Itirnoneerear Lecrcas.--The introductory :-leetore before the Young Men's Mercantile. Li ti beery AssoeiatiOn, will be delivered this evening, at the City Leeture Boom, Lafayette Buildings, ; by the nom , Wm. It. McClure. Subject, o Me chitiral-pbqosopliy." We have no doubt that it will be attended by one of the largest and most intelligent audiences ever gathered togeth -3 er in Pittsburgh. See advertisement in another ' column. ..:Nsw.Ettat,atta Socutry—At a meeting of the New Englatl.Society of Pittsburgh, on the !lib '' last., the following officers were elected for the mating year. president—Wolter Forward. - •rt Vita P.residenis—Geo. F. Wilmartb, 11. W. Williaitte;ond A. A. Almon. - Chaplain—Rey, W. D. Howard. Treasurer—'-Lake Loorai.: Committee of Arrangorments—L. Wilmarth, L LMirigalort anti A. A. Hardy. n Comauttee'on Toots—T. Aide , C. B. Id Smith and G. F. Gilmore. Y. BOAST. WeLx.—Souto of thoproperty holders have laid a board *la along those pans of Rebecca street *here the quagmire was deepest. An Improvement.—We were delighted to per - eeive, yesterday crrening, that the Court of Quar ter Sven ono woe flitAlincrfed by fre. ateerine can dles, instead of by oir tallow dipm," as is ruined Thista, we truet, a presaeo of the s'good time coming" when the Commissioners will add much to the comfort of all portico, Imo save expense to the County by introducing gao into the Court dictum. COURT OF O.IIANIZEt SESSIONS. December 11th. Before tho 116norable Wm. B. McClure, Pres !dent..Judge, and T. L. 31cMillan and William Boggs, Associate Judges. , flis honor Judge Velure delivered his charge yesterday, in the cacao( the Comutouwealth vs. the Burgess and town. council 'of the borough of South Pi ttaburgh. The jury after a stn; absence returned a ver dict Of .guillynf nuiseacc." • The - caeo z wim very ablyman aged by T.. 1. Fox foi• the Cum. and Hopewell Hep burn, Esq., for the defendants. Commonwealth, vs. Michael Ayland—lndict kteot lareeny, alleged to have been ComMitted In Stinting some .money, the property of James Deputy . AttorneyCeneral Flanegin stated to the jury, that from 'all the imformati on he had received, he, felt tistiAcd. that .the money had been taken in jest, 11113 prosecuting witness and defendant wero loth intoxicated at the time.— The jury returned a verdict of "not guilty." Commonwealth vs. James Elliott—lndictment Larceny. The defendant, who was n little boy, wee charged with steeling a dollar note, the pro perty of William IL. Noble, of Sharpslihrgli. It appearing that the defendant had taken a dollar and n half in sillier, and the indictment setting forth that Le had stolen a one dollar note, the prisoner could not he convicted, and a venlict of "not-guilty'? was returned. His honor, Judge McClure, pointed out to the defendant, the fully, as well as criminality of the course of life which he Lad hitherto pursu ed, and urged him to reform, after which he was discharged. Commonwealth vs. Alexander nod Mary Ann .Woods—lndictment Larceny, Alleged to have been committed in ng some clothing, the property of William Co. 1,, together with some mutton, belonging to "illiant Gillespie, and some apples and other a.'iclet. of trifling nature, the property of Robert Ila d• great number of otol articles, such at Market baskets, butter kettles, and other small &Mielee which had been stolen in the Allegheny Market House, were fouid in the dwelling oc cupied by the defendants who were at - mated by the, Alegheny police. Arroffsees seseme. The jury in the case at the Commonwealth re, , Mai...anti Mary Arm Wood& indicted for In, cony, returned vi;ildict of ••not guilty." Alex. Woode,Wll9 diecharged 'by proclamation. His Wife had been - found guilty on a former charge; but as she had remained for four months in iiiison,this honor, Judge IllcelureLthought the eqds of justice would be accomplished by a brief iinprieopment in the county jail. She was there :lore committed for-four days. /C-_,Httshrenek. gsq., appeared for the Com ittonWealthf',Messra T. A. Shinn and Collier fur • 1 Cont. Vs. Jahrilrillins indictment assault and battery, on oath of . 812.3/111 Booth. Col. S. W. Mack for Comiginwesith. T. M. Marshall, Esg, for defence. .Oci behalf of the prosecution: it vu testified that Mrs. Booth bad gone to the store: of the defendant to obtain some money due her has:land, and that abe wns assaulted by him. On the other hand two witnesses swore point' blank, that Mr. Wilkins had beet:: more sinned against than sinning, and that the pros centric had scratched his face severely,when he - attempted to put her oat of his establishment, after laming been abused; mad reviled by A verdict of guilty Wes returned, and.the de fendant Was fined twenty dollars. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Doris, JIM Scott, and Lewis'kaufman, indictment, riot and assault and liattery,,oti oath of John Pox, . , tams Davis was the only °nue/ the defen dah srho appeared on trial. The prosecutor teitiAed that on the evening of the 4th of May, „threelmen, - whom be afterwards understood to be the persona tuimed above,"eatne to his shoe shop and; knocking, were admitted. They ask ed for something to drink, and on being inform. ed that be did not keep a grog shop, one of them committed a 4 assault and battery upon him. lie managed to get -them outside, when ho thoug ht theyhad gone awry , opened the door, when he was struck upon the head with, as he believed, a slung shot They then rushed in, but he struck the foremost -one several blows on the back of the head, forcing him tp retire, when he looked the door. His amailants afterwards bark lir his door, and he retired by the ha6k waY. He believed Hilt the defendant was one of the gang Ishii had assailed him, but conldnot swear positively as to his identity. Two other witnesses corroborated his state ments, but could, not identify thrprisoner. "'The Court adjourned before thejlest, and, we understand, lbs most important witness for the Commonwealth was called. - DISTRICT COITItt, Before the Hon. Walter Forward. - No verdict. was returned by any jury, in thin - Court, yesterday. Rea Orr.