egelaet the Mated - States. Do the facts of the . Nee sustain the charge? yon hear it? That three harmless, non-resisting Guabire, and eight-and-thirty wretched,. miserable; penniles s negroes; armed with"Vorn-cutters, dabs and a few muskets, and., headed by a: t:tiller; in a felt.'hat. with cat a coat, without -arms, and mounted on sorrel nag, levied war against the United Blessed be God that our Union has survived the Shod.' Sir—lt is for a charge of high treason, based upon such levying of wine that we. are here to - day. Itwits for this reason that the - State of Maryland foipok her high position and entered thls Court, as a private prosecutor—thirsting for blood—theblood pf this obscure and hum. Meilen. It was for this that a grave Seminar . forsook his accustomed paths, and. here to-day,: Wait* for blood—the, blood of one of his con- Mituents. /t was for this the Recorder of the city of . Philadelphia, self-persuaded that high Agent and great moral weight were needed to Wustain such a persecution—beg pardon—prose 'ention:--erofontetred his services. But sir, the subject is too grave for irony, strange:though it may be, and &batted though it *sense to me , --yet to this man It may be death. But I could, not forbear to say—that a, charge -founded open a proposition so - absurd—that to Slats it; was to refute it—could not but shock the common sense of all the people. Aye! yeur common sense, gentlemen of the jury. He ,guided. by your common sense. You were not • asked to lay .that :aside when you entered I the jury boo, or to subetitute for its fan cies, theories, or for the apeculatione of iogeni. one oorinsaL Indeed, had time to trace down in the • State Dials the decisions upon these words, I weld easily ahow, that from. time to time they I have received by English rulings a narrow and still more narrow meaning; bat I venture bold ly to affirm that in no period of English law for ' the last two hundred years, have events ouch as :have been detailed here in evidence been held to • bah:4lh treason, except when the law was pro nounced through the polluted lips of a Simms or Jeffries. key: it please your honors, I can findsomewhere in the English State trials, pre bedeintin—alas, too many precedents—to prove ihat.there is no principle of constitutional lib• which we bold sacred that is not baptised the martyr blood of some one whom we ro c:- 'were for his noble patriotism, and yet who per jibed on the scaffold—convicted of high treason .fer his defence of that high prinoiple. But if I am to come to more recent times, I any both ,DAS:lab and American law will show that a charge . of high treasoll'eannot be sustained up on then:. wonis, "levying war," received a aon 'Attntion which will sustain this indictment. I return sir, nearer to the point of my case. Treason against the United States, we and told in the Constitution, shall consist only: in levy ing intragainst the United 'States, sod giving aid and comfort to their enemies. Tome, this language seems what it ought to be--plain and unequivocal. Left to its natural meaning, it addresses itself, as ii ought to do, to the easy comprehension of every maii. It is part of our constitution. An instrument which is designed. to govern all the people, should receive no etrange, fanciful or mmittural construction, contrary of the simple comprehension of the .- :meat mass of those who. are governed by it. It will scarcely be contended that the man. ral nialnsg of these words will sustain this indlant To ma* the difficulty, we are told they , are 1110f1111 borrowed from the English statute, 20, Earrard.lll; and ; itie armed to them in English kV& long series of time-honored decisions. :-: a certain fixed and well known legal meaning. I Mall have occasion, sir , presently, te call yow attention to several of the most recent Eneish rulings upon the meaning of these words —i-andthesif will scarcely be found to sustain earlier v.:rings in English Courts. ' Cuyler here cited a number of authorities .......frowillowe.ll's State trials, and among others, Bond George Gordon's case, remarking, that the law as theralald doWn, was enable exhibition of Integriti.of Lord Mansfield, whose charge, evidently sound in law, was delivered, while - • smarting with the recollection of the destruction - ' by the mob of his own noble mansion, with his . papers, and other almost invaluable con taint.- tie . also referred to Wharton 's State trials, pages 480, 684, 589, 590 and C.A. Be ...further eited.from Unwell' State trials, vol. 33, Page 92 /..Thistlewood'a ease. Ile also read tamely from the reports of the United Stites against; Bonny, I Paine, 265, and concluded by asyine,this, gentlemen of thejury, is the case 'I open; to you. Its appeal is to your coMmont sense and your reason, as well as to your oaths .:as jurors. , • In this 'appeal'. shall old be mistaken. Say by your sachet, that this mania innocent, and re . stsruhini to his home sod his family, from which be Wirer should have been separated, and my Sword for it, the memory of your verdict will be to you always, a sweet and cheris bed recollec- M FIRING /ETD. THE PROMETHEUS. - On Leaving the harbor of San Juan, on her last trip;-the American Steamship Aroma/Ina was Bred into by the English brig of wer Expren, %Wardle following circumstances, as related by Via Captain: - , • fittaitstrir Peourrneus, JOAN, Friday, Nov. 21, 1851. In order to correct any misstatement that may be =ode of the circumstances of the English 'brig Of wai.erprers firing into the Promethersa, begrof you to r give. the statement an insertion in - yorrepaper At 2. P. M., I proceeded to get my ship nuder weigh to proceed to son, having hut just re. Olirlalthe last of our passengers from the Pa -1 cilia steamer, nuinbering in MI about 500. At this moment the city authorities of Greytown, constituted as they stated, by the authority of '. -'I the Muskets king, came on board with a police itotee, and nerved a process of attachment on ' ithe ship and myself for the amount of $123, 411llossi by the authorities for present end ar , range port dues charged on the ahip; which wesupposed to ho illegally demanded, and Elrld consequently refused to pay them, as I did in , the present instazioe. - - The port dues are'made up from the weight ....tat anchorage in the harbor, Ciptain of the Port's fees and pilotage. I hove up my anchor and dropped down the • harbor with the current, having alongside one of theriver at.eamers, receiving from her the baggage of the passengers. The English brig efwar hying- - a inert distance from us, illllllC dtately got under weigh; made sail for us, and when within a quarter of a mile from us, fired a mead shot over our fdrecastle, not clearing the .whell-honse over ten feet. In a few 1:0001C1118 another shed was fired, which passed over the steris SO near that the forie of the ball was dis tinctly felt by several passengers. I sent a boat on.board the brig to enquire the canoe of the tiring on us. Th• Captain mated It was to protect the au thorities of Georgetown in their demands; and • if we didnot immediately anchor he would fire a bonth•ahill iota as, and ordered his guns load ed with asp* and canister shot: : at the same , - • time, our small internee left as, and I proceed . • ed under steam back to our anchorage, and an ohored. The brig !toad up the harbor, and an .Ahoritti 'very near us; sent a boat on hoard of ..1. - ••• • us with orders that our flies eh ouid be put out, ati4 ; that an officer Should be sent to see, that • the fires were extinguished. The Shore author ,. ' a ides then came on board, and, under the cis , Munstancespf the ease„ the amount demanded was paid under protest, and we were permitted to proceed to sea by the Captain of the brig. Respectfully, -your obedient servant, amity Cnoacinst, ', Captain of Steamship Prometheus. ,-,The7Washington Btpublie, of the 4th last; an .::.!;utiitintt.j.immediately on the receipt of the .. , eintelidgettai. of the firing on this nisei by the brag -of war sprees, tscompetent naval the President's direction, order efiste.-tepairti Ban Juan de Nicaragua, to pro ,ter,V4irceriean reseals. from like outrages for thafature r and Inquiries were addressed to the • Britcsh iiiernment to ascertain whether the conduct of the commander of the Er ress was e-,,t!rumptetlby orders from hie government. f2.,...,..:' jrt New Tericf. on Monday evening, one of the reward school houses woe discovered' to be on fire. ..C 7 ' - There were nearly six bandied children and other . persons in the building at the time, but through the •pnasence of mind and firmness of those who , had charge them, they were dismissed with -. - out theatigheat injury to any one. ;.:4 The Linaaster, . Pa., Whig. states that no in. rgiu . ~..: 1 - - dOf 71r., W. U. Miller recently died in in consequence of haring been forced ... . Oarldna ' and needles by Its nurse, a girl ~ :ii infect years of age. The girl confessed the ~. a - anon, and stated her object to have ''''beett-10 render the child fretful, so that she would ..,be loitered from the fare or it. - The pottage on lettere between lien Fran cisoo • and the Bandwicla , lolands has been re-toted to flie anti fOiettel hatfoitice.. - Tho Poet-master of Ban Francisco reports ' that the intercourse between that place And the Islands Is rapidly in ; ..Anialdiji,:and that the mails to and from eact. T>otat,are M rogalar ae can be secured by sail ; Ite' -4,111ie" reso ria lutt : .. on adopte . ...