PITTSBURGH GAZETTE WILITZ • C 0 I=l PELDAY WORDING, DEC. 12, 1861 Aatirffiasonic and Whig Convention. . - " s "BaAt i n meeting of the Anti-Masonic arid Whig City Cnneention. held neeember 14th.1U:., the fol lowing resolution we. laOpted: -Braised, That it ghoul be the duty of the PreAdent of Llibl Convention to ordentbe next primary tueetman to be held In the several ward.. on the round !tat unix,. of Miteensberneat n between the-hours of II A. AL and n Me to elriA diva delegate, to meet In CODOTC.4II OP the Wednesday - 11)11.in*, to nominate a eanduls. for Mayer . In imonlanee with which, the Arian the deleaetee will be bald at the time elated In the reeolution, and the Ganveatitin will meet on Wedoreda).. l .'cumber. rthtt at tfoloeld. A.M., In the Suprema Court Holm JOHN B. BAILEY. Pren't. itike',REARING MATTER WILL ME POUND 'ON EACH RAGE OEMS PARER, The draining Port, Of this City, professes to be the friend of the cause of European Lib erty, and of its present representative, Louis Roatnith. But' the course it pursues, shows that the taiga and noble sentiment of freedom to man be but little real iniluence over its columns. Its highest feat is to party; nod its': warmest aspirations are for the 0000005 ::Pr:LOCO-fl)C0.19111. It may feel somewhat the . ind:debits of that anxious and passionate yearn .-..!'..in}tet for .kumart freedom which is now rocking . :the tililized world; but those generous sparks 'irti,qtionehed in -.the foul embrace of intense .l . Parlr feeling.' The evidence of this will be :.,fcratitil,iiil:lo columns of that paper yesterday, in . itidebt along and elabOrate editorial article thdlicing the present National Ad ...iniaiatiatien, because of its alleged coldnesstre. ... - rinkisis Kossuth. The article is Jesuitical and unntatg, and a tissue of miarepresentationv.—: "Fotiparisons are drawn betireen the Government of the tioited States and that of Great Britain,. green to the advantage of the latter, and with injustice to the former, and almost every atop tiketi by the President is condemned. ...4t is easy to be seen, that all this is for .party effect- We profess to be oe friendly to - the illustrious Maygnr as the Poseimn be, end we cannot see what more the administration of rensidetit Filtnore could have done than it Imo lo express its regard and warm sympathy with FlKoarmtli. Why does not the Post tarn its bat teries upon Congress, where all the blame lies The answer V plain ; Congress is largely Demo cratic, and therefore exempt from blame ac cording to the Post's system of party morals The President, tired of waiting the tardy action of Congress, has despatched his private Geer., tory, his own eon, to New York, to invite the exiled Governor of Hungary to pay him a visit, while Congress is wrangling about the questiou whether it will give Kossuth a reception [doll. The Post assails the President for neglect of Kossuth, and has not a word of condemnation 'of Congress. Such is the 'Post's justice—such the aid It renders the cause of European Lib ertY! CONGRESS AND KOSSETU.—The illustrious Hun 4arian oldef appears to feel keenly the 'course taken by Congress in regard to his reception.— This he evidences'in tha following eitruct taken from his reply to a deputation from the councils otPhiladelphia, inviting him to visit that city: "While ho was sure the people of the United Stoles sympathised in the Object of his visit, he oonld not but eay that ho was deeply distressed . at the action which had been taken by Congress. He had the highest respect and regard for Con gress—be recognized it as the erpouent of the najional and in view of what it had done, . , 'hin-obrn movements wore neoescarily embarrass ed. - "Whether Iteoeuld be content to go beyond 'New York he net now say: hut he Cno• free to declare, that had the proceedings in t.OO - which he had adverted, reached biro before befell Europe, he would have hesitated about earning to this country at all" We are not surprised that M. Koamith should feel pained at the cavalier treatment he has hith erto received at the hands of Qingresa, as it has distreseed and mortified hundreds and thousands of the people of . this country: but if he was bet ter informed reference the exact situa tion of affairs In regard to party feelings and finds,-and the almost proverbially slow action of ourpongreas, his chagrin would be greatly mit igated. No question can come before that body big:some individuals IWilrbe found to °plume it, either from pure love of-opposition, or for the sake of notoriety, or from some party or person ' al motive. We cannot think, however, that a majority of Congreen will refla. to give Kossuth a public reception. Having invited him to come, by a ptiblic resolution, and by despatching a nation-, al vessel.to bring him, it would inflict upon him an irreparable injury. and disgrace this nation in the , eyes of the civilized world to turn the back upon him now. -Nicholas, Francis Joseph, Yto Nono, and all the despots.. of Europe, woulp 'bold a ,jubilee ,. of rejoicing over such an event. 'Congress may rest assured that the people of this country 4o most profoundly and earnestly Ilympathize- wltlr the cause of civil liberty in Europe, and that they will hold their repro- eantatives tea !Mid account for their Itreatment of the great representative of European flepub licuiSm, hi the person of Louis Kesarfth. Some peTsona complain of Kovuth's appeal frOnGongrass directly to the people of the Gni !, te4tates. LWe see nothing objectionable in thlikin a person in his position. We would not permitanother Government, thus to separate the people froze the official agencies of their will, bet the eastef, a helpless exile without any pow ' aor means tint the moral force of his greet 'character and abilities, an the canoe he advo cates, is A quite different, 'An appeal directly to the people redid not be proper in a country with a Govetament of an hereditary executive and legiAative .pbwer, as it would be aonsidered mob:Mops/1. In America it is the legitimate way of proceeding. The Government here in only the -reflex of the popular frill, add when it ceasekto be such it is changed, The people are Gmi real sovereigns, and to --tirm Kossuth assaj primly present Ids plea, in ib,AAvent of the Government failing him. TIR iti,proper for another reason. The Government May not `be unwilling to act in a question somewhat new, antic the people have spoken direaly. It may IM deemed prudent to wait until the people bare ,givimunmisiakable evidence's of their will. This :.cottnet we =eider wholly unn eiroary in tile Present case, as we believe the eopte will ens - Lan the Government in randeri g to Kossuth all the . honor be merits , and exp osing fur bis course all the aymyathy he asks; t should Con- MIMS heititate or delay, or declin to act, there . is no impropriety in, Kossuth ca "ng hie case directly . to the sovereign auth rity. Such a canoe is in strict accordance wi our institu tient, and while it does no harm,- t exhibits the liartnony, power, and security of a Republican force of Government. 