The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 12, 1851, Image 4

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Hal/ lo Ore! Aeyeath the giallo:Le!
Though aantaulshed. tbon FUN art •aloriere.
At e erostmearolth ebaplrt! thy Doan I /11..
Yor thy foot's On the hack of the dastrimo
Thongh a referee arm, yet thy Lmtio J. wt.:
For Albion lath apoksti—ColthaLla bath ann/•
• - • • 1 . ;Then hail to the., Kotanth A!! hall
Drive ebleihnin with Trelcauelli we =Pet thee.
Great ble4yar! with honors we greet thee.
Thine heart Is filled foil with emontoe ,
4.1 thy soul It devoted to liberty's shrine:
At thy nitre AO the tyrant grow pale OD 1,14 throne.
And his blond for the blood of thy somradee stops
Stand forth! thou greet. natlou
And aith one deep 0114 slut seshoastlon,
Whk.b. &slam:tie shell trpersal to 6eae.n 00004.
Greet . ]losenth ties Wm' thy rue.t and thy frko.t
.le4 Dame to that caitiff. a anwling .ham.,
Who Says not •• Amen" to hie Lit ism.
Then hall to the. All hall
The rature is 'binned! I see by its hula,
Thellngear reirleen lo glory and inlaid'
Their 111.1.7/ East free on the of heart,
And their sworde cum again in the eunlight are given;
Aod the Cur In the north the free nations Utah lenge.,
While the Auatrisin le crushed hf the send of the-My:ye
Then . hal/ to thee. Kossuth! All hail!
Mire's . iltoot of serlslto from the uatinm•
Old Eurote tucks to.her foondatfo.!
For llung•ry's cause le the move, of romtklndl
Its deed, obeli go forth nn the sting s of the rd..
♦ad the Pole shall toles, and tvith bloody dlsrussom
lls.mrsswat hi. loved lend freaCthe gr.,
.• • Then ball to thee. lios•uth' All ball'
- -
7 , ..Th - e . owing is a truly eloquent passage fret
Xi* oftessutlea,speeches iu England:
han'hecorne the mere "vanguard 0:
' LltmentutPtipentlerence; its existence is, there
lors.-.-.iatitontr..not necessary to Europe, bus - 'Europe. The house of ll:tpsburg
- • - "7leains.xpw,tot- - ito existence on three thing
-011.1081:114. bayonet", and on the Czar. Rug
ihnan`loani , tinst lead to inevitable bankruptcy.
-...iler stmiles - are' composed of men who hate her on
merihate - those who have spilt the blood of their
- mother...... And as to the Czar-1 hope that the
• • dnglo.Baxon race will not allow the Czar to
rule on the Upper Danube and on the Rhine.
(I.ond cheers.) Let the house of Austria proud
, . ly relying on her bayoneuband'the„Ctar,:trample
Lnpoit:oppresi,ed nations. I know that °roues
• --of are not the condotti eri of old. I know
- thatlight has spread, and that even bayonets
• 4:think.”-•
. TUE PIiESIDXST AND KOSBll . ll.—CalagrelS hop.
Itating so long, and so much. Whet sort of n
. welcome",to give to Kosstah, the President
diepatehe.s his eon, and Acting Private Secr,e-
Lazy, M. P. Fillmore, Esq., to welcomt him, or
behalf of the Executive, and invite him to visit
the Adminhitration of the Govarnment in Wash.
jr.. left thin morning, and will
bear with Eim.thig most fitting and appropriate
oompliment..—Nem York Erprmr, of Dro. S.
C.tlTOLtSei..—The Legislature (llousei
of State has again refused to. allow
the people to 'choose electors of ,the Pres
ident and - Vice ProsideoL The vote stood 88 to
48. Less than one-thnd of the Free White Pop
ulation. control the legislatirund this rotten
borough oligarchy are dete ined to keep rho
.powerin their own hands. There is not another
Community on this continent as thoroughly-,
teityAristocratfa as South Carolina, which is
nevertheless a pillar and gilding light of our
sham Democracy.
THE SUBSCRIBEn. has just received to
moot admirable am! eitotodre lot or Piano+ of 6.
: - Ottattows. from the .leLreted factory of 9. B. Duo
' ham. N. Sr ammo: others—
menrocet .Ptatom 6 rent-{milli, tablet,
a - -do do 0 net, do,
2 do .do oet- do,
ilso; pee of Mat:MAWS famant 7 rm. CONCERT
PIANOB. equal to a &mond Pltmo in power and volume. of
taltala' Time Plasm bore ore. sod Darras., .7 - 41 e, Idir,t
10m a wry lame felt of
hummer. mot th afforallot
OH th e edam:nate. of n grand Plano. The C uban
profrtsfon are reepoctfullr tooltod to hays. aod elso
thtt olttotat Inetrorneot Th.. mate of tesiliblleA
Maher. Smith t Nixon, of Clociutatti. at the
Pair. sod pronounced the Groot Plano ever Lroooht
that city —ormorpoomi for power and neeetteaa too..
tad oltuttlelty of tnnelt. IL I:LEDER,
No. 101 Third at.. oleo of the Golden Harp.
a.—Noir emngemerin entered lobo with Mr. !100t....
t.... evalslas the subset-11,er to s.ll/hl, 1.0.0/. 10 per root
f lower theri formerly: thus roaLlint oorcha.s. to 50 I
;better ben,. than at we ~..t. Call azot,lkatollle
olotadtm elmorboro.
SOAP -100 has. Cin., for stole by
11/1 -7--- ACK.ER.F.J..--200 WAS. \u. ::;
100 DLL, No. 2;
Ina tlta
t, AT D OIL--I 0 basket for saki by
10 =l7 J seauuN &tan Lit y co.
S us DARE. SODA-20 ke-ga Cosafor pale br ow: J._SCILOGN AR Ell *
emaka Trieitte.
I ewe Cbineso
11n[ Imperial.
i • 2 cam. American : tor sato b
1:01r.-1 3. 1 31:11l/t33:31A/i Fit y&
. •
Prima Bale of Long Shawls at low prices
L.A., MASON k CO. will open on Tnet.lav
• aboralu Dezember 2.1. at Ilretr lar.e Shawl S;
IS ore or long Yhavrlp, I th toaet.h.r • All then.
, rtoek lain make the mast vxtraxtr. : , :ha.l rale
over held in this eity. d.l
. COPACOPALVARISII—in bbhi and half bl Is
- „x b rii.nagi &iring, rolishia, iirollalek thy ibe,,,,
to= I ItCHOON &LAKER * 4L .
.COFFEE-314bags Rio, for sale by 1
:-.. del ^ MIRY. MATTIIEW., A CO:
• WALL PAPEft—A fall and varied il,-
etaiient,lr. nod from tb, Ea s tern Alanula,,
Hu. etirlbreale br nrel7 1110S_ PALM Ell
W -
PER—A beautiful and rich ream, ler rule b
• Titus PAI.II
atsollausiatiustyaealyasPaiio for sale by
nib, PALMER.
h g
—W.A.. McClurg It Co have n yyratval a fer
abed& of the oelabralal - Queau rlwr"
iittu:VetrlOrtiNLt7,6 ° 7t'Z'f,Vibin:l4,V;;
Yraaesl.l%) par lu. Oolong Tea at 50 ets.
Ltharty stn.. toe.,
TALLOW-5 bids. Beef:
ltl - and 11 Li,. slat.) ; (.11. "al
SIIGAR-10 hhds, N. 0., for sale by
no= H. & W. IIAI:BA I Oil.
ARTIST'S CANVAS—MO yds. prepared
uNew . ted, for sale br . J. .
no= CL W... 1 .1.
IidrADDER--18.00 lbs. fine Umbra, for sale
br - J_KILD t t 61 , Won.]
The e ,Garret's Scotch, for sale
0 b? .1. KIDD 0 00_ 80 11c.od n.
A RSENTO-1000 lbo. for o
in 22 . - J. KIDD k
SAL AMMONIAC--1251./ lUe. for eats by
n 02 4 J. KIDD a co.. 0) W.,11
amt J 'KIDD A VV.W Wood
G LOVER dc TIMOTHY SEEL, for oak by
J. 2 t. tt
VGAR--20 bble Coverings Crushed fur
We by . oo M. P. bIlltIVEI:
I 0111 S--1 doz. Dry Co, for sale by
atm Coro,
P. SUR 1
tleK.I NO FLANNELS. Murphy
, .s.rattela reel of thi. 113rTning - by !numeral.
L . : . M . asnt other mixture., of 81.cking Flannelg. - 11oe
ntza , on hand, 31. gennnine Ihulmitikable
lIPI.P...:OKWOOD. for November;
•-• './..ll , .•Artiouraal, to November:
Wan CbgApabe Zan br Dovviu
4..44— " 1 .° ' 24 cent.; D Sr Tbiell spy..
• lleaelyal At /LES tarsal' 0 :
• opposice tba Pegt.otace. [K,
- Of Yeartb and 3Lerlet Amen,
t lujl r 7f : mila
Zlp .' /A g iVVlNtW4arrogtM.,4WWth
D:•••Dattery an4 . buyers gemarally, eittnuth• vs-
rhtty to *UK% from
10 COME-100 bags prime Green;
7t) - for xtle
mole • • JOLLN WATT k. cu.
RIM( TEAS-3D hf. chenta Y. 11.;
CA r2y.w.:h;:ig.ktigk!tr.i„t,,
ADtROPMS-59 doz. for sale by
4.4,-Aruas 41 B.
r.R. COVERS—I doz. Vulcanized I
. Alsobber Pt . just r (mu Hort. end ft.
slabs Rubber Peztot..l3o.ll7rtet Et.
Eto22 J.* 11.
411100er ASII-10 casks prime, for sale by
sole'•J. KIDD k Cu.
--- R a. 'lain rove
tor sall. YJ .
.1. I IL FlAirb.
Rocald Chdrali
10 00200703J.11 d Rablamea F. Luang
30 " IV.. IL Orwat. s "
Jon. 11301 en 110
J. k R. PLOT
Far sale
•" • •
ROObID - 100 dor: Poland, for sale by
j_p 1,015 , ." J.* It. nonfi.
PLOAKS!'ardtakal::-. J7Aisitikidufit
PourWit . t.,_l!_eu reel Mt, morn)liw b Adam' ,
. ADA reod—o, Crosh _and- largo kook of Trimoologi!t. nr
T I;INSELD 013-20 bbls. fur sale bi•
Sli-.. 4
gN2I, ,001bs. Alex. and In., for wale by
41,8 ° 31 , rn {--/° g'
- 7 WiIINOGILEEK SEED-600 the. for Hale by
aollS ' .7.KIDD it CO.
ODEL ARCHITECT, No. 5, for Noer-,
_Kprttroltyrtst, for Noramben
ragas: for Nose:ober;
fiSstorsai Stswilss, kr December.
• Doodled sad tor de at I.lOOlKl' !Morass Depot, tip.
74 Third Aron. opposite lb. Post Ofitoe.
, SEED-1 ft .
el clor sale
pußEtam. caEEsE,HI4O bra,llezlep's
m fdeva Du t r . . mt tiawsc Chet., :44.1di•y re-
_ _
- pil jTril3.l4 received at No. Liberty et.
• ''' ehr,fin-I-Mockerrol id bOder. New d o. do. falitto.
ow': mgd tot bbL. (very 111,4) Nov I: y 4, Now
' l =. 9 ;i d'ttl.. ! th'ir it r ,ttaLtrial i CO. .
' 1 .1r433 Y 04, 4 4 1 .2 bbls. No. 1, for gale by .
. ! .'''T'` . :?...' f ':::.;:.:,..--,:•.--.' . r" '
Then welcome! thriev welrozur
Wm., /
4,11 A LS'. SII A IVLS !—Nii opening :It
k A..\. MA.IN 4. 0,
LANKETS '.—Ntr on linad over iisl , Tor
t., 1:111 and (0.41,-
A A 1-lA,q, A 161.
1 Mor,tl
Alll/ OIL-15 Wok. No. 1, (Wir i ti,,) fo r
,A/ r't l.l , r J t‘elliv,tlAt,N. < I it
A . . .
Ritow Kuu - t—Suo Ihm. Ant., far sale by
ualJ Ilrl• A ti!.
flii.E.a3l TARTAR --'24a MI It,. for oale . by
lJ n„IJ 1•111111 CI!. , rt
liffs LIVER OlL—lin.htnn, Clark 1. e„
ncl lu hulk , by Lb. dr,anr to
J. Kill , 1 t'n
. _
J prevent Patine. stni Ore, tr. re./.re
the ladr when It Lib faller! (If ny lent•un tblu, and r-rdre
elYertually -curl) Irandruli.
M 1 gm. yun r.o J afar to .alt by IL. 4 , 0 r-tier Finale trot
tle. lathe dru d rture n WICKKILSIfAII.
' ll4 ' TV•erl /aye, edyner rd Leralb
4.1r.1ir Alt LEA F l -91)1111,4. IV tte, fbr rule by
3. h. I Irlr CU, Ira !•1 anal •.
1 1 084C1.70--11Kt b .. oxes Sherwood . s'n and
roalt...vasiod un.l :lot Kale I 9
.11.11 N WATT A of,.
PriTER--1 11 1.10 Hairy ti me . keti,
P fdr nate by JOHN it At,'
I/lOLA SSE:i--21) bhlo. S. II: Syrup, for
Kai. law by 31111) WAIT A ii , ,
CA K SILK LACES-- .. . A. 31.‘nor:
IP t'4.,n.q, tht. irmrrtuast 10 ear,. uf ~In., ntla
ner. of nll qualm... and wilcittai.
I ceroons bent S.F., 9 hhd, Mad
, Liar, fur Aran J a It 1 1 1.011,
I.l l oEY—iy , tea fremli Candi
by •
_i osi EILY—A. A. UArds itz Cu. have reed
It 1.1,1 1 der. t'anturnry. Lamb+ Kind. Alyneea,allk. and
flrtirry. n•mnruend (Kr aunt rtrai
Lary rabibanl. !Ant, tlrey n• 11 at youela key
than yrenal rndl
bap prime Rio, arriving and
Or rale by JOHN WATT t CO.
---•--• - -
mated u! mat+ Ilirbt. rnarnt. 1 ‘ 11 • 1 fr d l 7 l . ^ PUf nut.
loaxitrauf. trben dual flour dart fu I dtrntron
etrufranlea rack ockage. fur rode by
trcl2.l! KILOI/ a Co t_ 00 Waal a
I OFFEE--500 bags Rio, fur male by
11, !KAIAK I.olllla I Co
IR AN K bids. for rude by
orrt WICK A 31.4_1A511LP.8.3.
XII has. N. 0. Sugar; n LW., ti. O. 1 . 1,1 ea.,
Yule by . .
_._. JAME:. DAL/J.1.1, _
yitiTisti LUSTRE -2 casea ter bale by
nr4 It. C. NELLEIte, I: Wrrel xt.
UST reed at No. 256 Liberty street--
. ..e.t.nses Yre•L Ilan,:
10 ^ " Conton Prreerse.ll,r, Nlngsr.
I ease Jelllas and Jame, put up In faper Pot, by
linderera,d 0 Co.. Ittet&n:
S boirA Yawl citron;
" " - Lemon and Orange Peel, nand.]:
1 tonceeter
3 .. .. Chergivs. rhee.
Plum, .ke : I
I " Fah.% Lobster.:
ICU Framh Cocoa Oul
cholas goods, sod ha Sole at law nil., by
WM. A. bleCl.6 RA, • CM.
tisuers and Taa Leal..
' Go do, 'locket.: 0 dox. Tnb, for £.le by
rio4 JANIEM DA L%YLL ry wat.r ;t
1070 . 111 CF: ROOT-2000 Ihr. extra fritsii,
J. KIND A co.
. . .
1.1 1 12 M E MADE BLANKETS.—M t i ern r
. torn.on hove Woo Oa r r00e , 4 • lar g e lot of supe
rior um ramie Blanket. vary cohost.
AI.. £4 wt.. boxer ELANN Northeast our.
two of Fourth sod .11.rItot ete. w o 4
x./ muted our, fur 641.
