~~ F~ PITTSBORGH GAZETTE. 'The noise' and 114 M: dins machine with ishiels the tunnel of iie'Tiny and Greenfield railroad ,la to be prixforated thrtmgh the Masao Isiountain lithos described:, • • The machine when finished will weigh about ,65 tons. It will be worked by a steam engine of 75.boiii4ciwer, and Will cost about $15,(0). it will tilt the entire size of the tunnel for a do -tilde track., In - other words, a circular hole of the diameter of 65 feet. It will probably enter from 6to 15.- linear feet per day These data are taken from Its actual cutting in granite. The rock in the Beagle Tattoo! It pure mica slate, highly stratified, and the line of the tun nel enters the rocket right angles with its strati ' beation. The:machine is called "Wilson' e patent stone-dressing machine," has the capacity of ' cutting pure quart: rock (Silex or flint) with great rapidity. The machine is desqihe sl as a truly wonderful invention: The cutters are , circular plates of cast eta el, of 14 inches diame ter, half of en loch thick and ground,• with a bevel on each side, to an edge.—They are placed on the rock, at the angles ; of about 45 degrees., and roll over the surface with great rapidity ' :The edge is pressed into the rock with greet force and melees wedge, prying up and throw ' tug .off the rock in a surprising manner, .t block of grectite,•ten feet long and four feet wide wait placed: on a arringe, and submitted to a einglecatter, - ganged to cut two inches from its surface.... It passed over the entire stone in 22 minotes, , and -out off 1,600 lbs. of rock, leaving the 1411310 .- as eziooth as any hammer dressed stone. Its owner offers to prove that he can make air revolutions per minute, on a granite perpendicular face, and i 4 feet in diameter. Each revolution will cut one-eighth of an inch • in depth—that is, six-eights of an inch per min ute, or 95 inches per hour. THE GUEBT. The illustrious Hungarian has been In our midst ten days. The first beatings of the great public heart for the man and the cause which dictated the ovation of Saturday week, have given place to a more profound sentiment of ad - msration for hie groat worth; to a more practi cal interests in the sacred work to which be is d°- , voted. The whole people aro now with him. In • vvffatever light regarded, whether the lion-heart ed crusader in the cause of liberty, or the zeal ous ambassador of an oppressed people, he is proving himself the matured statesman in ceun sel, the aagecians leader in action, at every de monstration he is called on to make. Ile iwrapid iy making his ow.. way to the hearts of the peo ple, to their very heart of hearts, and, Heaven Le thanked, to their parses 100. The question in every circle now Is, how shall - we best serve this great and good man' It is mule a practical business question; discussed p 4 - . 1, on Change and in the workshop, talked of in social and professional company, and act upon by those who can afford 'to lead with their oounsels and strengthen with their means. -,reirsonally, One. Kossuth has made an ex- Artiordiunry impression. He at once commands the respect of the stranger, and inspires a more intimate intercourse with love and 'reverence. Huts courteous in manner, as be ts chivalrous -*." in purpose—good he is—modest as he is de, -serving. .His appearance in the Opera-house on Saturday night was a special° of combined bernty and anblimity; where bright eyes looked upon and blessed him—where liberty-loveng wo ' man.vied With the stern sea in doing ; homage to Liberty's and where taste and' music .were grouped - to bid hini welcOme, and to add fresh'inspiration to: hearts already:pledged is aqua... The patriot felt the acetic deeply and acknowledged the plaudits of e . kt -4, i11e audience; and. was not untouched by the in- A ; , stant application which the hoes°, as with one heart undone voice, made cf the soul-sturring *lblifitanntaineidentelly sang from the stage.