PITTSBURGH; GAZETTE. ICOSIKRII .A.SID. TES °MOMS 0.7 Tell 11011110.1.DT . -4111;dalit Lines introduced - Mortimer Livingdon Esq.; and other gentlemen, owners of the Steam ship Hurobigdt: • M. Rom:till expressed. much - gratitude . fortielr - kind liberality. We copy. front ilteCourieri— • - • . _ au . mot sufficiently express to you, gentle men my esteem of your great act of kinJnesa.' then theMffer was made, I felt a difficulty, and unwillingness, to acceptit, it-was so great, sad,' at the name time, so unexpected." Mownxita Levine:Bros, Esq.—ln the iiseep• , Xiamen!: our offer, sir, you conferred on us an honor: _ Kossmt—Ahl it was'indeeil a kindness, Pnd I thank you, kentletpra, alga, cn behalf of !my desk...wife. (Here Kosath's Miee RIO observithly• *hanged, and his large blue eyes - because ex pressive of n tendenteits approaching to tears.) No one knows better. 'he continued, turning to CaPt:Lines, the need she had of all the com forts with which she was,snrrounded. on hoard your vessel, .and I particidarly thank; Captain Lines for his continued courtesy, kindness and attention. To day; -warmed and curoumged by the ree'Pption hero extended to us, her appear ' ance.has entirely changad; her epirits loose re tattle& nhe - has something of hope and joy. I am so glad—she has 'Mitered no much. (Here Nossnth's eyes filled with tears.) surpris •shat the kindness I have received; I urn deeply moved. that my true, my faithful companion, who has clung to me through the most adverse .circumstances, and 'cheered ma with all the strength fif ,woman's sublinie, devotion, feels ee much at home. All attentions :ere doubly eon noble tome, paid to her nod tap companions in . .eatile, - whom, next to fatherland, are dearest to 'any heart" The Romish Bishops of Ireland nre4ietract ing their position, in which they braved a pros ecution on the Ecclesintical Title BiIL A for Gip paper says • , • • The;"Lion of Judah" sends a letter accepting an inv i tation to "grace" the banquet "about to 'be given to the Mayor Sternberg, signed simply t 'JohnMato:" This is the first instance on cecord of a similar act tie humility and obedience to the law of the land being perpetrated by 4 Jo_hrt, Archbishop of Team." • ; - A new.. college, b contemplated for Western Now Yorg by the Presbyterians. The locution virifl'he given to Buffalo or Genesee—to be deci ded by the amount subscribed by the friends of these locations respectfully. . A Carwrat PALM': to - New Youg.—A peti tion .is about to be presented to the Common Councils of New York for the .0 of Madison square for the erection of a Crystal Palace to accommodate the secood Great World's Fair in 1852. Mr. ,Pfixtori has made the de-sign-500 by 280 feet, two stories and •the contractors agree to hare the structure completed in three months.! Mr. Riddle, United States commis eidner to the . World's Fair, has the pledge of some seven hundred contributors of article. There IiTO Ewe thonaand and Sateen canal boats oa the Erb canal,- which, IS placed in a line, wonld,extend.eighty-three f A'espt o little less than *2,500, 000 is used in the various branches of tho salt manufacture at Nyvtcuse; !N. Y. 4tld. the products of the epring , has increased from 154,071 bushels in 1.805, In 6,203,919 bushels in 1850. There are 10,000 Vats employed for coarse or solar salt, and 10;000 kettles. for Inc salt, producing 100,- 000 bhihels pen week, consumption of 12.0,000 cords of wood pvnally. Nearly a million of barrels aro need r, every census for packing salt IVAL OF PIANOS ACED PRICES. THE SUBS•RIBER has just received a twat admirabl and thteneive int of Pianos of 0, ids. 7, octave.. fin.• the oelebrited factory of S. L. bow ha.m.among • • 6 , -- , 6 reoewood Pianos, r net- gothic tat& t• • •••• do , do tt; act,do., 7110. ‘' One or DU. lIA - .11 . 8 faroits 7 o•t CONCERT 1.1/114.08.0gual to and Plano In power and volume o• Pale. Theae Pismo h pew and Iro,cor.l log a ger7 lane felt °vend hammer. tad that afford.. all the adythrafrea a crawl Plano. „Th oo e public op.! .ul,' to is a d 14nr i eN11:766 " 4 P 16 " ??. I Ve r :6ll , Mums. smith &Nth. n. of Cincinnati. at the Mechanic: Par, aod pronto, - • the toot Piano enter brought to that .64-12666 e • .11.1 -power arid 6.6.46i6,19 of tau, am solastieltf of.= • tis.lol Thi at.. Mpg re the Uniden Carp. N.M.—New Imam: ••ents entered Into with Mr. Don t arthentbko that su • her sellthis Ilithoo 10 per rant. pwer than kreaterir than enabling eat . lin , '" Oedipus here. than at the cast Call and examine beiCo. parchatlng eigewear no M. 1 0AP-100 b Cin., for sale by lb del WICK t bIetaNDLESS ACK:RI - TEI;- 7 ?AO bble..NO. 3; 100 'bbla. ltkl kits .4 n, r. Fix br ICIS IkIrCAN LE 41S S ALAD 01L---11.1 basket for sale by 4211.0 CALM. SODA—D./ kegs New Castle tbi. eae by ant' J. FUIIiNTWIAKKR JRuuiion— iackseTruleae:rase. red l eyniNUAli;il.ll Sko=i J. 4CI Great Sale of tong Shawls at low prices AA. BiASON‘ it CO. will open on Tuesday nharnini, December .1, at their Large Shoot Sa ad-13M., of Long Falange. which, dwell, with their hroTtorta ctock. will mak. the mast caten,tre Eilflart este trer held. In thh. del 1 1": 1 0PAL , I/ARISE:I—in - 1)bl. and half blii3 o 1 Flsiiies,scrapicg.l,ll2rdnii artl.lnet Pr, Ink for . ncen SClio h Litt CO d'iciFFEE- 7 314 bags Rio, in r sale by, 'LI • Lel MX 11TIIEVtic t I,V.Atb PAPER —A full tod caied , V %V sortuvmt,Just reed ... trom acevero Ichuoteto. . 00 .. 0 ( Or lv- • talk , . PALM hr.... WIDE. GREEN! WINDOW BLIND PA l'l,lhA beau:4W and rich c.d., ire cal. by DAM PALMER. Fitl'll PAPER OURTAINS—A Landsoint. rtruc*Autrrcrived and tor stttbt by .. tr l'tlttS. VALIUM. '-'7Bllf.A. FIN i: YOUNG LIYSON TEA. ~ , - lim_A. blethorg i. Co- bm.sefunt rrntivrtl it 4... 11•11ihost•of , Sta .lebralel ',toren 1,,p" TrAinglip.on 'la. Whirl:, IS tiblyeisally setrlowt.lpml to the ...., So I+• little alma a utty t[ll sod inaportoll into this rountol , . Pelee SLP9 par lb. ChM,. Oolotr.loo 50 GO cut. No .t TALLOW -5 Lens. I.Seef;r -19 aria J 1 tr, >1 sto24 W. 11A c.IIA I IIGAR--10 hPs.. N. 0., f e ur sole 1 1 • naftl S. IIARBAuGII. A EIIISVS. CANVAS-2.sopie. prepared UM.. &reed, for Bale br J. KLUD a W.. • Go W 604 EL ANADDER-123fX) lbs. fine fimbro, for as , or. J. KIDDY CO. fa Won.ll, lba - Clarrot's fO1: `SNUFF--800Or J. KIDD , ea Hood A. lbs."for sale by no'= g. J. KIDD t 4AL, Git Woad 0.. , IZAL AMMONIAC-1250 lbs. for sale by '.1.. tU. so= • .. J. KI DD • CO, GU Wood 0. 1- ' I/if ' SII MOls. Fresh and White, . —----- S , C=J ii i w ' ; rstc . J. KIDD k CO.. 0, Wool A. CLOVER rt TIMOTHY SEED, for sale by . .5. a H.-FLOYD. . " 4 1 3 Ago by accl) ..i i il,3ma• , ___ ~10t,ROOMS-740 0 doz. Dry Corn, for male by .IJP 'no*/ ' P. P BIIRIVEIt . . , s ihtrhSB4Gb.r.FLAIIN,R.,,,,,s. _.,, ii Mll, 7 h ln , & ~, ,i, , 'ii and nth; r toltturew or PT:Plo:i'lennelj. " .i i 2= or! hnndr;the gennuine Thirmbrioneble Wel. te no . l7 '''' ItOKAtrOob, for Novem b er, -----, - eft 7ohrnelfee Norensbor. r r Cheek. dull. of. Wu : a new wart by Doorlet .• • '3errold—prias 1216 ennui., . • ritenetred st 11001PS' Litersir Deput. 74 Third erre: • • nytwalte the Poet Mow " nrtlS ..,...mup.p...y...I3I.IItCHFIELD, N. I:. c or -.. i. ls , Of i rkilh .. .tat Market Merle. hurl reeemtli ..Zrt?A.NDlAlrailt 1,110 GOODS: ere ill riTtr W to F tei „ , :....artfaru,,,=l...l b. 7." //muntilr. nn enten oo rtir ,, e yr -11110-COFFER -100 bags ; prilhe 'Green; COlllO,Ol. for rod. bi JOIIN ,WATT k C". • • "" FRESU TRAS-:-35:11f. ch - est. 4 Y. 11.• O. P: 'sod Zrlif C.aahraire Sonar. Ebawbe Itay Etatep, at inanufsetuteea prime, Preneb Merlon, and I...kwhEarreg Fan ellko, very dvatrabb: Cloak. Cloaking, dc., ac. ne2,l DAM Ali ED 110011S1—A. A. TilmioN & Co. will own. on Monday, Nt.setub,, 2.3tb. 11 m...s of nlightly• dams , :rd weer. mm1;41,1121, Ca+ 11,,harn, Flanorla. Lonna. I....heek ,F . , of • bolt will be ..hl al ne-arly one Lair the 11,11 . 1 Dd.. ao2l Card. • S I tlitPliY h RIJKCItFI LD th inforr i n , their at”.. , pen r , :(11NI , la:, supply or G.:U.1,1.111.7:J ' ; trad, aul attenfunCto unusually full want- GOODS. in ,eat cartel Het) printed C/nburg,, Preneh llrrlum. 51u,lin tie Longand t'quarv.—Nevr atyle Broth., very CnAmerr ',Vont dn., plain ant pat atYleA blark and eetiomdlhod, he. It r+ plaid itildone, Libra and half toollroincdn., new 'l l4;; " la d v ' e ' rereived • further eupp y s Shirting kity,loo and iri.h Linens. and Fitapli Goode " ,tej erall: and nI I will be eold at low to Mr ordPr. Linnet., Merchants. are invited in our er'holcrale up "lairs, whore timid, are .Id load oe2l 4.,,1 11 . ,K WARP l'ArtAbiltTAS—Justreo ' ll 1 at A. A. MA:4IN A 011.1 t. 02 and f 4 Nlarket st. mil I 1,(IV ES AND IIOSIERY—A. A. Mean,: v., I a 0, , . Itnri nine nit hood 110 dna. id Cash• mi le. P.M. Viewed. Kid. and other tilowee Also. every d...ription of Hosiery, noinprleing more than 1100 demo. Le 4 1 I . l . l)—Opening dnilr at A. A. 4.,...,,a,6.0ux adi;.`‘i.f.Ll:ll..l;.....°llL"L";:::,blSußZ:'.", I . araturtins. Aliarenit LI LLKS! SILKS I—Now opening ni A. A. MASON of very 14,111.4tab1e Plaid Silks, rome • low 11. To mote, ado, 111 piece. rich lare in 110 elemiu il l limn. , dn. . UNN ET R18R0N.: .... .