4.1 ALAb 011,-50 bit.iiket.l for sub, by
4.; ILVEIL ,S - AAD-15 blur. for .1. by
ITEN. RED-40 bbin. bright Eng., for sale
V hr 41. A. r•iviiisronn
aC u IENNA —lOOO lbs. prime Alexnndrill, fur
"t fINEGAR--50 blAn. fur rale by
v . 4404101. p. loIIIIIOEIL.
'VANILLA BEANS-20 I tin. fresh. for anie
I, Ay 11. A. FA lIN ENTerCE a tn.
ornienri ELI, base rose Named so ae•o o rlzu. at .of
£kA, wool room Nsekon a flannel s . , e :10
nr... ; = . 0a.•• at Wu wortbs..4 oorner ot
}?.. UTTER—Fresh itulL in lames, raii'd daily
J IL CA N3i . Lff* . _
iPLIEESR-500 boxes ron'il and fi4 sale by
oir.= J . ts. CANFIELD.
FISIL-10 bblr. Lola Tenn..
N' •
I .
Lakcs l'rout;
2) " " fct solo tn
LINSEED 011,-10 0 1 . 11 . 0 riswokTeirlrinci,
Atrb by 4. f , Minn&
AMAHOGANY 0; octave, modern made
On) abr.. three, fur sal
at buh.lf,l and esehty.tlvo
Al-.,. a very . 1,-,ant Nahrs ail artare. txs hire
moot,/ or yr.str.
A Iaro )
. but of now Pianos op hand nod fur salt.
fax sYstal
nrol3 JIM.% 11 3I i:1.1,11,
SI Si steamF TEAS --50 hf. chests Y. Upson;
br J I:.1.1,1•0
EA'IIIER---150 sides I\. Y., tor sale by
I noll.
11.31-I.l' ASR-2.5 cooks pure, bd. sale by
J. a L. rbotn .
HR00315-50 doz. for sale by
;II all 1. WOl.ll/8 A stis, GI Water et-
PPLES--30 bble. rec'd on consignment 2ll on.l .b. by . WtSOUS .y , N.
hull •
_ W•ter
ORAX-1 cuse for sale Ly
117 hol 4
.../11 0 .1Y.K11 a Sloloolnal.. Ito 11 ~- y d et
•oretior hush,. for pair. by
i 1 l't4 ER 51 , P0W1.1.1.. 140.
. . .
F RESI.I Fall IT—.3 ...W., %ants Curl -mots;
s. sslfls,
- 1 nan Raw.,
/ "xi. by D. WILLIAMS es CO.,
II.; 15.50.1
- 1111.1.1.1 , i, A CO.
gl LACK 13a/ 110) d..r. I lutilenge,
lD r1 .+1..1, I o 011.1.1.‘,1, a VO
P oT Asii_ by
J Ir. It 11.1.1 iI, . a CO
_ _
141• INTER GU )1 . ES.--Nt, otoro, 21 ,Flll-.
V T ili•fe rosny.rl.llh; y Moly,
A. NIA. , oN A o.
1••• a•
au.l 01 SI .re... 1
`.. 1 1 . -A 31 110 A COU 'I'F: HP A . X
5t 7 17 , 11;
A A 11.1,,:s 6 CO.
is;lll.klWll.llEtt. cLOTHIN L I
0f11,....r,e byr,,
IV,th 4.rompl , K , ~,o rtauta“ L1,f1,-rant. .tylep or lists nod
.4. a 11. P HILLIPS , N., II MArketh
t A
•1.1. • - ' "" at
yI IL-10 lads, Winter Lard Oil, landing
4.31.1 for 1,1411.. I) BLACKBURN a CO.
`IIEESE—,SIO prim e Shipping; • -
51.1 C 4 ./1 1 / 1 14 . P111 an,l Tor +n le I,
J. 11 I..‘N
4PPLES-70 bids. for sate by
:I , llcl
tuhre ttural.le than kather, to koot• the hot
dr,. att.! ct.rniortable For ,ala .111,cti., tor tot, tut:
on ut Market..t. t 1. •II 1 . 1111.1.11 . kt
I D OSIN TAR-6(1 fds. C. Tar;
a 11.xtur
10114 tt All' a et . ,
E. - 111.1.ER-200 sidt * s New York•.
Joe. t.lf >I. tor
1 - tat.
1 .1 1 IVHEAT— WO Sack , United, for sal.•
jj 11'1.•11 A tlot:ANl.l.huh
- -
( l:N COVERS —•2 doz. India Rubber Go
11,rnnl,, t Nu. 11,.,
.1 a 11.1 . 1111.1.11'S
311 Pre.rvern m1111,41111,..111
tuna 1..t15,11,1 ,, c 1/..pot,
.1 t 1 . 1111.1.11,.
liblf, fir gal., by
IlfCl V. Ant IVY:Ft
- -
I'INEOAL---sf-f hi, for ef f d..
'` '
ItTINDOW OLA.sS-200 bXIrilU and if
11. fo , r 1, um.ll, I' :1115.1V1-11,
15 I,ls. 1.10. , , , .1 toil. 11 , 1 , 111. 1t,./
T•nat 1 , ... , 0: .1 ••
h o Tull...min, 1 ,,
P. " 1 kr , W 1... Lra.l.
" 0
Spanirlo 51.1 ,4
nnit, N,..411{0“1.?
Cold Weather has Come
_I Nf,ttn't , Mt,tl.• t'l.t'l'll ' , C. 1,
cud, n. M..
I. I I LA X—.
1 ttr,
.tonr, for sok t,
wicg a MeCA
11.1 ;744.'0'7 Ili' A 0)
.13 runt et— nee, Market
8 1 .. tr . Oxen prime j
j n , s , t L r ,, ttc'd
- PEARL ASII-1.0 vine No. I. f -de by
• J . 11. t'.l
ODA ASII.--1% e are 'prepared to contract
wltit Mae. 1 111autietnren "Lod the time,. ~.n..,. l e .
thy.; nupply ef Soda Aels, 'tureen' the
' 33l7ll7,t' ''' a .7.11.1'.'
Lir In nA.., .M Aarml• t,r
C HEESE -7 boxes Cream:
1 .4.111,14.1 for tal.. t.
sore New Goode.
¶IA.MES A. McKNIGIIT, Isio.62'Fottrth st.,
hss mftwlrtal hla,wend Ropply of Fatl and Wleter
wady. thn m,jmity td . whioh haring bet-n purrhaaml at
lb.. Net, anmlan m lb. na.h.rn elm, during th e
paw tan , wa.a. I. Onabbed to 401,10 L, of them at Om.-
I t Liwaltt ,a 1 prp, 11. mold call particular attentlon to
Itrywha Inca. Shawl, rem cheap; Plain Cult:nem
Ininwre Shawl, Bay Sm., at manufactur,'• )lerlnm and l'astanern Fac
er Plaid the.. Silk, tern .I,irahk
k.ake. Clomking..... At. r),^l,
A3i AGED 6001)S'.—A. A. NtssoN Co.
I pr
on, n 31ondny, hmembar . dath. 11 raven
)e, 4 4,15, aug h t ! , danmard 1., many. ewmprieinw era.
, Inahann, Flannely. dtualltr, Chneka. A . &Hof
hi.-h will he sold at marl, one half thn tunal prin.,.
i k URPHY & BURCHFIELD inform their
on , lnmora and boron gone rally that [boy harp
0 10
ideal tho•osE l h l hr , largo onlqdrut Ix,ldon .IE/t hall
rodo, •nd u.k at tent]. [Celt unusually lull a,uort
1 1 , 11 , 110 . 011(101/:1. in groat o.alotr. glob otintod
, 0
.n. enburgs. Fron..ll %dint, ST nalln
MIAICI.II. Lang .n 1 thtuaaw.—Now sills Draoln, aorY
laandoonna l's.htuor.. dad 11'..,1 do., plain and :a, ot 100.
blook and ent.....1 'flora, g o .
black and half mourning'd,
alan rroolvr.l (urbor supply of 1111 tod
, n at ill uita and
.all !do r, •n.l gtaplo t l o , do get ,
oral l r, •nd sillatilow pou.o. d
Canlntra Morahan.. argi l 11,1 hod /.111,/, ovr uholevalo
ra . ona• . of otaira. where ttauda aro roll
L I.,iikm Tlct S--.lll;ir ee 'cl
1 A
.clerk.,g Ip . V.ES S
tam. pr,dnd un. !bon 1,41 do:a,
B.RSS (10( t.DS--I)l,..ntny 101 l at A. A.
• ur MAY, N A (II.S ore:, •tylo of ft...him:olio Dr...,
„yin, 12•Alttnnr..., lA. 1-ant.... AtArtuna,
I l'Aratuattu, Alhaer/r
ILKS ! SILKS !—Sow nrieffing MA. A.
phn......r very hattiostAhr. MAO totr. A • Int,
1, rn,
rie.-ea a nal. Ulna. an;
lo a/ann. Brootair An
or 7
/thy Iturnltfinkt have - rreatyrd• tr. itt auarty of the
A l hAra dnairable anode,
. .
Ihtrahtlald hare raealv.Al a fait naeorlinatit
..I.—at, ult./ an Inlie intr mr.l--And al, Anna,. Auirr
,per 1101.1 r Alpacrata• at 1! .rd
) I N
f4uey . mait ro, tV.Ta or
In. ' ut inn our. Nar, Ca-it:no,. and rlitis•. and a wart.
et:. of style. oyoocinllr a.lapted Or iroar arc
M Atnts, a t•tt At:l npan a Mon n•At. few •to, I
uward.. .0 butolnd raw. owl foto/tado• of Fortlau
• nod liomostto Dr. n. 1.. - n, which the attoutiou wholo.
•aa.l total! putilts.rro t• to: tto./...
_ A A. a fAt .1/ oratt day ••f
4 , 1
oporlng or A A IIA:aiN 1 ,1
Loll rot') Moraow 'natal Cloth, ...AS
..._... -
~.1.5.1131ERES MOUS. DE L A INES—
/ AA. IIA.AOA A 1/tt rr,olird oar.. j
laot in.ll:ttoros In 1... I.llln • or.,
2 Now ronatatalf rortotaing at (I. AIoCI.INTOCK'S
rail.: %Var.:tot:v. N,. Fr.urth Ara, to whtalt Aa In.
m. the attn.,. nt I wtolona to 11ou
arkot . ooattosalo. duns loa that: •vor Warr In.o
liltSc ;
FOR SALE—A veep deßirmir• -
O r in! at /
roorirlo.: hi. fan Atont.
. t the and unyraat to
tnn na y..rormanr.. A.. In. /...tatertatn..l ,
than oar beton. attar. 10 (ht. mark, At :h
-ut./ WArehnun... N. la, Fourth it.
t 1, • d
'AaI IAUS CLOTH & 11:131311N6S-- ;
111Vilr, Iho att,GUon Puna,* '
lonnuTtt.Turorol.l.l. Ittrge /welt t , T . sty! Pratt
1 , 1, t. A an.l •• w il l 0,01
et: t'arT—t .0, Fourth. re!
)1 - 3T6SiS ' CA if T Ll:Vroc t: •
D. no...tvtll hi. Tan otaTertne
•• , 1 roatcuttt 10. , t11.‘ IN t not. 4,11,1 nob
•:, toe, v•rl prtrt... to ••
trntott (Too.. 1 , 00.1., T. furnish
tti. • Tett at lb. CT.,. arrAT.tor,Vo tsrth
i , _
...g. ‘5. , .. , ..5-ili,;.. c;,l's ..- 5-, .c - t • ri - '''''''''''''' '' ''
_ „ ,
~ ..„..,
._., ... ta . ..• . Pot '• All manulariordl fro m 11. to. viainroal. ' g od for • eal. '
... h.. de ...r. allt.l f. r ... rt. h nod n•• ••.1. arc! ~,.
. 0 • A....,.. lantr....M. •I.- t. run. ee th• Irru a sod n0..1 ntor. id'
, n 0... to • .... • out 1.. n 1 I iot , I ; Totrit..rary L0V11,A... ... olC o tottO 11 ~
i.....ii I t ttrt t...... t.t. 1. t-a . n. t 1..• •In•anat a rut- !IN ew Suck of Checkering Piano Fortes, - ....,,,, ~ ....., ~....;,.,:, ~.-,, ' '-' - •''',• ' ''''''' . Ah M ICINNAt 'NM, I tattn.,_.......... ........... ...._ ...... _ 8.0... n De \
t „ tt „. ... i rk. Cs.: . eh..., .....M.Led C0.r... ,., 41 , ..
o f Cal 1! . .
.11' ., ..1.!1 1 . 1 , 4.
„ 0 „ .1_ , 1 , 1;.:: . ...1 o- I ' .. 7 . 1?...," je d 0t ..., ~f p. ~it ~ ~,,,,,,,,, ~‘ ~;.,,•,, p an ,. i •
t......., of Mnaratof Osatl, her...l, • (14.1... tr ....
„,,,,,,,,,„ , ~.:,, ~,,.., ..1. , „„,,, . A .CA II 1 1 .-I !tart remora to ray new t.lorr. 1 ~,.., . Inc, „., „ 31...,!?..rtn .14
te , . ••• O ot ,, h•. ri'• • Tpm . i' -' . •
arn.wam t! . .......ty An! t..-wen hoc h.O on roan •.I 1 4 il. 1 thy... doors th......., n.. Art. fir, .....t..11t. 11.,.4 Fl- 1,,:,...! ;...,,, „ .r,,q.:7Z-iV1n.,,,,,ri.,,,: 17 ' 21,; \ rt::,,,,t1
r ! I A l'Es'l It 1? CA II PETS- Nelt nnd net t . ;,,,.... 1 latent . ..l., 1 7 I . t.t:t.triva.ll...: tt l".
ll x 1.. I . . m .try hran,..l. Vary. i.wod m.'d at the li. ......i t y •.4 V' eh. r... 1... tom innholf•ourr d Th.. ma hoot,. . [of " 0 413, , of lit" "OR"! 1'.....r ;-,I tho I'''• •ittr.. ao.l ..... 4 ' 4 ".•• '" MY , .•"..'"5",. I•
••••.' ".".r.
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k . , ... , ‘ , ,.. , ... , ...,,, i:. ., ,:. ..„ ,.. .... ,, .... : ., 1 ..ortl. atm, .1 .' d at rim, . m i.. a... to...nth... mu , ... az It -ion, •10...., •u e ,. 4 ,.. ' 1 Ott . 0r...c.d....0h., ~,,,.... e ...,„„„,, ....y„ F. i ,. a ..,, , a „,.„,„„.„, „, I
~,,,,,,.„ „.„,,,,,,,, ~, .., , .....t4..... ,lunut.s... A.. moll .o. Mom alnuty tad ilea.
7, i h „, ..,,., i ali , i ,.. , ~,, „. ~„. . ~,...„.7 1, , . .1„......„ ..1 11. y ommo. .1.... i mlou 6,1 11...1 „„;.a. -------- " ---. "1"","""-- •
. J. „,„ [,Axes 1. to. Yea, acent.
„ ~..,.ts-ttrot t . ... D'iad0..1.....r0 to h Art m , Imo" • tatint, hut, ap m rh• e .,,,•,.. 1,,,, i ...„, ."..' y „ fi • ...... Innitd- •1..., 14 ... r... tom' 011.... N1ant.........',.., i
Onim o i . h. ..... .. r id 11. a. mod id rd.,
J.II 4. It 41 . hlam, a ...ohld Ann.... 1.1,- tr, at 0n...... .o, 1,1 I "0n... '••• ""',"‘•••••• IL "' • •••‘''• r . • . •"" •ff '-',,,••• • ••• •I •• • I V.'.
NEW GoObs.
...: •,..,..-, 1.. ••-o t otromon. l ran..., j id.,. no. .....t• , foo wnd hrof•l,l.• I, ‘,. Lon, Oro/.4,,,,,,,.. i Rain Mntual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
.1111 F. SUBSCRIBF:II hat int: ntex reCeiVO.l ''..
" '''''
' . ' ''''.....
''...'....'.. .“. ' ..... 1.1, . 1 1 :; 11;
' '''''
. ' , :.CIL.' ..