4iariNTE OWITLAGV. UPON TUC PROMETUgUS. •::; —:itte`Government of the 'United States hoe to rim prompt and decided. measure, In regard to ' the bring into the etoamer Protnetbeus by a British Anne& vessel. A safficiennaval foroo Tie imatedisteltdespatched to th scene of the outrage, _to gitord against any father eggres a; _ Liana of ihedritult And • It It is eta ed that Mr. vire*ni . OtplittiluiiPhy thaArst eteatner, a strong •uotif to , London on ' the , 'subject. ?6Vo have no • government wUI prompUg.,mike all reparation for the iueult .":„..:•.ifbleti the iliture....dthe oase.ealls for. Thia govarntneet to get into a dith -ley:RiW ilto,..Unitell ;Staten. • ttonlow.—A. meeting of the ..Democracy" was hildin the town Of Clarion last week to con :'elder the qiiestion. Some action was taken . in, reference to. increased protection to cosi and lion:: We hove l not seen . the resolu thins, 'but - the Register says that one et thespeak ent took the ground that we need no protection for any thing else.,, Of course no good results need be expected from:auch movements as this, nor is anything intended except to gull the hon .,. eiit democrats, of that region, and thus keep them loyel to - the party. _ meeting was also held on`Tuesday evening :A - by the friends of tho Allegheny Valrey npotied and - a nnmber of :,;:t4filevotand:and Columbus Railroad •Cotn ..iiiiii*lloidit;os-dirldond of four - per runt, igtduslititiikAanths• A. good beginning. CLETCLAN I) AND COLUCIMI R. It Cleve land flerald says that the business of this rout greatly exceeds the expectations of its most san guise friend, and the earnings for the past six months are greater than those estimated for the year. The earnings of the road in November were $47:1%.1 11. and the gross receipt teethe nix months ending December Ist were $343,601 31. The number of passengers carried during the same time was 161,7;;2. DE,TRITTIVE Ftae tx POriTLANI., MAINE A fire broke out between 4 and 5 o'clock on the morning of the 7th Mat., in the store of Lar rabee h Jordan, on Commercial wharf, which was destroyed. from this building the flames spread in different directions, and were not ar rested until a large amount of property was laid in ruins. The extent of the. conflagration was owing mainly to the want of water, tiie tide being down. The ordinary rise and fall of the tide et that city is fourteen feet. Twenty. seven stores were burned, nine vessels daniaged and over ono. hundred thousand dollars worth of merchandire destroyed. ELEVTION.—WC find a few returns of the late election, in the Wheeling Gazette, of yesterday: Summers,. W. Johnson, I) Ohio County, I , lsd Richmond, 7i 10 ndu.,,, j . Alexondria, 9MJ •• Norfolk, I:13 . •, Frederick.sburgh, The Gazette adds, We have not Strong con fidence in-his (Summery' I election, although the northwest ou the river has done gloriously." See telegraph report. Since that return 4 , 001. Itanrcm to Missouri the war - between the Benton an/ Alai-Benton portions of the Demt;eratic party in that State has broken out with renewed spirit and bitterness. The St. Louis Union: the organ of the Bentonites, has proclaimed that there can be no union be tween thd parties, and publishes with commend ation the preceedingr of ameetiug at which Col. Benton was nominated for Congress and a pre ference expressed for lieu. tyre. 0. Butler for ['resident nud (ion. Dodge. of Wisconsin, for Vice President. Prom - these facts tbe St. Louis tntel ligeoccr draws the following deductions: All this indicates with sufficient distinctness, first, that Colonel Thos. Benton will shortly an nounee himself a candidate for Congress in this district. Second, that he will wage an implac ,ll/le warfare upon the Antics as heretofore.— Third, that they. the aforesaid Antics, as we have heretofore predicted, roust either succumb and sue for pardon in humble tones, or they must fight out to the last, the warfare between Cob Ben ton and themselves. Fourth. that the preten sions of Gen. Butler for the Presidency, itre to be urp/il by Col Bet/ton, and those with whom he acts. Fifth, that /luring the next year, w are to have a political excitement in Missouri, e nu pralleled for its intensity and bitterness. Grahapi•s May ~ fur January, 1 , -I'2. This is a splendid number, beautifully mobellichod, and containing I 11l pages of excellent matter. enough to mace a respectable duodecimo vol ume. This is an earnest of what the subscrib er-1i may expect fur the coming year. Arm, The second numbgr of this highly itlatrUCtiVe and most en torMining work. has made its appearance on our table. Published by Gould SI Limmln. Ilos• ton. Mat stint oars.--We were euterilingly piens ed and interested last evening with the lectures and illuatratioim of Indian hie and customs, by Nlaungwiadarts, a Chipputtu chief. assisted his wife and sons. UM narration of what at: sale in England, France and Belgium. was r. ry rich and unitising. and his observations pi on savage life, as compared with cirJizrd, were marked by strong good sense They are ill very fine looking people, dressed in full ware costume. They had a very large and respectable au dience, and the interest taken in their perform ance has induced them to give another ou Saturday evening. FROM NEW YORK 1:1!IIM!M!III=B A failure is announced to-day—that of Hicks & Co., South Street, n ehipping house of some note. Last week their paper went begging at three per cent per month, rates that certainly betokened the event that has now transpirse— No other houses are implicated. and the general credit of merchants remains unimpaired. The arrive. - of th2sLiverpool Mail with nth-ire-a of a farther titivate, and firmness in cotton gives more confidence to people ,here. In sterling bills an transactions as yet, but it is thought the rate will soon recede below the shipping point for npeeie, as -the cotton crop has commenced to go for waist, with a larger present stock in the ports of the South by one hundred and fifty thensand hales than was held at the same time last season.