The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 18, 1851, Image 3

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Loc.t, News —We are again compelled, oW
; mg the press upon our columns, to omit much
local matter. The proceedings in the Court.,
for the pelt few Jaye, here been of no import
mice wh derer, the cases being all trifling.
MRS-% .;',!TIOLT Deam—Nathanief Keefe, a
verrreqorotahle adored - man, residing a short
distance below Jones' Ferri, was frozen. to
death on Tuesday night,. ender the following
The deceased wan al:Caged man, seventy-three
years cid, ands a member of the Methodist fpie
t copal horeh. On thenight of his death, he,
togetlitr wittll,teru other perions, residents of
the same house hod been engaged in devotional
exercises until midnight, when his companions
retired co rest, leaving the old man still war,
shipplog. 1110 supposed that, the 'fire having
Ib.'wee low, he had opened the door, and totter
; ti into the entiy to procure some fuel, when he
fell, and probahlY 7 havin'g become benumbed
with:cold durlnit the perio4 of his religious al,
Ott - action, scowl...lldt to tire, while his feeble
voice faded to n-act, the slcepers. In the morn
he was found, lying where he had !Alen,
frozen to death.
Tor. 'Mavonal.ry.,The Whig and Anti-Ma
. l I
• ; , senic. Convention, to tont/note a candidate for
. .
the Slnyuralty, met at ten o'clock, yesterday
. r morning - in the roam of the Supreme Court
'' Oa mountof Icons Qaigg Esq., Robert Mc
• '
• ' 'Cotcheon, Esq., wee called to the Chair. Alder
- .. teen Deft of the Eichlh Ward, and Mr. Jahn
. s, .
....,-,, Beaty Isee'r, of the Sixth 'Ward were appointed
•. ' '' "Vice ihsaidenta. - .: .
.• • ; ' Messrs. Alexander Speer of the Fourth, ; Thos.
. •
' 'M. Iti,lfileof the Sixth and T A. Long, of the
. . t
Phut Word. wore duly electedSecretnries. 'Dalt
. •
rftftlilltt then announced that the convention
• ; Wont duly or/rani:o, and prepared for the tre.:Nits
.. S' action of business, the first-in order being the
i presentation of the credentials of the delegates
-The ereacetal. were thou handed in, corn
. mencing with l hose of the delegates from the
- ; Fieot Word. l
. .
' t The mimieatiOns for the office of Mayor, were
' 1. ; announced to he;next In order.
; On motion of,l. D. Bailey, Esq., Ps C.. Sa
ycr, Esq : was nominated as the Whig and An
f Li-Masonic dintli•late for the Mayoralty.
; Alexander Lewis, of the Third Word, rose
I ,
- -f l and announced We Alderman ',McMaster, of the ,
i same watii, had that morning onihorized him
t I _ i • , ' to Withdraw his name from the Convention, and' .
' I e
.. • • ... had pledged - himself zealously nod heartily to
, f support the el,tims of It. C. Sawyer, E'q., to
;.. • • i the Maynralfy. . .
. , Alderniau - Speer, of the Fourth Ward, made
I , : a "similar uttuonncenient on behalf of James
1 Matthews, Esq., c hose delegates, had been elect
e.. ed in that Word. ' On motion of Alderman Lew
' , is, it. C. Sawyer, Eel , was unanimously nom
; • .. ; mated as the Whig oml AntisMasnnic candidate
1 . - ; for the Mayoralty nt the nom:finding Itlunici
; pal election. The following preamble and rese
• . • lotions wera offered by Alderman Lewis, and
Were, tin motion, unanimously adopted f
. 'Whereas, 'flee members of the Whig and An- 1
': tisklasonic Convention, new assembl e d, u ,,,,,,,,_
. .
monaly retard ILO. Sawyer as eminently qual
' ~' 1 itied, in every reepeef, to till the office of May
%. - f or of the city of Pittleborgli-.a position which '
. . his ardent and sincere devotion to the party to
vinich he belongs, as well as Ilia - irreproachable
. .
• :- ' I' , 1 life and high moral worth-amply entitle him to" , I
. . .
I• •• " ' , occiary, therefur'ehe it .•
- -'; Reagent, That the zeal with which his claims
l• . .
'' ; ...:: ;for the Mayoralty have heel. mointained by the '
r -,,. • , , Whigs and; Anti-Masons of our, city,, and the
' , -r - .' - "- hunarilmous eupptirt which' they have thin day re
l.', 11 ', :••. • . , i , ceived fromall the members of this Convention,
f . ; prove that he has worthily been chosen as our
. • ••: ; " • • i standard-boarmqin the present municipal card
' t paign. i'
` Resolved, That we, the representatives of our
-'-''l , ,
.. . constituents, the Whigs and 'Anii • -filithous of the
." ; city of Pittsbnrelt,' without" a dissenting ,oice,
.' -.• :..• .. .. . , promise him the undivided .opportinf all the
.raPaVskirink*Vii'g,'•*fintembers of our party, ,
Resolved; That when this Convention adjeuiam,
' we adjourn; to meet in conjunction with our fel
low citizens,.st the pnlle, an the eecond Tuesday
of January next, to support, by every honora
ble means: in our power, the just claims of our
• favorite candidate, Eh C. Sawyer.
--"f•Mr4ekteLs.'lleiley, of thaFifth Ward, moved
•.- L' 1 titsethe President and Vice Presidents of the
' 1 Convention, in conjunction with Messrs- Little
; and Chignell, be appointed a committee to wait
on Mr. Sawypr, and notify him of his, unani
': 1 mons Momination. Carried. t.
• 1
The following resolution woe offered:
'''', 'Received, That ; it shall be the duty of the
.. ; President of this Convention to order_ the next '
i Primary meetings to be held in the seeeral
i. i wards, on tifK. - second Someday of December,.
-, between the hours of eleven o'elock, A. M., and
i , six P., A. 1., to elect five delegatceoto meet in Con
' notion on the nest Wednesday, to nominate a
nandidate for Meyer. •
' 1 Alderman Lewis was opposed to 'the main
', .• lion. Ile preferred they hougat whiehithe mark
' log at the presontmeminntion had been closed
-:".- h (fire o'clock:). ,It appeared to him that the cm.-
,••••::;:i diality and good feeling which had prevailed, as
-.', .ii• well as the good order which had been then.,
;?, ed at the Primary Meetings, proved Indisputably
--.' that that him: .was preferable. Ito therefore
t moved as an smend'ilent, that the polls should
, ''t 'F.
niche at live onlfilf.
f 7 Mr. John A. Sargeaut• waS opposed to the
G itmendmeni, and in favor of the original rests
•?: 1 ., lotion. , ' . . :
,4 ' Mr. John D.. Malley moved that the original
''•,, -.1 resolution , should:be amended so as to read that
..r t at the Primary,. klemings: e tbe electors ehould
vote by ballot. , This method had been adopted
1'• 1 in his Ward, cthe Fifth) one of the largest in
'' the City, and was found to work admirably.
If . Mr. A. Garrison, of the Second Ward, thought
r ' that the time at which the markings would close,
s , . t
:, ahonfilbe left to the electors of each ward.
it Mr. John It. 801 l wished the Primary Meet
'.., . . ings to be cenducted by balloting, but wished
i the : question as to the hour of closing, to fie to
'. ken separately.
,1 - 1- 1 _ The lunation on Mr. Dinky', proposition was
5 ; ipett, antic:writ:l , onanimoully, to the voting' at,
" 5 .,,-. ;the next Pridniry Meetings will be conducted'
1 1
by balloting.
'. 4 . Mr. John Al Sargeant',"spickein favor of the
Meetings 01344 at six o'clock. ; A great many
of'the inhabitants of the upper :, , wards, worked
I in the loWer wards, and could not get up to vote
.."- t heft:fee foie o'clock.
; ' The motion on the hour of six was put, and
~. she Chailifitan declared it carried. A diyielon
having baps called for, it appeared that twenty
-: ;" gentlemen voted id favor of eiz o'clock, and
~ -I"sixteenhpgrosed!
'4; ';'', The renolutiots, as amended, was then anon.
i •.‘timonsly carried :and, on motionf''the Conven
lion adjourned;
i' the following is' the correspendence which
4 ,-
;loosed between the committee whose appoint-
meat is noticed above, and B. C.' Sawyer, - Eeq•
,E3q. , • ,
Dear Sir—lt is with great pleasure that the
undcreigneithave been apPointed.* committee to
announce to yon,that by the unanimous voice of
the Whiiand Anti-M isaniccenvention,yon were
nominated% candidate for Mayor.
ROIVT. - 11'CUTCHEON, Pegs. '
\l'nesztelDarr, l ~
dotty Scorn, . ; I .'" Pro ! ' " .
Tehs. R. fettle ".Deeps.
. 11 4'CMY. ,1 .• -1 • ':. ,
• . Pirreitracil, Dec. 17.
To Awn, It.' .11'Cutchron, gas. Daft, John
Saolt„ Thomas NI Dille, and IL Chignell.
GISWILIMB3I.-4 11 . 4%110 received - yours of this
day, apprising me Of my unanimous commotion
by the Whig and anti-klasonde Convention, for
the ofbee of Mayor: 1 , Permit me; In accepting
the netulontiOn, to tenderyou my sincere thanks
for the tint amines:lin which yon have signified
to me the action of Convention, and to 'os
cine my fellowicitissos that if elected, I will
faithfully and' to of 'my abilities, dis
charge the duties of the office. *i
With respect, I rerrtaisc --- "il
• Tours, •
A Ctottfresisa.. 7 lVe hO4 thejleesure of be
ing preeent aba christeninitals it vim termed,
yesterday crewing--niehrtstening, not of an ie.
.fant—but of a giant establishment, In impor
Lance, if not in years, lAdams' Express Office In
Pittsburgh, to nit: The old fashioned Pennsyl
; vamp' term of a , -braise warming'," would have
been moriappropriate for the friends of Mr.
.Robert rets}the, the couitetas agent of Adams'
f - .Espross in this city, etdrrtaintd his friends and
the memberea the. Press in a truly hospitablii
Bacocai to him, mid to the agency. Over
Vlach he presides.
FAIL —Our readers will remember that ths
fair for the benefit of that excellent institution,
the Mercy Hospital, is held at the Lafayette As
sembly Rome. We trust that it will be crowd
ed daring the day, and in the evening, when the
ladies who have charitably engaged in this laud•
able enterpnre, intend' to serve up a supper, at
which all the delicaciec of the Benson will he
ing of the stockholders held on Monday, the
following persons were elected Directors of this
Company for the ensuing year:
C D. Hussey, W. Ilsgsly, AV. Lerimer, Jr
II It King, It. Dunlap, S Ilsrhaugh, E.
Ilearelton, Walter Bryant, S. M. Kerr, I. .M.
Pennock, Wm. Bingham. IP ((haven, F. Sel
lers, .1 Schoonnisker. Samuel !tea..
