The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 15, 1851, Image 3

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    '11431AX5 ldnartsu-,The primary meetings of
the Whig and Antimasonic party 'were held in
the Various warls of the city of Pittsburgh, on
Saturday afternoon.'The marking wits conduct
ed whit the utmost propriety, and good feeling
andharmony universally prevailed. From the
permeedings of the meetings Published below, it
will appear . that B: C. Sawyer Esq., carried the
Firet,liecond, Fifth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth
wards, thus giving him a majority on the first bal.
lot, and rendering his nomination certain. Mr.
Sawyer is a gentleman• of worth, and ability.
and his.election may be regarded ai certain.
Freer Winn Messrs James T Kincaid,
B Bell, II L Ringwalt, William Caldwell
and A Long were elected, with instructions to
' support C Sawyer Esq, in the convention to
-lie held in the room of the Supreme Coon on
Wedensday, December 17th.
EtepllD %nat.—The meeting in the second
ward Was called to order by appointing John
McKee chairman, awl Mawr.. George Wilson
and J. J. Bennett, secretaries.
Meson. A. Garrison, IL Rodgers, J. F. Qnigg,
J. J: Bennett, and W. Whitaker were elected
delegates, and instructed to support B. C. Bow
The vote stood, Sawyer s.2—Johns 14.
On mottos the meeting adjourned to reassem
ble on Saturday, December 20th, for the purpose
of choosing candidates for school directorS, in
npeetors and judges of election, assessors, and
Constable. iORNKeg, Chairman.
()serge Wilson. J. J. !Sennett, Secretaries.
.THIRD Wean. —Pursunnt to notice, a meeting .
o the Whig chirens of the 3d Ward was held
. 1
Splatte . a building, for the purpose of electing
delegate's to the, Whig Convention.
Oa motion, Jos. McCulloch was elected Pres
ident, and If. Chigoell and S. McSherry ap
pointed Secretaries.
The fllliowing named persons were nominated
an delegates :
. ForA. Mcalasters—M. W. Lewis, John Ocher,
IL Chignell, Thos. Scott, John Beck.
For B. C. Sawyer—R. J. Smith, F. E. Vole,
Witi.lCerap; S. - McSherry, John McDonaugh.
On 'Motion of F. E Volt ' the names of dele
gates favorable to B. C. Sawyer were with
% driateninlavor a A. McAlester. ,
Carried unanimously.
• . do motion it was ..
Resolved, That when we adjourn, we adjourn
to meet on next Saturday, the 20th inst., he.
tweet' the boars of twelve and five o'clock. to
• nominate ward olncers to be supported at the
ensuing election.
On motion it was
Retelied, That that the delegates favoreble
to the election of A. :McMaster be declared
twatitmotialy elected.
Me. Jostrn NlcCotuatu, Ch'm.
H. Chigoell, '. bleSherry, Secretaries.
Focrarit Wad. I.—Pursuant to notice, the cit-
Ivens of the Fo ith,,Wand "met in the Public
SehoOl House on aturday the 13th lest; at 11
o'clock, for the p rpose of electing five delegates
to the (Sty Convention which is to be held on
Wednesday the 35th him The meeting was
called to order with James M. 'Morehead, Esq.
intim Chair, andiJohn Lovely, Jr. Secretary
After the organization of the meeting, the
ftiends of the v7ions candidates, to wit. Mr.
James,athews, Leonard S. Johns,: and B. C.
Sawyer, cambia cd their eevcial tickets, which
resulted as follolks :
Mr...Blathew's elegates had SI TOWS.
.. Leonard S Johns had 41 ,••
• • •,5. X.. Ss •er had 20 ~
ths it will
he seen that the delegates of Mr.
Mathews were.el -ted, who are as follows :
Messrs; Robert hi. Cutcchon, James fifc'finley,
William . Young, 'A. Speer and James Patton, dr. I
After the meeting was over, on motion, • •
Resolved, That this 'steeling adjourn to meet
on Saturday evening the 20th inst., to nominate
at - Seleet, and three Common Councilmen, as
Drell as a Constable, for the Fourth Ward • •
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
•- '••"' • Jeurs "filoonaran,Chairman.
.Latut Lovely, Jr.• Secretary.
Yfriti Vse.o.—At s totalling of the Whig,
add Anti-Masons of the Fifth, Wird, the fol
lowing delegates were elected:—
Mears. •Elward Kay, Richard Thomps
Joseph Irwip, Johu E. Lowry.
9t:t motion, the nicetingudjourned "to meet, o
the 27th of December, to nominate Couocilt9etT ,
and other officers to be , voted for at the coming
ztP , ClldeLLi A. &SAN, Prelet•
W. Moe Secretary.
'The following, was tbe vote
• Soviyer 12G
Rowley •109
...Tehne 23
.11011histere 13 1
1211.1111 WAlD.—Parmant:to it call, the Whip
or the sixth ward, met et the public school
Imtunkon Saturday , the 13th of December, and
menthe& by calling John Major, Seq., to the
chair, and electing Joan Dickson and John C.
Harper secretaries.
'The WI for the meeting . Wag read by the
cbaitman, who in a few remarks suggested the
propriity of marking for delegates alone, which
was adopted by the meeting.
On motion, this meeting when it adjo9ras, will
setottrn to meet again on Saturday the 27th, at.
the game place, to commence at 1 o!clock and
49aa it O. •
• •
Oa motion,, the Dames of the candidates for
the miyarafity be affixed to those of the dele-
On motion, the name'of each voter'be taken
down by the secretaries.
On motion of Daniel Armstrong, the following
pennant wernput in nomination as delegates for
T. A:. Rowley.—Thos. M. Little, Oeo. W. Gard
nee, John Scott, (carpenter,) John Phillips, and
John Scott, (stone-mason.)
On [motion of L. A. Cunningham the names
of (fie pergoint were nominated as the delegates
of Andrew McMaster, Esq.
- On motion, the nominations closed, anti the
meeting proceeded to mark, resulting in the
choice of Rowley's delegates.
On motion, adjourned to meet as above.
, - Jona Moon, Preal.
John Dickson, John C. Harper; Secretaries.
The Totes in the Sixth Ward stood,
SZVENTII. WAitb.--in the. Seventh Ward, th e
meeting wu organized by calling Robert Galls
gher to thi•Chair, and appointing Jno. F. K.
&mei, Secretary
Five gentlemen were thin elected delegates,
• with instractiona to support B. C. Sawyer. Esq.,
sa the Whig and - Anti-Masonic candidate for the
Mayoralty: .
Jo), F. K. Jones, Secretary.
Ward.—The meeting was 'organized
by calling Thomas Daft to the Chair, and ap
pointing Henry Wilson Secretary.
. • They then proceeded to mark. with the fol
owing result:
Thomas Daft, W. H. Everson. Thos. Green
ough, George Moore and Jon. A. Sergeant were
elected delegates, with instructions to support
Mr. B. C. Sawyer.
The vote stood,
McMaster, '24
‘N . On motion, the meeting adjourned to rees
gamble on Saturday, the 20th instant, Tor the
purpose of nominating Ward officers.
THOU!! DAFT, Chairman.
-•Menry Wilson, Secretary.
' Wean.—At the primary meetings in
the Moth Ward, delegates, friendly M the nom
-ft:11010W of 11. Sawyer, Sm., were elected.
are pleased to learn, by a private telegraphic
despatch, received on Saturday;th at 'John Chyre,
• Esq., his been appointed Prothonotary of the
above Court, for this District, by the Supremo
/coigns. Ile Is every way qualified to discharge
the duties of this office.
• BLOKE Doww.—A bliggy, in which Messrs.
Deantuid hbirshall, iir.Allegheny, were riding,
broke down on Friday inn mud hole at the bead
of Federal street, end they were thrown-out.—
The reed at that point, is in a horrible condi•
._ . •
ann.—Saturday was the coldest day we have
had this winter, and a violent wind blew in ad
dition, which rendered the condition of those
exposed e l ., it, anything bat eointartable.
DUICUARGID. — BIary Baldwin was yesterday
dlsettargad from prison by Mayor Guthrie, To
bias, her husband, who had .prosecuted her for
an assault and battery with intent to kill, bay
ng relented:
I Rioy,--A riot took place on Saturday night in
the bonso of n woman named Burke, residing
on Cori_ Land, in which her furniture was des
troyed. Several persons were arrested on /ins
pinion of being concerned in it, but' afterwards
DAFORZOITS COO2I7IIIIrCIT.--9eversl one dollar
Me, aliened to 'twenties on the Former,' and
31,611111021' Bonk of Carrot county, 141arybind,
hap) recently been parsed on Ion) of oar ctti•
BntYtYOAQ6SLIIALrter Brawley,3ar.
vigor GenersLot'renneylranis, was in town on
Tim CRAHOZ or ConstilAer.—.MayOr Guth
rie, on Saturday, delivered the following opinion
in the action for conspiracy brought by the fore
man.of the Chronicle against a number of per
sons who were members of the Pittsburgh Typo
graphical Association:
I feel considerably embarrassed, for want of
legal knowledge to express clearly and to your
understanding therconclusions I have come to,
in regard to the important question now under
consideration, and any reasons for those conclu
sions. The evidence on which the_prosecution
relies mainly, to prove a conspiracy against the
defebdants in this cans, rests on the by-law of
the Pittsburgh Typographical Association. The
constitution and by-laws of Gmassociation have
been in evidence before me, in the form of a
printed book!. On a careful examination of
their constitution, I find the object of the anon-'
elation to be the mutual benefit of all the meta
hers first, to protect and regulate the price of
their labor; second, benevolent purposes.
In my view there is nothing unlawful nr im
proper in the construction _of that Society, else
all associations of master workmen, manufactu
rers, or other branches of trade or commerce,
who are in the habit of meeting for the purpose
of increasing or diminishing the prices of their
goods, wares, Sc., would be unlawful. The pa- I
per or hand bill, entitled a "circular to I'rinlore,"
contains libellous matter; its publication. either
by printing or writing,is a misdemeanor; and
all persons concerned in its publication are
equally guilty and indictable fora libel. The
mere writing or composing such a circular, with
out the publication thereof, is not an offence—
but the communication or delivery of it to any
one person for publication, and of course its
general distribution or circulation, would be---
and the admission of a defendant is proof of
publication. A combination or confederacy to
publish such a hand bill or circular, is a conspi
racy in raw—because the publication has a ne•
cos:4m.y tendency to prejudice the public against
the individuals named in said handbill or
circular, and oppress them by unjustly sub
mitting them to the power of the confederates.
(So says Chief Justice Gibson, in Common
wealth cs. Carlisle.)
To render the lAth article of the .hy-lowit of
I the Association available evidence, there must
be proof that the parties charged knew, approv
ed, and consented to said article; and that the
publication was made in purnsaner threenf. Ido
not think the testimony before me sufficient to
identify the defendants with the charge sot forth
in the information, namely, a conspiracy to in,
poverist the prosecutor, and reduce him to want,
by un.a ful means—amongst which the publica
tion of the circular or handbill is set forth.
There ie, however, Sonic proof to connect firis•
bane, one of the defendants, (not Under arrest,
with the publication of the circular, and t h at
(as I have already stated,) is clearly a libel.
There must be the agreement of two or more
persong to constitute a conspiracy. lam Pali,
fled that acts done in pul-suance of the 1:Ith or
tide of the by-tows are unlitirfal, and that the
combining together, knowingly and designedly,
of two or more persona to enforce and carry into
effect its injunctions, would constittite in law a
conspiracy ; but the mere fact that an individu
al was tr - nrefnber of the Pittsburgh Typographi
cal Association wool.' out he even rr,obt rune
proof of his connection with such conspiracy.
Myers seems to have had some idea that the
publication of the circular was contemplated—
but It is also in evidence that lie disclaimed any
connection with the rdiliention, before as well
as after it was issued. Young Kearns showed
Arthur Mcl3ill one of the- eirculsra, but Kearns
, .
woo not n member of the Association.
Though not d irectly in point, I will remark
that the prosecutor in this case has been very
unjustly charged with being a • rat"—menning
thereby that he has worked nt lower wages than
the Association's bill of rates. Now the only
evidence adduced on that point proves clearly
and decidedly that the prosecutor w as receiving
$ll per week, ns foreman of the Chrotode office
—she dollar more than the bill of rates fixed
for n foreman.
The defendant, are, therefore, lhaenanoiet
December 12th
. .
Before the Ilerterable Wm. B. McClure, Pres
ident Judge, end T. L. McMillen oud William
Baggo, Associate Judges.
