The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 09, 1851, Image 3

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    M AS ~,pn .l' "'"3~~'t' . ~f' 7 '"`~^~.`;'l.3 te e ._ ".~ ..~.~:y„~'
. . _
NCR Your., Deo. 8.
Ttie steamer Paeifio, from Liverpool, with
dates to the 26tb, arrived iirlioe o'clock last
etatibtg, She brigs dtpatoiingers, among whom
ore lien. W. C. Rives and lady, the American
Isfulistar to France, .and Mr. Winthrop, bearer
of dispatches from London.
The steamer City of (Nanny arrived at Liv
erpool frQln Philadelphia, after a passage of 17
days. The Cunard steamer Europa made the
postage out from Boston in 10 days and 3 hours.
, The new telegraph, frivolled by Wm. F.
Neely, gas about to be 'adopted by the Liver
'pool, Manchester, Lancashire, and Yorkshire
.B,.ailrood Company, on the• whole line of their
new line of telegraph, in which the Voltaic
'battery is superseded by s beautifol application
of magnets and electricity.
The news from the Continent is 'interesting
Mr. Wagstaff'. having completed his arrange•
meets for the trans-Atlantic communication be
tween New York sod Galway, returned on the
reedfle. .
Lord John Russell bas contributed £5OO to
Lieut. Kern's expedition to the Polar Seas, in
search of Sir John Franklin. Lord Palmerston
is - reported to have borne the *hole expense or
the party, en fur tis St. Petersburg, to which
point Lieut Kilns was accompanied by a Gov
ernment messenger; and it wee reported that
dispatches had been received premising the
Imperial sesistiancis to Lieut. Rims. The search
was intended to be prosecuted north and east
of Gehring's Straits.
The cotton factory of . Meson. Dagold. Mc-
Than S 'co: at Greonhead, was destroyed , by
fire, on Tuesday - It was an immense structure,
enoploying.3oo persons. The lose is estimated
at .520,000. -
The Sunderhuatl s neak bas actapeaded pay
A neir Ilinistry,under the .presidency of N.
Sale, has Deed formed, which will puree° an
entirely nee emirate( policy.
The new King of.ilonuser hos issued is pro
clamation, pledging himself to the moat sacred
ebterrancartf the constitution of the country.
- BL 'de, Thaogner, Minister of .the Interior,
hie an invitation to stand an n candidate for
liteiiresentatlve from Paris Ls Ferro Durie-
Ile his boon named a . 11 - itister of Ciimmerce,
and'Casablance Minister of Finance.
The illness of the veteran Marshal Soult, bud
somewhat abated under bkilful medical treat
ment, which Ind caused hopes of his recorcry.
A. bill bad beed deliberated noon by the Coun
cil of State. and woo shortly to he introduced
into-the Assembly, on the subject of the re
sponsibility of the President and his 711inisiers,
wherein it is provided, that he may be impeach
ed by any ten members of the Assembly, and
his functions to cease thereupon. This will
hate the effect to re-open -the question oontiitt
ed in the proposition of the <locators he going
down still deeper towards the root of the die
.f... The Assembly. on the 231 of, November, de
repined, by a vote of 441 tp 29, to proceed
tojhe third retailing of the municipal hill.
article in the Paris Constitutionals charg
ing the heads_ ofthe'Party of Order, with a cow•
aplenty against the person of thr President, has
caused great sensation. The Minister of the
:Interior has denied the existence of such con.
-- stated that there is a probability that the
Piesident will again present the electorol bill
recently defeatedin the Assembly.
hilt had been proposed in the Assembly for
reignlatpg the responsibility of the President and
his Ministry. • • •
.1 The proclamation of the present King of
Hanover, gives oval satisfaction. lie is called
t George V.
The state of Hungary. in a pblitical sense,:
; is most . Unsatisfactory , The system of espul
redo° is still going on at Vienna on a .grand
The renewal of a commercial treaty betweet
'. , Prassii, and Belgium had failed.:'-
The Prince, of Pippin was to leave Bar
i lin, on the 23d, to taro commend of the army
on the Rhine.
The news from Spain pre:mute no marked fee
t. tire of interest. liegotiatiOris were pending
.1 with the United, State's - relative to the Cuban
i . • IIIVIISIOn; and gave riee to touch diseits.ion in
1 the publie loan:ills. Two ve..1e14 of war hat cr.
;T:tired at Csdis,'with seother portion of. Loper'e
expedition on board. •
The Neapolitan ,Goseroment intend increas
4..fing the export duties on sulphur and oil.
The Turkey acenunts from Constantinople an
.' 'llOllllCe that the ministerial oriole was at an ,ml,
; and alit All Pasha has been induced to assume
the dutiei of. Foreign Minister.
Adviced from Monte Video. to the 12th Oct.,
bad been received in Liverpool; which report
that the war in Banda Oriental had terminated;
_and that Oen. Oribe had retreated to hie country
;. betide at Renton.
pip:Argentine forces are represented either
• Ingjoined Gen Urquiza. The OriOntals had join
ed Oeo:•Oarrau.
t kitrovisional Gcivernment was talked Of. The
wartuerbag terminated without bloodshed much
' r ik rejoicing bad taken place.
Livenroot., Nov. 214
Cotton—Thei# was a more active, demand for
cotton. Brown, Shipley & Coo circular says
3 that there Is no material change to notice in the
• t market, the sales effected being at the extreme
rates last 'quoted. 'McHenry's circular, hewer
••# er stelesthat good ordinary and middling quaff-
P Hies areneerly one third higher. The sales on
.iii the Md, 24th an3,2sib were about 25,000 bales,
.'n Lally one" fourth of which being on speculation
4.1 and fore:port. Oa the 20th the market open.
ed with steady feeling, nod :tales promised to
reach 8000 bales at full price's. • ;
'Breadstulf#—Makin'a circular says that flour
has been ins active, And late rates are barely
. unstained..., Corn is rather More sought after,
said prices are quoted at •ass @Ms 641 for
low, and 2140.1.90, for white. Wheat Is in mod
•• erate:demaud at last rates. .
:•Z Sicrisions.7Nothing new bas.occurred in beef
;" t or pork. 'Baum are . neglects& re
Shoulders a
2s lower,:eritn no . inquiry.. Laid is fplOis
. loxes :1 -
Groceries—Sugar Meets Moderate inquiry: at
fbraer prices. The sales of coffee bans been
mrial.c . and prices nuchatqed. Nothing to report
in tees, Transactions:ln molasses are limited
at tormer'quotatione American rice is wanted,
••••1 and prices are very stiff '
'•:„1 • • MONEY IfAKKET. , .
. .
j Tie market continuer; abundantly aupplied
.11 and illseouaterare easy at' from 27 . , to 3 per ecat.
.i - Consola the eteady. and Molted on the 25th: at
981099 for money and account.
Tbere wasan active businese doing at Ar4a.-
.1. Amster, both In goods and virile, and prices of
the latter had en npward tendency.
after porthour on a
Aloudir the Minister of
1 ' the Interior sent in reply to Mr. Cretan on , an
_article in the Eonstitutionale: Ile snyt ho will
reply.eategorically. - lie !Oro says, that ' , bad
; we obtained proof of the eiistence of ouch a con
j *piney, j , au - may rest assumed. that whoever
'were the men who participated its it, and how
: taw high ihair rank,. we would not have hesitated
1 to perform our duty . .."
The assembly then adjOurncd.
• Losoos Nov: 2G.
Allttor from Liverpool says that the saspen
i 'goo of tiro arms connocualiwith the American
ctrado. bad taken plaei, aim Melon Plde
'Jones, and Emden it. Co. The liabilitiee of. the
t formes an not mentioned, but Are sopposed to
be Of the latter the liabilities are etated
of from GO to 80,000 poonds sterling:
- Cualcsvzi4B, (Tenn.) DCII 8
The Steamer Julia Ann is lying a few . miles
f, Abele
E ddywille, sunk to the boiler deck. We
ri have no particulars: She was insured in an 0f
".4 Sae inhiadison for $2,600. The host is said to,
•,t, be a total lees. She was ladened with gro,seriee
' and dry goods ?or Nashville.
Bartle died this morning, from the 'effect of
P: the wounds given by Tanner. last Saturday in
Spalding it, Rogers Circus.
NAsin - lux, Dec. B.
, .The river - hen risen two inches ,u the last 2$
Sf boon.
lairicet is s.tive, witit sales of
1000 bblast $3 9303 't? bbl. _
Whiskey--Seles at 15i€C1Ge per gallon` .
r•-7,4lol7—There tlemlad. - with ogles
19, day of 2500 boast' $4 0064 GO
_,pre,h4.4...4bais,ooo:gTe-eaist A7A.
.60 V 3). SIPA /00k,.1!1•0 1 elopawdletthtil.
St til@Teetr 1h:"
'Groceries—Molasses has declined to 30c er ,
The rieeebas fallen 10 inches since Satneday,
hut is now stationary.
xoos mem',
Nsei Your, Dec. 8
Cotton—The market is very firm.
' Flour--Sales at $4 CIG® 4 25 for state and
-good western, and $4 2564 S 7 for pure Oen
- Provisioas—The market is steady. Sales 100
bbls lard at 81,@Sic 11 lb.
Linseed Oil—Sal. 1500 galls at 64065 c 11
Rine—Sales 300 tierces at $3 25 IR 100.
Stocks—Are heavy and the fancies are de
clining. Sales of Ohio Life and Trust Co., at
109 e.
THE SUIISCRIIIER has just received a
mint .Inairnhle Itod ettetolve Int of Plano. of 0, EU.
1111. ortayno, from thy , . allobrated factury of a. u.
Lam. N. V., wane otlavrn—
. .
Alen, ono' of DUNIIASPA franoug 7 GR. CONCERT
PIANOS. equal to • grand Matto in power' and volume of
tette. The,. nano , hare • new and improved wain, allot,
lag a very larva tell rover. hammer. and tint. affording
all the advantages of •gnnt Pawn. The subtle sod
Pr./end , . ART nwmwtfully to mill nndevandor
thin elegant instrument. The mate of it vat exhibitivlNV
wore. smith t Nixon. of Cincinnati. at the Methants ,
Fair, a—d prononticed tho finest Planoever brought to
that it, —urtvarmuwou I,r noway mud sweetneee of tone,
and eta:doily of touch. 11. KIJ:IIER.
Na. 10 Third st.. alga of the
in ()olden arS
N. 11.—Ne• armnammente entered to with fir. Dun.
ham, wattle* the subartiber to sollittis Planes IS net <wilt.
'lower than formerly thus e 1.1111111., PtlrCh..4.lll to buy
cheaptw herr, than at the MIL Call and examine before
utarla , ing elsewbenv. nofwt .
‘2oAl. s .'—'l.oobit. for sale by
del MICR t MeraNDLESS.
ACKEREL--200 I, ,i rls ; e. ~,N o. 3;
N) pr. bit. For bole by
) No. 62 Fourth st, bw, reed tbl. morolog by Adam,'
large lot of Cloak, tad 6 , 101 t.. ooltable for La
dlesnott Children. Ao tarlytudl me.. a ekolen St
m A l.
enrira b ,e'd—• fresh and large aura of Terming, of
d‘e orsins.
lINSEED OIL-20 bblo. for sale bynols
nols 3:KIDD a CO.
(a ENNA-800 lbs. Alex. and In., fsrvale by
0t,15 , R. E. SELLERS.
n A LSA.3I galls. fur sale by
_ _ K. E. SKI.I.ER.S.
IjUNOGICEEK SEED—GOO llty. fur rah, by
Great Sale of Long Shawls at low prices
itA. MASON A CO. will open on Tueittiny
matting. Isec,lattyr 21. nt Moir large Shawl ta
nou-13 flf.4. of Lang
,51.1•14., arlarh. witbt
.inua .tatt matt matt extenaitt thaw! nate
OTt; told thl• ott.
IVIOI , ) , EL A , ROI 5, for Nov'r;
rtnttrator. fnr Smegeber:
Likll,, National Msokuro, for Del,mbtr.
and 4v ..,10 at 11111 AM• Larrarr Per.r. No.
