„ITT, and m. thought him nn War an impression - • infallible Church was ira . hnd that Popery was not the al and persecuting thing it once was. f sperially'was it thought impossible that inthisnountry, under the influence of our . . genial Republican institutions, that Re : ilintista could do otherwise than improve its 'manners and spirit, and perhaps in time become a tolerably respectable sort of affair for 'liberality and toleration. The " - Rlanzish'paPers and orators in this 'country seemed to ha as great friends of liberty SS could be found. But the have changed; and now these papers denounce "liberal Catholics" as little bet ter than heretics. There is evidently an effort going on to. whip in. and drill to • the right principles the few adherents of the Pope in this country who have imbibed somewhat the spirit of our institutions. A . great change his come over the spirit of -their dream wi i thita the last few years. They now come r out with a marvelous beldam:is in favor: of despotism and intol. crance.., In Europe, however, the Roman Catholit press instill somewhat in advance of their brethren in this country. There they have gone back to the doctrines of the darkest days • and as their boast is, that the Church is always and tiverywher , thyhame, the do - ftrincs avowed in Europe are those held in this country, though the time to avow them-se boldly may not have come: - We copy the following paragraphs • from the November number of 'the Inter. national .Magazine '• In France, we. have the (.'niters regret Ling thit Luther was hot burnt, and that. the Church has not still the power to use ...Title stake;. and in 'Et/gland -we have the ..-;;.'t...Rantb/er, a journal which is considered the I'r organ', of the ,moderate party, as distinct . from that of the Tablet, - boldly expressing 'wishes and hopea of en even more debata - '6le character. Thy' creed of the king of ``Naples'is authoritatively declared to be ';that . every Catholic. -In a late number - said— tS us not, Protestants of England aid Ireland, for an instant, when you see . • 141,pouring forth our liberrdistns. When you ,hear'n Catholic orator at some Catho iseemblage. declaring solemnly that :.,,f;frtliti'S is the most-humiliating day in his when he is called upon to defend once ':"more" the. glorious principle of religious rfreedom'—(especially if he says anything =about the Emancipation Act and the tole. - ,..."'ration tit conceded to Catholics)—he not too simple in your credulity. These are ,]%brivi, words, hut they mean nothing; nothing bore than the promises of a par liamentary candidate i to his constituents on the hustings. He Ts ,not talking Catholi cine, but nonsense and. Protestantism; and he will no more act on these notions in different circumstances, thhn you now act on them yourselves in your treatment of him. • Yon ask, if bowers lord in the land,' , .:and you were in a minority, if not in num bers 'yet in power, nhat would ho do to you? -That, we say, entirely depend -upon.oircumstances. \lf it Would benefit • 'the cause of Catholicism, he would tolerate ::you:, if expedient, he would imprison you, famish you, fine yon; possibly, lie mi:yht even hang you. But be assured of ono thing: he would never tolerate you for the sake of the glorious 'principles of civil and 'religious liberty.'" Again, it is said— ' "Why are we so anxious to make the Church wear thh garb of the world? Why ...des we stoop, and bow, and cringe before that enemy whom we are sent to conquer r and anntlffate , Why are we ashamed of the:deeds of our more consistent forefath- i . • era; who did only what they were bound to do by the first principles of Catholicism . . Shall I foster that damnable doe ' ' trine, that Sociniattistn, and Calvinism, and Anglicianimo, and Judaism, are not every one:of them mortal sine, like murder and Adultery? Shall .I lend my countenance to thikunhappy persuasion of my brother, '"that he is not flying in the face of Almighty GAd every' day that he remains a Protes tent ? Shall .I hold out hopes to him that will not meddle - with his creed if he will :not meddle with mine?. Shall I lead him to think that religion is a matter for pri vate opinion, and tempt him to forget that ---he has no more right to his religious visas, thins he has to myparse, or my house, or • my life.bloocl I No!' Catholiciam is the • most Intolerant of creeds. It is intole mac*. itself, for it is truth itself. We might as rationally maintain that a sane man has a right to maintain that two and two do not make four, as this theory of religious •liberty- Its impiety is only equalled by its absurdity." . We refer abo've to the Univers, the or gan of the Roman Catholic party in France. The editor of that print, at a dinner recent given for:' - Bishop Hughes, at the Astor HotMe r nas complimented in a toast by our excellent, collector, Maxwell, who, of endorses the fallowing choice. par. agraph-: - .....;A.lteretie," observes the editor of the Uniners,-"nrarained and convicted by the Chtiiih, used to be delivered