—A horse, attached to a buggy, pule deahlig pedr-our office door yesterday 'evening, about dark. No one won In the boggy, which was broken to pieces, against a hydrant 111 front of the Journal OfEett, We did not learn to whom it belonged. . . - Fierd.—JohnStewart wag yesterday lined five dellars by the .2Jayor or Allegheny, on a charge of raising a disturbance at n. ball, on last hfon day night. . Tlin,Wasiington correspondent of the 'TotroN Cowarra," writing with an air or authOrity says: "Ife,...„Webster will not withdraw 'from the cabinet, Mr:bae.. been affirmed. The • present state of our foreigri relations demands hip pres ence at Washington_ and it Is the desire of the , sfiefl parties that he ehoald re main. Mr. Webefeibimielf feels that, however, desirable retirement would be to him, this is not the moment to withdraw from the government. There is lobe soother. ••talk."—i f not something more • serions--wiih "the British government. concerning the rights' of Americen vessels, and and particolarly upon the recent firing:into the eteamerWometheas atNicaraguiL • VEWSPAPERS- 7 liept foi gale, the Daily and Weekly' 11.-itte, alrl 11111 oar It eal ...IrtulDern a I. of the .toilCmeteeleit lura— tem a emelt mallrepel, ad Allust.e7 . lor 13:A0 a few chef ch. &hoed Mo./nal...ler and err Irtter cur. len. w.f.' , 1...qui11, Pear. , pee, • neve Tempera.,,. Oudot .1 alymul kaka double 01ep'ed Oho Warr., Fur ash, chef..: le./U:II4RM, • - delql•Faurlt.rr erret rer.,leeteand. AVARIETY OF WANTS.—Wanted soon, ssitasuon tss wasehonqo or stars bran I owlllseut. al. moral sterbotole who wilts. a stood !two! and Is optic.: ad to quit Porblud at his ttude; ales. for several rooduS 'worn sod born td.all.abton Ono, a plass in a wre•rdy stors . or SW a bawdiest*, or bodies, for • ales soups' Esau. Pst sons supplied tw—and show wanted tor—book keepers. aebaol-auartora. • aad sults. en Wornients it& our oittes s towns, mad sou silty around: a middle , sot &I woman, a good Ibtottoodiespn or born & WOOLS a pls..; cooky . CLEGG'S . PERI L UNIERY AND FANCI APR. itiEsE Wild A of PerrUMOry, Whit room erst A hi. Whit, Orh. mad Alnh Thoth and Pmardrrx. Velvet, sod other lo,pprov.,l C.•mrth, 5,..1r, —Walnut no.l.E.ra Ylur ,hatut Drhvrn and Whit. Windnur. Palm. Aleui...l. r.nrr end Toilet bOn n, La Nou er...m. 11.1 r D..., , iCh ro logne Wiat.ry. Es• tr.r. for flat M rla. , Oil. Cry wrtlel.4.l Eau L linty Daly Ai, an. Ittiosufwetunml maul fur sal.. by JOIN T. CLAM, . llnk.t at., l' eL o rih,* 41,1 . 1•;. 1, /14 Phi 4 - a1111 . 31, 4ir.ll,urbunl• Lswii lortuu that cllrug'. Is Ito chruusut mul cull taus! nalelunwe Eunnufactur, iu Ylto 1 . 31 111 vu / 1111111 •• Shriver-ez Mc Iran, Pour, Produce and Coa4 rn sion Mercharaz, No. 14 Surto IV ma inn.", 1 . 1111,11114:/.1.111. lONSIGN MEWL'S of FLOCR. and rro -IJan re ....rail, .111 o , ^ Prllln44 4 •llrntinn. alm ra ,ii't of 10111, 101 1. lua l — MeAr pt 3 c, PittslariarMr. P.orl•ll.n, Mr. Alrx Lauirhlltr. I Mr baml. Shrtrr4r. 4 - r IM I HOAS WHITE, BONY ET MANU VACTIMIEIL, Nn. 41 South too,. .40 t. rant NW., 1•61114.1.phia. 1r441:44.114 WY. Li UP,. • JO. 8_ °MOM& WY, GALKY ...Ax W il D Co., A. OODWAR Whole -11 (inner.. No. ..0.:1 14111.1441phia. .MI WPC... ...... .. NUL. D. Illt-1.11/01 l lE U.matvhm faun-hoot, , No. 3:41 North N' urr 0 0 1 . 1.4. North WhArron, l4l 44l2.lrl4lla. ugh BALTIMORE. WALTER Sc CO., _ flour and General Produce CO3IM,ISSION•IIOESE, llotT A It IL lIALTIIIIIii E ENT 8.-11-7.7.v0RE RA/L.71 , ,1P TR.. A 1 T la I.ook. LAO:MAL ADVANCES U.% OE OR C0N3101,111.T, IlaTlngat Iva. ,011ki n ay - ants:, an Trlgnspnrtattlno wiry. tany nth, tuarknt not enea bownl, • t00k.1, - .lln nolnli quirk onano an•l n.4nrus. Luna, nnul I mai, win, patrons,. C.n•lner 51nrebanto• Rau, !lank tiAltiunkrn - I. IN. Canntan,..nti YArnn.rx Rant- L NEW YORK Proleaser Alex. C. Bury's Trieoplierous, sk it mEDicATEIi costpouNil, for C"i t r: 'ol L;`!;t:Z.) rrou• lAo• pro.lortal etloet runny , J.r00.. 4.1111 v oltio, rt—of Ito. om. as•l .11 IL. oultool kOs.lona OsOlooln, zo•toonsoalo, Lou 1r... elsollsor sospot. tr,!! ,11.4 t. 1.0 ,YlllO ol IL. prow. &Lon, •1•1 ltseesisussasoo so •loch it le 4+14 br 11.0 s, • •Iso• 16.00 i • trosl hra Pao. Carcr— yo--1 hay. aill, • rn torb...un .ruy , ll(4l of llae :0..4 .14g - rattle.' th, thl 11. at !lasi- hut the %. , 044. Of 'h.. V111..411% nano. aril Lay. .11 M.,rall,4" , U. 1.1,. hoar and Alb. ft LI • tri.lra lo try your 0.1.1,8,11.r0u l 1 .11,14 w•• WriW x “.4 lan sal, to till,. and ,ratifleation.l,ml/.1 ruyarlf 4..11rt.1 alarcif Inn sr. 10. t001..t... of am 4 , 1... at at time. 1 •as pa...sally 14,3.1 Ile.snertlmll,, your, fi 00 4,10E1.10, 140 41 , 1umbla utrc..l, limn ,1111. ik-I IMO! • P,VI. Olin-111 ILA/ thi—A 4.11 wo "ns,. torrt hair *Arno out • groat doal. Mid ill 1,,. d. . 4 m livh ir •I lh ilau4rutl I • vh. told b, • ltirtol to Er, lour Trleohiter. DV, / aid au, ago, towy anuouhr.looenh nil hair was fortol• ha WI, dud WI this dandff rutl , appoorod, aa tpe 1'1..1 now pia,r• ^ .1 " !I Zir11;t17. r 2.71 ttritatbrwr If anylv:ly or tgotitlrtusii ilituttitt• O. authriturall th IX the, will plea . rail tit 1'21k..0w A Purr, • 'rt. , . Itntm..lww, hirw Own he will pmlu.v thr pal 4.t4.ra. Irma [b. 11111tary and !i.e.! Arun, Noe 9, Ist. and Atheuffef t the .1 Tifory I. of. y tor tbo pennanauf eon. r.f 1. e tool tow foilelo, the tvlot , tuf.l eftylel tbf the sr.., know. otA Profev.rt Ilvorf A Tett, ter.uo. Conflo... If fot f0.A.41 `. ffpf., Alm... of the 11.1M11.11311y. alotl•very nuroef 111, we laud 11...4 In prelefetwo other artkles of the It Impart], fluor tA vtA the Lalr. f... 1 fluf• pron., , A I. grit lb • . oitarkal, .1.