— As wo shall have a California mail before atioth. er English ship leave us, more gold will come to us than will go abroad. Ensincss generally is very slack, and people arc squaring up the accounts of the year. The payments from the interior have not been quite n good as wits desirable, more especially from the south: and as a class, all merchants who last yer sold small bills to the southern traders are the a soundest. Western traders plend the low price of produce as the cause of their nn argument there is no gainsaying. It is no doubt true that the present price of bread swills hardly pays the price of production, a fact easily understood when we consider how large a pro portion of our former manufacturing laborers have been turned into producers of grain in strad of consumers. As we have nothing but agricultural pursuits to follow, we should at. tempt tortalik , one usual income by increased production, thus increasing the ,present evil of low prices, beneficial to no class. If Congress 'sold be beaten into a decent knowledge ofthe wants of the country we should see a different orate of things, a slight modification of the tariff only is needed to change our thousands of pro docerajnto cm:Learners. Let 11, have the iron mills, the cotton mills, and all the other factories that employ no much labor placed among the producers of grain and cotton instead of being tended In England, to be fed upon the grain of Europe, and we shall soon rally its a [lents. Grain would advance, labor would P.I7 I IIDOP, and all departments feel the benefit of the change. tin nation can ever export tho bulk of its grain crops--only the ex cess. The experience of the famine year, in. deed all experience Shows that low prices here do not promote exports of grain, and that we can sell as WOW/ dollarm worth at high rates as at low. •He hope need ho entertained in regard to the present Congress, and no relief until another is chosen. Who will net strain every nerve to place in power aCo grew devoted to the interests of our own, rather than the good of the labor of th• world. C. Corropunrionscr lb: WAIIIIIN , ITON, Pa., Dec.lo. Masses. florrean:—Laiit night, about seven o'clock, our citizens were again alarmed by the cry of fire, which was occasioned by the-burn ing of a citable in the rear of the American Ho tel., which with its contents and one or two horses was destroyed. This makes the eighth Ciro we have had within a few weeks, by which about twenty buildings have'been destroyed.— And what is more strong, than anything else is that none of the property destroyed has been in sured. We know not how to occount for so many fires occurring in our Midst, not being able to con ceive,what object an incendiary could have.— The hours at which they have occurred, and the kind of buildings which have been burned don't look as though plunder could be their ob ject. The cause is still a mystery, but we hope it will be solved scoop. Yours truly, y a - " Derrn or net Ktau or HANOVRIL—The death of the King of Hanover, the lust surviving sun of George the Third, which took place on the 18th instant, was communicated to London by the submarine telegraph the same evening. lie AM In his 81st year, and is succeeded by his 800 Prince George, now in his 55th year, and total ly. blind. After having been more universally detested than any political personage ever known in England, during his ,career its Duke of Cumberland, the late king has strangely enough ,concluded a reign of fourteen years in Hanover amid unfeigned sorrow nt his loss. He allowed his people as little liberty as possible, Oat Uri like the mean and fraudulent monarchs by whom he was 'surrounded, he kept faith with them, and never gave pledges in a moment of weakness with the intention of cheating them as soon ns he could get power to do so. It was almost im possible for a manybowever arrogant his nature, who' had been born in this country, and who had breathed its atmosphere for morn than sixty years, tc.tlescend to the low villainies which have characterized the ceutinental rulers slate 1898, and•hence, in his case, it has been appro. printely said— . a bad English peer made a re spectable Gerramn sovertlgn." PROM wenaturrow. [Ourrerpoudossue of Lb. Pittsburgh Doily (hartlud WILFRINOTION, Dec. 8, 1851 • Mr. Clay continues considerably unwell, and did not attend in the Senate. to-day, notwith standing the interest of the topics which were expected to come up. M. Seward's resolution welcoming Kosnth was not acted upon, because several Senators, not whip, chose that it should lie over, wad it could not ho taken up without general consent. (ten. Shields presented a re solution providing for the appointment of a committee of three to make the proper prepara tions for the noble exiles. But that failed also. Now it is possible that Mr. Seward's resolution may be favorably acted upon when it shall come up in its anise, but I must confess that I rather suspect that nothing whatever will be dune. If Congress intended to take no notice of Governor Kossuth, after his arrival, it should not have extended to him that invitation to come hither in a national veiisel, in pursuance of which he j now - appeare among us.. kLr. Rives has returned from his mission. Wkicther the post of Minister to France is to be mane; vacant by his resignation is not certain, tort the Relief is general that a change will take place in it. Dl r.Riven hits left Paris, at a period when his services Might he called into requisi tion at any moment to second the instances which our minister at Madrid is instructed in make for the release of the American prisoners in the mines of Spain. With France, also. we have some questions growing out of the Cuban II flair which cannot be considered nettled. It is not probable that he would hare left his iost at such a time without particularly good reason. Among those who love to speculate upon the movements of dis tinguished own it M whispered that Mr. Rives hike returned iu pursuance of an arrangement by which Bon. A. 11. 