• ..:'..-- d by the IVhig members .. : of .Cougretis .in CaUens on Monday.--tifirmizig Italiiitiolditig the Compromiae Measures of the proldorte Ilitialoll. as a final 'settlement of the . :slits.ery: gitestion—=was substiuttially adopted on '. - thOsarne day by the Demoorstic actuators in their .='..43Aug'Y'.. eiperiment of the . _ into be poade - in New Fork In a few days. j n Bottoti a female has been arrested far pas , slug ootetleit bank bills. ' A call for i Wool Grower' Convention for the ' l Iltdted -States, is published in the Chicago juszialtg-', • • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE MONDAY.MORNING, DEC. 8, 1851 g63 - READING .LATTER WILL BE FOUND EACIIPAGE OF THIS PAPER. OHIO AND PENNiTLVANLI itAILIELOAD,—To-day the Express Train commences its trips to Pal estini, 99 miles from Pittsburgh. There will be two trips to Etion Valley as heretofore. The only chance passengers will have to go to Dar lington, Enon Valley and Palestine, will be to take the morning, eight o'clock Express train.— The Accommodation will only run to Brighton. We hare an interesting item of news by tele graph this morning of a disastrous defeat sus-. rained bythe Russians in Circassia. This event will inspire confidence frilhe ranks of the liber als in Europe, because it shows them that Rns ala is not altogether invincible. THE WORKING OF OUR PRESENT POLICY. The fact, now officially announced, that over twenty-nine millions of specie, principally gold, has been exported during the last fiscal year, proves ilte.onteetibly that the true balance of trade is sadly against os, and that we are em ploying the labor of other nations to an extent that cannot be otherwise than diiastrous to the true prosperity of our own country. If we turn and look at the condition of our industrial interests, we shall see the legitimate fruits of this policy which is sending so much gold and silver out of . the country. They ore all languisbing-' , .many manufacturing establish meta are entirely.suspeaded, and multitudes of oar people are wandering about in search of em ployment. California keeps up the supply of gold, and perhaps a little more; but what then? Unless our farmers, artisans and manufacturers are fully and prqfitubly employed, the influx of gold front California cannot retitlef the country pros perous. Nothing but well-requited labori can do that, Will the immense flow of gold to Europe no change the standard of value there as to bring the wages of labor up to the stiindard that pre vails in this country ! This may ultimately be the effect, though it has not done eo yet and should that ever be the case, then we shall not need protection, as we now do, against the ill requited labor of Europe. The only effect, so far, has been to make money plenty, and keep down the rate of interest, thus enabling the the European manufacturer to do well on very small profits. The foreign laborer has been benefited by having constant employment, and his wealthy employer has been henefitted by the easy terms upon which he can procure capital. Should the abundance of ,money iu England threaten to affect the old Standard of Wages, and. thus put the American manufactorer on better ground for competition, England has a ready remedy, which is-to invest largely in our securities, and thus foster a spirit of speculation timongst us , which would cause a corresponding enhancement of prices here. This difference in the prices of labor in En= rope and America is almost the only thing that renders a protective tariff necessary. Protec tive tariffs have in a good degree been the cause of it, and the long -continued want of s protec tive tariff will cause it gradually to cease. That process is now going on ; but the intense repug nance which all right-minded Americans fuel at any thing calculated to impoverish, and con eequently to debase, their countrymen, has in ;laced them to hold out against it as long as possible. But it is folly to expect to maintain the old standards, if we keep our ports open to those who work under a lower standard. Things must and will find their level, unless we erect and keep up artificial barriers around our pond. The effect of this non-protective policy are beginning to be seen and felt in the tendency of capital and manufacturing property to centre in o few hands. Weak men have to give way, and their establishments fall into the hands of the strong at great sacrifice. The oper►tors, thrown out for a time, are fain to return to ! work at reduced wages; .and se things are grad ually tending, as Mr. Buchanan expressed it, ••to the standard of Europe:" The infatuation of the people of the United States, in this matter, is most extraordinary. Were our government an oligarchy, and the great body of the people shorn of political power, such legislation would excite no surprise; but for Democrat. to sustain a policy so op posite to the beet interests of the humbler dames, is passing strange. But the evil which we dep recate can yet be :arrested, if Congress, at its present session, will make Area a single step to wards a return to the policy under which la bor has always been fully employed and stud well rewarded. But we hare little hope that it will do so: m the real leaders of the dominant party are pertinaciously opposed to that policy, and the members of that party in the manufacturing States are too docile to think of striking out manfully in opposition to those into whose keeping they have surrendered the in terests of the country. That being the case, we may as well succumb to the force of circum stances, and come down - to the level of Europe at owe; for it is in vain to resist the inexorable laws of trade, now that we are exposed to their operation. Any attempt to adhere to that com fortable steak of wages, which prevails under • protective tariff can only entail ruin upon em ployers, and ultimate poverty upon all. 10 , ...ne3u4enet or the Plttehtmgh Daily Oosetted The. OMi64ioo of any particular 'reference in the message to the pending negotiations with Spain, haaoccesional considerable comment.— They will probably form the subject of a special, communication to Congress, when they shall have asenmed a definite shape. The very deci ded tone in which the President condemns the late illegal expeditions organized within, our own borders against the territory of oar neigh bors, commends itself to the approval of every person who desires to see our obligations towards other countries faithfully observed. All the reports from the departments, are Al ready published, and afford new evidences of the economy and efficiency which mark every branch of the administration. The expense. of the war department are to be diminished by nearly two millions of dollars, if the present system of ar rangements be adhered to, and no increase of the army take place. In the latter event, the, expense. of maintaining this arm of the service will of course be proportionally augmented.— The report of the Secretary of the Treaaury wfll budelayed for the reception of more accurate returns from certain ports than have yet been reieived. The four general appraisers, consisting of Mr. Bradley of Boston, Mr. Beason of New York, Mr. Riddle of Philadelphia, and Mr. Button of Baltimore, have been in session at the treasury, for.two or three weeks. The subject of their conference has been'the best means of correct ing the inequalities in the mode of levying du ties on merchandise at the several ports. The result Will be announced at a proper time in circular of instiuctions from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the officer." of customs. It is said that one of the appraisers has been direct ed to proceed to the Pacific, for the purpose of establishing some standard of assessment for the guidance of collectors on that side. - . Nothing of striking interest has occurred in Congress to-day. In the 11011130 the anal choice of seats hue. been made, and members now con eider themselves comfortably established for an eight or nine months seige of the treasury at eight dollars a day, and the usual pickings from foraging about the government crib. Mr. Foote appears determined to make the most of the short remnant of his present mem- Serial term. lie is determined upon exciting a sensation, and perhaps looks forward with satis faction-upon the prospect of a split in the party, lie has given notice of the introduction of a cornpromise test, 'something spin the model of PoTit's resantion iso unceremoniously treated in the democratic caucus. lie will undoubtedly present such a reti;lntion, and It will afford Messrs. Simmer, Seward, as well en Matadi' and &hem due okartuoitlee for zroeirekdatinluoos Fire Annita PUBLISHED BY WHITE l 00 PITTSBURGH FROM WASHINGTON. Wasmarom, Dec. 3 .=v ;_~~;.