- •roe. geoloty• the ..gruff tut toake,t,l.l.o. LAdt buy .114 It Arof oft., 1.1 dive...A..l Itte surh ar Anald 1,../1, Jew •erte. fohl obifoxfout dove. dery of the vlen. oloeveneve vt ...11.e.e.lever. It tfuods uut../..1 Avoll of lan, tvetl, proe ',ea.., al No. oust at Ifru.tufrt. eoffer !off, I...JO:eat 11,•11rutadfnautosn,1 Canals. •Plaktt • CHICA(;() AINI) PEORIA. THOMAS HALE, FORWARDINH & CHAWHISION MERCHANT, C 1111,1.1. , ONTINU ES hi% osual facilition t receiic,i nagr. awl 'Cran•Lipmeat..B el.u•iket,.l I,ate leave Me du, aAI Ihe uel 111”..4eConeJ auJ lerenme—.ll,ere le.repe ,ts rm..; le•re. Mr Jet.ti are+.lzi Wm. H. Haskill, IINERALCO3IMISSION MERCHANT U %lAA Inn I u IV•ler 1`1.1,111A. Lepte/al l'imauleeican aualf, T. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH QA M (11:L J. WETHERILL a CO Cow -1.1 aid Yor”...tin, M^n - h.& , , Ni, Z. .1.1 43 Ormturr....l.l 'l,, 01 I,l'l, ri• I I:oer iv John M fiLvnov... Ruaneti k ilonoat Loker. & ST. TOSEPII, MISSOURI, MIDDLETON. RILEY et Produrs. Coto todudon. and Yorwardlni ll•rehuste... the Ler, ht. Joeeph, Mn. Refor m Alexendrr Hanlon. end LM.-ene. dt.fling a Cu., rin•odtrst, •Ft ) A yai Coinns ! ,Laz, elentunatimtione prosaptii suesr•r•fr * e, OtIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coup. ...firm at law. and Consml.odoner for lb.. Stets o pun hreendle•e • Actium, Alt. Parse, 1.11..,11. &tapir. IleCord e Oa. auel4:ll - NI A N UFACTURED TOBA CCO— MI, Ism.. bhars•emret. • at. Price Ilad wood . •:. ." C0...' II , : World . . Fur .te l'lttelourch eDUR JttllV W AST CU. Inca,* •nd fur ash by non if REIN APPLES --. 50 bblo. reed and for IV. IIAIUSAL'OII. jON DON PICKLES AND SAUCES—Just rveriv. at Nn. LiLerly a lot ut Cr..p. a.vrell'a c.lekratud aglg.,m prr/isq -1.1r1C1.4 liberkiaa, • 'Worrearetal.lra Sam, Chou Oho, Ituadtat arr, I'lrollll. • KetcLua. Athau.andT a t 1.• 0,0,, put up mgat, $..1. troll 1111. A. We 1.... a ug. - - g N Eli I% ANTED -4'l,r 111 btlbi. of Sole ''" - ciao, by bt Natant. I_l imlls.b'tiltA I n. r t I A , N SNI I ‘ C I N!i i, 11 , 11 , 1 :.!:.1" --4 "M Co bY ACHED MUSIC & SCHOOL SINGING Irry Caotien 1 -nlla by L. Meoun;Choir l'horu• Ihnkl • Welate 11.1ber 110eleliK New Carmine Naerm eeinlvor, Via.. Ilona: Normal Seb,..l Meng Ilonit. Teinto.rauee 31..1..hem. Jure... fnatorio , Ilfee !lire, by L Mewl; Non', hook of theechhuirrem. Iteautlee of Cahelonic Primary Nehuol Nom; M.A. ihnun Temperance liong 11,........ Chortle 11... k, I honk. 0100-The Alt...from, • very prrity °es e , or: won!. 1 4 11. (I. Twlrdnor, mum! by Mra Lrneet. Vo.llll. my Drew.. nee eon., by N. C. loe.ten The hank or Agex, easel duartelle, The Swine I/ unfer'e rotr, The Itinumer'a Complaint: C."l.""' It'''. Ir. ii ' LZTl.:t. ` Tin n. r: :irlt . ..i: y poll tees of ow oohles hurt, !Orl'ON BA'II'ING-511 looks Family, for k j by ' ISAIAH liICKY.V A Co. not! Water owl Front eta. Y 0 I !LON-120 toMs l'lmenis Furnace, for ,sm. from IL. Allenheuy %%burl. by 0.,.... J. • R. rho V b. hound Church. - - - 1 1 , IANNEItS' OIL-21J bble. sup., for sale by I 0022 J. a. It YL4YII. - A k 11l (JAN I'EPPEII-15 boxes Mk sale by no= J. SCIIO./NYIAIiEII a CO. r i l'lllE subscribers respectfully call the at io Privet' Iledei lievpere and Familles. to t I.ra. nflPrivet 'Met of CHOW% tiltollaltlES AND TEAS, wLich they offer on tho mod faromble U.noe. romprielna 11,0 pkgs. the; a 11111 ear, .1:, Luc Paw , . rinl Pul.le; eeerr ;r ul ale and Tenet,: 1, '•- lielehun; 30 bags pile Rio Colt, .."0 .. 1'n.....r,54.1 Fruit;a Jove - 1U .. habil.: 10 " Laanyra ° ..'.O y e and . 1 4 boo. haler,:l2 hide, prone N.O. Sugar. h Loxes Caron; 35 bbl.. er'd and paid" 3 ruts Currant; 0, Lorca Bra:May, I cue. Proton. 15 - fen, , .:5 drama HA, 1 . .Y1 . told a datCandlo; 2.. beat. Churolater • 14 .. mar a .V. .. 10 ... °Laronn Cocoa, firma, Vermicelli. t,. . Allo. London l'irele”nd Nanar, and ruin.. Foreign hellneres and Fianna, pernonally aelertod by 1 . 1 .• 1 . hItC. in the 010.• nI Now York. rbanulelphis 1“111 101110 more. 5455ing .514.j0ru.r au amnia... unednalled In Putsburta, NM. A. hi'CLUIIII 0 Lk, 1.141 LibartY 01.. - ABU - 11f. chests Y. 11., lot 8010 by X na6 DICK6S4 QUGAR-93 hhda. fTw aide "• 1 STEAMBOATS Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet FARE REDUCED!—The essift running int..woger (umbel Clarkit No. pla.. or the Jame.. Nele.onj leaVes the and all Intentatqlsto tortethiv morning. at In prerixelt. For Wheellnw tote at. port, 4. 4,4 l'ou+age The No. (Not. Moot, will len., Pittslunit rt.., Tut,lmr. ThUrNier, and l'Aturtlay.At to A. Fl.returniwt. I Wheeling etrry Nlondst.ll',..lnes A. M. Li fMppht urpnowsue.httrinc mnerior areumtnOdation, npply g no Inard. or to SW:KIEV NINNINti. Acta.. Theell Ono, ol The Ilitlner No. " is rine or 1.1, Nate ever eo dtructed for the trade 51'....tenger• mud blut.per. ranJr .•NI nn her running In the t rs.l MAP 1 111 EG l; LA It Nrrsßutual rm . t wELL., FT—The plea -64,..a lel new 0. hie:noir JAPIAEST 4 . 111, A. Murdoch. tua.N.r. I Pittatourgb Wellsrille•rery t. , erptittg •I t , ',Nelt. A 11..1d return ing. 4,0..4 Well.. rory day riclei h i I' M. The r rung in ronneetinn with the Clewelovil and tidittorgli Line Tog., dioind 11. II AItT.IN. Sinesc.nasitela Unita, Frrigtt Agent. (' Nn ~or arid id First 61.1N 1 .1. Iva') Wheeli4 and Pittsburgh ;mWI Packet - FARE ift 1111,1111111 1 / 1 1 . , 11 1 . , I. ll Cknl tl leave. ler the abore ata.l ate ,r - to ruenin.:*. nt 10 orl..rk Fer 1111.e:ow . :5c pnrn.l T. Intermediate pert, ge If lln n non ride, are ced lew ee make a further to duclien The IA I Nellt,TKß, Gyn. I, A,ll leave i'ltt.l.prler . rry . At. A. AI reAuruin, mler, •n.l A. Al MESSEII= at... A a c, Marto, The Winettotdor I• ono of the fa. •t o. tn) led for the trade I 'n.-euirer.) t ronsoutt .nth.ll).l. reoularl, U , I; I U 1 , 1 , 0 II . opsket 0t.e...t.0. tt."l.; In. Is now porforntino her regulAr y trinA thin ray and Whe)linc, leaving 1411)Itrgh ut 10 ate, Monday, Wmlneolat and Frt.lay. nod re:L.)lll.. 1,r)) WL)).11., et)rt Thorrtlay itud daturdny, In nob lark. )nr rot L0ar.1...r Alt t IttIN1) CROTRI,.. Agrutn. to Tin Dintorol i) lootr. and i) nor (.1 the. line , t att.l Lute,. Loaf-c.a., h.r the trA.l) an) ihlpl er) ea n .I)tortal .0, her ) 0 11(10010g in tbe • I fiIROULAIt PACKET BE - I T 111,),): 1 111H`lt3).1t. ltT —The I'll , n' A. r‘ l'rano.lntvter, 11l looot. Pll))litortzh tor 111)...loor. ettptina tand 11,A•Ittntr. port, every Tur.oln, t n'oloch a. ta. roturnont loart's Hook hrt...rt Canttux. hoeltnit and 11u...burgh. ev ery Thurmlar nt a "'rho). A. n Pa...onttort and )hipp)ra a a a t, dep.....1 nun. , tht)h)tt running norulartr dorm, the I.,nt, - .