The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 10, 1851, Image 3

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    , •
•• • I
. 1 41 • C.OOET. OF 017:8. AND
Dtcestaka 8.
Ron. Wm. B. McClure, President
tJtbigti•-eand T. J. M'cMilJan and William Boggs,
t' t tti rlit wealth vs. WilliareLlickey, Indictment
ta r tlrtrirodleged to have been committed in /hoot
illitpDector Forshe s of Mc'Keesport, lathe month
For September: •
l'•,'•.'i,Afeenw.•fi. 8. Magrair and F. C. Flanegin,
1 , - 11 -P14019d 'on 'behalf of the Commonwealth—
Ideeltri.:lll."'W. Black, and W. W. Irwin for the
I',"Ahtiost the what e day was occupied in empan
• trials% a jury, and in the afternoon, H. S. Ma
;;grew Esq. opened the ease on behalf of the
t Dr. McCracken etworn,On the sixth of Sep
ttember; I was milled to, examine the body of
irrederick L. Forsha, in McKeesport. Found
. jthst smelt nail had, entered the left side, and
ithe heart, almost immediately. The part of the
;duties which it entered, was the left ventricle,
peter the hose of the heart. Extracted the hall
- firm the pleura. This would nesessarily pre
y:hied death. A young physicitut of McKeesport
assisted me in making the post abater' examina
(hoes-examined—The' bullet was a small one;
the coroner has it in.his possession.
MOC4Of et. R. Hill 81901121—Wai present at
'the poet martini examination of the body of
:Doctor Farah:, Found that the ball had pen
:sit:rated the breast near the fifth rib, shatter
'deg it, sued penetratiug the pleura, and left ven
tricle if the heart, We Coned the ball be
tween the eighth 61:11 ninth ribs. In my judg
, mutt the wound was undoubtedly sufficient to
, produce death. I fleet saw the body fire min
sites after the deceased ;was shot, I heard an
Alarm st the door, and as soon as I deemed, and
'crossed to where he lay, he wan dead. Mr.
James Morrison, was there, and the gentleman
- who keeps the drug. store- before which' he felt,
ldr. I:furnish,' and Mr. Moak, I think, though
X 'could not be positive as to the last. The body
lwattlyiegan the crosswalk' which led to to the
'drag store.
A plot of the ground,was here exhibited.
1 Ire was lying in this position when I found
him. 'Felt his,pockets, and found a wallet, and
a common pocket knife. A warrant was issued
for the arrest of Mr. Dickey, and we went and
• , msethim coming out of the house. He acknowl
edged that be bad shot 'Hu man, and said that
:he Intended to give himself np to the law, though
• luot till after soma of IN told him that he had
Ibetter, or enmething Atte that.. Ile admitted
lthstalso in the Magistrate's office, after which
• lwe'removed the body to a barber shop, in the
• :home that Mr.' Harrison lived in. We took it
lint., the front room. • I did not then make an
l examituttion of the body.
Cross-examined—Thia was between twelve and
,''One o'clock in the night. Was at home. then.—
Iliad been absent prise to that time. Was Mr.
I Miekey's family hsician. Mr. Peter Baker,
iMe. Wolf the boro p ug y h conateble. and myself met
the defendant coming oat of William fieuter's
{house Some of on told him that he had better
s!vet himself up. lie said that he was willing
,ito do no. Don't recollect of his saying that he
h .
• had been attacked. and shot Forsha in self dm
. !tiara- He said that hOried to shoot him in
'the arm to disable him. Heard part of what
occurred in the Jcistice'e ace. Did not hear
say that he . 41 ., 38 afraid of his life from this
emu Forsha's violence. I was not in the office
all the time. Remember that he said his wife
. _
yeact sick that night,andlthat he was out hunt
. log for it Doetor. fie said that his wife was so
alofttl:Utt night that she ira• not fit to stay alone,
suid that. he!would give himself nn in the morn
' if they vomit up feC him. Dori:t recollect
of his saying that Foreha had pursued, and
Baultei him. I don't recollect that he said the
' deceased had caught him twice, and torn his
Coat. Heard some conversation of this kind.
'bat don't know mho avid it. I, left the prisoner
la tho megittrate's °thee; and went to where the
body lay!. Thant were thee twelve or Owen
.• People lathe office. • This deceasedwas sir feet
-714 h—rather under six', feet. Mrs. Dickey's
wee bad, though not In any danger of her
She ivas laboring. Under no attack of dye
' e mery. When the defendaut was coming out of
Illmiter's, Wolf introduced the conversation. I
ffeald he had better give himself. up. .Could not
thttt Mr. Peter Dvker was the first that
• „evoke tp Dickey. Mr. Wolf, I think r apoke first.
l'The gate of 'Mr. Hunter's house, is about sixty
eat from the building. The conversation
place there. I did not see Dickey till he
:got close to the gate. Ile was advancing to it.
Mr. limiter has gonodown the river with a load
...of ploughs, and has been away for about six
`.7 - : mike. He is a Ilackarriith by trade:. Dickey
, l eas, aloate•when wei ELM ' him. I auppose we
iwcre the first to communicate the fact of For
. 'she's death. It was probably about one o'clock
,i.w.en we went to his honse. Ile naked us
yiltether "the man wits bad hart." fluth before
aid after he knew the man was dead, he ex
.ressed bia readiness Ito' give himself up. lie
"told me that he had been looking for ma that
'night, and my.folks told me that ho had been
there .tio or three times. Dickey made the
• trout' workof wagona and Hunter ironed them.
Exiinination in chief resumed—Think Wolf,
t echo to the borough constable, said how do you
dn,Ml. Diokey; they - shook hinds. Wolf then
laid that be had a warrant fur him
William Honaish s worn—About the middle of
'the night, I heard some men talking on the
pavement before the hoUse. I rose. and looked
out, when saw two men below. I was in Doc
tor Penny's office abbve the drug store. Tho
. .
; Virst thing I asked them what they were fighting
Zifitr. Then I told them to quit their fighting,
sand they made me no answer. The trot thing
:;that I beard said, Mr; Hickey said to Kariba,
g.yroil .. i . re what I said you were."
i„Thin was after I had spoken to them. Knew
Farah& by his voice. The first thing that I then
„' saw; was, as I oupponed , Farah& kicking Dickey._
, gDiekey.said thrit's enough of Hist, l'orsha. and
iistepped two, or three steps sway, and For
followod him, Pomba asked Dickey wheth
?:ger he still said.he was what he raid he was, and
-.'flnlokey said he did, nod repeated it. , I spoke
'';o Farah's, and sliced him if he was Doctor
~torahs. He turned round, nod ssid ho was, and
lked about sit or eight feet, in a different di-
,„;'.notion from where Die'key WM standing towards
21farket Street. I asked him,
who it was ho was
, Ifighting with. Ile said thillson of a---.
••Dickey I asked him what he intended to whip
.",ihins -for. Ito said that he had a small bill
:,:eigainet Dickey, arid he presented it, and Dickey
:iblackparded him. Dickey said something et
the time, which II could not distinctly under
'..3,stand. Foraba answered I kicked you, but I
. did not strike you 1 ens a sick man but I can
...... whip you Dickey Said something more which I
.. , , , t=d not understand, the latter part of which
"you are •what I said you were": Pomba
•:-:• says, "do you say so" and, run towards him.
1- The fiat thing a ft er that, was the firing the pis
-otoL Both parties, were within my view, all the
Ohne. Forabe:e back was towards me, hot I sop.
• , pose he was three or four feet off,•when the pie ;
~.c. l was . fired. Believe I heard Dickey say, when'
, arab% was half way towards him to stand off
' "'JIM' his distruice. Nothing else thst f beard
'•:-?;?iwas said: After tho pistol was fired, Ferrite ran
''.:a' :. ,and said that ho was murdered, and that Dickey
hie murderer. .Forsha was not armed far-
X,ither than having a cane, ' As he , started to ran
,: i tawards •Dickey, I beard .something drop, hot
.-,. could not say that it wits the cane. Cross ex
, amine& - Had been In bed got up sad , pot my
i? . ahead out of the RilOdOW. I epoke first. Knew
;' tForthis„'lnd not Dickey. • My fleet question,was
"•'lwhaf were they , fighting' about, Did not see
•::: iDiakeji attempt 'to strike,
; a blow. He sold to
"Fonelta. yon are what I said you were. , They
;wets close together, probably one or two feet
!ispart.' Think 1 saw Pomba kick Dickey. That
; ;WWI my opinion then. Saw Forsha make a mo
4titut as If to kick him. Dickey did not resist,
..and started to retreat errand a post Ile must
• thin walked about fifteen or aiiteen feet For=
: ;es and I were talking while Lickey was going
( away..l, Liked him why he wanted to whip him.
Itwas natural for me to suppose he wanted to
twhip him for he had made a demonstration to
/do wt. There was no violence on the part 'of
Dickey. Foreha said that he' had a small hilt
• • spinet him, and that be presented it and be black
'guarded Mau:though he was snick men he could
whip Dickey. Dickey wns 14 or 14 fent from
iwhere Foraha kicked him.' Think that Forsha
ibad his cane in his right hand. Dickey epoke
ivory low, and Fondle vcryloutl. Did not ace the
' !slightest attempt de Dickeys psrt to assault For
' ,sha, until the filling the pistol. It was light
!. fenough for me to pee whetherthe thing that fell
i form Forsha, was a cane or not, If my atteation
'had been directejto it They were them be
. !tureen 80 and 40 riot .rtpall. "It took Fondle near
" Is minute to reach Dickey. When he first start
_ ;ed ha: ran {with great 'force. When he first
i started, be said "do you arty en," Rod that was
;the list thing I beard till ho was ehot. Dickey
said "stand oil" or "keep your distance" and
those were the last words 1 heard him are. .11e
' did not say to Fondue, "you hare beaten me twice
t to night. and I want, you to •leave me alone".
i Dont know 'that Foralia had a sword osne. When
• 31 saw Forsha kick Dkkey, I laughed. ~'1
. Doctor mil recalled-1 was in *house from,
..- alto o'Clock"till, the time I was called by this
disturbance. - •Tt
William blink sworn—Reside in M'KeesPort,
' too the Diamond, adjoining the drug store. ' The
„I Deist thing I know about it, I beard tome loud
I le talking on the street, went to the window and
fi lookird out—saw a person walking stone on the
.:`, side walk, arid at the some time heard Mr. Ifor•
'?,nieh hag', Doctor Ferrate, is that you. The per.
--; eon who watt walking stopped under my window.
'?? The, answer toldr. Ifontreh was yes ; Mr. 1101t
nin li then asked who are you fighting. or nuke..
. riling ' with? He said it was that fusing some
oathe) of Dickey; said be, "be owed me a small
-;;pill. and I presented it, when he Insulted (or
-, .....iblicalvarded, I muitiMzerMin) me. . Ttio forr
son that had stopped, said, well Foram you
are what I said you were. Forshit said, do you
say so, and he said some other things that I
didn't hear, because I turned my head to listen
to a question from my wife; and then Forsha
came towards him. Heard him drop his cane,
and he slacked hie pace as he came near Dickey.
He was running when he started. Mr. Dickey
said to him "now keep your distance" and im
mediately raised his band and fired. Foreha
then put his hands to his breast—let two or
three Jinni= out of him and said "that be was
murdered—that he was a dead moo, and Dicky"
—I heard no-more because I left the window to
go down stain. • Forsha was ten or twelve feet
from Dickey when be dropped hieratic and was
i not six feet distant when ha woe shot. They were
In front of my house when the shooting took
place. The time which elapsed between the
warning Dicky gave and the shot was very short.
It was almost immediately. I saw the pistol.—
I then went down. They both turned after the
fire, nod Dickey was not there when I got down.