over to the Secular Tower, and punished with death. Nothing has ever appeared to us more oat t:xtral; or more necessary. More than 100,- -perscrus perished in consequence of the ' - . ll l:"X ; Wicliff; a still greater number -• ' . , Huss; it would not bo :•- "2:9 bloodshed caused , • , not yet . • ~ANEOIJS. • .IJ, for November; for November, M Mao of Wax: • now work by Douglas 121 i mot , at 'MIMES' Literlary Depot, 74 Thiel dreet, ne Pow 011tre. oott, t!APHY b. BURCHFIELD, N. E. cor loar a Smyth apt Market etTeetpi, havia a recently SD ' MY) rai n 4 tofu 20 , :tgam sad buyers gencrally. axter o fir: •Nr. R lO COPFEE--10l . ) prime Green; Joill7Vreit.bl FRESH TEAS-35 hf. chesta Y. II.; - 50 pkge. 0- P. tad Imperial: 55.1,L elle.. Black: for gal. )1Y • 'IAN JOIN WADE g CO. BROOMS -50 doz. for solo by 0013 .1. B. CANIIIII.O. rIANO COVERS—I doz. Vulcanized In dla I.Lubtor Plano, 1100 reed frotallnalun, and for a at 11, Rubber lJepoo 111 Harter el. ' Or;R. J. k 11. PIIIT.LIPS Y . 0T ASH-10 riviltii prime, for sole by - 0015 .." J. 0 1DU A o'o. _ 11 0L T L ni. B b UTTEH-15 bb . l l , .. l l:l;ii , tr , i ,v ierove, n ~, nl5 Round elturoh Iltaltbuit. .N 1 AN Li FACT URED TO BAC6O-- - - 1 In buns Ittaseell A Itablusees t' , Loeolo 10 " W. U. Grant n n's Jobe. • hum's 'lO ° . Fur tale by B IWO:US—IOU dor—Poland, tor,dide by bOl4 J a IL WlA.lgio. . . _ I 1 LOMAS! CLOAKS!—J. A. MoKNIGLIT, ii I No 0 north st, Lan reed (hit tanyniag by Adam' j,,,, A Inrge lit el Cloaks and :ache, minable far L. ,1130. and Unfitly.o. An early call rill wars a e%olets bar- Also ree'd—A troth and large ettek of Trimmings, 01 cot, deekrah , e style.. . 005 -§ Alt') OIL-12 bbls. No. 1, for sale by .4 4 on , JAMES DA I2ELL: PTE. 't URPENTINE-70bbls. prime, for rate , Inol2l It. A. FAUN ESTOCK (I ETTA PERCHA !—Just Teed, a coin -11 pls. aroortmonenf Gotta Pereha floods, ...inine part of the fallovrinm. Heads, three Oas reh rem Firea large asearnall: Fere, Card Plates. Fruit Piet., Wants Saw., Spittoons. Funnel. ani Bunk. of different sires, PAtent Collapsable Oil Cann for machinery. Picture Frames. Paguarreotrne Frames, Shoe Bolar,llater Sheet Unt. to Porch, for lining area., Hreul Trays, Soda Plpe, ff and b inch round Cord. with • vatiety.of ankles too OLP manal. to rovuttnn. For Mk at So. 116 Market street n.,10 J 11. PHILLIPS. • A PIANO FOR $125. NIAIIOOANY G octavo, modern made Piano, Lotting been ueed shout throe rears, for sale at one huntired and tsentydSro dodo,. by Agf.;..z , v , r , rd; ej r sta r n o t t. Roardoood Plano, odors. to Mr* A largo idnet it non Piano, on bandsod tar sale rrrdo.Vddu b, SOO 4 . JOHN 11. MY.LLUIt. on:15 at it tat street._ F ILF.SII TEAS-60 pys ., 014; .. C k g . `"'' C.ehrints my. Uatl i m. Rm. WC by trols) .1 A; R. FIA)13). sides N. Y., for sale by A not., J.a It. FLOM POT ASH-2.5 casks pure, for sale by 0015 . J 0. MOM 8 Ri ?.. ( , ) 4 m "°" T z :gk r )lrS i .t e S b LI T N. 61 Water At.. A PPLES-30 bbls. reed on coneignmen Mid for oak. by T. 001)05 R CON. 0014 61 Water ft 110ILAX-1 care for sale by oot4 KRYSF.IL d MeDOli ELL. 140 W. 41 a 1 111105 IE GREEN & YELLOW - 4 easels, gu,tior quajity . . s fdr nab. by nui 4 &RI KR t Me1)1 WELL, 140 Wood st. FEESII FRUIT-3 casks Zara+) Currants 31 Mae. M. R. Raising CO hi boxes M. IL ItolAtug " r :rnt= Foe sal. by D WILLIAMS O tol4 110 Wood stmt. IV' ASII BOARDS-50 dog. liolmets' Pat , oct fJr ml.l J. D. WILLIAM% Cu. in LACKING-110 dor-Alanort's Challenge AI for axle by J. D. WILLIAMS El POT ASII-10 casks for sale by sort J. 0. WI LLIAMA I CO ALITM—nO bills. forciinle by . .12 11„ A. PAU!, Y.STOCK I on e11.,— ..,, 10 , 1A15. Winter , BlitAriii.Kgil;,lltling . _ noli I I lIEESE—SOO prime Shipping; i / mn m+imi: 30oCunamora ree'd and fvr sale by volt .I.II.CANFIELV. 4 PYLES-70 bide. for sale by ii. enCl J. D. C•ANFIrd.D. J-JEA LTIL ECONOMY. and COMFORT, In thenaii of Ocilla Perch. Rho. Role, which are , to bet mono durable. than lathe, sad to lierptho hot du and comfortable. tor..]. (with dltrctlonalbr Falun: on) at 116 Martel. 'toil J. A 11. 1.111L.1.11'1i I.tOSIN F. TAR-50 ;p N 1.1. No. 91,Tru.,,,,: ' ` )ar We hr Innlsl JOAN linyr a co. LEATHER-2M aides New York; • I dos. Calf Sklar. !Jr sale by onla . JOIIN le . -ITI aPI BK W lIEAI-100 sacks Bulled, fot sale [was! WICK A NIcCANDLEted. SIN TWIST TOBACCO-1.11 kegs N. 1, Met reed on consignment nod fee' sole be ord.S HARM'. JOSPIS CO. BUTTER -10 bbls. solid piked; 2 . ) —Poe Ala by legs do IL DALZELL t CO. INDIA RIBBER StiOESLJust reed, 270 ya., Gentlenaines, and !Homes' Ind. Robber a.. of the nevost styles solincfselnred. The nubile ars Invited to can and exatnive oar sWek, an lb, sty inaperizr in any ever oliornt Mar ket tT Yes ellh. at lbeinela ILdbber Depot. No. stead nail 1. t 11. PHILLIPS. 1 REEN APPLES—Fin b — brz. for sale by SIIXE. 