FM= . ~ ~~ r.. • • — ononnement that thin statesman hos been at by illb7preasure of infirmity .Igiu his seit in the Senate of the •.,es, will cause an emotion of sorrow . 1,474 y. American heart. It is such men . . ,Vrivitiot only lenits nation to grentoess 41digi . r bpi are themselves its greatest glory. gillOaboni as", public man are over; the meal 1:,-*JJIili.ot:fliolattie it ; the grntilvde and yen country will cheer his tow re -*alining dam and embalarbin memory for ell -"-ttnietunang her noblest benefactoro and worthied. ROSSITTIR'S THREE PROPOSITIONS. What the Governor of Ilungary desires the • people of the United States to do, to aid him in hie ,'grant work, he stated in the three following . propaltiona, Contained in hie great New York 'Fetch, to ill: Fiat,, That, feeling interested in the mein tentneeef the laws of tstiest!, acknowledging . I the iovefeign right of every people to dispose of its own 'domestic, concerns to ha one of these laws,'and -the interferenoe with this sorer feign right to be a violation of these laws . of nations, the people of the United States— ...reeolved to respect and to make respected these lawa—declares the Russian past interven '' Sion in Hungary to be iviolation of three laws. • ; which, if reiterated, would be a new violation, .'.end would not be regarded indifferently by the the people of-the United States—that you t here ,fare Invite your Goviunment to net accordingly, • .and , no Invite - Great Britain to 'unite with the - United States in thin policy. Strestf,• That the People of the United States • are resol!ed to maintain its right of commercial '.intireonme with the nations of Europe, whether ':they be in a state of revointhin ngainst their - 'Oovernnitmts or not; and that, 'with the 1101/ of approaching imams on the continent of Europe, tHO, people invite the Government to takeappro• 4rieduine.teures fee the protection of the trade :of the 'Mediterranean ; and, -.2lrid,.That the- People of the United States ....:ProitoneCe titer - opinion in respect 'the clues ." tion.of Independence of Hungary so as I hod the howir ti'etate.• "Tit , e not propotition couched in the last .paragraph, is what ho had stated in the fore . going part of his speech, that the "people of Ito United States would be pleased by all constitn- tional means, of its wonted public life, to declare : - "Aitt, acknowledging the legitimate character of Declaration of Independence of Hungary, hie • • . anxious to greet Hungary among!! zhein & - • P endent powers of the earth, and Invite the • of the United states to recognize tilo , - Independence at the earliest convenient k •-• m . .••• tie. ' That tbese.three pioyositions are just, 'honor. and perfectly consistent with the just rights H of nations, few Will dispute That theywould, .If adopted and carried out by England and be' of immense advantage to the cause • . .`o3Lntonn liberty, not many will call in question. which can be urged against them oxpediettoy and money nrgament. to nlait; by possibility, though not at all'probable, e, • 4001itima in a war with , end that .:might ; interfere somewhat with our commerce, pane demands upon our treasury.— ehief, if not the only ground of ob- V'' . 'ijefttion The principle, the cause is just, holy, and.. ayorthy of a nation's aympithies, but cold, cralculating p r udence, apprehends danger, and opposes any real, tangible ssaiertauee to oppress - - -' mt humanity. „ aiklC OPLHIONE or SUL Puess.-,We have se. ler i e4 the opinions of a few of our exchanges to our- readers the pulsations of the great the people in reference to the mission. Icesseth.' 'These 'extraCts are only the , begin iiii;Of that weight of public opinion which .r.„-...aeon be Arown into the mole of human freedom A tetra the. lending conservative presses, which plwaya oppose all change, and defend whatever le tioti.honored with as much seal as the Bishop of 'does the infalibility of the Catholic ..:Church, are.opposing Kossuth's. mission, and a very few ore attempting to ridicule him. But thelY an no more stem tho torrent of the free _=': et:ritimeat of AmeriCa than they can stop . the iopi o{ slogan. 0,10 iitnoilinfin Masses to greet the great Cincinnati hoe. spoken nobly. Has 'Eittsbargh no husker welcome, no word of sym pathy ror:the Nation's Guest ? ' Has she - no opin ~iso-to'eiprees'on the great onestin which defiant:4in sOlemu weight over American minds and is. startling European despots from the 'sleep of 'fancied security, as the band-writing on the Will caused the knees of the impious Hehduistai to smite tagether X 051313711 KESTIROS - Tileptople are commencing their all-power ful'and tremendous 'response to 'the 'thrilling . appeiya, and convincing arguments of the illus trious Governor. otgangary. On Patuetley owning last, a Kossuth meeting was held In Columbus, Ohio, and-the State Jour n2l says it was tbe largest 'and most enthusias t:lo which:his beenseen •in that city for a long dtn • Etesointione were passed, and addresses -delivered. by .13. B. Cali, of Zanesville, Judge Samuel Galloiray, Oeo. E. Pugh, Wm. Den:a on and Hoii. Jno. Wood,. The etiolation and addresses have not yet .reached up, but we learn from the Journal that it wan resolved to appoint a committee of one kmdred citizens of Chico, twenty of whom were to be oEColumbui whore duty it should be to belie "Kosindh. to 1. At that Gloriotis State, and' toputalee Of ithe boapitallti of the people. ROENETEI MEETING 'IAT OINCINNATL , Thill.itas a grand • demonstration, and we :nopitreelj , from.theprociedinge. It took place liiift:Bitardap evening and, was largely attend 4;k thaintelligence, patriotism, and public opir ti of the city, being Well represented. officuraappoiuted at a former meeting. took thelrreesta, and Mr. Anates, the President, concisely stated the , object of the meeting. Hon. Wm. F. Johnston moved that Wm. M. .COriy he invited . to address the meeting. Ile recited the patriotic and'republican conduct of Idr..Corry daring the latter'e three years rest dance tranrope, and stated that he - wae mainly inetreniental is it - miring the passage of the res - platiOein tbls tr. B. Bennie, Awritten by Corry,) .titriting So 'wrath to this country. :, Mr.~Corry Loped . thn.reacdutions would ant . Judge Ifeadly, ork behalf of the committee of thirty- me, then pretended the following-rejoin- Ilona; the reading of-which was constantly in. tempted brlondand prolaiged cheering F ' We, the citizens of Cincinnati, having been .'• the first to. take ground in favor of the interven , tin of our government with that of Turkey! for the releatoof Louis liestmth, then and now Goy : im:tor Preeident of !Sugary, : and. that- object having, through the efforts of our Congress and : ... Executive, in conjunction with the Goyeniment " of Great Britain, been effected, desirous to ex '.-. tend a cordial welcome to , the hero whole now our Nation's guest, and to testify our sympathy •-.. with the glorious cause of European litterty, - 16 -. whits!' he has mitered and : labored, have again • assembled, and do now .. :.. . Resolve, That In the legislation of the Gunge run Diet of 1849, we witnessed with delight an ..:independent nation, establishing her institu tions upon the broad basis of individual freedom, -- and laying deep the fciundstlone of her prosper ity In the heerts of.' her citizens, by 'elevating .1 the peasants to equality with the nobl.; by guaranteeing religions toleration; freedom of the . press and speech; by providing for equality of meatier/ Wand .representation. by extending the .right of suffrage, and by establishing a more -'just distribution of property, and all this With , .. out interfering :seitli , aoy , vested right, or dis-• ,:'tithing the: happiness as single bunny in Hun- Resolved, That we regard the war in IlangUy is a hereto defence by a brave people of their ancient and "eonstitutional rights and libertiee, spettessful in the fielder battle against the co - bind power of tioro'boarydespotismn, and yiel -, "lug only to treachery, purchased only by Re - 1 , ,Sisit gold. ,We rejoice to believe . that war inn t . yyet ended, but that the preseat Condition ail - garY and Europe is but the lull before the final ,and iteettistible storm wind of Freedom, which ' . ideal sweep.fronathat continent every vestige, reef. .. ,oPPleasletl• -"i •- i ~.. .' . Boolved, Thatto each nation is delegated th . iight"to:govern itself, without interference fro - abroad,' and that while, -,theeetor.e, the 