HOME mATTERS flosiontateisravrr.- - -On Wednesday 'night. about 12 o'clock, the family of Mr. John Corri gen, who occupied a frame . sheathe near Rem . ingion r on the Chartiera railroad, were awaken ed by the flames in which their dwelling was -being consumed around them. The family con 'misted of Mr. C., his wife, fear children, one laboring man who boarded with the family. The latter jumped out or a window and escaped with out injury. save from the intense cold. Mr. Corrigan got out without any clothing save that worn while in bed ; his wife thright up a few tied clothes to cover her children, three of them, one an infant, with the mother and father, succeed ed, though more or Iwo bathed, and severely frozen on reaching the house of a neighbor, ono third of a mile distant, when they were saved from death, though suffering greatly. in the morning, the blackened remains of their eon, 'OLWeleike years of age, was found burned to a arcing the ruins. The rest of the fami ly, we . learn, are in no danger, but how horrible must hare been their sufferings on such a night, while turned away from their ruined tome, ..scorched by lira, almost naked, and (reeling witti the bitter cold. The poor boy whose re : .malns wnra left in the ruins probably suffered least of all the family, and yet what a death ! 'Coatiaaa's lierther.—We give below, the eel - does adduced before the Coroner's jury yester day, relative to the death of Anne Pexitignot a .. }'reach woman, 'who died in one of the wagons of the. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, near Terchment's tavern, st Tittle Creek. The inquest was held, part of the time, at the warehouse of the ageuts of the Pennsylvania railroad, (Messrs. Covede & Cole,) and partly et the - American Rouse. It occupied many hours, as some of the witnesses were French, and en interpreter who was acquainted with French and Getman, had to give his evidence, through a person who only understood German. Joseph ,Baldridge, ownerof the wagon, sworn -L-We left Beatty's wnrehouse in 'Westmoreland ishrinty, which is the station house of the Central reHroad, and the point to which the railroad runs at present, on Tuesday at twelve o'clock . I was there when the wagon, which was a large road wagon, drawn by .firehorses, was loaded. ' There - there twenty-three adults and one child, and their baggage - in the wagon—at least their tickets celled for that number. This woman • (the dee:weed) was in very delicate health at eche time. -The weather was unusually cold--. We pat In their baggage first, and put plenty of • stray on the top of the baggage, which filled the wagon about two parte fall. The wagon wts a covered ono. 'We insisted on the emigrant's, so far aa I was with-nees:tag:ma, .getting out-to warm at various plates, mad they objected. We left about twelve o'clock his Tuesday, and the road wagon arrived here about one o'clock to-day.— ~ I came on-in advance of my wagon to Perch. ment's at Turtle Creek, and finding that the wagon was behind time, rode bask to am what ' WWI the matter. Found it pileup at Campbell's hotel, twelve miles from PiStsburgh, on the Greensburgh turnpike. This woman was lying dead in the house. She was lying on a bed, pretty handy to the fire. She was obliged to be helped into the ; wagon, to which the had walked with difficulty. Iler husband helped her. oAt the time, I considered she was unable to bear the fatigues of the journey. Wm. Baldridge sworn—Wag with my father's wagon from , the time we started till we reached Campbell's tavern. The weather was unusually cold. Heard no complaints made by any of the passengers. The etranr on the top of the bag. gage was one inch thick in some places, and in Some three. They wrapped thecaselves up in the bedding, hat didn't observe what sort of bed ding they had, except calico quilts. The de ceased died in the wagon, and I first heard of her death at the foot of Turtle Creek Hill. The corpse appeared stiller than if she had died in a house. l insisted on the emigrants getting oat to warm themselves at various places, and could tot get - them out, and walked part of the time. None of them spoke English, or appeared to understand me, except one German, and he said they would not get out. :Pierre Claude Petals-not sworn—Am the hus band of the deceived. Como from France.— Left Philadelphia nine days ago. My wife was sick on the sea—but was well when she reached Philadelphia. Assoon as she got on the canal,• • , she got sick. There was fire to cook, but co room to warm ourselves. We got on the canal bor4, at 4 in the afternoon, and got oil at eix next day. There were twenty-six in the room (section) and no fire. The boat was frozen in. • After the boat froze in,'we get off-aterixeSclook, and took our things-up to the top of the hill car- eying there ourselves, after which we waited un til ten o'clock in the evening before the care ' came up. There was no houveon the hill. The -hands of the canal boat made a fire at nine o'. clock in the evening, after we bad been there all day. There was snow three inches deep on ' the - ground, and it was snowing at the time . This was last Sunday. There was:fire on the cars, and ir's were comfortable while in them We left thelcars on Monday evening about dark, • and the weather was very cold. It was snowieg The room of the 'station house wise very large, end there were 150 passengers in it: The ear. pentera were nt work an it yet. The room was heated by a large 'store. ' The room was very cold. My Wife was four feet from the etoje. . ♦ large fire was kept op in the stove. We couldn't keip ourselves warm. My wife was al 'ways saying,that she was cold. She commenced , • to complain of the cold on the canal boat, and y kept complaining ever after that. We staliped, whole day in the room. [the station house]: We loft it about ten o'clock on Tuesday. We . Shea got into a wagon, in which my wife died. " The waged was too full of hoses, 'we had not , meat straw, and the cover west - ell of holes. ' She - walked to.tbelikoltbut I had to hells her in. She was always saying in the wagon, I era cold, how finis it from Piltsburgb,--thsra _paid; and whin I, who was walking, got into ; gsst she was dead. She died yesterday, (Wed:l -• nesduy) about three o'clock in the afternoon. . The wagottleas too high for her to get in herself. dB the-women worn helped in. Csapir Smith, sworn. Was on the canal boat_ . We.had hardly room to sit straight up. It was very [ cold, my wife and children were crying teem the cold. Alexander Moore. I was in the station house _ the same night that this woman was in. The .: place was so cold that I thought no individual 'could exist all night there, because it was so ex posed railroad. There were two apartments, one with comfortable, the other , was very sold. All the through passengers from Philadelphia were in thircotiffmrtable apartment The room was full 0 through passengers from Philadelphia. I' Enna Sander, sworn. Was a passenger on the railroad cars last week. Saw this party of Germane on last Sunday, at Loceport. They had sent a delegation to the railroad authorities -to tell them that they were frozen in some three • „or four miles further down. They said they had no fire during the night, nor morning. The . , railroad authorities directed a fire to ho kindled tillthe espies train should arrive. As the ex press train.did.uot arrive till after its time, they waren:it picked up. So the engineer at Lock port hinted another engineer, and went down with - it about nine or ten o'clock in the evening. Claude Pierre Texignot, re-called—At the of fice In Nei York. we were promised to be ta ken through from New York to Cincinnati in or.six days. Hare been ten days on the 'road now. - C. Smith re-called—Was promised to be taken through from New York to Lenisvillein eh days. ''John F. Cole, sworn—The party of German emigrants who arrived to-day, had through ..tickets from New York. The tickets which they • delivered at 'the office of Corode & Cole, were • signed by Francis Ftink, agent - of the Railroad in Philadelphia, and were dupli - dates of those given to the passengers by Wm. •• Bisiihnsneiler, No. 105 Greenwich street, New York, Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad; from „ the date of these tickens, they have been ten days pa the way. Dr. John McCracken, sworn-1 have made a lost mortem examination of the deceased. Her . tangs were