The whole day, to day ,was — e . onsumed in try
ing the cross suits of assault sod battery with
intent to kill, and assault and . battery with in
tent to rob, mentioned by us on Saturday morn
ing. The jury were out all pieta, and bad not
ogress] when we last heard from them yes
DiCk.9oll, and J. B. ,Herron, and Mr. Henry
Bayle, en Saturday returned to Allegheny, from
a hunting excursion they had made to Venango
county, with fourteen fine deer.
FIRE —A fire broke out yesterday morning,
at about one o'cl.k, in the turning catablish.
meat of Mr. Robert IVOliarna at the corner of
Sandusky and Robinson aunts lit Afiegheny
City, which watt completely desOoyed. The
building however, which eras frame, was of tri
fling value. The flame, communicated to two
brick dwellings in the neighborhood. but they
were extinguished before lunch damage had
been done.
New TEMPGRAN6: Sorlrrr--A new temper
ace Society, coiled the Projection Society, No
6. has been organized in the city.
STILL Liviso.—lticbanl Saunders the color
ed man who was so severely stabbed at a ball
in Allegheny last week, is still living;
Take Notice.
LL PERSONS knowing in
d..m.d to th. lat.. firm (4 .'it 111 . 11 ELL 4
(.emar 4.11 an ilk riaivikr. ar No 1 . ,1 o.lh
and 44ttle tor aciaiianta. Purr , king ioibiler (hi(
all (hoar arha fart to rompi, - 1•11.1( mar
rake/ legal miiari• n. k rraortr4 aiiainat them.
JpIIN H. I.4it!,
4•11:10(,(11,4 A.iirnk or ( araiita.ll
Mexican Mustang Liniment
11 - 1 ROM RICH AND POOP.; bond Viand free,
all grader. en's.," and conditions : the tame mod a
ai•' . tt , ceistildr a 1.... In this wonderful titelursuan.
Ylinusan ' d• of bottles, are acid /01.1 u-.. 1 awl, and out one
universal op , ninn is uttered by all who no. Itsand that ie.
[list no nunedy ever lisfor+ disenrcred poosessos such per
tort 'walla:: and curative ;imperil., It art, jlike MI, -
in re... in, ostn. nr any mind, on motto, hy bat esissed
or hot escrurlaCing—apratos. okjointo. ruts
bruise, burn, YAW.. ranters. eliennian, till,.
raked breast; or any ;KO, ootenese, stillnesa. 0f f . ..a..u. i.
el 'inn.. inoacter or Ili:onion. This Litilnarn, li , 'spoilt, •
applirable and equally •tieetual In Heim: iminoliale re.
h.q. Try it
For pale by KES01:11 0 31410WF.1.1.. 140 Wr atm. :
Pittsburgh. -
. .
hare boon received. and tor .al. hr J iii. URA Ir.
'ourtli at. Apollo Budding'..
Wation . n Practoo nt 41,111-0 r,.. ;
Donglinion'a do do
U. d Dopensidory,
Geuther, Medical Pirtlonary:
~i li
o orgieal do •
iloopor a Aledieal do.
Pain,. Institutya or Medicine, t ,
heed, Ftioly .1 Fleslictrae: ; •
liagernlir's Phydolody
Carpenter:a dn.
Clevratt on Mow., of Children:
Churchill on Infants and Chi Oh,'
Churchill on 11,eaces of Feznalec:
1.1.1nn and Mutts ea Forgery:
Villainy] GosYtaol's human Anatomy:
Conch, FllilsriCery: i •
1 1 .,'.
Treaties, on tdotet rive: I
hirke . e..l Fagot's Ph ,heir:
Uotror.insthu I ,o l2l.ol,PLytocion,intaining IL, Ire.-
:nerd of dlionou, arith popular er Planstodu a Anoton.) - •
PhyFiolOgy. Hygiene, arid lirdropotby ; Mu, ;
An abridged }l4o.l.3lesllea. By J. 11. Fulte,ill. IF—
licriood and enlarged.
' _
had lwen long 1.0130.1. Lir. vir ..I Cl/TYR . .it' 1.1
i , A01.1.1.:11, for Welding China, Macs, Farther, and
AlAtlrio: Nitro!. l'eayls. Irviry, itrontnenta : Ar. :
h1.1.1,* rotnhlwohoh,
• 111 1* D.l.lorel polo-or r, ,, 11. .118 resat tar 009 In Ira
than tive.hatohlwasltr.lll.4.l 4 . 4,4 ) 44 . 44 ..... 44 ^ . 4 44 "
lexwer nn Inarl• 01,111.11.16, lobrint 4,0,1
to It*, 1,65,0 DLO:, /*on ..n LllO,l el., 11 Will •I*,
rttlet 114. action n 1 hm trnh*,l.l. ant hther klot
11.4 .10 , 01 theot., ro , l, 111 it 11,..u. u+Stat
torh**l/*, woo Dod,.
The pn/shr will at,.,,.. **(h. laHhoLtue: borlnmilor
acquaint,. wall 1.•. t anti only art fur dun,loly re
ova •
punk., hen Ow
rot hOe w . whol.alw or retl,ll, by P p HELLER:I. 57
Wood ttoet.
V CUSHIONS-11 doz. I ndni ftnhber
I.J sod Meleltoh Air (hoh,n, of OlL.trot Ottintt,
reed haul tor 0411. .t 11r. 116 (Ihrirt ato*,
403 .1 A 11. DIOLLIPIL
I t aUGAII.-49 'did, N. U., recd on cotOogn
gn.. and far ALEC 0.111 1 09.
dtl Pron,
L.! 7 1.11; A 11.-1.!0 /aids. prune
1 1
U M COFFEE - 1501,1,4 for salf.
J. 67 DILWORTH 4,1.'4
ROLL BUTTER-S I,IJIB. Fresh, fur plain
by J. A D11.14 , 61(1 - 11 &
I AMES A. Mai N WWI' Nn.l2Fourth st.,
* rsreivskt from surtiot, tot rf DINII
at rt.ckird
Al.o rre'.l-I.i•ntl•tnen'r Drrering nrornA, SWIM
nJWllaind VilLey Gond, In great. w•rit.ty. ‘l,l
FLOOIL--50 bbbi. Extra, for solo by
LASS— WOO brown toned, c. b.. for eiale by
Jr 0.4 r. F VON
FlI. .
LOOMS & SK 6-20 Jur.
for vale, by S. Y. 1 , 01 lIIINNIII,IISI . CO;
JUST RECIr-50 yde. thin Sheet Rubber,
far llamlaqini.g. Fair ,ale at Nu. Ile Mark-t .t.
de.. J. .t U. Pllf LIM*
Freak Hermetically Sealed.'
F RESH Peaches; Freak Strawberries; •
Plan Apr Ragabrnier; •
Iremb ram. 0..
. .
Vre.4 Prrih
Pt , •xli
The ober, are pat on o, (hole own Joins,'and
rally Foaled, retalofoo their original Oxvor
Per We Or Ott A. Mrt:LUltii .
no/2 Liberty at.
PRESS At. liuncurilLo
harm reroivted a choke *74 handome oar...nett of
Hilts, elatoelson a. , rOlt dwtoofka.
Phan Black Plitt,
of extra • oith I.7l4ouslity. indrholooll
do. of rich dalOosk , rtyl..s. Alen, a Pa or flab
PI,AID VItENCIi MERINOS. a ware. artir.. Chatorealae
i Path
. ix:fo ao " il mark tlaot
g: b r V li 'o L — t;l t
% kr 7hr po ext of Ynanh
sod Ilart
stereo. • Ewa,
I.P OILAX-1500 Ibm. tor Bale by
_unit J . KII U k CO: rnWiwxlvt'
FLOUR -00 bblo. S, E;
„it do am Or male by•
Oe p- • JOLIN WATT a CO:
.. t~w . ~ ::: ~:
MID IMPOiTED /011.1911 P11771811101/1 GAZICITIL.
110.T011, Dec. 13.
The steamer Niagara, arrived at 3 o'clock
this morning, having anchored in Nantucket at
o'clock last evening. tier mails for the South.
left early iu the train. She brings little news
of importance that has not already been antici
pated by telegraph.
An armed revolt had been discovered on
point of breaking nut among the Austrian troops,
in Holstein, which was composed principnlly of
Ilitngarian noblemen who have been forced to
serve ne private solilient. It had been sup
pressed by the superior officers.
The reception of Kossuth in England had
canard great excitement throughout Austria,
and cnrresponding gratification in Germany.
Count Potoski, the agent of Kossuth, had been
arrested at Prenburg, and a proclamation in
citing the soldiery to revolt found in his posses
sion; and also, copies of Kossuth's speeches in
Ilaynan had been neariy horned to death at
his II iingarion residence, which had been set
no fire.
iV.IIIIIifiTOA, Deo. 13, 1861
SI:NAM—The resolution extending welcome
to Kossuth was debated at groat length by
Mssslirs. 'Mallory, Badger and Seward.
The unestion wan then taken tin the first
branch of Ilerrien'n aniendinent, extending wel
come toil. associates'of Kossuth, when it wan
rejectetlyeas 26, nays 1.1.
Tb a second branch, declaring that by this wel
come to Kossuth Congress did not intend to in
timate an intention to deparl.from the policy of
non inteirention was also lost—yeas 15, nays
Mr. Shields then moved as • substitute for
whole resolution, the resolution first introduced
by Mr. Foote, and sulssequently withdrawn.
Mr. lloriwnd moved the following PS • soh
stituto for Mr. Shield's amendment. That
Congress, in the name and in behalf of the peo.
ple of the United States sympathise with the
people of Hungary in their recent heroic strug
gle: aml in their present misfortunes, that it
recognizes and cordially welcomes Lenin fie.-
51101, fete Governor of Hungary, and his• ease.
date exiles who have landed on our shores, as
worthy representatives of their country, and
invites them to the Capital of the lloion. That
. • •
is. requests the President to receive and enter ,
Mal them as such, iu tomb manner as may he
appropriate; and that the sum of—dollars
Inc, and the same is hereby appropriated, ind'
placed at the disposal of the President to pay
the ea - Timor, of the reception and entertain
ment of such guests during their sojourn at
the Capital.
The question being-taken Mr. Borland's amend
ment was objected Mr. Shield's amendment
was also rejected—yeas Ir,, nays 113
The question was then put'upon Mr Sewnril's
joint resolution, which is as follows.—
. . . .
Revolted. Lly the Senate and House of Rep.
esenlativen of the United States, in Congre.o.
sembled, that the Congers... of Iho Suites,
n the name nod in liehnlf of the people of the
:fitted Stoles, give Lenin Kossuth a cu t- dial wel.
once to.the l'opit•l of the country
The resolution wan ordered to • third renti
ng—yeas r.N. nay, 6—am follows :
nos—Bradbury, Bright, Brodhead, Civet,
Chttse. (lark, Darla Bodge of Wisconsin, Dou
glas, Jones, Filch, Fish, Foote of Conn., Foote
of Mite Unrynn, Hunter, Downes,
James King, Mallory. Miller, Morris, Ithett,
Seward, Shield+, Smith, Sprutteco, Stockton,
Stunner, Wade, Wall, Walker, and Whitcomb—
Nan, —.Badger. Borland. Clemente, Dawson,
Morton, :uid Fuderwood
The announcement of the result was followed
with a round of applause in the gallery.
The resolution was then reada third time
and passed. Alter which en adjournment till
Monday Rill ordered; and the Smut., after a
short executive session adjourned at Bee o'clock
P. M.
.11fosrna.u., ben 12th.
The returns of the Parliamentary eleetion in
Canada, en far to received, ch o w the eleetion cf
Reformers, and 9 Tortem: All the Illerrii,etA
of the Cabinet have been returned.
The Ported of State cavemen net to-day
sal awarded the certificate of ele , tion of At
trolley to Levi Sehalfield, Dam.
Wsiiiiiivorost, Dec 13th.
- The Inteliignace or this morning has au edi
torial tour columns in length, relative to Kos
suth and his new foreign' policy proviscd for
the Unithd States. cautioning the people against
his views, ar.d concluding with the esclamation
---‘•lleware of the tempter - •
The Union continues quiet relative to Kos
The Republic has an article going to shale
the fallacy of Kossuth' n assertion as the har
mony of feeling between England and Americo;
and the cessation cf jealoury and rivalry
. •
The steam ship Humboldt, for tiouthamp
tan, sailed to-day, with 21 passengers, am.l
V. 70,0110 in spec,e,
1•01 . 1,,11.1.E. Dec di
The Legiolature of Kentucky to-day elected
John 11 Thornpoon if State. itenotor
1.01 . 1.rna... Dec 13
• •
The moaners John Shopoon and Corneho, nr.
rirer here to-Jay. with 1,7:A. hale+ of cotton for
thin place
el• Loris, Lite 'l3.