0012 ecrner Pet:n.oo lettso ste. lON COVERS-2 doz. India Rubber Gun •JR Cover.. a alte dieratee4 lenethe. jtut reed sod for eel* et No.llo arket Meet nol4. J tyl. PHILLIPS J . -JET- PRESERVERS ELJA6KETS-6 doz,. LAI Llfe Proverrars anl Jor.lcot, of olLtlao differput klado Ono utoot wed, 1.1 sole at oho BOtto . ryt ta i laaot tol4 .. g ILsz..., TURPENTINE, ALCOIIUL, &r... i It 15 Able. Ltneeel Oil: 10 TM. Roll stllP4n 10 tle. Tannin' Oa: W.. V.llltal natt It, . ' Relrita Twat. ID " 1100: . WO kw White lewd: I L: : " l b‘a. tVei V: melte Aid tioale; _ 2-1 ... IlipueLeh 15 ti j oil i lOg i r k apt i t r ob l eA for rile by anhe No. 113'Wootfifel. 1 4 NLAX-3 tons for salt, by obZ CHLORIDE OF LIME—Ot the best goal banstantly et bud soul for sale by BENNETT, DEBBY * CO. bola Wrest st.. Sear Ilarko. ,n UTTER-20 boxes. prime Roll, just roc'd _Ns ..1 By sale by 7.11 CAN FIELD. PEARL ASII-10 tone No. 1, lbr salelpy 003 • J. B. CANYINLD. SODA ASH.—We are prepared to contract vita Mau .11.nratturerr and the trade avoids'''. en Wlr rupply of Soda Lath dating the wialtr. at prtment market price. Ifs warrant our Pada Ash equal to thal,dltoporttaL • DILDNDIT. IthllltY IW. BUCKW BEAT rFLOUR-100 bags hulled, tn ere and for gale b, eon S. a C .HEESE-7 boies Cream: . 41 " E°.l l " 'tk triondo laLAInR •~ role D 7 I. DICKE Co.; nob Water end Erect Fen. eta LARD OIL-15 bbl. No. 1, (Winter,).for sale 1.11 J. KIIOONSIA V.R CO, nol 2.1 Wend street DHOW ROOT-500 lbs. Am., for Bale by ml J. KID') 00. DREAM TARTAR-2000 lbs. for gale by 00l J. KIDDkGO,ta Waal FY. POD LIVER OlL—Rosh ton ; genoino, to Intik or by the dos. o J. r RTlMformasby 00l KIDD CO. Q TORR'S CHEMICAL HAIR INYIGOR- AtAst, to pernrot Balder.. and Gray Gale, to rektna the har when It has fallen off or become thlw And toeure effectually &ff tu ar Dandruff. 6 growl jurt reed and nu ludo by the damn or While bot tle, n o de drng store of B. N. WICHEREHAII. • Wood otratt turner of tilgth, CC/AR LEAD-900Thu. White, for sale by s 7 nod J. KIDD CO, 0) Wand rt. TOBACCO -100 bocce Sberwaod's s'a and •on rawir.AAAA sal for rein by 0r24 PAM WATT! CO 7, '",IITTER-1000 lbs. prime Dairy Packed, JOHN WATT t bbla. S. 11. gyrup, for & CO. DRY GOODS, &c Cold Weather lute Come DON'T FORGET CHESTER'S Emporium of 3.1. e. ond Bo n . it...dy mod. cLoT IIII4O . w. stady.to . No. 11 amicharld etracb, Emla near Diamond .1 .o. -RLACK SILK LACES—A. A. 31A8oN co. will mw.n MI. morning 10 carton., of black Silk . of all amain.. and aldtba. oo'l 4031 E MADE BLANKETS.--Mmumy & Ilnarartrto have this der r.e'd large of nape ! roe 01130 made Blanket, veer cheep .Aleo. 44 white Lome male PLAN,. ki.N. North...l ror r of Fourth tad Market .tr. New Goode—Third Supply for the Season. IV] URPGY d BURCIIFIELD commence I Op.ille thismontlon their Tlllllll SUPPLY to 1 cle tor the Pall mud Want.s. New atylo Parte Itlblame, CaMmoro, and hAk Scarf, and wariutt. other will be open ned. • WW-Northeeat urn. of Fourth and )larket street, unlo 4.gIIAWLS! SHAWLS!—Now onening . k. A. A. 31ASON CO.'S. &maw, Bar Stale toog hbawl , at of brilliant and permanent colors. 11, LAN K ETS I—Now on hand over 550 pre. Amerlean. Swim and Prone!, of 4-4, 10-1, 12 4, and platn,and eina.le and double mi11...1 a comtdete arsurtment of Cobd Crulle Blanket., A. A. MASON 4 • no. 01 end 61 Market et. "TINTER OLOVES--Now in store,: coin plan* usortment. COMPriFirna every variety, from • to 15 gwr twit . A. A. MASON & CO.. 62 and GI Market .meet. `TEAM BOAT COUNTERPANES--We k have Cra conlnment a larr• lot of 6uhterpw, w eh we will mall a unter the cost of manufacture. null A. A. MASON A CO. --- RUDDER CLOTIIING—Just reed, I , l . la .. nera • Co!ta, 11 14 pa role Cape, with eleevee. 21 pair lents, . " 35 Lo or na kenning*: " ehn. 14 Regent: daeket.e, With 1 complete asottment of diflirrent et) lee of Hat:Land Cape to omit. .1. 4 II Pllll.Lll.li. non No. /1 6 Markid VILAID SILKS—We have on hand 30 pee. a. Plaid 1-ilke, brilliant solar.. nerd A. A. MASON A. . 31.ket Ft. - - • - More New Goods. • AMES A. MoKNIGLIT, N0.(2 Fourth of.. km, mx.nr.d suPPIY of F^II and W. t. , L the majority of which basing been purchamt at the large auction gale. in the riotern of during the PTtwo 'rusks, he In enabbst to illspnee of them at greet. rednoed pries. Ile would call particular littsntinn to Prost. Long Maul, very cheap; plain Caehtnere Square Shank Pay 'States, at toanufaclutrea pre Wrench Morino - ma and Caqauerce: tan ' It Pied Dram verr &Arable: Cloak', Cloaking', Pc.. fir. re.2o lAMAGED 1100DS!—A. A. M AeON & Co. will open, nn Monday, No...umber Sith. It ra , er ley (locale, elightly ilanwasesi by we.. erantsiaing Gingham. Flann•ls, Muslin, Chest,. Co., de of n l of which will be .0141 at c...rlr on. ball the nsnal nn2,l lIIIURPIII7 A BURCIIFIELD inform their rus.mers and buyers generally that they hare now Mien their diIeNIND Imp. enmity of fiwils tor the fall trade, and ask attention to their unnaually full assort. '" 1,1l DRESS GOODS. in aliens r rietr, rich 1 . De Lain.. Parishe., Coburg , ' Ffienrh . kiMitim. filMlln J. Rage. tr . . niS., Long and tbmare.