very materially diseased. There tits not only conjestion of the lungs, but part of them - were hepatized, preventing the free in •-spi:Zationand expaneion of air. The left lung, particularly, was diseased. The probability is • that this disease would eventually have caused her death, but could net tell how long it would • have been before that time. The stomach end " heart were healthy. The intestinal canal was par tieultirly coejested; but this may have :taken • place from the effect of the circulation of the blood having been driven in, previous to her • . death, by exposure to cold. On examining the I Morgans in the-pelvis, found the left weary, which • wee completely dropsical ,eontaining about three ' quarts of dark colored, turbid water. All the other organs were healthy. Both her right and left hens were dropsical, the effusion extending • • above the kueee • I found nothing, however, that 1 would sup- i pose would be the cause of her immediate death. i The exposure to.whieh the deceased woe sub jected, was eafficient to cause death. I should suppose that even a halo or healthy person could but bneubjected to the exposure mentioned in the evidence, without less or more .injury. Dr. Hazlett, sworn—Evidence corroborative. ; The following verdict WWI offered, but nega- I .: tiled by a vote of eleven to one Pato - lecd, That in tbe_opiniuu of the jury, the i Directors of the 'Central Railroad have rendered -themselves merely' calpableda ceasing emigrant sptuesengets•to bb recoipted through to Pittsburgh acid - Cincinnati 'without haring complete awl MEE 7 4:i=s'==:= certain arrangements for fulfilling the same 'Without detention. The following verdict wee then adopted : We, the jury in thin case, do find that the im mediate cause of the death of Anne Pea-nig:int was exposure to the weather, which exposure tram caused by the culpable indifference with re gard to human life, manifested by the Penn,yl - Railroad Company, in not providing for the &mecum of emigranto more particularly. The Coroner's Jury then adjourned. Count OF 1:21,11.Tr1t SC4fIIONS—The Court of Quarter Session, was occupied in the morning by the trial of a cute which we cannot report. In the afternoon n trilling rose woe taken up, which WAS not concluded when the Court .1 joorned. Drain room Exooseac Aar In - rawer.Ascr. —A German, who was „pieked up in the ninth Ward by officer Ferguson, a -day or two ago, nearly frozen to death, and who was afterwards admitted into the Infirmary. died there yester day, frotn the combined effects of exposure to the weather and intemperance. STEUBMIVILLI: R.acaunu MEETlNG.—Whereas, a Convention bay been invited to a meet at Sten benville, for certain purpuee rot forth in the call . And whereas, the epsolution proposing the ap pointment of a committee of two members l'ront each delegation to prepare and submit business for the action of a convention was rejected. and one adopting, confining the action of the conven tion to the isolated proposition of connecting the Cleveland anti -Pittsburgh .Railroad with the Baltimore and Ohio rood, thereby excluding (rum the consideration of the Convention the other objects embraced in the calling thereof, Whereupon, the delegates from Steubenville, Wellshorgh, and other places, withdrew from the same nod organized a convention in pursu ance of said call, by election Jesse Edgington, of Holliday's Covet,: Ca., Chairman, and appoint ing Compel' Tarr, Jr , of Wellsburgb, Secretary, and thereupon, the following resolutinm, offered by Dr. John Andrews, were unanimomty adopt ed . Resolved, That the adoption of a resolution excluding from the consideration of the meeting, and intended for that purpose, a part of the objects for which the Convention wits called, as set forth in the call itself, is in effect, an exclu sion of a:portion of the delegates from any par ticipation in the proceedings of the meeting : and that self respaet left no other course for such delegates to pursue than to withdraw from said meeting. Resolved, That this holy now - assembled is the only convention assembled in.- pursuance of the original call. Rewired, That we are in favor of the adoption of euch meuures as will harmonize all local in tereata embraced in the general Object,' of the cooventio'n. Resolved, That this convention is iu favor of the proposed connection of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad with the Baltimore and Ohio road in such manner as the interests of the respective companies may indicate: provided the narrow selfish and illiberal course pursued by Wheeling towards the connecting of Pittiburgh with Steubenville and Welled..eh by rail road be abandoned, and not otherwise. JESSE EuGING.roN, Ch'u. Campbell Tarr, Jr., Sec'y. I - 1 LASS-50 boxes . 1 13 L.l 10,121 10 104.14. ler 444i , .1 , ..41:4 4.1.4., n• Air nmcut, br (.1..i1, ALVI:PII.... LEY 1%1 OLASSES--50 bb b.. askti 5 Id. 1,119. So. I. Rat llouns, prime. far 491 , by 093 .1 0. e.tNFIELb IPEARL ABll-si , lAN. for sale by • 11 del3 .1 U. eANYIELI, ALERATUS-10 la, and 51.114,16. pure, fnr aalo by .3 II eI. V11:11 3 UTTER—IO bxs. RA, for sale. 1.3- 313.231 J B. CA‘111 3 .1.13 A PRENCH CU RI:ANTS for I,y de VI JAUEs 1.3ALZp.1.. 1 3 3 at, r 333 - - - • Nev4s.Etcleilts! AT J. L. REAlTS;%Aprdit. 'sip, No. 7ri Fourth otmet— ohy 'Dirk, or th. Whal 4 . 4 l.of`ltiro , Familiar Feu.nro, or thr Vlml+6, Exp Ulna ivo of Com , mon Thium, ior Fata nr, 13,44. &won. of Thing. 'awl's, tre.irr. ft, Famill.-• or "'"°— ai.npt "' "• lIE FA (O'ER'S GUIDE 'l'o SC ENTIF jr le Atilt Pit tCTIVAL Item.lutu t lat.n of the Farmerto .11 their eurieti..o4 Lag them to the liteatous of the ye..u,thereueceretself wear. ily Hoary tl4tobene. F. , sallow of the ell.* or the Farm:'rto . by Job„ :torten. 11. A ,•Prof of Setrotifle Agriculture In Yale hi. therm 2 vole_ oitb rumen.. Illti,trattons _ . J k d. 12 F... Orr., nt“il. , Hull rug.. ('RUSHED SUGAR-3u bbls. LOTOrlng:s, IJ , _ for ma nr ➢UHUIIII'NY. k t LATH ER-200 Side. N. Y., ini 0a..4. by 11 1.1,' 1.1 M: URI IA; F. a 1 Sinlit II Mexican Mustang Liniment FROM RIM AND POUR, hand . vind wad fr,. Vra,loo. color. mud curolltlun, thr qua . of prouu Itru.l/[1.15 Ki., 11,1.—ooro.urful yaouurote.“ P on of lusttlr. sc Knyl lkot ouitor.ol up:olon utturui by .11 who 111.11.. t to aud Urot.uoo, aol,111.•• sso,o lo rollovtrut I..tn , of soy 001. tiO rO l .l.tur 1, what or how exonfrialtoo—ruram..,ll.l,.tion. of jolnt.. of, rauters, vr.. bre.t.t: or sus ‘Ol.O. .tiffno, or w00x,..... Of Joint. &twit.. or bootouloo Thi. Looment •011.111 aurliuoLlo •714 r ul usl iu 1, 1 . Tr, It For ale Us Moto/WELL, 14r, rat:tun:h. tiIAIR CUSHIONS-_2 . India Itel,ber aral Mclntosh Air Ct...hiono, of diffenent shape, loot mad and " J. atl2 " %" "" . .. 11fil t dad UG A R-49 111.10. N. aTr ot and for rale I, T 111 Front rt. OGAR-20 lihd.t. prince N. 0., or n A b. by de2 J. S Plt.Wlolll . ll s 1 . 0. _ ALEItATUS--IU tans Polv'd, in eaeks 1.01 and hose.. for .ale t, R. Li. de° ' rtr.tn. lIA LE casksStrain,tl,t, - 7T (d 0. ,) IL DALTZI.I. a C., Beanniont's Patent Starch Polish. yo &TENTED, Only .2.6 th, iis6.—For giving • • v.- 1. I,Ao o lanen. 31u..).n0 l'Arnk rho, CA deritur inens, le- and nonnennsendllawinderlons. bir...-Liona—l'ut a poen the este p•-s u, • .71111.1,.. "barb when boilin s : Irnn briskly. Prise. 12.4 rent. f or Cake. enlil wholr,aleand m.ll by' R.. . ..1.7 Word et, 4.12 Polo Ar E ent Sr Allorhen r o,nnt r . rook,. Winter Whale, for sale in 1.1 t.ta,.. or dralicht, .2 010 n . d•1:1 %to .1 At MOLASSES --;i0 bbls. T.; •nirs Ina for sale L T doll J. F. DILWORTH lEAD-100 pigs for sale by A 4.11 J. b. DIIATOP.TII ACO Q ALT PETRE—S9 bag, Chide, landing and for rah. br 1801A111.1CR EV A C. der. Wstrr end Pm.. FEATHERS-75 bap for sale by dtb I. DICK EV A Cu. and Prrna q• CHEESE -300 boxre English Dairy: •• Common; for Pal.. fq de.s ISAIAH DICKEY a C. . _ I OAF SUOAR---50 bbIR. rasped, for nab) by DURUM DriV. x INiIIIRAM JA3IES A. MeK NIGHT, No. 62 F'ourtli at., Ms twltlse4 fn.= auction • lot , k 7 MOCHA 1,11Y1) rIARLS, in Lt. dec ta m- Blue, roe.slog., Orin,. White 6n.1 Centra• ided' . . .... . ... Lao reed—Gentletnen's [meaning flown.. White Beau [Men and Fancy Iloods, lo great earleti. dH FLOOR - 50 bble. Extra, for rale by' 1 deg H. P VO.N MINN tiongr a GO. GLASS—LOW boxes ars'd, e. b., for rale by dr4 N. Pz-VON Iie.P.XIII,ItAT A Co ItEAIiTII BROOMS it WHISKS—SO due. fm sale by H. P. 00:1 lIONNIIIIILAT a CO JUST itEC'D-50 yds. thin Sheet Rubber, for Bandaging. .Yor sale at No. Iln Market sat. del J. A It. P 1111.1.1 PC • I.IORAX-1500 lbs. far only by 41 unls J. KIDD a 111., 11l Wool mt. ibbii 90 bbls. S. I , • II du It, mr vele by null • Jllll N WATT • lit 0, VALUABLE DISCOVERY, that whielt has been hong muribt fur. rig A , IIPLIIIr.