'Unite. aid adhere to the doctrine of natedn ,.... ,etedo beduidf of-rliherty; it .poa condition aod ecilong oldie other tia. i - jt* ao f the earth odopt and praoticea polio, of .4-interVention against Liberty. . . Resokur, 'Viet when the struggle in Hingari and Europe is renewed, we shall call upon our Congress and Executive tonne all honor Ole and practicable means to prevent intervention in be .lmlf Of oppression, and in thus resorting to in tervention for the sake of non-intervention, we will sustain our Government, even should war be the result. BE F,3 USD ig PA PI71? Re..!red, That we have witnessed with emo tions of the highest admiration, the great moral power and surpassing eloquence et Kossuth, who •effected his sweeping reforms in Hungary, without appealing to any sordid or sanguinary motive, until it became necessary to defend the nation, and then ae if by magic a country was transformed- into a camp, and a nation into an army; his words was transmuted into batteries, and his thoughts into soldiers." But above all do we admire the eloquence which carried through the Hungarian Diet without a voice of dissent that sublime legislatve act, which raised in to the dignity of landholders and the privileges of freemen, three millions of the pea sants of Hungary, giving them twenty millions of the soil, and equality of taxation with the no bles. RrAnlved, That the practical wisdom, the per sanal gallantry, the untiring energyy and per severance, and the high and herdic devotion to Liberty and his country, of Kossuth in every re lation of life: as au advocate before the courts of justice;osaaediior cireuluti,,g manuscript ap pvils to the people when the press was denied hint, as II three yearn' prisoner in an Austrian dungeon, us the elolueat leakier of the Diet, as Governor President of Hungary, reeking to es tablish ••ti Republic, such a republic as in the United States of America," and as' prisoner in Turkey, declining to barter his religion for re lease, and undismayed, though death seemed at hand, have won for him our confidence and es teen; kesolved, Thal we welcome Kossuth to Amer • lea: we desire to welcome him to Cineinamtti, that we-may here express to him in person those sentiments of which these resolutions are but a feeble repression: that we may show him Cin cinnati, a city born under the Federal Constitu tion, whose site in 15 87 was a wilderness, and whose present condition is OM a demon:el-at,. of what freedotn can do for man. Itesolrrd, That we welcome Kossuth in no spin it of men worship, but as the true representa tive in the Old World of the cause of popular freedom, as cherished by the citizens of the Uni ted States,'and guaranteed by our Federal Con stitution. Resarrd, That a Committee of thirteen be ap pointed, who Shall forward a copy of these re, olutions, and shall lama him to visit Cincinnati, and partake of the hospitalities of the people. Resotred, That we approve of the action of our city authorities upon this subject, and that a Committee of Arrangements be appointed to cooperate with the Council in the reception of Kossuth. Mr. Corry uow came forward. and said it was with extreme delight that he again, mingled with his fellow citizens, assembled on behalf of Kos suth and Freedom throughout the world. Ile wag glad to be able to announce—what might be new to some—that the United Stales Senate, inepite of its conservative elements, had passed' the resolution inviting Kossuth to the National Capital. (Applause.) lie was at Columbus when the Senate was struggling over the reso lution, and had telegraphed to out Senator in Washington "Pas; the Korroth resolution, or Mr Senate dead!" This was not merely an im pulse—he believed he spoke the sentiments of the people. During his residence abroad, he had alersys felt hims4lf in some aorta represen tative of the people at home : and while thus a wandering crusader, he had the gratification of kndwing he had not yet misrepresented nr mio taken the popular pulse of Cincinnati. He had the honor of moving early foram muse of Hun gary. When the Dol. of Gergey'e treachery, and Kosouth's escape to Turkey, reached 'Paris, he (Mr. Corry in conjunotinn with other Amer ./01111e, immediately wrote to our Minister at Constantinople, Dabney S. Carr, urging him to ouch prompt and energetic action so the emer gency might require in behalf of the exile.. Mr. C. rend the orgies' letter, and stated , . that out,-fifth of the signatures were those of citizens of Cincinnati. They also wrote to Com modore Morgan, of the Mediterranean tieet, , beg. ging him to do all that an Americatzefficer might in. behalf of the representatives of Republican km in Europe. He stated that when,, in Sep tember, 1649, Gorgey surrondered—to- Packei .wich, a plan was well. matured for blowing op the Austrian fleet . before Venire. - Mr. Colt, the inventer and manufacturer of the celebrated •!revolver," and of the eabmarine battery, was in. Paris at the time, andswas on the point of proceeding to Venice for the purpose of des troying the Austrian fleet, when the news of Anstriez triumphs in Hungary crushed the lust hope. of Venitian itepublimms. He would also state—not for the purpose of bdasting; but for the effect it might have elsewhere--that at the same time 160,000 ef the best Spriegneld mus kets were boxed op in New Tort, and ready for ehipment to the republicans in Eurepe. Those muskets were still there, ready for the purpose of patriots, but for sale to despotic governments upon no conditions, and at no price. (Applause.) ' He echoed the tone of the resolutions—thin meeting had notassembled to do honor to a man bet to a principle. Tradition told no that a bi neficent being—the god Osyrns—once ruled in Egypt; his life woe devoted to the elevation and happiness of his people. He was set upon and destroyed by the 'people's enemies, and to con ceal their crime him body was hacked to pieces, and the fragments scattered upon the four winds to all nations. Bar the god Isla arose, who de. voted a lifetime to searching.. for the scattered particles of °syrup's body, which were recover ed and reshaped knit, a beautiful and chteplete human form. Stich shall be the gforloas mis sion of this Nation. Nicholas and- Hapsburg had Immolated the representatives of. liberty, end hacked their bodies. Weakened their repute. dons; and .scattered them . afar tuxtongthe tui tions. Ilia Heloti, hie Cossacks, and Croats were rejoicing over prostrate republicanism.— A greater than Osyrns was, an exile in our midst. Mi. C. proceeded at length to portray .the high:lvy of the North-West, and the du ties wo now owed to those struggling for liberty In other lands. .1f we failed to respond to their appeals we were the pigmy descendants of a race of Giants. (Applause.) Bellamy Storer responded to the call of the meeting, and briefly remarked that but one opin ion meld be entertained at this, Blue on the sub ject that had brought them together. This was an epoch in the hieuVry of man which Providence had permitted this country to Ifißle3B. We pro reseed the realization of free institations but we hod not yet vealiied the fullness of our att vantages. Gentlemen, said Mr. Storer, Kossuth trill teach us fully to "salue our, institution'? (Ap plause.) Ile Is the representative of the very beau ideal of Republican liberty. Whether by inspiration, or the force of a peerless there it; something attached to the very enenci lake of his name totally different frourany oth er human tieing, of whom I ever heard or read. Read his epeeches In our own language. It is not in the words. I snow not ih.what it is; but there is that potency, that elebtric fire, which not only fires the .attention, but ravishes our mullet— (Cheers.) The titled, the learned, and the greater England, while they closed their cold hearts to his fereent appeals, were yet forced to admit that whatever `thought the Hun garian Chhif chose to express, a more clear, en larged end select collocation of English words were nevere by mortal man. Itheenth is the fit Hera ldd of a-new Era. Let us receive him fittingly; IA us give him not our hands alone, but take him to our hearts. • Forbid the rising of that puellanimons spirit—discreditable to the heart and the head—which het shown itself in some who represent an in the National Councils. (Deafening applause.) I hive carefully search ed for reasons for hesitating to receive - Kossuth in this manner. I have found none. Turkey would have kept him and his companions close prisoners till this boor, but this cotuotry (Arr. creed (lend cheers) and secured his release.