ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE PUBLIBILED UAILI' AND WXYZLY BY WHITE & Dun= HAMM 1:11:11=3 attic, as MI. SMUT. RIOT 00* TO 111 POST OM. DAILY-.4ray aid Os I i lan ulv pra an ce.nnum, payable Lalf if pn WESDILY—Twn dollars per annum. In advs... 0: Lr ru DDllel un lbalollonran prr ...... Tcn ooplas . 1.10 sa.l invariably in advance. No Club Pars. Mu • bio nt aftas the yap aspires, tin.. the money is ant fl y • • aaus ' ./.. 1 1(iblinu of Nonpareil or, lest/ one ineertloo— 0 110 Do. each addsdraaal leteertion.. 0 23 Do. tern weeki ...... --.... 300 . rr U.. 00 Do. 1) U char: Do, bar months ...... 10 00 Do. ......... "12 CU De! tvrelve .--. lb 00 UnteillK Cardn, bore or hem pro 5n,..m,..L5 00 dee Donee. far each 4.llth:end lire. Ilesfideare. chatigeablo at pleudr• (Der .1. 121103 erelerive of the paper . ... 00 Yor each addithettsl near, lruertial aver eveltaunth. and for each edditlotiel setter* tweeted under the iearly rates, Liertiteratenta eyeeediug • biome. red rot over Eileen hese. to be chargal es • mum. seal • lL l'ablishen not an:ow:della for legal adrerdsermeata yeeel the &hamar charge.l far their pablicatioa. 13triouncing candidates far gem to be charged the same sit other adrerteserrictite. _ UsertMententotrat vomited on the cora. Mr • iteratied number of Insertion, trill be contlnura forbld.rad MM. inent-etheted amordiustr. ,Ttor gerallette of sonata adverthem le strictly . limited to • .ithrar ewe immediate business; end all advertisonents for the tenant of abet person; as ragtag ell advertisemente oot ltrattedlatelf _monocrat with their rare burineat and aLI lama of rasertiraments, la lenoth or otbereira, basrarl the limit. enraged, will be charged at the moral rates For • MI each transient Islteriratam Mlle rail be onpars“.l.l eadetra r end prompt payment eldomired. • All ...leerily:steam for charitable institutions, are nom. pattle&. rand, tolerably . and other mblle mooting's, and ' raett Lthe. to b• charged half pram, ' payable Meetly In od- Merahtett tralees to be ehenced to bum. Dalt notice. Inserted ratrant therm untatti 410010... Wed Of funeral Imation, or•ohltdary ratio., and whoa seemocanied to 0. mdd'Mr.-• Rerallra aderallitere, others eortd c 2 cotormintres kor tit, or renuirira notlees deelynedlot ectratioa dram fame, Careens, paa. any nubile entertainment.. where charges are made fdt _Mholttadry—all notlote of ;pri vate narolo.' at-every not* doertned to mil attention to Micate tosterrprieet calculated of intended to pelmet, tooth Miura interest ran only . be insortod'erith oddrstrt• . -sty that the same is te be hald for. If in be in• Noted ID the local mlumn. the Rome will be rammed at the t ' rate of ttot leas than 10 come yet Woe. • ilithemey Sir Notice. to be charged triple Wee. Ta Lbeenne Petah. VI each. .Boistate Acre& and•AnctioneerY adrertisementa not lobe clamed ander fault . rates, but to be allowed • ray not of thirty three an 4 pa* thrall pm erat from the amount of this. _ • Van. ratairargav la nand rams:. s Ono Squss..thres InaCrtions- . 111 00 Do. nch.damooil aDftituarcrm ID-.llltloµT NVR • OW Banta. (10 Linea.) one cents. Do. vach additional, lavervica.;..-.115 mama. AD trangent adaertisantenta to he sold ta advance. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOI=D3 W..RLlTER,Aiorney — si • .1111.4 i Liana and CnnveYanningrarefally attended to. Or aw—nakavrell'e Buildlarph Grant Went, near the Cdurt finnan, • no.:y AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office beeon [Darin basrecn itnalifinld and Gnat, Mtn gh. 110 S. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth fo WAAL near tta MAyor's 0111 a, - PStUbstrgh, PA. E./A ft-Um. at.oded to urnwro T. nayltb.tkg 01.1... t, I ULU/ (Late of Uniontown. Pa.) l (Late o Indiana, Y►) ILIPLIANT & TAYLOR, Attorneys at lvl Law—Orles nn Iroarth Oars,. No. 82N. bstween Wood sod rinithneld semen, Ilitteborgh. Va. N. D. Oliphant is Commissioner in the Stars of row York.. apt! QUINN COLLIER, Attorneys at Law 60 OM, nu Fourth street, .bore SmlchCold. W. F. WHITE, Attorney at Law—Of- Des as tteant Areet,,eur Fowl/410 Artb , one . &aid- T. & G. L. B. L FETTERMAN; Atter -1.11 two t.•• and Real Estate &Outs. No. 107 4a , 'streetPitteburgh. reblo TAM .7 ES KUILN, Attorney at Law, once, in Tilglannm Ralf . =mart or Grata street atal Di mama a . Pitteburgh. taleutle F'a 's C..FLAN EG IN, Atteniey at Lair. 110 Feurd. street, tisburgh. .14.1 . CIO . .... • 1,113 • TOAT ittattlaya at Law, ..ktp ... Ho.llo'Yourth stmt. Pitteberth. am—Akunder y Mr; Jahn BMA., ran. Ilarrion at Co.: 17p. B. I,ser, John Fleming, Ao. conntent; Ihn. W. Jarlcson;Pithatorah. ADWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law: 091ae on Fourth own:, between Wood and emitter y. . _ TASPER E. BRADY, Attorney . at Law, Nei. 1 05"Pifth Paksburgh.Ta- -11AERISON SEWELL, At at Law, Cr Ohio Sat. CV. mtualorwr t m taking Dwomilluos. Ask. abut INude. OVile.--kmrth 4m~.>1 laneo Ylo-ruog. to Oft I ro , h lA . . _ tuo. aliyo.t44 !r , rokrl..n. .Haut itit:Fono •• tTrrrixrit tit I,:tittit ream:lure, Sr ; trat rul•or..l I..firttir. •• Fhtr ltl ilthr titi 'gam. llartarti-rhot. ae.. 11 cast• itt 11 144 Llo•r1.I lot.° a.: l wivid• anti Jilin, tin.) •• a•wirtatt, Ttytallattr with th,r, artic, fituirti iu • I, t-tithhitahtti•titt. awl Mlll:Lark, at NEW GOODS. 