The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 11, 1851, Image 3

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November 10th
Before the Honorable Wm. B. McClure, Pres
ident Judge, and T. L. 51oMIllan and William
Boggs, Associate Judges.
Commonwealth vs the Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of South Pittsburgh.
Indictment nuisance. T. J. Fox Alden, Esq.,
for prosecution. Hopewell Hepburn, Esq., for
• The Orand Jury had returned a bill of indict
ment againarthe defendants, charging them with
not keeping a portion of Croon street in prop
er -
'Mr. Alden opened the case and stated that
he wouldehou that Carson street, leading from
the Monongahela bridge to tho gate of the Mon
ongahela and Coal Ilill Turnpike Company had
been a portion of the road of this company, hat,
wu surrendered to, end taken possession of, by
the Bargees and Town Council of South Pitts
burgh, under a private ast of Assembly.
Aftl.eri then orerid in evidence the Act of
1848, i - neorporatintihe Borough of South Pitts
burgh—Pamphlet Liine, page 206. Said act of
Incorporation, gave directions, providing for the
inspositien of a tax.on the inhabitanta in order
to keep the streets in Food repair. Also acts of
Assembly, dated XlB5l, granting to the Borough
'those portions of the old Washington turnpike,
and Steubenville turnpike, lying within its bomi
divies, with power to alter the grades, and erect
culverts, be. The collection of toll on those
pbrtlons of the road given over to the Borough,
wail also abolished.
William YniElts. Justice of the Peace, sworn—
Am clerk of the Bargessand Town Council of
. the borough of South Pittsburgh. On the 25th of
March, 1851, a committee of two was appointed
by the Borough of Birminglinse„ relative to an
arrangement for fixing grades. On the 20th
the same committee was directed to examine in
to-the proposed surrender of those portions of
turnpike roads lying within the Borough. On
the lot of April, the committee reported that
they had forwarded iu Ilarriehurgh an addition.
al section to thaset of incorporation, in order
that Carson street, (the part of the coal hill, or
old Washington turnpike in question) might be
given Into,the possession of the Borough. On
the 4th of June, the Company released to the
Borough that portion of the road, known as
Carson street.
The Turnpike Company, on May 17th, 11151,
pm notice to the borough of the surrender and
of. the passage of the Act of Assembly, trans
feltriag jurisdiction river Carson street to it
Mr.iColtin; Chairman of the Borough Street
Committee, recommended an alteration in the
grade of Carson street on the 24th of Jona
The Borough Street Commissioner, after the
surrender, constructed aboard' walk along said
road or street. On September 13th, proposals
were-issued far grading and paring Carson
street. A resolution offered in the Blirongh
Council, Oct Met, decraring that the road was a
street s and should be kept in repair by the bor
.:nigh, *as last, but the Street Committee woo
authorised to prepare a. grade for is Solt was
tirooght ugliest the barough on the 28th of 0e-
Ober, and a resolution authorising the employ
inent of Counsel, was passed.
Darla Davis, Street Commissioner, sworn.
Carson 'Street is full of holes, from one end to
the, oiler, and in tad repair.. A bosni walk was
erected along it by 'order of the Borough Coon-
John D. Hiller, swain. The road is in very
bad repair, worse then I ever ever it before.
The Council had a culvert erected on it. The
tolls on the Cool Hill turnpike 'road have been
much reduced within the pti.,t two years.
think fay one-half. No roll is chorged.ou that
portion of the rood; now known as Carson Street,
by the turnpike eoMpany. . •
Messrs. 11. Beltzhooier and .Tomes
game testimony to the came effect, detailing At
length the bed condition of thoroad, and that it
who In woraeiepair than it ever had been before.
lloPewell Flephurn, Esq. opened the case on
behalf of the ,defendants, declaring that he
would prove that the road was not now in woree
repair than it hal been heforo the allegel ear
render, nor was its coalition such as to warrant
an indictment., Various questions of law would
arise, regarding which they would receive the
instruitione of the Court, and it would be shown
that the prosecution arose out of a diepnte be
tween thaTnrnpike'Compaty and the Borough
anthorities, the former Wishing to throw the
onus of repairing it on the latter.
James Watt, sworn. The condition of the
road now is not worse than it was before, though
it is in bad repair. Don't know whether there
are any stones at the bottom of the holes.
Wm. Rithardson and G. S. Hamilton gave ev-
Manua to . the etamo.effeit.
Mr. Alien said that admitting the turnpike
minapany had not kept it in repair, when in their
shoe, the commission of one offence did not
'justify another.
. • William Booth was toil collector on the turn
gate- • Tbo tolls had not been lowered within a
/ridge Hepburn then addressed the jury. A
grave question Of law arose in this case, to wit,
whether a Corporation could be indicted The
question had never been &OMNI lu Pennsylvan
is,:ind he very much doubted the legality, of
their - proceedings, for how could individuals be
• botianlover for the acts of a municipal corpora
-1104 He would, however, poi over this, for
the present
Thelearneif gentlemanicautended that the first
act of Miserably, on the subject, wee repealed
by the second, It not having been proved that
`the collection of tolls bad been remitted. Ile
roceeded et length to argue three objections to
• 'the indictment
• Pint the street was not laid as a hightfay.—
;hernia the indictment did •not, show •in what
Insfoter the Borough become liable to repair the
/street; and third—that it did not set forth any
offence, not alleging that the citizens were pre
vented frOm passing by reason of any obstruc
tion. .
- • •
T. J. For Alden;Esq., in answer to Judge.
Hepburn's first point, though admitting that no
desieon had ever, been made in Pennsylvania,
afaititained that corporation!, although not re
sponsible for sots of commission, were answer
able for acts of omission, and cited many Eng
lish and American_anthoritios sustaining his
position. Ile then Went on to answer Judge
Hepburn's objections, At some length, and with
much ability.
At the conclusion of Mr. Alden's speech, the
Court adjourned.
Before the Hon. Wm. B. 'Moblore, Presider,
Ja.dge, sad T. L. Mehl'llan sod William Bogge
Associate Judges.
The trial of the case of the Commoqwealth
se t Wiliam Dickey was resumed.
The Jury was addressed on Tuesday night by
F. C. Plannegin Esq. on behalf of the Com
suanwealth,, and W. W. Irwin Esq. for the De
,Oa Wednesday morning Mr. Irwin concluded,.
Illlttlrllll followed by S. W. Black EN. for the
Defendants. 11. 8• Magma Esq. concluded for
the Commonweidtba.
lii lionerJgdge McClure chsrged the jury.
The jury retired, and after a brief absence
returned a verdiet of "not guilty." The prig'-
', our wss- then disc . barged by proclamation.
Brote ihe._ifon. Walter Forward
Jacob Weever, jr„ who had been served with
promag, at terre tenant, in the case of R. Gal.
way TIL Alex. nod Mary Black, No. 160, July
MAO, paid into Court $132 4.5.
:Judgment entered In the case of L. Harper
111. Thomas W. Wright,. No. 237, January term,
1851, argent Joseph IL Young, garnisher for
• $lO3 33.
.Judgment for. plaintiff, in the rase of Wright
fir Oxen. J. M. Young; No. 255, January, 1851,
for $lOB 73, the• balance of the note, as per
eopy Med, after deducting amount of attach.
ment in No. 237, Jan. term, 1851. r
Therjary In the case of Thomds P. Cessaday,
surviving partner of the firm of Leidy, Baird
end Co, vs. Wm. 11111, as part owner of the
'teenier Lydia Collins, as *ell as to enquire of
the damages as
to John Me. D. Blacketock, No.
811; Jan. Term, returned a verdict of 1580,83
for the plaintiff. This was action brought
to recover the value of supplies furnished to
the Lydia Collins. .
Th2IIODOCTOILT Lacrostr..—The Hon. William
B. lardinre, will deliver a lecture before the
Young Men's Mercantile. Library Association,
tti:ntorrow. Evening. It will be followed, we
baling, bye series otother lectures. •
-Fair for the benefit of the Meroy
ElMmited, will be opened next Tnenday; in La
fayette Hat We Cruet that the Managers may
roaliteek. large sun 'of money from it.
HIAITH OT rxz Ctry.--The interments in
the within's Cement:ries of this City, for the week
ending December 8111, were . twilve. Ofthisnum
her, Elie were children, emithree *delta. .
eetrtiox.—The streets arekx . ery slipper-, acd
foot passengers ebould be eiittione. .
Bsow.—Snow fell yesterday, in sufficient
quantities at least, to afford fine amusement to
the young lads who delight in "snowballing."
ACM DENT. -A tumbler press yesterday fell
on a young man named William Barret, residing
on Water Street, and working in Bakewelfs
Glass House, breaking hie leg in two places.
SURCTT Or TUC PcArC.—Alderman M. SF.
Lewis yesterday committed Levi Cesar to pris
on, charged on oath of John Ford, with threat
ping to kill him.
The quarrel arose from jealousy, both parties
paying attentions to the same fair damsel.
BUTLER PLANK Rosti.—This road will be
opened between Pittsburgh and Btewartstown,_
in about a week, greatly to the convenience of
all living in the vicinity, since the former road
was almost impassible during the winter
Tuuserstnn 1119 WIVE.—John Hull iras yes
terdoy committed to prison by his honor May
or Guthrie, charged on oath of Julla his wife,
with threatening her life.
bleu ROEMER AHRESITRIL—An alleged mail
robber wee arrested yesterday by the Mayor's
,p4;lice, on board the Freeport packet. lie is
charged with robbing the mail at Freeport, but
Lae not yet been publicly examined.
it ~snr CLAY.—The editor of the New York
Tribune writes BA (Mows from Washington,
der date of the 3d inst.: •
Henry Clay, did not attend the sitting of yes.
terday; and l7did not see him in the Capitol to
day. But, seeing him at his own room, I arse
pained by his general.appearance. His mind is
clear, vigorous and active a. ever, test his phys
ical powers have been greatly impaired since I
last before saw him.' Ile is much thinner, looks
older, and is less tibia to bravo fatigue and ex
posure than he was oven last March. He suffers
continually from a dry hacking cough, which
has clung to and grown upon him for the last
eighteen months, and sometimes causes him
much distress. I do greatly fear that this is
the very last session of Congress wherein his
ekquent voice wilt be heard and his potent in-
Moen,oe felt in the councils of the nation.
Mr. Clay's determination is fixed and unal
terable, that no persuasions nor entreaties shall
induce him to be again a candidate for the Pres
idency. Ile feels that his earthly career is near
its close, and that whatever he has had power
to do for the country is nearly accomplished.—
Let us hope that the blessings of millions will
irradiate and cheer his remaining days. and
that the Bow of Promise will span and silver to
hie closing eye the dark waters of Death
Trim Onto Stn-Tarasear.—The Ohio States
man, takes decided ground in favor of a State
Sub-Treasury system, and the subject will prob
ably be brought before the General Assembly in
Gov. Inaugural next January. It is pro
bable that the Sub Treasury scheme will he bard
money so far as the people are concerned. but
will contain o 4•Treasury note feature for the
convenience of State financial transactions.
The Democracy of Ohio will have the honor
of leading off in establishing the State Soh-Tre
asury eystem. Although precisely the name
reasons that existed for the adoption of a sob
treasury system for the general government ex
ist for its adoption in each and every State, yet
the Democracy have never adopted it even in
State, where they have controlled all brimchea of
the Government. • 'Ohio Demoerate are the only
erne progressives.'
Tun PPLSIDENCY.—The Washington cartes
pondent of the New York Express contradicts
We report that Mr: Fillmore had postirely de
clined being a candidate for the Presidency, aid
11 President Fillmore, however, has stated to
!twee who would "offer the services to promote
his views." that he was not administering, and
would not administer the affairs of Government
with an eye to personal aggrandizement. His aim
is the accomplishment of •'the greatest good to
the greatest number," and with this aim steadily
in view, his cbiefest ambition is to secure the
perpertuity and well being of the Union—the
rd Union. Nor will be employ Government
power and patronage to procnre his nomination
for President in the coming Whig National Con-
vetstion. R u t if he is nominated, there it , no
doubt he will accept, and if he accepts, (mark
the prediction!) he trill be elected."
AXONY AGANESK-1 cask; for sale
1...) by J. SCHOONbIA KEA a Co..
Air INTER LARD; 011.--15 bble best
Ity fur nal< by
1.30 UTtifli,-72 kepi just recd, forage by
HILAD. SYRUPS—Lovering's Philad'a.
f° ` Yrat A. 31rCLU0 &
non (Im-er. 1 P. .& Leval,
f i g PLIT PEAS-4 i;bl. Froglinh Split Pens
unll Iltnrers wad Tom Dealer,
( i ; YTS. TU it PEN TINE-10 tobla. prime, for
go. hr inol2l IL FAFIXESTUCIS 2 CO.
