The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 09, 1851, Image 4

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    A Jsran.,W_e find in The Alta Co il.
Janda the following interesting account of a visit
paid-to one of the Japanese Islands. It presents
a striking butenie of the singular jealously of
the exclusive inhabitants of Japan, a most con.
traffictory evidence of their hospitality:
."The Hambergh brig Son, Capt Anderson,
:: on tripi from Signapore to this port met with
a ectiere tyhoori;was disabled and obliged to pot
ban the nearest port for repairs. This happen
to he one of of the Islands of Japan. Capt.
•:51tmlerson states that the name of the village is
and tke visit of a foreign vessel is be
the drat ever made to that place. Of this,
Itoerti.eer, it would be impossible to state with
Net sooner bad Capt. Anderson dropped an-
Akar than his vessel was surrounded by three
. hondiedJapssiese boats, which guard was kept
up, tith alternate relief, until he sailed from the
harbor. After some little difficulty, be was -al
lowed to go singly on shore, when an escort of
sixty:men conducted film with great watchful
. ness, a short distance ithro' the principal street.
On landing, he - foundall the marts and public
'..places closed, although while leaving hie vessel
he hid seen extensive market places thrown open
and in appearance of:animated trade going on.
Everything presented a blank wall to him, and
he was not permitted to gratify hie curiosity in
the .Highest particular. Yet he was treated
:with great respect and kindness, and furnished
with sixty men to prosecute repairs on his yes
The ;oration of Nipaking he estimates at
. 2;000 souls. A very. large police force waa con
stantly on duty, and during his stay three or
four thoniand from a neighboring island (prob.
shl7lsent. for by the authoritee of Nipaking)
snivel], Who kept a diligent watch on the strang
ers. • In their treatment of him, they were re
served and courteous, and evidently desired to
hasten his departure from their shores. When
his vessel was 'ready for no, they accepted a
trilling amount of goods in payment for labor,
and without pushing investigations further be
left the place.
Nipaking is represented to be nsafe and con
venient harbor, and the city:presents a bluffing
and animated appearance."
arrangements that have been already entered
into, it is supposed that the reception of Kos
suth-in the Monumental City, will surpass any.
Wog of the kind ever witnessed there. All the
.Gotities in the city intend participating in the
and are making moss extensive arrange
-Manta to appear in full strength. The German
'flteeitioe, as an earnest of.their intentions, have
ordered 1000 flambeaux, those welted glare will
add splendor and effect to the scene.
',:.: 'tITO 'BAArDwica kaoline—The San Francisco
- ';:psixne by the late arrival contain various am
- blgtiona paragraph in relation to an expedition
. that recently started for the Sandwich Islands.
.:. The New York Commerical Advertiter gives the
..‘ following extract of a letter, received from San
1 ,
-.1 oisco by the last arrival, as explanatory of
thti. atter. It ix of some consequence as show
ing': ei progressive spirit of our people In Can
uThere has been an expedition fitted out from
; ',here of some three or four hundred persons, bound
.tiir the Sandwich Islands, :with the view of the
taking - possession of them either by seasion or
tom: It is rumored that tho King has on cer
thin terms agreed to abdicate in faror of this
pirtY, which luts some credence here, and bas
.'. itukced many indeed to join the party. The
_ , Gime Cock" and other ships sailed yesterday
' . ..lirlat a large pluisenger list for the islands.—
J.C.tbe.erliedi.tion be successful their fortunes
..rire nui.dei, as it Is as fine a spot as lies out of
l' - : do ors,7 -. . .
. .
The Jostraal of Commone than disposes of the
••intererititm guatiarn
i•-'..'Oar lGovernment was created—such is the
declaration of thepreamble to the CollEti tUil
to form a i ntoro perfect Gratin, establish
jaitiee, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the blessing of
ta Ouhtleesond our piumrity; and ec interven•
tlon:iit the affairii of Europe is not among the
Objects,,it is n sufficient answer to say to who
' over sake t "We have not the power under
gur ;Tea eat form of Government!"
, .
- 11.AROGANY G ovcare, modern Made.
ri.,:bsvicte Peen aura atnot 'Arse to mix
.A.l OM htrudnd and tlrenty-111, doilarg.
Als4a - rory Ituaeuroal wtar.,--14 hlm
lor ukt. moath or year.
Urge Stock of new Pianoa on hood cod 'fat el
ktnis JOLLS 11. bl %EL.*,
tCI lt
Wisi. A. McClurg a Cs.. bare just torsi's.] • iqa
bast shoats or the is...Wm:star . 4annssi CLOP" Young LI rrba
Tee. which la ualseraally askrunrissiged ia b Mlle ahead of nn Wag tharorrsd into this msi
5400 ter lb. Cbo3c• Oolong Tea ail.O eta rn>w
PAIZOW-5 bias. Beef
18 and 11 tc. Mutton: fm .e I+7
.t : SUOilft-10 hhds. N.
pz fot Bale by
A BTIST'S CANVAS-250 yds. prepared
..martad: s. Dr .' KEDD
VIADDER- 7 18001bs. fine timbre, for ask
. .11,JL 'kr J. KEDD k CO, GO Wood st.
QNUFF 77 BOO lbs. Garret's Scotch, for sale
A. br - 3. KIDD & 0 .00 Wo.d
ABEENIO--10 . 00 . 1b5. for sale by
-• ' J. KIDD t CO.. CO Wont 0.
QALAALINIONIAC-1250 lbs. for saloty
I. Act - J. KIDD Jr CO, co Wow :
I[RfSR 1413,..5.-- Fresh and White,
.1% • J. KIDD ik CO. CO
rairior Lugs a. it, co l;1
o. elukerel, Urge aral fat;
• ~. No.? ,
'- 20S
100 ' " No. I Lake floperflor Ulm
~ .Ml 4. No. I "
seeming Wfor .1 he Inlet Flale .
.1011 N * WATT It CO_ Ltbezer .f.
]l~t~_~~~suy~~v~.Y~f ~ rsfn~a
QUCildlit--20 bids. Covering's Crusbed fo
by b 0213 8. P. 811/tICBB.
i 1 . D C. f aly
kegs frerit reed and for:sale
Q, DA. ASll.—We ere prepared to eontriet
• a., with Olarallenuteehtuars and thi. [rule geukully.
'Jar tbeit 6 =ir hods. AA. daring the winter, at the
tw warrantice. We warrant our hula Aria
= 3 01.!UtRorted. BENN6TT, B.eheY
BWICEAT FLOUR 100 bags hulled,
don =dr Avalle DT
1. • '9. & 57- nasnAmnt.
CT irgigzsz, 2 7 boxes Cream" I -
1 - • -
#." br W 4 25,—e.
SHAWLS!—Now opening at
:.-4isoutt k WM.6eafte Bar Itatrloog Shax
Sal Prnantlr.t . Ml Ur& .6
BETS l—Now on hand over 150 prs.
seta. Bal/o, androach, of C 4, 104. 12-1. rod
• raid twilled. Anglo and doubt...ldled .1 too,
' 'MMus' at Crlb rod °radio Illooloaa
od tCO.
.13 rod el ll.ttrs. t
bbls. Ni,. 1, (Winter s ) fur
detIOI,INLVAIt 03.:
W 1101 Y r--500 Ibe. Ant., fur sale by
111 TARTAR,--°J:II./0 lbs. for sale by
OIL- 7 1tudhton, Clark ‘t Co .' e
!11!; in balk . or by dosko •
• 1. 5 r1n tr(.74.11'
-0: InVoinrelttrtlltur=
_ . .
{Armed bad lbr sale br tbr dosed nr alp. 1. bot.
7•L atom te" K.WIC KERS
' .Wnoad stmt.' curnarpr bath.
• EAD--iNkilie. White, for sale.• J. KIDD I CO.. Cuirond rt.
Y. 300-100 boceis Sherwood'a and
* 'II4II7wAIT ; CO.
5.1100 . 0. lbs. pritue•llairy Puled,
r JOHN WATT . * 00.
. 78 SES-20bbl*. N.=ll. Syrap, : fOr
firer br .• • • JOLIN WAT'ra OM •
SELK •LACES—A. A. 31,thaN
opioathi. raurnl.l7 ‘ i evte.dut of black Nilk
•oulltlegsad vkltra_.ust
2 Main Mad
*kW J. a K. YLOYIL
40 toe fresh Carolina Rice for sale
blimps & Co. tjavarec' .• d
uunuonly Lailabilhool.Alpsexs,Alll4a.l
="1,1f,e4041"2- tinerat much l.v
. • -
t-- JORT; and
oapilight, nreat; .11 coorigurinly marl-
Wht good Bow biAsed. • fall dinvEloa
for Rale by
'LIMP (XL. GO Wood rt. bap Rio, for sate by
bbla. for oale by
id,. Sus= • - D3 bidA..O.3lOl.A.Ar.
eases for sale by
g.g.:SgLLKILS. 57 Wood st.
25 G - LibertY street—
nig huh HOt.7:
Canto* PreftryiktZgln r e o ca;"...,l4olaletYgorr
- busieg
Sidesd - t
gotai Oh.
„ tio.
*." 4 m i' dn' W/g. A. uItU IQp..
up • 64) dot 13 orkotx E dos. Tolidr, for sa7•pl
no{ JAMES DALZELL. eN Wow? re.
LIQUORICE ROOT-2000 Ibe. extra fresh,
for elle by J. RIDD ef
Nrenu hero this day reed a lune lot of supe
nor rantri
otue made Blanket.. very cheap.
Alen, 44 white horns made FLANNELS. Northeast coi
ner of Fourth Ater Market ste. nol
'REAM TARTAR--12 bbla. pueetl, war
t-161.d pare, lb& &tie by • •
be ,o B. A. VALINF.BTOCK & CO.
QALAIIOIL-50 baskets fur sale by
- eez 8.8. A. FAUN BENCE. & CO. -
ILVER SAND-15 bblx. for sala by
S 03
VEN, RED 10 bble. bright Eng., for sole
SENNA--1000 lba. prime Alexandria, for
VINEGAR-50 bhls. for sale by
VANILLA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh. for &Ile
I. OUP.CIIFIRLD ba, Jnot oppnod aa.c , rtzuen
Pink,lna, Oran, and Green Nratna Fiannala OVA)
, rELTET.S, f ont rea'd at the notthrant , orner of
Fourth and Alarkrt Area..
r.:30 muicrnr t BURCHFIELD.
_ it tiTTEß—Freell Hall, in hazes, reed daily
! to J. 11. CAN FIVI)
fi II It:ESE-00 boxes reed and for sale by
°eta J. B. C.C51 , 11:1.D.
FiSii-1() bbla. Lake Trout;
eAN by
INSEED OIL-10 bblß.Griewuld's brand
frtr nln LT J. B. CAN VI MD.
PEARL ASII-25 casks for sale by
0e1.7 J. 11. CANFIELD.
'OOD-60 bble. on Iftuad and for role
J. KI DD t 00
lIIRTS h DRA.WERS-500 dos. Men'o
Latoba Rohl .91aleta and Drawer, geed br
.23 A. A. NlAtiuN A CO.
'ILK — VELVETS-20 pes. most desirablo
mWra, oco , oPoolsz ht AA. MASON CO.
GARB.. AMMONIA-2000 lbs. for .ale by
I) 07 2 . . U. A. FAIINESTOCK le CO.
II 13 ,, ILPIFY & BURCIIFIELD have recd, lY4 ' ittreVeM b 2il ) ;:, ° .7.ti "
71Z4 "—
k I ll' h L ."Vgiltk4 l ,..!'• ' ll vi-• • .
Black ligused Silks;
Plaid Boone. Itthlxnls;
I 1.0t4; Shawls. -
celt _ At north cart cvr.t . nurthsrul Meal. Os.
IP ANAltr SEED—LI) bo. prime Simly, in
tj .tore and for Ws 1.,
ocl3 J. KIDD it 00 , So Wood .1_
YTS. TURPENTINk:-50 bbl. prime
13 for mho hr J KIDD a 05.
• .
1 1111 A M TARTAR—OWCIII,‘. Imre, fur
Ktho a em
Di (Jilin. soDA—GOOO 11w. Lee & Co.,
Igetreaud.l.; bralba, fur eel* by KILO A CO..
ALOSI--30bblr. for clay by
S, ix.
• A fresh lot put oyeuing at W. drug et,. of
.43 .1. KIDD 0 (IL lAI W.el FL
8 0AP-100 boxes Nu. I Rosin, tor rule by
W II Altliolloll
fILARIFIED SYRUP-15 Ilbil. for Nall , by
pelt, JA31134 A. 111711.111StiN a Co
/ ACKEItEL-500 bbls. Largo Nu. 3,31 w.
• X gtembusrtts Itut)vetlon. Il 1. IL. .Ale , by
H. TRASK'S Magcletie Ointment—llk)
'ln- tor eel. by • JAZIDD a (v
1,17001) ENGRAVING by Jaznes U. Park,
v (,u,,,, , nr to ^Nr•lll e
• uler the Pon ORke. Cory A u ... ut buthbbee.
inaeblur -. Jr_rabon. T. rue.lrrate. °rt.
A•rnisti SPONGE-1b4...0ngs Cory tine
for ...b. by 0.-17 J. PCILOoSIIAKEII a ).
171 AL CORICS-15 baler I,in aturdshort,
for gale by a-17 J ftCll.O:Ol g AKEtt ACO
I,IIIIOSPIIORUS-10 euur fur vale by
ocir J. K•iP.P.,,urF,Eit A co.
JAPONICA, for fame.' u..-1
. 3l tort for 1,10 L. orr I I`II,b)ViIAKI:E a tot
g'A5 EN NE—I bbl beetA leerivan Pepper
'(or .at. by .1. belloONMAKell A Crb
8 UTTER-50 kga rolid PaukeJ , reeei‘ine;
hy ...el: 11 DAL7.).:LI. A
tons iti libls and hr., Sur
kJ rale by ear g DA1.7F.1.L A Llt
I UJU BE Eagle tra4l '•—
brae. Lemon akod,, , u.r
a. F. Y1.1.4.Eit ,
• .rtsueut ot Ttet,artuat lS lu.b.r Sba.lre Lr rale et
•to.l.cle tad ...ail by
arIR J A IL PHILLIPS. 310 Hutel
_ . - •
WANTED SOON=n active part., in
A v n v • 7 1 ". • ::
~;;;:...hcocia'rwie'l.."w7the rspir-n1 ~ l a.iou Ir. E., .ml
••• ••• • •••• 0 • 1 0 ofte. 1.1.112..... sea ho)
gr.. and to ,nd
{:Yt;I Tex t ; :;u n 711 ' ;171:101 ' ‘U. s dak m" . ' I ' FrI•11 ' 4. ) ;; I WU '
4,017 for turthur p‘rticuier• to ISAAC IzAlttllS,
Amnon wad Int•llmenre Otlry.lkstunud. At)...
QUGAR--50 Ude prime, in and fur
0 hal. br uel7 17. DRLZFI.L A C.,/.
OL kSSES-200 bbts N. 0...5U do. S. H
M -
nu do..symp do, to Otk cla i rersap.t., p.1.0Gl
wl7 • IL 4,LZ tll ~ {Aber y
VANTILARID----75 UHL treat. jurd reed
V.) and c. nal.. Iq. J. KIDD 1 CO.
QA LT PE' Crude now landluK
1.3 and lur sal. Or uald — I DICK .Y !I CO
ONDON MUSTARD— 5501b5. warranted
rum, mad far mir Ur J KIDD a CO.
