The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 06, 1851, Image 3

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    ' In the commission of lunstcy,in the case of Isaac
* Gregg. the jury toned that Mr. _Gregg was not •
Innatic. Exceptions were fled to this .retnrn,
cad a motion mode to gnash the finding of the
jury.. The'matter wee argued at length before
the Court of Common Pteas on the 22d alt., and
on the following Wednesday, the opinion of the
Court was filed, dismissing the exception, end,
sustaining the Ending of the jury.
, • TUEM/li, December 6.
Bofors. the licnordble Judges Forward and
The jury in the.e-iSo of John MtKee; Thomas
McKee and WlDiem Haul vs. the Youghiogheny
. Nalbigatiun Compaty returned a verdict of eight
hundred aud eeventy.eight dollaialfer plaintiffs.
Hepburn, Digitate and- Leslie 'for plaintiffs;
Thomad williams, Ecq., for defendants.
This was SO action brought to recover dam
. ages for the loos of n . pair of coal heats, which
were tied above nu unfinished dim, in the Yough
iogheny tiler, by reason of which unfinished
condition, the bests were prevented from pass
ing. The dam not, as .was alleged, finished at
the specified time, ~ha a flood occurred, by
: Which the testi were citified eff.
lathe . aste of Shomllt Daft vs. Charles C.
;Teitaup, No. 117 of Istinaly Term, 1851, the
jury returned a verdict of one 'hundred and
liftpuino dollars,..for the plaintiff.
• Airregh and Mellon for plaintiff; J. S. Ham
ilton for defendant,
Montgomery as. Bollman k Garrison. The
Counsel of defendant appeared in Court, and
admitted that under the articles of agreement,
set forth in the declaration of the plaintiff, that
they had sold one hundred and- eighty-four
\ bark mills; according to tb - e,,aceount annexed,_
and filed in thcreaae, and thenffere acknowledged
then:intros Rabbi to pay to plaintiff, tho ;sum of
• nine bundled and eight dollars and thirty-two
Nsw COUNTY' Orricens —We have observed,
with much pleasure, that the various County
Officers who were °worn in , ut the beginning of
the present week, have appointed deputies, in
—every way qualified to aircharge the import
,'sat and onerous duties devolving upon them.
- CLYRE'II Onaccu...—Alexander liilands, Esq.,
has been appointed by dared lirnub, County
Clcrk, his deputy. ' tiqr readers nee no well se
,. quainted "with this gentleman's abilities and
character, that it is almost unnecessary . for us
to assert: that a better selection 'could not have
been made.
• Come Rsconnrn—Messrs. A. T. Agee and
Zelda Poorse have beret selected by Samuel
Pahnestock, Esq.; hii assist:anis in the Record
er's Rifles, Their long experience and merit
amply qualify them for the position they or.,
Cowry Recusimi.,-Alexander Richardson,
}miappoirted Samuel N. Lightner, Esq.
deputy Register. We have "been acquainted
with this gentleman` for some tithe pusi,'Wnd
bate testimony ,to his qualifications, in every
respert for this, office. We learn, in addition,
that - ?dr. Lightner will be aided by the son of
Colonel Scott, the late esteemed County Regist
er, wild has a thorotigh business knowledge ,of
therolfiCe, - and is a young gentleman whose bu
siness tablets are only equalled by hie amiabil
ity and politeness to all. ,
l=r. 5
Weil" the lieu. We. B. McClure - President
Judge, sad T. J. McMillan and William Boggs,
Associate Judges:
Thejary in thicase of the Commonwealth vs.
James Downing, accused of anon, returned a
verdict of "not guilty;', and the defendant uas
diaelarged. •
The !hale day was occupied in the trial of a
Anost hcarible sad disgusting ease, the details of
which are nefitfor publitattou.
Select and Common Councils of the city of
Allegheny, - held n meeting in their chambers,
an Thursday evening.
In the Elelath Ponne Mr,' It. Delis I, in the
&health° of the President, leas call. to the
communication from Charles H. Paulson,
as reported by Mr. Marshall, Chairma. of Com
mittee on city property, with a - prop. sition to
gire $2,70014; three lots on the corns of Bank
and Bridge streets, in S. C. ,the propoltion SC
.cepted, and the Committee autheris to close
the contract. Concurred iu by C.C.
pd plan and specification, with theMames of
atreets, ac., around and through the Common
ground, withamendment calling the otreets av
enues. /QC C concurred, by amending to Call
Gaystrust cedar - avenue, the 13• C v'etle and
concur In action Hof C C.
On motion, it lien • •
Resoirml, That theStrect Couroksaioncr be,
*ad he to hereby inatrocted• to have Isabella
Court opened from- Kilbock street to the river.
Adopted and concurred ih by CC. Referred to .
Committee on Streets.
Resolved, That the committee appoidted' to
confer Irlth.the Manicbeater authorities, be tor
thorised to join the /I in preparieg the form of a
law to carry the annexation Into effect. Adop
VA, .
Ilesolced.. That the report or the committee
en etzeets be re-committed 'to said committee,
with instructions . to meet with the Commatee on.
Finance, for the prirpose of arranging . the Bev
-era claims, and report at mxt meeting.
_ .
Utun Boyd, President, in 1114 Chair.
Idr:/tiddle presented a petiti, from citizen.
of the hineond Ward, praying Tor .t.he repeal 'rot
the law prohibiting the erectiob of framc.baild.l
imp In the city. This petitiontwas signed byi
large number of - individuals.. Referred to
,emnmittee—two from' the ,Select iMdt
three from the Common Council.' Messrs. Rid
dle, Walker, and Winiteriberhlrom the Common
CounelL Not concurred in by the Select
Mr. Schwartz presentedn
Moen. liolrean k Garriton. relative to bonds
for water pipe. paid on the tablo for the pi s-
A petition was also ptesentedhy Mr. Schwartz,
from catiseris'of the Fourth Ward, remonstrating
against the lgrade of Lilierty street. Laid on
the table.
A report of s. 'special committee, appointed to
make arrangements for holdiog elections in
the Third and Fourth words, whichcommittee re
ported that they have obtained and recommend
that electlins be held at the new brick school
house in the Third ward, 9nd at the Alhambra
Home, in the Fourth ward Report accepted,
and ordinance authorising* the elections to be
held at the above ismednlaces was referred to
:themembers hem the Fiarth ward. to ascertain
whether some other place than a tavern could
but be obtained Tor holding elections. Select
Coattail concurred in the action of the Common
Cot:moll, with the exc e ption of refeiring the mat
ter to the menders froMthe,Fourth ward.
The report of Grater Committee was iced by
thi President. aecepted. 4 and the resolution an
thorirbsg the Mayor to draw Ms warrauts in f.a..
'sorra a Large number of persoas, whose bills;
in the aggregate amounted to $376.81, was
adopted and concurred in by the Select Conned.
4. - Misreport of the Weighroastor was read, sc.
COW. awl ordered to be filed. Concurred in by
Mr. Riddle offered the i: following resolutions,
leach were reed and unapimotisly adeptod.
Whereas, At' • Meeting . of citizenq i Vold at
Quincy Hall, en the 24th nit, It was determined
to organise II Gee Company in this city. and ap
ply to the:Legialature for a charter for the
saxes, and - Whereas, Said meeting cipreseed a de.
wire that the City Councils
- should co-operste
with the eitirons, in their exertions in this be-
Basolved, By the Select and Comthon Coon
• oils, Chet - we approve of , the design of lighting
the city with Gas. through the instrumentality
. of set incorporated . comp.-ay. .
.--Resolved, That a committee of one-member
teem 'the Solent and two fromibe Common Coon
-40 be appointed to soarer with the-committee
aPPointeb./ Gut . tareticg of citizens, to draft an
Act of Incorporation to he forwarded to the
'The. above wore eon Curred itchy the Select
Council, and .on.the committee, Messrs. Logan
sad Wickersham from the C G., and Mr. Ma
ndl from the 8 dyer° appointed. _
After treuesetiAg some; farther business, of
no geeerel Importance, the, Councils adjourned.
• •-titcrinancts Lecroaii.—We are pleased to
-lure that 4r. J. D. (lough. wiil.riait tbia city
thit beginning of the mentr of January. on
his way.. to cincinuatl,l when be will delirer
sereral lectures bere.--..Dr. T. F. Dale,•'Preel.
deatof the:Allegheny Temperance itssoclation,
Is ccerresPOdhig with hire upon the sobjeet.
itaeativerrnar lariat io That:4Blw% B r i n k.,
Eirll4 on Thureday,Avetatig.committed Berijamin`
s wa b to prison y cloned, od oath of Mary. his
Mire. with seashit and battery with intent to
Cmuogg...—We auderstaad that amml per
sons hare beak knocked dotra of later, at the
corner of. Wood sad Fifth streets, by a gang.cif
rowdies. . We Iran that the pollee will pay par.
donisz attention to thata looslity.
• ACOIDUT.—A tun residing in Ailegbenycity,
maned Jacob - lhier, had hieing broken on Thane: -
day evening, in a singular manner;.' it appeart
that a hog, which was pursued by a dog, ran
re . bini, *rolling 'dawn; and., thae betaking
AOCIDICT7.-4. drag a eanitige end a four
horse stage, were passing lit ii line. along Mar•
ket street{ near third, yesterday, when a little
colored bey named George 'White, an apprentice
if Mr. Vachon attemptempted to pans between
the carriage and the stage, but was knocked
down by the h mei attached to the latter, and
his head badl cut. Some of the bystander
dragged him way; jug us the wheel. were
about passing ver Mtn, thereby in all probabil- . .
ity sating Mad fe. . -
FIIIC.—A fire took place in the room of It J.
flocking, framer and gilder in Gazzam's build
ings yesterday, but the flames were extinguish
ed before much damage had been done.