UTTA PERCHA !—Juat reed, a corn
rlete assortment of Gotta Perch. Good, connisting
in port of the following: Doll Iles.l, three Plaeon hignrae,
lard. and Amain Dose, Card Musa Fruit Mahe.. NCult
Mnlttoonn. Funnels and Bottles of different rlau.
Patent Collapsable Galan :nr rusahlnery, fascture Frames.
D...errrotype Pram., Eno. Solo. Ka4r Palle, nee!, Go,
ta Pemba for lining greens Mead Trap al lots Pipe. n,
and Inch round Cord. rit h earletr of a Won..
mem.. to 0,0.0. For sane at No. 116 51a.rtel street
nor/ J. a 11.
Sight Exchange on Cincinnati.
FOR SALT: at the most favorable rates by
052,2 WILICINS &
SI LK S !--;Sluarits & BURCIIFILLI.
hase recslved s choke and bead.. assortosent of
l .
a Hits, otaassloon gulps) ant rich domaake. ALso
Plals flluk Sill, of ••xtra width ...a 0001107...da.tfed
do nf nen &amok sky 1.,. AL, a fro rros of rich
PL SID FRENCLI MERINO& a ssaros attic e. Cl:Langs./As
Tore Psti Velvets.. Ribbons. Mar alantilla sad •
closkinf N.o of latest Paola Miss,
1111, rsc sa-Te isee—stortbeast earner of Fourth
so Masket street* ou2l
r -5
EAO hf. chests Y. 11., tor sale by
nap ISMAIL D11.1111:i t M.
`+ GUAR--43 h.bds. ter sale by
1.7 N.. Pt:2,11•Zr'1211 , 14i.,..
nr.s .
• -
Ohio and Petri. Railroad Stock,
1 . ; , 0R SA LE AT A LOW RATE by
j n 022 A. WILKINSt CO.
Fresh Fruits, Hermetically ',Sealed.
IZRESLI Peaches; Fresh Strawberries
- Pine platy rR
Frtob I.ll.rriem Fresh Flume;
Freeb Goug,ehoprum.
Th. shore are put itp to their ulna juice. mud benturti
rally .ealedastaining their Peens] lialor cunt frohnee.
For ode by WM. A. Ilea-CEO
nu= 250 b ru it.
OWNER WANTED—For DM fire Brick,
kri with r by the No
Wharf Master. T. WOOb k Ely.
n 0.9 Water rt.
ilk]. by .1. KIDD & CO.
Try Morrill' 50e. Tea.
Xi ORRIS has always sold the best Tea in
Plttebur:h at 5(1..:.-4 -lb.. but no. the quality in
betior than ever
Moot &Brion. Oolong Tea .......... "telb.
Ftrong Engliah Break!). .... We.
Excellent Young ..... • ........
mnr f: Ten matt is to the Diamond, sa mad door from
Diamond alley.
• - - VDU
fUM CAMPHOR-9 bbls. for sale by
I nolo J. igILD aCO
BAIRD & IRVIN have a few shares "Ohio
and Penny Iran's Railroad t' , 1nek..... - klehanne Bank
toot." and 'Vas Stork," for mac. Apply anon. nold
B u b e y KIVIIEAT FLO4T , lt i i;i t, n i tc2 N cs i lorzale
-.4 ffi
NE ' • oases, inanuctured
th, Ilope—r Cootkty. Pa., by
m.F. ita.b.rary A Cn.. jt.Arm-elw.+l and fur sale low by
Doll .10101 W ATT a CO.
i 1 j f EKSE-200 bru. W. K., fur sale by
.) e.a - wroa e .sierlsnnbess.
Lb ll Wi
ERRING—ISO bze. Dry, for sale.
1 dal WICK a BlopLEU°.
CCREAM CHEESE-200 bozo for bale by
J del WICK A ilrellibLlCSS
MOLASSES --60 bbls. Plantntion;
111 . 1 .. gi n 11 8. IL:
For sale by
ti 012 ‘,, lt. DALZIt LFr W.. Liberty era
oillitENC II IIERINOS!--MirRrny & Voacu
' rte. hays rurcited so wort:neat of above G00d., .
choice colors, various, sh.les of livab, Weal, Coffee Cob
or. le., at very low briers for uowlll, Also, Coburge of
the various colors. n 024
row A Sworn. hare area and niter km tholttote
article. _____, tio'24
FsRATLI NRS-21 eseka prime Kentucky,
reed per steamer Irons, and for Ws by
094 JASIES A. 111/TellicON C C( '
Iee sacks Featharr. 4 Herres lle.nrax
Ladling adl far .14 by 10/4 1 / 1 11 DICKEY k 011.•
0021 %Saws and Frost ata
FLOUR- 3 0 i)l3le. Superfine;
10 a s ' Extyx lust reed Ns
OATS--1600 - bu. on conriguroontawl for
yle T. %tit/Mit SON,
no2i Water fttreet...
I li a ACK ING FLANNELS--Groy, (Tlffer
kj ' I a br
WUSG FLANN ELS—A full assortment
of that acitairlor article which bashithertn goon
"COIN"""*''" to
IAS TUBING-100 feet 1-8, 1-4 andTß .
LA Inch 11.21.12 liutiber Chu To 2122., for .1..17
22111 J. 2 U. PUILIJ k'5.1111.2•222s
4 LIEESE-500 bows prime Cream Cheery
MO do W
—Dr:raw-- DALZRLL at co.. Liberty at
INDIO/D-2 casks Mad= and Manilla for
no. by R. E. SELLER..
BORAX -1500 lbs. for sale by '.
nol6 J. KIDD i CO., CO Wood Ft
INCED .MEAT—Put up in 6 lb. Jan,
finally . um 41r
'CAROLINA ORtTTS—Just reed at 256
su Mat,. street, .4 sec mabs br
aola • , M. A. AUCLORG A CO-
LARD OIL-12 bble. for sale by
tat taros:to rot nit rrrrseutut otterri
The Intelligcncer of this morning, speaking of
Kossuth, eays that the hurrahs of a New York
populace are no proof of the sentiment of the
people with regard to entangling foreign alli
The Republic has also an article upon Kossuth.
It says that no man ever sustained greater inju
ry in as short a time, at the hands of few officioas
inconsiderate friends; sad lniPes that he will rid
himself of of them, and start afresh, with a true
estimate of mobocracy, and a sounder apprecin-
Son of the principles and quality of the Ameri
can people.
With regard to the Senate, the Republic says
itahould be enough for Kossuth to know that the
body through whose instrumentality he was re
leased from bondage is not likely to prove want
, hog of hospitality, when a proper time for its
exercise shall strive.
SENATE—A message was received from the
Rouse announcing the appointment of joint com
mittees on the Library, Printini, and the elec
tion of Chaplain
Numerous petitions were presented anti re
Mr. Mason gave notice of a hill for the amend
meat of the law for the payment of invalid pen
Mr. Halo gave notice of a bill for the increase
of the salary of the Judge of the district of Now
Mr. Walker goon notice of a bill granting lands
for the improvement of Foe and Wisconsin
Mr. Dodge.garemotice of a bill granting land
r the constriction of railroads in Wisconsin
om Milwaakie to the Mispiesippi river.
Mr. Geyer gave notice of a similar bill for n
railroad in Missouri
Mr. Underwood offered a resolution, which
was adopted, directing inquiry by the Committee
on Roads and Canals, into the expediency of
employing engineers to make survey for the core
templated construction of artificial reservoirs for
making the navigation of the Ohio river perma
nent. •
.Mr C!etnene introduced a bill for a railroad in
Mr. Underwood. from the Committee on l'ub -
lie Lauda, reported back the joint reaolution to
ake laud warrants assignable.
On motion of Mr. Seward, the joint resolution
ktending n welcome to Kos:with was the taken
when Mr. Sumner took the flour, un opoke
fnvor of the resolution.
❑arse—The journal haring heel; read. the
Speaker announced the Committee on Printing.
It consists of Messrs Gorman, haven and :Maw
ton of Ky.
Mr hall intralticed n hill granting to the State
of Minsonri the right of way, soda portion of
the public lands for o railroak from Ilanihal to
St. Joseph, which was referred to the Committee
on Public Lands.
Mr Kakb introduced shill erplauator 3 , of the
bounty laud law.
The States ware then called on for f titi out,
Mr. Ilriggs, by unsnicnous consent, introdo
ced a bill establishing a branch mint of the I
Sintes.iai the city of New York, which wag r,
erred to the Committee of Ways and Mean+.
Mr. Walsh presented • memorial of the Patti-
Imre National Convention of journeymen Prin.
em, ag-iinst the execution of government phut
lig by contract, winch woo referred to the Coto.
ittee on Printing
Mr. Smith, of Alabama, urns excused from
serving on the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Smith then pre notice that he should Leg
leave to introduce a, joint resolution, requeing
the Secretary of State to furnish' Louis Kuartnh
with a copy of all the laws defining treason and
misdemeanors. The resolution; be also added.
contemplated further action, if, atter under
standing the law, Kosenth shall he aware of the
solemn duty of Presidents. [Laughter,]
The Speaker asked if there was ay °Nee
tion. which was answered by cries of "object,"
Mr. Stanton of Kentucky deaired to know
whether the object of the gentleman was to re.
ennet the alien and sedition laws '
Mr. Smith replied that be had ne ouch object
in view; but he did not Want any mere l'amprro
Expeditions—Cries of "order."
The Speaker raid the gentleman could gets
flake of his resolution under the rules.
Mr. Itobinenn asked leave to introduce a re,
elution, extending, in the name and hohnlf of
the United States a cordial welcome to Louis
Kosouth to the Capital of the country, but oh- ,
jections were made.
Mr. Smart Raked leave to report a bill, to pre
vent the beads of department. sad Senator. sad , t - •
the Government during their respective terms
of service. Ito said that one of the officer. of
he House lens thus proldbitr.l,and he wanted
to reach those higher in station. Every one
knows the amount of contingent fees which Sen
ators Gad Representatives have received for
claims before the Government. Gne Senator
got a fee of seventy-hre.thousand dollars,
Mr. Bocock—Do you allude to any member
of the last Congress.
Mr. Smart—l merely state what rumor, and
the newspapers say.
The bill was referred to the Judicary Com
The Howe then adjourned.
Boleros, Dec. 10.
The steamehip Asia sailed to-day for Liver
pool, with about half a million of epecie ou
Berkley—The majority for Joe. Johnston,
Democratic candidate for Governor, is 240. •
Princess Ago —Gave a democratic majority of
Norfolk City—We have dispatcher to-day-, sta
ting that the Democrats are making the greatest
exertions, and that the Whig majority will he
considerably reduced. . . .
Norfolk C'ounly --(liTeo o democratic majority
of 226. . .
• - .
Naniemond county—flirts a Whig majority of
75, with 01le precinct to hear from, which wilt
redoes it slightly.
/do of Fight—Clives a Democratic majority of
212, in 12 procincta
We have returns from la counties, and they
show a Democratic gain oa lien . Tay!gee votei
of 1460. Johnston is undoubtedly elected Gov ) :
Nsw Volta, Dec. 10
Flour—Sales 2000 bblig at $4 10 '4 37 p
.inks—The market is firm without any hem
Provlsions--fiales 200 bbls pork at 1115 31 fo
mess. and $l2 02@.14 for prime. Sales 300
bble beef - fit $116(.10 60 for moss, and $4 25 for
prime. • •
Groceries—Sales auo bags Itio Coffee at Si.
Sales 200 boxes Cubs Boger it 4i6460 11 lb.
Lend—Sales 1000 pigs Missouri at $4 43
Linseed Oil—Sales 1500 galloon at 646565.
per gallon.
Turpentine—Sales 000 bblif crude at $3, en
300bbls spirits turpentine at 39c 11 gallon.
Now YORK, Dec. 10.
Cotton—dales to , day reached 2,000 bales at
8/o for strictly middling uplands, and 8j for
Flour—Sales of 8,000 bbls door at $1 121E4
$4 26 for etate and western.
Grain—Sales 1000 bushels Ohio prime while
wheat at 930, and 2500 bushels southern wLito
at 100 c, and 15,000 'bushels mixed corn at fAc
busheL Sales 3000 bushels rye at Um.
Oroeeries—Sales 300 bags Java Coffee at 11c
II lb. Sales 300 bbis and box. of Cubit Hogpr
at 4le,tsc. dales 200 tierces at S 3 R 3 25 plfr
Linsoel Oa—Sales : 2ooo gallons at Me I.
Flour—Sales at $2,95@3 per bbl.
Hogs—The market is firm, with sales of 4000
hood at s4,oofiii4,oo.
Provisiond--Salea BCO'bbls mess pork at $l2
end 100 d o romp at $&, 2 5 per bhl. Solos 15(
blils clop fed lord attlt. per O.
Groceries—Sales Oricans molasses at 30@31.
per gellon, and of sugar house at 350.
We hove bad light rains all day. The rive
is stationary.
New Ontamm, Dec. 0.