Arrived—steamer North Ri•cr, , Drpartee.l—
Robt. Rogers.
The Missouri has risen 6 feet The weather
is cold.
New YORK, Dec. It.
Cotton—The sale, to-dap are 20(10 tailes.No
foitiic for Uplands, and tile for Orleans
Flour—Rabe 3000 blue it 1,37(0.7,50 for
State and good Wtsdern, and SOW) Mile at $4.-
37 for titittr, and 14.50 for Ohio.
(Main— Soh, 7000 bullied. southern white
wheat at 101e(e102c per n. Satre 2::,000 be.
mired torn at 624(r6:1e per bushel
Pro•iaiona—Raley meat beef at $80104,11.0,
slot of prune at ri1,23f0-f..25. Ash. 1011 bbl,
lard at Kir. "pr It,
Robin Sutralooo 13.1. at $1,35.
Mroerries—Sales 100 nark, St. Domingo cof
fee at lie.
Linseed Oil—Sales 3,501 gallons at ilifenGo
11 gallon.
Stocks—The market is generally atendy.—
Erie ham advanced Ij ; Itmtdiug A and eanron
1 F t cent.
, .
Finer—Std. Iftoo We at $13,98(2,:t bbl.
Whiskey—Hales at Ift(rpht t gal.
flogs—Are firm, with Nolen of 2,8110 head at
$1.50(0t4,65 13 lOU.
Provisions—Orrea shouldere sod home are
selling 46i ic 'it lb. Salve lull bbis meet pork
at $11,56, end WO do St $l2 bbl. dales
100 kegs prime bird at 740 It lb
Colfcc--Sales at tilPoilia It lb.
The river km fallett U inches since Jan(' re
port. The weather iv very cold.
Sr. Louis. 1../xc. 13.
. .
Proeiainns-•Smell an)rm of pork at $l2 111
bid. Sales of lard in bbln and tierces at iii(Oy
-10. and in kegs of 11(0 , 810 1 , lb. Balcn hams to
sweet pickle lit ed,c. Dry emit meets are selling
at be for shoulders, be fur aides, sod Gin for
hogs—The market is 'hare, and .tan lota have
been purchased to 'arrive. Balm dividing an
200, at $.1,3000,50, averaging $2,200i32,10 ja
New °i em's, Dee. 13.
Cotton—The market is quiet. with sales 2000
bales fair at can lb.
Flour—tlales 1000 bbln Ohio at $3,75 1•1 bbl.
Provlsitins—:Meis pork is held at $l3 161 bid
Bacon is nominal. Sales prime lard In kegs a
He Ili.
Cidfeti.—Sake this week of 15000 . bags Rio a
ho for o!d, and tifc for new crop.
Steam Saw Mill for Rent.
S'r KA Al SAW bIILL , at tho pnoth of
olns iinN 1111.1/r Pittsburgh, on the
A Irate., river, south tido, le offered for rent- The AIM
le In good running tiriler. and a set nr Chopping ntrittee.
and a Cole letnashor. are roma...4W with the same. The lo-
Mr '' .. o 11 L' avVi; iten u rTite n t:ll.o " t7i: p r. r . etrie S t r "lt ' il
further partirulars apply on thn prat:Wos to
Wilt Inaborph P. 0., Dee. 32. 1851.--01.11100•1001
Qood News for the Ladicsl
y I.ll,l..4.4sn`lonoetiot, Safi/ and Rd.-foal Ilenmly for
1..0r00m. floor Albuo, guppremon, Norm. Vo
Ooneral Wdahners, in Ilia Lead Add Lirnia,
IddA of Appetit... Trerunra, ralotation, Indearosl Midue.
Ik.adirenpra. Uril4 l / 4 10r. lioligavdlon,
loon. or Wind, and all Ul.rine Complaints. Prire
or dr, bon' toe St. Add whaleaal• and retail by W. U.
JACK SON. 'did L,L.rt It, hadd of Wood, I'llubungb,
ALLfIII: LMUOOIBIII. die Vol' pvtudasa lo
ci/del ench &CAI in)a Wit:o
p. ROOMS—W:I dos. Corn, for sale by
Arent end Dealer in Fore Earbeinreeakta
= nt br the iblkwring Packet leinre
Pioneer trap a Steuart:4k between New York sod
Streik," Tall Hue. tram New York rad Livor
no.' on Lin e Oth and On of every month.
New loaves Naw York mf the :kat, and Liverpool
on the um °revery month.
Rod Star Ilse, loaves New York an the 11th. and Liam ,
peel on the 11th . of each month.
T. Lnn i sail twice amouth from Livery.' and New
The London LIM. of Packets rails from New York on the
lel, eth.leth. and 21th and from London on the Oth, 12th,
21. d, and 2.uh, of ever; ninnth.
The etyde Limeof t/lantow Parkeis Fail from New York
and Oluutow on the Let owl 16th of each month.
A IVeekty Line of remlote Gum Liverpool to Now Or
leans. • •
Imily Line 0., emisrants, from Nrw York, by Ste...
' ... " l "rnad• bY (anal and risiloal, to Pittellargh
PI•••••131,. will reorder every attention, and Adele., giv
en rio , erfolif at th• °flirt. of W. Tapaeott 1 Co, Wen
go vi. Pohl in, .n.l St tirrge's Nuiidloue Liveroodol. W•
T C.., tti South street, New Yot4 or at
tbe entre or the advernser, earner of Math and Lihertr
stn,ts. Pittsburgh
re..tdiog in the United Stater nr Canadt. who
Iwish rod for their trien.l.l in any part of NnaituA,
latuf, Seral.nd, ~r it Id, ran molt,. nrevoary
rausrmente appheatimi to the subserther, and hare
hou, brought out by any of the above tarot.
Lin. of
Paekets. (whir% range from Ent. t o tons barthan.)
ur by first e 1.., klerehant ships, on flevorsble terra.. br
wey of Liverpool. Loudon, n lila.maw. 7Lrtr freeform,
of pr. nth." punsibility of drier. rias . Stto pun
1., be encore from Liverpool to New orleans,
Viv re,
IliOndelPtua. floe., Chatiewton. and Savannah. Mr , '
remitU!neep, in •ruall or Nog, sums, unsold, to
if clienry's Philadelplua a Livorpoolltne
of Packets.
414 Sailing from Philadelphia on !Ito
4, nal Liverpool on the Isi ot awl. month
" 11 . i It V PLEAPANT Maa
I, It. H. noon, tvr.
• PIIKNANIKIA Wm. P. ilardlner,llastrf.
Et/ Iti/PE. Nati...led C. 11111714, Muter.
u 'WALLIN, Alfred P. rindth, AtalMer.
r‘fIACK A %I AXON, (new.) W. W. {Vogt, Mentor.
fbe ahoy,. aro built of the boot and Clint rxertly
material., and aro noted for Ow rapidity of "hail laeurrt,
tboy aro Mlnd tip wall all latnot 11:11[11 , 110170MILS, are moot
thosoughlyLel_ , t , l:a . t.zn.l l, 4 l. re . f o
ill ' 4 ' at 'i re n n t', ntionnJed by men nt %At...lodged talotIOv"
r"rou";',Miligiu.%rt"lVirog'.',°,7'l7:;l7 In the Pe.•ket
Country can obtain cortirlratea of paroage, welch will ha
fiord for eight rantillia, and our laventaln Inland and Ltr
orpoolylll rumba, them the prop , rl3l2Pra.tloll and
In.trurtlnov faintl.. thnir dearture.
Yon the convenienll,cet
tarul famo eter arro winhintr to aonl . lfT ,
1l urouo4 welch
thr liana, or Itarl OUloen th e Dulled ft Inadom.
FYI' salon. ouppllod paseencora nnenina from (-Ivor
Evrry ...k lhn b , llowing papplife will be forniated, of 12 pm. or Sad opur . 24, lb.. invwd.
tho pin., 2 b lb.. natxzwal, 1.2 lb. ruff.... I lb. dour,
6104•4. and lb. pork. lijer 12 . n .," pr pp,
br..z.biuffm,.. • l I/.. 1
pork. (.111614 n .am', o T . anJ
ev e anJ ball al~r.ane. of
l 4
No 37 %Valuta rtrvet, below Y...ontl. , Wlkl z t: u .
porn', Sixth end Wool Flo.. l'iliwborgh.
l'I'l'ANC - ES To • ENG it RE
LAND,SCIALANI,, ANI , 11 ALF." --.llmEs 11". Ir.
tOl Ow fi rm nt /11.1,1 y •
owtal drallw on llayst atAl I laud. a.. on ' , ranee
and 11vrtnaul. Hilo. Ith Ek• anl. Ilnarly
(Lltn,u,a, Warp 1 :0oma.) o w ner ' .1 LINTI, and ,1.11,
and frny, If, 41 eountrr wng - a.r.d no lb.
f"..ratd v tv,nt, al., (ram A . I nit n.
ndaaly ,myt or the , 11. at ...1,
‘IIIOT --- 53 kegs area Nor., just reed per
rO-rourrr S l / 1 4.11. /MI for 137
JAMY.S 1,1
I II MINED SLIU ARS-2•2ri Has. CrtoMexl
Al . ..wan - n.l. Clio - doll. and email Intl etono-0, au-4 ro '
*NI I,r
Jr': .11017'N .0 !Mil 111OON Jr 01.
11 . )E A IIL STA liell-511 Dune, ju,„t reed nn
' ("` " s6 itio.ov. JONFS*
CEAM Cll. IF: ES E-Bf, boxer prime, -Inr
, -tie 01 1 0 10!: lIONIN/looorT • Oh.
4•101 'a Isn't rll.-00 .
111 NE APPLE PLIF.K.K--2-1 r-stet, prin.
1 , 0.010. ruts artl 0.0 0010 0r
0 VON DONN 11.1(01T 01
6.1 IN. TWIST TOBACCO-111 keg, Not. I,
1,77 0 .U.1.(1,4{ tell I, t•le
11( 1 17E1ln—ill talk.
For .0.1, CO
NI .IA RUBBER SIIOES--311qt reed. li
ai.l Th. Icilta Bute
h• u• •tt tr• tiietthirturwl ttnitllc
it. int vitt In rill in! • intuit.. ova riL•ol'itit-i. thiy
•uti•rile it in! it, itto, ibt• cu. ity Fl.l . xi, it
tu,in !tn. 11. Lark. attaq
I k II 1 . 1111.1.1 PS
11F:EN APPLES—Co , bbls. 1.. r 4:11r 1 1
J L.
ru, Poop aid Iriesi •t
I:4•LtiCH-2iki Eztrn Fainilv;
ntierito, tri oil., Nd.l.
r• 11 11.411111Ltal
_ v
ONG SllilVLS!—Mraritr liriwurieLo
h.r. a ter, full aueerttuent the ail4T• 1.11.
of all qualn, rum roultsu•st I. hart!. nod at pleat
and hricht tulore, ,sta urveat /nth, lanul eller all at
pt-tett uu•litt attel title
Also— Uhucle• Lout; hhavele..4 noweet striae artieholre
1d nue etlenlas nor vede st preeent on, few day.
Just t. re , tneisrtimg Flamed.. a deetraple mit,. and
J N I:74 V.W. 4 rrtira!tie:liffroornisk the.r
4.1 A 11111t1.1 , 40,v..
IN4 and Acaka. WILD
Klt1:1( MUNDT, luol nu And for rale dr
•• • A 171L11ia,:14/N a ca.
n A MIMI —J (.11 bale. 9 No. I, for nAln jut
111 del A (11711,1111./N A (XI
I bbls. Loaf Sugar, for role by
17 del A CI2111.111714)7 A 111
- - -
Ilk I OL ASSES-- 100
•a -
Ym •air b IX,
a•I 71 aa ‘tr• r
DIU IIETAL-165 tan. F.andry, 6,r gale
, 11.11 111ICT. 11.1171111111,11 • (111.
11 - 4 4 1.11 X 5i...6- -124 t.n.
I 4.1 I,IIEI, uArtio.l4 - , a 1,1
14.. priror Roll, for sole 11V
11111111, 41•11111.1 n a lll
1.1. ?in 3 ilaelk.ret:
'• No.
II 14; it• .
g tom'. Cream, br min by
4.1 M.A W 11ANNA1••11
ARD OIL- bbL•. N. I, for Fait. br
JAM,. 11ALRL'I.L . •w WO,
g 1 11000LATE.-100 la:. No. I ree'd ttod:for
l: 00... I. WICK /I KrCAK1.U.,...1.