• . For frourlit ti •r rouinwco. a milt nn tinitrd nor: ID MI L./ LA I: WE I) N'ES 1) A Y ill, PACK HT, CINCINHATI, Coprnin John rnonirl•nui Tro• i.illrli•lil tool us. unill li, ....ninon. of 1.1,.. ...lilt, inanc ',OWL., wad other, liir Coleturniti mud IncAlorroli lintikiit liulr,nu•l will learn , lituoilit: fur Cowin:in, Fur frokirlit or r•noinini,•:ipli un Iddini.iii• in o 1: o 11. 1 1 11.11:NIICHIICH., ~pint. / 1 1111 NEW 0 I( LgW N ti—'rlsit •uniudi.l ring/ 4....an0r 111111.,1, UAL. n. , In•ilor. will ion r•- tor thi• aloha niul icl or ulisilo or . 1.1 , t ~.(LI Pr, 1 Ili Nl.Furfolrt orpn.u•n-o•olIII))ui.,14• 'lr. . NIMICH , VII. .Igtinta FALL AND NVINTEIL ARRANEENIENT - ..,..,., - .i. ,... ,.4 4 85 t ..6 al ~..IN Tl, 4 El. Eli wEEN CLEVELAND AND P171814016E. 1 EA A INO Pitt , hor.ii daily (Silliiht i 4 014 il A .... 0..1 1 o, e 1,.e.1.. k. A ' EI .Id (Er rTI, 41 ). • nos r FOREST 6a CITY. g'apt. A. 51 Itttkeng u, \ TO Ir el L S 1'! .I. t: . .... Preys throe. Id etnre 14/ nu, i t•• 1 \ I I I ..N.ll g • h.logne at ill ILISES. FAIDIS, &C. derv. rtdold, ntel rat - eels, d, 1.1.4 EL V. 0 ...It .I.4.illieil. 11/ .1 0. • J. , A. 111 litllA {1.1..... 1:.. 1 . 1 e ., gurekei train', - - 1. To Let ri, 61 , F .4 , 14,.. , .... ot nartoulinn 'tN i in, it 'E. 4'i ..r Hill. I VIII. andt,neet F ; . f: „: l',';';, , r ,„ ,„...,,,,„,,,,. ~,,,, ,;' , ~,,„,A,':,';',,,A„. . i..?."'..r '‘. . '' n... 11'' : " Z .. . '" :a 1' 1 . : . :.., b ;:;„" , ."-t,,. ; , ,,-, , ..-,b, , . ; , , ,,..„ ..,.:""•`"•• " r t K • Atone, 1.. ag Oak i.... 1 P.°, ,-. • edt . 0uneed.....1. I a•!:g.„,„, ' , ; ; ; ,;:. ; ',','.'' ' ' et ' s, II a i;T(,`,. T•ont E to 1. 1. /an, 1,.1,tv vE. °ear 1 Ide I r. Fred to For Sale. _ Pennsylvania Railroad. IllIff: dm, +tory 1,1.1 1., ellin:: IL ile, p.§- - Ikr.. 'P '''"./.....:.",::':':,' ~..:i Zi ' a ' 'ill P:M S F 7:7 - 2 - 4- ;' 74- •".T...-'' ',. ....1.,' • 1...i1a .0 1.0 .1.......0 il., , WINTER ARIL 1 N ' Ai ti NI EN Tltr: VW SEN ',, '''' "' ." .• ••• • '"ni , '':',,'•';'' •••,"•• I Nil L A DELPHIA li\ND PITTSDURG.W...I 1E LI 4:t ' e 1.., . e.• lag, 11 • I .1,1, - , A IN 'ltd 'Liter the I• tit • ih., , -iiiber lieu i St. Lomb Hotel-New Orleans': X / e-veturer. well E. earr°4 d the /ent...,l..arg, Ilan ' pki upliE ,li , MILSoN, ll.raii4.l, 01 the 71.,t! , el ~ ..014 . ,.• t-te... ° kn.... he. an I, t'ed.gur 4 1.. In rt. ii ~. Cheri,. h..., hn . e. 'ea re. tl 4dr...ler •^3 ' •••••' • wim 'qui , tr..1...0t ,1 d.. °ear on . nt ' , Odic. Ile. the , r ii'il l•-• ii, t 0 1. l. ,gr guegt. burin, the t..... •.'nee,r eh. i.....• 1 4 .. /e d . r. ..1...;.•1. i . r . i r o; • ~ ; ~ , . ', g i .. ~.... 1 .:..1"' , '. ."'''' ..I ' `"' '"'""'' .."'...". '• ' 41 . ..." /7 tl " 2411 .' I' I ''..- ' l ' . it • - ' lit . i ' ). ••':.• •ul •••••• •• •'•'''"'"••-••'' "" "` ` l '''` •Il ' ''''''"' ii...111.;a7. 0' Y. , • lo, i..iti.!.ho ' i . i.r '''''' 1' u . 1.011 ruel,• . ..0,.... he , TllO4l. a 4 1 , 0°):, 4 )rilvf: To I.f 'I .--\ ii i iiii,, T, 6y. , F i.f.: , . o,,ri .. THROIIOII TO CIF ATI a nerxott ye 11.4n0r 1• Jn 4, 1 go-dodo. •.•gre nu gaud ..o. le g ..1. E i. 1 , i.4//..1 31. 1 thertr • . in ve Tblul . IN. -P , Dotal& . \ riNo LET-- Ow first id - Alin! ni• lA, I.". eI i N and after MON DA V, OCTI/.11 lilt \ i, large dwell, 1, le .., alolt ta...t. a -re, . I 0 17i.e: • II r the •C. g eland •04 I l ter.rst/ katle hit:print.' .'ll.l 1.0.1 44- . 4 ± ; °di °dd. ut fro. Inevelatot an I. 1111.... 1111144 siod neat . al nein:. ele c'earennutr eat lo "'deka nest -.For Sale, ' ."'''''''''''''Ziti.".i'i'!.ii :l'i r tT.'•2 , ;:',:',l'::!,:,l.'Z'' ' • . eurner .4 IVoter egrg./ /1.41.0r1,1 1ia.11.: W 1 1 : i IIII , N DEE D b er ,, F , Oll'l" ACRES , OF ~,,,i, li, ~ 11 4 :di I 411.11. \' T llonad,„ , Two v• e1...4 C. 4.1 .Ir.i i.l • urg. edl in e,.: I !'4l. .4 wit .1 t • 1a.,. tor MIMI., 11.1.1 1.11/, 1, It r I.ver et fi, e.g. r FARE REDUCE! \ .--_,.... ....1.1 tifsiltv.J.,l pgtt.drt..•:tnthle...l•n.l :Igll ' . ' t....reeltk.nT(;E r Yr!.t:,7.%er„VA, r!V..:„.141 1.! ... a i 5i . air t g--7 r, i 1,11,1 ,o. , I g ''• fla 1..) oil liII .1 IRVIN have adad .orsvi... 1/011 . 1.1. \ , MONONGAHELA ROUTE. , ~.ri .logdahle 111,,r,pn,..1 lodo ordughlUfne‘arogntr . Vita ErelT4irille and Cumberland, to Baltimore ......nerg. gn A 11,4!...., t4 g AI-.. 1 , 1111111 4 , ,ei/i. Le., / \ and Philadelphia. ~,,,,,..... , ri:., '" '''' '''''''' '"'''' '''' ! 'b r... '' , ....ii - X, /pH E 31OILS I SCI IkIAT leaves the Wharf a•N.:. tlig, 141.1gre that,. at et ..El.ek {neg./444y. Tom Desirable Property tor Saw. ' '1 ~,u:,,. ~,b thy g a t a,,,,,i ~!,,,..i, ii NU:MBE:It of -, 14,-.1 r.t the Olga. and elgoolny at 10 01 h4k. 1 4 ....... b g IT ''.. ":i ' e . . lr ek ' faX s.' n ' .l ‘ l l ,guhesey . :Iv , trtudgna nu the -. 111, thraggth to 31 hour, Fare only SE ii.,1,,,d. se..l ou )regul. ' l... Indwell. and,Jurnata etre.44, 1. 1 nue Chu. • ••11 to 1/11tiladAphia. 40 tenure Fate odd. 110. and on Alleyher., ay. nue • - %The Nutlonal ltda..l, hi now grad. Condnetare ao with Ale.-- 1 g ale.ehle ~,,,, ..prov.-1 I °I. en thkdedner of Id, 1, Ir., 1'.....e1.e. between Ine.wurvllle and Vutdh.4l,ll4, which' ;ea " e. rn't'lrt.7.:‘:".!..;!..'-'r....lW..t';' L L ' l.e/.! . rTLe ' l • rat ' ;. 7 .% ' V' ''" t th" d'''''''''''' '''''!"' jirE ' ll. ' AIIIN. A/eut. d, g. ou IA• gggrg. feu hnlnd hark to rldneK 11. 'a 1' wg . ...7 Om, Itt the )Iroung•al'ela dour.. gd ; .1::71..- '''''''"""'' ' j'.. ''''''''' ''''' " '''''''''''''' " '''''' '' I NE YORK AND, ERIE RAIIROLD. ......... th...,...,-.. u.r.e and ....1 orn heed, Magic on httgleru •I rle 14.4.1 ....1a.... el-gra ria.rtd, , - g, I , ,;\._ , 4 id- llm .. do.l k. re.. to 1 salute, runlntr.lh Wile. i .IS9II gtegigE3 :1831. ,_. . 