One of my young men picked up the cane, which
was a hickory with a crooked head. This was
a quarter post irtefte.
Cross etsmined—Forsha called Dickey a --
of a ---. I inferred from what he said that
he had presented his bill just then. Saw no
violence on the port of Dickey until the firing.
When I first' saw Perish, he was running rapid
ly. .1 heard him before I .now him. Judge be
was angry. It was a very light night. Woo
not cloudy. When (first looked out, Dicky was
walking along iu front of my house. Forehn
was by the drug store, talking to llornish --
Think it was hardly a minute until Forsha fol
lowed him. Dickey turned round and stood
Forrba 'had answered Ilornish's question.
He was walking past my bowie when I first saw
him. When Hanish asked the question, Dickey
turned round and faced Forsha. Did not see
Forsha have k hold of Dickey,
The Court then adjourned until nine o'clock
this morning.
8., Parker sworn-1 heard several
persons walking down Market street I atippos•
ed, by the noise, they were quarrelling, el-fight
ing. I went to the door of my own dwelling
house, near the drug store. When I went to
the corner, I saw a hat lying there, and after
ward, lorsha came and picked it op. I heard
the man who was leaning against the poit (Dick
ey) say, Forsha stand off, you have followed ma
far enough. Forsho said he had not struck,
but he hail kicked him—l then heard Flemish
call to Forsha, out of the window, and ask who
he was fighting with. Fondle, said it In. Dick
ey, the son of a --: that he owed him n
small bill which he he had naked him for, and
he had insulted him. Heard the person who wax
with Forsbn, make some reply, but I could not
understand the words. When. he spoke Foreha
became very much enraged-:a-threw down his
cane, and ran towards him. The next thing I
heard was, the report of Forsha then
cried that hews shot, and also added that
Dickey was his murderer. Ile then rau on to
Market street, and fell opposite:Mr. ?tong's door.
I saw the cane after - it was picked up. It was
a hickory cane, with a crookedhead.
Groes.examined—llearil Dickey tell Forsha,
to keep away from him. that ho had followed
him far enough. Saw no violence on the part
of Dickey. After Forela had picked up hie hat,
and ran nt him, Dickey turned one Way and For
eha another. For:ilia Appeared to he very much
enraged and frantic.
Heard Hornish laughing very heartily; the
laughing occurred after the first assault. For.
she ran with great violence toward Dickey; did
Oct hear cne word of iusult pace Dickey's lips,
while I was there; he did not appear to try to
get away from Forsha; Forsha appeared more
excited after Dickey's last remarks; it was about
midnight; it was a clear night.
A Atwater met Dickey neat day,who (in answer
to his questious,) said the shot was fired from
Atwater's pistol, which he had been carrying
because “these fellows had been bullying him,
and be intended they should do it no More."
Thought his eon loaned Dickey the pistol. Dick
ey was formerly a constable.
John Stely. sworn—Saw the parties in thiat
occurrence on market street near Monk's dtalg
store; think it was twenty minutes before the
firing of the pistol; I spoke to both Dickey and
Forsha as I passed; Forth& named me; don't
recollect that Dickey did; I passed on to the
middle of the Diamond where my business call
ed me; heard the voices of twolven, but did not
know what they said; recollect hut one espres
siert, "Stand oil or keep your distance," then
followed the report of the pistol.
Coroner Arthurs testified to haring held an
inquest on ♦deceased; defendant was not pres
• Samuel W. Fondle, father of deceased, stated
he tied been subject to oboe it
would take four or five persons to hold him.
Morris Roberts, sworn—Was acquainted with
orsha; boarded at flarrieons; he was sick for
some time previous to being that; he had n
spasm of eight hours duration; saw him at the
lecture the evening he was shot; he was lying
on a bench; asked him how he was; slid he was a
little better.
Tho testimony (or the prosecution here
closed and W. W. Irwin Esq., °paned for the
James Ryan, sworn— , Enw Dickey at Dr: Ifill'e
edhes on the night of the oecurrouce; he conic
there two or three times, between the hours of
eight and 'ten o'clock; he wished to see the
Frederick Mpak,swore--Reside in M'Keexport,
Dickey came into my house about nine o'clock;
said he was bunting for the iDoctor; be staid in
the house about an hour; Forsha came into the
hociso afterwards: they were there together, they
aypeared to be very friendly in their conversa
tion; they drank together. Foreha asked Dick
ey to drink several times: be said no; said, Dick
ey.l want to pay you that little bill I owe you,
how much is it? Forsha replied two dollar. and a
few cents; Dickey then said, "that medicine did
not do me any good;" . Forehe said it wee not one
min in a hundred that it did not help. I then
left them: they were very friendly; Dickey com
plained of being sick, that be had the rheuma
tism, •Forsha also said he Was not well; I abut
up my house near eleven, o'clock.
Wet. &bomb, sworn—lteelde in itl'Keeeport;
saw Fersha on the night in question,' between
my house and Mr. Munk's. I heard some loud
talk while in my room, and came out on the
porch and saw who they were; I beard them
quarrelling about a little bill owed to Forsha by
Dickey; the bill was for medicines, Penh, talk
ed very angrily; ho called Dickey a
eon of aMr. Dickey wanted to go up
street; Forehaloid hie hands on or caught him
by the shoulder and called him a coward; Dick
said he was not; Dickey attempted to lift the
Doctor's band off him; deceased said not to lift
ale head off oi KS would hit him: prisoner quit
resisting; deceased mid be wee not himself, but
he could whip prisoner. He said to_prieoner,
"didn't I use you well?" prisoner said "yea;"
"didn't you come to my house at midnight for
medicine?" "yes;" "I, gave you medicine," said
he Doctor, "worth $3 00, and only charged
you $2 for it;". dickey said, "don't talk .10 loud,
people Will bear you; let us reason the ease:"
the Doctor,aaid he "didn't care -a d—m who
heard hick he had money to pay hie way;
he didn't care fur any one save the Almighty."
Witness heard two persona coming down street,
but did not look who .they were; they moved
away from the spat where he first saw them;
he went into hi' room, and they were talking
civilly and quietly together First saw them
between eleven and twelve o'clock—it might
have been Meek minutes afar that he heard the
pistol go off, around the other corner; Dickey
tried to get away from the Doctor two or three
, - Perry Baker eardro--Saw'Dickey about eight
o'clock the evening of the murder; I was sitting
on a box in front of my. store is conversation
with another man; Dickey came up and asked if
Dr. Marshall was there; knew Forel, slightly;
hale heard that Pomba carried weapons; never
saw him have any weapons myself.
James Huey sworn—fled but little acquain
tance with Forsha; never heard much concer
ning him, until after this affair; recollect a cir
=titmice in which. Farah& was very angry; Fer
ran nod a young tuna named Thompson came in
to my office one night vary late; Forsha was an
gry; he said some one had insulted his family;
saw him wiih a sword cane; the persons were
Samuel Baker and a young man named Foy.
John F. %kelt mom—Went to arrest Dickey
the night of the murder, In company with Mr.
Baker, Mr. Hoffman, and Dr. Hill; met Dickey
at the gate - of Mr. Hunter's residence; asked
him how do you do; think I shook
hands with
him; told hint I wanted him to go up to tho office;
said he would like to go and tell his wife where
he was first; took him to the 'Squire's office; •
saw him the nest morning at Mullen's corner;
e was talking with &man; he had a basket
with some meat in it; he.did not manifest any
attempt to escape; think be could have escaped
had he wanted to the night he was nailer ar
James Dougherty sworn—Am it constable of
Itlt:Kee:molt recollect the •nieht. of Feisim's
death; flrsittaw Dickey in• the office; took him
to his residence and remained with him all night;
he did not make any attempt to escape; had two
warrants ih my posseas+u for Dr. Forego; one
for selling liquor.
George! Kenn, Sworn—Knew Forsba. Saw •
him with a revolver,
in my shop: I am a shoe
maker; Me pulled the revolver out of his pocket
and showed it to me ; he, told me he carried the
revolver for Slim Baker * and Jim Foy, who had
abased his wife; he said he would'ut have his•
'wife, abused; be also bad a sword cane; have
seen him carry the carry the cane in the streets.
Robert Holmes, Sworo—Am a constable; hare
seen Pomba twice; first saw him laXast itirat•
Ingham; he came there to hue lona, and
paemed a hundred dollar bill; I went to see him
at IdelCeeeport, at the request of 'Esq. Marts,,Wis put otiturtitard;that he was is the habit.
of oarying weapons ; I got hint to take back the
bill, and refused the goad money, and he gave
up the hone; he showed Squire Hartz a pistol;
he remarked he was always prepared in case be
was attacked.
Oross-examinedi—Was warned by John Nie
man, a livery etable keeper, that he carried
weapons; was warned. by others.
John Dravo, Sworn—Reside in McKeesport:
had some slight acquaintance with Dr. Forehm
his reputed character was that of a violent and
dangerous man; Forsha had been there about
six months; it was a general impression that
he was a violent and dangerotts - -man.
Morris Roberts, re-called—Never heard any
thing against Foraha's character, 'till this affair;
I wee in Mr. Zenn'a shop, one day, and saw
Forelm with a revolver; he said to was in the
habit of travelling a goad deal, and carried the
pistol to protect himself from robbers.
A. Jackson Brown, sworn —Knew Dr. Fornha
by sight ;' , neighbors - generally thought him row
dyish and quarrelsome; beard it repeatedly,
that he was in the habit of being on sprees;
from all with whom I have conversed, the con
clusion has been that ho was a dangerous man.
James West, Sworn—Knew Dr. Foralia; have
been in his company; I never heard anything
against hie character, rave his keeping a disor
derly house; I arrested him once for an as
sault and battery on a woman; I was aware Ile
Pomba carried arms.
Aaron Crawford—Had heard some things de•
rogatory to'Dr. Foraha's character MY a man of
peace; have seen him with a revolver; said he.
was possessed of a cent of arms, hiving a bo
som, dirk and a sword cane: told witness that be
fore he would suffer a man to insult him, he
would put a hall through him.
Dr. Hill (re-called) testified to the dangerous
character of Dr. Pursuit,
Hugh Alexander considered Dr Fortdia ra
ther a dangerous Man; nod that the people in
the town [lll regarded him; heard Forsha say
that had ho hod his revolver with him, when
Sam Baker struck him with a brick, the night
before, he would have given him lain quirt..
Samuel Clark also considered him a violent
and dangerous man, and he IF - s
reported to go
armed: have seen him with a pistol.
David Spielman knew he bad a pistol, and
heard him say ho was keeping it for Sam Baker,
if he would cut up any more.
The Court here adjourned, and met again at
seven o'clock, when several witnesses were ex
amined, whose evidence was unimportant. It
was proved that Dr. Eureka had carried a re
volver for ash,' time, hut evidence was adduced
on behalf of the prosecution, to show that. Un
der the circumstances, he wasjustifialde When
wo left the Court-room, at half past ten
P. M., W. W. Irwin, Esq was addressing the
I{ooll. MIRE.T.D.—A man POP arrested
last night by Mr. Frances i'mley, proprietor
of a clothing store in thin city, while ho was in
the tot of robbing a person who was into:sent -
oil, at the corner of Mom! nnil Wine, streets
GAS IN rue 'Cori, House —Last night the
room of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, was
ttl,minated by six miserable tallow candles, which
only served to "render darkness risible," on
a previous night session, Judge McClure, in
view of the danger attending an roil front the
Court !louse, awing to the darkness mid steep
steps, warned the jurors and spectators to be
cautious, as a fatal nceident had_ occurred a few
evenings before. We presume, however, that
the County Commissioners will introduce gas
into the Court House, in a Short time, in arm',
dance with the instructions of the two last Grand
C 011111,1.11. —Not a tingle offender wet
committed to prison yesterday, try any of our
711agiatrates, charted with a higher crime thou
A7O O TAMES lILAR.ELY, Europe:m.4;A
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1.4 btls, 1..114 and :3114 nod fn.. 1.4.1. n no tb. mh.