— We have already done the worst to °Blued Kneels and Austria by robbing their Knoute,etheir Si beria. and their scaffolds of their illustrious vic tims. How then can we relnse to open oar hands and hearts to the men we have rescued from ignominious deaths? He must and he shall (cheers) be - received with all the honors doe the holy cause of which he is the incarna tion. -The reception cannot now be stopped— you might as well !struggle to roll back the tides of your Ohio in a epriog freshet! (llonewed ap plause.) I am for that iuterrention, which .is the open exhibition of republican principles as antagon istie. to despotism. The knees of the Belches :ere of Europe are shaking, anti it needs but this Cyrus of Hungary to turn the political Eu phrates, open the brazen gates, and the world will be free ! • Cassius M. Clay, (on the motion of Mr. Smead,) then came forward, and made a powerful and eloquent address. In •speaking to the question of now•interrention, he advocated the principle laid down in the resolutions. Ifungsry was an independent nation; one of • the confederated powers of Austria, exercising her franchises, and by the vindleation of her own right arm not I only entitled to be free. but had actually driven b3Ck those aristocrats of small, hesuhi and delaph I toted bodies. And, what did the law of nations Alessi° ? • That Russians ehoold not interfere. Swiss one of the family of nations, what should Ametlea have said? Would to dodgy they had a man in the' Chair of the United States who would aseume the responMility old Jackson did (cheers 'and laughter.) , .The rt*lAntlanewere then adopted, alter which 'Judge Headley made a forcible and olf•hand ed ePeech, following out the position taken in the tesolotionts;ln.fnoor of aiding, with their morkeyAadPtUatrilei the revolution in EuroPe, the final battle foe itpidoto, whleli'hißrediated. would eventuate not only in the restoration of liberty in liengsq, but a RassianAtepublic, Mr. /3oadleY'S remarks were -received': with the most unbounded applause. gr. Gallagher and Mr. Chambers . : wound urin a few painted and eloquent remarks—the latter gentleman submitting the following reso!u- Gory which was adopted: Resoled That it is the sense of this meeting, that the true poliry of government is to shape all its diplomacy in Conformity with the repub lican doctrines of non.interrention, as expound ed in the writings and speeches of KOSSUtb, doctrine that appeals to the heart of every American, and must be adopted. A committee consisting of the following gen tlemen was theof appointed. to take Charge of and forwardttithe Government the resolutions Wm. M. Garry; (Chairman;) W. A. Adams, Dr. Pries, Delamy Storer, Charles Wolff, W. S. Groesbeck, Clements Deidrich, It. B. Warden, Lewis Rehfuss, T. C. Day, A. e. Geeing, John MoMekin, G. T. Stedman. The former committee was continued 31 11 committee of arrangement in view of k visit to the city, and the meeting then separated. ICOSSITTITS MISSION. ()PINIONS OF THE PRESS The Washington, Po., Reporter remarks: " Kossuth's speech, in Now-York, at the Mu. nicipal Banquet, Was a great one. W.. regmt that we have not rm. for it. It sets forth its purpooes in a clear and eloquent manner, and whatever effect it may have open politicians, will be sure to range large masses of the people of this country on kin Sidi. Ito doe. not oak the intervention of this country, by force of oral's, in liehalf of Hungary. Ile only asks that while we maintain our ewe neater:ll4y, we shall in sist upon it that the nations of Europe shall do the came.—lie nays, and says truly„that Hun gary can whip Austria, single handed, at any time. She has done it, and can do it again. But when anemia Mopped in to the help of Austria, Itungary was beaten. He now asks that if an othe fight should break out between Hungary and Austria, we should say to Russia—stand hank ; let them fight it out between themselves. The request seems reasonable; and yet we are not en sure that it would not involve u. in War Seppetle Russia should not choose toetanit hock at our request? Will we not be so far committed I by asking her; as to undertake to force her to comply, if she refuses? If, gowever, Great Bri tain should unite with as in makiug this demand of Ramie, there would not be so much fear o f ee war. Russia would hardly risk a war, with two of the most powerful nations of the e arth. And if we understand Koseuth alight, he does not ask us to take this step without the concurrent., of Great Britain. For our part, we have no fear of evil con.- queneesfroin Kossuth's mission. Whatever is I done by this uation, will not he done hastily, nor will it reflect dishonor upon us, or upon the cause of human liberty. We are averse to ally course that will involve us in any war with Eu ropean powers; but the sympathy of the pee ple of the United States for Hungary, and for the struggle for couetitational liberty in Europe can not and ought not to he represeed. It the, judi cial tlindaes. of the dominant powers of Europe should force an official expression of this sym pathy from our government, let them take the consequences on their own beads. Whatever this nation says, it will stand up to. The Berk:4 Schuyikill.fournal, a very able Whig paper, in noticing the delay of the Senate to pass the resolutittunf welcome to Kossuth. says "Aye, but," say the 'wheol-horses' of the Sen ate, "we must cling to the old Monroe doctrine of 'non-interference,' in the affairs of other un tiOne. Let the people everywhere rise and throw off their shackles—lf tkey coo: Oar syni pathies are with them—but thry meet fight their own &whs.' If, after having nearly achieved their enfranchisement from the power thas holds them in bondage, a neighboring despotism, like Russia, for example, steps in and rivets Choir chains more securely than ever, why thud is their misfortune,—and none nl our Gusuiret" This is 'sympathy' with a vengeance! Had France practised it in our day of struggle; we should ,probehlystill he cowering:at the:feet of the Brit ish Lion! No, no, ancient airs, doctrine like thin, however sound in the 'earlier days of the Republic,' is neither suited to the spirit of the'l present age, dr the greatnms and power that have distinguished us as a nation. Our destiny is a nobler, higher, holler one, than to be indif ferent and passive epectatore of the great smug gle of Freedom against Despotism. We have acquired a voice like unto the voice of a trum pet among the nations of the earth, and it must be heard—an Moenca all powerful, which DIEM bifelt, aye, and feared too, by those who would trample upon human rights.. Nor do we apprehend that war will follow the adoption of this principle on the part of oar . government. The thrones of Europe see not so stable and secure that they can afford to array any/considerable force against us. Should the struggle for Independence in Hungary be re newed, under fairer auspices, the Coln, and Kaisers, of the old world will have enough to tin at home, without Havelling four or live thousand miles on a Qnixetio expedition against at 'Am is well laid by Knesuth in one of bin epeeebes, even the bayonets employed by tyranny to en force its edicts are beginning to Mink_ Noels this surprising. Thr brunt of every battle is borne by the mass, and that meal when employ ed in extending the area of despotism . cannot he insensible that they are accomplishing their own degradation. Al the hope of enfranchisement beams upon their sight they will turn upon their oppressors and fight for freedom in their own behalf. Thna will the work of universal libera tion be accomplished. • "fnikirndent," the able Washington correa. pondent of the Philadelphia North American, in a letter combatting the construction unw insist ed neon by a portion of the press in relation to our fbreign policy, winch would . throw around the United States a Chinese Wall, thrOugh which public opinion could not penetrate, ?aye: "To expect the people of this country to re main silent, and poeieo, and indifferent, alien the civilised world is convulsed with struggler for popular rights, and when our sy tu pr♦thy might cheer the oppressed millions who would leap their chains and proclaim feminist, is to expect what never can or ought to happen This Government has made rapid strides in the course of a generation, and