!NU METAL— IVO tor. for male by
II ICK 1 14 et 'AN IrI.K•W ,
11.1 1 LOOMS-3nT..nn..
j f A or
I EA NUTS. :53 bags landing, for ralo
g ..1•1 I 101 l IL NY A .rd trA.At AtA
11)0T ASIf bbbi. fur ;lain 4
• W
0.21 s
II OSIN-11141 bbin. Nu. I, for rnlr by
'IIk:ESE-122 Iwtrr Cream. for AMA by
JAW:A , pA1.14:1.1.. Natrt
LASS-11M hrs. a.,,ed nits. Window. kir
11. X 1111 01 1.7 ALI.
Il.'E-1 Iit•ITTA Fre-h, for rale by
0.11 nA1.r.K1.1..
iv RA PPINI PA PER—Straw IV rappin
v all .1x••1.,r malt. 1.,
AA ,A 1 P MARSHALL AL 1t.A.1 lArnr?
_ . .
ALL PAPER— rrenrii and America
V PAprt .n.. 1 Ila,rd (.4 RAI• Lr
IRON—tin b,nw Jenny Lind hirnne
g ft,. Rh. Aard..., a b 1 , 7. Lr
it(ILL 13urrEh--12. bhlp. bunt for .. 4 1
1 II V1.1.1i U.
UCK II EA 'l' FLO I III2---iotosek. In %tor
g p and o , r •ale 1,1 ec.ll, .1. aI/ 1/141111
Vulcanized India Rubber Soling.
UST liEe'D, n large quantity of rariou•
thl;kfteen.. of V alraftlefol Milne IC. har• evol./.1
val an ra tatrirneed workman to sole and half eol. lett,
and gentlrmen fe.r.f..•lfor.. and ollsner. nne
vit. attention of the rotheso , of 11ttebureh and Twin.
fly tbl. Waine. eherb ha. been smovltot In favor with
the ...teTol.lle Cr lb. nun fen f atull'enotannetul.
Inv ilaylf. do,. for Ite Yeanolay, berolefffe and Ile..
1 , 00. and • Orvalpreverve of ItS/111 deferte. pro.-
ral Introditetfon In fn. poorly J. • 11 I'IIIII.IPS.
no 7 Icella Rubber Depot 116 /dark. R.
Row Goode—Third Supply for the Beason.
openlne thls tnovolos their TIMID 81.11.1 . 1.. • n I
non. tor 11,. Poll and Hinter
Sear it,o. Parry Hlbtaaf., I. ...lnerff. Velvet. an mot
Searf.. and ration. ether Good. will ho open neday
Sfe bort bea.l rornor uf Yount. and Iltarltrt Plreats.
- - -
%V I N2,,Ln s ß u r r o o d r y i o l f , qualit
per tire.
1 , •• Ntro Port 111,., St °".
•• Madeira Mar, Si .•
Jansalra flora S.l •
" Soolch ga 1,101
alf.nonha Witl.taf "
Cot..!. at 1101181S' TX* SLAB rI S. In h th t e , I S n.asund
bLls. Snleratun;
2 boars Feed Leaf Tobarr,
Il gnome fr, Tuba,a
enmntonf i•
Cl !lark. Itefor. 11.1 r. for t ale by
ars= 1141t/14, Jll\
Xnfl extra Cream 1). IL F..
WRITE FISII—In 1,1,1 a. and [dile. for
V val. by WICEe 4 bIeOANDI.II.4I4.
P ABLE SALT—In bosom, for male
AA of Enellsb Laid Paper, cap My ;nst., to ballad of
V. 11.11 A VEN
MbOloner abbi laper roa):r.
volt moor or blaring and Seenuß straola.
AIIitiNTING PAPITIL---50 ream', Double
lgollout Privßog l'apnr, 2.4237; 223 rmaßo ORP.Tbd
r ont/ Pep,.
.tht.l2 for role by W. H. DAVY:N.
not 2 1',...... Real., cur. Markel an42IINO.
C.I. UGAI{-24 Ishdm. for male by
13 nor: R. DA1.2.111.1. • CO, Lib.rtr O.
Sight Exchange on Cincinnati.
'OR SALE at the meet favorable rates by
11: no= A. WILIONA CC).
I. Mourvi
ron ng Lo rninA ng Ilium IA raw. of plait& bisek and Irbil. awl
poll A. A. MASON 11 CO.. Market .t.
PLAID SILKS--We have on hand 30 pee.
19•141 allk. , beillaut mien.
nol2 A. A. 3/ANON A 00.. Market st...
. _
WEER WANTE—Eor 1900 Fire Brick,
vur hvvia44 freemalc," and lea with o. by th• kbe
nottgah el. Wharf ASA.let. T. MOODS NM.
dl nog
j DM CAMPIIOII-9 bble. for sale by
111 f 00 1 0 .1 KIDD AIA
BAIRD h IkVIN have a few shares "Ohio
Awl Nonni Yialm Rallrootal Stork.. ”Nactuko l • Book
Po e 1; and Wlu Mork," for pale. Apply Non. 0010
tp UCKIVIIHATTi'LOUR-25 swim for sale
vttLED FLAN NE—a-:-74eaeee, manufactured
t yip, N., Ijoy. facia*, Mercer OD way. Ps.. by
. P
m. Amber= Astrioatroi bad Ibr bY
MITTS well known eetablishment is still gen
ii. ducted le the awns ...ow theu gnarl Leen. Th.
central and plessant situation p/ house, as centtoodi.
betarratnnts and render orts and luxuries to be
there, combine to saree•ble sad adexuts.
I' lraviti: l tte U 2, 7 4!: .. of the Brno or John 1.. Tucker A Co.
so tongAt the bowl of the establishment, the subscriber
plednes his loot exertion, to maintain its reoutatioN ept
to •irt , maim( Lion to his customers
Ali"..±4teelnarn VOL U. PARKER.
Moore Henszey & Co.,
111 PORTERS nod Whnlenale Joblours in
HARDWARE ANTI CUTLER V, N.. Lit, M %rt. ',tn..,
ritnrk large and prinm liar. t 1.9:
J., S. Nlv.or
%ix J CAN
- I AS. S. MASON A. Co., have REMOVED
0 thalr flora and factory In Philadolphis, to tha nen
aparlan, lIIIANITN NU ILDI NO. 108 I4mtb Frond
•Isere thev , naninny In odor • rirx‘itust ,IF ONN
THOUSAND I.OI.IIARY. 0, any aupri..l. Mu. Marlin.
It I. onld by all nup.elnble Morrlahlitll and DaaNre Iv Ilia
United SM... •
Ahn. Ittunn's fin. Murk WRITING INK, at the tour
prim. nn,,lllnln•
riEsE eu pnrior articles of Poriumeu,
lawman wawa rnumnreled him juvtly rckhratml
Iv f Orleotal Prarl. 14.0 . Tootlrxrul
Tl4lO. Powder... Mot,' Veit - 4..00.10.1.nd Miner epprnmt
NIA 221 extra Fine Sand Drown a 2,1
Imitor. 110Atlu, Palm, AlunuNl, Mae, and To.ilrt
Now. ShAro2s.2 rm... 11212 11,,. Crltr2or WA.", Ex.
trawl, for lb.. Imnarrebirt.., 02 Marto, 11...2 . 2 MI. Cr) r.
tul 1,1212.1 r, 0 2 Out , Artirtr,) kitu Lunn! Hair Itertoratarr.
Limit OEI2, I . l2llueoturr. Ar.. •r., 422 mauularturral mud fur
noir bv JOHN T. CL22/ii,
Prtfuturr and t . l.rmlnt,
6.121221 w rtrrrt..l.l.2 1 . 1111.21.4pLia.
84-2nrchant• doeit for,rt that l'lrgu . 2 iv the rbrupret
ail. tuna ellPOPlTrukanufactrry in the rlt, 4/1•4. him •
Shriner & McLean,
Pour, Produce and Cortuniagion .4lnrl,ani
No di t,t^to War. MM.,
1 . 11113 DE1.1.1111.
(lONS lON E of FLOUR :Ind Pro-
IL I Jure. gonotally. •111 rrro Vt. tomulrot ttottl r
ou'r boot ondessoro gti oulofot ti,.o Aura.... 0.4, cm
rorelpt of 1...111., I
n• orairrd.
ttoter Iluopto Altiler. Piitoburgh,
fir. Pronelo t. Wiry.
Alr A 1,. I.xuohlitt,
Str Yomi Y. Shrtvor. mfg;
, YACTI. , 111:1I. NO 41 Mouth Meo.onLi 010004 OUT.
otuut. no.l rot,' l'hilodriplohn Iota:. I
• N. Inn..
./Ofill • rum...
1,./ MIA U:Y, WUUUWARD& Co.. Whole.
- Jur wt. No 011 Atar,ot l'h.4olniptno 441
.4.11/•031. . foll,l‘b
16 North ,ILart•o.l,ll*.lolt.l.l. ourll
BA I.l'l 14 . 011 E.
WALT): IL & CO.,
Flour and general Produce
, ,t l llTli II:MA RD. NEAR lIALTIMPRE :+1 REF
BA 1.77.11011f'
Ljß Rev AtvIVAIRC.KI MAI. ON V0N,10N1111,71,..
lirmire or •rt rnon • I vralll•nr lu
• .11r.realni nr1.... 4,1 gurck rrnrlrrut. land n
1117 nn
l'r•r• l'arrh•r 11, hoot: RAO k:
rellp 11•111 u.
I nalurrrtal • farelw . Vanlr
Professor Alex. O. Barrer, Trieoplivrous,
d k it 51E11/CATE i) . 001P1 JUNI), for re
-71 4-; b.
Y m , J
~.. Lud mu•rrlrs, nut, Lfutw,
ta, •wrlalio..l Ls ..
rrt.,93. tb,:t barn .
P 1 ,1.1. ha. pr.gliba4 tt, rth rt “171f/J illomart
r thr. e+e. .4 41 the Jorkurl.
a.ll. tn. huudn,l• •:..lar
...p r; • PTV. la. ;Mar tb. val... a 11.. mriwrata,
mai Ms wltclaboo .1.14. 4.14 L 2 1/..- •bu
112.2, it
N•al Tor. Ilbrab
Pao. CA[llT— llan aftli-LA • Ith • nt.
Lama. •Wljfillf• 4.1 IL. *alb. bf . tr... 4 a4grawar..l
Netrr, lb. hut macnra aat Juriba Mat 1,1.1
La•• tut IL. 'Aft-. of ph, al.
rfana,-anf has* Irs.o all fte. br•raratlf.. 11... La, KW
alba awa ItTa.wn. •:Lbtwt tbr b-vt I sow .42.41
by a fr 1.1,1 M tr,tat 1f441. THew . berou, I alia ta • 11(4 •114. +arbriA• a n.l g. rat if.-ata...
-sin-el 10 .114 , /at tau ...IL.. 50.. I. •aa• O. I
sI t sow. I tr.. ra.rualli 11,4
• v.nrs,
N lit Oet. 71. IVA
Pane Btaar-11, Lear 14r — A 4 s.
taaara ago thy Lair
name ...a • gnat deal. and ear heaJ •••• much
eath Jandrun las told Fr • Irlnal to tr. rout
ea,...A1 tido. sod 0, c.t
in utAaLa....,ht. an Lan •••
rtrahl a tut an the datruff .LAant..ered.
Owl one .Co.. Le. titan_
WWI aven•eL 1 az. r our .4.14 menet.
Tithe I. ELI. 0.1
-at, If as, Let, to e.glinaaa Anaba• the eat-beam-at, Al the
sinee, they aldose. tall at InrolAsent A C harry. attn..
h La: On...teen tf•ar Tett, ittaarA 0- es" gm..., EL.. nt,g,
imax the lltiltati and Naval •raus, Now 5. lb,fr
Tfr or, of ID
kw btu prtsaahaut rlt I
and Jie[a..., of t b . r. . 1".""
b, Lbw kixmln
)4 , 4,‘ , I l Aat
14.1.4vri, , i•oi upw
r 111 “.. 1 4/11" 10
“ 1 ' 11.
otto r *fur..4 lb ot • '"
taullthr.. qv...4r
vt.Gi. Jr
,trnt of Lbw •tta, rboaarbrro •etP " .4l 4 :: "“k.".."'''-
utartrallo,l It I.
at to Jar., 1.41,, "
a: Itroadrray, 4.4 at lb. Drugert• arart I
11,03a:ladtitatabratatthaada a than.pu2k.'l7'
, oNTi NOES lain uAtial facilitir. u. rrerire
) 1mam1.,....1•A10, A/A Trmohlt.... 11.. Am. b..
em nmm.l bum Mat. U... b.. Jut July C. Ail p.m.