• Z. LI D t..OLDEJI, Mr Welding Clem, titan., Earthen and .1 arid.; ai, Nail.. I vnri..irnamm.ln. ne. N. ll —All artlclne mimed br thin rrlauSle conmcwltlnn, will be rendered perfettly sold. Inn.l rn.wly 1., ono ... 1e.., . than flew minute...titer It ha. been .1111111.4.• A. 11. ban .... • Icalor. b r okennn mar). nt anithlng baying been applied 1 n thepa rte. even on the font vim- 'lt en I ....., mai. the man. of lot water. ur any nther litorl 01 Imonl gar/ abont a bolfu. thereby rend, log them a. u.. n,. (111 belur• tbey were broken. 1 The pubbe will at Purees«. the Importance of le.r.nnlng 11 acquainted with the Lent and only an 41u 1. , dnnabli re., purlig. when tbe .1111 X nu 1011110 g For aala. wholes...le or retail. by lt. E. BBLI.F.Iiii. 17 W. of street. .1, SVCR WII EAT FLOUR-40 sacks Hulled trat quality, lot ask, hr It1)111SON-1.1171,1: 13EARL A 5,1 cake for dale I , y deb W. it P. IVII,IIN. Its ker , abi it rf EF , F . in. A DPElN—Watited 11. A. PAIIN slis Co., deb corms Yiret scat lt •Le. IithIOLASSES-30 biaiodais . 6 Re- AJ. Sorry. (areal. by NUNiI lIIIHi Y. t INIIIIIIAM. 'in 116 Wator 59 (lumen, cedar*, had lbs.ue. and .11 blade brads Gk pr,youts {be Imo from eilie-rinst lathe i-dn'nund dust front rtickitad It nronsdn• nothing inisYbd l e .t.. ylsthe. .0 kny Tbs ladle+ herc:alnuaatibs nit ' l ,llnn t In 1:.:r!:111 try an impartial ttial aus bill 11.3 o..zen clothe, ina no bandy rboula 4 Price. 1 2 .1 a ona.yrr Caks—ritb foil ditertions Fur yet,. • laden:Lis and Ysta,li by 5. N. 11 teltil:10. 4 11,1. Jet rucnst of 1t0,.1 and Sill, /df. 101 IN MEAL-3il itackii Sifted, fer nub] hy / dot e. O. VaN ra. • - ft HI iddevrii SOA 1511 bezel, prime .i ankle, kr (wally We... i.y del WM. A. 11.4`1,14(.1 oh,. Yl. T , HE PIANO WITHOUT A A STIT E— eoglaaalue the Et tar of 11u... sat s cantinas tbe Piano Sort, In •tori, is adds, L. 7: l .'z - Zra,gb,°Zywr.tr..°11::214,2, 4 401,;7,. - 17;!.1?....1 rytitto: 50ctt. For sale by_ - d4B J. U. ) ULLLOII. 41 Waal at. BY TELEGRAPH IIECLIVED BY Till O'ILEILLY TILBORAPII GM AND DAPORTDD Foil THE PJTTNECROD G.trrre Iit:SUMATRA OF MR. CLA Y . WMIIIINGTOS, Dee. !8, Wii Hon. Henry Clay has resigned his meat in the Senate. lie will spend the winter in Philadel phia, and return to Ashland in the spring. CONGRESSIONAL. 111111 iloust.'—The Senate bill establishing a branch Mint in California was refered to the Committee nu Ways and Means. The speaker laid before the /loose a commu nication from thelSecrotary of State, etat ing that nearly sMas.l of the $lO,OOll appropriated by Congress for the expenses of Amin Bey remain unexpended. Mr Marshall 'of Kenttick7. introduced a hill for purchasing the standing ptock of the Louis ville nod Portland Canal, and for enlargiogg the canal to as to suit the wants.of commerce. It was referred to the Committee on Heads and Canals. Mr. Chandler offered a resolution authorising the speaker to cause such alterations nod ar rangements to be made to may he deemed ne -cessary to the comfort and health of the mem bers. lie enid he occupied a seat upon the very 'boundary of civilisation; but he would not mind this, did not the Iliperhorran tweezes blow up on his heart. (Laughter.) Wo are engaged, said he.,from day' to day, passing laws for the comfort of the people, and putting money into the pockets of the ponp'e, rohup pal, suprema lez, which means the law of the land is the health and comfort of rte Legislature, (Renew ed lonelier ) The resolution was then adopted. Me Olds submitted a joint resolution, which, on motion, was al-ten up and passed, ac'horis• iug the lost Master ()moral to legalise the con tract for carrying the mails between California and Oregon, Numerous petitions were then presented, of ter which the House adjourned. Smistc.—Mr. Underwood presented sundry petitions praying that Congress would pay the Texan land holders the full amount for the lands, amounting to $12,000,000: and there being on ly Ci,000,000 in the Treasury for that purpose. Mr. Seward gave notice of a joint resolution establishing certain post routes lu New York. Mr. Foote introduced a bill granting laud to the State of Mississippi for certain railroads in that State, which was taken up, and after some debate, was ordered to be engrossed. Mr Gain introduced a hill granting the right of way to aid in the construction of a telegraph line from the Mississippi riser to the Pacific ocean. Air [right submitted a joint resolution au thorizing a enntract with Menu, Dunsidt.on Armstrong for printing the census returns. which was made the tlpecial order Of the day fur Monday neat. The resolution of Mr Foote declaring the Compromise measuret a definite setttlement of Slavery, wee again taken up. After come unimportant amendments to the Compromise resolution. Mr. Foote . addressed the Senate in reply to Messrs Butler and It belt, up to the hour of adjournment. IMMEIMIII The Intelligencor of this morning expressed surprise that no toast 1.11.8 drunk at the l'ress dinner, in New lurk, to the President, and adds that Mr. IVehster's letter was received with hisses, It says that the firatimovement was made towards the release of Kossuth, was by Mr. Webster. and hut for the influence produced by his letter to the American Minister at ronstau litiople, Kossuth ixtuld still he pric.fner in loin Minor. .. • . The Intelligeneer, mates that Mr. U. II Niles of Baltimore. left here yesterday as hearer of dispatches Co the Ameriean Mini-ter al Ma drid, It is supposed that the diepatehes ;elate to the Lopez poisoners and Mr. Thrasher, and the Intelligeneer wspresi,ea the belief that the exertions of the Government will proeure their re lease. COLL. WEATHER. (1A1,114086, Dee. Yesterday was the coldest da3 known in thin city for many years. Ice 11 . 119 found eight inch es thick. CINCSSNATI, Dec. 1,1. N. S t h ree. an catett,re jeadler of. this ci ty died teat night. IIEEMI!ILIIM There have been no arrivals or departures of eteamboats for two days. The river is very full of heavy Ice, but the weather has slightly mod. crated. The thermometer at 74 o'elook, A. hi , stood at S' above zero. ' ICE'W TO 11ARKL . T.. Naar Vast. Den Id Caftan—The market is steady at yesterday's Flour—Pal. se Grain—Pales :4,00 tiushels southern white when! at rovisions---Fides 200 bble pork at $1:4i•1fi,25 for mess,. and sl344i'l.lter prime. Sales 100 bbl, beet horns of sllll.elll'llo se lad Linseed 1 1 11-Boire 11400 goiters at , lie ja Lmllon I:dee—Sales 210 tierces at lc yi n.. Tobacco—Sales hhds Ky.. et 41(,i81 "c 1 pound. CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI, Dec Dial soles of Sour transpired to-day nor —The market is firm3rith sales of 2500 at 51,G7G1.5.1.70 itt 100. Prorisiens—Arr in good demsod, and firm. Sales 1200 414 mess pork at $12.50. Sales of .7in,iko, 14s dry salt meat at 5e fur shoulders, end Gc for tides. groceries—Nothing of coneequence wet done. There were noarrirala or departnres of steam home toolay. The weather Is moderating. The ricer is foiling. Itti. C. ILO FIVIAN is going to lent. chi.. V I My neat Ilnerh. 4.1 in•trt.,.ttnAel ler be •1.11 rqr I•.Proni , en V , me I otranmnr., Mn.fr, reeeeplyneee. ertr‘xt. 1-•tweiro Fath I tr.ln .~Ljj f, 1.F..1 LAI - LP—Put expres4ly In 4 rep.t• 4.! S. IC. LOW. al 11 , OLASSES--;211 bblo. N. o.foi villa by: fiuTeht, , os a co 1t1,4 !.1 . ( , 120 , N L i A o N e t i\ h ' i v , e , lave eup-rlnt. Irry . omit, Pillow l 11111:11... Mi.:M.IIIA OUItrIIFTYLD, hartLc.neorrirr h•urth av 4 klarkvt rt.. BBols' WEAIC.-ftliat ruy DOM/1115Lp 122 , s Ju.t reed tak am‘ortsn.ol. tlvr above cnr4, of Cayrit. groat •ff ff y vt Now Uoinlr. i.e.-A Juriug ilaysivisking fv wwwirtm•ot uuusituilly full Buy,. will yileto with two don i 'INSEED OIL-20 ht.!, for nale by I 4 dr, 1111110 (N. urr LE i CO. portK -4 , 11. 1 R just rn..'d and basal° by 1.111,(f.N. LITTLF. ACA.. ,1...: %. if., Lawn, at 11)A REE) PII EACES-16 bu. for male by 1 d..-6 WM. A..larCLI/141 A Ou. Ii AIRY BUTTER—Frolian . dbantlaome I F ,No l Lo r ..t.';l'L.7..l.n i n 4 d 7.:'11e t i...." " 10 ' ad " " Circa...Y.lY and Ten Ida. 