-24 • lt/I RS. A-HOPEAN is going to lest.° flag Ixl city mixtll.l!ilrim. n 0 Invites thcrpulirs 1...7,1°E;17.T4T.'"?.,%,-.4111.1b7,!:-.-,:`, • R13133E-LEAF LARD—Put , expresly . TM" tar Amlly on. in /cep sad croek, of a... 3 10 Iba =Palm J.= reed wad r rale kr WM. A. M NI.,CLU d CO. VIOLASSES-20 bble. N. 0., for sale by _ITAL . deli .JAME.I A. iIVICLIISON k EAvY CANTON FLANNELS—We hnve • • - 11 innt. teed • lartlym Fuirply . tbelkhOrrarilcit rrrr Abo, WIDt; of tho Ter; beat .1;41. Ylalowea.«. 311.110.. as. DCRCIie 10,D. Nal - them; Term, of Fourth and Martet • 1 :111 . 01"S WEA.I34-31varnr: BcxciiriELD AjP:hus . Jove reed *lli severer,at of the above d ezfe e rf cl = R-er.r=7rg u ,4:117% rn 4%B.klL=i ;fall. eWlalth IN SEED 01.12 0 bbla. for mie by ' BISON. LITTLE CO. - RO • VMEE—.IS° Rio, for Co. 110ACKEREL-100 bble. Lar.e NO. 3; for >`Vl ' sod. (deg] S.Z W. 1111113AUti IL lIRI AST, PUMPS-2 doz. India Rubber ago, 6 das. :71,P h. &Weld". 4. team trimmed. dk3 J. k U. YILILLIP2, tlf. Marto. at . SOAP -100 br.s. Cin. for sale by .su.'ol:rol.ESls. - RACKEItEL-,200 WAR.. No. 3; 100 this. lk:o. 100 tlb 110 . qr. blo. " For sale by WICK t AIXA6Itt.K.IB. 4 - .;IALAD OIL-10 basket for sale by : . • no'".. J. BCIIOOIMAKER V CO. _ _ . VERMILLION- 5 asty TOM. - . 1 Mk. Cbta.a: • 1 box ImPeriO: . 5 noes Amaybirab: for sal. by J. RC] LOORMA K ER a CO WIDE - GREEN WhYDOW BLIND D Lauttifal sad tirb .lor, for plain toy np PALM „R/LU'IIPAPER CURTAINS—A handsome ~v it. , .llC-aernrtu ct...at roomed awl tar aieltot,z ex. YUUNG IIYSON TEA. • ” vtga. J 4 Meetura Co.. hove turn received no I gait elicitr of tho celebrate] -queen Chop'. Young 11, no IMI: b rIa " lo?rtrI,111 ; . $1.90 Tor lb. r toOl'or Oolong Tea At b 0 TArfLOW-5 bbLe. Beef; •• sod 11 tes.3lsittnn: far mie 47 Cali • B. t W. IILCIIACGII. 5 1T 21 2.9 " 14. h for sale b~ ARTIST'S ,CANVAS--Rso 4 sl. l6 E7 w ßafed, savored, for do in , • ADDER , — , IBOO lbs. fine Umbro, for no - J. KIDD k CO., 60 Wood st._ NUFY-800 lbs. Garret's Scotch, for sale s.KIDDtGO..wwoo-I.c. .1000 lbs. for sale by J. JUDD fto Wwil 61. AL AMMONIAC-1250 lbs. for sale by , • J. KIDD I CO., CO W0r.4..t. - • ' 511 , 31.055e.— . 3 . bbls. Fresh and White sirizt - • KIDD t 00_EO Wri C I LCOVEIt &lilt I bbls, Lovering's Crushed fur * ': •_Y~:ulihr .33 B. P. biIIsIVEV 4...1.': 5 *7:-:•,trcilip urp by sc. or i ngll4 l =rl=OisTgrnit y ..t . azg rti-f.'ol" itt• geurgn• ilatbrizaable .27 • ,•• liters! Sale of long Shawls at low prices A .MASON & CO. will open on Tursday murrains: December 2,1, at their large Shawl gu oon-13 me. of Long Eberle, which, together with their M t ot% e in eo t rinll make the vilest egtenette rale r...„ COPAL PARISH-in bbls and half bbls . BereDing. goliOting midi/nick Drying: fir : rtcO7 . .1 tiLI3OOIikULICXI I g CO. OFFEE-314 bag u Ltio, for sale b i i FL9 AIb--.200 bbls. Extra Family; tar.rs,:c. far sale 1;j 0 • ••• '• • • • ' aW. LIABBA • f i CING SHAWLEIL-Dluarar BIIRCIIIIILD _" oP at 10 . ibt color". oral Of Zero,: lasi., • red otter wa kW ',noes for at udier ered 43). • - • • Aler.-Broeles Loop thseris, of . neeeort. Fella and ebrdre • ors opleirir neer rade lee present MIT rev dere. Joe; reed. leria lactic g 'Mantle of deefsblo colorscl4 and • ITE-4 oasts adeira, direct from the Ldiaa.