The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 15, 1851, Image 1

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    A#T - 'ng'
4- • -
werml S (Num HAIG
. O MOI Olt OntO non. rot, 0001 TO 001
. si r_lLYz-lieeea dcillars par annum , payable half yearly.
luPt i r id in &1.e.,.
WY:MIX-a au dollaratxr annum, earaan
n. Came
will be esppl on Qat [allaying canditloam
-9 MI
raven/paidea II; no
The packet . rA‘ch Glal, to in addreaaed to ono Mew.,
r sad to be Dai laraelablr iv a9rance. No Club Papare van
toand elm ths - year an] , -411. tht
. „.
qua,* tlo lip,. lonsmerll or Ivo)
one 1.11.4241..1 .... ..... j 0 00
nohaft-Dtiorfar ........... 0 Z 5
. 100
U- 4nv
- ' llO. tour menthe ......... 10 00
eber-- • sit ... .. 12 (0
•"" " *.bot twelve nutath, 1/4 (J 1
tithilejLODUAS-11ne., or how, per arrounr
f)on Do : ewe= addittonil line.
thinit,4l4proat.le at plevore (Ye[ ens ..
• awn) exeldelr, of the Paper
... 01,0
vphartf.... ite L rtr , 2 ri o . r r et one , nol4th r . o t:l
. • ' • tiVeteiteV4ll , ==4lDh felf. and unt or,
Inarb to herharatel a* a inuure end a hair
_knbllehens mit accountable Am lenet =teeth...4o be.
lOW Ito aznonut obarehl for their publiration.
0. Antuntnritv oandidatint for offloo, to chervil the UMW
ao other adeartionmeuts.
Advertisementa ant raiment on the cOpy, 41n . .. epee:idea
aniline' of trunnions. erW be am linuiel luirbirleenri pet
mennexacbidacconixt " •
The privilege of annual ndrnrurnerem
their own Infoot,tiabf bushman: and all plirertisernenta for
the bettentof other persona ine wall %sell ntnertleementenal
intmerlistelr etinnemect with their men borlurea.ant ell
•elneres of adrartlontoentn, in lenuth or =hernia, borend
. the limit. ranattirl e will be Tharvel Vale lunar rem. ror
end. :tranuent aArerheinst, bill. gni' reparateir
enclenel, and prompt rerun-in m donned.
ailrertinementa for eharitabl, Institution, ere prark.
ward,- t0w0.14, and other nubile. =refill., awl
D ect U t. ' ?Tr !Mete be chancel halt mine r parable ntrictir in ea.
r =intre rase he . chereed ft) nettta ir....,4
11.U1=1 . .al d
t i , nat4 d i7ortt * u=otratin. eurPnehen
...Samna Wren/arra, and ' eli others eeerdlne orearmmleac
tlnng. or .repthring notice, itreittned to .all atteratone.
terra, itarres, 0.1110,111. or any Dublin ratervionferite.
them ehvges are mate for seltairtant,--all 1101.1 c, of in
' Han eesoclationn—erery two le, flotioneft to t o attention to
Strinte enterptleen, Caleillm4,l 11114 . 01 A to jr”mol.e Imlb
inked luterent, can only be
wlth the underrtamb
- : rin that the Name lo to be paid hr. Inbobet to 'c to.
.:.pittlefl in the =cal n‘lutrin. the vine will ebarce.l at the
a- ate of .not kr, than 10 ten= p--1- 144 . -
Melton or $4.-- Notion. to he ellortted triple prink
Tavern Lim,. Ptition, S each.
heal tats Acetate end Auctioneers . adverting...eta not
mailer rearlr Wee, but per allowed •
the +taunt of thirty three cher ono third rem, from the
Oneonta of bins
800., Intro Insortiont.... 01 60
Do. tarn additional inta - rtion.. 37
ant - mama tan. ni WOOLLY ratan
VW Square. lto Ilnent one Inantan.— 60 neon.
Do. *nen arlditintaal eon..
trananit ad...alinement., to he paid In ...Ivan,.
w. EtltrEll, Attorney at Law.—Collee
am% and C..oreyanclac rf.folly ettervankto..
re- - Ustewell's,l3ull.ling, grata rtreet. Dear Llu• Court
-"AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—OlE
111,C at s:mirth et, l,trotni Bmithfleid and Grant, Pit
F OS.WRAVER, Attorney nt LIW, Fourth
Alreet, pear thin Mayor's °Mc, Pitleburah. Pa Col.
wtions attended In prompt!, tur1,2.b.0.g
:tin . ..) I a:n 7 .:= " l`.-)
LIP LIANT & TAYLOR, Attorneye at
Llvr—Orlice on Fourth ho.S2S, Arts,. Wood
sent sulthfirvhl Pittaburgh, Pa.
N. B.—S. O. Oliphant V (kaurninalonrr for than... of
-It'll MAIM
,S 111 N N
uolro o. LCO .
0 1,1 L A. l . 2. , , ,o : o itr i rma i nt Lan . —
' . 1. 1V. F.IVIIITE, Attorney of LatrM-01-
J. Ike on Groot Arcot. cow Fourth. Iv Arthur.' Build
rUbti h rto•tio:1,
P...£ 0.. L. B: * PBTTEIBIAN: Afton.
Tat 1 , 4.11 T.stoon.tvo3 to, No. r:CAtja
...,; , k.7131.ES .1. &BUN. Attorney at Low, tame,
zarnetnitaa Itch. corner of Grant stroet altv2Tood
a iiattabargh.
1 - 47RANCLS 0. FLA.NEdIN, Attorney at Law,
a.N0.170 Fourth strnet. Pittsbungh.
• --
.iS.7TUIVE .t. WATSON, Attorney. ot Law
N0..110 Yourilt otr-ot, rittohnNt
anstos—Alcoonder &Int_y; John Bnydor. IN H
loon Hoortnon & Co:. Won: D. Pnoer, John Hem .An
oanntann Goo. W.Jarkoon.,Pittabounh. Jon or
_ __
DWARD P. JON S, Attorney at La
Mies on Fourth garnet. between Word and Smith
ASPER K. DRADY, Attoimertit Law
*No. SOlrextm. Pi ttaburel. P.
JHARRISON SE WELL, Attorney at Law,
tote Ptah OnmmiWanlv to taking Denition,,•clt•
n.../eoht+Watiir Desda./n. Ofßro—Venrtb etnre
Ihedelflakt. sant:JAIN:7
GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers:
Denim In Enchant, Coin. Dina Nora. le_ tie. It
licritab sUret, =at dint to (.11,. Rant of Pitt,tmr;ch, enl
leetionsenrefitilLateinJei to. and the yrterols/ remittwd to
nay Puna the Union.
Mr. a. on.LlAna-.1. arainiar ...... f 61,37•11.
Wi w i"... H. WILLIASIS & CO., Bankers
and isthatior linikert. North Ea. corner of Wood
and 'algreet% Pittsburgh.
a: All tram:unions made no liberal ternta• and oollegtions
promptly *flooded tn. _ lidblY
11.4{ING, Banker and Exchange Banker,
roost!,ilmet, Deese Bank Not, AM!, 1 - 4 Et•
arm% Gold and M 1.,. nos toot tit end .Id. . •
Vb. Mahan market prim paid ill pod:Mom for American
Hall Dollars. mut Eskimo and Spanish Wilma. Jo per
11(731..1.3.R IMER, Jit Banker and Bruker,
V V /( Detect, No. as, adjoin( the Bank of l'lttdmrob.
& CO, iExchange Broker.,
J%. South East Corner nf Thlsol and thiketstssets. All
atmost Modal rams.
NN .
HOLMES Sr SON, 'Dealers' in Foreign
• and Dome.le DinaErithenge, Gerd6catee of Me
posit., Monk Motes and Specie. Mb: fi9 Market street. has
htMlik.::Qe-Collectlpne wade on II Um principal elties
throusbont the United
1191/.0 /AM,
jgßA.Mtlli. it RiiIMI Rankers. an d Ex
harm Benkrnr. o f t orrice and
N.,te •U
i of Iftehanco,43cidlasn, f..encita Bank N.,tec
=cc cornrr of Third and Wood stmt. dinctlf °DP. ,
• lb. BLCharlcs Hotel.
Dna) & IRVIN, 6orrimisaimi . liie ' re7trit;ta
and Bill BroIc•n, nd l'entavl and
I Esaatai. , nritl. ham tb $lO,OOO always on hand
NIA.LSTER, LIAN,CA &.0 0 . , Saccessorii to
Ilosa•Vr. 1 1 / 1 11. Co !JAMMU. rICI/.41.. ISOFML,
dealers n Yoremo and Demeationoehsnos i
of DapalL Moak NW., and Speele—Nortb West comer or
Wood and Third splots. Current Moo., rempred on De
posit. 1311cht Chmks and nollections made.,o near-
IT all the printipal points of U. United States.
The hip/orot premium paid for Foreign and emorian
, Gold.
on li
Pil beraleaseimt OnslooneomignmeolsofPnolooe
erms. •
YLO lt, CommiTisioner and Bill
Qtpket. Itl eorond street- i‘hirt. attsatino U.
to all bulimia entrusted to II ears, Pittstemith
mosrufartonol artielon always on.bschl prortired 01 short
both.. Nolo% Roods, Mortga,es. te,riep”Litted on favor
obis terms. Adrannes mode, if mwinsl. mt.!.
It 0, Sib
k e ... ...TO . :%,) , : .. t p te r le t, oston n t . ttock
Oar Diktat mall Third ertawf. bief,bl34h.
JAS. B. lIOLIES' Liternry Depot,
Thltdatretet, oppralt the Pont Otte, N
Bolfs ne
•tal._ hY a'aaeaa , attla,Tiatiotta invistal to of
the na=slaes or ?taw:watt, numivhm at thn publiaber's
rTIZREAti, Bookseller and Stationer
g fourth itreot. taildinot.
AVOLINTOCK, Manufacturer and Im
olors..k=ol.Z.,i.ti: Va c r Z h ' ; "'"
No. 06 Fourth At.
and TR Wood at-,.L'atAnurgh.
_ W. _____
iop POINDEXTER 'comerof Waterand
. a IL. Market atree,:i . irt: • ' rah, an . Yo
*Outran Coon, and fur tha l'u nrehlea a nersa ° ll,lr . finna ' ,
.11V4n fin:duns. MA% N4Wrloss,and. the mt:Sul:and
Alan-fA l a ni tio ' ;Ve :Zen( itfistfer . A Co, and.l WU
OW • ...learnt.' Manure and for Ilorlm, al - Phandetolno
Jiff., and Jenkfau a. Co.a Homier parkr4 Tea. npalf
0 . . A. ttIeANULTY & CO—Trangprterm.
Na repLalsm Merchant. ZIA.n
/tUburyth. (
wo. 01 wwr
Waf. ft. 3-0111h...,%5L7110,Fmmarding.ta41.1.
• lEWA - JONES, Forwarding and Corn
: .. - nitorloo If whants. Deslore in Prolum and VW.
salusetarectartklm. C,137.1 Bute., mar Brventh
ItANDY, JONES & CO., Eilucceasbm to At
=aka k dr. Ossursisskui sad Porvardier Mer
in Pittsburgh hisituractural GaAs. Pitts.
a. a.nlaosr &so, InTraarina c. 4WD., &pc,
lA. MASON lc CO., Wholesale and Retail
D.arra in fa./ and Clo Ole Pry Om* 02
MUILTRY .8U1R.311410, iViEtOI.C3 aLC
' Retail Drz . ()coda Iklereltants. tenter of Foartb ,
arl.t etneetr, Pax-burgh.
111 R.D. lIUNT, DRnLiSL, Corner oi. Fourth
Igo / Inwetarst, between bleekot and ferry street..
WOOL .brezatims.
WoILPII I' it LEE, Worn. Names and
mmuwoo IfOrehooto for as alp of Amortran
Gordo, No. 139 LI booty rt... Plyaborel,
SW. A.RII BAUOII, , * oo fm ere h nntz ,,
No.. inflow' and Prolaro cenerollr, sad Pen
dlasal Com:MM. Mandlauta. ha. 116 Phu
1111 ncl ettaat. l'ittebunth.
&DAM HARMS, Veterinary Surgeon. fide
troy Ediaburah, tleottend. email roetwitelly
t th• pnbUa at be hes .roeceerl In . tho
arliriollt Mop. " ril h ae r aetlae. ".
4. "
il i t ua t46
i zith 4.lsi nat. i11,041g
guinea oill be amity% on e at Lb. MILT
stmt.:op Posnwitanla dream
Doctor G. Iteichhelm
Ins friends and the public in Gen
ra! that Ito bait Wrnattal IJe oCler ta Pena cnu•4
ta• tt.l4. tqatr Maar.
I'. n.—PerIMISIS In.lrl. W .. 1 Wm fora lencth of tlme.
reltp,t,tl to ...trip rg-munt, ,
F. R. Moore, M. D.,
031.(UOPAl'Ille PH YSICI AN, &vote
chnotik oarl 0ur:0.41113,MP.. Orht, en Auder;...ra
Inewt Mot limm.l oral 11..11 +1.11.•
na .11111, CM, u••• bourn frvial-7tn0.1 M
rim I n., an.l fnim P. \I
1t..1..1. IklYEl:B—Surgeon and Physician.
en.t , Itne
eery of Nngton'e Ne
PTIOnt etre., 0n..1...t. Smithfield A..
10. Myer. Ins permanently hented an ntleturetth end
.111 wend to the dn..... IJ hI, I t enteeelott Ile rill gste
,rtteunt attentian n.titnticaL exttes. end the
sotttN rhildrett.