1:1.4 and D. 14 of !very. 5..111...
The Ciplr 410.,41)1...... t•ark.!. mil from N.. I'.o.
and nt. It.• 1-I an.llMtt ol oiomh.
A W. 41, Liu. of 1,z... fr.t. Ivrerpoul to n,. or.
Pally Liar 11. r malerant, from Nrar. York, by Etrain
boat. Hallam& or by Cattail and
Paaarnawm will Pram attention, mai ml•lra ir•
art el:m.111111i at O ta m ~oi•.+,a W. Tara it C., Kb,
Ui,. mai rt. filmraa'a _ •
J. T. TaymMt Cr., MI :Math .treat, New ny at
the otira of Om adrertl..r. corner of tqatli mai I..kborty
stroctr, f.ittYburah.
Perrone. Twidnag in lb. I oiled States or who
wish to*. orl for their trim., to any Tart
Ireland. Scotland.. r %Val, rao make the 110 . 11 , 00, ar.
aommto. 1 ai,limalen to the •o...cri,s, and hors
them brought ,o
cot by any of tb. al 1-e
(which ram, (mat Ifs, to On tons hors btu./
or by ant rlas., Merchant thin, co laviumble b,re, by
way of.Lireruocol. drn
la,cnw. Their tre.,ueoe,
or nailin pr- ,lea the Onsmiblial nt 1.101. 1.,...uce can
SVcl.Ol , 011,1 1,0/.1,111 to 0.... 1 tri,ann.
Philadelphia. Charhertnn. 1134 rdavannah Inree't
remittance* In •tuall tr larde formd, : a. , 1101101.
JAti I, 111. tK El. V
McHenry's Philadelphia dc Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philinielphia on the
nth. and I.lvemul on the In ..r ..•h worith....Wa."2
!"n.~ni q.
71:f In
" !;1,1t1.1N, e :•'3c.lll7.ll;:n:Trtet
(net...! IV. W Wret. /Suter.
The alwiro eldpe are built of the nowt
otider.ol.i. and aro nobril 1.1. the raptlity of their ',owe,
(h. y fitted up with all Weed inipnwemente. ate snort
thiirouetily tuntilstrth sod ant unaarpatetiil tor their at
entoinctiattope for Neeteid Iblan ariti.Obeed, ra-.hoteti
they are commanded by met of areinowledged Lebo, who
are utbenzlhal for their expertenre ttio packet beerier
denim. of brinaina their itieurie trim the
tMun*y ran obtain errtinew.e of a .... . whirl. will Ir
and for techt month.. .a our aaente rn Indand and LW
erpotil litrntrh them with the proper infbrabdion and
tan nn
relative to their departbie.
For the reitiventenoe al atiotenxero wletitiir to rend nto
fixply dratto herd eterlii, and dawerd. stlo
theight without tn.:out:it. whirli will embed by any at
e Kaman or Pool Mee, in the United Kingdom.
1114 - I'neriesene mat plied Preee6gere ee•11616.: re./16 leleell
P l,l .
Ever, week the 6illoerloc ettppllee •rlll I. (6rolehe,l
m E h ~,0 6. 0pe el 12 'run ar.,l weer 11.1% 1116 Mea1 , 11.6 rlre.l. es. lea, 6 111. eat/zeal. lh encar, 116. Ilecti
l te lb. 0 11 .1 61 . 6. 6 6 64 lb. Peel , 66 , 1er 1. pee, 14 666 ti
Iba bre6letulte, 1 IL. perk, full allevesnea of wstei end eln.
eser, and aliewsnee at tea, sugar 6161 tunlewee6
‘11.1166111r 4 0.,
No. Ti Woo. kr,..t.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow
r Glasgow and
', New York
s a m
O•nnpan grotto! n0;0
gl4 if 1...400011., tong amp •
N polo, N onorart. Ilgto of M. en.
ntrd ..uner",) rn.mandot, I. appoint.' to gmli 11,10 N•ft
York 01r0it for Marco, an I , gltf nut. 141. of Decrullwr
next, at 1. o'rlork. noon.
PirstLin (stovrlarrs fr. t0e1[1404.1..
inrlll , fr provlsiuur. but ned win.. or liquors,
wtirh wilt ba oupplirql brunt, at tiwo.l.-Psto pra-r.a. Car
rie. • Prpu. Frauritat of 1,...,4, .4 per rant
. ,
Far trnlabt nr , Nerd, to
J. ltc.SY HON. II Eroartnny .trent,
NEW 11/1:15.
... . . . .
. .
The NEW YORK, 2100 Nun, asul ISO hors,
ennh.rt to tt., (11/to:my.) will be on tb. first
AllEsll'f'fliNCES TO ENtLANI),
11, LAND, heOrLAND, AND 11 ALF..—.l.txr... LT.
..0 the firm If 1.11.1,1, a Co, •11.
shit drutTAID 411,11. lirignia 4,4 Irelont airs, on Franco
anJ liertnauy. Mlle, with ‘ I. t
1 , ./...etotr•re Warn n00n...) corn, 1.1 I.4t.erty nod eloa.
.0 front the oIJ eolintr,....oNi on the
mots !a rorfhle Isnolei shoo. Into New Yuri: to VittelturtL.
sod any port of the %nit
Drag Store For Sale
no.l retail boAinea+. la a itorouith .4 1 / a ny
I.nquira ItTVIS nod parlfrulara of J. a Ca,
War,' ntat..l, and J. M. Toaco.nd, Slsrkrt ht,
,7.1 f
Exchange Bank..
AFE I V SHARES Of; thim St wanted ,by
•022 A. W11.1,1101*10.
g lORNELIAN RINGS!—A large, assort
imwat or varloun nitro ,urt rated at
1.'24 . It. 1111111/1111110IN'S, MI 11•
d If EESE-11/0 bores W. It., for vale by
I rib% • AW. WAR 11•11011.
DOT ASH-8 bbls. for sale by
1 . .nc,21 r. 1 W. HAI:BAUM'.
I OSIN-100 bide. No. I, for sale by _
anal A W. 11/11tBAU1111.
HEESE—‘I'2.2 boxes Cream, for sale by
o , _l JAAIP.A 1 1 •1.7.1 . 11.1., CO W• 1, . 1 _
IILA SS-100 bxe, ase'd sizes Window, for
LA oale by JAME! ,, DALZELL
7) ICE-111 tierces Fremli, for sale by
no2l JAM r. s DALZELL
RAPPING PAPER—Straw Wrapping
V arTra, NN.r"." atalYaLL, sr,
_ _
t V LI, PAPER--Franch and American
lV•11 Paps and Romer., for old,. tor
VIM IRON-60 tonedenny Lind Furnace
fur .du from the AliceLenhiYherf. by
nettM J. u IL i7/(YD.
11 OLL BUTTEIt—I2, bbla. primo . fjp: . r . nle
LII, b, not) Li' ''. !"" ,-,.__
te UCKAVIIIEATFIOUItSO sacks in store
`1 sod Mr Pale by tio2D l. t IL. PLATO.
_.— ..
FAY FISH received tit No. 56 Liberty rt.
Sm.' No. 1 Mankend In BOOS Nen do. do. In kiln , .
. '. Mien Snarl In bblo. Ono. Rona Son Codtnh. non
Palmon Ail this fall's curio.; for Nan by
nrAt W. A. WeCLI.InO A CO.
Valetinized India Rubber Soling.
L ir UST.REC'D, a large quantity of various
thicknesses of Vulesolsed IV« hare ampler.
sn bsperienned workman to solo sod baiFenle
Red gentlemen's brnte, !V., and WIPP.. Ire now In
vite the &Wenn,.o of the tint,. of rittebareb sad rbizr
Ur to this bonne, whieb has tweet growing to favor with
the es , taro pohlio Wr the h ' ot foe lears wet reeatomeng.
log inwjf, es It doe& for It. Dawns,. farageblr wet Cgs.
fort. and as • greet preserver of itt,ALru. &sorrn neon
rot Introduction to the PeoPle , 1. o
trolls ltdbber Depot. Ito Market at.
New Goode—Third Supply for:the Seaton.
All, lo:hi pt : j a r: !Ink THIRD 'RIPPLY o
?Tan . 07 1 rada nlbbona. ' adnnass, , VOW; and Rlnt
Surfs. and mica. tabor tioacts Ar earn to-day. •
liatnortheast comae of Vourtn and Marko. atteetn
WAsittistiTON, Dec. S.
Spots .The Senate met at 12 o'clock to-day
pursuant to adjournment.
klessra Baldwin, Rusk, Butler, Rhett, Ball,
and Downes, appeared and took their seats.
Mr. Underwood presented petitions from eiti
ten, of Pdousylvania, Missouri, Indians, Ver
mont, Delaware, Alabama. and New Jersey,
netting forth that the memorialists are agrieved
by the elections of Chaplains for Congress, and
for the land and naval service; and they therefore
pray that those obnoxious officers be dispeosed
with. The petition wan laid nn the table, until
the committees be appointed.
Mr. Bright said that time would he saved if
the Senate would suspend the rule, which
required the committees to Le chosen by bal
lot. Ile moved to simpen,l the rule, and no ob
jection being made it was agreed to.
Mr. Bright then sent up to the !'hair a lint of
the Oenietitters, mol muvrA that 'Let Le , feelered
elected, 'which moilon wa,. agreed to.
Mr. Gwynn presented several joint resolutions
of the California Legislature in relation to vari
ous improvements in that State.
Mr. John Davis presented it petition from
Judge Crunch of the Supreme effort, asking,
that on account of his age and infirmities, he he
relieved from the duty of serving appeals from
the decision fif the Commissioner of patents.
Mr. Dornes presented a petition from Mr.
Secant, District Attorney of New Orleans, ask•
ing for certain e,atra allowances.
Mr. Miller per tinned petitions front citizens
of New Jersey, fir an amendment of the patent
laws, so as to protect American Inventors from
the invasion of their rights by Canadians.
Mr. Shell: gore notice of o Inll to indemnify
South Carolina for moneys expended. mid et
ponmen incurred in the war mVtt, the Seminole
A large nurnter or petitions were present
ed, and others withdrawn from the files, after
(Ir. Bright gore notice that he would more
to-morrow, that dig role, he amended by pro
viding thnt tlio Secretary. Sergeant at Anus, unit
Door-Keeper of the Senate tie chosen on the
third Monday in December, in the first tirs4iati
of each Citogreas.
On motion of Mr. Gwynn, the hill establish.
ing a branch mint in Californm ran referred to
the I 'iunAttee on Finarree
All the other lolls on the Preeidnuen table
were then appropriately referred
Mr. Dull gave online of a resolution reituent
ing the Prenident of the United States to open
a correspondence with the Pr.-nide:it of France,
the ohjeet of which shall be the lateen:ton to
Atulei Katter. [Laughter I
The resatutton of Mr Gwynn, calling for the
cerr,potlenve from Mr. Niles, late Unorge
AlLiire to Satthotti, on the subject of IL ship ea_
uul to unite 010 Ellin. of the Atlantic with the
Dieifie r art, w, then taken up, otol, aft er
ROMP ilineinetiou iolopted.
!Dr Hide'', resolution, providing for tho elee
tion of Chaplet/1s for the two' houres wan Itcn
Inked up aml agreed to.
The joint resolution making land warrant,
niatitiatle, ieferreil the proper •
r. bill evilitig tie pis!,
lit InoJe to tie 01 their be
hug given with wit cent tO uatuxl velliers which
Mr. II ,d 1 er then introlorml two hilk, grant
iug tar lisetromt purr,-
MT. Seward Introduced hen joint Trenton,n
weltentolou kosiuth to the Nationsl \lrtropoli•.