~. of their position. The first movements in Con gress fay . gettibg.up an exclusively "Union" par ty, upon a basis which in effect proscribes all othert, as anti-union men, have not met with any encouraging succcse. Foote, however, will be abundantly satisfied if he can only get up a' scene of which he himself shall be the hero. It is understood that he will be a candidate beforo the legislature for the Senate for a full term after the expiration of that for which he DOW holds his seat. If so, he will no doubt be 31'N I rd. FROM NEW YORK. CorzwpOOduace of Wu Pilleborgh NEW YORK, Dec. 3 The Preeideqt's Message and the accompany ing documents arc the universal topic of discus sion to-day, and (OW, very few are found with hardihood enough to dispute the fact that no administration ever presented au abler exposi tion of the affairs of the Republic. The Presi dent of a minority, as Congress ehows the Whig to be, has not rambled the world over to kind subjects to argue in hiiiMessage, but con tents himself with facts in relation to all that concerns us an a nation, es clearly milted and so unanswerable, that he has nothing•left to Is. The Locofocn Congress which represents the people, have been put in possession of all they 'lend, to give as relief from the evils which af flict us, and they alone are respounible for the future. There may be Locofecos in your region whose instincts are so grovelling that they may carp at the expose of President. Fillmore and his cabinet, bat it is to he hoped they will re member that the party here think the tone of the whole honorable to the notion. The Kossuth excitement rapidly gathers striMgth as he appronclies our shores, and ere this reaches you his arrival will be announced. Ile and his acts are fought over here with as much teal ms is ever shown in party polities, and opinion is as much divided. A letter from age.- tlovieu at Rome under date of net asse r t s , in the fullest manner all the motion of tine attache at Marseilles to be true to the letter, and that all has not been told, either. It Wan not expedi ent, perhaps not . civil of the officer, to Ondurns the PlateeientS of the attache. Certain it is that Capt. Long has not denied them Thu gentleman who repeats these charges against Kossuth, speaks the current opinions of Amen. icons abtoad, knew rinthing 01 the vaunter statements here, and is o f undoubted We ehall see what effect the air of * tree ennii try has upon the Hungarian womler, and whether he uuderstonds the principles at 4.-tu ocratic republicanism like ourselves. Ile conies here upon a political speculation, and we eon receive him with all desirable hospitality, while we test his soundness. Cold weather is npon uo. and the Erie Canal ie fast locked with ice, throwing upon our rail roads an immense mass of produce bound Mr New York. tin great is the 1:10li of down freights, that the Erie and Central motet are alike inatlegitate to bring it. From. farthoet west, even to the Hudson, the Erie is blocked with freights, and the road will hardly clear itself before the spring trade commences. In the money market there is no change. tin call, loans are negotiated at low prices,aud little long paper, of good repute, otters The Ateans er, to-day, took a large unmeant of coin, tat thin cause, comparatively little change to the eyes of money lenders. It no estimated that in the face of the large exports, that we ale six millions richer in specie than nix weeks since.— Cotton bills come forward very slowly, and bill drawers, by combination, se such, from a itinnfl sopply of bills, keep the rates above the tipecie point. The impression now in q rite gener 41 that 'it, eing hills must soon falter, and an 'accumulation of specie commence in the country, to ho followed by an easy money market and a period of in flation in all departments. Letters from San Francisco are more san guine than ever clout the gold crop, and wo may safely lock to see eight millions per mouth, and next year if there is anything in the gold bearing quarts it must come oat. A nary large number of crushing machine. are now building here to be completed nest month, and will soon he on the- ground at work. The story about Capt. Waterman killing his crew is greatly ex• &Rented, though he has ruined himself for ever, as *shipmaster. Ile is a driver, and start ed from here to make a passage in ninety days. Ile had Isu infamous crew. Such 'an one yuly as l would sail wi th him. The despotic law of th sea was ful y enforced, and the result is seen in the over-working of a crew, mean at the best. flit crew were all foreigner., which will account for half the trouble in the, minds of nil who know the differedce between e Yankee crew and the "'long shore men," made up of the na tions of the world. The vessel accident tins gnus ended after very great pains to esamine into the canoe of it. The coroner's jury, however, glossed it all over, and censured the stairs, because the shire can nel vote. The clergyman have preached upon the evils of 11111,3 R door-ways and stairs, and the Sun hue exerted its influence, but KO!, suit is coming, and a live Hungarian has more attractions than murdered children, and so the subject will sleep until more are tilled. The Richmond theatre warning wee not regarded, and never will he sn long as speculators build school hewn, politicians rule coroner's juries, and questions be tested by the strength of tdreuders at election day. C. A VERY 0001) MOVEXM.—We read the follow ing' from the Cincinnati Commercial with pleasure, and transfer it to our column. that our readers may have the same pleasure lYe ord notaware to what extent the evil complained of prevails here,, but any degree of it is a nuisance which ought to be abated. NO FLAGGING AND NO ELI:1011Ni. —The mer chants and ehippers, as we are credibly inform ed, approve the movement of steamboat-owners and masters to suppress the system of "run ning" —st syetem that lute become intolerable In its abuse of the public patience, and a dan gerous and corrupt nuisance, the evils of which I are felt not only by the etetimboatmen but by the community at large. Hundreds of travel ! ler, are often deluded by wily triokery into tee eelection of boats not at all worthy of public support, and falsified out of the comforts which they could have obtained had they been left to their own choice and personal observation. Good and safe boats have been 11,/ down, and in one or two instance., as we are prepared to prove, the owners of good boats have felt them tareanompelled to pay runners, not to work for them, but to close their mouths against the injuries which their unscrupulous scandal might Indict—a sCandal which bud no responsible source, and no regret.' in legal prom dare would be in the fashion of the map who sued the beggar and got what he might have expected.' The merchant. and shippers will appear In a few day., with an open and responsible declara tion; Sod all boots that employ runners will be posted at the Merchants' Exchange, os well as the name. of shippers who encourage them.— Thie is right, and the only means, in our opin ion, by which the evil can ho eradicated. It is folly to talk of a law—as gas enough has been spent already to no purpose; and should the dragging time of an ago bring forth a law, what with prevarications end technical nastier., se well as official indifference, it would rot upon the books, and die without a hope of resurrection. THE WHIG CANCI3B. That Linn Boyd should have been chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives, that men who are the avowed supporters of the con cessions make to Slavery In 1850, should have been nominated as officers by the nDemocratie C. 0., and that they should have been elected by "Democratic" votes, are MIAS which do act aurptise us in the lout, We had anticipated them from the first. But we confess wo were surprised by the tel egraphic announcement that "the Whig Caucus had passed a resolution that )the Compromise Measures, including the Fogitire Slave Law, ought to be considered a Anal settlement, in prin ciple and substance, of the dangerous and ex citing subjects which they embrace." For the action of the majority - of ()11l 111g9e111b•• blage, we have not one word of defence. We have always acted with the Whig party, support ed its candidates. and advocated its principles, and we mean to do so in future. We have al ways tolerated a difference of opinion, among the members, upon question relating to Slavery, and so are ready to do now. We have support. ed Whig nominees whose opinion, in regard to those outshone were materially different from our own, believing, that notwithetanding that dif ference, we should, in so doing, accomplish more good, and lees harm, than we could by remain log ineetive,er by aiding their opponents. We have even been content to waive the expression of our own opinions, when they were considered as tending to discord and defeat; never doubting but that time would vindicate their truth, We have always been ready to unite with Whigs, for the promotion of Whig principles, with whom we could not act in regard to Slavery. And when there is necessity, we are prepared so to do again. But we are not prepared to recognise the "Compromise Measures" as Whig - principles nor their endorsement as a test of , Whig belief: Neither do we look upon the course of this eanctis as a guide for any but themselves.. We do not believe-that the Onion is to be eared by the sacrifice of justice, nor that the Fugitive Slave Law le “the Anal settlement" of the,ques tlonof Human Liberty;-41/bany Evening Jour . INTERVENTION MID NON-INTERVENTION. "How