The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 17, 1851, Image 4

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• „ ,
A Ind. of Forttone.—Thousands of returned
`Callfchadane w ll prohably recollect the firm of
. Prieat, Lee & CA, atSsattraento. They estab
' :Med one of the &attracting houses at that place,
"Peron the town Was laid out: They commenced
with a email capital, and In eighteen -months were
the possessors of immense wealth. • Two Tars
ego the firm became embarrassed in consequence
*thew loases. At thattimeßartonLee,Esq., one
of the senior partner in the house, wss the
[ wealthiest man in Sacramento, his property bil
-1 ing estimated, and probably not much orer es
estimated, at a million rind and half et dollars;
r, but lie lest all in the 'reverses-which inrelred
('himself and partnere . We an Informed by
ta lute number of the Sacramento Tranecript,
that Mr. Lou is now at the Sandwich Islands,
engaged in his former occupation as a house
- carpenter.
Tlth.National Intelligeneer, referring to accounts
of this trahsaction at that tinmotays Lafayeue was
, ilayited by each House to a seat within its clam
: • ber; the committee appointed on the subject hay
' ing Filthily announced that, "entertaining every
"-.wish to make the reception of General Lafayette
as' complimentary as possible," they yet found
ii::ditScoltles In the way.of o joint reception, and
:'..cettsidered it better that each House should ad- .
opt - its ern:arrangements and its own "form In
the reception of that distinguished individual."
The General was accordingly presented to the
'Senate by its committee, with this simple Intro
action; " ITe intrethice Gen. Lafayette to the Sen
i ',ate of the Mild Stater," and the General, gavotte
fug to the chair, was invited by the Treat dent of
the Senate to take a seat prepared for him on
his right. Ho addreas to him • was made. The
Senate aourned soon , ifter hiii being seated,
and then hePrealdent and 'Member' of that body
psid their Individual respects to him. Ou the
. day following, the General was ittrodoced to the
House with similar ceremonies. On that sees
etho, Mr. Speaker tray, rising from the chair,
made to him a beautiful and eloquent address,
to which Lafayetto made a reply, expressing hie
•• acknowledgments of continued good-will to the
American people, of hie delight in their progress,
and his undiminished attachment to the instit
- utione of the country, for whose freedom and in
dependence he had fought nearly fifty yearn be
tore. The IlenSe then adjourned, and the mom
' here, led by the Speaker, paid - --their personal
re Teets to him.
•„. The velvet, will grow on a atorile rock, the
I•' mistletoe flourishes on the naked branches, the
„ ivy talingsvo themouldering ruins, the pine and
. cedar remain fresh and fadeless amid the drool
utions .ot ltbe rceeding year; and, Haven be
' praised; something beautiful to gee and grateful
to the soul will, in the darkest hour of fate, still
twine its tendrils around the crumbling altars
cud broken arches of the desolate temples of the
• _ human heart:
• .
• The *Submarine : Telegraph connecting Paris
'-" with England, has been opened to the public
••••enerally, by .order of the Minister of the inter
ior, in whose Hotel, situated two miles from the
‘Exchwege and the Post Office, the operating room
of the Paris terminus of the line is located.
• ;
Work is from 9 to 9, Sundays and holidays not
txpietetir The charge for s despatch of 20
words from Paris to London is $4.50; from Paris
• to Birmingham Oxford', Southamption, • Edin
burgh 51auchester, .Nothinghem, Sheffield, Sc.,
The carrier's fee in the various cities
is from 20 bents to *1.25, according to.distance.
- •
frlf.: SUBSCRIBER has just se ' .. ceiv fa ed Gu a .
t admirable sod ostensive_ lot ogisss
at mutat. from the celebrated Ise o r B. ° 7b bun
-1;;Iintiood ° T . :se t t:gothic tablets
• t ttt7 " , ' .l t o • do . 63; oet, • doe
0 d f 0. D141.7.111 . 8 fa ti m o- Ous 7 o - L; CONCER ,
-11Aett°3.•;2•V to
.l t a= l a g:wpg4ll);l:ig: f .
0 LL the
.-• • . sod proaouneed the Pneat Pau, over brocab t e . _ , ... l
°°thatb:l ,. . lt4r6 7l7. 7 l f Or TE 't .ed 6 :.7l,3l lEr ol °l tbo tl lj t atn
N. es.—New
oo arm oUb ag-serae t = . le u l i nt=ll o . 9 . e. reboy
doz.4.dia Rubber;
40:. Niaple tristspol..,_
J. * its Alma..
QUAY-100 big. Cin.; for sale by '
)0_ kl.a.. WHYS t IIeCANDLItBI9.
-- MACIttREL—`2OO ale. No. 3; •
, Nin MAIL No. 2:
100 kits
.. .
OIL-10 balk.
aonwONMAK co.
LU2TII-i-R—BSINTA—VS-kegs New Ow ' tle
10 • tar i. by • 1,47 J. SCHOOMJAKEIT. 1:01
bo Irbi;rari
2 mem Alorrlerm: for role by
Great Sale of Long Shawls at low prices
- A. MASON & CO. will open on Tuesday
- ...' warning. touilabor :IL at - Moll. largo Shawl 0.
ooa-13 ruaro of Lang Shawls. ..6121A. togethor with Mom
previous Mork will make the Mast extensile Silaul mit
vvor bola is this virl. • • ' ' dol
jOb bbla and half bbl,
EYE F.1,-314 bags Rio, for sale by
N.) :Ant . MATTLIEWet CO.
WALL PAPER—A full and karied as
V .._enineent-jtLet we'd trent the reen-ext Menefeo.
lien am rule by nal TILOS. CALSIMIL
beautiful and rW °Ding raTEL
....WU - GI) PAPER CURTAINS—A handsome;.
41.11071.6.0t1111 1 t recalled and 113 t TM' p
3 . —Nna:/.. tleCaturt; Itarelatt malted It Par
ban <harts or til i o.kbroarloorluz i ".Y th orLrat
Ittla'11;1701, tbiL, ita ' aa * Tled tato this gZun try
rttt. 31110 lAr lb.' Choice Oolong Tea at eta tta
' Watt.- nov' •
LT ALLOW--5 bbls. Beef;
- and 11 tx. Veto. tor ode by
8. A W. 11AKBAU011.
CAII-10 hhds. N. 0., foe sale by
azt - B. t W. ILARNII3OIL
ARTIST'S CANVAS-250/de- Eregred,
...mut. tor rule nr Wocdst.
ADDER-1900 11A. fine Umbro, for sale
J.KIDD k CO- CO Wood st.
NITIT--800 lbs. Garret's Scotch, for oak+
kJ br • J. KIDD CO, CO Wood ct.
.111 1 :n f ,t r . B g c . bJwood
AL AMMONIAC-125D lbe. for sale by
3. KIDD k CO.. 80.Wccd
~RISIICiEWS-3 bbls. Fresh and White,
J. KIDD • CO., o) wood st
nhJ Jk a FLOYD.
Q,11GA.D. 2, --' 20 bbls. Lovering's Ceushed for
1,.754ts LT' --nom 8. P. 8111Olfelt.
.• 6 1300315-100 do:. Dry Corn, for sale by
P P. 811111TER.
il 31orpny &
urchlial base resehred this aserofox L'Apr_ess
sly tires, sal other mixtures of PsotioC xisssrs. xx.
• '4l"
"Ow lumina Unshriskable *e 27 ls
.1171,ACH.W00.1), for November;
jup • Art Jourcad.far Novena.:
-, ' .... , 4 .trwr i =„lhe Man of W.; a new watt by Dotort.
• " ''. '' ' Da .00
ctlrid .f. ASIZ iitms7 Dep04,74 Third Meet
^-1 - ,bflottalttr 1.... be Post Ulna. ! 1vr...5
---- -- -
• ~• : • .1%/IfIRP—FIY-ili.:D — , N. E. cor
.h. of Fourth and Wart. streera'havintt recently
...ton addict., to their awortneent of NRW FALL
! ' !!.lY WINTER DRY (101:11W. are prattred to offer tattle.
:--, _ ''-'.wand. c.totnent and buy.. geottally, ao extend. vw
! „ . tlety meet. from.
bags rime
' jour_ £ co.
TT.AS-35 hE cheffits Y. 11.;
tOpkgs.°. and hapeha:
29 DI. ebee. Mack: to nal•bl
- • • - : JOIN! WAIT lk 1.3).
ROOMS-50 doz. for solnya rauw.
• n• 513
UN° COVIRS-1 dos. Vulcanised In.
Bobber Pilaw. .1.4, teed fr." B 0"".
• " ROI. , boa. naot..
. r J. MOM'S.
T ASII-10 casks pnni„
' J it. W.
bbh.Flain Grove,
. io tour Ramat Zobinsotes n Imolt.
J. ' . -1 g ,' W. 11.41nuat s lea " ,
. " Jones a Sores 10
.: Tor ale Dr Inelfq J.t 14 FLOYD.
jLpOMS Poland, for saki by
J. a R. FLOW , .
erinKSl :CLOAIC.S!—J*. McE.24101.1T,
)' No. 62 Inoralna.rad
thildr;tif A ' n oddly :ail will waxy • eludejbar
ritrad fredi and jam. Mak of Thaninga. -
.and dindribie dile. • Rad
j — D pjl Lbls. N 3.1,
,f n nag!
Si . :T u S ir T 9 T i
.P.gbsbzb,sar largor
t " *4II,UTTA. PE —JOS , IH
CO - I
• LA plebissiortmeat of Gott 1 a Peels Hocdo,,looo.w.
fn ,
pine , the followloir LOll
• • I"' oa a'.l 41=
• sFitt«,-4„ir it.r.framea.
. • .ptet loPs•ble
Shoe Soloo,Wat.sPslL, ShmotUnto
riv=r judo, Sow., Weld !rms. o_4o ILoo. o l
)41"h "su'd lb
w'"thr4',-'"-i° .1. IL PHILLIPS.
jr„,,, A
for sale by
.nns .warkd
ARAWAY SEED -1 sack for sale by
I eon B. N. W 7062110114.11.
1111: 0 11 6 .uq'T' 6 q = TEigag 4 ,: * ':
IIAIJOGANY 6 octave, modern made
Mar. bating barn used about three years, for Fate
at ow. hundred seat twenty-IWe dollen.
i llr.gra tort R0.... 1 WU.% Ar. =tam. to biro
D tr Ebn o vl a - P'-JO7O4VAILf . A." 1 `
noZ el Wood streeL
F RESH TEAS--50 hf. chests Y. Hyson;
25 kgik.Gunpad.r&
23 hi &ash! up Block
[rail J k R. FLOYD.
L FATHER-150 aides N. Y., for sale by
4 bulb J. alt. MAD.
YOT ASII-25 casks pare, for sale by
nais J-t it. VUAD.
dor.. forsOlo by
T. WOODS k BON, 61 Water et
A PPLES-40 bbls. recd on consi - cnment
11 anal fee gala by T. WOODS 1.0.
volt 61 Wm... r.t..
• • ._
ItORAX-1 case for sale by
nol4 KEYS*** MotiON ELI.. 140 Wood ob
NJl:olr.-411eVsTull°1110WELL.140 Wood •0.
VRESII FRIIIT-3 easka Zanto Curranta;
at bolt. M. R. Raislor„
60 h & h . totes M. 6. IlalMoy,
4 ow. laxta Itsklon.
2 " li6l.6.llllPatr,
For rah by J. D.' LAMSWILL
A (Al.
nol4 116 n greet.
WWASH BOARDS--adOal Holmes' Poi
,Rat rale, for sale by
poLACKING -110 dOI.MILSOR ' iI Challenge,
'tor oak by J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
11000.CASil —lO casks for sale by
1 noel J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
le INTER 0 LOVES — Now in store, a COM
a plete marni6teol, comptiaLpl6,Tau s e,ria, h troin
nhe. to $6 per Dot.
noll Ad and 64 Mart. 'trek.
on con4lanment • large lot of C•nntotrano•
lob re .01 well under the eat of manalactur•.
noI3 A. A. MASON A CO.
. .
- Often.' Cost, largo:
19 WiveS•pea. with alnetew
P-tir Lti 1 ti.32 13 13:
21 Roofing H•ok•tm
With • compl•te oftonttoent of diffornt ntt IN , of Ilauand
Cars to Halt. • J. a ii. ill I MAYA.
N. 11 r , Start, K.
Unit —6O IMIB. for Rale hy
U. BLLaAr:,l.K.Oui,l‘,„l;l.(n\dring
tiIEESE -500 prime Shipping;
360 Crormm, jo a r A lrat ,
1 - S. Ewan
_ J.ll. cAN VI ELII
In the use of that& Perch* Nhor : 1 / 4 31e, vanch
IL be more durable than hull.. and to keen [Le (ir,
dr7ana comfortable. Portals Orith dtrectl.n. pt; . t.
at tin Market mt. a a I , •
. -
IR OSIN STAR- 50 hills. N.C. Tar;
5 o. 0 •• N 2 Pon:
-. 1 1 % val. by 10n181 .10111. W ACP a CO.
1 E s TIIEII - 2 00 sides New York:
l I . 6 d".
C'' Sl ' ll . l t ;%V f .j7;l ',!3- .
B•UCKW HEAT - 1 00 sacks [fulled. fur sale
by (ndl , j WICK A 5104. 1 ANI , LE.$S.
--- ------ __.—_ -- . . .
I , UN COVERS - 2 doz. India Rubber Gun
Ictius,..yr,q;.oll.6ll,turske.g?tresa usetzsoust r..-'d awl
' 11- . ll. l lolddP s
Itit P.&.stittf,its' kiicKfrig--ii di.-=
lad Plaiervern and all th.dillan,itklada
manaraeldred, fay sale at thy P.ubbor I.ld
_pot. 110 111,10,t
-1.1. .I. 8 11. PIIILLVe4 s.
ia A LERATUS--15 bids. for sale by
1.3 no 3) S. P. SiIItIVER.
d 1 iDER VINEGAR-50 'oils. for sale by
it._) nral S. P. 011R1 6 E.P. -
ICKORY NUTS--3 0 bbls. fo - r - Salr r- bHy
sou, S. P. 111111.1 1 :
W - INDOW GLASS-2 00 big Bill and 10
.11. for uld by ndal S. P. SIIRI vErt.
g 64 Tanner.'