11. Stewart, secretary of the Interior, will go to France, and lion. Geo Suinmers, the probably now defeated candidate for Governor or V irginiii. will, come into Till. cabinet as head of the Interior deportment. It ip also said that Mr. hires will succeed Mr. AVebster, should the latter conclude to retire for the present front the labors of official life. It may be thought that this would i.e too liberal a sprinkling of Virginians in the President's privy counitil, but the thing Is not without precedent. t one time within the recollection of very young politicians, three et ... these coveted and influen tial places were tilled by citizens of that ancient commonwealth The course of the debate to-day in the :Veneto On the comprbmise has beets precisely what I Cl peeled. Foote rend his speech, but conld not refrain from remarks which produced something like nun altercation with Rhett of S C. In the Southern Press of this morning, appears n very ably written, severe, and satirical notice of the 1l ississippi Senator, under the title of the "Little Pacificator, In fact it wtay a most Otri• king full length portrait of him in that character, closing with a sentence in italien, charging him with having wantonly and for selfish purposes, thrown a tirelinvnitinto the Senate, and.re-open ed the agitation on alavery, which but fsr him, might have -slept. Thin article in attributed by malty to Senator Blast, and from a passage or two in the opening of Foote', speech to day, it occurred to me that he had the same opinion of ito antlinnihip Mr. Butler of S. who was an tint...hate secensionint until hr per:rive-I that that farce had become too eerie nn to lie played any longer before the people of South Carolina, and then turned into a very mild sort of co-opemtionist—that in to say. awashed into neuttsallty—thin gentleman replied to Foote, kml mitile.the•ery remarkable declaration, that bad not thelntrife been renewed here in the tin Bona! letTislature, the people of the South would not have opened their mouths on the questions involved in the e..impromine What a comment is thin upon the fury - and bluster of South Oa". lion seccesionicm, said dieunioniam in general' I:l,ett Ittm the door for tn-morrow. and a fury. ens diaputati , m, if not remething sharper. b. ex pected between him and tire. —l.ltt:e Pacificator I shah look with the feeling, of the good dame in the memorable fight between her husband and the beer. The poor Speaker Lae parsed manila, very had night The politico; doctor,. hoer refaced to let even Lin Lest frdmila 1 eta his room. Nei ther Doyley, Nancy, nor Joneii, it IN raid ia to be bead of the ways and meson, and lender of the the liflose, hut a man named ilomitisn, (run Alabama, who woe net in the las: Cuagrera, lint woo in central prereding. Joann ormi:il hove been eery hied but linnet:in is wore. In fort in the companion of untitne, he would take the auperlstire degree. Ji nirr STANDING COMMITTEES IN THE SENATE it s / //.1.ce.5....1.-.Messrs Mason. Done Mangum and l'uderwoiA tts Fo,n, _ Messrs II onter, Bright, Girin, Pearce and to t c o mets,. -- Meitni•ti Ifami in, Senale,ltodze. of Wit , iinsin. Bari. a nd Bewae i t. toi Ua.roi yru.n --.‘1,4r, Sat.-L./Ban, Bayard. St/id:leo, Upham and Jame- Col .-Ige•-iiitato —Messrs. Soule, Walker. At chistin. Syr:lancet on Wade . 1 / a ttoro AtTalta • • M,ArA Shialda. CID . men-, Borland, lt;wmon and font,. of TOUllt, i.e., • to ri. MOQUI/i. flnuaon. Hodge, of WiSCOUS/11. Borland, Alortori. and Speniince On Nitro: .I!Tarr. Meiorn Gwyn, Stockton, Mallory, Badger and Fiat, to. l',,hrte /.code. Felrh. Shields, Dodge. of lowa, Cnderwrioil and Pratt Ilan -1 ('loan., --Alexnrs WUHCOU/ti, 71eme., Davis, and Ilale /ode,n —‘l«upiro Atchison, Sebas. kiwi, Bunt, 1101 and Cooper 0I 0.11171 A —Moaners. Broadhead, Whitr.otnt., Pratt, and Wade. Os Re..braanary 'hum, —Me• aer . W a lk er , Chase., James, Foote, and Sumner. /to IC. .114thriary.--Mepirs Butler, Downs, Bradbury 'Berrien. and (layer. / - ,t, Id, p os t. ,,/. re no.gob —Messrs, Hunk, Soule, Hamlin, Upham, and Morton On Rooth dlolCanal4 Rhett. Llouglas, Sprnance, and Sumner Nn Penetoti/.—)loiuers. Jones, of loira, Bor land. Stockton, Foote. and Geyer. On the Mitre:to/ t'ohombio.—Mcsars. Shields, Bradbury, Norris Berrien, and Clarke . O n Parents and Patent Orll,—Nlosnrx. North., James, Whitcomb, Dawson and Smith. If" lleireneArnera.—Monars. Bradbury, Bright, Illanguni, and Fish. On. 7'errliono rilouaton, Uwinj Cooper, mud Jones of Tenneaseo On Pubbr Buthliny..—Aletzra. Whitcomb, Hunt er, and Clarke. ro t l'ruatny.—Menton. Borland, Hamlin, and Smith. n n Enystars./Bills.—Nlesers. Bayard, Afallory, and Hale. (i n the tiSrory.—Menem, Pearce,Clemeria, and Dielge, of lowa. /, n h'aralled 801 l r. Jour; of lowa, and Badger. TO Audit and Contra( Oa L'ontvnyrroi I:qn.n.rm e ! ! the S , nate ens.. —Bodge of lowa, tlVnikrr, and Bell. TERRIBLE SHIPWRECK AND OREAT LOSS OP LIFE-TWO AMERICAN VESSRLS AMONG The Europese pnpera•hy the America Lave the following additional intelligence: TOTAL Loss or Tilt A MiIIICAN We extract the followiug from the Singapore Free Press, of October . —..We are merry to have to record the total loss of the tine amen'. can dipper ship Memnon, Capt. Gordon. The Memnon, which wan from Gong Kong, bound to London, with a cargo of man, had a dead beat down the China BCD, and on the morning of the 14th inst., about three A. Id., wan in the straits of Clasper, with a bright moonlight, the inland off the west end of Pula Lint, bearing south, and the north extreme point of Polo Liat F. S. E. , tacked and stood to the S. W., but Im mediately on the ship getting headway, she struck on a reef not laid down in the charts.