1.171.1 ! 1;E :. iiaot- a e c tt , td
,4 COMPLETE s , :d of Bucket Muo hinery
AL entrain by oetl6 J. I , DILWORTH a 0)
`POOL COTTON-11000 doz. just reed.
frt. Exml••.l, ar,l for •alg by
octb, C. A MU:MINOT.
TAT,LE SA LT-4A* ligs ground rock MAC
I.ding sill I, nal.. t ISAIAII DICKEY t C,
urilu W &Ur sad I'm. vire...
CUALK--5 tons fur sale by
pc:: J. 81:110 7 ..MIAKER a cr...
IaECK ER'S FARINA-25U lbs. for sale by
WiII J gins t CO. eo)Wt..l al.
lig H. :MOLASSES-50i bbla. for solo by
11 3 . oris s. eW. lIAKBAUOII.
QTRAW TAPER— ^ _OOO txlla. superior, re
t„.3, ~/raco, .1. IL L)naur. ar,! 1 ,11.„ . by
r,oor of Nan and Irwin at..
/1 . A KILIAIik; OIL e LOT —lust rec'ti from
1.01 nod qua,
04,41, p 2.),, awl :7; 1 .= ..".r.e.sll27.4 ? "‘n i tZkr":
strer.c.J. • u
ei'.l‘ -- opi;ued at the Depol for choice 'rosy,
Llherlywtriwt—o snsall Mu of IOVEET
TED 011.4,N0L PI.I,(UE TEA, • o•rj tlon artiOA.
A. hb •
nen Unto,.A.: Anal l.CIU/ Te• IB4lrrs. •
H,ESIP-60 bales Kentucky and lis.nouri
D.. MAW, for rabr by
.41 0 JAMES A. 111,71 , 1M10N C CO.
pROOLIE SHAIVLS-4ust ree'd. eases
nOwrior Brae'. Shawls A. A. lIASON t CO
TOW YARN—I kick hot rule by
BEEN Ol L CL OTll—Jioa reeeiii,l from
Faelzery-410 y•rd. Inur . and fin. quarte Omen )
Coot, fur •oullov 1,101,0. For.saln vlsomnole ..d Wad
80. 1111 Market O. (11110 .1. s IL. 1,1110.11 T.
+mato fro
o 7 Won., stroot: ....roof' of
c 2
YVEA-65 Idlchentl Y. iL;
25 catty b=e U. r.
w '• • Y . of West
H pn V
jurt reed arul /14iP by • J. • 11.
(j. I GLE LEATHER-111 Sid. N. Y. fur
K 2 so. aruer; , in •R. FLOY p D.
iCKED GUM SitAe-151.0 lbs. very
b••••••••!, fa,:_ tf. h. IL Y.. •I'LLEP.N.
IA NOF IcTuktirli fOI.IACC4-151)
.0.1. W..* LansuJ• nu tuna sod for male Dr
41. MILO FATFUN a 00.
OSIN-50 bbls. No. I, for sale by
or.ll J. nC/IOONIIA KEIL k CO.
b1;61. f.r .1..
J AM. GINGER-5 bbls. fur sale by
Li. E. bELLEDS. U 7 %Fund st,
P.rd+rediVure, for m•ln by
••••••27 V. A. VALINWTOCK • „,.
B U TTER-4 bbls. Roll;
5. usual anui fur r 2 sly b . ; P atVelf'''"
Peg, ne wsursusss.
ING--A. rs. Neoax k Cu. hove
nseu sot Mogen, black mad tan' rol•,ry
D ICE-20 tiaras best, fur sale by
on2o IitThUOI IMF &Pit/ORAN.
e4I) '.r& 4,1 hoar Oil Clint;
Jun did and fur de at our 00 Clotll IV , arnroomm, 11G
Market at. foel3l 2 . ,e I 1111.
CREAN( la nem univrrully acknowledged euperier
thi.ltharlng Creamy in the Untied Mate.
preparation la unequalled Tor nunly, beau.
and traaren.r, Unwell bowel.. atualagous to liver
Isle's Anthfuelal Creap, and other einolar eutuyounda, It
ter Aurp - ann Meth .11 47 the eu•lltrut yob!, imuneteney
vl Ita lather, which al,euttent the Grant se to render the'
vleg pleeeaut sod evy; It tam,. 'gruel adrentages over
the I...urted ankle. In being tenthly prnate4 trots the
bust materials, With the {orates( and la net unly the
Let. bet taw that cheapest article furaharlou. The Ila
cremating Pates of this article during the teat twelve run.
and the revere! gold end sliver medals awarded tor It.
IrtrnnelY otteet, th e eatlmatlon In which It le held by
the nnumunlty. For .ale Itholeeale and retail by
It. FL ELLER+, 57 Wend St.
4 11.. Y WHITE -21) groin' of varioua styloa
sod babors,jalb withal sva for sale by
H.C.StLLEILII, GI Wood st. •
lINSUD OIL-40 bble.:prime, for salo by
oetgl 11. A. YAIINHATUCti I OU.
UROCHEABIIAWLS:—We invite the ate
j_p. teatime of the lallta to-a lot of neat *We balmily
vary hat:doom, tong sod equate, weaned eotona lately
maiteti. • . • MUltll.ll a utawuriELD:
w 6 einnwr of idarlmt god Youll.b Warta.
tre VBVB t afavvrat. W. 4
CIIEZSE-7500 boxeis for solo
'aptJ/ 12 4g 9 koILVISta.
, , .
More New Goods.
haa recetetipL attoceol ettprtY of ,, tall. and Winter
occle. them aUrt ty of which having n nurrheeett at
thilarge auctton In the ...tern cities, during rho
p <tin reek, het.. enabled te db.petto 4f them et reat
/ educed Priem lie tvoulJ partiegar.-attentton Lo
Omaha L 0111( Shawl, vory cheat.: Plain Cuhracre
Se Nhatobt: Bay State, at manufacturer's
French Merin... -C
o and aohmoroo: Fan.
ey Pleat Provo 11110, tioolrabl
Cloaking,. tie.. de. ortNt
AMAGED (3001).5'.—A. A. 5 & Co.
win oro.n. an Monday. November 14th, 11 im.r,
Oral, alightly datr.b.m.l by as r. nanprlain. (Vl
ore, (llnvhennt, Fianna!, Nlttahno. C heeks, at., de , allot
tohloh will be aoLl at nearly ono half the usual priooo.
M .
ATI cipttornorn and bu,nra gentian,- that then bare ,
open thetr Fi:CONII large aUpPlr °nod , lor the f•lr .
trade, and tank attention to 11.11. 1.1•1112•1611• a..aurt
tblF..a. 0111 , .1.1000a. in Merino
flu rln4
D., Lain, Parialene, Cohnr., Ranch, lin de
nave. de.
SIIAWI.I , I, Long land Itquare.—New style, Ca.htnere dn.; Wool do.. plain aihrgWat.lle,
bi lCi k elf " plaTi r abl h nn i' , * lat 'l' i and half nioundng dn.. near
nil.. Neck du.
Ilet tiara AIM •14-1.1,41 • further aupplr of raper
Shlrtlieg 5111.11 n end Irish LIDPIIN 1434 Rapte ty..a4 gen•
and all stn be fold at on 'eritv, for nuall:r,
CAiuntry Idexcbanta, are luolted to call In our rhalcralo
room, up Mir, shore nre mil
at A. A. 51AYOS A CO' S, P 2 and , 4 Market rl oel
GLOVES A/ 110S11:ItY—A. A. Itt.tson
101 A C0.C.0 havo nowntj hand
th . an . l:..tal donna.
BESS GOODS—Opening daily at A. A.
MASON & (0).13. every Ftyln of figebeionlile
rensieting of emit, Cashmeres, Ile bone+. Merinie,
Carnionttiet. Alpena, L. nr.%
- -
! SILKS!—Nog - ripening at A. A.
11 MASON 41 . 0:0-
60 plerieis of t.eie fregbioaable Silk, nn. • low ng
60/ Jeee c il Ln i-t r litnie al6o.
10 do gileguit bigiouiiii do. on;
03. will exlillite Ode morning interior.. of rietiMa
or rilittion. oe:
phy,. llgretifield hay.. irrelyeil anomie sulr of Ole
ot/noire.. goods.
Itureffllela har. full ....rtre,ra
AI ,"
per Abgb fl•II1V
surer Mohair Alraces, or SIMU ore y•r.l
Burehllel,l has, r• T. •I. Ar,frfulent r
gear 11.1 00. r, .111 , 11 they .s+ aelilll3
iOlt—alxo htark 16 , 1 rlntl., and nr.rf
,fy of orb.. f,..elally 'Awed fur f.,
VEIV GOODS I NEW 1:001S :--A. A.
11 MASON CO will .Inni within Ow neat fow
pward. of all
hundred no.l i.no4snr Ino•t,n
anti Inmontle to whirh the niteinoin of
Pao and retail pon.haoor. I. inrilnl.
mi A.
c A
ti A A MASON A of.. harp )1.1111. r1K,11, , i can., ..1
Ant ply., an I IM
. Nen nmrtatEly ennting at W
I. 4 ‘.:pn Wan.houn. No AA Amtrth ornt, tr,
TIT.. It. •AL.,/..1. of tAn, t...Atany 1n4.01,
t a,ll ..Ii A vor 010/ .1.1 ,(rr LII
11 •
0 IZS L I-1-- A Irrp 1e•-aru•:, , L ,
lg. r.wic, 111,r, .marrattl..l
INA.zuln• J Al aK K Al,
IoCI I* ttii• rz•i•taully reeeirtnd Lle fdll work of
1.11.71 , . •.1 the aLehe. and nove. •talee. te Inch he
lora,. the atleutl.d, Inuenaenre, ad he dela, rulnet le
Inter than es•r below. nffered in 110, idea ket. 11.
old •••taldwhed•Carpet W•retnn, hn In.urth
, W. 11,11.11 1 4TwCK toy,. e •Vdt n..n..t Owned ,
somuntaeturera th
hie I•tde anel n 1 /One uel Inah .ett •.
Oil Clothe, nod Trin,rnmea, .1.41 we w din dal Nu ed the Carpet , k an+ead.r. .1 •., 1
ti•tantly rat, nub N. tail .apor
Into. and I Nttlt 1 1 2 t 1 4,111,1t2. ab.l nth
ttylt, at very rblor.l arbb, tra., •I
leol4n ..f lb,. , lelup -1 I, ...a •
1117. ct• • not Ilk
'tab. arobtbax. 1,1, II
jur bout ;a .1,, 11• :nett •ral b•-• •tr Dia
rt. 1.8 l'A Rl' /IT, If 411.1, • .14
1,14 .I.terrnl,..l t. ,11 I,.rr rtt•• .1 , I ,•
in Markel Call al ' 4.1 01,1 .4
rliAlq _
:STRY 1'.%10•1.T5-- ,tl.l n•-h
a .4,6 is,.tti
11 11.411,4•.
NEW aotibs.
Lp.4 .stin} ni 4 '41.1. it, I s
teat Ls sxL',l.risnr a Lir
•als pr mit low
ilr La.. In NT ¶IMAD, vi as a tar,
suck or Pan, Pits.. /1,.5., senstr,'lls LI
parr sit
1 1101 p. 6 11. for stssrstaie anti Its., tsrl rt.%
I'l an Mut sill,, sit prov. and lit2it.s.
13,eattle Littir eta- -
Ilsawr %Satins.) Pills, all .4,4...r0n5h Poplins, -
Mud., dr trainers
krettri. MLpintn ant Cart .
Inst Lat loth Frin, arnl Kattiltrlt Prittst t esslittat ra
.11011 Si. PUitNptlING coopp.l.
11-4. 12. ani. 13-4 flatteloy SLA.:IIIg,
it%1.1 6.4 r n”.l
sot, M.. T0 , 11.1..v.....ka.
, {fluor .74 Croalt
K{<ll 1 . 1437.4 Iltnnst..l
qtatl, 1 orn.g oat,
, }it,URNING DRY (tooDF,
Lupo ' I "'!` k B irll,',riata, a 4 •a.i !L.:4 ~4-.
21 - larC 51,1JaJ1 LA." - ,
J"1 if.i. 1 ., :*re ,,,, T1, , , ,, ,,, , ;,1141!:*;
EZlalikl. Frrneh ao-1 hal so er•Rr ‘l*J - 1. *A1 1 . , •1- -
V*ll. - C ..rmisotte• AAA riA.T., Uoli•r, •JJ i I,:d* " ' A**.
MA illArry: .11 .-.A.•i11 1... ”rrautolM avAl
mien , .44 dr.k I,: J;u*/.lr
. .1 ,1 0 J•III, A /*eh Shin;
,XiOUSE DE LAINES, in great vhriet ~1
•4, I.*. pima. Lod iJA4.I. (1 ,- .= IJJ I J, rt* up In tl-.
".' A'
''''' ;•.l" ' 2l4 all.T.i/Trf;:to . :
.r . 2_l' Nor. * - .....‘AnArr .1; ter: ! Slar•ot .......
kIiEAT iAIiIU.I) GlNtikiA3l6--Thirphy
A Iterrh6-14 !JAA• r*,l - r*Jl • rt.J.J.r. .....rttArtJt ri
r•AnA-tx of • hot AtJCII - , ALa **13,.p1,'./ no *l**,
dlr.., .4ul I..nauter ~,,, grin.; -r,
.... _
V../ .....r.111.. r,bror .ty le. and raJl4Nr*J. JAA 1. --J *1 r,
1 ... 14 , I* l- •****. 1.1.1 -, 1 4.1 L It A., ~ /I C. /
A , A. MASON' k CO. have on hand, and
n .}:, '..1 " ,.. " ;Z1:i7i,'-,r5tf: . ...W.,Va'!::::::11 . ..7.1;T::.
.n a .61rh ILA, uttl gulAtJaator Its pr,s •IJA Au.l.lj.
•4•JtJat [Mr Poarkrt.
f AY LOOR ()IL ctiirit4-foo yant, 3, -I.
6.14 I AllailAr,paot rer'.l frt..,•114 1.
. ~.4for .I
for AAA r. 1.1. •1 IL* ..A.AAJA..
1..*- 1 amt V No, et I. 1: j J. •11 11111.L11,
CEIVED THIS DAY and now opening
2, F E PIGIIrm. (SI .1
pi..ner (mt., t l.
mat matexcitt.4. pamem...
mu I plterst n, oomlJert at mi..4.3 „ „Cle•tha, of th. moat auprr.,
latruft and rplet,ll.J ex.-mm .1 of
et rut:oil( 141,e3t1 .
d.a.-111n.11.r.1.1rta nod Drauret.
ul . •
dua 11Le /mad mujorsts.o Alarts.
A l.t.- om/orlspeut ets•LIA. (lan lt.rrh4fa Ir.
1.44/.11.vr rah ll.n trr, lan, ..I
/IVA. 111A.TIIINAi• of th, wt.{
Lacrct and .‘..,t
*lc. GLEYS, ILpL. I 1 , - , r crott.m.,. •
••...” ,,, .“. 10 1. An •liich
.4 Ic Lg., of tIaL tor.
001. r. b, in. r.ri,,,itg Alu.lneu u 4 il. 11.• Le...( 14.11
ner. aLal a lho elsoru•t oLI./,••
New Fall Dry Goods.
AA. MASON CO Inter reecivral and
• .
ore now opening—opening—/,nun, toe irtn.h
11.1 Ahr f..r La. tamtket‘ to
mama Algoarrna au' 11.1aatr Limn, vant,raeu. Oa. t l ' , .
