The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 10, 1851, Image 2

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    BU ip BY WUITI t.CD
• Anti - kasonio and Whig Conveidion.
a meeting of the Anti-Masonic and
TAW thty"Congention, held December loth, raw, lb. tel•
lensing resolritlen was adopted:
'WM.:4 That It shall be the duty of tie President or
:t is Convention to order the nest primai7 meeting , to
S bad In the aeveral 'sante, on the method !Saturday ef
p~eetristir; betweenl tess h to e ttl 'eu rlir C!!, A ti . nt,nl,ll!;
Wisdoay . milked:lna noggin:a • candidate far Meal.
; encordtothe with whleb,"the election for delegates
let bald at the time rated in the resollitlon: nod the
Convention rill meet on Wednesday, DreomLor 97th, al
ID dot:thy A. In the Supreme'Court Room.
tJflltlith Llt'uml
...livening of the death of Mr. Clay; but it was
With Out foundation, as nothing of the kind had
;:;:betus heard In Baltimore at 10 o'clock but even-
. Tea Fiavtvax at the Masonic flat!, for the
beitefit of the Pittsburgh 'lnfirmary, is ad-
Wahl) get np, and was attended lastevening:
by ti large number of: iSclies and gentlemen,
who appeared to ento r y themselyes very much.
The ealti.tables aro ell stocked with fancy ar
• ...,'lleles,,matty. of which (Mace much skill in the
falic;irilsii,ns who 'prepared them, and the re-
fieehmerittables are spread with all the delica
' _ : 'aissar the seasonothiah were freely partaken of
by:the visitors. We know not when we have
spinl i pleasanter hour than we did there.
. .
.II Will be opened again this afternoon
at 2 O'cli* and continue open till 10, when we
hopelo see it again filled with a happy throng.
Who Will • purchase
. ont the remainder of the
;.,,!eitattiifttl . ttiticles and good thioge which the la
dies hate prepared for the OCCB9iOO. liemem
' ber .clarietmu is at hand, and this is a fine op
. parblnfty to procure gifts for our children and
Mende, while at the seine limo we aro aiding a
noble charity.
- 43.411A,CoAr..—Great quantities of this valu
e* seSiole exist in the valley of the Little Bear
-seSi;l4lh7s State, and Ohio, within 60 miles of
Of the extent of the deposite, we
`L.iviii)oo certain knowledge, but enough to known
. S* wariluttt the euppoeitiou that there tire many
Ihonsatpi acres of coal, of on average thickness
of 11;008 feet, affording an inexitauatible cup
: ply. _{ : lt crops out in places, for miles in extent.
Very'revrif the mines have been opened,as there
.7 Ins no means of conveying it to market,but the
Ohici eau! Pennsylvania railroad passing through
I thisrtigion,itwill coon be introduced to public use.
At Palestine, a branch railroad, about one mile
lang o irill connect it with the mints, and there are
other pitinta, between that place and Darlington
where' connection can be made.
' - rade. this coal it is mina' to find a bed of :
2bitiuniionit coal, about two feet in thickness,
le Worked out first, which facilitates
, iii Catt y, the taking of tholarder and more dense
." dap:date 'time. Good • judges say that this
comet , coolie folly' equal to th at found in Fug
; littuf.l'i It bores -with a cdear, brilliant flame,
:leaving a reiriducco — pf whitaashee. It is nearly
lifiaconsible "as pineknot, and almost as
; • difficuti.tii4tinguish. For the purpose of mak
limps: it must be very well adopted; sad as
IL is trite from'snlphur, and dust, it makes de
llghtfth fuel' for parlors, and for private uses
weue#ll,y. ,;Itis like a piece of black marble,
takes a high . polish, and does not soil the bands
.'.ln It makes most capital fuel - for
'.theltidomottie, and the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad Cotapany are taking measures to pro.
cure a ..tnipply , for their engine.. We have no
doebt that It wilt be brought to this city in great
quantities, end used in private houses, provided
- the swoons of tho mines are governed by a lib-.
teal;policy in introduclag it into public use.
We ituderntanil that immense beds of thin
vithlable mineral hare been diseoverea on the
-- Walug4wak,_in Armstrong county, on the
,- .•;" . lbsii of the eeittemplated Allegheny . Rimy Rail
meld; and.tl4 — probabilires are, judging fain
certacngeological indications, that it is te out
. crop of the sane bed which intend on dm
tle.l:—vittat — ninnetsi masses of fuel is
deposited - in the basin of which Pitteburgh are
the centre L . Ith . on well as its value,
PPcmamdeage of Um rittoburgh Daily Gazette.
There, inastospeasion of sensation at Washing
ton on account of the hiatus in Congressional
proem:dings. It seems to he settled that Bayley
will'he deposed !rote the'imsition of Chaironm
of the COlplattbet of Ways and
.31eans, and of
the dendership of the House on the floor, for
having refund to vote for Lynn Boyd as Speaker.
a. W. Jones, of Tennessee, is spoken of as likely
-to take hie place. The Committee on Territo
ries is one of far lees consequence than during
the lest Congress, but the post of Chairman is
stills respectable and coveted station, and it is
said that the contact for it lies between Gov.
Cleveland of Connecticut, and Mr. Carter, of
Just how the eyes of federal politicians ore
ditewned towards Virginia. The struggle for
Clorernoi, - which has been one of prolonged ex
citement,- decided on Monday. Greet
meetlego Are held to-night by both parties in
Alegindris, — at- Which flail:best speakers will
. addreskthe piMple. Many persons have gone
down frem the city to attend it.
,There need be no solicitude whatever as to the.
result. 'f.Johnoon, . the Democratic candidate,
ehrted by :ten, fifteen, or twenty thous
4/ gutjt 4ll 7-'!.
..'"The • duty of providing for the reception of
lEossuth in a proper, manlier could not have
been onisfided tn:Wayne bonds than Fotten.-
- Tit. veryfact that ouch a parser' introduced the
resolution into the Senate proposing to tender
him national civilities,' and the flippant, end I
may sayi-diegustusg umolence with which be
vomited it, wee -nuflicient to ensure for it the
fete 'which it received.. After the opposition
which it eimointerod In debate from Conte lead ,
• Ing Senators, and after Mr. flat! ontfilr. Seward
- had given notice of the modifications they should
require - in.its tenor to make it acceptable to
theist,' Foote 'withdrew it; alleging , rations Sim
soy pretences for so doing. It is maid that an
- other' :cause arils 11l ;meccas was note's ind;s
',. • ; 4 orettitna itrpioclaltning 'that he was acting under
the advice .and sanction of the Secretary of
Eisele. The democrats will do nothing, not even
for Kwitll, - which . may by passibility advance
~.11tepobtleal fortunes of Mr. Webster—and there
fore turned the cold shoulder to the prop*.
1 . 440 1 a1tt0n.. Nor were they Particularly anxious that
Cass Should male anything out of the affair.
Mr Clay is considerably indisposed,,,enough no
toexilte the anxiety *this friends. .
Oral, in here earnestly urging upon
19141 . piand Predation Demoirate the necessity
of some firm college of action in regard to the
Act, he seys,.aet, that the country may
• 'lamer at', once -whether Iti..indastry is to die or
: /lie. -If it to ainle-bitisarpor, mul decline
.through the.bidifferesie:tif theecirenunent, the
,faotmight be! Itaiwti at once. Clive the
laber,of the ic;3 , i3tiiin - ipiwriiinits to fold tie
pobesiikutlt; 'and - die decently; (freely
think,, however ` that no Ball Meagan of protec:
fie think:S/f we cannot oh:
taitc the {nil "
troepgmttoa'of _the lo had
batter :Will fral trade lulls. entire.
' Ido*fioticiLein-this The; protection
c y,initioli - Intaist,Wffi by its effects; show the
• adiailage.o._:pniriatia.g all, and so we may at,
roe Mas; rote= adequate to
- _ thryint.sor •
' = WAHIIIIIGTI3 9 , _ Dee. G.
Meteitio toy geatilleittion 'learn that immedi
-14 measures Wera.takCli to express the
put sense of thie government upon the outrage
iUge tgori ths*.Ainariean flag committad
. ' s,l3ritish vessel of war in 5-
into the American steamer Prometheus.—
whte:h sUila from Heir Yarito-Mor-
SuieVeilt-take out a manifesto from the Secrets
ry of • ffyste to the ..ft;itish government - on that.
anbJeot. 'lttS exit( to be' decided htid elevated'
its tong L imat is, atO the - tit !ill etribU.
-:.—:,,dy,tSpUcetiktiOr,tterni,lnd for teparatiun.
A yet lam not uguineuf any good re
suiting la
g from it. The fact is, this outrage le RO
worse than many other, which hare been per
petrated by the British in Central America up
on the United States:and her citizens, through
that most scurvy of all pretences, the filosquiti-
GOvernment. British naval and civil officers
stationed in those waters have before enforced
the claims of the farcial authorities of Sandu
an, to levy port dues upon American vessels, by
- threatening to fire into them. They havear
rested and imprisoned American citizens there;
and they, regularly and no a matter of course,
disarm them when passing through the place,
whether going into the interior or coming from
it. All these things they have done, in most
flagrant and contemptuous violation of the trea
ty of April 19, 1850. Bat it appears that the
patience of our government has at length been
exhausted. The BecretaryLif State has roused
his energies, and in the name of the republic de
mands that this systematio course of aggression
shall terminate. We must haven clearer appre
hension of our relations with England. Iler ef
frontery in interfering with the Cuban question
a few months ago, and the assumption then
of a position which seemed to involve a renewal
of the exploded claim to a right of search, ta
ken in connection with this lost affair. indicates
%spirit on her part, not ennsisieut with our na
tional dignity and rights. Your readers will
probably remember that I bare maintained, du
ring the past two years, that trouble would
grow out of the difficulties caused by British
aggressions in the Central American States.—
This is but a verification of what I have all
along asserted.
Mr. Clay's health coniinues had, and his
friends, who comprize all who know him, are
considerably alarmed for the result of his pre
sent indisposition. ❑is rather to be regretted
that the venerable patriot visited the Capital at
the opening of the session, for I have observed
that the air of Washington, during the cold
months, is exceedingly unfavorable to those af
flicted with pulmonary complaints. which is the
particular disorder under which Mr. Clay is now
suffering. God grout him yet . many years to re.
main with us.
-To-morrow will be a moat interesting day in
the Senate. Foote hos been compelled to with
draw his resolution in regard to Kossuth. and
Mr. Seward has given notice of his intention to
introduce one, declaring iu simple'and appro
pinto terms, that Congress and the country
mostcordially welcome Louis Kossuth on hisar.
rival in the United States. There is nothing In
, this to which any body can object, and it Inman
ifestly proper and necessary that 'such n wet :
come should be extended to Kojeuth, because he
is the `nation's guest,' having been formilly in.
cited by Congress, and brought(over in a nation
al ship. A resolution like itli.!Beward's there-:
fore, most pass, and it will be hard to Bud a
pretext for not adopting-that particular nne, =
- And yet-it will be gall and wormwood to the
democrats, the old popularity hunters, to allow
the business to be taken out of their hands.—
They will Squirm and twist like eels in the fry
ing pot. An amusing trial of skill and strategy
may be expected between Seward and the Cie
sites tomorrow. They say, they are afraid
they will haroo to submit to this applic alien or
Seward's higher law, at least.
Ott Thursday last there was a remarkable in
stance of the good effect of a Rifle cool deter.
mination: Foote wanted to introduce compro.
mite rosolutions for the purpose of reopening
nod agitating, the slavery question. Chase ob
jected. Foote was vehemently indignant, and
called upon—the Senate to notice from what
source objection proceeded, and only hoped it
would be continued. Chase rejoined, it certain
ly will be continued. Immediately theisafter, a
private conference took place. Chase introdu
ced a bill for granting to Ohio the'isasold public
lands within her limits. Foote advocated the
printing of it, by way, he said, of returning
good for evil," - and by unanimous cod sent the
printing was ordered and the hill referred. It
appeaftol there had been a little contort as to
the priority of business, the Ohio Senator being
apprehensive if one of Foote's long winded de•
,hutteaget tvefore his bill; there was an end of it
for the seesion.'"ltivletitot thee better •sf-the
little great man, Chase withdrew the ohjection,
and the resolution was introduced. JUSIUd.