11 11 bald. Llnlmwd Oil: 10 bblr. Roll SulrbaY.
10 bla. Tanner.' Chl: 2 ,1 .. '1 ..ullian lb,ll
10 1. Sp.rita Turbentloe; 10 . Oln,
Agmbol,:.l.) 11.0 keaa Whs. Lead,
.. .. 1.11.) 2 csAka Sal Sod.:
Spsnlab aging:
r 1124 sand 6.m ...0. ti 0.41. by
. 096
' S
Mc" R. ;1.1 V. , 2 :: ,, f ',V . _
Cold Weather hu
of lien's arid Boyd Itrady MadeCIOTIIINU.
Ito ploam.. T I gittnla.l ort.rorj,
non neer Wawa.. •11.1.
FLAX--3 tune for sole by
II IILORIDE OF LIME—Of the hest gut&
F) itr.,st.a."l7°. b Lr
ra PrArril Marl..
tZ Vroot t urns Market
P rln ntt' l l)l , 7l t l. l lT oCl
for sal. br
PEA.B.L.ASII--1 0 tone No. 1, for sale by
Q.ODA. ASll.—We ore prepared to contract
1.7 Vi aL Glass fleoufecturero 1.3111 the trsda mmeridly,
for Curie nippily of Sods Ash. dutiug du winter. et.tim
lemma market prim. Wpwarreut our Buds Atli L.
the Nett imported. BENNETT. BEAM A CO.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-100 bags hulled
Iv maare sad tar sale by
nal 6. a W. lIARBAUGII.
CHEESE -7 boxes Cream;
1 4i' ••Comm.:.
• -- 1 , : L'Il" D'!"' (aaarat.)
.ad tar male by I. DICXEY a Co..
oas Water and Front tareets.
aIIAWLSI SIIAWLS!—Now (awning At
7 A. A. MASON t our Has Stria Loon Shaw IN
of brilliant and partnament atom oral
yoLANKETS!—Now on hand over HSO pro.
American. Onto., and Crouch, of 8-4. 104. 134, and urelzglnt., 1 1:.. "`-. •
' A. A. MASON CO- •
• • •
• • 62 and 64 latortot
I ARD 01L-15 bblo. No. 1, (Winter.) for
2 Me jini. ne • J. SCLIOONIOAHKCO . . et
ol W o od
A BROW ROOT-500 lbs. Am., for sale by
ml • J. KIDDt CO.
RLAN TARTAR-2000 lbs. for sale by
3. KIDD • Oa. CO Wood sL
1110 D LIVER OlL—Rushton, Clark Co.'s
In balk or by the dozen ur amts. for re. br
J. SIDI. a Ou._
ALTOR. to prerant Baldness end Gray Gar, to restore
the hate when It lass WWI otr or Ixeotoe tbla and to cure
olleetaally Bona or DandzalL
6 gross just teed ad for sale by the dozen or stogie bot
tle. at the drag store of wicameitAw
Wood street, corner of Stab.
EIGAR. LEAD-900 lbs. White, for sale by
wo3 J. KIDD k co. GO Woad et
TOBACCO -100 hotels Sherwood's s'e and
Fs, col conaignolont and for Zen
a co.
UTTER'-1000 lbs. prime Dairy _Packed,
for sale by JOHN WATT &
OLASSES--W bbla. S. H. Sirup, for
We us. bi JOHN WAIT & ()O.
Co.c .111 open thin morolog , 10 carte. of black NllO
of all roalltloa au! widths. oat
INDIGO -3 ceroons best S. V., 2 hlbillnd.
ii. der. for aal. by 4:. J. It H. PLOYD.
- -- . -
D ICE -10 tea fresh Carolina Rice for- Io
.off jir.,g
OSIERY—A. A. MA ox & CO. have rec'd
..11j.. is 00 doe embimena Lambs la patiew Si 001. Allk. and
Hadar, enteurinng the meet Arlene/. Welt they
ham ewer exhibited. whicb they will sell at much Mee
COFFEE -78 bags prime Rio, arriving and
for ma. by JOHN WATT CO.
...M.:a...War llmd. A
DOCKS,. For pale by
nes J. KIDD • CO. GO Wool 1.1.
ftOFFEE-500 bags Rio, for sale by
117NK OIL-21 bbls. for sale by
SUGgi b i. B i t ; OL . A
o SSES- 30 1000.0. 0. Mol
Yor sa/e by "WI JASIY.S DALZELL.
URITISH LUSTRE-2 cases for sale by
1.1 004 R. E. SELLERS. 37 Wood L.
J UST rec'd at N 0.256 Liberty street—
26 Wang /nab tbnsaT;
lo " Canton Plaaanaed Dry Ors...
eamauZZ.sotraJt=t op Infant yOtA bY
6 b* "
Wn :r h Ilmon and Orsag• Peel. imulled:
1 Speed , LobsterA
100 Fresh Lt.. .1 otr,
All ado. O.IA, 01A for all six
Gwent sod TO. Molars.
-6 dol. Tulafor Asia DJ
16 y am. 65' "a." JAMES DALZELL. W....L.
IQUORIOE ROOT-2000 lbs. ext . : m*l.llb,
for pale J. KIDD • M.
BOICINMUI have LEL day reed a luot tat a ..0.-
~, • mairoßlankets..l7 ohOsp.
,' Alas, 44 'data boa. made FLANNELS. Nob w
an of Yoarthaad klarkat ea nal
CREAM TARTAR-12 bble. posed, war
orprOU'd pan,
S -11.—A-5--
aale by
fei sale
for sale by
V --- "EN. BED-40 bbls. brig Eng., for solo
br .a./AntitalTßK • co.
--NlirA-1000 me Alexandria, for
VIifEGAR-50 bble. for Bale by
• 0e.30 BAIIIIEL P. 111E1%1:14
- . _
V by 4".
Pilik.unc=4:lB4lTeTAl IT.T.V"V
,O - IVm F 9 iIN Z "F !I IIED
~ nla
IL'kd.4" livalruy a istatounELD.
lIIITTER—Fresh Roll, inlrres t ree'd daily
•1 by jnmj J. IL CA:X .
CHEESE - 500 boxes reed and for sale by
101511-10 bblo. Luke Trout;
r ILL tor mai by_
: J. 11. 111A141,1XLIL,
i IL-10 bbli.Drirarold'obrarul,
at. /1. 0151113111 M.
Lr:2 1 171 °
More New Goods:
'AMES A. McKNIGHT, N 0.62 Fourth it.,
..h.s.remPrlgd bia meartal Purply of Pall and Winter
Goods, the majority of which lamina been nurebseed at
the large auction dee In the ,ratan ettlelt daring the
pmt t...lreekt4. ha in enabled trAlaMamof the-. atttrest
ty redacted prier. Ile would _,__ atten uto
'troche tram !Shawls. very cheep: Plain Cuba.,"
Square Phser . lA
i t r aj t PM=
, a_L i mr e gaterera
'6 27 ' 1:1711 Drawl ' ATM, very derarall: '
Omar. oe2S.
pAM AGED GOODS!—A. A- MmioN .5c Co.
w in ° p e e, ea Meade, November 240, 11 m••• or
roe,C=Tal,hllll=7,VaNne74;;k7.7<,`Vcg .SZ
Mal be mold at tmarlr one half the asoa, mien.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD inform their
ellAtomorot ral buyer. generally that they_ hare
mown pen their BF.CJSD large anaPllor Good. for the (01
trade. SO ark at.tation to their nag:lewdly full vane?.
LADIES' DIIESS GOODS. wrest Tarletr. rlol , , Plot
Parislens. Coburg+, Prenth Merinos. las n
_Muir and Saaxe.—New stylL Ilroc c p; ; 4l. o 7 .
c.ahmerr do.: Wool do. , plain d
b littf ' l. 4 l:ll%ibb T l b , e b t ist o k - mi half mourning do.. new
.4 lterit \ d y o s . reorlred . further supplyof Impel
Sinning IQ ugh. nod Irish Unarm. Zfrl•
sznll and all will be sold at. low pr.* for fl
i:..;i112 LIT iii 7 l;ti;OL :;." 1 ii — vii«.l to a 0 it '47, 7 7:4,;1....1 ,
mean, lar otalea. when. tiooda aro sold low. oc2l
SI ILK. W ARP PARAMATtAS---Juotrec ' d
at A. A. 5100000 d C0..0, al and 6411a5 - tat ft- 0011
• Co. hay. now on hand 01.0 dol. of Ladles' (Tath.
4020 Dun n oFT11172;4". ' ll/17.4 0 oVttuan tlit .00,0
WS . c°o6o .
RESS HOODS--Opening daily at A. A.
MASON A 00:0, ever, f tole of fashmshlf DT.. P,.. cOlUll-thaz of SID, Cashmeres. [tuba...Marino ,
Paramottaa, Alpaevaa..-ke... 009 •
caILKS l: SILKS . .—Now opening at A. A.
10 3 11400104 Calla-.
00 pieces ofifir tafttionable Plaid flit., wane a low of
:0 can , lau,
ITi pieces rich ilaso do: al*,
10 do elegant Dronado tits. ocT
11 , 4 =iii exhitat this moming Morton, of rieti o, l,im-
Oar t Ilarvboel,l have received •frerh elloDlr of the
Nra dealrabl• good.. sCO
k - 3 Burehaeld her. r0,..e1y5.1 a nall asvortment or wrore
gosat.--onsue 30 low ea bait. per yard—and alto name rarer
aura, %Inhale Altrwraasat $l.OO per yant oat
. _ _
1 t lturchll.l.l hats recrlerd on assortment of Tarnskto
.n , satmerea, are, and Noe, e, which they are wiling
I lnew—alov our, black ll...u+lulvre• nod elathr. and a son.
et, of styles - tall, aloal, for lo,' wear. s,s,
It SI Alsti:i A IV. will 0130 withiu the pert few dal , .
I 211V",..",`,.,3AndVs if,'"CLlL'ltr=r'orfv:Z.V.
fate atfl twtait.o urthase . rs is inelted.
--.A A. 01 Ir , TIN I CO will open thl.dar la/ 011/... 01
Jr abuse goods. 1,1,
—how opening at A A 51A,..4.t• a CO 1 , —.7... , Mere*
o .ell eortl Freorb Sternal. and Tl.ll.ct Clothe earl
/ . t i p . ‘laliON aCO hare juin sea...teed AS veaer 1 , 1
beat 01AI/err. au I Ite tattles.
. nor,
' Isn.rtuetaolly rveretvlva al W Llef.lLlTOToCirts n
eartet Ware rv house, No. 01 Fourth atm., to whirl. we I
its the atteutton or Llanse tetriong
furnish Mato. or
Steam..., R. •0 .011 .11 lower than eeer in tbs.
mark, ...1
.410j1S 0 , F, FO R
1 SA
.. LE—A ,... v::iLl i e: ' ,, kr , o - rs—k.„
ancl ' oound anquin. ot .1 fiTiltotS SI AIiKU • tat.
tcl 2; Wool at
1 0 LV ET PILE CARPETS—W. lileCi.i•-
, roe. o now atantly lwelvlna hla fall .tart or
ClVllllliTel, of th .vn
e .islet awl nelnal atrlva. to which be
1140, lin. alleallon a aureharera ao he I. ,huornslroal to
sell tuwar Wan ..000 hefons oticrsal to i mark. C. at the
of rot I I I,ll' . W ho 11l Ib v! s
.. r 1.11 a.
. blet.LlNTOttli lb. attetalon ttarrlat.e
atattvfortunt. Into. tar, 5t0...1L Blom asal Ptah Moth.,
tbl Clotho. ace.b.relttlattattl,, Whirl wr will .11 at retturett
,prtoee, at the Carpet Warrbouer, Fourth nt
io conetaulli bre...trim( bin fall! oubrrfine.
andocuittou IblatAlN, or WM and nth
style.. at r.n ro.loo o d prh'n. to whlrh we
toot B
intite the al
toots.. of the* atoltintg furolth aoor..
thre tot •call at the Carport Nabob Nu. 144 F.1411/1 -4 1.
Itt,SSELS CARPETS--W. bleC1.11.701:
for amt.. rich an! Dew attla LlLltt.-
Alb . l.,7lrl t l:V r tr ; I bid. he inv.... the
ebarere. an lan In deter:M.4 to .all tower than ewer before
thit. marl", Call at thr eatulttinhod Carpet War,
Lotto, N... b. , Fourth .t oel
othe Tatrtetry Drusweln earteet.joet reed at tbr ear
yr I Warehoura, No. Kt Fourth otter , , at tooluctel
ttV• Invite flamer atelaloa W boxhaw 1 1 .
SEW 00QD / S.
FrIlE SultSeRiBER. hnvitig how rneeived
•oul.l at..,-thally tutor= hl.. roatosoets and the publa
h•• 1. po•parvd to dorm.« of bla litaxia cab.r what.-
ask. or rrta3l. at WM' 16.• prkw.
Ile ha• tw Pry ttools all tin ,
0t0. , 1t of Van, Unw dada osapra.aus to Par
ai Chao. ,111. a. Orr .restart att.. I.lm. VOILI rkh;
hrweati« lttlow
Plaits Itlsel calk, 01r** and width.
Watand Sll, all ahaler,
rt-o ria i
11 F
alustrall• Latrow:
Vrvoch .1berloo• and I.'sohtatrar.
To-zathat with Vrroch sod Koutiris Printa.tu radloveira.
24 04 Barr.ley dheolle
114.:+-I and Ink Lineon , C
1 , 1. EH and 04 TaLlo Daalaskic
64 awl 3-1 Ustruak Napkin. a
Iluckabark tluY.r and Cry
Rich Printed and table (
tilarsaullro llulla. Vivoch. Fursiitur,
Curtain &lawns.. MOUR NING
12 DRY
Ln Black
Monello l do Lain, 5-4
Mick C
10 anton Cloths:
' % °b sa-p ° 74;a7 l
Utak th.alier . °
P.:ruttish. Prenel, and Italian Crn
idle Cbaalrettee and Sleeve. Coll
jo/Weir s,: ell of winch tioods
rs and cheap fur avatar:
esiplb J•5lEt.,
NI OUSE DE I.t/NE$, in great variety.of
I style, plain and printed. fro 1214 eta . op sto•
1... grade , An wort:my/1z e i rt e t ) tr u ne t tsf
..p0 North -hest corner and ital. 4.
o llorthfivld tone received a oleo assortment of
. goods of • fine duality. amply of real Man.
chaster nod Larleaßtar titnahartn: mph.)