Olt • 111 pi Eton rad, irtatm....atal 00 .1. .1 Si! 1:741.,
rafter. 4'xrantailu,rhiwtclogn.. 501 Coburg., r,,uapria
11.1111.: 10 0 100 W0r.t..1 1.1 . 1
04 fogey v.lora. VIPw. ~Sr for lal. •1
proms, • likh we are mufaient are Ilapr•Wedalatftl. /OW.
j( 1 1 CCOJIDEONS—A eFleddid and
aWe[ of rho I,«n brazil,furl noff.tol.
LITE.V—A ter, droiral,lo ...I/odor, • 111. arol A
Sum roc. ve44.lkral of the loot moirrf, r. , ry ~h.ap, Just
c 01.1.4.
GLUTACtS—Aa riftonalto •rolftoiro flock orrioirto
V/Ufa.V.s—iOnne Troy rme oLI ots bwe , ..nrgry
varinty of +trio awl prior
Nr/11:117N—.1 flue oolortiuir alb, Apr flultiu anJ
sAtraurt., Tuba, Dog 4e, 1111....5em5., Trump/dr...n.1.
7 sari.iy Byars Instynturnto. onkel/A .0.1 Ire.' by the
treritsse anal st tee; Ixv nor.
Al,. the newest and MOIR populer :dust, lust wt,.
N. 11.—Tbt. warame nr...• 0:.on
port,/ in .fitund t.sul,ts Ihn mu.
tkry nlll b. Istnr.s.l 1. IILI4/111:11. 1.1 Third st.
ssplt :MIN (IFTHE 114111'.
d r !AILPETS! CAltk i kl'S !—ltes'il this day
A..) by W. MreI.IPITOCR.Ine• and iich at ylea eni..rtme,
Finn, and liaumon /.1(U/l.4/N t...1/IP/CTA which are ate
r.lsr.d W *all hare, than any Carrela.•,r twfore r demi
mualm, an tido m d
w hing lL.J 11
lunito atteutl•n or.
fi chi.. is to purrhane tn. a
th•tll.l Estahlt.l...l .:ary..l IS N• ,00rth 1,11 mt.
amp )1.4.111110(21(
FALL 1/06ini.--Juot ree'd, per CI torebel.
at A. A. MASON • CO.'S, (leant,. Itonnet Rghtcon,
neanot and mwt ntah•mal•• sryler.•
/lowan: 11. pc*. Urn 4. A trios, In•finfrut .Su
M•rrelln, al* al,oales, • dna. Valrieh Plum, eb...1* , ,,
NWe. Ote EIV DItESS tJUOIni—We ore now
lathe novreet fal et yluta an D,, A It.r
ttterev. l
Pt-rat Itole , ,t
, El l
vtanettAA, Yrouth Merino-, Attcl 'Chit.. (loth. itver In;
pleats now open. 1,..,N1 A A. IttAttoti a CO
UT 111 TE GOODS—A. A. A/Atin.ti A: Ca
bite )051 tved ttOttitt.i. Whitoflrodr, ttkueletittit
hallsMl' .4`;',17,"; Dulls.
51 8 :4 1 1 '0 14 . 1e .1 . 41 A n eatnyttl flr
uteortment end very duet,
S[LKB—A. A. Itl.taos & el
tyrha,. juet need a brautltul wenn.. of eery
awe tired and plain Illaek Mills The above deaßable awe
are well werth attonlk , o poreheeera vcr
iniperlor Gr. de Magma. !alit. Clint,, , . beautiful Chao
te epwl
1u¢ 1,7
uf Pal KW have nparel
n l
Thread ‘...lwinge and 01 new ely lee and ' .01
Straw Bonnet and Rat Warehouse,
R. 11. PALDIER offers for sole, ate very
low ph ew, etwortmont of Straw and hlllllo
'rfli•Nlaltst."Vorolga and Amnion plain no • o.
show, Load. Mat t L00e,11.1,1h0.
Tputhe. apie L.Fhorn,! a
phdn Braid, barn,. Panama, tinnitio, and Palm al i n o d .
Unto' legbont, Braid. Eine. Chip, (limp, Loo, and hair.
Minn' El hon. Joni Lind. And othor inn. In chat nin
ny of ohne nod material.
(norall linnet luad I leumsan Patin and Tar.
(nor, all width, • • colon; tunny Anil Chan idnin.
• Z./ClES—Plain and finnan and colored Silk and
Cotton inn.
p rat, /V TELPININGS—Ciordt.Tassoh. Elunons,Broftlii,
IPlMteknneh and Amnion, Nati& bunches said
Its, Oro. ao Ploronan. and othar sotortoo
nitie and colon.
LtArillitil—Anonadiattalithat and )olds. _
Also-111th nal fort prniMktnols sad Voooroll Urrig
ChiCkeringl 48111311.
1 OLIN H. MELLOR, Agent for
pp, Chlckerines litUttoarfa
nod ....tprn Peoc)7lvinla, No. PI Wood Pt,
his rrcplve•l s Pe• pad tart Ilrgepp.p
pt 1 • 1.1.Nt, FiII:TES. Prom tbPotainulactorp of Clplekertrub
Bo o°, morr,lsat offi, Cai.P.d 7 PcIaPPP, ertal sod
4 1 OR aecond hand
A PIA 6 ortgrts,•ln..ant-mattnearty
.1.. by Loud a Brother.. 1.1-..0n•,
r hundred and 1 ,,,,a 1 , 1 , 711nre, on edx Luontt.
re9ithe usual
TZ ' fi r rn.'4 I b i r I t
New Xusie
SONGS sungs by Miss CATIIARIRE 11ATCS: whew , ?be awe.t sypbyr. hue:
IC 'rho. harp that once thrnush Tar'a
.Ina rae.
C.AUTrft,Tirt;'"O'r)!•.b* I tge th li!nreti t Ti r s;loc k l. t o .
Gum..: ken from the•
•xsr3 l :
The Cavaher; The Prayer, with ma-
Tho Iseermake. to the' de by S. 0 1 , Ver:
Cavalir, A partang Ilylnn--”Sletrre
nn the harp gently, by ere we all art partod:^
Wnn.lhurr: W ti E.,ungl j er Hoe. (ado!
The Lost llwrC rn n , yd , plate.
s•weet Inn; of the Pon - et,ltlFien.,i lowe. Sahel.
n,th.r0.0n.... tixtt and Dimmer Pore.
me pet teine, yliraffe Walt. 111.rrtne he.
Iterelre.l and sale t.y ..1 1 / 1 1N 11. ,
W 0,4 ' , creek
Double Reed Melodeon
sul.eriber ban just opened a very
Onelielewn. 5 ortares, with dont le tof rewilT,
'Tiede he the original lorentnte. carmrdt & Needham.
I This Instrument is equal In power to au, email organ.
aml much onperier to st in point of erowtrwee of r 'nrkr In
Inland,.)! o 74r r amt ilf!tirre'n'eat.7ll'7.'rl
low prow moefi noilerable to any other inetworiont. Thin ,,
w 0)0 mks
ishing porehne• an iostruoient of the kind are reenert
fillr ineflTA
eweri end eruntne 'ha Tame. preeione to it.
nein, taken from the etilivrther, werrrigim. baring
W den{
for the original maker, Verlosnit
• -
New BOWLS. •
UST RECEIVED and for sale by J. L.
asss, 1
11lb rtrnol
6,1 Flllll, Tyr., enr611,16166 wc.s,er.
1./fi. aun , ol/ Ib 6 1 , ..wv. And 'kJ 6,661 6,16. •11, 0
Jr6 , ll , llnor of lunil6.ring , by . J 11,1,r1pror.
Rub. 660 NII,IIII. of 1166 Eoulub in Ananrira. 1,, Hall
he, too.
1% and thr Bee. An Ayolngu n nf lb. Cry6l6l PAO
IL,. n •
erreto V.ll. kullinr Nur. inu,l Tonto Al
A 1 1 .6. tor's Skotnl,nr. Synnenr.
'Flu. I,nt Thin:. , 3 ot 1.1.100.. nu lb. limo
Faro. .1,1 31.1 - 61 1... 6 6.116 Urn nner6l,6l to ouruklcul, by
Anollunr II
'11,6 11nr0../6116r, An App64l lo belorlf of Pnutlly
g. Ron
olu, 6lb pr, ausd liyrumb•at,l r‘lnnolat of /3330311
fr,un Ser.murn. b , r lennly awe, by C. E, lunour
1 , 611, 11-,1 Shorn, nr ,1, vrlth sued without reliv/Inn.
,110 3 , ~.3 1. . 1111, 4,1,11w truth n , 3purer .411.16u:um, ,
by A W (lurk. '
Ibe Owl n. 6 kth man, - nth,. Irmo umnrou* annoutou.
111,4 .1111- ' l.ll llk l i 11161,6 Work old Statlorlary •ftri•l6,l
I 1,• rte.
- -
1111. --The 11111;1111111.111111 A UN/01 tt
;IL eloccrll6o4 hano 16160 .116•61 In Inn re66,r61 Imo
11, rolunnlur wnrer , ,Uo fin 1.66 rnenlyr6l yurnurnlon 61
lon .11.11311 VI,- v 1 , 1 , 1 ,661 11 V. rei'un 11. oun day
louu•r,l6 rart 1,17 , ,01 411,6 n ~1 ur eltlunu, •ht/ 1,6,6
ont 61.110 , uo6lnl rpor-uot nof Auarro 661111110, no
n0,6,16,,11,, In .01, 41.1 rt6ostur ouctr.
II 11 LF:10:11
1 " 1 " , kOn l ll Inr Num,. A Clark. N,. lot 61,61.
. •
Munn' Grand _Pianos ! _
i PST EC' El VEI splendid
ej/ .11SANIS
the 1,41 sturrosetnet rot
noels ar instoot lus
tots: hls., I..sucters. •s.ll testeitl meta, lOW, ill
re:4l ar• trial, m..nishina-. and nod.
s• 11.• perlsl.l.n of a. soorlsanhant to en•hle thr peer,
h., ho•1s. ,It. sotl •••I••••• ler( L•no.• without Ow
ol the .on Thr torn slot ..I.,lrensels rots nrl
s's sr.v•l sooe. lhout 11.1 insti.eronsts...•....l...nn o or
reel sees+,.l. 1.1.• ss atom..
• '..roll s ' 5n...1 14.
loin sloe
Ana tot %um. 6..les•ec
Is I Aln• • v.,. !Ina oeners:
I'•onnso su post., 1•oss• r ot 1.
A History of Pittiburgn.
JI sot s 411,1.10v: 4 J, trims mn..l It
hy whs. meth •IL.W. In It. elooe of the
_valo r , n not,. ol th. trn .statst.h o . nt o s
sh• stupor-Inns W tot 0..
nod wort., I.grir,
rho 1 , n...t0 run, rolorrrt,
[os o• eur ...m on 14,
°sr-tot:h e esossoe. Int n5...4144. ...11h • •sonessu s
ay.•••11 • r ITS11 .7 ••••1 hers WI
s n ail in ch. Lai, wt.. sts...
laost s
.4{••••-•1 bar..
t•••••• %Sl,* •.../ • Olsen Irser • t ....rtml of Ito, .4 .11 MO
••• 1 11tLI) 411.41.4 Ur. h••J sal tn. ohs., 5 •
Stet .11.41.111. ••rseo. Is.•/•nta.
s• 4rselast.. Ilse 44:••11L....• of Is•
50.... I. • s Le *LI. her...the sstos et el tom ',se
nt 1,4,1 Ni.
New Stock of Citickortrgi Ps.a.cos Fortes.
uIU 11. NIELLtilt, •
A, ta At lA. of .111-lertma'• .
New Music
r 1 1 1111.: t I SUNG. or :Vt r alltant Bark;
•;tn Lamt. at
nt •ri ongt
Lary, .•...• ttt
114... n
" .nn.
cult - tug.. uf thy tg,ttgg!......14.-
An..risst 1 ..11 . 14,1 atr U.
....1. •
ludo Boa&
g 'ANTICA LAUDIS, by 31nson & Webb;'
~ ,t,IINA SACO!, Jt. •
Nll t• MORA.
To t. II" E. • o-t, .011..1. A.t (Omni au I Pat:
ay.rmait,,l tot Ibe istm ‘ . l Stmaitat
t•no. . Tot-Lett Itemamo,. at.l Oa.* Itrwt,A
Mu-t.. r L.... 11 Ma..., A .1 M• 14..
11.• •4 v. • °A • nt- JAW Li mf. bl
.I,IIN II 111,1.1.0tt al
9 1 11 E attriculty of obtaining 1 , 1 CJITVIt and
tr , ”l-r , rl.-1..r.1 to MI, ba , .‘ two.
.111..4 f../‘ u‘n03.3.1 t.a.,e. /WWI,
I..rv• sirev..l •r• ,•••°‘
an.. 3 item
•••• 11 1,.... , ..'1mr , •...L. .F.ll tni tht... •
11arp. 1., 1.11 11.11,1 q.
New Music
'Oil& IL MEI.LOIL sl Wood ' , Vett.
OP Ita, rena,/ , 1 tlr lallnstng ass .aJ 4 , aul.r nnos . et
J I . klarrp frrst J. Lan,
I , ls • ILC, 1.I• ••. F.. 1 1 1•Lst..
I.lls, quo , : 'ult.
TS. savant r b••• netwas tiro bast
Tat c- in Issisl,•-vsnatL,lll,
1 ••t, n Lnr 11Lsc siss. ragetair
P. a .al ta rtr.J‘nna.le..l opals- vatiotnas.
Pr., • r. .1. 1 enr,LlL- vs,
Jo, Il.ritl . 411,••••• me a 611 ra
11 saran,' /L.. Ll•arlng •
tnuss rtstll,
Pk I Lfrat I i.ea , VssLi etetnl
!Lowly., ILL., ' 4urns. trul nut, 1,11 WiL l l.l l l
1111. Asznr. as, lonost,r. hr. 1 1 1 y. Joan/.
Ors,. 11,51.1. u. asrl rally
I,a NOTES A '4 ' N
D ' 11 4
11, 1 : E A " tarp. sat . let ' s - nt !Ist,. sty] Its
LsrelLsunvi, ssgrate.l, 1, saln
IA 1, Ito 1 f:V.T ytat Intrert burn,
anal Lnrn, Msrtst *43 1 1 .sosn1 it,.
- • •
1 . 1 0 LlAv l rfl ;„„ frm:r ,
•snIL rt Olen% 1 1 -.Ltv Lvnt Iternd In 1, ••,,, - , ,Lrotlus
tnnrusls. Sllnuts Unolt.
s r, . 1,41,11..... atal at lb. 1...-. pt.:. WV ,
p SIKN. ANIL Jll,l leral ILLS TII 1,1 ter:
ssLcss, 11.045, 11-1.1.1,1 Woo, Itslnntorss, I.,TalLuns.
PlAr.erla, nt Cast. illcint of A...stun sl.
A h baaut 11111., • r tr . , es/. •1
11. 11 itAwkovA.NAtinurr,
setsl not,/ 111,01., anal sto.
• 1
.Tclllh i
ulln rEjt.S m NOW, 11 . 11 ;
z ßyan: j
1 wag oro 1 11 ' tran ' it ' of C oot":
tfo , 1i.?.. •11.1, riauotto. toot Heart. 1/ .t.. 1 to lb) lat.
a viat,..tts . N•li, Ist,. Vi.tot, TI,. Me,
rk!..,14.rt Tb. /1.1.0, chant, 19 !tonal],
• *non, W 1,.,, bright Man...., anetl,
11.,rt0.. 1t,,,... I Love Th.., Tb, Klld 014 11.45
• nue is 1..17; }:•.1.11. D , + . wt.
ii4rWipig HOW{ 1 fvcs .11•Wil. blot.. du. tt,e,• AM.. of
the ifiltal IttolLoto, 11.11 a litencio of it
ar1,.r.0.n. Le 1411, of M. I Wog., 1 Liu
Walt,: NOWAY.. Waltr. Itunio fararit. %KIM Albous
oltz. 11yetly's Walt, 110111.1 F, it...L. Koltun,. Rod • ...