L.A.. u..l Itv 11110., tAnol
A1p0rrA....... A
Mr int.. A I • lnct., at , Am
Wm. 11. Baskin,
4N1 3 At.ctiorhrt 11:01:14.
wg,xm L
1.7 tn.vkat &,1 n.ror&r.lJA. M..ruben., N.. entA.,.l AT wr In. istl
.. - Vartseutar allwttlaoo to Mr purclge...ul Ilcwp
[WA 1/..1
Itarr w J.t.t. TtrEau...., & Luirt
il•nAk &11..eaker•
_ - -
Pro.W, tlatetuu•Km../..1 l',,rurawlan * rag Wu
Weter 011,wrawlet Word•wt..wl t.,n . ui. Ste,./.1. It Co,
1111.1..iirgft.0 I;
Allll C nt Lew,
g, TII . 1"1:11.. A t.rnoz f ~
, ~f i nwwautWalrvm pocll, L , utV Nn.
I OiiN 11. RANKIN, Att.irnAy and Coun
t w•Wor 6t Law. tho
IN•titt, It Rm.. MI Inuto. Ma., (late II I,WW,ur g h
W Er•eNl. Ilwapllw leguak,. • JolS , wt•I• 11•4IIII •Sce.w3 •
2LL 1'3,0 • 11•1•,..d . ,
lu 11. that.** Y.
11,a • .
I LU Waal,' lair (.l3 r'){o;
I4J k.qn IYl46urg4 Nyutt:
CalrrudiAlL '
%V.tl7 &
I us... sod Zr, sal. 1.,
t REEK APPLES-50 tad, reed rod fur
s • W. IIARLIALtiiI.
Nn. ett. et, • lotnt en, •
Jaeltsrell's oslsluattel Leudun hex. and Kane., ..kto.
raided ttherltin, Wereratrestd. ,anes,
St Ohio, Ohio, Ilealute
Walnut, Mares)
PIN,IIII. Muskttem Ketchup, %Santa Ketehno,
Athewrout and hotel Tal la Matte, put up to tauel Pot.
null %M. A. 11.431.Wi1i • VII.
, , /44 - -
W A NTED--For 19 Nils. of Solo
athe,. left lo - store by tan Mounn•ahrl• Wharf
!ranter, with T Weallt`l4l. NUN.
tit 11111 NO---M)0 bbls. best thy, for sale by
I 111/11/15
Catitka Lando, by I. Ilaimllltinir Chcatta hook:
If W Aar. I biter Movie.,
New Carmloa Nara; M.toloary Clog hoot;
Nionsial School Song hook, retoperatievlllelulnuo.
JP•1•0110 iiiMorioe; illev Ilien, hy 1.. Ida.;
snug link of Um aehooltoom. Beauties of Caledonia:
Primary 0e150..11 1 ...01 hook.(loom TetniMfal. Sons
ClClown, lick; I Pool;
Alen—lbe Allmtroxv., Ilt ver, pretty DPW Rot: word , by
11.31. Twining, movie 1, Mr. Eroat.
Willie my Wave, Ile. 'nog by H. C. Valet;
The Rack of Ages, tarred quarteth:
The Nei.. Hanley a none.;
the Illovture (I
a ...plata;
thithatio.. Mayes: hoog., complete. For ale by
11. N1.111.11.1t, 101 Third Meal,
onll SIVI 01 the uoldao harp.
d i. --- OTTON lIATTI NC-50 boleti Lunn y, or
1,./ by ISAIAH DICIKNY It Co.,
no4ll Wale, and Yr.!! SG.
1)10 IlioN-120 tune Horeb Furnace; fur
I_ vale from the Alleghony Wharf, by
ocILI J. • IL FLOF h. googol Chureh.
- • • • - •
/MANNERS . OIL-211 bbla.rup., for sale by
.. Km= J. •Ii 1 1 1.01"11.
AFILICAN PEPPEIi--15 boxes for sale by
ti o7
I` l llE eubeeribers respeetfulry call the at
tention of la ale., WWI Kortolm and Familia. to
a e lay,. awl selavi. work of
CIIOIIIM illtulAtltlES AND Tll/18,
whirl they otter oh the mat favorable terms, numprlaltio
lOU gags. Oran AI lIFIt Tea, 1e bora avvortad l'irklag
every grade mid variety; IA . - Ketehapr.
30 beige prittus 11100.0 f, Al .. PIVI ny IIII Fruit..
~ ,.id Java .. 10 .• Raising
10 I. baitol , . .. 50 II and Xi tim.lbilalmg
12 hb s. prime N. 0. Sugar, K bora baron;
,g, bb .ced nod pura - 3 c.a. Carnal..
so Loo Bro. Soar, 2 nava Prating
U .., fine, • 26 drums VI;
~,, • ..1.1/1 grocaoab, al boxes Chuckle,
11, .. I: Anita .. 10 - Idacvaival;
i .,
CMIMa. grams, germ/v.011.1e.
on Males and Sanaa. mid ration. FOl.lOl,4l/4;1=:117V,,,P1y Wm:
Ili/WOO allocalliar ao aseothomit umigualle Is 1
WAL .11.11 . 13.1./lUJ a i/0.,
Nee Liberty It-
lOU., in
D 33 k
• :4:.,
- t"= --
To Lat. f,- .
iiihll:: OFFICE over Philj.Hall, and next Die
door to Neloort's Daraerr..fipe Room..
s new
Dwelling [Sours, ntt Proutylvartioa
Avenue. tow Dation& Porreation`given lattneduaely.
4.9 Y. D. GAZ2A.D. Lilterly st... neer Tlll. l l_
For Sale. ,\
-yIIIE throe story brick Ihvelliitg House; F,
No. 16 nor street. tinyder . ol Itow-4nrrop. II . 0.00 ...Ad
rrino.r.te In rath. WU In on. yr*, ePd :woo in....
Il`^ Pnrto
le ...awl Sr Iqud send itOrtga, im th,
r....... cirnr of .11 locurnbronet,
nit. A pply
Io , W
D. .* A.."tilliLl.,
.1., tf Attornerr at Low. 142 '' .
St. Louis }lntel—New Orleans,
IJI/GE h WILSON, formfirly of tlic
Iturina the pot s utout..? Ihn hour.. hat won rtmolt• ed.
ex.nrive a•ltlits tour, 1.1.1 relittotthed,iita .tt
will tumid.. us In arroutrott.larr romforhand
our friund.
0 F r ! 1 , C , F ,, : n
, A d o
••••••otyr• Room. I %•••tia.
dr• • li t/AZZA al. I.lhurtnal-, Dear Third.
9'O LET—From the first of Alaril next, • "t.,
1 • largo tlyrllinr hooey...o:lh rtrrrA arastu <Ala
land, odutitntl at Oakland.
or At HARM ~ . rilgiFtt l Oa.
For Sale,
COAL. rilualt4l In Third Ilan, Mortonfahha
Two trtno or Coot tautittpurparued an,.fruliaru
oink, orrtut. dirt.rlll hhott•
full dew.ription nut Unitrrtr..rrrtt.•nd !pelt, h.
uorlo litlll . ll At Mt
rilAl Itl) & IRVIN have alvn for sale wroth
rrr druirablo urthaprorr/.10. tittaldo for htl.,
lunre y , Alleurbour City.d 1
Al, u unirrirrurml
utlitahl• Air huniurra mood. F.. thirtirtilm •tich
Desirable Property for Sale.
NUMBER of very irdliable Building
Lora, •nljnining the Outer Inqatt or IL., onm and
irons, nuns Ilaitroad, in Anehrlier,y rl4. troutma
Ilafirmul. mid on Franklin nod Juniata atrram,
anSi dgm Ailaliany reirm
ra a lualde a unimproved Lot, no ft...earner or Lib
erty and Factory StrrriA, nod, 0pi4 , 11, the th,
man Catholic Church. 30 feet front on Liburty. by Ilk fent
thryi on } actor,. mounts trek
nl.o—/M throe story !trick Drellina Hun., on Liberty
rtreel. odytiinnia the &hole, lite lot being feet front by
flu feet chrp.
modern .111, and The
en hnhon a our. I.
elfrvearge n and run Ferrol, Lunt In
Winn—, Farm of 2:4 11. r.• in barrette, ;runty. I.
fraa Near ('sort..
A bt--Fartna In nelkT, ...nag, of ngloat Hann and
pro... from WO nems down.
Aor rain lon and on aocommodating torn. Knguarer of
N. P. • U. 1.. 11. yormitli AN.
At torn., at I•an, and 11•14 Fidata Agenda,
re:, If No 107 Fourth ...I. l'ittotatrgh.
- _
A lot
of grwaud fronting nd'frot ou erug
Aodkug 11.1) foot to A.M.. l'hla omporty I. but a
Float d.nn . from J. depot ut Ohio and gent. It 11..
Itailn-Al Vol 14 nu., lt to
F VIIN CONN app Nunn r A 121 I_, and 'A Front n.
non falt.burdlt. PA •
To .4^L
Niol , fll Tlllll.l. 1.1111..110E1.1.111A,
litOr f I, Vol , of
Tht• l•ree anti comm.-46,k. uovrant.
aI •IrrM.r'_l;l., 70 Ir., • la.l•i
0a .tr . , 11•1. til lb, I • whol«.•1,
•.11 tuAru I,cts., 0•11,1' PA. 2
..4)!1r ' N1..7\1 . , '
l nfrll r`.-'.III;TI";;"/
i.ET—A darp• and anny.dnelil. MY.
11 ,—....n.1.1./....1.1..t•evn
Private .4etvlemeo for Sale.
11 or. at, .0 Ir., oevivalvtatr, rn•
iv rAvullt it , . Lt.., it, Lit)
IL, .0 vathu to .v.... •• la I:1,v rouv
t,: • v., .t plr•-lne ~,:v vi t Iv: vitt •••
llavv r‘s •i • lan. .. .I .--
an.tn0...1 to th, 1.v.,t,..• t•art 1 c.,thurq, Llt
tr,. i u
uiito.l u,,1 Lit, levt ruslonvi Ivt tw.. hear
Jr.l whi t 11. I,not to
Lotit l
Ihvivh u,r ut..n
1nk.71.11. %hi 1 .' 1 ,4..1 Iv (./ lb.. iv,
t. E. , ^nl ia•e• •ti ot ..1,1 • 111,
ter a , 4.4444 •
~,,, nivi o.•1,11,-,.. .1.1.4, tryal etivi
t y trl v.,J tem , vlt
krth.vt•ted vx•L,ltrativi, tient!,
vi. 101.4 •tt• h or, lb, uv•ler.
.110 hi,. vloo.our.. IV IVC tv. hrh•
It Is • ikr. L:r • ,14-I ,lalul
vt rut , it•st , ors .....volathin
lIAIRD 11ftV 1 ,. II • Nevved At
Real Estate.
p0 , R , !..., ,, A SALE— T iro
rty and LT+
. in ,.. the
' 'r.:n.l yin, ni crnun.l. I, bra no Wk... Lt.... by
344,.44 on P 004.,- at. 117 4.41..rty rt
wircarrtY • klburbal. - ora 1
rilu Tit.tNsPott'l'ElLs. tv.)Al3iiss-'l ,, .'N J. ,
. .; I:. It' kit MEI:4'IIA Sl, tor . 4..!. 1 o .... , 44.44 ...
riot (....., 101 , 11 a., ralonl.l. 1. 1. 4.1....4 1 1. 1...1.11.• ,
1.4.1 Vb... tof. on 1abbn 1 1.4.4.•. A11...14,144 1111. 4 .. 1b. ,.
1t{.:•i'..';471..Z.Wint.;•••.11.7‘111; ,V:i11:,..7,!"i',.;::'
~....,, it. 4......14..... b ..
e. r ...m a
. to by cber .
L l4• ' :. t r; ' • :.4 ‘ ..U1T...1 I' I' eIanIKTON. All..beny L'IIII
or ea lb. 11.............1 40 II I•1 1 144•141,N,
1100, rornerr..l A1ut.4.4.11 bird nb..
I ,Oli
rdl :ENT —T h ob D11.xr.,11ing......
1 2. !yet bti.l . ,
4. l.l
11.,..un0c sn.l 4 4 .4. 4- Inn .
Ll4...taare 1..... I. ronanbt..l. SE. IN rbarlilwr .. tb..•
......... a., Las • 14441.1. .....4 a11art.....1b L. 4 414 ex..