J of the riebeett idyls. and colorn. Jost reed at CS
and G 4 Plaint ,IreDttll A. A. al AnON AW.
4 A. MASON b. CO. have on band, and
all ea wtdob °° sne r y nol.(1.11 , M in pesos and quattY
arena Ude market sopl6.
FLOOR. ,01.1. OLOTII-500 yarde . 3, 4, 5,
6 and 8 dilater, Just reed from therhlllipsvills Yen
. and for ale wholesale and retail, at tbe IMlVlOntant
No, 7 and 0 Wood et- !e.t.d..] J. it IL PIIILLIPZ.
ttECEIVED THIS DAY and naw opening
at WM. D 10114•8., 11l Liberty street.
tol pieces fancy and black Catitimarem of the newest and
moot laahlonable patterns.
GO picem black mud adored Cloths. of the most mpelior
The larg and moat rplendid mlartinent of Veding•
aver brought to this drys
60 dos. Underplot - to and Drawer ,
Mars. One and Importing Phirts. :
A large omortrneut of Cran.. listzdtatehlobot to.
W hich together with thy eery I egg. *Mgt o ' , CADY
MAUL'. 01.411111A 1 1. of the'cogvt tachkokahle alma,
on hand, (Moral. oi thr 1.0,1
westlirodo. adap44 for gentietrimia weer, the
western country: of of whleh the proprietor Le determin
ed to oder at Um T., Pride a
ordera In thy Tailoring lino 04.10.1 In the boil may
! Of,. ILEA la th• nhurtr. not., • t. 1,17
Nem Fall Dry Goode.
A. MASON & CO., have reberived and
ate ome to/ming—A mail gun Vernal Merin.. of
wilful elude}. adapted eggormi, Dd . flue ...act it
cocoa Aiyamat sad Mohair L111.4e14 embr. l 4. TAW. Grk•
'llkc '''..dittlatniltiThe.noatcPaggrordatiprr.-
log all Medea and 1,9•114. C. WqMod der,. orlt
and fancy *Glom The shove Lolode we oder for tale at
;mom •Igels we are confident are unpreradvatedly low.
CCORDEONS—A splendid and varied
ntook of the boot broads, }UAL rteelveki.
,VTAAV—A .err desirable adectiou, with It 4 , 6, aad
keys, moos wood, and of the boot amketw. reryabmp. Just
GGITARS—Ao exhmarte arel eimies stock arriving.
FlOLANS—nomaierry One ad,ones, and new of awry
..116.1.117,WillAs—"1"iiie wartime. alma ibr MOW and
0.10130 t. Trams, Raglan, Ilibmortum, Team"... and *e
ery variety of in.truments, selected and laded bl
sulderiber himself, nod ardd id very low rides;
Aim. the 178001 , 11.1.1 51001 popular Sfuole."‘mt
N. U.—The shot Imam:. um ar e warranted to b. MT
red. and ronfeet el.ry rtspeet—of Mond Candy the mo
ue raturned im
08 1f i lf LABIAL. WI Thirds'.
oi LNEN'
-CARPETS! CARPETS I—Ree'd this day
by W. aIcCIANTOCK, new and rich stylkatioportatm.
Vine, and 0111.1. INGRAIN CA Rmrs, .Lich .0 me before carted
rn this aTartt ! .. "o 'iVer th rtWarly • invite tba Itt.ation of
friend. and tbroroo wishing topurchme to 141•1113. • Mal,.
Um Old Established lhotTei Warehouse , No. Ilk Fourth 0-
ALI-000ITS.—Just rou'd, par expreon,
1 o. A. A. hi AWN A 01'8, 50 nwtons [loaned Ribbon..
dewed sad moat fashionable. stflete CZ tint. Tabs and Va.
Flowrtm IU pm .tiro de Afripuo, brautlful mimic as pm.
klamsli ,,, , al. amulet a dukOstrieh Plumes.ehendee
MEW DR. S GOODS—We are now Ta
rtlet. th e amend fall irtyleoof Dremolinodo,mmh
os, Cashmerrs. Poplins, Persian lints.Alperwr,ila
ramettas. Yreneb.klmloos, and Thibet Cloth. 00800 UM
'dimes now mien. Impal A. A. Id ANON A CO.
_ .
plain ajd'7lo4l=lZEll.7ll=PlaT:VallThttl
1.41. 8001, Sim ?1,11. NILLIIIOOk Bl:allas,.•e. A oom
moortment and yerf ehenO.
have Just reelri a beautifularmament of very fhb
fumed and plain lONA Silk.. The aboradmirabis and.
are wellworth Um nitration of purchaser.. Alo, rtry
auprtior tiro. de Afrione. Sado de Mum.. beautiful Chum
—111111.1 . 11 Y A ItUIteIIYIELD Immo opunal this
a lot of Swim Malmo; and inerrtings, Jarkonon
Edirinp and Inoirtirip. llobbing 6.1,1800 and lanektlana,
Tbrwd &Ulnas and Insertings, ol nom Sty'. Mal Mid
Cheap. ' seri
w Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
IL PALMER offors for sale, at very
lawr . lnaa, • MI aaantenant of Straw and Idillln
nONAS—rantian and Amereran pWn and ••twy
swaroarsso. caw Oboe. Mllloa.
bora an,
jurs.-31ates,'Nnottae. and Dor . born. Stnry and
Palm I.a.a
faiftWV:ontz,"Trild',l3of,r 'Ctrs? Laza,
aila.a. 0 way, itagitiind mar erins, itr ' sat warp
..tiaag.42Rleb Donnet anII Scar. nista SatinandTaf•
cbsus - - - Butte,
ifflavilwarave.Tuies , nuu.., o ?. 4l. .
MEWkroneti it% 'ironic= Sprig* bornas sat
"STlMbetddMilal7N3-01r, Oto. do Me
11 , t „,.. :61 =. vi"......401t0 KMII. warted
BAPLYB..-Ameited=' ~ . '
All.4tSeil and 10T, alhibilajed
Now Newly!!
VERY LADY having a Piano should
purchase and read Toropletou's nor took.
sartaxcr tide la a beautiful book for a PRESENT.—
Withouterorptlon as neat • ;decoct printing and binding
*sever roe esented.
Them b. no possible earualty that CM hapmn to a Piano
for artileh It does tot Point en MO" remedy. besideopeviurr
dlreetkots how • to keep the instrument LLITATB IN
rant b y
al.—Worth len throes that turieh. It
ca be rant by mall to any part of the United kat. for •
foe n
Pohl/rhea by Lee t Walker. Philadelphia. and may lab
bad of JOHN If. MELLO% Wood Meet. and HENRI(
01.0001 i. Third street, Pittsburgh, and at the prineitml
honk stoma. &el
j-#4. s rialtos.
301LN BIELLOR Agent foropm
Cbigkerlog's Plums, for Pittsburgh
tpj No. Woolg , t i
01 PI " ANU. POItTIItT, form Jl:lffseborr of Magri...
Boarrn, consisting of 6, 6,q, CX, utut ostayss. curved and
FOR SALE—A second Eland,
PIANO. 6 octaves. ‘.lVruut MuhOPtUY
;11;3= 1 11 ' g! 11r0
. d t 0112,717 1. sil '' rroit o trs I
trout. or the %glow dbuouut for rush: for sale br
ooSl JOHN IL 7.11/Ll.Oll. hl Wood st.
SONGS gunge by M
AY Como whew. the oweet
The hat, that coon tbx
-0! ning to roe.
throttalalbe J RY*l lami thrwYrn
Auld Robin GMT: '
- Little html Matta Waal.
.went booth, ken from the storr,
The Caviller: The Lord'. Prater. with ...-
The Brett:wake. aaequel tome elo by S. Mover;
(Btralien A parting Ol!tare
Strike the harp seutly. hyare wa all are parted: .
wa.iburr; W do Summerßoma fad:
Tb;ll4tlTeart 7th colored plate.
"levet Anna of the Yale; volvst.ltride, natter. Sotto
The mother's doh and Bloomer Pelt..
Call me pet won.: Giraffe Waltz. Bbentter,
Hendee,' and for sale by JOLIN IL MELLOR.
0c27 al Wood street
Double Reed Melodeon.
MILE .übscriber has just opened a very
to, Melodeon. 6 ortavoe, with doable ~t of read,
Vde h tho °lacteal Inventors. Gerhardt 1 Needham, N.
. Thla lrutrumerit Is egad le power Muir mall 0,000.
aod meet& raperiar to It lepohati raliof aTeetTese of toed , ea
fr ' a7ra th eari a lVjfidrl7; .' uo! eV re os, :fi toed
owing io lu
low Me. much iareferahlo an/ other laatrwmowt. Thmo
whaling to.prirahao. so instrument of the kind aro reap..
fully lorlleal to rail and pleas his the ram, previoue it.
trine talino %war from the embacriber's etarorooto. harirm
."'""'" ll ' . ' ileita. 7 i•ol.
OCZ for the migles/ makers. Gerhardt a Neeiloare.
ew Boots.
JUST RECEIVED and for fade by J. L.
14x1 7h, Jth Wank
Foram. Law and Forest Troea, rommislng Walden; Camp
Life among the likattesi anti wild wood mlveolure, with
°S7`,l7= - ,Tl l 7g."`"k:ZtVitim by rn . rVlTlTZ:
The Lilt and the [tie. an A poingur of the Crystal Pal
. authon. of Now and Than. te.
The First Thing., a ' hewn 17 Lectures on tba finiat
Fart. and Moral le.switis Prat revealed In mankind, by
In behalf of Family Won.
with ma)., and hymns, and calendar of i.e..
from li.r Pintly um. by C. V. Deems.
10-ath 14 ,i,lll with and without ration..
demignasi Ilium-rate tho et ,,, .. 1 . 3 ", •
tO, {
above. ll. k. The with many other% too onniternmito
sod • trash sunray of Clank Work and Station...l .slrina
',P.m the F.ast. resit:
ILD. —The magnificent, NUNfIFI
eco!•„ ( lZ s tbe ' l l r n d ar i r " m b it o e b I,:r " l ' v ' pe "r g::: ' inek r" . ', l
the polUeunin 010 poreha., It to retain It for nqe day
longer. inner loalfent Urn. ur ritiaenn who hoe.
not tern lb le
epeelmen of Atn•rton hand.. on
'‘"ewlii. KLEAEIt
nrie Axent ter %wane / Clark. Nn 10111 Wort.
Guam' Grand Pianos!
UST RRCEI V Eli, a sprendai l fF ir
liar\ Thl• alitahlhe.ot inmarnalant
paamax... all O. .
g ova, tilt Itatmo•ra, oral patralt malallte lobes Da
1:71 . ; E.."rlZll=l"L'aTeaaa:3lo"l4arlo' eTt'ltrrito?.'rt'f"
noel. 'wad oav• Iho aafkat ant armarte-1 hal.. without lb.
aid ,olal The tartoltura hog atmasal{
lI to ha,
•1 rlo-a
rn). ro an gaaal
'lL4 orthr The hot,.
one l ttZ:
ta.atof lho aohowalhor II 81. hilE
S 'Mini et
',tat whaling Inns. 11. ply,.
A History of Pittsburgh.
11tIoLutah. from Ow nrtint partntl whoa it
aaa riatotl t.• la.atop. dove the 410.ttso lyt
oratory. gala; anti:ea of Um lint .41.1:aliatoot of nom. of
lb. taaaufartonva *tad various works oi io4a
nal oopmnoot, up to Oat proarot lino: to ahteh la add
ad chaptrt ort.o the adtavtatato of .1 powiticn for mate
ulactotlita mut moottionial pumaita. latch aamataaf
lb. atooontof lotaittoma trattsaotral hero
Ir ot, oar r.vora, metal, slat ply-avast., h er.
Tao:. la um' point In than lOoloa tabor. Dun] ttoPot`
.ooul. and rootarrtoro• histortral lotoroat hsta • Ititla au bnof a par.l of 11.01. a. In Ma
moon, artostat Uto Load of the Oho,. To collact loatraltof
ao.l oshealt la tioaorteal order thom-raraouo ltaataatat
awl to powlalut ativantaato• of oar lotttto°'
mot. rapitatiata to ...Ws 1.11.0/4 , .. , 01U. F. , 0-
poomt work
.- Poiltltai 12'..47,:a1711al Wo11111t1A.Olt.:
aoOV, aal,.
New Mtude
THE GIPSY'S SONG. or My Gallant Bark;
nuns .u4 raptor.. AIVIAP , by J , ..1
Inv eoperert fa 111/40 , 0-
Tlm Illoufneer Mau pls-ift. • poLtbetir
taut by CatbArio• flay 015 AMOY"
comm. sung b, Clll4l/1, MIA
Tb. Ve.apArbt4 11.114. AL
VA* F•4,uil mipper..l by U. 1,1.0.0. •
Th. yttawerawnt
.t.persl owlerrebtel of Um :Pad AA 4 4,
slyablr Amor. 6,rolsu aftcl Azwerimn
U. EU:IIAR. MI Third otT , L,
titles of the doid.n
Sacred Biusio Books.
ANTICA LAMAS, by Mason tc Webb;
CARIIIN• SACRA. do • do.
THE OLEIC HIVE, • on. eollectlott of Mew and Pert
Ems~ oelwtod and arwtoded lot the two of 11twirat 0.11.
teotiWw. Teethe. lustitute,, sod Owes of the Boned
Academy of Eldric. by Lovell !Won A Goo. J. Webb.