Provisions—Bseon is dull, with sales of sides
tet 7@le per Salei prime new lard, in
I tegs, at Bc, and In bbls at ;gip, per lb. Miles
sees beef at $l2 per bbl.
Whiskey is still lower, with sales of 700 bbls
at; ®l7io per gallon.
URIIAN CHEESE--140 liezlep'e
1111 celobrawd Muhl. 6.1 utpeg Chem, UM dr,
• orrd•nd Air rale bl
NEW FISH reclY eived nt No. 56 Liberty rt.
1t .. . 0
O N: 4 . l u ll gr . It bt , ZNl : Wedlat .
lad. All Ws onrinc i re n g umo
T. _r _.l. -. ~ ~~:.~s.sX ._.
„ i gLIAMES BLAKELY, :Europetn l ik
Agent and Dealer In Foreign Earthen
Pioneer Line follyr , nl
t ao . !:l , l4 .. it;er itorh =
.- Tre l illow Tall line, Sailing from New York and LIB
Pool im the Oth end .11.1 or month.
Near Lin« leaves Nils, York on tlie :Wt. and Livrrtall
S the Ilth of every month.
tar line. (s irs New York on the.lltb. and Live
pool on the 2611, of emit month.
Z Line falls twice a month from Liverpool and Nei
The London Line of Packets sails from New York On t!,
let, Sth, Pith. at tritti, and from London on the (Ith, 131 l
2110. end Tlth,tit every mouth.
The C tyile Line of Glasgow Parket, nail from Now Yor
and Glasgow on the Inland 16th of rash month.
Weekly LIM of PaeleM from Liverpool to New ()-
Daily Line for emidrauta. from Nrm York, by Slio ,
boot. Ilalltood. or hy Canal end Ilalload, to Pittsburri
Passel:mere will receive every ittrentlon. trindiadvice gl
en ebeerfully at the tams of W.
I t .0 Co.. trio
the Oho tif the adverneer minter of ninth and hiller/
stil•on. Pittsburgh.
I , :iireitis nodding In the United Shoes or Canada, w
tL n lf.. p a r e t in o i f K atr u lT i
rtrugentente aptillwation to the sultscriber. end Lim
them hniught out by any of the Mordr lavoritet Its m s
Peeked.. (wlaiell range In.tu 1.000 to 2.leat nine hurthen„
or by nod elms Menihmt .hit.. on thyorable terms, hI
way of Liverpool, London. or lasagna. Their frequenel
of calling gir. odes the toe... Minty of delay. Pinnolt , c at
trim Llverpsiol GO New "Heard. Baltimore
lilitladelptint, Boston. Charted:in, and homanneh. inner
rensittnnoes in smell or large 0141131, no wore!, to •
JAMS . .. , 'MAKI:LT.
McHenry's Philadelphia is Liverpool Lin •
of Packets.
434 Soiling from l'hiladelphilt on the AV,
rat. zi? I , ..l i veriy;sil . iiirthi. Is[ ol emit month.
ri, N. It. Isenune
Nil A N
Nathaniel C. harsh, Master
BLIP, Alfred Y. :with, !dash,.
lIIACKASIANON, , (II..•,)It NY. West, Made.
The /nips ere built of the and nmet misty
totterlols, and aro petal tor the tatinitty of their Milan,
the, ere titled up with all 1.4.1 improveroents, am met
thoroughly ventilated. cod cre unsitromed for their
eonimelettons for tiyinol fl thin and Sleerurre i'avrova:
IN, are e.mmandist by men..( eel.nowledgeil
are un,itelled tur their experienre in the f rom
Ileradie iteetniu. cif bringing their folvilde from the ed
ertrutry ran obtain eerttnean.s p.n.., which Illy
“Lnot tor etiall 41 , 411-11, nod w it h
1.10111-0 ILI Iniland and
ad ertiotil will furnish them with the pens, information ad
iustruethins relative to bait departure.
No.r the 01 pirmengers wishing to rend to
neivrm RUpply drafts toe LI sterling and upvcril. tirdele
at might VIIII.OUt diseolint. • it Le coshed by an et
the limits or Pest MIN, 6u the Ii nl W holmium.
a r e-prot {antic eupplied pitooongen.....naing loan Lis,
tlvery week list 11,11,,rilng @apish... will 1,. turutatal
a.l, ptowtter of Il years of eml
'1 Ilu.Her, les, 4 114 oatmeal, l• 11,.•mtim, I IMMor,
t, lb. cmlat•••••••1 1 IL. Untler 12 ,t ram of ari 6
lb• brevklutt, 1 pork, lull ellowatme or water aml
"'' " tlrl",tlV:ll.l'.4TlW.s.,
No 57 Walnut et rt - el, brlbwStwittl.
.cm. Itl.olo,
MM.. corn*, Math and %IN.,' ate.. INttaburtiti.
Steam Commnmcation between New Yak
and Glasgow.
tilavgow and New York s ...
Steamrblp lbmtpatit:s powerful ttew
ULAN:WM, 1,1,m1: Mu. awl Ital •
hurt. pt.••r. Stowart, tba
eel ~.amen,,tr Mum N
r ot , dirk, 4,11,a,t0re, no , attitMay.tb...lbett ttahr
I.AndAhilt IMNEV.
FaAt Int•erurd, • . . . 110.
Eli... rale+r LO
wlsit • ill I. iin board, Al mi•li rat.. prim. Cr •
• riurizt•iu. !• - •til
to, 1. ,. ••el•VII to
11titi. it".l Driutil•wy
NEW I,lhlK.
Th. NEW 1 t HI:. 01.•1 um.. *ld 4,1 liniwt-r.
i-,•••11 ti• il., • i E will I.- tin lb• iitial•• t
I.• N 0,0 iT lNii. I , -
• 01bills of 111,..1, ..iintina. i•sii•
•i• /it .ir,t it,. •...1 1,1 Auil. on 10.00.
.14 ll,m•ii, • il•e, with II 1111,•ly • 0..
14•1•••••• ii. iirr unit
1 . ••••••• r• from ix.katir• em I loi
rot fit iriit• L.. 1 • , ,
...Fin, part with.
I.lo'Ll Nos.. 10.1 per
7 ••••••••/ at, h.r •.I.
- -
J ~ ‘l, :- •II 'TtAt 1.-ON •i .1 ........, ..e• - • a• eoo ,l 0 'Lla 0 . 03 0330 la , 1.-• . . ‘ • ••\ 4 \ s' . 1 -1 , -. 1 .. , t , L' , ... , ' ,10 4 3 t.
' if s
To Let. y
1) ;FINED srtiAllS - 22‘ 1.11... Cru-Iled t ,,,,, . , • ,,, t ..t , .. a 10 r L•I'L L , '.. , .f • 'Lri '4l \ \ PrIlEVITI1111:1. Hualroftll. ' \
IL is F r.... 1. ...A. C1arn..31.....1 •an• 11 1.41 5040.• ton , . , '- '..d u ct l .. ' T- i t ' . l l ' n " ;, l' ;4...r. 1.0,1/ 1A N .1-..1. ' •-• 'l', . ). 1111. '"‘ '''‘' Fg 1 \ e , --... ,,,r..---,-,--,.,-,--j, \
~ " d /" N I- " k " \ --' " ' " \
Ira J Of, A 11111 111F, L i AI,
•,.1,....„../1•••.., , •• . ...1V... ....VI , . \ r\ IN. iNI ‘IISO r It'.i NI ENT iitt WEE'S \
lIIEARL Nf AMII-.7,11,0i, jult r.., .f Ira --- - 1 0 .. •// 1 3. 14. et. , ..-. 3 1 . 1.4 I
1 .....nou .4 and for asle Fr INEII' Yl )111i . For Sale. \ I \ : I`,A. L . , „ A \ , I , 1:1 11. ~ •
a._ Hall In .101 I:4 .4 ta 3 I
• -
rl.ll E t ht . ... , ~ t ,ry 1,1,, L 11, Alin 11. te•Ar..s., 1 I , I,k - .1.1.4 LAl.•r , Id , 1 •,- ' , l ' fh '•''...l.rr taxi
I , itEAM CH EF.`,F, - 41 Imae, ‘rtrne lot ----
I - . I • . Professor Ales. C. Barry's Trieopherous, 1,, , ~,, ~
_, ~,,, ~, ~.., ~, f ~,,v , A . 7 r i.., , \i. . r .: , ,, , , 1,..,„,, ~, „,..,,,„,.„„,,„,„„
• fL 1.. II re 1101teT • Or ,
' . I 'll •• I . r.l 1 . 41.1. n
li. MEDD' Al Lli CO3III JU NI), for re- 1. ,, .. ~,..., -, •b• ''," , " m ' ,'•' •",' it ' W," ' - ' 'I ,
\,:'%; '. I- "..... ' '.:,'...' '.. 7 l',„, ,• '
~. „,,,, ~ Ylrst nr-et
IfIF I JT F. APPLE CIiIESL- 2 I eroes prim. • ~,,r;;;,L t ~,„,,,,t ~,, ~,„.,;,„- .1,.....„.,4 ~„..a,,,, r . .. - - , •.. o . ~...' :r• - ,,. ~.., t. , . 11.0.
Il dna. ay . lon lan,' ant tor .41•1.4 41.4 1 awl cauerl•43. nip,. rag W .pra.g t, It ' F F.... 41 ...
1., eV 4 .IJ. 113,4 /1.11,1 • 141 1 .a. Fen, a r ea en.ugli IL . tn....v.-oh Inat l'lr. • 14,...1•14 ' '....4
Erma 14.- prt•lneed In- same ell,. In euroty .1.....,...4 the Io •I. ' , .1 • i E.. 10. :I..SN 1, r
Now Ready!! , 41n, etr et the lan,e4 0..1 411 the anonal ..near•Ta TI . , St. Louis Hotel - New Orleairl. , Am. , mOt.a.
I\ . . ' ' '
I 6110...• teellagulals .1.4 0.1 , . Lon 1,1. 41 nouta. , Xi r lIG E A WILSON. ler ~,rl, of 14,, 7,..7 n..l. , n \ ~,.“ ...., N.i: , -. , ..rani.
FVERY LADY haring ; a Piano .6 , ,01d 1.... •. ,,, ree LL aha• FF , ' , Woe a' 0,- l''''f' s " ..- ‘• Ili I ~, .. .....; L..r. tn out r..n. 11. , • /IS.. .'+' '..
L ., rneeton, .1 real Templet In • nea ntadt •., W. esilmatku In veLlrla d a Leta 1.1 M. .••• have ;
~,‘„,,,, ,•,,,„ , L ,,., „ L ~,,, , „.,y...y... ,„. „,-, , .t...e.. L . \ THROUGH TO; CINELNNATI \
laL.•' in,. a nesuufal too 4 Fora ILIIIFttENT - e•s•u • trial: - 1,,,, -,-,.„; ~,,.i . ,, . 2 . ~„.„ , 1 ,,,r,„. the ra 4 p0t..., 0... 14 .... 1... te •...•... )4. i.., , IN \., •I'N 1191 - PA ',
""'"'""-"P'"' ''''''
Pl'-'-.' ' th'11"1"11"111.1'''-14 cane. tirat-ge-r SII-1 Ler.L.on 111 . - 1.1 Tu. • •0, , L.• 4 ' ''''..'' '." . n '•” .'
• '' '-.
' • ' .('
a.. ewer v..frog..
iy,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~..,”,,, jj ,.„.,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............e.o,thw of Ilhe a•alr, el . 1.....1%..11 % . ,,, ..a . ..i...... ' 7 .. 1 ., 1r ,. .: . . n er . .• '' .. ' ^''''"'''' - ''' "'1... rI •"'' ' • , N .- I I IS; and tti • ‘ , •r Nli,IN II: 1. I.t N ,TO131:111\111 - ,
aa ata , t, ad.-an, ,-m, aa.a., retard,. 13.43.1... 41• Ion ....L L " F• '''' f ''' , '"' T° 1• ` ...1F... ''''' f L L 'FL.' 1 ' ' \ I' I PA. , ~ •• - e, A ~..'t 1. , ,.1 , ..0 , 1tA1p . k.1t • , r , 1 1 0 •
. i
J0e.... her 14 Leer the mete... , ALFI' Al+ Ifi h. ' . '''' '''' '-'''''' '4l.'l' 'Hirt I.lll'l 'l'l-'l' °l‘' , l , .il 'a
• E ill 111 . lot m. . I I• i s ~•:.•,‘ •• ' '.. ' ''"' .. . , :_'''' ,l '', ll , ,o ' h '. . •• ,'
. ',1 , ',..1,...../'
11 NY.l'''''ll- ' 1" • -IT'''111 '.'l ''''' a''' ' 1" " " a s -1 1 b". "'" ?!.. " 1t ' 7,:. - 1 " .V • ,. 4' , " ;,. '" ,14..., N r --, ~•• ~. .. .•-• ~• • : •--..- I. ..•-1 -. .;,.. ..'„ ''''.".-^,''n'''l' A.'' . 'l - 1,
-.'--."., --"'", r.". "b."-'" ""-" • ' "'" -''''' "' 1 ' t '-i 1 , " , , . , , • . - ...” ...-.......,-. ,• z- ' . ~•;,...4, .'5t,........k.-..4` 1 ..,'1
• IP Is t.,,,1, 111-....... 1...., 11., \
ru1,11 , ,..1 t.r Lee a Walker. Tilalrlt.Lte, 40 {I., c,,, rant,, ...‘t. h.. 3 ...Val , +, ,31 4.. 4,,, T 01 .• I aaa , . ' - , t , • -14..., .4 n .1, ILI nala.a.l,i .1..
