The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 20, 1851, Image 3

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    fit - cSIE MATTERS.
SLocat. 2:cwt.—Serena articles are crowded
out. firing to , a.preee of other matter.
- -t r . Before tee Bon.. it. William'.
Rutherford vi ItillsV3n, No.. 384, January
.r .c. Term, 1851. This was an action of ejectment,
brought by the heirs: of Adam Itaitherford, re
aiding in Donegal county, Ireland, to recover
one howlred and fifty acres:of land, in Upper
t, Saint Clair Tolinahip; devised to them by Adam
Rutherford, who died in the year 1848. The
queatiotts in dispute were, Tires, the pedigree of
the plaintiffs, and'whether esparto depositions
could bo received to Drove that pedigree.
• ~1 • Second, lahother the District Court had juris
t 'diction, and whether•the Orphan's Court had not
the excluslie juriedictlon, the . executor, Joseph
Balstoo, having the property in his possession,
under the mill of the deceased, with authority
to retain the some omit the heirs should appear
and claim It
Altura Marshall and Denton appeared fer
the plaintiff's and Robert Woods Esq. for de
fendaziL The trial occupied the Court Miring
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thurs.
day morning the jury returned a verdict
for the , plaiutilre, subject to the opinion of
the Court, on the r,uestiou ofFiurisdietiou.
• Gis to &trance - v.—Mr. Wickersham stated
, at the repent meeting of the Allegheny Councils
that the 'committse annulated fo confer with the
committee of chime on the 'subject, were not
4ptepared to report, but said that the committees
,d tam, end an not of incorporation was pre
..pared to be sent to the I,g:endure for adoption:
that the two coon .itteet agreed to the act, with
' the exception of one clause, which gave the .
issinpany the power to coatract with the. rift!-
' burgh Gas Company, fore supply, providing the
' same can be - famished at cheap as by works
erected in Allegheny. The majority ruled, how.
j ever, and the' act so drawn up was adopted.
Survuusa:—A number of E1:Mr...Z.10 arrived
yesterday by the Permv-t - ' r• oonfe9 -
lad** . - f ~•q tl y from
.! '
, ~ smach
. .
4 Tan WLATHEL—Tbe cold Imo greatly moder
' ated withla the past four-aid-twenty hoofs.
Suance Rarr—Polioo ofcer pitemorie has
arrested - James Cummings, who is accused of
narticipating'in the late riot on Pennsylvania
Avenue on Sunday, originating in a diepute as
to whether &deed body ehould be buried in a
Protestant or CeiholieCemetry.
,: Fras.—Jefferie'a dry goods storeon Market
1 street between Second and Third, caught fire in'
the cellar . On„Tnesday night The gas. meter
' • I had burst, and taking fire' from a candle, the
;' i flames communicated to the rafters abuse, but
~.- 4 were extinguished without Much difficulty.
Itonnawr.— The-stable of Valentine Short or
idtutehester; was broken open on Thursday
*taming, and two horses stolen,
Icw—The ice houses of this city are now be
lag tilled with ice of the most crystal clear
fleas, and . of excellent quality.
Wzoso.—Notwithstanding the coldness of the
yestimr, the .water committee have failed to
stuff the plugs with ran or tome Other article
for the purpose of presenting their fretting ap;
the consequence was that at the fire yesterday
•mfirtarM;they were found unserviceable, and
fires had to be kindled around Win; to thaw
them. The matter should It trice{ be attended
to, or a disastrous fire may be the' esult.
MICHAHOCD.—The jurors in attendance on
the Connor Quarter sessions, were yesterday
discharged. The December Term of the Court
commences on :dewlap, when a new Grand and
Petitjary will Jr impannelled. The business
Prthelast term Wei not concluded, such was
:the multiplicity of cases &Acre it, and will run
aver into the' next term.
Free.—A frame building at the corner of Lib
erty and. Water streets, known as "the old Fer
ry House,"-and, as we are informed, the oldest
building in Pittsburgh, except one, took fire
yesterday modning and was consumed. It was
vtOonpied as it tavern by a man named Kelly,
who sued mast. of his furniture,.. A barber
- shot. :next door, was also burned. The salt
house of Mr. IL-Haughey, was on fire, bat the
flamer(veere ezti4uished. The property de
stroyed, belonged to the estate 43f tBelata Cyrus
Blank, and wip'of no value, as it was, we be
hove, shortly to have been palled down.
. - ATi.kaNixtloo
_ .
Ftes. r A double frame house on Railroad
street, in Lust Birmingham, the property of th e
oocupant, Mr. Peter Keenan. on noinstrions
opal miner took lite yesterday morning nt two
O'clock, and totally consnufed. Most of
ike furniture was destroyed. The, loss is esti-
Mated et five hundred dollars.
Fao ..—The 'Allegheny And Monongahela
deem aro both frozen ar,roas. We learn from a
note us yesterday from Freeport,
that the ieo there; is thick enough to bear the
• weight of ktorsons croeoing.
"--•-'--4:••-•ll'--”.--Elitabeth Dodds, alias English,
- :,..t-'••••ed of larceny, committed in
1 • .. .1, - .. o.hatln Allegheny City; was
•,- 7'. days imprisonment
• . •
four iziondis
'Cuisio.—The ferry bonus enn no longer razz
I .10 Birtniti6han4 the river being frozen over.
Scinn:-Z-Ozifs of the Birmingham ferryboats,
:1 in attempting to cut a chitin:id through the ice,
tna souk yesterday.
: @Court or QUJAVIVP. limb: qr.—Thomas Bogus
1113 yesterday convicted of larceny in the Conn
of. Quarter /3eselons, and Elizabeth Jackaon and
Jobs Bona dleabarged, the jury being unable
to agree. .Sereral other eases were then tried,
but they were !cry tinimportatit.
, ,••
. ,
1 rug p w . iiaree.— Thera are now one bun
! dred and twenty seven inmates in the Pittsburgh
Alms -
Itiorger.—An Inquest was he NI; yesterday
tortoon ou thohody of a French woman who had
° been frozen to:death while travelling in an open
1 wagon &vats city. A large amount of testimony,
was given, but In consequence of the ungener
. vas and indaYent conduct of the local reporter of
the Gazette, who, as . usual, has manopolized the
. :t entire proceedings, me are unable to lay a full
repeztbefore our reiders.--Jeurnel of yesterday.
MigaMmee Cm= or Persoutult.—We Melte :he attention
I el the idltriAd sod the public generally. to the carted:ate
' I f of . Wm, Ilan, of this, city. She case may be men bl' enT
- owe= wbo may be akeyttest to reletton to the fads tam
1 ass lertT4 " , s. lt. KIER
:I "1 bad bon salami several yea= with • eorunemof both
-.1; • •Met, erbkhaentloned to Moresra until notember.
1: Lb* intiatimatton at the time hirtillo Involved the whole
• Mains romobrarte of both eyes. sod ended 41 the declaim
of • thick Atm, which Wholly dryttoyed my sight. I hod
olmeationseta:darrd,and the thickening remerrd.whieb
•,! ecent returned and left me in es bed • conditioo fa before.
• .Ab rine of theecoro plaint I ruder applicition to fen,
Glebe molt eminent medial men, who fillibMed
a me
ut • y eve would 000/1 got w•ll.' ' Atthl,ol. l . o o. l
met dletionnicit any obieet. By the Wein. of some friends
I commumed ths to. of the Petroleum; both loternally
, sad bpasy.nad.e vbich
to the ammo:Mom and I Minima:wand my eight eobite•
Ot IT. Its denerM bmith wee term-moth improved by lb.,
Petrolearo, sod I attribute :be reetoratlon of my Melt to
Ste OM.. 1 treble abNo- 104 L'amad etzeet, to this citY. sod .
,eto be...heavy to glee any isfo.-mation to reletion to mi
tam. • • - „ - WILLIAM MALL"
. goy eat e by li'arder A MeDowell. lee Wood Amen a. 0:
&Dm, 47 Weal stern A. -Dabanteck.S Co, corner
Wood aod grout struts) D. 31. Curry, D. A. Elliott:loorob
Moughem. mudtl. I . Eel:marts. Alleubenn also by the goo.
sellicAd ter • Ousel todo.tweentb a.. Pituburb
I. Imporpitlen o Harcitsrare, Cutlery, rte.
lio. 129 ;Wood Stre et, Dish % i.'att
Uri attention of Iladianta and. 'othan'
Lima was InOCIL of •
• lIARDWARE, CUTLERY', .81 - 6:,
- poplar," RECKNT PACKET? ,
iitod tbay rfrp:=lftof at prlea
t .a 2" .
sarernitwd,twee.r ti ANN'S &Orate! ft. Ain
&wars oo band. • &r
Pittsburgh Life Insurance , Company,
CAPITAL 8100, •
il 1r0n.11.12r4= 9 .!ll i Ztlc ks
''strhittircr—Joltra L.
Luts. -
. 1919:111f491..a.c'tn ( 29 ' 4307r; part Wr 9.999.
Cltizan NAGt 1101,1. E INSTITUTIONS
•"' (n otntc
N.. Water etrActo in the ,n.rthllo.l C. 4.
- pour •
foi• 0« A lltr intuntr
y~iiipp ate :
1? ' ff ° 4 " l F .PrZtf , ilit t 'lli t=ti
=ow. L. 6" so u ' ulti . tar liwn pra.leone, m . tt . /
4.4 RA,Aley, %VAL Lorimer.
.las Mr afhavat IA._
CIALIMATIJ.S4 2 cake for sal* by ats -- • lox wampum
. The steamer Daniel Webster from San Juan
le Nicaragua, arrived thie morning at before
11 o'clock, with dates from San Francieco to the
10th of November. She bring. 300 passengent,
and $75,000 in gold dust, on freight, ands6oo,-
000 in the hands of passengers.
The Webster sailed from San Juan on the nth
of December, touching at 111,611 /I whore Elie
landed 120 passengers, with about $200,000 in
gold destined for Charleston and New Orleans.
- She brings the passengers brought down by the
Gold Hunter, which left San Francisco two days
afthr the mail steamer Northman, for Panama,
which latter vessel hod 000 passengers, and
$170,000 • in gold on freight, with ‘ a largo sum
in the hands of passengers. -
The Webster kft Havana on the 14th, leaving
in port the .steamers Philadelphia mud
and the United States ship Decatur.
Jeremiah Dickens of Philadelphia, passenger,
died on the 15th of December of compression of
the brain.
The news from Californian le uninteresting
The mining accounts continuo highly favorable.
Sheriff Buchanan had been shot at the Sono
reau camp, near Sacramento by A party consist
hag chiefly of Mexican marauders .
The Vigilance Committee of Sacramento were
active in the mutter, and had made several ar
rest, Thu hint reports state that the sheriff
bad died of his wounds. Several other murders
bail been committed in the neighborhood of
Marysville and Sacramento by Nieves..
The excitement in regard to Capt. Waterman
has somewhat aubsided at San Francisco, His'
friends have Oman forward, and as soon as they
could he certain he would be create from mob
law, and have a martial trial, be would give
himself up and have an investigation.
A large number of the mines have been de
ceived by the rains, and have knight winter
quarters in San Francisco.
Adams & Co have $600,000 in gold.
• of their
oundren in p'sr
During the last fortnight there bun been but
a moderate baldness do . mg . tts on the lot instant.
ailing in ;mall quantities at $l2
`re bbl, for prime
Thorn is no speeolativ Tdemand of any kind,
and polders are anerillin, to make any enacts
Advieed from the Sandwich have been receiv
ed at - San Franci,oo to the 25th of October. King
Kamahamaha had appointed the 18th December
as a day of thanksgiving;
A revolt had taken place among the prisoners
at . flonolulo.. The prisoners, 110 in number, 0 - -
ter making their escape, Broke into the Maga
zine, got possession of arms and ammunition,
and loaded three large guns to the mottle, and
pointed upon the turn. The promptness and en
ergy of the Marshall and Sheriff soon subdued
the revolt, and the ringleaders being once in
irons the fears of the populace subsided
SC.liikT6—Mf. Hamlin presented the creden
tials of John J. .slrßea, appointed by the Uor
ernor of Mississippi. to fill the vacancy 0..-
alone,' by the resignation of Col. Davis until the
legislature shall elect a gfi . ccessor. Mr. Mellen
appeared. AM sworn in, and took his seat.