Steel yesterday eased a warrant for the arrest
of. Nicholas Bauman, charged on oath of Thom
as David, with passing a ten dollar counterfeit
note on the Farmer's Bank of Philadelphia, on
A rort.scric Fir —Rickard Connor waa attack
ed by nn apoplertic fit in the rotunda of the
Court House on Thursday, and carried out.
win (colored) was committed to prison yester
day by Mayor Guthrie, charged, on oath of To
bine, her husband, with nessult and battery with
intent to kill.
'-Au.suen Lance:iv—James Dickson; whose
arrest we yesterday mentioned, together with
Joshua Atkinaon, eubsequentty arrested, were
'committed to prison next day. charged on oath
of Mary Ann Porter, of Temperancutille, with
larceny, alleged to have 'been committed in
stealing a number of articles of trilling value,
from her.
Caoss SC/TS.—Polica Officer Ba non, yester
day arrested Washington flantfman for throwing
a hatchet at Moses Murphy. The defendant
was held to bail In tho sum of two hundred dol
lars by Alderman Steel.
Washington Ilauffman also laid a complaint be
fore the same majistrate against Moses Mur
phy, for an assault and battery, and he was
also held to ball. The parties are stage drivers,
and the affray took place in o stable on Third
Street, adjoining the hunk of Pittsburgh.
ArtEurron Bellfadlily—Some Burglar, broke
into the house of James E. Ouitnis of Oakland,
but the inmates, hearing the noise, arm, and
the rascals tied.
Tne Doan Lem:Y.—The Company attached
to the flood Intent Engine of Philadelphia, trill
shortly pay a visit to the Duquesne engine com
pany of this City. They are n lion looking eet
of tom and possess excellent characters, a com
plete regeneration having taken place among
tho fire companies of Philadelphia. We' trust
that they will he troll receive&
SETTLCD —Two men were arrested en There
day night on the Bearer bunt, charged with
stealing a quantity of corn, and some flacks,
but it appeared that the articles were taken by
mistake. The defendants were discharged.
_ -
WINE-4 casks Madeira, direct from the
V 'bland, a nopertor spiel., ion reed and 01r sale by
A C1.11.11/HT,oN A CO.
SCSKS. PORT WINE; and 5 esks. WILD
curs:RV - BRANDY, Just. reed
_and or .at, by
..121 A. CULIIEUTSON a C.l.
11.1 Z i t -,130 bale:
(.1 UGA_R-50 bhLs. Loaf Sugar, for rale by
13 dal A. CULHFIITeON 1 Co,
.1. 5 2 ?fru I .4= r
For rale be HUEY., MAVTIIV.IIn 0
del 77 and 79 Water at.
'VW METAL-165 tons Foundry, fur sale
by Ida! R.1111i..111.11 . 11F11 - A . •
TVLAX SEED--P 2.5 lu. for sale ht-
IfiUTTillt-5 Able. prime Roll, fur sale by
bblo. No. llarker•l: •
" I••
14 14,U.10rr -
111,6041110. 4.1421140 h: for polo 1 "
41A 1711E1N3 A CO.
'.V ALL P 4 PI —A e.t.d vari,
'7;,;1,'-' [be
PER—A 14.1tu4fu1 nal ri,b eolor. br
__on= PALMER-
VD - PA PER CLIWFAINS=A ittitt7.l;;ine
•vetortmeot Just recrived sod tem rae r
/ 1 0J'AL VARISH—in bbls and hail bids
le by
Flositt.l , •rnping. evh*b J
i irn zo.l4uicA
ve '
)IL-1O basket for sate by
nom J. bellin3NUAß
(a MS eAlt.B. SODA-20 kegs New email,
L J r.alo by sao?.: J. NA/OW:MAK itk t L.l;
A*.ask. Trient,
1 •-ap.a C 4 :
1 boa luipt.rtal:
_,norm Am-romo: teu emlo br
if ‘OFFEE-3.1.1 bags Itio, for ssl.e be
1., .0a ATTIIEW4 CO.
a / No. Q. Coorth 0.. has te , '.l thin tontaina bt
xprt.ta. a tar:, lot of Croak. awl Pacts, towable for 1..-
oi. awl Children. /mewl, tall r<III ~sure a r koi.e
.. A . 1 , 7 ,.. z . c , 11 , ;- . 1g: . 711 and large mloek of. Trltrittn , rJ . . 41
1 INSEED bbls. for sak b e y
005 J. 61D11co.
ENNA—SUO lbs. Alex, and In., for sale by
1.73 .10 ' It.,7.1::1.
ALSA3I 1111-10 galls. for sale 1,7
nolS I:- E. rELLJLEP.
NI./ . GILEEK SEED-600 ibr e, for sale by
- 1)10T ASII—lo casks rime, tar ale by
II .15 J Kll4, /1 CO.
1111 (.!L e~la L ROTTEN — Iv
- "Sera " . eased 11.tacti 11.41.11 e..
. 10 1.7.14 Hoblosion . • Lem%
• In " 11..iraet fi
" .11m,. "
7?ILOUMS-100 dos. Poland; (or male
J. a
FRESII TEAS-50 hf. cheat% Y. Upson;
Pm. yak by (Yon] . J a F:YLOYD.
EATIIER-150 sides N. Y., fur sale by
nols J R. FLOYD.
DOT ASLI-25 casks pure, for sale by -
2_ nOl3 J. tR. snotn.
1.11 ROOMS-50 doz. for sale by'
J P nol4 T. WOODY. SON'. bl Wat,
4PI'LES:-30 bbls. reed on consipinent
ja. awl Tor gala by Y. W 001120005,
nol l Si brat.. at.
rale at Sc .UN COVEILS--21.1.x. India Rubber Gun
.110 i the d rt ifferent length].. lout ree'd and
fu elark
nol4 1. k R. rimurs.
A Li F. lerererrere •nd eII the different kind].
,rirtsufarture.i. Ure It utter. Dena, 110 rI.nIE el et.
.1 a' 11. FIIILLIPS.
t VR
AX-1 came fur sale by
1 p nol4
...._ KEW ER • X1e14014 ELL, 140 Wood st
g , 11110310 .OREEN tc YELLOW-4 caner;;
1-1 "V""illt•*mill lo it b cLOWELL, 140 Wood st.
14 1 11.ESEFFIWIT—,3 camkm Zanto Currants;
u, bmcm. M. It. Raisin.%
• ' .140 Ii boor. ILE. HAIM=
4 .....s bobs Ral4lnr4
2 . Gan.* Citron:
For oais Li .1.1) W1LL1•11 . 43 • CO.,
nnl4• 110. Wu nd nireet.
WASH BOAIIDSS II z. Ilolanete Pnt
.4l:" f "" ..4° by J. D. W11;11.018 £ CO.
lILACKING lib doz. Mt:aen', Challenge,
for P.M hr J. D. WI [XI A a 9: en.
I°T ASII-10 casks lor snly by
nol4 J. 6WILLIAM& £
%iN T. 191 GLOVES—Now imstore, n. cow
v manrtmerit, maArGlAtur &Geri . 'Wooly, from
121& , pr pair.
0012 Al
A. MALT& & CO,
, G 2 awl 61 sisrma men.
. here onconslanment • large lot of Counforponwl.
which we will roll unler the root of manotactuo.,
nol3 A. A. 7.1A00N i CO.
24 Odium' awl, bow.:
24 Ws •
Ititilng Capon with 111141.
24 y•ir haulm,
• 44 Iwint LogillOwn
26 Whorl;
With • foeo " prettol n w j tlitAf diarront Who. of Ilatosnd
Cam I ll ult. J. • U. Pfl .
. No. 116 Munn ft.
LIJM-40 bbls. for sale by
' Atll2. B. A. FA lINEATOCK AOO.
OIL -I[i bble. Winter. Lard Oil, landing
and G.t sala 14 0. IlLecKall RN • M.
- -.
t i lif:!:,SE-500 prime Shipping;
I, i ' MO • re.sw
no 13 • 3°Q ‘''''''''' '"I.I.i.dOWALT,
APYL 'S-70 bblo. for sale by
aal3 2 -
141 N 01.02 sod 04 Idesimit stems.ra nom emenlog end
4melelos Nate Mei .41104 of eatind r . Nee Neal,mem me
same of hood and Squids. mien Nil webs Mi 1.601
liididrit Mid Pananelts,Cloeb; l mime Cash..., remise
..C10t.., sod De WI:MK /0 cues Alparkas Vrelieb .
Dombellnes, lblipieeee Meek ell Vases tidtm
.laree iota (loam, Ileodkereblefe, Chesil-
Chesil, mid oilier embroideries. Also, Ilatmels, (Nilleoesi
ms, /gm
lo the o 4 et (Jetta Pemba Zhao Saha, ableh are
ir " ;.,:r4 e ar niri);ll:l7l2 ' ,
oh) at 110 318:4 taqt . 9 J. a Plitatarn''
60 • •No. '2 Rada;
1 . 216081 . JOHN WAIT
- 110S1 . N
.E . ATILEN--200' side's New York;
1-4 1.1 , 1 d "" C4SialirwieW,Al.7
ICKWUEAT-100 sack/ HaUed. for sale
1 br aolli WICK a Ift•CaNDLEBIL
NC; VORIZ: Dm. C..
