war hetwein two belligerent nations, butlyett cannot remain indifferent to the violation of the !sari of humanity. That Indifference Washington boo never taught you. 1 defy man to show nse. out of the eleven volumes of Washlngton*Writings, ts . eingle word to that ef feet. lte recommended nrutreility in the cue of foreign wars, but he never recommended indif - Armco to the violation of the common laws of huntsnity , by interference of foreign powers with the sovetign right of nations to dispose-of • themselves. • And he could not have recommended this in• difference without.ceasing to be wise as he woe, because theta 'is, without justice. no wisdom earlid. , lie could not have recommend- • • - . ed 'it without becoming —inconsistent. he lUnatee.lt was' this common law :of mankind selsteliyour forefathers iokuked, before God and •••7 - saanhiod, when they proclaimed your independ -4-' ence.., It was he himself, your great Washing i-,ton, who not only :accepted, but asked again arid again foreign .aid.—foreire help for the supporter thaticommon law of mankind in re , i spbeeto your OWII - IKoolvlrdge1 KoolvIrdge and lostruetion are as universally read atoonmit the enlightened people of the Slates; the history of your country is • t: eh a household science at the most lonely -. bliarths of your remotest settlements', that it map - be sufficient for me to refer; in that respect, to the instructions and correspondence between Washington and the Minister at Paris, ' • —the equally immortal FILANKLIN—the modest man with the proud epitaph which tells the, .world that be wrested the lightning from Ilea.' :yeti and the sceptre from' the tyrant's hands. This I hare proved, ['believe, that Washing ton never bequeathed to you the principle of nini-intorference against the violation of the SOT liMpright of nations to dispose of themselves, -and to. regulate their own institutions; but he taught you only - neutrality in respect to the • si-ars•of foreign nations. I will go furtlfiig, And I atate that even that ilectrine of notarially be tanght awl beiluoathed to you, not la o constitutional principle a last- lug regtilation for all future time, bat only as a 'matter of. temporary . pvtlAcy. I refer In that re• spect to the very wordenothis'Farewell Address. There he states explicity, that “it io your policy to steer clear of 'permanent alliances with any 'portion of the foreign 'world." These are his very Words: Policy is the word. and you know policy iv not the science of principles, nut of ens igenciest and' that principles am of course, by a `-iveetifid powerful motion, never to be sacrificed exigencies. The exigencies are passing away, ‘ liice.the bubbles of a rain; bat the nation is roast consider the figurealso, end not Only the egotistical comfort of the passing hour. It Innetbe aware that to an immortal nation, nothing can he of higher importance than im mortal principles?* 'I will go yet further, and.state that even this porky of neutrality Washingtositaught you, not us n permanent rule, but as a temporary con venience. • I prove it again by referring to the very voids of bin Farewell Addresis, when he, in reference to *his policy of neutrality, explicitly says, that "with him (Washington) a predominant motive has been to endeavor to gain time to your country to settle and mature its institutions, and to pro gress_irithout interruption to that degree of strength' and consistency which is neces.vary to give if the command of its own fortunes." •; Ihme are highly inemonalc words, gent' !'inen.=—Jlers I take my ground; and casting glance - ot,ndmiratioir over your glorious land, confidently oak Yon...gentlemen, are poor iD3li rvOtions;tettlell and matured, or ore they uotl ',A*l9 o ii;Or are yen not, come to that degree of strength anil..r.ondistency to be the master of year own for ne! Oh, my Clink how tbsak thee for having giveti • 'sac the glorious view of this country's greatness, • • which answers tide question for one! Yes. you have attained that degree of atreug th and consistency,. When your. less fortunate broth rot of Mankind they well claim ydur brotherly, protecting 'hand . And Y here stand before you—to plead the eatine of these your less , fortunate brethren—the . of:causeltumanity. I may succeed or I may fall. fiat. I Will go on, pleading with that faith of ..martyrs, by which mountains were moved; and I " may displease yon, perhaps; still I will ray with Lather—tt•Alay Cod help me, Iron do no other '. - - want more to prove that Washiugton never :^Lttifettlied to his doctrine of neutrality more than seise of temporary policy. I refer to one hialletters, written to.baftiyette, wherein be asps:—let us only have bratty ycirt of peace, t and our country will come to ouch a degree of power and. wealth that we will be able in a fort ~ , tattsc, to defy whatever power on earth!" a just anise" 'Now In tbs. risme of eter s' nal - m.lth, and by nil-that is sacred and dear to . . main;—muce the historpOrmsnitirld is recorded, .-. theca lta. been no cane more jast thart - the .yentise of iianglryf '.Never wee there a people without the /alienist reason more enoriligioasly, more treacherously, and by fouler mane, at tacked than ficmgarY! Newer hes crime, cursed umbiton, despotism and violence, in a more .sicked manner, united to crush down freedom and tho very agninat Hungary! No vor Bas a country more mortally offended tha. ifOncory isl All your sufferings, all your com ./ydairda, which, With so much right, drove your :fiirefathirs to take op arms, ore but slight grii4v -,11138 in .comparison with those immense, deep ".-wounds, out of which the heart of Hungary . eOits! If the cause of my people is not sufficient ly jtist tu. bison, the protection of God, and the - support of good-willing moo—then there Is no just. cause and no justice on earth. Then the Wood of no near Abel will move towards Heaven. The genius of charity. Christian love and just iCo will - mottruingly fly the Earth; a heavy curie will upon morality fall,— , depressed men despair, : only the Coins of humanity Walk proudly, .•withfloopiousibrow, about the mills of Llherry on Earth. , ,I have RIORII, gentlemen, that Washington. 'ltis..never bequeathed to his country the doc trine of not caring about the violation of inter. notional laW,—has not bequeathed the doctrine_ of indifferentism to his cormtrymen, hat only neutrality, - I have shown that these two ideoe nre essentially different. I have shown that even the doctrine of neutrality he never intend ed to recommend to his countrymen as a lasting COnotitutional principle, but only as a measure • of temporary policy adviesble until the trotted . iBtute7s 'Mould progress in strength and consist '.ency; to which knd be judged twenty years to he sotlicient,efter which ho himself declared to be resolved to espouse any just cause. Now allow me briefly to consider bow your policy. has been developed in the course of-time, with Impect to the principle of non-intervention in .foreign countries. I will only recall to your memory the message •of President Monroe, _when he clearly stated thit She; United States would take unarms to ,10rOtect the American Spanish Colonies, now ;free Republics, should the sc.called Holy (re / -er ctsholy)°AHlance 'make an attempt either to • Sid Spain to reduce the new Ainerican Repub. ,"licyto their ancient colonial state, or to compel them -to adopt political systems more conforms • .ble to , tbe.policy and views of that Alliance. I entreat you to mark well. gentlemen, not only the forced introllaction of Monarchical Govern iietts, but in general the interference of foreign ^.:JlKifreiti in. the contest for independence of the . sSpanish'Colonits, was declated safficient motive foithi-Vnited States tolprotect the-natural right of , iboielnatiotts to dispose of themselves. • 'Chi* lees° to desire you to remember that `.';tVedechirtikion of President Moproe was not balyapproved.and confirmed by the people of the United States:but that. Great Britain ueqf - thcVtited A'tates in. the declaration of this decision and - • • - t further recall to'yoitt- memory the instruc tions given in 182.6 to your Envoys to the Con - green of !Panama, Richard Anderson and John Serkeant, where it is clearly Mated that the UM i tad States would kora opposed, with their whole force ; the interference of . Continental Powers with that straggle for independence. .it is true, that this declaration 'to go even to war; to protect the independence of foreign Statei against foreign interference, was not on. ly restricted .to the continent of (America, but President Monroe Aecia.refi in his message that the United States can have no concern in European struggles, being distant and separa ' ted from Europe by the great Atlantic ocean. But I beg lease to remdrk that this indiffer. ence to.Eltrupean concerns is again s matter, notiof mina - 1441,0t of temporary exigiaicy—tbe moilsei of. which have, by - the lapse of time, en. disappeared—so much that the balance . arch turned*, the opposite side. . l!resident 'filectroe mentions distance as a mo.- - tire Of the above-stated distinction. Well, since the . prodigions dovelopement of your Felton's. glorious invention; distance is blotted out of the dictionary—or rather repinced by the word time. Distance is no'more calculated by milt; but by - hours. -And being so, Europe is of course lets distant from you than the greater part of the Atnerican continent, yea;tiner, nearer than per ' iMps some parte 'of your. own territory. President Monroe's second motive is, thatyou ' are separated by the 4 thuitie. Now at the pre sent time, and in the / prevent condition of nevi ; gation, the Atlantic mno separation, but rather a'connocting benefit, tire facilitating Boum* which'britige . ,the - interesta of Europe home to. You, connecting you with it with every tie of moral as wellas .material interests. It is chiefly in New York that I feel Induced to speat so, because Newl'aric le by hummers ' blo tics connected with Europe, more connected than several-parts of Europe It is the agricultural, interest of this great '''-o,tiuntry, which chiefly waists an: - outlet, and ..inc i ehot. Now it to far more Europe than the Ambeicen continent to which you have to leek, that respect. -This very- eirmunstancicannot allow yea to remain indifferent .to the' fate of - ,..