71 third •trevt.onpon. the Pott uol2
COFFEE -314 bags Rio, for kale Iry
ItT.A LI; PAPER—A fall and varied at
,if rerunevt,just tved hum th e Nlactuf,,to.
de., for TUbe. PALMk.I4
!ER—A tftutiful and nob mine, IlaraTEß.
FIG • ll PAPER CURTAINS—A handdama
•••ortmerd.J.t received Indfor nele by
no= 1,111.1. PALMER.
iOPAL VARISII—in bhls and half MAR
vh.rin,,raydrte. rob.tring a 1 gmec I.r/la , for
oalA by ntr.: .1 A'IItIONMAK Cil
SALAD OIL-10 basket for sale by
.1 A:1100N AK EIL CO.
ÜB ' CARB. SODA-2n kegs New Castle;
t=y for enla by not:: .7 4111ONMAK ER tlb
culo. Trieste:
1 ^b. LI Mr..
I I .t /MI Six/
8un111.14 ha, r0t..c..1 Ihb wernloc
1;roy, avd nibs ud.[u+aui Faektna.
and low Nter.
o. haed, :the kmanuine UnehrtvkaLln Wel•
Fluapele. nol7
LiOKWOOD, for November.
ll IP Art Journal, for Nnverober:
mus br e
3errold (Arid.,nt the Mao of Wax; • new meeklklughot
l cvnto.
Itemised .at LIULISEE , I4.terary Depot.:) Thin street.
oPte.tte the l'ostAere. no.
A.N. NTKIL PRY lif01)116, are pre I.,ei on* tottulr
R 4 C 5152,017., and totem, gloomily, .111 extentsto ye
chlr to pole. (inn, nolS
RM IO COFFEE-1 bags prime Green;
70 n . tnr sale by
- nPI.9 JO/IN WAVY t CO.
F RESH TIAS-35 hi. chusb4 Y. 11;
AO pkg.. IL P. utul Dm - wrist
DI AL cht , Le Black: for .AnnbT
only JOIIN WArlyy,O.
le ROOMS-5U dos. for rode by
uor. J. B. CANFIELD.
4.11^ R cpvEits-1 doz. Vulconizod
ulav from kud LA.
t o Itetbi l er i1.y0t,114
130 T ASH-10 enAks prime, for wale t.y
• a .15 J. KIDI. !C.••
j IF, Plain Griltc
.L • Lova/ Church /Jonah..
10 Inv.• Rumll t RoLlonon, w's Lump
10 Ir, IL Ilrant 71
J... *Sou's
F. rah. nols] .I. IL LLOYD.
BROOMS -100 doz. Poland, for sole 4
nals I J.! IL FLlltib.
F RESH TEAS-50 hf. cheats Y. Ilyfion;
UD he chmara ea r.
&Park Ira;
For rale by' [r01.51 J R. WIJ.VI).
EATIINI4-151.1 sides N. Y., for Rate by
11,1 .15 J. FLOIIo.
[JOT ASII-25 casks pure, fur sale by
non ' J. i N. 11.041).
nICOO3I - 8 - :- . so•duz. for sale by
p t,rl I T. WOODR f FIN' .VI Water Bt.
PPLES-419 bbls. recd on consignment
/1. nrat fnr tale bY T. {TOM** .ON,
nr.,4 . el Watrr st.
BORAX -1 case for rdle by
ml 4 IS ETSEIt 4 1101/015 ELL, 140 Wcoi
1-I n" .l° ` " Oir's l ijol l iteionweLt., Go Wood 4.
Vntsit ',FRUIT-3 corks Zrulte Currants;
Vlt. t
flecloa (arm.
Far rate 1,, J. II WILLIAMS • CO..
mI4 118 14"m1 rovwt.
t f i l i. l3C:A! l D—.so doz. flolmes' Pal
' nali J. D. VIILLIA*S ,. ! CO.
BLACKING -110 doz. nation's Challenge,
1110 T capks Or eats by
Ivl NT E R GLOVES—Now to atom, 6 60111-
IU4 loqr:e ' r p "a gr .'"' r. "'mPr l. r l . 17"kra t'"
013 62.nd 64 Mo.tkot stnwL
ljhave on conflanm.ot lawn , lot of Coonterwww,
whlch w. 1,111 poll , otoor the ro. ofcosnillacturo.
tw,l3 A. A. 31Artt A M.
I 1 NDIA RUBBER CLOTlllNG—Jostroe'd,
• 24. °Meer? Cost,. Itraw.
34 ng CA4.4yll2l4l.eves.
44 w Long Leotingx
_ 36 04.4 rt,
24 Rotting J 6 . 164 +6
With • mot plot- ft:wet/ of di ffor.nt styles of Bats awl
CAI,. to 2612. .1 •
nolB No 116 ilatket.t.
ACUM-60 bbls. for '
.. nol2 IL A. FAUN V.,T00/S A 00.
011,--10 bble. Winter Lard Oil, landing
PIId for pale by . 0. IILACILDUIIti AW.
nol3 —
tilEtgrE.-500 prime Shipping;
310 ereaoll.
APPLES—iO bbls. for sale by
.13 • J.ll. CANFIELD
Cin_tts EWella Shoo Pole, which nn
dry' l(o.raita,e,=:`Z,?pth,tr,
on) 01116 alarkel et. J.* 11. /.1111.1.11.nn4
ut OSIN & TAR-40 bbls. N. C. Tar;
GO '• N 0.2 Maio:
' Cr pro , o Lr ionlBl JOHN WATT R CO.
EATIIER-200 sides New York;
• mat. eig
UC K .- WHEAT-10 0 sacks Hailed, for PSIO
CI UN COVERS-2 dos. India Rubber gun
P Carers. o' • the different lengths , t.trt reed snd
hr tete at
N. 110 Hearn street. •
Lib Vreretaars and Jackets, of all the different kinds
men u teeters... for rale at thellobber Levet, 110 alerted et
Isola • J.* H. PHILLIPS.
SA . L ,, ERATUS-15bbls. for kale by
iIIER VINEGAR-50:1UL fonsale
ste./) S. Y. SIIFLIVER.
111 CRORY NUTS-3U bbb3. fur oak by
yam H. P. B.lllttYr.R.
200 bxs 8%10 sag
----- T
.xl2. for Ya.le by
bra) H. Y. SUMNER. •
it y 1.5 bbbbLltmAl oil; 10 1..b . 1. ISOI.I Euiphur,
10 bbl.. Tanner,' Oil; !A) • %.billart Red;
Mb - :40121A Turpentine; 10 .. Olu.
b , ' " , b , b4 , 0 1 . MG 1 Pm kegs Who,, Lead;
2 4. • iY2'.? 2 eukAll•l Sod. •
ja - soloist, mbAl A m K. ',C. Match.. r , /} FAS. bY
• . No. 22.WANS.A.
Cold Weather has Come
a ...I Bore Egad, llado CtlrflU! o. We
toJrSO pit a .S. No. TI SuailtOeld
IPLAX - 3 non for rate by
-11 wiog. ktdreiNDLlt..s.
111diltIDE .OF tim best qual
IL) (tr bonatubtly ea bird aryl fa ode by " •
aeuvremr.imucts A 0 0..
.-bola: ' : Wrobt tt.. Dow 616 Art-
lITTEIt.-20 boxes primeltoll, just reed
.oaforralisty ...4-11:CANDIELD.
EARLIER-40 tottir No. for Welly
• •
pal at Lioneyville, are about to erect
a new cdnrch edifice, on the corner of Wylie and
Townsend streets. The ladies otthe congrega
tion will hold to festival and sale at Lafayette
Hall, on the 22d and 2iiil of December, the oh
ject of which is to procure means for the purchase
of an organ and for trimming the church. Con
tributions in aid of the object will be thankfully
received at the house of the rector, 202, Wylie
street. A. variety of useful and fancy articles
will be offered for sale, and the tattle will be sup
plied with the good things of thU season.
Fuirivai..—The festival for the benefit of the
Rev. Mr. I'msavant's hospital, will take placo
this evening, at the 'Masonic Hall. We "'WI
the room will be crowded, as an object more
laudable never called for the benevolence of
our citizens.
Finn.—The alarm of lire, last night, woo
caused by a building, behind the Exchange
Bank, taking fire. When we arrived on the
ground, the smoke was pouring in copious vol
umes, out of the second story windows of the
Think building, on Fifth street. but the enkines
were promptly in attendance, and .the names,
which were confined to the back building., side
streams having been introduced into the upper
story of the Bank, were speedily extinguished.
The damage is, we beliere,..rery trilling, al
though the fire, in the commencement, wore a
very threatening aspect.
Local. New, —We are compelled to omit
much local new+ to-day, owing toa prom of oth
er matter. A fall report' of the trial of Dickey
for murder. in the Court of Oyer and Terminer,
will appear to-morrow.
Tue CONSPIRACY CASS . . =The trial of ths ease
of Joseph Martin, foreman of the Chronizle so.
A. W. Rook„ President of the Pittsburgh Typo
graphical Association: Uriah'lt. Myeti.Stserwl
tary, and It It. It. 'tumors, James V.lfelr.
William Illoblarthy, J. O. R. Robinson, and John
Marthens. membere, on - a charge of POlk9oi
racy, way ct tit,ntit d l esterdsy 11119ing of too
o'oluok, before Mayor tlothrie
Benjamin Singerley recalled. 1 knew of no
officers in the association. but the Presieout
Secretary and Tretvotrer; hero not been pre
ent at any of the meetings A.r shoot n year: Mr.
McCarthy was then President, and Mr, (iambic
treasurer; dont know who was rreording
tory, but think it tray Mr Ronk: dont know who
was corresponding Secretary.
Mr. Snowden hero asked Mr. Sint...oy for the
definition of a ”rat" among printers.
Mr Gingerly replied - any printer whether w
member of a typographical association or not,
who aorta below the regular prices in a place
where there is an association, is termed a rat,
or a dishonorable fellow." The object of "nit
tins(' an once is to warn others, no that if the rot
ting printers go elsewhere, as to Philaddphia,
for instance, they cannot get work. The some
thing would be the ease if they went to Wash
ington City, or Cincinnati, or wherever these
societies exist; this is the object of the ritts
burgh Typographical Associatiation. To the
Mnt or. The word ' , rat" is an opprobrious
term. I said that if a publication of a nature
similar to this circular were made, it would be
libellous. Think I hare had a conversation with
noise of the defendants since ;Saturday, hut noth
ing new was mentioned. Unilerstoed from some
of gib members, that the minute book of the As
sociation was stolen onSaturday night. Mr. My
ery told me this. Knew that the Association
would meet on Saturday, pkohably because it
war the regular night ofaheir meeting .
Cross Examined—Know of no means by which
a man denounced in one of these Associations
"rat - con be reinstated, except by his re
entering It again.
W. H. Whitney sworn—Am an employing but
not a practical printer. Carry on the job print
ing bnainest in the second story of the lenrual
Other, Mr. Myers, One of tbedefendsnts, is my
foreman, and Mr. l'obinson, another, is one of
my journeymstr. know nothing of the public!"
lion of the "ratting , ' circular; S six weeks
ago, had a cen•ert.ation with OMP
Myers slant
the publication of such a circular. He acklsl
whether the Association had _a tight to publish
one, and whether that IV,oe the proper remedy.
against persons who were %working for under
wages. I told him that they had no light to
interfen with any tilllll, though they had a right
to refuse to work for or with any person el whose
character they disapproved, and advises'. him
to have nothing to do with such a publication
He said he would not, and l afterwards cnolef•
stood that he had not ; lie said that he had op-
posed the publication of the circular-from km
in lost
Mr. Myers said that the Amsociation had it in
contemplation to publish a circular of this kind.
Told me nothing ahead the -action of the Asso
ciation; understood that to he a matter private
among themselves; the word rat is understood
to ho an epithet of opprobrium amongst printers,
and is one calculated to injure the person on
whom it In bestowed, among the journeymen,—
It certainly would injure a journeymen As no
employer. i claim the right to employ hands at
any wages I please. If all the printers I em
ployed belonged to an Association, I would not
employ a "rat," beCanre the rest would leave,
and I would be left with him only; would rod
employ him, simply no a matter of. policy, since
it might injure me. Never had any conversa
tion with the other defendants on this-subject.
