{'C.s' - r ay - , . LICTIJEZP.--We are pleased to learn that the Young - Men's Mercantile Library Association, have engaged the valuable services of E. K. Whipple, Esq., who will deliver a course of four lecturer here, commencing; :ire believe; on the 4iid tf..thie month. Fro* the ability of this gentleman, we anticipate en entertainment of no ordinary degree of interest, and we trust the Library Association will reap a richreward for their attention to the literary Tanta of our citizens. We underatand that several other em inent men will likewise deliver lectures before the Association, during the present winter. Tniocon is Twnstr-Foos Horas.—We are pleased to learn by a note received by us yes terday from Mr. J. Meeldmmen, the gentle manly agent of the Central Railroad, that their passengers from- Philadelphia arriVed at tax o'clock P. M., through in twenty-four hours, and the pullet:lv-re from Baltimore arriied in twenty-threwhotu-s.* thNOULAR CASE OF ARSON _ . Commonwealth re. Oeorge Thomas, (a little colored boy, eleven years 21d,) indicted for • Bring a stable in the city of Pittsburgh „belong ing tolobert Robert Martin, sworn—The witnesses testified that he was drawing.a bucket of water, to water -Us horse, and was alarmed by the bores, which came - rum:dog against him, and on locking up, he saw the hay in the rack on fire. Ile then • ' threw the water on the dames and extinguish ed them. The stable Is situated in the Sixt h •, Ward,' at the head of Seventh street The aunt took pluck betweentbiee and four o'clock • in the afternoon.. William. Harris, sworn—Lire next door to • Mr. Merlin, arid was sittineat the door on the • eviming in question. There is a narrow alley between our house and Mr. Martin'a. Saw de readapt come - Cut of the alley and go down street. Saw him *tending before the stable, about a minute after the colored boy came out, I heard • the alarm of fire. Mr. Martin then came, and 'asked who set his stable on fire.' The prose entor and witness pursued the defendant, but did not - arrest him until the next morning. The defendant walked away. ' Robert Mean, recalled—Went to the house where defendant lived, and was refused fence. Me, eaid a man named Me i- Musky had set it on fire. Next morning wo got tt him, and took him before Alderman Major. i v Hannah Kelly, celled—This little girl was 'only ten years of age, but very intelligent By consent of counsel she was examined without !- having been worn, as follows. Recollect that on Sabbath evening the amble was on fire. Saw a colored boy, Kitting , lighting a match, at a corner -of the stable, and be said. be wopld . kick me in the chin. I saw him stick the match ; in the crack, and he tried to hide it from me, It did:not kindle the first time, (that is the boy) identifying the person. Mr. Martin .called me to getaome'salt for hie horses. I told Mr. Mar tin that there was a colored bey lighting the stable: It was not very long till I saw the fire. The other place (buck of the stable) was on fire 'when I got back. To a juror—l asked him what he was doing there. lie said he would kick my chin off. I said. Dwould like to roe him do it. Cross-examined—Never saw the colored boy before.' Never saw him sloes till now. d have net talked with Mr. Martin about what I was to say in Court. William Mcßoberts (a little boy of .about the same age) was with me. Aldarinan Major, sworn—l examined the premises.. 'This little girl acid that the boy had put a match in one corner, which went out, and • identified the boy. Oa searching - the stable, I foetid a match, with the brimstone partly burn j ed off, in the place of which she had told me. The statement she made to me is precisely the acme as that which she has Made here. The • place where the stable was actually fired, was -- in the alley. The match which had gone out, 1. was found in the opposite corner. The case. rested hero on behalf of the Omn i inonwealtb. Jasper E. Brady, Esq., had been appointed by the Court to manage the case en 1 behalf of the defence, the boy having no friends i here, and mode a very feeling speech in behalf I of his . ellent, urging that if he had kindled the ' I 4 • fire, his being a stranger here, and not (mowing the prosecutor; his youth, accompanied by the . 1 coolneywith which he walked away, proved that 'he didnot understand the nature of the crime •4. of which he was accused. At the conclusion of Mr. Braday'e speech, . the Co y trt adjourned until nine o'clock this morn- DISTRICT COURT Befare iiie.Hanarable Henry Williams Adam litaberferd et al. cia William McKibben et al. ' N 0.158 January term, 1851. List No. 28. Dunlop and bluebell for plaintiff,. Wends and Loomis for defendants. This - truism action of ejectment, brought to : recover orie hundred ecru of laud In Baldwin township; the property of-the late Adana Ruth erford. The_oaae occupied the whole day, and was not ainoluded'when the court adjourned. • 'could or QUARTER SERMONS. December 15th. • Before the Honorable Win. B. McClure, Pres. idont Judge, and T. L. McMillan and William Boggs,' Assciciate Judges. Aasett...; - -The case of the commonwealth is. Clcely• Dagen, indietMent nialleious mischief, Ina takeafttp. The defendant was accused of setting fire, in the month of October, to a stable 'belonging to Ur.' Melfin of Phae township. The defendant, together with her husband, had late ly removed from South Buffalo township, Arm strong county, to Allegheny county, and at the time of the aDeged offence they were residing in home belonging to Sir. Melvin. _.'Between the hours of eleven and twelve o'- eleelt, M., defendant was observed to enter into the building which was consumed, and as soon se she left it the flames burst forth. Mr. Dagen, the husband of the defendant, testified thatfor, the last three yeah, his wife had been Insane, and in the constant habit of committing various sets of mischief without the slightest apparent cause. Tne fact of her Insanity, in deed, was very evident. The jury, after having , been atisent s. short time, returned a verdict of not guilty, arid found the prisoner to be Insane. She wee remanded. ' t ATTLWOON BEVITON. • Commonwealth vs. Samuel Illoodsprlggs a colored boy,. who was.Odicted for grand larceny, alleged to have been committed in dealing &pocket Wok containing a email sum of money. The proiecutor did not appear. The only witness examined was police officer Wells, who testified that the prisoner had confessed to him, but it appeared thistle had made promises to induce the defendant to give up the gofer' pro , Thejin7, alter a obort absence, returned a Nertnat off !'not guilty." The defendant ,was: discharged :by proclamation, after his honor t Judge IdcClire, had warned him to behave bet ,r4ter for the future, and not again to make his - appearance there. ' • : Commonrulth vs. James Coleman, Indictment larceny, committed in stealing a pair of boots, the property of Thomas . Philips. The prisoner pleaded guilty . to petit larceny. Re had been already imprisoned for two months, and was - let off with a forther.imprisonment,of 'one mouth, .' w s in the county 'prison. • ' Sepet.:=-We hod a slight fall of:enow on•8s- WAS,' night.- 'The weather es we write, is cold and cloudy, induclig us to hope for what we Awe not hid far Dome yeers—e good sleigh as-ecorstrhurp.,-Michael Monaghan was yes terdayreNe9mmitted to rnsonl g, or further hear in charged, on oath of William Thomas, with partitipatton in the murder of .James Mooney. • • Vlltotar.—The jury in tho case of the Com wiOnirealthis. Wm. Roney and Mathew Kineel ladlitment artualt and battery with intent to ''commita.larbeny,and the Commonwealth vs. James Mulligan, Indictment assault and bat with intent ta kill, cross action', returned • a verdict at 'not guilty, proitenutore in each coon to pay the costs.' . theaoWtso.-IVe saw several sleighs venter ' day, the iaceate4. of whiCh could have enjoyed but little pleakpreln thejolity than experienced, over the roothltr e eti, which :. were barely coy ' ered with enow. - Tau Ciwet.—Thd Canal is covered with a, thick sheet of ice, and the water will be let out eemettime !this week: FLOAIIIIO ica.--The Allegheny river is full of floating Lee. `Fmo —The keeper of the ale _ hOpee to the '!locrth ward .Allegheny, yesterday fined . four dollars by Mayor Fleming, for selling beer . on the_Efabbatb. • .• NOILSCSTORII PLANK BOW.—This road is now completed to a point nine miles from the city, and the branch reed connecting iFitith the &ow -1 barrilkilarapike, Is also completed. • . Itesnray.—d. gentleman named MeClam bad fo4 dollini and a gold Watch stolen tetra bim d g the last trip of the Keystone State. . , ° Accimorr.-4 liiLo boy CM COngreff a street, irbeknoOked ;twin 'ln sled yenterday,andist 7 • Itsg. bbkihesd !track against lt, intlictirtg . ., a sa -1 tete cat Ha eyed host"- and his weizad BY TELEGRAPH. It/r42117ND 114' rrtn O . 