The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 08, 1851, Image 3

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    • - -
tea, on tbiturday laid by Joeeph Marti n,' tare.
mina& the ' . Evening Chronicle, against A. W.
Rook,' Preeldent of the Pittsburgh Typograph
AwmCiation; Uriah R. Myers, Secretary, afit
R. R. B. Daman, James P:Campbell, William
McCarthy, J. 0. B. Robinson, and John F.
Martheas, members, charging them with con
spiting together to publish the Chronicle an a
"rat - office," that ii an of where persons'are
employed to work at wages below those usually
given, and fixed upon by said Association.—
Warrant; were issued for their -arrest and the
Caine came up for hearing before the Mayor;
at three o,clock. The Honorable Charles Nay- .
iorapPeared for the defendants and E. Snow
den Esq. for the -prosecution.
A printed - circular had been issued, by some
~persons, - which was sent to the Chronclle, de
nouncing that office as a "rat office," and spo
flatly alluding to the prosecutor, as being a
This circular purported to have been,issued by
the atihoritY of the Pittsburgh Typographical
After the information bad been 'read, and
trabpomma issued for witnesses op behalf of the
pet:emotion. Mi. Snowden maintained that
the information, alleging is it did that the. de
fendants, together, with others whose names
were to the prosecutor mac:tope, had conspired
together to injure and impoverish him, was suf
ficient to warrant his honor in holding them to
bail, or committing them in default, without
Joy previous examination..
Captain liaylor replied at some length, main
taining that the information was only a prelim
inary step to the issuing of warrants for the ar
rest of the defendants, and that after that arrest,
the constitution guarantied to them a hearing
at which:they should meet their accuser face
to face., and learn from his lips thepreclse na
ture of the charges which he preferred.
Snowden replied that the hearing was
altogether 'discretionary with the committing
magistrate, and denied that the prosecutor was a
'eat." Ho then proceeded to cite the law rela
tive to conspiracy, proving that ell associations
entered into for the purpose of forcing any man
or Oct of Men to accept or refuse a certain
rate of !rages, ander penalty of being de
nounced in. cue of refusal, were, clearly illegaL
. .
His honor, Mayor Guthrie decided that Oman
thing mare than the more belief of - a prosecutor,
was thieethary to justify him in holding them'
to isomer the chargix",-The following .evidence
was then given: • -
13enj Bingerly, swons=Defendants were a year
ago members of the Associetiatjod, has no doubt
they ore yet, but don't know, as Rittlelip has not
Mice been in attendance thereon. isriais B. My
ers naked witness whetinir the publthation of the
Chronicle as a "rat office" would be libellous—
told him it would, and eilviaeu himithainet it;
he did not speak of publishing the hands ea
"rats." Don't know who . are the publishing
committee, of the AssoCiation. Was present
*hen Martin contracted with Mr. Barr, to act
as forenusu on the Ereni
,g Chronicle for eleven
dollars a weak: at that time the office was some
:.distance from the press room. The Association
Was formed to maintainla uniform rate of wa
ges throughout the city. First saw this circular
in Mr. Bares hands; ho said he got it through
the post office.
'•Eaptsin !Taylor contended that this evidence"
was irrelevant. Some specific act should be
proved ,against the defendants, if, indeed, the
insmeasition could do so." Examination leontin-
Thinks this pamphlet (Conatitution of the As
soolation,) was a condensation of the Philead
phis Assamiation's constitution; it was printed
some fifteen month's ago. --.
Cross examined—Never compared it with the
original—or read the .whole of either: Have
not been at meeting of the Assooltion for, at
least one year, and don't know wile er any of
defendants have, or whether the onstitution
has. been entirely or
_Partially cha rs ed within
that period. Don't know Murtha re rived e4ev •
en dollars a week; but have no rea l nto clanbt
It Believe be lifters/arch agreedto throw elf a
dollar a weak, in ('consideration of B rr moving
the composing theta to Singerlys building,
more conveuleetto the press room. (Conetitn
tion offered in evidence, objected to as
relevant.and not proved.. The Mayor admit
ted it.) i F.
Cicadas / A, Rogue [declined answering, on
the ground that he was a member of the Arno--
deb= allegedio have 'conspired, add 'also that
he was bound in honor not to make its Proceed
fags Public.. Thy-Mayor instreieted him to an
tis/es all inettions not direetly . criminating him
felt] . ..l3wean-LThe defendants were members
Of the AUOCIO*I3, which meets on the first Oat.
.urdayof every month; do," not remember being
vetel ma nyeonvetrsniltiecen.
bar, (which he first now in prosecutor's hands,)
as it was a - common topic of conversation, but
cannot recollect any of them in partienlar, may
base talked with some of - defendants-presumes
he has with hi'Carthy,' (who is engaged in the
Semenfece4. within lone or five weeks. Don't
know whether it was sectioned by all of defend.
•ante—believes-rt yes, by some of thecurthinis
Campbell sanctioned it, Myers expressed
himself favorable to "ratting" the offices—but
don't know as to any others, don't know of nay
publishing ccimmittee. Witness is chairman of
executive committee, bat cannot recollect who
else are members—aloes not think any of de
featists are. Rook is President of the Associ
ation. - Dos ao knowledge of defendants, or any
of them, isaning etto "rat" circular. Told Altar
tin that'ruiless Coal Association disavowed the
circular; I would cease my conneetien with it.
J. • Heron Foster, sworn—Believe all,the jour-
seymen wailing in the Dirpaish office (et which,
Duman is foremen,) are members' of the Arlo
ciaticm—but does net know of his own knowledge.
Martin first showed witness the circhlar, (the
night he bad the, slimy . with Camphill,) and
swore he would iferesstisfaction if he died for
it.. Has bed frequenCeenversatione with some
of defendants; witness always told them to hold
their tongues on the subject, and none of them
has admitted to him that they issued it.
A numblr of witnesses were called, but dill
not answer, and at six o'clock, the Mayor ,
journed the ate until nine thie morning. The
spectators, who had crowded the office during
Mut Investigation; then dispersed, the defendants
having given bail in the sum of two. hundred
and fitty,dollars eeely.for thole appearance.
ileAl93o- IWO lavu.—Gleorge Snyder was
committed to prison on SetUrday. by SAderman
Parkinson, charged on ositiof Sarah, hie wife,
With committing an assault and botte upon
Ttertaim tinuon.—John Brll ea; n.Batur
diy, committed to prison by proems( Meoart.
charged with keeping a tippling house.
GOOD liomeincwr.•÷A committee of Gurney
llttalprinten has been appointed to wet on the
several publishers of the month% pap re, and
request them to Close their forms on S tordey
night. so as to prevent any work on the Sab
Rum= HUII.IIIO —3lichnel Monog
eloonomitteillinprison ow Saturday. b
Outtorte;•charged with being Concern.
murder otlemee Mooney.
. ' A.Sillinft: exit Barr i er.—Alderaan Major,
i ' im Saturday, corn - Mated Wm. Kelly to prisoir,
&Elk, oit °alb of' Francis Clark, with oasult
Ssarssicen.—A'scati. named Geom . Chemin
Kerm„ - who was ,convieted. last, week of rape,
econinittei ander cirenniotancet ofs. peculiar
alxocity, was on Saturday sentenced 'by his kis'
honor, 'age meagre; to en imprisoomenf,of,
Glenn years and nis menthe, in tho West=
Peeltentisty. "The - prisoner, who seemed to he
Inch-affected," was at once taken over to the
renitentlaty,.by Mr. .rox, the Jailor.,
Isnraxs Cbippews indiana f
Dave been ato➢ping for acme
M the St. Clair Halal. They . aro on
`to WabLingtoa.:
Cotnetwarirrtwo,—Jamie bickeon wsenr4it
=lay committed to prison by Stnyor, , authite,
charged, 'orr.osthof Frstscie Drcw ' with jailing
• aouVerfeit Ire dollar note on . Lim.
.. • . .
Gitlit Sale of Long Shawls at low prices
e ..A50N&c0..,...„,•0pin on . Tuesday
. .i.i. r utn g , Deenntwr V. git their Lupo hbagel 0.-
. t.l nun of Lon Lk) bn•le. trigig b. kngrttger •ith their
ptggyloggs stook grill ltgalk , l.L. nowt glx.tegigtteg kg:gala de
grrer !whits tlgt , tit, . 1 • , • • 7 th.l
n•ODEL AROUITECrf, No..s,,fuiL,Nodr;
llortlcaltTint. fieNorembrn'
rator, fur "...abr.:
.Nstbari Arnstwri. f,r Malabo..
Wert M1'1414-41 ,SIL-t• tAcrrny 144;t, Itio
74 Third. 09P.11 JO re ds;4 .12
OAP -IW , bxs. for Rale y , •
, Z6Lt skomtrilt.b7
Ppßimm,etsz—i4o tine:
eenbrstect Ihnilun sPdfiucmeg gilird•rm•
- Raw Year, Deo. 6.
The steamer Anierica from Liverpool, with
dates to the 22d nit, arrived about 12 o'clock,
lest night. - She brings 41 passengers, among
them G. V. Brooke, the Tragedian.
Father Matthew was at Liverpool, but intend
ed going to Ireland in a few days.
The news by the America presents nothing of
particular interest. . (
The Europa arrived at Liverpool on Seta ay
the 22d.
The Constantinople correspondent if the P ris
Constitutional° states, in that paper - of Th rs
day ; that private despatches from Tara s
bring news of a terrible defeat sustained by e
Russians in Circassia. No details are giv n,
but accounts agree in stating that the an
army was completely routed in the neighb
hood of of Derbeut, and lost all its guns, 28 in
Lientatant Pka hod set out from London on
his expedition to the Polar Baas in scorch of Sir
John Franklin:
The schooner Emma, Capt Stears, from New
Foundland, was wrecked on Verb's bank, on the
21st olt., and Capt. Pilo and ten men drowned,
the mate being the only one that escaped.
A pnblic dinner was given to Hon. R. J. Walk.
or, at Manchester, on the' 25th ult. It 111111 i at
tended by many distinguished gentlemen.
The floesi,er emigration still continues toward
On the 21st alt., a deputation of London
Merchants interrested in:the trade with Spain,
had an interview with Mr. Labourchere, the
subject of the proposed emigration of Irish
to Spain. He promised'the subject every con
The NationaLAasembly was engaged, on Wed
nesday. in the continuation of the debate on the
munincipal bill; when the Committee purposed,
as an amendment, a three years, residence for
persons not born in commune. The amendment
proposing ono years residence was rejected by a
vote of 250 to 28!.
A bill drawn up by Louis Napoleon for the
suppression of the.oetroi duties was likely to be
presented in a few dayli. The Mw restricting
universal nut - rage, would be repealed.
The Coruititutionale states that there is a fla
grant conspiracy in the Assembly against the
The editor of the La Providence, a Socialist
paper has been Sentenced to one month's impris
onment, and fined 2000 francs, for articles
published offensive to the President of the Re
The Government was about to bestow decora
tions of Legion of Honor on those of tae French
exhibitors, at the World's Fair who obtained
Two steamer's came in collision at lOneseilles.
one of which had sunk, and all on hoard per
Accounts from Madrid state that the Spanish
Government, en the demand of Lord itherden,
bad pardoned 23 of the English subjectherho had
taken put in the Cuban expedtiop. •
Several thousand stands arms had been
shipped at Cadiz, destined for the Island of
. It is announced as the intention of the Grand
Duke Leopold, of Tuscany, to resign.
The perplejting question of penmerk end the.
I:aubles appears as difficult' of eulution as
enc. The ministerielsiS still continues
larsorom., N °v. 21
Cotton—The market has been lees active, but
prices are firmly supported. Middling is a shade
dearer; fair upland is quoted at sd; fair Mobile
51.1; fair Orleans tifil 14 lb.. The week's 'salmi
amount to 40.000 help, of which epeculatore
took 7000, and exporters 4700 bales. Middling
Orleans is quoted at 40; Mobile 4 13-164; and
upland at 41 ".'e lb. The present stock is 218,-
000 bales, of which 210,000 are American,
against the total of 4843,000 last year, of which
206,000 .were American. The sales of Fri-
Arere 6000 bales, the unarket closing with lees
• ' lirendshrifs—There is a fair demand for w heat,
with an advance, daring the week, of Id
Flour and Indian corn are quiet. Makin A: :inn's
circular quotes Sour the same as per last steam
er, but corn at a decline of Is 11 quarter, during
the week. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Ohio, and
CallOilla flour is quoted at 18ailfis bbL
Pidrisions--Tbere in leas inquiry for bacon,
Beef is in fair demand at low and diregAliar
prices. ' Purbi is not wonted and ..shonldere
are nominal. Lard it dull at 44s per 100 lbs.