•aVt ' l. P''k eT; h2 r, i z ' t; ra l o ' - 1 .- JrVe
uW.•ibnur In Prtit l u 4 r . ltood, go,
Sal.ran owl t
"'' l .". t ./,7u0,1 .
.t, 91,1p110 AcntlaWd., by
41111 N 11 MIL:WM II Wool .L
F. 'ISO 0 K I—The Stonogift
bisoun of Faint Mat; • 1nt1.,. Tab,
De Lanvin.. Trezislated tbe
tenri,. Iter. PAl•attl titeketatalli, Into lt,cioror
tr.o. Hort., 14 lion. T. It. likko..ll.A..lilector of lifflU•ltall.
nith an Introduction 1,, el tnpliso 11. Tyne, V.
• 12m0.. sous
Anthoo'y Itotoso Antiquities. • ll.ual of Boman Aa
111oltle, frith outlier otof Illuntrullotor. by Chuff. Antbun.
1,,,,t. 0, Ito. Dark 11.141; or 11/nourish, of ChrlNUfto Lift
1 Of tiff. 114141. Afpfr; Iron. the Gorman of thy Is. A Quo.
t.a• folfroler. IN.. :nu f.
lb. f.tar of thy Nil. hien; • Cottabontary oath. itieond
Chaplor of ftt..llaltho, by Richard elo.toovia ?tooth. If.
If , 1,:tt..) Kooning' Chnvisio of tin bonl Ilostop of Oxford, Ic-
It.milli:of, noon, tour.
Goonfle A Igebf s.— owl Tho Iflotuento of •I:f.hnlf J.llthfsl,
0., 11..plunoto: by Ell. Ifoohtla,' l /. A. 1 ' 6, ... ,1 'lt“."
a li a n t l . l.ttofflal ElelA Ihnk of 'th• Itytolalloof Ln.lng.
tfej.tro ,
, t0. ,, %h0. of
. 1 , 1af ., ..5...1-; , • Nrf liontllly r.. .lstaAn . o.
oota :If Studio Building, Fourth Lb
V EIV 11001i5I—Tratele in the Linited
17 fo :;t t." ;v - T 4 rL . ' l t o ' by Oh. La"
1'.2'.;t.A...1.,t.-.1110 11,.tory .1 thof:npr
Io .Joiofthlor byJ.f. esbtott
YIP , o t•Ylut, I TO). 4.,1!7.
_ .
NG 0, for Auguo, Appleton'. kluchatticm .
F:ociumere Jourual.
No. IL l'lclorte Field Houk of the novotaller,
1 . 10/1. its
and 46 leetlenarr of llectrartlea.linitt. WOrk
end En"'""g. J. I j t EV. fo
opt Fourth etreet.
- •• "
thitysTAL I'ALACE PRlNTS.—Atint
v, Plll Iloacortrle have prel. renalerel lot e•rt
eue Ur& Frinta, made expreaalr 0,; ex - IMP:lino at
the World, Weir, lo •hlch 1141 1 1.1 4 / I liati 01 the ladle" WI,.
- •111/11,1
New Books, Just Recei4ed.
,EAST: a Problem; reprinted with entree
-11..c0 and ulclitlouc by tha author of Alton Lonke.
hl ellavatra, At..,, of Egypt; by Jamb APholl.
Caleb Hell a Tale, of oho Puritan.. 121nn.. 0111..
P.atibury: • Taf. by Anna 11. Worry, author of .. Yrbmda
awl Fortuna," Pap. aanl snua.
Appltdou'• Mechauleti ilagame and Nu/Inv/re Jou' ,
nal: N 0.6.
11 . 1441;';kiletioriary of 31.ohanlea, Bork. Work and Err.
Vh a rl iT 'N lngli!lli f oti Nook of Iterolutkm; N 0.14.
PaWotan.: tioaonophr and tliblelligtory; with 20
ntrapbto Mkt", by k i ll . . litlibervl, of kamt tionyomwoorifor
'7ri.t'e 1; 1. IC ! ". •
.fl Atoll° nolldinek, ' , north sr.
r , "Atl.D , Tic r . l Zxt , "bzttil„*„,ufg,,ulkttitt
tgattghtt,t2zpa=raiir(oni un relauclos einro
Nag.' cVwxn't Itaanizz: rot, talnlog Insterina.
APoeisTbleakt. ) . )...11.1, and 111-
VtleathrZgrat 111:jsfietrPtrd rr2gong
E,rnts . :agr
ul Ttat. from llag •
n:l7 ' b '. l? : ll °Ctis,rtAll ' itl . g. 4! Nuke, tt.
Dr. Kiiser's Pectoral Syrup,
(aSiNSUNPI7o\in Its early etaorea. Y %limping Cough.
nn, ndiNs. Lai/ th e vericua distiours of the pultne-
MS IA are Of the moot certain awl erectus! remedie•
for dm...ea of the ghee! and PnlmoilarY organo eem
coseml ft I. • combinationof rartom. regetettlii tame
Moo, In th- norm of a byroo. In gni, to tuaka It palate.
Md. It boa so seilito entlrele dillerrot front an of the
Cough almbetne• now In ii•o. ea it Me. no , mualit y
ete the
boierba not pentium aickneee of the otomarl. • fault too
common In Cough Medic:mi.
This time.% diaioloie the auperabuntlaut tioesiiLion of
mg,nu e and ;llama whirl attend Catarrhal and bionehi•
1 aglmtiong awl Its settling otrect to allaying trebling.'
boon...mei. awl numb lug..m. be rebel mmoin.
ve;ar 'P g%i r' il '. :lll '""' unt ' a i ii ' reTi . it ' Z r '7 .
Country atom keepers .14 veil to arm • auPply of
'lsla medicine eunidently Land.. it will wryer fail tr.
give and arlonle a lame prom.
Came of the nine: Matte... Jim: Cough. have been brought
before the notice of prtiprietor.sod Men cured
ip a eery abort time. It l• one of the
rhea m..11nn.0
Lnown. It I. pat int to half plot MM.,. m mu m
or 6 bottle. Inr
LIE,r " 01x)
For M1M1..., nen rr. Dandruff: sod the V 111,011• ..ti,oa•ee
. 0,1 1 ,- -r.noutorn.ntleA hv the Plttetour,th in.t. Cnm-
Tnretal •hournal. F. , ..ning Tribune. Charn , trhurc senti
., and other r.nurreeae the 1... et extant for tbe
oho , . ee elt , e tlelen , ntiT nerfnmed
lion for rendenuc the hair a s
and nithnut endiun
the clnthee with areal,
I 0 . 14-, raft.. of tooth Art..
at.ll.tan.utowl,,rot tt
• --
• l°
T.-,.7,4...-.1.!T.;,,ug,-,4. ,,, q , ,r. ~T lam ltrothrr.
' Po muth .t. ^ , ........1 ',V.Pt,I a 'l7 fl l 7 . i ' l ' );.l t g,l t ::t ~..
• thssray ea . re. 1,1.1. ' , mob . an
t un. •.t
("trot., I.nnoroonla, Ithoutuatioto. Illrert. rt., or the
Ilmaso, Whit. Nonilitm, lienural 1 1 .1111Iti, a . . ' 1,1 MI ,
111 I. L. 610 rs num.:3/Iml In, e h II 1 LLI A31:3 . 31 il ,
TiloltlAn %I .11 nI.IIA SI. 1,., Jon, it henna ,•s • tt 11
Prt . t.. .n• 1 L J 1./: Jonilli. II 11., of I. '
Ilynen -
Thin aruele of Cod Li, oil may lio tniontids, on ..our..
and 0111 lir n 1.1411.101) tested In ordi, to n m
tal, the doo.
For •31. 1, II Er s i:tc k IleflOW ELL. 11A lr nod 6, et,
EL.I.EIiSE 1311'EltIAL COAIG . II S . I . HU i'.
a) - 1 , , , • , :1iy . .. tined (111. mobrine in nur fon,. Mad II
'l'4%.7;e::..hl4:l::':•rw: t .htlr tl ' ort• : 4 ' l ' .%l: l 7.q.. "''. :i
thth •••••• ••11 or the 5... wo. would recotiono.u.llonr3 lam
11, to keep is bottle W r it ,n their h.ato.• rott•ly fore urn. so. •
••••••••••••t• .) re•JUlre. II- sure tin. a• • matter a ad,... 1
Irons our onto., nroerounn of the 3,4 3 online. ..I the ,
mohq end J. not *toll our 'tale, lo rio,rlr, what •..
oar omplT ot the hala of rionoiniendatton ma, wahout
isu iiZt..4 l, l , lf Zlilirs . ..l the .rtiris..3 I. hset, tr. stoat. 1
1' Pared mol odd bi - II 31 SELLERS, 17 W •eal •st
ief . J.l
a 411. Paint. thot II itorTntr,rel ' il ‘ e " :Tan U r ~Ira
tended , It • intended at t arisire •temobiot and Oin. i aln or. lus .
OWN.. an 41 Ith , hi , art,- ran L. protons. tho Ineheat
•tate of no,ll in pure loner of An, orlon. Itooen, news, j
rultolitrabl.sif 4 II roquirro. .fter ter low, norle
,r aele LT * Jli 11,1 ACO Inll,, .s. .
I, AZIN'S FINE ' l . Ol LET SOAPS-111a . 1
, ig p t1 , ,,,L7, ,,, .... , , ; ,, Tf: 17 .. L ..5 ,.. , , ... , , , , , ! :; :. ; ,, ,. , ::: , ; .... ,. .,,, j?.. 1 .; , ; • I
17iiii. roria, M•ndouallows. 5t,,,,,,,, .
I rt.,. nos, Ire hr• oared from 110 1-...1 soil nttreet I. •
t.tlal., •••••1 sr. •i 4,11411,1„ Id ••••• ••• 1.1 • •••• • •141..
I. •414 I, n• 11, It I - ii.1.L3.1131. Or 11.3./ .t
TAr moat Ailroorifthary ihrsetsbrry In /her 13 or id .41
Mr ,p7rai AraL :JR Ilrmay for Van and 1 4, 18 C 1
H. G. Farrell's
I I - I U. P.% RitELL'S genUitle Aral/inn Lit,-
I horn ebt I. I Intel ettruirdiont7 ....,.., ..........
o *, piao] heyoost •I•nt LT [ld. Iran. .41e. ut IL.
datlnln. mod ti, mat, rut., loina doily trrn Nu,. h) I 1• I
71thIrlfholqiit'at'rphVistrr..:37!7tis 7111.."othn'r1.1'11'1'.':,,trt'',"1
of b 41.44.4, enttr4. In lital 41114. reetdoen le t•-41•14. 1.... T.
I 7,".f.:. ';' , .. , :. ,, -Tr:,::`,l`f , '4`.°Lr'-`::: '"T,`'";':!... It;
,h.. 411 1 .• II hlsh. 4,4 n• 1•40, tr.r. uned hy ,h. - Nd. 0 I.
th•••••• • • • ; 0110 .4,11 tntr4ru loan ourers, tu runs 11.. dor
! .. 7. ;.; 111 :tr. ' s!: ::11 " ro 1 , '" re ' lebts. ion,. .000 ' , hoot.] nt
• thottoolcor Naar 11. 11 ...roll . . Arra,. Unguent La be
rood .n) isnn•la.r rs n 0.../ I
About • year and 5 halt azn. a mirrllirsit apSensr..l. tof '
1 w 16.1 . 11 ,... , 1, zraduallt immense . 1 ... ..... f. " f
0m0r,,, Iftrue a• my WA. an.l on An, that rii• could wit
; h.. , Fa Ofast anoisur• otoolt withiso. girluz
1 pu t s, I zot In. re, .... nit ur leo J..., 41.1 tI•3 Joh,- • -
I •1 111-1. 1300 n 41....5t 11. ord. raid It 0, as t.o. cat, or • •
i s brae:era,. U. rho sansen nono 111.1 It Knlnrg...!
tea ,a
tIo loran.. ant other. •••••fl it sr,. Tomo, o ! Agricultural Implehsent.s.
' t". '.:7ll.;'.."'lle...l".tly'4ll!.;.'iusr"at ;:......t ' h ' le.l7..l . r n t ' ll ' ' id AI, JUST received from the &lot the
i o rertwir. trantan I loltri-ot Ise
It. .tia. •tritrivi a.. f I.3lr•in• until.ment, •11 of lb. Net mannfsetnre
j aist eniner• 1 , 51 . 1,3 . 1,1 1 •I•lJorihnn •lin 1 0. sn to oso Ida I the mint fete. Ineentloo4l 4 •tel 1 Vnitlld tOttte all
teen.. 4..1 1.n.•• uttn tn.l, totter 3.31,. •twi o. • iarmor• Lull anil exmansw cor Kowa •A
~6 .... vv. , ever-or : I, ina etnelleul 1...111 . loti so. Tlorhoi..,. •., rots, bean, tont, turnips. Sla
D 11e01,, NELL , grain Ortlf 1.-, gloat. rye. 41., awl Oath,.
, i r ook ‘ m..lareh I. 1,0
'"'"i ht:rV.n ' a '' ..11 ' ,.7, lata 1 (...f&a"."...dit.r..;o"ra'tfl7l .1•*" `7".4,011:,"'
”- -. ....1,,,:r la y sr:, 3r. • . .... •-•• f 'l
rail... S t, hi:ot Cuttao. ""'
... t. 4.1 1.1 the ler .1 tier, Ines h . 1.. , r....,.. ,s. I t, 1 , a..*. i.v• Mut, Halton.
teit.,••••••lttn. I -I F. 1.1•41 tar leo. •rre tout , mu., • L., I s•w-tooltiram add °earn e)tner. a.l Ili..
..rm, .... , untnina. I' m.. •-...hten ••• th. I -e• .....le 14.••••••••• tun. three •14•1•Invi
1 ]
I 4 ...4. •12.4 :14 r •-!....1 not hotai them so 00. 1.... t. t.o. 3.
LAI. .44..1..41 11••••• • • tee ., wn matensla and At We
I n. 1.11 Is•il3 .;.re .. ....'.'......,•,..,:-..'„.z..7',.....,n.- •,-,,..•.: • - i'•-• ." - •••"•••,, 1. „ ie....
......., . ~,., ...renew teesolt tor line, 1 1 ,11 ode . tor to i , Corner of uirol mad h,th Cone f. •
••1W thin e. e Noon 7 .n.. iso n•ternisl romoir
• - -
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
U tohltio,in in., 1,".• ~ ••••4.1
rv , u, es, ,evva r ~ . 1 tnto..oetsl or , . 13• W Colo .• •w 1 11 )A T N '. l . f. It, July - d.httl, 1 n.5.1.-For giving .
ji • loeavito tiny. tylin.h., I lund., Catuhrinsi, Cyr
w. .i ,. ... , .. 1 i sn'of. • . 13 .• -..•••••. .... - . 1 I. L. ......tort lowom.. Cr-, mol .1. orereu, the lino from
44. IP. • 1.,..• ... ... I 4.e-tot-la., hot , * n's.•••..• .....'' •Ilu•nr, to L•ne, An ....1 mart,. duet tromataamq In
Idel ii••• not! .11 the 1... . Itnimesit, -Imo, otr. 3
.. L,„ • „ . , an. , ~,...., ~. .., , ,, ,,.,L.