6ILLLT ILLIGIAPII LINZ, AND lIIPORTID FOIL THI PITTHILIWEI CIALLTTH. W. 111342101.1. Dec. Ir.. Mouse—Mr: Bayly of Virginia offered a re solution, which was adopted, calling upon the President for information respecting the convic• tion and imprisonment of Mr. Thrasher. • The resolution from the Senate extending welcome to Kossuth in behalf of the people of the United States, was then taken up and adopt ed without debate, under the operation of the privions questioa —Yeas, 181; Nays, 111. Mr. Filch gave notice of a resolution revising the declaration of the Congress of 1848, - that the Mexican war was unconstitutionally begun •' lie desired the unanimous consent to introduce the bill, but objection was made. . Several resolutions were then introduced, call ing upon the President for information as to the condition of affairs in Utah—as to; the seizure and confiscation of the barques Oeorgiana and Sarah Loud by the Spanish authorities; and also inforthation in relation to the treaty be tween Spain, France and England, for the pro tection of Cuba. Mr. Marshall introduhed a bill authorizing the payment into the Treasury of California of all moneys collected in the ports of that State nu imports since the treaty with )lesion, and prior to her admission into the Union A debate arose on the referrenee, and before taking the question the House adjourned. Smarr—The Senate commenced business at o'clock. Mr. Bebruotiato appeared and took his seal. Mr. Bell promoted the credentials of Br. Jones of Tenn.; who was sworn in and took his seat. Mr. Hale presented a petition of the _American Exhibitors at the World's Fair in London, ask ing an appropriation to defray their expenses. Mr. Foote gave notice of a bill granting land to Atissisaippi for a railrOnd in that State. Mr. Geyer presented memorials from the Gen eral Assembly of Missouri for a grant of lands for the construction of railroads, plank-roads, and other improvements. Mr. Hunter, from the Finance Cominittee, re ported back the bill establishing a branch mint in California, which wan taken op and read, and ordered to be engrossed for third rending. Mr. Borland reported a bill granting a pension to the widow of Major General Worth. The Senate then took up Mr. Foote's rest Lion, declaring the Compromise a definite settle ment of the Slavery question, when Mr. Buller took the floor, and addressed the Senate in op position to the resolution. ••• • • lle avid that in - hie view the Fugitive Slave Bill never had been, and never would be ex cluded. Mr. Foote followed, and, incidental 3-, the whole question of the division of California was mined up in the discussion. 'KOSSUTH MEETING CINI7I3IN4TI, Dec. 15 A Kossuth meeting was held yesterday even ing in this city. A series of resolutions were adopted expressing the sympathy of the meeting for Hungary, and recommending the extension of the doctrine of non-intervention only to those na ions who themselves observed it; and Jed '. ;fy in favor of intimating to the absolute gov ernments of Europe, that they shall not crush the rising spark of liberty in the neighboring nations. The sentiments of Kossuth, as expressed in his speeches, were warmly responded to'. !desert, C. M. Clay, Cdrry„ Bellamy, and others. ad dressed the meeting, which was very largely at tended by the principal men of the city; Sr. Loris, Deco, The river, was fall of floating, ice last night, and the weather very cold. At 7lo'clock A M the thermometer stood at 9 degrees above zero Every thing indicates a speedy clot, of the upper steamer.. The river opposite this city is at a stand, with coven feet to Cairn. The Missouri, at last accounts, woo rising,. The upper Mississippi is falling. The Illinois, iv at a stand. NEW YORE MARKET. Nrw Yon A, Dec. 15 Flour—The market Is firm, with sales of 1000 bhls state and western nt $4 370.4 50 1.1 hbl. Grain—Wheat is steady. Sales of 8000 bus. mixed western corn at Gic per bushel. Provisione—The market is steady. Dales 00 casks ehoulders, sides, and common hams at 7 Cr.ftc 1 .1 15. Lead—Sales 500 pigs Missouri at St 4362.4 75 is 100. Linseed Oil—Sales 1200 pilot. at 64(.701.5e 'Colin—Sales 100 bble common nt $1306,137 jD 614. Totinceo--.Salen GO MA. Kentucky at 44. r. uL CiNeTNNATI MARKET. Ctxcimerri, Deo. 15. Flonr—Sales 1300 bhle at $35ii3,10 tl bhl. Whiskey—Sales at lEi it gal. Hoge--The market is firm at a further ad , Vance. Sales 2000 head at $4 601..u4 70 j 100. Provisions—Sales of mesa pork at sl_2—held at $l2 25 per bbL Bulk ehoulders are selling at 9i, and sides at 53 ".p) Molasses—Sales at 30e - 0 gal. ST. LOUIS MARKET. Sr. LOUIS, Dec., 15th. Business is limited, and prices unsettled. Flour—Bales are chiefly confined to the city de, with saler of super fine et $4-150 per bbl. Grain--Soles or wheat at 62P . 1 . ,820. per bunk , core and oats are dull—the former 'at Provisions—Pork in a shade lower, with sales • f examined mess at $l2, nod prime at 10 per , bl. Bales. No. 1 Lard at 6i67eLts bile ; tqt,l - in kegs.. Pickled hams are in good request at Gin for country, and 60 for city packed.— Bulk meats are in fair demand at 2,0, and tije for shoulders, side, add hems. Holders now stek iqu'i advance. Lead—ls firm at $4,55 per 100. ' Groceries are in limited demand, with pales fill. Sugar at 4id. Sales or old Rio coffee at Ste, and of new crop al 0o per pound. I Hogs--The arrimla continue limited. The total number packed thus far is 24,200, against e,OOO during the same period last year. . New Dyeing Establishment ROBERTSON & WHITEHOUSE, SABELLA ROW, near Fedeial street, ore •poelte the "'Smart flOtel." Allegheny Cite, with to inform the cittmas Pittsbrula that they dye Lodi.' Dregs aced., go, of .reel shady cud color. Hilt Velvet, dyed and finished equal to rum, Cashmem Canton. Crap. Lalnz,ithewls,and every variety MA.. woe& eleaned. and the colors restored.to their former brilli•my. and fin bled equal lon., flantletnetee Westicu Annette' eleen .4 or dywit without being taken to store, end warranted not to rub off or soil the /10.113. Meek dyttni wit:wet ent.- Cre. " {Ve ' Vt r ilrrris o lle he i r t 7o b r d itrat7; li tr;;T t' t thru r t e ra l t%l. ' mot to them who may eLODI^YLIP. Ilea any 011.4. net meeting their wit... we will mdye without charge. We hatter ourselves alit—bating the late .t ink• prove:not:Ulu this and the tenter--our work .rill he equa erchl to that of (tools d any other Dyer's In the NMI.. Mants' yed examineew code. All Goods warranted. Give at a roll, our work, nod indge T he. W. X tithes to I n hi. (mends whet. he h. :lotted In the adjacent strive, that hl. location If 001• io Allenite• ny City. 4.10,1 y Book-Keeper Wanted. Ai WHOLESALE HOUSE, on Wood street, amok coal k lhisallaa. cutaismniestionA will be 0,14 coalblential. 4,1.11 Ch; i. tiOUGHTON'S • F '•••• 4:!: r j pvin, it,o L The True DigesOre Flnid, - or Gastric Juice. GOOD FLESII AND BLOOD ore the pro 1f dude or goal fond. sod picot,. of it. well digebet and well converted into an elements of nutrition. Witte out • healthy sumnach, and soot power of digestion. It 1. plant that reel Nab and 1 117 cannot he ;natural. eves. with the best of feeling. peptlea never cab recover RP long no fodlsrestion esntlunev. • This unrest went of inv.- Win le moot baggily impelled tor Dr. - /I oughtonn veleta,. test PBlfi, tone Digostave Fluid, made 'belt. he ensol• it of the Oz. the real digestive material created byeature for thbvery puregn• Thiebi r "" n " I. and as valuable and sareendol sr 11 IA rstiottat. It is doing wooden. tor the —Lean King " with bod stomach.. iviatr. ID reality. the digenion of ..0 oh tro Ike Kier weak kgr.tr:d....:tizlNfi.tv,tv::,i4cgtr. too Oh" Kat FIVR Me /WELL. General wholesale and retail Agnate for Pittaborgh. Also—gar sale by R. }LSI:LIARS. to Wood *bee. delltd . "Elk Horn" Saw Kill for Bale. ryHIS establishment, lately finished and now In complete running order, is Amsted en Ihe unCalgabels. 20 miles alums Pittsburgh. /1010 X In the vicinity of csnuoire mai win 3 ks, It commando • ovoid home market for lumber noel n twat handing. kr., vend for all that Is not soil on the anomie.. the aliwkwater al fords al all Ise moos an outlet tu more dount markets, up and down the valley of the Stonongaheln Furnished with machinery and asthma of the best and zun.toune , allot kinds, this ttsmis unrivaled in ftish. economy of fort, and satisfactory O performance or Its work. the stabliebtoent, Includinit s acres of Coal. Quelling .. ?Mop, Stable, will be paid low, and on team to salt Int Muer. Polon, of . J. B. )1 ORltirlON. Attorney at ton. &CAI Ufliele—Puttrth at, near Wool. -- C'hosiei ' a Clothing kiiiiorium, CELEBRATkD for Neatness of Fit, Finn • w o r Quality, and Durability or Workmanship Curstrek and completa, embracing all artistes of n't and Boll' Clothing, and turn nhing Gond., all umn• vrmband under my own InspentJon. Purchasers are Im ital tn call and eaamion. as wen» determined to oat fteu v for cr. Nu rirlyet shmeinp Govls. • . 4 421 PAY rD LSX./ ' .21 . 11 , 171/..D neuelnunimed ollsyj N. 13nya of all *gas and ames fitted nut on the short- Ire REAsx ,dog. India Rubber; JP 1" doi.Nl:6ltp tesetmL -6 9l or=o NOTICES, &c MAYORALTY to3"The Homo. of ANDRgw 11c.1Lerax will t eubroltUal for untulontion at the Whig Couvention of the ei , T of PittOuNh, for the office of Mayor. ti.24:te - • L& - Lcouptu. S. JOHNS in a candidate for ilaior •t the next City inionion. onidert to tL• decision of the Anti itlawouio sod Whig Convontinn. nni.o W"'Plea.qc dnuounce through your paper JANIF::‘ SIATTIDAVS,•• • ranalate for Ulm Tennlvattoo of lb. Ant4slwantle .ud f hmeouvoo. goo. 1:10111-tc Icli — Msruasury.--Mr. Editor: Please an nounce Mal. tho t nen& Of U. C. SAWYER will pre« , elmm,. fur nominati. I, M 3,7, RUNK( 10 tho tleciolork nt Lb.n. VO.II Wtrn. Notice., FIN CONSEQUENCE of tho death of Peter n l'eter Beard. the Internet a Itch lot Iteht In :gar ratall. utes l,art.t and lat.o. oh{ Ittrill x. cendoetnt tooter the et, le ol • et tor tun,. hot - tom, ac talon or 410I1M At, , of the lint of Witnnt 1 Gamma. 