Tnn Tttenst,steren.—The thermometer yes
-ImA:9-morning, ginmi nt varioa4 pineem, in the
vicinity 6f this eh; at eight degrees belosf
The CoMmittee ou Lectures of the •• Young
Mmfa Nlertiontile.liicimion and Mechanic's
Institute," have the pleiigitre of itainonming to
italoimbera arid the eitircim l'itdihurgli, llmt
Mr. E P. Whipple, of Minton, x ill deliver a
course of tour Lectures, commencing on the
22d inst. l l "he iinbjectii are, The Euglitih Mind:
The American Mind: Marini Lather; tool Char
Owing to the high celebrity of the distinguish
ed lecturer, and to the peat expense incurred,
the committee will be excu,d, we trust, for ex
pressing the hope that ill who are interacted in
the welfare of the Association, and, in the pro
motion of its objects, will use their endeavors
both to favor tin with their own attendance, and
to procure that of others. _ •
Of the time and place of ossembling doe no
tice will be given.
Cass. Molistura, I
M . Y. M. 11611_411,
HEALTII Or TUC VlTT.—Seventeen persons
died in. thin eit), front the eighth to the fii
teeoth of December. Three of these were adults,
and fourteen children, three of whom died of
the meaelea and three of omelet lever.
Wlllll, Strer6,ioFo.—The work on the vkrioa'
plank wade in prone, of eou.truction around
our city. has been ituittirtoleti; owing to the in
of the cob!.
Motitzemery, o censtal•lr of
Allegheny,. 'Tuesday, tool( Ino little girls, t.ri"l -, '
nine an•f the other eleven 'ears of age. to the
Allegheny City alms houee. They are the
daughters Of a Mrs Worets and a Mrs Mom.,
now confined in the county prison, and were
found in a state of destitution, wandering about'.
the streets, by Mr. Weyman, who kindly took"
them in and kept them all night, or they would
probably hare been frown to death
Toe Cohn WeArnett —:We hear of seteral
instance, iu which carious persons hare'euffer
ed severely front the pre:Unit cold weather The
driven of unit wagons, who, of chorate, come
out early iu the luochiog, with sitting in their
carts, have no exercish whereby to keep their
blood ir. active circulation, appear to have suf
fered most, and in one case, in tirticulat, le
understand that a driver was AO brutitaliett that
he leas oblieed to be lifter k from his seat, and it
was sonic time before he tecovered.
Fine:—An alarm of het raised yesterday
, afternoon in room No. I Oi Firut tVor,l pub
lie School. Some little alarm w. 14 felt by the .
,scholars, hut nu damage was done. The fire
was caused by some defectitu the heating ap
FILIOWITNED.—A young lady residing in Al
legheny City, was to ?frightened by a horse
which commenced kicking et the corner of Lib
erty and Market streets, on Tuesday evening,
that she fell down in a fit_ She war carried
law the drug store of Messrs. Braun k Reiter,
where the soon recovered her consciousness.
&mutat --A colored man named Frank Clark,
who WM acting as porter on hoard the 'learner
'Diurnal; was arrested yesterday, and committed
to prison by Mayor Guthrie. charged, on oath
or G. A. Mundoff, with stealing one hundred
dollen and some valuable papers, on the lac;
trip of, that boat. The stolen articles were re
covered. _•
Finn —A Ere took place on Tueaday after
noon, in [ligeloser. carriage factory, Irramecei
Alley, hot it Iran extinguished before nicieh dam
age had been done. It 111 . 00 from snot" linger
tendon in a'line.
TUULAMMING TO KILL —Mayor Guthrie corn
mitard James Morally to prikon oti Tot,loy
churgel,orl oath of Patrick McCully, with threat
ening to kill him.
VEIIDICT.—In the Oyer and Terminer care, Viatmisittirris, lien 17.
mentioned in another part of thin column, the Mr. flouter, the acting Chief Clerk of the
jury returned It verdict of guilty as lienry • State Deportment. left here loot evening, by
Conkleton and Tlmmas Bogue.. The latter was order of tie Preanient, to preaent to kossaith
tried on several indictments for burglary nail the joint resolution of or groat welcoming him
larceny, at thelast term of therourt,and though • ," the Cat
he managed to eseope, received o vevern repri
mand from his honor, Judge :11'Clure, by which
it appears he Etas not profited. The prittnet,
were remanded.
! 112 ...Gen which gnreJnneph.Johnnon, hem-
VERDICT.—The jury in the roe of the little ! norn ti e ~,neb.j.“. for /;,,,,,,,, dim un o nr i ty ,
colored boy. George Thom... indicted for arnno, ! --
returned s renlict of guilty,on Tuesday mum- ; L0t:0.'11,6. Itec In
ing, The rodnoner wan remanded o
,The weather in inteneely raid, mid nweigntnn
in cloned, both above and bel t . the F n ule The
ALMOST A liar.—The Allegheny end of the ! m enthe ,. B e li e K e y, tu t u ,' l e f t p0 ,,,,,,j 0y f or N
St. Choir Street Bridge caught tire, n f., days orlentt, returned to der; unable to proceed.—
age, from eleteke proceeding hem the ounce the tontl boat wane! h.r Cineinnati, bat was
chinune)'. It wan fortunately obnerred before it ~,,,,,11,4 to return
had done Any damage, further than burning a 1 —.
small halo in the roof
NEMILT FILLS.6SI.—A poor fellow in the sixth
ward, whose garments were insufficient to shield
him from the dreadful cold we have experienced
within the past few days, 1.9 nearly frozen to
death on Tuesday night. l'olice officer Fergu
son relieved him, but not before one of his arms
lwas eery badly frozen.
aerFarmerg ! ponder well over tile:tit.ll
san , d sesidento that daily Well lime... aril esti', •tiwb
sftcri resider them -limier.. let Id , . ohen. II you .null
mske It a Pnint to Seri, ales" rn bawl JI. h. Ferreiro
Arshisu Linemen, ynu maid hare the annual rut,'
re.. day. and the. not nnly rsre but ;nu sou'
seal! lb. risk nI Inaing the creature shreyrither. Ihre nl.
vartirement.l nail
Large No. 3 Mackerel:
10 bia, No. 1
maul lo *tor. Anlf.. , tab la
0 IL--5 casks Winter Strained Elephant:
Fyn }sir by 1A.1 , ) Ia.ACNITUN . A et,
d fii
lv WA! A. N-ULUNU it 4'o .
, hab Ur,- rY 0 Tea Aboarry
EW PRUNES—Put up in• Jar, and tan
Boa.. of 211, rack.
A It WM A. tl..11.1!1:11
VitkSl.l illbl...S—ltee'd and for sale be ,
.2: del3 KM. A MeCLAIII6 a Lo.
`'TRAINED HONEY—For sole by
del' WM. A. Meel.Clo/ a CO
ROSIN -100 Mile. No. 1, lor sole by
iIL delb S • W lIAIMALOII.
BUTTER --4 bile. prime. reed and for sale
by idel s i A. a W. 11AUltAl;n11_
i LOUR-40 bbbi. extra famidy, for male by
111 ' den S. AW. lIAILLIAUIiIk
FEATiII:.ftS-30 bags for side by
del)S.k IV m
001sAl.:011. '
TANNERS' OIL-20 bile for male by
4.15 P. a W. 10.1t1.4U1:11.
Removal—Wood Engraving.
MITE subscriber respectfully infortns his
1. farmer Orlnods an.l public,erally, •tutt 4.
ha. nro.tmod to the s4.cilhweil carver of
It. Diamond, (ohlrancw In the Nomnhol, when• he ga pre
pared 41tsec3la all kind+ of I.M•hining and Wne , l
rum. 'hob Vlews and
ntry. !gels{:.'.' Pet!, .4 ever, .Is.rrlpflhn. ilroon,/11.11
Nwwlng*l . not..ta,l/rug4ibli Lab, e. COLVAI ri tamps. S w
ham. to. Tenn. rot, modem...
drV J4)11:11 /I. PAILKA.
GSTOR, OIL-31 bblm. for male by
,lli,_ - - • I.tit init Co.
11. pY l o T. r • s Yellow Dock and6l:ll,r,rAgril
guu6L gr,e. for /SIP br j.l
ii., OU la PLASTER—'2I/ gruel for nale by
' der , J 10 DIP a ate,'
A RTIS7" 6 COLO i RS-- fill ~ lnoiniliiiont, in
rt. Tab.. for wao In J. !ilia. • 1 . .,
-QPANISII SAFFRON—Ia In. tar Sale by
Ai deli J KIDD a I'll
AP PLE S— 6 bblg. Green, ilsl'll, for sail by
lain It. DALY,LL a I'a,. !AL.,' at
—s it e rt i t' ' „ f l . :l ' ,. r' 1 7), h ?.;,rt..1
I Aiilr -4 bbl, Ng. I. for nide by
w !OK A MocA‘iin.FK•
. . , .._
StAliell- 2 . 0 bill. Go7briglit'S en., far gale
. br del , : . a laft. a MOAN DIX'S.
• VRESII BUTTE:ft—I bbl.. Roll, fi, nab'
deli,, IVIC• A Sl , n,Viln.i,•
itUtTERLSpkgs ree'd :11.1 for sale by
Belaw ICK Z M0nA15tn.” , ....,
IJILIAICIJS—I 4 casks f s r , .;' , .lllV , fc , 1 , .... , : , ‘ . 1 , !.. „ 11
K 1 ..
pOTASII- 15 cask , pure. -far gale by
4,13 . iCK a shpANl.,t.,,,.
byt-ACKEREL--100 kits No. 2,for gale by
1. dela ' WICK a IfcIIDLEa.
•11D RLrOIITED Fort TOE riTTABrIGH 006:r"
SS A.IIINGToti, Dec. 17,
Gorse —Mr. Carter -,t led the Unouirnons
Courent of the Hoorn to introduce resolution.
for the appointment of a committee of five to
port upon Look KOrnath, on him orri•al at the
Capital, and iniroduel him to the House of Rep.
resentatines. Objections were mode from sev
eral winners.
The States . were then called upon for peti.
Wiithtman offerel a resolution, to which
Übjeetiou wn, made. authorizing the printing of
41100 copies the Presi•lenCe Message in Span.
Istt, for ‘lintrinotion among the people of Now
litio(know annonticill n reaolotion, that
during and after the recent Cougree• n iti ml i ern
Phan I.e foroiched with Koch newopapers and
public:Ai:trt fl 3 they mry select.. out to exceed
iu ititioutit, per annum the curt of four daily foil
porn, whudi was panne.;.
Mr. Tuck introduced a resolution fur the as
eta-toil:mien t Hod sotiefootton of claims for French
~0 1 ,„t i o ns p r i or t o ISO', which was referred.
(01 Allen, of Nhiss , offered n ,resolution pro-
tiding for the election of deputy post misters
h - the people, and instruction, the Judiciary
critomithe to report a ou the subject.
Ole. Brown introduced s hill grouting 160
Acres of land to such of the Rungarions trans
;ported to this country by order of the Govern
ment. Objection was made, sad the resolution
laid ni
A another of bills and resolutions wore offer
ed and referred, oolong them one authorising
the Secretary of the Nary to contract tor carry
ing the United Suites mail from Jersey city and
the city Of of New York to Galway on the wes
tern coast of Ireland.
The committee of Ways nod Means were in
streeted to inquire into the expediency of niter
ing the value of the coin of the United States,
so so to make real mid neusinal xsitte eynnl.
Several other resolutions were altered and din
posed of, when the Muse adjourned.
St:FAT, —Mr. Mangum appeared to day, and
took het Feat
A lIIY.9IrP W . . received fromthe Pri-oidiat,
in reply to a raodutiou eolith", fur it:ft:motion
relattve to the trial and imprisonnicht of Mr
Thraolier. It urns refers ed to the Committee no
Foreign Polotion-h orol `nr.teral to be printed.
