eITTSBURGH GAMY 'E PUBLISHED BY WHITE t CO PITTISBUItati tfiIIiTURDAY MORNING, DEC. 20. 1851 irRe,iOnvizso.wk:WILLARFOUND. , ONpelt PAGE OFTUIS PAPER. We See it stated; that thedinner to Kossuth by the New,Tork press, wag made a topic of remark by Henry' Ward Beecher in his church on Sun day weening r and he is reported to have said that it Was within his knowledge that $lOOO had been tiffereditini refused for a ticket to that dinner' The Wei. gentleman futther announced, • that lioetnith Would speak on behalf of Bungary at his 'church on Thursday evening, and that the -tickets 14 admission .wonld be $5 each. The church, it is said, will seat '5500 persons, and no doubt was entertained but that the house would be filled to its .altmostlcapacity. The receipts be wholly applied co Ifie Kossuth food. KOSSUTH AIM THE Pi.HsB.—We give to-day ant other of the remarkable sp seches. of the illustrious Hungarian—that delivered at the dinner given by the Press of New York. Though not as im portant as that delivered at the city banquet, is equally interesting original and powerful. It eshiblts:that wonderful originality, depth, and grasp of:miuti, 'which re.ider all his speeches to remarkable:and which show host, gigantic his • Intellect 'really is, In this speech be transfers ea egireto Hungary, and in a masterly ergo ' merit. replete with historic information and so bie Ond.etatesmanlikeviews, be refutes a charge aie upon hintby noose of the apologists of Awe-. tirtuany. ilia originality is meet astonish ' ing,idtliough he has done nothing but talk since hilarrird, and all his 'addresses have bees pub listed; Yet this speech is as fresh and interesting av,if we,heal never before read a word which bad • falletifrum his pen or lips. -Ma. Winsens's Let-tunas.—We cheerfully and earnestly endorse the remarks of our enr. respondent, "Spectator." America has resseng proud of her Wiiirri.c, and it would be a litsting . disgrace to Pittsburgh if a Lecturer, of .hi , at mind, rare genius, and varied acquire meats should not speak to overflowing houses. -It fs seldom -such a privilege can be enjoyed, kind:, thank the gentlemen of the Literary In '''ntititiej for the rich intellectual treat they have for us. We will find room for "Spent.. in nneza.t. ,~r•~~Adsiaas from Havana are to the 30 th ult, re i' .. :„,,xtelied by way of New Orleans; D ;aria has an account of the firing by the brig of war upon the Prometheus, core r 'iniinicated by an Ebglishmau who was a pas senger on board the steamer. It does inot teat ', orally . differ from the statement already ad, ease that it' speaks of the officers and crew 'of the boat of the Express being ••grossly ed" whew they , eame on board the Prometheus. .13nt even on'this, which may be received as the statement most favorsble to the British, we see ql - otbieg to make us qualify what we have prey staid, viz, that although the captain of the ~;;Tientettiens erred in not paying his port clay gee; thSre woe no excuse for the conduct of the uptain, and that oar Government has but to demand explanation or tip _ blokyfrom that of Great Britain. . . From the Commerethl Juice - nal. Minos: Au article in your piper of tab, ;aiming itiregard to the Fair about to be held - for the, Mercy Hospital, remands. me or a fact aught to:be made known to the comma nity andneems apropes at this time. -:-Itis well know that the Ladies; belonging t 'the. various Protestant Churches in the city, hart formed a benevolent Society, for the purpose of ,distributing clothing and food to the deserving poort their plan into visit them so as to bestow' judielonsly: and I am informed that nine oat of -;ten families, thus visited, belong to the }lemon Ctitholia , 'Church; that Church (according to nitiVersal statement) refusing to do any ' thipufortheit. A number of them assert that they have applied to thin very Mercy Hospital for relief, and hare been denied it. 1 aim isittectly aware that the special design iSfAlLottpltal is to afford an Assylnut for the sick but whim apiplicatiotut for clutrity are made there membera of their own body particularly, we would naturally expect some; notice to be taken of them, • Now, Sir, all the Protestant Cnorches in the cItY; )) I which these name benevolent Lathes are vaembere, provide for their own poor„by a epe eist fund eat, apart tor that purpose-, under such dirctimstancles, and particularly at this time, whenthat Church is appealing to public charty, is it not due to the Unblic and themselies, that they give its some explanation of this matter. Ify sole objeot, Sir, in calling attention to it, is to acquire Information, end dim not arise from any ill feeling towards that Church, or from any desire to cast odium upon it. I hope some of the members of the body will .gratify es with a reply. Yours 1tc.r....„ Dacultstn, 171861. Sracraiot''' The'following advertisement opines to us, niarkedin the St. John (N. B.) News: !The stubs eriber iS desirous of obtaining i !iterate. • threat Frank Gallagher, James Gallagher, John ' sakthigiler, isnd John Dunn, who are supposed to reside' on Pittsburgh, Penna., and wha have been heard of-In a long time. Should this meet with the attention of either of the above, siabscriber world be thankful to receive a , 4 2. — few:litme from iitheref them. t-5 PATRICK GALLAGHER PortkratcioNeto Brunswick, gEir Pittsburgh papers will confer a great f favor upon a distressed fatally by ebrying the :-above.. EMMY Few) BEECEM "KOSSUTH The:Prenclier named above ban a heart in The pulpit is no unmeaning place to him, _and the church no holiday room, altered though it be, - )1.3 wonld make both minister to Freedom, and-to whaterer may help or elevate man. lie would use both wherever they would chore up humanity, or give it hope or life. Bless such pres,chers, and multiply them, oh,! Lord, over the land, inOur prayer. . Kossuth is to speak in Hairy Ward Beech er's church! And the meeting is to be the means ... .... . • 'of raLeingtooney whereby he may grapple with and OTereOlni:ll6 , llibturum 'despots of, the old - e world !f„.•:-And why sot? This act—all spelt acts ' I_, ,, siexitore . for hung Chriatianity—do more to ~.,04.1)114111(e grepat—than say mortal can page. r : - ..',lfotliketitio - finds strength whenever and whor l= eveithe Pidpit - or the Church promises with ..-eilllitiref,The likOel is confirm d in his borroo ...tliedy.a.4 either or botli strives to sustain intim ; tice , forktoy,canse.-. e bend and generous -,-are''ght kt.yield, and do yield to nature'a gen , - maim Impillses, rather than drink at the deeper t, !doe t sof religion as they behold its teachers . ' , pliant Lor false. ' But as they are true, as they standup_ . for Humanity, and ACT in its behalf, ; fearleas, as'is -HENRI' Wean Begotten, of the ' frowns' of power-and wealth, • and scanting the `threats' of-routine or vain babblers though in -author* int the church, ekeptic, in fi del, and doubter and' "outsider" of every elms, look on, and;.Witliktubdueit delight say, "Ch! if ell were as tin Is, our settle would be illumined; we should -- know whit to 'do; .Religion would have a mean - lag and a life, and the ' Church be a practical . ' symbol of truth." Are ministers. of the Gospel deal? Do they not know that to give life they most have life ? Is not, the - fact plain to them that as one false step Cannes another false etep to be taken ' so one generous and wboleacaled thought breeds another generous and whole-sOuled thought 1— Let them look at Kossuth? - Why does the world shout at the mention of,„fils name? Because be kw ban gracile FreedonsiTid Thasmiity! An ox' tie, a felon, he preaches to the whole world; con: cequently, se no. church, preaches. And is it possible for milliliters to live and do good; to preach, and plant the glad messages of the gos pel In the hearts of men, if they are false In degree even to Freedom or Huresuityl Let them look well to *hie matter, and profit by the noble example of Hamm Wain BUOL(3l.—Cleveland Trigs Dasfc . rat. -• Hossurt.An English newspaper, the Hemp ' shire Independent, States, as n positive fact, that • .ICoastith,, being disappointed in the expected embseriptilms in England to the fund for the liberation of Hur, devoted the. whole of the money he lhad b igh t from exile to the fund • alluded to, and left England with but £lO in ide Pocket. The ,New York. Times learns that -nmisterew are in sating progress in that city to , make an organised effort in aid of Hungarian independence; by constituting. a central cote : mittee there, composed ot , some twenty or thirty of the poet prominent chums of the place, who "^.„Will melee sebsmiptlotus and orgsnize branch commlttees in verities parts of the country for similir.-perposes. is stated that Mayer Oil ,pin hu consented to act in that capacity In Phil- Atitelphia mall a committee is ' constituted.-- /V th .Afuerierm. . , • Fasstoz.—The Assembly 'react =sr) , p arty, although detested and threatened with military extinction, remains I:indurated, and plots the most azlzassgent &themes. The latest Is a pro posal, to' engraft en a bill pending in the Chard bar articles whielt make it treason for the Ex.. tioUtiO -to - throw ististaeles in the way the o r ighte.: claimed by the Assembly; ref - for'say, ndlitartiffesee to refuse challenge tothe Assent. KOSSUTH IN NEW YORK The Great Liner Given by the Press. ANOTHER GREAT SPEECH §.ltOm KOSS UT H The *rand dinner tendered by the members of the pries in New York to Koasuth, took place last ethning at the Astor House. The company numbered about- 220 persons, of whom it is mud the press made but a small portiok The dining room was tastefully deco rated, and the bill of fare the best that could be devised. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher naked a blessing. After the removal of the cloth the guests of the Astor House and many ladieswere admitted, crowding the room excessively. Wm. C. Eiryant of the Evening Post presided. Letters were read from.Secretariesylebster, Crittenden, Ilall, Stuart, and from other distinguished men who could not be present. To the first toast 'Turkey, Great Britain and the United States,' Hon. (Vorge Bancroft re sponded. The third regular toast was 'Louis Kossuth.' This was received with great cheer. ing, in the midst of which Kossuth rose and spoke as follows: GENll...Ma—Rising respectfully to return my most warm thanks for the honor of the toast and the high benefit of the sympathy manifest. ed by this solemn demonstration, it Is with min gled feelings of joy and fear that I address you, gentlemen. 1 address. you with joyr because, conscious of the immensity of the power which you wield, it is natural to feel some mile in ad. dresbing those in whose hands the eiMeess or the failure Of our hopes is placed. Still, I equally know that in your hands, grnticiien, the independent republican press is a weapon, but a weapon to defend truth and justice, and not to offend. It Is no screen to hide, no suatTer4 to extinguish the tight, but n torch lit at the tire of immortality, a npark of which is glistening in every mauls soul, to trove its divine origin: a •torch which you wield loftily nod high, to spread light with it to the most lonely regions of humanity. And as the cause of my country is the cause of justice and truth—int it has in no respect to fear the light, but rather wants nothing hut light to see secured to it the support nod pro. trollon of ever/ friend of freedom, of every nolde-minded man, these are the reasons why adpress you nub joy, g.tleinsn. The more w ith jay, browse, though itisorrowful io.see that ill-willed misrepresentation, or secret As, man intrigues, distorting plain, open history to a tissue of falsehood end lies know how to find their way area to a small, insignificant part of she American press, still I am proud and happy to see that the immense majority of tho Amer- . scan press not only proved inacceesible to these' venomous intrigues, but conscious of the noble vocation of an independent press, and yielding to the generous inclination of freemen, of pro tecting truth and justice sgsiost the dark plots of 17tinny, has. InthOul any interference from my part, come forth to protect the sacred cause of Hungary. The independent press of this grett republic has in this very case also proved to the world that even against the mischievous power of ea. lumniec the most efficient protection is the free- dam of the press. and not preventive measure,, condemning human intellect to eternal minority. [ address you, gentlemen, the more with joy, because through you I have the invaluable bene fit to address the whole university of the great, glorious and free people of the United iitates. That is a great word, gentlemen, anti it is liter. ally . true. • While eighty years ago immortal Franklin's on preys was almost the only one in the colonies, now there are over three thous- and newspapers in the United Stales, having a circulation of five millions of-copies, and amount ing in their yearly circulation to the prodigious number of nearly four and a half hundred mil lions: and every grown man in' the Union reads on the average two newspapers a week, and cue hundred and five copies a year; nearly eighteen copies fall, in proportion to the population, to_ every human being in the Union, man, woman, and child. I am told that the journals of New York State alone, exceed in number those of all the real of the world beyond your great Union, and the circulation of the newspapers of this city alone nearly exceeds those of the whale empire of Great Britain. But there is yet one particularly remarkable fact which I cannot forbear to teen- tiop, gentlemen. I boldly declare, that beyond the United States there exists scarcely a practi cal freedom of the press—at least in Europe, not expect perhaps, Norway, of whose condition In_that respect, I em not quite aware. You know, gentlemen, how the press is fettered throughout the European continent. Even, for the present, In France itself, whose great nation, by a strange fate, sees, under a nominally republican, but centralized government, ell the glorious fruits of their great and victorious revolutions lag between the blasting fingers of centralized, administrative and legislative omnipotence. Y.. 0 know how the independent press of France ,u murdered by Imprisonment of their editors, and Ay fees; you know how the present government of France feels unable to bear the force of public : opinion—so ranch that id the French liepubtic the very legitimate shoat of •• Vice to Reputfiqur" has almost become a crime. This very circumstance is sufficient to prove that in that glorious land where the warm and noble heart of the French nation throbs with self-confidence and noble pride, a new revolution is an unavoidable necessity. It is a mournful view which the French nation now presents, but is also an efficient warning against the propensi ties of centralization, inconsistent with freedom. because inconsistent with self-government, and it is also a source of hope for the European con tinent, because we know that things in France cannot endure thus as they, are; we hie" that to become a true. republic is a necessity for France, and thus we know also that whoever ha the man, who in the approaching crisis will be honored by the confidence of the French nation • he will, he must be faithful to that grand prin ciple of fraternity towards the other nations. which being announced by the French constitu tions to the world, raised each encoursging, hut bitterly disappointed expectation, throughout Enrope's oppressed continent But it is chiefly, almost only, Great Britain in Europe which boasts to have a free press, and to be sure during my brief May in England, I joyfully WI that really there is is freedom CI print, almost as united one,'so far that I can printed ad re rti emeb to at every corner, and sign ed by the publishes, stating that Queen Victoria is un lawful Queen—that she ought to be sent to the Tower, and all those who rule ought to be hanged. Men biughed, and nobody cared about the foolish extravagancy. And yet I dare say, and I hope the generous people of Great Britain will not be offended at my stating the fact, that there is no practical freedom of the press. The freedom of the press, to be a practical one, most be a common benefit to all—else it is no free -1 dom, but a privilege. It is wanting two ingre- Manta —freedom of printing and freedom of rend ing. Now, then is no freedom of reading there, because there is no possibility for the people as I large to do so. Because the circulation of news papers, the indispensable moral food of barium intellect is. by a heavy taxation, checked. The lines is a source of public revenue, and by the incumbranee of stamp and paper duties, made almost inaccessible to the poor. Hence it is, that the newspapers in the United States are only one tenth, end in some cases one twentieth the price of English or French papers, and hence, again, is the immense difference in their cireulatien. In the United Stateptseveral of the daily pa pers every morning r 'ltch from thirty to forty i thousand readers, whereas the London Tian is considered to be a monster power, becanee it has a circulation of from twenty five to thirty thousand copies, of which, I was told, during my stay in England, that the good, generous sense of the people hasabated some six thousand bopies, in consequence of its fool hostility to the just and sacred cause of Hungary. Stich being the condition of your press, gentlemen, it must of course be a high source of joyful gratification to me, to have the honor to address you, gentle men; because in addressing yOu 1 really address the whole people of the United States—not only a whole people, but a whole inteligent people, gentleman. That is the highest praise which can upon a people be bestowed, and yet is nu praise—it is the acknowledgement of a real fact. The very immensity 4f the circulation of your journals proves it to. be so—because this im mense circulation is not only due to that consfi tutional right of yours to speak and print freely your opinions; it is not only due to the cheap price which makes your press a common benefit to all, and not a privilege to the rich—but tt is chiefly doe ,to the universality of public learn, tionwhich enables every citizen to read. It ie a glorious :thing to know that in this flourishing youngi city slope, where streets of splendid buildings proudly stand, whore a few year. ago the river spread its waves, or the plough titled, newly one hundred thousand chil dren receive publin education annually. Do you know, gentlemen, what I consider the most glo rious monuments of your country! If it be so as I have read It—it is that fact, that when in the steps of year wandering:squatters, your engineers go on to draw geometrical lines, even in the ter ritories 'where the sound of a human step neiee yet mixed with the murmurs by which eirginlal natures is adoring the Lord: in every place mark ed to 'become a township, on every sixteenth square; jou place a modest pole, with the gleri (me mark, "popular Education Stock-" This is yourproudest monument. However, be this real ljr"the'estss or not, in every ease, in my epinion, , It is not your geographical situstlon, not your, v i s t e ria power, not the bold enterprising • ar . peopiewhich. I =eider fa be the chief guarantee of your country e future, bat the tuti. veniality of education, because an intelligentpeo .. ple never can consent not in be free. Yen will be always willing to be free, Ind you are great and powerfulenough to be so good me your will. My huMble prayers to benefit my country's ranee, I must so address to the public opinion of the whole intelligent people of the United States. You are the mighty engineers of thin sovereigm power upon which rests toy country's hopes—it must be, therefore, highly graifying to me to see, not isolated men, but the powerful complete of the great word "Poses," granting me this important manifestation of generous sentiments and of sympathy ; still I nddeces you with fear, gentlemen, because you are aware that since my arrival here, I had t h e great honor and valuable benefit to see my whole time agreeably occupied by the reception of the most noble manifestations of public sympathy, so much, that it became entirely impossible for me to be thus prepared to address you, gentle men, in a language which I but very imperfeatly speak, as the great importance of thin occasion would have required, and my high regards for yourselves had pointed out as a duty to me.