‘freednutl , ,..fin the European :amithient; because, sure, gentlemen; and let me tfave.spekitt this chiefly tO the_ gentlemen of trade should Abate. ...;''lntlaut gain ground itilerope;it ', -- _zOake every possible obstsolsto the commerPial interionnir - republican America, becatm commercial intethouree is the molt powerful la. .cometiee of principles; and be sure the victory of Aberolutiem ',lithe European continent will In no quarter have more injurious natioxal consequen ces, than in the vest extort of your agricultural Sad commercial interests Then why not prevent it—while yet there is a possibility to do e° with none, orcomparatively small eacrifiees, rather than to abide that fatal catastrophe, and to mourn - the immense emeriti ees it would then coat. • Even in political considerations now-adays, you have stronger motives to feel interested In the fate of Europe; than even In the fate of the central or southern parts of America. What ever may happen in the institutions • of three parts, you are too powerful to Pee your own in. Plitlltioll9 affected by it. But let Europe he. come so nbsolatistleal,—as without the restora• Hon of Hungary to its independence, and the liberation of Italy no strongly connected with Hungary, to be sure it will—and your children will see those words, which your National Gov ernment epoke in 1827, fulfilled on a larger scale than they were meant, that "the absolaimm of Europe un72 not be appeared untif frerp restage of• human freedom had been obliterated eon, here" And oh! do not rely too fondly upon your power. It in great, to be sure. You hove pot to fear whatever a single power on earth; but look to history, Ancient Rome has fallen, and mighty empires have vanished from earth. Let not the enemies of freedom, grow too strong. Victorious over Europe, and then united, they would be too strong even for you! And be sure, they hate you with an infernal hatred. They must hate you even more than me. They con eider you as their moat dangerous opponents. Absolutism cannot tranquilly sleep while the re publican principle ham such &mighty represent ative as your country Le. bee, gentlemen, it was the four from the po litical reaction of absolutistic principle; which induced your great statesmen—•_that pr i nc i p l e which they professed for Central and Southern America, not to extend to Europe also, and by no means the publicly avowed feeble motives. Every manifestation of your public life out of those times, shoirs that t am right to say to.— Europe'o nationerwere, about 182:1, in such a de graded situation:that indeed you mast have felt anoints not to come into any political contact with that pestilential atmosphere of Europe, when, as Mr. Clay said In ISIS, in his speech about the emancipation of South America,—Paris was transferred to St.. Petersburg " But scarcely has, within a year later, the Greek nation come in its contest to an important standing, which gave you hope that the spirit of freedom is waking again, and at once you abet, doned your principle of political indifference for Europe. You know how your Clays and your Websters spoke, as if really they were speaking for my very case. You know how your citizens acted in behalf of that struggle for lib erty, in that part of Europe, which ix more dis tant than Hungary; and again, when Poland fell, yon know what spirit pervaded the Bolted States. So I bane shown you how Washington's doc trine of perfect neutrality in your foreign rela tions has by-and by changml into the declara flon to oppose, with all your forces, absolutisti cal Europe, in interfering with the independ ence or republican institutions of Central and Southern America. I have !shown you' why thin manly resolution was not extended then to Eu rope. I have shown you the further differences between your present convenience and that of the time of President Monroe—not leorimportant than those between Monroe's amt Wimbington's time. But one mighty_ - difference I must still commem orate. That is, that your population has, wince Monroe's time, nearly doubled. I believe; at least increased by millions. And what sort of meu are these millions? Aro they only native born Americans No: European emigrants they are; men, who, though citizens of the Vni ted States, ore by the moat sacred ties of rela tionship attached to Europe's fate. That is a conaideration worthy of the reflection of your raiment and wisest men, who after calm reflec tion, must agree with use, that in your pre - sent condition your are at least as much interested in the fate of Europe, as your fathers twenty 'eight - rears ago, declared themselves intereeted in thetate of Central rood Southern America. really so it is. The nuexampled, ins mewe, prodigiods sympathy for the canoe of my countv, which I met with in the United States, proves that it is so. Voorgenreal inter .ferettee with the Turkish captivity of theGover• nor of litutgary, prove. that it is SO. And this developement, ratter than change In your fa, eign policy, 15 not even mare all instinctive bunion of public opinion, which is called by rid by to impart a direotton to your National overnment policy; the direction is already hot ted, and the opinion of the poop!. is already • avowed principle at the policy at. the Oov- I 'have a good, I hare a most decisive nu hority, to rely upon in saying so. It to th lessage of the President of the United States His Excellency, Millard Fillmore, communion test, to the Congress, a few da,ye ego; there I read ,the paragraph—" The deep interest which we feel in the sprenctof liberal principles, and the establishment of free governments, and the Sympathy with which we Mimes every struggle against oppression, forbid that we thottitila natty , 'trent to a cause in which Ohs Wong arm of a for eign power to invoked to aft* puttllc la:fitment unit reply." the spirit at"freedom in any country." Now, gentlemen, hernis the groand which I take for my earnest endeavors to benefit the cane of Hungary'. I have only respectfully to ask, is a principle which the public opinion of the people of the United Stater✓ so resolutely pro fesses, and the Government of the United States, with the full sentiment of its responsibility, de clares to your Congress to he ► ruling priueiple of Your National Government ; is that princi ple meant to be serious': indeed I confess that it would be the most impertinent outrage to wards your great people, and your National Government, to entertain the offending opinion, I leat what the people of the United States, and national Government, in such aeoleron diplo matic manner, profess to be a ruling principle of .your policy, should not be meant to be but a joke about the most sacred interests of hu manity. God forbid (hot I should feel the im pertinent arrogance to think so; therefore I take the principle of your policy as I fad it es tabliehed, without any interference, and I come in the name of..oppressed humanity `to claim the natural; logical, unavoidable, practical con sequences of your own freely chosen Govern ment policy, which you have avowed to the whole world, the right to claim the realization of those expressions which your sovereign peo ple of the United states have chosen out of your own accord, .to raise in the bosom of my coun trymen and of oppressed humanity. You will excuse me, gentlemen, for having dwelt so long about that principle of non-interference with I European measures, bat I have found this rook thrown in my way when I spike of what I hum bly request from the United States. I have been charged to have the orrogance to change your existing policy, and as in ono speech, I of course, cannot exhaust the whole mighty com plex of my mission, I choose for the present op portunity to develops my view's about that fan= damental principle of not caring about Europe an concerns; and having shown not theoreti cally, but practically, that it id a mistake to think that you had, at whatever time, each a:Policy, and having shown that shoed you ever have en tertained snob a policy, you I had abandoned It, So much, at least, I hope to have achieved. My bumble requests to youi operative sympathy may still he opposed by I dozilt know what other I motives; but that objection , I, will never more meet—not to interfere with European concerns this objection is disposed of, and forever, I haze. It remains now to investigate, that having professed not to be indifferent to the cause of Europese freedom, is the cause of Hungary each as to have just claims to. your active and operative assistance and support? It is, gen- . tleman—to prove, his I do not now intend to enter into an explanation of the particular. of our straggle, which I bad the honor to direct, as the chosen Chief Magistrate of my native land —it is highly gratifying to me to see the cause of Hungary is—excepting some ridiculous min. representations of ill will—correctly understood here. I will only state .one fact, and that is, that our endeavorings for independence were crushed down by the armed interference of a foreign despotic power—the pripciple of-all evil on earth—llusala. And stating this fact I will not again intrude upon you with my own views, but,recall to your memory the doctrines earth lished by your own statesmen. Firstly: Again I return to your great Washington. He says in one of his letters to Lafayette, "My policies are plai nand simple: I think every nation has a right to eetablith that form of government un der which it conceiree it can live most happy, and that no governments ought to interfere with the internal concerns of another." Hare I take my ground--I take my ground upon a principleof Washington—a prier/pis, sod Apodactrine of temporary policy, calculated for thb first 20 yeare of your infancy. Romani ha, interfered with the Internal concern, of Hun gary, and by doing 82 ha:S .- violated the policies of the United States, established as a lasting principle by Washington himself. It is a last ing Tirinciple—l would invoke in toy support the cpinion of every statesman of the (bolted States, of every party, of every time.