— She wrn hove of the same day at high water by her third bower, and was found to be unin jured. After being warped out clear of till danger, the vessel was anchored with the sec ond and third howers,with thirty fathoms of chain each. The next morning, (Eltli) a heavy bquall struck the vessel from N. N. W. ; the hnwscry parted, and the ship dragged her anchors right astern, and ran on the reef. The ship being bilged, the water level with the upper deck, and no arms 'on board to protect them from the natives, who were collecting rental them in giest numbers, it wan thought advisable to aban don the vessel and proceed to Gaspar Island, where the officers and crew remained for four daysin a very uncomfortable state, having lit tle to est, and water being scanty. Ou the 4th day, Capt. Gordon despatched his chief ()facer and come of the men in a boat to Singapore for assistance, but about three hours after the boat left, the British ship Jorbmiah Garnet!,, Capt Dudley, from Liverpool, bound to Shanghai, came in eight, and being sommunicated with, Capt. Gordon and the other persons remaining on.the island, were taken on board, where they were treated' with the utmost kindness. The boat with the chief officer end his men, were picked up by the Eastmain, Capt. Shire, from China to Calcutta. who conveyed them to Singa pore. The Memnon and her cargo were insured to the amount of £50,000." Loss or roe Atteniran Slur Groninr. Basics. —The Singapore Free Press, of I let. dth, con tains the following —".According to accounts from Macassar, the American ship tleorge Brown. of Baltimore, Capt. Higgins front Sta.. Franctsco, California', bound to Calcutta, was wrecked in the vicinity of Tiger Isiantia on the 15th August. 'The vessel struck un the coral reefs with such force that it immediately tilled with water: and no there rctnitittEd no id - lance of saving her, the boats were got ready in order to reach the nearest port. 1,18 th e 2,10. An gust, the Captain, will. three of the crew, arrived at Macassar iu one of the boats, a - bile the rest of the crew, consisting of eighteen moo, landed at Boothian, from whence !key went, under the guidance of the government pm boot No IS, to Macnsvar, whore they arrived on the first September. The captain and crew tilvcrerurdt proceeded to Sornarang Nto iNAI.V4I.. esl , To gkvv•NINE LIVE. Loa - v.- We extract the following notice of a most thartatrous wreck from the Wellington Independent, of the is with feelings of the deepest regret that w mamate., the total wreck a the kirk Mariti e i , .Ibit tont., Captain }took, anu the loss of twenty ice lives, out of thirty ono persons, on booed at the time the melancholy coto_atropho took plac tin Sunday not, the Maria left Fort Vo torin for Wellington, with a favorable wind, and struck on the rocks of the Ronal strew, at .in dc:ock Itedorailny morning. 'the second mote atatantly ran to the wheel, hat the v, set anal. - tag again, threw him over it. and before she could he hrought to. she was broadside on the rocket, and went to pieces nantiat immedi a tely.- host was lowered down, into which many jumped. but it was.rwonipeti at °IWO A }lnlay and n yang neon who iti i heel, at the wheel Hung to pieces of the week, and, after he log dashed backwards toll forwards amongst the rocks fors cob-biro-able tiro, ultimately sac seeded in reachingt he khore. ThellatiCPA them the course of the day, and treated them most kindly tt!'-tv /..I „` , !hag ottronu 1 h c laid the !Labeled in the London Merritt. loin! Msokcitt.ka, N o v • lt, Ibra. .1 most frightful occident hoppeneil hart nltneat withal sight of our port. The ktiginter La Villa de tirosse, going to Comma, watt ran •down by Palle de klar-eille, ling from It:, ly. I, Villa dohad great many reogerk, nearly the whole of wit.) pertshet Anomg them war the Russian ettitut Moog, with his loudly of ',even persons nil ore tort Eleven. A NI —I hint doe instant reretvol the golittwing trent captain, an Eng hall gentleman. miatne tteltnewni t 1.11.1 n chtl•l have Le KAI, I ThTheh. are nntre mot velerahle en than was at firet nottotgattel u1:1 THHS Hll' 1:111 1 , 1. T 1 l'rHE% /. 1 , 1 r .tt Tl•nr,t night, the lath oat HI the elup Capt . :4... trout N.rlount lat., le, proceeding on her voyage to Liver. .11t. out , uttter. , l %WI northwe+tern gale th3t htro,ll'.Z, and drtftvd an the P.tie al.ere, ititerwritlis, the I W1,01.1.` - bled• and tel c•er en her I.,unt e 41.4 Thr captain, the pilot, :pt.' eleven other hand. w e re on Ward 31 tip , r, me. the- why of whom, .ho regret t. ery. except mute, wt. huune:l by viitioug tu the very tep of the . luantil. the other+ brine a altry fiom he n rigiztuz, ollt` after the the tie.. 11.1 e .1 ut 't hr` hre.Llllng tip N.., the I,ort. ltwnr,, .rtYlelf.l.o !a r T tos oIIIVN. Thy I , ahnat, laiTez • g with aoe,,unt• of earthquake, ale! a , the Vb.,. anti I,ll.lllsti t v +ll. , cl,wearrel nt the 11 , tn ult. ,nbtorroue h t • another heir,, alien en,ntol e ,,, ne:tinte after o the may,. zanf !Ilene phenomea, ern. , revrate r• I 'an the D4L +:, I. Greater In n teualt uuntely' . ll, , af natnle La, to by stnenteil ther. Further pnra. . of' the tyr . tint •iti4l6, ht f n1.1. , n0, her arb••l the nurve-r. ,erie , of. nter mittens in the nifzrexaty. nhatit a onarter of an !lour. The water, of t4e rtr, mile,. /rem Vnilana, roe,,:wo feet nbove the or , fintry add man, bona., fell in the town lieyilf The loan of het :0, about thirty nnle, Irnin Vallena, 1, a 1,...,1 , a ,te r-aetb , ha., al—, been ,1e.tr.,,ye , 1 wewler, cant , ntir•l to t•e felt IT to the inteel datr, !.ring the Jib oft_ The.,. I. J,yu. c•,/ tri • n.Ol Kesel Tii the kvio. ttnpersann:i,u el the Inse: spirit of Lieerty in the CI! , 1 Wee The ...Br of true gyeatinera appeartain all leis set+ lie t. brare, virtue., noble and eloinent The iven.age which is paid him rhos, deep •yrnpn ; thy in hip 1.13 t it pro , crisrs neter tine in Aim hehafb - Bnr r oteratinr hi. , q( ateur , party . rentlietr . her., and przeicitninr hi. inten ts:4v to leave err tionneatie inmttlatien• tinh...h • trs ; rolieve• himself trent the danger sv ; lve would revutt rental party .111,qt and epp,oltil, The task orioeb he ha , herr, hies. h overer. i. F.rrralcau, anb impassible of a anpitshment The pen-eras h, , 1,. t.. the .o of 1/tr.r•thlo,4l 10 ihrecgn allow, ears •• Toe.,•trortlon t.,:iltnreltralv the tae , oul.y Europe I.ot ofl .rturrte• If • i. 17111 for tn. terrent ,, n rrrr 40 04. itl. 01 1,11710 111, the ehnonrl• v.