A Ldrgsoodotity of the above truck cored ant (or sale by
•J [balm
. Towelifsum
Clarianeta. •
MHZ difficulty of obtaining a correct and
sto.A.Lno.4 thl• nowitry,
long and moron!, felt lay the ruitsl•al pooltc, the ottborrl
her ham hut mule tor him expretalr, • rbotca
14 3 b .be. 1e h 3 , 1 e n,k j: . :l; 1 . 171 7 . r i t .0 7 , L 1TE3 Z.= 1.1.
wreg offered Or ••1•—••••t moat
A &az - woes- 12 sad 13 Kerr.
. -
lit of& Aand Lhw
I.lld Cule.
war - mated of goal
" P "
Timms le wan of nislITD.4 Cliarichete2 E R.
rare thaw..
^aim of ths aola.o Harp, tia 1O ni a.
New Mane.
OuOIIN IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood caveat,
hh..received the following nen and perm/. Pim. of
, gc ,
Nile, Jiroes—S. a gingen March from Lain de Um
V=7,:fm":4l7:4;'°' 1417ti;eli;
Moonlight le Sleeping: =Ur tln r
We non man part:
Tiro Cavalier. 1 hare 'ilea, k l.h l iiir lust.
Take me home In dim beatitg—Tariationg
1 watch for that Cease dog gm that .east all
Be kin e d tn the haired Onie.Ari ngaltr—variaUogag .
Othee Pray
Jde 84.81 era Le Tyr yaOlo—litaielhff. sari
&diem me If all those or
Why do summer men. Win druhas Mai stilltliiik
billiteut Woe tbl.9tilck Step.
/brim , Mirli it. Aurora, and Biller Dell W a ltser,
Litt, Nance • I...unmoor. Sharon. Mr. PI y, ?en y
any, gyre... Cott.. Ogden. CC•plerPO, and 0,1Iy•
Poll.. suer
HAIITS.—A large variety of Notes and Dealt.
e d,.for We at .
I. '"' ' el ' a '" ..s ll'. S. HAVEN'S glatlonem elms,
mpg tarsier Mallet mid !Wood Its.
jii LANK BOOKS.—W. S. 'ILAN, corner
LP Market arid Second en. ate, has I g o A
r l ie lbe l a rgeet
ofof [Stank ,Iknlts ever offered In ihia eitg-tonieleting
ii,f Le a nn, Journal, Day Mink, Minute Burka. Ar., It iiv.
dui, style of tiludingoind .t the loam grist , . e n .;
ortgageoi. Bonds. Decleratloue, Indenture, Itaerulloon,
Sabin en., thiamine, llille of Coat. Article., of Agreement.
Attachment., gee Bac A, At, for rage at
W. S. II A V EWA, Stationer, '
...PT corner Marked and Second Mia
(Jr E r r
i f 1.
u l 1 B F fi . , '‘ '4 r :
A A . T .
, ERS s
, N 0
. of t , .
, )1 , i.. 11 ;,
y 1:1: 1 21 , :.
i ... happy rya I loved 1 0:0 dreems of awe: Chi I
the Weee, 10th ellgoetto: beet Hearn 01 ateal to IL .,
Otio, with slatiettr, Nelly Illy, Yoeter. Tb. gem b
Schubert: The Mangy Chri, byttueeell; Judy Me r•
=,Triaa t . " l . r.&4ll4 l lW l Ltt r ar ilz. Vir O W ti''.:!P.
Ntii,e"prtggii.'"l.og,"dg l'XiVig.,lk.,,K.-4,1;71VL.14—„.;
tna annu u i roment Hall Colummein, lin lenein of id...
s '' x 'l&lit",4‘no L s e un'il'a o l f t:;l=%in ' et . i. "4 ; ,l" t l ri t" filjil ' in .
l i Wi n Byway.. Watts, Mullet., Potosi, Annotilika : r Ae.
nimbly Pollinn, ,, three Polaiteella, ?illiimb , nal
liTttr= Ill'int,billn,lizz'. u .,' 11:!..
"Tot. m."7l l 2lVTzli"rrtrir l orl="AZ
3. Thhitle of Scotland. geoid .and ir mkt by
seri! JOHN II hi gLLOR. Al Wood et
• .-.
• . •
NE 00 K S !—The Stone 10"
bloom of 14.1rit Point: a Village Tei e.
.Be 14.mutleso. Translated Born ttse.eTZt
r lrsrt h er r olr of Hz, Faigri.rd DleknlTteth.i•ta We-m:1( I,lst
ton. Berm by Her. T. IL Birks, M. A, hector of Kelhdtall.
1141 A with ars Introduction by Stephen IL Tying. D. Irt
nreletlrlio'r'en Antiquities: a MJAOII of Roo. Am
BOulthse, with owner one illustintiong. by CbArlest glnthory
1.. L.. D.
lAwbt In the Dark Placer, or klemorlal”f CheWaa Lift.
In the MO4llO ACM from the Berman of the Into Arno..
bre ?rander; Itituo, m -
The Star of tho Wles Mont a Onininentary anti* Boma!
CL. ter I.l.'`,„t,lTzt 4 11,":1 Par
} t Usmnl,Ac'
1.0 .7frum toe Loo.lon *Boot, linno, nrue.
1.1.1121/ , ' AlgebrA—The glesnente of Aladin. design's!
f o r jawlosserst by Elias Loomis. A, Profane.. of Math ,
0 21 .71te
'''' ti loriel pO.ll
jbrk of Lb. Itsvolution: Lowing.
8 7t7ft, : dt.1 ` 4 !`2'7 b ,Now
tl^mtJhlsV U,
**VI 7$ Apollo Oultdltnt. Fourth et.
EN BOOKBI-11raveln in the United
gt o t a is, le, during latti and IBA by lb* WY Lot-
Stuart 13f113.11 WOrLielr: I .01. 12m0., 714.
tp;s o li f in i tsf r es . e , Jr:400111w byJ. B. Cobbolt
with ensrarluge:
No. K. for AOOOO. AppleyWee Ileehassisod klarrashiso and
Enfirbrre JOUrilli.
ho. la Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution.
800. and 80 RI
Jut of Itrelmola, Knew Work
y,..iowrioy. Jut ree'd and for by
J. L. 11EAD.70 Apollo Building.
wept Fourth meet:
Aj tor A It OliellYtt. bay" Just revelved let elf v 47
beautiful Is:nail/1h 1,11341,4..10.p.m), for exhibition at
Oh. World. Fair. to 'ebb& the attention of lb. two Leto.
- Kew Books, Just Received;
EAST: Problem; reprinted with Darren
tines and NaLlltionr. by Um author of Alton Unto.
istor ra y at Cbaalmam, gum. of Egypt by Jacob Abbott.
lama. mos,
MUM Yield: a ILL of th. Parltama. 12m0.,
Eamburm by s trall. Pony, author of *t ri m&
-2911`.t,' ;114MM. and Poen.... Jr , "
' liyrn.l . l)lctlonsal of Maalmthaa. armena Wm% and Ea
gluatam Flames]d Sa.
Loomlna'aPlaid Book of Um Ravolotiom N 0.14.
Palo t tbls: Ito ÜbTrytmahAibiggagt.tvocotz
.l7j.itted.g;Dutial P. Kidd... ltam.
sala by itaatl.
Do TO Apollo BulLtlam Fonda r
it7l2 --- RIC AN STATE PAPERS.--13tatAN•
g..=laDoacars of the 110.11 . ..
r. orating a coaahrt=t=r .
thst ma
r., Costdentialloonmenta l.
Naze wr., Itratersa; =Waists Pow
GoosiVra. Nalsatiltalastlstkal,..a
Cress tle• Arts Ilsaa r ta7=.
s ha y Timer fn. IBM
1 4 . Stu Thl,bls venom
.1 I 110
Dr. geyser's Pectoral Syrup,
CONSIISIP rioN In ita earl ystatws, Whcwring
Bronchitis, and the saviour diseases of the pulmo
o‘-e of the mod certain end effectual reinedie•
for disease. of the ch.el and puIWWW , WrI Oni.n. seer din
ar.e.rect. It la a e n mignation of variocu vegetable rnedi
dam In the form of • hymn , In order to make It
his. It has an action sed.lrely different from any of the
Cough /decheines note In ow. 14 it doe not coustitete the
hoer 4 not produce eickne.e of the stomach. a fatal too
m. in Cough Medicine ,
•• co
TIM remedy . dlanolvnt the mipershundant secretion of
aland p h legm which attend I.:itarrh•l and Bronchi.
al affection. and Ite soothing efleit in allaying tickling.
boamesem. and coughing. Mar relied on a
lso. ain.
The proprietor has tested thia medicine in a prac of se
veral year, and with unhorindel sums.,
°matey stors keepers would do well to keeps stiPnlY of
this medicine conotarttly on band. as it will never fall to.
give relief. and aff , rds a large pront.
Ca* of the met distroyeing Cough. hove teen brought
before the tall, ..1 the proprietor. and have been cured
Ina very short thno. It in one of the cheapest medicine,.
bane.. It forut up in half pint bottles at Lo cent. each.
or 6 bottle. t:
EU" lOU Wo od
l e...hi a P n i d t t r s e b a r l g h b . P {9ISER 11c1,01•
For 14.14nem Scurf. Ihrinn!. end the variou. dictate
•f the araJp--r,otnruenden by h.t l'itothurgh rug, Corn
NV Journal. Evening Tnbune. Chamtvraborn Senn
..I, and other mourn., an the bent article exhtnt for th
purr..., at net.. elenantlr perfumed nn - ar
ion for rendering tha hair soft and aloney without achtln
Ike cloth., With nreare.
rough Tames6.ll4
Wantantt.l to cun tbn wont engem of Tooth debn In a
y can, sad InataataanoullT.
In Quart and Plat Bottles. praparwl Ly Langton Brothar ,
Scott. 253 mutt =3 Upper Thant. street, London.
No much reonsuntandtsl by phydicians or th« hlshos.l. an.
%busily ats a valuable rained, in l:onsumpttott. Scrotu
Chronic Pneumonia. Itheurnatiant, Nletett. Palen of the
Bon., Whit. iientral Debilitt,•c. Col Lisa,
Oil It hlnbiy nrommondad 1.1 C. it. I LLIAIIB,II.
TII011•8 ATSON. lb, JoIIN 11. }INNS STT. M. Lt.
M. PL S. bl.. and L. J. DM. SI D.. .1 tho Haunt.
Tbla article of Cod Liver Oil may be dapetaled on se pure
and .1 in, chemically tested In ante: to .I,.fr iha doubt
__ - •
—lVe have unel this mullein.. In nu r family. and In
our opinion. it Is om, d the heel preparations for .mush. , cads, &e.. wbleh has wear ben offend to the nubile. At
this nea on of tbo year we would IV,llllrnvllti ery fam
lIT to k,.p • bottlr tln their bouere ready for uoo,
ooranion ma, require We ail, thin a. • iust.r adrior.
(ma our actual auerleneo of lb. +
nd nualnlen tb°
medicine. and du not aah our reader,. ronouler what. we
say Amply In the light of nu...anaemia t i ... . :undo without
Any particular konwltain. t the attic,. ot 1..11 wee Peak
—l.lllstrurv , Chronicle.
l'renarid and .old 61 II g k 1.1.0110. Word et
I. OItENCE heauti(Ul
I whit. I,giot, that I. ug,,gneeggl.,
it la Intrudg.l lor path,. ntrairglg,gx and gl , llk 1 111"
[Mum Ale. It II Ili, can /3.. /1/.1.r.
V11 " 1::•1 ' 07:41 . ' Cht n i ' :ll "l
Vehr An,. 1, h ub 1.
flgur. Vircargian. S g nql, otb,mg. A cobr.-
Angand.n, elitrhtml,
LW. Oro., St.r.laudtirw,
Imm th• 1..r',N1 Name , ..
.nal, aa-I arr unn,unl/..1 no I int.
Vnr ..Ie by net 1,, 57%1 n... 1 Kt.
Themost Extraordinary thscurrry In m.E If und Is
lA, irrrai Arabian Remedy for Man and Benxi!
H. 0. Farrell's
0. FAICRELL'S Arabian 1"
' h 0 • m.. 1 ...mac - alma, na-Isrmr. Me truth
.111rh oien , l be, mid 110 rtst -el. of 111
sr.!, end Om me, ent...1.1e .1.1 mrlbrut.l by
whirl preyt.oo 1..1 1..4. all atbar mr•lirma. •n.l
tklll ..f tbe nbi•le..lo ID lia..or hi It 0 ...1 11 • 11 • 1
ul retr•ate mtno ..ter la 11.1.1. , . 1•••-•
en.. In • mmentrata.l ell 1.0 em•
...trautte. ate-tat...m.o mm.o o ^
the ram. .I h. .60 mro, err. ..4 th. ••1•11. , 01 it..
Dee.rt," • much 00namlau• rur.ue the 41.
ear. of I. man end teen.t.
Itmal 1,1.• falletmuecur., hob tlonll,l ul
Ma. 11.11. 1,5•11, erelnah I.
7 .. ~ meal,. r•ua
ttel a metr seal hell •0 • •••
wit., rummers. etrulnalo 11 1 , 1 ,101 .1 111
M. AI ou, eml th.l nal
bre. Um I+l.l um , . 0 yO.OO tot ilud I,wr .o.lrme•
1e... , le. .1... at dor., mal 41115-
.1 le .010/0 shout M romp 1.1 It .14 .0 Al OO.
oleommnl at 11. tbet it .0.4 Chian,
al 11.• .04 01001...04 II 1.. • '1 ma, 01
I Inmrl ems. 1. 1. mt.l r•r•rt 1.. rutime
1110 cr.,. mteratian, 1 ~...r10.1.1 toitrt 11
0. ruer•li• 1...nt um. U. .1.1, • 1 1 , 1 1 11 r e"
MO - 1 1•• 10 the 11.101 0. ' OO
ero.. ass.l na,ettcoo.l 44t1 soill rm•
t. 0 an .11 se ••••—•1.0111. .1.11.0 t 4.111 t.
Penne, Ward. A leis.
I R. tort Died. po.lniavter, my. I
•Comm...ant 4•• SI.. I, L. lam
Oro. w , unto Lim used yettr I 100,1 rat • itli tr..: oo ~,, •
She hal het the um of her ham tor throe 7•1111, 11. towel.