— However, I hope you will take thiS very circum stance for a Motive of excuse. Too will generously consider that whenever and wherever I publicly speak, it is always chiefly spoken to the press; and, lowering our expectations to the humility of my abilities, and to the level of the principal difficulties of my situation, you will feel inclined to some kind in dulgence fur me, wore it only out of brotherly generosity for one of your professional col. leagues, as I profess to he one. •Yes, gentlemen, it is a proud recollection of my life that I com menced my public career in the humble capacity of a journalist. And in that respect I may per haps be somewhat eutitled to your 'brotherly in-. diligence, xa you, itt the hippy condition which the institutions. of your country insure to you, can have not even an idea of the tortures of a journalist who has to write with fettered hands, and who is more than fettered by an Austrian arbitrary preventive censorship. Von have no hies what a torture it is to sit down to your writing /desk, the breast full of the iteeessity of the moment, the heart roll of righteous feelings, the mind full of convictions mid of priociples,—nod all this wsnued by the lively tire of a patriots heart—and tonne before your eyes the scissors of the Censor reedy to bill upon your head, like the rd of Damp eles, lopping your blew, tonitnin swo g your mew wrote, murdering your though.; and bin Foes oil before your eyes, ready to blot out, with a single draught, the work of yoor laborious days and of your sleepless nights ; and to know that the people will Judge you, not by what you have felt ,thought mot written, but by whost he Cen, or twills. to know that the groom! Upon gide!) you stool is not a ground known to y because limited by rules, but an unknown slippery ground, the limits of which lie but within the arbitrary pleasuie of your tensor • -.loomed by profes.dem to he stupid, and a reward, end a fool;—to know all this, and yet not to nurse your destiny—not to deny that you ko ow to read mid write, but go on, day by day, ill the torturing work of Sy...Julius. (oh: it is the great est sacrifice which an Intelligent 0100 Call make to fatherland and humanity: And this is the present ...11D. of the Press, not in Ilutigary alone. but in all countries cored by Austrian rule. thte past revolution gave freedom to the Press, not only to my fatherliwil, hut by indirect innuendo also to Vienna, Prague, Lemberg; in n word, to , the whole empire 01 Austria. This very circumstance must 6, 601- ring to ensure your sympathy to my country's 'cause: as, the contrary, the very eircum. steno that the victory of the liatisburgian dyn asty, achieved by treason and Ituesian arms, was a watchword to oppress the Pretss in lion gory, in Austria, in Italy, in Gernanny—nay, throughout the European 'continent The con templation that the treed= at the Press on the European continent is incensietant with the preponderance of Russia, and the very existence of the Austrian dynasty, this sworn enemy of freedom and of every liberal thought—your generous support will sweep away these tyrants and raise liberty where now foul oppression proudly rules. Gentlemen, a considerable time ago, there oppeared in certain New York papers. a sys tematic compound of the most foul calumnies, faLsehoods, and mierepeentatione about the Hun garian cause, going so far us with unexampled effrontery, to state that we struggled for up ; pression, while it was the cursed Austrian dyn• arty which stood forth for liberty, Raw, there is a degree of effrontery, the temerity of which heroines astonishing even to me. who, has seen the unexamplialtreachtry of tie House of !laps burg, awl become famitliar with the old Ito man lUssitcl,••iiii mhairort." through my tempest tossed life. Vie may be•misrepresented, scam ed, jeered, charged with faults; our martyr., the blood of whom cries for,. revenge, may he l aug hed etas fools; and even heroes, command ing the veueration of history, may be repre sented es lion Quisottes of tragl-comed7—all this I Could, if r i ot bear, at least conceive. I have teen strange specimens of the &Aerations i _of the human mind: but that, ill the midst of I the most wonderful suffering., not even the I honor of as unfortunate nation shouldbe sacred ito sours men, who enjoy the benefit l of free it, Sat:ak a / 3 and pt ess to herep caris- , —that is ' too much ! It is a sorrowful page in mankind's history. You cannot, of course, expect to see me, on this occasion, entering into a epeolal refutation of this astonishing compound of calumnies. I will reserve it fur my pen, no noon an loan have a free day for it. It will be very cagy work, be- C 41130 all artificial compounds of misrepresent.. Cons must fall into duet before the dispassionate, plain statement of facts, the greater pert of which. I thankfully have to acknowledge. are alrealy not unknown to you. Permit me to make soma humble remark upon the question of •nationaltiea,' which play such an important, and, I dare say, each a mischievous pert in the destinies of Europe. I say mischievous, because no word was ever 00 much misrepresented oy mistaken,. nc the word 'nationality,' to that it WOlllll be indeed a great benefit to humanity could I sooteed to contribute something to the rectification of this idea, the nmsrepreoentatiou of Which became the most mischievous intern meet in the hands of absolutism, against the spirit of liberty. Let me ask ynu, gentlemen, are you, the peo- pie of the United States, a nation or not' Have you a national goverutuent Or nut? Have you You answer yes; and yet you, the people of the United States are out of one bluod, and epenk not one language. Millions of you speak En glish, others Preach, others German, rithera . Italian, others.Spaninh, °there Banish, and even severe! lhdian dialects—and yet you are a na tion: And your government, aeon. the govern ment!. of your single Steve, nay the municipal govertaneute of your different allies, are not legislating, and governing, and administering in ail and every language epokeu in your Union, in the respective States and in the respective cities themselves—and yet you have a national government! Now, euppose that one part of the people. of the United Staten, struck by a curse like that with which the builders of Babel were once struck, should at once rice up and lay—" The Union in which we live its go oppres sion to us. Our laws, our institutions, oar State and city governmente, our very freedom, in an oppression to nn! What is Union to en? what rights? what laws? what freedOm? what history? what geography? what community of interests! They all are nothing. Language—that is all.— Let us divide the Union divide the States; di vide the very cities. Let as divide the whole territory, by, and according to language, and then let the people of every language live die tinet, and form each a eeparete State. Because every nation has a right to a notional life, and to un the language I. the nation—nothing else; and your Union; your rights, your laws and your freedom itself, Mouth common to us, Is an oppression tb us) because language is the only basis upon which Staten must be founded. Ev ery thing else is tyranny! What would you say of each reasoning' What would become of your Great Union? What of your Constitution—this glorious legacy of your greatest men—those Immortal Mars an mankind's moral canopy! What would become of your country itself, whence the epirit.'of freedom spreads its rising wings, and tieing hope clears up the future of humanity? What would be come of this grand, mighty complex of your republic, should it ever be attacked In its con, sistency by the furious bands of the fanatic:Nm . of language? Where now she wanders and walks among the rising templets of human hap pitman, ehe soon would tread upon the ruins of liberty, mourning over the (regally of human hopes. Happy art thou, free nation of America, that thou hest founded thy bowie hpon the only solid Muds of a nation's liberty. Liberty! A principle meetly lace the world, eternal like the truth, and universal for every climate, for every man, like Providence. Thou bast no tyrants among thee to throw the apple of Eros In thy Union. Thou hest no tyrants among thee to raise the fury of hatred in thy nattonal family —hatred of nations, thet curse of humanity, that venomus instrument of despotism.. What a glorious night It in to eee the oppressed of so many different countries, different in lan guage, history, and habits, wandering to thy shores and becoming members of thy great na tion, regenerated by the principle of common liberty. Would I could do the same; but I can't, because I love my native land, inexpressibly, boundleissly, fervently. I love it more than life, more than happiness; I love it more for, its gloomy sufferings than I would In its proudest, happiest days. What makes& nation? Is it the language only? Then there is no poirerfal na tion on earth, becanne• there is no.moderately large country In the world, whose population Is counted by millions,. where you would not find several langangeespoken.