••••• Aoorn pititol _p .i.. the peso's lost 1 mow aiss 1 3 ,. . li , wan.,• --Out a mono teed.. a . poa to a quart n('
oli atzt, •A l Lso cool rarsor• az, that 1 1•••• •,.„,. ~,,,,, •j r , ~ j ,„,,,
lode .., nf UT .4••••• I 1•••• nor.. ••• r / .., lll'''. /vino 12a. am, per 11.4... laikl otdowl•ms4 1,11 hY
Soo, after they has..l tooth t novionnol.o.narst, &NI I Le,' ~„
IL E. ALLI.RUS. fi7 Wool rt.
rood m.o. 11.•• 31tr L, tree 110. spy. 4 , , •.,,t, Id, •
.7 , 7 ,- .. .„... ,,, -. 7 .,
~,,,....,-...,-,,,,,,,...,--;,--,,,.,.,,-...-„,---; „!.... n k ~ , ILD - I learn removed to my new store,
~2 1
of nptent, th. n.k hl
tom I d a.. mute., crerlr all hot •soh.r to It, no,. 1 - tsseLorirr., vb., I wzll A. alol to or.
trlnoil• and tl•
alth hhessomtloo. .ear , go,' art onthluz trf bnip air so . Me nit..., .trt too,. • //Loos of the.r eartam • 1 stlll
:II I i.sourro,./ the isr os r• or Lsoltooot. • Li.-b root+, go, • won tare. mozernent of I. rhoLittery, Polstand 11
frs...l in. Cow. lt .111 k1i.31. Sr.rtod Ilior. rot, 3. Nora tram& and Lust Matra.
• .., , .../,..3.1.0r Dole Hoir.36, and 1.111 vet blealutta 4131.,
1..........=•"'•.'..........• tent .., n . ).....''''' ' Count.spluvra. and Vommirts. IS mh. ef.d.,.r .very ••••
Are...a rut •
. . _ , rs,•t r . Ihn s ilato, soil ere, artente o•ually froniol tu th•
wt. II 1). -Mu for I 1 Ur , . alus-o. i tarot raonin. l3 .orteli•}..3,l, at the klial. Orlerarosprets
Ur. `awn Pain' nn the law ..J. foot ; and sa sr:// ,sor a, f .ionT . sal .d •,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,,,,.,,,,,,. ~,,
W/ •soist hy tu.stnek. ~,,, br th. ••• of II . 4 f w 3.....• 1 isal Kat ' , ALLA. Third atr.t.
Ar•Latt lehlmous, stpalvot over (11. terops,,,ol a.... 1 -
--- -
1., ....... ~ 41. o •vs ~, ,, , v ,r ~v ., -- ,.. sal , ~,,..., il ' OOL-Caqh paid for Wool by
.4.eivr of It von. f ....1 lbw ter',.". •no high.. te ;
141.111P11V • LEK.
11.. It In • h 1 fr....../t1 Ora. Led hete4 Very lam. he Wow 1 . J''
tool •ed Ad vett. my In,. erstaLlo3 %WA Moots:anew :
..-. 1,4/T that Oar, tarns. /A tlarlt ar,,fr, CAA. oruJortua '
dm, toetrartrion I entatn 4 / `.. 3 11 h........- •wf ••• .... if f If A l'F: jest received from Neal York, an
In aam dun. so ...;.• about ern.., orum I .1.3
or tyl. II 1.544.1113 141C • i1t,1 , .. and
newt.. Ty Mfg, w • r. • ••. ,.... ... L.. "' " 7,,,,. 'f... ,. 1 N'. ' 1" : 7, : 17, T , !. ', .!..11.• 1.... . -
t..:4-.. lan 11 1. 4 s 1, tut 11.., r5.....:,7:1:,......,.,,a,L , ~..., WO Noill.h. 1
la 1 ,1 • Ismolon, Peon. rir . 111, irn a ••• •
(, 1 l' EC T A CIL k S !-We - have a complete '
i 1 .u.,,, ~ 16,34.. iieve apt Noel 3ivoctrin/e•ncl the Not]
gunk, nt ett•wi Wel n , ...4••• 11i... II• ton le,. to
er, 6,nott .1 mason. anon:hog to ta, hoot p -131, of
..m.r..1 6....,-• I Jell I w 1, . W I Lent N.
I 1 ANkiiiE v AND IIAY FORKS--A good 1
t,•:`.':Vi....!.t,' h%r. w .i ' Zie , !r °r.'""ZVp I ,tI,T; I
13 W InANI/KATI:II,W•ter rtwet, I
1 1 Aare, for Warp, A On. 1
Anthracite Coal- i
fir.:44 Of Ctionterfel.
TO 0112111 AGAINST 11111,1 rioN, ILIAD TUE TOL
1.0111.1 L'AIZUFL,LL)
T. rubUt a. partlk.,. raukourl • JAG,
to. //
Ir/pr.or • ti.OkkAti it - 11 U Ar•t•
au fts
.1•-•.••• Imam lb. nato• of ...IL Them
Loft «ftr kft, j« sy kw. - f•vtrlt's
Lkoitkota,' Lft 0.1 Loolor• will 1E..« t.
Alol loputa to• rot too a. ft0...11
..// ANL., o
an Oft goo /.Ix.. 111101,1, A. 11, fktftr. 11 0 «tot., kroll . ,
hi. causttar• I, ktool• ...pp, 6,1 I/oft
xxxrant. en .w ; it Tun,
L, ret .nb e !i a . 4 t ...1. :.4
s ytz. twrr,'.
LO<Laaetet. •c•
A. 111 I larval:. I,_ .1 Char., •
tw - ,3 0 13 .14.1.1. 11.1,h ev•rt
GI nth., and ace 10111-rytatr
rtnttt+ , 7 Watntatt I, II ty anvil...tit.
ItrraLlttr pnlyruLttY.•ntl attoyint..). arttonytt.t. ht. I!
Pwrmt. Ilt .•04 Itr yale 4...4ret.5. lota nttall at
pntytrtelttr'• Ln, Ly g
alkyl tls• ts. , 5; VI ontl nryn.
yt..1., tot It eLtild V. Allegbany
The Human Body Mast Perapre,
ci SAYS NATURE. in hale a ..h.hy a
k, pearattext p•rt•••• .1.• prtarttnt, art.
lath... Lot In t••••••• .I,t,
NItt••••••• • Irv.itrt.Ltmliwo. Katt a the •
taut. ut.oltit.• 0.1 ...a. I L . .U ... toting It ttt• tra
of nu .nt•ttem !thinly, sad laar.a., not a-aly tiaahat,
eared by ito at taut I phi iiiataa• tat
\FLO QM, 111 n sorb raaaa, arid litul it tiatioitnri—aa iamb in
Pimp!, tthit.-has. ”T any .111.. r akin .1a.... , Th.
PaaJar to itaaisival that 1.1.1, 11 an
n. trlai .11 part..' catl I anubb-rata st I at ththlf
poraboa eitreil lair. aibb 4,14 az, s..te baud.
Buy :I.—isn4 the taialar ....a Laaitbrit I bul I abler',
any aall it lir the ala,a, tininsa I tuati ta,
I liat.le . Lapel. cradtbhbi naal,
will 11.1 this wt ut.iy.a aura, but • praratati, . at, 1
pas. vnly ald. that any tiro alludes] . tilth Sill • lb
or 'lnuit, 41...,11.1 [Lt. all. atal oNLI, UOA . •
tat ~ its ila praitaertS, Ilan I atat..
/itor-Eith rrailat. *hub. itta itith lnlltauctua
bayha aura yina lib JUNI, Itahasi libratieral
it aril,' of Wll JACE..41.1.X.
hr. of 11 oath
Pearly White 'faettt, uud Pure Breath, to
LJ Ltakful,..— •bn hate. itn•r. rlt
bly soburml ft.. it bra etb t.
tatqb dtvstp...l. t atut ...rut.. Rh uurtax.
at. °tut box 4 /112.. r l'asta •I na Ake
th•••tooth ea • Lltr imovi. sod 11.
Wool. • •
644 MI, JAUlteWirsi' she... Una Wart, n, ...I al
A Smantitle flair Tome, RCA Corer and BeOM
itlet.—TMl lblll., 214 ,ttoto Thum. •, bate nun
/ants'earn! ILair ItA•ar•litui
ttir• 'be b•te not. VO to Dn..... tb• tntto•nnt
•ili ito hair to crn• no any twt, whore
nature Intrn.l.l4 ban. to 'tn.., .Cup It fallang on. eur•nrdrt
OT clandrull. and tn r• 1. nr nrsr hair aron dart
mod.lina tb• ha& •nd many, n,baue ran •I , al
Ibis—it Lank. trult tad kiitit• it tti It i•
a... 4. •••it atipartnr—astirle tnr tb.
raW boll 40 WM. JACFINON't. Yttro. I4U Llt,rty we.
1...1 of Wor,J. Pituburgh
60 mots, urul IL
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
Bair Sty, for it. chum lot yr bk.. red, or Kny hair. to.
4.1.111N1 t1..13, Or M.Yulor. It • tr.. 1.1111111.•
00,1 SI.
Wu, WSI JACK Wort,
Plist. •
JON E' LILLY IV lllTE.—Lnairt ere eeri
e/n.l mr•eie tieing We common presared
pow Chalk. They
am oot .. 3 . brow fri,
bow ghtfully indurion tt le to the alio'
b, metres, ow rough Win, yellow, and unhealthy
the akin alt anp after umingssisoemel Chalk! Wow, ime
IV'ej=.l:l,,'-'l,l',T:blzgam?..c.t.uri'..l;7,'L.., ..b.,..
sail Jew . cmoitals Lilly Wbo " e! •
lt I. PT innsocot, being punned of all deleterious
... L im, a It lmyrrw to the Kato Is natural. healthy, a1,,,r,
,,, r , e l ~ tiring whiwi at the same tin. antes a, roe
turtle ow the aklo, malting st sort and .mind'.
hold by tbli ibi-eut, WM JACKliiiit, ..itobib e ea, a t,, a s
toad .1 W Pittehureh Price. al. sesta
B, T, iii iiiiiiteiiiiiiiiiiioap Powder.
1 ,
IV A 8 IN ?Z it
h out la' , e Larrtuted
t.t.1.0. r.n,t,,1.:,1.ii.,t,,
linttemose iron Ups—Put your clothe: In • putacient
quanta, of Mild water to ctiver then,. than mild tyro bible
opnoftils of lids Siwp Nyder. to each loft duartp of water
‘1',%"',,,,,;,,,,,,.:.L..,Ng0,,':,11,,i,t.1.1:::::1.7„1r2‘rg •tht,l4;.":,„z!
th e o
with • stick, then put Want its • tub and
add auflichot oeld water, ro that they will not he
h o t
to handle. Theu rub the dirty etrealtp, or to other wo n t,
give thou es thorough rinsing, arid that la eutllcient to
Make them cleat.
N. e, belga PO Mkt In thin Boa h. It will hay.
th . t wth ea 'sr, w Ma, and no bad ally smell, sia won
wane dn. Ti.. entire Volt of the itbeeist teed 40 ,, ~,,,,,
atoned two cents, to oompleta • iMblott of ten persona—
Wernuthel not to rot or injure the clothes.
Thin la • Powder that on pew will make twelrenuarte
beet family /loft !snap.
liitscrsons rem Ust.—Telse, ray ala quart. of wider arid
oils tea Powder with It, eta then let It boil. par are saiu
uteer the. add We Quarts told water; ally them totimawly
towelled . . and net it away where it ,I 1 nt Woe., and
wilt,, m,hit will be eery Wok and Mrs tlr ts Soap, end
WWII nth, Anil .111 not eat the hands, ilk, other Solt
poop, nor tot the latheS. ih,tt be soce with pant , t ,dr
t y t t,,,,b, making the uuntilr into alit
Instead of
tw Ws. Ti,, kt(jfinnp la beet adapted for washlog relicts
"7 41 ' ire =IL -1 ;w mud' by B. C. s et.l.Ens,
7 N, 87, Wood pt..
11°. i..---- (3 SEL'S
Th S a highly antzetory Labamie nod tnni p p e i
tla Vilma, sender It'far outwrior to Colgtan ' ellitel
t theerdby, , ,ryntirpoteP,of the toilet and bath, mune.
tog tlalWr In its ' , triune and cheapness, and in it.
forator erneacy for the on/Mutton of cleaollotsa and health.
t is nighty recommended to huller for this °Willer) . And
.„,,,,,,, ,nrooin,s of the toilet, arid for preaerring the
frrohner of the ootorlesiow 111....rawbt wormholes*.
Per the heat and dm tom hI the chin, sod instrot to It an
agreeable slastielty. Hy 'lnhaling It, atul rubbing It nn
the letoPlest. it will renew hostlacho In • few minutest
. --------
~,,,t, bold by H. ii.liCLLEltle, P 7 Wool at.
--- ---
:(10-PARTNERSIIIP—Tho Nubearibers have.
II enteral Into Ocel'artnerehlp under the arm or Solt*,
Atkinson d Okeit. U. ISCAIVE.
it i lil i, l:l 3, ATtll N SON,
0/1 .
etri — lov
PENNETT, BERRY & CO. have r.tioved
to their um Worohoutootottat Chanoory 1000 out
atti:root, Watt
iilinso ' 1851. gat
CLARKE. I'.olloo t CO, Rocsmarss, l`aisiltrnm.
rr RE PROI'RIETORS of this old INA well,
.. knewn 14ew would tnt.rn the enblin that‘cner Lr. ,
tbnr In operanno o.r the prepent eeuon, and Le, ceopmen
en! meNe,ng. Freight •nd PeAeenaers, whirl they are fully
f:c7illr l ' Z• 'Lrr al t ' i:e ' l ' u l re: n t
ra• n m " r: n e e n gj.,re i n n . l , - erll7,
Lino 0111 be ennetantli It lt, landing, beiow tb! Menne,
• nenela lien.l.,e, ln teeny* frelitht
Jolt, A. CA CrIFIT: I, An•-tst.
tlt&e. ce.r. Winter enLllSsolcbt,a stn., Plttsbtsr,4 ..,,
coNSIGNF.Eg: ,
R. W (InnoonnbPm No. 0..t1.,P. ; \
o 0' Mmtbes , t'ulLltz.l.. \
11 - C. Xe len. SLarmn
J t tint:, nler,bnreb.i \ ' 1
n m. lien,. ilnetxtnnn.
Wu, K.,. C.olsosuss-Ille:
C SI. 11......1. En...14w
il }I 11"isIlhrsico. buffalo. N Y 'we '
New Lake Superior Line.-1851\,
ri'lli,E._.,,, shtea.rneiNORTLIE.NER, enp\ll;
.I.ty ' 6ll/I " :‘,lstlisrs. wl'll 177.' Cl ' ort r s ' pl!T'FT:7;'. s Ol
ti, • / C : r r,•!; 1:!:.1!..7.1 7,: "1 % — 1n j 5.7, , V;, , , 9 4,7g r ' r ,
\ ,,\l\
Th;....ri. r MA snA ..N. Cap, +WIN LL. a., Win
Ire,- eau: ete Mune, 1.,, th.. dulereut I, m , ennoben 1...1nt
Fts,rl ,, r, nn the nenesloftee•tenlner Nertherne,leakine
7 ;i: . :;:i. ' :: , :; , ;;l:T..! , ;,'", , ,, l ;;;;:if t ''Z'O li l„b,',""""' i''''''
.*0,114. 1 'r /...4RN ER, ernorielon\
'l7 DiSPOSEi , OF lIA I.F 311 U .