On Friday last the people of Staten Island
gaie Kossuth a warm public reception. The
proceedings were very imposing, and gratifying
to the great Magyar. Richard Adams Locke,
Esq., addressed the illustrious exile, who replied
in a very happy vein. We have only room for
the following extracts:
Citizens, I thank you that you have addressed
me through your speaker, not in the language
of - party, but in the language of liberty, and
therefore the language ref the people pf the Uni
ted States [Great chees:ntr]: hecause.. I told
the people of England, awl' RA I now repent it
to the people of America, frankly and openly, I
desire to ace respected the right of every notion
to dispose Ha own domestic concords; therefore,
I myself have felt resolute in every place, in ev
ery country, to respect that principle. Hence,
I come not here to the Coiled States to inter.
meddle with your iuternal concerns.. You are
the sovereign musters of your Isle. I come
hitherin the name of my down-trodden, but not
broken people. [Cheers.] I come Either hum
bly to intreat, in the name of Hungary, the gen
erous protection of the people of no party in
these United States. [Cries of "flood; goaL"[
But, citizens, having the consciousness that
have never !Token, in my whole life a single
word which' I have not felt front the very bot
tom of my. heart, I ant sorry jto see that the
declaration which I hare made so often and no
solemnly in England, and to which I was happy
to find that the people of this country had giv
en a jtind regard, were not sufficient to prevent
me, oven before my arrival, from being charged
with meddling with your domestic
namely—with the location of your Presidential
election—Mere some one cried out "Three
groans for the Courier and Enquirer," which
Were given; after which three cheers were giv
en successively for the New York Daily Times
and the Ileralfl—because it so happened that,
in one of ay addresses in England. I mentioned
the name of one of your honorable fellow citi
zens, hkr. Walker, as ono of the candidates for
the Presidency; [Laughter and cheers.] Now,
gentlemen, let me assure you that I feel quite
at home in your tablet, and therefore you will
pardon me if I speak fatitiliarly. [Cries of
"Hood, good—that's right."] I confess, with
the warmest feelings of gratitude, that Mr.
Walker has uttered eentiments in England, such
as, if it obeli be my happy lot to find to be the
sentiments and feelings of the people of the
United States, will lead me to declare, with fer
vent joy, that Hungary and Europa are' free
[Cheers]; and therefore, I feel deeply indebted
to him, an I feel deeply indebted to you, for the
expression of those sentisente.
Bat nil this has nothing to,do with the ques-
Ben of my mixing with the Presidential election
of the' United States. The matter irsimply
thin that a gentleman from America, in his
official capacity, has introduced td me Mr.
Walker, whom I had not the honor to know as
one of the candidates of a political party of the
United States; and hearing him express certain
sentiments, I merely mentioned the fact with
out having the-slightest Idea itimy mind of mix
ing'witti any party question whatever in this
country. And I now declare, that I consider
nom= to be an honest man who is not ready at
alt times to respect the principles, es they eon
ceraatid affect other men, which he 'desires to
see respected in relation to himself. • [Cheers.]
I desire to see respected, by every people in thy
world, the sovereign right of my nation to dis
pose of its own domestic concern, ; and there
fore I would not be an honest man if I were not
in every country la the world, to respect those
Principle, toward other men. [Cheers.]
** . 4
As to tiie prised which You wore so -kind as
to beatow.opon me, it is no affectation of mod
esty in-me when I declare, that lam not .con
scinukof having any merit at all, but only that
of being a plain, straightforward man, a faithful
friendbf freedom WU" good patriot: [[fear,
hear.] And these qualities, gentlemen, are so
naturalito every honest man that It Is scarcely
worth while to speak of them, because I cannot
conceive how a man with understanding, with a
sound heart, can be auything else 'than a good
.riot— .. —a lover of freedom , art boueet mart.
But let atter all, my humble capacity has not
preserved me from calumnies. I can well say
of myself, as O'Connell once said of himself,
that I am at this time, the "best abused man"
in the world. [Voices, "0, na 0, no!",1 Well
gentlemen, I do notcare much about it. [Laugh,
ter.] Se long m despots exist in the world ;
and despots can find the means to pay, they
will hodinen to calumniate those. who are up.
.posed to despotism n
all tyra' tly.l Therefore I
care not much about It hormone, suppose I were
the most dishoneit creature In the world ; I beg
you In the name of all that Is sactrul to tell, me,
whet you'd• that . nottrr Offal:ha" to the reuse of
Iliviyay f,." illeuld that cause become less just,
leas rigte9tYt le4 :114:#7 of lout FIFTs4.7
bttairse I, for instance lama bid man [Cries
of "No, no.") No, ebeliave it. It is not a
question in regard to any 'individual here. It
is a question in regard to a just caves, of a
country worthy to take its place in the great
family of , freetuttions of the world. I care not
much, therefore, about these calumnies.
Scarcely had I arrived here when I was told that
I was charged here in the United States with
being an irreligious man. Now, gentlemen,
that is sacred ground, and I am somewhat sen
sitive upon that matter; but I will nevertheless
say that, no a good Christian, whore first moral
principle is "love thy neighbor as thyself," I
only wish that that man who charges me with
being an irreligious than, may, with respect to
this first great principle of Christianity, stand
With as open a face before the tribunal of our
Supreme dodge; asi confidently hope that I will
stand._ [Great cheering )
Again, I say, Ido not care much about this
matter: but one thing I can scarcely compre
hetid,—that the Panss—that mighty vehicle of
justice and champion of human rights—could
hare found an organ, even in the United States,
which, leaving personal calumnies aside, should
bring reproach upOn itself so far ab to assert,
that it was not the people of. Ilangary—ant my
self and my companions who fought for liberty,
—but that it was the Emperor of Austria who
wan the champion of Liberty ! [Jeers and de•
risive laughter, and a call again for three groana
for the Courier and Enviirtr, which were given j
Don't give it groans, gentlemen, (laughter] but
rather thank it; for there can lie no better ner
vier to any cause than the.manifestation of the
fact, that its opponents have nothing to any hut
such ridiculous-1 do not know what in the
world to call it. That :omit he n sacred and
a just cause, whose opponents have no other at
tack upon it to make. hut by the assertion that
the Enpror of .1 tiAtrld is the champion of free
dom throughout the European countries! [t/reat
laughter j I thank you that you have given me
full proot of it, —that all the calumnies of these
assertions have affected neither your jodgment
nor your heart. [Cries or " No! no!"]
Fn. W. N.. f ..Tourmoll of , aturct,
Five ar Ml' hundred persons assembled oil
board the Simmer C. Vanderbilt, et Castle Gor
den, this looming, by invitation of the Corpora
tion committee of arrangements. Among tholiti
present see noticed Hugh - Nlazwell, Collector ..1
dm port, Judge Edmonds, the Rev Henry
Beecher, Alderman Wetherell, and a deputa
tion from the Philadelphia Councils, and lumpy
members of the Common Councits of New
1 orb.
The Vanderbilt started for Staten Island 0.
about half past 9 o'clock, and at that early bow
a large number of persuod were gathered at the
Buttery to view the progress of the all:dr The
Hungarian. English and American flap were
diapinymi tram the staffs or the steamer, awl a
cannon posted on the forward deck was dlscharg
ad at interval,. TheJ. revenue cutter, and
some td the merchant vesseicin the harbor, were
decorated with Hags. Shelion's brass band were
on board, and enlivened the occasion by pl a y'
ittg , the American national Kin, nod other tour.
tint music.
Thmiteeruer arrived oft the quarantine .I , ck
about half past nine,, and lity out ur the stream
while Aldermen Morgans an.l Mil), weal
o n shore in a boat to apprise M. Kossuth that
the committee were now ready to escort him to
the city.
About a quarter past lea M. liostatth catue:tas
board. accompauiml by Madame Kossuth. NI.-
dame PuLsky, Cols. Asboth Ilorseucry and other
Hungariaus. Ile was loudly cheered, nod sa
lutes were broil from the steamer and the sbnre.
The steamboat Norwalk had gone dawn with a
loud of tomeengers to witness the embarkation.
and they cheered in Ualatla with those on the
OD the route up the bay, the steatnhoats psss
tug sling their hells, and guns wore tired from
tiovernor's Island and the Jers e y shore tl wng
up the East River .4 far as Sirsseuport, the Van
ilerbllt was hailed with cheers Imui Crolllll of
persons congregated on the pl., ao-I shipping
on each side
At the navy yard rialatev were fired froze no
board the U. R. ship Korth Caro Pal and the tri
ple lit Lawrence, and the yard. attuned by the
Returning toward r;aiitle (lord.. it wao found
hi be too late to admit ..1 thu proposed situ,
lion up the North Ricer, and It •aa determined
tr land. The Battery was densely eroridid
with spectators and 'military, and ou
proaeli of the Vanderbilt, Gen. Nlorris* corps
of artillery fired a salute, wbirh was retuttad
Unfortunately the tide was nolow that it wan
found impracticable to run the steamer up to
the landing in the usual way, those on hoard .
having rushed forward in spite of the exertions
of the police, and thus making thot part of the
vessel draw more water than uscial. A number
of.row boats noon thronged around, and many
peinons arnileif fh - erieielve_a of that opportunity
of reaching the shore.
Finally, the stern of the steamer was warped
up to the dock, and the landing was effected
Gastle Garden was ernerded to it, utmost est',
city. Among those in the gallery were msny
ladies. On the platform were Mayor Kingkldnd,
Recorder Tallmadge. the District Attorney, Mr
Blunt, Maj Gen. S'andford, and a numbor of
persons connected with the city government,
M Knsenth entered the building at twenty
minutes before one o'clock, and was followed ty
Madam Kossuth. who was escorted by Lieuten
ant Nelson of the steam frigate MiMil• ippi. The
cheering which then ensued was seetreenna and
long continued, and the rush tower], the stand
was so great that the tables and chaira,larrangel
for the reporters were nearly otertorn,d, nod
the good intentions of the committee of arrange
meets in their behalf were frustrated.
Mr. Morons, president of the Board of Alder
men iotroduced Mr. Kos.orth to the Mayor as
Governor of II ungary, nn attempt was then made
to call the audience to order, but it was totheed
, ed by thoee in the back part of the 1 , 0111, and
the "noise and confusion" were inch that we
were unable to hear the Mayor 's address, although
we stood within ten fret of him. it, Konsoth
stood clove to his flonor t and nn doubt heard all
that was said.
Exertions were made to :bring the house to
order, and for a tittle they Bp:sem:do& It Kos
suth then spoke as Mips,
"Mr. Mayor; Gentlemen If yon are drat
r,olts to hear my humble thanks for the ° gener.
Olt 9 reception you have given me, then I humbly
beg you to be silent or else it wilt be utterly im
possible (or me to *elk. lam still nick, and
my head is diary after being tossed for two
weeks on the restless wares of the Atlantic, but
I shall aeon he refreshed by a few hours rest on
the eoil of freedom. The of freedom'—
What eloquent Music in these words I have
no home, and the freedom of my country is
stricken down....
Not all the blessings of freeddm here can
drown the recollection or my native land. It
has accompanied me here and will follow me
back when I go to fight, the battle ouee more.
Yes, even here, with the evidence or the prodi
gious greatnese of the United States around me
my thoughts atilt turn to home. ((Here M. Kos
suth appeared to be much atrected.l I see out
of the mist of this great aseembly rise before
me the image of my country, and a ray of hope
for her liberty. I think I bear in your loud
huzzahs the trumpet-call sounding liberty for
the oppressed people of Europe. •
Citizen., touch as I am in need of some rest
before I enter into business matters Publicly,
I cannot let thie, the firer occasion pm!, without
letting you know my hopre and expectations.
(Here the noire became no loud that.fil..Kossuth
declared that it was impossible to speak, and
said be would write out hie remarks; for the
prone. Load cries of “go on:" previa / ad upon
him to resume.) I have to thank the penpie,
the Congress and the Government of Ih. l'elte.l
(or liberatian—(The interruption we
enewed, and the attempt to [Teak:fun/le,
M. Kossuth hod several sheets of notes in hi
hand, and had evidently intended -lo (lelivor
long address.
