IL . ILII./X.LL s 0.1.
LAR - 6-7-Iniihls. and It egn, for sal; bY.
deCr.l , • ; • ' R.DAILOELL• cuT..`1.0.1122 IL',
GROU.NLP NIJ IS-5:: edam Mi \ ll - a:or" 16;-
larear. for web). IFAIALt DICKEY a 00.,
dee Waisr sad bops Its. '
• \
u ExpreAs Mail Train will leave the De
, 1.3433rty the C.u.i Iln lam. err.r
marrosia at 11. 1 , 33 , 31431..
143.•eaer• .1/1 yo by the ,Car• 1:1 collet Intl riatoW34
where they 1•111 Mid ilia inn 01 1133 readtmoia to
th.m343, ovar a Brat rale turnpike road 4 ,
14,313 n Siat3on. mr3oduetorn co with am 13 lama al roach
-3333 14 intdii • and 11•aity otstiou.3 Ihora take
lb. 3,333ead0i 33.5 Par• of the Prod, tram. 13•11
roaJ 3'ouivali• •
313,31 to Pill LAPELPIIIA au./ 11.11.11-111331113.
COR3l3orla m
Pa••• 13333,33 Baltiore flak . . 113. Vora Gar 14kC..
PB and
tai timiromt at anima %
mote to r. tent , aud to Naehiu, Lmlh lj Ibe esma aq3
Plisaenarr. who Rod, to avoid 13313,1331 travel. tam IN
ed meld .1 1.13311331Nehum. 1.11.1 tbalr to , •ea 13 3 ,
thin. am ram,: • o tram. .111 attire In Philadla
ph tb• name •tomor Iba Railroad Com, any Ph „
0 i 3 , 3 ta.3 dmi drala• Irmo•t tam to 13,1313410 mi..
to PlioateltiLm k'sto
The Arnlumodatlc.R . Trein ml 11 10.. 0w..., n
et lf, EAal Latent, Wilk II •1.111,1 •r 1's
11...tarnma Ire.a. .11l 1.-alr A. M.
t• , 6.t 41 glkio.hurF abt111.1.11.,
ntht r.‘.oir P.l.,burerts MU?, i, A. M.... 1 11.
n'rltAA. 1 1 ‘I
ab• I. 1.,1; . Fnr.. to 41 illtan.burgh
l'ar. to
l'a•••••im.r. .1,1/ 'Wk... At the oft, lu tb.
(torib.rly tb.Attlle.l auto
hell nulAlon. the ..1 u.b TrAILi. • to.n tb.
tbre A, s..t th. hi 1...b.a
-e LOA,
.t Tlrket Abont
I,lon H*11,44
E-18 5 I
And Ihr Par•lmr 9 l4 are/ Cterd,md Rai(rand.
well known and uld eqablished Line
ILK ung hymn! • multertl,Al •zth the -ritteburgb
ate Clevel•nd II•eitto•z1 I.:Amp/tat .•' kr, now thrift.
nigh, I'nna'te •neeyttelJ to atAtlnsal rittetotrhh
ead 12/elelentl, ahtl ull 11 . 1, 111.111•Ie iolut, al the Is.seel
eteatohoat AK la Pit ateelsea and earrieatagiab,
the aal.v Liar Janl, le.slalr Pitt-IntraL ever; alga..
at Pe e o'clo,k, and Ii Olarillg at V. tido., I'. al.
- wee. earried throgah to el•Vr l / 1 124 and all nib
Doha: La. Mn root, hy .teamb.aet !true, to ...Vera)
, tagy Company In liana...a, and a.
Cu, Menet
Clevel•od It a. VAN:, a Cu, Au•nta,
A Calltlllna, Ag rill ent It
A.1n1 . ,r. %Voted. a Yinltkidield eta., Ilita , airga.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
gag bTaZfa
Couttnen:;ngon Monday, Dee. nth, 1851.
dad runner rd trif.l. Railroad, tradnig to Cie,lal.d.
Colln6ut a,d Oort,nuh. 1;2 nail., Railroad,
.tn.l only 14 Mike SI 41,1411 g between Pirtd,urgh,
of the .rc.r...rtr.,” tro,, tA,. C!,r1..0.t1 Naar.)
at A th,tre
rill ; Esprees. Train loaves Pittsburgh at 8
1 a 'a ~ ,4 , l •Nam , to, al h...... 1...,. 11.x.b...n.t.t....
kight...l lo+11“.. ah.l e.n.,.n.' .0 Al r..aelie r l'alo.lino.