• . Not it isnot language only which, makes a nation. Community of in ter* community of history, communities of ' rights and Outlets, - but chiefly community of institutions of a population, which, though per hapi, diffiermit in tootle,' and.belonging to tiffs ferqnt 'aces, it bound together by Its daily In- tercouree in their towns, the centres of their homely coati: gene and industry, the'eery moon lain ranges.; and vatted of rivers and streims, the soil, ther dust of which is mingled with the ashes of those sacestors who bled on the same field, for the same interest—the common inher itance of glory and woe, the community of laws, tie of institutions, tie. of common freedom or common oppression—all this enters into the de finition a nation. That this Is true—that this is instinctively felt by the common sense of the people, nowhere • is more apparently shown than at this very me- I went in my native land. Hungary was declared bygrancis Joseph of Austria, no more to exist araa nation, no more as &State. It was and is put under martial law, strangers rule, in a for eign tongue, where our fathers lived and our brothers bled: To be a Hungarian became al most a crime in our own native land. Now, to I justify before the world the extinction of Hun gary, the partition of its territory, and again the centralisation of the diiilected limbs into the common body of servitude, the treacherous dynasty was anxious to show that the Hungari ansare in a minority in their own native land. Thee hoped 'that intimidation nod terrorism would induce even the very Ilangarians—May- gars as we are in our own language termed— to abnegate their language and birth. Thiy or- dared a census of nationalities to he made.— ' They performed it with the iron rule of martial Ion; they employed terrorism in the highest de gree, CO lunch that thousands of women and men who professed to be Maygar.s, preferred not to know, nay, not to have perhaps beard any . other language than the Mayor, notwithstand. ing all their protestations,were put down Sedate.. Serbs, Germans and Wallachians, because thet4: nestles had not quite nn Hungarian Kenna, • ; And still what was the issue of tiro tnaligraiti' plot? But of the twelve million of inhaldiants of Itungory proper. the Magyars turned out to be more than eight millions, some two millio4" more than we know thecae° really is. The people instinctively felt that the tyrant had the design to destroy with the pretext of language the very 'existence of trie nation formed by the compound of all those ingredients which I hare inent , utied above, and with that Genloloo good senor which every nation lebietett9iiii,ttnet the tyraunio plot Pe if it answered, .• We what to he a nation, and if the tyrant takes latigoMm•only for the mark of eit nationality, Own wenre all H " ungarians. .\ tol mark well, gentlemen, this happened not tinder my gnyernorellip, bst even under the rule of , tit,triau martial low. The Cabinet of Vien na breams furious; it tbnnght of a new et , lettle, but pellileat men told them that a new census I would give the wool." twelve millions no Mag yars, and thus no now Gen., was Liken. Si true is my' a.,sertion that it is not language al.me which Mukra a mama, an assertion of coil your on grout republic proven 1,, the world Put on the Ettropviin coutitieut there unhap pily grow up a school which hound the idea of a nation only to the idea of language, nod joined political pretensions to it. There are some who advocate the theory that existing countries must rya,: nod the territories of the world Iw anew divided by languages, mil nations segregated by „latigueA You are awl.* skint this idea, if. it were riot impracticable, would he hitt a cursoito humanity- a death-blow to civilisation stud pro gress, and throw back mankind by renturies - it were an eternal solurretif strife to war, beano, the, Is n holy, almost religious tie, by which heart to his lions is bound, mud uo roan ever would consent to abandon his native laud only because his neighbors speak another lon gouge than ho himself and, by this renown, cloinli for himself that sacred riot whore the ashes of his father; iio—where his awn cradle stood—where ha dreamed the happy &entail of youth, and where nature itself bears n mark of his manhood's laborious tail. The idea worn worse than the old migration of ontious wits— derpotoun only would rise out of the strife mankind's fanatieutro is really very curious. Nobody of the advocates of the tutschierous the cry to yield to it fur himself —butt - db. yrs he desires to yield to it Every Frenchman brinines furious when his Alsace is claimed tO ! Germany by the right of language—or the bori dery of hit Pyrenees to Spam—hut there are same amongst the very man who feel rev•ilted rat this idto, who claim for Germany that it should yield up large territory because one Fart of the inhabitants speak a,diffrrent tongue, and would claim from Hungary to.dirido it territory, which God himself has limited by its range of moun tains and the system of streams, es also by till the links of a community of more than a thou sand years, to rut off our right hand, Trativyl vatils, and to pro It up vs the neighboring Wal lachia, to rot out, like Shylock, one paned of our very breast—the Rant—and the rich coon try between the Danube and Tbeisisto augment it tip Turkish Serbia, and so forth. It is the new ambition of conquest, not by arms but by language. So much I know, at levy, Ant, this absurd idea cannot, and wilt not, be advocated by any man here ip the United States, which did not open its hospitable shores to humanity, and greet the flocking millions of emigrants wtth the right of n cititen, in order that the Union may he cut to pieces, and even your tingle States divided into new framed, independent countries by and according to language. - you t r ..; zoutieulca, 'Laudable ab surd theory sprung nip on the European Conti nent!lt was the idea of Panalaviam—that in the idea that the mighty Sclavenic Mee is call- ed to rule the wJrld,'as once the ,Itoinatie did. It IMP • Itemise plot. It was the infernal idea to make out of national feelings a tool to Pat, site preponderance over the world. I'vrhapis you are nut aware of the historical 'origin of atilt plot. It woo after the third division of Vo le:id, this moot immoral act of iyrininy, that the chance of fate brought the Prince Cannon.- ky to the court of Catharine of Russia. Ile nab nequently became minister of Alexander, the Crer. It was in this finality that, with the no ble aim to broefit his dawn-trodden fatherland, he claimed fro. the young Czar the restoration of Poland, suggesting for equivalent the idea of Dossian pr.-ponder:ice over all tit/thine of the old lielavonic race. I I believe his intention was sincere; I belies he thought not to voisconeider those usturol bor ders, which besides the etlinity of language. God himself between the nations has drawn. fiat he forgot that the spirits which ho raises, ho will not be able to muster more. and that uncalled -fan:llionem will sundry fatuastimil 'Mapes form, in to hie frame: by which tli frame itself must burst in pieces anon: II e.forgit that Russian prepoutlerence cannot be ['rotenone to liberty; ho forgot that it ran even not be favorable to the development of the So-lave natituallty, because Slavonic nations would by this idea he degrad ed into individuals of Inisianism—all absorbed by Russia. that is ahaierhed by despotism Rus sia got hold it the sensible idea very readily.— May be that young Alexander ball in the first mmnrnt noble inclinations he wail young awl the warm heart of youth in susceptible to indite sentiment.+. It in not tt01111116.111 in history to see such Princis Joseph's of Austrin—so young and yet such'n Nero as lie is. But few years of power were sufficient to extinguish every spark of noble sentiment, if there was ono in Alestin der's young bean. Upon the throne of the Ila• money's is the man coon absorbed by the , An tocrat. The air of the traditional policies of St. Peters. burg is not that oir, where the. plant of repine,. anon can grow, and the eensible idea became soon a weapon of horror, opprossion and Rus sian preponderance. Roasts !smiled herself of the ides of Panalavism to break Turkey down, and to make an absolute salelite out of Austria.— Turkey withstands yet, but Austria bas fallen in the snare. Russia, sent out its egentli, ita money, Its venomous secret diplomacy through the world ; it spoke to the ticlavanations of the hatred against foreign dominion—of independ. cote of the religion connected with nation ality under lu own supremacy; but chiefly it spoke to them of Permlethal under the protec torate of the Cone. Tho millions of its own large empire, also, all oppressed—all in sent tudo—all a tool to his own ambition. Ho flat tered them with the idea to become the rulers of the world; in order that they might not think of liberty. He knew that man's breast cannot harbor two passions at once. He gave them ambition, and exeludod the spirit of liberty.— This ambition got hold of all the Solaro nations through Europe. So becarrie Panslavism the source of a move ment, not of nationality, but of the dominion of languages. That went 'language' replaced ran ry other sentiment, and so It became the cured to the development of liberty. Only floe part of the Polaroid° races saw the matter.alear, and withstood the current of this infernal Russian plot. They were the Polish dennerato—the on ly ones who understood that to fight for liberty is to fight for nationality. Therefore, they fought M our make, and were willing to flock in thousands find thoaeande to aid us in our strug gle; but I could not arm them, as I could not except them. *We ourselves, we had a hundred fold more hands ready to fight than arms—and nobody was in the world to help us with arms. There is tthe same origin and real naturo of the question of nationalities in Europe. Now lot too lee what was the condition of Hungary under these circumstance. Ligh hundred and fifty years ago, when the first kin of Hungary, St. Stephen, becoming CbriatNc, himself, converted the Hungarian nation to Christianity; It was-the Itoman Cotholio clOrgy of Germany whom ho Invited to assist hint lu 'his pious undertaking—assistance which ;tap pelted also to be accomptmed by some worldly designs. Hungary offered a wide field to, the ambition of foreigners. And they persuaded the king to adopt a curious principle, which hit laid down In his political ffistsment; that is, tha it is not good when the people of a Country I but of one extraction and speaks but one tongue There was yet adopted another rule; that Is, t advise the language of the Churoh—Lntin—fo the diplomatic language of the Goiortimeut legiiiatore,-law and all public proceedings. The llungarian,nearcely yet a believing Chris Lien, spoke not tkie Litho of course. IS: This Is the originntthat fatality that Demoo- racy did not develope for centuries in Hungary. The public proceedings having been carried on in Latin, the hews given in Latin, the people were excluded from`the public life Public instruc tion carried on in Latin„the great mass of the peo ple being agriculturers, did not partake in it, and the few .who, out of the ranks of the peo ple, partook in it became, by the very instruc tion, severed and alienated from the people's in terests. This dead Latin language, introduced into the public life of a living nation., was the moot mischievous barrier against liberty. The first blow to it was stricken by the Reformation, The Protestant Church, introducing the national language into the Divine services, became a me dium to the development of the spirit of liberty. So were our ancient struggles-for religious libel.