' In the commission of lunstcy,in the case of Isaac * Gregg. the jury toned that Mr. _Gregg was not • Innatic. Exceptions were fled to this .retnrn, cad a motion mode to gnash the finding of the jury.. The'matter wee argued at length before the Court of Common Pteas on the 22d alt., and on the following Wednesday, the opinion of the Court was filed, dismissing the exception, end, sustaining the Ending of the jury. DISTRICT COURT. , • TUEM/li, December 6. Bofors. the licnordble Judges Forward and - The jury in the.e-iSo of John MtKee; Thomas McKee and WlDiem Haul vs. the Youghiogheny . Nalbigatiun Compaty returned a verdict of eight hundred aud eeventy.eight dollaialfer plaintiffs. Hepburn, Digitate and- Leslie 'for plaintiffs; Thomad williams, Ecq., for defendants. This was SO action brought to recover dam . ages for the loos of n . pair of coal heats, which were tied above nu unfinished dim, in the Yough iogheny tiler, by reason of which unfinished condition, the bests were prevented from pass ing. The dam not, as .was alleged, finished at the specified time, ~ha a flood occurred, by : Which the testi were citified eff. lathe . aste of Shomllt Daft vs. Charles C. ;Teitaup, No. 117 of Istinaly Term, 1851, the jury returned a verdict of one 'hundred and liftpuino dollars,..for the plaintiff. • Airregh and Mellon for plaintiff; J. S. Ham ilton for defendant, Montgomery as. Bollman k Garrison. The Counsel of defendant appeared in Court, and admitted that under the articles of agreement, set forth in the declaration of the plaintiff, that they had sold one hundred and- eighty-four \ bark mills; according to tb - e,,aceount annexed,_ and filed in thcreaae, and thenffere acknowledged then:intros Rabbi to pay to plaintiff, tho ;sum of • nine bundled and eight dollars and thirty-two Geste. Nsw COUNTY' Orricens —We have observed, with much pleasure, that the various County Officers who were °worn in , ut the beginning of the present week, have appointed deputies, in —every way qualified to aircharge the import ,'sat and onerous duties devolving upon them. - CLYRE'II Onaccu...—Alexander liilands, Esq., has been appointed by dared lirnub, County Clcrk, his deputy. ' tiqr readers nee no well se ,. quainted "with this gentleman's abilities and character, that it is almost unnecessary . for us to assert: that a better selection 'could not have been made. • Come Rsconnrn—Messrs. A. T. Agee and Zelda Poorse have beret selected by Samuel Pahnestock, Esq.; hii assist:anis in the Record er's Rifles, Their long experience and merit amply qualify them for the position they or., copy. Cowry Recusimi.,-Alexander Richardson, }miappoirted Samuel N. Lightner, Esq. deputy Register. We have "been acquainted with this gentleman` for some tithe pusi,'Wnd bate testimony ,to his qualifications, in every respert for this, office. We learn, in addition, that - ?dr. Lightner will be aided by the son of Colonel Scott, the late esteemed County Regist er, wild has a thorotigh business knowledge ,of therolfiCe, - and is a young gentleman whose bu siness tablets are only equalled by hie amiabil ity and politeness to all. , , CONEY OP. OYER AND l=r. 5 Weil" the lieu. We. B. McClure - President Judge, sad T. J. McMillan and William Boggs, Associate Judges: • Thejary in thicase of the Commonwealth vs. James Downing, accused of anon, returned a verdict of "not guilty;', and the defendant uas diaelarged. • The !hale day was occupied in the trial of a Anost hcarible sad disgusting ease, the details of which are nefitfor publitattou. METING 111 ; rno ALLLGUISNY COMCCILA.—The Select and Common Councils of the city of Allegheny, - held n meeting in their chambers, an Thursday evening. SELECT COUNCIL. In the Elelath Ponne Mr,' It. Delis I, in the &health° of the President, leas call. to the communication from Charles H. Paulson, as reported by Mr. Marshall, Chairma. of Com mittee on city property, with a - prop. sition to gire $2,70014; three lots on the corns of Bank and Bridge streets, in S. C. ,the propoltion SC .cepted, and the Committee autheris to close the contract. Concurred iu by C.C. I pd plan and specification, with theMames of atreets, ac., around and through the Common ground, withamendment calling the otreets av enues. /QC C concurred, by amending to Call Gaystrust cedar - avenue, the 13• C v'etle and concur In action Hof C C. On motion, it