10 , 1 al .1.111,4 1. Nn LIAM, ll .en •tr,t, 1.1 IiES KV ' L .'' , 0, . 0 . , L•T' 4.11 a. , I ••••L 04 •L "L l `''' • '''. j 'l , l/ 1.1. T -- In in t fo• hr. tOl .314 t 1 .741 ..7. - L: ' 13 , ,
.. y j
ht.ritvg. 'thud num, lattelno-41. •nt la tr...1 ., .., 41 ` M.4l ' - ' Lb" .".** I ''''''' '.ll ' ' ' ; ' , A . . , I
4.T1 Iteneathally gun •
- Fln Caton:l ' 2 .1 1 re.. ' 4 " i ,` ,; i :..1;.. : ~, '''''''• •'-'•.'" '-• "" - 1 ' , •••••• ' \ FARE ' RED ' Reßjel s '
pp itoums-20, , d.,.. car., lor mlelly - 114E03. '4 , 1 - a IL. \
N.' Vac, gt ..a. ,40
i . ~, wick' a IIIeCA‘PIAL 4 .II. ~, •
L. _ . •
err tlizer-Ely frau 114-About tany earl,. my L., For Sale. ,
FLOII,-.2.10 , Ws. F.r.tra Family: c•aur ..ut • Ego deal,. my heati .3. ran, arwo•l
...Cr daaJo•l. 1 ...tld by • (ren.ll 4 01 ~.err,...,, t e, A 'NE 111 1.1 .1111 a 1.111 At'l:/.: , tl, , 1,'51. a
..,, - ropernna 1.4.4ata ar a. amt 1 did on. a.l to N.Y .........n.F. ~ Lan ••• % E HON NU A ITEI.A ROCITZ.
4.1 , • L'l 1,4,,,,,3 ' 611 ' CU 1 and tall Ida n d• I 1., i 1 • I it -II 1 t II d t
. • r0.. 4 . ... ..... r3 ' • .,,f ' .. ' • 1.1 f ' 1.. 3 . 04, fI . • a•• "I •o•I'• - • -, ". .0.•• 4 : ..e , •IL •• 10 r7r,.1 e awl 1.111 •er au , o
eget, am yr nr o 1 e-r
ONG SI I AIV 1... Y. It r anal - k• Bracuritiit t'"4" , • , ` ,,,,t, '"'' , h • ~„,,, , niul Phibuielphi t t.
f... ~.. 1.,.,-, r.II ....amen. al the 0.., art, j J S TRU 11 , 3/ 1.....1tj Lr '../•••y ~,,-t, ~-,.. 44. 11. .11.. -4- Le. 1041 , 1 a tt . lor • lI L If fr. I URN I\( BOAT letve, the N harr
el. , f .11 qualine, (turn twrameo tun oe.. and of rt.... ,1( any 1.4 . er ent.h.... ,, ..' , " 'F . •" °3. ^". 0( ' , Fbe .11 4.-. Ta 4 tat. L 1 1. 1r I- . 4 ' 1 . tor 0 . , i.e. .14 1 / 1 . . j ~ ~ 4. 4 „,, a.. • y , r ,_ ,„, . ~,,
and 141ahl eularo• 041 .4 n.,...1 .1,1,, atel . der all .4 j w , tgy •111 glatan eel! at 1,34,..4 A 4. 13nrr, . ,ItLe. a,,, Ili . 1.11.1% aln 1 , V. lii, *, %:rth ' IV I' . :j, ,N .. .,5% L. .„4 ,
f.x. ge•-• CT n0r:,%,;•,,..;t,
__,,___,-_,,,f1.1:014-...,,,,,,1,a-a_ ......---a.-au_...1.--•-......
: p mill, .1 IRI IN I,a,e ako for lode . woe %I t ' . " ..m, ',"•.' ~" . ` t• 'L .., , "''1' 3,3 `.. 1,3 , T , Vmd)
A1...0.11n....34-• - la
r; „
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , „
.;;;„ ,„. _ . .1,,,,,,,.. ova a, 1,,,,,,i1, lar e4r...\11....11. Tlan.l ex(
41 /. It •, , i - •-• , .c re . .. , ./ . .01 ,,,, t ^,^ r) r . . , ram• (tr. Lta 111111ary aut N.Y.. Ardta. NI. F. 1.1.4 j ,"
~.„ ~ I,
~• ' l ' 1' .. • . 4 40... Lat
13 e ..,.. .
Jun reed, Coe raelind riam...t. . ( ...41 'le Teh.r. aust Th., ~, ~,, ~..,,„..f,. ~,„„.„,„., ~„,„ . , ~± •,, • . j.r.....4
.., 4 .. , , L,.
~..,,,,, , 4 , , ,,, ,, , • ,......, ~,,. r.,... , , , , , , c ,..
41,31.1.... ..,.., , ......,.... o , “....,,,,,,. ~...,..,,,. ~,, ~., ~...,„, Ir'a" 'ar ' ~,,, """ •,...'^ IL. , o •Tt• ,••;•• •,' ~ 4 , . ~ ~, ~,,,....,.., ~,,. ~..,,, .....,,,, st
~ , -- 1,. ta• e 1•: , ,, , ,, •,,.•,,-1,, .., art 4 te k,.. , .. oma 1,.,-... r L''‘L•L
the l'•1.. .1 - et...: - .. ' 11r.,.. 1 a7trt - 1 1 .• as I lisnsr - nl "' Lerli.T.
1 7 1 i N , 1 . , :; ,, - . i ~ ,, , ,,..t , i t a , 1 .F . , , ... , . ,, r . t , 1L . a ., ./ t 1:: . ...: ,. : ..... , •12 , 1- . .. ,, r; i 11....: , 1;: , :1 , 1 , Z1: . 71 , 14 . :. , .: , / ,, Zet . ...,..:1 . 1 , ..... , /tr . 3: . .. „ 1 .,,, 1L; :. •
~.;; Desirable Property for Sale. ` „,„,,,V.,1, .d, u, I„, ~„,, ~,,,,,",...„., '''. ' .
1.1 A CLLIU3III,./1. • 1.0. almon•lery nhgery Wt!eta., tt u .....1 ea r,fereuer to tI,I I M ItElt m o•ry . al., ,Ile Eml,lom • .„.,• .' \""' hl'd " , Al L'' .
- - other .agle• rI W. Itlnd It tn,..... wo'r 1 tn. ....0.4 . , 1 , ~.,,..,‘ ...1, L• the 11.........La1s thi(g.
•.• CSK S. PORT WINE: nod 5 eAs. WILD th,i, ,In.,:,,hetrinte, ' •anarkal....j. j j , L','". F L' , l' 3. " "L" ' L. ' ' I 'L , " 4 ''' I. " ..1. , , ' 1 ,.. 1 1 T It
) CUE.: E 1 MIA NI4I . yun ....- al and (.4 onde FT VT" II den.", 0, Jsn'lnt , f •'', -...• •,'", .I.'" . ' F e I, :.),..., " ..7t - .71 - 0 1 ..r... 1 '7,. '1 i.. 1 4 ' ..-71 1 .:.:.; - .;: 1 .7.1 1 ... 1 . 1 '.1 1 re n :t. '1 , L EW YORK AND Ellta. RAILROAD•
del 4 CAILEItursoN 11,1.0ur too and aloe, It atil en . all .i.. 1.... o It, ,•,,,.. ~,., , u, ~..,
~,,.„.. j \ ,
..,,........ ~, , , ~. ~ -- ..., ... I A to••• 4• d . • •,'..• ...., n l h•T "L" l " , d•lLa , 4 ..- a : 1 .0....?.........04.4.-1 1...1..... tie-. ~,,..4 t,,,.. , 1,.`51 k rr:
t eAtt l Jl 1851\
BA 1 1 lI , iIJ - ILI , hate!
~ , , ,t . 1, 1.4 ,ale ny_ .1.1e . 0l
i 11...m.,...,• , ,,...... ae ....1 . 171.4,- ,. / .. . : , ..._ , ;1,-. , .ny 4.1 }.Lac ~, n., y 4.1. 5.91. .4,-y- ..g ~. 1 . I. ,
... . . , , . - , .t
4.1 ~, j.j.,,,,,,,A •co 4, ,,..., 1 4,.... , .. F . „ . , r ,, ,':: . ', 1 =. , .. F , :.," . „.„' L .,...j. j',, Ll , „ .4 7„,,,: j ,...„ 1f... , t 01 ,
, - . :..h. , ,, f , , a . t1e.1 . " .. .7t . ',...... , : , 4 ~ , At I l\ ,: ,lt. IN 03... I E 1 o .S , ,,t‘ It. 1:K ciTv, ,ix
QUGAR--5111,blik. Loaf Sugar, for rat L• by it.U.... 4, `........-...". , _
.. ..' s '. 11.411,1:-" r,;„,..;..,.-„1.,- . .,, ,„.:,,,.„:,:,;',,,, , .... ~._..,,5_
~,1 , " 13,4 'E'L' 0 •• ''''.. 4 . \ r `L a.-1,3° L .F ... 3 1 '1' 3,3
r 1.. .....k..3 Lake 1,4 11, Mteltkan. I lerelaud,
1. - .3 4.1 A. CULIVE/l1,0 • 1 • rt. 1\1a.,.....1 .. 0.4 3 . ltMnall. l..1.0•/,..nd f 3 ,lol'orvn. nut
, I, Let .I•• 1 11.. I ~, , ,1,a,...11.1...,
MOLASSES -1 00 IMI, N. O.;
, tal.'...r floor, CH ICA( il ) ANI) PE(IIIIA. , `";:r.::!_•.:';' --- ' - ""'"' - ' - ' - '''''"
.....,,,..„.. 1...,.., 0 f h . , 4...4 0,4 loan:I. 1301rnwle.Un.1 0ra..., an 111 r
' X... , .. , , , , 7.t...1 , •: ,. ..1",...., To. 0..1 tbear.loa x a.
-- Y. 0.44 en Ayron. . i n .,,,,, ‘,.,,,,
Ala I. ano• Ili 11.,.... r. itrt, •4 war 1 \ ~..cs,:. 1.1 41 1 1; DI NE II:h Ad \110.11;FISL
For rale by Ell El. MATTIINT a • CO.
1 . tt 44 .or.t I THOMAS HALE,
PIG METAL-IGS tons Poulain', l i ar ma, FORWARDING .1 COMMISSIoN NIERCIIANT, ... e•a L 11 1.4.1-1 1-1 Manua., LET.,.• Tra"..t .1 Lrl..- .
\ . T 0 ,,
• •,.. L 41 4 1 .4 L ' .3 ,
CHIC..., ILLINOIr. Attorey. .1 Law, awl heal 114
by Nell ItIIfIY.IIATTIIFAI A• OF .3 , 147 toortl. or, The a,11,....,k ,t.. 1.• .43...ira. elle, rk......t0kr. ran
L , ONTINUF:S has ueuta i..ii.tie. to reeeire ! ''''' Lr neer ; tor, ......10.14. rt,e 3 Tia pre.... Train. nrrlrosear New
B.LAX I , EIII I- -125 laa. fur ode by
r `J .....r.”• e. 0 ^..." , L r ,- ••• ,0 1. -131 .' 0, ~.-4` bawl.. 1 IHIESI it AL LE I'llo PERT I 11 1.41 net. M. rtne•Eat • o .I.V. c.3.4.1un the .11. j 4e311. anal
del 14111;4. MATILII4IIe At I:Jit eourigue.l Wm. 1 , 41.0 leave ht. 4,k .odl/ , or •,, god.: A lot a .r........ 1 1n.,,,,,,,, ...a feet . Ly .10 - I, .1. t
Ile. Ir , Ir. kat and C.Alle Train 1a11V.. , .ank.T at
1 0,4 rum... 1,. F-. .. I suet Th.. t,r. , 1 4 LI 4...1‘. arw Inge 1,1" attsehad to thlr Train to
IIUTTER--51,1 , 14. prime Rall, fur sale. II "" K „. n r,„;;; ' ,;•.:_.. " ,,i,„.,, u." . 1 , 14"" ,. °L ,h., " ,L. n .`. .T.Z r
II .1.1 MILL Al .11'11101$ AOl Erupt Jog. • 4Fulytel nhort Juno., man 11. e 1.•,•1 .4 the ....• nr
\ 1'"1' l
' - '''.."4"'"'".' \•`
Mr John A Caught., L •PI L .Ta h'""''''' ,. Art/ nets..