Ile u•hed that it might Trod a ',Cr owd tune now
for tar purporen of noting it.
The Chair required the unanimous moment if
th e :4eunte.
Alt,ers Berrien and I tomena moved to lay the
resolution over, a Lich VW. agreed to
Nlr Shields iistrieluerd a resolution, which he
intruded to as on anietolionnt to the rent.-
tattoo of .%Ir snworil, preaoling that a eointitii
tee of throe Stbators be appointed by the I lutir
to introduce Louis bou•iiili to the S e nate of th o
United States. Ile said the se course was
pursued in ti, ease aut
E,L:b branch
or t'oogres received him venerably Ile pro
pound now to adopt a uluillar course for the re
ception of Kousuth Ile was now like Furst of
the nation, and if it 111 . 11,1 tbleaded to treat hint
courteouuly. it •lairial tie done in a spirit of
eourtril at lentil he could see 110 intpuiprirty
in receiving Imo in the union, proposed. and
was sorry that the ro,olutinti of the Senator,
(MK Foote., Loki been witLthown. lie was sur
prised, oleo, that the Stilettos Iron, Kentucky,
NI, Underwood, hail objc.tekl to that resolution.
to no pain id
euthusisaticalli received than in the old State of
Mr. Underwood dt.claimed hoeing any oljeo
tion, personally, to the reception tf lansvuth,
&rla giving him a hearty coireor. What Le
had oijr-Uhrl to was, the Government doing any
thing an ati tem . :talent. Ile oltyeeted to it, c
alder:tit. of the revolution at this time, and the
snlyect was aetuddlngly laid over.
Mr Clement. introduced a joint ret.olotion an
tboriztng the President It it..hfer the (revel rank
of Lieut. General for tli-dingtud t ed miller; ,ter
cieev, which aav referred to the c ..... totitee .
Nltlitary Struh-,
)Ir. 1 . 0111 1.. N ref,lutien declaring the Carnpro-
RIVIC a definue ttettl. men: of slavery
atm tile& taken op.
met nt I I e'elm k,
when the Spenher tntroknee.Hhe Qin...ling en.
tnitteea, The folln wing: nee the Chairmen .f the
roreign Affairs, Mr Bliley, of Vai Weis and
lileane, Heston, of Alatatuia, Commeree, Sey
moor or y. ; 'trrrt ori e, flichardsim:
llama Ininici; Pantie Lands,
Hall; Poet ifflice. Wok; District of Culu ud,ia,
Ficklin; Judiciary, Revolutionary
inittaff , Attaire, Johnston, of
Arkansas; MiWary Affair', Bum Militia, Peet,
lee; Naval Affairs, Stanton, of Tr.; Ronde and
Canal", Robirison of In. ; Patent", Carter,
The re'olutiou from the Senate, for the elec•
tion of Chaplain" of the two llousre won the,/
taken up, and, after some uppneitioo agreed to.
The Mouse then proceeded to the election of
Clt : lain. The nof twelve candidate.candidate.were presented. After ames
foor lintlehi, the Rer.
Morgan of ttio Methodist EideCopal
was elected.
The House then adjourned
Edo:Ata-31r llonotonorTesau, appeared to
day in bin neat
A number or petitions were preeented• among
them ono from eitiveus of New s.k. New Jets),
asking, Government to interfere in the cone 9f
Me. Thrustier, lately sent from / Puha to Spoiti,
under eentence of eight years /imprisonment.
Mr. Stockton eubmitted rbsoltitiot, calling
upon the President for infor ;Won ou the
Mr. Coss euhniitted sehother tesolution, net
ling for itifortont• iiiiiiiiiiiiii the bring
into the steemer Prometheus by the Giltieh
vessel of war Expres, i iiravt,n Nienrsugua.—
Tile first was adapted—the latter lies over.
A bill wan iutrinbiord to conetruot a canal
around the Folk of Si Mary',
A bill to a ❑ranch Mint in New
Vora won eutroduced.
Bills for the relief of the widow?. of (letterer.,
Worth and Jon. McNeil: coil for Or improve-
Anent of the totvie:allet t of the 1.14er
nippi; the taut of which. on °tenon or Mr. Dod
ger, hang matte flie venial order of the day
for Wtolnenday, the l ilt Llrettudorr
The tienate then tong op the resolution e-
tenthng It welcome to Konnuth, the toubjeot run
ton lengthy dineunslont,ttrenn Minnie Poole,
Bernier), and when,.
Kossuth received severe! nonnuinoes to-day,
but doelintst to make spy engsgetueuts for the
present. .
A dispatch was eel-rived from the President,
stating, that be would be pleased to welcome
him to the Seat of fiovernusent, and desiring
to know when he intended wittiting Washington.
Kossuth replied that his movements were un
c,grtaitt; and that it somewhat olouttifill
whether be would go to Washington et all. The
action of the Senate had made hie situation far
from agreeable, and circumstances would gov
ern his future action.
Bonros, flea.
Hon. Caleb Cutting aim yeeterday elected
Mayor of New Buryport ; Richard Frothingbaru,
Dem. Mayor of Cliarleetnn, MA :Mull. Walker,
Whig, Mayor of Roxbury. In Bolton, there
woo no election.
NEw YORK, Deo 0.
Cotton—The market i 3 firm, with further males
of 4500 bedew
Floor—Sales, 7500 bids. at $4 12,ie4 31 for
State and western, and 54 1196.4 31 for (thin.
Orain--Sales, 1000 buabele Maryland red
wheat, atlooc. per Int9hel. Sales, 2500 bwhels
mixed western corn at il2c , and 2500 buhshels
rye at 74ic. per busheL
Provisions—Wee 300 Ws. MOT pork at
$lO 25 for mere; prime lard in bide. at Pic.
Coffee—Sal. Of Itio at 81c. per lb.
Now 011LEAS:i, Dec 0.
Floor—Hales 400 bids. at $3 75 per bid.
Provisions—Pork le declining with vairn of
new mesa at $lB 74, and if old of $lB 80 per
bbl. Bacon is lower, with sales of old sides at
70., and of new at 'lie. per lb. Males prime
bid. lard at 7(irt7i, and of new, in kegs, HeS)
per lb. Ideas Beef is dull at $l2; prime do at
$lO per bbl.
Whiskey—Sales 00011619. at 18c. per gallon
Mclnnes—Saha 2000 bbla at 2:11e. per gal.
Floor—The market is firm. with a good de
mand. Bales 2000 Mita at fill:cc:3,o3 ? WA.
Whiskey—Sales at Ifti(i4llle ? gallon.
I Cheese—Sales 1000 boien at q ?
llogs—.The market Is firm, with sales of 4qoo
head at 41,50604.57) ? 100.
Prorisiona--Bates . 300 Ude, mess pork at $l2
- r ? hhl.
Spirits Turpentine--Sales at 50c 1,4 gallon.
Molasses—Salem at :306,:12c • gallon
Other articles are generally without change.
The river has fallen 8 inches since last re
V well known cortablihliment is still cum:
I hue , ' In Ih.ann. manher It ha. *hear t been. Th.
eit.* anal plettaant of het,. it, mythic.,
otte artant,ment., latt.ll the mutter. antl lt.s•tmett tr. ,
found them errnhthe te render, It .ran
~Y., 1 111 Ilia traveler .
OM' th.• firm 3 , ,13n Tiarker
t..gtc 1•.... t
•mfttnrnin 1, rviwuttio, awl
int ta..nrrL,, C 1.100111,,
the tr .10, and feoloer In 1 •1 11huloh.111n. to the nee
and .ver ~,,, .11NAN IT, 111 , 11.10101. In. N.oth
erbere •Iher ronrlno. 10 itTer 1 1 /thllll n 01 , ifh/ ,
T 11011,1511 10. any ensel - 10r hlOO
0 .0,0 1 0 ell Slorehent In IL.
I. l ollrd so,.
A b. e . AblnoPtl, 81.. Want 11 111TING1.1 1 :1(•
n 1 the In.,
Fri I ES . F t ' , st_trerior articles of— Porfamery,
41, l'n • tr.. r 1 vit.!, Chalk. ami other
6AAt'A —Relnut And ran, Vine Rnnd ItroarnAsnil
11 AAIAA.. AItrAAAS, Flaw, arid TAAAI
ILAr 1 , ,A. Wetrr, VA.
trAAIA lAA thA looniku...l.lAfA, I, 11Arr,,.. hAnr'.. Al. Cr, •
Ini l'AmAdv, AAA Artlrl,o La.rol Ham IlvAttorgoir,..
lam lA, f•IAI,A,AnAA, er, , intAluts-Ven - ,1 Ana LA -
Asir I, JOHN T
I` ANA And
Nlart.el AttAAL ImlAvo 11. I . l,HomiAlphia.
.lAn't lA,. that 11, Abe-AAA-AI
.1 [AA, ralestAve mAncors.A.A, ootA lAm
Shriver & McLean,
N.. Ss., ill Writ. hilll,l,
ONSII 1N 11 ENT :i of I [MIA{ and
' genando Toro o' on to o t rill.ll. n • ;111
ssor Isessl Innlens•nrss Ilk giv..ootaraeo..o .I.laas ma4.l-
ro-at o t of too. of Lvlnan hssu
news - —Mns,srs Ilnuarnn a Mills, I•lnpl.orsch•
DI,. F. Is llnsls•s.
NI, A Is., Isnusslsllls.
%Ir ,11.1. V. rl .r.
Matchless slacking and Inks.
cEL:q:uvri.:l) •• ",1 A• rII L SS
111,t'i ttttt okum I I.•r lo Ally pit .44,4
111.1..1h I AO l . Qum ) I h. n i .
r , r
r ‘1:1111:1:1I. No , II e,•aith t•IN”,
l'I”IvIelplak 1.1.1 11
nAi 1A1.1...1. Ru 111\1':\1;11 Sc„ h„l e .
i•••cic•clelphla •P• 1
L.. •
KALI , . BUCK Noll S.
IJj telcanicc. Nc. Norlt R ater cora.,
icc tctcryd•.l . l,lll•3riplata .c. 11•1
13A 1:1'131(111E.
‘‘. L14:II • i. 4),;
Flour and General Produce
iUTII HOW A RD. NES!! 11.01.11%0)R t:
R 111 R. In Th A TO TllO ! ,, of:
1. 0 IDA L NCRY I 1 ‘l , c ON C0N514.111.N1 , ,
fl•ring at liar. .0.1 •,11•41.x.• 14 Tranr,rl•ll.o
• kth au, rib, suakrl. ote .•••• r-wri. •
..... %LAY and T.,11 -t
mark.l pzltuu.,...
1 . ,•4.1,13i atsd r•PhlOr r - /1514:
I'..arau.rra•l ta.A
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherous.
ll t o rt i r 1...t54n too the/0ur...1,hr..
Ott. w Am/ .1.4.1r0i1. rortuo al.. of 111.. 410.
c4l-..nut t•Attotootal., .ITAO . I ....J o t:
1 1 .14, ,11 N.//1.4. 1.1 tar 1,..1t0.r.tA.0•
•Olt,LOr .tatttoottoit to Arlorb It I. Ett attn. who have
it • Mal.
. Airs Vote. Irrul
1 . • or 1 - ...4r—p•Atr r l lr--1 Atllu t ..l with • ru
tatte......ortoptk.Ll IL! ot • Eton! ...Ora tut.d
1.? not 1.1 r1.4.n dortott 16.1 g...n0tl
bar- bad Ito.•
td —toe Al 11.. moot nt
hot. , troJ .11 tt......,Ar0c10tt. tIo. I.mir 01111
...en. ~,,, t /. I
t.. Ir. t our 1 ....cit. rot.. I tn.(
et. o , rt. ut.l. ott •0.1 rt.t.rll
..r-.1111 l. 1.1..1,11 VIII tilt .JI
a, 11.11 hliuJ.