I A Me IJFFEY, (mu ' evessur to .14.1 in 1
7.."1 . 4"`C,•,?.„7 ,, , .... 1 , , , , p 1 ,1 t0 1 7 .,, , u,. fig. Mil . deal.r
In ud
door Zt - tttli of 13.a.212117.7; . .1 1 71 . 1 . .1;ut.:1
l'a. C.....1.t0tt r on band a .torly of Morton'. ettcl. ,
too. I.lvrr Plll.. and It orm ttoin
A. FA I.INEFSI'OCK Sc CO.. Whales:a
• Prur,,;.... manufs.etum.....,l it 1.. 1..
mid Labor... ..troor Wood awl Front .1
WYSE It ;11cDOWELL,. ( vurs Succeu t
to Kerr‘holr.l,. au4 Drug au
,4ort,a4raer of 15(.4 atrreq. .ul ‘traiu alloy
Nverriu... can , futly ui.,b l as
4 K I 111 l & cu.,wholesale DruggistA: O.
1 era in Yalu., (Ma. Dye Stud and luatroments,
e i r mralr , tor. 11 . 1.ana'a col..l.ratail Worto epoodo, Id;
I'fl alai Lon, ,ynip: No. ea% oltrao of Wood and
r..urth INti-lotrah. Ordara will la. c. 0.( II I•.rV
at. rrrrardol with
I? E. SELLERS, NVholes:tie Dealer in
Diu Dyn Sluff, 00,
N". Vo . u. rn a L . l'Ettnburkb. I. mot.l
. 14 1 .
. S N. CliCkiiiSli AM, IV holeaale I)rugg.,:t
timal.ti4V I .1, - Av . ',!: - .P77" t.",'„;1f..77',T.!;1 1 , ''''''''"'•
rrits.[ 1r0g..•.... ........... ... ..... ..—.nac.w. at.,.
itii. 'N & ItEITEIi, Whole.le and Retail
h n . w0m.n.,...., ot ul,..m r wd St. Cir., ...., pat«
I SGVIOCI, N AK ERN CO., 1% ittiesa.le
ai.G. No a 1V....1 rt.. I`lttnt.tvt.
k BLACKBURN & Wholesale Geo
Lurnt.h•ra. and J.+l .In I•nalum anJ
Itannrith llanufvinrvC lhlr, es..h and oakum slant,
lianJ at tin,. tt sroninna, 111 11'ah•r atrvat. Int.burgh
F. ti.
W LSO N , Wholexale Grucrrs xnd
rCOMIIII , I6II AgrulA for
0w..1,. %v. I, Yn•lat rt.. •1./
L. SIIEE, lVlioleszde grocer, COMMiPsiori
Ci • 31erria•ut, mnil dealer in &MI Its•n, ~rn•r 01
. •
i'enra Item hax , ..trzh.
. _
.1 UE L P. SIIIU V Ell, 11' .t rtt
lrnitr". anti C0LL1M1 . ..1. , 0 51.,1.antr.
o l'lmsburrh slntsittartun. N. ,
betwern 1%1.1 rquitbl.l.l. rtrwhorah.
1011 N S. DiLwoirril k CO., IVltuler.ale
l'ruluon and Con/na..tost Merrlunt,u.l.l
Aqento for ll.urd Co, 11.1.."1•i11e.0.n..
31 41ond .t., l'ittwburvt,
W 111"1.
tirocv..nt sterc.b...ras. N.. Ito V. a
t. and 150 Find ntr,r,
11E1', .51Arl . "1'11KIVS h. CO., Wholo.a'
llrnn.r, Onnani.sion 6124 i'vnrartlin; an4l
VOL , tor I laid.. Coiton Yarn%e.%1,04 t nL, I,t4lanry-h.
JON" 11.1.7 T . .10,1111 1111,03.
jOIIN . WATT & Whole.4ale tiracert,,
tllomralmion Il...mhattle. ore! In Prnlno and
upburpch Id•nufarturr, h,.. -%d I.llrd, FIIWI ‘
burgh. Pa-
4 IL CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
v!t .b° "..i
Posrl AA. sod l'n..tur.. critter...lly ' . st.rt ' Art 3 t.
:quilt/1...kJ and Wn..l.l.llt.tnirgh.
(.11 F. VON BON NUORST & 154., Whole
ma. tinvorn. , Foraczding . sod am:luau:um ?i,rh.
gtacw. n iti r o " .l:cel)rr ' on h roeN
SALMI DICKEYO., S 1 hplesale
Cnmmitfim 51Prehant, and Dvaleto. in Produce—.
166 Watod, and lu7 Wont etrwt, INttebuigh
NOUSE' S I.I.eNNETT, Inte English,
Clalloghem alb.,WhOlrewiciirocenaCian sn n and
<dwarfing me:vb....cud 0.-21.. r. in Prodwe and Pit.
burgh 3lanaiNctur.P. N. ...Ncond et 'and IZI First 11,
betwecn Wad and Nralthbeld.
IC all. 14,11,2 L. SRL
' GILLS G u rocf , ra . and .
110BETT . 1%1 ,,,, 0 n 0 , RE, holrealo Grocer,
lj n "" l7 '
n 1 ol=x2•laWt,
Mel gip 4 011..
fur canti
Grnner, Comta,frn/ Slorrhaata.ll.a4r. In In,lu+
awl Yilwbunth Ilan.itneran.F. N., 1,3 1..1..rry
I• 011EICI . A. I.INN I N(11.1A Wholroale
1%,..rA1ue..•nd 12.$rnmt..
aut. sod In-al, In Pitt.hury.l3lituutr
Wort, str.,..l,ll.•borzla •
11/ M. !JAI }A LEY & CO., Oro-
Vy_ cvnaiSrn. 1Y and nl.l rtrTG l'n!uhurcts
V% " E ", & .1 1 3 , 1 Ve ' t, N
t ' n l h. L ,l. " mnl SS e
and Cnalminnon llerrnuano,denlnr Inm. Nan.. o e r ln,
Yarn, arid l'itt,trnruh Alanunn-lorn•
cornrr Won.l n .troet, Pitt-burgh. tt
CULI3EItTSIq eLOUSE. Wholesale
ar...-r. and t Sle•rhatini, its i'rn.
mind Pittnticirgh Alnnufrlur..l 1.0,04
I.ll.l.urgh. Va.
D. IPILLIA3IS & CO., 1%1101es:dr and
• itetall Family °mini, fornian.linit and Couniiiiinin
linalers in lkitµit.ry and l'iW Aurae
Ainniutirtutnn.•nr,r of Wend Raul Villn
'LW/ 114.1 . 5.3,11 LMITLIK.
11011INSON, LI'I'TLE ,S; Cu., No. 255
t 141,n, ,Mt. tVltole+nal.
awl t:annals.Lak M,ltaota wad dralor. Pit.burgh
nufrrturt .. •
• •• - .
i Lt. IC. - FLOYD, Wlioreaale GrocerN, COM
O" • mloural-51.1,4anc., and [Dealer, in Prxinea.—P..nnod
Utrutch Hui fruntitr, uu Lt. rry. W , " l . •nd eirll
.tracts. Iti.burgt,
CHIN P R AIIKE k CO., Wholo,alorirovers:
1 - 1,0., In Produre. 1.1.1:. 1.1.3. R. t,IJ 11 , .-
pnahlvela .n 1 ik.lllml 1110,1,-1, h. I..ritn,./.1 !Ina.
I.llr.ty %L. riltAlmnak.
e, mlsuihn and 14w Ilerrhann. ana
/11., Cotton and llanut.t.nn,
a+ne•rally—No. (I/1 Water C. and 70 Virol r.L.,hurlch
11. MELLOR, Dealer in Pinnn Fort.•e
3lu.c, sod 11rIal
.L m" 7VI r ltZr ' : "'"° Zlrn;4r= l tio 4 nt
I ENItY KLEBEH, llnalor in
olexl Inottruci.fitot, end Impnr4n of ItAllan Stone.
ndrnt for Hann, elprk, nr•nol und nviarn 11..nnot.
r tb endemnn . • Altueldornt ,11 ,, n insoldnxis
OIIN I, Manufacturer ot
•P I•MITENT. HOl.lll BON nrml 1100%01 1 N VICKI+. for.
net. nf A rulr,ois mud Itntrin•on 1.41 a n- fruit Inn
11..1 1.1,414. , . A ...hen y
King, Pennock & Co.,
• / ANUFACTUREItS of Cotton Yarns,
Twit, Carry.l Warp. 1 , ,,r!..1 n rm. 11
, Caulking:. Muting.. Ar.
AgruDi tar rata ol A NUID,R. AND KEVIMIN
G JIMMY aoll.l. Y. 40100.
I ONES & hlanufacturon+ of Spring
and olhln fitr,l. Hough Plougl Wings,
Want and Eliptle Spring', irgromerml Irnn .2.1
tn Malleable Car.... Engin. 1,164., uW
Coach Trimming. georndly. rvrtn.r or Ivan Juni Frunt
PillAttruti, Pa.
-11 of ail sho.s lack% lam stud amp 'actin. clam.
c.a. chair, and lining tiniehinu. hob, and
Aloe ualbg Soar barred laud lathing Jo-. ale° tine and
24 blued main, , ea.
Otllen at L1.1.4.1.M.TJTT a UO., No. Ils, Water FL Mts.
burgh. 1.7
...... 11('-U110/11:
scribers manufacture and keep ronMantlr on hand all
o N f Tacke, Brala.and Sparabler. Fut, Clout. enil
Hub ati, One Bli
lued bur Harrel and Lathing :.alias
Copp. N•iiAt and Tank,: Harrid Halls; Copper and Zia-
She blsitr, Pattprtt Makene Pointer Itlrrte, vror4rl elt,a,
.4....[u. CAMPBELL, CHESS CO..
irambouse. 6k lra,r PltmLurub.
ENIIEDY, CHILDS' lc, CO., 51anufactu
m. of rery puperlor Shendu;. , arp+t Chain.
n Telc,. and Ilattlou. Penn Mill. Pattaburuh.
• -
_a_ not„ Derry I Co, Slanatautuavr• of &da Ash,li I seb
iy roweers, Muriatle end Oulpborla Acids. WArehnuer
tor FL. below Yorry.
JJA. BROWN would most roßpoctfully inform
I /in pahl le that he keep. howl at hie eland not be weal
eeleof the Allechenr eemplete aemorttnent
of Vault lan Itnrele: Wee Vete Una Shutter. are male h, erJer
In the bet et yle, werrante.l equal to tot, Lhe Ilneted
elate. Hie 1110.1 a ba maw% tel without the aid of
arr., driver. Illving purehae.el the btork, tuola and wan
of Um mhinet extabllehan.nt of Lannmy A 11..lelland, I ant
p . renatlel furnith /telt old c
at laran
~ ever. Milne .ustesuers.. au. the put,
111cIdli J. A. !MOWN.
I t 01
h IE . IT , F 111.9 „, ea and Wine
p r .
' der
IV M. A. SI'C LURO & CO., Grocers and
Yea thettproh Nn..246 Whorl, Wont.. shoe.. Wovl
~,,,,•1•1.•y• on h.l • bug. •••. 3 rtatoit 61 Cho, liro,r
•• ad Vow Tout. amlvo V131.•10 L. A .
ho•So•••••....lnrs th• h•••••
Im--I.Nrter owl Pn•nrb
" 11 '1 7
wr.p . ;ll, bs.l.treet.
'ina ➢ißmm6 Ml• 7. ~'ItGAaCRA. rh•
XI 'CORD & CO., Wholesale and Retail
Ilanuts,turerm, and Dealer. lv Ilwts. (Spa and
ehrner of and Fifth Ftenia, rittsbumh. Where they
off, a roll and ,rrii.lete,tock . of fish, lisho, Fon, sr.. of
qt:El ,'" gial..o " n d E s oPtt ' ;le by 2trartl " 44lite;A n g o r d n ' e c r:
ally. r., , •uriou twit that they *III Pell on the cur.
CHESTER 31erelnint Tailor and Clo-
Smitlfirld rtr..L l'artirolxr Miro
v. 11... i nh.l l'ioltnEr• nols:y
"%um. DR3I.IY, Merehant Tailor, Draper,
1.•1, Ilewly Mx& Clnthina. 1117 Lllarrlr
- •
J. Wilson & Son.
w DOLESALE and retail T
rah , an manafatu
d doNaler.; ha 11s1s and Cap% No. 91
hr 1:4 .1-L thin! Ll. , r below Diamond Alley,
burial—whet. 1h.7 oafs a nth and hma9d. l . . 14, ack of D..
and 1.1., of ow n Ra' Kasten. m•onnailtar. of nry
quality and Ntyle, wt.-dm:ale and FA Sal InTito Lb.
Nal , alll. n Ih-in ru.lholurs acd tlh• whet, then,
that h., m.lll tl.• nt.0.l res.. hip
. _ ._
. ...