Don't know the typr with which this circular it
printed. Bare non' in my dace genital' to it
Arthur Magill sworn—Am a printer, and Work
in the office of the Morning Post; am a member
of the typographical association, and hoer been.
ever einem its organization; believe that the de.
(rodents are members of the Association; am in
the habit of attending the meetings, and was
there on last Saturday night.
i Mr. Naylor objected to the witness narrating
what took place on that night
Mr. Snowden contended that he could give in
evidence the declarations of the portico mode
at nay time since the alleged conspiracy was
entered into.
Question admitted by the Mayor.
Some of the defendants were there; I think
they were all present but Mr. Robinson. The
matter pending before the Mayor, wee not a
subject of enunciation before us. Don't know
that I had any particular conversation with any
of these defendants.
The COnstitution of the' Association was here
shown witness. Think that is a copy of the
Conetltution. All the defendants aro members
of the Aesnalatiou,,at the pre eent time.
The 'Tatting" circular was nbown to the wit
ness. Believe I saw one, and only one of these,
before. The person who had it, wan nut, I
think, a member of the Aseociation. A young
gentleman named :Karns,' showed it to me to
the office of the Post. Think I have had eon.
vervains with some of the defendants relative
to it, since it was Dotted ; believe that this cir
cular was the subject of disanasion before the
Association ; •think the defendants were then
present Mr. Rook woe in the choir when this
matter was under investigation. Don't know
who are the executive or publishing committee.
A .'rat" Is a person, who, in a place where there
is a typographical association, works below the
prices fixed on by it. This term is one of op
John Layton, Sworn—Am Clerk in the office
of the Morning Post, and woe em, of the pro•
prietors of that paper. Was never a member
of the Printer's Association. Know all the de
fendants but Mr. Robinson. Mr. Campbell
works in our office. Have bad conversations
with some of the defendants, Mot could not say
specifically. what was said. Had % conversa
tion with Mr. McCarty, and I think with Mr.
Campbell, on the nut jecL These conversations.
'hove been within three weeks after the publics
tine of the circular. Think that Mr. Campbell
said that Mr. George Brisbin brought it to the
office of the Post, to be printed. Don't know
whether Mr. Brisliin is, or is not a member of
the Association.
Arthur Magill re-called—Mr. Brisbin is a
Member of the Amociation. (A submenn was
immediately tanned. for Mr. Brisbin )
Examination of, Mr. Layton resumed—Can-
not exactly recollect the :time when this woe
printed. It was. printed at the office of the
Post, by Mr. Ilorninh, who I believe, net the
type, and did the press-work ; I th.nh that he
fitment off 250 copies. Mr. Brishin had nom°
sent away to various place's. I gave the remain
der to Mr. With out Day, to 1)e delivereffte come
other person whom I do not know.
A !Arena was issued for Mr. Day.
John B. Butler, Esq., Journeyman printer,
sworn—Was at the "Message Supper" of the
",:litornal. A man named Hugon, having stated
that the "ratting' circular was not loosed by
authority of the Association, Mr. Myers correct
ed him, and said that it was.
James McMillan, Job printer, sworn—llnd
keen applied to by Mr. Brishin to print the cir
cular, but declined it; it who to the same effect
as the copy produced. Mr. Myers had previ
°only stated to witness that he was opposed to
its issue.
, A mon from the : Journal office named MThes-
Bey, corroborated the evidence of Mr. But
The evidence closed here, and Mr. Snowden
addressed the Mayor on behalf of the prosecu
tion. Thie Bon. Charles Naylor concluded far
the defence, in ati • eloquent • speech, of which
we regret wo are unable to give a synepsie,
iwing•to our limited space.
The cane woo held uncouth Saturday after
-004, u. O'cl4ck, orben dociklon of Me
Minor will he pm& public. •
COURT or QUARTER. BRE3lolss.—Dsvid
alias Turbett, a colored boy, was indicted
for stealing some silver, the property of Nicho
las Snyder, who keeps a grocery store in the
Fifth Ward. The offence was clearly proved,
and he was convicted of petit larceny, and sen
tenced to six months imprisonment in the coun
ty jail.
Commonwealth vs Hieronymus Frisken, in
dicted for stealing n pnir of hoots. Ito pleaded
guilty, and was sentenced to an imprisonment of
four months in the county prison.
Too BitOT,IILIt JONATUAN—T/10 Pictorial Bra
her Jonathsa for the holidays is a splen did
number, being embellished with a large num
ber of elegant engravings. For sale at Holmes
Literary depot, Third street, opposite the Post
Alderman Brieley, of the Sixth Ward, had the
following cases before him yerderday: Jacob
Herbert was held to bail for assault and battery,
on oath of John Clark.
Willi.. Kelly w.. committed for rtoAault and
battery. On 11301 of Asrwh Shorelon
Petr Sewind, of the Seventh Ward, was fined
$5O and come, for gelling liquor on Sunday, and
has appealed to Court.
Am ES ALA RELY. Etirnpenn
e.g...., N... Yark awl Lir.
Sv.llnst TRH Imo. from rc v York snd Livar.
twl n Ow iktb and 21...1 v..., month
.Sinn loon Inn... -
Vorlt on, IL.. •IILI I.inerrnol
nn vv.,' month
10.11,4nr Nor Vnrk nu do Ilt A. nntl Livnr.
on I 11..nt1l of nuell 1001tI
1. Linelair te re ett 01 from I.lvern.a.l and Nor
The hondno Line of Par I. et Naitonom Nett Yliak nn the
let. et h. It't Itnd 23t11. ant, fn., Le nt1..11 ntt the Ott, lath.
214. and . a
.. .... month.
hint. rd Mt i ue, raeltate fnnn New York
New Or
1.11.1 T line for entiormot, from Sr. Cork, by Strom-
It n in tlf
omi, or Or Csinml mod Ilmllinol. I . llt.urith
Hoorn,. .111 inert, • wreri n m.lolrm gm.
ebeerfolli nt thm olhome ot t,
Cu rd..n
tins, Dobltn..n.l of tieorne•m Itutllnnt, \l'.
ll.m office ni s enroer matt' mod 1.11.'114
reomlonilo tine 1'0550,1 Slate. nr Cntaulo. oho
wink Sr merml for anor hien.lm mar omit
Fentlftrol, nr Wale, rim woke the nee...err mr•
n y,,,,,,„ m0 0. moolleotl.m. to the itetoerlino ms..l hair
r,,, nnt ni the alone Iftrortte thiem ol
oelet', ilrbirh ranee from 1100 It, LM., ton. burthmn,/
or Sr hest rim'. SO mhant ntoom..ns Imis'emOle feno, Of
woi nf Limeronol. 1 yo.l ..... or tile.e•••• ' for.ogroci
oi At- •uilin imo.11•11.11 st. la. 1•nommo• emu
~„ n, I.ltri,m•.l t. ori;mne.
11.1.1..101'0 1,01. .... ~et't ominneinh Intent
ronottnio , — Ifs s two. , 'orgy mo
McHoary's Philadelphia a: Liverpool Line
of Packet&
I . lllllldelplll.l on the
Ifis 1. of
,I , A It 1 11.1,11 , 111 , 1'.. R. It 1...0n, }totter.
•• h0:111.1N. tihro I M.rh.r.
$.11..1(1114 11. W. 1,14. Mut,. 1.1111 rI thr br.1•14.1
'Ol .••••/...4 fur 11.• Ihror
It o ., o r. h 11.4 v al. all 1.1,..1 hug.ruerhirldr. a•ro cur.t
1...1 , .461. .11.1 brit
Ihrtor. nahms.u..l.4 I, torn ot arh.hou 1.4,rd...rt... vllO
••.• h.r Ihrir rsprrirur. I. Ito' p.r,krt
•kf I , nnwts. their (nrs..l. Ing. Mr 1114
- • larh •ill Go
lo t rinhl aril 1 avunla 1.0•44•1 am' lA,
.111 1411.4.4. .nt
the pr.per Lotor...Lion out
r. kor.
1.. r ti.r aort. ith:fla to newl am
drat ‘• tor Cl .1,1.5,a opata..
.Ight rah, aiatotalt. att.-11 la ill say La
IC.. I,, tt ar iu Ito Crittml Ramat.
. .. . . .
A 6 - I . cort.Fgas 6 , 1.P1 , .... r6 , - , ,, , 6 06 , 1n6 i , to 1 , .6 ,
::,..;:, , , ,,. .,.., :n. : ,: ,....y ,
1. .•1n
:upplu.• •111 G. forai6l,-.1
:111. , F ......, LA., , it:- 1.6,6:,..“ . . ",.. :1 ' 1....;:a6 ' 6 '. 6 . I I
I, F. m0i66.... 6.1 I IF I..rk. I .I.F I
~ . II
It , irry.m.,lo6, I II .•.-I. I II II f ."'.
' '
. ii I. ~ • all, v. •6ler KU, WI.
egst. •,I Imir ..,c.5..... , I , ...uoir aul
II li, 1161 I E.SIN " 6I;I '
No T: SI 61Fui v.,. bnlo. :..-- , Ful. ,1,1”Ipl .
II II FI.6111::'
ronwr to.l
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow
nn.l Nrw' York
I Ittr•turt.ip
,Ir. • .
• elo,wl - 1 1.. lt.
p I
n rt, I.•ra,llrN, Not
rt k
•• '
Natamll Cabin .. FN.
atata asrato,rt•
Thas ta r
h, Ito Into raorlrlosta. nut oat niters or Ilttatort,
willwhirl, marshal on tostrl. at motor's, rm.., Car...
cr. a Ed ekrz,nF mi. hi al 3,tetr. n rt. rrot
11 Pr. J..,
Tito 1111/ tens. oil tlar ph..., (a
tt ort IL r win he tat tL..lata •trtt n+tt
- •
1.5.N11, 111.‘ %IV 1 It 1r ,11.1,1 —Jan, In at LT,
ol the tam oi Llaarlt • Co , 11111 amt., o. I
el. la rag, es Urea" Um ao t ths I ,tsh I. •laa on 1 mttlo
mt a t,esto t aty l Id,. 0101 a Co,
Ow. raw,. War , loa rk,l ta hihrsty t t h.• r,stn
In.a.avor to so I in'm tho .41 ran., onmeal 11 - a••
nmat lay. rata, hart, al, tr'm Now 1.4•1 t to Iltr-bur.di.
th. Woo
TUttl'EN TINE - 71 1 6b1, prime, for,
- 7
, r ...121 11. A. FA 11.)i ketteCK A IN).
g , URN ELIA h I large assuit-
N sncut •Ars...AA elAe. ;net reed
ntrettg - tce , , , .•1 17..1 end.
I EESE—Itho W. It.,
t :Ale by
N' unna4l , ll(
r ) .15'11 - I.)'
11 Inlll.
a a . 1
I -Ii "
t'll EESE- Intget ('room, fur sal.- Isy
~ 500' I , A eY.t.1.1.. he 71,n,
(1, kSS-1(10 a4,i'4l ~ i rek. Window. for
~t JAM It oil 'A O
1 . ICE-111 tierces Fr,-rh, shl, Ly
J• 111 ,
I r tAPP , l, l : l l ; ,, l' i t r l'i ': - li T Stravr IV rapping
e W. o el Ate"' 7 -
51 41.11711 I' RI 1.0 0 11
PIG IKON—lilt tons Jenny Lind Furnave
•Alc (rnm the Allegheny ti half. hr
net, • It FltiVP.
I 1101,1, MITT prime for sale
r1.,1l yr
UCK WHEAT FLOVII--511sarlis in store
• and or rule hr J. A It. I LA, Ir
EW FISH reeeived et No. 51; Liberty Al.
1 . 1 Nnw N... I 11nekrtir Nr. .In iv
SllO. eritl I. vee, 01,1 tc , e V. 411,0 Nrer
SAlnnn. All rine eneing: et •.I. A.