—A. A. MASON & mnrktinit =mirth.. Of tt , b Pet phi , d„,,, EW I'LA II) BON N El' 11.111130N5 -- Mur . pi, A Butchfield have teeingnl a fen.h.ulltir ewe 411`a he LI PER. BLAVK A LI'ACCAS—M urphy S. ihnoth. Id hove ~.roved • toll assortment of Moo' to. it•—rolue es Ikkie per daskt —and alenimmcionlot klmire.... at SISO per yard id or _ . ) Lli v I:II , DOESKIN S-Ilurrigly .kin iiesertoores, 0,0 and fent, wtl . V . hTl7ie ' ; 4 iire lea —also auk', Week and clothe, and • cart. odd nt oty ler eepecialty aiep.l for tore' wear. nen Awe F.W 0001151 NEW GOODS I—A. A. i a v.. open within 11,0 twat few .1,100. nr•erd" id .01 hundred klut,' and paokage. of Poreisin Lod 1a...t0. no which the attention of •tuile. rode and retell our. Lover" I. invited. 11 3A.E.ANIAT'I ' AS, LYONESE Sr COIIUROS —A. A.M Nv CO will 'own this der .f easesW, 0.10 43.0^ ur6 FRENCH MERINOS .1. TIIIRETCLOTIIS —Sow ea A. A. 51A60N A CO 'B—itki pit',. 00 "Wt. rodd French Morin. and Thibet Clutha. .1,6 g a ASIINIEItES 1 MOOS. DE LA INES— .I A. MASON a CO (havepat received 16 caw., id stiles C.l.mno an u 1 1 111;XE PLY INIPERIA L CARPETS— Now constantly at W. kIeCLINTOCIVP erred 'Warehouse, tin. h.) Enurth street. to whlrh ta ro, the aneroid. of the.wistilue te furnish hoot , nr Stseolieliod, at we will Nell lower ilkau ever before in (hie oel ORSE. FOR SALE—A very desint...TL.,.. Mr Family lion, warrant. pernotly thal4pondika: Ra M il na. Enquire J oIJuaINu 24Wit K Cl', po ood at. ELV ET PILE CARPETS—W. alreCl.lol - invitee the attend.' rif purel.ora. an he Is determined le well lower than ever heifer... Mired in this market. at the .11 aitardixl,l Carry , Want..., No. 00 Foirtl. et_ , ARRIAGE CLOTII & TRI!.I3II:NGS , • K. the Att^ptirm earr,ge tuaortv. - ttirer, lArge cf Wu. a 0.11,1 1, I IAt.A, till aftl l'rothitsg •tll pen Al reau.,.l I•rine , At the Wx,bnur, °aril% or I 1 NtiltA IN CARPETS--W. NL:CLI N TUCK eAnzetantlx rt , rlstna ht. fall .tort , ut.erhAe. hoe. ast.le.‘mrcnr. It A IN CA ot nes •33.1 rtet 1111.0.. t very n...tur,nl prim.. to which 06. the 01. len.l,rt wishtmt W luroi , th InewintKratAnt llnnna f0i1. , ?7 A cal At the Clap. , 11' )Icl'LiNTtCh. .l (7A ItI'ETS-- - Irmo the,. de,ermitte.l .ell lower than ever twtvo tnArk: Call at Mu old eatAbLl.h , l t.!a;pet I,use. mirth wt r IN A PESTILY CA Ill'ETS—Nt , w and rich • it, • ts.m thrne tr , IV 'ffr,t.!;.lsitrn•g,. NEW GOODS. I IIIHE SUBSCRIBER haring now retched hia anti, stock of PALL AND tWINTKft tatatal,S. •ould nrpeettully inforna lal. eustorden ••:1 Lb. both, 124.2 t hr la prepared to alapon of tal• dards, caber •1301.- , male of 0,11, -2 ttET 1 , 1 ,,,, erica. Ile bat Ita Dry 11t,41. all the Mania. . •111 . • hart• etteck of Pitney Mon Onala wenol.ritang to Per. - . 4-4 1.14. u. Mime. par evening and strut donna. vett riot. 41 lircewle Mika. " " " Plain Black atilln, all prlent and wiltbs, nrwale Black r‘alk, • •• 11 . , Watand Mit. a11y. 1 ..a n. Pu ..pil ?Inaba do Lelneg. Tog.rtar with n rr: h tact!Uldltro ' lle C hlrrale twiles• wo. flirty. ROUSE FeR3II6IIING GOODS: 1 ":..". 1. ," :t i v i iti n.. " ' " V:,71 . ',7 , 7rai..1....., i 4 1 - , ICI.II 1••.4 Table Doro.Lta. 'it'. aaol la-1 Pam. I: Nottl•tto awl boffin - . Liottladz ltiaper awl taro. 1 . 0,11i,r, Iticb llzobd plan, abtl Table 1'..f1r... en', good, alar..lll,•trottta, growl,. Fornitun. Ihmlll . P0zi.t.1....1 0ur,...1.• Slawrtaltt. , Nit tURSISO DRY (104.,(0R, L't'"' i" •! ' ' / . .t .,b ire ‘ tl2.la2no, 1.1 and 04 wade: 10.-k (I.lto tl.tth, hl Bra Mohair tnato,-, eta. W Gal. n , o l Clonr, 1 , 13 ,- I: Chan., rs,::,,tb. Yeanch sod Itaflan tamp., Mate awl eras.. 11..41. 1.1...a0cett....4 t•lence, Omen owl c WI, •11.....• and ,, iln2erri. oil . eery , t attleb Good/ alit Le warranted ..1 ........1 '''' .eels ' ''''. JALLS A atchatlt.'llT lk.i Uli SE DR; LAIN ES, in great variety Of JT I •ty to, route and watt...L(l , M / - 1 , , (111 0,1. 1.11. grade. An 1.1.0/1111•11 . 1 1. 1,1 1 1 , .1, 1, 1, 1 '''''' ' 210rNIft 1 A LID 11.1211,1151.0, i tet ':-. Nteth /...a.,-orre , 4th and Lariat ael t eat - . . . . I Tt,..ve to • ant .1 ' 0,....1 C1at0.... ••Il no • :bit INEAT 13. ft 1313 ED 0 CNIIIIAMSMurT4 . „.,....,„„,... ~,,,,,r,,,,, IN . Itt.e.t.tell hare re.wir•ti Al . ankh ...flaw.% t 4 ,t 1 . ,t 0.., ..• t• - 2 1... e 11 arp. •.w 1,1 Th iel , a_.,.. ~,...1. ~I s I,ll* . , J -1,10 ' ai.. 0 supply of nal .. Lau ; ~,,„‘„, a nt i.,.....nter 01104 hosed , *ea., 2 I Nearatranc. t il 01 IN :$,,,-Mi - A.r.int. No. 111 y,..i street. 0 , ASWIEILES AND DE 4.AINEn'tI-- li ea tit , „, ~, ~,, ~,,,,,,L , „ 4. ,,,,, „,'„,.„. 4 . 2* ~,,, 4, ~,.; ~t taa ot.a.t. rad Wm 0110. toe new tad rout.? •••••-• . t me iOl .21.te1,1 st ...g.lOl AA it ArelN aOl 3 ..„ ,., :,......„. ~ ~, ,. ..r . ~.,,, .„. 1... „ . 4. ~.., A. 111:7SON .4 CO. have on hand, and '.. '!7 , ' 1 7 . 1.^.:;(7,7 , 77.“”7 . 7. 7 0. ~.. .irzi. z .r, A.,, tot rto ren•pt n 1 lAN,' 11,31.1111,. ot New lin , . tf=bo.,l ; gieop:ott. . a t 1 ,,,. Q.... , awr. t0,..........ch a• 3 t-h %wet ~en.... • /1•13 , 1,T, Lo. Lam " .......,,.,„,..,,,.. „..„.. ~..,,. ...„...,... ~,,, o r wrroqr Or, 11 1 111 (1./111,11..." 112 pr.* and truant, ro r e Cror.o.-r. I I. ',rt, 0.4 het ••••r , Tate v "..m..•.• do.. I ...wort-. sno.. a .71.1 tor thew float me tint nowt au 1 1l A)Olt (111. CLOTH-aiii yarfl.• 3,4, 5, 1 ; r'''. e ...1 • ouartoe. jurt reo'd ' , oh toe .111111,1.11 W l'arr k.,,,,,,... 1.,,,,,. e . it. tremolo-at........fie0 ray f if .7*'24.l.itran'ttl"•';'.'.lr:•;:2'l'"l. ril ' ;,l7CLiir . ''''•." . 1 “•"" • • u'' '' .9 th •••• ••• . r . . 111 ry .Ir , rummer ' , re.- tn.s. . le attod ',lns charm, . NEW GOODS. ifti,•‘ it,..4,, c,,•,..,,,.. ~,,,. ~,„, S. ..“„,,, •,,,., ~ , ,, , 1., is•ti r. u•it., 1 ECEIV ED THIS DAY and mist tfpefiing ~,u,'?•A`,,'":„,..'",f • - " ,,,:.,',„,,,* t,';;';',,,;,',. t'":,,,-,E,,,. v2,1. , ,J,•...,°,; 13. at Wal tillthit - A, lal latterly ay.,. 1. e .,. n a•,..t... t p••••., taary and lan, Conorteme. ol lbw nevem ••4 - 1, , NIIRAV ED l'llosl 1 SSORY NirrEs A. " ''''-''''''-`"".' "'-'''"'"''''' ''' "' . '"" ,- ' l "' FA 0 .,,,,._, ~ -,.„ .., ~„, .. ~,-...... ' l 7 ,!. ' t!; -' ;',Y...i ard mot., eplonlid assortment of vo.llo B . ......" 4046 7 1 ;;1Vt , `:.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,„. 77,7 tooovoi to ii,77 •-iii •77,.., 1111,1, Mart* and Snood ... 1.11 d. I llolunltu, aro! 1•••••2 - . . 1/ .It,„fltorand superfine iltria. 1 11 . LAN K BOOKS.-%. S. DAVIN, surt, A ',Ave a...tatart•neot ~f Cr.., I.llierchtda. Ar. W 1,1,42. together with the very large +belt of ItEAPT . R / 4.k", 4484 f r-4.*"... i hr. (41 4.1* M.. hea r " 041, 'wry • Stl. fa the rm.. I.l.sblorralrle nyi.. ar77.7. • .. , k ^f L" . .r k ,t,° 1481 4 "V n ir",, 0 I r" l in - r7 ':::`. ..1, hand, r. a.t.., °it, ot the large. , • tol two -a faattbormbia .at L'a'ret a t ..3 '. ' I I' 1 ..... o° a a a. ~. n . ~,.. e,f le,l, ~1,4e.1 lor gentlemen • wear, in Om ary otvh. or Ittoohnst. ano at too 161.1,4 pater. w{4 arntero ntry, 01 of winch dot pe..pottor ta datersoto pI.AN KS Full ATTORN EY S. •A L DER ot . 011.1" at the v•ry 10W , It ',a , for mob orde lo th. lailatent 11/11. esteeowd in the bed mare • 1 111. N, AND JURTICKS OF TICK PI:ACK-11 ad,. ve, •0•1 at the •Intratat notice. Bell engages, Mania twelandi.a Indenture, Po.ocratomy loultflettota Sommow, Iblla of (kw. Articic•of Agent. W. Bow Fall Dry Goods. A narlin.tat, rye. Bar lc- le., Pat anis al • W. a 11Ale ItNll.Stationer. A: MASON A CO., have received and nr. (wort Marltet .1 necend eta. • • are ll.'. opening--t cans tine Pnoch Merinos. of Awful Andre. adapted ~pra y for ads m a rket ; In HEW NIISIC. awe• Alps... and ainlatar Lunn., embracing plain bra, /iil'Eß THE WATERS NOW, by H. Ryan; oak leery, lane, col ta t Ch.:isle= and Wed, of all Fr..% 20,v. , l'aramattas.Thibet Glot ha.: and Coburg., ccurryrfir. nellerr CLII.I Indtorrica2 Mountain Daisy. by Idnieti ins fancy may nalitlee. 100 pre. Wonted &roe, brit war ball., r • II . I 1. 344 I n ., , n 41,11.1111110,pnan, C 1111.114 mad fancy "okra fhe ahoy. grads an offer Pm gala ot the W• 11, wllb viattottt, Leta Ileart2 tot Meal to thy Late prime which we are coufuleta we unprecedented!, low. tit, *lib rig... l l T NV= tw i r .. .. 4 ,T i lt . e 4 ' , nit...7 ...btu ' .. ' - r "o;n7,'VlitZttinif P rife 'mufti Nl y area anattaVogr, dotal , : NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! H 0... a.... I 1,. The, duelle. The Wild Okl Wearahr. Neu, won • lad, Nvenlog Pong-Tstillaht Dews are A CCORDEONS-A splinditl and varied ie,„,..i.,,.. Dome 1 Pei tx tinning nigh, cc...cc...t00.. oc iii stork of the beet bra just noshed. the in Ilrotberg. 11•11 Colornloix, wilt blow. of 11.. tIVIES--A very rstlite arlettlen. nab 1, 4,1, and • Wadiloglom Le liellt! of tho V I.llage; Van* larflit.V. W ary., cocoa utocd. and of tha bad Makers, very chaap.Just sj 1 , mitt, :.la , t....o;:c i atzit i t.ltitte • .Pr n ot4te4tlt.f . , .A . lr A n; ' 7.7/1 1 1'.1115-An sztentave nal holm tort arriving. ...Jr I l tilbans abv. rolla. --4, ... 1 * Algeolovn. so , . 1 .7 7 1 1 ,, 1 5- v,r. g .,7tri,' ,, , , ...' "" " la' . 4lll3,l ''' "''' 01 '''''' IT:l l l'l l 4'.'Z''''''';'.. l' l t.ritirtilll7l l TV,V' fl a' , " ' •-... 1 .....•j..--- nun oilectian sten, On Guitar and Ku 11•1c1r. Itaggltto Quleb tisk: three blivliey o:77rtano Ilan, -No. 7, bon of England, No. 2.ithatornelt of Ireland; No. Oewalw l A. lo, .• B° 01° .• HlS 'O rla n:P . P .- .0d .' 1, TbiAl. '1 S'-'"'L JNIVIIIVHIII/11...1:7W00d att ery variety Of limas Instromert , ,lelta - .4 tried by the _ .1 41 mibecribarAtiaelf, and aold at y low ea.. - Ale, thewswnt and moot papa re Music , just emn EW 13001 r, SI-The Stone ir ili t iti N. ft-er above Inatrumante re warranted to he ex•r• N 61a.nn a Paint Point, • Village Tajo, I . Bert and r feet in eery reetert--21 found faulty ire trio y .De Lampe/no. Tian fn. the Bey will ' naurnod 11. II 1.11131:12, 101 lbinist. twist,. sest. kuaN Or 11112 tIOLDEN 11AISP. Memoir of Bev. Edward Bleiterneth,late Dector of WOO - r,, t 4arts. by Rev. T. it. Dirk. rd. A..lterto of Kallsball, II AI3PETS I CARPETS}-Budd this day no • onit an Introduction by S.phou U. Tyng. D. D 4 ‘,../ by W. 61rCLINTO4K, now and rich style. &Moline, 4 coten lit= Antinnitisa • 11.ual of hams •n. "ff. , ..fa C...... IN"RALY "RrNTS..hicb '"." I 10........ .- -ni.thlu.K by Charles An 15,0, propared to sell lower than .y (farbatip eror before offered 1-I , aar., . In this markeL r Mnllallf ilivlts lb* attention of aa• ... ". fr0 ,,,,t,, so d 1 1,,,,,,, . ddo• r 0 ,,,b... • nylon.„ . ~,. ~. Mold In tbe DaritPlanes2 or blemorlalsof Christi. Lilo the Old 21stablinned 11.1.1 Worehoson. N. as 0 0 ,,,Th et. I. the A 1 1 ,1 4 ,1: tea ° . from . lb. Orman of the late Ana. - rept ? V ' Mce "--.4. I j TUCK ' - Wl TZ:Vd;trif ' the %VW ' S.: • Cosnaemtary wit/to/Won& Li , AL L (100DS.-Just reed, per express, ch.r.,,, of es bt s tbi rz t, b l y f i t , let i ig Cif,nevot 1.neb..1!. j' at -s. 11. 31/IFON !CO.'S, f•Ortarlons Bonnet Ribbon.. 11:41,,rjant '" dta l tn.lr?u ' etilti e nn, Ittr i crgV, °.10"1. . Flowers,, and moat faablonable stylosl lIX.. dos Tabs and fan ,„„,,,d, ~ r,..-I.b. Memento of Algabra, Mat h. Flowers, In pew. One de Arlin., beautiful col., lad pea a.,, u e otonno, by Elias Lomnia,lll. A, Profaner of Math. 21arrolitte, ale dude[ 6 dos. Ostrich Plumes , chend. [IPA ;',,,,.- g• sop l t No. 16 I.l;torial Yield nook of We Revolution; London. 1 8 . 1: DRESS GOODS:-Wc are now to- Peiren2 a N=f4a . z.r b 's , New AlontlllyeamAna. miring the neitteet fall styles of Oren (foods, such as • ,,,0 221 Aptdlo Ilullding, Pourth rt . Cast..., Poplins, Pgrria22 - Itobes, Alpacas, P. „..,, SOUKS . n• „ ~. , , vormatort, french Alesloost, abd Thibet Cl t/ UM N kin' 101../1101-11 1 1Veln In um uniteu vivoes now open. •17.1.1 A. A. SfkilDra r 6 C,th States, Ac„ during 1.2 and 1 . 650; try the Lady sae IVIITE 0041DS--A. A. -111,tioN & Co. ° if te Wn l igralilbie.rigt r tfitir. by). B. Cabbott VII t V i aPI7IQII 7 . 2. d tlrrl2 " Pi l t Wa . rilrl=74 l .1 11 h ..7147. ' ,gra . s . o l t qat l = 74 % . eollt./ ' 61.•412 .4 andla Bona Saha El n, onninon'Sluellfsn'An A complete En t lngaiJourna.. '''' . aiwortruant. arid very rho.. . NO No. la pictorial P 18110044 of Um trovolotion N ' as dSO Dictionary of leetnnin. 12 * gin W It SPLENDID SILKS -01 A. - amain & Co. a ndt • rtgin '' •••rt.. Juat We'd sea for Imre b; .' ' have wt reed a beautiful assortmont of very rlth J. L. READ.7B Apollo Buildings, ar e aw o r t h in Mack 611111. The above dnirablo ne.d. stest Fourth Anat. are well t the attention of ptrcharers. Also, won , c---, - • auperior Oro. de Atriums. esti...3.olone. beautifal Chant. ILLAYSTAL PALACE PRINTS.-Mule, .11., se .73 , rin A Dwain:tan have lust received • lot of vu// QW.ISS AND J ACKON ET EDOINOS, - C. , ih°°e,,°42.7.ll;.beerejeittait.,°°,rial,Yeri`o°,:whilni...thri,°'s i,....3 -murmur * tionennEku bare opmmt this vita • .111 r:./ Morning a lot of Owl. Foldons anti I nacrtings, Jefitonet -- - /Acing. sind SuerVins, Debiting Edging. and lonrtings, ' Threwl Italginp. mot itiwytinge. of new styles and mu them, .P 4 - Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehonse, No: 105 MARKET STCCCT, • I) 11. PALMER offers for sole, at very C. il.• prima, • full amortaripot pf •°Jale et etc VONNETB-Yenilyn es • Arnerin plain sail •mar • una, chip, Gimp, Mill., Leer, Mir, Pa ...Leg. L ITV:9 - te'is, Youth?, and Glove I 0 fancy mil ttp 011 d P low, tu1 " 114 - e l liaieellipeea-, Are oiLind, other tonnt,inarnt. a flier iety time awl watered. • lkimet and Bead, ' , W.W.I. and Taf feter, all iraithe atid eoloria Wier Omar md (asp Cara LA eRS-11.4. 0.1 figured white atul colofW sad • Netle. .57714 TRIMMINGS-Gordo.Taaliila. Balza!, BtaNL Palefinre, Ae., Or. FLU ILKII.I-41VDChILINiAnteslaaai LiPsfirai bwada. operate, Pith sod morel styles. BONNET LA:B AND BATLYS I -1/laas. DM N • flrez de Milne," Mtn., mail Other r . iltOia , war a M mama • TiNS-Auarted mai Ah IffkaWarlia.D.AdOtalida=rald 841iaae Sal,. BOOKS, MUSIC, &c Now Ready!! FVERY LADY hiving a Piano bhould J f parch.. and read Teneplatonla roue bardr. tble la • beautiful buok for • PRESENT,- Witboateseeption taw • piece at printing sod binding asenrei mu , executed. Th . ree i• no poem . lble camalty that can happen 010 to a Piano for which It doe, out point an cam) rntledy,,hr.iden rn di ndoo , b r , tr krrep the Instrument ALWAXS i. TUNE. Price. only sl.—Worth ten titora that rutql. It ean he cent by mall to any part of thrUnt,l Stater tor a Ira e.t.a!, Pahlhhed try Ile .t Walker. I•Iii1J.10,113. and held of JOHN 11. Wood and 1110.1tV KI.F.UKIt. Third Arr.. I . lll.mbutgb, and of the ',lump. bad: rdnn. drol Cluckering'a rianos JOIIN 11. MELLOR, Agent for Ctsickevrinp, Pirinno, Ppe. PitlAurg unl WesnernPannspliraute,Sn.k n i !tea jun recrirml • tn.,. and Pery kr, .Part • ol /Oar FORTES tn , rn manninct., l'hielcerine. 4:( tik s , ♦I end plain. .. _. • - VOR SALE—A meeznti banti fi m o PI AM , , (...yarn. r , ...lant n.alm,tvi r..e. ...1.. by Loud it Isroil,rrp. 1,.....0n• huudr...l sad 11117 d011.r..., ot2 rix monthe credit, or 11. 14•1./ cltet.t.nt Inr en+. f.r NOr by ~,.11 .11/101 11. MKLIAIII. P•I Wond rt New Mtge. ‘iONCS nungs by Mb. CATIJARINE HAVES: L Come Ow .••••••I teph yr. paw: Th. hurt , that ono. throug.l4 T.llin e In • ow , SONG , SUM .IKNN V LINO. AT II Olt VONCEItT6 Ottnin'llm•ugh M. Nf rilVnw I.u•1 ransv.r, • Auld 11.r•blo 111., Little 1t.,1 In.linu lb.!, lonle. of...et how, ken In•ntth.• The 14•Nre Eno .... ....- .. iii.. ,. ; . /*F r e . t:... • 0., ue I to thel A %T 1;4 , 1 1 , 410i m er -. Strike the here gently. I'S er - .w. nil oneo n a - 11 - eV '' Woodbury: Wily do hummer Hone. hell The I.t.t Ile•rt: trtth rtl'olleti elate. Sweet Ann^ of llor VII, Fe1...4116dr, f log .r. S-hrt. The mother, Poe, ll.h sod 111..m.r !Wk... Cell me pot tame. lliralle Walt, /Ike n.r. Le. tleo.itml And ha. sole lee , ..ItillN 11.11E41.8M. hl WooJ dn., Double Reed Melodeon?' rplIE subscriber ints just opened a very IL One Helixluau. net...yea. with tinui nt [nada by Thu original in, Carliara 0 ifii.nahani. V. Thle luatrunn.nt ia urinal in pun., tonal Mall uraan. N. sal lunch aurwrior to it In ca;nt t qf ra ' r t a t Tir tn t'°°° l lon Irian nauih yirfnratili. to an, iitin.r irulnutunut. Thou• vitiating to purriluu.- an inatruntant tlin kind are rwain.al. fully In filial and usaininio trio nriion.... lasing taken away from Ilia ruluenlia.rir nut, imanni tot' "°•t°'°°' toy °°"°'°‘"-"'lr in lIJ. city. fir2n for thi. tnakera. Carlinrili New. Bans JUST RECEIVED and for sale by J. L. ferlLad, TS. 4th 4trreL Ft.tv4t Lite rand Von.. Trt.t, ettturrisittot West , . Car , tt MT , 4 ht , n4 the h. : ; wild wood utivttntutr. Itt:h S....rip: wax vf ppetatt MY, tti Kul.. raid 51t,1141..1 ilh. sti Ant-tlosa. t,, Itah bontt.th Thr I.il.and the 1t.,. an Alx•leatte of the t`r,total se by tl. Warmth r It 1.. anther of Now anti Th.n. dr. , A l'a.tor's t.loTrbet, Nteur,. The newt Thinp., nrria nn the Orr. foeandLentenne fern reettaled rnantitrut. I St.riair. L. The Haar Alta,., Appeal in Ittltalf of Vaunt> W. , with prayer. anti hyton., and ralrn,lar rf le,ttoe p,rititure, hi family tt... h. / h. I ' . l'T'ah ihntli Nftnw....T.llhtd. •‘ .i , titth,n‘l to illnotnitotbe truth sad power wl Chrteit.tt!lit. by lo 11 . It. li. Tb. soht e. with titan, rib., too nnmernts , noon now. awl a ft-etno supply of Mani. %Vora and h7tattotattry art. Mtn th. Eael CARD,—The magnith,ent NVNNY Crelkl ”or. tn.. ',Amt.-rib,. warortottn. I.• ti . a. receive.' prt tin-.4th tot the gttntientan who pun ha.,-.1 1.• rrt WU It f..r th, Inoue, in order to eSthl Moe. of • rittren. who liov• hot wvo [ht. unit. allt.l qt.• town of Murthao h...., an op,ortunitt to ruit .nd raatttinr the eatn. KIX/Wit Not. .1 veal her Nunn+ a Clark. No 101.1 0n... Numla Grand Pianos 11 ST RECEIVED, a srlon.ll.l Leh." 1t050n,..1 full 1 . 11 h... froth the far ter, of ' , nuns 1 Ne• , 11, floss Otaaulneout iustrumeni re ..rasa all the la,rt uhh ,, stuents. 'rush as M.. , ln . wog ,ins, hsfun,,, and hateut thetalhe tubes. ill rower and volume art truly aelhnish,n,., and rush u. the porrsellun 114 fuoclaualost as lu rush's dhr hero, iner hndurs the rssf, et snil rse..tost tunes wh hunt the o( the sort v 5.1.1. Th• furuitur. rill . ..curly rteh and 111 50P1.4 lAstr. •11.1..11l that use...kudos... of runod work. Irltleh. lu a.,ty Ilk.. Ihllshufgh, tuer.s.t.le to Rs,. elran an I.IU ..m1 yrder ash, grhtlemen sr, rwspeet fully tor.,, t. • tol an.l. ;mu hsautl 1 , 110 •i , flit l•retu 1.., suroorlher ' • II Rl.V.ltrft. 101 Th rd sf. . . tor Soon. —M., w wry fin* R.u.4.4 ...,....,r4mrnt Loei• N.IV at. Ir. A History of Pittsburgh. B NE f N r * , t l u L , LE • wt. shun hy shun °lye, chlsn h•for rl.. .f lb. 1.1 ,retury. vllh r.f tbe first ,ruhilalunrnf of. 10, tbe einp.,lnot rsanufmenr• sn4 tarlhur son. tntet •llruhruirrurat, up to the mu•cit line, stlleb aid e., a etisruu upun Ibr 11 , nian, of nut pmitlna for an uhnqurtnu and rumnntrrl•l pursuits. with surrlusryrf th• sgur.-zsts amusoterfhtynlrsrltsnmrird i/PIV onnualL er r usr rirpr..rsn•l•.•crl •larkuster Meru f• 1J• point In th•••Ush-n rt 10Lburl . s lnf re•wrunrs• 4 hirt.l.r•l Inteout 1.