'ire mei Water Prod', for yak by IdAlAll 1/MEI:Via CO.. ‘l./ mad V. 4.1 no. IjohARLS- 2 14:camks reed and for Hale by WICK a bIeCANI/LtHS OUT ASH-11 role pUre., for wile by I .1.14 WICK t liIcCANDI.LrK ACKElCEl,—.lolikits No. 2, for folk by IT' nal , WICK t Al CAN UI. PJIH. INSEED 01L-19 bbls. for polle by On. II CANED/Lb I / 75 doz. - f ntcnt, for wale by IJOTASII—S earkm for lit& by L d.t; 18A1Al1 DICKEY DOLL 'MUNI:STONE - 12 bblo. for wale by IL .16.1 IttAlAll DICKEY au) I ARD 01L.-21) lAA, Winter, For nob by (1.4 J. 1100 t CO. to Wool it 1 36/1011.1:th"ITA STOKE, IN n.: Dia_ V 1 ItniAlux Currant, ............q o 1214 c. N...• Malays P1.......14)1 a. . Sea AlmutJ. Pf.o. C..0.1t....1 Citron, ../rang. ainl-1.44n0n Errah Up at .n wluwa exevilant Trak 1.0 c.. 'and Yeans Itto ec.ft....10e. N E. deb TURPENTINE-15 bbls. in prime I, .hipping ordrr, for sal. Iv Anl J KIDD CO.. 01 %rock lat. OCHRE—Superior, fur sale by . J. 1(11/D & CO., 16 WmfN I, ICE-4S tierces prime, for min by • Hti2111111.Y: A 1111111101 , 1 111EAREI , PEACHES-5 bbbs. new, fur ...lob e • w.* C. WILSON. 11 , 4 NeNonl at- VI .% IC FAuTURED TOBACCO -10 box., !Lomeli & 10 •• IV. 11. Grant's ! • " 2.. A. 5 4 cap 111/111011 U 01: I. II4 I IOESH TEAS-25 lir. clients Y. Hyrum 22 ht. cheats Gun Pow., Is ° Insparts.l. ltu •• for rale br 111.111111111IGE & • I hales Ohit . ,, o f4 e ,r i al e o u ta . on. 1 . 1 I 1.9 )OT ASH-25 enxks num, for sale by dr2 I.'N. 811.1400011 6 . C0. d HEISTIAN MINSTILELI—A new aye- II I tem a Knalnal Notalit.n. lay J. It. Altln: Jug r7ltl rool ft, wale by JoIIN 11. 111,1.104 del sl 1100-5 a jug reCi per ""'°ll l 4"iTst'ATeiii,oN hfYI. EWA 1i L STARCH-50 boxes junk reu'd on L consign= mt and for site hr do 2 UAW:IY, JO:40 a co. NOTICES, &,6 MAYORALTY Notice. TUE Annual Meeting of Ili , Stiii•kholderm i! " 4 9 ti'ii . r l . l 4 l :7l J•nams. l' .f. Th. Is Mt ono. 10 A mad lbw thrs•tion Mt wren [be ; our lo A I , ant dS' J Ellttitifihr, Moh s 1 . ..h0rn/1, lOth. 1,1 otd,d.t.l T. Itrisnirlo. Mod_ IsOnatch. nod An orienn rTtot I Notice. rIN MNSEQUENCE id the denth of Peter s . nirryst I h Im m ttrld s e osr4;antl ,, lo -Poter A.T 'To! dost•T I 1441tOsfitIAN, MO L.l ot firm ol slom A smfonals. Oh 4' Nonougahela Navigation Company. SI iT11••• tTow•Klitit.liittrn. t N AN NI:A 1,, NI KETINO of the Stockholti. Mratm ~ ... J (T•as it,t i s :n n n i,.. , r s:• ,, ,‘ , , , s , ' ,. ...n . s . lnishelo Nat Sidnit . 411 k ; MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING, Ittoorionoson, thro ottm• on tot stow h in. INty IT SHINES 41.1 of isstoshot dh. wit Motet, the Milt .1, id Januar,. A t • n. INA_ limo, tor to, sis Cho month,. tor llso ' I AS. S. MASON CO. , have FtI7.IOYEI) fiA t.tt r.and romoms itltA Ito North front •to Pr ihmir stns . , Wol f.,- , ry ntibt , iphi., t , the now tirawtl , trro i sno. L. oder a PIS tTls riltlE DIRECTORS a the Culling Mining litr . c m e 1 . Company of NI Wlttoon. harts Th. ohm made an 'own,. T Von t ,' sas r o, " moot of isitr root. on iamb also, Id the manna' root of Alan. NlN•stoss Cl'., Lek KITING INK, at , tho los U n s e, mwl Company: on.. halt paystitie nu or lien,. the thnis tios [diem TYsts•ltimt • rt miser, and theoriser holt on or beton. lIIF '3lO/ Ile enlist, - t' lll.?!.tlSir DV I FEIN:ND. Trs CLF.',GG'S. PERFUMERY • House of Refuge. AND rr lIE suliticriliers for the erection of On I FANCY SOAPS Honor of fit foot 1a Wmtern Penn, lemma. me ' ••• non. superior lodide, , ItertptneTy, 11,0, that an asowtoment of twenty coot mot ost i asissmosi w Loh am .n rattwi to• imtly oniohannwl tht. amount minearihml ht. men' oir , . or twlti ir Alah o Ttnr. IN.ms. 140,, TIM al mil We Tremors., on or twitsrsT tho 15th dap of Nossoilo r i Dtwt Pouth . m.roller, Chalk. mot allotr opt , o,rt.sl twat lir onter of Ito. Board of Itirnmor. Cnstrittims renttr .11Ittlit lIANNA. Ton.. &tiro —Wants. and halms int, 'Tont Drown nod Whit. Windsor. /Amin., 1 . ,t0. /1113.441, lam; and Tont -Notice. &was Slimind ermut. 11,1 Ims, it ..... fix r•rot fur tn. botulism , Itst fs, 31motioh that • nil. CriTs. I ETTEHS Tetittinientary to the estate of iiii INstuado. sa orw East Lustral flan Roam-more. A J.., id A,- •••• • awl kr' lyelions Jos.s!. has heen 1t1441N1 tlid oultwwilom •II ^Ms . JttllN T persons harlot: rialto, ph:olm, mid mods. NM prmrtit Pwrfonsor and stirtukt. them dui, Authmittratied Mr mttlement to Ilarkt.t tarrrh Ism... 2J, 11. 1101.111115, s litTfiterrhasst• dittit r:et tio•t Ilion, Is the nn • and nom tem!, manufactory 14 114. CH) lilt, kiln, • 11 intriblt il;li I :Oh mu , _ nrtil dli nolltlatmdt Expositor. attar. , ...zit ... ix W. mita.. A Card—Life Insurance. Shriver & McLean, % . ,1 li. C. A. CC/M . ON, Sett . V.—LlPlth INir I Fi„,,, , p, od ,, „„ d c,„„,,,,.,„„ . 41,, d ,„„,, , iv. Aga matter of nottniott juattee. I teem It tit, du. , l.` ararioal•Op ins reel Phouht too r lororlit. ~suer to ; No 34 rts , i,ti INN rad Tract, tort, the elem. of a trolley reretttly .4,4,1 1,, rue, • PH11,1.1.1111, alatill;/ le ...tit 04.000 rR. thuunand dollar, he. i r - soNsiGN‘ i ENT: , of ILt ami Pro _ born rood . 111. literal prlnettle. upon ehteh the affairs of the ir ) tune ....rail, aril ryes •, or h .r. arr s .”.. via, olllrtahurun hile I hear s ithe ...pant . are conducted. •tt OW 11.1411.6elea•Gre loam st.h•lartt.,o Aaratrao male en till. It to the re...tenant, and patrhrta.e or the piddle I rre,11.1.1 it .1 Lultrix a lieu deoret Ihe pou-Iple of to .1.0,1 tete tow. , au the that al ; Rehr to—tleenra H.niptun a trill, Ilittehurglit sera...trent of lour organtastatna. il the true ...Wet I • SI, Prenein o hail,. fr ame 1. rdn-st.,. whirls tootiatort •tut elatellaull t 4 112 41...31. tattaLltu, - - Mr :twat II nitrite, - ue,U • "a' '"'"'""" . 4 trl7M'nl.:l".:.ll..l'.'..ster n 0,7 .I.ler of Pllntl ' ltr;htto Church Poortunth. i'a FIIIIUMAS VilliTE, IiONN ET il.:11‘1.! t. - Atn tattott, On 41 rh.uth rlecront ntre,t, rata, Notice—Coat Certificate. c ...m.........Li..5.,.., rettlashophta 1,1.11 .. NT . °TICE le hereby Estrin lt tit.. altither.loll , lot tootttl.•• ,„ st a s ~,,,,,, ha. twee made to the Exchatore haul her rho retie, , It 1t..a1011.11.1, .1 il anal." of Gerlthe rte n tah. ho luurtnen ... ~..1,1 h.,, k . 1 ip AGA LEY, II 01..11 W ..t HD 4 Co.. W hole rye.. t. h..... let n ...trot rutl. let ba t on the lute A prat I IN ..d. tirrecore. le. 1,1 Mara,. , I l tolatelpttla. apt! la ' . nr,o_toso. Ills,. .1.15 t. ,. 1t I kit Notice to Brick Makers and Quarry Men. 1 t .lL '7liii t k,:..6 }4. & r e : i : t 0, ;,,,,, , ,,, 111-ZOPOSA LS WILL III.: 11.1 , ;CEIVEL until j 0.,,, m i,,,, m,,,„,., v.,. ~ ~,,,,, tars,,.,. . I tn, ',it .1 have kk 4,, next. for the delliery rf tiro lau. 0 I. Nartlt it bans, l l Cll,lalthra •.ta/ atel a tall tall Irons of trot autna theetrauista aeon, •itl ..nee In arhout equal quattittio, at tr. 4 , 111, 1.1.01 L./ , -- ~,. Venn, Iva.. lituerosal l l, tupan,..ltl at " ltor ~,,, tr Let. er n Lets,,, and Nap BA L'l'l I%IOIIE. The prouro.... .111 Plate the I.:, of Jell err el re. onint. and the 0r...4 the. lava.. tie... , of thy iv. , dt I - ' viettelon• I,lt, hreterrml. AVALTEI: 4; CU., .4 pert ton al tint or.. be !ablest •I Oran, a 1.,. to ; he hard pr.... • or atilt.: the ter,. ant di.eurtonit *III . Nour and Genenil Produce Le ....I aslant.), Protsmals .111 ale. re• re .red for the ...IWO the I COM M I :". ..' lON II t) 1; SE. block. mate Intm dal . alltataed from th" c , mtP.i....* , ... ,, I No ...r. , ..11 TII 11.,W alt D N ll 411 1101,1141111 k STlthil at th. tube Ort.O. artere fuel otu ta.toloa/urril s hr noire., ; .0 11 ri I. ...I I 1 B.ILTIMORE Ornoneals aOl le. n rcl•••11 to the - eartse Owe: for the rla ; 11,, nr sasto ,roo perch, el -tone 1.. r htoalatton, st I R.I II 11 r. 1.0 T 1,,,, 1%, Tilt: boo]. the shot, peunir t r at en, ennte, h 1 ,amt for 11.111.4 f -- .. ' l.. ....1t ' ‘ l.. ....D.l " ' 1..1. ' 1. ... ‘ " '" r. ."' I IL NI .tit ON cites., nONT, hrigLtoti Ihe pr0t....1. • rrot 1. .fireere 1 I. Ediennl Miller. 1,.., 1a , .... r oos .at hoot-solo, 11111111 n 1, .1, J a ler Ali I it. hotors, i 1.1 r! kn: r Take Notice. i 1.1. PE itSiLN S It mg. themselves in, :11, .1..... t 1., ti, 1.1.,nn .41' 011'111.11 A h t N n 1.1.1 •tt 1 ...AO. the, 4,..••11tan / 1 4t1 ten, tie art. rto It.. , a, ell the , • mho 1.11 tr. rOn,. , 111111/, heti,. 