The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 17, 1851, Image 3

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roattanaa 117 arlirra a 00
"ivEBNFSDAY'II - 03111112{13, DEC: yr, 18512"'
lkati-Idasaaia and Whig Contrention.
•366- . At & meeting of the AntOdasortioand
:irlds City toovention. held December 19tb,111.50, tie
recointlon Imo adopted: .
ReeOltod. Thit It shall be the duty of tbe 'President of
"this Convention to order the Dort primary meetings to
:=3,g ' l l :4l 'i tt *tlotof 111.11.1:17;!
g4p,plats an delvgatea. to Duet fa lw.ayaaDm on the
, In Aeondostice witbirbleb, thi eleetJon tar delegates
'till be bolo et the ume umea in the mointkokoeod the
CesmottSou oill meet= Wedneetcy. beeember 17th. et
eekok. A. 11, In the Sap:etas Conn Room.
delete. JO lIN D. DAILEY. Piest.
Extra copies of this paper can be had' at onr
We givs,.to•day, to the exclusion of 'nearly
hierything else, the great and intensely inter
mt s peech of Koserrn, delivered at the ban
qufir given in. New York, on last Thursday. This
speech Wee carefully prepared, sad read by the
Ithistrions Htmgarbus from manuscript, and con
:hthis his deliberate and official manifesto end
'llppeel"to the Government and people of this
I : Manley In behalf_ of the object of his sublime
mistdon. As he salsas questions which every
citizen lute a deep interest in deciding, and
*ilia *my one will be . called—upon to decide,
andwhieh will 'affect our foreign policy, and by
Its ran effects, our domestic prosperty also,
probitdy for all time, no ono should pais this re
' mukable paper without giving its caretulread
-lag and a thorough considerittion. It will produce
smost.profeund sensation throughout this whole
6M:dry; and we may odd, throughout the civil
' lied world; and we hasten to lay it before our
;'readers, that they may have time ce make up
:their minds before they are called upon to eat,
• which will be soon, if they act at all, an the
time ie Coo precious to be wasted th delaya—
Moat of our principal. cities have already acted,
or are preparing to act, and thin is highly
proper,. tlsi,ottr representatives in Congras
:nay lthow and reflect the will of the people.
Let eviry, city, town, hamlet and neighborhood,
meet and send up their will to Congress. If
they do so, the noble Governor of linogsry wilt
'rot= to his country with,high hopes of I s glo
lions future.
We refer eapitalists to the property offered
.for jig. In. Rochester, in our adrertisioir col
um.. It is a beautiful residence on the bank o
the Ohio titer, accessible to the oitizens by MI,
er or Railroad.
. .
Tawkotwartear Rivea; , —Vie understand that
the Allegheny River was yesterday dosed by ice
Wiliest distance shave lierr'i Islam!. The ireath
eras We write, at eight W'elock, P. M. is intensor
I,Y Geld.
Tanzania COLD.—The thermometer stood at
.three degrees below zero, yesterday morning at
Asset* eslock; and rose, to but a few degrees
nbove dant point, during the day.
/KCAL . ..Naws.—After 01.11 . ' readers have pa
rated the soul. Mixing 'speech of Kossuth, they
.wouldfeel no inclination to listen to the ordina
ry chit chat of oor local column, and we there
fore ;omit it entirely..
Batt .07 STOCIE.—Soake 4,000 shares of for.
Mud - Monk of the C. C. & C. Railroad were
' sold taday at the office of the Company in thin
city,. by hlr. T. P. Handy, Treasurer. The
Aside itonmen'eed at $93, and closed at SHOO,
:• with good feeling at the Board.
The large of thisVoad—the ability of
'the Directore and acting President, *ld the ea
' perience of Its accomplished and able superin.
• •tenclent, all tend to- give the stockholders and
'capitalists the highest confidence in this great
thoroughfare through our State.
We hare no doubt: Hutt in a few monthe the
- • stork of:the.e. C.- C. It. R. will be par.—
. •
• Palllreporuddon of Hardware, Cutlery, de.
No, 12.9 Wood Street,
Dutra to call to. stta:Loa tilexh
Laaet 11001 .rts and altos to
• wcanaces DONSIMC
Aj,d andeb Ow: are lacer prepared to offes at nett prices u
cannot tali to please.
Ilii•dildleamettosat of kl.Alflyl3 celebrated O. 15...iL12158
*larva oa ban& , • sagOts
neriTrous 1-.-As this is the 'season of the
-71/0 lobes. worms. ore' Mort foimidatlo among etillirea.
Aber liroprietoro broLassee - Termtfolte hex 0.. to
IttPoil - D•rents, iolleitioctbelr attention to Its virttute tor
the •-•Penl•Sof ibee• •ob•yhur sad often fetal easteleobt
• obiktnta. near talent!tm is by • PhYskisa . of greet
• • perleneoto iltstis' Is, out after pi.; it fOr nelieral isire la
" his awn' psalm. sod kWh=
hes beat indwell et last tiZ It to the public o
-• bat caisla ea 4 erselleatti an.
• - 'TLlamedieino emery sootbef , sito She wii h onakteno•
its effectual care.
Pegoiemn 1
' Mort Rinieiscousta CLOS os Tcrrai,
Btxtmas Maa? Paszuvit.—W. Invite dm . sttontSon
,theiAlltottd sad the public Kew:rail,. to LttoOortltiesto
VAL - U.114e this city. Tbo ear my b. 000.
- • Detsoultito pat trl , sketak.l
to iro/atloa to ttu Slots hero
_:.wt bet.b. • • NES.
3 a t bad tom oldlottaaramal years with sommusesof bolls
sysisarkkh motional to Inman until. Saptember. 11144
.Lb. tolismonttoo at that time hating losolsod the whole
„ lioldifstlambrusi of bath ayes; sal ended Its lb. dimwits
s thick blos a ,ablab !holly dalsoyed WY sight I had
operstton parttamed,ossi the thielmatratremovelhatdeb
1 mem ssbanted sad Lagos ks as bad soot:4lU= as betas.
At this Asp of to sammdsiot 1 roads sysliestion to men
Tot of ea mart maimed essilmt moa. also lolinmed m.
3 • - est, • ia7 ens viteold never getwell.' Lttidattme I could
• : sondldlognish soy °West- - DTt b . Wilmer acme triads
. I =mewed tbs Moe of Um latrolanes, both interwar
• 'sod keel,. WO. shish my ayes bass Imormsd dolly osa•
, ' this otesatithise, and I have meentormi my sight/other
p ly. MT Femoral Lahti arm very Mash kasyrearol by tbs
X4tolowei, sad I sttatbate tba rasterslion or my sigham
raids st. - 3.102 goemad stmt. in tidal dtr.
7 . will b. boxy to glee soy isfarmitlat in rehabon to my
ads by repot A ItaDosall.l4o Wood street. C. X.
lialhts4 DI Wood arson 71.. A. fsamatoth. A Co, terror
Ars:d sod PrifirtAtedet4 D. W. Curl'''. D. A. Ellicat,Jcsapla
111 Aighis: Ng It. P Schisorts. Ailesdsor; also by the ye.
sh eathalks:T Canal Basio.9.lrettb at. Pittsbush
• lir Vs:mere! ponder *ell over the thou
Oise ovieeite.ttoo da l l t y .. boisl ihr I bee..
llfi7 aro! ; kb
; Wk. It: Phut to kid]. sloott oa bud
4001 tot th o 4 UOI t' at 74' ottlih::ton the
, but ydo wool
T g r i ' l the oUt 7 [ 20404 tb toottoroo.itoirodtoo. I Soo a&
. weir tut • • 1mr...1
o t ...woo! ofp. F.
tt of
r t:!* m ri c r=”
atZczew f i f-;;, 4 [wawa a 12 '
ta. tribr.ut...,Lu r
.13 ,;•„,,'
and touirri.7, - -
• • IL MANN. trtl i iptliet,Zos ku.. ..LatialBt.
r • -F4 =tl *Tit 6. a 11111, 11.1.111
".-Tittaborgh Lite imomaxice Company.
CAPITAL, 4 1 0 0 i. 000
q-51/cß''. so. 07711gent2 ,81ery.
, Presimat.-4 ainFg . -,S=ll!is.
Great Speculation!
T.- MO OAPITALISTS.—I now °Tor for iztle
LAN adoolDelly ander loasolDrattath +MID aDe
the Car of D hoet. rooDitut gloms la
- AonferioxDureno. with loesheustlbla ettpattee
A.k.a., eh al+e whore b c o . sle Den be keeled direct
tr the
od p ee
urp be ly tor eity:AtromoNati- I ==
Do Aber at, lAaatohto mare at Imre exhaueled. , AIDA far
Wtelati i :l W rig i =attrirrfe l :erse% ''''` i=
- ..11. of the CO of Mrtiorliaa. e. bleb r NOW the caw
wimp/Ant of throe tellfooote Aetna DDAINeei OAD.
Jr , 7 VII tO
tla o=l.l,llabpp,
..11nRX Oa city. 1 ttlepaell7 otovertf Whole
'Of Ist !Wittig:era lois. pm WA Da arlsourteat MA
ktoN Doal4 eatinfenteely redo. Aar loAnmatirto
Ym .pDtt ent4e4. cas he hat by stldresstog the
rAnnual Meeting of the-Stockholders
. a iho Ohio and P 0.0 1 , 0 ,1 1 ,411. Railroad Oriebtelo7.
the illation of Direetore for the oneoloe Frororill be
i 4 aa the Cototoriee Moadrailtaborab.on Rtioreler.
~.-;k r -I,tm ill:46t.i.M iltlitZ'"bf : rl~
1 kU obi gh.. 'Dir l6 biretra t = ora;Ta
tcra , Pont. ii•
•- - -
:French , Broadcloths.•
1101IIRPLITIc BEIROILFIBID, at the porth
rc otoOnfolturs.
Lo'Ll ,14111,n Jot mi
tof viutior xtures.
of fliffirt NO WV'S ma
salys,y , pgr. To!". a4V,OPS42.
Baran.—Mr. Jones presented the joint reso
lution of the Legislature of lowa maintaining
the obligatione of the people of every State, to
observe, faithfully, the provisions of the Con
stitution; and that the Comprotnise measures '
should be sustained: The resolution was or
dered to be printed.
Among the number of petitions presented,
was one from the publishers of newspapers,
complaining of the discrimination of the post
age law against transient newspapers.
Mr. Borland, from the Committee on Print
ing,ri reported hack the joint resolution author
ising a contract with Messrs. Donaldson &
Armstrong, for printing the returns of the sev
enth coigns, and recommended its passage.
Mr. Underwood introduced a bill for the ',re
pair of the dam at the head of Cumberland Island
in the Ohio river.
Mr. Dodge of lowa introduced a bill granting.
to the city of Burlington, lowa, lands lying be
tween that city and the Mississippi river. .
Mr. James gave notice of a joint resolution,
providing for the appointment by the President
of a board of acientific men to examine and re
port some plan to prevent the explosion of steam
boilers Mr. Bradbury introduced a bill provid
ing for the payment of claims of American MC
lens for French emanation.
Mr. Shields called up his resolution for the
appointment of a committee of three, to wait
upon Louis Kossuth and introduce him to the
Mr. Walker !looks at length in favor of the
resolution, and in condemnation of our present
policy of neutrality. He had long desired to
sek, the policy of neutrality of the American Gov
aliment overthrown. The wisdom which intro-
duced the nentria policy of Washington no long
er existed. •
After some farther discussion, the resoled:lo.
was adopted.—Tern, 30; Nays, 15.
The bill establishing a branch mint in Cali
fonds was taken up and paned.
The resolution of Mr. Foote, declaring th.
Compromise measure a definitive settlement of
the slavery question was then taken op.
Mr. Mott resumed his remarks, and spoke
at great length. lie was followed by Messrs.
Foote and lisle.
The Senate , then adjourned.
Hone.—The Speaker announced the commit
tee on rules, Mr. Jones of Tennessee being
Mr. Idarshall's bill for the payment into the
Treasury of California of certain monies col
lected on imports, was referred. to the Committee
on Ways and Means.
The States were then called for.
Petitions said bills were introduced. asking
for grants; of land for railroad purpose, which were
referred to the committee on public lmds.