Mr. Miller gave notice of a bill making ap
propriations for the improvement
. ot rivers and
Mr. Owin Introduced a resolution, which was
adopted, calling on the Sscretury of tie Nary
to lay before the Senate all letters received by
thelDepartment concerning dogging in the Ns
Mr. Fis4 introduces! o bill to amend the act
recommending the manner of holding rite United
States Courts in case of the sickness or disabil
ity of Lim Judges.
Mr. Underwood moved to tale up the litll fur
the repair of the Cumberland dam. which: mo•.
ion was lost.
ie compromise measure was
Mr. Fcote resumed his remarks.
The Republic, of this morning, publishes a
letter from the Spanish Minister to Mr Webster,
announcing the pardon of James M. Wihun,
one of the Cuban prisoners in Stain, in cones
gdence of an affecting appeal in lie behalf by
. 61s mother, to the President, which woo forwarl
ed to.the Queen of Spain, whu liberated him,
'land {eat him home with fund'a from her own
pritrati purse.
The lion. James .R. Polnsem died at States.
bdrg, North Carolina, on Friday last, aged Id
On Thursday "night, the toharcu RA reboil ie of
McClure & Browden, with $9,4.100 worth of to
bacco, wan destroyed by fire; also the pork
house of Chamberlin, with numerous adjacent
buildings, together with a large amount of hog'.
lard. The total loss is about id 90,000. which
was.partly insured.
Two coal boats from Brownsville, Pa., sunk
at the head of Stewart's Island, on the Ohio riv
or, and six persons were drowned. It is report
ed that numerous coal boats have sunk between
this and Paducah.
Now Into. Dec. 10.
Cotton—The market is drooping, with sales of
500 bales at 81 for middling uplands.
Flour—sales 510i0 bbls at $4 53 014 55 for
stale, and $4 50 $4 02 for Indiana •
Grain—Wheat in doll, with sales 2500 bushels
red 87c. Sales of a cargo of mired western at
66e tl bu.
Provisions—Beef is scarce with sales nt
$8 50 l $ll for mesa, soil :$1 25 fiii $5 23
tor prime. Lard in firm at Ei.l € 0 01 7 > It,.
Whiskey—la dull at lilts.
Btocks—The market is steady. II 8. Sloes,
1869 have advanced 4, sales Ohio sires, 1875,
at 116 c.
has already been
se• , ybem unable to pro-
CINCISNATI,, Dec. 19th.
Flour—Prices are unchanged, with but very
little doing.
Whiskey—Soles at 15,,5e per gallon.
Provisions—The market is firm, with sales
8,000 green Hems et $6,50g80,55 per 100.
Hogs—Tbe market is firm, with sales 8.000
bead at $4,7004,80 per 100.
Business is entirely suspended .
Flour.—The stock of wheat and flour outland,
reducing wheat to four, is 28 to 30,000 hble.,
against 150,000 bble same period last year
Of the above 30,000 Ltda., 22,500 are in the
bawds of millers. Holders are asking $4 for su
perfine. ,
The weather is moderating. Navigation is
Now WILIAM, Dee. W.
Flour—Sales 7,000 bhie Oho942,8&(01,
which is ad adrance of 200 sink) yesteria), ow
ing too speculative demand.'"
Port has advanced, with sales 000 bbls new
Mess at $ll per bbl.
Bieon-rBales Sides at S(}o c, and Shoulders
st 7jt per lb.
Lard has improved, with sales 200 bids prime
Tun SCEICIOL lintel CALAILITT.—The ward
ac.hool housein New York City, where the recent .
awful diesst;3r happened, le undergoing complete
alteritious in the means of egresv, it coot of
about .96:i000. On the stairway, a platform has
been, constructed on a level with each landing,
supported by iron columns, so that it will be im
possible hereafter to fall into "well" from any
great height. New bannisters, made of bloc-:-•
Walnut, and bound with iron, and additional
doors and etairways have also been constructed.
VISKINIA Etecrion.-For Governor; Johnson the
Democratic candidate, has, ae for as heard from
8825 majority, and his party have eleoted 25
Senators and 54 Represenstiveo, while the Whigs
have ohomm.l2 Senators and 87 itepreaeuatlvea.
DILICILUIK has at length concluded to relinquish
the effort to oontlolidate the Duchies with Den.
mark proper in an administrotidra union, and
will :restore the snub:not .forta of the provineial
States, but otherwise retain the Sovereignty
therein .
BPITZ.—The Boutg Carolina Senate has re
jected e resolution authorizing the Federal Gee
ernment to purchase s site for I, light house tn .
Ball's Bay, on the cowl' of that State. •
• . ,
ENIOILAT/Oli TO AN LIIICA from Great Britian
still ;continues, notwithstanding the latehees of
the season. At the lase dates from 'England
large numbers 'of persons were preparing to
etaigrati. - .
Migtra,l: the Navrtal
Mattod,econtunng, • .
Barna nun:land thasoo27, nnl -
- 2h, Una Line
a l'icalinlia,-arphartivir , • g- r n. it variety
jocirnL3itannal, .ConiX•an.
14"I"'"41coiratm „ [l:', l gl i . 42.lltp.
P. :8.,-.4.1141 the Abor.PoPuiatxprks
SPONGEI4.O9-2 dUZJlldialtabbeia
lin ritairticlelorlittlattla=4,,,,!,
Ntw l'oax, Dec. 19.
PIIILADELH/11e, Dec. 11,
01...tan,,r,LLE, Tenn., - Dee. 19.
Lortevat.r., Dee. 19.
ST. Lo Pea. 19 ,
New Stock of Chickerbig'ikPlano Fortes.
TONS 11. 81.-Woodoß 9
0 wry!, ha• ree . eland stab new
at Factory pic.,ll,
No. Out. 6 octave 11.oaatecoal
- 6
113, i“
Carted ILoatowocal
1.. n.
Louir - Xliq.l3 ..... 4.A)
Ttel m
folio. g !limn Fortns
, frogu other martutarturets.vlc
~i ,
• nlettn.
It • t• otl
Boudoir. uuh..a'uo,mo..^S
A muhogun> c oeturr mound hunt. ]3
Oil Cloths!
A LBRO & lIOYT, run. 72 and 74 John st,
tl~n.x of th.
f, • hi,hl7,:yff:f "f
• Fair. ho o;YZ;tal " * ), ‘Ll 'ant
At their vrar...nntns In N York ran be found n Imre
Aln.. LrO , lr. Pi., ritrov, nod Clirria, OIL (L01:11.N.
WISS IV ATCHES. direct from Ge-a
•1 (end
HA..., Caw
W•crt”, of •uperlor ,pwity •nd olt•ntnt d•stao.
• worr 11.1. •v. t. °v.v."! thi.
der oar t•a.lo in my e..ra oriel:, I can
telore trotunn...•l them Cu,O/tr
r e l
- -.• •
)] L-5 casts Winter Strained
t i . i h eplianl:
N EIV CURRANTS--Ree'd and for sale by
Wu. A. •IrCLIMG A 120..
.1015 Ormery A tea
E'iV PRUNES--I'ut up in Jars and fan
,y droxr• of 21h. each. for ralu hy
FIGS—Re and for rule by
I' e'd
WM. A. Meta.URG
• TRAINED lIONEY—For sale by
I .Inls Ult. A. MrCLUCO S c,)
Ws. No. 1, for sale by
Itn!i'::;----100 W 8 W. lIMILIACtiII
El TT E bble. prime. reed and for enle
by idelLJ A. t W. 11.1148AL.011
FLOLCR-501.615: extra family, dor axle by
E ""S-4° bxge (or esle be
TA.NNERS' 011.-20 blob, for sale by
J.• 15 C. t W. lIAKIJAIKAI
I ' , ASTOR 01L--36 bble for rale by
1 1 YSOTT'S Yellow Dock and Sureaparil
xl ta—l 0, br • J KIDD a 1..1
/ OURT PLASTER-2.0 gr,se fur sale by
KO'. J. KIDD a co
RT IST'S COLORS--A full ne.orunent, in
for gll , . br J. KIDD a CO
`P.I Nl5ll SAFFRON -10 111 A. for solo by
to .1..1,1 3 KIDD tCo
PPLES-6 bble. Green, ase'd. for axle br
.Iq3 Ii Da.LZ ELL a Co- Libertr
DEAHL AS.II-5 casks for sale bv
3.10 D DALZELI. t CO.. CArrrl
TA bon. 13 , wbrigbt's ex., fur sale
t - 7 br 1.43 WICK A IIeCANDIKS:?.
e. 011, for bale
1 1.1 JvIJ WIC. , a AK-CANDI-V.,
f t LASS- 5O boxes ?x10;
tor rc
oLissEs —5O bbl.. and 5 h(. bbls.
""` US
CAN' I Ell ,
()EA Itl ASII - -50 bbl, (Jr nalt, by
,kb.l .1 n CAN VIKI.I+
A I.ERA - TUS iii/c1 51) bbbi. pure,
11Ga •w by .1 u CAN VIELaL
UTTEIt —lO b. 5.9. t'or Ei rtAl . e.
J AMY, 1.14 L LL,
New Books!
T.l. L. READ'S, Apollo lipildipo4, N.,
,ortb etre.—
the Whale , : by Melville.
I , ,cotiior tr.,ar o. or tn. Oe , s undo Explanation of Coco.
moo Mt., !or fontili , o or !Wood,
&wore t , l Fotoillul ho DO. Etro.or, for F.D.,.
hhi ri twat Lit,was railloti with raforrn - a
• Chard;• .1..11,,d to thr eteraf of tt., b11u,... ffhfo,
fartutur .Irl,
•• - .
r 'Alit: FARMER'S GUIDE 'll.l Sel I.:SUF
IIACTICAL 1111.11.11.21:11E.1.-ILaih
IL. :a1.,. of th. Farmer to ..11 varlet, ar..1.4.•{.1
im, [bent la lb, lisa.son. DI lb, yaar /... Ibes
ne , ar. Hy 11.ory Slophono. F. P.. 3, E, anttor of tha
- 11,..12. At It, Fars.,.. tr . . us:v..4 hr Jahn P Norto/... 11.
A. Prof of Pelesilfte Ag - rkalture IS Pale Cal.,. Say
Mateo: .... rola- sub mamerrn.• Itlaatralion.
..1 L.ltE lib,
dultt fourth Wroth Apollo tharl.ttocm.
RUSHED SUG bbls. Lovormg , s
PUltllßlltir a 1 UIII< A
EAT111:11,-2V0 Side n N. Y , for sale by
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
IFilllo.Nl RICH AND I'ooll, bowl and free,
gr.!., wk.. and o...arlittno,
r.t.s+• ler,*.tody ler.“
Thdc.ods buldro are Ltd itud at U. anti,. .ad but LI,
up,vvryst ,il,lOll tittered by all wt... tr4e , It, and ‘..
db..l r..rdody over b.furo alscuyerral pornk,....t•urh twr
iect Losittatr sitil tura., pn,rtdet. It N.., htio
In I, twvistg ut /MY no [watt/Y. •bat e•ttr+l
to.w ,tntratsag—sprLiur.. ilial , ntly,n4 J,dn la • :its.
darn v, tmrdn.utots, carver.. rt,tlmLll.., ni
aked tde.d, or .00 d. 131. Kara., otifinc.., 1.1 vaske•-.
yrtn:A. irdl.-Irs or Immalent.L. T 1,4 lonktp-nt i•
0 . 11.4141.. , rd •drerlizzl itt t. tine iatn,dtalt,
for nal*nr KEYPI:II SIeDOIFF.LL 140 Wew.l rt7erl,
Pittadurgh. art
( iIIAIII CUSIIIONS-4' ton. India Ittibber .
it i and Mclntosh
Air Cuatonns, of dlfferant sba9ss..l ,
reC'd ..I tar ..I. at N,. 110 MartetetrtaK
d.. 3 J t H. PHILLIP:3.I
C.I. t"GAII.--19 bhdi. N. 0., recd on consiin
-11 1,1[1...ra tar rat. by ALEN Holt DO*.
.1, .
IF; *rata .t.