1111, 111, di ..1..x.r0 havotraoho ‘...n ...... ll
hnhy... lo ,or., orhl r yin al thou, I. A11y..., .1...
hurgh .t:. I. XI
414 , -'ll.w No. II h
rtAr:L1",....,,. ,
I lob, di ,Il I iri.ll rI 'd I
did ...11 l'utolntr.l...., I
11.. o.usjor Ink.
...Ceti/ iti a A 1.1.
a:., I . pat.*, nyt run on h
~ ". ^ 1h... . "..... • •
fr..n. lho ..tal.tha
l .
ii I, TER ARRA. tIE.N,
Ilar,l A I.larte-eto i'nainn, Mc...110t
4‘,..1 in. NraCia:lit
rain le, r 0..). 41,44. I, at 2:
.t 4 r. al.. lad Mrtre• at htt
htma Ac 4, tun/Watt.. \Truitt meal,
as.l 4 V. sum A.. 14 \ltrltrtitou
' O , • • tdtddha at ItitartAntla, Fla
V , 14.4 /or dal• 4 ‘ , 4 L.
aad A.• brkaat.4,4
\ rave,. Milano.. at 4 A Al\ shJ
nth the trats:iN rod,
rtal ldievt t - tattt.s. \
eautt4l4. Y 4881,4,
T.ckm Art, \‘,
e are now preparftd to entry Frc.iht between
rirreat:enn yy
auntie, th.• usntr.r. cad Lire. tamochmcd
11K 111tAFF
11 .Lt.
E 1.1.111.
4, ,:nrlll Ch eat- ItaILID~
~ ~: --
Y- ~
durnc tns,npen r. ts
thr r t r h o icanr r aw d mlrrion of (izi
Pillr of Isollnc ,I: to drlm-ring throurrh. •
RE s 'MAR.
Lib..rty Rtn.eL hte.iburgb.
212 •tn.... Ithiiakirt;hla.
,ortl. ravi. ' Baltimore.
Freights to and from :the Eastern Cities.
.W 1
•n.. 1 1 / 4 I. ,11. , -.111,
11.111 1 BLACK,
ei•1133,21.1 Prun ISIM. I , ll.lpunith.
N... IS anJ 13 P 4 4 ". "•
:1 1 111 . 11 " 3 " 1 - ThVgir4! °'..
_1 I
11" / NV' /: dleß.4 X G .11 FA' 2'.
eto.seriberm, agynt, for the Pennsyl
Ft r •Il Lao( rlaa ,, ,cluxin an .001 lOU b.. r ,u. buider. Lard. T 1.11,1, and all
. ............. .- SL"
\ 0.%111.4: Vi/I.E.
• Vo.ttrr and Waynt rtrerta.
ruh.ll., 1.1'1,1
hd Err rr s i',orkrt f for o
riIHE Murn mg Line Iv in be eln-A .7 3,,,;4
,cowd Ion: ay. the uet(ber
1 0, 13 1 E . 0 , .." - Lbg clul; at
.41.07 J. P ISOLMF .4.V0 4.
L 64. r actr;
I.VEI II 4 t Catiml
IR...John P. Perk—Len: .tr. It 1. with of ',stand.. that 1 um able. thrtugh 3
1 1 ... Lien, .1 1.1... a. and Li the wooderwo, Mow en.
that rieekent Mailie,o,. MUyihtt . e l'hilorf hark anu
eaparlda. ta aloe Tetra Pe aympinme of my ramertheta
lemeie4P•e. Its 11, wint, r 1 InfAl I wee attatked with isi4r .
vete Onn. whieh tr. , gradusliy mxteinithg through the.
3 whme right •nl . and km et the tame tune, there're's to-
At prnettsu,n nt my. rhysieal ayst.m; el, my lag koi
'kbruake to two•thfrat. of IL. roan:non vim: I pre.,
FA LL ' AND - WINTER A RittNOEM ENT '''''' '''''''''.
' ''''"'
''''' l„, ' ; ' : '
1 ookoor ~..Iheh ht.c ot the h...r.1 t .rme al I.verwOMP---L.