lien • • Resoirml, That theStrect Couroksaioncr be, *ad he to hereby inatrocted• to have Isabella Court opened from- Kilbock street to the river. Adopted and concurred ih by CC. Referred to . Committee on Streets. Resolved, That the committee appoidted' to confer Irlth.the Manicbeater authorities, be tor thorised to join the /I in preparieg the form of a law to carry the annexation Into effect. Adop . VA, . Ilesolced.. That the report or the committee en etzeets be re-committed 'to said committee, with instructions . to meet with the Commatee on. Finance, for the prirpose of arranging . the Bev -era claims, and report at mxt meeting. COIiIAtON.COUNC.I„I, _ . Utun Boyd, President, in 1114 Chair. Idr:/tiddle presented a petiti, from citizen. of the hineond Ward, praying Tor .t.he repeal 'rot the law prohibiting the erectiob of framc.baild.l imp In the city. This petitiontwas signed byi large number of - individuals.. Referred to special ,emnmittee—two from' the ,Select iMdt three from the Common Council.' Messrs. Rid dle, Walker, and Winiteriberhlrom the Common CounelL Not concurred in by the Select Mr. Schwartz presentedn Moen. liolrean k Garriton. relative to bonds for water pipe. paid on the tablo for the pi s- A petition was also ptesentedhy Mr. Schwartz, from catiseris'of the Fourth Ward, remonstrating against the lgrade of Lilierty street. Laid on the table. A report of s. 'special committee, appointed to make arrangements for holdiog elections in the Third and Fourth words, whichcommittee re ported that they have obtained and recommend that electlins be held at the new brick school house in the Third ward, 9nd at the Alhambra Home, in the Fourth ward Report accepted, and ordinance authorising* the elections to be held at the above ismednlaces was referred to :themembers hem the Fiarth ward. to ascertain whether some other place than a tavern could but be obtained Tor holding elections. Select Coattail concurred in the action of the Common Cot:moll, with the exc e ption of refeiring the mat ter to the menders froMthe,Fourth ward. The report of Grater Committee was iced by thi President. aecepted. 4 and the resolution an thorirbsg the Mayor to draw Ms warrauts in f.a.. 'sorra a Large number of persoas, whose bills; in the aggregate amounted to $376.81, was adopted and concurred in by the Select Conned. 4. - Misreport of the Weighroastor was read, sc. COW. awl ordered to be filed. Concurred in by Mr. Riddle offered the i: following resolutions, leach were reed and unapimotisly adeptod. Whereas, At' • Meeting . of citizenq i Vold at Quincy Hall, en the 24th nit, It was determined to organise II Gee Company in this city. and ap ply to the:Legialature for a charter for the saxes, and - Whereas, Said meeting cipreseed a de. wire that the City Councils - should co-operste with the eitirons, in their exertions in this be- Basolved, By the Select and Comthon Coon • oils, Chet - we approve of , the design of lighting the city with Gas. through the instrumentality . of set incorporated . comp.-ay. . .--Resolved, That a committee of one-member teem 'the Solent and two fromibe Common Coon -40 be appointed to soarer with the-committee aPPointeb./ Gut . tareticg of citizens, to draft an Act of Incorporation to he forwarded to the 'The. above wore eon Curred itchy the Select Council, and .on.the committee, Messrs. Logan sad Wickersham from the C G., and Mr. Ma ndl from the 8 dyer° appointed. _ After treuesetiAg some; farther business, of no geeerel Importance, the, Councils adjourned. • •-titcrinancts Lecroaii.—We are pleased to -lure that 4r. J. D. (lough. wiil.riait tbia city thit beginning of the mentr of January. on his way.. to cincinuatl,l when be will delirer sereral lectures bere.--..Dr. T. F. Dale,•'Preel. deatof the:Allegheny Temperance itssoclation, Is ccerresPOdhig with hire upon the sobjeet. • itaeativerrnar lariat io That:4Blw% B r i n k., Eirll4 on Thureday,Avetatig.committed Berijamin` s wa b to prison y cloned, od oath of Mary. his Mire. with seashit and battery with intent to Cmuogg...—We auderstaad that amml per sons hare beak knocked dotra of later, at the corner of. Wood sad Fifth streets, by a gang.cif rowdies. . We Iran that the pollee will pay par. donisz attention to thata looslity. • ACOIDUT.