' 110 Ll•lues4 I•ta ru:t, Itrooltlytt.
11.1 tic \itt.afn l ..c~tut halt .
• ot. at .1...1. J.I/ tot myth .1d...A
1 .11, dawlrott I Arr.. told • , I" tr. 11.111 1 ro,pher
-111.1, ...WI I .1.1 1.. tot
41.11. .11 thn . 1 ....1••• , .1. to. 114
1 Itr.Ai.O a).
It soar 1..1f nrllt,otra. 11.• .:11h.
.1,-, • y .r.. 1...•....0.t1r A C Oar, • 1,111 r•
I::: •L .l
rry •111 t.rt•ltot.
oat 1.11,..
/ cut the 1111.t.r, toot 'Avast A,o, Nut • I,At
T 1....•
and .rattoto. groor.O., ito., 1 ....
tor te. -. . o so. Pr0t.....r
' l .l. .tltrtt •.1 1 ' 0utt....0.1 It o.
up., 11. opper Ilte rotonauoll,
not, rt t. to. loud o. tu
the Att.!it ittitAtztz 1 , t0..4..!.
U.. t. Lao, .1.1 11. u. t.r....A.•11 11....1.1...1t0 to
ll ol tl. •11 , 1 mat.. • 11,.
nn. .1 4 d a 1...., It utll tt ...1.••••1 td Arato,
go., Y. 4131. and other obtuatou..ll...A
uort•no...l It 1...1.11,1 pru , No.
1,1 L. 1 1 1 - ...41n p.r...r01v. hoot
ll.elitntodetates and C.c.l• aptahtt
oliWAillliNti & coNlAlissinti NIERCRANT,
( !ONTIN CIES his ormal locilitito. to roooiTe
. Tran•hipturin,
.. . ,
run.runr, hau. J..a1l µrun.
I.Anr.• run Ihr 11111.. in Canan all
Lnonsr, Mr.rling
MenJr..k , Unot A truing;
Mr. John sprvem
- •
Wm. • •
IL .
att.,:non buoirwn,
.„ .
AIIIIF.I. .1. W1.71'11E1:11 I, A. I, il i 1. (1111 .
F..rrwrAllse It. , Stm
I.l+ell+unu l l.4,l All,
t, le the pm. of 11;1 , 11.
1,14.1. 111111 lb. ....!
st, J.4.n Tborn..rn. tpuell ' , nut tt.
I.r Al..xamlor GE.nlou. Meth. A ,
Po.roueb. nuJll
).0 V . 1 , 1 .) C.:1'111"1 , Lt;,.. , A , t.t.,Te4
narolplc.lons prnmi.lll :
011 N 11. VANKIN. Attorbil and Own
s; Kt J... sort ComnavAnuar ft.r
P.OON, ilia. Louln. har l'itirburgb.) 1.
IV. V01 . ..m.1010z... •
51,1.16,re, John E
firmpl... ' 0.11.1 r.
- - • -
"71 • Mot ye. - . 7 .• L'e;
i/aik Mat. a
10 l'ul lb;
1 . 111.0..unas
, •• in
I sod .011 1., irAry IW.
iflitEEN A PPLES-50 bidx. ruril and for
l 7 verb 1., foil Y. A w. uAKIIOUILI
()Nl)(iN PICKLES A N Dsd UCES—lust
J n•reirni at No. ;:le; la; orly mint. n InCof Ctoun a
ta•lebralt.,l LE•bdati r,. Ate. and Amur., vom.
(-b... C 1,,..
Walnut., Hart,.
Pln , llll, Slothn•om lit•tehu, Walnut liolrhua.
:al 1..1tai1 . .. 4. ,, , t , t , tAu u m , t2 t r,t,t,
if kW NEIL WANTED—For 19 bdts. of Sole
Loather. left In eun, by lb. Monoodahrla W bar(
111nAter. with - It • a. $404.
• 1 1,1
. 40 1,1.10 fnr 0,11, %VICE a SIeCAN ut.use
bbb3. beet dry,fbr ardety
null .11 A. FA IllignTOCll
Doom , —
Cau Ile. Laudia, by L. I asoulCh , Ur Cho. Book:,.. .41.1 h, !!uncut,
New Carmlua Sturm . Seinlrthr, Cla-A DNA:
Normal &hunt Yong In .k; rl Ttlin.rattot
JUverillo ,
111.. 1111.0, by 1i..31ap,n;
Polo:MIA nltba,healmr,m. Benutlrt, of Cabalonlai
',may/ Minot:F..lw hut*: lUnton Tomperellich gong
Bunton Chnrua lbw*: I 1 1 nok:
Ala , —Th. Albalro”, • r,ry err new Katy: won/. by
It 11. Tarlydnu, 01114/1 by Sm.
ore bt h. C. Cotter,,
Tim hock of Aut.., tarred quartette:
The Swlto Hunter non.
Th. Illontner's Ctanhlatnt:
C'Th."""".. Ynug h Firm ll Tbrl4Tra l" .l7
cf.ll - hlun Of lb. thrblun hazy.
bnlet; k'innily, for
w hlly 1:1A1All DICKEY a
11204 • Water stud Front ea
M IRON—MI tons Phalli' FUinnre, for
tab from the .7114 , Ehrhy Wharf. by
.1. a IL FU)lh, Round Church.
/TANNERS' 011.-20 1,111,U sup., fur sal° ny
J. • It 01.,01(S.
AN np.gsß--I5 bozo; tale by
trCTI' -J. 140100,NEA14.N. a co.
Wheeling' and Pittsburgh Packet
;issis,, ,°l °V:t7Urs'ss ° l7s k iLs " i l Ls P t .t i : 1 2 "
to.. shpt." ar..l lomlng.. It.
Thr (•1.111 . 1, Car 11• our, vull 1r,.1u
burgh vb.,' Turbdwy. Thur.'s, and !boor - day, At lu A.
hu.. hrritug r,rry alcublar. biubbuut
day. sob Frblay At I A SI.
/or frelgb• pa•eace, herlnc superior en . o6lll ,o 6 , Peele.
apple OD le•erP. or 10 rll Gltlii A BINNING. /tie,
0019 N.rkol
The elip,r Sr IN ooe Pf the feeteet eoe
ostrurle.l tor the trelle Veeeepeer. AuPPer• , ^n de
dep.! .n• Per ruurs., the. [mete.
I DU . LAR PlTTsßuitiai
t . 1r -.TI • epleo.
• p ne pa.-/ket etee'ruer FtlitYST A
MPH , . h. Tpweer. htteeprieli ier eVellerllle every
dep. (eerepone ,upd •• 1”•••ele k. A ap.l rturn ,
lesive. le eiledl ewer, 0. het,. I. Th•
'Forret Clop eon. in ..nrieetP•n • lit, the Cletetawl and
Pllcebuegh I:Narne.“ I.•p.
Tint.-( Antos 1 1 , .n0m.71.1,1.
Frtiyht C DANN S. .1.:
Wheeling and Pittaburah Packet.
IAtF. REII,ei•
CH ),uninu park.t WN
t. in
Krul ,01
aur i. nv.rilin“. PI In
Interopot.o... put
H rat,. sr.. ',I tusk.. •
Th. II I SCHE,IIt. Copt lira II NI,. tr, ~II lour.
Pitt-141;0i Thia•dx, : At.l, 4 •TAtAsy. st lu
A. •I rrnMw. Mh. M..oday . M.. 1
vrIAI : mo •Ati d I rian,. st • A M.
. .
• I. r (;.•101.,r bay s..lll.rior en. msnletlnu..
1•11(171'1, I, . 3it.,
SlarArt '
TI.• Ir.etwr.t..r Ihe flotrot r 4.0.1,1...
1 . can .1,tk..1
her rtmlbarmr .11 11, r,lllmrl,
R s, I i
l'idivirfa JJ
ter. b. now !n/Amain rraulni lrlpr
Mir ray and WA , . hug, Iruring wl la
wren' Alrnilw, ...rola, raid lltblity. Ana rrturuing.
I PPPPP 11 bridling i.e.,' Turrility. Thurrday and lil•turilay i
In earn wrirk. lerr frrighl sir paruir.enply nu hoard. orb,
Anil:in/ONO A CHo7.bilt, Agrubs.
T i. • ible ie. I .11 the
And re, rnnotritrii.l lit, 11,
ran hur tli
-INV I:1.N I'M niil hid! 111, ls !NG
II T —Thr 111,n error, 05.400.
*nib.... 1'111%1.11,h I, ilk., 1 . 1, , I1113• and llorking•
rirry 'I I
n'riciik ritorning
inglort t wiilina. lirrling and ry•
al • ...ilia+, t Ilnin.i ~,,
rat. 1,..1•,1 11,1. liont running lir, tilrrly Illl7llr Ar
r It., IJ ..r
JIULAK \‘ EI , N ESI, A Yiira
PACK FT. NCI N Cf.f.lfton loltn
~I.m tom • nn,ll 1,•
oor , of f otokfilor I....Newtn. PL. i mho,. for
I . lll,orvb
ti II MI 1.7'01 , 0:KW-it tarot.
• .. , ~
I , ,i; N.tslt v I Lis. - The . I :i . '•.• .., ..
4 ~ •....",.r i..ILT I. MT. , 1111.. r. m.,•1 r ..,,,--i •
114 di Ho' KINi ON w'r--1 ht. rim.
/.... rr.,ht 1.3. ,E:•,,cr. np1. , 1 .. kr•kr.i• .1 '.
UR % I 1.1.1 .. . —.11,. t.,;.• ir - ~
1 4 14 N i; LEAN
noUSF, FARMS, &41,:.
A„, t
I. I. ,/ %I. la, r. • Itora
For Sale.
T III: lire stork I,ri. k ,;,g
1 . , 4/ .1 41 ot. at0t.....4.t... 1 1.1,1. , ii 1 1011,.
it. 1,1) 1. 1 1 . A. • BEI.I- ,
St. Lows Hotel--New Orleans.
"G I,G r: A I% I tot m\rh of the
eq in iiit rui il•ntro-.11. •
nor, t• 4t••••
i, ~i,~
)I , FIuE II L .It.t \E, CZjt,
TT.Trr.. TT.. 1,. Tu. 1.,•r. IiTmaTT.TITut:Ti..
.1 I, I. AM. I •t., t \ t u .tr.l
rro LET- Fr.dst do. Itr.t. of
orA prd nexr,\*.;
• •1:1,
.4,41.1+4 a , t0.1,x,•1.
HALM, i • .f
For Sale,
.../ttap,. n al , I , F.r a
4.4 t!... d
1 t
~ . .
I) A I Rl..' II:VI \ hare aigo for atilt, ernm~
) aquaii.rna...ll....,..vilable 14. r. privAte
1 , •t• •ics..l. 1.. e aptly t 1.4
Desirable Property t or' Slue
r :thi r d& Pail Ming
I. r., ...I ttrtott..r tit. t Itt• Ittriretr !Aar ttlart suitri
It t :i.• ttt r It% Ittrnltttc ttet
mitt., mtrl • It Ir. ttittl .01111.• rrttrttrit,
. .
eon, I oil, Vt ii.
suan , tr•mt f.-rt
La..... n.klutv. 1.11.•
1.-r hm uf
.1 ,I 1 .I.IIIIiSIAN.