‘ ..'L
. - wn,l:t,.. ~..,,,,,,,,....„ I I L, (ii.:NT IN . P11"I'SBURC111, W.ll. DAVIS;.
1 Lor rut,. monk cd FAL!. ANI. 'MINTER ..olt, r
New lltinstc. i ~,,,, ..„..,,,,, .... ~..,. ~I :D...., Irmo ' ..•
- • ..1 t•Im• J Finn,. tr.. 1.1.......; Nto.lnd Llborty. troor4
*mil 1 rmmotritity infmot ha ....D.t0.0. and th. out..
that 1.. I.• Itt , rand tt• attn..... et 1, ......1...0-hm .4.4.• TILE CI PSY'S SONG. I, My I hil dh e lli i yk, • •-••• i•-•• to-ti0..4.1 r 4 :, .0. .tn-t. -tt tn. net atta ..... 1 1 001 .-Ce..,11 paid for WO5l I,y . ••,:iii,. Meier ...Wen., ”eroms renJlo g fr. the
I In. .4 Ita. city, the ...du onyol., tn found doh!.
no, or r... 1, nt ...or h" , Mon.
11410'11r A 0,'.1 ,
11. , ft. to Dry ......11 r 1... MAW.. an ....11 nn • 1.,- ~,,, ..",;,.;',',!,...',?' '4 rl'i"..• •rhihn.... • . ! • .Io ~o. ~,..,.,....,
u l'
~,,. ,
, •• Irmo 11, to Id dna d t0,....i1ank. t r lbe ramaten o na.m.4
_ ~,,,. , . ~, .„,„ „„,
~1 -4 . ! ".',Letr, . ...„ .. ...., ,L 1a. „. ...r0ndt. , , ,....... ...N r0 , •*p 5re - y - , ,,
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II A v E
re C ,,,i onti ,,h ce rr e , .: .
.., , ...., 11.1.4........ 11 HI 1... mann annlllll2lllltllotira...pronly,
. II ... I ...r i m d .. 1 , , i . r y ii.• nt .1. WIN I. u r' l . l r 17.1 . R I NI r C
ks h : .l : l 4 n - - 1
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1 : ;:. y . ' Z . ' . l'i'' ' A r?d : i :iin r.; . : 4 l .. ' i: '1;1
4 4 linmaln t I /11, " ••
.• ••
" • ." •• ° " • Iff?".: ' ' , .."1,..• •0 ' 1 ' 0.4 .1..1. : ! ...7z:3:;.,"re:;,, ---- -•- . .
Mani Blank ollLa. nil pron. And ....Ithe. Th. I ~.1k . ......,„ a. ~....1
..,,,,,,, I ~,,,,,,,e .
C.,..1.• Wank n i tik. -•
~ „. 1 o „ i „,.., _ e ,.,,,, a „. j j ~, ..,,,,,, ~,,,,,,„, ~,,,„ ' ' 1:Dr . ..4 I 5 DA NM: , 4' , 1... in. _ \ Capital ,toclk oder 1',....1.000 arta enartattd r InOrrone nt ..-
11.-nry W..... 1 (114. aD ...1.,
rtm -nen 1-...- fo r Ili. L ., i ., ~,,,, ~,, „,,,,,, .... r .., . D. . WM. O'IIII.E. Proa..livalml'Annnally anion.. thaw frmer. Got lat.
Vrdonh Poplins. ..
~ _ __ ___ __.___ _, _
Iltenhordh. Jan. 31. i MI --1.34 li_
Monon .1. Ltin....
..+ 3..!2,7 e - m1.f'.'7 , 7.!:c ... raL 1 '.,. zu'e t r'r, ' ,‘" . .:" . ' ''''''"' d' V.-',";! : ;.'71.';!,?-','7'14.",`,, t , : • . " :" ' ;' , !!!' , ..',."-",:!.:',....'. 1. ,t,t:.; i §.:C ECTA C I. E ti'-.}\n I,avo II 1.1 fIrlio,let•I ••,...
..• ~,,•• .. ,-
tn... 4.11 Mori... a.l Cantoner.. .
M. KLUltt h , MI thml /ma, •
...... n '1...a,. Rl ' r......6j, tmd. /...... al. .I. iy • ....1, ot .1,... "11V, a q ,l t.,..........„. rh . i ... 111..11LuS, .r il", and inland Transportation
Tan t rtb. •Idtt trench ...1 KnoltAl. Mt o ta.t It nod In. 1. a ~,
r.,.. of ~ .h, .....1.....11iar ti, . h.dhol, or a ..... I ..•nt Int. thr .41.1. on. owl., o. l onltt... n 0... mood ~0•4,1',....-• tt.t•nt atattan. 1., \ t
. - -.
.. Lastriance :
HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS: Sacred Maio Booca. i ~.,.., 11, a r.....-.. ad, h...... ..m.d .... lan, 1, p.n. ' ' ..., taro., id .........m.n o 4. tto. bore pro... V. 1.1 /r o i.
t. 1., ~., . or, ••ga.o•l fo, on,. 1,1 ,1..1, "•1,1 '.1"..... 1 ,111 • oothol ....two . in.!! . .MW. V. i La ir .
f il‘k E I uturaniv C'otopoity of North Americo,
114. 714 ...I 1 , -.11n.r.5., • .11 " 1 4.11:1{,
i• A 11l F'lrlS. I.t. Mr,,en tl: Nrel,/,• ,"• ''''''• ''•••' '''''' I "'"."' ''''''' . r•'' li.• r - "'''''•• , , Ni .-•-.•-• - • - - „:..-_, „, - • . ~,,-,..--,,- r. (.........., --.
~... I, on, I, •• .1.1 1 nnl a DM... 1.10. n.
. . ..hvoi )., -.....- I driol..l t our Linion.ot,.., i ....11 I . x 1.4 (1 NJ. AA 0 lIA l' r yr,n..-3--A goad • n o on, th, 1.4.11. 1.1...1,11d. 5, 14311 Mak" lontrom... a
7.. CA 1111 I 5 A 4.4C14A, do I ioodl i 111 • le" ,111, •In gr, ....111 ft Ws," It• to•u, / "J' •
'1". ''..l'•l-Ch"1'..7.....b.".'1'.;•'•'•••.4.."'•'" ...“'•'t ! TllO N J'l ' . i tl!. : ll . l .. i'li. N . : f.%" l c. L ti......tirat '!,r L '11.... at. f'lart I f:::.'"V t ';' n ' ti .'..;to"itl,thoat. ; 1, '..0i ' 1,'it . if.,17:::,, t ,7,.,',1T, n ,,,, y . :: 41 ”"' ""Ir " '''rl' "' " '' ' ''' ' ' . •n n ' 7' ;` ' ''' ' ' l t ( '''' '' ''' .. " '' ' ' :.' '' ' ° 444h ..' "s ".- a t 7 4 l '''''''';'`'''''' ' ''''''''''''''''''''': n''T"'""n`l*"''''''''''''''4l7"4.l`lan'ad`%7".'`''''''''''''
Doetot., lost.• ...1 'lra.. ir.......1....
11 It r' is hPt XiKll, ' sr. .414. t u r a..., by Inlond throTortahon m on N.
Minh hrtutod Its.. 4.1 1 . 1.1.1. C.....r., ..„..ri. 0 .,.. '' .s ••• • •L i e• - i• 51 ,.."!`"46aa^ 1 l'" '''' m... 4 Ma•D"' 0 .. I
-1.114. h ii... r.l. : „ c., foe•Col'fror fl,..•••••• a tat. ! t....,a
~....„,,,,,,,,, pr ..,.,. v„,„„.., F„.„,..,„.„..,,,,i
..7 .. , ,,,,„.. rnahier. I ....t0r.... ..I Clan.. or th• 8..... a , La nal,. Pref.,. 1.../I• no.. 111, lab 6, ilI.l
. •
maim... .
4 loot, , 51u.,, i , Lan.dt ...nom A, Itino. .1 W. 1.,
Curtain !In[ tr.
Anthracite Coal • 1 I,ttle, ( , (loan, Net. Thmost P. Copt,
. , ...?‘ 1 DINS just revel a t•utorlhr article I 1.l . 1"1:,'r"a l ‘ ... % 01i ‘ tn.'. Jhim 10. Nytt, .
Nll /1.: SNING 1/11.5' GooLiii. • A :::•?.;" 11111.11 t, " . .ill . ii"..ll" . sl';''''''''''" ' "' s " '' '
.L...t..1 It ~.1 nr lhaddr, ef Count,' tier
/4,14h1 D. Word.
- Lu E slai. 111.4. how ham...,
; 14/ IeI:AHD ....0 NAT 111 1h0 , 711.1h, IthiAit TUE /Oh- k f ft,, g„,,.:, , ' , red ,
' : , . Jul. A. Brayry, Willia m W.lrh,
" Mom.. 11. 1.mt0.. 31 end t-I ...I.:
'Clarionets. ,
~.... 14.1 CAKOFDLLY '
' ' '' - 'l.; ' '.4 .. .4;.t.fialt'i.t/Oh e h.attel •, O 11, Franca flo-khat,
111,4 r•otort Ciotta.
1.11., II chair hualm., • rytt E ,figi,„l, 2, „ „I ~i,,,,t h, i,,,z , 1
,r ,,,,
~,, J
~,,r . t .-„ , ..,555 v 1 LL}'
~...natarl. ..t. ....1 foKSITOMI • Ara ~.,
Cyr.] n,<-`lv. I ham.. Itrook h Auft4ll Alhborna. •
n, ~.. v.-, 1.., 1..,1, ntrol. I, ar•Arann. ..1 a ,
0 ,... 1,... 0,.... i ,.., m i 1,,,, ~, „,,,,,. i,.,,,,,,,_„ ' ... i ., I. • th. 1r.... • ii... 0...... ti --.1 b Ism., • 4,40 --- -----•------". ' ' Amir!on•ll7bita. 14'mi...honer.,
...IS War r Thitad Cowl..
tim mot Nayinnall,
hatoll-lr, '" ro ' m l !'n'toi 1.1. n Cr..., 51,1... d Cra x . i'd.'“''' '"" '''"'i ''' ."'"
. r' l
' • 4'•': ' '•••.•' '..." ''..' ' ' ' ..r. "`'" 4 Try Morrie 50c. Tea. , • J.d.h Al m. 0.., Jtitn.A N. 1.1.1 n.
\ l ll
', VI Morro' 11., IL b. 2.1.trw01, tinriy.
I. Co. ,-It.-• Yr, 'lnetvfo• LY41.1.1•11 •1./ I .10 cum-.
u„i 11....„. .1 or • hid. loh "rill l....rrant.t .4 .... th. 1-....... ,r. 0m.., t" ....r.., ...m..d. ... Lmt......• tor „,a,,,,,,i.., ~-..,.-,, ~„,...., t,,.. ~,_ .'t 1 i ' 1 : R / Inc • "Iw's,7' '"'l'l ih'' i'''''i I''' , in Th''''''''‘''''''''"" ''''''''''''''''"v"'`'''''''''''.
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~,,,, I, lna 0n,,, ',H o n . ... loi m atarimm. ,
~t r0t h,,,,,,0 10 m . ..,
edam- alai, Away .1' dualay.
e. 1,. JANICO A. 117 K heGIIT
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r, r t, ~,,,, , ~, . III:, avon,h u nll n,l, 01 eatr2. er.s.rdau t. r i t.
nidnrall a: ale. - .tole to Om pub tc.
61:sr. ilit LAIN ES, in great rartety,ta .
t Int ..a.tat“, t...t.t...... tt....ettia. a :A rt -, tea 1.1...... •'''''', "Ii•I'"' .'''''''-‘ ..* ' '''•'• . • • "w' .LIAAI ,ldth)43. A 0•124.
N. )41 trunt .1..1..
1.7.1 •+, -.. yinlo nod firtnt.l. In. 144 M. ua h. Ma.
_ _
- •• - fano... IL., . 11 .. 1.. MA .'•. r ' : , .
''' '"' i l ' ' lar'" . 6 ' ""'"'"" 4 ' 4 ' 4 I'''. 1 Delaware Matta! Safe InsaranceComp'y
n '''''' '`''''' '"'''''''`'i:'iltili';'f'.'.",l'iltt':ri-v-1';.:,7,;:7
A •,••• • anr, to Id., rhlato ea. Itlamiel In l'i.'""i°l ...4 n. 112 ,
North En. corn, 4.1. awl !team. I n T 0... at .... or r.... 11. ....4 C1at...... • N ...,1 eh, • ton t 00...1 ...a... who h .a.- 1. tt-t ......1.... Ap r i r . . - g" i t FFIOE, I1016:,1'13 •Rt.N . l OF \ TILE EX
.•.- ... rr, . g oo t who • Ili Ir h tr.... of 4.11.... d., •.' ' j ''' "I' CHANGE. porll ado,. ND Inlphau.
IV EAT li-Ifilt ED (11No - li ANI S--M ur ph 7 " ,r ;.l - '" ~,„ ~, 7,- ~ ,-.11-,, ii.,.. ~!,' 1h.,:,,,,',. ;;;‘, '7. ,:t1''',.. r ." 1 ,:,13 . ,;,;'''.',.' 111 • ''''' l ' '''''' ''''''"• I "' IV °Up--43 " l ' I ". '''' '''' - '"'''l 1. ' 4 ""le ‘-'•
JNI liII t c a . , !Itt. VI6CII/ , ‘,-EtflioillOlCll. 3 rrobrniltr to/ att,
1 A. Burr... 1... renn.,...1 • Mo.. ......m. it •.i _ -
• 1 proynrty. In Mau and ...atty. In.tAzd . tocalart In. or
.... or.-1...1 n 11...,...11t ) Alt o A nur r l, .4 r.... 1 11. New Music. ~•• touch . Aosta.. 11, 0,11•••1"to ,f - frt.,. 1 f f '
' ... k. 1111, D., A Dit.IF:ItS--;5111) der. Men's ' ' Cam. .. I. ' ''''• " the ' ''''''' " ar m '''''• '
rt...., •ad Latsmotm Mlnohtoton. ••'4l."' 01 12.; 11. MELLOR, No. s I W.,,,1 etrom, 1,-,- .1 , -,,,... oi .7,5, '5.7 .n.,..0., .5 7 ...1..1, R , ••1,,,rt......, Dr.. •11 . INn b5t,....,r..-11, al., ,in Vmorela, 4. 4 tr615.,
, - •
g: 4 ASIIIIF:RES AN IODELA IN ES-15 oa- o f il :55 ......L, t/.. I, t 1, •t11.4 Ift7 kli I 1.,111.11. pi.", , p...., ~,,.,,, .. . ~..„,,,, t ,, - i '7,' r,;.....,.., ; „,, ...._. A , ~,,,,,,, a c„ . 1 and ! . • 5 '4 444 .• '''''''''''''' '''' 54 5.• 41 .•'. mm. , l 4 or". ni" , DOMAI
i polintn.... th.raom m t ma r d.-tn.. \
• -
1 ' .t... of M.. neho, -I, In. mai ...Dr, ~.. r....,1 nt od 5 u.•
..,I M ...h. •t ~.e t o„4 . A. M 1 :nth 101 f , f ", ofo , •••••• - • • C 1 , -t., ...Isn't, 1,., LO.-1.1 de 1... a:, ~•• ~, e.. ...rm. Il_ .u.,.., -,..,.,...,, „. , r ,..,., . . , . . ~_p, ~ ..,.. I ‘ l,,j r , H„ i t ,„,',,..;,,, 111, „.',',T.., ~.,7T4-1 „ 1„, ..,1 ,7, 7,7, ~ , , -, L ..-1 , 7 . ,•„„, ii.i. , M..p. h0,. .r , 12 , :fd ,
~,i ., ,
W 1..., Toni:on o , -.1.-, . 0,,,,,......
I. L natl.! n o
. AA '' A ' . .'.' j". -''''''' b'''''r ""' ll':! ' '' ' '' . "" Ike "Tt
" ' LI
'l t
• A. MASON CO. have en hand, 1.11.1 1 „-..-ta• ...tal- , - , . t t-t 4...