1)(4 All-J.:O htole. .ilrinie N. 0., for , rale by
I. a., J.. II : WORTH a (a,.
Ip 10 COFFEE-150 bap far male by
a, ~..-, J.. ., 1/11,Woltill Ik tht
4;..I.ALERA'fUS -- 1 0 tout l'ulv' , l, , in ranks
ao.l ,art, far eat.. by . It. DALKT LI. a Co..
don Lit , ..rty *lra.
tlif 11A 1.. k: 01L-2 CIISE9 Win', Strained, tor
T l rai. by 1[1.91 IL DALZELL • VI,
_ ... .. . . - ,
Beaumont's Patent St h Polish. 1
DATENTED, July 2fith, 111 o.—For giving
I_ a bonatubal Ohms to Wank Max Ists , Cambra.o, Ca.
ti r. n h l7 .. n "E a, La ker. 'iC atti ': gll :.l 47 - n a m l' l ' irlsiiil ' ii " :4l ' l7 ! :. '"l:''''.7-I.'7°
Diractiona-Pot a plas, Ilan du u(• pas to a quart ar
starch when iiniiin iron tirtaily.
Priaa. I:11i rents po,r Cake. Sold and retail hr
It. E.. SELLERS. 57 Waal *.
dal:: ` Sale *goat tar Allegheny Can nty.
011.—'2..culvi Winter IVhale, for eale in
1,1110. or dranght, by ' J. KIDD * CA. ,
dolh ba Woad ot.
OLASSES-30 wag. Neon Crop:
5 . Galan Syrup:
To a rti ru aud for sale by
4,11 . J. S. DILWORTH L CO.
i EAD-lljo pip for Bale by
II A dell' J. 8. DII.OORT/1 a Oh
1A1;1' PETRE-149 lar,B Crude, landing
1..., and for ;ale II ISALLILDICKEY t CO ,
or) craw and Small .tan
UtAIIiERS-75 bags for sale by
111' klas I. DICKEY a EIL. Watar and Front no.
tyliEEsE-30a hones Englinh Dairy;
100 ". CL)1211:1012i For owl; ba
I OAF SUGAR--50 hbli. toed, for solo by
jAMES A. liicK.NlOllT, N 0.62 Fourth et.,
A r i tz . elved learn atsrtlan a Int of 111400110 lataill
Bit o r tadt. °tau/ a, Whit. sod Black Contra,.
al Aorldad ban t am,
Aldt atc'd—adeutletaeo's Ittratiat t Gawps, Whits fhtla
Dean a.I Fumy (Moab, in gnat varir t I 4a4
FLOUR -50 bbis. Rip% for *Ale by . i
4.4 13+1.1(05 RONIIIIO/11/TA.OO.
g I LASS-1000 boxiia listed, b. b.; for safe by
it.)l dal Y. r.. VO/1 faltitlklldltaT aW.
1 1 1F;:frir.', 1 ro! i n i = l) d".
UST REC'D-50 yda. thin Sleet Rubber,
for u.ea.riow Far 'ale at No. ilatip•l
HORAX-1501) the. for solo by
XJ? tuals J. KIDD 4W. 60 Wood at.
F 4OUlt--90 bble. S. F.;
II do lire: Mr mint y
. • VALI:IIILE DISCOVERY, that which
• • has Men long sought Mr. rim A lIIFYICAL•LI.
I , AULWIII, fur Welding China, Ulu, Earthen am)
rblin also. Fr eda. urnamte, As.
• N. IL—All mtiales miond by this valuable cosnwilion.
awavin and ter on Is. ww
than Are minute. atm. It has been loinsd. A. It ho ao
milor, 1, learn no marlin of anything Loan ungllint
Lt the broken p.c., gran an this'll:mat glass. It wilt wino
mini the mtlou ot hnt water; or auy other kind of lloul4
used &bunt inns.. thernby nonanflug thorn u.stul es
pubthey were Mann.
• he lic, will at ones Mr the liaaattaaw.r
Nl • n in . [V:
b: t b l . bor trig sgul .i sigy durably
g nrtlelo for no
For a Fide, otiolemla or retall, by R. Z. SELLERS, LT
trditIVIIEAT FLOUR-40"eacka Halted
dr ' 4114 ' f° ` " le t -ifouisoN, LITTLE A CO.
DEARL ASII-20 make for mato by
W.a F. WIMON,IIII &mod sr.
11. A. rAIINg TOOK it 00.,
corn. Fin* sad Wool six
H. MOLASSES-4W bbln. Oa:dole's HO
LY finery:for 1 9 .0 e by sintsinnoft* tNallttA3l,
J 5 ,\'e. 1117 Water rt.
/,/ For wising a
o w ms. all a .hinallos
Ism tried. Collars, thief Itadams. and kinde . of print;
Itn tifie pravente the Inn, from *Abating War Linen, and
daft from
ail einnalne nothlnd Injarloua
clothed, In ail too t. The ladles have haw abah, felt
; the noraiddalty of ouch an ankh,. and In thla their rapacla.
too 01111. e tulle realized. aa nu competition Iv feAdvd ap
ter on Ontartial Witt
shouldake do thirty osen
01 0 11,011, .0 no Wally' N. Itliout It. loin, 12h,
; 0000.1 per Cake=vrifh full direction, . For photo/ate
*ncl mitt!' WICILY.II.BI.I.Ut,
dot corner of Wood sod Math sta.
I ORN MEAL-O sacks Sifted fur sale by
4,4 B.F. YON BONNII(dtkiT t CO.
};nee, prime
trite t e , for -t em p, nae, on hand and pir rale by
dig Wet A. iloClAttikl k Co., :tit LOAM' et.
I eantainftio the Fi/tmenta of Nidlo.andooltipleto to.
tat.. toff the Flaw tone. to If biota ts addial a shot.,
collection of fittviossa.ot woe 11,tiWo. oricidnit at
80ralt, itatchu. oam. Patton, isto lantatu
White: FTIONWeIIt o ral.
. wood 0..
Notice. FrIIIS well known establishment is still eon
, 1. doetnd in the mime manner It always been. Th.
IF. A nristai Meeting or St.•k homers mutt.' and pleanint leitimtloti of the h01t..., ILT
the Poona, tiompany, one arningetuent., .n.l the rinnfiertT snit luturtem. Ir
Sep th e in In- Tin.. eon, win Inured thole, ..I.lne Li render U.•iereeahle nod ad 0....
0.44 at bon, in I....burgh. on Thumb,. 4 4. . 4 ” "....“ . . 4 r•
the WE of Jsonary i 1T52. The itieTtnne u take Ware fl aying IT eu no. the form of John 1.. Tucker
at 10 tileotinn Ten the nu, "r to a 00 lonit at the hem MT ootalitiobinent, the tinh.crEhor
51. nod 3 P. 11. • See
L 1• bort exertion,. inniotatei Its ennienthint and
. 14.r.1 —knitting to gine Teni•fieetinn tn ningn. .
I ehroinTle, Po t. non Airenenn iTie.Pten.ll.3in ' IVOI. V. PARREIL.
tN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Peter
Heard. the interval ss 01e0 he held io , he etair Candle
ine.- nod add di u,•• renducird toolor 11,...,0.. of
`Paler lieu - A A 111 . s ill t..t. foi .• e for leru,•, A... en. •
'Pt ,- '', WM ililllal A a Moore Henszey & Co.,
d '' ... " I' th " ' em "! W ' h.. '" '''"""'"' ' l !' I M PORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers in
Monongahela Navigation Company. • HARI , . AtliAN I, CUTLERY, No. 17.1., Markel street.
-NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. dtser. large sod orlsea In.. ash,'
,i N :INNUALMEETINt: of the Stockhold- ; j ,,,,,,,
Wg J l'eami
"I . era ui the M.innegahrla Naslorotet, Ve rn on, ..ill ' .
be iirld In puradan,... et th e pn,endona et the Charter of ' MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING,
Inoorooration, at thou 011 t.... on •L`..el.. 111 the co r I T Neri,vls FUR AL I.
UPittsburgh. o 'lender. the 111111 day of Jaren,' . A.
U. lOA2. (Inong t he eat Mortis,' In the mouth./ tor 11 , . lA9. S. MASON & CO., hare REMOVED
eleenea or oilleer• tor the enaulnd Year tIP their ern, and tartar In PhiladelPhia. h , 0, .. new
.1..... id lc NI BAH EWELL, tier.r. and arwnl
iia 011 A NIT EDU ILIUM). las Nnoth f n, st.,
l'ursproon, Oct IA 'AII. .ileft. 1,.., rontlnit. to oiler a PREMIUM o eo f ONE
'Fop, DIP} _Tolis o f th., C o ili ng mi n i ng : THOCSANI; ii , 11.1..a1t.5. Inr any stip.rior
, 11 la radii lo all ; espoclahlu Merchant. and Deniers fri the
C. top. f ..r, I loblonn. here chi. day made. an WIAVILF. 1.1,,i,0.1 fief,
mont ..1 taco ovule on , eO . ll Phase oi tho s el..] eteek.. , ; Also Mantis lino hlael. WRIT Si' I NK, t 11. low , .
a „„1,,,,,,,,,any too. , half parel.l. , no or !AA,. the 2.11,0. I , . ' " i • ' L . t n ,..1,,,,,„.
ILLI.r. and ;le ode, hall, n .r 1 , ,,, , the guth Do elute, : '''''"
House of Refuge. ,
. , AND
moll subscrihers for the erection of an i FANCY SOAPS.
I no.- . neltim, lor U e•tero Penner llama, are , rlmiEsE superior articles of Perfumery,
heseby neithed that all a.,......u1tut , t twenty per coot. no a,notnral whir! are enumerated h. jingly evluhra.d
the amount anhseribef ht ...h. , . reOn‘red to , . Pali., . L 1, White, Oriental Alahaster, Pearl. Rouge. Toth and
toe 'treasurer. on r lselorn the / o th dal .d ~,,,,,... a'r 1 ..1,..t Powders, Chinelb rely... Chalk. and other althrornd
neat Pr enter '
.., the 11.nird of Int-velum i Ct &meth,
'',..'”' JE Irlll. A 11AN NA, Treed. ' :tetra —Walnut land Extra Fine e•na Dream and Whlte
' - , IV Indoor. /eating, Palm, A 111.10. 1., ..a Tolle.
Notice. , 5,,,,.... nhaelug Cream, llair lty.,, i C,donoa .eaten. ca.
f F.TIERS Testam era arc to the eFt ate of V l .l7::,::, L '7. h atir ir T,T r ,afr'NZa",, l ,'„,T,l:
LA jimr: Iles, late ~I I .1... id.rm.hip, (Aunty , Al. ' Bair I ILIA I . 'hilomodea. Sig.: le.. ars menutamureil and (of
1..,,fien,.,1....1. have Nat aranted t.. the .ule.
C r.; all la ;,. t. e .I,IIIN T. CLEW].
,C 1,004 loartng ...imp agadet eanl estate •ill pnrnt Palma, and Chetruet.
them duly authenticated f ,, , •- , 14.15.1. In WI Nlarket street. below 'LI. Philadelphia
11. ilni'llUß:A. , - Mon-bents e m i t ferny! that Clegg . .. the
1111 A 1,01, In• 1 end meat ettenflre mainilastory in the on, tiles Idol a
11 1111ADY Wll.ltlNg. • eo n ....A Alf
neer.... I
A Card—Life Insurance. Shriver & McLean,
A R..C.. ‘, :?. ;
, i•' , 0 ,,, 1 - .1 , :!•! , N ;, •" 4 : ,.. 0.- : - . 1 '01 , 3 , 'L — 1
.. 17nvr, Prodtire and Come...snot Altrclion.,
t ., .r.,,,i, t”. .., I.I,TYPI al. bbounau 'Albano* in i = No. 34 Somt Nana ARR.,
n -nob It.-l *bon, et • ,lk, r. , .. 1, 111 •• 11 tt. , N1 41 , .1 , 1 . .. 1 111111.ADELPIII,
' '""
" 1 i , ONSIGNNIENTS a 1 LOCK nod Pro
be*, tnsbi.