Letup content-nal Doo Mal bar Imi. were I. 1,1 lie 1u0 , ./ who:.
Amalie.. a. I. natural for th• p.tyllo n . 110. lit, whole
•Ituog. and .be ~...0.1 not beod Mem in the 1.....0, hod I•it
pm um of 11 ti Pamirs Aral len 1 tniment, ales lo e, et
•Lie to ••15 •,tb ewe. and I.m. • mr....1,t Isuits 1 b•I •
tonal It o. moat eseellent romol i tor Gm.. tb-b ale, tor
every tbny Web• mvione.... , ...dual remmly
Tb. optod. t. or Loot/ •amrier. N.. 0.1 wietint t !entry
Point tb• need and oteroatient.un.,l4 , ll , on mat, •nil
teeint, • bleb 71141 ...a1e.. Wino,. IL portpreotte. I in
ad hentate to primoomw it the °tin Rene tr . 1 00
1 bar. pre nowt
ti if home, tort em.° 'war.
and LoT.. tr.ed .11 tb. tenon. lioiumobi ointment. A.
1.10 MUch putl.ol Up Its lb* 'open, 1.41. I mu. kaol that II
U.VaIT•IIO /02,40. 1.11,.400 •0...1. 2hy 1100 II 10.
rye.. 10.,. of ni tt. we.. 1 t..... 'um, re" •o• mid "Pm.'
m after they I.w.i Imo p0t,.........., iotorable ami LA.... ~
rcured min. thee Ott. to t..... 0....m00 irk. ~.or bee.led
meet, molomiu.. ettri oliate i I t0m.... fri uk werat.l..,
~.r i i•-- ~.....,...•„..•,..........., ......_ i-.
- -----", .7 - 0 1 .-7 7.7 - 'h .. '''
will,l ea. r lio, titer y MI tam wittier to *1) nm d
Riontosettout. sad e. aid a. t oothate t, help roe un I lA., a , ., Drew., 8 .... , ~,, ....n. Al
ul 1 ..tortmorwl M. u.. eJ >4 0.1 1....00.0.1 elifeb elittney o. -1 Ai a LI I I. I. Id ARSIIALL
cured me At AI It ORlttl , st
1an0..,.. w fan , t . 0 .1. 0t0 .0.,......, ~, ~ , ~....0 . {, II MOLASSES-3 0 14141 n. OuorPolea Ref.
I .
/•21124124022.00 I •
Sir II 0 ranem•-lieva RI. I hal boon CIS. tml with ''
I. `" . " l '' " 110RURIPOI. A 1 hilll RA 11.....
U. a ... 6 .71 . 0 , 1 ,71,1r4 .. ‘,,„ .... 1 .,, ~rri L i, .7.,.'7yr.‘ I I,IOLL RUTTER-a Lbls Prime ree - 'il and
An.beso Liuuneott applied . teethe teloptersah ut 11.1,0 .., ~.... ~ ~,,, S. P SIIRIA Ed,
lour um.
of i°. it •m•uttrely M1U3u.41.1. •15. I hate lon ' ~i ~.0 t ., - _
nothing of it more I vent lute tle. stable One to 1 t .v. Val r.,-- .
irPalti c ert h 4 " ;:::77
. ' int' s" ' Btu ' 17,1 Gra;itViir 1 ' rxr... 4 b*" . R l : ll ` l 9 l iff t.:.r. ' TO tti...,? 4 1. ,. .. ' .!l ' .r
..b..dty u.,.. tar " , turneva •. ' tdaelt jay h.t, reuarllo7, i 20n ~• w " • a 1 ,.. l,
d Tobarmer, f 0 • o t Ten
them 10werteee I appllml your Lintel...and wee well I 60 kg,. tit Titbit and Plug. GO ° 112•02f1
10f02.21. 0. a few day* to no slant attain an timul I aloe =tea freah Rl,Pllantnt Whltintr.
trashed coy linger In • abectiou meatier. by letting . 30 hl,l. PitA N 0 Outran 31 i•• Pantern Alum.
twee log tall upon it. but your Litamentmow lie.del nub ' A/ bbl. Loaf. elvd. mad - Id ' ° Cbly.rmd L•win.l.
JOHN It lictit.n. 1,3 •:. 0 Alt Immo. 2 reroon• Indle.
Maim Preelna. Peoria on, 1
111, 00 1, letb 1 to ••
Syru Gll ° 10 GI. Iter•R A LAtudlewlzA.
- 2u " p " nni Maim Red Leather.
I lie has tiotob • W.O Cbmwe 40 dot Patent thortadm
BtrOarf of COunferfrat• -NM Mit lore Innorue. 6111 tea. Nails, city brand.
TO °DARR AOAIAST /IIPOIAMON. MUD TIIII POI.. Treat-he. with Madder, Clore,
.ali n e))Oy, Pep Per. Mate , .
1,015 INti CANIVULLI ' thou., u. 2 , on hand and for
The Public In portant.° *sunroof against a Nam 1 mrlo ..10113 AWATT A CO. Idler° st.
12. en wltieb Irmo Wel, made Ile appear... and le
Oaltal by Lb. Immeterarbo mum It "Art 11 /erten . . Aral+ 1 i INSEED OIL-20 bids. for sale by
aa Llithoont . Thu.°. dasorotm Ruud 411 umr. nail*! A nol,, J KIDD kCO
to deekve hem 10i bearing the name if /ern° There
Pm 1m partfrolat um., m con fur oby Owen.. "False CI EN NA-2 , 00 lbs. Alex. and In., foe Mlle by
I Lionuent.. On unprincip/ed dealers .111 impom the Spa I.D ...,.. IL It rEI.I.F.Ith
I A/01..1 ...ore UpPCI you tor the VT,13131120. but always atit'
1 rem ..11 4 itirrea's Aroma 1........1.1,, - and fair .........y. rte...Morrie' 50e. Tea.
rt,°,74,t."="eeTtriobrittt 15Ti....`4,°"1.17.,.'117.1.":: ,'ORRIS has always sold the best Tea in
words Plown'ha *244 Alma bottll- - // U. Pnrealrr Aratnen lAtteburub at 50e- * lb, but now the duallty le
Lutinmol. /Awes.. • ner tn... rev
Aux"... mnatml la *eery TOgres. A Many and !Lwow in N , .a delicious Onion, Yea..--_ _ 50e 11 lb.
th.. Unital Plates, la which our. to not establtehel APO/ 710 . h. L° 1°I•0 Rye. amt l'l. door_.
by kind to lI.U. I erytll, Pecrla, 111., with Pend Wen... , A t o elleot 1. , . Hr...
.to °war tar, reepnualtelity, Ac Moyne . ' Tea 'dart ta In the Diamond. amtvoil door from
Call on the mothwbe •ill furnial. Free of Ch•rite • Inamood °ler
book oontandu• °tillable Inbartuatlou fur every rlme
of rattrap 100 WOOD--60 bbl.. on hand and for sato
Pratini-lbotruta 60 amts. and env dollar per bottle
rho 0.4m...fe1. wianutaturml by II O. Peron. ale Ai '', o.'o' J KIDD 1. (X/
l'"'" ."
1"9'“" .4"..". dr' ' ''" S°
m.. 4
"I. ll. ' l " trltlTLZ ‘" '''
0 lembe ' Wool bailie and ILS- rawere s . ,er'd Men's
proprietnvir Or D
" f
''' No. ST Wood Mown 0r..1 A A.11A40 , A 00
, Sold , I lt AI 01.10,01. Alleabeny Otr.
I - - - v - 1i,11.K. VELVETS-al pen. most desirable
The Human Body Not Penman, 0 -1.,.... n o w npettiog by AA. 1116250 N 2W.
S 0 SAYS NATURE, tan have a healthy ap ()AIM A hIMONIA-2000lbafor sale by
poorsarv. and pennon who do not penrplre, era 1...1,10 r ...,, R A. PAW. O.STOCK A Oil
to the mood dleinraing likto Nemo. Now, Jona Malian
Chemical nosy... a raw norrowsiton. owl at m• • QUGAIt-5 0 hhds prime, in store and for
nom molllfive Lod adteri• Um Mo. stein, It the lel aj axle by eel: R. DALZFILL • CO
Of MP Ittfant • ii
82422 h Salt Rheum, and Sot., ate not only heeled. VI OLASSES-'2 OO bbl. N. 0,50 du. S. 11.,
Moral by Ite Wm.. at trait 1 phy.idane In N York In
malt In such caw, and bud It unfailing-. Om, In IT 1
,:d do. II)0 0 .0 dot in 222 202 C 20222 , 61 . 40 2 7
Pimples. seam. Irreeklam, or and other eltJadleimati Abe 0,14 It DAI ZELL A 1r.„,. Liberty et
""'""""d°".6""b".'"6"''""" e ANTHARID-75.1ba fresh, just ree'a
one Vial will prove 1 niuld enumerate at boot Man '
powens canal of on bead. am. leint.aud Pore beard. 'an 1 for rale by ortl7 3]tDD A Co
Our IL-end the Rader 0 , again uNred I would not ern.
limn It for the steno, 4212rts I tot • 010 Is an I "... SALT PETRE-S 0 bgs crude now l-
row. abase. liable Welland, 0 . 2 , 501.0 f 11154,1 MA., . 4 j o, ..j. or oetld 1 DICHICT aCO
Wlll Oral thin not only s care. ludt • Pn•Yenliva and I 11.
no} only add, that any one afflicted edth any of t.t. stn.', I 0 N DON MUSTARD-5 5 0 Ibm. warranted
r , a , Lfwg . sli n eirsm .e io It= \el., fol. srsi even more label I A pure and for mile by J 1:1 RD A (XI
. T .---". 101 '"." ''''' ' l ' d "' A '" 4:II " •U n 11fil ITE C HALK-ZO OO lbs. In store, and,
aml wears you ail for oe' holland beraseal Roup-wo ..... 1 . t „, .„,,, J KIDD d. tll
buy 0 only of WU JAChOOh, only A.eait to Pittoburab.
hmul if Wmod COMPLETE set of Bireket Matilnesy
- for 0 201 J R DILMARTII A 04-
Pearly White, Teeth, and Pore Breath, to ' t k
tr. hod for 24 mute-':101 , . •Ito b...... 111.1 r are Lot into `POOL COTTON-10,000 dos. just ree'd.
bly maned that it Ow° übreath ever .0 foul. i 1 °mi. , f,,,,,, 1...1..0...,1(01.01. by
teeth decayed. dark or yellow. arid entrinted wtth tartar. 10 110 . ARBISIINOT
he a ;Amin brit of &LOW, re..llllletu 2011 make
the 4.01 . WhIL2 . roof, awl 2LO 41,01 Word* rood, ii lAItIt I AU E OIL CLOTIL-Juntreo ' . l from
Wt '
~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,... 240 L ,,,.„, . 1., ~..„, ,„,
~..1„,.„,,,b,eni'.11L1.p.,,,ri,,11e i t er .,. ni k ry,...l o 2 1,A,,,,-,4, b i r ,... d .,. ti qur ,,
*oat. Cloth• and for ear, wholesale and it
II s 2 No. 110 Market
tot 'hi
a 1•11 1 L 1 PR
. ' , II A LK-5 tons for sale by
4,..) imll J SeIitiONMAKIIR• a Co.
lI ECK ,,, EIt'S! ' A RI
J N , A , - - ,,t, 2 , : ' f ,x ) I L L n i, f ,„ tir or. s i ttl ., o by
(a II MOLASSES-50 bbls. for sole by
kJ awi i ' 71 AIT 11A111111 141 II
QTRAW PA PER-2000 bdis. sopenor, re
-1:) or ivell per deem. r J R Lind., erl i forag,
1013 ....rued of PP2IO .24 Irwin obi
t i.. 1..5:r 2, , u ,.p . e .,, n ,.. eA1 , a . t „... t1L . a11 .. e p . o n t
k f: : 7 01 t s o
. 1 e ,,...r e. Tons, „
, , I, 01,100 E PEILOR Tg i • A ve2 . ,,z,r,i . ,..,i,
ml :l Omer. and Taw Drilers.
Li EMP--60 bales Kentucky and ISSO urt
KA Dew Rotted. for pale by
, - -
I IItOC , I I Eu,,5...!1A.,_,1.V.L..5-3AtisAt
..7 „, :e: ., d , i , ' . : L e o rts es
r l 'toW 1 ARN-I sack for sole by
„,,,3 J 0 CANFIELD
Ii Rart o EEN OIL CLOTII-Just received from
Pry-0011 }aril. tour and fivr quarters (troop 0.1
t• oth for window blioile. For dr w lioimmle and rettill at
No. 110 Market et (cola) J A U. P1111.1.11*
i N T I l a
T x .. .1 ,..., T C . l ,t i t !...,, i h, ....S . S u ß .... L k ik . C ..
d K .. I
p l b1 . 12 r - , -, T r h 7 e .,,,
o d ,
r : 1
i e t bi : tt , i
Mnoul red by 1101002. D l 1.2
2.' ' 1".10.1 '''''d
g". r1M4r .jd ;1 111 . 221 .
0 ., Wool stroot. wk., of !natl.
TEA --65 hlt chests *Y. 11..
..a - Blatt.
...5 mite his 0 0.
lAA ••
VI, of latott liolantopon.
tut vv . .' and for by oF-" . Jit K.. LOID
A Scientific hair Tonio, Restaret and Beau
Ider.—Telet naafi.. 31).. dente. More who have wad
domed' Coral near fleatader. Imo. etredleut qualm...—
Move elm here pot. we ensure It to tem. • the following
qualltlec—lt lame the Lair to aro. nu soy hertuLere
oasurvinlooded hear to ',roe: rW V it rwh.g on, eure eau.
or dandruff: andmete red. or are, hair crow dart
fur . rauderlart the hair 'oft and silt Oothiug ra , 3• ,0, 4
thia-11 makes It truly Leauh y, ful.aud km It en. It It. Ite
deed. the mut eceoodelrel—Yet. nitaued--ertiole tar the
tiold only ot J AllEl3o}.l . lS Store, 130 Litwity
tko.l of Won!. I.itst•targla.
s of) outs. aut
JONES' Solution of Jet, a-Liquid Roman
Mar fur th. elkanwlog of whit*, nal no wrwy WT. 10•
M•un6,l hm•o, or bl.l yot ad,. In. row [Maui..