. -
a' , • Are dlifir 11l r.w.q i .t 14 tar., ntiaol.t...,d N.. hr.. ,•D.""aDi Ia • 1t.1.0.d. i ',Dena th.o.ti il.. fn to., id h, . ey nt ,y . A p,,,,,,„ ~„,
1' A RR. AM 58.1 N lA -21 fi, 11,, fi , ~,,I I ~. -. l'reff--e-Pt. ~`,,,,ml k rii,m." A., i'l4" l. ,'""a , I
. r • ._
~1.4111/,, tayt e n. n ... •9r..... Own .1 Alward.,
a t..., d 1.. 7 @ l ll ' Ldvtarl IN.rhuat.u. Imue IL , Pavis. Wil.,
..... w.vli , rinh Odarod nat•oa. ''........., Ir. Loa., .-,•• ...I In,. 1%'... 7:'; , ..L.- - •'„.,-....., ' T • -
ao human Body most PeraKre, • `•-•- •
. -,- ,liato. Yolucll. -I, , hrt Nerdy, Dr. It. X. Ilvetern \Jars,. C.
eft of whi , li tl., 16.1 actLner. , ......0 1 , r117 ..,1 i..h l , i ''' '''''' . . l. ,
....out the mark.,
1 i.,00e ~.., no . ~,, ~,„,,,,„. SI) SA IsN A ru RE. L. 1 ,,,,,, ~ 1,,,„,,,,,.,,,i,_ "I i , ; .t , It -"ill 1121,1.4"D15'441.".• ''' , l7 ' . .' ' ' ' r . ," K :: ‘'' ,:i' ,.fyr ; .1.4,,,,m, ,, T l ,-,.. :1 ,, , , , , ,1 . ,, ,...x4..,.,..,!1 :rii i i - , ..2,,..,:,,,,,,1,,r„,-,i'
i t, -, Lood OIL C LOT II --W.) yards 3, 7.'5, ''"'''''''''' ''''".'"""''' "'"'"- """'''''' ' i"''''''"'"' `''''' 1 " 4 -.` . I .' iii• 4' , 11...”1••••• ••• I , Ma '.: '' .'l . '''''' it IL " Ll ' A ' Ut . ' Clanrl:. Finity li:Johnotn..4l tn. 'ff.. In- 4 , 1t0nd..
r. a t, • s e amad, d u.. r....... 1 Dna I.l...l'lthl m artll. Y
~,, „.,,,. 1,;".., 1 ."..'; . : „tn 1 i ",,,!„.•`;',," ,‘...,,,,'.',:=,,.',1,T:,*f t,'',"`,l.';.-::„.".''' 4 '":" .1 . ' ‘1 0 1..k1i4:3 1 . :66 2 -I61711111 • N. 0.;',5. I di, S. 11., ;. , An s-157-..r0 Err,. Jr. i,
, utd 4, .si, nt..,....1. nnd r•tol.. itl. Voltimor,,,,l s, ~
~,. ~,,,,,,,,.,
r „ ... , li„ ,„, , ~ , , ,,r,„
,„..,,,,,, ...,„. , -to.- a... 1 a(h .. th...... "” • 1414 It 1, O. t 't • l, A ''
•I''‘.. '-',.
I - I .. l A " i''''s '.' 1 ''' ' '-p.
V. ' "
s °. I 41. 0 1 0 .' 4 •I- .. 1. 4 . ' 3 all l'" 'J.."'" 1hd...., D 0... quo t `I.. 'hod ' • 1'• 1 : M l ' I " 43 ' a ' 'lh, 1 -'''''•" "1, W . 11.1.121: it 4•1•1_., Crref/li[Dl- T - itroa C Haan, 11.• lii \ e.l
NEW GOODS, . , 1, .1 , ,,,, ..,,,,,. ...a eh.. 11-11 h ....• ' ~.41•I t•fool •
1 ,o•litol ••• 1. , "• , " fa. LW. diri• t0..1., j h . .
Idly, ant., , • i..., Ito .- . •' 1 ' • I• • ' ' - " (I\Nl f 1 5 le 111 ' i r . It, fr:j'l,•?; , - ..j, .1.1, Joalrld M.. Cho., harrottar r
r ....•...
• • 'T... -.. • , t • ~,•,* `•-•'•'. o '-' ..-.•''• ••'•'''' • •.•"•••...'" •• '•••, •••• 1 , • ' -'' '• •'' '• ••-"•• r ''-• ' oi, - -titt,.. or In,. 0,.,,,, , ,,,, No 46 Wittur stond Ihttin
noiNI: ....d•-• i1,..h....... !rn I. do. or o. otd..r .1...41...... i - It ' -
.I I%
. 1.11-r, .1r....t . . _
. r.,.. 1 r tt,...t.. 5..... , ta,..0....... r.... 1 ...M um . i l it .: .4 Ll' PET 11E--iio CrtDie 1., ... i'
, 1 ,',,f117,, , ,v , •7 1 ,., 1 , ,, , , ." c 7 ^ -, i ,,,- - , ''. 1 ." ..^^ l ....'i ' 11,' Ni/EA l ED 1110)1ISSCE ', Nulls a i ~,.. ~,-, -,), ~,,,,.. I ~..nit ...,,,,,..55. , 1..., z ; t , - 3 . 0 ,, ~., ..5.. tr 5,-,1,. I hIC/6 3
~,,-,...J . ,, t 1t...i.,„.1 Cloths,. dm mmt•op..rior ~,,', 1 ,2a. 1. ',.,,;`,..,';':',',". ~',..,;.':,, ..' '. '-- "'" A I:'''''' '`,T;;lr"',Z!,'i',.:',."-.1,17:',;":„.,:`-'";:f.;:,Z.''...11':,.':';',7ta,,„ -rio iON I it/ N 511 • sf.t it i, - ,.Su ;
14. h . if 4 1 Cht St...ho d , dad. ; •11....11 it air the a 1...... man., 1 1....... IT le, , al/ I • 1'1 ,4, • a A • , , , , J. 0101
l'lie Inromt and r 0.... mi.u..1.1 an•ort.....f 1 ..11n. i
...rum Mart. n0d0.....1 ... 1 - ,-. •,,,,, - •,, .... , ,t-,-,• -.-..... ~,,-. ~-L, _- ~..".!.......!!'"...'" -!... 9.
T,';lll'Y L',..'::.1.1 . .t .z.i,,,,,,..„..
, ,„ rt t .t Int. urd on/. a ..., hot 4 ,o1rtlii•••, al, I r.s" • 11,111 TE cIIALK-50G0 lbs. in at
1-; 1 ' A Nl ` i ' tklN S ' ' ' IV ' gll '' r ‘. '''''''''' ' .`.:5....;:,`,,vi' th : `, :i;:' , ',' ,. .lT,':':: "''',l' '"' " ' '''" ''' ',, ~ .0 1 •• h ' ' l7 J. Mr.!
'l' .In. "...Id •olarrito. Shirt..
A for. •....ortnon, or Cravn ,„ ,, Ilarolternbi,, 4•. „, _ , .
~,,. 3 . 1Arrr... ,, E •. 1 , 1 ::: , ..[•1:1:+24.• ,. ..b. , , A
. r. , r ~.:c thr n l:rs•••: ,
~,•,„.,....•,,,,,,,,,,,.. ~.„: ^ O -. • , •r , , J.•
i CMIPLETE ..,t. 51 13ock5t 1 .117
, i lv i i,tr 16,;;:tia,.,r,,,, 7A,!..„,..n.,-;:,;',',„f.;,,..,,:1...?„„„",', •Ij 1,%.",;."1.,:tr'1t.`.",.;: 'i,.:7,,".7>i! .; . `L;:.1.7:!,...;:- ',7" .
„„!1.?,,T,',.;;72^%"' .',-- -'• '''-' •I' , - , ..-- , "1 I- -I 1 , ~,,' J F 1.1 111 . 1.1t11
.... hand, m....., on. n. tn.. lare and am. fad, ...1,.- , , ••• • - .., upon.••• ~ t , . ., Gt.. Ltwt , n l'o".- .., . ,„„ ~,„„ o ,`,j'y'; , y,„„,,,,,
„,„, „,,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,
~,.b. ,----.- - . . -_ _ .
:ll"''' 1 "''' ""1 .4 1 t'L''"'''".";';" "r• ,'" ''' j LA NI, s run A 1 - 11 qiN Ey s ALDER- I 1 .- •., ii . . 0 . 11, i, POOL COT RI N. -10 WM d.,z. dun
. ',. .. 4, T ,, Tif , : , ' , Vr';', , ,,;.,.',:;„„,:,.17.; , ,...:7, - ' - --- ~ „,,,,, s ,„ ~ „ ,,c., „) 1111 pI.:AUK- h mi., j. • .... ---- I 7 from Eu,laml. ,0..1 . fur ...:/ty
• C. Al:Ill
...r.lrr• In Ilse I . ..rin d 11.... •......1.. to ,ii. 1....., ninn ' meld...rod newt.. InGaran.u, it.a.,,,....., t .,.,...„,„, . intarly whitn Teeth, mid Coro 13r,,th. to ; , '"'i''
nor. twd at th• •horteer not., ....1., 7 , , 5 t. ,, , g..... ,Lt....... HI , ~ a a. . . Artm1.....1 Nar,....1. il. L.I for di amt. -C.0... who hate ...1.-r.... 1....... n. ! T .k BLE sAI,T__SOO 1, 0
. 7 ,,,,, 0n 1 r ,,
.New Fall Itry Goons. , A t 0.4,11...., r.... Pol.. 4 ,: ..f. , , h 0r ......
111 1 I.l.'".•Ocntloovr, y ..I met It 11.... Mll a •.... it . I .
''' '''" '''` ' ". ' ' ".. 54 " •`m i m-liti • lona for ...1 • 1..° I t•al All 1414:1
,rh J,ersr....l..lark. or erth.., and rurtuata. wlt4 tartar, I ...., i „ ` ' - 14 .... ) „ 1...„
mt.... 11.rt ei nod rt...... 1 .D. I that ...-. hot 1.. m Jl,l, A tal..r T.. 41. h., %Ili ...I,
"1. 5
A. MASON tt. 1.'0., have reocived and
.1 nret krvonh 31........1 NEW itruSlG. ' " I -7,..-,.... 1 -.-- - --• .04 , b- t•- , ---,..), ( , 11.11. K -5 !ono for sale I t y\
4. ..Z 1 0 1 .r..-L7TATA::.Znettaly fur tr., wae, 10
! ''14...1.1 only at JACESOI,I, Cad.., 20 Lawn, 01.. hoad Of . i ''''' J. SCIIMIN.II.O4II,
rd... •1p.... 4,1 Mohair 1.1,t,.. ma tel Wt.. hlli.
wind '
iillC:l , i . i.: 11'6 F.l. It 1 , 5 ,, , , , , - ,; 2..5 1 , ) „, It it :1 , ,J
MIL .Ar t i. time, re,1,1 Closmeirot,...l h r 4. 1.1 1.11 gnu.,
I. runes Cartimatt.hlt.4 Cot. to! 11.1... r.,, acted-D
-ill, 01 ahad. and l untiiim i liat D• 1 CI trr..l M.r 0 ... Wit
S 11. :11 01. A tiSES--40 1,1,17. for no.
IPil fan.r ''.1. , •• ri- 6 ,, ,i ~,,cd, •.., offer Gy tole iii
h r.,. whirl. we arn1 , 411,"III SAY Illiptl,O,lill•fix lo•.
• td A W. 114211 A
.. . -
U T 11.4 IV PA PEE -2000 WI & supet
L - 7 ,7,..., ~..- -team, rJ )( Lind., , and hd aal
A CCORDEONS-A riplondid 111111 51riffli
rpm, of Ponp anon 11-yrst
.1 37.;.' ' rill'- ' ,t t w h :4" .. .le t al'e r n d e%2l"..l l ;l= l , 'I, 4,6, ....1 n
kry..,... rt.!. and or the 1.... tuakmn, tory nheaDdinm
01 "-T.4•44 ....
lIIITARS—An ezu.naive and rh
o, oire afire arriving.
rft/L/N.ti—Sorne rare One ..1.4 4 , J. and to of every
" /) 3 ; 1 Z 7 /;7..%'.4rtne We, tlon tau, 6.r elul tar and
Coronets, Tub.ll flu gl,l. Ilibocorrine, Trumpet, and or.
vf lira ..]-,'tad 00.1 trial by the
: , utec ",.. rh i e t r y teelf " rod aold at vary In•
A 1,.., the oeaeot . and Fined popular !dual, 'Lod reoelvrel.
li.—The &Won tont:lt/nen. ere warranted to tw ear
-1 n-i aod fer`eot eeerY re.P , l. if fnuud faulty the tno.
Ley ad' he returned II FILMIER, 101 Third at.
eclAl 141014 01' TII). 0111.1111:14 HAM.
A R CA fiI'ETS titix tiny
erne. and Co l t l u e nCioLl NTN( I Ii K A n lA ew a
A n RPET a V ty l le
a e k nuw o r r l l a u r e e .
' , Nimrod W
ket oolf lower than any Carr...weer lvefore offerod
in thie mar lie ...rdially Inajto tho attenhou of
turn& and IN.. Wlnbillit to purchame to give us a cell.,
th., Old,ll,hed ..larieA tiarrhotiva, No. he Fourth Ft.
--Juttt roo'il, i.e., expresn,
i' 4. A MAYON Yieurtonn fe.ntud Ribbon.,
11111 , ,L an. mewl 1111, dcrt.Tala, and Faro
Plower,. I I /
,rt• Alrtoo, lemutiful "glum, hu
elar...llu, ale ohndex. doe-Ostrich Plum.. chend.. tlpa.
INDIiESS 4;oor)S-, We aro now rg
retying tho nowoot etyleanf Drovu'llondr, ouch
Caehmerea. Perolun Role, Alpaca', Pa
riunettar. Erenet, •11.1 Thll, (Math. over lOW
pie.= on. sees. I eoph A. A. alAniiN Co.
A. i‘iaxom t Co ;
and p laid lu • au, 14 ,1:1'..":":;):1;117,`,IV:i
Ind/151/00kr4rIts Nansook Muslin,' tr. A roundels
aanortugent and
I ' LEN 1 . 111)- SILKS--A. A. ilnntshr k Co.
eJ barn just reed a beautiful amortrnent eery rich
Laura , / and idaln Illaek Silk, The share dealt-able gooda
are well `araetta- Inn ationti..o of pure liapera A 1..,, v
Au fino. de ion•A frigue. satin dr Chen., beautiful Chant. ery
— 3I U/11 1 11T A 1 1 11111'11VIELD bare opened thin
d;g • lot of ha ldainga g nga, Jack..
Eg.. and In., rtsuar, linlAnna Edging,.o.l I nnertinga,
Thrranl lodging. eau* In.rtlnga. new style, and aold
cheat,. aent
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. Ids 51a STREET,
R. Ij ,;
pr, Pafore
; fo ; T f :;ani;:,
and a
m v ; ? ;
\ ' '.. l ;7.4;:Porvlrta and American plain and . •.'Y
Straw . . Brad. Chip, 01,00,1111110 n. Lag, Ilalr, Pan ..teag
horn,Ae_. Ar_
//A T.S.—lleta, Iroutlie • and 11., a . Leghorn. fanny amf
plain Rraid, Wray, l'anania, /tannin, and Palm Leaf. In.
tante Leghorn. tirael, Mon,. Chip, Ilion, Lars, and Hair.
Idleaore Ilipeey. Jenny L.1m1,./.1 other fimat.i, In great ran'
sty of that" and tnatarlat.
usnuxi—ukh lionnat and Pearl; plain Bann and Tall
tet...r. all 01. 1 the and oolong Limey (lawn and erapuflapn.