• saVerier article, ust reed *EA (ovule by 401 .. • . • . COLBILKTBON s CO. CSKS. PORT WINE; and 5 coke. WILD curanY BRANDY; just reed and for rale by ATTING-150 bales No. I, for sale by del"' ' A- OULII X }MON 4 OD. _ 1711 bblq. Lo A a . f en S t u u nr ie liige , by n ASSES-100 bble. N. ._; GLASSES - 100 patz,po„.„:o RIEI6-r* IQ META :7 165 tons Foundry, for sale rer feetttarzr,s_wrllyys_e_t,_l?.__ =AUM= "--P,'• OVER -:4 Ibis. prime Roll, for Bale 1,7 - • ilia gIiEV, arrifEWE co. irorz.-• •'3 . . •- No. , 41E. t&,i, rferriabl a co. ; Sal rEs - ',.-....„ - too ... box_es (I ,r ,M,'LLAILTIALG • r•djt-0. No 1, for 7 eatOlF el DALz Gi WAWA; CIIOOO,II.ASS NO. 1 reds and and for itata by - • • & M,CANDLESS. Flo .METAAL---100 taus tor eale.by s. WICK 5.1e0.03MFM, ------ ' - 1,007513.-41 --- 0 tons Tenn., fOr — sold low to *_ cleathro. I:IB+VNUTS -63 1 17:0,1,...1.tr0nt5* : , - a. • 44, MISCELLANEOUS. 11LACKWOOD, for November, Art Journal. for trovrotbel7 Isaac Ctrak. tha Mao of W..; a sew work br Dcurtu JeTlVid-,tire I.V ott , tr. Itt,eirci at tild.lll7W Llierary 7tapot. 74 Tltlnl street. oppa4te th . ey.....,14 Witty. tots MITEPIit & BURCEIFIELD, N,; E. COr o.r of Fourth atal Market street", baling tre , lof, ...to coarana add:l...or in their asaortmant of NEW FALL AND WV:Tien DRY 01101,b, are preparnt to oiler to thalr ad . p.alar euattanera and brit ...Kan. - 4V .an extenai•o Ta. rbety to nale , i lama. ' noIS —..— --_. WO COFFEE—WO ba .. ge prime Green; TO Common. km sale bY nola. • .10IIN WATT & CO. FRESH TEAS-35 ht. chests Y. U.; t' page , 0. P. sod I:oPsria: - -- ...13 bf • q?!!!'! l!!'Sti'lr!e"r nolt JuILN WAI7 ,i CU. BROOMS -50 doz. for sale by noI3 .1. II CANVIRI.D. e ~ rISNO COVERS-1 dnz Vulcanized In-: 4i. Rubber Piens% lust reed from Inuton. and for nd. or tlid. Rubber Loe,t. Ile Marked 01., no3J J. it 11. 1 111 41.1P5. __ OT eatilrg prime, for Role by toJIL J KIDD a t)6 bbls Pluiri Grove FIAIVD, Doll Rau.% Church 1.1,J..J. M A N l O O 1i ,, ' , c1 ,,, C I n ' ~,,U R I E , ~,D n ' c l: t. o . l . l A , , C , ( , ? ,, t . p . IS - Wti Oront PI ' sri ~. II - Jour& A tuaeo In For rase by fm , 151 .1 & li.. FLOYD. BROOMS -WO doz. rotund, for ODIC h 7 0013 .1 A 1: FLOY b. ri LO AK S'. CLOAKS:—.I. A..:51e11.; NIG 11T, % .) No.ed. Fourth 01. her rod DO/ moroluO br Adam. 1 aTeFa t ' 717:1 tai11 m g.2. " 11 . 3 r '' l& - Tr i" c4:llll ' ir rna ' rt?.loo for ytt 4.i Alm roel—a fre,h and largo rt.& of Tr mmio al om,o.dorlratoo krlor. 1 ARD OIL-12 bbld. No. 1, for We by ~,...1 JAMED.D&I.ZELL. i;, -- IPTS.TURPENTINE-70bbk falo by Inol2l IL A. PAIINI:STOL. t!UTTA PERCgAI —Jug reed, a cow- ILA Plete aesortmeht of:HuttA Pemba Goody, nonehAlhar Is imrt of the following: Doll lived, three .7 Figur., and ennflA FAcet. Card PIA.. Yrult I/ ..hon. Va.th HAwn., dplttoonA. lahhels and Bottle. of ill erent elrey, I'Al:tat Collap,fat.itelllllCatutfor machinery, PielorYEMMlth D.Auerreotyyre ' , to:ye...lllov Sol, Water Sheyt tint to Perch* Ear Laing dr.... I.lreca 1 . 1 , y Soda PIP , sty! I: Inch mohl Coml. With 0000,4. bf nu shen.u., to Ineanon. Car ylkle At No. lIA Market kayo., noll/ J. a 11. PHILLIPS. A PIANO FOE 8125. ' 'MAHOGANY' G octave, modern made I p vory riTurno....wood Nano, untavo, ttin b A th rof 3 g: " W. , ! , c 'r o hand . 1.1 for ..le Rom f:Lu to 111 V. !