1 fn.., New Carole se.-/arm. ni r....,...• n,... 4 . or rartnua eiiek,aai VMY tOUTE TO NEW YORK erh. via , knee, inane, a. re• ~.p. A. 4 f iN iiiiali 1 and the Erre Railroad. runneetnag\i , lth '"' U `' '. I '''; ; "; ; ;T:T"ll,',..N.,"'„ . • ..Fg.l , . a ”..E ..1..,, , 1 ~.,n Lake Erie, the &haul..., tlaye ml. Alm Ae, To e 1.11.11A1/11,13.1p clurinuall.CleTelUed and I titaloorgh. nd A tterne,• al la , . and Ilea , 1,- lan . 'l.'4' , A I Nsnqu-k, 11 , .I '4ltriuuall Railroads .41.1 etr.daart *kat 1 ei-.. ill :,. 11/4 /earth eurg-h l'ettehet(drEe4 „;,;„; ; „,„1 al ..„ „,,,,,, ~,,,,„,, ~,.., ~ 1 ., ~ ~.,,„7.„,,, 1 ESIE.IBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -- 10, 1L`.-- z n i . ,. '1 tz....vslillth AV FOLums: i y A Int of engun.l /intuit, Ho Let on t'regg• ' , lmo. ' 4 ..isi ,Liionle. 1.. v f....i le Canal nag prut env. i• hut a . 1 " 41l '' t1 . 44 " • " ..7';1 ' ; ' , a .:1 . I •'. I, . \ .1... rt dt.tanee ft,. the .1,4 ut the 014., ku4 P. on, I, at 1 \ gdd \• a m a d - « 1.,.! ••• '' Isatinagl lot torn, at id, to ...I Even na /atdragg ... •g ;gl4, • a. k' i I e:.. 1 , 01,411 , 01, TA 4 . 0 ..... mid 9., Front a, ' T . ''f , , Mu/ Tram op at Minh, where tavarengara ran 1'..-I.edll. • t'• _ ye,. 7 teout,, and \lr lee 1.:41 - draknuel n. angling, In 5..• To Let \ Lur 'Veal morn.. gri X 1.a1,11. lurk, the whale dlittanes ; Id ardlant rilllE well lin/inn EAll LE IIoTEL,2, IN ; tdrlrg'T f'll•llThi\ a cattirTrs. I r nve4lvaltir/n NI /MI TIIIIII , 'TEE E.E. /111 I 4 1 . 1 . 10./ lA, . ; ,!;;; ; ;,,,,V:,Z. ' ,"7,'„'t,'",„ ,1. ; ,.,: ; nt b , ,. .,...„. " . j . .1. '. n.... rupt-4 Id Col I'llo+ , n VIIII, t onerl ot 1 '...,,,,y' v,,,,, e T.,,,,, , ta c u .. 1-„,y , , a; sy;.010 C 1.,, 1,•111..n, oh.. Theo hark. and e. 111.1.11,11,41.1 Ilnlel-r°144.1. Lc nteranla 1 ''''' ;'L ' ,., ' ! " )......t "' :',',.',, n ..4' " a ',.. „,„ ~,...,,,I, .., et 14 , .....evr-• a ... am.... n'• rata.' ,t , 7 .. •b • ‘'",'"' t..00t- a ' ...`,4 Led I. ic.ah'd rkt ' N..: Vork ' \ ' paine.r aa.l likletearr. I tdig 4. ,arlura grub le ragavt- ~..„;,,,,,„, „; , \;;, .„ ;,,;,..,; Ths , ,;,.,,,,, tarbrd• • •Unthd I". .. ""..'-'''..."'' • 1 I ' l ' U rl 1 li- 1.11; 0 ; one l/etie. ell. the. 11111. ‘ r.reat relautagna4kr ...dud,. glegrat, et U.. 1ar....1 a Igulegage thud,, ne IT 1 the .. II kneed. feu-, ..f Ech, 4 1.. It I 1 , Ell, . ""''''' ..""` ... X.!'" 1 .. '''. 4 \; l ''' 44l ' 4T.e.vEsa ' ~ 1 Oar - Aelitgeu . Tann. w ell e \ tin eunnutudott In Cy . ygt, Ina. at a re...and, nut trat. aim ,t •e ~., -hurt v, , 1.11 , 41' 1,1 gra 1 PRI L NUT. • b..n ste t. r. , - neade.,; ,',.;„ ~, .r,!:,,,.. • ell , Joarll. t./ eltink Tull p ‘ artiru, hunt's aspire- \.' I4e - 1., t.aanl E. It ,r,..- uf In- g it. noon ..... thud ran \ The Ilund •w. ug.geollr ere. - 1•1 egwa the 1 .t. , an ow i i 0, ' \ tl' ~ k , 11 NOT Sur , C. \ th\ /T"'fli "" \ " ''g" ''' ...4 .• . "` f A '. . l.' ' ,l7 lflNOil %31. Aver, Iturek,' - 'gg 1 . ...,Ukk shrold he needed. than the unpas•ll.4o Itie.ll, LI ,e I a _ , .- a .- .-.- - ----.- tare get ceen,... turn., 1 , .. . 4 .. ."" '\ 28 Hotata TO CLIs D. \ - Yor turn., , en...liar...Auer. 4 tto . an, r. I 11111/.1 1.4 N l/4, NEKEII i \ ' ' '''''''''''' '''' ''''' "''' " • ''hd '''''''" 11 :4Z I: • ••I' 'X 'lB5 i . t-. ....b.vt \ Fr LET - A large and convi.nient e.,51 F \ TIPTSIWII4II I.N ID CLE i t AN D. , u A tivll" , • ,l -. , .. , ^ , -. 1,,, .... , •- , ... , ....." " 4 11 1 'Tidy \a . !'ado ara \ lfailroad Lint o\' Irr.tlanrL ... ~ . itt.11..1.1 Enquire .4 NN.II. JOH XSTtIN 1 A SSENIiEIiS liia..e every m ' Ing at 9 __. Private Residence for Sale. ir oI \ rt. Ay otraryt.4( tn\lleav,. then. 4 \ exprhoa , rt yrecarte to haventak, \Lea ehy 1 . 1144.4, an Clor lan. aelrl , to 1 1 . 1,..1and.g \ ft ',el • Cleve land, $4.119 ' l / 4 to I\g 1.g.... bu, ', Tdehtlt, 315 ha \ \ lt., g •In - , 44eiregao, Cle Tick g evetv Inn nub tn '. \ \ CINCINNAT ,, I t , . .;:%.\ , o oi ay.l Xenia, tor Olen, 11.1 and elnXilatta4 /laelnad. la \ . Tor Zletrurt. l'telearn‘ and, Milwankla. lea I g eirnet d t at rd. Xl.• hg e. spina. of •Illoau 4., ntrot 1:41.....1 Co. ink firth; ° ‘: ~. 1 ...k.....g1 M., ny Ileuhavel o Ne• Bunk ' guy e eventeno at Cl.l,agor‘hr eole , at. , low r tee \the \du nye, Ude .ate t°olwin.,`' Lotus. el,l tiitena. .41 leu IPA..d ...hnnatTrg i d ''"'kniZl7l;lVlTi`.,i;‘embrict... ~, ' •• .• haiihere). Pa. Verg,tt-keto or In rtnallnii apply'. a .., ` J 111 N A. 1 1,1. 1 1114:1'. A'ket.T. 44 ' ''''''') '''',lo"l•ll:Vethlt. 'ni„:-..,".r.n.i.PAT:u. 1 . 111 . 4111.4y1. literogia 51. laititt \ , UNIO& LINE On ibe,Peunsyl\vanin &Ohio Canals. i.sors,tio : ,4..isf( r.), PARKS a9O i 411 0- litertlit. PS, 1;11/.4111E LEN, CIIAN Flinn• I ~...Vtartaagai. 0 FIIII I S i.t ! M i l \ known Line N owl \ repared to t metope. nAtMt and poie.tiaok. ~, .1 Mani:oil 'en flier O LA.V,IO,to any point on Mr :mot arul Leek.- the belittles , t mkt...are uta.urpia4 on manbei.quid- R., and elllii. It, 1 I %atgEraperteney'tiv r „. and at ail, y of Age,nt.o. tile Haat leyve. 1 tt bath and Chrelan. dalli.ruellaa in rAnnortion cilia %Ice , s nt ananntgruag. .letterewn, eirt, iiiim ,iod ILEA \' T. , led et Letee a: llret alkc•eleamlooda tkrg.telt&r ae..l reg-el, or 1.1111. lean% A. 1. rke a G i ll ''s. . ",. ..t•vg "' n ''' 0 '' \ ' \ \ 41 '. I. la, ,14 ' .4' ', A 4 . 11 ....v1.1.yt0 7 ,b , an., t), \I ,t,. • on, ii.l, nn, 0 . a,,anks,.. ti ' .)filler, kalla O. IS I I.T. 1..• kCo . Alt 0.0., 11. Drum A Puttltodr. ..I°.), titT.,4l, gl n teou• a 1,.. , Igrtukt,llirtnran: \ ladle, kte A 1 . . 1111graeik WI, Thorn.. no, Cleleaa. 4 111. ' ' terllN • t'AU.II V, karat. 1 ago Or Og , g . and 11011111,1 d l .. 1 . 1444,reth1 , ExCUrololl Tit to Beaver„ cents. \ "1 52.5 T'll,E, ..:1,-.;„/.,..,, mr,, ':,....T , ...rra l a ta t i.."- , - ---- - '"..Tg7t.d71' . ,,,:,--.. ghee., I 4 T-rl 'I• (• ""d • ' • a'') Iteaver,"leuer I,Xttglgra t t 9', A. Iludgeote .. a a. ; abo...a du \ du 4 k if. do ; y 4,4. I...nnr rend tny'r‘s , re to Ile rev ~,,N pn.rure a 2rulgatett CO 141 lltr, L.....t.