I,ll ) , A Tt l. :i i t i f, ‘ :z . rd,N ,, irt , .l . 7;i t 4„ L f i y , l" . 7 broth.:`
L b e , . be tranreet,l nnder the et pl. nf. ? W ' r ,',' ..l4::://nntl r ; 11
,mehl; li M. ille.tillAll ••
Itinghams' Transportation Line,
Z_E_WtFt 1851. t2e!)
F r IIIIE CANAL being now open, we ore
protau riga
dy to ty.., atol fr derArd tl, P. 4.49
teband.r. r rmtt . and Yrtdd. atvl
alyres“ at 10n,.t tale* ehart,l by notpooettdtO
. .
Produne and Ilarrhandisa gill ha rat...trod Sod forwarerti
sant awl not, without any rbares for foreariltng nr ad
transit., fraleht- soulful tail, or storage. ' \
Itillt ta L.P./ forge:llml, and all threrllona fekthfully
atlontlo.l to. Aden,. or apply to
nl Itatuti ' , :
Corner Uteri,' •nnt Wart. aU , ittaburgh.
RI lIA M • DOCK, 111 Market tt. ~,
ts. ND
JAM n F ES WI our°LSON. egos.. end litthol... Prifitidelt:bia. \
No. I• 4 North 'lnward
II stroet Ilalinre. \
moll I 1
%Vett t L
' \
litEti 18 51
Transportation Line,
: 0 A \le.', lILTY t Cll., Canal Ilium. 401'ilionn went.
1•1111t1.1, /L11:1011. Cantral Block. lima.] Antal, Plat.
\ II• art. proparrtl to e. Ira a large amtlunt rut apbatollet
;•..I film. ors Panhip on the opsning of tile canal. Ep Phil..
eoa. tool • 111 intt.ruothats plat,. at lowor ratttatnittot in
1 . '... aga. " -... 171.1: 7 ;Yr. F :.: 17 .17u . Z7:r ' n 1 Trurk. prontL.l, by
i 11,. Ural Ctennotsionart for rarrylng our boa. waNtrit.
nit. Itatlrnaslt. toll proroof soy
of .lefar at
Jobuttova, Ilototaythurst or Columbia 111. roam,.
C. A. )lo.lNt LTY e CO,
Canal Bart.
( ...
- \
185 ISt,..i
To Shippers of iferctstchse,Produce,' Ise.,
• rn Ahl, r•... rm..: an,. owls_ 0A1.7111.1. r. ~ n.V.
ATKINS f 1 , 0, Prprietors. Not 2 . 27 Marks; and gen
Onntoptros Phfladoloh..
PELL A 1.11.4711 . Agouti, Canal Rash, Pittsburgh.
Jo` , TA 1'1...1, a EON. ourn..l4l.nore.
.....•, ont.otti. no the op..olna ..1 tho Prot./1 1 .1e
(local. to contra., for Prafebt at at tt , tr nits, end gime at rourl, dearatrb tied car, as any other Lino
94 / TONS just feeeived, a auperjor article
"‘ "` fr """`" r ° Z . Vritq r a
'1 A.
• '•
Cual Qalt,
' _
1,„: A IS. RAT C S--100 ble. and '2,5 bble. pure,
;IT Ellfiy kg, fresh,rec'itotri7eele ß 4
K_._ f ! 11EANS-1N inign SilllWhitef:z;eleyg _ 4 , r L
I )I.A 11. Ft lItBC N 5 , ..-A . A. Meets & Cu.
I. 1.• , . clow no hood HI cor.d rict •Id VOW R 7
I' INF:Gift-lo° tgs. for mle by
, rIIIN STA RCLI-300 lbs., a cooks, orti
, rl. mauu , eti11,11.2,1111.4 . Int ihttil
pUrp.m..• it t• yird 404 rrt, lauell'edgalled
tl.. rensrutkm of pudt.irte... I.lrue moms,. F.1.1,..te
retin...6.141.• rot., ron - 14.. Pea uOlO 1 yOuud
pecka.c.c • Ith full dlrertinn. for a., For .1. b r
J KIDI, co Wood at.
IIItUSS. BLUE-7 boxes beet, fur sole by
-- • •.,
VE—S bores for sOlo by
L : 1 „::,,,, MALL
• j , enooolllK
FISII—.S drums for solo by li
B LA NKI.74TS,--...A. Co. ar0 . :1 , ( . 4r
01. A X K ETS.—I have received my fall
otnek of PLANK/MS. nf the dlt'anut Itn tie,'
xi...a Elaa L.O r.lll cell sod se. our sank.
WM. 110111. E.
,Li boxy, frost, for male by
.000 nußtMllslE a INGIIII,4‘I
urr li - -egn No.
P 0 thl. . Holt Ittet reed end Inv ;Wahl
\ SAMUP.I. P 911tIVP.H.
-N Iteedy for TOOTIFACLIE,
e T ol. " Z r e 0 .21:47 1. 7 th ' 'MfIiTV tvintn.: for
140 Wood 'aro.
ICE—LO res. itrime Caroline, for salt by
I t.111;TC1111...N14,.
Mklo puOtlii• WAN her•:l tar eale er
relo JAME, 111:TPJITSON I.`o.
61 U. hIOLASSES--2ikda. prime St. Lou
. . Pale b
rrdo JA Nat.: , CO.
I'INUBACCO 203 kgs S's and 16's
11 mrta.rr..ra.Pnmr w.
,rll4 \ 4l, WICK XrCANDLIZS.
etk I' LS--23 !IMP Vr2l Oii, 31lick. extra. - do,
Y 13 do, Wostern Oletv s t:4 do., AO dn , TnAnere' do' N...
rnd and for eat. br \
e...t18 WICK A SfeCANDL6BB .
l 1 EFINED SUdANS--' An 'ose.ortoNeot of
t CrnAbed Clarlited. Ymleethed Awl LoAf S'ltAnt's. I'm. ,
e t. Loots . I.tegun NuAir.t ' finery, for rale' A t svan,e c l
""*. nra 'h.
AK"'"4 JA/11'.; A 110TC/11405' .4. •
ti trruiNE wELsit, N.A-NNELSI—=,4
I w iTer.A P IVILMVZ:eTtVICI.JIVTA . Voc r' :,,t h n Iit
...fiction to nur cµ..toeners Itret44l,, b.. J w.f. lAwn rt ,
onived—from aUi. Up tn !Weed atditV i th e Eng.
11.1 t And Aineslean --" -
I. White VlAnnAls, and a
full ...4. ,, rttuent .4 ' el.
'V A 11t1 Clint, -
._.'s - 22
I,J n,21-,
.200 Ito. or sale by
_ —
4g uo A it L, for 9:11C
Ciet.l I. B. ssbi.
()IL 3 110, Ipi Tanners' Oi
. fta
OLASNES-40 bide. N.'01., for 8010 b
IV 0. 3 0..195 Liberty
p For side I.!_A. CI!1./11iIIV, , PON. • Co..
I 1 LASS -00 im.rej Windom., imed
for JOHN wjernt co.
'TARTARIC ACID-1500 lbs. for'stiiii by
'TANNERS' OIL-40 bbbb for solf - iby
11 a B. A. PAWS ESTOCK 1 eti,.
I* OLDEN SIC.RUP-10 bbls. Goodalessu=
mrior, • J. H. DILIVORTII CO. , _ '
PATE NT THRBAD--2,000 lbs. imported
tL;irst ' rh l 7. ".4 ,Virl"'
lIIRANDY—S malts Wild Cherry Brandy,
p for mato by ` CCLOKRTSON a CO.
A\t q rTSß g a3qlB P r is - 1 15ha r " it wnno y To J. 01tC).
[GLASSES-2[l bbla Bat.
for exle br
jL — ANCES AT EUROPY; in a Sorioa
LA' lettere from Great Deltaic, Freon.. Igl7. Switzer
lend, during the Otttemve of leelt Including Noteeon
the (heat liehihitioa. Mee,. (heeler. 1 e e l. r
eel. et flOtAttr.oPeotHe the Po/VI/thee. nezi
- - -
lACCO-16 kegs Geirs'Ne. 1, inore
and for tale by JAM, DA .
Isa Water mart.
- - - - -
ALUM -30 bble.'for enleb
m i ll a
INQ4 4.lstv
Equitable Fire ' ram
Lon o n
Tr HIS Company hou r'
il. on bitildtmm t ii....1... mare •
I n» k aki.. uanal, Lai., days afte,.
INATIONAL LOAN TONT. 61.- ....„, ..... 4.:E
TIES Company in.pres Lir bbetweenth \ 1
I lA, o'ls pod Oa 7 earel , '
• 41,014-Anon for Inl.l.(ol.\Sth" a th...R . ...”. 0, ....-
• is, ~j,t‘l I, tt,. ' ..k. .i n' (Zl. .L. 11 .6 A k Ca
• un'ldDrierhtS • Pata)4 4.. nrwn. Pa.
~Westenis . lruntrance Comp y ofll burgh.
i CI A I'ITAI. 8300,000: R. MILIIR, Ja.,
1 t. • cr....di...L.4. sl. e0r5. 1 ...... • -
. an ~-........1it all [lnds of fleas., Piro and „twine.
'All lIVLIr. 1 .11 to. - bona,. itantb,i.o.aa man. 9. 004.
A hoar. lu.t/tu n—manaced I:. 1 ink n , wt.° ."
/ know. In He comnkunity, and eibo are eterml
vire:4,4lre- and Ither•litv to inv..
th he e eter
ey have woulci.d.rie\o/terarg. toe trtat kt. t.
who desire to be Imarnl.
Iltatorolot—.ltruben 31111er, Jr. J. W. I/nt..l . W
on. C. 11411.4 Th... &NAL. Alma. Ninnek. 1t.., lac
. .1..t..0n. James 31.Anler. ii..r.te D , a l
tlolnans. Jun. Llpple.rott 'end W. It. SmltL.
M T , Nri,el lA car etriwt.: twat:house rt( g
no sm., l'itt,hurgh.
\ lY dl.
• .
444 n
' 41
usßr i I.'.
FSIGNED only for tte safer 4-13\0, \ of\
tprolwrtr. hy an ample cafAtk,4, , n,l sfl4 , l , l, , ‘,lffvf,
:, ^kt.f' 4 4 ' l l, : ' " " c/;P .. rff . Z Ve j " :13n ' ;11 c f
d ' r "'T'''• "" j "`'''' ". I.'"A'!' . l-+Taiil:'... r ,,,r). \ '
~,. \\ Ilranen±thee. 3o Sr -trio di. /...t..1. 1 ..4.,
xNeans Insurance Conit7y. : ‘.
N '., os.Prr., 8150,000. \ \
Seek,' tn‘ ordan with the Ceennh!Yisurance
' Law oAthe State. \ \
r)l[ l, E 5i..... •
1. prospertm4 and responaiblo
f ., .4g•t0 . . ~. a:t ~..toks....i with Li, r..i.•i 11:%:,.1
lA. 1•• kf tin. tqa . i. now\ ......, n.d....e .7 Le.
21,cisnf,n nii. moat V., ralde i..rmr. von.tet..nt . Tu.
J.,... end . lety \ O. 1.:11..N.1.Ph. 1,...n,
rah \
• It. e IleC 1.1.1,31. rend,.
i 1...., 3 brimitht.l ni.. l'it.hurah.
or A. A CAI:MI.11. Amzen \
.Pittsburah Life
\ 7 „r aranse Company.
I sIIIS CORPAN ' wfis ift orputed in\
•otornary, Isr.d. with orated
'barter, arid nap
it...rimed buetrieNkrt • eamtailof $10(4.
'''l he V...nunanl , Potb nu H. o lnn Stock and
Mutual plan.
, 4in thw,Juink.Stork the rate ream. rd km !ham
I thue el...tired by lift u. Comp e te. and rah taker Lent
Llower than the rat,e of pt thwit i meanies.
NIIILIMI coon are the elm.toe a. .h. ad, br other
aa1.1 7 r , nd acted Dwarinle., TheervrAtured on l v. mutif.
'''' Z r; uk nr, Y l2 :l n gl i ce ," Z , P:Llt , ..:l,ll -' ,4 '' .v . it bz.01.21
f.Kri:fourt equelt d.p•jr.rot . . ~,,\,, P
h. Charter twrinde di, Kra.tox of n ranee ... life.
r " . ' nj, ' il r o o n t ..i.'f r rf.T.l.% rigl„'''' ' ';. r 3 1 iN,r.hirae7lff\':l
anotly A tor th.trn w n 111 1 1,111111,fr lit, p, 11.614711,1 t . .
or e t a, th. yarn. arriettin at th ne.or Td. ca., or r
at th• Alva. or the inatarrd. ‘..
, orrm.s..
\ \ J.:1111S. Eloll[l. Prod. n • \
, Samuel 3.1.(1.kart. V,e I Wont:
\Jo.erd. n. Ltweb. Tre.4. Ar.
\'harks A. Colton.t.w ar,
0.111.14,01.. \
\Jil.sf...d :., oon. ah,..hso
John S. In worth, Char es A, i. lion.
...i.t...1 31,1-\trta Wm, P liips
00,14/ OP 11NC.r.,. • ••.
tlc.. A ir..,ain W kin". late Fere. of Wan
Hon {{sot, Sore rd. late Seeretary 1 Trwesti : \
Jm.bu ~,d. r. P . ...eq.. (*Abler of Pdttb 1,1, bAnk..
La holm I.weell. kap 11 hol,,aletiroc..i.
~, llon. A W.-/..,41310}, , u "7 ' it. 31eCaltiennt. E.M.
' ‘ 0.1117 VP):" r so' . k,:a.. _
7.o. , LtaLram i. 3l . L.D. tilDani AZs o n , ,, ‘ ''.
W.. Entrainua \l',
fpm el Dilwortb, 31. 1,., 43 street.
IV larder. AI. It., 1., .t.
Jo erawroN, Al. D. ?
, 11 ist.,e/i.. blorwah, 31. iroot.
\ Dr Inrhorth will be In ' oftlee, .- •
'‘ , 4',.. j n . f7 . ;!'o yen,. No.
\,..214A414 °
Franklin lore Instor
~IIRECTtiSi Chr)
y A Uehn l
kT.. ti
. '' bxn. " 7"l
M WA r ltarlP.. NCREl4rwident.
Cheat. G. liataclA. beesetarr. BA
Thot Company
curd to make Insurane.o7manent
or it dtea, on every dnkrlption of Ilnperty ta wit and
UP S at rakes. low 4 are o ,ll 4Zern with sew ritr.
The .1.0.01 , ‘ hare r..ed • lar, contfugriit fund,
what.. Rh tb.ff Carnal Aol Prnuzums,,,earlf islet...
1 ,,,,0
adorn pl c pm/Action to exeured.
The aswre of thkt , mt.anNJanuary In. 1831. a. 0-
UVlrd e. l .4 . P ., \E : ti. .100 A.,,,,,,,, ~„,,.... 0 , 1 ~...
INJ /Male
Trio er Loan,- ..... ..- ti . . 0.4
(.1..0.4 1,0
51a.1.,, -
1 . m . of V 7.-mire. ther
'.. Ith . undred Thousand
ot tha
• e -t aLillt, and du
i. ~. 1
\'', Av..,
and :Al sta.
hilad ' a.
, .. x .„.,_
tn the
‘I .T.
tttut•ott.o loo.trai
siott to coot
a . lZUMll7oriou ' r
lrh.ll c ; Cleat', aflordl4
ad. I c. as wall io lON
P.— T;ll P A ' m Viitt: ' t
• 6 Mace E curtmr 0 Na..
n Y . ce LI rti
ti .kilz).,..