Mr. MeCorkle introduced a bill providiug for
the surrey of public lands in California, and
granting donations, &c.
Mr. Stanton, of Kentucky, from the com
mittee on public buildings, introduced a resolu
tion authorizing the architect of the capitol to
continue in employment the mechanics employ.
e 4 ou the Capitol wings. The funds being ;ex
hausted. he mid these men had been suspended,
and oould get no employment at this inclement
:season; 'nod the architect had 'ramie," him that
the work, if continued, would not. be injured by
the weather. - The resolution. was referred to
• e Committee of the whole, when, it appearing
that there was no .quorum present, the House
adjourned. :- : '
The Republic and Intelligences this morning
are very severe on Kossuth. and his projecta ;
and the course of certain New York papeM,
which they assert are turning his head by ful
some adulation. . .
The Republic says that his money project is
another Lope: loan, and asserts that a hundred
marina would be required for a successful rev
olutionary conflict in Hungary.
The Intelligencer ridicules Hossuth's inter
pretation of Washington's policy; remarking
that the doitrine of . nqn-intervention and nen
trnlity was the doctrine alike of civil:anon,
Christianity, peace, and of Washington hht
thatit remained an Egyptian writing for his 1?-
tilglited country, until the gifted descendant a
Anita, the Hungarian Washington, happily gale
na the key, and the revelation.
Wastuttoros, Dec. 16.
We learn that Dr .Jackson has sounded Mr.
'Marx! abut, And Orel it ,asitis sphicou I.bat
seposaan4 podnureinicilll soon iputtrun tight.
Mr. Foots Ass atutonnced that he will leave
on-tisturday next for Mississippi.
Now Yowl. Dee. 16
,Tbe peat dinner th e Pram of this city to
Kossuth tack place last night, and wee • most
brilliant affair. William C. Bryant wan Presi
The hall was crowded. and Kossuth delivered
a happy end eloquent speech, which will make
!Mont ea col as in the Herald- This speech
will be receired with more interest than in; of
hie Previous speeches.
At an early hour this morning Crosby's turn
ing mill, bedstead factory and macbine shop
were destroyed by fire. Stall's thumell mill, and
Three dwe ll ings were also destroyed. L
Bomar, Dee. 16.
- ldr. Sanderson, Postmaster at Areseltandelph,
vermout, has been detected in committing dep
redations upon the mails, aad has been arrested.
J. Kn . a 00.. '
8a OD w.ei
We learn that d moot discs Mons conflagration
'occurred yesterday in Raleigh, N. C.. by which
SG buildings went consumed.
New Yoga, Dee-16.
; Craton—The market la firm.
Flour—Sales of 2000 bbls at $4 4304 G 2 for
good state and martens.
Orate—Wheat is In moderate decrusnd. Sales
6500 bushels mixed martens corn at 630 yl bu.
Provisions—Are firm, with sales VDO bbls lard
st 8 i @Ai Id lb-
Remp--ealea 300 tone American dem rotted
hemp at $1205,1 ton.
'Linseed Oil—Saes 1000 gallons at 650660
Tobecoo—Rales 100 hbds Kentucky at 3i®
Stake—The mszket is steuly
rIOBACCO.-50 kegs 6 twist, for sale by
JL . d./5 J. a. pthwourn a
F ISH -100 bills. Large No. 3 Mackerel;
20 ht" "
10 bbLe. " Flo. 1 .
10 qrs. . "
• . • 2 east. Ceetfah; kg e w eeed . ter rale by
O IL -5 canka Winter Strained Elephant;
lor yak by 14a, , 1 0. BLIICIEBOILN • CO.,
.e edn
ee o lA f U r
na o l ol e'b
4.15 Marrs A Tams Dalm.
NEW PILONES—Put up ifi Jars and far
: a . Dose, et 11b. enetiZ t er k il z um i no 4 W.
. •
VELEM FIGS-LHeed.. and for sale b
_41_15 WII.A. MeULITRO • CU.
`TRAINED lIONEY—For sale by
dAlf. WA!. A. 111.01.UTOA CO.
-100 We. No. 1,
iilt r e k r.
jr:IRT71118" Pri t e f' d iggfia l eß u 1, .s rood
lOLOUR-50bbls. extra family,for sale
S. W. I !numb
- -
rrANNERS' OIL-20 bbbi. for sale b
delo N. A W. fIARISAIM
Removal-Wood Engraving.
%TEM subscriber respectfully inforiits, his
Wanes Mends and the public generally'. that he
hes removed halts. Southwest comer of Wald street end
(feensthefel. teatimes lu the Diszoond.) ebe.e 4• 3 4 , PT ,
wed to execute ea cunt. of D.10 10 2' .1.1 woo rter
wtrtgontb sit Views of Building& Nem hats and I a
mgr. Cosieting Seals of every description._ Ornamental
.ratltrell.rms eathagtitgetsteltra C.C.S Steeps. Rltiow
111 ASTOR bblB. fur sale by
del3 J. MOD At CO.
GUYSOTT'S Yellow Dock and Sareapari
1-1 gross It ode by J. KIDD t6l_
tiOURT PL A STEIL-20 gross for sale by
dol2 J. KIDD CO.
A•RTISTB COLORS--A fall assortment
ill. Tub.. for Isle by J. KII)D • CO.
PARISH SAFFRON-10 Ib n.lbr Rale by
I. KIDD lk CU.
- -
APPLES -6 bble. Green, ese'd, for sale by
41e13 It. DAILZMLL* W.. Mott et
5r11:4 . : Cll.ll s for e '
11.13. RDALZELL k 00, LlbertY et
.ARI/-4 _bblo. No. 1, for sale by
—NV -
TAROII - 20 bas.Bewbright's ex., for Bale
'PUSH BUTTER-4 bble. RoU, for sob
3: by. out . WIC (t meaurDusii.
11.13TTER.1" I pkga reed and for alga by
I.IIBAHLS-:44 casks reel - and for sale by
I Affil--!5 cote ppure; foz sale D))
4.19 WLOgtIIeOANDI 8-
41EltiLTU9-32 teaks by
MACKEIIEIrI6O kits No. 2, for nab by
CHEESE --70 boxes extra Cream Cheese;
alo do K. IL do
130 do ipoeelobrate4 Durham
--for solo Er - 1 W C& i McCall ELMO.
LOVER' SEED-75 bu. for 88)e by
1.1 del3 MIIEPIIY l - LEE.
G L A S S 5 0 boxes S:10; -
- 042;
60 for pole low tallow cco
y6o 1
elOenolll. b 01 1 14; - 1 fd.131 MURPUE & LEE
GLASSES-SO bbls. and 5 hf. bbls. Su
..- for "b"" '
"L'''. ".
bp .l. B. cABBIELD. _
deli J. 13. CANFIELD.
bbls. for sale by
1)1EIltL ASII-50 I,bls..for sale by
i dela J. B. CAN FIELD.
42 ALERATUS-40 boo. and 50 bble. pure,
1.. j for sale by J. B. CANFIELD.
U UTTER-10 boa. Fresh Roll, for sale by
14 .1 RENCii CURRANTS-5 asks. for saleVY
AT d. L. READ'S, Apollo Buildings, No.
T y S Yoorth bb NA. or theby Mnlvllle.
hunt. E. 11,103. or the gruintlfle Exploration of Coo ,
mo Thlogo; for Fotollion or tkhoMs.
frf.oro of Thiugx Yoorlhor. by Dr. Brewer. for Foolillvs
or School.
epirittial Regeneration with reference to resent throg
OChge dellrened to the Ciontr of th o Moo." of
ctober 11. lasl.
t of the Farmer In all their variety, and adapt.
log them to the ttesanne at the year as they aoecesalvelY
oreor. fly Henry Smythe. F. it. A. G. author of the
"Dona M. the Farm," ge... seilettel .11eho P. Norton,. ft.
A, troy. of Felentifte Antlenltum in Yale College, Nen
7luE KORAN, by Sale; Burton's Anato-
Tof M.l.ocholy; Ilontalgra4 IVortc for nalc br
dell J. 4 ILEA% Fourth AL
sale by (4.12 J ♦ CULBERTSON • co
61, AFET Y FUSE-20 bhls. for sale by
10 del J. d. DILWORTH l CO.
pownEß-- 3000 kegs Blanting;
/1•11 tine•• toy Mk. by
irIeFFEE- , -150 bap Riofor safe by
II l aril J. N. DILWORTH t CO.
Ml,' ACK EREL 7 -100 bble. Large No. 3, fur
Ask by 8: • W. lIARBAUOII.
4,..ekLEILA'II.IS-10 tons PulT'd, in casks
1,7 and bovep. for ..ale 11, R. DA LZELL ('O. '
Libert, .t.r•et.
111\ casks in „ c i..z. S .. t . fli a nv , l : for
Steam Saw Mill for Rent. ,
THE STEAM SAW MILL, at the mouth of
PaoJ (. .1 6, k• ,1/114 inilm store Ibe
A *abet"' Ti..,, noutb flag, in allimnlibr rim, Thu MOI
' ;al ‘ Tet. r A ' inrn. ' gr ° ,7nt :..t:l l , ' l ' mnrin ‘ A f t STelig ' ..
ration In m "Ad lumber Ilmin • Tem owl rub. A
Isnai fuelling Honing in aitirbnni E. the imuoinea tor
further pArti , ets..•lMlr iA We Prnmini , '
KiikinoliutAL P It.. Ile, 12.1SAI.—idellbil0
. prat. the nr.mrart Allnatnany Cite. wish In
Inf..rtit the emu,. ni I•itiallotab that Or,'l
Dram liotala, an., a wt.,/ nba.le and roan- Sli ts
t Velvet.
dyad anti lialatant equaib. tr. Itultmere.ennlnn. Cram
L. Lain,NJ,arrll, and rtan variety , of
anal Ns enlnr...atnetal tr. their tnrmat Intillatt..y. and ran
lat. 4 ilnutiaanaa, W..arlyt Arl'anrl reran
anl 4.1 antical tanna tat... to and It at. anted
nut In tub off or «41 tint linen. tllturk UI .1 • Ithoul s.l
- •Itylol.ur any ether *ohmage. liable to injure the
!eine. N'e rhall ask, it oar muly.. hire the utm„-t
antioLtsetion In thrum. who may
without f
nnt merging their wune, •pu wal further
char We Dollar *unwire* that—baling lhr lnrrt iv.
'an , retarnte in titte 504 Th.. .14 manly . , —our work will be
LOW L. Dec. 16.
Pirmeencracia. Dec. IG
age for pale by
ew Hooka!
. .
role., •Iti, nuou.n.uot Illattratiuns.
Fourth rtreet. Awl!. Butl.lmAß.
lIIEESII-100 boxes W. IL, for mile by
WS Liberty
11N. REC. WHISKEY-44 WAR. for a ale by
[WEAL° ROBES—A Sno selection for
New Dyeing Eatablishment
SABELLA ROW, near Federal street, a{-
that "I way olltor Dy•r`o to e tatab.
Merottant.' tlooda tlytol ..t .l is thoir a.. caw.), All
Goodr vtarrattt,tl tittero. o rwll...xt.actiuo our watt. sad
jutltio tor ,nurttolrow
It wotbo• tutor.. bog trwol4•ltoat h. b.a riribd
le at. ar..nt rat., tbst ht. locattoo trt now la Allttilo
ay C.Y. doio./
Book-Keeper Wanted.
«HOLESA 111/IMF:, on Wood street.
•o:d. 0.. lot ett J•utterr. otrtwrootor4
-tit-oper. To rum well plmltrio4tt th in . rttustion.•
I.boral Mil, till tw atlowott. Atlttrwos. •itt twat
*D.A.,. thusott,o. All coca mantra/too; will be held
unilltdrutattl. de ttf
1 --
--- ; ------ . - :t . C
t rE ,6 1, 4 .
The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice.