Poirwo—lk rota, •ml $l.
Vold by MIL JACKI , ON,24OI4b•oty stave. bawl of Wood.
Plttel watt.
JONES' LILLY 1Y lllTE.—Ladies are eau
Cloned sable.
ae• not as.. 0 2 : 2 o:Ifi Lb sci:11 7 fri '2 "2'2" Th2l
how onam, bow rash, how 6:111g.7•11W,:
o,,,•kin appear.. Tor wins 0n0...1C . 6101d `2
Iteelde 2 e. i lt 4
IttAtie:f4fe,nr,tal. 11: , : 71 , 1aollty of lead!
all Jar.' Npala ' Lilly Uhl& "2""12`2t".. w
Ulm porfently io
nocent. bell. purified of .11 delete
gnallthfr. ad It Impala' to the skin • natured. Itealtll 6° I
clear Iletno falter, at Um wax time setin Y. 2
i l ex , •
n the Al. tusking It mft ad loneoth. 222
blOttl,,b;,thfoodo. JACKleohi. 2,loolAbort t stre•L
aenetallo.• t nerds.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASIIING without labor! Warranted
to Lute the atalne out of table Itnoon and on,
Iltathrtcw sole Usa.—Pnt You , elothealn a R ome:ea:
obentlty atwater to rover them Moss add two table
.poonfola of this Pomp Powder. to verb ouerte of water
used with the cloth,. It the water Is bard, add more of
the Powder:and boil them ton minutes: In MO 111•AA'S610
press them down with • @tick, then put th em in. tub and
add nthdcient cold water. so that they will not ho too hot
la handle. Then rob the dirt/ streeke. or In other word.,
the a thorough rim:dna. and Nth% I. Wllakielfd.
oalth them clean.
. her•
pp no Mill s Map. 11 1, . l /ea..
the clothes very whit., and ba d oily me as 0111pe
map. do. The entire cog of the metsoial wool thow not
awd two °enter. W Onnipleto • weehing of ten tenlartni.—
W.rranteel not to rot. or l ,on tit clothes.
This Is a Powder the , 0.. tether trill make twelve/loans
bort amity Son hewn.
Dumonows mr Ux..—Taka, wey six quarts af w.ter and
mirth. Powder with Ito en
I. tree let It boll. Fay nye vole.
W th ' r ' attd i se . i t
?t unr wa .hers ". 1
r th t,;:fgeelr, e t i
wean woldtit will to, very thick and now White Poop sod
(Ii truth well, and will not eat the hands lthe other I,rt.
Soap, woo rot the cloth,.. Can be wad with hard or tall
water r by making the I:anity itto Quart, that.] of
twedvs. The Soft Soap Li best ado ./ted for WSSilillX cello°
and woollen good.
Poldwholeiela and retail by
R. E. PR1.1.613,
No. K. Wood .t..
Tbo biphly oanolorr, Woad. and tonic Pro .p , 'lrbro
v Meow, roo'er lo far superior on Cologne orator
.th. the ..11 . o .rponot of the toilet and bath, mbar.
thu g,. I al its perfume and thespoime. and Init.
toor oftror for thetroßoolion of Meantime:mond health.
f- i , thowy rocommonded to Indio. Mr tba onlinarr and
do i...,burpocion of the toilet, and for proservind the
(wt... of the completion. ltoonsolient pm:miles Moo
,or the beat and Amnon of the Alm and impart to it an
Wt " oto Lb rat,trll ' rert i ve l l= "i f 9,11 1 !°°
oopb Bold by 11. IL 8 01113. fr WoOd at.
A VC ... --- )-ETCRTNERSIIII : The subscribers have
' 44.4 Into Ocorutaar4l4.tdoir . gat ra of Beak
.1,10111.11 ATICIN E gOti.
semoved. .
,& 00. hate rt..noved
0 , ea... t ifla lame' of Chatarram lad
Mat. • It
—..-- IN,,__________
New Lake Superior Line.-185L Equitable Fire wince Company, cif
rr LIE new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. R. Lo don. -, y
si . ti. Swam, having every modern Improvement for Fy HIS Company inso es againstilesa by tire *
ir and comfort will leave Cleveland on Pridal. the 'M oo builditige. Buds, we s , and inereßitsidise. Mil.
of Lay next on her first trip—and weekly thereafter on ~ „., ... ~,,,„1. sooty day. e r ~, , ,f of 1,..:
Friday. at Lyn 'elnek. P. IL for the dant Ste. Marie. '. • - ',
The steamer MANHATTAN. Capt. Joinn eAniwwu., win , 4, N
1.... Saut 8 • alari...for the different landing, on Lake NATIONAL, LOAN FUND IFE INSURANCE
Superior. au the errlvet of, Northerner: snaking
a regular weekly line. throughout the anuon, between COMILINY, OP L NDON. \ '
et.,..i.a.i area in. we per 5..1 lerl,l Minn. between
P' ll. a A. T RNER. Promietora. TIIIS Company insures L VCR the
Cleveland. 0.. April 5, 11 , 51.—tf age, of 1) and AO years. `, ' ...
Application for in/meet:Be In di bey of,the above Coq
_ . " ' ''''' .. '' S _._ _ .\ _ _ P ),', "un ''''' P A
. .
after be transacted under the Art. of ''Wm. Binilbern. A P . i tts b ui . g h .i.afe, , ,
(=chi I WII. .1101111 u. Insurance Company. `.-
riffs CO3IPANY was incorkiated • in'
Bingham' Transportation Line. A Petrov,. ISPL with • Pertwthketi 'r. thd h.,
commenoel business ea , enenal et ineewio•
; ,i- ' T s . -. 185 1. titEig The Company dmoi busintew both on the JoLn Block and
Mutnal plan.
net wizen On the Joint Stork plan the rates are ontthlrd I , yee than
PITTSBUROII & TIIE EASTERN CITIES. t i 1u::; . h.r..4,b0 „.m.t o rl?,, , ,rr.,ll : l="r t r t '7 ( ''''' -
1 1 1 IE CANAL being now open, we are rep, ° ;lutual ratenT a s - tre th e own.: tome edolted brtvin.-
c... reoelve and forward prompily . Prgluce and safely conducted Comsnniro. Those Gunned on the M-
I erehandive. east end west- al pritoi pl. have the combinedneenri ties furribid hy et
Freights always et lowest ratn charged by remotusible I .ii-sOem of to
nit and the Capital and 8.9 1 F of
Lin., . . the Joint ` ter nit dettertment.
I t and Merchandise will he received and forwerded i The Ch permits the grautfog of twaratew\
east and, without any rheraw for for...ding or al- in every form, Including the right of ails. childkany kw
vencing freight. rocornisnion , or store, rents. relation, friends or ereliters—to wif e
the dile o
lnlis nf Lnding f0r555.1na1., end an dir e etiona f a ithfully anntbe r ,r theirown ...Eri, benefit.payableafter Arath,
attended to. Addrese or apply to or up..i. the l
b .parte arriving •t the age of nd, ha , 00 . f , As
WM. BINGHAM A CO, Canal Basin , ai the option of e insure!.
C'on ßlYh i iri r etll TOCILIVPM2;I::.t h irL h. 1 055155.5,
Junes President
bome...e Fourth and V 1... P m. Philadelpo., , . ,lutrouri McClurken. I ice President
Nu m4_ North Howard street, Beltimore. Cherie* A. Colton,netrehthY.'
JAMES BINGHAM. No. 10 West et 0152,105,.
61,51 New York. Jame. S. neon- Jeerph S. Leech.
_ . . . . . John n. Dilworth. Chart,. A.Coltrs.
illmEtili, 1851 iut4;or. ewnwi MeClurltan i tom. Philli p s. •
noun or 1 , 51/....
Merchants' Transportation Line ' Hon. Wil:lani Wilkins, late Perretariof War •
, Hon. Welter Forward, late Secretary' of Treasury:
IA FEN N SYlk AN IA CANALS AND` AA !LEO ADS,) John bat/ 0 , ... 1 , 51.. Cathier of Vittalmrgh BMA:
iD c
.A. McA NULTY t 1.X.1., Canal Huth, PM Penn three!, Malcolm Leech, re, Wholesale Grocer.
Hon. A. W. Loo¢ii, ''''''' r. ' 11..11100515 5,55 . Erg.
{Meat 1151.50.
Ih.bargh. • C5n.54/555 l'ApriMon. •
CHARLES RAYNOR , Central Block. Broad nine[ . Phila. Jceeph flassam. M. D. DWI= Addison, M. D.
ervisid'' l o iA - J I th B rook., )1.
rgl ~.7 , . U. Edeington , M. D.
•-re PeePetTd to ...Ire • lerire emount merchandise
" „li 4' h ' sn' street
71 , 1tgr d a,:171 t a o litrn " . t el h lat7pV " ne. 0 • 8 t t l h o . w:rnet:;. ' ant Pha in - Me'r'si'lliiiy.i.V.hal.O. iigirejui •
lea. tlint that In any prn•iosl. Munn. John Craaremb M.ll ' „ :Si Sixth street,
fire SD. The increased number of Trucks provided by Wm. WK.. Mormon, M.1i.., 107 Liber4 .net
th , . Cenel Commissioner. Bar carrying our bolt. on Lb. Dr. Dilworth will be in itttenilana• at the etre. every
State Itedreads will prevent any ;possibility of delay et d.roLt 12 ''''''''k.
Johnlnnwn, liolidayaburg or Columbia thin season oihre of the Or
C. A. IIeANI , LTY • (X), 1 , 21.davr.t ,
mon Canal Realm.
1851 iiMEA
To Shippers of blerchaziiise, Produce, dm.
T 714011• MP. PLUM , MLTIM.M I.IM 11. MM.
ATK INS f Cid. I . ...idllalanG N. C. Market. and LA
REM. A MG: Err. Ataalln• °LILO Inman. Edlabuntri. •
JOS. k Aganta., lialtstnare.
w prrpsar.s, ..i...utnn of da. Pennaylvanta
°anat. la mu trot far Fralahl a, loa rye., and Ova
..111,,E.. a.. mud. JE•anatet. anJ ea, aa an, OK.,
Agricultural Implements,
I lIAV E .lIJST reveived from the Eamt the
11 .nu turplomottak all of tbn Irt., mate tant - tuf
I , rtrotattoun anal
. 1 rook! torn. ott
Drillton o ail anal
torttlerott . . for In ' 7l.?...ltst k rtootr. tnrolOr
tfrnin Drill. ft, vitt.... rf man, sot'
corn rtlsollor. O.( •13.1 bond pont , '
n 4 tran nod Crtro tnntlt erattog Ifttrnet
Cronnt •
onl Orton nod lir... Up.: and Iltno
( . ..ttnel tt. thrre nfol furs, prom, Orbs.
„ k i t ter i t41. , :t . far , : , nr ,.. .1 , 7r , T , :1 .. tr ,. le., motorman. anti for role
ruf t i t. N. IVICK
Own., of Wood mor Ninth strrota.
AIA Itl I. Imre remove,' tu lily now 0t.,r1.,
and r•••••IT. • •Itart/ lbe ur
ur elvdnzu. 1 111
• • ..r• larg..•••••••Intwor llphaLgerr. DuLI.LauTI
da LL .Curl.-1 liaLT. NILL.A.CoiIun apt' 111, Meru
, w. ••LaiLrr No•l•iura. aod
• ClL•uus.Tru...,.... auLl 4Luiturto. iiLuau,. TT.TT
rseL, Nat, aud rvery - artarle unuallr rtmod In lb.
L tuLL.I .tursioLve Lii \Lud. Ord.TTL , TT•PITL .
L LuLiarllud and uumt unnuplly
"1 VI 31. :10111./1.. Third Mr...
" 7 0(11.--C.I, pall fur by
i f 1 'tavti v a UM.
1 11,\VF: jest twelve!" from New York, nn
hag... rir mtylr ; N DOW 0./UNICE DI
NTAIN HAMMM. P. mal• .
r AC LF. S!—We have.. complete
, .U.. 1. of (told. sit,., staff fttet•lnttn-laftlf.,•••ltlfattant
Lotftfltt sittl et•tar•r• ‘31••••• Vt. St Kim.... to
t; ' ..ll P lqoe '
rt I A N 17 - RE A NI) . 11 A Y FO! KS—A pHs'
e •.4 ::rt 'L' t
S it " &t; ff "4""'''d
"" .ad
Moto It a t t tat •.• • •ft r pot ruata.r. taw.,
11. W. IttlINIfF.).TFal, l l .ter otrt.t.
17. of fffr ll•rtt, • Co
Anthracite Coal.
TONS just revoived. 6 superior article
isPI In r jouboir, t• fatally um. 1.• ofal.
C a. WAN ULTV & (Nt
Cs••I n.
{,;:OI..etEATLIER—#.OI) Sidon Mi. \Y. for
ti mow by ce22 J. a t Ft...lf D.
I_DICKED GUM iirIBIC-150 411 4. 3. very
\ I
,j.. t....d...., far Nal. n z.._ IL E. SKI. .I
/ 7 tr im hr.'''.
" Ant VI MAIN l ' . \
R6giN--50 Ws. No. I, fob, sale by ,
cell J. 3(1100311AR OR lk OCI.
ifi fir. - I.ACIWOOD - 100 bbbtjor sale b:
I . J c)r.29 J. 213110012111AA1R A CO.
JAM. GINGER-5 bbls. for sal by
__vet rt
Powderal, Dun, far rale by_ A
cell rr
BUTTER -4 bbls. Roll; ; t
2 " ands kelp_ P . .4"Ti'd.g .
per rsaal sad Oar tub Dr J 1.....Dtt=j4 . ..
• x•
E-20 ' 6er" I li e llthtit o i r na l iPtionataii,
0 .30
AVANTED. SOON—An active parttef_t
V V ' l. "` °d "'"'" a " Vin t tese" ?EL'. :vv
SIMINI WM. OUT= 1111184 ftti 1
he by ntthn mmildloir 1,31.1n0u lad had
re b. I, to nacho:m.lmM •rork LOAI goad
ir• will b• ba • 7•••ig7l.tb e orru
041.1 A my_rollti6Eax
j n l th .