0,40 St •
A t 01.
urr A PEW II A'.—Just h
• ficie Anwrlment nf Cutta 110.4 e. t.noellrig
1.r p 1..r,t cat! Peon I.kb, 11
Pr,1,001 1 , /Itonel- Nevi ( ,11,.,
Paten...o,l,Al, 0110111 a t..f ..arlanwry. tic(ure tame,
Unruerreot,f , Ylllll,. new , eolr IV al,
Vcrehli for 000., tul Trn,J. rieln Ihne.
AA , Inch r•innt I,rl. IrAh n ••rl. 1., am. 1, • foh nu.
monain In incnlt.n For man at No 1C• M•irhel renn.l,
n , .19 a
Bight Exchange on Cincinnati,
SAL?: at the must favorable rates by
rary A. !WRITE. 1.1.
y nhare ret 0,01 • rhel.• 11.1 1,011,1111 n cf
nnte. chatncient ,4,01,r 1
, me 4 dh.neke.
tilt. earn .1.110 *MI ...111,. wit flguicd
• et r,l.,Ogrue.:le ' , Lyle, AI., • few pales-, tf rich
Pl. k 11/ HI F.N Flteng.4l.l.,
They tall., fit e/colta and tir•ence 10•01 Mantilla Ant
Cl... Anne glee,. N... tart , .11101,/1-n-Th• planc-ntethesi , t I , rnee of rinirth
ant Slargei 01 .4
10 - Wmic, $1
•• Jarnalca Mtn.
7 ° frotch A: 11,1 W1. 1 .e.nj ,0
c Montan:Kink
Vor r•lg .1 MORRIS' 15.0 lu the Dizenand.
NI)It I ES--5 bhls. Saleratii4;
A bnact toed Lena ToLaccre
4 , 7 prim. We
in ratite Inerjlnit fur rtele o,
O .
W Asti 110. A 'Line, for sale
g iIIiESE--4 ,1 linxes extra Cream D. H. F.,
/ Or r.l, 10.
WICK A 11c(7AND1.17F73.
"1 FlBll-111 v 1 , 11 . 1 . 0. and lir: bbis.. for
TABLE SALT-1n I.4eB;*for wale by
nr.l4 W elk , X kte17.041,1.1,5.
11 4 1 NG LI SII LA I FEItS—A choicet
or Eugll4lo Ladd l'ar.cre, rep s4,l,lViit.a"ah.d or
Flalliptler nod Pntn, le.sirr.•
nnl2enrnor ..( n.l
DILI NTI NO PAPER-4u reams Double
N 111.11 um Prlnling 2.11:::; lu mum, loin, nal
Printing Puvrt,...7,C12, mil.. by • W. e. RAVEN.
.12 1,1, rotor or hihrlt..l. and 2,1 inst.
UGAR.-2.4 Wlt, liarsalc by
nov.: net., I.lborly
riIEA-a. hf. chentri V. 11., for mile lov
not. IMAiAII too; FA' 110.
SUCIA"' Illttlti. lit( stile
nnh nbtl 1,1 Fitot .t.l.
A ILA WAY SEEIt-11 onek for .10
New Goods—Third Supply for the Bonsai.
(NI U (WHY & 11U ffell FIELD commenon
npeninu thin mnrtnlng THOU/ SUPPLY or
noon. On. 11, roll end 411pner.
NI, Pt,. I . nrin eanbsere, Vt.lnet, n.I Silk
11010 rwinun nth, thn,ln will l upon hnday.
/Id - Nortbran ,ortu, of Fourth and 3lntknt otreetn.
Vulcanized India Rubber Soling.
Tun RECD, a largo quantity of various
o 0....1...d WAlriv. We hare omplmy-
N enwri , tveti ..c.rkomn 4) .11e Kna hair-role 1.11.. e
• gen t .4.1, 4 He pool in.
• thr ntteurlon nt ,tire. tof vit” hutch and Vitlll
- .
pu-.;;01 ‘ ;:;;;;ea : rr ; s : od 7 rm7:•mli:n:::ii
1,11,. for Ilam y ;;;;;;:1:,. nl
Ina dneo, for Iti Ttommit, d
~.o eve
fort. is
a.. • gr...*. r‘rrarro.i 111..A1.111
it. J. t I'llll.4lNi,
n..Z2 I chlin ;tubber Perot, Ily llartet
I subscribers re
tentlon of Drikr. Ilot
t large RIO /OKI. Har, a.
. .
spectrally call the nt
t•l snd Famllh*. to
CHOICE , th+,(7l:
whit+ thny 14,
IW pkgy. tir,..n 1111,
rery grtele and varlet);
it baqS prime 1ti017,0,.:
4,141 Jna
11E3 AND TEA,.
rarorAblql..nny. eornr4l-oo¢
11 boYeA ~/..orted 1 1 141.t h er.
Y /toll? FreArrred Pr 01143
40 • 10414144
50 1; 4.1 I , 3,A:sit/on
8 lons., Cam!.
3 e‘x.t . orntnlA:
ritee. 1 1 rol.r,
25 drum. Fig.;
21 bnx.llChneolAtc
10 • PAArroubsti:
and 'orlon. , Foreign '
ivetra by Wan. A.
81M i o 'l r l t b 11 u .4 r 3 ly n i oe An u d s 1 1 e . d 2
NIL A. A Co..
um. &r.
" fine, " •
15 " olzar 4rnlnr" I
O.*: /Iran,
ANA Lendom 110 1 / 4 1., siad
Privaries •thl.l44:itieg,
IlleU...braler,citi, al Sr., V.
riltsutsrgh. 147
well blown establishmtmt is still con
aucuag the,earse 110.1112V2 It has show lit
rest:hal sod to
Kituat.lott of the thi is mrsoholl
ohs srrathzerseste, sod the esnaforts ..chl luxuries to be
Wand there. eranhthe 4. ender It sgrveshle and a.lranla
geous to the traveler.
flay'. bran one of tha firm of John 1.. Suekar aco.,
ao long at the bead or rh. aatabli.hment. Ilae.Knbaerther
him boat exertiornt to maintain ire , r.P.taion• and
!'n..."'W—V."l".(l:rfrY)ttn to b . "
JAY'S. .11,44”, WIC J t•••ra
IT .111INI:S r(.011 .ILL.
11AS. S. MASON 6: CO., have REMOVED
(bolt pore and fa ,, lnri In PhiladelphlL tho new
end .purlonn UHANITI4 UU ILUI North En.nt
the I enntluu• In off, • HU:Mil:Id ONE
1,01.1../11[S, for any on,rlr I•noo lll•A‘nr
It In 'old by nil renToctable Sl•rrta•nt. end De•ler• to [he
United (pries.
11)4;, Slawico five Week IVIIITINI/ INK, at the
TiII ESE sdperior nrtieles of Perfumery,
am-an/4 whlvh ark runturralnd Ms ju.tly relettratetl
Li I% till, , blunted Alnini/Irt, Pearl, }long*, Twill anti
B arka uden, ebtortalrltct. Chalk. and nthrt •kitntrtal
It pa —Walnut aka Latta Fin.. Sand Drown anti Whit.
% nitlank, Ittkatink, Palm. ala ...... .1, Fat, and Ttalt.l
IL atw, tlht•lng Ct•tatu. lilt Ur. etattatin Water, Itt•
Ir lt. ak the listalltitnitlefo, lit Mart..., Wart.. iil. era , -
' -t• harm!, la nevi art tool, rain Lutl rat 'lair Ittatrattrt.,
klr into, l'ltilttannex, tn., kr , an. tattautartur,l and Inr
"air Itt J. MN T CLlatil.
l'orcittnok alai l'britatt,
nt.l Mart, atm, Arlo. 51, l'ltilettrltati•
Sir bier-caws,. dikit btroket that Ittratem it the rtnatkot
and mot az letitl•• ittuintlaatart Is. t la. in t, Olio Anal •
knit. veZl,lll
. _ _ ...
Shrivcr & McLean
No. :14 n 1 II kol nntt,
lONSION ‘I EN TS I'L(1121i owl Pro
\` dum• mot. v.....c00l htleallon
ux Wet ru.lenvor. to give sellblart.....
al Hale of 1,411.).;
Ilefer I..—)lreete. Ilaxfoolos. • )1.11,, I,:tel.uoxl.
Prauriell. Its.lex.
)1r Alex. 1x....x1,111,
)Ir howl. P. yen.. r,
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
ocAri:mr•—•armtd.l •rt, 11, to u, /)
fa. 41.1,1 t xy. ..1111.1. outuesur..l
br 11.114 l). INN)). 1
A IX.. ~.nrry soar 1. 11...4.
- .
9111051 AS 15 II ITE, BONNET :11
v.tu - riA;Lit.
vISJ.t 'A4,I 1,4, it.,
. .
It A 0.% LEA ' , 11U ID W.l RD' , holn
p 4, Lir. ro., I
...... . W.A.,.
1 I EA N w
Flour and General Produce
C011)11:isfuN 110 USE,
1.4 Iry (10)1 Ann 91 -. 111 1111.1111"01, +llll,l. I.
BA LTIM(.10:
0 4(1 1(0 40 0014 . 1N1,0 VIP 0005
0)014'11. AOO E 9 Asa nit itN CON , IONNNNIS.
Having at 1.4' 4')401 aatantaae• In TrlttortaPtata.n
1•111. ant •
1.1 •11.1..n0rl ta, ant. .I.nt , n'tart , •at. L . tt
Itaatat.t • t. aatrtuant•
hattslont and Vaal.ter of Met ham: Ilan,
Nana nt lalnet.,
Yartnart' Nana
• N )I't IRIS
Prof essur Alai. C. Barry's tricopheroas.
R MEPICATED (20511.0U:0...
0 0,411, ~1..•••••11“: shit to•ittir• Int Oa h•tr.
or M
ti ow° Orel
.t attoo di.* tit ilitu r
yy wart 1,, .111,, ihrion, ter Ii
thot h •AVr;ZIII.4 (On., 11O•t Ittaxi • Tritioph.
thut towilhohl tr.....c.,1“. ...uttir ./•••••••••••ttter
oltu, tiro_ of the bur,. awl .11
ht. sour.. Itheiltim Ti,.
.lollowitor lithuotril•ts, toil lowa httnitroe• nt .1111,11 a
:Whom ••••• stow Ilolltho hrrita•totu,
utot th• rettrealiter In %Lob it, i• bi Mose •trii have
gteort Ile trial
UALLI—IIea tt t •PI pt
Us, too sa h•
lt • rui
Mao tut riruptlon of the • *000.0 , -1 du. ,
woe, t•• 1.3 r•wri tithl /unite thot ihrh.l
n..• ••
41511.. aril tot, nil the or•itsottri..e. t ILA hair awl
Ain row LI. the Ina, lotatll I ••• •torti..l
try • !nowt h. tor tour Tooriptterona I no, rot I. het
mow.. stet, to
stupor= •••1 erahloorttott. h.eittl
-tte.l •I•urt two narth• Pool. ww •Inkrotio of the
r the cr)une. 1 • 111.1
his Von.. 1.1 =I. 1.1.0.
!Nor filatt•-11 Drum SlT—M , ultat [a, 1.1 .
enslne thwi. thy 1...1 Sit= mnt.-It 41.4 , 1,1
with ilaurlo•lf I hthl h• • friettit tot, it.. lirloihht,
on• mot dil •stil mr ••towlowerit, tut h. 5, h..
flrtul• r.eurrit. •nd •11 in,. toi the
head row .An. Inc nwir
If atly larty An. ioutiltinuti attuht•the 1.1 thy
• glini m. I cull Profivo I' Itsr•ri• hthet,
}trout • ay. fr... ling.. when. U. will pout,. nrigh
mat the Minh., argil 0.1•1 Arrna,w I. to n.l
it srittoirli Inc W. verre•ittoir .o ho
re •LI
444 ...•hoe •••. tit. Lao resolorl
tto ...twin." • rt, itt=t hr Ito nil:. • a t .... ••• ', sir -, •
= .11•411•,••••1 ituip..l It ex'
t o hm•oli h• U.S after of tit. comm.:lt,. itt
' rit.r • tit..., It• 11.• In.ul it 1.1 It L.