1.1, - Al rri...1%1• urrn • .rh IC. , 4 ,,,,,, ", N. iIL dtt, grnenally, .111 rt.,. v, prv.ra kt,v1.1,1 .101
..1111.111,11. 1.11. 1 ..m1 , 4111i) . rat ~ .u.'•,..1. 1.. ~„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ A „.„.., m ,,,,.„,,
too. it In t1i..nn....r.12. , 3.,,, ~,,,,,,,,.. ~I 'I.. ,ul.l/. : ~,•fi.l -I 111115 0 LOlng wheo glesar4.l
•111• pren-10. a 1 1,1,14 ."' .'''''''''''''' .. th '• ... 4 I ' licn r t., ‘lwezr• I.l.2upton A 1111$rr.P.Itsburstr.
arraautrurril r•I roar ..resoltnll. t,.. the trug• vv3.11,..1 !dr Frant•l4 tl Halloo.
introit booltlrenro, i•lncl. huns.• l LY . 1, 1 Christ.nnt, I Mr MKT Lauf hilt,.
Cott Lou. ,q, cle 11..1. , rt,ull, i•Nuts, Ar i
' ,Ot,i. V, r.:obr ete Sacal I. Olat•rt.
' •• t0... 1.. ,
rtr,.7 Jr. a Y 1,11.1,1.1 Chur l b. I •111,1 . ,1, .. r f1 , 111))1AS NV C ITC, BONNET MANU-
Notice—Loot Certificate. • i run 1., ll .1, N.. 11 14,41[174, ren.o.l nolo; cnte,e
' t.' ...nut...n.4 •Kle.)1•1111u1.4.1.1s. 1,n1L•11
VOTICE IS herelty .. gb t en . I Lbt , briliention ; zt . ,, , * . .** , :t. , .4 .,. . , .. . .1 , ...:1j1 ,. :
. .. , u , . , , , 1it.X.
urns... - 1— ' 141 ‘" ; , , 1'1 ' 24::.':(: . ... L 1're. ' ::: !11.171Tn7: 'l3 At ;ALI: y, wijorriwA . itn & co., wi,,,le
-0.-e-i ......-1--.1—.-- , b , ~,..-” ‘.- L" , A , " l . ' ...I. , /r , .rx. In "La, Uark..l..lll34lelphl• .0.1
~,, JANE Irliil.l,
Notice to Brick 'Makers and Quarry Men. ~- • • ...2na
I kEAI.I I , 1.1116 C NOP. a , Tobacco
IkiIIOPOSA 12, WILL LIE HUE 11 El , u •
, !I St.rtn Nun
1,11. nom tor rho lolly:, of , coal
•14. a 1.01 tat/Ikon.. Art, Ita.,t:thr vuauto4 al , att au ,
,um t n a r ab..ut olual
11 ham istt.aut ani at 11 ,tar otteot.,t) Pow.
g ,1..,t0ry at rad, BAINI111()FIE.
1,40 .I,e 011,4 II
A u it, at •tr..,.t. to
Flour and General Produce
•tatod Y
brat. malt irto tru a th« au,•lttnu.4 I
tlas out, a tu!. ta,.road. Nto Jr 'Ol7ll 11..W•ltD. NRAII
r r.J at th...ara• •, lot tho
tto. tto. t•zaoou a ou/
ltstiabloa "'TAN , 1 . , Man[
I.b• karat. 1.- .11.00 t. i t Nita., Ea.
J t loot lni
Take Notice.
L• iV•au •.1 IL %/1u.J.1.. KK..I 1.1
sea t...knoz Ilact
6.1,...,1, logs] 1.11.• u• tut.. t•.l Lt. 44.14.. t th.m
deal J , .‘ ,m,,10—:1
"Elk Horn" Saw Mill for Sale.
!AMIN cAta.l,l.l6:nont,And
ru.g /• 11•Ini 4, 11 th•
uo. m m.t
Yittnizutvls •:1
c. , 61 r••• it • , ititit liat•ii •
bur, I.axritit r an, ...I
I. [lot c. th,rmn•-,
and &tan Mr • t t tl flccoaarart• urn,l,4
roost \rod, thir 111 i trt tott.valni tnlrt. reituotnt
f 4.1. nI 4 p-rf , rmay, ..! •nrt 11,
rrlablitt.tarut. tat ..1 I.arlitat
artl.l on I ru Gra,
.alt purcaarar. ktt, ,
J. r. llturner at Irk, •
dtrrif 0111..--1...0r514 at . u rar
Good Newt for the Ladi:a! •
D i:, I. t 'Molt F.'S VI:EN:1'11 FEM ALE
Lat. , Tzeutot, P. tt- tatut,
tratittrutta, o,tatttltt, , 0, t r U.
lona of 0 aaL .01, t • L o r.
or are tiara 81 ar.St • t.clornir end rrtall Er 11
JAClittta. :Lat f t", Ltt t ..l. 0...t.t 1,04,10:0
lartJ I, 01.111 g StitlitittlNti , tto Pa , . tar. In-
tat tt,tt tAtt at t. tllicrOt • I • -.St
Tb.m thyn •
int.YrY' f r (innyi.. I
Knemah •ti.l (tub:inc.. (•••inlit.nt• b( ( hmT.
Veneta Ten/gyn., ne ynn.ltnion .I tLe
the Court or I.ntblYn
ho..urb's nyegybe.. in knhl.n.l. hht the Pey.
ph. If th. 1 , 14 In( n 1 4,1 eI. rn.r Finley
n.yur ' l.l.• fb A YM . "(
" as it Lu C. to ob.rl, rta•
Nan-be, My. r Jan Par(
The U. I n uteri .1 n. Venni ,
Elrntbor .h.nathan. foe Chtietnn.n.
A far,- S t -.1 b(' 11. 4 , tutu fl
tibnth , ) Dycernteer.
Intrrneinmn] ) ltlarleenr.r. Magaent. L.e Sr:l , mb ,
Mlebnl Anthltg.d. Si I.
Mbby Ls. the if 1(24.. s twit nnek 11.1 - man 11.1.
' VnTetey of Muntatlhz..
ntnlnlr arnt I..nann
Ilnrher.o Manen.lon. y.l . lrn•I in ranshn.
Irntelnee Iroboul. rhael,ruy.
Lunn. Art Jnornal S.r Mnr.m(yr
ard A..l.n.uturen of an Art‘in.•• motor. Thr I.l(nninne, • ~ nnvel by Hal.-
The I.lly "it lb. nen
hy (Yanurl Mar" n.
Don (Onto. and hi, mune. ea,t, Punta.
Th. Tabun: •.f the IheYll, by burn.,
)1,n0rb....1 • Phi Inue‘no.
lheryy Iturnlsna. Iho Amur:ran li...bin:in.
Lonnie AT...4.1 be tbn ndn/nyul ..t
Yrank ten...ln the 1.1,4 • hive. Pupil.
Matilda Nb.lang awn, • MberineLn.
Self lYn , entbn, nr • Ifirtor, .it tb. 1111¢(«n :bawl.
Mm t yl or thy Mini of the Liattl. Fnei.l. • Tale if ti'n(ve•
hy. dea3
Steam Communication between New York
and Olaagow.
TIIE Glaugnw and New York
SP•accobl, a
I,l,AsoolV .A. 71 1.1. and 400
bor.. power. St. , . art, Oa, th., Cil•
'lard .a.asor..) r , 111,14311 - r. ir vlr.t.l to .411 (~to New
York 11r et tnr y„hrn,
n•tl.. at I . : wad,
rnsf,ol SIOVXT
PIM Cid folawartl,
. .
Att.. toritAie Arovisinnt, Ant not -in-.or lign,r.
OblnO t• La n•4 , .21. , t,t
net • itit-3,nti
Fn. Irrfani nrtn
J NloNas
NVW olt *
Tim NEW VCIFIK. 2101 awl (x
cl.l nrk ta,ti
.Drina. .1.1, :ttar lm
- -
Arrenl rt
n Av.nt for nuSollnwing Pborw.
u.... na ~' -
19~n•er Linn ut 3trun•ttr`. Vt rY and Lip
c T 'n a i llow TA lino, sailing aun , , b• YU* , end Ltvar I
pool on the LA .111 Oily of ..Vet ..111
Tie,. Lino Pan e No• York an the tub. and Livutexli
tan of every month.
Red etas lint, leaves Now Y..rk au the 1116. an/ I
pcul (41 the . .:Gth of ea..l, mouth
7. Li.' mill. 1in0..., tuna, from Livery.] and hot
The Lundon Line of Parket. Mils from New York on tbe
Lt, , tith.leth. anal 24th,ud how LUnluu th.1.0.,1,11b.
abd, uud 2 , 51.b.0f every =anti/.
The Clyde Law or Monitor Packate fell trom Ne• York
arid Glasgow on the let end 16th ofraeb mudh.
.1 Weekly Line of Put.. from Liverpool I, New Or
Duly line IL,colter:rot, from Nrw York, by Plum.
boat. Railroad. or bt Canal eat Rallowl, to Pa/Aurab
Pusenarre till Reef" every att.:talon. and odrior
,Ktheerfully at lbe oblets of W. Tabu-oft /, Cu. Eden
• and Mb totoroot ei tniblioaii..Laro y rpool. W..
Wurold n n t o.ftt=i, Amnia. of tiltrotor Liag ,
ronous roottllaw lw itte.Uultatt Stotoo or Camila. Olio
lolob V) good Mir their friends In env put of Loglund.
Ireland, Sootlood, or Wake, can make the n,aerelfry wr•
ronitratents on application to the rubacriter. end bete
• thou brought out by any of the t o favorite Coes at
pooltrtio tiolokb note trona IMO to 2,500 tone hurthen,)
or tir trot runo Illerehant obine, on favorable fume, by
way ot blvorpool, London, or Oluaow. Tbrlr fn•queory
of millet poi colt. lht erpool pooribilltr tr delay. Puware ran
ItlaleTtfa nom
romittenree in 'will or Largo souls, no womb to
Xi:Henry's Thiladelpina Cc Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philgelphhi on, the 4 1 4,
lath cud Literprol on the ',lot tCtuth....-
ti pity i ng 1/..
nOYY aoudnefiles,/ter.
pmintN, Alfred Y. atnith, ihustor.
thew.) W . W. Wen. Ileeler.
The above chips ern built of the hen end moot wily
onteneht, awl are noted fur the rapidity of their tex,sic. , ,
they Sr. tittod up with ell latest holthircointh. an t
tbuncuthly ventilated. end me moo meved fur their a
roddithistittut for linond (than and Slereatle /thowyren;
they en commended by Mon of acknowledged Mind/ who
en untentellnd ' for their cep/rim. In th e packet bathe
Venom dnisons of bringing . their friend/ Won the hid
Weary can
mouth,nt of peocatni, Ichich will dr
good for .Ight end our wenn In Ireland end 11,1 w
erpcol will famish th em with the proper Inlonneytoo end
lastruetions relative to their departure. .
Ftt the cointuleuce ol powensine elehuth to vent' mn
thy, we eupply therm for LI thrling end upti•rd, pepeble
at etcht inthout dierount, whin/ will he nwhyd by eny rd
tbe Banks we Pten. Mares in Inc United kilmolAm.
• W.rProrlsinne eopplied ploweneers escottUr ntdo Lion
Every week tho,d)liowlnit cuppliew will he anointed
at 12 yetro Of ewe •.12 , 1 over IM, breed.
21th. nee, a ca. Ics. to lbs. oatmeal, 31 lb.zuwer. /
linolb moleficew and Llh. pork. Under 12 y 1.1,, 1,1 mre.
breed/duffs. 1 lb. pork. full eihmenee of water ern rho
ea., end hell of
O tee, sugar and moles.-
W. WC 1.1/..
No. S Welnot tenet, below Sienna. Phlledelplthe
corner filar/ end Wood etc.. Pittsburgh._
the tnO a Blake.) . A Co., will ...Pune to loane
sight Monson Oreat Iltitatlreland, nlro, on Fran.
and oermanr... Mot la , ,
loatsiT Oit..
(Ousenosnro WII2O Pampa tome . of Litocrty and 01.021
ctoAts, PitUburgh.
Pamencento and from the old country onmogrd nn
moot &forth!. trrono also. from Non York to Plttsbuogh.
and any part et the Wool oc.
QIIGAR-10 Wills. prime N. 0., for gale by
• 0...7 JAMES A..litlTollMrht it CO.