The Washington papers announce that the
President, on learning of the firing into the
steamer Prornetheus,by the British brig of war
Express immediately ordered a competent nay
, al force to repair to Han Juan for the purpose
of protecting American vessels from future out
rages of a like character. inquiries were also
addressed to the British government, to know
whether this conduct had been prompted by of
ficial authority. This is all very well now, but
it is rather late to retrieve the character or the
President and hI6 cabinet for their imbecility.
A naval force eutlicient to protect our Oak from
Windt, ahould have long since been stationed in
the neighborhood of the Mosquito coast. Rad
this befits, done, the Express would net have
dared to fire in the Prornethus or any other
American reshot, or, if she had, she would, in
all probability, have been blown . so far out of
the water, that she never could have diecharged
another gun.—A". Y. Herald.
Live= Pit.u.--It would he ...ow to fill. voluove*lth err-
Ulleates of the excellence of [We netellelne. Wherever It
Du hal • WWI It hw suede Itoelf loottlar. We ;hare In
our power'ou bundreila of orde” like the following:
'Vary•burgh, N. Y.,•Dee. 10, 1847.
Messrs. Kidd t Ca.--Your traveling agent Wt obit me
• abort time /doer, se 4u•ntity of MrLareeem Liter Piths
The whole lot meld very rabidly. •nd Kate th.i /dotterel
malefaction. Indeed. It It es.neldered the beet mOdleine of
the ktud ewer offend for sale. Please send ore' another
merely as •ooa •. poraible. W. 11. itINSIVORTIL
/or oat. by • .1. KIDD a .0,
No. CO Wen/ et.
tarFarmero ! ponder well over the thou
sand seriOente that daily befall home and eattla, whieh
often render them oaalres for life: when. if rot would
male It • point to telly always no Initudll.o. ianTll4
Arad= Liniment. rent mold have the ullmal edged In
fee- dato; Axed Moe nig only, two time. but goo would
met Id th• risk of hoeing the etttatare altogether. Yen
nilLtmautt ! ,!! • . nada
Len iardCutlery,dre
F porta o ware, .
LOG lig , WILSON & CO.,
No. 129 Wood Street,
Dealte to call tee attantlod of Word:mato and others to
their uur 1114 M Of
And which thoyzre:%7 o, p , r . ft , m p l ks to offor at each prices
o f hood . oosortoneut of MANN'S cote CroD.I C. S. AXES
al n
Petro eluxt
Lotonrgs Conan Dr I . 4 . thourn.—We Invite the attention
of the 'Mirth,' and the public generally. to the r..rtthrata
of Wyo. Hall. of OA. city. The t 0,., may be ...o by any
g e e,..n who may 112 relation to the facts berg
rot forth. P. 11. KIER-
I had !won Afflicted ',rend Scare will 'OVUM of both
eym. whleh eouttettod to incr..* oath remember, 111.40,
the to inannyatihn lot tbat Wm, having Involved W. abola
gmembrane of both gym and ended in the dencidta
h: a •thel filn, Which wholly no, shill,- I bad
an hgerat , outerfcgtoed.knd tbe tbarkening remee!.4.•hieh
!4.0n ref onn‘l and len me mse bed • ehndttlon bgfoty.
At cd ,
!unttd.tht made thPErat!!!!! !!" 4 .-
rat - of the no., onnuent men. who informed msthat • re, eVP.1 4 ..41it nooer get well.' At Ll:sti., I could
net dixtlngut.h an! Ity tbealvthe of atnne frimla
I nnutur aced the not. of tho getrolautu, led.hlhternally
hod heallj. under .Lich other,. has. Improved daily un
til the hot I h•re yee,mered y eight rot'',
. general h owe ,ery mud! ituptured by the
getth !eon.. mod I or.lot, of my !hall! to
um nee. I, ow•I .trem, In thin oily, and
ethl he berg, to We an! 'Womn. in relath.o to hay
eal. WILLIS!! UAL!.
.ate hy Keyaf Melaueell. 140 Were! ntreet; R. E.
h 7 W. 4.1 rt!,,,, I!. A. Fahnerthel, A Co. thrurr
1{ end Ve!.ht •t Ir M. Corry. Elltott..hateab
th.hgtae!..3l3l gehtrarty. Allegheny; elan by the pro
ft..l. KIER.
• t•• T Canal liulo. N.,” oil. ft.. Po tunurb
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company.
eA PITA L. 8100,000
atm i.: tit.,
i 11 - ... , tk0i—5.41.1. Met.trids.Aft.
'lrra.urrt—Jonti.o ,
,•er.t..ry --C. A Clit.Tore. ulvvrtlremont lo .other part Ells p•per.
Young blen's Library—lntroductory Lec
E LION. 'WM. B.:rilveLl'lCE will loc
i tow LI., re 11/e r 1 .11,/,' MAW. Nlereantile Ars, awl
Sleet..te: Fr, event', De. V.Al$ ,1
. 11.. Oty 1.41A,t1e 1 1.J.Ank.
/ . The ,enblie sr. reep,rullr
; !I:ll('Aiß.Arllll:fttl,"'"T.
d.. 10 SEI.LEIII..
I AA , ez. so•dCbrorziel. Aopy I •
New Dyeiru; Establishment.
I SA'sELLA. ROW, oeai Federal ittreet. op•
it ~..... EN. - E,,0,,.t tioliit,. Allwabeny CU., irtrlt to
1 int irm itio vitt:rue tit l'itt•liurgh tiiiit 11, ittn Li...
lir-a• .0..1+, •e ,ot rry nioule moot col., Nell. Vette,
Iriiii iiiril tit...hid ritual 1., tow, l'auti.iiiir• tniitiiii,l'iwyw,
Dr• ,155 . , . , 515.5•5 5 .. awl vir'•ry t nrlet 5 of iiriw.ww•lieleatoiit.
.114 tLe rotor. rii•torwil to triiiir In•r brit iiiiiiiiii. iiii.ltni
'pitied...pint to loiwi . 5, .10/11 5 .5 . 55 %testi, Ariparrel clout
i•I nr 0..1 ••515,15 twing t•trin to It iwo., 0,15.r1 ararixthleA
1 .., ...• r 11 5 • LI. 5 •1 5 Ant 5, 55., 'oiliest...el:al). u. tnper• Mr
laiir r 14 • iinet via,. It iiiir oluitr•to uisir the Wo,.
5541....115p. 155 Th,rrolvrlls.l. wi1155. si, atitil *or ./..•1.
....E gn.,11, h. tr Ouzo, tire will r• - • 1 i • with.. trttrtniir
'ilia,. 11r dim., loiriiit erir Mit —L•• iiirt Lt.. Introit tiu
poistroaroit• In Ir a: nil iti• iilil ruinnirt -our work will lie
ri o nal o - tliat of n.Lathere Drew, in 1 , .. .1
tt.i•eriiiiiti: ii, o 4,1 wit u•I to tlwor ori• •21
15,551.5 54 rran Ir A
. 5, t 555 . ,1. rivirruine our •ort, arid
It It wirlie• ti. 11 1 • 5 • 55151 hi. Irt.itil. wliiini ti• tia• riritid
,t i th o • tru, unt eutiv , tLat tit• lucawn ir now In Allegiii•
5 3 5:51,
[wary Birds.
FIINIE tinders . , nrd 11:. jma reeelre.l a lot of
1 running, Cur.". taint. Innii iiiirio•nr. uliiiiti •er
trioiswl in IN*/ .. 0 .. t - II• wii, ule • ,1••• with' , li
J .. rlt Altwitr u too.. .ter iittert. id: ii Lt.. itor•iitig•
to iii Kr it e. i ti•rii to. ate, iltent cheap tor vault
4 l'il. MILL/tn.
Hoods for Cold Weather.
' '''
[knt •I• 4. viol, brown, And 0,1
,C•u Asot.rn 51.. A. r..lrv.
II b... • cou •
. 'v01.r . .• tutsl`u•
Craufc.n.. A , '••••.1.1v, 6 .1,pv1, DI. AN.
41, lo.r
PE ILA---K opt for wle, Ili.. Ilsilf
an 4 .1,.! .luau .II„r ACIA
••••• .1 . . tr,. •• tr• rb. I•tr.V. 3
Cunt.r. o fail 1.•••••.
tor, Mad taqael /llama., • t.•
velo•or nnl urrartte {afar. ,Llar u•r.
Cl.•rt • for 1 , 0.1. May•or ILa. tivs.orrn• bur
f ••••• Int:v.llw. .o.gto.ut
A ft.rt
r... • ..4 hr.l uralla
utut ortokuv,“ Cr
=ea aa al,.
•1r tt, lor Ana, ous, of V.r.
..rviteA •—•••• r.troo• vautel tor kn.,' •
.n.i elayraa's Mu,
a`a , •.•a , •• al./da1..., woraan, • gaavi
laas,•lenarr not.a. 0,4,0 a plarkr,
••.1 Aral dr, uurrev.••,•upp •ll lid Wu
• • ..r root.. P1...< nt W. Ihrorsati th•
P•rr.,1411 not to It AAA! 4.8.H1V,
mr,• 1 111vatony
The Holder of a Note,
4i V fiN be Jac.‘li Poe. Thomas. j'uo. and A.
utsur • 4
a. »Kt ( rVP T.
dclo C.
P. Milli. If salavi Thud otog. ,
Uni.: IL— 12 1
1 bbld. fresh 0 1 , 1 , Ar g 119 ,:e... by
I 1 111 0 11 1 110 PE AC II ES—a)L¢. for Halo by
) 1:: 0 1) APP L EN-20 bid:. 1; 1 1 ,
N 7./ I Urn.ln.
.nd II
eat.. 0
J .lIV Id TT dr r I I
dII"Std ed.
bAI. fr-r•h RE,II flutter.
New Clvrrr 44.4
t.f,t..uperior 'Nuns,
b:r n.le Lr
417 •1211
Orphans Court Sate.
I.llll.lttiliA NT io an Order of the Orphans'
I t,nrt ~f r•ia er , uuty. the nod .rolzurd. Ida,utor
ug T •,11 40 II) public owl,.
un un It as, Junuarr. Ald 1002. m.
ill 0 A 11., the leo int aeeeribed prOpertd, bolt
All [hat certain ;at ur oleo. of ground 1 111131 Win theEurh.b
VV•ri ,a the 17ttr of Patubutuln. 'aloft part id Pitt town
ea,. leanly, bat uuu hundred •54 lon, tour to •
plan baa uut by Walter /Umtata sail Wed
ter If. leauyin Kzeturtnye if the I•et pill tad Leta.
oreol Starlun hub, &reamed, whtell plata be re...led
Alb ghenr Cuuuty, dr.. nut bounded sod droottbtd
telle•.. to •it truotiup au 11,0. n atneet lu earrlplau
P•ob d
ltd,ur oot. sod ettanure eouthouteratd4 hr
[berme of 1.4 number nue huturred and fort,ibrro inlaid
plan. une hundred .od rig !stand re:lutist( Inches,
-rn . , 7„z h ,:tez, b L f ttiVa: utr
arod Taman, Blr time br paronul tours,. •nd Wh
iy, to Jur4 Jul, lb, Zeetlfd.i CoUnty
s Deed Pout r.d plde 0.39, te... on which eidd tot aro
• too ra.rr tow duelling inane and out 1.005.0
Terme lora). known ateat, SAUL Id MAIMS
eel,. • '3: r Kseentny of 4.0 T. )lark.. don
. • ...
Turnpike Election.
P u rry.i,l:;nt and
EL .Ei.x
It'hotrfelf VgE.T.urtk,.°
rood, op TU0,31. Ilie Otb dar of JAl:mar,. 185%
twevo the hour%
of us,l aeh...l L
.1,441:w3r.T .11,111 i 1/ ILYI Pre.'t
1 Wsohluaton Ile,rter mpy
( ) le Till: CIIII.I'ESVA INDIANS, who has
appeared tarot', moat of the new., Nobility,
awl re. pin or /tufo,. aim the lit.