•.1...,,1r.1, Hi 11..., Ar.
. 4 .1....-11.• I.lna.ollbacanc. a • =calm.. rent. Cacao:.
01 II 1ibi11.1,41.11,
.11.4.11 P.lterth ....L. lont 44 .141
For &sic or Perpetual Lease,
1:{ 1 11.1)12:0 LOTS, laid
No. In lb* ortotn•l plan sf the hAt
4114 Wu Is.utla• nu 4.. h tttles ..1 IL Is., • i eirt. awl
•'u Kbt.• Lics.
Ili tor ••••• or own. yrKry. • r ••.I••• of the
tsit LL •st l, oats...bog latch lil'ltLit t • •. tat,.
uti•sl st tsa•tute tot
I•••r terut, ett•tutr• al II r. llohLA NIL now
ti t s u•s Anis, ur LI !Ls, ht• ohms, So rut
ith Illi•har•L
A Good Bargain in now Offered,
This. to K., WL:id. Iu Itosussue httstch,
tisTei l‘ts4J - s•••• • x••••••I Ita
an n!,
htilt w••••••••r, litstLlthcm. hs• LW. Prot . mt., •ltt`
l ltsi Ist, aal otshl as • gostl Leis.. •Itt•s , •••••1
tturrLast %ill spits 1.• • 161 IN.
114 StssiaLl .1.
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Com punk',
OUAP.ANTI* FUND, $11110,(k0).
riNti (N L IIIIPANTV offerm,t,t
lb. , runt, nrul .atstillu.• of the 51 tanctl and Joint
Shrk Piot. tee berote,re •Oplual, etauletual. narueli
reter pernmat, MI return in caaL rt the la,
R 1 2.61, reutzwe.l Ins la, conflet7ll,l: MO, et the tea nn
teleuot•Le. Lul ear,—:e.lll the 1•111, an
ntrut metal., • tier tihrie 1.,.,. Ea 11, V eth rut...
iu the I ,, .u . ruuttittlev. tuna --entrl h. retell
me rah. ra. ast ahlr ertallu. upett th, II pullet.,
• art uaraut tun,' Jr...lntl h.r ortruanent reettra
int the whole tem ot Ina
SerThls tbe en', Mutual Life Inrnranre (3etup•tly
• h... an - .ofreruns.. are 1,1.. t • lair ~.lurra
at /, teal, •py ler an eunn•ll7 iturreattna arruta u
Ito inn nt tuna, lutur....,arkt)) itt utari
1.6 tunottot ht•lteeut awl the trwr,wi, tr•u, .1
•tetie the walla...
• rtr. let• ar , rle,nc lo art.! the Plan aml
~ et the iluann•ut. turtualnar rrstir,
Le - statues:yr rer..tleal rultilhl'e. &tent.
n.l etre., 1,1 , 1,02 att.
Stllirrt 011,4111, , le.1•••1 rzantiner
Itii3l AIN COT ASI I --:31.1.0 [be. for
J KID!, e k t
Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock,
'pill NA I l AT A LOW 'LATE b y
a 0f..,
.1 MALKIN, 110
11T SI I /10A 111/S--;,40.,1102..1.170:inn,,,,f,m.,501e
It,, for hale . l.y
, ~•
• .-- -
( REAId Imars Glr male by
MICK a 11...CAN111.E:SS
1510LA55i...5....-60 bldg. Plantatlon:
141 11 DurrS. IL
• It 1117.1 1 . ' ?.r.7 . 00
1 , 1 it ENCii M Fail NOS! -311,41•111. A BURCH -
rtara. har• lust ',ea
4v .ullt ado. thr,,.
el.ous• rotors, vstbaut rhs.ho of Prat., euffus 11,1.
g; phr'. u(111,,. "f
I AM l' BLACK—It bbl 4. papere,
Al M 1 ~k ,
IF In Mat:
400 11...Ovrrnsolow n: for ••lo br
0.43 A. kAIINICSTIs•K t tX).
(./IRKS- huh u+ for 111111' 1.7
nos !I N. 0 . 11 . 00111111 All
Dill LA I). SY ItLlPS—Lorering'm l'hilnd'a
R„ :gram Syrup. for..], by
WM. A. 3141.11110 0 (Xl,
No , ord nod Too
in LACK CLOAKING vELvEv.—ato.-
r. 13,•••• roo'd and MU, bly thu abovu.le
VEATIIEKS--21 sarks prinio Kentucky,
lT red pur Itescnor Irene, and I - or sal, by
-109 ,art, I , ..allit•ra, 4 !Irmo,. Berm..
Landing and ...le by ISAIAH HICK EN A 1.41,
bo 2, 11 atm, and Proof .t s.
I ±LOIJR-30 hbls . Superfine;
lA in ,2l - .Vl`v`i`l . e:l4`.:,'4l. b ''
O ATS --1600 bu. ou cO , titt - 11:111 ,1 1 1 t43.1 for
"..7114' LT 6l Ws. Aro..
Acti IN (1 FLANNELS—Grey, of differ
'nom mi" ""
%%ELSII FLANNELS—A 101 l ,iiisortmeni
of thst suprrlor artltio slneh La. alma
o uch ostinfartlou to our curtntnens, rte I b
. Sllllll4ll' a lIUItt'IWIRLD.
I AS TUDING-100 leciil-8, 1 1 4 and 1-2
Incl India Rubber tiu Tut.lnZ. mr .le hr
units J. t 11. PHILLIP/I. 110 Market 01-
In.:ESE-4011 holes+ prime Cream Cheeee;
tln mood It'll
'n 2 or .na rur " In ' II IiILOr.LI. /I 00- Llberl, at
NDll.lo—_ coil,. lilattrits and Slaailia, for
gala. b l IL
‘,IAxoNY M AGANESE— I cask; liar yak
bylss,l • J. SCO
WI.A 011.-15 libls i l.pit pist
il, for .40. by
a J HeffillINNAKPIt a 0
B A •
LS Aht Fl IL-10 gulls. for sale. l';:y
1.1N00 .6 ItEEK tili.EL)--6 -
. 1bz. ,, 11 , : . r . 5 , a. ,, 10 by
1111Ul61IAM CHEESE-140 tam. Ilezlep's
11 celebrated Iturbew awl Nutmeg Ch...., litta day re.
ward awl for tut., ltY
1 UDE/ A UCH ITECT, No. .5, for Novi
L. 41& No
luoinini "" flor
orldior pot, No.'
74 Third wear, orpootiter the Yon 11014. . n r2
PAPER—Large and veryheavy,
br .1,
solioblo tor hardwar•
150tiOuli or .elith
t er 'eko
tr. p. .r r o , Isle
\ Wial-MAPaii
We are now pr pared to carry ‘ Freiglit ketsfeett
during thr writitrr...l •111 Rita tlp.nttzh ‘,,ftiPt..,..4-
.rnto rat., \ lINN 111 IHE•l\l+ I CO.,
bl,r‘ rtNitillirt:T : ;:!rr,tr h.
.1.3 tf 1:1U1i1T. . :1111 1 ',. ..:41, 1 1 1 .g::! "''
'I N.'"b
'!"'L 11.'l'i'"''.".
. J
-.7,, th,...„...,.,..,„,„11.1:,,,t7.,7'''''''''!'
\ 1151.1. , Izlincr VIII I vitro 4.1.iti4r4irz...a,,,,,h..t
tl N'' ' ' ' ''' • I%twror IrA Pittihut f P.
.1.21{ i, • AlFri.t:i:, ,tr...t. ildlsdlel.rh4AL
7t, North .13,..., l•ltimor•A
ig.9 to and front the EasterVdities.,
nT vT R R AE C : A' GE M RAT,
jul URINGAE SUSPENsioN of Cam,'
liaalcatinw;\ w` will torwaal freighta to and trout
t to Oa., Wove, /iIT le 1 , i11,. nt lA , llll{, nt stavtliat thaw
r l rate. • Araly,to. or wt•lrasa
1101'9 A CLACK.
(\r'''''.l I,'Anira:Tll3l-h.
\ ana. 13 and 13 Eatal, T111‘ 3 1.1 , 33.1., rhiladlphia.
P5, N 1.„4,0' .ir; , .1 •7 .111 - 1L.,..._ .
IF - 1 N l': E E A I: E .1 , A G EAI E Iti T .
tillltt; siti.aerih,s, egen'ts. or the l'enngyl
-1 ~.4 it.17, , ,..1 c.,., an. nvw onpa d ...... , •in, rte ,,,l
thrnutth .11triwak the winter Itt 1 , 61/74e1 Ilia. at the tallow
iPtt; 2j7iltt law%woda and irrad . . '. k 51.23 V / .3 ' ..
En, Ilactd, iltalek law d. Tall., and all.
"""""4.7 'k''
elarr : :: '" , " n ' t 4 a
n ' t ' l ' ' 3 l a r. i t ' r ' eirTrt t :;la.
l i '' ' '. '
dad Krpre.te Liur for
Pill LA 131:1.1.11 IA ANt, BA AIOII E.
E own in Line V' :111:,:•011-1.4,_0,7r.:
I 11,...,1 am mm i,/I"'"'m
ry null, Imamm,alatl, ",\l. 11.
Aps•l, In J. I. I);111,,x/tn1.••la 11.111 m,
I. 1.1..1.1,11 al. , tSanal / I rtm,u.
.1.85 I\ l -4, Ni
1 • 111•1. •
I E.t 150 (R o n : :IV. ex.
II .
Ht. ST
FOREST 4 .- 1 /7 7: ;-: CITY.
'apt 3.1 r
amt w. • A' V 11.4 E:
Frnn, ttmiy-m .Imtmmr. 1 .11 tm II No% 1:11,
St A...., Arm' urrm...l.• i'14.11 , 1.A %bp.
.11erit..1.11 s :u I.• st,. i•uuulusuu:r•is
hr, Isso 1, I• . "
iI•V • , s sill
0i..1.5r „vL.
_ _ •
Pennsylvania Railroad.
L.• nTxt
4 1 ; : tp . ..;rn 7•'"
'I 1 .411, el.trir. as, 1r tat tl teal
Wr. 4,1 the .1.1.1101...0, 110. r.
o 411 mi..... nt. It. tort,
I 11111
nolr.-, .trout 11/01 T
114 marl `oto,llh.. r.
IN •is Gorißs.
g N and after MtIN IIA V, Atel'OCßEt 13th.
tk, at. L.ulnwl l'otop.., -
• ' 1 1 , .n64..1 1 tom i; Irt .4,1 u
l. rrr ..-
elook, xtra , Colo :ova 41 1 o
nowt.eek nett
u../t Is. I.Y 1 .. 1... t apply to
.1 A c 414.1111 V..t c. nt. coput
tu,),,r or orrr swab trl.l Ste,
Or, .1. 5 114-K1.111,h.
14 • 1 11..1.1,41,14 11,0,
ISS 1. 5,2114
Vi.. ItrononLille rth.l Cntnberlm.l h to Baltimore
IE 11Ie 1 . N11 , 1G VOAT leaven' the Wharf.
I • hoe.
I h .6.11. at 4 re,lyft orrnorlr.
o [144 4 . ,h co, lhout•rl4,l urn morbinx.
lb.. t.trolok 1. 4 41 . 10.1 ‘ 1, 6.11, what rainy))
41 11 ...r t.., ru,40.1/or watt Ihr rur.: 4. 1 .1.11111.11..401,1
Thar throuoli /0 h. , 11013101. / 111. hour, Yon 1u1349.
1.1,..411 4, Ptithul.lphi, 9u hours. i'mt, anti $lO.
N 41,11.41 14.1 •jo no. cooll. 1,3 N 1 wt.., gt...itti
i o
C....1ie. 1.14.,* 1...e1m, it.. 4,1
,atr• r toot mole Cott.
. .
06 r
1851, . 851.
Nnoun.: To xt.:w YORK crry yi n
Irunkirk srxl 11, 1,10 motroramo with
lort rlor. tor.uorro. Irolo•Enr, NI le hikarn. Clot rletri,
.rurr.lrrr un4 Currians•rtl, V 1 .. 4 .64141411.4 Pats Surat, 4tol
prota eoroortorlt uyr.4 utrouoru 14or
°LSI roo , ll•tri 41 tor, anrl 14,1, Indiana•osd
Sot.o.y Ilan. • V1T1.5. , .
/NV I.1:ny11 PUN K INS AS 11h1.4 , 11S •
4Sunrlx, a •sooorj,l3
In Merrult,, t..50r,4 Tn.,. at 0 erroloot.