'M. DIM; Y 1,0 t., inform him friend, V kgpl 1 , .1..r.c...1ving fltalpum.lq V•I 1. A:.I. NT•1: G.Olll, r..l•o••tti: 110 I. slolilutont,l•. 004. ,0•1 . (.01.- .0104 tu.{0 , 0.1. 11,1 • Ar.rti tr..l er ol 0.3,n• 11,..1!••- •.••01... 0.1 .1(11, rtorqualat y bat:4. raws.1•10t,10•1 0,0 t.•1.....tne1v of HEADY NI ADE 114 1 TIIIMi taw It, •11e , f 1.1.1:1; .11 b." niterrd 0 the very low.scrneesl.l. Ciutt•.br., er6ntrt .•,l all lehn nuerba.. hr.& It nmeh tn Weir aJlanbta• W...salt.. IL.. Out Lel.repurt.t.a./bb. .. they •••t dere 4.0 btgam. Ever, •riteir lb.. Tailoring bee bans, to *Ho a the baba t•ALI..b•bl- .trlr wt the ,h0...t ra!•••1.,,,,a 0 •••bq laJtunlixt•b Copier's Fire Brick. I COPLEY & CO., near Kittanning. have • rt. hattd • fry th.u.aorl 13111CP... f t. tflay E.• 1,1 with J....1ab 01,14., al the 14•41e10111t, th•ry •••.bb• •••• J. (1 It. Pea:alt a. to inannt..llln.rr C... b GlaJo mattes:lll,ra 1111,X1' mho.. J r,f11111•11JKIrIcti Ct, , o•d nod-lf otrert, cry sole agent. far lb.. la.t natee.t.tgEl• NEW STORE. TTIIF SUBSCI:IIIER Lacing taken the fitore .NTREZ.r. nrognni 311 . .. - ir. telilt..lll.• own, rug 60en.. ,not. r. grit/. • bavo na.l STA 31Pei,VIN.1 a F 1 1714 Vtin ISLItiO DRY GOODS, tr,q,thir with • np,k AND FrAli 7n/ mepla,•• kepi Ly that wall k.Ol/14 41.1(61.r/. r•t•411,4‘...uL nl IttattA rAra...s.s 4.•.rittg AttAtrttlEtt AAA nous.. fr ttrtlettauttl.• 11torp OrtAIN that ta 4ttm rata tA,taat • woo • rttutplett. Mott [halt thar rtt,...0• patlitAJtar att err, ,al !LI 4111... th tatlgnellttit tideroale. d +Let tA . m. t• JANIA,..i A I.te,zltt -Smith's Patna, SelPActing'Hinge &Spring k „NEW INVENTItiN T HE 4 C.,,rlwiito, .hut I +la *LL,‘ J n. uir elth, .., • r •Arl. tr• It+ J • .1,, Al, tl• rtrxr• ••I i , •r.lllne •••••ti ir not it,. J‘A •J p, ol r•I1 A arr. lurt frrin A•• AnrA• Artai - j- J•rr. sr, 'Ali • I. err r:IJA`r , • t. U. JoIIN lAAninJ NI,II. ILto •••.• ••1 Irr tt.• 51r ton, r 11.1 I n 11 me Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices! N oW 1, , ,u u I Atka Art iorllll. 111,1.1,4 ,Li lil Al h 11.1 , .. 1 , 4400 Ow io whl.ll ••• rnn .11 ;ul,) , t• in, • buf I.m. um Print 1,1 Inn sr in to ul,p b^ i .• •"' .••• , 9 ino uk II vim •np / Orlu•Mn: ty 11, /Immo. u of IMlns: "' I I RAJ I , tIVF. A rKINSoN .•41.L.1 New Des Bilks. 11 Ll,ivo re.•%l a variety t,f,tyk. in•ludal,. a C., pm Arc< flew 16111=1 Aloe, riot.' Frew% Alnctui, > ream anbile. 41,1 rerr lexether • ilb an anee mine rich etel •liallts of plain '.Sew, .1. drat I.o•L•iie n. mink brew tiLL bnairin 11.ieinn as • , rib..., OIT wed M l a F ra ab ,. •In A CoNSIA NT SUPPLY U' :$lOlO/.l:c'S unugh boriran, cnrin Killer. Mei.-,in n ucl Iluntifi. Li nii.l Linen. bin web general nnnerineiet L anent., •belrealii end re. Lail, nt brue ntere .totlll, 1.111./1- bele Ne. 9, LI Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid. 'rill:. FLUID im tar soiwrior to any miter 4 , r boa,. beintler otlrred• 11 it ri l ennl• le, • inlet le Astelf an, ale -Leni n liwn• • iloubl et ii• peat,- feinnvie, (1/11 LI. an...a 'rein OriLle U.K. will tier an, Lb• M i en' f,,br,,n, if ueel Le enling ihe dircellenn. ILea V p the colio ued laault tdtml.l.•••r, •r•on. . air In 4 to tt, Elul I cad Lart.• born.. (nu tot . 11•Tge at th y Prod :dont of N ti WlOllO4lOl, 11,1 norm, of 11"...1 and Ball, . . kV/ lit /01 0 S .%. NIASON & Cu., 11 Nimbi 0u..1 A , lartet ar.• nor opatund and ttred‘sn ,of tt`ut,.. ..! Paull \ vie lin la enininitt.•" - Th. add, / ., idttLt, and it, i n n,,. Iv raw , .Alnaivaot, belnl.,inen. At.. sc . re• W. 1.. and Vftn-d SAL. a Otdittt• Itandit•rrhu.dt, t t h-nal. ititn.tlatn• Lt. OUSSELS A:SIANUJNE. for the Cure itt.l i,0,0pt14.11 of Clutpre.t Han , . — 7l ”. IE [EKE, EE NOG. GE tht• triatullne. Aurttir the Inxt Ilurtu %Irtate• lb. It mkt. utilm‘ , ...uentti°^• N`".."" a. Wiing the tt.{..tit, tn ;Ala, %q.t. 1.1,1 , 11.... ninny are utllartn I d tiring the Futile°, ent oft.Actts lb. ye., A ntlY ' rr'"4" .t. Napkin Rings Pnrt slnt. mites, . I tib.rm CI. kv 'html,l bruit ' Hntte, i. "'h Manon.., ollyt 61..ty.em, tinut , Dr... len Spr Patcul 11.,415e, Itatian Mrrhln f h 1 . 11,11 en.." Silver Cup, de.II. ItICItAt:PhON. Ilartra at. tk,l f•O lac cl•••• , ••T linter, F..tloa: awl P Tot. 2 to, RI,. I+,l, 'LI L 1....•LlL and Chu 10 1.14144,40 M lan a•• 3, hx• 4 0 0 b• • •It.t, unrl Marl, do a , 1•L• z•tar Van;lom. : 1 . SuL4r. - 10 boa Oen; do. •L•• 0:41 sitLl cru•1••••1 1.• ho. I Cl,o7olan, Lar. , Ikv• enetta arLI Drools: 15 1•s T01..L., l' low, Afrtean . .11 Iln••••• , • .0..1 111• L 1.1. 1,115.1 Mtnot*L. tot. tine dairy 1 1 .14: , 1,••• 111.10111.0. .50 ' I • 1. I I 1 , 44 3144.1.4. , L• •• , •1 J.., 1 ••••1•0•0 4 do Lr.L.LIOIO rut • P.L.LII I P. UM, No 1 < 3lnrk•rrl. L A/10nm. 110. N 11 .1 .4 ii Sl,,t I. I. 7,141,101 Ca :•••••,•Ptdr. 1•1,7 1 to, 1.•1•1 C.,•-•1•L 6 - 1.•• Corn kart Ir. at, 1,71, It o,, nts. Al••••• Nlt late Ltml, CiLLLI eo • holetude L••• 1 J I; U L 01. , ••••:10••••.1 • ern, ‘1 and Vllll, w. lA, v c. 1.0.101 • •• English & Bennett. ( I ROPt:-BS, itn.l Enid Pntr.liuh4h. hole on e , hl hthl rytrit., 6. , Ea1, 1r Writ (b. ..flor Lld of ite• iveron merlot 10 boirni Mso I U.a.“' • 140 x*. 11. fume, 140 pkg• Youtm 0 /.0 • oh , Z 5 t•.t Orb, Imp. A u.P. crux her rut chrgring do 1,101, Nu. hetter. 