Preride i nt / Taylor, nod th: uau ream, ftvpmentatters
rif,ITSII I nt IY I : 7/" l 'll4l4ll. : ' n ' e g t?ei t- ; 1 11,17:111;tr7o:i . •
CLISTONIN, r MASO.Nie 11.11. L on rut XV[ll.7,
sant, If th, when he, his 'iv fo and ow.. will ate
It pear In awl, na , t , ye b ertuioe. ornamented with nolored
2.", UrlralltilalVtOW7's,
Arrow., ar Club, maloorke, Malting althea sea
bblelde—lllustrative the hnhlbe and <ottoman, the child
ten of the k,r,t. on au es te , n.lre arab. nod In lb* most
oprehtneder want., exhibitinit an arcurate
loth the wild and Hell state, of Real Life with the Red
a,,,-The money received by M. 1 .46 1 / 9 4 1 / 1 10., al thee.
lure ,. U, gypie.ll big eons, non In tenon/ at Tall.borg
Illaitton, In th• ritate of 11110
se - Toteta 10 rent, Children under Id year. half Wes
Pren , "at. nuorrd for the Wirt Wore open AI 7--,*
hilotion rommenee at o eine/. .511
Moore Henszey it CO.,
AIPORTF:ILS unil Wholesale Jobbers in
iisiinwsite AND CUTLERY, No. lalt Market Meal,
i•toek larno ant prim. /ow
it the I Itit 01. l Inwwniber, the renter. 31 •11TrnIn will
„„„ etreet. shove the Canal belles.
"", et flh, p'elook. l'nerengers will an by the
Vere P.: tall.. 2. Tonle Ilnwk, whore they will And the
beet or enaehen in relulinew. In roarer them te mile, no sr
flr.t raw turnpike rd to Beatty litatino, there
teke Ihe epletnilel Care of thePeueerivanie itellroecieent.
pally direct I. Plf 11.ADHLP111 A and lIALTIIIOIIP-
Pare to Pbliwlelphle in 24 hour..
Pare in Beltimere AIL
Peenaneere will procure their lick... et the Dilly._ In the
Penn nallroed
AN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Peter
Dcard. soterwat which be hold 10 the St. (Smile
uoluesd, ItnJ which was ndnat•d under the att, t o of
Du, rd A Co., will be for sale. Yor lent. ad, en
uourc 01 W3l. 11011111:i
,1...ct.11 of the Arm of Tylhnn A florman.4ll at.
4T 1101.,M ES' LITERARY DEPOT, No .74
Thlrl street, opposite the Post 01114 e....
ims nod Obstorleo; • ltormsne. by Imam.,
horticulturist i o d Onltirator. for D•ortube.
Ladies' National Maclaine, for , Issultry.
Ilia Old liu.ra of Napoleon, by 11e5417.
Llrntber Jet/Chau, for Christmas..
A larun supply of ANNUALS. from Si toil':
11nrycr's New 310011,17, frli.rctuluir.
Chamber:l' Alper" for the People, Vol. 1 •tid R orl ot 60,
Intertostional Magazine. for December. -
Illark•wcro 31••• tine„ fur 2 4 .ratuber..
Glances at Murnpe, n l.l lioraeotircely. ;
1 111. 7 1. irck 'l lnle h Nils . stle. a 000 work b, Herman Mel.
liirtinuary of Milker...4n gnotapnn e '
LI.JOY Labor end London too; No. It,
Harper's Meer: vol.; bound In [amino
Lketehoe in I relaW, by IL 31. Tharkeral.
oudon Art Journa l for November.
Lib. and Adventuros of en ArkenenerDiktor.
The Oxonlwo. a new novel by beer.
Tbn LIIT and the nee, by Ilernnel Wer e *
Don quixoto bin (4l Ira thoocho Tense.
The Taking of tho //male by Dn...
Aleniorine of n Ph y mickn Domes.
Derry nungwo, • t51. 4 .1. ,by
ato American ILIVOItIek.;
loot. ArntadeL or 111.11 nabbed of Life.
fninklalrlefigh. or *real In t toll
A Privati Popli..
Metilds Moutgennerin olmvall toosts.
111 , 1tboreptiun. 01 . niitlaT7 Of Unman linnet 15.1
• Ma bd. or thi Chad of the .1941.1 i Flold, 'Ala of Maier.
Ladies' Secretaries. -
Iryo beautiful new style LA DLLS SICRETA
.., flniabal and fnr sale hr
dal/ JOAKPII 51ETrilt. no. 421 Penn at.
United States Patent Office, t
Die 2.11134 4, 11 , 41. 4
0 'e petition of Jesse Urmy, of Wilming.
ton. Delaware, praying for the extenlinu of a patient
betmled to hi= tot an Improren
ent in the arraugemerilut
gearing tor delving machinery. fur seven lean from eh.,
capitation of *lid patent. which Woe place on the aikth
b ary. A. li
4 7,"!,, r r r,„1 " ,,,,.., th a t the petition bo heard at the Pai
cot tillko an Morality. lbe bth of February. 1.:4, at I.
olelonk. I I.: and all baron/rare notified to app.., au,i a ,„„.
~....,...... if any they hare. why aald ts•titios ought hut tO be
Peraook opproing the attention ye ror,uirad to kb in the
Pstent Ofller twentyo., apoinoally r..., (holy I p c 0,..
Ling. at haat day. before the us,- or hearing; all
i,11h.101, fileti be either party to be u.nd tit the hearing,
must Le l taken end transmitted in aroord•nne with thr
rule. of the ollho. which will be lbrniahol ounonlleeb o n.
Ordered. al, that that ni.tira he publiahed ha the Na.
',a u .' 1.14db...r0ar, lbepublin, and Union,of 141phIngton.
D 1' kapre...Nrw York; Providence Journal. Provided.,
!thole (.laud; Pally Ad.artleao. Boston. klaaaathuaatbk
Panusylennla Iliquiror, Philadelphia lb.sinn) Iv aulag Pitt..
burgh gibe., Pittaburgli, Pennaylvaula, and the Jour
nal, Wilmington. lb.l.war, anon . week f rrite.. bores.
not weeks poolou. to the filth ds, of February nont.
71104. EWEIAI444,
. daarlibrror 0 - 41Mineinner_ of Patontx.
_ ~ .- . . . .
fiILOUR-1200 blots. extra family, f , or solo by
I .
dell S. A W. II AIIRAPai b
- - - -
L I LIF,E,SE-50 boxes Cream, for sale by
11 .j.. 1. S. 4W. lIARBAIIIIII.
, .
1 INBRED OLL-5 bids . rre'il. and for sale '
1 I I, ' s k W lialtliAlliill.
... OTASli—ill eri.akel prime, for sale by _
L del/ aAW. II AltltAlltill.
•It L,AS --.FIJI bi.xes'
. ao ,, orteil For sub` by
-,, b ' .1
I. \ li Ili CO II
I .
ivi A . ( , ! .. : ,, EILL}: ‘, ..7 , - , I utt b 1;1 ei .. „ i 1 , ,,, , r i 1z! ., „:1', , i ,1, : i i i. for
- • -- -
1 - , 1 1 , ,A'1 . 11 - ,ltti- -100 bags for sole lo;
.11` .i.sA • Sa lt.llAl:l;APtill.
,Ilei. A LE11. 1 .111.4-10 tons l'ine'd, in kcask,.
and tote.. lor ale L> It. bAi.i./.1.L A Pa 1..
hilo-rt, run at
1,1/ 11 , 1 LE in 1.--2 casks W int. Struined, for
v v ~.i. to. ' 1 toil It IiALZY.LI. A po.
d 4 il E 1 . :: , . V. --li s I boxes Cream, superior;
1..) Is. - (Ammon for nal. by
dea It. ii , 1.zr.1.L. co . 14barr .1
B LITTE E.-4/ bid, Fresh
k itoll; ,.
,o is by ILO I - It. lit 1. 2K1.1. 4 lb/..
Xl•:IV LA till- In 111,1 s. :inel kegs, for sal.. by
der' It I/AI:MO.1. A Ilto. I.iloetr ...i.
.. . . ._ .._ .
i I iturst) N uTs —52 snoks new crop, no-
II I nano , . tor Sale by LOA !All DICK/IV a cit..
It ater ....1 Inuit au..
d , ) 01.41• 1 1 Sii- -/I drums largo for ~ .als by
1 dei la A I All !slash.' AOl
/1 , 014TE-1. - 01 long. ilreen 160, for sole by
issi All litirb kV a ili
1 NI)I1A1 , - I vor.s.n Caracas; 2 kegs Mani!.
i is. sn rtny.latllLvtil. his rale low to ,1 1 , .....
15.11 in Dl, i.t.l A pii
I )
,L 2,12. S k, u
tal eta., tw. nnol 1-.4,1 1,1
.1, IA II AIM', Mari, o
14 1 1 i. r.SC 'MY:I'IIINQ —2 gross,
I .I:.s tw•w art,l'taw , r 1,,
Lu .1 a 11. I'lllll.lN, 116 Mark.,
I . : BIOS— .2 1 10 Z. holm
11 arwt rat. Atli., 1, utle al IL.
J. A /1. I'llll.l.ll'S. 11.. 11.51" A A,
UMERA I. METHOD Sipiil; NI; 110(1K S.
I'll •nlw^rilwr ja.l r....w1r.1 • 1-ill .nnAlr
oar, 0105.0( 115,. (b. A.m.'s!
It. sm. , ata,,Al II snuony. S,w 1 ea./
Ti. on. bins to•U•i•ltty • £5.51 var., Of
tbo lowt Chut!, Ma,
nwhi Sla.ur els.w.w. • 11
..1 Harr
1 1 I• 1 - A full .appli •••1 pnawlAr ....rt. will
ly lw trot Wr
Executors Sale of Real Rotate, (ironed
Rents and Stocks.
( i I ,O n ;
101.1 101 I, wll h ..00 I ,
unde..lghed, EGO .0.0. .0 Jame. SI Ilea,. isie oi the
Cl, of eitt..1.ur,,G„.te.N.....1. THREE lAll 1111 LirlN
II? 4 0totisli, •tt..t.. to the ...ail!, Peunao.l
PIP btre..l.., froot of at, , ,,t bet .. 0
ext.ntiluz •ba•ot ba Get to an ~1..1 It. II
11/ tutu Ilritio.ou att-ta ur, led a... 4 10,00,1 well
annbe..l Or, .00ey 14+e14 hwel Una s,
purt•u,n-es A 1.,, TP 01.
the w.uthwarally xl,l. Nti 41./ et I 1..p.00. thy •Ile•
aGreaabl. hsvin, 1,00. 10 •G ul Is an i •Nyfr..o
three 11r • I...elhelg 0.0 I, th. a,
1,1•1 , I,l' 01 11 •I, woe., 011
trio n.0t1,..01 aol. a I I.ln .tteet. ,
th• turner or INGn Ftreet. ..I,oltoz
.treei .1h apt 111 10101, .1.00 .0 l.„ ,
Tw.. St r, Briolt haelltag II ay hq.
purl...tin. It I,F ‘,10,11 NI., I. It, ...WI,
•1n...1..1 IL..looato-e h.... in.en o.or
II Irwin otreet..r.o.ol., •1.0,1 1 by all ' O l
I n depth. h. lb,. 10, 01 lot 11 meets c. I.
ere0,..0 au, .h,r, I , raw.. 1 , .,010, 1 1.0.. 1 11 1 1
hrf HER LOT. tal , Wt. so, a,..11,1 Mt.
0.0 at.. 01 f •ael, or, . in Got,
about 1:1; loet. • toet, are tat., tw,. •h Knelt
Al µan nano., ,I +1 nt. 1 1/... of one 11.1,red
am, twenly , l. , / , ../.. ha, able tallart,lS ....1.., •ut thal
11101501,11.410, 4.4 norat plan .0 FOGhorsh,
,„ het r.n 00tt,b, oo tra,
hear, .10,, •nohy 11r.•• .1.1 /ram, lenomen
r•tratak Itable
tO•• i
,1.1 hi.aufao
17••hanto. 1
•,„ •• ,ti Allegten, Co.
Po • •• •• ^ -
4 11.0 ~f the Real real. -an 1.. at I he linnmer
elalSales K. - um.. Term. at eat.
Tern hen,
Las I 1.11 4. F:Abvutemb
11 ll • I: 1 Au, te.n.N.r. •
.III assinran la, 400
hS•FehT 1 , 1 , 11 F that 1 waa'attlictatt Sp 4e pusaillaaqlth
4 1 / 7 oh. P 6. .1,4.4 to t4. oo 4blisphl 111
..lAany whit, and that by Ms went one 1001%64.11 tot. 11
...f 4.1 Pr,' P 1 ~ , 4 two of the Inspenal
SIFIIP, 1 ass aaaforell, mat.; J. W. UotaS.