(1000 FLESH AND BLOOD are the pro
• duet,. of efed and plenty of•
it, well die.stad
and yell morseled int" tbs elements of • otrition. Witb.
out • bealtby steunech, and went pater ut dupest .. if is
pill t good flesh and binge! cannel be prodeuvd. eve.
nu binless of feesbos. N•peetk, never can...over ue
long as Intivettun amtinues. ti). gr.nt want of Inve
nts meat happily supplied be Pr. Houcbrotes celebn.
red PAPlllti, or trtte Ingestive Plod. seals fivestlustotaa
ll of lb. Os, lb* real dorestly• . m anual ur n
b Datum for this Yery purpose , . 'fbls aoraellung
and as valuable and n o ble as It la rational. It .1
I.lolog wonders for the -Lean Mae" nab bad stemmata
airing. resifts, tbe dlaYeettots of au ot to the poor *yet
dyspeptic! sad mating west neeh. loot and fst for ths
lank-ailed and larderotaveel sons uf earl)!
General wholesale and retail Agents W o of
Also—Yer sale by R. E. tiELLISILA, 67 erne.
Chr't Clothing Emporium,
I ELlliialtfl for Natnet; of Fit, Fine
ti mem of Quality, sal Durability of Woritmsisobly
Our Mort Is full and eatoplrte, embradaft all Wild.. of
hen's and Mimi' Clotting mat Farolthlnai Goods. all man
afarttired aridity my tiara inimoodon. Porehmers aro Mr
vtlail to call and no two an determined to orll
min. No charm, for Mowing anal.t.
Ulf FICIIV 11)
No. 71 S.III7III , IELD AT.. ant, Dualontut
N. D.—boys of all sate am) mars CIW oat on Um abort ,
rat notk,.
Beatanont's Patent Starch Polish.
IDATENTED, July 26th, 1/450.—F0r giving
' L • bonntital Gloms to Liam, Moollna Conolinrs. Cu
lora Ran Dooms. Ar.. and also prevents U. hat Item
earring to Linea e 4 andpoor... do o from ettettnn to
Lino., R e ., and eiontanbe nothing IsHorlont
Dirertiono—Put • plant the nn or a pro to a peat of
oteren when 14110nin Iran briskly.
pane, til)/ coots per thdre. Brad mbolositle sal retail hr'
IL IL FIRLLXRP. 67 Wend or,
442 Hole Anont. for Alloobeny County.
'PLAID SILKS—We hare on hand 30 pea.
t CLAW KILN brilliant color,
042 A. A. IIARON A co. Mark. et.
OIL -2 casks Winter Whale, for sale -
bblo. or drariglit, by - 4 KIDD i CO.
.102 ISO Waal st
MOLASSFS-30 bbl.. Now Crop;
t ' Golden emu,:
To arrive and for sole by
doll - J.P. DILWORTH t CO.--I
I EAD-100 pigs for sale by { ,
. `4 doll J.& DILWORTH A CO.
Ca ALT METRE-89 bans Crude, landing
b.. 7 nod lay ob. by OICKST A CO..
Rater .4 root so.
FEATIIERS - 75 bags for sale by '
deb I. DICKEY tCO.. Rates old Irons it..
lIIEESE-300 boles Engligi Dairy;
I)d;,* 10a-
10.01111 UIf,6RY t CJ.
OAF SUGAR — 50 bole. an ' d, for gal :
fIRUSIIED SUGAR-30 bblo. Lovoring'A,
) in sale by DURBRINIE
lEATLIER-200 Sides N. Y.. for sale by
4 den 1.1111111R11X16.
; enean Mustang Liniment
FRO. rum AND POOR, bond and free,
11. - all grades. rotors and eonditinea, dm same mend of
4ZZ1T1",,:1tt:4.`g7., rja r l? ' P lub " Tru . : l ; .
nniveresd opinion Is Mimed by .11 woo melt, mei that is,
MAI eh rerutely ...ter Mfg. detriment re ,
frit heeling and
pties. rt=tr ' sl;tagte
in;reriming piles* or tar kind. no antler by what mimed
or boo dein...Wiwi of Mints...tits,
bruise, bum/ soMalds. Mee, ranee,. rbenroMism, On,
mited berme or lop imlos. onnenne, orienetni. or weakeeng
ot Ante , rattrelen or examents. TIM Liniment Is seinsill
applied:do sod oennilY edminal In giving Immediate me
“.. lkorWe l li t y ' KEYSER MeDOWELL. 140 Wood Menet.
CI HAIR, CUSHIONS-2 don. India Rubber
111. f and Slrtramb Air (Nubbins, of dlffsmot diaper. WM
rood and tor sole .1 No. IV& Sierketstrast
J. a 11. PHILLIPS.
L LIOAR-4 9 hhds. N. 0., reed on consign
m.nt and
for “Al. In ALOE. 61.111.D0N.
.1,3 134 Yrunt at.
4.;R—,20 bhde. prime N. 0., for sale by
kJ der.' J. C.DlkWiliti II lin
1110 COFFEE--150
P FOrEldfil/CO.
Lit 44
OLL BUTTER-5 bbls. Fresh. for sale
1 be • J. go PI lIVOItT 00
AAMF,Sr . t. MeIiNIOHT, No..6iPourth
A rA u ft . reil from g ontkin lot uf lIIIOCIIA LONG
Ulu, Wren, Otani,lte and Black Centrar•
at deeldall bargain..
Abu r eed—G.oo.l.r Prraking (10•166, %bate At.
Dunn arul F•her 4,445, In g reat variety,
VLOURL-50 We. Extra, for male by
dad N. V. Vlri 111004101[NT A CO.
GSS=tOOO i)0166 toed, c. b., for sale by
ad P. V. 000 UONNIIOII.I4T A CO.
for mil. by N. F. TON AO:UNI . /RUT ACT.
UST REVD-50 ycbi. thin Shoot Rubber,
fur Bandaging. War rain at Nu. 116 blarlirt 61.
u OItAX-1500 thy, for sale by
JUP note J. KIDf k CO. 00 Wnod id._
fit.LOUlt—,9o bble. S. F..
11 do It y r,:tokrl tN e
, bl Arr . CO.
. boll
lisle be. roerlYkl, bed or. ray bele by J. 4 RF.IAIb
7 .rtb vb. Apollo Dolldl , k.:
listantek Prkdlee of Ilkliya no ;
Dapallusok's do. do.
(koper . o Bufkleatl
•71corrs Idkdkal do.
.Pylke'y Inylltutek of 1.1ollelko:
itagendide theelcoo—
Carpenter's 'do.
YIP Wart on Mews of Children:
Churchill on Ia dds and Children:
Churchill on DOeel. regnulee ;
Wide Trend.* on Clocked.:
Kirige . msfull . gtet'S Phretoloo7;
• I losocenalhio Ilosneed.Vhyelcian.owntedolni tho treat
ferment dimeacee, mode.. ecolonstlze A=antur.
"7' l=4:4 ' ltrol.n.".lllri. ;al% M.
NOTICES' ',76r.e.
to The name of A2iDIEW MCMASTIS
aubmittod for nontiation at Wm Whig lbarant t° (
the City of Pittet.orgh. for the ogle* of Alarm. atilt
terj.EONARD S. JOIINS 'iS candi date
Mayor the next City pleat®. al:km, to the deekskilkf
the •OWSlasonie and Whig 030iP1001:1. neleke
DEr•Pleane announce tkroul
gh your paper
• -
IterMAYORALTY.—Mr. Editor: Please as
ounce that the friend, a B. O. SAWYER will preaS
claims for Irbminaltula for Nlsyor, subject to the dechdon of
tN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Petir
It d. themare. whlrli be held m. the nab Candle
ine, and which V. muditated ender the .tile oir
.-Peter heard 2 Co.. will be for eale. Fur term, ac., 03-1
rtuin of Wtd. GORIIAN,
driktJ 1 of the fir= of Wiloon Gorman. 4tb
Monongahela Navigation Company.,
A N ANNUAL MEETING of theStockhol&
./1_ ore ol the Monongahela Navigation Company. will
be held in pursuance of the pro,isione of the Charter of
Incorporation. at their °Moo On Urea etreot, in the CUT
of Pittsburgh.on Ilmaior the fifth day of JanUary.
D. lak2. (being the ant Aiooday in the month.) for Um
election of officers for the mooing year.
defetd wet . BAK ISWELL. flael•
P 117101111.0., ls.
FORE DIRECTORS of the Coiling Mining
Company of Michigan. hare this day made MI NMs
ment of filly cants on each share of the capital Mork of
Lkgant; one hall Payable on or bothre the 2)th No
mother. tat leo fibre hsif on or bell. the :Mb De:ember
net, at their ogles. in tble city.
oct: K NNN ktlY ?Anil MN h. Tres,
House of ROfuge.
pia cohocribore for the erection of an ,
noun. of Refuge for Western l'enneylranl. .l's
hereby untitled that eo asserment of tent y ksr Cent. on
the &mswot vol.-M before, Is required to be read to
the Treasurer. on o the 16th dsy of hotentbet
fleet Ity order of the Daardof Ihreeiors.
te.lhrf JONIIILA 11A NN A. Tr..
eabETVERS Testamentary to the estate of
Jamoe C 0... lea el Indiana tolonehip.Cnonty of Al
ony,doed have hoe, granted to the out ...tillers, all,i47,wr,to:„•;g..,7,•.'w will --
st lIKI.DUItN,
1511. ADDISON,
1.1 MUM U11,01:40,
A Card—Life Insurance.
1.. Lnuwind the very prompt 4,011111161 maer in
wltlrtt the dameof a molter reneutly ellertett hy
amounting to about (iaMal.) Ore Unmeant:l dollar; !me
been nahl•
The litaralpriortplea upon winch the altars of the
tlittetairch UM I uturenee Compaur are MtlihiCind. fn.
tlt le. It to the moreteratiou mol patronage of the nubile.
The pnnriple of pruthmlial iteuerolebee to the Unl{llll
ananment of roar ornaultatutta it 11.1 LOUr modeller
halernrJ hantheaeta, homeoltr and Cithetianttr
At7Vl l l.673 r l. A ketor
MC; dew or First Bennet Church. Pttlehurgb. P.
Notice—Lost Certificate
pi°TICE: hereby Firmflint application
h. N... merle to the Errhat, Paul for them....
l'ortifwile No I:l.% for fourteen etgares su said
Vg. "" n=n 7 er d""""' Ll Pre no Ih+lUth April,
Notice to Brick Makers and Quarry Men.
- Ft/SA LS ILL 114: ItEC El V E:I) until
' pl a n e:2llb of Itenzuhre nee'. for the delivery If ten
awl a half mlPb.m of twirl' durtu• the evening .P.lntr•ogsf
rummer. go .Moot equal onaullti.., at the lota of
the Pen ne, ir.n.a 1,1i100.1 4"..tutseny. and at Water street.
largegvn Lola:, and Perm.
the nentonsie •Itt. 'tate the Pr, of delivoy at eselt
pa to the 01. of the hr.. 1.. three .1 the larger d.
tuetuawo. being prefer',
A fent'.v of the brk• m by deliver, at Urstst *tree. ttg
be hard preeerd. Inf •hgels the prier and dinnruelone
eopteals gent aleo reoriv.4 for the whole of lb.
br'elt. made from el, ohlagned frout the reenp•rit'ernmund
at the rot, har, • here fogo eau la obtained hY radr^ad.
upo le,. ter..
Proye,J• win neetred at the fame , time. for the dr
liner) of aloofo dear ',eh.. etnne tor foundation. ot
the above nr at soy retnrent-nt point for loading
On the ehle of the nutmeat. iatgrern Valet...ugh ato.l
prniarmal. mill be dlrwre• I to IC4lrsnl 111111er.E.i.
T 1 6;311 1 44; 1 :
• - • •
Take Notice.
LL PERSONS knowing themAelveit
in a la lat, firm of C 2 KENN EDT
• girsoe rail on the suhaentws, •1 g.wirth st ,
and *stair tgo-tr rtancha I..ty 'h. whin , In Wit
et, ag than who 1.11 In iwint4g with this none-,
np.; 1,2.1 insana to I. re.rtsd to against thvm.
311110 It LAMM.
101 l V2t'~lt•.a Awaiertauwf On:emboli 2 firannig.
"Elk Horn" Saw Mill for Bale.