The steamer Humboldt arrived to•dey with
Kossuth on board As the vessel mune up the
.►ay Kossuth was saluted with 21 gane,which was
returned by the steamer.
Cu reaching Staten Island the distinguished
quest was received and welcomed by an immense
crowd, notwitlintanding the lateness of ,the
hour. Ile was addretwed - by Dr. Dnane — the
Health Officer at the Quarantine, awl replied
briefly and appropriately.
Lehi Monten wan also passenger on the Hum
A fearfnl earthquake has taken place along the
Dalmatian and Albanian coasts.
The departure of Elo3mill from Eugland equal
ed in enthasi.m, — his reception there.
embarking nearly the whole population turned
out to hid him God speed.
Livr.ePool.. No•. IS.
Cotton—Sales of 6000 bales un the 17th, and
7000 on the 18th, of which. 2500 wore taken un
speculation. Prizes were rising iu consequence
of holders withdrawing their stocks.
The market is firm, and prices are yt higher.
Corn and wheat have en upward tendency,
and better qualities are one shilling quar
ter dearer.
Flour is Gd it bhl dearer
The motley market is easier COllBOl4 closed
at GO.
It waa thought in Porte that the French Mitt
istry would ho removed [or incompetency.
The Railroad across the Isthmus of Sue/
would lie commenced immediately.
. _
The overland mail from East India brings
dates from Bombay to the listh of Octo
her, from Bong Kong to the 25th September,
and from Canton to the 27th of Oct.
The Oovernoi Geodei proposes to erect Pan
job Sciode and the provinces West of Allohebad
iota a presideacy to be cold Lahore. The re
mainder of the:Ague provinces are to he annex
ed, to Bengali.
The tes. &ay question between Sir G. Hos
haul end Lenoi Chunies, Pico Roy, is bull us
A large amount of busincns bad been done nt
Canton and Shanghai.
- - .
Tho Belgium Lognantutorreented nn nddre,.,
to the King on the, lath.
ENO L 4 \ D
Th'e steamer Niagara arrived et Lircrpo,l
It is moored that Dr. Newman has been
pointed President of the Cathotie Unierreity of
The London morning Post says that Sir Fleury
Dulwe'r was expected to embark for New Sort.
by the end of the week, to rernme his foliations,
nt IVas,hington.
. . .
The Rothrchilds ere sold to Lore received
commission from RusvLs to m4OlOOOl logo, in
Etigi end of 2,1011.000 Milers.
the negoiintions between Posausirt sod Den
mark respecting tbesound duties , 11/11/0 been
broken off.
The Cirmertiment of Austria tram ms Ling large
reductions in its military forces •
NEW Pone, Dee. 5.
There wow a grail Kol,stith meeting at Staten
bland to-day. There was an immenaa crowd iu
suendance, embracing nearly all of our German
A large party of Germans held a Kodauth fee.
lira!, inadrance, at the Masonic !lan. 6,11 bight
Speeches Were made and idea sung; among
the latter, oho cotaialimentary to the eulkal of
Turkey'retetted great applauee.
Ncs. YOLK, Dee. 5.
• . • ..
The trains came in eolhsinn last night, on
the Hudson Railroad. near Verplank's Point,
tilling three or four i,eraoo,, arid severely in
juring fifteen.
MANCTIC9TEO., (N. II.) be•.
The Whig State Convention to day nominated
Thomas E. Sawyer. of borer, for ii.eteruor, out
Joseph S•wyer for llailruaJ Commissioner.
. .
The reception of Kossuth at the Battery,
lakettPlanuat 12 ;o'clock. to-morrow. The moot
manatee preparations are malting fora grand
military and dole procesAion.
The Lake in still open, aroler,aniern running
to De Witt and intermetbale. rotor, and will
probably continuo a fortnight longer.
New Yoar., Dec.
Floor—Salea 3000 WA. at s4(iipt,tBi 1.)
Grain—Sales - 6000 bushels mixed core at 50e
Prorlaiona—Roles .2000 hble pork at i , 15.2L
for old mess, and $13,50 for prior. Hales hoer
Lama al $1..1 I! 104.
tither,' Oil-Sala 1600 galloon at 0-4,i ,, ,L0
4tice—Sales FII tee De} crop nt 1 , : - / Per 1 00 .
ttiorks—The market in firm. Nlnolieon and
Indiana have advanced A per rent. Hales °hie.
Life nod Trost Coenpenny at 1004.
• N. lout:, Dee f.
Cotton The market is firm, with further Axles
of 250(1. bales.
riolar—thles -8000 bhl at $i OCCi;4 25 for
slue and Wedtern and $4 I'2 .1 81 0 bbl for
orsia--841es 3000 bu,heln eouthewn white
whew, et 95(4,!56e. Sales 2 , 000 bushei.. mixod
western eariaat 51)(7.60c, sod of :allow at
ill ha.
Provisions—Sale, 200 kept-lard at Eq6ir ; s;
Whiskey—Sales at 20/ gall.
Flour—Salve OO bbla flour at $2,90(15::
for eagerfine, and tbl,2sbett,Bs for extra fondly
Viliakey,-Sales at WI ®l5; per reline,
Bogs—The demand hoe ineresteed, and the
=act ia firmer. The pales are $4500 at $1;57
per 100. Planter. coctlnue to pay 23 to 40 . per.
head premium.
Pork—Bales 1000 lb. mess at 1 4 12 per lb
Sales . 1000 ahottldors in dry salt at 41 per lb.
The market in other respects is uncortnged.
The riser has risen nine inches in the last
24 hours.
Pim OitsgAss, Dec. 5.
• , .
Prorimione—Bheoa sides aro bold in No. Sales
prime bbl !tad at 74, and keg at Sc 14AL Sales
old mesa pork at *IV - Did 26; new do le held
SI4 50 bbl; prime beef, VJ 60010.
Whiskey—Sale/ at 18Eol03 1 gall.
JONG SllAW,lo.—Aluarur & livactirteLn
have resd o yroman ...Moet of flo•
.of all qs.antko m finned, sod Wain
and Went cul-rx, and of analpler .n
Imo ',nun for qt.litlitratvl et to.
Alan—llrucha bong nbanla..f two, otyle. and choir.
' M.. M. ate loponing nem nr.lo nt
Jan r••••,1. taflarkiug Vienne'', at dnnr.ole rnlots nal
oustlAron. de2
ILAiiK WiJOU ' for November
3' Art Journal, ItrNOV.OI./ell
tw...a Cheat. tbe . l.l•o or Wok; • riew work by Dough.
Jerroll—brlro 10% r.rkta
It.a.vorod at illo.mits , literary D.w. 7.1 Third street,
th• Mat fur,. ta.,5
1 7
./. It r ilty u ;:c h
I t . o l
regular tort..ers wuel En) era geberany, au esteonlve To.
blip PfirCi from.
RIO COFFEE-11M1 bags grim,. Green;
mn T
nolB "d -
_ _
EI:J.:Nu - 7144+8-M hr. cheetm Y. II.;
-4% r
noha I ,/.
New Dress Silk,
WE have just rea'd a variety of styles nett ,
fancy Ina. Slllut. Ineludlog .0. patter. veer
eleh !Invade.
Air,. Mani and armed Black Enka. tbe linter of new
AlBO. Plakl French .iltwintib • /CAM .441, sod war
nein - ale good. b
M for Uni ,tt.
trli morttomt of Coffee colored, WC..
rich Manion, and other nbadra of plani Moo.. de 1.841/.4
French Malmo, of Motto drab anti otber color. Mult
Mantilla Votratit new stele Brotha Wig Phawle, Wooten
Ifhawir,:flosrftn Parialtiblwtob to.
nntb . ortbewet mr. Fourth am Mart. ate.
IllOOltlS-50 dos. for sole by
J uol3
_ e _ J. B. CANI•SKI.D.
IANU COVERS-1 doz. VulcaiNzed In
din Itubter Plum g. ju mod fra *W
u on. aml for
rat the Itabber Depot. 116 ihrust rt. - •
tra2 J. a 11. PIIILLIP.S.
MLAD. SYRUPS—Lovering . “ Pllll — atril- - ..
Stn. Syrup. far oak, by "' • .
, . •IV H. A. lltti a OU..
Doll . Unncero sod Te. Peal... ,
INa . s
y Jct. welted tml v v t . q .
.011 . sio4 Tda.Welery.
ssis hr C. AHUUTIIMIT.
dattEEN APPLES-59 btdo: nal and for
1.. A &a. by mu ' F. & ir.ninnevon.
ai - AMES BLAKLY, Ettropesn,l
ct 4
anuf and Ihns.lar Porrian lExchangt
in atno Ammt fur lb. foilmning Ps - ket I.lnrm
Piunaer Line at Sleamnbma. het worn Naar York an! 1.11 . -
"rr!l cilott,Tail:ailing from lann. York and Liver.
upthF ha: and 21.1 of mons muiccfs
Turk on 1.1...0h. and Ilverpcntl
itncl elar hue. fray,: Neccr York on the Illh, and Lire,
peed ftn the L . of . ah month.
Lane emits late a month from . ..1-pool and New
21. cf, and of ernr; month.