—New style Id got sere ; Coalmen. doe: Wool do plain and got Mile.. blink an d e colmed Muted, An: Klett plaid Ribbons, black and half mourning do., now strie heck do. They have also received a further 'tingly of super di veldt and I nob Linens, and Staple 11.4. urn truly;y mod all will be told at low prime 1.0 quality Country dtmehants are ILlTited to call in our wholesale moms. op stairs, where ilieshi are ruhl low ILK WAR)' PAR.A.SIATTAS--Junt rer . :l ij at A. A. MASON t CO'S. f. and 64 Market at. not GLOVES AND .110SIERY—A. A. ItliksoN kft A Co. ham now on band TOO doz. of Ladle/ Pooh. 1112. Fleeced; Kid. and other tiliume. An, army description of Hosiery. comprising more than IStAI abs, oX RESS GOODS—Opening tinily itt A. A. 111Allt/N A 01.'6, Otrt ayit of faeldonable levee . OOOtoolcandating of Sill, Ciohmerea lb Wove, Mamma.. Porametta, Algid - cab ac. or ILK 1 SILKS '.—Nor opening V. A. A. pbva of IleahlonaMo lull wane a low ae pie're " e ' rft ' llVin dm also, 10 do elegant Broowle du. t. DON .ET RIBBONS—A. A. MASON A ir C.l will exhibit this morning di eartou• of fob boo r net pm PLAID BONNET RI BIKINS—Mor. pair t Burehfield hare "reeved • fiveh adopt,' the a ova desirable goods A SUPER. BLACK A LPACCAS-3 1 urph be Burchfield hare received a full ....eat nt or. goofs—some is. low wittNo per yard—and aloe mouse Inner worm Mohair A tra , ran. al al. OO Per Tont ee.3 EIARK MIXED DOESKINS—Murphy & Burchfield hate received an eueortment of Taieekin brume, or., and Taney colt.. eibieli tam are willtug low--aloe etiper black Citednierro and cloth, and. •art tL‘2!L'9l.44'"PTl.n' . '! ° ! . 1 " STEW GOOI IB I NEW (MODS I—A. A. 11ABON A IN). wit open nest lan Sala. upwarde of all hundred ram.wl Mokoiter and llontretie Bet Waal to whirl, a tho attention ef who re e sale and tail porrna• ra is invited. ARA.PiIetTTA, LYONESE COB UROS —A.A. MASON CW. will m p an oe day fio cawel of Riabove A- meat], FRENCII MERINOS & TIIIBETeIAyrns e-der opening at A. A. 0111500 A CO mew. rich sold French Merinos and TUN" Illotbit i.l/§l.littiftroS 1110 US. DE LA INES--- ‘.) A. C o PA _have just bemis,el let ea...of toed stylew Coalmen, sail De halm. .2:111EF: PLY ifwgitiAL e.t . itnr, - Son constantly receiving al W fileelLlNTi ICS. 5' t Warehouse. No.wtoOrt wv in vite the at.tillen of those wiablna I. fu t Bonne. ,e Steamboat,. as we will .ell lower than ore! before at th,. m.rkos. VELVET PILE CARPETS—W. T . 0 11 4 A ' Qin P . tho attention. ore of Pumhomm• a. olde.ensived WII lower than ann W nrlnt,l tn o thi• l. martrt, at the old getabliabiod Carpet Warelemea. N e Fourth nt url lARRIAait aoTII ic itllll. lb. aieeutien of Carriage maitufactarers to Me large *Wok of Blue rod Drab Oil Cloths, and Ttlxamtnsa • hod. r. 0111 oil , at mlord prime. at the Carpet Warthroaae. cc I ourth st usoRA IN CAR PETS--W . Mot . ' L 1 sToc K ta taw rim:tautly liWeillOg Alt 411 dock of earmeolie Doles, and ettntorin CAIIPT.TN. of tow anon lima, t " ' d al= :o " (tr ' n tS.Vt d' . zn ' Llt: lo b. ,:.!! IMOon a call at the Carted W No. an boort'. .1 ocl W. tIeCIANTI /CA RUSSEI.S CARPETS-IV. 111nCi.t.k.rock bite for nay rich ant new et, le CARPETS, hi abb.!, he lunar. the ottentioa put chant., as], Le determined to tell lower than veer 1..1:ur in ttos market Call at the old eetabbahaf Corbel Nero house. No. NS Fourth st trC—ARPETS—New nnd mit style Tamiitry Iltureele Carpet-put reed at the. l'ar. Val i n V :lVrt=w h t ' lit A a trtli r lr l ebte 7 4 , tut n' e w ‘ l " Z.ei ' W. mcCeiN • ie.% NEW - boons TAE SUBSCRIBER having now rereired Wit main. Mock a 4 1 ,1 I.t. AND wizirtu uNios. woold rrsectifulls lehosn hl, entat.tre and lb* pull r that ha la prepared todiapear or his Oteda, rola, a Lott It. has fo ' I:4 ' 1%1111 the 'Rapt, to well wi • luta stock of Vanes Drees Goode, rot:treeing in part.- 44 Mine Alas, for evening alai [ t + . 71 drnettot, Sell Orb; 1-4 Brocadr 4 1 11ka. . 1 - Plain Black Plike, all prin. and width, Brocade Man Silk. 1 1 Messy Matersd NA, all shades, Vow+ Pot tier, N 1. 'ato Fre io nc d hMedina and Caphmeret 104.Mbrr with /Tisch and linglish Priot.a.in exalt. 'a tietr. fIOUSF FURNISUING GOODS: 114;11 Mad 134 Bartok? Bbeetlego 04 and 64 11 sod 111, 4 14 Pillut Wrenn 74,104 and 104 Tatar Osmotic od 34 Damask Napkins and Dollist lockaback Diaper and Crash Trnewlencg ads Printed Piano and Table Corrot, pots, Marseilles Quilt, French, Furniture, Donitr. Conant 6,01 Curtain Material, tr. MOURNING DRY GOODS: L.r.i..0 and 64 wide; Mark Canton tlloehe Blast Mohair loots.; Bill Warp Tblbrt Cloths: Black Challey; Fngliah. Frenchd Malian Crap. Mole: oie and Crape Veils. Christinal. and an Sleets.: Callan anti Cunt nip. and ilcuirry; all of which Dual.. • ill be warranted 01 Otto JAMKB A.IIMKPIIIO NEW aims, ECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening at tiff. DlLlllrklil Elbert , l trool. meet 4 g l .l7:ote,„r i 40 oleo.. 01011 aitgl 1'.16.r1u. I I.• I.cf./11. V / 11 Iv k•vr,...t•141 la. ,elwral of rtr poollm.r to] Atnenrili a. I..LK.ltki4 PO Mini Mr.... 14.43 ths LIMP. Sacred Mimic Books. • I,S,STICA LAMAS, by Mon & Webb C/9011,i SAyt • , . t:tl t7SSMIN A AURA. d.. On. 1111: .11.1 0 .