far are we to follow Kossuth?" Is a ques tion which seems every day to be gaining in in tercet, and every day to be more earneady-dis- Gusset Ent before it can be satisfactorily an swered, it is necessary to solve the equally im portant 'question: "What does Kossuth want?" Conservative journals say that h e ...gas to involve us in a foreign war, that he wants us to depart (rein our established policy of non-inter voodoo, and to aid Ilungaryin tier struggle with Austria, for independence. But does he? Ile has never asked that we abould send forces to Hungary. Its has never asked that we should proclaim her independent, and ourselves her al lies. lie has never asked even la single musket in her defence. Ile applauds our policy of non intervention, and wishes it were universal. Ho asks us to tanks it universal. Ile asks that while Englend and America do not interfere, Russia maybe forbidden to interfere also. This is •.the head and front o' his offending," and offending that may well be pardoned in one whn has devoted his life to the !emancipation of Lis country. But not tto think Our conservative friends. "This Is i l uterventilen," they Cr?; "de. liberate. dangerous. downright intervention in the domestic affairs of foreign States, just what I we have repeatedly been warned against", Messieurs Conservatives, you are atabrand grave and wipe, but we disagree with you. In tervention it cerksinly'in, hot it in not interven tion in the tkoMentic affairs of foreign States. Hungary is a province of Auntrin, not of Russia, and with Austria 414 act proposed that we here anything to dn. Is it not tine thing to engage in tinrirrel, and another to keep our moghbors nut of it? Is it not tune thing to adj.: the bal ance, and another to get it into the scale' "Aye hut.-this is a mere quibble. it amounts to the saw thing in the end. Suppose 'tussle dee, toil take your friendly advice,—does not mind rime threats' nod tine, Interfere': That engages You :n n war with her. What then"" Very true. Stipp:ming such lit' be the cane, we grunt you, it looks very much like the be ginning of trouble. But then there are two side ton supposition, just an there are to almost everything else. Now suppose, on the other handathat Ritenitt doe, take our friendly advice, and does not interfere' Suppose Russia prefers not to have her commerce subjected In the tram bleneme attentions of two navies, which, curnhi. tied, canoed those of ell the rest of the world 7 Enghttol and Americo Lave heretofore been pro tiolltineit the two most powerful natinos or the earth. Surely, when united, even 11119Siti can not despise their strength. We grant you. that thin is only the other side fif the supposition, and teat it limo only probs. Nimes in it, filer Nor .1a we dispute that a wee with flumes woul.l be an event Much to be depleted. Our ol.ject now is not to advocate what might lead to nun k n remelt, but simply. to ter [Wens our readous for believing that Kossuth is not the heedless, bloodthirsty demagogue that ho ben been elhig(d to h.., nod that the alterna tive offered us, n not whether vr'e will or will not interfere between Austria efel her revolted r P it i r , n:k::: " .‘ f7t o h " :e h w tn o il tm t l w i i r f b o:l c ri t o b , " k e r i v ,, w i . ln e o n r w y f il a l t : e s c n o tr e l u l ' i g s u g il i t e n er ,, w io s i n h e h e with Despotism. --Albany Erretny Fell Importation of ilaraware, Cutlery, tte. LOAN, WILSON & No. 129 Wood Street, ll,sre to tall we attention of flerehants and others to their ttune wt... of FOREIGN AND DOIEESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 1%11,11111y LIT RiterAT PACEttTS.. And whirh they are now preparni to utter at ;web prima a* cannot fall to - plrant. tra - 11 a•Aurtm•nt of H .?ANN . nelehrsted C. 8. AXES .10.0 Lana. autrlitty 110 ST fN Form ot Da. MCLANL'a to ./'nu—lt would Ite• volume with ear. tlf..,tes of the ,trellenee of Otte maticina Wherever It 1...1 a trutl st ha. outdo lt.telf popular. We boa In t.ur Pea hu'.d. ci. of onto , lilt the V•st•ltur.i h. N.V., boa lu. 141;. II . A Co.—Your traveltna ascot left with in. • alaut tune • quantity of Ilutatoo'• Liar Pills. CL.. 1.1 tudd very rayudlT. and an' , the aalt•tactl , tl. ilAw.l It I. eoutd.lered the twat taw:Heine of the kind ..ter oiler.] for .1, Plea. ...I to souther torolt at t0n.... turtubliv W. 11. AINSWORTH. or tat, J. KUM tXI., Jti.An at Wood e t. • I,,,,r•Fartner..! rooter welt over the thou -1.4,1 that daily Latill bursae and math. which Citusrood, theta Uleien. tor Lin: when. If you would nt•Lt , t t 1. , t0t to le, alwaya on head LLth barren'. .traLutta Liniment. you ..oul,l have the animal cured In • t... 1.,., and Ito , not only ea,. tun, tut you would avold the rttk 1,1 Ital. the ercatureaatowtth,r. !Snead. verlinTarnt.l sto:.4 Petroleum ,t,&" A Mort , lIINARIIAILL Cue o, TOTAL. nue na rem et Pratottca.—Nrelnelli. IbiaAtten elna or the otheuat .1.1 tn. puhlie ...malty. to the Wieland* at it u., lien. at thie ray. The re., 7,,l U. teen by .7 ;wren ehn mai M freptical ILI relaticn L, the tame hem hell, e. 11. Kt CIL a I hal !eel, •Ar.rt al offeerel flora with • a arneemof MN .yea *Lice anaittuel L. ltervada uuttl Set.tmalea. Igen, he lutantrastiou at that time heetun .. Inrnl.ttl tla etude 'mine membrane of Lath eyes, and ended in Oh. depot:lle of !bah film. whirl, whelk, dextrayed my Kilda. I had an art rathayeatiintfed,and the ltackettlint rentward,whleb returned .0..1 I..rt mal at hal • ponditt,,a, telt.. Alflat ,Lt nf remplaint I trail. arelbratira to aeio - lie. W..t 0/11112,1 7,644,2) men , %%A LAIStvo met bet 'my ,tee Inryi.) ....I vet well. At 'biota:fel ik.l4, al d14.1.ut. tiny ohNet' Ity thr elate. of r.7,. (Aerate examucricaen A,. me el thy Patraleum. leAti Intartindli 7.1 Itegally,tattla WA** tRI e/ bAYeneantified dall7 far (IL the paean; tale, en.) I hare reverted MY sialit actin , 11i weneral taaather,- much Imitroted MtW l'errt.leani. sal I fat fit utethe Neteratfee el my @lOlll to It. use. I nefdeta No MYY Seecael street. In INN all. end will V. b O 7ll to raft •ny information In relaten le my rare' 'WILLIAM lIALL. Ilcr Cale by hatter f IlyNnwell. 149 Wed area, R. 6 6.1./.. 07 Weed street 11. A. Ildineetnek, A On, coney NON mod i'r..ta h. 11 Carry, It. A. Rlll.aLJoeerh It..,Naef,and 11 If Nt: tan .alt. A lAttheny, eleo by the pee' relYtet. li . 11. K !Ell, awl . Canal Ruin. Peventh at. Mt obtab - . _ Western Lam/ranee Company ofPittsburgh. ti A PITA L ssoo,ooo. R. MILLER, Jo., I / I•Neefie7a, V. M. flop:len, aergrtary. Will Inion• evainft .11 lonia yl Pt.lte Fire aryl 41111116. All lenne will be liberally adoraea pal na,,epi, A home Itrallutien—inanr, by Diee-tor• who p aid. A L'..'.:1:1.,.1„ eh...ltere to lw Named lyexc•+vew—lteu Mn Stzl.r, yr., J. W. huller. Wm. Ay r Ihnige n, 'rho, Pratt. A 1.,. !gimlet. ilea Mhe t eet. Oat (4 Jartfort. °fare. Dante, aniel Man, Jenne Uppittetat and K. II 010111.. only, No.!, Water ,)701. iwarttpc., Co. Op etenat.) INnylinreh. y 04.41 y Citizen's Insurance Compa.ty f Pittsburgh (11:41+;COUILAtIE 11‘..);Q: INSTITUTION'S • T. Omen No •115'i/ter atevet. In ten ararehous• of CO. Presida4l.... .. ... W. MARIS, seer. '1 Ina Gump.; ,e nn. prnnZtr.l 4:data:salt mnrnbatullna In nlure. and iu trauellu, cor.lo, lc. Au ample guaranty toe the ability alai Inleally of tea inallntiO4, AP . attonlvl In Me rh.ruter of the inraetora. "In. urn 411 chi:a, of Palet.upgb. vull and favorably Um/a:A[o4lw OK:M/11114' L.r the.. prulaun, ruteurity. Plaretulo--C. 11. Ifosaey. Wtn..Belsnler. Wm. Iwrimer, Jr. N"alter Iltfaut (fool, le. JnOn liar Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company. - - CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 7r, FOURTH STREET. 041 , 1() MIS . Preni4Plll3)kmr. et- - ,Amott Tnalsurcr—Joszi.zi L••.,,. : , ecretry—e. A. C 01.103. airbo• ban bl. baprr. ODIERAL METHOD St NG INO 13001i8 —Th. auturrlbur jumt rerulred a full supply u 31,4110.1 N. Lee rumurlonn. popuu— lar lLuka, la the Numeral . . ~ . . 54al a lloaton Numeral Hmm containinga •• No,. 1 and 2 The Ow. Lire Imist. the best Church Music groat varirtf of Tim eight Singing Manual, for Cummon Prhads and Sight 1 4 11.00 G C 1 . ,... 11. KLEIIEIt. Du Third at , ahri:l of the ()olden Harp. - P. 13—A full supply of the above popular aroaaa,lll coaatantly he kepn foe wale. dea I For Bale. ARE throe story brick Dwelling lloann, No. 14 Hay greet, Minder'. itow...prlee. 11000. 1. em.. Ea.) In 1 - I , h. ISM In one year, and Sang/ In one largo , he ...quad by bond and mortgage on the preside... Clear of all inrumbrairmliVeiladil.eputa bb.. Aping to ,b. , ..1f Attorney. at Law, 143 Yowl/ ht. St Louis HoteL • lIDOE it WILSON, formerly of the 2 17 St Charier. hen :ea, Inform the traveling •" nubile that the ST. LOUIS UT to now amt. During add i tion , sum., the lion,. bat bt•enrentaleled. extenaire made, and entirely ndurultiwd.