steam and electricity hays produced a revolution In the morel and political condition of society which hundreds of years might not have effected in the Old World. Every outgmthing and upheaving of the popular I mind in Hungary. or Italy, or Germany, or Ire. land, or elsewhere, in borne to our shore upon the wings of the lightning, and vibrates errors the continent, striking two great oceans with one simultaneous shock. These things were not en twenty lee years ago. Are we to fold oar arms and stand still while science and knowledge and inventive genius are creating, or it were, anew world around us; and to tell those who are stirred by this universal spirit of resin- I lution that this young republic alone resiets the ' eruptions which are overthrowing thrones and dynasties, and stands by the musty records of precedents established in another day, and con trasts the present with the past, by the march of progress, only in another age! I think not. Let ns respect the ancient land masks as far an they may be consistent with the condition of mind and man now; let us venerate and value the good precepts of those who are gone; let us cherish the high principles which hare been banded down to us as gulden and reliances; but let us also remember that we have a mission to perform, and a destiny to fulfil." The PhiladerpAia. Sun boldly comes up to the work as follows: What Arthur Lee asked of France in Ei7s and obtained for America, Louis Kossuth asks of America in 1851 fur Hungary. There . is a striking similarity between the men and their missions. Lee in a letter to the Earl of Shot borne, (afterwards the Marquis of Laadedown,l made this patriotic declarationt—" the first ob ject of my life is my country; the first wish of my heart is public liberty. I must see, there fore, the liberties of my country established, or perish in her last struggle " IN not this the same glorious spirit which actuates Kossuth r Shall we refuse to Kossuth for Hungary, what France so freely acceeded to Lee for the Ampri can colonies I Shall we fail to extend that sue. cor in our giant strength, which we nought so. eagerly in our helpless infancy 7 Shall we, af ter being so deeply indebted to the sympathy, thhactior and motorist old of France in !teeming our liberties through the revolution, coldly fold our orms, and refuse the like sympathy, aid and comfort to Hungary, manacled and:down-trod den by dospotie butchers 1 We would be a na tion of daatards, a land of cowards, could we entertain such an idea for a moment Kossuth has well eglained the difference be. tween principle and expediency—the one im mutable, the other changing to suit circum stances. There is then no principle, either in our constitution, or laws, which will be infring ed by our doing for Hungary in 1851, what Prance did for us in 1776. The question then resolves itself into one of mere expediency, and is narrowed down to this, "are the United States, the giant nation, prevented by fear, self-interest or self•security, from extending the same succor which they successfully invoked from France in the infant weakness of their first struggle 7" Has -the proud, spirited boy, spurning a hard task-master. grown up a cold, selfish, speculative man? In aelf.interest the only principle of the American Republic Are .we to place in tha one scale our own security, our commerce, and our meameof making mo ney, to be weighed against thegreitt and univer eal principles of mates inalienabl tights 1' Are we to desert the God of principle follow the Mammon of interest f Where e recreant whO can for a moment believe: l t. The rule of action established by oursel 5, :when we needed sympathy - and assistance, not,.with honor; be departed tronawbeet ap Is-,are made • to on. Kossuth has asked nothing which it is not our duty to. grant: he. has asked nothing which can involve us; he has 'asked nothing, which should noebe freely awarded. It is not eiaga;ity which shrinks—it in downright diahon esty that Skulks the question. The Phll,lelphlu littllrtm thinks that we are making ourselves ridicnions by feasting every fugitive liberator, while we look with coldness upon the great work they are engaged in It flays: • We cannot join with those of our cotempora ries who ceneure Kossuth for soliciting our aid 1 He has the same right to ask assistance from I the Culled States, that the Unites Stated has to scion'. To say that the great Magyar violates the lows of hospitality, by urging this republic to take a decided stand in reference to Hungary is sheer nonsense, and nothing lees. For our. velvet, though far from prepared, as yet, to go the length lie desires, wo admire him, all the more, for tho frankness with which he hapro clai nied:his hopes, and the earnestness with which lies to convert public opinion here to his elite keek ln one respect he has certainly done good already by his speeches. We Americana have. become notorious in Europe. as a people who have a great deal of noisy sympathy for liberty, I but are not disposed to risk a :siipence in its e• ca we Gast exiles for a few days, it is said, and us then leave them io starvation for the rent of their life. liosenth's visit here will, we think correct tinieli of this. If the American people. adhering to their old traditional policy, decline to rtmeist H I ungary, they, will ant, surely, he shamefaced coriugh,thereafter, to get up torch light processions, or give magnificent banyteste to future Ujhany's, O'Brien's, Koesuth's, or Nlcoghers. Other results, too, may flow from this visit: hut of these we shall speak at another time Tlir Sew York Court., and /..ogerer has in advertenly no donbt, classed the Piii4tortrsilt Gr.- rue among the presses opposed to the mission of K(..1,11. The sentiments credited to this pa per belongAo another Pittsburgh journal. We disclaim thorn altogether. We belong to that class of the presses of Americo, not few nor fee ,de, which extend to Kossuth the righkhand of fellowship, and the deep seated sympathies of a 1,11111 heart. We esteem his canoe a just and holy one, and it shall receive all the aid and in fluence this journal can give to it, as lung as such sid is needed. THE Autitill:oo {V111111411E" —The December number of this able work, is adorned with a beautitul areal plate engraved portrait of Louie The table of contents in interesting. “KO.VDTII AND TNT If UNNAR/AN WAR, contain. ins a complete history of the late struggle of the Ilungarbtor for liberty. Philadelphia- published by It. C. Perk nod Theo. !Elise This work conies out at the right moment, and must have an extensive sale. Tun NORTH liftmen Heylevy, for November, is on our table,] with a very interesting table of contents. This masterly organ of the evangel minds of Great Britain, 4tould hare a large circulation here. Leonard Scott Co , publish ers Saw York. For sale by Wall, ith Street, Pittsburgh. F., Mr PatAbu's); !)user. .Ifeevre. I:,i,rra; —lt iv Aquestioushly a Chris tina duty, and should be regarded an a sacred privilege, to extend to our fellow-creatures, in eensous of suffering and distress, such aid as their circumstanres require. In this intensely cold weather, there ore wetly - families, in our city and vicinity, destitute of food, fuel and warm clothing. There is little or no employment, at the present period, for the poor; and unless the hand of charity .. . quickly extended to them, they will (mete or starve. Such an event would hen lasting disgrace to our community, which, 'considered in the aggregate, has the reputation of being not only wealthy but benevolent.— Whatever is done to meliorate the condition of the suGring poor in our midst, should be done 'at once. A postponement of 'charitable effort, for a single day, may be followed by fatal con arynciiren. A meeting should he called forth with, and committees appointed, to pbtain con tributions In the several wards of thiseity. It is nut a pleasant task to direct public at tention to a subject of this kind. hut it is always right to endeavor to promote the comfort and to diminish the ailliction of persons in distress, whether their misfortunes are the noted's! result of their own misconduct, or of causes entirely be yond their control, surely this appeal will be promptly respoutird to by our philanthropic citinw, who are blew*, In the orddr of Provi dence, with the means of gratifying one of the best and purest principles existing is the human ho•min A Pains,, cc VIM Loon. NEW itorrE TO PlTTalanoll —Since the , open ing of the Pittsburgh and eliveland Railroad as far as Enon Valley in Bearer mionty, a new roote of romniunteation and travel ham been opened between Nlttedville and Pittsburgh. via. Mom,. New ('astir, Mt. Jack:ton, Enon 1 alley, New Brighton, fie. Arrangements have now been made no that /tasengers ran leave Mercer, on the arrival of the tinge from this place, and reset, l'lttaburgh via the Itailrandtbesama even ing at 3 o'clock P. M. Pme•engers are Convey ed (corn Mercer to Neon Valley, a 4intance of :to mile. i n Qnfk I hack.. and there take the ears. travelling a diatom.. of 44 [TUCK by rail, over one of the best rondo in the country Mr Pc. ter Ibeirson, of Now Castle, has made an arcane matt with the railroad earnparty, ar that he ran furnish ticket, and forward passengers through fr. ao V.