1S x
51.1E4 2 he
1 ~it,.-. ~..:::„.,.,,,,b.;` ~..11 1 `4 . .,,1.7V.; '.
ittit TP.A IE I I. \ . satodelt hp t mod t.• 4 h.q. me. I ilea rtmtur d of 'Mt'
lika W EA C LEVELAND AND PIII'BEIIE6II. " .... X."'''' 13... `' . ".' 0. l '' r.. '" " of 0.7.1 V.
I EA VI NG Pittol,urgh daily (Suitda vs or- i'Ll"..
I'' ' " ' L"
''." ' n''''•
1 "'"'"
MAit .ma'i'l of t,rutt Arter baring taken four
IA cootoorok,lo o , o k o k. A. 3, , ~, ~,,, 3 , I.ww , able to pur.m. my Inulaew without .yli,tgoci , .1 - ,
Tc 4 ki fr ..,
... MOAT \., I.4•Ari mare Miel Clue a' wall Yana. while .a. -
' FOREST '., ...-.t CITY.\ • hot • abut , twto..l L..r.. 1 had lweti confined tO my Lel, -
~ a. thrnelnurthe nt the Male: mud I onunot worth* the re. /
&:ilpt. A . Di GRDOCK, ''
', turn or no Leaal. t. aoy nit.' eau... than by the anennY "
1 . TO IF ELI'S VILL E 1 \ o r Maly,..• Me,heM.l.v. I.llM+Orrl'Velielf Dock .
len... by •tsize.l.l mile., t , II A 301 311,10.1glogat and nereaparttia. •,- - 11.1MUEL VAIL/RIPER.
r •r over ,tinht. and errieing to CLEVELAND beat
nuat 1 ticket, In titne to take th. , Cnic oneti train:. 1 ' Mr. 4. L. , ' are—Liar Hir t I I.r " t o. " ..f.r. r 1 1.8" ,
et or West by W . .twill Inns on th ' e Lakee .113.1 titivate. and au tar a. 1 as n....,u51nt.4 with theme... It I.
• ithonanne of usenottl. ,
b,„,,, ispll true I proL•on..l it, o3lositig It toigh,,_be a befall to
t Cl.yelatia 3,„
.t \,,
... 5 „ . ,,,,,.. yuu Mini to Ile .'Mari.,.‘. You hare the privilege of wing •
intl od January. 1531, the t!..... a iti la running' il'as you think t.e`t. hlßte, • W. A. BEIM!. ..
Ine 1., wh;cl. tier tom..ataere nlil gn from • \ . 1, '' ' ' 4 - . :—' . '
hto le grand tu h[P M. ' • ? ? i' n'
.eras ply u. 0. Ai. BARTON. Agent.
m me.,,,,,„,,,.6,1,,,,,,, t.,,,,.1,,,,,,,,, The talon, mg letter IA fnan a 'highly rev pentablephYeidan t • ..:., 1
ke s ----- ylvanTaTlia - ilrira — d. - wh" \''''''';::::n " :.:S 3 tatl:Zunty;'6 . g y ' ';4,;;Ei,',', 7 l l ' l .:„ 4 , , ,7-
Dr. Jain D. Part-11,r nir• "Dr. IltdenitsEstAM& - .11/.
&E% ''.-''''--
6.Lrmapurtlts Les been pre.crited by me for thi . :lnsf. tt.rui r
k."-f - '
i ,„,,r,.. witty:, pod ellect.ln CammilDebllltirLlirer 1.1.4 - ,. ''.
plaint, Jaund.e. l . By - anemia, sod Chronic and !Orr..
Dineiant. 10 ail Female Curoldahril It .rtelnar is . 1011
guall.a. 11/ il.a ti.e or Ink tomileinelhopetßuitncetaut
ly snug latent: IP and roar. a fent worthy 01 great rot,.
narration. It is tdeavant to the 15.1 e and nuell, and 'es.
I.w.Vaml Ly per-oun'arith the tint &Reno stemsnina, el:It ..',"
warty. under au, engtnstanee•. .1 nu exalting:rem.,
Patience. and to the alitict..l I sirup Os use.