..I.•-•.• • • to 1••....1
1,31 f
11 ,1
11••1••••;• 1.4 111, ••1....••••11001.••• Itmna
- •
~hII1: lull km: lru Ai; 1111TEL,A
I.Mb ICE VI, 1 , 11.kt...1.1111A
nme tertso,l r,.1.1110n 111 cull. t.rturrty...l
this nt,rortm
n. 101.14.1 1 .. _7..4.1.
lor , th 6 , 1
In,. atiant.. , l Ms...
..1 I•rt,-•, ail
11.. • 1144.11,..1,M
01. nnAn..l.le r.. 1 !um .4 .1. aw
11. 4 1 I. !,,.‘T.
Lty.1.t..41.11.1 mot
.1... 1.1 L L.I . mat. ot U,..
Ve.r p0.1...“..5•
N A liA N h
/....Z..tu N... boar 11. ml .1.
TO LET- A lurk•' um] con
W twr•rftli 11..1
.n, k.111tr...1
11'\I II
Private heeidence for Sale.
"LIE PR )I.E I;TY in offoreil
1r tow. mot 1.11 tort nromont•lnting 4,114 It
ie moo. .411,14, I•ottoo tot tot,rot l'lty
ott Itto ot oat ttt , otuto
1. ...usuo•utttno • two t toot: •ot tit. ott,
totrgh tool Ilsoto nor, •f ol•no.• 1 1... 0 1.. lotto/ root,
111...1.1 IX. Eh." tootoo.- port ••1 I,l4lAryt. ettloultot lu<o
Itot lot It Into, rIIII.I - ,101: to,/ tot nor.. of croutol,
no totodrol tool Itol troot t totnitiou Itnek two /m0tt0...1
tto...1 told Ott, toot fit •tt Allot 'ho Intorttoontent, aro
tot, toe Itt ~, 1,1,14, Loot 10 Int.lont to, le t Itto bort
tool futoltol to 110 I.oot ttoitotor. lototott
ronrontotto Otto ta.tto etttaltl suttotot..
duo t o . o . nell to ootott.gtt Tltore o tool' 1.1 .‘tt lloof tott
tor •t
almstol t.too- 13.1 tor I, 01,10 tri Loot
I. mud •t.g. rartoly of olotiro troll ttol .thrult
lo 4..11. tlltlottou tool rt.l . • nolo, o ono to.ty Ir
•1t1. 1 .. -1 ..t00l nn olAtisitottiolt 4.1 Ito orootto• • lent,
moo bolo to I.ort boo , or. toy toot to ostt ot,
t o ool. • Ito trill 1 , 1, ttiotoAtro to :to et -tort inti.rms.
tont 11 o • rot, • tot too too, • tit - 110111ot rota ,
mo, 1,11, r i
111 1 1 N. t11"oorotIol
Real Estate.
11.,u5-:and Lots in the
Port xni- , 0,. n I alwrly and w. ,m,.. io
I nmr.
• • •
TuANspoirrEtts, omm u,
a WK. II SI 1,1:111A ?IT! , I.rkr itale
..K IL. I . ..this. tthin k r r:then
the Depot.) sod g , 11 , 011111.11..t.1. them
lb. ,
by nlf.r.litig' or th o. e wllii rml.•11. , 11111., thin•rutht either
. • o
Fur lona.wort...l I, C NT.ChTIoN. Allparhem, thly .
or al 11.• 11•••loOore ..1 IL. C. SI , ClCroh.
...root of ‘lorltol 'l . lllnl ph,
Ile N it. 155 =8
110 honor o lho ou l allor IP the
Coo, Loa a loch 1.0.1 Mho - hod. 511 l• Ina athl void
Al..— •
11, min, at mcol,nte I:uquire
/'•.urlh twat Wood
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
I,ORT Y-T II It:EL 11 , 1111.111N0 LOTS, laid
0 1l 0 V
In nul 1.4 N. .In Mr nrittlnal thr town
o I , mnt. tan,
01 All,heny. !muting On I.lh 01 hrtwrra Myr!. mud
Alert for rent for ono or more team the rorittue of the
Oct lot oo extenthnu bark L, Ridge Ann , . ntheth
neetthorl t' , Kollin , lot
Yo r tern, no.,ennui, nf fir. MottEtt 134 Ittlot noth
the pronnnem nr the noluterther, al hie orfo., No. MI
JIG .trey Yittriotrith . .
A Good Bargain in now Offered.
F.M Thm, to .
Four liort.utth.
inland--o tht. a wt.! to ',rd.
Ilemnr.3.lLl, tottldli,tot. Tito t.rt , {terly mar t... 111.1
did lute, 101, anti rola at ,t,..1 profit. INrnottt.
to torrehatte will spot, to HAIM. a MI IN,
.113 1141‘ , ...0n.1 rt.
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company
0 UAlt.Atil'Y FUN LI, *l OO ,O OO .
THIS COMPANY offere to the moored all
adrantagro lto Mutual aced Joint
sl.ok Halo boneotoro rolul..rtd. unfurl,: Low
r•tfw of sweelsor... lio annual n.lurn
cash 01 Ilto Iwo
nuts, noalrnl the 80... flagon HA of 'ran. au
wlnralo, but nro r y arenir• pnvkloo for the filturr woo.
riff of ruocolon. 1..[ ter 4101.•1 1.., wilt ow nfulla.
LI.. Ifflenol lac ibn 1V, food nournl nut
. o flon,,wyablr .1..111. Iflrml/ 01 Inn:
• guanolly fund slronl for in.. foromoroll. ..<u 117 of
than term surfulorn awl' an. for lb. covroul motility of
Lbfw• Afr • bole termof lOW.
...Wm Is Ine only atutual'Uto Intoraote Comraar
wh o a. rata. of praistuy. ars tilol at a lair ratios.) nan4-
~.1.• with a 111T1V1A4.11,, an annually innoanng mantle
lotion of funds (loaf uturo onemity) tat ea.,
the amount of Inultyroa and the lucre...lna flak Irran att,
Tautly./ say atuous tatauthero.
raturtgAut 0n... are-. ailingfn detail - the plan and
rates tt , the Quurattrt turnahed xratly. and a/aquatic.
Jun trout.. onnytod by run m, Apra, •
/ZaNkruttahrtaYT Ilthablugh.
Eanna. itrornans, Mental linanilnorro.
jynCly Us) L
We are now prepared to carry Freight between
dtnn. ..n.l gl•• r...vlrt., at mod
ern, mt... • 11V, 11V .11, FY 11
U 111 11 ( :'V1V1: I s ; rr:
,n - n s t!"ti
de, If 11
, --b'
(..2 - 11.117.4, {
motlerate CI.AIIK 11A..
t•, Iwlltmlry
Freights to arid from the Eastern Cities.
.v T-1 II .1 Il II .V II 7'
THE suspE:Nsios
II Nniu . ..n. .111 rwarcl I,2ehLA •ptt Iron,
El.. A.+, O . ar,. lag 1411., I.lln, tzt utuv
.t.. 1 rat, At.t , l,
lIA VA t Iit.ACK.
1:sy”.1 It nt.utli 1,11.1.•Iptos
Silll . ll a ILA NCI,CUS.
.1.1 . No 7.3 N,,rth
wultewribenk, acrnt4 for dip PennNyl•
rai. 1ta.41,a0 C. , ..arA Do. Prv.p.r, frrlght
Aroughn nt Ibr fnll.•
Fo,rall Haw. . .
re. Var...Tall.a. an
.... 44 SIAM
• e.ora... arue, alraala.
1,...1.urah. 1,-,
471 d
/1111 E Morning Lini , u
w. I
.ro, J. at...A. A. Al.
l'•11 . \
Ir 1.11•11
I S 5 I
I EA VjNp (sund.p, 0.-
u A.ll. 11.(1..
114. AT
FOREST I- 4 7,22 CITY.
1;314. A. MIMI). A,
T" ll't: SI I. F.' ;
0 ,, a:.d
rnns llrtn, t.r ot ,tr. tr,,,V I . II yora It/t. halal,. at
ar ...a.. ar I ..1•••••Arall \ 'lnt I ...L.•tlrat • rnlntasrllrarn, I
r . y a o ..r. 11,... Irk Inv 1...... tru .. 1.0., .1.
Br I n rlrt: of J•nnary. .),..; inn Car. 11.1 i Inm 11,1,14,'
Ix M• I vllll. 1, Wit., Op,' ~,•••• %tr.,. •0 1 I.' , a,ta
1 . ./i••lr tor 1., no,a re, n link..
Yor 1 . ..• ara •nr.l, ir , ,ti 'AI II AI:TON, A.m.
nl ~,,, ..±ltni , Innotr.LT•ltlrab...
, ennsylvania "Ituilroad.
a FWT‘-!----,:t 4•,-;-‘_-
\ WIN f Eli \RNA Nti Kill 1.:; , y .I.:I'WEEN
71e,, % , ./ e r,i to :21 /1 , 0, - \: ,
1 „
1 W and arse the 1.4 el 14,14.11\1,er next,
I , Ti1 , ..,11,(% Wl/I rarrinl I, 11,a 1•,.1,1,x} nut. It.i,
..,1 mparrt. boar, I . l.rlalnlphror and l'lttlq•tirah, la
' h '''''r , •.". °." 2. ' ''...' ' g.. “ '',,•"
Trimpia, ,
... \! I /J..
n.. 4 11, o "ono an\to 1,11, Itoarra•nlh "rant 1
M tar and \lre All.. erlr an I the arronrandran tarn
.all re,••••arr. r., ann 1...1,a 1 a - Lun-tar.
\ I lion at 11..4,
nrrralrn A.... Pkrin s alrroln.. eetue,.n
--, _s: - ,
4 N and a ft,r ,NII , N DA VA/4701:ER Hili,
I , , • 1 . ..1..n.,1 It I, 1 .. 1 ..1., , n 1 1•111. •••: 4,1,1,,,,,' , ,
13,• La •• L.,. I , ~, kin, 01 I 1, 11,11A141 I , ' Or,. .r.• t
rues UM ~, ...lona Aa I,,nr r• M.. I, alL a • raa0,...r.!, tr,
.11•11 N 1 C,At .111.:1. tla• n I ni• - nnt• I
( 4 14144, isi .A/ `t• CILI •• ,ii,:4•1•1 ,I,
1,...1 , 11,1•111,,
51 , ..411.0i / 4 11,1,4.
jag 185 I . A x ,Wk 4
Via and Combat - land, 1., Italtifaare
and Philadelphia. :
rillliE 31v11Nlitii 11( a,
lAT lera ti„. Wt,:a4 .
i ... T, to, 141.0, .lailf• . ^ • , Iyrk P^' ,,, " l, .'n , t ,
""lt1:::.'il2";I:x." 1...\.7,,':::!;',1j0::::;u".:::174.rvitg)
at .:0,4...t. rt.nti•n . uow . ,ll.ll . lheT4;.: at Cm:awe-laza lout
Tun, tt.r• , uclt U. haithh,re e• , ur+. ran• opt, Th.
',Ate the... ch to lehar• 110
Ter:,l i•
v••el k e. t. • .ttel e•thlwrlfh.l. •• h h
the le. 1,10.
A 311k , 111•1VN. u•rat
:A, '27 OM, 11
}:l%, E\' t'ITI via
1. bunk irk •gul .1“. k.r Kuur.••4 tunu..-Itue
stesuut• uu Alwtiluxrut
Ourounall. atml utl./
uul ulu, 111,11111 a
TILAIN, PUNK Mk A , ` RAJA r\\:s
1.1 M•rtouA S. rauu mi u k.
nIT TI, 11.:1 .1•0 e. I:tuunt. • 1••• .••••nuer• curt
111 %eve
1'•.r44 s,loourtuuu 411. n'ele. tnuk 4n. the •artir
T 1... nut) rattle Trtin
I io this in
tr 411 bistll.4l. N.,'
.Ir. In
trau lira
firMiLli Pi ail ItupPi Ii auil ht. r imi r ietlp .riturk
Partular ritirlitriti will
I. mail Pi 'mirk. Me gauge
IP mu .1 w ulst.. Mir fr vertu ail ennl.lmir over
parr.... gm, iu the trom-prieripin iif
Terme alit 1.. put m roMms....4bau la.
srm quirt Mora
init:l - .1 1 snitswill he using Still 'tartlet,
Ln so reward to prlont of arty Mll,ll an ahoy eau . :
1.. footmen!