100 ma a',!il PlllO N.O lihimuwe. M non Newell eiA^Are, " 1.141r1w kree u5 . 1. , 1 Ilatana 200 0.10 A lux It 11i..., 100 tunitontt 11.1.thv lb..h, "." Almond*. Eilb..rtx,2 lAno imitoro E. Waive. t!r•em ne Ls carkm 01114, athl thmth6.l oat.. j (1,1.0 /hdiktr, thl laic. 11.w1 . .nd CPtia pn,h. " 0 1...*T , LMem (%t•up. 511 Yule y Inur.o. 510011AI/1p Letullr, .Plm.rior. 150 drew if sa*. ' •`I ei I,lla t'rertot., thin. him It. itahtter, Nin Urtipheti huger 130 "' lithund LOU ead WO WWI tool*. 60 bide Um( tinter. 1 60 hex. , 14 film t 4- PP , re., Whitler, Chelk. 5(1 Lupo White ItreellSitAtr,Chatuct Veen, 11.10(00.C50- 591 h am= Mares. , dlewich Awl l'utett Chalet. oil ` Lienntel eopr.l STOCKS,,CURRENCY, AND MAILS iCORRECED REUULADLY AND CAREITLLY=) PRICES OF STOCKS REPoRTED FOR TLIF: -PITTS.BUFR7II PAZEITE 'BF • A. WILKINS & Co. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, OuRNER OP MARKET AND THIRD sm. MILLIE Unit.-1 Mint., 6, IT. 117 111 t... - 7 - hilT:iTiii. , L. ~,.. . • •- 140 10. z, too Int. irbda /tog ...awl/vat... 6 . •• 1 , 106, 1 4 , 5 l ..lan nt. 0 July Do 6 g 0....... ...... . 11,1 913 -V , lotalt bt Ant A 11..'ny Co 6, ... ..... ... 'l,l 05 u' , ha_ M. 0 .& N.. 80. ~... o'...tert. lok. I.KI It, do Is. '''''cr.ui..• 4 . • 1., 04 do httm.uret. at, t.'4 ... - luts vo 57 I nt.Jan 6Jul, 1.0 .....n. ri . e. PL11... , 1tt0, v. - , v 4 do ~ Allsg ,.. ben, .n , t,z 5 1 .: ......... ii ... , .11. ..; bo S Int. ft • Nov ud 7s .1, 11,. itucca. 11..nk 44 Pittnnuruh.-.... 54 6.. 64 Ih• Ilk., 4rr rt.. ferelmotn . • .11suta Hank i...t... :a11, d.. 41 Faclotn, Bank :4. 5I N. :ail, do A11.11..nt names bank ._ _. .. 01111 M/ , 179001. Ifonovgahola Undue. tuir et_ lindire llo.rt/ at .rth•rn RrHl¢r. CS 2.1 Z1 2 . 1 . 4 r. 4 VI „..• , pr n { ha...sum. .. CAtopg.... fin. . l'n Ap.(14,1"41 Firvwau . • C 145. , 1 . 1 11,. Dr ", kk , 1. 14 sh Pitt'ktb YLfry. tru 19 14 Dts.Qr..3 pr c PiMll.ll',Cii, iwolli.llClo . C. 47 44 d o L.,. 'cc c.a. Ala.cortic 10010. Br. kl . llkurKli i1a%%V0rk.e..... 46 ,6 npr lonounnbela Marineau, - lonnpuerheny Maelnrarr. .882 rent... Control fla.l 41810l'enti . a. KID H.& fa 3, 11.1/. Vail Mond—. 1100 eland k Welbilln 11-8 w . 11e37 • Marine It. IPsy, Dry Deal pre Vapatto Daunt. Cu. . , .1.:111f C 1121.0 bond, (old,-..WU , Do. do. (new)... tan 3, • Tooth, ernek Itead 24 . 2, p, Minn. k l'nrryrwilke Rd 2 4, ling.:rot.. Turnpike Rd... . corral!. Minnesota'lit hm4burbak A t.olAti .• • lUS 1 , 11 , 1 , 00.1110 ,mirth Amor.. 2t. New trt.k We..t North..... . ... I rlty Rua ~as . i, ht..burah I• 10 LA.0.4 b•ughtut....L. . Or.tox...ron . . or.° Imo Hock. .... 113 i ... "' Who. Prultrular. Av, I - 13 HATES OF DISCOUNT. usrrm /IA PITTORIn. CIALSITS. N. 110LNIES & SONS, Bankere. N.. 07 .11c ,, ta 11. tataen.n 17...1 and itno-Dlaa. ih.tharPA. rYNNEItiL ,, .INIA. Dracat al 11ava110n......- . 1 It ot PlUsburgh........-pu!ltran..o .1 11 0eater.-..........4. Itarhanar Ilan k ~I dn. . p.r Itrao,o A l k A al a Ile. mid Slada. of do. .•..-par Dralath .t Yoalagewerto.—do 11.00 of L'oramereo... --par City Ilan 0. bum of '.lll Anerlea- Cotamernad lik, , 3nealmali do Hank ~I N, o rflet,l.itartiat P Fr.:Ala. hank. ........- ..... .do 11.91..1 Pnanaylraan , ...-pallafay ell. Haut --..d0 l'anA of Pion, Tuaal42-par llhto Ufa Ina. 11 trust Co.-do 0..4 .1 115 ola 1 , 410,1 Std.. 12 Western 1 , ...•ar.,. Ilartk— rn eaiaarrialUsak or Pa--par Sant or Ilaaatlldn----.....4a, Olean, I.OE2 KLaui., Bt par lin.llNeil+ .. par , N. ~ 2 11 101..4.1i ii A l. al., k 31.11 BlLLli..,.pla 301 v o,oko. par /.19,C12t.1in ak.......0.par Ca nu, l Ptalladelara 2.....-... par 1 111a1Le1241,. Pout/ Ralik. .111.••parilla101,01.0A par 11,1,1W."4,1for'fIla,"ter•-.0--ta-r.a-b....1'11 A B liti l rea 'L ll ' Ma o n t' ltt L ..- t .!.. " ... E l 1 lila 110enta. CoanlT -par 1 . 0 /RUIN IA. Lan 1. of 10,aijlja par Paull °lite Valley .......... 1 Pap l ooll.W.M,hesur:.par Ili of Virginia, Richmond .I.oaa: el tiaral/talaarn...-par k.. /lank, Va.. Norfolk-- : 4= e4=t,..'.°Lb. - .:::: _' t=„rvt‘i,'l'rf.°,t - 1 .1,..4.13. 4 21019.ta10."21., / Noal . 0 Ht.... itYLLk......... .. ' l:lll ‘ 4 l' .4qaltrt: IL . Iii1):; U' i . E: ' 10.7 i .. tlarJkal4lank..,,,-..... ~. A.Banl, al Cal. raar-- . . Caw:P.o4 Ilk a Illilgebapaz - ,llk .401, 4 pl. eaoi.... 2 mykanoaa,taak...._ ...._par..1.37”.2.1 lik, VI Ilmlni.o 2 ' E llen..lonka--...--pari3larr mt.,' itank ‘ Nenbarn 2 IlaaY ..... ~. _... 11 . 011211 C I ioo /LIN A. Falukro'llliotilucksCo-.parllk . oatn,l Yr. nlll.4.‘r, , lina 2 ' Ztrailttlr'.....all'altrt 11'..r.fitti'.42:."'."..!::; - : I, ! Fanu.l l / a ofAr I , ll.ollloapar Piantcrof At alarhani.a . UK 2 rt.* rov.Wayue-14,:a . 1 0 C. 1141111. . Yvar.olln Ilk iva.hinoica par Al3l( Ine I 10tkenz Co ILarrlsbaraBoank....--.... I ; klauk niAl/atoma.- 2 tkaraadake Lank-- .....-- I Lir of itruoarlek, ingusla 2 , Laa.wiernesescri.i.--nu Ell - - 8 ' Lttmoon Pant.-- par IiESIUCIa r Y. Illai.ra' Danka4Notterlllo 1 Ilk 4 Ker.turky, Ixrolarilla 1 ~,,,,,...,,,A l a gs link „ ... .-04,1.0 . k of lawlerlae.flallaaaa : F w , — ',, E 'lri;k,itti, -----. ,1•;`,%'.11".;, - tf: t4t,`P; • Vora P:ok..-- ..--.'"'" l - • ' 111...0.004a. d .......40 1 1:iie k 7. 6 .....,1„...,.,., I ilk 0f EN :A g i t... it __ i, ',,.1":?, 4 1.1 , x:,,.. - 7 ,- -,7-- -- ,t=intrtf'.t.