410, et. - - - - Monongahela Navigation Company NOTICE TO IiTOCKIIOLDEItt, • . . . N N"Nli AI, EET ING of the Stock hol d im.or,..atmt. at tilt .ktt Ilratst rot-, it. t Oty 1 I.'l, yhataa tha tfrot Situ, L, t tho 11,1110 tor Ow o,Y far the oholltha oor doI.YII IV I‘l lIAIi Etri.LL, Soo•y. 1411 - , , at,u/h ta.t. I.Y. 1,1. rII I IIE DIRECTORS of thr Coiling 31iniog lhantoany Mk - I,lga. have thio day nuban =won cootat 44 hit, orato oaeh ohnre ‘.l tha rayaLai att>ok ( ^ , t , olPany, hao hall payable .nl,atirra the 2tith Na tettsbar. athl ilwalhor Yalta, thelotli IM azahaa heat, at atoty WS , . ay Li... city N 11 , 1 'l' Fit 1 ENI.. Troao House of Refuge. e t e n t , i; to4ttoal that at/ aoao.outout the pt y par rant. tny the atuoutit outn•arlball oart,. taqu. ,, ol paal I, ' 'f r y e 01/ ar toolora U. lAth /lay of Novemloor uea 1. Ity ctiler of the [loan%biract”ra ,onttr ./0,1111 A 11ANN A. Tr+. Notice. lAErIERS Tost.totentory to the entaie of .1.3 e, Hoax, Ma I.! il..unty of Al. t, deed, ball, he. n . all per"..na hoavitn.: rl.lmo 1,111• I on erent tnu. lbrut nukboutl,4,1 15 lur i,l to II 4131. ADDISON. II BRAD'S %vit.!: Ise F.Ar.ollon A Card—Life Iniumnee, Allt-s ..ntt A t: u, %I. 11.11.1 heoes •4,lming rbirh the ..111 .4 unont,mluti.l um u..ut Isl,t ,to I hr lee h. the r..1...te snd othre t ale ' tt. ' hu i hr,"; The pro:v.los of prodennsi bener.d.. ne d Ir e . tu r t ru s i rkershgernerat or br urgannurid. It the true welsh, ftsi. rued hsnitiersre. Lich bums., 114.1 1:11: Untrue reah must sphreve I, II rburs, tte : F.1311E1. W11.1.1A \lt. ter. btu= dem rd Firer Baptist Chureb. Pittsburgh. Ps Notice—Lost Certificate. V °TICE ielicrtihr git on that appilenteteri 1.1 tea , teneen men, ree ete. ' , Annan. Rank for 414 reneew. C4 - 41311 ,, e ,ne nee , . he Inuretenn gear,. en nan4 Hank. eleeqee t l tee leae, leenen dentre,nel he hrn een It.. loth 1545 n4.-o,24orten - tl 1tn..1.t .4 Y. iinl4.ll • - - Notice to Brick Makers and Quarry Men. plloposALs BE until tter pun eet leerninenr 'next. her 4), anat., and a half enell4no- of leree , 4..lnen, tle...eueeteenee eqereseaaleel rummer. !reeut equal quantize., ne all !int . , lenge. eel 'h. l'eenualln.nea Leteireenel eneseial44.• ne .4 t" , lenlveven 1,1w:44 and Peen, Th. .. ntat au. prico. .1..1.•nr4 nt n , h {nlnt. and t. kn; t 4 din .1, [...nom. bolt,: t• pnrltun GrnEd tn Le t.nrl ttd TI , N. end t1101•1:1•1.1.• sr4l Ine .14,4 4nr•tnr 161.1 01..de .1 11, tna Ir.m. . . •t Um., •sem r at ..“ p”int I.aulong Lt... awe to. nua.l. nap ta4r,ll ...1 pn.pn.nl. ho nnn- AKnenite I n mem. •t Ili J 1.14:1 I: Take Notice. LL PERSONS: knowin g nhetnAolv, in- Lo Orru .xi'%lll• CI, LI. At 1:1,.N‘1101 tarmoe CTI the 1.. r. s.. th,t AN-011,1, .I.antr In thi• M=MMEM • NEW BOOBS! NEW BOOKS! - T LIOLNLES' LITERARY I 4: voy, Thiel atreet..nnaant. 1,1 kr,- /•an.r. 1,'1'.,,1 ` 1,. [2, 1,1 , Keroutl, and 1.11. Ilunn•na., e Tab Lt. luatorr lioo.rat It • Endlatkl. pl. of tb• 1'n.1.1 otatua, I •It• • t. nut.. Alm. and I.ILAndl.--. • IL - doane LT , p It • Ifortieulturnt atel Cult...tot. for Lath. , Nabonal Lin e•die. rTJAnunr, The (.1 Al 11r4L,7 bletonal 111Mtl,T Jonathan, for 'brntma• A lad, annbly of A VAL Alen from fl to/Id. IlarpvT, N... Monthly llananna, for lk.ornt., IntarbaLonal )lama for 10-rod., tor Mann— at La /1.1.1.! And•lnel.. ' r . 5. Mohr-Pict.. r L!... VI halt a nom nnrk Ilrettnn •1.1. rine. hen Inetannara Shakaparrlan bnotatioo• • Lnado. Laded awl La 0..., Inn In ilarb.er Al•gartne,...l A no.trel In tnorun. • [Art,. In Ireland, by 1: Tnarltrtar Lonion Art Journal L., N0v..., Lit. and Adventurer of an ark...an 1,...t0r. 10 0 "awns., • it nosel .11ular, It. LI, and 11.. In-v, L 1 Santool Warren. bon (junto. ••.1 Lt• Pao,. Tod.: of th• Barb,. Ov Rai, burl, nu,nano( Am, earl berotutnn Lea., Arun.l.l or IL. /rank /alrlreafb. or i,evn In LL• L1f...4 • Pril al. burl! Stablda Iledaa. r beeentson. o a !Lat er/ ..I tn. II ute•g. Ileart, b•rl /151.% or IL. Cllll,l of Lb. Raul. a .I.r- Good New; for the Ladirs! LATIIOI3}:'S \ F. I'ILLK, an I nri , ...nt. l F . 11•11Y , Ibt. Flu, Alba, emprt..... , 21. iiwn•rsl :1". 11..1 mu • t haul, Trrusur.. I,lp lat.., lq..aski 4on. r arA 1.11 14 Ere tr, SI. 1. J.ACKtit2:, I,•.,,P.tirol•ear2b .84 [...ALI. 121:14I•MrfN Vol] w ter lar• 121 with u.rb brat ,2...1(5i.1.4 ileaumont's Patent Starch Polish. T3ATENTED, July . 2Gth, 1*50.--For giving a • Inosollll.l to . Litoro. SI YAM, Cionl.r/r, Sr.. mart Honda, Aa.. and alan no•,•.nta the Ono rrora •Ilirrtric Lb kr . and rgoorno duat Onto obrtind L T:i . rs n' g ' o ' n . ...:l l ,.7 . l '' Fa o .nn:l!tlrl nj rl 6 .l.a in a nano of stank wh.o Iglllna: 1.1.01)' ro,ntr.aio nod ett.ii tl E. ..to o W••• 1 mo, 0.. Solo Avont MOO. PLA ID I D SILKS—Wit hone. an hand 30 pea. Plaid Fbiks. brilliant odor, 0. A MASON . Marko; o. tasks %I - niter Whale, fur eale ill lJ 1 1 .1. or drama!), by .1 Kl I'D a CO. deb 1 n'd •' OLASSES-30 tdds. Nnw Crop; • Holdon r tap. Tn arrive and tdr ran. br .1 DILWORTH TEAD-1(10 pigs for oak I, 11 A Aoll F DILIVoRTII A 1 . 0 `ALT PETRE---KI hags Crude, landiult 1.3 an.l for rah. to ISAIAH MURAT A 00. I •nd Como of a, PEATIIERS-: —7O hag, eak by dnr. I. DICK rY A CO trot., and Canny tn. Vnglisli Dairy; J tut Congdon. fig -al. 1r dos IFA l AII D:Cli El' A Co. lOAF SUGAR—Zit hbis, only by 4 drn DOD ARMOR A IVfi II KA M. SU(I A It-30 Ws. Lovering'4, tot ...in a Iti0111( AM. EATIIF.II-4.lni Sides N. Y 7, for salt. by A 4.5 1:1;1:111tI ME A INO{llll,Ol Mexican Mustang Liniment. 'PROM RICH AND POOR, bond and pp~im grain, notrrr aud rroulltlon, tbn ram* mord of Iru'ld`tlNY Oren thlr wundrrln I propor.g4nn Thous:4l24. of blt/rs an arid awl owd Si,) bur `s,. untwownl nwlnlon I, ntlared by all who ow It. not that that on remedy elor tor. dbworrrwliwwwww. ywr krt hnallng and co; air. propwriii, It art • Ilko un.ww in rot., low ruin. of soy kind, nn myth, by what r. 1161.1 Sr how extrorlatdog—rpraloa, dlkh,albwruf Join)., rut, rolOarr, boron. omit!,llirrnt. raneers rhr000.0•11, pan, tweaat nr arty halo. rorr n al. rullner, or ...slur.. or Joint, musclrr or Itguto•nta. Thl. Idolownt nlrdb - aldr awl rgballr Ofortval Iu kirlnc trtnnwhatr rn ha/. Try Ir Yor mak. by KETBIII 4 Ftrl/OITYILIu 110 Wcw.l 0,4 , 4 Plttoborwh. de. HAIR CUSHIONS-2 .Iqz. India limi, - 1;:r ,/ end Nfrlnlneh Air Cu.hlrart, of illfrrri.ntgbapee, ivat rrro d end for nolo et N.,. 110 Merit. idrort .1 A 11. pniu.m. UGAlL—liThhds. reed on consign -I,3dr,n3rfft and fnr fAlnly ' fil/ILDON. 1 , 11 /'rent 4.2 00 AR-211 Lhdx . prinie N. 0.,10r sale .2 1f:P1...W0 RTH A M. LIIO CO - 141.a . .-150 hagslor sale by . 4,2 611.1V01t.T11 A CO. DOLL 11111'TER —5 hills. (''rush, for sal, IA by INII.Wont II A CO. I AM E 5 A. MeK o. 6'2 Fourth su r• 07 Au rf•rri 0.1 from rfortlf , rf A lot of PINCH% I,uNfi KIAWLS. WI, fir.-n. Ors., White And filsck 0-Mr, at dolefol barioo"No. .11.0 r ,. .1-Alonlecuen'x Droaaalag na no, Whit, Swan V. and Van, a 1 ,..... areat ar (l atirly. aa..4 - . 1 4 1 LOUR,--50 bbk. Earn, for Rai.. by .11: F VON HONNIIIIIc97 t t't. d t LASS-1000 boxes o. b.. for Hole by 11:1 aloal N. M. VON 1100N110118T A CO. LI EA la I I IiIiOOSIS A; IV II ISK S-20 far sal. by S. F. TON tills NIPOIFT s I UST ILEC'I)-50 510. thin Shoot Rubber, • r, Itandcging. F0tt.40.• at Nn. 11n Mark. at. J. a It. 1.1111.1.11.5. litlitAX-1500 lb.. for Nolo -10 nom —J. RUM As 1 . 11. rn Weot FtH 11L'ILOUR-90 Ws. S. F.; roll 11 for /011WYNAIT a Cu. TIRE FOLLOWING MEDICAL WORKS lure beenrind ore for mile Or J. L. DYAD, nnath rt. Apollo 5V11.11 . 4 ' , wilco at : Dunglinpal'o do.- dn. U. P. pl•pen•atarr: liotalnnea Modicul Dirtlaiinrf Coapner Burnout ' do. • Ilanp•r 310,1ir5.1 Aa lortlinien of thrlirine (tads Rudy of Illadleln, Phypioloar Coria•nree's do. • • rlowort . DiPetoen of Children: Churchill on loam, .4 Children: Churchill on li,..1•001 Yrnial.; La.. Ana )tuttrr'e Hanger,: OrAlenre, Unmet. Anatomy Cooeh's Milbrifet7; IdelgeTrreifee an Olotehtes; • )(paean.] Poirot', Phyaiologit . Ilomrefteth.q,DenteetfePhysielee.teretaluine the fresh mist of 114 Il se alpha:Nei...eat Austoal, P" lnt,l4l2 . :l l ll=l=l: ' , 7 i. ititulte, If. D.— Reedet4 sad Wage& stetril EUROPEAN PACKETS Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. %ICE Glasgow and New York rlLV:Vi t asZa":lsl::=MTi -4A t r h" , .. Power. N. ritowotO, (late of the Cu- on] meetutre.totsomateter. litorrOintnl to tad (ono New Ynrt thrt, len µ-0 .ow Satuele e. the 7th of February ttext..at 12 toxin. I'AS9AM6•IIIONEV. l'aldo (.4•tanta (.1 SO. P....,11.1121•1111, scra wr tlatou.r.. taken. 1 1.. e0 111,10 Itut of trlctei. t or Ilgttars, whlth stilt roppla.loot loo.rd, at taKal,rato ev ro. Surc.o ""'"' ur NAIW 1,0101. Slot SEW I °Rh, 2100 4.50 hors. Paw , (• t.nmort n, O. 1 11...,6.,,wi1l Iw, .o Om 'dation awrly,twst ,I.l6:aaw.lto AYES BLAKELY, i) ,ut fro. European 1,1 , Attout an,l lwaler For.oto y I, A. LW." hono, lano Of , (1 . .11411, botro..o, how York and ...allow Tail On., galling from Mn., York anJ Livoth piwl on 10, nth knit 21.1 of rerry month Now Lino Irani+ Now York on tho NIL), and Liverpool on Ilir I Ith of vv.,' month. 11•1 NY, Iri.oor Now York on IN. Illth and Liver. piril on the . ..nth lit tech month. V. York. Lim. mole twin. • mouth from Llorrpool and Nell 'I hr Intolon Lill. 14 Parke.. rail. from lilrw York on tit sth. 111, h. and . 211.11. mid from London on the Ott, lath, ail' , 114,1 root, month. I.lnr of hlliwinnv Mil from New York and illsesow oil the Int and 15111 ofriurb mouth. Wroklr Lino of Ph.•krte from hirrrpool to New Ur Iran. Daily Lim• (or migrant., from :in, York i. by Sam nv.t. Itallrowl, .o by Canal end !tanned. to lttillourgh •111 rreelor even' ...non. nod "vi"r rn tb• hfllive of W. Tnpnmtt ~ the Ohh, of the hilrertlarr, corn., of tilath nod Lltiertr Wort, Pitt•burvh. • - . P..rp•en, ...dim, In the Unlfrd Ntaten or Canada. who .l:1 n• •••nd bar th,r 111...1n any part England. 