( I lly P 0 .2.5 kl Wunt - - • I.l'lllS—Lo hr. Aosta V. liyaori; t.t , ..l.lttapowdar ltawrial, the hr. ebeete out, Itlael For mkt.. by J a itlviA,l D. 1 katil 150 sides N. Y., for .Kolel by orris J. a it, FLOYD. - 113 P O.ASll—'2:5 iteaNleti pure, for rtaln by L Imola 4 a it' nap BROOMS-- alt.r. for sole by 0c.14 • WOODS.I eON, al Water 0. PEILES-30 lads. ree'd on eottsigranea 1 for W. by 'T. WOOLS k belS. nobl , W.ter sL B°R4x' cue for sale 1, sa -- 14 ' KEISER d 114NWELL, lip Woal ot f11.111031E GREEN & YELLOW--- eases, ' ef:fi r ''''''_ °° l.4.Ts f c . .'n'tli b lostr.t.t. 11 - r e Wool F RESH FRUIT—& casks Zante Currants: a) nes, M. IL Italeit, CO 44 A. .4: hoses MI. IL,RaililDS e.. 4.4. I,ria ItalFint 2 q4na L9tn n; Fer lAA br J. D. WI LLIAMS A CO, w 41.1 IIA Wind rt.rret. Air ASR - i i - V oo. ?A r.t. D..-50 dos. Batmen' Not, nol.l r J. D. WILL4AAIE 1,. M. U LACKING-110 doz.3la son's !Challenge. Ifi ter sale br J. D. WILLIAMS • 1. DOT ASH-10 corks for sale by rrli J. D. WILLI MPS coo A LUM—tiO bbb‘. for ea. by Don - FAID,i)STOC Obbls. Winter Lard Oil, landing, and Inr gale br • .0. DIACKIIVI , N •Co nen EESE*SOO prime Shippingi ./ :so Gmaincle reed and kr safe br n,13 .1 R. CAN} ITU/ bblo. for sal: by c, ; ,7 1, :FIELD EALTII, ECONOMY, and CONIFORT, in th e use of Mona Per-ha Ithrr Sole, whir% are do: dry .at rorafureablo. 1 , 47rua1• liorichan - e-,Y.ens Immo. on) at 116 Market . -J./It, r R OS I N. & TAR-50 tibia...N.C. Tar: :a - at. a Hr.... F.r rale by Ennlcl lOfiti P' 3T CO EITHER-200 Fide, New York; rw33 0 dm. Calf Skins: On *Or by JOHN WATT • Co. BU CKIVII.EAT —lOO sacks Hulled, for vale by 1yt0751 WICK * QIN. TWIST TOBACCO- 1 1 1 keg , " No. I, P. 7 just reed - an consiestinent and Hr rale b n 01.2 11 AlllO, JON N.l & On. UTTER-1 0 bbl!. polid packed; 7:11m, , do In —kar r•le.by noll a. DALZCIL 01. • . Lore.NDIA RUBBER SHO E S--JuPt reed, 20 Wire. Gendemen% and W..6' India I:u , ui for a it. neves: etykd inannfattnnid. The I,ll^ are Invltod to and eXimilne our retail etrcl. • • eT are suternor to an, ever attend in this rain Evr s the IL•lis lhnne. Nv. 116 liar's. .tO., 1 • 11 1.111LL11.1 tiREEN APPLES—GS Ws. for sale by J I. SHIM. not_ c4ruer Pena awl tr•la ay. 11 UN botifizs-2 d.s:. lOtlia Rtilitter it tut Ii Jl . ' Co,ra. rot el tb..aftr.,..t I•ncth.. J ust roe)] ant 1, attl• at Mo. 11Market ....wt. D.. 14 J. It 11. PHILLIPS IWE PItESERVERS A JACRT,TS-6 do?. Llfe Preoertera sod Jazkeul. of all tlt diffrr,nt tind• caJaufactusett, 15r ale al the ItulArer Dvs.ol. 119 shake it. J 11. LL11... TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, Cc.— n L91,1.1,110...4 ot1; 10 lAA. Rea tiolphar. lo NIL - 14 4 10 t•r , rit.i orprptlner; 10 19 Ate,bol,sl6.) tegs Rh). 1..4: 7. casks Pal Soda; for ale by '"u6h " int aliMINr, h 174 nolo N 0.93 vinora LILAX-3 tone for Bee by • lar,es lefeg 11 dam, amp.. it.] Ins 44.1 u st port 1nx.11.. r, .• 1 1 , Vrnu.r., NE•au,sctux.lE, II x tx..3or pr . pinto, *al rbolexal• N., II %Lux .xO.l .x.l retail ~ , ,rsear'• pr.. Si K. X. f , 11.L.K.,, \o6: %I ...I 0r... U 6I (:UaltY, Altextutnr L',l6. Ile Humeri klody Must Perspire, (10 SAYS NATURE, to have-a healthy al, , porwou wbo do act 4 , 1.4 n man Sulu how, Jona, Ilil lae - . Cat hi-iriut. ars not oat, tirsitoil. n•aae t t sa n r tHr a a l , s o u l { tq.ui s tt tnta N. oraSO la likitrivia.l,flictli.s. 0 1 5 0/ /ha taalt , In usCreil that tilb is b.. unalii,p iittiiilatiarum, at, trial .111 l.or. eliuto.rala {pail eighty psi-imamrun.) pit 11..4. sir* I,gs, au.; son. taiarit. Puy it—ao..lrrearr Is aa..situ a.ural I staid mit ern trill Gat this not .all eute. but • wet-rota.: sal I rim now y old, 15.1 any vow attlictial with atiy Ma above. or slatilaz Clad ILIA ail. awl ai . eo aura tab , t lirrl,tirs) thao .taits. 11 . s a i. r. rr ou .1.