LACES—PIato and Bgungi.kitn and.]oral SUE and
,ST/JA ir TR/MAWSGs— Battens. Dridda
P±;ie.or_h and AMIWICIM Briga. bunions. nod
W LVS'E; hart d
do Itlitny. Fit:rano, and ot.Par styles, aailintrd
Als3-4 . lfet and low Ininaigaolaada sad trattingZiand
chickering.6 Pianos. Dr. %veer's Pectoral Syrup,
101 IN 11. MELLOR, Agent fr,rslFm. OR TIIF: CURE OF COUGHS., COLDS,
AWI I :bickering's Pianos. ttr Plltabcc,, Et.INE.WIEVI undue early
i l l
an.l Went., Pennnwlesnia.Nn. al Wreel nt. nn. Ihn.nehrl., and tar . arinue illwwere of the tot lone
pint rot-eine! n new awl werr la,. nutek s
tit ?lAN. fotllTE.n.,_fruni Ihntriannlartor r of Chilterittr. ai. ~ pne , the moot certain an.l ere... romeitlen
Enr , ,lni, ennrktit, .1 ti, G) 7 , t , ,,1•11.1 7 octave, carrod Intl for of thr client and culmonorr eoan• ten, 11,
Pia. ,
onn . enverwl It IA a ....It'll:11,h i a rano. reoebthle Pl•nr4•
- ..,..• 41 41. nom nr . any rut.. in nnler LO make It pat..
11. NE SA-LE—A meeon , l han d bi. It 1.1., sn 4.... n .. , ,i, dine,. In any a th,
I- -
PIA Nit. e , tantni. roocLant ntah , ,,ne,rtrowree.te t Cno t th )Ir.trtnelt hine in t,-. at it , Inow DO , ocnecnnte th.
... made 1., 1..4 ,n Itrnthert I'M, OrITTVir •(11.-1., 1,1, Vo.ltlr. ni.,..... vf the ral[l•4l. • latt,t to
bonds-n.l Inwl rtlty tlnllart. on rit nooit h. ; romo., In Crtwoh tlethinn..
ecetitt, "r tbe niinal thwettnnt Inn en,nnt fen rah. hr 1
Thin 1.1.,,, I r di , ..1, -. the eutterahurpn renrrth, nr
w. 31 . 'lon% It WI WIC •I tt rid. ! moroti• sir' ph • non w tirt, attornt alt Catarr o Itrtnetir
. _
- nt anent..., a.l it, ...untie effort In *h. .notlettlin.r..
!c.0.-no, an, ntialting, may In. twiint ma to rertain
iI lir pr.,. bit line teehnl tlnr in n clown., of re
verit: tenr,....n.1 with ouhntnettil ronown, keee,• 1..1.1... well tii newt, err ni
Ilor ...Entine coaittently nti ha... It , rut etr tad I,
Ciro re Le t [, and .7.4 , 1• • largo priint
i ....... to' the mi. et' nughs b.. hewn brourbt
hen. the, hoti. n 1 tLx pniiirietor. an.l Imre hewn eured
In Slit dont tithe It I. ~, ,1 the el.rane. inedtri nee
lin.•PT/ n It I• [Alt up to halt pint loot!, .GO center/lA.
rir r tart,.., I, 51...
Int wths. whniewain ..I ret.l. I 4 KEYSER A Alebt/W•
ELL, Ito SC trel Pllyet, Pi40 , 11,h. 1,..
SUNGS - hungs by Nit, F. 11ArEiii
I, Cm... wt.,. tbr sopli sir. ;ie.,.
The limy ttiat oner Tlinai'n
Cowin' tlinnuzli ttin i And
Au ILnliln
Ht.!. In
brim, knti:
Ti,, , eared.,
he , liennniat.n. miqui• n I sin
Cavalinr. •
8 A ruirtiug II"
.' ll, it.. nr• W. , nil
Th. 1.,-.lllo.trt; W lir 4..
mll ini 'ninon. Po lkw.
inn Init [Amin.
Ji ill\ II , ,
Al •itniii
Double Reed Melodeon.
1111 F . ju, oiwned a :or,
rat, t.
ralit, for tr.m.t•rtll7t, I r
v ••
pro, ro ,turrtztt,t• u
/ .11,r a,tra l
a nt..nt
t ol it of 1t...,1.
it tenor In oAII :roil oxamt/to tit. wat.. pi ,7 t, lot, to l•
bt•etr onlo,-11. • n
• r.
re, I t., tt, • ri w Ion! trtInIkt•IrLU:11'.:tr';'!•:1•:'1;1-\ '''••••••••',11i•nttl
New Book's.
SiU RECEIVF:I) ;Ind Gar ~10. by .1. L
L.. uo.I u•.• 1
~ . k
1 . 1. 4 I.k' c and 4 1,0 Itnr ro trc lk ~,o of tho l'r. oo; Von
ro. I , • , A arr. n. V II : ruthor of %kk a and 1 . 114:., A.
Ttko /cc, Ilkind.c a Pool, ot /...octr, 4 on tck.. lir,
, k - diner Otkrint IF tk
T l ct . l i” 4 ' , .r. oc ‘4 . 4 ,c al in I..lckdt nr i nnol3 Uo.
, k)c.n. r, Nth an 4 /,,n,n,, atc•l .1, radar td Irn. , to.
Ind 14. ..r0.t0rkc, I d fano c, c 0. 4 4.1.1 4' /. Icooln,
I n cOlc Bod 4 ‘& 44 cos, tr.], oco . Ids and t , Woo, rritoon,
•Iscoot, uk 111,4,r ..rho Inn!, nrol ~.nor k f t'Lrroloccltl.
1-y Ic Is Clark I , 1 4
'll.olocs, nob wank 4.41,0• tn o
~ alannorno... tn •nrlvt
nod, Fro, {“i) rli 1.11.4 55 . 1 ,,, ml, I ,ta I I.Darj a,
Irk 4 k klkr Encd
c k tc,
ft CAl{.l). __Pilo magmti,ont Sz VN4 • tV
et,.C!sr ~'r",.."44'.1:1'".:,!...'‘,.'1!,..',"44'.0.'c.,' fill
7 .' 1 ". : . 4,...' orc":Tc't
Ow 4 . 44404 edatc nick. 4 ' c loock,l o to rr'laill 11*:.'r"c:okf,
kno r. ILI i , ler I•. nth, .1 tho.. . f c tzr . t nu nhc hat
rod aeon., ock, nil. rt.. cruot, cd town,. Inoco.r. an
, I l",/11.1tr t • , all 11.4 . samme the utUie.
1~..u~ fvr \uSYr S lUai\. \..1 ith 1 .1 rl,r.L
Nunnte Grand Pianos
t ST RECEI% ri). a lolertili: --
Vail. In. Ilin al 1 (11.1.
‘••.... ail Ili,. 0.1 /11,, .m.kt• • I.i N'
i• ,1 itto-uniti rni•li an
in ..I %.•.4.1j1
..f II RI I, 111,1
irl anil lar
la k
11-n tl
11 i nral
A Histigy of Pittsburgn.
ILD NEVII.LE It. l'I3A1(;. --A
I) tory ••1 trttut µ•rt...l Rh., It
•trth , l ,tr th , •U tu tht. hf . th•
iint—rtant 111ILVIAPCIOT.1•1
ut Ar• tt, tntrr,t h . ut LI ' t n'th
A.l ,L e 0., ttp.'n .lruht•ut.' 4 tthttt Ihr tuttt
utht , uttint."l,ll.l p.p.., • htth h
1“11:111.,11.1 tt •
sarettat• ttf u•ht Ah,
It .11 . rt•ht, 01...h-,t,
t• tht ttut tu th eat ,• 'huh'
i i
..ruttrul [h.' ttt tht.' oh,' tu.ll.'t
utl pri,alut•uhu,:u•
f • u- t-httutn. as I, 1 ll'.
:.1. .... 11 I•ri... 41..
~u,'. a vela„r,.
)'ER Tll E , %V A TERS
In An ~Nt hy,l.l,4lZl.„ran:
rt.. ‘ w,, ....du, Ito 1...•
twn. 1,111;
Nell, lily. I.e.y, Th. Yerenefe,
,aehoh e yy. 11. 11 , II awl!, J.yly Ilehenry.
rem.. Puny: WhEY, the 11r1,1.1 are
11111}10. I 11.1,11,,... Th.....luette; Th e N la, II , e „,,
Nell, usu. 1,111.1.1
.•• 11. zJr•ning rtgly I,l t o n
y / e
vy th. 111.11,1. likry•e. ul
/Mlle,' the 'I I al•e I1r111.•ty;
Yy .11; We*. Favorite alta. Alhzun
W•lis; 10.1141/m,
1 , 4 , 11,LLr,r, PollY3A--cam.lll., Alpeubern,
Tenft4s. with , elerel vouovlte, Beyer. Flew, evholllo.
Matilda Man - at, an.l lyy Tan.l.eur— howl, hilrer
nay Ilnygle . l yule, ykt.y. three 11.111.', Irreriunee
11.... knglant.l. bie 81 .1•Yrot4 ut freluyl; N,,.
3. Thistle of thyttlay•l for
. .
NE. , KS ! l'lti• Stone •
Ilaant. of Sado. Point. • Vtllnce Tab, ff
. 14, Lamarlita. Tru.slatcd Itynn the
11yor dr of Rey 111 ward 111,4ert1. th,
I Gm. I.krtt: hr Ley f It. . [net.. of Kell-ban,
• Ilert, orltb an :ntroductlon 1.1 Iloyhtut II Tyng, I, It,
j rola. , taus.
Antlon'n /Inman Aunt Isle.: a Manual of Roman An.
thrum., wllb aunt, 011 n allts+l.naLit.l,by Charlet Anthon,
Light in It,. Dark Plat., gemuclait of Cl:Hat:an LI fa
In the altddlo Ann; frt.ra the Rosman of tha Into. Aug.,.
• tit. brander, latno.. mu,
The Star of Abu Wltc by
• (Intnturntarr on the Mccond
Chao," of FL Matthew, by Itichanl Citeneyyt Yronch, D.
Elandoing Chaplain of lb. Oslnrd,Ar.
key NstYl hand M. London winion.
Loonyhe Algebra... The Elements of Algebra.
for ll.,(llzontr. by Ell. Lanni, M A., Prervaccr of Ninth.
elastics, An.
• No. 1.5 Pictorial Fold lbwk f tLe Itorolutinnt Losylog.
Paten75rb,:aN...,tft.1,1a.,,,,,,..4.1New Monthly Magazin,.
acte2. 73 Ap3lln Ilulbling Fourth
NoKW WOKS ! — Travelii in dm Uniu•ii
glatem,dir., during 114'J end Wok by the IJuly '
Stuart Wortley; I vol. limo., Mc.
The Iliktory ...111, Em/rove Jury:3llin, byJ. S. Caldadt
.111, et.rarlitlM 1.1. I erno..
No. n, ad. August. Anninton's Menhanita . Magna:no and
lingintyora . Journal.
Do. lb Pictorial
Nu,. as and ati Dictionary of Mechanics, en‘lti..lgott
and Znatlncoring. Just as s e nt
and Foy talc by
aril frouryti stn.,
xi. NIT A iliociirlun hart, rust madroal n Int - of veer/
beantiful Eicitab itriuty, made cstd,ady f or
the .Worltrs Falr, In which Ile alloutivu uf tin• lad., lain.
t'De Kuala.
. _
New Books, Just Received.
)(EAST: Problem; reprinted with corree
' ,nne and addltlont: by the author of Alto. Locks
hnn, mud.
fltetory of Cleopatra, gown of Egypt: by Jamb Abbott.
15mo. mut.
Caleb leld, Tale of the ['mita... 32,
aud Vortuneall
Banbury: a TaPole,
p. by and nu Anua
m lt. Imyrry. author of .Yrieuds
A pletttrie .11nchetuks . klagemue and Coal:mare Jour
Dadionary of Moehard., Conine Work and Cot
wit...ring; M. 31 mod 32.
Le,ougle Ploortlal Yield !Molt of tholteyelotlool
Paletztoet D. Geograph I and lhblellittory, kth MLitt,
oentoble by fr. 11/hbard. E•AL tleneeellmte,
oa edlted by Daulel Kidder. Piton. mum. • •
Fr, kby J. L DEAD,'
41= TX
ZdERICAN STATE 17,-1713, ERS.—Stato Poe
Tr! end Public 11 , munrott of tha Platte,
, Acceillou Of Ilvorwo itthtowtoo to the Prosbt.,
t, lbltlng entOpltt. alley of our loret,u relations/eine.
th;tt Grim inrludlng Colottleutlal I.< l / 1 11 . *
%leant Ilaturran; containing PolilltaLllletoriakl,
Orxgralotdcal. Volnatlncal ttatteleal, tkontouiral. and DF
ArtlVl'Vtir= ll'rultetiVraFtratta :Ir=o7Ll
Manila of the TIMM front Isll.
Tbo ter sae by
J•l7 . 7 iTUCATON,.47 Marble..
For ItMd.., Srurf. Irmt,truttr.
tt mmlr -r mtg.:l,4lml Itr Itte n l'itralmtrah Purt
1 1 1.4.' 4 % , ./ttltratr!. ET 414, Trli.tlnt.. 1 rm * it.
0.1 mr2m, at ritt. twat amid- extant'lctr
•••,. ”I,3titt, 1.4111G114 .4441
, r•r: tor rttntlitme Its, m.ll ant) sticm, wttlmmtt
the ntrl “1.4,
I:arra I
ran t ur
om3trurit. wrrst M.,/ 14 T.ratt A-n. In
rrt rt.-, •rtt •
2 runt.; roD LIVER OIL,
Iri ctrl 1.. t. 1., .1..
,1 ,•,1.1d) 0 • .1.,11;... %I I
111.01,1 N ‘l, ITN..N. NI 1., ./.11‘ s
/. .- 9...1 I. J. I.: 1 ..‘ 1 .11. ' , I
nettrlo G.l 1..1 , r •
In. ty Fit•I'SIII4 It. It.,
k - ther tandle.nn It. ' , lir fnmi.
th. • ...a e, lof It.' yr....xi,. fn..
,orp r 4 Ito,thrlr r r n
• ••••• , ...rringt.. o Inn
sll4r ...It tt.n.• ..f
in -•
tun 1•• I: 5Y:1.1.10.S t:
har II..• i• utp•1pm,..1,1.. in au, elip, ate
tittyr, 4•• P h Ar1,..1.• eau pr 0.11...../
u h. 1.. t• arlvr Ft, 11,a. m5.•4.•
- 'l(i ll,T Jl.ur. pAronS A 3mlt,j,
....1114, , I k
,11.11.1 W . Ppo, Mkr.l.lmllo, Fro•lAr.. .11
trot. soil pur..411
Ih. 14,4 SE... •
Tn. Daeovrry in In, II and As
Mr giro! .4 rubtan Remsd9 Brae:
H. G. Farrell'a
(. L'S genuino And,ian Linn
• • fie,t.l'n•or,l,nary
Inch ,• Llohntl it, V.: •••ier...r thr
rt run, Lring prrn,rn,r4 t,
.. 01 nth, nr.l tho
4.1 L.1111a1,..n,•.r113,,••, nn,. 1 , , , ,:har balm, ing. In n
Dr. pet,lrrt,t,,,
f.hir und
the-on o, • , .ro no,ll, 11.• "Ont, ft,
otirL tpinn, , unr,. in ritruin thr
Inkth "pa., end
,trod thr trh. , r , ..Lir r, lr , o, which ohnull nt
threr•lrr• p/oor 11 Arotnnn Llohn, ho ,
Le nn y
411111111 1 , 11.1n1Y
!KAI/ • ,str • agn • nwrlll, oppesr,l in mr
v.', ..lel, •A
r 1 ~rranfen, •I•.. nurli
emu. wf ft, my ue..i r, the .1, Lpr.l
up.. 111 1.4t1,..
lwrl lots , ,,anllLor d.frr ,
onl nh ,o t noun. nowt It 14 11. Rn A
th. o en:nrn
thr and other,. wind it nor • linunt,ll
Ifor an.l ronl,l tn.f tr. 0urr,1.,,,,,t to rutting it
~. In Inn. rntral ...wr, 1 war t., try 11
.t.n. It. owl. errar,, ,
nu 1 Loy ,,
nnui now
h ELL.
n bra , •t t .
t I ID
Jn. ver•Lna ,•.•ur Laton,i4 wan
$1...0f 10-r ...t tto. ,r
I.ln • o• L•rn••••••1,•• !h.