1..11,10, a 1.., ran tnal.. mammary ar• apolratlon In aub•rrlLar. and Kay.. oul n an: • At IL. &hove larorlla Una. GI „,, „, term., by 1aud, , ,,, Tin lm t? frequenrY loal Inlra pnaoi Mitt ...lay. hump ran a.h. Le arc... tn. Larerwol to Orktris, Bal.more. I . llll.lrlnhan, i•harla..t..,, and AarannaK. Inr•••:t rulllittalirral Iu •rowli or lar, 1.1”114, 11.11MUILI. to JAMEN BLAKELY McHenry's Philadelptua cv Liverpool Line of Packets. the b., 4 1 1 N 5 11 14 •• AMA XON, (new t ) te l 4 . tee.% Meet,. Th. shove .AIM are Left of the bent and timed newly Pluteriele, and !ere noted rer the thelP the, nee up • all latent impreiverueute, are mud of an. uustiriwweel for their a, entiimuleit..... fur Peoeui and ..Weeruye /thew - egret, the, 00. rommetple.l men or seknowletli,ltaleut. who (..r their experienre in the peeket ..er, or ~1 brinirtue their mend. from the illd 1 ., ..1r, yen ohuilu eortiheulte 0( wwwww., Lich will te lor euelit mouth, asul uur weenie iP Irelesel era air eriee. will runlivti them with the pruiwe n.pe e l Iz...ire-Penn reletive to their deseature, Per the fulireitlettie. 01 pweetuiere whiug to mo J ...rime eo.l upwanl. pui able efelit bout .11.-euni. whiel. will 1, rwehed 1., up, the or Poet °Mervin the (mm Leer t*.l. lb, 1, Ii lb . ougar, 11G. [lour, IL. awl lIL p.,rlc ',arm age, r :l l•rbad-tbIL L I p.p., bull tllnvwnn of ''" •"' 01.. rtn+L. holm. Ll , vont.4libl i l .. .ngs. n.rborllcrtb and Wrovl l'abaumb. r!SCF:ti TO ENGLAND, IRE. ll LA~U. AND ALEs.—J•bcz, , 44, trin tit llluk.lr • Cr.. will ciinzinu. al., ih %I 11 , aliply 113, itrur.i.iiirr•r. arid ±trth Plooecf, r>Lr ms, 1 fn. 111 r f•ldrount, .ro.ownri on ill rnfoa ffi so rat t.rfn, In. bow 1011, and part tat., .Q 110 T-53 kng's nqs . l.l N..., just rec'd per t.:, r , ..•nler Wt.. ',A rh ILAIt Ay ,I .= J % SU, .t 1117CIIMON A (11 - 11/ DI NEI , SU4SARP.-2:2e 111.1, Crushed, t.,. , 1..,1. i'lartilni. an'l Sueall 1.44.! ? .. 1.4 , ,,tar.t N. JAN VS A 111 Tt it Ti.l )I . :A ILL STAftell —So boxes j;lst rre ' d on ar and t , r rale he HAUPT...C:449 a co. , d , I.E.NNI CII EES}-14 1,0109 prime, for 0. Y. VON flrOOrilteßST a Or. and , Inn /Alert bi NE APPLE ell cam, primp ,a•lkly • jtl.4 landol ADA sr.,. rale 1,, dr, I 1,11. KoNN liorr co, IX TWIST TOBACCO-114 I,gs No. I, ne. 4 on eonalrronent r,, , 1 ter 4,4 7 nl.l II AAO 4 , 401.4 4CO • I.IUTTER-11) hbls. solid 'tacked; —F.., rain by gt,ll IL DALZELL Ci/ NI IA RUBBER STIOES—Ju.t rev'd, Irt4i. , I.ntlemna, and .• l oan,,tureal • t t •ti o ntsol thri Arm• t, poor , .n l•tot a 1•1 5... in, 4a.... II.; u•.1.0 1t RI • h ItEEN bbl., by J L. fvfnut l`nuel ..r.d Ir l ln rt.. Lbls. Extrn. Family; tn. 0, 11 N. lIAIJAI.6II. 1 ONG Sli AW LSl—!ltitrun - .E.Bracurirts, h••• • fnr) fuel anunrtrunni nf the %Irma a,. nualitlefe true .ahn• tu Sum; sod cc' imin 11,ht an.l uf new ra alylen, asul cane an et pnen, fnn quality sad .1f le. tlfn— Itr,La Lonu rLauls. nl nr•nnt ftylns eta rhcgen cf, , 1 • Ls •to (1•• am. at no.rry Jar. J u.l rm. A_ I.n sec Vlmr.nolo of .I-s out tnr.. 11.11 4 s Matira ; n l • I.IIEETrON £ 111 E'SK ri,lrr WINE; and 5 emkm. WILD a! E 111.1.1 t 1 Er'. ...4 and for ••l. by I , I.IIEIETALIN It A TP NG- I.'" "1 7 171..1 . 5r L ai ' m, " 1.. "'1.. 0 1 2 . STG , ~ Alt- bldg. leelfSniz . s.4 ar.for rule by M 0 , 1,A SS ES --.100 N. 0.; • iny 4.1 Ell El. MATTIIcIEy OLE. 17 .0.1 IV a 4'44, .1 I JIG )11.11 A 165 ton) Feundrv, for /Idle a Er, curs. MATTII EV , •CO ILAN I•EEI.-- 11:5 I.U. for male by mLEt,U Arm pAv aCo /11L7 1 t I Fhll MA+. Kuno Roll. for nude by trturns s I'o. 7r. 1.1,ta N., ;; le hr - No t• ti oblalnlnnwirr tattnl, 11, vata br 11.11P1'. MAI7IIEII, • 00 ( 1 11 EEsE— bole, Cream, for male by Y. A n Hamann lAEI/ bbls. No. I, for sale by . 4 4.1 J 111 1S Ilk LZKLL. An 40.4., 1 1 1000LAT1 7 :--11 . 10 las No. I recd and for • ,, s hr WICK k DIU METAL-- lull tons for sale by t 4.1 WII•K k MrCANLI.RAS. LOOMS --30 11,01, Tenn., for nIl. low to JP el , ........nniuntriont. Li JAN bkl /P 1 I. I) E A N UTS—r,; bag. landing, III! salt by 6.1 I lilChbr A CO, W ater an.l Front In 1101 ASH —o bbla for Pak by I uo2l A * (WARR tUtill ONlN—lfk.) bills. No. 1, fl.r rale by It nom s. • 00 11. 1 Ru • 1,111 • qi EESE-12'..: boxes Cream, for sale liy .1 NI 0 4 DA I.COLL, rF Water .t gt I.ilSS—lnil bin. rms . ,* sizes W for aaln I.y !AMEN DALZELL. • jtICE --111 tierces Fresh, for sale by , no2l JA 11EN ItALZELL ll' RA PP INtl PAPER—Straw Wrapping V jrze " rs " ii:iirs l dat-L, 06 none stwst. It' ALL PA PE It—Frenob and Amorican 11.11 P.rwr nal Border.. for 1110 11 r WALTER I' ;IA Q 914000 IKON—CaI tong Jenny Lind (ornate 0.0.44. from thy Allewhiwr what(. by J. a IL FLOYD. ."11 )(AL BUTTEIL-12 bble. taboo for sale by nn:bt J. A It. 11.0011. 'RU R CK W EA T ILO U Anokain store ■ P and kir rain Lr no:..n/ J. •IL VLOYD. Vulcanized India Rubber Soling. JUST RECD, a largo quantity of various uoskosmo. of VW...initial boll,. W. have amplo i-i enamel:n.4 Watkins, to nolo and tia.lboole 1 14,1 hit i 7l ,re:Olvnien . • Lunt., ahros, onllillopm We 00' 10- Tly . to lb tble " .=.lrh l l b rlaT! ' n ' an cro lt wlnif ft! ' ;:iViv . t . l l ll; the rontern ouldir for ton tart bwr paint and riwernmemb low Wolf,. dont. for To Ecnnomp, Purabitity and Ow. fart and a. wrest prawn-Ter of Mown. sat, n.l Intrrabicnon to the people. J. Plll LLIIA. nre.f2 • *rolls Robber Dew, 110 Market New Goode—Third Supply for . the Season. ,11.1iWitY . nuncIIFIELD e 01131110.1100 i..ll l l: ,,, r=g r. t.belr TIMM SUPPLY 0t New rtyb. 11111tr.ta. Coalman, Vrlrrl., 5a1..911k Ewan', and ration. other Gonda 0111 be open fowl, Of f Northeart myna,. of Fourth awl Marital .14.41,.. ~,~TINF.SS LIQUORS , s Pure YRtNnurp:ar f• ^ Pure 1000 Wine, Si •• Mscinirn Wine. Si 10 - Janntlnn Euro, • 1,1 • 7 Snonclit irlob WIekT.IIASO 15 hlnnonashela Whlty,lllAn/ .For st SIORRIA• TEA MART, Es thn DianEund. 0021 Stlerntum; 2 toner Sovi Loaf Tobao, 411 •• prime 6'. Tobacco. malmotOVA Toto.m.: .10 park.. 11.0 r. roe mat , DT HARDY, J0N1.6 I CO. I .IIFESE-41) Luxes extrii Cream I). 11. F., 1../ mei! and for onto by WICKMeCANDLESS. W MITE t FISH-1 n r , g.gli c ..a) , : z dflf . . D b2 y )i . :l ,i fur 11 SALT—In boxes, Tor sale by nnl I WICK t 1.1.,CAP:144.614. V NOLISII LAID PA PERS--A choicelnt or voonoo Laid Yapnn, ‘'al , %Mt . Stationed and raw Voider, nol2 entnar of Market and &anal attnedi 111RINTING PAPER-50 roams Double Mudd= Printind raped, 24C17; 310 mow Imperial I•nottneel'anor. 22132, for rule by W. C. Hal I.:‘, nol2 Paper Drab,. cor.blarltot Ind Yd 1 UGAR=24 Wide. for oalo by npl2 It. DALZELL i co.. Libot , T at Sight Exchange on Cincinnati, part SALE at the meet favorable rates by 2.• an= • A. WILKIng '4l Mc:MIMING 511.AVILS--We will open tth 19 , 4111t4T 2 curl. of 'plin black &ad whit., and x: Mourning Leal; ribs'''. Aol2 A. A. memo a co, Na=to K. , r , .: , BOSTON TREMONT HOUSE, DO'TON, mstis. well known establishment is still con ducted in the same MM.' It has always lawn. The 'rn4 b 7[l ttri u Its crcirt'.;l: and ailrannn goo. to the travel,. .. . . . . . . liWiLlg b.. 1 one of the ena of Jolin L. Turkey a co., en law a the head ot the eetahlialimenL the etitateriber tl..tea kte,best ...Hi. ction to tap . cuelomere. to usaintain 14 rrpotation. and o ph , . malefa ort , -2.(eoilr,:m WM. U. PARR EFL. PHILADELPHIA Moore Kenney & CO., rpoRTERs and .lolibers in lIARMY ANN ANN CUTLERN, N.Y. IIV Marko( stre. ;I;7e ' era ' r ''. pit... low. d.°, J , t 5. N. evens J . Ueae MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING, Sr SIIINES FOR ALL lAS. S. MASON 5: CO., littvo REMOVED their //tom end faetnry In l'eglagelphia. the twig sod /glorious le/lAN/TN n.piNo. 10// North Front rt, uhrrs tber root/nue In offer • MINI I'll t/i , i/NX Tllolle/AND 1/01.1..1115. for our,ittuerior ,t/t/e Blackleg, It te old by ell rest...clot/lc glareLatge and Dealers In the United Strt,e. A1150.31.-on . e Ilea Week %V KITING INK. at the Insreet ±,Aimee CLE'GG'S PERFUMP,RY FANCY SOAPS. superior articles of Perfumery, ■n.yt wla.yh say ynumyraimel relahn.,l •rtur y White, Ifrirt.t.al ANl.n.try, Pysul, 11Jugy. Toth aoJ 114144 Powder.,Chluene ellelk, and other enro,ed &tat, —Walnut and Itatra Elnc Baaal Ilrown and VIA. Madan,. klrattna. Palm. Alumna. Fancy and Tollct :wan, Sharing errant. Hair try!, Coluatte 1 " 4- Ida !War 011 Cr •c -aTi7.":.i..lh. Luo7l4.lllalr Itcato;atlL., llalr 011a,l'halonotara. Ae.. an manufactur..l sad tor Fa. 1.. • ' JOHN T. 01.1alt1, Perfumer and Chrmlat. Slarkat rtrett, twine 21 . 01,11ada1phlw dair - Marcltants dcn't for.act that Clay'. la the cheaport awl !twat tralcualra manufactory to ttn. ell). 011 a hlm a ac . 11,11,• austrai Shriver & McLean, Flow% Produce and Commission Aferrhants, Nu. 34 lou,ii sncrr, PHILADELPHIA. f!ONSIGNM ENTS of FLOUR and Pro -1..J eva n r• 11 rent we plnsont alleoplon, with our. newt endeavor' , to al.. =ll2am-tn. ALI VasOn.inang on temlM 01 HIM of Lading when dernyd. .. . . Itcor 10--MeAsts. ll•mt.t.r.o • 31111.1 r, I.ll.lll.urgh; Ilr. IYrsarl. U. ItalleT. Mr. Alos Mr earcd_ librlr..r, m:24 AS IV lIITE, BONNET -111ANU -2.ICTUREIL, No. .11 :bothlabov• L sol. e aid,/ 1'h11.1.1uL1.4. fotots.lr . • ' - - • • WWII. II CiANIVAir • yrs. n. 1•60110.101. IV 1111.1.1,1 11411,11.. W . IHAG A LEY, WOODW. Co., holo iln.n.rs. No. '_lllart,t 1 . 