- • Naval Stores—Common rosin is in good de
mand nt 31 2delle 3d. Bales 200 Ws torpen•
tine at Ts.
Groceries—Sugars bre unchanged since the sail.
ing of the Asia, and prices are well supported.
Molasses is in moderate demand, and prices are
Money Market—The market continua easy,
with limited transactions in Ameriean peeartlea.
U. H. 6` 786?, are quoted at 165: V S. bonds,
1660, Illifol.111: 7 0 U. S. stock, 181;7' and 1868,
105&1051t — Penne, 6's 811®8:}; 'Maryland, b's
SBSB9; Virginia Ws, 188 , 96; Tennessee 6's,
1866, 00®92. There has beans large buninme
in English Block seen:sties. Consols touched
9`l,} on Friday. The bank returns are rarorable,
and show a largo increase ofbnllion. The bank
loins of stock are at Iliercerit.
.Report from Manchester represent trade as
steady: and prices are unchanged. Manufatur.
are are fully' supplied with orders. and do not
Tress sales.
Nzw Tonic, C
The city has been fall of excitement from the
dawn of day, in consequence of the great pre
parations Making for the reception of Kossuth.
KS landed at Castle Garden at about 1 thlock,
M., when lie was rqceived and welcomed by
Mayor Kingsland. Kosstilirroyliii in a speech
of great eloquence.
The procession is to more at 2 o'clock. • The
city is in a perfect uproar.
Knioratb, on,lds way op from the Qoarantiee,
was sainted . by the firing of cannon from the
fort, and by the artillery ou chore, gni from the
hits on every side.
The day was heautifol, and, and the reception
'magnificent. There were not less than 200,000
persons in the streets.
In comic{( top the hay on the steamer Vander
belt, Kossuth' . expressed his delight at every
thing he saw. The steamer passed up and
down north and east rivers. The shipping in
the harbor, the forts, and the heights on chore
were decorated with flags and devices, and sal
ines were fired from the forte, the Battery, tied
the ships of war, while the air was made to ring
with the cheers and shouts of the immense mul
titude. •
The ship of war North Carolina, fired a N.
donut ealute, as the steamer passed it, which
was responded to by cheers, and a salute from
the eteatnet, The Williamsburg and 13rooklyn
pieta on the route were thronged with people,
who greeted the steamer as she passed with sa
The military mere down upon the battery, and
in the baek ground there were not %leas than
KORSUIfI,III attempting to speak In reply to
the Mayr's cordial welcome, proceded a few
minutes, but finding. it impossible to go. on In
consequence of the confusion, demisted, promis
ing his notes to the prose.
As the procession passed up Broadway, the
greets were filled with people, and the buildixign
on either aide covered with Saga end m0m...,
and as the illustrious lfaugarian passed, he wee
greeted every where with the waiving of baud
kerchlefe, and cheery by the multitude.
The pomecesion was'three hours, in passing.—
By Ii o'clock, it was all Over, and the city again
Three hundred Berman mlmicians are to sere
nade Kossuth tomnight.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 1861.
Ilouse.The House met pursuant to adjourn
Mr. Briggs gave notice of his Wattlea to
introdene s bill for the establishment of z a mint
In New rock.
-The Speaherlaid before the (Buse the report
:Of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. A
debate arose on a proposition to print 10,000
erten copiekof the report, when the subject was
referted to the committee on printing.
• There being no disposition for businese, the
'llelirse adjourned over till Monday, when the
. autioling committee will be announced:
Br. Louis, Dec. 0.
The SalkLske mail reached Independence on
the 4th, hosing been mncliinapeded by the snow.
Some passengers were taken up by the mail
:stages. about 350 miles from Independence, and
four, mules belonging to one of the passengers
were [mon to death a few days • before the
stage came along. The news is unimportant. .
Tbn Indians lit the neighborhood of Fort Hear :
my, were very trouldes.orae;nwd tii.d . robLid one
Of the settlen• Troepe had bben sent to his as-
The Cheyrinee sad Psweeee are st war with
In* ono* on the ididzil was ibllielies deep.
The ateamsbipAtlaritic, for Liverpool, sailed
to-days with 88 passengers, including C. 81. B.
Bt. John, bearer of dispatches to London and
Paris. She also takes $832,000 in specie.
Nsw Tons, Dee. G
The steamer Empire City arrived to-day, with
dates from Havanna to the 80th ultimo. The
Ohio arrived at Havana from Chagres, oo the
20th, and the Philadelphia on the 24th ultimo.
Mr. Thrasher sailed for Spain on the 24th ul
Louisvnax, Deo. C.
Samuel K. Page was arrested' to-day, fur ut
tering $l4OO in cocuterfeit money. The money
consisted of $lOO notes on the northern Bank of
mew YORK, Dec. 6.
Cotton—The market is firmer, and prices
are one fourth higher, with sales this morning
of 500 bales.
Floor—Sales 1800 bble of 54 OGGA 25 for
state and good Western.
Chain—Salo, 5,000 bus good flenOsee wheat,
at 92e 11bo.
Provisions—The market is steady, with sales
mese beef at 75e1l 25, and of prime do at
0/.5 nhl.
Linseed . Oil—Sales 700 gallons at 05c ?
. .
New Tons, Dee..B.
Business has been almost entirel y, e nded
Cotton—Sales of 200 bales oeyesteed,ays pri
Flour—Sales 6,000 hhls at $4 06 1 e4 41 for
state and good western, and $4 18034 87 for
Grain—Sales 2500 bushels klichigan wheat
at ii2e 11 bushel.
Provisions—The market is steady, with sale.,
of mess beef at $7 76(joit 75 - ebbl. Other ar
ticles are unchanged.
Floor—Sales 300 Ws of $2 D 06,2 07 11 Obi
Whiskey—Sales at 11 . 103160 per gallon.
Cheese—Salon at tile, with a moderate Jr
flogs—As usual on Saturdays, the demand is
less active to-day, but prices are without change,
with sales at $4 50 - r-/ 100
Provisions—Sales :1,000 green hams at n.le
11l lb._ Sales 50 Ws shoulders, in dry salt,
4i '1.,) lb, packed.
Groceries—Sales of fair sugar al 5/ and
of malesses at 820 it gal.
The river has fallen seven inches since last
evening. -
Sr. L 01.11., Ike 6
floge—A light business boo Leen doing in
liege, the vales amounting to between SOLI and
1000 head, at $1 40 1.) sum l , lets
have been delivered under private contract.—
Seven Mums aro now killing, and up to the
present time about 13,000 head have been elaugh
LACKWOOR for November; •
Art Journal. for Novrtuhrr:
luntaTettemit. the an of 11 ax, new wort by Dough.
Jerrold—price IL'S cram
Itowlyrdat 1101. \ henot. 74 Third greet.
opposite the l' thhne.
ner Fourth and Market new.. harine reoently
bean tualung aldttlinay It. thor asportment of NEM' VALI.
AND NV I h TF.ItSr. ',pared to oil:r Lea
regular eastootero anj era geurndls, an esten.lve
Tier, front.
I° COFFEK—Itt!k. ba g s i! ri me ti c T i,
7 . • 029 IJ jig' itlill CO "Y; y
F RESH TEAS-2.5 hr. chersc.. Y. IL;
- .. .ii I: l l'''ii. o .it.. P X.? C 1 , ' .7. ' :1 ' . f I. y
8.11 , JOHN' WATT' A 111
New , Dress
WE Stlke --
hare just recd a variety. of stiles new
fancy bnra Stlt, Including a few ptianno
tl.cll °made.
Alma plain and flanred Black SMa, the haler pr..,
Abp. Plaid Frntuh Morino+, a ararroarbel, ten .
dortrarde anoil• for thi. ....Pon.
. Tocrther with an ...inrinient nt l ,E,- Inr,J, iiroen.
rich dlaniou. and tither of ) La in?:
French dlarda, chnior drab au.l rot,. ie
!daub.> Volition, nos et , linieba Lao, : , ha.
''n i t iVilt '
0,15 Northeart nn. Fourth and Mart., rt.
BBROOM---50 duo. for sale by
nol3 .1. ft. CANFIELD
raIANO COYEILS-1 , 410z. Valeani/ed
.11a Rubber Piano,. dinit reed from 14.:,.n, and t.o ,
t oho Rubber idoryit. 110 !lamer
.1. 3 ' ll. Pllll.lll ,
NOT ASH-10 casks prime, for gale he
not:. J. hill],
DOLL BUTTER-15 bbls. Whin tlreNe.
roo •ale .1 0. FLOYIoaD.
viol& CLuzolt ldlenc
l ''"
A u
10 boles
lu . 11. Grant •
done+ riore• ID°
For. 11. by .I
nnUI J.l it. TEAM)
P . R0Ug....i.--100 dos. 1.1.13.n41, for nal, 1,
_iill nolb J: A It. Fl.ol L.
F RESH TE.AS-50 hf. chost+ Y. Ily , on:
For .ir by f , .7. , 1 J • li. , WI 0
.EATHEIt--,.150 Bide x N. Y., for sal, by
IA 1,05
1.)0T ASI.I-2.5 tasks pure, for pale by
L riols,or P.
p RUO3IS—,SO doz. for sale by
110 T. 'moons %Vat, eL
`APPLES -30 LW. recd on consignment
Dad for pale by T. ii()ol,a a a.g
. Doll l.t Wat.r.
BORAX -1 rano for rale by
col 4 ILEVEriI t McINI4i ELL. 14/ Wis.% M
/ superior qu ellty. rale hp
KEYS/111 ma.wr.LL. 130 ITI:1 eL
. .
FRESH FRUIT-3 casks ZamaCurrnnat
roxr, 11. K. /Wien,
00 A 34 Poste M. IL Ilairine.
4 ruirs irrsim LLYoc
. Um. COrorp
Yorash, by J. LI WILLIAMS i CO..
mI4 Ile
ASll B(IAR1S-511 doz. Holmes' {'at
I) LACKING-110 doz. blasan's Challenge,
l 7 for man by J. D. WILLIAMS A 01.
riT ASII-10 casks fur rale by
sol 4 J. D. WILLIAMS & M.
W l i b i ly tt Ejt .r, ll . L . o ,,t VE o.. .s— r, !::v . lnsta:: . s, , a Tm
uns-s. Ls sr, per pnir. . A. A .;17CiN ; &r.. ".'
rb.l3 ea end G.. Marta
has no twosizootent a lasso Int of Cowllsrpswee.
ich see •111 sell ander the suet If tnarsnasettire..
POl3 A. A. 311.15051 • al.
I . N DIA RUBBER C LOTH ING---Just reed,,
24 Officers' C.a.. Sara..
24 Pee ..
Is Riding Capes. with eirevess
I qtr ll..XPl.s.iiiwlt4;
30 .. Yboct:
24 Rea Ling Jackets,
iViape th •
suit. cscoptela asswltnent 4 di J. It.
fferent styles of Hats and
woln tin. 110 Ilesket et
bble. for eale by
UlL—to bble. Winter Lard Oil, landing
and far ,I,s hr O.IIILACK BURN& CO.
E ESE--5
,0 00 rim! Shipping;
c "'""" n* *" .' llr.VZ.7l;.3
AP,'PLES---70 bbld. fur .ale Ly
[1 , 43. J. IL CA? FIELD.
N .
Nos. G 2 and o.l3larket ortrest, nee own 4 1 1 011111.
revels - lag swan 200 ewes of ontleolr Now emnprtn.
Ing 2.5 ra...Swf L..,ng and &ware 11onleo 131.a.r1c 41,4
Ounurg and Parasnetta
I o
S MOW I. explttnere, h F . erenos
It[O h eistVolV.:ir ?,:/' r r t, are=l;7:ey.l
large lot of ‘.llars, ebrmi•
and ether ssobroulorrses. Ala, Flannel, Ca 1....,
lllnahazna. Ae. ' noir,
the du r abl e ta than
NI.. whoeh nee
nod to be m ore than leather, and o keep .
dry .0.1 num fortable. koreals, (with duerllono for tdittluo
00) at 116 Ilarket at. (.181 .1.1 '1111,1. 114
I OSIN &TA 11-50 bbls.-N. C. Ter:
LU No. 3 Reth;
• Vol. ra'e by [non JOHN WATT A CA.