- list to save time, I come from the first- President of the 'United States at once to the laid, and recall to your memory this word of the present Annual Tice-; sage of.-Ilia Excellency President - Fillmore ”Let every people choose for itself, and make indalter its political'lnetittitione to suit Its own condition and convenience."- here again I take my ground upon this principle ,establiehed .by, Weshington—maklng the bails of your own ex istence, and professed and acknowledged by your Tery• present Goverment, only -to show that I am'aware of the policy and political epin ion of yoir peasant Goverment also. 1' beg leveo. to.quartyonr Present Secretary of State, Mr. Webster i e gtatemetit, Me speech on the Gieek speaks;.sof °Theis* d nations maintains that in extreme cant, neat ence isawful; and that one aatidn has no eight interfere intim Affairs of another." Well, that ..prechtely is the ground upon which-we Hungarians stand. But I may perhaps meet the objection—l am sorry to say I have met it already—" Well, we own that it has been violat ed by Ruesin-in the case of Hungary, hat after all what Hungary cm? Let every people take care of itself: what in that to act" 8o some speak; it is the old doctrine of private egotism, "every one for himself and God for all." I will answer the objection not by my own hum ble views but again by tho words of Mr. Webster, who, in bin alluded to speech on the Greek question, havidg professed the sovereign right of every nation to dispose of its own concerns, to be a law of nations—thus is going an "But it may be asked what is all that to ui? The ques mine in easily answered We are ono of the na tion, and we as a nation have precisely the same interest to internationals law es a private indi vidual has in the law of his country." You see, gentlemen, I hail again a good an• thorny to quote. The principle which your honorable Secretary of State professes lea prin ciple of eternal truth. No man can disavow it —no political party can disarm it. Thus lam in the ; happy condition to address my humble prayers in that respect, not to a party hat to the whole people of the United States, which I will gla on to do so long as I have no reason to contemplate any party opposite or indifferent to my country's cense, because else of .course I would have to address those who are friends, and not those who are either indifferent or an tagonistic. But it may be from some quarter. avowed: "Well, we acknowledge the justice oft that principle of every nation's sovereign right —we acknowledge it to he a law of nations that' no foreign power h.'a right to interfere in the affairs of another, and we ere determined to respect this cothmon law of mankind, hot if eth ers do not reelect that law it in not oar busineea to meddle with them." Let me answer by an analysis: "Every nation has the same Interest in the international career, as a private individ ual has in the lowa of his country." ' That is an acknowledged principle of the United States.— Consequently every, nation is, in respect to in. ternationel law, precisely in the same condition as a private individual is in respect to the laws of his country. Well, where Is the condition of a private indi vidual hi respect to the laws of his country" Is it only that he has himself not to violate the law 7 or is it that so far as is in his power he should also prevent others from violating the law 7 Suppose you see that a wicked man is about to rob—to 'minter your neighbor, or to burn his house, will you wrap yourself in your own vir tuous lawfulness, and say, "I don't rob—don't murder-Aunt burn, but what others do is not my business. lam not my brother's keeper. I sympathize with him; but I am not obliged to help him that he may net he robbed, murdered, or burnt." What honest man of the world would answer so? None of you. None of the people of the United States, I am sure: That would be the damned maxim of the Pharisees of old, who thanked God that they were not as others were. Our Saviour was not content to go himself-trading in the hall of the temple, but he bad driven out those Who were trailing there. Now, what the duty of an individual is in re spect to the laws of his country, the Mime duty has a nation, in respect to international law This duty has no other limit, hot only the pow er to fulfill it. Of course, it cannot be expect ed that the Republic of San Marino, or the Prince of Morocco, should stop the Czar of Russia in his ambitious annoyance. It was ridiculous when the Prince of Modena refused to recog nize the government of Louis Philippe—but ''to whom much is given, touch will lie expected from him," nays -the Lord..; And every condition has not only its rights, tint also its own duties, and any which is in the condition to he a power on earth has the duty to'sormider himself as a pan of the executive power of mankind call e d to maintain the law of nations. Woe, a thousand. fold wee to humanity should there nobody on earth be to maintain the laws of humanity Woe, a thousandfold woe to humanity, should even those who are as mighty as they are free not feel interested in the maintenance of the laws of mankind—because they ore laws—but only in so far as some scanty motley interests wool.i de sire it Woe to humanity if every delFnt of the world may dare to trample down the laws of hu manity and no free nation arisen to make re. spected those laws. People of the United Stoles, humanity expects that your glorious republic will prove to the world, thatr*guhlicolarefonort , ad on virtue—it expects to see you the guardian of the laws of humanity. Well, I will come to the last possible objection. I maybe told, " Toss are right in your princi ples,your cause is juskand you haven. strops, thy;but after alive cannot go to war for your cove try;we gannet furnisb,ron with Imam we cannot fight, your battles for you." There is' the rub. Who can exactly tell what would have been the biome of your own struggle for 'independence, though your eriontry was inn far happier geo graphical position than we poor Hatimuians, should France hoes given such an answer to your forefathers in 1778 and 1781, instead of sending to your aid a fleet of thirty-eight men. of-war, and auxiliary troops, and 24.000 mus kets, sail a loan of nineteen millions. And what is far more than all this, does it not show that France resolved with all its power to es, powe the canse of your independence! But perhaps, I may be told that France did this not out of love for freedom, but oat of hatred to &wised. Well, -let it be; but lee me also ask, shall the cause of olden times—hatred—be more efficient In the destinies of mankind than love of freedom, principles of -justice,-and lawn of humanity! Perhaps I will be told that Eu rope is so far from America. But let me ask is America in the days of steam navigation more distant from Europe ,to-lay than Francs was-, from America seventy-three years ago t Ho, ever, I most solemnly declare that it in not my intention to rely literally upon this example. It is not my wish tii entangle the United States in war, or to engage your great people to send out armies and fleetato restore Hungary to its sov ereign independence. ,Not all, gentlemen: I most solemnly declare that I have never entertain edsuch expectations, each hopes, and here I come to the practical point. The ;spirit of evil in Europe is the enervating spirit of Russian absolutism. It is upon this rests the daring boldness of every petty tyrant to trample upon oppressed nations, smite crush down liberty. To this Moloch of ambition has fallen a victim my poor native land. It Is this with which Montalembert threatens the French republicans. It Is Russian intervention in Hun gary which governed French intervention in Rome, and gave the temerity to German tyrants to crash down all the endeavors for freedom and unity in Germany. The despots of the Eard-- peen continent are leagued against the freedom of the world. That is a matter of fact. The second matter of fact is thet the European coati 'neat is on the eve of a new revolution. It Is not necessary to be initiated in the secret prepare d°ns of the European democracy to be aware of that approaching contingency. It Is pointed out by the French Constitution Itself, prescribing ; a new Presidential election for the next spring. Now, suppose that the ambition of Louis Napo : leen, encouraged by Russian secret aid, awaits Ms time, (which I scarcely belieni,) and cup pose that there will be a peaceful solution, each as would make contented the friends of Repub. Bean Prance, of °puree the first act of the new French PrSsident mast be, at leant, to recall the Fr,eech troops from Rome. Nobody can doubt that q revolution will follow, If not precede this recall in Italy. Or if there Is no peaceful solu tion in France; bat •revolution, then every man knoWs that whenever the heart of Prance bails up, the pulsation is felt Wrought:jut Europe, and ;oppressed nations once morerristh and Russia vein interferes. Now I humbly ark, with the view of these eir cumetancen before my sync, can it be convenient To each a great power me this Republic, to wait the very outbreak and then only to Abloom and decide what direction you will be willing to take in your foreign policy? It may come again, as an der the lastiffresi dent, nt a late hour, when agents were vent to see how matter. stood in Hungary, Russia interference and. treason achieve what the Hapaborg dynasty felled to achieve. You know the old words, ••while Rome debates, By rantium fell." So I respectfully entreat the peo ple of the United Suttee, in time, to exprese its will as to what coarse it wiehes to be'puarued by its National Government in the cent of the ap preaching events I have mentioned. And I most confidently hope that there is only one course possible, consistent with the above recorded principles. If you acknowledge .the right of every nation to alter its institutions and govern ment—if you acknowledge the interference of foreign powers in that sovereign right to be a violation of the law of nations, as you really do If you are forbidden to remain Indifferent to this violation of international law, as your Pres dent openly professes that you are, then there ie no other course possible