13. 1 11 1 . ' . ' .. 1 1L ala i a)01.13.4 e.„1.... , ..-1-'"-•• fry '1- 1.1" k ' N ' '''' ' ll ' ". I'.-1-'' ' '' ' '' K
VI S(I -- ' ~... • • 0rter.....111. am. to
'''''''''"F h • ' l.- \ Thl- t • .." 0e ne t .r.-d t.. I raga Ina .ton\arai ;
Wm. M Haskill.
.."'A. t,., "' ‘• .
i sENERAL COM3IISSION MERCHANT - To Let. N; " :. "' ir,:a..7•sio;7e, ' ,:it\i. r . , T,Lia ' z.. , F ' „
•ND A her lON F.KII. 1.0 a w•ter •1tv.1., l'Eunl A, b.. '-',. L ton 01d.% ~r, tln• talvauLages '' r
11. Our . notlae 1,....k.1,, tu the tran•rjytatuo of ....rA ,
E.rerial atlent.on 1.00119,1111a/fal Ligon. aury , Ml4 $ , .....".... ....,' i . ,, , , •' V . ` . \`..m .,. . '.,‘
t ft. ht Tur.ll. .1 le , hll-,1140...1, ride, full partletra
' I . : - ' ./ 1 . -' ,7, '"" '''' - 7" V 'Si''.4 . 'kiiszi, - 1.°;', 7 , , '"
.I ' lol I F.11 .., 14, il, Ad . Iv. Ing trk • ' 0 " 1 . 41 - 1.
) 43 HOURS-, 'OLE\
sg t ' ' - '7 ',,, 5 . I\ r, iiiVatitil
4:27,,s l'A . 4„/ and Ruio, d 1.04 la Ott. and.
lafF A SSF. ', . l ' tti lease very nivrning t 9
11 ..I,L. 14 ..1 an.bat to It, er, 11.04, ry •4f. a
T,nil gel,. to I A ante... Len, by Carl.. \band tat
100 Itaalrlaul to C .i\ Wel.
T0WL1 4,. .. 1 '..d. 1,31.11.00
r,.t1et.. b .A.. To le. 'a L .16 harts ,
14441.3, .... Clan, .., CV •
Ttek eta Ka.. Ilia.. II la
Si. Colunild, .01 Ana a, 14 CU. eland
I dr......
rwteeftgr• 1.4 1/..,141, %ten, and MI ...... Ira
Cl.-sel•nd ..ery ...emu, t 1.3. o\toch. 3 4o he Tydet..d 1
ne..a., of Thebl.. te.o. at, Itallrond Lk.. 4 Elan,
then, at ILI a I.•elewk, A 41, yltulro...l .N. finnan " ,
and aerator ealue.vening •t \nem, LT nnors EL
Dorm{ low rater to thr tint. Tl,,r. ILI• nay, 1.111MV.-
.11, ,1.. Loot, sod thin on. ea I .... too.. touch 1.104,
Z•71..411V• 7, TI:.,11;,. ~ , ,,,r..N,
~,,,„ 1,1,0 .4 Inlntnattno enrly \ iy s ".ll""-'• '''‘
.1.1111. A V 11111 ET. Anent\
lur corner ot .11.111.141 and 14 aor atm...
rnront. the 11.4antigaliela Ilona,
tylrrallUltli 11. ,
• 1851 . \ , l a ird,
UNION L1N1.,. .
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio 7als.
exorturroas: '
CI, 4EI4E. PAIISO At Oh Moe reTait.l . L.
CII.4SIIIKILL4N, Q1.4.WF01111 A ANL, ...CLITLI-4.0.
grills well knbwo Lim: 4. n 1,15 prepartid to
s'l l d ar:rtfli r il ' i n a t klr t p. ' l ' 7l 47 t7,• ft c7ara vi n u l ""
h. faellit,...,li LlNeTare, ' n ' totToa..... u ' i ' n :41 1 hr,.y. -
.Iy. and rapacitT et IlliTeta, esyerlen, ot Captain.. anti !-
ary of Adetdv,
ta.. gat learn. Pittabnrc h and Cleveland 'tally ,rituni I
In contortion Inch& Line of etranalwatt glarven 1.1 . 0
111;11 1 111.5 , 111K.1 VEIL, and a Lineal 1it..1.•.-teaorle....a
tg..,ller and te•Felal nit IF, Lakes.
Fart. A Co., tans-toen.-04 '
\ ' J\ . It ' . r. " Z; 1 1 ' .114 ‘ , V.1""."." L
...anon 1,14,04 t '
1ia!;71% ' .1 . 1 31 . -'. ..,7'. " .t?Z 0 ;
a 'he.. Winn., I Co.. rr.1.., 0;
It A. 1111Ier, Coyalonta Kai, 0, •
41.,,,, Leo IL CO. Alin.. 10 I
, Iletelereou 1 - Petldwg", randu, L ly laity. OJT
3 1 4- .13 - dn • dtutt, TOLI4-113, tly
\U. la illtana a Co., De..., WOLOF,.
Dowatuao , Co., 4 . 1 .0.4 , 11". /,',...;
1...4 A.llll,ja EIJI .1 . 114."4.3. 1114
" t ' ,4l l ;r rr Y " C l .:6l,ll: l, Agent.
ant \nor. Water trud brallbltald It s ,. Pittaburcb
Excursion Tickets 4, Beaver, 25 cents
bblr !tn. 11 Mn/t....1,
Ii h". -
I/ la - Y•
.11itzmn, Hew.,
1t.01.00 Ir.r. 1 1 ‘..1.h . . I , r oak , 11
.1- 111111 Y, IiIAIIIIEIV, I • CO.
II F:ESI.: 11•I1 boxes Cream, tor 'min by
A. a II 11A1111/11.111
HUTT Eli. —,50 kw. prune. ree'a awl fur male
II by tyvl I n. a Mr WAY
• .25 LLIo.No. I, for sub, by
j J AM 1, PALM.), tir )4 ster el
- -
I'ItocoLATE•--100 las No.l reed and fa
v,/ sale by VOCE A A1rC.001.11.,,.
"Jur ASII-12 corks pure, for sole by
44 ICE t 1414,AND1.t..rd.
{a . ALERATUS-22 casks for yule by
1310 METAL- WO WWI for rule by
810051 - S - 30 tuns Tom., for rule luau
close roosi¢rve.. J
YEA NUTS -- 53 bags landing, for rale ,y
del I. DICKEY All_ Water me! front st.
L ur:A
OSIN —lOO bblei. NO. l,or rule by—
ol. E. a W. lIARDAULiII
lIEESE-12.2 buses Cream, for sole b
n,,a J 11 El DALZELL. CO
i LASS-100 bri. aza'd Alcoa ‘Vinclow,for
.1.. toy . JAMES DALZEI.I.
ICE-10 tierces Fresh, fJosrstTsiers,sqrsa.t.
Us:sr''' . riPsWistiis .w 4.
IV - ALL PAPER--Freneh and Amerman
" n"" tril.T r Er 1 7`. 0 KIAMIIALL.
13/Ri IRON-60 tons Irony Lind Furnace
1 for a. from tbe Allegheur Wharf.
on J. A 0. VIAND.
(ILL BUTTER-12 L4lx.jirinits for sail
L by nolhl -
1,1U(.4(W iIEAT FLOUit --SOO:ll,kt+ 111 cure
UP and for rile by J. d It. F 1.011)
Vulcanized India Rubber *fling.
1 UST RECD, a large quantity Of Ira:iota
u thicknesses id Vulg....meal *e lista sttnitr .
ad an experle. , ..l tnrYoloto rnle &Tel haff-aolebulkW
and gentlemen' rs s boots. 00.0... and slipvers. noe
11. the atletetiun of thr citizens 11 Pittsburgh *mill..
ty to till. 0 , 11n6 .blob has been growing In farts arlh
Ow ...tern public for the last fon rota: and rrevanteab
Ins 11,11. Rs it duos. fur ite Puratildg ant s.s
frl, and ael . prumtvr, of 11).A Ll 11, asneyrrs goe.
ral Introduction to Ile J. a 11.1'1111.1iNt
oo= hulls Itsibber Depot. klarkels,L
New Goodi—Thilt Supply for the Scrim.
Uoud.Um F
all thia ard. W orn ming tbeir THIRD SUPI'LIo f
New otylo hulk Riblmo... embrams, V.elmt. tad Ilk
Scarf/ end mrioul olla,liemln .111 Im op
Ofir : Plorthomt COMPI Voarth aml Mark en
. rtmet.
N ,
ITIN . ES ... &
~.L , t i t . / . . i t ). ( 411n . i t ,1,,
3 4,. o
Port Li
10 •• klmlwlrs Wine. Cl
Ilanslrs Rom,
Pm.lch• 131,0 Wh'ky.S4so
Ir. - klnnongaheln Wh',oo
goi rnlo mmutts• TEA MART. In Om Pimmond
S ON DHIES--.5 hbls. Sal a ratusi;
2 1.,tr0 $....f1 Lonsf Tobsirm
li, - prim.. 6'• 'Yobs,.
....., - enumonW. Tnbartw.
.1 µlli. Dr, 11.11. for W. by
01 , ...2 HARDY, JONY. 611.
MeISII BOARDS-40 doz. Zinc, fu . Ante
_ .
OIEESE-40 boxes extra Cream I). 3. F.,
ree'd and for Italy by
WIIITE FISII—In bids. and hf. tar. for
riIABLE SALT—In bnzeifor ante
11 .14 WICK t
of English Laid Pomo, cop an i l v OlVA!'
Motioner stud Plow PIM
0012 armor of Mori. nod born cwt..
ERINTING PAPER-L-50 reams loublo
Medium Pr , lnting Paper, 2.1x37; resto.TOnia
uts. Yober.
2 1'7 " po i r rb?
UGAR-24 bhdo. for sale by
ha nap R. DAIZELL t CO. Lfol7
THIS well known establishment is still eon
dostot In the same manner It him always been. The
.eatitral and pleasant situation of the hon., its eoturnotil.
fi nd arrangments and the comforts and luturim to ,
u there, combine to tender It agrt-eithle and sid.anna
"Ito the traveler.
l ' a ' vitut born one of the Atm of John L Tut Mer a .
PO long at the bend of the establishment, thesulemriher
pledgee hie boat exertion. to maintain it. rimu4ittota, and
LOtt6 g ttoh.
setiV(t II. PARK Y.H.
1 AS. S. MASON 5: CO., have REMOVED
0 their Moro and Winn. In Philcalelphia, to the new
and soaclowillltANlTY. BUILDING, lug North Vrbrnt eL
where they rontlvu. to otter a. I.ItENIIKiI Y )NY.
TII./13gAND DOLLAKA, tor any autwrior Illarklya.
It in roll h all relpeetable Nlarrhauln and Deplore In the
UultodAte , ..
Mwort's line black WRITINO INK, al the lowevt
ririEsE Rupprior articles . of Perfumery,
tmon,t wh,.b are enumerated lila
Oriental Alailaater, Pearl, 11,14...1...thi and
• l'airdrra. Clithera i r I ret. UL.It, Aral tither aur... , -d
• Walnut mai lixtru Flue Salmi !Hawn and
W ra
inari PH..., Paha. A !Haab'. Fazirl and Toilet
• Sharma Cream. Hair Palm.
Li, Gaincar Hi...". K;'
tr.,. La fur handitria.titri.. Hz Marro, ttrix 011:ert
tul a new axliclej Kau
Hair Oil, Ac., ani man lia.turfal Ind rsn .
• b 4 Jour. T
I,llluur nntl Clo•nr.t,
Sl Nkartntr.q., 1.1.• 1 , 1111.1e1p1.A
Alrretwats fa.get 0..1. ,
wt.! rxt.t.l••ammalarte., lu O. ult.,' Alt.. low
1 /our, Product and ennonthsjon Mrrchant.
k dao• gwortall, , will 0,11.10 att.-Winn, •ith
uur toms wit , gat ilers.wwi Laiwiti.wptriwiw
11.11 pl Oi 11111, of I.Jtuw whop
u.—Mwowro Illanytwu Mill r, I ittm wir, a.