TIl eAtabliehment, lately finished' and
in. In mante ranalna crtder , eitnated en tins
rio l, nate. Store l'araburr.h Being in the,at ean.artre mai work, it eerain ands ready
rotor mirk. for Ininher irmi hnihllog. Ar... and
4,10 Ibal I. not sold en the mask... the tilaranater of
lend. eI ar.eautana ...outlet to cwt.. 41.1101 mallet, On
and amen t. valley et the M e.enc•Lela. rurar+hr d
man niaehinerr sad astute+ of the twat and .0A roar,
nivat binds, tn. till .2 unririkd mrtrn.....r
of firel, and eatiefrotarr prrfarers..ra of It. morn, T.
ertabliehraent, Including Kr al Carl. linen-nu
Hoare. Stable, .e.. In end on tontrmr
nit uraLasers Anaairy of
J. MORKIWIN. Attorney at La,
der.? um..—snarls, it. near Wend.
C+39o lieyrk for thtUadi4l,
144.. an lananut, sisue and Kftratual Reused,
cm*. blunt WIWI, aupprgvaion. bervaua 1.14111,,
Ornwral LIM, Pg." in lbw 11w.4 atal
1..4 of yyAlle. 'Frrtui.rp. ralptst.u. Ibuarsorsl Frau,
Irraalolity.budaq.l. oF nat.
Irba....f an 4 all ly o:3mplalub.. Yr,
aul by ALI. TIIIC *. - Full va•tolare
ran. boa. ..I.bAtluja•lcb
Thin/ street, oppretta Post Moo—
twof Papers for the People. V oL 11.
Kmentli and the Ilaossolan Wor—a ooroPleh , hiff.r?
Taffeta Trolormer. or eoachoolon of lb. ...Ilysterire
the Court of London..
linfooth's Cpeeehes fa Itogland. Ida Addy... to the Pan.
pfe of the leatted_ ttates, and Wolator's Leder to nat.
pamt,blat farm.
lm. and 4.tbimar.ll, Rnanane• by 4). P. C. J....
lortleoltarbd en.l Cuitintar. foe Donembsr.
Mw' Nctiousl .1144)sainv. We January.
..- • -
Tito Old lluUd of by Oran,
Pletatnal Brotarr Joaalaso. for Cbrineau
A 1;os oupply o< ANNUALS. Rom II to SI
UAryrr hr. norlbir Mogrrho. Or 'Dorado,.
lotornationa/ Ilogosino. d.r Ikrototor.
iltookrood'o Magyar... Soo hooreber.
(nor. Si Komp.., d llurreUrrely.
Sldrol ArolOort.. h o . S.
I to . bcrolt. or it Rh , .
llormati Ywl
. .
Dkitenary of Absteporoas Quotations
Leaden L•1...r mod Ln.los bln n. lb.
3 .
uuoei. Mai
to Intwd AT
Lon4els AU-lost - ow for tiorusb..r.
Th e sad •drostritos a so At C. 04•11 Dorear.
e Ozonise, • ass 50...1 by Melo. ,
11. Lily and Lb. by Samuel Woman.
Men Malan. tas equint LAbliCbo Ihrok.
TA. Tattles of the 14.111 e, by Dumas.
Mentor...a kinsman. by Dumas.
Ivry Blush.. • tslo Amer.. Reictletion.
Lewis Aron.ll-1 or Me lialltori a Lit,
Yrask Pftlyltasb. or Yana Ilk alk LifIl01• I:7lvat• rusa
)1•014.• Itosqusserte, are•sti W•coost.••
141 f 1. or • Meaty of Me liaison !Taut. pu't
Mabel. or lb. UMW of the Battle 110.14. • Tals4 .1 W•t•t•
ton 3
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
THE OlneT? and New York
Tanii.10047471% ° 7:, 00 1 0 tat .0 .1 I 'KA
boo'. lower. N • Renee, Oats of the Cu.
nerd steamers.) ot.theoder. In apirded thou men haw
Yea direct In, 1ap..11. gatne.y. We 7th of gebr..4
.xt. et 17 ci , kalt. noon.
First Cobbu (sunreoth tee
No rem. pessengeo tat.,.
Thew nde• Include moist., hot 1101 irldba or N...
whieb oupplied on towni, et gualereta prize. (Ur.
rico • 01111{,011.
0rP" ,..31711711t .73 11,”.0, OR tn..
11RW YK.
The NOW 00110, 214 tow, sod 1611 barr rower. is
ennead to the tilargow,) will Le on the sled. early twat
earths, dallidtavoltri
;WA TAMES BLAKELY. Eur , opean.4k
ar4/.l4l7:ll . .elnrintrlVc , PLVlTAW -
etanser Llns of gtocansbisca. both.. New York and Li,
. " 1.7i10w ISM lino. sailing Wont New_ York .4 Liver.
pool on Maar. and 114 of cress .inth
New lane Irovea hew York ' . the Nab. end Liverpool
on the lith of every month.
lied Star line, lose. New York on the 1 1 lb. and Li.,
pool on the Nall of nab mood..
I othe esile twice • mouth from Liverpool .d New "
Tim Loud. I,loe of Parbets aslls from Na York on the
let, SUL ittb. col =bend trona Loudon en Use 6th.
thrh.of every month.
711. 14i:elyde Liao of fllaegow Packet@ well frt. New York
and tiledrouno the Ist and 1610 of mooch.
A Weekty Line of I%alet• from Livery.% bto New Or
Woe lir ended... from Nos Toth, by Riutto •
boat, or by Canal .4 Rellool, to Pittsburgh
Peowengen will melee vvvvv attention... 4 adv.. Or
en cheerfully at the ogle. of W. Tapioca 11 Cu.. Ede.
r"y._ ablin. and et. thorns . 1 N.
.1. T O . Tepee.. • Lk, S/1 booth street, New York. or 111
the rag, Cl the advertiser. corner of Rath sod Wort,'
etre., INttaborgh.
rename rerbilog la the United Stalon or with
slob to oind itir their (derail. In any pert of ithal.d.
brotland, or Melee, nth melte W. neeeeserf
.gernenta on to the robeeriber , arid bare
th.lo 101.0001 out h 1 .0 of ths alone levorite Its..
peek., (which nen. trunt 1140 to 11,100
ur by not eiw Merchent ships 0 favorable len.. ho
4 of Liverpool, London, or
or railing ud
ailing pr• ee l6r VunlLilitl of delay. None ran
samba arrow from Liverpool U.N.. Odes.. Balboa..
Philadelphia. 11.40 n. Chariest... 4 Nevettesh. Dowel
Mclfenry's Philadelphia a Liverpool Line
of Packets.
sit)Sailing from Philadelphia on the A l i
ifith, mud Liverpool on the. 14 of ettehrunnth.Miga
m MARY PLKAPANTS. R. IL Waco., Matter.
1111 N ANNUM. . .
P. tlanither, 1•44.
RII E II.OPg. Nathan Wto iel C Ilan* Meste ll r.
° 01111.1 71, Alfred V. Smith al.ter.
.11ACK A el AXIOM, (new,) %0. W. Wert. Meath,
The shone ohips ere Neill of the beat and tout dully
wetemo....l are noted for thetteelawr el wew
Lind law 111.1 Op with .11 14.1 improve..., =T1;1
thOlMUchly renlll4B4, and an 011.11lpanat, for Quit .-
commalatinn. far .0.0,14 fh b', and 40100$ alogieNßl
they •re .nutentled by men of seknowled.d Want, who
nnequall.4 for their experience In the iseellet 4rviPo
Persons 4040 , 00 of bringing their hiende from the old
Couptry o. obtain nertltleAl. of pout., which will be
good far els. months, and Inn agrata in Ireland sbol LI,
erpool thruldi them with the proper Inerreintioti and
Inetrustloos relative S. their departure.
Pm the .nvenieroe of peastroger• wloblog to send mao
cP , we supply drain tar Ki Oar rlips( end upward., payehle
sight •Ithetit iLtanint, wi dth will coated by sw et
the Hants et Poet 0.M., in the Uol.d Kinge...
arProvhdune 4.110 psewurgere entolag from Liver
E. work the 1,11.1.74 nippily! will be torsi/heel
e.b petownger of 12 y.d. dr ewe and 00AV
0 lbs. dee.... tea. 6 Itict wetyp .. ,• 4 4 . : lb./i.e. 1 lb. flour
l ,
01 lb. molaswee. and I lb. pork. /oder IS years of • *is,.
lavivlrtona, 11b. pork, tulle,. sneer"( wetar and V.
reer, and hal! ail... of tee, 0n0,.V.VZ. 01 .....
li Mob
No. 27 Walnut Arad, below gth
geeorid,l l ,
jelttif corner Birth .d Ward stew llttse
mo f its Arm of Marl) will continuo to loam
sMtit ilndt• ow Um) Dritolo•kd Iralmor: .100. ow Am".
mid Demur, um. wick Wmolwarid Blakoir A DA.
(liworriewtro Ware Itoomit) corner of Liberty mid diallf
meat; Pittrborial.
Prormigemlourul from Use old Yorkn
most fatorwble toraig Moot from Now to mg t. kittn
and awr part of the Won orl.
SUGA.B-1.0 hhds. prime N. 0., far ask by
AIMS A. 1111 . 070303 N A 03,
TIIIS well known establishinant is still oon
i. Muted to the same =man. It Ims always been. The
onntral and pleasant situation of the house, Its ecsamodi
ons arranemnt, and the smokes and inzolise to be
found theta combine to render It agreeable and advents.
genus to the traveler.
Baring been one Of the firm of John L. TOOkrf a CO,
m long at the head ot the establialiturnL the subscriber
pleptgee hie beet exertions to maintain to retellethu , und
to glee eatisfsetton to hip customers.
erplrh(opl)Uira LL PARITaIL
Moore Renney & Co.,
IBIPORTFLRS and Wholesale Jobbers in
'LAMM A E AND CUTLNEY, No. 129 Market mi.reet,
Roo lar
t g• d mins lou. glocky_
their store and factory In PhDs/D.11 , M. to the new
and swain+. OMAN lilt BUILDING. lOS North Front FL,
where they rontlnue to offer a DIRF.MIDD OP GNI:
TUOUSAND DOLLARS, kluany auporlor Fhoe Blacklok.
It la anha by all reapectable .Uerchaote and Mature In the
United Stale ,
£lao.ll•Pate tine black WILITING INK. at thr lowan
rinro. 41.12-4/...16.n0•
lIIESE superior articles of Perfumery,
amongst whist. a. enumerated Ha lewdly celabratad
Whin.. Orirumi A1a..., Pearl, hots.. T.. and
Toilet Pondars, Velvet, Chalk. and older ZDPrOVed
Moan—Walnuts.. Kat. Pine band Ur.. and Whit.
Windsor, tloatiam. Palm. Aim... F. and Toilet
Soaps, Shaving Cream. iinie Dye, Col.. Waters, us
inlets fur lb. bandkarehlefa, Warr., Bear'. ti re,
tal arlicie,) Lustrat Llair Kerturatlre,
...was, rem..., as, a, ..s zt r i l .
( 1 1 1 .7, 1 0 .4 , for
Perfumer and tnremiat.
63 Market Arr., below Td. Ptdladelpials.
Weldamehants don't ft.. than Mega'.
and Moat ail... manufactory in tlis ritt• Ulna KM •
Skiver it McLean,
'Parr, Produce and Commis/ion Merchants,
No. 31 Bono Wm. mart.
lVJ don, roil,. mow ve pnaapt with
tior beet endeavorwto Kiva satlefartioo A d WU.. made oo
receipt et Hilt, of Ladioll when
. ROOT to—Mean.. I.laaaptno • Millet. Pittaharghi
Mr. Vfllncla IL Bailer,
ble. Alex. Lat.:blip,
Mr. Nasal. P. thrive,.
FACTURRIL No. 11 Booth Sword Street, (oboes
oelouL raid eida.) Philadelphia. feb10:11
.. —Malt • C. 0 . ,.
11111. IFOODS,AP.. ........ ..1.11.111 ••OILIT.
n&o&LEy, wixibw&itu & Co., Whole
-11, .IL l a , Otmrn. No. =ll 31 ..... at_ Philadrlybla sP4I
L. a. .0.110.
!IBA . L.D4wlitilieN...oll,, 10. I CO.,N n h w Tobacco
aneNa Id North Inarves,
Flour and General Produe
ATA 1.71M0R R.