1,11.41.1pb1. &pal ... I \ EAU.), BerCILICOR.CO C, Tobrweo Commisnion Illenh•olA, No. 41 North Ratan. newt. North Wharve.. Pbdaderl,444l6 sual BALTIMORE. _ . WALTER. & CO.. Flour and General 'Produce COI4NIISSION 110 USE, NO. SOUTH HOWARD, NC.O UAL:II\IOIMV.ET. B.lLrr.rioßE. RAILIMAP TRACA' TO TM: 1500 R. LID LC AL worAitcr. alnD• ON CONalfltilltrra.. ' - flaring al leaet eeln3ltarraa lo Transpnatatlw .11.14 any othar mark.. on th e •n ....Natal. • moderate .eule elassals, moth au,elt Plll,ll nosekreturn,. and be wt ralet ionold fora...lloly enliell patent in. Plerolynt and tyhl.r .1 Nle ,. r:banle I : ..?a=ran ere' Vaal, ne2.lo3ain - - NEW YORK. Professor Alex. 0. Barry's Trieopherous, if hit 31EDICATED CUMPOUND, for re luretnrivß.p.n....rice and b.f.:tarn,. the.bult,craelles. Ling scurf and datultntd, and coring dlngeert W. ASO, C. " 1 4 4:2r n ' s.fr:= l ;;:i 4-rer if f. - arum. ben peutluend Unrenn- . fltet myth, allefannof the rn probe bone. arel .11 the annunt ktomlom. The follonagt untimoniala felecteLl fmen handnd• of amellar Ing.ut. nal nun. to teem the value of thn prevention, snit the eatimathet nbleb It Is 'neld by tbory arbo hare lie,. It • Wel: ?Int TOIL. sot. Pule. Calve—Dear PlT—flare tnen afflllteJ , n • cp. thenmue trutglun of tkum and p, ef • mown e,r,earatud Ow% ern, fur the laethethteen year, and alarltur M.. period ' ban bad the whim of nen. of llue mrateltath.gst Chill. clan., ant Laietzlalt/Ithe preuarathme 1.0 the Lag and Itm cum I wthbout tb. leut ...At I eat xdriand by • Meng Nil your Teent.bunnan I • leet to me toligna and grattn , atian, Enna nernlf -urnt 111 ILNKIt tea month*. Nn.`, ear the of the dlagnaz that 10 11000 I non parualle tlitul. yun.re, It nni , Ecv th-ltutula etteet, Nor lota. o.t. a. 1110 Noe Elamlte-1i y Dow at—ALout tno eaten,. me bale cann out • Areal death, and my lend tram Myth aldhled llth dandruff. I eta/lb:al by • triund lofty tourSeicenhat. %11..1; ‘" I • a ertd l ll[- 1 1.V:Il•tult 7 trt ' OTZ:Zsth r 4 1; heal DM/ ettavalbett Kltb """n. Flt = kxtruart. r ...l o ff It any lady ententh doubt* flee anthnothin of 04 ben... sour SalaVa aPeow t beaJney. Ift et, te luit,* Lb. nrki. nal rein... TFAL" th. bfilltarr and N.ollArrna No,. I. Vth.n.) hen 1.1 nu 'moody Me the. permanent con of tud.inese an 3 ann., of LL.. creninem sone-rally, that Laa tetulied tn. I , VoLarity ertwle known at rente.ne n , N!..beatnnthotapound II crt,tri I a,.!,y tl.. o; ~r -1a..,.. of the cmt.:l3.ltt; e n. ,ar..., 14 ,40 11 0. 40.4 prvien-twe tu other ounnesul tl.. t gut. it imuan. theta, acal the.. no. e.naskabt. era It Jettruer tb..lanti atul .0, at, fuel,. lb. Late Cl,. and ukn.e. It will an M....0n of the .urb are/.11‘..d, .I.ar .ern. sal nth, Jen of ?.,,lion okin, iu ...gnu..., It egand. Jtitivna. it 1.1•1•1111 u ram pner et No. nerdy., mud se the. Pruenfog...a„t.pv, thnetubuut th•Cultudethtr. and Canada. appt.etf CIIICAGO AND PEORIA THOMAS RA/.E. eIIICAML ILLINOIS, , ONTINU ES his usual facilities to rs..sivo ii,) on nhorner. asol Tranahipnwoh Sitrchin•lno nowigoot tan, Ihnin I. hl. dork July for 0 4ELta nod the I) hnnt•l4.nni !GI or horona, Ohorllng tn. Mornr, .hanno • hint, NI, John A. Cough., . Wm. H. Baskin.. tENERAL CUAIMISSION MERCHANT .!. ANL, AUCTIONIZEII. ha a %.1.1,41 -Pet. .tt•ntckO t , . t orsrmfinkn bu•lc•.+. •tt I a:, ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. • 7. 11,71.•17.1. ..7 .11 , 17,41. I IASIUEL1 A5lUEL J. IVETHERILL LE CO , 1 Cn, snlmion av,,l PnrwArllng N, Levt, 311t071 , 41 rttret, t•T th .LOUIS NO , Slri.rticaler ”berstiln psld e tour.lrstsa. 11. tan. -' l . e l ier " to 'k J ' t i g t :lnto h ironTa. Ink.., Itrnirk • (7, 11.1. r• ST,TOSEPH, „MISSOURI. MIDDLETON. RILEY A. Commu.km.l,ll4l Iromarding ftvrehant, *at the Len*, St. Joe+ph, Ha Rell.r 1,, Alreatidor th.ratea. atILI Lonna, 84rIlup 11.111,4vreh. tArID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, awl (Anarttmtccer tor l'entsfflraom. elt. Gotit, tla etoxtmunl , atinne piomptly octZkly OIIN ItANIiI,N, Attorney awl Coun t, •rllor at . L.aw, es..l Commlaion... (or th.. MCP o P l n y n Y , ZT . :L ' i`lia l Trt . 4: ‘!' llon ist lV 4 l ? • i tTa b ;.:ll g l h telipto• 111)10r. 11 . 1 . arkalvm • AleClar, Jobs 1; Park, 111....11, K.A,1...11cf,0rd ir Aual:l4l/ MANUFAC'rUIttiI) TOBACCO— tt Nr.e.. EberwurPr V. and YeC Pelee A llar.rocsl . , 1. P. Robin:cm , : 1U 11'ro. Omar. VA: tlleklnpon t Co.. 1A: 1U liorld'a Fait 19 keg. Pilloburgb epun: 2., 051.1. - . C•vrntll.ll; .1111 IN WATT & CO. J nnL4 tnre putt f.r sale ku RIEN APPLES—So bbl fl. reed and for Lfi ital. by aat 0. R - - - NICii , DON PICITLIS ART) :iIiJE - ---.. 1 unt A rya-0,1.a at No. VA lalarty .treat, • lot of Crum A I•ol.catraimintualca Leadon Picchu sod I'MINV. EVI9. ',mina— Plukkl Oharklnk Worta•te”hin• Sawa. ... Chow Chow. Ita•ding . u Walnuts, flue,)) ficohll. Mu.t.r.can Ketchup. Walnut itotchuo. Millman m awl [loyal Tatly tUtuee. put upto fancy putt [toll KAI. A. IlloCI.Vg.) a Oki. NER WANTED--Fur 10 bdls. of Solo KO Leather, Inf. In eturri by lb. )10noueribels Wharf III•stn with T. WOODS a 001, of W•ter et. 11 UNGARIAN SMOKING TOBACCOLI 40 bbl.. Kr eel', by WICK 4 MrOANDLIO.B._ WI'ING-300 bbb, bent dry, fur sole by noll. • n A. VA /IN CPTOCK A CO. `ACRED MUSIC G SCHOOL SINGING 00000— 'wain. 14mile, by 1.. IleporoCholr Choru• Kook; • Webb; !Aber Ntueirum it.. ermine Barra: k'eminary Claes Book; NUITOIti School Mono Ifrolt; Tempernuee Illelpleno, • Juvenile Orator,,' ilee liive. ooroe Kook of theSehrolroom. I reader or nloolsi Pnumet Behoul Sous Boa. ithucti Temper... Kong Boston Chum. lion 4; 044 •her-The •114trom, • very pretty new son.; Words by 11. Toininyt, meek by Kn. Krum.; Willie my Iltove, ue• moo by 0. 0. rut., Th. Rork of The vim Duni.... ron,, The Kloomre leomplain. 0"h'" Ilene' 8'1.P.VIT1171;,1;01T11IZI de bl noll rtreeq Sinn t. the dekko 110.0. g 1 1017iON11Arl'IN U-50 balm, fditlily,fdi 1J by ISAIAH DICKIKT 4 CO., t ' W.,. tend Empot Yltl IRON-120 tone Phunii: Furnace, for Yale frt. the A W Alteny Wharf. by a IL FLOVI, Itounit Church. tIIANNERS' OIL-20 Nils. Rap., fur eale by nn22 J. • It .F1.0V13. 41 1 CANPEPPER-1.5 boxes lor.saleby . 7 1411001 , 131A8E11a co. ---- ----- r t - pkIE rubgeribers reepeettully call the at .ut.. of Coder., Itl c t.il iliOltx. awl Yanalle, to w '1"." 11.1 . 1 1 011.41111r.A.RItIES AND TRAK 6lchthey oder on the met lavoqmble terto. conaptidrut /01 Phll 2 tttuett • ark 0. lb tuxes sa.tort.4l I•tekleg 1 ...IT grade mud variety; 12 " ' '' 11 • 1 eRuTK u, beg. crime ItloCclce; Al - Prreetteal Rt2lllA ..,, 5 .old Jayne Ilalrlos. 1U " Leguent " • _ 20 sf. stul 52 ba.ll4llsioe: 12 bhdz, prone N.o.Boger, 8 6 0 .,,,,,,,,,,.. i 43 bbl.. 4ra awl NAN - 3 carte 1211rilAtli 31) bOXVO iir.M.y. it ...ea l'aunee; , 25 ••• I fatief . 25 drools Vitte; ;51 . ut'Ll*ttptCactlklr, it boxes Chofolete: 22 7 •4•2=sta tr, ; ,.. 10 a11e: . . 2 y,b1; .. ibs; I ondcna HAI. 4.1 anooesi and various Void". DelteUtot Pd'6 440. 2 Daveolahr sorted!by Hui. .4., C let the cll.l-4 cat hew Taft. rkllsalelphbe 021 .. d , P12 . par.t.Tir ui- • i ' - th -, :y1,. - ?..T.'i.aturol...t° u! roz 2t*Libarty st z. HOUSES, FARIIIS, Sce. TRI, .___ Allegheny Foundry for Sale. iris TEk AR 12 - 4NO.E.VIA'N.T. ‘. IrLIE undersigned offer for axle their ex- 1%.:1gt15L1AM.,... \ ii tanalee and minable i•0111 . 10111*. altuate on Larnek dry, and •x tending 00 .Ann atreet, Allegheny. The . aeadT SPEIII)! \ • intildlnganabrore the Foundry. Norris., Slanketnlth PEIINSYLV RAILROAD '', • ~,,:t...,,,,,,p,..,,,,,...r..r,w,8b0m. ttilut,sl:.l,ohl r or .,Sr l u ,, ,l 6 da,..b. r i t ?. ONLY TW EN TY -E I'II T MILES ST . .A6 /NG. )N AND AFTE THURSDAY NE,N.T, 10.andry h. a douhlo ataa and two furnaces. with two the 11th or lawenairer. he Express Moll Train' will oven,. The nuprorementa am all of re..ent ronttrurflon. , !deli EltAil A li A et,.......„, ~,,,,,1LL1V,p,...,1 .0ttr1;11...,..rLy 1tree41.... ,.. ab0r , a the Canal Firt.Dte l de15,1 For Sale. ~.., , C.. 9 1 2 Mar, . Tu,twer... it Ab. ° Tr,-'74' g° , '4 . 2.1 t WELL finished two story BRIChn best or eisstbsis in read/twee I.,,LNZ Item fi thli r. or ' .‘ tto t i., ttp , LoT. Ina most b l . lll 't ..d h " . "r 7.aL'T•'ith."Le'ple'n"d_'l,"l!lii."ra'n""f tli.'"... PeunWl‘rollttala'ilr.'don.-7.20.9'477' Proving - port of the city. The tag if 2, ft. on Flab street L. lilt ou Chw i r ,. .gii i, raz i t . r , i; r t . ..l9or . to Mu, dir.....t to PIIILA P1.1.1-111A an DA LYI.IIOHIP. ough lu 21 bona. - The aril. Will U.•• elE.ed CFI Of t•Loolhe I.t dal .( Jon- Vara to PhllaJolphio .......... It -111. - delo,.:all.kg) Fare to Llatturnore ....... nor, n... 1.1... _ -.- P....wenger. •.11 Procu iitirt i ii - elt;ist.i . ii - o - es To tbe To Let. 50.0...h.i. t 0..., n ik,,,,,b„,,„4,‘,1.4,,-- J. 111, 1111A1F.S. Ticket Arent N OFFICE °ter Philo Hall, and next dev - tf . --- _. Penttall.ned On. door to Nelaf.o . • Daguerreotype Roms. 4 ....., Dwell... liner. Pennayleonia ' Ohio and Pennsylvania Baikoad. A•nnti, neer °titian.. Poso.a.lon .here lunne.ll.le o den S. 0 ../AZZAII. Lliwo-ty •t- near Thlf;) an For Sale.. . NE W A Ea,:yE m Fl7‘. • IIIIE three story Itrick Dwelling House, Commencing on Monday Dee. Nth, Oir 1. No. lti [lay .tree!. Surdoex How—pm, 5,,n10.2 inn, (WO 111 rash, m. in one ...or. and $.lOO . ' RAILROAD EXTENDED FROM PITTSB OH five y, ore -to I. aeenred 1.. 'Loud and Mortgage an the INTO OHIO, pre la.. Ilea f 11 locum !wanes, mod litintuddfputa• hie n" Apuly to o " " It. W. aA. S.'BELL, And ronnerlid stall Railroads dealing to Clersla Attorney,. at. Low, 143 Fourth st. Col man's. god Cincinnati. 62 nuke Railroad, St. Louis Hotel —Few, Orleans. and only Iti sours Stagrny between Pittsburgh:: mi an do At i h z e i” cr u necttion with Ms Clone/and Railroad NI u s l.Kl e, E ,, ,t.y . VIL SO.N - ~,, , forme i r t ly , of ! t i tle Publ.,- that the Sr. I.4tig y iitrritit%,,i." o l:Z. •ka.' TLIE Expr . eas Train leaves Pitutburgh abS Ifor.g the post summer the hone. Le. been remodeled, extenalre ad , 111. , .. wed, and entirely refuruished.whiel. .., A. M. , etoPtdon co ot t haWit - Olar, Sod:water, New . 