"MEESE-70 boxeli cum Cream Cheese;
:A do• W
lid lioallV.rnl.bra`Pdlnirhoun
doCI WICK te bIeCANCI , Kdo. •
LOVER SEED-75 bu. for sale by
' den MURPHY * LEE.
It"le; BUTTER—.S bble, Fresh. for sale
J. a. on.woirrit a co.-.
Ific•cr. 1•••1 rnual ..I”nlats• In Trn.alinn
ctP c/c. mart. •••4 ftna, • cocalerste•rclr
.114/••....11+ •n.I gut.% rerun+. •4.1 xl
..n.nx an/ ln•tile, n.r - Inccntn•
nnult al 111•14,a/c•rp•
Iv Atm
NEW ')[U►
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieoplierotts,
A tOMPOtNII . for r ,
ttrrott....plr It
•• •r. •1 - I 14# al . 111 tli•• iiirii-4411
tottltwltot tettlitrairtlalS. 3.liietrit With, 14 almitar
tvtll iii•r•••• ' , Lt... Uttr
stud tt.....titglat,.. ti is t.iitd 1, Crier— Ittto kulls
tt .
:Sr* flat. Sapt. 72, I•.E.
Purr LE•ht—E4.l. ',qr. I he..• L.., stEltehrl vith •
of the of . rocr.l char.
IL AVE. tor lb. L...rt orate.. tinnu t E that 4,44
Ler. 4.1 EL. .ATI:A th. E.Ear pity•S-
C...L1. •111 hal.. 171.4 arlll.4.iyroLa:•Elowt h.fracel
..IE. 1..,•11, 1.44 4.13.11 t , I ere, .1,44,1
4, • tr.. a tr. tr. .E.h.n.u. 1.4.1 per, •.. a last
rt ..Er4rtt. 141 t-ntitt..allt, 1.4.1 Eared,
tlit M.ll of •
UM. I ...A putinth.
Li I
rtmet. BroAl7ll.
troy Vial. n. 23. 1922.
;„1,„ (0..44 • frterul Ir , try 2 1 322321e23/192.
223. 3,21 412 0uf22113 . 4.2 a =91911221/21. 1111 2212 all
4-uplure4 .41
o .th ft01,.4 . Lr05.1.•7
It "`
" I
V'a p
a t' 'H.
Yerk. L.. 7•111
191 - .. the klll . 49.rfact.lTml Scr. 9. 1V. 4 .
1e.,. I* reenotir V..rtt.r f+ece.uevl ruin ,J LalJue.r
r•, known
, It E•
It ut., la U. laat IA pr atat.w. tr
alba arre-tr...1 ta. tad. It Impart" 'tut, A U.
tbs. bu Ant lb.. routoW. It. E cal r.,
• 11. • ..aart.abl ,
Fre.dwlna p
dandruff abo.l mak.. IL.
bait tot Att3 Att., It I.llm •aa (to nm,
urb at AtAla beta, dew /ta ar. t tal alwAtinA. 4
.a, .tsu. to chw.qin....• is well u.t rot. It nand"
anrivxll.o. In 1.1 - , g :It/A A /A t , at N A .
3: twat. ay {La vaaraatt tbraltltat
and Caataala. ttill•tr
loicriNU ES hitt °nun! fitetistiett to receive
and Tr.r..hirmeal. all Nl,rcherPlire
Km. IWO. les,. hi. 4,4 daily 11,1 all I..ints
m, L.. , and the 1111rAs Cwnal ..n , l
L,rev, It. Olt, I•
Maw*. lluL:c1
m r . Jrhn A.C.osthyr
- Wm. H. ilaskifl:
V I AND A UCTIV: , fr LL. ; EMU,
kttraim to emrstalolcn AnAce.e, no7rlT
at. utsLLt..
nr M-r.l,, Non. ": L Tfe
ncd In Cnturpnr..l,l r r Mil
C,r-Vrtrffeular ntontina tnul tn the pnrnnnnr of
Lanni. I:ulklfnxt and Ifornn
lo 'Jab° Thom.-n. I:nan.ll l Drmartit
Lenlnt A Ca.. 11 olknr•
att.l F6rwardic.: eg. tpr
St .iturpt,
. liurlttla A tAI.
11 IAV 11.1 11 0 11'LE, Attorney at Law,
ut.lckeartarui,””r Pro,, 1...41... Bt. Lau. M.
A rcPm=nntrntrmx intnrtir answrtv.. c,Ct11.7
JOifiN.: IL RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
t, tti- , q2LI '
?..I•4lt i f , f , e.
. 1.34. W. Furuk4.l.ll.mapton i
TALI.( Al'('andlzra 11 . ciAur, Jolal rarical,,Ntt.
PARED PEA eII ES-16 bu. for uale by
no • wm. A SIetILUI3 • Co.
DA IRA* UTT ER—Fregh, and b ands oat •
lr put up for rounllt u.e. In tub. of 10 and 11 lb. ,
buAA lout teed sad for y•le by
W. 1 17 A. bleta.U•4l • CO.,
Ames,. .1341T.ta Ds.larm.
- 11,1 INT-25 bids. Biro and Water Proof.
„X inr ntl« bY I,llAll DICKEY CCO ,
Witter •a4lFrvw as
- - F I IiLS-14 Cooke rod and for sale by
DOT ASII-15 conks pure, for auto by
(1.613 NICK 1 eacCANDLY,43.
81 .Alt P. 1.--100 kite No. 2, for sale by
.} (K
ei a g WICK a IdcOANI.LENn.
INSEED 011,--19 bbk. fur auto b
ji.161,3 _ J. II CAN F11:1J...
-7._ , —— - -- -- -- --
tUCAE'fB--75 dor. Patent, for sole by
bOTASII 8 creeks fur sole by
I, dra INAlall DICKEY a CD.
I, OLL BItIMSTON E---12 ',big. fur rale by
. '
t Alti) 0n..-213 WEAL Winter, for sabr by
*AI alLti J. 14101, .t CO, 00 World .t.
oltit/S . fr...A &roll , : IN THE DIA-
A) MilNLI— '
Coktro, ItAlslas....i, c.illund CurtaaLs. .... ...--K
Ji m
rims )l uoob Da...-. 1210.Divvr Alalaga VIA* -.-I2 .
tieve l'runu , ..- . ......rDie ,Nur almoDds..—... .12. Si e.
Cnrull«.l CDT.. Unsure° dun Leman P.I, Vreslrliroutal
Kale.. g',l an klour,' Ltrclant Tom, C.(k., and earns DID
i Corfu., lue. TO lb. tIo5
1, PTS. TURPENTINE-15 Ws. in prime
Fhipplog ord., Or Antl• hi
.11.0 J hmOC CO ,do %Coml.. —
P.S. T ijll OClLRE—Superior, for mile by
the ! 01111, R en., re wr..l Ft.
R 7cE—'2s ticreen prime, for sale lip
ntratatulr a INl.altAll •
FEARED YEAOIIES—.S Lb!, new, for
nh• ay w & Y. wit...,.N.
.1, Ilk rwr.s.l a:.
i \, l A N II FA CT iS tJ ,O II , E2 R TOBACCO — '
. A il litaV— ...,.
to - v.. It. Grata'. Fr:
6 " Bath Balser's t''''
4 our. Bar-mars.. ....
TEAS--25 SEL THAS2S cheats Y. Uyoon;
26 St cheata Ulm Boyd.,
U " " Imperial;
V " " Black; for ral. bl
deb 1,13111311100 E a 1(1111( 111.
HOPS -1O bales Ohio, for sale by
cin2J. 0. DILWORTH A CO.
10ii.S.11-,25 casks pore, fur sole by
4. de2 J. N. DILWORTH t Co.
tam of Ithuscal Natalia, J.
r.dwl. b 7 JULIN
al N'um l l t. sc.
QUOT--53 kegs uss'd Nos., just ree'd.per
tjstet:sty 1111tect. and for at. by _
1) ARIL STAROII-50 boxes just ree'dou
comujimeat sad for sak, k
n oi lmr..rm i ss. . 00.
Valuable Property for Sale.
new and elegant Brick Dwell
tiouret eltuat• In the of Roeheater.
Heaver moot. Pa., between th. Ohl n rl•er and that
obit, and in. 11. brad. The hot' , le 40 tee] trout by
feed ihwri—tern ,totter. and haiternautAtOrnj
on ••n attic
ant; with four need bed ITORIO Th.. Lot
*tan& le Wu feet O n ion the Ohio river. by IS ,nen.
The yard In front and around the brow le Mandrll!, 101 l
rifr, andalth an abundance of ihruhbery, flow. rn.
00.. •Ith and euirtantLal atone ri all aron n .Alß, • •anlen atioinlng the ii one. 100 feet equarv, In
itonl nrsler and ettlitrath,n. For farther P•r l ieukr.
n l flh lcl nun'n°i'n. on
ARhoIWAREHOUSE, situau3.l ~n Water,2
twt vr....n i1g0k0..13,1 Frrry .. , ...A. • .i.b , " “'t 4 "
o. , w r
llnpr, ~ nour..l u..1,.••_ 1.......-
.1(11 givt.o. menardtately. Iny I/ tre.l
.In ' J A ME: , DA LZE1..1.. ld W.., St. .
Allegheny Foundry for Sale.
under,igned offer for sale their ex
' and rot 011 I a-ork.
i.lhop. and Patton.. n 1.014 tas I t, lot ot urou . nd on • bleb
Ihr err rrort.4, I. ion t..t by •hout (rot Thr
Foundry h•• • double nu.: l•• turuarr, with twn
VVIIA. Th. itnlrovrntent. aro ad ur ron•trwtion.
1.16 Mel( Er A 11,V , R
For . Sale
11 MIL finished tort/ RIiLC6or:CI
111 r
nriuinl In
The gzle till be rlnred w Cr rr The lot dkl ko
unr, yell art:. xo tt
To -
To Let. - -
liN OFFICE: over Philo Hal!, and netta
k fluor . N.1...t. • Ilagu•rrrocy, Itota, •:: 1
Iso. IR nmall 1...1151.. Ilmsm, on rnot, Ivan,*
Arra... n•r 11. k Inni 1,•••••1.1•1 •rly•n mcn.. hot*,
d•II I, I, 0 471 A ,I. L.l.v•ty •1... [war 11”...1
For Sale
PiiE throe Army hrick Dwelling Ilimg T e,
n 1:. at,eh PnrJerl.
e. wit 14 01, In vb. 'ear. and tn
tier rt be ee , ured ni Um' sod co , lmme Ire
premix.* Clear at nil incuthltrancr, and title itiJi•ptil,
Ale April,- in m IV. •A. DMA..
d. 4 tf .h , rnerr at Law. 1M Fourth.
St Louis Hotel—New Orleans.
i• •
13 . DGE & WILSON, formerly of the
m Char., tp int-rm the
public that the CT Lob In IDA EL am now oVela
Darinit the paet aummer the hour. Ins beeMiemodeli.d.
emenvlre addition* made, aoil eutarly relum.l,4.
mill cusvl. v to arccrommlam nth vvrtileirt •nd eleranre
our Jrituda
FFle lll r p E t 11
playrreraype Ma3l kno•s•L c,F•t: ' ln e ushal.l l :.
4. E Li iIAZZALL IhitL
1 1 0 LET—Frorx the tires of April next, :79
• t•rve
15411.1,1..1.Nina IX.
For bide,
IIiI-NDREI) F , ORT ani sY,Al.o.t,..:ltEshrin ~oF
In ”ins
tat:. hir mining. t.ruoci r•• rtt .13 lb. rim
A leet--Orre 0,1 unciltidel part el nue Iti?ndrel . ant
blurt, •trvt. Alreetl, F., .0. , Monntexlio Is City r
.Itter.ur•ou .tt rtt
A lin ) IRVIN ii.tve Ilk. I,
I p dully thle oromprtestl 1A45..11114i. 14, ' , V.I.