}: • sow 1 , 011,1i.11 (.1 ii/Oell and 1 . .11 ••I,•ets.l sot srrsns•d A.r tb• Is. Or Si us ,- *1 losiltut,, sc.& Ow*. of 04 llsst..s A. -71.1.m, 1.1 Shlnir. IsmsliSisonn liss W.bb • I s 's, ,55•511 , , II lb.. arms. WOrk I. teed sod 4r oa It by S It. 111111.011. hi Wts., I .0 Clarioneta. Finn difficulty of obtaining a correct and cood.tour.l Clarionot lu Das country, tuti s Num I,ny and gor.r.ly tdt hr thy ntuni-n1 Duolir t tho out.est. t•yr Imo had toad. for bun oxpre.s.ly, ..lectlon, vhirb buy. )urt vrtro..t. Tbey arn from the faelnrr of lb. tent tostrr In Damp, and ar..entrnotrd , A.n.cua to ant h C , l7 ,4, cl ..c o k oru... , t, t v•r%ll,Al ;al.—}tor 1r e•t. • Llnriourta--13 and 1 ,, tioyn V. 'lst " Tham lo want of Trail, pnrdpro , osel li. . K ll l. ll ,, Til m l i t:l. • IM=ID=EI= Newffinsw. ! OIIN 11. MELLOR, No. tit Wood ntreet, I e t ham recenied rho following twit ail PoPohit Lows 01 I , %Mr Iloky Iblarth from Lucia d C _ 11111.+)0.0.001 'lon -do ;or Pe m ual. 471 11 l 'i ''' u... moot T el I Mtn rhino. Telo me bosun to di , . wa.h r the. inog mo tr..r ‘ swe .t air k.,„d ote lorminow,lr4 nt.o27effatten, Mather'. 1.0 Tar- J. MN/. Why do rummer newt fear! B4 rle..e:T e _ o 7,,,V r a..." ^ :' j41,,,nt Weal. Muick ' P.""" 71 1•• Au n''• • Bihar salt. Non,. Blm'm a” , 'af; errs ° Kr MUSIC. 'FENS NOW. by 11. Ryan; ` IER TILE Nein n c rrrrrr h gggggglyttAmeeletored you . )ts dream. of polo . , Child oi br lamp . tin te, loot Heart. ruml ta . thy Lot .eith ri -° ,,,.11 0 Illy Porter The nerenad by 7,... hu .' w V e r n:inky Chan,: by nue:fiell, Judy mar,. om.ob. hen the Bright %me* are freaking, drunk: Nell . Home. I Gore The, duette. The Mibl Cid M , mille iargi " th i'' he L e i . iiPtir:wl 6" ortric T e t w afe h tig. D .z_ 4r; ~all Coined.. with likerowa of tie. sahlucton. La Belly of itn; , N , l „ l . lag , l i tne , tirt i llian A p i . , l , ,Lo. , Mo lo roni., ItoLefa amide. Pt i re ' rtg:tt;:il l . Mattel* risigan and oo Met.t ant ur—boodoe. hther r0. '1 1 .1 . gr . ) l ' i t olVol.P. ' nea r inle ' rlr. l s " ire=lo . . id . Seoll•nit. Bon d sail for lisle by pn MAIN II MELIA/IL, II Wood at. EW BOOKS I—The Stom Ma con aalot Point. • Illerce Tale. N Lamartion. Tnuieleted from the (tench. Memoir of Edward IVeltarateth,late Beeper of Mat to. Herm by BAT T It 111,5.11 A.,ll...etimefltoll.hall Urn. wltia en Introduction by Menlo. 11. g. D. 0.. 2 role., Moo • [llll , l Antitun'a Wen. Antigun's. Manml of imam Au 11 Woe, with no...immune...o by Chart," Author. Light In the Dart Place.; or Memorial. of Minton Life In the Middle Aerie. from the Berman of the late Aug.. to e Neanden I from 13111 r Ntar of the lt Ire MOM • 001141.1.1:1427 Macho . of BO alatthmr, by itirtiard Clo nevi Wrens. 11. D. Lll4lOlOlOO 012a1 , 1010 of the /oil Blabop o f Onford.A. liertaed from the tenon ilition. 10.00" Mu. Loomis' Algebra .— The Elements of Algeba, derlgned to.gterrera by Ellen lemma. al. Profeser rof Math ...dire, L. No 10 torial Plaid Llook of the MovoluUon. Loosing? iteLtivs Pi c = 4 NL. , l4 „ l , l , l=r;a y New Iforililiki i rer. een2 711 Apollo Building. Fourth rib eNEW BOOKSl—Travels in the United Kate. Ae., during ISM and 1050; by the lode Ere ,Bleiart Wortley, 1 rob P2mo n ,,, or lb. Emplane Jorephinin bpS. N. Catitnit with e O. I rot lam-, C.C.e (6, 0000.0. Appleton'n Mechanie." MicaMee and Engineer.' Johtml No 15 Pirtortal Held Beek of the ItovoltMon A no and 511 inctibunry of Ileehaulre, Engine Work and Pugin.. ring Junta, nu.l tor !rale by J. L LAD. 74 Apolin Ana 11,01.111118111,... New Books, Just Received. IrEAST: a Problem; reprinted with eorroa _tem sod eeldilloor: by the bottom of •Itob Locke. 1-too, clue. te mpos. , rr el nieer•tm. M.e. or EfiTA LY .Tacob Abbott. It a Tale of the Puritan. Idnao.; mu.. Pema.; s Tale; by Anna LI. Don., author of - Nriends end Yortpuee." Pep. End mu. • Appleton's 11.11 ankle 2.l•gantia and Enema. Joan nal; NA E. piya e b. Dial/wary of Mechanics, Ewins Work and Lir pineertow N. al and 32. Erasing's Pirtorial of Book of the Revolution; N 0.14. Pelson.: ID ileouraphr end bible Dino.; srith 2.14 th. oppaphio Maya by Y. liibberti, of PAW tlemesee swan wilt." by Daniel P. M 42.. Idolo., For rale by J. L. READ, .1,23 71S Apollo Duildingt. Pourth IL A - MERMAN STATE PAPEES.—State Ya pro. Public Duttnanne of lb. tinned Suds, rom the Aere•BIOCI of neon. W.hinaton to the Prmidera• ey.exhibitiug•empleta 'limo( our lurelAnnilerlonssitow that Dom Including ConEdeutial Doountenta. MIAS' Watitht Raman.: embalming PollUdtbUistarkal. 13(.0011•Mall.telent.ocal, idaustital,..bleonsenical, nod 111- =Z of terAgn W.W.11"( Um Than Itnto the val . u . ab . le on fin tn i c Z a l . ituka • - MEDICAL. Dr. N•lyser's Pectoral Syrup, OR TIIF. CI'RE OF COUGHS, COLDS, •coNSTMPfI(S su Its soar!, ato...A.Wh.inditint,iuvh. 1 Ilmorbil, nod thr rasr. the putnie. 21 C.rOnCli, 'MIA O Li ono of the tniot ',inite end etiortuol fir +m of tho Moot an I pulainnary t i rr.nri• ed..- ili, an- I It Is aof or ratin, a.cetalin. to—id • inea hrt Inrni of • azust • in . rah, tn it pd.., lila. It has an didu tram dt, Irish 110i10 . ..1.0 on. ni.