- arty - always connected with the maintenance of political rights. But still, Latin public life went on 00 far as to 11780. .At that time,lJoseph of_ Hapsburg, aiming at centralisation, r eplaced the Latin by the Ger man tongue. This raised the national spirit of Huogary: and our forefathers, seeing that the dead Latin language excluded the people from the public concerns, could be propitious to lib erty, and anxious to oppose the design of the Viennese Cabinet of liermenizing Hungary, and en melting it into the common absolutism of th - e Austrian dynasty—l say, anxious to oppose this design by a cheerful public life of the poeple it self, becon in the year 1790, passed laws is the direction that by.atid.by. step by step. the Latin language should be replaced in the public 14, ceedings of the Legislature and of the (invent meat by a living language, familiar to the pea -1 pie itself And Hun ary being Hungary, what was More natural that that, being in the users soy to chow, one lan Ungy, they chose the Hun garian language in all I for lluugnry, the more because that was the I nguage Spoken in things ry, not , only by a comparative majority of the people, but almost by no emulate majority; that is Hulse who spoke Hungarian were not only more than those who spoke whatever one of the other languages, but, if ant more, at least equal to all those who spoke several other language to. getlier. He so kind to Math well, gentlemen, no other language PM oppressed—the Hungarian lan guage nits upon nolmay enforced—whereever another language was iu one e 01 public life, for instance, of whatever church— veu whatever pop ular school—Ndlate•er marunniuny— it was and replaced by the Hungarian language. It ,was only the dead Latin which by unit by became eliminated from the dtplonnuam public life, and yerlaccal by tine living Hungarian in Hungary. lu Hungary. genlieuiro, he pleased to mark it, nose, ..... ibis tut.sinere emended into the muni cipal public lac of Croatia and Liebmann, a Minh though belongini for right fiunilma years to. Ilaugsry, still wore not Ilungsry, but a ilns tines. 0411011. tvith ilislusel municipal pulitir They themselves, Croatians and flidavenions, repeatedly urged it In . the common Parliament -to afford them an opportunity to learn the Hun garian language, that having Ito right, they might also enjoy the benefit of being employed in gaen governmental Ames in - Hungary.— This opportunity Wan afforded them, lint nobody inn forced to make use ail if desired not to du so: buy with their own municipal and puplic life, an nina with the didneetie. social, religious life, of whatever other people in Hungary itself, the Iliingariaii language did never interfere, lint replaced only the Latin language, which no people spoke, which to no living people he. lunged, and which was therefore contrary to liberty,beeause it excluded the people, from any churn in the puling life Willing to give free , dun to the people. wo eliminated that Latin tongue, which was an obstacle to its future.— We did what every other nation in the world did, clearing by it the way to the people's com mon Zniversal liberty. . „ Your country is a hAppy one creel in that re • egret, being a young nation: you did not toad in your way the Latin loupe .when you establish- e 4 this Repoblim no you did not want a law to eliminate it from your public life.—Ton bare a living diplomatic language which is spoken in y0.1.1r congress, in your state Legislatures, and by which your governinent rules That lah gunge is not the native language of your whole people—scarcely of that of a majority, end yet ; no tuna in the Union taker it for an oppression ; that Legislation and Hovernment is not carried on in every' possible language that it spoken in the United State,: and yet are found in your common law, inherited from England, Nome Latin expressions, the affidavit, Ste; and having found it in law, You felt the nergelity to stimulate it by low, no you really did. And ono thing I have to mention yet- That replacing of the Latin language by the Hungari an WWI not a a ork of our revolution, it wen done before, step by step, by-and by front 1791. MIT we carried, In 1819 , ourdemocratte reforms end gave 'waited, eacial, civil and full religi ous freedom to the whole people, without dis tinction of religion of tongue, considering that unhappy excitement of the question of languages prevailing through Europe in connequenee of the linsian plot, talent developed, we extended our cares to the eqUal protection of every tongue and nationality, affording to all equal right to all aid oat of the public foals, for the mural, re iigions and aciculate development in churches and in schools. Nay, oar revolution extended this rgeerd even to the political development of every tongue. sanctioning the free use of mi -1 cry tongue, the municipalities and communal corporation aa well as In the administration of I justice itself. The promulgation of the lane .in every tongue --the:right to petition and to claim justice in what ever tongue—the duty of the government to an , seer accordingly—ail this wee granted, and than far more done in this respect, alto, than whatever other tsl.llollB ever accorded to the claims of tongues-, by tar more than the United States ever did, though there it no country in the world where 90 many different languages are spoken as here It in, therefore, the most rat- LIMIIIOIIII mtarepreawitslion, to ray that the Ilun gariwn struggled for the dominion of their uwu rac e. No; no straggled for dell, political, so and religious freedom common 10 all, against Austrian despotism. We altvggted for the greet principle of self-government against fent/11111110U; and, heLittlfie centralization, abso lutism. Von. centrali.tion to aLuiolutisto: it is inconsistent with constitutional rights. Ann &rialtos given the very proof of it. The House of Austria had never the slightest intention to gran' constitutional life to the ustronn of Europe. I will prove it on another occasion. It hates countituuons at hell bitten the salvation of Lit- Man 1.111 d• . But tie friend of the Hapsburgs any it has granted a conatitution—in Nlareh, I 1 4 1 . 1 where is that conetitution now? It was not only never executed, hut it was, three months ago, foretell); withdrawn. Keen the word ministry is blotted out from the dictionary of the Austrian government. Schwarz.,loirg in again House, Court, and State Chancellor, on Metternich was; only . Metternich ruled not with the iron mile of martial 1.,w over the whole empire of Austria. Schwartenburg does Metternieli en crouched upon the constitutional rights of Iluu. gory, Transylvania, Croatia, and Sclovonia tiewarrenburg has aboliiihod them, and the young Nero, Francis Joseph, melted all nations togeth er in a common bondage, where the promised equality of nationalities Is carried out most m orally, to be lure, because-they are all equally oppressed, and are all equally ruled toy obsolu tistical principle., in the Gammon language. And why was that illusory constitution with drawn? Because it was a lie from the begin. Meg; because it was an impossibility. And why en? Because It was founded upon the principle of centralization, and matron:et] thir teen different nations, which now groan under Anstrind rule; and yet, to have a constitutional life, is more than an impossibility. It Is an ab eardity—it in au oppression, augmented by de ceit. I cannot exhaust this vast topic in one speech, so Igo to theend. I only state clearly my own and my notion'n ruling principle, even in respect to the claims of the nationalities of languages, and that is—we will have republican inntitutiobs, founded on universal suffrage, and so the majority of the sovereign people ehall role, in every respect, in the village, in the city, in the country, In the Congress, and Government —in all and everything. What to the public cencerns of the village, of the country, of the (looms, belongs—self-government everywhere —the people sovereign everywhere—and univer sal auffrogo and .the rule of the majority every where. This is our principle forstdoh we live and are ready to die. That is the cause (or which I humbly request the protecting aid of the people 'of the United State., and chiefly your aid and protection, gentlemen—you, the mighty engi neers of the public opinion of your glorionts lend Let me entreat you, gentlemen, to accord this protection to the cause of ray down-trodden land; it is the curio of opprened humanity on tho En ropenn continent. It is' the curse of Germany, bleediug under the scourge of some thirty pe tty tyrants, all leaning upon that league of despots, the basis of which is Petersburg. It is the cum, of fair but unfortunate Italy, which, in so many respects is dear to my heart Wo have a com mon enemy, so we are brothers in arms for free dom and independence. know how Italy stands, and I dare confident lydeclare there is no hope for Italy but in the great republican party, at the heed of which Martini stands. It hie nothing to do with COM munistleal schemes or the French doctrines of socialism. But it wills Italy independent, free and republican. , Whither does Italy look for freedom.and independence, it' not to that party which Martini leads ! The king of Naples, per hops! Let me ho silent about that execrated man. Or to the dynasty of Sardinia and 'Pied mont I It professes to be constitational t and it captures those poor Hungarian soldieM who reek on asylum In Piedmont; It captures and de liven them to Austria to be shot—and they are shot—lncreneina the comber of those 8,742 mar tyrs whom Itadetaky murdered on the• scaffold during. three abort years. The house of Savoy Neuron the blood heandof Austria, to'apill Inn gattia blood. Gent/emetti= the generous sympathy of the public opinion of the United States—Goa be blessed for it.!