11. /01,1,1,1 Atte. unle , Veevt re r . .
sult, it tor •ute.l: vtrtllotart aprlr t
Desirable P roperty for Sale.
a e
t VII y 1;111We 111
1 tf loN,cud
Itclrti ad •u/ iu1v . 11... I Juruat
ttl er Ail s lrtn
Alat—A tvltutt., unluturutod en the ..ornr ur l-,1..
rtni Itra . l.,
, tr , rtt 1.1 t,. ~.t
let t , r,. torten.... 1,.11. It. rrnr.:
tt ru
ultetrar, tEr tt r Arlo:. tert
I I BLE itol4.liT IFt SALE- -
F,,,'.2 4 ;
.1.-tuurvfmn•the.l..(•••• *f the *lt.. a:441 • 1.1,7
1Y 7'SM
r To Let. --
w.,11 known EAG LE 11014.1,
Nowell ruuti,,•g
Col tocm...>
. -
TM. Lao. on I , - onla , I ~00.. r
of I:11 onituo. • oontl.uo 0, parlor 1, :0 tool.
y Goo—. tun:. in We 00-
0.1 00. loro.-, 1•10.1403 no 100,-co. noorly
nproeigo , the 0011 tonorn L..ur ul 11/.lliL: AL 4.
r!"!:. 9 1 . 1!!"..'Z'.1,`,"111":...i..1.7°f
pot,. loone
I he Ilutd sae rucolttly t.r.l Isk-tmu.t w. •t
Impro•r.l 041, No
.h(ntl I 014., 1.1.4
r.n- ..eroptio .tunng Ow 1,1310 Lu
larth, •rti , .h.t • puq..lte 6wn , r,
AN A I,LNExrit,"
blri .
FVO LET—A big, nloeon remient .7: 4 "
, 1
Private Residence fur Sale.
frilE PROPERTY is EATerra Prce6dine
1, L , • ,'pry lecerdenneetatlna ten-nt•
usnetell,itely Iteatenl In the repel!, il•Pf•Tilll (Iteye.eeee
of Alle.ettetsh. th•enitnetinn lo teerurtreenet h. the enate
ennsmetrollen meet plee.•l, view of Ilse r.ty Plthe
leurgh end three revere so • Oats,: lenettelee heir, rem,.
Matt In the Ineeinere pert or hittestn,l• mn e lonin, en ••
•neltwol deo , . thee adeuntegn• nf Iseth town and country
The Int Is Ise,, renbrenne neer nn lenen ed Penned..
one bundled neol es°, tont letent. ruhultoe te•ois Ives un
-4,1 est an, rent to ell Idler. "'lnt Icspen renenta ere
he In no hr.,. Le In eieres et, • th,
neat' easel henehei les the Inet mentser a;11111.,, ,
b.l:j. It, wheel. ete entssatlnte nod snit •rdegoe I
. at nreentensl hi an en:newsboy nI tbn henlntv ,
I tden ~.lona lie teurelea.• are n• ;all on the under
, 1•41l,i. viNl 'Pvt.
noes. II Is • rear ch.,. tot •,13(1D• • deilgt,t..ll
' dov., to p.r,Lue opeenlittlen.
ete•• IPA Ittle 114 nuennJ IL
Real Estate.
a o . lt SALE—Two lkones and Lottl in tlie.
1.10.1 a Lily., et r,.'l, lu
Abr.—A Once of grouul.lY4 foot on Wi bator street, by
lOU lovl Socuor..Y. Y.Lo.tuiro 317 ot
I •
gio T KARSPoltl'Ett:i, Cu MMISSIy\ .f
R . OK, Chit erconmo,..
t.. 14
4n4 ~ 1 1k surbe, ula ltaa.k L• a, Allogb..or an.l front.
tog (.1. l'enn• 1%5. • ..‘nar , rl
aani •atre.lty. 1‘...i In the C•ktotlkia.n..
I,y nfrnrasng faellittro fur ann.t,•t by vitt,
the 1C•11t,..4 or kAtuLt
Atleyhor. - cn,r.
o. r •11.1ThInl ott.
LIOIZ it ENT—TII.. Nu. 155
j.; c‘..r o r ; ili c tia
le * *t: rv " ll l u ' e " e "' ut P L.1. '" %1 uo th.•
(1.4 • b4u. ta att.:bed. .Itl i t •I2{ as
•at, r.
nt tn.A..l t. roar. Enrakr:
it, In, - •
.1 NI ,tt., 2.d.r Ir
For Role or Perpetual Lease,
IFOItTY-111111:f. iil l ll.DllsiO LOTS, bid
0,1 n Int N ,n,r,‘“slol. of tho unst
of l frnotinuco .4.1.‘ of I:. boon Str,nLuct:l
oil uta! Low
nnt f, one or !ann. ;me*. the residue of the
nut tof f.r, 010 1111/, extend:l. 1.0 0014. i. 01210 L
1,1,1 a• r-s•tur, . - .
tertur.. it utt , or lit. 1.1.11 ES Ca.:
thy r.l , xut.a.,l! rt..,
A Good Bargain is now Offered.
_ _
. Frem Men., en Wrn. ACeer.43. to Intquurno Itorteml,
lirm • 1.14.1—.. It, prriu...• t. n gotel tan vol.
with n.••••ere I,•ll.lums. tr. JYe crerr.rlr m•r II ,env,
11.11 et• Im.. met tall at tt .m.. 1 moll! Perreast Wre , etel
to numb.. skli wt.plr to 11,111111 a IRVIN,
be, 114S•mml et.
Kentucky Mutual Lite Insurance Company.
THIS COMPANY offers to the insured all
the u.runtr awl thdraottaaa ot the Mutual Kull Jo.
. . . . .
Meek flans tee her..tetnreappLelt ernut.ed, camel, Low
=WA of f.remiur.o . enous.l rotor. fu cash flt the. per
tentage rrquirvnt 114 the routinftedt rick of the 'ear: OM
adequate, but mot Pteel4,l•• provltim for the future oecu
ot members tkPe ;he whole CUM ell We. with en equita
ble' tutored 1u the accilmuluttug fund r.rure.l to ;web
mrellwre, pertflah. St credite uraul their phltraee.,
• trwirente Itfud de,ittued fur the he carom
ehert term member', and for the pri-e.,tit eevurity,of
Moan tr.r the whet.. tor. of Iff.,
4ILle IP /h. oltir Nleto•I Life luseran,e Comratly
whew. nitro of L. , ..t010rn ere • hfir realer.' sta./-
arch with e rte vl.deu f or au euutttl, tocreit , ictit ruvum(.
tattoo at lub.le Our future eocuritr) to eseet prl.portion to
the amount at htfeiheu nut the Incrusting rtek from
rauciug trams,: the members.
Isulph!etz, trarlf..le., wising Irt dotal! the Dieu toed
rate., or the Comp terulch....l greti, end apttifeatione
far lueurutee remittal hr J. TUaDarT,
129 Wool Street, f`ttlelfurph.
e °mu iiallt.7ll.lledie•i L.Sanlll.ll
f,..:1:1) .
, ODF/ drums large, fil*Viile by
well4l . a tu.
‘OFFITE-15U Lags Green Rio, for Halo by
VIIEESE-40 boxes Cream, for sills by
4_/ deV 0.0 W. LLAIIOAI36II.
INISEED OIL-4 bble. recd. and for sure
by 8 O. W.IIA Rt141.;011
PO CASLL--IU oaeLa prime. for solo by
8. t W.
I LASS—miii boxes assumed, for. sole by
deg S. 5. 0 .115141151;till.
I NDIGO -1 ceroon Citroens: 2 kegs Mann
. 11 1 41r:u t titr: a co.
DOLL HEADS a..IIODIES--Justien"d, nit
ent of ladle IluLber P.,11 linad• end lindins.
01 different elm, f.,r ...InvrOnlosele and Mall by
As J. t 11. P HILLIPS, 115 Market M..
1 -I RtNCII ItINGS--2 gross,
of se en dryly naw artiele,junt reed and Mr tale ht
4n9 J. d fl. 1.1111.1.11.F.116 Marknt mt.
WaussuSo, Vet. May 23,1,15.
hereb, certify Chit aniirtnd for trx montbewlth
• dry rough. whtet, rnloredw. that I snoohliged d.
quit ray work. and [tint by the 131. or on. nd • 12.1( luotor
• ( &here I.lwer P.n.. and two heart', t u h
the Itotonszt
Cough Sp rag,. I wan perfectly noted. ' J W_ Manus.
Wrt.oua. , Va. V.l . .:7.114.5.
1 haven...l Senn"' Conah r‘ynantiny family ha t wo
In K m * Trlon h aair.' 5 ""
rre./..1 and poll by
ley nELLI:IO
. 07 Wood it.
11 - UDLUSI'S SPk:CIFIC—A fresh supply
rved and fur tale I. J. CU..
0.1 110 W 1144 .t.
4 4 mom:tent, for rale by J KIDD A try.
1 TARCII-2469 lb. Foxe's Ohio, in 50 lb
b Verk•ite. for .ale by J. KIDD A CO.
.10 al Woml ot.
CHEESE -400 boxes eretun, superior;
IN, - Wm:lwo. Idr wale by
deo • R. D•LZELL •M. Lltcrly et.
- --
41/TTEII-5 Ws. Freell Roll;
1 .. and 1 kra FARA Packe.L tar
by tde9l
•• .
LA.l.l.lll—ln bbls. and kegs, fur sale by
N ass R. DALZELL a. W.. Liberty rt. .
ROUND NUTS--52 tracks new crop, so
.portior, fa . : br DAMS DICK= k CC: •
. Halm. MI ',cad •
:.-- -- -
. . .
OS LV 21 llotrAlo TIIRWI4II.
'I II r. Kzpre.s 31:61 Train will leave the be
t. r- , ‘ .” • I fof b , •Lo•o Lb.. Cam. , n.ery
11 , -000gfr• ••11 b, lho bar.. 12 mob.. llriotoob,
.Loro ••,11 Lod tk, tea ' ,, ..adiuros to
~. .r • Gr., rot- dr.,l
Bri, .• tth Idaat of mach
.•• ' , Alt> • mo”oo., fo•hofo tOk
1 0
tlo fydondif 1 `or• of tho
toad e ,, a , ••••5 d , ... l'IIILAI•ELl'illA out 11ALT,
111.11 k.
r,-.. m. re Mr Baltmolio Mk. the C e o, the art „”,
Corot, lend Ilellnwt Ilm•ri•tt•oroh, amteloi, 1.1•Iti•
more to bre I. a.t, Io TV eeLo,um ~the tame morn
• .
tr,h I, art bt bk:ht ban lodsb,
ayer nbtht •llliday•harg. r,•tiva. 0..... by'
Thr. ors mom b“ acovr truly/. ab,l ',ye to ll:blade,
phut ~..tuog.. Th., Nallrnal Cbtayaby are rail.
atng two Iran. fn. Ileilidn,barg t.
13+1,t.“11,1n.eked through to l'hi!adelob:a rata throat!,
The Arrommodatiun Trm,p after' cx. •
Iner Lot•Tiv. Wm...1,1.nm and BraAtut•4
llrturnmw liet• 131.1¢zon'o •I H o'clock A 51..
sad ot...ppiAg al lAtiktn.l.urgi and kaot bur
y..a.,t arri nag ,g l'ilkAur•ta at n'o '
nest 11.. •¢J
I• •
Fu , . to 4:..1 L.twrir. 75,4 tar.. VW'. to Wilklosl.ur,lll
42, to Tut t1,Cr0,..1..
. .
l'e_keel.tuern %In hro:ute thelr octets a the office ill the
Sletz..hxehela thex. rly the caws! clhee t uotil
half ee I,er te•fore thederariere of each Trein.whoe the
olhee n.h I. .twu h.r the •.eih Doris at the vl
Lice on I.ihert,
.1 AIE.SKIAIEN. Tic:, Agent
And 0 , Paoh:‘,4 C 7.- eland Radroad.
T HIS well knnwn urnLnld eqabliehed Line
bamkr form..l a r0m..,11,a w . lth the "P/M4Mursch
kusiv....l (Mart 4*, mi. oovr.mrrimit
I,loa , n..1•, , ...>-..M.4)510..r.d from ratmburCL
.100 end an int,tac,b,,. nt. the Mw,.
The st..ntobtrat C F.A'VER trct.irt....lcarriesfre.Otht for
tht.nbts, Line Jan) , •vet, morning
tt .ty4,lo•k, mn.l 11: 3 relortlt.T. L.
corr/t,l tOratotli 4. Ch•rtAnd nod all other
p.n. totlb. rout,. LI tt.atoboat Wortimtitio.