EATUER-200 Mee New York:
4doz. Calf Sicltua AT sal.. 14
Imo la .101 IN WATT A Co.
1111CK1V11EAT— 100 Hacks II LA led, for xale
JUP by Ilml9l Wi(% t McCANI)I.K.qS.
II I UN COVERS-2 dot. India Rubber (luti
lI Covrrn, of an tar different 1.11.11., pm( we'll and
10r.alu at No. Ile Ilarltet exert. -
0014 J. & 11. VIII 1.1,1PN.
ES Prorrtern awl Jacllckta, ih.tllermet
nianufartarnl,fm&N/Pat the RIAU, Derul. 110 AUr, ,01.0.
0011 .1. t 11. 11111,1.11,1.
CIALERATUS-151,610. for sale by
13 ooal 0. P. 81111.1VIIII.
if !IDER VINEGAR-50 :0,10. for aoln by
4,/ mm Ir I'. 6IIJUVRIc.
ICKORY NUTS-30 bbls. for onlo by
s. r. sittavkat
WINDOW ( LAY S -- 200 big Bxlo and 10
au, for oar by - 1.14 . 0 • 8. P. 8111LIVEIL
1110USSEL'S AIIIA.DINE, for the Cure
Ilk •nd Prevention of Chardod Ilande.—Tbe Tory or.
treoure ales of the detatullur, during the left Mid". „stratig I y •[list th e high eatthutttun iv •hieh it le
batty the ootorouttltr, sad
as etersofotte are it. heehaw
virtheothet It may. without esAireetetioth eo
• never falling remedy' fat the emeriti . sad onoeureeof the
alto with which eo =DJ a /• • mletW dialog tho lodem•
tut etwout of
A l .thply Mesh) 1• X reed •nd for tale by
oath Ifr dh •
X. tilthLEttd, 67 Wood rt.
1 1 ; tI L
I R O "I' o l. l IN sbbil liP,l I k t O 11P't kc .—
U big. " V.. 121.11 Mod:
to TorrVni: lo nthw.
" ILO kr;we WWI. Load:
2 lit; 2 au.* 1 , 141
Vha rballVatrrulsflet "7
non No. 11.2 . W.n0n
'Cold'Weather has Come. " Ti
of Mm'a and Dora ' -
Beady r
de eLornma. Ri
No. 1 Vonthileld otrvot.
isola soar Diamond alloy.
Arent and Dewier in Foietnn Exchanitea==.
la al.. Agent for the folkewing Packet
Pioneer Line an...ma11,. between New York and Liv.
Tall railing from New York and LITOT
.rtr 1.1{;;O"Pri..•501:allg[7111171PAill...1 iiVerPOOi
Cho llth nr every month.
pa nto Star hne. leave. New York on the 11th. and Liver.
pent on tbe. ,:r4th of each mon th .
Z Line rains twice a nanth from Ltrerponl and Kew
. .
The London Lin.. of Parke. wails trom"Now Yank on tha
atiLICII, and 24th. and Irmo Londonon thw nth, 134 b,
'JIM. and 2Nth,of roars month.
Th.. CI, de Line of II Wm.. I . 1(ill. Imo Nww York
and tlbocow on lhr Ist and 1 3 th of each month.
Jail Llnr Pr ..Inigrsot.. from Now York, by Strom.
bo.L. Italtrus.l. or by CtLtral and llnilowd. to PittAbargh
fhawd.parrx •111 on...talon, sal odring afry
en etp•wrtully at oflir.o. of ly. Twpw,tt • Co, E.1..t.
Haar. Dublin. a t et. ti.nt t oc. Nuildfuar. Liverpoool. W.
L J. T. l'ap... , tt L Sotttb .rtre.t. Now Vork.or at
tt, nnire rJ ch , autrertiwr, corner of Slitb and Lll.orty
rtrrets. PittAlkorith
P,,rvano to tho Ilulte42l.stro Or Canada. 1•110
Wl4ll tl. nond for thcir triendm la -s4y part of England.
evotland. or Walt...'ren maT, the nrcestrary Kr
rancemrnt, on /tooth-talon to .thr subscriber, and have
them brouula out
pate[.. I.L,rh rant b , y aronm o l f
,o t n h o e
t a o h2o.y 1 'du. at
or by flrd clam Slrrrhant ahlp.. no fararally trrtub, hi
0 3 0 of Idverpt , ol.l,nodoo, or illavytmr. Their Ireummer
pailltur pr. 11111.0 thr of delay. Plowagn ran
l.ohr.ems, trout 1.1rerp...1 TIP N.qr tnyeana. Baltimore.
Philadelphia. lloston. Chatlt , ton, and ravu.ush. blruct
remittance.. In .lunit or larm. PURI, . 3 114131 to
McHenry's Philadelptia a: Liverpool Line
of Packets.
e-4 Sailiniefroni Philadelphia on the 41,0,
15th, rvl Livurrool'on tbo lrt of rik , hcarrnth.
ID MARV ei.nAeANTe. It. It. I,aebvii, M•prer.
MIEN A\lbOAtl. Wm. I'. lianlinnr, nvoter.
Nath.lelll. Ibtrrts Ma.ter.
`lltilt.LLN, AI 1.. Smith, idaidnr. .
tIILACKANIAXI/N. (now.) 'W. W. Wwst, ‘lutdr.
Tlinabove .hips are twill of ,h. taut and miwt
th.matr al
riii, Dolval tor tin. rapidity of Choir m e t
hided op will all latent tropnwpment., art meet
thosidighly and Iv uni•orpnewil for Own. ar.
for &wail igthm and .Wnewmo Pa4st.apert;
they arr ennimandwl to, own nf talrot, who
ore uniwualli.l for their ritp,u.nrii In tilt. packet ...via,
dewlnitio of Itritmind their frie•nit• from tb. (lid
Crow, rim ohgln oiirutratiiiird parwriii. which will hit
wood for rhilit our swim. inland and LW
rrpool fotwlrh them with the proper Intormalloo sod
inotrwtitttl. relative to their itoparture.
r 7 1 : I r n w l to ,,,,, ren r
. 1:
h Boultn,a , Kat tho soy
- . • •• .
• •
thrrrolisinnu - uupplied pawns:ern coming fnun,Llver
Y.fery vutli lbe fulluvrlnu suPPliuf , . 111 f‘..M.-1
uu,l 4 Nusengur of 12 yfutroi of uuu und ovpr: 2), brva,l,
ltA. nen, 11... fu guru, 111,11uur,
k t lb. turas..., Rod I lb. pori‘. Ilmlur 12 Tent* of sO.
brundklulf, I lust. full allowanre of water awl yin.
,eldaf romer Sisth end Word nu. . I . , tl;b4tr;ll.
Steam Commmneation between New York
and Glasgow.
rimm Glasgow and New York
wi a t
ermro , owerful ro•••
k..ava.bip .0.1n1.9,1 lon. sod
Stuvreat ol II.• I.•
%ork rtmer
Those rat, luolutte rrottonno. but not twiner or 11611.14
wition tAtil Ito •orniletl nu lAtant. Al ...ler... Drams. err-
Ho. A runtrAtt. ...AA t•ot Arta
. . •
Tn. NEW iultf.. Jhlo ‘fin.. •wi Is
run.... h. thr t.1•,:r..1 .1111. fia •I•t ..... w.rly n•al
i r2 )1 1 1::11 11 - I . A ENULAND,
LAS 1P,41 , 11., h. AND W ALE, —JAVy•
la,. IL. firm c.l Dinkehr • wfil.llol.A. 4. Wrta•
tfil , l •Ir.t• VG II vu at, Inland; Al, 4. Fran...
sod Urnuats, tfihre ..IL l/..Wrard, Wolt•II I lA.. W,fiarrfi:arr lififizfir,, r..rn, Lit.rly at. efixth
nr.d fn.ta tb, old rondin, emnwad on tb
don. 4 I..ylde tvrtn, ?.vs,.tk
andr.nd ,gdrt tall. ..•t,
Smith'a Patent Self-Acting Hinge &Spring,
rill'. attention of Unrp.ntent and Builders
.1.••• Art...fv. • 1.1,11
netet.l.fir turn ul S%• 1,31. 4141 t 44•13411 rale*,
se tuat.le lotnta tut of 11,A Aud
•11.. r.. al h.> Went gut...en...1u11. tut rvanv,l.t.v.l tft u...t1
t •vryl4l, f4filfilthii )1041 nrit
It n.••..t. .111un.ntItat If 111• rk elthnr
Ira, *tat • (1414 C 4. Ln 11.114 Ihr lt in Itn
platy, tl.u. opt tto•
J. 4 Cif. J. nuJ Jut, ay 4)
•14114111i114 IL 4401•4 Ivor fteultt 1 • .1 1
rt-t.str, i• rnr. rand,A1.1.11.4. ofttl pnrul.arlf, 1..1.1.J. I.At at./ OA.
A I• rue In NO, furl 70.441•4)1 Jneut •Itt., •
I .. l .l ll `ev` l •
I. Arril up altV ll .f."^ t`' .11.111. 41'11,
.utnnl r an vf It r I..ntAurth
1 1 “.
I'lAtunc 1.0 ...ttavra
v. 21 n.
tone 1.,
Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices!
OW 1. ... nveivol. and on Itnd.r , T 7 4l
0,.1- t. "-?( - l..
A NO imi.ll rh.fti
hou , in it,. nn
whmh v.
I/ . rent. p.r,snr
V. 1.
R. Ith. re 1 , 0.- to vf.dstl•l4.l eats 1..2 ball'
etwpf.r. It;
the attentA.n o L..,
llgtlol4, (M.., 'lnd 12, 10, 1. 4 2 ,, LAV
Pl .
LOH. lOE t rt . IA Al F.- —Ol ale In.q gual
,ty. ma.... 11, on Gaul agax.l 1.r..4.. Ly
1:1-;,:stql . .1:1.1.1a I I),
ro.ln r.ut et_ at et Markel.
l 'T , T E R : T .,- ; •.! , 11 , 0 , 1 , 1 4 ): : 15% . 1 . ,:i5'd
eu. 3FA Al. ASII —llll No. I. for F. 1.•
J INllliti
s S
I.r-a io.te
rt, ekrett re
at .w Lug, Ir. 1 Itt.
„,,, :to Air,.
A lair, r ',non rn I,rind sh.l t.,.0,
Cr..,. 5,, to 4,0_ .101.111 II >I 41.1 , 01:.
XT A riNE yotrso
4-11 on, A 34,) ..,o hh•h J ar•t nh • nhr
rhh,lp nt c11.4,,J0 • Q.,. Ithur, 11, has
t. ortornh• ituf .1..1:no, in Oh.
• IS r tie nbrherl r • .I int. n:ntr,
try.. •
bbls. lb•ef;
.1 Motion:hrkltrl,r
i” • IC &IA .11 11,111
I,e) tArinn ,1 , .0rtp,1. for Hale py
3 , a II A
41j.6.4,1t.--10 Idol,. N. 0., for .ale
n, '44. a F. 11•1:8 1. 1 1/11.
A RTISI"S CANVAS—_M) vAx . pr , lare.l,
nruhriphl, frn esle. J. 4,1140 kr...,
U.= Wund
1I 1 , 410 lha. line•limbre, for role
II 1.., J a 1111. •Ci . 11 ot
S4N I h UFF--Xl , o r
A RSENic —14,61 lbo. for rule by
J. KJ DI. • Co. of
AMMONIAC—I:ISO Ibm, for role by •
LI an= J.,11( I DI, • cr.., IS, Wuud
kl:411 MOSS-3 lAA, Trent. RIO White',
no= .1 KIDD/1 tfr -t
- ans. 1114 , /)..) . Le r , It. I 0.113,1 “.
Nn 111.. hrr. I, .0.1
• I .11 •
hi, No
. Lat. sa,arior
N. I " White
Jrt•t.rreervu g sal fin. •nlh
ror.2 Tt
A I 0., 1.11,1,
J. Pl.Ol
. .