Also, u rfiesooge qua epic, to the resolotiun call
ino for inforroatiou shout firing int, the Prot:le
thal,. the Presi lad titer that upon receiving
the information. he sent ihstructionti ta the
Amer:cosi Nl:tester at to which he had
roi-cired lepty nod Jaen lint stout It proper
to nuke pohlie Ile think,
that copies iat the lu-orhot,:as welt sent to the
Novi:ll'omm it. la the tioil
.t •3 . - tr... 1. ^ el te.l front the Pre vi
dent. in reply to ari-altitttill 01 the 111,1 •e•aital
nthe , navigation of the
it. letwretieo di-. • et...atonic vtoth (rain the .
Secretary or War ioling annual ,titna ter,
all of which were nt-hr red. and ordered to he
- •
I th. • L., tot-.
Mr. Firo.lLea I preo.t.ottol a petition, mane, t„. cr , o .
cony rigned, pro:tub; for the revtorati on of
Hogging to the once After .ono corilletnooant,
toty rental, front Mr Stockton. the petitton g o ,
tool on the table
Mr. Muni. , hill Firing
non to theta , pertodot tat:, kept the path:: dr- •
po.titacoder the Doh trott-ory art, nod wha Take Notice.
had tint reetaved totapenention theta tor The LL UFA:St/XS I:Aoning .n•
latl,vra-t eititaole red, awl crdere Ito third read. I n-tt • i 1,4 111.1. L • i 1.1
—tic Inett not, loan. •I...rta,r an not
Nlr llafker 'Alert , / a restln/o,in declaring it al. tt..., t.. .• /Lt.
the duty of the United State to protect the vie- e• l• ea °••• a•-•l ',...„T•ir L a L ;',. :.
non of the law ot a .lottionn tt) thr intervention ! tell .1:0 • ti . “uti• •t - , t • ltencedi
foreign powers in the Jornentir agate- of nutlone.
which wao laid over "RA Horn - Saw Mill for Sale.
Mr. ltoriand called up bin toll, grin tinge pen- rl l llls. 011,1
slam [n the widow ar-Mel lien.W'dth'
Underwood reposed the hot. and Mee:ay S'eward of •ttit .• v too , . c -vtraloor 't
4adi.'"elhad it ace tthth 'S" edered
to tat toigrosred—) ens ti
Foote'. re t e•d " a "" " hal. the r-.•
protnire tneashrea WWI then agsin [liken up, tlt.• Vt./ ot tat
when Mr. NI. Fpitke at -tome length on the ! "• e•ee
the aohjent I 1.1,1 t...• al , •,2.1 ~.f e„ ten.,
•cit rairel-sret
C. 1101,,1, am rt., L
al ..,
PHIL ‘1.41.1 . 111A, Dec 17 Good Nelda for the Lac Liza!
; In the 1:12 . .11.1 CIMIII tot I
.. 1) R. I S rp,M
I morning, the to in t, of the C m murderlot...4l I „ y a ....„,,
and trenettu (.1,1 , came up, whet. Ititirtet t t •-• n
ter Ashmeml, stated tlat Le hod entered
I mil: , i troecyme on 'all the indictment. for teeason t
that detainer had been Imlged against all the ;
Per•trattl by the sothoriiien Ai I.otwqmer, nod
that the io
y would be taken there to tar Le t Z r e `: l . 7.,
the charge of murder, at the conremenee of tar I
klarshol• Tlio-e of them who mar not be coo- NEW BOOKS! N - EW BOOKS!
ivied will be brought hack to, this city, to take I T 111)LIES' LITER4RI
their trial tor misdemeanor
Il e . a b o, D ec Iltr•tit s t n ..- to. In • tto 0
t, “it.. 4 nln•- I n I.
he my g a l., hat I , ven prevalitilg. be re since • ot.• a t
Tuesday mut 43.. The • VL/cl., had I i s ,
!Alien' to the ddoth tyro leeyt 1 etll dt teen
sty inatietme heap., rosaylr. ely blocking a;. 11. ;
, tbn mall, and cutung oil mail coma:lmam, A t.I
It.t tho \IAA, n.r. Artrl. 1.1.
II:toomoKo. Dee. I:th.
I We Lare the return. of the late election of
Fr LOC.. Itee ler
A W. Reynolds and company. aranteri yea
! torrlay at Independence. cute farWanhillK
; tun. They !warrant no new% of intereat The
weather on the Plaine war Intensely cold. The
tut; enerawarred treaty now arnrrna
' :iota—Bore arltancial, and $1 50(4,1.75 ?
are now naked.
The ateamer Mayflower went aahnre IR mile,
,bore Erie, Inet night No liras were lent
They dol not are tarot from the time of their
tearing Buffalo until they ,truck
The propeller Onrian. nino went ~bore nt
Fairport. last night.
NAR Yoag, Dec 17
The Mesmer Amerirri mailed to-today for Lir.
erpooL. with 99 pammengerm, and $1,120,000 in
Kcir Yoax. Dec 17
Cotton—The toles to-day are 1000 bale, at
for a/1,141110g upland, nod 19 for ()i
Flour—Sales 1000 bble ut *1 h 70 14
in quality,
Grain--.:Wheat is fire, with sales of Southern
white of 102( ! n106c'e hu. Sales '.#900 bit mixed
corn at fil(n.;ntic La ho;
Prorisiois—Pork is unchanged. dales 200
1,14.1 prime lard at 'tt lb. Sales. mess
beet at $n tiO&$11, bud of prime at $1 2445.
to bbl.
Linleen Oil —Sales 3000 gills at 43(06 14
Waiekey—Hales 204) bblo at 22c gal.
Freights-4.'040u to Liverpool 3-11ici flour 13d
14 bbl: graid 4d ba.
Flour—ln quiet. with ash. of $l/,10(1,1' 4 3,20
Whialtey T -Sales at 150. atl gallon.
Molaseca—flog advanced to :IL c 11 gallon.
Provisions—Prices are advancing; $12,50
Is asked Tor mess pork, and $12,37 offered -
Bulk meat is held of $55 ;60. for shoulders and
sides. Prime barrel lard is selling at is per
poundi •
Ilugs—are 'firm, hot little Is doing in conse
quence of the cold weather
Stit`Ww43l4 thip. IN the NPIUUII of I the vrto.o kr. 19.4 kmong
V..rnilfuwo IPti•P 1. , Pill
v;iteitinv their fo ,
pr,lllng 11,—..n.,5uc .namt.n falai .1.1.• of
rhdurc Tbrir. Int Yntlon la by • PIO Wt. " anal "
p•rlot.rr anti aSIYr nann.! It km n.Yeral yonbe In
hi. onyi In and and nt.ling st• be
ha+ rn It In :by pubbYna Ow,
In ....rut.,ud tar..ll..nt taatiirine
Tiny r•utotber can yllY• , not
to It.cur.
For yalr by J. KILO. • CO..
dxl •Int •I by Y.... on Inno.l at.
Citizen's Insurance t;ompati cf Pittsburgh
Ult no 41 Nat, rt rrrt. In the. snrr hour& of 42. 11.
0. 41. 114 4 um.1 4 r4 1 .1 4 441....-....A. .p/4.611441,
Thirl.k4m,rur 14.43410 prepnr44 t!. Inrnln..ll norreutryllrre
tu run, .4441 rterm4. t+. 4, Ar.
Au wind., gilar Itil r for llin 441.411,t1 and of it,.
Ittonuu..n. 1 , 4 nitnl44ll in tlirrnrlrr rf thr 1 , 414,10rr.
444. 4,44 4.11 rinnor• 141 Intlrl u 44,11 um 144•44en111,
4.44 444 44 4•4 41444 r.e.atnuolty lur 44 41 - 41,441r44.44, 1444,11.4,r0t0.
4444.1 tn.44:4 4 4.
4.1.34,C. 11. Ilion,. II W. t4mtl.7. lrm Lurtonfr.
NaiLer In punt. (hub In II 4w,1,1.44,1 114 , 44E1441.0n.
•.41444 114414.44.414 Ilarlatat.4ll.. M. Kir, n.nrot_
LIN SF:ED Ws. fur ;ale by
ILA filen
Notice. , THIS I V II II kri ,, m 11 11.1 .0.11 , 111/111111. 1 11 1.1 d/ . 1 111 11-
'PILE Annual Nl,etiug ..f th , Stoeklmlficrx mntr.:1".:1; 7 1 1 ,:,':.::;,,;.,;,..: 1 ;,"":;',.'.. - ,;::;: -, ,r27. -- Ln . 7 •
~ .1 . ,. ll.*
. 11 . h .,,, 1.. „ *.n.1 , 1,, am :yawn 11/.111,0 Company. , ou• 0/ rmno.a.. ut- ..n.l tl. , . 1., .., , ' L „,.,.... ~ C . 1
-1.1 !'. 7, ..irmal. :VI7M . /.7 In' /'• irt:t.Tr'.;l' . .' I j?1• . .-Za'I". ' r :ti"...' , g";',...:: 1::::•-'r,.. ' '''.." ' " '' ' r.... " I ' . .". d '''" ' l '
tr... ,th 4.f J.L..... 1,, Tl. • 61, 1 ,1 ' 11. ' 11 . 71 1.1.. ,:sa , I 114 . 111111 Ina . • 11, 11 ' .ll 1.1111 . u ' I . ' 11 ; '
.1 1 1 1 t 11. al Ibe 1.,..11111 I'nna.--n II 'ur II, 'a m , 01111 I!‘ It' '.'"' •.' ' "s'' ' ( . 1 '''
'''' "l '''. ....
M ."j
3 '. ,Iv .1 . Illt.'ooKn :Inn -, . 0. , ..... m. , --. , -. ,,,, ^. ,• .. ,,,,,, ::; ., i . . ~,,..:t,:n%;;.;
PlIo•hural). Inernmlnm 1..01. 11-.1 - 1 .1.-16,1 . •
n al II I• .t 1: 1% Ell !
1.. N CONSEQUENc of the death „f Peter ,
Board. ILA a A.l IA I. 1,1.1 'T.,. hear Candi.
...n.4 . l:
an .1 • 1.1 .1. u.a• a. nAlul.„.l „nAI, IL.. ',IA. Of
Moore Hen Ez.y & Co.,
~ 11 Golf 11 0 • .
oho A.l 1 or th.. t.,, ~11011.nn a ~,,...... Ith a. ' 1 NiI , i)RTERS no , ' N 1 h01,,,,10 .1 „ 1 ,, ii,
If a ;Arm 411 I. A.I. e'l 1111 , a... IA. 11,4 e, art.. Monongahela Navigation Company. 1.1.A1a „AO.