Moo :In, to 'Nowt, mod Ititirtia.l:thauce
Coevalmo.t ti, PAI114: t CO. t itittorttt,
W•ltrmtile. It.
.I(JUN A CAUtillt.:l, Agent..
.161)1 Kat., t 2.abluttl au. Vittthorchl
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. H
Comulcutintr no Alondav, Dec, Rth,
4,1 rnnf,rred t:11/1, Railrom./..-kadely/o Ctrre/an4
hrta.r.;tgt Rattructd,
and GO , , I,i Nepph! ,: wn KrtPogryk
qnl ,nn , r , ora. ti' Cl,, land
a' ,
E El-pre%s Trrin Icare. Pittsburgh at t
.R. .* . t•T, It, • me ' , eeerickl., lweheeicr, New
Ill.elit n. I. tow el'el aLa PeleArme.
.61/ 16.1 .• 1. , 6U 11,(1.• 111w...weer, tale ...ire, so
eel* tr. e s 4,1 thee, nc wilw.oe, awl
rti.....nti,' , . •.i A\ 11404'.t, Canton, Marrilltn,
It i.nitt. r ...t.l )1 rt,...s m.i.t.l.- ir\rn rn n U. Nr a lt•stl..
Ilet u t inn:7 tt... i , it. 'I Iv tyr+ P.l..itna at 2 :iii
It 1., . • ... iinetit,..2 .1 .I it ala \ sail .ii4r• sit Yittii
ur,t. to , lit t at
riirralin :ti ft 1.. h.•• n .I,t intut\arinn illlo at
Pat-na it. tut IN A ' %i it:l 54'. NI , I. Nru Driontiln at
7 ,' . 1 It , it I h , i' n . ftittirrnr at, it...
I int... ti., ilr it. A, iit li tti in , al , ta I, ara sr. attitl lint
Lir., V await,. It,i.• it ft. r tin I N•air, b rhtnn.
I it. P. i. ..,..r I , r ti. ti, - -.. Athrnan tti A 11. ay.'
...a, iii a 4 4 \
if, i'• I ll', n - a `aindry
iiiiii..l,•••• rantn ,nriitt ; nn .wttb the ltaiti. tn nod
, a it. l I • ~,.1 `,....: 1 •) ' r t. :atit:\n. to
*.tiltii I. 1,1,4,,
Tirkrt.A.4,, ct
• ---
. .
V 1 . . A It 1I llt hi A. 1.1 Ati Ii
We .1,1-. ,w i I,l,lrehh.le,irry Freight between
iimsutwil . :
4.1 U/Ii 10,. :6,14 b reccr , S Lt. tr.WI
Cetml l'itt•burgla.
I C hit,krt otrvet. Nixil*driptalL
11. toko‘l4ll.rEtt.
I.: :1 II N,ltt .toe.tkalputur,
Tip ~,,•51...nua1.i. 11.4 r.,ulsr trau.a,si.nt at fiN4l.ll
J mil.; .. min., ~ . .r,....t, t 105,17. so,'
Pill LA 1 , E1.1111 A AND BALTIMORE.,
I''tl .'' ''''""'"'''''"cl`.lN'Z'fiii,', h .'" h. '
ma 11,... rot,.
1.11..rtr ntr..., l'Ill•Llret.
I.EII Ia 1 141ru:1,,
.11 Ma rn . 1tz. h .1 , .. Z . Isarlolf 1.
:4 N ...11, .:1,-4.1,!t1e0f,..
Freights to and front the Eastern Cities
rt: 1: A El: A G If E.VT.
D. LlEtC7l4e CO'S. LIRE.
g : V A T.- 1".: •
' tips
114URING Tlll SUSPENSION t .l Can.]
y 2 , rwsr.l Ireicbta U, and tom
r.• war.. .1v,": 1,1,14., ISiiyc lu SMCIIIVa LLme
Caval orrel.PitUburgb.
H..thi[l: 4
.13.3 TbintstrrK. lelyhla.
RA.11 1 40: t.
ngehts Gar ttke Peonsyl-
R • 1.11/A HY Ina:" tom ureparn.l la evead;t
throu:b cluncg tLe Out, lo NbU Iptla, at the ruhoo
r .11 fir. ..... '4 , WO lEs..
eat., • lard, T.llO, ...tall
1,4 V trrighti
L. 41.00
okit4ll , l, t COM Arne,
"Mttue °"."`
.4 nd ‘Exprres Paciri Zini for
E Morning Line Rill
u. ve.abor nn
I LEE( II bur.,
g; 41. 5 1 / 1 7: 7 A ISS
F , it TLLA ii.
I EA VINU Pittsburgh daily (Sundays sx.
~ rul ai in ts.
,71 , ,A MOAT
Capt. A. Myßnocß..
w Ki,LsrILLE
too. thrti brut ece'C.!..)uttival 111ASOViifl, IWOao at
en 1P
.rrtr• In CLEVELAND neat
oaten:w at 1 r to tone take tbrCts,innaritraiu.
or t , We.t Lb- me b. at on lb. du
ring 11, rontlaulnr^ of nwrignti
1 une 50 boor,
11, 11.. Greg of .tanna; Y. 4.Nr, be running
to tiCalbnilie. by arburh tun.,
ritb.butirb L.Cluvelatd 113 \
F'r Amor to• ti. n Alt LP. Awehr. 7 ,
ti Mown - :0.4a Mat..
Penusylyania Railroajl.
o._e_Wg• - • 144 - . " 4 0
Tura Reduced . (o 24 \
ON and after the, lot of December \next,
21' tinsir, oak only 25 mar. 54agioK he, an rzcellent
This I. the. e.l.crt...t to.. Erutaeco * in M Ott
and the Atlsnti., el., and the Nr,oromod - arinps are ,
ski ot tar htghed. charseter,
,T/1(1.11A9 iti/ORE,
A ,nt Ilnlhoon Campant.
IN and after MONDAY, OCTOBER-13th.
I the -Cleveland and Cintintatl Railroad Vorunani"
will 140li out from Cleveland an Eann•miralneverr even
ing m 6 o'clock.arriving Cthethruati at 10 o'clock neat
romnincl.lllallak ti Lours through. For ticket. apply to
JO H:, A. CA0(111E1. Amin, top stain.)
mem, n( Water awl. malted
la ata.:
evil Munormaim.liouve.
1851. ,1851';‘,.
11 Dunkirk and the Erie Railroad.connecting with
oret elnasetuatiora on Late Eli!, the 31lehlmor.Clemland,
C^lurobus and Cincinnati. Cicseland and Pittabruth, ttod
band.kyand Cincinnati itailnauln, and ...oars on the
0100 ud /IN ...I, and the Ohio, lialuna .91
utterl u aania Canal.
Stindaya except , id
Ist Month (.
e. l Trldu at 6 o'clock.
" "
Tho Train ethow at Klmlrs, whore pkwnzeram.
altwo 7 boors, a:rul ralLe tha tkpmaaTrain.arrtrion in Near
York onnt mortituv at 9 o'sliwk, making the wheledadance
by daddlalit.
d Cattle Troll, Ivern Dnnklrt al
0 Tk h• L E ,ll7.7Pitfs h enr. to thb Train m
norotamPlate War Pawn... aud Dreyer..
80-1 aro brunt bunklrk to New Serond Chum
pole. will Iv oven In a few dais.
I . .. Company •n prepared to tranrport It,. stoKA and
furight. of all Mods 19 owl frnm New - ,yore.
Particular attention will h• pall to thck. Th• wire
h•log uhle. {trrs this rat. trot
iiaruit. gnu. ltadrusda lb.. transporiatton uf
01...PA.1.1114.ual Trams .11 be pat la conowleauti apt?
Tory ehort tows.
Pod,. Tars& tell 19., AuTicti•
tars tli« prima of Pr,iohi. PM. W. they tan
CIL4S. nap'.
J No.'lTll,lll.tll, AOLIT, Dunkirk. 1,12!11,1
at.."ra ILII4 for sale hnr •
JAMBS A. llllTClllflitli k
t "-a - EAM OLIEESE--,56 boles prime: for
V 3 and VS First Anna..
'VINE APPLE 0111.T.SE-2.1 eases prime
Justatul tor 'Weld'
0. F. VON BONE:110E9T • CU.
tool the roancil.torr Ilailetl Po
llak Cu-, Ihplon, SIX of their low primal
nuPtlf ta./Li horsV.V. to BJI
Al, • let from Woodward • Drown Doctoir add Chat
art, lie. York. JUILD analun,
milk Oh Wood streak.
FISLL--20 bblo. and \ lO hE Obi; Trout;
4 - " White boat; rued and for sJ* IT
J. bj: errs ELM
A.LOOLIOL—ZS Lbla. TO and 92 per et., tar
ww s rt. a- aeLasnal.
ta want ia.
Wins;br i S . trained, for
111 E Dien.
. TORAL. •
•• • .
puts REMEDY offered to thecoilitou!
1. nit, with the mai - Jenne we Get. in .413 artiste whkh
widow tall. to realise the happiest effete that ran beta.- .
drod. to wide le the Cold of ILE tuefultetta.-and mount:Cita. L.
roue the ream of Its curse, that alatgat ever/ 1..0 0 .
the country aeons/. in :tenon; psi-ably koowh. who
to been restore l km shaming and even drepenetedlia•
of the lona, by It, toe, Whin once tried, its an. \ •
region,' ov e r every other runileitte 0-1 its %Ind. is too SP .
i•ereut to (*ease t.heenetiont and •twre lie- virtue.
knvet., the tut Lli.. be longer hesitate what ant Wale loom
gtoy the dlettewing and dutstgruse Ode tiena of the
guinavnery ura•ue. obiell an Lo.oOrat to Our elitoolc.— •
And ugi unit st, the tumid/this attaeke uyoh tit/000ga.
Lut for 0, Loil,ort • okr,t,o of Colds, tioUgh,.llol , loell.4
ac., re
std for Children .
I. the ol.ut,st tnsl." -
,• • s
(Lot coo he obi AUto d No lantily ehenid he without :
and (boor who hate mewl it serer wilt.
voinibb of tit. lollotring rentlrmon, who will
lb. Lain itectioui of erAltillf Whin
bit, at. loeatt4—racti and all 14 werphauts of Um liblt
Casa and IL. higbrit char‘cier—i. lb. oh/claw:4=lo
ostabsi, whbbbiale ilwalers in to.4lirink. with ati •rperE.
•0•., uolun.t•ti r; N. nolipici of ilirj 'boob. ti
Otti' IS 50 1 it• un In lb. indbmi•iti of impatient-1N
It. In. onlyrs,KCY•l. obole..ale drukalst., hiring boon
Ivug aril trona.. rue., A,... Cherry Vcolortl. beerd.,7
o4r 11.. it m teim.t ettertrate Dom'
ear tor Pulmonsry. cormorant ion ever 0r1.e..1 to eh. Am
man Aud tom oar knowledge of lle
c .. oto ci tiztol a,
the firm Chg., 'e.t.a Um. 1.01 do tor their relle ' r all that
medieic.e. e.o
(doienn. t Co.. W.V.., Maio.
Led.. • Cotilbut., Italtiroorn'N.rylauJ.
Led.. • loomnpro. t.,b..
t Co.. ChArleeton. 0. C.
divot, F. larren.l, Detroit. Ilichlako.
T. LI. McAllister. tem:evil.... Kr: .
fratiCli, Walla, et. Unite. 31...0r(
JoAeph torten Mobile. Alatteria. , •
T. A. Peck, Duel...too. i.reeoter,
. Auguera,l4crgla
le te le. Jame,. Nea JerAr.r,
.1 . it. Pirml.orch. Va.
Clark A Co., Abiray.6.ll/.l.dis.
E E. UST, Uort,ogtoo, loe a.
11. A. eel, Norio... C. •
.11 , ,torsrd Prin. - buret. llailtittc.n. Del. s
Jobb eillteeri Co...l . 4tladeltdela. PA.
U. U. a W. 11.111ituau. W.ningten. D.C.
.1. Wright • Co.. New' • \
Wat,,o,lVall A Co., Wayne. indlant,
C.C. Richman.] RC, eon Fria:cam,
Loot. A Amex. 'l'.ll•Ateen, fiord,
4. lt..trong. 1h13114.W.C.
Ctilton ' Little Rock, Ark.'
lad. A Co.. lozlototon.
lIN. (shad, I ........