•'n MAGnE
A. , Co.
la J noll ?Itars”.
t .l,1n S ;10IV,
ni I r at, one half tire upuiri
1 01trktiAN ItINGS!—A largo arrort
x) mrntnl rxrino. Iron .U.l rrr'd
II hl hlarl hr pt.
I lIIEESP 100 bores W. It., for tab! by
/ noai 1 1 • H. 116141 A ❑af(.
bbln. for ritlln
H. f 1 AI:HM.I4AI.
- - --
I1()SIN Ino lad Nol 1, lor w
! W.2W. 11A II II /NG 11.
A eillsiSTANl' SUPPLY OF 11101(17AN'S
cOOO. Worn. Miler, W , 111.4 . 1
trere. ertil Lialiarnt. •illt a
re.orral .rtnireit of Prune. 111 i.
Mut., Vernon, ,, er, hirfuinerire. to, Ar, 1.011 eat,. re.
WI, et the Dru enure I.r .1 All KM %QV PltV,
nnlu 00. Worel elrert.
-- Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid,
TIIIS 11.0111 is far superior to any other
rInW or Moan Pnwilrr ever calorie! to thin ormolu:illy.
it nieel. I. 1,01 trial to nalieff any 01,0 vier ha., In rernrorinn chit or ors. oom elon,
Intr. 1 will net in any ern) Injure the fal.rir.., If
the dlrretinne. It ran I- had hl llir
Nllon or in teatime to rust istarrlinerre. l'ere.inr lei, bine
In Ir, Me 01111 ran hare a milli. fr, -barer at the
Drag Shirr of 0. 0. 10 1(!li 0 101 rl 00,
01.01 nom, of nod .lelli eta
ga 111 . :ESE—P:2 boxes Uremia, for sale by
1„ 1 nial J 51 El}, 1.743.1., Id Water rt.
I g I 1/0 bzn. toad 1.17..!4 Window, for
II by JAMES 011001.1..
ICE-10 tieretof Front,, for sale by
I 11 , rJl - JAMEir 1/11.Z.E1.1..
1 Napkin Rings, Port Monti:ties,
`l - Alarm ,Clork, Vllerr Fruit gulf, Chlna Vent,.
*lOOllll Orbatinlar., 1 , 011.1 lllarren, lion& Orr, Ing Car,
Yrrairti Patrol. H it Malebo, Pnrlan Marti!!
Vihrionri, Sletrit Starida. Carl Caeiro, eiWer
Casynt, Ar. 11. BICH AIII/rnr3, 51 Market et.
PAl'Fit— , araw Wrap ping
norINI It P At Wood street.
Wall I. PAl'ElL—Frenell and American
no2o r.".'""l
B"hi criI.YL7t d ;. b fIALSIIALL.
1310 lI ION-titi tuns.lenny Lind Furnace
_I for sale from the Allonhony Wharf. by
J. • It. FLOYD.
.11101. L blue, prime for rale
'La, by no.A. .1. A IL 111.01 D.
1.1 UeldVllEA'r FLOIJII.--50ericke in stare
6n.1.f0r sal, bp toLA J. AIL FLOYD._
NEW FISH received at No.tlifi Liberty at.
I Nn- NO.I Motored In la , (r, Nen do. do. In kilt,
Illor. Iths.l In 1.1.1.. (Tory (rob) New tioltbdo. ben
Onlnton. All tills fall'ArnrlnAl for rel. by
notll W. A. 1/o.:1,111111 A CI).
I_AUrl'A rcc'd, a cum
plolo sorortment. of Bull Porobn Good., conoletlnir
lo bars of the follonlorn Doll Ilettlstbrer Fleur...
lard. nod rO1611; Faro.. Card fuels.. Print 1nd.... 16641
na.ort., Yuanelo Ilotthn• dlllrrent woo,
Pnboat Colhprobtrlblctnortn - ronobioory. Ileturo Craw..
Varnerroolron Fria:or/Ob. 80100. Wolor Shret
tit-Prbohn for finite dram% nevoid Trny.L.Foda
.and tilr.oh round Cord 4 with% ihltiety 01 arena. too nli•
to Wootton. For at Nn.116 Slnrket strooL
nolO .1. It IL PII LW Pt..
Sight Enduing° on Cincinnati,
FOR' SALE at the meet favorable rates by
ryt HIS well known establishment is still eon
i. ducted In that MDR 111.611 MT it ham Sinstra been. The
contrel awl pirartint sanction of the house, Re entnroolli.
one arrenertnent. , , mod the mann.. stp.l Inturlrsto
found than, combat.. to rendrt atul wySntr
genusfla to the thereler.
ying been 04e Or the firm or John L. Turk., t Co,
I* Irmo at the Aryl of the rsAstblishocret, the auhaerlbwr
Cl.ters hit bent iMettloll% to myntalo it. Tribulation, end
to glee yttlata.tion le his customer,
trirJ.:lrtsll , :ttu WM. IL PARKER.
eu r rior articles f Perfumery,
l '? ..n d r } l7el l jr!.
Ti4iet Powders. Cli am
intss oilier all'ioied
Co.tortics, ,, iixtre Pins Send !trout. soil Silas
Windsor. InatioLL Patin, Almond. Vane) sod Toils,
ilhafnii Cresol. llslr Dys, store. Ex
ts for Us, bandtbrshief, On Main., Wars
isnot, artislo,l Eau Lostosl 11,1, Ilestorsaire.
Hair (Ail, I . l,ll.tconteL, he., he., nre. linioufsclurrd sin! tor
ran b. JOHN
Perfumsr Ind libetol4,
4.1 MArltrt 51re,d, bslow 2.1..1 . 1.11•14,11.1tia.
idercbatits Ann', Inlet that Cisines I. the rtirsisist
sod most nalenotro notoulactory in tn. illy lilts tilts
1,1,11 r.
warn. P. anima apolia
Shriver & 'McLean,
Flour, Produrn and Communion Merchant.,
No. 31 bourn Wstnteet',
huesgeJletally. win ram ve prompt sitsothtn. • ith
our Intl endesvor, to guys pallofactl•ro AtlTeUeempallie,,,n
ranTq. r.l Bill. of LLD,. when driorsd.
Itel, to—Mei,. tutor,. Ankh, .
idr. Frani:l4,l Dads/.
Mr. Ali,.
Mr Sinai. rikror..r. neg.
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
rpm: uELEistat:l) "MATCIILESS
liI.ACKINtI '—wnrrantoil suis.rinr t., soy yrt offinvit
Is Ile. pobltr, nod tonisnd o, Matottfactoml
1,, 111.111.11,15500 .5 quarry tinet, not, N..rttl
FACTURER, No. di tiutt,
I.lleistrint, toot *idea
WOOD• 111 1 ,.. • 1,1111
ipAGALEY, WOODIV Alt 11 Co., Whole
mistimes.. N. 221 Marlist s,. rlillsdslphla 1441
O. 11 , 100101.1 ..... ........... .J.
11 11E ,, A , L . 1.% ., 11i 3 l i e :r B b N , OR s 'I u 'moo
6,1110. u. Nor th Wlisrvis.'gilLidiltN:th Watnr
Flour and General Produce
C 0 M ISSION II a II ti E,
NO 'Zs euutu uew• HU. NEAR BALI' 1..11 NIKE/CT.
/Li I. Tllff
RA11.110,11 , TILL AA 1.11
ilovio, al !rag equal ailliatitwEee in
will, and aber marl. pm the nee hiewl. a .4 enav •^1.14•
ui charge, illaiinek gal., and uyvt Eagan.. and beet
mrkrt pri , esie•disi eolirit Eamon,.
Heger hi•—
Proteitlent and Cathie,. a Ma-14W,
Haat ol
Comma, • termer.' hank.
NEW Yllitf(.
• •
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherotis,
A 1 1.):11P1. 1 11N11, for re
yeee Irma m.I t...uttfrlna the haw.. mall.. rsurl sea ilalrulT and us. a...a... a It,. .kln,
ri t
atop. pn.lunal the Ana... • ft, et In eurina .lackee. alba
l ', lt . wr:C 2.1 201 a,
P, 1, .1,11 eery. ta en ow lI
the valve mLulanl
1. 1 .P.P.1...
anl Me w bleb It )..d by One. •he hays
.r.r.a It • tele!
nt V. et. Pent T.:, 1. •
Ste-1 flat. t. af:ltrt..l .111. • ate
larlea.le• tor., et tbe valp, • ay. .1. r 111411•1
aul aarlay tlatt
hare 11.1 A lb.
Ga t
a aan. th. mint ....ant play .1-
era., mar bate trnel all the preparall,, lor• ell•op ana
akin riow known, w!thnirt the Iraq l.euent l o wa adrlo..l
LT • nr.wi to 1, your l'er.•,pbeyo , or I ,IVa. a y e A
/10. atatinearlan. Indad lend(
•yr.l In at.e4sl two p , ,nth.. Fjurhwar the r,ouenee the
,et ta , rd, a: um.. I •ao partially WWI.
yratr. i. L t I. I.4tratt, ;,
ant toil. Oca 1 1 ,1
Nov BALAT—M, N-ar Ft.—About tr., thy bale
awn. ..rti • oval deal. and tny Leal was umers anliet..4
nth tlatattuar I aa• 1..1d ' •In•td to tr. ~.ur Erte.g.trr ,
max and 1 do a'. wad In May tt , htuPilt, uo lour vr.
tlralr ront.l. and all Ow daratrutl Poart.e l el. v th•
.balmow rho./ • tor heal? lab aka rt.=
J Lroalwma.
11 anr or gent a mon ,tonta. anti, 1,11.11,.1 the
tlop welt ail at t hfi It.,,
la; r,ulV/111. Nr, 1 In...nal
I in. the Mllliary anJ Sarni Arena. 1/r 150
le•rt Uu nure•lr tot pertenu.nt enp .1 .N.l.lnr.s
towel •or , Inteate.l kalos. I. I. el
tower., tla•mllllll,. fal
0.11:11.110•Vc.r) su the Imoe o tool o• or-lertr, V.
etlaer re', el Ow lattl l• liotArl• • *Lei I. .
Moat 11 +il
Levi, dew worm. ;rut uther .11N i
d•ro nt the
narivaed. % , .I . eala Na
Itrivalva, ..1.1 at it s . Pt air.P.P. geti , f t
thodisisLedzuteaaaJVia.4a ain,la
'ON' IN ULSLim 11.11. ti i'telialicr to ,r , Cite
11, tal utrlras.,a. trt.nt. 1.11
'HS sii
1x1...1at• th• (brn. I *Mai
re ,t, - rt. runt - •
m. H. Haskell.
1 ; 1 •Nl. MATIoN1:14:, aller etr." t s l' 41:: .1.
•,.I*/ ..4111M I. e: 1
1511)EL J. W ETHE' L 'll , Com.
~,, .on AT, I , rwenlatit
g.. 1 f.....n0zwre,..1 Are., r 1,111..
atiepia in paid 1.. ilia poi. to Itnm P.
I ...ail,
Poi, ....alio P. 1 Pa.... 11 A pan aid: Laikar.
Llenim. a
. • _
14r4nro. Omlnns..., nod Purnarlinn I«rritanl.A, on lb.
1 .10
Ilefor Alesand,!,l:nninn. orol I,tnnE ~rlinn I ,
- •)
te l6o; IL illll
Ci - -
.11, at and rm. a
tine, ivatita. Louie, lto.. (lat. a )
M.. n
MU). r. !l'itsalliiao A.A.To Y. Parka. 11 ,* , 114 A
. uula 17
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, ,of
London. •
THIS Company imam ngnin't i.;ns by fire
• pa, otdos•uxl. tt
aer pr., ~(
TILLS Cmapany insure, ~ices between the
Ryes .f /1111 , 11.11 ,eat,
A 41.11 , at1. , . In•orsore 11, the al.oweContpan
low receivolst the Itankror. 800.. 01
0.-'7,11n3w3t8 W , l. A. 111 1.0 ,
Wilkins burg Academy.
Poctsurgh, Pa.
Muir and liana la b.!..y14415 and Oa astral &hoot.