:1 11x11° to \-•
SmortSuc 4,xproorr • rr
Maul Train 1005.., at u
n torne prorr
r 1-1130
,Th. Kr•ior.v• /door bt,nrol noir] Puhkla at
4 A 4411.. a l'or4orsoror tryrz att041,4 irr Vepio
ut•rourortristo •4 l'ooreprosr un•l I.rorrt, • \
lo•to I ..... %Jr, to Sr., 1 orl. S000n•I Na.
.. VW/ 1.•• ,f 11,.. fOrr uol •
1 uro p , ,areo tO tosurrot4 Ilan stmt mak! 1
1.4.4 4. an II , frrou'tsoo 1 o44•
1. 'rook to Stook, The congO.,
ror r. Psnel
whir. It.. 1.1.0,1( fu1t.111,11,.
4 .•
1 •
rbort or.
Trl,Str vt 4 / 1 14. atrorttrotor, oJring full Partin,
lorr rosonl I r • tlo prwor 1,1 1F.111..5, o 4
lor surrol , Suir't
J Aor.o, Iroot Our in Ilsarm
• - -• • • -- •26 NOUNS TO CLEVELAND.
185 1.
4.'1•r0, Par{, arrd I.tnr to (Vrclmid.
11.185EN1iERS Ciro every morning.* 9
Oor 1 , , fltottut.., ' , Woo': bon., rmtwa
rat. l l :rt.. to Itnt - root.. Mt.,. to t • trt-lotrol.
kolttoJ to CI,. latot.
to to 1 . 1,..1at01. }l.tkal.
Itutlato, Ontokco. 1,1
En-,1 thruugh tv
ia 1!"11,!,2 pa ov ele rni awl .ml el win natl
Pwawowlew. lwr Lwtrt., t o 4MA MIN. i.e. ;rave
Civ.elofol e• n'el.wri. Ik, tho ip1,10,4 v. .1 J41:4. (4.1,tr. Laslmul •Cw. tor
awl an mt. AaAllr 111. w.w.• VtwiwaNwv
Vurt lwa w at, tw lw ohm rw-r, it,;. mole
I.,ww 'no lrr w wgisa Wwwh
yuirk. r:
" ""'".
4.."" " 1"."".1 .111117.)r.P i At t . ...
(Iry ta I r on rrso;::::!Z
6 11 . ; Ili:::
tB5 1.. Ag u e
On the Penntylvania and Ohio Qumls.
'Vpill.R I 6TORS: .
CLARKE, SAlllill4 011 . I . , Illt- , 11414. Pa.
CIIAMUIR.B.LIN. CItAWYIII4II is v0.....0.vrt0.4; O. '
rrlli s S well knon'n Lino is now preptretl . to
,p . ,.nzrplfrrietl n t:okt eiorieruter% from 1..11115111/ I:1111
7 he Viree.ll7l...'l.leon'air.'"?ln.,;l4',.::2l"titTVelt...-7,;.7i:
it,. and canard, or Itnats,eivettonte o f Cartalne, AO.l el_
. h';..r.r. galt.t,rt:s Plttahnta and Cleveland dolly .antlll3l
In ronnertlon aith a Jana : d anoitnhont. beta - two I'ITYS.-
111_113111 and 111 , 1 V Ell. and a Lino of brat rlask , r.teamboala
I.Pronellse and y •ela) on the I.alee.
~( . ., ( 1 , 3 1 , ..1 1 . 1 .3. . , ,,r i1[n r.K .11l
M. ht. Taylßr, %arreo.t.t.i
C .
ri"..<l - -11,;;`„:,7,".:"..:'"1''''
h,„, h. a 1 , 6 , 1110/ ell., 114
11 . . V.. ifit.. ' t ' lll . :ny b . .. ' ltlL, "' i, " . '
Whoelar, le. a ..„ Aaron, IL; - -
Heal...on& Pett G.., , City. Oz.
l'e,Ll.limm k Emit, t0t..10, 0..
ii. II Minn.,* C.o. I •trott. Allablgarr.
loon,nnia S Co., Mil main, It to;
• tieo. A. llibba a Co., L. iragd. III.; -
Thomme " t l l . l ' ;t ' A ' 7l , ,t3ollNY, A„nt,
an! rot. Water and Stalthilahl eta. littoborth.
Excursion Tickets to B e er, 25conts.
rip iiy.., fine posßenger etc:quo:A lt
1 DEAVER and MICIIRIAN Nn , L'` will
leave their landings at Pdtatostrall .1.1
rh,..ter, emery .111, , 0111)111tp. MIIVIArd,) ,fillIOWC—,
[Later, 1 rdtalotrah at 4 A. W. A P.M.
hitch... do . do 3P. W. do 4 ...1 1 1, .
Per.ons a ifhlne to an to Beaver run proolye r.,..i,a1
Ttek..h to Itnehester and hark - to Pittk.hordli,lor Lo rent,
Th. Ont• a... 1 for down tken day and op the neat`
..1.11...h1gau N,
1.. t I,A. . amp y ot at on holiro
thee tho
or odratnhoots -Itr•ser..o A. the o \
Jl/113 A. CAL:4111111', Airent, \
awe] (lot. Waler a Vniithle.l.l a1a..1,14.,,b3trach.
, •,. - ---..,
1 , IiEAP HAN ( ,S!—Ju,t reed . k
) (Ivan the otatioracUtry of Ilallet. 11a-:1'1..7
i, 11 co., Bode., SIX of their low rthvil a I
I.IOSEWOIII/ PI Alios, Inn.ll.= to 1,,,i • 7 ,
,Alen, • lot !tool Woodward a Brown, Wt... and S/ . 4
an , . Noe V/ to. JOllll li. MELIAIIt, •
m,14 -
hi Oen...Jolt-rel.
•. _ .
1 4 11 S 1,1—'2.11 bile. and 10 lif. bids. Trout;
6 • ' While (lob: rxe'd and for sale b
nt;l3 J. It. CANaLtI4/..y
rtA J , ccitioL--24 1.1.1 n. 76 and 92 per tit., for
nolo 10 11. E. SE1.1,1:14:1:
An. 61 Wool at._..
I Alt) OIL—tI hbls. Wintertitrainett, for
g A pale ha , It. E. 2 1 ELL1314- 4
I ARAI. Aiii NIONLA-2 co.an6;r anle L — r - y
nolS '
14 14. IIFJ.LEIIB. .
L IJ DRIE.I Lbls7primo it . , - ; - 1 . 1 Butter;
Aw 7 ki - ..i.,,t..t.,
..1\ ll'hilolivanst "., ..
. 4011 I kTsa r t ' l r tuVw: '''''.
\ '
1411 b.. 0..... max; far rale by ..
ENt/I,lhll At Itkli 3 MT, ellaa.lo,l al.:.
All . bataren Wood andStalthnolst,
IDIEILCU 'BION CAPS-2,04.10,000 for sale
IL by 'L
131 E. AO FI.AIINEST(XII3. a I.W. .
cosiksa c ly-10 . ( r i r wr ii
, , ,
• --.-„•-•:.\ ..
A y paail ----- critzsaY norclau, -
, .
2113, w ,
riNIIIS REMEDY\ is offercil to the eommu , k_.
X ility-erth the conftlenco iie fool In an Wirt* whltik \
seldom WI. to male, the uppippe efforts (Lassa b. dat ,
, • ..l. - • _
sited. Ile wide is this Geld of susfolness. asetwagnirdo. \
rent theca.. or It, cute,. this AMOrt.-cyril 2211 1 110.11)1' , l.'
too merits) . abounds in vessel..., pnlato, Low.:: Tin
h.. iP-Pi, PP,Pt..$ rem alarelleic sod4-Pori dePrerelp,dtp-
.of the Inner by its tea. ll'hon once tried, Iht sit+ ,
P.reirity ova evory ether tcodleinvl_et Its kind. hi kalif- . ' • -
~ ...P, lO otew,Tel otWaerstioce and whom 11. lirtutp...- -- -
knnwn. the Public no lobcor hesitate What •eblots WNW- " . .
ploy for the distressice niol danee•ratu elle thets of the , ‘-
Tetillannatl organs • which's,. lueblent 1\ odr clietsta.— 1 , ,
And not only In lb.. Tortrilashle attacks Oton thr. longs. • •
~.. N'
but for the In Kier sarstam 0( Colds. Collteth lloseretahnb "-' .
le.. sm.! frr Chibllives 1 11. the plrasult•tandaalcst moll- .. k C; . ..
eine that ‘ran ha obtained. No faintly ithonleto wlllotst ''''l ' lr:- ..: - -
''''? l •Si , l' , ' :
'llt, and thee who hove used a to.sor . will. \
speak! IL , tc.lnion of she kllowitur g o e ll ....... ‘ trkto.liil - ' '''. • 77. j ' ,- • ''...• 1
belreeoircii..4 an the carious ',W.F. of *newts, \where ' '.... -, 1l
~... . .
tort are ir,,pa—path arid 211 al etorcbanta of'n drat
clus and of the highest character—e, thr ohlost a .11310.t.4 :. . .
extoorir, whole•le , letlers in mallefne..trith ansepta/. . --,....
ne. unkmlbd oil Rho .ablest of which ibey spent, If •
-.- • . \
there ere lc any to on tn the jo.lemetit ef .p/scienA. ll , •
1111 h CERTIPICATF. '..' -'. - \
io We M. under, enh.l, whole..als drownists, baying •
se, h. - own/hod with Ater'. (lorry Poeta/wile/sky cos
.'', 4- l' ' l b. , that hls ihs beAt and mows ellfrethat Iteni. "4 - '-'-
~.ty- be
,Pulnoon,ry t • ons,naption ever ousted Cobh., Ake...
' , earl irpl. . And oe 001141. from nor knowtrderbf It. \
' I s' ' ' ''." o'."•n"'
! I '.." C "' n '""7 '''''' Cr in \ •
, \ 0.• MO 11, .11 00 001(ti, ltrit 04 KM Jew, aid Lb \
'•kta e . . Isbion that it will rlo fur their relief all that
, s leti.. , lat`tr.
,I•:lid,f,ands Ihwton. Nese ‘. \ \ • '
I 1.1 a ly b•.\\
I kc e al ' in ,"' ...Z;;;l.72l " ! ..'"'L '',_ --.
' \ ;
. ' l j a ' ih'rr.4iS*"-X I t ol U7' t i ll' "''''''' ' 5...
' \ • .
1 . ; . it. simit.g.r . t..2iii..74'!.''' -
(.7:,Ti;i:lt, ,i,..l'ii-,,.12;:i;'17:'""L
~.,,, T1: , .\1.,.. T ..] , A, ( r; . A, v ,,,:.,., ~-,,,g i. .
T. A. I k 11- too. 1 orn , obt..
L 'l i T ir,•\74!;lY' l i'l:A jr"..'
1' N. hay,.',\ ~,,,ji,( 1 4 , .,,T;:. . •
Al. A. Snow M n, • runt, 4a.
, hdwanl ering urns 11,1 1nrinotro, lasi.
.1.0,u 4.01,, a 'o, ebilvietplon, Pa. '
A li. a St. IL (iii VI, MN, t.te,trm 1.. C
1. 1‘ right a Co., I‘. 2 0r1a,..., I.•
, \,,,
P. t ' ll ' :;l l .L 'a . , 1 11 ' . 4 t- - 1 . , . 1.
howls a Am.... Talin 50.... I , fond. t"
LI It. :e.o.m. !tops of
... rertileAsrv.
Cbittou a Doer. 1 .411 e eeS..Arl. •
h.illor, bin+. a Co.. bra nob, Miss.
Z . .. 1„, h 01. 1 . .: 1 . ‘ 7 , 1 . i , .1 , 211 . 7 . t.5t, , Trx,,...
' .I n To i rnee:a ' au, ' • ‘ h -. . ii".' 4 ' l
%, op.. /..I.t, in 4. Co., Caws oat'
IN• rOPEicfl crier
J 11 Conic. x Co . Vall,rab 0, I
b. Al. D11..31.1 a Col.. ( re, Cruc.
en I: i,as A Co, lloco , A, New 1
N. Ilsoco.t x Co, Lima, Peru
tloruan a 1.,., Italits, Nora Scot.".
T Walker a r.f.... M..10b...., Nt w In rower..
V O. halo,. ...Co.. ern JAnoir, Iteos
ll'llli oath u...urnivr.... 4.1/1.1 In•in ,tat, no k•wess
rl , ..' , ran Ile abdoe' . . , that (bowl in l''. etroe VI PIM
\ ,4
bc , parod ant sr.l4 by 4 1 11/le 0. A 1 FT. I'll•I Claire.
Ile. well.hiew.