% k tbo st.,t; • mu; /1...1ed vita lama as bay opl, at WI. j.A.k...71 , i„ • oat, Azwel It. Pearly White Teeth, awl Pure Breath. to by bal rnr evoto —Pm.. wta bare olthe, sr• Lmaoro. LIT ...rod that •If their breath a or.t oio tell. or Ibis h....l'd:urea.. daft or lyllow. nort.l silk tuts?, Ilst • 11:, nout bat of lust' Awlsor To.th l'an• will mak, lb* 4.1 h so •bi, 5 snow. ...111,. bresib odurti•nno•l7 /WM. tloll oul, at JACIZFUZI . B Etor, Mort, mt.. bind of A Scientific hair Tunic, Itestorer and Beau Jrl,.—Trial Mtn., 3734 cents. Thew who ha., used JOW.Y . Conti Ibir IGstorer. know It. coteolleut thN.. who hyvo not. VP ..turn It to the t oll owlurt ronlJtioar—lt. will form the Nor to grew guy port where allure intot.lrdbxlr to unnu glop it rullsug ritt ourorl or dandruff. and mutt, bola. not. or gray holt r.uow 01.01 For nerolcrivu flue halt w.ft unthirt¢ can ..teed thlu—lt motor. It truly boautitul, .ad Ite.po It tn. It a. Ito &ed, the mon erournalcal—yet ontoul..r--urtscle tor tho bolt &Id noly Itt WM. JACKIIO'P 240 Liberty otilmt! [road of Wool, l'lll.burgb. op., iw rei3l... and 111. JONES' Solution of Jot, a Liquid Human td , u.. eb•nging al whits, Wroy ball, lon .brinall'ol brawn, or blivit color. In . ton wand... p r i,..—no an , •Inl 11. linid by WM. J ACI(MON.2.IIP Ltb•rty street, hrs.' r.f Word. Irma u re b. JONES' LILLY 1Y art, eau two.d .511451 bow “ ng h• tfuanyuem pvpay."l Chalk. Uri Injurious It II how onaraw , haw rnutth. how yillow i anunh e althy thw Yltln apPtant. after Palared I v r ol,7;,..rr ," , ,l , ' Szt, ', „ " 2 , lVlT:Vitlelr . tcla. whlrhwa tall Jon' Fpanteila Lilly While. it la ninotvnt., being putithal of all .I.letarlota luoti, and It Imply,. to lbw akin a natural. Matt hr. al. Owlet, dam . , 115Ing wliltr, at 1115 Fan. Um, actin. M yy metle on the akin, malting It w , II and WlOOll :told by 1. , 4 Y.R. , nt, WM. 2ltyLlL•tty Itaal ttawly• a sw“.l.l.at.ann.L Hula ara B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. NTASHING without labor! Wattantoti to tat. the Maine out of table !Innen aid nap kins. Drteonowa roe Una.—Put your clothes In snMeient quantity of cold water to rover them. thou add two table amount!. of this Map Powder. to each eta quart. of water tred will the cloths", if th y water 1. hard. add more .01 he Powder. and boil thaw ten [Planter. lathe sown time prom them down with • Mick, then put theta in • tub and add prow, cold water. m, that tile r .0;1 tw too hot handle,. Then rub the dirty Moral., or in other worda, etre them • thorough rinaing, and that is suffident make them clean. N. IL—There twang no rosin thia Poop, It will leave the clothe. very white, and to had oily !MPH. a. tome emips do. The entire rost . of the material lowd does not erl=attg n e o 4l , ,,,, l t a 4Las c iLin4,;f ten ',revue.— Wi e Powder that on+ MM. •111 make tivelvequarta beet family holt Soap. Diaserioas rot Llsa—Take, aay six quarts of water and mix the Powder with and than lot It Wit any tie/ In then add .11 I na bo mid water. stir them intimately together, and mt t near where it [rill WA (ete. .4 when cultr e lt will be very thick and h ood, hite Soap, and wath well s and will not eat the other Sntl poop, our rot. the elothos. Can be need wi th hard or Pall c.ter, hy making the ountity into els quarts haste.' of twelve. The son soap le best adapted for waet,i, rallm and woollen gmdit. Cold wholeeste and retail by g. Je7 No. la. Wont et 11 00 SSEL'S AROMATIC VINEOAR.