.1.11,1411M1, /11.(1.14X1
JAMES lIIISTON, A. M., Plll,lcll'Ar
-91111s iNsTruirrir,N will Le open fur the
Ftetlllis .
twetl l l , .. 1 , 0341. Iola!, and holel.l 51041...
lk 11 Tbe .0.000/ .1
n... 1 6 ,11,0 .101.ri•or all
the branches leurlpt the 1.-11 Anulenoce 0101 Yon on.
Iter *ill 10 ei,..11 In 111 loaneheewhotttl u .
of them. rebool 10.0101. i 001/ unJ
Taloa toe Plolo-ophical. tlnetttleal. 101.1 0.10111.1101101 AP
;Avant, lirrtklarn. to"
refereoo.. aool no, Proolowl.
lare and
11 , 111darbota. 01100.1 auoilt,N.c4l,glov!l
HON will he retelvt.4l ili exeloattge all a
••.•:: ADAM,' CI ~,,, I tot rill, 11.111 t. I 001'.•.I.
1. 1 1.1 t
.0011 • rtfilFE.
Nero New Goods. •
JAMES A. Ith. NI G lll'. N 0.02 Fourth of.,
""" r "` - ` ll. ` l rnt." la 1,11 end Wolter
..„ o nja, the taaforar 01 which harlot twett pOrcbtool.l .
the Sae, nOlll,, Ink, 10 the eest,rn csltoe, donna ,h•
Iltnrb• long PO•wl., Ter? rhespl Cleon C•ehtneref
rowan. Shaul,: Oar titator, tnooullowtera
pre. Fronch entl I . e.htoenoE Van
ri Ptaid 0110., .Al' •." , " , " 6,
Closkr. Cloia inuo. Ar.
o .
I.ll.orty rtreet, • 14.1 or Cr L n, a
thae••••1/'• celolated Lona,. I'lec..ol Saone., o , ne
er,hire Paw,
Clone Chow. ILe.olon:
11alt101,. 11010.•
)'boll,,.lltohnotn Ketchup., It'alnot Ketchun.
Athesoeutu sn4 110,..1 T. le Sew, pot op 11l 1.• l I. l e.
1011 • A. 1114'.1.1i PO A IL.
UWNEIt IA A NTEI)—For IP bdlt. of' Solo
Lealhor, lett 1u store br tho Slonotorato.ll Wharf
lelth • 7. It senora A $lll.,
no 4A,Water
-40 for sal• by II ICK A 2.1.-CAPIDIS-lIN.
hest dry, for sale hy
colt a I. VA lISErToCII CO.
Cantles Lando , . by I. Jl.nnlCholr Chnru•
A Watt; 1.11/or Iluelear;
N o w •rtnina Berra; retuinery (11.4 Ihe , lll
No C rio. rtabwal tlonit Donk; T. ilelt0leon;
Jur 0110 "'Morin, 111, by 1.. blubon:
hotit(lloa ofther4hoolrnoln. ltratitte. CaletloPlN
Prime. klonoolf oo o 'Work; Union Ten:spawn. Woos
I.lboron 1 11 . 1 11 I book:
Abwo-11. 9 Aibairage, • rerr Devtly onw 'raw. ...min 14
11. M. l'ololo,.. l 11Jrn.•nonot,
WllllO toy Wong. noW song In rt. U. 'War • .
ma Kock of Avon •loWnwl ‘1 0 . 1 . 1 .h:
Thailahot llnolers NUM:
Tho idlowoon'i Compl•ln4
b r i ttai n gl: ` lin Thrr7,ll.;: h ?
Holt Awn of ttot tiultloo loop.
A u faisii.J7EACTiIItI3D7roTSACCG--
Iw boyotliturrananero.s.ll4.lB',,
pour • lloswoo.1 . 114*.:
Wm knb
11I.1.1r•ottmon'a r. I W.,
" •
" Oink/noon • 1.1581 11r
111 Worl.r• Mat hilli;
lu, kegs 111.taborgh spun;
^ 6 T , rlpl;
I meter. uml Ar vale by Jolllllll4l' k
APPLES-5U bbls. rated and for
13 .46 , no" w. narxr.uan... -
Wheeling and Pittnbargh Packet
rnenlngpsamanger packet PPM/ Mo.
Tinen Pla , of Ms Jaes. helann.l leaYei
above and all intennodishe porM this morning. at 10
o'clock ,r.rlsoly . .
For Wheshog
xlll leave
burgh ersyy Tuesday. Ihurilay. and Maurdaf. •t
NI4 mlimnliatr. leaves Wi1ee111...,,, Womm
day. mil Yrtiny. ati A. M.
framl./ paving aurror aromymilatlmay,
apply on loanl. M illEllll/1. 1 ly I Nil. Aga,
On. Market .1r...A
The Clipper No 2 is <Aloof the foteit swyr
Pruet-I tir Ow slko eat, do
detyl nn lot nipping u. Mud. noM
13 1 i Eq! . ./ 1. 4 A , 1•/ st:d
Alunlorijomirer. 4 , 1.441:1..r . 11:1.11.011. ore,
daY. leimPOng rm', A at 11, Hoek A. 114 mai ryturn.
In.. Wsllsatlli eye,. day nu n'sh. I . /I Ihs
iorril Coy runs In oanuemion•ith ths mud
Pstishnrgh Ll
110.4 Agent, ti M II AIIT.IN.
rright Aurnt. C. HAHN IC,. Mater unit to !'irat
otrrot. not.,
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
FARE REIWCED!—The tiwift
ra tad. pa...quo, par 1.,1 LI IN. MY 14E2
laaa, for Mr nlod, and all dlledud-d,
aLa porta rf,la Ludralvd. at
Interu•ha. t•o•
ItTe k nir:: ' r:{4A are u.rl vtlltxti
AMA, mlurrion.
. .
The 111 NCIIEPTER. Capt. (ix, it. 'hap, aril leaa.
Plltahurgh eye, Theplay. Thu..1e,,..,n faturday, at lo
A. M.; ratirolug, leave. Irlyphna rl ery WAY., tt ed.
needs, aed al A. 31.
Vor frelahl aerpmoymla:lnna.
apply un larnl, or th
311,6, et au...,
Tho Wlnrheyler Is one pf the feeied I.oah , .P.Arer.
trd Lir tho trade Par...paces •ad qappery ran Aeprzyl fro
her manilla an the 'Wel, reguiath.
La., tP 11 Y. Yld Au KWH —Tha ap l latniLi
urn park. airman, DIURNAL. Vanwri. Y.
ten, IN non perrnrinina hnr rra Lilar Irina 1,0 an,.
Inn. raj and Wheelma. tenant!, iltuhurgh at u Hoch
Avery Slouchy. e•ltan,ll, an,l retutinnY.
iraTan Wheeling every Tuendllf l'hunalay and Maim-day,
/II each Ynt er iateman.pnly on bansi. or to
AK , InTln Pro; A Aannia.
The Inurinal n. a .0 , mei L. nue., the ene.t
anti ia•tria trr for thn trade
aereand alonaer. ean nn her annimainn In tin.
• --
T w E} .,,r purrsvil.lll 11111• KING. j&lt
n—Tho PILOT v
w LII leate. l'lll , l.llrth tnvllnv. Crdin+ and llvnlon,
4,4•11 Tunvlny ail 1 11 Wein, P. x .. rrtnrnlng I..vvno
110,41,-p—rt Cvpbs a, n n
•,•I.urnolny vt n lln•v•nnern •nil rbcppnr,
upoa Itsin rnvnay., rrvaalarl, durivv Lr
Inv ~ lan...
For nr Van•n.rn• ifrwlr no rwmfll
..)1111.; 4A W ESDA
CINCINNATI. I,l.lnen John
tratualnkru. h. nn. ouilt
the t.u.-rs of th, N... too, •:.1
tlJr l • n 1 1lunntl nnJ And . 1 111-err ,
hkr 1.11r•onnaill.
r 111' fi 111
It W.,* 10.1 i
I tfe '
i ' M /II t; 1% :`. I/ii In t .. , A N:--•1 e"
M/rnslal n. a , olnamer 1 / 1 1,1rN naan ,•..
Own,. will Ira/. L., tt,n at..., atal all
11/Irmannain nvrt... /.// t1in,1%., al la 1 M.
Jr: A 11,1 . .1 .S. I 1://71 . 1/ a/ 4 / ~,n. r.r.
i'M /II NANII% 11.1,E —111. • • tt- . 0.
‘l,l .Inanna IMICT MITT ALIT. r. ina•lnr. . ~, . .tt Vl'
14 1, 1 t IIot'KIN“I4)I:T—TI,.. fine
I, 1 . 1141 T N.. t
I. ft.l the a1...v.
mi I
11()1 1 SP.'S, 1 Al i Iti , &c.
0 1' 1.1 ICErl'i., T i t)
ii Lll'.. „; Ar ., lillf e ‘ e
1,.."-1••a .:•••11 Sew
E kr.14%1, rt , ,
Filo LET— Fr., the 14 , 1,4 April ben,
I E on.. .1:1,
1.1,•E • , lusE• I /.1011.1.E1.
Far Sale.
tio 11/ •itt:6 7 :ll •
1., mini.. anti •qtr,l I, r
Iy .•".• lion.l,••l4wri.l
1., arr....lir/v[ly tIl
full d•werirtlon 11,
1,11:I, II:1,
- _
11 lit ) I IN e• 141 r . . 1 11c74fflP
•tr, %“11,1,1. prt •Ni••
rl,l••ner. 11. hrgl,l, - 1“•••••
1,,,,, 1.;, p•r1,11,,- .pI•Ir
Desirable Property for Sale.
4 NU1IBF:1: ii•ry vaitrilik Building
cm,.lto ~
man atbl,- r• s, k • .6+l
v - ;•
T III: «111 kn. t EAGLE )11.TEL.
Tllll., I• I" v.11.'1..1.'111,11
th. 4.1 ot ~,
Ir l
"r lurt
; " Ill ' ; !• 17 T.: 1 11 . ;
'llO LE,If - 4 - A laigt. and 0111VVII , :ra
I W %RI 4101 0. 1144,1 i
•n•I •
Wll 11..141NYTON',
Private Reindence for Sale.
9 , 11 E .PEItT I; I ,, ifor , l,,,litig-21
1. ,••.••,, I•e.rtne•••l.ton. ..Inclt
I. even elee.lellg.trel Ihr , telhellt nennneene tit,
.1 Allegheny. he ...0..... uhevrt........1 In the
P , ollt/nrmtinz • nee •t tklrenge.g le nit/. env of ht.-
helrgh .teet reeer• •t • e.lenee nye.
eetet he the teen•h. let
esenueset ..te .eeteenee leh I. h... reeneetry
The le. t• ege, s.hriereh, newt eeh 1111 l
hnielee.t .1.1 1.1, TUMI3I, havk
.Ind Ile.
1.3 ee. .11 .11.., .pro.e.euent. •re
new; Ile. lee,. I.rwk hgeh en tetuel.rn reyl.. .1 the leet
rtneterenle sted innlawl tenet, re..
lee•te Kesel AM valeta, roll
eine teemed to ene.n.ont There • .11 et e1ne.11.1.1 vete
in at the e 1.., ie.' hire. len.l ten...xeel .....
thot•• a. etabtnee. • hte. auel •I•ruhr
leery In eke rt, enn e , nll I.
111elerere.1^1 •11 ee.nen.alt.h. .1 the. yee 1100,
a. 111,, I. 1•.1,.ti0r. sr , 111.11.'4 te.•.11 the nrolen
elgunt, • 1...111 tea. .I.•wun. In gnelten re Inn...
illen It • reere ..1.111e4. .o.ettrol o t
den, or to
eeet, liAlltle• let
Real Estate.
1. 4 1 011 SALE--Twn llama, and Lots in the
rink n•r hee 1.0.1 t !greet eine, the otleNt•
. 11112 ' 1 ' re, 1
. . . .
ti L'IN:Nh 4111.1 , 11A,1, a le r.
I •••. l.rum to-r. ,du.1.1.
hY st, Inanlk A 11.0,1, Mt, n'l r 1
ma .1. M. , to, kolMot 1..0unr.,1
I M.( ...111..n. Me
arratewl e:M.r
Em term,' ouquire C VT.II:TON Atlty.bruf Cltr;
Or. IL. 11...40wre $1 . 4.1061 , P0,
I II riot .1.1 'Mini
1. 4 1 01 i REST—The Is.' 1557!