—is strongly aroused to the wrongs and sullerings of Hungary. JI7 humble task in that reapedt is done. Now I look for your generous aid to keep that generous sympathy offer, that it may not suhside like the passing ! emotion of the heart I loot fir your Kenerous ' aid to urge the formation of societies, to collect : funds and to create a loan. I look .r your 1 generous aid to urge the public opinon , the : sovereign people of the Gaited States, to p .o. , flounce in f.tvor of the humble proposition, whi I had the honor to express at the Corporation Banquet of the City of New York, until the re.. , olution of the people succeed to impress the fa- vorable impression to the people of the- United States. In this redpert I beg leave one eingle remark to make, In speaking of the principle of I mission of any interference in any conniry's mettle COCICer., 1 took the liberty to YVITSS my humble wish to ere Great Britian invierill within this protective policy. The reacon iw heemme I take the present French government for one of the cppreenors—it has interfered: and continues to interfere in Rome But the French nation I take for one of the oppressed. The . French nation:will do the name ns Hungary, Italy' and Germany. The alliance of the French in.wr,.lll Its necessary principles, if Ole Republic becomes a reality. The demaive tines. • thin is what the neutral powers awl [hems line Great ItFilimn and th? United States lot nto Into. vonile.nen. hint btneovor 1. • liar. ar...10th.. In hr. nit hinnlhe ..II I..ll.notng the IV....numretiAltroe. •trl 0......n0rnin not the Inonorlt ..1 uty Innunl. re, but th the .nnro n 1.1,1. I phnol, tnu will roed thot pentontivo n.. of .1 t. pro., upon Ihr tho ..roshor part. the h.q.. , of uto tlhho hennoultt And If ..Inn...tour I. n.o thnt 1.0.11..11•...i. will ....I no. fultilied.lo eor ....1./.. ot. I In 110 r frnn. 111 841 height whore the noulur -.sr, .c.nr ...opt, rhino an likes n o 10. to the tnn.lo inrpornt Inn% ot Tr 11L ert..1,11 11rth Khan Moo •‘,01,. "110...10rta•I ,•• m r••• Gt. an. 1 . 0,1.,r,.. , 011010.1. ' , nth,. 10 {OO, And al among 1.01 us, .01,/, .01. oth -•,,1, wurnhippers oft, he do , hroty or mpo. , ..ll.•arblu t•. 11.1 ntorh I woo .I , out wt . .. ,oy I pras 'rot our 1.••nl •ovo..ror Mir Voot i• . Jll.l St t ti ..f 1,, t!.. 1.. Itxt him wa. r SDI t ~1 % pr..rttrur, 1.. u1.1,1..d. 11.., lctwr ... t for line•uth t/ rot..rnr. Ind • 1..1,1w Itn would , /tar, Inn z nItI. uttynntunitt .1" h..lntr.., tt ntrn. It •111.11 .111 Inn ••1.1 . ...t. rid. Intt r... 11.1 en. In,rftetnn..lnuct.nt. i.nt theutrl 1 , .11r •,i /raft. tun. ttnalletnett, rottrrt, I nen rt., n.rrt fnr mt . th• :..rut 111,./1.•• /Ong. II•r, .1 In,plul. Cur - 1.4w. re.p , r,l the N..... 1•1 k P 4..) nrt 1.1,a1.. up WI n.orly Ssittirsis --Pope Pius has taken offence at ihe permission risen by the Finis of tm.rilitiiir to erect s Protestant church et Turin, and expiessed himself to the Stadion.n minister ai a iliplowstie autertie, I Extr 1.31,11 ot IL.. t Pril t t•b 1 • .Ir1/111•• to 11/1. 1.0 U1:1 , 1, u..,l it I.a . I titon Inir ann......1 it trt wdrdl TLe .11.1.-nre rf many t.lek lli• mnin rn•Tronitm etualltia. lontllng .II •• and rilnvatall plo•iinald or!. patina, d•lt dr•ad (nun., ...al dtti. criowd cit pri...l•ra to :Let act. • Mi.-ii•tritom •iirm mtraliiil •very ninior•tat. ail Ow M.. aln • Ttir dt ttn., to vldim Id. tall. Awl nt•rn yr.,. •nd •th• ur..nt •Lliintatlon• van •hidn t. L• 4 him prtn - licei. and •rtm 11111111.... V I 111. •ondorful itur.....11,..1 try Ltst temddr. at Inn 1 1 th indurct Limtn az•kii pubne ai ettldnry can L• Leda. nur atom frt., .11 dart. id th.,ltairi• Litt nf all thi apal dr,,igt• J. ti.II/D t CJ. Woi.lot. ENE= E=MM!IEIEiI aa.l men irate lb. dailk WWI ban,' ku.l•attle. wLirt• rlceu rand, 1b.,. us. .1.•• 1,1.; ;int vuu•S •••••• it • 1....11 to Leo, alum" ou IsaaJ .• • rata+. .-111 J 5.1.0 /.111mal ••urnl iu na• da,•.-•tal k•k rally WI.. male. Lut ,auk••• 11•1 •rai 1 1L• n•k :be nin.arkher i:••••• ...talk- wont I scir. The 11 hi2,l tus.l A Iltl•M..Sl/1/M Or the N hot. ••••1,11.2. ••• .l, en rtbrr rrl 11piror. dr. It I EV. %% NI. LEES, AgPlit for th, .Imeri tt fan ICJ tar fir.l 1i.° , 1.10. Church, Oral° °mint WLLHINi HALL • 11R1STMAS WEEK . commencing Moe sad , E1:101.1C14 11. aunt, Oin UORN, WELLS AM' BRIGGS SkftllN ro Woo) of 11011 Y, P.rtuorly ' f, d rt YlTfo7ll " Zr=oro...g Iv thf • cit, Nr o E A. WELL!. f..rowrl, of Cbruttl'g 131114treI+, Nimble.. tatee E.,....ter5. and the Ilaxm....nts.te. J FlllllOll,l. let. NCh.,lay's and I.lunkt.hotun'oritthtn,t2hE.errabler• Auumg IGI. TfOOPe may sift, 6w T. curderiAN, the ry Al II (+III4LL. t,i,P01.11 ,11.1 CIE. ill., a at, vto• D.1 . .1.1,• ,u 4.1 Myra . is /.IMas I.i an.) t..+Ettag, two pi rfzrae...--at 1,13(-1...0.1 .1 ID tun .14.1 of lb. u.t,ll,La :u tty EleMll3',MM=l MS=I Sight Exchange on Cincinnati. ItV\ST:A NT LT L.r ral• an Nutam to snit lJ voreha..., A hr ILK IN, • 0i). ,rner slAet. an.l 'Lir I Np LAssEs—'22 61.1.4. .7.11.. IS/. h 1 - .9 Ay 9 1.11.,0,1119,1 A L',l 1 1 0 P.kINTERS and otter, requiring nu; sn Es—A .1. a 9.lrcn-J For tl.. tra,.. , ninrlque -1 . ,1nt, un.911, ptetnnl: ..9. .11 stnl - 19 1 9 / 9 ., Inn Ir. Linort. vu ...ad.,. It. Iv, 9.r. ram, rt• An exam usln.n nur t u. V. 9 ,11. J. 1,111141 C 9. I'. . MEER LE % iti ATED, a triiiiiii,ont and . r.•11.1..10r--,... I, ta .....• awl t, +RI. 1., J A 1110. C.I - 1 ENNA, burnt and Irt &gated, ii trausparent I .dl HO. K.lor. t. , r ~.. • 1. , J li I on. e... l(41;i.1;:ltli: (A LABRIA 7 , ~l iiim 16, : f o r I i , , . . . d t.\ It IS AMMONIA—SoiI 11, r ut tale I,i, .1 I, it,l.• CO . 1 . ' r 'lit Al ELI NO 15A.41; —2 ilia. India Ruh. .1. 1,,, 111,. Mfr. A Itr..t r.,,.....1.. - 1,, 140 ale I. 4 II 1 . 4111.1.11,, 114 M.A. t • BOO9 ' S-4.i pairs for ..nle LY J. 4 II 1 . 1111.4.11. , INDIA 41 , Blikili WEBBING—SiIk aro; M1.4,1143t..1.431..r 4.14 at N.. 114 %hotel rt .1 a 41 1 . 1111.L.11, 11 1 1 AR TRUMPETS — I - 1 do, for sale 100 J. A II - g , OOKINII WINES it BRANDIES - 23e. ire ciLlan. or AAA. mr nnie.n, for Aalo I K r, Ihstoon.l Non-Intervention • • - - ti A 'NATIONAL POLICY, Non-Inter rrno..n mood, but In ourrhoslna ‘ .1 ". 1 " V ." t gTrit .4' NllTl . i l. l Bk . ; L AI ' ;/ S114101:1141: . whet I. 0.. ran•O M. 0.., durnbility nt surlaaan plop an.' ssurleratlon of ono, rano. Le opuollnl. It,+ all end qua... Itor Mutt.. lllrrr, rock, Sulu..., 11•11., IVO [TOY TO 1.1.10V01. 71 errothOrbl.st, or. Diamond alley Situation Wanted. AAI'It.ICTICAL and experienced BOOK h KLPKit with., eitnettdn in W bohemia Home . anal-Owing Letel.l4ltment t , ativrartory referen , Andre... -u. U' h , Box 416, Pittthurgh P.O.' . deln Young Men's Library Lectures. XI R. E. I'. 1111IPPLE, the distinguished . . IT I Lecturer and Author. tnant. Boehm widl deliver •• mune of WV LIXTURLd rat the. min... Itl Char.., , actor. or Ind.vidual Poorer. 2,1 !ilertin Luther. :J. Tinv. Anierivan Mind, or National Vowel . 4th. The Enclith Mind I u order to allow thyt• doeiroue or effendi. the New England Sapper au opportunity of he...ln¢ Mr. Whipple. the Prat Lecture will Lodelircred on Monday, the= Ina-, at r o'clock', 1'.61, at WaillilViliTON HALL. on Wooded.. between Filth mid Nisth other. rvAperfively on the ' :at ,Vith ant 27th Itud.at ac o'elt.• CR12,11/.1'44.44. plun , k an, tour... can be obtained at the principal book Mole. aud lintel, and at the Pour. Menibere Tirane at the Iteadina Room and of the Corn. mitten, K. Si'. M. 11613.111. Jell/ 3t d I ITIZENS ' "neuron. Co.-30 Shares of VI Stork tor 'Ale At.. very lorr brig A. WILKINS* W. . _ (TIM:NS ' Dopositri Bank.—The &welt of ) derlbmwnr fur rale by A. WILKINS A CO. Now is the Time to Call at (1 ; ".itlli!?E h RE d PO , benvllle Turnp on ike, thirteen urn of ' illtodluto. linving toot returizt f.r:i.nerdolttgotenrselnetin Lela rgo let.=fko r t V rl ' lnell at ally. bargain.: ' n ' grjed he rm do no In time to replaw-thnrn beforerprlng—thr thlmls the tlmn for Whine to buy Caning,. in the Rut. and tho tura ',torTo and k' thre w "" ne f Two choir. l:arri . o.., both ahed: light two I.d Itl•ekstrayn and Ilayourhen: Iluggier of .11 ki n u sulking and Melnik.. A 1.... Double and Single liar. ones. An. tr. delt,cltdi JOSEI'II WHITE. Shirland. Allegheny rte Pa. Notice. (PY Resolution of the WATER COMMITTEE" Ih. totversl Cotlectore or Witter Rents are horehr no. I that airy 1.111 be oNvoret to sett'. thei r I titri ii m i,.. A i l lb. 31st inst. Also, A ll perms. hitsto tt ,, ouri i.",,,,,, Ow Orator Works, are tiotilli‘l to p re ... t i ii , tarn . r ,,,. , i .,„ tlem.nt on caber... thr 3lst Mgt. FREI, E. TULL .1.311 ~31 Clerk to the Oototottiris. ( Ili 66r1511-20 too. Grand Bank, (largo,) .„) for sal. Itl WM. Mt' &LEI &co, ,b4e • In and WoodOs st. ... __. g ICIFFEE-400 bap Ilia, for sale by tij dolt/ WII. BAG& LET & tikl. II it!SlNti'2 , s l l.l boles Vii. 8 R ,;;,,, fif . e; ,. t;or „, tale -'-' `.',•. • - ‘;‘ A LERATU S--151.1 boxes Men:trial:r e.f,. 'FO .iy by , WV. bAIiA LEE 1 CO. . _ .1.111 IS ...a ..11 Wood it ` \ Ikti AGAZINES AND ANNUALS, ieL":l \ .c irou a. Literary Derit-it, Thtt.,l 5 ti..01,4',..1 . 