— M T l, b ilio b ler dT betd a s t r'lPL‘. l irt', i e:io,t!oti o 7 n 7r" ‘,'„„ ig,,gioggigurporos of Um toilet and bath, oil= jog the lattor 4. lid P0e...ml ibonntono, sad in its gnodot tor the proodotlon of eltunifi and To highly 12(.111.cuended to holler tor die nesa o I p.p.., Or the tollyt. RN Or preseryba the of etoollont import./ texi- L e7,h ,11 ,-, ,a d di; 7" 41 0,1 .1 ' .144 1 11,te. P r. t . w . it - It I. remove headmilo In nor tilliatro. ‘' OoPS Sold by IiELLKII.E.67 uead n. V OTARTIYERSIIIP—The enbsar bete bnye =l l 4l4 s Z r u th "'"fiVir.liAta " iturkintor• Bemoved. -7--- RENNETT, BERRY it CO. Live ro..noved to their me Wentz:mpg, woad 1130aneu, and ' ,' \ \ \ ,_.- . . . • • TRANSPORTA`IION . • , 1 New Lake Sapacior Line.-185L ' TIIE new steamier NORTHENER, CapL . ------ 7 ,1 O. Strialr, having every modarn Improvement ft ety and ramfort, will leave Cleveland on Frklay, the l: ' irf 3, l l r7. r 6% ' oelt i .c. ' lf, tl.ll..'rttda.l73lTl'arr7o.n. on The steamer MANHATTAN. C ape. thwat, ill Irate out 8.. Mane, 4,r tlaa Mfferent Wangs on L.lka bnperior. on the arrival of tlertearuer Northerner making • gular weekly Co ., th roughout th. M 1... between Cle ' veland ...t the Coll.* and Iron Mines. O. A A. TURNER, Prnprirtora Clea eland, 0., April lr.f.lool.—tf ille%llia DISPOSED OF -1 114 F An' . IN, TEILFOIT 1N 8LVGL1.4.11 . 9 LINE. my brother, .0 GE BINGHAM, the business at Pittahn lt will here after tof tea:use...l under the style of •Wm. Ingham A Co." imehll WM. BIN All. Binghams' Transportation Lin. . gin vagm 1851. ; .- -Vtal ,. . , r2t BET WEEPS PITTSBURGH & TIIE EASTERN CIT I k . THE CANAL being now open, we are re,a dy to rec eive and ea forward promptly, Produce a. d e nd trt rret ‘ ltlwaro ' at lowest rates charged by respenalld Linea Produce and Merchandise will be received and forwarded 1 .....,, „,,d wast.„ . Illithollt any charge for fOrwarding nr &I- I r.ring freight , estrumLsalon. or ntorage. ItIll• of Luling forwarded, and all awwwwo ffdthfully attarsdni to. Addreffa or apply to WM. BINGHAM A CO.. Canal lIILEID, Corner Liberty and Wayne phi., Pittsburgh. BINGHAM ft DOCK, 15.3 Market rd., between Fourth mtd Fifth eta, Philadelphia JAMES WI I.BoN.Agent, No. InV North Howard street. Baltimore. J AM ES BINGHAM. No.lo West at rashl _._ New Pork. MiiEab 1851 ,WigiMm Merchants' Transportation Line, (Yin PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND RAILROAD!,) 12OR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT—WITH OUT LIF.PIIIPPING. "CA 5 s lrAN CITY CO., Cana/ Darin, 405, runs street, Pittaur. eiIARLES RAYNOR, Central Stock. broad street, 191111 r ISS SIT prepared to receive • Ivga amount mar...handle. AN produce to ship on the opening of the recall to Philan delplua. arid all Intermediate planm at lover rates, and In I.e. tune than In sop Prarlonsee.mo• • Jag , NII The Pent number of Cruel, provided by the Canal Onututmainner• fur carrying outs on the slat. hatiro.de, sill prevent any unitypo•inof delay at Johnet..en, liolidayeburs or Columbia, this 1,141111 =BM fft__ 1851 To Shippers of hferchotchse, Produce, &c., a COT' Msrgii ATTIC; 441- LINE. Ain !N$ A CAI.. Prupsloton, No . ..TT PbSAIsIsh.A LIOUAIT, AAsse... Canal ItAdra. rltiminJr‘b. JOS T LIJI: a 5u5..Ag....4 th.ftimur.• EE=I N..r. propsoof, oo the .1...f10g of the rourterlratill. to ...otos,. Our Fry-light at as low rat., and kilo, .t0pp..r.... Lauda iloscalzb mad cue an any albs Duo. fotrlU.fto Agricultural Implements. I HAVE JUST received from the Eagethe A fllowlug irr.lrtart., .11 of Lb. t... 4 martufact.rn 7Zr ' ll. b ;rt7lll . l:[;:rel "' % ' o n tZslVk ."old UrLIIm Sl.chtnr*, for porn. Lona,trot.. turnip.. 2C tir.in ftkr .L..4awl barter: C,rnl 4Ado Sb, ler, for bor. and hood pdvntr rtnor •tb , l Coro Mall.. Cutting Boseo, Read Cuttrrm. 