The l'c'y de Litt. orhilam.r
nn nL. Lt oca Parke. gall from New York
.1 11 ' . ^ .!):Ty
llr 1"..r on,i.rranu, from
New York Isr Strom
-10,01. Itailiood, I:moal lo Pl...burgh
1. ...00rrr. till Noworo ,sere and wino 4 00.
"beerh , lt: nI 11,- r,l . I:nneott a iT . 4I
Out;. Loll .tt,l rt. tlo,oo Itulkllni, LirrnorK.l,
T. SOloth, Not: I cal, ornt
th., :Mine of th. ...ltnttin-r....rster of math awl I..lcurty
. ttenhorau
m tu.1.01 mate. ctr Canada. lA.:
01.1. h. ..0.1 for Ihrir mond. wly vorl or
Irohn.t, the nerecnart at•
arunnuteule anolicalluta to end hive
them tr i n e out Ity ape at . the aintve hcaorthc linen of
I..brlern, :oho% Move froth I.cou Volo {MIA hstrlbeu.l
urn :lerrhacti nhinn. ou form".
nrn: ot Inuction. or YLecr fret:urn,
of the :an:nth:l4r of .1.-In:.
rn tr. n. Ll:em., to 'N. st.
hart. ~,, molrorninoLli Itmnet
rem Maur.-0. I.'
.1.03100 •1 ltL ii ri.t'
McHenry's Philadelpinis - ez Liverpool Line
of Pockets.
.4:4 Sailing from Philadelphia im tho
I..werotot on the 0 on-A month.
0, 31 a it% I'LLana NTS, It. IL Vera..'.., 11 nelnr.
•• all ht. AN tt tn. 1 1 . • 110 , 1iiior, Itn.tor.
Li WE, nathnouil I'. Ninotor
••Wit Ailrial aintlll, Mantor.
'iNl. l l.arlN, Inottr,) W. W. W o.t, atantor.
Th. , le , r plop- sr.• Loin of the lo , t and nool
itintorinl,, awl toitol tlio rxinilit, 0 their fvono,
r .ti
LI, aro att., 11, • 1111 all 10,4 .I,,VrlllirlAn. n. aro uniol
f.1.0•0,11t, 10000.0, viol twomirrioooal ft , t their or.
11, 0 aro votionliolol , own of talet.t,
oto iwoonallol 111, ir
V osiorioneo 11, parkiit sonio
etoni , of I.roonnit tros10• 11,1,
frtr, , 114114 cof oh. film t.f, which .111 Lo
N., for ria ht nloolll' ay..., 'rotund and Lid
fornol, oith Ili••oroper, .10'4ml:on sod
1n , tr000 , ,, , 00.0,, to t Voir ,10.irt
tn.. non, 0 tat...oil:or, to eon 1 me
drati, air CI , torlifo, 41,...,4.
w '4/ 1- ..
the II41,1.• tont,. In tho 1:0[0,01.
41.1 . 1 1 rorbOon, .in hot tooto•uo,r, onnion town Liver
•,11. fi•llowitot •••woli••• 1.111 1w fmrulolteil
eacL va.•••••nn, vf 12 • et•r• nj 2. 1 1, lb. broad.
211, n.., •1. a nt•ttl•••,1, ti lb.•u ttt .r. I 111 tt,.,
1. 2 11, n.tt10t.... • 41,11 It. 1,.,.. 111 'rem. et a t g,
1...1.,att••••11.. allow inn, et water etnti flu
:11 Walt•ut •tryvt. lt.•lt•ut ttrrtttidi o
mu. Math and U l'b•bitr.tll.
Steam Communication between New York
end Glasgow.
VIVRE Glan•ow and Nov York
nant noauu-r,l
V.rk ou 13..Tulwr
owst. et 12 Y. 1.....
Thu., mt., It, Itoi.• Fol • 11.4. nr161 , , , ,
rirk• Cur.n.on krkielli eknl
:13 11:71koky
rt, NVW 211,
11,111/1,1,1, ...11.0 elf!, lielP
!p low t,%Nek:s ril ENii LAND, IRE.
a SI. W. 11.1, —.lkk
Itriu .k w"I otolnilu.•
Ight I.rkat Dwain no .1
.111,.. klaktj. 1 1 .kk...1i
lkji•rillx•art. 1.11..rtk k
tht , ttatzt.t • h• tttut Irvut 1t,n1,l
feattr t, t•hak.t.-.1 un th
ran. t,orahlt• tt tht••• 'tow t,t. lurk h• Vit . -hot!,
ktul rart Itht tt ••tt •trlk
WillEinsburg Aeadeniy.
Malt and Irlo.sle Irrylllll cr , id C7ll.tre.:l Se boa
1411-b11,1•1,. 11 blibbl 11,111,
J A .4 II l•N Ins, A. M., Pumeirnt..
'VIII: , IN-mit - nos will Leipen tor the
I it
lb If.A. •A./... ,, 61..1 NAOMI*
tl L .
•/. ILA 111 11,,.',, I,•
1,11•AnIA A ,111
Smith ' s Patent Self-Acting /lingo &Spring.
A NEW IN rt. \
T IIF, trlit lon rri lelater+ and 1101i.121 , 1
..... ,al , l
it nbo, ..1 vrne etlh,
tt ,„
I. X-3 1 , 111•• IPV
11 la it 4 "lee ‘3, /ILES
Fresh Tens at Reduced Prices!
N OM hying 11r.I. Itin, ItaliAl.ryt',i
1a...C1...111 I . , I , .1. l•
111.ri, 1 11. u .... . . 4 , 4 c,
a,. V . 7
I, S n r,r ,
.1.1 I:, I, Sawln nzl'l,,7+Tl:.
.1 ira,4,,,p.
(111 LI /Id 111 . . 111 .. LIME.- OW
1 ti.
Pront 11.d.-1
1./11[1 , 1:-11. ion( rec . .:
nu,l I
.u.jors. jor
k 7 o A Va 1 1 ,1,1 • n ..•
6 „,;.:I, nnde
tne nr a • a.,
A tar, new Paw... nu loan I al,!, II lab.
Ir.napea an 1,10 1,11%
Grylr, le
•••.r •I• 1.
11 ". 1 ;
ll t. - f I .T
13 , 11 ..:u I I tlll.
f r LAS'S-101) 'macs af....fy fed.
T. a II 11A1,1141.011.
fig Ufi AIL —lO idol,. J.
I. 11 , 21
'MST'S C.l N V prf pared.
ro‘l. J I:1 I.i. • 0..
MADDER -I , on Ile, fine Umbn.l, far mule
• ef W,e,l
S NUI ( ;. K tr - r n ,;Ce crop k. G.r Air
A .,,s,, j sit2-1,,(411 . 1 1 1.1, 1 . 111 . 1 1, 7 , 1 ,1 :..
`AL ANISION I for nub. by
I. nnrA. .1 Il ifit. wne,
1 ft - ISi MISS--3 bid, FroAt ;10.1
nlt J 1,1110 • 1 1, i,
14'1.t : //
, tl. 11.
N., 1 b.. 10,
TT/171 ' 1 - PAlt I. co . 1.1 1 ,11' .1.
WC./ V Eli MOTH Sh:V. I), for .irlo by
V .1. A U. FDIV!,
A . ),. , 11,11 i n t:lr w rtl i JlTSl- .: -A ,;, A ; " ,; ‘ , 1 11 ‘ 1 14, i 1,Z1
•st.r. mcupri,lc or
Elartmlo. kittlin, Ott Ar . of
hit it will Le lOW at tit talt "Lt. bait. that tsottAl
lORN ELIAN 1:1 NUS ! I urs•
1) men' r.- 7t7
'UFA:SE.— lun in.xe.. W. It., G.r yak I
J a.• IV. Hai:Pam:lf.
DUI' ASI I bbl./t. for /talc by
naBl I. a M. nAunuunl
11°.:31,,N1-Ith' "6'
CONSTANT :SUPPLY tll , 11101t(lAN'S
m. Wigan Murgan'a
and IIbolt& , ~,,, Jew, with •
ilia.. lit e
tail. a , ilia lir. 0h... id 4A Mil,
Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.
lIIS FLUID in 14r huperior to :thy other
NotaiVowilryeteroll,..l thia•ivito
Tit oriiibi la hist • Irbil ambify our who toay haw/. •
doulit or It. pow,i• lw yrintivina dirt or crrame (pail clod,
lag. It will t•• In • may itray Injure lb. ativot it
uand arnintintr ittriietiotr. II oip hitil by the
mallow or iv 1 , 101., aitit {turd...aim Pomona wi.laing
to try Il• I. lull Mn ba,.. a bola.. lyre of -home nt lbe
loru• A 1.., of 4,N W MINH AM.
•orenr WI.I and Blattial.4._
boxem Cream, for male by
d ILA Sti—lisi Las. 104'11 nixes Window, fur
wain by . AM FS DALZI:I,I..
1.11 ICE-10 tierce, Frcell, for i,aIC
.I.4sma 11il.1.7):1
ILVER Napkin- Rings, Port Alonnaics,
Alarm CII•EkE, rrun nitro, Clans VEEL.s.
hantEl Ilnisn.rnlw. 1,11.1 Maw,. Caw,
Francli Ho Ohs., l al.ul II aA Multi"... moan,i ElivEr
Cups, 11. ICllAtun4m. El a r ... Et.
l' I -SCriw Wripping
Olid."`r "artan de m.
and American
v wait Paper and Bonier, for ptle 1.•
of2o 4 P ALL.