11, eNtect lettil nt, an • tr. te I r,orte.l lIP atsaiu, !how Jolt, I 1 LAIIIIK. dell Jar a It,. rtat,no or l'autptell 0 FLettruelt "Elk Horn - Saw Mill for Sale. lately fini.Lrd and ‘ ruing ottl a L • onanatallac tntla. a,fnn,fe r tiotna I n 0, Irivity It..taa•• atastaann. • r lo.roo.fo•raa c..r too,. ta...1 io a alt..” 1 .1 r IL.. I. a. ataol—• tw - a aster of atl... at •II ar•uan. Pal atla r• - lwaat soorket, ott won down th• tat., of tt... flocoggoltaa Para.Al with toochroory fi.“l etturo. of Oz.. lwat na - t , /1•• toetit ibl. ttact, auto - mita It nob., rrofoant of (EA. MIA p-rfortossteo of it• work 'Me ..tabiontment. lorltallna fit f'('2.l Hon, al, la toalle a.• . 0411 •a.l un tau, 8 . .71.1F ' 40N. Attornay tit Inn. m11..--i,urtl . . 11, Good News for the Ladics! it t..vrimitE'S FISENC m.‘ II rEI,I: IP VII La.... Ingee...lit, Saiu mad Fde. r liir I. (ly•uat•l a1..••-•.1'...na lie.) an.l I, ii. 1.1. laasii et AL,Lial.la. Treincan. ilthetayinin CostiveLiras. 1,0,1114. 1/yoses.lia er I iiiiiaa•Stan, I laid I. us.. in. ianil ail Prn. IS. its sr Ste Anse. ter II aol.l ...'I retail tiT A Linens atrsait.. baa.l ol We,. I . ...bunh. an! by ALI. TII Wa l ls , . t a. - Full- lA, e lay. is with e.chs NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! LITENAItii 0F.P0T,Nt..74 • nilS4 alrsisti.atril• the 11 tit IV's.- • n.sitplatei.lalal•ny Vonetn Ty. is. it. tit ....urinal.. a., •1... - 11, -Ur. •.1 ei I ynelvii • Kr•onstl. • i•yainitte. in ilr.elan.l.l.i. Oa of the United lilat•-• A•Lrli netn—lo Sera. .11sni. iit•tnale• • I'are-,-• b• •sal r I athe: Nati, Mai .I•nari TI,. Ilu•rif..s 11. I•eirrial tArr knathan. (I..t.irna• •iipsly el' AN'. IL, (reel SI 1. , II: Ilarpri• ~ .I i [Lain:it., I•er•nil•er. Marks,. e .1 bur. s, by IL ra:elly. ai • Mold Areblieet, Ne. 31n14.7i1cli.ar Lb. IrLalt. • nen •.vk 41 11.1inno s.' ItisloaiarL nt SL••i.rrati London lan, ari.lL •, enilonln Harper • Ilvasine., yid 4, laininl in niu•iln 1t...b0a In Irelimi I.t V. al Ttis. - terai Landon Art Jeurnal Sevemte, Lae ad rentiln• of au A:kilns,. Sli•cLut The thool•nii, • i.e. 11,,1rel Lt The Lily ais the lie, anonarl •rren Lion Qui,. ate! si•neho I•nuaa. • T•ting lb. 10na.... Mei:none. tif a Phi eian. Pima. Ilarty Iturnbiarn. a taw al lbe Amenean Len. Sr er lb. Kazis/Lail et I. ft.. /rank .Weigh. et b.-ones In tb• Lillis( a Priryite 1,01 Matilda 11..sitgusin.ri..la I. N',lnks,. 14airii.rien • or • it Lba Human 11. art. putt Seems! Mabel, or the Chili af She 11•11.), Yletl. • isle sl Water. m. .1•13 r'. I.tt.x L. Ilalw 1 EUROPEAN PACKETS i Steam Communication between New York and Olargow. THE Glavow and New York • 1:_ -__. .. --- —.7 - . _.- .-:- -- 7 stramatirp f'rdnnaao'r r. , • ',rut mow -7 I ...p. a-m.p.h.,. .. . ..; ... L . p• no ahrmarrhip Old 'titott , 1„,..2 .0.. .0.14 , N h;.1,;; r.”,... S , I- a am; I fahr trf th. Cm I L' AAIII EL J. %VI:111E1H I. L 4 et i . Coto ..d .. , .... - 0 ~. ....n.., i . •WP . .tw , to Lt... '.. 1 I -1 rn.. , ,n apri far a ord.,: t1.,r11., h. No. ...a ler., Vert direr, for Matto.. on Itmurda, the %hot dehroarr. . anal:. ,, .r. „,,,,,.,.., p „,.......... ......... 0 .., eat. at It: o . oltark, irklurl. ; ; a.rrtsrlrepl., -.ten. pr pap, r...1......,e1Tme •rf !L.P. P • ARAN/. lioNtr. Firth Cab. (areararl'a fe. Inelartrahl ........ .. .... ....f ttO tttrtt rt . ' l .^ ''. ~ .. ~. i.••' l, '. , t^^ , .. ~- II I••• , *. PPP.P.rue. tataatcem taken. rator inehrte prialad but not wlnt. or honr. j ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. .n. - 4....0 ,- ~,,, , u..1 , m lewrd al adatemle prirea C.- , ri" • 'n , lihnkkr. - . ' 51IDDLETON, RI Li:Y .s. 3110 , ..14 voT Notch! or rattan.. -.,...,, J yr . .." p ~,,,., nr. .. , „, ~,,...t . i ...In . • / mr..7 . 1 : :,at , ar j rza , , , r , ...de1 , add:Nan, pr, ll.e ... "". I he., 0., ti0r . .0.0...”.1 . 1....rtr0a. dlerltua a la.. 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,F t11 ,, (1 . 1 y: i .,.... T 0 ..7 ., , , : . an l d 4,11 P.a....r0ar,. is ...„._.T.,,,, ~,,, ~ tprew. ' '''''''''.. 3 .` - I I 1.11 IL e. TI I T Lk.. A it•atiev at Law, ea teai..llr, j A A • N , 1 ,,, E , 5 .... ,/ 3 t , •; . ‘ ,.. 1( , , 1 1 1- ,... 1 ... 1 :1 , r , " t r:' , „. " . 51a r\ .1‘ 1 '-, „...,:LY,i;f;::: ' ,..: 7 ., ' ,.,!?,!...:::::;:r "".. . _,...9 _. arty I.. „ .Amtnt for the followlnn l'aedet 1.0 n... . ...,m O . 0 , 5t 0 .m.,,,,,.. d e ,...,, d“.., d e ., •,,,, L., . .11 1 . 6 11:N It. It .1N It IN , Auerney awl I, \ .on. • . m;li, . La., hod . • ~n„• oar itd the Ma. o Intlwallow Tall Nun, rallina mu, New Vont and lit.?- l rel. ,11.00., "rt. bat , . at.., itare T or . 1 . 111 , ..,:h I ' . the thh an I 21;4t a..e .. num. ' 1tehr.......,--1.1.....,1. 11. w. W I ornar I. Ilanrorm a Na Lino low., S•. York 0u Ore Mai. and IAT;01,011 i ~,,,,.. ‘ , ..1.43.110. %W.. , dol. E ho., 01—“• A on the 1 Ith of ever, month. , _Temple. Nl.l .1.1 a 1,. anal. I. Rod Star line.l .... N.. lora on th. Iltb. aul 1.,,e. I . loot on the 2 , r,1/ of /well month .11 AN U FA ,, scrultn) TOBACCO— z Line . ml. trove . mouth hem Liverpool and Ner, 1 N . . . . York. r . :ty., t,, , ap. hherrmad's L . . And I;; ; +, Thwl.mulon Lim of Parket. ran. from New York on the . 111, at Irdlt. and 1:11.11, anal . from L. A. to lb, MI, lath. i .. 'l ' '; rrolt!. l t ' n r . "'” ,''.. 7.1.1, and :Mb, of every mouth. t "t to in. II (Iranla , Th. IN, de Lim of Warw. Packet. mill horn Not. Irak I 011 '' \ totriona. ••dn.'s , 1 k's ALibman. on the Ist and IL. of .aert mouth . '• \\ .41. V. Va. .1. 1 ,, , A Weekly lane of ItaatoM from Llvernaw.l.to NI. Or. 1 lll lot • IN ltehur , t, rho. ..... . _ to .• , t a 1,.. at,,,,N WATT A IN.I. Deily Line for emigrant.. from krw York, by i•!tren , boat, Railroad, or by Canal sod kallOaf. rictoeonce Panengen 0111 rreeire every attention, and qtr. , . ell , en ft:on-rani, a! the When of It Taionovit . Men Quay. 111i1,101, stool qt. ( ... eKe building, Li r011...4 W• T Tai.noott a Co- r•oulla garret, Now York. or rat the on-. of the airertloorr, corner of SIIOI Laionty atm., Pittelourgh. Norton. resisting In the /lotted Stab. or nomad. who wleh to nod for their Mazola in sal Pam C.0 .. '. knotlatol, or. li glee, ran root, clot nerea T 1 1,0011,11, on application to the outteente, and hare theta brought out by any of the aterve favorite lion ol I•loieb rang. 001111 1,10 lir 2.1•110 VIDA bilethe.,/ or log torn elan Merchant Alt. , . " way of Liyerpmd, London. or filaYorow. 'their trequonel uf railing pr • min thopoaellollote of del.!. 1..... age nn ale. be war.. trent Lis torfool to NC. °Oran, ileltinvot, Philadelphia, Matron, Chati!oton, and Potent reinittatores o, , tnall or itorne mit/n.0 ,, ...lit" NI tor= JAl,ti 11, AK ELY. McHenry's Philadelphia ez Liverpool Lute of Packets. „ired,, Soiling from Philoolelplcin con the ,Ao./. 4 ' and I.lretyaeol on the looiol reel, nuoutb... 'hip MARV PLEASANTO, It. It Poosocton Minder. 1241IZID:411!;„`,..:1"e.vki::.t.h.Q;V:"`" . JakkitlolN, Alfred V. tonoltio, %looter. 811Arif AM AXON, (near.lNV lid%rotor. She above .Larry li/V 1.111 Id 1110 I+4 and moat ao.okor toateroola, and are noted nor do. repidot r their insaago, they are fitted or.t ith all latent tintonoresoonte, ore inn,t thoroughly ventilated, and err tonouirieneeAl for their woo notutncalethone for .ti..coond tb/nn and oktnrage they are commanded by won of arkutowledned Wont, who are uneqUalled for their espoorbonro It, the packet oarvire Penns. tinfou. of !mowing their frintut4 tom thr told Country an obtain oertilieqtea of punage o whirls will be good for eight month, .0,1 our eqtenta amt 101 l erpool will furninh theni with the prop, infortunttion Inetrurtlot. relation. to their oloparture. troy the MT/ 7,llYller of nanengrra wishing to aen I tno r, rrupply doodle for CI ....fling and upward, os!able at sight without olloorount, whir), will too ow-Led lot any 01 the Hanka tor Poet !Mien in the United Itlioniona. 4..aritneleirone etiloplled panengrek o'otninat rant Lire' pool keen. meek the frdlovine SUPIII. I Will he farniehed evh poop...nave nlll years of are and over %Um 1• a h nelyn..el. hi lb. ohh.htr. 111.. nhor, 14 lb. moluoes, end lIL pork. Pod, 11 yourh Ala, brP"^tun , 1 1 h I,l‘. foil s u n en nrni roe, end half alh.vseet of h.., suns,. aTI maps. fi MeIIKNICY I 01., N.. 37 W.ltulnyeel, below Sreonl i t;hl:tlyih . hr. even, Mirth end Wn...1 atot...lht.homh. ENTITTA ;WES To ETU LAND, IRE ', LA SID,NArt 1.. t AND WA Ll , ....