••• burn recop,•••*l • Uhl. brio( s prrll.l •• runnlry .blunt the hrs., the MI, T.. collect I...urlher n ethlblt In htsnuleal ehler r..,;11 ani preish,l thy to rso,aurr 1.. I.4ir inau, ...as espitsli•Lo to urlD• 1,, Is lb. tt, wurt 311 {a. 12 n•o bound Prier Yubll•hul Vol h.l sal. by JOUN 11. LILLIA)It. sr pl 5 Cl • • New Music GI I'SY'S SORB, or My Gall.tntiluk; IC S. aung with ayOno. by J.any Lanl, at bar wren in ll... Aural, The Ititaam.r . to (lanalaakt; • avg 7 Patl , rak •ana. • Th. Lamely CM:, as anng Li Catharine Illy. ha Amnia n la mating tuatk,a tang by Callan.. llapt. Th. rnear. , e,lttatataal Th. !!anal Idarrh: manta...l4 Th• Ettaaaan•sl eroand aelaalaun at lb. mart papilla an kta riralla tbunr.raralan araat Aaarelean. I/ KLEDLIL 11l Third sta. , . Col lual H th. . Sacred 21tudo sANTICA (.AUDIS, hp Alltson & 0 , 1. , ; eAr...I3INA daca.t. 17. Y•ttla Ca /011:•• ./LICK MVP:. •Ekrw r.JI.-etton of a MI earl t,/ ror.n,l th. -4- , • tlaakal Con taut.... sna Cla• of at !baton fin••• , . 'y la .rll Manna toy. .1 2 _t• • t.r, •.• fa; as!. h? r•• 1, 1011 , II 1.1.a.rt, _ . - - - Clarioneu. , 1 1 11 E .11flieulty nt ~I,tainixl7,..orrv.l. and A c,aal ruoa.l ko duo , rurar.tar. bullue Luu.l, , U. a.* ...•arulr'tale tha •ruur , 1.m.4^, , ham ha., U.: * Ulm aarraurll, - 1,.a•. TUrau tn. tuurn ctau u•uar um: ura • run,i tu ao f r'lurlacov,• arrar 111. tali. lar ur uout. • • New Books, Jut Received YEAST: a Problem; reprintMl with eorreo • riro• and addition.. by the author of Alton Lima. 1413^4 tow. lbatory of Cloonan, Women of Ugyht; by Jacob Abbott. terra, mat. W lla e t b u F r ie yt d T a Tat a b ofA nnea Pu l r D itan, ry . I & 7 o m thoer nfa "V. rienda ad Porton. , " ap. and mu, Appl.tnea 81.chania . llama. sal Poem..V.lpar. nal; No. 0. 11Yradc Dictionary of Maharan, itneinn Work and' err earring . , Nda. 31 and 32. Lasing a Pictorial Picld Rook of the Regolotlow 110.14. l'aentlei . ll4 tor i thicZytillato t izi :ith ID Laic etteil i n ' Atoil Ey P. Kidder: . lltato., ro '"" Pot aby J. I.4IIEAP. J 1 1 1: • 78 Agent° Buildings, Focutta st. 7 XifElflOAN STATE PAPERS.—State Annaba Publio Potennenta.of the triP Mated. rpm t of Oara Wallington to tb. arll bi Xl 4 4ll7ll: l an . dranEracti:l7. l"4"4". Nagl . n GMT ltainnut containing Illatortrad. o K artg a tical . Loonouncel, nod 11. =Ea of th e MIA still/anattillXilla ~thzor Egaita of the Times Rue VIII. The start »lambi. .arks for isle by . U. STOCiaOII, 47 iderlt it. r . „ 51 EDI CAL - _ Dr. Klyser's Pectoral . Syrup, YIOR TILE CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS, CtINIJIIIP [ION In lb , ettrlTlLtacr•L litinnrlmtbmith. un, Bronehibs, and the 1A11,14 uf tb• palm, 60, omens. This is true of the too, certain ntiLl atectunt rsMinlim for dl sorm et the ch... tenLl pzilroLmort nrelhue en , Lli• enern, It n cuchin ottim ot MHO, tegebible mean. chine m the toren of h Syeap, In , odor h. matte It tralpho ble It line ho netiLm entire!) Llitnial loom iinj a the Cough )IN non in tooL, nth.t uoL entinitnte the Lowell, tom prthlurn•toiii•eti. • fault tor. eommon (notth 111.1 ie 11,1 e renietn Linn Live• the nutorml.unttrorit win,lonof e L e L , LL . • i L LI oto L. hi,. Men, tltiotrol , tl amt Br u n e i, •I nod . in Sot:thine nth, tn islinslll4 ILL...mere, awl ~,,, En, tenni on Lis eortain The peotnetiot twtni tin moth. me ILL II mien, , wee.' ma LA OIL moo•Le, e,e, snail LILL a., n of thlatedleine nennotli un !Lima In ft n iimer tall to Kier relieh end oth,t• • lore.. en I, I Inn, a the inn, Morel... 1 , 01,h+ lone neon 'mune, holotel.he nun , . of the ',lnane •IL I hope ILL , tI run, 'II tube. n Lme a I IL. orent•mt natenn -1 Lunt, Ur, 111 115111 :El: a 1.1 , 011 ELL. lilt II ova For 140.1.-.,. Putlrf. Dandrr ra ..11.e oft . ,It.t.”. F tu t.ab, horg P. ntl n e l rr :Ind 611:ar si. ir, rkt..t.t ett.o.t. mr. I ‘rt l+rinnnal pr,ara. lion .or ronderii. the Itla AN TOOTII ACIIE•IIEMEDV, %taint...l tn nun. tltn norat. nn.nn, nt T.utli Arno in nt - y atnt Itn.t.tttanttatt.l,. 2 CASES NUM eini LIVER Oil lu Quart awl 1 . 333 t gat ,[ an. prapArad i-1110 , 11 I,[llirra A ,autt. =. l and 113,r srinnn.,.• ktn.t. I.—tninn 1-I:ran[untsaiulaa I,! v..14[1. al U.• thor[l, aa a vAltial.la ratatat, .3, t otulun[Alan. Sara, lA. 14,33naatlig. !Mama , 11.• Anlr, tiarelbou. [ ..A[ara: 0.1.[111,, Aa. Cul L...? I. hlOll, r.[aapt,-3311e4 [of Al II 4 1 11.1.11 1 1,. !I . Tll[ o l AS II 11. It_ .I. [ IIAI4.NA t . ..rt m r zi K.. Alal 1. J. 1 [ 1[13.v:11, 1[ 13 , 3h.. 1[„„.. Yu arttelL 0,1 r 11 11 als 3aara. and A.lll la. al[olutaall, [...1 111 onlar to [43.1, ILA. daub, For ral• hr K EYE.LI: 141, rit.laugh. ELLI.: it s'iM PP:ii lAI COI kr II RE; V. A. —We hare ueed dole trombone do oar tamp.. toot do tour oopihiodt. le etre oot the herd poelowetudoe the roottah• cookie. Ar., • Wets on. to4oos been ono nal too the toe Mho. At thte mos el the t enr we would roe-town...out terve, 'Ade 111 to keep ft hurtle ou Chore lo 0tt404 pout, ler teore-dou noott Devours 4le vote Miro • matter of tulele. fee, lour belts, AA e t orterute tot tile .1.41 oodollotooon „1 rho is t. r. .t.i.. eny entotoi t lot the ldot et reotodoloperootottpott not,. • abet. tool pArthoulAr. 4 howled., • v... n,sk Prepared and Add lot h It •PLl.Alto.:ol Heed et E ITF: A I. , Autiftil gioriet •oo oin an: .-I:stott:- It sr ....L.,: F.: I:trlort mtv:r...Ar With $1::. ootturol tt:41:o. .o.te of go: 1: ::: I .:ti t ntto.l.. totolorn, twlt: $: tr., the I,:t.ttl For 6.6. by J It II:I: a CO, tu 11:”.1 .1. g ) AZIN'S FINE - 101 LET Si IA :rot•. TOO, ttorl..tot. ?Lod, ts.l l . Anototl:4l.. tott. Flow...rt. Jount T.MAI P'rtr , f,denary Parovery w oriel 1J CAt yr.( AraLtart for Nan and Erase H. G. Farrell's cF.T.PREATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. FAItH6 gonuino A ra hum Lini artuir. 1..1 the N•ll.¢ AO, 1., it. .1 1.1- an., tr I:teru• Le, r.I •illt mariout auitte.•, .uraf it, il, esoto laitl, net., and loaiiia littol the tllioa , no n 11140.1.1. run,. ir attould Cl plaeti 11. ti. A•alu•n lautstrut tar Ur tonal any aitiolor oinoids Attu, tort and 1.1, a toiillo , d Appeared la lay •11%. Plortort, drolu•Ilt lueviatior till. it X ll Si 'All, MP 114, ...re l, uot lo•at Out haul ofeirAtuo uttuutt att.: ratYraur to 1 t! vitt, of uur loot ittieuiro, aud 11,1 (11”, od Atatut it. ...rue ot iaityt ao Ague ....1.e.,. • ulara. ..f , 11.1 titinatti, tl.at it or, an Esilorart metal Aloi torarlyr. nal (Abe,. odd it an,• Tutotat n 1 L Otani, iiittil 11.4 lt erot • teat t lit out lu tt,o .:I.l.liittiirt. .0. Iv 103 11 1) Arolyaii ti t ..o tat, .dronai Ai g clot appear, otildstattou tooau tii l a l, ttruso. otut ha, ruutiunol uoirtitur to nor n0(3,. ut health wnrnan 1,4 t/r.I h•l• In the 1.....1, tn.! 1, th. 40,11 e Aran., r lu n.u.rnt.-h. 14 al.l. 1., .014 • sal tin. a / have tain4 a i ii. 4 1.41 a. , 101 .•. - 44 tha, 441,ictir..0314.4 ...4.44,111 . ...4414. 1:14. nannlnn .4 au .41. liarrier 14.41iinalnu. In., 044 arum 4.0 , ..14 and ,44.41.0nr, en U.. %M. Ira.' ar.044,3 1444iniri.1 ~.rfortiAnc. 4 . 1 I n , . 4 . 11 . 4 .4 ntin.al On. AA , " / 4.. much I.a r PN tin .., 411. tn, 1 ran. 41, that 14 *rains, Linian.nt ioa, that 11... c.f. 1, it, 44..1 Lind +.. long •nvr 14.1 rand sine. ttan alli rnarLlw 0. 10 in 444 , . 4 .. 1 • 44 " 4 "/ 1 • gy.i • low. I v.' mr..711, •Il nA, 4.1-1 <1,4 u.•. Vain RJRI+I-.1 by Il V•rmlrs erolqYa Itr. 11. U. F•••zaa.—luar ntr. 1 bul turn •1410.1 Inv -. bun elan . 6r th• btrt be yours. abal raubt onvrr tut tet, ...rcpt by lalu•Itu• - . but tr, tzu b... of 11 .1 Itrwtaa• Lanitaesa. arplo.l.o.oll..tomplu atuut tttve of four blame • Llay. •;•••uttbrly t0..1. • . vt 1 bey. 602 01.01 of 0 sts•a I •un to, U•• Itunan bna ta•bb Irnt • •L% 7. a t 4 1 , . ' Y . •nk i nnY .'7 l n•••gb le • fn• ta 01,0.0. .10 , 04 I .2, !ant ray lau,l it; . nhbellut; 10.10 n I !ant 2.l ,u but y .01r latoranta man Is- n;—!, ug; /011,1 •:. app•An•x•lc. • R‘ve li••• t•tr , b ILA t. •: nal lb ,-baj•.4 blb. lgub••• 1 •:• 1 4 , Llab•••• lb 1 . .2,11 • 1.• rt..., Yamt. Liiar Li t•-• ' lisLttL,Lit 6.4., tin rot•, I I 7t t,gcLoattite iLiLL 1-,L, I to -, 11 . . • it L eistLint ttt. aLit t•ittLLltt mid L,L. Ltntwat.. AiC•4lll.-1 •-•••, MO ilack.: zo IL. Vila., in ILIA, k - LL., .41.11 lc 11 tJ bart.l:, .:Lb I,krer.r• LL• rortor V.& , t1.••.4 Marge. • ••••• L. .alum .. tulortn.., kr *v., rtar. 1,40. anl 4, • art6:o-1, `ln II U.. .ta , l ru“..w1.1/eleavl mLatl , t• U. HILL) tr.,, The Homan Body gust F:erspire. OSA Y S NATU t, hay,• h4,lthy ap paraots. ofoa alas J. da pmetat J rs Ikalao tho ,attt )..., .rs.: 1,1 sal. tiaa. al tv. last •..••• tho Oilsr sly ar. I it Ow to% al au 'Wahl, Marry, rutlt Rl.rvm, an.i t I eurr,l 1 , 1 It. tst ,, ,, al leant I ,t lock lo wit. tare It to na,4, nod 1,3.10 • t„ , ',ad., I. rurtar, au, t, truci t at, lltt l Tr. I ~ ,tturrat• tra,t rithrf prr• ••••••••1 of rorr Itrr, tto1••• 13,. It- m 4 Ow r•• 1, t. I w 1 nt eru• 101 . h:411 ttl uttlr- Lot, It irt VI I n . st, kN •111 Lard,0 t out, rut, 1., ...I I run 11.1. EC IT rad, Out, •e, ot, .niirt..l • al, Ls., or rtntilta J 11••••••, toil Is, tai,. sad •t•tr won , fultarl Io 11.,•,,,ertltrt than • • lb. .41,1 tte l'trvioil with un th at i wt . ^ htt Joh/tw' Cheat, 1 ,; , 4 4 Al.litwtri. A& , ;it wt l'early White Tooth. mid fare Breath, to bn Pad tkr rots Itottaws. Eli stottn.l that If tLntr t.,ot .• vs, oat ttr their t. , tllt 4+ , 5..1 der. t 4 +l.ttrtattl.t4 Wilk tam., • it boa of Anat.:TT...4h 1 . ....t11 maim the 1.41 t wo ot..tw, t•lt.rtf.rttuttly roo+l. 6.1.1u01y JAOIIbIIS'A M n 110 Liberty a.. MM .4 wow. A Seientifid flair 'runic, Itestdrer and Itenu. ILLLUIL, T/I• rout, TboLL• • Ito hay. Loud lost? Coral llor Ita,tor.r. awe, ILA aualltie•— tlioa• who ho • Dot. a• **au, It to to ...a Lb+ rollowlug qualltoLe-11 viii tor. th• Loy to gro• eu any rot rt.!, gator+ lotrudr4 hair to an..: et, 111.111ug LAT. ,uratuut at dandruff. awl mak.. N. or gra, bot roomrt L truour ..Lot ly mara o . t ;ark t Tr •-11 doao. !the l ly to• . tilul. a olat, oon a anexona ILL. the total Luottusaltutt—yrt ruturair—srtirl. for th• hair h Sold f Wool, at WII. JACb. K:Melt Star. YID Libeatr runt p.' o httsbur. erk.....