0% .off fdlhato Halter. Cm.d....11,r,un and Grum dy ttodt, mod Ildem -., • . Cu.uoi two, thn. .n 4 four prong forta. Alloraouforturr.l Itom tho hoot rux.rmis, .nJ 11, gal. thr Drug .ml Soo.l etu., of Corn. r of Wowil u.J 01 %Ili Kr.... • CA ILI , . -1 Late reurnred to my new store, itt,i apidwit. lb. flank t.l ru •lirm I will tw i d., in •ww tawrwrwit. • ••• thwir tow I • ill It., • v.., lan, Mina 1 VI ni iww. al., ,ipr•eg. Mewl. Mai,- rew-: Venttiiir •nol 1,111.1, u:.WI °mitt., 141pilii• at net. , lii•x Nista, *LW wwery •rI•le .h ry.b.l.• Cl Wind Ord, ..... powl w•hritiwil •I•. 1 tweet pruni,iti, 1111 411. ,1 •r1.1w1 •• uVL —Ca:N - LI paid fur U.ll LILT[ Cornices IhAVE jot received friim New Yuri, au karg. I• 4 a t 0... ot,le WI NIKON' COHNIer, su.l al t lI'S II AN ITh Ft*t wt. lc,. IV Nitlll.E. • SP } C C LES !—We have a coniFilete o.i 002. halter ktlStcl,e.q...:l.,stta Via two: 4 u_ltt,l , •ll•NT N.EJ Et Ow., " W " tn. ; 11: yU!t u ls r "LN—" g ri k W o.INDENTEIt, W ntr // Ae.nt for II.R. r J fn Anthracite CoaL ouTOSS joNt roccived, 1413 .0 up i e ,:, ri y : co artielo r 44 koumlr, or • c bmin. AV ANTED SOON—An nt . toro partner in V • large 'trim found', and ...tune e 1.,. In a lA, elnwie wt.. ow a,. from P.te•Puryl• A peony pan ,ll,ll tranicttr. wjEl. • ersall eapltal 4'%k , Iu wn..l •Lo be. • tre•wle. • •• r.f lA.to.ouldiap bu•lne•e•nd 1.1 t..• •an ...I lasenia.rr, ouri. 4...11.1m•rk ar•l nce•l ••••.e. 111 • po•en. •na in • rnaray•snara 01111 • rd mall r•plial • nl - 7 prufa •tde ellu•Plua •111,,be {peen. Pl•avae apple for lurther part:calms to ISAAC LI cud Ing•Iillp•ne• 001.,,DiaPpeed. iNKS,i. LIQUORS, of superior qualitiov. v 1 pear, ell Pure Freach Primly. SA per gallen. I,re Port lu 31•1• Ira Who, . $4 10 •• Jamaica Run, $3 P:oten A Irieb It - Mnpontpthela 111..ky.14.04 Ler ..1..1 311111.E15' TVA MASS. al UP. 412...11.1. - - • - S UN PRI E S-5 bhIA. Saleratus; T!lba-m " 1 , 1111. rumennot... Tobas , cs Jos suia"ltasr. ro: sal. Uy HANDL 3O:SE:4 C CO. ENNA-1000 Ibs. prime Alexandria, for 13 We Er 13 VAIINLITOCK /CO I N LAIAR bbls. fur sale by &silent. P. SlUtlvEllt. V AN I LLA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh. fur safe V Er II A. 1 A lIN ESTotAi I_lo. ACKING FLANNEgS.--lIIURPIIY 01 ,c taw. just npmer.l ....wtmeta ot Pio, 131,, Otec, .4 Green airattkg WA) d FIG LIRE' n :4 4 i a l i'i l . i sn. L rod 'sea at the nartbraat o..rnsr lourtl: 0.1 llaritzt str‘...la. 111:1tV1IY • BURCIIFIrLD I:TTER—Fresh Roll, in boxes, recd daily tybr toszat__ JB. ( 3 II EES'E-500 boxes recd and for wale by J U. CeriFlk:LD. bids. Lake Trout; :1 , •• far 's. by J. B CANIIIISLII. • ILV ER SAN tibia. for sale by ILL. PA lIN KSTOIJK Lll_ VEN .. RED-40 bbli. bright Eng., for - sale Lf B. I V AIM UT,LK a co. C HEESE -10 boxes extra Cretan D. H. F., I" WICK t IIeCANDLESS. 8 11/ 1.1 . 1 , 1' , E , FISH—I fur trABLE SALT—In-boxes, fur stile by n.II WICK.I iIrCANDLIasS.. 1 4 , NU LISII LAID PAPERS—A choice lot IA or rnallth 141.1 Pape.. or •o 4 7=11,...1 of Ntatineer Kai De;J;, . - n.'l9 norrtir Mark. loullff.eynd DIUNTINU T eems D ou bl e .11o4ITym Prfralf4 reams I rny.r,l tripling 1 . y.i..yr..2 . 2,12., man by W. 11•VEN, no] '2 Caper Dv•bri. roe. Marti r 3.1 L'il A It-2.1 Ikhda for ealo by 1.71 nol7. ft. La LZELL CO.. Lihrrty .t. Sight Exchange on Cincinnati. L'Olt SALE at the .moat favorable ratan by •vaOJ A. WILKINS A M. l'\/1 OU ItNING SHAWLS—We will open M rtitzvittA c.o. of plain black lard whlle and mII4AI Murt.. Long ghtyls. nol2 A. A MASON A CO..Matte/ 4. UM CAMPHOIt-9 bble. for sale by 11 000 J. KIDD A CO. IV a & IRVIN hare a fea:ehares nd Pvcno, I vmll.Lirt.l Stmt." .. Excharig.