NUTICY TA; 1-TA Xll 10,/,00,0a. A-1 „ ...k lao.A.•at I 1.1.„....•• '' - '
N A NNU A L MERTING ~.1 the Stockiii.lil- J. : mi.,•. ii ii ... i i•i,ii
it' -r "' "'" m " ' . "''"'" N " '''''''''''''''' ''''' MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING,
..• 1 , 14 111 purovian,„ .a the AAhnlahAn• ~ thh e 1.., . '
"''h"."'" ' ''' Sh '''' ' • I '••' ' i •'•''''' • • S • 1 FN. S N\SI IN &11 I 11'1, NEM( AV El)
o il' hl I, 404 1.1.. 1....•• anl A.A, fsA A i. in I A. 1.1 \ A la- h-rtli I nr : .A ..
ri ' M I; DM E( ' rclitS AII the 1.,41,,, g ..m,,,in 1ii... , ,1 ~, ~, r.,—... , . o o ~,.,, ~.,, i c-,, ,,,,, in iie
.I. i.iiiimii i . „ rill I,laan 1,..r. AMA. .lay flia.,„ an a...n....- I Ur. tAal 1. , 1rt,.., ,
sl , ,
.....,.:.,...,........ hat, 'ye,. AAs . r lalvre tho . Ith ren t,' r_-e-i•
In 'hr
fowl Ala. „ 0„, hall Ant r 10.r•A 11.420 hDe rent,' . a 0 • • • • I •
th al . . al 1!....r AMA., ;a 0,1. Alt, CLP•i II4 PEln't :31ERN
~,,,= K I. N \ 11.‘ T Fit MVP. TrA•aa.
a, h
House of Refuge. FANC'I SOAPS.
Tue. sule.crilitirs for the erection of nn;; TriEstE
..„ 1 „„, r .
~,,, , .1,,,, .., p rr in, t Ary ,
IlAtu-a A.I Ilefoav I. r W.......rh Ih•hhallvaana. . I ' 4 • l• ht.; rhl. A
I.• ...1.r.„..1.....1 that au o• tar • r var.,. „hr f „ . '''' ' A '''''' ''''' ~. I" h '' ' '' ; ' ,, ' „" A ' . h r r ' A ' ; ' , Ll f . A:. „ a . 1.. 0. asal
IlAr • • 11...1 0; hart.. Aa rthulroal 1„ A... rah' to I I A; 101.1 A. A AO III•i
s a , ,
~a ,
~.,, ,
Ow l• raw. ofer. „ u „ r lAhlA•re A 1... I 111. Alaf „f SAAAatell., .: 10 . I l' " 4 ' ,.•f " .4 ''''''' • '' • •''
nA.A.I lAA „ hlt.r A f lb: Itoard of Ihraciora 1 ( AttlAatin
JO.ll I A 11 4 NS 4. Orr', ,
. ....tot(
I ETTF,P,S, Tr,tarnAntary to the e.tate of
A 4 Jaar„.• lin., lat.. , Ital.". A 1 , 0, - t..1.1h • ount, .A 1 A I-
I. ah.„, . Alec Al, hnr. 1..• I. a.41.t..1 A A AI, .11
ah,.. A.0.1, .A. ha
au, bving
rohrol 1 . 1.1111l. „ 1 fa n .. -
.A.... A. ff. o
..of at l l.. will Nate.,
1.11 ..An eo
'I N. 0 1/1.1;f0h,
11 1100110 14 !LOIN,
hal. lAa•hAt 4."••104'•
A Card—Life Insurance.
'VIP.. C. A. COLTON, See'y.—Dour Sir—
IT I /u. a matter el - mum:lnn thttllnl, I donna tt trn. dint.
to al-t..nen, the ter, Ptht/t/. , tt.atther tt.t
.thiett the elalm or )..1
• t tete. I In, llmuwtml dollar, h..
Cho lil. eal'.1.1.-s n'lnnh the ..11str• nf Inn
- I`lltantirnh Ju..rnsn , L runetor
n• own ,hr
yri,lotn In.. mulual
t. nrranilutio, i• the true -n
arretwenn n.
In•nan••ner. la I", 1..1.41., 4.. 1 . 1. r. .t 1.1.,
_l'llll .I. 11 II:1.1,11V.
.1 hr.. 11%.....•% CLlsttl. 1%.11,%11.1.
Notice—Lost Certificate.
voTicE herPhy that. upplietawn
1.1.• 1... n sn.ule In the 14 1 1.. •
t, 1.,n 4t. tlt , tot , t
NV 11101..1.
Notice to Brick Makers and Qaarry Men.
Ylari'rrs.ll.i. Iv 11.1. ISE KeElVlllluutd
th.,.4.0. 14,14,-/, 6.1/.1, /1, .1 , 141. n.. 1
A,. hatt t.. • t 1,, .111.11,.1,/,./%111, /11/.1
1t..., I $l, , -gt!
I 11 Ti.••1..-t., •
La , t•tv....tor. • an
t n.. •,... • ,
T 1... Mil I*,
li 1.1
IP t n I L t L. 1.11•
Nl..t. I " Um...c•r !
t,r th• Uallle rte. 4. a T4l , ..,
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
(11:,gou. and New York
mr+1•1•••••ra r ~ n cla..r. '••
10. r, r •en S•trir .h r'l,••*.
r••••• 1,71 1,1 4 ,1[1 -
l'lrtt 01.1.1 n 1.144 , ..1 t 1,, , ,u 010. 1 ,1...
ILL , non.l I,then " -
No •1 ,,, ..a4 rt...naannt :ra s e,
11,... rat.....t0 1,. I- ..r..,,, , n. Imt not le Int • ..1 11,.. Mn.
Winch 0111 I, toptalwa on 14,n1. •L rundor., Won. 1 . 4
rim a Surgeon
1 , .. Yrtnahl UT W. ." , nr 1 .
.1 Sle ii , i,
.1,14. As 11! .. .7 , 14,, , , ,, .4r 0 . , ...
Th . SEW /Win, :10te inn. taut VA, h.... ~, . .110, as
conntyr n 11.1 nt...att. . 1,11 lo on 11.. tn.. , n ........ tos,
*prlna :In, :t.. Ina
441/41 . lAM ES BLAKELY. Eoronnan
.sent 4.1 1.4,1, In run, n 1 . ..1...0.,.-' `...
, al.. t I , r rlo fulow,n, l'n Awy 1
l'n nen, lineal &se at0.nt.11,... 0,1 , 4,..... 4 1,•0,1..1,1 la.
' 1 1 .r.i101. 7...1 on, ...a....1 Irocr, ....- 1 , or kl.l I Iror
Pool on 11, tab had 21.10 tw- , 44 n...n.t.
Nen la on 1.• t,. N.. 1 urk ~a UK . 2,1 an I 1...4-0 , ..1
un Ow 110, or ttorl ...IL
11,1 Ptar In, 1..,•• , . Nev 1 4rit on Int 1111...5..1 I vat
1" % F.F.1. h :.11'. th „:,',..•:".'„T.T,',V,fr- 1.1 r. .... N -
Ti,. lamann Llun a Pat 1. rt... 5511,5 fr,...5. Sr* 1 or. nn thn
Int. MIL 1,1.. and Nh. nod !non Lorulon utt 11, of A. loth
111, rind 15011.01 ennry month,
The Line a 111.A..n. I solar tsul
„ Ivan N. v. loot
-:; V"T7,..17:2•:( 1 1 4 .:_r.:!,:. 5i 1',:;.'7.•,:b.:1 ? '„, ,- „,
1/.1) Lou , for nuirrante. (ran Now .toot by anomin
Gnat. ilatlrowl. Or 1.,
awl 11a11,, , 1. to llnburgt. 134 .., m. 1,4 .
I'r 0,04.0,• wlll r... et, 44.7 toation. itt i ol;,g, ..4 1 1.4 i 0 .•
1a d : . 7,T1V ,' ,;, V.2,11 . .?..7 t :. H.1r'7.',L,„,„: . ...: H. lai It EEN AI'I P 1, E I'' 1 ,14 '.
• n . C . ,1 Una hot'
A " J ' T i arywntt a C.
, O, Mouth nr.oi. new Y051e...11. al , Ull ~... 1 , „„, t ... . LL 11 1 / 4 1,1151 1 ,1
Ito. othre LA tbn ...lantana, nonter 01 . Vistn awl !Abort, '
Afoot. l'itatantrab AIN DON I'l 111 I,EN A N I , •.11 I. ki.: , --.1 ki,t
Ileraons molting In 11, 14,1,1 Finn, or eanattn, alto
i ll 4 „.,....„,
.„ ~,
.... , „
.„..„,.. ",.„,, y.„ „....,
vrith In aorta for their harm,. EP •117 Pitt or 01141111114. t
~..,.....,., ... u .,....,.... ~.... .. .... ~, ~...., ~...,. .... ......,.
!Maw. Ihrotinna. or 11 al.. nny maim the u.4Yentoary ,al t ,„„, n .,„.
r anatounnr• nu mppllcatlon IA Ihr 4nboerllotr. and Oar" . ~,,,,,,,... ~,,,,..,,,.. h0r....14,1 lin ',One.
thorn bniught out by any of 11, pawn. tayntino tin. , ol
pa kiln, (ninon range !non 1.0... to 2,.... 0.00 burth.... , o
lA' by Ant el., 31,41,n0l .1111,. in, lavoralole tern,. b, I I ~,,,..,. .....„,..„ , ~.,. ~ „ , ~,,,„,., ~,, ~,,,,
ray nYLlrlarntml. Lond ~,,, .. r
W..... Tb. ' r '''''''''' r At. tonum ..1.1 1 ....I I o in v .... yet 00 tu lon, no,.
°Trailing yr • u.l. tbvi......lolity ~1 AO, l'n•m, o,a ••,
I ~,,II V. 01 A not 1.1 1.4 a O.
Lino I. rat.or Iroin Ireert...l .0 Nen °rimy.. 11.111orn.
l'hlhnielplas. -wall, Chad... Ann, and Ort•unn. inntel I , k wN E it li, %N T 1.; II- .1 , ,, r 19 1 1 ,11, ~f sir
tnitUtorty au -wall or Inn, P1M.... Untlni. h.
" ~.12 JAIIES 111.0 I: EL%
_, I 7,2,,,,,....',,,T,' 1:'! I. P"''''. , •5' 5: , , , : ,, ,, 5 . 7 , ..,71 ,,, 1 , • ,.. 1 . ,.. ,.. %: .
. 1 5 , ..”
filicileidy's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line ,
~ ,
of Packets. 1 111 1' 5 , i , ; , ..11 ,. :1. , ‘N ,. 5.‘10h , i i ::. , .. i s
s i r ( 5 ) . 1 , 1 4 i p L i. t ,. ? .., --
4 Sailing from Philadelp ‘ hi . a ,. ., ,, i lb. Ail ix , 1 i 11 . 1.\ ,,
„.„, bbl ,.. bp ,,
. b . ‘, ior
...,,, by
v., .1 Liverpool on the 1.1 1 I troll h.
11. 11411 Y PLEAS 0 , 1714. R it. 1nt. , ,, flonfor I V V tao , _ I , 11 ~ (-1 , 411 & 1 1 .1
't. r 1 1 11
II $ll/14.1N150,111. Si 155. 5..0.5r,1mer, An.. , Ac lir, 0 31 t,,,i0: , „ Huta.
~,,, ,N ,;INO- ;
11 EC HAAT, Nati.41,41 1' 11,41.. Matt,
Ntllll.lN, Alfr,l Y Itmith, %Ater ' j i l iltilll.4--
.. l'""et , AM AXON• in°4ll.W H. i‘ 4 . Ma." , ' (.alina Lando. lo I. 0.-nll, ~ Clow., 11 , 0-:
no above Adam are Itelll 01 l 4 nonl and [Wont Inr.ll, i A 51,1..
oant•rials. and are noto.l for 51.1 r•pullti ''• I .' ll 1 , • , •. , ••• 1 4 00.14.. 4,r, -.. loln•r. , 'le ,II wa,
11,r, or. 11t441 up .111 all Int , nl unrr , •••••ss l, .. ~.. N,155.1 ..,1,..1 11 ~1. ~.”.,....,„,„-1 14..