IAM ES 11. PARKS, llosigner • d Wood
IP/ Itorr, tr. hill,. 11.11. Third .beet, over 'pet Oniro.
third ~,,Y • ,n,./. reepretlolly lufortun the pu lir that he
I. oretortml In Arreon. all Mote of Itra!rtsltur end il - nel
I.lncrvVll,l. 'rich .•Vlrws of DUlltling, riltninlv/sl , . nod
Ntnehitorr,, ,eirtiee . P..aba of ..v.r) dnonipt ton. I /rumor,
ttl Netteptlnr 11, Drisuwiett , Label, Cotton PUttotte
and Mts. Pr. Tern.. very mrelvrale. unit'
Alf I1,1.1.1:51 SCIIIICIEWAN'S Lithograph- v ~• I•rnt.ll,-1,m,0 t . Third turret opporltv the Poet
' , Me, Vitt , More h. tlape. howler..., l'orwtitz. ,, .." t lll ' ,
hill lont., Puttle, Dont. Label, Arehlterteral ntrt tlubote
1 1 runio,.., ...ter. nod Vititior Gout, Le,. .In:inv.! or
drt. ou Sp,o, minted 113 eolorv, Noll, Brom, or
Illnrk, itt t 1,.. nuvrt nun:nov.l4r. arvl nt. Lb. , mrnt erasure
Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's
r II E ABOVE FIR3I reßpectfullvannomwo
to theme hien& and the nubile eenernlly. that the)
an prepar.l to esocute. in the tire! Style of Clinic
stn. all
run., ear Slug. rant. 11111, Itiplonan, Cheeks, Vieltlna
Profrvehrul tntul, 111 a,, Chart, Label, an
Thrlr velablleluovnt lent Nn. IA that. atruet. helve.,
Thins ent *sour. 1. etrvet, up t etal, torhall
Henry Richardson, Jeweler,
\l'l St) refitted hin st . dre r
Ilrom pith • Gm, • , ..nrtsornt
ran Die allt.tjon nf hitlrri•lutlx cm.tumer. tntb.•
the.l Watches Igllt tn. Sound ID,. ran,. inn.
•t v nu.l mete,.
tff Mort., Dresmi
'..!..n.1 V0..1 Rang, Gar Iting"..
tan. ll.ftftlft,ftnrh nft Papirr Mach lin..Tab Wort
I.ft.ft.. Fan. In.ftan. dl alt,
0•11 . • / . 1,01.. P.,. slum.... In grrftt n.rlvtr, Chinn k , on
en .t I'nka rn•lte.., a gt
. • Ith nit ftenllft.ft rrl., o fte
f urnl ft.l
Irt ftrnele, :I.h h.., only roh. tern TO I. Sp.
pr....ftt. I nftl hl MARKET STIIKET.
VI/ W. wi LS9N, W4tehes, Jewelry, Silver
ON Al's:, WILSON CO., Importers
A 14.31.. n. to lbardwar. and N
Nal ot”.t, Pittolm,h.
OSEPII .JoiissTos, I PIM II Ariont
Ptatrrata—ltrotlenoe. corner of non! otrort ant
ntrn. A lloaloq,
.N Nor.J. Mortar. Loth. le-. (or sal.
I OLIN A. CA 1;(1 HET, Agent for the Late
0 En.• Mid)l4. tO and th.
• ,o, Waker boa e , mtlisrl,l ob.
LEEcit cu., Tnm,porter. by Canal
New Marble and Freeport Stone Works
FonIISIUND WILKINS, in addition to hie
catenAire ralahltslinaeof Litort) t. brad of
d.,),• orwurtt a branell of ht. Coale Startle tn, NVarl.,
adjaoont to the tlratelort par.. •herr he cosnuflu.turrf.,
rrr varlet) of ilarbtFaul Frerport Moue, Vl2. Nl..nunartah
Vault, Tofu,. Stour, Mantel, ae . of Mart.P, I ofbin[
and ~ I1C11•11 for C.-meters- 1.1, a, . of Freeport
for. aural,maim - off. hen.: loraltA "1.-oaf...eta to the
it otot.r, or.lerf •Ith Pf.oulrf
ttudr. a:al on the lone. tern,- maul hope• for t oontlnu
an,..of the palmoage heretofore no Morally extruded
Wm. M. McKnight
vi r 1 1 1, 1
I'itt.bur4b,.—Jobn Morrlrot, F Ffiargin, D. Mitt,
liarapl"u. oml 11cCarx11...n.
.t NOBLE—City Flourin g
V V I .llik lin. n 65 1.41.ert.y 00 ALla.ri- Pittolu-.14,
- .
Draughtn.nan. and Practical Mining A.rat Abaco
ab. ut. MO..111(ot ft)* P.m: .I.niza• Mut,
Lmwry I,r it . .!..rwort, Mill, its, be
tartarlat 10 A. H. art.l 6 P. it., at Lim \o.:1
MartAary jaal.l-14,-•
11 0 ,
4N, ECO., ves, W Near b • • Itt: rt
ce th r A . Wince,
t 00..., Sixth .6,16.1..a1b.
D A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delswate Mu.
_lLtttt ftsf,ty Inarante'llti!aramy. Iti.un, Wave
GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
• Vin Inxorson• 11 , c3patty. north •?.t nnwr of 11 , 4
M LEN N, 14
LE . , 11.,i; Winn] ntrnet,
V V ,Innr fr •rn r .
rn r Thsri.w, f. nlI.
innnl rn4.4nnin.n 14.1 re In notahrrr ,111 t ie rs
nnund ran • r• ',rm... pug on in ,nit 4 t
tr• .41:ng sr. tor ‘1,.1 tn esil I tr.... I.
Steamboat Agency, and General COMMIJI
sion, Receiving and Forwarding.
LIAVIN, PLUMEIi. k CO., Imre ill'
.1, m,71 111. intle Lawton. SW! off
' awl fror••,ltn, I.n.for•Aunder 111• of
11A 1.1/I.l'll, PLUME!: • (11.
Inrl,lll, April IL. 1,1 112 11 ilbirta.. any
.114JUNTI LANDS—Cu - 1% CuA,.
11 Ato -, ,, ,1 lA.. No , 1. 11.1n1 IL. torrur of llwrry
r 1
arrAiwoo-nt• fol
1:ouot , LA••• oto.or• 1,
•irt • 1,1to•n, obi 01 •tlen.l •of b 11.•
cr •-• • .111 ror.rnmoot or an, of 1 1 A 11 •1••• A
.•, a.m.° nal,v. lho Court. at ll.• City of
uAi~i... oC-1,.111
Drawing, Perspective. and Painting in Oil.
X; R. 11. IL it, now proparoll t.. give
, mat runtlnn tn a ['arils In tin. (IftTnrant ' , manta.
t .lellgt.tfut art. at hotta 11nora nalf/. A
Atkin.ou'o. hniklinit. Viral rtia.t rnnma. .
wocti .md
Ilartn.t tiontasnatra4 lion. from !% to oth. sad
tram nti U, att Chart,. amt tatrlinultra ran km
mown t,y (aflArrnnonl at Itt. rot...
(Int, In I.T.laagnAm nr I , r A.1,111.n
Rockingham and Domestic Uneemiware.
1 . 7 .0? A I ,, t r i Ly , C c 0., 0 an :
• gee Li erueler, • .1.14,
kr..ene. ./nrowr 111tih otml 1.1 11,1 7 1111. • ,11 .
11liwnd Church 1/./.l.lin.l.l•entrunee. poxl clone n.. 1 • It
e loe9l. boy•ale .;
airka pnatele [l4 to 111 nrl7r.
brim t nnatanll
I. , •• with .11 r Ihr tat, xmd Itoprnvna
". 11 - :;:r j r 4 lCrtto. Vent,
,retal Jan, 3,0 art4.l, f.r 'du/need",
Alexander Bradley
A t m , ll ,. :l m N i_ U u. FAel:llltEß. of every 419,oriPti"h
r01,A1.16 SIMRS tb• n••••t ••Dr , ••l • Pao
•• • {II rrnall.r the rallolo.4lon.
AWL—PAP:LoII sLltieb rill Iw 4.ond
A Root, rol.nrutLif f. , l.llrfu
e 4
, 7r Ilneliftturc Frank ho faun and
tt, ss, thr ottemo.n. of bulLlrrss re* f:ettl.,
Ll',.•. 'Wow. lltex, 41, L.• wlf of rltlr6 sr.
nIL L.)
Pittsburgh Chas Pipe and Tube Works.
rril umlor.igned IMVO just completed tbrir
. -
.ad an. nowmanilliwtorlow all elvw IIAB PIPE, 1
comotay.• and other Fhww. wnd 011 mix.. of
whith ol!, ttn. Irm,pt price., The, Ar
now pr..g.rnl ord., 1. , soy extra, without&
lAr• A Co,.
N0."911.. ir. vt .• r nn.t,
1•1ri5m,...11. PA
(obi :111
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y,
'OLA)VEIt. K CO., Paorezerorta.
rilllE SUITSCII.IIIEII.B, having been al-
Age... for the above named canteen, will
a..., ....patently 1111 Inapt a supply of the celebrated Bolivar
ttrie.k.Crunble VI ra.t 'lay. I ornve lleartheasal I pantile.
pryparrti reoeire order., fur Pahl Brick. to
he mule in Bite and ells, tomtit purchaser, which chill
1111 M.
It. do not alma, It oreorrary Plea...m.lde the tautly ad.
vantage/. lb. Bolivar 'jr. Brick pueetate over all otherethet
hare Leen nflered for kale in the United Plates, their sup,
rinrit y beton' well known to Onoet all perenns who WY
e Thr proprietor,. have deterroltatal diet the
Brick ehall tote none of their prenent enviable reputation.
end that ...apron.. ehall be eparacl to =tar theca .ra
Ixtter then the) bare heretofore Lawn. Thla II the 01110
ealablinhment now nanutacturina Tire Brick at Bolivar.
Klee t JONES,
nAd Cartel Biotin. iteventh et-, Pilleburgh.
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
Bgprrior k any Watch, merofrerrel en /1/lenonA.
11:1 ItICIIARDSON, 81 Market Street, is
1 • WI. agent for the stereo named Lever Welchem.
e following guarani.. im attached tz!eaehWayqe.
• • . - • • . ..• •• . .
nprollittrii•nt tlie Admiralty, WM. DI,XOK, Chr,
niimrter and Wateb Mannfirturiir, 46 King Milian, Goo
well Itimid, loandon.
, .
TM, c...rtlM, {bat tho senoloymnyino . %Valet. No.—,t
w.n.untr..l by tor to be of mr mannliwtortt, and noWateh
vllhnay traunr tipoo It F..n01. ‘1121.1. b./
I truar,tn. tb...1Va14-1, No —, to k,'. Um. to It.. Mt.
of N. ourehtony WIN NINON
1.! IC .1 I: I C. 110FIC K IN!), Mann fitetti.
II , nor , L.nnking Ills, 4.1 Victor. and Dral•
tilurwr, Ao 16 IL,nl evxcl. 1.1101,1.LV1.
EEL, K ROESEN keeps constantly on
J ham! p. 0.1 rootortmpnt of nu and Dwth r.loc
Kikhen or 14., Curt.:
Woo.lwn Bowl, Morn, lir, Skuur, Zinc and Chart
..nil nll thrr ILin.4 of ware io h 4 lin..
.0.0.0. It street. Ptibrburch, Pa
Penn Glass Worker
I OttEN'htt WIGHT!tIAN. (formerly of the
firm M Win. 3let'ully • CO.) 11anufarturera of .11
1,,n,1a of VIAL. turry.nts, ma WINDOW IILASS, ft
atrr .n, f Fmnt strret.„ Pittaburgh. Is.
N. tl —Psrtirmlar attention paid tocahl nista or filmic's,
alai private mnolda r.,Atto, awl Vial, au,ett
C. W. Feine, Professor of Music,
LOS I...uVgi inform oitiseng nl
It I.u , cas awl All...then'', that ho will now ootonwora
. Or• fartroptlou.. oo PllllOO POOlll gual
Ma..asooa lora. For further particulars estoolrs at
11. 1.11.1:11148..8 Music Plum Third stmts. sign or
thatioldso Harp. asps
Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing
No. 178 Penn etreet, near the St Clair Hotel.
thank -c_
pv- (id to the , yttatlie for t liberal
tn are of runt.. in . las Dna barntora nr. hl Inform !Isom
hat ha ban cauncane.twat! the l/ watiK
IVa hint/natal.
eon navtitoti with hi. LIVERY butane -tat, and w altatal to
funamln ear ee ranarrnahla term i n i 11l NOV In the rill.)
to promptly, mat tu ,aa ',Vaal maner.
n0,1.2m .1111111 t, }IA TT
ovEs FOU
thN DR
d Y p ei C
1,1, 5 Tl tb, A ,; r i h n l h urrl Pain. of o A n gh.ny Co unt y,
and n•conmendr..l I, 11.00 1;.••••.n• hay,. them In No
4 rip, ESTI:111%18E NI/ STOV KS.
ITOf moder el n ilyl,, groat Terl.r of .Itterti,
A. hare Mock of nII the kind, In eke, 'fall's Potent
Ter True Amerlenn. Keen', Crane', Ktnrnicl'e. Wodet
Peaverlip, Bull, Imp. Bull.
. .
The Ilichhran Double Plough is a new patent Plough.
that loin b•kro the premium. at the Slat. tales of Ohio.
Pepn.ylv Fad, New art. arid 'at the Agricultural Yale of
Allegheny County for 1 , 151. It hse been highly aPnw`ral
tried. and In euporfor la rode of cultivation ta
any other kind. eu.ting the furrow tote two ellen, atul•
leaving a and Perfocteeed bed.
Eight beautiful detti l gnol N
nr Ortritu N entatlid.,
J C. Parry'n VA
Pairut Chinni Rol ifLLEtt la. Al.. Whim In
Ca4ling. made to
Kettlro for Soap, Pot, Smts ARK tr.
For tha tuitnislarturo I.f Cana Sugar. The Kettlies
cast nil [h.. prawns., patented by J . V. Petry. and eta. auw
nor tor durability In any other, end wld Weer then tiy,
made on tin. old plan.
Illeo Stover a ooter, ohoorrirtior, litove And TIT
Ware For Mo., Auol CaAlinCi• of every' Jewer4oriestu AL.
owl NAIL , . All of w !Orb we offer wt thA
J U. PAIiilY
Tillingharat's ,Premimr, ChtM.