J. NitiTlNilllatal, over. 11.11r1111, ' .
Q_ll44rt',..E*.„ . 185 .
I.7r7.rea, Pocket . ond , Rarlrocrci- Jim. to Clertland.
11ASSENI;ik:IZS every morning at
a o'o:oek, lty ateuraboatao Ilnaarr..lltroto by castrate
canal loarlorte to Itavetioa, It, Kt...burgh and Clean
MI .
Ilsolrotol to Clorolastd.
.110 • FLIT to lloaeland,
T„ . Lxtmii 3. boring
Tteket. siren ll.nmaki to.
Vi. re }wain.. 'and Nero, , Cies.laud and I:twin...ll
Ca I, dread.
I . ....anced, far Doicac Clovaani and 111/InnisLie. Isar.
Cb.seland eriery eventor at 11W ipletidsl
..I (antral 'Latin Cu. to• 1.1114,
then , A; Vis A. 11.,
t e as , to fun Pullato,
and ',minim nnt. • T•11 1 :11f chteasa rtran.laieL
vat, Ike Wile river. tient "int. le. Litwin
ueds, t 1.0111, Ann "slew, .01 lie ...lawsuit quicker,
•1..) r. thsn•er •
wa terbs. Ps. PiAlirtetora,
Por nekats turiirinaind. apply Lli
(Up stairs) eArstrir.i.ll-udthfiall and 11ateratraetn,
of Wait. the bloutmg•alivia
• -
• 185 I.
On lho Peunsylvania sad Ohio Canals. \.
\y ,
PCA KPAIIIO. .- .. - ItonlVeras, PA.
VII ASI-11/i UItAW) A AN' - I;,...CiAirabaxii, (I
r1: 1 11 Ifi,wlqll known Line how prepared to
/port. is h. and piLesencers Ito an 1 • ITTIIIIIIIi1111
!ALA. Plan, peen( on 11,. (bust an.l Lab.—
lhe ot hr Lim- an: tamiorpasisiifin
and f Uunt., erp, , irintire or Captain, Mn! at
litaer c.f Agr
tow boat lea i ttabursti and Clevehoodilell,rouniall
in st.t.tavia.n trial LIU.. 111 eteritiot...a. liefaieeti 1•111',
11P10111 andY.A a Lin, nrecelais
(procoller and ',Aisle est .1..•
\ C kfittIGNEES:
t 110116K...1r, 04
.bi. P. a; , fikarreicti;
.1. A. A.
Isis, ton His enna„
h %Anus( iLA, ..
11111. ,U. ,idd,a Salle to•• •
111....1er. I.* A ~ i; "
Faiiii . . - Z;; . ..t;;Xii..y City. Or
reekinou tht b
ntl, Toaln. 0
H. Wethlth ‘ll.-higav;
itntmentan • Co., 3111WmAin. Win
lien A MAI.. A it...Chu-ay. III; '
md .r6N"A'"i\ l ihuti.:l7, Aren(.
.14 • rer.Altatrr . and Nrolthlieh)•••• INlmbiriah
Excursion Tickets to Beyet, 25 Tents.
9.11 E fine paleonger Ate, dalr
Ili:A VRI, and 311CliftlA 3 No. ti.ll
hay.. Eliot tatattont at l'ithMorgit •oW I4
ch..tter. arm, AA, ,neonate e•nerind•h , h
Mater, learnt Vitialomah at • 4. u. Eitiln•rt r
31.rhigats do . do +r. u. k. a.
Pnrtona witlans: tm to I,at er raw yrnt-Ant
Tieketo to 14•Lmarr awl hank to 11141.wrglir newt*.
Ictot• mmi nor clown tam •lar and tie
For tirteta mmir nn lamed the etranata•ts tilt,. or
.. 311ehican or at the ollivo of
h"Ol the. Water • Mnititheld lllMbhrgh„
jillEA reed,
1,/ from rho marturartorr' of Halle, Da
14po ton. SIX of Omar Inw priced', ,
01,11'00D NAN", Iron V. 02.5 to 1.• .„
Alon. it int trim Wood./ ardA Brow, 14.t0u atrl
art, New Vora. 4t/liNt 11. lILLJA/Ij
until 01 W art.l.l:rot.
FIBH - 20 bble. toll 11111 f. bbla. Trutt;
wha. Fizli;rre'd arid for rale br
4 LCOIIUL-25 bble. 76 and 92 per et., for by . IC-R. SIILLICIZS.
uo lb :.Zia 47 Wool rt.
I ARD OIL-9 bbln. WilitaStraineci. fir
1 a ...i• br -. a. a!arLtaas.•
i i Alit!. AMMONIA-2 epics far,sale by
IL) .1.5 4t, KR:IMM,
S ' UNDRIES-3 bbls. prime ll6llllutter'
, R' . ..V.4untg . \ -
• 4N" Whit. 11,..,, .' ,
3 kno Parke 4 [halo: -
40014.xr4 ebette; ..
100 1b5:44444 , 431fm hi '..:\
Ilil/L1:11/4 usaa err, 5....aal st.•,
iude . - baageo Woad KM ablithli.dakt...
111.R . OUSSION C. 97 -2,000,04 X) r;4l.
by _ moll] A: YAW. NblilCb. a Ch.t.*"..
A . AtiqI.M.ERE & UASSI,NET-,-150r. for:
/ 4 ," do by
.r. ems_ -7:-_-,-._),—.4,..---=.-__
roe .igs curt or \' \
1 170118, COPS, H ARSEItp9 BH,ONCHIr,
TIB, WHOOPIN X01:1014, tHO .., ' \ ' t
tI s REMEDY is otred ta ho com ti... -
Z. art' with tbo• ronfilen, s f.
', ,n st?t.'k..'.
se .6.4
seldom tailo to reah.fn the Lappie. stfoca, !Mkt. eau be \ ,
.It,l :fa aide If the Ilehl of ICA of fult,,a. atV sow • , y ,
ro.- 4 . 1 .rr rrr of He MT.. tbat . '„al Nut ~rPri. tiloa to 't
the e.•falf aboulian, In pe.runt4 p heir 1, ...T.V.. who
hav• 1.., r...y.,,,1 Cron% aiarraisir ad Tao derp;dfs
ea.., the I O ,a, br•a'o, arr• xi n , tried,! so-
Perior.t, over , eel othre ,‘ autlitelta. a i ltd. fa .P . , .
rarrnt te,,e,e , f.,,ra1.5.a . . awl vb.. e 1 virtu
term, tb \ puha,. u.:, , rto.r bnf Rates!) sea Mats toil,
Noy f., the .111..tretic- ',fat dattarratt , a e" as of
pubannarf .. , ,,,,,,,,s tieh an Porafen.t to r llmata. ' .
Aad'oat only fa tau a URN.. St.rta ripo '' • Wog..
but f., the offalsr wurie iret of (11.14.,Voualia, ,tadr. ' •
r ..a.l for ctai4va. a t Use 00 .0 4 . , ... a's ''sli. I.
`r" ....."sa be n , (4....1 \ f. , .. (staff,- shook! u lot
It. and t ti,,, s ~ lt tier ' 111 ,
I:nal th. , aploion of, the fafl.arinif krtiltmort, I. IC ''
la. r.. , ...i.ife..1 ill tb. sari... 1i.,11, a _funfair s
r tb
t4 l \t a ,.
i p I
red T 1
`ee a I
.11 I a h.
• e ."" r II
, t •
„ . p,
l s rat us
'ha wl •te
~e. 4 r w I
On, me. W.-hal-sash auJ all isle...ra..Pa l'fl‘ t
clam are.l of lteAlee.:lepAt Amara. t ,, -.a. lam... 1a5 1 ... 1
4, te, ..... • 1:41...,1,. J.-ale r,en he...4M0, wlel no ex n :
."^, ..,..,“ •, ... thee Fute,,et .4 whwle Vier \maaalt. t
thar. Le, me, 'al.,• eu ti,. enlveneent .4 . es[ll. 11.1111
1 INS Cie:l:Tit/CA M. , \
K. I le; un.i.ragne.l, • 1...1....N. elreumata.‘hav I Amy' n
t le ' fle ' le ' n ' eTt '. " 2 le,. Le.e'..'re .71"•1"."•4''7‘
A\ . \
... 1 ) 'l r ,1 4eleet., I 'nee'm'Pete p ' •l4 ' ..orree/plttne ,n 1• . .
aIeDK 4411.....,1 ........Ia.LIK.Ir beam...rtes.,. •111111,1
lerm peee•arle4t 41 that et • lit de , rur their n./PUI all\Ml
.""1,..„.1.e'ti1Ta„.:',.......,,,111en5.1.eeittn., .1.1.,11/41,..3.,1aaa .
\‘: , . \
I , "I
atlla'aee'lrfd;VlT'a'lT:.'llie!'rre,Zen. s C
~,I:l"7l');;lller.erp';',.l!,..=":ll.Y.lty".'"'; . .
‘Je ....eph Teesapr, Zoe., A ea,,,,,,,
11144 - slatBl, 11.18., a tlee . AuKu.... Can's:he.
I 1K44.4. IP ana, Tr........t. N., Jr tee., .
J 11`, Tll•ll,,Mll,l,llKMlurak. Po. e ,
I Clarla s a Cu. Cheeses% Illiteu., • 0\ \- \,:...,
Irl Y. tim e Ludlum., hoe,
NI A Mews. so, Norleela ' \ . .
1 1,1•/ . 31 M 11111.11 .•larra,111111larttalt. D.I.
' litllmet • Cu. Cluladplphia.r.
P. to. • 14 II 8 alma., It artautl..... Ll, C.
.I• nroa.. ay... Pet.. latest, La.
, 11'4,...... 1141 .1.4...... keen Way us. Indiana.
il C 11.4.1araft• h CO., San Enneename. Cal.
hew la A A en-144l'allaleasv. I lirrida.
IA It. letreeue, Rue, Ills. Trutneseara.
Chilteeivl 4 • 1 ...../411. Art. •
P.111 4 .r. 14./.. • ). 7
1...1.•A...14.....• .Mlllll IMI la,
hart. Net .Ir,. fro% Or., 11 1. :
J !I. Turn., sal anull. ia. 'e.
Weals, 11., • in A C...,1•1n. almai.4. l . •.,
.1 0 Ce. 1116. 1 . l alpalea.e..Clekle. e
, NI. lehme4l4 ,0 , . 1. raCrut. 1.4 - 41..... ,
F.K.1,111.a.. A 1. , . I,..eum. N.... tin slaJa.
P. Peopee.l A Cp. Ain, A.rea
M. ac 4 AI,. t-ea. Nur% le , sell,
.'l' Aal ernsson.: .141.... N. ea lernoverlck. .
c te relm,. ',V.,' en Jane 4...1trmil \
IV,Ili .411.. h K.Kur•ar K . 4. fr..a. Noru me., no sa i cter. 4
Arta .1.4. 1 .8 . ...1Pur.a........ all. M.a.Kllna.4eirec ape. n _
nst. ,
At , leasnl awl .L 1 by JAM 1.). AVEIt, Ptantitalltmme•
ta, lurreul, %ape.