• li..fes e. 1..0 equal adTantlll. fa Imam Stain
mita say of hoT maim on W. ma hoard, a facakrato oaolf
of Aare.. with watt mama.' 4afa fafafaa afal
go:tot prom. , walla rompoottally oolfe.‘la4fo,ooao
aud Cragor of Nor Mace Baal:
Lank of flattifortc
Comakeyeal • /ms s' Busk
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieoperoui,
Amino, oorecrlttg sod Ostostifrt!t tb. h++.
U.. lit=ort ood 4141z17 , 17. " lb.
bYTIZIr.i. ZrAN•rty,;,..
NMI .11 TR-Wand lb. oar. tOnet to earknit dh o w. of the
=Tr 'd
Imprwt orns to "term th
eel the .
WM.:lan In latch It e
Om It a trSol:
how Stost—Dter s.—l
talloortwtyptiew of thw wog!.
Wm. Ihr lbw tut data. 04
is** kW ttlw wilticw of wow
*saw. tot ban trial all the on
t j t •
it ta ta
4tl ,e W ent tw t ; w
ant.. ' tt
Itiaftolar Mal st Nowt I wot •
Itatpeettollr, towwwig,
hew Btaiti-11 beer Nr—
wt • I
Ina &A übd
Ira* .
iltioretentrol,•td . - th6 eau.
Mad herr shows Itrr moat.
""P"'. trt MADIaI:C4 7 .7. l'amodway.
It oar Irrd, or rlttlotaan tte•bu U. autb.ourt4 of
thewea. ot rrofroorx e harrT
1n Etroodmoy. York, wben b. graduco tM or
- letrer.
• 11Pross the Mtary end Naval r son Nee V, 14.4.1
There rs , reeved, 14 th e oertromeot cure Isidoess
sod dleessee
tW f the 01,141141 seserally, 1.2.5 t Les marled
pc,ruislity ell ,the attie!.. lo.oes, as rrolnattx
harty's Trwootorenue. or Nlobrited Cosomossl. It I. e
festively used hy the vijecer rhogee of We rountouttlty: In
altnostevery sureery lb. land Ito used In omit...we lo
other art/eh* of the MAI. It •Le. ,
Ib Tt=ll4.4 . isr . tett hk t d l:
Usti : tn. aud 'l gluoy. It VIII es.e 1,41 uasee• the . taip
sueh head, dem wont, sad other otrsouarrot
der. of Ma skis to cbsaygreir gull se •ItteseT. It slush
pusivalled. It le roof le large Wales. prin. ZrentS, .too
Z 1 Broadway. sad al lb. Dramata gr•• ally. throughout
thanttadeltatesaadthtaada. aVs2ettf
. _ • __, _. •_
THbmas Hu ,
lONTINUES his usual facilities to reoelve
xj au P{P11..... ~.b
06./.. and Tranahlam.ny ait mosanAlla.
mam,....1 b., bnata loan AM dork taat for all prAntA
VO It• lAA.f and the Illinolm Canal and M 1..,
itrA•roneno—tram. I.orrnierLina A 0n...
Mowry. Joon A WA.
M. Jobs ACa to.Y aplAs.
Wm. H. liaskiu, • ' '
trperial *Mann In l'osonalarkm burin... *UM/
° 'obelus as. 4 Tertrydint likrrhsgsto,Ros.l3 Levee,
atod Clcontwn - 1•1 Maw., NT Lowe ma- ,
uTirit e aLV7l l " "
' 11/...r to jo int Ttoomo, n0...11 fleenelt: 14kar.
Mallet C. 05 41.47
ST. JOSEPH, lassoufa.
Piotloco. Oottustootott. tool torositting llorthootA, Lb*
Joooth, Mo.
Ka, to .1102.c010r tionloo. am , Itorott.. B.rt.t.S a (kt ,
Pt...burst, " Lir
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
.adocawat.a.e,, w. l'onoofl...t. 81.L.A.
Itmtttstttf m=7
!OLIN H. ItANKIN, Attorney and COUD-
Lao. LUraol...donPr iyr tbo SUL
Numtiwl st. Ho, Oat. of htlaborgh.)
llotovors.-I . l4•ltroustu Ilea. W. Y.,nrant. it.OPtoo •
11114.4. IrCoodlcal •bleClum. J. ho u. Parl..111•0 , 11.
Soalpio.NrOont Co. winlaar
K, "
SherwomPrlPy sat S'o,
23' hire A Ilkawnod'. 0 • .•
" P. Roblto.o2's I.'/0
10 •• Wen. 11. (Want's .5 . 10
I.lcl.lnoon A 0;
10 •• Warld . . Pity
10 keg,. 1 . 1141013,11
.. 6 2.1.04
1. • Cay...1011...h.
..14t1201 . • &Ad AY Dale ley AMIN WATT A (Xl.
Daq br
'PLR:Fr-40 bbII. ree'd and for
nail K. AW. lIARHAUtiII. •
n../ond .t No. 246 Llhenty Arent. a lot of C.P. a 1
0,114411'4 celobrale..l Loudon Plenlm sod natio, orno
Clcklnl Ilherkine. Pane,
Chou Chow, ileudion
ll Walnut.. II .
Pleollll. Illobroom Ketchup. 1141 not Ketch.,
Allon.r. ll . itt/ Royal Tu.. WM. A. gnu..
CI.IIII. op In W a
tr puts.
nu . ' liro
kW NER W ANTED—For 19 bdle. of Om
p Loather. Lea to rh.on by dm Illotwonahvbe Whs.
yor. with T. WWI. A PON,
aoil tit ...ter It.
1 - 1 6 40 N 2, 1 , ,t ,!°1!„ 8"°i ;‘ ,1 ifT , T , "gti.l ', Ift
B,Li 11IT I NO-390 bblo. best dry, for mole by
T no. ..41 It. A. PAUNIISTOCK 4Od
`antil..,el.lrle. br L. Nunn ClOlO Chore. Book;
I.lher M. 0..
jp7II ele Ca l nn. t o Serra;
.; S l e l m ue i n l a llryB Clue
i M knln
Mon/ Pobnol nom; Boot; Tempeanc lelnrosn
putu l not o r thePhtolrom. I [knoll.. of Cal L donia
Crime. PehoolPeuit Cool. Union Tem w . ..... 8.4
&goo Chorus Um.; no..
Aleo—She Alba... a eury p.l.ty new eon. woe , . by
11 , . 4 11 4 7:71/ 11 f1; . tri u ll by Alty.;:rneet:
. . , .
yby Kcal of Apo, ;mend quartette;
The SCRs boob:
The Illonynor's
qt.t.7l7l{. ' llf I Thfr . :l
; Doll Ebro of U.. Kohl. Dub.
i 3 OTTON BATTING-50 baler Family, fur
DO•fll col iU
1110 N-120 tone Ptaenix Furnace, for
LW. hum the MmFUarf. Cannel
ea= J • ILYD Canna Church
fIiANNERS' OIL-20 bbls. pup., fur sale by
noo J. It Vl4llll.
AFRICAN PEPPER—IS boxen tor nolo by
- .
:NILE subscribers• respectfully call the at.
Notion of Nairn, 1401 Rwperi and listallleo, to
' l'" a1 4 0;3 1 17111=g o iliEs AND 77A11.
er tack they oiler re (ha meet favorable term.. rolinerleina
1.0 taiga Wee. a 111 1 k
b Use. 15 Wage areorted Ykkley
erertgrade ang variety; 12 " " Ketchup;
153 bap mime IUO Caw; lei " r......el rclft
3•.1. old JP• .. 40 . Ratstem
0 " lairllT.l' : . 0010 and .la bee-UW.4
.12 hhate adieu N.O. Nagai. 8 boars ultrat r
VII latr , l ' i lklu s .l44 I'd - ?, alas C
cram =tir.
II ' " W./ .1 25 drum. Film .
1 0 , • " toll &211tC4.11ir. 2/ hose. Chocolate'
• Ire " Aar &Wm - " 10 " NattaroOk
I '
f cw., Dry., 'embed% o. •
..• • Loadoo Diatom sad Dawes. and various Unlit.
is trAttVA/ l irrg l iii:=Zit " riiit .
,:e . rerspriuns auereiher so iitootimeut ywaaa/1.2 la
111tVg.h. - , ...., 1 1111.. A. ACULUIII.I4Cov d. .
. . . • •
Allegheny Foundry for Bale;
TILE undersigned offer for sale their e:-
t• .lye .0 ...A.m. FOUNDRY situate on lwasek
Arco, wed sixtehdlog to Ana Ittnee . l Allegheny. The
buildious resibtstie the koundry. W ouse. Blacksmith
Shop. sod Pattern Riot; esul the lot of ,setrund
fret bloli
'be boildlors ve orestW, leloo fsst by about 26 ins
Boisisdri has • double stack and tire furueowk with two
treus The itarivveinslall ate all of need rowstructinw
.4_ lleK BRA llAh A W.
For Ode.
WELL finished taco gory BRICK
I !louse land WT. in • tricot health,' ,4 lm . "
tonotno part of the The , Fot ft. oti Yitth
strnot by 110 on Cargo
111 tin'aTrj=:ga. " '
The sale will be eloood on oLo fo n b . let dof -tan
nin:l.nel, dolto2.lkn)
AN OFFICE over Philb Hall, and next F R
door •
to Nelano . • Dairurmidypa
ao, a small Dwelling Ilona/. on l'ennorlranis
AVV1.10.121 . 1. Oakland. Posa+oolon given kosnediatoly.
del/ IL I). IiAZZA.II. Liberty et— near Thlnt.
For Bale
THE three try brick Dwelling Ilouse,2l
No. 10 thy stmt. Poydera;linir—prior. Moo.
mA. $o in mph. I.lrai In one I pia, and V1)(10 in
Ore yeara—to tie areurod by bond and nunitAatra no M.
preniiii.a. Clear of all inctinibeabora, and title indisputri.
Ole. Arid,. to 11. W. A A. S. BELL.
d.itYtf Attnrnnyo t 113 Fourth et.
St. Louis Hotel— ew Orleans.
lkil UDGE A WILSON, ormerly of then
1.11 to Chub. la t .x.i i t , ? r i tua the traveling
pu nr c int L th ep e se BT t . uhttotr the how., fne ow ,:r. - Meted,
extensive additions . mad. mld ealimly mforoLThed. which
wUI enable on to accommodate with comfort and eegareve
our Mend. depot
iIiFFICE TO LETA - 1) Ofliee To Let,
ur OM Philo 11511.. d next door to Naleon'e Da
guerreotype Itonaut. Podoessiou 'Ch. Immediate)y. 2
dry E. U. GAZZAM. When/ et- near Third.
1 1 0 LET—From the first of April next,
• largo dwelling how, wiih twenty term of
laud gltuated *Welland.
For Sale,
4 .
Ity COAL., situated in Third , Monongahela titer.
TING "rd. of Coal are tins, ill quality and advs.,
tages for mining. and
c a m s
to s Weston the river.
Aleo—Ore third undielded p rt of Coe hundred and
ninety germ directly epposittil nongabela City. TO a
full deteription of the propertytong and Vim aPPIr to
nov).o HAIRD • IftV Ili.
IteaAIRI) A IRVIN have also for sale some
eery deadble unimproved late. enitabin for private
rai cue., to Allegheny City. Also, unimproved Loh...-
suitable On byline. {With For particulars apply an
above.-- ap ply
Desirable Property tor Bate.
NUMBER of very valuable Building
Lot., adjoining the Outer Dry. of the 000 Loa
Iran. Entire/ Area heny oily. fronting on the
italimad. and on Franklin. Bidwell. awl Junta. street,
ad on Allegbeny
nllegbeny *venue.
ral nat. unimproved Lot, on Pie corner of Lib
erty and rectory myreete. Fifth Ward, m y
the Ger
man Catbrdie Char.. 30 feet front no L iberty. by 100 feel
deep on Factory. running back to Spring :Hey.
Also—the three awry Linet Dwelling Hoare on Librrty
etreet. nJwining the above. the lot.belng Bi fret front by
WO fret deep. Tbe bona. in large and oon verdant. built IP
d modern atyln, awl e0n...ee1,. mama
lere—A Farm of Vet aura In Lawrence county. 5 miles
tn. N. Beetle.—Farme In Beamer county. of various Idace and
prine. fnim re/0 arras dowin
For nil. lon and on arcommodatlng ten.. Enquire of
N. I . • 0. L. B. VIITYERNIAN.
. . .