Thing 4,4 , 4 new St4 , l6N-1.1-40 4r4as 64 ttk4 4 14
14-4 r 1k441‘ I.o.lina 4x41 1114 . . , 41411,, 414141.4 , 4
Ilse +tat, 1,,.,,, inplrl , .l 114. elokuil../ I hr.
r4 , r4t41 lin. 4 1.4111 4.44 m 14ttv-11.,1, 1411 E nol.l
41, I, ft•, e 111.1,0..rruL Euquira
tt,l. II /. nob .m,t.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
- voia I'-'lll !LEE 111111.1 INU LOTS, kid
ral .1
1. 11 1.4 1, 41 , . I
1 n m. urwin.,l 4.13 r. of tow 14
..uttau ...Us dI 1 11/.1.-4,
11, rrta ft,r lone awn. ol 1110
/611 1,11 thy 11111, , leutlltte , 1 .. 1 1 1 L 1 .1gr ,,,, .1.1•11
oo's!. a paxlun•
For .rtan. AC. ”nyusrp ott 11.111.1./INI , , n.ur
lha pr..m.. ..1 .I.arrarr, at h.• attic, No. 101
4ill Arrrel.
grir II lIKADY
A Good Bargain le now Offered,
1 A RI'LIeATWIN IU MA k , E, SI )6,N.
g Vron, Thren Yung. ,ACIt 11,3441.; Itntnunb,
iwar lb. n I nul
I.. ynnl,
1.11.10ugn..1r prnp.-rt n ,
1..1 loin Int, .041K0a..1 Pnr..
tr. nun's.,... •111 apply 1.. 11.111111 It s,,
• -
Iteutucky Mutual Litelnsurance Com\ y.
CIPAIPANY offerA to the in.rea.
lbe luVtleity and nateoloare of the Y;Unlitl Nand J10..1
!than Playm tea hernutforenoolletl)obif eoel,tP;
ratan of yreollita: attlitll4l retort. ni coal. of the
,vutane moaned kir the ronnoueut rota of thr
adequate, hot d•Nr.o.riVr (..t the foi Ore
11 . 1! I d tni url •nja nik.r.l7l::ttrtrf.:llll:l'";•Zrui'rtt.'"'l7"ellll
on.lnttera, payable al Oanh I.y creOlte ur tioyt
nanontnty fund doetatoal for Ihe permanent aeayoity of
Met tern. member, and On, for. the pnartal aeorky of
thoee for the whole term .4 stfet
nirf hie I. the only. Life Ineuranne Oar:anat.,
whoa. mien prowl premium are oval • fair rvolue...l rtad.
Rol. vitt, a oon lor oo annualty inrreanna e.attoyo.
lethal of fund. (for fonnoanotnty et art proyoath,on,
the *mount of tondo.. on.l the Increealnu trout odlc
y.tate manonn them l l nborn
Pontoh:ete, tracts, ar o lying In 41211 the plop and \
'torof the Company, furp she. jirst 1.. 0.1 appllcatlo.
'tor km...ft rneel...l by - J. TUlt 111,11% .tzent.
129 Anol atzvut.
IS,I OLASSES-6 , 2 , 61 . ..6. I t ' u lt . u s tzl ii4 on;
-I- i
4. '. e1 11.1.s
nolg N. DAIa.ELL a CO.. Lttert, lo-
I AXON Y MAO A N ESF--Konsk; for sale
kj b, tko27 J. SCIIIKINIIAKXIt k \To. _
AFItICAN PEPPER-15 host s for saleby
OoZ7 J. scooorookkok CO.
ivINTE It LA KO OIL-15 bb6 best rittal ,,
or for Rafel3,
no'7 J. tiCIIOONMAIikIR & CA.L.•
----i— j
UTT ER-7 2 kegs tott . ree'd, for sato by ':
kikr sots %IC/. A 11 c 1 . 1 / I tiI.LIZS. '
I)HILAD. SYRUPS--Loveriugc
Stpm Syrup. for We br
IrM.A. MeCLUltti 01
nou . and T. bl.fere.:‘
Q,PLIT PEAS--1.1 bbl. Engli --- nit Spilt 1
k,7 Just Yabetud aid lOW., by
ices bad Teal Leak=
gi al. Z-14.. - 4 ZWIWi
UNION 'aim
We are now prepared to carry Freight between
dut,oz the w Ipawr, and 1011 OT . . thrroch mod
.rat4 rote 111,11 V GRAY! // (0-
.M.ll 111.11.1111Zai.11"1..b.7'
D' .141 V 1 Iset Flr,•••.•1.
t. 11 A /11.1,, , 11. R l 4Oll. Aeen 1,
;1 Korth 1411.•mnre._
T y r.n.emr l ,l, for thr rrgulmr tramrttrlx, , en of ervigfit
Jut iglu. thr vrir , r.11.1,4,3 rst, and
MIN of ImaltroCarli girrr , Ivr Jrlirrrinu. thr..tich, at
xreAteruto rater CLAIIIi a TITAN,
rt y Orr, l'ittrimrett.
is• BC ri.n.
21!) Marlrt .tr4t.
Na.rth ort , t..l , a!timoN,_
Freights to and from, the EutermCilies.
is' iNTR I? A RRtdY J/ .
yluttisr, TIR: SUSPENSION -of 6m;11
1 sal lvan,n. ••• 'lli 4 rtrar.l frAttil.• In tmrl from
....on• Oar". .niar
ASV , b..,
1111Y11 ,il.A(11(.
( 1 ,3111 nn.l 1,10 I rreL 1311,bartth.
11 .11111,
Nol. IA .11.1 1.. 1 1 .3311 k Nadu Irlplll3.
1 1 T11 YU A WI:4;1N.
1 , 1.• 311
7, 311 a .
qr.., /1.1111m , n,
Till ngentr , kr the l'o-uisyl
vnuirl:nmmli,,tro not tovoart,t It•
It durtsto the •allet to rhttutiolt•ton.
3.11 trot clun. vr,l4 um! .....
For Hut I.ard. Tulhou, egul ull
11 , 1 k— VII I: 1..11.14..
t.74lVolbE Aental, •
\TA ‘t ntrva4.
And Park, Lbor for
Fru M..rning-I,ine will 6, e, , ,01....,1, 4= - 7 - 1,
Iknue4 1g.., ate
0,011. L. A. 11." ."—. " --- "'
•01,1, 8.. J. I' 1,1.111, 114.n.q,,,La.,
10 I lot 11 I.E11•11 • I ( . •••11,4t0
t 8 5 I .
1 EA 1 IN!: Pitboalrgh Ifll3Sun.laynrs
eapt. A. MonboK,
7,, / I.f
Fr tit thett••• Itt •Itt, It,t m%1..l t.. 11 Vitil' ll l l .llnlttlnit At
it at...rt ttt ntt atttl nrritttittc it. CLEVE!. Nl l tt..• t
n 0.... tl4 , itltttsttlatl trait,
ttr r ...t 1., 111.. •lentrn I....attt tat flin Itetkon tl
rl /11j ~ ..”:1,014, ”1 tort la/ltar..
. . • •.
It. r r .1 ''
f -
11, irPt •• rinog• y. 10. I nr• •• r•••••••••••,
lo 011,t11... v• loth 111110 1,...•;•••••• gill go 0.49
glt••1.or411 i'leyy ~••••1
Ii II 11.11;TIA, A r 0...
11orspr“ II ou
Pennsylvania Railroad.
kN and ,tfirr the Ist ~1 I , ..cemlier next,
I it AI .1.•
, hob.. huvl...A,
11— tirmA
at.ul uh
R, 1 O
. kitiowy
IN and nut 1110 N 1..1 V, ( it!TOIIf:P. lath.
r ririand a,,4 raw ..... ~vipstur
truta 11 , ,n u•
str” , au 11....un ta, ml 0\
..,10 .1 111 Au• tit. In uhlro,
uu, ULPI..I
\ lle ,h I
155 1.
Vim Browu•olle nnd rumberbirnl, to LlOtimore
FIMIE MORNING 110.11: leni•cs the Wharf
•I• •.• ,- 1.9..1,1, 1., • oAI.s•A pori•nly, cen•
••••• tlrty, alt rar• nt rum,: land [lntl neunips.
TA• InnAl ioArlo Surylay rArulu i g)
..0 t, Aotrn CuntA . ninciO .3t
7 Ilar inch to halt itivon.c= hours. Farr. N 1 11.1.1. t .01, it. 1 ., boor. A nreo.nly 110.
Tn. 1i.A.1 r.nos u•rt rololnrtors\.., •alb
the . • in.: nr.A. 1.1,14;1..1r Aniutsithuoir k Ind.
ibr I.est
00iIrr ill. Slcnona./.-In
••- 7 . , • •
ROEfh. TO NEW 101fli err
tunnwi. •••• , .4.1.1nr
CIP, laz.l
:1.1 J.. y I ~ 111,11,..1 0111“ tr.. Ph.
‘vt• iii,KlAth Fol. Lo u -r..
irusul•A•... Arroml.. t
11•1 11. ruin- tinru.o. A z •
•- . 01144•• -
TIC. 111 ln:u14( Oulu, A lirt• 9•A•urnarr•rnAt
.irry tit/ I ins Ea i•nrs'l ruin • nrniiinu
n , •• isr • riunn nt 9 trl.l3l.4lAlnnne •
‘,/ sin, I,la.
Tl s rF. gsr•-• Prwisrl:l arul Cattle Tn.; Irrorcr I , nts)orls .1
1 A 11 n I's•-...r.•••r11ay 1. allArroni to llon Trassiu 4.
• nnsnicesslnt• IS 55. 11,,,, 514 1. • . 11 4 11111,11,
AI, Is••• s • Ara
,ssssis a, Isr•srsysnl toir unk.. Iltn stork and
I•nr, us, nit. Istssrs •111 , •1 s•••s• Man TIA.
s. As,•
rs •Issurrlnt a•aulnscrlnssr•
1,,•• I,str.. 11, nntsinsrl•ltuts Oxam-ls.
.I.lssits•ar rnss..l•. •
tit li n
asossn4so so
'vs A
ry •Iss rs y•ru•
•,11 i....1k4r11.1.1.-
iva‘rcl VI. g•r"......r '"'" 1 ""
• it,[ Ned. n • I ley van
~ ,r l-1,111,4
. . Otani.irl• 1, r
185 . 1.
1.1141'S1:1110:11 AN C LEVELA NU Pigrirrt we! /42read I eir s.. eNerelPid.
I)ASSEXIIEIS leAee eve ry morning :tt9
gthen., hf
thhrh , , h, 1,1-bu,hontl tiv,elnd
t.• SO. •
T. , bout, To Inotrult, 38 hnur.
Chnnon. tO .
00,1nh to
I'l. coulitu• wd v.vo. atul norintmti
•" .
l'aarrni,r, far ' ,Titt;;;a anti Milyan!le. leave
~a , a," asaa,,,,, 14 .. at, ,l.r.A. 11 tla.eplan,lttl
awe . ... Nlieht.atu 1 ltalinaal taa. tar larlnd
ram at it, a'rl,..a. A. \l.,4, ,, ltatinual to V. Itiitfalo,
II arravatv au.. v. Lataa at 1.,..acc, 1., .Iraatilaall
1 ZT:'1.f'7.."='::.?"...."',1.117:`i..?:.".,`:::,.'::.:.!7....,
t...r.11,,n 0 ..111. r. .
''' a''
''' St`l.A It Ft i: a IWO,. I•iattitaira, \
' 1 4 4n1
11 •
1851. \ ;„,
iylvania and Ohio C. klafii.
JIIII% % i
~, . 4 .111 I I
el.nrtt E. PAltt:tl, .1E Co ....... . ... , Pa.
11 (41(0111.1N, t 1 , 0110
riAills well Lttolkll Lino is now preparecktO
sAj!,llrf I • • =t r l:rrn 1 1 ; ' a r t o l l ' l l -Wrio 'a l s . "
T ' ln , fit the Lin .I on.un•••••1 n•Ll.r.qu‘i
It, Awl itl L•10,1n., taxi
11,n, of A c..t11.
On• boot 1.•••• Pltt.burµ
an,( • on 11J. 1 .