„p LI! F0rn342.,
1.11101:1:AIIITTEIL-12 btils. prime tor sale
. I :KV, by i 192.) kIL FLOYD.
ItICKWEIHAT.PIOIfit--50sneks in store
J. a IL 'LOYD._
EW FISH received ut No. SG Liberty rt.
Nr... N... 1 Ilkekre.l iu bbl; Nor dn. dr, tax - klOk.
librl In nnb, (very bay,) Azo/ .
Ihkevin. All Mb Wl C . curlew. tby ksle by
4 12020 W. A. McCLUIIO A CO.
r PHIS well known e, , tablisliment is utill !ion
. ductm in mita Mita., ha, alra, The
reetnal awl pl.lunant altnatiou ft hou., Its mamma,
on. ar.unn , tu.nt., anl th. rnuktnrts and lily nri.a In 1..
f,un4 nrkall.tuo to mrudrn it ea.. nl.l, and advaut••
lo tin trarel.r.
lhavlun t one c./ finn firm of ../ I. To.k.r.t
Fo Inns at IIII• hosol ol it,. ......11011.nUt. •ui.eral+r
nh-dg.. hi.,. to maintain Its rrputation, auJ
U. 14. custom,.
Inr!:tontl/r3c3 W3I. 11, PARK Ell.
PH I 1,A11E1.1)11 lA.
ntiprrior articles of I ' erolin , Ty,
To Easily, Minn.., Verret. Chalk. and ,41., aaltras , st
6.inan ..-It•laut awl Extra Yard Br,. a nail Wilt:
it isidnar. 411.11 E, Pala, 411 4 natt i. '1,1,1
linir 0,-. 1 . ..1a51a• thorn. I:,.
trtivin air the Isaaillierniiirfn. 04 Nista... ltr.sir, tst. Er,
asi la.• Kau I.ta4sal Ilatr
Ar.. tounuturtonol 41..1 1.,
nais . Jon!. T
1 , 1100., nail Elithsat,
/E rr Metals. Ir
ass I Luout oulttsrrotrotuttotru•tort lo rlty him u
%tat 44. ll,ovint 614.4.44 is \IAO.
ShriVer & McLean,
/lour, Pr .41 anti . enrsall4tran dlerchaiiTs,
Nit. 34 ute
5..41,1 WAILa
1.1111.A01.1.0111A ru
11, ' darn .0 rant rt., ri. prat," ntlmptlon. arstli
atir e.r sitar. Latinal44l,llla Auvaraaa made an
racntyl 31 lisi , tiro
Eaterllasn a tals 3EII, Pillnliurrls:
Air. Erna,- in. Italir r .
Dr. Flan Inn, Mit,
it..,.,, E. El ~,,, r.
Matchless Blacking' and Inks.
. OLACHISii '— vrormelo•llo.o,l..r to any 4,1 calor,'
th. publo, tarroad us, Nlauutl,ttartut
1., 11.1.4/ NutlN .1 1 ' 11 .tiourrr .tr.,!...rit. I listh,
tOlnolelphot.. tt.'t
_ . .
]. rseTussit, N.l. 41 South STT,T,
(i.natrath rstdri.)thillantelphas. tolsi,t4l
on,Ji A 0.,.(„11,1,1r,,A,1:11.k,,,A, Whole.
41 , 1N0r . ... ....... ... as• Lo.
. • .4a4a.
Canitat , 4l , as 41 , 1vhsatx, No 41 North Water Mr.,.
D, D, North Irisart era stud
W ALI'EIt a 00..
Flour and General Produce
OM M ISqION 110 r S ,
NO. 2S SOl7ll 11 “I'ollo, 00011 LTIII.ItV 811:017,
Unroof ^I I-sof rqual pnli•ol•ne• In Troomportnnon
frlth an, nllirr tonr.ol on the m-n I•mol. inoirrale
4.1 nnfl , jont omhot o turn, nn.l
ova ~. ..I%lrr of !ler hall,' nnult:
114 n. ni ltnin,ono:
I,l f . .re 1,1•1
• •
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trienphetons,
kli mil , to.Vl'Lli . e(lNlCut NI), f,,
ota.:ata. aataal au:
W. Lair rrfollre ,
laud •a a.; . I .141..iing. runt, aal AI,
~•,.• aara , taa,a I ill- ara euraal, aaf
t a,. la ~ 1 the I. ana.a. ...I 411 lb, .111k/ii 1,14,11. IL*
1.11.0 awataa,laaal In Yll l., mina, •at aonallaar
.1.4 n•
au • Lae. al La :a.rial illy, vr ha. n...
ta.•••al it • tuati
Zo.. - 1.4 E ,ept
J 1... 111, I 4',114.4 ..11, • 41.
1...v....r00k.. 11.. re..l, e
a.4.L•rr. I fieLt
L... 1 .... plop,
anti:ate tr.-1 .I'l t, t.r tLr .4
••• Or II IL.. nu.
. !.•
.1:2•2141, 11 tt..
41 , 44, tt.Lt L
I t.. tA E
rt Ll, v../1,
'our, tl Al
Nur, Oa 1:3. 1,1
!..Ir th•rr
• •rut. ti otent.t..l
, I• I I . tr. r• ur Ir.
•••I 4.••,,•••,...1.
t.ti 1 ay
ett , l tttttitt Art,. j
i• r , It i ruttmetto • tat- ttl 1.
f - "
rittrtrtt,t-t1 It J....
rt. •tt.i . Itrug. tj ,
(111('.10) Al\I)
r. , lllvAitioN6 otmmissio.s mrp.cilAut, ,
• hteilitir. Irr 1v:1.i%, •
14 . , i0r •-•,/.14
ts 4./ •t:.l i,••• r
• tlkitt,
J..... A E
Wm. H. HnsLill. ".11.11 II lbs
1 l•lb N..
sT. 1.01 IS & ST. JOSEPH
MI 1 , t.I.1:11 IN. J,( A 'GEE,
r , ..,...Ct.-um...out, At, Por•ALl , tue M.,,-tAntrA on
Itab r ••• ./. t ttk irr 114,1 r, : I,l ttl.rrllut A CA.
PilArl.ArA artAly
1 11 A
~ Turrils, A it., n.. 3. ,kt iv,
Ail... • ,
('UN 11. HAN KIN, Attorbev auti
otutt t'tntAit.ttrtt., rrA ti.r rttst. •
141Lrity Init. A ,t N 11.., Ltt
krrrrtrr—lltt•lLA,lr lI.A tivat•lot. A
:AJA tt • lira rum. 0..4. 1 . ..kt,,r •
'0.1,1 •1, • I.
Eq table Fire Hamill:tee Company, of
rellS COM pnny hss LS fire
ttn tp.11,11.t. vitt.,tttr.,rh•vtlote. I ult.
riv I'•M, at UAL., • It, Jr, •fler prtrA of At,.
THIS Ctaniumv iu.uree Usl, between the
luzcs f'l.s and NO .ex;.
noirollnoarAlS AV M. A. NMI. A Co,
Vottalgorzlt. Poo.
First Rate Farm and Coal . and for Sale. fgr pala hie Farm,
of •ii • llinnonirstois SIA..A r.
In Ili.. Ono. lop Mir I login la li. in
Alirgloo., roptaient nz .a. Ago, of
who. to are nog 1.1. ~la own, lonia, for
linolotoir iota. .sot. A /kI, porOon Nod Ig ft.
oonlity. r I hi. Form 101 l .ld 111 .
to .1.11 porolosolors Ti;. Mal '.lll rind with
or gooarAtill. Imo, Ilia no.rni. Tbor Farm
siolting •1,1 illErly 1,,
nlSallliat lillon.ll "..II allarllllo,lA to ...non! A.
awl torero. gr pa .mot:an , tool t hou Ilor ,1
lior 1.,111.., foga I Kai., lon , o SOO..
ottTlal Orgy gm..
j l Oll. LE—.l first rare FA,)IILI 4 - \
11011h1.. sionio ono U. au,u DI J
.. Stable. 1 or an
- - - -
I HON will lre retTeived la TO a
........sos•r)L , lIUMNI 1.0111.
ILI lb. 01111, Warn. Ennui, of
Moro New Goods
I A NIES A. Me NIUHT,No.t Fourth NI
' ON 0.4 .0g44, WU/
04t4,1 4i ,, . 4 „ t
It r•Ati , ..ll.nots ow, “1.1 nil oartieulaz autvut ~,,, to
11rucha vary thump; Plain e.ta,.
~re. Stout!, ILO Mat., anufaatourt's
tu u l.nll. 1 . 1 n
wall, ue,. rirto. a.wl tu 1.2.
aut, tu, druid.;
lUbT REC'D utJAS. A. AlilliNit1111"S,
op a full a•••••••rluu•ut lufnuls I.uallue 11,1 a.
.r., 114..ul*. aful twa,a Alt, • aow
lull rt ) +4 , II 1..0..6 • an .r.u.tun .luuury
f,lul I.lj U./ pin.
110 y SluFal.auta .15,0..4 rury Ine rat.,
Jag (IN IA IN. LL6SA NI) A IlCk;s_j,,„t
41......reti at Au. 2b, 1A.,. oirevt. I.A 1.1 erupt, &
1.4Ant.0 Ilaanr• an.l A.uro,vAan
-1,1“..1,1her41na, WureNt.urahlro
Ch.., • •Itaall.kad
I{nleut, Ilarydy h
0 Italebur
Atiwun-nan And 1 , ,a1 T. 1.1. bat.., in put up tau, I.A.