• ti. niorolt nor prod.... tin. . laaa lornindentn Thu. n JJII.-• au{orahuoilind ,d muoini. and pl.nrin artiinh dttend atarrtia • Itno, affection.: and 11, t. linsi Ir and rt.uvhto,. •i rho tiropilstar ha. 111,11 , 1n0r )11, rut i n, ot wet.: 'ear, and with noloinuidiA ( 1 nt..," nor.. tin iln atoll to keep a -uniii• Ml+ tundloino rirtot.titl, tin hand. It • .11 noi.r past mlt.f. and a profit Car! of the tn iot , l l.li are tiod before tho untdr•-• ut its, {nod - wt., and 1...... In • me, short tludi It loodu kuns - u. It Pi put up in half pint to tti. , It .Ai or O bettlna. Int $,50 ----• f: ---- -- 18 - 51. ti - m - Ei - ili lIETIVF.EN I'IIISI4FI - 1(Ill & THE EASTERN CITIES, : r 1111.: CANAL I•oOlDs: . ! fl,sW 01.11: n it aro 1,11- - - KEYSER'S BAIR ELI 11.. : ,fn reeeloo an 1 Inf it aryl poaps! p Vasionn and I . . reitainitte. • nal am! Gra For Irani., S. w.f. Is indrull and L. ~,,, sp Preadeo I dr-.la. alto, of ,or oesolp-run. Lo 11.1. INlDloss,ls hot, ,',,nl I ... - ¢mtc:al Journal. Es.usn or 1 plots, Ilon,losi -I,d Ps S„, r, I P'sdalwas Gal 31en-liaalio. alit bo rpeespod anti it , ltittilni anti, all oths r ninin, a. itt lint 10.. s Ir. le • aunt ior ID.I ....I ~.1 opot. Gal, su any char, Go Ds marsh. sr w,. 100f. P.a.., a• a.ll ar •s, ales:a:al, sort... pn pas* l o•ndnia Irendhs ,psausospan ...ants. ...ants.. Fs Ponders. the hair Go,IS and olio, 1.1..1 „Gina [ 11111. or /Anima: arvanbol, ..I all direroo na Daur sd il d the clothe. sills urea., ."'""" a ' " 44') . ‘g,74'Nii' . .; c.,,,„„ : „,„, AN INFALLIBLE Twill ACIIE REMEDY, I Corn, r Lawny a nd Das noon., Pasolnash IIINI:11AM S 1,1,g, ~ Warranted In , ure O n , nand arta, or r.,tt. A, sn n. re : Der • - doottls and dash sta Philadelphia.P er d rape, and natant..., s .1 511 I, 11 11-assN, Av., - -- Nd 1, North Ilnaard qr.., Dallis:ate. 2 CASES PURE COD•LIVER (111, 1 i INIKS MX1111 , 1131. No 11111 eat of In gnarl Sal lot Ifollien, prep ay.! li d Lats,, to P.N., 1 nahl No.. , Grk a N•ntt. .:-.., and SSO llppp r Thames: •in et. I...tittlt.t. " stooleh nttnnantrndeti in' , pity tnitana of il,- pilo, ~,- cia 1 551: • ar , , •,, T. . ,a a=. Potash!. s-tnso 1 is, mon.. a ADA . Chrotar / i n. Untottla t lattintenitin. i , watt,. I „ s p . ~ 'l a law, 111, , :Orr Haw. lions's. INI'DII ,t- l ls` • r 1 , Merchants' Transportation Line, ~,, so Pichli re , nino , ,,. l o C Is 1111.1.1 on, 5s 1 , . I . TIIIIIIAS 11, Ain, N. II IL, as sIIN II BENS Fri. 51 I. , (SI s CV:NaI - LS 111 A CANALS AND RAILROAD?,) P. '', ' " ''' 1 j i ' L '"'''''''' ' t . ' ''" l '''''n . - ' IVOR FIIILAIIELPIIIA ni it EcT—WITil- I Tao arial, , of Cs I 1.11-s tans, I.pldpesole,l•.,, a. o r, i and will boeheu, all, Dolt, su ord., to-rdaf s the a. 1,, orr Ilt. NIIIPPINII nit. ii A 51rAN Is LTl' a CUI, Canal 11..,n, 10 Penn insets For ,ale by 5115 IiES A 11,1111111.1.1., Ilfi D,•4 •,.. ; Paralo o rsa , Pittaburgh ~ , ill SLISA ISA I. Nilll,lsentralDlGrk. Baal wheel, Phila WELLERS'IIMPERIAL CtiCtill sl I: IP. , u• iry _mr),..-.. Ws, lititt n.ttiotto , lit .tit r Ntlin , Font in i nor onlittn. It Sa,ttin 44 lb. Dor Fr ...rasp.. P., •-• „rLo. I slaia or* of the dear w. would n0...G15, op r d ra • 41 11, a ko. I lr., L kil lbea I, no- r, as, sor a - no I De aloe SI, •• n tants, r of „I op, rr,,--.L-.7ze,-:,..........K th. go ..i .i.. 1, • - ~I .... Medicine. and dr 15. Ilb all il - r• ales- a p nd.l,, ol.as ,as, nay ampl d lit 11,. laid • I r•-•portusesdlol Go, an s, to 111,...1 laii,zless , la ‘ r , l : l , f . , , a,,: r t o lso f tbe on, • os us.. h ores s -as Proposed and ell !sr IleF. SELLERS. lo: II t oGI A. 0,21 ist-,4 LORENCE WIIITE—.I beatitail i 14 1.,n., w h i n. P a i n t, Shag I.+tarhansporde In an, rill , s we n ded ear r arinr, 4.90..4 aml +lnn shin,. ` 1,,,• natara. Zr. 11111 r thlontrtlon. ran , r.r.,,..1 tn.. Ina ha.l 'dans of latiah in pare what ol an, .15,, kn., loos: drniaaal•lr al a polio!, st nnutssol• aver the thatint Intit. hir Snit. by J li IN, a 0,1 ... n n.a.l -t. AZIN'S FINE TUILI:T SoAPS -Mill ti,..r. R.N., P . h I' orraion• N .. 1 es D rt a drills,. D. Annnalsne. Parrlatils. !Go, 110 n o . VI. ero. J. 8.”, land. C..,.. Man lanalina ~. I ar,. • Theo.. Soa r • a•ia ,rarro al Inn. m m On Leos and ' , or, nr, leriatA'alsl ore, by p n y i n n ot, 11,1..1 m a re. F. pd. ley une y rib IS it sF.I.LII, St D osos ot Far rniw. •L.. 1 ..le lona K Sir Doll 110 Wral rtrr.r, Pitirl.ara I, Fa. Agricultural Implements, . The ;:,.. on thYrnitorisortiry Macc,ty tn thr Is nr•4l ci I HAVE .11 . 15. i. ree.eived from the F .:4 , 41 .1 ‘ ,. thi rya/ Asrin le r.rdy . lo, ,V,,,,,,nd Past ' 1 I PIP. •i niplonuini• .0 ..1 ths duo rnuiutarturi. .0.1 the iniol reoeht In•stAlt, Lod I would lasi. all H. G. Farrell 's i arm,. 0 rail and . lattillWl.ll, •10.4. 10111010 Altn.t.intoi, ps oorn. Iwato. 1....5.. turnips. as: CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. , iisain lirill. Pr • liv,l. et.. niits. and h.q., FA II It ELL•s g enuine A e .,a,i.n Li n ,. cv„vt.t.ittillriolisra ill •• 0 ..° 01 1. • 0,0.4 . X. 5. 