0. .1,.
tburnuattly nentlintn.d. 1104 nn, ...taro., for Lloon sr , 4,„,,,,,,,,,7„,,,..
tonttooaallou. for ...dui Mao. uh f Atter., flattenatra, ~,,, .. 0 ,.. ~,,,,,...,.. 0h0.... ~,,,....- 0 . ....,,,..,,...
ltiny arn entornanilmi by wet] of nrtnolr 1,14,1 talent. who ,,,,,,„„..,,,,,,..,„„,,, 1. 1 „,., . a ,..„ ,,
, y,..„,,,,....„„ ~,,a ,
•P'...r.,n7r,ii.:41,.1,T.1"4:04',?.:17.".7; In m,. 'r,7:',T., b";;;;,'_'•:%:".;„::::.... . ~.„ ~,..',"„. ;,,„ b „, „„,„ b y
Country MD Mann/ oorriaraten
panao , whirl. .will bv it,. sj T• 15,5, tno.,e 1.. nr. t., to,.
f or l '''" r1I ".." 11 “0 ''''''
I ' V '''' llr.t i . It st.'"' l . "9 1 ' 1 .. . ,'" .7..;0:/ " . ' u 1. ...rf0t0. '''''
i'f,Tg„..7. 11 .. n 2.•„ 1 . ',:','4,7.4 '...",::= 1 .7 .0 '''''' I a: ,:, 0 ,:. ii,..„;:-,. 1 .
, For ern ~.,, . ..:juinaton ot , r•nee i tspre al i •Llna 1n i ,A.1 1 7 0 4,4 116.411;r1 ' 1 . 1 .1 , ..... ,, ,.. ,,,.0,,,,, 1 . ,.,
I1 117:M12t1{ 0 11 . 11::nt ' Ll, nr ' ;1 . 1 . ::111 . 4177 . ... 2.3',::7L;t 1 0, . 1 •-•••••• • o,n' T . . - b•...;11.11. i.,, '1 14,4 .51. et.
I 11,. 51•555.1 olr In s 011444 in tho L.,11 Hinton. .., t I , Nos, or 11, tsniaou 111011
laltrlirnsiolons onips.ll..l 0.,....A0rs .410.11ni frout Linnr . . . ~. . . . -
1..M.1 I ( aul'll , N bA I EINI.-,AI lokles l'. ''''' ly, lor
14•••• wool. Ato, tollorinu ...5uP l .• • 5 1l . C , '''''''''' i, • 1 15 Iv 1 IAII 111 1 hi, A
I ISt+ oanxonvot of 2 r earn ol non And nrer ... 11, nnstal, . „,.,.; 11 oLor n... 1 arour t,
I 2 11,4 11...2 a L., I, A, ,N•111,..11. '. 11. tooor. I 11. 1,..ur,
I t.,, n '',,:X 1 i . 47,1i'.., , ';15, 1 :2',,.:71 . :, 5 j;,.;;;: , „,! , „,,,-,:;:,";:,; ; , : to. I lI.UN I ..lo twin 1'1.4 5 . 11.1 Flifltuce, kit
. Ihn , 1 n. , , ..10 , 551.1, h,
Ann 1.1. , •an0u ol to. ono , . and it onanwon
.'". '''''
GM Anil FIN 1:1, ' • ill_ ' '''''' J . l'. VD. w 15. Itmto.l l'hurrh.
No. n walnut rtranL bolo. 1 1, ...nu1. 1.1.11•••11.41.5it' 1 N'..5. El:s'olL--211 b - -
lda.nop., lid aale by
/4/ 11 4! corn... Lil , kth nnti 11'0 , .1 .4.. 1',(441... rah'. I 1,1,1 .1 Aill At ,Yl/.
' .
RICAN Fl.i'l'Ell- I'. la , ant, b;
I)ENII'II'ANch:S TO PAULA:YD. IRE- .1 . 1 „,,.; - '''' 1 -' r -
.1 a. boo,' kis, n a tAI
I 4.1..,41..vetil 1. 1 AIL AND HAIL..- 4 tut. 11, 4.. LI, • . ,
11.7.1;'',Irt.WLIT.:'croaT1Trwl.t‘li.ia",.1;t1,tir,".=%re".1,.-.'e; riAlii• Nil 1.•5561.5 r• re•ft, LAI iis ,111 do. ot
and mom., oak. o.ln i'‘.!..loani, l olailair a ,o- Ii
'''''' I ' 4 ' 4 ' II"'
I=7il r
.., ,, 1 . t.r0 11,4trura torn,. of LllwriL Ana 1.1,1, . 1. ' '....' .... ''." ."'"' 1
I Itit'l, itl., , I' LiK, 1,1. 'lll.l 5,
, ~,,,,,,,„„‘„,, „, .0,1 fn, ~,, I , ~,,, ~,„„.r , „,,,,,,,,, a „ t h, 0111, 11.1 1 oil, or, 11.4 . . a. I .....,,tult t• .w. ~, , , , ,
rim, favoralar Inrinoi al,. InAn Nom Vont. to PionlotrAh. too latvi. , sro 11 A 11l I. 1.-4+. 1 . 1.5,.......,,4.1 rich 1.,
nanny part at the Hein „, 1 1 ,
~.o ;,...,, 010, and 1 .11. L. 12 -
--. • , ,
I (il '
•,..1 .14... ... or t• on
UGAR--10 hhda. prit. N. 0 for Fale by 1..., ICI ~";;:,' .: . ,„.., ''.'. ` :,,,, it.ati ';;;-"--
L , 4. JAMES a leia 1 1111 IrotA . 4 1.1 ' ia.i. ~...,...... 0 0 1 A • , I tn.. t'urrunn..
i ' , BM:ESE-7o horns excra i /ream Cheese; "'''' ''''' ". '''''''
I J .. - .1.1 An II 4. :1 I. m 5.. 1 I.: 5. •
WO 4. 1,•45.,..1.1,••••.1 Parham 1., "
..tar a .1 , Ili ail 0••
,1mr.“0, - mg
-far man t , r dam WICK .1. 1141 1 A Al 11.F4M. ! 1A... Ilv,tnn t ernmoll. Av.
g !LOVER SEEB-75 bo. for Irbyao nth, I lun iloolt, And a•neor, en.l rartnna Vorolos
1 5 5 ,1 5.... , .15.1, 5..., , , , 5•511 5 ...“...5 45 1 :55. A.
A,_/ 51.13 liIIIIII'IIY 4 LIC 15 , Mel:- 1. Ow rill • ol 1.... 1.,,,,15.,55•451555545.0d 110111-
OLL BUTTER-5 Ltda. } roil), for aalo ; Irtut."4l"''' .4 """rate". !nrurrtt"
by J.ll. DI
t CO. • 1 ...1.., It,t ratan, tt
st•••t —Wrltnitt and F•trn Stt..l tlrt•tten and 111.11.
•ott•-. V•ttm. te ~,,,, tuft.' Nitta f II t
'Me ttv 1,11 I el.l.ttla,
• st-ti 6,111 i t.
Ka-It / t
el.l • k
Shriver & MeLeati,
NO .1 +At rd ,‘ .1,.. ~,.... r. 1 It A I , R I, At I I:\ IN 1,..‘ 31s" 1., halt. rt 4 tltlt .
I 1111 ‘1,1.1.11111
, iik .t ..., .1.... t. Art, tattat.,A. t... 1 I tAA. ,Ilitni•J• If, prt,Att.
(itiNS . l l t N VIE XT.' , ut I Loll: ,‘,d Pro'
. !,.,,!..,i`::;',:'...' . : :.", ..".. n.”..." .. '` , 1 ....
1 Att... ‘,.... rah.. A.„ tt .t. t. t r ta., •At ..„„t t ~..,.. . - . ' . ' ' '
.11.11 a 11111.
rr I Dexirable Property for Sale.
i L ,, r ~, ~....., ii,.13.,1.," A Mt I'M A ttrglt
I , NI NlltElt ..I "try A tlltlttitiot liotitlinv
, It . -I
Alt, lA., 1.1.... 1.. AA t.A...lbn, IL. .1,1 L 4,1 14 1p•1.1.1 ,, A,
n .
..t..1 I, IA -tr., 1.1101 ~t r I 11, iior
t...,....t 1.
h,, i ImH. ...1
mt....t rrottl tat 1...1.,11. t., list r... 1
.... , 1: ,,, - ,, t. ..!; .. ,' :,.; ' ,.;::. ' r r , ' ...;: . ;: 2.2: "—`"." ' ) " .?" '
'3ONNF.i• ,Nl.ll‘l,
rye itol W 1111 E.
611 11,..•
.k1:1 , • • %%1,1
••••. '""" ‘-'""
N 111
•••• •
. krj:it
Flour and Genqral Produce
CPMMI t , - 1 A , 1,
.1% 1 . ,,D st: li+l.ll
-~~- ~ ,
NEW N 01:k
Proftspar Aiel. C. Barry's 'fricopherutia,
•, , •
Vitor -
Lar. r
INsa. tiara,— war nn,— A . :2 ' at t‘.1''..::':.:1:1,1'71.11
, A
T 1...
(111CA6:1) A1\1) PEOHIA
ro c rp n
i t , u l Least
t it
II 1.1-1 tl.l
fiA Rood Bargain to now lart
.Ni:LA1.,..,011,:•11,N lIA VI I F Pll,lO MADE
ST. 1..1)t IS ST. JOSEPH
‘11 1 1:1, .1 X% ETIIE I I PI I I
: " :::;u:;.?..1%, ' •:.:• " ,i7 . 1 ‘ 1 ' .; "
, vk•L ,
II: .‘tt,.rn„,
WIN 11. It.IN Is I ).„11,1,1 111..1 Comm
,tF• OUT. h 1
nl 04,10 n 4
• Lt •ta It tinttlt,
•-• ttr's
Allegheny Foundry for Sale.
91HE offer fir sale their (ix
' taw.. •nd rattlan, 1,1 N 1.11. 1 /. Ware on
10//1 •10t1.1 /log Alt./ghat, T,
0r...11cm., 11,,,rnittt
1 1 . 1 .0/ ://1/./E, •nl t, 101 ot ttmitual oat tabtrh
1 t/E/ •Eni r •••••...E. •rt/ a 1 r/..//// g t/n.or nn t t •
¶l/1.11/1l11•••E t ll
For Sale.
w El.l. fi nished two i.tiirr BRICK Tri'ir
•_u I 101 • 11, NlO4lllll
0/, / E.•/t • 110 • /lE. The Lat 0 It //n/gllth
tE• at 10 11.. a t 10/0 t .101 a., tatatirular• /inn ,
EE El 1111., II %Hi . on
/d/n/ Id, I.E day rddan
/ d• /1 kg /
To Let.
.•r Phil"h ill.:lnd nest c.:41
..• t.• rr• 1,, I: ••il, " :CI
17 / 14. Tli,l
. For Sale.
I.rwl. Dwelling II
IN., I or., • `1.,.1. $.11.1.. " ;
!TD, ./I unn in
1.4“ IU nr..11/1,11.11•1,,M,
Olt nol i I, it 11E1.1..