than not to interfere in that sovereign right of nations, but also not to admit whatever other powers to interfere. Ent you will, .perhaps, object me that le so much as to go to war. I answer, no—that is en much as to prevent war. Whet is wanted to that effect? It is wanted, that being aware of the precarious condition of Europe, your Nation al Government should eo soon as possible send instructions to your Banister at London, to de clare to the English Goverement that the Uni ted States, acknowledging the sovereign right of every nation to dispose of Its own domestic concerns, have revolved not to interfere, but also pot to let Interfere whatever foreign power withlthis sovereign right, in order to repress the spirit of freedom in any country. Come fluently, to invite the Cabinet of St. James to mike with the. United Staten in this policy, and to declare that the United - States are , resolved to act conjointly with England in that decision in the,pmee of Hustapproacking =Wenn the Eu ropean continent, which It is impoesible not to foresee:. If the &liens of this". States instead of honoring me with the:offers of their heel& Say, would be :pleased to express thls,,tbelr . Mill. musting oonnenient raeolutitiucilnd rat 'trying them to their National Government—if I - the people by 'all oenstitutitmal messm--if tie independent 'Press 'would hasten - to express"the public opinion in a similar sense—if in cans qaence of thhi, the National Government would instruct its hlinister in England accordingly, and by a convenient communication to Congress, give ao as it le wont to do, publicity to this his step, I am entirely sure that you would find the people of Great Britain heartily joining this di rection Of policy—nobody in the world could feel especially offended by it, and no existing *elation would be broken or injured , and still the interference of Russia in the reiteration of Hungary to Its independence (formally declared 1849) prevented—Russian arrogance stud pre ponderance checked, and the oppretwO nations Of Europe soon become free. There may be some over anxious men who perhaps would say, 'But if such a declaration of your Ge'vernment ill pot be respected, and Husain still does in eftire, then you would be obliged by this peel. us declaration to go to war, and you don't de r to have a war." That objection seems to me like as if some qdy would say, "If the vault of Heaven breaks own what will we do!" My answer is, “that i ' will not break down," even so I answer—but our declaration will be respected—Russia will of interfere—you will have no occasion for wart u will have prevented war. Be sore Russia wo d twice, thrice consider to provdke against iithelf, besides theroused fury of rurtions—besides the legions of Republican France, also the Eng lish Lion and the star surrounded Sae& of America. Please to consider the fact that you, united to England, hate made already each a declaration, not to admit any interference of the European :Absolutistieal powers, in the affairs of the formerly Spanish Colonies of America, and has this declaration brought you to a war? Quite the contrary; it has prevented war—so it would be in Our case also. Let me thehlare most humbly entreat you, gentlemen—let .me entreat ion on this occasion 17 the means' of I publicity—the people of the United States tube pleased to give such practical direction to' ite generous symptithy far Hungary, as to arrange meetings and pass such resolutions here end there, and in every possible place of this great Union, as I took.the liberty to mention abase. Why not do so? I beg leave to reiterate what I had the honor to say yesterday to a committee of Baltimore. Suppose there should in Cuba a revolution occur, a revolution from the inheßW tenth of Cubs themselves, and whatever Coro peen power should send down a fleet to support Spain egainet this revolution, would you admit this foreign intervention in a foreign country I am confident there is not one in the United I States who would not oppose this intervention. Then what is the difference between tale sup ' posed cane and the case of Hungary ! le there a difference in principle! No. Then whrt!-- The difference is that Cubs is at tin days die ! Lance from New York, and the port of Hungary ( Flume) at eighteen days distance. That (sail; ! and who would affirm that the policy of ninth a great, free and glorious nation as the United States shall be regulated by hours and not,,by Lprinciples. Allow mo to remark that there is an Immense truth in that which the French legation In the United Suites expressed to your alinement, in an able note of 27th October pant, which I beg leave to quote. ••America is closely cent:cited with Europe, being only separated from thelat ter by a distance scarcely exceeding eight days' journey, by one of the most important of gen eral interests—the interest of commerce. The nations of America and Europe are at this day so dependent upon one another, that the elect of any event prosperous hr otherwise, happen. by nu one site of the Atlantic. are immediately felt on the other side. The result of this eon, munity of interests, commercial, political and moral. between Europe and America-of thin frequency and rapidity of intercourse between them is that it becomes as difficult to point . out the geographical degree where Ametican policy shall terminate mil European policy begin, as it is to trace out the line whore American con, merce begins and European commerce termi nates. Where may be said to begin or termi nate the bless which are In the esrendant in Europe and in America." The 8604041 measure which I beg leave to mention has reference to commercial Interest. There has, iu latter times, a doctrine stolen into the code of international law which is even as contrary to the 00121011.- cial interest; of nations as to their independ ence The pettiest despot of the world hoe the faculty to exclude your commerce from whnirv• er port it pleased to do so. He hoe onlyta'hit range a blockade, and your commerce I. hot out or down trodden Venice, bleeding Lombardy; or if my down.oppreesel but resolute !Nagar', rises to shake off the Austrian tyrant'e 'like, as sorely they will, that tyrant believes to hays the right from dial very moment to exclude? our comm.'roe with the risen nations. Now, this is 52 obtronlity—a tyrannical id a. tion of tyrants violating your interest— nr own sovereign independence_ The United States hive not always regarded things from this point of view. I find in a note 6f Ole. Everett, Minis ter of the United States in Spain dated, "Ma drid, Jan- 20 , 1820." these words' .-Itt the War between Spain and the Spanish American cblo nies the United States have freely granted to both parties the hospitality of their ports and territory, and have allowed the agents of both to procure within their jurisdiction,' Is the way of lawful erode. any supplies which suited their convenience." Now, gentlemen, this is this prin ciple which humanity expecte, for your =nand for mankind's benefit to ace maintained by you, and not yonder fatal meanie, which admits . ty rants to' draw from your country whatever sup ply of oppression against their nations, but for bids to nations to buy the means of defense., That was not the principle of your Washington; when he speaks of' .harmony, friendly intertwine and of pence,,he always 'takes care to speak of nations and not of governments—still less of ty rants. who subdued nations byiforeign anus. The sacred word of •nation, with all its natant rights, should at least, or your-political ihrtion ary, not be blotted out; and yet I ant: sorry to see that the word nation Is replaced by the word government. Gentlemen, I humbly wish that puller opinion of the people of the United States conscious of ltd own rights, should highly and -resolutely declare that the people at the United State will carry on trade and continue Ifs aim martial intercourse with whatever nation, be ast nation in revolution against Its oppressors or not; and that the people of the United States express, with confidence from its Government, to provide for the protection of your trade. I am confident that your national government seeing public opinion so pronounced, will judge it convenient to augment your naval farces 1n the Mediterranean, and to look for some such station for it which would not force the navy of republican America to such abrogation, towards 1 tyrants, which cannot be consistent with Repub lic= principles or republican dignity, only be cause the king en and so, be he even the cursed king of Naples, grants you the favor of an 'an choring place for the naval forces of your re public. I believe your glorious country should everywhere freely unfurl the star-spangled ban ner of liberty with all its congenial principles, and not make itself dependent on whatever re spect of the glorious smiles of the kings Ham hut' et Compagns. The third object of my humble wishes, gentlemen, is the recognition of the independence of Hungary. Your glorioue declaration of independence proclaims the right of every nation to assume among the powers of the earth the Repents and equal station towhich the laws of nature and nature's God enUtie them. The political existence of your glorious republic Is founded upon this print le, u on this tight. lily nation stands upon d, and there is a striking resemblance behreen your canoe and that of my country. On the 4th of July, 1776, John Adamslepoke Guilin your Congress, "Sink or swim, live or die, entrvive or perish, lam for this declaration." In the beginning we aimed not at independence, but there is a divinity which shapes our ends."