LIR J. 8. LF.E.P.ED; . +. ,
Boyd by J. D. PARK, Cluentusti. Ohio, nortbeastennagi '
0( Yourtb and 11 Juni alreate. entrant* on,Welnut time'. .
to&rhout 01 order: must la‘edireaseat
.1. Kidd A Cm. B. A. falittiatorls & Co., 4. 0. Jonei.L.
WiL l Pittsburgh, We A. Bon/them; &Ilea-tour Cltr;
L. T. Roswell, Washington: L 11. Bowie, Dolouttana, 0.
Welty. t)rwensburr. 7. Kounts.rlritnerigh &tat 011.Mown; '
Bedford: steed A non, I.luntingdotgllntOrr,llullidsyetwmg
iiildebrnal & Co.. itatimus; .1. K.' Wright. Entotnan.v.
trans A Co. Brontaille: A. %Dion & eon. ivoyno.ton4;
Itlersralu.l 1 Co. N. CaJletalcr, Altadirlll3 8011. D 00 -
at., erahasn & Furter. 3lertar. r Jamom I:tilt A Ou. ant . ' .
lon S. Smith, Linn:row .I.o.Bummeilbrn W•rtett: Y. L. .11 0
B- Jettes.Couaareport, P. Crootaw..a.. tlrmetwell,
ier"PrifW—sl in Bonk; Six Bottles for d8,_..:
delnilmMelT . . ..
RI tt «r.
t 1 I , IiII
/ t. urol to
F r 1 ri•la s,
Ton< Erapc ti to 24 Ham,' '.
di IN and after 41te9gt of lieeernber•neit,
I_, pa......0.rn. will iiii. cartibid by the Pootoylvanlaltalli
[tout Luoilany, between l'l7lyibla .ni lilltartiocab. in
til hour, will only culla. Staging oirtt an rzeollent
. .
Tick I. tbo .bustrAt%nil brot \mato totwern the Cheat
11 oiit *with.. Atlantic Ijitc..s. will thc act...laudations are
ii, all rc.pcoto of the litgbirct cbaractor.
11 IMS .
nn13:7.133 Aerzit No.' l s ltaAllroaa OMOORE.L.nI
IN 4s ROMs.'
4 .1 1 N and lifter' MONDAY, OCTQBER 13th,
the •Tleveland and Clotitinati ILAlinnta CozottanY"
• i I tend nil Imo Cleveland an'Expree. Into nun ven
ing at it o'cletet. striving In ememnatt at Welt:telt oral
rn" to
.CAIli i IMTITY.Y. b ii sl
id l e
4 R . " 4 . 4. ' 74
G. 413, Erf %Voter sod ztumotleh, ea.:
Motagigabtla Kona..
1851. aiNPM9 • ;1861.
Dunkirk. and the Erie 11.301.6.1. redkneenne
ei... an:lament on tato I:ne, 3ltchulea,Clevelvarl.
C1.1.0h11. an.l Cltveland and l'illeburgh. and
Sandu•ky •nd thneinnald Italltt Jt and omelet" an tb...
Ohio and Modiveippi tlYrr, and the Oluv. indltanvjen.l
MANS l'ennvvivanle
(v.dara evr , ntvd.)
. . .
a.~a~~n~n:~n.. 74+m :a eo•~iKn
.~ .. ~ .. lu ..
:al Earning Lapreav "' tti
The Mail Train .pa al Klnstrs, where parnenger• rah
!leen tuns , . and tat. the. La artlrlna intiear
lor net I increttnar at it Walorl. Ma tha nttnt.. , ll.tano ,
by day-hula.
Tbe k t pryes Fhignl and Cattle Train leaven ttuntlrt q
4 • al dad.. a P.-..user Car It, Mir Irati n to 11 ay Yannertgero andDroe.ra
air tare (rum Ittinalrk to New tort, St. Eecoud Clals
vd.e. 11111 tome.. 111 • 1.0. 4a, 1. •
I.eparni F. trantrort Ilea Mort and
I , eig ht. of all Linda to and trout Nen Lora.
slm. ...stunk will I. paid in Stu.S. ?Me flag.
b-lug L het rid., site, 11.1. mute ern VruArtAns et,
tom•row rauoiP Railroad* to th+trsti.portstlas at iUs.k,.
ao-AJAitsAnsl Trait. VIII I. put Iu commlision to.
1,7 M.o.
TprOMI .111 be Metribbt.l. Mill pulh.