Jane 19, 19-19, Grent Econ ,
knear IA Tin. and Labr.—Thauntlerobrent aroma. r
torturing tt• abort , Churn. of Ittrlctoglutos %Vary, . al lb,are now for sale at I hair wareboul.... ;soul. of flat],
and Laberti ctn..... Thu eburn heA n<en«t tho pn.oro.
tuhat ,very Stan. and County Fair when. it Arco rt
ttni. and it ren.ntl) 4.1; !lir promfunt al Itt. Fear 01 Amrrlran 1 natilu.. N.. 1. York.
ngul th.Wit* A Itl.. Itl.AKltl.r 4 tXI
next nt our fr.. UtiA wod th, gLeortlls.
NINXiIIP Co. roe. Vint. and Wend .4..
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
A. iv tirrE & CO.. would re-
V.,1, 1 • 1 :,1 " .n12/!:1;
etrren Ito, me it.a too-kink Ana orr prepar,vl la ormov,
oraers for ever, aro-Trianon vehicle, Comber.. Chanel*
ll...hurtle/1. Boggle, Yhmtotie. 'kr, Lo, vlltlek. frotl3 OA?
long 111[y...firm,.
of thr ,tore Work.
tel the farilinee thry ha, they feel or
they are
enuta,l to Jo work au the wort ref...nimble ter.o
Moue minnuk arnclev lu their lino.
ino hortieulor anent:on tot eelertion of nialeriale.
mhl nom. hut nokprtont workmen, they have no
breitolem in r arronyana their Work. o therefore uk tbe
attention of tie nubile thim motley.
Ir II Repair-Ihr aorir In thr hem manner. and on Ike
mon ream...l , Irrom. )
1.4 1 A LL FAS 11 I I ust received
tt,r,l..rr a Mr+ LKIVII, No n
whirl, will bup.o for 'unarms., on Monday Itml rP
Fra, of ivrek. lie re you flihl a 4wnti
lul of om enurr bre sty le ol lltram Silk, tntin
o-no rile) &marl, on) Trim:ulna, N
tor Um +roma.
P. r, Claddretit lII.d
nrL t..1111.11.1k
Patent Shingles.
Frin E Sli INGLES ininle of Walnut, Pine.
and elw , tnut, votli N'...l'• Imlrown.l Plopalw Air
rnrwl,..l lbw firn prwmiona at lbw hol Volt of All,
Olway uu,hll lb. Plachibe ix In np•ralion ol llrn Ohio
'Janine. 1111 .1 loong 1 en. Plaurhwler.
hood .an la 1. In two pew tn. el. IL. 1.1,1t0.
nny Plod of tient., thot grow. in wnootr, 11007
iota", loan - foal.l roll on lb.
.1U 110+,1, rornrr Fourth m11(4111:04,
P U: II Uilll t:ll
Eisr.tut.aiincri Iril.,byND.3loND
101. K INS, N. 2-15 Liberty et.,
h... 1 of 4, ov.l min•rt.
illootuutatn..ll•2l.llfantu.ll.l.rtala r o.
Ir.. Mantle Yienrs.lYntra e. 434 I'M Top,
alvra). on haft! •gld 11.1. W ortlor.of the
saAortt Ilartarw, sod no nr, 1,10,0
1 Et. A cluact srlerfum u/Drtlinna, Ow
ft • 11.- moo:
4. 1 5141,111,
X from Ittlr. r"i
Ilea. liartaar Donny
( .4= k r 4.l,ltm k* ? .
.Jahn Anrdrr.
j. i l ltr th burnb Bank. orosuor Rahnt. " ' D' A ' o".
r• tog. Kill A Co do.
%limn MAC.. 4... Ron. 11. , A Mtn' "T en ' L A
Robert fir Kola 4. •
Joe. lArtioWlit, K. Riming. D. T. lloriait A Co.
bun. K ..
„. kohno Rhoden ♦ to Fruit'.
W S.L. irrst:Zl n Zi
Z4z,1141111 ... ttr . Lean in thin ' city. hetlnF hat the
tire, nod will &adsorb, to r•Awl'er""Ltarnl.britutovn."'r.
taieuted. Wan rieitn• n: A int Thinl
J ttit tv A..entity intim.. hie ItAixt•
ettelinnr• that lie lint no. iempleted the laryiert
ntleiitineel material., nest wertnaanehtlti n•ni n•neaLiti.-
lithh A •ttil Inm nf ht• onli re and heetlitc In
anufarturit,. he It enahled to lotted°, ararrann•lturn•
nt. the liintrit prreAe.
Ile hue ailnpled
ie V.* prinilrit
e of
no theand u.arti
ers interret will. h own. In
Ira on htmlu ArrateAt •nrieto ol ever, VTIIIII./1
furniture. from theattext aid p 1.., to the Farrel etie
Annt and nially, that • how, id snit ot Iv., that t.
fun/14..4 Indn hie noel, id matintseluttd entinnuil, no
toiler Ite theireltire in•twieitten. that the Alvan
tad, ef hie netnhtielintnint tut, to known Tbe•Adtiining
salute. emitiet • in part, id ht., *Atli. stitch rid riehttee•
C ell. of taii•li tin Unji.iiinid in ant id the
Parlor. 4twwl.ll, /lining. .61 ,fiwut, of
tuably. ~...ttf rn.wwowl. lualotrant nowt walnut.
KI Cuomertaluar um. If., erutt /It*
tipt.nn. t...ufv,T....wlet. /awl of /Ito lot.,
Prvalch 4.1 A nw,wan ,twetrrnA T 11.12 n, II kat 5... •n.. 1
La/11.s . paf LA 111 ti l ing 1/./.6. •arlota• .1114; ..rl. 1,1.4
AM fa 'y 1.1.1 5tunt1.1...1./- .4wAt • attl buldera.
;up. anah,sof .64 walnut ...Ir. onti tw.
tarn, es Ownrlan alnlnu tab/u, all .Mer l
.. ch. moat
an.l.l,lwllt the lw.t trod ma., and
.n d t n
r w .
0M...1 . % Sly! nto., mwrrlart ntul 1./1. ~ /www!tle
Ar. sem e
n. towel nut, bat .1.04, arbl tutt.6
an 1 Onto fur .611.1.1, utact, Lai. , anal lwa twt
LllnhOjr.y. rtow.runtl. and lukuti wa r ! 7,1,6, le- AA Au.
A laiwn woortAnunt o f l'auEntwn Furniture st.u. If tn..,
Chu, Cablltut tnaktuwou,lo. wllb all artle.. thew I
Straank transits and 11041. fur:n.ll.l rat Ih. ratan:l.i Polk..
All promptly 1:1413,1m1 k. • jrall
11. 1 1 A111,1..; ISARISLF WORKS. (emtahli4hell
1 Isn 111 .O
o hr KILLIUND I.lilN, No. Jo, ,LAborty A.
hone ol %rood Ann,. LONA...Nth. M.4...1.t, ,r.... 1
Va., Tomb., liotutonAnn, tn. Linntrl LlAno....notrn nod
hor To,. aln•rm on bawl, oral ALIA. to order.
N II A ob.. ...6...L.A. A 10n..n0. on A.L s•ln
The only real New York Plumbing FAtab
W if i E h ßE wnrk to done on Scientific l'rin
Mas. 14031 Mount,. Plumb., le all 31 brezothaa.
"done 03113 tar Moro , *auJ 3111,3
nba_. M 11431 up, 11
n.h. . to 315
Opth 1..... ............ . . 11,
anto arnoalo3n or aron.. ..... ..... at, 31
liftriton lawny., Pao. I ....11,•3. aalt Tray, llot Air
Yunnan, aial Lead Pap, ler:alma...a and pan opal lb. low
In, Yuan, aud Yard Putom lianmeungtant.
Po bawl. anal pot up at am dPlant, n. W. nun.,
"`""Plc'ritl.rt;i.JO, t.lvpon Wul
lI AY ANI) M N URE FOltliS— 125 dos .
it Hm m
•C. raled ay tvlob H and Alanure YurLti
h ' tiswat and for vale by
lia4r Street.
For neat.... of linlsh and Intrundr value tbere. Fork.
eannal Ire so rpm., /ow sto• how prin. at .blob they an •
e.,1.1 pund Ineorr 'their IntryldUCt./11 ty
■ PAPP It.— re vur 14 I, IN Prtuling PtPer.
" 114
11. ^ In boll. /4 b y y .12. 24 11, 34 . 2 N
by 41. 44,
400 Blur. Yartory b
Pap w
1200 bals Crown StraPaper.
700 II fdrdlunl
Z. , 50 Mndlsdn and Single Crown Rua
Tile Undersigned km, mud/Lull, nn hand and for lale
or *urban.. for Rau, tar, and general samortinent 01
Ruled, Cap. Lot., Ilanlwan.. and Too Paper., Bonnet
Boards, .ge
Alma—Voiting of alllllll, for paws 133=06 , 10re.
Printlng Paper made . order on short n 0....
811 FIE.
land corner of Penn and 100/0 at
. _
For Bearer County, any! adjacent Couniies,
for BU I
w S o C
ye ß a. l B
p E u R I ,
n hari
g oi been
ha l t Brighbo t and mlded cartoon thantwelweEnnahnf
in the airfoil, of the same, and durinn that time hip at
tention bee been Riven elmnit earlualrely hand Agin).
c!.. For the aoxwornedallon nf the robin. generally, be
i f l Tl% l ::VrarZZth . :Pl;tf i rt:taglL7i l t;E:
1,; 0 ,1,: r " E.., tor entering limo
Thera an now • nonaber of valnabla and fine reel
dancer In thr Borough And neleilarrhonl, for rale at low
rates, and wrote ulvant:rei
Tiller ',1a.," atrial exesolo....and no P. 10 . / rtl .
will be offered 1112111111 the title la Indirbe WIN
Perrino , desirous of porchaetog sill d..nd
examine for thetorelveri. BENJ. % -
au ellutio Real Eiden Astro.
.Law 2Fotice.
LiIIRAVE remumed.the Practice of the-Lone.
and will toe whole Woo and Wombat& ',IL
Eitef , TZ7t l' ol l lt l 4.= " V It: "j !.1. 71 :!..Mit7 , ! ' 1n,t!:
b, toolusi cunrent i bare Wren Joilth e li.llA3.l7oN.
part. rah,. idlineou Inerll3,nbnearlinitialrld
11. 11E1I1TON.
I. 1t131.--Innblimtnt,
--WM! 06LVINI.
; reIITLEY k COEViisi, Coal Merchante
/mien In Dry tiondso.mwries. In • awl Ynll
earrifr of Wolont an.l Wa•MtlogUto Turnpike
0t..14,1 •
To Printer
PRINTING OFFICE, amply supplied
:lib aII seinwesirr olaiwr.eln for doing • first rate
x and Job Hanlon, io o , l trini•tber with the tio-
LypErip nr tlol i kt: preini=nond w . 111 6 A,
o hx:py ah
ono•tly now. soil we tho owner. ani enneweiTrinthorViowl.
peow, will be mkt wnry winch below their welun. no wawa.
00010t1wit terms. Th. snow. Dr,inisto on .'tarn
iint.lnto °mum For pariloolarw alinif et thlwolanw
2074 Finothteva:ll•tibak 41/Ite, ief tp...
. .
A. A. MASON & Co. would mast ri.npcy
/ t
folly onlloot tho.thenthon nf 11. t. publto cone - Nil
ant 111. 11011kftin r. 1.• I
w,133111. 33elrehal ol ()nolo. thr fall and winter 3.4.1
hich 31.11 bo Inunct largo, Ilion ono the, boor Poor 1
tore ollornl r hare n•
311 a. hale,llrnw hfinlina 3 - .3.00 Jun. Iktsi oquare Sh..
100 •• Ital. tnnalolaa 1.-0 pro onnener tllookot
1440 flannel, 0331 - d. le loot ten., It,orool Prima
at Tishlng. 13,0 1 3- t'oonat) flortho,
, 1113 e 5.... atilt. Siltation ao. l'arounetaa
24 n' athoonna tee ,33 alpoonoo.•11 neon.
plaplan. !Joon non hertio In ea•.,.. Irsoh
600 3- 30 3 - oulorn Meant Ueda.
100 hoot otatoelothe3 hOt Vrenoll Flow.
sat f'sooitneroo, ace ao, pa an, via,
'4O latter Caoanneros, Col 1.0. eoloon3l • elrela
euirtn., Coatimerov. le..
t7l ownn l
rl n peal , 13. aot. Mow , .
ll'orned.anl Joan.. -33.1 attoortert,
13 3 . 3 4/0 3 3'. nab ovary .rnoo nouall 1103.3,1 03 •
thnolo .talohliolnnout. wo3lnt Ithatot r
~ r ota
Ikl7 M. DlOll Y 1147, 7 to inform fri.nd.
1h.t03 that 13 3 1.4.13000-/e. Kral ono, Torclonti
mores Soar. It 133.01 c Uthorth - thutoonblo to dean--rie IS
otorn.l3 (LTA rikle(llB,ls of the Pt, to and pattern. nr 11j. CM
oilorron and I r0w..., or the oaport3o goaltty ol hot - loth.
the pronrntor hones that, him *he 333.6 1.3) pun:hare an
111 . 0fls. Ili Ilk ilk' will Into, with an earl, eon. Al
Al tee I.r aro 1.0 Illskslitatlalk:. moot n...•
•,le .nook fli ILVAIa aIADI: 131 tlir <o r
.1144 .61uti 13111 1.3 ollerod at the ter, hotfoot proooo o t.