,any ofFittsbArgh,
Wei....___ ____ __
(, APITAL $300,000. R.. MILLER, .
WPeenident„ F. M. oordote. Seoul.).
illW ltreure nunlutt 111 kind. of rleeks. Vire and Mart
All i.e.,. will be lelwrally adju..l JOS FrotuPt,
A Lynne I ee , titutiote— mama
1,1 to tr..-tore trim •el
knee,. et In the rututuunit, awl ierho Kew deternduuel le
oruutheve steel Isleruht, lo Int,ilatarY thee-Wu - wrier whirl
the m ) .., xe,eullll-1, au oflereou t:te lee. , tetut , rtueo to bue .
'orb. dee-en. ue Lee mew",
011.1 t I.4Le—i:e. , toen Sillier, Jr.. .1. W. Rutter. Wm. , l`
eel, C Thee Smut, Mem . Nirokl, thwe. Mewl. the.
, W. JO, le.e.en./...... M'A wee, . item
-K.. leunde. Neathnuee . l
"' : . ;ilr: .2, 7' ll' ie ' ; 'olo,' t.Tee ' esr lV ;g . .. o"" e l,lL. Utenuf . , , , ,, C , -u e
‘“, eete.eree.e leett eleurezhe
STATE 5111T141..
_ .. ...
11.11INI.S1:171c. 1%4
n u i r
II) E , S:I ; 6 , ti t
~, to n r r , t , 14
. 111, I
r a ,„ : 5! . 7: , 41:
hrayne, palely oyd 11,141.110..
.It. 10 014 Nel+ V. tat ., 4
7 . :V.TAnykT . uar.r.
,_7 ftvfoorll 4411 r, No ISt Ptttro.urch-
Orleans Insurance Company.
CAPITAL, 8160,000.
Lau• of (he
tT IIE above prosperous and responsil,lo
t,teo.or. burn, ccultituvl with ronulninrion
Inv of non, eta., ~.pow ouuloc Ibholer 1 .1
Ap•ot t tl.w tt,st h.raistll. (Krum cousanu•nt vilth tau.
sod 11. IN
11. S. 11r011.1.1,11, wrr
utho, nolthll
u e .
CARR' KR. A.lbut
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Fhilarni.
Ilil 'LECTORS.. Charles W. Bancher,
W. inehardv, Tlnvi.Zllvrt. Mordecai P.
nor. Adolp nth Sh h,. ICani;l'at 0. ne, turn... Sutourl lwrict 11:Dross.
Jang , ,loi
BANCKEII., Prenklosn.
.nt an rl.,cr.Lary.
rh,. to Itnurnomeh perolaueut
er ,norr dereernuoo of thuVort•T
canc. + sroza .. .lltento . with .u runtfh
whwh, with thltr h (tn7itL "' : ," ... , Yrtau 'r stun:r.l.lrat t rZ: 4ll :
inford moot , protvetlonno ,
Th.. *was ot tbapagly.un JAMIL•I7 I. ISLI. a. put , .
to the Act of Avneaubly, wrrr
Mortg•g , .. .
81:11147u* 44
huhrwentho, a rerlid . Z 1, ttio,
have bowl upwardo ol Ono Nil Four Hundred Thousand
[haters 1..-e hi Fire. thenthr atiorda eviaboce td the
In.hrrate, •• ell an .1...143 and du
rs.Athb sneet with pm...0...e! all
J b.111.4b COYfr in. Alien ,
104 rot", of N .0 and
- Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'e.
=ll ' 4 * Me
hoe, pert .1 . the the . sent may abr. be found daily.
.S"' ft
;'.l_,L•;:arrl,o:,'"F. l- .L.1`=4";:g.'r.".. 1-, ;':
var y hrmation tneen and eonuntancahone prompt
ly attended tn. ramph ete esplaining the slncipin and
b,refits a hits Insnrare - e, and bl.k . forme furnished
" t " pZ a inek Ter rAd.OOO and onnetanll Incresel
Problechelded aln ' aually manor thresh:wire . d fir 11.ft g'—
Ihtlaburah. Jas.. 31.14.61.—,e34
Marine, 'Fire; and Inland Transpartation
Insurance. ,
FintHE Insurance Company of North America,
lilitiladelphisi—OlarteredlTlA. Capital 1400.000. /I.isett.
tary l 1,51. $1,001...:55 50. Will make Is:tsunam i. to
buildirlies arid their a-entente, itt this 0 1 7 is+iil Vi..itr, si.. Omuta
0.47=1 ' '''
oc+ iZatrlVtl==l:........
Arthar 0. Coffin, Pret, Itaama• P. C.ln.
barenel W. Mon. John IL Neff.
Faloard 8.11.1). gin:lard lb Wood.
John A. Brown, Pllli.n elab,
B.anel F. B.lth. •ffnmais limitlni W
Peannel Bombe. 8. Aonln AMborm.
Charlea Taylor, Wyo. E. lbroen.
Ambron White. Georme Alpinar4l..
Jae, I. Tbonma, • James Nolhelmon
8 Morris Waln, 11. U. Sberrani,Ettey.
This 1. We olden I tour.. C.1:11.33 . ill theCnited 2...
end from I. high standing, Wog caret-law, We .
..) sending all rbta.f an extra basardotta
may be ouundered aa offeVafil l e i ri gy E r . the
144 , No. 1,41 Fronaetreet_
Delaware Mutual Safetyllusaranceporap'y
CIIANCIE, Third Anon. Iffllladelphia. - ,
Ft. I,eatamc..—Buildinea , alerobaullaa. mad other
prorentr. na town and eeorntry. Ineured are.loll3. :loss , 9r
dammge by fire. at the lemon rate of . premium e ,
Mums 1113111111..—Tbe, a.lllO inane tie.el....C.iPx..,
.d Freights. fore)an or comatwiam under open or sperm
;ohne*, u Um an •d may dem..
.. lat..
by ...., lama Warehandlee
inomparted by Walmns, hall mod ea.: Cana)sod
B.a. Ina.. on en.. and latea, on the mad lion al term.
Illascro.--Jomph li. : ho i2mand A. Sender, John C.
IMeis, Hobert Burton. John R. Pertmme. .I.auel ELIW•rd%
Georape C. Lelper Meant Darlinyffne, !eau) It. Dans. VII.
Yolwell. JAtri tio•lin. Dr. it 31. Conon Jame. C.
11004. Then•blim Paulding,
8 1 . 1 ,. . r, J0n0. /Innka i , lo l . 4ea .
4. ' s . r.l . . l ll . 4, e rtf:Jo t trx:. ~.LI1111;:0'1,;5. S. Mr.* ,
John Seller, Wm. Krrr.J.
) -
U ,
T. Ptrembam—D. T, !!mean, Cush Cladlf.
Job, T. Ings.n.
W 0.0.1) llahrta, Fragademt. TOM. C. 11,... TM. P.l l.
dent. Jos..) W. Cow... 8....0.
,fhlffOrrica of tbe Company. No. Pt Water street.
Math. lor=ti./ r. A. hIADE:IIIA.
6 92
i -.: 80 INV 95 tlcie
1111 1,
~„ 85 %.„,„ 0 ,„, ‘..
\ .I
Per cent. Strength. \
11OWP.I.L FLETOIIEIt.kCO., 24 anufactn
_4 tyri ol AUX/1101$ leureftryitsTa,reolotrnaund !rare
' ' i rfrtn i ml Irjurs i t ' rre ' t r . L . l7=i, D =.
rtsrAll order. from Pittsburgh will
\ o tworely Illhd
at lowest market prima au 7-12_
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
. S NOW to be seen in operation at Ak'Al.
1 T AT.F. A 00 , 8, I.l,,Mbars. tin 10 !court), .ter. 10...
L ;o7 l 7) C it:a.r:t f, '4:ef - c7=n_V. A, 1 i."b , :ia1.,.. 1
. 1 :414
a ilnol Medal Our. b. . Ameruut Institute or New York,
d a Vertitleate Nom the Franklin Inetttote n f.Phliaalyk
obl.. for It. stipertoritl a ln 1M
Lt ..
ratlines!". from those , .1. Lt.. In Oast. / bliedrlPhia.
of which the followinArare eximateletu.. . ... 0 -
1101..atectrada...auarle M. /D..,
It itives me great pleaaure tot...commend to tbe reran of
vote, clear water, Um Patent iterrruibl. Water reterene ,
rented by /Jr, Lowil. Hs\lug .0P or the. foram' .
.1 ''''''''. t "*"" u ''Z 'a q .' "1 9 N i ll ' uli;iiiet..
. . liktll.oll 1 11 .
rstILLI4I,III, arch :Attu, OWL ..
The cam! ltswermiLle Wanp. ell , incepted by Id,
Sat:m.4 It. loots., and laved by,riie for me stontlauatiny'
EV.= re . w . ;,l7; i t t ' a_.7,? n r al •7, k r.471. tt d a. 7.or`i ut
reennwa r rwu ~ tu 00. rublle l . " tel P. VAL...AHD;
8 Weimer sm .
Thesi ton an warrant"! to to a
im any smell or
test. which may art. from - demon el anul or vegeta.
01. matter in the water. 11. Y am ktitatimo to Ire[ two
team. and with ordinary ears wilkluet tan; .71 remain
wity Luton seen to M. appreciated,: _ _._ _ _
myliktf =0 Areb ottuell,Phlladelubla. '
..---- ,
I EADl s lPll—Cornell ' s '
imptred Ratent _, r __--_
t A Lead Pip. for IlydratiM. ..:-
.. A llydrtte Nap \.
- Clarns, A.
All allea on band and to arrita, Our sale byj 1_
, 131 Front Week.
Heating and Ventilation
V fleathm_by Steam to If ottla.C%out Room. Letup.
Mout, Book OMme, Storer. Psemtire. llmpitata,and
Ingo of query dereriptiou, ouloilo and peyote. Alm, Luta.-
drau Lod oryloo Mama, lor' air V.V.' , whet. .
temperature. either Mph or low. to deotral: and In Mum
other method fa usual to it
Po ilar7for o VentilaLtoo, by rutural or !brad 61.11.44 id s
be metured.wherever &aired.
Builltuas a( th e amt., deourlattoul rdentlOte4
mod monaurally boated upon this play. trt raztern tom.;
w. alba method Imam* . phalsouno. 11=131 boot, .tsar
rouoimu tem peraturo, with rutin oto from opt.
vault, LMor. d dwripmen, met . oafety from Me. I
\ Copley's Pot, Clay. \
SplIE enimeribere ore now Solo Agents
n t„hroi' . ..,COLL'aa' l ,<T•-A 4 '!Y Pot
of Ohs. Pots,BLool Pots., Au wt ei =
e. tools=
• rid eloareool arts
E inutruoted
out lb. euo.tee goodi,
tbae. for oral notes: e
\ ere/Ansa b lare ! Cot!in
Crib IllenbOr. (ahib • .
Jesus. blue asd enen. -!( llerFß Lea
lIIRY Rat ES--270 received
4:fr i ‘ m tWxilDractionna.v , 134 Yeaut '
FOR SAW.' first sitt.s FAJSILY
a; 1 212... 'At* . \l"ran"l7X
N \
:MEE'S ,
Compound Sirup of Yellow Dock
Ot.CUPIES the nt rank among
PriewdY melkinew of WSadnnt.7 for 0 .
exiting Cenker.
oa t Rheum., tiryalpelar, end ell et
eases arising fre au ha l f l cipe state of the Wood.
Liver Oconniehit.Catarrh. Ilesdachna Dix
Conti. beremem end Tig mime a ut the mom
eau., ~ Merle., arnie...\•s•l • tfrkiirli , ..°'
abut. the tbnah sod is used with tammiereleint ,
In all ew se of 11
Penutia Treatneas and ftelldi Dettlit
igueuriereter the Weakened by frig=
rare:rag erg's. mad I.o•ljorath, te,eur
If the testimony of thousands of lined wftilltd.ok
en taro of the letensitTi mtp be relit : l7o.R is mine
ly edema°. in caring all Mawr. rel.= d
Md and broken down raneltutiona. It is _7'
•ie i a it, ordeposilson, and mu exonneteby maw
, ~..taona that the humid` teem:deal, and ,
• ',der of gash bernellient bartuonkinsly melte
\ \ Purify the:Blood. ,
1... renewed manyelsernirdlsemee nth& ...•
tlas 111 Itttlnt tei . Zatu= hes =melt
liyrukliel /faired to mak* thetaal ImprMesion'
It Leen tweet in nun, tams ol eblikill.oll
MOM, • roost obatinate Omer, have Ileep crtu
this modildne. We my that ft io avalnunlomedidue
filLlollii VOMPLAIN To It nnuoves ail Material
the el realellow renderiug the User newt salve, w
thy. It rimer,. Palpitation of the Ilea. amt or
ell noes o Ism, ant may be need in a ll MU
at all . the year.
This Py prepared oril) by C. 11101t111 /
\ ' `'‘ °°°3. ' ° ' ° 3 ' P3'°3'3o33'. '
''B. I. :Cal 'hiii. --- if,
.....4 7
3'31. b.
\ ' Only Agent for Western Pentarid
ettle, Wirehousaimmier Viewed mid Mar
, ifeedles' Celebrated
.7,0'" 1 4'2; Yan a. " ll ' t 'dl P rit:l oo ll hap eetlit:
4 F,„„ a ,„ ~,,,,,,,t, repatation, al. the rare
4101213a11a and Straniehening Master at.,
siMmisoPLhe bleb b tkernl3:loe . t i o whg: .
trAnonfal7L ro their atha , :i..r , nina. , .. ,
ten .odi \
The in lents of their mmipeal 'MT r
werreetf y Mallard. render\ them p tion, eculiarly
personfssufretiw wlth pulnionary &waft.