•w Castle to Pittsburgh, for itl.f.o—Ja dis tal:co or 1,0 IYe peeved over thin route recently and found Mr Dickson exceedingly accommodating and de eirone (or thee-contort of hiv rnevengers do soon ea the line become.; fully eAtahlintmi, nod ,d 1 the .inneonons fairly formed. it will be. by far the most plea...ant nue 'coding to the" Iron City."— ;le./utile I;oz. Corrry,Erdeur, I,brk k,ornartno4 ^I Arnerau o. Europe-11.1dr Ff./in s , 0,1 Thr,t2, ker.-11, Rru;.eott Firnan- l!Mtil!! Vienna, Nov. 16, ISLI. Tho events of the last three or four years, which have tended so greatly to change the po sition of the United States in the western world, have hi so cootnbuted very much to moth y the estimation m which our country in hold 1 y the powers Of Europe.. The ; annexation of roam, the Mexican war and its consequences, lit set tlement of California and New Mexico,l have shown the European powers a spectacle oflrieing greatness of which they seem hardly to! here dreamed. England, the great practical notion of Europe, has seen these events in the ir, prop er light. Therefore, the tone of respect which has been assumed by the English preen, and the perfectly amicable disposalua which is Mani fested by the English noveroment. Whittever may he the jendotlies of the two nations,' there is evidently n growing inclination on the part of England, to look with something like pride on the gigantically developing dimensions of Amer ica. The liberation of Kossuth, and the action in reference to him, and on the part of both the American Government and people, have now on, o home to Austria herself; and it is at last evidently felt that America, to far from being of indifference to continental Europe, may possibly exercises an important Influence on its future fate. Henceforth America will enter largely In the political calculations of Austrian atategmen. It is evident, however, that as yet the views of America are here hot very Imperfect. It is very plain that American statesmen have not the the elear-sighteilliess of the English on this point When I mention that a Iffinistnrial paper stated, a few days ago, that it was well informed that if there should be any ofcial reception of Kos suth, or official manifestation in regard to him, by the President or Federal Government of the United States, the Austrian Minister there would leave the country. and the American Minister here get hie passports,—it will he seen at once how imperfect the notions of American charact er Must be, to suggest such a threat, and how ignorantly or willfully blind those must be that make it; to stupendous consequences that would result from carrying it out. It is, however, most likely a mere threat cent out eve a sort of feeler, without the least idea of earionsly enter taining it. Austria is at present In such a fearful condi tion in reference to her finances, that it would he sheer madness, to plunge her into external difficulties. Iler annual defiCit, at the present rote of expenditure", is between GO sad 70 mil lions of florins, and there in very little prospeet of diminishing it for some time to come. The only way to do no would be a dimatiltion of her immense military establishment A reduction I was indeed published a abort time since, but on the most favorable calculation it would only i make a saving of fifteen millions, which would of cadres diminish the general deficit very little; and it is even said that the order for this reduc tion has been rescinded, in view of the state of thing's in 'France. Ilut even supposing it carri ed oat, there are at the Name time additions be ing made which will about compensate for it. Certain new regiments are being formed in Tran sylvania, amounting Altogether, it in mid, to about 30,000 men,—and the depreciation of pa per money la; becorolog greater and greater, notwithstanding the late loan which was intend to help It. flow it will endno one can tell. The precious motels were going pp so rapidly the past week that the Government, 'far the second time, interferod on 'Change to put down dealing in thins by 'farce., The chief,of the pollee, with several. ofhie eitbordinante; went 1 personally to the &chalk's, In the first p ea, • dozen of soldiers with tiled bayonets attending him at the door- his presence damped all hi . tine*. eo thitt the 'exchange .fell. - ,Ttnmediately two in three per cent. The next day several broken were served with notices,' that unless they ceased dealing in foreign hills, but mimic slarly in gold and titter, they might rarest very unpleasant consequences:. Only p ers o n s bar ing a ticket from the police con go on 'Change I at all, and even those are vow actually afraid to ,' do business, for fear of falling under the di, pleasure of the goverumLi. The consequence is that the exchange now stands at a fixed point, the published rate being in fact no criterion at all of its real state. These farts shots the pre. carious condition of Austria. even in the enjoy. rnent of peace Ilow:intioh more so, if heed. le-nly plunged into a war, in which she could at least gain nothing, hut might lose incalculably, The Berlin Notional Gazette has been prolob Bed in Anstria, In order of the Mioistiir of the Interior, and the Constitutional Gazette of that place was prohibited sumo time ago. On the loth inst., the anniversary of the ex• ecution of Robert Blum ut-Vienna, black edged placards were found putted on the ,treet cor ners of Dresden, containing the words, lebterl (we,: The police have endeavored iu vain to discover those wbo pot theni up. In Frankfurt-on-the-Maine, ou the same day. two black flags were found erected on au island of the Mier, containing the inscription .• Blot he,s_K,titut/i lift, ~, fr t. Ins --rAr : Soy for f4 , •11..1 on , / frmion.'.. AA, cm dtgarql:l,l • The duke of Anitalt Dessau, In Ito onlinonce 460,1 Vol.4th, abolished the constitution whet !JO granted the subjects of that store On the "sth October, 1646. • The Homburg Ne,we !Info it in intm med. from 'tussle, that tho whole ntanding army of that country was to be on a ^ war footing, in the lul beet crave of the Word," by the 1::th Nov. Fall Importation Of Hardware, Cutlery. &c. 1.0(;AN, WILSON & Co., No. 129 Wood Street, =!Z=M!!!1=1! •.1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ==KIMMI INIIVIITED BY 111:CRNT I'ACKYT, Au! .1111 h err now i.,,,errri to prt,o om.: WI to /Lir A lull am,ortmem .•1 MAN \ erlehrs,le. N A kr.S slwaya Ilan& Rttcr Petroleum I jam" A Morr Itrst tp cA nLr CA.. or Tont. 6UNNIIII It t an non of the nutl put , ll.. gent/call, le the cert... of Wtn. 11.11 of tier rm. The nany pen. tt, •ny pers. , n who oat be .I.{.(leal to h. the th. t. bete pet h.rth .• 31 K13:11 ti I lied tilion anhne,l 11.1,111 6 1"1% nye, whir, nontini.,.l fiternain Until unulnuilnir. theinlirsuniatton at that timo having .. lode aluano nf I.oth &ha nnitol it. the de:anion of • thick film, litelt uliolly destro oil 19 y mai. Ilt an ruin/attn.and the thlekonind reaint..l, noon tviturtunt and Ira too 111 MI had • evanltteiti n• In fore. At thir vtatte of lin coauthor" 1 mad. augilictuuti no, rat of theird m•. 1,1 wen. who itilluinn.l [hid toy at ...Oaf euntuout got • ..II: A t tfii. Utile I mull nn thn ulvlm, ffrinii.l. I comm.:tont/ [lie to. of tlin lintroloutn. ituntioilit sail under &Mob m{ n.fd• ha , , tll tho'prodout time, and I liavr diitit•• It. Alf tietoiral health ••• very ttiurh luturoTod ht the trident., and I adtrlhuto the roottiratton of tni ita u.o. I math. at lttekleetilid attire. to this tut, and will I, happy to gist our tufiirmathin In rnlattou t • mr At I LLI NI 11A1.1. For Mb' 1., Ron, a ‘1,11nw.•11, 1.1.0 4,, R. E. &Allen, tot Wht.,l .11. 