Inn In resrAkrd to. the priors ok Vrciebt.iimum am 1.11..,
be prrparnl.
J. NOTTINGHAM. Ann.. DutikaASirk:
REFINED 'ijUGAßS—n?tiblo. Cruibcd,
rmio-ivo. Clay Mod. mat Small 1,0 bu,.-ay, Jag yy.
e.,1 and 2, Abb. to
del 4.111/.$ A. Trvremeox k CO.
It} 'llEisi}' •n- "- •
g i ,iillll il, ..., .--..,b 41X.,b9 prime, for
x_i nab , by Y. F. VON lb/NNIIORST a CO..
. \ 93 and IA? VDTS stmt.
Qu*WY% lust Ineded .n 1 kw ode b
, , VO,N DONI7/(011$T .1k CO.
it'll BAP RIANOS!—Jcist reed
from taronfararty H n\an..D.
'SIX olr law prf . nal, ,
ROSEWOOD PIANOS. f r o mfVa) td War
• Aiwa • lot nom Woodward & Iltowyfortozo and Ind
ac4 New yottc. • ' . =LIAM.
b 101 Id. b Trout;hlr
b. •-. Isom Fisti.: `.ad for stab or
awl ; \ . J. B. VarlalEl.D.
7tilndTger CL, far.
A Leo/19/..-.2.? bbl
b 7
1 .4 1111L01L--9 \bblE
A• : :11 CIEFILIT PICrTO En . - ‘
irkO \
\ , ,
rillIIS 11E3IEIT is offered to the co nap
'tun- anti tbe co d I,u ee .• feel In au artialo biz
ee/doto fa.lg I. ...alt.e t e Insppiest elTurta that can 14 \ d t
P , rml an we I. ...Ito 0 .fits ti.efulurzsb and mono r• \
roux the Cato•.. of Its rut, that mowed ~wry Port. , 4 I
Lbw 4,51.14, elmoul.. in ,\ rs, os. mibli-ly known. ~,
have 1... en rmtpred into alarcolos •mi ...wen despenitedt \
1 1
\." '" cart
" \
Perioritr. ev .... r. other med .ste of It , Uhl. la tee an. \ S
gamut t. ~.... a m • , ,m g t... , 4 //1 ta R., its sirtuse ara
It pow n i 1.., ot 4. no longer begat., w hat .uuja. tpe,,,...
piny f rtl . Iwtr • u., eml oactgemo• are Ilona of kt•
pulnanu•ry ..Lien.-. ttlct tout to our clikstate— \
\ \
.Ind one no ... •1 r ft/tot table •ttarks Upon the lent.. b
but for il.• mild, ‘ ay ett-s of
U. AIL Collet 4 lioardentr,
te . end I/1011,qt )1 aR the M seent.tutt an Isec/I Mita , \
clue tn., can be n 111ain-J No funily should be wiLlsOlit
11, so I tboee who hare used It LeVIK WAIL
.head the rt in . o .f the .411 arta. geitlernen, who will
be ru.....t.-..1 In th rathns Pe :true of country who,
they •-.. I .etul—e• It and all us mere/Was•of th• EJet
and .1 . tn. 1... t...l , hareetor—altimohlmt anti/out
eaten...yr. eholme.l.. Imiit 1. lu m0.11...in5, with an 4 . .. Dar
lene., tita-it.•l e , the tub,•. ..111111.4 1.21.,/ speak. if ''..., \
then W any v... ow in the tat - holey( of «Ipar/cm, -. \
Till l l,th7lflLAlE
We It,. tinter. 4001 at ht 1.-.1 drurgt+te. Lawton hrs'h \
lona se uncut. 1 • .th Ayer t he, in netd bereny ur
tby o.r le het that it to tn. 1.... , t ~..I moet ed./gloat 1/4171•
411 1. , 1 I ;Alm,. y 1.....0 I l loot. RT./ titrml ho the At,
ere. .People. Awl we &nos mut ocr knowledge of Ito
..ratt.• MI. Atli rilenky, ut.4lßinmsteordlllycosaing.l
it 1 , .. Ibe 4.P.1. t...d .... a. ri I i thelr G..: roundeurv. and WIOt ,
the Orin rt•tiii N 04 1 ,1.115 1.111 J. 1"- all that t
med. ito eau lo
I/enemas. t...1au.n.1a 2 Co. Prstno A 1.,..