--4—.12 Isran..l, at staeta - . ...doi WI:400..813. - Off art at Prulkxy,l .. /31.1. a Flta Ina.Co-eltka 0 Brand. at Coll ,011...... .do 1 4101IM A N Drawl. at 1 . 1•••11.1.1 .. . 4" I.l3ers' Ma-hankie Utah a Itratr., , 1...,da do n lioVilrlia ant .cl, it 3 Hra..l. a 1.., Eno .... .. dolh.Laroular Itauk .... ......... :.r. ert.n..o •I 1,.. are . ... do , lro.uruaf • C . aupaay.... ~3 int.- wt 111.00. •t `a... tz..l.i. ,I 0 Lau, •I . 0,..... •ple. I W . t.litob II t.c.l. .. 04.1-, . ,/,.. La r. Cl .11 , .n11 .1 .110.00 .1 I. went... is hank ~1 1: Cal-W.loml.° 10auc1...10.4au, 0.4. . ._ .d. F.ITr.IIN 1 , 3 1 211ANUt.. It, ko,d, at a a i.,,,,..., , 4.. 11. ..., i • Z,.ci ~,c.,.. ..... ..., J do lltua,L, at 1au...a..t..r_. . .lo MI d 0... ~... 4, Bran,. at 51. a.., °rah, .lob IV Lt , TXIIN CACIIANIir- Ilranco al lit 0 c 11.... . -...d0 , C , nun nal, ... ....... 0, I grulti.:t ' 1 ' .1:1Z:, ‘. ... - 7. ,ili+l."'lfg'.: 1111 antn.-0 at yriu,sald..... , iIII t I!ANJ , .. a to ' •77-• • • irt: • LL at lira,' • '4IE . .lo,ltadtdtalot ,t.autaL tranott at . •ili: mart. at %It. I'd:arta:A— do Itaata.old latiat nr.t. h .. not.. • bratadt at .s..rtta:lt do Foal. soltaltota • •"!•"•' Into+ at It:t-t.tortattt . dodiuntrar Brawl, at Itavt.noa Tanituktata • Drat, at ClattLvdto. brawl, at Cterahotra. . dr. :tura. Itnaten at Taltoto _ ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS.— T. tbilowinst h•t rf cod docortur.wof the mall. cow •t.aJn ••.moot. to the Otter. • tarraa, alawnataar.a.ctaasalwral.araa. rhaaielphia, Saar kwwera. Caw., and N..rtbarn par.. ad N. ion. twallawar. N.. der.el.and the aas N,. isaalaaal Stades— u-h. laratial. Vaal - awe- ~ 1 r C.awata. Na 11.4 Veda., and New itramawaelaadwaia 14 a.. 11.: tawasela al 1t... Na k aa, —Ds lalanarula add liallidafalw w n. lanq W. nounalta firladaDa A l Cadalaraa, LNIIB. C. to ada. Juniata. La. , avaaw.a. Ilia.. Dirties. {latter . Ilrra, I ada. Una. aad awn of DI eaDard...1.,...1. rla Larannand D.aaaals Nev aleDawDdral. xad lada wawa a. ad. -aura, arm. Muir. at DI W.: dalwarta daily at N:lctstta-kVatario6.ETif Amy.. at r 4.1 &parts IL. Croritl4.and Jeffernon k and ttpreresawi.dwiy. )4. ,v 1.11.10 eitl Lsltt.e.—Lty L agtata F. Groan. Fara,. Soraor•op, part or Nroatapopplacol s eounly. 11.02.4. Nitta..., PI mulanprootk UHT, NoOth , t6,r 66 Ha. port. .t olkio awl Ito4arpa. Keaturtp.llll6ol, Terme. 1161• ma Itl.aoati. Ifbamippl. Artarty6, North ti...`tro ono, ti.orcia. I.puoaroa Florida ...J Tux.. datip. Armes 6, 6 54 t. a., null cl.larta at 6 rt:LICVIII.4 111110— Cy Vl•yette, Ilaoren. ' ,Buington. FIOI,C, T.,, JellerelOn. nvia, C.rn , ll.ll.4mee, sod Tuwaraer nut counta.l/hlO. alklir • Armes at 11 r . 11 A. al. !Oran WERTrIIN.—EIy Brarer, Yi , 110.1171ereland. Pa_ rolumblona. Trumbull..l'ortame. licouG., &dual. a,rinrk , ll ay ne., Medi ma. Cu ..I,og..f.umnitt, fake, 'Richland, Lomat. Ilumn, l tto., hrte. heninek, - .Nned. and Inc..U mu tie., tltno, tbm tram. northern 0.1:111111 el the 64 100n.0.,, of lallant. .at Michk. nend Arrive, it ot.- . , Pert.. 01 A. n. nn tom. Pr . Isltvenntruf. Annetrong,l.lhk, Inn, tint CloarrrolAnounti, 4.11e...e.g.t0n Sumba.. A, ri Il al 41. it. and denial,/ at 7 r. al. I V,lnrd. 2 ,llenntle. Parton lierlmsluxra and Ludc, •,A.VMTVI Tue.. 1 ,4”. Thumla,A, mud SatunL4sA, 14.; &parte Mondays, rradrty I, .0 7.1. ' • • tkauervitu.-/.3 aturt6.664. 11.1jialardlle, and Mo. onautula Atitt. Vuttal.t, V4i4t414,..44 6 .. 1114nealat 66,1 Natunlm ,„ . i. at ma (11 xtont. harerupolim. CmG liara 6 / 6 616- :Vott A JZl76 6 l ‘. l%ti:taTe " • a. S' 1444n4,44, 4.-.oy Walk6ttiatills, JA.blealetatt, Cand. Illitgetiat6w6,l6C,676 t Pat...'s 11 1 • Antra t.uodaya and Thui6,l6yo, .614 a. ata m... .6. / raaktort Sprivan, nar6l6le. V Ar 61 tiva• op 11•116 r, at 6 P. 54 depart. au Sat ilAtoky. at 6 6,at. bligt(7l4 -By Atannt, :1=114%01.600t, .1 Ittolia. An-1..6 Weitoamlaia, . , &Pa. ,6 alb Y. 1.41143144..-11), booty. 1.7) . •• Ar,ll. Pr r, at 6; &pan" oa at. a. at. port,...ll,yktd, • •tirmakaaclil, Oak. 6,6,,11616.6taag, 11161 at 6ad I.l.auato countie , arm 1.:6-ww4ly ...lay, 1 ntlineedar; and Frith:, at 7 t. 11. .4 V \ ut6.6lay, 6....41.1 ' ge ;tit. msu. =ma t Ow 0 r U. 5.,. dam. &Tatum tot 16; ' '.k6 tn.,* 04,4 k I 1.6661,ankl w. 6.1.17 math. must be la 16111116. an boa 16.64.. Shell 1616attura Drug Store For So\ N OLD ES'FABLISIIED ST RE, frtatl Luisales, In ♦ Dolvw.l4 • 14,61141 II al ' ; ' l . !Z ' :o ' 4 JI U. Y2.t:V,l,l;ig,• r a ie b.n„, United States Patent Ot \ ,,,r Dame. 4, nt6L .‘ 41iN the petition ofJe+so Uiuiy, of Willatig y ton. netanaro, praying for the rahmelon of a v .. qrj, granted n , him fnr au stoprovetnaut in the arran,,,mant. , ..ring for drirlut mAehturry, for rayon Ituni t a expiration at said patent. width mkt, ply., on the alath, der of kahrumi. A.ll 18,1 , It L. ordered that the ee,l4 44 , 0tt0 be hiard at the Pat rut olllrnots Thursday, Ilia 6th of Fehrnary. 1/43. at VA , o'rk.k. AL ac. 4 all WT.. ate uotlll,l to aPt.I. and aho. cau... If au, Ike, hare, ah, .aid µAlto. ought not tot. granted. ~ one uPtawlng IL, ratenaton are requira.d to Ilk In No Patent 0111ra then. °Nett - ions. bp..lllcallrwt fmtt, an an. mg, at Iran twenty day& to.a.r• the thq .44 III"4 - no: all 1.