1. A (A, tornor livad trhn; C,rry. 1, Vlllalt.J , .nst 1,,,,12,..and II I , ~ h wart, 0,, 1,, ch. hrr.. K PgiU 1/1,. T 1111,14. . Ihruhut h W•W OR us —As this is the serwin ef the I , sr wten tr - nrn. enr Eno, inrztri•l,lr. nrrinng -I , ll.trnn, propr.tra, Mriern %.rtnifrlcrr paren.. r..nritinn their ninrninqr L, .orlrtue• nnunring 0rn.1.10,n fatal thilJn Thr•ir invrntinu .Ly niry.c.r, r. p.arrence In Virginia ins urn., lor r•-verni rear , in hio own praeting nod finding iir 4011,A , n• isinverrarl. L. L. iwen Intin.r.l le.-t in oil, by..nutda.... e...• en nut enirtair, sot r Scolinnt übNirine niniteir. ern, artrarnr •11 kllt . h . f. It. rtlentonl cur. For 5.1.11 , / delP.,ltl.tvat,l Jkii`Farmerei! ponder ITOI i,uor tin thou' wercileuls Ilral dnily twflll b.a•• - • awl rut!lo, • hul. ult.o trtulrr 100.11,0 1.1, • Iwo j •..tattl male It • ,0.11:1l 10 al••1. Laud II .• • •tr.-11, Arabia= I.lnlmout, you until bar. .uim. • urr.l gn lAntlgts. and tfi. nuly Lim-. I.ut • aull aroll lb. ri•lt M lustc, Iraa ulLuueth.t wrrtisemeut.l 3. Fill. A I, to Wn•l Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company. CA priA L. 8100,000. 11 , 1'N,TII STREET' UMEREA ' Pnatlont—Jugia S. Hp, Vico Prptalpot—,“aPap. n-avurtr—Jo.spu Pacretary--C • 0,(,), itirtw adverthaquaut in &pother part Pl. paps. inr2l Citizen's Insurance yomnazy cf Pittsburgh SCOURMIE HOME iNSTITUTioss Walvr In 11, wapel.ou.- MC 11. C. G. Ilmrri-Prer51e.131...._...1. Tla m C01111.1 351t1115.1 400. r 11, pre, [...lLitwry .uull .trtre. SIM . . . Au ample RtunntJ f.,r ability awl in!..zrlty Incrituti..n. u n17 ,, r,1,1 tt. arn ut,h .....,..l cr. on (0 Ow r tt. , tr • - 11. Dun., Wm R.. , ty. Ort, Lunt.,e. Jr.. 11 alt. r 11“: b 1 , . Kin/. Jclln flat worth. , Ilaasuzb. ,/1 Hlor Situation Wanted. PRACTICAL and elperianced BOOK F , n $n • 11ttr.l.rn, •.r 1,041•11•In.ent X4l i.r.rl et, idn.,..1.) •IC It. It-, tit, i Young Men's Library Lectures. IT R. E. P. WHIPPLE, the thetingth.lied I,rtnror and Author. (tout M.o. uttll .fult •or urtto of Ittllll LEVTIIItY, 011 thew rul,t-ottt 1-t tatr artor. ut I rulttitust fturor. 'AI Martin Loth, The Ame.ricult 1141.1, ut N•ltuoal fth LL. Lt ,:nth i cut In order Oath.; Una. dement or attetnlin. ill • Nei. Enaland Sapp, au 4.1 beartud 11r. II 1.1.0, tte drat I...tam wilt t.delsre, t en tin..., Ilie _MI v., , at i.ieldek, I'. M. at NALL. tni it tartia...ti kin', and dizth The other. rnetwentell ItClih and 'LiTtli . at :toe, CTI.LLA T magle ex.., L. L.•l th. pralcipal WIC /LW.. •u.l ilatfl., and.a 11. Me.lwas Ticl.t.• al then...bur 1..1.A oLI 'IL. l L. kla-k Y.. ,41.33,f0t1 • —3O Shur, of ITIZENS' Insarisne;`Cti. :10.1..,14.a. sale as • ••ry low P.m rirelb A. WI I.kl (I rrizENS. Deoei le Ban k.—Th., Stile k of to t •A , by A. WILRANA A . Now is the Time to Call at V T T I U T FL E' , S on )C th A e l l PtitAbtrll REPOS e,,.p.,",.-- . wn.11. 1 Turn Y pike. Thire.litaos Ve. M Pit. St .new - Hartwg /wet rrlornod flow lb. Fwet. w , lertily.. • 1,, wewortycent a Welklyo of all .Iww - gull .I,..wyer •hwl. bo will well ot extra lairiown... e .31i dowMD- ti. shot twfwyr•or.og— b.. i i . - .• oh. nil. fur 111114. 1.1.17, m lh• wee ft.rfilolyib.. prerant of Tn., char.. Carrio.c..... both no and liar,..eao-.h hob, tw.. and Iluoiehr..: eucul.. of all kind.; iliilkl , •4olSluillitt Al.'., Donble awl Simile 114, pp, to, to }I ' !:1'11 lIIT del,/ litalriamd. Allegheny RY Resolution of the WATIII CouulrfCr., the. several Colleetnni of Irater Heat, IWO hereby nu tilled that they .111 be required to ee , ttle their Difplieshe on the Silt IntL Al, nil penne• Nati, reclunt"•22 , not the Water Wort, am untitled to srm.sst tbs eon Werner', 000 r toelbre the Nitr.D. E. VOL?.. delie.ll Cirri; to the e.tuinitlee. lODFISLI—'2O tett. Grand Bank, (large,) 'fn. 11./.. by WM. FAII LEV o 1,, .1'49 IN and 'Ai Nl'n.l lt, COFFEE -400 bags Rio, for nolo by 'lO9 {TAI. IiAIIAI.ES 1 021 np A 1 SINS:--2W boxes 31. ~ fine, for only wn. BACIALEY (..2 A LERATIFS-1.50 boxes 31eFerluntl's, for to no, by ITNIIAtiALEY (NI. del9 IN and - Ai IVeol pt. AGAZINES AND ANNUALS, read at lIOLNIES' Literary 11..p0t. Third qtr., unteedie t o vet Miaow 1.10 , Donk, for lativarY• Alairealne. for iftisuriry The Tut2r - eWartl. N..vel li f 7 111/21101—The otork eonatet2 .1 nil the Annual. leotard fur 1952,, which will he Pohl at the lowest t-2eterti Pe.", IRUTTER-14 pkgs ree'd and for sole by deli/ WICK A McCANDLEI , -, 1 ARD-5 kegs fur sale by -NJ dole WICK A 31cCANDI.RSS• fl LOVER d. TIMOTHY SEEL, fur sale by NJ doll) WICK ~& AIeCANDLYISS FLOUR -1-1 bbls. for salwbv . 0 “ , WICK A SirCANIC.F,N. 4: UGAR-15 hits. prime new, for sale by cy doll/ .101 IN WATT it CO. . . ft ''' DL L BurrmßUTTEßSbblt fori WATTtaxl by FRENCII CURRANTS.--5 east for sale by _... d.lO • JOHN WATT A Co. .. irrN VER ARRA NfJE.ICENT PENIUMVLISRA RAILS . OdD PROM PITTSBU:fIa II TO PHILADELPHIA AND •• BALTI2tIOILE. ONLY 24 1101111101 THE Express Mail Train ISM leave the pot on La,orty• etre.. above the hridste, every morning at flh; &clock. itaaaengarr will go by the earn 12 miles to Oriente's, where they will god the' beat of (.I . lacbm. In math. to e.tnerr them 2 , miles over • eras late turnpike read to itentty's Station, tertudneter• an with Bath Lola erre...el, ra between Eirlnteria and Seamy's. Station.) and there tab.. the .plendld new eleeplng Cern of Out Petur aaaaa sla flail rvJ c o t:orally divivi. to I.III LAItkLYIII,II and li.1.1,711• alt)1lL. l'ametniter. for n•lttmere take tbr e.,tr. the T6ra •nd Cutubt.rland hallow! at 11.arriaborgh, arvivlng aktlelt, mon. to bennittnet, and to VenshintannLity tit er .11111 morn. l. t.,„rmerewho with to uvald night travel. ran lodge over night et Llelltday.iturg. and ..their swam Ly o'cluek train , root arrive in Phtledel. phis a t e tante ...ening, se the !teamed (toter:my ere run ',tog two thair Mine iron. Hollidayabura to Philadelphia. it.gmtge checked through to Phlladelptow FAN thn,unh. The Amor...lotion Train will Irate every afternoon at o'rlreit , for and Ili interm. lur L'416711.Cr t 11 1. 6 u •X 47, 412 g ;Ft l jtf; r e'envk n 0 .. ' ;see . `l7rivg d ii.'ll 0 0 rent. Fare to Turtle Creek, 4it rents, i„..... e ra wilt nurture llwqr yoke l t. at the efil, In th. dlunrnFs Pea Muer, Unttnerly the riMiti °M..) acid 6sl! an Oooy Deer"^ ta,..4srrare or each hen the open for too an of ticket. at the Depot ttf flt,L. on Liberty Meat. J. _ r , w. lg 4,05 - - ,Paso. Railroad • v s rilllE BOARD OF I.ll\' ‘, VAt./ERS \• . 4 ,, lite . ( OMMEKCIAL. !' \ StEA3IIIOATS. .i Lawronoidtlie .d ahatp.hdr h Plank Ro X.-A- [ P.r. win ra...t ,t the °Mee al the skereutry.ho.s --- atec-t, th, fh nada,/ murnl.... Ihr MI! tnot. k a Nt l t o • sat NOVEMENTS ' ohock. lelalti ,lll-L SI '''.•". '. . or Tut 7, - 440 ,50 1 1 . , Wileeliak,and Pitt4ttrgh Pa - cket. I: 4 l .ltEstl °RANG ES-In •pri/vie °Her. 'ot,, OCELVI 6TEAX if ARE\ RE ItIII.CED '111 f : .wi i St J 4 per ta.a. or u!' t e cents r ..Nt. tor . ~ . , . . • • - ''.lll 2 ' 1 ..,,, 1 7 , m:14m:et! ~,,,A „ N 0 . 4,,,,,,, liokllls TINA 11 Atirslit,nfond , I AI. s •!1 !! 1111• I TO AND FEI I II TIIE UNITED', a .„,, . ~7, ,„ T " ` 1 ' 1. . 4 •lildio\nnall. sl • ATEa. e,..,1, 1 1 in.,...1) , "."- Tt MlodaY 11,!4 aturday, at 10 1) L rI'ER -IV lA, fresh Roll, ett,r sale by i,l, :, rllOll TIM Van.. PTITaa 1 11 1.1• ' t " irIER , 11 A, , at, 1- in 13.3,,1 \ , .. I Pro rwt , .., .-. t \ foi:';‘1; 1,. A ''''')'' • "-l- "-^, Lit ,, ,.. , • \ . t , ;`, ; ",,t",,," l '',''',,c,r.t't 11 " .11 ,Pw alantlF. e will snake • 8E., , ., , ,— , i ' . .-'--II w'...u,%,,.,,,.„ • ~; , A . .., ‘r- ..' ?....••••,r,':.,----- 'O.:: i" I '' '" ll7 : \ ""' s ' 73 LT' ''',"''.". 11 :;.1 \ . 1 ." VT!. 4 iNit i Ns — L bt'llt- tuts are I, Y - \ [',''' l' , r ol `ki. ' nP , ;. ,lr ,i. r i , "lll .h ..:•it' 4' ' - . 1 " •" ,' i' " IR l‘ I '4' ] 11, irli'. '. !e- for lalerp.ed :i ~;, ' , • 1 ..• 1 d 11 k. at S A.ll. "."1 ' 11114 ., • Wld• h„ a ! Il E F.: P l'E LTS- I drlik,, tar alell, \ t",,,4? 1, ',7it,.`,- Lr° 7 l ' ' n..• 24 ' 1. 11 ' 1. ' 1,1 0..14‘1•1!-`11.1tt"frior. aoronstiOnia. ~- t apply en 1 .Sl,l. or to , , 17 d. Is •s 1 . ellhiVEll \„ i t i t ".II i\. 'St; r.=•! .,1' % - ' 1 : . 7\ 7i " 1 " 7 . 0 No• enttin! , co., 1 , ,,,n., 11 14 . :/: on V NL' rs--I , u t 4,6. tor Fah, i.y \ , „,. mr .„ ~ . \ "" .",'."' \- \., ~ Tr. ‘r !:.= 'r . J it o"- . of th.f-,-,h‘t`x.,,,,,,4,,,, 1 , '„, .. ,I , it ,‘ i.u. ~,,.,. 7q -- ,7., r ; .r ri '"'- v -- ..- . --. ;;: ,..„J..n.,.,...