• ued lad, e /Ittahurate. fur Kruk., Ttoke, dord Xr do one JO, , td , ee Mr nal. ~.,1 . 1' '''' '''''' 'I IP / "'' t r l.lltre 71' ''''''' l ' kc, -4toghtaan ke ~ ...,n,,,, o, ,a °REV, Agent, `',. 1 •ne• A . , ' It '''t , t e rudll. eld'rta.kghtahurkh;, jilt/OAP Pftpli./SI-Just e\l .. .... -. X gl ) trim it,. ...nahrini , . or hail, h. ,-; r. , . 11.4 a ogy. Itodon, era al ti.etr mw get t , f . 4 ittiabll ti. /L. 1.1 4 MIA, trornsfir)z. la get i ' ' e Alen. a tat from ik..alwardlot Itmartv, dim:and Next art, N.Y Vora. \ \ JOIIEI7I. 4:11.1oldt. ;;;;;;,,, ~ \ NI . X. , gi ‘ rtrest. • i[ 4 , 1:311-21) Litils.alid laid. lilileN,Tlktiuti. null 5 • 14 irate. 1 o,h reed and ken' J. 11. IIANITI,4 '-. i LCOIIOC-95 ibis\ 79 lieii.l 92 rr ‘ -ik, gale I. \ 1L E. NE I ' rs.U. I ARD OIL-9 We. Minter St I 4 itd' ", ar ',ARE. AMMONIA-2 ilsks for 1 j i. 1... `st. N., SITNi\RIES-3 bbls. prime \Roll Ilutib.ll , : W T ,ltTitin , •\ 3 luno Packed Mahe, ' , 40.1 hams. that, \ ' '' 1 ltal IN. Ilentivax:fur lough) ' \ I:MAIN) tt likks WIT, Based at. \ j ' , between Wood ands sruiLtiedel.s., • . 1 01 i CINCINNATI AND DM:- C‘v - rh, .s : t,f ,„,rkgat ar " nit.lll.l. val A. 3t. .1.11 • ; 1 1)1j. ST. f.tit , lS. The fart ru n• 11.! 1,1 3 11 , 1, pt .Itl , 'slt2 all It., 1, FN•rt• Oki I It, irteiato (r. •alit ..r 1.11 , mt- II 11 4,41 4 rriiE YRUPE la Is otrprod ',Lew, atal not item at.iteetann It Itat la moat Hat ably headed in the rattail. - numentila Ott AlWitten,. the on natl.c to un.urti , .. tite name 1. rn .1.. to e . loat he ea part ef I . mlaida., It; cambia/ an emlnent dean.. t athantaani WntairY. The 1..1 .ott.raema near an ann. t.l inMild. Is tine hatetirni leet rannin a dnal and Pa; te.t to n all,. Ihe Wunrement are new. haw.. An. tu hi i ..l thetwit material. Sal (Insole. 1,, Ms twat manneramina paltry, tonrenot nee that akMl.l Milt and Aida rank! atm.' , witit doe rvaAnl *l - I.ern to a wail at eamllent w • ter at the dm.t. tain. laid tot ht ....rata aster ( . 11M, Isolate and Onl.litm. • 11,1., rltnaw Ituit am! •thrul , \ Itert. iladt. Ito mlaalum and admin.. min Le appreelated It; au nat.-math. el the nreatiotai Gentle. men •loltina in nutrition •re invited oall A i n the under 51. till! Lie pl,ttre main, ...MI 1td.... lino. It la ' a rare sham e 1., one ..... a dealitillui nat. %Innen. nr In maretuni , pAitcl, A IRVIN. Ilt Srcrivd rt. Real Estate. ' , OR SALE—Two I fullers and Las IV the titan nionl—fm. I.ltwrlt otreet. end the “rtyr ti 4 titan Al.--A nt I, lent .1 %Veleta, atteet bi 300 lent an Mum] , ot. lewittint al tit lattert, at nuwllt tf I.h.tirloo rkpr.i r r ilo TRANSINAITERS, onacEn 21:1,1Yen onic cat wrotr lag ternio, 111111 t vet. ialuattle 1.101 . 1 1 ...te1t (aud at it, o . . 1 !eel it% Italie% ea Rata Alleitheui itykot tur, Ott i , 0115 Otto h511•....1,1i l, t•ttin • minatn.4 Vie 115,1.1 and eat...dam 1-ask no the I anal llama, 11.nre Ity allott lr li e na the tonal... tea I. Melt meta by thaynul ho- tont. noon, of th It. eulogy 0,. City; or n the IhoJoloro of dh onto, ot Nlttrkof not Third o, NR Iwolling, No. 155 a,. Third Aron new. ttottlithold- or to•at tho hnrk flrlbb lh. hotithet: uJ fontortoc of the ohtiro how. , br Prbblibbirlrbbl ILI. 1. ,1 ohonsbor rho:, ....owl floor h. • Lon room at f with hot ,d cold • . • Aint.—l Le lino,. at.s,..letitc. el n :ander.. rrnt Ernpsir• 1,111.Z.1 nuirslr Y.norlb 2.13,..L. war N • For Sale or Perpetual Lease, BUILDING LOTS kid su oui I,n 1n ,lo • pl. (.1 tin. Muu Allvbrzm. h 14•Ipem 011 Itauk . Al. m A , Mr ot Apr m. Ar mom mmr, the m,141.. MA nut lut nu IL, •rxlemluot hark U. ILI. otrmA, laMm• plud x. Yr Mrum. Arr enqulr. of 11 , LA.lh itl.A NO, n...r the prrtulneN or or hm Am 101 Ith eArrel, Pitlabur.h. 1,13.1 II 1.11A1..f U 11.1US$. A Good. Bargain is now Offered, F APPLICATIoN BE MADE SOOIV.— . From Thrm• W I•uur In 1.0m.h. nem',,tu with nem...s pruperly dim Amt lulu lot, awl m.l/I ut kr,Plll - %al 11.111.1. I II I Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company. GUARANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO. rjr4ll 1 s COMPANY o ff ers to the insured nil the taviinly and ad vantagaa 4 , 1 Ow Nlniu4l luck Phis. iss hiretes.., Ism rats* of premtutt:anuunl ro-turn raab oot M. la, mut.. I,tilml ior rl-4 the' •EL sample., but nal r1r11....f. ,r..r11,1/1 it the tutu, roart3- t, N tort:Own jar tba whole lola lotet.eal in 114 a lontl f . uth unrulbera. pa, able at drat's, by ~alit, atm. their xuat,tity fund derlyneal tbe a"-urit> a/ allurt tam. tuorubera, and aim, tb, garmmt *aura, at Llano, for lb. arbola Ora of Me inal — Thin If the milt Motu, IJfe Ineurane. Company who.. rat., or premium s a nor re.loaal an/. with • pt., r an annual', .In arc llun of Mud. one NW, seeurity, In exact proportion to theamount of Minn.,. and the mar...bong rod. frtm sd Sanely. age amMIN fbe Pamphlet, traria, ar.. 'neon; In detail the plan and rates of the Company. hiruletred Kean , and anntleation• Wr inntll•2l.9 received by TUKItiITT, Basun Detlanars. Medical East:M t, Palatine-cif.ary. .13• 2 4:17' (ha ICIIRO3IATE POT ASII--3000 lbs. fur male br i J. "KIDD & co. Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock, Fo' SALE AT A. LOW RATE by acra • - Wilana aOO TRANSPORTATION, ake, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. • UNION LINE, VIA RAIL .ROAD AND.WAGONS: We are now prepared to enrry Freight between VITT$11111,:11 AND PUILAPELPIIIA ANDDALTIMORE, r'd '"I1T 711ttirIZPV71.1PCZ.'"'4. DI, 111.11 lIVVIVITIV;igti,Zr".' 117 11•rket xtroet.l'llll.4ol4,• COO ILL* IL 1[110)1. 71, .tr.ol. ILlttnaorr.