'oft 6111ris: ~_ Usage Lyles Book. far JUlttary. eartalo's itsitudos. for JanuttrE. Thii Tutor's Ward. • NoviiL liIFT LIO ttE.R.—The stoelt ...lets of sill .tir. Atinittile ks o rd fix IE:4 which rill be sold at the to id rantern l!!!`.f. delti lU }:R— pkgr recd qnd for . by day WICK & IiIeCAM)LII. • L ALFS 'kegs for I; r ilo w ily . mat„. - nr. coMMER,,CIAL. PISTSB ‘ I736II: Orsurs Ferraro., GMT", 1 ' torocilas 'amigo. Doo. MX Th. weather : memoir, Irv. mob , modarato. bat It au .1,11 e. 1 ,1 and dmagreahle fue,ont door operations. As to b 00...-. ve have nothing a iblere•l to Mort. We have le-en. during the prevalence. a \ ;he mold • esthor. Po ouse -1 natal, rot at morn mantennleat hen by titer that butler,. • hoe rev, ...wet oat of the reneetien• sake beirm e ,rbnfined , td Froall er retail transarrldos. FL , WI:- We hare no rereriad l d . 0190001 '-' .911`0. dad the .I.le .01. ar heard of Ira. 9 bble, tkem wager. at S 2 75.. : dr.. eihreiSdere.3 125.69.3 lbere about the roll. Wm., lo mall let-, for s. f. •rul extra. : CoIIN MEAL-S., or 10 bees at Shell 1 : .•!1•11. from OrrO l i „:,,, 1 , f,Lrc,•,,..1(,1,1,_':1:1,1,ii,:ri " , f (;,,., :; .,:, : ,,,,, , ; 1: ,,,,, -:: . ; ., ) , It .. ::::. , 1 , rr0 ,. .:: ‘ ,.. . \ re, ,,,7 51 . 32 . -..b.), ht met !ran •tere. rm Mgr, ere (ea have been driven Male.. MI mho..) , rad at St :mid C. de bb.' 1 : 1:•.: I, o •-‘, eel, hare ere:lire:l .ortb reportrt Lae] m soot •.I t i e - in hble, and it In kegs for No 1., \ rtI'TTEI:-.'al .., I El. n 1,1111.41 Mil 4( 1% - 1114e. Choir. \ il •••1 be,: , rte. ',mall Wee in kite at 10 id 1010 v t 11,12-Saie .1' Vo i , S 111 . 0 ir , i'. • )11 \k.1..1ii.-1/V1 R: I. I h.. Ltnntl nuoulies. primer have nal r •19.1 • ,th ••••• Nti 10,1 .1 rote 1r .r. at 37/42.1. A • ier 1 •All\ I .we. r. tin.. arrh m arl ...I, at .. of 11, hi.. 1. •ti i ,, . to r.l 1 -bale In lb • to. for No" • -'••••• 2.1 W.- Tl.l I t.”, trill.. ..1 , 'rr,: rorr r,to Knot me.. t e nt li u , p-11m. nn alarmus et a.‘CorTm• •11,1 eep.l into 1 ode.] e teo a drip, 7,1. 1.1. -I.co. hy the water:mot ae ,..1“1,..,t, the mit. er 111. h.-cre r) of the Trraeu re, \ ~,,. ,ii„,,,,L.i . , To, Or, • Leteut era. exhorted Lsr, 1,9 ••• 1 4. le•vme X‘r eon. rnpr ton In the 6rilreil el•Me 1.3- medeie, Colree iiiresbel • 12.,1,1070-. i . . -4 mrortril 1.., M 4 ,, humble 11l Mil wow in the Coltro4 SJate. 1112..1.1:.- 'C o I d o, l o .l9ortml• 3....3, Ar:o.....sporsr•Of Arco, ir.Troo o r c tmotribrion io thd.rreer 1ate5 1 1 3 . , n. 1 :..1 The rm r...t.,,..r. ..1 am.l 0. Irf• wae • u.,1 at sl.•. 9 l • orlu l l ..huar- My Ali , mem. ha M lb. . o.alb. irtar..rtathe last Tear of i,. a 14; 0 4111110w drillers. -_ s . .--\ , 'il n al a e 15Th lortilrays -11,54::-The 1..M.m. • J ' ' , \ \ ...1 here I- • •he•l deal ed eartr. ea In the hoe menet al pr....0r Cl,. 10.10 15 :1 I.lllml art rod' Ili • feller. to der der . .. L ane Met we. Ili .dwelt /11. 0t4112..4 4 1 ...e1110 tl,l/ , t . 14 .1 . 111.k,n, 111, ' there will le. &deab, 09 , aed ...c• r•to rm. n 114 rete ••• ebb SI SO urd.. though we omedo ea hi n .4 , el a lot of hes iv hee? \et 111 ....,. end ', oe ere Ina I.st le. ',Kee. a.. ,r 1,141 \ I ' i.,,,,,111 11 (1 3 -ir. Ch.• Kroolm I ,nnro ffrthin dr, stol.,1•11.11,1 41. 4 unrrer. •. I ' ll'he ' a rne l 9 l eatobo I r rile mum-- or ',NOM ne a ipteee or ,14l of evtr doge, • glYn U111 , .11 44. 1.0111 11 3.,f r I elf re.d... Cent.ouin St, ma le mileelded e liteNKelrid Nom •..roar re. nod • hob eenrhe Tir Smite tal • be10r.2,11.- I'olll' (11 , ' Pr1"I'S131116( \ 1. s Lit IL. rlver r.tst ts. ross..stes.ou,l tnnrK in n. t r I its,lll.• Int.t.slEbsntb us Lin, sslssas. In. .14.4 yr d , r,of uss. iu Used •atm ell,. wnt, nns. 1.de15.,1 during Tn.- t.. I.+t bv use.' war, ERO: T1510I111( SEEM, for salt) by 7 WICK A AIcCANDLIid. I .1 1.1)i bbl, for role by tb - CANDLYS.q. VOA if --IS hblo. prime "Dew, for sale by .1- JOILV WATrO CU. I t=-5 bbl .i a 6l, 7 ‘, :al At a r b h y__ 1 '}IENCii CURRANTS-5 cit. for sale by JOIIN WATT co, FINIE 110:11 - tIP OF •lANAGE.II, aJ S of the I nil Chary. thaAhurch Plank Un COth- Imo, at Ih. t•111K...4 att. :z•er,..l.ary. IVQ. SI Fifth, tho Ita loft. \LI (1.1. It I • ‘V,. : , 11ES11 OIl,tN 113 AL.,. ..4 1 d.._ —ln rime order ? at }.4 01 ~. btl, or 1;!, evnte Per JT., fnr raleat Molt ULF,' Ti:/1.1. .zeo ILT.llbtrrtrald. \ IP UTTEII--Itibbl4. freak Poll \ for pale bye ) d.ls , \F. 11 . .\; . 1.1LIVEIL. , I) 1:: ,, t....N „ : S- —l5 ip.i. Stta IV ~I . r .s il t ir i Z . ..rt E l i a . by 4 )....; , I( a ).NS ---3 bbis. for sole .., by , \ ~,,,.... \ "\ II EEP PELTS—I doz. for soh. by \ .-- 17Y .1.13 n. v. sunivu . __ ' II 0 ; ;K , 0111 . M. IS--20 bbls. 4. fy . r , st u biir , " \ - 11 li01)NIS--- . ..!u0 dot. Dry 4:l.7, , fi i ) R r i, 5 1 1 e by e WIN DoW GLASS—`2OO bra Sxlo aro:110 i V V , t 1 l, f, ml. b, ' S. P. VIIRITLIL\ i10FF....F. ISO bags Rio, for rats by \ 7 x., ,11-10 5. P. stralveit.. K ,--., g , IDER \is El; A 11--50 : - .1 , 15. for Ink by 1 A LERS'f US--10 I,llls. for solo by -.Wm is: UNDItIES—IOOO bu. Bran; SUIaVEIL .. I 1 ....s i :.. 5,0 .. Sbortec • 40 .. middlings; . leoll . Oala, ' UV bbl.. Flom: 44 dr.,. liroom. , et o..igun.tot. sad ;or Pale by de , ' T WOI.DS & SON, 6l,Wattr st. 13IG _METAL—.:I2 tons Heck hot blast; ' Is " Itejl,_ercLut•cal brad; , . - IdURNIS:. -90 S. a. CO. 41 Wood Dr.nrot. Adams 6c Co.'s Express Office 11F.310YEl1 uIS . o. roußn Street. rr,irizaFt .4,14 trna Ttalsde/hia in Wi ERS-1.8 Hacks prime Ky., Tee'd .1`.17 """'". Y. " ° J7,llL7 i Pier`,...'l7lsos r. co. *TEE SU , JAIL-100 bbls. fur salu by 3A)ti.... , Creltle , ON L W. All-21 hhJA. prime new crop, on 0011- .or. laudinc por str Vot:snovr, tor salr by ATI7 .1 A It. 114101 , . Chtrrb. I i LOVER & TIMOTHY—For sale by 4r17 J. t tL FIA111).. It Ul.!!KArliEstc.. FLOUR—aid bap hulled. P sets by 14,71 J. A ItLLOYD. g 14 Ell MA N CLAY - 7-100 how for male by. J' 4,17 a DALZELL A CO. LleAstr eL BUT bone, and 2 bids. Fresh Roll, ...rl.r ~ .1.171 R. 12.1 LULL t C , O. Mu'!' E—l seeond hand. Smut I. 11....iqn5. for se., Inv tr, close. nuesurnment by DAL2.Ia.L t CO. El: IV A NTED--For . a barrel marked y 11 not c 411,11 for within t1:1181 2.0111 le soli to pay ebarr... A. IA it RAI./ KI.I, t C 0. ., LRAM At. A NOLESTICKSI—A nother lot of new I. l'Amtlesuces..ust A.A.. to Itstal--Asol As Insult Aso.. p0rn.,.... to .All oarls, ..I t.particlA alpresept .6 :rat J.A.And (4,t:l(' , R. I,IOIIAUDSON. Olive and Greengaiinetts. I URNIIY filikellFlEl4) have raceiv • tv.t al i n e, ol t. M. n o n* llJ/ do; end fad Ns. .ntnnst.l astß , and -lean. great rarletr printed sad Lain e•lteta. meat. •leh Otis. Caahruar. ‘h;rin.., y n'd ail er..d 0.1, of radon% kinds. art in het lent ..tis .hen inaltiug purth eur pu..r.irut Lori very lull by lbw attnast • s dela y9VIF 113L001 , IS Tilt: LlFE.— e Keep the ``lll. 64.1 awl the health wall Le good.' MullStes yut..l Si run of I.ollow Dort la Um hest 'put-l -e-1. the I.lmal 6.56 roneettuantly the Lot rent, ter kr ear..., et ealth. All ser ea atm hare need hate ell h en perk•rme I wonderful as as la el h. eter,ned ban leer, alll.rmt with that lingarihir .Ihea - Cori/nrtion. Int wane vulg. awl her man glee e• ht• rhyme:hue (he •aa inJueal to try 11.1 r, rue et I.dhlw [Wet Kra, and later taklng fire bt tl. • ear to-h•redterinet health C.' ." \ IF tram eeventh Ward. Pittsburgh. The *here wearleine In ler tale whole ale and retail SC. WlChlilt.lllA.ll. . . . Lo{ ,an.l Coo Wood or sw.h. I KAN ISElitiaHS-11 Ws. just recd per bleamor Olarb•cm.tod roe AOC by IIeCLUILO t CO, ilete; th.ers and Tea Donlan. 111 EFIN ED .51:1(1413-1000,bbls.Cnished, LoO and Cltritied Suous, for oak. t.III.FICIOSON A CO.. • . . . . . del, Agents St Lavoie StenzeiSuger Refinery. ...111, A N'FATION MOLASSES-20 barrels 1- d.is" , "'"" g P 'irit e tg'.."HiltifiliVPl CO. — :1- 1 116'A 11-25 bbls. nor, to arri re for Sale by -.,) 1., kit: J. 9. D1L1T011.7.11 11 co. 11 CCEWHEAT FLOUR—A very superior ..A? az.l u lt-le . frunci . lLe !,...xr Brighton Mills, in 50, 21, am! ;,f-, ' ` k " ii = "m.".;:elki.ilViVan2eratf,it r a. , I vbronielo nunl.l . . . 11 A ~,1 , - . 1- 46 ( . 1 hales' ft! Hale (on Wharf) Gyp -- t F, ll 1 L041.11i hint.. Christmas Gifts. 'IIIE rubscriher Liquor, received from Eu ropo a lot of taintifot tI uitr 011 AWL MS, elabn rately carved and enthellieloll. .6.lw—a tine selection of very tytetully akeignat Oxydisett .411.001 t UOOO4. loinki Nolil at r.llll.lkaltlr low \prte.... to loc consignment. 11. ELtalEnlul Thin' street,. Jell \ etign okthe ()olden nary. rINAR-40 bblc. N. o:Jor solo by I. doll D1L401E1 . 1.1 110SIN-21.1 bids. for colo•tir\ I th.ll .1. P. rll*CO. Goods for - Cold Weathe t ; , t 1 UR PITY. Jo BURCIIFIELp ILIVItcI the ad tiv.& tentiou of borers to their 'err asmortatent of hr •er i ou. Rtmle oh lire (7.10 ..u.p.d s rb , cohtst \ enthttro W eso.h ow 110 y k, Flattoolv. white, brown, bine and P4it ko.nulne olth do.. •, Pastern Mae den nil rotors at. heavy Canton do., duturroy. , e.s.oor non* . rolor Winter Ulores, llosiery, der Rants. Comforts, J'e. Au ulditional rantrle s of DLL.. 0).:001 to. tr0...1.4. - kRI ED PEACH ES--410 bu. for nolo\ by 13 &hi ' . 4. Y. 01.11110t1C DHIED APPLES-20 bbls. for a - Z3 !J D R lED 8. P. SUMTER. FIE La hbnv Near No.ll/10les1 Ilertlabil \ Soo . N. I mod 2 Lake Superior Salomon— 11. 11. aleColloash!• Brand. J Ilia noceivirt sal for We by delo J)IIN HATT a Ctl, Llbert! it. S U Z4Ditl ES--- 3 bbl.. F 1 0b Roll Batten' n . New Clover bent: 00 Masa nen. m 0. Ityi s i o ,,. - -. (.0 ht. hot.. \ o la TO ' 0000. roperikTa nne . e' Oa \ trV ,' lg -t lr? l' - .1 orv.9l.4ioire.i Ju la elios ml fae by \ JOILN WATT 0 CO. French liroadclathr. . . I URFII.I7 &.. BURCIIFIELD I A the noirth .3_ h and corner of Fourth and Market elreets. alnaTe evvvon hand a supply of the above amen.. and are ewe. Rt Want thoae of the mope aln.vnaval Ino.lana... I , Ye of Cloth viii and itto the. advanlaavOn elevate. su oli alevit 1e1...n0v=114M0.. They Oa, aeon Flow*. BA Ft, rd rimer can C41.161f1,a, bloat sod ranoy vol., Mr Henn “I.M. brava, and ollvetNothe and (novelmetva \ Ur al wear Tweed. and Janne, of laytooa nalzlolea. "i'.% ... 