-31),..11...Z1) eta.. acH.l SI. JONES' Solution of Jot, a Liquid Human lllrlr Iry, for 11. rnanginir of • 61., rot, or trey b,dr.ro. brautllirlbrovo, or black it. wlor, to • GM 17.11U.A.g. PrlrrA-50 mar. and SI. RAI by W J AellroJN.:rio Liberty rt... held of Wood. Pitts , arch. JONES' LILLY W aro cart. airtsuust towing lb. rotuttion prtgarvd Chalk. Thri or* uot Aron hoor frightfully talurtt•ut it it to rho slot.ll how mon, hoof rough. how sallow. 'rho., arid unhoolthy tho appertzs. after toting Mound Chalk! lloohlrf, It 10 poulthnail Lilly Whits. It fit Derfirtly lvitoorut, belog pUrttlid of all ilttlotortoug gtul Impure to the Am natural. alt ibootor. door. •tilto; tb). 1111,/mt acting so tr. 10,00 to It nolrolot touroth. JACK , trt, NU Liftoff Moot. 'ut 1 Waal. l'ilfohurigh. hinr....a. mot,. orfollowlet i . • - - • - - B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. IV&LINO without Inbort Warr:intuit to take the Otaloa. oat of table llooon .01 OaP- Irina. loam-Monsroa Una—rut your clothe. in a ourticient quantity of cold wab.r cover them. then add two lohle. resoifula of tide &ern Powder. to erreh els quarts of water used with lb* elorberc If tho woos le bent All more of pros.d. and leal tbem ten minute., i n h, hz .... h u m . them down with • inlet, then Vol them In a tub and earl ',efficient cold water. PO street will not br. too hot to handle. Then rub the dirty t, or In other word& glee them a thorough rinsing. and that IA initticiemt to make them tined e lee-There being r ei mein In Ode Sop, It will leave thethee very white, and no bad oily e mlt. ire some wens do. Tim 1131110 met of the material need dome not • lewd two cent, to complete • webbing of ten demons.— Warranted not to rot or Injure the clothe.. Thle I. growder that one paper will make twelvennarta bred lidullf oap. Inatome , roa Deg—Take, ray Fla Quarto of water end rola the Powder with It, and then let boll. ray five min ute*, then add all ornate ...Id wane: stir them intimately irarenlite.dwrrli ;717 thVlrroll rrl . il lll' iltnor " p * , ;71 wth we ll, and VIII Ilta rat Mimi. like other nog goep, nor not the clothes. Can be need with hard or salt w a ter, by making the via 1111 lulu its Quart, leaved of twelve. The Moll hoops beet adapted fur ruling &lon I and woollen Food. Bold Wholreala and retail by It. N. gEI.I.AIth. i' No. OD ldraid fI CTUSSg IB AROMATIC o ROMATIC VI Nil° A - R.— li, The mob. eanarery, bahranda end tonic propertire - 1. 1/. Tinedirr, render it ter eu,rlor 10 Worm. - W a ter nr `"jug 1 1:1"7. 1 1tVirtf1 4 , — rfoul.t.'":Z r diggey forthe poo h onucttnlif derail ler and health. himater ghly recommended ller , for the ordinary and &dirge nonage* of Um lollot. Aral tor preirorr Ind the frrodiorea of the eomplestne. Itremohent tont. P ei. .... l. ht, " .l,Vecl i t r yn ' l7 " ll•ll c rut hin et..V. 'rub`, tn g ." In.elt will remove beadarhe In e A... u nder% 1 • on _ gold by It. E. HELLErtg4 f. 7 good '. rt. 'l. Q.pAILTNEFISIIIN—Tho xubsoriberi, have A I /ente re llPPO d OkriY. Inn , INel'artnenhi WM under 11. the tinY., t of Armin.. . RIAIV J KS ATKINNN. 5.71 JOAN IN. OKALI. lenoved. - BERRY do co. have r.moved to tl.ar DOW Waria......01.00101. iniat Charmer/ hate ssu r l AMU "FRANSPORTATION --- , “71t 185 1. AU LAKE ERIE ABD MICHIGAN ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE. PARES S IVO. Iterntma. tryupannnu rinie PROPRIETORS of this old and well 11 In " Zra " tf;reor w t r ailf.. n .t7 ' mod n•••• Eno•eld odood 1••••nderot. • Ide ' to la t oo, t' arTouto, Er /.1111. .1 1 in. ronootantl) the t I%lolllg. below the ' .ll l 11 . godo ol a Undo, to 1.1.4 41111% A CA VIIIICI. ror IVntor and ,tuotioroe'd vu., I . ll.l•Lourah C0N•111N555: R Cunntoo‘lo m. 5.0 Caodloo, Io C. Ilalhen. . Culsooko o ll' C don. Shure, J /WC, Slonco•totordh • o d . Adore Aco oirovolv dor. • on !bow, wno 11 too Pon,. Cdsonmod. olOd. loo•d. Pro. It NV al:lard,. Hurled, N. 1 Aoo New Lake Superior Line.-1851. 9111 E new steamer NORTH Eti1:11, Capt. B. ti Mar,. havuw every lvrn Ityprr•veluent ter Frill and enstort. eul lenme Cle‘.land Friths, the 'LI t ts,t, (41 br,t trip—and •tek.l) therC,aftrr on FrA a y, P if.. the the Liam Mane The •teusn,r N ANIIATTAN. Capt. Jr.!, CALPIA WO/ ,aut Mare, tr.r the Miterent lamlin, on Lake 4,..ri0c.. , 11 the amine. L.l theoleam., N..rtt.,:ter: snaking revular ireekly I. thrnuglwitt !Le betiroen t.7lerviand at,l th..ol,pr arkl I TI ! tee A A. RNER, Ptorrie.”.• Cleveland. o. April • tIIAVINO 1)1S1 1 0Si:1) OF ILALF MY IN TF HlNGll...trx tn r hrtaber. N.l.liE 111 , 1 i II AM, tile 50.,.... 01 1 . /11.1“1,11 0111 hen ler 1.. Fr•wart.rl a 'IT. B.F.gt.Fn Imrnll 1111. Binghams' Transportation Line, Milv:& - ,4 185 I . glAgga BET% KEN PITTSBURGH H & THE EASTERN CITIES. STHE CANAL being now open, we are ren it r :writ.. and *,,w.rd prnmptly. I'mlurn and ,rrb,n•liu., ..a.l and vest. rtmghta alum,. at retra charged by rexpnwribl.. l'n•lore and Me.r-handire Er nw..lv.l.l.lforwnr.l.l ith.•ut t, Ctlirl,ll forvarding sol valmn. freiala. ,rnmiinixeit.. or .tot pl . ,a Mrwnrtletl, an., all , 11,ertmux latthfully or apy to 1V)1 lIINGILANI A 4 /.. Cenal Cnrnrr I.llwrcv Nod l'itt-InArgh. I3l\tlllAL a 1.11.M.:1{, 1.3 Mark. , tretwe., Yourllt Fifth Ali ,1`11114,1.10,1a. JA3ll',l WILSoN, A ern, _ North IitGHAM. ...art! Baltimore. BIN No 10 Woof 0.. New Vork 1851 Merchants'- 'rraxurportatian (VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND RAILROADS,) FOR Pill LA DELPIIIA C. A SloANt LTV A CO , Cunal 404 Pet. Atrnrl. Ili .t (I.ra RAI NOR, Control [Rock. Philp IV e orr roreivo • hug.. rano}int merrhanAlo. n ,/ prolniro h , tho oponlori of Ow ronoln L., Phil sod ell Inorttroolloh. ol rah., sod lo 1. hotr 11. on, •who orro.ou N installs, of Trurto Aftori l'orotiorrourrr for corrriop ..ur 15.51• ort thr Itiolt.rl. g.r. err. oh, Irrorhlhri 11 , Johorh.wo, . . ,• • I, -4 fIeANULTY d ryi i'mnal Dario. 6.1,1 gt---1 7 Z I SS To Shippers of Merchnuthse, Produce, &c., REl ‘ .l ‘ .A Nl' FT I"11 1 NrillI s t(11r11LN. ,Sldl,,` - .FATIoN LINE. ATk 11M t 03 Promi.tnrr...to. T-1 AMArtnl. hod 64 f‘l,4, LOLL KTT t,tn, Oup..l . ll4totta. l'ltUburgh. . . . -WS TAIL. olt A 40 ~ W. .r. yrtimr..a. a thn np•nlnA of lb. l'AravATAnAhh• C.v., to moats, f, FrA,..ht at low no,. .m 10•4 morh 4. , Astrb awl mr,• latS) nth, lAn. Agricultural Implements. HAVE JUST received from the }:mt the h.ilowaz lynnlrmonn, nf tn. co•unfacturr L ' rr 4 . ;..T ' :•lll " ;;;VaYn ' ll '' TZ . slmrinr, narn. Lora., Irr4s, tarnlnln I r Ott nr111.1 , 1 • hr.. rye.. b.lrn• rn ra.i.llrte.hers !rm. and harnl nln, ...I Corn SW , . Cuttlug rt, • ‘••••c -n..-1 li rniu •0.1 lir,. 6, tit., and Her.. n.ur on,/ n.rnr. Allor.rtured (row Ow Ir. olaternar... and raid \ at In. I.rug eq.., of . , IV WICK 8:88110t. l'onwr of 410..1 8.81 enth •[8.88.4 C AIII). I Imve rumor,' to toy netsA tthree deem tete.,early rtt{weeltee the Ranh of tern le. *here I et ell Ise elael he meet, (nestle mei tele 10. ritelene. and rem. , e share et their re eetent I .111hte, e. vet t her et tirholettert 'telt end Ihele Mex. t 'ea Met time. eiemne. Mee, '..then e v l=e , e g•V!r " e ' ese l" hee "' : ' et h re ' e ' d I l ' e .. . l mle r ria:H 4 ln i To h ee ' neate:et r e ' e . e„) tee riet, ' Lieer elem, teed every *ate,. uneelly heeled to the meet a 4,1 , 1‘• eeteleleheneethe eel the etude Orders respect. full, ,, :eltsteteel easel meet teVite . l l te4l[l . ThIN "errs., • %.1 001.-121. h paid for Wool by let 3/1.1h1 . 1 1Y 1 LEX. Cornices. LtHAVE just received from New York, va,‘ lu 4 e I.t J or. ctrl. INDOW 11.1'.1 for ad. low. hort Wll. NOBLY.. UP EC TACLES!—We have a complete L ou,k,st 0.,. !..11rver an.l Reel Itv..clarlv.v.mtv.l IL. art quatity n.ruveq ant ...nano PA %1 ?..n lo q• q vuvots. apra.n.ll. to No Imst I.of I IV. IV. WIL.ONI. ANURE •A5l) HAY FORKS—A good I r.f Itsrpq Co tvrt l 1,t11......1tanel and vt I.IIN 111 r I 111 11.,..t , Anthracite Coal. )T1 INS just re,ei col, Nuperi.r article 1 I I, Wally us, 1.1 ..3• • c mra NULTY a ell Caualß. Try Morns' 50c. Tea. Tiin in Lut u•.. Ih. ,thelltT 1.4.11•11 os I 1N ;WI Rlll - au hand nad for ,xle t,, .mac B~nadar SHIRTS A A NI AStt'S I. V ITS- -20 pos t 00,4 1114orriblo I 7 ts.•• ntwrtmg I, A A It t.SIY Jr 0, A ltlt. A MMuN I A-- -'2OOO lls. tor sale.by git t It A FAIISF,I , CK A 0, • Sl' l lA It prue, in store and for n n. t.z.5.1.1. • 111. ASSES illll bids IC.' , ;or do. " II .IYII 1.. J. top .-mrotzo r .lilt u 1 it 1 , 41./.10.1. A tit . loruerlf ol d 1.1 N'f II ARID--75 lbs. fresh, i /Ist ree'd I .s.l onto 1 , 1 J h 1 , 1 , A 101 I A 1:1' I'r:ME-50 I.gs Crude now landing I ar.l tor. octlo I DICK Kl' I t‘i I UN OON MusTA RI. -4,50 Ihs. warrann..l CV, .tut frroAle nt J. 1111/ • IVA TE h ell A LE ,7 -5000 set bucket Illaebinery A ,116 .1 x Ili LWOI,II AOr il./01. 'COTTON- —f11,1101.1 don. read. fn to I:adieu:l. Awl 1. , r nal.. Po" hilflUTlVillT rAIi LE .I,ILT LT-50(l lnis ground reek now lortelirtA sot DIAI/111 I,ICO KY Alb 11 Ater Awl Anont Atrooto. 1 111 A LK —6 tons for solo by A,/ 5,..n J reIIiniNMAKEII A 115 FA 11.1,11i,;Ai—pt,2i:Owlbs;ofor sn Wml. le L by n~lu- - 4 1 11. MOLASSES--51) bbls. for sole by .11 s. a M. fI4IIIIA I / 1 /11. (TRAW PA PER ---'2OOll Isils.'superior, re ,r .toor,rJ It. hlrboty. ar . 