11 .. .. it. . to t0 , 00 .... t . nit , t . ototot ., . tot ..,....,,, uruddon. Darlington and goon, and reaches Palestine, tt ,,,, o t. 49 tuyea 5i10.30 A. 31.. •hen, yoloLooln,rl,l take stopet, to our friend+. Saler, 19 rodeo, and raLlruad theme to Atilanca, and if I FFIOE TO LE T —An Office To Let, t• ~,..i..d. ~ over Philo 11.11, and art door U. Nelson'. Da• .: , v , ; ,,„. r .,.. To n a u it l i „,,,,, T. A .N i vz t g i g tc t i o o l ,kl . l l 4 Loi rt. goat - only ye 1 1 -0....!. Foe 1,0,0 0.401...0,1..1, Poland ..I 1i . ,,,,.. w ' 11.4 5... U. IlAY: A3l. Lawny ... mar Thlrd, _ . Returning, the lirprrai Trign lea,. Palestine at 2.a. ~- „ To LET—From ill first of April next,f ri , t- ti ll-r i s,.l;.,Theater at 4 V. PL. au! orrirra at pm.. o large dwelling ho , • lth twenty arm .^, • 4111, New 110 a Won arrommod•Ooo Train leave. hand. aituated . Oak lam, ot.. Pittsburgh nt 10 A. 5.1.... 1 P. M., and New Drightun at 7 30 A. 01. and 1.30 P. 11 .. flopping at intermediate at 011... ll... Eteunnon Tit-tato gins kr two dant are add be tween Pittehural, th.eh•ater sod New bright., The Peesenger I - min learns Allianna at 8 A. /11.. Sad Seem at V A. SI. The Train,. du not runt. Sunday. lininlbufore run in Sonnect•on with the tram to sad ream the station on Federal street. For Urge. apply, et the Frderal Stzeet Station, to axons N, Ticket Agent- , . . _ • Fox Sale, j dr iNE lIUNDRED & FORTY ACRES OF W„, COAL, 'Routed In T Ird Nun. Monongahela river. Two vein. of Coal atoll. rpamell In quality and niv.i. tants for minlar. mod qu a to lbw tort no the rimer. • Aloo--One lion! urultvi etl part of one hundred and ninetY aerwv. dinTrlT °Mai. Monongahela City. For a full deeerlptlon of the property...A.m. end priew. apply to nor lo BAIRD • Inc In. aIIAIRD A IRVIN have also for sale some my desirable unimproved Lots..uitable for private ...". to Allegheny City. Mao.unimproera Lan, suitable ton business .tands Far particulars apply a. - • • - Desirable Property for Sate. NUMBER of very valuable Building 4Vx. adjoining U,. outer lutant of the 0100 and Anny lvania on In All...then, city. fonting. the Itnaroad, and on Franklin, Lida/ell, and Juniata Atrerte, and on Allnglienr avenue. valuable unimproved bor. outhe cornor of Lit. arty amt Partnry Wert, Fifth ttvd (walla the, (ter man Catholic Church. 00 hod from, nu Lityrty, ky lOU fret deer, on Ea...., runni ry ng buck to Spring all,. Hrirk In Bonn. on Moir,. olnwt, admiumg str .1.,.,, the I n diannSl fret front by 1m) fr. 4,13. The holm, In tar, and muven,ent, built to mntaina ePron mane. Al , o—A kat= of 254 Ler. In Lawn:lry county. I callow Tau Ca/ne. • I,o rams In Reeser rounti. of various signs .1111 trval ....ma don, Fer tale Ins. nut cm arrtmatmellitintt terms • Enquire a N. I' U. I. Ii.,I,3IPCJINIAINI. Attorney. at lA.r, end iit•taLe dtts.nts, Nu Fonrthetr..l. Illtehargh. DESI t ItAIILE PROPERTY r. FOII. t,..SiI.LF -11/11 rIIIIIIIOC A:t7 . 1 0" 1 . 111Li n ...11:1....;•r:pe n rt7e hot A dtAtanneftr.rn the etp.t el the ithie .trut l'entoTts Atm Vet term., trlplt te • s.i* 1.NN1ft.71151 , 01..1.t01 , 151it0nt5t., Sc'.— . _ known EAGLE HOTEL, re.r... 15. , 1 , T11 111114, ST2F.ET. .rnt,l Ilk 11Y1 , 1:, fw.E.rl, Thu a tart, a nd rnhamr.lll.Tts tinwnr.lx ~ e...nth... tit park, 26 by 70 ittt. • 1.000... ana ~...httat , I passe.. pstlnra with Ist! nr.tnt at. tarlo.o thstn.a b, Its[—utzatwil la !In nu. • runitatt vlrutity 01 thr 14,04 t wholrtal• town-, anti, .4+p... U. t.,11 ALAMISI bouts of PCRCI. IttIEICLL Cu- no 1, hat at• trucataldr revs Irma ttod atter the IltitlT I,ll' "V APRIL. NEXT, when as ptrt...vt nat t•nt, •t T 1,11 ..1 ••• trrantlr rrra-d ut ,, n th e Istert nowt twos-Tint ttylt.. No tab., rettthipattiJatinu. Itiowttyrr. 011.U14 1.• to...rd. thug, thr unparallale I 1110,4 , ” of Cbt , orrup•ot .turint thr vt 10. le-ttno. tor tnrth.t t.trtirdlar. ot,ustrtf ca-nt.r, I'IIItI,TIAN A.IIAUNKKER, too2T.Tto . ..r Thud rt. Phll...lohtn. ricto LET—A lorg« find consvuient2 TVAIIE.IMUSIt. oh otrnt, hirlwron Wood on. 00/111.0,11 009tittr of • , PT WM 11..1011'4970N. Private Residence for Sale. TILE PROPERTY it offered exceeding '. ly Low, arei row, amonwtoodatlna tams. ItEl Ii In !to rapidly grupro.tnz Allggabray. Tb. Iltoatom Is un.rwwwed In the man ly: orwmandinc • owe, plataatogr Of 111.0 tr a linw /agrch owl thrws rirrra at • a 1.., h•ald. p ron... 'ant to lbw buginggar wart or l'lttohnr,h, rcethning ug an gunman( dearn. tbg. whaniaggn a lath townanglcodatzT. The lot tar,. eagbranost row] . an acre non laundry.] awl f.lty In, grunt., ronnlao hack tau bon. drwl and Oft, In, to ao III.? rhg• itutwo•wrinnta aro the how. I.ria.. mill In modern etyle. tho twn guataial, wad nrosbnl go tto• he.: ...aux.. Lag wig goo.r, roorraWncor tbst I,stig and nllll r:. 1.l wueenwt. wnh dor ard to orogg.w.y too. I. awn of ex... Hoot aw ',rat 11., agal tadrant wet,. 0.011... wog. swag gtat.llocr. • varier, ot chow. Inoil and ahrol.. I.gwy awn., itgr mtuauang awdrogi•antann. nag only I. appgiwint.d to an esatwo.gtigna Li.. hr-tom. Gana, nen abbot iu gwr.t..ww are vita,' to rail on Ow no.lrg ggiwwaL ho -WI tat. p 1.... go a,•kna gegvt, townsa taggo It in • gareefutow tor aworina a Jalt 11nlnau denut cr h. Turd:man ow rglw &Don. e.?! I,IIIIL. • flt I'lll.lll .onewi t. seal Etate. Plt SALE—Two 'louses and Lots in the 1110 II *?d— a. to Lartly .Inn, .Al the other In pitav of gtc1 , 36.1 ,, S fag on Webatac atrrai,,ty . ge koqulre at 21IT Lfbert4 an.,,r0,11 (Jcatroaceril Frl7o TIIANSPORTERS, COMMISSION tt n 'Whit MRI:CUANIA . ..—forash. no sorrangoola• ng f, /OUR Tory valtiatJe Was. rsch ironts.a , Itur. to !link Lace, Alleghenitr. end fmot. ~g an 4 111 in • ' , 1 00, t , t ext.o,Lwg tatei th. /1• , ,,, them ar.hoL, k.r t, eater t en, • ot' upl:• nnroor S1•rlot 1,1. RENT—the Duolling, No. 155 =I , a Thirl onr SattlbeeLl—s• mtu". au We one Inclo. au.. Ilu ,Mllll.lO •trJ .nun Imu. Al,. d.l rtaaul., 042 Lbw Ametwa • lattli rt.oat allachml. • 111 hot •21.1 mold water...ate, at mnarnet, mot Itnpusre - LI aunt. It VnutlL ottnrt. tun, 1% onl For Bale or Perpetual Lease, hOKTI'-Tlll E 6 BUILDIN(l LOTS, laid a c. In rot No In Me nr the A.lnnlownr, Ironnnqnn 1.41* n 1 11.1.-ern In-mg-mod o llnnlt loan. 1., her rent ter raw at more rt.rt, the residue of the "'et 1.1.11. eittesidm• tact n, R•tai .tint. teeeirpled • putr• r term.. Ate, .41,11, ar Mr. 34061 C. new Ihe Wenn or or the eubseriteer. at Lis elltv. ho. lul tth duvet. Pitteburish. II READY A Good Bariain in now Offered, IF A I'PI e ICATION lIE 3IADE Wrval Three In Your Ai:Aft:S. it IPutiueeoe Iternuirh, Lei.. Herr' • bitand—on the prtnneet ni • emod tan r•rd• with Pnex•fer, •r The propert, war te. let.• and sold •t • e,ril pintt- Perwine illerweetl to prifrb•ee .111 .nt , iv I. LIAM', it IRVIN. It 7-5 I to treentel Kt- Kentucky Muttal Life Insurance Company. GUARANTY FUND, $lOO.OOO. • THIS COMPANY offers to the insured all th. security stull &if valitotoeit of the /.lothal and Joint itt.ak f rie beretofori.tituw.l..ttiely: Low rater of pertolui.r. nodal rii turn eaoh of the Der ita:e but Mr the coutingeht risk of the year. an reran.. but tiot erre:Wye prorwion Sir the tutor, ...eh tit? of members for the whole term of life. wlthwv motto hle lotereol In the setutoulathilit fund ',Ctn..' to ouch members, parable •tiliwtb, oPirri their Pol.WW•r‘ • guarnual, tunJ diviuoed for the pi'leattioeht wwurlty of churl term those for the whole term o nod f life. for the present w curtly of .Liu Is the only Mutual la. Insurance Company who.. rano of premium an tined a: a rah. redurved stand. ant, sub a provisinufor lan annually incrmwtna swan., lath. of lands trio. (unary wurity I fa exact proportion to theamount of twain... and the incroastnn risk Crum Mi. ling o 1.4 t. 1.3014.2 the members_ Pamphlet+. tract., Or,. giving In drtall the plan and rate. 14 the Company, turnlalred gotta. and applications fur insurann. reroirad hy .1 71:11DETT, Anent, Wnnrwt, Pinahurith. 8 / 1 .11(1. DIM)0711. ale.lllcal Exami d ner st ly Star tp ICII It 0 111 Al' E POT ASII —3 (Hal lbs. for - L,aln br . J KIDD k 17" Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock, FOR SALE AT A LOW HATE by A. WILKI 110 Nf ASH BOARDS-40 doz. Zinc, for ante hr WICK a 3IrCANDLMS.- f , lIEESE-200 has. W. It, fur sale by x . ) d,•l WICK A AIeCANDI.I,SB. . ..._ Ii RARING—IfiII bxe. Dry, for sale by -1 dal WICK A IefcCANIILFZIB. . • . IREAtiI CIIEESE—'2OO borea for aide by v.) art WICK A lIIrCAN MASS. bbra. Plantation; SIL yy'l sale by non LIALZSm.:OO.. Liberty Si 11 1 RENCII MERlNOS!—Muierwr Boaca , • nne bate lon reed OD liuMoriMant c.l above Ort.lo, ot ett,lrt rolort, vations•hul. of In . tb, Green, or, tr., at low priors for gnality Alan, Cobun.' , ol rarlono color, I AM l' BLACK-40 bblo. in paper'', aso'd; . 5 raytt 15 •• In balk: IttAltrroaantorn: for talc by . 11. A. FAIINESTOCK A CO. • tiORKS-6 bale., fin Palo b e y J B. N. ICRERSIIAM lIILAD. SYRUPS'--Lovering's Philad% Y sins. Syrup. km pal. by Wit. •. MrCLUIIO .1 00 Oroceral and Tea n LACK CLOAKING VELVET ..-111itss- Lp PUT A tumult. her. teed And one. Icnr the au - O:. DON FEATIJERS-21 mocks primo lientticky reed per otramer Ireor.m.l for srOo by JAMES A. HUTOIllt•ON & CO. FEA'fiIERS & BEESWAX— IOU sort. Mahan; 4 [lama, Ilasnuss.. Landing urul fur gala by 18.4iAn DICKXY l CO, tuT.:4 Water awl Fruut F LOUR -30 bbla. Superfine; lu - Itztru; Just rred AIM for sale by JulIN WATTU W. OATS --1600 tni. on consignment and for " es. by 2.1400D:4A SON, Cl Wove stns.. 1 1 .,IACK ING FLANNELS—Urry, .nt OFe, "t ' oath WirWala;. ' WELSH FLANNELS—A full t wortment of that superior article which bas hitherto iclreo " mu h °!;fiqt;4•:',7..T.11ti71:10... • tz.ns TUBING—wo teetl-8, 14 and 1-2 LA bleb Indio Rabb., tbs• Tubing. for mb , by oolg J. • H. PHI LL.11 . 