11 7‘1.!;: 1 1:PWta r Tralillf.LINS. e.:.. tonal at 12," per Fare: Alm, DakrarL L11=12, 4 E14 4.1 STEAM BOATS Wheeling and Pitnibar ird I 4 ARE REDUCED! --, s The swift . _ . . . roneinu pasnesper racket \ WYNCTIL , It, leaves fOr the above aratajkka I' I • ay.. cr.. ' , vender. Thargstil and eatradiy. al le ° 1 e1 10 . rVk " '.1 1 . T .4.1.—__......, r llf the dare rates gra norlow elsoillii., - ve ultimate • ' - - farther redaction, • . . , Pl'h• WINCHESTER. CePb OM D. am; trill. I. .. , Pittnbursh everylToculay.thersdar,ateltatardap..lo • 4 ki., Morning.; loaves Ikheell/kg swap Idrandan Wyk. ' nee....• d, Pride/. at n A.M. \ Iror In .tavveeete.h.lhi eSparbv erviatituidallanda apply on togked, or to . ' dAII9T.RONO.CII.OZERtea, Market street She iflachester In otie of the ut toms rex ststrisc• ter for the truly. Pasneager• and nbtatere call d r " .. her running 1 , 6 the orsda ravalsrLy. r .... Wheeling and PittabtErgh Packet - FARE REDUCED!-The nwitt. . • ' ---- ~..,"in p.,,,.. = ,. packet CLIPPLII No. 2, kin plan. of the Jun. Noleoo,) 1.5.0. the &hove and all later...dia. ports this mae bas. at lo e'cl,k precisely. - 1. , r WheAlng ... • .- - • AIX. por cl 1mmir'........ - .... .. . . ...-411e. lhe CLIPPER No. „..` Capt., Moog. vlll ban Piths orgh every Tue.day, ThundSS. snA e.....1..y. .t in.A. • , .• ' M.: returning, lures Wheeling every klooday,Wedeft. " ' , dos. and erldity, at 6 A. M. ' F or h.,,i,a, , y pe,“gr, haring soperioi wrote reagisticsis. pl.. ~ a l.oatd. or to M.MUS . ) A BINNING, Ash, 1 . ., Market street Ylt- Clipper ho. 2 le ;66, or the fastnt hosts senr 004 ••truA...d !or the Yule. Pak.-ogers nog shipPor• an. 4s. dett.i`yo 1.-r running In the trust. DOM , . ----. • • A 1 NELAR PEETSBUrtaII ar.d. • l. si, O.I...svILLE PALI:yr.-130_1y.. . . uor packet 'Learner PUREST APIA, A. Mholoch;R , g`tor. leg , . Pilt.DOPch for it tiirriiis *sem • - , day..eseestine daininy.l at 10 o'clock, A. XI; too' ratan. , . , st.a. laden Unlined. •erry day nth o'clock, P. M. The , . .. torent t:dy ra. m roasectiwn with the Clan deed em Pltt+leargi. halirrvl thie. ' Tick. A gent,',o. M. lIAIMIN, llonottirabsia Hones. .e, hheed AgenE, C. BARNES,' ro. IC iv rags and Pi }Yeti • ' digs.:. swit . 't • ' ••.: ~ havo t• • - It E gUg. GrUcTi:St.4.lllW.l3. A . ND . • nen packet. steamer DIURNAL, attgeg e 4r. to nor p...forlattlianu. relitatnrtti..seettlyttitX bete4 . Ole eny .1 Wholin,'hssnag INt'Obergb 0410 e' " every Montag, Wettnetclay and Prelny. and ratenlnei, Wheeling every 'etlittdely.Tlonsday sad /Warder. In e' f h '""" " "lilllftiMittrtriratt.breentr. The Diluent It • .14. heel - :et. •04 . *hoot the tined end tatteet Wats toren ct nelnut,lil tor the tmle.` Puna • rot Weyer. can J•TPtel on b. mutinning In the • • • • Ei3U : L !‘ A Pl l T L TZlAFll K :Tt r aWit li t.ll:lifialk vlct. The PILOT No..`,A.X.erapa, muter. v. 1111.41.1. httaburah for ' Whacilatt:tAttittar and Latins, a at 7'o4loait to. M • ti taralata htaa , * ,fini;;Zt T lr C4tlaa, WhaalftB 4l 4 , HCO. 2, 7tba ary Thurtalay ate' tichmt.YasaaLatmaaakkaalppars a. drpand upon th is twat raualaat ragulart,durlarttio,„.. tow iwator ma n. (might at Damage. an*oa bOatsi. ' car' IiIEG ULA,R WEDNESDAY IL PACKET. CINCINNATI; Captain 'Jam thrmivebam. Tble eplondid boat war pain by4lialit e owners or the eleazner ha. New tou, aid other., lbr the eintirtrodi sod Pzitaborob Pesket trade, lend ttltl team Per " J o.W board. 0 il.7.3.llLTl:suziaimesmr. • ,NOR NEW -- ORLEANS.—The eilvndld'n.f•+gamer tIUBQUgIIANNA. :. ti t ,! .114.•1ir. will leant for the above • 041 .11 In,rulea il Le points op4atutday, the • h td o'rlock, r. I'vr Mihail or: giums,ge applron board or to drl NIMICK it 1'0.42 R tar at. New England Society. SERMON will be delivered before the New England A Society, by Rae. W. D. IIIIWARD at hem:et Presbyterian Church, on Sabbath event.. December Dot Eserciem to commence et 7 dcloor. P. 11. AAnnital Festival Supper of the Society 11l be LZ at the ST. CLAIR WHIM. on Mon• aim 1. can b; obtained at LOOlll. Book PM., No. r Wood street. The Members are requelteol to purchase their T eta Wore Pride nom, the 19th 111.1. I(practicable WILIIARTII L. IL LITINtitIiON, A. A. DADDY, delsTt Committee' et Arrangement. The Pittib & Braddock's Field Plant ad Finished. 11111 E Manager hare! the pleasure to an \_c noun. to the au le that the pLanktng of the... tire length of the Roa4 eo mpted on thelith hum The Road le now open toMtreeel through from the Turn. Fla* et Turtle greet to of of Pituborsila (11;{ t o allowing a rept4. mar. olevutt emounnalcallon ttu roomy opd•rarriov• of worry deeenytton. , delti.da wnan ELY/TT. Preset. ~, West Newton Plink Road Route 'FOR D,..LTIMOICE AND\ PIIILADELPHIA !. ' iyENMERS leave tsrieecs day, morning /1311 •Allill.. (el cept Susdar. renius Sind slit Were the What Boat. shave the Mut, uouselarla peat 4.14 n'ettek. . Evening Prat,t.res *ally (except Sithdaysl alb o'clock. ' ' Far. to Poiladelphi..llll. T. Saida... Stu. Sur ticket. calf , * the chink had mace. alenoughhals , llout, Water/Asti. , . ‘ deli — .1.1, EC ANs, ..tr.t. -- ----, ----- ---• •' Stage4loaches for Sale. \ limy?. line r Trotbuilt Coaches,.- ''.....,, ~. ' \l` havlrtit bran tut Abut • abort time. ar r— liga etch barareta aud team. tor each It re attired I , r re. lor. .4%4/ .U. tat, ‘, ,drii:lau , Ceuta P4lllll/. • ‘ • To Bridal+ Balker". cs 2. - ',. \Q,E4LED PROPOSAI e S fur re-bilililiailtai ,. : go IVeken Structure of a brills. over Seketcht Creek"; . • ". near Lc We Fon, et•II be rarefied .t the thrsenbilott- ‘. • erlst,f A I •heey and Weetziorrlas,l countlev a lthere plans ata spite& bans can heaven till 12 recto.. .ay tit the, SW rut. . \ JAUSSIdItTeIIiLL. si •, ' ICUENEZEIt DOILIX, `, c. WM? 1/11 , 41, ~.: deill Catomladener. of tilleghenv Caddikr=;. , St.trauleoner take. Ibltabnvish. /bet a 12. libl. \ , 11 \ emo --WoodSagri 13 int ‘r\ l . IIIE 'subs en er respectfully itforma 4 :, . former , blends lb th. Intatll.J=ol.ll , thtd h.e \, has removed tet the threes; corner Adatreetend `,. \ the Mamma. (waren the Diasnottd a ) when. he la tine \ pared to imecute4ll kl cf Stedgelne --. IS.sad /11 ,- .. 'A \ TIIIII, inch es Vletel of II tidings, IY . ..... nary, boded.' Santa of very 'd, \ herevneb. "..d.. rirnabitt• '1 , .1' 'USW sr 'c.v . nal Id , dill fa= stul • , C 4. ration 19 lame D farther Wilkimbtith P. V, Dee.l2. isaL- \ Ne ' Dyeing &tab] BOBER 'SON &,'WEII ISABELLA OW, next Ff Peelle the . /.danicet , lioterAllf la rut Ile eltleaus o 110000 0 Miele Goad, Se.. .a e , ey .U. 0,, , Ilf. , dyeel oal holr.hed elluulec .I 1. 4 1L1.1 Ile Wm, SU a rim. and every varloy of had the color. reetorad to.tbeir farm ted equal loaner. lientLamecee We ed or dyed 101.0 halilS lek.l. V" / nat to nab ea or sell the Ilues. LI ns. ellriol, or ear rtlisr eiShouoc. fabric. We shall make It fulf l gftidl eatleastlori to thong who may ploy Dot Deese, Choir Canes , we sr II reel charge. %I e Mater ourearce Lhil—ti Prams.. la this and th e ell entkatc, "V.,:t2t;.linta-, odilnr.,°'=, 1 1 , Goole warranted ; Gif i e pa scull. ere lady, JOI;;;;;;1 ei : . R. R. wiehe: to Inform hls &Rolle to the adiseetadllee, that his loostlo) or --- Hook-Reeper Wu WHOLESALE HO.H.SE, ur J.., ..11 80n belt tt . raTi , r i dd; ' Di: J. S. HOUC - . 1 04?, ~‘ The Trae Digestive PluioAr Gastric .Tniee. f__looD FLESH AND BLOQD are the pro , A duets of Rood ford. and PlardrOf At Atli and Atoll cattail ted tato the element, cknettrlllara. di cter • . ' out t beat°, y stonwoh. sad coal latArraf dlartliAlt LA plaht that good o..hlad blood cannot blaprolootal. draw with Asa beat of fowling. Dramtlatrwrarean rasorrar as. . N aalllolgrytkotlallahrOsS. drils irrear,want of Ma la moat happily awaited by L(. 1100.1110¢'. arlabrar• )rSIN. or true Digratlre Fluid; god. tram thalami,- sett of the 00., U . nod dlgratina boatarlaLlteatf, mated Dr matt. for War Tory purpose. •Thla annothrpgratiod. al. and raluabls and suceargal It la rational. 11 1 s • doing donde. for — Lead Alm ^ alth bad . 3 ZtV 0 0 100. la AWAY. diatasUonof h an b t i n Ito "siVi ron: of ttaTat ER IleLk General alfolaeale and K rohn arenta W ror ' alao—Vor .ale by It. S. SL'" " 000 LT We • delittf — Chester's Clothing Ilospori CELEBRATED for Neatriers of new of Quallty.'aud Driruldlltrof W Our stock is full mod umdsts, embrusioa I Marra orrt Door Clothloyoud FunsUM.. r utartured under my or, tosmsetiou, harm. sDel recall sad examlus, us we um demo, low yin. cask. Jump...los shotrino mods. K ISTUDY TO PI.RASIt. o. Nu 71 SAITUFILLD Or.. near Diamosuf . N. IL—Boys at all lures soil area tried out.- " sst miter. ZIRC PAINTS, fig.ugßx Acaul%ElVf,ii aluablo et.tD.47 to Prnottld t.rrad, •--- • • ZINC PAINTS, Which have teen Coned Who, eaveval rve. LT; th =4 4 v , =e a w s la7= Wilt whater!tv,..:Their , • WII . ITE ZINC '.PAIN , Is purely an Oxide of Thu, •=arriutal ultersdo• and Impurity .' sutnullY et htle, and Is waLly her ix.% g.„ it, ..2.,:k...4at5, , ittTi....-.-.- --- E iT WILL NO I T'TURN.YET W espoeed to sulthuroui et L a m a. It CU:Let • southern ellitune awl the mews than tut other.. not Wag .II•ble to turn' dull> Worobls rub otl. It mar bs ...ha tritre Metes— ith tester sod nrse. se with varldsh. ulnae Ifirrs uhen 7 W brsted porrlu Puha, \ • . -, • BLACK AND COLO, RED ZINC PAINTS.—:. Thew are Illrulehed at it hue prfooond sal rusdenhtedht Ow elemptst and boot KW Us the motet be amnesia ' roofs. thWeingobitsses, s hotare, or any *Tynan at v. We of wood. . th e ot Ire he they ars bah , • WRATI R ANL., RE PROOT.:.; • , ,• For WWI tresses they at, rawly ealushise . as WI , *um • saleaule. antheetiOn. and Wbet7 7 777 . 77 0,1 . 7 . not, they dry yulekly, awl hstist show wenn". b....; . ' do tort suesteet rotor WI many ot", , .earth,7761.71 cost ' do suyttlbel on Auld tortt• ‘ y . ‘ the *lt of tie:'- . • If .U. JONES , it - '' ..M111.1 -. • 7 Deuth litttl Prellettekehlta ' La s\ a.h, ii Ns L i--1.0.t 2t1 ) . 1 ! : . ge No. ..3 &.. , . . . .“ s \ 0 : \ ID Mgt. t. N. I •,, . \ 1 r ..045,,b, . N . ,.. 1 . 4 46 ... by aas \ : • tcaucianiurikou.. rrsAt3o?-*-.50 kegs jaitipi,ar