II 11. A. a Cl),.
- •
kW NER 14 A WEED --Por 19 ',dim. of Solo
ILF tamher. lilt In .lar. by IL.. 1/.....naahala Wharf
Mast,. wait I'. IVtAIDA a AlOl,
ul 1%.1. r .t.
-40 LW, for tale by WICK K StreANOLII.4B,
li bbl.. best dry, for sate b y
t i t ' s:tA it. A. VA lINKSTIoCK C.I
Cautb , Laud., by L. 11 1.tort•floit,A,
a Wublt I.lbtr Iluomu.;
rura l N . llO CAM/.
'I Pony 1,ot; tblebt•ry C 1 4 ,4
JurprOto Oralorl, olot•L
swot Book la 11.1114iiPM Clll.llinh,
bylinat *boot Son.c Hoonltt, lzance Sac,
11...tni. r Chary. book; t: itl
Albalrom, a vrry pretty WAN sang; wattle by
11.14. by Yy Walb , ray linty., to.w obbit by N.U.. ro.len
Th.; Robot /lEtes, aart..l ang.l11(1,
Thr 106. 111.noir •
Th. Utooluarstb..plalut
"..e VlN:ut,litt
II Sl av 01
the p. _
Vri'Val? 0.
t. Trial
• Is - Urania
25 Ikkblboon s 1.10.1 •1 lb;
1U " lair hat
10 Rio; tiltsburgh epee: •
11 iwla:
" °stab:bah;
I Agars Ibr *Abby JOILI WATT &W.
, STEAM 13()ATS.
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
I 4 I AIt.E ItEl/ITVA , '—The
4.iteg n 7t r il4.l7.'tn r :',:. k .r. ' ..!, ' , l i:l4'.
rA WI tn, rtrrodir h Acto
r. Tim 1.11,1 . 1 . 6; sh 2. I rir ,
a hr rrer • r " 72 '
•rrfr l I "
r Ir. r irre
r r, i 1 , ••••I. Or It.,NCI. I
I /
Irl SN A _lr.
4,11 , 1 .11 r rrr,r•rr,,, rfre r ,
) F : r , I. \it 1 . 11 . 1 . . , in !MI rrs.ri
110 ra ,••• rrorr.r.ri r - • 1. A •• ,—,-. .r=ra'ra
3lttr , l•• I rrsr,- . .r le r•I • rr •r• Ir r.rl.• r
rritt rtrurglr Ir., h I 'tr..
r. 4, A.. Irt r r • •,• sr r rru.l r
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
- 11, 1 ARE 1:1:1 I.' - Thi•
1111.1111,11m1t II .
II v... r,E. •r• er •r I.•rr • h nrrle •
1,411, r• I, rrar
Tiro w II 11),T IV. l'opr rr •Ir %Th.." rrirl iv" r.••• err 1 ••• rr•lr 1 trrihrls 4.24 11
uovls mr.d rr•lth r.l 01,
!..r fr. 'Orr hr Ar,•••••,, rlor, rrrp, • ••., ,•••
1.1,11,111.. N., Fl: rt co
The SVlnrh, ter I* ..Ilt I, ..,Ir .l tr.
lite tr... 1.• rat. r .l 11 rolorlow 110. 1 ,,, , ,u11:•111
B PAI'R .710.
lltle.vr pnell,l .m.l lo Il'll is A 1..1%0nx..H.
Wl. 100, 1.
0.1460,1 k IA 111 0 cI..A
11...tal l
11..1,1 0 0.1.. u 1... I 1.. ,r..”. 1
nts,l tr. I—l lor $1,..
nt.,l 11111,1111,11
I t
Isssilr —The h••
•111, es.. IhEr- sir e :. les 111,-. hose.. •Itl
yes, ss ts
le,e•sel sapcsnlsi Nest runns, h.el.srly slum, the
,Irsesslss 1..v1,4r .ors
/L F.( i 1..1 It IV 1 , N Al'
111 I
: hat x.r‘ch, !Wl isleh N s N
lhl s .l TI, l'eptsen .s• Ist,
Ths...als ~Ihll
elnetsiest, met Isstl.l.srs Is ' w,het Ir.el. .5.,1 h sll leave
her Is ' , III TI., Ateht.
FOR ESV I 1.1.1: • -I . ll,?liar r
1 4`4.1: It. lY tI It I, 1f.„% •-•Tht•
A A A • lAA
14N , 14 N.U.511% .pi.
f r.
I 11 lilt.. 1/ I . AI
:Ii is , L I iNli 1110
001 SES, 1 .. :1101S, &c
For Sale,
):,1; 111 \I.1:1 ItolN
.„ ,
~) ~., „
Di-sirable Pr..p,rt y I. r
land Lot%
6 ; \l.r. n n
4 u• • 11
I 14.
T HE notal!
• • A
1 4 ( ) ,t
st..l I ... on.r. .
I: .1,1, • ,•..
Private Residence for Sale.
i 9111 P: 11:111EIZT1 :. el tie•re.el ex., ..;ling
I, 1..t...'-;.',.:..,.. .'-iii
of A.. 01,1 Th.. •11ua...11 ...111,•-. .1 t Inn nnon
,1, s•mi th.• r•lnt. at at ,larnr.• 1...rt.t.• . /* q t.....
nalionnl 4. r... th. • 1,anc...... ad I t •,1.. nnaln•ontry
.a. • la a... , .1 an I hlt, 1 . , " •I I"1 4 .'"I , "" ‘• '".' l ' u "
' •...., aZ , i,, 11. .is -il, I 1,. nahant•na, aan .ara
, n•• I , • I ••-. hr I". I anla. sn an. ~ ai...1 .4 alt• . tr-rt
...It'd a. et - 1...,,,a...rta a .r • ..A ••••,,.
11..1,...,1 aa.t. a., •,/, ' ; a••• , . .‘ss
h.r sr tl. a: . r, ~..1,,,... 4,4 li't' a, c•ratut uater Clara...
Ana.. •••4 .tse imp. • rm.., •ia ...ten won sal .breet..
, 1.,.r• In •11. ra a. -ttt•Atnaa ulna nanntrantga • rasta I nit ,
a• I, .....,kaeoate,, n ,4 ele- ,r,..1.....
1 , 0.1... I. e wit. mfr. t.....,..... ene,t•.l t,......1..0 tl,:enna,-
. ~,,,....e ta , let, ~1.4.,,r4 ,I, , •in : ese.r, en,rue.,
uou le a. a e•vi ve—n,- vr o.vOritly a e,te a tettai Irm,
....,,, tIA Ith 11.1 IN, 111 4..1,J.
''' 'i ' licks! Es' tate.
FM .
B.,i'LE,LT.‘,.. • l!teet.e.• and Lots in the
I e
I Vl l lll .121.1,-44,1114. lalnit. ;Art. on I the ntha.r In
I or,
Al-.. • 4 r t., 14 ~.,realeett 14 F.... 1 5: 2 l, • t rt.r •tr••• , 1.1..,
Luo Le :, e , , , 1 . , ,, , ,.•,,, r ..., Pe01,e1,7 : let ..y 3 ,1 4 .. , e , t ;r 1 . , ,, , ,,.., 1
Fl NI I . Tit' , 110.,p4)1(Ti.,16:, rOotisslo ~
11!!..:4::,..1.,k 1 t!;:,",".'..,: - ,,;i:1`,72. - ....'.'....7:: .
I,,Vt V., tao...• va ,
low nia Ilanll,llha v., art, 1.41, , t1...1, tr, ilhan m a,nne•na
1.1.• 1.,,t1 i •••1.. 0 n,lant. atnl4ta CAttarl I,"lza tlaa .
I.• ...er4au k 1... f nt.•!.. , 1 ,i11!..,Ye ! r •lii, tuca,t 1a......1.,,ar
11. IF.lici .4 O•n.I l, 1, , . , ,
I a r hirtnt . aa ,t,1,.. ~I 1NC,,,,,•11,101, b... %IL. 0„,„, 1,15.
or.a, 11.5 11,..aatorAe4 it io n VON.
1 ~:l. ' - ...i ,.. nar tarp, Ilnrltut ta • 1 11,4,1 -.
11 4 , 61'$ i:ENt-11,„ !Lit....4iro-g, .U. „:., .77,c,
, r ,,,..:1_,...,,,,,„,.._,...........,..:::3.,
,1,1. r• I. nualairh. 5..1 h ,, ,,..
i a..l, raj
, n,, , I.!••••••
-"at';..l 011'na1:;r:t11...17:'i.:,,,n;'itt,,i"..t7.41;1'..V.;:i'..::::,
A1,....--th• thalt-i ,,.. alt Pint...ln.,. Knattn.