— These noble words were in my mind Gentle 14th April 1849; when I moved the declaration of inde pendence In the National Assembly of Hungary. I Our aondition..wes the eame.and it them be any I difference I date say It Is in favor of ourselves. ' Your country was before this declaration lot a selfnolislating, independent State. Hungary was. Through the lapse of a thousand years, through every viciesitode of this long period, while nations vanished and empires fell, the self consisting independence of Hungary was never disputed but recognized by all the powers .of the earth, munitioned by trestles made with the Hapsburg Dynasty, when thin dynasty; by the free will of my nation, and by a bilateral part was invented with the kingly crown of Hungary. Even more, this independence of Hungary WAS SO' knowlodged to make a part of the international law of Europe, and was guaranteed 'not only by! the foreign European governments, such as Great Britain, but also by several of those, When yet constitutional data, which belonged formerly to the German, and, after Ito dissolution, to the Au/drilla Empire. This Independent condition of Hungary is clearly defined in one of our fun damental laws of 1791, In thane words: "Hun-' gary Is a tree and independent kingdom. having its own seltnonsistent existence and constitution, and not eubjeot po any other nation or country in the world." This, therefore, was our illideirlt right. We - were not dependent upon, nor a part of, the Austrian Empire, A s your country wat dependent upon England. It was clearly defined' that we were to Austria nothing but good neigh' borhood, and,the only tie between us and Aur tria was, that we elected, to be our tinge, tot same dynasty which. were &leo the eoverelgnr of Austria, and occupied the same line of Int.."' tary ,accession of our kings; but• by' a t " Mg this our forefathers, with the consent '7,. ° king, again declared that though she woe . ""„.° dynasty to be one hereditary kings, ail th "„"" 1 1 1 3 er franchises, 'eights and laws of the o ° shall remain in fall power and intact, a o ur country Shall be governed like other don L as : of that dynasty; bat accenting to our cc ''''' tlonally established authorities. • , We would laildatto . ,the Austrian El .beetuse that Empire did not exist while Mul ler) did.already owl) 200 peers exist, and ex ist some two hundred and eighty yearn under the government of that Hapsburgian dynasty. The Austrian Empire.'as you know, was only established in 181:18 - 'when the Rhenish' Confed eracy of Napoleon struck the death-blow of the Getman Empire, of which Francis 11. of Aus tria was not hereditary, but elected, Emperor. That Hungary had belonged to the German Em pire, that is a thing that no man in the world ever imagined yet. It iv only now, when the Hapcburgistr tyrant professes the intention to Melt Hungary into the German Confederation : but you know thin intention to he in no striking ' .opposition to the European public law, that Eng land and France solemnly protested against this intention, which is not carried out even to-day. The German Empire having died, its late Em peror Francis, oleo king of Hungary, et , tablisheit the Austrian Empire in 1608, but even in teat fundamental character of the new established Austrian empire, be solemnly declared that Hungary and its annexed provin ces are not intended, and will not make a part of the Austrian Empire. Subsequently we en tered with this empire into the German Confed eration of 1805, but Hungary, as well as Lam . hardy and Venice, not making part of the Aus trine- Empire, remained again separated, and ' were oda entered into the confederacy. The laws which I succeeded to carry in 1848, did, of course, nothing alter in that old chartered con dition of Hungary. AVe transformed the pea. sultry into freeholder., free proprietors, abol ished feudal, inoumbrancee. IVo replaced the political privileges of aristocracy by the com mon liberty of the whole people ; gave political I representation to the people for the legislature; transformed nor municipal corporations Into democratic corporations; introduced equality in I rights and duties, and before the law, fur the whole; people abolished the immunity from tato- Bon of the nobility, secured equal religious lib erty to all, secured liberty of the press and of association, provided for public gratuitous in. etruction for the whole people, of every confes elan and of whatever tongue; but not injuring in anyway the rights of the King. We replaced oar own aristocratical constitution by a demo nestle constitution founded upon nearly oniver- sal suffrage of the whole people—of whatever religion, or whatever tongue. All these were, II es you see, internal reform. which did in no way interfere with our allegiance to the King, and were carried lawfully in peaceful legislation, with the sanction of the King. Besides this, there was one other thing which was carried. We were formerly governed by Board of Council, which hail the express duty to govern according to such laws, and he respon Bible for doing so; but we ;now by long experi ence that this responsibility is an empty scrod, because a corporation cannot really be respon table: and here was the reason why the absolu tistic:o tendency of the dynasty anteceded to on cronchopon our liberty. So we replaced the Board fo Council by Ministers; the empty responsibility of a Board by the individual responsibility of men—and the King consented to it I myeelf was named by him Nlinisterfof the Treasury. Tlmt is all. But precisely here was the rub. The tyrant could not bear the idea that I would not give to his ambitionary disposal the life-sweat of my people; hr walnut routented with the 111, 500,000 loans which we geneionsly appropri ated to him yearly. Ile would have his hands 11l nor pockets, and he could not hear the idea that heishonld never more be at liberty to dispose Without soy control of our breve army, and to crush down lb. spirit of freedom in the w i eld. Therefore, he rrimrted to the most outengeous conspiracy, argil attacked by arms. unit by a false report of n victory which never wee won. binned a proclamation doelaring that Hungary shall not more exist—that its Itniepondener, its Constitution, :to very existence is abolished, sad it :.hall be melted, like a farm or fold, into We A latrine Elopire To thin we anowered, i'Thouahalt not exist. tyrant, but we sad we bottlehed him, and issued the Declaration of our Independence So you coo, gentlemen, that there is a very great difference: between yours and hors—it is in one favor. There le mother similar difference: you .I.,etered I.ir tin when it atm met very Idiot it would onemeeful Merlotti...l ours •hen we, to inottroata defense, were already vietonoue whin, we ha/ temen..ur enemies, and so paired. teoro.our decimanon tout we hed ...oath nod poem etoiLiab to le...me (lob dependent powers on meth vine thin.; our he t•- •,11011 of Independent. wae 444 y .roses eaminomely In uur Comae, hut «v.., mum, • loweibt e enty, has coleninly declar e d Its eon...at and adhere., to ,t, it p.0. e .. net t h e 5et er ......0. but by the whole realm nos, it eh ate me fundamental laws i 4 Hun gary And m 0 ie even now, rt. re hannevial rt , tag contrary to th. declaration ou in. part s(nation nontrur.lea. dedarati.ei cv's only tbio n asil . ...'ifttl P L.; :!.. Now, I put the no...tion. own., vied and latomini. to g:=:,i7.111 1 1.r.1t . g711.1. , 57i770'.!t1! ' "ttt ueetssamm of halettende ow , If 0.1. then. her. I tea., my ground. became I sot in this very bedroom. of In dependence, .ntrevlsal wills tio, stets. n o d ovrnor lit mt Mtherland. I hare reona. that my natter. to endeavor to meletein and toweure th is set ol Independence • And m may mey nationit mato In the Aleo,y the coudiuolity heat. me n as da I ..me, I will. toor Its vetdrh I a... Getty triad—yearn°, I lio,vv, ill tw ttencibluan. An/ thee I retire to the humble nondition of m• termer preme rife. equaling In one thing at Gam. your Weehingten. not io it., but to t0n..., that le the only ambition of my lu. An. . , . tio my third humble •tsh 11. that I.ls. people of the tad &mow would Le pp d. by all non-mutton. rooms of Ila wonted public life. to tivelare that tirknueledeni,, the legitimate rbarecter of th e beelocanou ..1 ludepen.. un dame of Mger,. it in anxious II uh i ,ary the Independent yo w •rs of the rth, aryl to Its the Gov donient or Ow United 5.., ea recsattise tht, indepen dce at the .a.r11.0 parent-et [Me Thai is nil 1,1 one me th e priociple thnounced. the rert mite be. left to the •Laloto of your troyernment. with •m• ronlidenee in my own `st a tedretkm Men and gentlemen. I hare reeprethally what . re m my humble vontradvi the wiveroten people of Ili!. country. In Its public and W. lIOW caparity. It is that the people of the Perini State. nine be pleased, by nil constitutional means, to denim.— First, that, hellos interested In the maintenatra , of-the largo( nations, acknowledging the sovereign neht or ev ergreen. to &Ames of Its own don:male romersis to be ens of thews lowa and the interference with Ulla eorerelan right to b e a violation of these laws of nations. the people of the United Mateo—resolved to ',open and to make tee opected these nubile laws—drelaree the Iterative pant in .rsonthm in !them, to be a •wilation or these Imre. whieb, if raltoratel, would Is, a new violation, and would Dot be recorded Indifferently by the m o m. of the United States—that you. thereinto. Invite your Government to at actentionty, and so invite Orel Masada to unite with We Uolted States Is this mOicy. :Growl. that the pi,le of the tlelted eta.. le rewire.' to main... its right of com nineisl Intercourse with the nations of Emote.. whether they be In • eta. of revolution aralmit tbrir tioveromente or not—and that web the view of apprombine snore on lb. Coutlnent of Rump, the poop. nisi.. the Govern ment in take apnecirlAts meastner thr the proteetion of the trade of th e pronto 'is the Mediterranean, and, Thiel. that the people of the United Slatespen:move. I. opinion In rospeet to the ommlon of independence of !biome,. vo as I hal the honor to Male. I h.ira ou hely ran repromb Me to hare Son. by this any thine iticonsis.nt with the high rewards which I now to the United States, or not ap propriate to my capacity. I would regard it Le • ',Tye dicions and benelimal thing. If those assert. emelt who sympathize with the ran. of Ilungary, wants form com mittees througn the diderrent . or the United States. With th e perm. to megaton ap pm pmpviete meetings. to pees each remit:Mons as I bad the honor humbly to suggest— Pc much Mr th public and p e gement. people of the UMW States. pa In Its olitical capac. with hat thy wlllett I have th e honor to oxe it t y with In lf the t United eym Settee I. really Intended to become tenellelal to the mum of my pear native laud, then three le one humble wish more Whith I mintOMIY entertain lb. la • private bust- F.ll4l&s.ertt c let: l n 'W rav o uld h. ev . tre;elreve ‘ gt i a s e"m- O e. far myeelf holly . on Camden st.t.hut, tor my wan try's fratelent,l would Dot be wheezed to t o:mt....lna from door bode.. [Great cheering.' lientlem n. I mean Doan- Mal awl money to main the memo( frldum. and Inde endence of Hunger,. took the ad•lce of mine kind friends. If it Im lawful to l ee., such en humble ropiest. because I teal Um honorable duty neither to offend. nor to eyed* your laws. I am told 11 . la lawful There are two insane to eve this, my humble WA, wromplithwl Tnietiret U teem Monntneone antecription.W put the otter. toes of Mod Mends at my dlapottal. for the heustlt of me Country's cause. The mooed Is • loan. An to this Ina, that its badness of a mom private a t tar, which. to to Klll.C . C.Plosuatitawrtste tee, rettn.ime MUM , mime , - tattoo In • morelaw circle. he here I only mentio n ois e If there are .ot hgement, men who aro to s ea , Idea, provided it will areatural in mt amen.