Watt. rt. VA, MIL y 117 la,
bane U.l h.lier, 00141, Syr., 11. toy fasoli tan
r:?:„ 1.111
rreawrea •nJ add br
1. hELI.J.II S. 47 110..1
lUDI.UM ' M SPE(' Fle-- 1 A froth ;upitly
A rr..- 1 ,1 awl Gr sale by J. KIM/ t CO,
- •
1A r< eat, few ..ale 111 J. brifo, fO,
TARCII-'2.469 Iho. Foxe', Ohio, in 511 lb.
1. - 3 tartan, fur WOO bt J KIPP • INI,
'GA ea, 1\
LIIIEAIt LS-I 4 111111 rol• sale by
4. • St 1111 a IIeCINI.I.F. II ,
QUO Ithds. !brim° N. u., nub. Itst
,1, 1 !Alit, A. a
ITI O I .ASSES--20 bhls. N. 0., for Naii. by
deb J All F+ .A. I 1 1.7, 11 111F0N a
Book-Keeper Wanted
W 110 LESA 11ot1SS, on W„.4
rad I w•nl. on the Is, of Januar, No •xperibm....l
Poo Keeper one gualtdoo to nil the ..ltus.lo.n, •
I.heral salary• will be isllowad Addraw., with nal ham,
"Itnoka . at Oil. Lao.. A unk•hol.• • 111 be Loll
Jou, II
-1 Cottla.olow the Element. or 11 uak,.ul rkrll.l.lo
01sartlons for thr Plano Int., to iulde•l •
t ol leetinu of IMF J.. so ul r..otilar Hurt., e. nahl 1,7 of
Po! ys, Ilex/Gem 10.14..., Pplllatt. Dam.,to Ily 11,1wani
1.. Phil. Film, :Act.. For aaln b,
dela .1. 41E1.10/11. II Wood NI
41 Attu rtted • larlber ....ply of the ab.,Teartiele very
Superior. ALm. WIDE SlinEl !NUM, of Um onf . Gal
male Pillow Ca,. Slob! rt.. Is.
illillF l /1 Ell Ittl IFIEhD,
Jail Nnattleast earner of Fourth And Marta At..
1101'S' WEAlt.—Alunvur A iII'ItI.IIFILLP
Uis Airt ree'd •la 4 rt•Trttu r i..wl , tk , ll On : To R A, i. ll
41:17i ° 1/“lr'i r it i .TOUti fr i : l;ti,'"ll,74 I'l% to" 1,47.:,
WI. Huy," will C.ll with lig.
• •
Ohio and Pexuasylvaaia Railroad.
00Entnenring on Monday; Dec, Bth, 1151. .
And connected man Railroads leading to Clereland,
Columbus, and Cincainnt s i: miles Railroad,
atd only 19 natha Staging between PittsLurgh,
widths connection with Me Cleveland Railroad
at Alliance.
THE Express Train loaves Pittsburgh at
A 11.. twat.. only at Se•ickley, Rarbrato, Now
Dottllogtoo arid Eno, atxt twsets. Pat...tint\
4V mllea, at (0.40 A. where paaarmiera Liao peaann to
&tem. IV
telaud. tads, en rattmad theme to Ailt.or
UMI etnl
• • .
d ldta ;217 andlt " jaa ." lLV 4 t ' n ' ka M :r " : lZ i rr .
Polcal and Warran
llsturnlng, tho asprea. Tram 1 aaa . Palnatiaa
P. W.. pan, llocheater at 4P. M. arrirca Pitt..
be, , lf or i at P. H. •
be ;too laaanammalallna Train lilt,.
Pitt an/hallo A. M. and 4 P aud Noir 'Mahlon at
7 241 A. 11: and 1.30 P. 11., atapraug at Inarrneilla.e eta.
llama Haeuratan tlekats gaxt for tau dare are nold la
aaaa. pusaagrab. Uchaste:. awl Naar Isnablau.
The Pawing. Train at 11 A. 9/ , aal
/ham .t, A 11.
run to
Ovenibutwes run in enunectrou arab rbtrintins M and
from the 'radian on Vederal atreet
g o y rtegate apply, al the Yowlers! Rtroet !Dation to
debtf 01.:01ttig Kahle!,
Tidal Agent.
"Elk Horn" Saw hall for Sale.
r„s estaldinliment, lately finiedtad and
=re In rumple,. running order, Is situated on the.
%umbel. , 'M %bora Pituldtrah. Item., to 11. ,
•kinlty 01 extensive. worke, It 'eontruande a ready
borne Market Mr lumber used In boat huiLllng. gr., and
It all that la not sold nu the prantlaectha Marl..ter at
w.f., all att outlet to moredletaut market,, pp
and do . wn the valley of the llnsongabola. Purnlthed
with =OD very and nature. of the beet and moat cense-
OMetrintle, thia Dill stands
unrivaled In finish, mummy
of fuel, and stile... 7 Derft.rmanet IM work. The
establishment, Maturing alearms of Coal, Dwelling
House, Mum, !liable, Or will he abld low, and on tortn•
to "liP'"'"'" .l.M. IO VN , Adorn a,
detittf Ottlee—g ' ourth st near Wutel
_ _ - . _ '
Allegheny Foundri tor Efaie.
THE undereigned offer for sale their ex
it littlixite and raltiablii FOUNDaII, situate on Lassek
street, sal •stetulitt: to Ann street, Allsithsns. The
builJlngt enthuse the Sonudry, WILMIOI4IO, •Dlarknalth
Mho and Pittent Mho. awl the lot of ground oo whlsh
4,...,144, is 1106 (.01 about 76feet Tho
Foundry tuul • doubts stack and two fulmar., with two
cisme. The Itoprostuonts are ail of recent sonetruetsart
de6,6t• StrKINAIIAN A (10.
LINSEED OIL-20 bbis. for sale by
I JIORK—S Dogs just rend and for sale by
ItOl3llllON. Lrrit.r.
drn N0.:65 Liberty at,
PEACLIES—I6 ho. fur sale by •
den te WO.A. 6 IiCLOItO A CO.
ItUTPER—Fresh, and handsome.
Ifi x
pat Pis for f.n.ilr 7‘ . „% m :1,, b 4" °` II
W3I. A. AIeCLORG (6.1.,
460 Omar. wed Tea Doale!s.
bbls. Fire and Water Proof,
fond. by ISAIAH DICRkY a CO.
Water tad Vroul al6.
B u g6 K ET,S--75 doz.
ift:ileAtff,tifaftzl: 0
UOTASII=W casks fur sale by
4.0 ISAIAH DICKE? a co.
12 OLL BRIAISTON E-12 bblej6i:o7l,le by
j_g, DICK.HY a co
ARD OIL-201)1)1k Winter, 1 - 1:11:7 - 3 tdc71;y
dto J .KIDD 24`0.. GulToal at,
Gating Haltlet...S
New Hunch w.
New Ituntwea......—lt*iotlt
.O•111/1n1Citto Owego ew 1.111130 P ma.. 111 41. k %/mutat
Nolen ' ktedg Nieeilent Tual, We. and • tuo
Colim.loe. p 1.
V MS. TFRPENTINE- 7 15 bbls. in prime
Z` Pfiur °`4"' for Wrl,
l.hgDDlCo . Ww4
f r i j aNCll OCHRE—Superior, for sale by
de; J. KID D !CU. CO Wool st
eITRE-89 bags Crude, landing
dsd for ale by ItlAI U . DICKEY t 00-
Water sod Fmat its
I.I I EATIIgIiS-75 bags for sale by
A. 5 I nreg ET Jr CO, Wat, and Prsst sta.
CIIEESE--300 boxes English Dairy;
1 uo •
10cAnA tejn.
OAF SUOAR-50 tibia. ass'd, for sale by
elei iillinflitfleiE a INUIIRAM . .
RUSHED AR--d0 Able. Loraring's,
for palm by dirdififißll3l.
EAT!' Elt-2.00 Sides N. Y , for sale by
deb DUI:1011121): A IN,: IMAM.
1111 tierces prima, for sale by
I 10.0t0ItliNili A INGINA3I
IIEAILF.I I PEACHES-5 bbls. now, for
tt. a Y. ull-ItoN,
110 ttrcun4 At.
11/EARL ASI I-20 pas' s for sale by -
A a 1.6 01.2 Y. Serena st.
REP O BLADDERS - -Wanted by
sis, corner First and Wered stn.
IT MOLASSES-30 Lbls . G 0 „d,d,,,,, R e.
ft,,„, 1 1 ..4. by SUBARU/02 6 ISO 1111101.
N... Ile Warr mt.
Iy a A .
tonlses ' Russell be fteleinsen, bi er,
It 0. 0 mot'. 6+.
6 ie bells Hats, 'm Wm, • e '.
4 U‘ri . """
EllththillibleS A !NI:110231, -
I,NR Etill 'PEAS-25111', chants Y. Ilysou;
ih t!!
e Sleek; ' f
M e ar rale by
des 11111 /WINO , A INI/110211.
0„..„., obi re . 0 0 k7n71 . it . 0 . f riot
Its Use Oretethle. Iles I nm from adhering teethe Lenen,see
d e , nom suckluie, it eseumius teething lujeziou s to
moth, en no, respect The ladies hoer bony sieve felt
th e nereeedie ree suet au article, and in thin Meer expanse
hue .111 Ise fully realised, to nee dompetetiou Is feared if
„.0 unl ieeej Cabe trill do th irty dozen of
remles, ant s tee family ehould Ire without it. led, I . 2tb
ez d e; v o L s a li , ' , u o lee—iritte full dirselleelAck7alieizileelemale
deb metier of Wens' nod Sixth olm.,
I AMES A. Mel NIGHT, No. f. 2 Fourth st:,
22 Item anthem n i.l of LOSU
ell m
Slue, ei men. Umnae, mid Mark Ce term,
at doended barmiest,
Al-1. r.l -- eientlemen's Pressing U. Whit. ls. en
ye, wound Yens, noels. in 'lrene melee,
%1 Inr duels Niter to Mae lesesene en %%sea or I e.strumental 3loser Le mil ' s&
her residence, Ime timillefeeld street. between Muth street
site Veruth stele,
( 'URN
saeks Silted, fur sale by
s. F oN BoNSIOok.ST • CO.
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
itiot RICH ANI/ POOH., bond und free
nll grad,., non,. and ennaltlnon, ihn atm. moat n
uniyrisal optillun nil by 1,11 al. now it, and that it
tn.l no, rem., later Lena-. ya.saa , aa •nnt.
ter., baallgaz and•.urntlan pn,rtita It art• 111. man,
adaang p.n. ••1 . nnnt. tn. nun Ear by • nnt gatawd
ny bnyr..a..runtating—.pratn., dal , ,ason• al nt,
',run.. I. • karn,. oynnly. u try., rhainnatqu. pifao,
.pnfinagdy c
aul anually ythatual on hoving anna.dtaa. ta
)ar h d.1:1Y.II IIrI , OW.ELL, 110 %and Intact.
I 111 LLICOTIIE SOAP — ILO le/lee. prime
ertiele. Wr I.mll r tn., on hand etiil liy
AlreLliltli a IN,. 141 LP. rie rt.
11)RINIE LEAF LARD—Put up exprexaly
Lir 188,31,in A.., m. 4 erucke of J. and 10 Dm.
ee.b, very iiiiperpir.p4Bl 111 . 4 me gate b
WM. A Ali - CLOW Cie
FRESH BUl"rEli—ti Mile. prime, for sale
if 14.4! WIC , Nl.-C1NE,1.4:,
11. 1.1 T En —lO kepi reed and lirr sole Ly
1 4 1 LOCR--Zlii bble. Extra, for sale by
I LA SS—Da at boxes wed, e 1.., fur ' , ale by
I 1.4 11. F LION BONS /101187 t'o..'
EA Wilt DROOMS DISK S— alloy. z,
I kir eel. liv ti I WIN WIN 1(1.118T a nee
Good News for the Laitics!
I'll.!,en Intwornt. Safe end E11 , ..ttn.1 netolnly fr.
rir 14tr..r .111,1 r. Mil,rpoAr r .