—Jx2Mx ot`the I.rra Illakxly A. Co.. 4.111 omthme imam xitlit •Irnitx.vm lomat itrimintml Ireland. Alm, on l Frahm. sinl I/erm.a Illlln. with Womiwm , l t LIMI , xI, A Co.. W.re nml Sixth strret, Ptexenxerx awl from the nld nountrf enitmr "A Lhe tonxt ftworttle Itrms Om, from Nrw. Tort to I' tlxlitirth. Anat./ pint nt the Wmt nel QIIGAR-10 hhde. prime N. 0.. fir saboby " Am 1.. s A.IIIIICIIIA.C, • t 3 IIEEE S-7o boxes extra Ca - titian Ch e ese; dn W ft. , lo da Ilenlier..lrlwslnd Iknim• -.for ntle hy Wlll4 • Al if:A !111/L4M. LO ER SEEiD--75 la. for wale by 1103 1.46 DOLL BUTTER-5 bble. Fresh, tor sale or • J. li. 411.11101111 i 4 CO., P s N+ . tea" -.-e&.~'`-<:e ~;r~_i: BOSTON- TRZMONT HOUSE. well known estal.tisliment is still eon. nom nor . l , Aar rwt I.:matrontl... to Ira nn nt .1..1.n I. Turk. r C... .ant ..1 air Ire¢ aryl IVAI. II PARE 'KR. PHILADELPHIA Moore Henszey it. Co., • MINA:TERN rind • w holesale .101,.1tpry in ""DWAIsE hrt. I:110 Maxt, , t .crrot, r•ittai •••trattr, Tratrs,rll. ;tut ••rtit•r t tu ...Arr...,1Lt.,. u.rtrt.. P.. 141.1 t NI, r Karts•• Nur. li.u, ut •• • L. sL .ruala I,ttat.rr• .• • NEW YORK Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopheroux, 0 11 widrATED l'ItM1 . 01111:11. for It, holt, ta, sort aaidi till. roriog hf the ttido, f. ltitt..h. • the h••1-e. tth•t al th. The oolorio.l ;tufo .11.11•1- 16. it. e ...(I^w 11.0 *aloe the i•rposw iltra, t.set p taw e.g....ch. lo 1. - Llet it is hohl by Na , Who glith It .1,1.1. Frill'. PROPERTY It offrml 1 . 41.1 ea:, avratuna,dattog tem.. it •• ma., eti:a.l, 410.11 u tL. atdalk ..f Alfekt...y 1 1 he ehtsat.at. uueurfaa....l the mum r• eamotand Ina a rarat f van.. thr pane. Lark. ...I th.e elver* at a glue., 6[1.J.. bring went to the part halal atall; camluolog as 41L •¢10•41 114. Wan 41 , Atatow peal •Lowit, Tt..• to tar,. rust:tante), hear an arta al amual. I. 00. 101441rn1 40.1 le4o 1.144014 . hark tut. hum fa.t to an alt., la haw...ants are Le.r. the hall.. arta, I all, in ra,,rn .1 1..1. , at Naar... alai toathall Ili In,- ..tsarnaer. hay Ina ••••, r • that :oat Ito, and .1.11 erlultt waft do...,•ard to Thera L. • well of ....11.att wa tt r al th. :ta, had lur I.j.traut water. limning, ba *Wain. •ararvy risalee mull sod .1.r0b..• t .hort. Ito at•l altaulsk.• rats oat, lea al ...feel by an alakalhat.ot. thr ....at,- ' ka•ro I. oar...a tan. lore., to rail,., the tn. , , N.„ ‘,„ • .01 take 01 . 4.3 . • In atylaz ...., • intaark I Paot Blatt-11r Ns: Fir -Ate,ut twa Ivy ;t4 It to • r•I " I••• • ... 4 • r " . „., t•r purrhaw or. • yerulartialt. atth.l....druff I at. DI la a ft . ..rad..., runt Trtat4.l.., • ••. - ard. oak at. I .11•2 ach afld to la, aethst.r.apeut. 4120 bah . was 110110 rivadel, >IQ dalutior the, Real &tate. towi how Al....att for I FOR LE- - Two Howtvt and Lofts in N unit ...heat, I am, plat ot,'to.nl, SIM. 146.‘it ILIA IL. • J fllkit.lVhf.L. a... 1 tat...lw, L If not /404 11441144144/ 11,4044 ... 111',1, 1 1,, , , R 1, V1 14 , 11 ' 4 %lg..- 4 hi. •of krattul fe. act Iketatrretreet.hf\ eat., but •••• 1 1. , • • 301 f/-41,4 •E 1 . ,11; 10.01 f 0. am 1: NW...A Wk.. Ikkekl . w114 P" ... ..e. • tt kf I,lauf Mal a 1.,/ - - Tm \SIM:11.11S, COMMISSION & min., •n I Naval argue. Now 10. j „. • , 111.01 It SI IL NI - f.,r rala au trenkamo. 11-, • DO rata,' par, IL. 1. - 4400.4 M eur.. at I Ja , that ,rat. •aluable bout., ....ea • , •t. a t. awtWi.ate •••4 '••'.•- a• n. rt t • C t• e• =ll.ll'7r'. ....la, • 11.1, ../ .1 lin ta , ~„, • thy, le. atn It .4,1., fl:•• o.f •••'••••• '• • j.. ar ir D ( 41, L U ar I rat, t. a. ar a... I ttttt r 1. •• • 1, , nrk ann., aud IL.) at?. ' 4.0.10 1.4 411 1. 01 14 41 1, • 141 th^l ruii fiEN I-11 Ilia llio l r 5 15.52 .04.0 n 4.0 1.11.1011.1 1/•.0 11. Lb, - 1, .1 `1""t1' a., a•• .Le t ah, tat al •Itarhal. alth lea ar,J nal ' ; (Ifill'AlA ) AND'PE()IiIA. rtrai. yeat nu 4. For Sale or Perpetual Lease, THOMAS RALE, 1, 1 (.1rf 1 -TIM Et: - 81f1LOLN0 LOTS, laid MAN li nCI •11,1,114 , N 1l EIICII GI thetaws. I z t.. a, I ath *la.. Reb,ca, tkr4 - f.....1 .iiik 14.1. Leh. • 11N:1 , ' IN F::11114 , 11 . 411:,1 1. 1 1 1, , ,nL In.: ~ ..„1 1 , 4 4 ;, 0 , .p . p , 1 . ,1 ,; . . 411: w ,. c: . ;4 4 ,. 4e444, 4 1tr , an.l tt I anal nal 1.. r •••,. ra.. AL • h.., •It 11,k,hjaih, o.ar 1, •et utr• - •1.-at . - t• 04422 .t ti, 4140,1.4-4, st, •..a.a. - I,c. 61 tn. cmte, So. 4./. •Iseet, •I t. Jal. CaucLe• .;Seta.. t tt OH KIN 9. Wm. H. Haskill. 1 A (rood Bargain is now Offered, 1 EN'ENAL CWINIISSION MERCHANT I F A PPLICATION ISE NIADI: SOON.— /4,1. ucrlo:, k, 1... it .•1.1 a, a F relf. Thrre t.. Iraut Eh 11. o•agh, ILL er /1... • 1.1.1-an A want tau • , / Aneo....a t • Lttall.... .“' pr ,- 1-11, ...L. ,- • _ _ in, t•... a•LI 44 a .0441 ,04111 10,410 ,1,44.441 iI , IIRI. A 1 , 51,.. 1 114,,.441111 ben Ybat. Kept. 1, 6 0. list b•ve attlElml 4.11.1. • :lb orr.j , tuEld IL. t 4 • b1,..-t E.,i•%•1,1 :bar *nor, Cr 11, 11.4 rrarn, /EA dinibb 111•1 pork.' hut. LaJ W. Wm« a ...ebr th. pbra. taib•r• tn..] El 11, bEperEl,.., t).• lair and ttn rl^. Irb.hbul IL IcE , llEnebt. 1 •3...Prband by • to tr, y,br T•L•cpb.rour I .1 , .1 St •WI t. I.t .0 frly and •rst,ll.-slio• b.0101b,...11 ItinEl.t . 111.1 E 111 b I,I I IILVe. 11:111 , 1bibt,:a iltEbErn. • ST. LOUIS & 51. JOSEPH 1 f A.Ppi.Es e „., 1 •41. ,, , , • 311 r' • W. [IL ..B.t‘mi I ON DON NOR LES ANSI a rnvivra •t 0... I Merl, • Int at, rvlrbratnt ,trn I 1,1 r• rladivis• p 1 lns - tiborkiur, Itiorc ,flO bow Clio, %%Ma tat, fir.. 1111. it-hrormt Ertl hu l u l t.: W•WW , t tehut`. A"" rLll 'm "" "'" Slant r. 11,i110? • SW., tu•S ll•try rt. fi bra i.tiu A s smululcu TottAcco • • 1 1 1 0,1. 1111 n 1,1 ., 1,, IV SlreArrln.E.,e , 11 . 1 : 1' ., INI; SWAM; A-7 Cintl44 baud:, 1.1 I. ‘l...b;Cholr Mora. 11,4,1, • . tt II ebb. I lab, Mu/...c.4: • SI4I. lbuttnonset,onorr 4:144. -1,, Norzurd OrliA nn, Juvenile .netorlb 111.. II", by L. 514.,,E., N•111,11,41t btl In , b , .14.14 , 4411, th,nutn.,. 01 C.,14 , 10L144 ITlluarr 041,, , ,,14.,,z Trlnpernue. lNnv C. ,, r0• In. lu,olu Jfir• .111.tilev, teryl.l4w II ,11 in . tola, SIN.. brovn o t. h• :1 lrma, The Se., k (.1 ~uartott, Th e 144.44. Itoolvr, Tl, 111, Inv, """""" `lPTc'irtlrTrio n. II Sion ~r ihe th.1,14r, Igor ToN NI i-50 bales 1 , ...1;\ 1111141.. V .4 , \ Ugh.. and Fmnt lII' I I Hi 1N..r.-10 nine I'laerni Furnace, for rate re.., Ilw Art. Own: Whorl. by not, .1 a It. EL II I:. libund Church. riIAN NEIC.S . 1 11,—:40 tibia. sup., for sale bj , .1 A a vt.l.lrr. FRICA PEPPER-0 boxem for 5a1e1 , 3 7 .1 SellintS.llAllie.l , ebb r ir iE subseribers reprer.lully .111 III:. at tu 0..444 11,,41 pecners•..l 14rot nr.d br t.11111ct: ANI I I TEAS, whirl, 0,4) bn.r,. Inrnrsl,l. Iran.. (1,0 A Brit now:ited and rar,rl3l • K4tehurb.: pr:en, , , Alt. Pruitr: In L,,,gtly s- rn .1 , And 14 h l b ll . wan , . Sn:S.tr 011111 ban.: 3-11 , h1....cr',1401l poi :I , ,:441t4 entrant< 11e..1 . . nun.: •• f..ncy -. our. 11ItIpt(Lin.11.t. War , . Cht 41 .1. ,11 : 15 11 rtny eV. Oneba, Ccrudr4lll. M, 44144 . Landon 1.1 mad Swam.. utal nu nuo Forblg,ta Ibbnlnens. and Harare, ~ 4 4401.111 W.. d. men., le ti, ri.. 01 n, Turk. won, m 1114.14108 altob•etber 4,4 stns§ellue.4l , ...l 4 Yhst YIW 4441 i1..311,4 1 . 1 1111t . . =liberty st. -,,, ............„ .;,... • " . trAl.*:W.- , • ,EIOUSES, F'AlplS, &e. Allegheny Fourdry for Sale. rlillE undersigned offer for \iale their ee -1 tensive ati4 Talluble FOUNLIZr,P.tuat.• ..n •ttre , , au./ exteurlinfir Aou bltn-ot. li;rouy The ra I...ildutgmelmore the tutk.l37.. at. tun. . 01.1mmith nd Paz WTI nil, Int 1,1 cr. thl whwh hu.loltur- Arowtorteaht. liV hot Lr .Mat TE , .pt Th. 10uuaty ha ps.ek turtme.,. woh two " "* " . l . "'"'"" s '\J, " ;( k 7 .7. ` ;;; ' , "" ; ', Z. ' n• For Sale. . WELL finished two story 1101161, and LOT. ut a rnaftt ankl pro[ the . Th. tot I, 2, i,t-th I (At," tilh.r partieulatt •,pl• Tl RHISEIIIII.Is..ct ill rlt,ttrt u to- left., tho u. a, 44,...,1 toil To Let: OF , Fll : E . overPhilo belt 7 : 91 11.. • t sm... I.a s c o lit,om, l'ennonlystussia. , da A 'su.. ne.yrosl.l4o.l l'srmuununn rt thlturd dar I .1.9 m II I. A Z 0441. Lltresty .0 For Oak. TOE three story brick Dwelling !louse, i i Ns 1.. It., strurL. Surd•da 11 - OUO. rmsT. In ea.O. is. at Los 'our. 40.111:11.10 fir- 1. o, — . t. Imnd sod tonrlssurn an 11. p ro w l ! pul Clrer nt all ins...in/am, and title a,.o.tont.e I.lt IV. A. Y. 1113. L. .1.0 a Atturnra: et Law. 141 1..001..1 St Louis Hotel ew Orleans. I,~UDGE W rtnerly of the nt Cheri*. I, :env tu Inf. mthy truashou Daklls het the "r'1.1 1 1:11 1 11 11 7E1. tms Dunn..the rust nutneurt Ihp hour es I.sro rsemsleisd, tulditmns ram, mid ,stun!