No .1 in PittAanrch, whol•als and octal!. by /I \ l , L. /All
-11,..1.V.11 it u , .. 2•1 J. St. Tult' NSKS4 lb
ti t i ld ', 4VZ;l:r ‘ -tt'sgal'h'i tUibi:;ll';.""4"...l.olls;-
n. t
the l l a lit l nil ' :: ' ll ' yl-'7:11.7.7:1 1 e1 k., P 7 .i. 5 . ,7 : ,, • •
Itiee•••• of the Kiittni! e. 1',.....-•rArm,..
Piero... thieing fti.ui the nee.if Iler .
curt. Pain in tie 14.1 e• alit' -
I. hnolders, tietteral liehlllty.
Drop,. Lunbeen.thiu. .' I \
thee and eirtlre-
THE EYNT IT.11.11.F: . 11'rNI: KIVOIr2CI
The eh‘ter Paanenvd I'Vellthi 11.ek," end the . 2
Iti.talto , ..Fiitaaeordle." at the InTalttable L taintios
„went. from ...bleb lie. (t.,,,,.. 1ia t ,e,..j .„, E,,t,.
Veil,. Deli and aar,,,,illa hi 16rmodt -and ttielatti, e. t
turl 4 , 1 ler 0 uyiudt has Orel, u. the virtueaortheee e;tott , -
In tb.elt erfeetion. Ili.. prepotthion contain., all,„l,lee re- ' '
.i tintlee,prop..ll lee of th , mote, colohltutil and <meet:tits; •
tr. , In n , iT MEM dt strength and elllear, ' —
Ezetimen. were mule In the thautiftirltire of thla me- 'I
\lleum...until tt wth foundthat it could not lie funhe! Im. C
proved. Areethiliirti.ite-pr i t It reitorted to, atanat wit , :
',tell:, in [lna. of Ilepati, lei:nth:ale. and 4 ,s tllalteetta ..
eeruptalnt.i—lons ththerml pretratioit of all the vital pow- •
and all thee torinoutiOr dianthe• of :beet ill no Lry/r.g!'
to patfaute and eo Mint - ion, to health.
; ; ;
Scrofula, eyphille. ith.reutial Complaint& Canes,. Oat ,
wren., kite uthatleui. wet a viaet •arlity• nf nth, din- -
reahle and itanthr.thitdi..e.a...e, nre eutedlly And In-
niiineuily eared 1.1 It. lot. of alb. tneellelne.
teAtittei. Minh., Oil/deer eIIi.ISM.
W. .Intin P. fork—mine.. eir: It it with unitheralde.
.fe. lini:s of tent:lade that I on, Ode. through the [att..,
Rim Idenne .0 1..4, and 1.7 the wtheler . irnalimateney at
that rzellent tediettio. illiveolt . .• fellow Beek and F..-
....myth .i., al girt ~v • let. eyturtemn of my almoetlitifee.
I...nee. In the. winter id IIIYII I wa• atlektil t ill. a 14 .,
van. ann. a hi, n Vat wite.loolll- eatithillow throtigh the
whole niiht •.de and le, al tintatna Lime, there Waati to- •••,,,..
.1 emigration al h.., phynlnal system also, my kg had' - . ...- .'. ''.
et.riink to al..iit 'tat, t blnlced Ice common Fie. I prootir-
'i•.l - the rittnialtivie of n eli it (01, prectituther. Who prouthati-
ee.l rat do..a.n ~. At the worntwine at 111 cr. canplalnte- -
Mt .....d my I oii... wine /the not eel!, handled. but 1n.5.../1.-,
x. 4 for zne. I rei...... I. tinder lile treatment pettily-an, ..•
eatiett, s 4 he ethii.t t oot lieiri crin.' I then Crooning' of lent .
ent tit 11... pien.l. 11 . thCeers. Iwo moth. of utiyaottta
1 eller ba l
ed and it,r.teoecill.i. (cola I n.e.etted te : .. , t),
Tr. anied.ui el teehl. -titer hating taki-tt fent beittles,",'
ni. me I Walt•ld• to nnalen.. r.ap ‘ biletleie a ithntit aiiy . infra.
.. tsa
eeseinte, and liar.. I,einee'\l i iit iitaii • well mon,while
hilt • •hort heri..l le.f..ny I, been onotlthil•to tor 1.1
threjourth • s e, ( Ihe lilln, Mal k 'enni..4 a.rribettlio ie
turn of my help le any ether nll., than It, the eiciru4
of that truly ...Atha.. medielne. i'ilyo.t's Yellow Itivk
, .
and e•t....letritle. t VAl,ll.ltilill.4
11e.... P. l'arl.-11 tar :et., I ...ha , the fonta , nhaw nw- and .a tar ei.'l thil acquainted w ti, Itiii . !gar,
, all true. I nr...ured it. Ilitutiltht It mint he A 1..,..i1t to •
lon and to the ant... 14 . ,, Veda li.ere'the pr. n .
eve of wing
it"' Jthi think le-0. 'ten, ' IV. A. 11/tleltl.e. :,'
. ,
Ihe hdlurinc letter]. fon, a lii..bly re,ectut.k. by ad.,
•hei ...Wt . ! an exto utire ptatitice: I \
Net - tki.t. Mar L )elunty, 0., Woe. 1:`.3f111., , . • • ',
tin. „Int. D. Park— -near :qr. \lir.,l.lnt.s...ll'n lat\Lct.tit - • i. ' ''''
.:' , I
Oariotharillo 11•• I.:en preernhed I.y . roe Pte the Istt Moat: :.. -
5,4 n., Will, n.... 1 ni1... -1 , in tlonerllhibility, Llncr 64-7.- ' : -
.., , --..,%„
1 ,1 4 , 1 , J.,ni,,1n.., g., - .,nini4,. and etthinie and linteoilta ' ...e.y7....:4
Itheaen. In ail Female ComplalntiY,,it nertainkr I. nen • . :7',.;' , .. , ; , ,,.,-
un4llnl.. In lb.. un. of Mi. wealth. t s 'tialiehleothtatit_ . :*- -- :r . ''' .:
If ciJ..,... , Arennll, 1.33,1 vianr. a Lan - .44./ 0 1 Slat .un - ' ',- ' .n _ •
etthirathin. It ie plen.zot oi tbn tart.. ndlrnell. wed can: .. -, . • - . 4
I. u...ed ‘ by milli, Ilia tni - iitt deli n
tt .,, 1nmzq...b4.15i1/4
...let', tnt
under any rirtthth•talere. 1 a .aidain Ina den..;'' • .. . • ,.
Hold Ly J. f.t.,l'4llll.onithirtati, 1 ./Tni,nint..heiq. intnnt'
n( Vithrtli and %V nlnut Ann., nnlre nen tilWaliniartnt s -n . - -;, -'•
to when, all 001,1, t must n In addrann.L. ' •,t ,
.' \'' ' • ..
J. bud A Co.. I. A. ralturstork tCo J. A. Jon L ' riki . •r .' ' ;
Wi1,...,,,.. lithelthreiht Lee A. 11e.:Lbus, Jul..ith.or (iiqi , - •
L T. Kuril, il'imehiugleth, L. M. 1%../4 . 11n.U1.04.1.AL.: \ 4
1 01ty.iltreetuddiritt K. hunnt.t.F 4, 42ernel,:inottA .. 4lileann4, . "•.'!".
1 1 ....Iiithl,Ited'a lath. Huntingdon; Idea. ,Ilollidalphutie. .
I 10.1iitirattd a" Co.....ltuliitha, J. li.' ii - rl
.1.: bt... Kill.nnilini:.;,.
•... A Co. Itrookvitlet A. WlNnn #.. 33.11'4)-12.nbara;- ''.:, '
11 , F4r4lndl A Ca. N. Call..ndnr. Nlnente/.1 n 0
~41.4 s a , 'PIA,.
',r t .-, pr.h..* f0rk,..11,,ni, Jame 4 "ellp'it C 0 .17111: , ,,, '',
.. -.
......,, r . l
'l,n; $.1:1.W.NR . 1 . ...:aver: J. O.S umnuntnn. I 4..4 N. 141 0;-, - _;-1, N' • +s 2, lk :
I.e. donee,Condentportt P.l . . -..., -•, : .;;.. : -. ..„..i , ,. ,* 1
DIY` Priee—*l pry Bottk; Sin dila fo'irif&:`:; , S.'-`.. -,- ,74.,.. i .- 1 ...
A Xedicine far
Cou Cad.% Ilnarvenrxx,
. .
.5" It .0.. not rink.. U. rtortrub: rut
PM. Lawela: It do.. not rob" the elan. one murder Ile
tuabon rho at Ilahle la • 1r..13 cold by every toff or
It - 11141h. p.toso, It in p.rfartly hertultur In Ita
vb.. 0,4 1$ I'Ar, M.( .11.rtnut it , PrOati 6 . o . I'm , 711
%It:1 , 71;11 , ot . rat, nt Conatul etnt ilaant.nou hate
G.n; n en fin Ire new or ty.r..—Tbr rouge nudialnui
.nlltureen lb., at/quads and nval an. DRILV/111/IIGh I. mow
at... amble than Ibe rough TI.L+ II obviated le
Ulla relaturr. far it 5.1 n olusraxt akar:Ailing artlein. end it
0,11 cure—m.(4r +aunty o ur aar ' , fowled! Tberakkorotta
furor of this tn./Orin., in o ritv.ll,l3lour Wore dtblatr.
ehauld meatier. ant on. of OA • ll:rary. fa lb. Vrrarlp.
tom of a rakttlar phyotrlan oral eat bran lanai by elm la
hlr torn ',mike To
nu . mber of yoni,..
.. . . , . ...
(twatrawnan.—A LOT term Strut... Me. writ...l - tad - her
, taught, had lawn •11lietsil with • 2oaah ana raiwtarii•
F5ll t o I nettr at. i n h at ia tla . fanrdr y saatl .11
I tin. ,b.. i.v.. .g
laslw wail ant a oy c ur ed A g h at.. r ib k l a hna a n
rauntr. who had aun'arrd with satittaa taut rtaigh
for e{• ht Ikea has Le w .. anti yr ly 'they - ad./Ma tbe ecatalt
twttlnTart, hy tha isw. of half 0 dawn of tattles al thistra..
..... 1 sy.p• A arbtirtuati /row /Lai, Illinola writes
that wba knawn Oar rat - T..41 VI kb ta In a laad aitr.a. , ,
for be lota ward ir in ha. Stn' GIN, 161 ill the raiox cE
.c.0.21a.ra I 11. family, with 11, incas rerrixi aun'tta"
All 2 • th, tAratqa. 'Rahn,/ Ant en. II 121 , 01 up icr
L It L. Ulm at t 0 can a wah. Of era btatin far 46,
tZauntry St .rakaapera wrwid do writ' hi Maar a aorrif ar
0 \
thlitnottelna an haat:all We hw It 'amoral than,.
T. t and sn'twctou• Wier . eTtl . diarmverrat tor all
t!autt and illwarrta at the I ;mar. Maiinkaaht C ., hrtltntt.
knit Fitra.-3/ant- prr•Dnik It it I irT 4 0 anion ll‘
romp am \ of the raWamalvwtmuna. bat do oat hard thaw.
If TA:7,::.%, " er.— ". igil ' lT:tro fir it T i r llatrb U' l Talits7'l
the mot •Winallo plasits and lwrta . of teat wasawia oiwk ‘ a..
and 1, cam so ndtd by Wrayran at illad in the in - Mint:art
.0 hero caw he o &tweak In thiamalwitte. It la prep,
0.1 ha )nor own ity, and Ihn probe...tar lan. llll o l rtlnfiltt_ s b.
till. ales Intis . I e.W.dapa bar.. ath nine Ha 1.1111624
+s c.
peraartlaa whir wilt ha Ws.* la amr pr... deal t°. at ;
ww them:
---Aanta arantad t ngliont e Lhallad Ntataaalodi thin .-
lardirtna Lora. di aut. w Mae =win to Maw •ho wit}
Ulla an Inter.. lo tb medicine. It will ray a 1,,,,,,,,,..
tit ta airmen.. lashl , they
b, &any staftwtow las,
tamatt &tartlet , by r hag in thew Landoll/a b ob ' "
modleino for tang d aroma the world I= rarer brodnrad.• '
5.0„.,,,i, atadasalownsWatall..l9 - Kr.Sor.r, A kbliqtr . '
Hid, Draftahttllhat Rawl .t.. rittatairrh. PS - - d . '
IQUOR ICE P:ft§TE ( '—..t eases
ju aka. lb.' sal, by NA. !
ztre.d. Imes