Nit. .1141 Inceth
Trvfnlkt, Don-e"..1
JAt t
nn- 11.1,...1
r. Un /inn t . t.upcnion,
nr :nu) arb..lnAelo nrr.l br
tf l'ot•bural
•n.l el.l. Tlll/ I,llVotoltllS nii"1 , 111 p.n.,-1.,.
dr...41101A I r
Chester's Clothing Emporium,
ELFISRATED for Neatnr,in of Fit, Fin,
••I .4 5 . 111 TT..n , 1115r,L,ht1 rot n'nrtmaunhsy—
and, Euro Won, trout,••ll town
orrort 0.1,
to osor to:repro... I•urebrrute a, ia
vnuil t or ahrsnd etsualner. F. ere arr. J,...nntnrd 1., .11
Ler r rri orl rryer rOeutt.
Lin I 7, I.l.ltAtre
.7o 71 .UWIrtiFIELO ST . thava;n4 Oh,
Nll -lir, of ail ages earl row , eut on the snort
- - -
i UST'. KE(.!'ll 50 yds. thin Sheet Rubber,
1.1 . Ban/agin g For oak. at NI. Market et.
I_IRFLAST PUMP S--s dux..lndia Robber,:
CiI2II . IONS---2 doz. India Rubber,
X,/ ao4 Meltdown Air Cothinne. of 41 1Yererawbanor Jura
, Ju
reel 4 Awl to rale .t So. ill) Market ItLreret
• J , 5 /I. ITILLIPS.
4.: PI; Wide. N. U., reed on connig4l-
1.0 a.enuent tor ea). by . ALEX.
134 Front rL
/ 11 RISTIAN MINSTREL !-- only
s teed 101.1 tlnneal Notalla, IL elks. Inr4 teed
anJ ft., ea. tut .11,1170 AIY.I.LLIIL
trl Woof eL
VA I.UABI.E I)ISCOVERY, that zrhith
tour turn long
for errught for, Tiz: A (111.*.111V...11. 11
11,:;r1r1rin.f Earthen tonl,
. N •- article. pine/ trf. thbol'orlna/'tie entoncaltion.
win reouloeut teerfeelly ourilL an 4 read r Err ore in lona
tn. tie, moron. :tn., It ha. tee n hiord. A. It lort to
rel.. ~I .1,.
marks of anythir, havin g two
tu the broken part. even on the ...oat ea.. It will.).
erriet tore sem. rit hot wen,. or tou r other or Mould
"".'" SeOul an
1 he t oa. iron st ere the Importance el leneormitor
aequirouterl moth the lent .4 only oettirlor Imo dutahly to
,isoriu g . • bent. be net re ro trottin g
nor., rte.,.lr. tl
i. 314.• 1,4 .'
.11, er IL E. n•
I 1 ( 1.
%;.(.11; 4 ii-20 hilt's, prime N. O^fur sale by
1110 'OFFEE-150 bags Ihr sale hi
1;.(1;11:1' BUTTE:It-5 bbls. Freoh, for 'sale
`IIUr kegs aes'el Mt., juet ree'd per
Al steam is ars! for min by
.21....; 1 , 8 , 1: 0 b t 1 , 1 ;
4 1 . 1 .r iz1ty ,.. 0,
7 4 andel, ealo bl
E)EARL STARCH— 50 hares just reed on
r, , oo,mout and for seer br
REAM CIIEESE.—tiG boxelt prime, for
"2 sale by S. Is VON lb INN HO . IL , T Pl.,
- - -
IU and I
JINE 4 1I'PLE CHEESE-34 capes prime
On•htl, lust landed and tor Pale hr S r. VON lIIINNIIORST.ROI.
Now Ready !!
VE! L ty LADY having a Piano niinald
, halo and mad Templeton 's , new book. .
nave. tse! this • beautiful book for PRE:lle:irk
Without evennon he mat . pima. piloting god bitsdint
meter .Iv/execute&
Thom Is no teseethle eannalty that can lamyn to a Pl/mo . '
•hlols It
at not point &newsy meanly. Grokhs• Ming
dnection• hat to loop the tuna...sot ALWAYS IN.
TUNIC Prey ,dsly fl.—Worth Ito timer that much. It
oats sent I.) mad to any cart of the Ihnted - .State, mr •
kw c.c.
Publnho.l by Lee I Wafter, Philadelphia, mad mar be
Idol of JOIIN /I. ithLl.oll, Wood Arent, end JIKNItY
KI.KR. Third street, l'ltMburgh. and at lb.
look store.. plludpel
• dal
BR2l o PtiB--200 don. C w o r rn, UH i l l: i r c ret ., Le p le i y .v....
FLOUR -200 bbio, Extra Family;
" 8 T.1 5 V. talikt . Von.
- Ohio, fur gale by _ •
J X 1 , 11.11"?ItT11 2eo
make pure. for vale by
A have rejoin 7PFT fUli anortment of the &bon/ art.
eni n t r lrt i h?"tVi. U l7.l r alr o7=';.:t rtYtr t s . n: t. t d .ter 1 1 .11 .0 :
4.w AC l llrtl?raZi n A i ts • t4l7 . ol Tinerettt sty 1..0 ; 1 '. 1 " ,
j ll',7'; —.. ..
,„,i —.4. no, 1. `:t;.":117.7 1 .1".` `,;`,7„.Tr:1.1.`,',.. fr i:,l".l:i
lITI_N: .. E . --lermlte Madeira, direct from the
r r j, ., I , s .
4.roma titleb,ittol nod sod for oak. by
A. CULLOM-780Y A et,
- r. CSES..I'OI - IT WIN E; and 6 eskg. WILD',
./ CIIVIII: 0 BRANDS, Just tred nod for s(. by
Jot A. CU LllOlOOOOO A CO. '
11./A.:71! , 41--150 hales .
... h . 1 . a.. , I . ~ ,,6 , 31 ;: a a. 1 a
' . 4 CO. u°
A."' ' . '....."!....";
. .
Q LIGAR-50 bids. Loaf Sugar, for role by
L J dol A. CULIMIIIsoN a CO.
1 / 01, ASSES--100 bble. N. 0.;
2 ? :: ..,..!.... 1,!..,`,
. . ,
For AM. b 0 - Onldfn Sy .
drl y
77 and 79 WC., at
10 METAL-165 tome Foundry, fur oale
_ br Idea I lIIIEY. kIATTIIEWS A 00.
IPLAX SEED-125 bu. for sale b
de6„ RIMY, MArruEsili
uTTE lt.-.5
1 4 1 I
70 Ws. N 0.3 Bla.2lnrok
12 hr. " NO. 7
„L.; bblo. Baltimore 11.121•2;
16.'""b' °°dUl ltll9 .l ll3 ti THEWS A CO.
(IREESE-100 boxes . Cream, for sale by
J 11,1 9. •W. BARHAM-WI.
i t UTTER—SU - kg& prit s. ue .: f v oc i ' i dAt i n i t A i r f:lleatH3
110 by Idol)
AHD 011,-25 Able. No. 1, for WOO by
_j JAIINS I)ALZELL, G w t my oL
II 11000LATE-100 bis No. 4
reo'd d-for
,i_ mit by WICK t bIeCANDLESK
- -
OT ASH-12 casket pure, or Bale
,i.e es ICH Is hell/ADM
ig A LIIRATUS-2 . enskc fur etch) by
A 7 u.r wmicammumain
DIU METAL-100 tone for silo by
LOOMS;-30 tons Tenn., for sale tow to
ckr• colul•mmeui. br JAB. DALZELL.
)EA NUT.'S-6.1 bags landing, lorsale by
DICKEY • CO., Astir and Vroatsta
- -
V.P..45-1500 drums fresh Smyrna, for sale
by Wei A. ocususiSOri r co.
/Dr Mr w<k esdtwr December 9. 1931
Grxutra. Rciwurs--,The market daring the
erect lust clmed. ha been' only moderately mile, aral
mthlna has occurred eery materially In amuse our quo
-I.tintt of lan week. The ?Prather for the most part bm
been ehhl. ennuay and disarcreeabk, fol the pact few days
hoverer. it bar been mild for the mason. aith mitmalma
tile rain.
The fall trade may nowlvonsidered as past.
and we may anticipate no warn activity In Milo un
til the opening of spring. Apatite], eirritmstaner.too. .111
have its intl..* in rendeting the Iti vitt dull and !asy
lum, W. are near the middle of , re loot month in the
fie, The first of January firefly Proachea. noel th e
last two weeks On the old amt the ft taro weeks In the
new rear are generally devoted t \ the a ing of the burl
... Cl the Past. Preparatory to ntena , with renewed
rigor. upon that of the coming yeai., Our ereheete will
now have abundant limo to attend to this Taunt routine
of duty. and in doing m, we hope Chet, =ant., 13 , ..5r who
will not same out •Enemiti t ed by the viclecitudNi and herd
, nem of the Utnee, and find on their badman. Kheeta euftl
rient clear amounts in th eir favor to enable 111.411 to tet••
Lintle in their various purmits • not only alth renewed eon
Mien. and trust but hacked by that strotirst td'haelters
—an abundance of pecuniary Melina for tilt. wide lAdde of
sperulatiort and profit sr bleb lie before them: \ \
The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad is ow
too hill end mcr.sful 4 , ra:6On from this eity to 11n.
Valley and Palestine, • distant' of 30 mil.. and \on llok
day last the find train of car. run tneenahAbe ebol , s,
length of the improvement. In the way of fret4t and
travellers, the road is tom Joing an Areellent bosunere
Th., Pennsylvania milvead Is hastening rapidly to a Cm
plosion; and on Thursday. Item
rroa - 1 the fret rani...
mail train will leave the depot on Liberty Strect. al.'s..
the Canal. for Punta Creek. a distance of 13 . toilee. fly
nest spring, both those IMProventente will ' isccoMide.d. I
which will place mi In complete railroad connection with
the Cad and West, and in die full ertioyment of all the,
elvantages edam; (nun dn.. Important connections. ,
ASHES.—We lure on niareml change to notice to tho
maekat Boring the past acct. Sales I'l tons Pearluh. in
verimse lota. at SViM,Ge. principally at the letter figure.—
We here • sale of Si et* Soda Ash. on private term!: the
rats twine n w .11M "t 1 b, cash and time. :Vales
of lealeratue at :11.5.,", and of Potash at 14(541tr. M email
APPLEY—The remdpid pf green apolml eontinue eery
end nupphes continue limited. The neuel pricer.
n. 12 Lor.W., 71443 (rum eon, and 5.2 :342 bukr: firm
trot hand, ee In duality.
ALM—We 11101.1 fit • Vatiti.llll MUM..
Nit /melee. doing at the tollowiut,rates:
e. "'!
-" on. L b i l t • \
Prim.: %hl
hall 1.41.
Ratra. '3A t ,1 )1
.... f e
A l, o lll . ll .—Thereen4referrent rates are.Cll,6n•
aervnlina mstfength.
DAWN—rime ill L. 01 new Saes . ..n Lava irrja but an
yet 00 large sales have transpired. Llama are 141,1 t wig
rfa x e • and nbuulders 1 , 1
fillTriflt—lters.inte continue full. with .o improrasl
mend a.t free!, of whielf, darn. the past week, abel ,
were rale. from flare of Wit) Ihr at IL , e, and 410.10 at 11, (
14.. with to Improving tendency. .ICes, Ls Polling at o}4es
Iffy, and parked 1n bbl. taaf. , :c 1g It
lIEa notice a 14r reque.l for goal white luua..;
ith .ales from And baud, at fl 3501' 7
BRAN t EllOßTit--Malvs . Ia l bu 01% the .hv( at lot
ales ~ f .112MJINUR4 at 14 4 . :. it
Itlit,WAX—W., base q uo tales to remit ar may Quote
oomivall, at !2,4:11r from Om bends and ( fie more.
BUCK ET, amp TUBB—The matitot faWall suOolied
with regular gale. from Mew. at, $2 1 . 2/ilgt '25 fir butke.a,
and allqa W la dozen for tube,
4111.11.,—Wa uotke fair regular aulm. fl L"ti~wl L 1 frottil \\ tore at
37 .41 . aornolloi to quality: Prom flm hands
wr ma, quote at nl , OllOll 12. K. ILA to quality.
RIWIN N rtilEßTlNtirt—Plttaburnhmanufactorm, bruwo
.hertior, an selling at :Me for A No 1, and le for Nan
- • •
itiN ME tt I.—Wt. notice Ilttbt retxinta., with limb!
witb 5n.m.2111..ta u •1641.t.e P bu.