(OlotraHors.E.nontrr Mon - boon, lad all •110 porrhaoo
lanp'ly, owl!! 63.1 It wool. to Orli - alranton, m•-t•titthe
L e onals, hofien norchoolun, As they will wept with Joni
Krary ankh. to the Taitorio, boo cowl.. 10 orto n the
moat 13•31333333•1.1. otylo at the 1 „ 13..1 noel,
trot rate naleonato waotalr. orplO
.- - •
Copley 's Fire Brick.
COPLEY & CO., near Kittanning, !tarn
ritiT„". a t ::;Vr:
11 u, office. •Loroaamplooo ono to•oroth
J. on C /1 43,3 continuo to manotartuto clay, ter Mao,
6a-torero ant nolo,* J. nOtIOONMAIiRIt f tat,
VT•oil otrwet, art ado aaesto for th3s loot natural article.
11 TIE SUIISCIUBEtt haring taken the store
No. es FOURTII NT171:17, tormr,ly 'O M "!
r. KATON, and haring ti.timtr 'OM"! t same,
will open, an the Ist day of toptrhiber, with slava. =al
sarticr si ,, sk of
1 , 41141 V , hT4 PLR, 1101.71391:40 4 HOUSE YUILN NO
a l'
t if i ßi t tlf z ig.V . A k ..o
b / 7 1 , , ,,, R u N1:1 .
li t
I 4 atom hey nal obtale mono error hr. e.
ea* Mao rr:
.04.4 I. the city. hr inteml4 Jergfuas imrliculor
that to *ore branch. of hodhaer, Imrraning N. we e
13 - 4,;l=s;liric!'
Smith's Patent Self-Acting Hinge & Spring,
FilllC,2ttantion CarpilMent 'lnd Builder.
lo In*
1.7~ nrtklo, which k prknonnnol
uon .1 5... York and cat.,
Inoitalon st.l
who, it box 10t...F41.11y introdukilkna it nu. ,
ft, WWI :1 ',ow in Lb. I to It lo
Oak. of r•O130., IL.. Id ',trine t•on II.•
door ennkoL•oollil...slorenoc•• or trim
4.1 •loriam.on It rota.. 'To, it /kr 11.1. k to
n.I ..11 of r.noar, IF t , r, opolool oti.l io
oditotoil .4.4, Mhos, i.then. room..o.IollFr•loot
Ivo 1...1 I. No. I..rt
Flunpl.l. Ur, iln ernynotete.Ftil ortrel, r .
6- 1,1.0 I n • v0w.... t. J.'\ R. 11110k11..4.
. . .
" 110.. eh rurluß 1111 k.
fror Mr pal* P., Ato r l.lgal th tl..hrot
`1:1.•n " 7 1717n70. W.d.rn Nviatimrn
Ln, n,..212441
Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices!
Vow being ree6ro,l, and hand,
o lin
or ,14
IL , tot.
1•10141{ ,t4t.nyn.
T pk LA:,
Nsleh l l mt. ncrnt no/lint,. In Um. ..Laud
. n u .1.11 la Inn, 4.1,1 0.1.111 InL ,u/
tre •1 44 .Se
th• Oa , or.pnal nnol 1,1
alb.l *lwo I,ui rOl,
_l l a ll,l, I .^ 11, 11 , 11 •111 inxlle the •11.til1 , “ 1.e.14.1
CM.. 000I1L. 10.1...1 00.1 2 IA rmamtmo put
up AA 0.01. m 11 01
1 / 1 .11.110 Os
mIA im 140,0
!iI RON . ' I
11 r pecei3Opti
t , 0.,
New Drees Silks.
F: have lust ft ,. 11 a variety of ld Ora n e w
lanrr DrrFN arsrhnitna a kr iaarra. rot,
Plan and figatrd Illvk ,111 t, the laltrt of ur•
Al.;. 1 . 1.41.1 Frourla !It rim., nem - martini.. nor rnrr
Lkoirnbln Konlp for t4l:
-Togrthrr wins •to ncnnrlmnut (A Colt, enlorn 1, Of 1,31.
rich hlnrrr.n. and tiltrrr .1 I. Of pimp Mono. tfr I•44 1 / 1 0ft.
Pre m.,. nt rh.nirr , that. mud Mark
Mantilla 1...40rK 41.. ad. hoicks I.nng 4on,rn
Yhavrln Pari. ar.
110121 . 111 i
llorthear.f rot - Fourth 0t...1 Sfork..t
—•- •
1 4 1,
etetieriel atonorteurot epf Wove.. %%lotto, 1 . 2.111, 1111, Di..
!tun, V•rinsh, I t rrfumeren... hr., Ipelsolernle. mod ,
ot the. nt,ne At.-131.414.1'.
Kimball's Chemical Washing FlatcL
Fr., F... 0 in tur nUperior noy other
Plul.l or Sons vntor lore oilntril to li, un3tl.
A It ner.l3 In but n trial Ili ATI anr who mar lisro •
dow/d iin power, In remnrin, dirt or urea.. Inwoflotb
oiw. It will
Jo any way 'Warr Mr lf
arronling 10 tlio diNiguio, It If
U. 111 Iii by ,
..olio„ in NMI,. to 4till purolovam, l'InnI•011
0 'lull
"" ur none awl 81alli att.
o 2 sod ni Mark.lnlrret. or. oprolue end
tr.-riving molar . .hai roan. ni NeW 111/wwln, octiorrta
lit 05 ran• fa Lona. and Stn.,. rnnnn
Coliuri, and l'orariogta l'loth. n.nrri Casloarn..l l or.lnri
0101 De Lain, 10 Mtn. AljPllo , l.ll.
I. l omhazior,. t;.. ac; 151, i..ora Mark •ud l'an , y •
larva lid of Collars. o
,ttra, and olhor Alno. Fl•nuuln, '
(obutu, an.
OUSSEL'S A hIANDINP., for the Cure
•rid I l rvr.gition of Chnoyn.l Ilund• —The v.yea.
t il artre Petra 01 lb, /II
i llnl w t ?ligro i n
rtriiy'LlZ/lin r . ll=4 " ar: It.Ph .. r h a
virtues that It tun,. •••Oireration, Intnnini at
s never haling . rnlnetly tho woority nrolnorrneunr lha
•ilh Irian, arn attficlod - duilug the
rill of Ihn 'oar,
A ""4.'l [. " ll. n ts . l.lTll.'lliclt b irl aL
4ILVER. Napkin Rin,e,s, Port blotirotien,
1.1 Alnyn Oliver Fruit K0h . ..1 , i, CIA. Van,
. 1- roomordn. Toilet tilasam, Groin' Itnattitor
Frruels NP' lllaewa, patrol net Matoho., Pallas Slarbl••
Viiiur, Lill hooting,. llateliNtaoll.. Card Ott, Oily.,
Coto. ar,. 11. IlICIIA111*(1111. Lit .11arket at
• . -- - - -
SO bit "b.n. V. 11., Into., I. boo Ilentneo Pnnlna:
ond O. M. Tenn 3 bon HI, Flour,
a) obools ooloon and Cbt. .10 ban Nokrottin
lon To.; '2 b. Iningl.,
FO b. Orroo and Illnot dn. 'I,J bin Mar Cando,
10 blot. N. 0- Nucor,
2, bbl, Mat I,llti C11111.4i it ' l I:ll . llCTChtlatC
.11. / no .:n'td Tutu.", 6 box Cum. and Ihnson
V. 1., 8 6 b. Ahlenn Unwell
M Nava. end klub.% b. lornd Is land Mnord;
tig ISO belts Ono dal. VAN:
TS n:II ' l ' o 'Doff, 10 boo Clothe. on,
26 ba am: I eat Madder;
111 bo. 9 L nin. Java; / meant. Inaildn
6 boo bon Nunn nom 10 .4. Pot.b:
S b. Chunk 4, IS bbl. No 1 a 3 Macknron
Vann 6 Almond do: 2.1 bbl. N 0 It el Il Nola.:
6 b.
Hobble.'. 611 .,14rdr. 30 00. Uround Sohn,
t:: C ' . ' 7. ;r:;:ir" g it.' P:A v
~,, , iii:r:,7 " I "' 4 "" 1.1.711. TIV.110101):),"I"
Nor/boon oreor 11'0...1 nod 1001. 0.
w,,,,g, rtouno.... .......... -...: ........... -oon. I sumo..
English & Bennett.
IintOLESA L , E GROCERS, Comniesioi
•4:0..,/ .r-..6„ 0 , ~71noodhttoburghmu,.,4 "1 ., 4.,,. :l7tr.gttolttllanittfo.nPlih :I:77fle";l'li'nonarkot ratnin ..,,,..
~,,, t . r , ‘,
_tan f d Toboon, 2.60 boot 100 Cone,
160 " 0 r 4.1 . 15 ,10 .0. in , 0 . k . ..1 otmln Ihnno 7,
ii:,,,..., k ".. G S , CU/awn:tot do TO lank 4 0 1: 0 ! " 0 . : . I " 1 • .
i..._,, ,, u4),
5i ";: ....4„1 :; :,i 7 :...:::dir,l, 0 th 0n 5: ! ,.... 1n.c1 . 0 0,.. b . b10
1, 20 . ..
jl l l /. N0t....., : '"'
20 " "
5 LT,, ,, , , ,N 411FiE111 . Tilt, I
.vy, , :,,-;,, ..ondn, illbertn.:looO " Om/do Madder.
"" icy , zute Comm not.. :.1 ce.k. Alum
no "' e' il ea ` Pr. 4 mczniv,,r„iimp,
s o !Z.' s . , foam , . en.up. 60 " bonny ""
( . 0 " r"P" , ' '' . . 3 N .." 0 1 0 01:10 lIIp Csodlen 1
6,-4, '.:lii--.. lie bola Cronkom
Iro n. rt. 1,1" u "" e
• 74 •'' " '''''" '.:.,. 60 nrs ".lUn olotrbosll . : ' 1
:01 rt . . pi nO.tblo &f d i n.r.
:;c ~,,,,,, ik:' 4 ,7l,. c, tanno., W itn&Crr.,
' CV " , •• Ilarsaa ,- Mask), srl &rot Chit.
O' •• . ' bloonal p:17.1
• .
9 •
HI subscriber liar ill store and utters at
prirws, or.' afts , rlrtie.nt of Alreea, Coboyr,
Po at,l firm,' a
Wow. Je Lwow., P. flioy Print,
Llorwy, 1'I•on.1, Ttobwt. nlrrl,llh .nd 11.1.
en long Shaws. I rich 1 . 111 /!t , Poogorflsodkeertar lw f,13c%C . .
brt,wlPaddlog, Cantu, trrour•ll., Id•rk and white , N,4-
tlngg. Ll.w.n. nod silk Let,lllAbott, Lawn T 51.1.•
11'0t.11..0 (L•lnforl, 11110,, Iliwlrrr, Thmoul,
Iluthm, 41.0 • 'no.. t.rkty DI hrouh, L. which
I .ngt Write 111.. ntleolloo t 4 wen - thank pod
peull•r, melt C. ll'ond
. _
Ladies!! Read This t!!
I N THE I'll Pditi, and velll atmrtly lie ready.
R. ...TIN 11. tall %IMP TO Tilli PIANO: roMpriaing a
Yall'ilro.riptiou o Ili, miiiibanieny a the inatrayornt. Ilia
de110..., to • hlrh it ii 11,1,1, (smut 310 in ounit...rt. it,,
Ill..litnl 01 . tv01.4 illic ...rh defrer. aml lortrurtione haw.
lairo I lir ito.trion i cit ally, ain tamp' . lly P. II Taxi..
~ po
Naryirwin h ring a Piano ationid hare a mt., of thia
book. No work o I tie. libel ha. torrr brier. hern putiliair
ad. The lailiirmatiou it lonia,. til worih iww a n tr u m
1 ...,
Prirri—one dollar; and, atm.,: iit,her ieli•tilaWrai it win
..11...tonily iruard yiiti front hayina your Piano apolleil by
nneltilliiii tuloir.l.
Ladino and gentlemen in lb. rill, of Plttidittrati mat
Allegheny, Ch a ir
rarly mph.. of It...ark. ran he fop
nieliel at thcir ne.ddrimia by inttriutt their whim. st the'
Oliva of any a the Piltiihneall morning pap., or at the
moth-A[OT. 11 lipooina John U. 11,11.,. Wiral street. mid
Henry K tidier, Third +trio,
Br netuthic t•tto dolls, to the aniline, at lAA Gazette , of Illthilita tab. a ropy will ft. torwanlial. Inn of poetawr
ear Part 01 thr linitr.l Mai.. lint cop)... tt e U., do
lan a liberai di-.rant lo lepoli erlli.roi and Al neir deal,
This o lo an mon. approprodo pram...F. that a gentler
ratnnt in•ii n ii In a lady dy
rel than a <op, of this leadt.
Chester's Emporium
k,l EN'S WEAR, etollnwing every ortielo
12 needed for • gent'. outfit. iforkensnohln war
ranted: prime ennunenuurate with the time..
Bow' 114•• —Una, Iran ;41. 'run. old and many.,
turnhhed • entophle outfit at the eliorteed audar.
111Ix1 unite liars' Clothin nn hand. Alto. ILI,' MIN.,
Mures, thhqu.ndet, Yg
errharle. tJaitere, !Nu*,
Cam de.. Ar. IVe etiadr In puree,
norll. 71:alai/Mehl i.troehnear Ihsmnalel Alley.
WI INEIVATCIIES, of the beat Eno.-
li.h. Perla. mid Genera mianularlurer., now ae.