1 orimlGN •
11tkA A C.,., touni,tor
AI It lor. 11 ar.n.0.1 -
A •. N N•lpt.a. V• • 0 •
1,4,13... Asretanu.
h , t.t.ijytnnei . a Co.. 1. rmAnn. • k;
1 , 1111+.;•..,n)‘..0 city,
11. winks., a th•trott. 11414iritt,
Douf,o,l. d v... 11tISY 111 x.
Lo A A (1 , ..1.1.1r•r0. 1114'
'Mom. 11541', C111..2.4,011.
Rt.! roe.kkt,V l • l ;.l I fVa
Excursion Tickets to Bearer. 25 cents.
rl l .ll E line passenger stenniers
11A1, ut,,a 111 1(1110AM No,
, heir Im.,lnvo. at 1.1,1.urg
ter. t•itt,l2 . tr ,
Nkt7l.-..Tl;*j."' 111111
.•A •••
‘.l Von. • I ,, hltnr tn go to ulk F.rutsioe
T. Itorlo.nter yo
k . Pstuatur• - I,`lor .1 nruLt.
. ‘ t \‘...1 tot dos n tan, 2144 and no 11,. n•xt,
t •plot, 11 board Itt. 0trat01....41• .. 11•••cr." or
•5in.11,4; No .2 or at Eh..
\ CAIRI 11E1*, Agvn4 I
• „0 \ W•t, • soinlowla rch.
.. . _
d 1 . 1)11( PI.INOS!--..1i0W recd • ' I V-
In.ufactsiry or 11.1Ivt.
iT6AN'4. l ,t'l l l'.::', l ,, 7
01.0. • lot \via Icwtliard Brown. 111 , ..t0n- mold .Strx
Vora 00115 Nina) M.
7_,0; v s I Miss' ottreei.
10.1S11—'211 WA S . nod 10 U. blda. Triut t
b 1a.14 treti White F and 'Air by
'I, la 4. U. CAN VIY.LI/.
A 1.40110.1.—IN,;10.6. 76 and 02 per7nt., fa;
nalec by U. SELLEILS.
non, \ ho. la Won!. at
Anil\ 0114-9 111.1 . N. Winter Strained, for
hi„ IL. P bKLLKItA. d
t A1t1t..A11310N1.2 casks for Kale by_
It) non. \ \ a. 0 t904,0na,
trltne Itu.ll I.lntta'
kegs Prtc L l;O l. kttlen.
11,11• I. fkceltria , ro
ttamantt a 1101t1.4:4t
Itsoltt) \lk A. PAIIN El
CI A 8 S 1,1111•111.: CASSINkY—
. AY/333. ' S C: :.I• : y PECTORAL , . \i;' _—_,,,,..." c 1 • ,
. . .
'1: i •
\ eon is cunx or r- /
__l• \ , t•
-, • . -
THIS ItEIREDY i 5 elfor•ti to the coromn- • ..:., .
rait.l wsl,ll the neat lento coo f 1 lo an ;reels which ----
u4doln fait. t realize In. nonni. 7 : . .cto, that can be de-' „ -
c. , ..1. To whie •• the liell of I. nacre nee., and - \ , ''''.. the caste o its ruse, , that alines every portion of ..,
the country abo ac v eel nil pub!' ly known. who
. .
Lave been n..torrel ra alarming ant„ e l 3 , derperate die.
. ,
egm.M.•l the lunge, its on: When one tried, ii. on- \
Pertoret) oirer steer 1 her 1an11,7111.1 of 14 at . N.,.ap. :
pin.ut to Vets, otte steno: and where its Irtue• are '
•••• '
Lemma. the Puhltc no to gerhemitate what antote tneen
ploy f.r tl,e eltelre.ehos 4 S.l•agrrona alletlioll• of no/ '
, \
pultno err organe,arlitch •%; Inchient In our W l ate-
Awl not noir in the :crawl hie attack...upon lbw ant.. '-- . - C ••
• to, re , r the meld, earietae o \ Colal. Coughs, licerelew ,
S -
.1,.. em, 1...- rhillr.o It ea thesenteest anal erafut i• •
eene that , Min he utoleneel. titily should be eel t ...
. , .
It. awl t twee al...ehAve and t e ar will.
hea.l the t pluton n. the follwids . rentlernen. who 1111 . - : ,
1.• ......0.11.4/ In Ilia .aria.ceseti .of count:err when. • ,
they arve.....1 , 1-....ch0:14 w/1 aa en chants of the Drat '
• •
eta...... 1 w the Int.hencharaeter, , .... Le...l.l.tarrinKrat' '••
'. ~.. • - ` _
•xten ore whole.le dealere en me.liciu with an esneri• • ,
, ruem uullmit...l on the .tdoecte of which leer /peak. If
• , -:- ' •
tho, . any val. 111 the tel.:meat \f patience. saw •.; •
tr. ale 1113.1.. teed, allele...lm 4 Algalits. sting b... ...
how acquatoi..., a. O. Aver . Cheer' 14ettral. erehr car. \ •' • ••••.,. '
ter, our 1..1.4 that et .• 11... 1.....1 met Ine,t 4. tea/ Hear
eci , roc s Puito....,' Cou.ointteon e'rer °nen"! the Am- ' •
, -
erevan l'o •.le. Awl a.. w•ltd . Ire. our coniel ge of ita
i t
warruon and es tn.lve
,cu fil ter matenteml -
it to tbe •51...t...1 a• eserthr their Lest latahter itail With '
the firm rem lelmt. that et •111 do ter thalr relict alktilet
cueeliclm• ean a... \
• Ilenriearr. S.lmut le lc Co.. Dr.tons, !lists.
1,44 , • i`octiaon, Dallainore. Slarytand. „
Lad., A Ingraham. Itangne.Alaine ,„
111•11.111.1, ilmerall • Co. Charleeton. S. C. ,
Jacob S. *tutor, Detroit. alwhigare.
, .
T 11. 31rAllenter. leonevllle, hi.
antimei a II 'Uhl. Cit. Lou, 31 unaiitri. . . \
Joeeph Tucker-M..10t, Alabama.
T. A. Peel, 111141/..011. torn..
/1.'11..4, II:ate" a Ce.. locate,ll.nd.- •
lent le Jame.. I neat ...•...m Jeramy. . • .. •
.1 it Townaend, l'•lt, Pa. • I
Char, a Co . Cher., Demote.
ht lia, Iturllngtou, Ilea et.
31' • cant., a con. horrola. Yea.'
1.4•1,1 Itr.naLoret, Deleon... Del.
.\\John till, art • 0.., 1 . 1.1•01pleen, Pa.
7.. le• • W FL Littman. Wetettington, D. C. ' • ' • .
J. IN rccht • ...o . New Urbanea. La. • .
Wet., Walt a 1,... Fort Wayne.. Inclles.. ~ •
C.C. 1:1. 11.11....1 a CO.. San Pram•Lwo r CaL
Lea es a .tture., Ta 11..., Flor.h..
11. b.• Strout, Knoxville, Tenn.eve. \
l•biltun t nue, Little Ikea, Ark. - • - ••" • A •••:."
• , aller. Slat. • C., Lexington, Iliaii. \
.14. D. Leh..., tielleatn. Texas,
i . 1.;t1,....1 , 7. r. Jr.. ITos Piero, It. I. . ' •
' 1
T eer wscannah, 11..
Wed, lo•t,t. en • Co.. Conelimatl,o.
J ti C A totn .1.“-. t ulpuran.„ t tole. . . -
/ 31 Itemond • Co . ter. cracc lealev.
an..l ller rue • C. , .. lac New ilremala.• .
- •
Thom,. A re , ll re ' attrax.Nor• :teat.,
1 11 aller a c. 0... .1.1,u, New Itrunneirk. .
„ , .. : ‘ .
C I. rale... • tie.. Ifs.. Jaa......,.Dina11. . „
111th .0.1.
men !low 0011.11 Well. 110 strellaBll , ~ ,
pro' ran L. , al lor,l, erupt that Mond en Ha elfeell upon -
, ..a . .
rierural sal old by JAlllCci C. AiElt. Praettcal Chas
111, Lowell,
N :' ,.. - , „, 1i ., t , 1n_l atale , orgh wholetale and retail. by!. A. TAB.
5, A Ci ~ and J. 11. TON Nsitfl D. ~
In Allegheny enr. hp It 1 . ..5C11WA11.17. and J. WWI.
fiLe.....i br I.ropsis.seneratlv. det..lawt.laLli t
A Medicine for ' ,
c'0,,,,h., c,,.q.,,, liorterener.,
~ I cnt a. 1.1 I . ol,Cfilrit ~ ' - -
-. •
Act INVIPIENT CUNMll3lPflit3e. ;
\ s\
I ill. KEYSER'S l'Et'Trlllat L SYRUP.— ` t
. .
.11 It 0..1 1.1F.D.11 tine •lonts..h: 11. tiVI, not norteui• '
Paw 1.1.. eaewel.. it 0e.... t velar the akin, awl renter the ..".
10 rw , u erten wa..., il nalrle to a 50.... h 11.L....y reel Dud of
.110 rm.! ra.......,. It er 1....0i1y barite. Itt It ingtedi• ----
•t 0... an„l ~ ante. 11.1 ual to prodn , log it , ....• T ''''• .• ' ' ' \ \ •. \ _
too t violent ea, s of rte. nt C0n.,1.1 awl lloarsenes. harie ••
i....... cured by 11 in a taw hour..
n hu. net e citroto y I rut et, tx.—Tli, old cough medicine - •.• s" , ..••••: '
aII chAelb 1.10,104,../. riot
nil a..., ettichl. Mare '.
100ere..10.0. limo lbe much ataelL • hp. et t,brlstlrd In \ \
I . l .l ., pw.caut auoll en is 11111[1.1. and it ~- • I - ' ' -
Win 01, M1 , 11.01 , 1`..141.1. ' Xueevidatecalo ..- . .:
far, rof 11,t un.ol„,uo in nue eoC, tr.. ur oeuclttienier- 2 t - •
houal 1.e.. , 411, "lIP fri 0.1 , •n.0",m1,. I 111 the/re/MU" -••,'
1...1, . t a reauee", .4 Mee L ieu br blarlst - .
L .. , 1 ,. . ,, 1er1 rt.., her a ousruber ..f rearaAtelth theatre. ' • ,-.
O/am-Ina. n —A holy linen Steubenville le). tea that bee
~ I t...,:Lter had hem, mtalele4,•lll. a touch •tu,llx beet...
lion, \ on.let nIX•••Ilt, lo.Clw ice., and all the eatranotan - ...
~ nuo, canc.( e n0un.p1....e. awl that att. etakiilktau bat. .
ia...1, a a•Ceut.,rett imeml. k•etitteronn ilill'aehingtort ' .-
county, a h.i I....oncreil with a.nta... and shroutsliOugli • ir \
for oi ht e, too. 1....... eutireik s tehr...l aaal the .ualt • ,
remood. to.: the ... of 1,411 ad0.e.... of - le.ttlw.ef On Pee
t. rul e ,.. on,• A settletual. trou. , ,Peona. Illorier r arldwe - , • .. ' ...1' . __
that , - 1... attune 11... Pea Mrel ••tilp tu be. • soul art ter • . ~-...—
tor 1..• lta. need It In In. Mel.,. kW in theca/era t - ' ..
ownh re of We lamely , a ttle the un...cperfoet aura..•
It .r nu .ct lie- c , ourast at. ohetnes Larsen_ It ia tII pena lly un '• '
hale pint be.titea ut ..t , cent , 0.1. 4 1 or ciabottles fur t 25- .
___ .... .
Counter rt., , krt .re a. old sio I..k.rap a euPlelr of` . . .....". •
I to. 1..1.4 all t1.L.ene......t. hennuof thence. , ; • ,••- i s \
le. lie. i ...I..etelcareone reuefthem ever dialorated mr• nn_
..... .
ho at0P,1....,...1.4 the luto.e. and iee'Pltet.Cote•tduic-;
e 14...41E,, ea —llAr.t per.nbr a ill try to smt scobabny•\; .- - . .• - L., .
. •
if „,, ~,,t ~ , ~,t, 1., le. He,. met m Pree.tat Sl ,l l l l ‘. ' • '''
and t......e.• ntLer -11 •.M o
ture rt u. It how in itornme of \
lb. rue-f saluaute plant. and to , rt •nr the 1.1.0/maiataMt m . .., • ' . .P .• nw.ekounel4 het pe.e..n rt 111,1 Intl'. healing I. 1" - '.. - • -, • -. rub tee no .I. c.o.s. In the. medicine. It Pinta:raw I • , 'c - -- . . .