•hieb will enable u• to areomwindata with comfort and renattee oar friend... deg lit _ Executors' Sale of Real Estate, Ground Rents and Stocks. StN TII.URSDA EVENT NG, Dec. 11th, at b o'clock. at the Commerehal Sale. Dogma. ann., ood cod istrints, 0111 ter wild. by order of tbe onderslgned. gxecutore of Jarrow McHenry. (late COl of Ffitabureb,)decienwidgTllitgli V•LUADLEL O TS OF 1111011:11).51Dialo at the null gaol cornered Peunaml l'itt !moots. Laving each a front of about HI feet on Pent eygeniting but about SOileut to at alley 3 feet 10 inch..., veld. on each or which le erected asubatantlal well finiehed thew story Brick Dwelling Howe, with the •P -porteuatoes• Al, 'TWO LIITS OP (MOUND. altnata on the xouthwarilly lido of Fitt, adjoining lbw elle; l i . halltot hoots of Own,. blend WI flied.rewwwtlrei ly. extending book lei feet; unanchor which le erected an *smiling three story Brick Dwelling Ihmeo, with the nte purtenances Alm, lINK LaT OF 0 11011111./. cittiate en n orthewnlly ride of Irwin etrret, being 00 text easr "ardry mom the corner of l'enn etniet.tending along Irwin curet 30 feet. nod In Atoll , about SO ex wet, en wbich enetwl one Two titiry 'Whin Dwelling • with at. po 11211t0V11. ON LOT OF Ull01:10, on then:mob odds or 1 . 1.,1n at thn distanne of ati root Hoax Chown. ner uf !min atrawt, fronting about 21 feet, by abont hat In-depth. to the line of lot Inn mentioned, on Wh e erected two etory Frame Dwelling Douce. Also. TWO Olillfill LOTS OF OItOUNIX, log ahont :33 feet arch on Penn street, extending In depth sh o ut 12te1 feet, on which are eweted two two story Wick Tecrien. Aho. an annual Hround Hoot. In teen( one hundred and twenty dollar', pai, able euarteriy. belong out of t h at Dation of lot No. a In Ihe general plan of Pittsburgh, brr jeontlog l u felt on Smithfield etreet and CO feet on Straw bonnyon eruct ed.. wiring Alan,aundry Wick and Frame tononatinie there Oepital muck . Hank of Pittsburgh: o Merchants and Manufaw • Y.xchanitr pink; Alhigheuy mid. Co.; A Plan of e R.I EstaP eel Sal. Room th .. Tercu-s Et ncru ba " Tu.. Pen. Mts. Ilatit:REEcutAte. ,r,.I!,DAV/S, Auctioneer. A tra or aNotice: LETTERS'of Administration on the Ea. h as ot hn Keen, Yart., ht• ot Yoat thortonso , p, beny tount7, MTs% beam mated to th. SIM atlbor,nsi wrooN Indobted to smkt atue ars row:ld to wake lot oaPillat4 o,7lnott. 04 oar pass. mass to ors- SELLERS' I3IPERIAL COUGE SYRUP teraly hat K !v um eft . lct cd fu a i tPttaht, rilb Vury rough. which redured mo so that 1 an ohllnrd lt my work , and that by them uw of ooe and a half terra f ;.Lore' Liver Pale. and Mr* Lott!, of tor Imocrtal Cough Syrup. / vas perfectly cured. 3. W. I.loau. Wrttramto, Va. May 27.145. 1 baronet./ Stlidre Cough Myron In my fatally for two Tram or more. and hays nevor kuos n It to fad In . Collor. Ind and coring • rough. Oro. N. LAY, Ind and cold by del N. P.. EV.I.I.FIRP. 17 Wood at. I'DLIESI'S SPECIFIC—A fresh supply and for Aldo by J. 1(11.1. US, dr% 110 Wool at. I'CLECTIC PREPARATIONS—:1 full an- I 4 .rlrtotent. for tale ¢l J. KIDD Co TAnCI.I - 2469 lbs. Foxr'A Uhio, in 50 k_7 Cukagoa, for sale by J. . deg Ob Walrol rt. I)EARLS-14 casks reed and for tale by de, WICK A SIoCANDI.E.SS. _ _ QUGAR—Io Lhda. prinw N. 0., for rate by !AMC... , A. IIUTCUISOA A CO. VfoL - ASSES- - 20 bbtr. N. 0., for sole by .1 ttes JAMES A UTPIIISON A Co. Book-Keeper Wanted. A W HOLESALE HOUSE. pn Woad street, tcw,k ary will be allo•rw/. /I.ldrese with nod mn, "Bonita.. at thlsoftlre. All ewrnmuuwat;non lw Loki confLlautial. PINHE , i PIANO IV IT ROUT A MASTER— ... eon %ming the 11Iments of .luale, and cola plot. no at,ortion for the Plano Yuma, to -Inoh to whlwl • 1‘..e.. culls M arc !My Herr, of popul. uslo, r•r•nriaitllllt ••. Vono, Mh... Walltea. Polka, I , w l waw. wo . 1 .. r, 11 010.. Pike. fa/eta. For aalob, J ^ ' J. 11. 0101.1,1 g. 0 gIEIVY CA NTON FLA NNELs_w, twe'd n larthar .4 , 1.4 or tha aioowart.ol...,ory +.0,1, A 1..,. Wll/0 ell NETINOn, c.l lb. • 1111•kr. Ora " boo th ew at uo U o, 1 .olf 1 Fo a n r l o l l l R + e . 1 4 1F1 14 1. 1 1 1 1 . .48,„ •:••• • 1111 . Brio baro Jmt reo',l o aworttnent of tho now,. c0n.11...1 001-fa. 44 - A vreat varwty of Now 11.0, ....A .lurina tha day... making an row .rfniont ow uanall, Nil. Dory,. pleooo rail 4110 11, Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. NEW ARRANGENIENT. Commenting on Monday, Der. Mth, 1851. RAILROAD EXTENDED FROM PITTSBURGII INTO 01110, ronneetetl Rantroath leettimy to C'ervittntl, Coltimbttt, and etnetttnett. I, I.tatirttad, nnd only 19 mac.. ,Nitztjiny between l'ot,burglt, Chrriand rriE Expren4 Train loate9 Pittsburgh at 8 A. 141. 4 , 54•1ng I,nly at Foar 1tn.1.4.,r, hew I Imhlon, lhalincton 41,1 noon, and rn.e4re I'ele.l4m. k 1 lot. .11. rh.r. 1•k. eto helm .1 ~ 1 ,1 .1, 4 and sultroaJ [lieu.. Athane. and C... 1.1 • Stages rUn daily from Allinne. to 11. ton, Iletullon. 04 wait r. and 31 . 41 5.141: and Iron Limn ln Ir. thual, .11 , uren. ' , l. turtling, the 1:t0 r r...• Train ..44.. 1,1-4.lin. at . .1116 •4 4 a 31.. a. arm.. at 1 4 141.- arott.l l' 414 - Tll. No. Itnehrou ArruMfoOdatt..ll Tram rat.ur.•4ll4 A. 11..01 4 1 . . 11. .n.l No• 11,hton A Tt01441.....1 m,l '1661 aro 44.1.4 1..1.,, hoot, aim antl 11r. braylitt tia• lr Iran. leave, Atha.. .4 .4 A Al N. and om 51 A el. Th•TrainAdo not mm nn hut:Oar. • onta.bunoes run tu utth the tram. k , at. 13,01 the str.rt 11.• t4.14.1/4 apoll. 6111 m V4•41..1 rim.. Flamm. to is h:I4IU/k: I•All It 10. Ttel•••[ If "Elk Horn" Saw Kill for Sale. rjrlutely finishedand nn e to consul... room., nob, I. mlusaml no 0. • noonzattela am. •noro Putelmnfl.. Ron., n. th• • WiL Ilf ot xt.onsdre onal work*, consmazd. • mut/ lon mantst tor lumbor need m in bo. Sr.. out r ell that I. 0 , 1 .old on the prowl... Use oleAtordter af totals at all m.oo an owlet to more dboant marl..., up and dorm Etta milky of Ilor.ougatiela. Furnsahm.l •Itn tunentortry naturcOof toot amt mo•t 01.0. Itsnde, able 01111 ..anda nonrated in Entets..l,oool97 ..orf.e , err In . rf•rmanco of I. our, Th.. eatatalfhturot, torludls. mixarros Of Clot. portltun Mont, Stab., de.. will be mold loos an.l torum t . 5 P0rn""." ..1 Zaant'..;(lloN. Attornor at decor 11(1,,b —Fnurth .t OgAr • Allegheny Foundry for Sale. TtiE uOdernigned offer flir sale their ex d•andre and ,stuabl• FOUNDRY, squat.. on nroet, and astendha. LO Ansa alreast, 011.• brut' enabemen !b. bootolry. Woi.yrium. • Maen.oltts Itwp, anti Pattiro OLor, al the J. of around on flu building, are °mud, Is 100 tart or abont Fonsadry is. • doublo atoot sand tom tornssmo. Slob so.. nen.. The intyr , reutentsato ul of r.out T!mar . urts. .” dondßo IleFlibitAll ti;rl 1"1. IN ,,, SEED OIL - tt, or ea L ty ROBISON LI • Co. BiJOK WHEAT FLOVII--40 onntot llalk.l, nut Quality, Ea We by LITTLE A. CO poRK—, Hogg just rend and fur aale by KODISON. LITTLE • co.. 4.11 !L. 'CEO FEACIIES I ! - - 16 t,u. l f..r arde by 11 dad • - WM A 1 1yCLUIII1 aCo • D AIRY BUTTElL—F'reotti, and hatidatirue ....,,lLl;a,i. j ite . rer nyu a t i i. et 10 and lbs. DD. A. birCLII/DI a blYnw.rr• and T.s. IDAINT-25 bblu. Fire and IVater Front', fur tel. by LIAIAII DICKEY I CO.. [led Water And bycnt sta. Rl.JeliEt - S--75 Joe. Patent, for stile by 1J? deb ISAII II DICKEY s •-•- -- • • 110TABIL--8 naalti for sale by 11%.11A1f picKEv a C.J. ROLL bbla. for sale by ded el IPAIAII DICSEY At CO 41j1.1.'TS. TURPENTINEr-45 bbls. in prime abllndbir udder, ger Wok( deG J. MIMIC°. GO Was! et 'R shNCfl o Clll{ , periar, for sale by sire .1. KIDD b W cod st ARD'OLL-20bbls Winttr, for sale by :dad J C t_rV Wood st IDAR/S . TEA StoitE. TJAI: DlA atoNo :4,4% I, 2l{larV,ret Plain 11%." e. " Storrt7t;;;76e7,2s NLI• 102u11.i ?pieta of all Iclod,G Expellant mem, 50e.. aod rron. Itl.. Colla, b ALT EP bags Crude, landing ad fur IIICE{,1( A (Al, n Water and Front eta. . 111EATIIE113--75 bags for sale by I: dot I. DICKEY Watra and Front ats ________. fIE ESE-300 bodes English otoo Dairy; 1.1 Cn: for Pair by 1011 All DICKEY A Co OAF SUGAR-5O tils. awed, for sale by I 4 dsi 111,11.11RIDUE 1N1111E.1%1 iIBUSitED SUGAR --30 I,ldm. Lororing's, 1) Int co, RI DOE a INOUE AM ILAEATIIER-200 Sides N. Y , for sale by des 111/kII0ID111: 0 INGIIII.AII ICE. --'25 tierces prime, for sale by A IN 4 :1111/111 pEARED PEAC/lES-5 bblo. new, for & sale by • 14 it 1/. WILSON, ID+ N.ennal st irIEARL ASII—?..O flasks for sale by dahw. d • 11A S.ennd at BF:EF BLADDERS -Wanted by U. A VAIINIKSTOCE4 Jes corn.' First and Wand sta. S I ULASSES-311 bbl 4, (.100,1.10'a Itr o , l, , flnery. for sale by EURDRIIIti n 1 6 1%Ii19 . 11!5: ? 1 N IVI AS F ACTURED TOBACCO— -1.1 boles Russell & Robinson's 6 1 1 C. 10 11 W Grant's Ws; 6 " 1-eth Ilahley• ' _ 4 eaves Barrows's deb 1 1 00111111G0E & INGIIRAM. li I RESII TEAS-25 hf. chests Y. Myron ; 26 hf. chest. Ono Powder. lh Imperial: " " Bhirk. for sale by doss lICIELDRIDGE a O. , IIIRANI. . PATENT STAROII? , 51) , B o O r tato)orha, Collars, Chin fl t ail Wads of ',nuts. It. rrevents the Iran from sahating tatba Linen, and asst from sticv. It oentains unthlnx Injurious to clothe. in any tostwet. The ladies barn Io n/ eater felt the to...salty of such an article, anti In Oils their expert.. Una will he full, reahnsai..x m tosopetlLlon la feared al ter se impartial trial One Oakswill do thirty- dozen of clothe; and un family should he without IL Price, 1231 rents per Cake—with full direction.. 1%, sal e wholesale and retail by S. N. WICKERSHAM. dr6 • ..rner of Wood sod Sixth s.. JAM I . :S A. hlelf NIGIIT, No. Uh'ourth st., has torsirrd from auction • lot of DRIICIIA LONG ntIAW . LB. In Dine. Ors.. Orange. Whits and Blank atdecided bargains. 