-,,',..n.T=l,'''',"--.,,-\.7 I , Is Iti n)11•-'1 , dor IV : c l t .I, It • ' . Idt • York . h ... • - • , ~. , •or au,: ../ :41.. ll' t I t 1. 1 . t , ~ • • . ".' ! .\ • '..: , - .7. . Wheeling and Pittsbarg littelet \ \ ' t,- l'll'llyt It Ail lot ‘..,...; t 5;‘..,,,p,,,,, .. 1.,,,,t..t. Ire - 4 , ..knr, 'RE Du QEirt . ___),,, ll' IN Di ,11 GLAsis-200` , z v : In :,0.1 lo ;'. ..-.1 , . , .... •Tv. , ~ 1 0 ..^.t , .-• ,. . ,- 4.‘ ,”.,.., \, , ... .. ~. v P I ‘," Ri ‘" ' lora to the Con Loelit of Euro, It the ''o/Ifur! 1 in., t.nt ' . ‘a n .! *'.. ' ''' 11 i.m .5....1 " ''''''' i ''" .• " (t OF FEE- Ilk' bags lii., fur .altl•‘l,c , vc-I t s•r.r.',.t ... tr !ne ono. a •tr! l / 4 . ratt:eept Pt( It e1.. 1 .0 ~ ,' -- -----"'" ' "'" ...ft. K4l 1. ..,„ \ Olt* 11, 1 33113 31. 1 1 3 -1 1 laNnretaft.l In fn I, lit o...n'an , ~.. lt \ $ sll\k!V EH bt. , 1 , the elf Cid Enrooo 1, I\ eCn n 1 Line. 1 1 \ tnitao \ ...... ...._ ....'.:::::. - \ il 1 114;11 %IN iitiAll--;t11 Alai, `1,',,, ale I s . I mo, , .dral oe .e t4,10,;(e rate osoeid \ thnu _ v. tia , bal. ~...., .. .. ...... o . ..... ..'._„3?...., .., i',,\ Ti ,i„ : Id..d tea Ls. , . , Pre hi, , th full - \ ' .. 2 1 I. I 1 . .L11. No. l ant. Soo.; , e \ I leas e lo a . N lettdra 1, the Haere Lar ninal 1. prepanDivrents, lor , ki_.;.;,7„..,„ 1 ~„',';',.:;;!:?- Iiir11.111"" " ' ll t' .l ! 4 1 * Al.EitA T Us--' 10 bbld. lor .al\ 1 ..or t, I bun, Inland 1 ootosie to t0...t..1.,k.....ct to \ V .. cttrtl e l r l r 3 •1crnv.n.4,.., ~. ~,, ~,,,I \ 117 Il,att I \ t r ...,. ~,,,.\. ‘,‘ t . , ~ 1. \_ ~ ,' , l' , \ ItOfdtallll:aelat,'lLiatna nn' ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,:., The Pittsburgh & Braddock's Pie . Plitak ! ~, - -s e ::ll, ` Vr.. . -I , . ''' '`'• .; 7' r o N . !i.."' '''''' \ 6r ' -11 " *' , ()s goad Finished. \ Wend Wee. mu., he add ton btettert and tem.- Ml. !•1;pon• 1C,,, 21. otte of-lbe fartil i cfa L a " ttset!cr ' n. . . rII , IIE Nlanagerr have the plexcore t an: 1,..,, r ,'„ ,b""'"'.l''' e" r ' ' ''' ' ''SA7 "I ' ll ." ' '‘`' '' ‘..1'ert,5,..,:!:1.."Yr'n..„11,1?in rtrt= '" " ' l ''-'''''"' I. gc .11- ' \ • ' l. ' \ ''. , , et ' „on t o, b. the bold. that the planina t t 0 en ' - tn. 1.0. W./. of 1 Ito no.ol rota i t ad on tn. 17t ot b. - , -,- s i ,,, ,; 41 . tft LAI: NTI ' SRI T RIIII ;tn..' \ '.\\ , 11,1..L1d1 ILLE s PACKET--th aplon. -aik \ 11,- goad to now eµ nl, nerel thmuah iron! the L. tt , PIITSED ROB lIIAIIEET. ~,.... Tar". Crook t !rhai'Lla of Putsbudh tll L a no h ' \ I ?'. In n \/.- At , eloalltiNt eilltEeT CITI. at.nbnu , rot tot .3, „ and ides ant rounntonaton • '‘• \ 1 .lont.chumad, r,..l,trea\ Pt:torch for Wrlletille every, • D.P., •nd 1,4,1/1., nof •11,, .11*.r!tont , rims PlTnialant, l atzawa. 1 ''1 11 ... t'•••,•'61111., ,111 dS•I'at 10 .. ,101 . A. M.: bnd mum. hti day it s AI LX.StdiTT. Preil . :i . . , , Ina. losses altar/din ere(/' day MI o'clock. P. M. The s il l: l ;day dermas,. ih. ' ' , Il•ribd C \ In in rotmeadla a 11.0 the El-retard end To Let, . , Tli,t wettest yester, um intenlety cold - l 111 , 1 " 1 ,..t1 , 1! Rallrowd \ ' WA REHOUSE, :+linat.l \stli IV atei.,2 • I. ta, •ends l l ivy 'Mot .1 !chi.. an, ' ..\ • •• 1 .1 t: 11, V M. II AHTIN Monongahela Mose.' A lade..., Mara, and iorry etreetn).&jtahls for ": m rLa ' l :hang, s ' n ettuaion4 ' . , ,kr zght A,en C BARNkui, \No62 S 1 ate and ft 4 ilrai ALT, 319 1 1 10 %I hole-ale tiroc.., or Pnalnee lnoin ad. Poor,- XII -s.ole- tor ....nal dh , . Iwo been e lit I , D.F ‘'\ , u L, ,, i „, p - ~,,, ~,,.• i i ~ --,--.,_ oLo alaol. notunbately rnoulre nt JAME:. It ILZKLL, b W.ater et a! , if1,11 ' 1 ! f f' ''''' "" 1.". . ' r d"'"''' _ 4 '—'"'" !It 'illiiita.l-Aul„-ITT.II,ANI„,drjw , 1.:,i 1, RI Es_l,,, ll i,.. Bran; ~,,, ~,,, , ... the, mai be aetne oftroremea! ' 1 ! !! ' ll. ' - ! new packektoteamer D VlNAL.Contieli. ma ' - w, , ; L. our quitnnou, . v.; .no 2 S 7, and Omni tore ! ter, le now hertbrtnin e ~,,,thi . ,,,,,,, 1 11 ) at SU,. 1 %..2 I , for , ( anti extra. \ , thla sit rte and,Wherllnu,Veasum Pittablaitt s'l .• 1 11 , 1•11Ingr \.l 1 , 00 . Outs: .!, \ ttilA I. ben.. a crontanned ram d'am.Ll for ...rata ti r — , ,t a i n ..„..d, m y .dr i T r az , . Inn 1.01, Floltr. \ •,, ~,, ~,,,,,..t yot. tot, -When, 5 , ,b600. IN, 43. Darter 4i In each week. too IjlghtSa. Mar. ' esappll bo dor 1 NMI,: \ \ lora 403.10. alid 'tato 2.43tdar 1 4 Inf t., ' ARMAXILONtI a WSW .n , • ,, ...1.111.. •tll 1.,r tad. li 1.13 r w,,,, L ,.., ~ ~,,.. ~, w a i, e ,\ ‘ \le litalEtilfsc- Mohave. crows to rot rah-limite lain-,T . i ' T : 4 Z4 i 1 ) . 1 ` ,1 " n ll Lbra..t..and s ist , \ On, onamto .ry armst .1, tbr dean 6,1 40 A r tot - ~.,,, n ,,,, .1,,g, 1 ;,L2,; ‘ ,.. 111 74 t . e . : ,tllll, : 1 1ETAL-1; 7 :tIlllet i ll , Pia !Jot , lal t ;rt ; \ \ ~,..„,„„,,,, ~,., j MEEPIII, la I ' •ld ' N ' Vlld '''' ' \ . L .D•nd! et 9 'in n! 4 % II 11. ...4 ' t ." "r 7 "'". '"'"'. " c'u". I. i h• BOULAR - i' I.OK \ ET BE, lets"- 4 ,, local att;ot. \ \ LeTTLII-11 an\kw a eontound East dim at 10s! „..„..,:, pirrsuunuit i nompic _. - ' mi. freah-rotl, trnm odd), and Inc for Iteu •It tut PILIYI Adams & Co.'s express ce \ 0..,,,,,,,,,,„\,..?,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,., „.,...„ 4 ,-,„, will k i t l'Attaturah for 1 \ heeling, Efintito n yat 3 o'clork P. br. , ,, ran S T ! l r.l . l , 'l r . , E r. 1..).-. DI I t C" i. l t r i ,Ti l •!, l ., ', l hStriet N '''"la' nr i :7 . .....,. ii ‘ op\.ii,t.. tr.morr .„3 vt .. I F * 7%ia rTr 7 " : ' 4lj . ", :lc s. Wb-I r• '''"l it hon7 :, an , .! , torwardlna to t'llthadolohln m 4tl bent. I.7AtitiElls-Itur mannliktortes marmot then 1.1., Fa w n d_epund \me? .1114 Lost r.rtingre.l.l It AK Ell • k1111.1*TIl • Abp.. __ _ • ' • /1.11 ..h. with said of all thny can ma., at the fell in ." ) .17 I rYS' • ante.'\ \ .., Or as. ~,, ~....„ ..,,, ~,....d. Valuable Property or Bale .\ -— \ 83.50 1.2 EG U LAP. IY`DIVEDA /MIA T Dole and elegant Brick (dwell Z•1V , ". , ..• f 1 1 . 7 11 ',, 1A ' • IL PACEET_ONCININA7I„ Captain la I 111, //1•113, MilOnlf. In the .I.e o Rueheater. It amt PA -• •• • ,_ __ _ , 1 . .. 50 . ,th.zons,httt.gmoi th T , T,0 4 t1r ,. ..11 r h g , attrilr ,.. t i g . lt I tt,..„,, ~..,,,,,,, D., beta,n the 0100 ri er and the pa n - , he. rUn si la b reel \ Ott to anti 1 . 3 Ito, In. The house ht . oat front by re. „„, C,...',.,„,4?,,,,e,i 6 c v,vc...,n,...e and Pittsburgh 'Wolof trade, Ind eep- -two atoll., &MI basement .tort also. an al 6 r , crerl Wrdnearlay for ctnotttna 1 Vr i t7 .l4fi i " P.'"' V P NL WI . '. ll( ' item, L. Itat lon trott , nu the Ohio elver, La 11:3 feet dee, Sol P-Sale 4 Anon. at te 'l' l, \ • Ie- var.l In fn•nt an 1 arOuntl Ilte hoatut 0. Itruallfully laml •C l S DI.Es-rhefe . a ',ocular demaml tat the wand ad s„.- —.....b..'-_•- -.- 11-.- } ,-._ ” Ii • 111 0 .. "' • Uh 11 ' ....h...., thrtt , t-tr•thu.c , ... Xt . ortee. ear for Ititteburoh nythatarlurd &sonde I pl - IR. NEW ORLEANS -11. ~,, • w at, . ;••.1 •tol .u , tential atono wall sunond tt - . ' . ‘ad.reattl d VO4I A • tablet: lo• !el tblntne the same. Dr/ r..t.n..c.... at uld 1t.'...' "'' , "”"OK '''' .l ‘'....... 1 1 41 1'4 sl t l-* I -1.--' V ll r= e; T r. '' va s th 'I ' ~.3, 1 tallor an 1 ett/11,attnn lot/ furl, r indleulf. to intr\linntllaotureoo an , al,oata a fair knelacedat tbr. area ~ ,,,,....,, , , •,,, , ,, ,,n___, :I ~.,•., .o. aub,rtle, on the pre..., . \ _ . --Ja c ...-. __,4 : \ lat 4 o'cloill ib u. ' .., -'`' If r a, 1..1 tU 1 11 14,ARK Id, kor trellolit dr roAtage anylr\ oft loMit •,• .‘. M tbll.-Tha New York 3,urnal of Comm U. kce swyka,The ! dell: 1 . ' i 1 1 1.111,Cit en, • i,, E A LED PRUPOSA LS will 1-e renetred‘at m. .., , ~, , ~, , .‘„,, ~,,h„.„„a l t, won . wan ~aata,(na , / -..,................ ' 1 3 the tut. of ALE \ It NIILLER. fdr en orteling on as - - " ' '. \I iji \ ' hero, the nr.t dai of Jona net L r .ght h. i,..1 4,.,1,1v ,"e"..N,e."., an .1v.1.e.r..1. t he I'r e". l' Ls geo + 4 "R•I" t en 114. E. 1 ,014 ~ ~, PL ANK . (board 113,311 r, late th, 1., Igo it ~,{ ktfi.r that offal . var. the, aow M..' woelb Mit:oh:ben! •n.l lima a tad, Plans Ito. Compania, Tr! •bout 12 11 Idad, Ind sew are for 11'1 , 1; 4 . skins 0, to dens...r e d to the .01...N6,0t/or le.f..d. the 1,0 b., ~unit a icarrity of hialli4 wool. Mil a hLob, Ito, 1, of .1.10., twat Th. Elena to be 4 teat Ina and - ludo.. than,. and t.., be et., hnislooe or oak. \ IL ro bean nein/ Oil. den,nben \f !toad are now pair ALEVIt II 1, I. ha,..• real! iuw and medium Geo, b dart , Of /O.