Attororpt at Law. and Beal Wats. A ws . t...
0c24.1!, nn uff roarth Artst. littabaralx.
A Inta Frnowd [Tonna 00 Rot on I:rata .[Se
not pt.
e.t to
lialtenal. Vol tentw, Apply .
. Al'. con 4.l.oNNlluttat 00.,23 sod Irroat
Ihtutlwarr* l'a
HE well known EAGLE HOTEL
T ...22
NORM THllitt MEET. PIIILAIO611•111k .
Mow oreopied la COI. THOS. S. niallt, fonnetir ., i thin.
Tta. terse and c.a.:tattoos flo4l—etintileilan entrarde
of 120 mons a trenttrlnen . ii soak, Yri ter yo Ned, a Wine ,
Darla and ordinary, 4 pram 4 tarlore with ted,ttrinia ft
mad inched. • dint.; room tl fe•d—eNtattel In theta.
sitinlty of the largest wholeade bona, nadir
' , gala the welt !Morn hot. of 11:10114, NotItIUSL
ti 219trrIZ.V.;:reng°,.. - Atra:
µTWO tear rend..
The Heal was nteently meted ton th e lariat • • toad
Looprotal style. No oilier aenainototation. 4o ever.
&on. he needed. than the uonarslhded en. • the
errant tendinnt &vita the tau of 1.11 lave.
raT farther pent,alsa enquire a the ratter,
Pep...Wirt Noe. tear Titled 14, Vb 1 64.1P/3 1 .
- . .
rLET—A huge and convenient
waaanoner. 00 P 0 0 ,041 new.. betweo Wood
Peolth.lo.. woty. of
Private Residence fqr Sala
THE PROPERTY is offered'exceedinpa
Iy tr., and on rery anuannueisting Imam It
.is cared eligibly kneed in the rspidly Improving City
of Allegheny, The oilcans. is nneCirts.oned I.
W....fn....b.... Pimming clew of the city at Villa
burgh sal the. r i at • glom', teohdes Won emir.-
went to the boom.. p•rt of Pightirch, camblnlim In.
eminent drum the advantages of both town areloonstry.
The lot le lorge, emtgweing near so arm. of /mond. le
one itamlnel .lid fifty v
fret (toot. manioc lark too hub.
drys! end Ofty lest to an Wier. The bnimbentfurds 'are
no, Abe honer tact, 1,0111 In r u nn e r, nf the bent
material. sod Entsinel In the he toeing every
eon...wenn that reed taste and Ogg could snags., with
targard to ...Won,. There Lea well of excellent ...
Tithe door ad MI. !aid kw hydntal water. Canis.
brow awl 41. 1 1 1100. • tumefy of rhoire Wog and .b h, '
0.7. Ili oht rt. us mtnatket and ..0.01.1007501 early IS
appmclated ay an
wishing examin
hs. sr. ation of the promisee Urchin
.. to Wort bulled to ratt an tint oink{
signal who will take utmost. In Ovine efory ',forms,
Iles. It us •nn tholes Y. •enirtn. • deftti(int ... I .'
doom. cc to planstutte on etwon lotion.
ran: hALIBL • tIiTIN.I.I4 fnevall mt.
' . • ' . -.. r . Red RetdW. ' -:. - . - - - =' : , , - :. 7 ".
OR SALE—Two Houses and bite in the
It ard-orm en uh,wr week ..d ow 0....
Also-A pier. of ornand.lSS fr.t on betwier street be
UM feet on tom., et. Econ.. .1 311 Liberty st.
mac2inif Ponumiro9l.l
1 i trinfiCKllt SISECIIANTA -For setc on
b mermatoreis.
tog term, V.li4il .11 valuable Lit Tn. rub [bating 'A,
, loot 6A
on Pant lour, ea
Abrct° Cd
ity. sod hol
' ing on Co. Noon a. Ohio lbclowd. 1•11.1111. • equate et
' the Pepol.l not *tousling loci to the ,'.tat Mein. there
by affording the greatest fsmtlime Se. altirtnect Isr MIL.'
tbe halleced or Canal.
For term. enemies of D.C. NTOCIETON, An (bear Ciao;
or at 11, Ilcolthore of TLC. STOCICTON,
writlS renter at Market and Third MO.
, VIOR RENT—The 'Dwelling„ No. ... a .
.. Third et re.. raw fitulthheld--.• 500 n... the
. neer hart building laud the punting ond'wettertiti
the mime house la completed. The bed climb. on Lt.
wood loot tom • bath rum attached, with hotcand roll
water. w.f. whet lr. • ,
Atli-:be ILo......hdrilitg. at • rani Romani
what . Fourth etre.. near Wrest._
For Sale or Perpetual Lease, \
I it oil to oat lot he. TS, in the origin./ Pt.. of at ,
, of Allegha . er , fronting on both eidarol itricem.tect.incol
I, . "' llin, t for r:nt for one or more twigs, go mold. of
oatlot on the TOIL extending tort to Ridge tussle MIMI.
ernmpled se • postern lot- \
Fob terms, AC., enquire of Hr.
of BORLAND, ...I' '
the premises, or ad the enhernber. ot Lim ohs . tin 101
Ilth Mrs.. Pitlchnrah
CT Inf
• .
A Good Bargain is now Offered.
Derect Thr. Vont ACIIY-S. In Butanes,* Itenungli.
ar Deter 1.11.1--on the pm:shoals socal tan ystd.
Witt ....sty nolLlings. 1 Tie property may i.e
JN lob lots. sod sold at • soot prod.- Beistms disposal
purebue rill apply to . BAIRD L I UVIN.
111,3 IlaSecossl
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Gimpany
TIIISVOMPANY offers to the insured all
the annuity and advantages of llfs Hoof
P. hark Planet. heretofore applied) ootabined. namely: Loy
rote* of premium, an modal return in•caeb of the per
an ronutewd for the rontindent flak of the rem arC
adequate. but not ermeeire proehdon Par the (alum
ol members for the whole term of withan equita
ble interval In It.. aneutatflation fond secured to mots
membere, payable at death, by crallta upon tediriew,
aliment, fund deafened tor th. permanent erwaritY of
ADM term menthe, and 61. for the prefrot eocarity of
thaw. for the whole term of If.
. .
/krThis Is the only Mutual Lib Inenranos Oxmparty
snow+ raison( premium an lixed a: • rear minced stand.
w. with • prorialonfor ao annually Increasing scruttnr
Itof blade Orr future security) In exact proportion to
the amount of and the basrwesitt• rut from .d
dna ••• among the member.
Pamphlets,lrru, Or.. Otto, to dotal) the plan and
Wes of th• Ompany. funxlsteed gratis, and applications
tor insurance retwised 1.7 J. Agent.
1.09 Wood cermt. Vitaburee.
FORM a. Medical h.X.l.lDer.
VOUROMATE - POT ASR-3000 lbs. for
rah. by J KIDD A CO.
Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock, •
1 4 ' , 0R SA LE Al A LOW RATE by
ks Zinc, for ..i.
g ittEEsr.-200 bzn. W. IL, for solo by
IH IEtttiNG-150 .
I AM etiEESE--200 boxes for sale Cy
MOLASSES -60 bblo. Plantation;
gy u y"a: . ll4 jor •Al. by
w 212 DALZKLL A . 01).. Liberty
tIgENCII litEßlNOSl—Mvitrur & Btracn
.o. bars loot roc'd on asonrloroor of above U.I.
o choice color, , minus olmleo of brat, Omen,
or. ac.. st Tr, low prim* CLIr quality. AI., Llobunrs of
Ilio .armor color.. 0024
LApti , BLACK--40 blAs. in papers, ass'd;
I 1(. °
In bulk:
oa. lo.flormoogorro; for sale br
poll It. ..t. VAIINKSTI.ICII 1 (1.1.
ClOKKS—ti balm for sole by
YIITLAIL SYRUCK—Lovoring'n l'hibura
8. 0 . f "` " 1 " IN. A. Mr 4.1.13101 ob.,
u t u I.lrorers and Tea Denims.
ttnnu. Isuscunt.. Rea acul offer lov tbc4bore
1 4 1 EATHERS-21 marks prime Kentucky,
rEvAI rya *Witter Innon. and fur nii• bT
oul4 JA41144 A. 111.11 , ..311b0N A CO.
-109 wk. Ifestbeng 4 tierce* fleeimt.
Lauding and for vale by ISAIAII W..
boll 4 Mater and ' , rout pl. •
FLOUR -30 bblo. Superfine;
Extra: Jost reed and forma* b 7
on% dull! WATT a CO.
OtleB--eg 1600 hu. an consignment ana l for
-GI Water Met.
ACKING FLANNELS—Orey, or differ
NELSII FLANNELS—A full nasortment
T v or Owl mutter!! *Aide .bleb bee bailer! , glyeo
"L u "'''""
iel,AB TURING-100 feet 1-8, .1-1 add 17 - 2
Afi loch Indio Robber Ow Tubing, for sole by
cIoIA 1. A li. PHILLIP!, 110 Martel ot.
cIIEESE-500 boxes prime Cream Cheese;
MI do good W
%V " DALZELI , ! cos. Llt.ll rt
1 NDIOO-2 ciTliks Madras a i t t h s l AnA tli n,,.
, for
J . at. by
SAXONY IsIAOANESE-1 cask; for sale
by vo`7; J. beIIOODUAKIII • Co.
WINTER LARD OIL-15 bblr t•est quAl
v ity I= Ws by
=l7 •. 3.BOIIIOOI7MARCEL 41k Co. .
STRAW PAPER— go and very beim
B ALSAM PIR-10 galls. for sale b kj' .4 41,3 s easbt gabek.sygir
• ~
TRANSPORT/410N;,; ‘ \ \_,
Ur the 11th of December, the Egon. ilbilr . Mlo will
less. the Depot on I.lbety pin..., above the Cauhl Briggs.
every toormog at Qt: o 'clock Amour.s mill go I: 7 1 . :
Cara Ca 12 miles to Turtle Creek. where they will I n the
best of Coaches In readiness to eutivey them 2N. Mile.
• first rats turripile rad to Ileatiy`• Otstloo, sal then,
take the rreleoUld Care of the DennAylvsois Railroad Col \
Poi direct to I . IIII , ADELVIIIA tuul DALTLiltatt.
Thernieh In .11 hours.
Faro to Phlledelphis. 111.
Yore to itsltimore_
~. —.
humeasern will procure their Deka.. st the °Mee In the
bloom:mbels Dem,. Itscomee cheeked through.
.1. klEoKlklgN, Ticket Annul
- de9,tl Penn. ltallroad C 0..,
Ohio and Pennsylvania Bail
Mtn w0..553=e3
Commencing on Monday, Dec. Bth, 1851
INTO 0810,
And connected with Railroad, leading to Ckrefetnel,
Co(umlut, and Cincinnati. 62 mile., itailroctd;
and only 19 miles Staging between Rttehurgh,
and the connection with the Ckortand Rai/road
at Alliance.
TIIE Eapress Train leaves Pittsburgh at.
A. M., Mooning ante et lia•ieklay, itradooder, New
gliton, Darlington and Anon. and nadirs' raleallar.
IS nines, at 10.40 wherwraaaengars tale staged to
Salem, Is mina, Gaol nuiroart Inca. to Alliatrow and
litan. dolly from Alliance to Carlton. Massillon.
Woo., and Ilanaheid: end trom stop to Now thmtle.
Poland and Warren. •
Returning. the Repress Train I.yes Paleell. at 220
P. M.. noet.ter at. 4 P. and vett. at Pitt.
burgh tt 5 P.
Nen Height. Accommodation Tn. knees
Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 4 P. - 51., and N. Brighton at
710 A. M. and IMO P. It.. Mope.. at Intermediate ota. ,
tto.. Itteurdon Tie.. got. rot two days are .1d bet
Lytton Ploaboreh. , loan .tee and hes Bnobton.
_ Paynagar train lasses Alllan. at SA. lII. e and
' dt7ttedinoint*
I thlothent!te% rms. eon T. mith the Aral. to and
from I. station on Nederlara
For llelteta apply. atlhe P.m./Intel 81.1 on, to
deetlf \ TitinyAgont
We are now prrprkr , ed Io Freieh\betweest
etpDalllK \
ax\i ‘
dun., lbw win., and will lii , g. t 'in gh teat' alma/-
era. Wag. " 1
111 4 •TWEtil. Ali/ U.