... Tex.e.
\ Chart.. Dyer, .Ir., Mr, limit. E. I
' .1. II rune, earannab. Ga. • •
Ko,lo. E.Meteirt A Co.. , •
.1. lt Catlin A Co Valt•arldia. Chill. •
ACo, Lima. Pero
Mor .on •Co 1144, no*. ehttat.
T. W Mer A eon, et orre l e t.
mote A Co..
\ VOth one ...eurtoor. Lod from...urn Mon , no strougor
pr,occien t that t.I6IIIIitScIreCIJODOn ,
Prrircrul eL vld by J.thES O. Ai Cll. Prastaxl Chex
Scienbi nod LT D. A. lbs..
It'trocki ikt ...a J.. 1
In Arlo n, by 5011.41142. luad J. DOD
DL;LS ..i•LA Fithat-411-r.
, . our, Pa. Ma 't 11.1 . 1. .1
tq1 . 5 , ... , 1 ,, d7 . 16 , 0 , :k ‘ ' LI ' e h . b . i1 . 1.. 7, 0 .
thee and Coati - •
• TUE, DE. - FE-VALE JIEDIIS:W X.X01•21 , t
The Shaker rrepatea "Yellow Utak" and the . 'llsr
liondupdi rateviviilon'i are the lits . ktutbis remedial'
*Aunts Irma whirtlir. Cursed's IroLro ad Extract of .
I tk
relics r n abarill• is formed: d the labor,- .
tort 0114. 0 uyenn h‘e gl•el. lie the sirtiise f th..... root,',
In their Perfeeeen. life preparation rodealia•ll the re.
eiew.lrre ren.rt. eft to score. eanthined and antra • i
Lei in the utmost etre h and erflosey. . \
Eareritioeuti were made n the oantlfsetnre cf Ism.
1,,,,‘ 's
at It could not be f ~,
Mein., until it woe found t r kn.
Proved. Aseordiogly, yea It almoitkuril-
venally, in eaves of EliMattle. bearbutia, • ami Cuttuthga. , .
e ,,, a phd a t,..-foe aenaral prat , . Lai of all tt.a ritat •
ors, and all chow Inninentingd sof the skin so tryi
mpatimee and 50 Mum-Inns tOLL, th.
.._..' -i
tierafulsL Syrian.. %trends! CtiMil int& Caen'. Ilan ;
rrene. ItLeittcstitan. cic,.l c rest • eCy of VM. , ...... '
areeaLle and I.lscagernue awes... are ...dill - and p er' "
A \
toseentirettred 11 110. nee of thle'w. e lp e .
... . '.., ~
0.11./lieh.fiJet er 6:11,1551, • . '', ~,-,
Mr. John It. Park—liear Mr: It iv 'Aids trivalent.). -..•
ferlinse of ...nude LLat 1 eta wrier ilircuAill the Livia."'
Nominee of did. and Lim, won-der.vraciviatf undyed; --'
that eztAli•nt n.olitine, tinyerttie yellow tad 13.-
parida, to glee yen a fee a/raincoat of coral st hold
- ' - --,-,
leas ens. In the ander a 1E4010.1 stialkid th awe •
reit , pd., 'which wan greduaily extem.lind Cargo b tha . . •
.hole right eat- and leA at the name nme,theiev al,
tal prostraticn of my phl Sled Siditeut . ; .Lo, rolleg ad
.•:-. elt
*brunt to shoat Ivo-thirds of its eummuu Ilse. Itht • :
od the .1.5...1ecr: of a suiful praetittemoi, Oho Ten .. ''
cad my dinetve cry ai h • ward Leas nt liver , cam at - - ;
Ho said my ease act ace Let cagily bandied, bed ta ck li- ...--
. 1 \
ed for me. Ire 0001 under Inv triAtment 00111 I c
seti•bed t e eauld net not, MA I then Amon - tad af TOOL -
...r, .0 s hoe ~h,.. tr .A. Dorn. two tank, of Ourintt's \
Yellow look and EareadaritlL Aar. Atileb 1 ra-sirar•
east stnaont of benefit. Ader Laving taken fans bottles \ : . -
mod,' lum •Ile 43 pursue my but - Mice. without marine.. - A ,
stodenes, and hart been store that Coe a well usaJa, chile
\ \l
but .
paned Liar, I had wen confined. to my bed - . .i. ' y
three Earth. a the Cute; an:l 1 canned
the re.
rt..-In of bey beatth to way other .tare Oven by the •Adit7 .
of that truly valuable andiane. Gataottie 'fellow Dock ' '
and Persson:AlL S WAtraiLi. VAliftilikk.. ,
lit. J. I)..retk—Dear eft:l..l wxl the furesearng secs .; •
',m ea t, and ee far aal,du acqualcull void. the .nee, It itt : .
all our I soneured It. tlidnkang It vaionmjne a Anzat to.'''.
u and to ttc atiLettd Ton have the torirlikao Of AtibirF ;"'
aan .tseJlank Levi. Sours. .... ye. 4. D.l=b,
e . e e_ . e , • i, • e . 2 ,--,; • - 7;_
The felloatult lower is fr, to a talAblyrelpeetabl;fdatlatn s ic •
the erroys an estenalraLractiec •'-. i
..: .-- '' ii• ,:i:
.:;,.." -
N 0.... Chat conol7 a o, - N0r.1. - 1611r.7'4L"..• ii 11 i :, , , , ,vi.
Dr. John D. Park—Le. :Uri Dr. CuyAdeikstrairWr,:i . e,,ll:it',••
dyne...pawns has bran poteenbed 07 .10 (crib. tut panii:474:,.:-...3
0,,,,, 0011, .v.,1 eases, to -General Dat 1111 - I.ldier•Coritz - 4 - jv i .v•; - e
ph v ict, 4000.40... DI Irci..c.. odd Clacitc ili.l Ilertadtr.'"i';:iii i l'i a ‘'
10114111.ki1. 10 01l /dude Complain. In entercly is itna- ,- , - Fr:-
CIU.R.4. 10 the use of thi, readwine the ratienteadnitilat;.i, i ;t•i'v
II Oarlo ectenyth and via Ls. • Got "'Chid of stud; co"ne,, l';.iilrs .•
stLieration. It 10 plessant m the tette and smell, wood tar 2 ; e-e.
be ured by renown widt the most dellmta stamaeltiesith ' '' e
ajetv, nutter ens odeolantanees. I *Ai meting ircistatai.
Reliance. and to iLe eland...ll adv.° It. 0.. ....- ..
\ Illt..l.:l.LEEPrii..t,
1,1,1 Ly J. D. 14111. LI matt, Okla. trarthetAr Annum
`id Vettrth and'Weinutst.• , entrance on Walnut trot.; e : ._
ti etuna all orders lour( airaseed. ~ ; ~
d. t t tli a C., . 11, A. leabileetock A Co.: 3. 0. Imo. L: ' I. ' '
wil.i.,„ ?mute:mkt Lee A. 0.0 barn, Allegheny (Itkm — .: _
L. T. Banteell, Washingteim L. 11.130wie, Unidatans)i. It. '; t,
'Welty, laecnsburted S. KottAts,tioutersek head A Ullman.. `. :. • -
br.1inn1:14.24 A bon, lluntlnredont/drs7Chr,litAllitytbdtit '•';', .-...
Elltdetuand • Co. 104.000 4. ki: /Vaillt. Kind: AS - -i' '
Eric. a Co. lireekviits; A. 10 Iwo t Polo Warnabarg;; "
Meileselnd a Ca N. Calleuder.\hleedvale: Hutt. A Cio . .;-
krte; Drshava A, Farber. Mentes: Jun.' Coil) A Co, Iltd:• i'. i .•
low IL :smith, &dem .I.o.Bnutudlirtna, Warren; C. L. 4 U' .
01..1....:t , ud,repor0r.Cmatr.i , 4B...als; - . •
ge'-'lice--$l. per BOWS; " Sii BOWTLI for t 5.
• d.14...4-I,or
. , A IMedicine for.
Coi,gltr, Co \
hi ; Hoarseness; Arthm. .11ronciitts,
111)R. KEYRER'S PECTORAL yltup._...:_
`lt does not lien the stomach: it 'lag at coos - lb • • -
la. Um hostel. It dues not relax tbet skinomd gender Ca - .• . '
Perom , who take, It Italy to a fresh mid by seer, soulf of = n •
:rt IV. mz . . 1, 1 , . V,:,,V11L'4=7,p , , " - u , - ,,,--
. e Iliti - I
most violent cues of renal Coughs ad licarseiTarn . •
ban cured by tt in a far Nam
11 has an eat:rely new as —The rough toed neJ
ll gingen Manama and yrainno nswen,which is Mao
iagnosable than ffi7 - , couch Itself. 'This is obliged My. - ,
this mixture, for it la • Dlsarat analog urban, and lt, •
cure—orthe stoney icollo n_fin.tedi. Tn. madam:ea •
(nor of this Medne lo our citl, limn mar an atitons u •
should 00,1111nt SOT*. of Rs sassy. Staab. presnao s ' . .
lion of a maul. ph, gel.. ad has been nail by him on .•
his own plata for a nails: of ray* silth tbietstst .
heroic ann.. . _ \ • ' ' = -
Cisianaptins —.,4 Lily from EtenunivilloweitoatistLer ' "•
Minstar tad been airilded with • coat and aprams-
non. night enrols. talk teem, and ail the 5U...0 ' '
W et aniarditinn. 45 , 1 tbst ant ialosig two lot.
Ca sho as entirely cured. .4 gentionta in 11 ushingimi ,
LL who had snf=red with sidlsno ail chronic , cash -.1
for ci. id yearn hes besyi entindy relieved-al tin cash
amoyed, by tin use oftalf it dot c c of-batten of ads Pa- '• \
R,... 1
writ - Syrtis,. A ', s at! en lean Prom. lilinas alba
that -- be knows the steal bylaP Is is s r. , 4 . 4 0 . 1 ..
tor ho has sad it in his own cans. and ln Ms essei i lcl ..- • L e .• ;
to ll
of his amity. la as most lacfca minssa,"
fl t.t tine Of Mr the 1 as Alunns. It hputn la - • .." -
half fat att., a4O toe Net or six Calla fur:4k ' , •-, ' - ~:
Country Moran,. would do well to tea • eaarlid '
ibis mullein. on bsyd all the nine. snit Loa a tbanat \
taloa and aliariou• edits Dyer dlicatirod for ail ~, .....„.., ~ .
auglis and dialing of takings, awl Incipient Casurup.• ~,,.
tbubon Ex/ay—Nay Tura isillts , to Ant?!. , ,V= .." ' :;
some one of the rainus sustroms.,:mt , l l, 4 4 i ..a.„..._.., -' 0 _
gsitt:Vo tn theV r gril • l u ist%! L ia. ".lt 1 2 Xitri , =rr • -.' ". ' ‘ .-:
the elpid IVO osble platxt.. and heels st.t.lie,aa,tolaulf.a. - .
ad is annyounJed by • Seta. sillitsd milts usmisit al. ...., ,
Theft can us no deception in this magma. It is wean ,
/a in your oIIID at y, I sio4y4 , ?c h op ,, r . iorj „ l: o 4 augor , u a tazit - .'" , , , • \
t'a.'" fu tre ' lr;rll r b• thou. to Ittir Sicsatidestrua ' i''
of •
prograt., roughost tiallnitedillatatailin thl ' .
i.,..t .. ,,,,T " 'Ct d e l d b asools• - ill alumina - a • ' ' s •
. •
5 ~. 7,—.113.1ttert., Ail tba...".11c1.0a. It mill nay syg * ,,a utft y. ' "
EF, u, s il l atents. by they slit a doins alltraZ•iicie• • : •••.' •
...By a atm. by gaming Ls flair bads the greatest -'
: .
nedidlie lot Inog diseases the
by hoern nodygua,•.. •
ya sal. Wholesale .4 tidal. by a KYStAIt a iik.DOW,'
Egy„ DruggiAt 140 Wad It Pittabsteeth I. -.-. , ga -.. ' . -'.• • ,
LIQUORICE PAST-2 omseV iteizav
sticl4lbi "26.17. 11 - . NAn - -
=X • - " Wood greet, at Nizth.^