~,,E, u T ta i,fc al ..l L x.l. ! ri e
rds r ..,Luit an ti)
Ni c t e ,l C v. :) . .. ll , b;
4 k ar to. Met converayna 4PeMa•m• realdla .
ketryr part e city. th,, int,. ma, also La tonal •
from 11 u, 12 Mad 2to 3 a clock. t Om countin g ot
J. School: maker • Co.. No 24 14 stres.t. wherry &Ma
sexy imam:natl. trtllbeclven andcytummucattoto ptv t.
ly atten.lad La Pamphlets explamlng thy principl.
ben... of
Inturanrlt, an./ Elm/ forma fortuahad o
Capital stock non\ f.. 10.13.4 and tly loin:ming.— '
Ppd. :I 11 Lied aunt. among. Lave 1 sured.lor Ilia.
Pitaborab- J. 31. 661.—ta34
Iranne, Fire, an Inland ~ .. . tion
, ... ..oe.
2_IIIF, InsuronceCo.. any o f North t nier i :
Plubelelphia—Chardred 794. Ck , PltalS. , o o .. Aaae
ann.) 14, 1, • Will make ha •• . n,
bulLhati, sod /hut, contenta, In tint city aml Om ty; I.
ma pa.rty of *eery dencriptio ahlpped per t boxts
and other tese,ll, <Ala, he mlan trinaporratina a the
Arthur 0. Coln, Pre't. tho.. P. Cope. \
t.atnuel Iy. Jon.. John Ned, \ .
Chard :mat. Joeha D. Wood,
.John A. Brown,
'I I:1 8 7 '''' ' ' . l 4." fti
t e
\ L i ' : .Ik tb. 'u ta\ '
Samuel 11 , ...4.mah,
hmuel Brook,
Charley Taylor,
Amlnato Wham. baerfra asp/ al. •
Just. M. Thom.. James :C•l/ic
N. SterrutWaln. 11. 1 , . 6hetnlnlaneey. \
Mien the oldaat Inaorance Canaan, iritl.\l.l6 44 Etats. ,
an 4 fru ay 14h etandum, 1001 eareri.. r ma e
ra n,
and ln
awaltn; all may ofdn eat+. hawdon. c ter. tt
may Dm coo/Meted an ollerma ample secunty in th public.
11 (LUAU P JUN.C.:ge t.
.11/24 No. 141 Front y et.
DelawaniMutual Safety Insurance Como.
ur cu t % x.e. Third sitrYyt. Philadelphia.
Vtas 3lrrer-diaie, and other s
Prorrrtl. town and country. Insured , aaralast toss or
dama,,by dre. at the ton,ot rata of prialum.
Maavni more Cargne;
and Fneldtaa, fr.retirn or coa•tivisa, order or opecia/
Mlirva wo the assurca may dntre. '
lay t an Yltaa.r.nttarlitia.-They mini Insure MeV-bandies
tr....ported by Wadarta,, kill rind rant. Canal brats. and
Staam•boals. , oo mem , and liarm, on the mad IthYtal roma
Inarc, , Y Joayph liSestl,'hilanauti A. Stitulrr,hn C.
Davi; Robert hurtpo. John Pennant. Namur! Maud , .
tiyoryra C I.ripyr, Edward liarllngton. hula< K. Lava. Wil
liam trio,!). John Nynon, hr., IL Dimon, Jana. C.
Thybphilink Paulding, 11, -Itilaya Brat. 1.1 , 4,7
Sloan. Iludo Crud. timed* Soria!). Ittiencar
Hay. Df. S. Thomas,
John Srllars, Wm. Urn% Jr. ,
Inacceve., AT,Tsrst..Tum—D. T Maw., Hub Craig.,
Jibe T
WILLua nun, thvadlecit. Toos.U.tivrt, Vice rTelli•
CtpL Jvlarg N. Cowart, Secrytary.
Ohio Laboratory
. 4 -4.-„, 76 -4 1 -L40.....„, 9 \ ,g-*--
... 1 _,.. • ....,.. _.,i. , ..-.,
___., di
lIHI 1 8 0 NM IU \ 11,
85 "*- 99 -,---`-
Per cent. Strength.
1 DWELL FLETCHER & s ea. Mannfactro
\ TIM al ALCOUO Pars ltptriM¢vdslogne an Bran
C t irTr . f V Pl 'i n ' sliPS P A r ni l & way ;a t , L ;,t, -
A . :41 orders from. Yitmburgh will bs prorpr . ly ad
et loweehmark., ~,,...
ni .4
Lemis'ipatent Reversible Willer \ Filter',
1S NOW to be seen in operation ak Whl.
a TAT'S: t 'co's, PininbM. No. ill Pon t. tw.
mats beer) dal4 Laverty de, and at Talon a Wilda 3, ,
' a ' zol3llt.tri-='= - ..,7h.„; ii.!.=.. — ofbAri,V.
an 4 a Certificate from Me Franklin Institute of Phllayel
h. for Its .bar levity in Ile <lmaging gromrt/en end akao
emitheatel from Ohara having them In oat in ThiladeNhm,
of which the tbllowittnr examplem
• .11111....11.1. blurb WU, ItAl. \ \
It gives me 'twat pl tme to recommend to thalamic!
Fore. dear water. Me I' lent Ileveralble Water I•llterewler
reoim by Ole Ismail \ I ring - used one of them ter esr \
al months. /WM enabled lodge f W e value.
050085 %ITT, J O7 Welcol M.A.^
lists .trace. Mardi Mitt, 10.4.
The Patent Reversible Wa d Filter", Invented by Mr.
x 1 111 loots, sad need by me for mom menthe at mf
Mimi. ,
.reddenes, iv all that , *ay person could wish.% I
. ° ::ll„,c7T;rd.t•prb;V. - 'l'9,•ni , l.lAnz,vvar,` , .
~NO. 8 Sommer street . '
Thme Filters at. warrantod lodate out any amen or
tame whir!. May arise Item deemaytunal or vegeta
ble matter In the •ater. They are led to last two
Years, sod with oodloory mire will last tem and mamba
only M he men to Sr aorreelated
aver , A JARDIN,
231 Arch street4h/ladelolda. 1
Load rip.
PIPE--Cornell's impre\ved patent
'j lips tor lidrants. •
4 1.17 t and Rama. \
in, Att
i' \ Cema All data on hand and to •Aliarma . t . tgil , 6 ov
\ to, 151 Front r
\ \ Heating and Ventilation. \
V V \ llOptioti by Etre. ID llotele.Court Booms. lorrulet
Rrr,m,44 tor tr norm. rectories. llamasls, and build
Into Wy.ohdescription, pahlio and. D.T1.14. Alen tau, I
dries atutprmog Rooms, for all purpows whereregular
temponatfre, thlier high or low. Is deviled; and for there
p 7rer g ‘ r{l i tiVis7t7o th ri,Vl7 17111 " I ' ca t.L fccreci means, will
_prorated Whenreer dodo:J.
be Delidinge el v the ratio. datimile lo . l lilelairerled IWO
010.12 satewelf• Lipari Droll tills plan la Eastern teerne.
as the method insure/ • wholesome , unifbrm twat, at any
required teuierrure. with entire freedom fro Toot,T oot,
smoke, ash, du Mrit/mme, and italk frOnt e.
CoilWs Pot Clay. Y-
TTE enbnei43:s \ Fe now Sole Agents
4.f10n0. the lode oft beir Pon CLOT, so
aft or .41 estoblneid,retatsaon for 'Ms maufactory"
of (114. Pots,fito./ Pot, lt- 4la toads of ono of Um most
Infoollat t substanors kuoverO .4 Is •fry eamfully solnotoet
and Rol provinos to orriOdlnt. .•
I,, .oIinnARIARICA • CIO ''
W E itro instructe d
aLbirtat P.l2sow"l"._grult:''"d":'"'"W"T''
ct.esllit r tk tinqes n eo 7 a 4 3b ir,
Crib 311.113.0.3. (w 3,13,3
3 "
131 . 1kP
:IMB , IFLLA — 2 cases for iii 17 3 7,1)•
0./0411 ,N'OT,
LlApanil BaCkS
' l / 4
RY b u b e b„.-----,----eceited
P atmalgatat awl Ea rale -
n o t ALIMANDZIt (1T1D0N.1.14 T••••
7 1 0 R SALE—A:' first rah, FAMILY*
I: HORS& ehl e b MU be me a4.I.LCKILLX.B
TON pb e=ee7yr sale by
!...7 Do{ • IVICIC 11 AR
• s
31 ‘ E
' --•—",..,.,,,,. \
Como Syrup ..... x ellpc. )04 1160 L ' .
111.1,0 FS the frl)nt anViiimongt,he pro- - .1-
N, Ai prietork medicinal of \ this coutjtyy fiv cab P1.,47, ,
comng Canter% Salt ItliMint,Vrysineh,aaa K t AI oa I.lls.
Trat4t'.l:l'pnl'aleValr h ' l '''" ''''
' f lb'
\ A'''
0 : ,,,, r b„ . 5.,,.„.... a k ..4 r : ,, ,, , , Xllllll:ilf.tal l achlt..llnta: -•, : \
hi., ea h , ar•raww. drctm '",
n,i'.'"..A % I'.' wensa_... : '
,hout the th mat: 4.1. to iiwitwli Itr.Pi. - . l \ t u ot WI •I t‘ v .... .'
\ •
{ll kilnl.4A of \ •
F.,,ile Ircrairs trod. ?ewers/ De.." sty. -
B/riwzl.haiCll... etikenwd , h.dy, ~Sll3g ( tie• tf. the%
ftt.,,„'ny'of b 7 a 2'' :: , 4l ‘ ' ,: ''. 4ln; ' . treat \ •
parta of the eouutry, o 1.. twit,: • 'roe, It 1.4 ••tatits.'.•
Iy Incarlons in came ail f 1...,. lq, a 1..) r....iorig . de 'Altar -
t,.t \ri4l I,i:ten dean most uttous. \lt is PurelY te 9k* '• '
bl- i Itn t•nousowtion, at .o are tett I,lllhillAi tek itk,
p r „,, ... - th.t th. rhemica, ht.,,Lpi„1..,1 ~,,Okni \
poryieg.of eiril illg:Tii!Ill hat onlowd nut.. - •\ '-
‘.. ' Purify the Inou
it h. trnvi.l man', ettnnliv 4 • a:4.w lob haya twille.l
wts .
the .1111 ot the bra phy•el../•... , ha.. al.. curvet Canker. '., •
San Icheurft. , lit;y; , iel , . , at n .. , l J . 1: . :71 , 1., vhii`i naiwapardls ‘,
B 4 4to‘Uany . ta.r: . :11 ' . 1.. il .t . t.t:?:::4.!5' 4 1113:
3rolis The mod .4,thiate Caucar`hare bean 'utast by
Ill " V i l ' .r1Z!I Pt R'lllgV,''lNe.t.7:4'll'l'art: rt1„11,;
eireulatlo, retelerituNkhe f.
h e r tre. w - ire, mi bead-
thn, It:remove, I,lptittNi,of the 4 , ar
. aed :el 1100 in
alieiuww wf Asthma, ..1'1.^.4), b. wed in all , chimiWw, aml • ,
~, ,
\i ' •
Fo r ting ' t i,'! :. i r7' l .t r'.?:Yl7 Catid",Tc7l,s,9;f', ID 1
- \
rebut hy n. ,li.. W1CR1....511A51, •
\ \ .i n i., Avant ter 15 , e.een t n.yleat t j A .,
Lurk \ War. house, cern.: \t : /,..•1 and Slitt. stay lllteg.
\- \, ,Yeeilles' Celelituil \
`gr . 1031 1 INNI) • 11E51LOCR., PLA:4crEII.,.. '
R./ Tii.„, nrbly niedleatml planter, Va.,.
`gr'' a t "nr .h. ' 'zi ,';,..•..°,1 teendal•LF
2 ''” "'per V""..''Vr':'''O['T'''i:"
L7,ed4..-°''.•r. cyutatt, 1. .a e. ci,wa
1, "'.:'L!'i,`•,•"a'i.....ii.. j\ r;
• ~
r,h, ingredient/. I , reli. iilutp.wiiret., ..ry rarrcully
eornedly col:it-Id. le
mil perultarly apidlealde
peri.Nd, sufhwi./ with wiarr di...e. , \
lquippin. In tit. hrest 1 +IM tat:. pr•lttitetwit CoIJI, •
helylng-gh. and I. la {anima to the varlet. wetal.l
dia., In the twaly th k ~.,...,,,,i.. e Lan ct • 1-15. bit,
k 1... A 00. 4V it.t.ute, As al. In Lutoleui. II .•- I, .
rwrinritl trr ail outward .ad .ratier... •uh us !tr ../t.
.te , has ti run, teirobori LT the manyeure.eitiet
1,4 vreaknws. and paln. t e hiet. and liar, rvAl.:il
frow trweral4rairt.. ohms., w t e ki,:neys. a.....„ thLI .,.
:: .
w/1,. .2\
ron l7 . 4 .:. ll tV ' e r Z.Vrll:l:l• r nit ' e . V:...gln.tr4: - ,l n thg .\\_
A \
I Z:e';i''''. ' si' Z ' tn n' ;l "u t l ft ' : h eeltreets, 11gtn•etda.ia‘t •
• O.( thefrl,eaeolet trill I.• dr• ry dd.
I" Let i f . .. ''''''''''
r lr. ' t. ' ! , i i k. r ll 0..6; iiii,„„. . \ .
s.-- . ..._ ,
lik.ACliit. , :\ 7 1\• , "I'Arl'I.ST Nl`Akii_ll POL.- \,, •
ST'. Yr via Inv , i, heanttru I zlnel ,1 -IWenio,Muedia/.
sot.ricw. o..,htrs ,0,r1,1,..i Ins. and ail 4111.1 , 0 - prin., It.
WV Arereala the troll ITAIII mi kering w, they. 111.4.. anti ante( .
ZO . := 47' 'l ' r ' . '.." l n .l..! ' ll ' a ‘ ll . l•i: ' .g...T. ' s! ' 4 ' l:l7 ,, lS i p=l " .!,
at /nth nu arttrl ' e. and In 11,. ILeir e‘,...thli., wili be tat.
ly reallual, ri. ilu coon...talon 1, &oral alWrltilniFltrittal
trinl. ‘
PI. ll..frue Cake will do alms /10.0 of clqtliwa. .1 W.
CaniilT.h.,ol.l hr withwit It.
11,1. 1e. 1 .'0 ',. per Cake. Each Cake with full "ten \ •
For .alall• s to,
_____ K. t. O.FILLEIIS.:/7, , ,.
11 , , \ -
\ • •
"Therentre mom thins. to beer en awl parih, .
'Then ere dreanapt ¢1 u., olulueophy.. \
grin; V III'IVES of this remarkable r ~ -
JI . dy. and the ...not application for it, to the Proptt \
riot, 1... mitred ho., to t 0.., it put up in Mutt.. telltale \ •
brie and direction. , for the a ,b 0 ro.ii, . \ •
The PETRI/LEVI! L. prorund tone • won In this...on: 1 \
jy. at a depth ni t•ey Luteired asst. r• a puree cumelititere . , •
ted article, without en, eheminel chnoce.
i ttt as if • „
Mo. from Salm,. titeat labratory , Th roofed= ' ' 't ,
pmperthe noietar,s a number of dip... le H
omo[ form., • - .
matter et troertetoty. There are anno, ing, in the
oat. of natora. whist . It known. :meld ho Of Vast Isatiftltt ,
h ots
in atlerteting If end n,i ring the blpom el \ I , ':‘l
boltb end rt., to many a ;Offerer. long halo, the Pr. \
pinctor though, ot potting It tip en teethe. it hada retuine \ . • •
the cum of drmapo. Tat Oriastant and daily formai \
eine calls toe It, and ~..rel remarkable cur, it 1. pert \ •* • \ .