• Iktk •lia• fi.r Apar Aon. unit) UCKW HEAT FLOUR-256mA,,f0r nalo by WICK & IIeCANDLKES. ' , I I , I; . L v S- - . 4 u ce i ttui c a ,o nu ni f y rt . ct e u n r . e b il y Ito. V Rum.r.r AV. jutttrftlf.ll.l , l for ea. by .11 JOHN WATT A PO. Fresh Fruits, Hermetically Sealed. IRFSH Peaches; fresh Strawberries; 11 Moe ArIT T Haeptortto, PIC VIIIITP-- I.runth Churriug Preoh Plum, rrush Ounual.en,. Tbu abuve are put ut 111'111 0113 1 4;1 ,0 1re. n afid ,,, bv .b rm . : , l . l , "'"a" Y. l l. u ??ldluiL , l CO. • Pur sale I.; 256 Liberty ot.. g kW NER IVANTED—Ior lIMO Fire Brick, br..1,4 F. Freemen,' and left with u. Or the ).1, nourehele 41Lert elegter. T. WOODS IN. eh • Water et. • POT ASII-8 bble. for sale by • a. nn24, S. •W. HARBAUtiII. I tOS I ns ~f , 7 100 bblii. N 0. 8. 1 1 V n in li { ib A y mill. I iIIEESE-122. boxer Cream, for sale by It 1. no= J AMES DALZELL, to 1V.,,,, A . 111 LASS-100 bpi. owed size.s Window; for VW .ate by JAMES DALZELL. II -- ICE-10 2 tierces Fresh, for Jsu d e . 0 iN,...,.. .._.„_ %[RAPPING PAPER—Straw Wrapping T„m"`"' 4 " "Irr fr AZ&Vazi., FIZ Tioni.l.gllrrt. .-- —...- lAII ILL PAPEII:— ..; French and American V V j W•II Papor anilEArdor., tor ..10 bv A 02,1 WALTER P. MARSHALL:\ phi IRON—fin tons Jenny Lind Furnseti f..r A.I. trfmt Ile •Ilegbeuy Wharf, by orDI J. A It. FLOYD. 114 (ILL BUTTER—I'2 . bbie. prime Mr Bale IL r e , J. a R: VLOYD. UUCKIVIIEAT FLOI.II. and for ... b 7 nab J.\& Vulcanized India Rubber : oling. JUST REC'D, a large quantity .1 various thick...pi of Vulettnized Boling. ire hicol; an experienced e rearkman to male and half Jo hull. arid gentlemen • boot; Pore. god ell ppm. Te 1313. I. 'rite thc attention of the . to to 1L...411101y ... . • • •• • tum l tYrr. Much • /847, Mr. M. M. Sellers..-5 y MAI en. like others, • re Us* - - i In bjet t to tronbtsecdne coughs, and berms temediee to my Little pa • . I era. Induced b *dm , ! Wei:tents stout your Lout • B. • 0 La R , ~,,t• Z 4. 0 e It to tyrra ..‘r hay.. and n , to my daughter .'• ;:', 1 N., stfferentlimes, sad ft bee nee.. ~4 to ram aim. - • - , I bare recommended It to my n Int•bors. sad de , 1 consetenclotudy believer. that ILL t •tdonattb: . tbat has ever been offend to th e nub ' ' 1 1 darn Aierrr4ss. Parente should not perrat their ettildn ham • , cough. slum tiny DAY be must by •Z Lat h. o f We - - i 87 A . 1 . ..5 h. , , . a 9 1 bl vi.c.t. ..1 11._ t,,,,,, "11. a 11...,0,. , , rATENT MEDICINF.S, &e...—AN•ge st.:4‘ / .31 ! in M..... 1 for sale on Um mum libend ti7nir , . I udltin'eOintment .. •Arctuette Mdter.,. • lemon Yield listentsree brone , 1 . Kohut.] Salt of Iluelsam 0.. Malta 1 Nana end Botie Liniment Btas.trs'M • SIMI/ oP 4 -.' , • - 1 tto 'd'. 7l3alsl ' ' al t y! ,, e te• th c I , ..rtrsotorßb - , [ 1114. Boma , nnocrtlboley, ,y L o Dalbye Carauastire , o Aademali, Demarstlee eirisp, K. , , llooper'e cure cc Klerfe NMI. en.. , • . EMI • datl44lgyealle ult. by Ad...a. _ :. \ /Crime , Karen. tr reopfammt. -. . l'helpiTuralto - : . Crumbecker's t s Ityrrieti . derramoC Iternme. • . Larendet , te r'-' - ._` . Qutolne . . tr' - ' nortiern,lods o," Neldllte . Roie Ointment Icy Trtter , ftreasnbentag PleMere 011,61 . 41:111Inticts RI . I . M=tI Itelsem Wenn Ten Attbe Ming Stan Of ' eat \ ---- gaROCERIES, to =xi Iteits airsl3l..e.tkalu 1:5 catty bozo 1511. y. 2 CO , S.M. Matra `lO %WON , \ \ ,tom • 1817.8 . , 8 . 8 .* 8 1 • 818 ViraB.2. • thadturVrt. • °olden ?nuttily • Hari= Oil limo Po - ad a Wad nod 81.118 , 23 I,b 0. an. e2likkil4 +! 59-