1000, •" . .. 0 . 1....."' i c.il l :is 'i .ri.l l t f Os f :: ` ,4:iTet ` ,l ' ,, 4 :: - g.t . ...7 ..,..00i. Is 1.1•1.-...1 Le) 0114 00111 PT hr tl.r. 1 art ialsa nf i.i... 5,,,,i„,. i,,,, , s s uii ,„ asideli... and 111. cant our-, 1.• „ aOmit PorPsiii.l lii it. 1 '..,,,, sn , s , 1,, 5 . u s ., f,, •hich pri vlnuelt had 0.0.04 iill ion, nittlisin, 0.1 thi. ~.,,„., n ap t ....,: r it i , ,p s i ii,.. . .0,11 of the 6.0 1.10 - .1.1100 in tho ...slit. II P ivini......1 ~,,,, ~,, .44 ~,,,, y ssk , s. of ha 1.... saints...o.l Oa.. i.... 011.1 to Arabia, tin-. ss , I 0 niatitilneintol fpon th. host material., and for sal, in, 111 a oi.noontrati..l Prin, .11 thor .211t11.121Eig. . 4 1 1,.. 1, 44 . 44 „,4 ~.4 4 ploy. o f tly no, litinotr.una s unoutout anu Ist cilxoe pi-or...mi. i. and it ti. It tAtettsvt, Le same • loth. witi.s app.os• ti... 1 1., ibe - sons of ti. s n 5,..., Corn, of 11 i. 0.1 and first ti ..ii...1, Demon: . with iinali insmonlons stuxsii.. in ennui, th....dt. _ . eastis iif NO num anti biliat. CA It LI.-1 hart removed to toy new store, i.e.. Ili, lollosinit roulartaLls run, which rhouhl 01 i s (threa illisirs bolcor.i nearly 44 , 0.114. Its hank of thointel•ii• ml II 0 1,0141, arithian lantme. t“r L, s A a „,,,,,... }mm ,„,,,,,,,.„,,,,,5 m y r y, m ,,,,,„,,, ,„.,,..., sisoil.r rontril, 1..• intit•us i anti rest.", a nhare of alt., itu•torn. I .111 Al•utt • Ts. ..a • hall •g^. • . • ""ii , ....,•••...I,'; nil i Li... it vni v l•rtis ivi•oriturnPor l'phnist, t i tn....hand 11,1. wifo's itioniarti grinlitit iiii o . o n , 0 ; 5 : 5 0 :2„ . 1 . 0 ! . . 1 . , ..„`,..7, i am • c„,,;,,i,,,,,,,p rm , m0,....t.,. otl.l Ilii•t. mouse 'tr.; trr 1 ' ..7.t r tin .. .....V0. ' 1 . 4...:7!1 ' , t',:,:,:r:”-.1.0,.;:',,,..,,,. 1 ; 7 .' i 7 m- , ; , ...2: : , 1 , ..;..;•,;:f r ;:, : ..v5,.. 1 ;11 1 ,r7aki.. ,, ...,.. , : : ,..:?... pain I got the will, ni °or him .Ir.ri..r•, And tliot din. i ' s . r . i r sss T s :',i sss ,: . ,, s 7, „.„. . srL N. ~,,,,,.,, ,„, stsst ~ t i ss ,. ' 4 ... '' , " • "' n •'''. ' '' • " 1 .' • •." •'' 14 `" 1 ' .. " . ' ' ' n u ss.l o ii• tisit se-talinitiniorits of i . kinit. l'sirderarie,•cr . niarrismiint of th. •i.h...us tow., 11.-it it • .... huhii.- sf:; ss s .. s i; su.ss , sssosss , s: „. s , nns ., s ," 4ssis intint iil the Otani,. nn..l other• so it v.... Ta.to., ..si , _ i la IL f," K. Thisdi s atr• • t. tbs. °ratio, 00.1 n• h 1 4.4 t....ir.il ..roi.pi ii, ',ail, ii i ~ tint. Iti this critiro sitnatii.n. 1 iss., twit.undoil in 0i 0 I Vil t itiy_en.sli paiti for Wopl bd. ', th ferrt.ll, Arithl•u Linint.i.t 14,1111. and, it-iiii,. iti il mat •ppsar, tit.. the thin! it1.1 , ..0. slio 6 ••••• .... 4,44 SI OLP V A LEE. • . Mrs. and has rioiatin aril getting bettor dtili. I•tall u••.: . 6 ~ .L.. 11 .r vier — ....o, fug I.toothut hsoilti. S Cornices. I'' ''''''''' 1 .1- ,lii A V E just receive.] horn Ni% - ork, 4n -1 other loir, lot of as. sty Is AANIIftW CI IVICE..ixt , I t., Itl A/:ii bah Int. Coy 41.18, 10. \ 101 , 1 . Wll.. pliLlt. \ • . 111Pbert. II Inn ..... ratll: ; Cerenn••••• Pa . flaw I. 'II. 1539 1 On. num. lan uned y.mr lenunnul •,11. ern. , Pb. lzel tbe we .1 1.. r Ire. Leine noulnur4.l ma III! Ler leen nen. lent n. n.nel, • 1.0. olnuenze.,...• u.tunl ke the 11 , 11,.n. ll.r. It,. • Inn 1 patine. an.l I. ornil4 1.11 111e111 111 t/.. Int 1.1 the ter of 11. It. Yarn•ll'n M 0.... Innen nt, nl.• •••• u. .01. to ..It .110 .nue, xml mat.. 1n.,. num! It • zunnt esenllrul I. 11,te 1.4 . U .Pi r juta .ll ll r .3. ' t. ir n ' t . .e ' rrZtl r .T:z l .l ' . ' ern ' dize• P.m.! Wunmen.n, Jun. 111, From trio. zennly ,•nrunnent • urn,1,11... Inn!. sue Leas, pun/ nrz.llno 1•11:1 1 / 1 1:• , •1 1• 1.. 1 .. ,1,111 . I Jr Piet hentate prnnnuors• it an• - ornzt 11nn.ne • • I I, I Pie,. I In prantl....l 4..0,04 Inn...fn. rentzt• • unl her« ro t .11 lb.. Till:Ml% !num.:zit, ~,,, nornt.. I - Um. nnurl! pnlc,l up In On. /Apr,. Int 1 nzun ••; 1 1 , n 1 Anzlzun Intnu, nt ot•••••1• r 11. s: 11... , • ~15 •••... 1 . , in. u.n. I Iz-• • In, • ••• • , •t. urwl ' 47% 1 17 . 7! .9 1, "' gum% embrnen r • Tr. r S re. .4 fr,t. • Inn, • V n Id, hew: nntimour ti• n.l • 11. n-t• Oz. I zz an rnuttn...l muzip an WI -mt., In u m' I with Illzentuatt.l3l, ani rnull zz. 1 ..13,11:11. Inll. nn 1,11 nunnenned lb. itan of 101. I.lunprut,..l,..hrnornll I/11,1 IR, 11 11 IL. 1,1111115. ,un Intln nI Iwo yznne stun.ltue lure.! 1.1 FZen-11'• i Aralnan Lenteanntz SIT 11 (I. V 3 3 , 13131.1-1 , ..3r Sir I 100 l Owen am, tto,,lon Pow . for Oho. la.es too 'oars. owl .übluov•t o•hot ..rapt Or hhoollng., but 1.7 cr 11.0 Y.3n311 . . r 3.63.333. laraltn•at. (•34 loor torro • 4.4.4 was into r. Il t:333.3 3.333 octOtti4 ol tau-, I rout Into oho ttaol,oor to,Os. I. ap;Ar a baroorra.newhoi, awl Lett. ler, 1.1.00 Ov,toua GOV slot lell afroAt say Ooa, cru,loog at../ brooms: Loom rn 1.11, that the, turnol tol 14,1 so to , hat, r...1.