X.A. fonneat es • awe hedowtson or lie nitum ymularity sod . ' , . \ .
31. D. wiar 'prowl application mat. co,ut &pea.- I
ii. de nor with to make lone py c, to tit oprdfloatea, . \ 1
. we .ode. that. the andielnewort he way
. the tarot v,f thew aho uffer. at ',Ph he Le beeleati
'Wet we de not chum for it a null - cr . , Apollodiva in eel
ph, dtwaae, we unhewratior r lT Pay. [het
in , • nombe . re , * •
I . I I 1 Nl ' '
Inc ' tql . li v*". llS " ,'''4CIVS"' ,Tony.
c1 ' 14"i0. 1 ,.?, ' 7 • To ;*. Its :'.
. D uty s i
etas. 1 AS Ell vl A. ao.: ell irmwee uf U . ...rpm - Mies, 1 .,. 1,.
1 , 11,.1.1 311 , 1.t1NT. ItY,P. I'SIA. Marie en. three. , Of the - -
Bllehic end SW..Yes...le.+ In the anal or,Stle, Servant, . ".
\ \,,is
Diem.. Neural:le. rrm., Ithceeteatic Pain, lieu, ' PriutP
ta, Tett r. Ringworm., Burn, lelet, Bruteee, Ohl sorra.
an. to. I • ca.. of Ul,lltr, tssUltinit haat fiSaKantlal, CZ : . ,
leo. anti ~,tmen .1 ea...• of doerme. floe manikin., wol
bring relief. It will act . a general TONIC wet, ALTEP. ' ..
ATISE in en •Ii caw, imparting tome end enemy.,
wht.h. Um,. meving oletruchon.. •,..runpt the aistsots% .
tinctiona. wbi, .. Anse i , .... ana Ip.kon m..."
anJ gum; man nod trinorod ernsOry tnaji 0h.... , ••• .
of LIM 7he pro, ..., know. et eel one. . P..g.f •,
that minted Pearl other treatment. cot well wed. ihno...
of the CTItIll.Et far a ehort time. The .....\-.
seven to any yr..i lee dean.. it
None senator with ut the eigrodure et the . \
Sold hy tho proprietor, • .
1. 1... KIEV.. nal Pa•ln no. Sevrial \
Ahn. by E.
end - LTIOI4 a XPltult - ELL. . • • '
enuor Wyd nt-..t eud 1 le,:iii Aley. who • ,
, ney2dlr be ...Vey erenintel Auntie , ~ '.„: ...
, FI3.OCLAXATION. ;-• - \ __ •
Vir ICOIV all mon Ni hp ?Ir . , sick and
.affietril ' -
IV with Meet.. er tb, ttlatiaerrata liidoeyr. with rber .. , \ . • '
ricie , in lw i , Is haml... . t1i, N! 0t. ... i L 1 , \ .. .
I:1aq , it v , t . l.a ,,, t . t , loa i nve to ch i n . ,L , :v , ..,i n ,t ,,,,, vx;r u tl;
.; \ ,
Iva raw. , t thi• do., oat make it ... nyweonwantro, • '
fn t he lice of wa hone.: emuntinlty. It hare virtues •
~ i
whkb ern not tn.:sit...l In any other remedy. 'the Man
~ -. \ . . •
lel. nt reo\o.l with pain. .t.. 1 aulrerinu Irum dire., elm, . ~
liar SO rents, got relief Iron] any of the ills enumerated '• • • .
ahoy, • \
, Iles:L. it ea,. tory little to make a trial. MB Petro- s
. lento i• no o.tature--reo wmpou rad, put tiptoe the pnroone
oPhoUreine on the stunit'aoltr. t ot it is a remelye.alor. ,
led DT the teaptiah.ll of nature. and hull]. up from lbw ' ' • ' ~
' bream, P our Moths! earth. In he original purity, and of. ,
fere te plieeriing LaMateity • traity remedy, • cachou and „,
cheap curei, ~
It b.. um.) PP,. 'After othPr melkinee have &Bel to : ~
, .
midi , en/ re t ort It has cusisi ithettalatista, of long ' • ,
katarilinr,arel of the win, nail Ain't minfnl a...ass., IC
bey cured schotera Mnrlni, by no, or two drew,. It has ,
14 old eere of Itiarrhora , in which every ether :needy \„ • ,
h Leen ,no avail. .t. • lt.ii remedy is borne aml• ~ . ,
r, it is he firestorm medical coolie-mu...or ointment. ,
that p know . ht 'OM cure elnlidein .anal nane d fr.. ..
adft t , Pi to onei,,not, tad toPtrunnor can twiarniab. • ,
o( e troth .. award an the d.. StaLstitSph, kr ..11.- . .
log on •OLEL 3 li tail., Canal Seventh etrveh or •`.
. _
either ofilefiun ,
Bey., ..Iclaouti. eorner of Wrod ortteet .1 Tim% ''' i' ,
eller, E. I Seller". t.".\ rtreett P. A. -WWI- and D. Me '. :', ''
re. AlleN en,--4,. , ere the anent, I •
.'• ' \
Inc JA 11.e..E. the divots's, and ... .lap rorrieior r n
th' \
e. moat lar Aral tonefcial meaein, and al. ,
n the Inventor of the,plubre...l in. - frump. ter lodating the
, huout, In elleottn,ett Miro of Chronic &Pewee, was • eta.
dent of that efornentphy , lchn meter Physic, and is • '. .
.., .
trod rote of the rebete Pr of Peaneniea.ful for
year. Flora b. lawn e Yeel }.'[D o l ltestonstion [ [I O W -
ca., and, the,applicatho I rotn.4l • f reni ,
Through tb..n. of hteNntlatins t in eennectionwith . ' ' '.:
tli ' I Piqt Yl c Ire'lnrt*.entl,Tct."l.".. " t„ ." = " aZir.i .': • ,
tre fetal la. ',.., To Whittler Con aieo, Cancer,
dist,' ht. ma 'im„ fiattl rover 4 Ann., 1 rumor . r.
s all„kinds. 'h. lc •rn etiwiaa. od all tt tastily. die \
ie.. peen tar fe 1.e.. In, Val. ertry \ form of dia.. .; \
M. V,..1.7411. '4 N . :. , a2,`"‘,l°X.Ji•P, I L. "°,11: -\ ••i
Le in pant , . wit I' .ioognewil,rme, but I p,, ttto tors
his rent +lit, easy ha amt prewar-had for, peentler -• ~:
. ' Fift, ' '; Tiiiiit. Al to S }title. . Aril ileti, l ' al lervaii . •• • \ \ '' -'••\
• ,
61; .1r.0.. lederd to I nu r P.. fah...the, mew romp.' \J.
my or lave pill. loa uch se ther the bned. Pr.: , .. \ \ -•': s
febtly fre,fla L eoptitene alp. hiptilgJen Pilleiare.o. . \
Miffed, by th, faculty, 1.0 as . at protallohtiVolitailefs`adaps '. . ~
tna tn fmale- bqt nn eati•Sellanat • bal. Biel- • . \
• ettillw:ent te e teldith et,s , bees the reledser„
the natal enta .'• '
Tire Willetod en , ioitel is< a •ort the 4 - Pat. atxt bitt;e, ,1 \ \ \
ee tersel) one e the hut.' ra sills., Oran d:Mth L, \ ~
• 4 ...onset each ra el i, an d to Tlication.., . \
Poo . l elk the fel ...ins bren . sit ell aa by • , stratdree• .
sista throushout the tine r. , • e '
J. Ifaltoormaaltet Ca\tli 'Woad a. PI tabnlith-• ''',* ‘• \ \ \
J. 31, Pown.lad. /frog et 4681er t a r, .
Lee A. is...lbiza. biro tr gikil., iiimr`t \ ti P . °Mow ALfahr-
j0 , ,11 , ..ver on \an. ' k,
T AdKUP' U"'•
' ' • • ' • * ''
' • . ' • \
. ,
To' the Bidders of the Tittdb 4 OVA
tkazette: • • • , •',
. .. c.,
v . , \ ,
IDIILLIC ATTENTI,OIN\ id Tddßettil ly in- \.. .2' \\\
_i_ wiled to the followlag TV Butbliirela ust id. \
7"of the oct. Ito t re, let f moderenthiteA, .
ETll.ol..klill OMB 'ill it „root neorW art• ' ''' \ •
Ivitr ag. , since gale great remedy I ..r ..4 l ,r icicrht it b• . \
Lit Ltfl h n . . !•Xitoten,./.lLt, Ita
t.‘ gr;! ‘ t ,re ;,, \ \
community, wa4 we allege that,the ranger dle 4 . . ...' '
snore vestals will Its sees* fees* rprettl. Als eel tb• mS. ''
edy of ado y, sot op for the .le per.* of nailing nalmnry \ s \ ,'l i ',
1 4
Wt, one, which we conceive • will motions to he needy iciiii ' • ' ,it
all .1,, neetrome here been forgottn. ' , me Tarn:....., I, '\ ' \
a Natural Remedy. elaborated ite the \ dirks, of the .eartb , . ; \
by a pow and agancy that laugh, to ten all bunny \ \
competition. .1t i• our duty. win. we Write stunt • Medi. \ „ \
doe, that we write the troth-that we ear teething valets , , \
1../ to demur the. who may trurt ottr nut ors. math i \ , '.. \
&moil in Or vtatements. The Oct aro wiry antna r eaub al : \
, r, \
any dd. that premiers relief Pram dip... A xiiiier - cal . \
hardly be too highly wrought to amwer the oloret et gull. . , - \
Ins or humbugging teria• of them. firm we do viol \hairy '•
ando this:wear. ann.. only that thelfruth In relation So ;• a \ \
our remedy should be told, In order to wet, for it •Z 17,4 „
talk. far ex seceding way single arttrlo iu the rosier. to • - . :
Ira Plain firmannahed Latta-far. float maybe...Li N
In our eily n ot neighborhood, bear ample teallmontln The-. \
,v.of Om cuta. . . - in
\ Within the, past two memaow.two of oar moo eitttehee`, . •
Who were totally blirol. have been maimed to elsht. Sew. \ .
et-al twee ofthhhine.. In the State of Ohio. nava been \ •
sexed. An.l.,Wpo. the nt. ofd gentle tan in BreaVudy. . \ ,
Thaiare Otter, but thme nee man nor holm, 4 etc , , . •
rreed to by.any heti.. who have doubts on tIl, tot . \,.
krt. `Them eases were cored Illter the r bad been sherbet, . • L Y; to
ed by phyekiwu es hooch.. The Petre/ettm will unh - ,
when need Itecontutut to dltratione--I.4arttare,Dyee,ntary. i ‘
tPiles. Ithennottum, Gout, la euralgia...hrophotta on the akin.
hi.. On the fare, Chronic Sore gre., Eingworna, Telteiv, .. ' .
wld ilmehludw. in the hon. andioints, old am.. Moe
en,. Ague,Chroole Concha, Althea; Bronehlthe, and ' Il
~,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.. ,L,,,,,,,,, mare. newifog to pro , -. ..;
4 Counter.... . .., •
_\ Bt to arelhoalda, di... or the Bladder .4 Rld.en ' .:;.',
ch,,,*4 Bands; If Nipple*. Come and Bunion. •\ '...
ln fachit ie a ours reersesst. *rune, and ha, been triad; \.. a
to inovt`of the above di... within the put year with tile' \, 'I
meat perfect Wm.. POrtilkabalJailt PIII ...Web foe in
thobandetithe propmetorqbo rat take pleas vela aloe. ...., ,
ha t • STge ' ve ?Jura taa;nr?hontkeheir Mailtinee, the ''-,
paioakym toy men et Bentedy of"the ere, ..Phlskdosse
gat:alloy In the innate...a am i. h oed
_to nee it
trt their prattle. Those who at first leithed - With elatabk ..
foot ,nocertainty, are willing to award "ii - ne poise sad '-
oottridenhon. Winne another year rolls he tal , all will be -
mpelled to stlititieledge that the Petrule is Abs give* , 'I:
eet medieloe over Peconlvd.• Pone s, w leaah7 and ree , .:
U1 A 4 12-- • IL le S ' ellers t• Wi L itoa i r e e C tua ' D. fi,.sury. '''''' lt * .ii :**.•• ••*",
trig4t.,l-"MALckPbil:l4C•fre;Derf' '„,..17th,.,rt.--.._:.
.it......,,. A,7, a Co .. hood end lave [ itd -...' i ,
rt. Q ELLERS', I.NIPE\RIA.I. C(./UOl.l SYRUP. . - 0 . . : \' i
_. , `- 7 -416 .peep, easy I. eke. and ka.l,l,..ernadiAli., , ' ~
cker, Geo.
rid d. Brown,
in , ELLF:kr --- ',M" - r - '' ----- tE lAL ajUall 51 , ...
0 —lt lo oath 000 x to foe. toott tttooT.ottroop4.
3lr. IL r- , 11.i.—Nirut.=::',5TielZbrn....2j.4
=lured to tr Woman ociuglot\ pad?alloo. wed juto,At
=tr.'. ':,rtr tv.'l'Vd°. Trts,_,L,p7t",,"'Zl'..b'&t.'"',.
w e it to be . mY u boya. and oho mmiaLidtdor sew \ s •I
tuffermit Clam, and It Las homy fit; ad . aura them • t' .
1 hoop monmettradol It to my roighhort: and do mom
hommtatimialy Who'. that It M tha best•omish Matilda@ '
that tag alai Item odotol to lb. paha. --•\ - .• A t,- --
t . atfriblllhatlid PM iiirtpit Maio ettilttrao to molt* .
ostigh. 'ban they may, to cared hy• IS et. 1044 WC • • '
Ity-mO. ; .
Prat arth mid hl
' It. lt. 8111.LISM' ••'--' '•l ' '
02CIO:1 67 Wool at. mid linozzoit mama: . .. ~•,.
n mm. mil for mle on
k i n'it Ointment
Lemon Ada
tt Bistrotlal Salt of
Nome 11Ild Bona Liniment
OnodeUlm Steer's
Pulmonary Unlearn •
Pith, Autilnliona
Itjulen \
Blue \
P.ram, E•cd. ,
• tauu
Rom Ointment ter Titter ‘1
Strengthrulnit Pinner.
Swan'. Pan..
!Burlington's Bataat
A•' rm U T?:
itt the Dray Stem of
• ouvir
f ES, ac.—A large stoo
trn moot liberal term;
!Aromatic f... 1410 ;.,
_ Ealsit of lloolei
a sir
13:11.1.1t Oil - •
CorPoter . o4trokOf
Daibfs Carooloolfri
p ?." r Tglir4.43;irfac ki A
I Latr,r'''•
Hi m
ic.k i i lfruceoor Lea
GoO l4 fosfo Cemital.
GOen Tine taso
Ilaktom Oil • : •
Bor. l'O•dat
of ifo* . arot Sixth otroorto,'
. .
1 it.oEluEs, ke— 1 \,:,
2. I 21 .1*1.. :c.un , -. • - .t:-:- •
-66 L el:mita Teas /5 toms 11,par . - ~ ~'i '
.i; )
.Aell: aft.k.Kpmaxedw • ~...