Mr- Prawns 11.11,7
Mr. Ale,
Sir. Exc.!. P. Y brig.,
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
1.11-1114 &Nal '--14 arnu.tul .111.11.. r to any
4144. pub., mut W .taut )1) •ray ellaust. %lama - m.lam,
Ur 111.11N4441?4,,N d 1%1.. QUM, atruet. zu.ur Nurth 11.4.1,
at I.l3lla.tulplua. ur.::.lGat
VACIUIMIL, Nu 41 South ruclual Arrel,
tuut.4l.l auk.) 11.124. I vb. fu1,10:1.4
s " at • an • E 'L g 0::,71.41 "
1.1 AGALEY, WOOIIWARD koo., Whole-
Ifi Fiala Itrusrly.l44. =1 It .1, .1,11
` Cti77lltveo
eraustia4l4. A1..4a1.au10, ran 41 Nortal .4r .0-at. I
au No IL North Wbarn.a. I,ll"..lolutaix soak _1
w.ALTER. t Co.
Flour and General Produce
Nt. ;..•1 ill 11,A 11:10, N KM: 1,1.111101:1 , 1 Ul.l r
rqual kn
LY as.' For•susl., Mossl,sol, SU. Us ',sr.,.
*La ulFmtorru slrsel. Nl. I.IIU r,
sllstilsuu L. lb.
Sulk llwjl sod Hari.
Refer Iv Jut. S. ilsnrott. IsArr.
L'au. .11k,..
Conarosossa sal Vormsolies Myr:lmA, tbs
1e.5.5.,1.../no•ph. .
Rear a &alma., tlonloa sal lona*, 14-rlirat Co.
Paatmrsh sPEIy
1 . 1 .A;2 D (2
at ;g
Al ' osnaunirstions a1500.r..1 0rt,711,
IIOIIN 11. RANKIN, Attorory and C01:11-
aria, at loa, sal Cosomaskaas for tt. it.t. .
t tayivsals. lit Unite. Alo Oats ut Pitl..burch
ifearruo-s•—l'assbursis, Ifnu. H. F.rward. Ilarnyluo
51 . Csallow t lacCion, Jobs R. Parka Ihroslis
"rasa. 31.Coni a Co. susl4.ll,
ri bbl.. fur snit, by
Price t lhalarrakCo
P. hublneon's 1,,:
ail Worla'a Fair h..
lo ka, Pitt cburah .pon . . •
-• Careudlah.
I n ‘ ;'‘,; „ re aid 44 pale hr JOON ATT k in,
'JrI It EN A PPLES---50 tdde. reed and for
t u.ll ~•a \l. llAltnAnllll
received at No. Vol LItPTIT air.. of Crcpc,
co•lebrated"Lcoden Pwaita und cob,
PH"'Af.ii,. Gherkin, Wortraltemblre e.auce.
eilor. Chow. heading
W•lnota, Harvey "
iluchroom Ketchup, ITalniat Ketch.,
Athesprom and 1184417m0 la
pot Op to fano) pct..
oral WA!. A. alcCl.llltll a co.
I iV a ANTED In .Inro I T . tor
Planer, with
00, T. 01,1(1108 k
ill Water mt.
1.) , !:1841R ,,,r 1A .
i N .
0p 53101 . 1. 1 , N , [1: ,
TlT i vi k n e L e ns °'— a.
%If 111:1 , 1N0-3110
ry 1100 KP. -
Cita tez v l , ...a b t ‘ ilui, br L. Ilafton
New Commas Sacra: ScruloaTl Clac i
Normal e.chool Song Honk: Slehaloon:
JUrnadie limn:3lv.; Ulee lllve, I.y L. Aluoic
Nona/ Cook of thettelmolmoirr, Mantle. of Caledonia:
Primaradiahool Kona,Boolt; ,Urdou Tevapereaos Hung
inane, L'horue Cook; Hook,'
Alani-The Albalrowit, very pretty Inn .n. word. bl
". 411 . 111 , 7n:17;a m v..rn l' et ' ai M ln7?;i7. " L '
The 14wk of Aare, sacred unerteten
ronin -
Tele Lllmamet'a Complaint:
arinaU.!" .
.11 el. 01 1110 (loader, ham.
TA N NERS' 011-110 bhhs. sup.; for sale h.
o J. a It MATT.
TILE subscribers ren
tention of Dealers• lloto.
Iwhich Mot ollor on the Mott favonmblo Len., comprtelon
nu ptsph ~trey A fin Tr t, 11 Los., ...Forted Plekhoc
'emery Fl uto and vorlot,
sU lour ol d
Iho Cott.", knoormed
old JAvt. • 10 IltedAipr
10 1-441.7*. " bsARAISI,g
hhils..otnne N. O. hognr. tl brae, CttrOnl
Ws. cod end pal . d. • mute ttOrrtutr.
;10 boxfoo lioam 2 cap. I rune.;
It fancy dm:181711M
11.1 Mid .Ul4llOlO, box.! Chneolahr.
gar /Modem 10 - sloreamhoh
Cocoa, Brom. Cetudeelli.
AI" Land , . Natl. and tavern, and var Moe Fon.llo ,
prlusue!and Itmuitom, .ol,:tod hi Wu , : A.
lid:, In the Atka of hew York. 11111.1.40h1a and Bald.
Moto, colnloislng 511.00mther an asmortoment unm+lonlhd fv
Ahltimburgn. Vat. A. WU I.UNAI • I.lx.
1103 'lse ;me at.
~ _ '
E ~:;
Shriver & McLean,
Sou. Warta mat,
1 011 . 1)N 13 TT I NO-50 tothoi Fauti4y, for
n0,.2 r/f.ll. 1 , 411.
- - .
111 1 ; IRON-I_U Lone I'Lu•nix Furnuee, lor
tra , . from 1.11. Alley:tot, Whxd. bT
nu= J. • R. FLOI D. Bound Church.
-15 boxes for mileby
,epectfully cell the at
'4 Honore and Fannie, to
Wheeling and PittshurgM . t. -
ARE REDUCED !— The swift jr goil.
' ru p''''grrif , ` , .."; ,l 7g.i i i.Z.% tr
ettg l ive and ali totem... Bolo port, thlt as=
iicliok gawlil l y.
liook Pstrosirie .. .. .. . i o .
ov e r l' liiii. 2... Clio, 31,0tt.. ittil• Ir. l
0 t
buriih over, Ttoo-ilso. l'huriabiy, oti•I ontotlisy. ,t 1
31.: rotortiiiio. In. I' r. Wheylinit o 3 i, Mood N . • 33 00..3.•
dol. and Ynday. at I A 31. .
ktir froight yy paoorigy.tinirlrittrur , tnr trootn °dation,
alll ‘Ol tinirtl, or to ti113:1111 , 3 A Ilti !II tri , A 6;1 0 .
Tit? Ow, 3in 2 iii ono of ilio foolyi•j ' ho;hi ' i t ' t i.•i
otrortiol tier thi• trod. I...irlivra atiti ilitotioro r n do
donil nn her rtinnitio iti l b. tra•ii..
11E0 ULA R l'Il"I'SB I: Rd II ...d
fi 0— oarkyt .tooinor PillCl o l' CITI, A.
Murdoch, mi.., 105.... Pittohurgh fir Wollivilie ovor
dim, iiotitair Omni., .1 nt 10 i•Olook. A 31- and trturn
ring. looty. Woll, U 1.. ...., .1.) ~ .. ,,,,, ki I' It. TI ,,
Vane! City mos in r••nnyoriou rah iby Clet citinit moil
Pittaboriala I,llr-soil Lino
Tiokyt Agent. ii 31 CART , IN, Nionnotinhohi llou3,
Voris:tit Amont. C BAK!, til. N o .02 Water and IA
33t"i0-. nolo i.
. -
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
. FARE RE DUC F.l.P.—The swift ,
.mini, pakrev., p,.1,1 11 INCH l:, ,
11:It, I..ereffl for mll•
.r.r7ort... thin morning.. , lu •••1.1c.r,
The 111N1'll I'so 11.4. 1/ .1111 4 A..
1 1 11.1.ur41. ev.r,at 14
A. Al retu. 111.. Illig I I 514.1,. %tr.!
orothor. nl.l rutug.
at I A II
• op.. 14.441 - 4.1.111141,
appl, ...r I.mar.l opr 14
All , l,Tllor, 1 1 1.,1 . 11, A g r..
lVlnrllerlvr lo 0. 41
1.1 fur lbw trade 114..14...•
liett park.! ereanter Ctarrtas '
Is nna p.rturtninv. her r, gular trd calve beta rd.
than rat and Wheel..., leaving 15ttanutith at 10 tdalocit
aver, Mnadar. I,alnenlety and Vt , dat'd,nd , d o rtstnit.
leaves , Wheeling rat.ry Thunals l
atdl natonlar,
to e~vL "4.
I' AlM:Y e rtt ' sTr
The Diurnal s- nate ihe. I lead. and In oda., the Ore,
'and Itteleat dust , ever eat.. ueled ha Ilse trat.. l'int-eu
err, awl thinven. ran dajedel enntsnnlns: n,
Ell Ji mU LAR PACKET BM: - •
, TN EKi rirr,twituit 11011.1Nol
It f —Th. 11l WO' ma..
ill for W1...n0w Co. 011.• arsil 1.1.11, \
.row, T irt .1 r. si ; rolunolng
41 111...1.1.. :tol Iliorprl)iv.
Thor-Aar 4 end ring. no
Aryon no. 1... A ruin.. ',Wart,
low t.
Fur , pveye. wooly on boatel
ttEllll LA IS W SION ES IsA I'
l'ACh Kt CI 'WINN A - lA....rutin Jahn
osen.illaul 'Haw
C the rintion, In. N.. ton, st..l other., for
...o.ll . .ili.l.orrila ti.. 1.. nod will Ir..
in. .....
v.,~1...~.~1~~ , .. t+>-*....n .i 11 ~„ I„ ~.~t.
u~.l: ~1 It .11 1.1'1.\ ltY hli Arrul
4 ‘01: ANI , IMU•
t,, Li.r-Thr
Al 11l Ira tr 1 , • 1•
And FrAIA , A At to A Al.
frt.khl ..r p.n.n., , ^ J. , .
I, l olt ST LI no , 1.4 rtili
I mu: -,rant• V01T. ,, A
utril 0 • tilts •I 1. t
111 1 11 . 1{ ,,, N 101
, Tht .
11f)( su>,
Prim well ktIONN II hail: I ILITEL, =fg
NO111 . 11 . 1 . 111H1,11:Elj 1 . 1111..11a:1•1 . 14... LW ,
11.01• Co.l I 111, %ruu, 1.4-nerrlrt......
• 71. • 14t11/4.
'/. "" 7:::ftto 1,114 1' 1 , 11 4 1 .0 1 .
1 1
114 4,1 10 11,it,
inn.ll.l+ Tl['llllV .1..
n :1371 ' nfl U e ' r 1 1 ' 4
. • .
• 117.1
11 . 1711 - A ,•,-
I .
tocrolly rto - tol thr Intr.l .nil Mont
isoprosol gt,lo No olio, boooter.
rno'n4l , rll,l.t lonne lb+ ter... ot
Fr° LET-- A tarp. nml oonvensent
%V A gal ~..road
Private Rexidence for Sale.
► I PROPERTY lit tlfrerbii exvc , iiing2
tr bier emit ri
abiumodalinit t.rme It
la tweet ,
tu rabidly tut , Clt)
of Allarihrny. The titnatlon uneurpaea , rt In the mum
a, rubel bleereing •irar the rit, ht.-
hurti,h end thnir itt • glum, bratilm 1.104,1111 , 1 -
nnut to tie liiiidnree part of I.44i:burgh: mina bitting in 4171
eminent dearee. trie silvan..., al la th tot and montrj
The ka lartrr., embraring nrar 411 arra at Kr.und...
hundre./ buil tote raid tront, ritouttig hark tan hull
tad on, fort In an altar. The Imprrivrinenta arr
neat the home. Wirt., lmit t i n unearth et,lr, of the twist
usittrrlal. and Lniel,"l li t 11. 1 manner. haring rriiry
erciumnieum that grunt la: and atilt cnnlil atth
Jun mitard to moniony. Th.., la nr expedient via.
tar at the dud tand n a ve 1,1•1 IL,d root watt, Candi.,
L 111.1411 awl elahlitir, a vars.,- al idled, trait and shrole
hart'. In olintt, at est.:M.lml advantage+ ran I.nly
alibi...lnter! au eiraminalloni al the prrnititer theta.-
men hitting to biorrhaer Invitril mall int the. unit.,
all' take bleitristrr in citing eirerr Jubilate
hen It le ram rheum irr eirriortuit delightlnl
tip I tli IRVIN. !II Seeiiril at
Real Estate.
!FOR SALE—Two Ih...en and LAM in the
Fifth Went—one I,n Utterly etreed, anal tb , ....elber in
I Le mar.
Alan—A eh... of around, lab feet an Weneter stet, I,
301.1 feel on name, •t_ 1..t.11111• at all Liberty et.
~,,,,ktf Litertnel rony4
r i l_ l o TRANSPORTERS, CONINIISSIi)N „.i . .