- bin way, I would moot humbly votreat them to en. , lom • Petrab onsitounhathni about the subject with me. and secondly, I expewe toy conviction th at seen Una matter of loan meld h• ethciently proton.' by the other memory. et Wee. ratan°. obemi. ptions. which would afford me the Marts carmoe e for the practical Initiation of 11. loan Well. Now, as to Mime aubseriptions. Tha Idea was • teoacht hone to my mind by • plain bat very generous latter which I had th e home to twelve, and which I beg to read. It la es &Ilona thermixon. Ohio, Yridey. 000.14. Iv 11. LOOlf Komori., iloveront of Ilangery—flr: I boor authorized the Ogee of the Ohln Life Insurance and Trust Octinpany, In New Tmk, to band you drone en Inc tor one thousand dolled,. Iterareetfully four., W. BOHAI, I beg leave tom pebliclf to return my most hembls thank. to the 'outlet/um' for hie ample all, and the dPIL. este that In Which he offered It ; ram Men to My mind, that when one ablate indlvkluat le trll runt" tom mum, there may What , be many who you'd Ore their small share to it, if they wan, only OpOrlOPli that it will be thankfully accepted. however small It may be. And It mine mod my Unitedee that million,. men, rupe Ilmake an ocean, thef tate' number mil. ona of lobahltants, ail attathed with warm feelings to prioclples of liberty. egelomerided by dome dollars, IA OTC, PO many million. of dollars, m If 1 , wen , one sin. ale draft. to ens ret MOM prv.einu, Leeson, It Would pow. thlelty .how the srMO•thr of the rev , e , ... at largo I will gnawer It highly henefirial, ' , haul,' I beau happy ei town that generous men would form Ounnaltheis t oeushuut the Ltd.& Kates, to rata out of the free ~ f ferlnge Out meanie. mme rualmeal all 1.0 mist the enema burn• of freedom and ludependenne of hungary. It is a delft,. meter, gentleman, for me to linea. It le, perhaps, our the ereetem serriflors to tny o,ootry that I do No. Nneleum.i Nut I lone my country. Malone,' cheating.' god o r wilt I undergo even Ohl. Inoue log humillsOnn for her sake. Would I ware . hILOPT your Washington was, whin for your glorious ementry's sake, In the hour. of t our toed, he also milled Litman., In 'tram, fir, I hare done. Conscious of no ' , enamel °Joni, I etime In your ohm , . • poor p rnciond all., but you pawed pun me WM triumph of • welooms rood, LP the world has toyer set aeon. and oho tlocause To , took me for the reprisentstive of that ptlnuiple o f liberty which Ood hae destliod to 'memo the COMM,. benefit of humaally: end it Is le stork.. right to ace • mighty, Ore. mwerini people, moo forth to gost with Such al , the prIOMOIe of freedom, sten In • pour, persecated, penniless exile. Ile blessed Ihr Ile Tour gen. semis dent •111 ho madded through ell posteilW" god, e. even now, Millions of Europe's operas...l virtues eill .alt, 11101 r thanksgiving to 00,1 fur the toy of hope which &y elanou act, have throw° on the dark night of o b late; an, through all poateritr. "room e d mon will look to ...tow 0. • token of "Vhd, thot a hope forfreedom on earth, because there la • pimple Ilk, you to' hal Its worth and ye. zuptiort 101 CllllO. This speech was repeatedly interrupted by the applause of the company, and when the grgat Magyar resumed his east, the entire company rose to their feet.,and gave three hearty cheers far the speaker and the canoe he had no eta quently advocated. ' Aid. Snow then rose and said: Genre Acis : We have heard from the lips of th e • ...Muted Governor of Hungary his humble , e yseeets. We have all heard his three distinct PlOPositions. I rise now to put to you the ques tion. Shall the three propositions, submitted by the Governor of Ifursgary, stand as the res olutions of this meeting? [hood cries of "Aye, aye—pot therm.") Gentlemen, to there a con trary opinion in this body I Ham let Übe heard. [No response.] I thank my God that such to the first token given by the first assembly In thii country upon the hopes, upon the prayers of down-trodden Hungary. [Great applause.] Other toasts were then read, and responded to, when the Mayor announced the 'lath reg ular toast as follows ci f , t ., i I PI, The Prets.—,The organised Volee of Freedom whispers hope to the oppressed, and thun ders defiance at the' tyrant. After the toast bad been read . , \saye the Tri , bone, Mr. 11. J. Ramona of din s -V Ti Times rose to reply, hiving been appointed, to that offiee . by the Committee, when, what 'rim 'the astonishment of the company at s'eeg Col. Wean of the Ceinreir and Enquirer, .fl 4, last Boring insinuated, if he did not openly 'Oar, Kossuth with being accessory to murder, stand ing up and endeavoring to make himself heard,. This intrusion was warmly resented by the company, who loudly called for Mr. Raymond. The Chairmen announced that Mr.. Raymond had been appointed to speak; but still Col. Webb kept standing and did not sit down nor refrain from trying to speak, till a member of e Committee of Arrangements came np and obligati him to take his seat, whin Mr. Ray mond went on with his remarks We hare no space for Mr. Raymond's elev. quad. speech. During his remarks, be stated, that the press under his control would accept the exposition of national law and national duty, of M. Kossuth. (Cheers, and cries from the members of the press, "Answer for all—we say so too !"); • On the reading of the next toast, Mr. Webb, of. the Courier and Enquirer. ,took the floor again amid cries of "no, no," "eitdown," but on the interposition of the Mayor, and Mr. Ray mond, was permitted to proceed, and read from • written speeoh, but was soon interrupted with hisses and groans, and compelled to desist. Ile published his speech the next morning in his own paper. Speeches were also made, by 'Rev. D. Bel lows, Res. Dr. Chapin, and Res. Dr. Bethune, and others, and the company broke up at two o'clock, A. M. DIED, ve..rJay naming, at 3 o'clock. lairs ‘tAltOLINli ..rd 49 year,. Urr funeral will talr• piste this often:on, at 2 o'elock, from Mrs. C•ro.'...oornec of rocond starer and Itodoubt alloy. to procood to the lillrghony C.tortory. Ilor triroda on./ Move of No watt are 1.- , our.or.lm attood lb. luovral. • Adams & Co.'. Express Office S REMOVED to No. 80 FOURTH Str‘E.et. I They •rsn.mivlng ...Is from Phllsdainhis 4".'"'" to """Whi.lo 4.7 If BAKER a 011131(111, Agents. \ Valuable Property for Sale. AT new and elegant Brick Tint-ell-2 Ind Ulna, situate in the village of ll..beetta... hearert.a, 1.. be . l•ern tbe Ohio river and th• Ohio end Pa Ka hotel. TI.. bolter Is to teal trout by ZS het .leep—teeu Mottle*. and hutemetst story; alan,‘„an attic etery arsth four greet bed room.. The Lot on •hich it stands te Idis feet trout on the Ohio river, ay ItZ Yea den , . Ti,. yard in front and around boon le beautifully laid OIL and bleated with we abundance , of shrubbery, dower. At.. alth a amel tool ottetentlal floor •all around It. a ...deo lot adotistsuit the ram.. 1.1 feet equara,ln oeel orter and eultteathou. Vor further particulate he , dolre of tne suberriter. on the areuttors. deli 01 I 11. CLAWS K. KA LED PROPOSALS will Le received at 13 the 11111 e. or ALEX H 1111.LNH, for ruppl,r. mVAp besoro Use ore: . ,Ley ol nos, ,1,51 Auntiet4 osi and. lhoired oet of PLANK (Wow] oressu Hrtutuelsam mod ItroorLertllo . l . !erak Haul Cut ter w Use eubeentrer P. Isroi Ja; of Jeonary next. The 'lank W b. .col 6e.-1 th o, rek..o3 I, lt P. eitheroealoe: rtir. „ . . LEX'It 11. 111 Ll. Bit, I.nto t B. sts4 U. Haut Bout lb • - West Newton Plank Road Route eon BALTINIHRE AND PHILADELPHIA! TE A NIERS leave twice a day, morning and ry..utriz. ;44m1, I .Voruang Bost will Irs•l2 the 11 Luf Boat, 0t...w0 Ma Mu. 001al lot euuday nt &o'clock 1611.0111, 14...:1 Oaten Moonnßahala mt.n.e, === rlillE Fartneree and Alechanies' Turnpike. 1,.1 tlatan., will bald an IVernion C o mpany Went. Tee., ater, atal Mn 3.lasaarre 01 the a.m. , at . L... IL. I . SI.. Le , the taint !leads) at January uezi , at the L.. !law, e,an BeWse. .1.17 .111-• W. MICH/la 1:51, Stagq Coaches for Sale, ,•• vF, fi ne 'i r oy built Couebee, bewn TM" but • albort u 0341. to . u.l tram, tor each 11 to .tmd. 1 r km April to C. A deli tm Catml VEATHERS-114 xacks prime Ky., rce'd otesrr V•rt J nnt.au.l tor sale br .1-17 tn NI ErlA II UTCIi 15021 Jt CO. \ *TEE ,SUtiAR-100 MA, for sale y W. A. lICTCIII,.. N \ - - S A I(—-2.1 V prim, new crop, on con d tLOI'ER & TIMOTIIY—For sale by J. • IL FLUrb. UCk w HEAT FLOUR-11)0,6.3o hulled. JIP 1.0 aalr by 01.171 J. t ft- IrtAirt.t. 1 DM AN CLAY-100 boxer for sale by I ...I; It. I/AO:ELL • (X), Lawny.: UTTE L and 2.• bide. Fresh lidll • 0, I , JII-ICCI.L C 0... MUT MACIIINEI—f around -hand Smut, 1.=3 .114,hlue, tor sale 1% to die. m:tegument be DALZALL t CO. d i.s; ER w iV i A.N . T`i!:l3—For a barret marked v .11, 4 1 ; 1 : 4 11.+.1 lbe • within tblrtr 0. sold ha wr •I+lll IL c DAI.§.KLL t CO.. Liberty at._ S ISS IV ATCIIES; 11011 direc t from (le- p ix vr.a, r " a d o .rl 7 : V a al l t" 3.7." A'sti2" tt!ot:.`.l7::l, this day. rat. tdelutrl fly! it`i•LIIIMIN 1 ANDLESTICKS I—Another lot of new I ) al t CandlettletsouAt man b..l—and we would WTI.