Iteme-a I out. I 11.,Us I .M I
flare aJI
Lseld A lehtahatu, hat t. r Vali...
tisellAn Lila. rail • ho- Obart , n. 0, 0
J.. • n 4 , tic MG I IMO a. %thine.
I II l lrAill.ter I..missilfe, K,
/ raorn. • 11 slton. $ l . IJAti, 11 .tmorl,
J .....pti Ytteler, Mobil, .11gbacoa \
r A P. I. tiorlauttoo.l,rmout.
li•silaud Holey a 10,, kimueta.(leorml,
I,sr It Jam, 'I r. atone Sea ierrael
J II lowosen I Pltishurgh, Yaw
flack A to .I.blesso. Illitoii
jt tisy. Burlington. I. v.,
1 4 Santos.. Norfolk. 1 a
tala ofd Prtughuret, St Dmlnamo Del
1. hp 4.411,rt40.11 huivi•
/ I. & ,1 /I 1111 12141,11Mbiliglon t D t....
.1 11rtubt a 1.0 , New Orleans Iva.
11 mast, ,t ail 4 Co. F. rt last ne. Indiana
L. C Ibrhmt nd Atm, ban eraurw ., eo lei
Level. A Im. e Tallahasu. 1/ 6 / 1
It tern a. huotv.llo,ll , on* ".
11. bilu o A Imet. Lua. t. It., ... Irk
Nailer. l lm/e • Cu.. Leann ltal llsa
A D Labsdie lialte.t. ri lea ot . 1
11 Turner - .a...ousts be
II aim Le1..t.10 AI .., On sur att.(' \ \
ill Intik/tin MA,.. 111, N . Y../ 9
J 11 cotha A t,. %sit srals
y V. Du n 4,1 0 0.. ,lira Crux .'Nano
' bent PI .u. AL. L0..01m N. w limoula
a Prt...m.,4 • Po. I ova Peru
1 a t .., tlelites...o va `cello.\
' '
I Nal/4r 1 `r tt Pt lobo. Vet. Ilrunnrlck,
1 . 14 . 1 .1 Ills., a10e.111.. .1 .. .r .., Brazil 1
WWI nu I. m•ureore and trout ..20h men. nn strtatstr \ \
yr... 1,50 be eldocul e‘ret t that foastilluita effects upon ....: \
, ..,,-
P.d&r.d Lod RAJ td lAIII, VAI UK, PragilealOheMP. ~,, ,t , ' ~.1..":
lin, Lu•ell. Shwa , '-",.,, ~ - w., . .. 1.,
Rol, ut I ...burgh, shot...ale and email. hr di d PAM. ~..., ,
... T, - ' ..
NKSID.K A 1.1 end .1 dt,loll ‘1.1,1,
In A.l.vb..tit Abty. by II P [VII% AILTY. and J '''',.....", ' ..
OLAt. sad ht Moguls. ...rear. dr.l.dakr 3i11.9 .........,... , r r f
ui - iFE - \1
Eruptions of th•
Erysipem..Chran.c tors ikrss.
/Inirvorin or T•rt.ta.Ecallfies4.
inzn•nt. Pains the llonis
Julaig, 11 forts mud Cles, 24,01 kng of
the Gisr4l , . P•pw, esit. Rh, st=e
Dis•taii( the Kline,. Lc.. of APPet(ta.
srisiur Mort• 01 her
onrr:S ['sin in the ral awl
rnv Vers.tren,alDeLltliT.
s And ec•tire ,
Ly EL.llrl 4 -
4VOIf2VI \
end the 'Ts
th•itirelutkle reln.gitt
Isiroved\ Eitracs cf
TI, • Xbaker-pyyttsrvi
ilvnJuna ,arlai,r‘h,L'
ageta, Iran' tt.rh UT (Jr(lt
Irllow Duct , atul ,hr•alarill
cry al I.C. i.111,0111",..r.n
in the, ,r,.. ri:.u. his I.r.ra
SICRI4r.. r,,,1i•-: of the to.,
IP i IT ITV. litr,,etrerurtb and a.