•t Las. 14 t
St. Lotus Hotel—New Orleatig.
NI E A %I I I.SON. G. lnrrh Of the ZiS i n.,
n ol4l.- 11. s. 1411 In Hifi-111. t• nun u n -,.
burn,: tI• 4 ,4 l•-•nr4niii.14.1.-1.
nimail.% unit
our y
IT e . .,
d i 'IU LET.—An Office '10 . 1,t,
lt r Ai .1 ru.s .Irur
~,,, vi•• I •••••••
I. 1, z. 4,1. I pi . tivier Thud
LET—F'ron. tin of April next, TS:
Lr j • In, I tin . ti ineu4i „, 21
Jii4.l4 • el
For Sale,
lor to n. iunt
It, or
• 11(1,
• " "
•- • •...
\ t'
110 , 1 11%. nit'ilt :75,13
• it, lA./ -
11 IA 'l,ll
fnights to and item the Eastern Cities.
'"' " ' '''`"'" , li i ..,' rr I.' 4`;.
tate Reiidence for Sale. ' I ' D. LUC!! *.- cos. T.INF.. \
t 'hi II I 1 I. 11./.1 1.1 ~. 1, liii-Ii
' l! ^ ,- .7 4..1 R ti ROAD v k A lki DW A G o'7
\ ,
rr N, ..L4. w.. vti. I rwurt ..r.ll, tr. mad fcrl
..., 1 , .....)., t, ..:. tn,... . I 111: .. V‘l), THE St ' SPFINSION of CAnal
„,. ~,.,,,,,,,,t, {%.1, !lOU \ yg..i Isl., vto,\ll ~. L •
a . K..‘,
'"''' '-'...;,..., i: •st,
• '7::.r:s . i..r . , •• ,,, ..1^ ' V..:
, , „. tr,riz Nu., •,,,,'",:, i , VI
, ' ,,L: " tt• m h . ;
' '.'"
V1 ."'. 1.14 ' , • - •••1 , ir i I?,
Real Estate.
f. ‘ •
~'h l 'I l t.l:>, r'u )1111
I 1.11:11,/
• i I a
Kentucky idutunt Lifeluntrance,
4.VA n ANTI I'UND, ylolo4l
coM l'A NY offer to the u
tot, oar] Ller Mut
...Ij,' of en.lit oi prklern
boo 11r- I I
Inror•nro ecorep•ily
•tr tor. r( pfrezeotou •er. tx..l w:
te rrOurt •tool.
111.` AP. , tent. ut loeror4. •no Ito, ,Oto, rot. from seri•
+owe, thr err
tt ot. tr.] tler plan 'and
r or- of or Crrut.... 2 ra, J 1 mootls. isom ,
.1 TI 1 :r.K17, Aornt.
reu•intreh I
I ii'llltt.MATE PoT .u4l--;;(1.) Ihi. for
J 1,11i1,11,1
Oleo and Penn. Railroad Stock,
1 4 , 0 I[ n.l LE AT LOA , ' RATK by
Sit It( IA It 111— iu lox. 'line, for wtln
I - I Ory. for sale by
. A M...c.‘
CF.A M C E-2110 I.u-44'f - or by
w!uK a lbalaNbi.ram
ES—GU ttla.
•• Var arab. br
nr.l, It 1rk1.7.1..L1.. Col.
It Buecn-
V tin, r, rru 6.l.+Trrlltlerbr
r.l .• 1,111... for putrlity.
lA3II' Hail. in ruppre, usn'ti;
• 1, •• bulk;
t A. l ' A b lrSl 2 .. " •• • f ' t . ill ' f : r l . t:: .
( Laio• ,ale by
1111111. A :NY IMPS— Plaud'n
L 1•••
11,1 A. 11,.1.1)1111 A 01..
1,11 Ilr••••••r. and Ira In-.1.r.
4 " . " 6 `•
rtt, ...Alit and ollar lOW Ow above
111, 4 'E.1TIICRS--21 Finn. Kentucky,
rw.•'111•••r bear. etud by
%l a, A. It LI Cu._
E 11F. ItS BEt.stV A X
-104 taathara 4 Ilarira Iloesicaa:
1,111.111..Liti tor J., by ISAIAH DICK KY A W..
If": 1 Nat.. •sl arnot Oa.
114 1 1.01111 31) bids. Superfine;
in Ifstaa just n.e'd and a, fade by
n0:24 Jollfa N Arr A 11).
Vi t 'S , -- j, Kik/ lay. on ear l l, o i % li k i .i n ,.., e , nt_ ,,, a , f . el for
1% m •
ar elmt.
ACK 1 ISCI FLA Nkl.l. llrey, of di tie r
gal ullaturae, Antony du. fancy r0b...ff.% ff . n ., l hr
b az m rtnini
00, wti.l.i 1..0n Wnu,•rf c',l by
!Marti% A Pl'
A A TUBING-100 feet 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2
lt,h Ind.. Robber (Ina Tnbing. for Isla by
unit J. a II ll', Market ft.
f r 111. ES Sou Loans prime Cream Cheese;
,in cams w
--in aim, and la, .51.. by
~.1: 11 A I theft) . at
1 Nl)inii- enAkti Nl.lrits and Manilla, for
%INTER LAUD OIL-13 1,14 s bent quill-
It, for vat , . bJ
ur.:77 J NAIS , PINIIA KEE It IX)._
BALSAM IIR-10 grills. for sato by
nols R.l. BELLFES.
A. r, qrof Nail rood
Frills won In o,ltt :1114.4.1 e.t:tbli,hed Line
tvl Iv toro I a ram..., vith - Pagetmah
r•l•nd H ,n aw -, umspoo.r.' nr• lOW ••rrytng.
.ta, , ‘ • Sun 1•,• •ae-piolt lo soul Itan:a lOsttto., : ri
oo.J. .n.l sit ,nl.rm.•l•,, *I ino s
Ih , -I.lmlK.nt itf 11 Ftt r.e. , or. • ,rys•ft (..c.
Atu• I tne dal, 1... mc •Trry naureMit
velse,l I It I: tnt,
IV-1 A• 111..
ck 4'51 AK. ca.
oleic. 11 . 40 r .e
INTE I: A R e; E r
4 )N b A
t TII , L . TESD, m t ,
.11 ir.ln xlll I
14,4 0. L•b-r, alore the Cana! Itridzo.
Corr 12 Loa,. to Ur, 1,, thoy sill rota
ot Coueltot .rriolmorts ortoroy , volute orrY
urr, rut.. turoylko rood O. Booty, • nut..., thy..
lA. Ih. rolen.ll.l •Cur: at Ito. l'ooo-ylvon, Kanto.' Cam.
Jar, to 1 . 1111.ADI41.1•111A arid 114I.TIynit A.
Thnoi..t. IC 24 Louts.
lu, ro l'irilatioluilito •
. 1/.1 , 11,,,,
procorr. i. - 11.41,4 at the on, lb.
rhor.r.ll , anu J. ti
Cono. ItyllntoJ Co..
Ohio and Prinuilirania Railroad.
C't.umi . enving en Mondat Dee. Bth, 1851.
And tonnerred walo Milruod. In; en!, to L'lrreland,
0 ,4 Orsruoune GL rn,L, 1 . 6+. 1,, ./.
u,ri 04,14 Mar , .. , tagtri!; herb n
ennneenvot trot. /he (V•re Bertrand
Or :I rforri,
rritE I,k prey. Train, tyt
A NI. cml r
11.1,10,41, mid Iron,, .nJ ruiteloot tirolrrtinir.
4tr /al lA., M.. rt.,. \Qs,. 1,1,
CO. lo Canto, 11.1.11r.0.
ueol r0r11../. No.l Iroo. tic. to
1AA...1..1 ...rt..,
ftr . l 4 r ~,,, O. lAA, my Pul,t.pu •I\ 2ot
c 0.... io 14 , ut C Mo. orol urrrior 1 . 14.--
etur2ll At
Moullotlt TrAln Irrorrr\
uu t r i
A PI no,l 01• ut l .t.o.rm,ltto. rto
T. Aro. 5e , ...1 , !0r 1•,. sr. n. 1,1 1.,
tn•r., P Nurt
Ti. . yrot IYster Visa., I u stud
u A 11
21.. a . l
. IntinA . not:mt..
run ii. • ...tor,. 1.T2. the ren, to mull
1.•. c 1.1,-, 11 n,
15 IN'E EN .1 REA NG
I A It II ROI 1 1 A'III %V \ON 51
W .• a I.lTveun
TAO 1..111
Illi 4 IIA ill: IVY' A C.,
ul i. ia
11 111'11111Y r 1 u
1 , k-•• • \ ,
I ;MA, 11 NtorNl.
F. :WV; ct PLETFP 411 , j
rr.l c hk
1'1111.\I , NI.1•111A AND BA urimnr.E.
IS. rt.
I.S. rme thrnall. at
1 . 1 11.1, 1
D " ' ,:r 11 , 'Xt.
I tr.,;;, r lo.i:;:1; 1 7 1 :::.;blles51\ " 1Tt ) : 111?:kl.IL .
. .f4 I .an. • 111 ‘,lll ' , unfit, .4 61+,.t....,v‘r , ...'yseellera
,V i: 1... +1•14 t... 4., 4.1 t., p•0vrt.......4 tt , Ornt
%cr. , I .:-.. ttlant, Mak,. an I li. u-ontnlN,!od ,11. ar.
1 15 II ,V )5 , • 0. '.'• L ''' * " .4 : " .l:r: . :Zl.‘S Nl(Ait:.
nol \\,,, A ~,04:..m.'• Eatlynal eniet.a7,
IN 4' 111,) ;IC.S.
nun \
iif fi k N unit itpr 1110 N 1 1 A ', ucToßgt: Ist - li. ,
[ tin.. .1:.., 1.1..1 xr..l Cl.” 11.1. 111,11nyel et , n4ank
. I ~ ,end gate tn, Cleveland an Ea re, 11,10 . a.y etytt
g al a ...1, , c47. a nan a . .1. Ctnelou la at lu O s i 4. , 1t neat
I .c•n•ccric l , co
V"'"'"' ' ' '' ''' ' . ' 4l.,, h ": ' , ' , - 1 4 rtri.Y. h .tc? ' : 17. ' 1 ' ,.;Pt1.1".) , , \
. 7 ‘. even,
of Vl , &ter 'l.n. hi1t,10111,41 , 1,
' I. 0.14 6 1.,00 ca 1..,:• lino.,
-,- - -------., -- - ---,
gN. KIT= .1851.1
T 1.. NV 11QUTE 'lll Nk:W 1 . 4:11:K IT] via
Vitollrk *l.l 11. Et.. Itallynad. enuneY nyy.wiltk
brat ela.n,ytem&r. on Lab, 'y Yu.,,,tho 11 /..Idaan,L , cvYland,
Coluetl.u , and eihrionatl. (INheland and l'lthi.lin.ih.l•llll
andu.a.v and Coktunau Ilail,okts, an.',l. the
111, and 1 , ,...fr01pt,1 elver, and the 111 t,,,, Indiarty\ and
I,• " , " .•.L C • '''N ? \
' 1 - 11...1 . 04 LEA ~ ,,E I UNK IltK A, I , oLLolv,z 4
\ ontva.,. ex,pt,4o, \
lot MOTU. trill - 61n Train at , a o'clark. \
.1 Erenlyin EZT , .a.
the Mall Tram S. IO N • En ,lll, •1 0 ' 1 1'. \ Y.... , • 11, • Y. ll
aleYn 7 bout, iniall t l, to Expre...Traut,arririna In ti.vr
y,,,c, or , t ¢,nenlnt. 11V 1, o elaek.nialtinclbn*Lnledlytante
by dAy-liklit. \
Thy farrw. ' , retch n 1 cit4tlo Tnun Iykay s altunkl!