~r p ~ I I, v Altl.l•..rttN
.4., II , i r Itrtla • 1t.,• 1.... %V.:4
• I
a. .
il For Solo or Perpetual Leave,
IllfilnitTY-111111l:F. lSpILIll;;;11 1.1 /TS, o:tit/
klll t:::a . ei". 1 1r b .:::11::!.. * e, 'I) l'',•,e ' e:-',"e1't.'1'.:.",.. i . : t L 1 ..;:e.;
.till ''. IL' hh01! , . 1 e:e. 1 ;•“); . ,.: . ....z,.' .. 74e,t . 3
WI apteal et. 4 ~,..eln ,
tor Ir., A. , •,,,,al aro tal llt Ma P.•• , 11,fr,1.r, \O. tb....r
the pr1.64....t. ..1 ilea 4Leli.. Ht., .. tle4:, Ito., Nn ael
Ate rtn..,, 1.15,..1,tr a 1e , ,
',,, ' ,lll , . :Ai Itli tie ~li ll.hp.s
t - 41 Good Bririran is now 6ftererl,'
If V / I,l'l' I .le AT I 4 ~. Ia: :NI .1 Ilk ;41 h I:s; ._
. 4:1.1t, 'mi...., i.i. /,.eO/ At,: t - ea 1ea.,1,. ,14.n•ua11.,
b••••rilnrr'r 1•111,11--tan Alan ha. nonn. a. at a... 1 t trl ,N.
wine et• raaae , tnthlatne: An I i., prp. rt, Ino , I•• 41‘ •
•1•1 .I. Iwo, anal rh, tol a w•• 4 ; nahl l'orontio att.t...l
In hut. boa; stilt i.,,1. to ll.llltlt A 111 A IN,
. I,llt, lIA 1,110.1 at.
. .
Kentucky Mutual lateltenirauceCompauy.
u U I:4 Nil' FUN It. st iio,ola). I '
FIN!! I S CONI VAN Y iJlThrs 1.. Ills il,tir(4l all
1 ^ ^,•11 "/J N•l.ui•LeJm. nI llm NI .111.NIN.1.1Jurot
rt N0N1..411 0 1 1 10101101.
MORN of It. n. 11 into ill car prr
mote. Tee Illf•xl 1 1 /1 4 - nral tNI ,1 0 111. r 1141,11
0.1 1 .010t10. 1011 10.1 eld - k,Nre pg , 1.1.9 Car.. 11,••• luturereen.
1 , / 110101r1 or 1 /.1.•.1.• len.] ..1 •Ith sin eJtula
, gnl4 - le•ott it. 11.. tttt ere..mll to tryar•lN
101.41.,, pm) allIt• et!, br . 1 1 . .+1114 upai their i , olutleer
- a enrunty ' lol4lrheteseut for the mrcoanent ereurity ' or
ehert Strut toruilwra. unit trr the Snarl e4truHty of
Chore hpr the pholn term of
efirl Lie le the only )tut el Life Inruretern Cutup.) .
Wiin, Mire pronduln Cry rand 1.1 a fat, I..freed eland .
ey.l. pith • pr..llroe,[..r eeouellr he rearing scrum..
latleu lint (ion r•c • 0 1 4 1 y • lot • Ai., Pl , S.r.. to
the 0111011 W of l.usineee tie, from W
NN ennon,, the turr..l4sll
1 . .104, ...rte. . 10 .1101 1.1. plin and
nary ot the .... peer. Ihr...or' r.ce i i.e, H enr 1 ,1 111 . 00111101
tor luenreum revolted hr J. I •I: VIA
1:911..x1 /1,1, 1111rurs.b.
tieueet . l.npostn. Nl, 4 licr.l Entstutt,r.
8161:AS . SE5---I;II idoio. 1 . hi11t31.4 . ;1
1,1 - ' pit, S. 11...
nol2 11. I.; 1.7. .1 ' , L'; ' ,..1 . L. . Li.,7‘ l ; r.
‘ , 2 A xoN m
. 1 , i A Is; E,4;:_ I '.r k: 11. t i t le
1.7,1 Ist ....,; .5', , •11,/t0.111111% 11, Co.
AFRICAN I'Ell`Ell,- . 15 hoxeii f., F al,t - : by
Do= Ji . 11. n1N110: It a ii. •
IV INTER LALII, O Oi t.—E , 1.614 In., 1110-
J.SI7IIO4ISMAK Ell .1. CO. \
II UTTER-72 ktly,,sjyst ree'd, foroultay \-
11 onIII . . WICK a 11.1‘43 AIMLESS.
Ft ARLS—Thia day ie.:* ct and tor sale by
Dole W&CK a mdaNDLio.
I \ t ' t olVl: , ..o t :kll'L . ET .
,r4, ,1! , ? : . ;
, 4•711.1.,Wr rity, .4‘.1
I . ADELPHI AN I) 13 ALT131011t.
o 4.1.• .4 1.., or, n r .I.lsv-1.114 Ihrou46y
1,..t1:1( TIIA.W. a.
Freights to and front the Eastern
n / AA' RA G .11 .A" T.
RArL ROAD AND WA - 110N - :
) 1 ',R1NG ,,, T111: .,, 5 , U f SP.ENSA . ,/ ; ‘ of . C j armi
the elem.. time
plm • .r ..1010.1 hill. •n.l
m ep z.
eeiffed time
eml rnl. n. Al.yll 1 % er ...14rem
11 , WK.
Vans! 30,1 11 ,•reet, 14,:Mtemy h.
lIARILIS a peril.
II" / 'f' (l ..l I: h' .1 E E N T.\
tt I 'seri 1 ten, a gen ut for the Pelt tyl I
t ttatttt: t.l•rtift74l.l.,ru r it:ittt!
.rjN; Roods and 100 IN
LAl6i liud
01/E a iILI tg-nt.
Pon er Br \l'4ll.'in et.
PPP,. nee lot, 1,51
va-t, • 4zutz(
411,1 I prtss I Iciel Lott. for
rl , ll tflillt4 In, I et, in
ot tt •catl
la.r ,,
// LAI ‘ll , t .a rr al
1 A
'5 t.
II 1% I Plttvtiurgh till (Sunday, 04.
rrl4•dilA to. kA. II by
1-TE AM y,. OAT
I apt A. I IIInI,OCIC,
TII 11 Fllcl 111 I',
ir It 1, 4 i I ¢lll,l 115Stil Pa r.
11l ....,-r e .11 I arr tin t . tr t I 551.5.
a It rt. 1,14 111 th.Linelynlo
r 111 tl .PteatV at, n /. e
r 44 t I 4.41 rr• t .r
r II I I ‘,ltered :A lop
t r /gap I , 11 rut n
t 11 li 1111 r Irjii g
I I I tr/1 I I 1..1 , 151 t • ot r•
1 , "..I oi HUTU'. kt,nt
4r 41, . 4 1434 i wiat iivYre
Pennsylvania Railroad
I c !1. , 11 ...1 r. —I II
"\.,, :,,T,tl n fi,•r the L t of Deeember next,
• bn. r - arn..l h.
. 1.• • ~•. n ••nir- an raceLleyt
•.I I oizsia,latiorro•re
CS .IS 11111,1 CS.
W aft. r 311 NIA
.\)( 70RER ut „,.
tug tt 11,1”. 111 • ~11.1.1. hi twit
111 : " tql
t.. r . t 11 ttirr rtattlatatitt
I 1,.
FARE 11Elittei !
IE I. -8 1851. QIN .-w•4k.,-
:2. Itrown , tillo anti l'utatuulttt.Reltimore
Frit E Nit I: IN;: Itt‘ Vt . I..uut, Ito it'hurt,
4.11 1 al • ot
. . It 4.1 i.••• •••
r.. r.u~~. ~..:.-: ~,
%. 1:(11 I h . 'l; 1.. W Von ii I;IT y vi„
I.• r .,,...-• Tram. Car,. 1...1.10.
•• •u. ••• $.l Fve.1.41
I pre,lnt AuJ
1... g. gl•lng full swain..
A 11. sl
- . -
LF miff I. ..~.
1.85 I.
1.111,1:ulti;11 AND CLEVELAND
Eq...., le. k.t and Ruesr,ad too, i, vaaN
11,11.1:-.•;E:\ Icave morti;nff ut 'J
a rrenon u. Itnrv, tl,urr ,j•r.
r ~.t• 1,11, 11. r httfbutrriraud
I 11,1 •
1.1 . 1.1.1 h
x...d., 1., CI rvdand and einctunall
, ants 1.. t Ikohok. nod 3111w:wok
• ••••• , 0a at o'clock. 1.3. the ..plrtolltl
I kto hillll Ck.otral Itailrotal Co. for
01, , h.... .1 V.. clack. A by fLatataaLl to New listaalo,
atal arrot.ou Pa.+ t • era.; st Chtc,t. ..toatotamt-
Po rano •ater tlteklhto rLve-r, th•rouo. Clocirt
h,,. ,tt 1.. tot. and Cairn, •111 fourol touch quicker,
plea-manor that. a, other. y
CI.M.M.L a CAlttth. t . rooretors.
infr'r'""Ziia\ PL.
Kl, Aorta,
atairal career of thnlllatald and Water atre,a,
0 4ta.tto tho flutongtthela Moor, ,
1 851.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
143:L1N. &
is Lifts IS MIST
t i g ared to
The faellstp,.. UUacu
efilL.. lase sr. sumoiTiressl in numlss.quoti•
It, of 11.sta, ex,rltslee of Otisalt, Lad s.
gy• ISt.l.nrch awl Clevelmsd datlfassaktss
oiash • Lin.. .IrionLost• tsssr een 1 . 111",
pl. II ...I 111.11E11. 000 st tastcl•ssotamultssals
tor , uslirr awl :Ile 1..1...5.
. .
u O SISINEkei:
Pnrk.. Vnivipromiv, 0 •
11. Ta km kVS w.
A. A 6, • `"
ark. . kmll,o •
lorool:lifol;;;;1.4t717.71,n 0.,
11. A. Ilrr, t.toralmom laur. tr.
I% heti, I.roo 1 Co., Mona, to.;
Itradtor/ooso A l'ettlbtoote, to:twit..lo, City, to
Ns otoloot • Coo.. Cll/,‘,..
l'hootnao• Dale, i'.111,-;,..000
.1“11 - .ai A. CAI . . lIF.V. llama.