41.0 Dreeung One.. Whits Swan Dren and V.ey thwds, in gnat rarieti • En i t ;n g to leave this is tan Imo. In Vocal or ketrumentai Indus Music. to caTl ' lt her nwidenn., 130 ituntbfichl street, boosuint Platt! struet and Virgin allay. TORN MEAL-30 sacks Sifted, for sale by IJ !Ist P.P. VON DONN t Ito Mexican_ Liniment. FROM RICAAND NAM, bond and free, reatal] fradr i p ti Tu i lors , and ouftatlzt,..,thr 1311.11 :r2d..; kaii'mg.;:Lti .0a and Taii;. ' e n. nrroV:i?.: unlrenal opinion is uttered by all who usttlt, and that that no remedy ever baton, dtworered ralawnws such per bettilog and curative perilse It acts like magic In rcllerteK pain. of mar kind. m no matter by what or how eirniciating—sprai., Mak...Atkin. Of joints. ruts, bruiser. burns, scalds, ulcers, rennet, rheumatism, pile., rato breasti - or an, r d.. sorenews iitiffnew. or weakness o 1 P muscles or Manuals. This Lintsnont wmally pplbable •nd mostly effect.] in giving Immediate 'f. Try It! For male by ESTHER • aIeDOWNLL, 140 Wool almot, Pittshurpth. ir 11ILLILIOTIIE SOAP-150 boxes, prime ticla. far tamllT pea l hand and Im sale at, YF.! LEAF LARD-POl up expressly j_ Or fatally use, in kegs and crocks of J, b. and lu twin. very suparior.Juat need and tor rain by nei WM.!, IlceLliltfl • CO prime, fur cute 11' by ldet Wien • McCANDLILS.I. 11 UTTER-10 kegs reed and for sale by p dot WICK A McCANDI.I.IIS. LOUlt—.so bbl,. Extra, for sale by 0.4 IL P. VON DON NIIOII.ST t 00. ASE--1000 boxes ared, c. b., for sale by lT de{ p. VON DONN DORS! Co. EARTII BROOMS i? WIIISKS--20 doz. for a!, by R. F. T ON . DIIONIIONHT Ado. Good News for the Ladics! PR., LATROBE'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS.. lormaint, Safe and Sawlike! Remedy for rolix Fluor •Ibus. iiitippreseion. :Verrone liability, tins al Weakness, Nausea. I . ain. In the 11.. and Limb. Limo of Appetite. Tremors, Pripyat., C.tiaanani. Inilablht Dlarielola or IndigesUon, !lam b... or Wind, and all otaribeComplaints. Pro. 2.1.. eta, or Pre hoses lor IL Sold wlmbisale and retail by W. U. J•ClibllN, 240 LibertyEtre., bead of Wood. Pittsburgh, and by ALL THE DILUUDISTS. 43- hilt nlelan so- doted with web note Awl ~,,, Chester's Clothing Emporium, vELEIIIIATED for Neatness of Flt, i d s Quality. and Durability of WOranta.ide our stoct Is lull and .mplete, embracing all article. of lien'. and My? Clothing and Sianthiblng Ocala, all man ulartured under ray own lospectlon. Purchtiwra are in. .tted to .11 end statul., as we are determined to tell " Pi f fsWila T6 N MI: r """'""" • N 0.71 f a ll 24. 11.—Ikty. of all aall and Mee fined out on Lb. gm* da3 JUST REO'D-50 yds. thin Sheet Rubber, 010 Etanilazing. For gala at No. 116 Market .t. dek • J.• IL P/LILLIPIS. REAST doz. India Rubber; " e.. 6 4 . `" 4 " . _IIIIAIR CUSIIIONS--2 doz. India Rubber and Mclntosh Air Costdon, of drEfrrent elates, knit reed and far sale at Ne. 116 Market street- Ark J. k li. lOIILW P 9. ‘ - 11 1 0 ---- AR--11111hile. N. 0., reed on consign- A 1.02(, GORDON. AO leant and fornale b) 4, 134 Front at ( 'IIRISTIAN MINSTREL!—A new eye , Inc Slnileal Notation, by .1. B. Arkin; just reel 40.1 for tale by JOHN 11.110114 R, Jet SI Wool at NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! AT 110LItIES' LITERARY DEPOT, N 0.74 Third street. opparlter the Poet ()Mow— ttriama New. Alonerily Ilagesloa, for December. Chamber: Pape,. 1.. r the Peopla. Vol. 1 and 2. Dr. Wie. International Magatine, far 14a:ember. Illsekario.leMagazin. ' mr Noternbar. Olen-e. at Europe, by Harare Unary. Mare' Aroblvct. No b. or the ttliale: •oww work by Herman Mid , keid Ihrtionary nt Ahakereirean Quotationa. London Lila. - and London harm, No. 11 arper'• klagatine. vol. :1 bound In ...ti n . keteba, Indaial, U. , al. Thszikernt. laraligi Art Journal for November 1...fe end Ail reran,. of an Doctor. the Oxiiniane, anet. POT, A, Nu bar, The Lit, and the Hee, by Mamuel IV gram. Ir.° pato, and In, Squire Sager. Pin y, Thr Taking of the Nutria, by Dumas. Meteor.... of • l'hy Aim.. by Dow., 11,,., Burnham: a tale of the American Ite4olution. or the Italibiail of tar, brook iairleiAh. or ,cenee in Ibi tifeof. Private. Pupil. Monti; ima rig, lie...pall te %aeons, or a Mmtory Of Um IlUsann Hear; part Antiiont•rir. or F an a in the Tratiles, lib lb. Olden , b. or Katherine Itallon. or the Rotator Norrhager i an 111 tor.n.l It. tuanni.i.l kerolution rn Cunha._ 'fbeCiinte.eior..o lbatiirical Newel. , Ountmlum unit elia l o,. or liu.le and Illiaaime. TN. Pia«. Tale ot Stirring 1 num b y I'. It. James. Itiith It la inertial.a Sea Tara 11.. 00.10 Ilun,ten, t.1. , ...15terr0. by .1. . lb:ramble. Alei..l. or 11,- Child of the Ilattle Field, • Talent Witt. lon. vALuABLE DISCOVERY, that which • fv. been longwynl,l Pr, VIS. A f3II,.VICAL LIB it f, tor 11./I d alng China, Olaul, Ranh. and Pearl.. Ivory, Ornmanwat, N IL—All urficiem wined by Mix valuable swalsWillun. will I. rezelere terantly Noll. and truly A. toe h e al {ls.. l after It has be. yowled. lt no ,sdor. / ' Less, no marks of thing having been applied to the broke. part, aeon no nowt rtlat... It will Ow re,. acti..b..l h/.1 water, or any other kind of liquid nuYI at/..ut Lbatreby ren.le mg them Moore lb, were bruli.n. Ibe pub, .I Mit sr hecuMinif a,tiait/.1 Wall 111. heat ( no oil, ono. for durably r•- .Irlllg. Vtinn (111.4 t For aale. or pawl, by R. R. MUM?, 57 tng Wood oinet de2 111•OPS--10 hales Ohin. for sale by .1 S. DILWORTH k CO "- deg rdi'"AS"—./1 r asks pure, fur snla by LUi iA It-20 it Ads, prime N. 0.. Mr nub. by 0 4.2 • 2S. DILWORTH k CO. IR Ili COFFEE—ISO hags for sale by DILWORTH k CAL It UTT E It fo . rh ale .. . o OIIOT-53 kegs asti'd Nos., just - reed per .i,Jeff oho o . Milton. and far br J kIIE, A. IitTCHISON k CO. - _ EFINED SUGARS-22S Mils. Crushed, Powdernl. Clarified. and Small Loaf Sugar ot.yrtat re. t ettof and for wile by • JAMP-S A. lIIPPLIILSON A CO _ DE L STA RCII-50 box. just recd on I ....iglu:tient had tor wale by. liAltDl'..lo?gEn t L.V. g I REAM CIIEESE—NO boxes prime, for by a. F VON DONNHORST A: and u: Flea street. PINE APPLE CIIEESE--24 eases prime shT"'"' iaodnl ri co Now Ready !! VERY LADY having Piano should eoh. and nuul Tompleton, row 6NAI. . 1 1V 1 ,1,11.,. lid. • "nauttfal book fLr •PR 01:NT.— O libuut ea..ept ion Ito neat • pl. l c• or printing and binding ...err yr. et.s.uted Then, i• no pot•ible cavualty that can bentonto +piano for which it doe. not imam &navy remedy. lota. irtring 7firm 1, • IL., tI e Imo tt ALWAIS IN 1 ' .17:K Prie:/dyry teti ' lirlesi ' that mech. It non b. wont by mad is way part of the Unite.l States Mr fe• rent.. Publb bed by Lee k Walter, Philadelphia. and ma, ha LW of Julio II 5 1 1:1.1.01t, Wont .lint, and lIISItY KLEBEIt.. Third stmt, Pittsburgh, awl at the princlpa/ L p ,It dux Corn, for hale by I WICK Al MeIIANDLY.IS. _ . F LOUR-2011 bids. Extra Family; nupertiou bur aale del. S. W. lIARRAUGII ONO IiIIAIVLS!—ItI ['RIMY Bekenrimp AK. ree'/In very full awurtni•nt r.f the shove arti cle, .4 all dualities/from common to Good. aria of plain and brieht enlore. and of nenwt atyle, arid offer all at In peyrys for ipIAIILT end Oil.. Afro—lleoclia Long :slum ly.uf taeweer litylea and choir. M. • It are ..prnfne nay cord. at proaant ova, G. daye. run ra...d. truaoarlaina Elannria, vl al.-amiable coins. and dal 117 INE—I casks Madeira., direct from the L.lanal. rufa.ll,r amid, rim , o`dandfarrtle by dal A. CULBERTSON • CO. CSKS. I'ORT WINE; and 5 cake. WILD sl CHEERY lO prat rre'd and for sal, by dol A. LT LBERTSON • CO. I ATI I ING-150 bales No, 1, for sale by Jr del A. CtILBKRTSON t CO. SUGA I II-50 Lbls. Loaf Sour, for role by A. CULBERTSON [ UV. "VI OLASSES--100 bbls. N. O.; ectsrar Molar: 5 noldan Syrup: RIMY, AIATTMV.IIB • (O a and TO Water at. Parrots/ by P lO META L--IC.D tons Foundry;'.fur sale . I mat nn KY. stArrat ICA A CO. SEED---125 It. for sate I,y, All EY, MATTHEWS A Co. 114 !Mix. prime Roll, for silo by MATTIIP.MS A or). F lBll— bid, No. Mackeml; ii;ttimor e del 16.00., lb. Colltele. Irkr ea! Illlkr. J, LIEF:SE— 100 axe;errat, I I del UTTER—ZO kyx. prlwe. red, by Idyll _, S. S. I ki ACK EHEL--16! Lar IV ale by Well & aS. ltn LARD 011.-25 blitS. NQ. 1, 14 SA, ramte , D. zyLL, atia 1 11000LATE-100 las\ 'co,. 1 ree'd'/t, e l " I'rWIC *CANDLE DOT ASII-12 punka 4.1 !\ T ICK !' . :1 ,. 1. 44 ‘l, 11A. , _,,,s RILL ~ n: A W.I ARAL ,- _...._ . . ..,..__ 1 hills. Lee No. 3, et. a B. 1170. AOOl.l. NQ: 1, lo'by ati I`.' , io. 1 ree'd /‘, . d Tor. NcCANDISA'' 1 \ lir sale by \ `,. , . IMANDLESS. - 10 - Le - ~ bl Ler eel by . 0 McCA. LAPS. '• _--- g . !ItEAAI Cl , bores for 4ele by _,/ /del K A 11c0A,NDGF.88. 9 ,_-_,- ITIIE FOL ERICA L \WORKS have been re or ask by J. 1,1,.. lekAD, 71 Fourth at. ars , . flaeea Pru• • • Ismulltowlea U. 2‘. Ing.cua _ , \ \ \ llardnar's Me ifizA;a . HArzz . 4, 1 , :\ Paine • In.ntituns, of Medic . 1. 0 , .11, /Rudy of Sle,llMne, 1, \ Maurndle'a Yhysioloal: v, \ . Carnentaia do. • !Sawa. on Phew,. of Child tit Churcbill ou Infanta and Chll: Churelill on I ,, ,wawes ,d* Female : \ Limon and Mute eio Stinger,: Wil.on OndArd's Human M ato \ (lunch . . 111dviR.,ry; l, Kl " ;f: : a t a ft nrl t" ,asgal l 'VElV3l74 , 7 ; \ , 1 1nuo,pallaic DaMeatialSkvaiman,conta lta treat- mentVdlwranon, arith l popular. explana?ka Ana{../", I.'"A% 'n t r rju 4 : ll ;?:ietraljillt. P ll ' i 11. I' 1 . SI-1 , .