Mt /JIM.. an 1 , • , 1/.41 variety prlrro- , and at rerr
!hirer lwrrr Walehm from . ... -413 00 to {WWI
...... on In 11.0.00
All Watehea w•rrantrd on avpim , enl;4l. La. the waned no
lag •Zhted ba . atirN:oPF%'"l.• Vrrnb.:l'i'w"rrl:;7n
Ilarket Ft, rum., of Fourth.
Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple
LL, 1
A. WILKINS & 'O. ,
11 - 7•114171lIkri. Doe hl.
I^., -7. I
, .,
.. t,
% aMeaat
Unlled etatr. ire ....---...1uu 117 - liinlln 3 . 11-- )I1
Ile SIP 'IOW 102.1.'1n0 ' , ln Pena A
Pent, le•nLa W. ..... ..... i lia', 1..,.•1n4 AnaL ... 1 .1
p,i 'l4 Int. •I, Ann,
A.11, , ar Ckl. n: . : ,, , , L ,; ..., , ,. ..... . j {: 1. , ..,. i r 11 , ii 1nt. , 11.1 ,, • Nov'
1 , ... , _
. c . rnrt,tl,::7 hale I i .;, an
Pitt• Air , h r:r ..n .. • lop. ~ ' ~7 , 'lnt, 4 uly
IN, 'lmp. r..s. 11 111... , 100 . ' . I , ' \ 4.
'lir g''' ' r. ". a . t",A;:i.bili. IX 4
i(1 I . it r hUrC h ...- ; nu ;
r .
4 • c ho
4t.. „ p , \
eAorrlmolo't Menu(llant, yr ~11, ~ ~, •lnrhnure Dank.- yo 51 4 Ye 4 •,InAlleghri, damn,. banll
.. ,\ \
” '
\ ~,\
alnannoltela nrialge... I • ' Inv kilt- j;4?'
11,1011;:t 1 1 1417 1 P f... .... 1Y1 ,.... " --'
willlyraspytt Drlli, .... . • :gr . 1., i ''l, „
• N•lr.11.411C11. I
. 1 - \ k t \
Wrotern Insarranm 111 .. j, , . , ~ pr
L'lturnr' I n.tirtner I', ... '''' . ' ''''' lii 'r - I ,' ,.‘r ' ;..I ' : , 4 (
L......c1at,41 Piteurtrio 6 i 1 ; i 1 "..., \
Pirt'th 4 , 1 . 141'01. 15001 1 44 IDlr4r, 3pr ~• 1. 1
f . ,l:br e :th, a Ldnalnrillri 14 477 47 iii 'a,
~ do
Mora... al al'
.... :I f':,!: . t' .. . , :: r i b . ' mm” '
CUL 111.0,D. Naar. arraii 1
ewe, Ar_,
.. •
pattabarati al. Warka.....f ~,, a ~, \ Div Jule Apr,
Monongahela lileck.araner; acj t xj Il,_ I -
Vouahluehrnr $ 1 . 7, .. 7 • 1 r.M . a, I I
l'enn . a. Ventral Ilaul 0,04 (4, , 4 2 1 ,14 I.
014nt A 14310 . n. !tut lloadr ,yo' , ~, 4 , ,
114,1 r. t tlhio Rail Rim.. i i„ 1 ,!
Clovelasal A %ensile It. 111 , ',II Iyi I \
tael. s• "* l l l!it r' " ! k ..j II ' III '‘,. 7 , 1 1:','`J' i. • th, ' Pt '
ia,, ~,,,,,,'14',,,,,,.,t0iti)--.,1Z iV. 1 ~..
Torl i l ' a . Prook .1 14ali% ' i - ir,:::, ,, , , ; , . 1; i i t.,
Allea. A l lllerrymalll 1111411 : 1 1 11 1 ••''
,in.enebe. Tnroplln.. 0.1 -! GO, ti '
Cliartiera Coal Co .... ~I .li' 7 1
0011.11 I
Alioulatita .., Rao lao 1
Ilt.iburgh a Ir.orrun ... • ; .•. Ins , i.,:l ,Ins, II•11.n. tin
North. Atn.riran .. .. '.. •Zu ... .Nrlr Stork
North W,,,t_...
North Wettr.rn . ' -. a 3. 'l '
Iron 4111 • I ' (a 1 I
Korrea . .. ....... I 3 ; 'l`.
ralebureli I A
leir I ntl el., .. ... , ...
i 1.‘,;:c.',7.-
lt.gll,Po 11 01,1:14.11 . .... •7 , j - 4
. 1 1 riu '. .. " T • g3 ' , . Il4;il ...
r r . r r ..
r I.' .
tato. 1 ''''
i'ltrnt...l 7 . r .... ..... . r ..... , ~.
. 141
' ,..1 . : , tr ....
LIMILIIVI. DM" MI TV. 1 111,..8101.111 114111171% fl
No 47 ,U4r Lyn 5i..10.e. Mord and Jinn-IA ea. P 1 ,1, , ,, , ,.
1 . 1.N051 1.0 ANIA. Itirnork at 010.4111E4
!tank of Ittbdrorkh - ....part...ant-1e at hooout --A ,
...Iran., Itank .0 do par'llraorl. at \ /km. .. .1,
Mrr an t Ilan of d•. . -. pa/Brawl. at loastadrstaron.... a.
I . . 1 •01. orCeattment. _ par Om 1 ....., - do
, 11.1,1 nt `• &rib ..arrOs— par 0./11nr. r, rsl 110.0 throl.olol.4lr.
i Rank tot Vorth l old , a/rtarn p.r Itaukllte look - do
hook ~ I 1 , 00., lawn. .par,11.a1ik,..... 1 , -.13... _ ._ do
. look n. P.-ort Torro.l.lp- par'. don law 1.0. • V - rurt Co do
Ilan/ of et.. 11t.X.1 ..1 at.. 1 1 1 1intrt... lborb. Xnok ._..ln ••I ek. pot Llakk .4 Man Ilk.-._..._ do
barforre A 01. , r11.01.1r5' Ilk par small Ned.... _ do
I , l , taard 14.. d. Par I;. 0.01 I..hill.thi.
. 01 r ..11Vt . e " .1 0 1Je.n k , Ilattl r ' i ll "" I: l : *'` ,l,is . --.,..:
11.•t0...r.. bank . .- . - par hes York I.Ntr
11n..eknen.lor Broil par e% untry.
.. .Mr MAI:ILAN.. 1
• eouthwark kaak. - -1 ..1.... 1 .....1.r.. ... . •
~ -ar
Trul.m•un Ronk Dar ...Is.) • \ i
W...4..r0 kook . . --- ..r.r h .10.10 dr 1 7 il.k r ii iill2
t ank oiCharol..
C rxhurgh 1 . 11 n 5 1ren r 1.1... „ 7 , ka r., - .. .. . Is
Hutto( bastrilla par Ilk ., nk of the 1 11,-1.- 1
kiwolt 011,1 00.. Linator-par Ilk I.rglttl. 14........ 0 .d - \
11.olt of ilermardown... par X. Rant.
, :.. l odk -
bank 01 tenttr.toark4.- -. I Yam.... bol V Irotota -
. 1
flank of I , rtsto•o..-.... -- kl.rrhAti.' • Ilarh. 1..411 ••
Max% of Mt htletos o . ... I North Mott,. flank ..-
51.011.011. 0. 1.. t Ifauk..- kw. Itranehen
li.ok of North one herland-parl 1 4 1 1 1.111 CARA/LINA
ea.r11.1.. Hank 1:11aok "1C.... Prat. . -. . ...,'
Colombo. 1.1. A llndaseo-par,lik nI Pt- of he llearollna.... :I
boyl.-stown Hank par l rovxnerrlal 11k.,....10n0g10 2
Canton Ils.ok razi , l.nnsski II; }I, IN...b.rat 2 '
I AOl/011 CAitOLLNA.
harrarrs 11[71 buck. Co-pnr•Ill of Ilse 1 , 1- of ii throb. 2
v.,,..y.,...).10.1,0e........ ta Hank of Pouth Carnbua..-- k
VarunriaLiaokkorliesanknr ii. 1 .1, neh.lnu , k----. 2
Fkakk lik.nkkkiktill. 101 l'lnntnre A 01 ..liaohs' Ilk 2
Part Dm, • Waytashurx . I tlt 4 11.1/IA.
Pr.olt•Jto FILM ...oakum par Macon. /on A Muth ut e.
b".... b ...-- ..It - A. th m= d. l....k
...-- I'X of In..rkt. OC.MS
. 1 1 .`shlEntkl;.•
Lannoter County 11... k•-par All n 1 v rut hank.. -._-_ 3
betranoun Bank Iv KI:NTCCIiY.
Minn Hoak of rottniil. 1 Ilk of Frotocky,boutavar 1
Ifkkonnt.4s kart.... par Ilk of lnulseillr. Tbut...... •
Imola fkramrke Mani..._.__ blnortlern ilk of Ikenaineky • 1 1 0 14 h entacky •
York 1tudi...... , __ I 1131ikatl:I.
kkliof Nc.k.---•-•• I [ mutt
kliasar af Uncurl.-- 1
ONIV. 11.1allo18.
Okla Sts•elikU-,............ 1 ailata• Donk nrul brankba...43
OrgarkbVt Athae.......-.....--doinank of 1 1 11 Pn1x.....- —76 L
lirmal. at Athrzy.---. do Mll.O/1.0.1N.
Craw bat I.r.lrport dniMarlon A XII, to. co akk.l
traart at Chthent....- do Mltill..-
Lan ,.
Mr&ott. at U.... Land . .do kb- Lane, Cant a
Branch at
11r101 1101.4.... . - do llor.romPat .14.0 k Itard....-3
Pr l &
branch at Ittawens . . do'foxarnorrnm.p.n . i ~ .... a
Ilranrh all/..lutobas .. ...4.1.....4.• Pant
._ ... 3
14...1. &AAAlabula.-. -Jo ['Ahab * *.
Ilrao , ll at ..• .1 010 0 • ‘m...L...Torrlakd
10-sorh at k1a,11..1.1 .do 1...n1. . f Ar1 . ...01.. Toronto.
Unt...b al k•ney. .. - d 0,14.. t.e X add, al
Plarrrli 011 tar ir,datr. 40,1".1 .. I) I an-a k ~, , iO ,
i1r.1.41 1110a10.1.3. 4.1 k 001 kg`, 1
11 10 •
.11 4.1 k
flrsto 4 xi
10 Ns...maim
1. Ilk 0.. L.l 11 r. a.. .- %
I.tam.b at
1...kne1, at 1.......... .t 0110, 101
,11rie. r.• do ...
klararts at u. 11..• 4. 111,1 Ted... Mkt I. 45.1..
Ilranch If llt 1.., ... .10,10lardrIrnall r.
ilraoch at N.......t. dolkon.ala.
1.......1. at Mtn. . . do .... 1..0...
Warn, at t•prtoc-.1.1d . .101101 I. llk Il ....WM.\ A a
Iletarh at Mune. &1c...0dd...en. e1p.......4 t 0,..
' too at TM, 4.1 dd. Palm. . 1...1.D
Prnneh al Mt
.101X..1.• 041
111.0,0 al 2....n..0r 111. .. do Panto.
orot Th . a n . l o . w . al 1.r.a10 .
. . 10 4ht,l
Ilrane.Ma atbe,ta
ra r h at Pata t o . ooll.P. .1... n..... _ to,
rani at
E a. na ....- - yin Tuhldrra 13
0.1. al t'lnltlrtaltta . .10 ha.xJnoni . !''''
Ungar!. at (let, shoo.. d o .1.. a..
Dranel. at lrolnh. do
• -
Tn. r , : 1 1•. , .1a:-R , r.mrnl. stun n.An,, In. ma. 4
no* in tb. IMErer
tit...or...erg, ( . I , atultar,ar, Peal/A.looa.
N. larlL.l.ratargt. rantr. .MI Nana. ra par , al Tart.
it la•ate.Nr• Jrt•lt •tv.l a...,. N... haa1.,..1 "maw—
the Httla.ti I . ta‘tatrat entaa/a. Nat• rralta, stet
Nat, Datt.wat...dailt •rrttav ti ait ,
Pt0..1 44,Lis - ftlatrow.ll.. *l.l 11....14,1.ur5tn1.,
italaullar tha ratetal•r , al lirval,n/. Caoslaat,
taw Jurist; I.yrataata, %Mtn, Alrheaa, Pam.,
Valaa, and part al Weruntashout, Litarmart,
Slurn,Frilia,al•ta Itoada. ,•• Al•ottalrat. and iattli
.ata roan, al 11 1.t0.: depart. Jail, 41
Batt, P.. at•rmr, Craal , .l./. CAI Jrtrrrarn
trart ../Ne V. or I and upper rultal. Jnll
Antror at r K.
S.riltf.F.% IAD Warrs.a.— It) Wanhington, Pa., Ur«,
11 ,onr..rrat, part esintnreland Veratml,
lialtrao•dr.,ltarLingtonl'd, r ,,, tharn atm' Wert.
rro part , azal Indiana. art:duet,
A bd.... Itlvarmr). 1 11,traippl, Arksarta•, North Can.
ana, treora•rt. knukman. Vkprala. Trltar., datir. Arrivra
at 44,r. a . and deparla al 6 a...
1n,,1-11/ Fxrattn, Marna, Itarinato.
/loran, Part., I', Ilniltdartr i.l.te. Va., Jrarm.,
rrm, Carrnit, Ih.lturr, and Tu•rarawra• rountsr.ttlo,datir.
Arrire• at 11 r. to.; dr4ar4•lll t. Id.