\ " 7 ;', 1 71,1q',",,1iaT.Jht.Z.:
a..i.if \ CHARM 4) l\jt lititillll . . , wet% \
It olb mr.
lito of hollow
I= 11.1 We,
kreighiq to ar - -
'\\ )41.4TE .4 A\eP..9..
pe.. CO
a ei trj 3 =313
. \ VIA \ _,
1, 1.41,44ti00, veorill &mord, o and from
...Va... Pia. ,. .. gmlUit COI, ..11 Imal •to roriaml time
al:Orate.. loOlf uok , . 0 d. , .. Ts B a c .,
\ , Canikatul Perm a tlvret., rittamegt.
No. 1.3 ano 43 E4.41 4 :41,,,i5tr0rt. Thilmlakolala.
swirl' a FRANC
&I \
,_:„_ Nu. Arr.t.. , .. 4 4 4 , 4444.
HIS ~ .1. 3- . ....06..1,r. 0 , „4" . . \
W/IV r P. \ /: A1;If A 11‘G EN E -17' 1. r .
1 13 E mobserihers,\ agents •or the Pezoi I
. onlaßallemoit, on' vow pion to I.m.lPtftrbOX
t. t .Rb.doriog lb .tatrt to Phila. this, at We follow
Yo • Ina ena. rolneind 5.,1 ..... ... .5145 THZ It.,
for eon. Dotter.. IC, Tolicw. aml
Le r trni‘b..
Tni, i ..l... ivii ..... 1.00 ..
..t,V 0144 et;l ! ) , .. r 01.5.,..
, .vo aml,llsro .trov
"Itta ix 14r. lottn 7 LN I \. ‘
- • , . - ' 4, ..- - ' - i -• 1.,U.,..,..2:fm.L.
pEaxtkyLv. : . Renjtotak
AhO press Pgr t lane Xor
PHILA . : ta , ..111A
. ..k.ND .1 LT 'VOILE. \
ritilE Morni Line willbe on .........,,,,,,
I n0u.,1 . ir. S. the trestbet wildtt
permit., looming dad atB o . o'elo-lr, 4'
Apply to . lithNtS4 81‘rabela abB,
Br lo fl. a CO. l 1 Bala.
\ dot 10 t.
~fir,L.A.,,, 7 .tt Align( , • ~, ,
xairt....-...i T t. 1 • 747 4 k
i 4 \ 1
Felt A AL
l EANING fittaburgl daily (Sunda ex
opted) 2,1 , 0 tolok. A. II , ; t t,
STI , 4 , 1 lea \ BOAT
Capt. A. Mon..
7' (0 WELLS V /7
F ro . t n... • , tp ob.Ae(A)colle•)1.1 HAW Kll,l.l4lbist at
Ilmoom ~iree obtht, amt laming la CI. V/61.ArtD next
afternoon at 4 orlcct It time to take that 018881.1ttAl0.
ot to go bast or llelot by the oteam boat. ottllle Ulm dot
bto4 the continuation or toovogo.Boot.
Tome to lletelsod 2\ ivo botoro.
By (le faxt of January. 1834. the (381-• will Imil.:1111Mi
to nellninf, by ieye..• Um. pubraCell. Win front
htlehorvb to Clevel•orl lab how.
Bar 'NA ma apply to 0 M. MARTON. amigt.
oo 2110 NotootortholaUouso. Pttboba.ab
Tim< Reduced Co 24 flours!
kN. and after the Ist of December next,
patwactn..lo earsird by the Pennsylvania tall-
thl• to the al...trot end brat mate bet wren the Oreat
R dtee Atlantis Cities, and the emednimodatkno aie
Iv all'lrepocte of the highest rhumb..
THOMAS 110002.
ot:do Agent PeUle. Itailroad Ootatsyst.
I . 7tOUGH cmcihnsrat
\ IN 48 HOURS.
an after MONDAY, OCTOBE R 13th,
Up. "Ckseland and Chasinnalt UMW./
Ilend sut Imes I.4enetand an End.. train 4:sgry emu.
let at do'rkek. s emigitas In Caurinnati adlD oeloct neat
Morning. making 40 haat.* throng h. ton Melee apply to
JuilN CIUtIIIM Agent * Map ann . .)
neuralj r .lny m ean . .4 T t tirl Mat
mid Monongahela OM,
iiiiLt 18 1 54. ~:
. •
Via Brownsville. and Cumberland,`, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
THE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
.have Lb* Bridim dells. at 2. atethek meeisels, ma
pa with the am at Cumberland next manilas.
The Breedsig Boat hams daily (except Mods/ emoting)
e e t o==tut with the me st Cumberlsod sem
Clam through to Baltimore, 32 home. rats mIT IS.
Tam through to l'hilsdeltdds, SO boot too, oth.T 210.
TM National howl ie now *OOl. °mutation. wawa!,
the Combet betwoeu Browmill* Camberlead, which
mutes this &Malls the best mute Met,
J. idlititilbUt.N,
mrzr Office in the Mounambeloam.,
1851. • gifigEENN • \lB5l.
Dunkirk and tbe Erie Railroad. mons...Don with
1` " .1 Ltalr ertieWintlt=li b e:== i
an and Railronie, rdul oteatentre on the
Ohba and mem and the Ohio. Indiana .4
P.'n liTtl h trakila DUNKIRK AS vat-Lows: :\
In 6 o'clock.
goeulort " "
The Mall Till. WUm in, .hero twuwneen tan
Yeep T hour, awl take the CorramTrain,arrivioe New
ork root mail. .9 o'clock. ataiduathe boledotasoe
br doe-1101k
The Illereva Proleht mai iratUe Troia tear. Dunkirk lot
I A. bircialle; a Pasvonsar War It altoetied to tank Troia to
accomtuolato Way Paroeuiters mot Drovers.
are Vole from Dunkirk to New Vork. At &road Claw
prase. will to air.. In aie• U 97.
Thin ikaaolly ore prepared to tratioport !Ivo rook end
freighta of all kiwi. to wet Irmo Nes )'o k.
Poetical.r aiteation will he paid to Mork. The gauge
being (I trotwide, girt. thi• mute are pt alvautages ova
oireno mow. Ilailnicels in lb. troneporiallou or tarok.
I/ - Additioal .Tralus .111 be via In auomlw.ion I. •
very ohm' Mow.
194111 Tart& will to clietritnitell. girl= full yard..
loot le natant in the priers of Vreial. as ra t s se s tbei . eon
/101,19. ..1;LI611
11 1 HKA I' PIANOSI--Just ree'dm i
) rrms. tho mumfartnri or Holler, De
•• Ut.,110.00. SIXof EMU low prlotl
AI, • Int trout Wmtlwrard A Brown Ikmdmi sod Simi
art. Noir York. JOU I
kolfi Wood strokt.
bbls. and 10 hf. bbls. Trout;
letag 7 . V:llll,olimitby
AL"°`fu,L--25 bias. 70 and 92 per ct., for
No. fa Wood df-
. . .
IA fai -- Q
I 1..9 bb I s . winter
Y. Bt7ined, for
w. . by InLrilLS.•
Ci airßß. AhI,M9NII-2 mks for sale by
.4., ii. „ m. apt,' VP,.
SiiNDRIES--317 — thle. prime Roll Butter,
a ',..,hestirato
4 r it Oted to lanaim
• , a ro* Pack Lotter.
\ ;00 . boson ebeevo
Oat lb.. Lireyorazi br ml. by
Otitil.l.lll it Olio NOW, Seoio4 st..
bytioiao Wood aial kiniiiOduild Ka.
rE CUSSION CAPS,-2,01X1,000 fT.Ir sale
by (ml 3 l ILIA. P&Liti KOMI( &Ill). '
``'ASS NILE & CASSIN,ET-450 toca, for
i„) ..i. • \ V. altilllTLlNUri
10EINOGI EU. SEED-6Wlbs. for ode by
r .1. K WU k 00.
TIURLIAM\ CIIEESE—I I bxe. Iltzlep's
Jur celebrated D • ilium ..4 flutouricideoi, ttili Or or
oityed and for sale r , . ',
del • . WICK .4 litealiDLESP. '
MODEL ARC ITEM!, No. S, foilsloy'r;
tiortirutiattst, November.
ons! ror Novena • . '•• •
Iml ati • fie Defelma.: -
_ itethirod N sad tar male at MAU' LitereaT Dena. N
14 Thirel ativ4, fludnita • Part UlSee.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
lEDICAA. ~~.
tux GU 07 .__,
• \ ASTII3I/I.'cotistmarriox.\
tfIS REMEDY i 3 offered to 4 u- ,
e oommT city with the confides/ft we feel In an talk% whkb \.„
Unto'Odle to re
le hApiest geed& that ra bi tter l ..
sired. feAwide I. the Acid oft.. neefoleem, and tio nit.- \
nine the ears of ite blame, that, eloaret n ierr PortiOD, of s .,
the reentry aboonle in„ perlpoh ly &DOWN WhO . \
hate been raster-WI (tore edarso in nal even &operate di,*
ewes of the Itinge, by rte nor. la en Pule tried. We &
prrionty overlerery other,oncelieinc4l ita , lthad.i• tee OP'
\ Cern. ' W th ' a put; no lenere th.e . hrel d tat . .? C h " a/ttld - ote " lo :ca n !
plot the dist4fwing end dampen , elte Wow Of, the
P. , ..r./ orrmu& which Lee ineitinit ~ °Cr tlittinte.--
Andoet only In the, formldahle sttacke Pm the loupe.. - ' .
hut for the milder riyiettea of Odd& Con I. Ilodyeettemli .
10. alai for' Children it I. the plessantesi la eaten madD, -- \ '....
el ne thia. can he obtelOod. No (mill, time be witliont s \ ' a.
it. and Miner who have nod Mercer will. • \ • ' ,
Rend tke opinion of following gentleme •ho V) , \
be mmemised in the watiordi mettles. of coon whey.: \
'than are loaatel—each and ell ea merchanta of rki• fret \ .
eime am °fly° hipheat character -eel theolded anal meet l• • ." C.S\ ,
eitenalve erh leash. &aim in s mediaitte, With raleepen.' \ : -' '' . r . ~ -..
mace unlizoltet&e; the subjeetlef which the., speak. If - *.e.l.A • • „ : '-' \
\ .r
W. D. DAdewl Abe d . vete-demi. drapt ii, Marina bee ' - `C
IZZ .I.lloted with Ayer'. Cherry,rectersl. bumf cer- „.. ' •
our belief thaflt ha 110 beet and meercifectotal Wend- ' ' t "". --
edy tor Pulmonary Densomption ever e ff erad to the Anw \.' --
oolmm ProPle. And ite would, ems Our trig ledge of its , • a .
itmpeettlen and I.:km.llva awfuleewLeord Lally commend I ' 'i• ": • -
to the ahldoted es worthy their brit middy ,and with \ '.
the firm conetetion thetW yin do for their mil f all the( . , ~:..
medicine can do. lt \
=ha, &Amends Apo., Door.. elaau „
& Comber, Baltiiwore. Mem laud.
' Ledd & logralleym Dante, Maine.
ii.,u.o. tiarnot a M. - Vb.-M.4.W D• a .‘
Jame 11.1errawii, betraWAMtala
ichl. ‘ , \'; ,
T. ll. AlcAilletar, Lenity Ille,\ Kt. . \ " '''.
Pravda & Welter, Bt. Loole,'Pheamari. . - . -', '',.
Joamph 'furter, Illoidie,Alaluel&
, T. A. Pact. Itarlittateu. Venereal. 1 \ -- ' \? ,
\ lievilan4.lloley Wee. Anmane„ Georgia-
Mesa D. Jocose. Trenton. NewWereisy. , ,
' \'7 M. Team/. PlUTreh. Pe. '\„ ' „ \ „ ....,4.. `
•' . Clark & (M.. Dago, Moots. \‘O ' , . .
' ff.I.ZZA' Wlcrli. ' XI/i . : Va.