- IL•ri, , •eal al enlar.d. \ tm'Al ilia AC NU FLANNELS. :Afar . , 17 Burch I d bave , remlved thin mauling by Afros\ 1114rk. lir., ni other milt dras of Saxklns Flu. an ..d low prie.e Aiwa,* oat and, She (1414:111 Daohrlokabla a al, x \ B L , ff . )3 , !!z- , \: , :1 0 0 .. t0 ,, n ,, 'Ala r‘. , 47 .. n ea . l . z z e is! 'll3 EA NUTS 53 bags la\qiiii,tor sale by ' I )EA 1.1,1 'KEY t Co_ IVakekand Front els. N10,5,F1500 d ins fresh Srsty . 4a, for sale by \ Idal) V. A. CULDKA.T.S)I A co. 1 1 0FFER,—.31.4 bat' Rio, for salo . 'l? . ,y _) ‘, kl,l • "Ir 1l lISW9 t co/ .for sale by HARBALIGII. and for sala' ARAIIOII. 3 9. , for ACULI. SER IT It! !ifET ,TALL corttnentuct rec% n.a, axml Ibr We nz7 UT IDE GRE% y v 1 . 1:11—A beau ful • nnftr • 10 . 1.) PAPER JP numtuteutjuAt tee* • m:77 'OPAL VARISI.I—in bble . half bbl Flowing, Scrapia i r, Mu g/ AAA Qu k Drying: tor Ale by tAtIIOONM AK A CO. {..IA LAD (11L--lahask t for sal :1H rko27 ,J- A OONIIAMIII CO. UB CARB. ROD4-.20 e Nes .‘ `satle; 1.7 tor Palo er j. ti MAK iIII,A CO. ERMILLION— S puke trletltn I goeCtitut*: • 1 box Imperial: cues AtaericAn : tor le by . *-A tic 27 J. ACIIOONHAtt ell A CO. \ GREAT ARRIVAL OE4' OS. RED&C,ED PRICE:S, rtsim suBScRIIIR has jusi\ race ed a LC6\ Mad admirable and eatwoale• lot of Pianos 0 :IN. au 7 octavos% from the colehrated factory or S. a. 0 .. b.O. N. Y., amno ir others—.\ • l.„ a camiatad 1•11000, v . c. cothlo tablet, '., 11 r In do l'O Oct . \ do., `. do dn a net. W., Al, one of DUNHAM'S famous 7 net IN\I,'CIII PIANOS. equal 10 a ¢rand Piano WyoWer and ralSme or tent. These Miami hare • new .ddinprored war, 0., lanlFll:'Zivia.rf=ito;c7.7/rlcr l ' lTlO, ' 7 l li th e Tut= wmfession are reepectfollyfrolited s tall an 4 examine this elewant Mem:linen,- Tbo mat of ta...h ST r.47;„77. 1 2.0* Nt'Z't.hl TriVt'Mo"esath.r:l!''''.l2llc,. that otty—onsorpawed fdr - pover and sweatwesWohts., and elasticity of touch. " '4l. a i.r.naa, • Nu. 101 Thlrd lit- alwo, 0, -.. .. tt l . .9 64 9. 11 4fri. ' N. 13.—Now barn, enables lower lb. fo P b tgras ' = grILOAKt / No. till r Orpteos. la di,. and chi kiii.s , Also reed-- fresh utd'lkrket stork ol piuttoltt iacat desirable ell , . l INSERD OIL-20 ‘1413. for eeltiAl a hols \ J. A IDV 2 y co. ,Q.ENNA—SW lbs. Alex. , d In., forseale by: ej .15 ' r.. E. B.E . 11X51.5.. 11.." --- A7 BAX FIR-10 galls. ,ais non •r sale bi z , 4 seullaa\, • FNOGREEK. SEED-600 Ik* for sale b walf. ,„ commEkci Buantoss Azzazdatr.—.6d•apxmopts suell rabseriptionl - t. W. Pei.. received =a fonsnle&free or :Pa, rmei tles all. • MOV BU& A:IF . EMENTS\ oCssa OF THE 14.. F DAYS OF SAILING TO AND num nil UNITED STATES. RON TAR cmrtp turn. ATLANTIC. West, from Llverpool ... . CITY or GLASGOW,LeIteI, fur Gloco. Stwooon, for Lirprpool HUAIBOLDT, NIAO k RA, !Rita, for LlrcrpooL..-.-. PACIFIC, Nye, for Liverpool IFY. l lai t FikliitoO%r rr r AFRICA, for Llr,.ryool. 11.0X1 ICROPZ. ; 1 10116OLDT, N No , it NIAGARA, Leo kb f r N N York KUROPA Lott or loeY rk .. .. ......... ..... _N o r ti . All Letter^ end Norrae•Dera no hand tor .England. tend and what line. Scotland are ern( br the drat steamer, no matter of bet ttera p tothr Con rpeW , , t for Continent of Europe, by the Colllzie Line. (hoer letter to. the Continent of Europe by the Cunetl Line. moor be pret.dd to. rent. a singlepd., ekcept to thaw plaree required to be creoald In full. letter hr the Havre Line, muet be permit] laentY root t , • , e4t . v i :::: n l f. ounce Inland PC41.111, to be ulder„ except to Nowepapere by either Lino, to the Continent. roust he prepaid four tenor each. Inland P.R.+, tenet be aided on 'Lotter, and Nowell. pe r t) the Cootinentof Rump, Or the Havre and Penmen pirrsEtraciaLtiumr. . Orreg Per*comuni Jilarwriz e 51onday morning, Dee. S. The market on Saturday. ass usual for the clueing Aar of the week. tau moderatel wathe. with no material change in nu:nations. t • FLOUlt—The restalp4 wan about 700 bilis. but the narm. Lot tr. ' , err MID; and toost • of It went into roue. Ire bare sales of ISO hbla at 12 57. and lot at 62'115 0.3 03 10 for f. and extra brands . Bain from Men 4e.ft confirm.' to mall lots for city consumption at former polars. UlLAlN—Rectelpt• wens light and only a molar.. ho airman doing. Sales 4.0 bn abetted Pam at 40e, and 100 do In earn, at 45c ? double bu. Bale of 30 bu Ilya at 40e 11 bu. iVheat may to 5.44 at me. and Barley at 45 48c hu. 011 0CER14-R—The market was Quiet with a limited busintaa. Sale of 3 tarts prime, old Sugar at f•Xe. and bb4 now Molasses at Me? gallon. hmall sales Rio Cog.. •t 0 V99%e 1 a. PEAHLA.BII—d sale of 5 tons ate° la 0. LINSEED—A sale of 10 bbl. at 7dr ? BUTTER—SaIes 1000 ba prime toll helm store at 15c.— Keg la 'sinus, at 0. , 400100.' according to Quality. CIIKESF.—SaIes ho. W at file,;ll a. 111JCK WHEAT FLOUIt--ttalta 1.40 u Its at $1 3711 100. Cl4ll'tiß PEED—. 4 Wu of tit bu at 15 24 SALTPS7IIIE—SaIo 01 10 hag. at 554 e PlElli—We notice a..falr general buslum &MEM ton at the followlug prin.—Salvador Herring 10 25: large No 3 slarkasel 11: No 2do 410, and No 1 at 512 Salmon $10: Lake Trout 1015001; and Codlfatt at $5 25 ? 100 Ins. TIIE UNITED STATES MINT. . The Philadelphia Ledger of the 24 net has arrlutsrest log statement of the operations Of the Mint durlngNo rember, from •hteh me make the tolloarlng extracts-- The coins, of gokl for the month easeeds by about• quarter of s million the amortnt coined in October, and rintehed the my Mitre 10.1113 of 115.11i1JX , J. The .14 ilateeilOil during the month was 15.4.5040, three quarMrs of • million greater than the amount de-. waited during October. The silver bullion deposited du ring the same time was Vkkiillo. The foliontngta the total coinage (or Nunn:ober. 2...zian Double Eagles U.%) Karl 105..404 Uq lartet 21C.07') ld Dollar 111.111. Quar t e r lare, Came Dollen. 137,50 u Lime, \ :00.000 Half Mora. 64....2/0 Three mat pieces, 1,34,.11e1 \ COPPER. 1M,124 Cents, 1,577,42.0 \ $5.530.706 24 The fallaeriog shoes the rralpto end discernment,. thi °face al the Amine. 'Trainee, of the United Stet , the Riot, fee the month of November: Oct 31, 141—Ralenne, 1 1 2.--Renelpoo custom., 51.3E0,1543 55 SI:F.3ES 3o ic , ;z7tifeeToolu;yi, 31Larelist:mops. raymentm-- Tftacary dnam. 11P.744 thl I.ort office warnatc 23 C 43 03 ll:sten...ln Ins. p • .$1.4331.3% , 1 31 The total oolosew cold from Janos, to November. Locluodee. &motto. to NhITS.,I3I. By a a4temara of the oiled States Trvantrer. at Waal,- Imrton. ere learn that them ax. or the 2.ath a lt„ the Trateury, Publeet ilraft;u3Ll33ll.saf 74. The total demuita of the Qr.:lona Metall! from January to NO•atttber, tack:Mee, areNS.l2.sl2,stga, of wh.le.b Califor • nia eoutrlbutedlefl.ll7,lll. 1 • HOG TRt. Coax:NAM D. 2. r' The following etatenuronsbowa number of hogs that have arnood pose the connikencenien of the &won to this date: By rive, meals and rail nuabt. 33.7E3 From lienteekr. ZIA* . dianabterad in Covington. \ 11.000 ' Through tollgate& 10.003 :Hawaiian...l at Plainville. \ 7.h00 Total, To &hie date last year. \ • VI:ZI 7 We bare not freeload retail. Ironsthe tdil Rake* the Xv9l.ler earkbage roads ad& but then bav`not many usx a rrived by those nade yet. Lest year at this date, 15.1;7 boos Lad loon revolved born R i. Including thee. n teen! in - Covingtea— (Ciro liu. ' 40. Lleas—&bout 29,000 head hogs babe beened. i' ' hear of but few tranaaction& ' , ritual/are loth eed ve t} considerably. tad' the market price now is $4 40( 1 SO ne . IVe leans that revere' parcAaoev have, nest made jo Ebel- DT .01Itr. for this market, at 13 la tern, Chick Iva etill higher rate. The weather Is gettiog 11. warm for to and soles. a change lakes Pl ac e , hothUolt hill ita dd.. ts , day.—.l.Jout. PORT OF ~PITTSBURGH itirm—There Ira. 4 tet46 Inches In ehannel, tor pier k. at dust, bun ova:tins:and ABBINAD. i \ . 7. McKee, Flemirietwin. MeSamoan. , gtiarille, Partite... Briswatertilw - Th. . S triver,BalleT. %let \ New tn... • Baltic. Bennett. lireirturvilla • bearer, Gordan, Beaver. llichwan. B.W. Beaver. J. 8 , /.td. P''J". tai ,ham. Forest CBT: Murdoch. elleville \ Genesee, Nally, Wert Newton. • Kerman. State, :2 tone, Cincinnati. • Intend. lo.'{ Bata - he/or, Cinci ant , them]. Cinawelt, Yr Beebe.. \ Ginn., CartibeliN Louie DICIU Tgli. vtiaTarkinaon, grills. --Bennett: eier. Brow seine. Coe, ileadrickeen. ItAeerpor4 !brier, W hewten•-• 2, Gordon. Beaver. \-- 4g .p. Bow. B.T.S. • fiayse2grblet„Blis ,, sbv h. \ i"; ty , Ilu 'i r:lochTWe ' ll ' inv ' l - c• .''. il , . r. 2. Moore. Whevain , \ Winches , Moore. Wheeling. \ Buckel--p els.. Dean•Cnidviniati. Messeege ‘ 2,No 2. Fisher. Cagliari& 10•5331.X,AV1NG V11:4 DA •poi( PLULAbIIaILIA MDR t u ' D ColPanruitfe, recta I ' F 31 . 11 11 2 . , LSClLLE—rentsl CRT. N ivriLLE—Fort' lICd 4..K.A. Loc43 3 , 3. Poa Warm: Xcanattl..lll I hNt... r e esular ha mail on ,s Clltabnrsh . for nays Oita .‘7,Kbllirearsind. lic of \ put nri v m : lint. ; x , .... , 0 uln .6, --. •••.••••.. COPIrf H. A. nn • '• is &lends, trona this el‘s I\ Wheeling. lc: , non 1 , t . aua ocrusranan trot plat" de lamb! the 'hen tha ores /‘,., ,, ntbatwean tno of tta assaant cm te7. l In ttis a. ~ c.p. C. 4. tads:inns settled tlus dt ty. and lb going ao retoth that ti e teputaboa\ of Ids boat was ItOstaka. th . and h dalsrmlnad that Its an&ster should lair.- tat ned Cr at 4 petit of Ms Il(s. %We via stank.