-alimony 111 , d Ly tither party to La gird at the 'marina. tuna I. taken and traurhard la I:rdanor r 11.1,141.. rule', ~. the °Ulm tehlvlt wialle attnal od onappllcallon. roofs, alk,„ tont tat. byre Ltpu Who,' 11, theAtt. tlonal Intellupprer, nouhile, and Mon, or AV , ltakungton, 11. C, Napreak pn.•• vot, ProrOOrooc Journal, / rotrulguot,, 'Maud: Dail) Adtertivet,khotton, Masasenuaetbk V.1+ , 11 , 11151* Inquirer,l3,lladelatta. Crawl - Iran., ill, I.,µi tntautto.l'lllaburgh, l'envklaanta, and the St . . nl, Wilt:nun:tun. Lenon, tom n .I,eSt tr ',V .- I:Tr' Ore we...ks prrrloo: to lhonfth 0141 v . 1,.41,1,,, I° N poi l'ateka. e mrl.l ":` ' * r..- ____ Copper Stoat.. Ito elien•A 1114trieein,s alining cooy•ka• mo - . Penlnaoln *oo .. .. , . MO e North ilaat 1110 e end, MU e Collhtg, P. .. Nuralta. itU klinl , °Algnu:tank and for Ole at Inkr fa tell, tly \‘. lIILKIDIN tIXI Stank and Ezebssage.nrnWß. ...wi, (Move Iltarkat and killed r•--- Exchange Bank. FEW SUARES ot\ thia Stock•dri nt a.,oll.hlNi ORNE LI kg RINGStAi large n ' nt " nog{ fvr.eal i ll a tz L 1.2 4 T.l), \ VOLUME L, PITTSBURGIt GAZETTE E., I: 11.1 bi',,rl.+;rsevatiu k B. C. sAwYT.B. Y OF P l / 1 13tfilfr *ITANSEfIP. . .• . Some week . \ ago, we inserted asnotice of the arrival of this n iTuibc.t eteamer 'at Philalei \ phia, to take her lace in the new line of steam era between that cty and Liverpool. 'We copy below from an Nish aper an account of her Sr , rival at Queenstown; formerly Cove of Cork,) where she had been obl ' i‘ed to put in fur coat - ---- --- ritoll Ttir CORE irError4 . B or liorrMilL9 .15 The "CO!, of l'ittAburgh" . sti tmAir in co4renstotrn Our harbor him again been the refuge of one of the transatlantic steamships. She Cay of Ping. Xtresb'on her homeward voyage from. Philadel phia, firing encountered adverhe gales, and the quality of coal she had been sere d with turhing not bad after being fifteen days o hurinx make el i for Queenstown, on Thursday ev ing, for an additional supply. W l e have had t e fiatinao tion of inspecting this magnificent s 'lb which 1 thi has just been built for 'Messrs. Ri baron, Brothers, of Liverpool , and this was Meter first voyage. She is the largest steamship tbat'has yet been built, with the: exception of the Great Bri tain, being upwards of two thousand tons bur . leti and 000 horse power, screw propeller, her length of deck 265 feet. We regret mach that h'hr short stay at Queenstown presented the cititruN' having on opportunity of visiting this huge !era? athan. The various cabins and saloon are splen didly fitted up,' offering a temptation, iu the way of emptily, to emigrants such as few other vessel/ prese*. , ..,. 'Mr. Mitchell;the AMerican Consul accompan icd the commander, Captain Stotribury,, to this city On yesterdarmorning, and introduced him I to Ms worship the Mayor, Mr. Shea, and 8000' other members of the Transatlantic Packet Sta tion CoMmittee. Captain Stu t'esbury very cour teously tenderal these gentlemen an invitation 1 to vied the ship, which was at once accepted, and the party proceeded by the , twelve ti\olimk train, being joined at Blackrock by the city High Sheriff. Sir 'Thomas Deane. By a strange co incidence, a distinguished American, General Stewart of Baltimore, who is making a tour in Ireland, having came to pay his respects to the American Consul, farmed one of captain Stotes- bury's guests Nothing conlil exceed the kind amps and courtesy a the captain and officers of the ship in pointing tint every object of interest in heir. After examiningher'aninu tell', Captain State4bury conducttl the "gentlemen to the prin- ' cipal aaloon, where a splendid dejenner was laid out\ On the table wnievory delicacy that the best of our hotels could ,apply, with elan:l imp.e ad akStior. Baring partaken freely of the goal things teforii them, ', The Mayoepropoeod the healthof the Captain and euocres til the enterprising firm to which the ship belonged; and iu doing eatie said he trusted that only'. short period wouldelapse un -til those. occasional visits of trausallintie peek-, eta to our hartoar, which were now meriiiMatters of chance or aecessily, would become an every day matter of fact, as they could not fail proving advantageous to both ountries o and emu:Muer alien to the owners of the vessels as a taisitiees speculation. Ile was happy to bear the testi mony of a prntical man likaCaptain Stotesburi, from whoa he had elicited the opinionthat CorkJ was decidedly the most advan,tageous port for a packet station. His Worship then passed a warm eulogintn on the American getterosity of which' lids contitry.waa the recipient in,bur time of de• atitution and famine. \ Captain Stroleabury having returned 'thanks-- . 8 ir,Thornes Dean proposed the beallb of thedis Saguia - bed officer who had so opportnnidy joined them. General Stewart; and, in connection with the tout, the Americas army. \ General Stewart, tie returning. thanks, stated that one of his earliest recollections was \the pleasure—almost enihrsdasm—with which, Isis father used to describe the natural beauties of the rimier unit position If oar noble harbor, Inv.