Goleta, Ikeltint.—We learn from the Philadel phia Bulletin that the total amount of gold de posited at the U. S. 'Mint, in that city, duritig the month of November, was $5,400,000. The amount received at the Pert Orleans Mint may be stated at s l ', soo ,ooo—making a total of (1,- 900,000 for the month. _The shipments to Europe for the month.have been $.7 , , , 7,30.00H:/, leaving an excess of receipts ,::70,000. Tdeiria . phie Fatt..—The, New York and New Or leans telegraph fine, at 0000 sent received messages to and from each terminue with as much rase tai though it were only to and from Philadelphia or Boston. At twelve to' clock 6 message of thirty-four words, addre'ssed' to the'-141 Orleans Picayune, wss sent from the etHee,, in this-city direct, and nn answer was re tnited.inless thou fire minutes. The distance between New York and New Orleans, by tele graph, is over nineteen hundred miles, nod we are informed the move feat has never been perform ed before to , day, since the - establishment of tefegraphn in this Ifori , Au to If Woman 4.!r klvthro,.--To he .h wom an at Ada., is one of tho ert,ieAt thing• in the world; A late writer thug dfa , crihea it: Buy ovary thing you don't want; poy for nothing you do: smile on all mankind but your htothand; ho hap py erirywhere hot at home; hate the country; ad ore Pnrin; neglect your children; nurse lap-dop; and go to'church every, time you get-o new shawl. "Are sisters, Sal and Nance,' remarry", ' •- "No, my sou. Why do you ash that: 4 4 l° c, non?" "Because I heard uncleJolitt say if you would only husband your resource., that you would get. along a great deal better than you do. Atal I thought it would he a good alert, beeaugti you wouldn't hare so many young toed here funt.up per every Sunday night—that'a all, pa.' "I nay, 0111 woman, come nod put this child to ha" . - TAMES IL PARKS. U., irocrand W0,,,1 or, 1,1 0113,, th. publu. h. h. Dre)Ltrov . to ItS,UII • all ko., of IfeßlNTling xual Lt.. 4 Zogr.vlrw. surft fox,. of Kn,l 4 0, 32131riery. 1.ru4r,1•4' arotlilinw Av. ,Teno,- sery Radiei ! Read !!! TILE rind Nv ill 411ortly lie really. LUNDI: vo rn, THE i i 10,1 c.. 3 ,,, 333 ". tit... 4 4 100 .fi1.e . 31.34.13133. or i1.14,111!11.111, , defreCO {0 11 bsch it 13 liable ‘.1.13,1 :4M in inlattrer), UM. vu ETnry laaPikan baring a Pisnat a.bnulal hare a copy slant. Mok. "I rock aar the lona I.aa erar laefa.ra baan puhlailp Thr inform...au at aluisarn , I. n., ill Inn Cana. ::, !!17 : 117 : 17 ;4=yrafih a ta n i:ra ' ;=‘ , ..7:7a n a. ". „..f;aU ' a sr Unskillful Lunar, h f Lslies anal ea:Mamas Ina ealr/t of l'lll.hairkb t Atlnsheny. alannok earl, asap,. of tha icarta. awl: be au, War./ St loair naki.laraaai learn, nut; midair, at tn. °alluvia( anyof :tar Pattianureit asaraang pap, at ,11 he annals Aare, al )Irius. John 11. Manor. %oval ,tr,st. coal hear,kin., /3y aanallas one anallar ~,atlas. at Its Uszina Cal COS, Pat:khan oh, aro, all 1.,. Inrs, fn.. of loony yi..trt of the Unita u ]al ea, ana t,11.--1 fat sea. anal lan. kJ/band alincaunt 11.a.5. tall., nut)? uric Jaaslar. Thera na morn apian.prasit, praseut thaa gaol:a:11.n esti male to a lady than lap, of alai tivla • Saul in YoncoPt.,"l T. halk otlare :Mai °Wean at to pricks. a vast ana.cloarto a, Alpus,-I,alaura,... %,11,1ank Sad Ilsurtal Alr:n.e Int-,IF ChirraUt a a Satinetta, Cana:m.la, Clattas tp./ s a al ~ ' ll 3 kransaliti Nlcaeheal A1:1-11us tarn, P.. ka as. Pa al'al Pada:hog, l'oilanlisa. Wawa and valor. Nat a' t tizimenctam, Linen. as Lara,lllstaaa, Lau-0 anta -Itilnattsai Cainfarls.llosarra, 'lncas/an llottnns; plan a lame sera.ra ty I. 1.1.1 a intst.krapretfolly isa•ite Ito. late, ta.ou naoratriont and • Itkallakaa. tt. Ayala Tat Na cr. sal It Exchange Livery Stable, and Furniplung Office,3ls. , 178 Peon ctrr t f, near It.. St Clair Hotel, T The sitbse.nber, thank tindm pubis , rattan laharal rinoel the - COnnecation With talc LI V lunintr. anal all ac k laaal funartana on ns russonabla t•MIA any In tba rat, it/) bla to prowl , nod in ti/t• JAII/, 11.SYL:11Eli s .I.ll4,ring's Crushed tor ' 10'mlo hr na'S' P .; RRIL_ .• .--.- 6-11.4 b dol. Dry Cum 1; . , 1 Nale Fr 01_011 . 5111.1% . OtTEll —5O ialp fre,4l and fur rile a tr.. no., S I . 88. SODA ASll.—We ate prer,re.l.t“ 'With Clue Ilauurartis,r, lor itwit eupply ct •lorrn. nod NORSE'S Spap of Yellow Dock Root, .• (ittCUPIES front rack amo:l 4 the pro.. jr 1....ry In/ditto. On. ;or r-intd.,(.o., nnrt . n * 4 Callttr,..Yalt ErY5t,t........1 al. , 00 , ari..mg (row r.“ moor/. tdatr of tho 14001. Ann, t Otoch t , maim r. oStalin,r tor,mooo, donod a LC APCli>lo.n mnnt tb....tttro.at oat ix tr. 0.1 wan trn.yrn.../.0,01,1...0-../. • Semale if .. .Ark/Ur*. and Genera! Debilitt i . Otrenalltttdan err ,tr+atrerd !Ads, Ann too; to Ow Tationa orrany,anif inritarattur r rtrrl. If lb. , trAinsnor tilvt.,nd. or tiro,.lrma . alt parta of the mus - , c-..t0 t o liel efOrAti.m. ettidrot 001 lium..r6 , and x - rlttarftstr tod and. broken dozen royMttuti..nr. it Ir [manly V.lty, ble toltn onnty,ittont and .0 rantLtned In to rrnportamerti.., the chrinki.l. I...tank/a. and maliral peril., of esilt lorralirut bartnonmurty 11 4da • Purify' the hood. St tiwt renamed oyinyrltrintird,...a. whir b bore tis.in..4 .ths .411.1 of the thol rhy,irikto.ant In: al , O roped (lan k.r. gait Itbroankry.drlttr 0111.11 dar.arardla lera.s7= [i.stt..en ' gtro n l l". r ,' . ! :•‘ . 1:71 I.Mo r r:T= 4" 11P: • BIUII.I. The tattoo olttbn.or. l'an,ro hare 1....nt cnrad Nb nomlirina.; 11okot that It i 0 a maluartltt roMieinn its alt OILIOUSIDOMI'LAINT.t. Itr