* that Cap Co ell bas pasted \ ottkhla declarntlon.`d¢ \ the Innttat , cnense of thittorth awl n d ot ea, ba• mad, bla boat Lb itenelal favedita of the trig In which she . : I. st/satesd. rik, an and` aid \‘' aror at 1 the katlll3laaahr.l _krratL 103 a str•Ploase opnounoo ileroogit'.yoor p peat er lIATTMak, ~ a cani:}a,trytur Mayor. ea ' • t the Damh i st'. a the dati•MarajerLatt WhieCoar aolOto Please en thatthrtrendso D. b. SAW Y urn yili Arar his 7ar atm:du/alma for . g.iyar, ratan, is the declaim or- Cavrentiaa. \ Fot7ll Wan,. t• a meoxing of i 4 . \ .i, 11 I v \ .the W 1,, % not L Wl4 Citv: .k lowiea. teen lt, Reijtva, at N 4, , inia'Ctaseenti a t be held'n Lb. eel Dmembee next, t al, to el Jet five I, Wethaegata),(ollon kt In aceordlance al trill be held of tbe t Convention 1411 mee 10 o'ola-k, A. 36, in . NOTIFE4. 1 \ tne itsa-stiblv etoc 11 ' 1. ' 174 . I :IV.ItbP.T 1 , , order ot MOI/011gahei . NOM/ AN ANNUAL, «re ot the Mononx. InVrki i ;: ar " o, :rtZgote Tf. tini;h..,, , r,",l;t4,..TimV.,;:Wiß.;;a7)7aregi eleet,k, , rl oth , i4 - 7. - 17 . the thee i, l .i c t irA il .. ki,, sec. , r. \— Electiom . • \ A N Peetioti for Fifteen zie,eto\of " a A Vl t ".• ~..1 ' ,..- -, 7,,c,‘P,,..11 .t.t.b% V.V..: - .: o. Lereulher It.t • bet ' 1141, h u Munn.;, \ i \i, ' .. ''''' Tle k ^ 3 ' .M " .. \ r"l 3 ''''''''' AI.VIIKI) W. /A 1i41),' • 1 -. • \ Prnsumtua, ps. lit: . /ML ;CTORS of tho Colhng Mining lichlamn, bare thintleyvearcann imam • on each .ham .of the al tea stock af alf payatde . nr before tuvg.Xith No hair on oglerfnre Mei) Dreher th lii??..iilliilsr.T.BillF. . Trees. \ \of Refoge. - \\ 6 v fur the erection ' f an les Wm.rtt Pennsylvania snre S. . aent of 'twenty errDEW on web, IA mamma to ea • to, the 11.111 day of Berettl• \ • rthpri of larminre. \ ‘• ~ \ , Jf VW VA II AN If A. Treas. \ Notice. , ETTERS Testainenta.l7 to thii s estattia \ . • I James Row, late of Indiana townaldp.Cnunty of I.• ~ • ' - T en,. deo'd. have Mon granted to the stheeribarE I perm. hawing maims agalMt eanleatate• writ present them duly authenticated fur nettlemeut to \ , . • \\ , r3lll.ttZTlMke \ , 'LL BRAD% Wf VI., . toll(larrat. - 'Elamatetrlt -t'---.—•-re L . V A Card—Life liisttrance, . \ v - ,NI ri.. C. A. SeCOL - TON,.ey.—Dears, x ...._ •...t.v.lss• Matter cream:non jturice\ I deem It my . 11o \ Pe' • • . ' ... , ' ^- to ecatemitrigc the verywrrimpt min unlheing manner Ur " Whiell the cla f a - nnticr , erratik, etr,..ted br me.... amountle mahout 1$6,(00.) fag thrtummd dollar., has . been paid. • The lam rinciples npen whieh Ili e ard,sor tb. ,- \ .Pittaburgh e Insurance Coropaar ore manducted. on• fitim into th enondetation mad patronage of the pithlie. , The prmelpl of prudential beemoklam Mate Mutual arran,mroent o your oramd.rallen,•l. the true anendiet • \ ' \ fraternut benlll nee. which humanity end tbrlatianitY Loth muet apart) . Itmpeetrully yours, an., SAMUEL WILLIANIk.Puermr. \ , no'27alaw of rid Baptist Church. Pittsburgh. Pa. \ , ) 'Antic Lost Certificate; '. \ . '. NOTICE is he s _eke given thut application ~ has been made to the Eathange Balk for Wenner.- . - \ Certificate No. frallof tonne. no to mid Ban.. ,' s \ alleged to Lave Men due red by Me II . l April. , \ ' ', . \ 134.5. nete/V:Aatler 111L11. JANE (Inge- , , , . \ - . \ \ ----- 'FITE w w enbteyfrAfpaytlyc anfsad ,nd {mama next. at ~1911ee 2,1:2 Hone 'FILM Futscribers lint,. or Ifefuge t hetehy trotlead thee au •Pelk the amount nubunibell by \ the Treasurer, on or, belnet\ l ottleeol( ;ue IL ,enetf J( e o ce. . ' •.: ' hE Co-partnerribip heretofore existing be- :•,,,, . K tereen the undersign.d, tis der the hnit of ZJWN-. \ ' t [....D.CAILIt a Ct). in the Car egamat Wagon making , \ - buninees. wee dimly - al by mut 1 mosey:. on the 25th lusteat. by the erithdreieel of Mar Townsend from the' ., , , hrs.. The Implores of the arm ' , gibe doer,' by the nth- I,‘ err...torn. .END • , ' - t NT. Peri`i ,- B. • 0, . . RIIIIERT CARR, . , Pitteborah,l'inv.V..lB , l. • K. llittKI.NY-, _' \\ Notice. THE undersigned kill contin\ tho Cam. " ego earl Warne mscute , turing busineyi In All Its' .. eti., at the nia 'sten:l, unilei r 'Pb..abe me A rs Ylla.LPS, CARP. a Cu. ' ‘jttillEltT Vtlt. ''" . ti ..I.l{ettil. CESSZEI Notice to Brick Makers and . Quarry 3 f;n. . atROPOSALS WILL ,BE REcram tit • • the nth of December neat. Gm the debark] , ofcm , • . a half of brick dortnathreningng apingttl4d stammer. in shoot equal quantitim, at tiro Outer Depot the Penneibranle Comp f. acid at Water, 1 between Laberty led Perm. Tbn onmonaln et L b. prime of delivery at each pointcend Dm aim of the brxts; thane cf tbe larger db 01 colons being preferred. .ePortion al the nrtek to bedsueereoaft Grant stroot. to toml preerml. for which the price atz4 dibllql2lll,llllllii Maud tieparately. - Proponale will Mai be received fbr IV - whole cf the hetet, =YIN from clay obtained from the coreneny'atmotind at the outer Depot. where Mel can boob;aioN by miltemd.' • , span ion term.. \ • Proposal. will be remind at the tame liace..,for the de. livery of WOO perches of .nton. for fontaLepe :t" , the above nomts, or at any enbeenDnt pant foe no the Ode the retinal, bete,. littnbuta anti bright.. The propane!. will be directed to Pasant Mill EN Asxciale 1011orer. flithrm Tile, Indiana Mo. Pa. , tool 1 .l. ..1111 TlitikircON. Chief ahinh, MASON ' S caujameg BLACKEIfa \ Jr SIIINES POE :FAS. S., MASON 4. CO:. baye REMOVO 11/ theft\ Moke and fartory in Philadelphia. to the nen ` s and roacioah BIALDINGeloVharth rearm et., eh - -tbef, y s i „ tt.inim to oder a` Pitblikt' 017 ONX TIIODeA.• .kna, for any stmelloa Mice . Mack' ] nold by nks - pocuLla Morel:ants and am to the .. V lV.ltaseti %lie black IT fliTitiff prima \ \ . • -\\\ Notice. r \ il,Stockb (oot-a of the Pi ' dlatmfactothictkimysoy an Of s leetinglaill be behiAa . the fifth d at Idi oirloeta at the r. to' Samuel 76X \Walnut idreet. Polha .Iphi.a. n02,1.2we 1 fithistlitiall'S \ ZINC ‘ :?0,I 1 Nu . , .,;,..:F..i . % i , F , T tr E Ea at howar4,N. J. /., 143a1.3.° j" \ Tbi.Drunneera inn...... 1 m i ni \ " '..ZiNb PAI Mitch ham bmr, found 'tall. nen. kern and tbe United "titan, t, beautyand prat...rte. prameties Mini arhaterer. Their e \ WHITE 7.1 V hi nutria, an Otide of Zinc. and Le .4idtaratlem and 10PtIlit, whim. beatitititli, whit.. .did i . ..ii , lt'd. t r =ran te ' mtart i k ' Sr r itili • ~.! IT WILL.. NW. TURN When Imposed 'to sulybornits'or me it wwhen shotaurin &rime men. ithstand.. Nutt... ti V r _i . , • tbs., .any and not being a•ia crumble and rub pit It ma ba wittawatar and alma. wilb Mcnis heeled homalain [dab. ' 3LACK. A_ND. COLORSt l i b .h yte are Dirrsialied id •is ye .a.... —• undhubbelly , th ebeapeat and beet paints in the =Met loser...Um, `, coo fencing, ontbOoma, steatulmaM, or may OSPOArni mr Mom II weal, brick. tin, or iron... t hay e rr both \WEATILER. AN D FIR.E.PRDOF.-'l\ , Yee term nerve, Way., D n7deuDd lil, 7 sid'alio•lss 0 .7 fa= a lilbriaLlC falt.ctitta. and 013/11,1 yrreent'orlda. elan, they. del oniekly,lind Ravin. • burl M.taiii. do not change mbar Idia nntar of M. metbro.too. tto., hi Wet \ Dealers repelled on Ilisral ten. by the agents of h. \ •• .rompany. . . r.D.JOSItd &Cu. . \ , • \ ana74 , 2n) \ 7 donde Illtareer. Dhlladelrbis. \ \ aKILENCIIIiIERL NOS!—Mcit ear & Hoitctl- , , rue bare rose reed en ass o rtment if &Dore ', Goode, ".• ._ . e lea rolera.'larlent• lthadp• of Drab, Green.CatVo.. ‘„ \ or, At.„ at ...Tr imintea fa di r nallity. .111.0, Cabo dof \ \ tbe ntlaniealore. \ '' _ _ \ 10It CK 11. t '„ ,' • T 1-Ali i_p..,rm,t licummir.l.aya rt.c • klaiztrelffer kyr thesberiv _ .. VEATI.MIts--21 sacks prima Kenticky. .113 m's re; \ pew:oar Irene, And 41r 1.14 by . `;14.1 \ JASIC.A A. IttITIMISON • co. 11.4 1 E&THERS & BEESWAX- \ 14.0. Pealber34• 4 ifor4sll.e.rax • ding and Ihr sale by,. /MAU DK Ii; it CU, Yrtm MA. - ---- - . 7 uND s:=. . - - - .„ . le.ou. Loaf SW: 1 \ ,i,,,,..., Cowie. ' . r. B, anc k . - • ...y, ...• Crwhed /3 Ir. k PaliirrlWl Supt, •.. .." .., Er. tzekv..kt.X.ltuinc - V.. • Axes Cream Cbeem, k. k• 'mao 1.. aza..rtil UseWtsp. Pad% " wh3.k \JOILN WATT A CO. ••• 1 . \ v derfinev. • • . ttn..;:pirt. ree'd'and (dale br .N. . , k JuIAN WATT a CU. , LS—A fiali - aisortment ieinrithlch has hitherto e'en 1. 71 . 1.'t" \ I‘' on V 1VQ46.1,0, L.'s AS T,Ulll.NO ‘ = 7 .loil, 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2 Limb intas Retbtiml322 7:Rm.:K zttigiar 1,12 itzar oast Mr. morsoa, at 10 w' a tut *muter, 130R.A..XVISN Iba. for. Mileby \ • • . 0 15 1, J. KIIID 'lt. CO .60 1"ood st. 1 It ICIIRO*TE POT A Bl i=-30001bs. fur iii nu bl , ...LUDO &SO.' . Tryllorrie 50c.'"Vca. \ ' _ MORRIS haelawaye eold We, best Tto iil , ritubursh ar 3r- i, lb.„.lmt 10.0.9 , 1. sstsitlT is - , Mt.". thr:llllB3:sikt.27l7/. -7:1 . .. N...tete- " \\ . . \ , Latta Hart, .), .........-`...:0a. , Morris".;res Slut Is us We Diansond.loteed dtte frosst.‘ _, 'st ( )&fhlPllolt- 2 ;., s\bble. for seile bjf i\ nolo \ \ \ .1. E/Dfi*OU. ifi manufactdro\TATZTe mm;rolZia."l74=Z • JOlla, ATT • Cll4 . ; v, NG-1 Obxn:i NOTI MEE MAYOitALTY . • SE3III consigxuaailt and far : T. irOODB AON. , GI Witter rtiwet.'• 's • .LS---Clrey, of 'cilffer l•riLULL /Un " a7br abase:o'olu° rwon. Jacks farstll' feCANIALIIS;ky , for silo by mccaNtkiaass.