COTI'ON CAIN—We hare no further chan,te to matte\
eotuon Tarn.. The follmring In eorreett list of prteet,-
- if: 2
1.4.. °.2 - 7
%,: T!9...
Cove 2nc
COI:MUM—We lure to alteration. to notice tutor tta
Thy firtilt”.lo. is • tv,rrrut lilt Of trim*.
Manilla Ito, .....
1W dp ... . .
White lbw, by .......
ho do tut...
Tamil Sup, by MI-.
bo do • amnion. Se w
POPPER—Th. regular Wittsbnewh ineunfsettireeit pries
or cake sad ingota ors 194205; oaks hratier'e and of
sheathing at 1114625. c. rata 014 dam and of old ,opper d
tie A%.
-Ourjsanufboterier !hollow [Pd. a lively.
of they caw make, at the following
L 0e ,„;,./k
sooo lthwd, P banal— •
trela 6
CZASIIIKEILIES—The market Is Mirly atm/W. with
Was from note al It telfitddit bbloomonling to Quality:
CANDLES-o-Tham Is a regular demandlu lbw, market at
full mit:cede, for gittoburgh ipalnfactured 0p1 , 13.1
6101114 tallow 10A10)fe. and commern dipped at tell l iar martufacturen nn data, atalr bonne. at thole rates
ellkEdg- We oak, fair sutiliew in themarketlywith
wales duriat the Iterae( 1600 to HMO boo at I dk ati 64
Mir for common to ;dime W R. \ -•
DRUZ ESUIT—We barn no trnt band solo. to rapriet
nod we eau only quote twenthally (min sanest CI f 0 kg,
Pankow, and 11l 50 for Apples. s .
191.1.3—W e notion a continued good dimtatel 'tor freth
on the wharf and from wsdon at ltfillYe P don..
VOIATHERS—The regular mu. from .or am X7e,'ln
lots. wad 362.10, *So P Waglettlek.
FLotlß—The rocelple of torn dating the s yseak hate
been rotinarattrely light, and In eons/Norma. elythe
math of the market., a considerel•lX' amount of ths'yeempta
hare gone into chow. Sales donut , the Week atoOnnt to
shoot 1000 bite. the market caving dull at 59 1142 a, for
V. and 1320112$ for extra brand... Oslo. from Ana
hard been vontard to small lots for elty'eourepthtlon
18 that, 15443 ddyfor cf. and extra brands.
BUCKWHEAT IVLOBR—SaIes from trot bands of 91 0 0 \
95 at SI 373)01 30* 100, Pales lo las from tint hands
03. and from rtorwlst Mtditlit sack, to maul k
tiItOCKKII---entlyt/ moderate burinew has Won dorm
during the week, and dating it.. rase three days ws mem
nom. deelltn la Sager nW Slalassed, with sale, of th• for
mer .t 356611[0 *kb; and of the tatter at 313437bi1
Isla Cotes Is wliiag in smallyats at AN blot. Bleb sella
at, IXAVAce
Oft 01 —Th. renthts during, the week have been toret
erste Salm t 0 bar Oany, lb wan at 40E ale; and 1901 ha
One, m lota.. lite from Era Land, .o 2 28 from nom—
Sales 00 Mt Wheat at Cde, awl of 1134 ha Barney at ettplate.
it bo. We rat nthart no large sal. cd . Frye, bat may coo_
tiaras our lanlatioo. Ist 400 /I no.
110:5—Sal., number sown 3.50 to 400 bead &varmint
150 t 0.190 lbx, at kt betg4 Tk P 100, net. hales
hogs ar•
veiling from nom at ths to., tiara.. tales 9000 ham.
In dry all at :He PL. Some lots of Milkman have snit
Led tdr Kali/meat east We hat. no Wet m reports In this
market. ,
• 110 PA—Are wor th 002030e sa/
lie It b. with small es.
11.1T=Hallas at Mescal. front wagon have been ;ltd.
/not. at from $l6 meld yk ton.
4.lllEH—The market cocain um steady, at abinat haat
w worn anotothlons. Baltimore Is quoted at 21 a 225. NaIF,
York Jo Ikkktho / 1 6.
LULBEK—Tha lira rise In the Allegheny has Oren mar
gmettandlea. The following ara the prima at the
b(41 . 41. ill, and clear do=P 1000; thin=
ides 50 2blot ..5% lathe 12* 1000.
LEAL- , 3olnixonaktenble lets hat. mewed, bat sap
„pls. are comparatively. light, Salm In limited lots. to
krr olg, an 4 dle; for i
`.I.ARD—SaIa to =Minot, at /1.91)Xe kegs., gal 11e® to In MA's'. anoonithe thque/Ita.
HALT—The regulaveurrant rate. of ate market are Ed
011-4,Balas or LlnseS4. to lola a 5 to 10 bias. at 5S
Lug Is selling to 70e, sad No 2 do Gfk.
110 • \
, •
POTATCSake OU. bet.Nnhasetwathe, li lots. at 60 .
11 bu. Redline worth .114,176,11 bit.
PiU 11ETAL—hages Of 160 tons Ilatona. (.411egbany,) at
1.23. and 10410 ti er May at ILM 60. 0 nun.
, e POIVI/Elt-Afgagrei. Dupont, and,Lighia A Extdths /Liao
Powder mar be gelote..l,lu large quantitleVatll4.26; and by
imigle keg, at $.5.241016.0 it live Brick Powdor '411.1.11)6
to MOO. for large lake:mall miantitlea.
11.tikh—itaga tun *grill 3116)33fe Ste $OO4 clean ighteg
with alrord demand. \
SEEDI 7 -From Iftret bande we our quote Clorcrat M 25
Timothy ad 12 24. and Flageord as It 1216 iii buebel.
SHOT-41r. a 151.614.17631 bag. and 616 keg.
BPI RIT6 IUItPIiNTINELIost in bias at 16. 11 gill
—bbl. extra akar., .
6Pll , ES—Ttit knowing .re hie current rate, for spines
Casala \ .26 cle Irtiiiiger iteg..—... iw 70
Clorses 40 6 - aig ground-- 94
"' arra ' ' , . o nu.. ...... It :: ;i t lrad •: sw 110 1.1).
1., c
Pimento. ....... .......171sc - ilroumitann '
'TICKS—Fora ro tad 11.0 of the prices ore - tacks. eve
flint page of to dare day F.
WALT—gab. regularly
TON PLATK—The rather'
41160 11 bx. 4 mot -burp . • '
moiling at 11,10104 on hum
TOBAOLV—Tbete be • great deguend Ibi all dmicriptioba
of manufacturwl tobacco. and price? roughe, vary drat.--
The following may In clam as tbe\prament riding pride,:
Virginia manufactorod ....36627e. 11 .a/Ltinst.l(ol2e, Lynch
burgh plug lic Virginia twiet 12,441 tiut 19,--
L...r Lobar. , le 4 0 0 , 44 ~ 4. 1 4666 e. ILitstaca and 1:4111mcon'
arm held at Zed.
WIN 6 - 1 - Au—Sabre In limited lots by tbti. train Ours
314.460 lit gaL .
WIIISKItY—SaIes of restaged In limited' 1014 at 19S, lle
2tio 11 gallop. Large lota 000ld La bought at like.
The offerings at the yards on ttba
Monday we s. re
limited, sod oaten to a moderate extent Mar. tbo treader
'Mt dny totttm wet and 11Marmaable.
tar Can.—lto:4 3O M CM bead Item sold at 84 ttl . `
te ttet, amoMing to qualify,
Itr—The ..In sem aonta 250 heed at it t loo, w
oig t
- Burman h.
Cattla7The supply of Beeves at the Bevi es on
stooday tin off, mod pares egrther acNamorMf. - 1 -
The ofterar rnmelmed 1.00 head A of shleh Z. 22 warm molJ
to eitr tam ars, arid rtsithar drtrth to .I'hitadahmtda.
• Priers noosed. hole tt 00 to COO co: timm boa, Mattal so
OtNO t i 73 oW‘and averairtatt 'SS
tta .
sokly throughoMelhe *reit ham been ratti
er Mb than equ . tc , o :pm te.t.mi,Titzmsttom.l.
'' 6 °4 ,' h". 94-4"4 9 4 " 4 44 4444 49*
• \ •
Foa NAFIIVILLE--The fine light ilraught stm •
Fort Itt, Capt Mid, , will leave a, ale , Te , th u s daS. Ilbr
Nsh hl, ,}l. war be the first bo.t our for teat Mint
surid w, L.., her well filled with ti - otglit and p.c.
5N.... 11 , accolaux&lftivue are all that mold tv d•sixed. ~,,,
Tor Ci , viram,Thi. syl..aid ;La.-Let .1 - mr Cincinnati,
t.Swt:{obu Ilirmnagliam. will 1,1 e tidy aturnin, 11 o'clOek
fix CiNlonali k '
, —
- '
CIN I '4NUTI-Pra CIVIINNAn -6 14U. hominy 6 do ma
1ae..1,..b..11 2 LAN sugar Ilmooa A 14yre: 12 Lbo mo
lauses A N l, llnrkan. 4IV 11. d.: abi,l.l I: 11'I:0, A etc
3:', .17 Sanamd 1 24 Ithd• teakCrofth A. Nin.h.ratlS I
eke rig.. A E. 4.1.1; 1421 pe. hulk 1n.,. I 4 6.1.07;9 ern
rdt.r, 6 do LIN.CIIIIIII. A C... I\:llllA...baron Carton .1
Mt:Ka:At 44 10,4 f...athr” II 1,,,14 A 1.....2 Al.. On' they
Iletboes'i C.;;52 711. lenlher 4 1,4 , nuol 11414114*A Co.
2do (..therr. 0. , e,.. A Lately. 1 eboull, venia,on 1 whole
&Id D T Slornau it Co. '
ST LOOTS-Mr: Eo, •-3 \ b.. tad I. 41 Ilaufman; 4
ctn empty b_. Ii IV 571 0 th a Voi 20 110,1, Moulder. 340 pr,
bulk mewl Canon A ll.Elcal.ll, 10 Ablan.7laeorg A 1./MS
.IOn 111 do •131 , 1ter It ldaT,. 40'd7 ail Fell. re A Zilorlez 13
do Illerrn.l II 11:44.114,-; 4 7 oil 11 A Falsoroltvk A Co: 12
e. 1 004 I be rm,p..f. liAll -A, bong , A 1111/.17, 21/ Able
nplot.r Mill, a Ilielcebk, lO Lce,rn, 3do fralhert
111., :limb.... d Co. Iu ton. 0 10 m.. 4,1 Knapr.d 101.10 n, 1
1, m,1,. I 1,1 rail Alpo .1.2,1' .+.11.; 21 Able 15 hi.kiy 3 II
Raitland.Wilt:ELl , :i-ria PUNT. N\ -- .°I iholl lard 3 Seen;
2 LL1..10 4 Icam butt., CuinenlosA Smith: It/ barrel*
flour own , an 471.01; 10 ` 1 ‘ , '6.4, 3a. 14,11; 33. k. t... 1.7.
Pro WINkIiAiILA-IG.rapty curl,' Brunrlt A lkrry; I
(In 4 manty eel. 0 I: erll,c: 2,141 , 0." A,.... C,
bg...k. I. 1...0rn1e ,'.1...0;r. harley 4 a A Al'a.l. 11 kg* Lard
fCrer a .1.1....: rli, I:mi, 14 .tol0n: 21 h.g. lurd Drown a
'Lrkgmtriel..: al Az. 3 LW. u.. 1, 11,.b h,: l / 4 1
IVELI-1 - 11.1.1:-Prx Var..? CIII"-.I.A. :431 4.4 5/reloy:
,lo 37 It 11 111 , m, ,, 1 ,1, 1 , 1 , utter r I' ,Ariev 22 .114 nun;
'l . ' ' \
ame of A :COHEN' itle.llesrre will •
, Lueozlue 1 / 4 nomination at. th e Whiz Cunrentlon ‘ .14
Ow 11, of PiT! . k . dv.. li, for dd. ( 111. , .4 Mayor. nollde .\.,
14.2 LE0%411 . ,
S. JOIINEI id n candidate for
Mayor at the se 4.t s C ty Elerboo , autdrrt to db., decision of
ad , Anti.Maaonic a, Al bia Convent:rm. ooldle
ta — Pleese akia unce through your paper
i)IES SIATTIIMP, • modulate rot Mayo?. ntb.irot
hr nomination of Lb, oti—lfimmie and Whig Canaan
_ .