* La .lel7 it l'real 11 and /1 11041 Iliad (~ \ I'• 41 ~ ; West Newton Plaok Road Route ~,-, run BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA : %"" '-' I '''' ''''' '''''''' ' '''''`,.""° 24, TEA NI E ICS leave twice a day, morning 7" -- b `"'"'"' ' '''"'"''" a ., '''' A ''''''' "r' . Lght. IWa tntereatal Ina hot aL 3-.000 p.. ntt mild In I and evennor.tearept dander I ornrin Boat will lea.- the N tbf.ltott. obi', the sln 'l.lll'll t\'''. ''''' ..' O . l 15, 111h.-1.1 1.1 "1 7 .I. ' "nn nonashela add,. at `S a o clerk alen %no!! Ervo oolld the name 'slay to Alb./ d' to cash, k.veninu Poat Ed, °ally tearnst Sunday,. a td. clod the la ke.r SlLdhlgan w' \ kat.. to Pr udelplua. $ll Te Ilan hood, Stu, k, r bean. , el! , the clank lb ...1 WU, litnonsidela \ \ ..,,,_,_ 11 , ..., M etn stre.L STitele`y!F FEMUR.--Tho Now.,Tark. Jnarnal CI t 113-. . ...a,. non •hi! toiLowinta-Tha receipt+ of Fine d heat Sages Irork ennali, far ,the from Tare o tat S. p, tnVoic of canal nerldahnn. have lawn follow. \ I \.a:/Anse 1.1!:. WheV.,..hash• N 1.50, b g trid,b7o 2.700,14 1,11,5b2 1,7.0.331 'The, hose, atom \, dear...eta roweint,coMparol with i I \ the oar!. vernal of lait‘icsr of 511.% this 3oart \ an 1 d IILV , Isl In *beat Iho es not, from No Tort for tse lath trOo lea, Inn! lot keptemh, to Ite ealb,. hard been 111.3 Ilt oat • . . 1 !. - leer ' Flour 1.. \ ' tk beat in , t'bo , lls tilu \ 4 1 . 17 ' i 's ' it...luring the whom tu ton, t! ranont.tnYear• ffbm I'Lt Oentom , r. show!! • d , 0 . t0 , ...,.. \ m. 0 ., \web fR. ie., of 711.22, Md. Moir: Lanl 11. s Ind , . • dor , ••••,. lit Id• d•ohtl, no r. en that, ulnas. our toed tn hat !ie. Lo4.ine to UnAst noptembcr, In each/ e.and ttsurtlr‘ oosen. lasi!! teen U Eldon that rco Int win ter ...cheat, 001.4hl tads less than last ear. The demo. •ta canal phivionoly to the 0 Septedsher, far the curkstd. fear. taLulattal an Increase ti1\!53.64S old.. al .our, andtitado6 In of wheat. nine! ..N.--- of 1 - ; Ltd.,' no-, and teerporte Dam let . annotr, to I•t seglemberstuerevousl but 407.1.db1da n o ., 1.0.41,1•21 , 0 ,, , J . S . HO'UO ! , to, 1,1 wh.......-tintal to a1t1.442 trnia flour m that tt le fair ro I 'in er that frar i to, bele co Or lot September watt larwer , , \ - dna year Ilan la \.....1 thnt our b,..ent smea Is adasul 1 , 415 01.1. le, than t 111. 0P1P1.,411.41., date last lear. a.- 1 . ' ' '''- - --,------ " ,i 5 , ..! • 7 ,,,„,, mad make ont. At the awe tirAr h a 14. a,,..F,r i . i e l\ Al. l• aoneral id:Domed that the gook nf hotr here la itg t . - say m,.e.ncealtn! •00dael htli, and thst ons railroada eV! ' 1 • pa l -, 13 11. ll- i 4 tarildad tb.r anal «mamma to le! ❑ ! 4. 'fver. - A ' t4' , -,--aa,-- • \ , •' A ' . MHEE MAE FtET. '•• \ • ,WL.4 , k.. , ., ~.. Eltutnd., Dee, 11. \ • ! '74, ......\.4:'4`09,c0 14.10 head. of whldt numb. 5,00 •', rv'''',,,t-T.-• • " - a. 14U loft over . ..dd. and` isat , ' .. -9, \ , \ or /1 son the hoof salsa/ in I - retard, br 190 111. 11' , N1rd 01 The TrOaLligestive Fluid { or i at SI. rash. Leder of :di htls er r asitia \ n b ii,.. 1 1 001) PLESII AND PLr . iej .1 , .i. ~ s 4 \ \ ir 'toots of irlitt•rt , lt-c...• ttrot7r ' , or. ..quota d 4 site pr•t! ft rcti v:Z 0. .; , ..H . 7,1 , 7, 0 ,%1 . 1g0 . t . 10 ,„ :',0 . ferg0ntg0 fo to o , •' to , t , tS t ~,Al,t,'„„'',,,, 1 1 tittlabthat etial 11 . 1;dt a : 4 - I,llr ' '‘.'7" ••to , ori , o , , o 0 ".`,-... - '.. 1 lot the tau of film,. . 1, ....eue ' weir. Mres- - , 1 ! bi o !on to gay. sn'g ea,. wed ';! 1 0 . I nOmelabldlesullnura. Thl '' 1 " '''''''''' l ' l 11 ' 11. ' 'll ' ' ''' " 4ZAVII.Zb, airll'rWr.h.l‘,lvel!lbn'l Sr fm• aid , r.• .r h, orr it,. .t . ,... ih t i t.,, 1. al`dtcr•ttile rt 1,0 a D o h, .:mall.. 14 de, to WI I al IrATLP:valtiabst:. In't=tlll% 'as_ 001 .lamso the 1 alm!!.. 1 . 1 I than, \viable, for the Id. Edna i maluirs tu , reality, via d dtation of 1 ? I ;MI; AT 1:1t Al srd a sjnft j sc .(xO3 l Ol t ei ...ralwhole.a.le . and r1t!...14 s llatsle by L. / .1 J .1,01 Stage Coaches for Sale VIVE flee I roc built Coacheg, \ • hat., twin tinft with 1./q.t....n.1 u ut fnrwli t. ial.• w i 1,17 Apply inil Ettii Lanai 'WEATHERS— lo saelig prime liiy, ‘ Wee'd ryr •inalnyr Veyninnl. awl for by \ JAM Y.+l. urTcuISUS A A , t)F F A ll lOU WA, for gait. \ JAMES A L. (111 Alt---21 lols. prime new crop, on eon-' - 7 ,Utill1•111. 1.1. n par IV Val - Lanni. loy pale ny .1 A 14,11., hound church LU\ Elt A TIAIuTHY—For mulp by J k It F1,41b Il Oil I 1 ERMAN CLAY—IN boxes for sole,)v 11l It 111121,1. a 101. Linen ty .t :rid 2 R liti L lN , . muT E--I mecimil bond Noon Inr Iny to flmia moolyninant hy .1.17 It 1,11.7,CL1„A 4 r i r.; and ra11.,1 (or rzlhin2itrbk„il Do] 1.. h.IJ u, hai ehtrawn DALZ ELL a . Ll IV tOO IV Alf CllES,direet from , rh syn., fnt-ii iny .1- tin—. II sir male th ihec. with a ar.winr II Alf n I' _ A NDLESTICES L—Another Int onto, to hand—at wI.W. ',tart ralicarly, (hi. arliele In if r.a . .I.lnwn I ~Irlnj II 1111 . 11.11 Olive and Green Satinette it Ill:PRY a, BURCHFIELD hai. ..,• of In , enlorwl • 1R..., Aoto, .In, an I- . 1 Jean" ta 14 , 4' r.ri.y. I.,lrria.rat Ali, OW, Yr cwt. OW, oi wane. • rIIIIE BLOOD IS TILE LIFE.--1 ..,•1 L. ir. asal Al/u.ur 1 1 tr. haulr. hare eft,. rirrlaruali.l irandorfai • 11... untiorrmutuml Ham boon milltc,..l thati u ..r... nu•nmplukn. frar mmny M•mtr' mu . / 1 . 0 • ..•••,. sra t...t.rairmoly rim oh, y yltra toms udo.. I. try -.ruy rat I..).uvr Huck Mr mod xtteu [marmot uvra but tlra• mra to prartrart t.r.ulth " H M% mmmta trara•rantt. ...Y.!. jralt. 1..1 stml iWi li;nf To Bridge Builders. LED PROPOSALS 1, re-t.;slkliit, t t the 1.3 I,, ent 4 triterunt et • Brit, or, I . truttt's Opel, ple,r leptan'o le-vrt 1 , 11, rreetr..l tb.Aeuttnui.....l3 .Pl',,Pret •el W . , ..prel•eptreeeltf,irlterr view I,p; cept seejatAll Ern, et the P.lll.:NE2.}:k 114 1. 1.1t.e, KOH rtltT I( 1 `. JelP Cete tutertorte r • All,leir Calera,' l‘etatteeLlettor. pare. I . ttleburtzlp :it. 1,1 g ILA BERRIES— ll 14.14. jIY.I reed per """°"' ''''''''''lt;t'i't7iget.l4l.l.l Aply an 4 Tea btalret - EEI N El) SUO .IttS-1001 14.11. Crushed, bl 7tv'.'"---- J=TWV,A47I[IIt7 6 1.1 , Ayeu. Au..,..C4erT • N 1..% NT AT lON AWL A SSES--20 le, Ittudlott per. •Pr. ( .1 .1110,1. 1-r Cal. by lIIITVIIISoN 51. S" A , ( 1.!.. " bhi' "e‘ ;',.! " Orj,‘ " trilt;;7 . :. l ,l l' 1 I CKWItEAT FLOUR—A tor, nup, P .rtkit frf xn lb, \.w 11r,hyan iu 00 nod 1- 4 , I , r n•lantl) , 41 bowl aro, for IL!. h. • 1111 • CO. I 1 1 + , ,r [Chraole.,,,pr • AV-41 boles for solo (on whorl) by tr. t F. WILSON. 147 Fir, At , New England Society. SF,SMON will be delivered helot., the 7, 1 1 1 rermtr r rn trrris ror ommen .t 7 o'clor • n .li . Th,Annunl Festival Supper of the F. Jcirty .111. t the ST. CLAIM Marl, on Nam ch. =I !net. Trltor to th« Supt . ., nln q. nbtalnr/1 LOt. WA star. On. 11.4 .trot Th. %Irentrrt,err renunetrrl.'o nun-bane thr r TirtetA herrn, rodstr... the 11111.1tteL. Itpractleabl L. WI L.ll LI V I NtiIITON. A. A. !LARD?. .Irlf4t Committer or Arrnosr. meet, Christmas Gifts. Frill E subscriber has just receivet . grow Eu 1. rope Int of Iran/Val IVORY SHAWL rxtrly r•rv.4l•tol Alm—% En ~..I..tiun of with tust.fully dvolcnod ydised SILVER I KIDS, bud with •uch Chnl, CbEnno, Thr sic lalt.telbrr pew n/y nu 4 I ,Rth.r.r,d•lll 11. told nt renurtablf R. riga , . 41 oho. on plienot,il KLEBER. lu I V Kb.. or th,, ,i d ,„ 11,10. • • •• rINAR-40 WI. N. C., for sale I y - A dell J. 8 . 011170 .711 S CO. I,OSIN-1:11 1,615. for sale lyr Je/ 1 J S. 01111. 1:011 I I', Cooks for Cold Woof aer. CR PLIY Sr BURCHFIELD ,invite the at tentoon et buyers floe tam:, eery ~cv,o o, a 0 the various tin& of Dry alv adopte, oaota a 00 ,1 0 .. r . oneh ove Home Monle }launch, white. brown blue and plood. ilnunine Wootato de.. lasteru o do., all cook,. Nat. teal, Cannon do.. backing du Waxen, do, cane oul:orl oyes. Ono ter Comfort r s. le. An ouldotho taprl, of IILAN• 11/1711 test received. The Holder of a /at e IVEX by . .J rn n n ib m l;:o i. e ,6 'f o li r i; cloptontli. Ig requested to vreztiv ; i lr i pAy:w ., al 001 '4,10 01 ,Yet Audi:LlN et J)RIED PEACHES-30 gin., for sale It 4.10 , S. I'. 011111 V El. I tit' Ell APPLE.S-20 for sale by 115 dela SIINIVER. FISH— 00 New No.l N , 0•• No.l and •.••• ~• .111,t reeelainn and for Kale l- h ullnuale• del. Pr A' en.. Wive,' QUNDICIES-- • Tr. , R 'ter. 4 4 " n• rk. • linnz "i• Nor T' .ni•re 3 tnta ;hi it. Mlll.l/./.., Sipa reeelytnn and km sale ' ilolo _ {FAIT t CO. French Et 'other. I LIRPHY BURt 1:1,11, at the north mat