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. lirE lIA E NOW CONIPLETED ARd v nmetoro• fm the roou!ar tranamtni,o n Jonasth. o 50t...1.414,4.n ell>. siva t fO.l,tht PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE._ vi"""ltr.7% roodorate rao. Lih.rt, Moot. I. )ttohtlr.h. I.EN lo Itlj 11.1411, MO Market FUN, l'hihololptax. i.e.4101100). not") 7) North stroot. Freights to and from the Eastern Cities. pit TA' I? .4 h'i: .4 A' (.; ENENT. D. LEECH Sz CO'B. LINE. • VIA RAIL ROAD AND WAGON. lURING 'THE SUSPENSION of ('anti hmrigstign.. Ice till Pmintril Ireictits , to and 04mo gtn log Wla of lading in epers4.l Lau au.l ...a APO, lIAYS • MACK. 4n.1 end Prno httshurgh :, S" "" 1.. Youth HA RM liattoanio. . PENNSYLYANIA RAILROAD. egiREF r I; 1618 Eif I: 'IV T. TiMIE t.olo.4•lihrrb, Ilgttritm ror the Pcnnsyl , •Rnl. pownr,ntri.,: twalpr fr. through .lurin, .1111 e Ikiut, I . b.huh.h.hls, at the folio. For .0 trot M Ynr usk, kaN Ll 1.0 C. ..... nod Yltt.liureh, U+. lit, coropm& 001.0.001. 0. c0mer Penh rt.,l Wart, Ntrevt.a. 1011 RENHSYLVANLI RAILROAD And Pride, Parka Line for PHILADELPHIA AND DALTIMORE.• :114,,rning; Lino trill he ewre... & a, hill, go, t' rl 6.'114 411Li1,11 o'rl,l, A m pol, t•. Jr 1' /1,'1.111:,, Monasvuhela 11ERUMS/ • 1 \ by (.03 IIaPS-4,000,U0U \ roc salo I'. a. A. FAUN ESTOCK (XL ESM CA ssINET"—uIuTIWISO p D. CT: \ • IVIEEPICIIL:', ~,._ _. , .„_-__ r i:YER'S --- , t nOTOtotir\ 70.145, COLDS, Wit EgESS, iISONCa. • • ' ' rru Tli s 3, W FlrmE l intit. j o o o l: l 7 7 o : ;CO oinincrn l::: :o C oi ll r o e.., l, \mt.. \\ a. alt with the confidence wef•el (nun article dr,!'4".- \ anldous fai to realise the Ha t it nor 1e.11..1 tlist it is the best had tunalktual O, IY tor Pul,non lransutortinttever oiler"( .(h• • ' \ ho.. 10 1 , le. d 4 . •••• avid, rutin our attudia•ese of , \ the arm hqlrittl'.l3 SI it will do tor their reha \. * l l lat rm.'z;",:i;t7.:',:, ' „ : 1, ' ,7 z , =.'7 . ,•,,Z"11,' - ',Ufr . t ‘ \ med , ..-- , ... , ll...usher. t druan. a Co, 11....t0n, Man, t Ilav o; il sao 21.,n,1 Ituore,Zary,and, ..i..l ," X i :i''•„ .--.1. , - d k ilanal . rjhart io nß •C ‘•- -\ _•••• • \ .; '. • .•‘ . \ •-:- •„ ..-•.•:•,•,• ” 17 :T't: 1 `"?'t .1 1'"1Vl.''' • -ii.1,.1..1..,. ''\-.' - , - ' ''. IlartlaLd, Itish, 4 C.o. Au eta,11,441•14 . - ' s L ', •••'. -- . oru.k t,C,Cititaao,lll,ions. ~ • • \ - ' \ evareard llilnaburat, triltutowton. el. ' '" ' -., d. ' •I , John Chit eh. aCo . Philadelphia, I , 1,...,„ '•' \\ 1.•, 7- D. AW. 11 \ u -toss, Washington C. Wri 64 •.' \ .-.- • J. al 4 ~ New (4.4., Le,, \ Wats., 1de..11 A Co, Fort Wayne. Ind, ea. .* ~", '- - 4 C.C. Ric hincriA 4 Co., San Vratielsoo,C `, • . ---;.:'• e • !L: l' Levu a Atom ajlate.,..Florala. .•.,\ - ,- - .„ B. ft. Strong. Knoxville, \ ,S.l- 1- ; .[ilia., Chi Itua A Purr, Little hock. AraN ruiller, F is,te . ih , .h....hirt... tai' . .... \. .' \ Cheeks cr la . r., re,d - Idence, 11.1. .. , . ... J. N. Turner, ; , ar a:lna!, i lia.. .. ,• . . -, \ Wade. travteiu,k Co.. Clorinnithe \ ' - , , " ••\: \ IN FohaltlN CMINT111111: \ '• • \ -• . ' •,, .1 U. Collin aCu , Valt - dtraiso. Chili. ..,, \ - ~ F. dl. I , stuond a C. 1,, N..,...1.,.,..11 ... \ . 0 , \ „... Fred: time t Co., Budota. New (Irronds .. • , :.....• \'• - i t1,04,,,,g.,:i.,i:0t.,171,:,,,,:a...,...,,...,T.,....niac,. (J. fnallaas a en., Its. JanltaalL \ N.. , . _.. '• • IVlt ouch assurance. and how such an, no strells%gor , :\ prs,f can Le tuldne•th except. that fouallnitaelforteneent . , trtal. . l'l ., •rared and .14 I, JASIBS e. A SKI:, PraCticalChak-, \ , ', ..., isa,•,Lowsil. !du. SOII tole.l,ural, wholesale and retaii, hr B. A. ray:%, , , \ ,____ . •:, \..... \ Ny_sT,OCK A (d.). and J. Al. row ri: , , ,v.:u u. z _ J. s ~ ,. \\ ‘ , , in'Aiieornr L u lt,.. hy 1 . 1. ,, P. KB li,AllT . and J. • 1.. \ 0 LA:rt rt ht. 1. 6 . 46. 4 ...1, a.4.4...A" " • . . ' a . \ \ . \ ) tieraulea, ' l or hlas'. hal,. ' Canoe.. TOM.. braptline •.1 the Selo, Esyrip.l....Chronic Sere gr.. \ Ii ingworin or Setter; Atatld il.d. 10 , ,,anntlem. iNlit. iu rt. briars or \ 1.... d.. 01.1 Ann.. and Ulcer, Swelling of , 1.0., 1,, s,, , siii. breteitels. Tait liheum. • - , , hewn., of th. lildnei a. 1.4, of Appetite. , in,..",, arising trout throe, of Ater l'am In tho Md. an,l , , Phoulder., General Iblitillt. \ , \ Dropey. Lumbagn, Jaen. \ \ • ~ ' '''.. ,gal C. "'" \ \ \' .• ~ . rlz, Al DIVI.VE 1.7.V0 WY! The Thahe's PrePe'...l - lathe Web," and the 'IEO , 11..4 ore. \ T..radia \ilia," are. 11l invaluable reattedial , '. • Intent. froti l / 4 .rbiTia „hr. titirl\it'o Improved Extract : 4 \ ' . l ', Yellow Doc and Taillgarilla 1 \ \, a , , teli .l the lOWA. ' - .. i'• Wry os .1., ri, ye. b :thenirtliiiloritwaatrooti \ . '.. \ in their perf..4fen. It, „ k, preperat , alai. ail the ra- \ , i \ ehr•th.,. i..perle. or It rooti. to rd mei G01:1124.14Ill. - . , \ • .., let to their tatmatAt edrenarth era demo - t halwrititent. ‘,..1.. wad, U.S'iv mad, %Aro of thhetne- ' N 1 \\ diChlo. I.lii IL (ea. N./ th'itll could \ aa t (rte bin. - \ P r,...-d. ...soeoida•el• i j ai. Walt It ratortid shame. nal- ' tertelly, l ca.,e. ot tinatar:T.Turbutle,\ • Cotannous . . 1 conaphdratt-lor itenerakproatrabion or &(t 'a 0.1 Do, • era, and oil filoe torn:010U, distawc of the \ wat.irgg to Pollen:arc andFO refuel:4v to for \ - -I ; s.4t' ... \ ‘ ; ;\; \; ;\ '.' . Acrofula T, pl.tot Asa Traria), etr.mplitints. Eatitv lart itii , •unortnun., nod 11t,19, 'hirty of W. lea. - ,troestai• uud darterou• di5... i ., , are Szeodily ~ , 7 „..,..., ~,,„ by IL, t 0.., of\ t 1.1a , ,,,a.1ce. \ -i N ,41137., M 1 (1h..1 1 )C141, gth.lA.a. , \ WI, John II Part -\-ii.. Sari it'la with smatter. IrAing• of greht ode that 1 too edit. thrnAh tho HO . b. \ , L'i , i i i.44d•nre of S.O.S. and y the stioades-worloria'anency • that x...llent itudi,ine. tursoltO Yellow L'af, , k and We. , i _ •aparl .. gir• you tit', ey talk.. of tuir alhanet bay. L. c . In the Wittier, of Kill via atria:kid with are- - , \ ' .' - • re. 1 • whirl+ w. arado Ili,, aalendihit thb4, the '' ~ whide rig t nel• and leg: 411 ,Fame tsma,themins • to. . .'ll \ • _ ..• , W pro.t. I..ta at mu 40 alical enian al., ins Jr; 4..1 \ - :11l - • .hrook h. • &or toothinis et I .0.10. Lk*. /11VC(CP11. 1. \ „.. ..