2. 116 Market 'st.. ft , iIEESE---1 box.. prime Cream Cheese; WO do gout Wlt — l l ' n Mora and for solo by null DALZELL • CO. Liberty yt NDIGO -2 brinks Madras rind Manilla, or Yalo br K. IL SKLLEIIti. GIAXONY MAGANESE-1 cook; for nolo g_hr cox J. 9CI7OONIIAKEit Co. . WINTER LARD OIL-15 bbiii best quid ti27 I tri.'. l ° b a(IITOONAMMIti ** (Xi: HAMM FIR-10 galls. for I=c: I. l b • R. Z. ~~--- -~ -'. .PORTATION, ac WINTER AItfriNI3EiTENT. fYlts.s - `: 32 r_ UNION LINE, VIA RAILROAD AND WAGONS. We are now prepared to entry Freight between AND PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, during thr ,n,.,. and trill give Canna), repriptaal.gaod rm. rate.. HYNILYAiItNyy a CO. PUIII.II 11C UTIVIrltit+ 1 1 " (e gh. 117 Heart Farrel, Philadelphia. CHAItLES lit/011, Agrot, .1,11 f 71 North etrret. Battalion.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WE 11.11 E NOW COMPLETED AR of freight and PH OEF:P trr iir4. AND 13ALTIMORE. DIV. of Imbric will ern for dAlv•rier th . rougb, si mni..r.to nu, CLAP.K THAW. Lil..rty Pittoburall. LEN Iti< nut Lru. , ti 21V . rtnt aarr.l Philadalibl. MSS Ls'l4:7sit'rne'').....ltalti. Freights to and from e Eastern Cities. X TER ARRA."GEMENT. • • D. LEECH It COIL LENS • RAIL ROAD AND WA GON. HURIN° THE EUSPENS of Canal hlarigatirm. we wilt f..rwaral trrlght• to Sal from t •bove 14 , ,ree. arrive WI. of la..lln a lir•rati.l time end turn. A"ir 10.'0 "‘"'IIAYS • B4ex. so d iTT , lvi':' , 1 I. 2}lVii ° , -°. N—"s""'°°A.T,,r4 tr O m:NV6VAP.b 4- clel No. North 4rel.. Baltimore. PENNS YLVANIA, RAILROAD. / 4V TEI: ARE.ANORMENT. TIE oubooribers. neente for the Pent.yl - eilro.alCa, are now prewar.: to receipt l t rotten auxin, the winter to Phi:L.l.lphi, at the follow.ln, ras, Vor all Prat claw. rood. and.. - =I 100 Ma. tor Ilaean. Batter. .std. an 4 beery . ...... - . 4100 . \WVODIt • COLL earner Penn and trayne ntrawt• • wittehttent. Om' s_t_.l.4f.l. PENNSVACAELt F A TTMOAD And Erre Packet Line foe PHILADELKILI AND BALTIMORE. rrilt: blorning Line il Ib( c1n.i.a1.....- _ man tinned . long I.‘tte *atter wlllainkllErsearam ''''''. '".".'d.") .1. V. 7' t , 114 - .l: ' Ni ‘ t;ntaEgib•lb A oWY to} L owe; Or 11 t.r.t.ep AAN.,...Csou lla•In. • 40.101 FALL AND WINTER RR ANGEhIENT atP4 -- IS 1. k ir FOR TEAT L BETWEEN =ELAND PIMOSTASH. I EAtiNG Pittsbarerda ' Sunctityli az a. A e , ,nl.d) at 10 o'clock. A. AL, by e STICA II ' BICiAT FOREST-gilt 017 Capt. A. ItitutDcg-K, , To;II' EL LS V% L L F.'"; mom. V.,13, t, .tree (00 Illiti3O t , 1tA141,..*, I til clay .t Hanover OVrf nigh w t, and arei•Ln%in t CLEVRLAAto anal t . .P,r,z,; - :T..tt alr ' f . 4' h .,t ' _ii. La tlt . ??ltl u szt . l.. - :att2U:= l l . - nOO tb......ntir Deo o,ls.Letaatin. ' \ rve 1n ,00. \ Br II .1 t.ret E.l Januar,flel:c2. Vs< ' oaN 1 a ratiottli to IV.lbordlo. by alilob bat 1...0.5r” • 11 1 tm \ kmm,.rgn w Clev..laud Intl boon. /toy Illeketo &NA, to 0 CI. 11A RTON. Agent,. _nu= tt _ _ 51omnntnEets lion., paw...aar Pennsylvania Railroad. AR13.41N BM ENT 'BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH Time Reduced Co 2.1 Hour, ! . . gr IN and after the let of December next, parovilgerA Ns canimlby I'llineyleacdaliall. mad 11.mpatty, tsrtse.sv 11 . biloult4bla and rilis[burob. In 24 ath eair 2 wile. of Stagliag co's, so •trelleut Tiunpile jukt beet mut. 4rtv ' e.e7PaLtreint. ' U„„. secomo..lat . ..n. are TIaiAS h10.6 , /141. Agent Pvt.'. Itallroa.lComP.T• f-T/IItOIIOH TO CINCINNATI- • IN 48 110IJIZS. (,r andafter MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th, !the -cl,,laal end ell,ciriLittllll..l enmpuir • 1.111rt0.1 cut trout Clevelxtul Earnest trulrt errry evert' in of CAOCIU.2•II tit 10 o'clock next uttll.ukc, ntxt Ina srr boor% tbrutivb. For ticket:l.l4l4ln. JILIIN A CAL:1)111:1. Agent, up •Laire,l corner .1 Water ; autl , ruithnot.l.l44 *ll tit J. 311 , S1;.1•1XN. Ilenonnxbola Hon.. FAR! BILD110.1113! 1851. \ MONONGAHELA HOUTZ. 'I Vie Brosrille and Cumberland, 4 Baltimore and Philadelphia. \ \ T u llE MOBNING BOAT leaves the Wharf 1 .t... the Bridge daily. it 8 &sigh presinely s oar an. g r a tabe thorax". at Cumberland nail morning. TO Canning 1.148 kares daily (tarot. Pondayetenlng) at 6 o'clock. at 10 untooeting with the cars at Cumberland neat suing tone log \ 44 TInt tbetugh to haillmote. 02 bourn. Yam only $/h. 8 Tuns thtodth to PLll•delphhh 40 imene- Yarn only $ 0. Tbs. .htational Road* non good. Conductor, 60 with the Couto, bknnet. Fli \ gistoille aol Cumberituni s whlsit wakes th i n deohlndly Lb best rout. }:.or, J. bIE8IC1.111:N; haranh \I --- sin the 31tuotbralta1a_llouna. NEW YOH% \ tarb — r - terk 1851. • \•1851. STEW ROUTE ' TO NE IY YORK CITY rill Dunkirk mad Erie ItAllmewL rolineettrig with class Mamma on Like Erie, rt; MirhipaniChlaland, Womb. and ClneinnalliClarrla anal Pittsburgh. an 4 Pandurky and eincituian EallroridiA, and oteetroarr and Mirsimippl demi. Rod lid Ohio. loduang\ wasd Ohio m Ivarda 71lAINII LEAVE DUNE IRK A• Fouolye: \ , ist Morning Evros Train at \% clock. \ 11 .Emning Earring " " The Mall Train stops at Ehritne..wh"n hour, and take thr E proasTrain, artiving to Now look next tannin. at 9 oWlock. making tha whole &gm* \ pr Erni, freight and Cattle Trdn loaves Dunkirk at M. daily: a Ea ntrogrr (..1r la an:Rebid to MA, Trani to ainensaincdate Way Parsrnmre gad \ ShrPare (nail Dunkirk to Mar Nook, Brook' Clue br given ma hivr um. • , \ 7.1,14711 " ZZ% ET7S:d'Y " =Me" PR la` attention will be paid to Ptak', The masa Minn Fmt olds. Mrs this route great arlmaißtim dims memoir Aswirr Railmade ha Ma traturnrtatioriof timekt Ikiirddi)inonal Trams trill tw Mit 1p vosuottinou Is Pis vrry id:oration, Freight Tariffs will tki lettbriad. Ming lull partionN lam in reward the mires of lim i litht. as soon lax thoy ran M prepared. \ J. NOTTIlili "AIL dam. Du e okl A rk B . /W."' l'APpgs' HEAP PI,ANOSI--Just rec'd s I from tit,lfactoty of Hal4L Da V,141. CO, Denton; .X of their by prkeJ lIAJMWOOD IRA N y. f 3 to 1k4:0 \ • lot trot,. It*.ttranl 4 Drown, Jto•tozo arta Sto4. art, Neyr , lfork. \ 'JOIL'. /J. 31141.L11/1, ' 009 ttl Nand •tel.l. del,And 10bf. bble. Trou4 Zs d . tlrt Vat: t;148,. tiii an per et., for. \ It it, SELLICIts. \ tr 0,57 Wcarl of. L,— bbhiNiXlllter Strained, fur. ON lA-2 ,ke for sale by ftRILL4III!., , SUNDRIE6I?Is. priziaVtorliutter;, • Wblt÷ veken P.ked bosrs Bowlin . nsifur43/et by rc PRCUSSION 6- I ' i'S--2,000,004.1 for sale y 1.131 .4.. PAIINIF.SITCCIt CO. 1 I EMi g IAsSIEINRE fc CA , S ‘ II,IET-150 Z. for g. j saL. by , C . AHDUTI F UNOGREEK SEED-00 the. for site by 141. , \\ J. KIDD IL___ . BufuIAm`CHEESE- 4.1 .1.. br.5., Ileilees ftlebraltd Dl:mama nal Nu .. eae. el. daS hy eynyend ayal Jur mi. LI, • . , d 4 - \ RICK' bIeCANDLIZSY. \ --- OD}.ll. ARUMTEM lio, 5 for Novi; llostionlourist, for November; . I. \ • drator.tor lio=bary - . itec u rraitlt ...i..itu f a 74 irs . tuirrPoot, Soo Third Otrooromooloo Ur You POW. ' rail VIT.RAW PAPE.IL:.'Large and v ' \ hem, ik„.7 rol le for hardlrsoz or 0 . 'lbr roh , by MEDICAL m.77.r0g - roll TIDE CROIX On ' • '' - ' ' COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI. - TIB, WHOOPING-COUGH, CRO111%;: .. . :. ASTRIIIAi CONSTIMPTION.. .• - . _ . IS ItEMHDY is offered to the commu - T nit. with the rotational so bad In eta article which • • eoldont fella to mallet tbo happiest ..fiScht that ran be de, . aired. 110 leldo le the nett of IN nartblinea; and 00111tne. TOO, the eases of ita cur, that'almoeb *Mir Ixitifin ot • the ww.otvr atelunde in Peramm, publicly known. who hv• been reetroml from alarming sad asap deepwate aim m. 04 of the. lune., by Its use. II hen once Mint. It. ir - cl , neriarity over every other medicine of it. bind, la too sp• parent to escape observation; and whore Itli \ virtnen are knolen, the nubile so longer hesitate what Ultidots Wen, ploy fin . the dietreleing and Malvern... offs Übe* of the: pulmonary ornate, which am Incident to inn Almatt.-- ' And 005 only In the formidable attack. 0r,,. I.l3:Ainuga, but for the milder varieties of Cel.l.l3Julthe.lloaritoneesb ' Se.. and (...r Childben it it the plesaantertandeslestMedb ... dna tbat can be cblained, No fadolly should be walta It, mut Mee who have used Weever will.' .. . 1 1 , hood the °Mal. of the following' dentletnen, i o w.II . be rerogelual lu Ito, maw. sectiona of coon hens Q., am looeted— , each and ad l w. meruhmate of Zest elms and of the highest eh...Neter—. theoldest mrel asteradee wholosalo dsalbrs in medicine, wi th a cgperk.•' eom nulitalud oi the aubmet of which they le alt. If , them aAar va• op In the Judgment of americana. Me TIM) CERT IP/CATE. i , ''. W. lb* male, and what/sal, draagistA, ha•lllat both '' -' ' ispla mat/sailed •th Ayers (Metre l'oe.rill- betel, `",,, :. ' DV oar t,olier lb It le the boot and moot caestual Item- , ' --.1 eel) for Palimony Consumatiottoffered to tb• Alb. ' • on an Leeple. A il vo waah, tram our Anoin-ORu Wirer. o r on and e teculle urelultime,comilally orleletett.il , • •‘. It to any satiated worthy their Net eauedosms, sod with • • the ftrrik hagrirtio that It will do for their relief al/ that roodieloo earl 40, Ileuebaw, Ed ands It Co.. Drams, Ma. .' Iteeelte Coul ti, Iltlllinore. ilarl,mgd. ' ' . ftd , vta .. .17.41 . 