. t
IL , hair, knAl Ulkln ..... IL• 1,1,44 Lb • ..laerAal. de
r.; .rt '"
P-01. 4, norm. curl other ithriosoiti•tioorii
.l••• th• -haw eltenttraor a• ri ell ....Wiwi,. wuott•
Javalloli It .• +oil tr. lan, lost Arr.. No_
I l,rwlitat . moil et th• lirutie..te i roner thotouletut
thtli ol manor I..lf:warts attract,
, I)NTI NU ES hig urual fiwili I ies t 4, rt.e..;vp
:II mwn L, 0.1 Tw uhl vna Ali
Lim. .nt.
1.1. i..r
00 the Illint.l. ,stFil
MrPNra..l...., S Mina.:
Mr. Jol,n .A.
Wm. H. Ilaskill.
nulriloNt.itlt, No olet I'NttNlll.
11. i.
*.opoolol ottroll. tr t ontottt.ino 1,!1.1.14,4. .1.001
• 1 11ETYL111111
Nr, anc. th. lI.MD.
1(.1,1 Itulk
. Ttaanson. au.aoll a; Lot er
Pea,. a Co- 11,akeri. the.,
anDoLrro,s, itiLEy 111 . 11Ei.
noumm a 1•1 131,7111NlerrItautp, am 1104
I,ntr io 110041
) A V 1 , 1, . /.
r..000u50....10n. promo, 0et...,1•1y
• -•-
WIN RANKIN, Atthipey 011111.
D*Aim •1 1,1 0
een.,l, aunt, ite Iht.turcb.)
11" ts r
I , ot ftr.l, Ilmalpron
111'nn11..” 1 )1-Clot.. Jolt. p:
50,.,,. 11.4011 Co.
_ .
I,le, FhormoofrgAn aid Me;
k la's;
I'. 1(01,11.1n's
10 11'1..11.11.1W,
Cia.'l4 I Qr.
to 1101161 . 0 Is
10 toga lituburcl, :100P:
21 n trua;
I tr:, • tal fur sak .1 .. 111164 tv Ayr a co.
U 1 I 1114:1 4 1 APPLIIS---50 bide. reed and 1.4
Pal, I. r 11011 M. 41 LIMUIdI,6II.
A rkeilA At Nu. ..:441 1.11,et, rer,t, n let nf
technrll . lls.let.reted Lot,lnn I.lcittet end Saiar.p.
'' PlCk7l44lol, , tkloo. • errllire eauca.
.• Chow Chow, lieulnut
Wall. Mu.hi,tim HeldwtP. ‘. l W l httl
Attie]. urn awl Itn, :di, I« Saw, put uP to u.wcrlw
uull II 31 A. .11,C/.1:I41 • tr.
/1117 N. 1.11?... j• of w :lo , 11
with T. 111,44 ' 10 . 0
10 %Vat, el.
iII 1. '1 1.1. 1 . I f!, ..10 I.: - II 1114.
W 1 . 1'1! N 6-30 U b1 1 . 1 1.4 .i. bg i e47 4 , T, f , t e ,r ii 1; . , - 11:; , b , y -
toggle , Louth, by 1.. 11nron'eloor Cl4nro, Book:
• Webb: I.lbrr •
New Csrgulloteo,u; Vroltutory CIA. Book:
Normal Pobool Yong Nook; Tt.tol.ranc..ll..b.loon:
Juvenlb. Oratorio.; by 1.. Masco;
)4Onselk.oltolark - tolly.loto, Baottito4 of Cal. ..loofa:
Prlootry SelsoolTwroporanco Bong
Bosom Clw...
Not: Itoolc;
Alon—Tho 011.v0n..... • vory prof!? , orly wpm; wool. by
U. M. T•iolsor. y0u.1., by M.. Ernoot.:
ou• ilrvre, now ohog by C. Foal,.
T be Shewlno Rog o lfuts f A4wen ..e.ryo,l quartette:
The Blomer'. loapplalot;
""6' """.%...1[1:=141.;11Tbr;14t.
moll 0s.“1 of the I/olaro lint,. •
iorroN N 4 i—tol lotion Family, for
ircKEY *CU.
00:•-1 Wolor otd l mot YU.
IDIII.I IRON-12 0 v.aAt. l'homix Furnace, fur
AL moo from the All.rrlo.ny It burl. Ls.
non . 3..0. It. VI-A.lll;ll.mnd I'lrY..b.
riIAN NE RS' 011,— . 20 for .sule Ly
0rt.?.3 J IL YLI.I'D
E A xchange Bank. .
FEW SHARESut tbin Stock wanted by
Ohio and Penn. gicA;
A. WILKI74S 1 co.
Fresh Fruits, Hermetically Sealed.
F RES!! Perches; From!, :itrawberrics;
Apo, nutplA•trtex.
PIK num , -
Fre.64 I.ll..errim 'Fresh &lIUM.
knpb OnnoulprruUL
The utPure aln Put up h. their t ru th io , l w e r o lw and hw he b n .... ualk .
Lr t" lf'l . l . l,ll i ccaulto a. '
kur mi..
.2k41 PL
- grAWNER WANTED—Km DidD Firidtrick.
VIF tw•ww.3"T. with by th•
liCaiglabelo Wharf mater. T. IYOuus & tioN.
009 m Name st-
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
runntuc rm5.4,1,-er paskr. Cl.ll'PEl[ tie.
rt, h•vhng
The C1.1111.1t he. 2, (teed MI leave VOL.
burgh Teredry. Therein,. redeater - day, et lo A.
Sid nturnierr. tearer II heeling ?eery 31,delef etre&
dr)) . sod Frill, it M.
&or freight or metre, having etryerier emelt niretrlirer,
11.111 rie been!. or to eLIEttIVI , & Ilih tl, Age,
cede Meeker ofreet.
NA is rue of the !erre.: randy et t
ritreeted for 11. e trede Pereengere ehipyrre ran de
deed rat her re neind,in the trade.
111, 13 1 ( 4 1 1 1 1*I tPl lt r .i11 .S11 4 .1{ 1 " h i e l
nee peeket grog:,
Vitt A.
Slordrob. metre, Irai..4 hittelerreti fee NI el trifle
rereepting :tend, d .1 n'e1,..k.1. IL. red return.
11.30 , 1• 1tr121111 , . .... y der ni 9 11. The
Forted Vey rue. It ronneetion with the CIPT(i• IA red
Villetntegh Itelle,r4 Lee..
'fir4.4 . II Aleri.N 31nn0n,,111..11
1u1...10.nt. HA RN LS. I,n %%.1.. and 41 fleet
Stroot. n.. 19
Wheeling and Pitia4ridi Packet.
%I The mrift
.ttnit;tart INI • 111,S
l u sar.. for th. ntt to 4
atn t.trt.ll.l. tanniltqt. ill hr 1 , .11.r
Whe , lig•
1nt...111.0W. pct.,.
If VeSns ' rniu;..;; ....‘ll
furl la yr r..ltie..n
Tbn N I allfofTTß. l'abb Wyo. It. Mom, will leave
1 1 11t•t•OrKh every - Tborola. nal Antonia, nt 10
A. t t re • . leave , : Wh....11110 e'er, Mood,. Web
rovnlar, nal Fhb, , of F. A. M.
Y. r freta lb or fonforMe. liatingPoiwn,
apply ml hor& or to
A itfleTRONl/. I . llllntlf . 4,1•
flarnet rtreet.
The Wtorloo•ter It roe ll•efartee 4, I•evereon al atroe•
teal for the •11.1 .4, own tloov
her rootono in the mole reoutnth •
1 1. ,F(it. , i r t t ? .ml 2, ,
now pail... viramor A I„
tor.. twit iirf..rimitii hot roicular tri-ifookiy
thin .14 11,1utr,
, loaring „ l . l , tto layp. bilMh
I r
in ...charm,. lita iri.helit honir t n...l- to
A A tliil7.Kit.
Tho Diturnal a il.ln hool ah mit, it II„. lA,
13...1.,t4 . ..1011 . n. 1..1 lor fir tra.l.•
othl vorat.l ois her ccu.i.tily the
It EiIIILA It 1'...(21( ET HE
R • TWELN VlTTSlirlill II • MR:hi:al-lag
PI !Air '4 •.trniir. mann.,
will wa• nil, for i•lnwitini. •ri.l
i....ry nt a ...di,. Warning lenvi.•
iii• innwirt na I 'Win, 111...v.111,g I . llo.uradi,
•ty st • I•swion,i•r• xi.' iliippi.rx
c.,11.1 iiiwn this him, ruiinine rrguinrly ditring it..
li.• %int,
I.•telrvit LI or ttnnlt on ham., n,.17
itittntiwtlittu 1....5t ex. 1.1
to , t ktt.• tt tot 1 1,11.-I.ltr,tt t ttttlt, atttl .1111,1t*
tt•aitt-On t t 1111.11.114111.
""'` . "'VW l '.l77 .":"‘." 1 , - 1::11.:,..11. A...
It, 111,n. i../•
1 4 N , 1: 11(111, NI 1'; IRT _ fi ne
rwbe. %113
Z.INESX ILIA - . Ihe tin, er—
, 7•.' • '' '" 0
11 , 411: N I, %1 Tlie
4 FFRT, Nit., To Lvt., , < 4 :
1.1:1 1110 -1 !•ril
I .
ftl , l'..hiNl, (
For Salo,
fur 11.1.... 6..
M..-11Tto 11..rdtoin.111.1 •Tll
nn.h . I, ,t1:1.
) Ili I. lltl IN have abs sr.ah. norm.
) upliripr.w..l l r.t.. ou,z. 1.,
1... applT
Desirable Property for Sale..
NI tlltrolt ~ry v thiql•h• Ilni the ..13.•
eg, F1e.,1,1t, eeli, J 11.04
A 1.1t0.1,1 , .1.1111, vrill,rvrn, 1.11.
+to 1110, 1t... I, "l
.r-ze etsl ~.v..a.•ri1...411i1
. . .
r a l• 1111\I
1.., lira! tatair Aar.,
I F.SIRA l'ltol.i:RTY FOIE S.l LE—
y A lot a( ,•couthl •a • tat cat Ora, ...rat,
1,, Inn, L. a.
I E well hew 11 110TE1.,.21
N , rlTll 111110. ,It.l.
.1, 1 . 1.11. 11. 11 .1.1 . 111 A,
• •.,.., 1., i
lAr.•• aool entzi
nri. rn with 11-:.A
r.. 1,• .1.
•.•11 1•,,
- of Lilt AL.
10,1 ../ 11:IL \I - .AI'. .L.. 14 it, pr...nt .eu.
' I ". IICirITA
m,..7.0,2 es, ,kr
LET-- A large and t .,, ll,lllenta
I VI 1:ElloU,K. oe.
11 M. 11 .I , III‘,ToN
Private, Resolenee for bale.
rill I F. 1 . 10 'PEET Y Is litterervarer,.llll:- . 2
, •rv-rurr..•l•lllu: ..rnrs it
Iv 1.1... t r•ra.llr I.r r, r'rrr
. 14.1. vo op prg llrvvParn
r .s • ni”Pt • .1. ~ vat—
.• rpprit.i roo/ann., ILI nu
.1, 110 re,it oprootry
The irearr nere
thoirlr.Ll .vr fr.v. r ~,Hilo. Le. Ivo Itcrit. mr.l rep, u. an llvr.
111 .t. ar..lrn ryk...rlts• b.rt
tual,l•l. surd 1.1•1,4 Irt ..t commove lar•rnu rnerr
~ ,0 .r.•-• Ill.vorrl nr..l P.ll a: wah
do- P.,prrinl 1.1 lir•re .r , P.11•111 • tr
el dor, sr.rlo.!rara Irstr r I.rriarr
1.. ve. dr. rn.ros...
tn. •
1...1 . in Imo. are In call nn rhe trpar.
.1. • in arpl.r. r.l.•••re giro,
It r• • rporp • I.nvo .r ....rat. • de1.....,1.110
den , •, ar pur,:bn. v.....utirt•.