} sfurturl-a.shis!. .111 sushi.un to xtnnrutrosiet.. with rut. fort end r a. nur Mena.. di, 41 0 k e ' e F e l e C r i nue T ii i .a l .l r d t e7i; ‘ dree ( e 'fb e,..Z . e: r ‘:e. L r. t .•ll Rau,. l'cqsrs...nn alert. im. J. E. Ir. 0402411. Lit erw w- r rhoa• 91 , 10 LET—From the trot of April n krt, r„r.- • lan, 'ls-slie hi to u% rut h t•rutv ayerskuri22 Isn't. rltuyarl at o.ll.lsyt. . 41,10. n a 1(. For Sale, L " Ilt N1 1 ) ,11 " :0 'D T 1111 rd FORT Y‘iO. O An . E ts S 21 4 F Too veins of lost ms utuurturs..l iv qual.ty ytnd xJreua tsarsfor minim, nod squal Its the twat on Its river. Alen--OrarOwn umIII,Ird part um. htitslud 50.1 Wm , / torso. thr , lllorraduto Illannuaahrlaelll irr a toll de•rrlpllbp of ths prnis.rt isocur null 1.e., Mild, to unv /.. IIAIIII. • 110 11 A IRD S.. IRVIN !MVO also tor Kan 4.0041 .1) very &strata. unkapratral lute eutt•lde fin litnYute srulrustu. to *flesh...3y City A 1..,, unlmprms.-1.L.a... ruitstde mr Wm... stand. I, patttrulare apply at ahoy. twit/ Desirable Fr - Oce ' rty for Sale. A NUMBER of very val. • Buildine. L ,^1 adirqulng out., n • 01d , so Pran.;lranla Railroad, In Ars.thrn,yi .frontior '0 ths limina.4. mad un rranklatt. thdurli. fl Jututte sttesta r anl su Allrabru % warm./ AL A a slu•I 1 ds urumpsuard I.ut. no the rums, 01 lals slay •tul Irsolory ettseta, Ylnl, 1.1.0. eau wits It., 11,1. 1.111 l olb.lic elsurrh. :II but Hunt nu Illurty. I.r JO. kid nn 1.00r7, runolua bark LN durtua al-d—thr [bran. story tars 1. /Austin., House on laiserty street, mlnnumg the IL, ha twang ...et Inult 1... 1. sllbs hour« it term' mut Lunt In I .s•lsrn. 'ark'. sad cumulus el-sen Also-- A Farm d Iny.l ecru. IL Lssrema muctr. 6 mils* tn.c. Neu Cantle Alu—/'arms to ltraler rumar. of rarioug Sisel and Corn di a / a vrr...fda r.alu lo• mud un arrulaznodatlna rm. EuritUre cf N. I• a 1. la V . l 1 tII3.IAN. AlL.rm rs mll.stut- gvul4., ... / • rl. l'lttslUral J)ESIRARI.E PROP E 1E17 ,, I.E— mrd murmur 1, , Gs to u I. .•I Ihlo ld ldd a I.•iylui/ I,d hr ,IN u.,hale , ior mly n •t l' 4,1 A( rent rsa In t...bust 1.• . To Let. 'I I IIE well kn-wo EMILE 110141,!..tei I 1...11T t'llll.l. n 1 ir• 11 1 . 111LAT.1(LI 11 . 6* nerutd 1., 1.111.0 1 11111, tsrmerl 11.1. Irres Rod e-aurnausur lintsitaironstaimli4. - mud ..ultrar, ,Tl,l, ..1. ts..l nut.. • \ ischsrl. eltrana I.y at. 01..1 In ths ussu s ts eternit, latm-t 1.0 vvreutly er...1-1 Lunn the Isuirtstld trysrt tudr. , r4 dru. On 110 r ~,,, ,11nre..a•s, ';'r.L.i.t.'S::;Vln't'...;il! e" let tartly, pr. ttnarar• en.intrs the' turn., 1,....11 00 A 1.4 t.a.l.h 1 1 .1 1 1., orta , 11.11.1 n.. 1,1 sisltils / -- A large nod eorneoientj 1 1111111', .I'. .....l-enuarterrt, biases.. %I qud niultbfielJ 04 rs,l WM 11 .1..11‘,T0N Private Residence for Sale. • Kentucky Mutual Lite Insurance Company utT tlt ARTY FUND, $.llOOO. 'II IS S IM offers to the Insured all rare...l Lat.., sp. nuo..al n turn to 61 toe per 1 . 4,11,1 Pa Ll,O rontlozeta 1.14 of Ow ~.17 au .el•t0 WI sat ext.e.elte orveLLltaa fit the haw, 111, La ot grazr• Plr vrtp.le tel-to.fllle .teao g..- .. L--1 ..0 ~LargoObt Mai ...L...t to nob ru pg,lage att. Alti ete.tat the.. p 010.... • aLl.r•or, lon I .le.po-P town..' egnty or .Pgt ten, .n.l sl I.r the I rewnt ..Lira,' Pr t u rra 1110 1110-1 t... 14 LL• ouly Lae lonannee araapetty •••• peewit, ut art. . zear re .L.ea sten.l• •.r. • png moat. t t. Lamatallp 111V1C44111,' 4,4 111114, ol too I,lpr luture govt.,' lgi °La. Pr.10 , ..1..1 14 , 611.1,111 t tuotter• sod the La.:Leming act ...a, 0 4 . aketol,•. Ira, Pr 14,/1. Lletsol Phu 0.0 mad u., • / PL , L.Lount. itgrr.oll-.1 La,11., Nod Lggeloal.goL f ...oranee J TU11111:1T, A II 113/ II ...I .11.11. Pitt ebta ,torn 11110 , 0, e kik.ll I attoorr IC II 111 IMA TE POT itSll 7,c io i ii i :„ L i , l % , , . , for Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock, FOR SALE AT A LOW BATE by A WILK INO Rlq % A :311 BOA RD.S- 1, - , 1 , 1 ,,,,c t.1t1z ;,; Zinc, uc i,i f t .. , r , sale t It ESE L'Uo Lan. IV. IL, fyr Kith! by ICK A AIWA:OW.I:r. - . I E . i i it i tiNt;-1 11.1 bog . , Li y, Ibr Hale by ' ' BEAM CIILEJE--21.10 btoxr,s for .1..1 by 1111 K A )IoCANIO.EI+o \ I . OLA bbl,. I:l , a , n s t . a l r l4 ion, For 'ode LT null It LTALL CO., labrOr !WRENCH MSS' SOS!- Bußcu -3.‘ rio. hare toot rt , .l tooortment st.,oro Ono], ro .' Vg ". l;!; " O r al l ir, . Alw, l• ' noN I A M 1 WK-441 - hbh. uss.4:lll"-Ile murh ruh, unlm As TUB!. ir k inrh grullallul noir CHEESE -500 .tyry awl In wale 17 n,.11 . 1.. DAL/. N 1/1611-3etsicA litadra:t by AXON YACIA NESE-2 L, .r.1`.7 • . 1. , ' • • II LARD Ull -19 F E „ It uAI SAM F"--.40 galls. Cn it 0u1G1.4 _TRANS_. UNIt. ZSAIBSP (l CLEVELAND VIA t. And the ,Par,onurph and ('ltv. ~11 LS well lcuown and old eld.a. 1 I ,.in d 11,rto, edorte,•ndu •11.11 111 t .g . • 1 •1 ‘ . - 1 ' 11'4 uhatT.'ene.:=l'lTO.--YFA,I auh ' eleteland. and all inteturd . rd. Polak, an The steamboat 0 V reveler. anJ earlier , r/r•..1 lt•r..or I, Cl.:veturlj I.oltal. lb. n , at , -nrunl.ort Hoare: to •1,1, cod,trot to 1 1roor. r, rni tritroa Clevelandit lt / . .4111,1 A J A. CACtilln Coe IVver'/1"111111•11.14 PIN \ Ohio and Pennsylvania &Ora NEIV AItIIANUEMENT. COM tikencing on I'Vlondny. Dee. Bth, RAILEO.I/ EXTENDED rant PITTS "'TO OKI°, And ennnee Ire itachlng to Co/unthrt 112 mg . /fa d. 1•14 only +l4 14 hittreen atul then .M the eleneland at• Atha, 91111 E El 1 lemurs Pitteho A A 61. at relrlek 11..rh In,dLtdo, s. 11.erelao,1 Strdea run\ •111 Ir nom /1/lane.• to Vanton,l•l•ll ar .11100, •nd dad'Arnin knot, h”,r I,Wnde, Pdlant , n111•11,reu. 1 1,1 W e -tome, i t . nr , ha tory.. I Tr l ral k lnavr; Pnlertina i rt p . l , l . enter at I. no renter burgh liirTto Itrlrlann Arai t nditl,.n Train news, Iln.huran at 10 A )I, and 4 1 . . Ti.. 1401 her bT , osl • 1d• t. 11. and 1..0 1. ,11., rt Intarmnlnate at.- non, Pdent.lrn for trS dare are raid be- Intlet,or d b. n. i4 rod her s /Indla,,n. The I . d.r.nrrr leaver AlllAtter at b A 11., and Palen At 9 t SI. • , The l•thlon unt run.. `lAndar • 1;d 1 . Intl • fr•l:nT4tie"/[117..t.ru,.% ""' "' Y.alntet% sway, at in. / "Jdrol Strehl htstion, la I/ 1111/1 I: I. t Ith I h •1•1:1,t Arent WINTER ARRAIMEMENI7. . UNION LINE. 'MORE. I brnugh. at 1%, , t i w , ...b, x.. mu1i,";i''4.t.t.1t!a...1.41,a. ~_ 71 North aktect, llaltinure. . Freights to and train the Rastern Cities. iris TE 1: A R 1: A IV 0 .R*E -V T. D. LEECH 5..\.:13.5. mat\ att l & 7 :i -4 4 . Mggi, _ Tht RAIL ROAD ANA WAGO,N. UItING TED.: "SITSPF..\ * §ION of Canal' , Nariamtbot. fa nib I .r.rant Incurht ,, to and bow . t. •Kne plan ~ 100100 blit. 01 1.1111&V In abontektdlnna a \ rates. At td, 4 , , or attar,. \ \ I) 11.4 lid 4 /ILAPK. \ \ Canal and I . e. i , ndt,Pithhurch. \ \ llOOlll3O I,ELPII, \ No: 1.1 and li Soua i Vnat i z , el, N FM . ati:Lba. _ , \ EN to 11 :Joni, curet, behinaan,. NSYLV/LNLA EMIR° \ . IC /TA ) , / Ja ,'l g : ,1 It I? 7 jlri N' . ii 1 r; ,Ilve.ribere., agent 4 for the Penn zil f,„ 1. Tftta/u. 11.1y , 1N4.1 C., arc 1.,./ I , ,,,ardd to yempt frvi s I,rogh dun y‘Lc •Int., L. Pldiadrinhla. 'at tha uallb - Vry . altlnd. cla. , Inc.,' and nool S1.2:11 10,/ It 4. toll Flacon. Ito • rl, lamb lath, end WI . ' "''," ''''''''. \I\th—FIVE DAY ... '"° . - 1 thAUDIt a 0.11,E, A cant:, ~,,,,i 4 „.„. D,., 1 \ ,, , , chac i r . Pr. and Wayne At U. dd. .i.if ',... ,aa.ar"' . ee ._ : ' - floimarx . ,FEItESYLV.,:- • RAILROAD _ Avel grprett 4' .iyt Line for P111L.141.1 . 111A kA. t 11AVEINIORE. Yr .E:;l. , : ijn ,a rn: .l. n .„. ); I , ...mtv:Hae ,,r eq4 . - 144,.... ..--, ncrlnit.U.l74a,l. , L! t 1 ,., o'clul. , l \ll. Art ly to 1, I lrat ' : l l . l l ,:ti, '•' ::Sl ' lV.l ' lL! '°""- ( C'' ao..int \ . i FALL .5: , R IT LATER ARII:4OE.‘IENT aittg_ - _,lBst.ii DEIXTEEN CLEVELAID Lap P 1117/113H. \1• EAVINO Pit t li ar . daily (Sn \ tkaye or , . {.plod, it to gea..., , a 3 by thr •.,. ' tirrAu .. N twat \ "FOREST •„. a.: .sua., CITY. \ \ Capt. A..lean at, ' \ TO ir EL L; VI ..P., \ Frog thence by .taanlA, 011.03. iit. oVEbt,Jadnhtt ...weer neer utubt. and erranna iu ChEVELANI, all I amen... tat 4 o'clock, In nut. to Catr . l , hcciontatatatra ~ 1 . 1 ... 1, , . , ..hent t rg , a , dt n. o b!t , te u tc ., ,lt r u . l, , .. lac the Lakin cit f MI. tot:lcarian., ... .. ' , O bcure. to%' L ''' trke aro; 0. 1 Jan!,7.7, -. 1 . 11,' - it; ... . ;;;i'l -S :4 "°. l • .