A Seii.tatEe Hair tali..., ft...starer and Beni,
• lir. •
th,... wh o or., w. tt tailt.e.c.
hualitin.:-. It wo: ti hue, rt. y 0,1 w
Va " r " 11.:1L;T:41V
ryttay.rts.., .01 mitt
it ”d 4.. to It m. It
the tiutlymor—.yrucl. lb.
lywr itt Wsl J DChtstJlit hut, , 110 Lthort,
11.1 of I V..... l .l . ot>luteJli
a>.l $l.
JONES' Jlg, a. Liquid Ihrunn
Italy Dr, Ibr of whit, n•L or,
bosubliol brown.
ob or
AndSl rolor, In • Cow tylbuior.. 4.•
Pr:ors—lA, m,
j P. 4.1 Ly JACK SON, 240 lAto.rt •treoL L.riblef Wood.
' NILO urgh.
JONES' LI LLY are eau:
tion n i wi11...1 001,0 Mr obo'i 01..1/ snot,..! Tbr7
Low th:olithalfc nooriov to the vital
how war, Low conch. how "Mow, .ifiJ orthowoh,
n+rosinh prop•w•It.:1.•11•1 Lionl4l,lt.•
in,...,„,......h •L • 0 0 • • 'woo Aushrlty ni
Vor have propurrd boloilthul togotithloartleia, which WO
tali Jon.' Spanish 1.111, II lot,
It Is ocrl.riby hinnecnt. airy DurlfrA of rielerrione
n h Aj. 1 .. " • 1 •1, " ,,., 1 , 11 ,1, 1 1. 1 11.7, 11 :1.
moth , on the Ski, zoakih• it nth hi•l oubnoth.
SIN by the Agent, Vl NI. JACK/Ili,. llllrldhorl,
Mal Woo.l, Pillabureh oont•
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap i'owder.
ASII without labor! W arra ut ..d
y y In Into lb. 'lulu, out of tnble Honen nunl n.,
61 . 14ta..Tinot Fot Umt.—Put lour sloth.. In a aufftment
Quantity or cola wane to rover them. then add two tal.h
eta.o tole of tl.iA Powder. to mob ela quart, of rans
need with the cloth;.; 11 the water le Lent,add mof
the Powder. and 1.11 theta ten minutes; in rho meantime time
,1i..„„1,.. with • snek, limn put thrni In a tub and
odd eullicinot cold water.they .111.1 bn nta nut
to. n•ndle. Tlwn rub the dirt; strraks. or In other em o te,
give tlonn • thorough rinsing, and that if sufficient .
tenß• theta clean.
no ro/dn In tide Neap, It will leave
the rdnthee tor; white, and no had Idly smell. enme
pow, dn. The entire ocet of the material Unnti doe. not
m ..I ed two nente,,lete a wathing or ten per*onsW.
arren. not to rot Injure Um ehothee.
Thin im a
heat family (Null owder that one paper will make twelve quarto
IntErligne tut t/ra.—Take, ear ela quart. of water
ml. the PlAnlrr with It, and then It It bold say live min.
r tlo•n a,td *la quart. cold wail;; lair Ihetu Itttimalnll
l y and wee
will *ash wellouid will ver not tldek
eat the hand. 111, and
Pout. nor rot the clothe*. Can he well with hanl or
...t a r, by nnaing the nuntit,• Into II; yinarin In.tead
tan tr. The 641 Soap la boat adapted for wasining taboo
and wuollen goda.
old wtodexle and relall hp R. E. SELI.EII.II.
Jet tin. Ad. 11..1 et.
_ _
, ahlyianettcry.balestnie and tome proDurtlA
hr, render It far nurwrior to Colinine Water
lur e li,, n,..n ne er nurnows of the .lint and bath. ainpvin•
tn. the Id Ire H. poi - Nino and dievunas. And du Re
..iffeany for tbefannnalun eleanlinene arid health.
r„,,nnuended n ladles for the niffluarr and
delicate purred , . uf the toilet. and Id pre...nits, the
lrnshlts stuollent pn,Ft_nmi tnin•
per tho beat and drynena of the ekln. and 1133 1 1 art It an
elaatlrtty. Ity Inhaling It, atet rubLinw It on
the tomplee, It will remora headarlie in few mlnntee.
arDS !Add by It. 1/.tiIILEII.B. dy:twd!t.
iii)-PARTISTEItSIIII—TiIo suLecri ta , ' , 1 „ 61 have
etitnind Into tkePartnershlf,llifff,rl.,tettn PT-alfte,
Inane .1 ()km,.
IENNETT, BERRY fr. CO. have re.noved
to tk , dr „,, way•hows.acollexof Cham,7!soctad
Int streit.
iliMEZia 1851.
CLARKE, PARKS A Ur. Paneui.zo..
'IIIE PROPRIETORS (1 this old and wall
knnwn I.ran utl.llr th.rt thr,
raticm 11,. Ara..r.43. lard, r,naten hnd f r a....urzer,
tlrr•Vnr.:,: ' , '
J. A CAUGUEV, knt.
Oft, Cr. Water an MN
.4 iet, Pittlo,rzgl..
H.l4' Cunningli.M. New CIA I, pr,
1r Pa_
C Ir tr.ltaro.
• .1 k 4141:, :rlarr,t•rgh;
t cy. A o i ls . A U..
1 , ,r,r, PernnevuN
ker.‘l.F.... P..
rl I, I,..ll.lere.ltuffx,ra. Y
New Lake Siperior Line.--1851. •
91 1 11 E new stpamor FIXER, Card. R.
t. 14. rrr, 1.3.11 n, •
I mPzr ,, mr , “ Tl rt, rrllt r.n t
ien si .
Ste. Mart, r..r thr, latnhog.
gop..r..r. I.n rho erri•xl nthr,tArt,..r Nnr - rf.r.rnr.r, met.lng
. regular thr..t.glUnk. bet.r.*.t,
ftrarl ,
I A iltao: ursPosEi) OF L, Li IIY IN
Li.vP , •
` 04.1111.11 pn.,rt.,
.Ar;IIC.I.: . 1:1 . . 1 / 4 ;IiIA ,I: it:/t;1;0:.....t.1*ka4r,".;'. '.l. ll 'M'' 'q .^ fe I nh. `, A 6 '. .: - An l """. "?."".
.nor to, 1,-..,...1%:, on.lor th- ,t, .or -"v ' iji,',',, I g r "; , , ".. - 4' -2"!"" ' ' '. ',": 4 • n''' ''''', ''.." l t '''' . ' ,. . , h
dmrht, W .I.'PA.III.a. 1 Orleans Insurance Company.
, ..,Lieos, ~- , ,
Binghams' Transportation \ Line, I
a ig m,_.- A , , 485 i . 6-,, ~,, . 5 c ,,,,,, ~ ~ ,, : '.o.lct Pri 1 .4"(1, er . , 42,(11 INSW,IIIee
, ~. •
11)71 . tt Y....V I ../...1, ci Mr Nair.
, •
rPITTSBURnir A: TIII EASTERN' CITTES. ! rilllE hle,ve; peysperous .and responsibly
IE I!AN ALI , iIIg mw "pen. we 'w"" ,', "'" 4 t 4 4' " thr " l! ' :,-' n rii""';'. ' r... ! ::':'74 4. 1.1:: 1 ;,,- 9 , , 'Zi.:; i 'i.r4 . :::
ly . roool , o and Ibruard rdAdtttdlr Pr.4l.,..\afisl I °t Ow 1... d. I.,A ,, rntlln !rm.., eonr.l.a.nnt 'wtth pru
I 1). NIL IILoAON I . A.,:gleto
1 ., . - .4IA'. •Iwa ,, . 1 ....... , ra. ,, 1 , ha , d , l id' I.AV.m . i . h . Nl U71'. ...: '" =71 . b11, I.l.,rxtahy. •• . -
\ , . LAIL . t.,Aa :.I liniltltLeld at rut... Lure,
..I:tnnn7.w'...!::'wiThi/.rttt"y7Ttr"Z.;7l:an.r'tur7TV 1, -‘,"'..: sA. A. cm:Hu:l:. Ace..
1,j1: • ;', r f."t!,tlt,`.."l . M i r;`n ":;:r , 25 fr ,,,,,„,
.: ~ , P ittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
""'''''''' 1tV 7 a'.4`;‘ , ....,..,,,,,,th. • rrk , f.s CO.)IPANY wx.4 inyorporiityl in
• • , e• a e•• , , , ,,,e Chart, Atud na.
Corn, 1 1. 1r....rt, and Wavu.. mtA . rdt.r.ur,h. I , mt ‘ n... 4 .=.t;tr. ' :Vt ' .: L nn 'a capital ~f MIMI., ...
lIIN •II 411 A DOCA IA: AI lAt ~ I
tA•two...N I. ~ .n.q. and FiftitntA, A r iladrals. 1i3 ' ,1., , ,;1,, , , , grr .- , b- , ..- Lath ant's. J. '. 6t, ,, ... 4
, 1 , ..Ay1.:!4 1I 11t.
' tou th.A.AdnlM....k idan tha rat,l aro. nbe-third tona . than
mrnl' ' , CI, i,;;T, T i 'rg . ~:',',.1,,t.,%,,‘^'')1.n". Iwo. hari.A./ . by Al u Mil Liduputter, and I'ar Capt.
N::.v. ' 1 . ; . . NTA PAb..r tlum tto raLla ot tao.t hiwk Compan . b.a.
by oth '
,I, !I " , ' . ' :. ' n ' d Vt ty r " n:rt I ' Ar ** T a b . n, th l ' n an . rt d ‘l 'V nnh a zn ut 71
I 1.1 18 5 i
~ , gg- -,.,..._ H.._ al yr:n..41..1.1 •to
nantdil,dr..uritl.'s fundollmi by that '
_ ......1 . , •d.t...;1n .
I .
~ .C...0 ttnA_ApltAl and SurpluA Yurti of
Merchants' Transportation Line, ' I 'n , : 1 %`,..,7 , T , T.: . ;.-r=;,..i..... i.,:or— lir,
•In I.ENNFYLVANIA CANAL., ns o a A,,} i ",:j.";.,!,,,% r t . 47,,N,V..'44„.; d"" ',",,,,' 7,',.%,,,.„V. 4 7,/,`74
4 , 0 It PIIILAI/E UM A 1/ I IIECT—W ITII- i .. " o '''' ' ll''''''';'ilrmil,ll-d'.. •17.1,i-n-rdrh•
'yo °Von t , ' ,.. .artArlnv ..the tti., 0 54, AS. Au. or ad.
1' , 0 A AlrA AL LT lA. t 0., t anal !Awn. P./1 I,no ap.....1., i" ". '''''' '' '"''''' ,47g,: c u.,• \
I '1A"t61.1. , ,, NAI
...ot.. (Am trallllcw.k.. Ilrrad ntr....t. l'ldla- -'. ,/,,,,,,,„,., AbAlj u Kk. a ~... praaid•ut:
1..1 t.hia . .
t, nr.. pr.par• .1 In 1... , A, a !ar. . . ' J`' . ..1. , A. 1 . ,. * . efa . ,
mount m , cha.b.N.... ' Charles A. 1 ...0 1 AAA.,,,,tary,
:r2l'iraf:7l,:;l?;:l:.4::.'•'l7.;:''''''''''''' ' P"' ''' .
rdatatett, • .
I 1,,• imp. l.a in TI 0 . ..,1a-,,::: d 1" " "
"t" ' "' d '" J.dn / ... A Ilfln.
. t„,,,,- ‘,1,,,,,1,,1;1„,n,,..;,,,....a;,-.1,..,:,1.,„,1;;;LTr,n,..,,11a4n4.1;1:d, ! ..A • L',,..;
,V,;',ft,:n, ."..'". ''''''''''''
, A.
,r,, , , ,! . . Math,.
1 ,ta... 1, ,,ut0, will t . .r. , ,ut at,, r..,ldlay of ., . ' . '
, 11 , 04A11 OY rtmultt . .
1 Jobn-tr.wa. ri,ini,,,bur,...cwoudna. h” ...p
111,13. iV,/.!,0 Wilkiii, Nt. t. 7 1. .. ,ot War:
ll,' Waltm,Forwaril. late.SonAdart of Tr,Laury:
t. Anal Bute.
j,.ho ~...,1.r,,1.,/,F., Cash a Pl. arab bank:
1 AtalroAn 1,.7.011, 1.... d., II h.d....a1e11n.,,a,, ,,,
a -,, -Ar_, - - 18 5
,1 - ii._ 1 11.„ A Ar;.f,...:6;.. ''' rli. Aki.k/tnc)t. !id.
To Shippers of Irlerchniiiihe, Produce. &e,, i : j,.,,,,, ,„ \ ',T,"'.''k 2: ' '"l 7 l ',?,7' . ",,,„ \',,,.,,,
ItY• tri,l'' i'Vl7l7 'Ki 4: f:i . ,:l ' P " l'laN ! SWili 1 ,. ' ' ::. ' 2l ''''' ' ' , '.l;„'l ,, ,•/ , ',i',,l'i',,P,;,,,''''''' ..l4l ' D:
TVPION LINE. ' liVi.`.7l'ete,l7:;!elf!„ilinttlal.V;Ll.e.rt'
•.A TK I r ‘ , A ‘,. Proretor.. Ao '2`...7 AlArl,d, and 'At 1 i l , nbu .1.:ty1f,.,r,,.11,1,,,Di1l V T /l i f i ta , L.. '
[ t• - 00n...r, +ft.., I.W,delrtna.
IIII• 1 . d LA 1 , r1 ,. . Ag..ot.. Canal ItaAin, Ntaburgh. ; I lA.. Vitarrt..ll • ArlrtrAn nitandanee i r si r t=lta, .rap
~, TA I 1.1 A A ,I O.N. .I,..sta, kuittm.y....
1 d., .'.,.. 12 o 6..0,
,‘" , r. 1 . t .. 1.^ ,- .." , on lA.. f , dung , 111%. P•Aill, /Yank . (AAP., of the Company, No. 7f4north ntr,t.
fs.nal. t.....•otrArt for Fr.eght at a.. 1,,w rat, and ats., $01A:/fs-.A . •
A: ,: A. IA r LTOI. Se., , p.
e.IJ Ltd.,. Aa murk .I...natek and eat, t.... any oil,' I, nr ' - - ...
i,;,... , .. t Franitin Fire Insurance, Co. of Philod'a.'
, •. ' . • IRINTORS: CharleA 117, Baneker, Geo.
Agricultural \implements. ~ 1
) w I:l6hanin, TbrAVlart, M. , 4n11 , ../ p, 1.../nru., Tobias
I 11,111; JUST roceivn,l from the Ean th,, , j .,:r"'"'"o" ''. i".... '""9' . . 4 '.• "" 8 . "...,
t, It. tunita, Morr, Puttarann. '
j 1..11/4an; implum.entn, all nt tii, /4.41 nu, 4/ /14/-tut .. .. . iel /AIME, I'. I. I .4VSKE/1., E'residat;L
/ •../n , at*/ I W 4 1,1 enr4, 6/11 CII•KL. O. ll,Ncr.r.a. erwklN/Cllrf.
ki4/441/.47. /44 / 4 :0 w/t/i ,ww ~,,, L./ 4. / . k
Thin 1;4,41,4/ 4pt.......... ./... , tra4;l/o.l‘,lnannot
1 , / /I , + , ',./,/,,, ft , ~./-/.. 1 ,. ./ , ...1* /a turnirei.d,' ,nr litn4F444 4 .n 1.,..,, dr.u,lmAnn of P-ruV r in 'Alan ...41
. . . ~ I/1,1: 4 fur
r.a t,at. r/ a. tust.... a/al i. ,-, 1". 4 e.t.a, try, . rat, a./ 144: na a, .401144,401/1( ith 1/...-urtry.
Th , ton,./../. Lave rtmr../4 a Inr,,,nl.leigunt fund,
4 . rn ,h 441 ,r, /nr lu 4r-ao 1•11.1 hand ~....V . Whit... low lab their t'apltal and. Pnaniu..../e/A.V /.././..../.