&I en I‘olv own c't.• ardrlhe proprietor b. nomeruturs t ke. '- , ,'• .e„ ' , • . . „
in. p.m.,. • hien aell I.c eh,. h hew t p ee Metre. f . •• ' , -
we., ie . m•
A 1.,. •untel Iternoulmitet the CalledStara. tr.clithia , \ '•',,.. '.
cu.. 1.,... 1...,...1:-....rut. wool a , 41..4. in th...... wAn win, \ ,
e.. 1, ,, .0 enter... 10 the me.l.rme le 11111 vat a !areal.. ..1
tto •I 1 m. 0.:. lee. 4e, ti.e will W deem, .oefferties nu. \ , i •
e ....1., .1 •,.... 1., peoce,..• .i. thelr bawl. the. .lea`
\ .
~ - •
110..1....1a lor lull- .11 ea, the anred haa ewer produced.. • ' \ . • 1 • .•
to, -ale u tale 1." hY) 'AI .S. Alvta.r. \ `
'•••• ' ‘ e ., . •••;',
\ •
\,. ••
' \, - ' - . \
I ...,
_, • ..1
' •
1 )11.
I. ‘ . 4 p .L TS ,, , v O r l' , l . :;ti
A, !ix ,l l ) lojel a, ,E i v.rac t of
TZ• original ssol.l , at.01117/0 preparation. for t 13.. pdr ,
,t r a in n\l onNutu lion r 1.1.1 D1N12.0.111 Of the
PAMWS trlit.ll 1i...3. Afr 0UVP. ,4 1 ..r...t ,. ...4 ,1 br;
lo r., 1r.w541,.... Or Uertury. /ron. Quinlan. tn.
\ scrrAls,
4 . .. I: inle..F vii. . . .
l'ast,ta. Tunalra,
F.rupt a.. .. o f tl,a, 1.010.
Nk. 4,1... Im.nie :ion Er...
Tim • • ••r w•.r 1 tt,,llcskld Head.
Itl,tituntl.4n. l'aik• In O. bon., in.
. s .
,, 014; . ...rva and \ Uleor4, SVPIIiOr Or ' ~.
the i 11..., s 4.1 i... 1>7[...r..0n. Snit Rh.lon. —: .
111... of tIA .).I,Atam
lilint of Apratica, . .
, atlnl a ff!.o. (Dv UN Of Mar- . _ ,
eu . Pao in tl., 9!a.1 and
2/,,,,,y. LA ,ita,0..1an0.1,.-a
.1,.-a an ( . ..11r.. \
\ 7
. rizE locx - r 1 - 711.1i,i, . .pir.lNE'xxoir2v; •. . ~ ~ ',, • :
Ti,, ,i,„1“, ~,,..,..,,...1 ..!,tan bock... [yd the One"
ihohlur a . ~ a reapartll., ' int, tit int alnahler vett:lola) " ' , : I
vol, 'row which Pe. Gjat,vol's tnlrov. , l\Eatritet uf, . .
4ellov'l/...1. ..I harv,v at6lla la ha T.: and ilrlabava. ' . • 1
~;,e ...f fly. el tr, .lt has gla.n ant tintVf\ ~ t , t hem of f.b.,0101.000
In the 1.:q...t.110. Ili, yrvuttraiion o tains alP4he en , • T . 7
et , nth. nrc-tvolh'v of
.t Ihvin•otr, o , ml , loeitirl eutiekpflui-_ - . I
• , -
het nt Itir ittnroet • tr.l,cll:, and rm,ILVI. '.. •
F.‘,..Vuovuhae.v,. n,..1. it. the toanufachava of thlril4...
,Inlue. tiOttl it lota. routhl ihak, it eoulal unto , forther Ith- 1 . i
Pr0v.. , 1 .a.v.v.olin..l‘. v. iir /I It rnvortntl t ilmuot ..f.., •
• • . . ..: 4-!
...,,,,,,, 41, vi0..."-of f 1,,,...., 37, - uto.tle, aralttioacti--` "i A ` .t:
,vhnt,llaint..-=l,,r ~i0n.,r,.1 prtmtratlon of all the: VI al Po.. 't - " • , {
~..,-,„ ,Lnd Si! thimo torix.entina 111..14. of thotkin trying''
,•„,,i, ' .- _ •• ' ;
, .
tApatiencv .11.1 v 3 int..ll,llV. health. t" ' •,, .- .• j. ;,. :
\ ; 4, 4. ', 1 7 4 4'' . ::. 7:‘,',...._,." ' - 7 ' :1
.rafts,, Syrintig. 31.r:sutra C...,inv,laint, t a n l [ ]; , . ,
ure.ten. 1:h....wa11:1. at, , l a Tie.g. t•ri t, l'othr .1 • . 4. -, , okov.ko. ,11a•v.....n. at. et.vollly atal per .. ,
crt.rftl., ronhil ht t 1,.. it F,..0f thie uhrllvine, •Va \ •, • ,' " :
1 Nvtiae:Ltlieb., tkl._ , lav;fith.lssl4 •-• ',c. ..',. ,• .. i
11r. JololL.l. Park --LA.! hiev. It I. with tvouttoellik/v 4 "-::: .".. ' ' i
f..-111,,,, of 4:lrAtallgil, (11.16 i NM 01, tbriltl,lliliol Illkvlna. -- .!
Prot ..letto , 01 ` V,i..1, ind Si. Ize to alar-vorklng agency a..._
that earllent iqnlivlihs. Cu •'Ve'lloar 11,r_k and Eapa.::, ,
...phalli., ta ,la a , , , on a Tear slitri•P'ai or taV . 11,1 . 4 hor•Vv ' '' , \
1......... ju the - is Int. of I wail att.ackad with aoe. '2 . 4 . \
Ten , pain, •hieh Ao. grad Ihlly \ ealon4ina tbeollahlitia.. , ,C- ' • i
b. , right r.dr • , ..14. a! thu .lith• U , m three iiiii:ft.... a.',;V \
` . .. ,,1 1 tov•stv.ll..n .1 Mr ir,h3 , lr. , 01,6 c. at.a1 . ‘ 1 n v,..1;."'..b 4 4 ' ."-, -. 4 . 74 ...,, • -
N rural. to About 1,0.11A/din( It roiavaon ii on:. .1 pteatur....7...". , ,,...1 , 1 . \
...... ,
ol Vt., ithlolanv: of A stß,Jfal I•rartiti:loar. who protikiii",..4V . "7" t \
re.' 14141.1.4 5.mr0l ihn I'S heat f in m, all 'ie., conlpallt ; - .,• , ,e• „..-`, 4 1,., \
U. a A la, easew a neo oar hk ... hantllrd. hut Phalle, P..,•;" . . - - . 4."., - \..t.t, \-
i for t., I evOrtillt.l Antfer hi. trvattunnt 00411 J../fal ....... Vr F1'.,• "* 21,1.....4 , , •'!'.
vn1i.11,.t.1,,,0u1u no: loin ut. , e , . I thvo noivuttnt 00,15.0e;, , -:! V , '..,....-Lig.
, .....,•, at thin 01a , ... it .. th.vie, lao'hottineror IllayaroW..t . ',.''d .'" ',.tir7.-t- ', ' . -N
V.llo. Ih)t am! :• ,,ifono alllalt I 11,0 1.T.III: . - .7 ~ !:,,..,.:,,4 , ,;
vary amourh et , h... ht. I AI., hi/ ink ark it Iburlintihia••::: '. ' " ''' ;'," 7.. ",.
I .
I ....A . , . 1 ur..1. niv Genoa... without spy limata- - '-'1 l'--',. 4 .
vonivntv, 1...1b. IN a yell makt.lliblle . , • ..„. ':, i
hot• nhrut pv.h.l 1.-”ry I had brett-tryullue.l. to mrbar.l..,..
.. • 7:
thrrit h .iris. 4.1",t1,.. halt. an.l I earfzut ahtlita the re., ~..... .- ,, - . i . __'„,,...„vvv,..
I..trt, Af tor Loallit 1- , Any tatter rano, ilia,' by tha agutur L. - . Ir ,. ....• -,-
of that \ tritlyTvalusioh. titoheiutt, II uy.K•lt'a Velh,w De./It. • -..,...,-;:.::.,;.-: ..,,-;.•- ,•
at., Var4npartlla- , . II -trietll.v.Allit.l .,. ~ ."..1f.7-.:?,, ,,,, , ''t'i"."..-_,-,.!
: He. ,t. c k Paik--I,nr Sir '. I ;mud you th,.kfortgalug fut..' t - a. r ji , .;:.:......,...; '. ft! ''l
tilleate, suit ht far A.. I tu4i acquaioleal rids Po• cave It la -".".,,.,..„-- L... ..:
all till,. I low/iv/4 11, ;Li n'aitiu,ilvnight lee - a bett ' efit to
'on vo,l 41 En, althrt.d. you Imte lb. twit il.h,t of u.lua • , ''''-", ' ' , ."..
It an you think, best 14urn. W. A. LEERS.'
, .„ -
V IV V t''' V•-t l ‘ . ~-• ;
-1,. folio. i on letter i. , lrem • b. HY .sbertsblsibtirlil..l.b.
le be euiot• an ...eons, prieikei : .".
le c v it.. nark emaity. - .. Nov; /. kTne -, ..ll ' e''V .
tr. John D. Pasbk—lAstr els: Dr. Guysoces istridlit' L l .( ',
ll.T.ibsrill• ho Leen piinerSied bY ins for, (Le lakitlanre--
Sew. 'skin tool efleTi e fn 11.0.b.1 lebillly. 1.1.b . CriMj1i,....:' - . , ,J•umline. DYslensi... sod etwonie and .I.(einism - n f's .-
Di/VAMIC, In all temale Compl•luts i2settalnlyii, wise T. , % - 's
nn.led. In the we of ibas.nralleine Die yslient won - ant:, ilij
ly nal. •liewili w.l sienr, a met rtosiby of omit for ...:'.' , l
sideration. \ ,lt is i.les.mut to °mita-le and smell, Amlain ,
.' ~..
lie wmo
ed by lens 'Mill the Molt dells•testeminia. rilL :
ty, undnr and elieuvrasneess lon ilieiskinj nom. ,
risme. and tithe i.i...-- - • ' '
, i - , --,
>..1.1i.3.221`211. =
ilil 1.7 J; D. PARK. Clete/WWI, Ohimbnistlimotecirnet -
of Jo sod W•lilut•Trueb.,•ntraneesti - 12•11inb stnat.,.. - ,' ' T
tO Irk al/ nal.. Most be mtiMs....l.. , ' . " ..--.....• ' .-.,..
J. E. . 2 Co.. IL A. \ Yisbnestoek 2 Coe:J. 2 . j l ln..i's - 1,..."
librus. , T1°,3,11.214 Lee A. Teickh...2l2llbsery City; -, .
L. T. Ito .11, WwlJiraisin: Ie IL nows. tobliajwsp,ll.
12.14, sly., .Alitiryt ,i. liouniselsomersetill.42.- lillok_neM!,; . T.' :
ifediesd: Dee .. sel, liontlosnlon;Mrs.OrP.llallklaysburii,T
liil.l.bsaml • 1'.... lnds.a., J. K. Wight, al u4.ati:: ,- :' , ..-,
N e ,,n. A tAI. le nick. Ora A. Wilsno A. AAA 121syneiborc .: ' ..'
llnlanslod Si. C.\Si. Wilemley, lleadvtlici Dorton A Co :-...,,
1..,,5, yrabses a ork, r: kterte Wits. ' Kelly Jk - Co. tote '':', :
lea: A. Smith. tn. \ r 4 : a blumm.rt.M.lVarnien Lie! 0
IL Job.bentsd ersin. ti 2. Co.k...ire DtoernaTUlM ". -
. . : . 4
Ser Psth,-$1 \c Jr ifoale;. Six Botace foirss::....' ,
by sul .L.
for eale
It *Co.
L IQUO.RiCE I'.So'll 7 -2 eases
prime am:11 -
tok. foO,odo I.r A ' 8. WICWBB.BIIAW.
Wood wooer of AWL -