.•..1.1 a. 1 . 8.1• tthr.1•4•41•11141 r 4.1•11. by D. A. 114 ,,,
N.N.Tltai 1 Co` attl J. AI TOWN.NtiII. ,
. A 14.08•44, ar. hp 11, r. 11l IVA 11.17...te1 s J. DC
1.11.•1, and h,lerterclesta tpmatat S. J W.1•44.S
-- -
\ A Medicine cor
(J. , .9/ , .. 4- 7 -hb, //,..,,,,,,,. Ai:4, ,, ,, R , ..ailis:
. \
AND INI . IPIENT coNsugria
s. II ......• 0.. 0.0,0 ~.....,.11•I I. 0 V.....• met sonati. ,
pa, llce tAes4l- , et 44.... u, t rplat c.e.ellen.a.Klrruttertbe \ 1
1.. r......N.1...1.4.4.• t. 11.1.1 r, to • trr.l. nod hyAnatert putt et •
.". 1 "1: 1111.. .... 111 . tllll-...11, I.l•Mie-1.11 01 its Murrell- e I
•Keta, ... e. a,l are 4 e IT, nal in preoueeng al,pre.. .1114
..a 1 /..1 , \F.... of ......-4 - 44 ........1.• steel Ito., 1.1111111•VV/ '
1m...$ • 1.11,11, a lis :• 6.111 - /mit rn.
/a p .eee , .1i, , , env ~...1, -The oil rnuale rdlsla.w. \
111••• ... 1... 1 ,44...............1 440.1.....• tits.....••blat he Mt* \ \ '
, 1,,,,raM11., 11(.1. Mr ciiMl,llll-.1.1. TMII.I 1/6 Ml//1114111 /111 \ Ml,
LLI• meatus.. retl. a p1.,...t .....tleet "eh s e nJ It \ '
weil em- eertA, ....e.e, .. , i3.,. r../.0441! Th.paldsdree In s
1, re r 4.11 Ihre. tupdperna pe our eet .. mum our oin situ*, \
:deemed ....tenet. 1.,1 on.. eel a.. -Me asp It, +l
- • r ..4 . 1 al I'lo M 11,161., tallti lii.o. PKtn upp.l by him la
tei. emu e raven+. Nr a senuel4r uf ,ate. wale We
r ~....0.4.•4.4.- A 11.41, - truen let
elmeepl,her La.l 1 wr:144.1 - 1/.....-81 vat!. x c 0...•• 4.41.1 4 .1K.....t.
Dv, .....4.1 ...mut. 1...6w (..•,. 44041 01l 41....artresriut
lath..., 4.1 .. .8 KtutplaKi: - K1.41 am, sit, Itlatt Dro hot ,
lira It. ••• 0.1,1.1 ri , ....t.NI. A InDulellemtOrk
spniit e , wt.. lemi e.uilmeed \title...lien:l"nd thrnule Genet
,ta I la 4 . ar.,1.1...en eNirely reller..4l •••1 the rout h. •
...........1. Ia 41......... of Natio 81.41.4. eel hettlew of thin l'at
toolp‘e up A ~..4,11en5...
,Dr.u. l'..orm. 1111. a. 1741•44•
Mal - tea has thee re e 14rat,t luy he Paw aMmla.
feee he has tee., A eh U. oweVra,.. norm the. mow,' M ,
meencle peel a leis Num,. wllll tu,4neat. preptsct num..... ,
It up, ~./ /i.....45pe.d ra.din A/,* Same, I l e s le put utile
he. , tenet I..etee ..11crl. et -AeN,, , r.,,, Nett MP 1. 1 .2 44..
4 N....... I Pt0r,1Kri.....1 tt...11.110 111,11 10 t...p a autehly at
114.1M1t. /1r 1111.1•11 1114111 .111110 1111,:.111, it t• nun of thammot
1.11 1 %1 1.4 I , ll , aciou. r.torMllien MPr detavverest for nit
...111........1 1.1..........• ..1 thylunua. NMI eumpienttelonattirp.
hew '
el,, 4e.,e, reee..-Ilans perm. nerOltrie lo att all IlehUT
apes... ea,. .4 am el etrnn, thi s tle. not &eel Man"
11 ~eu amei t • ......t Dr. 1 144 ,e Przl44.4l2prtp.
ai.4111.1“..t0 nthur-It well sure you. 11, in le malls eat
Ile • LA,. Whale. plants and 14.41, ol llstNiuNria 'anti...
1.1 is 1,.....1.4 bp ... e mu 0141114 - allntt•Lealalt att._
I ) R.
, ( . 1 „ 1 . 11;
, S , ( ) , T . T . ' , S A 4n , ) r u 7 s zg .A
I R ,
t x L trac t of
The orizlocl and only u.nui , :r . rep '' arntlon foctbe Pa
1.13...111. eme of Coneurnplioti4u.l Weaves Of the
Lance. wben they are suppo to be affected by
". Len iree n , e o l 'llerentY. ll l oo ,Qulnloroko.
' or lilmee Evil. \
Canters. Tumori. \
~ I'3o,ollone Cl lbe Bun, •
Le,eapela.V.Lrorar Note Lye -
Itlo a %ores or Tetter.;..Srabl flew
kbeumallem. Palo. 10 tbe nonce y •
3,ote. tWI 1.:0re . . and. tileein. Earellink..of
the 01.04.. V, 01, ill, 0, epepel , a. Salt Mackin.
11i.eaee 01 the KlLluel, Lout hrAppiolltee,
lOrcao, anci nu Jrom ILe use of Ler.
turn Pain mM. COles , and \
rho.. Mere,tienrral 1.0
101. • ‘:
i leropay, Lomb... Jan. ,
d!re aud CO,lii,
Th.. ehaker 1 reparel • • lellow Dock: . and the "Re '..,11
11.duras Mum pantie," Ore the thealuable mtemltal •
agent. Mum obe It Ur . (.11,501t . 11 ilni3nressi Eats-art of ..
1 elluw Mee M,l Farwassrtils Is tormcd end the hAmme
IPrY , r Dr nu , an't hal glom us the ',tom of themmots
In; linur lenm Mn n,. rremmuan mullein. uall the les
eh reit, per p„rt e-.-„, the ns te. mmtined nod witnintni
tni in thu r Won* tretmth an I elheary - u
t amt./mem, or eu met, In the manure; turn of (blame.
Itrinu mail it ea. I hal that It ettut4 not be fitrthrr ime
Proesd \-tels udinulr, 0.144 it remeted In, almost MI/
rermlll. )n rams 41 Hepatic, hcorbutle. and Culatments
enmplmut‘L for oeneral proetration of ell the vital pa,
ors, and all itvee tortn.ring dl.szerauf the rad. so trying
to patience Met eo IN loom to health. ,
. ;
s \ ; ; ; ; ; 1
,'.., ', Plons Nmr-urlal neaplainta, l'uneer. Oen.
eueo utly . urod t y IA s so, I I tins medieltu -
War...then. tartrher M15,'1 , 61..
Mr John I/ Parl -U.Pear "or It la with unutterable
feelm-e of amattmle that I am elle. threneh the Illtrine
1t.,&.,-., 0, the& en I by the wander mutton item./ .1 -
that ex elle. m.Hume, Muyooll a tell. Durk./I fte- •
mparilla to alto too a f.'l6,entlllll. of my ahead helm a
lee. k 11... to tha winter of 1 00 I cot istioSksd With ',Y
ore, pain, ,thigh was gradually eatendltur threamla the
whale right e•do and le,. at thle•arne thne,therewas elm.
tel praut.att n Cl my Pb7. ,, A1 4.1. A. . 1 .... Ir 4 UK b."-
t hrust, tuahnut trim third+ of its (SSSIMOiI sita 'POW:W.
dthe att. /epan , of a skilful prstilicoon, who pnoom.-
....1 of ....lee one of the worst Enda of liter oemplaluL
Ile seht my re ,. .„• .. WI ups not emdy handled, Int preterite
eI hu me. I ra mu :l, •.I under I,le treihnrat until I tae
~belied befouDl no.t help ma t then prorated 0(7007
.1 till, ote,', 0%'... Deem, two bottles of they•otVa
%ells,. lksli sm.( 6Area{• Anil, from which 1 elem.iral A
v..t anomet of tr. lit Oiler hating taken four butt/ea
omen I wee al le m pumuse mi boatema 'Niihau; any Inez.. '
Tantrum, and have heel, Xlfllle lb-it time • well pi.,•hile ''
I, s , s shsrl psrlest brim,. I hal Issat sOlifitioi 10 ray 1.1
1.4r...1 ustlis .4 ll,' tent, and I ea net merit. th e r0u
„),,,.„ „y . 1 h, a tth in .7 6i14, elku..l.l,atk by the Asenacy
of Ip.t. truly taluntdo turilielne. Iltil.tre Volker hock u,,
aisdkisrsapanlia \ II Ahlikli 1 11.4t1ILIt'XIt. ”
flr.l I. l'art —Mar 1.1,1 I ' , nod )70 the fermis, her.
Ohrate, anal m far es I un mg asented wa/td.h e rah, It I.
oil Inm. I prorured it. th`ntat, might Lon Deemlib Lo 11
Ino 00 1 Yu the attlu • tut I•.t* l b , l M. priellrmaof Using . -
Its you think to et 1 „ nes. \ Ir. A. 111.1,114. •,,.
V V e• "V
The D llowlng-\UM" sin,. :id blynertAblopk,,el.wy,
clue au"r
?....• m.i.k Liov.l.l'3l. - 0
Gs Jnho I. I`,‘l.—lear o*o. Le. 1,147 u Extract-of
`mradpartlla lut• twan 1 I.4arlbed by zoeloo Uhl IA•I tty, : s.. -
rev,, with attud .0..,, In Gent.nd behlllty, Liver tam
rlalul. JAundie , il;fle MM. lied Chronic' and Nervous . '.
M..... e 11. all ).1.1., OlteplAlote It certainly fey. a . '
quelled la Chu use 0f`11,14 raallet6o the patient entatantu ' y
f 05101 Strett.lts and VISOS. a fact north) 01 llftki" dttl.' ,-
AkslerStistl. IS, Is pleatont to the lane amtuntil. mina . '
lin\ flail by patrons with Um Mon del.talf .It , tuail4 with '
aately mut,' any eitennataume. I aMereaklng ittmaia
perie , n . ., and to IL.. *Marled t *Jet. lb nom
\ I . -' • DD.), S. LEITER.
Bab TJ. D. PACE. Clucleme . di. Ohio, nolibe.Al corner - -
or IrAttu sod Wa lnut etroeta, entrant* no Walnut Att.t, ,
.1 KW Cr,.. II A I. elweviba a eo n J. A. Jones, L.
IN , iteuguga: Len A. Drekbun.lilleubenyCltly
L. r. u„..., , D , ...1 , a/ctAr.. L. 11. Km... IJAlutwone. Ir.
$1,0,,,c.,,,,,,,,. ur,,,. $ b.t.Aots,Y,....4ftett A Elllaconk,
lissll423l.llssdla. IluutinAJ..:3ln Orr. l . l4l llldayeburg • ,
atildt I.rac.4 .:' ~ Inanity. J. E. tiriAll4 IC/tesaudAl; \
0 0 . 0 . i Co, Itstlier. A. % axe 0. Soy irinrunanu n •
Meant/an t • A., Sc tinai.n.l.r. ilnintrWer,, Hama a op
wra a l Itrahen, 0 in bn., bruin, Jams Kelly AON Bate
le,, r e,itb , newer?„J o.Autameetas. Wernein r. L. 4 0
at Jaw, Lomb repere P-Crecaariii,llroireirrille. •
lai`Prirt.—*l pfr Bonk Stx Bottles for $6,
i~~ \
sk, for ale 67' ' 'tk
2 eltiVitrililoll:4ll