4 A. M. dall‘ : a I•awaenx; (.07 \I! tii14.40.441, IN. Trun'to
aecrunmplate I\ ' n 111 iltd„Dry , ,, , • ,_ d
prztlii, f : ,..n 4 l...
h t..
.", , , ,1 . :. ,. °et., a. , . t.. t .", ~,,,,
.t a
Tl.e• Company am pe , ,, to {{lean - pro 11ve , 1 , 1,,k And
\ Innnli I, of all kind,. to and on/ Nal. 7'n k. ~ `,
\ l'artleular attention wlll be paal to M.*. Ifl A '. fl vac
inii tin 6 fret Vl,lO, inVro lia.\-outn.y..t AAl.A..4.,•t t Any
1.1A11 , .. entl. ltnilnYi,l4 in Ih.a.tran.p...etatiAu of Ylpnk.
44-Addlllunal trasua v. 11l ny put In eolsardysidti In a
T lNttl ' k ' l L 7:, ' ;:lin 1011 he dlolnt , a.-1, e:alog f4ll pnr:if r. •
I 1
IA n.yard to the pricy, ~.1 a rr1t . 1 , i1.,„ r ....n av,.:701',.•
'" / " NlyV . lltill.tAl, Ar.,tat. Dn ' tli ' l . ll,.. ' , ll'"Yl ' >`faLi.,.. .
i lll6 4l' PIA SOSI---.1.4t rv'4 str a z3 - A
I fr , nisthe maou‘ct.lry ni Mallet, Dn.
tt. • ~... (Ip.too, SIX" of ILeir low prirko
ItIINEWIIa lt,,PlANtls. (rum 5Z.7! . ... ta,u . ,
Al., a iol' W., , ,lw•nt a Proan. I.l4lstrate.l Stral.
art, Now !'.lrk s ' .14,11:4 11. NMI.: Mt, ,
oolg • ^ el a rc street
, • ,
?IS:11 , -21144AP. 011,1 10 hf. bblx. Trt \it:
. 'nolCl ' \,. Wint'.
l''''' '
n' ..1.0 4 C ‘ A ' N I i fF i r Kti k . bY_
1 \
- ^ s Y ,
A 3,.00H0L-- t c Ltd.,. 76 and 9 , 2 . p i er et.: for
4 ° " ,
' IL E. Pkly 1,11. n,
N 0.14 IV,KA 0_ N
i Ait..f. , 0 1 ilid ~t..i.. w int;:r Strained, fcc
cF. FEi.l.Kics. \
s 1
I "‘c' „ .1 .
14.11. 8., A3t NIONIA—:! curl y for 'ale by
SI Ira\ lili4S- 3 V1A.1,1-illlt , Run Butler,
\ , . \*. .i........
`., 1.. :...r.11..4,41.1u[Nr. . \
'AO Is Ch...-X.
14 , 1 , 1,. 1t.....wax; f'l. 621-1 6 by
\ lii‘tili,llll MEN 6110 - 1 . , &rend nl, \ 1
\ag \ \ h.-“,,.. 1r..4 kmt,..oakikt.t., \
I:l ' kl , C l 2 ij iiik - a; i‘i \e A P s--:i,iii x).uixi f,,, ii,ii - 1 . 3 . '
[1.'431 , ,II A. VAIIAY.ATt. a Oa.
i 1.:A.§1.A - 1E11k: .4. iIAsstNET-150 e. far
I/ .11r
_'...\._ , \ C. AIibIITIIICOT,_
I? UN OuREEK\SW)---4300 lbs. for sale U . \
„„,•\,_....._ \ \ .J. KIDD • IK,
iIiURII4N illi Wo --140 bit , Ileslop's
odeb Due - hale and Nutmeg Cherne.',ll:ds day re.
~,tad and tor , le by , ,\ ~
del , %rite & .1.10-ANDLE-••. _
Oh Talmo, tor No
Lodi& hatioaal
Ito:eared will for
Si Third stook. Doh
ron:VIS. CURII . OI ,
FIIIIIS RE E Dil-11.-, oiFpred to the eemml
ntln th, r..n, • In In artwie whl
„,... - t• that eat, bode.
seulne.. and ao a clma.
.._. a nat oar” ;......a a
flair. al run I. ..., 01.1, known. ato
.• b•II. r.•,....1 Ire, a: ,rtalog at I ....rode...perste diva
~„.t.,,,,, Jrar .....r. ntl,.q. toriern•, , . k.J. la tuo 44 ,
oar.. t,, a . .. a , ......r....t... and a 1.. I. rlrtuae aro
Annan. Use oublla un I.n.rer hesitate alto auladolato lm- -
1.1, I.
r lho and danct row. a • Isom of the
oulsaunary 1107.1..... • kWh 1,0 I omirn: 1.... r Clirnale...- - -
dud not “ul, In tha rnt. lab. atrart 1 1.1,1. the Wog,
last tur the rulitter ranet.• ot Colds. Cuunba, I A.m.,
1, *u i/ r I lithlrn .t . the olraasuGst and* atzuol.. • \
r....... a t rap la, untia. A. Sn farallr abound be {Mont - s \,`
It. and 11.n.a al.. ha. ......! d ....or will.
hen) 11...1,11,. la ti,. f.,1....ny ..neletnell. wh CU' \•. ,
e ..,...,:t ...I .t. the Tani 1111 60,101, ..1 mutat" n ere
he, are 1.......a1—e.e1l ant Alt a* ....Lau. <4 tb• 6
al.. and uf da. [...ham dm., tar--a. t he aidrat and nt .
en..... an........1aa1ea• In c.... 1...., with ab azpari ',,'
...... unhurt . ..l .. tua ont,rt 44 lir hirl4 [tier Ppe. t. If .
the. la au, '• . .... in tile
....went or ..sparte.t: star . .
111. CLIZZI I , ICATE. \
M a Iht water. at.... 1. a 1.4..1- druam.ta,batlng Igen
lot.: a....... ......1 aan .vet'. Cllrlrr ....rural. tiaras Car
Itf 1 0-r 1..110 that It ta U. I . st and toot[ellartaal RO,
.4 tut Tula. nate 1 , .....n0t tun ewer• to tl..
YIVOLIA,P , ,piI. And I. -, aut.... 'row our kuoaltalhattlf 11 f,
ann....dint. au I ... 3 .. 1,. ... , .....u.,..vu1ta11r et ratbanul
It Us.. anat.., ... Wl,' ii , ltlYir br•lknottua.are. atal WWI \
the bro. ..... vurl,o IN. it • di ... luOt helr all t \at l, •
ean. Near. dv '
.... ~... 1-1.1 n., A 1'.., 11,1...., kin..
hear. • • .......... nal... re,1,.. Lana.
It . .t . t ' ltn ' .l:7l ' :rt . . " .l: . 7. '" Ji " l . . \ -
e. , . ' l..•:..... k'''''.
... \
T 'II 11N1lhatet. Latn. , ll.. kr. " title
Frau... 40i all ~,,, rlt Lon, M.*
J0....1. f0i1... Alain,. A 1a1....... '
T. A 1 , 41...\11ur1d...A.., 1er.......1.
........... 111..1...1 Cu. Au......,...iakrzta.
1......• I , .1011110,4. Tt. urn, N.... L., •..
' .
J Al. ~ ..11......1 Ildt-1.u...1.. la. •1 / 4 .
Clark • ....... C 1....... 11ia.... a k
1... F. lit.. Ilnrf lr , '”'.• l','"'" \
AI A :lung.. a nnia Ner.oll. t a
t.le era 1....e1.ur‘t. 11 . 1 .11n.,..n. Our. , ',. \
\ :, \
Jolla ti.ll.ri • 04.1•11 1 ...1ph1a. 1... \
1.. it 'll.l 1 .11..... Waal.. .In, D C . :•\ .•;.,
J M right A C.., 1.... • tru.aa., L a
11....... kk all J. C..., iNrt lA a, nee Indiana. "a '
, II IL ~.ala, kuncrdlecTrtan.......• . ,
. Litton A Duer, Lltt.e 1,10.1.. A.., •
. l•o
.% , ller.:lada A ti.. I..ealitylt.u. All., \
' 1
. L a ...,,,,...,, ~,
~,,, 1, ~,,
\ Cfiarlea II,•r, Jr . 11.....1.114, It I
' J Al Tur. ..r, ...nub. li• \
D ate, hr/. k.t.. • ..- Canclunati. I. \
, 14. fUlt/.1., col•htfilna • \ ,l k .\ , '
1....... • C... lu...,..termult. , . , .
• to. Loma. Vern
I ' en •I a Co ,. 11.111 . . r. N..... rk..... \ \
read!an lakl.l .I 11.atvuod a Ital . 4 \
leisrad • by .t,611, ~.' I I el:, l'rattical Ohm- ~ • , , . •
Ist, 1....,11,1.e.... a
Nf. ' l 4 •Vl( .e ' l '•
... k l. '' O L V. ' A l . " ....V4l.gtl ". Li
l' ” t" •
11l A'1,!.... CIT. by 11. t . 2-e•.J , n... IZ. a,: i -11411 J
X • i' \
paEtneu fall. to rE.•IrrEE EIE. EEEE . .. 4
nEty. IIEE• ex," ur-o. tIEI, •
.\ \ -';,....
. . .
, ••i
. ~ ll
KralriOns of the Eh/t4.,
Pm,. rtuer Tetteta. lint!, MeV, . . .
I: h. trulrllolll\ P.Lin.r in the . . •
Jot., 11: 1 ...u.s and Utcero, Swathe& or 1
tle 0 tallds. Srobtln. V)1 1 ,0.1 - Ka, Kan It Ityum„ \ '
hJ bt.....,.. "minty I\ota the wa of Mar.%
1.1, .udder, neu • tral OA day,' a,
TIIR II M: YE.V.1.1.1' NEINI.V.I' A");Ir.V1 \ i
\ The that, t tett,te,l - Nelloar Kea." an Ina ••11 . \ ' ~_:. t
*.• !'
llchduras ~.... ttcetlte.' are tha law atualtl tamed \ .
aa2oL., fr.,nt aL.It Ur t.uyeelt'• I'4 prove-. 1 ' tray: of
Ve1ka.....:1, awl ...t...11i 11 lie way,: act! lb laleynt. , %, \ :Vat:
•Kt et t , - nuy•....kt, n'... u. tbe r,ktutYet th ioula ' 'tt
11 .
1.. ; .:,,v;.:, , .. ‘ ,., , ,
, t . t .,, 111 , 1: , , r , e ,,, ,,.. , artt .. t ., , , u m u , n.nt1i 0 n5 , all
ca In
n .. , .
~ .\ \
On.. ,10...00 01. [Kitt awl eal.K.y. y - N.