11:%1N. 111 se•-•••.1pt
Real Estate
101 t 5.% I.E-_Tw„ 11, owry and 11.tdn in the
Ilan b ml—mgr oo ..16.rty shot, uel In.. otlwr
Neer ••f fert ••ta ‘l'..tuner ntr•••l., ht
tIN• 6,4 •••• •t ro•ttstr• at .07 IJt.nt n.
li••••ro, ...tit
1 4 11 TR.; NS IRTEItS, r"MMt I N et
iilapelal aria —l•4
4.11 a, 101.1: •1 , 1, LOTS.
In't It, ilmat A 11.0.,
It,. ...I la, • ',tar.
).,l three
karitorla vala,
thr 1411t140
rot tloalr of L C rract:TON. Ante..., Car.
mu the Is I! Slalarrai.
auglS f , rerri•l Matt. ma..11,ir.1
• • •
114.01 t RENT—ThulhcellinK. N.I. 1552
Tiara now 10na11a...1.1—..0 t 1... •::
* I.ualan4 o,f
11....tan0 Imo., U eo•uarleLed 1$•Iallor tho
lom• • I,al. ran, 1.4 Lvd marl
f kin. ti . 14
nue. If
.0 , 11 1 1 t.. 61! I% meal, Forwln.
It .10111LIStailti,
itmrth otr.vt. near
Far Sale or Perpetual Lease,
1 4 1 01:TY-nth EE BUILDING LOTS. I”id
•1 In ant I.t N., in lb.. , rwitml lint, nl 11, Inv In
/111,13.1 u, Ina:,tn../ 00 bolL •..1..t1 141,nr. • ntr•-•t. ar•l
ct. Rent Lane
Al, tor (or unn ormo, lb.. naalto , Ihr
oat tot ruty .tr.-I. 4 , 4 , 7
ascuplont a 4444 lot
l•ot rholn, a Mr. NW:AM. BORLAND, o+Kr
lb.. preiules, 14 the sul•crtla.r, *1 b10.01u4, he.
.144, uS
Ill( II BRADY 1,511.6110,
A Good Bargain to now Offered,
Fmtr. Four ICILY-I+, In 1nn,w1 , ...
twar Iletee 1+1.3,1--on Las 0.1 In. , au!.
wlt. lernfr.,t I' . 'I" ,
44A it., In., ...Ww • guni probe. 1,4,44. ,
4. purelv, *III 611. 1 iti , 110 . IN,
Js 114 .14-0111.1 nL
Kentucky Itl utual Life Insurancatompany
OUAL , INTY FUND, -100,000,
Irll IS COMPANY offers to the insured nil
I the arcurtty and adentanne. of the Mulnalandlhust
1 , 1..01 Plana (molten...h., ary.1“..11 rntulntn.d. nantrir
run,. of rrreoluar. an 4•1101111 h.turn will lnv per
mutage I,llll,iranlyuccut of th, y ran au
adontiate. but nut env...wive pro, ham. fur thr future. a cu.
rity of menden" for fib, whole term .4 111, withal) ' , win , .
ble hy the accumulating land wrorwl n. rut!.
member payable at death, by crwlllo upon their rathcie,..•
• tuaranty fund dralauwl nor the permanent i...eurily of
abort term on.tulawra. owl Moo for the pr . ..went marine
*boar tor thu Iran al Me. of
Ss" fhb. la thr only Mutual Life entarnnT
orb.. rate. of rn.mium ore by,' at• late redur..d maim.
an). with a prurnhou fnr on annually intr....lnn ile46lllY.
Intiou of londolfor futura owehrityy in riut p roportion to
the amount of bush:rag and the Inereaainu rialy from *d
rat.. age •11.1. Lite members.Parorh!etth it an. giving In detail Nan and
rm. n the Onmrsny, furnlyl,l crane, and antd , auon•
for Inouranne rravirwl by J. Tt , uncrr. rut
coal SI coal, Pittsburgh.
haysuri. Pita n14111. n
..1 1 ,i” . . _ .
N 1 OLASSES--tiO bblo. Plantuti.ll;
/IC 00 .. pur., $ 11..
nor: t. 1,.t IA 'ir..,-...t';::, 1 ;!','.
4 AXON Y MAti AN ESE-1 cook; for al
4 FRI CA N PEPPER-15 boloofim ordo by
lk. ur,-.7 J. z.cIKMN SIA It Kit a CO.
%V 1N fsl LARD 00.-15 IA& boot qual-
V 14 kr oalp by
tuVli • J. !Wail ON MAKER. in):
11 . UII ki4-72 kegsu.t reed, for salefl
.14 PICK a lI,CANDLK:IB. \
1.111111.Ap. SY.lllll'S—Lovering:n i'hihui`a„
81 "' I. " 7 1 " Ili. A. uwi.una a (xi: :
uull" aiturers smi
`PUT - MID- . -1 111)1:.guglia — " - li
*"" "44 ""' d . ilia is W.
mll. • thsockuo uallon. •
,\ !
. ‘
...... \
172110 X
We are now prepared ta,eth'y Freight between
rt - rrsehjiti It
ditrin, tl, win., purl 1.11 s:Prth 0.,,P,,a1.01..
I. /nix, rat... I 11:1, hrnu.t
V illi ,FI , IE 1.10 .
1.1 Al 11...1, P. tr.burgh.
111111 LI I IIVNINII:ky. Ant..
cill 7 R ,
11 3: 101 ,'''t -- • " ""'P
. h.l/QH. Av..,
.1..311 71 11 , ,,t11 "...t. 11.1 limp,
. , .
gaggE4P3 _
&N. ch.• ..„,,,,hr..t.&°&&M'Aq. r. X,r7T'R'"'"o,,
Mils or Wl= wit% ...I'm for .I,llTvric2 \ tbrAggb, It
mmttrt.kte rat,. , -. CLA It K & THAW. \
Ll :.VNVlrA"giJkln2 6 r' .
. •
tHo Mar trt stn..-
L B.inittioN. , ' Isriortli ntreel,Ralthroni,
Freights. to and from he Baitern Cities;
a LEECH 'a. um.
' l / 4,, -
gntl.., ... wlil I.rwanl I ight- to nu.l Irma'
111 ...To ~t..... gr,...; Wl+ a 1 1201 iu epocitiod time
1.., Aot•tv 1...., 1,1,1r.r0
A l': , 'A 41 ; ACK,
end I P I ll TlNlfil. l ik:V. "''
No.. IA sufl l', t , ..uth Thinl rt,rt, l'h Iluirlptita.
, 81111 . 11 . VILANCIMIIS.
N. , 75 North street, Ihltimore.
igaisg,... - • , -
7' /7 k A R RANq
rimiE .11414erihrriy ngents for dm Penrliyl-
1 . roinix en..are nor prvarnt to wart frrighi
thrm.11 . 0‘1 , 114,7 Ib. 011114/f to (1311.4.10.. at at,. rata,.
mg mt.-.
411 aa ana and,. 4i vronl- U 4,5 '0,1.661.
.r fluor, Lad. Taller, and al -
lea 31,00
OUVOIM a 001.3. A wag,
wry, Pam iLMI Warne arra.
nnyinno. be, I W.
\A rol Eq.. 1 'ele.Syi Line for
111 II Morning Linn w ill be
nu ,a .
aria Li/40'C.
185 1.
hat THAI Pl.
KA V INC; Pitt,nimegh daily (Suudayg ex
A b'cltrk. thr
Piipt. unlowc,
r,..1 ligglnn el
An 1.1.1 Jors,ing in fZI.EVELAM, 1,11
n. q. tn..% as 4 ~ ,1 7 .3 . 4 14. so litn• L , t“.• tht Eannunatilronn,
I.•rn nr 515...ne01n 011 int. Lakin, thrs
ntioonnre n.
I.Ati - 11..
11, lb. firAt uf Jam..., liL.l. ILA .'ArA , e; . /1 leuruuninit
il i. 11., ie, by u hurb lime tut-N.:errr. leill 'an crow
. .1......ru1i io•Clerenitiii .0 • Iwo:,
ii., ya. lab api,iy le II N. 11AliTON. 11,irent.
liliitioninitiela Ilea.. t,,..
Pennsylvania Railroad.
,E6e_aiteti ,— ; cnl 'Z •
Nl' PA l'ES_-,1 It It ANG EA! t r :NT BETWF:EN'
\ Tmsr Itedo,,i to hi Ikars!
his; tto4 after the 1.1 of Ih•eauber next,
Ar 3 ~.Nr. • • ill 14 , 0404 , 1 by the I'a niseylvanja 1L0!...1.='•".N.
! ...I . = ' • " .N. ii b' i „' iVlL:lT.! l : , ; iP' ti: o .o!; " i t in t' ; ' c ' t l iiiZi
I istt.\/,.. 1 ,
, $11,r,0
. ' ' 1 tii
tie l ;,..\ il!r ' At ' l=l'n ' .., At . l ' l7l ', . ' Ar ' .....:irili n AintOil " e r =
1..111,11,1, t./ ILAtng b. , t da/riflrr.
\ \ TiIi. , FAS 5101111T1, •
n.. 1 . I ,l \ I st I, 111 l'ot,u'a If AtitiAul e1•11111•P I
HA° b
IN •Di IDA:11S.
I :r 514 )N I).11, IWTOBER 13th,
.1 And Clis , ...nnii 11•11,..1 t ortipairi"
-i, leielAnd ant, pin,. loin. i ery e•eni
-. alln,' At 1. , 0 . ..1urk unit
V.L.W..i,, y ,;'. ','::,;' 2, - ;.:;: r 1, -
i It Ater und sunthbvl 1 MA,
\ . 1 r..1 mreli,pirs.
I . l easuni,larls limo,
i C.) r 4 \
, .........i 'i n.) i \
Vin itrowtomile ana Comtivrbuttl, CO Baltimore
Itllti I'llitudelitt \
rpliFl :1101ININI1 ItO.lT Ves ar ttle Wharf '
i the itrAi-A N„ .1•. Ii. at 0 • Lek vreeleely, cc.
neelinu ioAli ti.e en, ni Cninierhuml yell lIIMIA4,
'1.,/,. lire‘,l• 4 ( l'uniA 1...t0...A.11s lusert• Aii....l•7. l nre l A ll l
At A r.'.1•.-k, eenuertin Aria the ear. at cutiqierlad.l no.
eg al In Alir k.
Time iliriuch to 141tiracre..12 hour,. 4ibtr $9,
1 IM , I h1.1.•411 . 1,/ 1 1 filb•luiptilv, ill hour. \ V r. iii. 1 , 1310.
The Anlional 11.411_ sA ...i gto‘l I \avitteiAiro A ., 'tab
th. i ' , Au le. Lei ••• ti nivanui tar niini Cowl. , awl • lA, h
um,. t Mt ,leetiledly the lA, riittle ii.t.
J. S.ll-11iIMEN la,tit. \
' tnyl.2 111T.r• in the Aluni•iiinil A\ 111 •••••
18 51.atElt-0 'tl§ol.
v Ely ItOUT F. T 1) NEW YORE. (OTY'lia
I'i I.lantirt altil the Vol.. 1:Alln•ule counting iitiJi
ii. i etA, •teAniern tin ledie Irte. 11Ae ‘ilehitsin I ieveleo
ult...lan, Alin uir.
l elocAll. Cleveland nal 1 1 .1.1.• nrgt, tin
r , }11,1“. , Awl I . lneineitizi klutlioadw nod sle.ttin MI 111,.
11.1111 ...., 3111 eie.1,1 AiiAre...uil the lthiu. 4.11 A.. atAi
4AINS 1.1.A1 1.. 111.ihkAILIA all Poi.g,c, s:
Ist tlnrniu, LAnrilut Imo At t 1 1 1 '. 4 4 1 1.
•til 31A.11 •• : ••
11 IP ...tuna CA prelim r . - ~o, -'1
The 1.1.A.1 1r.., iautet At Kiwi:, • heye ii• A e.1,,,,,...iiii
•lee 7 hour, 11.11 Llat• lls o l4lpre,Traiza.ounvlU to hew
1....1„ nett! 1 1 aa'Abielt.mailayittlic who'. t.[0-
L,.1.1 11,111.