Eynoricaenis vrov. made In the ru
dlclu, nut.] It 16., found that It cnu
proved. Ac.:inl...-1, he tird It rt...
enal], In rt.. t.l Ileyftlic. :i:nrbut
cactrwntt—, ren-ral ,roetrat,n nr e
et, cud all tho‘e Li.rineattn,,li,h ... of
to patteu, •n.l ,n Ic4uli , um in 1,a1,1,
scrofula, ~ a 1.1114.' r
?n•norlal 12 , untlnintn,
nrnnn. 11.1,18.ntn.ta. n rt,t narn..l
sr qn,
. attn“ LS thn u.n of Ihk rarnr
A Medicine for
--Irlitnyet, Bra ,
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pan ta boy.. it non. n,.t al. the et., and apart).
remolde era tales It liable to. 1141.14 ena by every a n t CC
ad Dent p.a. It inpraatly armlets It Its fuormil
entg, Si.,! in roln ellatust producing eure.
monreal Coo., of ..rentCounty sod Iloareenan b. o
'Enna are by. It an fer hour,. '
It hei; o non oettat—Tbe old. rough radiation
all mann tb ota trailer aunrs.wb.lob tota
diagram. bon ate eon. Welt Thf. I. chanted to
thismit[nreir gyplaront mantilla att., AM it
mmtaftortl be sm./toned, i Tristverrout
rotor of thin la.telllOL It OUr fit . Info Ott I' two HtuAue
t hothi cp,vt4e, L itts., non or Ito nEir arr. Ills thew . ..4w
tan of • avatar paeleizu,•td of
tall'usa by. bleu to
\heroomo rata tor a ounilmr awn. tap \ Una.%
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I . l 4t4 4, X.Ripft , U , T
doustia *natal o ran- .1 41114CLGI, \
t.. 44. sight orate brat* fern\ sod AU. tbn d imam,
tieT ' irf I:wo oh e ' n7iVlZZ.tY sr .l l L' , :tlg u nZaitV,V2i, r ltl;
wpm ,yliere II lat. eig.b2ll4, 11.2 arcak tomtit
fantail. ba ball natal) reiterat e the ode
,4444,1d. yr
U. ame . n.r ofaolf oar. 44i...4.1 .
torstMaum. A ger... from Magi Illinbintwritat
tat `the, known ate. rmtoial•FO.P I. b. , . itow/Attrtlet,"
tte \ urea It In by Owl - nor. ax, 144.-esal
meta.. of hi. forma. with vb. nicapertest rueennaY ,
it a atm Of, Un eNtipert imedwiner hoax. lethal uptti.
halt rat atten at tit 1,1 *Kb.
utry`Elorrkmeyere weal do well)o tempo Ettleb/Tea tit
Ono wei Witte on be. sit Um tine. no it IR an , .
arferwand tffirortnitt ranalles War ilintorawit'or; '
Conga Cod t.N mina a tb,l.F.comprtOyiexaComar.•-4
Ca -.
utinfeEtt4,—St•nf Ent Yettitoi.r
„„keen, eT the arioun . p aro.. Cut do not heed tam.
I[ rou tLLm se( mots` Dr. Kasai. Papal Errpto a.,
ant aka no tab ermett will cure Dn. ba in It grata
to th . n t enittobk plattecnd tram of thane-trio anirou
0d y thwyouned Itty rayon *Wind lota btan-ott...
then oo,reepttort Wt. tnalane. It is
ed yaw own t 3; T. 440 Lb' imprint. bat nottnorovo
p op art , frat Patittotraidt.l lote.Ottatila EDI
p ,. th om, Lich laborto to tiny reran ilettion;of " "
/.44 wonted through/ut the United Stntato WTI pis
twilloine. Largo .lunvatialll bet:natio mb n
lA. on Internals t tbe Yadkin.' It wall Turit,.......;;;;:
obantw ask!. ther dsing -
astir • «snits ty-Diana, lA . thoir lumis
soodutioo for basic ihsaires the'verid hat rot. ralc - 51 , 01..1a *ad tatit..\ b 7 NETZP.II'W
fLl e I:4.watt ida
IQUORICETASTE4--, 2 wixoe E Hall
Nj Oa
mß`, gi silo try SAN.
. -Waal!tree =writ biztli.
'inter Strtated, far
. B. araagli.
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MEDIC • ag
:ml.lor.loiol con
`4 lact.i.lll \ Oloor
ed to, olmost
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