\ tug buil a sojourner for aiirue weeks, tuanj - efira ' sinoe, - attlie Cove of Cork. In feet, such an IMPes sino it did make on him, that he wan, determin ed to eonseand see for himself. and helm re found that all he had hoard of it fall far short of' ilia reality, forit. , xras truly beautiful,' , The -General concluded's Wetrotoquerut atktiesa'hypaylirg'sf high tribetato the character oftaar countrymen in America. Who:\ he said; =TA some of the beat citirens, and whosie adaptability to the taws and animas of the States was remarkable. —. . .. - . The health of the Mayor, hosing been• propos ed by General Stewart, nod respouded to by his Worship. Mr. Rennis Dean then; in proposing the health of the Atnertcall ronsnl,'Mr Mitchell, which was warmly receive d, paitta well-merited compli ment to that gentleman, wha, since helms Leen prtknoted to tho, °thee of corona fur the Ameri can nation at, Queenstown, has given the moot unbounded satisfaction In the discharge of him duties. Mr. Alitebell returned therike, end, having propo,,rd — prosperity to the CitY, otpork," the party took their leave highly delighted with their 'init. The eau Pittsburg proceeded heiToyage at four o'clock yesterday evening. • „ . One Of the most important manufacturing es tablishments in our town is the Oil Cloth Factory of kleesrs. Albro and Hoyt. " The faClories(ex-', elusive of driving floors,. An.) cover an area 'of one sore and one third, or a spitct4qual to twee- \I ty-two loleof 25 by-100 feet, and we are inform ed that no other Floor Oil Cloth establishment in lA, re,-H can compare with this' itiextent and importance. The buildings are'wormed by means of hot water and steam pipes, and.every improve moot in alt their internal areangeruents which \ modern science can-suggest has .been applied . steam engine grinds the paints. Hallways are eieeted for the ',conveyance of cloth fro one dePartmeur to &outbid., and every labor as ing deviOs may here be found in practical oneraffort.. Accomplished artists are constantly employed in drawing original designs which, if approved, aril .traneferreo toi blocks the bloc for the printers. Home of these nee of exquisite beauty, and elaborate workmanship, far surpassing anything hitherto I attempted in\ Hits branch of manufabtures, and \I the gristle etlect is immensely increased by a'. . methdd 'of printing invented by Mr. Albro, for: which ha has admired letters patent. Indeed, A person% 'who hanooly seen the colon of other manutaaturers, can„ form no conception of the s differeopo made in their appearance by this in tOzttion. \ - The blending of onion, the alimite tied perfial ehading and the perfection of the printing, pvoduce an effe,ct superior in the best tapestry carpeting, while the tecentpatterns, all of which aro \ original, are`achnowledged by all who have se en them to be iniezeasurablystmerior in beauty and taste to anything ever btfOre pro- thicedeitlter in Ensape or Amertca. Our readers will remember tha a Prize l'iledikwas awarded at I the World* Fair, for specimens of Fiber Oil Cloth frOM this Faotory, anal we learn that no' other'samples`at all aitresetting them , either its quality or appearance , were exhibited by the or any other m facturera. The , prize pieces were selected from the - stock on`hand in % .k, the factory, ( not made fora purpose ofexhibl- tion) and In orut jiarenig men a enrmisked by I itl . some of their more recent pat MO. ,The cldthe, 'which ere all of .the heaviest description, are made in pieces of 24 1400 feet Home ides of ' the.quantity of materiel, 'treed may he obtained 'when we state Hint thretrhundre%ons of one kind of paint Is used in A aingjo year. We ought to have added, that Messrs. \Nero :Hoyt are \,gents„for several other factories, awNi. 'hilt to t sir warehouse, at 7'2 and 74 Jebel Stet t, New Pork, will empty repay those whoWre engsgod in he reatle.—Rizabrotenten, .V. J. .annul. \\ I WAR\ LI 47 Pound!--401758 the 'Rowe of C 6 . - I\ I f illa 8 issuc; a oortunihion to tulj not theotands ht, ud nodar the superiuten, &Fie i of cam . etelt offeiankat the Mint, &envied by none scien- , - tit amen,' the \ standanl was de tornii fled: and . two trey-plo ends, lif extreme accuracy, were produced. Coe of these \poem' wolghts \ was deposited in Ut r,l, ‘4lto tl Iva; of Co moos; and wee 'destroyetin the ~.,,. of 1 $, and a othei; until recontly,'",bas beek in priyote kto de . , This duplicate of the orfghtitil stalidard ti pound.has been, eincnthe deethuittion Ofito ..fel low, w. the-weight always op-,, pealed,. \to to `any -. Orr : mit-eh n for the trial or. weights \ It WAS yeetertlay-eold by auction by . hiestrit. INttick'„and Simpson,"tlio wellAnown auctloneeni\ef tlivadily:\ smongstuther -ellecte , 1 of the twe‘d \: tlmurne, f".,lq - , formerly Ring's assay master ; The weigh, alluded to prodtioed . ',zl7, end waiumoersituol to,4ve been purchased 1 for the goveniut lt, "'The hydrostatic balance;. • used for the tril l f t he s ptandirkin 1768, with:\ several botes,ot, treutoly acluirate weights, wear withdrawn, \no bidder apphiiing for the same.. • - The sale lookoded \nuiny. hgrjons MSS. on Mint; affsirs.-4,sgioggst tbsse.wwacrocker's Register - Book of driwiegs fonmedsts,seertialid tinder the. hands of 'Wiens Winton or tek. Mint.' 1 aturs.ontainlog thirty tiuntuntaphs Or Sir lasifo New ton, sold f0r.L.40, aturwill,\with the most Inter-. estingof the 'oilier MSS, fipl:fits resting litson ' fe7the British,\Mosentn..4.6/.