:, :„
. . . ' ' '-'''.-- \
' &Alward Itringit Weincinetton. el,' •\ ' , \ '
John Gilbert & 1.. W l hiladelrhia. Pit" '` . ' \ '''''' t ,„
J. Width' & C. 0.. Deane. La. l a \
c. c:
liftitmn. Well aco Kits Frseriarm Da.. bai..a,
Love A„ianan. Tel .lkwide. \ i -- \
D. IL‘Alhomr. linoorille, nnweice. 1,
Chilkin a \Derr, Little n . Ark.
l l 4 l t . atll,',l;.';',g.. 01in... \ ',. •
Cherho Ryer, Jr.. Provide 11d1.. , . \ \
J. 11. To nktri„Wareincah. fi . • \ • - . s .
Wel& tcliWeiwt Lis. Land 0.. \ ~w- ,
rim Ictinn c 0 IPP: • l - ''',:na
.1.1). Came tsGe‘ calrandoo, ' .
F tam &a \ . arra W -e 1... Leo l \„ . . .
a. p.„.„:r ttxtru-
ew 7 - _ -,,, \ \ ~.
MorgallaAlo„ . latifax. !lina_fleiG, , \
~„ . \ . 1 \ ..„
-Natter: 1 ,.....4 ~..V4'1',,1 ; ;,,f;,„. ya„,r 1 ,,. .„ „.e .. . \ '''
WI each . ood Irma mach mi 47 e tin &&& -, '
proof n baulduced. wet that found an t e \dee lonian ,
, "a .;'r-. C. \ 1 •
belemod and sold hy 110 C. AYER, P tall ChM- ra t ,' - .i \ \
IM.,Loarelh. SieuL \
S 4Peld to MUM:ire, who • eland retell , by it. IAII- • 1 .:
„ICATOCK & W., and J. al. Tiyia Nil&N D. _ s -'-., \ -
kit Altaehaor City. by il. .f.CIIWARTi and i KU
WALL ead b \Drow ..._ idele ern reir. \ deelde rem..le .I \
''' • ..-..: ‘"VN ,
, . . .
\ . .‘,.. 4 . \
- ,--‘ , 4 \ ' \
' -. 1 . .. -\ \ \
\ \
, \\•
i 1•
yrrs Improved tract of
DOqK Ale/llfAltSAP.Aftlt k
1, affect rl t 1
ed ty :
aviidlinff of \
(atm. ortbeaa natal 4 .
ettataina an Ow r.-
.... nraumotrore a is mee,
.-. un td It ram t e rm) thnt) math: not 14 Nether lm . • . ,+`.. )
V p . i. mordiagly:,/s . a hod It
ia. almoet tan t„ ...
... .;, - ,..'r , 1 °
re Ily. to cams of kr/UN !Mph. t\, en' Chia neern - - -.' "- ;'' !,,...,?...
rem tr,...-for general tratie of It the eltal pow.. •,' ' • 0 r ,, -. . ,
en, and all thaw tormen tg illseare of g akin to tryir.i. ' 1
to ratlikne end so Injurlook" to health. • • ' -• I •
rt ,,,
4, ;\; \ \4.-
Amerada. - thllia, Mercurial soroplalnNantwr, flan. •-- .'.
It r, ,,
mem. a amain,. and a epst eftri. .4 \other dl.ti
gmeable and dsagemu• thses•eq. are ilr\Wl per- • _
maneutly cent by D•te am of this nenhei ok \ . .
amattr. NA. 0,i.0,,4,4,1F5i. ' I
11r. John Di\ ark— sr hit, Ifele with utaraltle ..
1% ,
I , lsura of , knit/nide that 'am able:lD/rough Divine
tat '‘ki et7 ". velle " ult d•: ;dif d• Clor l 7 , lll;:t .' te I el4 ' w k l i / n jk . " t f- 7
ea , to give you . * fer Pm of %ay Doie. ' . - ' t ,i . .'_•)
r i‘,
lea. . loW e +ram of ,Iktnl I was milpked witlir te- .•: ' . ~...g.
vete n. which was isditelly \ extendiairelldungh‘ , '•
f . t... i.
whole t side and lem , s at the same time; Itfrorwma . ..,.., -1.,
sal i, ti,,a of my.phyalcal entterma/m. te/ le•C ' '
shrank about tio-tbled4f itittn on slee..‘l prceur • ' .. 'i
it. ; ,,
ed the site datirepoldlnil mrotl mg. •h roman ,
tea my Dee * of the WM/ GAT I firer early/Mat- ` • .. • • .." . .1 .
Us said my ,wm one not vied y led. bat pjeacrib- -- .;;,;.,..
ed for me. I maimed under hls ant untlf‘ras .. -- . ,
inflated hem hot belp,me. i \ par - and of rom • ' _ ."' i
ment at this ‘W. A. X•eors, two Ill io n! of Gurt:e , ' • •(.i
Yellow Dock and Satraparllla. front sr NJ rowle •' - ..,(fl
bera - Mnonnt a( be ht. After timing tat , .tor hall . . \
mom I win able to rm. toy 'loslaon tri tillg MM.. • ." '''' 7`•.•
Iresikaree. and hme II Mary the/ tinnt a well . . while - . \
bat a Mort potinl Ir I bet T u n. MaAn\Y •MY lad , •
thmegaarths of Me op-, and cannot. moil. We're- '• ' .".. '
film of my linnth to my ether ca than he O. ~. y '
of that Daly .ralnattle I&
M t \ Ire rock
wad Santairmillr ' ct ‘t , , \ 1 X,/
Mr. J. D.Part —Dear Blre -.tan
slfseitte. and Ito far as I tau annul g \'‘ _'.l 1
. It . , _
all true. / pima/4d It, think'
you and to Co. MllletnL' You
It as you tkilnk hest bean
• 1 •
The Allowing letteelstram ah •
rho enjoys an alterorive pn
Naos= 0141
Dr. Job. D. l'ark—Pear 0
\ \ •\\ i
,N ~.\
Sarsaparilla bar hen TOW('
Team.. with aced .a.t.`,in General Debility, /deer ma., .
plaint. tamales. DysleN
t5..a , q...1...a Iris.** ' .1
Dimmer la WI Female Complalnta it mrta/M/V4 / t ..,... / \
qtralled. In Me moo( this medleinethePallentamMlMM :• • ,:1..‘ . ' '.. , i
1 7 Paine strength and et
-Vs.. alsa worthy of unkv.rvv, \ \,.. 't\ /
Mlimatkrn. It is plcutant to Otto to / e arg melt. ‘atedieVlPtAr X
be used by prrsons with tbe Infist Cencnto etennolitqlrilbV) 3 . , ,,, ,ita ..,.
uteri. under any rlrcantirdiem. lam apeatiliet frvat rt . :1....NZ '.e . :
Pirienee. atnl to tbe Minted I adobe its We.
• .d
\ mt. J. S. I:llRTrtr, - : , 1`• ',- .•.
sold by J. D. PARK, Clucionall. Obieortitheallkomber '. ' .
of rotarth sad %/Waal epee/a, entrance calVidouPstreet. ; ,o• '-• i . \•;„ ' .
mwhen/ all ardent mast be ealdoweed. ' ---.,,
J.1(414 A 00-D. A. Ifahrostokk a 0*.'.1.; .1.. Jonei: L.
, er - ' • , ,„
Wllcol,ft, littehurat4 law Alter •• eh- AlleubeeP7 Cal':.; \ \
L T. Rumen. Waehlnateue L. IL/brie,- Utilantoe e.
Melte, (Inetasharm B. SeinnlkketomentebSoott a Gilmo:'
itedkade Reed A Fon. Ilnothmloo,llnr.etr, - S \ ..'.4 .
telebrame A \Oa.. Indiana: J. N. Knaht. Kyttanabig
Sitars A Ca Ilbwkettlee. A. Wow. A Sow Waernothum 1,. - -‘ 4.4 .
pleYegatod A C...., N. thelleneler. Ilnuledle. Dttrtou a Co \
ErMXGralisto a Porter. Menem James Neil, & CO. Dot. , .\ 1
1,, 8. snatty 1141001, J. o.llammertoth Webber:P. G. A U , s
.- •
~ i ,
t. /Mm.DrodemPorb P. Croaker. jr. Drownsellle.
210 - . Prier—ill per Pottle; Siz Bottles for 14. -7•.-:-.;.::
' .
\A Medicine for —.
. . , ; •.1
Coughs, Colds. floarreurri, Aram:, Rronc;itir, -- . I
dl ft does not eielten the *lmpact.: It deem net newel.
pate the Lowels. It do., DA 700011 We ItlEln,narrindir. tio. •
hereon rho taken 0 liatle to • (belt cold by ewer, ant! of 4
`,l r a /het pera e r. It la perfeetly harmless In Ita tninedr • . " .. t.
on. and is We and effectual In producing a ear, The . , ,'
most violent nore of marl CoNghe and Ilameenela hue* .
.-.e .
been cord by . It In a few hems. . •
10 meow crane/7 am smogs.--The old eangh heedlelhee • •
all Mktg the atemarh and prOneet D.P.. vatieb Dom»
disagreeable than the rough U.elf. This la obviated In
this mixture. fur It la a ulnae/At nothing nitltte. mid it ;
will euce—weVie weep soia Le sededl Tneevidnuela : ./., .".
(nor of MD medicine In nor sil l. trout our ow, ewe..
*tumid convince oar one of Nee "cam. It I. I t ..., • •...Y igt.. ; •
tint, Of a mauler Oraitian. tad Me bee. red to ant In
‘,' ..,.;: \.;-,.,,,
his own praettre fur a numb , * ocratA rich Menewl . " , f4rl ..
beak nurser
rhossempt/mq.—A. lady Itiork • Awl/Is web" tbat bet • 1
dmightee had been aftlicted with a rough Mil eager/atm. ' ...i
tam alsibt sweats. tomb fever, and all the Obtreeetnit
e7MlOtoane Of terustroptima, and tbat aft. taking tro MP
ties Ma vas evittref.yeured. Ase nthman Inltarldriaten
malt. who had mffernt with aethrua anaebtonte. math • ',.• t
Per eLlrt von. has Men anthem relieved. as the omah
nntamed, by the nm of balls damn of Mtn., et Mlle PK-
Vaal :Imp. \ A renUrMan from Peoria. IllairJA 'writes .• ... \
dirt - he Insure the Pectoral SIMM to be • Clad...h.'''.
for he ham used It In hts own care. and In We twee ,I • .. \ : •
areallates of ble rushy. •110 the most forret earente..
m .1. qf tat domed Illt Ali.. c e Lot wit. it UFOS 0C In • • t •"..,,, .
half ant bottle. at t.° ten a each. or ess Mtn 1g...: . f 4.
• Manny Moe/ampere would do well tole eep a .01,41 of , .
Ulla mellebse nu band all lb. time, at alt) orrent the meet • \ s - s
Petted. and eft/redone remedies weer dl Oor ell
Ibui he add iatoms
reel angs. and laelpiant Cent anty- . \ ,; ,„ ,
undiowrom.-11wr i......infti I° l'.' T'''''''''''.P . , , ' ...ii, •
M. 0. of the various anitrantlon dv i =f i t i tr op .. . , - \ _
llrr'lt'eliT:4-0 'lll;lVore'iteat•Mhav lu ll n t0... , 1' . \ ' i,
the mot valuenleWantesna herbs. of \ .
and is eteaPeeaded hv ...l' g '-.- . g. , it ie ''' ' I
There*. ue no threrdma la In rn.,;,, boe....r.tar- \ ,
ed In yoar v../ n "'l. propose strearna Its •alualil• - • .- \
Wham from Pro..
morrairs, which will On oteow se to any persen dearonewf --
."t Ld. a g 're:totedLM•MeheM urde thee...W ai•l olles United Beata. tobllthle ' • ..t . \
ow di. •
Mks an Inter.. le the ourdlclue.. It •111 pm a h p .,.,,.. , . \
ISt to l d) aorta m ar t
ialbield sellthie,doi bra ng tu(forina hp- . _. .
~ , :'.i
°,,L•tsitet,LXlO'...lesTrWaTCr . .•''''';','
n y . r aj, tracheate and retail. by RAISE/Lt. ItslerlY- . -
0 , 6 hee
_niata Wont et.. Pittsburgh. Pr . net .- ,
LIQUORICE PASTE--2 csseurime =AU'
.od the Re
oh:table elemeaial ' \
oral th. Ishors. .