4 1 11411. 1 ,1,..bT • rem, of 14mi And (rort6 d 1 A IlltlAtiE OIL CLOTH —Justre‘i'd front lilt At, 41., sod It quer , t. I plant .no I, nn. 1..0 &tient oils..)ClLlTißer oil Cloth. sad for oak, Athnievalo .n 4.1 tAI . rvl .4 H No. 116 Alatlet I 111. UST opened at the Depot for eltoiee Tear, N. :An Liberty etext—s man lot nr :mem scss• 'telt ;MANOR T KA. a err fter article. %%'M. A. KIKILUItII A IT).. eel 3 eireenrs and Tea beaten, M bales Kentucky and Missouri I .clu JAM& A. Itt/TVUIPON A ('lt. I titoellE S 11k123—Jts t 2r es porter h,h A A. AIASOT .g rilOlr YARN- , -1 sack fur stile by ,vim .1. It. lAN YIELD. 'LEEN OIL CLOTII—Just - reeeived from YVarna-y-0M yard. Nut awl fire pisarb, ibreon Ott C nth for todnve bllnds. Pm sale art/mescal,. 10141 retail at Nn. 110 Market at. (cola) J. a 11. Pill LUPE. TUi LESS BLACK I NG—The reiebra- Po. rvl 7,,Lriy".'117.! sisnufactureo ILIMI,IIIIMU a I.ln. rr ree'J t;.t.E.. roof Weal .I'a, earn., nt Sim 05. TEA -6 - 5 hlf chaste Y. II.; Black. I:Scaly, impartation, Juin need and for nle by J. a IL FLOYD. QOI,F, LEATHER - 0-0 0 Sides N. Y. for k 3 POI. by .ot9Y J.O R. PLUY U. 13ICKED OBMAUBIC - 156 lbs. ;rimy bandanna.. for .1 , 12,_ It. E. 81/O.IAIO. ANUFACTUILED TOBACCO-150 axe. Ay'. choice brand, on bind end for Kale by 0e2.5 A. 011.11.111:ILTe.tiS a CO 11„,OSIVL50 bblv. No. I, for tale by .29 J. KnItIoNM AK Ell A CO. LOOWOOI/-100 ',bid. for Kale by J. SCIIIININ la KEE I 1%1.. _ I AM. tIINGER -5 Ghia. for onto by e<.2i R. E. 13ELLEIL4, 57 %mei et. 4 FRICAN CAYENNE PEPPER-800 the r"04"04 ' P°" 'U. A. vans r.srocK & CO. 0C2.7 IIUTTEII.I7 I . bby. 1 d Mrinl Per u2a sad for 0.10 b.O JA; 14 DA L rak 7lh L tr W•lnrs . net 4.110( FRINGES—A. et. 51Ailati b Co. have 1.3 re , tleo ractonsßilk Prlnues. black and e.aCd colon. 1 _11.C117110 Gores b u ng i , ll f ß o i r ix ll: l l7 ... _ I vANTED SOON—An active partner in large team foundry arid EnacAte Abel/. In • b. Sine. t110..1 . 011111110.1 from nat6veran A. 000.0 19101 of good rbarscler,•ll.ll a small captlal of OW tnlooo, atal •1.0 Lao a ton/simian of the moulding bneforas awl loot. IoV ear. ud 121ffillUrry, In ouch constant Work and tood .111 Isc given, and la • yonno In. with •Coal/ car o.l a eery profitable ailnatiOn Isla bet elem. Please ~p,oztor turthar pvticallars ISAAC ilittitlB. A 111.14 and ln talll NCE. \C o mpin of Dinitable Fire lime Londori. 111 IS Company insures a bufldic., •ur spa ri..n raid. mg •,,o, '111.14t I,.e‘s Ly k areirrher,lys. P 5,v1 NATIONAL WAN FUND LIFE' COSIIIANT, OF LON TIIIS C“rapanv insures Lirt, lu it, ors. in of the iss.re,...l at the Ltroakto: lloore IS XI A 11 1 11. httstutAc Pittsburgh Life Insurance Comp 11111 IS COMPANY was incorporateX J 1 evbrumry. 1 , . Ctotrtor. au & ronmoood on a n•Pts/ WOOLS. , 1 n C..ropany doa• Inalsoone both on W. Joint ;..ort plou. klo W Join: Stook plan th• rates J.to an..thlr.l less Om theth claarmst Mutual Companies. and Fir{,en than th. ratvs of most tt.tock Compank, Mutual rat., cro the nan, . al, , rust I , 3A.Ln , nthwt,..l Tho, inetinsic•n 0.. mutu al 0rn0.ip..11.-se t outulotn•A ens-tin:les rurntana by that ) stem .4 retire and and th• C.^- 1 .n 4 Surtf , . r.° 4 W.. Joint Sloe: 4..nortMent.. Tlm Chart, t.,nitt.. tto: or grant., of il2l. Ur., on Ilfr, tit, rerry form. tool tolin. tter nohf .1 vrilo.shlblr n. W= foul, rolations, moo, Iwon. N. 111.- of anoth,r tor thofer,nn I.enelit. pay ;kW. a l,,bath. or upon lb. par..o arts..., at the Iwo. of SO. Us, dt. m 06. at IIJR potion of Itro notirod . . . Jnn... $. noon. 1 . ,,,,!,14 eIIIUTI WeW.... 1 is.. Prrndeut J0...03 S. 4,... , 11. Trem.C., • Cliarl., A. t,11 , 4.t. ~,rr.,.. e. O. el,arle• esiuu..l 51rrlurt..ati. J ' .0. Of 11.7%•AVt lion II Wektne. h.en.tary of Ilex. . 11(.1: %I«ilur Forward. bee Tr.....0rt Jobe( evi4(..r. erieher At I . lll.(ureb Bank;, 11141roltr, A II 31e0LIrrteat. iM EMEIMMIE o.n.sulisng Pl. pncians ' cinanni. NI. D., IS sill., Addl.., SI. 1/>%., Jen:oast Brooke. )1. 11.. E. G. 141 . 1140. 151 . 111. /.:naminino S.mu.l Dtlworth,lll. D.. 4; t•ruill.D.l4 orro , t. 1.1 D., 10.11 intrth .tort, .Iyho CTalrlonl, M.D., ",.Itch ntrort, Wm. Nlonzas, M. 13., 107 lAhenT otreit Dr. Dilworth nil La; In ettelidAnno et th, other, every day, etl 0 . c.k.e1. UM. al th. Unman,. !is. 76 Fourth Street. C. A. COLTON. Swel Western Insnrance Company offittsburgh. APITA I. 8300,000. R. MILLER. Js., 11, Pren,l.nt, F. 1101,10o.n.,ftlary. Will Enna, so. ingt All hind, of Tifk, Fin awl Malin,. All 4...un I.lito,rally and nmmply pahl. \ A home 11ntstullon-013311.11k1 litrnnn. Inn mrs. known :41 tin nn,muntr, .11 rho Km slennuinnl b 'tec to Rtlauptn.s. , Ilierti;ry ta; ani . rann the ehJna , , t , . :l r wale s Iltyrt-r , qn—lletnnt 5111 In, kv .1 50. l. liutler. S rohL. in 14- 't„ l tT.,l".°.i. T to'r7 . ll damn lapptnnt. sad IV 11. nustL. 001 , , 15.; 1 4 .1 pin, lwarrho. ,, ,P.ISW Co. .„_.,„ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY UMEZIE •• - • 111:SIGNED L.ly f t the Bafer ela9se” of ; rnv•rt J. und •IThr: l4 i.r.ivants:r••• 1.1.1 ..10Ubtr, and owner:. or d"""' "."1"" '" :ll ' .VAlM7l. " :Z . Artularr. 4,7 11:•1:rh frflit4. No :4 routleteld Orleans Insurance Company CAPITAL, $150,000. Secured in accrordunts trill the General /neurone. tow of the State. . iii)re prosperous and responsible 17e.mtLany. harnta throplied with tjey net bieltiont 1 law et this eta., innow 10.141[1. WWI.. by their 4.aent nn the tnoet fatoratile te.rrne, oeneittent w,th pro and o. 11. h YIeCOLLUM, Seerwtery. , • tg.ce, No. tel F.1.101-.4 Itittaborgh. 0 , Z7 A.l(♦ 4 A,Tent. ICardclia Piro Inatirar,ce Co. of Philad'a. IItECTOILS: Charles W. Brtneke s r, Geo. it. tt,ehttrtle, Thon.:llart. MoNettiti letytto, Tott'lsa ttanttel Grant, David a. ammo. ~. 1.11A1:1-16 F. akNcsim, Preeldent thlatuie,l). Ilawratit, bteerarary. Thiukbanpany manna.. make Inauraneni, pernianntat or lit h itt.d. et..., neemirtion oi Itrhperty in Wen abut ee.untry, at rat.... low an are rohnnuent with ovettritr. The t Ntroyeaty hate. nhtervetl a Luce eutitingetit tuna. •hrels. alit, Capihtl Premiums...lTel, inet-.t..1.-d. afford I•lllPi,pntrertion to the ayworthl. The tbe thothettly,..rt January tst.l , l, ati pat,- linhed aartet,ttly ;0 the Art cl Alberynagy. were aelollown, rig 541%.1,.." li Nlortgart, ett.n. t twit . - $1.212.:00 44 oeo Moir Int,rporalk.n, a period of t 1 4 oal+4 a., trt, t all upward. of I.lno Nitlhon Ir..ur II uento.l Thous:l.4,d D01tar.1.......• by i•tr... 4...a.r , 1. , r ,11 .t , 5 ,. .` , . , . ", ," ulealita,m of Isueranee, . \ well , ... Ilion. ability foul din yaoyci4o nyo4t oat, traklltti.--7044bWt0.- ! o P Wart :4 t.. ooro4f of 11 old and 3.1 eta. Penn !canal Life Itieurtinee Co., Ph' ad'a 4ti CAN PITTSIIIIIIqII, W. 11.1 AVIS. lei, .1, ierker..lr. dee,e,, , ee4/.i Sie.. - e ,3 . 1 .i1e , T elrere . t. or the ter e.nrreuienee nt , 1. , .. ~,u .S. U. Weer part .r , a.ty. OW % g ee!' 'pay\ alee le, , u,l datly. tnie 11 to 12 aNd 2 to :. 0,1,14. at', ltir couoti - room ot .1 :cboontrtakoAC:. No _4 % Yor.l. 4 l.no t to arbor all Octet , far, Infortuattoo 111 be g iven and r e t,..llltticatiertf prOIOP4. 1 1 aPtetuled, to. plilete on.learang I.lle prir,elplel , .1.1 bette st tte nt , Ldte 1 [wane., hlaulf!. ‘ for\unittztunhed on .11eatin. ital etnek. over . ~ 000.41 exoulalg.lr,tootytodt,l4. recta Wed 111:11,111. k artoria.F/thabe Isiestt.l foe life. rittabtl .. Jan. 51, .51.-14.34 '., \ • Marine, . and Inland Transportation . • urance. TILE .1111Surartee 4. - 1 , puny of North Arri \ riaa, Phtladolploa—Thar , ro ti 44. ca t otalSZO.A,- ..11+eeti ar y la, 1,1, 11.001 • ',.. 1. 11 11l Lialo loyoxan on. builtilloy, an,l thotroonto tf, t ltd.. ~ t I atom 4lrttiltr; 100 \ a Pro yrrly a ....., .... ow ~ floProd 1.... 44 409 la 44 alol otts4r r 444414. oitly, L. Dela, trate l e‘rutm.t, or co e pea, a , -. Arthar Ii 1.,C111. 14e1„ The a+ I. rep, eatauel 14 Jo t .", J , IIIII I: II, 1 , 41•Fat,1 :moth. 11,1,a 11. , Wo‘al. ...)..-Lty 21 Bev., Wtll' Wel^h. ' eunurl I' moth Fri orin 104.111 f. ..._. 4 • Namur) I4nuk,V 1, Aurtr‘ .1111lo&r, dbrall.t ru L. Yl/1•111..e..., .Id, Tlodnu. V.lldrno aln. 11. Id dlherr. I. Ti,!, id LI, ohle..ot 1115 u ranee Cord y in IL. 'lute., .11./.h.e and rrt.cd 4‘.• high •imJana. hrnn unt adoht, r,dr, or an /airs harardond I‘l,3rdih.r. tt run, nturnler.,l ofkr.ng otiqdr m-durli, It t n. publsr_ 11 . I 1.1.1 .1 M N.k In., Delaware Mutual Safety Inutrance Co , r'y It' TILE .X.- -allAN , lld. Third arr.-41 . 1,1.1.r_ NCL—Buildiuc, !dery anal,. Lnd dt c \ T rord.rlr. :.•• el ald d+-dlnlrl • In.. r trl. loar.di rad or ,rlruiltm. 11axic Irlaridarda.--Thry indurld lard•elr. anJ F r , 4 l.r.d. 1,1, ore dcottr,d. nnOr ed.... or *l+ , lo' pdirddh J. the la-orl• I 3% rdnddrtdro/ 4.lurro Blertharld. tap fed Ile:Jun, hal mai mr,l Vara Load. tad :.1= la., on rlr,Te and Ink., on the 0,1 !lb.crul tern. Ihltuund 1. ,adedor. John rd llohrrt Larry., John 11,1.11,1 A. thdora. I....lw.n.lldarllnddUnd ltd., - It WI! 11.. Vol. ell. John Newlin, Or 11. M11u , ./co. Jan... , Liam, I. Tl, , philuo. 'bolding, II doe.. Iluch Crud. rtdurr J ddhry , ...u. na. Tb.mas. John :411..n4. II tn. Id, rr, Jr. Irismopno tr hrnindruer—D. T. Mot., Ilugdo 11 , ho T. In. . WILLI,. 