111:0 N
CEll MERCIIATn —Far , e
eaa seeoutuire
I ue torn, Yodill Yet, ralnahle I.lldn. earl, frnatiad ' ,
had bli halter on Ilan 1. Una. Allegheny Ca,. end trnet
ing on the Ih.nna and O I
hZatleread, {within a edene..o
the Ireint.) 0.1 ',landing back to the (.anal lia•ltn_thrre
thby aff
Rantou u l rshn,, thr
Cane e arratent fatilitive to •henutent by -.ether
e o!.
• • .
Vi.r Intr. r•topdr. 4.1 11. O. ,rOIII4TON, All,hvlir Car.
or st the IL C. WripcKToN,
corn., Alar Th trtm.
he towelling '
No. 155
nmithr...4l--.moon to the VT.
13PW nnd ;malting and 01 " 1.
tbi..nitr hot,. it rvint.1.4...1 'The 1..1 rh3rtab, no Ow
woad floor Imo eL Lath nom LltarlonL with but Lad ..old
wnt r, wi.b-r Howl, At..
A lol—lbo• ,teotoinc.. nottorato root. Lupton•
of it 1).11(1.1: , 411,121.
Forth near %%0.1.
For sale or Perpetual Lease,
jpoirry-TIIREE ituilanNo LOTS, laid
1. off i. nut 1.4 Iu w,. orudual ?lan or tb... to.o
01 Allechun). froutinz on both Ito...ramttrlt,aud
1 , 43. k L.P.
for t for ono or wore yes., the reoidne I,t the
out lot nu the ontrulling to non, otroet, tutu!
nocnnl.,l an • rutnn , 1 0 ,
lon term, tn, totquon of Mr. ItOnl.A4o, non,
tho yrenn,s, or of no. nolenriber, at h. Oihr, lit,. 101
41h pixel, Pittanurszli.
II 111:Alo4
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
a From T 1.,. 1,. tote AMP,. In I , Itoreugh.
'mar 11.ree Ititeul—on prenliaus le a .e 4.1 tag t.t..
wit!, nrerstary buildings, Sr. The propert/ ea, hr dm
-81,1 Into lota, end cold at a total pent. l'ert,un diorml
ttpply to 1141111' t
' 3011.1 II! Sw-nztd +I.
Kentucky Mutual Lit e InsuTance Company
0 i 41011,000.
rrHIS COMPANY offers to the Insured all
tlle , eunty Paul advantage. et the Melon, end Joint
Ruck 1 . 11.11(or herr.ftre nurhe.t, man • how
rm.., or brortauw; • arstkulel room In r.. 11 or the tror
mut., requirrel routaoront or the
adequate. tour not ern-wile 1,1 the•
lily turtu,, for the Kiwi.. trrtn or with au tetuotre
luterret In senuronleting fundl ere-ravel to ...It
members, trtryuble at .leattr, try credits steer ryhele,
ft..routy fuo•I Jerbr for the pertneurtst eernrrtt
cooratery, eter trier for tire 5.... , re.r.rY ul
(Lone Fir lbw etude tette of lit.
&arTtrie I, the uuly Muter. lurniancilkanterny of premium ore fixed et n pranced rtmtri•
ard. wail pror,inor or CM 4111l1•11y,rroantrut arAutnu
halut, of.tuuds <for tutu, wont, - I in exact proptrts.
lb. altrount of btlll{o,, thr Wore.). rob from sat
,..urintr turn imply th• mturbent
or trActe..r..• gur drtall the plan and
o r th e corulowy.furolAbol rtmlbt. .upti.ratrous
for instants, reteittni by J. TUItUKI7, 11,
Woad str,t, •
aim= Duman. hledkal XxaMbattr.
\AI L ROA It \? , e, c. , , N , 11. WAGONS \
prepared to e. • Frfight betwec
rirrint'n in \
DELPHI 1' A\ 1.34.T1M0R.E,
:n ,. .l , :t i l i cr:: ,e ::::: !.. ::;T s
.1 1::::mod :
lIN , KY ti .1 FT A CO.
oral ii, 4 L 11-1.11 . 4:1t
• 117 Market .dre...rtiila,lellial,
\I. AltI.V.:- II hooAlk, A,nt,
i, o •, 71 N..r11, .1n...knwi ! ..,.
W 1 3,. lIAN F. ,,, N , - OV,\CO , MpLETEI ,
.A \ F , .. „
S'iviii i i. lii ' :i7, -- A n ' knisyi , ; r lril i LTlNlOß)S. \
.1, , 11 m 1l ib e f I rr, Ar rill N. 0 1, 0 ,, te , ..ailift•V i lil , t , 11 . 1 . c.U.ti4,
L11,..ra .tivvr. I,l.ndA,rA
- \ LEGVN, A Ill,'
, 'lb Markel ot,keel...' l'lnlmat.i ion- i
n 029
...- \ '
\ ' 7, I , .l4Mair‘.l ,
yreigh to. add from the Eiiktern Citiek.
\ IV/ TI, II 1,4 I: h' a ,\" G F. 11,6 A' T '.
\ . LEECV. Sr. CO'S. LINEA ~
Ik'JINN ; Ti c SUS 'CNSIuN 0t_.04 1 )
k,,,,,,,,, ..,. m, •so fi.rnor. rd 17.1glite lo an.l nr.a,
.1.,,.. id.- .. 0.1 , ,., Id 11. ~ i \ lading la , 1.e , 1q..1 11 ,\
Am. r.." '''i‘lr I. %. " fr ""'Ejr IN. A ILO ACK
I i
''' ' . ' I.
i 7 1 \ \ l ' \ '' : :.,' .-;_'.°': S n k i ,i . ' ::1 ; " ':‘ '''. .1, .
,' \i '', 1::,, , n ,
, t -.;`,:, t•, I . 1 i l (i ' ' 131; ,
,I' '. . . . . :::: .
‘ 64
ac tl ya ' .. -t...-
v r....-....:.-a :
, 11' INT E II A 8 '.l ",e; A' 31 N .7' .
iri , ilt. ,nbscrihers, ti , nntm . .fi a the o(itttoyl
9 ....,. hnilroad C0...r0 no PINTA...4 Ist eiikt.rn.tvht
I,lq ,, nult dnn.u. Mc sludet ta, .hilaa.lid,nt IOA (011 n,
, 14'..
II" 1\ D.'
r:TV.L I at i - ‘ , r ,r", ' ll':‘" t te'r!'ti'VT:ll"o'd I all ' A. '. '''
h 4" ".""" TIMEiA t: o ‘ ,Nt " s . ' ...51." 0' -
ce,Vollli A ty,,I,K, Ateeni :
miner Penn tahl I% n y ue tdr !t ,
i! 0, lo,t, 141 . \ ‘, '
\ ~
.1)1.' L'.11,,,4 I',Jekrt I,itto fa..
\., I.IIII.ADF,I.PRIA Atilt IIAL'il;11)E1,11.
~,,, Moils 1 ) ! Lirl,n ill Le c01i...i\,,,.1..
I,'LEI., II A CO .1 \ mut \
.1.. „I.!ti a,
ataIAVA - =- -- A \ I S 5 1 .Itaz
i EA ‘V
I NV. , t-t.0r:4 1 d'llly ( Solna), •x•
MLA 41 \ ~......' ' ia IA i
F 0 RE S T,',a.t . Z ... .ia CITY.,
.. ,
Lipi\ A. :11,k00,.
r A 11 .. k I, ISI' I k ' l,F:
:14 ".; .; : ,:4,1..1.
t0,,,,,, a . , •,. ~.. .t; ,t,, 1 .l..11:.0 lzr;
:::::, . ~,.., ~1 nr.t..“ INN, 1 1., t,, ,„,
I ‘ "' \ , " '. \.!..,.:,,,-..
t 2 ..!r.t..:4 41.r.,..:,..1: , ,,,. \ '
\ I \
e are rr%
ASD ft \
loom n,r.
rill! E tine Imigengelr raranlera
JE ItE.AyEl:wwf MICIIIiI,A.I4,,tio. 2, "MR 7-r2
Inv.. tth..r landluds ar i'lttal•Orghstid It,
rt,...4,, ,, ,r, ,1•44. lam e5 , ,, , 1.,1,11..- rollosm
-11•NatoolL. leavao. 1'314.6,11,0 4t it. ~. N. Ito , Lber.wr 3 0 M.
NlichLoret do do 3 r.s. dr, m I. la.
1...rm.et4 wi.1,:041 to do to la , . .21/,` ran prl.rure Enurrum
1,r1, to 11,-11...trr .4 took ti. Pittl.l,orgh, 0,0 Aorvnlr
Th. 1.,.., ~..1 04. dwat, /Mr tilt, nut ,t,thr to., .
1. , ..r Iwt.,t, 300I' nI , •`^•", It.. ~ .4 ,- t... "1 4 4 ,, , ,,,
..'"d " -' N l.' 2.
"r .17:11 ' :. ' , ' ..4 " 7/tV, II \ . ~ ,,,. 1.,
v 01,..” ...r Is .0.., ~,Mlllinet4 ^te .. ..l . lta.t.otrft.
. '
i t it EA t. ;t•I.ANos!,lll4t toe'll
% from [her m.ditifutorr .r.n.., ~.
1 i• • 1..... Boitom. SIN L. ltir 1.. rri , ,l, I
I;osE,Vuol , PI AN.), I nal s.=l 1.. $3,41
AI., ~, int Iron W00.1•51.n.1 • 011 1 011. 110.11.31. 10.1.1 0001-
krt ‘ . ti.... 4 0/.1.01. .111110 11. )114.1.1,/h,
si N ood 4t11.4.4
1 4 1 1 ,511 —I!) , Irtlis. :111,1 11l lif. 4 - 11,1 s. Trwl,l4
I' " " '''"- I
r l . o . Z t krV s :k 'Y
i I.oolitit--- , - r, 614, 76 ati9,-1 per rt.:hJ.
AI .. , . , •'l , , ' IL E- f.'t . .1.1.E1L1,
unlS .
. .
I ARO O`L-9 EWA. Winter Stralued, for
i A 1.;11.. by , IL E. 1. , 4L141t... , ,
• ' - - - . .
d 'Altil. AE4IAIONIA— . 2 easlcs t ,r 0 . ..`a1e by 1
1.1 rant,. I'‘ II 1 4 hrl LKE.3
_ . .. .. . .
L , 1.1 i';ii I lltlE4*-,; •
lbbl4 prime Roll Bottr.r
-• ;A....5 ' UL, '
..„\4 .. Wlstlo ll,mr,
• ker, EaetrJ Itull4r.
r 4 bosom e1 ,, ,,r41
. : ItIQ tmi. 80v,14.1q Lir ral. by -
-- 1 .. EtiliL .II & EFNNET . .4..4,1,1..
riots • Lwe,nNonalilndbulittflArlaty.l ., ,..
1[114.11.010N PS--2,04115,01.10 for sal, \
by 1 4 ,431 14,1. FAIINIarrOCIC a Vl s _
!ASSLILEIiE it, OA SINET— ISO pre. for
nj Maki 1.,7 . \ ' C-'41.118131100E.
A • : 4: 1 ___
GICKIII7 , PrOTat : . \
\ , Mt 2116 \ CORE, 0, • ' , -a \
TlB VIIOOI'ING.6. - kl3Oll, O#OllP, \
Tr i t. .; .
t 4.31,
lIIS Rtit DI" N otrero to the, commit-,
Hite with theN onilenew w • feet, to 01l wellelti whittl
Ili. bile to coat i ~. the ha leer re els that .41e bed. 1,,
ed!ig ‘ So u ideic 11 Atd , eld ,f I ui.efL um, arid eilti!umL
t"ru,.• t .. tosso, ,r, s . o bo l . l o 4 , :httr. m tttut . nlm v ott ,,,,, t
i .,..or ky or , r ,. po w rt . A . nit .ho Ol
~• ‘,
halo wekno,,totol froua':nlarrning u.l ertanlrrPo..\4l," ''\
' "
l '" nli % .1 1" ; 0 171,117 j 1 ,. . L' " -,•, ,,,.1 , . \ ,
reriorit co. r ~,, . t.. , 41
....,, • • 1 .9 .
parvot In ~... {{``""aeon atlou•Alul Rh elw Its eirtuise are
.„._ • \
‘, koowe. th (ohne no lenge, ltliytwh`w he ...Wu. tuwt, .
.._ N
Ploy Pa. W. 11.14.e...rina and atr,,,..rolotiafii``tlocia of the
..,. ..,,..
oUltwonarr o an, which ,net i .lout l.i , cur climate.— .
Awl eel eol> . tile formidable iwoks ci it the Illililei .1.,' . '. -
Awl eel
ha. We r., it r retriettoo of Col :ouutts t he n ...,
ae.. nut! far I 'h. .0 it ta the Diem lleMoliil eat me... 11.
t L tine. Ll:ut ran ho 0 . tallonl. No Mmii 0.414 without .
aid th.wot who la re s uood it no', 10.