1 \, .. , a ratute mole at the mautalaclayt of this . ~ . .K. , .....7\ 1„; -' A
hat It
~,,..„..,,,.. „t• „.., It retort...l to, syt sal
•,- fa., to ',,.....• .4 11.,. c..e.rbutic, awl %Lantana\\, -
..\_ \
'''''' r "ut ' 'i 1. r"."41 ' ." \""'' '''' '4 '''' ' , I P aw.
er, .1 .1., , t.c. t0rtueut1ia.k,..........,.: the Ain ao trying
as tat at,... t• 1 0\ snynou• tt , ‘ , ..111t.
,-. 7', •- I tic-Elul.. ,1,',,b. .latr. Ilnal 1'..4.1..tuta. Canter, ' Utz
; ' ,
imids .,..1i. 1.,r,t,- n' , :. i..:_-\ :,.',;.4 .L 1 d'Lr. . . •
~,,,,,,,,x , , ,; .-......., ~.,‘,..N.,-. Y ....:..., ,i;.. ril,e I
. ,i. aNtLasa. Nl,Lft.. violet' P. th, lial. . .
Mr. Joh. U. l'art'-le\' eh, It i. tth unutturabla
( " f• e llll,l 1, twte it.. a. at.le. thn,ligh the Plata.
&rot Wetly. of th , ....d`by [b.,Kut guano& a
%! e5,, , 11,.0t me 1e....14 sett's fellow .l.t.yrk awl nat
‘aaparlll.... Ore )E. a (010, ..y.1.r.1110 of natahrooet h0pe
t0„,,,,,,,,,,,t1,..,.. In Ow at to , i is, I waxt attatkel with. gas
sa, „,." , tvc.. Nan, s• loch ua.• raduall, ealtnetitet through
Ailtra.o, , wto,l 4 . ,Ybt Kul It. :to the . e ine.thete Irma
hate* u - L a i tl, ne• IKt of Ory tl s4rAl r, W tylitt, MY /.,
z \
•ItruKk. n a...0t two tht sot it, relatoon nize. Iya
s4.o\ iad the .•t , . af . •el: al yr.elltioner, who tenth
1 oe d a t ,ld.. r...e of th.. le . fall,. EA Itti.r tempt
ale earl 1a,"........: wt.. on.. %lily 4..361. bat met
trent, % ed for me \ temstwat nude bu aeati&eut untal '
lbtKoh. '., ratt.dted be LI tot he,lo me. I Own ad of
\tent at ,hl. ... at' . later.. two bottle. of Ouy
''" vv '''''v V ' ''''' .. r ^".. /.. . bk/.\ .' '. ‘ ti •
s ettt amount of \I 40.- A ter Lalug taken I,ur 17.:
` oaks 1 Ka able le ,utoly nal humo y without.atty I
yclenee. and le .\. .....nrilal , that lime • well man,
ehort goKK.I, LK.] hal !Kau teal:loci to m 1
Lltie» . lictl.. . I II a ‘ Me. WI 0,1 matin't li.rante tl
trap a nw 1.0.131. tn. y 01). r kw,. thin by the a:
or ~, at„ahtahl t , \ ttlattue. - dur - oia'a fellow
aold . reafs.llll,l. • ' \ al rdl.lh VALIIIP I
air Li'dl`ara-licar : 1 1, I send I n the Atregotr.
ttheatc..dridt?. , tar a. I %KIN tutee*. s • „1 , , 1n Mal two,
all true. %,1 ,k--tinal It. Ina: dan It Oil ht lw.a besot
',. you and ltdandatantei...l lc& ate tti \ Allied. of 1
It u tau th' a tat_ Yuura. \ 11...1. 1111411
e\s- ..\\'e
3 ( c , \.. ..•
the f0i1.% itt. I, tetsval.,m a hidhl urte.t \LO Idliaislan.
''' s ''"'"'''' \ S .l . ti \ he•l 'idol ..
ra..hs. Kara ,uun ,Oa - • . •.
\ hr. John L. 1.. r -hat di, Ish dlatott l / \ tract Of .
lianalowitll. Lad-heed yr, scrlaed by nut .I.r• the-is-Va.
.w4r., wi , lt gold ed 'tso Geueral Loetklity. 11. e Cola..
‘ , ,,la tzt , ‘,.... 0, . y,...a. and Litman\ Ana -bite 'on!
1..`ai.... la all /'mold . taanitl.lnta It ceatabaly la \net
• a allaki. to tha us. oft ta Im.dicine tLe pa Ni tame[wit \'
de na atranalli and "cot. a fact •rilLy 'trent ear
stl. thaka.. It fa plea.ant Om late ant saradt. and,caall, i..
.la , u , s , ...3 ,, l n y as, per . ...n n, ni n w „, t u th . l , lLa .
. El i clutal , e ,,, e , too m, .At i z,z ,,,L itlt . \
yorlvlca, aZ to tbe mitten& I a rue Ila a... \ ,*
\ \\ i.m. J. S.LEEItI4. 1 ,
. .
.bleb[., J. 1. , . . 11'.1. - . (.Inattnatte4/Itio, north...4.i co ar ' '
of Pouralt and Vi luta et nal., .nt non on Walnut sty h
to whomaall oftkr mord ba addramwea. ' . .
J. halt' s * tle_. al. lstumrdoek. a - et, J. A. Jonat l / 4 1 '
\ \
lialto,ar.Vittsbur h; Lea A. Ileclthan;Allegbeny Clad; •
. T. Ituawli. Waaloraus L. 11. /lulu Giasoutown.l.l,
'elty, tlreatAnta-, d. lounta.Pornermt; cott Ji,(lll.6bur, \
NAL ford; limed .t. 6 Vort, liniahlandon;llPhOred/lollitiayabure '`'
14 14.tnand A , insitaNa J. IL Wrichto Kit iy; . '
al'a ' a‘ •, IlKealtvill.; A\ WO.. 1 Pon. ihatroevlturk: . ''.
11c)s . a Ind ['tat, fi c. . Callsottr; Meaditt... 11;14tOat 4, CD ... .•
E r i ~ hula t Yorker, alterntyt Jalnna Kelly )0 11. C4.11111.:„.
ler; 3\l, OIL, Iterrer. ` d.U.Punclntortyra.l‘artatu 1,, & . \
H. Junk, uderayorts P. Crootte4 r.. trot"' &le.\ . . , ~,,,
ifiliAr 're -1 , 1 p•r llottle\Siz'ao IF,
.for, 4 ss. • ,\
Jalti + .T \.
•• - •
• A Medicin e ; -. 7 ,
C 0 ,,,h,, C,'14,. 11,,ararnosx, Arlika, I. l 47Litio, - - -
1 'IR. R1:1 - 6'1:'S PECTOItA t SITE -_.•
Ay 1, .b., it not .1 'teen It, slon.a.l.K it Y.r...t Al. tf• - \
:Y.- tha 1.,,..1,.. tr J.-• n. t tent IN. Eltin. tan mitt
'1 , ... , ..0 a b. , taLt a ll 14 Wn• In a In •It cold by 1. ty pull
triad that v...., It a otrfeetll human.. in he insyrAli •''
tp. awl . sate and el ental to onalucllng a
. ta. If,
toot •tolettt t ahlt 011 Ng at 1..0.g1.•at1110.....ty havw •
1,4 1 111 cured I.y It In A I 'rar awir.'
/M. on sahrely ..11: a , n.-Tha chi conah .‘ ki .,..„-
1 1 i t ,..:L k : ; ::::i t :•%"t`,7:1'i, L ,...,,11.i;, °, i4:inti;;),'.1:
Ohl. mut ur... f.c. It 30 a et.... nt ecothlug arikle, h at -
atill cuie-da.fh. m seal ho fautdcd: Tate coal. - ki. 'I
famed - of lhts toed 'elms la, our rytz. from our own rid . • ' . a,
should cdprinee anl nms of InIKI.K.I.' /Oh the, . " \
non .f • nl . ..tar YhT.leian. amPi.: hten used by h/tat , t.
has own isyartice far • number f years. with theettna • ' \
heroic mere .
Ithausaaptalst.-A lady from Eton nrilli.erileathatbeYl, ; \„
ii daughlar bachlwada .fliteted with a Jpugh and ei s peettra- t "..
son, night 00 1 rea111. brook least. and all I. Glatreatmat ',
t aa MP.... of ha'd,tulaPllon. end
that an.. 1.0. W. ta.1.1... \ '
' leo t.l.e era. artflty it tune. A kentiertoWsehl.aten • ,
way. who Ladhsurerad with uthrom tsd cladetthe cough '
f r . ' l ' 4 ' t:l.:rt " l. L ! ' ; ' ,y l ;rlti * r".TicVse ' n ' t=. ' et ' s t Y L JEl;rl lh
tur I drt. A tr. Iso Pttrota ,, , l linoth writoa
liar l'lte iota:. IL lactvo.l I.q fop ta Illet deli.
lot haa toad It a 'lda \own ea, *ad lse also a I •
membem of hi. (audit wlllic
et a reenr. etatmen,t.' ~
hist. Ygr - the rAirde at. <ewe taw,' _. 11;, ,, t rattly in
Cpint, butt , s at ado 12.0 eh, Mali Gal 0 t..r /Abe. ,•.
Countidt,thdetr b eeyar. cult .t aln well to keep subyl k ..sf , a
t:ti r t , ne.i . tlir
.. 4g , tlr . trlat 111; d: Inte. aa . it4nort i tb;/;.... t ,
stlonuim an.' se uett of the::: and. inelnehthl.tdatn, ,
\l 4
Itall,MiErtra.-alany pr nays litry In [CI lan Schur A
7 0u..„ rb. •.rwsanwl 'ma. Intda .1 herd thetas .sc
f an want Vl' get well boy Of. EA10.01• 1 11 . 0ftenal F.,34.... • r
take no other-KO rill core tun. \lt basin it lli.L. et '
m Bonet rainahle I 'aut. and Latta oiltheasoressawaNien.
~,t , a ~,ty,ocuojts l . by a 1 ern, •%Illey s t.lls. henna:Ur.
b ut
taw no dm:ell/nu in fhb. to.-Isrltle. Ills prom- . -, -
tin !due oarta.stydaml the praprmtnr h.. nUllat +Ufa NY-
. 1 / 4 1110140CW I ,, enni. rowidlne h-tn.r.t. Ante Ita ralltata.' . '
*ceded. •balls wila ha .hown to nnYIK - seltOkelaStuaar . . •
tyg than , . \
a atm.. sted tbronahout the United !tat tndo oil tid.;-:C
.', desottuts . v&l be madetn the...who will ,I' ' \
ta insread In the Medicine It wall pay a lord@ lituY. '
a, asmouts ,, ritley. th n ea w . "ll,t , 7' , dainar t tuferin4 pas, ''.
t ' dt. Vaa nat 7 . 44'2l , ' W..":lti ' llat:f4 l :rl=l 4 .
r +el* wholesale an 1•2111, ta r raver:a. s sirtair.. , •
Dan, eta H. AI . all, Pittehtsrabs Pas ed- ' '
.44{.1.CP. PAS ' .?. cases prizt s t
" ,,, ,i 61 . 1 71L N.Wiereasjux7i
. W `lteet • taw of etsib,,
, I ir.:la
h. II .
L.L•k' 3IL D.
0..1 \ -
IVIIITECT„ co. 5, for cc'..—,
rar NavainDar;
ember. 'O ,