1`r.....1rut. Tn.. rd. llsah Lw. Prvld i dent. Jodi,. lc. N.er.ter . T. 4141-4.1r.L. .4 O Ctn w uputs, Warr Md.. Pitt, hurvh lce:drIll I r. A. 11.11/KILLA. &arm,. Ohio Laboratory. ;h so ZA" t Ireni t • im • "Rl' , S 5 14 ° 7-2 ' 99 Per cent. Strength. • .11 DWELL FLETCHER & CU., Manufactu- II A Co Co re.. AU om :OM/14 Purr enitits ft, and Bran- di, pper bbed lma, 011 haul. apor Whinkoy a n oaud. Cerner of Vine and Front etre , ,,etaMaTam. oBlo . ellerdera from Pitteburithi will b• . l o omPtiY at Invert ntiO,ltet pri,w. apITAY Leeria's Patent Reveraitile,Water Filter IS Noiv he teen in operation at \V M. TASK 1 CO `B, Plumber, No. Fourth atreet„ be laiwin Ferry and feberty eta.. and al I lIOMII a WILEY'S, N. 10 larket atreet. Pitteburnb. Tli „griller haarenelerd • Gold MMlal front the Amerimn Inntltute Of New York. mat a i. , rtilicate fronithe Franklin Institute,Lef Phibadel. Chia. for Ito ionwelonts• In its elmostoit prey... ml elan certificate. from thee. baring, them in %twin Phlladelohia. of the f"U""B, l;7;:affe r e i tZthrcill 24th.TF0.1. It Ova me great pleaeure reeernmend to the lover. of poi, clear water. the Patent Itererelble Water k Merv, ire retinal by Mr. Lewin. Ilsofort maid ona of them fur wear .1 month, I am enabled to Madan of their maloo. 000100: Mir. 101 Walont etreet2',, ..Vutt-tocuwta.Pdareti IML The Patent Itaverellole Water 'pilferer. Invented by Mr. Samuel Levi, and 111 1 011 by nni for some m u tth g a , ll , ..9: , g i e o rellirt ts. 7 c:0 " n2„.17; it . a . p " rieTite ' t ' 2 'Cut litare ' il ' ir7 my pincer to recommend It Ito t its onblic. JONAS 1 . -FAD:LAMM No, 8 Sutinmeratreal,. There et Item me warranted to Mkto oat any smell or Mate which May setae from dreomyeawil animal lasi tile matter In the water. They are watranted to last two Sean, and with °Mime, rare .111 laid\ ten, and remain on!' to be Fenn to be ""*.6at tATFIR ARMIN. • ntelMtf Areh Arnett. Pht s _ladelohla ' 1 RAD PlPE —CernelPs improved_ patent ihl Lead Pipe for Trent". A TlTtirtine Raw. Cuterna.aa. • A" e'"" .0.1" ITL`Zrt r i NV:T(6IIN; me-01711 . 134 Front ateept, \ Heating and Ventilation. ARE MAKING. APPARATUS Dir.. aLli,g`iiViAl b cZei . . ' ."Cre m ZVlTl• t Ui li. .46 C iroW ' rit , Znil L "gll7: Inge of errrycleacrlptlon. pubt and firirate,, , X' m.boittt r . te " azi le Pe , A "ar d n " rt ' s, ' e in ittei ß r '- li ' l r"s gh oT r low, In 'Udrcnoo epard, and for "rn Other method It rival to Ile • o7 . i ' af4o ° Ventllstlon, by natural or forced mono,, will Ve_propared when...le-desired. Bulldlrom of \ the Tar101,11,d1•Arrillti01111 1510111t10111.11 are moet roeceeefallyi Isentni 1.1,10111 this plan In (intern towns, aa the method hinny+. sholeaome, unlforaPheat. at any repaired temperature, with maim freedom from taint, mane, ulies,dttat,eirdamimera, and earety from lire. myth - iptCAIVII, ATKINSON ORKIN. Coploy's Pot Clay. LIE aubncrihera arc now Solo Agents anlrlor J. Ce n te r a_Ctr.. trio pale of their PM Cityr of eltabled tacter. (or the teanufaethre et w ee . po,e,Areel Vote, tr. It ie made of natant tharaore. infuelble enbehtume known ; and ir very carellally selnetwt end : lexieed o r•trione trtirt.rll, flit Nit 4 Ft6ll a INt W E arc inatruote,ll-the owners to close rer tltter . Ze m ar e it . eat‘yeduet.ll rate; and upon 3 [WIViI t L tecket Ctralr'xi •• \ Crib Blanket, tabit...)\ 4 blue arid areen. uri~le, lIURIIT d LEft. TISIBitkLIAS-2 coves Arai sale by :• C. RUKTIINOT, JAVA CO,I , PER 11.1 t rtt for sal 114 nut WICK 117A0S-5 sacks for ialo LL A(35-5 DRY PEACES-2'io butthela reJOivOO on ntlgtornt sad for rale he Doll Al.K.l)lt• •KIItTNIN.,I3 . I . IItIet \ EOR SALE—A 'first rate I , AIII.,OU it HOUSE. erhleh ran be seen ed..JACK)tki rr eta', Irwin street; \ • { 1 .7, TONVPLIT-200 . boxegTor Bale bv' 7 1,3 not S 71cli Y o A 7 . . DIE, ICA - L. : . .. . . . . Ito ars , • ... . Comnonifd STrap of\ Yellow Dock Root. OLCCI'lfb the froat rank among tbn pro- ' peolory loodleinve of thbk emitter for completer oor ,a g Canker:U.lC Menu, E.yirdnelsa and all other din ' ease, avi.lnyt fr.to au Import tam of the Won/. Also Liver tkestaint.ellntarrh, livoy.w., lieu:What Nsh... th 4141... 1..0,11,f tad T:gfitte.'s ,hnt the Ches; &On btes, ,1, av- teak .I,n,ata arid 4.1-tektite sensation th - thrat a. l• t.... 0.1 with hoprerodented FULVVOO \ . .Fe: , •,:: Wee Ats u.l G mit tri Dcbility. . not.i,lng the 1.',...1.ne.1 hadr, , gtvkug tow to the ....ne.aud ins iVting thee,tine si.tera. ...,it:r....,tjlftrt... .ands r o l ; !!4.Tezitneases, frrra . : - '.,,, ILI ennui: nil dd.. aril7 . .wto i l i do l tlecTlita r' - " ... ` % ' it= ', , "' . ' l ,' N. ' ; ' ,: . ..! . .fl; 4°.111.17:'. - „,:„ the cherineal.kbotimical, and ruttlical pm- ' • • • "1: .i lo:-rot.. hanit, to Ptkify th e n • .-, ~,,,.. veinV tasty, chromhich bars balla 11,.....111 a th beet plmeratut.at has al.o cured Canter. .k./t %h.uto. ~ .P0..0 &Mtn which 7anagatilla ' N ., . lai r..i... etit,,, :61,1 L. make tbe At tutpereinon Opoh. it v..: , v.., t. • .1 iv runny es,. ~, (...m . ...t...e.u1.18 1111. 1.4 . . v. TV, tn,..t ~b.tlnata Cancevotiare tv,:neure.l by ;.,,,,a.. Ste n. Thar it 1.•• vainll , l.....dielte In all It .1 \rl , etsttll•LA ...TA , 11cv.u.ii.v... ) olotruntiens La th, ,Ivul-kti,.• nu,' riot Eh layer free,wilre,avot he al- • the It r....nr - ,-s Pain non ... tho Ile..rt‘asul rallerra In elf c. tiny used in a cllmatea,and ' • , , at l; tut 'the Th.. •it.. , P 1 . , tvf - par. ,only hy C. !t tiro k CO.. at 102 ')‘ 7ounta...tre..t. 1 ..vilon\e, P. I- It sold. olesalsamt e.t.l . 1,, \ to,n. %lettEr-, AM, ..inly A,...ut Vr \lVe. to ILe..k. Irani., ', ~\ , -A, . war 1..nk.......,eur.r7r1Xtt n, 111 P 111x!11 •P. lied es' Celehra ed .., i lOSIPOIV,ND li1:31.1,0C ' ? ,ListEr,— • ....\ r I .) The, hi ably medicated plash. ha e teen mean Le , more than te e ty .vears.\ during vb eh itne. they %aye firV..,lr,:rs "4";;I:.t ,i 0.,,, ~r th.. high , st ,minetro, howllt I eir ennipeit4' tow. tn.. 1 ,, ,,n not.t 444. I,a , s, given th nu 1141 , testimonials as In th c sui,vivir sir.... eve al nher Ow ten cola. \ \ ' 111 k ingrettlei of t lr ...nt . p:lt .,r ion, verr re ly sad s 1 \ c; .. . , z ., 1y , :. , / , , T r i i ' , 1 ,, , ,,, 1 1, 7:1te:; . 11 , 4 ,.,,, \ i, s . lia.r . ly \ tti \abl. ‘, wt1:41:N• i t " 1/ h , " ,\ , 111.3 1' 2 , YotTlIZ • ' 7l= . ; \ ' t JL.eases 14 th ' e but tttrir\ honeficishebaracte 1 b. -..• '''''''' ''''' ' ql ' .!: . tiSt * a ftr,‘,..dr.ut '-.g,LtL L. 4- \. .. \ r-...v.v,':,..;:d.,LLL, ..,4„,'..ri.r,Lti.a;...,..L.—L- IN For weakte,s and ;Alta lu the bank are side. ~ fr , ...• e , v.rre .min...di...Feta of the kidney., to, 0. , OL , ' k, tv.tivr.t. ever hare plaster, hit[ been amply te,ted 7 .''• - I Liondin..l.. wno earetrired cute and rel(ef from floe* ' -', ucal...n. To. such .... skater with rhutaitio‘vaitut. the ' ', ; ' €l'''',`l7'.4l:.T.';:•i...V,t,;•lN:. tt:4"gt"l=°' 1. :' ,, :.1. . ) ' ,..t:...,, 1 , ..I retail. by ~ . ' ..,n.' - IL. E.',1f1.1.1.X1t8. 17 11 ond 10. liA tilsioviiiA.ftNT stAy.ci.! \poi,: lY Igll, f, tieirn.. a beautiful atoso to Lititto,3l4nlits. atuhric.. P. ,. .lara. Vl,l t ll..wrma, aiht • 11 hadenf Drisminn [VW prevent. the Inn mom atlherins!h•thel.men.anJinme fn. ivielomr. it contain. nothing Injurious to clothes/ lla \ , *, , . stir it ql,l, t. TI , C ladiee hare long sinew felt the ..NNW \ ' of such en or. leto. and in this their expectation will bet.ll. , \ II" real:a...l. a. u.. c,inpetition is teonat arnr.fialnartui . \ , NEB jive the N 11.—One l'Ake v 11.irty dnorn or Clothe*: an ZS .11e , n hr PI. Pn , e123.: root. 1..1 Coke. Fad, Coke with hill dlteot For valet., it. F- HT Wont PETROLEUM. OR ROCK OIL "There it, more lion aI A In heaven nod earth. ^Th. are 4natort of in ttbilomphy." rill' E V I ItTlff:S of this remarkable . roma 1 dy. and the moetant applieatloo for It. to the proper nhd, Ihi• indur,l Lim to hare t.t.put up trt bottle, with Is hele mot din., mute. fur the henellt of the puldir. I'b.. 1.1,1134.LEUM Is procured from a aril in thl+ Mt.' . t). at u I.• it of bur baud," ter% fa it purr. tamini (=A Arttrlf, tr,th-ot out rbruttral chanty, but loot trent ft,...., ft,. Nature. i ire... Lahrator,ll That It cr... • prof...Mee n.s. Mau, • number el di,ava. it no longer • . •,' matter of unenrtainti. There am many thinga In the of tottort, tol,b, 11 ano,n. ;mo t , he of eau ...fut. \ : nee, uil.,sotMg ;mitering. and mau.rlng Nn bloom at health had ricer In mato • -Maurer. Long began. the Wt. ,rintor thought of potting It 111 , in hottl,, it had a repute , bon for the rum pfd,.a. „ . The enrol/Int sad datly in kus eltlh , for a, awl .ranral II marts it ha•B formed. is n tore Indlnanon of Ica future_ popularity 'Mtn spread moelhatian•in the eure.Of donate. Wo do not vial) to mate • tom, parade of etertlerateß are am ronerlone that the molicine r. won work Its iltr i • ', Into thn favor of thelt who omfier. and lien to ba heal Whlbt on do not rialto Po It a unitereal application thee Cr, din ea...., are unl.rtnatinuly nay, that in • number al Chnr , olo Dineen*, it o unroalled. Among Ham may be eau:err...l—all Alma., of the mann. beettea, en. a. ciii-,,,Nic lIMINCIIITIe. cosetilllTlON, (In it+ early 1.e..) .5711.1 A. en. k 01l 4bn...a of the air pa.leter. LIN- 1 lilt 1 , 4111P1. !LINT. 111 VE1,1.1. Itisrhom blemaes of the \ I Blad , ler [tet Ki•in,r. .., ln tist Lank or Sid, Neter. horaere. Neuralm.. Ind s. Ithrtimatio l'eint.ll.td, Varela el., Tenor. Rlngennua lane.. eroads. brut., Old Norma ae. ke. In rano .4 d.dolt , rnenitinu In. exposure. or, Lout and omit - wird ennt.rof diva..., MIA Pleditat,will tint.g relief It till net aa agent.. TOC and ALTAIC ITS V i'. its earl. nova nalmetta• tom' gait! ....AT' t• ". whole frame, remonlant obalnfrtlooa, opening' the a ntral. 