-ro, - • • . •• • . them rnwntloqs I Ty!.....1 ,nur Ieulu•~•ul, N... a... wrinagn la • n • ,•• .'uu •Latu•n• unial I aI trin.h•••l tn, Gap, In a •Ln. u•anorr• • I.b Lae% Inn z•Il cnn-n U. bat Lautu...ol ny MEMMEEM TO oI'AILD AOAINST 14PoATION . . KW) rue LLIWINO CARIiTTUT • 11. Part.: ar. I..trotastr rautP....l Aar.... • /Am. (....:•.•• • Owl. lino 111. ly roatte it• app..rana. .. .11.11 , , Ow I topt,...r •totattat. It I orr.ll'• arab. lP I. • hable. Rom til 11.• ustor of V... 11. 11-r c•r• parttrotax mit ~n • NaTe - Part•lt'r unattlocipl, wt.: ap.o put tar toe g.5.t0t..., but ra , Pouttan it•rsm,• - n:,' . .. , 1 to tt....oult.,always tom th. , Irmo, 11 11 a.r. , arr. -, hio ...A. en' the •op to rh• bottle- - it G. •lar. .1... A •a.L... Amos. A.:eAf f •lffaff .n Uuanlurytffl o, nut ...Lai. ur iff ter ff trtOt otharaffor. .11 an the .Vol a 1... will lunffeb rn. of Cu ffnffAartlnA uff.,b u.LI. fulvtaifft..t. Paa x.--'.srauta, aaata. atal kl.ilaz VI I.nY Tha rada pawer.... 14 ,r_4nufa, , lorwll.,. V.,,11. 1.1 wh0....1. drug:tat, Sa I; Mum atraal. Panna. III.: awl Wr rale r 1...1e• a / a 3114 Flurala propnataa's L, PELL. b, aag 1.3.4 • S No. •111 oul TIaLl Ly U. M 1:1111(111'. Allearbbay The Human Body Muss PerePire. 4.'.0 SA I S NATtIItE, to hwa o healthy op kJ iv..., sad per.ot. t.o do {l..t w.f.!, to tbn th...ww. J 0..." ramp •.n..+. fr...irr.perat .n. .L 4 at IL.. tim. lo lak r.. aml wailno• Orb .4111, gut most It the tnz of au • h it• o in'nurl, 111..0. 1. ratnpl., nr any othor .10111.... The ru l er usured OA, 1/. puth.l ar,trum.. ono , trial .111 pre.... 1 c 4.1.1 eriumvrat. al 10,1 eur.l , p 1 nrol Hui It It ha —ortr.l tlo rtsuler • ttm.l not raj noonv/ ..prrly add. th. l 0110,2 all ant 1.. .o.K.cr. End or, et 13rtlral tAI~M 1y 7t, Imil f.'7rtKrr'.t,. , you .k • Jorrot . l.ll66Chrtsi.l,—..i.er buy It only '1 WM. JAC:M-11N, Acrurltt. 6.4 of Wool. Pearly 'Whitt Teeth. and Pure Itreath, to b dwl for 1) sutra—Prwwww Who hwelallo, we Iwo4ora. . bit unuroal that of their breath la ever N. futol. tio.l. inch:mare dub. or ratio, aml rucrtmotest vitt. [Altar. b. of Arta, I,ate all that, tweth a. .hits Ay sou, au,' the breath cab.rih.ronaaly arar.t. . . . . . Bold on!, at JACILARVIi Store. 240 Lllarrld rt., bead al A Scientific hair Ttsnio, iteanirer and Bean zrui gents. at m Late wad loan' Coral Ilair Itratorer, tour tut eandfrot who hare Lot. we svoure to rona,rita the Ottalltbm—it lint the hair to grow on our part .loot mature intruded hair to givar; idol, It falling ott. or dandruff; arid matte light. red, or gray hair gru• dart Fur rrndering the hair mull and Air uutioug ran caned thla—lt y, It truly beautiful, and krro. It an. It o.lr, dottl, lb. mutt erononil..l—,rt ruverlor—.rude i,.r tli• hair • .. E• 61.1 0113 Y at WM. JACKBON'I3 not*, 2.40 1.46.rty otre./ b..d of Wml, l'ittsbumh. ===2=l JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human Hair 1 , ,e. for the chan.latt of white. rwl. v0...r betr..• beautiful brown, or bleat jet oolt.r. la •• fir • . . Prke•--bu rm., and VI. Nol4 by WAI. JACKHON,2IO Lllwrty WocKI ratat urvlt. JONES' LILLY WIJITE.-I.ndies are can. {loom( 000ltut using tho orrrare:l(.lll.lk. Tony t a rt clot aware how fligt:1111y houriouo It to to tlo. 01002 bow mars.. Low rt.ugh, bow oollow. Irllow nd l u oklo ooprtoo.attar uolog prorarod ii do,, It la mrlookceetainkno • loroo oo.ntlty tut lout Iro have preparod • boo otitol article, whit we Jottee pantott White. It In pnrllvt.ll , lollOotoo boluo puntl..l tif quallthno roil Imports to tto mtln o.torol. lo.oltby • 01. obootor, clog, tiring white.at Ohm onto, tin.. sotto: roo. motto on tho AID. malting It ooft tut north. .Ott by the Agrut, tl.l. JAeltrtflh. 1110 AtrooL toad •I Wood. Po toborsh. trio. rwntia B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. 11 T ASII.1NG without labor! Warranted I to take th. alulas out of table litu.o .0.1 Dup. Mtn. thatonoas eon llles..—Put your clothes In- a matfett.: qoaotity of add water to cover them. then add too tal.ho spoonfuls of this Soap Powder. to sorb *ix quarts of wan, natal with the olotheq If the water la hard, add more of the Ford.. and ball the ten nitrates: in the mean time , press theto down with • slick, then pot them lo n tub sod add sufficient cold water. eo that th e Will not he lax. Lot to handle. Then rub the ditty streaks, or to other wen', aivarthem thorough rioting. and th at Le each-tent to make them clean. N. B.—There below no rosin N this Soap, It .111 leant the a oth ,.. A rt y white, ca no blot oily toil a. mottle map. do. The entire awl o f the material out eland two neon, to .. Bonsmol: \ " Orr.. • , r• Lorrodor Blow a. s Canoe ttutolott Poodnt. Ault • :11, itlV.T"' . ._ " Eottlilta "culptrl. mir Doi Rote Ototmeut for Tufts, Erol• tit. _ " \ litnrouttwoing Plotter. Ousou.of iletrodel oom. l'artores Ciodtnt't Cordial: o , ttallogtou't Hoban Golden llotltpro .. \ Vurottrutto Haim et 1,. w lreb:7, I TIMMifitShAL ru g glum of st 4 coma/ of Wt.] sad 1312111 strut, , \ _ 1. r .,.... 1 11,0C .P.RIES, ke— lt Z. 4 Lego F.to Coffer, r 16I:ehOsts Tem. IL bal tWeattr. bOseo - :60 MIL to 1.11 , I . 6ppnr; . 2.5 box ladder, mg mos b. Y. lallitsr. 1661-2066 ron.