.I car. W.., atal llaathbala r0...1 . itL.1.0r4
Excursionillekets to4leaver, 245
TII 6 kW latSrlallget ate:Ml.l'H
IiEAN FA: awl SIMIIItiAN No. ...,. .111
laaal larir Ibn.llava at, PuLaborab laud Ito
al.,aa r. ' ay, lautalaya aaral) . ..
, healer. I. 3 ... lllt.but.b . 1. . a 1 , ....b.. r.a. 2: „ r , r. a.
I.l‘rhla‘n aa It ao
l'anaa• a alma. , la ga to Hasa, aka ma . re - tau
Tlrkata La laaloaver lad luck I. l'lttabar•la hat W1331 , M1
Tiakat. okal foe - dawn ant. At, 1•11•1 ay tlo. a..
Far ilelal, apply,.. laual tbr.b.ssal.... - Iliraaar,
"llhaloglao No 4 . 0 r at t lin to,. al .
ALIA ..-...;!.evitiali%la‘li'LF,:iaalia"..YlV,lirtt.l.urrth.
i t
, IlEsiP PIANOS!--JuAt ree'd
11 ) frau. the mama!, cLoar ol li,llat, Da
• Co , 110 am; VIX ad tbar , 4 ,, n Ow .,
1115,1,11 tail:
.1.11:Tl. ir.0:ti,,F=t5.,,,;,...,,,,t,,,,
arl, ' il . ;:l r arli ' l y 3011 Nil 31'114a 111,
"..... VI No4l
14 1 1S11--'2O . !obis. and lo hf. l i 1 .. 1% 4 '1 , ' ,. ;;57 ....i ti r. % ,,, 1
, .. White E.t.: fin, \IAY gekkl.D.l
i La./lit/I.—Z bbla. 76 and 61. A ct.. or
11 l gal.. bY 1. E..,ikic 11..,,
I AHD I.IIL-9 bbl.. IV Inter 6tra6..ed, , thi
. It s E..kt: 14 to,
1 4 '' .l• ''' .., .
cA It i l. ' AItIMWsIIA--,2 MIS 10 .,, r ,, k m or
. -
SUM/RES-3 bil!, prime Roll 1.1ut4,
0 • , be.lnut,
• 4 .' , White 1b . ...; \
i! ketga 1'141.4 Eltatkr: • 1
' 40 1' b.. , _ . .-
• 1.1 lbs. liouvati for 11.1 by
kMiLlell A /MN:it:Lk, k.z,a4 it., -
--!° 1 !' -- Iltn.._'-'!`"l!”4,.!!!!Y'll'l42'!._
tat'.I“:II:SSION CA.1.5.—.2,04a1,A6.0 h.r.aala
aby in.,rti U. A. PIIINESTqCk A Co. :
lAM' BLAQ6.--10 hbl66 paira, asietl;
1 Bulk
N oo l bo.llPrroktitoortg: .1.1..14
.. r“ . 11!
-. 1 NUEW .HEAT —Put 1 ii ,
ti 11 1--
MI. for waiir u.., kr kik. b ' "1
noI3 1 VAT. A. AlefILV to a o
gr I.AROLINAL UHITT,S—Juat me .. at 116
‘J LIINIty atm-a1.....t for mile Ur
_rto1:1 • \ - IVOI. A. 31cCLU/10 k. CO.
11 OLL ItU ribl. fur aide by
ILkora .
' /4.4(i1.11i1l k 101.V.1).
"14114 .
UOR.I.IIIE PASTE:-2 tames prime afutll
.net, formai br 'N. N. WICK-CNSJIANI,,;\
v WI • Wm/ garret. owner of kW..
, ,
- ..• a Jo 1": S !mil .. ..Xtr..
... r Y/a.Lnlr 1101`10 AND SAIISAPAIIIT+I.
The oririnal and oialr t-oulo, preparation Vomit.. POr
man,ut cure of C.11.11213ii11.11 and IPl.eaeoa o'l lb. '
. Luna. vb.-, they are eappOsed to I. ft
.. a."rtt 4 ' .
\ t t." t r . tr ., u:«ut ,10, uvr , 1u ' ,,, ft1 , °'... L.
\'\ IT 11'1 1.1. CtiltX WITIIOVT OAI 1... -
Krn.sfule, -
or•kttues 1,11,
Camera, Tnaure,
Eruptions of the Sala,
- ry.iryelme,Chronleßore Eye,
, It lug worm or T•dt , re. /hid 11..1. •
I,theutnatlem. Paine In lln llonee or
_ • Jollll, Old Sores said Uleer, Pwelling 001:r--
111..4/lamb, n - pldt Is, 1 1 repepaia, Salt Ilhenet,
thrown. of 010. K Ult.,. I.Y. of APPe III , •
ble..streartaing rrom'the urn of Iler
cur, Palo In Oh.. SLles 0 \ 4.1 '
Shoulder, General Pobilitr.
1/rors7, Lumbaco,Jaun.
dire and Coati',
T/ f X 11F.VT FE.41.111P Nl7Dlr.7l•r KNOI PA',
-. a
The 00ater prepare . Vellosi -Dock," and the . 11e.
/ I.l ulutaa
an Y.eaPartlla,',' are the invaluable retdallal
ent, Isom which Dr. Clurantee Improved liatro:et of
Yello w' 1/oek and rarsaparllla La formed: and ththelabors, . .. • \
to,of Dr. n uynott has glren a, the ',Ones of these nouta ' y'-
In their perfection. Ella on•parallnu runtalua all the tone swrative proper/&a nt the root, rt.roldned and roneentra- -- ,
twl in their otmoet strength and ethraer• .3
Erp,im,uta were made lu the tnauntaeture of thitne
dielne, until It wa• t mud that it could not he further lat• . L.
proved. Areordotgir, we God It r...0rt,a1 tnw aimoet otitl- -.
rental''' • iu eases of Ilenotue.. Itearhutie. and entaneetta
omplait,U—te general prhatewthm of all the vital pow.'
err. and all thcoe tot men tine , ,1,,,,,,...0 Af the skin so trying ,
, ',•, \
A l.' I , tienre TO I r• - • I cr.rru low. it \ Iten/rli. ‘
. - r
4, - 0,
. ....
Serofula,',., phili., Ifsreurial f! , ,mplainl4. Canner, °an
t:roue. Ittwattn•timn, and a t ‘ortety of'otte•r dira- ..
orpahte and datt , ,, ,, 1,Z.-ean• speedily and Per- .
IllriflrBrll, ernerrl Ly U.. , uwe ot Medicoeine,
-'' •
.0,14,1 V. 3lich.,'l/etolo, NI, 1151.
Mr. John 1 , Parl.-I,ear. r iv, It Iv. with unutterstJe ,
. .
‘ ,.. aehura at aratitude that I am a , 1... a ' rough the 011dria
n(orl.lannt„ef G.,1. aml 1, tho a n lemons king a•aney of 1,
'!htlt ea , heot onedlelnw. 11 071:41 0. fellow 11...ek arul e.r
ettAritio, I. • ill,. 'nu ti (ow rqulhtoons of my aln/Oat hot.'
Wea ;\.,.... In the amt.: of 1001 Z wae allaekod with •re- ' ,
ver. In. whtelt a.. gra.loally carol dlog through the
I . \ ,
whol, n.:1.1 ald.• and lex. a: oho r,rue ale, thotaw.a to
tal on ~ ,,,,m Wu, 111 , i .:eel rr ll'il/1ir , .. , llif ,i , g 1.4
shrunk, tu ato.nt loon third. Wile. collanltris rime. I.,proeui
ed the .l .0,l aara of a akdful - plood_ouier. who paiutoun.
.... •
00.1 tor dirt*. one ut the ..era, (ant., of `jiver carnal/not.
Ile SAKI In)\:ll.cias was one Dot ....11, handle...l. Fut prsaertb
e.l I, mee tetnaluod 0.4, 00. , Ilea:moot ranttl I Was
.e5t1.41,4 1,“. la, wit help , .a , I thou procurld of ruur - '4
aaont at 11.1, g• I•or., W. A. Il.orr. 10••• 1.111.. of Clur,ott'a
Tallow Loraa I :+artaerttle., front w Wel, re-clued.-
eto.t amount of Ipnof.t. .10er Lavioa.: Ulkett four bottl.s
no,n o l Ws, alply 1., im,am my ho ~,,
elue without our lemon
e.t.a:re,. and t,,,,
~1,,,n eIo., t1,..t tnao a well math...ldle
Lot a attort g..r1,,1 ncfAre I had 1,-,-.1 .01,0.'1 to ml 1...1 -
list,* North . or the ',no: 110,1 I ..4/.•••t rt evil, the .ro
-Ilwrl or aOY uestla to en) nth., eau, than by the ~envy
r Mist trltkr 1 aN,.1.1.. 4..a.,-;ne, 1.4111!..011' 'l.lluer Walt
aril ae , ,,,paa.llla. \ 11.10.0101. 1,1 UltIPL:11. ‘ ' -. i
11e. J. 1 , . Vat, -hoar Hr: I wool l ou 11... toroaolng cry \
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~., . ..., : ouurel.r/.. P. croniter. Jr- Um ...vino. ...
ite rr - rn.-411 Fer ‘{?olfle: Sir Borth,* for $6.
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