Ntitrn 111 , rtra.-11, Itny ar. and Ohln.—
Braver t'ulumbiana, IrtnutAlll. Portarr, tlraugn.
altte, Mrdina, Cu) altrr. , “mtnit,Lakr,
Illithland, Lori). Ilumn, Ottawa. Sokshloakt.lVond,
and 1.00.• mantle., Ohio: Mr ertsvunr uorthrrn
of' the Vtatr,l.l V Indl•or. d Minot., inriodin,, .11 Mirhd.
gnat, and i , arLardo.d an a4ty. Anlvon at II a. :
pen. al II A...
hurvantau.— Pt) Ithatjahnne.llouatrn, Springliold.Taren.
toot. k K.lthulnitu. A rtuatrood, Oar.
Int, and Ct.-0w1...1d coutdies. duty. on Nualas. A,
rite. at .1 A N and .I..nasta at 7 u.
Parana Ity I.rrpry . ..vain!. 7,llmarloln Pollens
Ilarltuntioty and 14,•• Tu..lsq.
thuralays, ttu.l Aaturday. at 0., don.thi 7 A. AL
/111./.1.4.1‘ Sturio.on'a Vinloy.3ll, atul Mn,..
. R .,,h,.t a et)). A 'sir... .I . u.m.lata. V 1 .1.1., at r.
sia,va 11.111.4tIaya.and Platurdat. at 0
thstoaso...-111 Buchanan, Straors Hun, 11 r/it . ..q.t ., .
Cm] VW.): Bllsahotht.oan.
h . u ah r's
l Ro
otr n a n ve, W it a
s+ —
~ lolaaian. Perryopo/ht. K.. 1 ~ PlaB t ddh, ao P. Arlin%Sualaya aynad Wyd U imalaA, at :na LVI M
lAnday od
huamla`a t
V Aa blrclown. tinder,
'lLthanr, V.. Atm.Munehyaand T a t . r no v ' , at
lU V ..
('';lff,7l."'ATutlori 'lC...rill, Moon, flop.
l*, If rattatnrt rpm..., Vairrlov, . Arrivr•
prat,. at a T. lc ...pasta au Batunlay. nada K.
MI/LIA, 7 / I ..—U) Azar's. North. Vlsaltlugta, ao.l Apoliq
Pt. na Wnistaalal. at 8 r. r. driatetr ast Ifosulay
at d
LAAIMAJEI).-87 Lousat's Pam. Arrlsra nn Maar. af.
T. II.; datatrta nn Vattrolur n at 0 a 0.
Wnsfont, Ugh,
Pnvlnct, Ar.„ - Includista Wuri.n and Vanansto
counUna Arrlna trt-arcoltly—ttunday, W.alnenlay,and
Fridaa, at 7A. at, mad dapartn Turatlay. Thurnlay, awl d i k a a.
faith,. Mc daily Walla usual In (lir Offlco mahout
beforn 11.1, &Tartu, tatters tut lb, trl.wrekly. arasl
trvekrely.MAYaasul d a•vkly mall. tn.t be the Urn, half an hour
Drug Store For 80e:
a good retail hueinon, to a lithe adjoining OP
. !mutre for term, and particular. o J. F kid &Co,
U'oaal etre.% awl J. M. Towneand, Marko treey
burgh. `nne..7:tf
United State, Patent 0 ce,
Pronoun 4, taut. /
g IN the petition ofJ ease Unny, of IVil
lJ Ina. 141 aware., praying fur theettortiou of • ; mnl
granted to him fur an linproremetd \ in the arrangeme tot
Fearing tor tirlring machinery, for fIeVPD year. from he
expiration of aald patent, which taltAt p l ate the sit •
day of February. A. D I t
It le faltered that thr mid petition be Leant at the Pat.
eat Mificu ou Thusly', the 6th of February. W. at Cl
o'clock, 51., and eJI persona are notified ta'sPfear end that ,
If PSIS they have, why raid pithitiothiuglat not nibs
Pertantnannosing the ex lanai= ara required to late In the
Patent Minn their obteetlema, specilkeily oat kWh in arrt
flog, at least twenty day. benny• the day or heart., all
toothnony Meal by either party to by used lathe heeling.
moat be takenand transmitted dEI arryirdaure \!orith the
rule. of the ottire, whirl will he furulatted no application.
(Inhered, Slmo, that Ills amine te publithed to the Na.
Modal Intelligencer, wad Unieh.of d'aehthelon,
I/ C.,- Kt area.. New Yore: Providen? , . Journal. Proridenee.
!Made I eland; Daily adrertieear. abwowelawatt.f
Pennsylvania log i; ire, Phi ladolphL, I•nburylr gam: Pitte
burgh nom Putabliegh. Penn., Iran* and the Jon.
nal. Wilmington, Delaware. etre wanly far three oaten*
Yee weeks previous te the fifth day of Februarylsaac
11111. R. KW DANK,
• cletYlavrllw Oommieeloner tit Patent!.
Copper Stoet.
Ilhananta Illtanx 001310a07
Sim tt
Un e nd Mrs.& at low LT
" — TI I eitrek wad Ifte
..p a a bin °'
r Mark. sad 1110.1
Exchange Bank.
A FEW SIiAB,ES Oa. Stock \wanted by
/i. W ICA 1?(S • W.
VOIINELIAN large\ ask)*
v,/ meld of varlam ita
VitiSZ=loo , boxes W. for eat —
.44 - 6 Lk". anam63
. •tt .
\ \\, ,
• ', \
\ - ,
, . \
\ ,
' . ~ , ~, ,
'S. ,
\ ',
\ \\
. ', . N
\ \ • —.
\ ,
, , \ s
~ : ~ , , ,
, .:
~. \,,,,.• ,
... _, ,
' \
Pl'f'lSillflt(if (iA*I"I'E. I The Now 1 ork (3nricr and \ngturer,ota la
le der upon Lonis Forirth as a tviux 11 7 4 y o
, KOSMITII AND TILE ATE.pisr NB TEM. I eirks-wei
th ehav CA111.95M, the\csuprg 'and
\ , \
\ On Wedne 4 day lost, tba s \k*n s t nt a at II the mciplcs of e Ilungariart struggle, ang ,
~ , ,,,,,, L, 4 t ,, A i i ,,,,,,,,,, o f (1,, mi„ h ,,, E „, E t l / 4 ,,,..„., ornent as o'er, and erre /.41,311 be;;•ournncleavorth,
to_save he neutrality polteroof tin l coal try-
ptiquirrh. in, hew-Vork, .
,L o 9 Tri and "ti- rmp,ared, we stillcho.i,,t, Div ere ecttpt the i
liameburgh, with n large non& r o their hoe N.,, Onisno Louis - ositdh. \ Ile 'ls ace of tha oral.
ten frano the adja7ut country: re "ntroduce; gallant spir .1 of' the ase-,sof nkqueitichableselti.
10 KOPAth . There\ were oho t rig.hundred khusinem, of nconyieelhle crictrage. ortividyhog .
\ -\, ..
prMent, oul in their4whalf, Der. it n , ft , de. Votism—si ed 'Piths the most. \ sPlenald en—
g 1 d meno. and waste ‘f an eloquence that l'l * "
livered died:ollol;ring a dresa•
\ ; tee n an Molest =Me poort — tr orer the bid.
Junk ralohs ti --d ddrens you in e n\rne den ekergico of the hintiu,sold. If he halt Ms
of Ministers of th e Metb list Epineopol church f cults; he helongn to that 'kuro order of . men
the eititss of New York. \Brooklyn :no& 1 1 . 4- 1 whore Pdilts spring frem the n'ablest partof their
li shurgh, and sicieity 1"e havealre.4e oen\lature it in the very lortiner of his Inutgiria
we omed to' our shores by‘pitn. fellaw-eitk t nm, AM' br nory—opirituality* bin tempent
witb n enthusitostic admiratiokfor your per men% that Ingrny him into pcaatical error.—
and h illiant achievements, in 'whirl] we folly r Q 4,, if m,,,,, w 0 w e may, ore know \that
Vfftimpat WO,share to their orniPry for yo r, no ends are igh and hia motives‘puren ;Lie it
erin an n ' vtptive, rind in ‘ ‘ th ir universa I, ni in of tacit ld of hope—bot, MIA, a falth
y and atitiele at beholding yen
and I hope tha the nighty spurn the actual re
kescape rom the s pursuit of yen!. \\ enemies. Alien of life—thahlike the faith and the ' hope.
1 we wit, copectully, to nildri\t!‘yeu no 0 . (he Alpine heril l ic the Exudate:: mimeo him
i tan mi "skin, prmpted, 39. trc \nobly inteviiblime, untri ta \ tho, the end whet \of 2 LI
y that ligion ifilicb 11.39 HS SC A% p the elorl(laiv ruin Sur,,,y he geneou"eryen in- " ,
iJ that noes 3114 sanctifies th ,`.fer- Litre NV . I Kossotb,
quick to believe or at ,
°burrito te you 'to your adher vo hit hismung eanoettnes y‘lllnll for,. Ought id be \\
, rellgioU , nneipic which led yo in- dealt willr, in
awn ge laud, with perfec‘
reject tit temptihg 'offer of the h itlk, fairness, 4\ll. if potsible, bh oecured from LA- \
offered n the Viberty mod y l,O -v \\ primillon ~
nu 1.41 if fr/Ini your OM) Coll.-
Upon r . bpd‘tion that you ohoull,
hristihnlt nitrate the
while e\yloos fellow
;my, you. sir,
' , l , ,ileatit to
it;:roie pre i
Initlln . thin
onity Vouch
"0 hinhelf,
Mil whiMi,
~\\.., or rl‘forno
meNteli. si rending it,
q 011 \ yr 4colintrielf \ I
to r ` winciple
' ef I Z. ' %ein 'L' pt t in ln ti e\
'lvor Aind wee
tat Bich sit
\ 1
0 , ? ... sh
\ l a r
F I ,Sto
kl, i,seen
*Th - dy I
feet ' ' ri \ a' h '''i b
trVii:in„ In
renoo 0 \ ye 4
ItlahritO,pui foii,th
etilen•onone led t,l,e
nobly reprke, thd q
the altjurnk of ' T A
N, \
, ferenee of Ilhr lit iyt
deliberate eltni.l Or .Q
tney, exhibit, n riot
wan illustrated by itv
and \ \to hit, imonedi t
after enturien of de a
woo re 'red by bethe i
`They plild in German ,
tian, wh ee it grew and t
broneheuo Hungary n I
toy thim fi adliernoco I
Christianity, eve n in sight n
alternative - of he acceptance ~
\ \
boy, hag endea cl yno to oor
for you n gloryllt f ronst equal to
i -ronnds the memo of the many 3.
I, We have per, el 401, also, with j.
ide, that in an suXopeg o t, r , y,4
k owledg,ed Co..] as i e source or al
had ineeke.l Ins aid it\ Imhoff of you
renew exiled, nod
,motionliering c oo o.
Nor Bove we been inattetliire th the turn,
the like grooopu . nf jorayNt,,, Christians
your tlf iVP brethren for tA ofpoor
undefile, religion thronghoth the land. ,
Throw inuo ore plain iron \ltiono, to ou I
(led will, on, or Inter, app6ior in bob Alf
your down4rodolen brethren,. will break Ai
\ , io revival
yoke , of theiNpprenPnroo, and fintkly Pet the cr,p.
lire free. An, , , , may yin, illnoottloton nir, not
only live to seetihe happy ern, but Noon be made
te the Oasis of my hopes fitg the
I am sn intimately convinced of al,
the cause clf my native laud, that it
Ode that the blessing of Almighty ft
not be allotted toils future. Very oft
Providence takes 3 course Which mpg
cannot be understood by Weak human
taut hy-and-by circumstancea prove that e•
our ntisfortunes We Will 31 )3 , l fool realised
great truths that What ling times to WPII do
and even our tuts fortunes are only a menus t
that end, and to that aim Which find - has tutvign
ed to us. Though even now I have foil honfi
deuce in my enontry's future, (I have very
strong reasons to have this confidence, but Yot
nil the motives of ot; hope, trust and confidence
'together, are not an strong. and giro me not 90' .
Imich enn , nlation and so notch hope, as the sto
g/ei ennsolation that there Is a (lid in tlita ren
who estotet admit that a jtutt rause ,heuld - hr
doomed to annihilation in this world.
plause.i It is not of this saner that t draw.
force enough With rny nnketted strength to co
on in that tray - sliteh I consider to ha tho itutyt
of honor—the duty et inctitined by rellgion—;he
duty prescribed by one 1,111g103 to evert memberof mankind—presmiled by that great iniutte-
lion Whit h is the bast, of .tl/ virtue nn earth-1
" Thou shalt love thy neighbor an thyself. "—,l
[ Applause t Tbat is my •rtrinciiCe. nail upon I
this principle I willgo on That isthr prinni
ple Which gave me'the hope that when came
to the United States that 1 would find here tho
great people of this glorious country noting etp'
on this great p r IVITI. - -lrhich in not merely a
theoretical, but a practical principle—tritieh
signifies love to nor neighbor,, pr3etjeally and
effectively, by deeds oat acts demo totrate&
Tide 13 My hope even now—for 1 confidently
hope that the more religictia sentiment 1 bud
here in the United States, the more I "in he 3, I
red that I Will find the chief rtilo s if my fsithre
alised towards my notion —and #4 , ,V31., every -
other nation of Europe --it, rich manner that
even the policy of your country will not IT reg
ulated by any wooly policy, hot by this great
principle of Christianity Which nor, 'in any
case can be afforded Withont having the'convo•
quence of thg departurc come back home.
thank you nitre more for your generous anti
ments—l hope to have a more agreeable uppity
tnnity to reply to them.
lir. itnngs,-1 soil., it Will be fatiguing tff
have an individual introduction to the brethren
Kossuth.—To he sure, it will he not only ft,
tigulng hut quite impossible.