7...2-d;foortro-... c . • • '_- r - ' ''', Jarob A. Parrmad. Detroit. klioldrets. - —77 - T.. 11. SlXllloter, Louiville, kr. ' Pr - aerie Walton. ht. Louis, Miyourb . --. Jaeph - ot. Mobile,AlaLanut. • , T. A. Pank4urlington, Venlunt. ilawiland, Dieter At Co::, Augarm, Boars-La . '-' luso D. Janie, Trenton. NeenJorrer. amkd. Pittoletrab. Pg. • , Clark 2 Co. Ob l i;;ono, !Ilium. — - If If7fray. Bur 'natou./ows. , ~'l M. A. Saatoe A ' . Norfolk. Va. 71" y.,1,,, an d Beiab or, Wilmington, Del. i: ° l l : 7 rl l :r i iil l ii! tieb h4 b ( l irSa ll' il '. \ t r.— . , . . %clasp, Wall .)CoNfort Wily gm, 111 awl:: . C. C. Richmond A el l . Pan Pranalneo. .' ' ' '• \ _ ...il Lemle A Amer; Tltage.kloretta " . ''. .•„\ . . . . , i eo, Ch U. ilton A Inter, Littlellock. Ark. - - :" . ~...,._•.-' --, • ' .., N. D. L•bwile, flattish. TFIJII. ' ti • . )f. Turner. haelatuth. Wade. Eekeleln A Co, C.oeflinati.O. .. IN FORNIUN cot rrlcirs: . . .• - - --...., ' V. M. Dimoud a Ca-,V.-acAz!tirkiml. Prod. hi :ae A Co.. !bigots, New ilreada. , - ' t • •:. r ! h.-Provost ACu Lisia, Peru. 1, - ' --!.....:-..--.' Iloetan < Co.. thellfax, Nma rim [ ' • ' ' ' . T. Walker lt 1..e.,t. John., NOR I teeeNlk. ' . ~. -- ~ •L. C.O. Salinas A Co.. Itio .Imfeiro, Be 11. ' • ' ' Al With suet, moues., wading. tomb en. nuittignii•T PrOof eau b• alit,4l, except that found I its effects keen tri_ M. • ,‘ Prepared argi roll by JAMES C. ATER, ellealCbgeng no i rrgi n lll i toTtir -' _ J. DOIS. . • _ . \..„. - • \.,„:.. \. 1)R. _ Itnprunnu ... YELLOW DOCK Adtt. S.IRSAPAIIILLA. otioina amt onir couitot.pndiaration for %Ds per • ilia:won cure of Coosoniatinu Rod learotea of the Lttp when they a.re eurpoeed tot.fleeted by , e tonfrco me of Atercury.lroe.Quirtioe, An • ' IT WILL CURE WITIIOOT PAIL. • Scrawls:, or Itlng'it Roll. ' \ Ceara.% . Etoptione of the Skin, P.rpdpelaa,ChroittoSorealrot. Ringworm orTettera, Rteudiatl „ 1010.3 to the Woo. or fitly , . Ul and cer% Swelling of. • Syn a SYriettalo.P.Kilhennie • DiMMIATI of the hilNiv. Uwe of Aniot/to. 7 • ' Meets. tert tenet the ueet of Mort urn P n tint Sale, Salem end, t . Pliontd Ilsorral •' - prtletnAttrobaoo,Jamo. dye And Costly.. THE BEST FEMALE Ati:DICINEK2I , OO7n nee Shot.' PreDe.w . d."YiKieW „Doak." - bed ilea }fondants riantopertlla,. one, the Invaluable -moottral, Watt,' frone — arttleh Dr. fittywou'e 'lmplored Extrnct or Yellow nark stet liatenperilla ale Tined: and ilia litoo , l-: tory no. Poreott bee nlvon bulb, virtue, orthreentots, to then. norfectlon lIL prerbratloo coolant. all the roe• etiWedlrc tir,..pert ,5 of the nada. riondanivi and Otennottlia-`, - , tol in fltalntatincen twoutottr and entiary. Enwerituctits ....re wade to the manufacture of lb," trot. - ' divine. until ft weatronal toot it could .7 be further PIP proved. Acoordlanit, we It rettortel al.tet venally. to caw. of Ilepatie, Scorbutie, and Cuteravur. reatiplainte-for antscrel orate...gnaw of &111 the vital elon n. and ill those tortoontlog ilieeaare of 111..eirlo to tryirot to national and w. Iniut lout to boatth. ; ... . . • 4 4 4, , Ms, 5 , 4,111 La. bur...mint G.tablaiula. eincer,'Oan -I*.s, 121...matl.nt s .0 a cast vu.i.ty 4.1.,0tbcr disk- . rcable and dmagmrall. di..., aro so...Mr aol pet. 1 tEcomutly cured by the use of tbi. me 11..... . \ l '' \ : \ Pa:., 311.1.., °dolt, AI it. 1/4L I `Alt`tdcht. D. Part—Do.,. kir: His with unuttosibla " feolln.N , of cratande that I amablo.' throne?. the Mein Pritblehm of UM., and by the won/arum abed arctic,. of that ea... Deal mnlieine. Guyerter cellar lroct and/tar. , . • , " espartKa. to glee you , • tow \sit/224m0 of my slums/ help s .' ' L. ev , .. to the winter of TOGO t was *Docked with ant: •-,"." tom pain. .1,1,1, was gnolually extending qrnigh thi t :' , ".. whole right a:da sad le - c/ at Om Paine Ursa. them lag nth. \. . . tal pro.tration it - MY PLYCoaI .1 - slot.: alto, my 1, 2 had • ' shrunk too:bout twothirds of Ito C 012.20.12 Ida. I Praetor- - " - ad the mteudanea of *skilful practitlnnar. who Dement. . . mst my dheasertma of the ant Loans 01 liter complalist. lie eald my ....`ewae one net cUtly hand/ill. bet 1,..ri1c; - : 7i. ad km too. I t0...1ntl under Ids treatment until I ski . ostbstled be cuuM Lot. boip me. / then lawn:ed. of your \ . . ' \ Went at this plaos; \W. A. Iletrli. two bottle. of OnymolVe Yellow Dock sad sarearocilla. fn. .14,1, I received •_- - Taal amount of ben,PL Aflor hating taken fair 12.41.12.• - , mote I wa. able 4. p... , .... my buttons. elthout aofinoon. " smartie, and have Lech vino. that time i wall mans bilk ' but • short yetir‘l 1.1.71* I hal been eonflnad to my bed" eta. fourthy of its time; and I mulct ascribe Ilso re. , .- taro of .. .i t,-• •., tot Amer eau, than by the a:macy l • . ' ‘ or that truly ro .51.1 innlitine, tinpottl., Tallow D , ok .' audtlarsaparllla. ' IIAISPEL V.t1•22112tt. .., . livid. D. park—Doer Fir; I siva you U...fn ~ yo.uk car' ' tine:?, and .1.,... as I kmaNagn4.l with thaNA/.. K 4 all Mira. I procure/ it. thluldnrit mict.2 !Ai Jan lrt. fo_ Yo ami in tb:arlictral. Ito bate the yeiGloge .D2rg , it m you think beet. Your, W.A. vettr.s. -- , t • . - \ . • The follow InClettrrts tromp highly ITOpOntoMer p*Pitillll. -- .rlio cr.)Oys a)2 a: tosles, brattiest' , , ' ' , • Nutt t, Stark oounty. 0.. 14 , 1,N/. \ - Dr. Jobs D. Dirt— 'ar Sir: Dr. Unysoterrstrsalav, Sarsaparilla has b.,. pr MINI ig Lot toe the lan thrie V .." fl \,,, yawl. with tiro/ aged, n Canon/ Intlllty. hirer Con- '\ , plaint. 3.....dir, Vnt'efoli. s,Y.d Chionle and Ilerfoui.." " Dioethk In all Fern I. CY/toplaints it ....fatttlf 4 mat- . . \ qualled. In tta.coe of;thl.ilollactbe ration/cup/tar,: ..• -, _ ly gains ..coatis and''s/am', fat worthy of g.tletLtr.... aldarallon. It la plearant`to tha Mate and sam/1. andiiiii \ ...". be :tad by pawns wim blot um dellcate,stosonsts, , ViVl2" alum, under any Clrruto.uume.. 1 amrpealtinferrtlin* porienee. and to the atdirt.dladri. Us us;. .." ';',-,.... , ..-. A ; it:J. S..Itr.PEIL • . •.' . . Bad by J. D. PAllK.lYErcluo"all. OLIO, ncr4,2tt earner • " "` of ,Vourtb Gal Walnutstrolo.tioulfanuLttf l 4l. 7', to .b... "all otdsm must /....I,lmMed.' . ",•: • ." -- J. Kid./ A Co- U. A. Vahan ...oak i . e... ..A. 'Sono% In Pylleba.tr.ritutoughyLew`l. Beckham, liecheny Ott; L. T. Borten. if sabluaton; L. 11. Loyd., ht./own. If. . Welty/ tirsalabarm B. Kaants.tumersat; :Doll A U.llmore, , 23.4f0ch hoed Abon. UunUngdoulltrie.Otr,iloyliJayabuiv " ItibletCand A Ois, Uallansc J. K. W.l.:ht. LIU...A[4 A Z Pea. • CO. Brookville: A. Wilson 2 Scri. Wakelbsco Ideas/alai a C., N. CaDociier. > l ..iritki - r.rtA A Du Krl.2.oralassa A Taker, 1.1.22rn Jam. Kelly A l'lt. Dots WKS, fn./16.0.41er: J. o.flummor , ten. Warram Y.-11.A U A. J.•1nieff P.Crooksr,lr... Browns-rill. efir , /WD . - - 11l per' ottle; ji . : Atittlea for IT. _da12110.21.1T E. Nedicine for , Ca g le. ratter, Ifoarsof res. -4+thnta. AND INCIPIGn'T 11R. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP. it Jo. nom a.. the It drow not ror raw tin towele it dore nt roles kw attn. ant n tun iwarm oho frt. It r itaitie to a to. told la overt out wurlA act Immo pertrettr parson. lo lir loon eotandal it erre ant ritktual In prod. ott • tor.- '1 rook gadget mns of ..nt tnagoe 0.1 t Iva... ht be. carol Op to lee for boron. 12 tettwa orntrYe vow act:Am.-7E. old mash tat dick/ all seri. for mono/oh za4 voloro CO rLkL t.. toot dicarroweich Una he tun. lurk. 11LU it Oak,' I Me antler. far It le • glrealrot Loathing ankle, ant will run—tat:a wen. alt Ce re/awls:id Ilk no Wenn Isar tt cow ore la oar ran teen our ow sr Onset 1h old anent, oevu. or It. Maar . It is IL. tn.% LIM a 1/0441. otradriets. mumb o L. breo owed hp him no its see it.ett. tor a oututer of glum with cb?urOtt berets rasagazetwat la 4 r hamEtautentillo liteetbat dastaister had bean aillkled with • moth and ethetto Wen night 6501.10. Lenten fater, and all the cannarll quart.. of a utoseldlts. and that Woe otillog two I , U. al. ••• *ollloth toted. A neon.ae toll aolkOr alko 1.4 /rut.. with atthwa and ohnom in. for .51 gram has Deep sooner *011.055. and the mum, rantonal, it.l the um of, half • dozen not botttes of MU Pre tocol Syrup. A arntattl. ham, Prof - In dill:coin nit. that `he Irma. the Penton) (teop taint a rood whale, for be boa and It to hl* own eaea, and no the mire of membfe of hie ran/Pg. With the moat perfect ant.," It it owe tlf ctraptAt fiqaelnes Meows /tie ant up In half slut bond. at tol a.oart, 112 botates icr au r tnuntryntartkoopm 11013 id do well lake. a sonok of tale toollolue bagel all loce tin, at It leans. Memo. prifeci and_. elude. renenhet -ewer diecorern Oct llootba alitlnistaces of the loorcritod iactpirot Pasautota anon. Zitre.—Mang hexane wlll ire Ur hotly. khan moo MA of tow TarlollllnastrosaciAlt do no Lied throe.' n want get tell icy Dr:Keil/era Vrougol If 7a la 2U no other—it will cum Job.\tit bag lo it amend LW most ealaableplante god belts ottl.tadana mak, anol la coreerdd. Oh • Doors Wiled it/ the bwollor La_ ga ga , lad/W.1444a In Mb iodate/a. all tergan ed In roar oleo cal, and tba grognetor tore out i or . ' rota nor toint..lnu n lowa. tailing heterantalloreagragati trtter,• Lab will toe. clarrato Koh Aradda walked throughout tbP thattkatat. rellthl• . L a g grara r , dkreo ducounte oil/ be undo to Mi. rho will t• , : tab an Total.. /a the artdictow Itgolf pny Lt 01l nrctan beetles, cher will be dour, cafft r t ag nottitl • lenvior vlatlaut ha their haws , solleind kw loop dooms elk *oraever gela n gd; • Trz wria r twooletale and WWI. by Kabala[lte/Parr ELLAnkulotittklid Word VitlStaillrb.Y IQUORICE PASTE.;-7 2 cases - tbrime akiqa ma. 3%- anwexamtu: \