\ 78„Cf.1 pie4'of George 111, dated 1820, ititd \ tn . very no. con dition, sold for,CBl,—.Englisli p ‘ ißcr. \Last Year twenty, shoosand.,,tie#es o beet 'tt t . - packed in Cleveland. ThiSO,year •t is thought that the number will not Wfted ght ' - . 4 Nor Castle.- Gazette lately (mid give' or, in the followir . result of his obierrahons. New Castle is We seat of jur county, and to one, of the most t. in Western Peeney/ranic We ape. two in that riciniti, 'recently, and it _ much pleasure we noticed . the Impten which had been made eincti we last paste( way. The population o'f, the price le not are informed, about 4000;\abdtbe'prirate ! ling' as well as the publieedifices, aro of and substantial character, evincing that irens are industrious, thrifty and, withal epirited. The new Court dunes is rii stately FT...portions, and -bids fair to be beautiful building. It stands upon a eon ing elevation, and when'eompletad willrot itoposMg appearance, and afford, eremite ted cupola, a fine view of the town and sure' Mg country. We observed a Tiny large'three -storied log just pot up,, probably 100 feet in fret of lofty appearance, which we are inforuit been the borough for their ; school, It struck us as- peculiarly crab .to the intelligence of those who have the o are-merit of that department. We always disposed to honor them who show & discos' to throw arena.' the scheolhonse .a ohs beauty and loveliness to lore the young I its walls. How often it is a Contracted, r. • sire, little den, where eltildiect Cr. bud. huddled together, to contract diefteetor eon ,found their fir{( impressioteboPeduestion - with. 11l that in ,hatel and.repugnant to their feel. JR:kg. So far as delightful eiwation and an ex.- tentverairyn wel veutilated building le cone eenifid, the eitizens\of New Castle hare guarded again'( such impreserons.. . , _ , One \ irent driwbac to WI proeperity of the ' place, atti , l , -which must oriously affect ire inter. Roth, IS t o suspension o the extensiverolling mills, furnaces, mil nail d ories, erected at the \ confluence OT the Shumate and, Nishannock, within the borough limit, ese establishments are of the rays' eztentive Intl, and doter a 1 large space ll'ot their fires a epot Out by the blind policy of Siltlind politics party, and in- ...', 1 \ stead of the rattle \ of the Machin and' three. five bustle of basybundreds, l the. ti; epee no- , thing but piles of blimkened but' say striae- . .., i tares, and the ear heers no sound Min the pail- . - . 4 . nig of the wind as it sweeps through \ We lofty . smuts of chimneys. Mk iS_Jlltehell--s 'cot but a trutvil•toi,;otd commiNary upon the . mama: tire policy that hao produhe - 1 it. ' _..- • THE AriaLo-uxo RAKE."' .;' .....; ~.".' The Rev. .i. I . ..mimic, o "hewOrlean ' e 4 preached a sermon on Theuksgi n i g is day, from .. - .4 the lent, "Gad -Well colaree Japli k .- In which the various trines of mankind deer - tittle" from • 4 . that san of "loth are traced. After s'Ojtog that.; ; . errabian treeliqoaa rank Japheth amoug \N lepro- phete, and speak of eleven of hie sline,wbulketemo s • . the progenitors of as many Asiatic natibite k ' tlie..." - ",- - -......j , )ho . ''\ reverend gentleman proceeds : "• -- \ _ .4 ... nl It wild be our purpose, to,day, in .....o fira:' , ....„ - ,- . 1 place, to consider the evidence . *LICK are. e4,4_ , \ hood, that the English and Anierican - -natltins". - " , - 4 J ‘, have descended from Japbeili ; end, in the see- 1 \ , 1 4\ \ and place to bring forward Curb itestintimil 'acne : \',, in reference to the American nation. as will 4 -,1 . , ---, show the Inulerful eulargrnietit by which God\. fine verifies bin •a tent propheey end prbmine , ..... , - 4 --, 1. The drterat r! 14e .rtraarb Swats -171,1 d, rd 6271,%,..., i' Ja,Pheib. I l ; -" - 7.- -- r '', '`,.. -- 7,-,14 From the !seven eons of Japße seven nations "'"' - ; 4 ."", had their origin. The 'Cimbri or. Curibrii, or' . e .; i 3 , ' Cimmerians, descended from omeij the fitcy. 2\ thiens from Magog; the Macedonians Vont Ala- .. \ dal ; the lonians and Greeks from Javan ; the ~,. . Ilumoviten, or Boniame, teem enheclwand the Thracinna from Tiros. 1 bed.. .e telsete ft theta .80113 poesessed,ell Europe, tha_ Islands of the 1 - Ifeditteranean, Min Minor, a il - tbrwiarthern • parts of Anis." • " • ' -.., Ida • The most ahthentie facts w mantes,'" be f e -----" gleaned from ancient history cam with „the " .. most prdhoble traditions to p hthat....Weitern ' 1 and Northern Europe has teen. ' epled_by three I t . l e . . .enceessive tided of imMigrati from the. East. , e 'Thine were, first; by the Kiesmerfans and Kelps; ', emend, 14Y the Serbians, Goths; Wail Getman; , thirtbr - rheftehontiiiiitelinFlferinitliiis -- lt \ ; . iti fr the two first, starer... Locoed that the in- habitautinf. Beghwarlara descended ((Tamer's Hist. of the Anglo-Serene, vol. L; 14:" Lt.) From-authentic authorities Teener Ms prov edbeyond a doubt that the earlientinbathants of - e - We North 'of Europe were the Kimmerieus or Kitubri, and delta; nod they spread. ever it ' , 1:4 from Thrace to dolland and the German Ocean;: , .. e to Gat ocean from which the pease& Ver.:di:, i rear to England. From these trlbe.strre deseend- .r., ...i ed the Chnry, or the Wel4h, but it is to the itie-e - ','.4 , ..... 