For .. g :: z in the breast, relnlttng Prete prat
whoop mugh, and local Ulm in the saris.
disease. I the body, their beneficial &armlet
= 33 3 1,11 3 1 ' 0u 3 ' 3 1 I;v 3 .l a sp " ll;lat i rteh b 7
g b es 37 l: e n f a wlyz , : v ;rabory Lbro Mar
' A . wekn'swe a palms t hn look and .
from nu. larr. ofth,ma r . ,
rlai,",,T. ".';Y'.', ° .r.T. b " . ..edwit
pliiitV 3 rrm. - r 3.' 3. r h e_71 3 . 3 2 1 .1r1r oT,','"Zgt,
~,,,, their ten.. si r eni m will be toad Tory
boo .et.. ei liol le el\reail. by_
metal It.. BKLLER3.
„ A . Ultp•'
t / "
LA Uhlors."b P. TENT STARL
, W / 1011. f • .l. ti t he • hes ORO glom to Lifeaa.,.
. thrie, CAI en, oh 1 I Bbl all kinds of Orb
um provellte the Ina. rota tae ring to the laneroatal,
from retrain..., it no. no stn. luthricam to clothes
aoy neer., The liolie , l have long MUM kit the neemele..
of mach an taffeta end IA title their espeetatkat will be Rh
ly realised. an no ...topoldlon h• feared after an impartial
h U.—liaralt.• tall do \ thirty damn of elotha. an Me
hmuly .thould I, without 11,
Prkw 12...nada ....Cake. \ Zarb Coke...Rh fall direct
p ae „,j e h e .......n1 I‘ , Ib. FALLKIII, al Wood
. 111.1 e are more thiage In Does en and Wei.
.Than en dremopt of in philmaq by..
rril .F. VIIITUEIS of thik remarkable 1y.111.1
L dr, and th e congeal applici.tiou for It. to the propel
.i r ... ' :; l =,7 W th!?; ' :S... l l.= ° l7. nbl°
1 ,.
The PETROLEoId le procural f e well to th em caq
ty et. n depth 01 f or huudrod feet. I a par, armful
tod article, without wir chew& thlk•lr.,.. Marl. tal
now• Ron Neter., tirent letbretorrl 1 abet rectal=
I.r.•rerbei. merino, • number of dimla. is 110 k•JP , •
manor of uncectetnt. Thorn an mao things in the ar
e... of nature, who h. If known. =dal. b• of 'the , amefille
hln athandlog Full. Ma. end rec ta p 0 ' o Ithaca ad
ealth end tn. r tom en, a sneerer lamp before tbe pro
pro nor thought of pa tting it_ith , in bottle ,it rostd d a repot. ,
..17.. " g tl the
f1' . .,,,1 .7 - ,4.1 . g',`,:g...e. it i ll- -. "0
tom.% it s can Indicate of Its future paptdartilf
widr *read applicalkm in the cure °CAL... \
be do tiot wish to. male • boo Wade of malideanne ,
171inth ..I " tfl i r '' .l Iter t " ertrt: ^i st.t u r . , :at . ilitcte I'
li bile, we do not . lam. for it a, 111111011. Ar sppLication In
Zgott . . " l/V:e * .. " eill t e .U Xr i lsen 'I A " '''
"°°4°. be
11. J. tong thee.=
VirIVVTIVANtrirIiI. ' IINSTItITTrOIi ...... a. Iret ' l cart "
ritVtATTLl ',A i. s g AMllir gll," - irii- -- 4,1.,
Bladder and Kutner,. Pain. In m ono tut or Bid, Weroatta
Ilisesers, henna*, Paler, Rheu Palm, Gout. Ibrielp
An, Tett,. Ringworm, Bury, nothl, Untrime. Old mem.
00 ar e In caw. tf .d deblol . l.. ree l td ... ooo &or ,
. Lifia ... ,ll
1";;;11 , g Vilai r' lrtellt act iu lenn i sraTIONIO sad .11..T111
ATI 1 I: In mach rase, imp:Ming tone and eantl to I . •
.1. ,
whale frame, removing obalmactions, oleadan the Ma•
fanetanns, whtell rause dues.. and a broken ceemenwriomi
sod giving Increawal and renewal macro abeam 0... re
of lifel The pomrietor know. of tore mane ..4 al OEO
that reenter] eve. y other tre•trorob tre 741 ante , the
Oleothe PLTROLRI 31 Poe • short Hole Tim aasar waa •
Oleo to Any fe.reon who dean. IL
inms treoalue without Na senators a'?.. ,
Sold by the eropnetor.
21 II MEL atrial Betio bear &TM ,
I Al., hlt R k b..LIIRS, 137 % %1 owl lia ,
r den 10.1 PRP. AVM) Kid.. ' ,
d., rower 11...1 ittroet arid %Oath Alba'. 01. .
hie wantarly apoohOsd AP" . \
s l 4r\.
Ir NOW all wen IS so are sick and ----- 'cte4 ' \
VI with dimmo of the II der and Rhine's,
mat , seine In bark ct... If punts, old sorns,ntunba
VY ' ll ' ll iN,Tttre:ik '.., - 1,1 7 .1=r..117...1. \
tear plow., but thin d oot alt en. kw wentneWhae. \
In the fn. of an bone comae on], that It her
001, h ere net coned In an other reuted7. ill=
who le no kn. with imill p end
o rinarg i
fai ,,, Lo .ante, get relief MW t
!leaden it nit. eery little =Oa trial. 'Mb Patna
from ano mixture-0o cortolothd. Wtop Ihr ea staler
of Imposing on the coninsualtt. buds retnetlyelabem.- ,
4d O r tho , wawa had of Bata., and obblas upfront Ma \
f our mother earth, In IN o parity, and of. \
fere to sufferina huramilty • reteValf . . t a MMUS Mad \
cheap cure
it lass cored filaa. altar other edieln him to
goading, •
It has onrad - 0 .-
and of the worst and waft
has earns Claltra Illorl.oo, by one 11 ...
cured old wee of tharrhas. In which a
him been of no avail. As • iocal re
scald, ILI; better than urn/wild COMPcila
that we know of. It will no. &Milano a
In • too elMlinetiona undoubted testi.p
rd of the truth oontelord In the abase Ma'
I. cm SAMUEL SI. KIER.Canal Hanel' .
either of the .wrote,
hopwr it klatwarelL norms of War
allay. II R. Csllara. 01 Wood staa•U
enTy..Wiltheer :LOT, 11. te..r.l
nl.:{.: i 8
h 3 I'
. va.x. sl
-Da. Joon Rog& the dtwommo.
om mat word. and bet:vadat t
tho inventor of the ...Mat. Inatiamon
Lun i gs . ., !Wood. • mire of Ch i . :,,,,,,, d.1 ,. .
=amt. of tt7rMerti'Vtottlirm
Jet, tine. br Iran i ens.. in th. Dm
es., and the applicaton of Manna. the
Through 1b.... of hit agating tube. i
Ids Prophylartia &yap, and mof bit
gaud an tinied eminent In mai
and 1 0 101 moan. Tubas. coven
Sworula, Itheumatbao. Asthma. a
all kinds. Chronic tgaipelaa. dee d, Do
essm pecollar to females. Ine marl
vanishes man the tos of hi. Ism s. t
ty la boar-art by tbe toe of ono imam
La lemapsUble with Pbyttotateal La
cb snu , ss4, adapted ts, ssAl, litt•tti , ""
ID rm of data. ' '
M. Rases Tout. AlbrataaPlLL., .
bla nk n le elm. to ta impalas ,
Um llrer pill, imagetuch .. they
teen! free tram canna.. so Mast bit i....
milted .by the facUla. tuCww... lemnilat • Pm...WA ..Plitt
41 to temale dn.... bu brag paned tbsa a bar. am
la ruglosient to mtablish w has bo. said, 10. milimbitig
I lib. mat amp....
The aglieted am naiad lo all nyen ' ttla • ad pa. s .
mole on (mini on. of tht.DOlftell puma a SAILS.
'' e d amount of oath r... 7, and Da all.= • ' . '
TOt .I. bl o t. Sao. log agthtn. will. bY nala.
abG •
.1: notwommaket & Co., 24 Tool st.:Pittobittla. .
J. M. Toiremosi. Dims... 15.11lartat.t.
_'" 211, i ii.
lwe A. ilmlasta. Omaha, wear tli. ro.f. OM"
tit M. .' • '
Imam& Bartley, Darlion lon, D. , . . 6 1. tit . i • \
Jetna tillisttt. tn.° Valley. \ . :
To the Reeders a the Pittatrargßielvitta.
• h(• ,• \
ArxrriLlC 'ATTtNTION is isapoStP9*:*
vs.' la ths Ibllowast truths, sot sett ba. aniamiliit . ",
1311i1.71,1711 t 1UWA " eit; V. Z°. d r.:',lti , ' \
7.1 ,, 5e. nom this great moody wss brans. W.
pol le, Inc Um Ms. 11101 eme. of dia.. Itmgreat Wm. '
•to b I. ham. Mom th . ll.l.eame gli a ltammt. r dal tbss,
- toaril ' =OrlYl r• greariani n Matemit. 9r1.: 1 1.. tbe irit i . '\- \ ~
rdt of stay, gaup for
tbe istiOtourpois of mall. Manell .i.`, \ ,
bui. atin'abla N Meth, will ennilrina td be miine who. • s
011 other ens... b.. born Ttu. Petrel.. tO \
• Ziatoral"ll..... , elatirmated in the dent. a Ms leek ,
ey.p....4mil . ....' 1 U '" l ' Wh ' i" '''''' an h ' : =' \
TA m _ s P" ut h'Nll.litlttri, o tiTc"k`m r ''''y rAT:takia. \
tsl i t h o ' deeelatemew wbo may trojotir word or put coma \
dem* in or latements. Alm sia am tary at to a ',
amy thing tat...manes mikf atm d Woo* •
. • \
hardly Da mob aply wynombt to &memo as ob.:tot gall.
ins or bisimbuggiug tom" of Montt Now. Ws do not dram •
to do atm we or. limb. only that ay. lath lo rata. to
our remedy should a t01..t, in mar tO womotiorLlM '
• ution far erteedingany lon. artiste m th. iiitsirlo .
I Ica. Plain novariinhed facto-Deb that...
in our city and seistattboad, beam omple.....mayla In• : ..
air on lh. Prtrvinum.
Wiain thi p.sst two:mamas. twO of our own • alilsoni.
wt.. ajp. (Molly Wad. bore boa manor. to.t . lisim
era/ esr blind... In the Matt of 01.1... in bra
moot st od..J. the est.( • &mamma Its Beam arty.
To tellmel.rtrt7 . .11, 1 Z..1f:114 .0.=41..
,A,,,-biphtl7l=ilrh:peral,.."''''fbaa'AlixtUr.tir :
\ INC,ltheo=o h lont.g.suralginTao taus go oo. Vrlia:,
flare. on the too. ,; .li i nt=2 , : i ltzdt . lizawago.
u ltra
rol LL ieSito;t r tltnlie. &ugh.. Aathson Ihnneratuid a
Pultatoury altoitiona a a amnia mature. use
domesionatimption. . . . .. s -
Burro ad Oman direr of the HUM. ao4 taws.
Chopped lhoult, iarastatod ittl.... Coma and Diatoms.
In 1 ,, V it hi • taus um... nary, sod Is. boon .4.4
. I :, i c.t. g a t. aims di=l:4ltimlb. tt:
the hands ott b ne prop=.l l gAttih Obstents loam;
h ltitaTet, diem Mr ma stout • the. lirilkiase, , lb&
i nt= t h : Ms= e l th a, o , " , P PL i t,rf, .
,„ th , .....swattets ' .• The. who at limit looted otilti &ma
add te...,.. willing to award-. d. prase DI
comai=ig . .. .7 *- lielont. mother yisar rolltrontul. all tail bill
m. 0.. lainkooreloda that Ms Petrokton Li Ino great.
eat medians aver daimmrsd. Tor tab. whnlevalwamil M.
tail. by" D.DYSKIt & KeDOWDLIO4O Wad M.
A1..-It. B. Sellers, &I Wood Monet: D. M. Currrqtai
gra jr v slo kiriwzglas=gltl i n C .1 \ 2 1:0, by
C h:and . }3 A am:stock &go Wood ansTril4in Fa
• \
ELLAB--2 eases foT sale b
FFEE-20 bag. for sale b
wicks l MoCkND
as • .n.aunaton
' i -'
__ ...att. . \ , .
'ES, ac.—Altirgelnott
P . Vl. l eW" ,m3" l ir-i : • \
11.V. - S:Vti. . 7
\" - .. \
\ , . _
Ar&mr•Eitsi! a r
,u!kur.. .
• Aatitmi or
itodal \
T,... , =.'.a,.‘-: •
1 . 41.7 ,
.. .
1xv,,,b4, .... •
L , ...aphor roPmdiC
, • , , .. •
la, /I- Sellmram---iml u tlrem, law a ett
lum, l mD
oos ion
'fOrq r to youbte.nol conabs,...od having gad due.... 4
.1"4.1b= Au'd=l:VrtlrtAit"'•
iwanya wee
• • I‘bayt moirmmatad tolay nelg tltlyd ril=amd do Cool
atinzftlg4llo••• tot Is i gArtll
, mtiigna
• Part)ataattool:Zpermit t h a t ebildrea toJn A":
mough..7beat thor \be *UM by a V. Or Was OS
Vraparklerld R. IL BILLINV-
osetam 67,1 M ,00 .t.. sad Dromrdam..."—.l1 - TAT AlkiWer ,
• ItarootTmi Salt of A
Ham smut LicommtLialmaeol, , , ,
=do, p= , S
" ' Ant n'a • I
" Hooper'. •
, atobaakmesk a t
, I hl =
• dolor
n eod iailea' •
Hum 01F..mpot Se 'fetter
= "6 '
EtrßWr IP."""*8
Caltrlgr at. -
1211al d4I N •
8. WIC
at W• sod*Pea.
itmostbettac Madan 1
tlysim's }lrons
Turlingtot Balsam ',
, Wm:ail:2v
Worm r;
At lb. Dsatilter• nt
not ' .s, • aultst
gIe.ROCERIVB, ita—
v rosgr 0404
Y 1 At. them
41 ' 54 .
IA •
1113 1