...., ...troteAVlV.—.. r. Editor: Pleat% an
aoatio.‘kbal the fends of I. PAU rEll ell' prer.i hie
laiirt, faxiamin.tion for vat ouNert te thealealikte.ilf
Ile, Whiz , ...aventut. . ,ourit WAIL.
re..tur. •
Oike ' is I;reby giro:, that iin ossesdo.. .. 1' un. DAN, per r.h,lti4bat. !wen 111,44 on
te..4, ,, ..th1e ..ek Of the North Atuciran Mini. Wee ,
'.antl.f D•ttalt. of ahfr et the afSce•uf 11. Tr..mtter. in
therelti .4 17141. rch. g.e 51L1T113,.. Jot sr, 1tr:.2..
1 1 , - °Orr . .. Lee Ikair., .4 1....-4..
.1, It • , PA„ , rja toreL_
Monongahel. Navigation botaptuiy.
• Noricr: T.. i.vocatiiitoens. ~ N . . .
A N ANNZAL3I. -. ETING of the 'StAlthold
o"nArr;.:=lll7.'r „ ,l7.,uatt,it.i,f7P.,th.,l2'.V."l.•
!.1 . 4'.',..‘:;•:1f„1ni,..t" - ,.:,:t . :. ''' I. "° '''''''' i' t
1.1 OR I
drill 11y.l. BA tiIitVIILL. Yee',iA
- 1 Electiftt
ftN Electfon for Fiftetli irertorit of "Tha l
CitisenV Ite.urnirr Connps'or, will be hold et the
Mho* of the Cotopeey, he, 9.1 Wet, [met. on the Ude!
NoedaY, title of Dert-eal. +2. lost, ha., n tle. bour*Of /E 1
.. e10rk,..... H. sled 3nirloeic 1•. V' '
tletrt• .11.IFLUIAV. AERIO4.e.Y.
—..—.11 1 .5U142.1,1)0
T. lb.
.- 76e
rintE DIRECTO .5 of the alit • Alining ~
_N. Cm odor of SILLIgan, hare thla dirs. adt troesw.- •-•
1.1/1. WWI, nrOt.4ll each .harr of Itte It is.elt of
Aid Codatmuy: ton Mar payaLle ea ontoro th Zah No..
eel:abet. and the other halt nu or beide.. the: AZ.. ember . '
nea• at tlelr uttlee to thi, city.
or= Kk:NN EDS' I'. 5111SNIL J. ' •
. House of Refuge. --4 \, — •
rp .
lit ouLscribers for the erection & - i k \ ti nt
ji , Ilea of Lange foe Western Prono)leani • ' -.
. betrby ontlfied that on ...4, run id t I twenty ze ern o
' 11.0'00 0 0qt trulwaibed by roc!, 1£ yr duired L.'on NI to
jtb• Treasurer, t.• id before the 15Ih day of Nueesult d e
daest.re2 • Ily tolled of the lionrd of Dirretnra X
0:11 JI.1:11UA 'HANNA. Imo. -
. ' .
, . Notice. • .
ETTERS Testamentary to the estate of I \
il[e 3030 , 0 R., late of Indiana tow n•hip,County of AL' r
ed tI,, deed, hien horn dranted to the rrubeerlbere; •/1 \t l
t ut
having Claims •aait•l ask! dotate will doetent '_:
them do ,
.led lor •ottodornt .
It 11. dlopldwd, ' • ' ,
11. •11.13.1( WILKINS. - , -
.I—Life Insurance.
Seify.,--Dettr. Sir—
••• • of D atum , n joetfre, deem It ler dtar •
tt se nowlefflFe the very bromot rtolitflog manner at ftbe •cletro revently effected ty to,
omattollog to atKott Ito,Offoo [no tt.obeand dollars, Iftfo
bravo ;odd.
be liberal beim:4.1..0 upon .Loeb tbe offolra of th e
”Plltsbur. f lf Lib lueurance (ifolpen3' . ate coutlembel. Poe
.tftlem It to lb., eousbli,etitaft aid betruttege of ibo
The la - whole of prudential Ifeberoteune iu ILemutual
attetogemeut of your or;enlzafloa, It the. true filet
Irbtf.roal tennitboroco. Which' butuat.ity Cbrietlabltx .
both ' , met OPP , O , e. H. , `lnelld
p a m r .
beffb - tdeve or nest Itaptifet Chard.. Iffttebtrtgb. Pa;
Notice7-Lost Certificate.
eNlYriet: is hereby g iven that application
boe been made to . the F.rehanze Book for thorn:fer
of •Coelfkate No. leftt,.tor fourteen eh:free eaLl Dint,
ofl.ited to betoloe-n destrored by bn, tne.tholltth
PM. led-V:2146w • 3110. JANE OIIICR .
• \ Notice. -
E C4artnership heretofore existing be: ,
llree/1 ff. untiOfeten. Q. under the Arm of .ToUN-
D , CARR k CU, ut the Chtrritge awl Igagon waking
bueintse, tree direoiyed \by mut unt mascot , on the :W
lastest, by the eittlitimaal of kber Tom:teem] from the
Arm. bueineee of Ann win ho tineal by the oth
er partner, MIER 9ughaESD,
it_4 - 10..r5.
ROBERT CAlth, tid\ 16 , 1. 8. PRIMINS..„,
\•,._ • VOtiaC c .
pIIE - ouidersipedutill continue the Curti•
age and D'Autin matitifnettirmg bnelneee. la an Int
rartrittee. Ma. o,u Unita, and. 'the Arm of PHELPS,
- , l(.lllltitT CARR..
Notice to arickliakere and • carry Nen.
the Zits of December neat. fur the &Oren . of :no
a bath milliom of brda during tbeetoulug rothatuod
mama, in about anus] qua ottdra, at the Outer Leapt of
lbe 01111Nylraols Hatt road Worthy. and at Water nova,
berarrto Liberty . load Path. \\
i rbo tropreale rill Oath the brio. of doliret4ott nab
mut. and the Orr of the boot.. ;boat of the lob di.
loon bethscorefortnl ,
A With. td the beek to be delivered at flood 'bre, to
beta bud ortated. tor plinth U.lll rri,. that olsoratooniTlil
atrOxl oeuthtcler.
Propaitale will abut be reroirod \ tl,r lb. ..hole of the •
brick, made Irma rtsty obtained from trtodamtedWo Meth •A \
at Witt tutor NW, eller. fool an Le oirlard by rothromat t
ape 100 term.. Proporalo toll be me:4nd at the radtedible for lite
1, 1= 4 ,,1nq..T.,-.7°, °^","i"z"l„,.. `tur,N=:: \
en the eise i of the ratigur, '" ocota rttiobarebt too
!be tottls will be Wreathe to 'gleam tiler. EOM.
detoodatellentroar. at Illairstrltir t India,. Gc..,*._ ' \
1102 • Jld J al/fl tit Tthold Petrir bet lino ,
• _ :._
TflE Stockholders of tho l'entio:ylvaractSelt
Idaho foetorlec Comp./ are nolleed APPt
feetiog will be held oolhe fifth or Neer. her ndtL
:t t^
9:elock, e al Iha oaks. of Pasouel Yiahre e,
oloolevet, Philadelphia- _ • \
n02h20• ODD. WIMP:aI/N. Treas. and &e.
have been received. sal au IT tale by J. L. ISLA% 5.. , i
I 'mirth It, Apollo Bulldler.; . • \ .
Irati . on'a-liroclithe of Meiliritui;
Dungnu dee dn. do. \ .
'IL E. Di4ruiratory• . • t • i
Casimir'. !holm] • Dielinunry:
. .
Ora Ter's Stamina do. - •
Moore', iileilield dn.
Paine'. lustitirri. Ali Mieliehae; • . ,
• \
elindin Study or litedlasel .
Hasientlie. Physiology:
iNrPru on e
dn. • • .
Stalwart on Dia-saes of (MMus:
Churchill au lorantaddid Children:
Churchill on direeverli of Seta airs;
1.L.L11.d 3futterli Surgery:
ik i 1 NIT iluldaril'a Ilutuati Analutor :
I/outdo Ilidvrifery ;
Stripe Inst... on Obsteliiirs • . • ' •' i
Kiekdaaridliaget's lihyriolcarY;
tPataavattlie Itmoitle Particisearaitatait a the treat- l •
meat nrdlsetwea, with rnpular arta...att.. of Atmt...r.
Phr it:lgilil il s 7 4 4 2:i2,g,b a z. ,- ,r, - ; : . tit 7.,,,„.. D—
v and enlarged. - wen
aspire at, the catvt at it to
of thixautet are 111,43
Sor -co_ Block tin L.
- u mewed to furnlakt a mapply at a..
veniole •
'Which bays been amid altar myna, pass' tolah both in
"mope and tba UwtN Stat.: to Manx Met, ootgtool
Wanly and pr.:lna-tiro r any ocher
• • t whatarar. Tltrir
Is p • it an Oxide or 7.lnr, amt m ~,,,,,,m,d,n, h.,,,,,,, oft - •
adultegr met impurity white - ere, It miens well, /a
beau ti ii while : and le . ..;utin ii tie Item tbe.potennieta -
Fel tai r tute ' r ' tel turart ' ill: ' u t °KT.° to ut• •
geed to aubiburone Sr mephitic rehalationy of
arairti Ant up tti • obem rocm. Ae sni mitekla war e
i t . mews a ieuuthern climate snit the trawler bellar
th , en
an Y other:, nut bring-bell. to Wen elmlky at It
crumble and ruhull. /t. may ha nurtml with soy ag.r.
.4 firth israW sod fir, io with venue!, which girlie Mu cat
bain/ Wevelain doleb.
Theme a (Drubbed t a km , prieandaraubdoubtmith
the 'bean,* end heat -punt. nu the crierliat tor meth.
,a., ie me 5t,...111 i Luu.o., eteatatemle, or air ..p..5.... .
fete nl ...el. Welt. tsu, ik M.. WI I Gel are hat
Iv EATrt x)).1) PHU: 11190 F., , ,
roe hi...antler tik , r ili , f)Pll/ tina.laLLll#l4 111. they ;.-'r
atm a atirazie eneenoti, , aml entirely pews* Mild. •
tam, they dry qui,Aly, ant 0 moo e pun metallic bane
del nut ehattee Oiler a num 4.1 the earthy Paint. t•ev
12. www.
pwwl... .wwAllal on jlbeeot blr th• w i icts et the ~ .
.Mt ) ' &MUD IA /TM Phihghaiblw.
„ ,
1)13R --4u stictinudeti,
.Insos. urns a.oa
Etarls.—TheV.ll,x4 tot 3 Ittettn it channel by metal
amt. as dtort lan cr.tun2.4114
J. Me vielterrario.4b/dieeepon.
A tlattle.: Vesktwaa:
Moe Sbrlttr, Bailey-. 14'.eit
Mk hearer.
til.6. Uolre.v.
J. PrONZ v.
Fore..t City. )10,11:v1, Well/male.
Barley% I% e‘t natty,
INurtal, 14breliug.
urxv thtriurtalt,
dtlWtla Parklumi 3 .4 l ruvravitle.
Ital ti., Bemletl.
lleotlrickeurk Metionpnrt
Thus it _.r Nowt,,, •
tleaver, Beaver. , •
1114.111.11. Dairy.
$. Baysnl.
Geno., Italie,. Wei't
Cif, 31.1.1,11.
11,1......rnia No. 2. Itatch,lor, elllarlooatt.
Clips., No. '2. Jloore. M hee , in,;
Wu:te11...4.r, Wore. IVllreltog.
!law, Cawtnll . SA 6.1.114.
Mot No. 2.:',Crame. M.-Ling-pore,
D tooett A OA l'samom r•rtet B. p u d
Wkl.l.ql'll.l.U-I , nr,t City
N rt E—Ft , rt Pm.
131.:AVRII—Illorttln.c boat 9 A. IL
boat ,
lP LlEEt.lNO—Diurnal.
-811.0.vour rAcxr, us c.
I.IILOWNSN MIX. 8 a. at. anal E r.
NOTICES, &c: \