( 1-11,iut,14 and the 11.10 t . pan. , Inv,n .tre tel .lieu we h•re aksrplq• t.. vpare Wor, to the coon.. eventr, may net he •rovle4 Ito.tuner. vise. or tile eurrpev untionv. v•Ile Int;) len,. new facoltier, an.l like the whirlwind in the natur•l Vonet4 whte-11 dr,away the pevtileuttr.l me, it , in a .1.?,e.1 nod l ow ron.latoit of voriety, purttlem the den..l. 1,071 .pint, onil aniurvie• the 4ltt,vgivh 117.01," toent. of men Itot enotety Iv now .Irometng through Ito art. of power! to • higher cond4tlon thane ver torfore re•rbe•l , thee.. 14 wile left foe growth an 4 intprovrrovut, nut 41 , 1 wt. vnter tot, 'an ottneoetor•rr , we •111.111 revs the onw•tol your, •or thvn war ge. and that for •n nhiret whtrh on mean.; er.,1.1 not neon I.ltstt Nave 11.er-ntat. -- The IS hsz , iate ren•en lien of \ Ilant pehtre era+ held at 1 I•trielleater the A,l meta., end wee preahled eve . , by• the Firm reb,,bo4 t:.lo.ftwita; na..te.) oeneher of etre prealdenia awl secretaries The lion Thee E Sewer Ira. notninate,l the Whir cankittlate fir the I;.;vernorship, and Juneph :iawyer for the Ai, of I:adeoad l'etn• tniaatener. liclrgatos wcrr clicarn to the Sattowal Con- Troia°, and a ranca.ol patriotic reuelcitiono wore adopted. F IT tb .feria ter ON rim l'euvuat. ftaitvitan —While the weotern train of earn were atoppi ti g at New !bad° on Monday evening, n young Inds etepped oau np..n ILr rhdterm npnn which the baggage lay, to look after her truck; bur treat er, 1,140•Ub trowelling in eiontinny 0411 her. toll her to return to her vent in the gift, unit ouppoae.l she had .lone so. The train eturted, leaving her yet upon the platform; nu Stlial the train began to Inner vheatarted niter it, and reaching it while it woo yet miller slow motion, she attemptod It, get Upon it; tiring amble to do en, NI, ratee 1010 wan employed at n tracklay• •,r upon the road, undertook to ariviat her, In doing which by mine menus or oilier, the young lady fell between the core, party upon her hire unit WO, roughly handled by the broken, wbielt roomed over her ono titter the other nu the cam proceeded, severely raking and bruiting er buck, owl vole She is now lying unable to• proceed at New Ihllbtlu, but is not considered to be In a danger.. condition. The into of poor l'ittee was most awful! Ile fell directly atrium the roll, and woe cut in Iwo by the wheel, living but n few in manta after bin ran. The brother of the young lady, not being aware or her accident, and ouppooing her on board el the train, proceeded to Michigan city, lint on the way wao informed of the accidently it paiiiiiinger wino hod ,ieen it, and at once herapie awnre that the perioin iujured moot have been hid dieter, no he could buil nothing of her upon 'the train. This distressing occurrence is a now wooing to keep clear of ITS io motion brirnit I dr. FalllmportatiOn of Tilrtiware, Cutlery, &c. LOGAN, WILSON & co;, No. 129 Wood Street, tall th• tE, FOREION LED DOMESTIC lIUtDJftDUI 1M NAMED BY itmer.NT PACKET,. AuJ vl,ll t !Jo r r. n u n:r ot pc i ftrr;l 4. l . n rr uO t ;Aar* A.- A full anourrltumt el 111 ANN'S ra . 1.1,14K1C S. ANKH Cal hallli. am/ Mr gdrTESTIIION V IN FAVOR OE 511!LINE'M l'it vx.—lt would lw ea, to 09 o trdumo with co, Ohre. a lb. of o...nonce td tltln oollleiwo. Whore...or It lowt 001 w IMO It lot. umle. Rv•lf paiottEr. Wo have In our prwooookiou hundsol• ur nnlet• 111 e th. followlmr VArinburgh. N. V., Dor. Memo, liidd t llo.—four tramline agent left I.nth me a.hart time Alm, w nuantltr of 3MI-noe'r Liver Pill. The .bale Int mid' Tory rapid'' and gam the taighevt astl.fartlt, lalen:Litl. ronoidered the leaf medirine al the kind ever arr., for sale. Nome tend m neater runply u main tt. roteilda. W. 11. AIN MOUTH. J. KIM, n CO.. ?1& 60 wool Ft. Vnr male Uy 145.4 wit-VI gerFarmere: ',under well over the thou• rand anidrnp te a t daily bargli Fumes and cattle, which adieu render them. nalleer for lira: when, it Yon wmild make It a roielt . telktae eiwar• on eao.l it. yarrell'a Arabian Lhiluidnk yOn eauld have the animal awed In a: tar days: and *nil not only Man Ilen, but you would aTOIO the tisk a . f loalng the erratum altogether. 'Bre ad- YondlalliOnt.) , IW2A Pittaboxgh Life Insurance Company CAPITAL, 3100,000. OFFICE, NO. 75 ArouRTI7 STREET. °FYN:MRS: Pnaident—.l.l. A. V .11 , (11-maAN. nrJn I.rccit Ne , n•tarT—C A COLT,. Part hir paper. New Book's! T ./. L. IjIA lI'S. p p , 11" BuildiligA, N. , 13..41 nun,. k.4kot.. or Thin, FnmiliA4 . . ,nintual It..,..immthal • 411 n-fer..nev to pr....ent Ch zt , Clergs Li.,, th 00..- of Ohio. Ort..l , er 11. 1,61 FARMER'S (M:11)E TO SCIF:NTIF ASO PH At.`lll•A I. •A•ilil• I:I.TURY.-lArtaHllug Ike •••••.•cr ••I tnell Hteer var., and wimp, thr •I dr . .•• ar as HI, run r.IY authat thr A , Pr, ••I a.arattlie Agrlralltrr•• Vale Collegr, 1,..., ‘..1... ILA 1111111,..0.1tturtrute... .1 1.. III.: ti. I,kurrh 11U11.11c4. Kolt.lS, Sale: litirton's Anato -1 Kik of al e1:Ln1.1...1, Wnt In,' .1 I, 11.F.A11. Fourth .rt Ito w, t„ r I„, . k I N REC. ISH El —l4 1.14, for toile by ) 111 RORES — A tine ....lootion for A IT1.111.:11TSIIN aa, 14 1(1 11 N OK LEA ‘s, .11 •.141.4. . f , rl 1..1kr 4, to t /,,r•t+r Beanmont's Patont Starch Polish. i)ATENTEP. July 26th, I 1; 511,—For . I.itten4 etstni , rans, rot so, mon Itos. to, An , and •I•tt on:snots tit. , tom fr... Ittrontoto•—ltlat porn LI. on, of • pot • Annot of st•o I. • Iwo totitott. inn tyk h I, len. nnnto tor Cake. Sold wholnostnnn4 rnotil It. I:. ,t111.1..1,1t0.157 Wood st. : dt 1. Anl. A•ont I r 4.11,1.ny Coo". - Election. A t : Vier!'rosi,J4:rt ; 111 1... bri/ lA., enen,r- .viii,: , sn Court A t lii to. tt....ts tit t Wt.lnt...i.tr in Juatint/ Administrator's Notice. IkTio'ficE .gii en that Letha, td . St t•I., 1.{.4.1.1..uu .rentost 1.. Mt. %Os- nts, II ~/...11)vu ..r.ism...lavat..l r.t ..,;1 • ...1. , .11409, .t• lust ,r.. 111, t. I' Ati . Fetortte 1. I VIII 11 ... . s. Urt.s, iIIOUGHTION ' S :.; • V, , :77 • Thc-.11. FLE , I I A N Trtie Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice. 4 1 It1.1)( II) a, 11., pr.,. •to.I ••,..... • Ith -c . ~i , .i.. ~ .. u. ~ .~_.i ..~:i;w .~.:i ~...~,~,. i i i_ i r.i~„.a. ..., M=Xl=l liiIMIMENIMiI IlmA% 4•11 .1 , 101.11..1:T11 .1 ro 12.° r "'" , `"t b ,• l l'1 5 1$ eIRTII -.l. 'n- 1 , ;V„ ' , 1 2r„ 4 Young Me 1 1 .3 Library • Introductory Leo- " N-i 1,141111% tittsll. VisLCINS. U New Dyeing. 'Eltablizieternt tuvr..•liwyck itl.llEirl ..`4IN & I •A 111. 1.1..% R. .I.met, 1,:;* • .• •.•ur .11k.. .e say .•Iner 1...1 411 riiv• usl• ,11...t4rn14....r ".. ~„. . ,~, ~....a..0. .;,~. Orphans' Court Sale )I'II,I:ANT t. t Urder of the I, t•t.l 1 out, , Itut it..4tettlo4 •14 Itta itrtutio.• ttit el.• ut 4.4_ 4 4,„ • tttat 4 - 4 rt•tu ut ttl 444 - 4tuutl tut• rt. It It 4i.- I I Itu t • tt, l'Ut4t.tt au. I.:- • out ,II Low ttt. I stttortto, ol Qt. tato milt att., tt. to.. a 31...41 l'ot .1••••••., • n Otto Itt te—ot , lttS „,, orrt•tt to 1.