Dr. Bangs:—There are ahont one hundred
Methodist Itlinisters present, who synipothise
with you, and pray most earnestly for the salva
tion of yourself and your countrymen, and for
their libcration from the thraldom in which ty-•
rants hove pla6ed them.
Kossnth.—The entreated to go on with the. in
terposition of I your prayers heroin Almighty
Dr Bangs—We wish to he understoo.kthar we '
do not enter into a politico, debate, but address
you solely as Chri,tion ministers, who have con
fidence in the lgoodnes of, God through Jrcsus
Tho\Ne \ w York Journal of Commorco in an an
tide orr'Pepular ()elusions.' in which the so
called 'spiritual rappinga are shown up, has a
distinct allasion to Judge liJwiirilt;,rif,. the Su
perior Courtor,pkw York, who, is central arti
cles recently pi 4 t4isheil in the Tribune, has fig,
nred as one of \ these who avail thernsdres of
these 'spiritual, aninifestationa Tbo Journal
4.,_ „ •
B ,lte personal filendt\pf ti learned Judge aver
' e represents hinuicif to he in daily tom.
.7 lion with the spiritof a decea'acit COEIne( , -
• claim, that...the\ sympathy between I
o constant and tin; i rm that in the in-'
- oromuni,ation 'he . 14 in the habit of
' Inmate in respct o topics to he
hick, placed next 's heart, cum
' atthe enecceding i terriew with
' uon !depart .'T h 0 samepen
r, , that he secit i giltuact in
Judicial funct ion from the
pirits. .\ .\ •
of the medical,professian
I adherance Ja`the \same
cit one that be . as
in r egard to rrcecriii .
itherof the indiNliftr.
ounce that they . .. Ara
tensional practice
, and, inateatt'a
f respoesibiliti, \ :
alga' them to ,
not already
6 reluctant
‘II weakness
bin it, Os
lion, a
them is
tent& of
making me
Wald respons
further act
0011 smarts fort
thttesercise of hi.
advice of departed
ItCputahle monstm ,
are necused of pricti
errora.nnd it is allege
fussed td.,conault the d •
thins 'for the lisina. 'Let
alt alluded, to.publicly an.
goaerned.oriptluenced In p
by InteTtrourso , with *hit de.
- qaafliinlng thent.' peaitiene
pnblimsantiment Iroilld justly
the Lunatic. Aniline. . If, they
condemned, ft fa ticeame the petal
.m.entertifechargesitatt imply meat,
or perTersloi on the port OfOman . I lioaortd.witl“ts einild4ce of,
\IVIIAT L.f. Pir , troscal7,7-LiVe , .ru,seina this ilsor. l
‘T , ,iriig ft fritter fr' u on , Fnfluent 4 INgentlemsti oft
IPh ilsdelp his, a mrnther of the 'A tkodlit Ei)isco
prii lihtirett, none tieing that II "IV - AneCting
hi IQ liti held there Mtmorron er n g.,' °Pam.
' n t akel .u y membera o the Church, to linolditk . the
prat ynt memori, Itring the ne t \Onerill
rioter e on on the sul, to. of -1, , ,i do e o tg , to
(hot . , IX. A rimilor a mnineement nliel‘r,a in
the Phi liielphin Sun. {'hat the, exactiohia, of
th e mea,,\•,, demanded., i. \ not. stated,-,X.,.-1.
\ INlstiswn "tissouth.—The Nett rusk
dive that Mei ins Kossuth is more like
yif; than her- iStingaished husband:. She
rather entailer tas to is, in proportion, bat \
streaiwr frame. , She appears to be'.abo tthe \
alms \ge. She is brunette, with a goo 4 en
plesion, and fine, t irk , , InEtrotqi eyes. ",
ITll,tif, is the prosnilin‘idea suggested 111: \
iotatenunce. Modest and quietaetis are
there She is plain.a d nuch,tentationi
okti icreseevedi her inanner,nlo looks
lC n !ar Ink the. worthy Inthe wile ofhossulb.
Ttie Nit 11n0IFT CON . rlin ' il.)ViV.-71 ' Cbrititet ' ' ,
, I et, t?i; 17.,' Jo rrroal very proaterhr. rebukes the ' •
prrAniitati is try which n porkitit of the' Piens -. - I
..„ 1
h ;wen ',nee, to rout mliom on'etre Commission-,
r: IA 'Agent,: f the ictlintlietfieneret confer 'c'''
et. e\for their cr,nrge in reeistine..the ash:sesta -..-. "1
clef •n1in., ,1 the recently. st\ hrtniiiii On helislf . ' .)
the •Apitindißt t' nick itouth - -foi's' pre 'iota i...e..
svist•rt\til the Ch reh pronerljr; ..gPei,lid , ttuit
I, mt. ift proportkit The ,hiroetne dieettsites ....1... - i
tl, Nub ) t\t leorth, hut tint Ithoto ent..ellijrin . , '6
nut hell
T . _corn .t ;ono', f , 31 X . rt Peirce to maker 'asj_.! .-. '":fi,.• ~ A
TILL IL 'Tor; itLI;I, p
etcl rn!rysterf Ift 'lkit';,'''' '. A
vse,..,\,rwt Lf
ul. ! 1
hA heen 'troth) , Orpriner 1 I
It Imreali\ki an 1 tipahle brefu9 ~trEt2it had kii TS,j ,
oftempte, it. \.,' st M r 1, - . .4,. 'owls. tee 6 I - '.;
1n i, quite \ tine , pe IN till , ; 1 .4 no [niter W + \ i
I ever goon t:t or it, II in the tionimiesionent o • \ .-{
\ ,
the Church North to hnrhl rev'so shore of the -.
Church Propeity to the seceding •t7lttiph South.' ‘,
tly the 'Hsi t, of Nepartitlon,' of ISl.l , ;ihey were 1 \
onthorlied taninips hunihdispotition of , o.' abate
-.71 \
of property "te?i, Corifirestre. -
, lly a vote of 11,rt f - ai,)-11nr n I .711, their Plritl 9,11' ." .-. .;
~, l til \have to the s neetifuh iteration in their - \.
Articles. As Oda gorntition h m serer yet been . i
..,.... .
oD s to .o, with, the \hoe:mime en hose never
he wet- to do whit they aro pw berated:in .1
sot tum jeurnals (or not &tying tione,.ntet' ! '
tilt nbrioted the necessity for ilow-iuit.-
IYIVI.F.,STS Or WFJ3TIZEN• CO ' • 413, 02.'
Although the election et Alt. Ito ~ lipealt'or
of the Ileune, is an unfavorable omen for the
• aaraga eI e:',liiter nod Barber :Appropriation ----
• 'II toy the 'present Congreva—that gentleman
b og one of thC,b7. members of the liet.Cem.
ti r 9 noho note` . anitlft lion Paver add 114 - • •
bor. ill—ifo efforCehouht be relaxed:by.)intof • ••
rn "ale; Co., te, , Presa the matter upon tho
, 1 nof Itepreventativri. We are plea - tied
•••• e that menittriole tAsCongteee ' •
• .'....tion' thrOughout the W4st,iii.•
th_ removal.of , abatarjea tot e safe • •
;Ake the waste a riven., anti o comer • - ..,A•
_meat ding m.; ; meet shoubi , be pushed .forward •••2'
Ford to Loke finehors hubb dui , of
:11... sho .1 be nuir s ereally eigned,'llint \T . repre,olitntines in Congressmay bet•
...termer. that. the prateetints af the
, f, their a n Section of country, hi 1,..
• `...l.jertv f which theyak sent le
_ .
to olrse\
tenhie‘or ipg k
Par 111,
7 t.
:\ ~.
' 4 f•Mi.l, I
tte 4 the i 7 1
The m ope or eniiirde z t
last yea . il" , ,e,:nttited n.‘ ,
tionille tit critney thn [nip
lion.. The ot\m r - t I
111021A0 Th o v...t.
...\ left entirel'y tl ,
while the ocean eot
-I rge govortaneett 0
Is lilts politie't t,'
her of (' , .;irerq Cr.
.11 ~r 7i,flAtion.,
V" . ..,n1 IT , . flail N I
i'Vnn,l .‘k. anti tin
t ) ttes ,c' the groat
tra4 77 .:th n e,t ,l .lt r o ' nl .7 t 7 t,
...I a r ,l,t htin , eo. ott '
in: and,letif.ilnislied
Will Pooh „ht .rip lilt
which lon , III
roiTiotton lila ova:
' - ',";":,!;';`: - .7 , ''''
Li not r oe.l "'
o pitimid P ,
Divines On
r,nilyl I V
n in
. .
The Presillynt bur
t, the IYrst, li. urgi
and hirer urpruprin
hold their Itritnvw
try on the
snit shot, sti
era sppropristions ni
iinr ofjects
%[r. Itutirrtiehl, tt,
Lnuit chive, in his It
stiggewion in retro
ue.strili work.
• 4• Mr a: repo to (111
porter to at OT,Ptit t
Nlttil, of thit Lulu.
31,y's river Vold nrc
Mario) thereto n port,
'e s vhich provi,ions, um . ,
tennvp.rtral. and vevrelvdesiined-fornaVigatiiag
thht Lake 3,lrlnidy built Ivlve ono to. be tivinA,
porl.cui ocro , n' Hint portage at- great twit,. ttieiiiai.
beincbtio timber tit for'ship building fonint near . ,
the Lalte. Wei° a nhip canal cut
tnge, meet, imputeo wool,' he given to - thomiA
tong opr ouinnu µ:4 to copper, Anti it Uvreprreent• \
s c,bibat th iron ore of 'Oat ritiou prouder:. to
b. =.2
e ` , ' , unlly ttractive, loUth an to almndattre and
par; . I dermit a ditty to invite attentionloa
the hubject. ‘Vith the euggention that •tihould. s.
Pong'lct , coo fit to grant to the- Stile of Michi
gan a,qtity of fond to aid in. tonetrucling
ouch non? 3 , the mining interente would bept,' -
rooted by it and the, vales of public :lands 'iw _
tile uppr,r peninsula or Michigan uttich inCiet . get*
—Orefirod tielaki. .- \ -•' 't 7i.'"
Robrrt Rambo jr., has ,bccks rpitinteLlai:,:44 ,, - -,....:
Delegate‘froin' fits:sAelinsettti 80 the hoicH r0ep,, , ,. . .
Natioot entiviuttion to'nosliaste catididAtei roe - -- 4 - A-4- 7 s
Prelit and Vico P 'dont.—hir. It Anikrit hi,F...... , ' s'
- --
a member , or Conircen And io A strong oppotirtB..:. ,: :72 , *
Of the Fut:Oise share tr. Re took , grptiodt '..
' 4 . .'
Against it before he was ected And he Bcnouti;,',
cod it As unconstlfutiorcd. This' nisei is 'l).dele. s ,:a''.3l!
gate to the NAtionnl.Csricen 'on 7 of.the Loceroco \', '
prtrty, nod' yet the Loehr° s prelcvl to Le \ \
[the specillgnordiuns of the Fo ills° Stare ttiir! \ • , Their ',:•-
conduct rhowr‘ they es notklng'ihoet \'‘, \ ',: •-:
priscipte and will willingly barb hi - with - Piet, • \' \ - :
Soldiers In the, North - nod State • Itfghts: men la •- \.
the South to'neenre the lifer of eitiper faciloh , '',.
and then strengthen their party.4Lancaster\ . 7: \ , ‘, ,, i , i
. L
'seaLoam, Szatina'sitaw.".:— . -The • !paella-60m
mitten In the' Senate of south
to whom was , referied a TOC . P3SI{O of
the Go
ernor, transmitting, cOnimitriicationi• 'Teem),
by, him • from, thin: S.. Matthew, Eon,; p tr
fi ritanwie Majoitt?» Contizt for the Sintea of
North and Smith Carolina: relative* to_tho law
ousooth Carolina "to prevent free negrites and
other e persona ofi coliiifrom entering the State,"
have• repotted adverts 'to repealing the law.
.Cter*arineral..bndivNwell r Over thn thnu
saM anahtri‘ta that ouir tairnal atlas. width'
erht”.lhroa 111.1.•••% tnr 111%; : eahe0, It y•nak artaiht
make-% a . trtint to tr.,. a)arara a,hhnel It. IL • Fartrir.
Arthlan Lioltaaat.• you maid. bat:. tha n Waal taanat to
for Jars; ane that tint onliagarr tt4t; hrn rtaa word .
anal Ike et.t: of Nal, thr..arratata ilhather,,... s, aw l.;
r;:etta.ment:l' - •' •
_ ...-- 7 ---
Pittsburgh Lite "alumnae Conipang. -.
‘ • cAPITAL, $ 100 ,000.' , ';" :- ...;
OPTICR, NO. 75 youipirs7lo.F.7::_.
\ , ..,,, .. OFFIOERS: ~,
,- V, , --4 ,
\ ^ '•Pf,sarizt=4,4orzsa.lbion.•,',.';, •
".. \ ,• Prvi.lmt--Atunt‘Mci%arcui , .., , _
~,. \ 17,7 uv, r - .. 4 .1 1 "A1; , :11.‘!.cu t: , :
..-..; • :•,,,,..-, : 4 , ..
44 M4!tpsatp-Y . : l :,..k• li ., , f . I' 4 :.:'• i
• •
•' . . • i \•,- 1 .-11', • k: !s', •• • '.'" • . -, .
•.•.- -,'• \
,>-:' ,, l- ' \: •• •• 7•• . ./ - 5 -7.'"---'
•'•";--;-•-•---'.'•• • -‘•' 4 :' • ' - •
Tee on vrcstern.tireil'
, } 22o . o oo,ooo,inaelf
expoile of Ibe