* purel.emere to cull eurly, es thls ertlrhe leatjoirent In drat denmuad. W. 1.4• 11. ItICIIMIDSON. Olive and Green Gatinetts. • & RIJRCIIFIELD have receiv e.l a few p 1... of floe colored Nallnekla. well edap. te for Iwo,' wear. Alen. (awl volaWl do» •Pd • fell ••• aurecuanl of black, dart volved, to. Alan, Twee,Ls and Jean/4...great variety: itrintol and Plain Veleeta for htire . wear Alan, 1.-Nuthanano. Fr..nell ...von. and all wag Niglio. of eavionzlda Ilare. are Invited to call wills nv when v " out 1ik.11.2110144 Wog kept nets 101 l ronelanl n tipt of New ()malt rIIIIE BLOOD IS TILE LIFE.- ant! the .. heal4b will ha soot. ITall;;;Woc . .k . lioa . " . is the nee of the blood now.Atnown. tuntstatuent.ly the bentsp.- rer and pr...reer or health. All es, so who ben nnett A tew bottler. bare often te.rtorose4 wonderful cunt, stela the _present me, se tandoerriuned hes hewn etthetoll with th at llogerboi dlessee---Consumptlon. for many Vera sod her ewes/iron` up As hovel... by AA physkiana She erne induced to try the See.. of Yellow buck UOO4. BMA ate, Wang ANS bot tles eras restored to ,rfeet beslth." It. N. ViuurA., berenth Word. Pittsburgh. The oboe* tasedsrlne Is tor sale whole ale And retail by . N. WINKENteIIA.II, data Int end lud Wood el— our. e Strad To Bridge Builders. QEALED PROPOSALS for re-building the J Wmle:a SISIIC10.• of a Briale• over Pekoto's Creek. e7.lof L' alio n cen7 r iniV l ZEl27,74l,< ° ,u " u h p? " ,,T mi k "l". and epeeOlcatione eau Le an. till ill o'cl ' ma naoror b tt IC:41 !net ,bl/1 Eli MITCHELL. KUKNEIKIt WALLS, ISIS KINU, Commiudaners ßODEKT of Alloghen7 Canute. Ofloonteeinneee Amos, Pittettumb, D4e-I'2, MI. IRANBERRIES-11 bras. just ree'rl per IL) acacia. MAIM, atul for We AT A. IicCLURO a 00., d.l Urocare sad Tea [Arlan itt EFI NED SUGARS-1000 bble. Crushed, Pulverised, Small Loaf and CluiElml SuLant, for sale JAMES L. HUTCHISON CO., dolt; Agettta St. Louts noun Sugar lielf '2,7._ 13LANTAT lON MOLASSES-20 barrels o•Ir, luuHog pet rtt. Chorlonsti, for do by JAHES A. HUTCHISON & CO. UO A R-25 bble. new, to arrive, for sale by k 7 . J 46 'J. S. DILWORTH • 01).. superior . " d '" olt) • -. (Chronicle crw.] HAY -4Q hales for sale (on wharf) by was w. & r. wIt.SON. UT First ft. New England Society. SERMON will bo delivered befbre the Now Howland Fonlety. by Rev. W. D. I.IOWARD, M revebyleriao Church, oo Sabbath ...ling. December 21. Y. Elmo Dos to emosormoc at o'clock. C. M. The Annual Feetival Supper of the Society vat be au,' at the BT. CLAM 11011:L. no Mml.l eVeo- Inv. the =1 tort • TIALon , fo Bfirpor ran b. obtained at L001118•Book More, N. n 7 Wood .Gant. - Thr Umbers Are n•nnooded topambi... tholr Tickets botoro Friday noon. M. Nth Inn; if practicable L. WILMARTIT L. K. taymilvioN, A. A, HARM% ilnl6.lt llonduSttoo of Arrangement... Christmius Gifts. TUE subscriber has just roccived from Ea a rape • Int of twautiful IVORY SHAWL PlNS.niatow ""4 .mb"kh"lst.l4ll7l-11217';•=1.2•11 d"l"..l'"i t'bunun, iw4l, , Umwat, wit Ott. much am Cludnn. Thu ahoy.. urn allnwpthnr unw stile .11 fluiPh,aud witl tw Pohl reroartsblr I Ir. vra ., 415 . 7 .. A 1 : 1 1 , 74 ) :. 0 t. t. 4146 nom or tow I.l!`tbk! . y Allegheny City Bands COUPONS payable let proximo ix Phila. Xj de dcnhrif i vde by IVA( A. I/ILL k , (•U_ • CH 11,2941 New Stock of Obickering's Piano Fortes. 1 - 01 IN 11. IVIELLOR, 81 Wood •Arret, Imo receriv..lactin'''. • Mock of PIANO VONTIA an from the cele brated manufactory of Cakkering.ifoeton.UMl at Itartory prin.., wit No. 1' 5 1M: (me 6 inlays Itcemocd ........... ... 'um - 6 •• 27t0 • .. :::::: 1.. ? 4 MOM • . • 110: . T Noll Urond ....... . dL3O: , The following Piano /arts* fromother mad0333.1.33333,rt. No. WI: Ooe 614 octave Itcrewoocl A tliodart, 34.1 3=5 3•773: •". Dn,•;. 323 2111: el; do. \ • Os. .."23 lam " Woodeard•Brepro, 000 111; " 4i" Boudoir. Cillbert:Elooths. 56 dels A mabogany 6 oetare areond , 'Cloths! .4 LIMO 110TT, Noe. 72 and 74 John nr_, NOW YORK. manufacturere and Madera 01 . 1;, ' 11113. exclusively. Al thole Factor.. are turned out llodl.l . p patent process) FLOOR OIL- CLOTH'S. which, tor beonty of dmiru and elegance of Shish, eurpaag euy- Wog or the kind hitherto produced in this cotry oriel In hump, and for which they obtained the po lo.model at the WorldlFalr i. i a At their stare In New Task on b. &nada loryte and complete um meat of 'Heavy, Medium. and Thin FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Prom LJ tubes to 21 feet Alm, rah. tiouhrine. mat Cluritipc OIL ei.orlis. m 133. COMME CIAL. 1114111101 TES 11110101.01 KLIUMEt. Fe, the meek inch*, Dreerstlll. 1151. GETISHAL RINSOXSTiIa Weaklier, for th• newt ram, during the eraek has been ves' unsettled. and Marine the pest three dam It has teem so ‘:trench cold reeteet any thing of throwboetto. t.ttot °°°. to the market The canal to clotted. and the navimithan to the eoneldembly Impeded. by the heavy, ma mcs of oost lug lo- from the Allesthenr Trade daring the reek has Nn prineltealy eontlned to home consm*llon, ald th em been no clung" In onotations. AMEIES—We have no altarallan to notice In price ides, last Week. Sales of some 50 lona of lima manufaaMimed Sod. As have transpired during the reek, at SO 351 r, ras and tune. stales 6 cka landau at 7,5.. intent added[Mtheaof other artlcles have heat confined to small lota, as' tbito 4l Y — tOostoeb 05(4ibM Potash 41(1245p; .24 dalarstm OW/30'S SI APPLE—Very fe i apples have mane Conran!. the mu bet la mealy bare. and prices rule hthh. Good atuditt aill readilpftom store at 13. and loom Ant hands . .2 62.32 71 tl bal m ALE—We notima-nontinued dramas fit prier; with a tele Imam"t i the following rstez Common Prtm-' balk 11012:::: OU • P 40,. 111 i . thl..` L. • 260 tau "---- ::: d 30 AL(X)llOl.—The reguLarsament rates aralso4lthe gui. ' AA BACON—No new bacon to any large extent has yet Men offered In thaglisrket, acd prices are altogether mat ins/. BULK llSAT—Conaldmihis e7 " tltits of bull meat hey* arrival doting the week. bu It int mostly designed for eastern eltipose.k Wry SOW shoulders at fYin. 4 Moe. and of 10.000 As at 11(c, hies robod .4 mos. 11004 PORK—Sale of 11) Ghia .1.140 BUTTER—Thy market thulium.. sera brim and • goal business has been doing. doting the rnk. Pale 40000 e ken la oqi@latto. 000 1114 packed to bble iitgr, Sod oelo do .frewh roll al 15d111000 lb. Llo3—Supplies are very seamy, and a good fresh arti cle would command lac la dozen, reality. BEANS—Are in good request from Mat hands It 11 dal 31. sad from slam at 11 1501 .17 N bu. DEW/ AND Fol.ll—lke maim • good demand to itut market at full uric I. Site at the river of IWO hit Bran at 12.5:e. with a gurd demand; 11100 be Shthatult at 2.50., and loth/ do Shorts at Mc 11 bas. CROWDS—SaIm . .Z(ldns from store. iv lot., Atli =gag. and tnom Grit hands at h7c4S/ 13i Quality. CORN hlF.AL—Reeelpts medium! light, and supplies limited. Sales .1:0 as from fast hands at 50e IS bu. Wes from store at She Who. CORDA.O): AND COTTON TARNS—Present So mate.. Hal chance from our last week's report eIIhESE--Sales UM Das In the past (wt. days. principal ly at hhie for gOOd W It. ClineliltlLS—Our manufactories continua to do a 11Sel, busluese, eitb sales of all they fill mat, at M. follosrlos Dries, Water Crackers, P bFreL.,...— ..................._11.60 Uoter .. .""'.. Dyyreptic , .. -. a... Pilot Dna, p txml :LA /3uotaq CrAckvra. P pfnsml 1 DRIED. kßUlT—livarrely any thing tau b.. dokur I. the market. %,Pmell ..k traorplre trona mew at $1 Wfo •Pl , h. and $1.60 far peach., . i'LltUlt—The\ tn•rket ban been very doll du 100 the poet and the greater portion t.f the Ala. have been al Brice. sllnhtly de‘rllopi tram hal Itrix-L The folloellns sate* hare transpired during the work—lnil this at 76 42 15742 no, Inn estra true. story 4 VI 12094; 100.10_ 70 43 tiN,, far .. 0. and extra; Ind extra at 112 1V43: 00 a (at $271; c 4 at $175; 40.0 $2 31;.1 at 1207; 2.20112 al, A) at sl^ 2 te.t. 5n.1 $2 7.,;602 t.6.....1a al. 02 1i7441 290; at $2 :.,at $l l 7. led at 12 tlb; Itid at $2 76: Ind at $2 1242. 75 Ws , $7 ha. 8 I. aud extra, 11 LI/1. Cadudderablegnaratthee hare Leun',4ored, 113 mnsaquence of the Pleee;tt ton RYE FLOUli—eales ... Gbh, deliterabla at Cinrinuati, ot $3 111,1,1. Siko of :D bbl• Itam ?tare at $2 Clt 112 to tn.- it.g .bout the r4ng rano I.ow $1,,,1 bands, awing la t r bo v...ry light 1 . ...a1t.\ HUCK W iir.nr i' Ult—ltecelpto have I.e. halt, awl sal... brisk. Skla ~,, .... ntsetn.l..all $1 Wit 1110,8 W 0000 5, to no a sky. • K)W ,. V , AAA. gaiety IOU aka [rata st,•re at 9.• 11 . ..4ek ~ (I iIOCERIE....--The matt.rt mutininn, oui.t, wilt; no Eno- Lrr 1.1..4 , I \ tiea 15 hb,la Sugar at Ufp UfaM 6!;e for tu.• u.J 01,1. Sal.lllil ads a O Molasses at 3.14 cub lad time: ao4 \;ts lads Sugar/muse at 40e 71 .llou. 501.,. 1U Laa tr,L.nur liars,. if Luau at Te al D.— Salm Tu aka Cotl,-., is lots; it W.. Salsa of Wes, is mnall W 4. at-1!r D. littAlN—liseviate bare been cokiparatirely liabt, with ths fulliustng 400 , doriug (be Lu Llai• at 90U do it trom ant Yawls, aud\blii bu from ..r.• at Vie_ Sales 421 , .1 Barley at 4.1 , .; Wu n cum ,µ 40 0 , and 216 Jo fur shelled au t ears. Ie la worth 400 bushel. llPairl—We have uo kw. Palm to repo From S 4 $0 to 4 7.7 p 7 IVO. stetare the pride Wel by paqera. 111/Va.—Are 30(eaZe with r aadtt Wags • HAY—Soles at the scales Irma WIL.AI hasp beau balls brisk at Insu 21G to ale 11.0. \ {Hon.! aso NAILS—Pio sahruu • list of plias tit MOM the - priadpol.tlAW: _-- . . \ s pasta-1u to AP ... . \ t i tt ' i•R 1.14 , em • •• • -....----. Th,..b n ,wie e e}ce given , subject to . diecoant fee ea. WMIIIEI4-111 market mann no* .tndy. .t about last week's eumetions. \ I.4l4incee le quote:l at V 113. 1 .1 e. Neer reek du 10*L. LUMBER-421e lar*Tia• 111 the Allegheny kw tie.. our Trade geed eapplles. tee following are the prime at,t.he yardi—oemmen,boaree end clear do $Tp 1.0110; thin glee $2 ",..5402 be; laths 112 tt 1006. LEPDs—Sute postradersblis Into h... arrlssd. but sup plies ars essaparalively Sales I. litlilisd lota at Se be pig, and Ali tot bar. • s LARD—Srales t. .mill lots abli@Sdk In kilo, =A 7%0 Ya in tags, usardl. to dualltr. LEAD—Thsrs is • vigolar disissrunis Uni:msilitt s lS 6or Wt. sod 6615,f0r bar. Lawn Pan—Ths ➢resent tongs oegrion Is Teak. accord ing to sloe. gOMMR=OI We= La.