•14 tot,. Gttat ••ollotu , av•stIll patt. 61 it, otttaktr ot. kttiolrott (trtvtlt,tt to oast! Itototr, • otl ear. the tri•etet ma, be expert,' innto•if.r. tiii.- ,may dunnedir[lon, in. Ice., n i penrre- halelmini.iit ..au hme.l the Idea nr mak., ...1 viand...« 4r llainiellt van). tine, Ite, in high Th. F.M.eingi rieni ‘ eil 1:44 hetid..l • blob number 701 l nen nil.. ti. ed., hu -diem, Idd left liver . 41.01.1, mid 2.01, drive.. to ghilindiltiii n. I ile., men,' fnatilld 25 to 13 fa OD thillet.d. nous/ a, te icing 1, md..anif %Foraging 11.1 km • llogo- lhe .1.1.111 y of• mirk 14 rather indifferent. and the inerket mom,. nun Imignal. We our. at al nu rnielini--V1 • have' n tin.: reel Fonoon. 1. n." \ inn. iine /x.. 1 tide ...len I. t • Leen mal e h. th. Mad. at tiftel...a o ed Fldnr—iiliiitation• P e rode Wee Mdo Le 1141 W.f. Domani Arm* al SA ',fen to dad td 12,00 MA . Walls Moue MII3 931;. /Ma fnd. H. • \ ft nint—Tbere-na• but • mall Yupply eif iihrat It Mar tel on: Mortar. nod pnce• ad/a-nerd lc 14 but. limme neda Ton,. lauver,..the regend •ere . red. ....“ nen-, kill .4.1 or .Iri. the eaten .if incid to !mime l4lng o.ade II .0 0 4:,,,,, .Lit. ' , dal , . •oil Inually Muir whini M and,. Fatly 10- the Jar one or Mio pmeelrnt prima ....I. 1,1•• ..k1 .. lagh in 0 1,0midae. , ,WA . f tie. ld cor 113 n at 0104,i, 0.1 vliiiii and 02Iddele for r/11.i. No berr ~h... ..r Uarvd•nd oat. at r.linds.ll,. - \ . , Purmno-rnia. 1030 4 . Fleur—The Inexact 14 quiet. The demand for ezmnt 11 linillnl. anl the ....1.. rehneted are 4 or 0.. Wit, otindaril 1 .m.0.n.r.5.4 01 Md.iglngt. holden met:m.6ml lon MN: •4 • tete, brand at 0.1 20. The mile. tit did rimiinruption •re imunritte .it ina Memel. quidatume. 0.. Fivenr—hothing &dux. . Cori. heal—A .ale of hin bbl. rt lik I.lli. 01,10— {\"10.11 . ar‘tte. ii.lni In demand at • lurthec id ,iiiin. f.t laagr 'ti lift rale- .110ort bu prime Sontberianuil rnit. ind •I 4., urn in ,on m. nd iebthi at 91c. anono iti .. if watile.l. A ...la ..r rim. bu. dither. id 72g. enrui 14 , -.iraing tri more Meet., mut the mart. t ch.,' doll. rale. a 11 II hit'ne• lnuthera rekluir at t41,51M.07. Including ..nine m.l 41n, to In 0 0.1.11[1.1 011 0 , 41. td. I, a• 0.14 nil ......1, .2•ln Pelavare weld at :4,. Whifte lo li re,lf trine r. isle.. of harrcla at 217., and 1.044 .004]1,. PORT f)r PI'IFSBURGH. Brame-T hem :lest A hatite, io channel 111 tier it. la 4.4, Ifta ovrasit s ne, and failing. ARAI J. IllcLev, lleWrlrtiW, Ile,Brecrort. Attaral, Porkmaral. [hg "too,. nje:t Newtons.. ialtar.. Bennett. at,. Gordon. Dearer. \ S etnoan. t , see. It.a.ver . ua.anl. Ellaat:ath 4, City-. II nia.rh. . Deal Nea.... 1.0. I. Canwell. WheraIIIKN ilaens... Cane. St • ' ... se: 2 Fo.ber, einc3nr. 11 wlln,l ItJantat. I:a Ilan:aoa PFPARTED. Atlantic. Par ins., lirowsunall, Baltic. Bennet Brownsville. .1. Thn. Slam, ' kr, Went Newton. aver Slolonau. S. Well Elisabeth. Batley. 1I • Norton ' l'orea Ca, 11ur.1,11. W.e11.47111e . italsoaer. *loom, It n like • ,11 Pser Nina, health, !I rtitssnt. Clestn Slay. ,tlonden.l , in In.. BOATS LKAVING TI 'a DAT. Bolt PHILADELPHIA AND • Ai' It Lefel, A Co'. Paszastt..;er I•artel leaTa m. 'NEILS V IL LE—Forest (Sly. Ilk:AVEß—Morning tsat ,9 a , a. Evalli. boat 1 r a. sT. L)UlS—Eallor. 1,1115% ILLE--tior %do. 0110W316111.1. raccry Mktg . ' NSV 1146. 6 V y, and 6 IMPORTS BY ALT' MOB E. tally at 1..„.tk 441111:1.1N11—Pyl rureaa No 2-;1 bdl iroOka Kay s C. rolo. loarbo. 1 bat IX A Fboa; 17 I.bla door oath. , oo Wprolanr.a-71 Ica, 3 bole lard liroara,l Hirkpat, r 1,1" 4la do kin do Armatroorr Cron, a Co, 42 Magi , . aIdFS., .N on,, 4do 'ant Al Irk t llcelodleet. 2dn ill JAI Limo: III) do dour 11 elaerinarrir 31 No barley A Csalbell. M I.llst leather IV Illatatrarn a Co:2 Gas mite Balrelr a. Furs, Ih. CINCINNATI—Pea Ihrtantio.n-0 batrod. 4 dirpa- I:pkg Adam. Co, Ihi .11.1. e II drill* Co, l'lrou 1.4.,an0rt a Barr; 25 lard, mate 7 do allouleirrs I. do hew. J For., lb Jr. 1.1,11 oil Tll !Farrel .. .l Co;\32 do t It Floyd. I ha hoot, Dower. t Parry: 1 do , p Coo' II a Co. V lltAvrE—lo) bllbs flour owatr. lftt .. vLuaer, Wlll.artla A Noble. 1 . “ Pultw—luo ton. pig ate Nitukt x etn 10 do Knapp A Tatra, 9 grind...es Pro A Pllillips; Iltio .1 It Alt T Holmes. • ST L(11:18 Tr& ilr.N eke hud pipe A (I , ram. UN. ref. many J A Ilutchhion,..2uo dry tdd..• 1P Twang A C., I.a. Itair teldx. Wm., a McKnight; k dr. Co• - odo Y .4, four pig metal Etervou Pr.tou bge Illiry lf,:,1:::::!1*,!..bg 1,1! batfer:' 4°,721:,`;1!;;, 4 Pn1: kw I la I•blelorar T Warr Pula—la n•Aln I erk 1.0 viV 6 A Gordo.: 406 PIG. A Liuvt....o a 11,g bklem J Mtn word W Barter, , - . . . - . ht. mar, II liestf Ns taw./ 1% .11. otter a c o; F.ntP4 wet al U JII Suoeutmeget, 10 ain 1 110 ton olollou.. A GI; 6 !ails elovarneed 12 61430,14 -- • \Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. ' , RIVONIEPOSEgaW3 - \ NEW A RRANGENIENT. Connaenei ng,' on Monday, Doc. Bth, 18.51. , ILUIROAD EXTENDED FROM PITTSBURGH INTO OH10;„, And ionnected will; Itadroada teaming to Cleveland, Colunbne, \ and CtneinnelL 622:tridel Railroad, and only It) , , mate ,Sto9ing I,eficien Pi" ttelntrgh, omit). conniV(ton With the Cleveteend Railroad ea Alliance. ; • FINHE Express "Tntin leaves Pittsliargfi at 8 j_ A. W. mapping .ly at Pealcklay, Borba:are:New ,lituttuon, Daritagton and 2.. n, au4 reatbea Paiesttna 44 nau.e. at In.wo 4.11... Where pawarogenitak• stags, to P{16•33. 14 C tt ..laud, , l.t, and ral!rta4 than. to .441.41. atat O .. . 8.,..• tun dallr frons Alliance to Canton;ltanalliou. Wveater, .4 51..5.1, atict loan anon to Law Caatit, WINO .pd Warren. '5 p.r.501....t1;14..tp; 50r b ...., Iltrl. Trika Nave. Palrstine at 11,a , at 4 Y.. 11, .t 1 arwray at Pittly ,, horuh at 5 P. M. b 441 - Th \ Mn. 'Plight. AcenAttudation .Tralo kareP t. Pit.. at 1U A,- 51. a. 4 P 111., , ,a1511 New Brighton at. 7.30 A. 11. a4l. P. AI, stopptsuroot Iturtneduce aUt. lioo3. Nxeckesion Ttrltta gr. for two date eee voa t.'" lateen Pattaburgh. Itoch,eter and Nair ltnelitota. The Pater% Train tear. AM.. `at 3 A. At.'and Patent at 9A. . • ', The Traituula of runenSun,lay. ' -- rr:M=J:',,','':4rt“" . .? 4 , 4 l'''''" : ' 4,-90 , .....,... honor t slot., to ` t ti.OOl4lZ I.AXILIPI, 4.5.1 P ' \ _ 1.1....AP44-• \ t. NOTIC *, &c MAYORA Mai= 111 E Stockholders of the Penns; th.e II fact 4it m: Comynoy ..f+. nntl Am/ 1...t1ug viii 1... held 4u the fdth day of 2 • J. ..... , rxt. at the .ofliert. il Samuel F. Fit 7i. Waif.. etrret, I . lsl4.lflphht. fr,..21:,... 