„`: \i - . r d the attend arocz• a elikliutpra tinoner, who pronoun- '..,`,. ...',A \ '; \ Ted ray 4 hire rite of tr....0ra1, C. ar. 01 boor complaibt. s • \ , r.' \ i 1 11, ...I tali caeaaa, rue not cauuly 'boodle .4 but pre/Ad*. ' , \ ' ed‘for ine. I rtered Lind. his iyeatment smell 1 ma \ \ rat, \fled be 'void iot help me. 1 theb proentod of Yon , \ ' ' \\ ' ' of ontat this Or, W. A. !keit, ' two !Intl. of anytottla . ' -\1 .1 1. ylow, hook and 41c. ,,: :wrilL•,,from wlialeh I rfteleolia \ ' \ ' `4, ra.t aModot of hen, t- After hawing Mi.n four bold. ~. \.,,, , - ~, ~,,., I .able to 1.• emy business wilbont anyineon- ' & "C\ ' . ~4,170.11,1 ha. !away eilnie that lime a lTell man.ghil• 1 - " • . htt. a, bait peti.o befo'ro I had been eunht.' , T , l to my ' l. ' \\\ t tr. ouro,r , of th, tiniai and _I •eannut aellbe the I•Nr \ I yra of \ny 0,1111 14 SO, ii,th.r raw., than by the agency\ ' , .t . s • 4 0.. t tTI ,, , ..imattio nuitielne. liuytott'e Yellow Deck \ .- I ' ..I s tanta ' idyl \ tlAliblit, VAUttll'illit.. \ 'l. \ Alr \J. D. ' . liver sir 1 , 00.4 you 'au foregoing ter. . ‘f , tlficate ..,, and U fa .I an aanaftlubal tritlithe Tau. Ilia - \ \ k a1t...., ki , \uiv i. it, thiukinic d might Lw a benett to \ \ '-. ' ‘, you and tr. the Ilia a . d. You hart tbiPrltiltga of vain!; \ "4 ‘ • ‘ .. \ , It wi you think. at. \ , W. A. lIEEILI., \; h \ \ -' \ The followinittelterl,• Ere? a highly reopeetableptirelelan. , . ', ‘ -, who cutup. to extenilvapmetreei '. • ~, \ 'lr.vait'r.r.. Titark county, Nor. 1.186L' « \,, De. John IL Pkra— hear , i. teo,., tiny tf,•• 1ay,,,,,,,'„. e t; r,i - iiii, ii.i., 14.,, , . fiT..criirl.liy.tite fur \the lot' 'mem with Tod 61-,L, In I 44..ip.unkr,i.." .V: \ • , . voqhf. J.... 4..... 0 •Peleda. abd Cifroble ..and:ll 't ' \ Lib ..o.a. lu all k Alo„Coreptalnts it .0.51 i le \ \ and, - 1 ! In th. uoi o 0i1...1140n the yatiolinstut V ir...with and Igen, • Gat worthy 01 great • auterata rl It is pie.. td the 554 . 1 \,.. arakaonsell. 4 \ M k, , c \ r.n., wills I nioo de b.. : ( e . •::: , '\ gaiety.. er eau cleTutir.. ... lath,apeaktart p•ra , iteo, a am tl, sett fed al.. nine. &Li Ly .1 Ll'Alih, Citult.r.„o, tiLlo, " +of Yount and t.utilitarals. tetra.. en taalunt ' tar hew .0 oni s a latz'et. ia,oluia4,l • ,,L a_ \ • \.l ' hidd • C. , . A. 1411,LeThailt A Co: J. A. Jr 1N1,....,ye., Tao& rah; Lee' A. ibekla...Alleglirry 4. I. itinawit. 11,bantoo, La 11. nowt. Erd..leeti Was t‘. firm...bora: 4lowa ts.,, :Inuit A tkli, 1a.dt01.4. r.O A lion, 11 un ileanniti: Itraterr.lbillidattlae. . Ilitdol , fluad A Co., lukianne J. N. ti tight, Eitharightc, g.„,,,,, •?, 0... monk, 01... NA. 11 anua A ion. Waysamilin .0,p„,-„,i,.\ Ito, el. Liaillender. all'ewlralle. !torten ' Li.: lk A Port•r. Ater., Jana. Kelly a Co. I , r, A. 44,4411ra Ter: J. 0. diuntaerlon, Willem F. , t Jon.. 4oulfikrroortidia Croe\er,yr..lirownnilla. \ sik -/ el ' c...,--$) Ter Botti:e; Six - T \ itles ,fart,fart ,1 - A Nedicin for , -, \ N . , C...ty ha, Col.l\ ;?.;.,....cni,r, .. .q.r." a , ilm , A'.la ti:ctrEyr coss Nrri,vs * : - .' , ... \lilt. KE vs /'10,5 PECTOIti slc't: J It da. net .. 'kris the rtntrierhi.lll . ( fl f... 1.• the 1,,,...1., it d. . k. talus the eatad feud. \,.. Tem who 1... i, it Is tholo a frnh cold,eary jv colt 11,01 0u,..,... it i ...rely brawl.. ;ii. 11. ln/ . u..ctil i. .f.• nod r ico,ll - 0., ynatuei• ...,.,„„, \Nov t thlent i , T,a,; , i; of . r r . , ..; nt I:ouch. auct,llo i s - ma. M. :o fl i, c eili e ' ..ta l .sit ' ,. Oran or T -I ,7 ,l l"h....rtteerals s ired( I , , l mi:lYr ' : in t l h e . 6 ' . lir rt . !: 'crTli; Tt i et 7 i. '‘" lagtti b la t i... .. tor( niixturr. tor it tm • plea et walling lihLtu, .40,40e-ler:he money wilt Le refamck4:...l•lle.ablow , t.a.,' thottnedle4n, Moor any; Mon our cern ;Stipa* 'hoard conva s oce any one Or ltaiklimey'._" , ll bathe& 1..", , ton of a legal,. phfini•ra..anoT been owl tor Y. 'in.., hi , Un ' t) Prartbmt I. Is menthe, f•yeals..erlltrthe t-;,, .. 041. - •eipleve. A laily thaffitaulelUognifeethat or,i • •,,. til .. daughtor had ti. naiad wilt •• int aublotreTtoN• ... bon. night In fol.!: UL M* alteareerto ' :', ....; • \:lc m a P alfe n r 't ' """44' ,/"1 'l 7ll• 4" tg'WfaM t i ' gt . ''' --' Tatty. w=7.4.47,;ltiti.t.t' fn aal i ddAM.k.'llith. 1-'• -,. Mr ei ht liali i . k„ b ‘ : tern e i li f tlrry relinattdy.ed .. 4lo, . ,-,.: ..., i:"'l7' . ' 7 t.- :ii r N` T '''l.° 4 iu.d..wrtz7.l; - = tb.r-Z:it.i.4...4cr.,1%.,-t.:,,ifir.trat Xe44.,,'''s t.,t, lir Yu umecl It 121 hi. \ v.s, rall, 05,1 . T . ! t ~,,, • ; metope., of him fianhijr„ witkEthe man ParleWire. • ~." ,-. \ • '... /0. a. r• LA• amete.‘ istolinne_st... p.t.,rn • bayXla; br, , •••. tV ern & eh. or am telthuanie r.,e, ~, ~..„ tbi•o¢il ."0...1.." . 16 vial'. ,u 6 ..,n-th , 4 um I. klO.l'lli the litre.. It is onect 1.1. met, \ . - 1. t.` 4 ,g,....4 I=Tt' 4 . 71V4,1\17:11. ° , 1 =11'47.4. ' \: \ --i' . \ 11roma rd. ott ef,aoe•riona isolittunitbilt;,,:g„.:4l=aB=' ',,a - , ,• ..', ,1"4:,1,%" 7 "" 1iVii7 . 3 . ..? , t,tr..p .. ), , ..- d • the tuna valtiabw ulante and heb. e le IN ~0011140,.. \ '' - ~,d i.„,,,,,,,,,f ny • tenon mkilied flee healing., \ ...ff .. y h e . e•ia tew nai.dArephou au Ow tuiel.i.•.. It Ist..tar sad ha your own eatia..d the Penn... , b,72 . lllln . Tire e y. • \\'' W:::te2ntltedr'*ft:lX,iitoLn't::::Ne4U.',Staotworlithlm .\ \ r..rwl , eh be a , an to any . ~";;;,...,, 4. 4 4,„ f ~ I , • , , , . ae \ • oe , Large dta ' te w • likhe nail lilim6 , ..whiii at ill \; ..'. \ tar'an totem. , in th, s lietore.,, t.taralkoty. ilkhanr„, ore i. \\ 1 - ~. - l'r. \ Ei bit .... ,.. 5...i. r 9 .1 . rin b . : krtigellT,Yllis Lti. ' L ..' ' " A ,... . :t n . 64. 1 . , hr Plittflir in Um" Eximensn4. ~ '. .c . . - .: ‘it . , ~ ~,,,,, ,t,. for lung dierama.ol. nori d l iatawitablnbltdood. •••-• •" - \ a. h,, imholevaie awl te•sil. hyllatratg,,_a tti . ~,.. \ ••• - - , zu_ .....___A.,,..t.,,, t.2222.ot•hntia, \• ' , ',_, •; \ \ -, 041;10.E PASTE.:l,2 f ui l . ' e . ..,, — ki l iti4il - , -'- - -t; .; \ «•., - ..,, \\ ' k • ~ .\,.. , ,:N,. ,. 1i . : \ ''..'2'..\::•1\,,y,, WOE PA3TE-a,2lwea' \ tar slu ' 11 1 4 '