/r4o/ ar..l , rn Vtall. l'uttJug. 1, 41-... ' ! ../h.r.i am pi/. rn.t. , tr.t. 1/1 tha aasureu.
a ...zeta 1., It/ .4.1 1 ,11 tor,
The. /.../..ta of tht.Compatay 4 .4/. Jan.lary 151.3K41. ao put
!Oa l'ok, nn4 Cu. Chair/ liiall.r... I 1 1, ..t...1. atruaakly to Lb. Ac 1 01 . Atu./nr.144. ware ///. Soflui , .
...*!"!'''': ''r. “!..'"' ''''':‘ ''''"
d , A lt It I AO E OIL CLo ree
the eton,,,als item sad
t. r pia. end 1 1 .1,41 i trek Patent ,lased
1.1,41,, and Ar eide eludesale aml retell at IC o . lie !lark, t
J. A 11 1i11,11.L11,.
UST opened at the Depot fir chUice
len O
RA ri,,JE Lite.rt PEKO , etreet—a .ma
TEA, • eenll let
une erl.4 SIVENT COON
.11 A. IIeCLL Eli d
,e 1 itroedr. and Tea !,.ale s
I_l E3I I' rbl bales Kentucky and Nlissouri
us. !totted. fur .le tt
.10/10a A a CC)
BItOC II E Al%' L,S—J ust ro e 'd, 2 ea se ,,
118 eorlor lin•he Sha•til A..) 111 ASoN ACO.
rillOW YARN —1 sack for sale by
ItEEN OIL (21.0111—.1u:4 received from
Afi hussey-1,00 { ante hair and nee onerlers leree• int
dlotli tor wind,. Fur e•le • ho.e.le and reran .t
50.116 ilerket eh J A IL 1.1111.1.11,1.
f k i Tell Act,: I olbra:
--) t"
toll ree'd nod tor tale .holm lu
ee..l Im o od etre,. rum., or si. i in
T EA —l;5 1111 . chests Y. II.;
val e I,kis I' ;
leo ^ la;
e 10 ; of lateet Importatkin,
nun recid aod for male try tvili J .\ 1. LOVI,
OLE LEA'I'IIER--44) Sides , N. Y.s for
tsymet,, t r J. d
'LOCKE') GUM AR r ABIC-1511 pa_ very
Iniodemne, fur E o, tiltl.l.ll/04
Asa , hoiss
A. 111.11. II tiiretlN A (e)
()SI , N , —5O bbls.
tll 1.. Loa woui.)_ ibt) bids. (or sale by• somoNsi A Itrit Or
- -
A.M. GINGER-5 bbls. for sale bir
0c2.1 110. SELLER:4. Ili k etd et.
AFitiCAN CA Y ENis:E PEPI'ER--4011 lbs
Powdered, pure, no Aide by
1, A. VAIINESTOCK t t 11).
BUTTER -1 bbls. Roth •
and kepi Packed . ; satingtier canal sad for hr 411311 LS DALZELL.
0d.15 Water•treet....,
UILK FIUNGES—A. n. 31,LsaN S Co..have‘
1.3 roiid .11/ cartons 0110 Prince, black Lod eae'd
I,IIIOE--20 tieres hest, for sale by
It, scar" ot:aaalls;E-...lhonaem. \
%MANTEL) SOON—An active i partner iq
sinew town. ITIVU miles from filtlariggh7* 'yfritllinirara%l';
of a-warner:niter. with a Mill rapper! of $.20 to 4500, and
who Ike • knowledge tithe moulding linen:we mid hot
low wary and machinery, to ouch eaminstit Work tud g0,.1
:41,1 'an" no ''"o'4:l"el =o:Tu'L".;l4:_!aalee"
for Vary
LO 10400 mArtlll3,
oda nod intullizenne Alle/L\
I Equitable — Fire '',lniiiran . 4
i London.
9.iirB Company inspres up . 1.
..., on bolhllnga, a.c.1144, %W.I. lil,l ~
e.e. pelt. iu liiitish Alt, dalip afWr tr.: c
—..1... \
. .
THIS Company insures Lives ).et ~
p urea et Li ~...1 fill Jean.
Annlioasn.a for imtileseee In either CI" the-e 't
tee Veit/Tea at the I.lanklnw llou., of
W3l. 1., /11LI:lt -..
no:rdlmwAtl Ihttabor,b. n
Western Insurance Company ofPitt.s b
g , AIITAL 8300,006. it: MILLER, a::.
„, Pn . Wdont. F. M. all
i i er .. et.hrY•
Wlll howzre ...aim, all kind! of riska, Fifa and Marine
All Iwo, will 1,. 112wrall, a.l.ol,lwlwWl,lllll7P+ki
.3 home In Blab —manage./ by Inroctor, who are well
kno4 r: to a., rut:alt./IF, and who aro dotonnhte.l y•
Vw.F10.......1.4 Ilberahty te and
:h. atm-actor which
they Loa.. •,..1. mod. we C: in toe btwr. protoction tnthow.
who do, r.. to do Innirwl.
thart,n,—k.ntwn 3111Ier, :h J. W. Ilntleh Wm. 13 - •
~ ..n.e I Ind wt.. Thaw :Won. 31. a. Nlcalok. 1./..0. Wady Geo
~ JwrAwn. , nme... 11Auler. liecrg a barn, Nathamal
Iltdme, June. tippluentt and lye 11 Smith.
, )11, Na ad 4
. - thwt. (warwhonwe of Span,/ At (IA
na etwir... I, Furgl. • (oddly
tr..ti:ir:/.,BrkfA i.A.
DESIGNED only for.the baler einAftes of
Fe Pert i, 1..• on , ar.1.1. oanital. and ..,ww,
...pi 51 . 04,n in faint iif iieeiineee. ouirely ande
dm i.riehimr
ilatioe.'lliii,:i VI
l iin '''''ry.i evuli
t and owowra et
®`J 5 .
P.R CO., Mantifartu
rr Spirt to for
b Colortie anilltran.
15 Metter aeam+ on hew&
tetreets, (J1,1.15:(11Y. OHIO:
burst, be promfdly•lted
eigible Water Filter
in operation at Will.
i'..•l"to: 10 Fourth eweet,
aul et 1 . 11005 t WILEre
rub. This Filter hem roreivi ,
c. 1.1 'Petit.. of New Yore,
en • klitt Irstitute Phileilel.
rhea lv treo r TultjterePpit,
[Leta, March Intb.lOZil.
Dunn, cleer - ; .' ar.l7t Pate - A t e eio7e ., Vat : " r U illte ' i7l7l:f
vented b) owe ef them for wee. ,
months, Imo enabled to itelge of theft value. ,
1 , 0 MGR PLITT, in If *lout titreet." \
ell2llll , ..rll.Manth Ibsl.
Parent Reversible Water Farrar, Invented by
M r
I Lewis, and cued by toe for nom., MOOthe at tar
maiden, Is all:that any piimou mold wish. I
iJer It
v.f It to tLe •0 0,1 1 0. are
bfo. 8 Soututer„..m.L"
Wert an warreutrd to take Out any etoell
tti.S vise from derompoard .imay veuirts.
du. water They , cre warranted jo lest two
rare will Jut te
JARm ant
mylOttf Arch street. Philale N
~ :1::AD Pi AF. ,- -aOrtififYo improved potent
• ,if,Liad Pipe for Wydraota.
\ Ilfgrhe
All on hand awl arrive ' , trials by/
lieating an Ventilation.
1‘011,,1K. I/N
.er in g /Vl: ,, PA_R nrt uc tt , TUS . for
Room., Beek Of
in, of every dreemptiow,publiNd privets Alm, azio
dewy •124 Prring e lloome, for it umeweit . where regular
7mrpriov''"'n".nlre'i .to'lVepontfisrtg;.'s'.4 sad
" t""
I. lane n fw n Veratt:th . wi l l.Valural oli,forced means, will
'r e ' r v sNO: d e
m fully hewed hpou the, plantsr:strwrt luwwe.
nsthe method insures a whokeutoo. unit:Wm hr4t, at en,
owtoted teruNrature, with re freedom from 0001,
eauctke. dueLerilampneee, Lee!
sofety'crom Am.
SCA tel...frfil,Mll./tettflk}l.l:,_
Copley's Pot Clay, \
river, subscribers are 'tow Sole \AgentA
of J. Copley Alb. for the aallkof their Pot tilerartJele of well eetaloTinied reputatiov, for the toemitecturd
of 111.1 Pots, Steed Pate. Au It is roide of one oft heiumrt
Infusible eulwtaarve known: mut la rely evelUlly aohzied
end eleariatel tirlieWiusi to minding. \
mrJ. J ittlfflOWat RIR • on \
ft are instructed t./ the o . ers to close,
Black blanket Coattur.
' 7. n Pairs,•
'et ^fwhite.)
I are..
Il'cases for sale by 1—
TA `
0 bees for sale by
W7CK. t llcelliDLT-5.9.
bushels received on
an :In by
to tw)111200,7,13.1Yrr01l2 101, i,l_
it 'rate FAMILY
Irwin rtrei‘t.
TPN " 1 ° RES—'.l \tibias for sale by
ai4 \
\ •
• -
e , I. uwt k
.1, t.'f',, d wenw`i
'e Company,. o
Ifollsrs ‘.,
com_pound Syrup of Yellow bock .11oot.
Ocelll'lEs tlny front rank araor4 A To
lost loss by lire
'rrhandlaa. Polk.
e p
• of losa. r, prieto t t7 r ctr;lidora of thlt country for`natnplatalr
er , a;!fitaltg * 'irl" Rh AF 4 L i t ' ; Y tt i g a t ' i 4 'l tkt. .rAt..... ,
R. z r b\ n z'rtg- - .. c. :gri , .=17,„ , .'...rix,117 . (4-t7;-‘ .
a'hbottft"Leth st}h:l7.Zr'ru lidartuadi'''irilts¢l4Veced'"e74.7%`,..ft°4
F 4, 1 Wrqi,..s snd antry.ol j),3 il ity. \ \
Ptrenvt . , tog tt.... a.rak.nall bufr, tllg toile to e
~tin.„. , tri, and In•lgnrating tha ',tin. arstens. _ '
If ❑ t. 1• ..,Any ot Oman:Loa.. of . I. witne...-,.. ' •
rTllAT,,,',....'l:ri' I::rT,:"L'777lllZ,!l¢t4dt'lltr
It IVlT'r.n'74,•Ok.X. rll,[,,i' r,..7'ii,4",,154r.
rt . ...portion,. tf at thahrtioal. brdaltratiTa'nfrt•let. Pan-i,' -
prrttor of barb Darr...tent barna nlooni;ocita to. \
Purtfa tho Blood.,
It ha. r...lnorat man7k^nl, dii.0ia...... hich ban, isa.C..4\
. ~,,,,j ,kf th e b...atrh an, ao.ll , ax alko our,l Cant,.
' ''Sr, t 10, Ery•trelu. a 1 lE -I, tula., whl,.li v,,,,,anila \ \
It 1 " !4... ' ' n
itlatirill To:i?!=ko'f's.TNrjr.ltZS"l'lt•
tg ' Cs i I l ' o " ., 97.`, :.;nK:In i l jr.'•;;;‘ , Tr , :tll,';:r.', 1 -.\
KN., ... V )I.I..tIN'TS. It cantor., all ot>trotinnit In
tha ~,.... ~,,1 , [ha I.(yor 2r,, ...bye, atvl 1,...1. -
thy. 44 r tom.. Palttuo .et 1)* nd raltoro• in
all eia-ao, o Axtlnn, ant trta., bo O,VA to nil clUnatca, and :
'`.4%;.,ri..7 ''' k__tr ' ;r:l„tilv Lo C 2 TOI:Se 2CO at 102
Fount,ui. Nn '4- I ,, vtd,um, It 1., anikin!,!,,,,,,,,,Z,..,
r‘ q 2, 1 ,. I, 1 "; Is. W.MKEIZI4EIAII,
. - ...'..' „ ' -, ;."'.:,^rr:.`", ,, ',c,:?.,a!:r;,r.V.1t . ..
- ..
Ne dies'Celebrate( v. '
/ 1 651POIINI) 11E3ILOCI: PI:4BTER. •
IL,_) Thal, h: ail, in., 1,0,..1 r..,lrra hare, ltijot 6 , 0• krt
toor...ll,Ati t. , ..rty ~, .., ,:urn.g • 1,,,,, ttnn , f,l.t.) Iniat I
.. rn.,, t -leviers I
I : ' ....Vtaatre '" O ' :!; " ;: ' i 711 " I ' lt:l l l;. ' n,r,.„-t• , tIA. p„.
,1.. 4 11., highp, to
4 ........ h. rt...T., 11, in .. , Est.d•
iin 1.1,. 1.-. n ots) , ra.a. • 'l, , r ,11 . 11, Ow ta..t. flaliVrlst
t..atirn ,, li... , A I 1 ,, 11,4111 i or 5r... , .... mer .al wilt:Ay..
ter4 .04 \
The olawairo, or their' .1 witle,.l. v..ry ears till_
norre.r.tly ...tuhlnnl, rend, ~. .1,,,,11/1/421, applirail:
pera...tatitf.rt,i.e with pu1t...%- d:i...a..... ,
For 1-11111. In th.. !nit.% r,...5u Un f:r.o. pet.lmcf.lra.l.l%
~ . , I da.c. ~ ugh. and lwal pat I Lto. Tar...a beuralgq ~
dlfea.... Ili the t....dr, I+ nvfti.
quo , ,,an yr 41. put- Ar a r.0....1t. I; Lu.1.0.i0, thais... ....A
porlorol, a.s., all ••••L1.,:.1 1ipp1k , ,t15, , .. hat lilra, e ~ • '
1 , .., ba... to..n fu/ I ,.&.rrnt..lated h, It, ti,an t marrtoUr—nd. 1, '
/.0 • ..41/.111• anll pal, in th, h,4',1 and Ell, r•,:ltinti %,.
n., ~...r.., , ra.n.1:.1,... ot th.. /I N.,:,r. Ar„. tntor. oil \
1:.%1...r,, , , ; ....r au ,I,lrr. 1... 1...ry ...1., , !T ir. VA b.,
Ir. i ..I-.., havr...,,....L int•n-rl At , r, , lmt In ra (em ,
{ACs4.;;','Lto T•°.:Za'.lVir.l:37lPl,i ', , .:ii th l L': ‘,.
that tair i . t.l. tt.,ti will I.r. Mund ~. ,•,ocll
, . ',
rurign i. 1.. : , 1".1.1.).1:.,. A, I 4 • ' ',.
' i f EAU :1J 1.1 I . Z ., 1 7 .: 4 1 - 1 - };3l . ST A lii.. — it•
!FEL l , g, ..:n.. a 10t...fi1l ohm to I . l netr.Nlttlina.
..Irio.. t , ....... Oh.. 1,...., okra il kinds of ertutat it.l '
.m. prvent. th - Tii.... co I.t 341Lltill. (0
. 1.1, r Lon.. * 1 )4 , 11.1
front .r.okins, it murs.t.• nothing Inturinutt to rlothto ha
\ any rq.... Tl, tht,- i ZIT. 1 013,11,00 G7l. the nmal:
. n .irto an , l Ir. Ehi. tostortntion yeti, le 1..
' \ \l - 1. " r ' s , :l.ted, "" l. , ra ' . r. tot,' 1 .1.5 i. 1...1ran:4y an intpar ‘
',.... II --Ons eats wlll do thirt.r tloarn of. elofhaN,ati, .4.
u7l:ll..T27.l',«Lar.:::"l'2'nLlf,X'.P.a,blr7aktt with rim diri•et
Far sole!, ..., .!.. h. h. , 11.1.1,10 t. 67 11 wt._ •
. -
. PETROLEIat. OR ROCK OIL. • ...a,
- ..7.1 . ,.r. sr owe, thin, In heaTtn and earth.
*Than ars tir , ..tinTt nf In rhilvavoliy. •1 t \
r 11.11 E V.IIITUE6 of filo: reynarkable rOiro ,
1 dy. earl 'Os comttut alpha:ll.ton Tacit. It. the prat.