—A tun residing in Ailegbenycity, maned Jacob - lhier, had hieing broken on Thane: - day evening, in a singular manner;.' it appeart that a hog, which was pursued by a dog, ran re . bini, *rolling 'dawn; and., thae betaking AOCIDICT7.-4. drag a eanitige end a four horse stage, were passing lit ii line. along Mar• ket street{ near third, yesterday, when a little colored bey named George 'White, an apprentice if Mr. Vachon attemptempted to pans between the carriage and the stage, but was knocked down by the h mei attached to the latter, and his head badl cut. Some of the bystander dragged him way; jug us the wheel. were about passing ver Mtn, thereby in all probabil- . . ity sating Mad fe. . - FIIIC.—A fire took place in the room of It J. flocking, framer and gilder in Gazzam's build ings yesterday, but the flames were extinguish ed before much damage had been done. PASSING CO NTLIOLIT Meaty. —Alderman Steel yesterday eased a warrant for the arrest of. Nicholas Bauman, charged on oath of Thom as David, with passing a ten dollar counterfeit note on the Farmer's Bank of Philadelphia, on him. A rort.scric Fir —Rickard Connor waa attack ed by nn apoplertic fit in the rotunda of the Court House on Thursday, and carried out. REV6RSINO TIM USUAL OHDOA-111ary Bald win (colored) was committed to prison yester day by Mayor Guthrie, charged, on oath of To bine, her husband, with nessult and battery with intent to kill. '-Au.suen Lance:iv—James Dickson; whose arrest we yesterday mentioned, together with Joshua Atkinaon, eubsequentty arrested, were 'committed to prison next day. charged on oath of Mary Ann Porter, of Temperancutille, with larceny, alleged to have 'been committed in stealing a number of articles of trilling value, from her. Caoss SC/TS.—Polica Officer Ba non, yester day arrested Washington flantfman for throwing a hatchet at Moses Murphy. The defendant was held to bail In tho sum of two hundred dol lars by Alderman Steel. Washington Ilauffman also laid a complaint be fore the same majistrate against Moses Mur phy, for an assault and battery, and he was also held to ball. The parties are stage drivers, and the affray took place in o stable on Third Street, adjoining the hunk of Pittsburgh. ArtEurron Bellfadlily—Some Burglar, broke into the house of James E. Ouitnis of Oakland, but the inmates, hearing the noise, arm, and the rascals tied. Tne Doan Lem:Y.—The Company attached to the flood Intent Engine of Philadelphia, trill shortly pay a visit to the Duquesne engine com pany of this City. They are n lion looking eet of tom and possess excellent characters, a com plete regeneration having taken place among tho fire companies of Philadelphia. We' trust that they will he troll receive& SETTLCD —Two men were arrested en There day night on the Bearer bunt, charged with stealing a quantity of corn, and some flacks, but it appeared that the articles were taken by mistake. The defendants were discharged. _ - WINE-4 casks Madeira, direct from the V 'bland, a nopertor spiel., ion reed and 01r sale by A C1.11.11/HT,oN A CO. SCSKS. PORT WINE; and 5 esks. WILD curs:RV - BRANDY, Just. reed _and or .at, by ..121 A. CULIIEUTSON a C.l. 11.1 Z i t -,130 bale: (.1 UGA_R-50 bhLs. Loaf Sugar, for rale by 13 dal A. CULHFIITeON 1 Co, MOLASSEs_IOO ALL,. N., 0.; .1. 5 2 ?fru I .4= r For rale be HUEY., MAVTIIV.IIn 0 del 77 and 79 Water at. 'VW METAL-165 tons Foundry, fur sale by Ida! R.1111i..111.11 . 11F11 - A . • TVLAX SEED--P 2.5 lu. for sale ht- IIFMATVIIKTI . 6 A 01. IfiUTTillt-5 Able. prime Roll, fur sale by dcl , EY. NIAITIIFAVS a Co. bblo. No. llarker•l: • " I•• No 14 14,U.10rr - 111,6041110. 4.1421140 h: for polo 1 " 41A 1711E1N3 A CO. '.V ALL P 4 PI —A e.t.d vari, '7;,;1,'-' [be WIDE GREEN WINDOW BLIND PA. PER—A 14.1tu4fu1 nal ri,b eolor. br __on= PALMER- VD - PA PER CLIWFAINS=A ittitt7.l;;ine •vetortmeot Just recrived sod tem rae r TAOS. PA LSIEIL / 1 0J'AL VARISH—in bbls and hail bids le by Flositt.l , •rnping. evh*b J i irn zo.l4uicA ve ' )IL-1O basket for sate by nom J. bellin3NUAß (a MS eAlt.B. SODA-20 kegs New email, L J r.alo by sao?.: J. NA/OW:MAK itk t L.l; IrEitmiLLION,- A*.ask. Trient, • 1 •-ap.a C 4 : 1 boa luipt.rtal: _,norm Am-romo: teu emlo br J. I+CIII.OONIII AK AY a CO. if ‘OFFEE-3.1.1 bags Itio, for ssl.e be 1., .0a ATTIIEW4 CO. ILVAKS! CLOAKS!—J. IkIeICNIO ITT, a / No. Q. Coorth 0.. has te , '.l thin tontaina bt xprt.ta. a tar:, lot of Croak. awl Pacts, towable for 1..- oi. awl Children. /mewl, tall r