2 , and Stock of the Europetuipopolittledi that . - -.*.-.'ji ~ look with peculiar interest. 'From thisnot only :.. - r. - r \ , the`. Amerman and Engliele, hot also .the utoer celebruted natious of. Modern 'Europe. which t . • • e haveby immigration contributed to otte , popula- ' - 1 lion, bare unquestionably descended. r The'on- \ . 4 glo-Scions, the Lolland Scotch;Nortnens Dan it\ - I Norwegians, Steeds, Germans, Dutch; Belgians, ni" Lombards, and Franks, hare-all sprung from 1 „ the seemed greaneiresm, or fountain, which may 1 \ ' - A ' be called the Germetf, - Scytheito, or Gothic.- (p. 76 ) , ~ • Of these all, the Anglo.Saxons ' ee the people from whom the English derive their descent, and, ''''''4-:. ' \ therefore to themparlicularly"efe i.euest give 8. - - ... 46 „.,i , moment's consideration, \ . `.. 2 . . 1 At the neck of the,Cimbilari \ Speninsala, and ' _. ' 4 '2 t 1101111 of the river Elbe,'were in ancient clays two J , . l ' small tribes known an the Augto:Sazons.n, The l . Winona were w,Eleythian .tsibe,and ire mention- •..: - led by Ptolomy of Menet/dela as early as helore ".:".., „, . - . A. B. 141. oSalinistama, er , the eons , Of Ssfizii. - .....1 abbreviate,' into Seksun, which Is We sam .1 sound as Saxon, seems a'reanoonble etymology'! ' ....' l ot the word Saxon." \ Tinier) ''',Tite Sahel were \ : i . . andimportant brunch' f the Scythiaue, and ere '\ I I mentioned bath _ by l_lip (lib. rt. e. 10) and 134.3. \\? ‘'. ho Gib. xi. p., 476.) ~ \ , ~4 i The allies.or the SAX° 5 were their neareat ''' . 4\ \ neighbors on the North, th Angles.; That par.:\ a - fielder position which wea pied by; the En- \ - 4 4, \ , • \gles was according to the v nerahle ; Bede be- \ ~.:, teen the Jutesand Sauas, " ter-prorincias lie- \ tarot ct Serzonum." 1,7, I. 15 ; s tritnefatid by Amp Alfred the Grief: "tlie lord terynt Co tarn 'l ,,s I , r ' • • .end Soo, ') This particu l ar, co tion 13 by an ;aecient Saxon author called "Old ' nglaud.'n .l \ (Turn. `c. 100.). \ \ lime Wen, we find the fonntiin of the"Aoglo- t - • \ „ Saion ries in these two Scythian trihes,‘We...lll. .! \\ gels &cid Sweets ; and the Seytbfans Tees . the '2 \ descendants\ f hinge& the eon et ;Biotin _ ; t r .\ In tint fifth d Ortiz eenturiee, after tb ,Ro- \\ I mane hadre ' from Britain, the Anglo4sarbfis ~,i e 4 "1 who bad with t p other German tribes between t the Elbe and the hire formed a strong coated'\ : eracylnvaded the laud and gradually conquer-n . ed it. The am:dont *uhebltatits, andtheiposteil- \ ; ty stoke Romin pet '2 disappharil sa,the new, . :--IL , conquerors edrauced, receepted their Yoke; , \--",el - and Saxon „laws,'Seto language, Saxon Zi.. e.‘, , "! nen, government Sind' atitutiont °Mem , \ 'the land." Thus clearly rat dietiaeGyhaect traced the origin of thanob Atiglo43axon dame "..,14,..... called England, who hale gi mi.sto the world a,,„,2 `7, daughter 110 leas noble and ; who is celled i \ America. May that God who tis . made them of -- one blra, one language,'aad _or tv i religlon, ever, •.;.,,1 preserve them in harmonj, sfrien hip and love. - . . '. , LOOK OUT! 't '' - \ , A Great -!'\ , iii Pro CAi'II'ALISTS..--1 . rio*.offer or sale i As TIMM HUNDRED AND TIIIIITY Allia t tl, or no,' • ', y see LaND,rtocionlv under Our cultivation, within nee stole of the Ger eve illseeliew, runalivaidora to the Ohio • run, awl tontering thereon, With toes hensittle eciplint or ern race nab olio 'when town hen isetionoed direct t from she batelis., era ,erlilch coal will font Graron ebe ' i tni ... te n ninety tor city cora u.paytibre-the baolieorer nein- .1 e v rh e . dry banning roc. or lestetechannewl e Also. iier it me tate feel urine th mu...rum. there le note roper...he t. title. the Inn running town to tbe river, end wttiii. nhe ''i wile or eettr of Wheeling, twitkiawity n now the nu- , - rine. point of three , ralitowle lo active proven to con, ' Pinion. The lent also Le vent alapled toserderang von , L,t ma, which honors, vlll, rennin ea Wennd with the ' 'i biwanner tbn elly: I will throne of the tvOlVertr lo Pl.. ..; t In haunter acre lies; provided art enanertheot of that ' 0 " "'tad bit astutonclikr Made. •07-. inertnailon - wtet neon thta sublets cell be hal by atiOneelog the • • 7•ltielOrt . .. . • .oiti).i-sixoyx. '• FilktE KORAN, by Sale; Burton Anato -1 my 07 lielanchalv: hlantalinee Woritc fez sea hr del . • , , . .1.1.. REATearounh el. 'il I ill. ‘ Siii--/e.hi boxes W,..: 1i... :far sat by 1,) A - :0.3.LISICII0b1 AVei del2 . - • . • lin 4Abentr t. cr. -to- i ..,.._,-.1.; ',l l iNilt i ' iyilliSKEY%L-1-4bbls.foxi \ 1, j \ dell. '' - , '. A. CU LORRViiiiith. IIF I ROBES-,A fine ielettion fo t i t by \ ..121 cuLtrEirrirom A Cp. . _ SAATY - "t:t. deY liqw.DEß:llp6o lega,; toi. •• Mel: for We ET rof.LowiNG-mpaiff , AL WORK b4e reorlred.'ond on , fin na. bll. Itg&D, 7 curn R. tpono Unkt.L. .tradrion'o Poodle* of anon Ponnlinson's do. do OWnr/ mr NldlW. Diet d i owpter B.stmt Modern altdtral dn. rool t Nirriz tW oWfd li k Mortondier 1 - lartdon3l rdstrorrg crif Marchlit on /Wawa and Ci tame.anton Disorror of . pm I.ntork and Monter' F es: War. rio4dord's Mannar As* Motor dtorrow&miltrulor ri p e rnidolanwlijoresur 'Hare An nbriddo itrilad and mum, • E—'2o .bbls. for 5:11e, by k it. DILICOIZT LI It M.