Is, i....iiren. Yretubt ono Viatle Train hut... Dunkirk Al
I A 11 Axil. n 1 1 .A.s.„ier Cur tu Altni.h.ll iMb Trani to
1... 4.411.44.. 111, 1.4- , ....11,1, /0.1 liniterA
_As' 1 0. , inon bunk., I. N... 1..., FA Keerind Ow
at r..,..bek. arri
Joil!, A
. .
torTy• ou•un in It fru- us, -
't tut I , ..uptou, ar. pro.pnr...l 4. trutorinrt. 11•6 noct atul
ut lo.otuts wt (mut Nut. - Vutolt.
l'artu-ultr atteltu-t. putt to. eu..k. Thu /MM.
1•44 Itli+.4ll, &nut tot runtoptuu court
mot.. ot Ott t.g put It. Op
1,..1it Tan. v 111 be diAtributed. ¢lting fun pazticu
I ..• re,kr.l 11... pru+..4ate... a. tj,,
I , - pr. parr' S !NOT
.1 Nt err INIIIIAII. tits, Ihtaltik. IlL4la
1851. aiiiiga
Err,...) Parlel and Railroad Line to L'lrrrland.
lOASSENIIEItS leave every titarning at 9
I r'elok. 1.1 rtranitral in lloarltrr, ;Iwo, byrzErrns
9 ""
1-Itxr to ( . I,oa.
Ituthao, To Prtmlt. an bow%
Tbkr“ thrwatch
• C.lowbuo andfi
end neinuab
I.s..engera for botee.. Chwago and lear•
rirr, wrpollig 14 the Fpleull4
rd lloidean Co. for Pero".
by New Retain,'
..I ...In, •iening at Chi,.
IJuro4t oi uldo ~Ter, elm rout, t..eleln.
nu, N. ami ..II 1.. t4linurt qtl,ker\
p t
For twketa or Informaril.n aver to
Jell:, A. CAUCIIRY, Aso•vt.
o Ater.) corn, of Stunted and Water
appoe. the Monongahela Ilan*:
LiWa 185 t.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Clonal.
CLANK PAREIi • ... -.ltOnuerre. Pa.
kn,wn Lino in now preparint to
lreualv. !night and peanengrra fnm 1ITIA1 , 111:l111
awl CLO EL/0111, to auy polol ou the Canal ..d
The lacilllles ot too Line ern LIWTT.OA•t.3 in numeleae.ituaN,
Ity. and mparay Wal, oxibern•nre ol Canhnna, and af=
ar3 of grle.
On. Wei kW', l'itlaburab and Cleveland dailv,rnuolng
lu Ba
nd with a Line rd nbenonboata la.tween
ill:Mill and 111. LI KR, and a Luta ed nratelaaesleaulb ,, ant
(erun.llar 454 voowlal on ;do. Late..
Parka A Co., O.
L. It. Tay kr, Warren, O.;
A. A. N t:10, k . Neatan
t'. Ravenna. 04
E May 00 a Co., 41.
niirtnagl A C. t • mut ita 04 _
N. A. NMI, Cuyahoao•..
R hark, 1.4. e it Co , Alva. O.;
, . . .
Itnntler..on • inttlinnio.Nands.olT at,. 04.
inn.thaut A Stott, Toledo, 04
U. William* A Co, Detroit. 511..4.1Can: -
hounmon A Co.. ilirookie. Wi,
tin.. A. (1.1. b.. A C .... e1m.... 111.
".I .l ' .'ilk A. 1 a... ~,n,
~., - Wal., nnd 1nd111.11.1.1 rt.. Pittaboruh
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
T ii E tit.e ihtnnellger XtetthleTS jil iKe zt
Itt.:A 1 Mil iml 511131 th AN N 0..•
..... V iii
Inns.. tbrir anding. . Pd.... , • , .I l''
chnt..r. an..ry J. lent/Asia ..x....,.1...1,) as fullown: . —
IL Sr, iP.Pen 1 . 11.1.0,1311,11 la A /....1. .P. W.
MIP111,•11 tin do 3 r. N. do
Prrna.s tithing to an to Drahr can prucurann
T.elh.ta t... goebrotal and bark to
tin... V . {AI ono..
T.. 1..4 Ktnal tor down ono dltT nwl up tbn ...V. ,
1 , ..r tirl.nta aplily on 1.1.01 . 0 , .! . V. , 4;
, n;inuant.neth Penner, or
""kb'"n ''''
".. .17i)1P. :\ CALUM:I% A an:at, •
aunt Coe. Watt,' • emit/4110d .I...Pllanhurnat.
iI il NA 1 . i' I A NOS!—J Rea roc'doFF r
trr. W. himuhrbary, of llollet. 1. , •
14:iViili; iTi.s.7 g`„Ngr. V.?'
111 Ah..... plotl hum 0 nod...ant t 0 Ilto.uMown; and sw.
art, N., York. t'll?, Al.l 511:1.1.1itt, S
- 11, 1 1 . 51.1 - 2 0 Mao. .cuedlo 11,1. 1)1,18. l'ruuti
r 5 .. 1 , bite nah,rre.l and foi Pole ty
ooi3 4 11. U.IINFIRI.y. :_..
A Ll2Ol Ilax—'2s bias. 76 inkl92. tier ct., fur
/11. 1.. t. by lt, ii sett.xne;
1. , _,
I A 11D 4.)1 L-9 bbis. \V inieirlAtalneii, Tl.
CAB.B.' - AMMONIA-2 'casks feiaale by
75:41 bids. .----'----
prinie 801 l Butter;
\ •
Jto Puked 11111ter. , '
- 4fo box. Chtenh; , '... .
itt It. angoras:l'm logo 1.7 . . ..1
• - „ reetibitor. URN zi crr„ r....t.t , t.,
\ ..Ii . •, , 11 oclovalllmIttaboLloto:
11illit3881 . 0D.1 CAPS-2,0001 -1 09 for sald.
1 .by I t0,437' . •U. A s :4"Ailti!...YroCK o Oil.
CASSIBIFIILE & CLOSIN ‘ ET-z..lsgra. fur
rriflS RESINCY is ofrored to 'Cie ' comma,
I vivo wall the ~, , i ill.lenee we f,-,1 In mi article which .
seldom fails . reali..,the hAppirst effects - that ran bi de-'
t•itrd. ro olds Is the fell Of ltd urelnlt.. anhl rename- •`
. • i
`toe,the eases of its cures, that almost elit.f, porton. at;'.
the ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,pde IP \ r e . e .,,,,,abh.:, known, aehp,
hiwu been logo,ll from alert:lMF arid even degneritedit•
«ai - et.ef the ht.,. hr Ito iti!.. When ono. tried, its so
,nlanar or., eeere other Medielitent Ito lila& Is too .e
Parent:n e.ratle oh-nut! In fined where its , Thlurs are
known; li,. publir• no I..neer heklbstei Whatantklole lona. ''
piny for the distr....eine and dengernui affe"tione of the . •
Priltooteafy organ., which are inCident to our lailitlitilsi•-. -
And not .1y in the formilable at:Locke UtOti the IMO.. '.
hot her the niikter oared,. of COW.. COttahre IluMnete'n.. -
de_ ,ml for Children It is t.ll, plues, West end safest moll-
erne that an 1 . , obtained. No 6rollr4boula ba wit.bout •
It, nail [Mao eel, hare need it voter will. • -• '
11.4 the °nil:Li, of the ‘,llowlng itentlelnolle who will ''
U. tvensoned In the carious *refines of 'country Irliarh..
they are located-v . .oi and all as merchants ef the first,
olevt and ..r the 111.:Iiret ebaractur-ae thsolanst end moat...!
u.nelve whole.ele dealer. In 1.1•411,j12, with an eaPnri - .,: .1
euce unlitnit,l an the',uihtect of which lity ,
spink, ' If
;bete is any value In ihe..iihlymmt of reperletme„ - itle
.. , Till.? CNIVIIVICATE. -\ • .
We the tindereignkl, wholesale druggist,. her Ihit b.. '
Lai., acaunitaat nail AI'K'S elwrry Vectoral, tiehrer pitr•
tify our 1 , ..144 that it Is the hest and most ealartual ttemt
nay (r.. 1... in ~,,, an Consumption seer amoral co the Am-:
armee Peon,. Al.l a« t. ~,,.1.1,
to tro out tuoviotigo Or OW
romp...stout a , ..1 estemire utann,,tattatitlly etaxtmaind•
It to the ~elicte..l ..a •orthy the r ir beet entinJener, andlitith'
the thm"couriel lanes Illet it will 44 ier their tenet' all - -
medicine ran Oa.
Ih-eat. w, I.:amends* Co., 11.... n, Ilass..
Rees« A Coulon, Baltimore, 31erTlehd.
Lead A Intl - rah., liadieerJO mbar.
Ilaelleal. Darrell It o,..Charleetnn,'?. e...;
. Jecon ri. Yemeni, 1 , •Irolt- Miehlmia.
T. It 3.lcA Ili., Louisville. Ky. ~,
Oral. n,...tili ,ne
'Turtle 11l
• IVellon, at. loon. 31i,eeitita. :
Jtle r. obite.Alithato, :..'
.I . .‘A. P.O.c llerlington. Vermont. 1, ~ • '.
Ilevilsuil;ltudey AI)., Au aunt.. Croce's:
ee Ise". U. James: Trentm. New Jersey, ,
J 31. TOW u,ini,',l . itieltureli. l'i. ‘,
Clad, l Co.. ChleSen. Illinois.
1: Ii Vey. Burlington, law. ~, , .
31. A emit.. A r 11
m..,nriole. Via. , •
I.:dean] Broach urel,sit it Inman, lift. ;',...
John (lilt.crt nt,C4.!. rbila.lolyrbit, Pa
Z. D. t4l.ll.llliolitb. Wastunirtry, D. O. , \
J. Wrleht • Co- N:,w (Olean+. Is, ,
- Wi.....n. Weil b. 14.., , F0rt, Wayne. lad!ana.
C. C. Itit hiPC•la A Ca `,,,tillA Frames...(SL
Le w la it A tileV. Tnitaliawa.Fairian.
\\ . D. 1! Strng: linotellle, 'renewer. - 1 '
' A A hoer. Little 1t0ck,•,41 Ir.
~Suliq, Hale • Co., Lenttuttini.3 - 11as.
..0. IR , tantatate. itelreeton:T.‘sel.
Cheek'. lii«r, Jr., ct , .•l4enen, ILI. • .
./. \II Lerner , NI. •,, unsh-lia. '
Wed, Ec,l.eDin A 1 , ...t/turinnatlNY '
\ .
'IN VORRION CarlN'illltS :-
J. it Collin * Co . Valouraitk,CloilL ,___ •
V if. lltutolii.l • Co . I,ra 1 I we. Mesh,
Vted ftlyau sd a. DouotA, how llttnado.
.ret....,•4 / Co. houa, Peru.
hloteuu ••1.0:. Itelille. trat..• 1-cotta., . ,
T. 14 en t.trie,rl-..1,11n, hew litunrwle
cv t; i :Ll ,, r , eliniOt • 0,„ hluJeueiro,lln.s.ll. -
ot...Veun " l , . ! :.r.l=t r . ' 4 " ::d ' in " al ' llrillTirits:
Prepared and sal by JA.illi:t C. AYEIL, Praet
Ist. larnit, Ilea .\ , .
Sol' in httehureto•holelle end trtell. hy.2l
Nit:MOCK Al 041., 0t...i 4. DI l'oli`C.llt4l/. '
In :AltewhatirCa/. by tt, P,M. I LIWAItTi. Itri
OW,: mad la Drui.ii.tekteurte:ts. deteb
- -..-.- \ •
A llellicirte for ' \
C 00,!., C.Mg, 11,,argek.cas, \ltthm a, Broadtail,
AND INCIPIENT Vi./tinC3ll - `l . l - 1;- . . .
1111. K EYSI.:It'S PECT(It \IL . - Y.V.UP.—
Ijr It doe. th.t , iren tl.« el4Lerl. it Mee nvi constt- ~
pet. the 1...c.d.. .1,.., ioa tolev:the eioa, end o' fib -•'
t, re.. 11 If ii.l tali...A II 1111 1 / 4 • In a tre.ty cou,b r •rtry owl wr•.