.tor. ban Int utml Into 1.. , 1.1, it rot or In Mahe, with ..
he! t. atol .11m:th...... for 0.. t...n.f.t of 0- luthlit,
Tho PLTI:OI.ttUM in ho s•mt•.l frost. a r.-11 112 /Mg i
I r/ .111 deptl. rr tour hutklml not. Is a. rum. tlnadnltCraTt ''' i
1 MI artuns. ht st, oh:ulna:I ehr.h.r.s. but just as a ',.... IT'
. firsts front hatonos Gr.-. lebrat , ryll That It rental.
rropertim r.mrltihtt a n ~,,, Is, of dztrasest, I, no . {ohm a ,
matter of unrorhunty. Thsre itro tuah, thlrf.., t tlta_aa- , ...
rana of nature. whlsh, If known- tuh..l.t Ist of •.. `t a oto- 1. \
Lorm. tn ansrinll, eufrrrin, and. mrt. shut Um t.loom 04 • .
't.saltl. and rlcur to clan yta ..0 d.r.r, I. , ent: ht..tom Lbs
rrishrt o r;thotight or piiiii,..i._,... ! ,. Lott.,. b .... It 11.. mint , .
'6 ?it rettllPli.;:?L".:L'l' •.!,;:x.;1.t,",...",,:.`1T,'117,7,'rt,
„allhll.l. a 1.111, 1114iratiqn of it. haute poputatikty, , •• 1
st.itlayreall Itirpnent.l. ill ill
Cll. , of nisi,,,.. • mt wnit to maks a lour partido4Lcritami•a- •-•
loa f
that tsn.eleitto my soon work Its ray
Into lloeStor of thoss trho suEsr. and w ish to In, lielo..t •
WWI., w. do not slain For it a unitemd al`Pitm.thtft Ina' ,
srt doe ,ws untomtatin2ly 1,1, tht.t in pa
nunikr ad t
Chronic itit........ it it unriralird. Aruonfr the:. Intl, b.
1.1 1.(11.1111 , •1=,11 tl s ms...i . of th.: 7 I:n,na I , uos.attell as
CIIhONI, IlljoN. 111 11n..(N.N54 NII filIN, (tit Ita earl
1:1: 7.'1..ii.r11,1.1. 'l€;l','ll•ll.lZr.\*"..'!.lf r " :;rlt.,at ' . :nig:
tt l t . thlor anl KW . ..rt. Pain. In ' Vb.! At , . or Fi4r, S ,, tvon.l
in,...,,... N.“,-.1, ht.i.t. Ithemnati, Pain!, Gout. ktryair.
etlas. Toth:, 1 1 1,a tir... Burns. rt......1.1n. brut., 0.1 Fares.
'''. '' In
'ri!'''iti.:.7..l,ii...."'::'-lriTin=zr 4rlT •
;, t„
long arol rrotrart, . . . . .
hrtn , m l, f. It w 111 a , t. l . 0 , ...,1 iIINIC awl ALT'::
ATIV II In MOh tom, lharttntr h. n.. eol sum•y to 0...
A t
«I' rrenrin.; • `, <lsm the shtsat,
fuhotinne, , hish et...p..1.1..4,r ar.d a hreken 0.n.0....Jim.
•o , 1 - I,I I I F I nortr , o‘latal netre4 onorry to .111 ah. 6 I.
bat Th.. prutuse t or tuoVa of ...1...-41. rums , 1 , 11.2.1
t `
ersist,l m.rr othor [meta:tent. ast welt tentlarfhottt
of the I. r.Ti.ol.r.i:Nl kr a th rt hum. The net' ~ .f ran ..
!ro ht utt prmon who .1,1 r.. it.
''' Ptruto. rsno)nr without the of atom of the
Bold br the prvpristr.r.
a m' lV i' . P... Ft 4 .lV t r . ' AL...
' , . ' . ' t:l l „t ' ...:.l ' a ß al 171
%hi• ts!cularly a,
, .
..r.IiGc.LAIKATION, --) • . .;
. K NOW all IT: , . i
~ I fi are Niel:ii Il
1.1t.`,1 dirrns. of tli , 'liiiin.lrr end Eldronya..rith than...
itmoue I...ita. Ili liorb•rr Urn ~ nn. Jnint...ol.l r. , ..t•nritnotna .
r . .. t .,,, ~.,, ,hai tii..a , r,..oAetirrit hy fakir,- 11, Pernlt
4 ,
a r. . }. , 1 2 1 1 1. 1 r... 1 .7ifii t'!!i. d.... . :•‘ tt [l m ' a l eWitra ' rkol,ega u jit '
in tia 1..,. of 111,t tom flity. that it lint MU , .
whirl. an. L. in a T 1' , 1.10 , , rrainly. Ti k 0 mat ,
lehn IA rx,,keit with poor,. 004 t fret - inn frt.n ilia-sta. tan,
0.1 b 0 cr.', lilt ri•11.4 fin. an au), of U.. Uhl ernatiltrttild, •
atiev.. . \ , \
• Innadre it earl, very little M ta.lll`r• a Irbil. This It
to-an b. 00 rrlituh --1 3 0 •mapauw.1, put up fbr•Lbe pan.,
ot ha , ......, ro i 1.,. friars:l:il: I.ot It lo a Te02.7,W, '
' ,741 q";. , ;";."Z , `!;' , 1A. - Itnoli*P`..;gbptlTyfr:',.'l?,..
for. 01. nufirring humanity a telly mcni(7. a certain and
cheap cur, •
It ba.i ram/ rhea. 'Der othiir aiirdirino). 4 hltan fidlod to
total. 1 tour trl..f. /t ha. aiii.ot `l.briim ;.m, of Ina/ s .
vit5,nd,1.”,....-...-,ar,trif:Ll-...,r..i,z,,arig.rinz lii , ..17 NI ....,nirartiit;.
aunrl inii...... rf Darrb....l7. In which tir ' r;- ell; .atoady
bag /....n rr not aia.l. AA a ..Al rynn. , gl, - In ti rr-a and \
mall, it I. I.•trir ttau any sordiral n,CR1,013011.10r/trinnt•
that A - korn or. It nil! rota rbahlalo.Nunkln. feat.
lo a fr. , .ipplient.nri tindrolitni tr.thoeurrafala.larniah-
ed of the trait! iv.ata1n,...i . .0 11. [amt sianement. kJ\ eig/l.
la, on SA !tl EL I. 711. n/.1.1., Canal 11 u...b....nth elpiisli or
attn.,- of .hr am.nto
griiirt a 1,, not ma of Wood groat anit Tirtt
alb, It E. tidier., it 10 mil strreb, D. A. Elliot. awl 1.. y,
Darr, Alloy...ay :At,: alt. thriattonta. . \ \
)—Pc ./...era lie, On dirniarror and Pale prepriodor \
of etnnin mord• mania: arid brortirlal mirdnin•a, and Oa. ,
rho iorrotor 01, tailabtatril twat UM. , at fix lona tang an. '.
Lunn, In effretion tenni of etuanie dianan.s. van ii rtia •
dent of that runru.nt phygirian, Poem- Physic, acid la a - \
nradulde of lb,. tuis ern:, id PenyPrania.and fat thirty
' , wispier, ha• !.....z, anti wed in the. lutes - Drat/on of dia-' . \
........,00,1 the applicant. of reentair. thereto..
I' Tl.tounl. tbo ii,-.. of hla tonating tut, in roati , ctfrin with --
a b it ", 1 I an*tiloo;''rs'l?..t7..i',.ra'%lr'al.tiocri!itit th "” rre ilti. h. fadtVl.l
PIA fatal' waia.//it, Tahrreular Consumption, Camera.
S i -ra fula.'/Ibruwati.M.Artlana, Fever and Ago, Parana ,
AO kiwi, Viz.o:ale Eryilooli, arid oil Moan obstjoate ills
MP.. 1 0 ,11 ii,,, tu frmal,... Indrod, terry form of diTelf4
1,12114“+ under the we of big retintllrs. to which /MIMI} ,
ty 11 hair—rn by thi. u,..• of on• tainaoatni atill, for toot ,
I, ihmiiiirstith, with Payviologind foisa, but by tho.nris of
NI triardirs. adopted to, and preirrib•d tor. i.. 1,...
firm of di,....... ,
Dr. Rani's Tonle Pllls. alien toed. art largo/a. ',
hip I. l [llolfird.Ni IA bp 10*erifir 10 all othr{4l, ... p.m., li .-
LiTy or ver pill, litsminucl. NI [boy learn the b Mode ran '•
rattly fr.... arm mitivonries vain, Ida cloiden Pins itzer al.
Wt.& by the body.„l4
y. to p,.1 pe , l3liir 1 1 .{0µtrtim01 1 p •.',
tad to (^Male if/res.., bat twin, a.t.i...f...1 that a 'Nun DIY
L. imillinent to *bat boa torn raid. In the rolndirof .. o
the molt rkentiral.
Tba afnirtrd ar.. intited to rall anon theanant.'md 70.. V.••
Cbrr,(GTatia) etn. of tn. IkactOr'S pa , nphli.(,hu..4.tga. ~.
• ..1 atintani ..1 each nitu.-d.s, and MA appniation. ' •
, • For .1. by th. nillo. inn. Astrobi, as aril. h Ynina ,,, rtlrl .1 '
i,.. tlonnoinnot tbr egiuuttr.
1 . .
' fhrr.7.nrtiz'i"l‘l'4rit.,”i.Ti aa DriForm'!larLltA. _crnto st, amt`
tho Post INlllea.Anradiii.
'7 JV ' kr •
ph rar ay, D arlington, Beater etntity. F..
Join? Elliott Cane. %alter, '• '. .
T. Adam., Hearn,.
\TO '.
• \
2o thelleaders of the Gazette, \
IV,..UISLI(j ATTENTION is respectfully in ,
einel tehthe folkosorn truths. sot forth Iti.mlatron to
011 f A"g;ll4lTti..'lltVlinn'i!i?'t of
' ln a t t lfa ' nre th' en no..
prlTlin'T4tVi"....!X,'f ftUrco7amOlliire'rt ' .. ' lT., ' I [ 4" Lb.
to'besh .arr:olnew then. locum: frilly '' aggrenat o d 4 the
mom N, and we allrgo that the longer /P. tr the.
morn certofin will he great flute opr.A. It la not then..
ror of o dol. got o n 1',..c the 001. purr., of making money;
b tab , ot. which ire ruo7lre, wt.' motinue to toi used when
itnnttbulnilo".bolarl.ilVij%‘Tsndeflif‘; r.t.tit'ek=
by • power auf agenry that laugh, to oeorn all human
...nth. It if. our dutF. when wo and about a malb
duo, that wn vrt Ito rho [ratio-41E1re Say bottling talon.
lan4 to demi', Lretre who gay Mutt Cur word or pat tool,
den.. In or stntemeuts. Ihe 10l sre . arr abt torah:lh at '
tiahriir.'nf t'otaltdilillt'ron'aet4tiitT.'44 tro7iflow.frtptti r.
lot or ha.bogging onMe of them- Now, we do not desire
to do nit. we aro anitiona only that the troth
mothato. to
our romody should.. to .In order to the f a rept.
lotion ore,utooling any c gle ortiele In the . tad-
Plai flavor...el fifc farts that maybe sitertain e d
Torur city oral noighbprifor boar ofugio to...MY In L.
of the Pe trobuus. ,
onl:r. Mr, mart g;-:b4,t,wr0.„°:',7,n,411-Vyt
mai ea.. of blind.... in the *tale of Ohba i bora tem
7teureff. Amt.. the rose of a g thonanlail.frerruntY.
oter.e othfrin I.llt t Info mei o near hOme. and Lazy
on r..fnrrrni to bi were n•rfons v o ro do.. on the onto
Moto Th., cant cured affilr y had b.. ishondo.
...a N . pbrreelans a* howl.. The 'eirol.itio WI/I rt.*. .
whoa ...I according to dine-lobs— . orr,lury DrrenEfarn
FilloAl.,[,l[7,l=enfig/ r,,; tn .. n h i e e ne.for[it.
4, k , .. , en , il o oxon thl e e :
Pesdhlead. pal. le the hoors " giloolna%old mow. Weer,
IN eno, \Alma, chronic. erlizihr, Aril:lna, Ilrourtiltl; anoL o it
Pulmonary affeetfoos of a throom nature. Iguana to one
due. llanUIII(4.100.
bur. and Poildo, d 4... of 0. Illadder,Mtil Fldneys,
Mooned tiandih Zaronahtl Nipple* Currue ana Boni.,
In fart, It hs a GIL. 1 , 11•LRI.11. £OOOO,, h. \ be. trl.d
`Jo 'mart of the alone...ea within the me
peat year with the
moot nitro. mow. Certificate/I that 0 41 astonish are In
the hands of the preprietor , who will into glens... In shtn. •
IngAhem to the...l%MM nc their !redraft. \ •. .
ti . noter eno mot enr nbwhil the , =oak/cm too
Potrefrernt ' le the )reetrut Iterowlr of the ago...ltimdalas. '
hiati 'mating th the nrefereton ore le - atm:new. co uso it '
io thett procUre. Th os. who at liint.l.led . with don.
and u.trtaluty, are willing to ^wart it duo sod
con.dderation. Before another year rolls mural. all dry lie
....11.1 to ...w.f. hat the ineLonint. in the grew.
._l ' 6 "n64' y."
Ifirll3Vic kliciihiri h° l./ I r " A l e v n " •
W elleeLt. it. Folic.. 67Agood otntt. 1,761. tit'
p Ei rirto jr."A. L'ittn.llll,„°:l„oil;„,A,7°;,b7lblC...
numb:mad B. A. Palmootoe6, A Mo. I% col and len:into -
rel. \
ko —lt to cheap. yletake. and lit4bly ett melt... . I
.. . AttennUnt (AST, !birch 21,1847...
Ifr It. lb fulieno—. r children, like ottiorai.hare Men • •
n.'i'rrlit.rtrrti4"Flftlec7,,,iftb,io%e'Y 41: . ... ' ;= 4 1 h d y 13' oftr
th e about your ufug ' n oirtip tu giro it mat •'
garelt to two of mg bol, and a en n O .l . an net,lnr nom
different timer and it b. tent Maud to rare theta. •
1 hay. It to Mr nwi elae [ re l .hd d o t..
renetienehmrly bell.* 41.11 it ti + bent cough nuidtema
that b. era, Wien offered to the public ' -
.1301. t. AWT.Orlil.
PAreintnntlol.lld not ponalt their eblhlren to ontier fro.
mualb when Mar may le. oared hy a M. EL bottle of thle
Prepared and mid by. \IL E. SP.I.LERth '-
I_moils. 67 Heed at.. and \l/rUgici6t ...0r
,11A—D12.4 iiiES, .46,..--A large stock
:' , torn, mot for vale on the nowelibieral MM.. WM.
klu's Ulanuent iltrosuatio :Ulf,
Lemon Ada iliaternan'a It
Pooeut/al Bait of rain. do 3.), i• •
Ferry Ibisaaeli,onlmant Il!ad.riftia 6'
Pulmonary Volum cargenterier
1111/1, Antelintiono 'Court Plea t
Do/hy's Camel
Anderson's ,
. t
11,7 7'. , '7 , u.Dr,, , ,m. a - „i.ln'
Error' - " Erten . re l .
foß?el '
' 2 /t s r ;
" 6
rl n
w Blur
w Quinine '
Cowden, Soda
BONI 0/ tam.= U for Satter
Strinfithenlng Plea..
Turlington's Ilainga
Wren, Teo
At too Urns Starr of
\ 214 .
1 .11,161"
m. t
JP Wate ' r P
6.lfre n
olde llnct
fitgr7l . Zer
Br /9 1; N. Wl( v 1:"
111 2 .. eelES, co i.,—
t fY b tti;
11:11 * 4.
Tit 4 i&1.4t0
t:blz. N. C.
10 frau. ttals"
26 lams/ Q t ,
2 nst.s
310 rim Cots. LS
t2XI tax. Wltsbo.
orar &rent
,57 Wor.s
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