—Pare Lead Is sellteg at 11. and- Na 1 at $1,60A kes•\ - - • lALT—Tba, revular eu s rrelat rain of itie",itsskiet u•ea @9O I bo. OILS--...`talos of Llo 70e: No I Laza 0,111 Phi METAL—.In portal LL VA-4 =a t t.. 10211 VI ton. Reds sts worth -mall 11114 'fonder may int puoteat . at Kiln arid tff all m e keg, at 63.3433.60 p keg. itrkt , 3333 a 1322)1 \ 11.211S—rtae tun north 3lteliff No for fftnkff Duna NOT., aritb \ good damand. tiff ETff—From ant basula ne may Quota Over at f4TS Timnany at 12 21, and Nag .a al al 124 It bnfftoil 111ffr,T:-dSalie .031.c2175 p bag, and $1! laff SPICW,The following are Um corral ralei iter melees 1 I:nada. l, \ . -111 olt It 01.11.rer t00t..._..., \II: l e i ‘ 4 °."...",.. T .-- EZ . 11,... g‘l''''4.--. t, Z.lO ... 3 e,,--.6.. i 1 {'! \ qnQ brumalre at 1.1; canal at $1 1p tem \ lbarrel. TALLOW-8 a* 6((bbis at lo ffi b. ' . '' 1 TIN PLATS—Theling mom of Um markat Ks RIM '11.30 Vi bx. 4 moe—" 11 boa off arr crab Block tin l.' belling at 2.40124 on R. TOBACOO—Tbere la \ a Art demand for all deseriptlatul ' of manufactured tobaccO, and pleas muffin. Ttir7 grub— The following may be giveuNns Qat grtnent mini/ IffMgi ;Virginia manufactgred =A trim[, 20fftrnLyisob buret ping 17e, Virginia .ift. 2011L3s.ladr• twilit 19a.-- Lead tobacco Li quoted at 4.110 ' Liumera and ILobltuniff are bald at 22c. \ 1 TIN in limited IN. . • r Lb. bbl, tram stare P9 6,4 1i 1 WIIISKEY—SaIcs DLLs 14... et, wh awl time; and 100 do at 1, • CATTLE MARKET& Deg. 15. Booms—The offerings at the yvdsy'wrere leo full than lest week, oerlugi.,•o presamo is thaiiiglemouoy of the weather for Tbel mount. , 'dol. , ' malnet 300 11.'1.111 of which wore reported sold at\ Tilek..• • bra weight, equal to blibtle ewe (loco—Th. sales were abOut 300 Awed et 4 r. 6 4.ribt O 014. net. . , Platautolus 0r.../!e, Cattle—There was' an 10 , In the eunply of laraTos at•the make today. and prime detained. gram Phis peria, od until the firet or the yur. the tharket may Ow wooded to llctotttateb because the dompoUe‘sausetaStlest Is Wes and packer'. have almost 44andoned \the idea of meting, any number's of moment •hllv tinged keep so high The offerings mm118'1 . 1360 heed, of which number:oo wen' mold Coat e butehen. Ind left over retol d , and WO driven to PhtladelphLe ' Prime ranged from 12 re tog?. WY th \bug. eutud to 0000g0000 71. set.atal aventeute gruse•, • . llorm—The Quotations continue high..paeters ban., lodise...meats to saheb., and the Snug astkassrosausitteat If have twee limited. The sleek has also pen \ rather in different. We gusts at IS6.—{Ametitali. TAR -40 bblr. N. C., for rola dell J. B. DILWORTH ItHar,. ROSIN -30 bbls. foz-bale by t dull DILIC Goods for Cold Wein MURPHY .LBURCIIFIELD Ur buy,. to the:, very 6 V ow& Ueda of Dry Orals adapted •• ._ _ . . • , llama Made P1.t...1., white , brava. blue sad DUX: lietilli. Welsh dm. 1 , ....arn Made do. all ed..: Huonbear, Cent. do. hllt dm. Pada dm. tlaTkarld7. t rd cr ” .td i , I dn.. faddy tlarld Winter Worm 11011141 A tddrta Comforts. So. al , addle sal adDPISar o L* RIMS 'mil rereired. dela • . • , The Holder of a Note. ct WEN by Jacob Poe, Thomas Poe, and A. ii J. )(awn fin 00010 i# L 4) 0, $llOO. and Callao do. t rumentn, Is mensated le, 'gamut It tor payment at om _. A. WILALINB a_ ,01). . 1 011 . _ B. K. memos Market •att shad it.. KOTTEIt-12 bbls. fresh Roll, for sale by we--a. P. PL11K11726. 1 kRIRD PEACirES-30 for sale by delet, • 8. P. BIIIIIVES DRIED APPLES - 20biota. for sole by dela • a. gnaw= . AL - 60 N.. Na 1 Gabbed tterrialS: ZOO \ No. le .. IVE , Jar=ork :art making Ara tar ala.by • delo JOUN WATT t GO, Marti at ' UNDIUEs__ \ hta. Fresh RAI Botta; 21as Clora deed: 00 mum ar. M 3alsituc 20 bbls sa e. •—•ior 3 earil Zi ".R'O d: _ 21 bbl. Syrup rolasoar„ W; tar.33l* by -JOHN wen. co. Ladies' &entaxies. . Jo beautiful new styli Laivat Smarm ads, Ilnlabod sad mesas ‘• • • dog JOOEP,tI) . IIYX9. N0. 42 l PM , it PORT OF PITTSBURGIL\ lisia—Theye ass 6 bet 6 [zebra in ebastael by play amt. al duet. bys weenies. sad &Ulna. ATUtIVID. \ - •)6'6. lienelekkeinaMeNort. lalantk. ' Partinsoh Brownsville .Wirie BMWs. Bailey. Wait Baltin.l.n.n. Brownsville. levolora, Bearer. • Melds.. hoire. Der err. J:„Torord. Trebles. I.ll.iteth. Sided. City. Strd.. Wellsville. Gene., Talky, West Newton.' • louroal. Convert. Wheeling. Brridant., Ont. tlineinnati. • DIPAIMED. arlantin. Pnrkimm Ttrosoveriale, Bald, Bennett. Brownsville. .1. McKee, it Mr Keiwparl. Th. throver, Talley. Wed Neva.. Bearer. donich Bea., Bilehisan. Bor.. Bearer. Ray nil. Peeblee. Ellimbelh. • Balky. West Newton. ' Torrid City Murdoch. Wdlsvipe. ' Witicheiner.Morne. Sleeting. . CUPP. Na Nome. Yanyeen. Caw, Buterrille. • Pilot No " Crane licetlonnorL lilbernis Qui/mall \ Diadem, Lbehran. New Orleans. !DAPS LISAYLND SHIA DAY. ' YOH PUILADALPIIth AND B.LINIXODN e D Leech A We Pasenger Packet Dam daily setting 2 J. m. IVELLSVIiLLE—Forest City. WEIHICANU—DturoaI. BEAVER—Monatur 1.4 9'A. ■.. Ermalnr tort 8 r. unwarrnua MAIN usa. BILOWNEWILLIt. $ I. L ant 0 PAL LETOETS BY EVIL CINCINNATI—Pot Sao toady J A Joao& 100.6. boom Carson • MeEnlaiat 066 u hominy Si Bolo do Villas Ithkotona 6614 whlabir Whir a 11Liketood; 44 de Eirrill 48 do.) Pasta I: Root Co. 48 044 toethro o oks a r nwaid tan: bbl. oil 8411 r. & Ding& 24 tos tal Wilson t Garooloy, .6 Max .odor 1.2 mon.. I Back CiXlO karma 9 VDU mineral. loop a DIM 44 nab boom VP StWix . & inn SI Os Mother. Corod. Cola 11 do wood 11 do "Dimon 1 bl oil. 1 kr boo.. /Lbws Maar. & (.1 14 mil.* laotse J lhaJlale Blals - LOUISVILLE—P. Fsaxovr—\ “41 0 .- Pa •Ca 12 Woo ova. W. to oNg std..; a IL Ikrid 21 do Cud tos do 10 aMii talon 2 liner On mos 20 Obtwooolßlown & Klrklintrion: IS 48.• Hotobloon 0066 do , Id iith o oon Biala •Co 8 bads now Brelth t 81oeloir; 10Q , bbl ik Dna W WWI- knina 92861. W Bork.: 6 bads 2.1a0 Loath a (241 D Ithdo radar Dilwor th & .1.2 i; 4do 12 SOD warm al.- groloon: 41 tops pig m.ml llggptip 14 ilsog a( ;:L er ks .60.1. & CV; 4.2 do onto Holum \ On 96 1.444 1' yeah. 8 Von Doolthorst. - ;fD WHEELING—P. Roooma-50 Ball Fah ?pug ltook lati Baker & Forsyth: 2 bss owis W Gra. rko wool W Ccg TO L bbl o awpiH 1119. ono dies drum rood Craw & Ca 3 2414 boUoP C lloor‘4 do ran R,61. Id. STEAM BOATS! - \ : • \ Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.. ARE REDUCEDI—The ewift naming paysencer packet WINCIIItte FARE leaves for UM aloes and all lidanneell W pa , * every Tuesday. Thunalar and Sanaa/sr, at 10 preclset r . & nck nantade. If Wer;1;;;. - re not low enough. an will Maks • font., t•Il action. . . Tlia 1t INCURS/ KR. KaPt. Oro. G. U... Pittaburgla rrery Tutnalat. TA 'today. mod Raton:tar, at A. M. returolog. learnt WhatMAtt arr.') Z BBBBB l , W o B` ['radar, .t 1 Vadat, at 8 A. N. . For frelaht or Haag,. baring ruperfor secammodatlorm apply on Loud, or to ' ARMSTRONG. CRGZER A CO., AMA.. a . . . . • . M Th. Wlnehester le oac . r the fiedestkottel t rf cotaiitrawt Led for the trail. Puseagers and shit. n dewed an her rand. la the genie ...laxly. • .1k Wheeling and and Pittsburgh ': :, -t: , . TARE REDUCEDI - - - -The insift p.,..- rrionlogysiosencer packet CUPP/DIN. ..,, 4...: (In plea of the James Nelms.) leant. • •.• ' - the above sod .11 Intermediate ports this monslng, Id ' o'clock recisely. • 1 /fitercurdiate i:C•77:te - '-- ..... ..........—. Deck Pusan, - ..... -...--.... . :. n0r, ._..... --.258. - The CLI Vl l llll ..... 2, * Card- 10 nil leave 111 • tiursh every Tote., Thursday. and 1 1 •14.1.1.tik 10 A- . . IL, returning, leaven Wheeling retry Aleaday. Wedorer day-and Arida, at, 8 A.ll. \ . ler (Might or paereUr, ELILTIOr 'tiptoe Aertlpilatilliball, argVe hoard. or to \ II Lk LIFF 13=1.1. Ag , t . a.. , . • 't • • The Clipper Na 7 2 I. a. the attest boaters. Va. ttrairted for tbe trade. , Page p en and adorers et. de- ' 11 \1, . .. . dead tin Our etintiledia U, e e. I.W \ It E l i PTL l l . .A l lil.V i al li g *" 'ind ----\ . .—The epic. • t 1 new packet steamer VORICSV,:TI,A. t, I.ltanYneb. muter. leveret Pittsburg too Welling's...7. day. teift9lleir Pander.) et 11.1 Velar . A. lit; and latent- , .. , Ins. leaves Welhrtille every day at Ibp'elock, P. II - T. \ 7, Forest Citi• rues In entinec )ion with \ the U 1011.1.1111 and Pittsburgh Railroad Line. • Ticket Agent. O. 11. llARTON ‘ llonan altela 117. Prided. Agent, C. DAILNILS, ha. tig W and 14 find ttstwt. i =l9 • • . ` u EGULAR PITTSBURGH' . . . . • ,L WRZELING PALI:RT.—Th. splendid . . .npacket...7c DIURNAL.Ounn. • ' . (aril. now perfonnteg her regular tri.warklk Wits between this citg and Wheeling kering Pittsburg. at 10 eclack ' • • setrk Wonder. Wednesday end hods I nd 11 ritatalage Ware. WLiedlog net, Tueilay. Yti sod .11trday... In each nag, Nor freNtAtA r tirnr i t es WWII.. , • • • Ag.t. , TM- Diurnal is a ride whirl boat. cod is and el theftest \ • and fattest boats ever rm. - aided Inv the Lead. Pullen- - • . wadtars .4 altippers tan depetui en har continuing in boo . . 1 . • . ,• i • . a • 1 • . , ~ • _ i IIrEGULAR PACKET BB- TWEEM PITT:Mt/WIN A HOCKING • .--Tlio PILOT nor A.ll.Crano, motor. addle.. Piitolmozh Po... Minoan, Corti. aid tiookkair J l on, _error Tunny acs onlock r. N.: kotarosisuAlank lookingnort n(U u pton. Ifluoling and Pitnilmo on. oor Monday . S onion. r...t. ranonann and pan c dennd upon this boat numbs Mune,. doting tb. Ibl, Water hem. .2i , _ . ilreight or ravage. so ol ron board. •• • Inn IirGULAR WEDNESDA.Z.. . - jukcarr, CINCINNATI. Captain Jobs nklum. Tbli trlndid Lunn.. linitt.by Qt. cumin of tho stoatoor Ina* Nevins ., wad fo r tit. Cincinnati and Pittatairsh Packet trode..d n nen Wednesiny ibr Cincinnatt • • • F. , Ainigkiik P... beard. orb nol7 O. N. kutzsloAnage. t. WOK NFW ORLEANS.-Thit Jll. - elikindid near steamer .41./6QUERANNA.' lane. blaster. min lease tor the abase - - and all Intermediate points on Italanley. thetntillt at 1 reeloey. et. \ 42 %refit\ UNIOI LINE liEfaitlBsl.',lSfaiggiN4 TO CLEVELANO 's su. WkLLEIVIELLE . And the Pine/mesa and Ciessienad • Raßrind. THIS well known and old established Line having termed rostonntak ti r o tb. "Plthdattrib sTatr d ft i ere psrMiti:sortterk trbl4g and Clerel4 and 'L art tritetin .