.tny that ovoor It I+ porforTh hArost4. Iv its !Delon. ' •
out,. aut.! Fr eat" ANA flTo.c.nal iii teirtuting a cam -no -•..'•
nowt vb.lent :a,.. or 1 - PC•dlit ~ 1101.1.tatit•Ilaasonatatan bay. -.•-•
b-en I'Lllfsi il , it In a fee !ware. .i‘ \ .-
h h 4. .., rAv , ,',, win artani.-Sbn ola con ti attalleinea
ell w. w•tt tbnittwannb awl t.rioattre Linileaa.ati la tUrOV• ... •
,thrtotreoitTlo thou Ito. roo,lt Wel!. This. ir . i . tateLl• In - 1 .
thin misture, 1.31 it is a soethioCitrtle , sad It - '
win eitte--vr Me scniry teed: be rejendedf Teo trldmace Lt. j.,.'.
f.rot of ,pie medicine In nut el:, , tem,' Colt LISA tyliil.o. ' 4
abroad toryvturo an, our ut it.. 111r00,.. itlitheateurzl-'n;
nom it, n recular phi eirian. Dud has Lana heed by NM tit - .L. , .
Id, own t rnctina tar a tanatinr at rears. tba , -1.-
C0n.1.,...n..-.1 I.4y ed Etrubintallle wittnathat a!a! , •
atr ttna twl..•nztllci with a rtaigh,...l as},
taw. aialit naiwn. lieette fe”.«, end all the itlets ' --,'. -
a' intioni....i .... oeunartin ~, auJ that error taking twobot ', •,--: -
.be, eund. A oeutienuon in tl'otrilittiiLOß
o 1., Lod , utlvred ma, enhnis and chninleeintair
een is\
tat • . li lt ie.«, 1., i«rn t•ntitely relieved- end the cough ; ".-- -.,. : •
rene.ted. hr the Imo of tell a of I..,ttlee of this Pen-
t..rel ,10,1 A t•ertsntani. tn. to rewrin. 111dauls. writax . f.' .- • . '
that 'the !more rho p.,,10r.1 ~ rug, tc, be a Svut brittle, . , -
fee he haft in,sl it to hie nem cue. and In there.. LS; ~ . r .
nenti. ts ill hi- family, • 111. i1,,,,,,..4. ,„,. e ,„,., ~,..,......
._.....,, r , , -
'A. . e .:, t. ek,,, , .../ari,., kn,ven. It la mat vein" . -.: \ '
belt pita t-Q.i..a At, Were • .sert., or tea bottles Sot alb, - t , ,
Country r tareterkts eld do well it( keep • sups.ty of -- ~:.'.. • N,
tan. a. 1.1 aqua . - .n loit,-1 ell heelless sii It I. nee of the torxt. -, .• ••• - -
i,..114, end eibetr.eisl ren...lie4 seer g.nrsmer.t for an -.• ..'....•
t....,,,h1., atat dora-oa ot• 11, ittflor./s\liiitilAjdsl4i. Coturaiap- - .... l. j' -
t,iawa E..r:ra.-Nlatta lama. will trr it. ant you tatatf '- L
.wtatt ata ',I tia: t sliiiii/il4.ustrucu, Lut do net b..,d them. ..• • ••
If to went ~ net wen ow, Dr. hey , er , Pert...raldyrulni , ..........;
nd ndre n,other-lt viii earn 1 ire. It hat In it-nattnit•a - . • .
tan meet valthle plant, and pools of the esalcrir man.. : '-. . '.
am I, . 0 ,-, told 1., a fISISIIIIii 011illi•A la Uln.. .Hag art: - .._ ..
t I.• , nati an tai.hrt•yhon lu this medlutia.. I,leleven...or,-
• i. your own \ i . 1..,, ou.l Ito., Oho ItOttiotur...'' ...
lily alo+ trurii tr ori ',sq.., hr•ro.s. , ” stall, its anltintiln
nr0te..”..1. a 111,1,0,1 i lw ,boeh to ittr 1.• ,.. .. ro.O'r , Ur. or "
ft . ... EL. . `
.4 in.ut + roi
onle.l r\rma,thrint the Coded stainsto s-1111:e ,-.I
nit..., 1....,-• .1. moot+ wid be node to throe whOwlll' re
' r -
tee. au tins It , : AI Ills \ INSIIISiIIe il•al tlLy • lan. riro-' '• `, ' .
at le i ' niaaw at, 1.... a ...Oa, inia in. d.nue ..tillefat fen-
noun .i 1,, i r...,1..z IN the , rtatel• the mom,* Ina.. iloo, \ - tho oort II ay ewer prPittrtol. '--- ~ --
or King's krlh
Capera. 'Durum%
Paul , !low of the Bid ,
Er 3 rlpalaa.Chronle eoro Alva.
Ringworm orgrere,„ 4 , e0hl Ilea&
Rheumatism, Palm , In-'tha Roars Or
Joint, 1114 and Ulnas, Strolling or
the , Gland., Or 1.1.11 i, 11,,,epe la. Salt ljlems,
Linea, of 11, El:tory, Log. of Appel/n,
arlaum from ihe aro of Iler.
turf, Pala in HIV KJ. 4.3.1
Simulacra, 1 / a noral
Drover, Lutal.ago, Jaw. •
Till i rrrr 1 Alf 4. L F J111•111e1 Irr ENO ITN! , ''
Th. Shaker prepared "Tallow Disk." acd the "ITS
Honduras bartapatils " are tb , tittrahrable 'etas:dud . ' el
agent.. from n Etta, to liuteott.'• ItaPintod EgItIrCI lir '''' .
Celine !Nei. au ,1 oarsatarille Is Attired. and thelabOrar -
toes of lir . OurtinU Me hires us the eirture.of flose tliroot 1
In then' I..•rfertion Ilia prepsratlnn contains all theme. •_ r
stomata., pro:settler of thei Meta. eau:Stink end rOthlettllgi •.,,y.
1.1 in th. ir atm.: strength an 4 .Chary. . y •
tirtee.........r. mad , In the tr.artutseto.rm of thLi.e.
Urine• abut d 'ay. t .1111 that it wish.' cog be flotilla tm. g 1.
Pr 'led Ins mho, li. sre Era It realms to, almost lau;. y ., L . ...
venally, Its resat of Ilapalls bourhidle, sal eadasassOf ir
• utplalots-b r cream' prretrairs of all the lital PI M' , -:+ ' -
Ly, and oil Us, tormenting diseases of the .kin to (tithe .
Scr,4l. nal.llls, tkkr, odd C . . intae.als, Tarry, filft•
,4141.5 . 4 1:1,• , ,,k,ki1-rat, Rikl • V, rt. sanity of Niue slbse. ,
. ' lll4i '''' l j i..l " l ' ; ', Tl " ,t i n.. ' .lc . :l;l: r ;l:jr;JS '' U‘4
''' ry. ' •
- Sway. Illith....oeighfr fdlt;Ufol..l . ' 'I
Ile I Cara-troar fir. It is with usatteudda _
reelall.o 0t1...N a ar. tude that I em el.. through the TilltAsr C
Pearl•fear. ig I. dby the taler.ourging anger 4' ...
that est...lliadName. Clarion* I allow D...i'lc and Yst : ' --
spnrill, 11 cie •a • fear ayes &sr. of my . almst ta,r.-
te.,....... In th stater of 1 , 111 ass attaelnd Alth •se ~.1 y .
Ten ode. sherb A tk gradonlly esteviltof throogh that . ,, e `
whsle right old • of at the fate I.lm.Virer• erg • to'^ - , erl:'•
al prtetnolou of au PI/SA.I era.ds. SIAS .r leg 0 ....1-,;. i Il l \ y
eNronl. toTstient two witor a...eon:mon Me. I ter.....:::. -
.Paht att. urlanre of ;LIRA! ultAsollUntrer, whil pronoun. s --
alto, dm.. um of It.'sa\rst farm of liter Ststodalat,.r , „o I',
R. ~,,ni m e cosi kl ? - tea kollakily b tulle]. hut irk . ..knit-- -
eat.' \o• I retssgel nudeA las Imatment Mad I WHO , y
sat \fled T. roahl not help 1110. \ , l thee prorated of jour z 1
~,,A. b., ,•l.„. It A.llelp.i 4 so hales of Ottyerstel.
lel!. 14 kau I lA,m which 1 ramarall Sy ‘r 'll
vas on nn of la add Aver at kit labia frtarly.titsa; C, „
ED IP lIL •lILe to pursue no h oats alchoutatrylnere.- - 1
sentence. ad re Urea ranee flu \ tine a wall roan, ihtlat r." .. ,
tat a ihor hal b.! re I hat bers ,? , uflood to toy Wag T, -
thawed. ma o the tim e: rust 1 cams: oretibr Ikon. ..r
~,,,, ~, ~,, t„ ft by any olio r rauselifatly the tutor '
y s , ,
GI that truly tila t e onspeitio, tint* Tallow Igiek ~.
Uhl Parraparilla u ‘rsh . I. 'nu ri,,m
sir .1, D. p art- Fir' 1 sod 7011 ttig reams - N.l' 7r
Likeal, raid . far 1 sesdalutst with ‘,...7,,i, ,
en trai. I pneure, A. IttoSins ft might tis als net to" ;-.....'
and to the .asst ou bare the priallteka gi' man. -
4a. you think heel.l re, W. A.VILVILS... .. 4
; %rr; - \\,, ,
The following hit, iefryst h hlgraaPeetaide ohm: a,
Who enjoys sit . by p " ' 'g - .'"'",
:,tr aut.. ncok car, 0. Ira, I. 1144. ts ~.;....7.1,
Dr. dohs D. Park-Dear bil , . tiallAtee E.t.a de\7 - ,-,-,
inArraturilla balers prartriter era dal La three - ..,:,.N.
yeas. slat good ellect, in fla I Witty. Liver Cro - A.,
plaint, Jaundice. 11 3 1 PePtreAlIrl‘ r '" 'ran and )4. ' 4.-V .'""
Diwomo. In oil Yetnalt CoMplalaS I earrotioly Prone. , e t ..,
quailed la the 11.4 a • r 111,1, friediel .he. tlentronstaii , 't ''
it palm attousth ad t hor. slat I of ',Ma. MCI- ''.:.%
attention It is pleasant. La the lade and ell, r - s - SI coo
ho need Dry erAula a ith the mat delreale at cache. Arils ''
alai/. under au) stream:4l.mA tom 6.7 k g ie4116% ?..
ittitute,stol to theriglietelladalee Its use , ... •' ' ' _`.• - i
,s ,
Said tr J. D. Ulla, LIS. lanai. Ohio, cool w sorts .- (
s \ ;
Of 'Fourth and \Tat. t ettrots, en tram on %lid t . tot, - "1 .
to whim all orders Audi* shlnneed. ' r . -, ~ . •t
J. Hap A Cs.. HA. A TA...1• A . J Li if .1
Wilma/Jr. Prttrhunih. Low A.Leeghato•Alloghenj.,, st I.
Is T. Powell. Darbutatra. L U. Dead. Valiontogli LS V . 3.1 i
glelty,l treas 6 ar. a Mt, Stott A Udell, , ..„„ , ,J.
\ 4 , , , i ,, , , it,,,,a AY ro, ii.,,,,,,oo.o.thorr.llollld.rsbunit 1
Ildethr A Las, !Alias; JA. %I Add. Kluonnl.e., 1 ,
gesitu A the Drcatrlllie. A Wilan lk tiottsdg r aysleahtlys; r:
way- s la AC„ h Callosulalto Admiral , . DOlrtan A Co lv
Arl e s lirldiam it toner. AI/rear Jsztaa Xailr*-43,,, D. , . ir,
a m IL\ gruith. Dearer: J. ft • gaMVortAn. Varna XI; a 0 ' \ _.•
t....J0my.,C , ..a..r , p , t. U.erooker,jr..llPorturrills,. t y,
" del 4loar—igi fn •Bc!Ule; Enz Batas: ler $6.
(LICE PASTE-2 casea prime !malt
• solo br
shpt s ea= of alith.
• \
lota, \