Bowl lt, opinion tlt following t ronpanou ‘ ho will .
a. ...nil, ed lu the sarttan , oeetloor crti o otmiky rtiere
b.. iwe lo.toa—eort , nawil ni ruerla, tp of iltli,that
irks:A nJ of the hurhoot hnoarter—ai the Goan .4 Most
et:te,,- , nloardale dealer in , medicine. 1 , 114... naP l / 41 ,.
rtoo, u 1 , 11,14..11,u the oul, ,ot of which pheNttperat. f
11, o n. o .nn, oolue It, the oak:meat of kr more, tea
, \ - \ SW, OEII I FICATF. . \ '
\ `l k,"'lli• Moderilemei, w Ant Its illll,,gisfriAl•irlf Inn • '
it•ii, , , , ,,r,lii vitt), .itrr rGI Fry rcrtoral24Par p en,
Ur/ ~, r bettAf that 0 is tho 10.... und lisiOrt effort,. ,Ilem-
eay loc rut .• o , nrutortfou vcr offered M the Am. •
n. a`....i.t.. ,Aeol no. wouLl to o our knowledge U its
ru1air,..41,2, , ii atetritriiiiir trnrltiiii r,ctiriliAlLY .itimmkiii4 ,
It to the 011..1-1 e. • orthr choir 10.., ennfolenee, WO wro.o '
tile /IL ,-11 J ,rI.IvIA aim: it li at Jo to their relief ai . ttikt - ' . •
ow 11•10. , ry, ifr,
Itete.timw. /...ituau.t , a ( ; :i. Lana,, \ las,. -\ c, N
Ire.— : 1,., , , , a , ..; 7,, ,i , ...., , ,..g . :, , t,, ,, ,, ;i trizai. 4 \ . - :,, ,.- ,
.... .....•
1 .4n,Y.7 .1 .1'`.::.'i1.1.';',. : .,`217`,1',.".':".'' . * - \ \'' . - \-
T. it heel ry,,,,-,1,06 . ..,1i... Kr. ' - . \,. .
=:;:lt„"k.V:.t%);"."l: t ;.,`'" d ' "' . ' \
. •.:
•,1. : ..1 , , it.... A ..., .. r e ',i.e.
J. , Charm.\\ \ -
~, rL,;:-. .11,tttPtatn,
• kr,p tA ll,l ' ,l, ' ,Vnt,'Parn
4 1.. k 4% —II llitm.l.loehonot.•, D. C. • \
. 4 .' . .
.. \
J. VI rliira At Co . hew li leatim.
a ut..n. W 4 a C0..Y..r,1445....1..11.0z. ..
v c It.ell q ol o a 1., , San.Yrattela, eal , ' ', \-•,, A Ain, li ..t.i......1.1nre15. ,\ s ,
nx silt.,
Chilton a I.ilyr; all.. Mel, tr . \
ltitrelzia ,. .S.4, ..I:ix .,, mifli.f. ; it lei. ,
\ '
4 .: .., try •r. r-. reenleme. li I. •
I li Tumer, Y. h. tie_
\ IV , ,ule. k_rtart .
rett a I....ettteinnkti. 0- ,
.0.1(1.11 Oa NIPS t ` \
\ _ ~ ‘
t , r:\ \\•\ ''
, \
\ ~..
's, , \: '
dei Iroce ....,
,lira d.,ei. 1.1,11 n 1. ,Potued. KG4 to lobo.-
.ry of Ir Ml
i 0,. 1. rier.itrituent thetieronte
ern,to I. 11.. tiri ennettin mendhe alt the re
, rKI.I 4 '1,4.1 0. 4 I ,1141 1.114, cid 41ne..1 and en...titre en:, .1.1 'quit!. end riot. y.
..‘1 , ....,.. ut. a. den the 1111 1, fefariute of Mien..
~.. uutil tr o .t. i th.t it ....o:d ie t In Dinh.: tut .
.1 ne,1.r.1.1.,1•. et bid len -oitt:t. to, idattet wad -
• ,!,.. ..,-. ..1 il•i tint et. thuife. \ad Culaueena
. Lt.- t.e - it 4,.1 et e1ei.t........t ,dl ft. •itetl pow-
I .I Inn,. torment..., .1.....,... of Ehtkin rOtonoa
.. ..1,.. Init. rte. et lwaltit.
ale.ity 1.. i . .'• 'et -, dn.) V - tortents. Caunk, flan.
1:104, 11,111 1110 . 0141 4 di..l .1 .01 .11111, 1 WK. W..
.eablear..l ttday.r..u..i...a...e.... an. 0r.....1i1y and ear
.. tivoil, , ,idi .1 ti th• .1, et il.i. ti,.l),lne. \ ,
, „ etittt. Ity/... tithder ellt.les
.1r J.;ditt I. P.,,,k, eir - It', with unuttint le
11444111.1 4 , .4 ,„,4.1,1. 4 ,1 fteil am able. thron.ili the Diets/ .
Pn,ridenee et tn.& Ault; the ...,mlevret Mae ...icy o
that ,aoille • t ruedwihr. 1111) SOU , I ctiow It.ek and he.
tat arilla, to 're ion 4... ~, mooing of, my elmoet botio,
let. ra,.... • In I e uloteiN..l i`die I wet etdarkni I,jll, K.c. \ '
•4414 1441111. 111114 • en. t r \limit,- esinalltig thraugh the X
whale rhait .ide .ed 1....\ 4 th...wws Du, here in.ll a toe \
. ,
. 1 proatratl ntd r phi. :'0 ,, ,1 ay...on alro, tar leg had t
't. rank to about t a thinly o IL. eurnitioo let I precut.-
. the Attetelwe. of ., abt\ pronoun
, I ay die..............,f. ie wdlid.Newta. ol lierrOnmelalaL
1 ti• ... 1 n .....iintf xuler \tit treatment nit I et.
\.ols•tde he .00ld not Lei etc. l t ten proCiired a /our
.1.. , lint pier.. W. A . et.... t , • lead,. of GuyesitCa . '.. . •
1 Id, Iva and ear \at, Ct., fr nt which 1 revel/ 17 a ..'
s•ft iitit.i",b.. it h . oild- AD , , het ten taken hat bolt). I ....kW. t-, t0ir.0. , ,m) 'nal 0...\.. Hien; any toctnt s
"1 ,1, 'M•••.". 1 .`• "° '' 4 '• '6' 61, -',' w." ....h,
."o.\ ,
141. It \port 1...,....1 6.1` I ketll.i.sti tdi ned tO MT ent t •
three tNittlll the tine, owl IVraniett - crite the re- `,
lure of My ttaith in sot othetroun: than 5 the ACLU/ \
of that *nil, - I - Ade:tide medicine, Cejectes flinw bath end ti.armeArill... \ tAAAEL VAL LIPYJt.
tlr J I. l'ert .liXer FIT I need, dm) lhe fore Ing oor- s
111ott+, and .en Ile aa am ruqualuted with the It la -• `.
II true. 1 erii7,l It 1, thinteig it might, be ato eft to
no ..1 to the, l ot. d. \ leo hoer the PliNepluar using
dr ,ou Mint 1..... Wee.. • W. A. litldditli. - . .. •
V"' 'l' ' V 7 , •i , le , .- . - •
The ,Ilowluz lett•re rite a huihlt reeeertahlophjedelsl3 ..,,
wl....pitie: - . en ettde re /ratline. . . C. I
etitce_dettrt nuttily, M.:N0v.1.1151, v'
Dr J\i D Ptit .11. i. lidr• Pr. Uo,otieldetßetef _ '
rder`deerai . ha. 1.. el et, 111..1 by me hir the Wt. Ult. i .
,etc., w.t e..... 4 ettecLi General DeWitt, law ar Cote. '''
Plaint. Jen Ike, li,tietoherel Chronic and /denude .
Die-at, t lu II F, ..../e lii \ delnte it certain)/ it
on illd, In IFI,. 11011 01 tlet turtle:Well. patient coutt.t
,'' . ' •
If gaits atretni, and stinir.*leet Worth, Of grant ten. - - ".',, • '
alteration. It la dedeatit t., thataate and atoll. and ran' ~.. . . a ,
* ~,..4 by t with moil the modelicate rtonacha. with -
.1,14, under ant 011en0.....‘ /, eta speaking Inith Mt• ; • .•
t ....nee, and to the tented I ads ie Da tee.. ^.. • •
alt J. S. LRE.P.r.Ie ..
1 , 1.1 by , J ' l ' I
,o. PAI tinned!, Obtooortheaat. Moat „ . * s ,
' •
\ n
oh F. our. en It Maui srtewt... entrance onUalnut stow 4 .
la If b u all o trit 1111/KL 4 iddrea..l. \ - '
J h. ,I .n Co U. A. kr.Lleortolik A 'Cdt.. \J. A. Jones, I.
..1 \
4 d. 0., r , OdoOurato bre. liadOhar l3 .- b llirabrl/7111 1 / 1 r
I. T. lit. ...11, 'A irlunetue, . IL ttent , 0,,,, n t,,,,,,,,,u .
Welty. ta trilWeni, , l3. KennUi t ottli , aet4 ennsl. Ulloarda, •••
d....11,...1,1 . ..... A 5•,.... , 1•1tad.1.1. - dvp:Mx(ltAllolli4ant.M.
11,,,,,.,„d I co_ Illatta; J. 'di. IVrighl, killtaan/ax:
Maw 5 C0.11,1..4:01. iA. WIWI tt Sen. Wallembitrg: ~,. . '
51rFarol,o1 a C . /... 71' 1 / 4 to 'rodeo, 11 willriktkrton ACo -
,1,144., Graham S ' Verker. erten J Hell/ A Co• 3)111 .• •. •
r. 1 1 . rn01n.1. 1 ...0r; O. uninition Wore= .1„;,' U
it. !tee+. ernelerro.); P. C 1er.1i...0 rtivilla. \
\ it
~. r.— , il I ‘. ef OO k; Six Xottki fa $5. • ..
\ A 111; , d1 . far
'f,',,,,gi.. .-,/,7 ,\,m,,, ~, .. ,thnon,Nronelitz.. • •, s •
I it. hEyspivs ' , lie oP 1L siNTP.—
.....\,lt ,„,.... eielthil tho 11.114 awe in Ftituetli
rate t e ho e.ii.: It .1....\0.t relay P. n, and meat/ the
eerii,” who tee s it liable to e I • .1 1- ever/ 1.0 el ,
olral Un t tj r, . , .. lt id j rovtly Oar 1 inlllt Itigted) -
\ \
et, et, 1/4 K.\ 1.1.1 fl uel pron nide a e'er., le
mm. ido t raii ef reion Cough.. Ildarete re
ly e ., eiite, It ih tew Ito ra. •,- . • \ ...-,, , •.. -,
sit hitt an ntirei,l Roo ad, ,--The old urban...l.o*
alteleten th ...mrt \ and ,r. laro nauwe r wllllels tom .... ..-
nt.egreeable tau 11,,runah I wit 111, la arlared * a -, r '
trii..ittore. or I.t_tit *plea.. mettiliatt teetlti e ....l -:/.•-
\ v \\..
will oun—or f entmey toll de ro diatfetlf-Tldet enrain
Getir nf tint me .Itn in our it 4 front our oto tited*:•• • •
,bould'euneinee or ove nt Ilse.. .It isMeedff i tipt
.. -
teii of a regular `phytlcion,, not h mad \by 3. - `e 1
lii. own Nk., a nupilor o ea*. 1‘1116\olorodo“. •,,.. 1,
i 1114.21.4. It —A het/ frtertltrolon Pile
, I.....thter bad teen ateicted with semi e
nano.. I.t.ttle Lever, end Id
./inetiono id ce.o•timerear•lnitbet ant
tier 1.,...... tttrely c1...1. A atoolon
•ant who hal...igen. \ with artbros 3
for rt-ht year.. be. been entirely Mlle/
removed, lit the low of ha%.l.ltitiof I
tor al tyro.. * orrdOinan fn. nor
thet - 1.-Ittees the Vector I Syttaplt
for be bee used It in Ina nen et.:
menthe. el hli. (mini/. •Ith the lona
/I .. nee el M e rns ntelfe.f
o , lea
halt -Met totitea et to e out, 14 n et R. WIWI,. 111101.11410 , 141KK/
0111 melicine. o betel all the tune. ,
torten and eldinseimie related.. eV.
Cc .41 and titieatra .1 the nant..• ~
(:41/1111.1. LAKK/3 —SI AD, err... , ..1:1
of the retinue utetru . I
If you want to art veldt.. tdr K.
..I.lake tar other—lt will eur; , 17,..,,,,
the m,1,.1 valuable /tante anJ ~.,,,,.
and id routended e/ • ...Ito ,kill
/hi,. eau hello.derveou ift this tn.
in ' on, oat eat, arid the eropne
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