•11..,11c. 0 hy ninth 'tile InabdatC.ra 1 4ra no " l ' vti PUtaburzh th Cl. Pia. au i hour,. , Yur Tatt.en, anal,- le a at. 1 1 Alt , k1N,A(eut. , ~.,......- . .- t r , Monongahela Won Pine \ nah,, . Fennsylvania Railroad, ' agggrEW;MgElPgP WINTER ARRANOEAIENT BETWk'EN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBUff/I\ 7'oot Redutrot to 24 Hoot,/ \ (IN and after the let of December next, I._, raeuen...ro .111 be carried by the Peutuyliraula tall road lbaanuny, Idtweert PLuadelyhts and leittabunthl, to ,4 hour, Nitil only awe. t Cl :mean. od,r au ...ctn.( Tung., \ 511.00. c.h. . and twea 6..uott,is 11.. Wad\ Nrl sod theiAtltnttr Ctn., x 13.1 Om ocean:m.l.o.am wall 1,, , ,t5 . v 11: p Light“ elLaMa As .1.19,a1 n..ut Pe013,1 ll.ilnwt C 1.)..,. TIER 013 . 011 CINCINNATITO IN 48 HOURS. ) N and after 'WC , : DAY, OCTOBER 13th, .I . levelantl 1.2 d Cturitmat) Ra/1n41,1 1 0/nrd.s7" ill , •v.l vna trnm ExiTess telmover, ISIS. lou Lt m C.artnt.t/ a r ,. 10 eilock poxt o 1, ( ' ::lll . rifjr corurr vl-Walrr au,lll-tultbll.l4 t. 414 )1.1.11,5r.abe1a _ NEW YORK AHD 'ERIE RAELTIOAIL isoi. aisgegm \ .1851. 1:,, I{(>l3TE 'II:) , \ ICEM( TURK OITY 141 tuel the hrte , ,, , ttil . M .,.b er n teuteermL i ti, , r • Tet2ntraTte , rte'gr . ie ' t!..ll ' ...tive'lau sad l'ltt ' !leurwh. arui . ..nein-kr sled Carerireutl Ilat Ateatoara s un the eetelee need Slie.alanelleiV river, n .1 due Maui* wad I . ..teuel mate. Cateata, 11AINH LEA VC PUNII. ti 't tuber,• •teot tea./ Me.rrzeut liszteten 3 . rt117 jt . • &I Frei:area I,xpreent e . 3, The lllaallrasti tuepee at. Elmira. etre werera aicon 7 hour.. and - bent the I , ,terrnolrr iu.aratu In Now k ark net t aurpen... t ee'nlork, alio trot •Ileohedlntanew Fr day-light. The L 1,111,6 Fruotlet Cattle Trait; 4A. /1-dalle. • l'neenef Car • ...sale 3 aeenrumNate W4l PieateuKtera and beentea , thr-Farn Crum Lluultirl, In New Yuri, Ph\ prieeen NIl be giveen en• hew day, - I,,T ig h let.l s =nrlee ' r= r 7 l , -' grr7. "' Pnrtleular atteutieen will E . « paid In ;Wlt. beeinet 0 re, wide, ply.. thla 'dote ,reant - n e jeeeu ,eatt, haulreeds to the. kraunporatinn eel /sir A.l.itinual Win ha put to ruccent v. ter abort lime. 4,01011 Tantly will le Ohetribuleal. 01010 w f . 01 reward to thee pr.. of Vreeght. POVII a 0 the J. tee prepared CklA.l4lhttr e eup't J. NoriNllllA.ll, Alarm Dunktrk. cLat...l uld tng sale. del • 3A1.1 KS A ill , Ttallt.ON !CO. IREA3I CHEESE--= no boxes prime, tor ll WIS ur _fir' 7. P. VON DONNIIOILSV a ('I., to auk 7, Find plr• • I_)INE APPLE CIiF.ESE,--9. ' Quality. 1..1.1 41, .1 OM; oh.. /ger h...utat. and . ch. arc Ir-Nient io or, rmldablo attacks upon •sloe of Colds.Cooahaiinst. IS th. plcaairitaatatal varmint.. d. Lttitilr, should be Without tool It n.rat will. oit.3lhwine gentian:ma; . ..Daum .triora ascuons of country when Loa all as aarebintr tat unallrit :character—as the uktinhiaia And era In mr.llllsle. with ail impart- Ahbject of which thief speak. , It thr ludgoarot of oxprrlellot. set IS CEKTIFICATC ,I.I A . than:W/4.4ring Ilvala 1,, (4.rtr, l•rcivral. berabtakr• at'll la We L 4 t i crl oloaLeCactlaal grom. rr, (.I.aurnytlo ever ollara‘l 10 Ca. Asa - AnJ W.• ot our anowlodaw ann. It p. the 031 . 10 1erk. s ter01411.11.1\ ecralglly totnatasid n " =7417.7111111411. turllclor cau Ilaur , harr. Maraud. Ilmtoo,alm • Ilae.ao cursi.ou. hl,rilota• Jarob d, Vamod. T 11. NI eA LAufkrilla, Ky. Fraucto • Waltuo.:ll-. Lotus, irsaourio Joeppli Tutler . Hoed., Ababa a. T. A. Vaek, l'ormo Ilivriland.l:l4..r aW. Anru a t Oetagla\ Inaac . l, Jaule, sfrvotnu. Naar Fmrilee.i.vi P.tl. l •Yruh.PK. \ ark a Co -.llCarago. E. Clay. Burnt's:ton. \ AL A. Samoa A :vit., Norli4l...l'a. - 1610,411 Itrim.litfixt, -1.41 a. hill,: Ctrile , l..iphia. Ira. , L. 11.4 W. LI.I/ilroau. D. J. Wright a Co. an.a - Crlmaa. Lk. . 11*.arrou. A.C.1.. Curt Indl ‘ C.C. Itih.o.:na Co., :n¢ frate.o,o;egl.- L.Atla a . R K. Strrau.7. ee. Chilloo a, bur r, 1.1001, li.tvk, Ark. Ftiller. 11.10 A Cu-. Lelltlgte.l4. Sib!. Lapin...OßlT . ..rico. Taxa,. Clrarlia YrimlJran., li. L • J. al. T E o c o n , tr . i a r- A a C n . ta alodovati.O. A . IV FoItLICS Cortirules: • • .1 II Coffin A 13''. Valparatau. • ' F- n C. 0.! a Cu.. V. ra Cruz. abral.n. Fred. 1:11 a a Lt.. Koala, Now Orr:tads.. r. ‘• C.i'owt COldom. blorKau.4 , 11/.;,..•• hcnba. • T: Walley A ;rm. St. -I,bna, Naar iuonntiok. • c. halhoot Bruit- ' With ou.-ti areurnUce. 40.1.fr01a so dl rowel. nn Pirongar woof eau Le alilltoarL eacept"ibalfulkalluilaattaelaapon trial. Prepared an] lad by-lAN/IW. ArTar. Pneti,Al taus - • I.OL Drell, Mw. NP S I X I IVVg I" .,,:/ . 5 , 1 b rint) . 1; ; 4414V 4 by L A. JO anr•ihr.or. DI 11. P. 1341 iIWatIVIZ. ana .Y. DOC Gairt aad hr. oflotalwit. \ taawianoB- . , • •rel Ls at mod * LO, I tt targh itlaillk W. darn(,. Itallan tee ENT, in, __. .. . . ern. _oa s t. ~ kh umotion, Paips In the nano .Joint, (41 Pores and 1/Inere, EWeilinu the tl I ‘, PapblLK hp no Mts. tisk. it . Mormon cl the 11L1001e.104, of Acr Dionane4rigine from the hOe pr 2 ruro. `t'alti In the • Pideo at khou ero, lionorol Dabillty,',. Prep , Liitahaue.Jann: d and Canto,- .-r, THE 134 r PRX.,4I: SIEDWINE):/y1 The ahakor , t-ridwied .. .Yellow Pr'oh." and tiondunto ~ .T.Nrar ill," 4fc M. iitval.l,l .[Tuts from whirl. tor. 0.4 1 111'. initiosod Yellow honk and er@srarilla\ is rouged: aid taro cfl/r. Ciureset has gloms Ito lii,- c'..rtuts of a. them ,rnotn.u. ill; mike :I,mm 6Aosmag ...on.. ?rue-I.IIIA 0r . ,11. note. koruldated unl tad in their weans: etto , ntith and 41oncy. ' - ~.‘. Experiments were mad. in Om isnmunghtte dleine, until it wee futunttlat It eon ll not, be t tunoed. deconlianly, ne hul it roklital tO. a x r ..nr, in came of Ilecalk. Prorhukc. a.l complalom—for mammal pruotialoun nu all the s and all those tormenting dtoonoes of thot o patience end m Tatar lon. to 1144101' a ; ; Sem ta, drerednisl Complaiata. 'Censer. Gan. emits:\ Uhenaustans. and a vast s !misty uf mbar alba \ attestable &ad datulOestne dianieo. ne greedily and per. ththeedke oath , bt the aoe et Ude tned , dna. ,„ \ \ , Faults, 0061,2. pat, ledt. • dlr. John T. lark --Lhtr wits le wi unutterable feellous otorestitudethed. / em aldet.ttkrough the Divine Providturee and by the I , ol3ol,thilluir, eleaeT of *List aerellent st mrdleine. tl sott'• leltOlatherk and ha, saparilia, to ;me t:s Arots]. mialnicat hope amt,d, la the *lnter of 157414 tau attantird With se-,,,4f via gradually erdeadatept . harniptt the tt'tnr • ohoM 11014 cal., awl m the tame time.iherairas • to. ti pieatratiala of ear phylaell flyetelli; leg had t • , shrank ta about tootbirdrof ha mamma idea, Uttar.- ed the ableaulanee of a sittlfudpractltinner. PPetheate 4 db ‘ .ease tee of the rot it Lrme of htti'corbytalut.' Ile\ said my ease sae One not ratilY Inhaled, bat preassib. e 4 for mu. d remained under his treatment nada' tras atalell,,he could not heir; ma. then , procamd of ',far t this plirev..W:S: Beam. tee hotbitAnt Chugstel , - Yellow dDret .not 2.1141.111111; from which 1 tareired ti rasa ansuont of lament. After basing taken fun. bottle.. \ mare 1 wet able to patent my pu.fac. wttioite ` 4 Tattooer, and hare been tame tbust. swell... but • /hart \ pealed baron 1 bat hors contlmod to me e thnastfourat• re and r caiatist ice turn of my' let earmark.. hyt of Wet, VW) and grumps - ill IIAndEL VAT dlr. J.O. Par 10114 you the for Moat, and to metalled wiftidlis all true. 1 art lion it might ht.' ~ y ou cad to the a ,13• Te. the Willie, 11 ea ryou this , - . Th.. Lillarmi. Uttar Isfrcirahisblrtrhartalil. 1.4 [ . ......ra ..i. wrranalrehfarthiat Nrwarwr.. Et.l[lt rouriti..o....'Nel , Sli l Dr. ./[ihn D. Park- I.k : Dr.,Ooyartt . • haruparilla hr. bona [wraith. by roe foi tha 'ear., will. g0.,1 t.-.lv th as! Dobilltn i Li 1.1.0 wt. Jahritiwa..DArpsli. tilsrongr.. wail . Dlk.ar.... 111 all FrualuCompliiir it•pertalal qualul. lo \ rho PO of /his - wird illieiatiaat Ir qiitut rtrel,ath ant ?Ivor: afa „worthy rlt 1 , oricratiov. It , pli.saanirwth• ta.lihatricrithell 1...4 Wr Parr v. with tlirwirt date atom. nllnty. upJer an Cit.ol.ll• , ,e ,illkjar [...Ulm , and 1., [lwalilleu,ll vire lt4 W.. - . nit_ so t mom by J. , • 0. suotr [mall. UMW. \ ' Lrtarwat pf Yount awl II 0i1ut. 1 ..a...U., lioii !.. , t iu.i cw whoa all onl.ta saw aibluM.d. . `?. tild.l it Cic..: U. A. urtnek ii, tiii: 7 11.1.1ros i jr.,HUbar. • A- bee , \ L.. T 13....11, W. SIT . Punt trlc al t, title , Tata to \f l etrailt Clams I\A and an lag ' ?or: tort 112 rtictr 4 .11 CEIUMI