0 F.0.11105t11,01.4.T7 \ - Allegheny Foundry for Si T'-i undersigned o ff er fur ad iseure and valuable PuUNPIZI". altua erve.-4 anestendlna to Ann strea r :, All, buildin co brava.the I,,unalrK,.l l s o z o p;nae,... !. ' l ‘ ..u . iVto l g‘c * ar r e ' ef . ... h e c 4, IT - IVO 1 . . a by about 76. Eaundry Ilse doul..le etank and ticoYarnvee. oweca. The inivaLuante are all of recent col. dee.au• aleKlida 11/ __. —.... ... • "Elk .lioni" Saw Mill far \ THIS e6talVment, lately fin sow lo romp: ranolos order.ts .it gabnL,l:o mil .04 --ova l'ittaliargl, 1 vlelaity of anew).* 1 wart, Comm. Loma market am lust 0,..4 Lnal boild I tr all that 1, not sold ork the premiss, tba I lord. at all seasons so 0011.5 ta mon, tllstan awl doss 11. .011.0 or(11, Moaosalahrla with machimery and extum, of the ~11 Went kitalf. that Al I.l3l4aozniva WE, of foil. and Pat.i.r.nop - sr, arms of L .4401Am - ie.% urn.. Of Cc ro,•p, Stable, Ac.. sill sold los. etst purelos,ra Erovirsof J. ' . dee.sf Offine--F rah 'Good Bows for the adics nR. I....ITRORE'S FRE*VII Y 1.101.0. art Innocent. :Wit and F.llre , l E Fluor •Albov, tltulpreeritnn. Net (lease! itentnel3.l:nums.Pnllnlltn Lc.. App- UM. Tremens. Pal . paaluts. Dynny,ln or 1141-t sod all Utenta. U.mpAlob I vt , t 35, tot it 4 72 A! e tl.7lll ' n r* eigb.i.e:?\ sod b, ALL THE SSTS. Apt cleoel wlth`c‘cl2 LlAbitletAwl.TlS • Cheirter'g Clothing Etnnorinsty , VELEBRATED for Neatness of 'Fit, Fine of quality. and Durability of Worktasaas/A. Our suwk Is full and muipltta to/brach:, fl attlrlat of 1t1.41'. At" Boys' ckanlng and Fora L4610g Goal, all lOartured under tut ors lutwctiou. Purebators ant le. vttetl to call and etamiria oe ars delertstard to sell .NorAerr,s sh.amop Goods. . N A IL STUDY TO 1.1.1 CA.,... sit 1 riIFIELD ST.. afar Diont.Nf OIkJI 21. li.—lloy of all al,' and 1i.1.1.te4 out au tltsaltort _ 4,3 Mexican liliaang Tiniment, FROM RICH AND, POUR; bond and free, tt grade, onletn sod enunlltirou, th. tune mood of lo rre I.tiblf gat , . to Oak itooderful , yropLnalon. flAnc,ando of balky ore aoht,o,nd dnily.ani but ono ornoloo ntiofol br .11 she il.andthalf4 tont no remedy ewer beforo dlormorrd Orfolorl, ouch per tort b..tioo owl cyratiro prcoettloo. It arts lite irowio In r , norlon I.dn , or on) ' , lnd. rro Matto{ to, seat Canal °r t.. otrrnantloC — rtlrnilno. diolorntiono of joins. rota. lllcorr. rain zro , rheumolinthyllon. rnlollJro..n.: or fay .InUn.ll.ltrOra.:Ai ff..... Or ....WO. ed Joints, mart.. or llznroooto. ThikLlntroont orlt.llT Inpllrable mad ounally offertuol In •Ing troniodlatero• no, Try It! For gals. by KEYSER.* IlelVirEL 4.0 KoOd Moot. Pittsb.rvb... fIE FOLLOWING itIEDHFAL WORKS boa been rerekred, and are fur Rao 1 1 / 4 J. L. 'MAD. 7 ' M rtb el.; Apollallinidien ci t: \N on r•Prarries IA Medine ; flutiglineo is du. du. • fr. 0. buireuralore: Okonneer blnlieul Die:ion:try i V, Goureee Surgical do. \ ' Clop, a Ileilical do. Pidne's I netitutes of bledieine: ' \ hocula Study of Medielnii: i elaireannes rbreiologr : \ \ Carpenter's da . \ Root . = Tharaireirof Oblideen: \ Churthillrin Infore aial Cblidren :. \ ChtileliM on DN./4VA of FrE.A. i Worn' and blutteta Sornere: • ii.run thridard'e Duman Anatianl: : oll'e Allilielfery: A ion' Ti. 0110tieteteke: Kir u'eand kiaget . • Pt:roe:or i Ili inparble fioneetier . hreiron.munalnint Mete:ma merit of hel., .11/1 Id arplanations of Animair. iitirritiko llyulene, add liffdrinallir: rd. , . . , an .b oral Materia3baties. 110.1. 11.11...1te, 11. D.--' 47 ' 1, \ . 11. 1 • mi. " l . \ - ma - - iq r A N 11 -7 AI C 4 P 3" l7R r i tr A N B T Y B T ' kIE NEW \ • ‘.‘... JEs z :I. , L0 0 17 p: GI A A:17:IN B 170 COMPA77,. et he eel, N. l. ' Tb Nbi iefomran, I prepared to fn. . . apply of the.: ;AVIA., he .. been frouX afterseversi .7 . tre trial. W. be 'Curone a n l Weibel d lists , to not their origin. ~,,,eiy s protective taster:its eups tibt to .7 other nAnt vain... L er. Their - \ , - \ . • ' wityrE 11Np PAINv .: .. • • laphndy . 0 . .1e a 7.1 a endCi wens.. Yr a ft. all -. . . adulteration, and lmpuritl what/sever, It doisrs well, le henutAnlly whits, and iv on'rely tn. fn. tbi \bohnoone yee‘ertira of \ wait other; int., l ong le als ' beeltb in painters end their fa Ass l'f' WILUNOT LT, lILN YELLOW' .°. -: • \ • When erred brAtiAliburnue . ••e7h tereahatetiens, at fnlat.t".Votian 4 =7. • , i t illrali-gat'' • ''.• • than an, of act nut Wing limb)... • to e.LAlky•o7,to crumble anda off, 11, rut, be s reed ith any welts, • 1 sith set. • AAI.,. ',qt. vermil, bleb nes the eel. Ewa portsinlri,bnial..\ . . SLACK AND COLO[tED.ZI 'C INT& . . Three are tortnellarsi at i lok Arlene,. et ortt.ll7 the cbesyset• and !(at yabata . dri the to 05 to r. %i , n i stind rout. reoring,rAtthinmeoteanitsabi,or a ea el. - We of scat, LA. , tn., or iron,. OAT era ,to . ' . ' WEAriiER, AND AIRE' PR F. for nos ntrivrAs they are mineable, oil,, 1e.... fonn • gslvenir 'neutrin:l, and Ovtinel, pre nt prides '. Una, U., dry quickly, and bane: Vlre Airteille co • '; do not eheage color lAA many of Ita earthy pal 111 ur, I.Malwa ntiblled on And be tern. lite AO; the . COlartai•, . ...., 44.44 . . VALUABLE DISCOVEITY,‘4 bat witieb ! . bee been long sought tor. fin A CItIqICAL',E • . • i, l , I l i' l .OLDER. for it 'Ailing Chi. Aix. rates • • Marble, elm, Veen, Ivory, Artnamieut*... .. .. , '. 0. 10.—All unwire joi.l b, an valuable ourAprentiollb, ; , S \ sill be render. rerfecti, lintl, end 00.17 7w. um in lAA 0 , than bre minutes after It tae Iwo Jabot. At AO se no, \ . conA, A leases.* tn.. of aural, ban. tee Uo* \ I to the bnAert patio, even on Abe Linea gin,: it I al. o , Wft thw ant. ol het sal.. or any other kind oreleuld '„ used abut a bon, thereby reels MI thetnt.....9\.. \ ''. •.' ' 'stoma-yr vrere breltrb. .• Tbe public will at ourn Bow the Importance If berosabd , • '. ', w00...1ed sale 0.0 telt sad only article Sr durably er ~ menus. shet. tbeenst te . 01111.17 A .1, vrta.l...• or. 0...1, by . R. Z. IigIASSA, - , (ii , Igen! stmt. #-- UCK WHEAT Pl!OU 11-1 Q sadks 'billed. Ant duality. for ride by hOilito:7 LITTLE AOX 1 , . ia Wilt la—'2o hilds. prime IN. 0., for sale • • Altdr2 J. S. Dl 2 VOit7ll a CA. ,; ~ —., N° COPYEC-150 bags fur sale by ..... • • A \\ J. . 7•l‘. incwotern..6l** ,, : A uo r BUTTER - 117w iai " bfzo, \ \