1abe1..., which rtillsr ii),..11 , (11:141 • ion caneat•olvet • • ithi giving turrenvil mud rnarelei energy to NU atv neva., . . of life! TM. pmorteto- Lane,. okarreral run. nir 011.1,,, • tint reaonal tarry other treatme L get well on.l..etbrun\ of thr PEI ItoLLUM for a short 'tar. The Dena e. n s . Jot ru to any p.n.. .110J...free it. N.t. Wet.... ...but the rigtiarn of tb• eold by the Invonetor, ... M Kll.sll,•Canal flatin, n Iterent * Al. „ . Ii IL Iie.I.:ELI.EINI „ troy +. - \,\ awl li.til'itEll A Xl* IVELL. • \\ moron. Ifood street and Virgin II T, who \ nrah.dl y , his regularly appointed Agentar \ . , „ PROCLAMATION. I: NGIV sill men mini are sick nu ninietea \ . IV with , t 11.., ,, of the Mulder soul Kidnurantll than ' ' Cannkpal/r+ to Inv k or limb+. atlff )of Ede, ohl torele.n . annltte elenri.. ie., that they ran be cartel lip tail. the I Lilt, -LEI si. 1 on'tas, talk Or Lut he bring • ahah . d..Vo irthtll god ma p 1,....., hut nab thee not mob. It I. fors'. In the fare of an Li neat community. that it has virtues ableh are us t mmaitad hi any othrt remedy. Thoth. 7 , 1t0 ,.. t: est . d . :r n ith ,4 l.;tln. and r n 4fr o rlo t s e fniatil o l:= 1.1. , 1n. Read, It reota very little to.,make a trial. mu Potir , • Irma O no mixture—no compound. put hp for the purpose vr ii,i , ...,•.1. do....rattatt.): but 111.. nmedtalaborw ted by the morn, hand of nature-Ind bubble. tantrum the - brw,ta of our mother earth. In Ito drigitud twit', and at tars to ruffering humanity a reedy remedy, a cattalo Sad ch. p cure. .. . l.t Ilea rum! Piles, allir other medicine+ have Aland to render sup relief. it haand Rheumatism. of Ions; .rtanding. and of the a ono .4 na rate , Painful rh.a.tar. tt haorismo Cholera Sinrhoe,'hy our or two dews. It has eure4 old (10.1 , of friarrira. in which Garry . other ‘adaaly ham Men of no .rail. An -a local remedy In hunts ..1 , -amid& it il ,,, tter th•ttor Medical rompounds or ointment . that we know of. It •01 ram...Wird...l and feudal Wt. ia a few.l,Phratio, undoubted lestimOrty ran he turalahr nd of the troth rltylninett ;n the afore abatement. by ra tan on SAM V 0.1. M KlNit; Canal gliSill. Seventh street; or either of thr a,nts. o .t. tl ~ „ .. finp.ehovoll. miner of W.rknt err et and Ylitta alley; R. P- Celle, lei trod street ri.,11-1111101.. end M. (~,,,,,,..alb.u t o . ny . It,. an , the arenta . , , , , . • .- IMPORTANT TO THE APFLIMID. •-' . • • , - _ I. 4 17 GI , tv 1 I 11. IitISE'S CELEBIt ATED•JIEDIEDIES: ii ,gi -Pk. JAIVI; Anat. the dasonvo ter WA wale propriabar \ et theo. nu... road." and behetetal toodlelnse, and abta a, tub ter .1 the retairat ru ed inetmoot fog Meal:tog the Lung.. M crating a cure of Chronic &snow. arse a 40 • tool of that eminent Thyme., Doctor Flays., and la. ....Maw ef the UhalprrAt, of Pentoylrerua.and fer Wart) Irenritice hes been engaged in the torntagatirea of dia. lien of remedies tbenan • , 71,;eVIN't: ''''''' 1' hie 1 4 Le In \ tie me . , ~,,,,- aln atm tu . creamer nw els Prothyleetto 'Array. and other of hie remedies. ‘.. he bas coined tat unparalleled eunli.new to Inner. three drywall:lA end fatal , meladten Tubereular Vouromption. tAncors. • Terrifula, lae•ureatiem, Asthma. Perm and Ague, Artvran I • all Ki0.1,11,1 , [11C i.r)APFIKR, aid all three Animate AA ee , ' - . Pei rarer te (mole,.lndeed. every form of disease - 'anvil,* saucier the use of Lis remediee. to Ihiliell huanate. ly I+ teir-Lot by the ne. of one a impound only, for t , me topotible oith Playa/dogrel Law, but by We PM hi,.l m...ra. adattA to, aml pmecnbed for, theb. Ihehihili form I thy isaa re \ lir e'er,. Teter Alterative rale, when used, are WWI.. '' \ tar ark ...hared to b. ear+ nor tz , all othemate ay \ tan . r !pee pal. inaenneb as lb. , hem" We towel. p e ep'\ neat free unto eoetpromx, as oleo hie Golden Pale anted. , T;7 l =l"f --4 Z - btl=r7z4zwwra...t - Vi ..,11.will to ,mbleh what has ham said, in the Waled meet .kePtical h. Metter am turlted to cell - Upon the itATtit, and plate . eu &arab., 4 e t the bectru.s pamphlet". gMillg 111 data& .I . eount . t e It reeled )zand it. applicallon. \ '', _ . Itirwele by the Goethe Stelae, as well mbymOet dtlitil• art , te theme:o.ot e. nounire. ~ J at Co.. ta Woca el- l'attalmtett. J ft • ...end. I aura.. Market We .., . • Lew li.. althorn. b ugai.t. near the Peet OfAeo.attegAt. } Joeeph kley, Der orlon, Bearer county, Pe. • ~_ • lobo Irtii..,t. hnnoo t Hey, \ . . . T A Tama. hea.er, an,rlAAli. - \ ~ - - To the Pea era of %e Pittsburgh Gazette. 11.1 C . TENT pN i, respectfully la irs . the Myna" Writhe. Or! forth in relatUn M .11 the nowt Itoperiata receediee of \modern time IM AI/LELA Olt Attalka 011. a a . `ri ., t move than on* .0 ago unto (ha 'tent renuellk . V.4 ught helve the .1410, for the Ivied' aNinre of dt.....e. ile great heal. hare..lce the . berme fhlly &ppm-Iota! the enitounity. and we all , that the long Ate that mete certain will Ire gr.e Joh. 'Tread It not therm. • ely of ed... Ira hr. for thlaZole tan Tole of .. king meaty; but. nor. wfacrt we OM(' 1.. will ottalno. a maid when e u ther neetrums hero leen, forgotten. The IPantos to e -el Ileturly, elaborated. to the de • of the melt -nd agency that Floats to "ram Kaman .4006 It IA totar duty. eh.. we wrlth Wan onyx* , that ••0 write the troth -that are ray nothm earn. .ateil th deo.lre them who may teli k tt our word,nr pa mots dence In cr eat... ow, lb. oi4c eery ept. to . oat • any thing that premiere relief Alen. AMa me " halal. I.e Wu hvhly wrought to a re the °hart of IT , log or I.UlThUghlhh tho3o 1.1 them. Iv. we do not el to do Gar, we an. anxious only Was 11/Atm:eh In mdateon • • Catmely ehmtl.l te told. in order to aerate Mr it* rep ion tar eteenitng arty sintle ..stasis laathe meterta mole La Plain unrarturbed fecte-Met. Mot ApyMoienerlaiPed I t • in our city end netghtiorbool, hew ample eramong ha few --- taw of the Petrol/hat. , Within the yart two month& two, of on own eithietw e ' oho were totally blind, have been rettore4 eight. Ser. I .ral caw of Limber", in We Plato of Ohl hare LeMI I run"! A na, alan We earner a gentlemen le Ite , . There mm other". but them ere ealw. near bong • \‘ be ',Awed le by en y yerinoli who barn doubts i.e. Tlewe evea were. mined liter Weir hot br el by phymeisno as hopelitei. The 1 etwiltuna nal , eurre' when ;Pod ace/willow to dirretlone-Duartiera,lttery,, Illen,ltheumattem.liout, heutalgin.larepthuni on anent... Mile... or. the face.Chrnme gook Aye, languor:A Tatter. i /kaki Head. mane In Um bon....ljoiotA 014 slice; Ultras, .. hen., Ague. Chronic Coughs. Asthma UninclatlA end I,A A r ' ~ Pulmmomy affections of a throttle nature. tending to q \,4 1 , 2 duo. Colutumpuon. e .,, \•• r ' Bum. and mAkta.diereno of the Blulder arid amour" .• ir Gberawd Wade, Lamettawl husks, (arcs ssa Basun. \,, I In fact. It Is a u estrtarat ...tor, and has been triad, In newt of the above diseases within the Tata tear watt lb. must perfect Filfo.ll. Oertlfreata that wall to:oath& are in the betide of the proprietor. w Ito will take plraeure Int/wow , Ma them to the allarbd Or thslrf Geed.. ~ , , h e t e ,, others may t.r toms; Wet" Mediate% tea , s Petroleum Is the greatest Remote et the 4..". phnid... Inlash standing In the recta...at are leguintog M Inae It ~ In their prattles , Thane who at art looked on oritt . ldoublt ' and Ma...rte.:ay. am willing to award It due p ama ''' comoderaWm. before tanther you Pills retina. Weill be , 1 „T e d t o aeltmertedge that the Pattoku to Is thrtgrealia. ' 1 est mulligan. ever direovernl. Por male, wholeaale and Pe. l Mal. by KATTEIt A' Idelatni I.LL, Ire WcOlg. A, , \ ' \ Also-lt. A. Beller*, 47 Wald street: D. 31. l o a ri h roe t r . :n. l' 11111. " & A t i at g itOsitne Y .; Ain te a' C e i t. e , raft. and IL A. Tabnestock A Co e Ilefod and Pt Alta WIA ' IM.PERIAL COU 0 It is ETMT, 11, lLL .Relleyie—bly children. like oilmen. Itsiv euttret to twoublemotor tomtit', met Laving teal dltremeng ; • triordire to very little intermr. I ..o induced by ming . tixiornm about your,(bommil Syrup to give It foul;..; mmv• it to two of MT boym. mad elm° to my daughter emu dUroroot Ume.. tool it has meter billed to ewe thaw • .1 \ brie yreommrated ti to my men r. hborzr do eul. roormirnelonsly bebeye thot It le the t oot r merliethe thit has ever been oiterol to the imobilw 1-J lhavnita mhould not permit thole children to mall w ham county when they may he mind by *lb , et. bottle of OM Orroto, brewed and sold may? Z. SELIZELt . _ inchOl 67.1fr0d mt.. aim Druzeltt a01.0.0n7. ATENT MEDICII to etort. atel thy male 0. 7 1 11 3 .b.1tem Ointment • .• . . Exototial Exit of Neroo and llooe'Llolneent .VodeWoe; Oteer'e l'olmovari Nara.. Is• • e's Anderson's 1100 r rs .1 , :o • Ant.dlossysitio . Era \ S'brlrs , Tornst Crum/menses o LiSgion tlermsn Floe ultlne Powd g Iv, Ws bekll 14.0112townt for Trttor dueootbrolog /UM'. 11tnarra . V T. . ....... woTro At Um Drag Rare or slot .. UZROCEItIES, tto--: N.A 3 , 0 bag* Itio Catfor, \ 29 Ws. It 0194 5 I.f.d . .esto Teas: IS Iwo Et.r.1494 t 5 catty I.oxas " k Z.bbtri-Cti , /5 bay, Pt - pp . , 19 Saari c ti , 9: 1 Ai ud. m,41,r,.. ~ zo 4.A.0 I.tezooto B.Y. mug,. AO 9,9.1' wow Sim • 111.50: ES, &c.—A large stook tLr moot Übe's! teen, VAG r M'omade Sate; ItaterranU loot< Balsam dr Maltby • Word klr i d;s r.turte of =ateEstractotß•Clui court Ylartor'. ' • bulbr's I.poon Camino:lyr ortiltYuMit'irtZ 1,4 " Lomat ItcrosotoC 7 f veo4of N - Intonsem rite fOoi Eyo Wstpr '' OWE Lit11361:01 iloldeD nom,* • Harlem of Wool 4-041 511 • doted.